#he's upset that they nerfed his ass
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yenpondering · 2 years ago
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Finally bought a Deadpool action figure that went on sale after wanting one for ages and I've never been so entertained
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lets-try-some-writing · 1 year ago
I see your bots freaked out by sneezing and raise you:
[Because ihave some high ass pitched ones]
Bots learning about the hiccups
[@nova--spark ]
The hiccups. Yeah that's a thing.
I don't imagine the bots actually have hiccupping like we do. However they are likely familiar with the concept since system resets can make strange sounds. Not to mention things cramping up can result in vents hitching and fans stalling. For them, their resets can actually be somewhat dangerous.
Seeing the kids with the hiccups wouldn't be all that concerning, but I do think their attempts to help would be funny.
For them, vent cleaning can help with vent hitches. So I can see Bumblebee and Smokescreen trying to help a hiccupping Rafael by giving him a toothbrush since that's the closest thing humans have to cleaning cloths for their organic vents. They might also pass over some q-tips, thinking that Rafael might be able to use those to clean out his nose or something. A tissue will have never occurred to them.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack deal with vent hitches through activity since forcing their fans into overdrive can help reset ventilation systems. So when Miko gets the hiccups, their grand plan to help involves giving Miko an adrenaline rush. They would try to get her to run or start pelting her with balls of paper or nerf guns that they manage to use by using small tongs. All of this would be in an effort to get Miko to move and thus hopefully reset her organic breathing systems.
They are partially successful. Miko's hiccups do indeed go away, but they in turn get a very upset human Wrecker ready to get back at them the moment she has the opportunity.
Arcee is similarly unhelpful when Jack gets the hiccups. Her attempts to be helpful would add up to her poking him whenever he hiccups as if he had vents. Normally this method would be effective since it would startle the bot into running their fans normally, but on a human? It just bothered Jack and made the hiccups worse. His hiccups took far longer to go away than they otherwise should have and he has never walked around Arcee without a hint of caution since.
Optimus made valiant attempt to help whenever the kids had hiccups through slightly more logical means, but also with limited success. He knew that Cybertronian methods of offering aid wouldn't be too useful, but now he has developed a tendency to pass over cups of ice cold water to any humans afflicted. Its comical watching such a huge mech pass over a tiny cup of water, and it has startled the kids on more than one occasion when one giant servo is suddenly right next to them with a cup of water.
Ratchet is the only one who actually knows how to help in a reasonable manner and has gathered a collection of paper bags which he will hand out the moment he hears a hiccup in his workspace. The only reason he does this is because he finds the sound annoying.
Ultra Magnus refuses to do anything and will leave until the kids are done making the sound. It gets on his nerves.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 7 months ago
Could you make little Luther hcs from tua?
Little Luther Hargreeves headcanons
warnings: !!season 4 spoilers!!, talk of canon events, swearing, classification au
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doesn’t start regressing til season 3
it’s hard for him to get used to the feeling of being small since he’s so physically big but eventually he grows to like it
the first person he regresses in front of is Viktor and he immediately clocks what’s going on and starts to take care of Luther
he’s a big teddy bear when regressed!
so happy and giggly
the only time he gets upset is at night as it can remind him of his time isolated on the moon or nights spent in the academy as a kid after a bad mission when he felt lonely
he doesn’t like being alone while small and clings to just about anyone around
Sloane is his favorite caregiver but when she disappears he spends a lot of time being looked after by Viktor, Diego & Allison
him & Klaus play together while little and it’s always chaos
even more if Diego is small too and gets involved
Viktor & Allison have to separate them at times if things get too out of hand
but in Luther’s defense, he’s usually not the starter of the problems just a bystander or instigator occasionally
lover of forts & playing battlefield with nerf guns
him & Diego fall into their old competitive habits while they’re both regressed and Allison definitely has to make them cut it out
soooo gentle when he’s regressed, he’s so big and his strength is so much that he’s nervous of breaking something or doing something wrong on accident
makes Allison tell him bedtime stories almost every night
bonus points for Claire coming to listen too despite being a teenager
Luther & Claire are actually fairly close while Luther’s regressed or not
Claire’s a teenager but she’s a natural caregiver like her mother and loves to spend time with the family’s littles, Luther in specific
they’ll go to the park with Klaus & Allison and have picnics and play soccer or whatever game Klaus comes up with
these are some of Luther’s favorite days while small (Allison has pictures to prove)
when he’s small he always tries to include Ben in things but especially after Sloane disappears
he’s scared to lose another person but also feels he owes it to Sloane to get closer to Ben
Ben is… reluctant.. but goes along with it (mostly cause he knows Sloane & Fei would kick his ass for being a prick to a little)
Luther beams anytime Ben agrees to any activity
eventually Ben becomes more okay with it and starts to prompt Luther to go do things - he does always bring Viktor along though cause he’s not too confident in his solo caring abilities
Luther always tries to include everyone anyways but if he notices someone’s in a bad mood or being distant he’ll try extra hard
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sieglinde-freud · 10 months ago
Can I get you started on the derailment of Duncan and Courtney?
what is this, a total drama vent blog now? but yeah you can :) under cut
i think the derailment of courtney is like five thousand times more annoying than duncan but that might j be bc i dont really like duncan (hes fine in island, kinda boring in action (didnt deserve his win idgaf that shouldve been harold there. yes im still mad lindsay went home instead of him in rock n rule), and the entirety of that mid section of world tour just revolving around him and the stupid love triangle drama is SO annoying. and then he makes final five FOR WHAT??? FOR WHAT???? im sick of his ass. what was i talking about. right) but either way theyre both two very major characters so its just really sad to see them both fall victim to horrible characterization? cuz you start in island right and in general island is a lot more grounded than the other seasons and leans more into the fact that theyre all 2000’s teenage stereotypes so in island theyre just the good ol cliche good girl/bad boy couple its iconic, its cute, WAY more entertaining than gwent (but they get a pass cuz gwen was basically the main character of that season. u go girl. go get that bag AND that boring wet dog man) and its just nice. courtney shows signs of being controlling but for the most part duncan’s attitude gets courtney to loosen up a bit and have fun and courtney made duncan a better person.
and then action happens and then courtney is like. rightfully mad she got screwed out of the season after harold gets her kicked off and no one gaf but its like. you can see where this could go and it doesnt look great. not much happens for duncan except he gets more insufferable bc they didnt give him any friends this season? unlike when he geoff and dj to bounce off of now he just picks fights with harold and the other gaffers which IS funny but. basically action is where the red flags start being put up. their relationship is. fine. like i liked it at the time but knowing where it heads is upsetting. anyways
then u get to world tour and theyre close to their island dynamic again (with the exception of gwen being there…) but then duncan quits first episode which i think was actually a great choice bc of how courtney finally gets to stand on her own as a character without him (i actually really like duncney. but her character was always tied to him in some way yk?) and make her own friends and it was looking great! until i see london and everything goes to shit. dude comes back, cheats on courtney, and then everyone on that god forsaken plane gets involved. first of all, ISLAND DUNCAN WOULD NEVER??? no fucking way. not even action duncan. dude was HOOKED on her crazy ass. AND FOR GWEN?!?! who has never been the same since island but thats a different thing. but they had literally zero romantic chemistry. all they have in common is that theyre both alt kids. NOT EVEN THE SAME KIND OF ALTERNATIVE! just alt. ugh. and then courtney gets sent into a spiral which, is a valid reaction to getting cheated on i do not blame her. and w/ someone you thought was ur friend like i GET IT. and i am on her side. but then her character goes back to ONLY EVER BEING ABOUT DUNCAN except this time its how much she hates him and her character just. pauses! she doesnt go anywhere else from i see london until shes eliminated inn… what was it. chinese fakeout? like shes just a hater who makes zero meaningful relationships aside from getting played by alejandro and shes just. like its just. its not good. and to know that any of this only happened bc the producers forced a duncney break up. girl sit DOWNNN
and then all stars just tramples them even more. since when has duncan ever gave a shit what people think of him? jojo siwa acting ass with this “im a bad boy!1!!!!” act island duncan would never. and then courtney. ohh courtney. she got flushed down a toilet force feeding herself ice cream with bird shit on it. all i gotta say (but also. nerfed bc she literally has an iron stomach in chinese fake out. whatever)
i still love them though. well, i love courtney. duncans alright but still neither of them deserved any of that
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souji-upseta · 1 year ago
[SHOCKING QUESTION] what are your thoughts on jade harley.
