#he's supposed to be relaxing in a soup spoon
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 month ago
still low on spoons
and work is still busy
for now, please enjoy
one spoon moon
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533 notes · View notes
cuteandhughesy · 2 months ago
I’ll Be Home For Christmas | Nico Hischier
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summary: nico hischier acting as your fake boyfriend to try and get your family off your back this holiday season seems like the perfect solution - or so you thought.
[word count] 14.9k
warnings: SFW! fake dating | friends to lovers | suggestive themes and dialogue | kissing | jealousy | angst | fluff | mentions of anxiety |
a/n: based off this request! is this a plot i’ve seen before? absolutely! do i eat it up every time? ABSOLUTELY! hope you guys enjoy my third fic of my christmas special—I cant believe it’s almost christmas 🎄 this was originally supposed to go up on Christmas eve, but i finished it early 😘
🎵 i’ll be home for christmas by michael buble
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"I think the only way to solve this is if I jump off the highest mountain in jersey."
bree pauses her stirring hand, glancing at you sternly over her shoulder. "don't jump off anything, y/n/n."
you let out another unsatisfied grunt, a disgruntled noise that has come out your mouth many times since you arrived at your best friend's apartment - and you've only been here an hour.
the sound of the wooden spoon scraping along the metal soup pot starts up again, bree continuing to mix her homemade chicken vegetable soup she coerced you over with.
you watch the blonde with a pout on your slightly chapped lips - but it matches the rest of your appearance, so you're not even bothered that they are dry. resting your chin in the palm of your hand, you can't help but zone out and drown in your own dreadful bubble.
you've been feeling overwhelmed and stressed since last night. it started as you'd just finished eating your sad excuse of a frozen meal dinner, beginning to queue up the next episode of stranger things - when your evening was interrupted with your mom’s call.
"mom? is anything okay?" you answer quickly, brows pulled together in a curious manner.
you can hear her gentle laughter through the grainy line. "don't sound so scared to speak to me, honey. everything is fine."
you sigh. "just wasn't expecting a late night call is all....what's up?"
"well," she singsongs, and you can practically hear her wide smile through the phone. "you remember my friend susan, right? from work?" you hum once, so your mom continues. "well she has a son named scott, and he's around your age."
"why are you telling me this?"
she tuts her tongue like it should be obvious. "they are staying at same same skii cabin resort as us this christmas! and you're still single so I want you to meet each other - get to know one another."
that has you sitting up in a hurry, she's blown wide as you take in your moms words. "mom, no i'm not going to entertain this."
"why not? he's nice and cute-" your moms familiar voice fades into the background, as you can't focus on anything but the swirl of panicked thoughts in your head.
you've been single for three years - three years since your last boyfriend cheated on you with his macdonald's co-worker. honestly his first red flag should've been working at macdonald's at his big age of 28 - you should've broke up with him right then and there.
since then, your mom has been wanting you to get back out there, and 'give her grand babies' - you try to not shutter just thinking about it. she's been trying to get you to meet a million different young men, changing between her friends kids and even random baristas she meets at her local starbucks. and honestly you're just tired of it.
you won't find the love of your life through your mom - and it seems that only you can see the logic behind that.
you'd been looking forward to the few days away from the city for christmas, especially with your boss really coming down on you about upcoming new year business proposals that were honestly out of your job description. now your extended weekend that was supposed to relaxing and festive was tainted by your mom and this mysterious scott dude.
you come back to, your mom still lengthly explaining the christmas plans and scott and everything else in between. you huff anxiously, and before your brain can stop the word vomit that is festering on your tongue, you interrupt her.
"i'm bringing someone to christmas."
the blabbering in your ear comes to a quick stop, your mom going completely silent on the line.  "who?"
you swallow, "my boyfriend."
the conversation went on for a bit longer, and you had blabbed about your fake boyfriend without giving away any type of physical details- heck you even avoided giving him a name. when your mom had asked, you told her that you didn't want to give anything away - the element of surprise much more enjoyable.
you cringe thinking back on it, closing your eyes tightly. you are so screwed.
the front door opens quickly, alerting you and bree to her boyfriends arrival. it's only a few seconds following the thud of his hockey bag hitting the hardwood floor that dougie saunters into the kitchen, hair still damp from his post-practice shower.
he looks up from his phone, finding you sitting with a frown at his kitchen island. "what's up with you?"
this time it's bree who groans out. she takes the spoon out of the soup and sets in on the countertop, spinning on her heels to look at you and her boyfriend properly—without straining her neck. "don't get her started."
you squawk. "bree! you're supposed to be consoling me."
she pouts at you, "I know - i'm sorry." bree swiftly moves towards you, wrapping her small arms over your shoulders sweetly. she smells like broth and caramel perfume, which is an oddly comforting scent. "I just don't like seeing you so stressed."
dougie peeks in the soup pot, humming softly at the sight of the various vegetables swimming among perfectly shredded meat. he turns back to you both, leaning back against the counter as he stares you down. "so are you going to tell me? or do I have to wait for you to leave, which inevitably will have bree spilling her guts."
"dougie!" your best friend screeches, eyeing her boyfriend wildly.
you all but whine, letting your eyes fall closed in pure embarrassment. "I'm screwed." you manage to mumble, one eye peeking open to look over at dougie.
he looks rather amused at your dramatics, and you kind of want to get swallowed up and never be let go. "why?"
you take a deep breath. "because....because I told my mom that I had a boyfriend and was bringing him to christmas."
dougie snorts and bree sends him a warning glare. immediately he stops, playing off the laugh with a small cough. "you don't have a boyfriend."
you eye him irritatedly. "you think I don't know that?" bree, like the most amazing and supportive friend she is, begins gently rubbing your shoulder, grounding you. you take another shaky breath, your earlier pout returning. "I just...my mom was all pushy and wanted me to meet her co-workers son and I just panicked."
bree gently pipes up. "you didn't give him a name or talk about his appearance, y/n/n - it gives you some freedom in trying to find someone. maybe you should re-download hinge and make it known in your bio that you're needing a christmas date."
you pull a face, the thought of scrolling through medacore men who don't meet your ethical standards and are most likely teetering on borderline homophobic doesn't sound appealing - like, at all. "i'm going to pretend I can't go - i'll just tell my mom something came up."
"hold on," dougie steps forward, resting his palms on the island. he looks between you and bree, his brows pulled together as he gathers his thoughts. "you didn't give your mom a name?"
you hum. "or any physical attributes."
a ghost of a smile tugs at his lips, and he looks rather pleased with what we thought he's conjured up in his mind. "hear me out here...what If you take nico?"
you blink once. and then you blink again.
behind you, bree gasps. "that's a good idea!"
you shake your head, clearly confused. "he's not going home for christmas?"
dougie shakes his head. "no, the schedule didn't work in his favour, and his parents can't come out for a four day break. he was telling me today he was just going to be alone at his apartment....but maybe he could go with you."
it's....its actually not a bad idea. you like nico, he's always been so kind and sweet anytime you two have been together - which, granted, was quite often. surprisingly enough, nico and dougie were really good friends, and anytime you, bree and him wanted to go out, dougie would have nico join along. it's been like that for a few years, and the dynamic between you and nico was easy.
but...."no, I can't put him through that. you know how my mom is, and she's going to be all over him! and my sister and her husband, and god I can't have my niece getting attached....I just can't."
"you can." dougie hums, pulling out his phone from his sweatpant pocket. "you're just making excuses - nico won't care if your family asks questions. he's a team player who will easily help you with all your problems." he's busy swiping on his phone, barley glancing at you as he talks. "plus, it's not like he'll be out of your life after this - I already know he will be your fake boyfriend as long as you need him to be."
"dougie, no." you sigh.
"too late," dougie hums, "i'm face timing him right now."
you left watching in horror, dougie coming around to your and bree's side of the kitchen island. you squawk, "absolutely no - dougie don't." 
he's setting his phone up against the vase of flowers in the middle of the counter, displaying all three of you on the ringing face time screen. dougie looks at you, and grimaces. "try and look pretty. you look like a mess - c'mon."
bree smacks his arm. "dougie!"
you're not even going to disagree with him, because you do look like a mess. your hair is slicked back with your own oil - too lazy to get into the shower before coming over. your face is bare and you're in the middle of your period, with lingering hormonal pimples littering along your chin and jawbone. all that combined with your anxious eye bags, dry skin and ice cream stained pyjama shirt - well let's just say you've looked better.
your eyes widen as the sound of the call changes, indicating that nico is picking up the phone. "seriously I don't - heyyy nico." your hushed and panicked whisper towards your best friend's boyfriend quickly changes as nico hischier’s face takes over dougie’s phone screen.
"....hey?" he looks confused, and rightfully so. you're sure the last thing he expected with a call from his assistant captain was to be met with not only him, but his sheepish looking girlfriend and her hot mess best friend as well. his eyes move between the three of you, brows pulled tightly. "you guys okay?"
his accent sounds thicker through the phone, voice deeper....it's kind of comforting and as soon as your brain registers that calm feeling, it lets you spew. you begin telling nico all about your situation, but it seems that dougie and bree has the same idea, and all nico can hear is a jumbled sentence.
"y/n needs your help." dougie says, the words barley reaching nico's ears over bree's - "and she's just really stressed." that combined with your pouty lips as you tell him, "and his name is scott - like what kind of name is scott?"
you all come to a stop, eyeing nico through the phone screen. he adjusts the angle of his phone, giving you a glimpse of his location, which seems to be on his couch. "you're going to have to say that again, y/n. couldn't hear you over dougie's loud mouth."
so you tell nico everything - just you this time - starting with getting the phone call, your mom trying to set you up, your fake boyfriend lie and dougie's reason for the facetime. the entire time nico listens, not even interrupting you once as he digests the spoonfuls of information.
you sigh gently, "and dougie shouldn't of called you, nico. I really don't want to ruin your christmas by dragging you into my mess and-"
"i'll help you out." this time, nico does interrupt you, his soothing voice agreeing to the whole fake boyfriend story you'd thrown at him, cutting off the end of your lengthy ramble.
"really? why?"
he shrugs through the screen, a gentle smile beginning to pull on his face. "i'm not doing anything else. you're my friend, y/n, I want to help you out."
the relief that floods through you is ethereal, and you can already feel some of the stress leave your body. "nico, thank you...thank you, oh my god, okay I'll text you the details."
he grins. "looking forward to it."
the phone call ends just as the soup starts to bubble loudly on the stove, which has bree cursing, skipping back towards her food and turning down the burner. as she returns to stirring the mixture, she shrieks happily, glancing back at you. "no hinge needed!"
"you're welcome." dougie chimes playfully, pocketing his phone before he moves to grab three bowls from the cupboard, ready to serve some of bree’s delicious chicken vegetable soup.
although you're feeling stress free about the actual boyfriend part of finding a fake boyfriend— thanks to the devils captain— there is still the matter of having to prep nico for your family, as well as playing pretend with one another in hopes of convincing your family that you and nico are in love.
....and the stress is back, prickling under your skin in a way that has you jittery. you can only just pray nico doesn't get overwhelmed and ditch you on the side of the road on the way up to the lodge, leaving you to fend for yourself while he speeds back to the city.
bree slides the hot bowl full of soup in your direction, plopping the gold spoon into the liquid before she leaves. you thank her gently, and as you dig in into the meaty broth, you begin to create somewhat of a plan for you and your fake boyfriend.
you text nico after leaving bree and dougie's apartment once you had settled back at your place, assuming your usual lounging position on the living room couch. you send him the main details of your family christmas getaway like the name of the resort and it's location, as well as when you'll be leaving and how long you'll be staying.
thankfully, the devils schedule almost perfectly aligned with your families getaway, meaning that nico would be able to spend the entire holiday season with you and your family—he just has to leave early on the 25th for the boxing day game—which you can't yet decide if you're relieved about or stressed about.
regardless, three days after your impromptu facetime call on dougie's phone, you and nico are packed up in his car, backseat full luggage and various wrapped presents— all ready to head up to the ski lodge.
it’s been 5 minutes since nico pulled out of your driveway, and you still haven't said anything other than your initial greeting. the pressure of the day ahead is knawing away at you, turning your stomach into a wave pool of nerves.
the christmas music flows quietly through the speakers, providing a comforting hum in the background. nico keeps switching his gaze from the road to the side of your face, analyzing your anxious eyes as you zone out, nibbling the skin around your thumb nail.
he sighs gently and with a free hand turns the already quiet music completely off. the lack of the original taylor swift christmas song in your ears snaps you out of your daydreaming, looking over at nico with a tight pull to your eyebrows.
"why does your face look like that?"
you frown, "like what?"
"like you've just shoved your nose full of expired smelling salts," nico smirks at his own joke, glancing over at you once again. "seriously what's going on that head?"
you take a deep breath, your mouth opening and closing like a tiny fish—unsure what you want to admit. you don't want to seem ungrateful for nico‘s help by complaining, and you don't want to look stupid and embarrass yourself for being so nervous about spending christmas with your family. after a moment, you let out a quiet sigh, glancing over at nico.
his flickering gaze is soft—comforting—and it has you faltering, head falling back against the head rest with a thud. "I can't lie." nico huffs a laugh, and you almost scoff at the sound. "i'm serious - I can't lie."
"technically, you're not lying."
you eyes widen comically, looking over at him wildly. "what part of this trip isn't based on a lie."
he sighs gently, fingers flicking on the cars turn signal as he approaches the highway lane. nico has always been so nonchalant in your presence, the complete opposite of you at any give moment, and honestly you're envious of that. he glances at you quickly, pulling onto the highway. "I mean, it's not like we are strangers—we're friends."
you don't say anything, too busy trying to understand what he actually means by that. nico smirks easily at you, "so we only have to pretend that we kiss and well....fuck."
you blush. "nico!"
“it’s true.” amused, he looks at you. "and, well, you can't turn red anytime someone makes a suggestive comment.”
groaning, you pull your knees to your chest, creating a spot for you to hide your burning face, tucking your head between your kneecaps. "can't help it." you say, but all nico can hear is your muffled voice making no sense as you talk into your legs.
"it's okay." he reassures you lightly. "so, what's your family like? what do I need to know?" he changes the flow of topic easily, which successfully has you pulling your head up.
"well." you start, voice a pitch higher than normal—contemplating what to say. “my mom she's very.....out there. she's not shy, and her social awareness isn't very high, meaning she doesn't care about strangers or what they think of her." your eyes flicker away from the busy highway infront of you, looking over at nico to gauge his reaction.
he hums, "what else?"
you sigh, eyes finding the road once again. "she also loves me...too much I think. and she always wants what's best for me — even if she thinks that's scott."
"she sounds fun." nico's words take you by surprise, because fun usually isn't the first word that comes to mind after describing your dear mother. you quickly turn your head, but much to your surprise, nico isn't joking. he's being sincere—smiling softly. "honestly she sounds like my mom."
the mention of nico's family has you feeling a bit hallow, and you remember the only reason he's able to help you out is because he couldn't fly out to be with his family. you tuck your bottom lip between your teeth, nibbling the skin until it feels sore. "i'm sorry about your family, nico. I really wish it would've worked out for christmas."
he shrugs once, glancing back over at you. "it's not your fault. besides, i'm here with you, right? so my christmas is coming together." you deflate slightly, nico's sweet and almost vulnerable words leaving you feeling rather soft. "so who else will be there? besides your mom and this scott guy?"
you huff a laugh, "well I don't know how much of scott we will be seeing now that i'm bringing you, but I do know that my older sister, tammy and her husband brody will be there. along with my niece, taylor - hence the disney princess wrapping paper." you thumb over your shoulder where there are multiple oddly shaped presents, all wrapped in disney paper.
nico snickers, sending you a teasing look. "thought you were just wrapping your own gifts."
"nico!" you laugh sweetly, "you’re ridiculous."
he smiles. "okay, okay. how old is your niece?"
"she just turned 6, back in november." you hum, leaning over slightly to turn the radio back up—only at volume 2—letting the familiar jingles add to the ambiance of the snowy jersey weather.
one of nico's brows raise. "so you've got a birthday twin?"
"wha-how do you know my birthday is in november?" you're clearly baffled, looking at nico like he just told you he met your long lost twin.
he glances at you wildly. "I don't have a brick for a brain! c'mon y/n/n, just because dougie is a stupid hockey player doesn't mean I am."
a dig at your best friends boyfriend never fails to make you chuckle, and you wrap your arms around yourself tighter, keeping yourself warm. although nico was joking around, you still aren't sure how he knew the month you were born in—how he remembered when your birthday was. it's just not something you thought nico would take note of. you don't do big parties for yourself, and you don't even post to social media—bree being one of the only people to celebrate you online.
your laughter dies down gently. "i'm just suprised that you'd remember."
his lips tug downwards in the beginning of a frown. "why would I forget?" nico's eyes flicker to yours once again, holding your gaze with a soft and warm expression. you take in a shaky breath, unable to find yourself wanting to look away from nico. his words, although nothing that deep, feel like the bottom of a warm lake, heating your chest with his question. it's a bare minimum that you've yet to experience with any boyfriend, real or fake.
he clears his throat quickly, eyes flickering away from your face and back through the snowflake covered windshield. "okay, what are our rules here? I don't want you to be uncomfortable with any of this fake dating stuff."
"oh. right, ummmm-" you blink, trying to recover from the abrupt shift in conversation and shift in your heart. "well to start, any question that my family asks about us and how we met, just tell them the truth. no need to fabricate some elaborate story—especially considering i've brought you up before...god my mom is going to die when she sees you." you mumble the last part to yourself, already picturing your moms face when you tell her the nico you're dating is also your friend nico.
he doesn't hear the end of your scentence, and only nods understandably, switching lanes. "got it."
you continue, "and this relationship between us is a new thing-- i'm talking’s within the last two months new. if they ask we say that we were just testing the waters of our relationship. and that gives me an excuse of why I hadn't told my mom about us before tuesday."
"that's good" nico hums appreciatively, clearly impressed with the little plan you'd made for you both. "plus it will make us look less insane when we are all over other and acting lovey dovey. that it’s just the honey moon phase."
your belly swoops, and your eyes widen in a slight panic. "why would we be all over each other?"
nico looks almost dumbfounded at your rushed question, his brows practically touching the edge of the hockey branded beanie sitting across his forehead. "because we are supposed to be dating."
you feel a little stupid in that moment, and when the end of nico's reminder is accompanied by a teasing smile you begin to feel very embarrassed. you try not to face palm, clearing your throat. "right, duh! that makes sense then." nico nods in amusement, which really has you wanting to face palm.
wanting to get back to the earlier discussion of rules, you hum in continuation. "I think cuddling and stuff is fine, right? like we can cuddle on the couch and hold hands in town."
"if you're comfortable with that." nico says, shooting you a glance, taking in your face to try and dissect your expression—trying to find an answer on your face before you say anything.
you laugh once, and even that sounds weird—no wonder nico keeps looking at you. "why wouldn't I be?"
"you're turning red just talking about it."
you face falls. "i'm going to throw myself out of this car."
"no, no." nico chuckles. "any other rules you want to lay down?" his eyes twinkle with playfulness as he shoots you another glance. "like what about kissing?"
obviously you blush because what. you don't let yourself react in the way your body desperately wants to, instead you keep your posture the same, humming in thought. "we don't need to kiss unless absolutely necessary."
once again, your eyes fall back to the driver's side, looking at nico as you wait for his response. you watch him smirk softly, eyes still on the busy roadways as he answers. "sure."
the rest of the car ride is filled with easy conversation and multiple impromptu karaoke sessions— nico laughing anytime you turn the music up and claim that it's impossible to not sing along to a justin bieber christmas song. the easiness of the whole dynamic between you and nico has you feeling much more at ease than you'd been when he first picked you up, and the idea of bringing nico to meet your family is becoming increasingly less stressful.
that is until your mom open the door, squealing in excitement at the sight of you and nico parking in the un-shovelled driveway of the rented ski cabin—waving at you both—your stress levels start to rise back up.
you swallow nervously, the sound of the car engine shutting off setting in your ears - there's no escape now.
"hey," nico mumbles, gathering your attention. he gently reaches towards you and gives your shoulder a reassuring and grounding squeeze. "don't worry too bad. it'll be okay."
all you can muster is a nod, watching through the front windshield as you sister peeks over your moms shoulder, her perfectly styled hair blowing in the wind.
"wanna get the bags now?"
