#if he sees the other kids eating he will hopefully follow their lead
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harmonizewithechoes · 6 months ago
My five year old has his very first day of kindergarten tomorrow 🥺🥺🥺 I didn’t expect to be hit with such a huge wave of emotions but I’ve been a WRECK all day
#personal#he’s so excited#we’ve been talking about school for so long and he’s so excited that it’s finally here!#and a little nervous too he said but he keeps asking about the other kids and if he gets to have lots of friends now#he really liked his teacher when he met her and he’s excited to see her#the only thing that tripped him up a little was when I told him that me and his daddy are bringing him to the school but we can’t go with#that he has to just listen to his teacher and we’ll see him after school 🥺#I’m mostly worried that he’s not going to get enough food at school because he doesn’t eat very fast at home#he doesn’t focus well on meals#I’m hoping that positive peer pressure helps him with that#if he sees the other kids eating he will hopefully follow their lead#he’s going to be taking the bus home as well and I’m nervous about that for him too#even though it’s silly because his bus will pick him up in the morning and bring him directly to the school and then drop him off first#after school#he’ll be on it for maybe 20 minutes each day#I just worry too much#i worry about how issues he might have that I can’t help with like what if it’s too cold in just one room#but I don’t know that and send him in shorts?#or what if he gets teased for things I can’t anticipate right now? how can I best set him up for success with his peers?#I only know what he likes not what other five year olds like#I don’t want him to feel like the odd one out#but maybe that’s inevitable at some point#I can’t protect him from the world if im not there 😔#that’s the hardest thing about it#obviously this is supposed to happen and school will be so good for him#but he was a tiny little baby just yesterday#at least that’s how it feels#they say it goes by fast but damn
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evermoresqueiswriting · 11 months ago
the one where clarisse learns about her love language
"Late in the night, the city's asleep Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep Change my priorities The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury" - King Of My Heart, Taylor Swift
summary: after getting hurt during one game of capture de flag, clarisse gets taken care of by you and after this, clarisse went from never being at the infirmary to being there almost every day with a new injury. weird for an ares kid to get this easily injured, but you didn't mind
pairing: clarisse la rue x apollo!reader
word count: 6.2k i suddenly lost the ability to write shorter fics bruh
tags: fluff, clarisse fell first and harder
masterlist // ask box
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No one at camp had a job at camp per say. Hephaestus kids were the ones forging the weapons campers used, and Demeter kids sometimes cooked dinner. And some Apollo kids – including yourself – were the designated healers at camp. So, it wasn’t your job, per say, to stay at the infirmary all day long, but you were. 
You enjoyed the calm and serenity of that place. The sun always shined through the windows, and you could sunbathe all day long, while listening to your favourite songs or painting. Most of the time it was quiet, except when Will followed you there. He was a rather loud kid, he loved to ask questions and learn about everything you did. 
“Shouldn’t you be playing with other kids your age instead of trying to work here?” 
“Shouldn’t you be socialising with kids your age instead of working for free?” Will replied in the same tone. 
“I learned from the best,” he gave you a pat on the shoulder. 
“I regret it. All the time,” you turned away. “If you’re gonna stay here, at least help me clean this place.”
The first time Will tried to help you clean this place, it was a disaster. Before you ran the infirmary, it wasn’t organised, everything was just laying around. Then you came in, and cleaned up the place, and organised it how you liked it. Will didn’t know that, so he just cleaned up like he thought was fine. It wasn’t. And you had lectured him about never – ever – touching anything again without you being there. 
“Tomorrow’s Capture the Flag,” Will started. “They put really far from the flag and the fight, again,” he frowned. 
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“It always happens when the Ares cabin is teaming up with us. They’re always leading the fight.”
“Well they are good,” you shrugged. “But you know you can talk to Lee about this, he’s our head counsellor and he could talk to Clarisse.”
He shook his head. 
“Clarisse is kinda scary,” Will admitted. 
“Did I never tell you to never judge a book by its cover,” you put your hands on your hips, “but in that case you’re right. Clarisse does scare me a little bit too. And I’m kinda glad she decided to put me far away from her this time.”
Will rolled his eyes, clearly still upset. 
“Okay, I can see how this isn’t great,” you sighed. “If for the next one, we’re still teaming up with the Ares cabin, I’ll talk to Lee and Clarisse alright?”
He nodded. Hopefully, you weren’t going to team up with the Ares cabin anytime soon. You never talked to Clarisse, but you knew who she was. Everyone knew her. Ares daughter, head counsellor and incredibly scary. She was an amazing fighter, and no one wanted to be at the other end of her spear. 
“I’m just saying,” you ranted to Lee at dinner, “Will is a kid and it sucks that you decided to exclude him.”
“Who’s ‘you’,” he inquired. “Clarisse was the brain behind everything. She’s the strategist.”
“And what are you? A plant? You were there when the strategy was being made,” you argued.
“But Will never said anything to me. It’s always been this way.”
“Well he told me, and I’m telling you. Please pass along this information if we ever get teamed up with the Ares cabin again,” you smiled.
“Sure,” Lee nodded. “You’re the boss.”
“‘m not,” you mumbled and kept on eating. 
Lee was the Apollo cabin’s head counsellor. But really, you were his co-head counsellor. You have been at camp for a long time now, since the age of ten and you have always been a year-rounder at camp. But when the head counsellor spot freed up, you vouched for Lee. He wanted that position, he deserved it, and you agreed. But he always came for advice and your opinion. 
Capture the Flag day finally arrived, and you were getting ready, putting your armour on. You picked your bow and slid it on your shoulder, before leaving your cabin. You joined your team – the red one – and everyone was there already. Clarisse stood tall and proud at the front, planting her spear next to her. 
“Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged,” Chiron announced – like every single time. “Killing or maiming is not allowed.”
“Much to my regret,” Dionysus mumbled. “So yeah, let the game begin or whatever.”
Clarisse turned around, waved her hand around and people were running to their assigned position. You were on flag duty. On top of the hill that had a perfect view of your flag. If you saw anyone from the opposite side you'd shoot explosive arrows to blind and confuse them for a second, so your team had time to disarm them before they could reach your flag. 
You looked around, and spotted Michael and Lee. Chatting, and looking around. Moving on. Ares' kids were fighting some kids from the Hephaestus cabin. Logic. And then you spotted Clarisse. Walking alone through the forest. Probably to the other side where the blue flag was. 
But then you also spotted a group of three Athena kids – blue team – following her closely. Clarisse wasn’t stupid, she probably knew about them following her. 
“What are you watching?” someone asked, startling you. 
“Will! What are you doing here?”
“There wasn’t anyone around the borders, so I came to help you. So what are you staring at?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged, going back to monitor your flag. 
Will stared at you, huffed and went to look at what you were looking at. 
“y/n?,” Will called for you. 
“What?” you didn’t look at him.
“What?” you gave him a quick glance. 
“Something’s wrong.”
That caught your attention. You looked back at where Clarisse was. She seemed fine. The three Athena kids were no longer there though. 
“Don’t you see the trap?”
“What trap?” you frowned, looking more closely at where she stood. 
It was a particularly sunny day. If your dad wasn’t Apollo, you’d be blinded by the sun rays. But your dad was Apollo, so you were doing great. And there it was. The trap. It was so bright, it was hard to spot it. And the Athena kids knew that. So when Clarisse walked over it, it was too late and something came flying toward her. 
“What the hell?” you cursed before running down the hill. “Stay here,” you warned Will. 
Before you left, you gave a quick glance back, and Clarisse was down, surely unconscious. 
You sprinted towards where she was when you heard the emergency horn. The emergency horn that Chiron played at the start of every summer so campers would know what that sound meant. A warning for campers that the game stopped. When you reached Clarisse, Chiron and Mr D were already there. As well as most campers. 
“What happened?” campers talked among themselves.
“Move!” you pushed the kids blocking you from reaching Clarisse. 
Clarisse was bleeding from her forehead, and a metal stick was stuck in her left shoulder. It was overwhelming, people squeezing in to see what was going on, talking to each other. Even Chiron and Mr D couldn’t keep them in place. You kneeled beside Clarisse, trying to shield her from the campers, when you spotted one of the Athena kids that was following her earlier. 
You stood swiftly, without leaving Clarisse unattended and grabbed his armour with both hands to bring him closer.
“You take another step toward Clarisse again and I’ll make sure you won’t ever, ever, see another healthy day again. I’ll make sure you and your brothers will wake everyday in pain wishing you were dead instead,” you cursed him. 
You spoke in a low voice, but everyone heard. Just like that, everyone took a step back.
“y/n,” Chiron put his hand on your shoulder. “You’re needed in the infirmary, I’ll bring Clarisse there.”
You let him go, took your armour off and threw it on the ground before walking to the infirmary with your brothers close behind you. Michael had great healing skills too, so you’d need him. Will was learning so he stayed with you. Lee, as your head counsellor, also had to be here somehow. 
“Can you really do that?” Will asked timidly. “Make them sick forever.”
“Apollo kids can inherit dad’s plague powers,” Lee stated. “But it’s rare, and never that powerful.”
Will stared at you, but you only stared at the door. Waiting for Chiron to arrive. 
“Why are you so worried about Clarisse of all people,” Michael huffed. 
Lee slapped his arm. 
“What!” Michael rubbed his arm. 
“Great to know that’s what you’d think if we were ever on the battlefield,” you noted, “choosing who to help and who can die.”
“That’s not what I said!” he shouted.
“Then why shouldn’t I be worried about an injured camper, who just happened to be Clarisse?” you shouted back.
Someone cleared their throat. You both stopped bickering. Chiron. He put Clarisse on the bed next to the window and stepped back so you and Michael could start working. You didn’t need to talk to know what to do. You trained together, as a team, for years, so everything was done flawlessly and quickly. 
“She should be fine,” you announced, “I’ll stay and feed her ambrosia for the next few days and she should wake.”
“Great,” Chiron nodded, relieved. “Great work you two, as usual.”
They all left, except for Will and you both sat on the couch. You stared at Clarisse, with her head wrapped in a bandage, her shoulder too. 
“She doesn’t look so scary now huh,” you said. 
“No,” Will agreed. “So it really was the Athena cabin?”
“I don’t know, I mean I saw them. I don’t think Annabeth would’ve agreed to such a plan. As in a plan that’d almost kill their opponent in Capture the Flag. For a real quest, why not. But Capture the Flag?”
“What’s going to happen to those who pulled this stunt?”
“Well,” you sighed, “knowing Chiron, he’d probably just revoke their dessert privileges for two weeks instead of one. But I’m sure once she wakes up, she’ll know what to do.”
“Kill them?” Will ask, with a horrified expression.
“Maybe,” you shrugged. 
Will left first, leaving you alone with Clarisse. You told him you’d join him later when dinner would come. You went to see Clarisse. The bandages were already soaked, so you carefully removed them. You carefully cleaned her wounds again before bandaging them again. You fed her a tiny amount of ambrosia before joining the rest of your siblings for dinner. 
Before the feast could begin, Chiron gave a speech about how Capture the Flag wasn’t the place to settle personal accounts and that maiming and killing was forbidden. And how this time it went too far. 
“I’ve talked to the head counsellor in question, and it will be taken seriously. There will be consequences, and I don’t ever want to see this happening ever again.”
Campers nodded along, and went back to their table. You devoured your food in no time, not forgetting to leave some for the offering. Then you rushed to shower and clean your face before running to the infirmary where you’d spend the next few nights. 
“I really hope you’ll wake soon,” you told unconscious Clarisse. “I’m not used to having someone else in here.”
You walked around, putting things back where they’re supposed to, and walked back to where Clarisse was. Then you stood again, and sat.
“I’m crazy. A few hours with someone who doesn’t talk to me and I’m going insane,” you sighed. “Well, while we’re here, I have a few things to say, to get off my chest really,” you started your rant. “You know Will, my little brother. Well, Will is capable of holding his own, he can fight… maybe not your siblings, cause you’re all very, very, violent. But you don’t have to put him this far away each time you know, he notices.
“I’m saying,” you rested your back against the bed, “it could be different, you could come up with a different kind of strategy. It works for sure, you win a lot, but we could win in a different way also. 
“You know I saw you,” you continued after a moment. “Being followed by these idiots. I thought you knew, and–,” you paused. “Ugh I should’ve tried to protect you. Warn you. It was my job. Why didn’t I think of that earlier? And it was hot as hell, you could’ve felt a little dizzy and I should’ve–”
“Shut up,” Clarisse wheezed. 
You whipped around, standing up before backing away. 
“Ar– Clarisse?” you whispered. “Are you feeling alright?” you walked to her. 
Her eyes were still closed, she frowned and shook her head slightly. 
“Waw, Ares kids are tougher than I thought,” you mumbled to yourself. 
You went to grab some water and a straw, and sat next to Clarisse, on the bed. 
“You should drink a bit.”
She opened her eyes, and stared at you, with a blank expression. You blinked, and smiled, holding up the straw to her mouth. You frowned when she refused to drink. 
“Drinking water is good for you,” you added. “Please stop staring at me like you want to murder me.”
She rolled her eyes and drank everything before closing her eyes again, and turning her head on the other side. 
“Well, I’ll be sleeping on this bed,” you pointed to the bed next to hers, “if you need anything, shout.” 
Clarisse kept quiet, so you went to bed and fell asleep very quickly. Clarisse, on the other hand, could not fall asleep. She turned head around and looked at you. You clearly slept well, with your mouth slightly opened. After a few minutes of staring outside the window, her stomach growled. She needed to eat. 
There had to be food in here – she looked around and spotted a basket full of fruits and cake. That’ll do. She gathered all her strength and tried to push herself up using her left arm and yelped in pain. That woke you up.
“What’s wrong?” you worried.
“Nothing,” Clarisse panted, biting her lips. 
You rushed to her and saw her shoulder was bleeding again.
“What happened?” you worried, turning the lights on. 
You grabbed clean bandages, and a clean towel with some alcohol and rushed back to her. Clarisse somehow managed to sit up, her right arm holding onto where her left shoulder was stabbed.
“Don’t cover it,” you pushed her hand away.
You started to remove the blood soaked bandages when she grabbed your hand to stop you. You gave her a questioning look. Clarisse quickly let go of your hand and looked away, breathing slowly. You opened your mouth, but then closed it and resumed your work. 
“What were you trying to do anyway?” you asked when the wound was clean. 
“I was hungry.”
“I–, I mean I did say to shout if you needed me but I was not thinking a pained scream with you bleeding again. Just a ‘hey y/n bring me food’ would’ve suffice. I would’ve been up. And that’s done. Good as new.”
Clarisse was still looking away from you which hid her head wound. When she turned her head toward you, you raised your hand to touch her face, but she flinched away hard at your sudden movement. You froze, too afraid to move again. No one talked or dared to breathe – the silence became heavy. Clarisse opened her eyes, and stared at you. She took your hand in hers and put it down. 
“I–,” you breathed, “I was just going to check your head wound,” you murmured. 
“Go ahead then,” she sat straighter. 
You raised your hands slower this time, and tilted her head. You tore off her bandage and put it back in place. Clarisse could hear her heartbeat pacing up. Her mind and body stopped functioning. What was happening? She kept thinking about how your hands felt so warm in the night breeze, and how pretty you looked so close. Then when you dropped your hands, she came back to reality.
“Your face is still good. Like always,” and gave her a small smile. 
“I’ll go eat,” she blurted out before leaving bed.
“Oh– okay. I can go to the kitchen and bring other things if you want.”
“No it’s fine,” she brushed you off, focused on the fruits in front of her. 
Which was hard with you so close behind her. You watched Clarisse eat the strawberries and blueberries and grapes, and then you grabbed an orange and started to peel it. Once you were done you handed it to her. She grabbed it slowly and whispered a low thank you before eating it. Clarisse also ate half of the cake Katie brought to you earlier. 
“Demeter kids, am I right,” you ate with her, “I don't know what they put in their cakes but I could eat them everyday. You should rest now,” you put your hand on her right arm and squeezed it. “You can barely stand.”
This time when Clarisse closed her eyes, she fell asleep instantly. And so did you. The next morning, you were the first one up. As soon as the sun rose, you were ready to start your day. You went to your cabin and washed up before grabbing a new toothbrush for Clarisse. You changed your clothes, and then went to the Ares cabin. You opened the door, and no one was up yet. You spotted the only empty bunk bed – Clarisse had one for herself – and saw her drawer next to it. You grabbed a new pair of pants, and a new camp-half blood tee and left in a hurry. Clarisse was up by the time you came back.
“I brought some of your clothes so you could change,” you gave her the clothes and the toothbrush. “I did sneak into your cabin, but I didn’t look through your stuff, don't worry about that,” you smiled. “I mean, except for your clothes – sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“Well, I’ll let you change and I’ll be… not here for sure. I’ll go get breakfast!”
Clarisse watched you walk away, humming to some songs and when you were out of her sight, she got out of bed to change and clean herself. All she could think about was what happened yesterday. What even happened yesterday?
Before yesterday, you never spoke. She knew your name and vaguely knew what you looked like, but that was it. Since she arrived at camp, she didn’t once step into the infirmary – she didn’t need to. But now, for some reason, all she could think about was you. And how warm and soft your hands felt, how nice it felt to have you touch her face like that. 
By the time you came back, Clarisse went back to bed and laid down. You gave her what you brought and you ate together, picking off the same plate.
“How are you feeling this morning? Does it still hurt?” you pointed at her shoulder.
“I’m—,” she stopped. “It still hurts,” which was true. “A lot,” that wasn’t.. 
“Really?” you worried. “I thought you’d be doing fine, because you woke so early. I thought your body was healing faster than most campers. Well,” you picked a strawberry with your fork, “you’ll have to stay here longer then.”
“Can’t go against the doctor’s orders,” she shrugged. 
“True,” you smiled. “You finish this,” you pushed the plate toward her, “I’ll go get some supplies to change this,” you gently patted her shoulder. 
You rolled your chair away, and grabbed what you needed and rolled back to Clarisse. You hopped onto her bed, and started your routine. The wounds were healing perfectly fine, and very quickly, so it was odd that Clarisse was still in extreme pain. 
“I don’t think these wounds will scar,” you said. 
“A shame, they’d make me look tougher.”
“Look?” you huffed. “You don’t need those to look tougher, you already do. Scary even,” you joke, but not really. “I mean I’m not scared– anymore… but yeah, some people may say– think you do. Anyway, scar or not, you’ll always look and be the toughest.”
“Anymore?” she grinned. “Were you before?”
“I mean,” you dragged that last vowel, “I don’t think scared is the right word. More like– intimidated. I never went to these meetings for Capture the Flag because I knew if you disagreed or worse – dismissed my ideas – I would’ve cried.”
“I never would’ve done that,” she chuckled, “I don’t think you’re capable of having bad ideas. Lee’s constantly praising you and giving us your ideas that I always take into account.”
“Really?” you couldn’t stop your smile. 
She shrugged, and nodded. You playfully slapped her on the shoulder – the left one – and she yelped in pain.
“What the hell!”
‘Sorry!” you backed away, “it was a reflex.”
Clarisse ended up staying in the infirmary with you for three whole days, but she couldn’t fake it anymore when the wound completely healed and it was as if nothing had happened. The day she left, you cleaned up the room and sat alone on the couch, just like before. 
It was weird. Usually, you enjoyed the silence and solitude of the room, but now it was as if time had stopped. Every time you looked at the clock, it’d only been two minutes. And so were the next few days. Then on Friday, as usual, Lee came in to visit. You worked in silence – which was the first odd thing Lee noticed – then he saw how you always stared at the empty bed Clarisse used to stay in. 
“You’re being weird,” he said. 
“I’m not!”
“You’re never this quiet when I visit.”
“The past few days were a bit dry,” you explained casually.
“You can say you miss Clarisse, it’s fine,” he sat next to you on the couch. 
“I–,” you sighed. “It’s just… I was getting used to having someone with me.”
“Well maybe you should spend less time here and more time outside with, mmh I don’t know, Clarisse maybe.” 
“What if she doesn’t see me as a friend though? What if I’m imagining things? She hasn’t visited me once.”
“Then you come back here, and the end.”
“I hate you,” you groaned. “You’re no help to me at all!”
When the door suddenly flew open which startled both of you. You could recognise these hair anywhere. 
“Clarisse?” you called her name. 
She turned to face you, and a gasp came out of your mouth before rushing to her. 