i really love jade. all jades. all of them.
i've known girls like jade, who white knights (usually white men and boys) think is so frail, so in need of protection, who gets infantilized due to characteristics about her life and circumstances, and every time, i have just wanted to be like,
"bitch, you don't think god NERFED her the way he did because he was SCARED of what she could do to him if he didn't?!"
i'm so biased against my favs (striders striders striders) but i still think jadesprite is my favorite depiction of a splinter self interaction*. the voxus dub for her scenes was genuinely so upsetting to me, like, i think i told you, i put the let's read on to fall asleep to, but then i couldn't sleep after that?
it was genuinely moving and i could see all sides and it really spoke to the conflict of jade's character.
it was really uncomfortable in scenes where karkat would have to outright TELL her that she has to ask him before kissing him. i had to read those scenes through my fingers while trying not to groan. that was the point. jade be like that.
people tend to forget how selfish she can be, but i love that about her. there's some level of abstraction to a lot of the characters in candy, but i can def see it as a path she'd go down.
and her just. bumming around the davekat hive for 7 years. leaving her bras strewn everywhere. living her best life despite being a socially maladapted disaster person. leaping ass first into adulthood. getting her yiff on with some chess people. i aspire to that level of doing whatever the fuck i want.
i think she's really relatable in the epilogues because a lot of us just want to get our best lives on after spending so much time pushed to the side. others have pointed out, she was really the only one who seemed happy on earth-c.
and she's definitely relatable in a post-pandemic world. fuck, that girl is so lonely.
her "heroic" end in her pesterquest route hit a little too close to home for me.
the epilogues work very very well as a "failure of community" narrative wrt her character as well. it's really easy for me to see how she became such a shitty person in candy.
and like. well. at least, unlike her meat counterpart and teen retcon!self, she had a chance to be that on her own. so far, at least.
i really loved seeing her fight back against alt!callie in hsbc. i want so badly for her to just stop being a fucking chess piece—and i guess that's also the point of her character, heh.
i feel like ultimate dirk would have treated teen retcon!jade much better lmaooo. his intentions were shitty, but he would have. i could see it set up in every way to be a doc scratch callback and expecting him to be creepy af, and then... nah. that'd have been funny, at least. fuck, i need to stop talking about dirk all the time. gdi.
space players are a special kind of batshit, and require a special kind of nerfing by paradox space.
jade is the reason i have spent at least some part of 10 minutes every day for the past almost two months now hoping i got my player aspect wrong, lol. so much pressure and so much sacrifice, damn. i can't wait to see where things go with her.
believe it or not tho, i feel like i don't know her character that well or spend a lot of time thinking about her, so my interpretations might be off!
*besides ultimate dirk and younger dirk in pesterquest. because i love nothing in all of homestuck more than i love dirk's pesterquest route.
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nightskywrites · 2 years ago
ok so i finally got around to the latest episode because school has been kicking my ass and the only thing i have to say is . . . what the fuck.
although this is probably my second favorite episode of season 3, some of the writing choices are blowing my mind. din giving bo-katan the dark saber EXACTLY LIKE SABINE DID IN REBELS is crazy. the literal exact same thing already happened and blew up in her face and she talked about in the end of season 2 how she can’t just take it, it’s her honor, etc etc and through a loophole she’s just . . . accepting it again?
din spent time in seasons 1 and 2 and even the beginning of season 3 learning not all droids are bad with IG-11 and R5 and even the mechanic droids in bobf but in this episodes he goes back to hating droids again with a passion. they nerfed his fighting skills this season so bo-katan could shine even tho there is no reason why him being good at fighting should impact her ridiculous storyline anyways
i’ll be honest i’m a fan of din becoming mand’alor, but i’m not mad he got rid of the darksaber when he didn’t want it in the first place. i’m upset at this season because they shelved his character development, bo-katan is the main character even tho she was a terrorist and nobody talks it about it, the dialogue is horrible in some spots, and the side quests have nothing to do with the overarching plot. the mandalorian doesn’t need to have main action in every single episode, but at least in previous seasons the side quests made sense in terms of getting info, owing favors, gathering allies, etc. now it’s just lets fight a giant pterodactyl and random pirates and THE MAIN VILLAIN OF SEASONS 1 AND 2 BREAKING OUT OF PRISON BUT NOT SHOWING IT ON SCREEN.
the last two episodes are directed by rick famuyiwa so im holding out hope but idk man
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humorisstoredinthetits · 1 year ago
More Headcannons
More Headcannons bc why not
Duke bought a nerf gun and started shooting Chandler
Why? Bc she's a chaos gremlin
She's super professional and helpful at her job, you have to be that way when you're working with kids, especially those who have gone through some stuff, but the second she comes home Ms. Duke is gone and chaos gremlin is back
After getting shot a few dozen times Chandler grabs Veronica and Mac and they go to the store and buy like $500 worth of nerf equipment
Seriously when they get back they look like the nerf SWAT team
A full on nerf war starts out around the house
It quickly becomes a free for all
Veronica breaks a lamp with her nerf sword
It was an ugly lamp anyway
After they've had their fun they're too lazy to pick up the darts
They're still finding darts lying around to this day
JD was upset they didn't invite him
Mac wanted to go to Disney World, she thought it would be fun and relaxing and even romantic maybe
Boy was she wrong
Chandler complains she has to wait in line like a peasant
She's also too afraid to go on any of the big rides
Duke and Veronica are adrenaline junkies while Chandler wont go on anything more thrilling than Dumbo
This unsurprisingly makes for a very poor combination of things
Gaston starts flirting with Mac when they see him and Duke and Veronica have to hold Chandler back from beating his ass
He shows off his muscles and then Mac rolls down her sleeves and flexes her strong cheerleader muscles all over him
Chandler gets legitimately scared in line for the Haunted Mansion and has to go through the chicken door
Duke and Chandler get into a fight after Toy Story Mania bc 'Duke cheated', 'No you cheated' and they wouldn't talk to each other for the rest of the day
Spoiler alert they both cheated
Chandler stepped on Dukes foot and Duke kissed Chandler during the final round, distracting her for a second
The Heathers get wasted when they go drinking around the world
This is an absolute nightmare for Veronica, especially bc they are acting like overgrown toddlers and won't listen to her
Next time they're going to the beach, Veronica is not dealing with this bullshit again
Veronica stays up to like 3am watching serial killer youtube videos
Mac hits her with a pillow until she puts the phone down
The Heathers+V are the most dysfunctional people but somehow together they make it work
Veronica owns like 2000 different pens and insists they are all necessary
They buy an Alaskan King Bed so they can all sleep together
This, like all other things is a disaster
Chandler is a blanket hog and will steal everyone's stuff
Duke snores, loudly
This makes Chandler want to smother her
Mac has had to stop that several times
Mac has a specific pillow and blanket she uses and if anyone steals it she gets upset
This pairs horribly with the blanket hog
Veronica's 3am youtube watching wakes up everyone with the bright ass screen
She is a heathen who uses light mode on everything
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the-dragon-hearted · 5 months ago
Brainstorming on the Tartaros Arc rn for The Dragon Father rewrite, and you see, I'm torn. So, to fix this problem, I'm going to word vomit here and see if anyone has an opinion
For those who've forgotten or don't know, the Tartaros Arc in Fairy Tail is the arc, at least for me, where shit goes down and does not come back up. I've always viewed it as the coming-of-age arc, every single main character has a moment where they are forced to lose something representing their childhood or innocence.
AND in what I would call the midpoint of the Tartaros arc, while everyone is fighting up in the cube (to rescue Erza/stop FACE/sweet revenge/all that jazz) Mard Geer casts the curse "Alegria" which turns the floating Minecraft block into Plutogrim (who may or may not be a demon/sentient entity). ANYWAY -
Turning a Minecraft block into a sentient being also makes the cube's weird immune system come into play. It traps everyone in this fleshy eldritch-horror goop that suspends them in a timeless state. Everyone except Lucy - but that's for later.
Now! I have two very compelling options for how Acnologia is thrown into this and they sort of shift the story I'd have to tell.