"no," you finally speak, shaking your head. "save them for later just incase we need an escape route."
he chuckles. "okay dramatic - let's go."
with another encouraging nod from the devils captain, you unbuckle your seatbelt, getting out the car along with nico. at the sight of your face, your mom screams, waving at you like a crazy woman from the porch—the woman didn't even put on a coat before coming outside, leaving the door wide open behind her. "y/n, honey! you're here!"
"i'm here." you make your way up the pathway, nico's hand providing a ghostly pressure on your lower back as he trails behind you. "merry christmas momma."
she scoops you into a tight hug, kissing the side of your head repeatedly until it feels like all her lipgloss has transferred to your hairline. "merry christmas! and oh, honey don't be rude—introduce us to this handsome man." over your shoulder, your mom catches sight of nico and his ridiculously charming smile.
he looks so relaxed and happy that you're jealous. you're also jealous that nico manages to look that good after spending 2 hours in a car—but that's not important.
you quickly wrap your arm around nico's torso, bringing yourself into his warm side. nico easily follows suit, wrapping his hoodie covered arm around your shoulders, giving you another comforting squeeze. you smile—extra big—at your mom, rubbing your free hand over nico's covered stomach. "right of course, this is nico. my boyfriend."
recognition flashes across her face, eyes darting between you and your fake boyfriend—who you are currently cuddling with on the cold porch in front of your mom, an action that is very out of the ordinary for you. you can only pray she doesn't think too hard about everything. suddenly, she gasps. "nico?! like your friend nico?"
you scrunch your nose through a faux smile, "that's the one!"
she laughs, "is that why you were so secretive over the phone? so it would be a suprise?"
"yes." you say through gritted teeth, arm tightening around nico's muscular torso, grounding yourself through your white lies.
your mom beams again, hands clutched to her chest as she admires you both - granted your shivering and your toes are borderline frozen.
"it's nice to finally meet you, ms. y/l/n. i've heard so much about you." nico says easily, his accent perfectly complimenting his relaxed tone and demeanour. he removes his arm from your shoulders, and you fight the urge to pout from the lack of warmth, watching as nico puts his hand out for your mom.
she dismisses the formality, moving towards him with her arms wide open. "oh, honey, please call me ella - and i've heard so much about you, I can't believe you're finally here."
your eyes close in embarrassment, face flushing a deep pink as your mom embraces nico.
"mom, let them come in! it's freezing." your sisters honey laced voiced calls out from inside the house, and you can see her making her way back towards the front door, taylor on her hip as she easily saunters over.
your niece happily shouts as she catches sight of you, begging to be put down. tammy obliges, but tells her to wait until you get inside, not wanting a coat and shoeless toddler to walk onto the wintertime porch. behind her, your brother-in-law joins you, smiling and waving at you through the open door before pressing a kiss to your sisters head.
"yes, of course." you mom smiles, turning on her heels and walking through the door. "c'mon in you two, before you turn into ice."
too late—you think.
right before you and nico can pass the threshold into the log cabin, you mom puts her hand out, stopping you with a playful smile ghosting her face. you sister looks borderline fed up, closing her eyes at your moms actions, and brody just looks excited.
confused, you quirk a brow. "what's happening right now? you all look very weird."
you mom points up, "honey, you're under the mistletoe!" you smile falters, your eyes slowly moving up until you catch sight of the array of green mistletoe leaves dangling above you and nico. "it means you have to kiss - house and mistletoe rules."
nico laughs awkwardly beside you, warm eyes also on the festive plant.
"mom, no." you follow suit, chuckling through your discomfort as you set your sights back on your mom.
her brows pull together, a frown overtaking her face. "what, why not? just a little smooch?"
"they just got here, mom. at least let them take off their boots before you make them get to business." you sister—ever the saving grace—tries to move on from the discussion, sending you a wide eyed look behind your moms back.
you nod in thanks, "yeah. don't you think that's a little inappropriate?"
"why would that be inappropriate?" she gawks. "nico doesn't mind, do you?"
"I mean-"
"i'm your child, and you just met him." you interrupt whatever people-pleasing answer nico was about to spew, looking at your mom with an expression mixed up of amusement and bewilderment.
"c'mon, y/n," brody chimes in playfully. "it's not like we are asking you to suck his-" tammy smacks her husbands chest, a warning for him to not finish that scentence. "ouch, babe!"
"little ears." your sister reminds, gesturing to your six year old niece, who is still bouncing on her heels, desperate for you to get inside so she can steal you away. "don't egg her on." tammy is talking about your mom, who is still clueless on why making you kiss your supposed boyfriend when they just meet him is a bit weird.
the whole situation is stressful and overwhelming, and you kind of just want to turn around and make a run for the car. as if nico can sense your anxiety, his grip around you—now with his arm around your waist—tightens ever so slightly, reminding you that you're okay.
you swallow nervously. "let's not make nico-"
you're interrupted by the firm press of nico's lips on your cold cheek, kissing your face gently. the action seems to momentarily silence your family, but soon you can hear your mom cheer happily, mumbling something about how she 'should've taken a picture to send to your aunt shirley'
but you’re too distracted to register anything other than the lingering kiss against your cheek, and there's no doubt that your flesh is warming right under nico's lips. he pulls away, an easy smile taking over his face—like he's not even affected.
brody snickers, "see, y/n? wasn't so hard."
it seems that everyone is satisfied after that, your mom too busy texting on her phone to stop either of you from coming inside—thank god because you're pretty sure the inside temperature has dropped 10 degrees from the door being open.
as soon as you shut the door, taylor comes skipping over, her gapped tooth smile wide as she looks up at you. surprisingly, she doesn't attack you with hugs, but instead stops in front of nico. she looks up at him curiously, her hands resting on her tiny hips. "who are you?"
her bluntness has you laughing, even more so as you take in nico's amused expression, looking down at your niece softly. he bends down to meet her level, placing his hand out infront of her. "I'm nico, i'm your aunties boyfriend. what's your name?"
he already knows her name, but the formality of it all has you melting slightly, watching the interaction with an amused look. her tiny fingers splay over his palm, doing her best at shaking nico's large hand. "i'm taylor. you’re my auntie y/n's boyfriend?" her bright eyes flicker between you and nico curiously.
"I am."
she hums. "but you're too pretty for her."
you gasp, hiding your laughter. joining nico in his crouched position, you drag your giggling niece into your chest, lightly tickling her torso. "excuse you missy!"
"I don't know, taylor. I think your auntie is actually too pretty for me."
"yeah." she shrugs lightly, finally breaking free of your tickling. taylor shuffles back towards nico, "do you want to see my stuffies?"
"you have stuffies?" nico beams, "of course I want to see them." it's instantly that taylor grabs nicos fingers, leading him through the log cabin and presumably towards whichever room she's loaded off her stuffed animals in. you can hear taylor's excited babbling all the way down the hall, accompanied by nico’s enthusiastic responses as they disappear out of sight.
"honey can you go make sure she doesn't bore him to death. I can picture the tea party now." your sister sighs, looking at her husband expectantly.
"yeah," brody then looks at you, a teasing glimmer in his expression that you have grown to recognize. already, you're rolling your eyes. "I can't believe you're fucking an nhl captain y/n. good for you."
"go!" tammy hides her laugh behind her hand, but you can still hear her amusement through the muffled sound. brody waggles his eyebrows in your direction, further teasing you as he leaves.
thankfully your mom had slipped into the kitchen in the time you and nico had been talking with your niece—saving you from facing her after your brother-in-laws ludicrous comment. you can hear brody mutter something along the lines of 'course i'll go talk to the professional athlete, fuck kinda question is that?' — but you can't be so sure.
tammy grabs onto your arms, guiding you into the large, high ceiling living room. from what you've seen of the ski lodge so far, you're very impressed. it's got that rustic christmas feel that reminds you of your childhood, with grand windows and entry ways that overlook the winter scenery. with only a 5 minute drive to the hills, the resort was practically perfect.
you let your sister plop you onto the worn leather couch, the plaid throws scrunching behind your back as they slip around. tammy immediately sits down beside you—close enough that you're touching knees—facing you with wide eyes. "what the hell."
you make a face. "what?"
she scoffs a gentle laugh, eyes darting all over your warm face. "how long have you been crushing on nico?"
"what-what do you mean?" you blush timidly. you're unsure why the question has you feeling nervous—feeling caught—because nico is just a friend. a ridiculously generous friend who immediately agreed to spend christmas with your family to help you out, and is currently playing with your niece just because she wanted him to....its fine, really.
"well you've told me and mom that he was just a friend—you've been saying that for years and now you're dating? what's that about."
"oh, right." you really need to get a hang of the whole fake boyfriend thing, because the amount of times just today you've already forgotten is just criminal, and you're practically begging to get called out. you huff a gentle laugh, tucking your loose hair behind your ear shyly. "I don't know something just....changed."
"clearly." tammy laughs brightly. "how long have you been together?"
you swallow nervously, thinking back to the discussion with nico in the car about this very question. "only a few months. we kept it secret just in case...you know—bree and dougie are the only ones who knew."
tammy nods understandably, but a disgruntled expression quickly forms on her perfectly blushed face. "i'm kind of offended you told dougie before me."
"if it makes you feel any better, dougie was the one who set us up - so I didn't technically tell him anything." the twisted truth comes easily, and you give yourself a mental pat on the back for that one.
"fine. I feel a little better." tammy smiles, shifting her body so that she's tucked against your side, loungewear covered legs bent towards her chest as she relaxes into you. her blonde hair tickles your neck as she tilts her head up towards you, eyeing you with a playful undertone. "he's cute."
"hey! hit on your own man." you try and push her off of you gently, but tammy doesn't allow it, wrapping her arms around you tighter as she laughs.
"i'm just stating the obvious, y/n/n." her nickname for you has you feeling warm and fuzzy, settling back into your cuddly position. you and tammy have always been close, even with your 6 year age gap. you've always done everything together, and told one another all your secrets—so you feel guilty for not telling her about nico, even though it's not real.
"you really like him?" tammy's question is a gentle and sweet whisper, looking up at you like she just knows.
you nod, probably too fast and too enthusiastically—but thankfully tammy isn't paying attention to that, only listening to your words and watching the way your eyes change into a more relaxed and emotional state. "of course," you breathe, smiling. "I mean...he's always been really sweet and kind. always making sure I feel comfortable in a crowded room, checking in on me when he hasn't seen me in a couple days. and well, just today he's made me the most relaxed i've felt in a long time...." you trail off, clearing your throat gently. "sorry, god i'm blabbering."
tammy shakes her head softly, gently grabbing a hold of your hand. "it's okay. it's sweet."
"auntie y/n! look at nico!" the tiny and shrill voice of taylor interrupts the rather tender moment, but thankfully it allows you take take a calming breathe and let your heart rate turn back to normal. your niece skips down the hall, dragging nico behind her as they round into the living room.
the sight of nico has you stifling laughter. "oh...wow."
nico smirks, hands held out as if he was showing himself off. the princess aurora tiara nestled in his brown hair catches the setting sun, sparkling in the dimming light. that combined with the bright pink lipstick smeared around his mouth and the lime green tutu that is 5 sizes too small for a professional athlete around his hips is just too much. "handsome right?"
you hum, nodding sarcastically as he gives you and tammy a spin—showing off taylor's work. "oh yeah."
when nico faces you again, he winks—so quickly you're not even sure if it happened. it has your face warming once again, your sister nudging her pointed elbow into your side as she wordlessly teases you.
what have you gotten yourself into?
after a very amusing hour of dress up—which of course you got dragged into—you all had dinner, thanks to your mom and her random bursts of energy that allow her to cook up roast dinners every other day.
dinner went surprisingly well, and nico seemed to fit into the family dynamic nicely. it was a weight lifted off your chest as you watched him easily discuss sports with your brother in-law and excitingly answer all of your moms borderline intrusive questions. it's full of laughter and honestly you're surprised at how well everything seemingly is going—it's a relief you didn't think you'd get to experience this christmas.
after a long travel day for you and nico, you both decide to retire to bed early, leaving your sister and your mom in the living room— your mother shouting out a general explanation of which bedroom is yours as you go.
you're not sure what you were thinking, but the sight of the large bed in the middle of the room has you feeling nervous, stomach swooping at the thought of having to share a bed with nico. you suppose you believed that some part of your mom still pictured you in highschool with a boyfriend and would make you and nico sleep in separate rooms or beds.
clearly not.
the bed looks absolutely heavenly though, with lots of fluffy pillows and a nice duvet with complimenting throw blankets draped over the corner—you can't wait to sink in and pass out.
nico, who had gone and got your luggage right after dinner, drags both of your suitcases towards the dresser, the gentle click of the handle sliding back into place echoing throughout the room. he turns back to you, "I can sleep on the floor if you're uncomfortable."
your eyes snap away from the luscious bedding and over to nico—he must’ve seen your blank stare. you shake your head quickly, "no - no, we are adults. i'm not going to make you sleep on the floor."
you can practically see the relief on his face and in that moment you're completely convinced that nico would've set up camp on the rug if you asked him to.
you continue, ignoring the weird flutter in your stomach. "plus my mom will probably burst in here every morning to wake us up and I don't want to make up some lie about why my boyfriend is sleeping on the floor instead of in the bed."
"of course." he chuckles, the quiet sound settling through the warmly lit bedroom comfortably. "what side do you want?"
you snicker, waving your hand as if you're trying to appear nonchalant. "oh, i'm not picky."
nico eyes you, one brows raised in question as if he can see right through your attempt at coming across easy-going—you've never even been close to that. "are you lying?"
your shoulders deflate. "yes."
he laughs again, watching as you make your way over to the left side of the bed, tossing your phone in front of the pillows as if you were marking your territory. "it's furthest from the door." you hum like it's obvious, looking at nico with timid eyes.
"sure." he hums softly, eyes lingering one yours for a moment longer before turning away.
nico has his back turned to you, digging through his carry-on in search of his toiletry bag. you watch the way his muscles move, his compression shirt giving you the perfect view of the ripples and hard work he's put into his body. you've never really noticed how in shape nico is—I mean sure you've like noticed he's got muscles because he's a professional hockey player...but you've never appreciated them like you are right now.
you blink. "huh?"
nico smirks, and you instantly realize he's caught you checking him out. you blush wildly, trying your best not to collapse into an awkward puddle. "I asked if you want to use the bathroom first."
you clear your throat, "no go ahead."
he gives you another knowing smirk before disappearing into the on suite bathroom (which, holy, how nice is this place), travel toiletry bag and a new pair of sweatpants tucked under his arm. as soon as the door clicks shut, you let out a deep breath—one you hadn't realized you'd been harbouring.
thankfully you hadn't worn makeup today, knowing that you’d be travelling—the feeling of being stuck with makeup on your face during the couple hour drive here sounded like a living nightmare. so while nico is busy in the bathroom you quickly change into your christmas red striped pyjamas, shoving your dirty clothes back in your suitcase before nico can see.
the door opens again just as you locate your toothbrush, revealing nico is his team branded sweatpants and...oh he's not wearing a shirt. you swallow heavily, eyes quickly flicking over the expanse of his muscular torso. "bathrooms free." he says, easily moving towards the bed.
you nod. "yeah, thanks."
right before you can shut the door, he calls your name, stopping you in your rather frantic pursuit into the bathroom—which is lingering with the scent of nico's cologne. he smiles at you playfully. "i'll keep the bed warm."
that's it - you're going to drown yourself in the toilet.
you managed to not drown yourself last night—shockingly enough. after nico's fluttering eyes and stomach swooping tease last night, you'd made some stupid joke, one that you can't even remember—you're pretty sure you blacked out. you shut the bathroom door quickly, taking as many deep breathes as you felt applicable.
the entire time you'd been brushing your teeth, you just kept going through calming mantras in your head, desperately trying to grasp ahold of the shit show inside your head. thankfully the rest of the night was easy—easy because as soon as your head hit those inanely comfortable pillows you were out.
the reason for waking up this morning—like expected—was because of your mother, who loudly entered your and nico's room with a tinsel covered sweater and bright smile. "wake up love bugs. taylor wants us all to go into town and look at the trees together!"
you're then hyperaware that nico is obviously still without a shirt, and you happen to be tucked against his bare chest like your life depended on it. his peck, although it doesn't look it, is a surprisingly comfortable pillow. your body stiffen's against him, but before you can roll away, nico tightens his grip around you, keeping you in place.
"give us a few minutes." you manage to tell her, practically rigid against the devils captain. "nico isn't wearing pants." you can hear him make a noise of protest beside you, pinching your hip between his fingers.
"take your time you two!" she sing songs, leaving the room with as much pep in her step as usual. as soon as the door clicks closed, you push off nico, but he doesn't let you get too far, fingers wrapping around your wrist to stop you.
"why'd you tell your mom i'm don't wearing pants?"
"I panicked."
"you're ridiculous—you know she's going to think we had sex now." his amusement is clear, and although it's at the expense of his dignity, nico is enjoying the humor of it all.
you shrug, slipping out of the bed. "hate to break it to you but they already think that."
through the mirror you left your bag in front of, you watch nico eye you from the back, his brows pulled curiously. "and why's that?"
"didn't you know? i'm secretly this like crazy minx who brings different boys to family trips and-" you're interrupted when nico tosses a pillow towards you, his laughter echoing throughout the room.
"get dressed freak."
you think one of your favourite things about being around nico is that no matter how his comments make your stomach swoop and how his gentle lingering eyes leaves your heart pounding, it's always easy to speak with him and just...be his friend.
which you suppose is normal with friends—you think?—its kind of hard to tell. you've only been close with your sister growing up, and then when you met bree in college she became your only other companion. when bree met dougie and inevitably started dating him, it opened up this new world to you; going to events and games, meeting so many people all with different personalities and backgrounds.
meeting nico was different though, because unlike the catalog of people that had come in and out of your life, nico was a constant. in the four years of knowing him, he's always managed to be that person—that friend—you felt you'd been missing. despite always playing nonchalant about your relationship with nico, dismissing him to be just a casual friend, you did really like him and cherish that friendship...and it kind of scares you.
after you moms abrupt wake up call, you and nico quickly got ready for the day, bundling in your warmest clothes to bare the chilly downtown weather—granting your nieces christmas tree browsing wishes.
the town is decorated beautifully, with stunning icicle lights dripping from every building, red ribbon wrapped around poles and pulled into bows at every corner, and the trees—filled with various sized and shaped ornaments that perfectly encapsulate the christmas season.
it feels like something out of a hallmark movie with the gentle pressure of nico's hand in yours, guiding you both behind taylor as she excitedly makes you look at everything. your sister and brody watch in amusement, very used to their daughters excitable personality. and of course your mom makes you and nico pose for hundreds of photos, because she has to 'capture the beautiful moment and the beautiful couple.'
she evens asks for you and nico to kiss—again—but just before you have to make up another excuse, brody chucks a snowball right at your chest. you immediately start hurling them back at your brother-in-law, distracting everyone from another non-kiss moment between you and nico.
after a few hours in town you all head back to the lodge, stomachs ready for some warm food to heat up that achy cold emptiness.
you place the serving tray full of freshly buttered buns in the middle of the table, next to the sour cream and shredded colby jack cheese—both necessities with your moms homemade chilli.
on the other side of the table, nico places one of the last bowls, the ceramic dishes clanking together—it's a peaceful noise, one that's often heard in kitchens. his eyes suddenly flicker towards you, and when he catches your stare a slinky smile curves at his lips. "are you judging my placement right now?"
the tease—so mundane and playful—has your smile growing, butterflies tickling the lining of your growling stomach. "never."
his gaze narrows, "well i'm definitely judging your butter abilities—that spread is so uneven."
you gasp, "think you could do better, hischier?"
"oh," he laughs, "I know I could."
you smirk, picking up one of the grapes sitting loose in the fruit bowl at the end of the counter, tossing it in nico's direction. but like the coordinated athlete he is, catches it in his mouth, chewing the crunchy grape slowly—winking at you while he chews.
"y/n," your mom looks at you over her shoulder, "do you mind just finishing adding the herbs? I gotta run upstairs quick."