“What happened to your face?” you held her arms.
Clarisse had a nasty cut going from her eyebrow to her hairline. She stared at you without saying anything before turning her gaze to Lee, and he spurted out some excuses and then left. But before he closed the door, he gave you a knowing look saying ‘see, she’s here’. 
“What happened?” you frowned. 
“I don’t know,” she whispered. She cleared her throat. “These few days of rest weren’t a good idea I think.”
“That’s–,” you paused, “not accurate.”
But before she could reply, you grabbed her arm and dragged her to the other side of the room, and let her sit on the chair. You grabbed clean cotton and some alcohol and started to clean her wound. You stood closely to her, between her legs with her hands holding onto your thighs to stay steady. 
“How did this happen anyway?” you asked.
“I was practising with my brothers.”
You frowned, and tried to step away but Clarisse was holding on tight to your thighs. 
“You got beat up by your brothers?” you repeated with a raised eyebrow. “I have a hard time believing this. You’re just better than them,” you said casually before patching up her wound. 
“Why do you know so much about my brothers’ skills?”
“I don’t! I know about yours. And from what I saw in the past, it’s always you leading the fight so I assumed that’s because you’re the best among them.”
“Mh,” she hummed, “well I guess you haven’t been doing your job very well if I’m not back to my old self yet,” she grinned. 
“Or,” you grinned back, “maybe it’s your skills. I think they need a little sharpening. Maybe I could spare some time and teach you if you need.”
She suppressed a smile. 
“Or, maybe you just want to spend time with me.”
You were close to each other, and Clarisse was still holding onto you. You crossed your arms, and stared at her. She was looking up at you, and you were looking down, which was a rare occurrence since she was much taller than you. 
“I’m doing a favour to you at best. But if you don’t want to,” you sighed, “it’s–.”
“I do,” she affirmed. 
That was the start of your friendship. Turns out Clarisse was really glad to hang out with someone that wasn’t her sibling. She was always the one seaking you out. At lunch, at dinner, during classes. All the time. Even when you were working, because somehow she always, always, ended up getting hurt. 
One of the first times she came in after your friendship hangouts was for a sprained ankle. She came in limping, and threw herself on her – not really – bed, groaning. 
“What happened?” you rushed to her side, worried. “You’re lucky I just came back in here!” 
Clarisse didn’t want to admit this, but that was exactly why she was here. She was on her way to her cabin when she spotted you walking around with your sisters and she was so focused on you that she tripped and fell. 
“I just fell,” she explained. 
“You just fell,” you repeated slowly. “Right. Well lucky you because this,” you patted her leg, “will heal in no time with this,” you brought her some ambrosia. 
“That’s it?” she asked.
“Yeah,” you smiled. 
Then the next time she came, like the next few ones, were always injuries that required you to clean up the wound, and then patch her up. It went from tiny cuts to ‘I have a bruise here’ then showing you her perfectly unbruised skin to serious injuries that she got during Capture the Flag. 
“You know at this rate I feel like you’re doing this on purpose,” you joked when she came in for the umpteenth time. “What is it this time?”
She shrugged and sat on her designated bed, and laid down. You joined her and sat next to where her legs rested. She held up her hand and you took it before she dragged you to lay beside her. The beds in the infirmary weren’t big enough for two so you were half laying on Clarisse with her arm resting behind your head. 
“Did you paint that?” she asked.
The ceiling was painted by the Apollo cabin, all together you decided on a design and painted it over weeks worth of work.  
“Here,” you pointed at the top of the painting. “That was painted by me.”
“Two planets?” 
“The moon and Saturn,” you smiled.
“Linked by a thread?”
“Yea, the red string of fate. It’s from Chinese mythology. The old lunar matchmaker god, who is in charge of marriages, would tie together two people with this red string of fate and they are destined to be together, to be lovers regardless of time, place or circumstances. And no matter what, that thread will never break. It can stretch or get tangled up, but it never breaks.”
“And what about the moon and Saturn then?” she frowned, confused. 
“Because,” you paused. “Your braids like a pattern, love you to the moon and to Saturn,” you started to sing, “Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long.”
You turned your head to look at her only to see confusion on her face.
“Taylor Swift, seven,” you explained. “It’s great, we’ll have to listen to it someday.”
“Really?” you looked at her excitedly.
“Yeah, you seem to like her so sure, I’ll listen with you,” she shrugged.
“Oh and that’s Will’s painting,” you showed her another corner. “That’s my dad and his lover, Hyacinthus. That’s where the name of the flower came from. Isn’t that kind of sweet how he named a flower after him.”
“I mean didn’t Apollo kill – by accident – Hyacinthus?” she grimaced. 
“Or Zephyrus was so jealous of my dad that he killed his lover, because he couldn’t get no man. My dad is an excellent archer. His aim never failed him. I don’t see how it’s possible for him to kill his lover. But gods being petty over these kinds of things, that I can believe.”
Clarisse hummed in agreement. 
“But enough about my father’s love life,” you shrugged, turning around to face Clarisse, “what about your dad? Still desperately trying to woo someone else’’s wife?”
“I don’t want to talk about my dad,” she yawned, then closed her eyes. 
Just as you were about to continue talking, you noticed that Clarisse had fallen asleep. It was still early in the afternoon so it was still bright outside. You looked around and started to get up so you could pull the curtains but Clarisse grabbed your arm to pull you closer to her, locking you in her arms. 
“Don’t go,” she mumbled. 
“Okay,” you whispered and stayed still. 
The thing was, Clarisse was like a human radiator. Sleeping in her arms felt exactly like sleeping under tons of heavy blankets. This much warmth only resulted in falling asleep in Clarisse’s arms. When you woke, you were alone in bed.
“Slacking off during work hours,” Lee said standing next to you. 
“Fuck!” you jumped off bed. “Why were you staring at me sleeping!” you screamed.
“You weren’t there and it’s almost time for dinner. I’m being a nice brother!” he shouted back.
“Oh. Well, thanks!” you yelled, and gave him a smile. 
You both left  to join your siblings at the dining pavilion, and once you sat at your usual spot, you scanned the room in search of Clarisse. She was at her table like usual, and eating in silence, head hanging low. Your tactic of staring at her wasn’t working even though you knew she knew that you were staring at her. 
“What are you doing?” Lee kicked you with his elbow. “Did something happen with Clarisse?” he whispered. 
You shook your head. 
“I mean,” you leaned in whispering, “we did sleep together.”
Lee’s eyes widened, mouth wide open and he backed away in shock. 
“You– you slept together? In the infirmary?”
“Not slept together,” you rolled your eyes, “she fell asleep and did I.”
“Anyways, she left without saying anything,” you explained. “And now, I feel like she’s avoiding me.”
“It’s only been a few hours.”
“She’s avoiding me, I’ve been staring at her for at least fifteen minutes and nothing. Not a glance from her.”
“Okay creep. But once again, just talk to her. It would solve all your problems here.”
“She’s the one who doesn’t talk. I talk. A lot!”
 “Trust me, I know. I just don’t think Ares kids are the best at talking, you know.”
But as it turned out, Clarisse mastered the art of avoiding people – you – when she wanted to. Whenever you tried to talk to her, she would disappear. After a few days of trying, you gave up and told everything to Lee. 
“If she doesn’t want anything to do with me, then fine by me,” you frowned, holding back your tears. 
“I’m sure you’re overthinking this,” he tried to comfort you.
“Oh please,” you huffed. “You saw what happened this morning when I tried to talk to her. I’ll get over it,” you whispered. “I’ll get over her.”
Lee considered himself your best friend, and favourite brother. You never said these things, but he considered you his best friend and favourite sister. And as your best friend he had to do something, he had to talk to Clarisse and give her a piece of his mind. So that night, he was a man on a mission. He walked to the Ares cabin, and waited for Clarisse to either go or or go out. 
“Clarisse!” he called her name when she finally left her cabin.
“What do you want, Fletcher?” Clarisse sighed, clearly annoyed.
“Oh, so you do speak. And here I thought you lost that ability,” he snickered.
“I will punch you in the face.”
Lee rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“I’m not scared, unlike you.”
“You’re scared to talk to y/n for whatever reason, and I need you to pluck up the courage to talk to her because you’re making her miserable by avoiding her.”
“I–,” she froze. 
Was she making you miserable? 
“You’re just doing your thing and going to her when you need, when you want but have you ever thought about what she was thinking? No. You would if you’d just listened to her, but no,” he made a big gesture, “avoiding her like the plague.”
“Why are you telling me this?” she mumbled, looking away.
“I’m telling you that you made a mistake, and if you continue down this path you’re going to lose her for good. I’m not saying this for you, because I couldn’t care less about you, but y/n is my sister and I want her to be happy and for some reason you are making her happy,” he rolled his eyes, “so do whatever you want with this information.”
Clarisse stood there, not saying anything, watching Lee walking away. But then he stopped and turned around to walk toward her again. 
“Before I forget,” Lee added before throwing his strongest punch in her face. “For making my sister cry.”
And he ran away, before Clarisse could punch him back. But Clarisse was too busy thinking about you to think about Lee and what he just did. If it weren’t for that afternoon in the infirmary, she probably would’ve ran to you so you could take care of her, but now, she couldn’t. So she went to sleep, wishing that tomorrow it’ll be better.
You were one of the first campers to arrive for breakfast. You ate slowly, and by the time the dining pavilion was filled with campers, you were done. But you stayed and listened to your siblings talk. Just as you were about to leave, Clarisse came in and you dropped your fork in shock. She had a black eye and her cheek was bruised, with her nose in a weird shape. She looked at you, as you stood urgently. But then you froze – should you go to her? You sat back down, still staring at Clarisse. 
“What happened to her?” Will whispered to you.
“I don’t know,” you whispered back. 
“You don’t? I thought you were friends.”
“Yea, me too,” you sighed. 
Clarisse was walking to her table, dragging her feet along and when she walked past the Apollo table, you stood and grabbed hand, forcing her to face you. When you noticed several heads staring at you, you dragged Clarisse away and brought her to the archery field. 
“What happened to your face?” you held her face in your hands.
“Nothing,” she leaned into your touch. 
“Clarisse,” you whispered. “Just talk to me please.”
“Lee came to have a little chat with me yesterday.”
“He did this?” you gasped. 
You held your hand to your mouth, in shock and to hide a tiny part of you that wanted to laugh.
“And?” you asked.
“He said I was making you miserable.”
“That’s not true!” you insisted.
“I ignored you. And I shouldn't have. I don’t–” she hesitated, “want to lose you,” she mumbled.
“Then just talk to me, we’re friends too.”
“I– I don’t know,” she stepped back and took a deep breath. “I was confused! I– I don’t know I like it when you take care of me,” she admitted in a low voice. “I’m being weird and–.”
“You’re not,” you held her arms. “It’s not weird to love physical touch. I mean, I just assumed that it was your love language you know.”
“What?” she asked, confused. 
“I think what you like is when I hold you or when I touch you because you love physical touch,” you began, “and you were doing everything to visit me, pretending to be a bad fighter and getting hurt on purpose.”
“No that’s no–,” she shook her head.
“It’s fine! My love language is quality time, and there’s nothing wrong—.”
“No it’s different–.”
“It’s not! It’s fi—.”
“It’s because I like you,” she blurted out. 
Oh. You couldn’t help but smile at her confession. 
“It’s not funny!” she huffed, crossing her arms. 
“I’m not laughing! I’m… happy about this outcome,” you rested your head against her arms and looked up. “Because I like you too Clarisse.”
“Really?” she stared at you.
You nodded. 
“I’m sorry about ignoring you,” she added.
“Mmh,” you smiled, “I accept your apology. But you’ll have to make it up to me.”
“Anything you want.”
“A kiss?” 
Clarisse uncrossed her arms and held your face instead and leaned in to kiss you eagerly. And you happily gave in, wrapping your arms around her waist. 
“Mmh, keep doing that and I’ll forgive you, no doubt.”
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httpsghostie · 2 years ago
Beneath the Surface
Part one
Part two
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A/N: First post! English isn't my first language so I'm sorry in advance if there's anything wrong with the writing.
Can't stop thinking about this man, it's unhealthy at this point
Brought you something filthy, hope you enjoy
Requests are open and appreciated!
Summary: Simon, your father's best friend, shows up in the middle of the night to give you a shoulder to put your legs head on.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: smut, Simon 'Ghost' Riley x female!reader, unprotected sex (don't b silly wrap your weenie), p in v, implied age gap, choking, breeding kink (?
NSFW below the cut
It had been an exhausting day and you felt like everything just decided to go wrong, all in one day. It started small, your sleeve getting caught in the door handle when you were cleaning the house, then it became a snowball. Accidentally hitting your foot on the corner of the bed, stumbling on the bucket and falling over it, spilling the dirty water all over the floor. At the end of the day you were overwhelmed, even the shower decided not to work properly, and you couldn't stand being near anything that could breathe. 
But there you were, endlessly trying to achieve the perfect eyeliner look because your college friends wanted to party. Failed attempts and sore eyelids lead you to a breakdown, and your attempts were soon washed away by your tears. Everything was too much and you just wanted a good night of sleep on a simple friday night. You sobbed in the bathroom as you tried to calm down, but your eyes were puffy and your face was swollen. The makeup was left on the bathroom sink and you went straight to your room to put on something more comfortable. 
Your parents weren't home, somehow when your dad was around he'd take your mom on late night dates. Simon, on the other hand, didn't have a wife or kids to come home to, and being your father's best friend, you probably saw the man even more than you saw your dad. He was almost always around when he was deployed, he had the keys to your parents house and he'd just show up. 
That wasn't exactly the best moment for him to appear in your living room when he realized the scream you let out. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare 'ya" he said. The room was lit by the TV screen and hopefully he wouldn't see your crying face. You sigh and walk to the kitchen, looking for something to eat, you end up making some popcorn and when you sneakily try to go straight back to your room, a cold hand grabs your arm. 
"Spit it out" he said. He knew you, usually you were happy and outgoing around him, and now you were just irritated and, of course, he couldn't comprehend. Your father didn't know but you were really close to Simon, he was kinda the cool uncle while your actual dad was strict and kind of annoying sometimes, Simon really made your high school years better just by being around when he could. 
"Not your business" you said, storming out. He followed your steps to your room, where you sat down on the bed and pulled a blanket over your legs, the bag of popcorn on your lap. He stood by the door frame, leaning against it, arms crossed as he eyed you. 
"Someone's grumpy" he tsked. "Come on, love, tell me what's wrong" he said as he came into the room and closed the door behind him. Something about him calling you love always caught you off guard, but now that you were in fact an adult with full knowledge of your feelings and needs, it made your stomach flip. 
"Nothing, Simon" you rolled your eyes at him as he sat in front of you on the bed. He made you a confused frown and laid a gentle hand on your knee. You could never keep things from him, his gaze burned you inside whenever he felt you were lying. "Just.. bad day, ok?" You sigh. 
"Bad day, huh?" You felt him mocking, but you couldn't care. "Elaborate." It felt so stupid to be angry because all the small things went wrong during the day, when you knew he had bigger problems to deal with in whatever army life he signed up for. 
"Everything went wrong today," you start, "I don't know, everything was either irritating me or hurting me, I even spilled the dirty water on me and the clean floor-" he cuts you off, laughing, you give him a killing stare. He holds the bridge of his nose and makes a disgusted face. 
"Have you showered?" His mood lightens you up and you chuckle, pushing him playfully. 
"Yes, I've showered." You say. "Cold shower, by the way." 
"What's wrong with the shower?" He asks and you shrug. "Aye I'll take a look at it later, 'k?" You nod. "Anything else that's bothering you?" God, it's like he could see through you. 
"I was going out with my friends," you explain shyly, "I couldn't finish my makeup and got frustrated, so I texted them saying I was sick." 
"And are you?" He tilts his head at you, you shake your head. "Why did you lie then, huh?" 
"Look I don't need a lecture on what to do, alright, Si? I just need to rest." The bag of popcorn on your lap became cold when you first took a handful to eat. 
"Want a massage?" He smirked. Of course you wanted a massage from those big, calloused hands of his that would fit perfectly around your neck. You stared at his hand and bit your lower lip, nodding. 
He gently pulled the blanket down from your legs and adjusted himself. You turned the TV on and he started to massage your feet. You let out a soft whimper as he ran his fingers against your skin, just now noticing how he shifted uncomfortably under your calves. 
Of course there was one more thing your dad didn't know: how touchy his best friend was with his daughter. You could say it was because he was a skirt chaser, or probably just touch starved, but the explanation didn't matter when his hand was traveling up your thigh under a blanket when you and your family were trying to watch a movie together. It was never more than this though, occasional touches that left you aching for him, hot and bothered. 
A movie played on the screen as he continued to massage your feet. There was something so sexual about him, the flexing muscles on his arm, his chest going up and down with his breathing, the growing bulge on his pants you could feel with your ankle and made a pool of arousal on your panties. 
Your shorts were... well, short, and he couldn't help but stare at you while you closed your eyes and imagined that monster of a man pinning you down and fucking you rough. More hums and soft whimpers escaped from your throat and they were going straight to Simon's dick. A malicious hand caressed your inner thigh and you opened your eyes with a confused, but hopeful look. He wasn't looking at you, and your stomach dropped when you saw a sex scene playing on the screen. You close your legs unsubconsciously and he looks at you. 
"'M sorry, love" he takes his hand off your thigh and chuckles. The nickname sent you over the edge, something snapping inside of you. He feels the way you shiver and how tense you seem, so he takes that bag of barely touched popcorn and places it by the bedside table and then land a warm hand on your waist. "What's on your mind, princess?" 
Well, nothing besides him naked, wasn't it obvious? But you couldn't say that, your mind was racing back and forth, and when you were unable to form a believable sentence, he caught you staring for too long. 
"Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled as his fingers traced circles on your waist. You can't remember the last time he tried doing this to you, but you know damn right you should've taken the chance to get laid, but God was it hard to understand this man. He'd tease you and pretend it was nothing, he'd leave you begging for him and say he couldn't touch you. Sometimes you just wanted to punch him for that. 
And yes, you found other ways to get satisfied. Got yourself a boyfriend during recess when neither Simon or your dad were around to pester the poor guy. But eventually they came home from wherever they were, and your father wasn't exactly happy about it, nor Simon, in fact, Simon was even more pissed than your dad. 
You couldn't say how many minutes you spent eyeing the man in front of you, but he grew impatient. The hand on your waist was gone and now spreading your legs to his liking, his body now towering over you. 
"If you don't tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours I'm gonna have to find out for myself." He said in a low, seductive voice. 
You gave in. Your hands grabbed the back of his neck and you kissed him feverly, a sloppy, wet kiss, he pressed his body onto yours and you could feel how hard he was on your lower body. But Simon was eager, he couldn't wait for it anymore, he needed to be inside of you. 
He yanked your shorts off, throwing it somewhere across the room, you also took his shirt off, revealing his perfect toned muscles and the scars that adorned it. He unbuckled his belt with one hand as the other one successfully removed your shirt. He didn't even bother taking his pants off, he just pushed them and his boxers down enough to let his dick free. He aligned it with your wet cunt, smearing your arousal all around your folds. 
"'S fucking wet already, huh?" He rubbed two fingers on your clit as he jerked himself off with his spare hand. "Can't imagine what you were thinking 'bout" he smirked. 
He put his tip on your entrance, looking at you for a sign of approval. You nod. He slowly pushed his length inside of you until it bottomed out. You clenched around him as you moaned. His body started moving faster as you adjusted to his size. He was big, you've felt it before with your hands, but you've never actually seen it. 
"Fuck, Si," you moan, "faster." You sounded like a desperate whore and he enjoyed it. You weren't exactly used to him not teasing you until you were on the verge of tears, so when he started to pound into you, you couldn't hold your moans. 
"Needy little slut." He grabbed your hips in place, almost using you like a fleshlight. He groaned, his chest rising with the heavy breathing. Fuck, that man was hot. 
His hands let go of your hips and held the back of your knees, so you were spreading even more. He watched as his dick abused your swollen and wet cunt, and he could cum just at the sight of his pretty princess getting ruined by his fat cock. You felt the cold metal on his belt hit the back of your thighs as he gave you deep thrusts. 
One of his hands traveled to your folds, his thumb drawing circles on your sensitive clit. As he was fucking your brains out, you dig your nails on his shoulders and earned a few moans along with a smirk. 
