#he would cower & pee on himself
half-oz-eddie · 6 months
Billy's been living with the Byers-Hopper family for almost 4 months. He still isn't very receptive to Joyce or Jim's gentler parenting methods, nor does he understand why Will and El keep bugging him to play as if he's some super fun guy to be around.
Jonathan doesn't bother him too much. Sometimes they smoke weed together and run errands together, but they don't exactly hang out and that's fine with Billy.
On Christmas morning, he wasn't expecting much. He thought he'd sit in the corner and watch everyone else open gifts while he was excluded, because that was what he was used to.
But it didn't go that way. Joyce invited Steve over for Hot Chocolate and presents, which, to Billy's surprise, he received many of. Steve bought him a new watch, El made him an ashtray, Will drew a poster for his bedroom, and Joyce and Jim...well, they gave him a big red box with a bow on it.
Billy slowly opened the box, his brows furrowing at the little shaking furball inside.
"A puppy?" He chuckled. "You got me a puppy?"
"He's a rescue from the animal shelter." Joyce smiled. "And you know what? His name's Billy too! It's almost like fate!"
Billy didn't hate dogs, but he didn't really care about having one very much either. "Gotta admit, you're pretty cute, though." He smirked at the puppy. "Guess you're mine, now."
2 days after Billy got little Billy, he caught him chewing on his shoes and he shouted at him.
"No! Don't chew on my shoes! The hell's the matter with you?"
The puppy cowered in a corner, whimpering and Billy sighed, remembering how frightened he was when he would get yelled at.
"Shit. I'm sorry. You're just a puppy, you probably don't know any better." He sighed, kneeling down and reaching out a gentle hand for little Billy. "Look, pup, you can't chew on shoes, alright? Bad." He pointed to the shoe. "Not food. No."
Little Billy cocked his head to the side, then peed on the floor.
"Jesus Christ." He whispered to himself. "Listen. You can't piss on my floor, and you can't chew my stuff, alright? We can't share space like this if you're gonna tear up my stuff." He lifted little Billy and brought him to the newspaper on the floor. "Pee here." He pointed to the wet spot on the floor. "No. Bad. Not for peeing."
Eventually, Little Billy understood to pee on the paper and not on the floor. Billy tried to take him out for walks, but little Billy refused to go outside.
"I don't like leaving the room much either, pup. But you can't be afraid of what's out there, okay? How about I carry you?" Billy offered, putting his arms out for the puppy.
Little Billy jumped into his arms and Billy zipped him up into his jacket. "Let's go."
Billy took little Billy outside and showed him the neighborhood. "That's a tree. You can piss on as many of those as you want. If you pee on it, it's yours. Sounds good, right? And that's a car. I have one of those. I'll let you ride in mine when you stop pissing everywhere, deal? And that's...that's Steve."
"Don't you 2 look cozy?" Steve smiled as he approached.
"Yeah, he was too scared to walk around on his own. He's pretty jumpy. I think he was abused in his old home."
"Probably, yeah."
"I yelled at him this morning and he got scared. Made me feel like shit. I remember getting yelled at like that when I was little. I'm trying to be nicer so I don't scare him."
"That's really sweet of you, babe. You're such a good guy."
"I don't wanna be like him—Y'know...my dad. I wanna be different."
"You are. I don't think Neil would have a puppy tucked into his jacket like a proud father swaddling a baby, would he?"
Billy laughed. "Probably not."
"You two are a perfect match."
"Why's that? Because I was an abused rescue too?"
"Well—No. You're a hero. Little Billy needed a hero too."
Billy smiled. "Let's go back home. I'll get us all some lunch."
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violet-butterflies · 8 months
❥︎ yandere! Merman Part 3
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ None ! ( male yandere! oc x gn reader ) Click to see part 1, part 2, and an nsfw spin-off !
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A little after a few weeks passed and (y/n) was bored out of their mind. There was nothing to do in the cluster of islands that kept them inside its lands. They were getting tired of waking up to the same scenery, tired of getting baked under the sun every day, tired of only eating mangoes and coconuts, and tired of only spending time with the lovesick merman, who's name (y/n) found out being Llyr.
Every waking moment, (y/n) had to be within the silver-haired merman's presence if they didn't want to spend the rest of the day with a moody and extra touchy merman who kept forgetting they were a human who couldn't breathe underwater. Multiple times, Llyr dragged (y/n) underwater to try and cuddle them since it was difficult for him to cuddle them on land with limited mobility when the merman was worried that (y/n) could disappear at any moment if he didn't keep an eye on them 24/7. Those times Llyr would be so lost in his own worries that he would almost missed (y/n)'s hands pounding the muscular merman's chest when the lack of air burned their lungs.
This completely takes away all of (y/n)'s rights to privacy.
"Llyr! Go away! I promise I'm not going anywhere! I just need to pee!"
"Llyr please stop groping me..."
"For the love of god Llyr you can't invade my space even more than you are now so please calm down..."
Llyr, on the other hand, was trying his best to express his love through the only way he thinks is right. Llyr can't help but always want to be glued to (y/n)'s side since that's how he feels and is the only way he thinks how he should show (y/n) that he loves them.
Unfortunately, instead of reciprocating his feelings (y/n)'s smiles slowly became more and more rare and their mood declined significantly compared to when Llyr first brought them into their natural enclosure.
"(y/n) why no eat? I peel fruit for you..." Llyr asked (y/n), who boredly poked the freshly peeled mango peeled by the merman, one day. (y/n) looked up from their food to the worried merman who was sitting by the shore in front of them. They let out a tired sigh as they put aside the peeled mango on a plate made of leaves beside them.
"I've been held captive here for how long now?" (y/n) started, Llyr gulped at how sharp their voice sounded, before continuing, "I've dealt with your bullshit for so long. I tolerated your clingy demands, eating the same goddamn food everyday for weeks, and I tolerate my privacy being violated everyday."
(y/n) didn't care how Llyr was going to react. Maybe Llyr was going to get angry, his emotions angry as the volatile and rocky waves during a thunderstorm, maybe drag them to the sea to torture them for air or, maybe, (y/n) would successfully talk some sense into the lovesick male and be taken back home to their tiny lighthouse by the beach.
"You're selfish, you know? I helped you, I befriended and fed you when you needed help but what did I get? I get to be taken away to some deserted island against my will and be forced to eat mangoes and coconuts by some clingy merman," (y/n) continued their assault on the poor merman's feelings.
Llyr couldn't understand fully what his beloved was saying but he knew they were mad; their feelings finally bubbling up and exploding from within. As his beloved kept roaring angrily, the merman cowered in fear and shame. Llyr wanted to calm them down but he didn't quite know how to. With one last angry and frustrated scream, (y/n) stormed off toward the middle of the island where Llyr won't be able to follow them.
Llyr froze in his spot as he tried to keep himself together. HIs eyes began to water as he bit his lip at the thought of not taking good enough care of his beloved. Was he simply not good enough? His lover was in distress and not living happily with him and Llyr had no idea how to fix that.
His eyes then trailed to the peeled mango, now forgotten on the sand. Now that Llyr thought about it, (y/n) has only been eating those ever since he brought them here. Were they dissatisfied with the food?
Llyr frowned to himself. How dumb he had been. He's only been focusing on fulfilling his physical needs and he completely neglected his own beloved's needs.
Llyr began to ponder on what he could give to (y/n) to fix everything. Llyr could try to feed his beloved fish like what he had been eating but, Llyr was such a terrible hunter that hunting food for two would take up so much time; time that the merman could be using to spend time doting on his beloved.
But what else could he do? This was the bare necessities that were necessary and Llyr ultimately knew that he had to deal with it if he even wanted a chance to make his beloved lover smile again.
And so, with one last look filled with nervousness and longing, he dove into the sea to gather food for both him and his beloved.
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(y/n) wondered where the merman went when they realized that there was no sign of him anywhere in the body of water surrounding her little cluster of islands.
Had the merman decided to abandon them after their outburst? If they did then shit they have to transform into a real-life Robinson Crusoe.
During the time Llyr disappeared into thin air, (y/n) decided to do all the suspicious things they weren't able to do with the merman around. Things like diving to find how the merman went in and out of the cluster of islands and even began attempting to climb the wall-like mountains that surround the cluster of islands like a cage. They eventually decided to stop due to exhaustion and in case the merman came back anytime soon but their midday activities did not end in vain. They found a small and obscure gap underwater which they assumed that it's how Llyr had taken them in but it was too deep and cramped for (y/n) to go through. They also found out that it was possible to climb up the mountain surrounding the islands albeit very hard and energy consuming that they barely made it halfway.
(y/n) finally made their way back to the main island that they normally resided in when they heard strangled sobs and pathetic shouts of her name from the distance. (y/n) could only assume that it belonged to Llyr and with how distressed he sounded, it was because he couldn't find them.
When (y/n) finally got to where the wails came from, (y/n) was met with a crying merman with two little fish and a squid piled on the sand beside him. When the merman finally noticed that (y/n) was looking at him, he let out a choked wail for their name.
"(y/n)! Where were you? I so sorry! I so bad at getting fish for you! But I will try my best next time," Llyr cried as he felt pathetic since he was such a bad hunter for his lover.