Option 1 - Acnologia is not present at the cube at this time, he's flown off to go help destroy Face (which matches up with the timeline because this curse happens right around Wendy's dragon force reveal in canon). This could be paired with a cool Wendy-Acno bonding experience, maybe a little dragon force action, idk -
I don't have to try to balance Acnologia's insane power level for the 17,000th time
I set it up pretty early that Acnologia is SO goddamn ready to take Face out. This could be the payout
He could sense shit goes down when the Celestial King gets summoned because he's that guy
A very cute father-daughter moment with him and Wendy as he finds out that she already started destroy face before he got there and has unlocked her Dragon Force. Little flying bonding moment ya know?
The majority of the story is written from Acnologia's perspective so I would either have to completely ignore everything happening over there (which IS technically already explained it canon, kind of) or would switch to Lucy's POV
Acnologia can destroy Face in like 3 minutes, cause he's that guy, so we're back to square one with wtf am I supposed to do with this guy's power level
Option 2 - Acnologia IS present, and gets caught in the goop, which limits his transformation and magic.
Now, Option 2 has two fun subcategories I've lovingly named "Acnologia kicks ass" and "Acnologia is very upset he cannot kick ass"
Acnologia kicks ass - The Dragon King does not need magic or his dragon form to pummel the absolute shit out of Mard-Geer. It's time for Regular Human Acnologia to shine for a whole 500 words and 300 punches.
Acnologia is very upset he cannot kick ass - he gets stuck in his Dragon form (possible trauma~) and is so completely normal about it that he uses his wings to crash Plutogrim into the dirt because Gods Help him if he is trapped in Dragon Form he will make it everyone else' problems.
Hilarious inner monologue as Acnologia is trapped and fed up with this shit
Mard Geer gets insanely humbled real fast
Acnologia gets to witness Lucy summon the Celestial Spirit King, which could lead to him acknowledging her as Anna's successor (not that this is a huge divide between them but could be a cool moment)
Power scaling. Always the fucking power scaling. How do I justify trapping the literal Dragon King without nerfing him into the ground? I can buff Plutogrim, make it a demon with ethernanos capabilities backed into its flesh which is why if you get caught you can't expend any magic to escape - but even THEN like - This is ACNOLOGIA, the boy's CRACKED
It takes the spotlight away from Lucy's moment and Aquarius' sacrifice - but gives Lucy someone who understands the significance of what happened to her.
Anyway, that's where my brain's at rn for The Dragon Father. And no, I'm not writing the Tartaros arc at the moment - I haven't even gotten to the Tower of Heaven arc, but like I gotta start brainstorming ya know??
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taylorkellyreporting · 2 years ago
i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: ted lasso from 2x02 to 2x05
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jamie’s such an asshole 😭
“…oh.” skfjgjvjfjs
the sad music playing in this jamie scene is taking me out
i hate jane, beard deserves so much better
maybe frank sinatra was the problem
nate and his asshole attitude is getting really old
“why’s it smell like my nana’s house in here?” i don’t know why but the line delivery is sending me
“you ain’t even speaking spanish” CACKLING
“evidently she doesn’t eat sugar” “what a fucking asshole” 😭😭
the littles being absolutely thrilled when roy swears is so funny
we all have our kinks i guess skfjgkvkns
“when it sucks and i hate it, i’m gonna hire a bunch of children to follow you around and scream ‘told you so, told you so.’ for centuries” “i look forward to the attention” i love keeley 😭
“old people are so wise. they’re like tall yodas” WHATKGKFJFJS
dani finding it funny that ted and jamie look like they’re sitting in the guys hand while everyone else is upset is so on brand 😭
jamie better get on his hands and knees and beg sam to forgive him, that’s all i know.
sam is so precious, i freaking love him
higgins keeps showing up in the most random places 😭 someone get that man an office
nate talking about how jamie being back would ruin morale by belittling everyone then having him immediately doing it to will was such a smart move
ted got through to dr fieldstone 🥹 i knew she’d grow to love him eventually
oh shit, this is gonna be a disaster
- 2x03
sassy!! i’m so glad she’s back
“you finished on my-“ YELLING
“did he talk like that-“ “the whole time. and so eager to please. it was fabulous.” 😭
genuinely forgot about their hookup til now
“uncle roy, can we have ice cream for dinner?” “no, that’s dumb” “you’re right, thank you for helping me set boundaries” pls
“wow, she really loves you” “i know, it’s fucking annoying” 😭
i really hope we see more of rebecca and nora’s relationship, i’m loving it so far
nora being a sam girlie is so real of her
what the fuck did i just witness?!76(;;$(85&
“charles edgar cheeserton the 3rd” wake up babe new chuck e. cheese name just dropped
“sincerely, boss ass bitch” this whole scene has me in tears
“jamie tartt is a muppet and i hope he dies of the incurable disease of being a little bitch” that’s actually a really good insult 😭
so proud of sam!!
that entire scene with the tape was so powerful
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- 2x04
colin and moe aww
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i’m not gonna lie, this look is really doing it for me
did jamie just bless HIMSELF??? 😭😭
keeley sticking her tongue straight into the chocolate fountain was sooo me coded
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God, it’s me again-
a mini dartboard 🥹 henry is so precious
ted is all alone :(
“i think you might be dying” FUCKFKGJFJDJS
“i brought friend chicken!” “is that a christmas tradition in holland?” “no :D” 😭
“i just walked into your neighbors house! oh my God” idk why but this ep is making me lose it
“let’s get drunk!” pls he sounds so happy
rebecca’s look of disbelief at ted being called a wanker dkfjgjgjs
that nerf scene I’M CRYING
“mom! there are two white people at the door and they’re smiling!” BYE
the guy wanting a selfie with keeley instead of roy skfjfjsdjgkd REAL 😭
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losing it at dani and mrs higgins drinking together, they looked so happy skdjgjvkd
ted and rebecca spending christmas together and delivering presents to kids 🥹
“you want me to drive?” “the…steering wheel is on the other side” “right, i’m the one with the accent here” 😭
i love rebecca’s voice so much
this was such definitely my fave ep so far and i desperately need a holiday episode every season
- 2x05
ted laughing when nate said he’d talk to isaac was fucked up but so funny
“so can i like give this back to you and you give me cash? is that a thing or…?” “no.” lmfao
“i don’t drink coffe, my mother says i was born caffeinated” she’s not wrong 😭
nate is taking hit after hit this episode and i can’t even feel bad for him after how he’s treated will
God, i love the way higgins talks about julie 🥹
alright, who wrote ‘yum’ on roys picture? cause i know it wasn’t him lmao
i don’t care if it was just brett almost breaking character, i’m gonna believe that there was a slight smile on roys face cause he was happy to see ted
“you’d look well fit with pigtails” “i do 😁” petition for rebecca to wear pigtails at least once before the show ends…for science.
roy asking ted if he did alright with coaching isaac is something that can be so personal
isaac stopping in the middle of the game to tie that girls shoe just made me love him more
roys reluctant friendship with ted is everything
when harry met sally 😭
every time i believe i can’t love roy more than i already do he goes and proves me wrong
roy seeing the impact he had on isaac 🥹
keeley looks so proud of roy aw
don’t know if i’ve said this before but isaac has such a beautiful smile
“shut up. just shut up. you had me at ‘coach’” and if i said this is the funniest show on television?
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couldbebetterforsure · 2 years ago
Hey there guys, long time no post!!! But I finally had time to make a bit more progress in Engage (yay!!!!) so now I have a new update for you! Oh and I added my reaction to Tiki’s paralogue, which I forgot to mention last time!
Tiki’s Paralogue: I completely forgot to write down my thoughts on Tiki’s paralogue in my last update!!! I did it I think a short bit after I did Jean’s paralogue? Which is funny considering I’ve basically glued Jean and Tiki together for this playthrough! The paralogue itself was lots of fun despite the fact it took me FOREVER to finish it! I had poor Chloe slowly making her way around the perimeter to get that Silver Card from that random spot in the back (which bless because I am dirt poor in this playthrough so getting shit for half off is beautiful ����) And then there were those healers who are completely blocked off so I HAD to have Chloe take them out otherwise anyone else in my army would get trapped. The white dragons and Tiki herself were the most threatening ones of the enemies on this map. Especially Tiki, my sweet girl hit like a fucking TRUCK! Her conversation with Marth was super cute! I’m glad Alear now has a fellow divine dragon to speak to after Lumera’s death.