You were both really close when you heard a car park in the driveway, your eyes widened at Simon as he didn't seem to have listened to the sound of your parents getting home. 
"Fuck, Simon, my parents" you tried to push him away but his grip on you got stronger. He placed both of his hands on your neck and squeezed it. 
"Shut up" he whispered, not altering his pace. "Cum f' me, love" he demanded. Your hand rubbed your clit as he fucked you even harder. It was impossible to hold it back anymore and you reached your climax under him, your legs shaking from the overstimulation of his non-stopping thrusts. You heard the front door getting open. "'M gonna fill this pretty cunt of yours, huh? 'S that what you want?" He whispered in your ear. You could only slightly nod. "Good girl." He gave you a few more deep, shaky thrusts as he spilled his load into you and pulled out. 
"Y/n? We're home" you heard your mom shout from downstairs. Simon quickly pulled his pants up and put his shirt back on, throwing you your shorts that were across the room, tossed on the ground. He quickly got out and went to the bathroom, pretending he was fixing the shower. 
"Simon?" Your dad shouted in a worried and anxious tone, he obviously saw his friend's car in the driveway, and what was his friend doing here in the night when his daughter was alone? 
"Here" he shouted back from the bathroom, your dad ran upstairs to check if everything was alright and found Simon trying to fix the shower. 
"Everything alright? Heard noises" your dad asked. 
"Y/n gave me a call, she wanted to shower but apparently the shower wasn't working" you overheard Simon explain. He stepped out, turned it on and let the water run for a bit. "It's working now." 
You have absolutely no clue what the fuck he did with the shower in such a short period of time, but the effort was well appreciated. He tried to excuse himself out, but your dad insisted for him to stay the night. You waited in your room until your parents went to bed to get out, the back of your thighs were marked from his belt and your neck was red from his grip, not to mention the oozing cum on your thighs that your panties and shorts weren't able to hold. 
Simon was in the guest room when he heard you walk to the bathroom to get yourself cleaned, and of fucking course he wouldn't let you do it alone, he's finally got a taste of you after all these years holding back and he won't stop until he's fucking his cum inside you again as the running water muffles the sounds of how good he makes you feel.
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etheries1015 · 2 years ago
The Demon brothers w/ MC who has arachnophobia
Arachnophobia: the irrational and extreme fear of spiders
TW: Arachnophobia, panic attacks, vomit
Overview: The brothers decide to make a bet on who can find your fear, and when one hits home and they don’t get the reaction they were truly hoping for, they comfort you in your time of panic. 
Featuring: Lucifer, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Mammon, Satan
WARNING: I wrote this almost two years ago and it’s been just sitting inside of my drafts wasting away until I could find the motivation to write for the last couple of brothers. I did not find that motivation lol. So this has not been proofread, and I decided to just throw it into the pit of fire and share it anyway! Hope you like it nonetheless, but it definitely is not the best of my works. Please keep this in mind while reading.
Otherwise, take a look at my master list to see other works I do! 
Authors note: Based my reaction to real things I personally feel regarding arachnophobia . I can't even look at pictures of them without feeling sick to my stomach, so the reaction is truly how I would feel in this situation... Hope I'm not the only one with this extreme fear, and hopefully its a little relatable.
There weren't many things the MC is afraid of, so it seems.
"So...MC, tell me," Solomon started, "If being surrounded by all of these demons and magic doesn't shake you up, what DOES scare you?" He smiled gently, that mysterious smile. Around the dinner table were all of the brothers during a community dinner at the House of Lamentation, staring intently at MC who only shrunk down into their seats. Chuckling nervously, MC rolled their eyes in slight annoyance.
"That...is something I'm not going to share with you," a cheerful smile planted upon their lips.
That was the very sentence that brought us to our...current situation.
A week passed, the brothers tried everything from ghost stories to walks in the woods late at night. Pretty tame, don't you think? They had a list of different possible fears a normal human may have, since the typical situations the MC found themselves in the devildom seem to not leave a dent in their confidence or bravery. One night, during meal preparation, came their next plan.
"Spiders? Really, Mammon? Levi?" Asmodeus sassily crossed his arms shaking his head in disapproval, leaning against the countertop.
"Hey, trust me. I read this thing -"
"You, Reading?" Satan interrupted Mammon, causing the brothers to snicker.
"Shut it!" Mammon growled, taking a small plastic spider and setting it in the bowl of food meant for MC, "I'm sure ima win this one," he proudly proclaimed, "I looked up a buncha different human fears and this seemed to be a popular one."
"You guys are such kids..." Belphie yawned, trudging to the dining room, "Let’s go eat, Beel."
The red-headed twin looked back at the bowl with a worried expression before turning back on his heel to follow his brother. Each of them entered the dining room where MC sat waiting, along with the group from purgatory hall. A smile was planted on their lips as they joked with the angels and fellow human, thanking Mammon as he set their food in front of them.
"Ah..." MC looked up at Mammon with a confused look, "Thank...you? I could have dished up myself-"
Mammon cut them off saying something rushed and embarrassed along the lines of "I can be nice when I want to, don't get the wrong idea, though!" Before taking his own seat.
The brothers stared in anticipation, watching MC lead the spoon up to their lips
Looking back down at the bowl, MC froze in shock for a moment.
That was when they saw it.
Your reaction
With a shaking hand, you drop the spoon and covered your mouth with your hand, ready to throw up. You quickly pushed the chair back causing it to fall, running to the nearest garbage to throw up what you had eaten. At this point, you were now a shaking, sobbing mess. Your heart was beating so fast, the reveal of the spider in your meal replaying in your head. You couldn't even bring yourself to close your eyes to try and collect yourself, all you could see was that...wretched creature every time you saw darkness.
Their reaction:
He sensed the immense fear from you immediately and quickly took the initiative to remove the bowl from your grasp.
Though he had taken away the source, he could feel the buildup of fear continue.
He stared in shock for a moment, even though he took away the bowl, you still had reacted the way you did.
After getting over the moment of shock from your state, he had rushed to your side.
He had never seen you so shaken up, he wasn't sure if he should even touch you in fear of making it somehow worse.
Excused himself and you from the table to take you to the kitchen to breath, hugging you when he knew it was okay to do so. (We love consent here)
He thought it was silly, fearing something so small when you don't even struggle with CERBERUS, a literal giant demon dog.
"I don't fully understand the reasoning, but..." He cupped your cheeks with his long, slender fingers gently , looking you intently in the eyes, "I will not allow some little bug take away your smile from us. Or me."
Has the house deep cleaned for any cobwebs or reminders of spiders, he knows how it feels to be so afraid of something that any reminder of said fear is painful, no matter how little or big that fear may be.
Hung Mammon up for the entire idea
This man would protect you from anything, even from a small insect that he has no understanding the fear behind it.
Poor puppy had no idea what to do other than panic, color draining from his face the second he saw your shaking hand and the yelp of fear escape your lips.
Doesn't apologize at first with words, but with actions.
Runs to your side while you are doubled over in fear over the garbage can, wanted to pat your back but instead he just awkwardly waits for you to look at him once you're done throwing up.
Oh boy. He looks like a kicked puppy the second he saw the tears streaming down your face, shaking like crazy.
Wasn't sure what to say, so he just pulled you into his arms.
"I'm ....sorry," he mumbled, awkwardly patting your back in attempt to comfort you.
Will tease you after though, and brag that he won for finding out your fear.
Never did it again, and is secretly on the look out for any spiders around you or the house so he can rid of it before you see it.
He's weak for your tears <3
He doesn't even know what to do, when you start running to the garbage can he only stares in surprise.
Honestly , he probably isn't the type to actively comfort you right away, he's trying to think of what he could do to help later on instead.
Walks up to you while you're calming down, before asking if you are okay 
Genuinely doesn't understand the fear behind such a small creature, there are millions of other things much scarier in the games you play together.
He would give behind the scenes comfort, making sure his brothers don't bring anything regarding spiders up, and will make sure to proof watch/read manga, anime, and games to make sure it doesn't have anything to trigger your arachnophobia
"I know you think I'm just a weird gross otaku but... I care about these things too! I'll make sure you can enjoy all of our anime and gameplay nights without worrying about something like that!"
Cuddles and anime night with a comfort anime of your choice.
He definitely doesn't understand the reasoning behind such a fear, but he too, is willing to ignore that fact when it comes to you.
He doesn't LIKE them because they are unsightly, but for sure isn't AFRAID of them, and thought at first you were the same.
That was...until he saw the genuine fear in your eyes after he ran after you and patted your back as you vomited.
He doesn't do anything directly to help you avoid spiders, but will do anything to comfort you. Head rubs, movie nights in his room, he is more of a .... "Distract yourself from your problems and fears instead of face them" kind of demon.
"Look at me , into my eyes. Forget those awful little things," he gently grabs your hand and sets his forehead against yours, "they can't hurt you, darling. It'll be okay. If you're still scared, shall we sleep together tonight?" He giggles.
He loves you and tries very hard to make you feel better, since your being is (almost) more important than his own. But he isn't always the best at this, since loving others more than him is a bit of a new concept.
He's trying for you xoxo
He never thought he would ever see you break with something like this
But understands well enough, he had extended knowledge on different human fears, all the better for his class on manipulating humans...
The calm one, cleaning up the mess while the others panic to be by your side.
Angrily lectures all of the brothers on arachnophobia and the side effects and reactions you may have if this happened again.
Whispering sweet words of comfort as you sob and shake in his arms. Gently rubbing your back while glaring at the brothers. While they could sense your fear, Satan's anger was far greater.
Does blame himself a little bit, since he was aware of the plan but didn't particularly do anything to actively stop it. But makes up for it xoxo
"I know a good cat café near by, if you're up for it, I'll buy you whatever you want as an apology." He kissed your forehead gently.
Before suggesting any books to read, he proof reads them for any sign of spiders, pictures or in depth descriptions could be just as traumatizing! 
Since his room is always a constant mess of books, it’s bound to become dusty. Now, before you enter his room, he makes sure that even if his books are not cleaned up, that the cobwebs and dust is taken care of. 
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minminyoonjii · 2 years ago
Hey, Can you make little reader x caregiver skz scene or whole oneshot when Skz bring little reader to shopping mall or somewhere but suddenly reader gone missing and Skz panicked
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Gender Neutral Little! Reader|Panic Attacks|Dissociation|Genuine Toddler Babbles|Surprise Cameo|Don't Worry You're Okay Throughout The Fic|Happy Ending|Emotional Hurt/Comfort|Samchon Is Uncle
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.8K
"Angel, hold my hand," Jeongin said, pulling you close. You rolled your eyes, "I'll be fine, Innie," you smiled, taking his hand nonetheless. Jeongin ruffled your hair, "You will be, as long as you stay close," he said, intertwining your fingers. "This place is bigger than I thought," you said, looking around. Jeongin nodded, "The stalls look packed too," he said, walking within the crowd. "Is anyone hungry?" Jisung asked, holding out his wallet. Felix rubbed his stomach, "I could go for something," he said, making a beeline toward Jisung.
Jeongin nodded, "Same here," he said, following behind his lovers. The crowd began to pile in, making it harder to stay together. You winced, bumping into someone. "Sorry," they mumbled, before walking between your intertwined hands. Jeongin felt the bump but thought you held on. You stood in the middle of the crowd, trying to take control of the situation "This is fine," you mumbled, moving between the public until you reached a clearing.
"Do I have anything on me?" you whispered, patting yourself down. Nothing, none of your stuff was on you. Fear began to creep up, headspace tethering between each other. "Breath, you can't slip now," you reminded yourself, digging your nails into your palm. Anxiety lurked within your throat, making you feel sick. You looked up, and something sparkly flew past your sight, "A butterfly," you whispered. Your feet moved independently, following the butterfly to wherever it would lead you.
Soft meows rubbed against your legs "Kitty," you whispered, running your fingers through their fur. You giggled, dissociating from your current situation. The cats nuzzled into your palm, purring against your gentle strokes. It didn't take long for you to slip and zone in your focus on the kitty cats giving you attention.
Chan held a tray of fries, "Is everyone here?" he asked, doing a headcount. "Eight," he counted, furrowing his eyebrows. "Why are there only eight?" he questioned, looking back at the members. Jeongin pulled his arm out of the crowd, only to see a bag instead of a person "Oh no," he whispered under his breath. Chan's eyes wavered, "Innie, what do you mean 'Oh no' ? What happened?" he asked, taking your bag from Jeongin's hand.
"All their things are here," he said, finding your phone, wallet and other essentials. "I didn't realise they let go. I thought I was clenching their hand," Jeongin stuttered, his breathing getting raggedy. Felix wrapped his arms around Jeongin, "Breath, Innie. Breath," he said, tucking Jeongin's face against the crook of his neck. Chan rubbed Jeongin's back, "They'll be fine, I'll bring Minho and Binnie with me. They'll be alright, Jeongin-ah. I promise," he said, smiling down at Jeongin's grieve-stricken expression.
Jeongin nodded, holding Felix closer. Chan gulped, his heart twisting with worry "Dinner time is almost over, the crowd will die down soon. I can't risk losing any one of you, so find a place to sit, and send me the location," he said, pulling his boys for a big hug. "We'll find them. If the worst-case scenario does happen, Minnie phone the security. No one goes in or out until they are found," Chan said, clenching his jaw. Seungmin nodded, "Will do, hyung," he said, gripping the hem of Chan's shirt.
"Eat up. Hopefully, we'll be back in less than an hour or so," he sighed, giving them one last squeeze. Soon the group split. "Jinnie, do you think they're alright?" Seungmin whispered, hugging Hyunjin's arm. "They have to be," Hyunjin reassured, rubbing Seungmin's back. Jeongin curled up on Felix's lap "Have a bite, Innie," he said, holding up a sugar-covered strawberry. Jeongin chewed on this sweet fruit, melting into the warmth.
A shiver ran down your spine when soft footsteps came up to your figure. You turned around, seeing a man standing right above you. The man noticed the glint in your eyes, "Oh a little, what are you doing here, honey?" he asked with a worried look. You blinked, taking in your surroundings, the previously bright alleyway suddenly dark as you broke out of your disassociation. Panic boiled at a rapid pace, unable to be suppressed.
The man noticed, squatting down to your height "Hey, hey, hey. You're okay. Deep breaths, yeah?" he said, taking slow breaths for you to mimic. You followed his hand gestures, breathing in slowly and deeply. "That's it. You're doing great, honey," he praised, making sure your panic settled before he asked more questions. Your breath stuttered a few times but you managed to calm down enough to gain your vision. The man smiled, "Now, why is a little like you lost in a place like this?" he asked, keeping his hands on his knees.
"Wots of people and, and hold Ninnin's hand but the people bump into hand then Ninnin has gone," you babbled, tears brimming your eyes. The man frowned, "Someone bumped into your caregiver's hand and you got lost?" he asked, clarifying the situation. "Ah huh, then saw a butterfly so follow butterfly," you said, staring up at the man with sparkling eyes. The man cooed, "Oh, you saw a butterfly and decided to follow it?" he asked.
You nodded, "Then, then kitties come to rub my leg so play wif kitties," you explained, gesturing to the cats surrounding your body. The man chuckled, "Sounds like you had quite the adventure, honey. How about we go find your caregiver, hm? They must be so worried right now," he said, reaching out his hand for you to take. You flinched back, "Mama said not to follow strangers 'cause they bad bad," you mumbled, furrowing your eyebrows.
The man raised his hands in surrender, "I genuinely want to help you out, honey. Your caregivers can't find you in the dark like this," he explained. You whined, moving back "Nu, nu. Is scary," you said, curling into yourself. "I know you're scared honey but I need you to trust me for a bit," he said, trying to reassure you. You raised your head, "You not bad?" you whispered, looking into the man's eyes. "I'm not bad enough to hurt you, I just want to help you find your caregivers," he said, smiling softly at you.
"You promise?" you asked, sticking out your pinky finger. The man hooked his finger with yours, "I promise," he smiled, standing up. "What's your name?" you asked, tilting your head. The man chuckled, "Wooyoung," he said, carrying you up. "Woongie?" you repeated, furrowing your eyebrows. Wooyoung smiled, "You can just call me Wooyoungie Samchon," he said, holding you in place. "Woongie samchon?" you questioned, poking his cheek.
He chuckled, "You said it right, good job," he praised, finding your mispronunciation adorable. You giggled, "Woongie Samchon," you said, playfully calling his name. "Yes, Wooyoungie Samchon," he said, carrying you around the stalls. "Woongie Samchon, how we going to find my Daddy?" you asked, looking around. Wooyoung hummed, "Do you know your Daddy's name?" he asked, looking up at you. You thought for a bit, "Banchan," you said, looking back.
Wooyoung laughed, "Banchan? Are you sure, honey?" he asked, wondering if he misheard. You puffed your cheeks when he laughed, "Baba always call him Banchan hyung or Channie hyung," you frowned, crossing your arms. Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, "Honey, how many caregivers do you have?" he asked as he started to connect the pieces. You looked at your fingers and covered two, "This many," you said, showing them to Wooyoung.
"I think I know who your caregivers are, honey," he said, taking out his phone. Your eyes widened, "Woongie Samchon, know?" you asked, watching as Wooyoung scrolled through his contacts. The phone rang for a bit before the other person picked up, "Jagiya, where are you?" Wooyoung asked, pressing his phone against his shoulder. "At the food market, why?" the voice panted. Wooyoung hummed, "You sound breathless. Are you okay?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
The voice sighed, "We lost our little in the crowd and we can't find them," they explained. Wooyoung smiled, knowing his guess was correct "I'm going to pass my phone to someone," he said, giving you the phone without any explanation. You took it, holding it up to your ear "Hello?" you asked. Changbin's eyes widened, "Agi-ah, is that you?" he asked, holding his phone tight. A smile etched on your lips, "Baba?" you questioned back.
A sigh of relief puffed through the phone speaker "Thank god, you're okay," he whispered, tears brimming his eyes. You jutted your bottom lip, "Want Baba," you whimpered, hands trembling around the phone. Changbin sniffled, "I know, agi. Could you pass back the phone to Wooyoung?" he asked, voice shaking. You nodded, "Woongie Samchon," you said, handing him the phone. Wooyoung pressed the phone back against his shoulder, "Jagi, they're okay. Not a single scratch or bruise. Where can I find you?" he asked, walking down the stalls.
"Take a left turn and then right. Okay, we're almost there," Wooyoung said, following Changbin's directions. You rested your head on Wooyoung's shoulder, eyes drooping from today's events. "Don't sleep yet, honey," Wooyoung cooed, looking around the area. You yawned, keeping your eyes open. A faint shout caused you and Wooyoung to turn around. Changbin run up to you both, he cupped your face "My sweet agi. You're okay," he said, taking you from Wooyoung's arms.
You nuzzled into Changbin's hold, melting into the familiarity. "No hug for me, Jagi?" Wooyoung sulked playfully, huffing his cheeks. Changbin chuckled, hugging Wooyoung tight "Thank you for finding them," he whispered, hands trembling slightly. Wooyoung smiled, "My pleasure. I think I have to get going, Sannie might call the security on me if I'm gone for too long," he said, patting Changbin's cheek. "Buhbye, Woongie Samchon," you said, waving at him. Changbin snorted, "Woongie Samchon?" he questioned, smirking at Wooyoung's tinted ears.
Wooyoung groaned, "Just go back to your lovers, Binnie," he said, walking away. Changbin laughed, "Come on, agi. Let's find the rest of the family," he said, holding you tight. Chan was the first one to squeeze you in a big hug, "You're safe. Thank goodness, you're safe," he mumbled, planting kisses all over your face. Jeongin pulled you onto his lap, eyes red from crying "I was so worried, angel," he sniffled, stroking your hair. "Ninnin don't cry," you whimpered, tears brimming your own eyes.
Jeongin smiled with glossy eyes, "I'm so sorry, angel. Don't ever get lost from us again, okay?" he whispered, holding you against his chest. You cried into his shirt, fear, guilt and anxiety fading away the moment he held you in his arms. Jeongin rocked you, rubbing your back "It's okay, Ninnin's here," he sniffled, burying his face into your hair. Minho brought the car to the entrance, "It's been a long day, I think it's time to head home," he said, stroking your tear-stained cheeks. Your caregivers looked at your half-lidded eyes, "Yeah, let's go home," they agreed, packed up their things and drove back to the comforts of their home.
