#he's like ''haha. yeah im furious actually.''
lollytea · 1 year
It makes me sad that we know next to nothing about Perry but I always think about his response to his son being expelled is to put on his news reporter voice and declare "Breaking news! Augustus Porter is grounded!" Like objectively speaking, this man must be hilarious. But imagine the shit Gus puts up with on a regular basis
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writermask-0807 · 7 months
bakugo katsuki x reader
A/N: omg this took way too long 😭😭 but-
for my loyal follower, nunezs-stuff!! sorry for the delay, and I hope that I've done your request justice. Also, once again, I might not have all of your oc's personality quirks, but i did try. Thank you for requesting, Hope you enjoy!
wayyy too long for some hcs, ooc bakugo, lowkey aggressive bakugo (he should be a warning himself lol), swearing (cus it's bakugo, duh), I wrote kianna using ‘you’ since it wasn’t specified. kianna's eating disorder is also included, and im not sure if i depicted it correctly, but i tried my best!! hope not to offend anyone, haha uhh that's pretty much it, ig. Oh, and this one is for bakugo only, sorry, but I'm currently working on the others- they'll be out in a while. Lmk if I missed anything else!!
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bakugo katsuki, who meets you at the entrance exams, and, initially, regards your existence with indifference, since he’s already fuming, hands sparking with flames - all he’s thinking about is the sheer audacity of that bastard deku to even think about coming here, and how he’s gonna pummel him into the ground!!
so he’s honestly taken aback by your display of strength in the exams; he hadn’t paid much attention to you, yeah, but you sure didn’t look strong from how much he knew
either way, he’s intrigued - and almost immediately regards you as a new rival, and he expresses it in the only way he knows how to
“oi ya damn nerd! you must think highly of yourself, flexing your quirk like that!”
cue you turning to him with blank eyes
you shake his hand off your shoulder, looking unimpressed, even - bored
and almost immediately you piss him off with that - that expression of yours
there’s just something about it - something about that eerie emptiness in your eyes that sets him off, but bakugo’s determined and he isn’t going to let you off the hook so easily
so the both of you form a weird kind of rivalry/friendship into the first year of u.a that he definitely won’t admit is kind of nice
because with you, even with your blunt words and sharp eyes, you stick around when so many others have left him behind
and he can’t entirely blame them, selfish as he is
and it’s hard at first, because he’s more prone to blasting you with his quirk than ever having a *cough* normal *cough* conversation with you, but you’re just as stubborn as him, if not more
and you don’t take his shit either - returning his sneers and snide remarks with leers and barbs of your own
and you’re annoying, sure, always so goddamn blunt and straightforward, constantly on his heels like some kind of damn insect he can’t get rid of, but your company is nice from time to time (though he’ll never tell that straight to your face in a thousand years)
and bakugo just doesn’t get it at first
he knows he’s not the ideal friend (are you even… ‘friends’?); he’ll say shit that hits right where it hurts, does stupid shit that he doesn’t actually really mean
but you stick around and he learns to tolerate you and despite your arguments that are really just banter at this point, you look out for him and so does he, and… that’s kind of it, he supposes
and he doesn’t know how it has evolved to this - but he quickly learns to read between your insults and find the grudging compliment, he learns to see the embarrassed red in the tips of your ears when your face remains blank
he begrudgingly learns your likes and dislikes (though not on his own will), and so whenever he visits a store, he finds his eyes catching over the things you’d like, and for some godforsaken reason, ends up buying them for you
shoves it in your arms with a furious flush on his face and some lame excuse that you probably don’t believe but have the good graces not to point out
he learns that you can cook, and that it’s surprisingly good (again, he’ll never, ever admit it)
which is in anomaly in itself, and when he finds out, demands that you cook for him, claiming that he needs to taste how ‘bad’ his rival’s cooking is
you respond to this with a fond eye roll, and inform him that it’s definitely better than his, which riles him up, but then you end up cooking for him anyway
and, on a more intimate occasion, he learns that you can’t quite stomach the food you so meticulously make, and it pisses him off
of course, he knows it’s a disorder and that it can’t tackled by his sheer brashness alone
so he takes a more ‘subtler’ approach, if you can even call it that lol
ends up doing a ton of research; he starts with the little things, a slice of fruit here, a piece of fruit there- bakugo makes sure to periodically feed you small amounts of food because he takes notice that you can never really finish big meals
piles more food on your plate when he thinks you’re not looking
threatens you with smoking hands and an angry scowl (but he’s not angry, not really) to “eat more, damnit!” claiming that “you’ll be a scrawny little bastard forever so eat before i make you!”
(but thankfully, you don’t mind half as much as you’re amused)
comes ‘round to your room with tubs of your favorite foods that he claims he ‘accidentally’ made too much of (it’s a literal feast, btw)
watches you intently to make sure you’re actually eating, and when you tell him, quite bluntly, that he looks like a creep with a weird fetish of watching ppl eat, he tells you to “fuck off!” in no less indignant terms
continues to watch you like a hawk anyway lmao
(he catches you smiling, makes a whole fuss about it, and the both of you end up brawling it out, food promptly forgotten)
and so in the midst of this grudging rivalry-that’s-actually-really-friendship, it takes bakugo a painfully, painfully long time to realize
he likes you
no, no, no- he actually, really really really likes you
and it hits him like a ton of bricks after kamino
he’d came back as haunted and withdrawn as a ghost, and he’d pushed everyone away, all angry sneers and bared teeth and growling voice
but you’d stayed
you didn’t flinch away from his fury and his hurt and his screaming anguish - you’d welcomed it with open arms, quite literally
you’d forced his thrashing body into a tight hug, clamped your arms around until he’d stopped protesting and just collapsed onto you, sobbing his heart out, a crying, shaking mess
you were uncharacteristically gentle, soothing his cries with a hand carding through his damp hair and lips pressed his temple, his forehead, his cheeks, his fluttering eyelids
and it’s there, slumped boneless in your arms, voice hoarse from screaming himself raw and eyes red and puffy, too tired for his pride to protest, that bakugo - finally, after a stupidly long time - realizes
oh shit. i’m in love.
and he’s pretty sure you know, too
and so there’s no confessions, no fireworks or the sudden coming of spring to mark the start of something wonderful (but it is wonderful); it just sort of… happens
and so nothing changes- not really
you still argue over every little thing, and he still brings food ‘round to your room and you still spend time together doing study sessions;
except nowadays whenever you reach out to tug
at his hair out of eventual annoyance whenever you fight, a stupid lovesick blush rushes to his cheeks, no matter how hard he tries to snuff it out
and you accept his dishes with a faint smile that definitely doesn’t make him swoon
and the study sessions have turned to study dates that he really just spends admiring every flutter of your lashes and the light to your eyes whenever you get an equation right; wondering at the soft round of your cheeks that crinkle with your smiling dimples (that rarely stay long enough for him to catch), and the sweet curve of your mouth that lifts, just barely, into a gentle smile
and so with you and bakugo, it’s a learning kind of love; the kind that teaches you the ups and downs of life, the kind that hurts in the best sort of way
because it’s with you that bakugo learns how to trust and be trusted
(because what else was it when he showed him all your scars and your bruises, what else was it when you bared yourself inside out for him, the good and the bad, the flaws and perfection, and he for you?)
and it’s with you that bakugo learns to love and be loved, the soft gentle kind he’d thought to be so weak before, but - well
it’s not so bad after all. is it now?
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
todays stream..... im watching the vod in 1.5x speed because i forgot to watch. another long one.................................
jim and oli meet up immediately. they go to jimmys graveyard and olis died a bunch and he called himself mrs canary. blond boyfriends is "one night only" and oli said no flower husbands. they started making jokes about closing tumblr and ao3..... blond boyfriends are dead </3 jimmy then says they dont spend their evenings browsing those sites then oli says speak for yourself im mr wattpad
oli says "put on something sexy" for the talent show because both of them forgot to make skins for it. jimmy says hes not putting on the maid one (oli: i will) then oli suggests they both put on maid skins. grrrrr
(oli: why dont you want to be a maid? why dont you want to be a maid? you loved it you had a thumbnail about it and everything, you loved it, you loved it! stop pretending you didnt love it!
jimmy: i only do it on special occasions...... i only wear the maid dress one time on one series....... i cant do it twice........
oli: yeah but this is a different character, this is blond boyfriend jimmy, its like a whole different action figure!
jimmy: right, right, ill put it on.)
then they ask chat to make oli a maid skin since he doesnt have one. specifically with the same face as jimmys (the derpy face) then they realise they need an invisiblity potion for their talent show thing so they go to steal one from pixs furious cocktail machine. they go material gathering for more talent show stuff and split up.
(he kept making spongebob references. i think im going insane)
they meet back up. on the way jimmy goes to sausages house to steal some milk and he sees saus so he stabs him and runs away. oli found a weird pillager looking base in sausages house and shows jimmy to see how he would react to it. (u know how his voice goes when hes lying? Yeah) then after talking for a bit about who they think is a pillager (lizzie) they split up again.
