#but yeah imagine Dean sort of laughing it up with Cas like oh phew you turned out to be a beta haha here I was afraid I left
spnorwhatever · 3 years
rip that pic set of Jimmy.... does in fact have big omega energy, HOWEVER I Refuse, like, I gotta have standards I gotta draw the line somewhere....
#misc#on the other hand.... if we're doing a/b/o how interesting would it be to have jimmy be an omega and cas as an alpha#he goes beta-like when he first takes Jimmy as a vessel bc angels dont necessarily have designations as such none of them rly think abt it?#that first time when he's like losing his angel juice they kiiiind of assume he'll revert to omega like Jimmy was but#instead of being clear-cut it's like a mess he seems to read mostly beta but sometimes there'll be random omega or alpha presentations#but then it's ultimately a non-issue bc it doesn't become a long-term issue and they kind of write it off as an angel thing#Emmanuel reads as a beta very neutral very unassuming etc etc#but when s9 happens he's got that fluctuating thing but ultimately sort of lands on alpha#I think it would be fun bc it would like. be another layer of oh no Dean couldn't possibly ever with me#bc Dean is an alpha and like he likes women and he likes omegas#it'd also make s9 more fucked up bc Dean would feel bad at first about leaving Cas out in the cold. but then he'd find him in the gas statio#and then realize oh he turned out to be an alpha. and that would make him feel less bad. which is fucked up#the endgame here is Dean & Cas as an alpha/alpha pairing it happens that's how it works here in this fantasy#actually I think it would be fun is Cas tends to read beta-y but leaning alpha sometimes#but yeah imagine Dean sort of laughing it up with Cas like oh phew you turned out to be a beta haha here I was afraid I left#an omega out in the cold :) . like how fucked up would that be lol. Cas would be (rightfully) furious with him#(im like handwaving away the biology here I think arguably I can do that bc Cas/Jimmy get exploded and reconstituted)
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