Chapter 10: Veyle honey thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction! Excuse me as I ignore that really unsettling moment you had before you disappeared. Yup I knew it ripperoni in pepperoni Morion 🫡 Jokes aside I did like the guy enough that his death was sad, especially with how upset poor Diamant and Alcryst were over it. The music for this map was SO good, especially the chanting that starts up once you break into the room in the center! Of COURSE I went and had Diamant and Alcryst take on Morion I need that juicy dialogue! And WOW that was depressing. Honestly that was some of the saddest battle dialogue I’ve seen to date. Diamant wondering if he was a good son and Alcryst telling his dad he loves him all while Morion can only growl and groan as a Corrupted. Alear’s own dialogue was also sad as well. Hyacinth was a pain in the ass between Lyn’s super fat reaching arrows and that cloning thing! But once I finally got to him POW he went down! Ha ha getting snacked on by the very evil demon snake dragon you summoned is a perfect end for you Hyacinth. Wow Veyle was the evil girl? I’m sooooo shocked…In all seriousness though, the VA does a good job of making Veyle sound distinct enough in both versions that by voice alone I wouldn’t say they were the same. And I get the feeling the nice Veyle is not so fake. WHAT? The fuck do you mean you’re taking my Emblems?????? Marth, Sigurd, Celica, Micaiah, Leif, Roy 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Give me my babies back you piece of shit snake!!! WTF the time crystal too???? I can’t rewind turns anymore? Do you have ANY idea how shit my luck is?! Seriously what an interesting turn! Giving you several chapters of using the Emblems and then taking them away! How evil!
Chapter 11: Ooh right into the next map huh? With more really lovely map music! An escape chapter? That’s a new one! ……Hold it no time rewind and no Emblems with MY garbage luck??? AND random enemies will have the evil red versions of my Emblem buddies? Yeah long story short I had to restart this map A BUNCH. At least they didn’t take away the DLC Emblems so Jean (with Tiki) and Celine (with the 3H lords) weren’t nerfed. I’ve heard that some people ended up with some pretty shitty Alears who were only holding on thanks to the Emblems. I wasn’t one of those people but yeah my Alear still was not as good as she was when she had an Emblem attached! And wow I was so used to my Yunaka doubling as another healer since she and Micaiah had been glued together until now…..Oh Ivy? And Kagetsu and Zelkov as well? Zelkov my man!!!!! Yoinking back the time crystal I love you!!!!! And Ivy giving us two Emblems in Lyn and MY BABY GIRL LUCINA 🥳🥳🥳🥳 My sweetest daughter you’re safe at last!!!! And Ivy, Kagetsu and Zelkov join! Heck yeah more fire power, I can rewind time again AND I got a couple Emblems! The rest of the map was a lot more straightforward after that. Lucina was so fun to use especially with her “everyone dog pile on this sucker” ability! And Lyn was great with her long reaching arrows. And now I have Kagetsu that demon man on my side now! The after battle dialogue was pretty good too, from Alcryst being angry at Ivy to basically everyone blaming themselves for the disaster to Alear’s growth and determination to be better to both Lyn and Lucina giving their own advice and support. But my other Emblem babies 🥺🥺🥺 I’ll save you guys!!!!!
Chapter 12: I got to promote both my Alear and Alfred and I am so glad! Alfred’s flower crown got even more flowery~! And Alear can punch shit now HELL YEAH!!!! When do we get access to unlimited Master Seals because the few I have can only take me so far….Anyways, it’s on to Solm! Sun, sad, desert….I would die I am not good with heat. And welp we’ve all gotten our asses lost. Beautiful….Oh but here comes Fogado to save us from dying of heatstroke! A Sentinel huh? Sure buddy I’ll help you out if you lead us to the palace! I like Fogado he’s friendly and charming, even if he’s another now user I need to test my luck on. And what a duo he has with him! Bunet seems to talk in nothing but good metaphors. And Pandreo, a howling party priest I love that!!!! Oh fuck we gotta protect ally villagers? *sigh* Alright bring on the garbage…*sees the villagers are not in enemy range and don’t otherwise move themselves into danger* Oh fucking bless! A very easygoing mission even with the quicksand, probably as an apology for the last couple maps. I really love Solm’s battle music it’s so 💃💃💃💃💃 you know? Anyways battle is over and Fogado leads us to the palace and what!!!! He’s the prince!!!!! I’m shocked I tell you shocked! Not like preview info didn’t already tell us that!!!
Lucina’s Paralogue: After the last chapter the final DLC Emblems were released so I took a mini break to do a couple. I know the DLC Emblems have special conversations with some other Emblems so I only did the ones I have Emblems who comment on for. But that doesn’t have to do with Lucina’s paralogue I just decided to explain it here. Ahhh Arena Ferox my old friend! I think I mentioned it before but as I’m playing this game I’m also casually doing a Hard mode run of Awakening, my actual very first Hard mode playthrough of ANY Fire Emblem game I’ve played! With all the hundreds of hours I’ve devoted to Awakening already as well my nostalgia was cranked to the max especially with that great remix track! The map itself was incredibly straightforward, like I think I actually had a harder time during my Hard mode playthrough of this map in Awakening 😂 Luci baby c’mon I know you can be more challenging than that! But it’s done and heck yeah Lucina can now reach bond level 20!
Chrom and Robin’s Paralogue: Of course I had to do the wonder duo’s paralogue as well! And of course I brought Lucina along for the ride! Lady Robin is my girl so I’m sad she’s not here but I still love male Robin too! And Chrom!!!! My husband!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍 My original and forever top blueberry husband I am so happy to see you again! Their opening dialogue was both sweet and funny! The map itself was something alright! Especially once they brought out all those puddles. Also just from reading the descriptions Chrom and Robin’s skills seem super busted!!! But it was fun figuring out how to do things and I adored Lucina’s dialogue with both Chrom and Robin (she was so happy to see her dad again). But another map down and another Emblem bracelet obtained! Thank goodness because my squad needs some more Emblems, we only have the 3H lords, Tiki, Lucina, Lyn, and now the Chrom and Robin duo.
Hector’s Paralogue: I decided I would do one more Emblem Paralogue before I would head back to the main story and I decided to go for Hector since I heard he only has a convo with Lyn among the Emblems. I only know of Hector from FEH and watching other people’s lets plays of the Elibe games but I really enjoy his personality! This fucking map though…..Fucking poison hell….Every time I think I’m safe I realize I accidentally put one of my poor units in the direct line of fire from one of those poison sprays. And the number of times I had to use the time crystal because I brought Citrinne along for this map in order to level her up since I promoted her to a Sage but the girl’s made of tissue paper 😞 Citrinne, honey, please….Aw well I got that nice Hector-Lyn dialogue and Citrinne finally kept her ass alive long enough to KO Hector for me. That’s another Emblem bracelet for me!
And that’s where I’m currently at, just level grinding and bond grinding and otherwise preparing to continue the main story of the game! Still having tons of fun with Engage and can’t wait to see where things go from here! Also can’t wait to get back my original Emblems too, I miss them…
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jokerfic · 2 months ago
Oh!!! Okay :D so there are a lot of aspects of No Man’s Land I like, but one thing I haaaated was how Tabby got nerfed — actually basically all the women got nerfed, which makes sense cuz it was such a short season that there had to have been Shenanigans. Which sucks. But so like. When we’re first introduced to the Galavans, they seem to have fighting skills beyond normal people? Jim has a military background and during the cage match episode he fought off a bunch of people trying to kill him,
psst I'm putting the rest of this ask's content beneath a readmore because of spoilers ;)
And he held his own against VICTOR after Mario died, but then when Theo captured him he was like “ah, let him loose, this’ll be fun” and then just. Wiped the floor with Jim without breaking a sweat. Just for shits and giggles. Meanwhile Alfred ALSO had military experience and fought this criminal dude WHILE giving Bruce tips on how to fight!! But then Tabby beat him up and hunted him down and he had to hide in a dumpster. And like. Okay, idc if it’s implausible, I totally buy that the Galavans just have special training that makes them way above even military dudes in terms of badassery. But then!!! I know Tabby HAS to die because it’s either her or Ozzie and the narrative would never kill Ozzie, BUT all I ask is a single teeny tiny scrap of realism 😭 she faced Oswald in a 1v1 fight, no tricks, just straight fighting, and somehow… she *lost*???? *I* could’ve beaten Oswald in that scene!!! (In fact I’d love a chance to try) Meanwhile Oswald is actually vicious and fast and has exp fighting no matter how much I call him a pathetic wet cat soyboy, but he’s definitely no match for any of the heavy hitters. This includes Tabitha!! I can actually buy Tabby being weaker than before cuz of losing her hand; she definitely doesn’t show up as well against Victor or Ra’s as she did in S2, but she still should’ve had no problem with OSWALD!!! Like at the very least I can buy her trying to shoot him, the gun doesn’t work, she doesn’t realize Ozzie has a knife and then he stabs her in the gut and gets SUPER lucky and hits something vital. But the chest?? And from that angle? And WHILE SHE WAS HOLDING HIS WRIST??? There is 0% chance that blow was fatal. She would’ve kicked his ass. *I* would’ve kicked his ass ten years ago. Also, then he goes on to Barbara! And I get that Barbara was a rich socialite with no training who only later turned to crime. It’s unrealistic that she got so physically badass. But she did! We accept this!! She trains with Ra’s people and kills him. Cool. We’re expected to believe Oswald took HER down????? Ridiculous. Then they had Babs call Tabs her “best friend”. You mean your GIRLFRIEND?????? Don’t no-homo that; y’all were a V with Butch. Grudgingly accept the baby as an excuse for her not killing Peng ever, and Lee yelling at them for upsetting her patient was VERY good, but.. ugh, they both get wifed, and Bane kills all the lady assassins so they don’t show up in later media >.> I fully agree Jim deserves neither of them, they are too good Idk, it just gives me Emma/Harley vibes, you know?
