#he’s going to be taking the bus home as well and I’m nervous about that for him too
harmonizewithechoes · 30 days
My five year old has his very first day of kindergarten tomorrow 🥺🥺🥺 I didn’t expect to be hit with such a huge wave of emotions but I’ve been a WRECK all day
#personal#he’s so excited#we’ve been talking about school for so long and he’s so excited that it’s finally here!#and a little nervous too he said but he keeps asking about the other kids and if he gets to have lots of friends now#he really liked his teacher when he met her and he’s excited to see her#the only thing that tripped him up a little was when I told him that me and his daddy are bringing him to the school but we can’t go with#that he has to just listen to his teacher and we’ll see him after school 🥺#I’m mostly worried that he’s not going to get enough food at school because he doesn’t eat very fast at home#he doesn’t focus well on meals#I’m hoping that positive peer pressure helps him with that#if he sees the other kids eating he will hopefully follow their lead#he’s going to be taking the bus home as well and I’m nervous about that for him too#even though it’s silly because his bus will pick him up in the morning and bring him directly to the school and then drop him off first#after school#he’ll be on it for maybe 20 minutes each day#I just worry too much#i worry about how issues he might have that I can’t help with like what if it’s too cold in just one room#but I don’t know that and send him in shorts?#or what if he gets teased for things I can’t anticipate right now? how can I best set him up for success with his peers?#I only know what he likes not what other five year olds like#I don’t want him to feel like the odd one out#but maybe that’s inevitable at some point#I can’t protect him from the world if im not there 😔#that’s the hardest thing about it#obviously this is supposed to happen and school will be so good for him#but he was a tiny little baby just yesterday#at least that’s how it feels#they say it goes by fast but damn
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lnfours · 10 months
half of me, half of you | l.n
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summary: welcome to the world, baby norris <3 and welcome back to part 3 of this little universe we have going on here! 🩷 requested by anonymous: ‘Omg part three for forevermore??? Like the wedding and then maybe kids🫣’
warnings: pregnancy, surprises, hormones, lando finding out he’s going to be a girl dad 🥹, a whole lot of fluff n stuff
masterlist | ask box
“how much longer?” you asked, sitting on the closed lid of the toilet in the bathroom. the brunette girl swiped down on her phone, displaying the timer she had set almost 2 minutes ago.
“30 seconds..” she trailed off, eyes meeting your nervous figure as you bounced your leg up and down. you sent her a soft smile back, beating yourself up for not taking a test sooner.
the past week you had felt terrible. felt like someone had hit you with a bus, thrown it in reverse and then backed up over you. your emotions were all over the place, you couldn’t keep anything down, and suddenly you were craving things you didn’t even like.
your suspicions had brought you to lily, your best friend. alex’s girlfriend, the girl you could rely on for anything.
the alarm of the timer echoed throughout the hotel bathroom. you jumped, eyes quickly moving to the box where the lily had shoved in the little white stick.
you felt like you were going to throw up again because of how the nerves were shaking through your body, “can you…?”
“you don’t wanna read it?”
you shook your head fast, “no, i’m scared,”
she frowned softly, kneeling in front of you, “whatever happens, whatever you decide, i love you and i’m here for you.”
you nodded, letting her hand you the box, “what if he doesn’t feel the same? what if he’s not on the same page? i mean we haven’t even really talked about kids yet, i-“
lily was quick to calm your rambling, coaching you to just breathe for a second. you nodded at her, following her direction as you sucked in a shaky breath.
“for as long as i’ve known lando, he’s always talked about wanting kids,” she said, “and it’s no secret that he wants them with you. he wouldn’t have put that ring on your finger otherwise.”
you smiled softly down at the ring on your left hand, letting out a shaky, “you’re right,”
“usually am,” she smiled back at you as you both let out a laugh, “you ready?”
you nodded again, opening the box and fishing out the little white stick that was about to change your whole life. you flipped it over, turned it the right way around and read it over and over again.
it was positive. you were pregnant.
your silence was an answer in itself for lily as she smiled, cheering and hugging you as you let some of the tears fall down your cheeks and splash onto the marbled tile beneath you.
she had tears in her eyes as well, “you’re gonna be a mom!”
you smiled, letting out a soft laugh in disbelief, “i’m gonna be a mom,”
“the best one out there,” she smiled, pulling you up for a proper hug, “oh i’m so happy for you.”
you laughed again, thankful to have her in your life before you pulled away. you wiped the tears off your cheeks, “guess i should call my ob,” you said and she nodded quickly, “and figure out how i’m going to tell lando.”
lily hummed, “i’m sure you’ll think of something special.”
and you did. you were fiddling with the ring on your left finger, dressed in a black slip dress you had brought with you to the uk. silverstone was the best place on earth, his home race, where his friends were, his family.
and where you were about to tell him he was going to be a dad.
you had given lily the ‘ok’ to tell alex so that you had two people to make sure he would get to the surprise. they both didn’t waste any time, making it their top priority to get lando and bring him back to where you needed him as soon as possible.
you were seated on the blanket in the grass, looking up when you heard footsteps making their way to you. you looked up, the boy dressed in black with his signature white mclaren backwards cap catching your eye.
“hey,” he smiled, letting out a puff of air and looking around at the blanket you had set up, “alex and lily said you had something planned?”
you nodded, “come sit,”
he joined you on the blanket, careful not to knock over the gift box sitting in the middle. you smiled over at him, sensing his nerves.
“what’s up, love?”
you tilted your head towards the white box with a pretty bow on the top, “open it,”
he raised an eyebrow at you, “is something going to pop out at me?”
you laughed, “no! just open it,”
he sighed, complying as he kept it at a safe distance while he took the lid off. once the coast was clear, he reached his hand inside. he felt the plastic stick in his hand and what felt like a photo. he fished them out, eyes landing on the pregnancy test and the picture of the ultrasound you had to confirm that you were pregnant.
he gasped softly, immediately looking over at you before his eyes traveled down to your belly.
“baby,” he started, licking his lips as he sniffled softly, “are you being serious right now?”
you smiled, “deadly.”
he dropped the things back in the box, moving to carefully pull you in the tightest hug he could get you in, “i’m gonna be a dad.”
you nodded, pulling back and wiping under your eyes with the back of your hands, “yeah,”
“and you’re gonna be a mom,” he was really stating the obvious but it brought more tears to your eyes when he spoke, “you’re gonna be the best mom, baby.”
you kissed his cheek softly, “and you’re going to be the best dad.”
he smiled, pulling you closer as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “i love you.”
“i love you.”
the months moved on and baby girl norris had finally entered the world, and lord did she have lando wrapped around her little finger already.
from the moment the two met, the nurses handing the little pink blanket over to him, it was game over. her big eyes, which resembled yours, looking straight up at him and her happy gurgles had his heart exploding as he looked down at his baby girl.
“hi, angel,” he cooed, fingers softly brushing against her skin over the tiny little moles and freckles that littered her skin, “oh, you’re perfect.”
you smiled over at your now husband, watching the two interact, “she is,”
he looked up at you, “and so are you, baby,”
you smiled at him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder as he sat next to you with the little girl in his arms. she was starting to struggle to stay awake, barely keeping her eyes open.
the two of you watched in contentment, his eyes a little watery before he looked back over at you, “we made that,”
you let out a soft chuckle, “we did a good job, yeah?”
he laughed with you, pressing a kiss to your temple, “we did,” he said, “i think you did all the heavy lifting, though. i was just here for the ride,”
you laughed, meeting his eyes, “mm, true,”
he smiled back with that same boyish grin to you, releasing a soft breath, “guess we should probably name her, huh?”
you hummed, “still like the one we had picked?”
he looked down now at the little girl in his arms who now had her eyes closed, sometime during your conversation she had fallen asleep. she was so peaceful and perfect and everything he loved about you wrapped up into one tiny little human. a tiny little human he got to create with you, the other half of his beating heart.
“i do, yeah,” he nodded, “welcome to the world wren norris.”
you made your way up the stairs, a smile spreading on your face as you heard the little girls’ giggle coming from her bedroom. you leaned up against the door way, trying hard not to snicker at your husband who had found himself joining your daughter and her stuffed animals for a tea party.
you watched the two talk about tea and serve them to the dolls and stuffed animals sitting in their respective chairs for a couple minutes before you walked into the room.
“hey, baby,” lando said when you knelt down next to him, giving you the biggest smile, “joining us for some tea?”
“for a bit sure,” you smiled, “everyone will be here soon.”
“oh, mommy, look!” wren said excitedly, “daddy and i drew a picture for you.”
“oh, yeah?” you asked, watching the girl grab the piece of paper, “what is it?”
“we drew daddy’s race car!” she smiled brightly back at you.
you took the piece of paper, noticing the three other stick-figure men in the picture, another one in orange, one in blue and one in red.
“and you drew uncle carlos, oscar and danny?”
she nodded, “it was daddy’s idea.”
you laughed softly at your grinning husband, rolling your eyes playfully, “of course it was.”
you spent some time with you little family, letting them tell you all about their afternoon tea session with mr bear, kitty and mrs froggie, all the stuffed animals sitting in their respective seats.
you grabbed lando’s arm softly, pulling it towards you to read the time on his watch, “we gotta get you ready, wren. everyone’s gonna be here soon!”
she smiled, “can i still wear my princess dress?”
“of course, love,” you smiled. she happily jumped from her seat and ran off to her closet. you looked over at your husband, a smile still on both of your faces.
while you helped change wren into her princess dress, lando had started greeting those who had come to help celebrate your daughter’s third birthday.
it wasn’t long until the little girl left your side, immediately running over to her favorite uncle, “uncle max!”
you smiled when he bent down, picking her up and she squealed happily, “there’s the birthday girl!”
he tickled her sides playfully, her laughter booming as you joined your husband, his arm wrapping around your waist.
“did you get a pony this year?” he asked and you both snickered as wren shook her head.
“mommy said no,” she said, “but she said i could get a puppy!”
“a puppy?!”
you looked over at lando, “i said maybe,”
lando shrugged, “i know you’ll crack.”
“oh she has you wrapped around her finger, mate,” max laughed, looking back at the little girl he was holding, “don’t ya little one?”
“easy, fewtrell,” you laughed, “don’t give her ideas.”
he laughed softly, the little girl going back to her dad to say hi to her uncle alex and aunt lily, leaving you and max standing in the kitchen. he pulled you into his side, giving you a squeeze, “how’re you? i mean, other than enjoying being a mom.”
you laughed, “i’m good,” you let out of a soft breath, “where’s p?”
“she wasn’t feeling well, but she told me to say hi to everyone.”
you frowned, “damn, tell her i said hi and that i hope she feels better.”
he nodded, “i will,”
you both trailed off as you watched lando and alex playfully chase wren, trying to see who could pick her up first, “so, a puppy, huh?”
you rolled your eyes, “it was all him! not me,”
he laughed, “sounds about right, he’d do anything for that little girl.”
you smiled, watching your husband and daughter laugh as alex and lily talked with the birthday girl, asking her questions that made her giggle in response, “he would, and i wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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mcflymemes · 1 month
ROMANCING THE STONE (1984) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
what did you do, wake up this morning and say “today i’m going to ruin a man’s life”?
if i were to die, there’s nowhere on earth i’d rather be.
oh, you smoke it?
the cops? what do they want? i haven’t done anything lately!
i couldn’t stop thinking about you.
why won’t you take the elevator?
i’ll kill you, goddammit!
how will you die? slow like a snail? or fast like a shooting star?
this guy who is following you, he is very persistent.
i like your boots.
we're sitting right in the middle of it.
i knew it would happen.
all you care about is yourself, isn’t it?
i knew that from the first moment i laid eyes on you.
i'm telling you, this is turning out to be one hell of a morning.
there's no way across this sucker!
you did this on purpose!
we just went over a waterfall!
i'll meet you there! trust me!
i even read one of your books.
he died right in my arms.
i don’t have any idea, i’m sorry.
you see? you're completely unprepared.
well, we’ve all got our problems today, don’t we.
can you tell me where the nearest town is?
will there be another bus?
that nice man who pulled a gun on you? what else did he tell you?
jesus christ, we’re in a lot of trouble.
understatement of the year, asshole.
is there anybody who isn’t following you?
now move it, before batman comes home.
you’re the best time i’ve ever had.
i understand you have a car.
goddamn it, i knew i should have listened to my mother.
now i ain’t cheap, but i can be had.
don’t i know you?
oh… i’m the creep, huh.
well at least i’m honest.
wait a minute. he’s after you.
who the hell are you?
don’t give me that shit.
one hell of a morning has turned into a bitch of a day!
how long have you been down here?
this kidnapping stuff makes me really nervous.
someone’s gonna get killed.
will you stop worrying?
have i ever hurt you? i will never hurt you. i can’t hurt you.
we’ve got the same blood. we’re not two people; we are one person.
someday if i had the money, i’d take you… we’d sail away… around the world and back again. i promise you.
i was thinking about something you said.
i’d love to see you on the boat.
you’re leaving? you’re leaving me?
you are now a world-class hopeless romantic.
which way do we go?
can we get there in your car?
what do you want? seriously, i’d really like to know.
maybe it’s silly, but… i know there is somebody out there for me.
i can’t believe how fast you cranked this out.
look at me, i’m a mess.
is it… uh… poisonous?
you are the luckiest son of a bitch that ever walked the face of the earth.
i could’ve been killed, and you’re drinking!
i’m hot-wiring the car.
you’re gonna need something stronger than that.
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twilghtkoo · 1 year
ride: first date [part one] jjk
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“you nervous?” “yeah.”
summary. you’re first date with jungkook and he’s picking you up on his motorcycle
pairings. biker!jungkook x reader (f)
genres/au. fluff, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, college au
warnings. flirty jungkook, oc and jk touch each other (not sexual), poor attempt at motorcycle knowledge (my fault) T__T, if i missed anything pls lmk!!
word count. 1.6k
notes. first part!! and the beginning of a new series but with jungkook o.o i rly liked this one hehe, pls like and reblog if u enjoyed this !! also did y’all see jungkook’s promotion schedule photo bc W T F
[ series masterpost | masterlist | taglist ]
you’re the girl he’s had a crush on since he saw you for the first time in the library on campus. you were wearing grey sweatpants and a random hoodie with your hair tied up in a low ponytail, your glasses framing your face in the most prettiest way. you were frantically typing and writing stuff down on your laptop, and when he had walked over to take a seat next to you— after the pep talk he had with himself— your notes still looked neat and colorful despite your distressed scribbling.
after he had the courage to tap you on the shoulder and start a conversation, you’ve both quickly became friends. it was surprising to see how well you both bonded together. and you’re not usually someone who makes friends so easily, it having to do with your shyness and social anxiety. but jungkook had a charm and such an easy-going personality that drew you in.
you’ve mostly hung out on campus, both of your schedules not aligning in your favors due to exam season. so your hangouts were located in the library most of the time. opting to studying together and just being satisfied basking in each others presence.
around the tenth hangout, jungkook asked you out on a date. you were working on a quiz and he was writing an essay when he slid a piece of paper over to you before he went back to typing on his laptop.
will you go out on a date with me this saturday?
check ☐ yes or ☐ yes :)
you would’ve said yes even if he gave you a ‘no’ option.
a couple days later, before the weekend, he had walked you to the campus’s bus stop and waited with you. you had an evening class and it ended around eight, the blue sky now turning a shade darker as the minutes pass and it made you frown.
“how do you get home? you said you park in parking garage b and that’s across campus. you didn’t have to walk me here, although i really appreciate it.” you said, worried. from the eyes of others, jungkook looks tough, if his tattoos, piercings, fit figure had anything to go by. but you cared about him and it’s natural for you to be worried. anything could happen.
your concerns make him grin, he shoves his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.
“i’m okay, promise. and i ride my bike to get places.” he assures you.
you tilt your head, staring at him with curious eyes. “like a motorcycle?”
he nods, holding his small grin when he watches your eyes grow bigger.
you gasp, “really? you own a motorcycle?”
“yup, she’s my baby. got her when i turned 20. she’s precious to me.” he tells you before leaning down next to your ear. “but don’t worry you’re more precious.”
you didn’t have time to respond because your transportation pulls up and jungkook grabs your hand to walk you to the entrance of the bus.
jungkook arrived at your place a bit early but he couldn’t help it. he was excited. he had texted you he was here but told you not to rush.
he’s has never been this nervous in his life since having to tell his mom he wanted to major in computer science and not med school like she wanted. he’s nervous because he’s going on a date with you.
and you’re in your bedroom trying to gather your necessities into your shoulder bag, deciding to take a peek through your window that shows the front of your building and you’re able to see jungkook next to his bike.
he’s not sure how to stand when you walk out your door. should he lean against his bike with his arms crossed? he almost decided to just sit on it but why if he’s going to get off anyways to greet you. should he pretend he’s on his phone until he sees you?
he is shaken out of his internal turmoil when he spots you lightly jogging up to him, a radiant smile lighting up your entire face with warmth and joy.
“sorry, did i make you wait?” she brushes a few strands of hair out of her face, peering up at him with guilt and curiosity with the shiny black bike next to him.
he quickly shakes his head. “no, i wasn’t waiting long. don’t worry.” he assured you.
“you look pretty.” jungkook compliments you, scanning your features with the same grin he had when he had asked you out on a date.
you blush, “thank you, you too. i mean, you look really really handsome.”
his eyes crinkled at the edges and the corners of his lips turned upwards. his lip piercings shining and glaring from the sunlight, almost blinding you.
he notices you staring at his bike with interest.
“you nervous?”
“yeah.” you admit, sheepishly smiling.
you watch as jungkook unzips his leather jacket and sliding it off before he makes his way to you. he helps you slide off your bag before helping you slide your arms in the sleeves. his smell and the soft scent of his cologne makes you feel giddy inside and makes your heart hammer.
“i’ll ride slow, i have precious cargo today.” he responds, zipping the jacket up and grabbing all your hair from out the jacket. an action that makes your heart beat louder out of your chest.
you slide your bag back over your head to rest on your shoulder as you watch jungkook grab the helmet that rested on the back of his bike.
“did the bike come with an extra helmet?” you question, genuinely curious.
he’s careful to not mess up your hair as he slides the helmet over your head, and strapping it on.
he hums before he responds. “no, i bought it yesterday.” he tightens a strap, then asking if it was too tight, you said no.
“you bought it for me?”
“i told you, i have precious cargo. can’t have nothing happen to you.” he finishes making sure your helmet was secured, lightly patting the top of it before he slid his on.
watching jungkook do his thing and putting on his gloves was kind of hot…okay, really hot.
jungkook gets on first, kicking the kick stand off the ground and holds out his gloved hand for you to take. giving your hand a squeeze as he notices your small steps before you climb on behind him. instantly wrapping your arms around his tiny waist, when you tightened your grasp you were able to feel the sculpted muscles underneath his t-shirt. only making you intrigued on what’s hiding beneath the thin cotton fabric.
“hold on to me okay, squeeze me if anything.” he tells you softly, but you know he’s serious.
the sound of his motorcycle coming to life was like a breath of fresh air. in fact, his frequent gentle touches at stop lights were everything calming and you appreciated it.
the light just turned red and jungkook slows down to a stop. your knees rested against his hips as your arms circled his waist, both your hands linked together. he frees his hands from the handle bars to rest on your hands, giving them a squeeze.
and god, you’re very thankful for this helmet that’s hiding your red face and your embarrassingly huge smile.
his hands then roam to your knees then down your shins, patting a rhythm and then running over your denim covered leg soothingly.
is he doing this to make you go crazy? cause it’s working.
you’re not sure if it was the coffee you had this morning or his touches that boosted this sudden confidence but your hands loosened around his hips and gripped them. squeezing where his bare skin ends and you feel the hem of his black jeans.
jungkook places a hand over yours, not letting your hands move anywhere else. he wants yours to stay where it’s at for the moment.
he tilts his head back. “you doing okay?”
you nod, “yeah, you’re a safe driver. five stars.” you joke.
he chuckles at that and the light turns green.
he took you to a dog cafe. not just any dog cafe, but a corgi cafe. you didn’t even know this cafe existed. oh but through the big window in the front of the building, seeing the few corgis you could see, you wanted to burst with excitement.
“you like corgis?” he asks, pointing to the pen that’s in your hand with an acrylic artwork of a corgi at the end. you had bought it at a stationery store a few weeks ago.
your lips curve upward into a small but genuine smile. “yeah, they’re my favorite dogs.”
he smiles with you, mentally storing that information into his brain.
“you haven’t been here before have you?” he asks nervously, helping you off the bike and unstrapping your helmet. he helps you fix your hair and brushes back a few strands.
you shake your head. “no, i didn’t even know a corgi cafe existed here.”
“good, i was worried you’ve already been here.” he holds his hand out for you to take, in which you did.
you’re swaying on your feet unconsciously, switching gazes from the nervous boy and the sight of a freaking corgi cafe in front of you.
but jungkook notices you.
he hums out, “come on pretty, don’t wanna keep you out too late.”
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cilliansmesoftly · 5 months
worst way
pairing: riley green x fem!reader
summary: riley needs you after a long month of tour and missing you
warnings: smut!, pining, yearning, breaking stuff, multiple rounds, etc.
wc: 4.4k
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tonight was the night riley was coming home. after a month long of not seeing each other, well besides facetime. he couldn’t wait another minute. tour was long. and it isn’t even over, he just has a few weeks before he’s out on the road again and he intended to spend every minute of his time off with his girl. his y/n.
he could picture her now.. standing in the kitchen, or maybe even the living room, comfy clothes on with her favorite show playing on the television. she’d be chewing on her bottom lip, no doubt leaving cherry red imprints from the pressure, just itching to be back in his arms.
at least, he was itching to be back in hers. he didn’t know what had gotten into him. on the ride from the airport, his sweatpants had been doing no good hiding the excitement he was feeling. to shield from even more humiliation, he took his carry-on bag and held it in front of the growing need. his hands were sweaty and he kept pushing his hair back with his hands, a nervous habit he’d picked up since growing it out.
why was he so nervous?
it’s not like you haven’t been together for about a year now, and friends longer than that. but, god, he was feeling like a teenager going on a first date.
the ride was shorter than riley anticipated, and he could feel his heartbeat in his throat as he got out the truck and hauled his bags and guitar case up the steps to the farmhouse he got built a couple years back.
home never felt so good.
and he knew it would feel even better once he got y/n back in his grasp.
however, when he opened the front door, no television was on, no sounds were heard, and no beautiful woman was standing there waiting for him. he sighed, setting down his bags in the middle of the room and fishing his phone out of his pocket.
he clicked y/n’s contact and brought his phone up to his ear.
ring…. ring…
he was starting to get worried. did she meet someone while he was away? no, she’d never do that. maybe she’s out getting some groceries, because god knows what was left in the fridge from the time he left to now. right as his heart rate picked back up, he heard a click and then her gorgeous voice through the speakers.
