#he would do what he could to make sure a child didn’t suffer the same fate as him
alchemocha · 1 year
Robotnik is out in town one day, not working, not really doing much actually. Maybe stopping by a cafe or ice cream parlour he enjoys. He’s walking down a street when a ball or toy belonging to a child bumps his foot, and he stops. At first he’s snarling in his usual disgust at being interrupted, but when he sees the child in question hesitate to approach, Robotnik sees the look in their eyes, and he caves.
With a sigh, he grabs the toy and saunters over, crouching down to place it back in their hands. His expressions softened into something quite rare for him, and he tells the child to be more careful so they don’t lose their toys, and to not worry their parents. The kids sniffling and nodding, and they thank Robotnik. The parent does too, when they catch up, and it makes him freeze up a bit, unsure how to respond to… being thanked like that. But he nods, simply, mumbles something under his breath— no thanks needed, kids shouldn’t have to cry and lose things.— and walks off. Not wanting to hear any more sentimental nonsense from anyone, including himself.
But he can’t help but to think about how he wished someone would have done so for him as a kid. How he doesn’t want any other child to be as miserable as he was. He cared very little about other adults, but… much to his own dismay, he couldn’t stop himself from caring about the well being of kids. Even if he’d try and claim otherwise to keep up appearances.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 40
Quick summary: Danny finds Ellie in the basement strapped to a table. They book it after destroying portal. Fentons think Danny’s possessed and chase. They capture Ellie again with GIW. Danny pretends to be an ambassador to the infinite realm. They don’t need to know he’s the king. Threatens war. Batfam are near. They intervene.
The fentons find out about Ellie. The whole halfa thing not the clone thing. They decide obviously a ghost possessed a dead child and was using their body. That’s why she could transform back and forth.
Que the metal table and straps.
Danny was very concerned when Ellie didn’t show up to there monthly meet up. He tried to text her and call her to no response. Being the good older brother he is he went hunting.
Not able to find her, Danny is ready to beg frostbite for the infamap. He promised not to take it again. But no one said anything about begging.
When he goes to the basement he sees ellie. Thankfully before and vivisection or cutting began. She was just strapped down with a machine taking blood.
Que him freeing her. Destroying the record they had. Injecting her with a ecto-dejecto to get ectoplasma in her system to kick up the healing factor. He breaks the portal.
None of his rouges were out. They had a monthly agreement. No one was to interfere with his Ellie day. The box ghost tried it once. He had to deal with a feral Ellie. The rule is in place for there safety.
He knows he’ll be hearing the complaints for the rest of his afterlife. The fact jack and Maddie strapped what looks like a human down. Who knows what they’d do to his rouges. Those ones actively cause problems.
Danny and Ellie have a lovely road trip. Constantly running. Watching that back. Barley sleeping. One for the scrap book.
The end goal is to get to Gotham. Jazz goes to Gotham u. She’d hide them. She’d meet them if they had there phones. They got left behind in the panic. Getting to Jazz would be safe for them. She has a Fenton creep stick after all.
Upon getting to Gotham. They realize they both have no idea where the university is. So no idea how to get to jazz.
It’s late when they showed up. Like the middle of the night late. So they can’t even ask. Not to mention pay phones don’t really exist anymore. They didn’t have quarters regardless.
That’s when the Giw show up surrounding them. Jack and Maddie show up from nowhere grabbing Danny from behind. Yelling that he’s just possessed. He wouldn’t be helping the ghost girl if he wasn’t. He wouldn’t of destroyed there life’s work.
Danny. Thinking fast starts yelling at them asking if they really want a war. That he’s seen what they can do. It won’t even be a battle. They’d just close off access to the afterlifes. You have to travel through the realms to get to them. Leaving the dimension to suffer. No relief of death. Just pain and suffering.
Screaming how that she was the second in line for the throne. The princess.
Ellie just stares at him the whole time. Like wtf. She’s fought off a lot of the GIW agents. But they have blood bosoms that force her down.
Danny couldn’t get free from jack and Maddie. Going ghost would just force him to the ground as well.
Starts yelling how he hasn’t sided with his parents from the beginning. That he had tried to play ambassador. Freeing those taken. Making sure the realm didn’t fight back.
He lies about how he totally stopped the master of time itself from destroying the timeline. That pandora has not attacked because of him same as the mighty frostbite of the far frozen.
Basically he’s just spouting nonsense. Then threatens to summon frostbite. Frostbite taught him how after an incident where he very much hurt himself.
Just then people with grappling hooks show up. They end up detaining the GIW and jack and Maddie. Which is a good thing.
The bad thing was the bat furry wanted to ask questions.
Good thing the furries got rid of the blood blossoms.
Danny just gets through them. (They let him go to Ellie). The fight left Ellie injured. The blood blossoms had made the injured way word.
We’ll look like he was summoning frostbite.
Not to fight but because Ellie was hurt. The bat people barley reacted to the yeti appearing from a glowing green portal. But they did tense and take up new stances.
It’s quickly seen that frostbite is in fact a medic. Not a mighty warrior (from what they can tell).
They actually think Danny was actually the voice for the infinite realm. That was enough to get him dragged to space.
Who knows how’d they react if they knew he was the king. But hey the GIW got disbanded.
Now has a fic started. Feel free to steal this idea still!!!
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klaus-littlestwolf · 11 months
I can say for sure that we all loved the Catholic school smut and therefore it just made me a new dark desire so heree comes request with our favorite hybrid
Something horny and dark at the same time
(by the way I ALSO read and write to heal religious trauma 🙏🏻)
Reader is a werewolf raised by a very conservative family and there is a lot of abuse in it specially because they think she is demoniac (they aren't werewolves)
In his path to make hybrids klaus finds her and decides to take her, he saw the way she was tortured and remembered the way mikael used to beat him, so he kills her parents
He thinks she will be scared but she was relieved and didn't even blink or tried to help when they were being murdered
She was raised apart from the world so literally everything is new to her and klaus loves to show her all the beautiful things and teach her how to be a hybrid
Obviously she also doesn't know anything about sex (innocence kink maybe?) and eventually she and klaus starts to date but she has no idea of how a relationship should work and klaus makes a good time teaching her all about how to give and receive pleasure and ends with a really good smut like the last one you wrote
Love uuu
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The way you said ‘horny and dark’ I assumed you wanted a Yandere Klaus so that’s what I did
Warning: Conservative views from parents, religious trauma and bashing, smut bordering on Dub-con with how naive she is, Don’t Like=Don’t Read
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If your parents had known you were a werewolf when they adopted you they would have given you back immediately. Sadly there’s no way to know that until you’re in an accident.
Your family was always abusive to you, from the moment you were given to them from the 100% definitely illegal agency (since a man with as many arrests as your ‘father’ can’t legally adopt a child). When you turned however, it became worse.
It was sad how it happened, you had saved your parents by grabbing and turning the steering wheel out of the way of an oncoming 18 wheeler, sadly as you did you ended up in the way of a man on a motorcycle who crashed into your car and fell down the side of the mountain you were driving up. The bike should have been driving slower, your father should have been paying attention, but of course only you suffer the consequences.
Your first shift was agonizing and your father, being the religious man that he was, knew you were a demon! A demon who changed on the full moon and every full moon he chained you up like a monster and left you in the woods outside to suffer. They prayed over you , sometimes spraying you with a hose or whipping you while promising God that your suffering was repentance or some shit like that. You decided a long time ago that if their God was this vengeful then you didn’t want anything to do with the “Heaven” they promised. Not that you knew anything different, the outside world had been cut off from you since you were given to them to live in the mountains like the religious zealots that your parents are. Your mother wasn’t nearly as abusive, she just spends her time praying over you for the safe return of your soul and ranting like your father about how the government is controlled by demon possessed people like you.
You never believed that anything could change, especially not because of Ray. Ray had found your house on a hike up the mountain and stumbled upon you chained up in the woods after a full moon. He tried to help you but your parents chased him off, your father shooting his shotgun at him and screaming about ‘demons sent to help fellow demons’ before he hosed you off and took you inside. You always spent the day after a change with your mother patching up your quickly healing wounds and reading from the Bible you had read 60,000 times in your life.
Ray came back to check on you every few weeks, he would bring you food to hide away and some books to read that weren’t the Bible. He told you that you were not a demon but we’re in fact a werewolf, a gene passed down from your real parents (probably a father) and though he tried to convince you to come with him, you knew your father would track you down and hurt him and his ‘pack’ as he called it.
Ray had left you last time with the promise of bringing you more food, it turns out he brought quite a bit more than that.
You heard his voice before you saw him, as well as another voice with him as they approached.
‘I told you I’ll do what you want but we get the kid first, that’s the deal if you want my pack.’ Ray snapped and a weird accented man responded.
‘I’m not taking care of a kid Ray, you didn’t say kid-‘
‘She ain’t a kid but she’s…you’ll see. Now shut up before her father hears us-‘
‘Everything can hear you stomping like that Ray.’ You stated, picking up the last few pieces of firewood you had chopped and putting them into the wheelbarrow.
‘Shit kid, I’m sorry…your face-‘
‘I know. I’m the one in pain, trust me, I know it’s there. He got my ribs real good this time too.’ You looked up to see Ray standing beside another 2 men, one had fluffy brown hair and looked like he didn’t give a shit about anything and the other was staring at you. He had blond hair and bright blue eyes, prettiest shade you’ve ever seen and he wasn’t shy about how he was looking you over.
‘Hurry up and grab your stuff kid, we’re busting you outta here.’ You rolled your eyes, lifting the wheelbarrow and walking it towards your house.
‘You’re delusional. My father will shoot you all and chain you up right beside me, next thing you know he’ll be beating the demons out of you too.’
‘How many times do I have to tell you, you’re a werewolf, not a demon-‘
‘Look, I believe you Ray…sorta, but he won’t. He will see that you’re like me and he’ll either kill you or hurt you. Take your friends and go before they get hurt too.’ You began piling the wood up on the back porch where it needed to go and Ray grabbed your shoulders, stopping you.
‘Please Y/n, please come with me? He’s going to kill you one of these days and I can’t stand to see that happen-‘
‘Then stop coming here Ray! You’re risking your life for a girl you don’t know who is never getting out of here! I don’t know anything besides this, I’m an idiot, I don’t even know how the light up box works!’ He tried hard to hide his smile at that, knowing what you meant.
‘Once again, it’s called a cellphone, and I will teach you-‘
‘You don’t know what a phone is? Seriously Klaus, this is a waste of our time.’ The brunette stated to his friend and you felt tears welling up in your eyes, knowing he’s right.
Klaus’ POV
‘Shut up Stefan, Ray is right.’
‘He is-‘
‘I am?’
‘Yes, he is. This girl needs our help, and after all, I am on the search for werewolves. It was Y/n, yes?’ The girl nodded, clearly wary of me and I couldn’t blame her. Living up here off the grid with nothing but your seemingly abusive adoptive parents must be a new form of torture and werewolf or not, I couldn’t let this beautiful girl continue to suffer…I also had some ideas about a few fun things I could teach her. ‘Okay Y/n, why don’t you get your things you want to keep and you can come with us? Don’t worry about your father, he won’t hurt you-‘
‘He’ll hurt you! Don’t you get it?! He will shoot you Klaus, why would you risk getting hurt for me?’ I stepped forward, tucking this girls long hair behind her ears and making her look at me.
‘Number one I can’t really die, and while I can get hurt it won’t last, number two, because I want to. You don’t deserve this kind of pain, I know what it’s like and you need my help so I’m going to help you.’ She stared at me momentarily as if I had put the stars in the sky before her eyes hardened again. ‘Come on, I’ll come with you.’ I took her arm in mine and walked up to the door beside her. ‘Invite me in gorgeous.’
‘What…you can come in?’ She was clearly confused and it was actually kind of adorable as I walked into the house beside her and into her bedroom which was just off the back door. The amount of crosses that hung on the walls was dizzying, pictures of Bible scenes and Jesus on the walls…this girl is going to need some serious therapy. ‘What do I pack?’ I looked down to see her holding a backpack and sighing. She’s never gone anywhere in her life, of course she doesn’t know what to pack.
‘Here, I’ll put clothes in here. You grab anything else you want to keep.’ I shoved clothes into the bag and noted how desperately I needed to get her appropriate clothing and not ‘Jesus’ clothing. When I stood she put a few books into the bag and a picture of herself with a dog but nothing else.
Just as we were about to walk out we were cut off by a gunshot and I pulled her behind me as we ran outside, she gasped at seeing her father aiming a shotgun at Stefan and Ray. ‘Y/n! How dare you allow this thing into our home! You whore!’ My body tensed up as I felt her hands clutch into the back of my shirt. This girl was innocent and terrified much like I was, she has been kept from experiencing the world and knowing anything besides this Hell and I won’t allow it any longer. Besides, she will be a very fun person to have along the ride, I’ll have to teach her everything but on the plus side, I’ll get to teach her everything.
‘If you call her that again I’ll shove that gun down your throat.’ I growled and he turned his gun on me.
‘No! You could hurt Y/n-‘
‘Our whore of a daughter made her choice when she opened her legs for this demon! You’re like her, aren’t you? Cursed?!’
‘Not anymore. My curse was lifted, I’m just a werewolf now…well I’m also a vampire but that’s beside the point. You’ve crippled your child keeping her here like this, beat her, chained her and you don’t care one little bit, do you?’
‘That thing is not my daughter! It never was! It is a beast from the circles of Hell!’ I dropped her bag, taking a step forward when her hand grabbed my arm and stopped me from moving any further. I turned to look at her and held her face to make sure she paid attention to me.
‘It’s alright love, I promise. You will never be hurt again, you are mine now. Understand?’ She shook her head “no” and I should have known she wouldn’t get that. ‘I take care of you now, you stay with me. I’ll teach you everything and you won’t leave me, promise me.’ She looked shocked but nodded her head, smiling excitedly and hugging me tightly with her head resting on my chest. It was actually adorable how short she was…sexy as well.
She suddenly gasped in pain as she was yanked away from me, her ‘father’ clutching her wrist too tightly. ‘You will die today, demon! And then I will punish my demon child for whoring herself out to the Devil!’ As he raised the shotgun again I grabbed it, bending it in half and watching his eyes widen before pulling him to me by his collar.
‘Interesting choice of words. She hasn’t even begun to whore herself out for me, but you can be sure she will. I should thank you for that I think, she doesn’t know anything about the world and she will be quite easily moldable…I’m not going to thank you of course, you’re an insane child abuser but at least in your last moments you can know that she will be everything you didn’t want her to be. Interesting how things work out that way, isn’t it?’ He tried to fight to his credit but it was much to easy to pull his heart from his chest. I dropped his body to the ground and heard his wife screaming bloody murder but I tuned that out as I looked to Y/n who was staring at his body before looking up at me, excitement in her eyes which I loved instantly. I turned and snapped the women’s neck quickly, irritated with the screaming before turning back to Y/n who grabbed a rag that was on the porch and began cleaning the blood off of my hand like it was her job. ‘Thank you, Kitten, you’re just too sweet.’ I pulled her to my side and turned to walk back over to Stefan and Ray.
‘Why are we taking her? She’s just going to be a distra-‘ I reached out, grabbing ahold of Stefan’s throat before growling down at him.
‘You don’t need to worry about her again. Y/n is none of your concern Stefan. Shut it.’ He nodded and I released him before turning to Ray. ‘Now to you, where are the wolves?’ I asked him and he sighed, pulling out his map as I handed Stefan the duffel bag and turned to lift Y/n onto my back, not wanting her to have to hike up the mountain. As Ray showed us where we were and where the wolves were I could feel Y/n playing with my hair which made me smile.
As soon as he gave up the location of the pack I snapped his neck, Stefan being left to carry his body up the mountain with us. It wasn’t a long hike from Y/n’s home and we got to the clearing in about half an hour, changing all of the wolves before sitting and waiting for them all to wake up which would take a bit of time, about an hour if Ray suddenly waking was any gauge of time. As he woke though his eyes began to bleed and he suddenly lunged forward at Y/n who screamed and clutched to me tightly. Stefan tried to grab him but only ended up with a werewolf bite on his arm before Ray was gone.
‘Well, you best go get him.’ I told him and he glared making Y/n whine.
‘Aren’t you gonna heal me?’ I shook my head.
‘Once you come back with Ray? Yes, and I would hurry. That looks bad.’ I stated before Stefan ran off after the hybrid, leaving Y/n and I alone.
‘I don’t like him.’ She spoke up and I snorted.
‘He doesn’t like you either so I would say you’re a good judge of character.’ I joked making her smile.
‘I like you though.’
‘Well, everyone is allowed one mistake.’ Her eyes widened and she shoved me playfully, leaning into my side. ‘It’s gonna be a while before they wake up, why don’t you come sit on my lap and snuggle with me?’ I proposed and she looked up at me, tilting her head.
‘What’s snuggle?’ My eyes widened before I sighed.
‘It means let me hold you. You’re mine now, I’m allowed to hold you all I want.’ Y/n nodded her head, clearly thinking as she moved to sit on my lap and lay her head into my neck.
‘What does being yours mean?’
‘Hmm, that’s a good question Kitten.’ She blushed a dark shade, clearly enjoying her nickname. ‘It means that only I can touch you, no other man should be too close or putting their hands on you. It means that it’s my job to take care of you and make you feel good in every way I can, to protect you and ensure you’re happy…does that make sense?’ I wondered, knowing those concepts should be things she understands at least and she nodded her head.
‘Are you mine?’ I took pause at that, considering that question. It’s been a long time since I’ve considered only having one women in my life, and I know if I say “yes” she’s not going to want me to be with any other women, she seems the jealous type which was actually a very cute thought. As I considered this I began to realize how attached to her I’ve become already and I suddenly knew I couldn’t let her go.
‘Yes I am, Kitten. I’m all yours, no one else’s. But that means that you can’t leave me, okay? We belong to each other, that means I take care of and protect you and you take care of me, in every way I need.’ She nodded her head, before looking nervous.
‘Can…can you tell me what I’m supposed to do?’ She asked nervously and she was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. Her innocence is precious and she makes it too easy to take advantage of it, but I actually find myself not wanting to hurt her, just have her be mine.
‘Oh Kitten, of course I can! I will always help you baby, do you want to start now?’ I offered and she nodded, excitedly with a smile on her face. ‘Okay, can you turn and straddle my lap for me?’ She turned herself and threw her leg over my lap, gasping as I pulled her close and pressed her cunt against my hard cock through our clothes. ‘Good girl. Now just relax, and let me play with you. Can you do that?’ She looked confused but nodded her head anyway. ‘That’s a good girl.’ I leaned back against the tree behind me and pulled her down to press our lips together gently, letting her get used to the feeling as I molded my lips to hers before pulling her back and reaching up, my thumb pulling her chin down to open her mouth before pressing inside, my thumb brushing up her tongue. She looked unsure but soon closed her lips around it, sucking on my thumb like a pacifier…a thought that hardened my cock even more to an almost painful extent. I rolled my hips up into hers and groaned, feeling the heat of her cunt through her pants and wanting to be buried inside of her so badly. I pulled my thumb back, opening her mouth again. ‘Stick your tongue out, Kitten.’ I demanded and she did as she was told instantly. ‘Such a good girl, I need this mouth on my cock baby, can you do that for me?’ She nodded quickly before pulling her tongue back into her mouth and speaking.
‘What’s a cock?’ My eyes widened in shock at just how ignorant she is, but of course she is.
‘Okay…you’re a girl and you have a pretty little pussy right here in your panties, right?’ I unbuttoned her jeans and cupped her pussy in my hand through her cotton panties and she gasped, the new feeling being overwhelming I’m sure. ‘Well I have a cock, and my cock wants more than anything to be buried inside your tight little pussy so that I can make you feel good, but I need you to help me first.’ I took hold of her thighs and lifted her, helping her to her knees right between my legs and she rested her head on my thigh, looking up at me with such an innocent look on her face that I almost felt guilty for corrupting her…almost. I unbuttoned my pants, pulling them and my boxer briefs down just enough that my cock escaped and slapped against my stomach. She stared at it in shock and curiosity, reaching her hand out and sliding her finger up my shaft which sent a chill up my spine. ‘Fuck! Okay Kitten, open those pretty lips for me and stick that tongue out-‘ I grabbed ahold of her jaw firmly and made sure she was looking up at me. ‘Absolutely no teeth, understand?’ She nodded and I leaned down, licking over her tongue and kissing her roughly. ‘God you’re so perfect, do you know that?’ She whined before leaning down and licking her tongue straight up my cock before suckling on the head, she was so good at it that in any other situation I would have been convinced she had been doing this for years. ‘My good girl, so fucking good!’ I pushed her head down slightly and she got the message, taking more of me into her mouth and bobbing her head up and down.
I don’t know if this is the best blowjob I’ve ever had or if the situation is just turning me on so much that it’s ethereal but it feels as if she is sucking my soul out through my cock. If this is how good she is for me in only a few hours, I can’t imagine what kind of whore I can turn this girl into if I just make her feel good and needed.
‘Fuck! Shit, I’m gonna cum…I’m gonna give you a tasty little treat, okay? Are you ready?’ I asked, grunting as I felt that perfect tongue push me over the edge and just as she whined an affirmation I held the back of her head and came hard, straight onto her tongue. I tossed my head back, feeling myself cum more than I ever had before and she swallowed before using her hand to catch what leaked out the corner of her mouth. I had yet to have sex since becoming a full hybrid…maybe the werewolf in me makes me cum more than before…the image of how full I could fill my Kittens cunt was the driving force of my cock hardening all over again so quickly.
‘I like it, tastes yummy.’ Y/n spoke, licking her hand clean and before I knew it I had moved, snatching her up into my arms and pinning her down to the ground underneath me. ‘Klaus?’
‘Daddy…call me Daddy. Can you do that for me, Kitten?’ She smiled up at me, nodding her head before wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me sweetly. I quickly reached down, pulling her jeans and panties off of her legs which caused her to whimper. ‘What’s wrong?’ She looked around quickly and I turned her eyes back to me. ‘It’s okay Kitten, talk to me.’
‘What if someone wakes up, or Stefan comes back?’ She worried and I just smiled.
‘Don’t worry Y/n, you’re Daddy’s now, and Daddy will never let anyone see your pretty little pussy but me, and if they do I’ll remove their eyes.’ I teased and she giggled as I nipped at her neck gently. Lifting her thighs up around my waist I groaned as my cock touched her pussy. ‘This is gonna be uncomfortable for a second, but I promise Daddy’s gonna make you feel so good that you’ll never want me to stop touching you.’
‘I trust you.’ She mumbled, nervous but allowing me to do as I wanted.
I considered that for a moment. If anyone else told me that they trust me I would call them crazy, it would be a horrible decision, but not her. I want her to trust me…in that moment I realized how much I needed her to love me. Y/n is mine now and there is nothing that will ever be permitted to take her away from me. ‘Good. Daddy will take care of you, just breathe until the discomfort is gone.’ I instructed and pushed my cock into her. She hissed as my eyes rolled back into my head, this girls pussy possibly being the tightest I’ve ever experienced if not just in hundreds of years considering it had been centuries since I had fucked a virgin, but virgin or not she is tight as fuck.