okay so first of all you're super valid, all of this is super valid, ESPECIALLY and SPECIFICALLY the rage about Tabitha suddenly and against-character being too weak to hold Oswald fucking Cobblepot's knife away from a killing blow. Like her whole deal is being a trained fighter, she was always her brother's enforcer-- meanwhile Oswald is the guy who hires enforcers, muscle isn't his strong suit!! there is no acceptable way it would have gone down the way it canonically went down.
all that said, asking for even a scrap of realism from Gotham might be asking too much, I fear 😭😭 ESPECIALLY in season 5. the writing was never the most consistent-- I get the feeling they changed their minds and changed direction several times over the course of the show, leading to baffling character choices and random plot threads that never went anywhere (Jerome clone that never showed up again, anyone??)-- but season 5 was a car crash. I say that with love. I'm happy it was so bad because that means I can dismantle it and keep what I like (territory city-states under different rogues) and toss out what I don't (Barbara pregnancy) without feeling a tiny bit bad about it.
And of all the baffling character choices, the no-homofication of Barbara and Tabs is the most baffling?? like who was that for? I really don't think anyone who'd be mad about those two being girlfriends is watching Gotham to begin with. I mean I guess Barbara's bisexuality is convenient until they need her to get back with Jim and then it's ERASE TIME. (the whole Tabitha/Butch thing too always seemed a little wedged-in to try and hand-wave her relationship with Barbara? like don't get me wrong, I like Butch, but I never bought him with Tabitha. for that matter I never really bought Tabitha as anything but a strict lesbian but I guess that's just meeeeee)
but yes as far as Lee/Barbara goes, they deserved to run away together and leave Jim Gordon in the dust xoxo WITHOUT a pregnancy in the picture. but honestly in my vision, Tabitha never dies (because that was stupid), Barbara and Tabitha are still together, and Lee is navigating clumsy invites from Jerome and Isabel to be their third (that's a joke)(mostly) so they've both got their hands full in No Man's Land 😭
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jeffchats · 3 years ago
Livestream Recap June 11, 2022.
He talks about some cancellations and replacements (Ryan Garcia cancelled and will be replaced by Sean O’Malley.) Talks about other things that are coming out with Tana and Mike.
He talks about how he addressed the issues with the last podcast on the new podcast. He apologizes for the autism episode and said he received messages about the autism episode. He was debating if he should delete the podcast and he got a message from his mom saying she loved the episode, Jeff had an uncle who had cerebral palsy. His mom says Steven is an idiot.
Talks about how he posted an Instagram story and then Todd posted one with similar captions. Talks about how he looks fast af when he wears those ugly glasses, lol. He is going to make his own version of those sunglasses. Merch is suppose to drop soon (orange hat, hot hits tshirt, hoodie and sweatsuit, classic jeff barbershop tshirt free shirt for godfathers but you have to pay shipping).
Talks about some UFC tonight with Valentina vs ???
They’re working on a documentary surrounding about the BTS with his products.
Jeff shares some of his music on his playlist. When he hears a song, he Shazams it, adds it to his playlist, listens to it for a week and he’s over it. He shows Running Up the Hill song from Stranger Things, Talking Heads, Iris by Goo Goo Dolls, Pusha T, and he goes on about how he hasn’t updated it.
Nerf peed on Oscars gear backpack that he just got. He left it on the floor.
Jeff hasn’t had many seizure scares.
He mentions that he hasn’t been on Tumblr since he brought it up but other people bring it to him who check it. He talks about how we are giving him a hard time about Georgie but she really wants to get him off all drugs and she doesn’t want him to do any drugs. He smokes weed sometimes but he went a week without it. “I know not everyone knows too much about her and I tried to share too much, she’s more of a private person. I learned my lesson from having a public relationship, not saying that we are boyfriend and girlfriend but you know I don’t even want to get that out there before it fucks anything up. I like that she’s been helping me out with my mental health and learning just help do exercises to fix my mind and not fucking drugs because for a while I was taking klonopin when I was stressed out and Ambien at night. It’s just not good man…straight up no more drugs for me…or who knows. I just got a bar of mushroom chocolates from my boy and it looks good.”
Georgie doesn’t match his intensity if everyday life, she thinks he’s nuts because when they went to Laguna he was running 10 miles a day on the beach but he loved it. She does exercise and hike but no one matches his intensity.
StevenWillDoIt assistant Dmed Steven and he got to his head and that’s all he would talk about on the Miami trip so Jeff had to check him.
Talks about Connor McGregor and his injury. Jeff mentions taking some stuff to help heal his eye and rebuild his muscle.
They lost their weatherman, he threw a fit and he’s done. He was jealous they were hanging out with Steven too much and he was upset. He’ll be back after his “little bitch fit”. Weather segment beef became real. Ryan is smart, talented, and he’s well-rounded. Jeff likes having him on the team.
Jeff has good days and bad days. He is excited for the UFC tonight. Vinnie Hacker episode there was a sponsor but that original sponsor went broke so he’s waiting for new sponsor to replace before Youtube. But it’s on Patreon and that’s “all he cares about..the cult”.
Talks about how people were upset he kissed Steven ???, he says it was acting. There was no tongue. He talks about the backstory of how the kiss came to be about. Steven pulled Jeff’s ass in for a more kiss and Jeff said that it wasn’t going to work with the joke.
He says he loves the support but sometimes gets stressed out with everyone checking him.
Jeff has been wearing shirts on his runs, doesn’t wear sunscreen yet, he got health insurance (Blue Cross), he’s going to make an appointment to get his questionable mole removed so he can be cancer free.
He did the Geiko show because it was Oscar’s idea.
Talks about maybe getting a PO Box for people to send gifts.
They sold out almost all of their hair products, they did 10,000 of each. New products ready in about a month.
He wasn’t in the mood to shoot when everyone cancelled and he felt like a loser. At the end of the day, he feels better when he comes in and shoots. He gets things done and is ahead of the schedule.
He is really passionate about his hair products and stuff.
People give suggestions about different quizzes he can do.
Someone mentions like a run meet up, hike, etc. Jeff wants to do it too.
Nerf is hanging in there and pissing on anything and everything.
He would love Doja Cat on the podcast but on paper Jeff isn’t the cleaniest guy.
Favorite G-Unit song is Eye for an Eye and then says theres too many.
He thinks Austin Butler is cool but a lil try hard.
He says things are complicated in terms of missing Todd and no communication is hard. He has them on mute and not unfollowed. He just didn’t want to see them partying and shit so he’s avoiding it and not looking at it. He doesn’t have beef with everybody but they’re all a pack and a cult of their own so it is what it is. He has good people in his life and it is weird when you cut out 80% of the people he use to hang out with.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years ago
Besties - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader ft. Kirishima
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Good Times, BESTIE VIBES ONLY
Summary: Being Bakugou’s girlfriend, you had to get used to his jealousy. Even though you got used to it, you still chose to not deal with it and so you became close friends with the one guy he could trust. Eijirou Kirishima. Here’s how it worked out.