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they meet up again and switch skins to their maid ones,,, then they start practising their dance for the talent show. not a lot happens other than flirting and oli theatening to kill himself if they lose. then they head over to the talent show and oli sings a gay little song on the way. he tries to make it sound less gay but it turns into sounding like a one night stand.
they arrive and sausage admires the outifts and asks if they want to work at the tavern later. oli says yes (only if they dont win) and jimmy doesnt say anything about it. they take their seats and jimmy sits in front of scott. hes standing on the back of the stair instead of the front so scott asks him to move so hes not blocking scotts view. jimmy says not my fault im 6 foot so scott hits him and he ends up landing on the back of the seat in front (which is eloises). eloise hits him back. he gets hit around a bit (notably laughing) then scott pulls his sword out and asks out loud how much of a blockage a grave will be. jimmy then shakes his head and goes please no i dont have any armour on :( and scotts like haha i know. then the talent show starts
mog introduces the show and prays for no deaths. first event with no deaths. please. he reads a poem for his pet sweetpea that died. its actually really good but the fact that its about a minecraft bee does make me giggle. the judges are fwhip, eloise, and katherine. not entirely people who hate jimmy.... he has a chance....... how the judging works is the 3 judges have redstone lamps that are ON and if they turn them OFF they dont like the act. if all 3 lamps turn off you have to leave the stage.
first act is shubble :) she makes cat jokes. i think theyre funny. fwhip turns off his lamp and shubble says "quit the catattitude". eloise also turns off her light. she ends her performance with 1 light on!
sausage goes next...... hes doing a play about boat boys. joel audibly sighs in the audience. sausage is wearing an etho skin and drags joel on stage. saus tries to get joel to say he loves etho but joel just goes I LOVE MY WIFE!! lizzies in the audience and she doesnt react at all. "etho" then goes on to say they have a kid together. then it ends with 2 lights on. (technically 1 but katherine turned off eloises light. then eloise turned off fwhips light but he turned it back on.)
then oli and jimmy go!!! fwhip turns off his light almost immediately but they basically just make puppy dog eyes at him until he turns it back on. they start with their dancing and they get the audience to join in. its much more organised than the rehersals. then they go onto the disappearing act. fwhip turned his light off again but eloise and katherine seem to be loving it. jimmy splashes himself with the invisiblity potion (and accidentally catches oli in it) then runs behind the seats and drinks milk. eloise turned her light off too :( but katherine and the audience really like it. they try to do their drowning act but theres a conduit power which makes it less interesting. they end the performance with 1 light on.....
then its mogs turn! hes. racing people. and jumping very high. then he starts flying. i genuinely think hes hacking and i respect the dedication to the bit. then he starts walking on water. i think he ended with all 3 lights on.
judging time....... notable thing is katherine gave oli and jim a 10/10.
1st: oli&jim. 2nd: shubble. 3rd: mog. 4th: saus. fwhip gives jimmy his coin and jim says thanks daddy fwhip. jimmy goes home and is very happy about it :) then he ends........ new sos video saturday and next stream is monday :P
long recap again.... this ones kinda all over the place cuz i was typing while watching. i equally love blond boyfriends and also want oli 100ft away from jimmy at all times
man oh man... the adventures of the blonde boy friends
Ok the maid dress......... I'm not too upset by it because I accept Oli joining in with the maid outfit thing as a valid form of helping Jimmy heal. Not that Oli INTENDS to do that (he's too stupid) but... Him insisting "you loved it! You did!" makes me want to throw up but he's stupid. He's his own fucked up thing who I don't see as participating in the Jimmy "bottom of the food chain" bullying culture. He puts himself down on that food chain alongside Jimmy... unintentionally, still, but. Mmmgh. If it were, say, Sausage instead whototallydoesnthaveamaidkink saying this... It'd be another story and I might just throw myself out the window
Oli's fooling around and I still hate his insistence on Jimmy liking the maid ordeal (and even here, Jimmy is voicing the opposite!! sobs) but then he goes and puts on a maid dress too. It might be unsubstantial fun and jokes for him, but at least Jimmy's not alone on that now in a sense... Even the derpy face is the same... And same with "I'm mrs canary now". It's more "haha we both suck" and less "you suck/I suck almost as bad as you". More affectionate and less derogatory
Oli saying he'll kill himself if they lose kinda sucks because Jimmy frequently gets blamed for failures of groups he's part of, and if not, he might just blame himself and apologize anyway. But at the same time if they did lose, I cannot imagine Oli blaming it on Jimmy. He'd only address it as them both being equally at fault. Shared failure... The bar is really low ok
OF COURSE Sausage is there to admire them OF COURSE Sausage whototallydoesnthaveamaidkink is asking them to work at the tavern. Fuckass sorry I'm gonna hold myself back in case any Sausage fans are reading this. Sorry Sausage fans. I don't hate you ok. and Jimmy not saying anything in response even when Oli said yes... he has trauma guys he has such trauma I cant fucking make this up its right there. This is making me so sad. Jimmy choking up.... Even if he were to voice displeasure he'd just be shot down again. Sausage won't take no for an answer and Oli being Oli would probably encourage Jimmy too. Unfortunately. This sucks
There's something about Joel here too but I actually can't talk about it I'm serious even Tumblr will cancel me
I can't tell you how fucking happy I am that they won though so that 1. Oli doesn't kill himself and 2. They don't have to go work at the tavern as is evident is against Jimmy's wishes anyway. He doesn't have to relive his trauma. Katherine you have no idea what you've done I love you Katherine
Also thank you Jimmy for stabbing Sausage. Deserved
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nerd-at-sea5 · 1 year
the last s2 chaos dump post. spoilers ahead
also i think i just lost my shit while watching this ep
oh all of his joy is abt to go away SO FAST
shauna. shauna. SHAUNA.
van tai nat the judge-y lesbians of all time <333
yeah lisa's dying.
hate to say it but misty's right lottie pls get some therapy
nat defending her wife (kinda?)
'we got over it' *taissa's head tilt* oh nat honey none of you got over it
oh my god the look of terror when misty tells lottie nat drew the queen
ok technically shauna started the cannibalism
ok no give him time to greive.
....at least their taking off his clothes first?
thank you natalie
do not. do this. while fucking. blindfolded.
and after all of it, van is still squimish about blood....gonna sob
van is making some painfully good points rn
she's dulling down the knifes...SCRATCHED OUT EYES.
jeff YOU are on tv...callie's facial expressions alone i love her-LMFAO SHE KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE THE GUN IS-
nat's trying to protect lisa....she's so dead!!! oh my god nat and lisa im gonna s o b
he wants to go with her because he think she's not like them but she wont let herself go with because she thinks SHES WORSE.
van's minor case of insanity should not be as hot as it is.
ok she's phrasing it weirdly but she has a point
walter's gonna kill kevyn.
'are you one of the cult people' 'no i'm from the shire'
his heart is so small....OH SWEET FUCKING LORD.
yeah ok ive gotta fast forward that. DUDE IT WAS RAW.
misty i'm rlly not liking you rn
van just kicking the fire ily
vannnnnnnnn OH she wants to die-nvm.
it's gonna be nat i stfg and im gonna die
this gives me to much anxiety oh good god. lottie??
fucking hell.
'it was vans idea' *the face of bitch pls*
oh lottie-wait i wanna hear van's story....
it's van or nat. nvm it's nat. CALLED IT.
lottienat pls makeout NOW challange. BOTH timelines.
ben watching like: i do not understand lesbians, also. i want to die.
nat you want to kiss her so bad, ur also having a midlife crisis at 17
omfg akilah's little curtsy and the way she and nat smile at each other
misty it was cute but the way ur looking at her makes me think you want to kill her
fuck. damnit lisa.
misty if you do this i will forever hate you.
yep. misty i hate you. idgaf if it was an accident.
just when she wanted to live. SHES NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE.
pls tell me shes got like a tolerance to this stuff?? pls.