‘Daddy, Ow! Oh! It stings!’ I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers to distract her as I stayed still, allowing her to get used to the feeling before pulling back out. She squealed as I thrust back into her which I loved, setting a steady pace until her face relaxed and I could see that she was now truly enjoying herself. As she did I lifted her legs around my waist and fucked her tight little cunt the way I desperately needed to.
‘Such a good girl letting Daddy fuck you like this, so tight! Perfect little Kitten cunt!’ She whined as I spoke and I looked down to see her with watery eyes and her mouth hanging open.
‘Perfect, Daddy?’
‘Fucking Perfect!’ I confirmed, feeling her pussy squeeze me tighter. The need to be even deeper inside of her was overwhelming and I grabbed her waist, lifting her against my chest and pinning her to the tree beside us, now thrusting up into her even harder. She gasped, wincing and I could see she was in pain but she didn’t object, not once leaving me to ease up just a little bit before feeling my balls tighten and digging my face into her neck, biting into her throat as I came inside of her. Once again the amount of cum that I filled her with was fantastic and as her pussy squeezed down on me I knew that she was enjoying herself as well. ‘Do you like that Kitten? You love being full of me, don’t you?’ She nodded quickly, arms tight around my neck as she held on like she was afraid I would disappear. ‘Don’t worry, Daddy’s gonna fill you with cum everyday from now on.’ I told her, licking over the bloody bite mark on her neck.
‘Really? We can do this again?’
‘Are you kidding? You’re mine now Kitten, remember? Daddy is gonna fuck you everyday, multiple times a day, every which way you can imagine.’ I explained, pulling my cock out of her and looking around briefly before setting her down on a sleeping bag, using tissues to clean us both up.
‘How many ways are there?’ She questioned, excitedly before it was followed by a yawn making me smile.
‘Daddy’s gonna fuck you everywhere we go. In the hotel, in the car while Stefan drives, against every surface I can find!’ I watched as my cum dripped out of her hole, loving the sight of her being so full of me before cleaning her off and pulling her panties and pants back up her legs. ‘You’re a flexible little baby too, aren’t you Kitten?’ I teased, latching her bra before kissing her head, enjoying the topless sight in front of me. ‘That means I can bend you any way I want to stick my cock in you, Daddy’s never gonna stop fucking you, in every hole I can.’ I wrapped my arms around her from behind as she looked for her shirt, kissing behind her ear and hearing her gasp. ‘Do you want to make Daddy feel extra good and let me put my cock in your little asshole?’ I was teasing her, expecting her to be unsure and nervous about my playing with her ass, however she shocked me completely as she turned and pressed her lips to mine hard.
‘Yes Daddy!’ -Kiss- ‘Want your cock!’ -Kiss- ‘All the time Daddy! Anywhere you want, wanna make you happy!’ My eyes widened and I looked down at her in shock.
‘You want to let Daddy stick his cock up your ass?’
‘Will that make you feel good, Daddy?’ She asked as if it was the most important thing in the world to her and I suddenly realized how much of a complete fucking cum slut I’m going to turn my girl into.
‘Yes Kitten, and Daddy will make you feel good too, Daddy wants you full of my cum all day every day forever, I want my cum leaking out of both holes every time we go out, there won’t be a single chance people don’t know that you’re mine.’
‘Okay Daddy.’ I turned her around, pressing my lips to hers and lifting her up against my chest.
‘I think you’re gonna be the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time Kitten.’ As soon as this pack is turned I’m turning her as well and ensuring that I can keep my little mate around for eternity, she’s too delicious not to. I’m going to teach her whatever I want and have the sluttiest girl on earth for the rest of my endless existence.
‘Daddy?!’ Y/n pulled back quickly and I could see the terror in her eyes, shocking me at how quickly she turned.
‘What is it Kitten? Did I scare you? You don’t have to-‘
‘Daddy! Are They Supposed To Look Like That?!’ I turned around and just barely moved before one of the wolves bit into my Kittens shoulder. His eyes were bleeding black blood and he looked like some kind of zombie.
‘No…stay right here, Don’t Move! Do you hear me?!’
‘Yes!’ She responded as I set her on the fallen tree and turned to the 2 Hybrids that were now awake, examining them carefully before one tried to sink his teeth into me and I quickly ripped his heart out. I was trying to figure out what happened when 2 more were suddenly up and pissed off, leading to me tearing their hearts out as well, moving on as the rest of them quickly began jumping up and screeching or growling and trying to bite at me. I had just killed the last one when I suddenly heard Y/n scream and I spun around to see her backing away from a girl who lunged at her. She turned to the trees and I grabbed the women, ripping her heart out before moving to grab Y/n and holding her arm. ‘No! Daddy-Help!’
‘It’s me! It’s okay baby, you’re okay.’ She gasped, breathing a sigh of relief and hugging me tightly, crying into my chest. ‘Daddy will keep you safe, I promise. You’re okay.’
‘Are you?’ I hesitated as she asked and realized I wasn’t. ‘Daddy? Are you okay?’ I nodded before she pulled away and turned to the campsite to see the 15 dead wolves.
‘After all of this, I finally break the curse and I still can’t make more hybrids…FUCK!’ I screamed, knowing my hybrid visage was on display as my anger was running way too high.
‘It’s gonna be okay, we can find out what went wrong and fix it, right?’ Y/n held onto my arm, unafraid of me like everyone else would have been and it was a bit shocking. ‘You waited this long, you’ll make it work! I know it, and I’ll help you!’ I sat down against the tree and sighed heavily, knowing in that moment that as long as Y/n is here, I won’t be alone again…I just need to figure out how to turn her before she’s gone too.
‘Thank you Kitten, you’re Daddy’s good girl.’
Just as I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out what went wrong, Y/n kneeled on the ground in front of me and leaned against me, kissing my jaw. ‘Can I make Daddy feel good again? Maybe it’ll help?’
This girl may just be the death of me. ‘Yes Little Wolf, I think that will help very much…’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
hiya, i was wondering if you could make a headcanon sorta thing with the weasleys and them realising they’re in love with reader
Gasp, that sounds so fluffy. I MUST!
Weasley siblings the moment they realize that they are in love
Warnings: Only really for Bill honesty. I have to make it from his werewolf wounds. So medical gore warning. Bullying as well, with some scared Ron. Because it will involve spiders.
William ‘Bill’
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The moment his working eye was able to focus, he was able to see you. See you there. You were fast asleep next to him. Curled up in his side, with your arms tucked in on yourself. That way you wouldnt mess with his bandages and wounds. He was in so much pain, and could hardly breath, but you were there. He was able to see your hands were slightly red, seeming to be irritated. Thats when he noticed the bowl of water on his bedside table. Along with a bloody rag. You must have been busy with washing his fresh wounds, while he was knocked out. You were taking care of him, until you needed sleep as well. That warmed him, as he was clearly taken care of. Especially given where he was. The Wolf Ward. A place for people suffering werewolfism are stayed. People tied to beds, chained, hooked to IV's, near death, already dead, so many cases. Yet.....Here you were. You stayed. You stayed, made sure he was taken care of, and made sure he wasnt alone. You loved him. Loved him so much, despite the risks. Even as far as sleeping in the same bed as him. That was when he knew it. Knew he was in love. His breathing was able to move easier, as he wrapped his arm around you. Hurt like hell, but worth it. Worth it, as he was able to see you smile.
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"What?” He blinked, as he stared out his bedroom window. Looking down to see you there. “You heard me. I’ll cause a distraction. I know you are packed. Go on and go-!” You called, as he was jaw dropped. He had been arguing with his mother for ages about this. Molly didn’t want him to have such a dangerous job. But of course precious golden child Bill got to be a curse breaker. One would argue is even more dangerous. Despite the letters of people wanting him to work in Romania, his mother refused. Over and over again. Seems like someone had other plans. You. You knew this could be the last time you see him, but you just couldn’t let him rot away in England. So, you hatched a plan. You would distract Molly, and give him enough time to sneak into the fireplace and get to Romania. “You are bloody insane….I like that-“ Charlie had to smile, as you would run around to the front of the house. Leaving Charlie to make sure he was properly packed. While he made sure his dragon hide gloves were inside, he could hear you knocking the front door. The familiar creaks of his mother leaving her room, and heading to the front door. He tossed his bag over his shoulder, and hurried down the stairs. “Where is the floo-?” He hissed. Of course she would hide it. Making sure he couldn’t sneak off. Course, you were smart enough to think ahead. “Oh come in. I’ll fix you something. Poor thing out in the late night cold. Come on-“ The moment she stepped to the kitchen, you ran over to him. Handing him your bag of floo. “Go go-“ You whispered, as he stared into your eyes. His heart never felt so full. “Better promise to visit-“ And before you knew it, he was kissing you. Kissing you goodbye. You were dazzed, only to snap back when the flash of green of the fire place echoed. “What was that-?!” Molly called. “NOTHING-!” You squeaked, with your face flushed. Left Charlie in a sappy smile, as his new chapter begun. With you in it.
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“Leave him alone!” Percy heard you shout, as he was currently being dangled from his ankle. For being a prefect, he sure did not get treated as such. Was ambushed by a gaggle of Slytherins, younger then him no less, and now he was up in the air. Unable to grab his wand, as he just did not have the core strength. Another taunt at him. “Oh? What will you do if we don’t?” A bully asked, as you kept your fists tight. Percy didn’t want you to fight for him, but you were willing to even though you knew you would lose. And lose you did. Hard. Least in the chaos, Percy was able to escape. Running off to get a teacher, and catching them red handed. Needless to say, suspension will not be to light. Now, there you two were. Sitting in the medical wing. Both sharing a bed, as you two sat together. “You didn’t have to-“ He muttered, as he fidgeted with his bandages. “Yeah I did. Someone’s gotta. Bill and Charlie were busy.” You tried to play off, before you felt his hand holding yours. “Still. Pretty stupid…” He grumbled, but you returned the hand holding. “Someone’s gotta be stupid, so you don’t have a stick up your butt.” You smiled, as he rested his head on your shoulder. Comforted, and at peace.
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“Wicked-“ Fred whispered, as the two of you were huddled together. Hidden away in a corner of the Three Broom Sticks, as you two were bonding over the map. Able to just people watch so happily. George had been given detention, and Fred was able to have a reassuring comfort in seeing him on the map. Knowing he wasn’t anywhere dangerous, given what happened to Ginny. It also was comforting to be sitting with someone as well. The two of you just snuggled in the tavern, during a winters day. It was soft. Different from the normal madness he’s used to. It’s different, and he liked different. Different also meant a change in habits. Such as feeling you rest your head on his shoulder. Trying to snuggle closer, to get more warmth. He couldn’t help it, as he wrapped his arm around you. Just you cuddling, and oblivious, as you watched the map. So curious by it, as he was more fascinated by you now. Taking advantage of how distracted you were. Maybe quiet moments were nice. Couldn’t help but rest his head against yours, and take in your scent. A quiet moment. A moment to think, and he was thinking hard. Maybe he wanted more quiet moments like this. Couldn’t help his smile, as you pointed at a name on the map. Making up some speculation on why they were there at this time. Had him laugh, and just melt into the moment. Yeah. He wanted more of this.
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“George George Georgie Georgie Georgie-!” You just wouldn’t stop shouting, as you were soon crashing into him. Right when he left the shop he was in. Having been helping his younger siblings with getting school supplies. “Hey-! Who says I’m George-?!” He joked, as you didn’t let go. “Because you are actually nice-!” You tease, as he was hugging you back. “Also you have a mole on your neck, Fred doesn’t-“ You whispered. That had him blink, as he reached to said neck. “Ha-! Made you look-!” You giggled so deviously, before he pushed you away. He was cackling though. “You got me, I won’t lie-!” He snorted, as you two were just in giggles. It was so nice. He liked to laugh, and sometimes laughter from someone who wasn’t identical to you was nice. You felt as natural to laugh with as Fred. That’s something special. You don’t come across that easy. He knew you were special, and that simple moment was nice. “George-! Help-!” Ginny called, as she struggled with her supplies. “Coming Gin Gin-!” He would hurry over, with you in toe. Instantly helping, all the same. He couldn’t stop his smile, as he watched you help Ginny out. Shit, he was in love. And he knew it.
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“HELP-! PLEASE! SOMEONE-!” Ron was screaming bloody murder, as he was cowering in the corner of the stone corridor of the courtyard. A decently large spider was keeping him trapped on a bench, and trying to hide his body as much as he could in the corner. He was in tears, as he was trying to hide from the spider. Luckily, you could hear him. “IM COMING RON-!” You shouted, as you ran across the stones. Coming into view, and seeing what was distressing him. He was already expecting you to yell at him for being such a baby about it. You didn’t, but instead you focused on getting the spider away. You pulled out your wand, and remembered what Hermione taught you both. “Wingardium Leviosa-“ You called, and lifted the spider into the air. You then made sure to make as much distance from Ron as you could, and let it escape into the wild. Other side of the courtyard, and outside a window. That way it would return to the forest. Once done, you hurried back. Quick to hold Ron. “It’s ok, it was a big spider. Spiders can be pretty dangerous.” You comforted. Not teasing him, or calling him a baby. Not making fun of him, but actually took his fear seriously. The relief was in his tears, as he held you back. Holding you tightly, as you pet his hair. You understood it was a fear, and fears were serious. He was so relieved. You were his hero, and he owed you for it. His guardian Angel. “Thank you-“ He hiccuped, as you kissed his head. “You would have done the same, shush.” You tease, as you didn’t discount that he can be brave. That was the kicker that sparked something inside of him. He was smiling, as you held him. For as long as he needed. You cared about him, and he was sure caring about you.
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“Do you think I’ll ever become a Quidditch player-?” Ginny asked you, as you two were busy in class. Was History Of Magic, with Professor Binns. Boring as hell, so it wasn’t like you two were paying attention. “Yeah, doubting yourself?” You asked, as she played with her Quill. “Maybe…” She mumbled, before plopping her head on the table. Ever since that incident in the chambers, she got depressed far easier. Bill said that’s often a side effect of being involved with a long term curse, or being exposed to a Horcrux. Curse breaker stuff, so you didn’t really focus on it. Well, until Ginny needed help. She needed a cheerleader, and like hell you wouldn’t grab your Pom Pom’s and cheer. “You’ll be an amazing Qudditch player. I know it. The best even! You’ll make history.” You beam, as she watched you. Unable to really hear you, as she sighed. So, you did what you’ve seen her brothers do. You hugged her, and refused to let go. “Get off me-“ She whined, but you refused. “I shall suffocate you, until you say uncle-“ You warned, before she started to giggle at you. “Seriously, stop-“ She pleaded, but was giggling away. “Not until you say you are the best quidditch player ever. I mean it, I’m stubborn-“ You warned, as she threw her hands up in defeat. “I yield I yield. I shall be better than the likes of Viktor Krum, even-“ She spoke with sarcasm, but it’s a step. “Nope, you gotta mean it.” You refused, as she giggled again. “Eh, you’re comfy.” She retaliated, as you two ended up in a cuddle bundle. She was able to smile, and mean it. Was hard to do, since that incident. She liked it. Liked how you were able to do it so easy for her. Had her heart all a flutter. Guess that’s another thing she will need to ask her older brothers about. What to do when someone gives you butterflies?
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aluraveil · 5 days
What Goes Around, Comes Around
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Sypnosis: Pantalone gets back at his childhood bully (aka you, the Reader).
TW: Massive warning for bullying, talks of poverty, forced relationships, abuse of power, unhealthy power dynamics, etc.
Pairing: Yandere Pantalone x Reader
There’s an old saying that what goes around, comes back around eventually.
You on the other hand, never cared too much about that saying.
Growing up a child from an extremely wealthy family meant that you had no worries about the consequences of your actions. If you ever messed up badly, it could all be erased with just one snap of your finger with the power of mora. Mora was everything in the world of Teyvat, there was nothing you couldn’t achieve without it.
You also never had to worry about when your next meal would be coming from, or if you would even eat at all the next day. In fact, you were so carefree in your life and you did what normal children would do. You would love to play outside and especially at a local playground near the town park.
However, you couldn’t say the same for a certain boy you would often run into on the playground.
The boy liked so malnourished that you could practically see his bones. His clothes were nothing but old, dirty rags. His hair was extremely disheveled and his skin was covered in scratches and dirt. The boy looks like he hadn’t eaten in days. You’d often notice the boy sitting on a wooden log staring at the ground.
Naturally the boy was an easy target for you and your two other playground friends to pick on. He didn’t have anything, while your family could give you the whole world if you simply asked. The three of you would torment that boy every single day. You all would often make fun of the way he dressed. One day, you actually learned the kids name which was Pantalone. Of course, you picked on his name as well.
“Your names Pantalone? It sounds like Pants! How funny considering the fact that you can’t even afford a pair of pants.”
It was the same torment every single day for the boy named Pantalone. He was destitute and living in poverty. He didn’t have anywhere else to go. He was suffering so many hardships and your friends picking on him didn’t make his situation any better.
When Pantalone managed to find a meal for himself to eat, he would often sit on the same wooden log to enjoy the food. He made sure to come to the playground at a time when you and your friends weren’t nearby. But oh boy, that’s what you and your friends were waiting for.
One of your friends decided to go up to the boy and immediately snatched his food out of his hands. In one swift motion, it was tossed into the trash can nearby. The look on Pantalone’s face was absolutely princely as he was shocked and he looked incredibly sad. You and your group found this hilarious as you both were hunched over on the grass snickering uncontrollably.
“Did you see the look on his face?”
“Yes, it was absolutely hilarious!” You replied gasping for air.
Everyday was the same torment for Pantalone. He would sit on the wooden log because he had no where else to go. And each and every single day, he would be ridiculed by your friend group. It was a whole routine for you guys. You would wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, play at the park with your friends, and relentlessly bully the poor kid.
However, your daily routine would eventually come to a close. Over the course of the next few months, you watched as your family’s business did worse and worse and gradually was close to being bankrupt. Your parents were exposed for fraud and their shady dealings. You watched as your lavish empire crumbled slowly and slowly, until there was nothing left. You could only sit in silence whenever your parents would have loud arguments about money troubles. You were a spoiled kid who was finally being shown the true reality of this world.
All of your expensive clothes and jewelry had to be pawned or sold off to scrap every last bit of mora they could get. Soon, your family was forced to sell their large house to move to an extremely cramped one with barely any space. You no longer could afford the once extravagant lifestyle you once knew. You were beyond sad, and most of all, you stopped visiting the playground out of embarrassment of the way that things in your life had turned out. Over the next few years, you lived in extreme poverty and most of the times, your family couldn’t afford a meal. Pantalone’s destitute reality was slowly becoming yours, and it was ironic how you picked on him for being poor while you were now living in the same conditions. You spent every last day feeling tormented over your immature behavior for bullying an innocent kid. You felt embarrassed and extremely ashamed of your actions.
You would soon spend the rest of your childhood living in poverty. Your family’s business never healed from the damage to their reputation and it was way too hard to recover from a drastic downfall like that one. It was also difficult to find work as well because most jobs weren’t even hiring, and they barely paid enough to buy your family a meal.
You head out to town one day searching for job applications when you notice a listing looking for maids to work for the Fatui.
Wait the fatui? You dig deep back into your memories as you’ve heard many things about the fatui from passing about the 11 fatui harbingers and how they’re notorious for being extremely dangerous criminals. Trying to work as a maid for them is equivalent to asking for a death sentence. But you checked the yearly pay and it was almost double the previous job posting you saw. It wasn’t quite enough to buy your family a meal everyday, but you could at least guarantee that you’d eat every other day. But your life could be in danger. What’s the point of even eating a meal every other day when you’re constantly fearing for your life in the fatui? But what other choice did you have? At the very least, you could guarantee that if you somehow died, you’d be one less mouth to feed and one less burden to your family.
And like the desperate person you were, you mailed your application to the mailing address and showed up for the job interview once you were accepted.
You didn’t expect the location to be a giant mansion. You stared in awe as you saw the beautiful fountain in the front lawn and the numerous gardeners taking care of the plants. It reminded you of your past life, and you couldn’t help but feel an eerily empty feeling in your heart. You were staring at your past life while wearing the dirty rags of your new life and you wanted to know if this would still be your life if things hadn’t gone south with your family business.
”A mansion..” You whispered quietly with your mouth wide open.
Suddenly, a woman walks up next to you, startling you a bit. “Hello Miss. Are you here for the job interview?” She asked politely but with a monotone voice.
“If so, please let me lead the way.” You nodded your head and you began to follow her inside the mansion.
You passed by many long hallways and you saw the hundreds of other maids all working, cleaning, sweeping, and tidying the mansion. None of the other maids even spared you a single glance as they were so involved in their work. You couldn’t help but think about how you used to be the one in charge of these maids back in your old life. You couldn’t help but shed a tear from these painful memories.
“The Lord Regrator’s office is right here. Please knock before entering. Best of luck to you.” The woman explained with a cold voice, you could tell she didn’t mean the last part. She sounded as if she said it out of habit and didn’t mean it. Nonetheless you shrugged it off because hey? Why should it bother you.
You knocked. The next couple of seconds that followed felt like an eternity. You don’t hear anything.
You knock for the second time, and finally you hear a “come in”.
You were instantly greeted with a man sitting at his desk surrounded by a lit candle and paperwork. You had to admit, the man was pretty attractive and you could tell that he was dressed in the latest fashion trends. He had long black hair, a signature white harbinger coat, and his glasses remained perched on top of his nose.
The Regrator looked up from his papers and smiled at you, “please take a seat.”
You felt extremely uneasy as you felt his gaze in you as you walked over. It felt pretty awkward and the atmosphere was uncomfortable. You could tell that things were pretty tense.
“I’m not going to waste your time by boring you, but to simply put it, I can’t hire you.” The Regrator said sternly and his warm expression turned into that of a dull one.
“..Huh? Why?” You stammered out confused. You came all the way here just for him to tell you that?
“Simply put, your clothes look filthy and you don’t quite deserve to work under me.” He said sternly.
What the actual fuck? Did he just.. say that to you? You were quite shocked and it took you a minute to even say something in reply.
“Please! I really need this job. I’ll do anything!” You desperately begged, “I don’t have a job and I need one badly.”
“You are so adorable begging me like that.” The Regrator looked at you with a dark look in his eye. “Oh how the tables have turned.”
Geez what a creep. What’s he’s even talking about now?
“I can tell by your expression you’re very confused by what I mean by the last part.” He continued,
“Say, do you remember a place known as Liyuen Park?”
You froze. The mention of that playground was enough to bring back all the horrible memories. You instantly thought of the boy you bullied and your old friends. Time seemed to stop for a moment as you replayed the memories over and over again in your head. Wait.. could it be?..
“Right on the jackpot sweetheart.”
Oh Archons. The embarrassment that you feel right now got even worse. You wanted to dig a deep hole and crawl into it.
The power gap between you and Pantalone couldn’t get any bigger. You, the one living in poverty while Pantalone lived in luxury.
You instantly knew that you were so fucked. You were not only messing with Pantalone, but a fatui harbinger too.
“I’m so sorry-“ You were interrupted before you could finish your rambling.