A/N: For the sake of the fic, Jirou and Kaminari are dating
So we all know how Bakugou and Kirishima’s friendship works but I headcanon Y/N (or this story’s version of Y/N) and Kirishima to have a friendship very VERY similar to André Harris and Tori Vega from the show, Victorious. Bakugou liked the fact that his best friend and girlfriend got along so well ESPECIALLY since he wouldn’t have to worry about other guys that Y/N would become friends with. He could trust Eijirou to stay just friends with Y/N and the friendship became ridiculously hilarious.
[Y /N] *Ripped Kirishima’s Red Riot poster* Oh Shit! *Runs to common rooms and hides in the crowd, casually talking to other friends*
[Kirishima] *Walks in* You!
[Y/N] *high pitch scream* Katsuki!
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Arguing*
[Katsuki] *Runs in* Woah, woah, woah! What the fuck is happening?!
[Kirishima] Can I talk to Y/N for a sec bro?!
[Y/N] I don’t have to talk to you about anything!
[Kirishima] Oh I think you do! *Picks Y/N up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes*
[Y/N] Let me go! *swinging arms and legs around*
[Kirishima] Don’t make a scene, Don’t make a scene
[Y/N] Suki! Help me!
[Katsuki] *Laughing his ass off*
[Y/N] *Walking up towards Katsuki and Kirishima moving shoulders and smiling* Heyyyy~
[Katsuki] *Pulling in Y/N with one arm and pecking her temple* Hey babe
[Kirishima] What’s the big news?
[Y/N] How’d you know I had big news?
[Kirishima] ‘Cuz whenever you got big news, this is how you approach someone. *Backs up a little and re-enacts Y/N’s walk* “Heyyyy~”
[Y/N] I don’t do that when I have big news
[Katsuki] Do you have big news?
[Y/N] .....yes
[Katsuki and Kirishima] *Laughs*
[Sero] Yo Bakugou! We got extra training with Aizawa! Let’s go!
[Katsuki] Okay! Later Shitty Hair, See ya babe *pecks your lips and runs off*
[Kirishima] So what’s the big news?
[Y/N] *explains*
[Kirishima] Oh my chiz!
[Y/N] I know right! Ouu let’s go tell those guys over there! *points towards group of kids and begins to walk*
[Kirishima] Wait wait wait *pulls Y/N back* We gotta do this the right way *smiles*
[Y/N] *Smiles and Nods head*
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Walks up to group moving shoulders and smiling* Heyyyy~
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Chilling at the Kitchen Island*
[Kirishima] *frustrated with something*
[Y/N] Hey...Hey look at me
[Kirishima] Noooooo
[Y/N] Look at me
[Kirishima] *Sighs* What is it cuz I’m not in the greatest moo- *looks up at Y/N*
[Y/N] *Shoots Kirishima with Nerf Gun as he’s talking and hits him right in the middle of his forehead for the 6th time in a row* WooHooo!! Oh yeaaahhh six fa sixxxxx *does a little dance in her chair*
[Katsuki] *laying on the common room couch* BABBYYYYYYYYY
[Y/N] *Walks to Bakugou* You finally awake babe? What do you need?
[Katsuki] Can you get me some water? *baby pouts at her*
[Y/N] Heh, sure. *gets water and gives it to Katsuki*
[Katsuki] *Drinks water and goes to sleep again*
[Y/N] *Walks back to seat infront of Kirishima and gets hit with Nerf Bullet*
[Kirishima] WOMP! *puts two fist in the air in victory and then does a little dance*
[Y/N] *Softly laughs*
[Kirishima] Like that?
[Y/N] *Laughs and claps hands softly* Moreee
[Kirishima] *Laughs and stops dancing*
[Kirishima] *Busts into Common Rooms during Y/N and Bakugou’s movie night* GUYS I NEED HELP!
[Katsuki] *Pauses movie* Aren’t you supposed to be at Kiyoko’s Birthday Party?
[Kirishima] Yes! I’m supposed to be at her birthday party! I’m supposed to be her date for that party! And I’m supposed to like her! But I don’t like that spoiled girl at all! Not even a little *picks up pillow and hits the couch with it at every upcoming word* And I *hit* don’t know what *hit* to do! *hit*
[Y/N] *Offers out bowl* .....Want some Mashed Potatoes?
[Kirishima] No I don’t want any- .....Gimme da bowl *takes bowl and walks to other side*
[Y/N] Okay, why are you with this girl if you don’t even like her?!
[Kirishima] Because of her daddy *eats*
[Katsuki] Who’s her daddy?
[Kirishima] *Speaks with stuffed mouth* Hawks
[Katsuki and Y/N] What?!?!! Hawks?!?
[Kirishima] Mhm!
[Y/N] Oh my god, he’s the number 2 hero!
[Kirishima] I know that! You don’t think I know that? If that man likes me and thinks I’m good enough he could hook me up with a spot in his agency as an intern. Why else do you think I’m dating his grumped up, crazy faced daughter?!
[Y/N] *stares in shock* that is terrible!
[Kirishima] I know! That’s why I’m upset! *takes spoonful bite of mashed potatoes* ‘Cuz I know, what I’m doing is wrong! 😭 .....are these potatoes hand mashed?
[Y/N] Yeah, why?
[Kirishima] They’re lumpy
[Y/N] *stares in offense*
[Kirishima] If you gon hand mash em, you gotta get up in there! Get out them lumps! *sadly uses fork to mash up potatoes even more*
[Kirishima] *Banging on Y/N’s dorm room door at 4 in the morning*
[Y/N] *Tiredly getting out of Bakugou’s arms and opening the door* Kiri?
[Kirishima] Did you get my texts?!
[Y/N] Yes, why do you think I’m standing here at 4 in the morning?
[Kirishima] I’m tripping out Y/N! I’m tripping out!!😭
[Y/N] *sighs* Alright, just come in
[Katsuki] *Wakes up* Ugh shitty hair, whats your deal?
[Kirishima] *frantically walks through the door* Go make coco!
[Y/N] I’m not making coco! *shuts door*
[Kirishima] ARGHHH-OWWW *rubs his temples as he flops onto Y/N’s bed at Katsuki’s feet*
[Katsuki] Geez man *tiredly rubs face*
[Y/N] What is wrong with you?
[Kirishima] *hesitates* I-...I think I’m in love with Jirou
[Katsuki and Y/N] *Eyes go wide and jaws drop*
[Y/N] *slowly shaking head up and down*...I’ll go make the coco... *stares as Kirishima in shock as she backs up to the door slowly*
[Kirishima] *Mouthing “I don’t know” with distressed look and shrugged shoulders*
[Y/N] *slowly but quickly leaves dorm room*
*Timeskip - Bakugou, Y/N, and Kirishima are all sitting on Y/N’s bed with their backs against the wall holding cups of coco*
[Y/N] You think you’re in love?....With Jirou?
[Kirishima] ....I think so..
[Katsuki] Okay, what happened tonight?
[Kirishima] I don’t know..we were just in gym gamma, working together, all night, and then we took a break and she played music and started singing and I sang with her. Then she showed me a song she’s been working on and I offered to help and then she started singing again and she just looked so...pretty and sweet
[Y/N] Okay but dude, you can’t love Jirou!
[Kirishima] You think I don’t know that?! Kaminari is one of my best friends and I would never try and move in on a friend’s girl. Uh-Uh, I don’t play that way.
[Katsuki] Good! So just..forget about this-
[Kirishima] I CANT! ARGH-OW *distressfully rubs temples*
[Y/N] Well why can’t you?
[Kirishima] Alright, you see. Ever since I was little I could never hold my emotions in. I could never keep my feelings inside, even if I want to, I just can’t. I always had to be honest with myself and let it out. Or else I get wonky in the head! *Rubs temples*
[Y/N] Okay-
[Kirishima] I- *broken sobs*
[Y/N] Okay-
[Kirishima] Argh- *broken sobs*
[Y/N] *Rubbing Kiri’s shoulder* Shhh-
[Kirishima] I don’t even- *broken sobs and shaking head*
[Y/N] Shhh. Listen. I don’t think you’re in love with Jirou.
[Kirishima] You don’t?
[Y/N] No. You guys were just there..together..alone, late. And you were tired.
[Kirishima] Yeah..tired, we were tired. That’s true.