(y/n) could only sigh as they made their way to the crying merman and his not-so-fruitful catches of the day. In an instant, Llyr began to cling onto (y/n) when they were within his grasp. As the merman sobbed onto (y/n)'s dirty shirt, they could only sigh as they picked up one of the fishes the silver-haired merman caught. (y/n) wanted to stay angry but they couldn't help but feel bad when they saw him in such distress.
"Whatever, it's enough for me. Thanks," (y/n) said as they petted the merman's damp hair softly to try and calm him down. The merman looked up to his beloved's face with surprised tearful eyes as he began to hug them tighter due to the relief that they still somewhat appreciated what they attempted to do for them that day.
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(A/N) HI I PROMISE I'M NOT DEAD JUST VERY VERY BUSY. To everyone reading, thank you for being patient. I was so very busy with school and it paid off since the school gave me a scholarship that makes me only pay less than $100 every month basically and I'm super proud of it! On top of that, I finally was able to get myself a table and chair so that means I don't have to study with those tables you can fold and take everywhere anymore! (dw it's not as sad as it sounds lmao)
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adrian---murphy · 10 months
Black Cat gf + Golden idiot BF
Who actually enjoyed interviewing? The answer, of course, was no one at all. Still, there were bills to be paid and food was needed to live, and neither of those things would happen on an aspiring game developer's non-existent salary. For this reason alone ( and the fact that he didn’t want a roommate ever again), Adrian had marched his way into the fifth building of the day, a towering feat of fine architecture that was primarily a law firm, but rented out offices and even entire floors for freelancer types or small businesses. It was impressive, and intimidating, and made Adrian regret not renting a suit jacket or something to make himself look a bit more professional. Still, at least his shirt was clean. The pale blue button down was as fancy as he got ( or could really afford), and if he got the job he was after, was good enough for an office monkey.
While he wished that his time could be spent working on his game, his degree and experience made writing code and doing basic tasks in someone’s IT department an easy paycheck that would leave him with time to work on his project on the side with no one knowing the difference. 
Seated in the sprawling lobby, people in nicer looking clothing than his rushed around, all busy and important and making him feel inferior just by being there. Still, he needed a real job, and thus was overcoming his awkward insecurities as best as he could while he waited to be called on. It was a bit of a wait, however, and the three cups of coffee he had were not as patient. Between security checks and being switched to a different floor, the java had made it’s way down to his bladder, and fidgeting in his seat didn’t make him look like a good candidate for a job. With a polite inquiry, Adrian shot up and made his way where he’d been directed in hopes to find a bathroom. He held it in as he made his way around the winding floor plan, going through door after door and finding nothing.
It had been minutes, and he was beginning to become worried he’d be summoned and not there, lost in the building or draining the lizard at his time, and became panicked. The panic did nothing but make the urge to pee stronger, and desperate times called nature. At a glance, the empty hallway was inviting enough to make Adrian wander swiftly to the women’s bathroom he saw at the end of a corridor. Why the women’s bathroom was right there but the men’s wasn’t, Adrian couldn’t fathom, but he was in no position to question it when the risk of having to flee the building with wet pants was this strong.
Be knocked first, and heard nothing, knocked again, announcing himself this time. There was still nothing, so Adrian pushed in the door and rushed to a stall. He could be in and out fast enough to not get caught, he decided, breathing a sigh of relief as he let go of what he’d held in. The deep was under a minute, and he quickly flushed and exited the stall. The plan was to wash his hands and make a break for it, but instead, he came face-to-face with the last thing he wanted to see. The dark eyes of a person who was actually supposed to be in this bathroom met him and locked on with a fierceness that made Adrian shiver and cower. He took a step back, his hands in the air in a gesture of surrender. “I-I-I know what this looks like…” He began, a helpless and embarrassed look on his face. “ I’m not a pervert, I swear to God, I just really really needed to take a leak and I asked the lady at the desk but I swear to God this building is worse than a laser tag maze and I couldn’t hold it and nobody was even in here so I thought I could just get in and do my business but I swear to God I wasn’t trying to do anything and I know what that sounds like and what this looks like but please don’t call the cops on me. I look tough but I have pretty lips and I’m really easy to push around and I wouldn’t do well in prison.”
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thebigfudanshi · 10 months
So this is a really stupid idea for an origin. Bite me if you make fun but all the rest a yas (like one person) can keep on if you'd like to. You can skip to the part in brackets for all RAE but there's an explanation for Dook's behavior in my idea below this.
So I have a poodle, this comes into play. So my dog, Phoebe, she acts completely normal around me, and for the most part the rest of the family. She gets a little excited to see her human "grandparents" but nothing too bad.
But... Here's the thing. Everybody in my house is under 5'6 and we're all AFAB. So we all have quite feminine voices still. Whenever cis men come in the house, I've seen this with three people, Phoebe goes insane. The first issue with that is peeing everywhere but that's not gonna pertain to my idea. But whenever someone, say my best friend comes over, she gets super excited, and she runs over and she pees, yes, but what catches my eye is how her floppy ears slick back, and her tail goes crazy, and she gets all haunched and stuff and she'll even sit down despite, the mess, just to get smaller. My best friend is literally like, 5'9, he is goddamn massive to me (5'3) If the guy makes even a little movement that isn't slow and calm as much as he tries, she freaks out and she runs off and continues the mess.
I know exactly what the behavior is. It's submission. Normal dog stuff for her, it's something I'm working on with positive training.
(Okay here's the RAE part)
I feel kinda terrible I wanna do that to Dook. Like not me doing it specifically, but I wanna like. Write it. Beach Bear is tall as shit, yeah? So is my best friend. You see where I'm going?
My idea is that it's around whenever Dook would've joined. I imagine he's the last to join because he was drawn as dingo in certain showbiz pictures and a mug or two with his beta design. Anyway, if he was the last to join, I could honestly imagine he found the gig in a damn newspaper, or one of the group walked up to him like "you look like you play drums. You play drums?" And he's like "aww yeah I play some slamming drums." And Fatz I guess is just like "cool, come play and we'll see."
So Dook like, walks into the place where they record, and he's getting introduced like "that's Mitzi. Touch her and you die." And little Mitzi's already making herself comfy with Dook by like, petting him or something like kids (11 yr olds?) Would do. And Rolfe's all snarky with his meeting cause that's just his default demeanor, and I feel like that's where Dook and Rolfe would start a friendly canine rivalry. He remeets fatz under his own description as the leader, all puffing out his suit coat. And Billy bobs all nice and sweet and takes his hand to greet him like he did all the others like "great to meet our new drummer." And he picks up Choo Choo's little hand cause he's holding him, and Dook takes his tiny hand to shake because mans adores kids, And Dook's all caught up with the rest of them and meeting people, and he's seen Billy Bob so, here's all the band.
And then Fatz points literally a foot to his side and hes like. "Oh yeah, and that's Beach Bear." And Dook turns to him, like to his leg essentially and he's like. "Yo I thought you had weird decoration skills. You name em too?" And Beach Bear like, whacks an ear like "I am very alive."
And Dook looks up at him and he's met with the single tallest mf he's ever seen in his life, and he just, goes completely submissive because 'Jesus Christ that's not weird decoration?' And then 'oh my god I've been standing next to someone and ignored them for like ten minutes' and also 'HOLY FUCK THATS A BIG BITCH!'
So Dook's like mentally devolving and at the same time he's unconsciously like, trying to look smaller, and his ears are like, swaying all wonky cause they can't figure out whether to cower back or bounce around like mad, and they slick back, and he's all wagging and confused and hunching into himself but he's literally smiling like crazy and Beach Bear's like 'Dude, you look like youre gonna throw up, are you getting vertigo just lookin' at me?' And he's all joking and flirty because he deals with this with every new person he meets, and Dook's like "nah I'm getting butterflies just lookin' at cha what the fuck? How??? You are massive! Oh my god you're amazing. Amazing tall!" Just waving at his fucking everything cause hes GIGANTIC. And I feel like Dook's gotta have a thing for tall people, because he dated a pitbull and those are definitely bigger then cavaliers/beagles and I hc he loves poodles too because 80s and jgjhebdigns
Basically Dook falls head over heels instantly and he's doing the whole run and dance of the submission thing (minus the gross parts), and I feel like ROLFE would be the one to point it out. Because he's a bit of an ass sometimes, but I also feel like Rolfe knows everything about wolf/dog mannerisms specifically to not get caught doing them. So he'd point it out like "Did you seriously not see him? That's the first thing I saw when I came in. Are you gonna start freaking out when I stand next to you too?" Cause Rolfe's like 6'0 and Dook goes all indignant, crossing his arms. "I saw him! And I thought he was a lamp. Big deal. I'm not freaking out. Youre the one whos- staring." And he like, grabs his tail cause it's swinging like crazy but he keeps fuckin missing it and Rolfe's smirk just progressively smears wider and Dook's going red cause he can't grab his goddamn tail and now Beach Bear's looking at him funny and he just gives up, stamps a foot and crosses his arms and he's like "I don't appreciate how I'm being treated."