'this is exactly where we belong' no, no you deserve to live you just haven't realized it yet.
jesus the way she's smiling at her. she just wants to help!!
fuck she's actually dead.
i am so fucking furious right now.
god van's entire face is just 'it's supposed to be me.'
van palmer i should not find this hot.
hey at least their warm now right
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icharchivist · 2 years
i got super emo today and was rereading a transcript of the winter chapters and actually properly absorbed the whole mentions of hisoka saying sorry to august, and there being the "im watching you, december" - apr. and ive got my thinking goggles ON. more points added to the chikage hisoka assassin cult each day. is hisoka december???? is chikage wearing his jacket??? is chikage april??? after all he SPECIFICALLY appeared in the my masters mesmerized by mystery event.... which is the winter troupe one where hisokas the lead..... like clearly hes not just itarus buddy showin up to support. anyways i realize that you're unable to answer any of what i say up here, its mostly just there to demonstrate ive got my thinking cap on SO. ill have to add something that u actually can reply to. i've been fiddling with this concept lately of tenma and yuki ending up at the same university bc i think like. these two are children with other passions than simply theatre and at some point they are gonna yknow. go off and do other things. i think itll be at a point where its good for them to do so and everything, so like, its not like theyll have left mankai completely but yknow. mb a more infrequent presence? and tenma will end up there around the same time as yuki bc he is a world famous movie star who maybe doesnt go to uni at the normal time. but he also does want to be normal i think. i 1) think itd be hilarious because you have this dynamic of yuki being like. why is this hack here. i am starting my cool fashion life at college... why is he here. its kinda weird that someone who knows me so well is here. and tenma is also like wow its also really weird that my roommate is here. yknow. and then everyone else is like "wow you two are besties aren't you" which they hate. but ALSO i think its abt like, you think you have to "grow up" and leave your found family but actually they are always going to find you back in some weird way. and everything in a3 is abt blooming with each other so like making your way Back There... its not a bad thing. something like that. ok that was my point 2) and however many # of points i had there as well lol... ALSO ALSO lately i have been thinking abt how the color of yukis eyes is the same as tenmas hair (i love juzas eyes as they are but if they were orange then he tenma and yuki would make a perfect secondary color trio....). anyways i think yuki would absolutely rebel against this. are u kidding me tenmas hair is the color of an anemic tangerine. me i have brilliant sunset eyes. we are nothing alike muku how dare you (and then muku apologizes so much that yuki relents but he is still internally furious and randomly threatens to dye tenma's hair later that week, to much confusion) but eventually its like... so they are the same color. so we are the same color in one way or another. so very many years down the line that is not gonna be an insult but a comfort. or something like that, im rambling, haha.
of course i can say nothing, i'm keeping my mouth shut. You have hhh, 5 events left to finally start act 2 main story so. so we'll see when we get there. You're closer to it than ever but. yeah.
And oooh i love the concept! Technically as the year pass you do see more characters go to uni and stuff (like on the JPN server the timeline is that 3 years has passed since the begining of the story, so…..) I could see the two of them go to the art university a lot of the gang is going to tbh, like, Yuki for fashion and Tenma for further acting…
"1) think itd be hilarious because you have this dynamic of yuki being like. why is this hack here. i am starting my cool fashion life at college… why is he here." this is so funny bc with Tenma being older, Yuki being like "why are you here" would just have Tenma going "??? I WAS GOING HERE FIRST????" but yes everyone can see they're besties. and i do love the idea of them "making their way back there" sobs
on 2) THIS IS SO FUNNY. Yuki rebelling about the colors is killing me. Poor Muku just pointing it out and Yuki having to conceed.. it's so much.
This is really funny, thank you for sharing :3c
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Good responses to getting stabbed with a knife:
Napoleon, Vincent, Theodorus, Sebastian, Mozart: rude.
Jeanne, Dazai: That's fair.
Comte, Isaac: Not again
Leonardo, Arthur, Shakespeare: Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?
#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#napo is largely indifferent like 'oh its a tuesday' and takes them out#vincent is like 'well thats not very nice' but will only knock them out if they're a threat to other ppl#if its just him he'll try to talk them down no matter how much he gets hurt#sebas is just like 'that's not v cash money of you' and will prbly be a furious nerd despite his noodle arms#mozart is just bITCH THE AUDACITY THE ONLY ONE THAT MAKES ME BLEED MY OWN BLOOD IS M E#don't think he actually has fighting exp but his sheer spite will mean victory#i would like to make the distinction that theodorus is like between the 'rude' and 'that's fair'#he'll be irritated but at the same time he's like 'i mean i am insufferable and awful i deserved that'#(he needs a LOT of help...)#jeanne and dazai are just 100% big depressy and just shrug like 'i mean yeah but if you want to do real damage you'll have to go#for my emotions buddy'#100% think they deserved it and wont even be mad#i just imagine comte and isaac sighing like#i dont want to fight but here we are yet again#im crying they're literally the hamilton 'i dont wanna fight but i wont apologize for doing what's right'#the last three just don't give a damn at all and are like oh sick a knife#leonardo is esp hilarious bc he's just like 'oh worm? big mood' and just yanks it right out and keeps moving--won't even try to dodge it#the pain means he's alive haha LEONARDO STOP T H A T#(arthur prbly deserved it knowing him so he just takes it in stride)#why is shakespeare in that last bracket you ask?#easy more knives for his collection LMAO#you cant just turn away a free knife!!#source: greelin
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spnorwhatever · 3 years
rip that pic set of Jimmy.... does in fact have big omega energy, HOWEVER I Refuse, like, I gotta have standards I gotta draw the line somewhere....
#misc#on the other hand.... if we're doing a/b/o how interesting would it be to have jimmy be an omega and cas as an alpha#he goes beta-like when he first takes Jimmy as a vessel bc angels dont necessarily have designations as such none of them rly think abt it?#that first time when he's like losing his angel juice they kiiiind of assume he'll revert to omega like Jimmy was but#instead of being clear-cut it's like a mess he seems to read mostly beta but sometimes there'll be random omega or alpha presentations#but then it's ultimately a non-issue bc it doesn't become a long-term issue and they kind of write it off as an angel thing#Emmanuel reads as a beta very neutral very unassuming etc etc#but when s9 happens he's got that fluctuating thing but ultimately sort of lands on alpha#I think it would be fun bc it would like. be another layer of oh no Dean couldn't possibly ever with me#bc Dean is an alpha and like he likes women and he likes omegas#it'd also make s9 more fucked up bc Dean would feel bad at first about leaving Cas out in the cold. but then he'd find him in the gas statio#and then realize oh he turned out to be an alpha. and that would make him feel less bad. which is fucked up#the endgame here is Dean & Cas as an alpha/alpha pairing it happens that's how it works here in this fantasy#actually I think it would be fun is Cas tends to read beta-y but leaning alpha sometimes#but yeah imagine Dean sort of laughing it up with Cas like oh phew you turned out to be a beta haha here I was afraid I left#an omega out in the cold :) . like how fucked up would that be lol. Cas would be (rightfully) furious with him#(im like handwaving away the biology here I think arguably I can do that bc Cas/Jimmy get exploded and reconstituted)
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shock · 3 years
anyway, my new phone came in the mail today and i spent the next two hours trying to transfer from my old one and despite doing everything right i got stuck in limbo where i couldn't get codes sent to my number to keep going but i couldn't make my new phone have that number, so i got mad enough that i was like fine i'm going to drive to the store. it takes 20 minutes so im blasting my offspring cd (americana) at full blast to keep my cool enough that i can act normal. so i get there and i walk in to see one of the ladies who was there when i came a few days ago and i was like "yeah, it's so weird, it's like it's in limbo" and she goes "ohh, there's nothing we can do, actually the entire system went out nationally, we hope it might come back tonight" and i was like "got it, great, that's not your fault, can we just try and make sure i did it all right just in case" so she's checking my phone and i start stretching like i usually do when i'm in one place and i do this stretch where i grab my ankle and push it completely flush with my side so my shoe faces up and this mom with her teenage daughter looks at me and is like so shocked and she goes "i don't think legs are supposed to DO that" and i get sooo embarrassed i always do this so i never thought it was weird and i overcome it and do it with my other leg and go "it's the only stretch that makes my knee pop!" and my knee pops loudly and the mom freaks out and we start talking and laughing and then halfway through checking my phone the service comes back on and my phone WORKS, so i'm like GREAT thanks now i can go home! and halfway out i realize i also brought the screen protector i got and i'm already here so i ask her if she can put it on for me, and i give her the box and we open it on the spot and she starts taking out the pieces it comes with and all of a sudden she's like "what. no way." and the pause feels like it takes a million years because i'm not gonna lie when i came in i was so amped up and furious about not having a working phone i'm imagining something catastrophic might as well happen still and she goes "there's no screen protector in here!". the whole thing is perfectly sealed, all the parts are there, except the fucking screen protector. and in my mind i'm going "oh haha i'm so glad this happened after fixing this problem because if i had opened that at home during all of this or even after all of this when i already went back home i might have gone off the FUCKING deep end sarah" but the whole thing is so absurdly funny i'm like. just awed. and she, being awesome, grabs me a new one and puts it on and as she does her coworker (his role in this story is small but he was so flamboyantly gay he added a nice charm to the aura of the situation) looks over and is like "wow, that's the best one you've ever done" and she was so excited about doing it perfectly anyway i have a phone.