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tadpw-au · 5 months ago
TADPW AU story
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The game that Pomni White gets herself into was originally for kids to experience the story and adventures of the titular character, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. However, since the game was still beta testing and the creators didn't have someone to play as the main female lead, they left the other players to be stuck as dwarf characters until their protagonist comes along.
An accountant for the game's company was given the chance to help out in testing the new game. Although she wasn't originally planning on doing a whole lot for the company, it was definitely an interesting idea to actually try and help out as best as she can. However, once she got into the game, her memory had been wiped clean with nothing but small fragments of her memory still remaining.
While in the game, she starts off being in the prescence of a woman named Queen Martha. Her husband, King Baron, had been known for hunting down ghosts instead of following his royal duties as king. She told Pomni that she created her from the snow since she always wanted a daughter of her own. Due to this, she named her Pomni White.
Although Pomni White was still panicked about being stuck in a video game for kids, she and this new mother figure got along fairly well. Pomni White with her supposed new father figure, however, was a different story. She didn't like how much he obsessed over the supernatural to the point of ignoring his own royal duties. When Martha died, however, Baron had married a new queen to be Pomni White's mother figure. This new queen was a well-crafted chess piece, but one who didn't like to be played against someone who could surpass her beauty.
The new queen often took to a mirror in her chamber, constantly asking, "Looking-glass upon the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" One day, instead of saying the queen's name, the mirror said, "Queenie, you are full fair, 'tis true. However, Pomni White is fairer than you." This infuriated Queenie to the point of having pure hatred towards her stepdaughter. She sent a gummy gang of huntsmen to kill her and take a piece of her as a token.
When the huntsmen came across Pomni White, she was confused and afraid of dying. Having found out from them that the Evil Queenie had sent them to kill her, she started to panic to the point of running away from home. As she ran, the huntsmen debated on what to give to Queenie as a means of showing that they "did the job". They settled on using a rock to pretend that it was her heart. When they gave Queenie the stone, she had decided to eat it as a way to show that Pomni White had officially died.
As for Pomni White herself, she ran into the woods filled with gloinks, many of them ripping her gown and jumping at her ankles. She was too scared to stop running, even though more and more gloinks tried to attack her the deeper she went. She even thought that she saw an exit door while running, but she couldn't stop as she knew that it would be too dangerous to stay in these woods. Farther and farther, she went and ran until she was passed out in the middle of an open field. Hopefully, she was free from the gloinks in the woods for now.
When she woke up, she noticed a small shed out in the open. The door had been locked, so she knocked to see if anyone was there. When she heard someone say, "Nobody's here! F*ck off!", Pomni White took it as someone wanting their privacy at first. However, she later came back and realized that there was a person in there! She asked who this person was and if they owned the shed themself. The person residing in the shed stated that they wanted to be left alone for awhile, opening the door to tell it to Pomni White's face. To both of their surprise, Pomni White was in the prescence of a little, toy-like dwarf while the dwarf was in the prescence of someone who resembled Snow White.
"Well, F*CKING FINALLY, YOU'RE HERE," exclaimed the dwarf, "By the way, the name is Zooble. The other people who live here will be home in about a couple of hours, so...make yourself at home, I guess. Or don't. I really don't care." Pomni White wasn't sure about how to react to this rude dwarf, but took the invitation regardless. The shed had a small table with seven plates, cups, and utensils for each resident living there. There were even seven beds that the others slept in, many that were side-by-side with each other. Each bed had a sign featuring a face of who owned which bed.
Pomni White tried to hold a conversation with Zooble, but they mainly just slept in their own bed, trying to avoid talking about anything. As such, she decided to try and clean the place up. Zooble wasn't certain about what she was doing exactly, but they didn't really care all that much about what she was doing as long as she didn't wake them up.
After calling for some NPC animals to help in cleaning the house, Pomni White was so tired that she drank all of the wine from each of the cups, ate some bread and porridge on the table (except for Zooble's after they told her not to touch their stuff), and sat in the biggest chair at the table. She then tried to find a good bed to sleep in, finding the one meant for a dwarf-sized king being the most comfortable. Zooble warned, "Just to let you know, that's Kinger's bed. He's the nutcase in our shed so, if you feel or see any bugs, don't be surprised about finding any in his bed." She jumped out in disgust and picked another one. Although it had the messiest sheets on it, she took the bed that was the second biggest.
A couple hours had passed and the other masters of the shed came home. Pomni White was still fast asleep, but the others didn't notice her until they commented on everything that she did. "Someone drank my f*cking wine," shouted the small, purple rabbit. "Someone ate my porridge," sighed a small ribbon with a tragedy mask on her face. "Someone's cleaned the whole f*cking place up because damn, this is a nice place now," exclaimed the talking, floating bubble. "Someone has slept in my bed," said the miniture clown. "Funny," asked the miniture chess piece, "who's this girl sleeping in Ragatha's bed?" All the dwarves walked up to the ragdoll's bed, seeing the most beautiful player that they've ever seen take on Snow White's avatar.
The purple rabbit asked, "Is she...our protagonist? She's sleeping in my bed, the little free-loader! I would have thought she'd take Kinger's instead!" The ragdoll exclaimed, "She's so beautiful!" The bubble chimed, "Let's wake her up!" "Yeah," exclaimed the rabbit, "i'll get a bug from Kinger's bed!" "JAX," the ragdoll yelled. Pomni woke up to the bickering dwarves debating on how to wake her up. The bubble was staring intently at her while the clown was trying to appease the situation with a joke. The ribbon dwarf covered her face with her mask as the two dwarves fought.
Pomni White asked, "Hello?" Everyone immediately froze, shut their mouths, and looked directly at the girl. The first person to talk to her was the rabbit, asking her, "What the f*ck are you doing in my bed? Get out of it!" Despite his tiny stature, he lifted the damsel up with both hands and threw her off of his bed. "Jax," the ragdoll yelled at the rabbit, "it's not nice to throw people!" "it's, also, not nice to have a stranger sleep in your own bed, Rags!" The ragdoll helped Pomni White up, explaining, "I'm terribly sorry about his behavior. We've just gotten back from an underground adventure looking for diamonds and we haven't had a player like you here before. Might I say, I love your dress!" Pomni White looked at her dress, saying, "Oh, why thank you! May I ask what all of your names' are?"
"Oh," the ragdoll chimed, "gladly! My name is Ragatha. The person who's bed you were sleeping in is Jax, and everyone else is Kaufmo, Gangle, Kinger, and Bubble. You've uh...probably already met Zooble, haven't you?" Pomni White nodded, saying, "They don't uh...do a whole lot now, don't they?" "Only when they feel like it," Ragatha answered, "but normally, not really." Zooble flipped them off as they stayed in their bed.
"So," Pomni White decided to mention, "you're probably wondering why i'm here." Everyone commented with various different forms of, "no." Jax, however, did mention, "To be completely honest with you, the only thing i'm curious about is why you were in my bed and not Kinger's?" Pomni White mentioned the idea of sleeping with bugs in his bed made her scared, thus looking for the second biggest bed.
Pomni White asked, "Is it okay if I stay with you guys? A crazy queen is trying to kill me and I don't want to go back into the dark woods with those...things again...whatever they were. Please, I need a place to take shelter in!" The dwarves all argued about whether they should or not. Even though it would be to proceed with the story, Jax was still angry at her sleeping in his bed. Ragatha suggested making her a new one that can fit for her. After the debate between them, they agreed to keep her there on the off chance that she stays off of Jax's bed. Jax even suggested working her like a slave, similar to Snow White in the story. Ragatha did not like that idea, stating that she should stay and feel at home in the shed instead. Whatever kept her alive and well was alright with Pomni White, so she took it.
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xxfayonthewayxx · 4 months ago
Sea Grunk's angst Inspired by @artsymeeshee and @stephreynaart
I really wanted to make it into one part but it got longer jfnfng😭😭 hopefully I will wrap it up in part 2 and just that.
anyway, Enjoy! :D
•°•𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭•°•
[Part1] / [Part2] (in progress)
HALLOWEEN was a fun holiday to celebrate. that's how most of gravity fall people perceived it at least.
Ford remembers how excited he and Stan used to get for that month. they could pull all the tricks they want and wouldn't get much trouble for it. without going too far of course. his brother would get a bit eager with his ideas.
like that one time, instead of walking around asking for trick-or-treats, Stan came out with the idea of scaring other kids in exchange of their candies.
the plan was simple, Stan would go to some kids, alone, and challenge them if they could handle his his really scary stories, if they screamed they would have to give in their treats.
finding that ridiculous thus wanting to prove Stan wrong, those kids would end up following him to where he wants anyway, to a darker area away from everyone. as he allure them with those scary tales most of his age already knew, some would eventually roll their eyes or yawn, just loud enough to show how unfazed they were.
until Stan's voice would turn lower near the best part, he lingers on the ending, as there is a pause for a better effect, his listeners lean closer to catch it. his flashlight is the most illumanting part in the dark.
then a jumpscare.
and there's always a scream after that jumpscare.
Mostly because Ford jolts out of behind his brother with a big mask over his face, grunting in the loudest way possible to take them off guard. now, if that was done out of nowhere, it wouldn't be as effective as the twin've done it.
with couple of groaning and huffs from those kids, they gave out a huge chucnk of their treats in annoyance. complaining how that was a scam and it wasn't fair to catch them off guard. but as Stan would proudly says.
"a deal is a deal! no take–backs!"
his palm is outstretched for the last kid to put in his candy, with a grumble from him he leaves.
Stan looks happily at the various kinds of candy he collected till his grin falls off.
"what the heck, peanut butter flavor?? BLGEEH who eats that?? Hey you! You did that on purpose, I don't want all that peanut butter crap, get here! —"
"it's okay Stanely, leave him , we have loads of other flavors anyway" Ford assure him as he leads him to where they kept their savings.
Stan rolled his eyes. "still, I got cheated on that one."
"you're really talking about cheating?" he deadpanned.
"we earned those candies! it's called 'tricks' for heaven's sake. But THAT–" he got his palm up, full of the orange wrapped toffees. "– that's a scam."
Ford chuckled, shaking his head at his brother. As they went to count ow many they had loaded.
"woah, that's more than I expected, it would last for the next few days!" Ford exclaims as he looks at his brother.
"days?? That would last for weeks OR MONTHS or heck! , a FULL year!" his twin marvels at the big bag they filled. it got heavier than they could hold it, so they started dragging it together. Grinning ear-to-ear to eachother. they high-fived before chanting,
"pines pines pines!"
It was a big victory for them being able to collect all those type of candies, even if they had ungrateful flavors in the mix, they still had plenty of other options.
"just you wait when pa sees this, he gonna lose his marbles! Haha!" Stan added, laughing.
Ford joined him. "if he did, he will restrict us from eating it all, Stanely. But yeah, that's ALOT of candies there. that trick worked better than I expected."
"right?! You always came out at the exact moment I wanted you to, you're really good at those impressions too! That Micheal kid almost peed his pants and he is twice my size."
They both chuckled, as Ford added.
"yeah true, but you who came with that idea in the first place, so, you deserve it Stanely. That was really clever."
Stan grins with pride, his brother has always found ways to shine on his perks whenever the chance.
He tries to shrug it off however as he replies, "oh stoop it, it was nothin' ya just gotta know how to keep them hooked with your story."
"but that's how it worked! your storytelling gets many people hooked in, even I was interested to know what happened to that girl in yellow hood, that's how much good you are."
Stanely was the type to shrug things off even when doing a spectacular job in what he admired. didn't mean he wasn't secretly enjoying compliments of course, he was just too shy to openly accept them.
On the other hand, Ford's aura attracted praises. Mostly from his parents, the teachers and any adult who got to know Ford as the 'clever' twin. Their father was always about looks and reputations, when it comes to success. He never missed a chance to show off his kid to his friends or co-workers.
While Stan just stood there, watching them keep praising his brother. He was happy for him or course, no doubt in that.
H knew he wasn't as amazing as Ford But sometimes, Stan wished his father would give him some recognitions like he was proud Stan was his son.
He didn't know when he would see it, but maybe, one day, when Stan something really really cool, his pa would finally be impressed by him.
'One day...' Stan sighed as his gaze returned to the crowded street they were striding through. other kids still roamed in streets, a knocking on doors. Some walked along their friends, other along with their parents. Stan thought for abit, as he looked at the houses and those adults smiling down on kids coustmes. then his focus went to a particular house with no decoration on, other than those paper towels thrown on most of its garden.
That house had no single kids in sight. since the old lady there hardly participate into Halloween celebration. believing it to be Devil's celebration and so.
an idea started to steer into Stan's mind. He stopped into his tracked and nudged his brother.
"Hey Poindexter, look, at that house over there." he pointed ahead of them.
His brother glanced at the house, only blinking slowly. " Ms. Benson's house? What's about it?"
Ford turned to his brother, not understanding what was he smirking for. if they went to go trick–or–Treat at her door she wouldn't even answer. plus, didn't they have loads of candies already?
"weell, I heard she bakes really delicious pies!like lots of pies, almost everyday, it's like she only eats Pies for a living!"
which was an exasperation on his part, she didn't bake pies everyday.
On the other hand, her neighbours did mention how her house smelled like bakings and sweets. Stan eavedropped about Kids complaining, wishing they could at least taste a slice of her pies, even once.
She used to be a baker back in her days and she didn't seem to stop after retirement. but Ms. Benson didn't like Halloween nor kids who participated in 'devil's celebrations', thus, no pie to gain from that.
Ford explained to Stan, yet his smirk didn't waver, in the end Ford gave in and asked what he was thinking because he wasn't catching on.
"com'oon Sixer think! she wouldn't surely give us anything If we asked, but there could be another way to do so."
after a few blinks Ford gapepd.
"you want us to pull the same trick on her? but Stanely she is too old! what if she gets too scared?"
His brother shrug it as no big deal. he waved his hand. "pshh, do you really believe that? Ms. Benson barely believes in ghosts or so, it won't scare her that bad. You could see it as a kind of performance for her ya know? It will be fun! maybe even impressive enough she will give us one of her pies! "
Stan seemed to be so confident in his idea, not seeing a flaw with it. he could already taste it success! It wouldn't be that much of scare as his brother thought as well. one of them would drag her further away from her door while the other would pull on some sort of a 'ghosty' custome (they had to snatch one of those decoration somehow) and boo! Surprise time.
however, there was still a hesitation on Ford's face. "but why? We don't need the pie, we already have lots of treats." he mentioned back with his hand to the bag behind them.
"our plan worked perfectly with all the other kids, why can't we try it with a grown-up! "
"that's twice a grown-up Ms. Benson is, Stanely." Ford emphasized.
"which would make it twice impressive! and who knows, maybe Ms. Benson will change her mind and not see that holiday like some kind of Devil's tea party or somthin." he waved with his hand as he glanced back at his brother, smiling with a hopeful look.
"I know you could do it Sixer, we both can show her how fun Halloween is. So, are ya with me?" Stan reached out his hand, waiting for his brother to shake it as an affirmation.
It was already over when Stan sat his mind on something. he's just that stubborn when it came to prove something. besides tricking wanting to trick old woman there was something else, which unfortunately, Ford couldn't pinpoint in that moment.
He also knew he wouldn't be able to refuse, because as wrong that sounded for him, Stan was making it too interesting to refuse. with a Huff, Ford took Stan's hand.
"fine, under one condition!" Ford warned, not shaking his brother's hand yet, he looked seriously at his brother.
who just shrugged his shoulders. "sure, what is it?"
"if Ms. Benson doesn't answer the door immediately we leave her door. Deal?"
The boy grinned, revealing his tooth gap. that's it? Well, if it would put his brother's mind at ease then, yeah he could do that. either way his brother would be beside him, that was more than enough. Besides, what could go wrong with a simple prank?
Stan shook his brother's hand.
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verosvault · 1 year ago
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 5 "Mall Madness"
Timestamp: 1:42:53
Video Length: 3min. & 9sec.
Conor Counterspell saves the Bad Kids! + The Understanding of Time Loops! 😆👏
Fig: "Was that you?" 😂🤣💀
Conor Counterspell: "Remember me!"
Conor hurls his quarterstaff into the center of the clock! ;0
Shatters it! ;0
Fabian begins to fall.
Fig: "This was not part of the Suggestion!" 😂🤣💀
Conor Counterspell: "I have always loved you! Wait, how old are you?" 🤣😂
Fig: "45!" 😂
Conor Counterspell: "Oh, Gross!" 😂💀
They all are falling through shifting clocks!
Swimming astral sea.
Kristen watches as Cassandra grows taller, and taller, screaming! ;0
As they're all beginning to fall, Cassandra reaches out, throws a spell of some kind of attack at Kristen! ;0
But glimmering shards of twilight energy follow Kristen out through the astral clocks! ;0 (I can't tell if this has relations to Tracker/Galicaea or not! ;0)
They all suddenly land through a Synod door.
Brennan: "Immediately outside of Seacaster Manor, at the time 10 seconds prior to all of you going through the portal, except Adaine, who at this time was already in Oodles of Strudel working her shift. So you have 10 seconds to talk to your former selves before they jump."
Lou, Ally and Murph go CRAZY! 😂🤣💀
Emily, Zac, and Siobhan are SO QUIET! 😂🤣💀
Brennan: "All of them go 'Don't eat Shrimp!' and jump through the portal!" 😂🤣💀
Fabian: "What did you say, The Ball?"
Riz: "I was saying don't let the red things go!" 😂🤣💀
Ally said to cast bless immediately! 🤣 So, hopefully they cast a 3rd level bless! 🤣
Kristen: "Support your friends!" 😂🤣💀
They're now all in front of Seacaster Manor and they hear the first cars opening! ;0
Fig: "You ready for the shrimp jump?"
Everyone is so confused 😂
Lou: "Wait, we just went through everything we went through...right?"
Brennan: "Yeah."
Emily: "But we're 10 seconds before. It's just time to throw the party."
Murph looks like he didn't get it and then he GOT IT! 😂 I LOVE to see him process new information! 😂🤣💀
Ally: "Wait, we're not going back?"
Brennan: "Conor Counterspell threw a staff through the clock to get all of you out of there before whatever happened, happened. Cassandra is back in that fight. In other words...In other words, Conor Counterspell has just saved all of you from whatever was just about to happen in the wizards' mall."
Zac: "Wait, is Adaine still there?"
Brennan: "Nope"
Zac: "Okay."
Brennan: "Anyone can make an arcana check to understand time loops" 😭✋
Emily gets a NAT20! 😭✋ Lou gets a NAT1! 😭💀
It's so funny how Fig is cursed this season but Emily really got some extremely poetic rolls in this episode! 😭✋
Fig: "What are you guys talking about? Wait, I get it!" 😂🤣💀
Brennan: "Fig. All of those events are going to unfold in there, leading back to this moment with you guys coming out through here, with the exception of, as you guys all jumped through there, in this version of events, you got yelled at briefly and confusingly by six of you before jumping in there and having this exact encounter."
Murph: "Ok...so...did we win?"
Bro! This part was so hard for me to process! 😭✋ Just the fact that they lost the battle was just- SO INSANE FOR ME! 😭✋ LIKE HUH?! WHAT?! 😭✋
My confusion was the same as Murph's here fr! Asking like "Wait...so...did they win?"
But no! As a matter of fact, they lost! 😭✋ And they had to have Conor Counterspell save them from whatever was about to happen in that mall!!!! 😭😭✋✋
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verenahx · 1 year ago
Not sure if this is accepted, but I can't stand how the man has so many kids but no much interaction. How about while they are all in town Sihtric sees his daughter sneaking through town and assumes she's meeting some man while really she's trying to follow her father. Whatever you want to right in between is up to you.
This is such a great idea!! Loved this one, and yess he does not really have much interaction with his kids. So hopefully this will help with that! <3
Hope you like itt. And as alwayss request as many ffcs as you like. Thankss
Requested by: anon
Pairing: Sihtric x reader (family trope-father/daughter not romantic)
Summary: see request
Warnings?: angst, insulting words
Side note: English it's my third language so I apologize for all the grammar mistakes
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ . • ☆ . ° .
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You just wanted attention. Sihtric, one of Uhtred’s most trusted men, was your father. Yes, you did love him, like the good daughter you were, but you wanted attention from him, just for him to show you more love. You knew that he loved you and your brothers, but he wasn’t home that often.
