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suchawrathfullamb · 8 months ago
boyfriend Will Graham on his turn to make dinner would just put everything into a big bowl and sit on his man's lap and make Hannibal eat with him and share a spoon, like I will never leave your side, but not in a romantic way, in a threatening way.
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ziggstar · 1 year ago
Wolfstar and jegulus have joint movie nights where remus and regulus always insist on watching a horror movie and james and sirius scream at every jumpscare and have to hide their faces behind cushions while remus and regulus laugh at them
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stevesbipanic · 2 years ago
I like to think Lucas clocked Steve and Eddie dating first because that sweet boy is a hopeless romantic and he would've seen those two being gooey with each other so quick.
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bishopony · 2 years ago
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Rarity Belle <3
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A couple of thoughts after re-watching TGM
What I think is actually canon
Amelia is Mav’s daughter (Penny hints at that when she’s talking to Mav about her) but Amelia doesn't know
Mav considers himself to be Bradley’s dad (Mav answers when Bradley asks his dad what to do) 
Bradley considers both Goose and Mav to be his dad (after Mav says that Bradley saved his life, Bradley says that his dad would've done the same - considering the fact that Mav has already saved Bradley's life you could see that as Bradley seeing Mav as his dad, too) 
Bradley has lived with Mav for a considerable period of time (Mav says to Penny he tried his best to be a father for Bradley) 
Thoughts concerning TG3 / Predictions 
I think they gonna set up Phoenix as Bradley's love interest because they seem very close in the movie (but for me they’re more like besties) 
I hope they gonna keep the character's of Warlock and Cyclone (with Cyclone basically hating Mav and Warlock secretly supporting the shit Mav does all the time) and also they need to keep at least Warlock because somebody needs to prevent that Mav is thrown out of the Navy
I hope there still will be references to Ice (I just love him and he needs to be mentioned) 
Other thoughts 
I actually paid attention to the hangster dynamics for the first time
Jake’s and Bradley’s first hook up is right after dogfight football
Bradley is Ice-coded while Jake is Mav-coded 
I ship bobnix now (I think Nat and Bob are very sweet together in the movie - need to find some fluffy fics about them)
The lifelong friendship between Ice and Mav just kills me (solely sticking to the movie here because otherwise icemav is endgame imo), like Ice basically knows everything about Mav (every shit he has done at work, everything around him pulling Bradley's papers, private problems he’s had etc.) and also the other way round (Mav supporting him during his battle with cancer and a whole lot of other things which we don't know because sadly Ice is only a minor character in both movies) 
I love that Mav refers to Ice in the whole movie only by his nickname
I had to keep myself very hard from crying during the funeral scene (if I had watched it alone, I probably would’ve cried) 
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lootsofathousandsworld · 1 year ago
There is so little Long John Silver hc’s I just want a cute moment with him getting some cuddles!
I know right?? I find this illegal there aren't any headcanons of him!
lol alright lets see what I have for him ;3
Also so sorry this took me long to answer! D'8
John Silver x Reader Cuddling
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🏴‍☠️ He has a way of being expert on good cuddling. Once you snuggle with him you never want to be out of his arms.💖
🏴‍☠️ His warm embrace comfort you whenever you had hard days. And he will not hesitate to say yes if you need some cuddling moment with him.
🏴‍☠️You two make your cuddling a secret from his pirate crew but if they found out Silver will threaten them to keep it a secret while protecting you.
🏴‍☠️ He'll always make sure you were resting on his right arm. he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable with his robotic arm.
🏴‍☠️ As you are resting on his chest the best moment for you is you can hear his soft heartbeat and calm breath. It was like your lullaby and sometimes you fell asleep without meaning to.
🏴‍☠️ And the best part about cuddling with him is once a while you two have a nice hot drinks or a small snacks to eat that he made.
🏴‍☠️Sometimes you two will have a quiet moment after a long day but if you yearn to for his story Silver would tell you amazing tales about his adventures as you two snuggle close.
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tf2incorrectquotes · 1 year ago
Team Fortress 2 Headcanons #27:
Spy has a high immunity to many toxins and drugs due to a long career in espionage, but the team was able to experience a drunk Spy once. He wouldn't stop hugging and apologising to a confused Scout.
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danaclese · 4 months ago
How Nightwing makes his Wingdings Headcanon
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When Dick was Robin, one of his chores was sharpening batarangs.
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So When it came time for Dick to make his own he streamlined the process.
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Dick ordered a Railway tie.
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Picked a suitable one.
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Hooked it up to an automatic saw.
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And made slices that are easier to sharpen than those curved Batarangs.
But, have you noticed that right afterwards.......
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Bruce got a cnc machine and the hard to sharpen curves went away?
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honeycreammilkshake · 5 months ago
so recently i've been getting really into shigadeku and my personal headcanon is deku and tomura (both of them being really headstrong and willful) have more of a push and pull relationship, with tomura often being a bit standoffish or argumentative to prevent deku's sweetness from rubbing off on him, but it only fuels deku's resolve and determination to spoil him even more.
i also think deku would be the more feminine in the relationship and wear pretty dresses for his boyfriend, but he would also be the more dominant one in the relationship, too. i feel like he would be sweet and careful with tomura most of the time, helping him do basic stuff like cooking and laundry since tomura doesn't really know how to without breaking things.
but deku can also be provoked into his more dominant and protective side, wanting to take care of tomura and provide for him, getting angry on his boyfriend's behalf when others judge tomura, taming a bit of tomura's strong sense of willpower by being soft and spoiling him... which his boyfriend loves a lot, but he's not quick to admit it.