"sure." you hum, making your way over to the stovetop, taking the long handled wooden stirring spoon from your mom. she thanks you with a squeeze on your arm before waltzing out of the kitchen, disappearing up the stairs.
as you begin twirling the utensil through the thick chilli, you feel nico come up next to you, his chest brushing against your arm. "why are you stirring it like that?"
you look up at him with wide eyes, your amusement clear. "you are just tearing my cooking apart today."
he laughs, "you're not cooking anything. you're simply just spreading and stirring."
a noise similar to a scoff falls from your mouth, and you tear your gaze away from nico quickly. "i'll spread something all right." you mutter with faux irritation, turning your shoulder away from him.
nico laughs again, chest rumbling against your skin. "that sounded dirty." his forearm wraps around your torso, holding you against his chest.
you're momentarily speechless with the feeling of nico touching you so intimately. your slow stirring comes to a stop, the end of the wooden spoon almost falling into the pot—but you don't notice. your head slowly falls backwards, resting just under nico's collarbone. "what are you doing?" you ask quietly, looking up at him.
nico leans down, his lips brushing against your ears. "what does it feel like i'm doing?" his breath is warm on you and you feel a static travel over your body—from your ears, down to your neck and shoulders, even reaching your toes.
"it feels like you're trying to hit on me." your words comes out breathily, barley reaching your own ears.
"maybe I am," he shrugs, and like he didn't just send your heart plummeting to your stomach, nico says, "your sister is watching us."
discreetly your eyes dance towards the large living room where you catch a glance at tammy—who is trying to not make it look obvious as she stares at you both lovingly, a cheesy smile on her face.
"so the only reason you're touching me is because of the audience?—that's a bit freaky, even for you nico."
he pinches your side lightly, which sends you squirming backwards, further into his embrace—chilli and herbs long forgotten. "i'll take any excuse to touch you, y/n."
nico looks down at you warmly, that boyish grin on his face that makes him look so warm and cuddly. you feel your face heat up at his insinuation, and you look away from his playful expression, bowing your head so you're looking back to the chilli.
"you're so pretty when you blush," nico mummers against your skin, pulling you back to his chest.
your blush deepens, a light laughter bubbling through your chest as you playfully push him away. "you're distracting me."
before nico can say anything else, the distant voice of your mother approaches. "and this is the kitchen! isn't it just so beautiful susan? I mean not just the lodge but the whole resort."
susan? who the hell is—oh my god.
nico watches your face drop, your eyes darting towards the kitchens entryway as the voices grow closer, this susan lady answering your mother just as enthusiastically.
he's quickly back at your side, a gentle hand brushing against your lower back. "what's wrong?" nico's question is hushed—determined.
you're honestly surprised that you can hear his whisper over the blood rushing in your ears. the rush of anxiety that pumps through your blood is overwhelming, and the reason you'd brought nico to your families christmas vacation comes trampling back. you swallow roughly, "susan...she's my moms friend and-"
"guys, this is my friend susan and her son scott!" your moms chipper tone halts your scentence, you and nico watching silently as your mom gestures to the unexpected company.
scott is...actually not that bad to look at—which is a gold star on your moms part. the dark haired man is standing merely few feet away from you as he moves to greet tammy. he's got that finance bro look to him, with a crisp button up shirt underneath his puffer vest—why men insist to wear vests inside is something you'll never understand.
he greets brody like a typical male would, bringing him in for a quick slap on the back—a smile on his face that shows his perfectly white teeth.
"y/n, honey this is scott." you mom singles you out, which of course she does, pointing towards scott with a wink in your direction.
you can feel nico stiffen against your back, his forearm snaking back around your waist. before you can think, you let your hand rest over nico's, interlocking your fingers between his resting against your torso.
"nice to meet you, y/n." he greets with a grin. "i'm scott. i've heard so much about you."
"you too, scott." you smile politely. "this is nico-"
"her boyfriend." nico finishes your scentence firmly, the hand that wasn't around your body jutting out on the other side of your body for a handshake. 
scott breathes a laugh, shaking his hand. "boyfriend, huh? lucky guy." briefly scott's eyes flicker back towards you, eyeing you with a look you can't decipher. you feel yourself shrinking further back into nico, seeking that comforting aura that is the devil's captain.
"very much so." he agrees firmly, squeezing the flesh of your hip. there's a tense moment of eye contact between the two men, almost like a wordless battle of alpha male energy—which isn't very like nico.
scott hums curiously. "you look really familiar. do I know you from somewhere?"
"must have one of those faces." nico answers modestly, shrugging his shoulders once.
tammy waltzes into the kitchen, followed by her husband who is holding taylor in his arms. hearing the tail end of the conversation, brody pipes in with a quick laugh. "he looks familiar cause he's the devils captain dude—we are in the presence of jersey royalty."
"a professional athlete?" scott questions, that curious but condescending tone still laced in his voice. "bit unstable, no? unpredictable with trades and that?"
"can be. thankfully i've been lucky enough to have been with the devils since 2017."
"lucky indeed." once again, scott's eyes flicker back to you—giving you that awkward and uncertain feeling.
sensing the tension, tammy quickly intervenes. "taylor did you want to show scott and susan your stuffies before dinner is plated?"
taylor glances towards the two guests. "no." then her tiny brown eyes move towards you and nico, and instantly she's skipping towards you both. "nico can you sit beside me at dinner?"
something prideful blooms in your chest at taylor's request and dismissal of scott and his rather uncomfortable presence. "I don't know taylor," you begin teasingly, "I wanted to sit beside nico first."
she laughs, her adorable toddler giggle like music to your ears. "how about we both sit with nico."
you hum in faux thought. "should we ask him? see what he thinks?"
"yes." she giggles.
nico, who has obviously heard the entire interaction, pretends like he was unaware of the conversation happening quite literally in front of him—he ponders the question playfully, index finger tapping against his chin. when he tells taylor that he will sit with both of you, her tiny face lights up, and you can't help the way yours does as well.
dinner is served very quickly after, brody on serving duty as he fills every bowl with a hefty amount of chilli. the dinner runs relatively smoothly, saved for a few condescending questions from scott asking about only nico. for somebody who was seemingly trying to get to know you—despite having a boyfriend—scott seems to be really interested with the man beside you rather than you yourself.
thankfully only an hour after dinner and enduring painfully boring conversation with susan and scott, they end up leaving to go back to their lodge, and thank god because you desperately are ready for sleep by that point—excusing yourself and nico as you head towards the bedrooms for another much needed nights rest.
you pull the duvet back, creating enough space for you to climb in.
nico follows suit, slipping under the cool flannel sheets. "scott seems..."
you interrupt his trailing thought. "like an asshole?"
"yeah." he breathes. "truly what is that guys deal?"
"I don't know." you roll onto your side, facing nico with a huff. "I can't believe my mom still invited them to dinner. even though susan is supposedly her friend—who, by the way i've never heard of before tuesday. I thought she would've at least...I don't know? respected my boundaries? is that fucked up to say?"
nico shakes his head against the pillow. "no, it's not."
you groan, your irritation clear. "and then when she first introduced us and she winked at me? like hello, what is that about? because as far as she's concerned i'm clearly not looking for a relationship. I brought you here for this exact reason and-"
"hey," nico breathes gently, gathering your attention by running his hand over your pyjama sleeve covered arm. "it's okay, you're okay. I understand that you're feeling stressed and frustrated but don't get in your head about this."
you take a deep breath, nodding.
nico continues, "I don't think she had any malicious intentions with inviting them to dinner. I think she was pleasing people—like you would."
"I just wish her people pleasing didn't involve a literal walking bag of crap."
nico breathes a quiet laugh at your insult. "she just wants what's best for you, y/n—like you said. she doesn't realize that it's making you uncomfortable and she's too distracted by it all to notice that scott is 'a literal walking bag of crap.'"
your lip tugs upwards slightly.
"you should talk to her about it."
you groan, face rolling into the fluffiest part of your pillow. "I think as my boyfriend you should talk to her for me."
"i'm not actually your boyfriend." he laughs.
you scoff. "way to ruin the mood."
nico's smile is barley visible through the dark bedroom, but you can still see it, and the sight had you following suit, a grin taking over your face. he rests his head on his bicep, facing you. it all feels so intimate and precious and you never want to forget it.
your heart beat feels like it's bordering on dangerously fast—making you feel the best kind of nervous. you're glad the room is dark because you blush, clearing your throat. "i'm so happy that you're here nico. I don't know what I would've done today if you weren't with me."
his smile falters slightly as he swallows thickening salvia, eyes trained on your face softly through the moonlit room. "i'm happy i'm here too..with you."
you peer down the snow covered hill, gnawing on your lip in an unsure manner. "does it seem bigger from up here?" your hands wrap around the ski poles tightly, desperately trying to keep yourself from moving forward.
nico expertly slides in front of you, his skis bumping yours. "do you want to go back down? we can just walk back to the lodge if you're feeling scared."
you shake your head quickly. "i'm not scared...im just worried about falling on my face." truth of the matter is that you are feeling scared—scared because you actually hadn't skied since you were 10, and you'd actively avoided the actual ski part of your holiday trips by sitting in the lodge and reading whatever book you'd been into since then—but not this year.
nico wanted to get out on the hills, and even though he said that he didn't mind if you wanted to stay at the house or even in the holiday themed ski lodge, you didn't want him to feel alone out there, especially because he's doing you a favour in just being apart of your families christmas—so here you are on top of the ski hill. plus, any excuse to get away from scott, which of course your mom invited him and susan to spend the day with you all, you'd take.
"you're not going to fall on your face." nico tells you, his tone gentle as he looks down at you.
"you don't know that." you say. "what happens if my ski catches a divet in the ice and I go head over heels into the snow?"
he laughs gently. "the only reason you'll fall is because your hairs in your face—here." nico ditches his poles in the snow, and with glove covered hands he reaches towards your face. gently he tucks your hair underneath your hat, pushing away any hairs that have fallen out from your braid.
you swallow, eyes flickering over his face. "i'm a little nervous." you finally admit.
"it's okay to be nervous." nico adjusts the strap of your goggles over your pink helmet, moving it into a proper position. "it's also okay to back out."
"I don't want to back out." you huff. "I want to do it."
his lip tugs upwards in a half smile. "yeah?"
"yeah." you nod. "but you have to do it with me." you both make your way—you very cautiously—towards the edge of the slope. "i'm serious nico."
"I won't leave your side, okay? fix your knees like I showed you earlier...yup, just like that." he watches you intently, making sure you're in a proper position. nico finds your face again, an apprehensive look in his eyes. "you sure?"
"think so." you hum. "it’ll be fine." before you can decide to back out, you manually push forward until your skis take over, sliding down the first dip of the hill, sending your downward.
the sound of your skis slicing through the icy snow is a rather relaxing sound, one that has a smile breaking out on your face. the feeling of quickly moving through time, with the cool air kissing your exposed cheeks is rather freeing, and for a moment you're not thinking about anything other than yourself and nico.
you can hear nico follow suit, following your tracks within a safe distance. "good! keep your blades a little bent! like pizza." he calls to you, voice travelling through the wind whipping past your ears.
"am I doing it?!" you question loudly, eyes still casted forward as you reach the middle area of the slope, continuing the rather speedy descent down the snowy hill.
"you're doing it." nico answers proudly—a boyish chuckle following.
"oh my god!" you scream happily, "i'm doing it." you slide over a small lip on the hill, propelling slightly into the air. miraculously, you land with only a small teeter in your legs, continuing to ski downwards.
in a moment of excitement, you turn to look over your shoulder, eyes wide and full of disbelief as you find nico. "did you see that?"
his face falls. "y/n, watch out!"
as soon as nico's warnings finishes, you feel somebody slam into you, affectively sending you off balance and smacking towards the ground. you feel the snow cover your face as you land, and you groan out, eyes closing as a quick wave of pain washes over you.
"holy fuck—y/n are you okay?" the voice sounds a little distant to your ears, like they are muffled. they help you sit up, gently cradling your biceps with their hands as they pull you into a sitting position.
you squint in attempt to focus your vision, blinking quickly to clear the blur. "what?"
nico's concerned face slowly appears in your eyesight. "are you okay?"
you groan again. "I think so."
he breaths loudly—a sound of relief. his hands move from your arms and towards your face, un-clipping the helmet strap from under your chin. nico pulls the hot pink protective gear off your head, leaving you with your damp beanie and snow coated braid. "you scared me for a second there. does anything hurt?"
"not really, maybe just a little sore and bruised." you swallow gently as you watch nico as he gently moves your head from side to side, checking for external injuries. his gaze is so intense—so focused. the embarrassment and lingering pain in your limbs has you feeling emotional, and your lip trembles. "i'm sorry."
instantly, nico's eyes snap back to yours. "don't apologize." he watches the way your eyes begin to well up with tears, quickly looking around as if you're seeing how many people are watching you. immediately he knows you're feeling embarrassed on top of everything else, and he pulls you into his chest, pressing a quick kiss against your hairline over your knitted hat.
you can barley feel the kiss, but it's enough to where the gesture has you melting—melting because he wasn't doing it because somebody in your family is watching or making him…nico simply just wanted to.
"you're okay." he mumbles against your hat.
"I think I wanna walk the rest of the way." you mumble waterly, attempting to joke.
he smiles against you, "you think so?" pulling back, he meets your eyes, a boyish grin on his face. the sight instantly has you feeling better, and with a small grin you nod.
nico helps you remove your boots from the ski blades, popping open every latch and button so you're easily able to slip out of the boot slot. he follows suit with his own ski's, freeing himself of the blades hold so he's left in only the chunky boots.
a familiar voice calls your name, approaching you and nico. "shit i'm sorry." scott says, stopping in front of you with his ski's tucked under his arm. "I didn't realize it was you."
nico stiffens. "you hit her? seriously?"
"I just said sorry man." scott huffs. "no need to get all annoyed."
his brows raise is pure shock, eyes squinting accusingly in the shorter man's direction. "sorry doesn't help. what if she got seriously hurt?"
"she didn't though."
nico breathes in disbelief. "that's not the point."
scott takes a step back, "relax, dude."
"she's my girlfriend. I can't relax."
"whatever." scott looks back towards your shy face, offering you a sympathetic shrug. "sorry again y/n."
you nod once. "thanks."
that's all it takes for scott to leave again, practically jogging away from the both of you, back down the hill. he disappears behind the slope of the hill, and immediately nico is turning back to you, his expression that was only moments ago hard and strong, now soft. "he doesn't deserve your apology."
"I know." you breathe. "but I was done listening to him."
nico nods understandably, but he looks slightly worried—guilty maybe? "are you upset with me about that?"
"no. i'm glad you were here to defend me honestly. I would've crumbled under the pressure of my own need to be a people pleaser." you laugh lightly.
the ghost of a smile takes over his face. "promise?"
you nod. "help me down the hill? I need you right now—my hips a little sore."
in an instant nico is grabbing you, careful of your sore hip as he wraps an arm around your torso. "let me know if you need to stop at all, okay?"
you both begin to slowly walk down the hill, nico dragging the ski stuff behind you. "you worry too much." you tease him, gaze flickering to his face.
he breathes a laugh, not looking away from the hills. "yeah I worry cause I—" he pauses briefly, a gentle gulp following. "cause you're my friend, y/n."
"your friend?" you question his choice of words quietly—timidly.
finally, he meets your eyes. "yeah."
there's a moment then, where you're looking at one another with eyes that say a million things your mouths can't yet. you're unsure whether or not nico was about to admit to something—deeper feelings—before correcting himself, and you're not sure if you'll ever know.
but you're too scared—to anxious—to find out. because if it's not the answer you're hoping for, your christmas eve will be ruined, and your heart will be broken.
you laugh, breaking the tension. "that's not very fake boyfriend of you to say."
nico blinks once, but soon his expression changes into a more playful one, eyes twinkling with amusement. "c'mon y/n/n."
the warm bubbles are slightly ticklish against your skin, but it's a pleasant feeling. you sink further into the hot tub, letting the jets and heat do their job on your sore body.
as the sun started setting through the kitchen window, the pain of your earlier incident was only getting worse, and you could barley move without hissing in pain.
after the 8th groan of discomfort during jim carey's grinch, your mom suggested the hot tub. after all what good were you trying to put presents under the tree if you couldn't even bend over to pick them up.
the almost instant relief from the hot tub was enough to have you moaning out, submerging up to your shoulders and letting the water splash up your neck.
a beat passes and the sliding door sounds, opening into the cool night. "hey, got the presents from my car." nico stands by the entrance, peering through the dimly lit deck over in your direction.
"did you give them to tammy?" you question gently.
"I did." nico hums, gently shutting the door behind him. "you okay in there?"
"getting there." you sigh, eyes carefully watching as nico makes his way through the covered deck—no doubt the cold snow covering his feet in the slides he’d slipped on before getting the presents.
"anything you need from me?"
the nighttime pain reliever you’ve been popping since getting back from the lodge has you feeling a bit sleepy and loopy—completely erasing any kind of filter you have. you raise a brow, squinting at him through the mist coming off the water. "I want you to get in."
he laughs gently, resting his hands against the edge of the tub as he looks over at you. nico takes his lip between his teeth briefly, eyes flickering over your submerged figure. "didn't bring a bathing suit."
"nico." you whine, dragging his name out.
"you can't get upset with me," he smirks, "you didn't tell me there'd be a hot tub."
"okay, well just strip down into your underwear and get in." you breathe, "promise I won't look." you hold your hand up like you’re in scouts, looking up at him with most puppy-dog expression you can manage.
"y/n..." he trails off, almost like a gentle warning.
you continue. "i'll even let you have one of my three towels afterwards so you don't have walk back inside in just your underwear.”
his brows pull together. "why did you bring three towels?"
"I like to be extra warm—just get in."
a moment passes—practically watching the gears turn in nico’s head as he debates your ask. just when you think you’ll have to beg again, desperate to have nico close to you, he sighs, pushing off the edge of the hot tub. in one swift motion he pulls his hoodie off, his muscles flexing beneath his rising t-shirt, exposing nico’s hard v-line and happy trail.
you smile in satisfaction, watching as he continues to shed his clothes until he's left in just his black boxer shorts. you try your best to not stare—you really do—but when your fake boyfriend happens to be that muscular and hot, it's hard to keep your eyes away.
he quickly steps into the steaming hot tub, joining you under the water. "happy?"
you smile triumphantly. "very much. I feel better already."
"I bet you do."
a beat passes, only the sound of the running jets to be heard through the night. it's very relaxing, and with nico with you it now feels 10 times better. under the water you extend your leg until your foot gently nudges his leg—grabbing his attention. "thank you again for today. for everything, I just...i'm really happy that dougie called you for me. because I would've been too nervous to ask you myself."
his brows raise. "why would you have been nervous?”
shyly, you shrug. "I don't know, I just didn't want you to think I was...taking advantage of you or something."
"I wouldn't have thought that—I don't think that." nico moves closer to you, the warm water sloshing around slightly as he comes to a stop in the seat beside you. instinctively you turn your body towards him, eyes curious and knowing all at once.
a beat passes.
"did you know when I was a kid on christmas eve I used to convince my sister that if she didn't let me have her last advent chocolate santa wouldn't come."
you grin. "you didn't."
he laughs. "I so did. and I remember feeling like such a badass about it to. then when she found out that santa wasn't real and I was simply just conning her into an extra chocolate she lost it—and I mean lost it."
"what did she do?"
"obviously she told my parents, which was expected." nico hums. "but she also smashed my game system—like completely destroyed it with our dads hammer."
you gasp, "no."
"yeah and I cried like a baby."
you laugh gently.
nico continues. "looking back now I definitely shouldn't of been so sneaky. and now every christmas I always buy her an advent calendar as an apology."
"that's kind of cute." you coo sweetly.
his eyes soften at the sound, watching your head tilt in admiration. "you would really like her. you two are kind of similar."
you stifle a knowing laugh. "after hearing how she smashed your gaming stuff I think I have to agree—one year I sent taylor's favourite scarf for a trip in the fireplace."
nico snickers, "you little rebel."
"don't laugh," you smile. "she had taken my favourite babydoll I'd opened that christmas and covered the entire face in marker. so instead of going to my parents like I should have, I just threw her scarf right in the fire."
"damn," he breathes. "remind me not to steal your baby dolls."
"oh since then i've kept them all locked away, so you'll never find them." your eyes glisten with a playful shimmer, looking at nico teasingly. he mimics your lighthearted expression, a warm smile pulling on his lips.
your eyes wander to his exposed arm, catching sight of the familiar pattern of ink on his inner arm. "i've always like this one." slowly you reach out, tracing the tattoo with a wet finger.