[Y/N] And you guys were listening to music and singing songs..and so you felt emotional.
[Kirishima] Yeah! I did!
[Y/N] But by tomorrow, you’ll be fine again!
[Kirishima] Yeah! I bet I will!
[Katsuki, Y/N, and Kirishima] *Slowly raises coco cups to their mouths to take a sip simultaneously*
[Kirishima] This coco is good!
[Y/N] *Nodding her head* It’s from Belgium.
[Kirishima] Must be why
[Y/N] *Nodding her head* Mhm
[Katsuki, Y/N, and Kirishima] *All simultaneously taking another sip*
[Katsuki] .....Shitty hair..
[Kirishima] ...Yeah bro?
[Katsuki] ....Get out so I can cuddle my girlfriend and go to sleep
[Kirishima] .....Okay bro
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soft--dragon · 4 years ago
Teaching Your Brother A Lesson
Based on this prompt here :)
Word Count: 1,259
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
"LET'S GET MY OTHER VLOG GUN!" Tommy yelled, a wide grin on his face as he gleefully waved around the plastic nerf gun.
He viscously tore into the packaging, explaining cheerfully that; "I bought this from an arcade!"
The chat flew past as he raved on. Some were warning Tommy of possibly getting Wilbur evicted, others telling him to keep screaming, and some wondering why Tommy was streaming from Wilbur's computer.
"Wilbur doesn't actually know that I've came in this office" Tommy caught sight of one of the messages asking why he was there. "I don't think…"
A sudden banging noise made him flinch and look up with a startled; "The fuck was- what the-" he realized what was causing the ruckus
"Yeah?" Tommy called out to Wilbur who was mouthing something at him on the other side of the door, jiggling the handle. "Hey hey no it's locked it's- hey hey come in!" Tommy snarked with a grin but nervous eyes. Wilbur looked pissed.
Tommy masked his worry with his usual bravado. "Whadda ya want?! Where's the camera-" Tommy quickly tried to turn the camera to face Wilbur who looked close to breaking down the door.
"Whadda ya want bitch?! I've got a gun!" Tommy warned loudly, streaming persona at its peak chaotic energy. But it quickly disappeared when Wilbur managed to get the door open. "Oh...hey…" Tommy greeted nervously.
Wilbur stormed into the room with a hiss of "What the fuck? What the fuck are you doing?"
"I'm gonna shoot you bitch!" Tommy shot back with a grin then noticed Wilbur's dark look making his heart sink. He didn't want to upset Wilbur, he thought it would've been funny… "What- what?" He worriedly asked, making himself a little smaller in the gaming chair.
"How'd you get my wallet?" Wilbur asked, approaching the table. "Are fucking streaming?!"
Tommy laughed, aiming the gun and attempting to shoot Wilbur who disarmed him in a flash. He pushed Tommy's shoulder down to keep him firmly in the chair.
"Tommy there are seventeen thousand people watching this!" Wilbur stared at the amount of viewers while Tommy smiled nervously.
"Well- well it was funny- Wilbur I'm sorry-" Tommy tried to explain but the look Wilbur gave him shut him up.
"I'm sorry everyone" Wilbur turned back to the webcam, voice still a little dark but genuine. "I'm sorry Tommy dragged you out to this, I'm sorry he wasted your time."
Wilbur gave Tommy a side eye, watching the boy grin apprehensively. "C'mon man" Wilbur grumbled.
"Wilbur I'm sorry-" Tommy tried.
"No, shush" Wilbur poked Tommy's stomach to shut him up.
To his surprise, Tommy squeaked and curled in on himself, a wide smile pulling on his lips. Wilbur paused, staring at Tommy before raising an eyebrow. "Oh, what's this?"
Tommy went a bit pink, pressing himself to the chair. "What's what?" He asked nervously, covering his stomach quickly.
Whether it was instinct or to confirm Wilbur's suspicions, Wilbur found it very endearing. He smirked. "Are you ticklish Tommy?"
Tommy giggled a little, shaking his head. "N-Noho, I'm not-"
Wilbur leaned down and smirked. "I think you're lying," he growled lowly.
Tommy giggled again, louder this time. "I'hihim nohohot" he insisted.
Wilbur clicked his tongue. "I don't believe you."
His fingers slipped past Tommy's arms and pressed into the boy's sides, vibrating them aggressively. Tommy squealed loudly in response, twisting in the chair and kicking the heels of his feet against the floor.
"FUHUhuhuck! Wihihilbhuhur!" He yelped, eyes squeezing shut against the sensations.
Wilbur chuckled, rubbing his thumbs into the ticklish skin. "Hmm, yeah, pretty sure you lied to me Tommy, and you know what liars get?"
"Wihihihihil plehehease-" Tommy giggled hysterically.
Wilbur smirked, his voice dropping darkly. "They get punished."
He blew a raspberry into Tommy's neck, massaging fast circles into Tommy's hips and poking the divots of the bones quickly.
"Quite giggly there Toms," Wilbur grinned, the nickname slipping out without him realizing.
Tommy pressed the side of his face into the chair, cheeks glowing pink. "S-SHUHUT UHUP!"
"Are you blushing?" Wilbur's eyes lit up excitedly. "Oh my god you are! Awww Tommy!"
Tommy batted at Wilbur's hands desperately, "STOHOHOP FUHUHUCKING TEHEHEASING!" He yelled, his flush only getting brighter.
Wilbur bet he was going to get a noise complaint for this, but he didn't care. Tommy's laugh was bubbly and undeniably endearing.
Wilbur chuckled again. "Aw why? Is a little teasing making you a little flustered Toms? Little bit more giggly huh? That's adorable~"
Tommy squirmed lower into the chair, trying to escape the ticklish sensations scuttling across his midriff. "WIHIHIL-" His eyes suddenly widened and he tossed his head back. "WIHIHILBHUHUR!"
Wilbur looked down and snickered. His hands had travelled up from Tommy's hips and were close to the boy's navel. He paused in the spidering movements and settled to tracing just around the rim with his nails. Tommy whined, gripping Wilbur's wrists and shaking with the intensity of his hysteric giggles.
Wilbur giggled himself, Tommy's laughter being incredibly infectious. "Got a lil giggle button, aye Toms?"
Tommy shook his head, unable to verbally respond. Wilbur paused for a second, feeling the muscles under his featherlight touch quiver. "Ready Gigglyinnit?" He asked.
Tommy bit his lip in anticipation watching Wilbur's hands with wide eyes. "Ihihi- d-dohohon't-"
"Don't what Tommy?"
"Tihickle me- WAIT FUCK-"
Wilbur hooked one finger into Tommy's bellybutton, wiggling the finger around quickly. Tommy arched his back with a shrill shriek then collapsed back in a mess of hysteric cackles. He babbled complete nonsense, unable to speak through his laughter.
Wilbur let up after a few more seconds, not wanting to actually kill the boy afterall. Tubbo and Phil would never forgive him. He gently rubbed the boy's stomach, soothing the phantom tickles but still making Tommy fall into soft giggles.
"Hohoholy shihihit" he wheezed.
Wilbur softened marginally. "You good?"
Wilbur smiled then glanced up and felt his stomach drop. The stream was still fucking going- he forgot to end it!
The chat was breaking the laws of physics with it's speed, spamming a bunch of messages Wilbur could barely read.
Get his ass Wilbur!
They're brothers your honor
Tommy's so cute awwwww!!!
Wilbur is actually gonna kill him lmao
I've never heard him laugh like this??? It's so adorable! uwu
Don't kill the child Wilbur!!!!!!!
Wilbur laughed a little then hit 'end stream' before Tommy saw. Well, he was probably gonna see the clips circling twitter later, but the longer he could prolong Tommy's revenge the better. Speaking of the boy…
Tommy looked like he was about to pass out in the chair. His eyes were closed, a wide smile on his face, small giggles occasionally slipping out.
He has no right to look this cute after the chaos he had just caused.
Wilbur sighed, ruffling the boy's hair. "Oi Toms, c'mon, we're heading back to my place before Niki and Fundy arrive."
Tommy blinked up at Wilbur, looking at him with the same energy as a young puppy. He lifted his arms, mumbling something like; "Upsies" which made Wilbur's heart explode from the cuteness.
He smiled fondly at his little brother and gently tugged him up, the younger falling into his chest.
"Still mad at you by the way" Wilbur said but hugged the boy to him regardless.