“I don’t need your apologies darling,” Pantalone replied sweetly. “I hope you realize the dangerous situation you are in right now. I’m gonna make your life a living hell, and that’s a promise.” He said with a crazy glint in his eyes.
“Anyways, I was only playing with you. You’re officially hired and you start tomorrow.” Pantalone said with a smile, “Oh and we’re gonna have a lot of fun together too.”
“You’re dismissed.” He went back to his paperwork indicating that the conversation was over.
You gulped and walked out of the office. You couldn’t believe what just happened. You met the boy you bullied and turns out he’s your new boss now?
You walked home in silence as fear creeped inside your veins and clouded your mind.
Now you were really starting to understand the inevitable consequences of your actions and how your past deeds eventually caught up to you.
Afterall, what goes around comes around.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 2 months
Hiii could you maybe do Donna Beneviento with a single mother! fem! reader who is Donnas only maid, Donna lets your son (toddler) live in the manor because she knows that theres no one else to take care of him and shes quite fond of him, letting him play in her workshop while she works, she even makes toys and clothes for him. Donna is obviously in love with reader but she isnt sure if reader fells the same way until your son blabbs about how much you like Donna, which gives to confidence to confess to you. Feel free to ignore this request if you dont like it :]
Yess!! Thank you for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :)))))
A better future
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem, Maid, Single mother! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 5,803
Summary: You have to be her maid, you have to take care of your son...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I won't be at home this weekend, but you can send your requests anyway, I'm waiting them!!! I love you all!!! :))
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Nervously, you sat down in a chair.
You didn't expect to have to look for a job so desperately, but the storm that had destroyed your humble cabin forced you to do whatever it took to survive.
You could have rebuilt it, been cold for a while and then moved on with your life but… It wasn't you that mattered.
6 years ago you had made the biggest mistake of your life, falling in love with a foolish farmer. It could have been a real mistake, something you regretted at night, for which you cried at every corner, but the result of that brief romance made you see that maybe it wasn't as bad as it seemed.
You had given birth to your son, Viktor, in absolute solitude. The farmer didn’t want to take responsibility and as if fate had made him pay for his disinterest, he was soon devoured by the Lycans. It was better this way. It took you a while to realize but... He wasn't a good person and he never was.
Maybe love blinded you. Maybe that romance never had to exist. But, looking into your little son's eyes made you rethink many things. Single mother, yes, but you would be the best mother in the world, for sure.
With a child in your care, no family, and your house practically destroyed, you had no choice but to look for an alternative, to find a way to support the child, to make him happy.
After the loss of your home, you wandered around the village looking for a kind soul, someone who would offer you a job and shelter from the cold. There weren't many options and asking Mother Miranda for help wasn't something you wanted to do. Maybe it was a trial from the Black Gods.
But there was an option, one that could provide you with work, and shelter. You would be a maid.
You had many friends who worked at the castle but you really didn't want to go there, not after hearing the things that were happening in there. After desperately searching for an alternative, the village merchant, the Duke, acted as a miracle worker, offering you a slightly different job and, according to him, a unique opportunity.
Apparently one of the village Lords, Donna Beneviento, needed a maid, someone to take care of the mansion. At first you refused, since you knew well what that mourning woman could do if she got angry. It wasn't the best place for your son, next to a mentally ill woman and her evil doll.
But time passed and your son shivered from the cold every night. The sight of his small body suffering the consequences of the cold was more than enough for you to take a deep breath and walk towards the old estate in search of a chance to have a better life.
And there you were, sitting in front of that woman with your son in your arms. The silence was heavy, tense, and her hidden face made you shiver.
“The, the Duke said you needed a maid,” you murmured, being the only voice heard in that house. The lady held her gaze and nodded slowly.
“Do you have experience as a maid?” A soft, hoarse voice asked, one that came out of her black veil.
You held your son tighter in your arms, wondering if it was really a good idea to be in that place. Poor Viktor was scared, taking refuge on your shoulder. It was probably because of the puppet resting on the lady's lap. It even gave you chills.
“Well, no, my lady, but I really want this job,” you murmured, embarrassed by your lack of experience.
“Your voice sounds desperate,” the lady in black sighed, with that same stoic pose, barely moving from that chair, proving she was not a ghost with her soft breathing.
“No, well, I...” You said, faking a smile and shifting in your chair. “Well, maybe,” you finally acknowledged, making that mourning figure nod again.
The puppet suddenly came to life and the woman crouched down, as if she were whispering something in its ear. Something you couldn't hear. The doll nodded and climbed out of her lap, comically running towards you and stopping next to your son, who shifted nervously and scared.
“Hello, I'm Angie, who are you?” The doll asked. Not to you, but to the child you were holding. He got even more scared, but you moved him so he was looking at the puppet.
“Answer her, honey,” you whispered, just as scared, but convinced that this was some kind of test. “Be kind.”
“My name is Viktor...” The boy murmured, his voice distorted due to the fist in his mouth.
“Well, Viktor...” Angie said, with her hands on her hips, barely paying attention to you. The lady in black didn't seem to want to take her eyes off you. “Do you want us to be friends?”
The answer to that question came in the form of a shaky shake of the head. You breathed heavily, not knowing how important that would be to getting the job.
“No? What a shame,” Angie said, with a squeaky voice. “I thought I would have someone to play with…”
“Play?” Your son asked. He couldn't resist that blackmail with an expectant look. The doll nodded, turning cockily.
“Yes, play. I'm the world's hide-and-seek champion, didn't you know? I thought a kid like you could beat me, but if you don't want to...” She said, feigning indifference.
“The world champion?” He asked curiously, losing that initial fear. After all, he was just a child.
“Yes. Tell me, do you think you could beat me?” The doll asked, with a challenging tone.
“Yes, I also play hide-and-seek with my mother,” the boy said, frowning and looking at you with a questioning face.
“Prove it, let's play,” Angie insisted, extending a wooden hand to your son.
You looked at the lady, who had remained completely silent, observing the conversation. With a nod of approval, she let you know that it was a good idea, although you were still not entirely convinced.
“Can I play, mom?” Viktor asked, tugging at the fabric of your dress. You hesitated, but seeing that there was nothing wrong, or so you wanted to think, you nodded, helping the boy down to the floor.
The two of them ran through the house and you watched them closely. You didn't trust her, you couldn't do it.
“It will be okay, (Y/N),” Lady Beneviento whispered, drawing your attention again, making you remember why you were there.
You nodded suspiciously, but sat up straight and looked at her again.
“Is he your son?” She asked, with an indifferent tone. You nodded slowly. “How old is he?”
“6 years old, my lady,” you responded kindly, to which the lady nodded again, turning her head towards the doll and the child, who seemed to be having fun.
“Where is his father?” The lady continued asking, making your stomach clench as you remembered that horrible farmer.
“He is not here anymore, and it's better this way,” you murmured, perhaps revealing much more information than you wanted. The mourning lady nodded slowly at that statement of yours, letting something resembling a sigh escape from her lips.
“I understand,” she whispered with an indifferent tone. “I suppose that if I hire you, your son will be included too, right?”
You didn't know how to respond instantly. Maybe a child running around the house wasn't exactly what this disturbed woman needed.
“I wouldn't ask you if I had another option, my lady. I have no family. There is no one who can take care of him. He only has me. If that is an impediment to work, I...”
“Shut up, I didn't say that,” she said, interrupting you abruptly, making you swallow nervously.
“I'm sorry, my lady,” you apologized, bowing your head.
“Do you think I would let a child go hungry or cold? Do you think I would be capable of something like that?”
“No, my lady,” you answered embarrassed.
Before the situation could become more tense, the Angie doll came running towards where you were, comically climbing over her owner and making a mocking gesture at your son, who protested by stamping his feet on the floor.
“That's cheating,” your son said, with an innocent tone.
“You can't catch me,” the doll crooned, hiding behind Lady Beneviento.
Your son never gave up easily, you knew that, and before you could stop him, the boy climbed up the sofa, reaching his small arm towards the doll, accidentally grabbing the black fabric of the lady's veil and removing it with a triumphant gasp. .
“Viktor!” You shouted, scared, quickly getting up from the chair and grabbing the wrist of your son, who had been petrified when he saw the deformed face of the lady in black, one that you had not paid much attention to. “Gods, excuse him, my lady, I beg you.”
Lady Beneviento maintained a cold expression towards the child, who tremblingly held the veil in his hand, looking with horror at the woman's face.
“I'm very sorry, lady, I didn't want to hurt you,” the boy said politely, with a sad face, as if he had been to blame for something horrible.
“You haven't hurt me,” she said, with a low tone, without showing any annoyance or offense, which made you relax and focus on her. She was a terribly beautiful woman. No scar was going to stop you from thinking that way.
“Her, her eye...” The boy repeated, allowing himself to be held in your arms. The lady shook her head, with the same cold expression.
“Viktor...” You sighed, thinking, after that incident, you would never have the job. “My lady, I…”
The lady fixed her eye on yours, without expressing any emotion, and she rose from her chair, retrieving her veil from your son's small hands.
“Mom, I took out her eye...” Viktor murmured, scared, terrified by what he thought he had done. The woman in black, smiled sweetly at those words.
“No, honey, she looks like that. You haven't done anything wrong,” you said, cradling him in your arms, looking askance at the woman, who kept a cold, studious gaze. “I, we should go. Anyway, thanks for helping me.”
“Are you going to look for your stuff?” She asked, frowning and playing with the veil in her hands.
“Well, I... What?”
"Go get the things you want, you'll settle in the guest room,” she explained, walking away from you, turning her back to you. You widened your eyes and shook your head, walking quickly and putting a hand on her shoulder to make her turn around.
“Am I hired?” You asked in a low voice, not believing what had just happened.
“Haven't you heard me? Go get your stuff,” she murmured, pushing your hand away and walking until she disappeared from your sight.
Against all odds, Donna Beneviento appointed you as her maid. You would live safely in the mansion. You would no longer have to fear hunger and cold. You didn't stop thanking the Gods for that opportunity.
At first you had a hard time adjusting. Viktor still needed a lot of care and your job as a maid required you to be less attentive to him as you should be. Fortunately, and to your surprise, that devilish doll made your job easier.
It seemed like your son was having fun with the puppet, it seemed like things were getting better.
Regarding the Lady... Well, there weren’t too many things you could say. That you had seen her face was an important step, since she stopped wearing her veil after a while. She seemed satisfied with your work, but you couldn't be sure, she barely talked to you.
Weeks, months passed, and your life improved enough that you felt like smiling again, and, above all, your son seemed happy.
“Where are you? Viktor, this is not the time to play,” you said while cleaning, surprised because the boy didn't seem to be with the puppet. You searched for him all over the main floor, to no avail.
Although you had no reason to think that anything bad could happen, you couldn't help but see that house as a dangerous place. Donna Beneviento was a Lord, and you knew that none of her visitors returned alive from that dangerous situation. Definitely, the fact that there was a deadly cliff outside didn’t help you to calm down.
“Angie, where is the child?” You nervously asked the puppet, who was humming while making small jumps through the hallway.
“Do I look like a nanny to you, maid?” She asked mockingly, crossing her arms. You sighed, already used to that cocky but fun treatment.
“He's always with you,” you said, huffing, with trembling hands and searching with your eyes for some place he could have gone.
“Maybe he's downstairs,” the puppet whispered, pointing to the elevator.
All your senses became alert. You had warned him several times not to go down to that dark place by himself.
“Very good, thank you very much,” you said, running towards that place.
“Viktor? Come here right now!” You said with a severe tone, walking through those labyrinthine and dark corridors.
While you were walking, you heard voices that seemed to come from the workshop where your lady worked tirelessly, making those sinister dolls.
“Oh, no...” You sighed, walking faster.
It didn't seem like Viktor was a bother to the lady at all, they even seemed to get along well, but still you couldn't let your son ruin this little paradise you had achieved.
“And he can fly,” your son said when you looked at the door of that disturbing place. The boy was sitting at a table, talking to the lady, who was working on something while she listened to his comments.
“I guess we'll have to put some wings on it then, right?” Lady Beneviento responded, with a calming voice, which made you not want to reveal your presence yet.
“No, no, he flies because he has rockets on his boots,” the boy interrupted, looking at the work of the woman in black, who smiled tenderly, arching her eyebrow.
“Rockets?” She asked, amused, taking a piece of wood from the table.
“Yes, yes, like those that go to space, but smaller,” your son explained under your attentive gaze.
“Very well... So... Rockets,” she murmured, concentrating on that piece of wood.
“Mom, mom,” the boy said, when he made eye contact with you, revealing your position and jumping from the table to run into your arms.
“Viktor, I've told you a thousand times not to come down here alone,” you scolded him, making him shrink into your arms, embarrassed.
“(Y/N),” the lady in black murmured, getting up from the chair, with a look that betrayed some joy at seeing you.
Yes, even if your relationship was almost nonexistent, you couldn't help but feel comfortable with her and... It seemed like she thought the same way.
“My lady, I'm sorry if he annoyed you, I've told him many times that he shouldn't come down here and...” You said, lowering your head, interrupted by a timid laugh from the woman in black.
“He wasn’t annoying me, don't worry. It's nice to have some company while I work,” she commented, amused, getting a little closer to you, playing with her hands.
“Mom, Donna is making a toy for me. He's going to be the best superhero,” the boy said, enthusiastically, to which you frowned, nervous again.
“Honey, don't be disrespectful, you should call her my lady or Lady Beneviento,” you told him, ignoring that curious information about a toy.
“No, I told him he can call me that way,” she interrupted, sighing, with a face that was a middle ground between a smile and embarrassment. “You too, (Y/N).”
“Well, I...” You stammered, confused by that informality. According to the maids you knew in the castle, that was unthinkable, and they would end up locked in the dungeons for it. “Okay, okay, Donna…”
“There is no need for so much formality, don't you think? You've been here for a long time,” the woman in black commented, with a knowing smile. You nodded in relief, lowering your son to the floor.
“I guess... That you're right,” you said in a low voice, feeling strangely uncomfortable having her eye fixed on you. It was not an annoying discomfort, quite the opposite.
“He's a good boy,” she told you with a soft voice, making your son smile pleased, looking at you as if he were showing that he wasn't up to any mischief.
“Yes, well... He is,” you said.
“I was making a toy for him,” Donna commented, walking towards the table where she was working, making you follow her slowly after that strange moment.
“A toy?” You asked confused.
“Yeah!” Viktor shouted, jumping on the stone floor, excited. “The best toy ever!”
“Oh, my… Donna, you don't have to do it,” you said apologetically, lowering your head again.
“Why not? I want to do it,” she said, with a more serious tone, with a cold and somewhat annoyed expression.
“I appreciate it but...” You said, scratching the back of your neck and playing with your apron.
“Is there anything wrong with it?” She asked abruptly, making the boy look at you confused.
“No, not really, but...” You whispered, with a slightly nervous smile, with a lot of strange thoughts in your head.
“What is the problem? Can't a nutcase like me make a toy for your son? Do you think I'm going to hurt him? Is that?” She asked with an accusatory tone, with that nervous breathing that preceded a terrible panic attack. You didn't want that to happen, not in front of your son.
“No, I didn't say that,” you said with a firm tone, frowning and hiding your son behind your legs.
“It's what you think, don't try to deny it,” she murmured, sitting down again, thus telling you that you should go.
“I... We better go,” you whispered, grabbing the boy's hand and walking towards the door of the workshop.
“I want to stay with Donna,” Viktor protested, making the lady turn around slowly, looking at you with a sad expression.
 “No, honey, leave her alone, okay?” You said to your son, without taking your eyes off the woman in black. “You've already bothered her enough.”
“But mom... Donna is funny... She makes all the dolls talk and she makes me laugh,” the boy explained, frowning, threatening a tantrum.
“Viktor, obey,” you reprimanded, with a broken voice, feeling bad for that moment, for that fearful accusation towards your lady, an accusation founded solely on what the villagers had told you about the Lord.
“Listen to your mother, Viktor,” Donna whispered, moving some paint cans on the table.
After that little incident, things went back to normal.
You couldn't stop thinking about your words, your fearful way of talking to the lady in black, to Donna.
Yes, you were afraid, you were scared and something would happen to your son was unthinkable but... In reality there was nothing wrong with her making toys for him, with her taking care of him. Guilt began to flood your conscience. Donna never scared him, she never hurt him. She took care of him in her own way, she played with him. You had nothing to worry about except messing things up, like that time.
“My lady,” you commented as you served her lunch, with a low and soft voice. She looked at you out of the corner of her eye and nodded for you to speak. The resentment was totally palpable in that room, it was impossible to ignore in that cold and accusatory look.
“I told you not to call me that,” she murmured, while you poured her a glass of wine.
“I'm sorry, I... I want to apologize,” you said hurriedly, making her stop eating and look at you again, sighing.
“Apologize, why?” She asked. “For thinking that I am a child-eating witch?”
“What? I don't...” You said a bit confused by that funny and serious accusation. “I don’t think that way.”
“Don’t you? You’re such a liar,” she said with a mocking laugh, shaking her head.
“I... I just, I just worry about him," you whispered, glancing at the boy, who was reading a story with Angie. “It's the only thing I have in the world and...”
“You're afraid of losing him, I understand,” Donna said, nodding, looking at you briefly. “Sit down, please,” she asked you, pointing to a chair at the table. You obeyed with trembling legs.
Donna looked at you briefly, thinking about what to say, and how to do it.
“You think you know me?” She asked, putting her food aside and crossing her arms, staring at you like a sharp dagger.
“No, my lady,” you said with a formal voice, lowering your gaze.
“My lady?” Donna asked, with an arched eyebrow and hatred in her voice.
“Donna,” you corrected, embarrassed again.
“I know what it's like to feel alone in this world, (Y/N). Surely all the villagers like you think that I’m just a ruthless Lord, that I have no heart or feelings.”
“I didn't say that,” you defended yourself, trying to control the trembling of your hands.
“But you think that way,” she said, with a dark voice. “You think that by having power over you, I would be able to do anything, right? Even harming child.”
“I don't…”
“Shut up, I'm talking, maid. If you fear me that much, respect me,” she said, with a loud, abrupt voice that caught the attention of the boy and the doll.
“I'm sorry,” you whispered, avoiding feeling even more afraid.
“My parents died when I was a little girl, I wasn't much older than your son,” she began to say, taking a sip of wine. “I was left alone, completely alone in this huge house.”
You nodded, letting her speak.
“Unlike your son, I didn't have anyone to read me stories at night, to tell me that the shadows in the room couldn't hurt me. I didn't have anyone to laugh with, to hug,” she continued, her voice becoming more and more broken. “Your son is lucky to have you, (Y/N).”
“I...” You murmured, being interrupted by a gesture of her hand.
“I like having you here, I like to see that your son is having a better life,” Donna commented, looking at you this time embarrassed, as if there was something that wanted to come out from inside her. “I no longer feel alone, thanks to you.”
You looked at her, but you kept your words to yourself as you saw the relaxation of her breathing, the softness that her gaze expressed at that moment.
“But I can't stand that you fear me, I just can't stand it,” she said, looking away from you, finishing her glass of wine. “I can't stand you thinking... That I'm a monster.”
“I don't think you are,” you said confidently, with your body trembling in a different way, with a strange feeling beginning to come out of a hidden place in your mind. “It's, it's my fault, Donna, I... I just, I just want the best for my son and maybe, maybe I let myself go.”
She nodded grimly.
“I wish your words were true...” Donna murmured, playing with a cutlery and making a gesture with her hand. “Leave me alone, please.”
After that conversation, there was something that ignited inside you. Donna Beneviento may have had a lot of problems, but letting yourself be carried away by other people's opinions was never your style.
Once again, time proved you were wrong.
Viktor seemed very happy. He had fun with Donna in her workshop every day. You barely saw him anymore when you worked. Toys, clothes... The lady in black pleased him with handmade gifts that made him look at you grateful for being her maid.
You managed to improve that tense relationship with the Lord. The conversations were becoming more frequent and the smiles... The smiles too. You couldn't say if the conversation that afternoon had served to change your opinion, but you were convinced it had.
Trust grew to the point that meals were no longer solitary, or apart, they were a fun time for the three of you, full of laughter, smiles and strange moments in which you and Donna would look at each other as if you wanted to say something, as if something was forcing your eyes to meet more and more often.
Love was one of the things you couldn't afford. Viktor was your absolute priority. But with Donna and Angie taking care of him, freeing you from that burden for a while, the feeling of wanting to feel loved became stronger and stronger, and it coincided suspiciously with the times you ate with the lady in black, or the times you spent reading with her and your son.
Something strange, that you didn't expect to feel, but that you couldn't stop thinking. Your heart seemed to be determined to give yourself a new chance at love, but your past experiences were not a good recommendation for your conscience, which insisted on denying that you felt something for Donna, something that you never planned to feel again.
Sighing, you took off your apron, ending another day of exhausting work. The house was big, and so were the layers of dust that covered the furniture.
“Oh, nonna, che occhi grossi!... Per vederti meglio… Oh, nonna, che mani grandi!... Per afferrarti meglio” a soft voice reached your ears. It couldn't be anyone else.
In a small corner of the room, Donna seemed to be reading a story to Viktor, who was listening to her as if he really understood her. You frowned in amusement, approaching them slowly.
“Ma, nonna, che bocca spaventosa!” Donna continued, lowering her tone and looking at the child over the book. Your son stood up on the couch smiling, pretending that his hands were two sharp claws.
“Per divorarti meglio!” The boy screeched, growling like a ferocious wolf. You leaned against a wall, mouth open.
“What are you doing?” You asked amused, sitting next to your son, who continued growling and showing his teeth in a comical way.
“Oh, I was reading him a story,” the lady explained, closing the book and giving you a smile, one of those that caused those strange feelings to take over your breathing, and your heart.
“A story? But, Viktor, do you understand it?” You asked your son, making him sit up and stop pretending he was a wolf. The boy nodded innocently. “Hey, you, since when do you know Italian?”
“Donna taught me,” the little boy explained, shrugging his shoulders. “Am I doing it well?”
“Um, yeah, I guess so,” you said with a raised eyebrow. Donna looked at him fondly, and then, then she looked at you.
“He is very smart,” the lady in black explained, leaving the book of stories on the table, and looking away from you when she thought she had been smiling for too long.
“I see,” you said, still surprised, caressing your son's head, who smiled proudly.
“Can I play tag with Angie?” The boy asked, looking at you with pleading eyes.
“Honey, it's too late, you should go to bed,” you said, getting up from the couch and taking him into your arms. You didn't know why he wanted to play. He was rubbing his eyes due to his tiredness. “Um… Donna…”
The lady stood up with you, looking at you expectantly.
“Thank you for taking care of him,” you said with a smile. She returned it to you and nodded, thus generating a tense moment, one like the ones you had more and more frequently.
“It's not a bother,” she whispered, nodding kindly, with a strange gleam in her eye, as if she were nervous. The way she played with her hands confirmed it to you. “(Y/N), I... I wanted, I wanted to tell you something.”
You nodded almost robotically, waiting… Well, you didn't really know what you were waiting for.
“I... I was thinking that I... You...” She stammered, finding to speak clearly difficult. It seemed like something important, which vanished the moment she dropped her shoulders.
