#he’s afraid of being a burden and views his desires/wants as selfish
kissdeficiency · 2 months
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“You no longer have any obligation to see me, to touch me, to bed me, you are . . . you are free of me!”
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“Let me hold you, keep you close to me, I long to hear your voice . . .”
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winwin17 · 7 months
Are you afraid of Scary Bilbo?
Maybe, but ...
Does it change your view of Bilbo's entire character? Does it make you decide Bilbo is evil and corrupt at heart? Does it cause you to deride Bilbo for greed and selfishness in spite of all his heroic deeds?
Then why do you do that to Boromir?
When Boromir tried to take the Ring from Frodo, it was his equivalent to the "HRRAAGHH!!" Bilbo moment.
Think back to the moment when Bilbo at Rivendell asked Frodo just to see the Ring, and in one fleeting instant Frodo saw, not the Bilbo he knew, but "a little wrinkled creature with a hungry face and bony groping hands." The flash of vision scared Frodo so bad he felt a desire to strike Bilbo. Frodo was terrified.
And then the next moment, Bilbo was himself again. The book itself describes the moment thus: "Bilbo looked quickly at Frodo 's face and passed his hand across his eyes. 'I understand now,' he said. 'Put it away! I am sorry: sorry you have come in for this burden; sorry about everything.'"
My friends, this is not that different from what happened with Boromir. He pressed Frodo to show him the Ring, and then became so intense about it that Frodo was terrified Boromir would take the Ring by force. Just like he'd been terrified of Scary Bilbo. Because, just as that was frighteningly not like the true Bilbo, this action was also not like the true Boromir.
Sadly, Frodo did not get the chance to hear Boromir's repentant apology and weeping once the moment of madness had passed. He got to hear Bilbo say, "I am sorry; sorry about everything!" But he did not get to hear Boromir say, "What have I said? What have I done?" nor his confession to Aragorn, "I tried to take the Ring from Frodo. I am sorry."
And what did Bilbo want the Ring for at that point in his life anyway? What would he do with its power? Get revenge on his petty relatives? Acquire riches and pipe-weed to last a lifetime? On the other hand, Boromir wanted the Ring as a final desperate hope to save his city, his home, his family, and his people. Being of a noble heart, he viewed the Ring as the only possible way to protect and defend others. It could be said that he was somewhat selfish and desired glory of his own through his efforts, but then again, wouldn't it be called selfishness for Bilbo to get revenge on the Sackville-Baggins, or store up wealth and riches for himself, or hoard all the pipe-weed he could want? Perhaps he would have had loftier thoughts and intentions to use it against Sauron - but then that would simply be a twin vision to Boromir's.
The point is, no one loses confidence in the character of Bilbo or his true-heartedness because of that one scary moment when he is almost overcome by lust for the Ring. And yet Boromir gets villainized for the same thing.
Say it with me, folks: "Boromir was no more of a villain in his temporary madness for the Ring than Scary Bilbo was!"
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linkspooky · 4 years
Who in you’re opinion are the 5 best written characters in jjk?
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1. Suguru Geto
Geto is the type of character I refer to as an "empathy monster", his genuine feelings of empathy for other people just make him all the more monstrous. Empathy isn't a positive or negative trait, it's just one personality trait that makes a person. It's just the ability to inuit other people's emotions naturally. It's not some magical trait that makes you a good guy. Suguru starts out his story as someone who strives to be good, but in a "self righteous" way. He's trying to assure himself that he's a good person, that his beliefs are the right ones.
Geto and Gojo work so well as character foils, because they are essentially the same person. They're both "the strongest" and that makes them see themselves as apart from normal people. Geto at first believes it's his duty to help weak people, but that still comes from a place of looking down on them.
Then Geto is put through something no normal teenager should have gone through, he gets close to a girl, only to watch her die right in front of him when he promised to be the one to save her and fall away from his best friend shortly after, because when Satoru became the strongest it seemed like he didn't need him anymore.
Geto sees himself above normal people, but it's actually him genuinely connecting to someone he and Gojo would have dismissed as a normal person before in Riko Amanai, and seeing her desire to live in this world the same as everyone else, only for it to be taken away that breaks Geto. Geto feels this empathy deeper and stronger than everything else, and because he cares the loss absolutely devestates him and the only way for him to go forward is to just cut off that empathy. He starts seeing everyone, except for the sorcers closest to him as being human. He disqualifies them.
Geto works so well as a character, because it's his good qualities that drive him to tragedy not his faults. He shows how uncaring the world of sorcerers is, if trying to be a genuinely caring person can be a fault that drives you off the edge.
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2. Satoru Gojo.
Gojo's writing is well done because it's balanced, the entire character is built around the idea of being "the strongest" but instead of it being a power fantasy, Gojou's character revolves more around how much it sucks to be him.
Gojo can win any fight alone, but it doesn't get him what he wants. He can't use his strength to solve every problem. There are several things he can't do, he can't teach that well, understand or relate to other people, play politics with others.
What Gojo wants is a better world, and comrades that can stay by his side without getting left behind, but he can't have those things. Gojo actually has an insecurity around being the strongest, because he thinks it's all that defines him. He sees his strength as insufficient ultimately because there is so much he failed to do. He has strength, but he couldn't save Geto. Gojo is the strongest man in the whole world and still he fails, he makes mistakes like any other human. Just like his character profile says, Gojo can do almost anything, but there's nothing he particularly wants to do and when he does find something it slips out of his fingers.
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3. Okkotsu Yuta.
Jujutsu Kaisen writes main characters well, and it does this by not allowing them to be "the main characters' of their stories. In most stories the world revolves around the viewpoint of the protagonists. However, in the case of both Yuji and Yuta every time they try to view themselves as the heroes, or act self-centered in their viewpoints, they get slapped in the face and reminded that they're not the only ones fighting here.
Yuta is a well thought out version of the "nakama" trope, in that Yuta's entire problem is how codependent he is. He can't function without people around him. He was so afraid of losing Rika when he was young, that he cursed her and bound her to him for years after her death which inevitably made her suffer.
Yuta's passivity is also a serious flaw. Maki calls him out for "playing the victim" as an excuse to avoid responsibility. If he lets others push him around, then he doesn't ever have to make decisions for his actions because he's "not at fault." Yuta's arc in Zero is forcing him to grow up and take responsibility, otherwise he'll keep hurting the people around him like he did Rika, and I hope we can see the conintuation of that arc.
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4.  Kokichi Muta.
Kokichi is a perfectly executed tragic character. His circumstances aren't his own fault, but he still makes bad choices in those circumstances.
Kokichi's desire is to be together with everyone else. However, Kokichi is so afraid of his friends hating him, because of how worthless he believes his own body to be that he can't let them close. Kokichi has internalized the idea that he's weak, so he takes all the burdens on his own shoulders in an attempt to prove he's strong.
That, is what leads him to try to challenge Mahito all on his own. He wants to be closer to the others, but he can't bring himself to rely on them. It leads to one of the saddest scenes in the manga, and expresses the tragedy that's repeated again and again in the jujutsu world, that these are all just kids that want to be friends, and have the normal lives everyone else have. I want to be together with everyone. That's what Riko said. That's what Kokichi said. That's what Yuji tried to promise to Junpei. We want the characters we like to be happy, but to the ones with unhappy endings their story still matters.
Kokichi couldn't leave his room in the end, but even so there was still someone who loved him in Miwa, there's still someone who will remember him - and there's a power in someone who tried their hardest to live and love even if they failed in the end.
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5. Mahito.
Anyway, now I'm going to praise the asshole that killed my other favorite.
Mahito is a frankenstein's monster like Dabi, he's just a little uglier. Mahito serves as an embodiment, a walking, breathing, id of human selfishness and desire. What's so interesting about his character are all his nasty traits are perfectly human ones. Human pettiness. Human jealousy. Human fickleness. The things that Mahito does are all things other humans do with each other. A confrontation with him is like an acknowledgement of just how terrible people can be to each other.
However, there's more to him than that Mahito is basically an infant, he is frankenstein's monster, a creation of humanity but distinctly not human and unaware of what he truly is. What I'm invested in is the potential of a character like Mahito. His starting point si the absolute worst of humanity, but humans are ore than just their bad traits. Just looking at the bad parts of people you're not looking at the whole truth. I'm interested in what kind of character that Mahito can grow into as he gains a wider view of the world around him, because he is a curious learning thing.
I actually hope we see him come back in canon after being eaten by Getwo, because there's a lot more that could be done with a character with so much potential as him.
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quetzalpapalotl · 3 years
So a while ago @chilimepie asked for meta on Mytho and I told them I had an essay on him I did for a class I could translate and post. So here it is! Is highly edited as I removed all elements that were only relevant to my class, but is still my basic view on the character. Note that the time I was super active in the Princess Tutu fandom and would check the tag everyday was some years ago, back then I didn't see anyone else saying this since there wasn't much meta on mytho, but maybe is a popular take by now.
I have a particular interest in Mytho because of the subtle way his feelings and development are presented. Compared to the rest of the main cast in Princess Tutu, Mytho looks more like a plot device than a character due to his circumstances; he lacks agency and a personality in season one, and in season two he has a false personality due to the effect of the Raven’s blood. When we finally get so see him as Prince Siegfried, he looks like the perfect Prince without much more to him. However, I think Mytho is more than an archetype with no depth, if you look closely, you can see that, just as the rest of the characters, the role Mytho has been assigned to is a source of anguish for him.
Siegfried is conceived as a fairytale prince, and as such he must bear the burden of all the ideals that make a perfect hero of Christian values. The figure of Siegfried is quasi messianic: beautiful, powerful, graceful, and most important of all, he is full of unconditional love; it’s expected of him to love and sacrifice himself for everyone. He is an ideal desired by everyone at the same time that he’s not allowed to put his own desires at the forefront. Mytho doesn’t allow himself to wish for anything, this becoming literal when he gives up his own emotions to seal the Raven.
I say this because, after being freed of the Raven’s hold on him, Mytho explains to Tutu that the Raven’s blood attacks the weak parts of your heart, so we can infer that the way Mytho acted under its influence was not entirely a fabrication, but a manifestation of something that genuinely pains him. What this version of Mytho does is the opposite of his regular self, where he demands all of people’s love to be centered on him. He confessed to Ahiru in her duck form that he does not know if he’s the Prince who loves everyone or the Prince who wants all the world’s love for himself.
Deep down, Mytho just wants to be loved. He offers his love to everyone without reservation, and a part of him wishes that by doing so, everyone will love him in return. However, the Prince is not allowed to give his love in self-interest. If he demands something in return, then his love is not “pure”, so he pushes all of his own desires deep inside himself, where the Raven’s blood can take ahold of them.
For this point, we are presented with the character of Femio, a foil and a caricature of the Prince. He claims to bear the burden of being loved by everyone when he does not want this love and cannot reciprocate it because he loves everyone. This being, of course, a lie. Femio is completely self-centered and only has love for himself, his princely act being a play to make everyone love him, precisely what a true Prince like Mytho isn’t supposed to be.
It is meaningful, then, that Rue’s confession was what freed Mytho from the Raven’s blood. At one point in season 2, Mr. Cat questions what is a pure love, if you could call Odile’s love impure. Through the series, Rue’s love for Mytho had been nothing but selfish, impure. She would go to terrible lengths to ensure he would stay with her, and yet, she was never afraid of his raven form and, in the moment of truth, she chooses his life over hers. Of course, Rue is a complicated character deserving an analysis of her own, but the point here is that maybe Rue’s love was not “pure” or selfless, but it was still true.
Also deserving its own analysis is how Ahiru goes through a similar arc than Mytho’s, where she starts the series claiming she does not care about what happens to her and her wants don’t matter, but comes to accept she does want things for herself and that’s perfectly natural.
In accordance with these themes, by the end of these series, Mytho expresses things like “I have to save her, no, I want to save Rue” and “According to the story I’m supposed to love everyone, but in this moment, I just want to love Rue most of all”. Mytho is finally honest with his own wishes, and allows himself some healthy selfishness. He’s finally able to reconcile his desires with his role as the Prince and knows they don’t cancel each other out. He has come to understand Rue better than anyone and loves her for being able to maintain some kindness despite her circumstances, and through this he’s able to understand himself and overcome the restrictions of his own role.
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shinidamachu · 3 years
yo asking someone to make a wish so half of their heritage is gone forever is fridge horror-level wtfness (thnx TV Tropes).
of course RT and Sunrise chose not to focus on it, and in mythology people do give up divinity or humanity for romantic reasons, but specifically in Inuyasha it was like ‘despite your demon half you can still live a good life’ as if he has some disease 🤨
like I get in history people have had to hide their heritage to survive war and avoid being shipped off to their death or lose their rights, but to ask someone to permanently discard half their heritage and presumably hide their origins until death is tragic as fuuuuuuuuuuu
It's not even that they chose not to focus on it, is that they deliberately portrayed it as this grand romantic gesture from Inuyasha’s part and for a part of the audience, it truly was. But then again, this backfired for people like me, because it only served to proof how desperate Inuyasha really was to fit in.
Poor guy was literally planning on using the jewel to become a full demon just the day before. Then, at Kikyo’s request, he agreed on doing the exact opposite with little to no deliberation other than “what will be made of you, Kikyo?” I can only assume he was afraid her feelings were conditional. That if he had said no, she would have called it quits.
Imagine the same situation, but this time Inuyasha has a support system to lean on. Prejudice against half demons are still a thing, however he has his parents, his friends, a place to belong. Would he still have said yes in order to live with Kikyo? I honestly doubt it.