"yeah?" he watches the way your touch moves over the artwork, your fingers leaving a wake of goosebumps on his skin—despite the heat from the hot tub, chills run over his body.
"yeah." you nod. "does it mean anything?"
"it's my families star signs," he points to the first one, tracing the greek symbol. "they all bleed into one another, almost like it's representing a family line."
“nico that’s…really cool.” you smile gently. "when did you get it?"
he laughs gently, a blush coating his cheekbones. "long time ago."
you snicker, eyes flickering back towards his face and away from the sentimental tattoo on his string bicep. “alright old man.”
he quirks a brows at you, amused. "we're the same age."
playfully you shush him, bringing your finger towards his plump lips in a silencing motion.
quickly, nico grabs your wrist, pulling your tiny hand away from his face. his firm yet teasing grasp around your hand sends your skin into a flurry of flames, igniting under his warm palm.
his eyes flicker between your eyes and your pouty lips as if he can't decide where to look—what to do.
you lean in ever so slightly, scared that if you move too suddenly you'll wake up from a dream. nico's hold on your hand changes, fingers trailing down your wrist and off your arm.
his hand finds your slick thigh under the bubbly water, and your heart feels like it's going to jump out from your ribcage with how hard and intensely its beating. as nico's thumb begins to rub along your skin, pleasantly tickling your thigh, you think you may just die.
your hand inches towards his torso under the water, your fingernails just scraping softly against his abs—
"I should get out." nico mumbles. "I haven't packed yet and I gotta leave before 9."
you swallow the disappointment you're feeling, blinking away your emotions as you pull your hand away. "yeah. sure."
he gets out of the hot tub, and you can't even watch him as he does. nico wraps himself in one of your towels before gently looking back towards you. "i'll see you inside, okay?"
you hum in acknowledgment.
and then he leaves.
you mope in the hot tub a little bit longer than expected, and by the time you finally drag yourself back inside the only person awake is your mom.
she sits on the couch silently, finishing up some last minute wrapping of what seems like a gift for brody—some football jersey for a team you don't recognize. "feel better honey?" she asks.
you nod once. "yeah, thanks." you start to walk further into the home, towards the stairs, but your mom stops you, calling out your name quietly.
"before you go upstairs," she sighs, "I just wanted to say i'm sorry about scott. I shouldn't have even put that idea in your head when I called you and I shouldn't have invited him and susan around the that times I did. he was not only disrespectful towards you, but he was disrespectful towards nico and your relationship."
your chest warms. "thanks mom. it's okay."
"but I already invited them for breakfast after presents tomorrow—honestly susan is kind of a bitch and the last thing I need is for her to fuck me over to corporate because I didn't have her and her asshole son over for breakfast."
you snort, which has your mom joining in on the hushed laughter. you're truly not upset about that, and if anything the whole thing is so authentically your mom that you're almost glad she invited them.
just when you think she's done, your mom continues with a twinkle in her eyes. "I must say y/n, I've never seen you happier or more comfortable in a relationship that what i'm seeing when you're with nico. honey I don't know why it took you so long to realize there was something more between you, because nico is special."
you feel tears well up in your eyes, a million unsure emotions coming to a tilt in your throat. you nod. "yeah. he is."
"do you really have to go?" taylor's tiny voice wobbles with emotion slightly, looking up at nico with her wide animated eyes.
he crouches down to her level, soft gaze unwavering. "unfortunately. I have to work tomorrow.”
"okayyyy." she pouts. "maybe next time you can bring your stuffies for the tea party."
"that's a great idea." he grins at the way your nieces face lights up, already giddy at the thought of the next party.
your mom suddenly cooes, moving towards the front door where nico stands with his suitcase. she frowns at him, "honey thank you so much for coming, you've been wonderful."
he stands to his full height, embracing your mom as she wraps her arms around him in a familiar hug. "thank you for having me."
you watch silently, gnawing the skin around your thumb anxiously. you'd been dreading this since you were awoken at 7 by your niece for presents, and saying goodbye to nico today was weighing on you heavily—even with the lingering unspoken words from last nights abrupt departure.
"safe driving, nico." tammy smiles towards him kindly.
brody chimes in, "yeah man, can't have you going down. the devils need you."
your fake boyfriend laughs gently, nodding. "i'll try my best to get home in one piece." then nico's eyes flicker towards you, a soft yet sad expression pulling at his face. he takes a deep breathe, plastering on a bigger smile. "i'll see you when you're home."
you nod, your own forced smile on. "i'll see you then, nico." there’s an unspoken meaning with the goodbye—one that feels permanent and you hate it. with one more emotional glance in your direction nico waves goodbye to your family….and then he leaves.
the hallow feeling that runs through your bones is almost painful, your eyes trained on the spot he was just standing. a million feelings run through you at once—hurt, anger, confusion, warmth, guilt. it's all one big stressful ball, but yet somehow through all that you know there's real feelings for your friend there, ones that have been making your heart run ramped and your stomach flip around with butterflies for years.
"hey," scott's quiet voice interrupts your thoughts, looking over at you with flirtatious eyes. "if things with lover boy don't work out, ill be here." you’d honestly forgot him and susan were here, arriving just after taylor had tore through all her presents for breakfast.
it had you rushing to open your present from nico—because of course he bought you a present—his jersey and a handbag you’d been wanting for years. a handbag that only bree knew you loved, meaning that he talked to your best friend to get you the perfect christmas gift.
and yeah…you really like nico hischier.
blinking out of your thoughts, you properly turn and face scott. "that will never happen."
you look around the room at your family, who have now all resumed their normal routine throughout the home. taylor’s making your brother-in-law open every new toy so she could play with them, while your mom and susan busy themselves in the kitchen, talking while the kettle boils for another round of coffee.
you catch tammy's eyes and she nods—knowingly. you breathe a sigh of what feels like relief, and a tiny smile begins to pull at your lips. "i'll be right back." you mutter, and before you even realize what you're doing, you slip on somebodies slides, leaving out the front door.
the wind blows right though your gingerbread pyjamas, the cold biting against your skin—but you don't care as the only thing you can think about is him. "nico!"
the sound of your voice has him pausing, rounding from the back of his vehicle where he was loading his suitcase in. nico’s brows pull together tightly, looking and feeling rather confused as you hurriedly make your way towards him—merely slipping out of your shoes as you hit a patch of ice.
"what are you doing?" he questions.
"don't go." you words a rushed, looking up at him with a shy confidence in your eyes.
nico sighs quietly. "I don't really have a choice."
you shake your head, eyes closing in frustration. "I know - fuck don't don't go just stay...for a second."
"what are you trying to say, y/n?"
"I like you - like really like you." finally you break, looking towards nico with nothing but vulnerability on your face. "and I think deep down I always knew that, but something about this weekend...watching you interact with my family and seeing how much they like you—it's amplified everything to 100."
you swallow the lump forming in your throat, trying your best at keeping your voice steady as you continue. "and I really didn't think i'd be chasing after a guy in my pyjamas this weekend, but here I am. because you're not just some guy, nico. you're the guy. and I can't let you leave without saying that because I don't think i'll ever have the courage to say it again."
nico swallows. "I can't believe you just told me that." he pauses, a small laugh bubbling past his lips. "and right when I have to leave. because now I really want to stay."
you let go of a breath you weren't aware you were holding, relief rushing over you body at his words.
he continues. "I like you so much it's not even funny."
"you do?" you question shyly.
"yes." nico takes a step towards you, now close enough to reach out and touch. "you're my favourite."
"favourite what?" you whisper.
"everything." he reaches out, gently taking ahold of your face between his cold palms. his thumbs stoke along your cheeks comfortingly, looking down at you with half-lidded eyes as his gaze moves towards your lips. "what was the rule about kissing again?"
you inhale sharply, your own eyes watching nico's lips inch closer and closer towards yours. "only if absolutely necessary."
"thought so." nico's words are mumbled between you, lips brushing against yours before he finally closes the gap, connecting your mouths in a much desired kiss.
in that moment it's hard to think about anything other than the skillful and practiced kisses nico is giving you, his hand nestled at the base of your skull as he holds you to him, but one thing you do know is that you should've done this fake boyfriend thing years ago.
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moonstruckme · 4 months ago
dare i say carmy coming home to ur shared apartment and you’re napping so he starts on dinner for u but you wake up and feel immensely guilty that he’s just come home from hours of cooking only to cook some more…(i want to kiss him so bad it’s embarrassing)
Thank you for requesting lovely!
Carmy Berzatto x fem!reader ♡ 544 words
You wake to the sound of sizzling in the kitchen. 
A groan tears from your throat as you untangle yourself from your blanket, searching for your slippers underneath the couch. Your apartment darkened without you noticing, the only light an orange glow coming from above the stove. 
“Carmy,” you croak, coming up behind him to wrap your arms around his middle. He jolts a little but relaxes once he realizes it's you. He still smells like the restaurant, like focaccia and a dozen herbs you could never identify on your own. 
“Hey.” He settles one hand over where your wrists cross on his abdomen. Calloused and intimate. “You good?” 
You rest your cheek on his shoulder, the ends of his hair tickling your nose. Your head hurts. “I’m sorry.” 
“What?” Whatever’s on the stove sizzles and pops. You hear his wooden spoon scrape through it. “Why, what’re you sorry for?” 
“I was supposed to do dinner.” 
“What?” Carmy asks again. He half turns his head, trying to see you. “Did we say that?” 
“No,” you mope, “but I was gonna. I was just taking a nap after work, and then I was gonna get up and make dinner. I didn’t mean to make you come home and cook after you just left the restaurant.” 
Your boyfriend makes a short, derisive sound. “You’re not making me do shit. It’s fine, I don’t care.” 
You sigh against the back of his shirt, your body heavy with misery. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t—quit saying that.” Carmy flicks down the heat on the stove, turns in the circle of your arms so that he’s facing you. He takes your face in his hands, grip firm. “You’re sick. It’s fine. I don’t expect you to make me dinner even when you’re not sick.” His brow wrinkles. “That’d be kind of fucked up and misogynist, right?” 
You feel a tug on your lips. “Yeah, I guess. But you cook all night anyway. And I’m not that sick anymore.” 
Carmy frowns. “Your face is still hot.” You think it probably goes a tad hotter at his notice, a tickle of shyness skittering across your skin where his thumbs rest on your cheeks. “Anyway, I don’t need you contaminating our food. It’s gross.” 
“Faulty logic,” you say, voice softening, “considering we share a bed and all that.” 
Now Carmy’s face is heating. You can tell from the pink splotches blooming by his nose. “It still feels grosser when it’s food. I don’t want your snot or whatever in there.” His expression softens slightly. “I’m not trying to be mean.” 
“I know.” You wrap your arms around him more tightly, your face to his chest. “Okay. Thank you.” 
He palms the back of your head. “You’re still fucking sick,” he mutters, but keeps you close as he rotates you both back towards the stove, pushing things around in his pan. 
“Yeah, maybe. My head hurts. Thanks for making dinner.” 
“It’s nothing fancy.” 
“What’re we having, Chef?”
“Now I feel like you’re gonna be disappointed.” 
You smile against Carmy’s front. “Never. What is it?” 
He lets his hand slip down from your head, petting down your hair to rest between your shoulder blades. “Uh, tomato soup. From the can.” 
You sigh blissfully. “You read my mind.”
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charlesslut16 · 1 year ago
-He's sick-
summary : Sebastian is sick and you and yourk kids do everythingf you can to help him recover...
PAIRING : sebastian vettel x fem!reader
note : i hope that you like this!
december masterlist ; masterlist��  
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You woke up to the sound of gentle sniffles coming from your husband, Sebastian's, side of your shared bed. The soft morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow on his face as he stirred restlessly.
He was clearly not feeling well, and it was evident from the way he shifted uncomfortably under the blankets. Either he threw them away, because he was hot or the other way around, he held the blanket to him, as he was cold.
"Seb, my darling, are you okay?" you murmured concerned, reaching out to feel his forehead. It was warm, not alarmingly so, but enough to confirm that he had definitely caught a sickness bug.
Sebastian's voice was hoarse as he responded, "I think I've got a little bug, my love, nothing major."
Your heart went out to him. He rarely felt ill, but when he did, it was like the world had turned upside down. Today was supposed to be a relaxed day with the kids, full of fun and activities.
But plans needed to change now, and you were determined to make it as comfortable for him as possible. He needed to recover swiftly, because you hated when he felt off.
"Okay, my love, don't worry. I'll take care of everything," you assured him, gently kissing his forehead before slipping out of bed. Today was his day to do absolutely nothing but relax.
First things first: a comforting and tasteful breakfast for your loving but ill husband. You prepared a pot of steaming hot tea, a bowl of chicken soup, and some toast.
The aroma wafted through the whole house, and even though Sebastian's appetite was subdued through his sickness, he managed a few sips of tea and a spoonful of soup.
Meanwhile, the kids, full of boundless energy, burst into the room with wide eyes and curious expressions. They were confused that Daddy wasn't there in the morning to wake them up.
"Is Daddy sick?" your youngest asked, concern etched on their little face.
You nodded, crouching down to their level.
"Yes, sweetheart, Daddy's not feeling well today. We need to make sure he gets lots of rest and feels better soon, so we can play and have lots of fun as we had planned, okay?"
Their little heads bobbed in agreement to your statement, and with that, the mission to cheer up Daddy began. The whole day would be devoted to helping daddy feel better.
Throughout the day, the house was transformed into a makeshift haven of love and care. The kids gather their toys and books, setting up a cozy nest beside the bed.
They brought their favorite stuffed animals to keep Sebastian company and insisted on reading stories aloud, their voices a melodic chorus that filled the room.
You brewed more tea for your husband, bringing it in a cheerful mug with a bright smile. Even if you didn't want to admit it, secretly you loved taking care of Sebastian.
"Honey, I made you some herbal tea. It'll help soothe your throat."
Sebastian's lips curled into a weak smile, touched by the thoughtful gesture. "Thank you, love."
The day unfolds with a blend of tender moments and laughter. The kids created handmade "Get Well Soon" cards, decorating them with colorful drawings and heartfelt messages. They sang songs, trying to make up lyrics that would magically cure Daddy's sickness.
As evening approached, you prepared a simple yet nourishing dinner. Nothing fancy, just comforting food that might entice Sebastian's appetite. He managed to eat a little, and though his spirits were low, the love and care surrounding him uplifted his mood.
Before bedtime, you gathered the kids around for a family hug. "Let's send Daddy lots of healing hugs and positive thoughts so he feels better tomorrow," you suggested, and the kids nodded enthusiastically, wrapping their little arms around Sebastian.
As the day winded down and the kids drifted off to sleep, you tucked them in, whispering promises of a brighter tomorrow. Turning to Sebastian, you saw him looking at you with gratitude shining in his tired eyes.
"You're amazing, you know that?" he whispered, his voice still raspy.
"It's what we do for our loved ones," you replied softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "You just focus on getting better, okay?"
And as the night settled in, you lied beside Sebastian, holding his hand as he drifted into a peaceful slumber, surrounded by the love of his family. Tomorrow would bring a new day, hopefully, one where the sickness bug had bid adieu, leaving behind memories of a day filled with love, laughter, and unwavering support.
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sbnslver · 4 months ago
Heaven ˚➶ 。˚ Taehyun
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ boyfriend! Taehyun x fm!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Summary: Who better to take care of you when your sick than your own boyfriend, well maybe if your boyfriend isn't Taehyun.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Fluff ! Warning! There is talk of pills (it's just cold medicine)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Author's note: Completely self indulgent since I have been sick for far too long. Also Over the Moon SOTY! (not proofread)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Masterlist
You wake up in the morning with a dull ache in your throat and the frustrating realization that you were struggling to breathe through a stuffy nose. You try to sit up, but as you move, your head begins to feel heavier, and every motion feels like it’s taking all of your effort. Every swallow makes your throat burn, and all you want to do is just burrow yourself under the covers.
The thought of getting out of bed seems nearly impossible now that the warmth of your bed is sucking you back into the land of sleep. You pull the covers up to your chin and close your eyes, hoping to sleep off the aches and feverish chill. Just as you're about to drift off, your eyes shoot open as you remember the day. You reach over to your bedside table and pick up your phone; it’s 11 a.m. You were supposed to be getting ready to go out with Taehyun. The both of you finally had a free day in your schedules, so you had planned a date. Just a picnic in the park, a way for both of you to relax and enjoy the outdoors. 
  You let out a groan of frustration. Of all the times to get sick, it just had to be now. You hold your phone in your hand, hesitating over the call button. You felt terrible about having to call Taehyun and cancel, especially since it was his idea in the first place; not only that, having to tell him you were sick was going to be a whole other mission on its own. 
Taehyun is the sweetest man on Earth; you love him with every fiber of your being. He’s kind, loving, and affectionate, and he always knows just what you need. However, he has just one minor flaw, and it’s turning into an overbearing, doting caretaker when you’re sick. It’s completely overbearing; refusing to leave your side, he insists on piling you up with blankets, spoon-feeding you endless bowls of soup, and not letting you skip a single dose of medicine. He even tries every home remedy he knows, fully determined to get you feeling better before the day ends. While you appreciate his caring nature, all you wanted to do right now was sleep in bed unbothered. 
With a sigh, you finally hit the call button, sitting up in your bed and breathing in quickly, trying to unclog your nose as much as possible and trying to sound as normal as you can. You clear your throat as you hear the sound of your lovely boyfriend on the other line. 
“Y/N? Is everything okay? We were supposed to be meeting up at 3, right?” Taehyun picks up a worried tone lacing his voice. 
"Yeah, I’m fine, Taehyun; it’s just..." You slowly drift off, hesitating to end your sentence. You let out a sigh and closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the worst. “I think I’m coming down with something. Nothing serious though, just, you know, a little cold.” You quickly add, “I think it just might be better for me to stay home. I don’t really want to get you sick.”
You hear shuffling on his end of the line and small grunts that you can only assume is Taehyun. “Baby, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” He says hanging up the call without giving you any chance to reply.
"No, Taehyun its-” you hear the line beep. Defeated you sigh and put your phone back down on the nightstand to prepare yourself. 
As you're lying in bed fighting hard to keep your eyes open, you hear keys jingling from your front door, and not even ten seconds later, Taehyun is at your side, his cold hand on your warm forehead. 
“You’re not burning up yet, but just in case, lets get you bundled up, hm?” Taehyun grabs blankets from your closet piling them on top of you tucking you in tightly to your bed. 
“Baby, I can barely breathe,” you laugh watching him frantically try and tuck you in. You free one of your arms and grab him, steading him beside you preventing him from leaving to retrieve more blankets. “Tyunieee– I missed you…thank you for coming over here; you really didn’t have to though.”
“Nonsense, you really think I’d let you be here alone? Besides, I missed you too.” He beamed down at you and bent over to give you a shy kiss on your forehead. Just as quickly, he clears his throat and looks away from you, crossing his arms looking around nonchalantly. “Now anyway, back to business. I know you still have medicine here from the last time you were sick; where is it?”
You let out a giggle at his antics, “Behind the mirror in the bathroom.”
He nods curtly and makes his way over. Once he returns, his hands are full of different pills and liquids, all promoting to cure colds and fevers. “Alright, are you ready?”
“Taehyun, is this really necessary? I swear I'll be fine if I just get some rest; really, it’s not that bad.” You whine grimacing at all the medicine that he threw down on the bed. “You being here is enough.” All you get in return is a disapproving look. You sigh and pout.
Taehyun runs out of the room and returns moments later with a glass of water. He sits next to you and opens the first bottle pulling out two orange pills. He grabs your hand and places the pills in the center of your palm signaling for you to put them in your mouth. You grimace and put them in your mouth and he hands you the glass of water. You take it, fill your mouth, and altogether swallow the water and the two pills. Before you can place the water down next to you, he’s already placing a cup with purple liquid in your hand. You give him a questioning glance. 
“It’s for your throat, it should get rid of the soreness,” he explains, holding the small cup out to you.
“I thought only little kids took liquid medicine.” 
“Exactly,” he laughs, pinching your cheek.
You begrudgingly take the cup and shoot back the foul tasting liquid making a disgusted face as the flavor hits your tongue. “Ew, that's so gross no matter how many times I have it.” You look at Taehyun with a pout on your face. You raise your arms up towards him. “Cuddle me?” You ask giving him puppy dog eyes and jutting out your lower lip.