“I'm listening,” you said amused, placing your son better in your arms. Your gazes met again and Donna sighed, as if she was suddenly disappointed with herself.
“I just wanted... I wanted you to know that... I, I really like you're here... You're here with me... In my house and... I... Well, I just, I just wanted to tell you,” Donna stammered, with a marked accent that made it difficult for you to understand those words.
“I, I'm also very happy by your side, I mean, working for you, I mean... Well, better, I'd better go to bed...” You said, cowardly fleeing from that strange conversation, trying to you’re your heartbeat.
You didn't turn to look at her. You assumed she had the same expression as you.
Trying to forget about those feelings, you put your son to bed, with your head speaking to you intensely, with your heart calling for you to listen to it.
“Mom, my superhero,” the boy said, reaching out to the toy that Donna had made for him. You smiled, grabbing it from the shelf and looked at it, studying it carefully before putting it under the covers next to the boy.
“Honey...” You sighed, stroking his hair. “Tell me, are you happy here?” You asked, to which he smiled, nodding profusely and hugging his toy.
“Yes, mom,” he answered, with a sleepy voice. “Donna is very nice, and Angie is very funny. I like them very much.”
“Do you like Donna?” You asked immediately afterwards, giving away the intention of your question.
“Yes, very much, mom, she is kind, she makes me laugh, and she makes you smile. I want us to stay with her forever,” he said enthusiastically, with all the sincerity of which such a young child was capable of.
“Well, maybe...” You whispered, amused. “I like her too, you know?”
You finally confessed something you were unable to tell yourself. Viktor just smiled at you, pleased by your response.
Yes, you had spent a lot of time denying your feelings, and that confession eased your anguish a bit. It's a shame that such a small child was incapable of keeping quiet.
“Looks like the weather has gotten better,” you murmured during lunch. That strange conversation from the night before had tense the atmosphere again, especially for Donna, who didn't seem to want to look at you, as if she were embarrassed by something.
“Yes, at least we can see the sun,” she commented, without looking up.
“Can we go for a walk in the forest?” Viktor asked, making the tension dissipate for a moment.
“We'll see, honey,” you said, wiping him with a napkin. “Come on, eat.”
“I like the forest. It has very big trees,” the boy said, looking at Donna, who smiled tenderly at him.
“Do you like it?” She asked kindly, looking away from you.
“Yes, I like it as much as my mom likes you,” he commented innocently, making you drop the cutlery on the plate, your heart completely stopping and a blush rising on your cheeks.
“Your… mom?” Donna asked, with the same trembling as you, looking at you slowly, with an expression of astonishment and disbelief.
“Viktor...” You sighed with a dark look. “What are you talking about?”
“You told me last night, Mom, you said you really liked Donna,” the boy said, feeling threatened by your angry look and your painful shame.
“Okay, enough, Viktor, go, go to play with Angie,” you said nervously, pushing your son out of the chair.
“But mom...” He protested confusedly, letting himself be dragged by your hand until he ran in search of the doll.
“Damn...” You muttered, slowly heading to the table, pretending that nothing had happened. “I'm going, I'm going to pick this up,” you said nervously, placing the plates to run out of there.
“Wait,” Donna said, standing up abruptly and stopping your attempt to flee with a hand on your shoulder.
“I'm in a hurry, Donna, I have to pick this up,” you said, on the verge of tears, terribly embarrassed and blushing at that inappropriate comment from your son. True, but inappropriate.
“Wait, please, I...” She begged, holding you tighter as you fought back your tears. “I love you.”
You stopped, turning slightly towards her. You hadn't imagined it, she had really said it. Your heart was about to burst.
“What have you said?” You asked with a broken voice, with a low and suspicious tone.
“I love you, (Y/N), I’m, I’m in love with you,” she confessed, looking away from you, with that same wet shine in her eye.
“Donna, I…” You stammered, not believing it could be true, not believing the voices in your heart were right.
“I didn't dare to tell you because, because I wasn't sure if you could feel the same but...”
“But my loudmouth son encouraged you to do it,” you finished, relaxing your face and leaving the plates on the table again, smiling happily, as if you were in a dream.
“I, I know that I’m not... What... What you are looking for but... I, I would like to be able to... I...”
Her babbling was stopped by a kiss, a kiss that you quickly placed on her lips while your hands played with her hair, preventing her from separating from you. Donna pulled away slowly, but before either of you could say anything else, she kissed you, slowly, enjoying that sensation, that love that had just seen the light.
“Gross!” Angie screamed, approaching the scene with your son, who was looking at you with curiosity.
You both closed your eyes and smiled, resting your foreheads together, your hands roaming your waist, enjoying a small moment of realization, of insights that were taking too long to come.
“I'm in love with you too, Donna,” you confessed, playing with her hand, placing your lips once again on hers, with the salty taste of a tear seasoning that important moment.
“Mom...” Your son called, tugging at your dress. You both smiled at each other again before separating. You took the child into your arms, enjoying his innocence.
“What, honey?” You asked, excited by that moment. Donna looked at you tenderly, not wanting to interrupt.
“Does that mean we will stay here forever?” He asked with an excited smile, excited by that possibility. You looked at Donna, and then at your son.
“Yes, darling…”
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multific · 1 year
Push and Pull
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Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: A couple of months ago you were arranged to marry Aemond Targaryen. The Princess of the East they called you, somehow you fell in love at first sight with Aemond. But now, your insecurities come forward regarding the woman from his past.
Aemond was beyond confused.
Just that morning, you told him how you never wished to be his wife.
And now, there you stood, crying your heart out as you kept going on about Alys.
Aemond would be a liar if he said he didn't love Alys, he sure did. His relationship with her however had to end when his mother announced his marriage to the Princess of the East. 
Aemond broke off his interest with Alys the moment he was told he would marry someone.
He didn't wish to bring suffering to a woman. While he did love Alys, he knew his duty as a prince.
Then you arrived.
And what a lovely Princess you were. Much like him, you were reserved and he often found you with your nose in a book. 
Your beauty took his breath away.
You were much like him, yet so different.
Aemond learned that you were the fourth child in your family, meaning no one really took care of you.
All your siblings were boys.
But nothing broke Aemond's heart more than seeing you cry so much.
"I know you wouldn't even look my way if it wasn't for our marriage. I know I will be never her." you whispered the last part.
It made Aemond move.
He was now standing in front of you, he grabbed your hand as your other hand grabbed his wrist, afraid he would hurt you.
"I do not want you to be her. I want you to be you. Princess of the East. My Wife. As you are. I do not want you to suffer."
But it was clear, you didn't believe him.
And he was not blaming you for it.
Everyone often reminded you just how beautiful Alys is, how much Aemond loves her.
"I will not lie to you, I do have feelings for her, but I also have feelings for you. You are my wife, the woman I will live with for the rest of my life. I wish to have a great relationship with you. So we could try and be happy."
Aemond let go of your hand but you didn't let go of his. Holding his wrist, he felt you pulling him closer.
Your other hand came up to his shoulder and started to push him away.
Pulling him and pushing him at the same time. 
It was confusing. 
He was confused.
You could see it in his eyes.
"I want nothing more than for us to be happy. But I refuse to live in the shadows of another woman. Refuse to be a second choice because I know you would go running back to her the moment you would be allowed to. Your duty keeps you here, your mother keeps you here. If I cannot be the only one you love, I don't wish false promises of happiness from you." Aemond looked straight into your eyes, his free hand moved to remove his eyepatch.
He honestly thought you might get scared or disgusted but no, you didn't even blink as you looked into his eye and the sapphire which replaced his lost eye. 
"I want to have you as you are. You are my wife. You are my only love. I do not wish to have anyone else. She is the past, you are the present and future." he tried to take a step but your hand on his chest pushed him, while your other on his wrist pulled him.
It was clear to him, you were conflicted.
You wanted to be held by him but you were also scared of empty promises.
He understood, bringing your hand to his lips he kissed the back of it.
"I swear on my dragon's and my own life. I am not lying when I say these words to you, Y/N." suddenly your hand on his shoulder stopped pushing. Instead, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him close with both of your hands, arms moving around him, Aemond hugged you back.
You really hoped you didn't make a mistake by trusting him.
You really hoped he was not lying.
You weren't sure what you would do if you found out that he did.
But somehow, as his breath tickled your neck and he pulled you close, smelling your hair, you had a feeling he really wasn't lying. 
He will have you as you are, his perfect wife. And you will have him as he is, a great husband who promised you the sky and the stars as he pulled you in for a kiss.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​
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tuesday-is-a-good-day · 9 months
Mori and Abuse
I’m making this because the BSD fandom has 2 modes for interpreting Mori and it’s either evil evil child abuser or spineless bastard and I HATE both of them.
Mori is an abuser, yes, but the way he abuses characters is very atypical, and not at all what most people expect. His abuse is almost all psychological, the only character we can say for sure has been physically abused by him is Yosano, and we’re only shown one instance of that.
For simplicity, I’ll be referring to his abuse of Dazai, Chuuya, Koyo and Yosano, but I believe it could be said that Kyuusaku and potentially the Akutagawa’s have suffered because of him.
To understand why Mori has abused certain characters, we must understand a bit about him as a person. This is potentially why Mori’s actions are so wildly skewed by the fandom, because no one wants to observe him too closely (but that’s a whole other post). Simply put, Mori is a military man. He does anything and everything to achieve the “optimal solution”, he has a plan and if he has to get his hands dirty to reach his goal, he will. Emotions and attachments go out the window for him, most of the time at least, because he would sacrifice anything, and anyone, to achieve his goal. Most of the time at least. That’s why he used Yosano, because what’s the life of one girl to the safety of his nation? That’s why he manufactured Oda’s and his orphans deaths, because the prize outweighed the cost.
Mori is logical and reserved, so we must observe all his actions with the lens that he has a reason for what he does, because he (almost) always has a reason.
I’ll start by referring to Mori’s abuse of Dazai, because he’s a bit of a special case and also the one that the fandom overall gets the most wrong. Mori’s abuse of Dazai is usually twisted to be sexual or physical, when there is absolutely no evidence of that. People like to bring up Dazai’s abuse of Akutagawa, or that one throwaway line from The Day I Picked Up Dazai as evidence, but neither of those hold up in my opinion.
Firstly, just because Dazai’s abuse of Akutagawa was partly physical, doesn’t mean he himself underwent physical abuse. Just like Mori, Dazai always has reasons for what he does, and his reason for what he did to Akutagawa was tailored to Akutagawa and his ability, therefore not something that Mori would have done to Dazai. Not to excuse Dazai’s abuse of Akutagawa, of course, but the fact of the matter is that Dazai’s abuse was a test of Akutagawa, and a punishment because Akutagawa didn’t adhere to Dazai’s standards. This abuse is the result of Mori’s own abuse, yes, but it’s not as straightforward as “Mori hit Dazai, ergo Dazai hit Akutagawa”.
The line from TDIPUD is also poor evidence, as all it is is Oda telling Dazai that what he’s doing won’t hurt and Dazai responding that Mori says the same about the needles he gives him. The fact that this is taken as abuse is really weird to me, why is that the assumption here? Mori is a doctor, there are multiple reasons for him to be giving Dazai needles. And the fact that Mori says it’s not going to hurt just sounds like the typical “doctor giving a kid a shot” exchange.
Dazai hates pain, so obviously Mori would lie and say that it isn’t going to hurt. Mori cares for Dazai’s well-being, which is what makes Dazai a bit of an outlier, as Mori shows care for him before he’s found a reason to justify that care. This is evidenced by their exchange in the beginning of Dazai, Chuuya: Fifteen, which is very important as it gives us an insight into Mori’s perspective during that time, where he panics because he hasn’t achieved the “optimal solution” by keeping Dazai alive, but then justifies that action by deciding Dazai is too good an asset to throw away.
And here-in lies the actual abuse that Dazai went through, not being hit or shamed or any of that, but emotional coercion, a slow cultivation of the parts of Dazai that Mori saw as useful, and a creation of the mindset we see Dazai use. This is most prominent with how Mori plants ideas into Dazai’s head. This is referenced in Chapter one of Fifteen as well, establishing that Mori has taken somewhat of an instructor role to Dazai, but that’s something Dazai rebels against.
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This exchange is a perfect example of that conditioning, instead of giving Dazai information directly, Mori gets Dazai to deduce his answers using information he already has, something we see Dazai does very often in the current plot. But the main example of this conditioning comes in the form of Dazai’s plan to use the Sheep against Chuuya, a plan that comes DIRECTLY from Mori.
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Mori makes sure that Dazai is in the room as he baits Chuuya, uses the weakness of the Sheep against him, and then breaks down EXACTLY what has happened for Dazai. “Just some food for thought” my ass.
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Then when discussing his plan with Rimbaud, Dazai brings up a theory taught to him by Mori. 15!Dazai is such a little parrot, it’s all “Mori says, Mori says, Mori says”, just word-vomiting all the thoughts Mori puts in his head, there is a CLEAR influence here.
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Just like Mori, Dazai uses the Sheep against Chuuya. Mori shows Dazai how to control people, how to make them listen and how to make them obey. The reason Dazai treats people like pawns, the reason he KNOWS how to manipulate people is because Mori taught him.
Just like so many of the characters, the fandom forgets that when Mori met Dazai, he was a child. He was a broken child who needed a guiding hand and the hand he got was Mori’s. Morí crafted the Dazai that we see, shaped the way that he thinks, THAT was his abuse.
Chuuya as well is a special case. Like Mori, he is a leader, and that is a quality Mori admires in him. In turn, Chuuya looks up to Mori, sees him as an inspiration for what it means to be a leader. This is another example of Mori’s manipulative abuse. To Chuuya, Mori makes himself out to be a saviour, someone who will teach him how to be better, how to protect the people he thinks he has failed. Mori takes Chuuya at his weakest point and gives him a new chance.
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And with that, Chuuya is loyal to the mafia and Mori has Soukoku. Never mind that Mori was the brains behind Dazai’s plan that got Chuuya into the mafia in the first place, by getting Dazai to do his dirty work, Mori gets to appear to Chuuya with a halo and wings (I could also talk about Mori’s involvement with Stormbringer and how that locked Chuuya into the mafia, but that’s another tangent).
Mori has done the same with Koyo. She’s loyal to him, but clearly does not LIKE him, so where does that loyalty come from? It is because he has freed her. Koyo suffered under the rule of the Old Boss, she had no freedom, the man who cared for her was executed, she was restrained within the mafia. And then Mori takes over and she ends up an executive. Suddenly she’s got POWER, she can change things, under Mori she’s given the ability to change things and take charge. He sees a girl in chains and loosens them, not enough for her to escape, but enough that she can move. And having been chained up for so long, that feels like freedom. Koyo is loyal to Mori because he’s better than the alternative, because if she can’t be free, at least she can move.
I left Yosano for last, because again, she’s a wild card. Unlike all the other people Mori has coerced, Yosano’s abuse took place during a time where every second was precious. There was no time to do it delicately, the way Mori handled everything else, it was war, win or lose. Mori’s tactics were a lot more brutal, Yosano wants the soldiers to live, so Mori shoots the one she cares about so either she WATCHES her friend die, or she can save him. Unlike with Dazai, with Chuuya, with Koyo, Mori isn’t Yosano’s saviour, he’s her captor, he gives her a choice, but its one where neither option is made to look kind. He makes it clear, she heals them, or they die, whether it’s at his hands, or the hands of the enemy, and he knows she would never let them die.
Mori works through coercion and manipulation, he shapes the way people think of him carefully, moulding his appearance in the eyes of others. To Dazai he’s just an old man that Dazai has under his thumb, who tries and fails to manipulate him. But that’s not the truth. To Chuuya he’s a benevolent leader, someone so gracious as to grant him a place in the mafia. But that’s not the truth. To Koyo he’s the safest option, not someone she wants to follow, but someone she will follow, because at least she’s free. But that’s not the truth. To Yosano he’s evil, cruel and harsh and he takes lives as easily as he breathes with no remorse, he’s the God to her Angel of Death. But thats not the truth. To the audience, he’s a monster, a filthy pervert who is nothing more than a pedophile. Is that the truth?
Mori is like a spider, ensnaring people in his web with carefully constructed lies and appearances, his abuse is not physical or sexual, it’s a psychological coercion, careful at times and brutal at others, his abuse is a targeted attack of an individual’s weaknesses, and a cultivation of the parts he sees as useful.
Every person is his tool, and he likes his blades sharp.
@1seaweedbrain1 for you <3
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Yandere Radioactive Apocalypse
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The constant upset and warring provinces have prepared the world for the worst. Before the blowout, many thought it wise to pay for a bunker for the oncoming atomic apocalypse. Most of the population couldn’t afford to do so, let alone believe that it would be needed. 
They’d be wrong.
Whether you are one of the unsuspecting public or a passive believer, average day life doesn’t have you safely tucked in a bunker when the initial alarms go off. You are smooshed against others in a large crowd all watching and listening in awe. But the moment one person screams it's all over. The crowd twists and turns pulling you in no specific direction. As the final alarms ring out an arm pulls you through the chaotic crowd and into a bunker full of others reeling at the recent events. So here you find that you are trapped safely in the stifling and well-furnished  Atomic Bunker. 
“Who pulled me in here?”
“Does it matter! You survived the initial blast, didn’t you? Ungrateful twat.”
“No need to be hostile, little brother. It's natural to be vexed after watching the world end. Right in front of you.”
“Oh, all those poor souls!”
“My lady, your handkerchief.”
“My baby! My baby! I didn’t grab them! Oh, my poor baby!”
“There there, we’re all very shaken up—”
“B-b-b-but y-y-y-your still smiling—.”
“We are all dealing with the pain in different ways. But let's all take a breather and relax.”
“You don’t sound all that upset to me either.”
“I can say the same thing to you, but I guess you’re just happy to be off the streets, right?’
Hearing the cacophony of such a colorful cast distracts from the initial fear. Their voices remind you that you're not suffering like the rest of those unfortunate people. They allow you to cry with an audience of fellow mourners and those who can keep calm easily. Before you can let the silence set in, they pull you back with their bickering. It's always either one or two of them that is always voicing their concerns. There’s always a voice of reason, something you’re grateful for as you desperately search for a distraction. 
“Everyone! I believe introductions are in order! I am the middle child of the Penz household as well as the main manager of the bunker.”
With a blonde head of hair and a funky sense of style, his smile persists. Uvil Penz is an interesting guy as you’ll come to find. Aside from smiling during the ongoing onslaught of atomic warfare he always has a way of looking on the bright side for better or worse. 
“Oh, my baby!” 
“Now please miss dry your tears, there are plenty of toys down here to distract yourself with.”
His optimism is surely unique as you can’t quite place where it may stem from. On one hand, you could see it as an unemotional response with an attempt to soothe. But you’ll see him laugh genuinely or offer insight into a person’s emotions. On the other hand, it may come from a sly condescending perspective. It fits right along with his brothers’ behavior. But the way he works to compliment you often, attempting to keep your spirits high, or how he’ll make a request for your favorite foods to be scavenged makes you think otherwise. 
“Huh? Uh yeah?”
“Did ya know: you’re gorgeous even with those tear streaks on your face.”
“I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now, but I think you really needed to hear that now.”
Or maybe that’s just you because you have a hard time believing Uvil trying to be soothing when he’s smiling widely after making someone cry. But it's hard to be decisive about liking or disliking the blonde as he could very well be the one who grabbed your wrist and pulled you in. On top of that, he allows everyone to stay even as opportunity knocks on the bunker door. As long as you don’t mind his ever-present smile and disconnected sympathy life will be great.
“I, Uvil Penz welcome you to the Penz bunker. Now little brother, go on. Introduce yourself.”
“Eugh! Get off me! Ugh, my name’s William and I know this bunker better than anyone else. So better learn to respect me!” 
He’s certainly not like his brother. At least not on the surface. With black short hair and a disgusted sneer constantly on his face. He doesn’t bother comforting anyone at least not in the typical way. Any advice or comfort is said through gritted teeth or with an annoyed click of his tongue.
“Look, if yer gonna keep crying do it in one of the soundproof rooms. You're bothering those of us who want to think!”
Not to mention he’s the first to point out your insecurities or make fun of you for grieving at all. Don’t worry you’re not the only one, he goes just as hard if not harder on everyone else. Making sure everyone is well aware that the whole group knows of their problems. Usually snickering or outright laughing at whoever he’s decided to victimize. At one point, everyone will be annoyed with him. As much as he loves to boast about it he is the only one who knows how to maintain the bunker. 
“Gosh, you are such a pain in the–”
“Don’t forget who knows how to start up the generator…so unless you want to enjoy life without lights, you’ll put your fists down.”
“Ugh! Fine.”
“Thank you…meathead.”
Despite his arrogance, his snarky jabs, and the weirdly endearing way he seeks you out the atomic apocalypse wouldn’t be the same without him. For as annoying and degrading as he may be, he’s still willing to share his switch with you when you’re feeling particularly bored. Making sure you can’t see his face when he pokes the controller against your cheek. 
“Come on. You’re bored aren’t you?”
“You…want me to play with you?”
“Well duh! So…are you?”
“I-I’d love to!”
Not to mention he knows the cheat codes to all the games in the arcade room. And if you do him small favors he’ll share his limited edition ramen with you. Now he may ask for your undergarments or your toothbrush but that’s nothing in the endless days spent in the bunker. After all, it's better than the atomic aftermath out there and according to the only Penz willing to go out there, you wouldn’t last a day.
“Well, my introduction’s done. Marc!”
“Yeah yeah, ‘sup everyone. I’m Marco.”
The eldest of the Penz brothers is concerningly nonchalant from the very beginning of your stay in the bunker. With his girlfriend on his arm and an easy-going attitude, he doesn’t really bother to comfort anyone other than her. Except maybe you. 
“Hey didn’t take you for a late-night snacker. You okay?”
“I’m—fine, excuse me.”
“Whoa whoa, lil’ bunny. Don’t run away just yet, the wolf has questions.”
“Please just–I’ll go back to the room.”
“Nah-ah sit bunny.”
“But you took the only chair.”
“Right here, bunny. We’ve got all night.”
Supposedly, he was quite the womanizer before he got with his current girlfriend. Will makes a point to mention it anytime anyone you is found flustered or flattered by his attention. Even so, he doesn’t let that stop him from caging you against the bunker walls to ask for something. Or teasing you when he retrieves something from outside the bunker. 
“Come on just grab it.”
“Why are you holding it there? Just hand it to me normally!”
“So rude. I don’t feel like complying with a fussy bunny who doesn’t use their words.”
“Ugh! Fine. Please just hand it to me normally.”
“Ha no.”
“It’s perfectly fine just grab it, babe. I don’t mind if you touch me along the way.”
For all his teasing and carefree behavior, he’s a good scavenger. Able and willing to brave the atomic wasteland when the bunker needs supplies. He’s strong and prepared to take on any unruly travelers who come by or intervene during scavenger hunts. 
He’s not all that opinionated when it comes to debates in the bunker. More excited to grab a snack and watch the chaos unfold. Smiling lightly as things get heated and tensions rise. In that way, he’s like an idle NPC but the second his boundaries are crossed then you have to deal with the rare and angry Will. 