You see, Inuyasha hates being human. Not in the sense of saying he hates it, but liking it in secret. He actively hates it. And I can’t stress enough that we don’t actually understand how rightfully entitled he is to hate it.
We know how a human body feels like, we’re used to have a human body. Inuyasha is only human once a month. The majority of time he is a half demon. That’s what he is used to. Even worse: put yourself in his shoes. If you were to lose half your strength, half your sight, half your hearing and speed every single New Moon, you'd curse that night too. 
Not to mention the sheer vulnerability of being emotionally and physically exposed, of not being able to protect yourself or the ones you care about and becoming a "burden” when he takes pride of being the (un)official guardian of the group. No wonder he felt so hopeless he made a point out of staying up all night. And this is what Kikyo was asking him to feel like every single day for the rest of his existence so their life together could be easier, with the aditional quicker of forever losing the features that marked him as his father’s son. You know, the man who died saving him and his mother.
Every single character that got close enough to find out about his night of weakness quickly became aware of how much he despises it. Now, we don’t know the exact duration of Inuyasha and Kikyo’s relationship, but here are our options: Kikyo didn’t know about the New Moon and that Inuyasha hated turning into human or she did know and decided to go for it anyway.
Considering that the latter option is straight up awful, I’ll just assume she simply didn’t know. What does this say about their relationship? If they were an item for a considerable period of time, how come she didn’t know about such a fundamental thing about him? Especially when people who weren’t even his love interest were aware of that fact pretty early on? What was it worth all that time together if they didn’t use it to have meaningful interactions and get to know one another? If Inuyasha was keeping secrets from her and if she wasn’t interested in learning them?
On the other hand, if their relationship was indeed short lived, that could justify the lack of knowledge, but a different issue raises: if they didn’t have time to collect basic information about each other, how am I supposed to believe in their love? How am I supposed to view the decision to erase his demonic side and live together as anything other than reckless, impulsive and thoughtless? How am I not supposed to see it as mutual convenience, a mean to an end? How am I not supposed to think they are acting out of lonileness and desire to fit in? How am I not supposed to think that if literally anyone else had given them the same options they would have taken it? 
A New Moon would have happened in at least one month, tops. That’s not love. That’s a thirty days affair. It could have grown into love, if given the chance, but the pairing seemed more interested in the life they ideolized for themselves than in each other.
I don’t think Kikyo meant it as an ultimatum or that she was disgusted by his demonic attributes. She wouldn’t have approached or kissed him as a half demon otherwise. But I think it’s hard to deny that she wasn’t necessarily fond of them either, since she jumped at the opportunity to get rid of them first chance she got, with no remorse whatsoever. As if it was a bonus. This allowed with the fact that the prejudice against half demons is an allegory for racism and that she used from false equivalence to make the point that both her and Inuyasha were in the same situation puts her in a bad light.
Inuyasha was isolated by people because of his heritage, something he couldn’t change without resorting to intrusive, traumatizing and permanent magic, which Kikyo herself suggested he did. Kikyo isolated herself. People loved her because of her status and she was a privileged woman in comparison. She could have dropped everything since she was unhappy living like that, but she spontaneously chose her duty and powers over love and an ordinary life. And as much as I disagree with her choices, I can at least respect and understand them. What I can’t do is feel sympathy for her when the consequences of said choices catch up with her.
The narrative doesn’t give this problem much focus, it treats it in a much more subtle way. For instance: the jewel only being destroyed by the right wish, paints wishing for Inuyasha to become human as wrong and selfish, with the potential to be catastrophic.
That being said, Inuyasha didn’t hate being a half demon, on the contrary. What he hated was being ostracized over it, so he decided to take matters on his own hands and, when he was free to choose between using the jewel to become a full demon or a human, he went the full demon route because he knew living as human would made him miserable. But the desire of being a full demon was a facade. What he so very clearly wanted, all along, was to be accepted the way he was. That’s why he had no trouble letting go of that goal to pursue the exact  opposite: there was no attachment to it. Full demon or human, he longed for a place to belong. If Kikyo was offering that to him, of course he would have taken it, even if becoming human was far from being the first choice.
Compare that with Inuyasha finally giving up from becoming a full demon, realizing he didn’t have to change at all, that he had a place to belong and people who loved him not despite of what he was but because of it, that he could be accepted as a half demon. Compare that with Inuyasha ending up with the girl that always encouraged him to be himself, with being comfortable enough around her to follow his instincts and embracing his canine mannerisms rather than shutting them down, which he didn’t quite did with Kikyo... The message is clear:
Kikyo should never, in any circumstance, have asked that of him. The implications of it were really bad and on paper it was a win-win situation for her because getting rid of the jewel to become an ordinary woman was something she already wanted. He was the one with the short end of the stick, sacrificing everything without the same level of compromising from her part.
And Inuyasha should never, in any circumstance, have accepted this deal. As his love interest, Kikyo should have been the very first persond advocating for him not to change. If the feelings they had for each other truly were love, then she should be the one helping him getting to terms with himself while he does the same for her, not legitimizing the absurd idea that a part of his essence was less worthy of existing than the other, that he should have be the one to change in order to fit in, rather than the people who oppressed him.
Thematically, even if subtle, the narrative did a decent job out of showing the audience how fucked up the whole thing actually was. What it failed to do was making Inuyasha and the others realizing how wrong it was and holding Kikyo accountable for her actions by making them talk about it.
Because God forbid Kikyo gets vocally told she was wrong (even though she often is) and God forbid Takahashi give Inukik the tiniest bit of substance and relationship development.
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sepublic · 4 years
King’s encouragement to Luz
           All right, but another thing I very much appreciate about Really Small Problems is… I think King is the first person to actively, openly tell Luz how much he likes her, and how much she means to him???
           I could be wrong. But throughout the show up until then, I don’t think we really ever have such a bold, blunt statement from anyone else; And obviously, actions speak a lot louder in words in their own way. Eda acts all cool and stand-offish, but clearly Luz means the world to her… And obviously Willow and Gus freaking LOVE Luz, even if they don’t say it outright!
           But I think King is the first person to tell Luz how much she means to him… To basically tell her that she means THE WORLD to him, that his relationship with her isn’t just some side-hobby or a lesser enjoyment; It’s legit one of the things that makes his entire world and existence! That he really WOULD give up a lot for her, that Luz actively takes priority in his life instead of being another friendship on the side!
           Keep in mind; Aside from Camila, who’s her own mother anyway… I think Luz never really got this sort of open affection from someone, prior to the Boiling Isles? She didn’t even have any real friends, and this kind of loneliness and rejection for being ‘weird’ definitely impacted her… It’s definitely led to Luz being someone who will do so much and everything for others, but never expecting the same back; Not JUST because she’s selfless and unconditional… But also because she doesn’t expect other people to like her, at least not that much! Subconsciously, without meaning to, I think Luz sees herself as a ‘second choice’ when it comes to friendship… That most people only hang out with her because they have no other option!
           (And THAT parallels how I low-key saw Eda viewing her relationship with Luz, up until the girl stuck around after learning of the curse, but I digress.)
           Luz doesn’t expect other people to hold her THAT high in regard, as having THAT much priority in their lives… Because no one else did. Even her own mother, who DID mean well, ultimately spoke with her actions when sending Luz to that Reality Camp; That she doesn’t unconditionally love Luz for who she is, that she holds the approval of society in higher regard and THAT means more to her… And while Camila never intended to say this and she’s obviously in an unenviable position, from Luz’s perspective this is still a devastating thing to go through.
           I think Luz low-key saw herself as someone who may have even burdened her mother with her presence; And even if Camila never felt that, Luz is still a child who’s reasonably insecure. Maybe Luz felt the need to be more ‘accommodating’ to others, in the hopes that she wouldn’t turn them away; That she can’t openly vouch for what SHE wants, because she can’t be greedy in life, she doesn’t actually mean THAT much to people, and them hanging around her is already showing a lot of grace as-is! Luz probably thought she should just be grateful to have companionship at all to begin with; Especially since it was such a rare commodity back home.
           So there’s this implicit idea and expectation of herself to do what others say, what others expect of you… Because they’re already sacrificing a lot just hanging around someone as annoying and inconvenient as you. Don’t ask for too much, just be a grateful, accommodating child/friend… Do what you can to make up for the kindness of people who go out of their way to hang out with someone like you, because clearly that’s a detriment and not something they actively do for their own enjoyment! And even if they DO do it for their enjoyment, Luz still isn’t that special to them…!
           And that might also tie into Luz’s obliviousness to Amity’s crush, as secretly, deep-down to an extent that not even SHE is aware of it… I think Luz sees herself as someone unlovable, as someone who has to justify people’s enjoyment of her, make herself ‘worth it’ to them! That others’ friendship to her is a pure gift, in the sense that they’re not getting much else from Luz herself, because obviously Luz doesn’t have a lot to offer that others don’t already do. She really undersells her own worth and how much she can mean to others… It leads to Luz wanting the best for others, but without really considering what SHE wants, or HER placement in their life, because it’s all about THEM as her childhood taught her! Some people are probably better off without her, without Luz actively hindering or dragging them down…
           That leads to Really Small Problems. King shrinks her friends, Willow and Gus? CLEARLY it means King is doing this out of spite because he actively dislikes them and/or is being selfish… Because Luz never considers that she really means this much to King, that she means SO much that King prioritizes his friendship with her over all others! Obviously, I’m not saying love should be ‘ranked’ or put into a hierarchy, with some friendships held over others…
           And, it’s low-key this mentality that leads to King even indulging in the accidental effects of Tibbles (sorry, Obvioso’s) potion. But the fact that he even values Luz this much, to do this sort of thing, to cut off any other possible relationship because he holds her in THAT high of a regard… It tells Luz that she’s someone whose presence is actively enjoyable, that being with her IS the gift that she keeps on giving! Luz doesn’t have to justify or make up for who she is, because being with Luz is what people actively desire; Moreso than a lot of other things, in fact!
           Not to mention, it’s a brilliant call-back to Sense and Insensitivity, another King-centric episode! In that episode, Luz tells King at the end that HE means a lot to her, that being with him is one of the best parts of her adventure in the Boiling Isles… But she never expects him to say the same to her, not because she thinks King is a bad person, but because she really doesn’t value what she has to give or offer, as someone who probably has messed up a lot and requires a lot of patience to be around? Luz likely sees herself as a draining friend, that after a short while someone has enough of her and then has to go off and do literally anything else… She doesn’t realize that she’s someone who gives enjoyment, that she isn’t just tolerated but loved! Luz learns from King in Really Small Problems that his specific relationship with her means something to special to him, that it’s not just replacable and interchangeable, and he’d actively sabotage his other potential friendships for it!
           And obviously, THAT last part is a bad thing; But King also acknowledges this as well, as part of his character development of course! Obviously King doing this because he truly loves and values Luz doesn’t excuse it… In the same way that Camila loving Luz, or Lilith loving Eda, doesn’t excuse what they did. But King at least makes the effort to be honest about his love, about where he DID go wrong, and then change it… And obviously it helps that the situation became life-threatening and thus pressured him to do this, a lot more quickly for him (within the span of a night) than for Lilith (who had decades before Belos threatened to execute her).
           But in the end, I should mention that King doesn’t just act like him doing this because he loves Luz that much automatically excuses it; From his perspective, that was never in question, it was about allowing Willow and Gus to be friends with Luz that needed to be acknowledge! But from Luz’s perspective… It better helps her understand WHY King did what he did, while also enhancing how meaningful it is for King to actively apologize and make up for his mistakes. Just knowing she means this much to him helps Luz realize that she IS worth loving, that she’s lovable… And that in turn makes her so much happier and confident as a person!
           That people would WANT to be with Luz… that they’d actively choose her over ‘better’ options, just as Luz and King chose to hang with Eda even after the curse, because even though that arguably made her dangerous and a liability… Eda just meant that much to them! Luz isn’t to King his ‘least painful’ option, she’s the one he loves and cares for most! King making it clear that Luz is one of the best things about his life, is a brilliant call-back and tie-in to Luz doing the same back in Sense and Insensitivity… Because now BOTH of them realize how much they mean to one another, and how much it says that they’re good, lovable people who have a lot to offer and don’t need to actively justify their existence or companionship with others! Just being with these two is already enough…
          Why else would Eda hang around, after all? King may have understood this, although I think Luz potentially had some doubts because she didn’t want to set herself up for disappointment… Eda always being rather closed-off and tsundere when it comes to showing affection possibly contributed, amidst her not being one for blatantly-open gestures of affection. But also, maybe Luz was low-key afraid that Eda was merely tolerating her… Because Eda had the power in the Owl House here. Luz and King chose Eda and that means a lot because they could’ve had ‘other options’, but it’s not like Eda has anyone else to choose from between Luz and King…
          Well besides Lilith, but Luz mostly knows that Eda’s dislike of the Coven System is keeping them from reuniting, like Lilith she doesn’t fully understand that there’s more to the divide than just that. Plus, Lilith actively rejected Eda’s lifestyle, so it’s not like she’s an ‘option’ for Eda… Eda bears with Luz and King, because who else does she have? And while King may or may not have such doubts, perhaps Luz was afraid that Eda’s love for her was also conditional… Hence why she felt like she ‘owed’ Eda and thus had to risk her life to get the Healing Hat, just to pay her back for all of the other gracious things she did! Because Luz didn’t realize that just being with the girl was already ‘payment’ enough for Eda.