And Billy Bob starts laughing and he puts an arm on Fatz shoulder. "He's gonna fit right in, don't you think?" Fatz says and Billy bobs nodding like, "yeah, he's gonna get right under Rolfe's shirt like the other two." And he's pointing between Dook, beach and Mitzi who have kinda crowded on one side, and they're devolving into fucking with Rolfe and Rolfes fucking with them back, and Mitzi's like, switching between hurling words at Rolfe to visciously question Dook and he doesn't have time to answer any of them because she's swapping like a multitask queen, And Looney Bird pops out his can blazing drunk like "WHOOOO ROCKAFIRE EXPLOSION!"
and that's how the origin goes ppbt.
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eqan · 3 years
i feel like people think i’m mean for keeping my dogs inside/in their own yard/on my mom’s property and never really out in public but the reason for that is:
egan is reactive as fuck. WILL lunge at even a child if they run up on him
ranger is terrified of everything he was found feral, beaten up, chunk missing from his ear, down to the Bones, dude trying to sh**t him, in a field in west texas. he pees himself with fear
ryker’s recall is ok unless he sees another dog then he’s OFF THE WALL and this is a dog we could barely teach to sit (had to literally get help for that) let alone to ignore other dogs. trying to train ryker is like trying to train a rock
pamela small animal enthusiast
#all my dogs r rescue dogs we took in BECAUSE they have behavioral issues#text#egan was our first rescue & was emaciated and anemic#he’s always been so so reactive and he’s gotten better over the years but we respect his boundaries aka don’t set him up to fail#we kept milo because he went on his 1748384th home visit and the husband of the family was#saying he would teach milo not to bite by forcing him to interact with people LOOOOOOL#WHICH IS HIGHKEY ABUSE AND NOT RESPECTING MILO’S BOUNDARIES AT ALL?#so i said fuck it and milo’s ours#we kept ranger for reasons stated above & because any time he met with a potential adopter#he would cower & pee on himself#because he’s terrified of new people and like yeah! he warms up well but being Outside is not comfortable for him#ryker is our disabled boy. my mom actually adopted him and then bought zeus and gave ry to me haaa#but bc he was confined to the house for the first 3-4 months of his life he’s p skittish#but sweet! he’s an on the fence boy#if i could figure out how to train him/what motivates him i would take him out more just not off leash#pamela is perfect girl but show her a small dog and she turns into a crackhead#and i’m just 1 person with no training experience i take my dogs on walks#and let them play on my mom’s land and (when the weather is nice) go canoeing with the ones who tolerate it (egan)#but for the most part i just. do what my dogs wanna do.#i know their language and read them well. i don’t care whether they can run in a field off leash i just wanna snuggle on the couch and go#for a few walkies
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sicksucculentz · 2 years
Littlest treehorn fanfiction: Bonding
“Where's the new guy?” Jay asked, turning to Cole. “Garden. He refuses to eat inside”. Jay made a bit of a weirded out face at this “he’s so weird”. Cole started making himself up a plate of food. He just shrugged rolling his eyes “at least he’s not peeing all over the monastery”. “True that. I really want to hear what he sounds like” Jay said, fixing up his plate. “Honestly me too. Hahah! What if he sounded all gravely and deep or something” Cole joked. “That would be something,” Jay chuckled. The two boys had a seat at the table to eat. After eating dinner the rest of the night was theirs to do with what they please so videogames what they chose to do. About 45 minutes after they sat down for a gaming session with each other Zane slowly wandered up to them. He’s not wearing a shirt, it’s a pretty hot summer night. He tilted his head to the side watching the action flicker on the screen. The two boys never noticed he’d come up to see what they were doing. After another while of gaming Cole decided he wanted to grab a drink, and Jay decided he wanted to head to the bathroom real quick. When they took their focus away from the screen to get up they both cried out in shock, startled by the sudden appearance of the wild one. After laughing it off the both of them left to do their thing.
Jay was first to come back, finding Zane sitting on the floor messing with one of the controllers out of confusion. He’d managed to un-pause the game and end the game via a death in the game. Jay narrowed his eyebrows out of frustration that Zane did this but he couldn't get too angry, Zane just doesn't understand. “Dude! You killed me!” Jay exclaimed. Zane looked up from the controller with a very confused look on his face. Jay just shook his head and started for the controller in Zane’s hands “nothing never mind. Give that back please”. Zane suddenly stood up to his full height witch did tower over Jay. Jay cowered back, he couldn't find the words to say. Zane had dropped the controller when he stood up as a display of aggression. Jay started trying to walk around Zane but every move he made Zane blocked with his body. Jay let out a frustrated grumble and used a loosely balled hand to knock once on Zane’s chest. The back of his knuckles gently tapped Zane’s chest making Zane look down at the contact then back to Jay. “dude! What's with you, your acting so weird!....well….weirder” Jay exclaimed. “....teach…..teach me….please teach” Zane uttered. His first words in 6 weeks! Jay was astonished! Absolutely gob smacked that Zane even had words to speak. Jay stuttered over his words out of shock. Jay held up a finger stumbling over his own feet to go find Cole “stay…stay right there I have to go get Cole and my phone”.
Zane watched Jay run off with a slight saddened look on his face. He slowly turned back to the controllers laying on the floor in front of the TV. He wandered his way back to the controller, picking it up and looking back at the TV. Pressing the X button the screen flicked to a whole new game, a restart. He looked away from the TV and in the direction Jay had run off hearing Jay’s high pitched shouting for Cole then tripping over something. Zane’s head quickly snapped back to the TV when he heard pained grunting coming from the TV. It’s one of those one on one fighting games where you beat the devil out of your opponent. Zane just started pressing random buttons but of course got his ass whooped by the computer. Zane kept his eyes on the screen when Jay came dragging Cole back. Cole had a soda in one hand and a plate with a huge slice of cake in the other. Jay clicked around on the screen of his phone then pointed it at Zane who was still focused on the screen. “Do it again Zane. Say your stuff buddy” Jay asked in an excited tone of voice. There was a long pause of Zane not saying a word and not even paying attention. Cole rolled his eyes at this and set the soda on the TV stand “is this a prank?”. “No! I'm serious! He said something he spoke!” Jay said gesturing to Zane who is now paying attention, looking at the two of them bickering. “You think I'm gullible? Zane doesn't speak and I know it dumb dumb” Cole exclaimed. “Zane, if you can speak, we will play the game with you” Cole said chuckling. Cole could see Zane is interested in the video game so he’s using that as leverage. Zane made a little gasping sound and smiled a little bit. “Awwee he’s-” Cole was interrupted by a low toned sickly smooth and sweet sounding voice “teach me! Teach me! Please!”. Zane wildly gestured the screen with one hand while the other held the controller. Cole nearly dropped his cake, his eyes slowly widened in shock and his mouth fell open. Jay pumped his fist and grunted a “yes!” as he stopped the recording.
“No…way” Cole whispered. Jay nudged Cole with a smile. “Can you say Jay?” Jay asked. “....Jay” Zane uttered. Cole and Jay lost it. They started cheering and celebrating scaring Zane a little bit. The boys taught Zane to play the few video games they had for the rest of the night until they went to bed at about 11pm. The next morning Wu had them line up just after breakfast to talk to them. “Last night when I was coming home I found that SOMEONE introduced Zane to video games” Wu said in a stern tone. Zane gave a bit of a confused look, he didn’t understand why Wu would be so angry about knowledge. Jay leaned in closer to Zane to whisper into Zane’s ear “Wu doesn't like us playing video games”. Zane knitted his eyebrows in worry, worried that he was going to get punished. Luckily Wu is under the delusion that Zane is clueless so the boys just got a talking to, what else could Wu really do. “Master Wu! Master Wu! We have something for you now!” Jay blurted out when Wu began to walk away. Wu stopped but did not turn around. Zane nervously shuffled his feet and clenched his hands together in front of himself. “Zane spoke last night!” Jay exclaimed. Wu slowly looked over his shoulder at the three of them. He slowly turned around and wandered up to Zane. “Zane?....can you speak?” Wu asked in a soft tone. Zane slowly nodded. Wu smiled, patting Zane on the shoulder. “Mmm…..master Wu” Zane uttered, bringing a hand up to copy Wu’s shoulder patting.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
What is August going to do if his little decides to play with his forbidden knife collection? :3
Omg so this took a while and i'm sorry but im sooo happy with this! It got a little long so im hidig it under a cut but i hope you enjoy! @littlefreya @viking-raider
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August swore vehemently looking around for the blades he'd sharpened specifically for his next assignment.
This needed to be silent and precise, he'd sharpened each blade twice! Not once but twice!
He wouldnt even attempt his 'arm hair' shave test this time knowing he may have gone over board with the sharpening.
But he couldnt help it, he found it therapeutic running his hands over the blades again and again, it was like medatation for him.
But they were no where to be seen! Hed placed them each delicatly in the rolled travelling leather holster, useing the small poppers to lock each dangerous blade in place and then hid it in the small safe in the wardrobe.
"Baby girl! LITTLE ONE HAVE YOU BEEN IN THE SAFE?!" He shouted down the stairs only not to get an answer, the radio on the kitchen drowning him out.
You were baking, well 'bakeing' he had bought a 'unicorn gingerbread box kit' for you both to make today.