“C-calm down Will…y-your not going to k-kill him right?”
“He’s the one who thought inviting our bunker-mates to play in that wasteland was a good idea.”
“Honey, it’s okay! (Y/n) didn’t actually go, right? So it’s okay, right Fin?”
“Yes, my lady is correct.”
It’s just better for everyone that no one gets on his bad side. And that everyone doesn’t mess with the things that make him happy: His peace, his girlfriend's peace, and your peace the happiness of specific bunker mates.
“Oh yeah, this my girl.”
“Um hello everyone. My name is Aria, Aria Mensloth. Marco was the one who brought me here.”
“Lucky you, I bet he’s the only one willing.”
“...Oh uhm yes I am quite grateful. I hope we can all get along.”
Aria is the sheltered blue-haired girlfriend of the eldest Penz brother. Opposites attract because, despite his immense uncaring personality, she’s generally more caring. Trying to check up on everyone she can even if her privileged life brings more misunderstandings than intended. 
“You seem upset, is it perhaps because you skipped breakfast this morning?”
“Uh no.”
“Oh well, for me this is a bigger change from the usual three-course breakfast I’m used to.”
“Do you not know what that is like?”
She has the best intentions but she’s still learning. Too bad for her the ones in this bunker she is familiar with don’t bother correcting her or informing her unless directly asked. Her boyfriend would sooner chuckle and play with her hair than fill in the blanks. Her butler refuses to say much else than what is needed. So guess who she decides to attach herself to? You, of course. You're the most normal lovely bunker mate around and you don’t immediately insult her when she seeks to shadow you as you navigate your life in the bunker. 
“Ah, so you pick your own clothes out. How fascinating!” 
“Uhm Aria don’t you do the same?”
“Oh no, my butler picks everything out for me. It’s always been that way.”
“Oh…Would you want to try picking out your own clothes, sometime?”
“For myself? Oh no, I’m far too inexperienced….but maybe I could help pick out your outfits!”
“Does that sound like a good idea, Butler Fin? Can we do it?”
“I see no problem with that my lady.”
“Oh good!”
As Will’s girlfriend, she’s an important person to keep happy. Wouldn’t want to deny her, especially when her beloved boyfriend is working so hard for the rest of the bunker. Not to mention her butler with an ominous gaze who is more than willing to exact her every wish. No matter how invasive it is to your privacy. You’ll have to be careful with your words. Wouldn’t want to make her cry...right?
“Aria, don’t.”
“Ari! Call me Ari!” 
“Ari sorry okay! I just don’t want to bathe with you, so please get off.”
“Y-you’re not trying to leave me, are you?! Didn’t Uvil tell us not to waste any supplies!? So please let me join!”
For as pushy as Aria can be, calling her out on her behavior or offering to tattle on her to her boyfriend usually gets her off your back. But where she lacks persistence, her butler makes up for it. 
“Hello everyone, I am the Mensloth Butler Finster. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Finster or Fin, is like any depiction of a dutiful butler come to life. Even with the threat of the atomic apocalypse, he’s still maintaining his mistress throughout. He doesn’t talk much outside of responding to Aria and occasionally the Penz brothers. 
“Look butler-man, if you’re goin’ to make breakfast why not feed us all?”
“Butler Fin.”
“Yes, my lady?”
“Can you make breakfast for Will, (Y/n), and me?”
“Yes, of course, my lady.”
You’ll find when he’s alone he can speak without addressing his mistress only when he wants to. But he seems to enjoy your company, especially during the night cycle when Aria is fast asleep. He smiles openly with you, cracking jokes about the day he appeared numb to before. 
“Well, it seems as though you were right about them. Fighting with each other like chickens in a coop.”
“Right? I thought I’d be the only one who noticed.”
“Please your observations are hardly wrong, it helps that we can talk like this with each other. Helps us remember how to communicate. I really appreciate that you’re willing to.”
“Oh uh, no problem I like talking to you too..”
“No, thank you (Y/n). I doubt I could hold any level of sanity if it weren’t for you.”
When push comes to shove, he is capable of holding his own in a debate. His actions can be interpreted as that of a selfless and devoted butler. But it can also be read as that of someone with their own agenda—something practically impossible to decipher by his behavior alone.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for (Y/n) to leave the bunker, either.”
“Y-your actually s-s-speaking? On your own?”
“Well, I bet it’s only because he wants his master lady to not cry like a baby!”
“Was that your intention, Finnster?”
“...My lady, is my top priority at all times.”
It’s a nice illusion though, that he’d be a somewhat normal character, considering he’s often the only one whom you can hold a normal conversation with, without walking away thinking he’s obsessed with you. But his actions do. Oftentimes, watching his behavior without his explanation would make anyone worry.
“Excuse me?”
“I just wanted to ask about you pushing Aria that one time. Why would you do that?”
“Push? Push?! Oh no you’ve got it all wrong, I was attempting to support her back as we looked at the sewer. She did lose her footing but as you saw Marco and I caught her all the same.”
“Oh okay sorry, for misjudging.”
“It’s fine, though I’d be quick to forgive if you joined in some baking with me.”
Always good at conversation, and always willing to help, Butler Finn is a friend to confide in. Someone to talk to about the odd behaviors and conversations you've had with others. One of the other ones you can talk to about this would be your resident walking encyclopedia. 
“H-h-h-hi e-e-everyone I’m S-S-Simpson G-G-g-gron, Will b-b-brought me here.”
He’s like a stereotype incarnated, listing off all sorts of facts you would have never found yourself dedicated to remembering. With a stutter at the beginning of every sentence, Simpson refuses any sort of leadership, very similar to Will’s approach. Rather than having a bonafide position to argue when debates happen he prefers to chime in with what he knows for sure. 
“Look, the sooner we head out. The sooner we can all actually eat something real.”
“But you realize what the risk of leaving may mean, right?”
“The world burned away! Yeah, I got it.”
“A-a-a-actucally I think Uvil sir is r-r-referring to radiation posioning.”
“The atomic b-b-b-bomb is not only the bringer of destruction, b-b-b-but a disease bringer.”
When he’s not bringing up important information he’s hanging around Will, stuttering a lot less and talking technically with one another. While Will is prickly, he’s able to properly articulate what he knows while also hurting your feelings. Simpson on the other hand…just can’t. It’s something you’ll try working with him on but once he gets going he just can’t stop.
“Okay let’s try this—why should I consider learning code?”
“Well…i-i-it’ll help y-y-y-you understand the programs you use the m-m-m–m-m-most?”
“Good. Now how so?”
“Okay—now hold on–”
“And there he goes.”
The real advantage of this though is his ability to return the favor of listening to his rambles. He happily listens to yours and comes with questions you’d only find yourself answering in an imaginary interview. But the adoring indigo-green gaze behind those iconic square glasses makes it impossible not to appreciate him. Not to mention, he and Will are the only two who religiously compete with you in the arcade room.
“Ack–that move is illegal!”
“Actually it's quite the opposite, really. This is the rule within the actual manual of the game’s lore–”
“Yeah, (Y/n) don’t be a crybaby you didn’t do your studying.”
“But you hid all the gaming manuals from me!” 
“Well, you are the one who bet something unspecified of yours. It would be unwise not to sabotage you.”
“Ack-! To be admitting it so openly!”
“No use lying about our tactics now that we are guaranteed a win.”
As the most obvious voice of reason, it isn’t a bad idea to be in his good graces. It also makes it harder to believe your own observations when you listen to his. Able to look at the bigger picture while you only have your snapshot or so he says. 
“But doesn’t this kind of product, have dire consequences for eating past the expiration date? And wasn’t there some craze about the aphrodisiac effects it has?”
“That’s a widely spread misconception, the craze was actually about the dopamine rush from the expired product.”
“Really? I’m pretty sure I remember the fanfics celebrating the stuff.”
“You are mistaken!”
“Uh okay.”
So if there’s anyone to rely on it’d be him. He may not be able to care for you as well as some of the others in the bunker. Or be as concerned as others but he’s trying his best. Of course, others may not even heed any of his efforts. Then again some of them hold themselves very highly. 
“Oh, my baby!”
“Miss are you okay to talk or–”
“My name’s Henrietta Spitz! What’s your name?”
“Uhm (Y/n).”
“(Y/n)! Oh (Y/n) I’m so sad!” 
Henrietta is probably one of the oddest characters in the bunker. Known as the distraught young mother who was dragged in by one of the…good samaritans within the bunker. If you aren’t swallowed by grief you’ll be swallowed by hers because she doesn’t let anyone forget what she’s gone through. 
“Wahhh~(Y/n) can I sleep with you?!”
“Uhm why would you need to?”
“I used to sleep with my baby at night. It’d just help me loads if your warm soft body next to mine.”
“Just like your…baby?”
“Yes, just like them~!”
But when she’s not wailing into your chest about her lost child, she’ll start up with a new…grieving routine. One that revolves around you drinking her milk…right from the tap that is. You want to argue with her–put a stop to this weird practice that she seems deadset that you be the only participant. But she cries aaalllll the time. If she isn’t set on fussing over you or forcing you to ‘help’ her grieving she whines and screams bothering everyone in the bunker. So you’ll take one for the team…right?
“I-I have milk for everyone!”
“ We have rations Miss so it's not an issue.”
“B-b-but we might run out! It’ll stop coming if it’s not drunken up!”
“Then perhaps the breast pump you had in your bag would be helpful.”
“B–b-but to keep this up I need to have a hungry mouth on there. It just won’t be the same.”
On top of that, her fleeting sadness for her child seems to conveniently leave her countenance the second it’s too inconvenient. It’s not all that obvious at first, easily being written off as her healing grief. But when she uses it for her own agenda so obviously it’s a little hard to take her seriously.
“Nooo! I want them to spend time with me!”
“It isn’t healthy to keep them locked up in your room like this. And (Y/n) you want to leave, don’t you? Finally, get to stretch your legs?”
“Yeah, I–”
“You can’t!”
“Why not?”
“I-I-I-My baby!?”
“If you leave, the thoughts of my baby will come back and I just can’t bear it. (Y/n) please!”
Some will argue that what she’s doing is projecting her idea of her baby onto you. That she’s stuck in a psychosis that revolves around the one who she feels is meek enough to baby. But a grieving mother who would be projecting wouldn't do what she does. Everyone grieves differently but it’s the nature of her advancements that might lead anyone to suspect she’s not as motherly as she seems.
“Did you know something else my baby did?”
“Uhm what?”
“They’d let me wash them all over. And give kisses to me–”
“On the mouth with an open mouth!”
“Okay? And?!”
It raises some concerning questions and speculations about her story. And how she was able to make it inside the bunker when everyone separately admits they did no such thing as lead her in. Or how she often mixes up the name of the child she seems so stuck on grieving. 
At the end of the day, she’s friendly to you…and maybe only you. She’s quick with her own insults the second anyone goes to question her or make their suspicions known. That and she seems to wryly refer to some hidden piece of information that keeps everyone from encroaching on her behavior. 
With all that being said. She’s definitely not one to forget for her attention to you, barely rivaled by the self-appointed scavenger and protector of you+ the bunker.
“I’m Grant and that’s all you need to know for now. I’ve got questions.”
“Ask a way, Grant.”
“Why do you even have this big of a bunker?”
“Is it so bad that we thought of comfort before the world’s end?”
“...I don’t buy it.”
If there was someone you’d expect to be the main character of some dystopian novel it’d be him. Cynical, confident, and muscled like no other, he becomes the bunker’s prime protector. Despite openly not trusting the Penz brothers he is the first to demand they do something when problems arise. While he’ll sooner croak than admit he relies on them, he does often light the fire for action from the prickly trio. 
“So what are you going to do about this?”
“Hm? Are you acknowledging me as the leader now?”
“No, but if everyone else has already I’d rather not rock the boat.”
“How benevolent of you!”
Hotheaded but not impulsive Grant becomes a significant facet of the group. Especially since the bunker needs more supplies. Brave and bold enough he’s willing to dawn the Hazmat suit and venture into the rumored wasteland that remains. It helps that he goes out of his way to help you settle and find your stance as the world goes through change.
“Hey. Here's some of the stuff I brought back. From the address you gave me.”
“Grant! This is-! I’m so surprised it even survived!”
“There wasn’t too much left but it was small enough and I thought it would survive the cleaning process.”
“Grant, really thank you!”
“...I-it’s no problem, you’re just lucky the blast didn’t damage it all too much.”
You’ll find he’s a compassionate guy at heart hardened by some terrible past he occasionally alludes to. But that harsh exterior tends to make up most of his image. Which can often lead to the group having…misconceptions about his personality.
“For a stupid delinquent that guy’s awful complex.”
“Speak for yourself! He keeps trying to tell me what to do!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah! He said the time I spend hanging out with (Y/n) is unhealthy! What a nosy brat, criticizing my grieving process.”
The animosity for certain members of the bunker would become all too clear for you as the days pass. Such behavior is natural for those trapped in the same tight quarters. The same tight quarters that you can’t seem to leave; forced to watch these characters destroy themselves as they fight over something you.+ 
“Oh, guess it's my turn my name’s–”
“We’re happy you're here (Y/n).”
“Yes, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” 
“Nice to make your acquaintance.”
“We are all happy to meet you, (Y/n)!”
“Pft, suck-ups. Welcome, I guess.”
“I-I-I-I-I hope w-w-we can be close.”
“Oh (Y/n), you remind me so much of my lost little love! C’mere!”
“Hey Guys! Give them space!” 
The coming months will certainly be almost as chaotic as the world’s declining state. With your new family den of lions, surely there’s a sliver of a chance that you’ll thrive in the radioactive apocalypse. 
It’s best you start documenting your adventure now….
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timemachineyeah · 2 years
I think it’s interesting that we learn Philip and Caleb became witch hunters to fit in to the existing culture of Gravesfield.
Because the thing about witch hunts is, there’s a lot of zealotry and tattling involved. If they weren’t a pair of traveling radicals, but rather two side characters in an ongoing town furor? That changes things.
Up until now I’ve been a little curious about the dynamic of having Philip be the younger brother. We are more used to stories where the older person has authority over the younger in a way that allows them to be despotic. Basically when you have two siblings in fiction and one is evil, it’s usually the older one. But Caleb seemed pretty chill? People with chill authority figures usually don’t grow up to do genocide? But Philip is really committed to genocide? And jealousy over your older brother getting a girlfriend is a weird thing to genocide over?
But now we learn, that’s not really the story. Or not the whole story.
This is a JoJo Rabbit situation. This is a Hitler Youth situation.
In a town that’s in a fervor to find the hidden secret evil citizens among them, kids are potentially dangerous. The children you love and care for are also the most likely to be unsavvy and get you killed. Sometimes older relatives under those circumstances have to, or at least feel like they have to, let their younger family members be indoctrinated without openly opposing it, even pretending to support it, because, well. Children talk. Often without filter. Maybe it would be okay, but
Is it worth risking one or both of you being hung in the square to test that theory?
So they get to this town. This town will hang or burn you if you aren’t pious enough. And this town defines piety by its hatred of The Devil. We are all trying to prove we hate the devil the most. And Caleb, older brother, is like, okay then. That’s what’ll keep us fed. That’s what’ll keep us safe. He’s not a zealot so much as he’s just trying to keep him and his kid brother alive and win the town’s favor. Maybe the zealotry even freaks him out a bit, but not enough. Not until he meets Evelyn.
But Philip? Philip believes. Of course he does. His brother has never made any indication to him that there’s room for doubt. No one has ever done that. At least no one whose execution he didn’t later watch with his entire community cheering it on. Because they were dangerous. Everyone knows how this neighbor got sick, how witches caused that terrible accident, how Satan tries to keep us from our eternal salvation. This is literal. This is real. This is eternal souls and cosmic reality. He’s a kid, at first. He gets indoctrinated young. He believes this.
And then they find the actual realm of demons. Actual hell. The source of all evil in the universe. Fucking obviously it is his divine calling to destroy it once and for all. Wouldn’t you? If you could end all suffering? Save everyone for eternity? Surely that is noble. Righteous. Sacred.
And how is he supposed to believe anything else? What is easier to believe: the whole world is a lie and he has been watching innocent people killed for entertainment since he was a child - which goes against everything he was ever taught and also feels fucking bad. Or: the witches used their evil magic to convince my brother they aren’t evil, which proves how evil they are. That lines up perfectly with everything I know, everything everyone around me has always said, and makes it okay that I participated in those public executions, and also gives me some good righteous anger to fuel me on a genocidal rampage for as long as I continue to exist.
In Philip’s head, he’s the center of his dramatic fantasy epic. He’s the lone hero up against the big bad. He’s going to take on the Devil himself.
Idk, I just think it’s cool that The Owl House was like, “hey, Satanic panics, fascism, and genocide are allied ideologies, perhaps even the same ideology, and it’s Bad”
Also, “societal pressure to conform enables and even encourages people to hurt those they love”. Camila tried to send Luz to camp because she didn’t want Luz to be bullied the way she had been, because Luz’s principal told her she had to. It was a gesture born out of a desire to protect her, but one that would ultimately hurt. Caleb let Philip grow up more pious than he was because it seemed safest, to protect him. Philip grew up believing in eternal damnation and righteous cruelty, something that has clearly ultimately hurt him I mean look at what he is now. Philip, meanwhile, hurt Caleb and continues to hurt his family because he thinks there’s a Right and Wrong way to exist. To be. The ultimate call for conformity. For hegemony. But he didn’t spontaneously generate this belief. It was reinforced from a young age from a society that wanted to make sure no one was deviating too much. To centralize and maintain power through manipulation, exploitation, and force.
Anyway I cannot fucking wait for Camila and Eda to meet oh my fucking god
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SCENARIO || in which you get back with your ex [ aka genshin and hsr men ]
CONTAINS || Gepard, Blade, Jingyuan, Dan Heng, Childe, Diluc, Scaramouche
WARNING || suggestive. mentions of alcohol. reader is female.
NOTE || I’ve been wanting to make this for a while
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How long were you going to wait, days? Months? Years? Gepard had broken up with you after seeing the effects on his job straining on you. He didn’t want to see you suffer but he knew you would either way. He didn’t want to break up with you but after it was done, he slowly found himself wanting more of you.
“ I’m telling you Serval, I’m fine” Gepard carried the heavy boxes that his sister ordered him to lift
“ Are you sure? You seem sleep deprived” Serval mocked, pulling her own eye bags as a emphasis
“ I haven’t got enough sleep…but it’s okay” Gepard placed the last box down, having a huff of exhaustion
“ it’s [y/n] isn’t it?” Serval knew her brother because of her sister instinct
Gepard paused, unable to find the words to tell his sister how he still kept the photos of you and him together
“ it’s for the best” Gepard avoided his sister’s gaze, feeling a sudden vibration in his pocket
Serval frowned. She hated seeing her brother in such a deranged state but she had no contact with you
Gepard looked at his lit up screen, looking rather gloomy as his eyes trailed to the name of the notification
‘ Gepard could you pick me up? I feel unsafe.’
Was what radiated on his phone, Gepard was shocked upon seeing your name. After weeks or what felt like months, you finally texted him back
all those read messages he sent for your well-being, did you read those…?
“ I have to go” Gepard wasted no time, adrenaline coursing through his own veins
“ oh! Okay” his sister shouted as Gepard exited the workshop, his sister pondering what the message was
“ [y/n]!?!” Gepard shouted while scanning the abandoned streets, his worry growing by every suffocating second
“ [y/n]..?” Gepard yelled once more, breath becoming shallow from the freezing winters of the night
“ Gepard!?” He finally heard a reply, turning around to see you shivering
“ oh my god.. [y/n]” Gepard was at your side, your body struggling to stand up by itself, “ can you take me home?” You chuckled weakly, eyes closing slowly
“ Are you drunk..?” Gepard’s eyes looked sullen as your fragile body fell on him, his hands embracing you
“ what were you thinking!?” Gepard almost shouted at you as you were consumed in numerous blankets
You didn’t respond, staring endlessly at the wall behind him
“ hey!…hey” Gepard lowered his tone, realising you didn’t like to get yelled at, hands cupping your shoulder
“ I’m sorry okay..?” Gepard apologised softly, reflecting on his own actions, “ I’m sorry” Gepard leaned more closely to you.
“ I missed you” you simply respond, eyes finally staring into those bright skies again
Gepard froze, his hand stopping in it’s tracks
“ I miss how you hold me. I miss how you made me coffee in the morning. I miss how you kiss and tell me everything will be fine! I miss everything!” You explain, retorting your anger on him
“ god…I will do anything to do it again but…you broke up with me” you hid your tears despite your eyes pleading with you
Gepard’s cheeks started to warm up. If only you knew how much you meant to him. How he wanted the same thing as you
You stare breathlessly at the man, the tension rising, you weren’t in the right state of mind as you leaned in for a kiss
Gepard knew if he kissed back, if he did anything, the clock would rewind. But maybe things will change..? Maybe he realised the importance of loving you.
His hands support your head ever so slowly, his lips parting to reconnect the kiss you shared
He knew he could never go back. But it was worth the risk for you.
You think he would move on but after the break up, his mind would endlessly wander back to you.
“ he hasn’t been like himself lately” Kafka dusted the table with a single finger
“ so? How’s that my problem” you rudely reply, mood dropping at the mention of the name
“ well we can’t have an unmotivated co-worker can we…?” Kafka smiled, walking towards you
“ it’s not my problem anymore” you lowly whisper, averting the woman’s deafening gaze
“ well his surely getting drunk out there or getting laid” Kafka obnoxiously sneered to you, much to the tight grip of your hands on the delicate glass you held
“ I would pick him up…but I have other things to attend to” Kafka wooed, making you guilty
“ so what? You seriously want me to pick him up?” You got increasingly irritated at the cunning women
“ would you be a dear..? Thank you” Kafka smiled, patting your shoulder as she wasted no time in leaving
Being angry was an understatement, you were beyond mad and the fact you had no choice because you would lose a ‘valuable member’
You curse, before gathering your coat
“ get up” you almost ordered, seeing a familiar man passed out on the table
“ [y/n]!?!” Blade hiccuped, leaning upwards after hearing your sweet voice again. He thought he was dreaming after seeing your concerned face
You harshly give a grunt, surprised by the fact you had to do this job
“ you need to get home” you pestered, picking up the glass of alcohol in retaliation
“ I’m not drunk” Blade sneers, laughing at his own remarks
“ sure you are” you roll your eyes, bracing yourself to pick him up
Blade lazily looks at your face, having a smirk at your reaction
“ you know, I never told you this but you are hot when you are mad” Blade commented, making you scoff, not wowed by his call outs
“ yeah yeah hurry up” you place the man’s arm over your shoulder
“ I can’t believe this” you found yourself mumbling, tired from just the lifting itself
“ drink this” you face Blade by kneeling down to his level, giving him a glass of cold water
Blade was very quiet by now. He didn’t murmur anything to you as you made your trip back to your house
“ and you’ll be gone in the morning” your words sounded like an order, averting Blade’s gaze
You stare at the hopeless man, feeling slightly guilty before you decided to stand up and leave
“ where are you going” Blade grabbed your wrist pulling you back on his chest
“ What are you doing!??” You exclaim, struggling to escape the man’s tight grip
“ I missed you” Blade whispers in your ear, admitting your suspicions
“ well I clearly don’t” you lie, struggling to escape such strong grips, “ …you know why” you couldn’t help but add, giving up from resisting him
“ we can still make it work” Blade gently whispered those words into your ear, tempting you
“ did you and Kafka plan this to win me back?” You laugh a little as Blade doesn’t deny it
“ maybe”
Jing yuan would seem patient but due to his job, he ignored you which led to one agreement and another. He regretted everything. But he couldn’t bring himself to break the truth to you. The truth was ; he wants you. And so Badly.