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impending-day · 3 years
ok since at least one person wants to hear my Afterlife SMP Boogeyman's Curse AU im gonna do a quick summary of what i have. yes i am palnning on putting this bad boy on ao3 i have 1600 words i wrote in one sitting wink wonk!!
vague summary time!!
yknow how the sound of the uh. the pre-boogey message comes with thunder. like the one that says _ minutes untin the boogey is chosen. yeah its raining when that first hits
the message says like "the boogey will be chosen in 60 minutes" cause i want everyone to meet up before the boogey(s) is/are chosen
so they all converge upon their spawn island and theyre all like "bro wtf is going on." joel, scott, lizzie, and jimmy are the only ones who know the weight of the message and theyre kinda in hysterics to figure out why its here in the first place
they argue?? about it? somehow?? idk havent written that part
because i feel like it, im making joel an Empath and hes like "oooboy there is something not good approaching and its not just the 10 minutes left on that clock"
then from a tree: boom. eyes. shubbles like "OUGH WHAT" (hint: her origin is a shadow smthn right). and then some stupid mysterious speech and who is it?
its. its grian
why is he here you ask? 1. self indulgence. 2. hes the admin of last life and thus has access to the boogeyman curse's code. 3. hes a watcher yeah thats canon here too. he even calls it his "origin" and i think im pretty smart
anyways the last life folk are all screaming at him (at least internally) and everyone else is like "howd you even get here" except for shubble cause my watcher lore says that watchers are from the void which, according to shubbles origin, she was there for a few hundred years so. yeah
im mildly tempted to bring the Entity into this but idk how exactly
i also dont exactly know why grian chose to spread the curse into afterlife rn sorry lol this is all self indulgence because im Not Over Last Life and dont think i ever will be
joel naturally is furious at grian right? like they were allies on last life and now grian is pitting everyone against each other. he feels absolutely betrayed.
scott is like. dying inside. because he cant handle going through those feelings again after resisting the curse and falling to red due to his failure. he just cant do that again.
jimmy is confused on why grian keeps calling him timmy. but hes also more confused on why the boogeyman curse is back. hed gone through a server with that once. hes concerned it followed him over to afterlife. canary in the coalmine, after all.
lizzie is scared. shes not particularly strong; shes much better at hiding. being the boogeyman would be really bad for her, but someone else being the boogeyman would be bad too. potentially worse. her mind has already switched back into survival mode.
and everyone else is like "bro wtf is a boogeyman"
the thing is, to not drop 9 lives, the boogeyman has to kill someone every week
yeah so joel gets into an argument with grian and its getting heated (haha im so funny). and then joel tries to attack grian but. naturally. it dont work. and grian takes joels first life before the curse is even implemented
the sun is setting, joel just died, grian is tormenting them, yaddah yaddah yaddah. grian goes to pick on scott as "payback for not following the rules correctly last time." and everyone is trying to keep scott away like a game of hot potato or something but its not going so well
UNTIL joel teleports across the water and stabs grian through the chest. cause hes enderian now. why? plot. i make the au, i make the rules
grian goes away and now its night. spawn is lit up nicely but everywhere else. is not. mwehehe
i have more but i wanna get a more solid idea first (laughs in im just gonna go make a part 2 if ppl want it) (because i already have a solid idea but its even More self indulgent)
anyways yeah thats. pretty in depth honestly damn. but expect it to be Better because im actually gonna format this stuff into a proper piece of literature one day lol
thanks yall for being so pumped abt this tho!!
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constellaj · 3 years
I do adore your gay Lucky in Love rewrite. But I do wonder how you do a rewrite within the actual episode. Such as Dash's POV of the water park shenanigans (I'm convinced that that the water guns are filled with soda, to get the sprayie sticky) and Dash's POV of the "We're dating now!" hallway moment (maybe Kawn can ask Dash if he's okay) and begrudgingly acknowledging that "Paulina" likes Danny (the look on Dash's face and the "jerk, I mean pal")
I would say that the thing that ought to be redone in Lucky in Love is the characters motivations, for nearly all of them at points in the episode.
I do not buy that Johnny would have wondering eyes when he so devoted to Kitty, and the whole "to make the ex jealous" is a lame trope and Kitty was way to affectionate to Danny for that. I would buy that moving from the ghost zone to the real world is stressful adjustment (hiding from the Fenton ghost hunters and such) could inspire fights and they break-up. And Kitty tries to be on her own for awhile but doesn't know how to handle that, and gets re-bound feelings for the only other eligible ghost-boy around (which Shadow catches wind of which makes him furious and he tries to kill Danny before Kitty make "horrible mistake"). Kitty should have purposefully picked Paulina to possess because she's a high-profile girl who Danny is already crushing on and mean enough to "not deserve" to be in control. And when Danny finds out the truth, I think Kitty could have added the threat of physically hurting if he didn't comply (such as I like Kitty, she has zero qualms about completely taking over others girls lives and expending them, which is scary).
The A-list being a literal exclusive club with limited members is too dumb to be silly. But friend groups splintering and shifting due to one or more friends changing, or when newly-dating teens unintentionally neglect their friendships, is something I do buy. Dash could be so livid about his best-female-friend suddenly and inexplicably dating his crush that he becomes unbearable to be around even for Kwan, who might want to try to make new friends, and give Sam and Tucker a try.
As for Danny, when he found out that Paulina was being possessed by a girl ghost the whole time, it seemed that his initial concern was getting Paulina back in control of her own body, which is the correct response. But then it shifted to him feeling "suffocated" by Kitty. His discomfort should have stayed on the fact that Paulina was being dated against her will, which should make Danny feel sick with guilt.
This turned out longer than expected. You can pick and choose what to respond to if at all.
(tl;dr for anyone who doesn’t know my lucky-in-love-but-gay rewrite:
Johnny and Kitty are taking a couples’ break, and Shadow, who feeds on romance, is whining like a spoiled dog about it. Shadow goes to find another hopeless romantic to possess to eat up love, and encounters Dash watching the romance channel. Dash gets more and more flirtatious, ghostly, and adopts a biker aesthetic as Shadow pulls at his emotions; not fully possessing him, but amplifying his feelings. Shenanigans ensue when Dash can’t decide if he has a bigger crush on Phantom or Fenton. Danny has to find a way to get Shadow out of Dash before Dash becomes reliant on him. Kitty needs to get Shadow back because, if Johnny doesn’t have Shadow, he becomes much more vulnerable.
biker dash art / full ep post)
this is all super fucking inch resting and im publishing this so the rest of the world can see but like generally speaking i think lucky in love is a shit fucking episode all around and it really can’t be saved. johnny and kittys dynamic is so petty and so inherently “Haha i hate my wife right boomers” that I cannot accept it as a way anyone would actually act and for that I don’t think the episode could ever really be “good.” I like to think of johnny and kitty as hapless mushy lovebirds. their only ‘couple fights’ are saying things like
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{ID: a discord script I had with @crystalfloe​. it reads: Johnny: Well what do you want me to DO? You know you’re at fault too here- what about all those road trips huh, constant road trips with you snuggling me from behind?
Kitty, scowling: You gave me a BLACK ROSE on my birthday, you KNOW that’s my favorite color!
Johnny: Yeah, you got me the EXACT part I was wanting for my bike even though I only said the name once! You just REMEMBERED!
Danny: Woah hey let’s not fight here.... does this count as fighting?
Kitty: YOU spent the entire day I was sick making me food even though you had a BOYS NIGHT planned!
Johnny: YOU’RE just a BEAUTIFUL LOVING PERFECT PERSON! And now Shadow’s a glutton for ROMANCE!
Kitty: Well maybe if YOU weren’t so SELF SACRIFICIAL and full of UNBRIDLED CARE AND INTIMACY he WOULDN’T BE!
Johnny: How DARE you say I’m the more loving one and therefore the PROBLEM-
Kitty: I’m really starting to hate you and your CUTE FACE, Johnny!
Johnny: Yeah- well, I’m starting to get real sick of your adorable EYES, Kitty!
End ID.}
If you want to rewrite Lucky in Love, to me, you have two options: absolutely decimate canon, or work within it. Decimating canon (ie, making Dash gay) comes with also deconstructing Johnny and Kitty’s toxic relationship into something actually worth rooting for, which in turn unravels the entire episode because the premise is... it’s a bad relationship. If you want to work within canon, the episode as is is pretty much the best you can get, because no way in hell would they let Dash be gay in canon.
While your takes are interesting, it’s not the kind of media I personally would like; the whole “Kitty could have added the threat of physically hurting if he didn't comply“ doesn’t sit well with me at all, so I can’t say it’s something I would ever engage with, personally.
Also, I don’t need canon to be 100% serious all the time, personally I love the bit about the A-Listers having a formal club with like, paperwork and stuff, it’s genuinely funny and also provides a nice clean-cut metaphor for how Danny as an “unpopular” kid might view the way the popular kids work. I don’t think the writers thought that was actually how popular kids work, I think they were playing with it and expanding on how a kid might see it.
You’re right that the focus of the episode should have been on Paulina’s bodily autonomy, which I think the OG was lacking in even as is because we didn’t get anything from Paulina’s POV; she’s treated more as a prop than a person, which, yikes.
But in summary, while this is interesting, none of it is how I would rewrite lucky in love if given the chance; if canon-divergent, I’d probably tweak the biker dash concept; if canon-compliant, I’d try to make it more of a jokey episode, maybe making the conflict between Kitty and Johnny a “I have to get him a secret birthday present without him knowing” instead of a “I am going to make him jealous by cheating on him.”