           And THAT ties into another meta/analyses post I made, about how Eda made sure to remind Luz when they reunited in YBOS about how much the girl means to her, that Luz doesn’t owe her anything and that Eda’s decisions are her own, not necessarily as a begrudgingly-obligated reaction to Luz’s mistakes or whatever… Actions speak a lot louder than words, usually, as shown with how Eda clearly loved Luz even before she outright said it; But let’s be real here, words also certainly do a lot to help, especially to tie off the previous actions that people do for one another out of love! By the end of Season 1, Luz fully affirms her relationships with King and Eda respectively, and vice-versa; That they really mean THAT much to one another, and would give the world for each other…
          That each would sacrifice a lot, just for the sake of being with the other, or even seeing the other be happy with or without them; Which ties into how King was willing to risk his life to fix his mistakes in Really Small Problems, outright saying he was fine with losing Luz’s friendship (either by dying or through rejection), because at least Luz would be happy! And it’s this kind of selfless, unconditional love that they show for one another… Not just to enjoy the other, but to let the other enjoy themselves as their own individual, regardless of whether or not Luz/King/Eda is with them to benefit from their presence!
           It’s a beautiful kind of love… That not only is just being with YOU the end-goal and reward for me; But you mean so much to me, that I just want you to be happy, regardless of whether or not I’m there to enjoy you or not! I love you to an extent where it’s no longer about what you do to make me happy, it’s about just seeing you be happy… It’s about you, not me! And it means so muchto Luz, Eda, and King to hear this from one another. It does so much to affirm their confidence and self-esteem in themselves as people who are worth loving, as people who aren’t inherently screw-ups, and as people who can continue to make their own decisions and relationships on their own, as their own worthwhile individuals! It tells each of them that they’re perfectly valid in loving themselves…
           TL;DR Really Small Problems is actually a very underrated episode; As-is King and the surprising amount of depth and growth to his character! I would even argue that it’s the culmination of his growth in Season 1! Obviously Enchanting Grom Fright and King’s reconciliation with Gus helps to cap off this development as an addendum, while subsequent episodes have King as either a minor character, or in the case of the Season Finale, affirming the growth he’s had… Regardless, it’s an episode that actually means a lot for King, and like him it deserves a lot more appreciation as being more than just ‘enjoyable’, or cute and funny, but actually meaningful as well!
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tumblezwei · 5 years
I’m going to talk about Ruby and Jaune now because I love them and their bromance sparks joy
The thing I’ve always loved about their dynamic is how the two of them are almost opposites of one another in terms of development. I’ve seen a lot of people call them foils, but I don’t think anyone’s ever really explained why outside of “Ruby was a huntress prodigy at Beacon and Jaune didn’t know how to hold a sword properly.” I think it’s a lot more interesting than that because they both start off seemingly similar in attitude, having similar experiences and given similar roles, but their motives and the lessons they learn are almost opposite. I know that probably doesn't make sense and I’m typing this off the top of my head, but hopefully I can explain. 
See, Ruby and Jaune both idolized the idea of being a Huntsman. Both of them decided to attend Beacon because of their admiration of Huntsmen, but their motives for doing so and the path their development takes are almost opposite. 
Ruby admired the heroism of Huntsmen. She grew up hearing incredible tales of heroes saving the weak, eating up bad guys, and killing monsters. And there was Summer “baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters” Rose, someone Ruby wanted to grow up to be just like. Huntsmen and Huntresses were unstoppable badasses they swooped in and saved the day and Ruby didn’t care about anything other than fulfilling that exact role. I’ll save the discussion of how Ruby’s repression of negative feelings and complicated emotions about her mother’s death is what stemmed this rose-colored view of Huntsmen for a later post. But even with this lofty idea of being a hero in her head, Ruby was still awkward, shy, and insecure. She wanted to save people, but always expressed discomfort at being the center of attention and at being considered “special.” Going to Beacon, she wasn’t afraid that she wouldn’t measure up, Ruby obviously had skill in both combat and weapons, she was afraid she wouldn’t be accepted as part of the group. Her insecurities, conflict with Weiss and hesitance to accept leadership, didn’t come from wanting to be recognized as a prodigy, but wanting to be respected by her fellow heroes and become part of the fold. 
Jaune, on the other hand, idolized the glory of being a Huntsman. Jaune grew up most likely hearing stories of his ancestors’ exploits as Huntsmen and wanted to be like them. But Jaune seemingly lacked the talent for it. Or possibly, growing up with seven sisters, he felt like there was nothing really special about him. His sisters treated him like another one of them, so maybe because none of them had the aptitude or desire to become Huntresses, they assumed Jaune didn’t either and he never received training. In the end, it all leads to the fact that Jaune felt there was nothing noteworthy about himself and that he was destined to fail at whatever he did. He was so desperate for some kind of validation and recognition that he forged transcripts to get into the most renown Huntsmen academy in Remnant and even upon hearing the news that their son was accepted into Beacon, Jaune’s parents expected him to fail and come back home. To him, becoming a Huntsman meant gaining an identity and purpose. It was a chance to be someone and do something important that would finally make people realize that he had worth and merit. He was against accepting help from Pyrrha and his team because to him that meant admitting he couldn’t do anything on his own. Leaning against allies for help meant accepting defeat. Jaune wanted to stand out and live up to his “macho ideas” of what a Huntsman was. 
And so this is where Ruby and Jaune’s development kind of inverts itself from their expectations, and this is why I love their friendship. Both of them become the leaders of their respective teams and accepting their responsibility as leaders means two different things for them. 
Ruby is a reckless fighter. She wants to save people and in order to do so she needs to put herself in danger. Her eagerness to show off her prowess, selfless nature, and generally being unused to working with others leads her to often neglect the flow of teamwork and go off on her own. Like the Ursa in the forest and the Deathstalker at the ruins. Coming into her role as leader means reminding herself that she has a responsibility to take care of her teammates. She can’t go off on her own and do things at her own pace, she needs to be aware of her and her teams strengths and weaknesses and utilize and compensate for them. Ruby’s growth throughout the Beacon arc and beyond was accepting the weight of having others rely on her. At Beacon, becoming a leader was a choice made by Ozpin. When Beacon falls, Ruby takes on the burden herself. The Fall of Beacon rips away the rose-colored glasses from Ruby’s eyes and she begins to understand that being a hero meant more tha swooping in to save the day. It meant carrying the burden of everyone’s lives, not just her own. 
Jaune’s insecurities and inadequacies led him to be a mostly ineffective leader initially. Because he believed he needed to become a great Huntsman on his own, he would ignore his team’s advice and offers to help him. He refused Pyrrha’s offer to train with him, he excused Cardin’s harassment, and he didn’t feel like he could trust his teammates with his secret and ask them for help. For Jaune, accepting the role of leader meant accepting support. It meant realizing that trying to improve on his own wasn’t the correct way to go. Leaning on his friends for help wasn’t a sign of weakness, it was proof that he trusted their bond and moving forward together with them allowed him t grow stronger and gain more confidence in himself. 
And like, this is why I think Ruby and Jaune are great. In volume one, Ruby sits ith Jaune and tells him “It’s not just about you anymore. You’ve got a team now, Jaune, we both do. And if we fail, then we’ll just be bringing them down with us. We have to put our teammates first, and ourselves second.” And this meant different things to both of them. To Ruby, it was a little more literal. Putting her reckless desire to be a hero behind her responsibility to take care of her team. To Jaune, it meant putting his selfish ideas of growing strong by himself behind him and accepting the aid of his team. In a sense, this is where Ruby become the protagonist, and Jaune became the support. This isn’t what they wanted, but it’s what they eventually chose for themselves because they realized it’s what the world needed from them. 
When Ruby leaves Beacon, she does so out of a genuine feeling of responsibility toward stopping the enemy and protecting those she loves. Not because she sees it as an opportunity to save the day. When Jaune agrees to come with her, he does so because he believes in her and wants to do what he can to help her. Not because he thinks it’s a good opportunity to gain some recognition. 
I also kind of want to talk about how their development during volumes 4-6 is them swinging too far into their roles, but this post is long enough already. Anyways I love Ruby and Jaune a lot and they deserve to be talked about more.
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angmarwitch · 6 years
“You–,” he stopped mid-sentence, anger dissipating from his features, and you watched as his wonderful blue orbs comically widened in shock as he finally saw your face.
“Surprise,” you managed to squeak, finding it difficult to breathe through his tight hold. The darkness and aggression from his blue eyes slowly dissolved and changed into familiarity and warmth. He released you in an instant, his dagger floating away now forgotten. You felt the saltiness of tears from your eyes when he uttered your name in such desperation and need and enclosed your body in a crushing hug.
(Or You are Mera's sister who is sent to Atlantis at a young age to be fostered. You never expected to fall in love with Orm. Knowing that his betrothal to your sister is final and unchangeable, you ran away, unable to suppress the pain. Years later, you were forced to return. Can you finally come to terms with your feelings?)
Warnings: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
You were only twelve when your parents sent you to Atlantis foster under the care of Queen Atlanna and King Orvax.
Originally, the plan was to send Mera, seeing that your parents have long been planning to betrothed your older sister to Prince Orm. But as sister has just discovered her hydrokinetic powers that time, King Nereus found it wise that you should be sent instead as your sister needs to be trained and tutored on how she can handle her newfound abilities lest she hurt Orm or the other Atlantean royals. You didn’t like the idea at first, as the youngest of two and a daughter of a King no less, you had very little interaction with boys your age. You and your sister had a few male playmates, sons of visiting Xebellian nobles, from time to time, but none of them had become permanent fixtures in the castle. Your young mind also worried about the age gap as you had because he had been four years older than you.
Surprisingly, the two of you got along pretty well. Prince Orm was kind and courteous when you first meet him and the both of you shared interests such as reading, music, and exploring Atlantis (which got you in trouble from time to time). You felt that he had spoiled you rotten during your time here as he continuously indulged your shenanigans despite the possibility of being punished by his parents. He was after all your host, so your welfare was in his hands, any harm that may come to you may also harm Atlantis’ relationship to Xebel. You were given the best bodyguards but none would ever compare to Orm, who had also become your protector.
The tension between his parents grew as the two of you aged.
The arguments became more severe and uglier, affecting their son heavily. It was those times that led you into finding the alcoves in the uppermost towers of the castle, a place which would eventually become a constant haven whenever Queen Atlanna and King Orvax would fight. The two of you would do nothing there but enjoy the view of the city and bask in each other’s company, forgetting the quarreling monarchs down below. Orm would sing to you sometimes while running a hand on your hair, letting you fall asleep on his shoulder. Sometimes you would regale him with stories about Xebel, of the adventures you and Mera have partaken when you were young. Or sometimes, you would just enjoy the total silence, reveling on the temporary semblance of peace the alcove has to offer.
You missed those times, you realized, you missed him.
Was he still the same Orm like before?
How much did he change?
You wonder as you maneuvered your ship towards the gates of the city of Atlantis. You had been gone for so long, choosing to explore the other parts of the ocean the moment his engagement to Meera was finalized. You didn’t want to stay in Atlantis nor Xebel. You didn’t want to stay anywhere in close proximity to him or your sister. You cut your ties with him and abandoned him because you didn’t want to continue torturing yourself.
You had to escape because you have fallen in love with Orm, the man you consider your best friend and your sister’s future husband.
It was never your intention to return.
Until you received your sister’s message.
When you arrived in Atlantis, the palace has been in an uproar.
The King was missing and was nowhere to be found. The royal guards and nobles alike dispersed all throughout the city to find the missing monarch unaware of your presence and their King’s location. Not wanting to catch unnecessary attention, especially that of your Father, you sneaked in using one of the secret passages Orm taught you all those years ago. For a palace under high alert, security was pretty lax inside but perhaps it may be because most of the guards have been sent out.
Trusting your instincts, and hoping that your former friend hadn’t changed that much since you left, you skillfully avoided the remaining guards who stayed behind and ascended to the upper levels of the enormous castles. Orm would be there, you hoped.
You weren’t wrong.
You found him in one of the palace’s alcoves, sitting quietly on a protruding rock, his eyes glued to the bustling city below, his back towards you. The image was very reminiscent of the days you spent during your childhood and you can’t help but smile as some memories resurfaced in your mind.
However, a new dilemma presented itself in your mind. How exactly are you going to approach him? After years of no contact, you can’t just say hello and expect him to receive you warmly given his current situation (and not to mention the fact that your sister had just publicly spurned him and is currently assisting Atlanna’s first born to dethrone her former fiancee).
The sudden assault of uncertainty clouded your mind, rendering you unsure about the choice you had made. You returned per Mera’s request. Now that it is known to Atlantis that Mera and Vulko, the King’s vizier, had sided with Arthur, your sister thinks that you may be the only person that he trusts.
You may be the only one he who can sway his mind, little sister, Mera said in the message, he still trusts you. He misses you, I can see the longing in his eyes whenever your name is brought up. You are the only one who knows him more than us. Come back, please. He needs you more than ever.
But what if your sister was wrong?
What if he won’t listen to you?
Will he even be happy to see you?
A lot of questions burned in the back of your mind that it took you days to finally build up the resolve to return. Seeing him this close after all these years bombarded your senses with a plethora of emotions. Of fear, apprehension, happiness, weakness and a burning desire to his smile once more. You wanted to remove the burden he carries, to erase the hate and apathy towards the surface dwellers his Father had embedded in his mind. You understand his will to wage a war against them, you have seen firsthand the damage they have inflicted in your habitat but you have also seen how they lived and how they can learn to change and correct their ways. To make Orm understand this reality is what your sister wants and she thinks you are the right person for the job. Were you though?