“ general here you go” Fu Xuan placed the sorted out files in corresponding order on the desk
“ thank you” the general himself huffed, massaging his head after going through his third stack of paper work
“ by the way, there’s someone waiting for you by the garden” Fu Xuan dismissed, bowing before disappearing in thin air
Jing yuan placed a finger on his chin, deciding whether to visit his guest and sure enough he travels to meet them
Walking outside he was met with the cool breeze, seeing a familiar figure in the distance like a fever dream
“ to what do I owe pleasure” Jing yuan wore a smile, walking up to you, he tried to compose himself in those mere seconds
“ oh Jingyuan…” you smile, using the sweet tone he fell for
you fixed yourself up, your heart feeling an aching sensation as the purpose of your visit was a dreadful one
Jingyuan is shocked for words, mouth a gap because he didn’t expect you to be in his presence. He felt as if he wanted to embrace you again. But he couldn’t.
“ I assume you are well” Jing yuan breathed, taking in your intact youth
“I’ll make this quick, I presume you have duties to attend to ” you breath heavily, sitting down as you repeated the reason why you broke up
“ well we haven’t seen each other in such a long time, and now…I have all the time in the world…what’s bothering you?” Jing yuan composed, still feeling guilt and awkwardness around you.
you and him had broken up for months now.
“ i was thinking” you play with the pendant in your hands
Jing yuan pays attention to you, somehow after so long, still having the admiration for you
“ I think you should have this” you give Jing yuan the pendant that he gave to you on your anniversary
“ but this..” Jing yuan was beyond shocked, realising after so long he hadn’t moved on from you, realising you were actually moving on
“ I know and I think you should have it” you shared a fake smile, putting the pendant in Jing yuan’s care
“ no.” Jing yuan placed the pendant back in your hands, making you slightly baffled
“ Jing Yuan-“
“ I’m not ready. I’m not ready to accept the fact you have broken up with me. Yes it’s been a long time, 3 months, 2 weeks… but I can’t help wanting you still. I agree you should of been the centre of attention. My attention ” Jing yuan spilled his heart out for you,
“ I can’t …I can’t imagine you. Being gone” Jing Yuan ended his confession
You were moved to tears, although you didn’t show it, you stood upwards, wiping the tears on Jing Yuan’s face
“ I’m sorry” you could barely whisper
“ no. I’m sorry, my love, please..let’s make this work again” Jing yuan grabbed your hand, creating a new oath
Your heart felt what it was like to love again, and with that, you smiled
“ of course”
He might seem stoic on the outside but after the break up (because of miscommunication), Dan Heng is wounded, his heart calls out for you and he simply can’t move on
“ what? We are out of rooms!?!” You yell out loud, not caring about the attention you’ll attract
“ it appears” March hid behind her camera, fearing for her life after announcing the news
You press a supporting hand over your head, shocked by the revelation.
You were too engrossed in your thoughts that you failed to notice the looming figure walk out their room behind you
“ is [y/n] staying in my room” he spoke, to your annoyance
“ sorry! You guys have to stay together for a few more days I swear” March wanted to ran away
You didn’t argue back as the tension grew the more you stood next to the man
“ goodnight!” March and her new companion ran off without sparing any second thoughts
You curse multiple times, before having to walk in the man’s room. It was very late at night
“ I’ll sleep on the floor” you made up your mind as the door closed
“ I can’t let you do that” Dan Heng, to your surprise, stopped you first
“ well I’ll be fine” you prepare your sleeping area once more, flipping the blanket
“ [y/n] on the bed now” Dan Heng placed a hand on yours, making your eyes avert to him
“ since when did you start to express worry for me?” You ask as kindly as you could, the words coming out sharper than anticipated
Dan Heng fumbles over his words, taking a big breath
“ I still care for you” Dan Heng’s voice sounded like a whisper to you
“ since when? We’ve broken up a long time ago” you retort, eyes showing clear sadness
“ [y/n]. Look at me” Dan Heng softly spoke, his voice guiding your eyes to him
“ I’m sorry…” Dan Heng admits, making you think it was all lies
“ don’t sleep on the floor I don’t want you to get sick” Dan Heng averted your gaze, too embarrassed at his own confession
Something in you snapped, making you pull his face into a heated kiss
Dan Heng stumbled back, wondering how he got in this situation but either way it meant you guys wouldn’t be sleeping on the floor tonight
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Childe tried distracting himself from other concerns, suffocating in his endless piles of paperwork. But after fighting more people to ravage his bloodlust, he realised the lonely nights where he would patch himself up. He missed your presence, he missed you.
You place all your memories in a box, starting the next chapter in your life, you finally decided to move on after your friends pestered you to do so
It was a rainy night, a loud one as it echoed through the walls of your home
You sigh, taking one last look at a picture of you and him…you and Childe whom had broke up because you thought it was for the best
You were going to place the picture in the box before suddenly hearing the thuds of knocking on your door
You stare at the door, wondering who would be out in a rain like this. Nevertheless you had to reply, cautiously walking to the door and opening it slowly
“ Childe!?!” You almost exclaim. Seeing a bloody and bruised man at your doorstep
“ I know what you are thinking but this isn’t mine” Childe made his way through your home
“ um excuse me!?! You can’t just show up out of nowhere after we broke up because of this specific reason!” You lectured, slamming the door as your heart ached upon seeing his fragile state
“ I missed you.” Childe made his way on your couch, slouching over it
“ are you drunk!?” You couldn’t believe this man, walking over to the exhausted Childe
“ I’m not” Childe retorted, clearly avoiding your gaze. “ then why are you here?” You breathe in frustration
“ I had an realisation” Childe simply replied to you, you scoffed in dismay, standing up to lazily grab your aid kit
“ what realisation” you found yourself mumbling
“ I’m sorry” Childe admitted, your mouth parting after the sudden response you weren’t preparing for
“ I don’t need your apologies, I don’t feel anything for you anymore” you immediately look away, trying to look emotionless
“ really? You don’t feel anything if I do this” Childe smiled softly and weakly stood up, pulling your waist closely to him
“ you don’t feel anything for me when I breathe here..?” Childe moved his lips closely to your lips, eyes craving for your lips
You were dumbfounded, you couldn’t say any words to stop what he was doing. Your body gave in
“ I don’t” you sharpen up, escaping from the man’s grip, trying to calm your beating heart
“ well I still love you” Childe replied nevertheless, his eyes showing clear guilt
“ stop that” you retorted, daring not to stare into those alluring eyes. “ stop what” Childe said so innocently
“ you always do this. You always give me false hope that you will be with me forever but what if you don’t come back to me..? What if I don’t see you again” you rant endlessly, saying words you’ve repeated over and over again
Childe tried to share a smile, hands pulling you into a tight hug
You felt your eyes overwhelm as the rain roared outside
“ I promise I will careful… I’m sorry..I just. Don’t want you to leave me anymore” Childe recited, you were shocked by those words, finally feeling the warm embrace you had longed for
“ you know what happens when you break a promise.” You commented, wiping your eyes after the embrace
“ I know” Childe nodded, lips connecting with yours. Your lips finally reuniting
After the break up due to many miscommunications, Diluc looked unaffected, in fact, he had no other emotions from your point of view. but behind that facade he was a heartbroken mess. Wanting you back was an understatement. His body restricted him from communicating that
‘ so you are just going to leave me like that..? You are so selfish!?!’ Was the last thing you said to Diluc, face to face
You were beyond mad when Jean informed you that she was coming over on behalf of Diluc.
You were mad how he broke up with you and ghosted you for a month and also how he didn’t want to confront you at all
You sighed, almost pulling your hair out in a fit, hearing the doorbell ring
You stomp towards the door, the anger in pace very evident as the door slammed wide open
You were expecting Jean with an apologetic smile but instead, you saw a red haired men awkwardly on your doorstep
“ Diluc..!” You almost yell out, shocked but returning back to your state of anger
“ Jean forgot a few things” Diluc choked, stepping in your house without manners
You huff in exhaustion, trailing behind him. Out of all the people he mentioned her. You felt selfish for thinking the way you did. But for some reason you just couldn’t let all your memories be erased
“ is it up here” Diluc interrupted your rushing thoughts
“ what do you think?” You retort, walking behind him as your hands beckoned him into the room
Diluc didn’t reply, seeing the boxes already there for him. Almost like you wanted him out as soon as possible
“ I still have more things to pack” you sigh, looking at the boxes before crouching down to pack up some more
Diluc was hesitant at first but since it was his possession he had to lean down to assist you in packing up his own things
You look hopelessly at the memories you use to share with him, picking up the items that reminded you of him
“ you can keep that” Diluc interrupted your processing
“ I don’t want it.” You stay stubborn, putting the pictures back in the box of his belongings (to Dilucs dismay)
Diluc sighed and continued to discard all the things he had got for you so carelessly
“ I’m leaving” you stand up, fed up with the man’s attitude
You would of left but felt a hand grab your wrist so suddenly, “….look I lied… I need to tell you something” Diluc saw his plans were failing, suddenly blurting words out, making you furious
“ what? First you break up with me for no reason and now you want me to stay?” You say, breaking down after penting up all your emotions
Diluc didn’t murmur anymore words, pulling you into his embrace
“ Diluc. Stop it.” You try to fight back, hands trying to escape from the situation, “ Stop!” You hit his chest, wanting to escape from his grip
“ I’m sorry for making you suffer all those nights, I realised a world without you makes me ache in pain. I came here to set things right…I’m sorry” Diluc said, nothing more, nothing less. Your eyes soften, after so long you felt like crying
“ I hate you” you murmur, eyes tearing on his shoulder
“ I love you” Diluc responded, hands cupping your head
His bold persona tells him that he doesn’t need you. But the heart inside him feels betrayed even though he started all this mess. He doesn’t admit it but he loves you so dearly and misses the nights where he isn’t alone
You stayed up for another all nighter, biting on your food anxiously as you worked on uncompleted documents
It was very late by now and your eyes were weary so it was your cue to sleep
With one last exhausted breath, you lazily wrap up everything you had to do, walking to the kitchen of your home
Unbeknownst to you, you heard a door knock. Although it was faint at first, it got louder
You thought it was because of the lack of sleep you were getting but you peeked at the door after more knocking
You were baffled when you saw the person that knocked tiredly on your door
It was late at night so you instantly open the door
“ what are you doing here!?!” You exclaim as the door opened widely
“ it’s been 3 weeks” Scaramouche makes his way in your home, closing the door behind him
“ 3 weeks and..?” You were still in a state of shock, crossing your arms
“ you haven’t visited or…went looking for me” Scaramouche’s voice weakened, his hands leaning on your counter
“ so? You left after you made it clear that we were breaking up” you said, voice trying not to sound hurt despite how it bled to pieces
“ I…I” Scaramouche tried finding the words to tell you, it felt like something was in his throat, preventing him from expressing what he truely felt
“ I didn’t mean it” Scaramouche averted your gaze, your eyes widening at the unexpected response
“ what do you mean” you walked up to Scaramouche after some hesitation
“ it was the heat of the moment…I miss you” Scaramouche held your hands so suddenly
“ Where is all this coming from??!” You shake your head, thinking everything was a dream. Scara being vulnerable to you? What was happening?
“ just…let me sleep with you tonight” Scaramouche dismissed, hands rubbing his neck from the embarrassment
“ I’m sorry” Scaramouche added, making you freeze, not knowing what to do or feel
“ I promise I will be more kinder” Scaramouche hugged you, seeing your hesitation as he whispered those words
“ I like you the way you are” you whispered back, a smile creeping on your face as your hands collide with his neck
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Credits : benkeibear for divider
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ironmandeficiency · 2 years
durin line + finding out you have nipple piercings
pairing: durin line (fíli, thorin, kíli)/ fem!reader
word count: 1312
summary: how the sons of durin react to discovering you have nipple piercings
a/n: this just happened to pop into my head and i figured “why not?” it’s my first time writing anything lotr, we’ll see how it goes (18+ for obvs reasons). here’s the dwarven translator i used
warnings: implied smut, one ref to pregnancy, tons of secondhand embarrassment
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dude was caught off guard in the best way possible
it was only hours after your braiding ceremony, both of your marriage beads glistening in the fireplace light in your shared bedroom
you hadn’t been intimate with each other since beginning your betrothal, and it was not for a lack of trying (dwalin was a painfully obstinate chaperone that had far too many eyes around the kingdom)
doomed to abide by tradition, the most improper act committed was a simple swat or pinch to your ass, or your fingers playfully twirling at the braids in his hair or mustache
removing your clothes in front of fee for the first time before preparing for bed, your love notices two metallic glints on your chest and his jaw falls to the floor
the ends of each silver rod is adorned with polished citrine crystals that were eerily similar to the vibrancy of his hair
you had made no previous mention to him about the metal before then, and he had never noticed their presence throughout the trek to erebor
(the company allowed you at least the semblance of privacy on the few occasions there was time to bathe, and he has manners despite what kíli says to the contrary)
“my tumat, by mahal you never cease to amaze me,” fíli’s constant state of awe over you increased tenfold as he admired how the jewelry complimented your breasts
his callused hands roamed your body, sending goosebumps across your skin with every feather light touch
tradition is very clear about how married couples should spend their wedding night, and who would fíli be to ignore tradition?
tumat — gem
training with your beloved was never a simple task. he was never one to hold back a few punches, making sure you learned the easy way that no other enemies would be lenient with you
easy way my ass, you groaned as a well-placed kick behind your knee brought you to the ground
it was refreshing to not be treated like a dainty flower when you were plenty capable, but damn was it a painful process
“come on, my ozbim kovotos,” thorin offers you a hand up with a small smile, “we’ve only just begun!”
you roll your eyes as you get back into a sparring position across from your ridiculous lover
“flattery won’t get you anywhere, amralime!” you playfully yell at him
“it gets you into my bed, doesn’t it?” his teasing tone makes you want to punch the smirk from his handsome face
the coordinated dance you know with the same familiarity as your thorin’s eyes keeps you on your toes, anticipation preparing you for any move he could throw your way
well, any move except for the one he ended up using against you, as luck would have it
thorin knocked you off balance with a well-aimed elbow to the chest, almost knocking the breath from your lungs (he definitely could have if he wanted) as a muscular leg hooked around yours and brought you to the ground
coming back to your senses, you stared at the sky above you and groaned in pain. the hand not covering your face against the sunlight clutched at the poor breast that suffered the brunt of thorin’s strength
to his credit, his response time was almost immediate when he saw you holding your poor breast
he brought you to your feet and fretted over you the way he’s wont to do, asking if your chest was extra sensitive for some reason unbeknownst to him
“it was meant to be a surprise, you dolt!” your complaint had him reeling. surely you weren’t… he hopes to mahal that he didn’t just clobber his one while carrying his child, all the color draining from his face
you were quick to track his thoughts as he started to fret, reassuring him hastily that you weren’t pregnant at all, just nursing some new jewelry that you wanted to show him in your shared chambers later in the evening
his relief was palpable as he heaved a great sigh of relief. your fool of a husband, thinking you’re with child!
that would be the golden ticket to keep you away from his grueling training sessions, not a surprise you spring on him in the middle of one!
you make this known to him and his warm laugh rumbles through your chest. a teasing glint in his eye makes itself known before you’re suddenly thrown over your king’s shoulder, a surprise laugh escaping you
“if you want an excuse to skip our training sessions, you need but ask, ghivashel.”
ozbim kovotos — fierce beloved
ghivashel — treasure of all treasures
any time it’s brought up, your dear prince flushes deeper than the color of gloin’s hair and the laughter of the company rings like bells around the fire
after the initial shock of the incident, it became a common source of amusement when spirits were low. each retelling gave more bizarre details and unbelievable quotes that most definitely didn’t happen
after finding shelter within beorn’s home, you relished the idea of getting to rinse off the grime of your adventure in clean water
the shifter’s chivalry (and dislike of dwarves, probably) gave you the first chance to bathe out of the party of 15
time was an illusion as you scrubbed away the dirt and let yourself unwind in the water, the faint breeze rustling the wildflowers in the nearby meadow
eventually, some of the dwarves began to comment about the time you were taking, joking about you becoming a fish (dwalin) or somehow drowning and leaving the others to suffer without a soak (fíli)
this chatter alarmed kee far more than he knew it should, the young prince fighting the urge to check up on you
logic reminded him that you were all safe within beorn’s realm, but some of the others joined in the silly commentary and kíli had no choice to make sure you didn’t actually become a fish
making as inconspicuous an exit as he could, he beelined for the small pond where you were, hoping against hope that you were simply enjoying yourself and
for all the things he was prepared to see (you becoming a human-fish hybrid or being eaten by flesh-eating underwater plants, to name a couple), he was definitely not prepared for what he actually saw
you slowly emerged from the water, tiny droplets kissing your skin softly. the sunlight reflected off each bead with the elegance of the finest jewels on this side of erebor
then his eyes caught the actual jewels you carried on your chest, and kíli would have fallen to his knees in praise of your beauty had you not spotted him first
“is there no such thing as privacy here?! let me bathe in peace, you heathen!”
kee covered his eyes with one palm and turned his back to you for good measure, mortified at his current predicament
“everyone was talking about you getting eaten or drowning, and it worried me! i didn’t mean to be improper!” his voice was so sincere that you couldn’t find it in you to be angry for very long
“i’m alive and well, kíli! now if you’ll wait a moment for me to be dressed, i think a princely escort back to the barn would be plenty to protect me!”
the playful lilt in your voice could be heard from the several yards of distance between you and he exhaled in relief that you weren’t truly offended
he almost turned around again on impulse but caught himself just in time, the blood in his veins hotter than the forges with embarrassment
chuckling to yourself as you put on semi-clean clothes, you looped an arm around kíli’s and let him guide you back to camp, the story of kee seeing you naked becoming an immediate hit
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criminalamnesia · 1 year
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A Long Time Coming
summary: You go on patrol with Joel, unknowingly sealing your fate.
warnings: you could picture either game!joel or show!joel in this, angst, mentions of torture and blood, no use of y/n, f!reader, reader is Joel’s wife, not proofread, spoilers for The Last of Us Part 2!
author’s note: angst angst angst. sorry but also not really. anyways I totally think that if the roles were reversed and ellie had died instead of joel, joel would have 100% done the same thing.
Abby Anderson had spent years thinking about this moment.
Dreaming about it. Anticipating it.
Planning out what she would say, what she would do, when she finally faced the man who had killed her father.
She had never foreseen it happening like this– by a chance. Her stubbornness and foolishness almost leading to sure death if not for fate’s interference– the infected about to sink its teeth into her neck stabbed in the head by an older man.
A woman appearing from behind him, gun raised and eyebrows furrowed as she provided cover fire.
“Y’alright?” The man’s voice had a subtle southern accent, his hands gently holding onto Abby’s biceps as he steadied her.
Her eyes were wide, breath coming in quick pants as she surveyed the man and the woman. She gave a quick nod, and the man nodded in return.
“Babe, we gotta go!” The woman was shouting, firing another round into the head of a runner. The man was still focused on Abby.
“We gotta run–”
“I know somewhere,” Abby was speaking, thinking of the lodge her and her group had holed up in as they surveyed Jackson.
The man nodded again, “Lead the way.”
It was almost laughable at how things had happened.
The man, revealed as Joel once in the safety of the lodge, served right to her on a silver platter. Right after he saved her life.
And she had planned to end his.
But as she walked alongside Joel and the woman, she quickly came to realize they were married– at least, judging by the silver ring on the woman’s left ring finger.
And her mind slowly started to change.
She had wanted to torture Joel– give him a cruel and suffering-filled ending. But now, with his wife, she could do to him what he did to her when she was a child.
She could make it so much worse than what he did to her. Make it painful, make him watch– helpless, unable to do anything as she tortured the woman he loved.
She had settled on that when they made their way into the lodge, her friends perking up as they moved inside.
“Abby? Where were you?” Owen was asking, standing from his sleeping bag with concern etched onto his face.
“I went on a walk,” she said, pulling her snow-covered beanie from her head.
“Who’s this?” Nora spoke, arms crossed over her chest.
“I’m Joel,” the man said. He held back a hand to guide forward the woman, who gave a small smile as she wiped stray snow from her braided hair.
Joel’s hand fell to the small of her back as she gave her name, followed by: “I’m Joel’s wife.”
The group fell silent as they looked at one another. Abby moved to stand next to Manny, Joel and his wife now positioned away from the rest of the group.
“Y’all act like you’ve heard of us,” Joel gave an uneasy chuckle as his wife took a step back, her hand moving to tug at his coat.
“Joel,” she whispered, eyes wide as she glanced at Abby and back to her husband. “I think it’s time we get back. Tommy’s gonna be worried.”
Abby could’ve laughed. If they didn’t already suspect this was the Joel they were looking for, his wife had just sealed the couple’s fate with one word. Tommy.
“Oh,” Mel spoke, glancing sideways at Owen as the group shuffled tensely. Manny stepped back towards his sleeping bag, bending at the knees and grabbing something.
“We have.”
It happened in a flash.
Joel’s wife forcibly tugged him backwards. Manny took two long strides forward, and the shotgun he now had in his grasp fired, aimed straight at Joel’s leg.
The older man yelled in pain, crumpling forward to the ground as the bullets tore through his lower thigh and knee. His wife was screaming— reaching for the pistol tucked in her belt— but she was too slow. Nora and Nick surged forward, grabbing her by her arms and forcing her forwards.
“You stupid, old man,” Abby gave a shake of her head, a disbelieving huff escaping her lips.
Joel tried to struggle to his feet, but his injuries made his attempt futile. Before he could even think to reach for his gun, Owen and Manny were on him— tossing the weapon across the room and wrenching him to his feet.
The man groaned in agony as they dragged him further into the room, finally dropping him into a heap in front of where Nora and Nick were still holding his wife.
“Fuck you!” She screamed, thrashing in their holds. The rest of the group circled them now, eyes on Abby, as she picked up the golf club leaning against the nearby wall.
“You can’t stop this,” she said, her knuckles white as she gripped the club. “This has been a long, long time coming.”
“We don’t even know you!” The wife shouted, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
“You don’t,” Abby used the club to gesture at her. Then, she turned, pointing the golf club towards Joel. “But he does.”
He was on the ground, hands behind his back as Owen tied them together.
“I have no clue,” he said, taking a heavy breath. “Who you are. I’ve crossed a lotta people. You’re not the first.”
“My father,” Abby snapped as Joel looked up at her. “You killed him. Shot him in the fucking head. Starting to remember yet?” She gave a humorless laugh, taking a step towards him.
“Leave him alone!” His wife screamed. Abby ignored her.