It was a small treat he would spend the day with you doing anything your little heart desires befor setting off onto his week long mission.
You were currently rolling out the gingrbread and he had decided to sneak his weapons into his bag while you were preoccupied.
August never liked rubbing innhis occupation with you, never liked faceing the awkward questions, he wont lie to you but in being truthfull he can sometimes frighten you.
In the bedroom he was as ruthless and rough and demanding as he was at work.
But like this when you were little, you drew out a softer side. Well as soft as he was capable of, he was a stern man in everything he did, even in daddying you.
August huffed and zipped his case violently stressing out he needed to go down and pversee ou before you did something foolish, like tried to put the gingerbread in the oven.
Your panicked hyperventilating and bitten 9ff screams drew his attention immediatly!
He bolted down the stairs as fast as he could, so panicked by the cries and screams from the kitchen he raced through the housestomping and crashing with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.
Oh hell.
He froze, face paling mouth agape as he took in the scene.
Then he roared in a way you'd never heard.
You cowered holding your hand tightly as it bled profusely red life blood poured all over the white counter ruining the sheet pan dusted with what was once pure white flour.
The blood was also over the rolled out gingerbread, along with a very familiar knife.
You cried and staggered over you august holding your wound tightly tripping over your feet to him, wandering blindly unable to see much through your tears. Or hear past your frantic crying and yelps of "daddy!?"
August quickly decended on you grasping a teatowel from the laundry basket on the counter and tookover holding your offered wounded hand whislts snappjng at you in worry fueled anger.
"What the fuck are you dojng with that!? They are daddies special knives! You know not to touch thwm you silly little girl!"
"I'm s-so-rry! OUCH, NO-OO DAD-DY IT HURTS!" You cried out complaining as he dabbed the wound inspecting it.
It wasnt to deep just long, across the whole of your palm. He could tell your slipped and probably didnt evwn notice youd cut yourself untill it'd sliced fully across.
He'd sharpened them that much.
"You will be! By god little lady you will ne so very very sorry when im done woth you!"
"Come on sit down before you pass out and bleed all over the kitchen" he said tying a knot in two corners ot the teatowle making a triangle like a sling and looped it around your palm then fetched a wooden spoon slotting it in the large opening and began twisting it tight making a tourniquet.
You hissed as he pulled the clother thighter and tighter then slipped the wooden spoon into your fingers holding the teatowel still, before raising your hand high letting gravityhelp slow the bleeding.
"Now hold that there, dont you move, w need to stop the bleeding so i can mend it" he snipped grunting to himself. He wasnt worried as such, it looked worse than it was he had tended to worse on himself.
"Y-you can fix it da-ddy?" You sobbed tryi g to be brave but you were shaking like a leaf, youd never bled that much before.
"Yes daddy can fix it poppet, daddy can always fix it" he said quickly pulling out his... vast medic kit that was fully stocked to deal with everything from burns and cuts to bullet woulds and decapitated fingers. Because ou never know.
"A-are you mad da-addy?!" You whined eyes wide as he huffed and sighed dragging his hands through hos hair irritated
"Im not angry im very very disappointed. And you can bet your little ass is gonna be meeting that spoon shortly!" He said vehemently trying to calm himself and remind himself it wasnt too serious and he could deal with this cut.
You didnt even argue just looked down, dropping your watery eyes to the floor like a kicked puppy, and it wasnt even to soften him either.
"Why were you touching daddies private things?" He spoke tyring to take both his and your mind off your wound as he located everything he needed from the box.
"A'cos i wa-nted to see...they were shiney after you were polishin'em" you explained hicupping slowly weeping still as the pain and throbbing set in.
"I was sharpening them poppet, not polishing" he uttered quickly with a sigh trying to find a quaze big enough to wrap in a bandage.
"I just wanted to see... Never gon' touch" you sobbed bijng your lip eyes flickingnup the the now red teatowel, your figers were going a ittle numb from the tight tourniquet.
"And then?" He asked quirking a brow as you before waling to the kitchen sink washing and rinsing the washing up bowl thoroughly befpre filling with fresh warm water and a new clean cloth.
"Then the box said cut round the unicorns with a knife... And I already got it out to look at" you said shrugging a little as he moveed down your hand. Luckily the bleedig had stopped.
"I also says let and adult do it" your daddy chided as he slowly and gwntly unwrapped your hand making our fingers sting a little at the renewed bloodflow
"Im an-adult" you argued weakly then hissed as he begancleani g the wound dabbig it ever so lightly knowig he had to use clean water instead of antiseptic that could slow the healing of the delicate skin.
"Your a baby" he said with a roll of his eyes 'a spoilt baby' he added as an after thought to himself.
"...but im carful never cut myself with my big girl knives!" You agrued then gasped giving a small 'uh oh' you mouth had run away with you again.
"You mean the kitchen knives?" August asked quickly coming down on the new information like a... well hammer on a land mine.
"No... my saftey knives daddy" you uttered under your breath hissing as he moved on to the next stage of tending to your wound pressing the gauze to it.
"What do you mean your safety onives little one?" He said paying close attention to the bandages he was unravling over your hand trying to keep it firm but comfortable.
"My safety knives... i-in my purse?... Incase of baddies" you whispered slowly praying he wouldnt hear you. But his fingers paused for a second before quickly tying off the bandage in a knot and gave you a fierce look.
"You have knives in your?- wait hold-" august frowned and held a hand up singnalling you to stay then left the kitchen.
He returned moments later and emptied your pjrse only to growl shaking his had as a plethora of 'cute' weapons fell out. Hello kitty switch blades, rainbow blades, pink pocket knives and suspicious looking comb, key knives, pen knives you name it! There was even a ... cat keyring obviously meant to be some sort of pointy eared knuckle duster.
"Really poppet? Knives and... knuckle dusters- these are" he began scolding you but you cut him off
"I know i know daddy im sorry-" your apology was halted as your daddy spoke over you in a warning to e, he didnt like being interrupted.
"No where near good enough! These are all close range! If your close enough to use these then your already fucked! No you need pepperspray and a tazer!" He growled quickly picking up the feeble knives that had no grip to them, and wasnt ever sharp!
"T-tazer?" You stuttered tiltinnyour head cradling your injured hand to your chest.
"Yes, they are close range but will stop any attacker in their tracks! You can get away whilst your attacker is convulsing and laying in a pool of his own piss!" August growled becoming more and more aggravated as he realised you had now real way of protecting yourself when he wasnt around, big or little!
"Im getting you a tazer- today! Before i leave" he decided nodding to himself as he binned the now soiled teatowel and wash cloth.
"...can i have a pink one daddy?" You asked not being the slightest bit against having a tazer, it would make you feel alot safer then a knife.
Knives needed a proper opening and some brute force to protect you and could really really hurt someone!
A tazer was just a button and could work nomatter where ou hit the baddy and would kill them just make em gall over and pee.
"You can have a pink one princess... or a lipstick one or a tampon one?" Auguast suggested trying to thinl of the best one for you... he was sure a smaller discreet one whould be better than a law enforcement grade.
"That sounds uncomfortable daddy..." you uttered shuddering at the thought of that... being mistaken.
"Its not really a- fuck it... Right come on lets get in the living room you can go pick a tazer online" he said beginni g to pack up the first aid kitpillig everthing neatly into the box.
"O-okay... but no spankies daddy... I'm hurt" you warned cautiously waving your bandaged hand
"Yes spankies! Absolutly spankies! You take this spoon with you and you can pop it on the table as a reminder!" He ordered holding you with a level gaze blue eyes warning you to do as you were told.
"But my hand-" you said sniffling cradling it.
"Will be the least of your problems when I'm tanning your naughty butt! Now go or else" he threataned clipping the first aid box shut still watching you, staring unblinkingly.
"Or else what-" you started but your daddy was havig none of it and cut you off again.
"There is a silicone butter icing spreader in this kitchen that will be much worse than thw wooden spoon! Now get in the living room befpre i make you find it" he growled not about to let you throw a paddy about getting your ass blistered after the stunt you pulled.
Your lower lip wobbled but yu nodded giving up, plucking the wooden spoon and turning around leaing the kitchen in a walk of shame muttering a tiny 'yes daddy, sorry daddy'
Auguast watched with a stern face, before turning his attention to the bloody kitchen he will clean before coming to deal with you.
A good fifteen mineut wait will let you have time to reflect before he comes in and tans you hide.
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Hi gurl!! I wanted to ask you a mob!tom x male!reader, who is the son of an infamous italian mobster, like they meet and both are attracted to the other and they have a kiss in the reader's room?
"Sorry." You look up from the book in your lap to find Tom, white sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You seem to perk up which draws Tom to lick his lips, "I uhh, I thought there was a bathroom up here." He murmurs. You nod, pointing back out the door, 
"On that side. Next door down." He nods, lingering in the doorway. He glances around the room, 
"This room's nicer than the rest of the house."