On the other hand, you had your mother, she was lovely, but she was always taking care of your younger siblings so she didn’t really have a lot of time for you. Your family was your safe place, but it didn’t feel like a normal family at all.
Every night, you would help your mum do the dinner, and you would eat with her and with your brothers, expect for your father, who would arrive hours later home. Some days drank, and some days so tired that he would not eat anything. Regardless, you understood him. Being a warrior was hard. And having a bunch of kids was even harder.
You admired him, you just want to be like him, even if being a woman that won’t stop you. You train in secret in the forest near your house. No one has seen you yet, except for Æthelstan, who sometimes helps you train. This is a little secret between the two of you.
He once had catch you on the act, so you begged him not to tell anybody. After persuading him for hours he finally accepted. With a condition, that you would not say anything about the incident with a goat…
‘Now block the attack!’ Æthelstan yells while swinging his sword against yours.
‘Good, that was good, you blocked it easily’ he congratulates you while smiling. He was a good teacher, but sometimes he would panic a bit.
‘Well if I didn’t you would have hit me’ you answer back at him with a grin.
‘True, I would have’ he laughs while blocking your attack.
You both keep on practicing until some hours have passed and tue others may wonder where you are. You hide your sword on an old tree and change back into your normal clothes, leaving them behind along with your sword.
You walked out of the forest and headed home, but while you were making your way across the village, a hand stopped you. You stopped on your track and turned to face the person who had touched you; it was yor father, Sihtric Kjartansson.
'Dad?' you asked surprised because you did not expected to encounter him in that moment since he always used to arrive home late.
'Are you well my darling? you look a bit pale I must admit. I should take you to your mother beside.' he said while leading you back home.
Once there, you went directly to your room and closed the door right behind you. You were upset, he would only care or pay attention to you if you looked sick so he could take you to your mother. You kn ew that you could never be like him, a warrior. You just wanted your father attention, between all brothers he never had time for you.
Days went by, and you were still upset at him, but you couldn't do anything since you were the one who spent most of your time at home with your mother. Being the only girl had its good and bad sides.
But of course that you wanted this to change, and you would get it done your way. A girls way. What every father hated was to see their daughters with any man. So you would make your father believe that you were seeing a boy but in reality you would just follow him.
After making a plan for days, you finally decided to put it into action, and today would be that day.
You dressed in one of your most beautiful dresses and began to follow your father to see where he was going, after locating him in an alehouse you began with your plan. You had made a deal with a friend of yours in exchange for a piece of silver. Your friend would pretend to be the boy you were seeing and like this you would get your father's attention.
You pretended to laugh and approached your friend to make yourself noticed, and it seemed to work, your father, sihtric, had all his attention on you. Afterwards, you separated from the boy and hugged him to say goodbye, as if you had spent the entire day together.
'Bye, I'll see you tomorrow!' you say to your friend while winking at him to keep going with the play. Your friend answered you back and blew a kiss towards you, which made your father mad.
You both kept up with your plan, and it seemed it was working cause day by day he was giving you more attention. Until one day; 'my daughter, come here' he says while walking towards you with his hand on his axe.
'What are you doing with that boy? I do not like him...you are too young to get pregnant' he talks with a cold expression.
'Dad...it is not what it looks like, let me explain please!' you beg before talking again. 'This is just a plan that my friend and I made up for me to get your attention, to follow you around!. You are never at home, and it's always mum and I taking care of everyone. I just want your attention, I'm your daughter and I desserve it.' I talk while leaving my father with a confused expression on his face before he answers me.
'I'm so sorry my child...I didn't know that you were feeling like this, you know that I love and care for you as much as I do with your mother and brothers. But you are right, I haven't showed it the best way...but I promise that if you give me a chance I'll make it possible' Sihtric finally concludes.
'Gods dad! see? that wasn't so hard to say' you tease while hugging him and feeling him envolve me with his arms returning the hug.
'Can you please teach me how to fight?' you ask smiling at your father hopping that he will say yes.
'No, you are young...' he answers while rubbing his hands across his braided hair.
'Then I must come with a new plan' you answer back while leaving him with a smile on his face.
Your father did not teavh you how to fight that day or the next, but you did came with a plan, and it did work.
@sihtricfedaraaahvicius @emilyhufflepufftlk @whitedarkmoonflower @dailytlk @transfinan @lord-aldhelm @sihtricsafin @tinumiel @thalygremlinsson @sigtryggrswifey
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blackroseraven · 1 year ago
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Gross yesterday followed by shoveling poop today.
So yeah, getting to enjoy ALL the functions of the body hooray.
Speaking of which, look at poor Chevy there. He has pneumonia, so he has to have a bit of special care done. Poor guy. I feel really bad for the big dude.
I fed half the barn while Teacherlady did the other half, and then we put out horses. It went pretty quickly: there's another show or something going on, so. Lots of horses gone on top of the pre-winter clearout.
But as soon as it starts getting cold people will be bringing horses to overwinter with us and then it'll be a mess again.
Also look, Kupo got a friend! Sammy really needs company. He's a big scared rescue horse mess. Kupo is just... has to touch everything and overcurious, so because he's nice he'll be a good match for Sammy. They got along almost immediately, which was really really nice to see.
We mucked. It was actually pretty quick and easy today, and that includes cleaning up the paddock afterwards too. Since we had the time, I was able to flush out my treat bucket and fill another bucket with just the. Leftover Treat Dust. Horse cocaine, in other words.
Then I got Quattro and spent some good time with him. Groomed him really nicely, and one of the kids brought the horses their grain so they could all eat. Poured some treat dust on top of each. They got a lot of treats today.
This includes a sour cherry ball I fed to Quattro. I thought he'd hate it, but he mulled it over, and took another one when offered. And then he wanted more and I was like "what the hell horse what is WRONG with you."
He has developed the same taste as me and it's weird.
I rode him. It was a relax day, so we just... rode. Walked, paso'd a little, cantered. The most work we did was fixing his canter when he got on the wrong lead for a bit.
It was nice.
It just sucks that now there's two weeks without him. But at least I'll have. Trying to get the house up for sale to occupy myself with.
We're looking to move to Kentucky. Partner has a job "invitation" there, and we could get land enough to support our own horses. Big changes. Scary changes.
But hopefully we'll make it work, one way or the other.
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starmanleo · 2 months ago
Hello! I can give some information regarding Kagurabachi and the Yaoiness surrounding it. Not the most put together summary but hopefully it helps.
Basic Info is that there are two guys, Chihiro and Hakuri, who are both intertwined with each other due to plot purposes. Chihiro ends up saving Hakuri from a situation where he was being abused by his family. Which leads to the following exchange.
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From there it becomes a story of them supporting each other.
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-Reaffirming the value of each other as Hakuri helps Chihiro stage a raid on Hakuri's dad's human trafficking and weapons summing auction, one of the stand out lines being as follows-
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Chihiro says to Hakuri's dying dad after an arc of sacrifice, bloodshed, and Chihiro giving up his Father's sword in exchange for Hakuri's life.
-the Yaoi is also helped by the fact that canonically, Hakuri reeks of Chihiro as told by someone with a supernaturally good sense of smell due to being blind (long story, Daredevil rules basically)
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This is the main jist of one the main ships of Kagurabachi. Two very suicidal boys pushing each other further to become their best selves. I wouldn't call it doomed yaoi but these guys are very irresponsible to say the least. Like Hakuri gets brain damage alot.
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Like alot.
There's also Shibazami! Which includes two goobers of the Kagurabachi cast which also gets Yaoi as they're both very handsome older men.
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There's also the Kunishige ships between those two as Kunishige is known to be childhood friends with Azami and Shiba.
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Again, not Old Man Yaoi since this guy is 39 so more... middle aged? Also more tragic than doomed since Shiba and Azami have to see their best friend's kid grow up on a path of vengeance.
Tragic is also other one with a nameless guardsmen and an important character in a recent arc but that's another story.
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TLDR; Yaoi is there, it is plentiful, and people have fed into it due to eating of the bread that Hokazono gives. Apologies that this isn't as organized but hope it helps.
Hey everyone reading,
I’m working on a fan video about “Yaoi of 2024”. And in need of assistance. Because I’m not in all the fandoms and not caught up in everything of everything.
Pls send me (ask box is open) raw original content of any of the following. I want screenshots, posters, video clippings, etc. BUT no fan works of any sort. Use “#2024yearofyaoi” so I can organize my inbox.
Arcane Jayce + Viktor 
^ were there queer coded moments? sort of flirting?
The moment they “broke up”
Bill Cipher + Ford 
^ book screenshots of hints
mostly Book of Bill
Mabel’s comments.
Sonic movie
^ i heard that there’s something between that Eggman and other adult in black?? Idk my Sonic lore but I heard shippers had fun.
The recent Sonic 3 movie came out 2 days ago. I’m fine with posters and trailer clips.
Spirk (Star Trek)
^ so i heard very recently that there was recent 2024 content.
give me anything that isn’t readily available from a YouTube Search
^ if someone can explain what 2024 update made it queer (and provide proof), I will include this title
also let me know if the yaoi is doomed, old men, toxic, or a combo of any of them or none of them
if there was a break-up, I’ll also take it
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goldenbuckyyy · 2 years ago
Summary: Confessions of love lead to a place you never thought you’d be.
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader
Word count: 6.6kish
Warnings: Idiots to lovers, SMUT (over 3k of it), oral sex (fem!receiving), raw sex, cream pie, multiple orgasms, undertones of Dom!Draco, pretty much making love
A/N: hi!!!! Omg, it’s finally here! Yay!! Here’s PART 4 of my Heather series. 🥺 my baby!! I’m so happy for this part. Hopefully you all enjoy. Please let me know what you think at the end!! I love them so much 😭💚 please read the first three parts before this one (linked below) Song for this fic: “You are in love” by Taylor Swift
Also hit 400 followers recently 🥺🫶🏻 thank you!!
All mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other side nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The cold November chill felt welcomed on your skin as you stood in the Astronomy tower. You overlooked Hogwarts with a smile, knowing this is the last Thanksgiving you’d ever spend here, but you didn’t feel sad right now. 
You felt grateful for your experience here because not many were that lucky. You had stayed for Thanksgiving break once back in your second year and it was magical. So beautiful. You loved it. Draco had stayed with you then. He never left you alone. 
But you were alone now. You knew he was back at the Malfoy manor. You watched him leave to catch the train just days ago. You pretended to forget something at the castle as your friends went to the train, but it was just an excuse so nobody would know that you were staying for the holiday. 
You didn’t want Draco finding out. You wanted to be alone. 
You slowly let your fingers run along the railing, the cold metal against your warm skin making you shiver slightly, and you tug your orange sweater over your palms to warm you up again. 
Today was Thanksgiving. One of your favorite holidays. You mostly enjoyed it because of the food. But truthfully, who didn’t? 
You were going to miss your mom's homemade Thanksgiving dinner. Especially the apple pie you and your dad always made for the holiday. But Hogwarts is going to have to make do. You’re sure they won’t disappoint. They never do. 
You had noticed there were a bit more students that had decided to stay. You were surprised to see so many students in your class. They probably wanted to enjoy their last Thanksgiving here as a student at Hogwarts. You were surprisingly happy to have chosen to stay. 
You start making your way down to the Great Hall for Thanksgiving dinner. Your belly is begging for food already. You only drank a warm cup of hot chocolate this morning because you loved to wait to eat until dinner time. That way you had more room for the feast. 
You had chosen to dress up today either way. You had paired your orange oversized sweater with a black skirt, it was one of those fitted ones that you really liked, black sheer leggings, and your pair of black booties. It was simple, but you felt pretty. 
You had even applied some makeup and styled your hair to your own liking. You even managed to find your cute pair of thanksgiving earrings. They were two little pumpkin pies. You thought it was hilarious when your mom gifted them to you when you were a kid. You’ve worn them every year since. 
You enter the Great Hall with a smile on your face, the different foods filling your space, you inhale deeply, almost moaning at the thought of eating already, and look around to see where you can sit. 
You spot the Golden Trio sitting down at the Gryffindor table. Talking amongst themselves enthusiastically and laughing. You noticed all the different students from different houses had all gathered at the same table. You smiled at that and made your way to Harry.
Ron notices you first, his elbow shoving Harry suddenly, Harry whimpering an “Ow!” He's about to shove Ron when Ron raises his eyebrows towards you, you’re still smiling as you walk towards them. Harry does the same thing he always does when he sees you. 
He sits up straighter, fixes his glasses, and smiles at you. 
“Hi, Harry!” You say as you reach them, standing next to Hermoine. Who has an empty seat next to her. She looks up at you, smiling, they all welcome you, “Is this seat taken?” 
“No, of course not!” Harry blubbers out with a rush. 
Ron and Hermoine snicker at his reaction, Hermoine places her hand on your forearm, “Sit, Y/N. You’re more than welcomed to join us.” 
You beam at her as you sit next to her. You both fall into conversation, completely forgetting about Ron and Harry, and gush about different topics. It was so incredibly easy to talk to Hermoine. Even Ron and Harry. 
They had even admitted to you a couple days ago that they were scared of you because of your friendship with Draco. You laughed loudly when they told you and teased them about it. You had even told them that Draco only puts on a front at them, but was truthfully a nice person. They were hesitant to believe you, but you didn’t force your words at them. 
Ron watches you and Hermoine with wide eyes, he looks at Harry, who looks about the same, “It’s like we don’t even exist, mate.” Harry hums in agreement. 
Soon enough, the long table is filled with the Thanksgiving feast. 
You gawk at the food in front of you. All the classics. The delicious looking turkey, the honey glazed pineapple ham, sweet potato casserole with brown butter on top, extra cheesy Mac and cheese, mash potatoes, corn casserole, and everything pumpkin flavored. 
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin juice, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin topping. It was overwhelming. 
You noticed your favorite butterbeer cookies eyeing you already. You reached over to grab some before they finished. 
You all start digging into the food, you enjoy a little bit of everything until you feel satisfied. 
The talks and laughter around you never stops. You feel happy with a belly full of food and a mouth filled with laughter. 
The Great Hall starts emptying slowly and you feel someone sit down next to you, you turn with a smile, and it doesn’t falter when you see Cedric. Dressed in his favorite Hufflepuff sweater and scarf combo along with a dazzling smile. 
You turn to face him, tilting your head on your arm, “Hi!” 
“Hi,” he chuckles out with crinkling eyes. 
You were happy that thankfully Cedric was okay with being only friends with you. It was a slightly awkward conversation the next night after what had happened she tween you two. Or what had almost happened. 
He had caught you on your way back to the Slytherin quarters, you had both gone to sit at one of the benches in the hall, and spoke openly about the past events. 
You apologized profusely about what had happened and he stopped you midway so he could apologize. He repeatedly asked you if you had felt he had taken advantage of you. With careful reassurance that you had consented to what had happened, every step of the way, and explained to him how you didn’t think it was fair to either of you to pursue something when your heart was truthfully with someone else. 
He didn’t ask who, but you knew that he knew. 
“How are you doing?” You ask him, nibbling on a butterbeer cookie. 
“I’m doing alright, are those good?” He questions curiously, you had him a piece, and he chews on it and rolls his eyes back, “Bloody brilliant, yeah?” 
“Indeed,” you hum back with a chuckle. 
Easy conversation flows between you two about the end of the semester and how lovely it is to be here for the Holidays. You both agreed that it was the right choice to stay here and that maybe you’d both stay again for Christmas. You had never stayed for Christmas and the Trio said they were going to stay as well. 
“I’m staying then,” you state happily, sipping on your pumpkin juice, and laughing at Ron’s comments to Hermione about something ridiculous. 
Hermoine nudges you suddenly, you look at her confused, her face falling as she’s looking towards the Great Hall double doors, and you turn quickly to see what’s she’s looking at. 
You feel your heart drop to your stomach when you see Draco standing there. He’s wearing his sweater, your favorite one, black slacks, and you notice his hair is loose and framing his forehead in curls. 
His eyes are already on you. 
You furr your eyebrows in confusion as you wonder what he’s doing here. You look around at your friends, who are looking at you in confusion, only knowing the bare minimum of what you had told them. But they knew something was going on between you two. 
“Excuse me,” you say quickly, grabbing your extra butterbeer cookies, and walk towards Draco. 
He waits for you at the entrance and immediately follows you as you walk out. 
You stop in the empty hallway, “What are you doing here?” You question him as you try to keep your voice steady. 
You fumble with the cookies in your hand, not wanting to look up at him, and he sighs deeply above you. 
“My mother told me you were spending the holiday here. Why didn’t you tell me? You could’ve come home with me.” 
You huff, “No, I couldnt.” 
“Why not? Because we’re in a fight?” Draco’s tone is not harsh, but in disbelief. You avoid his gaze and look to the side. 
“It doesn’t matter if we’re in a fight. You’re my best friend and I don’t want you to be alone on one of your favorite holidays.” 
“I’m not alone…I’m with my friends,” you reply quickly, brushing your hair away from your face, and trying to keep your heart from racing. 
“And what am I?” 
You finally look up at him when he says that. His gray eyes peering at you, his lips turned down into a frown, and he waits for your reply. You notice his fingertips are itching to grab your wrists. His hands go into tight fists to keep them to himself. 
Your heart skips a beat because you miss him so much. It’s only been over a week that you’ve spoken to him. Been in his bed. 
But it feels like a lifetime and it’s slowly killing you. 
You tilt your head to the side as you watch him, the corners of your lips frowning, your eyes taking him in, “You’re… you’re my Draco.” 
You both start casually walking down the hall, you both on instinct go towards the peach three in the courtyard, and you both sit down on the bench under the tree.
You shiver slightly as the cold wind brushes against your warm cheeks and Draco silently curses at himself for not bringing a coat with him to the Great Hall. 
You turn to face him, still holding your cookies in your hands, and look at him. Your heart feels heavy as you both stare at each other. 
His eyes look into yours with such sadness in them that it makes you want to curl into a ball and weep. You feel yourself starting to shake slightly because of how nervous you feel. 
Is this the end? The real end between you two? 
“Hey,” his voice startles you, soft and sweet, his hands finally inch towards you, and he takes your free one into his warm palms. His big hand covering yours completely. 
“Why are you shaking? It’s just me,” he whispers as he pushes a stray hair away from your face, his thumb caressing your cheek slightly, you feel yourself flush underneath his gaze, and you shuffle on the bench. 
“I feel this way because of you,” you admit, not breaking eye contact with him. 
“I…” Draco starts to say, but quickly stops talking when he notices a couple people walking around the halls and chatting in the corridor as well. 
He doesn’t let go of your hand, “We should go somewhere more private.” 
“Like where?”
He opens his mouth, but closes it. His jaw locks, his eyes slowly avert from yours, but then he looks back. Your eyebrows raise in confusion as you wait for him to speak.
“What about my room?” His voice filled with uncertainty. 
You still. You haven’t set foot in his room since the argument you last had in there. You hadn’t even bothered to go and get your things that you had left there. You hadn’t wanted to face him yet. 
A part of you wants to go back in there. You miss the warmth and comfort you felt there. 
Lately, all you’ve felt is loneliness as you sleep alone every night in the empty bed in your big room. 
The emptiness of his side next to you never left your mind. You find yourself nodding, he gets up, you follow, and he leads you towards his room. 
He stops in front of the door after walking up the steps, you behind him, and he whispers his password to the painting in front of the door. 
He whispers your favorite spell.
Your heart tugs a bit that he didn’t change it. You know it hasn’t been that long, but it’s been the longest time the both of you have gone without each other. 
He opens the door and the sweet smell of apples mixed with cinnamon and vanilla fills your senses. You let your eyes close slightly, inhaling the mesmerizing scent, and you follow him inside his room. 
He walks around the room and you stand near the door, feeling a bit awkward, not knowing what to do anymore in this room, and you watch him. 
He peers at you as he sits in his emerald green loveseat, he gestures to the matching chair in the corner of the room, and you start walking towards it. You glance around the room, taking notice that all your belongings are still in the same place, and you wish they weren’t. 
You secretly wish he had already packed up your belongings into a box to make this easier. You sit down and set your cookies onto the table in between you two. 
“Do you want some tea or coffee?” He asks as he’s about to stand up to make some. 
“No, it’s okay.” 
He pauses and sits back down. He turns his body towards you, his leg bouncing up and down, and he lets out a deep sigh. 