“The firefly hospital in Salt Lake. The surgeon. Ring any fucking bells?” She seethed, raising the golf club.
Owen moved back, and Abby swung the club down as hard as she could— right into Joel’s face.
You screamed as Abby brought the club down on Joel. You could feel your strength slipping as you struggled against the two holding you back.
“Stop!” You screamed, your tears threatening to fall. You wouldn’t let them— you didn’t want these people to have that satisfaction. “Let him go! Leave him alone!”
“Shut the fuck up!” The man holding you yelled, wrenching your arm back painfully. You screamed in pain as he pulled your shoulder from its socket.
Joel’s head was bleeding now as he laid on the floor. The dark red blood trickled down to his cheek. It matted his greying hair. It made you sick to your stomach.
Your eyes were trained on his face as his eyes closed– before slowly opening again, now hooded. She had struck him hard— you were almost surprised he was still awake.
Joel was a stubborn bastard, after all, and you knew that better than most.
It was his stubbornness and reluctance to trust you that had almost led to his leaving you on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.
But thanks to Ellie’s unending prodding (and his heart, which he still seemed to have after all these years) he had allowed you to come with them.
He was supposed to drop you off somewhere along the way– at least, he told himself he was supposed to– but you had a way of worming your way into people’s hearts.
Plus, Ellie adored you, and she would’ve killed him if he had sent you packing.
You had joined him and Ellie on their journey across the country. You had watched him almost die at that science facility– almost died yourself after being taken by the crazy cannibal David and his crew— and along the way, the three of you had turned into some mismatched, weird little family.
You hadn’t been with them in the hospital in Salt Lake City. You had broken off from them to see if you could find any traces of your family, who had lived in the area before Outbreak Day. You hadn’t seen what had happened. Hadn’t been forced to make the decision Joel did (you would’ve made the same one).
You only knew that when you saw Joel pull up in that rusty old pickup truck, with a sleeping Ellie in a hospital gown in the back seat, that whatever had happened was what needed to happen.
And now, the past was here– all caught up to you.
Abby stepped back from Joel, the club still clutched tightly in her hands.
“You know, when I thought of this moment, I didn’t envision it like this,” she spoke, her eyes still on Joel. “But this is better than I could’ve hoped for.”
She turned to face you then, and your eyes narrowed.
“Fuck you,” you spat, rage replacing the fear in your body. At least she wasn’t focused on Joel anymore.
“I was going to torture him,” she told you, jerking her chin to gesture to Joel, still laying on the floor a few feet behind her. “Beat him until he stopped breathing. But, you’ve given me the perfect opportunity for revenge.”
“Go to hell,” you seethed, and Abby raised the club again.
The man and woman released you to take a step back, but before you could even start to run, Abby brought the club down right into your knee. A sickening crunch could be heard as you crumpled to the ground, screaming in pain.
“Still feeling feisty?” Abby said, crouching down to meet your gaze.
You spit in her face, and she wiped it from her cheek with the sleeve of her shirt. She stood once more, raised the club again, and brought it down on your side.
You could feel your ribs cracking at the force of the swing. You groaned, a weak cough sputtering past you lips and splattering blood on the floor in front of you.
A ringing in your ears started up then, caused by the pain. You moaned in pain, your eyes searching for Joel across the room.
They had forced him to sit back up, and his eyes were wide open now. He was saying something– but you couldn’t hear anything. Your eyes met his and you finally felt a tear fall down your cheek.
The club came down again. Your head was bleeding now, the ringing even louder.
Again. The bone in your leg was surely broken.
Again. More ribs, cracking and breaking. More blood coughed up, painting the floor and your lips a dark red.
Another hit to the head. Stars dotted your vision, and the ringing in your ears was getting unbearable. You felt your eyes slip closed, and suddenly you were in the house you shared with Joel back in Jackson.
It was right after you and Joel had officially started dating. He had brought Ellie over to your house for the weekly dinner the three of you had made a habit of in the few weeks you’d been living in Jackson.
The two of you were sitting on the couch in the living room. Ellie was perched on one of the armchairs with Joel’s guitar in her lap. Joel was talking periodically, guiding her through a song, one you remembered loving before the Outbreak.
You broke out into a grin as Ellie played, the words slowly coming back to you. You began to sing, and Ellie grinned as she risked looking up from the guitar to meet your gaze. You gave her a reassuring smile as you continued to sing, both of you soldiering on even when she played the wrong chord or when you stumbled through the words.
Joel was grinning beside you, his eyes watching you intently as you sang. It was the first time he’d ever heard you sing, and he was entranced.
When Ellie played the last chord and your voice quieted, he whistled, earning a laugh from you and Ellie.
“You’ve got a beautiful voice,” he told you, and you had waved him off. Ellie backed him up, and without much more resistance you accepted their compliments.
“We could start a band!” Ellie said, and you and Joel had laughed.
“That’s a great idea, Els. You on guitar, me and Joel on vocals,” you said, winking at him. He shook his head with a laugh.
The memory faded as you were brought back to reality by someone roughly shoving you into a sitting position. You could barely see through your swollen eyelids– but you were sure you could make out the tan jacket of your husband close by.
“J-Joel,” you mumbled, the words feeling thick in the fuzziness of your mouth. Blood and drool seeped from between your lips. You were faintly aware of the gaps of now missing teeth in your mouth.
“Baby,” you heard his voice— strained and in pain— from across the room. “You gotta get up. Please, baby, get up. Please,” he begged, but then you were being hit again and the stars were back as another memory resurfaced.
It was the day before your wedding. Freshly fallen snow painted the world a bright white, and you were doubled over in laughter as you watched Ellie pelt Joel in the face with a snowball.
“Think that’s funny, huh?” He had asked you, a wide smile of his face. You had nodded.
“Oh, I think it’s hilarious,” you told him, and in an instant he was scooping up snow to make his own snowball as you shrieked and ran for cover.
“Ellie, let’s get Joel!” You called to her as she scrambled to make another snowball nearby. The teen had whooped in agreement as Joel let his snowball fly, narrowly missing your head as you ducked behind a snow-covered bush.
“Now that ain’t fair!” Joe shouted through a laugh as you shot out from behind the bush and threw your snowball.
“What’re you gonna do about it, old man?” Ellie called to him as she ran past him.
The three of you laughed and threw snowballs until your fingers were numb, and after Joel’s surrender, the three of you convened in the middle of the yard.
“Alright, let’s go inside, it’s freezing out here,” you chattered, moving to follow Ellie into the house. Joel fell into step alongside you.
“Have fun?” He asked you quietly.
“The most,” you replied.
“Guys, watch out on the steps, it’s a little slippery. Don’t need you two breaking any hips,” Ellie told you as she made it onto the porch before stepping into the house.
“Here, I’ll go up first, then pick you up,” Joel told you, moving onto the first step. You rolled your eyes but nodded, a grin breaking out onto your face at his chivalry.
He made it to the third step when he slipped, falling backwards and arms flailing in an attempt to catch himself— which led to his elbow hitting you right in the eye.
The two of you fell back into the snow, Joel on top of you. He quickly rolled off, worry on his face as he assessed you. “You okay?”
“I think I just died for a second,” you said, and he rolled his eyes and huffed a laugh before helping you up.
And that was how you ended up sporting a black eye at your wedding.
You were sure you were sporting two black eyes now.
“Please,” the word was a broken sob, filtering in and out of your ears.
“Please get up.” He was begging you, but you couldn’t feel anything anymore.
“Please, just stop. It’s me you want, not her. Please—” he was pleading, but it didn’t matter.
You could barely register the sound of a broken scream— your scream. It was one last exclamation of your pain.
As your world faded to black, the only thing you could think of was what Joel had said to you that night, years ago.
“You have a beautiful voice.”
By the time that someone found him, Abby and her group were long gone and he was hanging by a thread.
After they had killed you, they had beaten him within an inch of his life. He almost wished they had just killed him.
“Joel?” Dina’s voice was soft, concerned as she crouched down beside him. “Joel, can you hear me?”
A bang echoed upstairs, followed by the pounding of footsteps overhead.
Dina stood, momentarily disappearing from Joel’s sight.
“Ellie, down here!” He heard her call, and then he could see her again as she moved across the room, crouching down once more in front of the bloody, broken mess of your body.
“Joel? Fuck– Joel, are you–” Ellie was in his face now, her eyebrows furrowed in concern and panic obvious in her tone as she surveyed his injuries.
“We gotta— we gotta go. We gotta get him to Jackson, we— Dina, we gotta—” she was stumbling through her words, her mind moving a thousand miles a minute as she tried to fight through her panic.
“Ellie,” Dina’s voice was quiet and Ellie turned away from him. He couldn’t see her face anymore, but he could tell the exact moment she saw your lifeless body.
Then Joel’s world went dark.
A proper burial was held for you back in Jackson, a few days after everything had happened. It gave Joel time to rest and recover enough to be able to attend.
Ellie hadn’t left his side since they brought him back. She hadn’t said much, either— consumed by her grief and anger. You had become a mother figure to her, just as Joel was her father figure.
She was hurting, and Joel was, too, but the two of them had never been that good at talking about their feelings. So, they sat in silence, grieving together but separate.
The townspeople had decorated the front of the house with an abundance of bright flowers and cards. Wherever Ellie went, someone offered their condolences.
She didn’t want condolences. She wanted revenge. She wanted to hunt down and slaughter every single person who had been in the room that night— who had done that to you. To him.
She told Joel she was going, and of course he hadn’t wanted her to leave. He didn’t want what happened to you to happen to her. But, he also knew that if he was able, he’d be halfway to Seattle by now.
So he let her go.
And he told her to kill every last one of them.
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shadowqueenjude · 4 months
He was an asshole for this, but Eris had long since stopped caring. He knew that he had to do some bad things now so that he could overthrow Beron and prevent far worse things from happening later. As for bad things he’d done? This didn’t even make the list.
It wasn’t hard to drug the shadowsinger and drag him away. Eris had already caught him once before, and he hadn’t changed his tactics since. Fool.
When the Inner Circle’s janitor woke up, he began to struggle. Predictable, but Azriel could do nothing against his restraints.
“You,” Azriel growled, trying to throw himself at Eris, chair and all.
“Me,” Eris replied calmly. He took a sip of his wine.
“What, you planning to kill me?” he snarled, rattling the chair with his struggles. Eris rolled his eyes.
“That would be counterproductive, wouldn’t it? Would rather ruin my alliance with your court.” He placed his glass down and steepled his fingers in front of him. “No on the contrary, I’ve taken a special interest in you, Shadowsinger.”
Azriel’s face was filled with a ferocity that promised a slow death to Eris. Eris merely tsked at the expression.
“Anger does not suit you, Azriel,” Eris purred. “You lose all your pretty boy features.”
“SHUT UP!” Azriel roared, shaking the chair again. “I fucking hate you.”
Eris sighed. “Funny that you turn your hatred towards me when it is your companions you ought to despise.”
Azriel’s eyes narrowed on him. “What the fuck do you mean?”
Eris shrugged. “It’s not my fault I was engaged to marry Mor. I was a mere child then, powerless to do anything to stop it. I didn’t want it any more than Mor did, only I didn’t dare disobey my father while Mor disobeyed hers. She got punished for it. Got nails all over her body. But had I brought her over that Autumn court border to heal her…she would’ve suffered a fate worse than death. She would’ve become Beron’s servant. Like me. Forever.”
Azriel said nothing. He knew Eris was right, even though Eris was sure he was loathe to admit it. Eris continued, “But your best friend, that brutish general, slept with Mor while knowing what the costs may be, while knowing that you were in love with her.” He laughed lowly. “Some friend, huh?”
Azriel still said nothing, but Eris could sense the target of his anger shift. He was being convincing then.
“How much do they truly respect you? Forcing you to do their dirty work. Making you torture people because they’re too squeamish to do it themselves, even though Rhysand possesses daemati powers and needn’t resort to torture. Isn’t it triggering, considering the torture you went through in your youth?
At last, Azriel said something. “Yes,” he whispered.
“You are the outsider there,” Eris continued. “Both of them mated to Archerons, yet the third Archeron sister belongs to my brother. Don’t you feel rather left out? Like you’re not truly a part of their group? Who there really understands the anger you keep rooted deep inside?”
Pain and sorrow flickered across Azriel’s face, and Eris stood up, stalking over to him and leaning before him. “But I understand,” Eris murmured. “I understand, because it’s the same anger I shove deep down inside because I am under Beron’s thumb. We are the same, you and I. But if you come with me, if you help me overthrow Beron, you won’t be so powerless anymore. You won’t need to hide the anger inside. We’ll finally be free.”
Azriel swallowed. “What would you have me do?” he asked. Eris smirked, resting his hand on his face, rubbing his thumb against his lips. Azriel’s cheeks turned red at his touch. “Spy on your friends for me. I want to know how much they’ve been keeping from me. And then in a month…you quit and join me.”
Azriel raised a brow in challenge as he stared Eris down. “I still fucking hate you,” Azriel muttered.
Eris chuckled. “You’re a fool if you think I care, shadowsinger.”
But Eris knew Azriel was lying. Azriel didn’t hate Eris. Not really. Not like he hated himself.
Just like Eris.
For day 4 of @azrisweek free day
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motomam1 · 1 year
MOTOMAMI | valeria's friends
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author's note: this was the bane of my existence (hence why it took so long to post). summing up is not necessarily my strength.
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name: benito velasquez date of birth: june 26th, 1998 place of birth: east la, california occupation: pr manager friends since: childhood
Benito didn’t know who I was for the first few years of his childhood. Granted, I didn’t know about him either. It’s funny, really, how we grew up around the same neighbourhood surrounded by the same people and yet neither of us was aware of the other despite our similar age. He’d often hang out at Tía María’s place, more so than he did at his own home, right across the street where I lived. Tía María was a widowed woman who suffered the loss of her husband just recently at that time. She was happy to spoil the children around the neighbourhood since she couldn’t get any of her own. She was everyone’s aunty, parents oftentimes sending their children over to hers whenever it suited them. That’s how I met Benny before I started karting. My dad was occupied in his mechanics shop a lot, hence why I spent most of my time after school hanging out at Tía María’s place as well.
He was a genius when it came to everything social media. I never understood why he was so obsessed with Keeping up with the Kardashians, Britney Spears’ mental breakdown in 2007 and the downfall of Lindsay Lohan. I figured it was his thing just like my thing was racing. However, it wasn’t just a phase for him like many had said. He easily saw through various PR moves and could detect what’s true and what’s fake to deceive the public eye. Sometimes he’d tell me how he’d handle the different scandals if he was their PR manager. I admired him for his vast knowledge.
When I got discovered by Toto Wolff and sent off to further prove myself on the European Circuit, Benny was right behind me to discuss my media presence. It was funny at the beginning how easy it came to him to manage my social media accounts with me together, forming an image of me we both agreed on. I wanted to be as transparent as I was allowed to and he made sure to do exactly that. It didn’t take long for him to become my official PR manager.
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name: tyler gregory okonma date of birth: march 6th, 1991 place of birth: hawthorne, california occupation: musician friends since: 2014/2015
Tyler was one of the funniest aspects of my teenagehood. It was during the Vine phase in 2014 when he’d often hang around my neighbourhood, collecting footage for his growing fanbase. I don’t remember exactly how we got to meet, it was more one of those friendships that developed over time by seeing each other often on the streets. He was one of the biggest jokers I had ever met, always making Benny and me laugh about the stupidest stuff. Tyler quickly became like a brother to me, one I had never had since I was an only child. Thankfully, my dad loved Tyler’s annoying ass as well. He’d always joke how Tyler was a lot to handle, but deep down you knew he was fond of the boy because he’d still custom design different parts for Tyler’s car collection.
Tyler would often drive me to my karting tournaments whenever dad didn’t have the time. He was one of my biggest supporters, yelling so loud from the sidelines I could hear his screams over the motor sounds and right through my thick helmet. Since I didn’t have a mom, Tyler acted like a mom on the track. Tyler can be saying the most out of pocket shit to embarrass me when I'm on the podium saying ‘SMILE FOR THE CAMERA HONEY’ but I appreciated him taking his time to come see me despite him gradually gaining more and more fame through his music. 
Tyler would still visit me often in Europe when I started to drive in Formula. I didn’t really fit into the crowd in Europe, so whenever he went overseas he’d make sure to stop by in Brackley. And let me tell you, when Toto first met Tyler he knew he would have this recurring headache for as long as I’m in Mercedes.
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name: kali uchis date of birth: july 17, 1994 place of birth: alexandria, virginia occupation: musician friends since: 2018
Kali was the first female friend I had ever had. 
Of course I knew about her music before I met her in person. When I joined Tyler in the studio (he had to pick me up from the karting track beforehand), Kali and I instantly clicked. She was the sweetest soul I had ever met, immediately inviting me to join her in the booth, goofing around with Tyler, who loved to act all sassy with us girls. I wasn’t really musically talented, but it was exciting nevertheless to see the process and thoughts behind creating music.
She became somewhat like an older sister, one I could tell all my girl problems and share girly interests with. Call us chismosas if you want, but when things had gone down in our social circles it was like someone had died, it had to be spilled.
Kali was a graceful woman, one I looked up to a lot. She was confident, always dressed in designer clothes from head to toe and walked with such elegance. She was one of those people that immediately got everyone’s attention when entering a room.
Our bond went beyond friendship; it was a sisterhood, a connection that felt like fate had brought us together. Kali Uchis, my partner in crime and fashion, my confidante, and the ultimate queen of slay.
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name: andres felipé barrientos / yung filly date of birth: august 6, 1995 place of birth: cali, colombia occupation: youtuber friends since: 2022
I remember the exact moment where I met Filly for the first time. It was in Abu Dhabi 2022, the last race of my final season in Formula 2. I was close to winning the Formula 2 championship, only one more race to go to secure the title. I had distanced myself from my team to collect my thoughts beforehand, trying to get into the zone, when suddenly a voice came up behind me. 
I didn’t know who he was at that moment, I just remembered him sitting down next to me. ¿Oye hablas español? He randomly asked me. That is such a weird question to ask a stranger. I laughed out loud. Not going to lie, Filly can spot a latino from a mile away, which explains why he just sat right next to me like he just spawned into a game while I was having a midlife crisis . Apparently, Filly also didn’t know who I was when first meeting me. But he did a really good job to calm my nerves when noticing how nervous I was, giving me a pep talk after realising I was a driver and what situation I found myself in. To this day I like to joke around that without his pep talk I would’ve only driven half as good.
At the afterparty, I went to search for him in order to thank him for his encouraging words. We clicked instantly when celebrating my win and exchanged numbers to keep in touch furthermore. He’s probably my best friend in England.
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name: nella rose date of birth: july 20, 1997 place of birth: belgium occupation: youtuber friends since: 2022
It was at a video shoot when Filly introduced me to Miss Nella Rose. Filly had this knack for bringing people together. Now, Nella, is a genuine human in a world of filters and facades, someone you could be completely real with. In a place where everyone's putting on a show, Nella stood out.
I am lucky to have crossed paths with someone so real, someone who made the crazy F1 world feel a little less daunting. She had this magnetic vibe, you know? Not the flashy, showy kind, but the kind that makes you feel like you're talking to an old friend. We clicked instantly, not in a romantic way, but in a 'I’ve-found-my-ride-or-die-friend' way. 
It wasn't about the glitz and glam of the F1 world or the YouTube fame – it was about two souls connecting, sharing stories, and laughing like there was no tomorrow.
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name: amin mohamed / chunkz date of birth: february, 21 1996 place of birth: london, uk occupation: youtuber friends since: 2022
I met Chunkz the same day I met Nella, courtesy of Filly. He was, like the rest of them, so welcoming and incredibly funny. In a world where everyone's trying to one-up each other, his authenticity was a breath of fresh air.
We hit it off immediately, like, we both have this weird obsession with 90s sitcoms level of connection (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air I might add). His laugh, oh my days, it's contagious. We bonded over memes, terrible dance moves, and, of course, our shared love for fast cars. He was more like a 'this dude is my spirit animal' vibe.
So, yeah, meeting Chunkz that day was like gaining a new teammate, someone who made the F1 circuit feel like a family. In the whirlwind of F1 circuits and YouTube fame, he was that unexpected dose of hilarity that made the day memorable. Chunkz, Nella Rose, and me, all meeting on the same day? That's the kind of plot twist you'd expect in a Netflix teen drama, but hey, it happened. 
Life is weird, and sometimes, it's the unexpected friendships that make it hilariously awesome.
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name: rúben dos santos gato alves dias date of birth: may 14, 1997 place of birth: amadora, portugal occupation: football player friends since: 2022
The first time I met Rúben, I punched him in the face. Alright, it wasn’t intentional and just a stupid mistake of mine, but thinking about it back now, it’s a pretty funny way to start a friendship.
It was after the Monaco Grand Prix in 2022, so the festivities were quite big and extravagant. However, I was just exhausted up and foremost. Monaco is a great track, but your concentration needs to be at 150% all the time if you want to make it to the end.
So, naturally, I fell asleep on a chair in a more quiet area of the venue where the afterparty took place. Rúben passed me by, noticed me and became concerned for me. He didn’t know whether I passed out from drinking or not, shaking me to see if I was fine. Are you alright? Should I call someone? Should I drive you home? Startled by this unknown stranger waking me up, I punched him in the face when I came to my senses all disoriented. I felt really bad, and so did he. I think we apologised to each other about a dozen times, going back and forth.
As an apology, I invited him for lunch the next time I was in England. We talked a lot about similar interests, about both of our busy schedules and the fast life of being an athlete. He said he’d invite me to one of his games since he saw me racing but I’ve never seen him play. To be honest, football wasn’t something I was very familiar with, so Rúben was keen on explaining the sport to me. 
I knew I had found a new friend in him when I laughed so much with him I nearly lost consciousness from the lack of breathing.
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name: lewis hamilton date of birth: january 7, 1957 place of birth: stevenage, uk occupation: formula one driver friends since: 2020
When Toto came up to me and made me join the Mercedes Junior Team, my hopes of seeing Lewis Hamilton rose drastically. He was, and is, one of the biggest names in Motorsport and an idol to many younglings in the sport, me included. 
I didn’t meet him the first year of staying at Brackley. I was still getting used to adjusting to England, its culture and operating the simulator. Our first unofficial meeting happened in the simulator. I was driving, humming All Eyes On Me by 2Pac when someone behind me said ‘You could’ve taken that turn a little sharper on the apex.’ I didn’t know it was him at the time, too startled by the sudden comment to realise who it came from. His presence made me crash into the barriers. 
So when I actually saw him visit the facility in Brackley for the first time, I nearly suffered a heart attack. Toto introduced us, laughing at me when I started to stutter in front of Lewis. I remember my cheeks burning out of embarrassment and hands shaking out of nervosity. I was that nervous I had started speaking in an English accent, that’s when I had to shut up. I think my brain actually stopped working for a second when Lewis said he’d know of me and seen some of my races. 
When he became my teammate in the 2023 season, I was beyond the moon excited to work with such an icon. The things I’ve learned and am still learning from him made me grow incredibly as a driver. He’s like a mentor to me, continuing to teach me new things with such enthusiasm, he really keeps me motivated and focused.