“hey, baby.” she said softly. “what’s up?”
“hi, honey. well, i came home expecting you to tackle me to the ground and shower me with love and kisses like you normally do, but there’s not a soul here.” he walked to his bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. it was made, but he could tell where her pretty little head had been laying on his pillow.
“oh, shit. i’m so, so sorry. i went to pick up some food for us. you’re a little earlier than what i was planning for.” she sighed into the phone, he heard a car door shut and then an engine ignited. “i’m on my way back now, though. i’ll be home in, like, 10 minutes?”
“okay, baby. i can’t wait to see you.” riley had a small smile glued to his face, a blush coating his cheeks all the way down to his tanned chest. “be careful, i love you.”
“i love you, more. bye.” he could hear the shy grin in her voice and he could feel his heart clench at the sound.
he figured he could kill some time by taking a quick shower and washing off all the dirty airport germs off of him. so, he stood to his sore feet and grudged into the bathroom. he stripped himself of his sweatshirt, then his sneakers and sweatpants. he looked at himself in the mirror while the shower water ran. he’d worked out a lot during the times he wasn’t performing, just out of boredom and partly because he hated being in that cramped bus for 10, maybe even more, hours a day.
as he stepped into the shower, he let the water run down his face and back, washing off his worries and stress down the drain along with it. he was so happy to be home. so happy to have a break. and so happy he was about 7 minutes away from being with his best girl again.
y/n walked into the house with bags of takeout in her hands. she huffed as she tripped over riley’s bags in the room.
“riley?” she called through the house, setting the bags onto the counter. when she didn’t hear a response from anything but water running and humming, she knew exactly where to go. she tiptoed into the bathroom and started to take off her clothes. she could see riley’s silhouette through the white curtain hung up and even from that, her body ached for him. she quietly pulled back the curtain, he was facing away from her, so she slid her hands around his body. from his back to his torso, she ran her fingers all over the soft, tan skin. he jumped at first, but quickly turned around and gripped her cheeks in his hands.
“hi, baby.” she smiled up at him. he had shaved his beard into just a mustache and she could feel her stomach flutter at the dirty thoughts running through her mind. she pictured that mustache on her lips, kissing her wildly and so loving that her mouth would be bruised. she pictured that mustache kissing down her body, going between her legs and loving on her like she hadn’t felt in so long.
she was broken out of her fantasy by riley’s lips capturing hers in a searing kiss. the bathroom was filled with hot fog and was suffocating her lungs, but that kiss allowed her to take a deep breath that she hadn’t been able to catch since he’d left.
riley laughed as she squealed when he picked her up so her legs would wrap around his torso. his cock was already hard at the thought of having her right then. against the cold tiles of the shower. “my girl.” he breathed into her neck once they had broken the kiss. “you don’t know how much i missed you.”
“don’t i?” she was scratching the back of his head with one hand and clinging onto his back with the other. riley groaned into her skin as she pulled his hair gently. “take me to bed.”
he didn’t have to be told twice. he shut the water off and stepped out onto the cool floor. he laid y/n down gently on the bed and leaned back, captivated by the sight of her. her hair, a little wet from stray water droplets, was splayed behind her head onto the sheets. her body was tanned from the summer sun, no doubt taking advantage of the deck out back.
“see something you like? just take it.” she kicked her feet up to place them on his chest as she giggled. she admired his body, too. strong arms with veins running all the way down to his forearms and hands. tanned chest with a thin gold chain dangling from his neck. his body was work of god.
“don’t threaten me with a good time, honey.” riley grabbed her ankles and kissed each leg before leaning down against her. her skin against his felt like heaven. this was better than what he imagined. he pushed the hair against her forehead away, taking in every part, every detail of her face. it was an intimate moment, one that neither of them took for granted. it’s like they were falling back in love all over again.
“you seriously have no idea how much i missed you, riley green.” y/n sighed, brushing a hand through his hair. he grabbed her hand and kissed her palm, melting into her touch.
“how much did you miss me?” he was already panting, trembling even. y/n was so turned on she could barely stand it she kept trying to rub her legs together to ease some of the ache, but riley kept his hands on the inside of her thighs with a such a firm grip that she couldn’t move a muscle.
“enough to call you every night and listen to your voice. pretend it was your fingers all over me, making me wet, playing with me.” riley groaned, laying his head down on her chest. his wet hair was cold and it sent a shock through her, but it did wonders to cool down her blazing skin. “did you touch yourself to me?” she asked into his ear.
“‘course i did, baby. couldn’t go through a single day without you there with me. don’t matter if it was through a screen.” he kissed her chest, sucking a dark mark onto her skin. she moaned softly and it caused riley to ground his hips into hers, the head of his hard cock hitting her clit just right. “god, baby. gonna fuck you on every square inch of this house tonight.”
“please,” she whimpered, closing her legs tighter around his body, trying to bring him closer to her.
“we got all the time in the world.” he leaned back and cupped her cheek in his hand. she cuddled into his touch with a pout on her face. “let me take my time with you tonight, honey.”
she nodded softly, leaning up to catch his lips with hers. he slid his tongue over her lower lip, begging for entrance and when she granted it, he stifled a moan into her mouth. she tasted like strawberries and heaven. he couldn’t get enough of this girl. he moved his mouth down to her cheek, over her chin, down to her neck where he sucked another tattoo kiss onto her skin, left to be purple and bruised tomorrow. he brought his mouth to her nipple and she jumped at the sensation, she hadn’t been touched in so long. he licked around the bud before sucking it into his mouth and releasing it with a soft pop.
“you’re gonna be the death of me.” she whined into her hand. her hips were restlessly trying to gain friction from anything they could reach. riley sat down on his knees and hooked his arms around the back of her legs. she gasped as he dragged her to the edge of the bed. her thighs were trembling as he kissed the inside of them, breathing her in as he did. y/n felt the facial hair on his upper lip tickling her skin. he was driving her crazy. she hadn't seen this man in a month. he didn't do anything extravagant, he didn't bring home flowers, he didn't bring wine. he just wanted her.
she was broken out of her thoughts by the feeling of his tongue licking a straight line up her core. she gasped and her hips jumped off the bed. riley shook his head against her, his nose brushing her clit back and forth as he did so, and laid his muscled arm over her hips to hold her still.
"you're so sweet, honey." he moaned against her. the vibrations made her throw her head back against the mattress, eyes rolling to the back of her head. she bit her lip as he sucked her bundle of nerves into his mouth, his fingers finding their way to her entrance. he spread her arousal with his thick digits, licking off what was left. "mmm." he prodded at her entrance again, just barely entering before pulling them back out. he was teasing her and it was torture.
"riley, please." she breathed out, panting. she lifted her head up just so she could catch his gaze and that shit-eating grin he wore made her groan and throw herself back against the bed.
"please, what, sweetheart?" he smirked. he knew what she wanted, he just wanted to hear her say it.
"just fuck me, please." she whined. he smacked her thigh and she hissed.
"that's all you had to say." he smiled, kissing her clit and the inside of her thighs sweetly before leaning up and capturing her lips with his. y/n hummed into it, taking a grip of his hair and pulling slightly. he groaned, reaching down to stroke his cock a few times before lining it up with her pretty pussy. he looked back at her eyes, her mouth open and panting, her cheeks rosy and flustered. she was so beautiful. even when she wasn't trying to be. he was suddenly taken back to the first day they met. sophomore year of college and he thought she was the most breathtaking thing at jacksonville state.
"what's going on in that handsome head of yours." y/n huffed, pushing a stray hair behind his ear.
"i just love you." he shook his head, grabbing her hand and kissing her wrist. "so much."
"you have me for the rest of your life, riley. you are the most precious thing i have." she leaned up to kiss him, slow and passionate. "i love you."
he pushed into her, moaning loudly from how tightly she enveloped him. she sucked a breath in through her teeth, the stretch was delicious and what made it even sweeter was riley leaning his forehead down onto hers, locking those deep blue irises onto her e/c ones. he slowly started to thrust into her. the tamed patch of hair below his stomach was brushing against her bud of nerves and she bit her lip to contain the graphic noises begging, screaming, to be released. she could feel the imprint of him in her stomach and she grabbed his hand and placed it on the point so he could feel it. riley whimpered and thrust harder into her.
"god, yes." she yelled out, wrapping her ankles around his back to keep him close to her. her nails were raking down his back, no doubt leaving red marks in their wake. "harder."
riley quickly obliged, hiking her leg up around his waist further to hit an angle he hadn't before that had y/n moaning almost pornographically. "you have no idea how much i missed this pussy, sweetheart."
"you have no idea how much i missed this cock." she retorted, turning her head to the side so she could kiss his stubbly cheek. she pushed his head to her chest and he could hear her wild heartbeat. he could hear her whimpers right in his ear and he wished he had something to record this so he could cherish it forever. his hips picked up speed in their ruts against her. he felt like a mad-man. he was touch starved for too long and so, so wrapped up in her. she might as well be tattooed against his skull from how much he thinks about her.
his thrusts were so forceful, the framed picture above his bed frame was hitting the wall repeatedly and eventually just fell back behind the bed. they could hear the glass shattering, but they could care less. riley picked y/n up and turned her around so she was sitting on her hands and knees. she laid her head down onto the soft sheets, arching her back softly so her ass was in better view. he rubbed the soft skin soothingly before smacking it lightly. y/n giggled and then groaned when he pushed into her again. his had one leg on the floor and the other was propped up and bent. his hands were wrapped around both of her hips and he pulled her back against his cock. he was hitting so deep inside of her and y/n could feel the coil inside of her tightening even more. riley was no better than her, he could usually last a while, but, because of the prolonged distance, his tummy was fluttering and his cock was twitching relentlessly. his body was begging for a release.
"y/n." he whimpered, his pounding thrusts against her were getting sloppy and he reached around her to toy with her clit.
"oh, i know, baby. me too." she was breathless, her knuckles were white from gripping the sheets so hard and she was sure she would have bruises all over her backside tomorrow from how rough he was pushing into her. "cum inside of me. please, please." she begged. she wanted all of him, she was so close she had tears in her eyes.
"oh, my." he threw his head back before leaning down against her back. he kissed all over her neck, her shoulders. his fingers were still rubbing circles onto her clit and her body was collapsing beneath her. "i'm gonna cum, honey." he thrust a few more times, working her clit harshly. she was screaming his name, a thin sheen of sweat coating both of their bodies. the coil in her belly snapped quickly at one particularly hard thrust and she curled into herself while riley was milking her for everything she had. a few more thrusts and riley was completely undone. he released into her, pushing his cum into her further before laying down against her back. she turned her head so she could kiss his lips. "i love you. i love you." he muttered against her skin.
"i love you." she kissed the top of his head. riley leaned up and pulled out slowly, watching the mix of their climaxes leak from her core and onto the duvet. "i broke home takeout."
they sat at the island in the kitchen, ravishing their food like two starving cavemen. she got riley and her some burgers from his favorite spot in town. they laughed and shared fries with each other. they fed each other like an annoying couple they would've made fun of back in college.
"do you think we would've been friends in high school?" she wondered, taking a sip of her cold busch light. riley brought his lips to his drink, too. one thing he loved about her is that she actually enjoyed drinking beer, maybe even more than he did.
"absolutely not," he wiped his mouth with a napkin. "i was a little shit in high school."
"you were a little shit in college, too." she giggled, pushing his shoulder. they were just sitting in their underwear, but nothing had ever felt more comfortable. more like home.
"i was worse in high school. ask momma." he laughed. "got cops called on me one time for poppin' fireworks in my principal's yard."
"riley green!" her jaw-dropped. "and to think, the worst thing you did in college was get kicked out of a bar for fightin' a guy."
"he was hittin' on you. had to do somethin'." he shrugged, smiling while taking a bite of another fry.
"you didn't even like me like that back then... did you?" she side-eyed him suggestively.
"baby, i've liked you since we first met at the gym." he slipped his hand up her leg, rubbing her thigh with his calloused fingers. rough partly from years of playing guitar and partly from the hard work he's done in his life. "when you didn't know how to work the equipment, i was hooked on you."
"oh, ew!" she scrunched up her nose. "i was wearing stained sweatpants and an old lynyrd skynyrd shirt."
"hence my attraction." he breathed out a laugh, his fingertips still rubbing over her skin. she clutched her hand to his and brought it up to her lips, kissing his the pad of his fingers.
"why didn't you tell me?" she asked softly, placing his hand against her cheek. it was warm and she leaned into his touch.
"thought you were out of my league, to be honest." he rubbed his thumb across her cheekbone, tracing her freckles from the warm alabama sun. "i thought you were the prettiest thing i'd ever seen and i didn't wanna embarrass myself by askin' you out, so i figured being friends was a good way to keep you in my life."
she fell into a fit of giggles and riley scoffed with a smile on his face, pulling back from her. "yeah, laugh at my misery. it's fine." he went to stand, but she pulled him back down, trying to calm herself.
"no, it's not that! i swear!" she bit down on her lip to contain more laughter. "that first day," she took a breath. "i fell in love with you, too."
"pft, nah." he stood up, collecting their food wrappers and walked to the trash can to throw it away.
"pft, yeah!" she stood up, too. she watched as he washed his hands and he shook his head. "you don't believe me? you were starting quarterback and completely jacked, might i add. plus, you helped me with gym equipment without making me feel stupid. i texted mom about you that very night."
"you serious?" he braced his hands on either side of the sink and she couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the veins running down his arms, she licked her lips and looked back up at him, nodding. "alright," he threw his arms up in surrender. "i believe you."
"so that means we wasted.... what?" she started counting up the months.
"at least 10 months." he finished her thought for her and she brought her hands up to her face. she could've been with him from the very first moment they met, but they both thought too lowly of themselves to make a move.
"riley, that's awful." she groaned through her hands. he laughed and walked up to her, pulling her hands away from her face and wrapping them around his body. he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lips sweetly.
"we got all of our lives to make up for that time, baby." he mumbled against her. she moved her hands up to wrap around the back of his neck. his fingertips tickled down her sides before picking her up and sitting her on the counter top. he laid her down gently and kissed down her neck, all the way to her navel. she brought him back up to her and captured his lips with her own, licking over his bottom lip. he opened his mouth further and their tongues danced together, even though they tasted like their dinner, they couldn't care less.
"make love to me." she whispered against his lips. he let his hands trail around her body before moving behind her back and unclasping her bra in one swift move. he bowed his head to kiss around her breasts, then down to her belly. he traced the hem of her panties, blue and lacy, his favorite. he pulled them down her legs, his fingers causing goosebumps to raise on her legs and follow the path he took down to her ankles. he threw the undergarments somewhere towards the living room and kissed his way back up to her lips. he kissed her lips and pulled his boxers down his thighs, letting them drop and pool around his feet. he grabbed the back of her thighs and slowly dragged her further to the edge of the counter. she leaned up to slowly stroke his cock. he leaned his head back in pleasure and she kissed the open space of his neck, licking around the stubbly skin. he lifted his head back up and kissed her sensually. this was a different kiss. it was passionate, but it was more like a promise. a promise of 'i'm yours'.
she lined his cock up with her entrance and he pushed into her slowly, laying her back down flat against the cool marble counter. his thrusts were slow, but rough. he left his branding kisses on her neck and chest. their moans were soft and intimate, a low, but intense sound of pure adoration and infatuation. y/n stretched her arms out behind her head, accidentally knocking off the decorative wooden bowl in the middle of the island. "sorry." she whispered.
"ain't worried 'bout nothing but you." he responded, his face tucked into her neck and his cock working wonders on her. she was already close. she was so full of love, so full of him. she wanted to cry, she loved him so much. and he was thinking the same because he whispered in her ear, "i love you."
"i love you so much, ri." she whined. she felt his cock twitch inside of her, but she wanted him to hold out. she wanted this feeling to last so much longer than it could. "don't cum yet." she breathed out, brushing through his hair with her fingers. "wanna feel you."
"yes ma'am." he kissed underneath the lobe of her ear and she shuddered, trying to prolong her peak. he slowed down even more and y/n could feel every vein, every curve of his cock. they felt like puzzle pieces, perfectly made for each other. the way he pulled out just to push roughly back in was driving her mad, it was getting harder to hold back. "cum for me, sweetheart. know you need to. can feel you squeezin' 'round me."
she whimpered softly and all he had to do was reach down to circle her clit and she was done for. her climax hit like no other had and she was clenching around him so tightly that riley came right after she did, kissing all over her face, her neck, and chest.
"we're makin' a mess of this house." she laughed as she looked at the mess of clothes around the floors, the bowl spilled out onto the hardwood, not to mention the fact that they had to pull the bed out from the wall sometime to clean the glass up from the picture frame.
"y'know i'm gonna have to write a song 'bout this." he chuckled and she rolled her eyes. "even though they're all about you already." he kissed her cheek and she blushed.
"let's keep it that way, baby." she kissed his lips then hopped down from the counter, brushing her body up against his. she leaned down to pick up her bra, pushing herself onto his pelvic bone with a grin on her face.
he grunted and she leaned back up, but he grabbed her arm before she could walk away. he caught her lips with his and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. she shrieked and kicked her legs, trying to get him to put her down. she was in a fit of laughter by the time he tossed her onto the couch. "i still want you in the worst way, darlin'. you ain't getting away from me for the rest of the night."
hey everyone! i know this is different from what i usually post (aka austin butler ahaha) but i noticed on tiktok that riley green usually gets a lot of attention from all the clips of his concerts, but there's hardly any content of him on tumblr, wattpad, etc. so if you don't know who this is, he's a singer. i went to his concert recently and just completely fell back in love with him, so i wanted to write for him! if you enjoyed the idea, you can totally picture someone else for the role of riley. if you want more of riley, let me know! and do your research on him because this man is something else oooh lord
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 7 months
silly goose | kwon soonyoung
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii we're back baby. genre is: crack. fake dating sort of. friends to ??? basically in love i guess. everyone is an idiot and it's awesome. warnings: reader is implied to be female, wears a dress, does hair and makeup, reader is briefly followed in a menacing kind of way, soonyoung is literally the most dumbest man ever but in the BEST way, reader's friends are quite honestly the actual worst, there is a rather frightening animal encounter that's mostly just funny but could be triggering if you're afraid of birds, lmk if there's anything else i forgot!!! word count: 8.3k
If one was to look up the definition of disappointment, you’re almost positive they’d see a picture of your mom’s face if she ever found out you were in this situation. You’re disappointed in yourself. It was never your plan to be in a loud, crowded club, smushed up against the bar by two large bikers who are bouncing up and down to the beat of the music so that the spikes on the back of the taller one’s jacket get dangerously close to your eyeball. And yet, here you are.
You desperately search the room for the group of very tipsy women you came here with, but they’re nowhere to be found. Scowling, you start to inch out from behind the bikers into a slightly more open space, but even with your improved vantage point, you don’t see them. You curse. Did they really leave you here?
It’s hard for you to understand why you were even invited to this bachelorette party. The bride is your childhood best friend, but you’ve been out of touch for years. Your lives went in completely different directions after high school, clearly evidenced by the predicament in which you currently find yourself. Where you had never been the life of the party, she seemed to have no life without a party. You found yourself wishing for the thousandth time you could be at home with your books and your remote and your cat.
You decide there’s nothing for it and head outside to try and call your friend. She picks up on the third ring, and her voice is slurred and barely distinguishable over the cacophony of sound in the background of the call. You think she’s saying that they’re taking a bus to a bar across town -- about an hour away from where you are now. To get there, you’d have to call a cab and pay almost $100, or you could walk to your apartment, which is three blocks from here. “I’m going to go home,” you tell her, and she laughs and agrees and hangs up.
You grimace at your phone screen and shiver slightly. It’s a chilly night, and you didn’t bring a jacket, so you decide it’s best if you start walking. The way home is well-lit and relatively crime free, so you aren’t nervous as you set off from the club. 
That is, until you notice someone is tailing you. He’s a taller man, with scruffy facial hair and red-rimmed eyes that scare you. As you glance over your shoulder, he calls after you. “Where are you headed?” he asks.
“Going to meet my boyfriend,” you claim, desperately trying to shake him off. He seems to be picking up speed, slowly gaining on you as you walk, and as you round a corner you see a group of three well-dressed men standing in front of the movie theater just ahead. “That’s him right there,” you say, pointing at them, and the man trailing after you only picks up his speed, so you make the risky choice to jog toward them and grab ahold of the nearest man’s arm. He has his back toward you, but as you wrap your hand around his bicep, he turns to look at you.
Oh, wow, you think. Because you couldn’t have chosen a hotter man to pretend to be your boyfriend -- unless, of course, you were to have chosen either of his friends. It was strange to be surrounded by so many extremely attractive men, almost like interrupting a model meetup. But you quickly recover, smiling at the man whose arm you grabbed and saying, “Hi, honey.”
You try to communicate with your eyes, and though the man at first looks confused, he glances over your head and sees the man who’d been following you and his eyes light with understanding. “Hello, muffin!” he shouts far too loudly. 