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gayspock · 3 years
OK bake off ep 2
- the intro sketch is evil. i never want to see paul hollywood eat matt lucas ever again
- lizzie i do love you a lot but you are so obviously some sort of disney adult / harry potter adult and i could tell that before you mentioned the latter but god. im trying to live in bliss. so dont mention it again
- oh i loathe amanda . i fucking hate her. shut up. wriTTTTTing... SHUT UP !!!! SHUT UP!!! (GOES FOR HER THROAT)
- when no-brits tumblr dot com mock the bri'ish accent am ike 😁✌teehee cheeeeeseee ubt when oughghh. when a missus like her tries to take the piss out of it in a very clear classist context am like oh crikey. die i'll fucking go bite your nasty ankles you little cunt snap snap snap trust the cop 😐😑. i hate her shes the villain for me she shoulda went last week fr fr
- rochica tooo omggg yaaayyy i love it my cute girlies
- let him be chilled out i lurv it when the bakers are just calm and cool theyre like "well.. im in a pickle, arent i? aha oh well" its so funny
- jurgen (am sorry omg u dibt =have umlauts on my keyboard and im going fast live so icant paste them in) but wowee it looks so delicious and scrammy and-
- giuseppe being like ehrm. WELL ACTUALLY- to paul yeah go ahead you fucking tell him get his ass . giuseppe you point out that you- OH NO HE JUST DROPPED HIS BRANDY SNAPS
- i love everyone here btw (except for amanda) theyre all my besties they really are
- hahaa seeeee giuseppe did it in the end haaahaaaa paul (rips him apart)
- also i was busy during the ad break (was washing my face) but is prue.... whats that show with prue. -_- i hate it whatever it is.
- every time they bitch and , moan about too strong flavours i just dont trust it theyre not so bad this year but nonetheless its paul and prue fucking fusspots like shut uppppp
- (handshake) matt: it means nothing from me, you know jurgen: it means everything to me oH IM OBSESSED
- jammy biccies... :3
- oh for gods sake, yet again with the "its all about the temperature and its hot today" please stop, for the love of god, forcing the drama with this PLEASE. invest in AIRCON. its not giving the good tv bits you hope it does bestie...
- also paul being like "haha, well you're from south africa" to prue we dont need to be reminded. (gives prue a VERY stern stare)
- also subs arent on todays ep for some reason. um. -_-<-furious
- they need to stop giving them these stupidly hard showstoppers so early. fr, last week they had the gravity defying cake: when nadiya did that 5 years ago, that was like ICONIC and awe-inspiring... why the hell was it a week one bake? stoppppp over complicatying things besties. they just make a mess.
- like fr. they used to just have them make a structure, sure... likw why are they making them make full on interactive toys with gingerbread now?
- i hope amanda's rocking horse is the one that breaks. i hope her rocking horse dies.
- her choosing a soft cookie and then going ahhhh why is it breaking</3 HAHAHA AMANDA. GET IT.
- I LOVE it when they engineer cool stuff though its soooo epic. especially the engineers when theyre just sat there going fucking bonkers with all their little measurements-
- also wait. rochica??? how big will that be?
- OMG YES CRYSTELLE YESSSS YESS a makeup thingy. i would loooveeee that. literally sooo cool.
- i would love to make one of those heads. you know those doll heads. where you braid their hair.
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- matt im screaming. "do you know whats wrong? british technology".
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- i didnt get giuseppe's but this is also very cool. the insane detail and engineering with them both.
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,- matt referring to his doctor who stint. i am obsessed. (slaps his bald head) love.
- oh my god if they send jairzeno home bc hes a lil messy i'll kill you boot amanda she trainwrecked completely
- literally jurgen and giuseppe. the literal mvps.but it would be SO fucking funny if jurgen got it second week in a row like yes bestie go for it ...
- now send amanda home. do it for me.
- ....
- .
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golden-voices · 4 years
Jealous Inosuke x reader
Gimme that spicy spicy. Jealous Inosuke x reader, or if you’re not comfy with that, then Giyuu. Like maybe we were at a fair during college or sum (whatever AU) and these guys flirted with reader and they’re like “haha thx” cause they’re oblivious. So they “claim” reader as there in a little hidden section. (So like... semi-public) Im not tryna right the whole plot Im sorry, idk if you want mucho detail or not 🥺🥺 So uh... just public Inosuke or Giyuu x reader basically 🥺
I finished my first request yaaay! But I don’t think that i fulfilled the original request tbh (accidentaly deleted it haHA) :(
Writing this actually was harder than expected, as English is not my first language lol, but I think it turned out well for my first non-school-related writing.
If you got critism oder tips feel free to tell me! 
And sorry, I don’t know much about college or what a fair is :’) I hope you still like it.
[Warnings: nsfw, semi-public]
As you were on a mission with the Kamaboko squad and the flame pillar, you happened to get into a festival in a village you were passing by.
The smell of food, people laughing and kids screaming, your friends talking. All of this makes you happy, but seeing your boyfriend having so much fun and tolling around makes this festival unforgettable. But this damn demon... for three weeks you haven't found a trace, except for the remains of his victims. Your thoughts drifted to your mission again and again...
"Where's your mind wandering, (y/n)?" Tanjirou blurted out, pulling you out of your thoughts. Now the others got curious too... great. "Uuh, I just can't get my mind off that demon," Tanjirou slightly furrowed his eyebrows as he began rubbing your shoulder, "We can worry about this tomorrow, but now we should take a break!" he cheered. "Yes (y/n), your face is too pretty to be ruined by sadness!" stated Zenitsu with a dreamy glance in his eyes, his cheeks turning red. As they were going on comforting and complimenting you, you felt an intense glance on you...
"Why won't they stop touching her?!"
Inosuke was furious. His eyebrows were wrinkled and his lips pursed as he was obviously jealous. The green-eyed couldn't hold himself back anymore... "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, WHY ARE YOU ALL HITTING ON HER?!" He squaled, pulling you out of their range. The attempts to calm him down only made him irritated.
Surprised you were looking at him. You are used to him being impulsive and not able to control his feelings, but something like this?
"Is he.. jealous? That's kinda cute tho,"
You just had to laugh. Inosuke stopped mid-sentence to look at you with a confused expression "Why did you laugh? DO YOU THINK I'M RIDICULOUS, HUH?". Out of consideration for the others, you asked your upset boyfriend to talk about this in a quiet place. But Inosuke didn't want to talk.. he wanted the world to know that you are his. Suddenly he grabbed you and pulled you through the crowd, "OKAY" he yelled, "IF YOU SAY SO".
As soon as you reached a place away from the festive turmoil he threw his boar mask to the ground and pinned you against a wall. "INOSU-" You couldn't even end your sentence because he pressed his lips against yours. Gasping you pushed him away from you but that didn't stop him, it just turned him on. "When I'm done with you-" he pulled at your uniform "-everyone knows that you're mine."
"We're in public, Ino.. S-Stop..." You tried complaining, but your complains faded into moaning as the heated young man began to leave hickeys on your neck. With a husky voice, he whispered right into your ear "No (y/n), I won't stop until marked what belongs to me". Hearing his seductive voice and seeing this wild gaze in his eyes you couldn't resist him anymore, so you slung a leg around his hip and stuck your tung in his mouth.
"It's YOUR fault if we get caught, mister," You told him while he was taking off your shirt. "Shut your mouth and take that fucking bra off!" He responded in a harsh voice while struggling to take your bra off. You just had to tease him after a good laugh "What if I won't, huh?". Getting annoyed by you getting cocky he pinched your butt. The moan you let out made him even harder. "Fine, here you go. But watch out for someone coming, please" You dropped the black bra with a floral pattern to the floor.
As soon as your bra fell onto the floor Inosuke grabbed your breasts and squished them. "N..Not so rough, my breasts are sensitive you know that" You mumbled. He didn't bother listening to you, he instead grabbed your thigh even rougher and pulled you to him. You could feel his hot breath at your ear, causing you to hold on to him tighter. You pressed your hips into his so you could feel his covered erection.
Inosukes mind was going wild at the sight of your shaky body. Your leg in his hands, your red face, your twitching thighs, he didn't care about getting caught, it only would declare his dominance even stronger.
"We haven't done it in a while..."
his thoughts were going.
"I want to take her hard,"
While slipping his hands under your panties, he discovered you already dripping wet. A feeling of superiority coming up, he inserted one digit into you, "You're already dripping after five minutes of making out. Do you desire me that bad?" provocatively asking while sticking another finger into you.
You couldn't stay quiet, not after Inosuke began fingering you. Every time he pushed his fingers a bit further up your cunt you let out a pleasant moan. Passionately he sucked your neck, leaving love bites everywhere. You already were a mess, but when he hit your G-spot Inosuke felt you clenching around his fingers. Wanting you to beg he stopped moving.
"D..Don't stop now, I'm close," you told him with a shaky voice. The only response you got was a throaty "
" and a dominant glance, so you begged him.. "Please, I need you now", "I'll do everything you want me to", "Make me cum" your voice getting breathier with every sentence. When you whined enough to make him feel like the best partner ever, he pressed your G-spot. "I'm the only one who can make you beg like this," he claimed, "Am I right?". But as you didn't reply to him, he quickly inserted a third digit into you. "Yes Ino- aah.. You're the only one I'd ever beg for", satisfied with your answer he fingered you with a faster-becoming pace.