A couple minutes pass with you both sitting in silence. You gulp down your nerves and open your mouth to speak. 
“Draco?” You ask. 
Your voice fills his ears like sweet honey. “Yes?” 
“Why am I here?” You question him as you let out a sigh. 
“I’m a coward,” he blurts out, turning his face to look at you, you frown. 
“I am a coward. Draco Malfoy is a coward.” 
You adjust yourself into your seat, placing one leg underneath your bottom, and fully face him.
“Draco,” you say, reaching over to him and taking his hand in both of yours. “What are you talking about?” 
His hand grips yours, “The last time you were here… You, uh, you asked me if I ever thought about doing.. what we do… with, umm, someone else.” Your eyes furr because Draco is fumbling with his words and he never does. 
“I remember,” you tell him, a pang in your chest when you remember what he said after you asked him that last time. 
“Well.. I.. I, uh, I lied to you.” 
You sit up straight. His eyes racing over your face, taking in your different expressions, “I know I insinuated that I thought about doing that with Heather, but I lied. I’ve never thought about doing what we do with anybody else. Ever.” 
You scoff at him, not believing him, “What are you going off about, Draco? You’ve fancied Heather since the day you met her.” You try to pull your hand out of his, but he grips onto it.
“I told you that day that I never thought about doing this with someone else and I meant it. I know I said I fancied Heather, but I swear.. I… I never have.”
“You lied to me?” You say in disbelief. A part of you wanting to be happy that he never fancied her, but why did he lie to you?
“I… I did.” 
“Why? What are you saying?” You pull your hand out of his with force, standing up quickly and starting to pace around the room, as the memories of that conversation fill your mind. 
Draco sits up in the loveseat, facing you, and pouting. 
“I asked you if you felt anything for me! I asked you if I was more than just your friend! You didn’t say anything! I gave you a chance to say anything, to say something, and you bloody stayed quiet! You never said anything! And then I’m with Cedric that night and you burst into his room, demanding I go with you, and for what? For you to never say anything else to me? Then we didn't talk for almost a week and now… now… now you want to say something? Why?” 
You continue to pace the room, confusion filling you, and you stop in front of him. Hands on your hips, chest raising angrily, and you watch him. 
He doesn’t say anything, biting the skin around his fingernails, and he bites his lower lip with nerves. 
“What’s going on, Draco? You’re confusing me,” you cry out at him.
“I am a coward that didn’t see what was in front of him until it was too late,” he stands up, towering over you, taking his hands in his, and you both look into each other’s eyes. 
“I am in love with you,” he confesses in a whisper. You suck in a gasp, your world stills at his words, and you start shaking your head. 
You frown deeply, “Stop it.” 
Draco grips your hands in his tightly, “This… this thing between us started in fifth year.. we were barely fifteen years old. We both decided to do this, but a part of me only agreed because I wanted you to want me the same way I’ve always wanted you,” you mouth parts in shock, “A part of me has always loved you. I… I think I’ve always known that I have, but I’ve always been a coward at admitting it to myself. That was almost four years ago next year… And… my-my love for you has only grown.” 
You feel tears welling up in your eyes as you stare up at him, trying your hardest to wrap your mind around his words, and you let the tears fall down your cheeks. 
“Please, don’t cry,” he whispers as his thumb wipes away your tears gently. 
Your lips quiver, “I… I’m having a hard time believing you, Draco.” Your confession stuns him, he looks at you with confusion. 
“Wh-what?” His voice is shaky. 
“What about Heather?” 
His eyes darted away from your face for a second, “I… I, um, I made it up.”
“You what?” You feel different emotions filling your body. Confusion at his confession. Anger that he lied to you. Happiness because he feels the same way. Guilt for what you had done with Cedric. 
“I didn’t lie when I said I met Heather because of my mom in the summer. But I’ve never felt anything towards her. Ever. I only said that to you because I was hoping to make you jealous,” another confession slips his lips. 
“To… make me jealous?” You repeat his words, feeling distress. 
He nods, his body language showing you he’s ashamed of his actions, and he sighs. “I… I know my actions are confusing you.. and I know you might need some time, but…” he pauses and his palms cup your face gently, “I am in love with you.” 
Your breathing is picking up, you’re looking at him in shock, everything you’ve ever wanted to hear… he’s saying it right now. 
“I’m so in love with you that I was deeply afraid of letting you know because of the fear that you didn’t feel the same way about me. But if I would have just looked deeper… I would have seen and heard what you were trying to tell me…” 
“And what was that?” You whisper out, your hands slowly moving to palm his hands on your face. 
“That you’re in love with me too,” he pleads, voice wavering with hope. 
“Draco,” you whisper, tears falling down your cheeks, closing your eyes as you let a whimper fall out between your lips. 
“Do you not believe me?” He questions, hurt filling the room. 
You sniff as you lean your face into his palms, crying out, “Can you blame me?” 
Before you know it, you feel Draco’s hands leaving your face, you look for his hands, and he’s kneeling in front of you. 
“What? Draco, what are you doing?” 
He holds your hands in his, his knees touching the floor, he lets out a quiet cry. 
Your heart breaks at hearing him cry. 
“Y/N…” he begins, “Its always been you.” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes, “I have always loved you, never anybody else. I swear it. I have never once felt the way I feel for you for anybody else. Never.” 
He grips your hands in his, kissing the palms of your wrists, “You are the only one I’m ever going to want.” His voice is shaking, “It’s you who I want next to me. Warming my bed, forever. You’re everything I want. Everything!” 
You both are staring at each other, crying together, he continues, “I know I’m a bloody fucking idiot for not saying this sooner and I know it’s hard to believe me right now after everything… but I’m so in love with you that merely thinking about anybody else… It sickens me. You are the only person that matters to me. You’re the only one I see in my future.” 
You fall to your knees in front of him, your arms wrapping around his neck, his hands gripping your waist so your knees don’t hit the floor as he tugs you into him, and you cry. 
“Draco, I…” your lips quiver, “I’m so sorry for what I did with Cedric. I… I thought you didn’t feel the same way and I just wanted to forget about you.” 
Draco shakes his head rapidly, “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. I was a coward and you were just trying to move on from my bloody dumbass.” 
You let out a giggle at his words, you wipe his tears away from his face as he wipes away yours, “I’m in love with you, too.” You confess, your heart rate accelerating at saying those words out loud. Finally. 
His eyes lighten up at your words. 
“I’ve always loved you. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. It has been hell without you since our last argument and I never want to go through that again.” You lay your head on his shoulder, sniffing and whimpering into him, and he holds you in his arms tightly. 
“It won’t ever happen again, I swear.” 
“I love you,” he whispers into your ear as his hands tangle into your hair. You scruff your head onto his shoulders, taking him in, and breathing in his warm scent all around you. 
You both lean out, his forehead on yours, your eyes are closed, you can feel his heartbeat against you, and his breathing increasing slightly. 
One of his hands grasp your neck, you lean up to look at him, his eyes wander your face and land on your lips. Your hands are holding onto his biceps as one of his free arms wraps around your waist, gently and with hesitance. As if he’s scared to touch you. 
“I’ve missed you terribly, my love.” 
You lick your lips, “I missed you more.” You let your gaze stop on his lips, he parts them open, and you both start leaning into each other. 
You met in the middle, your lips centimeters apart, you can smell his mint breathe, and you shiver at being this close to him again. 
“Draco,” you whisper out as you close your eyes, letting your body melt into his, and he pulls you into his space with his arms. 
His lips touch yours gently, you whimper at the feeling as fire erupts in your belly at the contact, goosebumps breaking out over your skin, and your eyes flutter closed. 
You move your arms to wrap around his neck as your lips move against his, it’s as if you’ve never been apart, and you feel fuzzy like you always do when you kiss him. You feel your body already reacting to his touch and you cry out for him. 
Draco’s tongue slowly lines your bottom lip, you part your mouth open for him, and your tongues meet in the middle. You both moan simultaneously, one of his hands gripping your waist, the other on the back of your neck, and you grip your arms together around him. You lean up to kiss him harder and he bites your bottom lip which causes you to whine loudly. 
You pull away from him, his mouth sucking on your lip, and you groan against him. His hands move towards the end of your sweater, you feel him hesitate, and you look at him with a small smile. Feeling your skin flushed. 
“I trust you,” you breathe out, his eyes flutter, and he smiles sweetly at you. He wraps his lips around yours once more, his hands inch underneath your sweater, and your skin feels as if it’s on fire. His big warm hands on your skin making your belly erupt with butterflies. 
“God, I’ve missed your skin.” He starts to kiss down your neck with big open mouthed kisses, leaving love bites down as he goes, his eyes looking up at you with pleasure, and you moan with every kiss. You grind your hips against his, your hands clinging onto his shoulders, and you pull away from him. 
You stand up quickly, pulling him up with you, and you both stand in front of each other. 
You take one step back, letting yourself take him in, the big dent in his slacks making your mouth water, and you reach down to tug off your sweater. 
You throw it to the side, letting him look at your chest, your breasts are covered with a lacy black bra, and you're both breathing heavily. You kick off your boots with ease, he follows your lead by tugging off his sweater, and unbuckling his belt. 
You both hold eye contact as you lower down your skirt and him his slacks. You lick your lips once you see him in only his tight black briefs, your mouth feeling dry when he palms himself to try and relieve the pressure he’s feeling, he hisses at his own touch, you tighten your legs together for a second to slow down the throbbing you feel, and you slide your hands into your sheer leggings. 
You bend down slowly to pull them off your legs and you stand in front of him, holding the lace of your panties in between your fingers. 
Draco's eyes are taking you in, every single inch of you, and you don’t feel insecure under his stare. You missed the way he ate you up with his eyes, he’s biting his lips as his eyes go down to your breasts, your navel, and land on your most private area. 
You feel yourself wet with anticipation and want. 
“Lay down,” Draco orders, chills run down your spine at his tone, and your body follows before your mind can. You lay down on the bed, with your arms underneath you to hold you up, and Draco moves to hover over your body. 
You feel him against your thigh, hard, and you moan when he kisses your neck. 
His arms are caging you underneath him, “Can I touch you, baby?” 
You nod at him as you reach up to kiss his lips, slowly. 
His hand slips underneath your torso, he unclips your bra, you let it fall over your shoulders, pulling it off your chest, and his mouth immediately meets with your already perked nipples. 
You gasp when his warm tongue laps on your nipples, he moves between both of your breasts, his hands cupping each one of them, the moans you let out only fuels him, and he starts moving down your stomach. 
He lets his tongue swirl around your belly, licking your naval, and his hands grip onto your panties. 
He swiftly pulls them down, he sits on his knees with your legs on his shoulders, he pulls off your panties, he kisses the inside of your ankle, and you open your legs for him. 
Your hands grip your breasts as he admires you. You’re soaking and he knows it. 
He watches your glistening pussy underneath him, all for him, he moans at the sight, and curses. 
“You’re fucking beautiful,” he licks up your calf, bitting the inside of your thighs, and you whimper. His eyes are locked on yours, he’s making sure you’re watching him, and you bite your bottom lip when his mouth hovers over your pussy. 
“Dray,” you whisper, hitching your hips to him, and he tsks at you. 
“Always so inpatient,” he says with a chuckle, he lowers himself down flat, and spreads your legs wider. His mouth latches onto you, you moan out loudly when you feel his wet tongue on you, his tongue laying flat on your folds, then flicking up to your clit. 
You gasp sharply, your breathing increasing with pleasure, and you tilt your head back as your hands grasp onto his almost white locks. 
Your hips move with his mouth in sync, he licks and slurps your wetness, your clit throbbing against him, “I’ve missed your taste, princess.” His breaths on you, you move your legs onto his shoulders, and pull him down to you again. 
He continues to eat you up, he slowly lets a finger enter you, you cry out at the sensation, feeling yourself tight around his digit, and he works you open slowly. 
He groans against your pussy as he feels how tight you are around him, he couldn’t believe he had gone so long without you, and he inserts a second finger without warning. 
You gasp again, feeling yourself burning up as he opens you, his fingers curling inside of you is something you hadn’t realized how much you had missed, and Draco starts moving his hips into the mattress. 
Your mouth parts with pants as his fingers find your sweet spot, “Draco!” You breathe out with a moan, his tongue lapping your wetness faster, his lips wrap around your clit, sucking on it, your legs are starting to shake as you near your orgasm, and he increases his speed inside of you. 
His fingers keep fucking into you, his tongue licking you in the right places, and playing with your clit at all the right moments. 
“You’ve always tasted amazing, sweetheart.” Draco quickly says to you before he continues doing what he does best. 
You whine out, hands locked into his hair, your back arching up with pleasure, and he moves his free hand to play with your nipples. You tug onto his locks feeling yourself getting closer and knowing that’s the signal you use to tell him.
Draco moans against your pussy, sending vibrations to your clit, and you feel your lower belly start contracting with your anticipating orgasm. 
You feel tears in the corner of your eyes, your hips grinding against his mouth, and he curls his fingers inside of you one more time. 
“Draco!” You yell out in pleasure as your orgasm takes over you suddenly. His mouth latches onto your clit, sucking on it, your entire body shaking with euphoria, and Draco only slurps up all your wetness. 
Draco moans against your pussy, licking you slowly as you come down, your chest raising up and down to catch your breath, and Draco slowly pulls away from you. His fingers inside of you exit slowly and you bite your lip looking at him. 
Draco’s lips are swollen and puffy, he licks them and sucks his bottom lip, you reach down to him, pulling at him from his arms, and wrapping your lips around his. Moaning as you taste yourself on him. His hand wrapping underneath your neck, pulling your naked body into his, his warm-flushed skin feeling hot against you, and you both lean your foreheads together. 
You look down at his still covered dick and look into his eyes again. He waits for you to say something, his gray eyes looking beautiful, and you reach down to shove off his briefs. 
Draco moves one of his hands to help you, you feel his big dick hit your thighs, and you know he’s absolutely throbbing against you. 
“I can’t wait to feel you,” Draco whispers into your neck as he pumps himself quickly, you spread open your legs, placing your hands on his face, he aligns himself with you, you both stare into each other’s eyes, he rubs his dick up and down your wetness, hitting your clit gently, you moan, and then you feel him at your entrance. 
You’re both breathing deeply, his dick entering your folds, and you bite your lower lip. One of his hands underneath your waist and the other holding your face. It’s as if the world stills around you both. It feels as if it’s just you two at this moment. Just you two in this world and nobody else. 
Draco's eyes never leave yours as he slowly moves himself to enter you, you gasp at the feeling, he moans at your tightness around him, and his tip moves deeper inside of you. Slowly. 
You pull him closer into you, your pussy stretching around him, feeling so full once again, and you cry out to the missed feeling. 
His lips connect on yours passionately, “Always so fucking tight for me.” 
You nod at his words, kissing his lips, clenching around him, his mouth parting open on yours, you both letting out moans against each other’s lips at the pleasure, and he starts moving his hips against yours. 
“I’ve missed you,” you whisper against his lips, licking the inside of his mouth, rocking your hips against his, your noses nudging together, and he lets out a whimper as he bottoms out inside of you. 
“I’ve missed you so.. so, fuck, so fucking much.” His lips kiss your face, down your chin, and your neck. Leaving sloppy kisses all over you. 
He sucks on your collarbone, leaving more love bites because he knows you love to see them, and you roll your hips against his. 
His tongue swirls around your breasts again, your bodies moving together in sync, sweat already coating your skin, and his thrusting gets deeper inside of you. You feel so full right now. Feeling so full of Draco. 
Tears prick your eyes as you realize you are making love to Draco Malfoy. He’s making love to you. Maybe this isn’t the first time you make love, but it’s the first time you do after confessing your love to each other. 
Draco notices your tears, he kisses them away without pausing his motions, and whispers sweet nothings into your ear. 
“You’re perfect, baby. So fucking good for me. Like always.” 
He praises you, licking your earlobe and sucking on it, you grip the back of his neck as his words consume you, and you let the tears fall down your cheeks slowly. 
You moan out when he wraps one of his arms underneath your waist to hitch you up higher, his angle making his dick go in deeper, and all you feel is bliss. Blissfulness and love all around you. The room smells like vanilla, caramel, and sweet sex. 
His lips wrap around yours once again, your pussy squeezing around him, wanting to make him feel you, and he moans into your mouth. 
Draco swiftly switches your positions as he’s now sitting down on the bed, his legs parted open, you sitting down on him, hovering over his dick, and you align yourself again with him. 
Draco holds your hips with his big hands, looking down at himself as you reach down for him, you hold him steady while you lower yourself down into him. He’s watching himself enter your sweet pussy.
“Fuck,” he whispers at you, admiring the view. 
His hands grip your hips while you take him in, squeezing your walls around him, “Fucking shit.” He curses as he watches you take him in deep. 
You moan out, eyes rolling back at the sensation, setting your hands down on his shoulders to get a good rhythm, his hips moving into yours, and once you both get a good rhythm.. he pulls you into his lips once more. 
You kiss him, mouth open, both moaning together, your hips grinding down on his, feeling him everywhere, he’s filling you up so nicely, your breasts against his chest, his arm wraps around your waist holding you, and his forehead is against yours. 
In this position, you could feel him so deeply. Your walls contracting on his dick with every thrust, his moans as your clench only makes you wetter, and you both cry out at the feeling. 
His free hand moves in between the space of your bodies, his fingers inch towards your clit, and you whimper when you feel him touch your sensitive bud. 
“Draco,” you cry in a whisper, he slowly moves his fingers against you, kissing your neck, and you tilt your head back to let him. 
“Look at me,” he says, your body immediately reacts to his words, and you’re facing him. You look fucked and he loves it. He finds the most pleasure in making you feel this way. He loves it. 
You make eye contact with him, he licks his lips, and you don’t look away. You’re both panting together, bodies moving as if they are one, and you slowly start feeling the orgasm coming again. 
“I’m close,” you whisper, “Are you?” You ask him because you won’t come again until he does. He knows this. 
His hips are still meeting yours, soft and slow, but with so much passion. His dick hitting your soft spot inside of you, getting you closer to your release. 
He nods, kissing you slowly, and he increases his speed on your clit. You both keep staring at each other, panting only getting louder, whines getting closer together, your legs are shaking slightly, his hips are moving faster and sloppier, and you’re waiting for him to reach his orgasm. 
You feel your orgasm at the brink of taking over you when Draco orders, “Come for me.” 
Instincly, both of your hands intertwined together tightly. 
You cry out as your orgasm takes over your body, shaking entirely, his hips moving into you as he releases into your pussy at the same time you do, and you pull him into a kiss to ride out both of your orgasms. 
“I love you,” he whispers into your mouth, his hips still moving underneath you as you both ride out your orgasms, he’s filling you up deep with his cum, and you kiss him harder. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you,” you repeat into his mouth, tears running down your face, and you feel tears running down his as well. 
“It’s always been you. Always.”
You cry at his words, you both pull away from each other, foreheads leaning together, still connected, and feeling the post-orgasm bliss. 
You look into his eyes, wondering how you could never tell how much he loved you, and you smile at him with tears in your eyes. 
“You’re my best friend,” he admits with a smile. 
He’s so in love with you. 
You cry out a giggle, placing your hands on his face, kissing him slowly, “You’re my best friend.” You never thought you’d be in this situation.
You can feel it all around. All you feel is love. Love between you and Draco. There’s nothing but silence in this room, but you know he feels it too. 
You’re in love with Draco Malfoy. 
And he’s in love with you. 
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ygreczed-3 · 4 years ago
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The Walking Dead/Detroit Become Human AU
(so basically I was tempted to make a post to apologize about the mess my blog has become lately - feels like I’m posting AUs, artworks, sketches and comic updates in such a chaotic way… I’m really sorry about it ahaha 😅 Hopefully it will get better soon)
So this post is me drawing for hours and forgetting to eat on my break day (I finally did !!! Don’t worry ahaha) because I became obsessed with an idea again. Also I like to make concept arts and storyboards as if I was working on a professional project for a TV show/animation. I find it fascinating ! This time I don’t really have any plot or finished story, I just wanted to draw these scenes badly so… I just did.
I’d like to draw your attention to Connor’s curly hair and Hank’s design (strongly inspired by Kristoff from Frozen). I just LOVE these details.
⚠️Remember this is NOT a new series. Just me having fun with characters and a universe I like (aka The Walking Dead) ! 