"Well if you're gonna stay, close the door behind you. I cower up here to stifle out the noise of my dad's business deals." You tell him. He swallows, eyes seeming to widen before he steps into the room and clicks the door closed behind him. He hums, rubbing his strong hands together as you tuck your book away. You sit up and cross your legs, watching him admire each key piece to your room. He nears the bed, sitting at the foot of it, 
"I know your dad is like… who I should be talking to but I kinda can't stand him." Tom admits, brushing his fingers along a stray thread on your comforter. You smile at him, 
"Oh yeah? So what made you come up here instead of just leaving?" This question could go for so many other things. If your father or one of his men directed him to the upstairs bathroom, they wouldn't have gotten it wrong which door it was behind. If he was told the correct door, what would make him choose yours instead? He swallows, 
"I had to pee." 
"Yet here you are Holland. Something tells me you're a dirty liar." You tease. He smiles, watching you lean in closer to him, "I think you purposefully came up here to see me. I think you knew exactly which room was the bathroom and you watched me come up here and you followed to make it look inconspicuous, but you're not sly Tom Holland. I know who you are and I know what kinda person and mobster you are." You lecture. His bright brown eyes sparkle and his lips turn up, 
"You think you're so smart huh?" He asks softly. You nod, smiling up at him. You sigh,
"You're not too bright yourself there Holland. Telling me you had to pee but you completely skipped the bathroom. I mean you really think I'm that-" He lunges forward, his lips pressed to yours for a moment. He draws back, humming, 
"Sorry, I just-" It's your turn to take the lead, leaning in and giving him another quick peck, 
"Now we're even." You murmur. He stares at you wide eyed for a moment before he clears his throat and fixes his suit jacket, 
"Wow… uhm, yeah. Uhh, i-if I'm being honest, one of the only reasons I've done business with your dad was because of you. I couldn't bring myself to stay away from you." He admits. You hum, 
"Well I'm flattered." You tell him. His smile widens before he clears his throat and brushes the hair at the nape of his neck down and stands. He fixes his suit jacket, 
"You're not the only one I lied to so… I am gonna use the bathroom and get back down there but uhh, I'll see you around Y/N." He says, buttoning his suit jacket. You smile back at him, 
"Bye Holland." You watch his shadow linger under your door as he, no doubt, leans against it to collect himself before heading back out into the party.
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xjoonchildx · 3 years
Ana, I love your BTS lists so much. As Halloween approaches, from most to least, who'd be the best at helping you survive a haunted house or slasher flick?
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okay okay first of all who put jin in the pumpkinhead, hmm? sksks here's my thoughts, babe:
min yoongi
yes, the man who squared up on zombies during an episode of run ranks at the very top. naturally. yoongi likes to hide behind the bedhead and the casual boredom but he will absolutely not flinch in the face of danger. or flying fruit. or whatever.
kim namjoon
so i'm pretty sure it was taehyung who said namjoon is so damned even all the time that he's not really fazed by much. i can totally picture this because he keeps his cool under pressure and i can't see him cowering under a blanket during a horror flick. steady freddy.
kim taehyung
speaking of cool cats, here comes kim taehyung. owner of the best poker face on the planet, i definitely couldn't see him losing his shit over a horror flick or haunted house. most likely to be bored by the gore and/or jump scares. would pretend to like the movie for your sake, tho.
jeon jungkook
i think kook could go either way. if he was trying to impress you, i could see him being the type to laugh off the scares, wrap you up in his hoodie and play the hero type. on the other hand, he could go bambi-eyed in horror and ask to watch something disney or pixar at the end of the night so he doesn't have nightmares.
kim seokjin
i think seokjin would definitely be the type to be scared and loud about it -- then get pissed at being scared. he'd probably scowl his way through a haunted house or keep pausing a movie (what do you mean you have to pee again) just to keep himself from looking silly in front of you and being irritated because of it.
park jimin
this is going to shock you, but mister park has a little flare for the dramatic (i know, i know). he would totally be the type to flail his way through a haunted house but he would do it elegantly and sophisticatedly (duh). would do that adorable thing where he hides his face is his sleeve and you won't even care that he pushed you first into the room with the headless nurse.
jung hoseok
ah, yes. the one scaredy cat to rule them all. fears everything: heights, bugs, shadows, failure. not afraid to show it either, is he? he's quite vocal when he gets scared (which is often) and if we started this list with yoongi then we might as well end it with hoseok who probably would have happily curled up into the fetal position in that episode of run had there not been cameras rolling.
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little-mad · 3 years
Downsides of Thievery Pt. 6
~ Previous Part ~ Next Part ~
Gavin was tired of being scolded and threatened. He’d been able to brush it off at first, but in the end it hadn’t taken all that long for him to lose the willpower to be insubordinate.
It wasn’t as if he was...broken or whatever. He wouldn’t describe himself as too afraid to speak altogether. He just...well he just needed a break. Trying to outmatch a giant was exhausting. Plus, Gavin was beginning to wonder whether it was really worth it. Sure it gave him some kind of sense of personal pride and satisfaction, but surely it wasn’t worth getting himself nearly pulverized by an enormous hand.
“This is such a shit storm,” Gavin moaned internally. Leave it to him to make his absolute mess of a situation somehow even worse.
As tempted as he was to glance up at Rael to try and get a read on his current mood, Gavin resisted. If he was going to be quiet, he was going to do it in the most pouty way possible. He’d act almost as if the alteon didn’t exist--which was pretty difficult considering he was literally attached to the guy, but whatever.
For about fifteen minutes the two of them went on in complete silence. Gavin’s urge to run his mouth was growing more and more intense, but he forced himself to hold his tongue. Just when he thought for sure he’d blurt something out, Rael’s walking suddenly took a sudden turn.
Gavin lifted his gaze to peer out through iron bars. He was met with the sight of what to Rael was probably no more than a stream, but to Gavin looked like a terrifying torrent of fast running water. He had never been particularly afraid of water, his parents had forced him to take swim lessons when he was eight after all. However, literal giant sized bodies of water were quite different from the chlorine filled pool at the local YMCA.
Before Gavin could argue with himself about whether or not he should ask Rael what he was doing, a pair of giant hands swooped into view. In a matter of moments, the cage was once again unhooked from Rael’s belt. “What’s happening?” The words flew out of Gavin’s mouth before he could stop them. So much for the silent treatment.
“I figured you wouldn’t like to dangle over the water while I’m getting a drink,” Rael responded. Gavin tightened his grip on the bars of his cage as his captor moved to set the thing down on a nearby rock.
Of course Gavin wasn’t going to say so to Rael, but he was grateful to not have to go anywhere near that stream. Plus, he was happy for any chance to be on solid ground and not hanging from a giant's belt.
“That can’t be all that sanitary,” Gavin thought to himself as he observed Rael sipping the stream water from a cupped hand. Although the water was probably moving fast enough for it to be considered safe, Gavin still didn’t trust water that fish could pee in.
It was at that moment that a deep rumbling caused Gavin’s cage to shudder slightly. The quakes were repetitive and had a rhythm similar to Rael’s footsteps. However, the tremors couldn’t have been caused by Rael, because he was still leaning over the creek.
A feeling of dread began to rise up in Gavin, but before he could call out to Rael, his cage was snatched up into the air. He was thrown around harshly from the movements that were somehow even sharper and more violent than Rael’s. When the tumultuous experience came to an abrupt halt, Gavin looked up to see the face of a giant stranger staring in at him.
While the weather was fairly pleasant, without any uncomfortable humidity, Rael had found himself feeling quite parched. Perhaps he’d dried out his throat from shouting at the human. He supposed it would serve him right for losing his temper. Either way, Rael decided a quick stop at a nearby stream to get a drink wouldn’t hurt. Gavin was still being quiet and well behaved, which continued to unsettle Rael, but at least it meant he wouldn’t kick up any kind of fuss if they stopped for a moment.
After setting the cage and its occupant aside, Rael went to scoop up some handfuls of water. The cool, clear water was quick to soothe Rael’s throat. He was in the middle of taking a nice long sip when he heard a sudden commotion coming from behind him.
He whipped around to see two alteons, a man and a woman. The woman’s skin was a touch lighter than Rael’s own. Her curly auburn hair was cut short above her shoulders, and she was dressed in makeshift armor, with a sword hanging from a sheath at her hip. The man’s skin was tan, but the lack of melanin suggested he hailed from a different region from that which they resided in. His dark brown hair was closely cropped, and he had a distinct scar underneath his right eye. However, what stood out most to Rael about the man was the fact that he was currently holding Gavin’s cage in his hand.
Rael had failed to bring a sword with him on this assignment, primarily because he hadn’t expected to need it when dealing with humans. Aside from that, the woods surrounding Ostrad were considered to be quite safe due to the relentless patrols the Emperor sent out. It was for this reason that Rael had felt fairly confident he wouldn’t have to worry about encountering any kind of brigands or ruffians. “This really isn’t my day,” he sighed internally.
Catching sight of Gavin cowering inside his cage, faced with a giant stranger whose intentions were unknown to him, Rael felt an unexpected wave of sympathy. Those tiny hazel eyes stared back at Rael in desperation, as if silently begging him to come to his aid.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” the dark haired man asked in amusement as he observed the human in his grasp. “Don’t tell me this is a real life human?”