You wince. Muffin? you think to yourself. But still, you can’t help but be amused as he puts an arm around you and sends an angry look at the man. “This is my girlfriend,” he yells at him.
“You’re being way too obvious, dude,” one of your fake boyfriend’s friends hisses at him. 
“I call BS,” the stalker says, to your horror and surprise. “What’s her name?”
“Mildred,” your fake boyfriend says with no hesitation. 
You try not to let the shock of this answer register on your face. 
The stalker hesitates. “Is he really your boyfriend, Mildred?”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. “Uh, yep.”
“Oh, okay then,” the stalker says. The three of you stare at each other for awhile before he turns around and leaves. 
“I cannot believe that worked,” one of your fake boyfriend’s friends says, smacking his forehead. 
“Remind me never to call you in a crisis,” the other one says, chuckling.
“What do you mean?” your fake boyfriend says indignantly. He looks at you, as though wanting your opinion, his arms still around you. “I feel like we nailed that.”
You can’t help but smile at him. He really is unfairly pretty, with perfectly tousled black hair, an artful slit in one eyebrow, and a smile that has you wondering if maybe you do believe in love at first sight. “Thanks for helping me out,” you say, so you don’t have to lie and agree that he nailed it. “Do I really look like a Mildred, though?”
“Mildred is a lovely name,” he says matter-of-factly. “And you are lovely.”
You laugh, feeling a little hot around the collar. “And what’s your name?” you ask him, holding out your hand for him to shake.
He takes it and shakes it with a warm smile. “I’m Soonyoung,” he says. He releases you from his grip with a small shake, as though reminding himself to do it. As if he’d gotten lost in you for a second.
“Soonyoung,” you repeat. “And your friends?”
“Seungkwan,” the shorter of the two others says.
“Seokmin,” the taller one replies. 
“Soonyoung, Seungkwan, Seokmin,” you chant. “Well, thanks so much for your help, guys. I need to get home to my cat.”
“By yourself?” Seokmin says in a worried tone.
“In the dark?” Seungkwan follows, equally worried.
“Without a jacket?” Soonyoung says, his brow furrowed in concern.
“Well...” you say. “It’s not very far.”
“How far?” Seungkwan asks.
You hesitate. “How do I know you’re not serial killers?”
They all blink at you. “Us?” Seokmin asks.
“We’re idiots,” Soonyoung says sincerely. 
They all nod in agreement. “Seriously. If we were serial killers, we’d be caught in no time,” Seungkwan says.
“Let us walk you home,” Soonyoung insists. “I want to meet your cat.”
You’re still a bit nervous, but they keep a respectful distance as they walk you down the next two and a half blocks to your apartment building. You quickly realize that they weren’t lying. 
They are actually idiots.
The entire fifteen minute walk, Seungkwan and Seokmin are arguing about whether or not tomatoes are a fruit, culminating in Soonyoung opining that if tomatoes are a fruit, ketchup is a smoothie. The other two are (understandably) outraged by this, leaving you comforted that you actually could probably take all three of them in a fight at once, seeing as how they all seem to share one single brain cell. 
There’s something so endearing about their banter, though. So much so that when you finally arrive at the apartment, you find yourself asking if they want to come in for a minute and escape the chilly weather.
“Are you sure?” Seokmin asks.
“Positive. I have some instant ramen we could make, too. Just to warm you up. As a thank you for getting me home safe.”
They look at each other and then nod. “We’d love to,” Seungkwan says. 
So you lead them up to your door on the third floor. “Your apartment is so cute!” Soonyoung exclaims, admiring the pretty crocheted decorations that line your walls. “I love these.”
“Thanks,” you say. “I made them.”
He looks at you in awe. “You did? That’s so cool!”
“I’m glad you think so,” you say with a smile. 
“What do you do for work?” Soonyoung asks you.
“I’m a social worker,” you tell him. “I work with families in tough situations. Help them get their feet under them.”
“Do you work for the government, then?” asks Seungkwan.
“Make yourself at home,” you tell the three of them, who are standing awkwardly in the entry. As they settle onto the couch, you explain, “I actually work for a subcontractor of the government. We’re a nonprofit. On weekends, we also do a soup kitchen, and help run food banks throughout the county.”
“That must be very fulfilling work,” Seokmin points out. “Do you like it? I hear it can be tiring.”
“It’s good, but I don’t get paid enough,” you admit. “And before you ask, I do have a roommate. She’s just in the hospital. Appendicitis.”
They all wince, and Seungkwan hums sympathetically. You head to your pantry and rummage around looking for the instant ramen, finally locating it and putting a pan on the stove with water. Meanwhile, the guys find your box full of games and pull out the Monopoly. “We should play this!” Seokmin says. 
Seungkwan laughs. “We just met her, and you already want to ruin our friendship?”
Soonyoung pulls out a deck of cards. “How about Scum?”
The three of them set up the game while you make the ramen, and by the time you’re all served up all the cards have been dealt. You watch them over your own bowl of ramen, amused at the gusto with which they eat and heartwarmed by their compliments. You’re generally a bit of an introvert, but even you have been lonely the past few days with your roommate gone, and the unexpected company is warm, inviting, and friendly.
Until Scum begins. Unbeknownst to you, this group of three is the most cutthroat, merciless group of players who have ever lived. Their competition knows no bounds, and they seem determined to destroy each other, by whatever means necessary. “Don’t worry,” Seokmin whispers conspiratorially to you while Soonyoung and Seungkwan argue tooth-and-nail about a minor rule of the game. “They’re always like this, but they really do love each other.”
It takes all of them by surprise when you are the first to get rid of your cards, guaranteeing you the “king” spot. “That came out of nowhere!” complains Seungkwan.
You shrug. “I’m good with strategy games. Never challenge me to a game of Settlers of Catan,” you joke. 
Just then, your cat pokes his head around the corner and mewls reproachfully at all the noise you’re making. “Hi!” Soonyoung says excitedly, quickly dropping his cards to head over to the cat, making little cooing noises at him as he strokes his soft orange fur. “What’s its name?”
“He’s a he,” you tell him. “And his name is Tiger.”
The three men all freeze and look at you. “What?” you ask, looking around at them in worry.
“No way,” Soonyoung breathes.
Seungkwan groans. “You’ve really done it now.”
“What did I do?” you ask, bewildered.
“That’s like, the forbidden word,” Seokmin says, his tone apologetic.
Your eyes land on Soonyoung, whose entire face has lit up. “I love tigers,” he says, looking on the verge of tears.
“Love is an understatement,” Seungkwan says. “He is about to ask for your hand in marriage.”
“Will you marry me?” Soonyoung asks immediately afterward, making you laugh. His hands are still gently cupping Tiger’s face, his thumbs rubbing the cat’s fur back tenderly.
“I barely know you, Soonyoung,” you remind him. “You’ll have to pretend to be my boyfriend a couple more times before I’ll agree to marriage.”
“Bet,” Soonyoung says. “This cat needs a father. There’s nothing sadder than a fatherless cat.”
You privately disagreed, but it makes you laugh again all the same. “When am I ever going to need you to pretend to be my boyfriend?”
Soonyoung tsks. “I’m sure we could think of something.”
But almost as soon as you’d asked the question, you remembered: the wedding.
Your friend’s wedding -- the one who’d abandoned you tonight. And the one who, against your wishes, had invited your horrible ex-boyfriend. You’d had a plus-one — your roommate, who you’d enlisted to make the entire event endurable. But last-minute, her sister had needed help babysitting her daughter while she went to a divorce hearing on the day of the wedding. The wedding was in two weeks, and you didn’t have a backup date. 
Soonyoung watches in satisfaction as your face falls. “Tell me,” he says. “How can I be of service?”
“Well…you can say no,” you preface, and he chuckles. “But...” 
You launch into the story of the night. Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Seokmin listen well throughout it, making noises of exasperation and annoyance as you explain why you’d had to interrupt their evening by pretending to be Soonyoung’s girlfriend. “They really left you there?” Soonyoung asks, frowning. He seems to tire of crouching by Tiger, so he sits crosslegged on the ground. You watch carefully as Tiger gingerly climbs into Soonyoung’s lap -- something it took him almost a year to do with you. Tiger is an affectionate and social cat, but he does take some time to warm up, usually. But something about Soonyoung seems to have put him at ease. Soonyoung doesn’t even seem to notice, absently massaging his fingers into Tiger’s neck fur.
“They really did,” you finally reply, oddly touched by the sight of Soonyoung with your cat.
“You need better friends,” Seungkwan says indignantly.
You give him a weak smile. “You’re probably right about that. But I already said I’d go, and they’ve planned for me. So it’d be bad to back out now.” You sigh. “It would be so nice to have someone to go with who’s friendly. And you can totally say no if that’s too much awkwardness to put up with for an evening.”
“Well, I have no problems with going if it means I get to spend more time with your cat in between now and then,” Soonyoung says, tickling Tiger’s stomach and giggling as Tiger swats at his fingers.
“You can always come see my cat whenever you want,” you promise him. “Even if you say no.”
“Really?” he asks, sounding thrilled. “I mean, I’m saying yes, though.”
You let out a deep breath. “Thank you so much. You’re such a lifesaver.”
“I know. Imagine the poor decisions this cat would’ve made if I hadn’t decided to be his dad.”
“I resent the implication that I am a horrible mother who can’t raise a cat to be a good citizen who makes positive contributions to society.”
“Yeah, you psycho, respect this single mother!” Seungkwan says, smacking Soonyoung’s arm.
“Well, you’re partially right,” you admit with a laugh. “Tiger is a war criminal with warrants in 32 countries.”
Soonyoung laughs as well. “See! Fatherless behavior.”
“Plenty of cats grow up to be respectable without fathers,” you say indignantly. “Just not Tiger. He’s possessed of a devil.”
The four of you all have a good laugh about this, while Tiger chirps indignantly at the sudden sound, clambering out of Soonyoung’s lap and darting down the hallway. “Traitor!” Soonyoung calls after him, heading back to the card table to finish playing. 
By the time the trio bows themselves out of your apartment, you feel warm and sleepy. It’s been a long time since you’ve had people over to your house and enjoyed it — you had forgotten how nice it was.
“Hey there,” you greet your friend Ginger, who waves at you from her hospital bed. 
“Hi,” she says back. “How was the bachelorette party?”
“A complete disaster, as predicted,” you tell her, pulling up a chair next to her bed. “When are you coming home?”
“Tonight, if things go well,” she informs you. “But you said you had something to tell me. Is it good or bad?”
“It’s good,” you say with a shy smile.
“How good?” she asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Like, weird-good.”
“I found a date for tomorrow.”
Her eyes go wide. “You caught someone’s eye? During the bachelorette party?”
“No, after. Well, actually, the guy whose eye I caught was a total creep. But then I forced a different dude to be my fake boyfriend to shake off the first dude, and he agreed to be my date to the wedding.”
“Is he gonna pretend to be your boyfriend there too?” she asks, a suggestive edge to her voice.
“I don’t think so. I mean, we just talked about him coming with me so I wouldn’t have to go alone.”
“How did that even come up?” she asks you.
“Well, they kind of walked me home...”
“There were three of them initially,” you explain apologetically.
“You let three random strangers walk you home?”
“Well, they openly admitted to being idiots when I asked if they were serial killers, so I thought it was probably safe.”
“You’re an idiot,” Ginger says dryly.
“Anyway, Soonyoung -- the one who’s gonna be my date -- wanted to meet Tiger. Because he loves tigers. And then it kind of devolved into playing Scum, and then Soonyoung claimed that if he just spent more time with Tiger he’d stop committing dastardly crimes every chance he gets. And then he asked if I’d need a fake boyfriend so that he could help me raise my cat right, and it was this whole thing, and now that I’m telling you the story it sounds really dumb but it was kind of sweet.”
Ginger is staring at you with raised eyebrows during this whole account. When you finally clam up, she sighs. “So, I hate to be the person to have to tell you this, but Soonyoung is actually in love with you.”
“What?” you gasp. “Why do you think that?”
“He is using your cat to get closer to you because he’s too scared to really ask you out because he really likes you.”
“I’m not sure that’s true. You should’ve seen his face when he heard the cat was named Tiger.”
Ginger rolls her eyes. “Girl, I know more about men than I care to admit. This is textbook crush behavior.” She grunts as she adjusts her position. “And I think you like him back, too.”
“I barely know him,” you protest, heat rising in your cheeks.
“Is he hot?” she asks shrewdly.
“Yes,” you answer, without hesitation or even a single iota of forethought. You cringe at your own obviousness, and Ginger laughs.
“It’s okay,” she reassures. “But how hot?”
You consider for a while before answering. “It’s hard to describe,” you complain, feeling more and more uncomfortable the longer it takes. “He’s...pretty.”
“A pretty boy?” Ginger repeats.
“No, like, he doesn’t look dainty -- but he’s not rugged or anything. But he doesn’t exactly look soft either. But he’s not quite all the way to edgy.” You realize you’re rambling once you catch sight of Ginger’s face.
Ginger shakes her head. “You’re a goner,” she sighs.
Conveniently, your phone starts buzzing before you can respond -- not that you really had a response anyway. It’s an unknown number, but you decide to answer it. “Hello?” you say. 
“Hi,” a familiar voice chirps on the other end. Your eyes go wide, and you mouth “Soonyoung” to Ginger, who is observing curiously.
“Hi!!!” you respond back, and then wince -- you were a little too eager, and Ginger makes a face at you too. You resolve to be much cooler going forward, and take a deep breath to steady yourself.
“Hi,” he says again, this time sounding amused. “What’s up?”
“Hi. Um, nothing much,” you reply. “What’s up with you?” Wow, what a zinger! you think to yourself. Why did you choose this moment to become an awkward fumbling mess?
“Well, I’m near your apartment, and I was wondering if you were home. I missed Tiger, you see.”
“Ah,” you say. “Well, um, I’m actually...out right now?” Your voice raises a few notes too high at the end of your phrase, and Ginger is pinching the bridge of her nose in exasperation, trying to fight back a laugh.
“Ah, that’s bad luck. Where are you?” Soonyoung asks.
“I’m just visiting my roommate in the hospital,” you say, confused as Ginger frantically shakes her head and makes an X with her hands. 
“Tell him you were just leaving and you’ll be there soon,” she hisses, pushing you with her foot off of her hospital bed. 
“Oh, how is she doing?” Soonyoung asks. “Is she feeling better?”
“She’s absolutely fine,” you grunt, trying to fend off Ginger’s attacks and failing, slumping off the bed onto the floor. “I was actually on my way home, though. Do you have time to wait?” You stand and snatch your bag from off the small table in the room and stick your tongue out at Ginger, who blows you a kiss and waves enthusiastically as you leave.
“Yes,” Soonyoung responds immediately. “Actually, are you hungry? I brought some chicken.”
“I’m actually starving,” you answer honestly. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
True to your word, you sprint all the way out of the hospital and almost all the way home, stopping around the corner to your place to try and catch your breath and look cool when you see Soonyoung. Ginger’s words bounce around your brain in a disconcerting way, and you feel like you’re sweaty and flustered in a way that no amount of time stalling could really fix. So you decide to just bite the bullet and turn the corner. 
You can see Soonyoung waiting at the door to your apartment building. When he catches sight of you, his whole face lights up in a smile. And oh, what a smile it is. You have to physically restrain yourself from squealing at how obscenely adorable he is -- his eyes softening into crescents, his cheeks going all round and his nose scrunching just slightly. You can’t help but smile back as you finally reach him. “Hey,” you say, going for a breezy, cool vibe and missing the mark embarrassingly.
“Hi,” Soonyoung says, and to your comfort, he sounds just as eager as you did on the phone. “Um, how was the walk?”
“It was great! Super chill, super lowkey,” you lie through your teeth, thinking about how you had sprinted in a very not-chill, not-lowkey way to come see him. 
“That’s good!” he exclaims back.
“What were you doing near my house?” you ask, leading him toward the door.
“Oh, well, actually, I had to go visit this restaurant my friend works at,” he says, stuttering a little. “And he actually made extra chicken, so I thought -- well, and I knew you lived close by, so I thought it would be fun if we...I don’t know, got to know each other before the wedding?” He shrugs cutely. 
“You can just say you wanted to see my cat,” you tease, pressing the elevator button.
“I did, on the phone,” he reminds you.
“Oh,” you say.
“Oh,” he replies.
The two of you stare at each other for a minute.
Then, Soonyoung says, “Why are we so awkward?”
He doesn’t sound worried -- he even has a laugh in his voice. And for some reason, the easiness with which he addresses the strange tension in the air seems to dissipate it a bit. 
“I’m sorry,” you say with a laugh. “I’m not very good with surprises. I never know how to react. But I’m very glad you’re here.” Finally, the sincerity of the words shines through, and though you normally would’ve been embarrassed at the admission, you aren’t.
He smiles that brilliant smile yet again, and your heart does a little happy-dance in your chest. “Me too,” he replies fervently. 
“What do you do for work?” you ask him as the two of you board the elevator. “I never asked, before.”
“Oh, that. I’m actually a kindergarten teacher,” he tells you.
You are gobsmacked at this information. “You don’t look like a teacher,” you tell him.
“Oh yeah? What do I look like?” he asks, striking a ridiculous pose. 
You giggle. “A rockstar, maybe. Or a band manager.”
“Thank you, I think,” Soonyoung says.
“You’re welcome,” you say with emphasis. “It was a compliment.”
The two of you chat aimlessly all the way into your apartment, where Soonyoung immediately starts calling for Tiger. “Your daddy’s home,” he bellows into the empty apartment. “Where are you, son?”
You absolutely know the neighbors must have heard him, but your brief embarrassment is soothed when Tiger comes tearing around the corner, coming to a screeching halt at Soonyoung’s feet. “He never does that,” you say, in awe of this overt affection from your normally skittish-around-strangers cat. 
“He knows who I am,” Soonyoung says, bending down to pick up Tiger and cradle him in his arms like a baby. “My son,” he coos, tickling his belly and laughing when Tiger bats at his fingers with his paws.
You catch yourself before Soonyoung can tear his attention away from Tiger, knowing you were probably staring at them with heart-eyes. Shaking yourself, you open the box of chicken Soonyoung left on the counter. “Do you mind? I actually haven’t eaten today.”
Soonyoung’s gaze snaps to you. “It’s like four in the afternoon!” he exclaims indignantly. “What do you mean, you haven’t eaten today?”
“Well, I woke up kind of late, and then I was running around doing important errands, and then I had to go see my friend,” you explain. “I kind of forgot.”
He tsks in annoyance. “Well, you need to take care of yourself too. How am I supposed to co-parent this cat with you if you pass away from malnutrition?”
“You are so dramatic,” you laugh. “This doesn’t happen very often. I promise I’m a regular eater.”
He eyes you suspiciously. “Okay. You’d better be.”
You dig into the chicken while you watch Soonyoung play with Tiger. “Holy cow!” you exclaim. “This is amazing.”
“I’ll tell my friend you said so. You should go to his restaurant, it’s right across the street from you.”
“I definitely will,” you say, taking a seat at the table and patting the chair next to you. “But I think it’s time for your interview.”
“Interview?” he asks.
You nod. “I’m not about to just let the first cat-loving man I come across be Tiger’s father. I need to see if you’re prepared for the role.”
So Soonyoung, giving you a cautious look, comes to sit beside you with Tiger trotting after him. “Okay, what do you want to know?”
“What’s your favorite color?” you ask him.
“That’s hardly a standard interview question,” he protests, laughing. 
“This is hardly a standard interview,” you shoot back. “Now tell me.”
He thinks for a minute. “Black and white.”
“Hmm, interesting,” you muse, but before you can go any further, he raises a hand.
“How about you?” he asks.
“I’m asking the questions!” you say indignantly, and he chuckles.
“Okay, but shouldn’t I know my son’s mother?” He makes a face. “That sounded weird. You know what I meant.”
You stare at him, considering, for awhile before answering. “Orange,” you finally reply. Then, in a teasing tone, you add, “Like a tiger.” 
“You’re joking,” Soonyoung insists, his eyebrows raised and his eyes wide. 
“I’m actually not,” you admit. “And can I confess something else: tigers are easily in my top five favorite animals.”
“Well, anything lower than number one is just bad taste,” Soonyoung claims, grinning.
“Ah, well, I guess we can’t all have entirely correct opinions,” you sigh. “Except you, of course.”
“You’re such a fast learner,” Soonyoung praises.
And on the conversation goes. Usually, when talking to someone as pretty as Soonyoung is, you find yourself tongue-tied and awkward, but talking with Soonyoung is as easy as breathing. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the man seems to have no idea how gorgeous he is -- he doesn’t take himself too seriously, and is incredibly silly in a way most men of his level of attractiveness aren’t willing to be. And he makes you feel smart and interesting, appearing just as fascinated by your answers as you are with his.
Over the course of your conversation, you learn that Soonyoung is close with his mother; he loves all animals; he befriends strangers on public transportation and is a caring and loyal friend to so many people he can hardly keep track of them all. He can’t drink very well, he gets sad late at night, and when you ask him what he’s most proud of, he tells you that he always knows who the killer is in a game of mafia.
Try as you might to discover any red flags that would disqualify Soonyoung as the perfect father for your cat, your interview proves quite the opposite. The less-than-rational wing of your mind-palace is already picking out your wedding colors for the inevitable moment you marry this man. The less feral part of your mind is, surprisingly, cautiously optimistic. For all your reservations about dating, Soonyoung has proven someone you very much enjoy getting to know.
After several hours, the two of you arrive at the first lull in the conversation, when your laughs fade out and you just look at each other, electricity charging the air. Soonyoung breaks the silence. “So, did I get the job?”
You pretend to deliberate for a single second. “Absolutely,” you say, holding out your hand for him to shake.
He throws his arms around you instead. “We’re actually married now, and married people hug,” he explains.
You giggle nervously, despite the growing heat in your face. “I don’t remember you proposing today,” you scold him lightly, still hugging.
“The one from last night is still valid,” he says, breaking apart. “Honey,” he adds as an afterthought.