Reaching your climax you bit into his shoulder, leaving a bite mark. He didn't stop pleasuring you through out your orgasm, but when he pulled his fingers out of you, you slid down to the floor, breathing heavily. "And now I'm making you come on my cock" the horny man mumbled while taking off his pants.
"(y/n), Inosuke!, where are you?!" A voice coming closer and closer echoed off the walls of the alley where Inosuke was taking off his pants. "PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON DUMBASS," you shouted at him while hurriedly getting dressed again. "But I-" he wanted to convince you, but he was interrupted by you pulling his pants up.
"Finally I found you two! I've been worried so I decided to check if you were okay!" The flame pillar exclaimed energetically. He just stood there looking over the both of you, standing there stiff, all sweaty and messy, with hickeys all over your necks. The moment he realized where he walked into he blurted out "I'M SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING YOU! But the others are waiting, so come back!" and just got on his way back.
Still scared by Rengokus sudden appearance you took Inosukes hand and started following the blonde. "If someone asked, we were arguing, and don't you dare tell something different. But anyway, why have you been so jealous?" you looked Inosuke straight in his eyes, still embarrassed as hell. " BECUZ THOSE FUCKERS WERE ALL FLIRTY WITH YOU" Rengoku turned his head around at Inos yelling. "YEAH, YOU TOO DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT" The man turned around fast with a guilty look on his face. "But Inobaby, they've just been comforting me because I was worried," you explained. "You're even denser than me sometimes... But in contrast to me they didn't make you forget your worries, heheee" A smut face replaced his pissed expression. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Legend says the boar man is rockhard to this day.
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shortprince-cos · 4 years
The Woes Of An Emo
Summary: Tune in this week for Virgil thinking this is all a coincidence! And some Logicality pining. As a treat.
Warnings: Swearing, not having much money(?). I think thats about it? Tell me if I need to add anything else!
{Masterlist} {Previous}
Thanks to @irritating-lady-knight for beta reading this for me!!!
Chapter 5: Maybe This Is Fine?
Princey's date was called off?! How?! Who on earth wouldn't like him?! Virgil was furious, who the f**k says that they don't like someone until after they accept the date?!
Virgil was such a hypocrite.
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: what?! What happened?! Who do i need to murder
princeofyourdreams: no one, im fine. he was just too nervous to say anything
Virgil wished he didn't relate so much to mystery guy, then maybe he would want to punch him.
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: well, are u ok?
princeofyourdreams: of course i am! I can conquer any challenge! Dont worry about me!
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: are u sure?
princeofyourdreams: seriously, anxiety, im ok. One disinterested boy isnt going to ruin me.
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: ok, good. Hes obviously not good enough for you anyway
princeofyourdreams: shut up haha
Well, Princey seemed to be doing ok. And maybe Virgil was a tad more excited then he should be, but can you blame him? He's had a crush on Princey for a year, and he might actually have a chance now!
Well, as much of a chance you could have when you've never even seen each other.
Now all Virgil had to do was go on this not-a-date date and live. Yay.
"Ok, now if you run out of money, ask him to pay for you."
"Dad!" Virgil scolded. "I'm not going to leech off my friends!"
Remy just chuckled. "C'mon Virge, live a little! It's not everyday you actually step outside. With a couple of boys no less."
Virgil turned red. "It's a friend date, Dad." He grumbled.
Remy turned to where Virgil was in the passenger seat and tilted down his shades to look him in the eyes. "Sure it is."
Virgil grumbled something as Remy pulled the car in front of the mall. "Here's your stop, babe."
Virgil rolled his eyes as his mouth betrayed him by smiling. "Whatever, I'll see you later."
"Love you." Remy added while Virgil stepped out of the car.
"Love you too, Dad."
Virgil eventually made his way over to the food court, where everyone was meeting.
Virgil was also questioning why he suggested this hang-out anyway. It was going to be so awkward! How was he going to have a good time with the guy he rejected, a nerd who could probably kill him, and a "friend" he only started talking to two days ago?
Why did he do this?
"Viiiiiirrrrrrrgiiiiiiiiiilllllllll!!!!!" Patton was suddenly running towards where Virgil was standing in the food court.
"Uh- wait-" Virgil got trapped in a bear hug (how? Patton is so small!) as soon as Patton reached him.
"Patton, try not to kill the poor fellow." Roman chuckled as he walked up to the trap that Virgil was caught in.
Patton eventually let Virgil breathe as he let go. "Sorry! I just got excited! I don't normally go many places!" He exclaimed.
"Well, we'll have to take you to more places then, Patton." Logan smirked as he approached the small group.
Roman chuckled again as Patton blushed and silently thanked him. "Well then!" Roman announced. "Where shall we go first?"
"Hot To-"
"No, Pumpkin King, we're not going to Hot Topic." Roman immediately interrupted.
"Then why did I even come?" Virgil whined playfully.
"C'mon, Roman! Hot Topic does have some really good Disney stuff~" Patton pushed in a teasing tone.
Roman let out a long, exaggerated groan. "Fiiiiiinnnnnneeeee. We can go."
"Wow. Y'all are a bunch of nerds." Said Roman.
"Says the guy who cried when they changed Mickey Mouse's art style." Logan shot back.
"Roman, please, I don't want to spend twenty minutes talking about-"
Roman quickly pulled out his phone and displayed two Mickey Mouse pictures with different art styles. "Look, Logan. Look at how they massacred my boy."
And after that debate, they made their way to the dark and ridiculously edgy Hot Topic, unfortunately located next to the very bright and pink Justice store.
"I must go, my people need me." Virgil joked as he walked through the doorway.
"Of course this is where your people are, where else could you find the emos?" Roman rolled his eyes playfully.
"Oh, do you know people here, Virgil?" Logan asked innocently, clearly not understanding the joke.
"No- it's- it's a meme."
"Don't even try, Angstintator, no one could ever teach Logan the way of memes." Roman announced, slowly drifting towards the Disney section.
"Well, they are nonsensical. They make zero sense most of the time!" Logan defended.
Patton suddenly gasped like a little kid in a candy store. "Vi, Ro, Lo, look!!!!!!"
They all looked to where Patton was pointing, and saw it.
They holy grail of cute things. Something that could almost (almost) rival Patton himself.
A Pusheen plush that was holding a cookie. It was beautiful (to Patton at least).
Patton squealed and grabbed the closest person (which happened to be Logan) and held his hand while dragging him towards the plush in excitement.
Logan immediately flushed and trailed after Patton helplessly.
Roman chuckled at that and returned to looking at the Disney merchandise, while Virgil made his way over to the band t-shirts.
"Look!!! Look at it!!!! It's so cuuuutttteeee!!!!!!" Patton fawned. He checked the tag for the price and immediately frowned. "Shoot..." He mumbled under his breath.
"What's wrong?" Logan asked, then checked the price. $39.98. Not too expensive, but expensive enough to be a pain.
"Ah. Not bring enough money?" Patton slowly nodded at the question, looking...guilty? Or maybe disappointed? Logan didn't really know, only that it was making Patton upset.
Logan frowned at that. Someone as bright and kind as Patton shouldn't be unhappy! Patton deserved to be happy at least 100% of the time, Logan thought.
"Logan!!! Come here!!! Look at this!" Roman called from behind a shelf somewhere, knocking Logan out of his thoughts.
"Uh- excuse me for a second Patton." Patton nodded with a small (was it sad, too?) smile as Logan went to find Roman.
Roman was located behind a shelf filled with more Disney merchandise. "What, Roman? I was kind of busy." He asked, clearly annoyed.
"Yeah, busy failing at wooing him." Roman rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Seriously Logan, how could you be so dense?"
"Do you want me to provide a list of examples and events that you were being 'dense' at?"
Roman simply groaned. "C'mon Logan, think for a second! Patton doesn't have enough money for the plush that makes him smile. A smile which you love seeing. Therefore, what do you do with that fat wallet of yours?"
It suddenly clicked in Logan's head. "Oh. Oh! Do you think he'll be happy about it?"
"Of course he will! He'll adore you!" Roman pushed Logan out from behind the shelf. "Now go gettem!"
Meanwhile, Patton was talking with Virgil.
"Hey, Virge! Did you find anything?"
All Virgil had to do to answer the question was look at Patton with the pile of shirts in his arms.
"Uh. Yeah." Virgil replied, thinking of how embarrassing this was.
Patton giggled a bit. "Do you need help carrying that?"
"Please." Virgil sighed.
Patton took some of the shirts and other clothing items (were those fishnets?!) out of Virgil's hands.
"So, are you doing ok?" Patton asked.
"O-oh. Yeah, I'm ok. I'm just worried about...if Roman is. Like, what if he's mad at me? I bet thats what he and Logan are talking about right now-"
"Slow down, Virgil." Patton interrupted. "I'm sure they aren't, and I really doubt that Roman's mad at you. If he was mad, he seems like the type to show it."
"That's...probably right." Virgil mumbled.
"Just calm down a bit, and have some fun! You are having fun, aren't you?"
Virgil smiled lightly. "Yeah. I am."