While the man seemed unfazed by Rael’s presence, his companion didn’t appear to feel the same way. She stood a ways back, eyeing Rael nervously. Chances were, she suspected he had some kind of affiliation with the palace despite the fact that he wasn’t wearing the official Imperial emblem or colors.
“Damn, when people said they were tiny, I didn’t think they meant this tiny,” the thug mused, now holding Gavin’s cage at eye level so he could get a closer look. “I’ve seen rats bigger than this!”
While Rael didn’t have a real weapon on him, he did have a small dagger strapped to the back of his belt. Though he was itching to make a grab for it, he held back. There was a chance he could handle the situation without threat of violence. Already, the woman clearly didn’t seem eager for a fight with him.
“Excuse me, but that human is under the protection of his majesty the Emperor,” Rael stated coldly, taking a few slow steps closer to the man. He was pleased to see the smirk the brigand was wearing waver slightly as he realized exactly what he was interfering with.
“You’re a member of the Imperial Guard,” the woman surmised, speaking up for the first time.
The man glanced back at his partner briefly before returning his gaze to Rael. He had a smile on his face, but it was stiff and almost forced. He no doubt was aware that he was in a precarious situation, dealing with the Imperial Guard, but was attempting to put on a confident facade. “Ah, I guess it makes sense to only send one guard if all you’re guarding is this little thing,” he remarked.
Rael narrowed his eyes. It was obvious the man was fishing for information, trying to determine whether or not there were other soldiers lurking around. If he thought he and his partner could take Rael, then he would likely try to make off with Gavin. A human would sell for a hefty sum on the black market. Aletons would probably even pay just to catch a glimpse of a real life human.
“If you’re intending on attempting to take that human, I would suggest you rethink,” Rael said darkly. “Even if you manage to overcome me, you will soon have the entirety of the Emperor’s army pursuing you.” He wouldn’t pretend to have backup hidden somewhere in the trees, that was a bluff that could easily fall short. Instead, he would once again make fear his tool. “Once you’re caught, your punishment will undoubtedly be death.”
There was no need for Rael to lie. Within recent years, death had become less and less prevalent as a punishment with the Emperor. However, it was still utilized in extreme cases, such as treason. Knowing how cautious the Emperor was with human-alteon relations, Rael could only assume he would consider kidnapping a human to be treasonous.
Fear instantly flashed across the curly-haired woman’s face. She took a small step back, as if to distance herself from the entire situation. Meanwhile, her companion appeared to have become provoked by Rael’s words. An angry scowl replaced the sly one he had been wearing, and he was clutching Gavin’s cage in what seemed to be a possessive manner. “As if you have any right to be possessive over him,” Rael growled mentally.
“If we kill you, no one will have any idea who nabbed the little rat,” the man hissed, shaking the cage in a way that made Rael strangely furious.
Gavin had thought the way Rael handled him was about as bad as it could get. It really sucked being proven wrong. He didn’t know who the hell this random alteon that had grabbed him was, but he was somehow worse than Rael, which was quite the feat.
Ever since being snatched up, Gavin had no doubt developed a countless number of bruises as a result of this man’s rough treatment. It was like he didn’t even take into account that there was a living, breathing person inside. “There’s not going to be a living, breathing person inside for much longer if this doesn’t let up,” Gavin thought as he was again thrown against the bars by a violent shake from his new captor.
Rael seemed to be attempting to talk the man down, though of course he could only assume as much considering they were speaking in a language he couldn’t understand. Whatever it was was taking much too long for Gavin’s liking. He couldn’t believe he actually wanted to be back in Rael’s hands. But at this point, anything seemed better than being jerked around like some kind of toy. The lesser of two evils and all that.
As much as Gavin wanted to shout out obscenities at the alteon, he managed to bite his tongue. Rael seemed like he knew what he was doing, and Gavin didn’t want to screw it up by saying something stupid. His willpower really was being severely tested today.
Gavin heard someone shout something. The voice sounded feminine, and though he couldn’t see nor understand the alteon woman, he could hear the urgency in her voice.
Gavin’s captor, whom he had gathered was named “Kaydin”, jostled the cage. Most of what the man was saying went right over Gavin’s head, but he did catch him rubbing his fingers together in a money gesture. It was then that Gavin realized what exactly these people wanted him for. He had taken a lot of hits to his ego in the last couple hours, but being treated as merchandise to sell was really doing a number.
Why exactly alteons would spend money buying a human was beyond him. All the possibilities that flashed through his mind made him feel even more sick to his stomach than he already did thanks to Kaydin’s manhandling.
The woman shot back an angry retort, which was quickly followed by the sound of retreating footsteps that announced her departure. This left only Kaydin to face off against Rael.
Kaydin spat out more vicious words. Gavin glanced up to see sweat droplets beginning to form on the giant’s forehead. The guy knew he was in trouble.
Rael spoke up in his own language. It was still strange for Gavin to hear. Rael’s English was so good, he sometimes forgot it wasn’t his native tongue.
Gavin stared up at Kaydin’s face, trying to determine what his next move would be based on his facial expressions. He didn’t know what Rael had said, but he could only hope it had been convincing.
If it came down to it, he felt fairly confident that a trained soldier like Rael would win in a fight against this man who seemed to be the alteon equivalent of a mugger. The only problem was, Gavin wasn’t sure he’d survive being caught in the middle of a clash of giants.
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yoditorian · 3 years
lacuna- part 1
she’s here!!!!! she’s here!!!!! i decided to split it up into parts to give me more time to write and put u all (ellie) out of your misery. thank you for being patient, and thank you to everyone who was so kind about the teaser!! 
set waaaaaay before the series, this is Target Practice Din
word count: just shy of 2.5k
warnings: some swears bc it’s me, overuse of italics, probably some spelling mistakes, non graphic smut but it is Highly Implied, so for that reason 18+ only pls no babies.
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“Have you ever removed your helmet?” 
“No.” He grits out.
“Has it ever been removed by others?”
He’s lying.
You practically fly down from the cockpit the second you touch down, shoving Ran between the shoulder blades. He stumbles down the last few feet of the ramp, and skids across the ground on his ass. In any other situation, you might have laughed. But in any other situation, you probably wouldn’t have pushed him.
“What the fuck was that?”
He only sputters out a half baked excuse about the mission, it’s enough to have you drawing your blaster. Only it's not in the holster you keep strapped to your thigh. 
Your gaze is cold as ice as you turn to see your gun dangling from Mando’s index finger. He stands above you on the ramp, apparently unaffected by your outrage even though Ran’s actions could have ended very differently for all four of you. Xi’an laughs haughtily from a crate inside the ship, she’s lucky you’re unarmed. 
“He almost got us killed.” You reason, not even sparing a glance at the man still cowering from you on the floor. Mando shrugs. Like it's nothing. 
“And yet, we made it.” He says, dropping the blaster back into your holster as he descends the ramp.
You’re all only alive because you were quick enough on your feet to take over, because you were on the guns, because you made the lightspeed calculations mid-dogfight to get the fuck out of there. Something everyone else seems to have conveniently not noticed. Ran’s on his feet, dusting himself off, Mando has already stalked off into the hangar, and Xi’an’s hot on his heels. You heave an annoyed sigh, adrenaline leaching the energy from your bones, and scuff your boots the rest of the way down the ramp. Ran catches your arm when you pass him, grip just a little too tight to be friendly.
“Empire’s always looking for pilots, I could just put you back where I found you.” He says lowly as you rip your arm from him. It’s not an empty threat. He knows there’s nothing left for you on Corellia besides an arrest warrant and a swift execution. There’ll be bruises in the shape of his fingertips by morning, you can feel them already. It’s not the first time and, if you’re being honest, you know it won’t be the last. The pouch of credits Qin hands you for a job well done makes that particular pill a little easier to choke down, at least. 
Your room at Ran’s space station isn’t much, but you’ve done what you can. There’s only a bed and a desk, the matching chair missing long before you moved in, a shelving unit and a viewport. An old blanket, loosely crocheted and full of holes, lies crumpled atop the sheets. It was white once, used to swaddle you as a baby, but that was before the sweat and the ash and the bloodstains. It’s the only thing you’d brought with you when you had to run, wrapped around your shoulders to shield you from the night’s chill at the last minute. You hadn’t even had time to put shoes on. The viewport window is another comfort, barely bigger than the datapad that lies forgotten on your pillow, but you pay the boss dearly for your view. Lights blinking on the ceiling reflect in the scratched glass, and the mismatched floor panels creak under your weight as they always do. It’s home, even if the space station itself feels like the loneliest place in the universe sometimes. With one last glance at the swirling stars as the station slowly turns, you’re practically asleep before your head hits the pillow. 
You have to pee.
One look out into the corridor presents you with closed doors and lowered lights. Sleep hours, then. It’s hard to keep track of time when it’s always night outside, although living off-planet isn’t so bad once you get used to it. Rest here comes when you can get it, as opposed to the fancy artificial sunrise/sunset lighting cycles you’ve heard about on inner rim stations. It doesn’t sound like anyone’s awake to judge you for shuffling to the bathroom in your socks anyway. 