Just then, your phone rings. You answer it quickly, rushing to your bedroom to take the call. After a few minutes, you return to the kitchen apologetically. “It’s work,” you tell Soonyoung. “A situation came up with a client.”
“Do you need to leave now?” Soonyoung asks, jumping up. “Can I give you a ride?”
You shake your head. “It’s actually an hour drive and I’m not supposed to bring people who aren’t privy to the case. But — well, Tiger usually gets fed around 8 pm, and I don’t think I’ll be back by then. Would you be okay to do that? If not it’s totally fine, I can call my sister-in-law to do it.”
Soonyoung beams. “Of course. Can I wait for you to get home?”
You blink. “Soonyoung, it’ll be at least four hours from now. Probably more. We’re talking past midnight.”
“No school tomorrow,” Soonyoung reminds you, shrugging. “Plus, a group of friends invited me out to drink tonight, and I didn’t really want to go. Now I’ve got an excuse.”
You breathe a sigh of relief. “You are genuinely the best,” you say, going to him and wrapping him up in your arms. “Thanks.”
He seems taken aback by your sudden hug, but responds all the same. “Be safe on your way to work,” he says softly in your ear, raising goosebumps on the back of your neck, and you steal one final look at him before leaving.
By the time you get home, it’s nearly one in the morning. As you slump tiredly against the steering wheel of your car before going in, you check your phone and find several missed calls from Ginger. It is only then you remember she was scheduled to come home today, and more than likely did — to Soonyoung. 
You race up to your apartment and open the door. Sure enough, curled up on the couch with Tiger is Soonyoung. He’s fast asleep, his cheek squished against the firm cushion, Tiger keeping vigil at his stomach. Tiger meows reproachfully as you come in, taking quiet steps to Ginger’s room. She’s resting with her back against the headboard, but she opens her eyes at the sound of her door. 
“So, I came home to a man in my house,” she says expectantly. “That was crazy.”
“Yeah. We had a runaway situation that I had to figure out, and Soonyoung stayed to feed Tiger and make sure I got home okay,” you explain softly, not wanting to wake Soonyoung.
“I’m so glad he’s not a serial killer,” Ginger whispers. “He was very attentive. Kept checking on me and asking if I needed anything.”
“He did?” you ask, your heart in your throat. 
“He seems like a tender little guy,” Ginger says, watching you carefully.
“He does,” is your simple reply. You can’t trust yourself to speak without crying.
Soonyoung ended up accidentally sleeping over that night. In the morning, the three of you — Soonyoung, Ginger, and yourself — spent a fractionally awkward but mostly pleasant morning breakfasting together before Soonyoung insisted it was time for him to shower. After that day, he dropped by frequently. 
Sometimes he would stay for just twenty minutes, dropping off a book or visiting Tiger. Occasionally he’d bring by an ingredient for a dinner you were making, and you made it a habit to invite him to join on those occasions. The easy conversation between the two of you became an easy friendship, bursting with silliness and laughter and acceptance of each other’s quirks. You felt more and more like your real self around him. Which was crazy, especially given how thoroughly and extremely smitten with him you are.
It had taken you less than a week to realize your feelings. You’d expected to start feeling uncomfortable around Soonyoung, but for some reason, he just made it so clear that he cared about you that you didn’t even worry about if he liked you or not.
You reflect on this as you drive to your friend’s house to get ready before the wedding. You’re nervous about how this whole day will go, but the promise of seeing Soonyoung later makes it all worth it. In fact, just the thought of him being with you seems to calm your nerves and make it easier to face the day. 
You mostly keep to yourself with the bustle of getting ready. The soft pink dresses the bride picked as your bridesmaids’ dresses are not your normal style or color, but you like how the sleek satin fabric looks on you. It pairs well with your minimal hairstyle and makeup. Before you know it, it’s time for you to go get Soonyoung.
When he opens the door, his face breaks into a huge smile. “You look beautiful!” he exclaims, covering his mouth with both hands. 
“You look so handsome!” you reply, looking him up and down. He looks amazing in his black suit, white shirt, and black tie. 
“You’re not supposed to outshine the bride,” Soonyoung says sternly. “I don’t think they’ll let us in.”
“Stop it,” you say, flustered. 
“I’m serious,” Soonyoung insists. 
“Well, if they don’t let us in, I think I’d prefer that,” you say honestly.
“I’m actually excited,” Soonyoung admits. “I think it’ll be fun.”
“Even though my friends are...”
“Kind of awful? Yeah, I’m not worried about it.”
“Why?” you ask.
“Because I’m not planning on paying them any attention at all,” Soonyoung says simply, his eyes fixed on you. And as he helps you into the driver’s seat, you can’t help but smile.
The wedding is a lavish affair. After the complicated wedding ceremony, where you stood at the farthest distance from the bride and had a hard time tearing your eyes away from Soonyoung, who stared at you the whole time, he whisks you away to your dinner table. 
“Did you enjoy the ceremony?” you ask as Soonyoung pulls out your chair for you to sit down. 
“It was quite a view,” he teases lightly as he sits beside you.
You know what he really meant, and you give him a shy half-smile before replying, “It sure is beautiful out here!” You gesture around at the venue, which is gorgeous — a beautiful private property with loads of land, and a gazebo on the banks of a large pond, where the ceremony took place.
Soonyoung scoffs. “Well, yeah, but you seem determined to miss my point.” Nonchalantly, he slips a hand onto your knee, and you have to remind yourself to breathe. “I’m flirting with you.”
“Oh, are you?” you ask, feigning surprise. “I hadn’t noticed.” But in reality, it’s impossible to stop yourself from beaming. 
“Well, we are married,” Soonyoung says, his hand sliding across your knee to find your hand. He tangles his fingers with yours. “I think it comes with the territory.”
“If you say that too loud, you’re going to make people think it’s true,” you joke.
“Let them think that,” he says, his eyes trained on you in a way that makes butterflies erupt in your stomach. You squeeze his hand and look away, slightly panicked.
Your eyes land below the table. “I like your shoes,” you blurt.
Soonyoung looks down at his plain black loafers. “These are like, my least interesting pair of shoes,” he points out with a sly grin.
“Well, you’re an interesting man,” you say, trying to recover but feeling flustered all the same. “What are your most interesting pair of shoes?”
“I’ll give you one guess.”
“The only thing I can count on is that they’re tiger-related,” you reply, grateful for this subject shift.
Soonyoung nods. “Calvin and Hobbes Air Force Ones,” he confirms proudly. “I should’ve worn them.”
“You would have made the bride angry.”
“That makes me want to wear them even more,” Soonyoung grumbles.
“What’s your beef with my friends?” you ask him lightly, absently trailing one of your hands over his arm.
He leans in to almost-whisper the answer. “They left you vulnerable when they should have been taking care of you, and that bothers me.”
You’re taken aback by how serious the usually silly Soonyoung sounds, but before you have a chance to respond, the music starts, heralding the arrival of the new Mr. And Mrs. You take the moment of cheering and applause to breathe deeply and steady your trembling hands. This is Soonyoung, you remind yourself. You don’t need to be nervous around him.
You’ve sufficiently pulled yourself together by the time you have Soonyoung’s attention again. “So, what will you do after the wedding is over?” you ask him, trying to keep the new, flirty side of him locked away.
“That’s an amazing question that I actually was going to ask you. Do you wanna watch a movie?” he asks.
“Well, my place is empty tonight, so that sounds kind of fun,” you admit, not sure you fully succeeded at not flirting. 
“Perfect,” he says. “So, what are you in the mood for? Action? Horror? Romcom?”
“How about…a wholesome sports movie? Those are my favorite genre of movies.”
“Really?” he asks with interest. “This surprises me about you.”
The conversation settles into its normal easy rhythm — all through dinner, you talk and laugh and enjoy each other’s company. When the dancing starts, you allow Soonyoung to pull you into his arms on the dance floor, following his lead in a smooth trot-step. “You’re a good dancer,” you observe.
“I teach kid’s dance classes on the side,” he admits. “It’s my night job.”
“Ah, and here I was, thinking you probably did pole-dancing after hours,” you tease.
“I know you’re not serious, but I am actually extremely flattered you’d assume that,” Soonyoung says. “Pole dancers are strong.”
“So are you,” you point out. 
“How do you know?” he asks.
You swallow hard. “Uh, you — your arms,” you stutter. “They're…really nice.”
Soonyoung (unconsciously?) flexes his bicep under your hand, and your knees nearly buckle. It’s almost pathetic how affected you are by him, especially given that he hasn’t even made a move yet, and you cringe inwardly at yourself.
“Are you okay? You look uncomfortable,” Soonyoung asks. 
“Oh, uh, yeah. I’m fine?” you reassure, but in the least convincing voice ever. 
“Do you need some water?” he asks, concerned.
“Yes, that’d be amazing,” you say, shooing him away and fanning at yourself, your mind full of useless chiding for being so embarrassingly whipped.
A tap on your shoulder startles you from your thoughts. “Hi,” says a familiar voice — and your stomach drops.
It’s your ex boyfriend, the one you’d asked your friend not to invite but to no avail. “Hi,” you say shortly. 
“You look great,” he says, to no reply from you. “The color suits you.”
“Is there something you want?” you ask him, trying to make it clear you don’t want to talk with him about anything.
“Just trying to catch up on what’s happened since, well, you know—“
“Since I caught you cheating?” you finish. “Yeah, life’s been really great since then. Thanks for the trust issues.”
He gives a sheepish little grin. “Yeah, sorry about that,” he says, like he’s a call center employee placating an angry customer. “I got promoted at work.”
You could punch him. You would, if you weren’t at a wedding. Luckily all murderous intent is redirected by a very timely Soonyoung, who arrives on the scene with a confident, “hey, baby!” and a hand outstretched with a glass of water.
“Oh, you came with someone?” your ex says. He sizes up Soonyoung, who is easily bigger than him, and shrugs. “Bad luck. Maybe next time.”
“I was this close to ruining this wedding,” you confess as Soonyoung wraps a protective arm around your waist, watching your ex saunter away. “He started talking about his promotion.”
“Didn’t he cheat on you?” Soonyoung asks, watching him with narrowed eyes.
“Yeah,” you confirm, scowling.
“Well, drink your water, and then we can dance again. You’ll forget all about him.”
This turns out to be true. Dancing with Soonyoung is so much fun -- he seems unusually good at it, and leads you very well, but also doesn’t take things too seriously, letting you spin him or even pretending to do a dip in which he almost falls over. The whole thing is just so ridiculous that you find yourself giggling through it, needing to pause and take a break. Soonyoung suggests that the two of you take a walk down to the lake, and you readily agree. 
He holds your hand during the walk, and you can feel yourself trying to explain away his behavior -- he’s probably just trying to scare off your ex, or any of the other bridesmaids who’ve been making eyes at him all evening (which you’ve been pretending not to notice or care, but which you most definitely have noticed and are not happy about). Or maybe he just wants some affection. Or maybe it’s something else. It certainly can’t be the simplest explanation -- that Soonyoung likes you in the same way you like him. 
The banks of the water are muddy and slick, and you and Soonyoung have to cling to each other for balance, but you’re still giggling like children as you kick off your shoes and let your toes sink into the murky shallows of the pond. “It’s freezing,” you say, hopping out almost immediately and colliding with Soonyoung, who automatically throws his arms out to steady you. Your laughter fades as you look into his eyes, which are wide and uncharacteristically shy and nervous. He swallows. Hard.
“Uh....” he says, stammering. “You’re -- you’re beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you say in a tense whisper.
“I think I -- I think I like you,” Soonyoung whispers back.
“You think?” you ask, smiling a little.
“No, that was ridiculous,” he corrects. “Uh, I like you. For suresies. For realsies.”
“For suresies and for realsies?” you say with wide eyes, and he cringes.
“Throw me a bone, please,” he whines. “I’m nervous.”
And he is. You can tell that this normally confident boy is all but in pieces after making his confession. So you untangle yourself from Soonyoung’s grasp and turn to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck and looking at him. “So am I,” you admit. 
And at this, Soonyoung beams. If you didn’t know better, you’d think that a smile that lights up a room was a bit of metaphorical nonsense that didn’t truly apply to anyone, but seeing this now, you figure that was an understatement in Soonyoung’s case. This kind of smile from him was enough to support intelligent light on several planets. And you? Just like a moon, you know you’ll be rotating around him your whole life, just reflecting that light. It is impossible to fully describe the way it warms you from the inside out.
You’re so distracted by Soonyoung himself that you don’t notice how he’s leaned in close until his lips brush yours. And, in fact, this move surprises you so much that you jump, startled, which sends you sliding into the mud, dirtying up your pale pink dress and causing an angry honk to emanate from the reeds where you land. Before you know it, a goose is hissing in your ear, and you shriek with terror as you scramble to your feet, running with all your might from the furious bird, who emerges from its marshy home to chase you up the hill toward the wedding party.
You never thought you’d need to answer the question, “Could I beat a goose in a fight?” And now, here you are, with a very clear answer indeed: absolutely not. The goose is fast, using a combination of an aggressive waddle, short bursts of low flight, and what is more than likely a higher-than-average dose of unfettered bloodlust to stay right on your heels all the way onto the dance floor, where wedding guests dive out of the way in cartoonish confusion. You don’t have time to think about how ridiculous you must look, covered in mud, running from a murderous goose, before Soonyoung firmly plants himself in front of the rampaging animal. 
And inexplicably, it stops, looking up at Soonyoung with its unsettlingly blue eyes. He stands with his hands on his hips and glares down at the goose. “You interrupted what was supposed to be a very romantic moment for me,” he scolds. “Now shoo!”
And you watch, dumbfounded, as the goose gives a plaintive squawk before toddling back to its pond. “How did you do that?” you gasp. 
It is only then that you realize the entire wedding is staring at you. And for good reason -- the bride and groom are about to cut the cake. The terror of being chased by Satan’s personal fowl pales in comparison to the sight of the bride. Her eyes are even more murderous than the bird’s had been -- and she’s holding a cake knife to boot. 
So, before any other awful things can happen, you grab Soonyoung’s hand and run. Out of the wedding area, off the farm, onto the dirt road where you parked your car, realizing too late you left your shoes by the pond and not daring to face the wedding party or the goose to retrieve them. By the time you arrive at your car, you’re laughing so hard you’re crying. Soonyoung, though bewildered, joins in, and the two of you double over, struggling to breathe with the absurdity of it all.
When you’ve both been reduced to gasps for air, Soonyoung turns to you, leaning back against your passenger side door for support. “Is every day of your life like this?” he asks through deep breaths.
“Why?” you ask, your face falling. “Are you getting tired of rescuing me?”
He chuckles. Unexpectedly, he pulls you toward him by the waist, seemingly unbothered by the mud. “Not at all,” he says, pulling a stray clump of weeds from your hair. “I’d rescue you every day if you asked. I just need to know how much prep work I need to be doing. I mean, do I need to start a new workout routine? Do I need to learn karate geared toward beating up ducks?”
“That was a goose,” you correct. Then you register what he said. “You’d rescue me every day?”
He suddenly looks nervous again. “If you want,” he offers, pushing a lock of your hair behind your ear.
But your answering smile is enough to tell him that’s exactly what you want. With a mite more confidence, he grips your chin between his forefinger and thumb and pulls your lips to his.
This kiss is much more substantial than the last. Soonyoung’s arms wrap around you, his hands resting on the small of your back, locking you into his grasp and making it difficult for you to pull away -- as if you would, because his kisses are sweeter than summer strawberries. As the warm winds begin to pick up speed, as your hair whips around you and your muddy dress is blown every which way, your heart seems to crystalize into calmness. Kissing Soonyoung feels like putting the last piece into a puzzle, like coming inside from a cold rain to a warm fire, like watching bees flit from flower to flower in a late spring sunset. It feels perfect. It feels right.
You could go on kissing Soonyoung forever, until the two of you became statues locked in an embrace, but eventually you do pull away. Soonyoung laughs at the deep, shaky breath you take, and so do you, bringing a hand to touch his pink cheek in wonder. “You’re so beautiful,” you tell him.
“Not as much as you,” he replies warmly. 
Then a thought strikes you. “Also, when were you going to tell me you have mind control over geese?”
He shrugs. “It wasn’t mind control. It was the eye of the tiger.” He brings his hand up in an imitation of a paw print, and you narrow your eyes at him.
“Okay. If you’re a Disney Princess, you can just say that.”
“Okay. I’m a Disney Princess,” Soonyoung agrees. “Does that make you happy?”
“Only if I get to be the Disney Prince,” you mumble, nestling into his arms and resting your head on his shoulder.
“Deal,” he replies. You can hear the smile in his voice as he does.
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linniewrites · 1 year
We all have our issues | Chapter 2
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idol!jungkook x chubby!student!reader
Summary : you ask Jungkook to go grocery shopping with you, but the day doesn’t end as nicely as it started.
Words : 1684
Warnings : mommy and daddy issues, scolding, “fighting” in public, body shaming, crying, jealousy.
Notes : kook’s jealous, oc’s nervous, and sad, she gets bad memories and does something pretty bad, there’s some mean ladies in the store, and Jk is still just as whipped for her.
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“No, I’m sorry… you know I love Bam. But, she’s my cat, Kook. You can’t blame me for loving her more.” You argued over the phone, he wanted you to admit you liked his dog more than you did your own pet, Meimei.
“Yeah, I get that. But does she run to you when you come home ?” He asks in the most condescending tone. “I don’t think so…”
“Bam shits on your floor, so I really don’t know what point you’re trying to make.” He let out a surprised scoff and laughs at your reasoning. You twist open your lipgloss and apply a good layer of it before taking your phone into your hand and taking it off speaker. “I need some groceries, d’you want to come with ?”
“Sure.” You heard shuffling around and keys jingling. “Want me to pick you up ?”
“No, don’t bother, I’m just gonna take the bus.” You put your sandals back on and head out to the bus stop. Today had been a pretty short day, you only had classes in the morning and had been free since one pm. The weather was also really great, hence why you wore the long flowery summer dress that your friends always complimented you on.
“I’ll meet you there then, be careful baby.”
“You too, bye.” You hang up and shove the phone in your purse.
“Ooh, I’ll go get candies !” You giddily slap Jungkook’s arm as you point towards the snacks aisle. You each had gotten a small basket, because he had realized groceries were well overdue at his house.
“Get me some of those peach rings, yeah ?”
You nod and hurry to the where the sweets were stocked, softly humming to the tune that was playing around the store. When you reach the range of choices, you scan it quickly and finally find the one you were originally here for. Cherry, as well as coke for you and peach for your friend. Once your goods had been placed in your basket, you decided to go in search of new sweets to try.
"Look at kids nowadays, always trying so hard to set a bad example." An older woman mutters to her friend, pointing at you, in what she thought was a discreet way. You frown, confused as to what she meant, and finally notice that her gaze was set on your body, and on the candies you're holding in your hands in addition to those in your basket. Your shoulders noticeably fall, and you drop the candies back where you had found them. The two women are gone by now, but you’re still in front of the bright colored packagings, debating whether you should buy them, or restrain yourself. Exactly how were you actually setting a bad example ? By eating food you liked, or maybe it was because they didn’t allow their kids to have any type of “unhealthy” food. You’re shaken out of your thoughts by a warm hand on your shoulder, and you turn around to see Jungkook looking at you with a confused frown.
“Are you okay ?” He asks chuckling a little.
“Yeah.” You hold up the basket with the candies and point to his peach rings. “I got the candies.”
“Did you want to try these, too ?” He takes the flower shaped treats you were staring so intently at and throws them in his basket.
“No.” You quickly shake your head and reach to put them back on the shelf. “I was just thinking about something.”
“It’s fine.” He stops your hand from grabbing the plastic bag and laughs. “Baby, just leave it. If we don’t like at least we’ll know not to buy it again. Also, you love all candies, so I don’t think we should worry about that ?”
“Whatever, but you’re gonna eat them all alone, then.” You pout and turn back to continue shopping to stop him from asking more questions.
You both quickly take what you need and immediately head to the registers, where you’re greeted by a kind looking man.
“Hello.” He greets you with a smile, which obviously makes one appear on your face, kind people make you happy, what can you say ?
“Hello. How’re you ?” You ask as Jungkook’s stare wavers between the two of you.
“Very good, thank you.” He asks you how your day is going, and from then on starts a conversation between you two, further excluding your friend. Jungkook is snapped out of his trance by the sound of your credit card going through.
You and the cashier continue your conversation as he mindlessly scans Jungkook’s articles and with his eyes still in you, asks him for his payment of choice. Your friend remains silent and pulls out his black card, quickly paying and grabbing his bags to get away as quick as possible.
Just as you’re about to bid goodbye to your new friend, Jungkook wraps an arm around you and lead you out. He takes your groceries and puts them in his car, muttering something about him driving you home. Which he does, and after the long ride back to your apartment, he stops you at your door to ask you something.
“Baby, you wanna go out for dinner tomorrow night ?” His hands hold onto yours tightly, and he’s looking at you with his big, starry eyes, and yet, that doesn’t stop you from getting lost in your own mind.
“And a salad for the lady.” The kind woman sets your plate down in front of you with a warm smile. You ogle at the five different types of Syrian salad set on the plate and take your cutlery in your hands with a happy dance. Your younger brother snickers at your attitude but you pay him no mind, and start eating your meal.
“Ooh, that looks good.” Chuckles your dad, cutting a piece of bread and scooping some olives and hummus, groaning at the flavor. You bring the pate closer to the middle of the table, so that everyone can have some of it, and take some rice from the larger plate next to it.
A few minutes later, you go back for more salad, and gasp when you find the plate empty. “What ? You ate all the salad ?” You ask your father with a teasing smile, although it did bother you a little, you could still order another plate.
“You’re so mean, seriously. Why can’t you, for once, be nice and I don’t know, try to be a part of the family ?” Your mother rolls her eyes and wipes the edge of the plate with a piece of bread to taste the dish. “I don’t know where I messed up with you. Such a selfish brat…” She mutters, but makes sure she says it loud enough so you can hear it.