Patton smiled too. "Then let's go have more fun!"
And with that, Patton grabbed Virgil's hand and dragged him to the next shelf, looking through more cute things.
Dear all of the people who thought Virgil would figure it out this chapter,
HA! Y'all thought WRONG! Virgil and Roman share the same brain cell, but neither of them use it!
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foryouthegays · 4 years
techno liveblog w timestamps lets go for ‘a new home (dream SMP)’ stream
good laugh times: 00:13:50, 00:14:55, 1:38:45, ik it doesnt look like a lot but like u should watch the stream anyway bc philzas there and his laugh is amazing and they just go so well together
times techno calls phil his friend: 00:6:00 00:37:00, 00:45:17, 0:1:09:30, 01:11:15, 01:26:35, 01:50:05, 2:35:00
i like how, when faced with Leaving Youtube, techno would choose to be an author. i want a book by techno. reblog this if u want a book by techno (with an audiobook by him as well) /hj. 00:1:33
i love how he says ehhhhhh so much lskjhdfas (abt 2 mins in) 
who the FUCK just remembers that the word fortuitous exists wtf 00:5:17
00:8:55 tommy time :/
i love how much philza laughs at technos jokes bc pretty much everything he says IS a joke he just says it in such a serious voice that p much everyone else is like,,,yeah,,,,yup,,,,and phil just knows when hes joking and his laugh is so good with technos voice. sbi? whos that? i only know philza and technoblade
00:19:30 ghostbur joins! this is my first time hearin ghostbur btw
00:19:40 haha string axe technos so bad at crafting what a fool /j
00:21:07 ghostbur: “Even I remember how to make a fishing rod!” ghostbur u just MURDERED technoblade oh my god im gonna scream hgjdfksla i love ghostbur so much
00:23:55: GHOSTBUR NO!! DON’T DIE YOU’LL BECOME A DOUBLE GHOST!!!! -technoblade 2020
00:24:55 technoblade neva lies -guys he almost did the technoblade neva dies ahh!!!!!
i havent heard anyone talk about this but techno has a dedicated roleplay voice. like listen to him talk to tommy at 00:25:08. his voice gets more even, he uses names a lot more often (seriously, listen to his theseus speech. he says tommy so often, its incredible.), and his voice gets,,,,deeper? not deeper but smoother, in a way, and he repeats what he says for emphasis instead of humor. and his voice is louder, and he seems more assertive. 
00:27:30 philza: where we goin, by the way? techno: to our- to my new home. 
techno cmon let phil live w u wed get so much more content cmonn
00:28:50 the fact that he calls the manhunt theme “dream music” makes me laugh so hard. and then his version of it,,,,,m love he (also he sings it here and at  01:14:20)
00:35:10 why is ranboo so cryptic im-
why does he just casually know the word sentry wh at i hate him 00:39:45
this is the worst sentence (structurally) ive ever heard techno say im gonna cry 00:49:33 ‘im too busy thinkin of new ideas to sleep so i could actually execute them’ and tubbos *oh?* after is just hdsfgkjlka
Tumblr media
LKSJDHFJK 00:51:49
techno: thats one of dreams powers, he can just stop the rain
tubbo, quietly: like jesus!
i love them sm dsfhkjla they kept going but i jus gdfhjksa jesus has op
techno @ being the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans: haha funnie!!
techno @ having fun w religious stuff: i wILL BE CANCELLED NO-
00:58:10 “hey if ur [ghostbur]  a ghost, do instant damage potions heal you now?” “...no,, they hurt me still :(” DSIULZKJHFSLKFJH 
01:04:00 his brother named the cow bob im- aww 
also he has a fanart wall again!!!
01:09:30 “phil, you’re the only friend i have left in this world.” aWWWWW HE GAVE HIM THE COMPASS 
“dont smoke, it’s a joke” -technoblade 01:14:15
ROLEPLAY SPEECH VOICE IS BACK AT 1:16:10 “they pillage my base for everything i’m worth, they use me for the revolution, but oooOOOoo i took a pickaxe with his consent? oOOOooOo i’m a thief!”
holy shit 01:17:15 “you know what, phil? for you, the world, alright? it’s fine.” oH MY GOD HHHHGHG (context, right before they were arguing bc phil took some blocks from his base and techno thought that when he said phil could take anything he meant from the chests)
the COMIDY of that villager coming in and sleeping while techno was readin donos at 01:22:05 RIGHT AFTER phil freaked out abt inturruptin his dono readin im SFDHKJLA:
techno talkin bout the winstreak and how he wont be able to live up to that sort of playin at 01:22:30ish is super important and ill transcribe it tomorrow, but if u can id highly rec watchin it. 
01:24:20 “[readin dono] what’s your favorite movie? uh, the princess bride is pretty good” techno ily that movie rocks also he said it so fast like hes ashamed of it noo
techno says no to canon ranboo son btw! 01:25:30
01:25:55 “i wasnt in that story, therefore it doesnt matter” all of technoblr be like 
01:37:49 is great lemmie transcribe
“how have you still not gotten a second monitor?? holy shit.”
“let me tell you something. and im only telling you this because i know that so many people in the chat are gonna be furious. so i recently realized- i think the second monitor can just be any ol’ monitor, right? you literally just plug it in, and its set up? well i mean you have to turn on some settings, but like, thats it, or something?”
“yeah,,,,, uh techno you fuckin destroyed my chat, by the way, oh my god, [earlier techno told his viewers to twitch prime philza] there has been like 40 primes just flying through”
“yeahhh twitch prime!!! twitch prime philza yeahh!!! so anyways the other day, i like, i looked to my left, and realized that my old monitor has been like, five feet away from where i sit and stream for the last three years?”
“oh my god...”
“so i- i literally do not have to leave my room to set up a second monitor and i havent. and i’m still usin my laptop for this stream.
“is this gonna be one of those situations where you like, you have a thing, you just refuse to do the thing?”
“listen, my desk is-
“bruhhhhh [philza laughs] thats FREE VIEWS what are you doing??”
“ill open it at 8 mil :/.”
“you could LITERALLY make a video of you just like, throwing it off a wall, and then thumbing up, like doing a thumbs up, and then that would be it. 10 seconds. ten seconds. thumb and elbow in shot. [laughs]”
techno is such a disaster i love him
01:34:18 the way techno says “tommy, that statement has NEVER been true” i dont like sayin i simp for block men but GOD sometimes his voice is nicer than usual hhhgn
“man i sure wish tommyinnit was in this stream” -nobody ever (just after previous timestamp)
01:40:15 is fuckin hilarious and im actually crying oh my god techno just says things and says them well with a completely straight face how does he do it
i cannot WAIT until theres a president w the last/first name andy so we can say president andy and think abt technoblade
i love when techno talks abt his vids. like u can tell he puts a lot of thought into the vids (esp these ones) and like at 01:47:00 he talks abt the “I DIDNT PUT DEAPTH STRIDER ON THOSE BOOTS, FUNDY!” and how its just that creepin realization that you were doomed from the start and how he made the armor, he isnt intimidated by the netherite bc he didnt enchant it all the way and only he knows that,,, and i just,,,hgg he
he reveals that hes writin the next arc at 01:48:00: “oh, speakin of arcs, chat, i’m writing the next arc. so, you know. hope nothin bad happens in two weeks, chat!” IM SO EXCITED like he clearly has his character fleshed out and is SO good at writing and retellin history im so so excited to see where he takes it AHHHH and also taht means he might stream more bc he might make his character more important (keep in mind this is the guy who wrote self insert hypixel fanfics. he has no shame in puttin himself first and i respect him so much for it) 
01:51:20 “they’re tryin to get a second customer but they’re riskin their first” is lowkey a good line
has anyone else noticed that techno says wise a lot? like at 01:55:10 he literally says “wise dragon armor” as a joke but like i think he says wise so much BECAUSE of skyblock like hjkfdsla
01:57:30 techno plea se eat 
ok 1:58:45 is hilarious and all but at the end of his ramble he says “come back, i miss you” and lowkey im crying 
techno needs to stop knowing his audience more than we know ourselves im hsfkjda 02:05:25 “the chat’s spammin ‘eat technoblade, eat!’ like they’re not gonna start, like, theyre not gonna get super sad if i ended the stream right now, like theyre not gonna all cry ‘i miss technoblade *sniffs* why- whyd he leave to eat food, why did he listen to our advice noooo’”
02:17:40 “i could start a potato farm out here to show how much ive changed” techno last time u made a potato farm u started an entire war that lasted a year that does NOT say calm and retired to me lskgdfjagsldj
02:23:00 why does techno just reference greek mythology so much. makin me scared for his arc. 
also he talks abt smp earth a lot in this stream i love it so much
i also just. love?? how much sbi respect tommy like they bully him but when talkin bout him they just have so much respect for how much work he puts into youtube and i just,,,,hgnn they r friends 
02:33:13 sbi streamer house lets go cmon
02:34:15 “i think if i streamed every day i could keep up” on one hand YE S  but on the ohter oh god techno no we have to keep up tho
hearing techno say “violence isnt the answer” is so scary  02:35:40
02:37:30 technosneeze 
hiS BROTHER SENT HIM 46 DISCORD MESSAGES SFKDJLFLKASF 2:49:25 i love his end screen so much hes just sadness,,,,retirement,,,t,echnoblade,,,the government is going to fall on its own due to lack of organization and ideals,,,,,,subscribe,,,,,sadness,,,,,also 2:50:45 is making me laugh so hard its just sad music and technos like??? whys phil in my house drinking milk????? 
overall, fantastic stream, if ya want some chill techno philza content i highly recommend. 