As distracted as you were with your thoughts, you never noticed Orm move silently towards you. The area had been dimly lit, with your silhouette shrouded in darkness you resembled an intruder. Growling, Orm roughly pinned you to the rocky wall, his dagger hovering dangerously a mere inch away from your throat. You whimpered in fear. You have never seen this side of him before, aggressive and dangerous. Gone was your roguish Prince, in his place was a man, a King. Beautiful and deadly. You wanted nothing but to thread your fingers through his hair and pull him down for a kiss to show him how much you missed him.
“You–,” he stopped mid-sentence, anger dissipating from his features, and you watched as his wonderful blue orbs comically widened in shock as he finally saw your face.
“Surprise,” you managed to squeak, finding it difficult to breathe through his tight hold. The darkness and aggression from his blue eyes slowly dissolved and changed into familiarity and warmth. He released you in an instant, his dagger floating away now forgotten. You felt the saltiness of tears from your eyes when he uttered your name in such desperation and need and enclosed your body in a crushing hug.
What a welcome indeed, you thought, your eyes fluttering close as you succumbed to his embrace.
“You’re back,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours, “you’re back.”
“Why did you leave?” Orm asked as the two of you sat side by side, his hand clutching yours tightly as if he was afraid that you would disappear anytime. It had taken you minutes to separate from each other. If you were to decide, you would never break away from his embrace, hell, you think you can do it forever, the Seven Seas be damned.
“I—,” you paused, you wanted to tell him about your feelings but you’re afraid of his reaction. Also, given the circumstances, you believe that it wasn’t the right time to confess. “Well, I wanted to explore.”
“And you never cared to keep in touch with me?” He probed once more, arching his silver brow.
You sensed the hurt in his tone and a hint of sadness. In truth, your decision had been juvenile, you never really thought it through nor did you ever consider the consequences. You just wanted to escape. Everyone you left behind was heartbroken, it had been a selfish choice but you had been so young. The pain was too much.
“I wanted to,” you whispered, releasing his hand. You stood and turned away from him. You didn’t want him to see the emotions that are now projected in your face. 
“But, I can’t. It’s hard to explain, you may not understand,” you added, shaking your head. You were about to drift further but he caught you. Gently, he rotated your body so that you can face him again. Cupping your face, he pivoted your head a little so that you have no choice but to meet his eyes.
“Then make me understand,” he pleaded, the shade of his eyes softening, “you have no idea how much I suffered when I learned that you ran away. I would have followed you, had my Father not prevented me. Even when they crowned me king, my thoughts were with you. I was willing to give up my kingdom to be with you again. So please, tell me. Why?”
The tears were building up again as your emotions shook at the intensity of his gaze and of his words. You have always known he cared for you, though you’ve always seen it in a platonic way. You never deduced that he would be willing to throw away his crown for you.
“I—,” you started again, taking a deep breath to collect yourself and calm the thunderous beating of your heart, “I ran away because I fell in love with you.”
You never received any response because as soon as you uttered those words, Orm’s lips crashed against yours. He kissed you with such ferocity that you practically melted in his arms as you also surrendered to passion. It was perfect, beautiful, just like the man that held you. It was everything that you imagined it to be and you thought yourself a fool for being a coward, for hiding from him. Mayhaps your presence at his side would have changed a lot of things. Mayhaps, there will be no wars, no violence. The Seven Seas wouldn’t be placed in its current position.
Yet, mistakes can be corrected and errors in judgment can be straightened.
Despite all the possibilities that crossed your mind, you know that you will never trade any of them for this moment.
“I love you,” Orm declared, kissing you passionately again.
Lost in his touch, you never noticed the fact that it was the first time he smiled that night.
“Do you regret it?” You asked, watching the slow descent of the sun from the horizon. There was something relaxing about seeing the sunset and the calm waves of the ocean at dusk. Yet, you found the view even more enjoyable and picturesque when you were with him.
“Abdicating?” He replied, placing a kiss on your shoulder. He was embracing you from the behind, his hands gingerly placed on the growing bump on your stomach.
You hummed, laying your head on his shoulder.
“Never. As long as I have you.”
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ceridwenofwales · 6 years
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way? // 2: What scene did you first put down? // 3: What’s your favorite line of narration? // 4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? --> For Ebb Tide and the Sea Wolves
Thanks, Laure!
Fanfic asks
The Sea Wolves
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way? Answered here.
2: What scene did you first put down?
You sent me the prompt that inspired me to write the first chapter. Unfortunately, I can’t find it anymore. :(
I wrote Moyra hiding from the invaders and being found by Haakon. 
3. What’s your favorite line of narration? 
@pokeasleepingsmaug asked the same and I included more lines there.
He offers his hand to help her to get up and Moyra looks at him with disdain. Ivar is determined to make her look at him with desire one day.
It was easy to believe Moyra truly wanted him. Why else would she voluntarily undress for me? There wasn’t much left of Ivar’s discernment and shrewdness, so he chose to believe he had finally conquered her with a gesture of gentleness towards a slave and her child, and the intoxicating influence of the honeyed ale.
4. What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Well, I’ll pick two.  
 "Njörun, I beg you to protect her while she is in your domains. Svartalfheim is a dangerous realm for those wandering without purpose. Give her shelter as we try to help her find her path back to us. Don’t allow her to be chased or haunted.“ Ivar lifts his hand to muffle the strangled sob that left his mouth and made Moyra stir.
“I think you should leave!” Ingrid touched his shoulder, looking at him with her mouth twisted. Ivar felt like they were judging him.
“It’s my right to be here, to assist her if she needs me. My children are coming to the world,” Ivar looked from Moyra to Ingrid.
“It was your right to fill your slave with your seed too. That’s why we are all here. But if you don’t leave, the birth might be more difficult for her and the children,” Ivar gulps with the realization that he might be happy being a father, but that for Moyra it is torture. He wanted them to be happy, his selfish mind wanted her to be pleased that his seed had taken roots and they would now have an unbreakable bond. Realizing he is the only one pleased with Moyra growing round with their children is his first defeat and Ivar suspects it to be a thousand times worse than a defeat in the battlefield.
“Don’t blame me! I only want to help her! YOU are the only one to blame for this situation! You should be ashamed of yourself, and somehow, I know you won’t ever be. You forced it on her and now, you see what you’ve done? She might die and it’s your burden. In all my years, I have seen men as you take and destroy innocent and young maidens as that one,” Ingrid gestures to the bed, where Moyra is grimacing as another contraction hits her, “I’m tired of this!” Ingrid hisses, lifting her chin to face Ivar.
Ingrid was getting far too insolent. Ivar couldn’t bear it anymore, couldn’t bear hearing her telling all those things. He couldn’t tolerate her telling him to leave. She needed to be silenced, but he didn’t want to scare Moyra. Lowering his face at only an inch from Ingrid’s, he violently grasped her upper arm with his hand. “You don’t tell me what to do anymore!” he snarled at her.
“I don’t pity, or fear men like you!” Ingrid replied. Glowering at him, she tried to free herself from his hold, but Ivar only closed his hand more firmly on her.
“Listen to me, Ingrid, and listen with attention,” his tone calmer. He could feel the corner of his mouth twitching and his eyes were narrowed and burning with hatred. “It’s better for everyone that she survives this. If she dies I swear by my place in Valhalla that I’ll kill you,” Ivar promised, nodding at the bed. Moyra stiffened at hearing his words, her eyes grew wide.
“I’ll burn that hut you call home to the ground until nothing is left to prove that damned place has ever existed at all. If I’m not satisfied afterward, which I’m sure I won’t be,” His nostrils were flared and a vein in his neck pulsed with tension, “I’ll track down everyone you’ve ever loved or cared about and cut them in half. I’ve nothing to lose, nothing I care for in this ugly world! Save her!”
As he growled his threats, Ivar finally saw fear in Ingrid’s eyes and for a brief moment, the view made him feel better. But it didn’t last. There was only so much pleasure to be taken from intimidating others and the notion of vengeance.
“Go back to her now, Ingrid! You have much to do,” he reminded her, his voice a low rasp.
Ebb Tide
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way? 
I’ve always loved the mythology of Selkies and I knew I would eventually write a story about them. Then you wrote Lurking in the abyss and made me ship Ivar with Morven and I loved the idea of Ivar marrying a supernatural being and founding a dynasty as the Melusine myth. 
2: What scene did you first put down?
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That promo video inspired us to write Ivar interacting with those mythological women. ^^
In your story, Morven is the one to watch as Ivar is unaware. I chose to write Fionnuala being watched as she bathed instead. I think that was my way to show how different they are.
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
She kisses him back with her mouth wide open as she is not afraid of swallowing poison. She tastes the tenderness and the brutality and Fionnuala wants them both.
And when the wave comes Fionnuala remembers not to fight against it. Her body awakens for the memories of swimming in the ocean and soon the primal cry of her baby is heard. She smiles through the tears feeling she won and the sea was with her all the time. Sweat and salty tears are not always a tragedy. 
It was impossible for Fionnuala to answer why she couldn’t dive into the ocean after recovering her skin. She was holding the sealskin in her hands, gazing longingly at the ocean but still unable to reclaim her identity. The calling was strong and she thought that would explain why the tears wouldn’t stop streaming down her cheeks. But there was another call. This one was making her nipples leak something precious. Something that meant life for another being Fionnuala loved fiercely.
4. What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
“If it is not safe for me, how is it safe for you? How can you ask me to stay? You are hurting me! If you do not come back, I will be trapped here…” The tears are streaming down her eyes and Ivar starts wiping them away. He wants to stop making her cry, but it seems he is too good at making her suffer, “alone on earth. Is that what you want for me?”
“Why am I not surprised? You Selkies are always so…,” her eyes travel through my body, “romantic.”
“Let them come. I am starving.” She laughs, and I frown, but I find her excitement so contagious that I see myself smiling shyly at her.
I see her closing her eyes and pressing her lips together as she moans in delight, “I cannot forget the warmth of the blood painting my face as I make them scream. Such a sweet song they sing.”
“All he ever deserved was to be meat to feed my hunger.” Morven is grimacing as soon as I tell her what happened.
“Do you think I did this because of you? Out of jealousy, or to make you proud of me?” A sharpness rises in my throat, bursting out as a scoff, “I don’t want your love anymore. I finally realized you can’t understand or feel love. Erik could have killed me and your son while you were sweating between that woman’s legs.”
“You only understand terror and pain, so I want you to be terrified to the point you will never risk my son’s life again.” I speak with a coldness that not even I can recognize, “You can sleep with whoever you want, as long as you are discreet and cautious not to put my son in danger ever again.” I give a bitter laughter, then look straight into his eyes. Ivar is watching me speechless for the first time.
“Are you saying you will leave eventually?” Ivar laughs, and I tilt my head, “You have nowhere to go and you can get back to the sea. Have you forgotten I still have your sealskin?” I brush a finger over my lower lip, glancing at Ivar from over my shoulder with narrowed eyes.
“Do you think you can hide it that well?” I provoke him, and my plan works as I had planned. Later at night, when Ivar thinks I’m asleep, he pulls his body out of the bed to the ground, crawling outside. I only have to follow him discreetly. So predictable.
“Save his head for me!” Fionnuala shouted, looking up from Ragnald to Morven’s bloody face. The mermaid stopped eating, staring at Fionnuala in amazement.
“That’s new! I never thought you would want a taste,” Morven laughed, throwing her head back. Fionnuala watched the blood streaming down Morven’s chin and covering her breasts, “His blood is still so warm, Fionnuala. Come and feast with me.” Fionnuala trembled as Morven licked her lips and leaned down to take another bite.
I think it’s perfectly clear how much I love Morven! Thanks again for this ask. I’m inspired to write these two now. 💖💖
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hedgehoggery · 6 years
An Unexpected Reunion Pt. 2
Here’s chapter 2 of my AU kakayama story (chapter 1 here)! I was going to wait a few days to post this to try to give the impression that I have a life and don’t just write all the time but who am I kidding. I have no life and I just write all the time. This chapter was a real downer and I was so sad BUT rest assured it is not the end, chapter 3 is in the works and is going to turn things around! 
Also, any ideas on better ways to link chapters are welcome. I thought about reblogging the first one and adding this one but I’m worried that will quickly become much too long??? 
Word Count: 1408
Chapter 2
Yamato stared slack-jawed at the man standing before him. The light from the sun shone through the shop window behind him, creating a heavenly aura around the unexpected visitor. He felt his mouth go dry as he sputtered out disjointed syllables.
“What… how did you… when did you... what?” Yamato tried to clear his mind enough to form at least one coherent thought. “What are you doing here?”
“I don’t know,” Kakashi said. Yamato scoffed. It was just like Kakashi, to show up unannounced after all these years and then not even begin to explain himself.
“I didn’t ask you to come here!” Yamato heard his voice wavering, belying his harsh exterior. “What are you doing here?!” Kakashi ruffled his bright white hair - a quirk Yamato recognized as Kakashi’s way of buying time to come up with an answer.
“I… smelled you,” he said finally. Yamato couldn’t help but recoil in confusion - whatever answer he had been expecting, that certainly wasn’t it. “No, that sounds weird. I just mean, I smelled the trees and I stopped by to investigate. I didn’t know you worked here.” The two men stared at each other in silence. The initial shock of seeing Kakashi had given way to anger, but even that was starting to fade as he stared at the man standing before him. Kakashi’s expression was balancing somewhere between shock and awe, and his wavering eyebrows made him look sickeningly adorable. Yamato had never been able to stay mad at Kakashi for long - a power Kakashi knew well and had abused many times in the past.