Everyone at the table is now staring at you, silently chewing their food. You set down your fork and put your hands on your lap, sending a smile her way before fixing your eyes on your hands for the rest of the evening. Throughout the whole dinner, you could feel your siblings stealing glances at you, and even people from other tables were now staring, wondering why everything was so quiet now. Once it’s time to pay, you stand up, but your parents push you away and pay before you can get a word in. “Swear to you, this kid is unable to get out of her house without causing a scene.” She sighs, letting her head rest against your dad’s shoulder.
Your body deflates even more after hearing her, and you were convinced you now looked even sadder than the deflated balloon men in front of the car sales shop two blocks from your house. You didn’t wait for anyone and simply left to get in your car, and go back to your apartment to cuddle with your cat.
“___ ?” He calls, bringing your attention back to him.
“Yeah ?”
“Dinner, tomorrow night, just you and me ?” He repeats with a hopeful look in his eyes. After seeing you laugh with the cashier, he wanted to make sure to shoot his shot so he’d get you all to himself. Not in the bizarre way, of course, if you rejected him, he’d accept it and try to move on, but you wouldn’t, he kept repeating to himself.
“Oh.” You stop yourself from truthfully answering and blink away the small teardrops that has found their way in your eyes. “I don’t think I’m the greatest person to go out with, Kook.” You chuckle awkwardly and wrap your arms around him in a hug that feels more suffocating than comforting. “I’ll see you another time, though.” You gently kiss his cheek and get inside your apartment building before he can say anything else.
You hurry back inside your home and quickly take off all your clothes to hop in the shower and wash away all the bad thoughts you were getting. When you step out of the room, Mei is here, meowing for you to cuddle her, and you do, but soon the tears can’t be stopped. So you just lay on your couch, you cat licking your hand in hopes of making you feel better, and tears staining your fluffy pink pillows.
Jungkook stands there dumbfounded, his eyes staring at the door with shock written all over his face. The shock doesn’t last long before it gets overwhelmed by sadness and disappointment. Still, he finds himself smiling like an idiot at your reaction. Even while rejecting him, you still gave him a hug and kissed his cheek, he brushes his fingers over the emplacement of your kiss, and blushes. It’s fine if you only want to be friends, Jungkook can accept that, as long as he has you in his life, nothing else matters.
taglist :
@gothvkth @beigerin @babycandy111 @jjanjankook @joonsboy
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bitchinbarzal · 7 months
the other woman | mat & mama
you’d had the best weekend with the kids and mat. It was nice to get away from being “doc” to just being a mom and wife.
you were on day two, standing at the end of the carpet waiting for mat to finish his interviews while wyatt slept soundly on your shoulder.
he finally made it to you, taking wyatt from you to give your arms a break.
the kids were all on a sugar high, antsy and looking around for the next thing to do. Bailey had run off, not wearing his cochlear so you chased after him, bringing him back to the family giggling.
Your spot now taken by a woman you didn’t recognise. Before you could introduce yourself you heard her say
“Oh she’s gotten so big! I remember when you were just a baby” a tickling a now wide awake Wyatt’s belly.
You frowned “and how do you know Wyatt?” You asked, taking the baby from her dad.
Mat and the woman looked at one another, Mathew considerably nervous looking “We um-“
“Molly used to come to daddy’s house!” Ryder, ever the one to throw dad under the bus. Mathew closed his eyes and sighed.
“Yeah this is Molly.. she’s a reporter for the league we went out once or twice last year” Mathew explains while Molly stands looking uncomfortable.
You smile “Well it was nice to meet you Molly”
“Likewise…” she trails “I’m gonna go” and takes off into the crowd to interview someone else.
You look at Mat who has those puppy dog eyes “Babe…”
“C’mon guys let’s go see the mascot’s! Uncle Jack told me they’re playing musical chairs” you exclaim, plastering on a fake smile to distract the kids from the obvious tension.
Before you could walk very far Mathew grabbed your waist “Hey! Don’t walk away-“
“You slept with her, didn’t you?” You ask, tears lining your eyes.
Mat couldn’t lie, not to you “Yes… we were separated though!”
“So all that shit about wanting to work on our marriage, how I was your only girl… that was all a lie? You just can’t seem to keep your hands off girls at your work”
“Hey, that’s not fair!”
“No Mathew what isn’t fair is you never telling me that! That I was at home worrying about my job, our kids and our marriage while you were out finding them a new mom?!”
He looks hurt “It wasn’t like that! Lets not forget you drafted the divorce papers”
And one last stab at his heart
“And I wish I hadn’t thrown them out now”
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softylilacs · 1 year
Too Far Gone
this is part two to Party Bathroom. I hope you like this one!!
warnings: cheating, alc, smut.
“Y/n, it’s Chad. You in here?”
You gasp, your hands flying up to your mouth to cover any sound that will come out . Ethan is looking at the door, tempted to open it and show Chad that you’ve been a slut for his cock all night. Chad knocks again. “Y/n?”
“I’ll be right out” you yell. You nudge Ethan towards the bathtub. “Go, go! Get behind the shower curtain.” you whisper yell at Ethan. He listens and steps into the tub quickly closing the curtain.
You take a deep breath trying to recompose yourself as you walk to the door. You look back a few times to make sure there’s no shadow of Ethan peaking through. You open the door and there’s Chad, resting his arm on the door fame with a beer in his other hand. “There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you”
“Sorry, I had to throw up” you lie, you try making your voice sound a little sick. “Too many Jell-O shots.”
“You should’ve told me. I would’ve held your hair back” he laughs, snaking his arm around your shoulder.
“Well you were too busy playing beer pong” you say with an annoyed tone. You close the bathroom door behind you and you two begin to walk downstairs.
“I was on a winning streak. I had to keep playing!” he justifies. He kisses your head, “I’m sorry baby. I didn’t realize how much you drank.”
You two make it downstairs and back into the party. You look up at the stairs and see Ethan walking down. You make eye contact and he smirks at you. He makes his way over to you and Chad.
“Ethan my man!” Chad and him exchange a handshake. “You having fun?”
“Yeah so much fun” he looks at you. You quickly look down at the floor, nervous that Chad will notice building tension between the two of you. “It’s getting late so I’m gonna head out. Y/n you look a little sick, want me to take you home?”
“Yeah that would be a good idea actually.” Chad says, tapping Ethan on his chest. “She drank too much. Such a lightweight” he jokes. Your face reddens a bit as Ethan says he’ll gladly take you home. Chad kisses you goodbye and walks back into the kitchen.
Now it’s you and Ethan again.
The walk back to your apartment was relatively quick. You shared no words with Ethan the whole way and made sure to walk a little in front of him. Feeling so guilty about what you’ve done and feeling even more guilty that you liked it, you thought maybe avoiding him for this short, very short time would relieve some of the sins you’ve committed tonight. But of course, you were wrong.
You made it to the door and before you get a chance to unlock it, you feel Ethan’s body press up against your back. His hot breath fans your ear and you feel his bulge on the swell of your ass. “Am I allowed to come inside?” he asks, whispering in your ear.
You wordlessly nod and finally unlock the door. You both step inside and slip off your shoes. Your eyes wander up and down his body, his black jeans and his black button up makes you weak in the knees.
The alcohol has worn off and fuck you weren’t even drunk when you and him did that in the bathroom. It was all you. No outside element made you do what you did. “Ethan” you begin to say, “I-I don’t know what that was back there bu-“ he cuts you off, pushing you against the wall and letting his lips attack yours. You get lost in the kiss for a moment before stopping him. “Ethan, we can’t” you look up at him. “This is so wrong. It’s not fair to Chad” you gently push him away from you. You don’t want to push him off you, you want him all over your body but you know it’s wrong.
He rolls his eyes, “not fair to him? Chad wasn’t even with you the whole night” he steps closer. “He left you all alone to go play beer pong and flirt with Tara.” he scoffs. He steps even closer, so close that your bodies are now touching again. “He doesn’t deserve you like I do” his voice now becoming a whisper. You can’t seem to think of anything to say, it’s almost as if Ethan’s words has you put in a trance. A trance that you know deep down you never want to get out of. The only thing holding you back is a little sliver of morality that’s only getting smaller by Ethan’s words.
His arms go around either side of you and his hands rest on the wall behind you, caging you in. You feel your arousal dripping down your thigh, no panties to catch it thanks to Ethan putting it in his pocket earlier. He brings his lips to your ear, kissing it gently.
“Eth-“ you can barely make out his name as lips travel down to your neck like they did an hour earlier. He gives your neck small, gentle kisses that make you close your eyes as you get more desperate for his cock.
You try closing your legs together but Ethan’s thigh prevents that from happening, causing your dress to ride up. Your bare pussy is now getting his pants wet from your desire. One of his large hands leaves the wall and harshly grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at him, “he left you alone. He left you alone at a party like some fucking prick.” He licks his lips, “But I was there. I was there and I made you feel so fucking good, didn’t I?” His voice is unrecognizable, it’s so deep and filled with lust. You mumble out a yes, hard to speak with his hand holding your jaw. You try to move your hips, desperate for some sort of friction on your aching center. Ethan pulls your face to his, your lips meeting in a fiery kiss. His tongue forced his way into your mouth and he groans. He lets go of your jaw and lets his hands explore your body. He teases your nipple through your thin dress, slightly pinching causing you to push into his body even more. He bites down on your lower lip and you taste crimson. He reaches down to the hem of your dress, quickly pulling it up and over your body. His lips are back onto yours and you begin to unbutton his shirt. He helps you, breaking the kiss to unbutton the rest of it and he slides it off his arms. You quickly look down at his toned body. His abs and that line of hair that travels down to his big cock makes a moan slip from your mouth.
Fuck morality.
You grab him and smash your lips onto his. Your tongue slips into his mouth and you moan at the taste of him. Your hands tug at his curly hair and Ethan picks up both of your thighs and hauls you over his shoulder. “God, you’re so sexy” he says slapping your ass, making you squeal.
He gently sets you down on your white couch and he settles between your legs. You move to unzip his pants, rubbing his hard cock in the process. He pulls down his pants and boxers, leaving you both completely bare. His hands grip your legs pulling you closer to him. He admires your naked form, seeing the marks he had made earlier turning him on even more than he thought was possible. His red tip leaks pre cum that makes your mouth water. Wanting his cock in your mouth, you try to sit up and reach for it but Ethan pushes you back down, “You want to suck my cock? Hm?” he teasingly asks you while he hooks your thighs around his hips. You nod your head and bite your lip. His thumb drags across your bottom lip, gently tugging it down and smearing the blood his teeth have caused, “Well aren’t you a sweet little thing.” He has imagined your lips wrapped around his cock many times but he’s too impatient tonight.
He slides his tip through your folds and you move your hips up trying to find any way to slide it in.
“Beg for it”
“Beg me to fuck you” he demands. His eyes are dark, almost black and he looks into your eyes waiting for you to finally give into your long awaited desire. He teases you, he puts the tip of his cock right on your entrance, barely pushing the tip in which elicits a small shiver through your body.
Nothing matters anymore. Nothing but him. He consumes your mind day and night constantly filled with filthy fantasies that you want to make real tonight. So fuck it.
“Fuck. Ethan please” you beg. “Ethan please fuck me.” you almost have tears in your eyes and you don’t know how much longer you can take.
He smiles at you as your begging was good enough for him. He slams his cock into you making you cry out. You dig your nails into his back and you bury your face in the crook of his neck. He moves in and out of you, not giving you time to adjust to his size. You cried out his name which gives Ethan butterflies in his stomach. His hard thrusts knock any air out of you and the sounds coming from your mouth makes you slightly embarrassed but Ethan can’t get enough of it. Thank god you live alone. His cock stretches you and the slight burning feeling only adds to the intense pleasure.
“You feel so fucking good” he groans. Not slowing down his pace, he takes his thumb and rubs your clit causing you to yell out. Your screams are muffled by his mouth. His kisses make you feel dizzy. The sound of skin slapping and heavy breathing fills the apartment. You buck your hips up, meeting his thrusts while his thumb is still on your clit. Your stomach tightens, the pressure builds and you’re unable to form any words. However, no words are needed for Ethan to know that you’re close.
You’ve never felt this amount of pleasure before. Sorry Chad. His cock fills you, making you feel so complete. “Come for me.” he pants. “Please” his begging is enough to send you over the edge. Your orgasm ripples through your body and your cunt squeezes his cock so hard, he swear he saw stars. Your eyes are shut, mouth open, loud moans releasing into the air as your orgasm rides through. Your nails dig into his back so hard that cause blood to drip down and that only makes Ethan feel more pleasure. He kisses all around you neck and he bites and licks at the skin. His thrusts slow a little, becoming hard and going deep.
His kisses become more uncontrolled and you can tell he’s close to his release. His hand travels to your neck, gently squeezing and pushing you more into the couch. Your eyes roll back, so desperate for his cum you might cry again. You wrap your legs around his waist pulling him even closer into you. His thrusts become sloppy and he lets out grunts as his cock spews his hot white liquid that you crave. He gives a few more slow thrusts and he lets go of your neck. Breathing fast, he pulls out of you and he admires how fucked out you look.
“You’re amazing” he breathes out. “I’ve wanted this for so long, you have no idea” he tells you.
You smile, “me too.”
You crossed the line passing morality. Too far gone now to even feel guilty about what you have just done.
Ethan has completely invaded your mind and you smile at that.
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merrybloomwrites · 4 months
Cheese is a Good Thing (Larry x Reader)
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Summary: Attending your first Louis Tomlinson concert doesn't exactly go as planned. A trash can full of cheese and a chance encounter on a tour bus lead to a night you'll never forget.
Content Warning: smut, threesome (m, m, f) p-in-v-sex, protected sex, light dom/sub dynamic, one night stand
Word Count: 5.2K
Authors Note: This was supposed to be a very silly oneshot inspired by me actually almost falling in a trashcan full of cheese in order to move out of Oli's way at a concert. And then the devil took over and now it's possibly the smuttiest thing I've written?
I also know that I said I was taking a hiatus from posting, but I already had this started and people expressed interest in Louis x Harry x Reader so I wanted to get one story out there. Hope you enjoy!
“Y/N, you know I don’t like when you go to things like this by yourself.” 
You roll your eyes at your mothers voice, glad that this is just a phone call so she can’t see the gesture. 
“Mom, I’m almost 30 years old. I’m smart. I know how to take care of myself.”
“I know. Still makes me nervous. Call me when you get home okay?”
“You know you’ll be asleep before Louis even gets on stage,” you reply. If there’s one thing about your mother that’s never changed, it’s her habit of going to bed early. 
“I wish we’d set up that app on my phone so I can see where you are,” she says. 
“We did set it up,” you state. “You just don’t know how to use it.”
“Oh, that’s right. How do I find you again?”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes again at the question, since you’ve taught her how to use Find My Friends about one hundred times.
“I’ve really got to get going, parking is going to be tough so I don’t want to be late.”
“Of course, okay. Have fun and be safe!”
“Thanks mom, I will. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“You’d better, I want to hear all about it!”
You almost laugh at that, since your mother literally has zero idea who Louis Tomlinson is, but you appreciate the effort. After a final goodbye you hang up the call. 
Before leaving, you glance in the mirror one last time to make sure everything is in order. Your hair is pulled up in a ponytail, your make up looks perfect, and your simple shorts and tank top sit just right. It’s a hot day, the middle of summer, and the last thing you want is to overheat.
The drive to the venue doesn’t take long, as it’s only a couple of towns over. It’s a smaller place, basically a big parking lot that got turned into a space for concerts. After waiting in line, you finally make your way inside to find a spot. It’s all general admission so you can choose to be anywhere.
The front right by the stage is already completely filled. You could get into the middle of the crowd, but you’d rather hang towards the back. While you do love Louis, it’s still broiling hot out and being surrounded by people doesn’t sound like a fun time.
Towards the back of the space is a large tent which seems to be the control center. Sound and lighting techs are working from there, as well as security personnel. There are metal gates around the tent, with an opening on the side for the staff to come and go.
This is where you station yourself. You’re outside the fence, just behind the opening. There’s a trash can behind you which essentially means no one will be able to press closely to you. Plus, if you lean over towards the fence you get a less obstructed view of the stage.
All in all, you think you’ve secured yourself a pretty good spot. You have a great time listening to the openers, and then Giant Rooks leaves the stage. It’s almost time for you to watch Louis perform live for the first time in your life.
There’s activity in the tent, and you see a man who looks kind of familiar walking out of it rolling some equipment. You try to move back a bit more to be out of his way, but the cart he’s moving still bumps into you.
It doesn’t hurt you, but it does cause you to lose your balance. And honestly, you have the worst coordination, and even worse luck. So it’s no surprise to you when you fall backwards and land not on the ground, but in the garbage can. 
There’s something warm and sticky, and you vaguely remember seeing lots of people eating nachos. Cheese. You’ve landed in basically a vat of cooling liquid cheese. Well, that’s unfortunate. 
“Holy shit, Are you okay? I'm so sorry.” A strongly accented and very worried sounding voice asks you from above. You look up and see the same man, now realizing that you recognize him from Louis’ documentary. It’s Oli, his best friend and manager. And he’s just sent you flying into a trash can. 
“I’m okay,” you reply, more shocked than anything. 
“Here,” he says as he thrusts his hand towards you. “Let me get you out of there.”
You place your hand in his and he helps pull you out until you’re standing in front of him. 
“Seriously, Are you okay?” He asks. You take a moment to assess if you have any injuries before reassuring him that you are not hurt. 
“I am literally covered in cheese sauce though,” you add with a laugh. 
“Shit, again I am so sorry. Here, come with me and we’ll get you cleaned up and in some new clothes.”
You decide to trust this man, though you really don’t have a reason to. Maybe your mom was right to be worried about you going to a concert alone, seeing as you’ve landed yourself in quite a predicament. 
“You can rinse off in the shower on the bus and there should probably be some clothes you can have. I can grab you a merch shirt to wear if you’d like.”
“Uhm, yea anything not coated in cheese would be perfect,” you reply. 
He leads you behind the stage and over to the buses. “I share this one with Louis and a couple guys from the band. They’re due to be getting ready with the sound techs so the bus should be empty,” Oli explains, pointing to the bus at the end. When you reach it he opens the door gesturing for you to enter first. 
As it turns out, Oli was wrong. Because the bus certainly is not empty. 
“Oh shit!” You exclaim as you process the sight in front of you before you quickly turn to face the other way. Oli walks into the bus and first notices the wide eyes on your face before looking behind you. And what he sees behind you is an image you’ll never erase from your brain. 
Because what you’d just walked in on is Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles shirtlessly making out on the couch. 
“Oli you better not have brought this girl in here to-”
“To do exactly what you and Harry were doing? Obviously not,” Oli replies. 
“Then explain why she’s here.”
“I accidentally pushed her into a garbage bin full of cheese sauce.”
You’re still facing away from them meaning they can easily see the mess on your clothes and skin. There’s a rustling sound and then Louis says, “You can turn around love, I promise we’re decent now.”
You do as instructed and see that the pair are now wearing shirts and are seated next to each other, rather than with Harry straddling Louis' lap like he was when you’d entered. 
“Did he really knock you into a trash bin?” Harry asks. 
“Yea, he was moving a cart with equipment and it bumped into me,” you explain. 
“Mate, you are an idiot,” Louis says with a laugh. 
“In his defense, it is pretty difficult to move through the crowd out there,” you clarify. 
“Well, it doesn't change the fact that you obviously came here to clean up and find new clothes, right?” Louis asks. 
“Exactly,” you answer. 
“What’s your name,” Harry asks. 
“I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you guys,” you reply. 
“I’m going to grab her one of the merch t-shirts, do you think there’s any shorts in here that’ll fit her?” Oli says. 
“I think I have something that will work,” Louis replies. 
“And bring back an NDA with you,” Harry adds. Oli just nods in understanding and walks out, closing the door behind him. 
Harry turns to you and says, “I hope you understand about the NDA. It’s not that we don’t trust you but we’ve been keeping this secret for a while. We’d really like to know that you won’t go around telling people about what you saw.”
“Oh, I totally get that,” you reply. A blush paints your cheeks as you think about what you witnessed. 
The two boys watch your reaction and share a look with each other. They seem to communicate silently for a moment before Harry takes a step towards you. 
“Did you like what you saw?” He asks. His tone isn’t judgemental, nor is it angry. In fact, it seems to be teasing, or almost hopeful. 
“I mean, I promise I looked away the second I realized. I really didn’t see anything,” you answer. 
“Would you like to?” Louis asks. 
This has your mind basically going offline. Did Louis Tomlinson really just ask if you want to see him and Harry Styles make out? Or maybe even do more than that? 
“Aw, babe, she’s blushing. I think he wants to join us,” Harry says to Louis, in a voice certainly meant to make you squirm. 
“Oh you’re right, love, she definitely wants to,” Louis replies. 
He walks forward, until he’s standing right in front of you. His hands move to cup your face and he asks, “Would it be alright if I kissed you? Wouldn’t want to leave you out of the fun.”
You nod, but he gives you a look, silently telling you to use your words. “Yes, it’s alright,” you confirm. And then his lips are on you. They’re plush, yet demanding, and in no time his tongue is breaching your lips, caressing the inside of your mouth. 
As quickly as it began, the kiss ends. It leaves you breathless and dizzy. Louis steps back and you feel like you’ll fall to the floor, except now Harry is there, his hands on your hips. After once again asking your consent, he leans in for a kiss of his own. He’s softer, gentler and yet you’re still melting in his arms after just a moment of his lips pressing against yours. 
He pulls away and moves back, giving you space. And not a moment too soon because a second later Oli is reentering the bus holding a bag. 
“Lou, everything’s ready, time to go,” he says as he hands you the bag. 
“Got it, I’ll meet you out there in a second,” Louis replies.
“You’d better,” Oli lightheartedly threatens before leaving once again. 