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thewholesircus · 3 months ago
back with more prongsfoot posting (wondering if atp i should change my username to that)
so people like to say that boys act out when they like girls and I imagine sirius acting out and causing mischief in front of james to catch his attention. and what better way to than to poke fun at snape? james is always game for sirius and he loves to have his undivided attention. james is always in his corner even when he plays foul, james wouldn't out him in front of others.
no wonder he's so taken with his friend during their youth and after years apart, I don't think sirius ever got that kind of love (platonic in the first place and canon-wise too) from anyone else
wanna add that I don't condone what they did to snape. all of them (marauders+snape i mean) did things they shouldn't have done or said. I love nuance and i don't care that my faves aren't perfect and good and light and whatever, let them be complex and wrong and show the human range of emotions!!
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tmnt-2012-headcanons · 1 year ago
After Splinter’s death, 12 Leo doesn’t know how to interact with male figures that are over the age 20.
Or at least ones that he and his brothers doesn’t already trust
Headcanon spawned: from watching the Usagi crossover episode
he probably couldn't before his dad died lets be real here
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catarufermecat · 6 months ago
unpopular opinion but abducius would act like glam from metal family. nobody can change my mind on it
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theredcuyo · 2 years ago
After what happened today on Bad's stream with Tallulah, I got a terrible angst idea
What if when Wilbur comes back he spends a few, very nice, very sweet says with his little girl, who just now is finally healing from being so apart
But then, the Elquackity starts to track him down, because he may be onto something, Wilbur as he is, may know too much, may just have noticed more that he should, and, maybe, just maybe, theres also a bit of resentment too
And then Wilbur goes missing, and not his dad, not his friends know where he is, and poor little girl is being taken care of by someone else but her papa again, but this time... No one knows when he'll return, even if everyone is helping to search for him, except obviously for...
Tallulah then thinks about it, and runs away, to go see him, her "other dad", who may know something, and she finds him... And he's not alone, no, her papa is with him!
Oh, she's so happy, and runs to give him a hug... But, thing is, instead of his usual warm response, or kind, loving words, he isn't moving, he's silent, and even if she holds onto him tightly, he feels cold, he feels so cold that she starts to worry, and when she looks up, gets nothing but an emotionless gaze, under a face that she can recognize but that its not the same, and a few words that make her tiny heart break into pieces
"Who's this little girl?, is it yours?" Wilbur asked Quackity, barely even looking at her
He smells like smoke and fireworks after they are used, she notices
This is a terrible, terrible idea...
Worst thing is, this could totally happen-
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shychick-52 · 7 months ago
ARGH, so once again I redid my long-ass post analyzing why I think Grimtrix was blatantly manipulating Cedric in 'Day of the Sorcerers', because I still wasn't satisfied with it. FINALLY I AM. I think it reads much smoother.
(That's my autism for ya).
@mushroomsie224 @majoresca @moonypears-blog @sweetmariihs2 @cedric-my-beloved
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itsceren · 3 months ago
the çelik-montgomery family
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ece çelik-montgomery - mother - a turkish model and socialite (fc tuba büyüküstün)
- from a wealthy background - originally from bodrum, turkey  - was a model and miss turkey back in the day - stylish af - was with a man called ayaz who is cerens biological father but he done a runner as soon as ece found out she was pregnant - heartbroken, she went through her pregnancy alone and in the public eye - nine months later ceren was born and a month later she met walter. - she pushed walter away at first trying to avoid getting hurt again but she couldn't deny the easy chemistry they had as friends and it felt like after no time at all walter was helping ece raise ceren & eventually their relationship progressed. - adores her family deeply - has a few of cerens art pieces locked away as family heirlooms - travels often with walter as the two of them are so sickeningly in love, they can't bare to be apart - loves being social with her friends - besties with the prescotts, the knightlys and the hunters - makes a habit of going back to turkey in the winter months - low-key buzzing that ceren followed her footsteps to become a model
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walter montgomery - step-father - oil tycoon (fc chris evans)
- from a wealthy background - originally from boston - oil tycoon - leading his field from a young age and had an iron grip on it ever since he got on the scene - met ece by pure chance when he was in turkey for business she was new to motherhood and was doing it alone. originally she pushed him away but walter wasn't deterred from her being a new mother and over time they grew closer and he helped her out with newborn ceren - walter might not be her bio dad but he adores ceren and gives her everything she wants - the young couple & baby ceren moved to new york and as wealth progressed so did their property portfolio - he bought places around the world, in the upper east side and when that wasn't enough he bought central park tower on west 57th street aka billionaire’s row for the family. the top three floors alone are cerens. - insanely protective of ece and ceren, has security all over the place for them - down bad for his wife - besties with the prescotts, the knightlys and the hunters - can be found in the dad crèche aka sitting with the husbands - he does not like the huntzberger kid sniffing around ceren
key notes: - stupidly in love, they light up a room whenever they walk in - literally can't keep their eyes off one another, they always find each other across a room - ece had ceren at 20 years old - ece and walter married when ece was 22 and walter was 23 - they have obscene amounts of power & money
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fictional-men-enthusiast · 2 months ago
Jay is the type of guy to cry angry tears when he’s embarrassed, which only makes him more embarrassed, creating a vicious cycle.
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