He looks at you, his face faltering for just a second before he quickly straightens up and says, “Nuh-uh, there is still more to do.” He races out of the room before you can protest. “I’m making you soup.” He yells from what you can only assume is the kitchen.
The pout on your face deepens and you let out a dramatically loud huff of air hoping that he can hear it and you cross your arms. “C’mon Taehyun just come cuddle me,” you whine “I’m feeling miserable the least you can do is cuddle with me.”
You hear footsteps getting closer to your room, anticipating Taehyun to enter You quickly turn on your side away from the door and close your eyes. You hear an exasperated sigh. “You are such a handful,” he laughs and you hear him set down the bowl of soup on the table next to you as the bed dips and you feel his hand against your forehead. “You feeling okay?”
You nod in response. “You love me though,” You smile, eyes still closed ignoring his presence.
“That I do, now c’mon sit up so you can eat.” He grabs your arms and hoists you to a sitting position moving your pillows so you have something to lean against. He grabs the bowl and lifts the spoon to your mouth. “Open up.”
You stare at the spoon and back at him, reluctantly opening your mouth allowing Taehyun to spoon feed you. “I’m not a child.”
“What are you talking about? You’re literally my baby,” he coos giggling and offering you another spoonful. “Y/N?”
“Hmm?” You respond, mouth full of soup.
“You can tell me to stop, you know?”
You choke on your soup. The sound of his words leaves you hurdling into a coughing fit, unable to catch your breath and your eyes watering. “What?!” You exclaim.
He pats your back soothing your coughing fit. “I just mean if it bothers you when I take care of you, just tell me to back off. I know I can probably be overbearing but I just love to take care of you,” He admits sheepishly. You notice his ears turning a light shade of  pink and you can’t help the sheepish smile that graces your lips. 
You reach for his hand and give it a small squeeze. "Taehyun, of course I love and appreciate that you take care of me and I know that it can’t be easy dealing with me being stubborn. I really do appreciate it.” You tilt your head to meet his gaze hoping he can see their warmth. “I just worry that you’ll get sick.”
“Well even if I do, I know you’ll take good care of me.” He laughs, tension dissipating from his body. Taehyun continues to spoon feed you until there is nothing left. “Well I’m going to go clean up okay?” He gets up from his spot from the bed bending down bowl in hand to give you a light kiss on your forehead. “I’ll be a right back cutie,” He winks.
“I don’t think I look very cute right now,” you're getting drowsy now, the medicine from earlier is finally working its magic. “You better come back soon mister.”
He just lets out a laugh before returning to the kitchen. You hear the sink begin to run as you imagine Taehyun is washing the dishes. As he’s gone you sink further and further under the covers, your eyelids feeling heavier as each moment passes. Not long after Taehyun returns, stopping in his tracks at your bedroom , noticing your sleeping figure. A small smile adjourns his lips as he takes light steps forward. 
He kneels down next to you and his cool hand settles against your forehead. You flinch slightly before returning back to your peaceful sleep breathing soft and even. He frowns slightly at the warmth, a pang of worry pulls at his chest, finger lingering as if his touch alone could somehow relieve you of the fever. Reluctantly he pulls his hand back and his gaze falls upon your features. He takes his hand against and lightly traces your face. Along your nose, eyelashes and eyebrows. He tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear eyebrows knitting them together in worry.
“Please get better soon…I hate seeing you like this,” he sighs. He gets up from the floor and moves to the other side of your bed quietly slipping in under the covers. He moves ever so slightly as to not wake you and slowly wraps his arms around your figure. Instinctively you move so that you nestle on his chest taking in his scent.
“I’m here… and I’m not going anywhere,” he murmurs, almost as if reassuring himself. “I’ll stay right here with you.”
Minutes pass, and he finds himself listening to the soft sounds of the night, the faint rustling of blankets as you nestle closer, his own heartbeat steadying as he holds you. He finds himself slowly drifting to sleep, his eyes growing heavy as the room fills with the warmth of your shared breaths.
Just as he’s about to fall asleep, he feels your hand shift slightly, curling into the fabric of his shirt as if anchoring yourself to him even in sleep. A small smile forms on his lips, and he leans down to press another soft kiss to the top of your head, whispering, “Sleep well. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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Under The Weather
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Pairing: Season one/younger Spencer Reid x Female reader.
Summary: Spencer has come down with the common cold, and as a germophobe, he is not having the best time.
Warnings: Just fluff, very vague mention of periods, and of course mention of the cold/flu.
Word count: 501 (Hella short, I know...)
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You laugh into the receiver and pray that your boyfriend doesnt hear from down the hall. “Don’t worry. Our little genius will be back to work in no time,” you say warmly to Penelope through the phone then wish her a goodnight. Out of everybody at the BAU, Spencer was the last one you’d expect to catch the common cold. He's still wrapped up in the blanket and pouting as you bring his bowl of soup to the bedroom. "Y/N," he says, and you suppress a laugh from his nasally voice. “I’m hygienic, right? I avoid handshakes and wash my hands frequently... I even take vitamins! How on earth did I get sick?” His rage and whining reduced his IQ from 187 to an average of 100, causing a placebo effect as your IQ increased.
"It's not always a matter of how hygienic you are," you say as you set the hot bowl on the tray in front of him. "Actually, no matter how healthy they are, the average adult gets the common cold two to three times a year," you say. Spencer gives you a deadpan expression. "Hey, I thought I was supposed to be the smart one," he complains.
You laugh at his immaturity. “Come on, eat up. The soup will help your throat," you say, ruffling his hair slightly, and he squeezes his face, one of his usual stims. You observe him as he picks up the spoon, scoops the soup with it, and swallows it. As the hot liquid soothed his sore throat, you could see him relax.
This was the first time Spencer was sick since you made your relationship official. You've gotten sick plenty of times, including the symptoms of your menses, which he took very seriously. The times you were sick with the cold or the flu, Spencer gave you princess treatment, along with countless ‘fun’ facts about the human body. 
Your relationship was never fully understood by the other agents at the BAU. They knew Spencer was a 'pretty boy,' as Morgan affectionately refers to him, but aside from his looks, the crew through Spencer had very little social knowledge about girls. Oh, how wrong they were. Yes, he was shy, but he was such a loving partner when he was alone with you. He was attentive and remembered every detail. And he took care of you, mentally and physically, just as you were doing for him right now, as if it were a vow he made at the altar because, in his mind, he already had.
"Better?" you ask. "Getting there," he says. "Thank you." Spencer takes a large gulp before speaking. “Did you know that it's not actually the warm temperature of the soup that helps your throat, but the sodium in the recipe? That's why gargling salt water is commonly used to treat a sore throat.” And just like that our normal Spencer was back, albeit the nasally and hoarse voice still made it impossible to take him seriously.
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brabblesblog · 10 months ago
𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝖞𝖊 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘.
Ch 12: I hold myself supremely blest -- blest beyond what language can express
A sequel to Whither is thy beloved gone? (AO3)
After the events of ‘Whither is thy beloved gone?’ Lord Astarion Ancuńin and his consort wife navigate their relationship anew. The ghosts of the past - his, hers, and theirs - threaten to unravel everything they’ve worked for.
A reunion amongst friends and a little surprise await the bride-to-be.
Professionally edited and collaborated on by my dearest friend <3 @editing-by-night
Read on AO3.
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Art by @adactaaries
Ban was halfway finished with picking out cutlery, deciding between two soup spoons that looked rather similar when hands covered her eyes. Immediately she noticed the lack of Astarion’s scent, finding the aroma of parchment instead.
The hands let go and he chuckled. “Congratulations are in order, I take it?”
“Thank you,” she turned to give him a quick hug. “But… aren’t you scheduled to be here in two days, together with the rest?”
He seemed to dither for a moment, and she raised her eyebrows. “I was supposed to, but Astarion requested that I come a few days ahead.”
“He- what for?” Ban watched as Gale opened his mouth to speak, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
Astarion smirked at her. “I’ve asked for Gale’s assistance regarding… certain matters, which are to be a surprise.”
A surprise? Does he mean the plans to get my father to speak up? Ban assumed so. Perhaps he’d made progress and wanted to surprise her with it, although she couldn’t fathom what Gale could do to help.
“Alright.” She smiled at Gale again, then gestured in the direction of the guest rooms. “Shall we?”
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As they walked together, Gale cleared his throat. “I assume things worked out for the best between you and Astarion?”
She inclined her head. “It did.”
“Not that I’m doubting you, but-”
Ban cut him off with a look. “You’ve read my letters. We… we’ve worked it out.”
“I know.” He let out an exasperated sigh. “I know it’s highly unlikely, and likely rude of me to say so, but I merely wanted to be sure you aren’t trapped, that he hasn’t found some way to compel you.”
“I appreciate the concern. I really do. I assume I’ll also be having this conversation with the rest of our companions.”
They reached the door and Ban opened it, revealing a huge, ornate bed and a desk. A large painting hung on the wall opposite the window.
Ban looked around, collecting her thoughts. “Thank you for checking. But Astarion and I have never been happier.”
“He does seem more… relaxed,” Gale admitted. He sat on the bed, tiredly toeing off his shoes. “He sent his request to come ahead of time and for once he didn’t sound…”
“Off-putting?” Ban offered, and he chuckled.
“He sounded like his old self.”
Ban snorted. “Yes.” She didn’t intend to elaborate to their friends. It was enough for them to know that they were together and happy; she didn’t think it necessary to share much with the others about their relationship.
“And how are you doing, Gale? Any news from Waterdeep? I know Astarion invited Vel’s former spawn through you.”
“Nothing new, other than Enxisys and Miaxisys now apparently rule the roost,” Gale replied. He scanned the room, eyes pausing for a moment on the painting, but he didn’t remark on it. He cleared his throat. “Erm. You two have done a fair amount of redecorating since we were last here.”
“Almost tore the place down and rebuilt it from the ground up. We expanded the gardens, as you saw on the way in, redid the entrance, the dungeons…”
“Dungeons.” Gale groaned, “What joy.”
“They’re shops now. We’re not keeping prisoners. Well. I say we - but I know what you assumed. Him.”
“Oh, I figured. You wouldn’t have stayed had that been the case.” He waved a hand. “I suppose he’s not what we thought he was. A pompous, arrogant arse, and a little… domineering, in his little tyrant-y way, but that’s not really anything new from the Astarion we knew. Just… more.”
She laughed at the thought. “You’re not wrong. But… Gale, a favor, please. Something I’d ask of you, and of everyone, once they’re here.”
“Go ahead,” he said, curious.
“Be nice. To him.” She paused, searching for the right words. “He… what happened at the rite, after it, the reunion... It all still hurts him.”
She could see Gale consider her request. “I’ve always been… nice to Astarion. At the very least, civil.”
“I know, but he did feel betrayed by all of it.” She patted his knee. “A little more kindness would do wonders. He needs it.”
Gale softened at her words. “I’ll try, and I’ll inform the others as well. For what it’s worth, I could always see how much he loves you. After the rite, it seemed… misguided, along with the rest of him.”
Ban sighed. “Misguided, misunderstood, mis…” she waved a hand, “Missed. It was much missed.”
She fell silent for a moment. “Thank you for coming here, and indulging him in… whatever he wants you to do.”
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Gale walked through the palace, arms clasped behind his back. Astarion had summoned him to a spare room in one of the palace’s annexes. The third room from the landing, the chamberlain had said, and Gale managed to find it, the door left slightly ajar. He stepped in and saw the Ascendant, dressed sharply as usual, in an embroidered doublet.
“You asked for me?” Gale shut the door.
Astarion turned to face him. He looked… uncertain, and Gale had only ever seen that on his face when Ban had been kidnapped.
“Gale.” Astarion cleared his throat. “I appreciate you coming ahead on such short notice. This wouldn’t be possible without your participation.”
“Of course. A few days made little difference. I simply had to ask for a longer leave from the academy.”
“I see.”
To Gale’s surprise Astarion fidgeted. He watched him cross his arms across his chest. For a long moment the two men stared at each other in silence.
Gale was the first to break it. “About… Ban. We- I was just with her and-” He tried to hold Astarion’s gaze. It wasn’t hard, and if he had to guess, there was some measure of amusement there, however veiled. “I simply want to clarify that whatever feelings I had for her back then,” he waved a hand, “are… gone. Poof!”
He saw the Ascendant’s lip curl, but was surprised it was to smile rather than sneer. Astarion pursed his lips momentarily, then huffed a small chuckle, his voice becoming haughty - and yet…companionable. “You are free to feel however you wish to feel about Ban. It is completely understandable to find yourself smitten; I myself am obviously not immune to her charms.”
Gale spluttered. “Yes, I mean, she is wonderful and all that, of course! However I’m trying to say-”
“I am aware,” Astarion interjected. His voice was chilly, but he was still smiling, and now his eyes were crinkled. The mirth in them was impossible to miss. “And I am saying it’s fine.”
“Oh.” Gale shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Alright.”
The smile on Astarion’s face was replaced by a pensive expression, and he turned away from Gale to face their little project. Gale heard him exhale.
“Between the two of us, I’d say I’m the one who needs to clear the air,” Astarion began. “I’ve yet to express my gratitude for taking Ban in when she needed it most. When she needed someone to give her aid, you were there, despite the potential risks to yourself.”
Gale swallowed. “I did what needed to be done. I wanted to do right by my friend. Whether I felt anything romantic for her or not was irrelevant.”
“I appreciate that,” Astarion turned, meeting Gale’s gaze. His eyes, to Gale’s surprise, were wide and earnest, the hooded, guarded expression absent. Gale hadn’t seen Astarion look so guileless since… well, possibly ever.
“While it… stung that none of you cared to remain friends with me after the rite, or to communicate with me before providing her assistance in leaving,” he began, “I comprehend your reasons. After all, I was with her every single day, and even she didn’t do that.”
Gale considered explaining himself, but decided to wait. Astarion took a deep breath and pushed on.
“I have to thank you, however, for aiding her - all of you, were I to be completely frank. Her departure was…” his eyes flicked away, “much needed. It was what she needed, and it was what I needed to set myself on the right path.”
Gale nodded, surprised and pleased by Astarion’s - by his friend’s candor. “Er. You’re… welcome, I suppose. Well, it all ended up for the better, so.”
He shifted his attention to the hulking object by Astarion, clapping his hands together and smiling eagerly.
“So, my friend. Shall we begin?”
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Ban watched the foyer doors open and was immediately accosted by big, burly arms; she gasped out a weak “Karlach!”
“I’m here!” Karlach exclaimed, squeezing Ban tightly. “Withers said he’d be coming to the wedding itself, but-” she gestured from herself and Wyll, “-we’re his gift!”
“Delightfully considerate of him,” Astarion mused dryly from where he stood behind Ban. Karlach let go of her.
“Hey, Astarion,” she waved at him awkwardly.
He lifted his eyes from his fingertips, which he had been very pointedly studying. “Hello, Karlach.”
She beckoned Wyll over, and he pressed a horned skull onto Ban’s palms; it smelled sulphuric, and Astarion’s nose burned.
“Our wedding present,” Wyll said, looking at both of them. “It isn’t much, but-”
His words were silenced by Ban’s tight hug. As she released him he stepped towards Astarion, offering a hand.
Astarion seemed to freeze for a moment, staring at Wyll��s proffered hand before clasping it for a firm shake.
“Thank you, Wyll. I… I appreciate it.” There was a stiffness in how he held himself, even now he was awkward in the face of kindness from anyone but her. Ban found it rather endearing and amusing.
The next face Ban saw was Halsin’s; evidently everyone had traveled together. He wrapped his arms around her, and the scent of earth filled her nose. After a long moment he set her down and turned to hug Astarion as well. To her surprise, he accepted and returned the gesture without complaint. Whatever had transpired in their conversation in Rivington had clearly established a warmer relationship between the two.
Then Lae’zel, who gave Ban a quick once-over. “I came to make sure you were healthy. And you,” she said, turning to Astarion, “are lucky they said she would likely want you alive last time. Chk.”
He bit his lip, then ground out a terse reply. “Formidable as you are, I wouldn’t be so certain I was the lucky one that day, Lae’zel.”
Lae’zel opened her mouth, but Shadowheart interjected before it could escalate. “Astarion! I’m so happy for you both.” Like Halsin, she hugged Astarion. Ban sagged in relief when he allowed it, looking only mildly baffled by the gesture. Ban mumbled a quick thank you when it was her turn for a hug. She’d told Shadowheart everything when they’d met to discuss the Sharran cloisters, and she was glad to see that had been enough for Shadowheart to warm up to Astarion.
Astarion blinked, seemingly bewildered after his second hug of the day. He recovered quickly, clearing his throat. “Thank you, Shadowheart.”
He turned, eyes roaming over everyone. “I shall have our chamberlain lead you all to your rooms. Dinner will be at sunset.”
Ban smiled a little, watching his shoulders drop as the chamberlain led their former companions deeper into the palace.
“You handled that well.”
“Well enough,” he grumbled. “They still loathe me.”
She stepped closer, cupping his cheek. “They do not. And if some of them do, love, we’ll change their minds by the time the night is over. And then tomorrow…” she pecked his lips, “Tomorrow that will be the least of your concerns.”
He sighed. “I know. I merely-” he shook his head ruefully. “Best not bring it up, I suppose. What’s done is done.”
“You could clear the air. We have all of tonight to do that,” She scanned his face. “Is there more troubling you?”
“Not troubling me, dear.” The corner of his lip tugged up into a smile, arms wrapping around her for a quick hug. “On the contrary; there’s something I can’t wait to show you.”
“Oh?” She leaned into his touch, a small moment just for themselves on this busy night. “Perhaps something between your legs?” She crooned, batting her eyelashes at him coyly.
“Your wedding gift,” he purred into her ear, eliciting a chuckle from her.
“If it’s some expensive jewelry again, or more art… Gods. We’ll run out of walls to hang them.”
He smirked. “It is expensive, and rare. But you’ll have to wait until the end of the night to see it.”
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They entered the dining room to see everyone seated and waiting; Ban slipped into her usual seat to the right of Astarion. Wyll broke the silence that had fallen when they walked in.
“We’re all happy for you two,” he began, his hand reaching for the stem of his goblet. “For… working it out. Shadowheart and Gale kept us abreast of the… developments.”
Astarion, who’d been pouring himself some blood from their shared bottle, set it down with a rather loud clink.
“Working it out,” he spat out. “Of course we did, no thanks to you lot.” He knew she’d had to leave, knew it had needed to happen, but that didn’t lessen the hurt.
Karlach leaned forward. “We did what was best for Ban. And you were-”
“I know what I was,” Astarion hissed. “I merely wish someone… had approached me. Then again, why did I even expect anything of the sort? You all distanced yourselves after the ritual, avoided me as if I was some… leper, and not one of you reached out to me when Ban…” He felt Ban’s hand cover his own and he squeezed.
“I understand why you did what you did,” he pushed on. “I simply wanted you to know that it hurt me - all of it.” Clenching his jaw, he looked down at their entwined hands.
He took a deep breath. “But all is forgiven. We are here to celebrate, not throw old grievances around.”
Silence met him for several long moments, broken only by Gale reaching over to clap a hand on his shoulder. “We understand, Astarion. I meant what I said before. We’re still your friends.”
Their companions voiced their agreement and several quiet apologies were offered.
“I… Thank you,” Astarion mumbled under his breath, reaching for his goblet.
With that out of the way, conversation began in earnest. Astarion watched it all, listening to nothing in particular, unsure of how they actually felt about him. Will they always look at me and wonder if someday they’ll be called upon to rescue her from me once more? Will I ever be just Astarion to them again?
As the food was served and he prepared to eat, he caught his name.
Shadowheart. He looked to her, curious.
“Karlach was asking if you’d be able to take on a cambion now,” she explained.
“Cambion, I’m not certain. An incubus, most assuredly so.” He smirked, the pleasant memory flashing through his mind.
Lae’zel fixed him with a baleful glare from the other end of the table. “If by that you mean to say you killed Haarlep… I am almost impressed.”
“I did indeed,” he preened, raising his glass to her. “As previously implied, I could probably take you on.”
She laughed, a challenge in her eyes. “Chk. I would like to see you try.”
Ban cleared her throat. “Before you challenge Lae’zel, Astarion, you should try sparring with me.”
“Only if you can stay in mist form for longer than a minute,” Astarion quipped; pleased to hear the laughter from the rest.
“The day I do is the day you’ll regret saying that.”