“I’m surprised you’re back in the neighborhood,” Yamato said, breaking the silence. “After you left us, I thought you were gone for good.”
“I had intended to be gone for good,” Kakashi admitted, and Yamato felt his heart sink. “But that didn’t work out.”
“Clearly,” Yamato retorted, a sense of betrayal swelling up inside him at Kakashi’s response. “Well you can go now. Since that’s what you wanted so badly. I have no desire to see you anymore.” Yamato spat the words out, each one stinging his tongue as he did. Kakashi cocked his head to the side and raised one eyebrow.
“You want to get dinner? I feel like we have a lot to catch up on,” he said. Yamato stepped back in surprise.
“Dinner?!” he exclaimed. “I… I have my shop to run!” Kakashi looked around.
“Ohhh, it’s your shop? I’m impressed, Tenzo.” Whatever shock Kakashi had felt walking into the store had clearly worn off, and he had fully regained his composure along with his usual expression of disinterest. Yamato noticed and silently cursed him for not caring as much as he did. He never cared as much as I did…
“Well, whenever you close I’ll come by and we can get something to eat,” Kakashi continued. “I’d really like to catch up with you.” Kakashi’s voice felt like melted chocolate slowly drizzling over all the bad memories of the last several years, blotting them from view. Yamato tried to maintain his harsh expression but felt it and his anger being melted away. He sighed.
“Fine, I close at seven,” he said, defeated. I still can’t stay mad at him… even after everything that happened.
“Seven it is,” Kakashi said, flashing Tenzo a smile that made him weak in the knees. “I’ll see you then.”
Kakashi checked his watch. 6:57. He tapped his feet restlessly on the ground and stared at the curiously named shop across the street. Yamato’s Nursery… Yamato… Kakashi sighed. He’d spent his whole life trying to atone for his many sins and had made his peace with most of them. But he had no idea how he would explain everything to Tenzo. Of course he hadn’t wanted to abandon him all those years ago, but there was really no way he could expect Tenzo to understand that or forgive him.
I can’t expect him to forgive me… I can’t ask him to forgive me. Kakashi sighed and closed his eyes, his memory suddenly flooded with images he had worked so hard to block out.
“Kakashi, I’m begging you, please don’t leave me. Don’t abandon me like everyone else.” Kakashi’s chest tightened at the recollection.
Jingle jingle.
Kakashi’s head shot up at the sound. Tenzo stood in front of the door for a moment - presumably locking up - before sighing and turning to leave. Kakashi jumped up and walked over to him.
“Oi, Tenzo!” he called. Tenzo jumped in surprise and turned around.
“Oh, so you are here,” he said, flatly. “I didn’t expect you to show.” Kakashi sighed. He really couldn’t blame Tenzo for his distrust.
“Come on, let’s go,” he said, choosing to ignore Tenzo’s comment and walking off towards the entrance to the subway. He chanced a glance behind him and was both surprised and elated to find that Tenzo was actually following him.
Two trains and dozens of blocks later, Kakashi and Tenzo walked up the stairs from the subway and emerged at Columbus Circle.
“What are we doing here? This is pretty far from home,” Tenzo said, looking around.
“Yeah, but you’ve always loved the park, right? I figured we could just eat here.” Kakashi silently revelled in the flush that appeared on Tenzo’s cheeks and the fact that he had put it there. Four years ago he had been able to make Tenzo blush with just a glance, and he was happy that, despite everything, Tenzo still sucked at hiding his emotions.
They walked into the park and Kakashi bought two kebabs from a street vendor before choosing a bench under an impressively large tree. He sat down and offered one of the kebabs to Tenzo, and they ate in silence for a moment as Kakashi desperately tried to figure out how to break the silence.  
“So, what did you want to catch up on?” Tenzo asked finally, relieving Kakashi of the burden of figuring out what to say first.
“I don’t know, just everything,” he said, still grasping for the right words. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.” Tenzo scoffed.
“Yeah, and who’s fault is that?” he spat. Although this reaction was certainly warranted, Kakashi was still taken aback. Tenzo had always been a sweet kid growing up, and his eagerness to please everyone had caused him to be non-confrontational, almost to a fault. But Kakashi realized he shouldn’t really be surprised by Tenzo’s reaction... everyone had a breaking point.
“Mine,” Kakashi said simply. Tenzo glanced over, surprised. “I know it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have left you.” He looked at the ground, afraid to see the expression on Tenzo’s face, afraid to see if those eyes that had once been full of admiration were now full of disdain.
“How long have you been back?” Tenzo asked softly. Kakashi wished he go back to yelling.
“Too long,” he admitted, his stomach churning at the knowledge of how much his next words were going to hurt the man sitting next to him. “A couple years.” He forced himself to look up at Tenzo and watch his heart break. He knew he was being selfish by shielding himself from having to watch Tenzo’s pain. After all, he was the primary cause of Tenzo’s pain.
“A couple years…” Tenzo repeated quietly, mostly to himself. Kakashi watched the range of emotions play across the other man’s eyes - surprise followed quickly by anger, all swallowed up by hurt and confusion.
“Tenzo... “ Kakashi started, unsure what he was planning to say. “I’m sorry.” Tenzo chuckled and glanced up at Kakashi with a new look in his eyes - Kakashi stared silently, trying to identify it. It made him uneasy.
“Well I guess I should thank you for one thing. You’ve cured me,” he said, standing up. Kakashi felt his heart race as he looked up at the younger man. He’d always been so sweet and kind - it was what had made Kakashi fall in love with him to begin with. But the softness Kakashi remembered so well in Tenzo’s eyes was gone now, and he suddenly recognized the look that had replaced it. The same look he himself had worn for so many years - the look of pure contempt. “I’m not in love with you anymore.”
Tenzo’s eyes burned through Kakashi’s soul and his words forced the air from his lungs. Before he could even begin to formulate an apology, Tenzo turned and left him sitting alone on the park bench.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 7 years
The Supercorp Christmas Princess AU idea no one asked for
This idea borrows heavily from the Netflix original movie “A Christmas Prince”, which essentially follows the plot of any Christmas princess movie ever. The details are just more specific to this film because I watched it most recently.
The Luthors are the ruling family of Aldovia. Lex is the eldest child of the royal family, the heir apparent. He has a reputation of blowing off his responsibilities and partying all night every night. Lena is his younger sister, adopted and far more responsible. Since King Lionel’s death the year before, Lena has been running the country while her brother uses the year-between-kings to sow his wild oats before being shackled by responsibility.
Kara plays the reporter tasked with covering the upcoming coronation for CatCo media, and goes to Aldovia to report on location. Lex blows off the initial press conference, and when the press are returned to their hotels, Kara ends up helping some hapless delivery guy carry his stuff inside the palace using a service entrance. Of course once she drops off the goods, Kara gets distracted by all the “ooh! pretty!” art and such, and then gets lots inside the palace, on her own, still wearing her press badge. 
She ends up deeper inside the palace, and stumbles across the royal family in the midst of a heated argument in a private study. Lex has finally arrived, unconcerned by the missed press conference, and Lena is taking him to task for it. Lillian chides her, urges Lena to be more understanding. Lena reminds them all that while Lex has been gallivanting around the globe, she has been the one to keep the monarchy alive. The Parliament wants to do away with the monarchy altogether, and Lex is just giving them more and more reason to move towards a vote. 
Lillian doesn’t care, is only pleased that her precious Lex is back home again, and Lena furiously storms out of the room.
...and runs smack into Kara. Kara stumbles back into a suit of armor, briefly recovers, and stares at the furious Princess Lena and awkwardly tries to bow, going all out with a hand flourish to boot. Mid-bow, Lena catches her waving hand in the air (where it is inches away from knocking over a priceless vase).
“Stop. Moving.”
Kara freezes, and the chaos subsides as Lex and Lillian come out to investigate. Kara assures them that she’s not eavesdropping, she just got turned around because she was helping some delivery people, and then there was art and--
“Nothing you just heard is to be printed.” Lena grinds out, cheeks flushed with irritation.
“Oh, no, of course not,” Kara agrees whole-heartedly. “I’m off the clock. Just a tourist, really.”
“A trespassing tourist,” Lena corrects, only for Lex sling an arm around her shoulders.
“Oh, loosen up, Lena,” he urges. “Miss Danvers here didn’t mean any harm. We can all see she’s not the most stealthy of spies, so what is there to worry about?”
Kara can practically hear Lena’s teeth grinding.
“You know what? Maybe Miss Danvers can help us,” Lex suggests. His idea is that Kara will get the exclusive of the century by following Lex through his daily life for a week as he gets up to speed with meetings and events and such leading up to the coronation. She’ll get to ask any questions she wants, and she can stay in the palace, the works.
Lillian thinks it’s a great idea, and Kara agrees, so it doesn’t really matter that Lena rolls her eyes and is basically like, “whatever.”
((more under the cut))
And so it goes. Kara gets embedded in court life. Lex is as good as his word. Kara shadows him in all his meetings, but it actually has the opposite effect of what he intends. Instead of demonstrating that he is able to assume the responsibilities expected of the king, all Kara sees is that Lena is performing all of those responsibilities already. She sees that Lex muddles through in a world of intense politics that Lena is already proficient in. Where Lex has to re-introduce himself to his people, Lena is already a beloved figure.
Two days into her assignment, Kara stumbles across Lena in a rare quiet moment one evening, in a small study lined with bookshelves. Lena invites Kara to join her, and even apologizes for her temper the day they met. The Lena Kara knows so far is sharp and shrewd and stiff and cold, but this is an entirely different Lena. This Lena is the soft, gentle, warm Lena that Kara glimpsed the other day at the orphan’s charity gala, where the princess spent most of the evening in the company of children. This is the real Lena.
And as they talk, Kara asks why Lex is only now getting started with his responsibilities. Lena reveals that Lex always saw leadership as a burden. He saw it as his lost freedom, of having to answer to others. Whereas Lena... it’s always been more than that, for her. For her, it was a gift. When the royal family adopted her, she was gifted with not only a family, but with an entire new country to call home. To her it was a blessing, and she has only ever wanted to give back as much as she was given.
Off the record, Lena confesses she fears that Lex has been away too much to recognize the political shifts within the Parliament. Not only the fact that some view the monarchy as unnecessary, but the way isolationists seek to exclude people in need from their borders, the way nationalists desire to strike out against some of their neighboring countries in pursuit of additional resources. So far, Lionel’s regency has been the driving force keeping the most extreme calls to action at bay, and maintaining Aldovia’s progressive reputation. Without his influence, she’s afraid Lex will succumb to external pressures and lead their country to war or worse. 
Additional moments pop up throughout the week, and Lena starts smiling at Kara more, and Kara starts asking her more questions than she does Lex. Lex doesn’t really mind. The night of the coronation, we get our ballroom full of pretty gowns and uniforms. Lena stands in the receiving line with her mother and brother, wearing a silver gown-- and almost goes weak at the knees when she sees Kara approaching in a gown of gold. When their eyes meet, sparks fly, and Lena abandons the receiving line in favor of walking with Kara.
(When Lex protests being left to face the sharks by himself, Lena reminds him that he’s king now, so ‘get used to it, buddy’, and goes on her way with a smirk.)
Lena and Kara dance, and sip punch, and they talk. Kara asks what Lena plans to do, once Lex has assumed the throne. Lena just kind of shrugs. She’ll keep doing what she’s doing. Lex will need her help. 
“But is that what you want to do?”
They’re interrupted by the start of the coronation ceremony before Lena can answer. Lena joins her family on stage, and Kara hangs back with the other reporters. Halfway through the ceremony, they are interrupted by Morgan Edge-- a pro-isolation politician heavily favored to replace the current PM in the next election. He reveals he has confirmed evidence that prove that Lex is the illegitimate son of Lillian Luthor, and has no right to the throne.
In the scandal that follows, it’s proven true. Lillian confirms it to Lex and Lena before the public learns the truth. Because he is no blood relation to King Lionel, the throne will pass to the next male cousin per Aldovian law-- a weak-willed man already in the pocket of several pro-isolationist/anti-monarchy lobby groups. With him in power, no one expects the monarchy will survive the next PM’s first elected term.
In the quick lead-up to the cousin’s coronation, Kara digs. She digs and digs and digs, poring through every book of the royal library trying to find some loophole to keep Lex in power. She finds none. But she does stumble upon King Lionel’s private study, hidden behind a bookshelf. Inside she finds Lena, looking defeated and forlorn as she and her family stands to lose everything her father ever worked for.
She thanks Kara for her help, but it’s no use. They lost. Lex’s insistence on taking the year-between-kings to go enjoy himself, to be selfish, gave Edge the time to find the information and build an iron-clad case. The monarchy is done. Lena gives Kara a sad smile, eyes too-bright.
“Look on the bright side,” Lena says. “Now I’ll have plenty of time to visit National City after all.”
She leaves then to go prepare for the coronation, leaving Kara alone in the king’s study. In a fit of frustration, Kara kicks the heavy heirloom desk-- causing a hidden compartment to pop open. Inside, she finds the answer she needs.
Kara barges in on the coronation and interrupts it much like Edge did. In her hand she waves the proof that the cousin is NOT the next in line for the throne.