The light is too bright in comparison to the dim hall, and you almost jump back from your reflection in the small mirror. Bloodshot eyes, rumpled shirt, you really should have done something with your hair before you passed out. You’re sure you’ve never looked more exhausted. Sleep hasn’t come easy in the few years you’ve spent on the station, dreams plagued by flashes of the reason you came here in the first place. Running, choking on the smoke in your lungs, an old friend’s blood splattering across your cheek. The only rest you really get is when you work yourself down to the bone, until you can’t keep your eyes open anymore, but you know you’re not the only one. 
The door across from yours is open when you go back to your room, Mando standing in the frame, backlit by a lamp like he’s the hero from one of those propaganda movies you snuck into as a kid. You pause in your own doorway, it’s probably a bad idea to call him out on it. It’d probably only start an argument and then you’d have to deal with the only person you could count on to watch your six being mad at you.
“You should have backed me up earlier.” Your mouth takes the decision away from you. He waits for a moment, silently, like he’s expecting you to say more. But you leave it there. 
“I did.”
You’re turning to shut the door when he finally answers, and it takes everything in you not to shout at him in the middle of the hall.
“If that’s what backing someone up looks like to Mandalorians, then I think I’d rather you didn’t at all.” You hiss, exhaustion feeding into your anger. It’s not the way you should be speaking to him, or anyone, but you’re just too tired to care.
Mando’s spine goes rigid and you almost regret the dig, not that you have time to think about it before he’s walking right towards you and backing you into the darkness of your room. You can just about see the ceiling panel lights blink in the reflection of his visor. It’s only as he moves that you spot the bag slung over his shoulder.
“Where are you going?” You ask, barely a whisper. You’ve never been this close to him before, chest to chest, alone. The warmth you can feel even from under the armour threatens to make your head spin. 
“Home.” He leaves it at that. Never one to use more words than he needs to. You didn’t even know he had a home to go back to. There’s a lot you don’t know about the man in front of you, but he’s loyal to the bone. That much is plain to see.  
“Don’t you ever think about going home?”
“My home is here.” Your answer is final, although you can feel the raised eyebrow through his helmet. You’re no more attached to the space station than you are any of the planets you’ve yet to visit. It’s not home, nowhere is. But you’ve been here since you were sixteen, years before the rest of your team, it’s as close as you’ll get to belonging somewhere. Mando doesn’t respond, doesn’t ask any questions, only stands with you for a long moment. Breathing. He’s good like that. You’ve never felt the pressure to fill any silence with him, he seems to exist so comfortably in it. It’s easier that way, probably for you both. You don’t know much about Mandalorians, the only stories you’ve heard are the ones Qin told you drunk in a seedy cantina when Mando first joined. Horror stories. If his past is anything similar to yours, he’s grateful for the absence of questions too. 
“So it’s goodbye, then?” You’re yet to break his stare.
Is he closer, somehow?
“Would you have said goodbye if I wasn’t already awake?” 
He’s definitely closer. 
Mando reaches behind him to tap the control panel on the wall, sliding the door shut and leaving you in the darkness. He lets his bag slip off his shoulder, lowering it to the floor suspiciously silently for one you know is crammed with weaponry, and walks you further into the room. You can’t really see much at all, only the steady blinking of the little red lights in the ceiling. 
“You trust me?” It’s so quiet, you wonder if you imagined the words. 
He’s never given you a reason not to. 
“Keep your eyes closed?”
“I promise.”
It takes a moment before he lifts the lip of the helmet high enough, and another long few seconds of just being without barriers for him to kiss you. And kiss you he does.
The breath you get in before your lips touch is all him, turning your insides to liquid gold. Everywhere he touches you sets a fire. For a man so rough, he is so careful, he handles you as though you’ll break at the slightest breeze. As though he is wholly undeserving of such sweetness. Part of you thinks he’s convinced he is. It’s a first and a last kiss, a hello and a goodbye kiss, the way he tries to suffocate himself in you is evidence enough that you won’t be here again. You won’t get to have him like this again. He stays close when you finally break apart, taking his helmet off completely and placing it down on your desk with a decisive thunk. 
“Din. My name is Din.” He shouldn’t tell you. He shouldn’t have taken his helmet off, he shouldn’t have even thought about it. Although his fear of losing everything he has is almost overwhelming, it’s nothing compared to this. The fear that you would never know him as he is, as he has always been. The relief that brings tears to his eyes when you don’t shy away, when you lean into him. Like you want him too. You shouldn’t hold his creed in your hands but he gives it willingly. Of course he does. He’s never really been able to deny you anything. 
The smile is so clear in your voice as you whisper it back to him. The way you say his name sounds like a song. A prayer. Hushed and reverent like it’s something sacred, something holy. He knows it’s safe on your tongue. Din lays you back on the bed, gently, wool of the ratty blanket soft against your skin. 
Din. He’s nothing but gentle with you. Hands barely there as they pull layers of clothing from the both of you, stripping himself of his armour, of The Mandalorian. Until there’s just him. Just a man, no more and no less than anybody else. A man who wishes he hadn’t been so stubborn and dismissive of his own desires; wishes he’d given in to this, to you, sooner. His mouth doesn’t leave your skin for a second, like he could digest you one kiss at a time if he tried hard enough. Part of him doesn’t want to leave, he wants to stay in this bed with you in the dark and just exist. Your body in his hands and your moans in his mouth and absolutely nothing else. He needs you in between his teeth, on his tongue. He’s never needed anything else quite so badly. 
The emotion isn’t lost on you, it’s the first and last time you’ll ever be with him. He’ll go after this, you don’t pretend otherwise. You won’t get to have him, in any way you want to, after this. So you lose yourself in him, in everything he gives and takes on those threadbare blankets in your room. The taste of him gets committed to memory and you swear you’ll never eat again if it means his sweat stays on your tongue. You dig your nails hard into his shoulders, you hope he’ll look at them before they fade. Hope he’ll see the marks you gave him and know that he is wanted. He is so desperately wanted and he has no idea. You kiss him with reckless abandon, cards on the table in all but words. So he can know, so he can come back. If that’s what he wants. 
You stay tangled with him for a long time. Spit cooled and sweat dried. You’ve never stayed this long with anybody, but you’re not speeding to the ‘fresher. You want to drench yourself in everything he is until you never feel without him again. 
“Take the Razor Crest. She’s old but virtually untraceable, and faster than anything else in that hangar. I think you can handle her.” You laugh lightly, tracing a finger over the ridge of his wrist where his arm is curled tight around your chest. Din wishes he could drown in the sound.
He takes your advice, once you’re asleep. Once he’s convinced himself to pull away from your warmth and go back to the life he knows. The one without you. The Razor Crest looms over him in the empty hangar, but something about its presence is comforting when he knows you were the one to put her together. 
“He took the fucking Crest!” 
The shout from the corridor jolts you awake, significantly warmer than you should be, and you find your old shirt and sweatpants pulled back on your body. Din. The thought of him so carefully redressing you, touch gentle enough not to wake you, makes your heart swell. It shouldn’t, but you can’t help it. With a heavy sigh, you flick the lights on from the panel by your bed and pull yourself to your feet. The door slides open with a wave of your hand by the door panel and you’re met with a very angry, very red-faced, Ran.
“You wouldn’t know anything about this would you, sweetheart?” He grounds out, eyes zeroing in on the mark you know Din sucked into your shoulder only hours ago. You pull the neckline of your top back up to where it should be and shake your head tiredly. Even if you hadn’t been thoroughly rammed into your mattress the night before, it’s far too early for anyone to be shouting up a storm. The rest of the crew come filtering out, rubbing eyes and calling out accusations at each other. It’s enough to give you a headache. 
Maybe a space station in the middle of nowhere isn’t a forever home after all. Maybe there’s somewhere else out there for you. Maybe it just took somebody else taking the leap to make up your mind. 
You don’t know where you’ll end up, but you have a pretty good idea of where to start.
TAGLIST (people who showed interest pls lmk if u want to be removed)
@remmysbounty​ @aq-vetina​​ @brothersdrxke​
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tintinwrites · 4 years
build a little home | Din Djarin x Reader | Part One
A/N: I know this fic was mentioned quite a bit ago and here you are, part one!!! This is set before or at the start of season 2 so baby ain’t named yet. He’s just Child/kid/baby right now!
Rating: T
Warning: Sexual references. Mando tries to step on a rat lmao. There’s a brief mention of peeing idk?
Word count: 2,650, apparently!!
Summary: Being chased by a dangerous group who wants reward money, you, Mando, and the Child move into a basement on a planet where no one will think of looking for you.
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GIF credit: ^
Tags: Since this is a miniseries I’m just going to leave this open for whoever wants, so I don’t tag a bunch of people who aren’t interested!
“—looks like this is our home, little one.”
You and the kid on your hip looked at each other before you both continued down the steps into the underground level of the home; it was a small room with some shelves and a small bed pressed up against one of the walls, the only light coming in from a small window on the opposite side of the room.
The Mandalorian stepped down behind you and looked at the room silently, most of his attention on the man who was following with what few belongings you’d packed, speaking in his native language as he explained what was set up for you and where things were.
The three of you would be staying here for the foreseeable future, in a basement on a nowhere planet, because there was a group who wanted the reward money for the Child and they nearly cornered you a couple times as it was.