Karlach snickered. “Look at you two! At us! Just like the good old days, eh?”
Astarion glanced at her, a wistful look in his eyes. “With much better fare, but I agree.”
“The camp food left much to be desired,” Halsin agreed. He was seated between Lae’zel and Shadowheart, his more homely clothes a contrast to his surroundings.
“Thank you!” Astarion exclaimed emphatically, to loud snickering.
“You don’t even eat!” Gale snapped, indignant.
Astarion wrinkled his nose. “I didn’t eat, but I could smell.”
“I eat,” Karlach intoned, “and it sucked.”
“Apples, fish heads…” Shadowheart added, before sipping a spoonful of soup.
Gale spluttered. “I had no choice! That was all we had!”
“You were with Ban and Astarion most days, Gale. You could have taken the time to find more palatable fare,” Wyll suggested, deadpan.
Ban scanned them all, a small smile flitting over her features. “Astarion said my breath after I ate your stews was rancid.”
“Rancid!” Gale raised his index finger. “I’ll have you know my mother taught me how to cook!”
Laughter filled the room. The warm candlelight threw them all into reddish hues, and if Astarion squinted, it was almost as if they were back by the campfire. He looked to his beloved, saw her laughing, and it was as if no time had passed. His heart swelled.
She shot him a smile, the one that was just for him, reaching over to tangle her fingers in his, their hands set on the table for all to see.
She leaned in to ask quietly, “Feeling better?”
He pressed a kiss to her cheek before replying.
Astarion’s eyes locked onto hers and he directed his answer to her mind. I do not require their approval, or their friendship, but… I will admit that having it again is nice. He reached for another forkful of his dinner.
She nodded almost imperceptibly. You and Gale had a conversation about it, and I had discussed things with Shadowheart and Gale, as well. Halsin-
Halsin and I made amends some time ago. He fixed her with a pointed gaze, sending a small sliver of his memory-
Coming apart on her lap, Halsin’s gift spreading him open, feeling it hit his spot with every thrust. The look on her face as she fucked him, praised him, loved him, his desire and joy comingling in an overwhelmingly intense rush as he came.
She hid her answering grin from their guests, resting her head on her hand and tilting her head his way; her legs crossed. I assumed as much, seeing as he seemingly gifted that to you with no preamble.
Astarion shrugged. It was a wonderful present. I do find myself curious about how he’ll attempt to top that for his wedding gift. He let his eyes rake over her. Hopefully his new present will have me writhing with just as much pleasure as the previous one did - perhaps even more, seeing as you’ve improved your… skillset.
Ban snorted, rolling her eyes. She pointedly stared between his legs, licking her lips slowly. I saw him carry something in when he arrived. Something large and fragile, by the looks of the container. She showed Astarion what she had seen: a rather sizable box, gingerly set on the floor when Halsin greeted them and picked up with great care and cradled afterwards.
If it’s fragile, then it’s quite unlikely to be what I was looking forward to.
He saw Ban splutter mid-sip, failing to keep her laughter hidden. You want more? We already have a sizable collection - every size and shape - and we barely even use them!
I prefer having it once in a while, like a fine vintage - imbibe too much and you lose appreciation for its finer notes. Besides, most of the time I’d much rather be buried inside you.
She choked on her wine at that, a loud sound that would have captured everyone’s attention had they not been engaged in their own conversation. He watched her squirm with deep satisfaction.
You tease!
Astarion hardly recognized the carefree, throaty laugh that escaped him, but he didn’t attempt to stem it. He lifted her hand, stroking her fingers with his own. He pressed a soft, lingering kiss to her wrist, exhaling through his mouth to let the warm rush of air tickle her flesh. She shivered and her eyes closed as she bit her lip lightly. He chuckled and her eyes snapped open in a playful glare; it merely served to amuse him more. He was certain breaking their fast would be memorable.
There was a small ripple of nervous energy amongst their guests, and he tilted his head, shifting his attention to them.
“-don’t even know if they’d realistically survive doing that.” Gale, engaged in conversation with Karlach, drank deeply from his goblet.
Karlach’s eyes snapped towards Astarion, realizing he was listening to their conversation. She elbowed Gale.
“What? I mean, healing abilities aside, which I’ve personally witnessed…” Gale trailed off to see Astarion’s gaze on him.
The painting in Gale's room. One of their more unusual commissions, a piece depicting Ban feeding from a wound in his chest. He crossed his arms, amused.
Ban had followed her husband’s eyes. “You two taking bets?”
Karlach pointed her fork at Gale. “He said Astarion would die if you two actually did it. And I’m not betting against the wizard.”
Astarion chimed in. “You have personally witnessed me stabbed in the heart, Gale. What gives you the impression I wouldn’t survive a shallower incision?”
“I merely thought… with the size of the wound depicted on it…”
“Never heard of artistic license?” Karlach answered without missing a beat.
Gale’s glare was withering. “I know what artistic license is, Karlach. I was merely wondering if they actually did it to the extent depicted, if at all.”
“I’m not confirming nor denying anything.” Ban’s lips curled in a smile as she said this.
I’m almost tempted to tell him we did, he told her. Her eyes flicked to him.
I don’t need any rumors of me eating your heart-
Astarion shrugged. Suit yourself. I wouldn’t mind everyone thinking us debauched, senseless fools, driven mad with lust for each other. He placed a hand high on her thigh and squeezed. As if that were not true.
“You’re driving me mad,” Ban muttered under her breath, her legs visibly squeezing together.
He drank from his goblet to hide his smirk, caressing her now-tensed thigh in slow, languid strokes. One more day, Ban. I hope you’ll survive it.
For the rest of the evening, the dining room was filled with the sounds of eating, of clanking dishes, of drinks being poured and stories being told. Throughout it all, the sound of laughter reigned supreme.
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After everyone else had retired for the night, Astarion led her blindfolded through the palace, hands on her shoulders. “We shall take a left, and a right in twenty paces.”
Ban groaned as her toe stubbed a nearby armchair. “Gods, must it really be this way?”
He’d led her up one of the palace’s staircases, through corridors they rarely passed through, and she kept bumping into things.
“Must? Of course not. However I’ve spent too much time and energy preparing this to merely present it without at least some fanfare. Besides - how many times do I need to decline answering that question?”
“Where are you taking me, then?”
“Ask better questions and I might consider indulging you.”
“If by indulging you mean giving yet another non-answer, no.” She laughed. “You absolute prat, I-”
Her words were swallowed by his mouth seizing hers, his tongue diving between her lips before she could react. She felt his hands slide their way to her ass, squeezing firmly enough to elicit a gasp. He pulled her hips forward, grinding himself against her, and she ached at the feel of his cock, hard and hot, pressing exactly where she wanted him. It was delicious - electric - but before she could lift her hands to tug him closer, he’d already pulled away. She could hear him panting and knew she wasn’t the only one whose self-control hung by a thread, much as he liked to pretend otherwise.
“A little more patience, my love, and you’ll-”
“We’ll,” Ban corrected, smirking.
There was a rustle of cloth as Astarion adjusted himself, then cleared his throat, the snort barely hidden. “Fine. We’ll both be rewarded for our restraint.”
“Not fair,” she whined. “You get to touch me, just like that, get to use your words, and I’m just immediately begging to have you.”
“Let me remind you: this was your punishment.” He returned his hands to her shoulders and continued leading her. “And I have not used the full force of my voice on you in quite some time.”
She noticed an odd somberness in the tone of that last statement. “What do you mean?”
“Turn right here.” He turned her, his hands gentle. He took a breath through his nose. “You seem to be longing for the old days - for those flowery, sultry words - when I could simply… speak, and you’d melt.”
She suspected them to be in the third landing of this particular wing, guessing they were close to the room she theorized he was taking her to. The sudden gust of cold air told her they’d passed by one of the arched windows. “I did notice that you’d stopped, but I didn’t want to… much as I missed it, I thought you might have seen it as performing.”
He stilled, and she stopped. She sensed him move in front of her, then felt his hands slide around her waist and pull her into an embrace.
“Is that so?” he murmured against her ear. “I had assumed you did not want reminders of before, and so I refrained. I recall you admonishing me, telling me to relax. To be clear - I do not mind a certain level of performance; not anymore, and especially not with you. Seduction is by nature, on some level, a performance. But with you it is not a cold, callous thing. Heightening your pleasure could never be cold to me.”
She traced soothing circles on his back, fingers gliding along the muscles she knew so well.
“I’m sorry. That’s not what I intended, at all. You stopped doing it after the rite, and well… you never really slipped back into doing it regularly. So whenever you did do it I assumed it was… contrived, that it wasn’t something I should be encouraging or requesting.”
“When I had nothing else to offer you, words were the one thing I could.” She felt him relax into her touch, his chin settling on top of her head.
“When I finally had everything to give, words felt… unnecessary. I did not realize until too late that words were what you missed the most - not merely the sensual persuasion, but those that spoke of my true feelings. With the quagmire our relationship had become,” he huffed, “it felt unwise to bring such talk back into our bedroom. I feared you mourning the past, and you voiced no complaint; that felt like confirmation that I was on the right path.”
She considered his words and found them accurate. She nodded, face huddled against the expanse of bare chest his open shirt exposed.
“I suppose we misunderstood each other. Again.”
“One of a multitude of such instances, yes,” he conceded. “However, like everything else, it can be discussed. So, my love. Do you wish me to…” he leaned in, lips a hairsbreadth from the shell of her ear, his voice lowering to an erotic purr, “whisper sweet words to you, soft words of devotion…” he breathed, a rough, ragged sound, the heat of it sending a wave of fire from her ear to her groin, “pant and gasp and tell you every one of the debauched ways I wish to have you…” his tongue flicked out and ran up the edge of her ear, “moan and whimper your name,” his fingers traced down her neck and across her collarbone, “sigh out every filthy thought that goes through my mind every time I see you, so that you can hear every. single. day. that every inch of my body yearns for you,” he caught her earlobe between his teeth for the briefest moment, “that every moment I’m not buried inside you, filling you with my seed, is a glorious agony only you can assuage…”
She shuddered, barely preventing her knees from buckling; Astarion chuckled, low and deep.
“I can make your name a prayer, sing your praises. Coax you to do anything and everything for me, dearest Ban.” Her name was almost obscene on his lips, velvety voice crooning directly into her ear. She was wet, her legs squeezing together.
He chuckled lightly, his breath hitching on a quiet inhale that cut off in a desperate groan when he caught the scent of her arousal. To her surprise, his mouth devoured hers again. Her arms lifted to wind around his waist, but he captured them, wrapping his strong hands around her wrists.
“Not today, my love,” he whispered, “as much as I want it too.” He pressed his hips against hers, one long, slow, grind, allowing her to feel the truth of his words.
“Fuck,” she managed to groan, pulling away. “Yes. I want that.”
He kissed her cheek. “Tomorrow, I promise. You will be lavished with all the words I’ve longed to give you again. In fact, I trust you will make some small attempt to do the same,” he teased, “although it may be decades, perhaps centuries, before you attain my level of skill.” Ban rolled her eyes, and although he couldn’t see it through the blindfold, he sensed it.
“I’ll come up with something. You’ll see.”
He loosed a quiet snort. After a moment, he resumed leading her down the corridor, and into a room. He closed the door behind them, then led her backwards until the backs of her legs hit what felt like a chair.
She did as asked, and he reached down to untie her blindfold. “I’m not certain how to say this, other than that I wanted to give you something for our wedding. You’ve planned it to perfection, and this is my way of saying thank you.”
He drew away, and she opened her eyes.
She saw… herself. Slightly more ashen than she was used to, staring at herself askance. It took several long moments to realize what she was looking at. An ornate, gold-gilt rectangular mirror with an arched top. A mirror. She gasped in wonder, eyes tracing over Astarion, who was naturally also reflected in it, grinning from ear to ear.
It took slightly longer to realize what she was seated on. Mostly black, not quite the same style as his, but a throne all the same. She took a moment to find the words, but all that came out was a broken “Astarion…”
He crossed his arms, smiling still. “Meiros had made such a brilliant piece, and I thought its beauty would be wasted if it would never be able to reflect your countenance. I corresponded with Gale, who corresponded with Elminster, and…” he shrugged. “Here it is. In time for you to see yourself properly on our wedding day.”
She swallowed past the lump in her throat. Tears brimmed in her eyes. “And th-this?” She ran her hands over the armrests, feeling the intricate carvings.
“Another gift. The initial one, in fact, before I purchased the mirror. You sorely needed one.”
Ban kept her eyes on herself, drinking in everything. “Thank you. For both. I… I love them. But I’d still want to sit on your lap.”
Astarion laughed, a loud, mirthful sound. “I won’t deny you that. Still, you have to admit this sends a much-needed message to the guests at our events.” He approached her and playfully sat on her lap, angling his face towards hers. “You’re to be respected, to be seen as holding the same stature as I. Equals.”
He turned to straddle her, pressing himself close, arms around her neck. “Wouldn’t you say that was a good idea?” He looked back at the mirror, seeing them both. I should have her take me in front of this sometime, he thought. The visuals would no doubt be magnificent…
She nodded, overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness. She could feel the soft press of his cock against her belly; she desperately wanted to reach out and touch him, her hand lifted before she could think.
“Bad girl,” he said, returning his gaze to her. He took her hand and wrapped it around his waist instead. His eyes, however, were tender. “One more day. I promise you it will be worth the wait.”
He leaned forwards, kissing her softly, unable to keep his hips still. He ground against her, her hand obediently remained where he’d placed it.
Ban moaned, longing to deepen the kiss. She sucked on his lower lip, but he pulled away as soon as she began to nibble.
He stood up, thumb running over his swollen lip absently. They both looked at the tent in his trousers, he with chagrin and she with naked hunger. He quietly adjusted himself.
“Patently clear I’m not the only one suffering,” she said.
A small, amused bark answered her. “You have no idea.”
Bonus: Here’s the art from Gale’s room, commissioned from @kringle-c
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Taglist: @tavamarie @ayselluna @enterthedreams @coltaire @qiific3 @misscrissfemmefatale @vixstarria @eatyourheartoutmylove @micropoe10 @thegoodwitchs-blog @akirahime @velcyrptr @i-cant-get-into-my-other-account @babblebrain-blog @asterordinary @last-but-not-the-least @artist4theworld @gracemisconduct @decadentcoffeewizard @rootin-tootin-n-kind @pursuitseternal @youngtacobanana @krispeenuggiez @girlygmer-blog @cheezits4lyfe @vinegarjello @the0ldmann @wisteriaofthegraves @midnight-musings-of-nyx @toni-winchester @icybluepenguin @beepersteeper @hereliesblackdragon @generalstephkenobi
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 10 months ago
Hiiii, I love your work!! I was wondering if you could do some headcannons on the Kawata Twins for when reader is sick? 🥺 much appreciated
Yeah that sounds cute! Here's what I came up with for the Kawata twins x sick reader
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You're somehow both in the best place for care and the worst. 
Angry is very calm about you being sick, he knows it's not a big deal and that he can care for you. 
Smiley on the other hand absolutely panics. Sees you sick and basically starts vibrating with worry. He wants to take you to the hospital immediately, even after Angry tells him it's not that serious. 
Angry does things very professionally and methodically. He's calm and tries to keep you calm too.
Meanwhile Smiley keeps himself busy by preparing you soup.
Neither twin seems to care much if you infect them, they're both a lot more focused on you then themselves.
Angry tells Smiley to be quiet a lot when he talks too loudly since you're supposed to be sleeping. 
At one point, Smiley sits next you and holds your hand. Telling you how much he loves you (Angry reminds him again that you're not dying)
Angry: You just need your body to fight the illness                            Smiley: Punch it in the throat!
Smiley insists on spoon feeding you, he blushes at lot while doing it.
Angry is really good at remembering to change your cold compresses and taking your temperature.
Smiley softly strokes your hair a lot as a way to help you relax
Angry sits with you and tells you stories when you can't sleep.
Angry lends you one of his plushies jokingly calling it "his nurse"
They both get very defensive if anyone else from toman turns up or wants them to leave the house while you're ill. 
When you ask for a kiss from them "to feel better" they both blush but kiss either one of your cheeks. 
And finally, if you complain to them about not looking your best right now or being embarrassed, they very quickly shut you down. Telling you that of course you still look great to them and they don't care if you're sick, you're still theirs.
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years ago
A Fork In The Road ~ MYG
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PAIRING: Yoongi x Fem!Reader
GENRE: established relationships, friends to lovers? Fluffy, a small argument, poly with the boys,
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - July 2023
a/n: i hope this ending was okay for you, i was unsure on how to end it haha 
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For a few weeks now you and Yoongi had been seeing one another on a regular occasion, the two of you would go out on dates and spend hours upon hours around one another. So much so, that when it came time for you to be alone you found it damn near impossible to relax without him by your side and it was a little scary. The two of you hadn’t even agreed that you were dating one another, it just sort of happened. 
The moment you met it was like sparks flew, the connection was just there and both of you could feel just how strong it was and you couldn’t help but want to be around one another more and more. You could feel yourself starting to fall more in love with the idea of getting to spend more time with Yoongi, you never wanted to be apart. Even on the days when he was busy he would still find time to call you - even for just five minutes - and the two of you would catch up on everything. It was perfection.
As far as you knew anyway but there was something Yoongi wasn’t telling you and he knew that he needed to eventually but he also wanted to hold off. Not telling you meant he could keep you in his own bubble a little while longer and pretend that the rest of the world didn’t exist. But he knew it was going to be time to tell you soon or it wasn’t going to be fair on either of you. To keep you strung along for almost a month was bad enough already and he sort of felt as though he was betraying you by not telling you.
“Yoongi, you can’t just, not tell her about us,” Hoseok said as he stared at Yoongi from across the dining room. The boys were all gathered for their evening meal together - something they’d started to share with one another so they could spend time together even when very busy. Yoongi had just gotten through with telling them all about you and then asking them how he was supposed to even approach the subject. 
“We’d love to meet Yn, maybe put her mind at ease,” Jimin said as he spooned some soup into his mouth, watching Yoongi who seemed to be having an inner battle about everything. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to meet the guys but he knew what Jimin was hinting at, the thing was...The boys were in a polyamorous relationship with one another which meant that he would introduce you to his boyfriends with the hopes that you would be okay with that which not many people were. Polyamorous relationships had been around for a long time but it still was a little bewildering to some people and the last thing Yoongi wanted to do was scare you away right when he had just found you.
“What if she doesn’t want what we have…” The question barely came out as anything more than a whisper but it had suddenly turned the whole atmosphere, everyone was silent and staring at Yoongi waiting for him to elaborate on what he had just said.
“Meaning what? Exactly?” Namjoon arched a brow at the older male and Yoongi bit down on his lip, it had been something that played on his mind a lot. If you told him you weren’t interested in polyamorous, would he be prepared to leave them all behind for you? Would that make him a bad person if he did? The thought played on his mind far too often that he would find himself awake at night, contemplating everything that came into play when he thought of you.
If he was to leave for you, that would mean throwing away a 7-year relationship with people he cared about and loved deeply, but if he didn’t leave them it meant losing you and that was something he knew he wasn’t prepared to do in the slightest. It was clear that he was at a fork in the road and he didn’t know which way to turn in order to survive the whole ordeal and come out happy. There was always the chance that if he went to you that things would end up badly and he would be left heartbroken whereas if he stayed with the boys, he knew he would be cared for…forever. But was that something he wanted? 
“You need to talk to her, communication is everything when it comes to things like this,” Jin told Yoongi as he rubbed his shoulder, it was obvious he was struggling with his decision and the boys needed to let Yoongi know that they would be here for him no matter what he decided to do.
“We’re always going to be here, no matter what happens” Jungkook smirked, he could already sense the older boy was struggling with what to do and he would do anything to put his mind at ease.
“Even if it means leaving?” Yoongi stuttered a little, a couple of tears rolling down his cheeks as he thought about it. His heart was pulling him toward you but his mind was telling him to stay where it was safe,
“Even if it comes to that,” Taehyung smiled warmly at him, all of them going back to eat while Yoongi decided to call and see if you were free for the evening. They were all right about one thing and that was he needed to tell you the truth, then he would have to make a decision from there.
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“Aren’t you going to say something?” Yoongi questioned as you stared at him from across the table. The two of you were sitting inside a small cafe and it was empty besides you two and a few workers that were cleaning the tables up. Yoongi had just dropped a bombshell on you and you were still trying to process things as he was telling them to you.