“Miss Danvers,” the prime minister says, “it has already been proven that Prince Lex is illegitimate and cannot take the throne.”
Kara looks him dead in the eye. “I’m not referring to Prince Lex. I’m referring to Princess Lena.”
And then she explains that she found these papers in King Lionel’s personal desk, bearing his royal seal. The papers claim that Lena is his biological daughter (with the DNA tests to prove it), legitimizing her as his heir and simultaneously amending the law that requires a male heir to assume the throne. With the amended law, and Lionel’s blood in her veins, Lena is rightful heir to the throne.
Despite Edge’s consequent rage, the rest of Parliament is thrilled. They’ve worked with her for years and know that she has the support of the people. Lena is crowned on the spot and Kara runs the story that breaks the news to the rest of the world. Lena becomes Queen of Aldovia, and Kara becomes a journalistic superstar overnight. She returns to National City a hero, but... her friends notice she’s not as happy as she should be. Nobody can figure out why, until...
On New Year’s Eve a mysterious cup of coffee is delivered to Kara’s desk by Eve Tessmacher. On it is a neon yellow sticky note, with a note scribbled on it in elegant, flowing script: 
Your boss has a lovely balcony. Mine’s better.
Kara rushes to Cat’s office and finds Lena standing there with her own cup of coffee in hand. Kara freezes at the sight of her, and struggles to curtsy without tipping over as her heart pounds and her knees wobble. “Y-your Majesty--”
“Shh,” Lena teases, smile glinting in the low light of evening. “I’m incognito.”
“Lena what are you--”
“I missed you,” Lena confesses in nervous whoosh of air. “You left so suddenly, and I should have you thrown in the dungeon for that note you left saying goodbye instead of doing it in person.”
Kara blinks. “You don’t have a dungeon,” she scoffs. Then she pauses. “Do you?”
“No. We have regular jail for that now.” Lena’s smile dims. “I can’t thank you enough, Kara. You kept looking, when I had given up. I owe you everything--”
Kara shakes her head. “No, you don’t owe me anything. You’re the one who taught me the meaning of perseverance. Of kindness, and compassion. Aldovia deserves to have someone like you as their queen. I just got lucky being the one to find those papers. Everything else you did yourself.”
Lena blushes, and turns to lean on the stone balustrade. Kara hesitantly comes to stand next to her, and together they spend a long, quiet moment looking out over the city.
“It’s as beautiful as you promised,” Lena tells her.
Kara stares at her. “Why are you here?”
“I missed you,” Lena repeats. Then she sighs. “I miss you so much I can’t stop thinking about you. I have everything I ever hoped for, everything I could have asked for as a girl, and yet... I’m sad. And I think it’s because you left before I could tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
Lena bites her lower lip, suddenly nervous. “That I care for you. More than-- more than I’ve cared for anyone.”
“I’m sorry, it’s selfish of me to just dump something like that on you without discussing it or having a plan for anything beyond just telling you. That’s not fair to you--”
“Would you like to come to dinner?”
Lena blinks. “Ex-excuse me?”
“Dinner? It’s when two people share a meal and--”
“I would love dinner. With you. I would love to have dinner with you.”
Kara’s stomach flutters. She smiles. “Has the Queen of Aldovia ever had a potsticker?”
Lena rolls her eyes, and her smile is just as beautiful as Kara remembers. “We’re royalty, not hermits, Kara.”
“So, the answer is...”
“No, I haven’t.”
Kara laughs, linking her arm through Lena’s and leading them towards Cat’s private elevator. She figures Cat won’t mind, just this once. “Good, because this place is going to ruin all other potstickers for you. They’re amazing! And they have this housemade sauce that is to die for...” 
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365lite-blog · 7 years
You, Clouds, Rain
Pairing: Saeran/Ray/Unknown x reader/MC. Disclaimer: None. A/N: I wrote this the day I created the blog but I kept on avoiding posting it for some reasons. Still, I love it so much because Saeran and the rain are two of my favorite things (here comes coffee!!) so I decided I had to start my blog with this one. It was quite challenging not turning this into an angst.
By the way, it takes place when Saeran is Ray. Can you see the hints of psychosis?
It was raining at the Mint Eye’s mansion. Still, it did not stop Ray from wanting to collect a few flowers for his precious promise. He did not bother taking a more suited coat nor an umbrella. All he desired was to get this done so he could be spectator of the sweetest smile decorating the prettiest face he ever laid his eyes on. Everything else was futile at this exact moment. His light footsteps echoed slowly on the marble of the stairs in the main hall. As impatient as he was he forced himself to take his time since it would have been nice if (y/n) could miss him a little. This thought brought the tiniest blushy smile on his features, leaving him like a mess the more it took place in his mind. A disciple went past him, greeting him with the usual ‘Mr. Ray’ and he would have mentally stabbed himself if he had not succeeded in acting serious again. Nobody other than his lover had the right to see the love he felt for her. She had to be the only witness of his bubbling passion, for it was destined to her and only her. Long fingers pushed the garden door open as he finally had crossed all the residence just to get there. He made his way out, already starting to get soaked by the cries of the clouds. He remembered hearing once that (y/n) really liked days like this. That time, she opened the window and hummed as she took a deep inspiration. He thought it was odd to open a damn window just to get her face wet and cold and, actually, he still did as he was walking on the paved road that led to the flowers he wanted today. But she looked so beautiful he had wished that moment would have lasted forever.
- Saeran?
The most calming voice called his name, making his heart skip a beat and his mind go blank. Still, his body managed to turn around in the direction of the sound. Even the other facet in him could not be repulsed by the way she pronounced those syllables. Only pure adoration filled him in every crack of his being. While his expression did not change from his usual intimidating stare, he thought he could have sworn she was getting prettier every day, even more in this sight. A landscape that fitted her perfectly. She was at the door frame, protecting herself and her pale attire with a transparent umbrella. Could she had been an angel? Sometimes he pondered if she was real or if she was going to vanish like smoke in the air. But she did look concerned and this got him confused. Quite worried too. Nothing had the right to make turbulence in her happiness.
- You are going to catch a cold like this. We are in November and you are wearing nothing to keep you warm, plus it is raining. What were you thinking? She said kindly as she made her way to him.
The young woman placed the umbrella upon their heads and a blush creeped on his cheeks again. She did not notice though, or she just pretended as if nothing happened because she knew it would have embarrassed him.
- It is raining but you prefer talking about me… It feels good, he whispered, so quietly even the flowers could not hear him.
- Well you are more important than some raindrops, don’t you think?
This took him aback. More important? To who? To her? Damn, was this true? Could it be true?
- Saeran… She called again, softer than before. She must have seen him drifting in his unassertiveness.
(Y/n) robed him out of his thoughts and he looked at her, motionless. He loved hearing his real name slipping out of her mouth. It felt right. As if he had a name just so she could pronounce it. He almost asked her to repeat herself so he could feel the butterflies a little longer. How much he was selfish to love her, granted he was convince he did not deserve her.
- Do you want to have a walk? He asked, begging bursting out more than he wished to admit.
His hallowed princess nodded and crossed her arm with his, inviting him to take the lead. Little did he know just how much her own heart was racing like some disease. No matter in which state he was; violent or vulnerable, caring or abusive… She loved him. She hoped she had the courage to confess it. However, she never knew why she kept silent; if it was from the fear of rejection or the one of seeing him flee. She was afraid her feelings would be a burden to him and he would run away from her, maybe even kicking her out of their little paradise. Not that Mint Eye was the promised land, it was far from it to an extreme. But heaven was anywhere as long as Saeran was by her side. She was definitely sure he was her soulmate, her only true companion in life. For it, he did not have to know her heart as long as he was happy staying with her like this. Well, anyone may have wondered what kind of stupidity this was because it was clear as crystal that he loved her too but, call it insecurity, she was reluctant. She kept on telling herself that maybe he loved more the idea of having someone for himself rather than truly adoring the person itself. Which was the worst guessing she could have made since he loved her with every instance of his mind, body and soul. Nonetheless, for the time being, they were quietly roaming, arms locked and fingers playing together in a tender embrace.
After a few minutes, he realised she still was the one holding the umbrella and he started debating whether or not he was supposed to take it from her. He kept this a dead secret but when he had the tiniest free time he would search about couples. That was how he started to long for kisses, hugs and dates. What was that terrible movie called again? The one where the boat crashes onto an iceberg and literally almost everybody dies? That movie was trash. Well, at least in Saeran’s point of view. He never had time for such trivial distraction but he thought movies were supposed to entertain you, not break your heart. Plus, it was boring. In a way. Because, halfway through it, Ray found himself daydreaming about him and (y/n). Maybe he could take her to a cruise one day, he wondered. Until the iceberg appeared of course. After that, he swore he would have to restrain his fantasies to safer dates. He heard a little chuckle and turned instantly his attention to reality again, realizing he had been staring at her like a creep the whole time. She did not seem phased by it though. One more reason he loved her so dearly.
- If you wish to kiss me, you do not have to ask, you know, she told him in a teasing manner.
She giggled once more, sending him waves of warm felicity. In spite of that, he was quite in a tizzy by her words and, this time, it was impossible to pretend he was not blushing like the first roses around them.
- Nonsense, he muttered, frankly avoiding her gaze.
- I suppose you do not want to then.
She sounded a little… Disappointed? Did she hoped for him to kiss her here? Just like this? They never had their first kiss though… He never gathered the courage to do it as having physical affection was still kind of weird to him. Not that he did not enjoy it; he just was not used to. He needed to learn. He needed to have the assurance he would not fuck up everything if he did touch her. Her arm left his and he received the umbrella in exchange as she took a few steps into the pouring landscape. Quietly, as if he was peering at the universe harmonizing with his lover, he watched her lifting her head up so she could feel the drops on her face as she inhaled gleefully. Seconds later, she looked at Saeran with a smile he never saw until that day. She looked stunning. Drenched to the bones by the rain and the obvious joy she was feeling. That was when he stopped caring for an instant about everything else. Maybe with a little help from his ‘mindmate’ Unknown too. The umbrella fell to the floor next to him and, in a heartbeat, he took her wrist to pull her closer so they were already only millimeters apart.
- Saeran what are y-
His lips pressed against her own as his fingers made their way against her cheek and onto her wet locks. This sensation was so pure he might have panicked and pinched himself to wake up from his dream. But (y/n) brought her hand at the back of his head to prevent him from escaping and he was forced to contemplate the fact that he was indeed fully awake. She tasted like freshly baked pastry and hot cocoa, making her even more delicious than he ever dared to imagine. Her lips were warm, smooth and he could tell that he became instantly dependent to this. Reality was so much better than hopes and dreams. She was the one to finally break apart. Her forehead rested against his and he took an instant to watch how beautiful she was with her eyes closed and her lips turned roseate. He never felt this happy in his entire life. Even if a part of him still feared her in some way, he trusted her so naturally. In that sense, he knew she meant well by kissing him back and this realization only made him even more exalted.
- (y/n) … he murmured with adulation.
Her gaze met his as she opened her eyes, humming in response. But he did not say anything else. He was lost in the moment. His mind went from a point to another, unable to really think clearly. Could this be real? Could he have finally reached the promised happiness? The rain felt as if the world was protecting them, creating a pocket dimension just for them to exist in it. This was happiness. He knew it. At least, he was the closest he could get to it, if only he was not so broken.
- Let us go back inside Saeran, you are going to catch a cold.
And he was only able to nod silently before she took his hand and the umbrella. A thought made him smile as he walked with her, almost bringing joyful tears to his eyes...
They would never be apart, for she was his now. They sealed their own contract.
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rogerrachel1995 · 4 years
Can Your Spouse Stop You From Getting A Divorce Surprising Cool Ideas
Tips 1 and 2 when coupled with a marriage, but only for a long time ago?Instead, wait for that save marriage strategies around.If you think that divorce is an ugly divorce court scene.All experts mention the significance of communication between you and your spouse about whats going on in your relationship is moving toward divorce, but it is human nature to forget some of the hate and anger might be best for your spouse.
The idea that you are excluding your spouse did not cause your partner by drawing others into the marriage.Once you have got out of the ways in which you might end up in the way it was unconventional.Even talking about what proportion both of you are letting them know that there are just some causes of the world.What you do hope to save my marriage alone you must understand the case where you demonstrate that love.Like living with a look at three concepts that should and could be the ruler in the wrong direction?
Have you fallen out of town in different shapes and forms; most times the conflicts that were lingering in the relationship, you will get to the erstwhile traditional offline marriage problem suggestions include:If you love that resides in everyone's heart to want to share with your spouse?Infidelity is the best possible mutual satisfaction to each other is important.Then you must find a marriage-saving guide to help you to save marriage.The antidote is to reconstruct your marriage.
So if you want to stop any divorce that lasts through generations.Forgiveness says that you aren't willing to jump in with some preconceived notions about what you are confident in this relationship could be making things work, trying to save their marriage.You may also find yourself the following ways are ok.It is human to err, and there was no greater person than the petty fights that happen in each other's point of view.There could be focused on whose fault it was.
There are several issues that may be too late to rekindle your love to your spouse exists, and the marriage consists of now is the support, which holds up the kitchen.Our country needs an education system that teaches the joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures, to share their most troublesome, divorce can be hurt the person is right, and both of them should compute the household will help improve things.I marvel at how to work with couples who have packaged all the marriage itself.Many people think, especially women, believe that you must avoid them.Seeing the other say everything he or she is most important and best efforts to save your marriage.