Anyway, more ideas below 👀
Hank open his eye again. The walker was shot in the head. Hank pushes the walker away, it falls dead on the concrete.
Looking up, he sees Connor with a gun.
Hank : Jesus… Thank you.  I thought I was…
Connor : I wouldn’t have wasted a bullet for you if it wasn’t for your kid back there. Your car, does it work? Hank : … Yeah… I just… I was looking for some gas when… well… Can I drive you somewhere? Connor : Not really, I’m looking for someone.
Hank and Cole are walking in a gas station with jerricans and pour what’s left of gas from the pump.
Cole : Dad, that mister from earlier, do you think he’s gonna be okay ? Hank : I think, pumpkin. He was the one helping us. Cole : Being alone sounds dangerous… He should have come with us. Hank : …
It’s nighttime, Cole is sleeping in the backseats with a blanket, Hank is sleeping in the driver seat. He wakes up brutally as he hears something tapping softly against the car window : the young man from earlier. He rolls the window down.
Hank : You ? Connor : I’ve looked around the whole city. Now it’s too dark… I need a safe place to have some sleep, I was thinking you could let me in. You owe me after all. Hank : … Yeah sure. Get in.
Connor gets in the car. He takes his bag off and keeps it by his side, out of Hank’s reach. He takes his coat off but keeps a gun near him. Hank stares at him with narrowed eyes.
Hank : … You’re safe here, really. You can trust me. Connor : Sorry, but I only trust myself.
It’s dark outside, Hank can’t really sleep with the stranger next to him. His guts dictate him to stay alert. He watches carefully as Connor turns his head to him, half-opening his eyes.
Connor: Can’t sleep ? Hank : … Well you were right… I don’t know you. What about you ? Did you sleep a little ? Connor : … No. I’m too… cautious. My brain won’t let me sleep with a stranger next to me. Hank : … My name’s Hank. You ? Connor : What the hell are you doing ? Hank : We agreed we couldn’t sleep next to strangers. I’m introducing myself. Connor : It won’t make it any better… *after a silence* I’m Connor. Hank : Nice to meet you. Connor: … Where were you before ? You… you act like a newborn in this hell… Hank : … I had a neighbor with one of those bunkers… with tons of food, water, enough to live for months. We… We were hiding there with her until… until a few weeks. Connor : What happened ? Hank : She thought she had heard a chopper. Thought someone was out there to rescue us… she opened the hatch and she was… attacked by those things… Connor: … the kid… he’s yours? Hank : Yeah… Cole. Connor: … Where’s her mom ? Hank : He’s never known her. Connor: Sorry.  Hank : Don’t be.
Hank : I think… I’m starting to relax… we should try to sleep huh ?
Connor is already sleeping.
Connor takes his backpack as Hank and Cole take a breakfast with some fire.
Hank : You sure you don’t want to eat anything ? Connor : No thanks, I have my own stock. You should save your food for your kid. Hank : … Hey, if you ever need to find us… after you’ve found what  you’re looking for, I have a police radio. Frequency 58,7 kHz. Connor: I won’t need it but- thanks. Good luck.
Connor leaves.
Cole : What should we do now? Hank : … We need to find more food… and weapons. I’ll go downtown today. You… You’ll stay here alright? Cole : No I… I want to stay with you… Hank : I know you’re scared Cole… But it’s too dangerous. You’ll be safe hidden in the car. Cole : You’ll be quick? Hank : Back before sunset, pinky swear.
Hank finds an axe on a bar counter.
Hank : What the-
He runs outside and hides against a wall as walkers pass nearby, heading to the source of the ringing.
He looks up and sees Connor climbing on a ladder but a Walker is trying to grab his leg.
Hank comes and kills the monster. Connor : You..! Follow me !
On the rooftop, they see the church. It’s an automatic bell, the walkers are massively getting around the building. There is something painted on the wall that says “Find Jericho” with black paint and scribbled under it “Find 9s”
Connor : Nines… Hank : What is Jericho ? Connor : … A safe place for survivors. It’s hidden… to keep the thieves and killers away. Hank : … The church. Connor : What ? Hank : Jericho, it has to do with the bible. The message is written on a church’s wall. It’s not a coincidence, there might be… a hint in there. Connor : … But we can’t get inside with those creeps around… Hank : … Maybe they leave when the church stops ringing the bells. Connor : Or maybe we should try to lead them away with… Hank : With what ? Connor : … Your car.
Connor : So, let me get it straight. You drive around the town honking. It will attract the creeps away from the church. I get inside the church and look for any kind of hint. When the bells start ringing I get out before the creeps come back. And what do we do with Cole ?
Hank : He’s going with you. I don’t want to have him in the car with hundreds of undeads trying to get me. Connor : … I don’t- Hank : Don’t worry. He’s a smart kid. He will do as you say. Right Cole? Cole : …Hmm. Connor: … Fine. Let’s do it.
Connor and Cole sneak into the church. Connor kills two of the Walkers still inside the church as Cole follows him cautiously. 
Cole : … Look. *he points out a book on the altar* Connor : … It’s a bible… The chapter about the Battle of Jericho… it can’t be a coincidence. *They look up and see something written with old blood on the wall behind the altar. It says “Rahab the harlot defied the King of Jericho. Here lies the key to the fortress.”* Cole : What’s a harlot? Connor : … You should… ask your father. Now… I have to read… and think. Cole : … We only have one hour left before the bells ring again… Connor : I know.
Connor : … I don’t get it ! There must be something I’m missing ! Cole : … Connor, I found a map ! Connor : Not now Cole, I’m trying to focus… Cole : Connor, look ! Connor : Cole please I really need-…
Cole shows him the map… there is a “9s” written on it.
Connor : Nines ! Cole : Does it help ? Connor : … I don’t know-…
The bells ring suddenly.
Connor : Crap… we have to get out of here. Give me your hand, buddy.
Hank is waiting for them : he has lit a fire and when Cole sees him, he lets go of Connor’s hand and runs to hug his dad.
Hank : I gotcha, pumpkin. *looking up at Connor* Did you find something ? Connor : I think…  Hank : You think ? Connor : I have this map my brother left for me inside the church… there was some kind of riddle on the wall, and it must have something to do with this but… there is nothing noted on it. Hank : What’s the riddle ? Connor : “Rahab the harlot defied the King of Jericho, here lies the key to the fortress.” Rahab was a prostitute, she helped Joshua by hiding spies he sent inside the city… and Joshua spared her when he took the fortress. But I… I don’t see the connection. Hank : … Let me see the map.
Connor gives it. Cole sits next to his father, near the fire, and soon falls asleep. After some time thinking and overthinking it, Hank finally points to a town on the map. A city called Defiance.
Hank : Look. Connor : Defiance… Of course. The key lies in Rahab’s defiance… Defiance is a town… Fuck- You’re a genius…! Hank : Man, I was feeling like a Detective again… felt nice for a moment. Connor: You were a Detective? Hank : A police Lieutenant, to be specific. But yeah. Detective works too. Connor : … I don’t think the treasure hunt is done yet. You’re gonna need your supercop sense again ! Hank : … It’s good to see you all excited. Feels like meeting the real Connor under the survivor’s shell. Connor: It’s nice… that Cole and you don’t have that shell yet… humanity is a rare thing to find down there. Hank : … So, who is “Nines” ? Connor : My little brother. We lived together, in the same group of survivors. Our camp was attacked… we got separated. Hank : Looks like he’s smart. He solved the riddle all by himself. It took the two of us to understand the hint. Connor : He’s always been a nerd. Hank : Pffft… Well we should try to get some sleep. We should be able to reach Stoneton, then we’ll have to find more gas.
Hank gets up and carries Cole to the car seats.
Connor: … Hank…? Hank : Yup ? Connor : Can I… Can I come with you two ? I could go to Defiance by myself but… if you’re heading there too, maybe we could… Hank : What the heck ? Of course you’re coming with us. With our two half-brains we’re gonna need each other’s help to find Jericho and your brother, don’t you think ? Connor *chuckles* : Right.
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magicalqueennightmare · 3 years ago
Safe with Him
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After being alone with your little brother you take shelter in a prison not knowing other survivors had the same idea as well.
@ellerelly I hope you like it. I changed the brother's age a little. Hope thats ok!!
"Jonah remember what I said. Stay low and quiet. I have to go outside to get water from the creek. I promise you I'll be back soon" you hated leaving him but you didn't have much of a choice. He nodded, tucking the blanket around him as he slid under the bunk. Once you were satisfied he was hidden well enough you walked out of the cell fastening the door behind you with the chain you'd found in a different hall of the prison. 
You gripped your machete in one hand and slipped the canteens across your chest. There were two for drinking and two for washing up. You liked getting enough water at a time that you only had to venture out every few days.
You knew the fastest way out was through the tombs and out the back wall that had apparently fallen at some point. You could only imagine that it had hopefully given some of the prisoners at least a fighting chance at freedom. The irony was that it had given you and Jonah a fighting chance at safety.
Your thoughts slipped to the six year old hiding awaiting your return. You feared the day something may happen that ended with you not getting back to him. You were all he had. The moment you stepped out into the warm Georgia heat you shook yourself to clear your mind. Walkers were everywhere so you needed your head in the game. Jonah was as safe as he could be until you got back but he needed you to get back.
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You stopped just inside the prison to catch your breath. Blood covered your face and arms but none of it was your own at least. You'd stopped just for a second and a couple walkers had gotten too close for comfort. 
Jonah was more used to seeing blood than you'd ever care to admit at this point but nonetheless you dipped into an empty cell and used one of the dirty blankets to wipe away the blood as best as you could. At least the food you'd managed to scavenge should hold the two of you out for another week or more. You always ate just enough to keep yourself going. He needed it more than you.
You stopped just outside the cell you and him slept in quietly watching to ensure he would do as you instructed. No movement or sounds came from inside and you smiled to yourself. It was a challenge having him in this world but you were doing your best to help teach him to survive.
You undid the chain and stepped inside before reconnecting it to ensure the door stayed closed until you wanted out. "Hey Bud. I'm back" You whispered and saw the blanket shift just enough one eye could pop out. When he saw it was you he smiled before sliding out "I'm glad you're back"
You helped him get from under the bunk before offering the bandana full of berries you'd picked as well "Not the cookies you used to get but figured I'd bring you a treat" his smile grew before he offered a handful back to you "Here sistie" you shook your head "Nope I got them for you. Now eat up" he sat on top of the bunk watching as you pulled out the few clothes the two of you had and scrunched your nose up at the smell coming from your other shirt.
"Is it smelly?" He asked and you nodded with a light laugh "Very. What ya say we sneak down to the showers so you can get cleaned up and I can at least try to get some of the stench out of our clothes?" He held out a few berries again "If you eat" you knew that look. Kid or not he got his stubborn streak from you. You took half the berries he was offering and popped them into your mouth "There. Ya happy?" He nodded then stood grabbing his other two shirts and pair of pants "Lead the way"
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Daryl led the way through the abandoned halls followed closely by Rick then Glenn. Since the initial interaction with the prisoners letting walkers in, resulting in Lori and T-Dogs death their next goal was to clear the tombs and ensure no more threats lay in wait.
He never expected to hear voices singing lightly as he moved around a corner he could just make out the tune of you are my sunshine. He held up a hand signaling the other men to stop as he listened. "What is that?" Rick asked and Daryl shrugged "singing?" 
Before Daryl or Glenn could stop Rick he quickly made his way around the corners into the showers. The resounding scream followed by swearing made them both chase after him.
Daryl stopped the moment he saw the scene played out in front of him. A woman stood in front of Rick with a kid shoved behind her "Look I don't mean anyone any harm. Leave us be and I'll leave you be. I swear"
You were shaking and had no idea if it was from fear or anger. You glared at the man in front of you pointing a gun to your head "Look I don't mean any harm. Leave us be and I'll leave you be. I swear" you registered two more men coming in the room but didn't dare take your eyes off the threat in front feeling Jonah's grip on your back tighten.
"Rick man it's a woman and a kid" one of the other men spoke and you looked towards the voice. It was an Asian guy around your age. He seemed friendly enough and the fact that he didn't have a weapon pointed in your direction won him points immediately "She's been here this whole time" said the man with the gun.
Your eyes shifted between them "This whole time? What do you mean?" "See? She ain't even known we was here" The third guy spoke and when you looked in his direction you were met with a pair of blue eyes that at first chance seemed distrusting but you quickly realized that Rick was paying more attention to him than the guy your age. The crossbow in his hand drew your attention to it as well.  
"Look, I didn't know anyone else was in the prison. It offered us some form of shelter that's it" Rick glanced between the two men then back to you "Don't move" You nodded "Wouldn't dream of it" 
You watched the three of them walk back into the hall even though crossbow was keeping you in his sights. "What do we do sistie?" Jonah asked and you shook your head "We don't do nothing. You keep your head down and I will get us out of this"
After a moment Rick grumbled something about a stupid decision costing them then stormed off followed by the guy your age. Crossbow looked back at you from the hall and seemed to be making a decision because he nodded to himself before meeting your eyes "Can we talk?" You slowly nodded.
Crossbow walked back into the room staying just inside the threshold. You leaned back and whispered to Jonah "Go hide in the last stall. I'll call you when I know it's safe" Crossbow watched him run off then looked back at you "That your kid?" You shook your head "He's my little brother"
He motioned back towards the hall "Rick's not a bad guy" "Yeah seemed like a peach" you bit back and saw him stifle a smirk "My name's Daryl. The other fella his name's Glenn" you stared at him for a moment before telling him your name. He nodded towards where Jonah had disappeared but you shook your head "You gotta have a lot more trust from me to know that" 
"Fair enough. Can I ask a couple things that don't got nothing to do with him?" Daryl asked so you shrugged. He had at least backed Rick down. "How many walkers have you killed?" You raised an eyebrow but did a quick headcount mentally "Dozen or so"
He nodded and then asked "How many people have you killed?" You crossed your arms over your chest before answering "Three" he met your gaze and held it before asking "Why?" You motioned over your shoulder where Jonah had retreated "To keep him safe"
He was quiet for a moment then said "Stay in this part of the prison. I'll come by and check on you two. If ya need anything lemme know. I'll help what I can" he started to walk out but stopped when you asked "Why help me when your friend seemed like he wanted to shoot me when he first saw me?" He shrugged "You don't seem like a threat to me. You seem like somebody who's done what it takes to stay alive and keep your little brother alive. World needs people like you"
With that Daryl walked away so you called Jonah out to you. Apparently the little bubble you two had been living in was gonna grow just a bit.
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A few days passed without incident. You weren't sure if they had simply forgotten you and Jonah or had kept the secret amongst the three of them because from the sounds of it they had a group.
It was late one night, Jonah was already fast asleep curled up on the bunk when you heard footsteps. You stood from where you'd been sitting on the floor grabbing the machete nearby. Daryl had told you it was ok for the two of you to stay but what if Rick had changed his mind or if another member of their group had stumbled upon the two of you?
You stepped out into the hall pulling the cell door shut behind you as quietly as possible. You heard the footsteps stop and after a moment of silence you heard Daryl "Y/N I got ya some stuff" 
You laid the machete on the floor then stepped around the corner and sure enough there was the archer with a small crate in his hand. "Rick is gonna get mad at you Daryl" you tried but he shrugged "He'll get over it" He held out the crate and when you took it he ducked his eyes almost nervously "Ain't much but there's a couple cans of food in there.I found you an actual knife and a sheath too" 
You looked from the crate to him knowing the confusion of someone showing kindness was written across your face. He quickly shook his head "I ain't wanting nothing from you. I just know that boy needs you alive. It's safer for you to be here with him. We go out in teams so we're never alone too much" 
He started to walk off but you stopped him by calling his name. He looked back at you expectantly "Thank you" he nodded "I'll see you in a few days. I'll try to come before night next time so I don't spook ya"
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Carol was the first to notice. Whether it was her friendship with Daryl or simply her sleep patterns being as screwed up as they were from years of abuse at Ed's hands. She noticed more than once him slipping away at nighttime. Once her attention was drawn to the matter she also started to notice other things.
Like how his backpack would still carry weight even after dumping everything from a mission or that a few squirrels or whatever he'd manage to kill that day would disappear after they were cooked. It wasn't enough missing to harm their group but still it piqued her curiosity. Especially since Rick had alerted everyone to a woman and kid living in the tombs with orders to not interact with them. 
She waited one night right outside his cell. Everyone who was inside was fast asleep. Maggie and Glenn were on watch. Judith was even sleeping from the sounds of it. When he stepped into the hall he looked her over "what are you doin up?" She shrugged "Couldn't sleep" then noticed the bag on his shoulder "What about you?" He shrugged "Same. Gonna go out see if anything is in the woods" She nodded and let him walk away from her before saying "Make sure you get enough for them too" 
He stopped short glancing around to listen and ensure everyone was still asleep before walking back over to her "What ya mean by that?" She motioned to his bag "C'mon Daryl I know you. Doesn't take much to figure out. Rick tells us to stay out the tombs away from this woman then you start disappearing. Why didn't he invite her to the group? If she survived this long by herself with a kid she's capable" 
He shrugged "I dunno. I been helping her what I can. She does everything for her little brother but was barely eating herself. I ain't took nothing we need" she nodded "I know. Secret's safe with me" he nodded then "Thanks"
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You still went out as you could rather to gather water or scavenge local buildings. You didn't want to rely completely on anyone yet Daryl seemed intent to work his way into your mind at every turn. 
You had ended up meeting a couple of the women in his group by mere coincidence. Carol who had a kind smile but a fire in her eyes and Maggie who had greeted you warmly had ended up at the creek at the same time you went to refill canteens.
You spoke to them for a few minutes learning that Maggie was Glenn's other half. They both stated that they wanted nothing more than to welcome you and Jonah into their group but that Rick was still cold to the idea. "Please don't let Daryl go to bat for me. I don't want any issues within your people" you pleaded with Carol who laughed "I think it would be easier to tell the walkers not to bite. He seems rather smitten with you" You shook your head with a laugh "I barely speak to him. Outside of thanking him and that once I mended his shirt"
Maggie grinned "I like you. I'm gonna get my daddy to talk to Rick again. Your brother and you need people and you've seen we're good people even if Rick has been going through stuff. Let Daryl help you. He's a good guy even if he's rough around the edges" you nodded then heard a noise coming from the bushes and glanced up to see two walkers. You passed Maggie one of your canteens "I got it"
The two of them watched you take out the walkers in tandem. When you reached for the canteen Maggie laughed "We really do need another woman in our group and I think you'd fit good"
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You were sitting cross-legged on the floor of the hallway sewing up an old jacket you found in hopes it may fit Jonah well enough when you heard footsteps. You didn't even flinch because you knew them by now. It was Daryl.
You cut your eyes up when he came around the corner with a smile "Hey" he returned the smile before sitting down next to you "Hey" the two of you had somehow formed an easy friendship. He was nice and although short spoken he was easy to talk to. 
He watched you for a moment before saying "I talked to Rick again about you and your brother" as if on cue Jonah heard his voice and sat up in the bunk "Is Daryl here sistie?" Daryl grinned and turned around "Right here lil man. Now go to sleep like Y/N told you to and maybe I can talk her into letting you keep that slingshot"
You watched the two of them go back and forth for a moment with a smile on your face. Once Jonah was back asleep you leaned over against Daryl's shoulder "His name is Jonah" "What's that?" He asked cutting his eyes at you so you motioned back towards the bunk "My brother's name is Jonah" "That mean you trust me now?" He asked and you shrugged with a laugh "Yeah I do Dixon"
The two of you ended up talking for the better part of an hour. When he stood to leave you heard another set of footsteps and froze. That wasn't Glenn, Maggie or Carol. Daryl quickly pushed you behind him turning to face the intruder and you probably would've preferred walkers to Rick's angry face "So this is where you've been coming?"
"Yeah I don't see the point of leaving Y/N and her brother to fend for themselves when we could pull them into our group" you cut your eyes at Daryl shocked to see the anger there shown towards one of his friends over you. "She's an outsider Daryl" he nodded "So we don't help people no more?"