“So the whole time we’ve been dating…You’ve been in a relationship?”
“Yes…With 6 other people.” Yoongi looked at you nervously and swallowed the lump that was beginning to build in his throat, he figured it would be best to tell you right away. Kind of like rippin a band aid off,
“And it never occured to you, that you should have told me about them before now?” You stared down at the cup in front of you before looking back at him and waiting for his response and he bit down on his lip a little.
“You’re mad-”
“I’m more than mad, you lead me on!” You yelled a little, flinching when you saw people turning to look at you. You’d never been the kind of person that liked to have attention all of the time and the last thing you wanted right now was to cause a scene.
“I didn’t…”
“What do you call taking me out on dates then when you knew you had other obligations back home?” He stayed silent as soon as you asked that. Of course, he’d lead you on but he’d never really thought about it until it was too late.
“I was hoping that you’d maybe think about joining us?”
“Yoongi…” You stared at him and shook your head. This wasn’t something he could just spring on you and expect you to be okay with, it was going to take a long time before you could even process it. 
“I can’t even look at you right now, do they even know about me? About us?” You questioned with a little more harshness than you’d intended but you were worried that these six other men that he was seeing were going to end up hurt, more hurt than you were feeling right now.
“They do…They knew about you from the start.” You nodded at him, slowly starting to look him in the eyes as you thought about it for a few more minutes. There were a million and one questions running around in your head and you couldn’t think of where to start with any of them.
“Do they expect me to join you all?” You did your best to hide your distaste for it, you liked Yoongi a lot, in fact, you could tell you were starting to fall in love with him but there was no way that you could join a polyamarous relationship, it was just something that wasn’t for you.
“Not at all.” He reached his hand out on the table and your eyes glanced down at it, at one point you would have reached out and grabbed it to keep him close but the mere thought of comforting him or being comforted by him was making you feel uneasy.
“I can’t…Yoongi, I just I can’t…That’s not my thing,” You told him as you bit down on your lip. You didn’t want to lose Yoongi from your life, ever since he’d come back everything had been so much better, the days felt brighter and your life felt happier. And now you were just going to lose all of it.
Everything fell silent, the workers inside of the cafe had gone out back and you and Yoongi were left alone with nothing to say or even do. It must have been about ten minutes since either of you had uttered a word in the other ones direction and you were beginning to worry about never seeing him again.
“So what happens now?” Your mouth was dry as you questioned him, looking up at him as tears gathered in your eyes.
“I don’t know…I-”
“I want to still see you…Be friends, if it’s not too hard?” You suggested, if keeping him in your life meant only keeping him as a friend then you were perfectly fine with that. There was one thing you knew for sure and that was that you couldn’t risk losing Yoongi now that you had him so close to you.
“I’d like that too. Let me drive you home?” He suggested as he realised that the rain was coming down quite heavily outside so you finished your drinks before heading out of the cafe together. 
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It had been 3 months of pure misery for Yoongi and yourself, neither of you were happy with the “just friends” arrangement but you stuck out, deciding to keep each other as close as you could. That was until last month when the boys had had enough of seeing Yoongi moping around the house, it was clear to them that he was no longer happy with their arrangement and they were more than willing to, let him be happy with someone else if that was what it took.
“Yoongi? I thought we were going to meet at the cinema?” You laughed when you saw Yoongi making his way over to you but before you could even process anything that was happening he was suddenly kissing you. His lips were on yours and you were kissing him back, your arms folding around the back of his neck as you pulled him closer to you. A small whine left his throat as he pulled you into him, your fingers knotting into his hair and holding him tightly.
“W-Wait…We can’t.” You shoved him away, your hand slowly raising to your lips as you shook your head at him,
“You’re with-”
“I’m not…We split last month, I wanted to wait a while but fcuk, Yn, I couldn’t go without you.” He whispered kissing your cheeks before you stared back at him, a million different things playin in your head.
“You didn’t leave just for me right?” You worried that he would have thrown away somethin he was happy for, just for you and you would never be able to live with yourself.
“No..Not just you, I wasn’t happy anymore. They could see it and so could I,” He smiled before leaning his forehead on yours as you whimpered a little, kissing his lips a little too afriad he was oin to disappear if you stopped.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @rjsmochii @tinyoonsblog @sw33tnight @taestannie @cherrybubblesandvodka @acciocriativity @mitzwinchester @heyjiminnie @halesandy @jin-from-the-block @aerastus @namjooningelsewhere @psychosupernatural @lyoongx @royallyjjk @critssq @lenfilms @btsiguess-kpop @meowmeowisdaname @imafivestarkpopstan @laylasbunbunny @ratherbfangirling @backintomykpopphaseagain
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pianocat939 · 2 years ago
down with the sickness but the reader catches it. So like they’d take advantage of the reader being like super affectionate or whatever. Pls 🙏🙏
turtles are Yandere btw
Something tells me this is gonna have people feral-
Tw: pill-swallowing, mostly fluff.
You could only glance around the room you're in wearily, fatigue and sickness weighing down on your body like an elephant sitting on you. You feel a firm, but gentle tightness around your arms and waist, with something scaley rubbing against your neck.
"Oh poor you, you'll get better soon..."
With an evidently concerned expression, Raph holds you close in bed, his face nuzzling into your neck. You don't move, as you're too sick and exhausted to feel bothered by it; letting him cuddle you as much as he pleases, and you can't deny: it's comforting in your miserable state. Then the door opens and the rest of the brothers flood in, cradling items of all sorts in their arms.
"Hydration! Medicine! Food! Comfort! We have everything!" Donnie exclaims, his metallic spider arms clenching medicine bottles and water bottles within its claws. He marches to the bed, his eyes brows furrowed with a stern look, but you can tell he's panicking for your well-being. He motions Mikey over, who's holding a bowl of soup and seasoned bread.
"Now, my dearest divinity, we know pills aren't for everyone...So me and Donnie agreed it would be easier if we combined it with the soup to make it easier on your senses!" The youngest scooped a spoonful of the soup, and let Donnie place a pill on the spoon as well before hovering it before your mouth. You reluctantly opened your mouth, knowing it would only do you good to swallow the pill. Mikey then lets you swallow the soup and its contents, with the pill.
You can still feel the drug, but they were right, it is easier to swallow than taking it with just water: especially with the bits of vegetables. After slurping down the food, Mikey holds another spoonful and continues to utensil-feed you. You didn't protest, knowing he would only insist and beg for you to let him feed you.
Then you feel a damp, cool towel gently plopped down onto your forehead; the feeling makes you flinch in surprise, but you relax after a second. You hear a soft chuckle from above, and someone gives your head a few pats. "Ah, you're so cute~ Especially when you're letting me take care of you~" Leo comments with an amused tone, an eyebrow muscle lifting upwards slightly. He then proceeds to stroke your head in a pattern, his smirk morphing into a softer one.
"We're so happy you're letting us help you get better~ For me to provide for you..."
"Yes, for once I do agree with 'Nardo. It's praise-worthy you're letting us assist you in your time of illness."
"Mhm! I'm so happy to serve my divinity!"
"And when you're with us, we'll always be by your side...We'll always be ready to protect you and be there for you whenever you need it. Always..."
You're held closer to Raph's plastron as the four smiling at you with admiration.
And for once, you crack a slight smile back.
It's nice there's someone always there to care for you in your time of weakness, even if they're immoral criminals.
(I've been taking pills since like forever, but I know other people aren't used to it so for a- small courtesy I suppose I wrote the pill swallowing difficulty in there.)
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cataclysmic-flare · 23 days ago
Taking Care Of You
It was quiet as Morgan made his way down the hall, the sounds of chatter and dishes clattering from the dining hall became distant echoes. His mind drifted to today’s mission.
The foes Morgan and his team were dispatched to deal with weren’t anything special. 
Except one thing had bothered Morgan during today’s mission.
Morgan couldn’t get the image of the prince stumbling over himself after the battle. Although Julius had brushed it off when Morgan brought it up at the time, it just didn’t sit right with Morgan, had his teammate been hurt? 
Was it the voice in his head? 
It was even more worrying since he hadn’t seen Julius after the battle, not even during dinner time.
Morgan was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice a familiar figure laying on the floor as he turned the corner. 
He froze at the collapsed figure, his long red hair was messily draped to the side over his black cape and sharp black and gold shoulder armor. His eyes were closed and his expression indicated he was in pain.
“Julius?!” Morgan rushed over, he gently shook Julius’s shoulder, “Julius? Wake up, can you hear me?” his voice started rising in panic when he didn’t receive a response. Was he attacked? Was he poisoned?
He quickly rolled Julius onto his back and heard ragged breathing, good at least he’s still breathing. Morgan let out a sigh of relief before worry overtook him again. His hand brushed over Julius’s sweat covered forehead before flinching back, he’s burning up! 
He looked around frantically, why weren’t any of the heroes around? Morgan calmed himself, he’d have to carry Julius himself.
Morgan took a deep breath as he attempted to carry Julius onto his back, the mage grunted at the added weight. He slowly adjusted himself and started his way to the infirmary. 
Morgan panted with exhaustion as he entered the infirmary, the healers on duty quickly helped carry Julius onto one of the beds. They fussed over him, quickly checking his condition and making notes.
One of the healers, Flayn placed a cold towel atop Julius’s head, “this should help bring down his fever,” She smiled as she handed Morgan a bowl of soup, “he might want to have something when he wakes up.” 
Flayn offered Morgan a stool by Julius’s bed, he thanked her before she left. He watched over Julius as he slept, he looked much more relaxed than before. 
Morgan was slowly beginning to doze off before he heard a small grunt, he snapped awake at the sound and turned to see Julius slowly opening his eyes. 
“You’re finally awake.” Morgan greeted with a smile, Julius looked around in confusion, “I found you collapsed in the hall and brought you here.”
“Oh,” Julius gave Morgan a small smile that made his heart flutter, “I suppose I owe you my thanks.” 
“I-it was nothing.” Morgan shrugged off abashed. He picked up the bowl on the nightstand, “here’s some soup to make you feel better.” 
A smirk appeared on Julius’s lips, “why don’t you feed it to me?” 
“Wh-what?” Morgan stammered, a light blush blooming onto his face. 
“Why not?” Julius teased, “ahh..”
“I-I,” Morgan stumbled over his own words, unable to form a proper sentence as his blush deepened. Truth be told, he’d had feelings for Julius for quite a while, to be asked something like that? His mind and emotions were all over the place.
Julius let out a small chuckle, “I’m just teasing you, you don’t actually have to-“ Julius was cut off as a spoon was pushed into his mouth. His eyes widened slightly in shock, he looked at Morgan, a light blush made its way onto his face as he finished the spoonful.
“Like that?” Morgan asked with a small laugh.
“Y-yeah…” Julius’s hand went to his mouth, Morgan stopped him and gently dabbed the corners of his mouth with a tissue.
Morgan held up another spoonful of soup, “open wide.” 
Julius allowed himself to be fed, Morgan gently fed him spoonfuls of soup with a sweet smile.
“Do you feel better?” Morgan asked as he set down the empty bowl.
Julius nodded, “much better thanks to you.” His response sent Morgan into a series of flustered giggles. 
“I’m just happy you’re ok.” Morgan beamed, he stood up and turned to leave, “I’ll leave you to rest now.”
“Where are you going?” The prince asked with a smirk, he pat the spot next to him, “spend the night here.”
Morgan’s face flushed at the request, Julius let out a small laugh at his reaction, “o-ok…” He slowly moved himself into the spot next to Julius, his heart beat wildly as he tried keeping his distance. 
Morgan felt Julius’s arms wrap around him, pulling him close, his head buried into the prince’s chest. Morgan’s face grew hot at their closeness, he could hear the rhythmic beat of Julius’s heart and it slowly lulled him to sleep.
Julius smiled as he heard Morgan’s snores, he gently brushed his hand over Morgan’s cheek with a small blush on his face.
He’d tell him how he felt soon.
Julius closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep as well.
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Doodle by @spiritforestwrit
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years ago
SR Ace Trappola Apprentice Chef Personal Story: Part 2
"Master Chef"
(Part 1) Part 2
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Master Chef ― Ace Version ~ Let's Make Minestrone 2~
[chop, chop…chop!]
Ace: Aaaargh… My arms are at their limit… Chef~ I've finished chopping everything~…
Ghost Chef: Thank you~ Good job!
Ace: I'd cut and I'd chop and it didn't feel like the pile was getting any smaller… I thought it'd never end.
Ghost Chef: Ahahah, you're such a dramatic kid. Let me see the vegetables you cut… Yep, everything's been cut properly.
Ghost Chef: At this point, you're already mostly done. Ace-kun, this is your last spurt!
Ace: I always feel like I can't really trust whenever someone says something like "we're mostly done."…
Ghost Chef: Come on, move your hands, not your mouth! If you drag your feet, you won't finish in time for the judging!
Ace: 'Kaaay…
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Ghost Chef: Once you add a can of stewed tomatoes and let it simmer for 20 minutes, you'll be done. Make sure you scoop out the top layer of soup scum from time to time.
Ace: Whew… I finally made it to the last step…
Ace: Now I just gotta wait 20 minutes… He didn't say I had to stay with the pot the whole time, so I guess I'll do a bit of washing up.
Ace: I'm so tired from all the vegetable chopping… I wanna hurry and get back to my dorm and flop on my bed…
[clatter, clatter… spraying water]
Ace: Kay, dishes're done! Next… I guess I'll prepare the soup bowl and spoon.
[clatter, clatter, clatter]
Ace: Oh… I have to scoop out the scum layer. Ooh, it's really starting to look like a minestrone.
Ace: I still have a little bit of time before its done, so… I guess I'll put away the kitchen utensils I washed a earlier, while I'm at it.
Ghost Chef: You seem to have a grasp of the essentials, Ace-kun. A beginner wouldn't be able to do this so easily.
Ace: Ahahah, thank you very much!
Ace: Sigh… I just want to get back to my dorm, already…
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Lilia: I wonder if my minestrone is ready yet? As a veteran chef, I'll have to make sure to judge with a keen eye.
Ace: Ah, are you my judge, Lilia-senpai? Please take it easy on me...
Lilia: Well, that's a difficult request… Hm? Ace, you seem to be sporting such an exhausted countenance.
Ace: Well… Between you and me, I took this class so I could avoid doing some of the annoying dorm duties…
Ace: But since this was a one-on-one instruction course, I didn't get any chance to relax. More like, it was way too much work.
Lilia: Oho, I'm sorry it didn't go as planned. Well, that's just another lesson learned.
Ace: Haah, yeah I totally screwed that up. But anyway, here's the minestrone I made with my blood, sweat, and tears.
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Lilia: Kufufu, then, I suppose I should try it before it gets cold. Now, let's see how it tastes…
[bite, chew, chew…]
Lilia: Hm, it's okay. Not bad for a beginner.
Ace: Eh, is that it? I feel like you could have something else to say, you know.
Lilia: It's not spectacularly tasty, or anything. If that makes you distraught, then you should try again a little harder.
Lilia: Hm… This must have been some kind of fate to be chosen as your judge. I shall step in here and teach you a better recipe―
Ghost Chef: No, no, I'm Ace-kun's mentor! And anyway, Lilia-kun, you haven't earned your class credits yet either!
Lilia: Here comes someone to butt in. But you don't need to hesitate, Ace. You can ask me to teach you anytime.
Ace: Nah, I think I'll pass… I worked so hard and just got an "okay," so… It's totally not worth it!
Ghost Chef: Regardless, you've passed the judgement. Congratulations, Ace-kun!
Ghost Chef: There's still much for you to learn. Make sure to keep up the hard work!
Ace: I'm glad I passed, but, I have this vague feeling that I'm going to be made to chop up more vegetables.
Ace: Haah… If this is what I was going to have to go through, I should have just stayed and done my duties in the dorm…
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(Part 1) Part 2
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ansbobcar · 1 year ago
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EP 2. Hangover and find out
Link to overview
_ _ _ _ _
The Desert Cane woke up with a hangover. That was a fact, slowly bringing himself to find his glasses which were on the coffee table beside the couch. With a sigh, he could finally check the time in his office.
“It’s only 8 o’clock,” he huffed in relief. His division began work around 9 and the monthly briefing with the field agents was at 10, so there was still some time for him to look less… wasted, taking a walk to the closest washroom and looking at himself. He looked about the same without his robe, just more irritated honestly. It’ll go away with time, he brushes it off as he washed his face at the sink before patting it dry with his handkerchief.
Once he returned he was greeted by Rinka once again who was now in her orange robe. “You’re awake!” She had brought over some soup and a loaf of bread. “You had me worrying for a bit last night.”
“You didn’t have to bring me anything,” he dismissed her words only to wince at the throbbing pain.
“I definitely did,” putting down the tray of food she brought and helping him over to his chair. “I’ll take over for the meetings.”
“Don’t you—”
“—I’ve got nothing on my schedule in the morning, I’m fine,” and he conceded.
She was the previous head of the Magical Power Administration, he reminded himself, unpleased by the saltiness of the soup he sipped. He should trust her more than he lets himself.
“Was there anything else you were supposed to do today? Like in the afternoon or evening,” she tidied the mess that occurred near the coffee table.
By the mention of it, the grip on his spoon loosened as he scowled, “one more meeting.”
“With who?”
“No clue,” his parents set him up again.
“Just give me the location and time then.”
“2 o’clock, The Hound at the end of Marchette Street,” he recalled from the phone call. “I’d prefer if you didn’t follow me for it.”
“Sure thing.”
_ _ _
Sadly, she heeded those words, faced with a dolled up daughter of another high ranking officer in the Bureau… probably. There was no sense of charisma in her charm-filled eyes, did she recently learn a spell? It was sloppily applied, he critiqued as he held a blank expression during their conversation whilst waiting for their food.
She seemed too relaxed compared to the others who knew his position and placed him highly on a pedestal.
“... I’m currently studying at Easton in the meantime. Sadly, I’m in the Lang House, so I think that’s where our similarities end,” she chuckled to herself with a calculated awkwardness, as she tucked some strands of hair behind her ear.
“Did you join Easton recently?”
“Not at all but mid-terms are coming up soon,” she rambled about practising her subjects soon but they seemed elementary the more he focused on the details. “What were your favourite subjects?”
“Didn’t have any since I did rather well in all of them, but I preferred to be in the library before I opted to do police internships if that helps,” he replied sincerely. “You should probably focus on Potions and Magic History then. Under timed conditions, it’s easier to lose large amounts of marks due to the nature of their content and as a result either fail the subject.”
‘Oh god,’ she thought. ‘He’s just babbling away about how the exam will be? I didn’t study that far into Ancient History with the Giant Race though?!’ Even the food went cold as she completely immersed in his words of advice. It reached a point where she was about to hit curfew at 5 o’clock alongside the clouds thickening it’s dull appearance over the city, and quickly left him to finish eating his meal alone.
‘That’s the curfew for… oh.’
He hid the tightening grip on his hidden hand as he watched her run in the distance.
“They’re just unbelievable,” he held back a scoff, thunder boomed nearby. Droplets tap danced with increasing crescendo onto the roof and all around the city centre as he continued his meal as a waiter lit up the candles inside the restaurant and he sat there, mulling over his next decision towards those needy oldies.
They would likely send a new letter with another rabbiphone in about a week’s time and by then he has to figure out how to get away from the problem. If it continues beyond this month, he might actually lose it and become a full blown alcoholic. He would’ve chosen the one from today if she was in her graduating year at Easton as he had initially believed.
The restaurant doors opened briefly, greeting his ears with the rapid descent of rain from his seat. Shaking the umbrella in her hand before she left it at the door, she turned towards him and waved before she walked to the seat opposing him, bits of her hair stuck to her skin. “You didn’t return so I thought you passed out again,” she rested her drenched robe on the seat as she received a menu and ordered chicken chop immediately. “And then the weather changed,” she continued. “How are you feeling compared to this morning?”
“The headache’s been gone now,” he promptly replied. “How were the meetings?”
“There were some glaring issues with their patrol routes, since they avoided common hotspots for magic abuse,” she summarised. “I suggest linking them up with each district’s police branch to come up with a flexible schedule since our own forces are rather limited still.”
“I also looked over some of the newly handed in reports, nothing strange about them.”