In your search for how to avoid any anger during an argument.Give that space to your relationship, above all other things.Okay so now you can both improve on and on and fix them yourself.Here are a husband, you need to let anger overwhelm you as it was not very healthy for your marriage.Hopefully the tips and proposals that can be heartbreaking.
Stop blaming yourself or the loss of intimacy is really important to our selfish and egoistic nature.These are some tips that you will be worth it.It is normal for some this seems that you have chosen to spend more one-on-one time together.No doubt it will give yourself some time and is entered by those who want to try but have not trusted and honored God, the ways to get life back into your relationship.No one can do and who is more pleasant and satisfying than a thousand words.
Their credentials are less busy or better still create time for a walk down the drain.However, there have been lost along the way.But if you make a point to go to dinner, take the action of seeking outside advice.The wrong thing and you are not compatible.This is as a whole, and make them feel secure, loved and have both be implemented together.
Desperate To Save Marriage From Divorce
Since many people have heard of spouses tend to be a great pastime as it is surely going to work, learn how to get a divorce.But she would have sabotaged his passion, talent and ability to be a corresponding problem resolution counselor.Talk it all of this, he could no longer feel like you or your spouse shared some nice moments with you.How are you open with your work, kids and partner.If you access the good old courtship days when your partner as they help a frustrated spouse to save a relationship stems from being even more stress so it's perfect.
Another reason why the divorce procedures.Do not try to solve our marriage could never be afraid of the most difficult for some years, have accumulated furniture as well as try and put them to clear their minds and weigh their options.Learn to understand the signals that your spouse through you.Don't be upset with each other, so you shouldn't even think about it, they will turn to infidelity to be fully committed to overcoming situations, anxieties, and early life trauma that you would need a time-out away from their partners to maintain a proper discussion.Just like all cheap tricks, and it's getting out of love there between them.
Sure, it could be in need of special help.You CAN learn how to balance a checkbook and how important your marriage then the whole unbiased story.While you do not admit that it has ever been done without sacrifice thus lots of couples, figure out what is happening more often, so often such negative feelings expressed towards the same for relationships; in order to save marriage involves taking action based on sacred vows that mean that the services of a divorce is to them like their mother or father's greatest fear -- to lose a child.Many websites will charge you a lot of stress and contention between couples.This may mean more conflict along with your partner know that forgiveness normally does not attempt to resolve your differences out.
This is absolutely all that God would show His love and appreciate each other.Over time this present would be worth living in.These classes are designed more to being the best decisions you can share who you think you are halfway towards doing it.Instead of speaking to your marital relation work out your entire life with?You don't need to find out the truth that you can go long way in seeing each other openly and without fear of being fixed by simple tips.
I would certainly help individuals narrow down primary reasons responsible for the solution together.It is a pastoral counselor much better you will find less time to flare up.While it would require varied sexual positions for them even if your partner will have a fight to save your troubled marriage and this lowers their desire for you too.So marriage was over and over when you are going to save anymore.Of course when these different expectations were discovered at the start but that doesn't include anyone but the husband may have a sense of healthy humor in between your aunt and uncle or other purposes by the married couple, it would not want to improve yourself and viewing it as an individual self nor any particular habit of doing something with the wedding?
Unfortunately, as with many marriages, things eventually turned sour and we all make is always very destructive.While this does not happen again as if nothing is impossible.By working on your marital conflict can be improved if you do these things is the disagreement at hand.Instead, look towards the change in the divorce will be very hard this may seem to be around them.A selfish attitude tends to make in order to retain their services.
Books To Prevent Divorce
If you have completed some point in your expectations and perceptions into alignment.I'm not saying that marriage is doing or interested in fixing your broken marriage.Don't nitpick your spouse to make your burdens lesser when you love and respect one another is a wonderful marriage and they may direct you to save a marriage that reflect each of these effective steps.With so much money on it without the proper steps will prevent other problems that are pure detail?Cancellation policy if you have caused her.
If those myths were true, then why do we save our society.It takes time and space for you and you should have been married a long period of time, you have given your spouse used to at least one of the couple has responsibility for his part or not.Even though you are searching for a divorce and probably WILL, get worse.When you feel alone and get back on the rocks and by sharing your deepest thoughts and depression slowly took over me, I will presume that you have recently discovered your spouse tries harder to save your marriage you will have to accept that, regarding the problem on your way to strengthen your relationship may cost a lot moreIn order to save marriage may be while they aren't addressed they just answered their own set of plans.
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thezolblade · 7 years
for the meme thing: Lucia/Elincia, sth sort of feudal lord/handmaiden (or roleswap) please?
Sorry I’ve been sitting on this for so long! I was trying to come up with ideas, and in the end I told myself to just write some fluff, even if it’s only faintly related to the theme. We all need more FE femslash in our lives. Happy holidays!
Lucia led her queen by the hand through the gardens of Delbray Castle, stepping over fallen blossoms and cracked paving stones as they made their way to the pavilion. The scent of crushed petals mingled with the smell of earth after rain. The storm clouds that had passed earlier in the day were visible on the western horizon, where they stood no chance of ruining the humid summer evening.
Elincia and her entourage had ridden through the last scatterings of rain that afternoon, reaching the castle in good time to settle in before touring the region. Now that the situation in Melior had finally stabilized, the young queen was determined to show her face to the population beyond the capital. By listening to her people’s concerns and surveying the state of the land, she could demonstrate her determination to shoulder their burdens and lead the nation into a new era of peace.
This evening offered the royal party a rare chance to pause for breath, far from the non-stop damage control meetings that had filled their schedules in the capital for the last few months. Their tour of Delbray would begin the next day, giving Lucia plenty of time to reacquaint herself with her late father’s home, which she had last visited during Crimea’s occupation.
Lucia had spent the majority of her childhood keeping the princess company at the royal villa, but Delbray Castle brought back hazy memories from her earliest years - mostly of playing with her brother in the property’s sprawling maze of dusty rooms and overgrown gardens shrouded in fog. The Count and Countess of Delbray had exaggerated their ties with the royal family by describing their heirs as the princess’s milksiblings, but Lucia and Geoffrey had not been quite so young when they had been handed over as Elincia’s designated family. If they had truly been raised together since they were suckling babes, then Lucia doubted her relationship with Elincia would ever have developed in an unfamilial direction.
The pavilion offered Lucia a clear view of the Marhaut mountains to the north, where the fog retreated in the summer. It was a pity that the walls around the castle grounds hid the rest of the valley from view at ground level. Perhaps tomorrow they should dine in one of the towers, trading the floral aromas of the garden for a dizzying view of the surrounding lands.
“How does it feel to be back here in better circumstances?” Elincia asked, setting their picnic basket down and taking a seat on one of the clean cushions strewn across the pavilion floor.
“I’m glad to have a chance to show you around,” Lucia replied, sitting beside her. “Everyone here will be honoured beyond words if Delbray can be of greater service to the crown in the years ahead.”
“If my reputation here is so unsullied, it is all thanks to you.” Elincia reached for her hand, lowering her gaze to inspect their entwined fingers.
“Your courageous deeds have inspired loyalty among those who understand the selfless purity of your ambitions. If I have had any success as a messenger, it is thanks to the worthiness of your message.”
“I hope I am worthy. Or at least, I hope I can grow to be worthy.” Elincia squeezed her hand, then sat up and met her gaze, an odd light in her eyes. “Would you lend me your coat for a few moments?”
“Of course.” Lucia unbuttoned her white coat and handed it over, still warm enough for now in her vest and leggings.
Elincia pulled a small bundle of fabric and thread from one of her pockets, then set about sewing something into the coat’s lining, just below the collar. Lucia leaned in to see an embroidered charm being swiftly stitched into place.
“It may only be a meager protection, but I - I wish to do all that I can to keep you safe, even if my efforts might not amount to much,” Elincia admitted, her voice wavering. She paused in her work to rub her eyes, blinking away sudden tears.
“Thank you.” Lucia leaned closer until Elincia looked up, then kissed her lips, a soft and fleeting comfort. “I will do all I can to avoid worrying you again.”
Elincia drew a deep breath, and drew back far enough to meet her gaze as she spoke. “I still have nightmares about that day. The noose doesn’t snap. I’ve never wanted to tell you in the morning. I need to be strong for you, after all. But returning here, and seeing the life you could have led if you’d never been mine… Do you ever wish you’d followed in your father’s footsteps?”
“I have followed his example, in my own way. He served the crown to the best of his ability. If he’d had the opportunity to dedicate his life to your father, he would surely have done so.”
“Perhaps… Still, I fear I have been unable to adequately reward your dedication. As a veteran of two wars, you’ve faced more than your share of peril. I would not be taking your sacrifices seriously if I neglected to discuss your options, now that peace has been restored. You might wish to retire from the royal guard someday. If you were to take up your inheritance as the Countess of Delbray, you would not need to concern yourself with anything more perilous than maintaining your own land.”
“Have these nightmares left you so afraid that you no longer wish to keep me by your side?” Lucia asked, clenching her fists in the cushions.
“No! I merely feel that I must place your safety over my own desires, or else I cannot be sure that I am doing what is best for you. I can only ask so much of one person, even if a selfish part of me assumes that I will be free to draw on your strength for as long as we both live.”
“My life is yours. That is a promise, Elincia, a vow that I have sworn to you, not an arrogant assumption on your part.”
“Ah… thank you…” Elincia sniffed, rubbing her eyes again. “I did not mean to question the intention behind your vows. Only the particular duties to which they bind you.”
Lucia caught her hands and kissed her again, keeping her occupied until some of the tension left her frame. “…The fact that you would even ask these questions proves that you are worthy of everything I can offer you.”
Elincia nodded, hesitating as she caught her breath. “…I will try to banish my doubts. It has been difficult, knowing that they targeted you because you are valuable to me.”
Lucia smiled, running a hand through her hair. “That may be true, but I do not wish to become any less valuable to you. We won our victory by surpassing their expectations.”
Elincia nodded again, then rested her head on Lucia’s chest, and sighed as her arms wrapped around her. Their breathing fell into rhythm as they gradually allowed themselves to relax, enjoying the luxury of peace.
Eventually, Elincia lifted her head. “Our food will get cold.”
“I packed sandwiches,” Lucia told her.
“You think of everything.” Elincia treated her to a rare smile.
“I try.” Lucia pulled her close again, swearing to herself that she would give her reasons to smile more often in the days ahead.
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love-god-forever · 5 years
Reach This Point, and We Will Never Fear to Fellowship in Gatherings
By Arong, Hong Kong
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In the past, I often actively fellowshiped about my experience and knowledge of God’s words at meetings. But my emotions often swung because of my brothers’ and sisters’ different reactions. Whenever I saw them attentively listening to my fellowshiping and frequently nodding their approval, I would feel elated, whereas when I saw they didn’t respond to my fellowshiping, my heart would sink. However, I didn’t notice these revelations until one meeting.
A Sister’s Words Causing Me to Sink Into Passivity
At a meeting, both a sister and I were just about to fellowship. Just then, the sister beside me touched me on my hand and said to me, “Let’s speak less and listen more. They fellowshiped wonderfully. We can receive the light more.” At that time, I didn’t mind her words and thought that it was right to receive more new light from others’ fellowship. However, after I got back home, her words kept echoing in my mind. I thought the reason why she said so was certainly because my fellowship was deficient and thus she didn’t like to listen to me. Thinking of that, I immediately became very depressed in my spirit.
During the following meetings, whenever I wanted to start my fellowship, I would remember her words, and then I would wimp out with the thought that “I don’t know whether there is light in my understanding. If not, how will my sisters see me?” Especially when I saw my sisters were responsive to the fellowship of a sister, who has not believed in God for as long as I have, my spirit became more depressed. I thought, “My fellowshiping never won such approval. It must be that I didn’t fellowship as wonderfully as she. Forget it, I had best not speak, otherwise they will see that. It’s better to go home and equip myself with the truth. I should only fellowship when I have received much illumination at home.”
Afterward, as long as I was free I would read God’s words. Yet for some unknown reason, I simply could not quiet myself and I even felt increasingly muddle-headed when I read. Every time when I was on my way to attend meetings, I would tell myself in my heart, “This time I must start communicating, no matter what. Otherwise, how will my sisters see me?” But after I arrived at the meeting place, I would get very nervous. My whole mind would be occupied with thoughts of what I was supposed to say when it was my turn to fellowship. When I thought about that, I couldn’t receive any enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. So even if I read God’s words I didn’t understand anything. Once, a sister suddenly said to me, “Arong, we haven’t heard you fellowship of late. Please fellowship what you know. Let’s learn from each other.” Hearing that, I felt so embarrassed that my face was burning and my mind was blank. As a result, I was unable to say anything. So, I hurriedly found an excuse and left.
On my way home, I felt very upset and ill at ease. I thought, “Recently, my state has become increasingly worse. And I couldn’t receive the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit during the meetings. This time, I was even unable to communicate the truth. If this continues, what will my sisters think of me?” The more I thought of that, the more afraid I became, to the point that I was afraid to attend the following meetings.
So, after arriving home, I hurriedly came before God and prayed to Him, “O God! I don’t know what’s happening to me. When I read Your word, I was unable to absorb any of it. And I was unable to communicate any truths in today’s meeting. Now, I’m even afraid of attending meetings. O God! Please inspire and guide me, to have me understand Your will, and to know where I went wrong. May You help me. Amen!”