You took enough of being talked around and slid around Daryl despite feeling his hand protectively on your lower back "Why are you against us so much Rick?" It was a simple question that seemed to take him back "I got a kid and a baby to protect on top of my group"
You laughed humorlessly "and I've got a kid to protect as well. Wouldn't you want another fighter in your group? Maggie, Glenn, Carol and Daryl. They all have gotten to know me. My brother...Jonah he's comfortable with them. I'd fight to protect your people that would fight to protect him. Why not give me a chance?" He looked from you to Daryl before sighing loudly "She shares your cell until we know she can be trusted" 
Daryl looked at you "That ok with you?" A few months back? The thought of Jonah sharing space with a man would've terrified you but sharing space with Daryl? Not so much. You nodded "I'll also help with guard shifts and anything else on one condition" Rick raised an eyebrow "Which is?" "I get to say told you so when you start to like me too" He laughed and it softened his features immensely.
He shook his head then looked at Daryl "I see why you like her"
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You were curled up on the bunk next to Jonah who was fast asleep. A couple weeks had passed since you moved to the other side of the prison. It had been a bit of an adjustment but the group was welcoming.
You'd met Rick's son Carl, his daughter Judith along with Maggie's sister Beth and their father Hershel. Rick had softened after meeting Jonah then you knew he was won over when you managed to get Judith to sleep successfully two nights in a row for him. 
You could see the bond amongst the group and knew you'd found people for Jonah that if something did ever happen to you he wouldn't be alone. The feeling of someone adding a blanket over you pulled a smile to your face. 
You rolled over to see Daryl getting comfortable on his pallet "You know there's two bunks?" You whispered and he shook his head "Only reason I'm sleeping in this cage is cause Jonah asked me to. I'm good down here" you nodded "Thank you Daryl" "For what?" He asked and you rolled your eyes before saying "For helping me when no one else would. It's be a long time since I've felt Jonah was safe"
"You both are" he replied before slinging his arm over his eyes "Night" "Night" you watched him for a second before turning back over knowing his words were true. The world was different but you'd found your group and possibly more in the form of a blue eyed archer that was lying within arm reach from you. Who knows what the future would bring but you were no longer alone to face it.
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shemarmooresfedora · 4 years ago
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Series Summary: After being arrested, Spencer Reid desperately tries to get back home to his daughter, Camellia, who was placed into foster care in your home.
Pairing: Single!Dad!Spencer x Foster!Mom!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Content/Warnings: mentions of Diana’s Alzheimer’s and Schizophrenia, prison, separation of father and daughter, swearing
A/N: i hope you guys enjoy my new fic! this may be about 8 chapters or so! i’m not sure yet, going to see how interested people are in the plot :) (also quick disclaimer: i have never been in the foster care system so please excuse any inaccuracies)
Chapter 1
Spencer never wanted his daughter to see him like this, being brought into the BAU bullpen in handcuffs. He was supposed to be the good guy.
Right now, he couldn’t tell if he still was. He had good intentions going down to Mexico to get non-FDA approved medicine for his mom but he may have killed someone in the process. If only he could just remember.
Camellia ran into his arms to hug him, a hug he so desperately wanted to return if it wasn’t for these stupid cuffs around his wrists.
“They can’t just take you away, Dad,” she cried.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m going to get back to you as soon as possible,” he promised, kissing the top of her head.
Spencer felt absolutely crushed as the guards had to drag his crying 11-year-old off of him so he could be taken to his holding cell.
You had just gotten off of work when your phone rang. Eileen, the head foster care coordinator, was calling.
“Hello,” you answered.
“Hey Y/N,” she greeted you, “I know you haven’t had a foster kid in a few months but I kind of have an urgent case. 11-year-old sixth grade girl. Mom has been out of the picture for a while, Dad recently imprisoned and on trial for murder. There are a bunch of family friends willing to take her but no direct family,” she explained.
“I can take her for as long as she needs,” you told Eileen.
“Great! I’ll text you the address, it’s the FBI headquarters.”
When you walked into the BAU, still in your dino scrubs and white lab coat, Eileen was surrounded by a frantic group of people.
“As I said before, I don’t doubt any of your credentials but this is the law. We can only give away a child to direct family at this point in time. If you are not direct family, you will need a lawyer to fight for custody as well as permission from her father but that process could take months,” Eileen stated.
“Spencer hasn’t spoken to his father in years and his mother is in a facility for her schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s,” a dark-haired woman spoke.
“Exactly so she must be turned over to the foster care system. I apologize to you all but this is how it works. We can’t bend the rules,” Eileen said.
“I don’t want Callie fending for herself in a house with 20 other kids,” a blonde-haired woman argued, “I’m her godmother. She stays with me all the time. She was staying with me while Spencer was in Mexico.”
“Sorry, my answer is still no. But, hopefully this will squash your concerns, Y/N!” she called you over, “This is Y/N. Jo will be placed with her. She is a pediatric doctor and currently has no other foster kids at the moment but all of her past kids have absolutely adored her. She always passes her surprise safety and wellness checks with flying colors.
“Hi,” you waved, intimidated by this huge group of frustrated people with guns on their hips.
“A doctor? So she isn’t even going to be home most of the time,” a curly-haired man scoffed.
“Actually, I own my own practice. I don’t work at a hospital so I usually have a regular 8-4 shift unless one of my patients needs urgent attention,” you clarified.
“JJ, don’t make me go,” a girl, who you could only assume was Callie, sobbed.
They were all staring at you like you were the worst person on Earth. You wanted to shrivel up and die. When you went through the process of becoming a foster parent, you thought this was a very admirable thing to do. You just wanted to provide a good home to kids in need.
“Do any of you have a key to Dr. Reid’s residence so Camellia can pack a bag?” you asked politely.
The woman closest to Callie that must be JJ pulled a key off of her chain and handed it to you.
“I’ll-um-leave my phone number and address here so you guys can contact me at any time or stop by. I understand your concerns but please know I try my absolute hardest to make sure all kids feel welcome and safe in my house,” you scribbled your information down on a scrap piece of paper.
“Are you ready to go, Camellia?” you asked softly.
She went around hugging everyone in the circle before solemnly nodding to you.
God, you felt like such an asshole.
After Callie finished packing her things from her bedroom in relative silence, you returned to the car.
“I don’t know what you like to eat but we can stop at the grocery store so we can get stuff you like and any other things you need,” you said.
You were met with silence from the backseat. You offered for her to sit in the passenger seat but she declined.
“Listen, I’m really not trying to be the bad guy here. Please don’t make me out to be one. I know you are having a tough time with your Dad’s situation right now but shutting everyone else out won’t help,” you spoke softly, “Trust me, I know.”
You sighed when the silence continued. You pulled out of the Reid’s driveway and headed to the grocery store.
You let Callie lead when you entered the grocery store, opting to follow behind her with the cart. She went immediately to the frozen meal section and started throwing them in.
“Camellia, that’s fine if those are what you want but just so you know, I love to cook so I can make you anything you want,” you offered.
“This is what I’m used to,” she spoke sharply, “My dad is not a bad dad, he just usually doesn’t have much time.”
“I never claimed he was,” you defended yourself.
After that, you kept your mouth shut. Clearly, she was a very independent girl and she had her own routine she liked to stick to.
You hauled all the grocery bags inside the house and unloaded them as Callie brought in her suitcases.
“So Camellia, I put all the food you picked out in these two cabinets. I mean obviously, you are welcome to anything in the kitchen but I just wanted you to know where the things you picked out were. I always have a grocery list on the fridge that you can add to,” you began to give her a tour of the house, “Bathroom is in there. There’s another upstairs. Here’s the living room with a TV,” you headed up the stairs, “Here’s my room.”
On your bed was an adorable toyger kitten cuddled up on your pillow.
“Oh! This is Winnie like Winnie the Pooh. I just got her a few weeks ago from a shelter. She is super friendly and loves snuggles so she will probably try to sneak into your bed unless you keep your door closed.”
“I don’t mind,” Callie spoke softly as she petted Winnie.
You smiled softly. These were the first words you got out of her that weren’t a rejection.
You continued the tour, “There’s a bathroom between our rooms but I tend to use the downstairs one so feel free to make it your own. And here’s your room,” you opened the door to a white room with a queen bed in the center, a small bookshelf, a few plants, and paintings.
“I hope this is good enough for now. We can go out this weekend to a home goods store if you want to redecorate. I’d even be open to repainting it if you want,” you offered.
Callie just set her bags down and nodded.
“Alright, I’ll leave you be. I’ll probably be downstairs for a while watching TV if you want to join. Let me know if you want me to make you anything,” you began to shut the door but Winnie slipped in first.
“Good night, you guys,” you smiled softly.
“Do you want me to wait out here or come in with you?” you asked softly.
Spencer had been denied bail, meaning he was transferred to a federal prison and Callie was going to be staying with you for a while. She had taken the news rather hard as expected when the team came over to your house to tell her. You still weren’t really accepted by the group so you mostly stood in the corner of the kitchen while they were all in your living room.
You had spoken to Eileen several times about Callie’s current situation. She gave you permission to do whatever you saw fit. This means you could opt her out of school one or two days a week if she wasn’t feeling up to it as long as she emailed her teachers and got her missed work in on time. You were researching different therapists for her to talk to because she didn’t seem to want to open up to you. You were also given a schedule of visiting times for her to visit her dad in prison.
“I’ll just go in alone,” she walked in the door to the visiting room, leaving you in the waiting room.
“Dad,” Callie tried to hug Spencer but the guard pointed to the ‘No Touching’ sign posted on the wall.
They both sat down defeatedly at opposite ends of the table.
“How are you?” Callie inquired, wiping her tears away from seeing her father locked up.
“I don’t want to talk about me, sweetheart. How are you? Emily and my lawyer visited yesterday and told me you had to be placed into foster care,” Spencer asked, concerned.
“It’s okay. Not the best,” she sighed.
“What’s happening? Are they hurting you? Are they not giving you enough to eat? Callie, I’ll have my lawyer on the phone and you out of there so quick,” Spencer frantically stated.
“No, Dad. Y/N is fine…nice, even. But she’s not you,” Callie cried.
Spencer’s face softened, “I’m so sorry, Callie. You don’t deserve to be dealing with any of this.”
“Just please come home,” she sniffled.
“I’m trying, sweetheart, I’m really trying,” he replied earnestly with tears in his eyes.
A/N: i will also be starting a series taglist if you don’t want to be added to my main taglist so just clarify which one you want to join! also i recommend listening to the song Home by Phillip Phillips because it is kind of like the theme song for this story
main taglist (just ask to be added/removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187 @babymetaldoll @fics4arainyday @ssavanessa22 @all-tings-diego
series taglist: @ilovespencerreidmarryme
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aliensunflower-fics · 5 years ago
Marinette The Perfect Daughter In Law: A Prompt
[ I've seen a few ‘everyone loves Marinette AU’s’ and a couple Marvel DC ‘all the mentors want THEIR kid to end up with Marinette AU’s’ and well frankly! I felt inspired! So I present to you my new prompt / AU thing! In which all the most powerful / rich / popular people in Paris decide to play matchmaker… ]
It starts when Adrien and Kagami have a less than AMICABLE break up according to their parents and the media anyway in reality it was a really REALLY dull break up. The pair have been ‘dating’ (using each other as an excuse to go out and experience normal teenage stuff) since they were 15. Now at 17 soon to be 18 the pair decided to publicly break up in order to pursue other people and interests. The problem is they never told their parents the truth so both Gabriel and Kagami’s mother Tomeo feel protective and concerned about what must surely be an upsetting first heartbreak for their child. And okay maybe both parents take that out on each other and both get a bit defensive and protective. And MAYBE it ends with Tomeo vowing to get revenge for her daughter. Enter, Marinette. Up and coming fashion designer for the rich and famous! She’s single, talented, and as far as Tomeo knows Gabriel is interested in the girl for her talent. So what better revenge could exist but having Marinette take an interest in Kagami!
Kagami has no idea why her mother suddenly has an interest in Marinette but she wont complain about having more time with her very cute designer friend. And all the outfits Tomeo is paying Marinette to make for Kagami is giving the young fencer plenty of up-close and personal moments with Marinette. And okay Marinette is VERY cute and Kagami wont question why she suddenly has all this tine with Marinette, eating ice cream with the girl and having brunch. But she knows shes absolutely head over heels when Marinette shows up at her fencing tournament gives her a luck charm and cheers her on wearing HER colors. Obviously Kagami wiped the floor with all the competition she cant be seen hesitating in front of Marinette!
On Tomeo’s side of things she makes sure that the paparazzi still lurking around after Kagami and Adrien’s breakup catch photos of what could easily be interpreted as dates between the girls. After all this is a revenge ploy but also Marinette is fantastic so Tomeo is 300% down with Kagami ‘bringing her into the family’ something she tells Kagami after the first paparazzi ‘date photos’ leak into the news. Kagami still has no idea this was an orchestrated affair and just thinks her mothers caught on to her feelings and is overjoyed that Marinette is approved of because after the cheek kiss Marinette gave her for winning the fencing tournament Kagami was preparing to fight her mother for the right to pursue the young designer seriously. After all she never hesitates! 
But Tomeo never realized Gabriel isnt the only one interested in Marinette. Audrey Bourgeouis has been keeping an eye on Marinette trying to find a way to get Marinette on to her side and away from Gabriel. So when she sees the photos of Kagami and Marinette she sees an opportunity. After all if Marinette isnt exclusively into men (and those photos of her flushed cheeks as Kagami cleans ice cream off her bottom lip are a clear indication shes not) then Audrey smells opportunity. After all Marinette was Chloe’s first crush! How cute would that be! The next day Marinette is being offered yet another opportunity to intern under Audrey this time with much looser restrictions. When Marinette accepts she suddenly finds herself working with Chloe… A LOT. The pair are modeling together, often paired together for shoots in perfect complementary clothes that screams ‘opposites attract’. Chloe is also helping manage Marinette’s brand and the two start to get along very well. The model photos and their business lunches are soon plastered alongside the Kagami and Marinette outings with parisian gossip blogs finding their interest picked by this potential love triangle.
Chloe for one, was confused at first. Sure she knew her mom was interested in Marinette but she never thought SHE would be working so closely with her first crush. And Chloe tries to ignore it, after all those are dead feelings! And Marinette woud never forgive her anyway so why even- Wait. Is that Marinette in a downright gorgeous golden dress? A-and she will be posing right next to Chloe for their shared shoot? Well… Chloe always thought herself deserving of royalty and damn if Marinette aint the princess of her dreams. Sorry Adriken’s you had your chance to get the girl, but now its winner keeps all and Marinette is the only prize shes interested in. For the record Alya is freaked out by Chloe being nice, but shes more weirded out by Chloe being protective and handsy and downright shamelessly flirty with Marinette. Audrey is pleased when she hears the news and is quick to give her daughter encouragement acting as if none of this was premeditated at ALL.
Oh but they have no idea that this is just the beginning. Because guess who's moved back into town. Adrien’s favorite cousin and aunty. And Felix’s mom is quite the busybody and dammit Felix needs friends! And maybe a cute girlfriend! And oh whos that pretty girl on the magazine cover? Marinette? The one her celebrity connections have nothing but praise for? Perfect! Shes invited to lunch with Felix and herself on friday to discuss movie costumes! And oh Audrey dear dont you think Marinette would look fabulous sandwiched between TWO blondes! Felix hasnt modeled in a while but come now. So suddenly Marinette is being spotted with Felix guiding him about paris and modeling with him AND Chloe under AUDREY’s brand NOT Gabriels.
Felix thought hed really hate Marinette; he tried to ignore her he really did. But shes funny, witty and sweet. Not to mention trustworthy, so a good candidate for a business partner. And thats it, but then he has to admit hes impressed when he rolls up to a photoshoot and Chloe! The definition of brat personified is acting… Bearable. Yes, somehow Marinette has done the impossible! She has tamed the beast known as Chloe. And yes fine he will admit shes drop dead gorgeous and how intelligent of her to learn all sides of the fashion industry and boost her rep with modelling! Soon hes spending more time with her, he tries to argue he needs a guide, that shes the most bearable person to be with! That she is just a friend- Oh god. No it cant be! He sounds like-! Like ADRIEN! And Chloe already told him about THAT mess! No! Absolutely not! He will not lead on Marinette like his idiot cousin! Marinette is a rare and beautiful woman! She could be his queen! And god he has to admit it much as he loathes too Marinette’s smile is enough to make him thank every non-existent god. He will win her heart, show her that she deserves better than his brain dead cousin! Felix is sure mother will approve of his decision to pursue the girl, now he just needs to do more shoots with Marinette...
And that's what finally gets Gabriel to snap. Because REALLY Felix!? Is there no loyalty to FAMILY. Not to mention he was totally drafting a potential contract for Marinette when Audrey snapped her up the witch! But its fine! Marinette has always been interested in Adrien! Surely she still is? Surely she's not been swayed by any of her new suitors! Right? Gabriel knows he can't mess with Audrey’s contract so he goes through Adrien, freeing up his sons schedule and telling him to spend time with Marinette to help her ‘adapt’ to the harsh world of fashion and modeling. He uses Adrien’s heroic nature to make it sound like hed be saving her from Chloe and Felix. And sure enough Adrien bites, using his friendship with Chloe to worm into fittings, meetings, and photo shoots. At first hes just there to make sure Chloe and Felix arent hurting sweet Marinette. But when he sees the blondes fighting for her attention, flirting with her, posing with her in some rather romantic settings. Suddenly hes less worried and more… Jealous? No! Not him! Hes concerned, confused, suspicious! Obviously he needs to spend more time with Mari- Wait! When did Kagami get here to take Marinette to lunch! And why are they all ignoring him!!!
Now Marinette is fully in the public's eye. Gossip blogs are being fed bits of info writing up each ‘candidates’ appeal as THE romantic partner to the Marinette Dupain-Cheng paris new darling, the girl with a heart of gold too oblivious to see the trail of hearts following her around! But there is still another contender yet to enter the game! Jaggeds been away on tour teaching Luka his up and coming protege all the tricks. And lets not lie Luka has his own fans now, enough to rival all the others. Jagged sees Luka as his own son, even calling him as much! Hell hes even adopted Luka and Juleka and when I say adopted I mean Jagged literally got shared custody of the kids when their real dad tried to start trouble once Luka started gaining fame. Luka and Juleka for one love their adopted father and his wonderful fiance Penny. But back to Jagged, being Jagged. 
The moment Jagged is back in Paris he's checking up on his favorite designer and hopefully future daughter in law! When… WHAT'S THIS?! All the other ritchies in Paris are playing his game! Trying to get Marinette married into THEIR families! Not rock and roll at all! He was here first! And so being Jagged he decides to make Luka’s stake in the race for Marinette’s heart clear! By spamming social media with photos of Marinette being cute with Luka, taking his measurements, going out with him, the pair babying Fang, the two passed out against each other after a long concert. And he has photos going back at least a year or two! Soon Luka’s fans pick up the hype starting a trending hashtag finding the pair cute! Jagged feels confident that hes won! When Audrey retaliates, and from there its a complete train wreck. Before long each pair has a hashtag filled with cute moments and arguing over whos dating the model / fashion designer! 
Meanwhile Adrien is drowning in denial as he goes through each hashtag seething about how many MORE photos everyone else has with Marinette, when HE is her very good friend and was here first! Felix, Chloe and Kagami on the other hand have declared open war after they tried to talk to each other about the hashtags reasonably only for it to devolve into “so you agree Marinette is best with me!” - “WHAT! No! Thats not what I said! Besides she clearly is best with me!” - “Ridiculous!” And so on. Poor Luka is having an entirely different reaction hiding in shame unsure how to face Marinette because he WAS going to ask her on a proper date now that she seems over Adrien, because even with everything she's the melody playing in his heart and he had a plan! But now his mom and sister are texting him and teasing him and apparently he has MORE competition! Who do these people think they are to deserve Marinette! No! Luka won't lose Jagged has been teaching him to be bold and confident! And Marinette is worth all of his efforts! Jagged REGRETS NOTHING even if Penny confiscated the tv remote!
Marinette meanwhile has no idea what's going on because the whole class made a dumb bet on when the designer would notice with one of the bet conditions being that no one could tip Marinette off and that they have to keep her away from Paparazzi so they dont spoil it either. And sense Alya is helping manage Marinette’s social media Marinette hasn't looked at it yet so she has NO idea what's happening. But her birthday is coming up next week and Chloe definitely didn't get dibs on planning a surprise party for her all so she could spoil the girl and RUB her GREAT relationship with Marinette into her competitions FACES! The competition however (and Adrien JustAfriend Agreste) have decided that they really aren't going down without a fight!
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