“Listen,” Louis begins. “You know about the two of us now. And you enjoyed what you saw earlier. And those kisses, well that’s just the start of what we can do. We're staying at a hotel here in town tonight. If you’d like to join us, the invitation is open. Think about it and tell us after the show, okay?”
You look at both of them and see their serious expressions before saying a quiet, “Okay.”
“I have to run before Oli kills me,” Louis says, tuning to kiss Harry goodbye. 
“Break a leg babe, I’ll make sure Y/N has what she needs and get her out to watch you,” Harry says. Louis exits the bus and Harry turns to you, adding, “I have a spot we can watch from, the view is perfect. But you need to not be covered in cheese. The bathrooms over here if you want to rinse off and change.”
Harry leads you to the small bathroom, shows you how to use the shower, and hands you a towel before giving you some privacy. You undress and hop in the shower, quickly rinsing off all grime from the trash can. You wrap yourself in the towel and look in the bag of clothes, realizing it’s only shirts. No bottoms. Crap. You’d gotten distracted and forgot to get a pair from Louis before he left. 
One glance at your shorts proves there’s no way to salvage them for the evening. After making sure the towel covers you enough, you open the door and poke your head out. 
“Hey Harry?” You call, hoping he’s still nearby. 
“Yea?” He answers and walks around the corner to see you. When he sees your undressed state there’s an irrefutable look of lust on his face. He quickly schools his expression and says, “Need something?”
“Uhm, Louis was supposed to grab me some shorts?” You say uncertainly. 
“Oh right! Let me get something, hold on.”
He’s back a second later handing you a pair of shorts, and you change speedily. Once you finish you start hearing Louis’ intro. You shove your dirty clothes into the bag and Harry leads you out of the bus. 
There’s a building just next to the pit that he walks into. The two of you go upstairs to a room with windows. They’re obviously tinted so no one can see in, but you guys can see literally everything from here. There’s speakers as well so the sound is perfect. 
Other people are in the room, people who must be close to Louis in some way because none of them are shocked by Harry being there. The show is amazing, Louis does a fantastic job, and you’re so enthralled you almost forget about their offer from earlier. 
When the show ends, the room clears out, but Harry stays there and asks you to wait with him. A few minutes later Louis enters, literally glistening in sweat. He rushes to Harry, and they meet in a dirty kiss. You audibly gulp at the sight, your body temperature rising. 
They turn to you then, and Louis asks, “Did you make a decision?”
“We don’t want to pressure you,” Harry says, and Louis nods seriously beside him. “But we’d love for you to join us if you want.”
You hesitate for a moment. This would be new territory for you. Never before had you slept with two men, let alone two famous men. 
And then you stop debating. Because really, you’d be crazy to turn down this offer. “I want to,” you reply, happy to hear how sure and confident you sound. 
“Well then, our ride is just downstairs,” Louis says and he leads you both out to a waiting car. 
The driver asks no questions as the three of you slide into the backseat. You’re squished in the middle, and highly aware of each point of contact you have with the boys on either side of you. It’s scary, but mostly, it’s exhilarating. You find yourself anxious for the ride to end, eager to get somewhere private. 
You enter the hotel through the back door and take a service elevator to the top floor. Louis’ suite is immaculate, and you’d normally be exploring every inch. But you’re not the only one antsy to get things going. 
As soon as the door latches shut, Louis is pressed against your back, his arms wrapping around your waist and his half hard cock obvious where it pushes on your bum. Harry stands in front of you,  his hand going to your face, but he doesn’t lean in. Not until Louis tells him to, and then his mouth immediately finds yours. 
You can tell there’s definitely a slight power dynamic here, and Louis seems to be in charge. Which is more than fine by you. Truthfully you’re a bit out of your depth and would love for someone to lead you here. 
It’s easy to see that Harry was holding back during the kiss earlier. There’s no more hesitance, and while he may be submissive when it comes to Louis, he definitely has a dominant side if the way he takes control of the kiss is anything to go by. 
Harry curls his tongue around yours at the same moment as Louis, now fully hard, grinds against you. The two sensations together pull a needy moan from your mouth as your body goes lax. Louis tightens his grip and Harry moves closer in order to keep you upright. 
“My turn,” Louis says and Harry immediately removes his lips and moves his hands away from your face. One of Louis’ finds your chin and he grips it lightly in order to turn your head to the side. He crashes his lips against yours and Harry’s hands start to explore your body. 
“Please,” you whimper out, unsure what you need but knowing that it’s just more. 
“Sound so pretty when you beg,” Louis says. 
“And while you do look fantastic in my husband's merch,” Harry says, “how about we get you out of it for now?”
You nod, loving the sound of getting rid of the clothes that now feel unpleasant on your sensitive and overheated skin. Harry slips your shirt over your head as Louis shimmies your shorts off, leaving you in your simple bra and panties. Both boys then remove their own shirts, and you pause a moment to take in their bare torsos. Their skin feels so smooth as you run your fingertips over their newly exposed tattoos. 
Your hands continue moving south, until they glide over both of the boys' hard cocks, causing the sweetest sounds to ring out. Emboldened by their noises of desire, you slowly sink to your knees. 
“Please,” you say again, this time clearly knowing what you want. Harry and Louis know as well, and waste no time removing the rest of their clothing. Your mouth waters at the two beautiful cocks as they’re revealed to you. While Louis is a tad longer, Harry is definitely wider. But truthfully, you have no doubt that they both would satisfy you immensely. 
You start by wrapping a hand around each of them, gripping just firm enough to give a hint of pleasure. You lean to Louis first, licking his tip before moving to do the same for Harry.  You feel them shiver in pleasure and decide to take it further. Turning back to Louis, you wrap your lips around him, moving down a couple inches until he brushes the back of your throat. You pull back slightly and begin to move up and down, using your hand for the base that doesn’t fit. 
When his moans grow louder you pull off, turning to Harry and repeating the process. Your lips stretch around him, and you feel more arousal drip into your already wet underwear. After a minute, you’re being pulled to your feet and both boys kiss you messily before maneuvering so you’re lying on your back in bed. 
“Harry, why don’t you show her how much we appreciate what she just did for us,” Louis says. Once again, Harry doesn’t think, just acts. You jolt at the feeling of his lips pressing a kiss to your clit over your panties.
“Jesus, love, you’re fucking drenched. Lou, you have to see this.”
Next you feel Louis’ fingers moving along the gusset of your underwear before he says, “You’re just gushing baby. Why don’t we get this off, they’re ruined anyway, won’t do you much good.” 
You nod vigorously, wanting him to remove them and hoping he’ll do the same with your bra so you can be completely free, completely bare in front of them. You’re in luck, because as he slowly slips the material down your legs, Harry takes care of your bra for you, leaning down to wrap his lips around each breast in turn. 
“She’s ready for you,” Louis says. “Switch with me.” 
Harry does so, and he immediately begins eating you out. It starts gentle, but just for a moment. A couple kisses to your thighs quickly turns into him running his tongue along your folds and then drawing circles on your clit. 
He teases your hole more than once, but never enters which drives you wild. He continues working you up while Louis takes over playing with your breasts, kissing and placing light bites to your nipples. That’d never brought you pleasure before but mixing with what Harry’s doing, it has you seeing stars in no time at all. 
Together the two of them bring you to your first orgasm of the night. It crashes over you in waves, and leaves you moaning and thrashing on the bed. 
You try to catch your breath, but they barely give you a break before switching spots and starting the process over again. But this time Louis does more than tease your hole. His tongue breaches your entrance first before he replaces it with two fingers. 
They curl just right and he instantly finds that perfect spot inside of you. His mouth moves to your clit, sucking it in while his fingers continue their ministrations inside you. 
Meanwhile, Harry’s hands are roaming your body, leaving tingly hot sensations over every bit of skin they find. He’s also murmuring in your ear, his warm breath blowing on your neck as he says things like, “Love those pretty noises you’re making for us,” and,  “Just listen to how wet you are,” and, “Gonna be a good girl for us? Come again, all over Lou’s hand?”
The combination of those words being said in Harry’s low, gruff voice, and Louis fingers and tongue working you up just right has you hurtling into your next orgasm. You cry out again and it rolls through you, even more intense than the last one. 
“Fuck,” Harry says. “You just squirted, why didn’t you tell us you could do that? I might’ve worked harder, which you’d gushed on my face like that.”
“I didn’t- I what? I’ve never done that before. I didn’t know.” Your mind is fuzzy but you try to reply. You can’t believe that just happened. And they liked it? They weren’t grossed out?
You must’ve said that last question out loud because Louis is up by your face a moment later saying, “Not at all. That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen. Think you have one more in you? Can you take Harry in that perfect cunt?”
“I think so,” you reply, laying bonelessly on the bed. 
“You think? Do you want to stop here? We don’t want to push you too far,” Louis says, his voice gentler now. 
“No! I don’t want to stop. I can take it, I promise,” you reply. You don’t know what’s gotten into you, but the idea of stopping before they’ve both come has you feeling almost guilty. You want them to feel the same kind of pleasure they already gave you. 
“Okay, just let us know if it’s too much and we’ll stop,” he says before stepping away for a moment. 
He comes back with two foil packets and a small bottle. He and Harry both open a packet and you watch as they each slide a condom down their lengths. 
“Lou’s gonna fuck me while I fuck this pretty pussy, does that sound good to you?” Harry says. 
“Sounds perfect,” you answer. 
You’re still laying on your back, definitely earning a pillow princess title but everyone seems to be fine with that. Harry’s hands gently grip your thighs and he pushes your legs open wide, kneeling in between to get into position. But instead of lining up with your entrance, he gets on his hands and knees. 
You realize that they’d opened you up already, but Harry needs prep too before he can take Louis. You expect Louis to finger him open, but gasp along with Harry when Louis pulls a plug out of Harry instead. You realize that’s been there all night, was probably put in shortly before you walked in on them earlier. 
The thought sends another wave of desire through you, and while a second ago you weren’t sure how much more you could take, now you're desperate to be filled. 
“You ready baby girl?” Louis asks, coming over to press another kiss to your lips. The gentle peas of his lips to yours settles you, and when he pulls away there’s a calm smile on your face and you reply, “I’m ready.”
“Okay. Harry, show our girl what you can do.”
A moment later you feel Harry’s tip at your entrance. You thought they’d opened you up before, but you must’ve underestimated Harry’s size, because you feel each second of him gently pushing inside. It’s a pleasant pain that quickly shifts to only pleasure. 
“One more thing,” Louis says before lifting your hips to slide a pillow under you. Harry moves as well, and you moan as he hits even deeper inside you. This also puts him in a better position to take Louis from behind. 
You feel, more than see, when Louis slides into Harry. He thrusts gently inside you, and leans down to bite your neck while letting out the neediest whine you’ve ever heard come from a man. It’s also possibly the hottest sound you’ve ever heard from a man. 
They fall into a rhythm, controlled by Louis, and the three of you fall speechless. The room is filled with a cacophony of moans and whimpers, as well as the noises being made by your bodies connecting over and over. 
You come first, your walls squeezing around Harry’s cock, pulling him in impossibly deeper. Your body feels almost numb, somewhat tingly, and your brain grows even fuzzier. It’s like there’s a disconnect between the two. It’s a weird feeling, but not unpleasant. 
Harry’s thrusts start to grow sloppy and he tucks his head into your neck as he comes. You feel the pulsing of his cock inside you, and his moans vibrate against your neck. Even after he’s finished, he remains inside and you can feel the way Louis is moving in him as it jostles you as well. 
Louis whines grow higher until he stills, holding himself flush to Harry before finally pulling out. Harry slides out of you as well, slowly and gently, knowing you’re probably sore after three rounds with them. 
They lay on either side of you, each wrapping and arm over your waist. After you all catch your breath Louis asks, “You okay love?”
A smile spreads on your face as you reply, “I’m so, so okay. That was amazing.”
“Glad you liked it,” Harry says. 
You continue to bask in the afterglow until Harry finally states, “We should probably get cleaned up.”
You suddenly become aware of how sticky your legs are and reply, “That’s probably a good idea. Any chance you have spare sheets?” Your mind and body are fully reconnected now and you can feel how soaked the bed is under you. 
“Better yet, there’s a second bedroom. Completely unused bed in there,” Louis informs you. 
He gets up, reaching a hand out, helping you stand as well. The three of you end up taking a shower and they gently clean you up, pressing only the gentlest kisses to any marks they left on your skin. 
After drying off you end the night in a soft, comfortable bed, Harry on one side and Louis on the other. They whisper praises, telling you how good you were, how much they enjoyed their time with you. You fall asleep feeling more satisfied than you can remember ever being before. 
Soft light filters through curtains the next morning when you wake up. Harry is still in bed, awake and scrolling on his phone. 
“Good morning,” you say. 
“Good morning. How did you sleep?” He asks.
“Wonderfully. How about you?”
“Best rest I;v;e had in weeks,” he answers with a soft smile. “Lou’s just getting everything ready. We need to leave in an hour to get to the next venue,” he informs you. 
“Oh, yea, I should probably be going.” No sense dragging it out anymore, now that the night is over. 
“Of course not. You can’t go until you’ve had breakfast with us. I mean, we didn’t buy you dinner before getting you into bed, the least we can do is get you some breakfast after,” he says with a laugh, his dimples showing and making you blush. “It should be here soon. We didn’t know what you’d like so we got a few options.” 
“Thanks, that’s really kind of you.” 
Harry pulls you in and you relax in his embrace until Louis pops into the room saying “Food’s here.”
You move to get out of bed and then realize that you’re not wearing anything. Louis notices your predicament and disappears again before returning with the other t-shirt Oli had gotten you the previous evening, as well as a clean pair of boxers and shorts and your own bra. He leaves again giving you privacy to get dressed, which you do quickly. 
You join them for breakfast, happy to see they've gotten pancakes, your favorite. Louis also pours you a cup of tea, making it a perfect start to the day. 
“Oh, by the way, where is your car parked?” Louis asks. 
Truthfully you’d forgotten you had a car. Had forgotten life outside this hotel exists. So you pull up your phone and look at the dropped pin you’d placed last night to remember when you’d parked. 
“It’s just a few blocks from here,” you say, showing him the screen. 
“Ok perfect, a member of my team will be here in a minute to grab your key and pick it up to bring it to the hotel.”
“Oh that’s alright, I don’t mind walking.” Though as you say it, you realize it’d be a walk of shame, which you’re not thrilled about.
“I insist. Don’t want you walking that far, especially not after last night,” he adds with a cheeky smile. You blush for the thousandth time, knowing exactly what he’s thinking about. 
Someone does come to grab your key, effectively ending the walk down memory lane. The three of you chat for a bit, the boys asking you questions about yourself before Louis shifts awkwardly and says, “I noticed the NDA in the bag when I was grabbing your shirt. I truly hate to ask but-”
“You don’t have to ask. Of course I’ll sign.”
“Thank you love, it just gives us peace of mind.”
“I’m more than happy to.” You promptly get up to grab the papers and a pen, handing it to Louis once completed. “I really enjoyed spending the night with you guys. And not just the sex, but everything else too. You really take aftercare seriously,” you say with an awkward laugh. 
“Well, we do pride ourselves on being gentlemen,” Harry replies, flashing you another dazzling smile. 
Louis receives a text a minute later and says, “They’ve got your car downstairs, and we really should be getting going.”
You all stand up and they each pull you in for a hug. 
“I think I speak for both of us when I say we really enjoyed last night,” Harry says. 
Louis adds, “Absolutely. We’re so glad you agreed to be with us.”
“Well I’m just happy falling into a trash can full of cheese actually had a good outcome.” 
They both laugh at that before each giving you one more kiss and saying goodbye. 
You drive home in a daze and spend the day just thinking about the events of the previous night. You call your mother as promised, telling her a mostly fabricated story of your night which to her knowledge, ended with you arriving home before midnight.  
And when you watch a livestream of Louis’ show that evening and hear him mention how much he loves nacho cheese, you know it’s his way of saying he’s thinking of you. 
You know you’ll remember that night for a long time, and hope they will as well.
AN: Thanks for reading, I'd love to hear what you thought about this first Larry x reader story! Requests are open if there's anything you'd want to see in the future
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homeofthelonelywriter · 5 months
Drawn to you | Pt. 7
(A/N) Okay, writing alive!Alastor is a lot of fun. Also, I'll already put out a warning for the next part. It will be a though one.
Pairing: Alastor x bunny demon!Reader (no Y/N)
Warnings: some more murder, foreshadowing, kisses
Synopsis: He remembers you. Finally.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Alastor couldn’t deny that he was somewhat nervous. After all, he had just killed his boss. No matter how much he tried to concentrate on his work and script for tonight, he kept seeing the bloodied body of the man in front of him. And it made him smile. The rush he had felt…was addicting and in his mind, he was already choosing his next victim.
But before he could do that, he had a show to deliver. And knowing that you were among the listeners gave him the boost he needed to finish his script and slowly get ready. While he was in is office, doing vocal warm-up exercises, he thought of you, how you were probably on the bus at the moment, on your way to the tiny apartment that you called home.
If only you’d let him, he could offer you so much more. A house, with a nice backyard where you could plant your favorite flowers. He would build a swing for the two of you and maybe you could get a dog. Something to protect you while he was gone. You could finally quit your job here and escape this thankless, misogynistic place.
He would put the prettiest, little ring on your finger and wear his own with pride. He would take you to his mama and introduce you, sure she’d love you just as much as he did. He would brag to anyone who’d listen that you're his. His best friend. His lover. His wife. The mother of his children. Children…he would put as many in you as you’d allow. And he’d be a better father than his own ever was.
He could see it clear as day, his life with you.
“Al? You have two minutes until you’re on air?”
The voice of the radio host’s assistant brought him back to reality and he jumped slightly in surprise.
“Oh, of course, my apologies.”
With quick steps, Alastor rushed to the booth he was hosting from and quickly got settled, just in time for the red light above the door to turn on and the music to end.
“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to today’s late show. I’m your host, as usual, Alastor! What a lovely evening folks, gotta say, I’m kind of jealous that I’m in here, while ya’ll can enjoy the outside.”
He took a practiced pause before continuing his spiel, talking about some nonsense before he started the first song. As soon as his microphone was muted, he took a deep, relaxing breath and glanced out the large window into the room, where the assistant was supervising the show and taking phone calls from listeners. He gave him a thumbs-up to signal that everything was going smoothly and he nodded in return.
After the song was over, Alastor took the time to talk about the 19th amendment, knowing that you’d have to go to bed soon and he wanted you to hear him talk about it.
“All in all, it’s an important step in America’s history folks, and all I can do is hope that everyone in Congress sees reason and votes in favor. If not…well that’s just proof that this country is ruled by old, fat, ignorant men. And if you don’t agree with me, there is this handy little dial on your radio, you can use to switch to a different channel.”
He knew that he’d get in trouble for that little stab at his listeners, but the image of you giggling about the comment made it worth it. His own smile grew into a smirk that stayed on for the rest of the night until another host took his spot and Alastor could finally go home. On his way out of the building, he noticed the police presence. The body had finally been found.
Acting confused, he joined a small group of coworkers who were whispering to each other in the lobby. They nodded in greeting but continued with their hushed conversation until Alastor spoke.
“Do any of you know what’s going on?”
“Al…it’s your boss. He was found behind the building, dead.”
As if in shock, Alastor took a step back as his eyes widened. He even dropped his jacket which he had been carrying. He whispered his boss’s name, for once, no smile on his face.
“Are you sure? I just saw him a few hours ago. He…he can’t…”
The entire group nodded in confirmation that it was indeed his boss and Alastor blinked a few times while looking at the ground. He soon excused himself, keeping the act up until he was a few blocks away from the building. Even as he was walking away, he felt their concerned gazes on his back. If radio host doesn’t work out, he should consider becoming an actor. Or so he told himself.
On his way home, he felt his fingers itch, his eyes scanning every creature he came across, debating if he could kill them. But no, he had to be patient. After all, he already knew who his next victim would be. Maybe it was a bad idea to kill two people so closely connected, but he had wished death upon your boss from the moment he met you. The only thing he had to figure out was how to do it. But that could wait…for now.
Hell - now
“-stor? Alastor?”
You had woken up a few moments ago, confused for a second as to where you were, but as soon as you noticed Alastor next to you, you relaxed. At least until you noticed that he wasn’t moving. Or even blinking. He just stared ahead, eyes blown wide, his smile as low as you’d ever seen it. He looked…haunted.
You carefully sat up and reached for him. For once you didn’t wait for his permission before you touched him, instead just placing your hand on his shoulder and shaking him slightly. You began to whisper his name, getting louder when you noticed that he didn’t react to any of it. Close to panicking, you placed your other hand on his shoulder and started to shake him with more vigor. At least until his eyes snapped up to you.
With movements so quick it took you a second to realize what had even happened, he pulled you into a tight hug, pressing you against himself and whispering your name. No…it wasn’t your name. It was a nickname he used when you were both still alive. Tears gathered in your eyes at the realization.
“You remember.”
Alastor pulled you impossibly closer, just continuing to whisper your name. Your body started to shake as quiet sobs escaped your lips. You buried your face in his neck, wetting his fur with your tears, but at that moment, neither of you cared.
The demon continued to hold you, slowly shifting you so you were sitting on his lap while he still worked through everything he just relived. How could he ever forget you? The love of his life? His best friend? His girl?
Earth - 1920s
“Well, what can I say ladies and gentlemen, the killing spree continues as another victim was found earlier today. My source in the police department reports that there are still no leads to the identity of the killer, so I urge you: to stay in after dark and stay in groups. No one is safe when it comes to that one.”
Alastor took a breath and glanced towards the window, where the radio host’s assistant once sat. But now, there was you. It’s only been a few months since he had gotten you the promotion, but the excitement of seeing you there never subsided. After all, he’d never tire of seeing you. Especially not after you finally allowed him to court you.