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Okay, so, let me make this dream thing make sense.
You can't see them, you can't say your name, or where you live. But you can say tid bits about your day. These dreams happen twice a year starting at age 12. When you meet them the visits become much more common, and their image becomes clearer, but not enough to see them perfectly. Just a better silhouette. If someone is a year older then the dream will happen at that point. So Sokka would be 11. You'll only remember tid bits about your conversations, ill only write those but that should be all that I got.
"Hello?" Sokka heard the voice of a boy call out
"Uh? Hello? Who's there?"
"If I said my name you wouldn't hear it dum dum." The boy made a huff "I didn't expect to visit on the night of my birthday"
"Oh! We're soulmates!"
"Yeah, we are" the boy laughed "its a bit strange tho, Ive heard that it takes a bit for the dreams to show up.."
"Well, happy birthday! Uhm, since I can't know your name can I call you... uhm, my dad calls my papa Sprout!"
"Ugh! Sprout?" The boy made huff that sounded like a pout "yeah, you can call me sprout, but if we ever meet you better not call me that"
They both laughed at the idea
"Im sure ill find a better nickname"
"And I'll call you... turtleduck!"
"What? Why turtleduck?"
"Well my mom and I sit at the turtleduck pond alot and the turtleducks are my favorite part of my day"
"Aww! I hope to see one some day!
"I'll show you them if we meet!"
That was all Sokka could remember of Sprout's visit. He talked to Gran gran about his visit, about the turtleducks and the boys laughter.
Meanwhile Zuko talked excitedly to his mother about Turtleduck and how he wanted to call him sprout. Making a face at the nickname to which his mother laughed at.
It wasn't until almost the end of the year when Sokka saw Sprout again this time he called out
"Sprout! Hello!"
They both went to hug eachother before they realized that they couldn't move closer "oh... right..." Sprout mumbled
"Its been a while"
"Yeah, and now its cooooolldd"
"Haha, I'm used to the cold"
"Oh is it normally cold where you are
"Yeah, its cold enough to snow most days. Makes hunting much easier though"
"Oh! You hunt? But your only 12?"
"11 still actually, but yeah, I have to hunt, my dad and papa could go off to war any day now so I have to be prepared to go hunting and fishing"
"Yeah, this war sucks, dad says it's a principle, but that just doesn't make any sense! I can't tell him that tho, can't change his mind"
They both talked and laughed together until the dream ended.
They didnt see eachother again until Zuko's 13th birthday when Sokka heard him crying
"Sprout? Hey Sprout is that you? Are you okay?"
"Turtleduck!? Hi, yeah, I'm... I was uh, banished from my nation today, uhm I'm traveling now"
"What!? What happened?"
"My dad he, he was furious at me, he challenged me to an Agni Kai and burnt my face"
"Agni Kai? What is your dad a firebender?"
"Yeah, Agni Kai is a firebending dual, I disrespected him and he burnt me when I didn't fight"
"Sprout, I'm so sorry."
"Its not your fault-"
"Its not your fault either you know! Just because you disrespect someone doesn't give them the right to burn you! Regardless of who they are!"
They cried this time, Sokka trying desperately to convince Sprout that his dad was in the wrong.
It wasnt until Sokka's 12th birthday later that year that Sprout showed up again.
"Hey! Sprout! Guess what day it is??"
"Uh, Wednesday?"
"No! Well... yeah, but its my birthday!"
"Oh! happy birthday turtleduck!"
"Thanks! My Gran Gran made me a whalebone necklace!"
"A... whalebone necklace?"
"Yeah! Its a thing my village does, well I guess its our culture. When a boy turns 12 he is given a whale bone necklace and can't remove it until he's married. My sister has a betrothal necklace, thats the opposite tho.. normally you'd wear a it when you're about to be married but our mom gave her that necklace."
"Oh! That sounds cool!"
The two talked and joked around for a while longer. Not much more to memory. They met a few more times over the next 3 years, then his sister and him found the Avatar and the fire nation appeared, well, more so a single ship showed up with very few people on it. The leaders voice was extremely familiar to him. But he didnt have time to try and figure out why.
After that day his dreams were a little clearer. And it seemed they were closer than he thought possible always leaving the same places at the same times, which was weird especially without ever figuring out who they were.
It wasnt until the western air temple after boiling rock that they realized it. Everyone was sitting around the fire talking about their soulmates. Katara revealing she'd only ever seen memories and Aang saying he thought that he just didn't have one. And then when they met in their dreams it didn't take long to figure out who eachother were. Suki revealed that she and another kyoshi warrior were soulmates. When it came to Sokka he shrugged "ive been talking to him since I was eleven, I call him Sprout because well Dad calls Papa Sprout. But he's pretty fun to chat wi-"
"Did you just say sprout?" Zuko cut in
"Uh.. yeah, I did, wh-"
"Does he call you turtleduck?"
"Yes! Do you know the guy?"
"Uh..." Zuko's face couldnt have gotten redder "Sokka, Im Sprout..."
Everyone went silent and he listed off different parts on their conversations until Sokka was convinced.
"I cant believe it. This whole time, it was you, wait, you told me your dad burned you, is that how you got that scar? In the Agni Kai?"
Zuko nodded "yeah, yeah my dad did this" he motioned to his scar.
Katara, having grown up with Sokka chatting up a storm about his dreams with his soulmate seemed to relax a bit more around Zuko, gaining a bit of trust in him.
"Wait, Sokka, you called your soulmate Sprout?" Hakoda chimed in
"Well, yeah, I couldn't find out his name through the dreams so I called him the best nickname I could think of..."
The group around the fire fell into laughter. After the reveal Sokka and Zuko were practically inseparable. When the day of the comet came Sokka was hesitant to let Zuko go to find Azula but with Katara there with him he felt he'd be safe. However after the battle was over and he found out that Zuko had been struck by lightning he couldnt get to him faster. Hobbling right into the medical wing of the palace. "Zuko!" He shouted as he made it in, finding Katara and Zuko in the middle of a having session
"Sokka! What happened to your leg!?"
"Forget my leg, you got shot by lightning!?"
"Yeah, hah, that I did, but Katara's magic so Im all good now!" He gave a thumbs up.
"He's got some medicinal tea that Iroh brewed for him, he's a little out of it. I'll leave you two alone."
After Katara left Sokka sat in the chair she was in and rested his head on Zuko's lap. The battle was won, they can breathe easy now.
@chaoticidiott @transzukostanblog @roman-does-nothing @idkhowbutimgayer
Hope i did it justice!
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artooine · 3 years
opinions & live notes!! im so stressed and overwhelmed!!!
first off the title alone made my heart stop so theres that
also i see tarkin in the frame and i want to kick
Him Him Him
also hunter…..boy i love you but this is karma
“they’ll still come for you” OUCH
okay i understand she like…imprinted on
okay i understand she like…imprinted on
hunter but she was never this worried about crosshair even after telling him it isnt his fault
okay so they fix the ship and just immediately go to get hunter back????? no “its too dangerous theres imperials everywhere”????
admiral asshole!! didnt miss you and your stupid face
i shouldve smoked my pot before this
“i question the clones motives with his own squad” hUushwhjdgwjsbw
i am absolutely furious i dont know why im surprised theyd be this willing to rescue hunter but not crosshair. i swear to fucking god if they leave AGAIN without crosshair all of my hair is going to fall out and i have a LOT of hair
“saving hunter is what matters” not crosshair
“we didnt have a choice” “and i did?” my heart is broken
NOW you’re trying to get thru to him??
my stomach is in knots
“all together again” kill me
“you betrayed everything we stood for” he sure fucking did
“you werent loyal to me” haha okay yeah im fine
“im going to give you what you never gave me: a chance” is crosshair going to die
PLEASE dont turn on crosshair PLEASE
please take him with you he’s brain washed
oh great now we got a tattle tale
wait if admiral is just letting him die maybe he’ll realize he was just a pawn
never thought id be emotional over kamino being destroyed
well holy fucking shit i swear to god if cross gets away or dies in the finale after being THIS CLOSE to ACTUALLY removing his chip. because he couldn’t have it gone, his scar isn’t where the chip is!!!!
okay im absolutely shaking this was a GOOD episode despite all the hypocrisy which i HOPE is addressed in the finale…..they have some serious apologizing to do to crosshair. i just hope he comes to and comes back to us :-( also if the finale goes to shit and kills anybody, the ending of this episode makes for GREAT fix-it fanon material and i can live with the delusion of the boys saving cross and living happily ever after no season two in sight
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