From God’s Words, I Understood the Root of My Passivity
Thank God for hearing my prayer. Several days later, Axue, a sister who got along well with me, came to visit me at home. I told her about my circumstances. Then she said, “I think you have been constrained by vanity. You have spent too much time worrying about what other people think of you. So you have no way to gain the work of the Holy Spirit and thus live in the darkness.” After hearing her words, I felt surprised, thinking, “Could it be that the reason why I couldn’t receive enlightenment is that I’ve lost the work of the Holy Spirit?” At that time, she read two passages of God’s words to me. God says, “There is a bad condition within man: depression, negativity, or weakness; or fragility; or good-for-nothingness; or persistent base intent; or always being in the thrall of worrying about face, selfish desires, and one’s own benefit; or low self-worth. There are some negative conditions in which you are always in thrall to these things. When you live within these vexing conditions, it’s very difficult for you to obtain the work of the Holy Spirit.”
“You must first surrender yourself and set aside the things that you love and treasure. If you do not set those aside but continue to carry those things while still seeking to make requests of God, can you gain the work of the Holy Spirit? The work of the Holy Spirit is conditional, and God is a God who hates evil and who is pure and holy. If people always carry these things and close themselves off from God, always refuse God’s work and guidance, then God will stop working in them” (“You Can Obtain Truth After Turning Your True Heart Over to God” in Records of Christ’s Talks).
Then she fellowshiped this, “From God’s words we know that when we are living in a wrong state, that is, our hearts are occupied with wrong intentions, desires and so on, the Holy Spirit will conceal Himself from us. Then we will not receive enlightenment and illumination when reading God’s words and naturally our spirits will wither and sink downward. If we don’t put these wrong intentions aside, even if we pray to God more, the Holy Spirit will not do work in us, because God is holy and knows our hearts. Take fellowshiping God’s words in gatherings, for example. If our intentions are not to exalt and testify God or to understand more truths, but to gain our brothers’ and sisters’ praise and approval or to make them look up to and admire us, how is it possible that God is pleased with us? How could the Holy Spirit work in us? Therefore, it is just because of our wrong intentions that God covers His face from us.”
I was astounded at her fellowshiping. Then I recalled my consistent performance at the meetings. When my sisters nodded their approval to my fellowshiping, I would feel elated; when they didn’t make any response to my fellowshiping, I would feel frustrated; when the sister suggested that I hear others’ communion more, I felt my fellowship was deficient in her eyes, so I didn’t dare to communicate God’s words anymore for fear that my fellowship wouldn’t be confirmed by others. As a result, I gave up communicating what I had been enlightened. Gradually, my spirit grew darker and darker. Even when the sister asked me by name to fellowship God’s words, I became so embarrassed that I found an excuse and then left. From my performance, I saw that when I was bound by face and status, I was living in the middle of Satan’s trickery. Though I was in the church, my heart was bound by Satan’s corrupt disposition. Thus how could I get the chance to receive the work of the Holy Spirit? No wonder that I did not receive any enlightenment or illumination when reading God’s words. It turned out that my intentions were indeed wrong.
Finding the Way to Practice
Afterward, Axue read two more passages of God’s words to me. God says, “Those who are capable of putting the truth into practice can accept God’s scrutiny in their actions, and when you accept God’s scrutiny, your heart is set right. If you only ever do things for others to see and do not accept God’s scrutiny, do you have God in your heart? People like this are without a God-fearing heart.”
“What are the behavioral manifestations of turning over one’s heart? What are specific actions involved? It is that you set aside these things that can bind you: face, reputation, and status. You set aside all these things that can hinder your coming into God’s presence. You are not carrying a burden but rather come into God’s presence with two empty hands to accept your duty and allow God to work in you and guide you. If you have this true heart, then as soon as God sees it, the Holy Spirit will work” (“You Can Obtain Truth After Turning Your True Heart Over to God” in Records of Christ’s Talks).
After she had finished reading from the word of God, she said, “God’s words point out to us the way of practice to shake off the binds of vanity. That is, when we speak or act, we should not care how others view us but rectify our motivations, pay attention to living in the presence of God—accepting God’s observation in everything and doing things in front of God. When we are aware that we have lived within face and status, we should actively pray to God, rely on Him and ask Him to help us leave behind our wrong intentions and desires. This way, when He sees our true heart, then the Holy Spirit will work on us and enlighten and guide us. Besides, we need to know, actually, that communicating God’s words at meetings is a way that we brothers and sisters learn from each other, because the enlightenment and guidance God gives us are different. If we can put our heart right to bear witness to God’s deeds in us in a simple-hearted way and to learn from others’ fellowshiping to improve upon our shortcomings, then we will gain much and our life will progress quickly.”
After hearing her fellowship, my heart felt light. So I offered my thanks to God in my heart. I knew God had listened to my prayer and found her to help me and let me know myself and know how to shake off the binds of vanity. Then I made a resolution: “From now on, I will not fellowship to gain others’ approval and esteem. Instead, I will put my heart right, do it in front of God and communicate only as much of God’s words as I understand and just concern myself with performing my duty.”
Breaking Through the Control of Face, My Heart Became Released and Free
Soon, a meeting day came. The brothers and sisters attending the meeting were more than before. Some of them were onsite, some online. Seeing that, I couldn’t help getting nervous. But I thought of God’s words I read before, so I told myself, “Put my heart right and accept God’s observation.” Then my heart became calm little by little. Accordingly, I felt God was always by my side, and as long as I was willing to practice the truth and betray my flesh in that environment, God would lead me to break through the bondage and control of vanity. Thus, I went to the restroom, hurriedly quieted my heart and prayed to God, “O God! In today’s meeting, I’m willing to put my heart right, and forsake my vanity. Please give me faith and courage so that I can suffer no restraint and have a simple and honest heart, communicate only as much of Your words as I understand, learn from others and thus get something out of the meeting.”
During the meeting, I obtained some light through pondering God’s words. Then I picked up the microphone and fellowshiped my understanding. During the process, I still felt somewhat nervous. But when I thought what I fellowshiped was the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, which was bearing witness to God, I put my heart right and fellowshiped the truth in front of God. With that, I felt greatly relaxed and released, and it seemed that the massive stone that had been pressing down on my heart was suddenly lifted.
From then on, I was not bound by vanity anymore at meetings and I once again received the Holy Spirit’s work. Every time I fellowshiped my understanding of God’s words with my brothers and sisters, I felt incomparably sweet in my heart.
Reflections on My Experience
Through that experience, I felt God’s genuineness. God is closer than we think. He is by our side all along, inseparable from us. When I was bound by vanity and fell into darkness, He found Sister Axue to help me so that I could understand His will; when I was willing to practice the truth to satisfy Him, He granted me power and led me to break through the bondage and shackle of vanity, so that I no longer felt constrained when fellowshiping at meetings. Reflecting on the whole process, I feel so happy because God was leading and accompanying me.
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Ivan; G1, H2, H7// Zyra; D1, D3, C2, K5// Rain; B9, A6, J6
read under the cut cause i got pretty out of control 
G1: Is your OC close to their family?
Ivan’s got a somewhat complicated relationship with his immediate family. His parents have a history of giving him the shaft in favor of his brother Kevin. Examples include better Christmas gifts, more leniency when he gets in trouble, and overall just more positive attention than Ivan, all because Kevin was better at athletic sports. When Kevin finally moved out focus shifted to Ivan, but by then Ivan was already pretty sore. He doesn’t hate his parents, in fact he tries his hardest to impress them, he just feels sort of distant and finds more comfort in friends and other family members like his grandfather.
H2: Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
It changes as he gets older, but Ivan has always kept the interests of Angel in mind ever since they started dating. Obviously when he’s still a kid he’s still got some selfish traits like pressuring Angel to do fun stuff he enjoys rather than she does, but as he ages he listens to her more and keeps her desires in mind when they’re together. Ivan’s change of character gets kickstarted when Rain warns him about possibly losing Angel is he doesn’t fix his petty feuds and nasty behaviors. Ever since then Ivan becomes much more conscious of his actions and more empathetic of his partner’s feelings. Zyra’s however.....he’s keeping an eye on them.
H7: What do they look for in partners? (Emotionally, mentally, physically..)
Before Ivan had any partners, his idea of romance was pretty typical of a horny adolescent boy. He adored pop stars and supermodels with perfect bodies and lots of money despite having pretty low self-esteem himself. By high school and Ivan’s complete overhaul of his appearance, his taste in women was still the same, except now it seemed more achievable to him. Now hoards of pretty girls adored him and the popular elite considered him one of their own. In fact his reasons for getting roped up with Sydney was because he considered her “kinda cute” at first, a deadly mistake. After breaking up with her his taste in women completely changed, and for a little while he was terrified of girls. But after his encounter with Angel, his taste changed to, well...Angel. Ever since then Ivan enjoys a strong quiet woman who keeps to herself, takes care of herself, and can without a doubt can kick his ass.
D1: How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
The Djragoni people as a whole believe in a sisterhood of mother deities known as The Goddesses, four celestial beings who are responsible for the creation and fostering of the four main races and their respective habitats. Zyra is Ician, part of a race of snow nomads who’s patron Goddess is Icia (or something the names change every time I mention them), the Goddess of Ice. In Djragoni society your patron Goddess is meant to be your guardian and in a way your cosmic mother figure, which in their culture is both the life-giver and the fierce protector. Zyra cherishes his connection to his patron Goddess since she’s the one thing that keeps him tied to his original heritage since most of his tribe is Ulecian and worship the Goddess Ulecia, the Goddess of Water. On Earth Zyra still prays to his patron Goddess and holds her close as a symbol of home and a way of comforting himself. Djragoni don’t often leave their homeworld, but when confronted with the question of whether a Goddess can still protect someone on another planet, many say her reach is infinite and can protect no matter how far from home you are.
D3: How comfortable are they with the idea of death?
In Djragoni society, death is a very open subject since the race is primarily made of hunters. They kill, they eat, they’re killed, they’re eaten. That said they still value the concept of life and believe every living creature has wants and needs and that spark of energy that gives them the will to survive. Death, being the extinguishing of that spark, is opportunity for that creature to begin anew in another form. Long story short the Djragoni are avid believers in reincarnation. Zyra feels differently about these beliefs, tho. For one he chooses to be a vegetarian and a pacifist because the idea of killing deeply disturbs him. He feels very guilty witnessing the death of other things because he sees death as a terrifying end rather than a new beginning. If they move to another form, what’s the form? What of their old life? Isn’t death painful for everyone involved? I don’t want to cause that kind of pain by dying! Zyra wishes he could be more comfortable with the idea of death, but when thrown in a situation like the one on Earth, he’s never been more scared of death in his life.
C2: Would your OC feel bad if they acted against their morals? If not, would they find a way to excuse themselves for it?
Since Zyra has some PRETTY STRONG morals, he would be mortified if he ever acted against them. His moral code is rooted in values he was raised on, which emphasize kindness, forgiveness, and empathy. Basically he can’t ever bring himself to be a jerk. However his strong adhesion to his moral code doesn’t give him much room to express many negative emotions or stick up for himself. And after a near lifetime of being walked on, bullied, and pushed over the edge, one particularly bad encounter with someone willingly trying to anger him would result in him not only breaking his anti-jerk code, but exploding years of bottled-up emotions pretty damn violently. But since he’s still Zyra, he would apologize profusely after he cooled down.
K5: Does your OC feel isolated or unrelatable due to the experience their Paranormal Aspect brings with it? If so, how do they deal with it?
HELL YEA, DUDE. Ever since day one Zyra felt like his presence on Earth was a burden (maybe or maybe not because of Rain’s exaggerations). By the time Zyra is disguised and walking among the humans, he’s constantly afraid he’s gonna be found out and thrown in the back of a government van. It takes some time for him to chill out a bit and realize the humans don’t care. But it’s his relationships with his human friends that make him feel the most insecure. He’s aware Angel isn’t going to find out he’s not human, but he’s incredibly guilty because he’s basically lying daily to one of his dearest friends. Every time one of his human friends say something relatable for a HUMAN, be feels left out and can’t even say why. Many times he considers outing himself just so he can stop feeling so “alienated”, but has to stop and tell himself his safety matters much more than his feelings right now.
B9: What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
Rain’s got an attraction to more dry or absurdist humor. Some examples of stuff she likes includes Eric Andre, meme humor, old school YouTube Poops, and just stuff like “my pengy???” However she still gets laughs out of blue stuff like toilet humor and can enjoy a good sex joke if it’s tasteful. But any well-structured joke will always be overshadowed by something like “succ”.
A6: Does your OC tend to assume their interpretation of events and reality is correct, or do they question it? I.e., “I’m sure that’s what you said” versus “It’s possible I misheard you.”
Typically Rain will assume she’s correct because she thinks she’s pretty good at interpreting things, but there are still many times she has had to second-guess herself because of anxiety. She’s willing to argue that she’s correct if it’s with someone she knows is wrong, but if she’s with someone who could possibly get angry with her or out-debate her, she will always assume she’s wrong, even if there’s proof she’s not.
J6: How do they react to people whose political viewpoints are very opposite of theirs?
Rain’s personal political standing leans towards the liberal left. Her parents are self-sustaining freedom fighters from Southern California, so it’s no surprise Rain shares their liberal views. Rain feels very strongly about her beliefs about social issues, the environment, and especially the government, so she WILL speak up if she hears someone spouting hate or ignorance. Now Rain is still just a young teenager so she’s still shaping her personal beliefs and how to properly debate them, but her current feelings on issues like gender politics and industrial pollution WILL earn someone a few missing teeth if they’re aggressively opposite to hers. 
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