You had said yes shortly after Alastor had killed your boss, not that you knew about any of that back then. But the stress relief it brought you, finally allowed you to even think about dating. And after Alastor asked you out, all you could do was say yes. It started with Alastor insisting on accompanying you home after he was switched to host the afternoon show, meaning that both of you got off at the same time. After all, how could he let you walk home alone when a dangerous serial killer was roaming the streets? Especially because back then everyone was still thinking that he was specifically after people who worked at the radio station.
Him bringing you home turned into you inviting him into your apartment for a cup of coffee, into the two of you getting dinner before going home, into the two of you going to a jazz club. And one night, after you had both gotten at the very least tipsy and you complained about your old boss and the misogyny at work, Alastor was so close to confessing. Instead, he admitted that he envied whoever did it, how he would’ve loved nothing more than to do it himself. And in that moment you kissed him.
You pulled him down and pressed your lips against his in a gentle kiss. The fact that he would kill for you made warmth spread through you. You truly loved this man. But you would never know that truth. At least not in this life.
The shy smile on your lips pulled Alastor from his thoughts. He had been staring at you through the whole song and it was almost over. Usually, he would pause to talk some more, but instead, he decided to just let another one play. You raised an eyebrow as you noticed the switch in behavior, but Alastor just waved for you to join him. So you did.
You entered the room and he extended a hand towards you, pulling you onto his lap once you were close enough. You giggled as you fell against him, feeling his chest vibrate as he chuckled.
“How are you doing, my love?”
You hummed, a coy smile on your lips as you gazed up at him.
“A little tired, the usual lately.”
That made Alastor frown. He had noticed that you seemed to have less energy recently, but he chalked it up to stress. With a worried look on his face, he pulled back and properly looked at you, and he quickly realized that you had lost weight. A lot of it.
How could he miss that?
“Love, I think you need to go to the doctor.”
You shook your head and started to talk about how that was too expensive, but he quickly cut you off, assuring you that he would take care of that. After a bit of bickering, you agreed to make an appointment as soon as you were back at your desk.
After one more kiss, Alastor let you go and returned to host the show, while you walked back to your desk and picked up the phone, scheduling an appointment for the next day.
Neither of you had been prepared for what you were going to find out.
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@impulsivethoughtsat2am @fanficwriter5 @wonderlandangelsposts @mo-0-o @xalygatorx @fairyv-ice @nixie189
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Hazbin Hotel - Masterlist
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simplydannie · 3 months
Previous: The Escape || The Escape: Waiting Game
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Inspired by @meadow-hearthfire ask:
["The Escape"] I bet Veneer played fetch with Rhonda at some point during the passing months between him leaving Mount Rageous and Velvet leaving.
Veneer finds himself in Bergen town after his escape with Floyd from Mount Rageous. What’s holding him back from moving on? His sister. But an unknown little friendship helps him take the next steps.
Veneer sat outside a bench of what was Bergentown. It was simple, nothing much especially for it being the home of the king of the Bergens. They really were simple creatures, nothing like the rustling and bustling chaotic lives of Rageons.
It had been a couple weeks since his arrival, since he awoke from his mini coma…. And there was still no sign of his sister. He tried to push that at the back of his mind, as far back as he could. She had made her choice and he made his…they both had to live with it. Yet, he still felt sad, burdened, guilty. He felt like he abandoned his sister…
“Aarr rrooo.”
He jumped at the sound. Veneer looked around but didn’t see anything. “Weird…” he told himself.
“Aarr rrooo.”
“What in the world!” He looked around again. Veneer peeked underneath the bench, that’s when he saw bulging yellow eyes blinking at him curiously. A white little creature came walking out.
“Umm, okay.” Veneer looked at it in confusion. It looked like an animal, but then it looked like a bus. But buses weren’t alive? At least not where he was from…
“That’s an Armadillo Bus.” He turned to find Branch looking at him from on top of a post. “Her name is Rhonda. She belongs to John Dory.”
“She?” He looked under her legs. Veneer got a little too close for comfort, she growled and snapped. “AH! I’M SORRY!” He jumped back and hid behind the bench.
Branch laughed from on top of the post and made his way down next to Rhonda, “Do you not know anything about animals?”
“Well, yes, I do….from books I’ve read.”
“Haven’t you had any pets?”
“Oh! A goldfish named Sparkles!”
“Have you ever been to a zoo?”
“Define zoo.”
“Seriously?” Branch arched an eyebrow. Did he not know about wildlife? There had to be wildlife somewhere in Rageous.
Veneer began to grow nervous for some reason, he began to ramble, “Rageous is purely, well, mostly artificial: Mount and Under…So not a lot of wildlife. Except for the Rageous Woods, but no one goes in there…well only the crazy people of Under Rageous. It’s scary. Me and Vels went in there once, we almost died…”
“Veneer. VENEER! Calm down man.” Branch said.
“S-sorry.” He looked at Rhonda who had calmed down next to Branch. She was scratching her head, tongue sticking out panting. Veneer attempted to reach over and pet her. That’s when Rhonda scowled again, baring her teeth she snapped at Veneer. He yelped and withdrew.
“It takes time dude. She’ll warm up to you in no time.”
Sometimes he’d prefer the company of the Trolls, but mostly, Veneer liked spending his time alone the passing days… He didn’t feel like speaking much to anyone…except maybe his sister, but she was nowhere near. He hadn’t eaten the following day, Floyd forced him to go get a burger at the local fast food place the Bergens had. Veneer didn’t really feel like eating, but to make Floyd feel better, he obeyed.
“Want to have a bite together?” The little Troll had asked.
“No…I think I’ll have this alone…for now.”
Floyd nodded, but he worried that Veneer was spending too much time alone…He worried that certain thoughts would enter his mind. The little Troll was about to trail along until he saw devious little Rhonda trailing after the tall Rageon. Interesting, he thought. Rhonda really wasn’t one for strangers…at least JD had said…
Veneer sat under the old Troll tree. Clay had told him about its dark history, and the history with Bergens. He knew Bergens ate Trolls, the ones in Under Rageous hadn’t gotten the memo…and they were terrifying. It was interesting to see how the Trolls and Bergens got along here…like nothing had ever happened. Could that be a future they could also share with Rageons?
“Arr Roo.”
He heard the familiar little cry. Veneer turned to see Rhonda peeking from the corner, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Veneer looked at her with a mouthful of burger. Rhonda inched closer sniffing the air, that’s when he figured what she wanted.
“You want some of my burger don’t you? Can you even eat this stuff?” Curiously, Veneer tosses a piece of his burger towards the little creature. She sniffs it….then quickly gobbles it up, “Oh shoot, you can.” He tosses her another piece. Every little piece thrown she eats right up. Veneer laughs then starts tossing her some of his fries; it begins to turn into a game of catch. He’d toss the food farther and farther and she’d run and go get it. The cycle continued until he was all out of food.
“Well, that’s it…I didn’t even get a few bites in. You actually ate it all!” He exclaimed. Rhonda sniffed the air. She sniffed the ground and got closer and closer to Veneer that he became afraid to move. Veneer stood still as the small armadillo bus sniffed around him….suddenly, she spun circles and lay near his leg. What just happened? He slowly placed his hand on top of her little body…She didn’t snap, she didn’t growl, she just lay there with her eyes closed, her breathing steadied as she lulled into a slumber. The little creature actually allowed for Veneer to touch her and pet her…Branch was right, she began to warm up to him after all.
Day after day Veneer began looking for Rhonda. He’d ask John Dory where she was at and if he could play with her. He made it their thing where he would buy a burger and share with her. Veneer had only ever had a goldfish as a pet, he was able to teach it a few tricks, though no one believed him. Eventually, he began trying to teach Rhonda some tricks too.
“Okay, sit.” He said. She stared at him wide eyed, scratching her ears. “No, sit. Like this.” He mimicked what he had wanted her to do…She still stared at him with her tongue out, blinking oblivious. “Okay, this is definitely going to take some time to do…”
More days went on as Floyd began to see a shift in the young Rageons nature. Before he would sulk in thinking about his sister. Though he still did, Veneer became distracted and occupied playing with Rhonda. The little Troll would smile as he’d see the two bond: poor Veneer would try his best to teach her tricks while she only stared at him cluelessly, one day he saw them play fetch. Seeing Veneer like this once again was relieving to Floyd, but he still couldn’t help but think back to Velvet. How were they to go back and get her out? Would she even come with them if they did? The Mistress had a strong hold on her. Floyd was trying to figure out a way they could go back and retrieve her for good, because if they couldn’t, Veneer would only be more heartbroken than he already was.
That night Veneer lay alone on his bed staring at the ceiling. He had hoped he could bring Rhonda to sleep over, but JD needed her for an errand he had to run. Spending time with the little creature made him think of what else lies outside the Bergen walls, what else lay outside the glistening lights of Rageous. The world was big, there was so much, much…LIFE! Veneer had always been curious about the outside world. He remembered his sister was also curious at one point. They were so close to tasting freedom a couple of times too during their ventures into the Rageous Woods, but then they couldn’t escape…because they were being watched. They always were, but now they weren’t, at least Veneer wasn’t. Maybe he could go venture the world now and eventually find his way back to his sister. Maybe this is what he needed to grow…
The next morning, Branch was making himself a cup of coffee in his bunker he now shared with his brothers.
“Morning guys.” He declared as he brewed.
“Oooooh! That smells good!” Clay stretched.
“Thank you, thank you. It’s of my own making.” Branch gave him a smirk. He began to serve a cup to each of his brothers…that’s when the ground beneath them trembled.
“Whoa, whoa!” Floyd called out as he steadied himself. Within moments it stopped… ”What was that?”
Knocking was heard at the bunker door, “Branch! Branch! Branch! You have a visitor!” Poppy’s voice called out.
“A visitor?”
The brothers walked out to quite the sight…There standing amongst their village was Veneer, a giant amongst them all. All the Trolls marveled at the sight of him. He came to discover that to the Trolls, Rageons were known as the Giants…They were far taller than most Bergens after all. Veneer saw Branch emerge from the doorway of the bunker.
“Hey Branch!” He chimed.
“Arrrr roo!!” Rhonda came speeding in at the sound of his voice. She nuzzled close to him, begging for affection.
“Hey girl!” Veneer patted her and rubbed her stomach. Rhonda cooed and purred.
“Hey…that’s my armadillo bus.” JD said with a pout on his face, a tinge of jealousy crossing his tone.
“Looks like you have competition.” Clay teased.
Pop Trolls popped out their homes to marvel at the giant that walked into town. Young Trolls climbed around his feet. They could see he was afraid to move even an inch, afraid he’d accidentally step on someone…he had already almost squashed John Dory at one point.
“Why did you come all the way over here?” Branch asked.
“You’re a survivalist aren’t you?”
“I don’t like to brag…but yes…yes I am.” Branch crossed his arms with a smug look on his face.
“Good. I want you to show me how to do it!”
Branch shook his head in confusion, “Wait, say what?”
“I want to explore this world Branch. Learn some new things. Eventually, go back and find my sister. And i think you’d be the perfect person to show me!” Veneer shook in excitement.
“Whoa hang on! I TOO spent some time in the wilderness thank you very much!” John Dory added, “So I would find myself much more experienced than my little brother here.” Branch rolled his eyes.
“OH! Okay! If you come that means Rhonda can come too!”Veneer exclaimed happily as he snuggled the little creature.
Branch withheld a laugh as John Dory’s face took a more serious tone, “Sure. Get excited for the armadillo bus…Not the year’s worth of experience I have.” He glared at Rhonda, “….Traitor…”
“Okay Veneer….Looks like you TWO mentors here who want to teach you what we know. Question is, when do we start?”
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bunnys-babies · 11 months
Talk To You, pt. 2
Megumi Fushiguro x gn!reader
wc: 1.2k
pt. 2 / ?
warning(s): mentions of puke, mentions of taxidermy - so if any of that really icks you out tread lightly :)
a/n: it’s been a while, but if anyone recalls pt. 1 of this, it’s just a continuation 🥰 (feel free to read hehe) but it’s not necessarily required! Could be read as a stand alone :)) just a silly and nervous first date 🤍🤍 reblogs and comments are always appreciated!! I hope you enjoy :3 also, I am very behind on JJK, please do not spoil anything in the tags because I do see them! So if this is “canon divergent”, that’s why LMAO
pt. 1
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He’s going to puke. He’s absolutely, 100%, sure of it.
He’s so sweaty that he’s certain he must stink, he hates his outfit, and why is his hair so frizzy? He knew he shouldn’t have listened to Kugisaki and let her “do him up”.
The bus seat vibrates beneath him and emits one of the most brain piercing rattles he thinks he’s ever heard as he impatiently waits for his stop.
Oh god, they aren’t gonna think I’m a loser for taking the bus, are they?
Sighing and picking at the cuticle along his thumb nail, he does his best to focus on keeping track of the colors of the cars passing by. What good would dwelling on your perception of him do when it’s only making him continue to profusely sweat anyways?
It’s been a week since he got your number. Well, since Yuuji got your number for him, sort of.
And over the course of that week, Megumi’s convinced himself he’s done nothing besides behave like a fool.
He’s spelt your name wrong, twice, and then wondered why he even felt the need to address you by name in text. He sent you a list of options for dates, listing location and expected cost, as well as sending them in order of “most to least active”. And then, when you surprisingly agreed and made a choice, he sent you a calendar invite.
Nothing about this even seemed remotely out of the ordinary to him until Kugisaki asked how you both ended up deciding on going through a “local, close up walkthrough” of a taxidermist’s home.
“Huh?” Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open after she spoke, eager, and a little scared, to hear Megumi’s response.
“Well, out of our options, it was the most cost effective and productive choice. Lots of conversation starters. They seemed pretty interested.”
Doubt and embarrassment began to knot his stomach at the lack of response from Kugisaki.
“What? They picked it. So clearly they wanted to go to this thing.”
Still no response.
Pressing her mouth into a thin line, she stops her relentless fidgeting over Megumi’s hair and clothes and crosses her arms over her chest instead.
“Fushiguro,”, she spoke slowly and softly, “couple questions. One, did you offer this idea? Two, if so, what were the other options?”
Something about the way she spoke only increased his anxiety.
Oh, he messed up.
Unfortunately, after explaining himself, there wasn’t any time left to get some sort of reassurance from her that he hadn’t completely fucked this all up.
And god, why did he have to approach this so… professionally?
He stopped himself from letting out a groan before the brakes squealed at an alarming volume as the bus came to a stop.
Muttering out a nearly silent thanks to the driver, he takes a step out onto the darkened sidewalk. It must have rained earlier.
It takes him about 20 minutes to locate and walk to the house, his shoes covered in a shine from the dew still fresh on the grass.
As he waits, part of him is wishing you just don’t show up. This has just all played out in the worst way, and he’d rather take the embarrassment of being stood up than being around you for an hour, possibly multiple, while you pretend he isn’t a freak and that you aren’t showing up out of anything but pity.
His stomach churns at the sound of a car door shutting, and he’s back to that god forbidden feeling like he’s going to hurl, when he hears a soft “Fushiguro?” being called out to him from his left.
A visibly strained smile is offered to you as Megumi turns to greet you.
God, you knew this sweater was too gaudy.
“How was the drive for yo-“
“Looks like it rain-“
Awkward laughs are exchanged at the sudden silence you both sit in after accidentally interrupting each other.
After, Megumi silently insists you continue to speak with a few hand gestures and nod of his head.
“Yeah, I was just gonna ask how the drive was for you! It rained pretty hard where I was coming from, and I swear my wipers were ready to fly off.”
“Oh, yeah, I didn’t drive.” He turned his body to face the front of the house, hoping his embarrassment was less visible from the side of his face.
“Oh nice idea, I hate driving in the rain. I totally should’ve considered that.” Turning to face the house yourself, you wait for him to take the first steps before walking forward.
A mixture of relief and bashfulness wash over him at your simple response and unexpected, but welcoming, flattery.
Nice idea.
Fighting back the small smile and pride swelling in his chest, he begins to walk forward, doing his best to strike conversation as you make your way to the front door despite the nagging stomach ache he’s gotten.
He’s never been so nervous before.
Kugisaki has no idea what she was talking about, this is going to be simply lovely.
The vomit covering the top of your shoes as you rub the spot between Megumi’s shoulder blades is staring at him. And if it could laugh and point it’d probably be doing that, too.
“You okay?” You speak so soft he almost doesn’t hear you ask.
No, he’s not okay.
He just blew chunks all over both of your shoes (and the eclectic man’s maroon carpet), vomited again at the smell, and then nearly tripped his way down the front steps as he continued to puke into the Taxidermist’s front lawn.
“Yeah, ‘m fine.”
Maybe it was a little more than just his nerves making him nauseous.
“Y’know, if I knew you were gonna get this freaked out over the ‘Pope Mouse’, I would’ve gone with the bird watching option instead.”
It takes him a minute to realize you’re joking. You’re actually joking with him and trying to salvage whatever this is.
Whether it was out of shock, sympathy at your mediocre attempt of a joke, or the image of that poor dead rat dressed up as the pope, he let out a low chuckle.
He kept his posture leaned over and his head down, waiting to make sure he truly was all done, when you realized your hand was still rubbing gentle circles into his upper back. Gingerly, you lifted your hand and placed it in your pocket, trying not to focus on the vomit on your shoes.
All things considered, you really were having a great time.
He’s strange, definitely a little shy, maybe even abrasive, not the best at conversation, has interesting ideas of fun, and literally threw up on your shoes, but he was such a sweetheart. It helped he was more than nice to look at sure, but his nervousness and slightly off-putting personality did nothing but attract you even more.
You’ve never been on a more eventful date, that’s for sure. And you’ve never met someone who clearly put so much thought into spending time with you, and his anxiety was more than obvious. Did he really like you that much?
Regardless, you thought he at least deserved another chance at a second date, one where you could actually get to know more about him other than the fact he might have a weak stomach.
“If you promise not to puke in my car, and help me clean off our shoes, we can try again. Probably somewhere we can sit and chat instead of stare at poorly done taxidermy.”
Unfortunately, before you could offer up any good ideas, he was back to busying himself with vomiting.
At least he’s really cute.
taglist: @plutowrites @lunarsap @alonezz @softjaegerhours @onismikasa (if you’d like to be removed/added please let me know!)
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moonhoures · 1 year
3:31PM — first love!soobin 💌
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The moments of how our First Love couple came to meet.
haven’t read the first love series yet? you can catch up here.
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Friday, May 14th, 2021
Soobin had just finished his last class of the day, and as he exited the classroom, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. Just one more week of classes, then it was another year down. The beginning of the fall semester was already looming in the back of his mind, but he tried to shrug it off. Class just let out, don’t think about next semester. That’s what he imagined Yeonjun would say if he were with him.
The boy plucked his phone out of his pocket as he walked the sidewalks of campus back to his dorm. He tapped his passcode in, opening his messages with his roommate.
soobin: are you at the dorm yet?
yeonjun: yeah, what’s up?
soobin: i was thinking pizza for dinner, want to split? 🍕
yeonjun: i’m in
yeonjun: i was thinking of going into the city tomorrow to shop for some summer clothes. wanna join? it’s just me and a friend from my songwriting class going
Soobin took a second to think it over. He always got a little nervous meeting Yeonjun’s friends. Soobin himself was naturally an introvert and had a hard time warming up to new people most times. On one hand, he loved having Yeonjun for a best friend because he felt more comfortable being sociable with him. But Yeonjun’s friends usually were very outgoing and it admittedly made Soobin a little self-conscious. On the other hand, he hadn’t done any shopping since the holiday season, and he could also use some new summer clothes. He figured it wouldn’t hurt to suck it up this once and go.
soobin: sure thing
The next day, the two boys got ready in the late morning and made their way to the nearest bus station. There they waited for you to show up. After a few minutes, Yeonjun decided to text you and check on how far you were.
“Oh, good. She said she’s just around the corner,” the older boy casually spoke as he locked his phone and slipped it into his back pocket. Beside him, his friend’s eyes widened slightly in confusion.
His voice wandered off as he watched Yeonjun notice you walking up, a smile on his face. He watched his friend greet you before turning towards him, gesturing to the dumbfounded, dark-haired boy. Soobin suddenly felt out of place and self-conscious (just as he worried about) but for a different reason. He hadn’t realized Yeonjun’s friend was a girl.
“This is _________, from my Songwriting class,” the older boy introduced you to him. The name sounded familiar. He remembered Yeonjun mentioning it, but he never put two and two together to realize you were the friend they would be shopping with.
“It’s nice to meet you, Soobin,” your voice melodically greeted him.
“You too,” he nodded politely, thankful he hadn’t stumbled on those two words.
“We should get going before the bus leaves us.”
Yeonjun breezed through the awkwardness that he hadn’t even detected between you, leading your little group onto the bus. The ride went a lot smoother than Soobin had expected. You were really friendly, getting along with his and Yeonjun’s conversations easily. Though, he suspected that was because you had hung out with Yeonjun for some time over the semester. His personality had a way of rubbing off on people after a while, and that seemed to be the case with you as well. It was comforting to him in a way.
The midday shopping was fairly successful. Yeonjun had dragged the two of you throughout his favorite stores, and he found a few outfits to take home. Soobin ended up not focusing much on shopping for himself, instead engaging in conversations with you about college and how you chose to attend your school. At some point, Soobin found himself zoning out of your conversation, too distracted by your beauty. He liked the way your eyes had a twinkle to them when you spoke about something you enjoyed. He liked the way the corners of your mouth pulled into a small smile. He could tell you tried not to grin too wide, but he wondered why. Your smile was so pretty; there was no reason to hide it.
After dragging the both of you through several stores, Yeonjun finally conceded to eating a late lunch before heading back to campus. He spent most of the time telling stories that he and Soobin shared, and Soobin consequently correcting any details he messed up or over-exaggerated. You sat with them, eating your food and chuckling along with them as if you had been with them during the stories they told. It felt nice to be welcomed into a friendship like theirs.
You had originally been weary of meeting Yeonjun’s friend for the first time. Yeonjun was a great guy to hang out with, but there was always a fifty-fifty chance when meeting guys on campus. Most of them were boring, cocky, or just plain obnoxious to be around. But in rare instances there were guys like Soobin—friendly, personable, handsome . . . You liked guys like Soobin.