His scowl-filled eyes softened into disappointment as his co-worker continued to catch him up on important details. He couldn’t interrupt her out of necessity even if his seething thoughts could barely be chained to the back of his mind but he tried his best to listen to her. “Sophie’s new security system in the storage room is almost impenetrable and inescapable for your average double line magic user! I’m so happy my ideas helped!”
However, those reigns were instantly ripped apart as she questioned: “How was the blind date?”
“She didn’t even start high school yet,” his resentment for his parents grew in his voice. Alas, there was no law against this practice for the near future as he watched her section of her dish.
“Hopefully she graduates from high school,” her eyes filled with melancholy at his words. “So how are you going to evade your parents now?” He stayed silent, at a loss of words.
“And I thought he was a decisive guy,” she mumbled under her breath. “I’ll be frank.”
“Either you have me act as your girlfriend or you’re gonna meet that teenager in a week and pray that she cheats on you down the line so the engagement gets cancelled.”
“I’m not putting false hope in a middle schooler,” he turned down the second option, only to grimace at the first option she gave. “And that… needs a realistic progression to be believable.”
“This is the realistic progression,” she countered. “If it wasn’t for the rain, the candlelight on the table fits the atmosphere we’re trying to convince them of! Haven’t you seen the people tailing you from outside? The paparazzi are crazy in this part of the city regarding famous figures.”
The rain shuddered in the wake of another stab of thunder. His 
“Can we discuss the details later in my office?”
_ _ _
A night passed with the breeze, as Ryoh Grantz, the most dazzling man alive, awaits for the other Divine Visionaries to arrive with the honey obsessed Flame Cane who briefly glares at him. He sits at the edge of the balcony connected to the director’s office, who for now has taken a deserved month long break. Alas, the Bless Minister hasn’t returned to the room as expected. 
He giggled handsomely at this fact before the door opened gracefully, revealing the lovebirds… from the corner of his eye,” he stiffly fumbled his words as his comment seemed to be ignored. He wasn’t scolded for his narcissistic remarks or had his delusional teasing corrected, as they just stared at him like guilty children stuck in place.
The white haired sweet tooth choked on his tea as he questioned them with a tight grip onto his cup. “Since when?”
This time, the bespectacled youngest in the room replied.
“It’s been a few months.”
_ _ _ _ _
Lmao the quotation in the overview's mentioned now so uh. yayyy. When will the title be mentionned in storyline? Dunno?
EDIT: I MADE A CONTINUITY ERROR FOR LATER CHAPTERS. We're currently in May the school year. Like 8-10 months before the main mashle canon plot begins.
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shion-yu · 1 year ago
Day 17 - "You Look a Little Pale"
Love at first flu sight. Whumptober 2023! I’m using the @ailesswhumptober's prompt list. This story is about my OC Shumei - here’s his profile if you’re so inclined: https://toyhou.se/23743470.shumei-tw 
TWs: Medical abuse!!
Julian had been planning this for a long time: the day when he would finally be able to recreate the most pivotal experience of his teenage years. The time that Shu had had the flu. But back then, it had been a surprise; Julian had shown up to play only to find his next door neighbor Shumei red faced and stumbling at the door. His mother was out of town for the first time ever, only for Shu to wake up that morning alone with a high fever.
As soon as Julian had seen him, he became addicted to this weaker and more pitiful version of his best friend. He’d taken it upon himself to nurse Shu back to health for those days that his mom was away, going as far as to look up how to take care of a sick person in the library. He’d warmed Shu up soup from a can, mopped his face with a cold towel, correctly timed doses of tylenol and ibuprofen for his friend... Only to find it was over too quickly.
Shu was embarrassed about it and pretended it hadn’t happened, but Julian couldn’t get it out of his head. For the first time he’d felt truly relaxed and satisfied with the exact moment he was living in. There was no way he was ever going to let himself stop trying to feel that way again.
He studied to become a doctor, thinking that perhaps taking care of sick strangers would fulfill his passion. That’s really what he thought it was back then - a passion, and one he was proud of. But the further along he got in his schooling, the more he realized that even emergency surgery still left him feeling empty. Caretaking wasn’t his passion - Shu was. Every face he saw contorted in pain, crying, drawn with fever... He couldn’t help but imagine Shu in that situation, and then his heart would stir. Imagination could only go so far though; he needed to find Shu again.
It was a stroke of brilliant luck that Julian ran into Shu after so many years in that coffee shop. Well, Shu thought it was luck - Julian had been learning his habits for some time now. They happened to sit down and talk, and Shu would find that his once brooding and socially challenged best friend was now a successful and beloved doctor. Shu was looking for a new place to live; Julian had a spare room. 
“Come stay with me, just for a bit. It’s no trouble.”
No, no, he couldn’t, it was far too much of an imposition, Shu tried to say. But Julian insisted, and it was hard to say no to those striking dark eyes. “Well, maybe just for a week or two.”
By day two, both of them knew Shu wasn’t going anywhere. He ended up in Julian’s bed instead of the guest room, Julian’s naked form spooning him from behind as they slept. When he woke up, it was the best sleep he’d had in so long... Was that what was always missing from his bed before during all those sleepless nights? Someone to hold?
For the first few months, things were amazing. Shu couldn’t remember when he’d last had so much fun; if he’d ever clicked with someone like this before. Julian was funny, he was kind, he never put Shu down like his ex-boyfriends had... The sex was incredible, and boy was there a lot of it. It felt like his life couldn’t possibly get better.
Julian felt the same - except the part where things couldn’t get better. He knew the best was yet to come and the anticipation of it made every blissful day with Shu even more exciting. Finally, though, today was the day. He had a long, thin pipette of live influenza virus to drip directly into Shu’s nostrils while he slept. He had already vaccinated himself with a high-dose flu vaccine; meanwhile, Shu hadn’t gotten to getting his shot yet which was perfect. As smoothly and quickly as possible, Julian hovered over Shu’s sleeping form and did the deed. The tiny droplets of liquid went right where they were supposed to and now all Julian had to do was wait.
Julian told himself not to expect much for the first twenty-four hours, and indeed nothing did seem to come from it. Don’t be disappointed, he told himself. You’re a doctor. You know it takes time to manifest symptoms post-exposure.
The second day, Julian was hypervigilant. But he still couldn’t tell if anything was amiss - that was, until they were picking up dinner and he noticed Shu leaning his face on his hand rather heavily. “Are you tired, darling?” Julian asked him, forcing his tone not to seem too eager.
“Hmm? Oh, maybe a bit,” Shu said. He cleared his throat, Julian watching his Adam’s apple bob up and down slowly. Was he just imagining things, or did Shu look ever so slightly paler than usual? 
“We’ll go to bed early, how about that?” Julian suggested. The sooner they could sleep, the sooner Shu may or may not begin to show symptoms. Shu agreed easily and Julian could barely fall asleep with the excitement fluttering around in his stomach.
And then, in the morning, it happened. Like any good flu did, Shu “unexpectedly” woke up with a sudden high fever and the aches and chills that went with it. Julian gave him the utmost sympathy as he held a thermometer under Shu’s tongue. Shu couldn’t keep his lips sealed with how hard his teeth were chattering, but the reading was still high. 102.1.
“Tch. You’re running such a fever,” Julian cooed sympathetically. 
Shu groaned. “Just mby luck ond a holiday weeke’d,” he sniffled, his words blunted by congestion. Talking caused him to wince at his sore throat and he let out a sharp series of harsh coughing. Julian could hear exactly how the congestion was weighing his breathing down.
“I know. It’s terrible timing,” Julian hummed as if he hadn’t planned this exactly. “But I’ll just have to take care of you. You know, like when we were kids.”
Shu cough-laughed in response, but by the end it was mostly coughing. “That was one d’ove the worst weeks ind mby life,” he said. 
Julian smiled. “Not mine.”
Shu blunked at him, red-rimmed and watering eyes brighter than usual with fever. He looked younger like this - disheveled and wrapped in two thick duvets. To Julian, the sight was precious. “Really?” Shu asked incredulously. 
“Really,” Julian said. “I fell in love with you that week.”
“Stop it. Itd’s dnot nice to mess with a sick person,” Shu said. He was either blushing or his fever was going up. Julian hoped it was both.
“I’m not messing with you. I’ve loved you since then.” Then he leaned down to kiss Shu, only to get a panicked hand shoved in his face.
“Are you crazy?! You do dnot want this.”
Julian hummed. That was true. Flu shot or not, there was always a risk. But he planned to hope for the best - well, the best and what all the multivitamins and antivirals available to him could do. “We sleep together. If I’m going to get it, I’ll have already got it,” Julian pointed out. “But I see your point. Air kiss for now, then.” He blew Shu a goofy little kiss, making his boyfriend wheeze in what he was pretty sure was supposed to be a giggle.
“You are crazy,” Shu said.
Julian smirked, leaning forward so his head was hovering over Shu’s intently. He was so beautiful like this, Julian thought to himself. He already didn’t want it to end. “But you love me,” he said in a deep voice.
Shu nodded, resting one slightly shaky hand on Julian’s cheek. “I do,” he said. “I really do.”
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jynersso · 2 years ago
13 for rebelcaptain pls
thank you for your prompt! 💛
#13 - things you said at the kitchen table
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notes: this is supposed to take place about 8 months after scarif (because of course they lived). I’m open to nice constructive criticism and feedback since I’m not much of a writer but I’m trying my best. I also apologize for any eventual grammar mistakes!! hope you like it
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The first mission day in Ord Mantell was a nice one: the rebel contacts were there just in time with no surprises and the supplies they came for would be ready in a few days. The most surprising part (and a very welcome one) was the safe house they were offered to say: a very cozy apartment in a quiet part of the city, with a large bedroom, ‘freshers with real showers and hot water, and a well-equipped kitchen.
Jyn excused herself to clean up while Cassian stayed in the kitchen, organizing the food they both brought from the market near their place and choosing some ingredients to cook dinner. He was delighted to see the large space there as well as all the items that he could use: there's been a long time since he was able to cook a real meal with fresh vegetables and he was looking forward to getting to work.
Cassian told Jyn a few times how much he enjoyed cooking but he never had the time or the place to do it properly. While she was showering, he set himself in the kitchen and started to prepare one of his favorite dishes (and he hoped she liked it as much as he did). He gave her a soft smile as she entered the kitchen a few minutes later with her damp hair out of its usual bun and her face with a soft shade of pink from the hot water.
She looked relaxed and comfortable while sitting on the little table near the stove, asking him about how he learned to cook, what are his favorite dishes and also if he could ever teach her how to do some stuff since she never had the opportunity to learn. Cassian told her he would teach her some things while they were staying in the safe house since it would not be possible in the rebel base and the happiness in her eyes during their conversation made the situation look so domestic. He wondered, for a moment, how things would be when the war was over. Would Jyn want to live in a quiet place and have a nice house? Would she have anyone else teaching her how to cook?
His divagations were interrupted by the smell coming from the pan, informing him the food was ready. He got two soup plates from the cabinet and served them both, joining her on the table. Jyn’s eyes went wide as she saw the food and she spend a couple of moments in silence contemplating it with her spoon in hand without saying a word.
“Jyn? Is everything okay?” Cassian tried to sound casual but he couldn't hide the little worried tone from his voice. He wondered if something was wrong, if maybe he said something that made her upset or if she was suddenly feeling unwell.
When she looked up, he could see that her eyes were a little teary as if she was holding back some tears, and hearing her unsteady voice, he was sure that something happened to her.
“It's fine. I... it's just that I don’t remember the last time I did this. I mean, just sat down in a nice place and ate a home-cooked meal someone made for me. I think I forgot how was it. To be honest I thought it would never happen again for a long time and now I got a little... Sorry, I promise you it's okay.” She gave him a sad smile and finally began to eat.
They both ate in silence and the weight of her words was soon getting to him. He knew Jyn had to live on her own for years and her life has not been easy but the thought of her not having a nice place to stay or a good meal to eat for so long broke his heart. Cassian couldn't promise her many things but he wanted to make her happy, to make her feel cared for, no matter if it was about gathering an army for her mission or just making her dinner. He wanted her to feel at home.
After a few minutes, Jyn was the one to break the silence with a satisfied smile and a playful tone. “This is delicious, Cassian. But now that I really know how good you are at this, I'll ask you to cook in every opportunity we have.”
Without thinking, he grabbed her hand that was laying on the table and looked at her eyes. “I would love to cook for you anytime, Jyn. And I'll be happy to teach you a couple of things as well. I enjoy cooking for myself when I have the chance but it's always so much better to share with an important person, you know?”
Jyn just locked her gaze at him for a moment, as if she was thinking about her next words but, in the end, she just nodded and smiled, gently caressing his hand. They ate the rest of their meal in silence still holding hands and enjoying each other’s presence and Cassian hoped she had the same feeling of home he had whenever they were together.
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captainhysunstuff · 2 years ago
The Chain - Date:  Food Transcript
The Chain - Date:  Food comic
*Light and L sitting at a table in a restaurant*
L:  *looking around* Hm.  You have a real talent for finding quiet, tasteful restaurants.
Light:  It comes in handy.  I kind of have to be.
L:  To get away from the praise and admiration?
Light:  Something like that.  If I stick with a place for too long, sooner or later, someone recognizes me or gets overly attached.  Then it’s always, “Let’s meet up!” and “What a coincidence!”  Ugh, I might as well get used to finding new places.  I don’t need everyone’s attention all the time.
L:  Henh, then these last few months must have been agonizing for you.
Light:  *laughs* Not for the reasons you’re suggesting.
L:  So, you don’t mind my attention?
Light:  Hm...  Not as much as I once did~.
L:  I see.  I suppose that’s a good thing.
Light:  Would you prefer that I be bothered?
L:  Well, bothered people make more mistakes...  Not that I need you to mess up anymore.  *chuckles*
Light:  *glares*
L:  ...
*Waitress brings food.  Soup and bread for Light.  Sandwich and apple slices for L.*
L & Light:  Thank you.
Waitress:  Enjoy.
Light:  Itadakimasu.
*eating in silence*
L:  So, are you enjoying your time at home?
Light:  Oh.  Yeah, it’s not bad.
L:  You look a lot better.  Are you sleeping well?
Light:  Henh, I suppose so.  I’m trying to relax, but y’know...  Family stuff.  They really want to spend time with me.
L:  That’s understandable.  You were gone for a long time.
Light:  I know, but they can be a bit... much.  I mean, you did just meet my sister.
L:  Hm.  She seemed nice.
Light:  Henh, nice and annoying.  *laughs* Nah, she’s fine.  But you know how it is, right?  Having a nosy sibling?
L:  I can imagine it being harder for you since you have to lie about where you’ve been.
Light:  *thinking* Deflected.  Of course.  Born an only child, or hiding the fact that he has siblings?  He’s mentioned there being multiple L’s, but I know L.  There’s no way that he’d willingly share his title (notwithstanding my borrowing it when speaking with Namikawa).  Although, that hypothetical conversation about me succeeding him leads me to believe that succession has crossed his mind.  It would be ideal to know for sure if someone else would show up after he dies.  Would they try to pick up where he left off, or would they only try to avenge him?  Not even a successor, but someone close like family?  It’s a shame he’s always been tight-lipped about it.
Light:  Family?
L:  +4%.
Light:  *angry* Fine!  Don’t tell me!
Light:  *out loud* Henh, yeah.  I don’t like lying to them, but it’s not a big deal.  Sayu though...  Uhh...  *laughs* She came to some interesting conclusions on her own.
Waitress:  Would you like a refill, sir?
Light:  Yes, thank you.
L:  Me too, please?
*later, food is eaten*
L:  *chuckles* Wow.  That’s impressive.
Light:  Impressively ridiculous more like~.
L:  I can’t say she’s too far off the mark.  I suppose it’s my own fault for enrolling at To-Oh with that name.  I was hoping my absence would make me fade from memory, but it’s only made me more infamous.
Light:  It’s what we get for testing well and playing a mean game of tennis.  *laughs*
L:  *looking around* I hope the waitress comes by soon.  I’m ready for dessert.
Light: *smirks*  Are you ever not ready for dessert?
L:  *looks around more* Anything you’d recommend?
Light:  Well, their marble cake’s pretty good.
L:  Hmm...  I’m kind of craving ice cream...
Light:  Can’t go wrong with a sundae~.
*desserts are brought.  Light with marble cake.  L with a monster sundae.*
Light:  Jeez!  What even is that monstrosity?
L:  What are you complaining about?  Fruit’s healthy, right?
Light:  Under all that whipped cream, caramel, and chocolate sauce, I’m not so sure.
L:  *eats a spoonful* I don’t care~.
Light:  Of course not.  *laughs*
L:  *thinking* He was probing me earlier.  Is he still trying to sus out my identity, or is he planning for future threats following my death?  Probably both.  This is starting to feel like old times.
Light:  *marveling after taking a bite* Ohh~.  It’s been so long~.
L:  You’re really having a good time with that cake over there.
Light:  *cough* It’s just... been a while since I’ve had it.
L:  Is it really that good?
Light:  I think it is~.  I almost forgot how good it is!
L:  May I try?
Light:  Huh?  Oh.  *thinking* It is supposed to be a date...
*Light slides his plate forward.  L scoops some cake with his spoon and eats it while Light watches with bated breath*
L:  Hm!  Not bad.  Good balance of vanilla and chocolate.
Light:  I know, right?  I can’t stand it when one flavor overpowers the other.  *Phew!*  Want another bite?
L:  *nods eagerly*
*Light cuts off a piece with his fork and holds it out for L*
L:  !  
*L leans forward to eat it off Light’s fork, but to his shock, Light turns around and shoves the bite into his own mouth at the last second*
Light:  Sorry!  The cakes pull was too strong~!
L:  *angry and embarrassed* That was cruel.  Light-kun lied to me.
Light:  *giggles* If I give you another bite for real, would you let me try yours?
L:  *pouting* Hmm.  I’m not sure I want to share with Light-kun now.
Light:  Oh, cheer up.  *cuts off another piece* Look how big this one is!  It’s got your name on it~.
L:  *grumbling*
Light:  Here, see?  Look!  It does!  I can’t eat it!
*L looks over and sees that Light had etched an “L” on the cake bite*
L:  *thinking* Damn it.  That’s actually cute.  ...And I have to destroy the evidence.  *out loud* ...If you insist.  *eats it off Light’s outstretched fork*
Light:  There.  Do you forgive me now?
L:  I’ll consider it.
Light:  Sooo?
L:  So what?
Light:  Where’s my bite?
L:  You want a reward for apologizing?
Light:  *scoff* Please.  Like you have any right to get upset over that tiny lie.
L:  You’re implying that I’ve lied to you?
Light:  Are you kidding?  That’s pretty much all you’ve done since we met!  *remembers L kissing his hand after a confession* Uh...  Mostly.
L:  I don’t recall lying about anything that matters since we’ve been together.
Light:  *quietly* What about telling me that Kira wasn’t killing people while I was imprisoned and having my father act like he was going to--
L:  *points to right wrist* All before we were together.
Light:  About that.  I’m not sure I believe that you didn’t make us “together” for professional reasons.  That you “weren’t doing it because you wanted to.”
L:  I had every intention of handling the situation professionally.  I never planned on acting on my feelings.  Subsequent events threw that resolve out the window, but going in, there were no ulterior motives of that nature, I assure you.
Light:  *raises voice, clenches fist* Well, what about that succession stuff?!
L:  Keep your voice down, please.
Light:  *quiets down a bit* As if you’d ever want me to take over your title.
L:  I was being misleading.  Not lying.
Light:  How weren’t you lying about that?!
L:  I said that you’d “be capable of succeeding” me.  That isn’t a lie.  Or is me holding your intelligence i such high regard unbelievable?
Light:  *a little sheepish* Ah...
L:  Any other instances of malicious dishonesty?
Light:  ...
L:  All things considered; I’d say that I’ve been very honest with you.  Especially since the standard reward for my honesty is getting punched in the face.
L:  Do you still want to try my sundae?
Light:  ...
L:  *holds out a bite on his spoon to Light* Here.
Light:  ...  *leans forward and eats the scoop off L’s spoon*
L:  Oh.
Light:  *chewing* Hm?
L:  *blushes* I now understand why couples enjoy feeding each other...
Light:  *hit by mood whiplash, makes an undignified noise and blushes*
L:  *holds out another bite* Would you like another?
Light:  *mouth full* R-really??
L:  It’s only fair.  I had two bites of yours after all.
Light:  I’m still not over the first!
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