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name: logan sargeant date of birth: december 31, 2000 place of birth: fort lauderdale, florida occupation: formula one driver friends since: 2019
Oh, Logan Sargeant, where do I even begin with this guy? We go way back, back to the Formula 3 days when we were tearing up the tracks alongside Felipe Drugovich. Logan and I clicked faster than Wi-Fi in a room full of tech geeks. We're both from the States, different coasts but same vibe, you know? We practically dragged Felipe into our adventures everywhere we went.
Even though our ways as teammates parted after one season, we stayed tight. We spent a lot of time together outside of the paddock. Whether it was eating out or visiting the other over summer and winter break in the US:  Burgers, beach trips, and a lot of dad jokes (thanks to my old man’s enthusiasm for Logan) – our friendship just kept growing. And guess what? Destiny had more mischief in store for us. From late-night strategy talks to spontaneously exploring new cities, we’ve turned every race weekend into an adventure. My father grew quite fond of Logan, Logan’s enthusiasm for the US matching my dad’s enthusiasm for Mexico. 
Fast forward to Formula 1, and bam, we're rookie teammates again, this time with Oscar Piastri thrown into the chaos, he had no other choice but to tag along with us. Forming the ‘2023 Rookies’ group, we were hellbend to become even more iconic than the 2019 rookies. It's like we're on a mission to turn the F1 grid into our playground and so far, dare I say we’re doing a good job at it? Fuck yeah. We’re hell-bent on making our mark, not just on the tracks but in the F1 history books.
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name: oscar piastri date of birth: april 21, 2001 place of birth: melbourne, australia occupation: formula one driver friends since: 2020
Ah, Oscar Piastri, my first F2 teammate in 2021. We'd already crossed paths in Formula 3, but back then, he was about as outgoing as a hermit crab. Fast forward a year, and fate decided we should be on the same team. I mean, talk about a plot twist, right? So, here's this dude, quiet as a library on a Sunday morning, and suddenly, we're sharing the same garage.
The first time we actually talked to each other was after our first race of the season. We sat in two ice baths next to each other when he made the first move and quietly tried to start a conversation. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t even realise he was talking to me. It took him a second try to catch my attention, and then it was like he had opened Pandora's box: I would not shut up for one second after we really got into conversation. I was telling him all the gossip from back home, all the shit that annoyed me, literally everything because he was willing to listen to me rant away. 
Oscar Piastri, the man of few words but here for the vibes, became more than a teammate – he became that friend who’d silently judge my questionable music choices and then secretly listen to the same music when he thought no one was watching. It's funny how the quiet ones always surprise you the most, right. That became our dynamic: Me talking his ear off and him listening like his life depended on it. Sometimes I would feel bad for saying so much, but Oscar seemed to be actually interested in hearing about my issues and thoughts.   When entering Formula 1 together with Logan, we obviously stuck together a lot as the new rookies. We became the 2023 rookies, the gen Z version of the 2019 rookies. Logan and I were the loud ones, the ones adopting our introverted friend and dragging him with us everywhere. So here's to Oscar, the Aussie from down under for making racing not just about speed, but also about laughter and unexpected friendship.
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name: andrea kimi antonelli date of birth: august 25, 2006 place of birth: bologna, italy occupation: motor racing driver friends since: 2019
Becoming part of the Mercedes Junior Team in 2018 and moving from East LA to Brackley, I knew what it felt like to leave your life behind and start anew in a different country. When I first noticed Kimi appearing at the facilities a year later, I immediately felt my heart ache for him. He was new, still somewhat shy and kept to himself a lot. Remembering the same situation I found myself in a year prior, I made it my mission to help him get accustomed to his new surroundings. So I found the only solution possible, I adopted him as my Formula son. 
We grew close relatively fast, him loving to annoy the shit out of me and use me as an ATM machine whenever we went out together. I loved spoiling him from time to time, treating him like the little hermano he is to me. 
And like the big sister I am, obviously I visited him at his races as much as I could. Vice versa, he’d come to a few of mine as well. I always invited him as my guest, but little Kimi was too shy to meet the senior team and the older grid. I would literally have to drag him to socialise a bit more, reassuring him that none of them would bite him. He’s literally part of the team as well, so why was he acting all shy.
2022 was a big year for both of us, one I like to think back to. With me racing my way up the F2 drivers standings, Kimi was doing the same in F4. Both of us ended up winning the championships simultaneously, I had never been more proud of my little padawan.
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tag list: @tpwkstiles @dessxoxsworld @lorarri @elliegrey2803 @inejghafawifesblog @daaiissyyyyy @viennakarma @cha-hot ➫ comment or leave a message in my inbox if you'd like to be added
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my-head-is-an-animal · 10 months
The Climb
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Summary: You're a scientist, an engineer to be exact. Called to a meeting you had no real right to be at, Optimus Prime takes an exclusive interest in you, but you can't help but ask yourself at every turn, Why?
Rating: 18+ 🌹🩸🍆
Story Masterlist
Chapter 15
Ratchet was worried. Optimus was recovering well but slowly. His body was still trying to cope with a piece of his Spark being removed. It was normal for the most part, he should have taken longer to deal with the trauma, but his worry for Jane was distressing him and it was only slowing his recovery.
     ‘I will be fine.’ Optimus kept saying, brushing off Ratchet’s concerns. ‘How is Jane?’
     Ratchet folded his arms and sighed. ‘She is alive, but still unconscious. Your Spark is struggling to understand the new body it is in, it will take time for us to know whether it will be successful, or not.’
     It wasn’t the answer that Optimus wanted, but it was the right one to give him, to make him understand what he had done to the woman he loved.
     ‘Optimus, do not do anything to disturb this.’ Ratchet warned. ‘I know what you are thinking, but this is a path she and your Spark must walk alone. She must come back to us on her own.’
     Optimus bowed his head, it was clear to Ratchet that he had been considering something very stupid, but his feelings for this woman, as noble as they may have been, could cost her, her life.
Optimus had been summoned to a meeting with the humans again, a few days after Ratchet had warned him to leave Jane to recover alone, and his Spark had almost entirely healed. It would only be another few hours before he was able to call himself fully repaired.
     The meeting had been to discuss Jane’s efforts and the completion of her mission, though there had been an agreement to keep the details of her survival quiet. Only those who had been directly involved would know what really happened, the official report told a different story, one where Jane had a heart transplant.
     ‘Is there anything else we should know about what happened?’ Smith, the annoying spokesperson for the president asked, pacing the balcony in the main hanger.
     ‘Such as?’ Optimus challenged, knowing exactly what Smith was trying to get out of him.
     ‘Harding fell thirty thousand feet through the air, no parachute as far as the satellite footage can tell, she was unconscious, unable to survive the fall.’ Smith made every word clear and Optimus did not appreciate being treated like a child. ‘Care to explain how she is now laying in a hospital bed perfectly fine?’
     ‘I believe your people called it a heart transplant,’ Optimus leaned in, daring Smith to argue with him. ‘The process, as I understand it, is to take a healthy heart from one who has given permission for-‘
     ‘Don’t play games with me!’ Smith snapped. ‘You did something. You and your people did something using your technology to bring her back to life.’
     Optimus remained quiet, placing his hand on the balcony and leaning close to Smith, who began to back away, thinking better of his tone.
     ‘Dr Harding saved your planet,’ he spoke low and seriously. ‘She gave her life for yours, despite my lack of belief that it could ever hold the same value, and now she is recovering and gathering the rest needed to receive your thanks for her sacrifice. That is what happened.’
     Optimus hoped he was clear, he didn’t lie, but he couldn’t reveal the truth of what happened.
     Smith still wasn’t having it, he questioned everything about the mission, but Optimus held strong. He would never allow Jane to come to harm and if Smith found out about his Spark being transferred into her body, she would surely be taken away to suffer experimentation. Under his watch, that would never happen.
     ‘You know what I think?’ Smith paced again, he just wouldn’t quit. ‘I think you used your technology to save Harding, I think you brought her back from the dead. I think you possess the technology that could save a lot of people on this planet, that you refuse to share. Now, we’re not asking for weapons, or anything remotely dangerous, all we’re asking is for the chance to actually save lives. As far as I’m concerned, every life that is lost while you refuse to help, is on your conscience.’
     Optimus felt a growl sitting in his chest.
     ‘What do you say to that?’
     ‘I say: your convoluted reasoning is only another example of why we will not share our technology with you.’ Optimus stood firm. ‘Your capacity for creative engineering would certainly lead you to find a way to weaponize any technology shared. More life would be lost as a result of-‘
     Optimus stopped mid sentence. Even Smith was confused.
     The great Autobot leader was silent, he was still for a moment, before looking towards the exit of the hanger. Something was happening, but he could place his finger on it.
     ‘You can’t run away from this conversation.’ Smith said, realising he may have had a chance at gaining the upper hand.
     Optimus ignored him, something more important was happening. He ventured out of the hanger, looking around as if his eyes landing on something in the immediate area would somehow tell him what to do.
     Lennox, Smith and a few other officials followed him out of the hanger, hoping for some kind of explanation. Ratchet and Ironhide stepped across from their own hanger to find out what was going on.
     ‘What is it, Optimus?’ Ironhide asked the question on everyone’s mind.
     ‘I do not know.’ Optimus shook his head, turning around to examine the whole base.
     His gaze found the hill that he and Jane had gone to numerous times before she made the climb. He needed to go there.
     Optimus transformed into the blue and red flaming truck and raced towards the top of the hill. Ratchet held his hand out to stop Ironhide going after him.
     ‘He must do this alone.’ Ratchet explained, pulling Ironhide away from Smith in particular. ‘If this is what I think it is, she must accept it for herself.’
I could feel the hot sun beating down on my face, it was almost soothing in comparison to the cold wind that had previously been rushing past me on the fall from the ship. I opened my eyes and was almost immediately blinded by the brightness of the sun. I could feel hot sand under my fingertips, hardened stone just beneath it.
     Clouds were rushing past me, but there was no sound, it was just a soft pulsing, like I was inside something electrical. My body hurt, my joints still felt like glass, my muscles were still drained of all energy, but somehow, I was still forcing myself to stand.
     ‘We have been watching you for a long time.’ A deep and booming voice suddenly surrounded me.
     I turned to find the source of it and was confronted by giant, god-like, mechanical creatures, who looked a lot like Autobots, but they were different to the ones that had come to Earth. They were skeletal and basic, almost like primitive versions, made up only of essential components.
     I stood up fully, curious more than afraid. I supposed if they wanted to harm me, they would have done already.
     ‘Where am I?’ I asked, my voice was clear, echoing across the baron landscape, a far cry from how sore and dry my throat felt.
     ‘You are where you are supposed to be.’ Another of the giants spoke, this time it was a much more feminine voice. ‘You have been presented with a gift that few could ever be worthy of. The Spark of another is a great gift, but the Spark of a Prime comes with a price.’
     ‘I don’t understand.’ I shook my head. ‘What happened? I don’t remember anything… I died.’
     ‘Your organic heart was not strong enough to withstand the fall.’ The giant continued, she stepped forward and kneeled in front of me, but she was still a giant in my eyes. Towering over me, but again, more curious than anything. ‘Our last descendant, Optimus, saw in you the qualities of a great leader, a great warrior and one worthy of sharing his Spark. He gave you the chance to live again in union with him.’
     ‘Spark-sharing.’ I whispered, realising what must have happened. ‘Optimus gave up a piece of his Spark… for me?’
     ‘He did.’ The giant nodded, slowly. ‘While it is not conventional nor wise to have joined with an organic, this is his choice. If it is yours as well, then you must be prepared for the path laid before you.’ The giants behind her shifted, curious about me more than anything, probably wondering what was so special about me. ‘Your bravery and determination to make an impossible climb is what has brought you before us, but your faith that it was possible was what ignited Optimus’s love for you.’
     ‘He loves me.’ I whispered, as if I only realised in that moment what it really meant.
     ‘Summon him,’ the giant stood to join with the others. ‘And we will witness your acceptance or denial of this union.’
     I shook my head. ‘I don’t know how.’
     ‘Look inside yourself, find the Spark, he will hear you if you speak clearly enough to him.’
     It was all the guidance I would get, but I was still confused, I didn’t know how to communicate without words, but that seemed to be what was being asked of me.
     I closed my eyes and tried to think of Optimus as clearly as I could. I tried to build a picture in my head of where he might have been. Something began to appear in front of me. The hanger. Smith. It was like a mirage, nothing was especially clear, but enough that I could see Optimus towering over the president’s spokesman.
     ‘Optimus.’ I breathed.
     I could see him turning his head. Could he hear me?
     ‘Optimus.’ I spoke louder, holding onto the picture. ‘Find me.’
     I felt my chest ache and I lost the picture in my head, falling to my knees as my joints were giving out, but I could still hear the sound of Optimus moving, I could hear the rev of his engine.
     ‘His is coming.’ The deep, booming voice of the first giant spoke.
     The baron landscape began to change, instead of sand and concrete, I could feel grass beneath my hands, I looked down to see it growing quickly underneath me, and when I looked up, I could see the sunset over the base. It was the hilltop where Optimus and I shared our evenings before the climb. It was beautiful.
     ‘Jane?’ Optimus’s voice came from somewhere behind me, I turned to see him, shrunken to appear to be the same size as me, a human size. He was still tall and strong, but it was much easier to look up at him without straining my neck.
     ‘Optimus.’ I breathed, relieved. He knelt next to me and helped me to my feet slowly.
     ‘Are you alright?’ He asked, worried.
     ‘I’m fine.’ I panted. A smile forming on my face at the sight of him. I’d missed him so much.
     ‘Optimus Prime.’ The first giant boomed, catching Optimus’s attention.
     His eyes widened and he immediately got onto one knee, bowing his head respectfully.
     ‘You have chosen this human to join in union with, to devote your life to, and to share with in all things.’ The giant went on. It only occurred to me in that moment that this felt a lot like marriage, a declaration of union was exactly what getting married looked like. I was surprised at how ready I felt to say yes to whatever question was asked of me.
     ‘Yes,’ Optimus spoke, still keeping his head bowed. ‘I accept all consequences of my choice. I have not broken any oaths or promises, I have sought permission for such a union-‘
     ‘Not from us.’ Another giant spoke up. It was clear now that not all of them were curious, some did not agree with the choice that had been made.
     ‘I sought permission from the only one whose permission matters.’ Optimus lifted his head, adopting a new tone with some bite behind it. ‘I asked Jane if she could foresee a life lived beside me, she said yes.’
     ‘Optimus.’ The female giant spoke again, stepping forward. ‘We have been watching. Permission has not yet been given, but we have agreed to offer the chance for it to be so. You are our last descendant, you are the only hope for the survival of our race. Your leadership is paramount to the continuation of our people, none other would be brought forward for this consideration.’
     There was a moment of quiet before Optimus spoke again. ‘I understand.’
     Optimus stood, his head bowed again, he turned to me and sighed.
     ‘What’s happening?’ I asked, my chest still ached.
     ‘I gave you a piece of my Spark,’ Optimus started. ‘But you were not conscious to accept it, while I can argue for the moment shared before you ascended the ship, where you acknowledged our desires are aligned, this is not the permission I needed to act.’ I felt my chest aching again. ‘On my planet, and in line with our traditions, you should have been aware of the price you would pay, should you choose to accept my Spark.’
     ‘But I don’t understand.’ I frowned. ‘I do accept. I want to share my life with you.’
     Optimus let his head drop just a little, glancing at the ground.
     ‘You accept,’ the female giant spoke again. ‘But you do not understand. Permission cannot be given without this essential component.’
     I frowned again, but dread began to flood my limbs. ‘Optimus?’
     He looked down at me, he looked somehow different, like I was seeing him through new eyes. He was handsome, regal almost, I could see everything I loved about him, his strength and gentleness combined. He was beautiful.
     ‘Truthfully,’ he started. ‘We have no idea of what will happen. Our Sparks were never designed to be a part of organic life, they are too powerful to be housed by flesh.’ I swallowed, worried for what he had done to me. ‘My belief is that the piece of my Spark that I gave to you, can learn. I believe it can adapt to your body’s needs, sustain you and even allow you all the benefits it allows me.’
     ‘You mean, I could transform?’ I asked, feeling not only dread, but wonder and fear rolling through my body.
     ‘It is possible.’ Optimus nodded, but he didn’t seem particularly convinced. ‘However, it is also possible that I have condemned you to a short life of pain and suffering. I can already sense your discomfort.’ I tilted my head curiously. ‘You are in pain. I can feel it.’
     I lifted my hand to place over my chest, it was warm, and I could almost feel every pulse the Spark was emitting from inside me.
     ‘When we sat together on this hill, I told you about Spark-sharing, I told you about the union, how it can bind two beings together for a lifetime, but I never told you how difficult the journey can be.’ Optimus said, ashamedly. ‘For Autobots, the first few years can be agonising and disorientating at best, it will test you in ways you have never been tested before. There will be moments where you will regret this choice, even grow to hate what has happened to you, grow to hate me… I am ready to walk the path with you, to guide you and help you as best I can, but the choice must be yours.’
     I swallowed, trying to understand what it was I was being asked to accept, but truthfully, I would never know if I didn’t say yes, and that was a much more exciting prospect.
     ‘I made the climb.’ I said, more to myself than anyone.
     ‘You did.’ Optimus nodded. ‘And you saved your planet in the process.’
     ‘I could only have done that if I truly believed I could make it,’ I thought out loud. ‘If I asked the question “what am I capable of”?’ I swallowed thickly. ‘I didn’t know if my body could survive the climb, I don’t know if it can survive this, but I suppose the point I’m trying to make is that in my heart I know I love you.’ His widened and his features softened. ‘I believe that’s all the reason needed to know the risk is worth taking.’
     Optimus almost puffed his chest out in pride.
     ‘Jane Harding.’ The female giant spoke, capturing both of our attention. ‘You have shown courage, intelligence and a curiosity not often seen amongst your kind.’ She curled her hand and images of myself climbing the ship, working with Theo on the suit, talking to Ironhide about where the console was and what it looked like, began appearing like clouds around me. ‘We have watched you for a long time, seen your capacity for kindness and value for justice,’ the memory of standing up to Smith where the sharing of technology was concerned began forming in a new cloud before me. ‘These moments defined you, reinforced the leader you will be; do not forget how difficult your path has already been.’ I could feel the fear I had when Smith told me I wasn’t a suitable candidate to make the climb. ‘But the journey ahead will be far more challenging.’
     A new set of images began forming, ones I didn’t recognise, things that had not yet happened. I could see moments where I was screaming out in agony, clasping my chest, writhing around, falling and being thrown by unseen forces. One stood out in particular, me standing on a platform, Optimus behind me, barely able to stand. I was looking up at something unseen, but whatever it was, it looked like I wouldn’t stand a chance.
     The images floated around me, circling me and each one looked more agonising than the last.
     ‘This is what awaits you, should you accept the Spark of Optimus Prime.’ The giant took the images away, but I could still feel remnants of them in my body. ‘Do you accept what is before you, Jane Harding?’
     A sharp pain ran through my limbs, once again dragging my body to the floor, my joints were so much more delicate than they had ever been. For a moment, I wasn’t sure I would survive another second, but something was telling me that wasn’t an option. Dying was not my destiny. Not yet.
     Optimus stood to one side, I understood why he couldn’t help, this was a test, this was the moment I found out what I was truly capable of. I needed to stand up, no matter how difficult, no matter how much my body was telling me I couldn’t do this, I needed to stand up.
     Without any strength, with so little will, I pushed my fragile, glass-like body up. The second I was standing, it was like all strength returned, I could breathe easy again.
     ‘Do you accept?’ The giant asked again.
     ‘I do.’ I swallowed in more air, feeling my lungs fill with exactly what I needed.
     Optimus took a step closer, his face a mixture of joy and softness. It was love.
     ‘Then the dynasty recognises this union of our descendant Optimus Prime and the human Jane Harding.’
     The giants, one by one, began descending to one knee. The female giant was the first and it seemed more and more continued to appear and kneel before us beyond the horizon.
     ‘May your path be long and prosperous.’ She carefully lifted her hand and with one finger placed to my forehead, the world began to fall away, darkness returned for me.
Optimus watched as Jane fell back and through the Earth, returning to her hospital bed to rest. He looked up at the great Dynasty of the Primes, happy that his union was accepted by Jane, and by his ancestors.
     They began standing once again, but they no longer looked peaceful and calm.
     ‘Optimus.’ The Prime who had been speaking with Jane stepped back and allowed the first Prime to step forward. ‘Your actions were reckless. You put the survival of our people at risk. We know you understand the consequence of that, but your punishment will be this union you have chosen with the human female.’ Optimus worried that the whole truth had yet to be revealed. ‘You believe your Spark can learn to sustain her, many of us do not share this belief. Many of us think you have condemned her to unimaginable pain and suffering, no human could withstand the years ahead, she will die at your hands. And should that day come, we will not accept your life as forfeit, you will continue on, you will be the example to all other Autobots who believe organics are capable of sharing our Sparks. Do you understand?’
     Optimus again puffed out his chest. ‘I understand. I have seen the human race do things beyond our perception of their capabilities, I have witnessed their strength and determination, I have fought proudly alongside the finest warriors their planet has to offer and would gladly give my life for them. So allow me to pose this question: What if Jane survives, and you are wrong?’
     The Primes exchanged looks between themselves and Optimus knew it was risky to defy them. These were the oldest and wisest of his kind, it was never a good idea to antagonise them. They began to turn and walk away, with nothing more to say on the matter. Only the female Prime remained.
     ‘If you are right,’ she said, calmly. ‘Then she will become the first Human Prime. Be sure you are making the right choice, if she is able to withstand the initial binding, she will be faced with a choice, continue her personal journey which could lead to devastation, or become the leader all Primes are destined to be. You will need to guide her, help her and ensure she does not fail.’
     ‘She will not fail.’ Optimus spoke, defiantly.
     ‘Her memory of the future will be erased, she will not know the path ahead. It will be your job to make sure she faces every challenge with the courage she showed to make the impossible climb. Do not fail, for all our sakes. Be gone.’
     The last Prime placed her index finger on his forehead and he was sent back to the hilltop in the midst of reality. Jane was no where in sight, why would she be? She should still have been resting in the hospital bed. She said yes. She accepted their union, she said yes to spending her life with him.
     Optimus transformed back into the big truck he was known for and raced back to the base where Ratchet and Ironhide were waiting for him. Smith and Lennox were still arguing, but it was the status of Jane that was more important.
     ‘Prime.’ Ironhide said, stepping towards his old friend who transformed back. ‘What happened?’
     ‘Ratchet.’ Optimus called his friends to him. ‘She said yes.’ He couldn’t help his elation at saying those words, but it was laced with worry. ‘Please, I need to know if she will wake up soon.’
     ‘I will take care of her.’ Ratchet promised.
     ‘She summoned me through her Spark,’ Optimus explained. ‘It will have drained her energy to do so. I could already feel her pain at the effort.’
     Ratchet nodded and he and Ironhide moved away back to their hanger. They couldn’t risk being seen to head towards the hospital with Smith still loitering around.
     Optimus felt revitalised, like all of his repairs had been redone once again. He was ready to defend his and Jane’s actions with courage and logic.
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