As the shopping trip came to an end, you mentally thanked your past self for agreeing to Yeonjun’s offer to tag along.
On the ride back to campus, the bus was more packed than in the morning. Seats were scarce, but the moment a seat became available, the two boys gestured for you to take it. After a few minutes, the businesswoman that sat beside you had got up and exited at her stop. You expectantly looked to your two friends, patting the seat beside you.
“One of you can take this seat,” you said, just trying to be polite since they had also been on their feet all day with you.
Soobin looked from you to Yeonjun, who stared back at him with a pointed look.
“Why are you looking at me?” the younger boy laughed, “Go ahead.”
“You’re older,” Soobin replied with a playful smile.
Yeonjun rolled his eyes, “Don’t try to be nice now. If it was just the two of us, you would’ve beat me for that seat.”
You chuckled at their childish back-and-forth, luckily not noticing Soobin’s ears growing pink.
“I would not,” he mumbled.
“Yes, you would.”
Soobin sighed, and the two boys continued to stand out of pure stubbornness. He glanced at you when he knew you wouldn’t catch him. She’s so pretty without even trying, he thought. The bus jolted to a stop at the campus station, and several students made their exits. The three of you brought up the rear, hopping off moments before the bus closed its doors and departed.
“I’ll see you Monday in class, right?” Yeonjun turned to you, his shopping bags clutched in one of his hands while his phone was in the other. Soobin’s one, small bag hung from his hand at his side. He stood kind of awkwardly, and his eyes seemed to wander away from you when yours met them. It felt like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t.
“Yep,” you nodded before turning to his friend, “It was really nice meeting you, Soobin.”
“Oh, yeah, it was nice meeting you, too. Get home safely,” he spoke sweetly, his smile revealing the dimple you grew to be fond of over the hours spent with him today. You hadn’t met many people with dimples as deep as his before. You liked them.
“Thanks, you too.”
And just like that, you were making your way towards the girls dormitory, getting your roommate on the phone to talk along the way. You had informed her of your day with Yeonjun, but you didn’t know beforehand about Soobin joining. So you figured she might want to know.
“Did you buy anything good? Are we gonna do a try-on haul when you get here?” she asked excitedly.
“No, I didn’t really go to shop for myself. I was mostly just a tag along,” you explained, “I actually wasn’t the only one he brought. There was a guy named Soobin, an Arts History major. He was nice.”
There was a pause over the phone, and for a moment you wondered if your connection had failed. But then your friend spoke with a hint of suspicion in her voice, “Nice? Is that all?”
“Yeah, he was nice . . . Why?” you laughed naïvely.
“I don’t know, it sounds like my little ________ has a crush.”
“Sooyoung, I just met the guy. I don’t have a crush on him,” you tried to speak with confidence, but even you weren’t one hundred percent believing of your words.
“Is he handsome?”
You sighed, kicking a pebble lightly across the sidewalk as you walked the block that lead to your dorm’s front entrance, “Yeah. He’s tall. He has broad shoulders, dark eyes, and dark hair. He reminded me a bit of an idol. He gives those vibes a bit.”
“Oh my god, you’re head over heels for this guy!” your roommate exclaimed, and you could only laugh incredulously at her accusation.
“Sooyoung, would you get a grip? I am not!”
“You are! You may not realize it now, but you definitely like this guy. I need to meet him. We’ll need to plan a hang out with the four of us,” she said as if it was a fact.
You got to your dorm, making your way through the entrance and walking upstairs while successfully changing the topic before making it to your room. The phone call ended as you opened the door. But the conversation picked up as normal once inside. The two of you blabbed on as you chilled out, deciding on watching a movie. Though, while the movie played, you couldn’t help but think about Sooyoung’s idea. Maybe there was a way you could get Yeonjun on board with a hang out for the four of you. But how could you bring it up naturally without it seeming like a ploy to see Soobin again? You needed to think this through.
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“Alright, say it.”
Soobin was caught off guard, looking to his friend as the two of them walked towards their dormitory. They had just wrapped up a quick conversation about the bus running on time today, for once. But after a few moments of comfortable silence, the older of the two had made that demand, completely unprompted.
“Say what?” Soobin asked, earning an expression from Yeonjun that wordlessly said ‘don’t act stupid’.
“________. You like her, don’t you?”
If Soobin had been drinking at that very moment, he definitely would’ve spit it out. The equivalent to that at the moment was nervously stuttering on his response, “W-what? What makes you s-say that?”
“Well, the stuttering gives it away,” his friend teased, then sighed, “But you seemed so tense today. Not in a bad way, I could just tell you seemed off, like you were nervous around her.”
“I don’t like her,” Soobin simply stated, though his heart betrayed his words by beating faster at the thought of you, “We just met.”
“Okay. Maybe you don’t like her, but you think she’s really pretty, don’t you?” his friend nudged him playfully with his elbow, making him roll his eyes. His younger friend nudged him back, trying not to let his words get to him.
Of course he thought you were pretty. Anyone with eyes would agree. They would be crazy not to, or at least that’s what he thought . . . Maybe he did like you. But what was the harm in that?
“Ahhhh, I knew it,” Yeonjun grinned, claiming victory when his friend remained silent. Soobin couldn’t hide the blush creeping into his cheeks and ears. His body was terrible at hiding his feelings, he was learning.
“Even if I do, it’s not like I’ll see her around. Summer’s starting, and we won’t have similar classes next semester.”
“Must you forget that I’m the King of networking?” Yeonjun asked him as they approached the entrance to their dorms. He held the door for his roommate, continuing the conversation as they walked up the stairs to their floor, “I could easily set up another hang out with the three of us. She did say she was staying on campus for the summer.”
“But I’ll be at my parents’s house this summer,” Soobin replied. Yeonjun pinched the bridge of his nose. He was almost convinced his friend was born to think of the negatives in life.
“And it wouldn’t kill you to hop on a bus to Seoul for some shopping, or a movie, or something. I know you’re an introvert, but seriously, Soobin, you need to make a move. This could be your first real relationship!”
The taller boy scoffed, “Sure, go ahead and say that louder. I don’t think the bottom floor heard you.”
“Sorry,” his roommate bashfully apologized, but resumed his nagging as he opened the door to their room, “Look, _______ is a really cool girl. And you two seemed to hit it off really well. What could it hurt to ask her out?”
“She could reject me,” his friend deadpanned as he plopped onto his bed.
Yeonjun groaned, closing the door before resting his forehead on it in annoyance, “Fine, don’t listen to me. Do what you want.”
Soobin sat on his bed and watched his friend shrug with feigned carelessness as he sat on his own bed and proceeded to open TikTok. He started to tune out the noise from the app softly playing on the other side of the room. On his side of the room, he scrolled aimlessly through the explore page on his Instagram. Though he was mostly gazing at the images while his mind thought of you. He thought about the way you laughed at a dumb joke he told at one of the stores you went to. He didn’t remember what the joke was anymore, but he could distinctly recall the way your nose scrunched up a little when you laughed at it.
Across from him, Yeonjun’s chimed with a text message. Just like every other day, Soobin didn’t pay any attention to it; that was until Yeonjun looked up at him with a shit-eating grin on his face.
“What?” Soobin asked.
“________ just texted asking if we would like to join her and her roommate for lunch next weekend.”
She did?
“Oh. I mean, I’m down . . . if you are,” Soobin added the last part to ease the eagerness that bled through the first part when he spoke.
Yeonjun’s brows raised as if he was impressed, “Hm, I thought you said you were going to your parents’s house next weekend?”
“I can take a bus here,” was all Soobin planned to say, but the look on his roommate’s face had him adding an “Oh, shut up” for good measure.
“I didn’t say a word.”
But Yeonjun didn’t have to. They both knew in that moment that he was right. Soobin did like you. The question was, would he ever get the courage to do anything about it?
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altschmerzes · 4 months
as a treat for @jamiesfootball, an extended sequence of softness and light, taken from far ahead in wriggle up on dry land (the baby jamie au). enjoy, my friend <3
Jamie has been repeatedly assured by both Roy and Sarah that what he is doing is fine and allowed, but even so, the walk up the path to the school building makes him more nervous with every step he takes. He feels like any moment now he’s going to get accosted by a teacher or school official and interrogated about what he’s doing here. Possibly arrested. If it weren’t for the fact that he would rather die than let either of the Kents down, let alone both of them, he would probably chicken out and run or something. But he would rather die and the task does need to be done, and so here’s Jamie, finding a teacher in the courtyard and walking up to her like he has every right to be here.
“Hello,” he says to the woman, doing his best to sound trustworthy and respectable and not like an awkward sixteen-year-old. “I’m Jamie, I’m here to pick up Phoebe Kent?”
There’s only a moment between when Jamie speaks and when the teacher does, but that moment is plenty long enough for a thousand potential responses to cycle through his mind, none of them positive. And then-
“Oh! Right, yes, Jamie,” the teacher on after-school duty says brightly, flipping up a piece of paper on her clipboard. “Yes, Sarah did call about you picking Phoebe up this afternoon, she sent your picture along as well. Come along, I’ll fetch her for you.”
Still not entirely believing that this was all going to work out, Jamie follows her across the pavement.
“Nice of you to look after your cousin like this,” the woman says without turning around, and what sounds like it was intended to be an offhanded, casual comment stops Jamie in his tracks. It takes her a few seconds to notice, and it takes just about as long for Jamie’s brain to catch up with his mouth and produce any sort of coherent response.
“Huh?” Okay so maybe ‘coherent’ was pushing it.
The teacher has stopped as well, turned to look at him with slight confusion on her face. That’s rich, given that she’s the one who’s just said something that didn’t make any sense at all.
“Oh,” she says, “just that when your aunt called and said her brother’s lad was going to be taking Phoebe home on the bus today I wasn’t expecting how young you are. My boy is just a little older than you and I couldn’t get him to babysit my sister’s lass if I tried.”
The gears in Jamie’s head slowly start creaking back to life. The math does itself rather quickly, and before he can say anything else, he hears his name shrieked out and then there’s the sound of thudding light-up trainers on the pavement. Jamie barely has the time to crouch down and open his arms before Phoebe has hurtled straight into him, nearly knocking him off balance.
“You’re getting big then, eh, what do they feed you at school, Phoebs, rocks?” he asks, a little winded from the impact and from what the teacher had said. Your cousin. Your aunt. Her brother’s lad.
“No-o-o,” Phoebe giggles, drawing the word out. She bounces out of Jamie’s arms a moment later, never staying still for more than a few moments at a time. They aren’t separated for long, though. A little hand latches onto Jamie’s almost immediately after Phoebe exits the hug and she starts to swing their interlocked fingers enthusiastically. “Can we go home now please? I’m sure Dauphine has missed me terribly while I’ve been away.”
Looking to the teacher, Jamie waits for further instructions from the adult in charge. It surely can’t be that easy to just show up and take a child from school, name and photo on hand or not. He must have to… well, he doesn’t know, but there’s got to be some kind of test. Some kind of ‘will you get this seven year old home in one piece’ test that he’ll have to undergo.
“Off you pop!” says the after-school duty teacher. She smiles at both of them and gives an exaggerated wave that seems like a bit much even for a kid Phoebe’s age. She’s a bright little gremlin, she doesn’t need to be condescended to.
“Right, okay,” Jamie says, blinking at the teacher even as Phoebe starts tugging him by the hand towards the gate. “Uh, thanks,” he calls over his shoulder, then focuses on not falling over his feet or the kid leading the way. “So, you ever taken the bus before?”
“The bus!” From the tone with which she’s exclaimed it, you would think Jamie had just told Phoebe they would be riding home on a pony made of gold. “Oh I love the bus.”
“That’s the attitude, mini-Kent.” It’s an acutely funny thing for a kiddie her age to say, but Jamie focuses on not laughing. He doesn’t want to discourage her interests or whatever. Nothing feels worse when you’re young than someone older than you laughing at you.
Their hands keep swinging between them, and every so often Phoebe adds a little skip into her gait. It makes the lights in her trainers go wild, little yellow and pink stars flashing against the grey of the pavement. She chatters as they go about her day at school, about how she thinks maths is dull and how she and her new best friend Cierra were going to write a comic book together about their cats being best friends and solving crime. Jamie responds where appropriate, humming and nodding and asking questions. He wants for her to know that she’s being listened to, but he would have to admit that his mind isn’t all focused on the proposed adventures of Dauphine and Prime Minister Socks. Instead, he’s still thinking about that teacher’s voice and the way she’d smiled at him when she’d told him it was nice of him to look after his cousin.
Your aunt. Her brother’s lad. Had Sarah said those words exactly? The teacher surely hadn’t invented them out of thin air. They had to come from someplace, and the thought makes Jamie feel warm inside and a little bit shy. He tries to imagine it, to picture what it would have sounded like. Sarah’s voice saying, My nephew, Jamie, he’ll be picking up Phoebe today. Yeah, he’s my brother’s lad. All the way to the bus stop and up the steps onto the bus he thinks of different ways that it could have gone, in-between responding to Phoebe. All of them feel… They feel good. They feel right.
Sure it’s lying and lying isn’t exactly right, but what’s the harm? It’s one teacher at a school Jamie has never been to before and probably will never go to again, this being a one-off fluke of scheduling and convenience. What does it matter if she thinks he’s Sarah’s nephew? Roy’s… Roy’s lad? So what if Jamie likes the idea of someone out there thinking that, even if it isn’t true?
“You’re smiling.”
The observation comes after what Jamie belatedly realizes has been an extended silence from Phoebe. She’s sitting on the bus seat beside Jamie, legs swinging back and forth and his hand clutched in hers. They’d let go for just a moment while Jamie took care of their fares, and then Phoebe had promptly reclaimed her place hanging onto him, which is encouraging as far as her awareness of travel safety goes.
“Am I?” Jamie asks. He’s sure that his face has turned a lovely shade of red, and he only hopes that at least will pass unnoticed.
“Yes, you are,” she confirms, nodding for emphasis. Then, as if to prove her point, Phoebe lets go of his hand just long enough to poke him in the cheek. “You’ve been smiling all the way to the bus. It’s nice. I think you should smile more. I think everybody should smile more, because smiling means you’re happy, and I think everyone should be happy. Except for Walter Lewis who is a mean, mean boy who chased my friend Stephen with a worm on a stick yesterday, so I think he should be sad, and go and live in tarnation.”
“He should go and live in what?” Anything else he could have asked flies promptly out of Jamie’s brain at that completely incomprehensible conclusion. This could be a matter of her knowing things that he didn’t, which is entirely possible, because geography has never been Jamie’s strongest point, or this is about to be a much funnier interaction. If they get to move off of Jamie’s expression before she could get to asking him why he was smiling, all the better.
“Tarnation,” Phoebe says, pronouncing it very deliberately and primly. “That’s what Mister Ted says all the time. What in tarnation, he says, and so it must be a very bad place, because he does not frown very much and he’s always frowning when he says that. So I think Walter Lewis should go and live in tarnation and not be mean to anyone anymore. And he can be sad forever there.” A frown creases her little face as she thinks very hard on it for a moment. “Actually, no, he doesn’t have to be sad forever. That would be terrible, even for Walter Lewis. He should be sad for a while, though. A very, very long time. Like, maybe even until he’s ten. Or until he learns to stop chasing people with worms.”
The effort with which Jamie is not laughing is nothing short of heroic. He takes a few deep breaths, ensures that nothing is going to slip out, and then he tells her, “That seems like a very fair decision. He can live in tarnation and be sad until he’s ten, or until he learns to stop chasing people with worms.”
“Exactly,” Phoebe responds. She nods, a sharp jerk of her chin and a self-satisfied conviction in her face that makes her look very much like Roy. “I’m glad you understand.” Then, in the flip of a moment, as fast as everything seems to change with children her age, Phoebe has let go of Jamie’s hand so that she can slip both arms around his elbow, hugging close to him and pressing the side of her face into his bicep. “I’m so happy you got to come ride the bus with me today, Jamie. Let’s do this again lots of times, okay?”
Jamie finds it suddenly very hard to speak. His throat feels tight and his eyes prickle with heat and he is not going to cry on this fucking bus and definitely not in front of Phoebe Kent and most certainly not because a seven-year-old asked him to hang out with her again.
Nice of you to look after your cousin like this. Your aunt called and said her brother’s lad was going to be taking Phoebe home on the bus today.
“Yeah,” he says eventually, when he’s glad that an entirely new kind of unwanted sound won’t slip out alongside the words. Lifting his arm, Jamie carefully dislodges her grip and wraps it around her shoulders instead, letting Phoebe cuddle in close to his side, even though her swinging feet kick him in the shin every so often. His other hand keeps a firm grasp on her book bag, and he feels both very young and very grown up all at once. “Yeah, I’d like that, too.”
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thatguywhodoesstuff · 4 months
Another Round Of J X Thad Incorrect Quotes
(I want to thank everyone for the positive reception of this post, it was really encouraging given how niche this ship is.)
Thad: Sometimes, I’m embarrassed to be dating J, because one time while we were in class, she yelled at the teacher and told him to shove a marker up his urethra. (Breaks down laughing)
J: This is a bad idea.
Thad: Then why are you coming?
J: Someone has to get your injured ass home.
J: (Softly) I want to kiss you.
Thad: (Turns to look at her) What?
J: I said if you die, I wont miss you!
J: Crushes are the worst. Whenever I’m near mine, I start acting stupid.
Thad: But you always act stupid. Wait…
J: (Sweat appears on her visor)
J: Relationships should be 50/50. Thad cooks me dinner, while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty as I supervise him.
Thad: You have to apologize to N, J.
J: Ugh, fine! But I have to warn you, this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Thad: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
J: Wow, if I didn’t know better, I’d say that sounds like a marriage proposal.
Thad: (Gets down on one knee) That’s because it is.
J: (Blushes aggressively)
Uzi: (Shyly) If I fall…
N: (Warmly) I’ll be there to catch you.
Lizzy: (Looks up from her phone) What if I fall?
V: Then I’ll fall with you.
Thad: (Turns towards J) And if I fall?
J: (Looking at a clipboard) I’ll be the one who pushed you.
Thad: (Infodumping about sports)
J: Ugh… Stop doing that.
Thad: (Confused) Stop doing what?
J: (Crosses her arms & looks away, lightly blushing) Saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you.
J: How… How do you ask someone out?
N: Well, first-
Uzi: Don’t listen to him, he asked me out in an underground lab cathedral.
J: …And you said yes?
Uzi: B-bite me!
(Later, after a bunch of shenanigans)
J: I’m in love with you.
Thad: Oh come on J, we called off the prank war hours ago.
J: …I know
Thad: Ah. Okay. Uh… Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Thad: Could you cut me some slack, J? I’m sort of in love.
J: (Unmoved) That’s really not my problem.
Thad: (Exasperated) I’m in love with you.
J: (Blushes) Oh… Well, that kind of brings me into the loop.
J: My crush isn’t picking up on my hints.
Lizzy: Have you dropped any hints?
J: Well, I think about him a lot and sometimes I even think about talking to him.
Lizzy: (Gives her a look that screams “Seriously?”)
Thad: So… You like cats?
J: Yeah.
Thad: (Tries to impress her by slowly pushing a glass off of the table)
Thad: Uh… Are you trying to seduce me?
J: (Laying before Thad surrounded by candles, her tie loose and collar flared) Why, are you seducible?~
Thad: (Somberly) J and I are no longer dating.
J: Thad! That’s a terrible way of telling people we’re married!
Thad: (Chuckles)
V: Do you love Thad?
J: …Yes. I do.
V: I knew it! I told you, Uzi! You owe me 100 bucks!
Uzi: Wha-? We all love Thad! You should’ve asked if she was in love with him.
J: I thought that was implied.
Uzi: (Stares dumbfounded while handing $100 to V)
V: (Accepts the cash with a smug grin)
J: Goodnight to the love of my life, Thad, and fuck the rest of you.
N: (Trying to be supportive) Just be yourself.
J: Really? N, I have one day to win over Thad’s parents. (Turns to the rest of the group) How long did it take for you guys to like me?
Lizzy: A couple weeks.
V: Six months.
Uzi: The jury’s still out.
J: See N? “Just be yourself,” what kind of stupid advice is that!?
Khan: So, are you going to explain how the hell you crashed the bus?
J: Well, we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said “Thad, deer!”
Khan: (Casts a look at a nervous Thad, who has been silent since they made it back to the colony) …And what did Thad do?
J: …He said “Yes, honey?”
Thad: (Buries his face in his hands)
Thad: Do… Do you love me?
J: We are literally married.
Thad: Yeah, but as a friend or-
J: (Pulls him into a kiss) Does that answer your question?~
Thad: (Nods dreamily)
Uzi: (Watching the news) This sucks.
J: This is horrible.
Uzi: I know! I mean, look at today’s news.
J: What? No, it’s not that, it’s Thad.
(Uzi looks at her confused)
J: It’s just, I can’t get him out of my head and every time I look at him, I have this pain in my core, and I just know its his fault, that son of a bitch!
N: How is the most beautiful person in the world?
Uzi: (Blushing) I-
J: Thad is doing perfect, thanks for asking.
Thad: That was so hot, J.
J: I literally called the skank who just flirted with you a degenerate dog and told her I hope she gets dragged through the streets.
Thad: I am so in love with you.
J: My hands are cold.
Thad: Here, let me hold them.
J: (Lightly blushing) My lips are cold too.
Thad: (Covers J’s face with his hand)
(At 3 in the morning)
(Lizzy and V run into Thad’s room with air horns and turn on the lights)
Lizzy: Wake up sleepyhead!
Thad: (Wakes up) Ugh, dude!
(Lizzy and V laugh)
J: (Sits up from where she was sleeping behind Thad) What the fuck are you two doing?
V: (Jaw drops)
Lizzy: Wait WHAT-
(J deploys a machine gun and fires at them)
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