"Sorry" Tommy mumbled. "I didn't mean to make you angry."
Wilbur's brow creased as he ruffled Tommy's hair. "I'm not actually upset with you Toms, it was all a bit, don't worry."
Tommy visibly relaxed at that, dropping his head onto Wilbur's bone. "Okay" he said quietly.
Wilbur smiled then gently tugged Tommy to his side, walking them out of the office. And if Wilbur ended up giving Tommy a piggy back ride for the last few minutes of the walk? Well, that was for the two brothers to know.
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the-mu-in-muichirou · 3 years ago
Tangled Au
Yes Muzan is mother gothel because his stingy ass would be trying to live forever and would want to conjure the sun out of his behind but LOOK!!!!!
It’s nezuko who is born from the flower not tanjirou so ha! Suck on that twist.
I’d like to say her hair is orange but like an orange haired nezuko wouldn’t look right ;-; so redish hair kinda like tanjirou’s
After Nezuko was kidnapped because you know WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS in this fandom without something tragic hurting us.
And look as much as I would love a ZenNezu story about zenitsu mustering up the Courage to save her. NO! This is for family feels so F the romance plot.
Tanjirou is devastated his baby sister went missing and so where his parents the king and queen. So after many talkings Tanjirou wished to go find his sister. His parents would never allow that because that’s their only child left!!!!
After Nezuko’s disappearance the king and queen decided to have no more kids as scared they would also be stolen. (Did I nerf the other siblings Bc I don’t know how else to include them? Yes I did but so did Gotouge)
Tanjirou disliked the idea of not being able to help his sister and as the stubborn person he is, he pulled a Mulan(left without word in the middle of the night) around the age of 12 to go look for his sister.
Tanjirou didn’t know how majorly he screwed up until he realized the real word hard TM but he pulls this I am the first son mantra and continues on his way like a big boy.
And because he isn’t really a big boy he is found by Urokodaki a lone traveler who brings him home and asks Tanjirou if he’s alright.
Tanjirou says no and explains his situation ans urokodaki listens saying he should go back to his family. Tanjirou disagrees because he can’t go home empty handed.
Tanjirou says he will leave the next day but Urokodaki can’t leave a child in need alone so he asks tanjirou if he can even defend himself.
And obviously baby boy can’t do Urokodaki reveals he was a former palace guard and decides to teach Tanjirou about swordsman ship.
(If you can’t get guess, yes all the pillars are royal palace guards)
As the years pass the king and queen are looking for not only mourning their daughter but looking for their son.
Muzan is none the wiser that the prince has gone missing busy making sure to raise Nezuko under him best he can. Usual parental manipulation tactics.
After tanjirou beats Urokodaki in a spar like years later he continues on his way.
This is where he meets Inosuke a thief who’s had to steal since young. Tanjirou tries to reason with him saying it’s wrong and inosuke is still feral but they both get caught and wanted posters get out up of both them.
Later along the way they encounter Zenitsu who was found crying on the side of the road for owing money to some debt collectors.
The three join forces stopping others who steal (but getting caught returning artifacts so they’re seen like thieves)
Inosuke complains Bc they should keep it and zenitsu agrees while tanjirou doesn’t.
Life goes on and
~time skip~
It is Nezuko’s 18th birthday and she wants to go see the floating lanterns. Despite asking ofc her father (Muzan) says no and she’s upset.
Muzan sings- (pfft imagine him singing) Muzan just lectures her on it saying she’s too old for nonsense and he expects better.
Nezuko agrees and asks for some v rare bread she liked. Muzan said that it’s long away travel and Nezuko does that thing 🥺
And Muzan agrees because if it’ll shut a child up and departs .
The castle scene is the three idiots trying to place the crown back when they get caught and running after their lives being chased by sanemi and giyuu. (Why this pair specifically? I ship them leave me alone.)
They’re cornered until tanjirou falls into the hidden leaves hiding the tower and drags both of them in.
They climb tower and are promptly knocked out. Cue a crow squawking at them to wake up.
And look Tanjirou doesn’t recognize her because she was baby and you might be like (why did he go search for her then!?!) well does Tanjirou look like he plans things through? He’s jump first think along the way.
Anyways, they all try to pacify her and nezuko settles down saying she’ll give them back the crown if they take her to see the lanterns. And well they agree.
After this the plot mostly follows the same 😗
The part where they escape the tavern and are bonded by her hair shocks all of them
Oh! They are found by giyuu but when Tanjirou fights him giyuu recognizes the fighting style and asks if he knows Urokodaki. Tanjirou nods and giyuu says he’ll help.
The two goons after all five of them are Douma and Enmu. (I’d never want those two to interact actually but here we are)
Some ZenNezu plot does happen with nezuko having doubts and zenitsu comforting her as they continue.
During the boat scene Giyuu stays behind while the four of them get on and enjoy some peace. With all of them saying if nezuko has finished one dream it just means it’s time for a new one.
Nezuko smiles and confesses she’s had the crown all along. They all say they don’t care and they’re happy she’s with them.
cue boat docking Nezuko wandering off to talk to Muzan and the three getting kidnapped and shipped back to the castle.
Cue realization of who nezuko is.
And cue Tanjirou confessing he’s the prince in the cells while giyuu helps with can escape plan.
Tanjirou goes to save nezuko and overhears yelling from the bottom of the tower because please.
Tanjirou yelling for nezuko more desperate than ever now knowing he’s found his sister.
Muzan killing Tanjirou but Muzan falling down and dying.
Nezuko resurrecting Tanjirou and both going home to their family safe and sound.
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analyzingadventure · 3 years ago
Ghost Game Episode 25, Crimson Banquet
I am so unreasonably excited for this holy SHIT
I will say (since Twitter spoiled these), I am sad Ryuuzaburou isn’t reprising his role but I am happy they did at least get Belial’s VA
Also his human disquise is fucking cursed and I hate it
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Jail, jail for human Vamdemon for 1000 years
I do love that even though it’s a different Vamdemon, he still seems to enjoy picking up chicks IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN (also they’re so into him that’s hilarious)
The doggie is totally a Sangloupmon, isn’t he
Aaaand the feeding begins-- ah the lil guy is a (the?) Dracumon, I wonder if the other guy is a Matadrmon then :oc
Oh man the girls totally got infected with vampirism...
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He’s so fucking cute I love him
“Obsessed with red and blood” look some of us are just goths, don’t worry
Dracumon’s going in for a meal too eh, he didn’t just fall in with the wrong crowd eh
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AND MY QUESTION IS FINALLY ANSWERED! What happens when a human gets bit by a vampire Digimon? They turn into a human vampire! I’M SO HAPPY I FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER
...Wait so Vamdemon gets people to join his company who then invite more people to join... IS VAMDEMON RUNNING A PYRAMID SCHEME
Ohhh Dracumon’s got a grudge
Are you telling me this Vamdemon is just jealous of humans being the dominant species
Wow what a vein asshole lmao
“Rule with us” LMAO that’s some Darth Vader shit right there jfghsdfg
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I love that they’re like “yeah she’s good” jfhsjdfhg
Sorry I have nothing to say about the action I am just deeply enjoying it, this is some good shit (and I’m only pausing to write this because CR’s having loading issues lmao)
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And here’s the evolution Toei couldn’t wait to spoil on Twitter
Ah, calling it Super Evolution here, that’s precious I like it
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That’s a really pretty boy right there
Sorry my reaction is nonexistant right now, I’m kind of upset ‘cause Toei/Bandai did share this right after the episode had aired. I’m probably going to have to unfollow them on Twitter because genuinely, had I gone into this episode blind without having seen anything about Vamdemon or this evo on Twitter, I would’ve lost my fucking mind, but like. Yeah it got spoiled and I’m sad
And Matadrmon’s out
That was a good fucking episode, I had a fucking blast. I will admit a lot of that was just because I’m a sucker for Vamdemon, but in my defense, aside from the mindless hoards from Hunters we haven’t actually seen Vamdemon since Adventure (aside from the flashbacks and Belial in Zero Two, and NeoVamdemon in Xros Wars), so IT’S BEEN A WHILE. Let me be hyped about that
Next episode! ...WELL THAT’S HORRIFYING. I think the preview maybe showed a bit much BUT THAT WAS HORRIFYING
One last thing. As per my previous post, I FUCKING CALLED IT!!
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