If it wasn’t for your or Mando’s quick thinking each time they found you again, they would’ve succeeded in their mission.
You both knew that meant the Child would be with Moff Gideon and neither of you wanted that, so you agreed that it would be best to hide out somewhere that they wouldn’t think to look until they gave up searching.
And there you were, on a small planet with small exports that no one thought about, looking around a discreet basement under the home of an ordinary couple where you would be staying, waiting for your connections on other planets to send messages that this group was no longer looking for you.
“It’s perfect, thank you.” Mando’s awkward politeness was something you always found so cute about him, though you would never tell him that you thought any part of him was cute unless you wanted that helmet of his to tilt in offense.
“Thank you so much,” you added, and the man nodded with a polite smile before retreating up the stairs and shutting the door.
You set the Child on the floor when he squirmed to be put down, walking around the small room to look at the items on the shelf.
Mando looked around the room again and then moved his gaze to you, quietly watching as you looked at all of the things that made up your hideout. “He said there’s only one bed and he assumed that we...I will sleep in the chair.”
His almost embarrassed tone made you look at him with a raised eyebrow as you wondered just what the man assumed about the two of you, but it was a pretty easy guess since the two of you traveled together, you supposed.
Not that you and Mando did need to sleep in a bed together, but it was easy to assume simply because you were two adults who were companions and...you were embarrassed too at the thought of someone thinking the two of you did things that involved one bed, looking at the chair he mentioned.
“I can’t let you do that,” you said with a soft gasp as you eyed the old, dusty seat.
“I sleep in the cockpit.” He walked around the room slowly, pulling a tattered curtain to cover up the small window in case anyone was trying to look in.
“I never said I liked that either, but there’s a spring sticking out of this!”
“That’s fine.”
He’d finished looking around to be sure there were no other ways to access the basement aside from the entrance and the window, faltering when he moved to your side and saw that the spring was in the seat of the chair and it would probably poke him right in the…
He crouched down in front of the chair and began toying with the spring to see if there was any way he could push it back in or even take it out.
You knew that being in the same bed with him was going to be awkward, but you couldn’t let him sleep in a chair and especially one as broken as this one. “Mando, we’re adults, are we not?”
There was silence for a brief second as he pushed the spring in triumphantly, then it popped right back out and he dropped his head with a huff.
“I am. Some might say your adulthood is up for debate.” He always told jokes with such a level tone that you wondered if he was serious sometimes.
“You’re hilarious, but I mean that we’re both adults, so I think we can sleep in the same bed and not think too much of it.” Sometimes you thought of being in bed with Mando the way that man assumed, but you knew that wasn’t going to happen and you were perfectly capable of sleeping next to him without needing to do that.
“Where’s the kid?” He changed the subject, but he seemed to be considering the bed as he stood up and stared at the chair.
“I think he’s just looking at the room.” You glanced around and frowned when you noticed the child wasn’t in sight.
Then you heard shuffling from under the bed and you smiled, walking over and crouching down to take a look at what he was doing under there.
There was a thumping sound that made you laugh a bit as you leaned down. “You won’t find any snacks there, little guy.”
Just as you were reaching a hand in to grab the Child out, something leaned into your side and your brow furrowed to see who you thought to be playing with the bed was standing right there, watching what you were doing.
You looked back to where you were reaching and you jumped back with a soft cry when a furry, little creature ran out with a piece of cloth that it was probably going to use to make its own bed or something.
“Mando!” Your cry of his name made his head snap up from where he was fiddling with the chair to see if you were in danger.
“You okay?” He took one step towards you and that’s when he saw the little animal running across the room.
Tilting his head at the idea that you were afraid of that, he lifted a boot and raised it over the thing as it immediately paused and cowered in fear.
He was just about to step on it when you leaped to your feet with a gasp, running with your hands held out. “You can’t step on the little guy!”
“I was under the impression you were scared of it and didn’t want it here,” he deadpanned, but he stood there with his weapon of choice hovering right over the creature.
“He scared me, yes, but he’s a living thing even if he’s creepy. Your idea is to step on him anyway? I don’t wanna hear that crunch.” You scowled at the thought of it, looking around the room for an idea.
“Maybe he could sleep in the bed.” It was obvious by his tone that he was smiling beneath his helmet at his own joke, and all you did was glare at him before your gaze landed on the window.
“Let’s put him outside.” You walked over and pulled the curtains aside to see that no one was around, looking over the window before finding the handle to open it.
“By ‘let’s’, you mean I’m supposed to grab it and put it outside.”
“It’s a good thing that I...forget it.” He grumbled, setting his boot back down on the floor to see that the animal was no longer there.
You immediately pressed against the wall in a failed attempt to climb up it in case it was running around on the floor, and Mando looked behind himself and under a shelf behind him.
A squeak made him look to the side, where he saw the thing squirming in the Child’s grip as he brought it towards his mouth. “No!”
He swept towards the kid like any father would when they saw their offspring misbehaving, bending over and pulling for a minute to make him release the creature, wagging his finger in his face to show him he’d done bad.
“How many times do I have to go over this with you? Not everything is food and if you’re hungry, you tell one of us and we’ll show you what you can eat.” He plucked the fabric that the critter dropped off the floor and let it take it back in its teeth, walking over to join you at the window.
“Don’t you ever feed that kid real food?” You joked despite being pressed against the wall and watching warily as if that thing would jump out of Mando’s hands.
“You’ve been partially in charge of him since I took you in.”
“Then I should go find him something to eat, huh?”
It was mostly an excuse to be away from the animal as you walked to the other side of the room and scooped the Child into your arms, setting him down on the bed where you looked through your pack.
Mando shook his head, guiding the creature through the opening of the window and watching it immediately scamper off like it knew where it was going; it probably only came into the basement in search of things it could use or eat, and now it was running home.
Probably to its family.
He turned away to watch you as you opened a packet of wafers for the kid to munch on, letting him sit in your lap and eat as you looked up at the man who was staring at you.
“Hey, Mando?”
“What happens if we need to use the ‘fresher to, like, pee?”
He looked around the room so he could point out a door that led to a refresher, but he realized that there wasn’t even any kind of receptacle in the room that you could use as a makeshift toilet for the time being. His helmet thunked back against the wall and he let out a loud, long groan.
Since the only light source in the basement was the window, the man whose home you were staying under came down before sunset to place a few charged up lamps that allowed you to not be in the pitch black dark.
Mando took off his cape and folded it so he could sit in the chair without the spring right on him, leaning against the back of the chair with his arms crossed over his chest, and you were putting the baby to sleep in the bed.
“—and the man took one of the stars from the sky and used it to always light his way so he wouldn’t fall into any more animal burrows.” You looked up at the plain, tan ceiling with a soft hum. “This would be much more interesting if we could see the stars. Don’t you think?”
There was no tiny babble in response and you looked to your side to see that the Child was fast asleep, and you smiled softly as you tucked the blanket around him a little more.
You looked over at Mando and assumed he was asleep, too, with the way his head was tilted back, so you slid out of bed and moved around the room to turn the lamps off.
Just as you were touching the button to turn off the one by the bed, you heard him ask, “Where did you hear that story?”
“My mother taught it to me when I was young...it was my favorite.” You liked the idea of staying up with him just to talk since that wasn’t something you usually did, deciding not to turn off the lamp as you sat on the bed facing his chair.
“Your favorite story is about someone who’s clumsy?” His tone was slightly teasing as if you were often clumsy when, really, you only tripped or walked into things sometimes.
“Shut up. Aren’t there stories from your childhood that you loved more than any others? One about a grumpy warrior with a green son and he walks around being mean?”
“I don’t remember them.”
There was something in the way he said it that made you not want to push him, like thinking of something like a story from when he was a kid was painful for him.
You laid back on the bed. “What if there’s more of those little animals running around here?”
“The kid can eat those ones.”
“Mando.” You were both scared that there would be more of the creatures and you also could tell that chair was not a fun place to sleep, and you weren’t going to let possible awkwardness make him stay there. “Will you come into the bed, please? Just in case there are some more?”
“I’m right here if you need something.”
“Please just come here.”
There was a moment of hesitation and then he slowly pushed himself out of the chair, walking around to the other side of the bed where he carefully sat down.
The Child was between you and Mando stayed sitting up with his back against the headboard, but it was a little awkward to be in the same space like that.
You were both silent for a bit and then you asked, “Would you like me to tell you a story to remember?”
You could almost hear his eye roll. “Go to sleep.”
“I hope they give up on us quickly if you’re gonna be grumpy the entire time we’re hiding out.”
“I am not grumpy.”
“Right, this is your normal self, we’re just not usually around each other for this long because you’re hunting bounties and I’m looking after the Child.”
“Would you like to sleep outside with rats?”
You let out a rather embarrassing snort of a laugh that you quieted so you wouldn’t wake up the kid sleeping next to you, and Mando tilted his head down to watch you with amusement.
He looked up at the ceiling as you continued to giggle to yourself, smiling just a little even when you’d stopped as he was a little prideful for making you laugh like that.
It was kind of nice to be in bed with you and not as terrifying as he thought it might be; you really were both adults and neither of you were going to do something to hurt the other.
Not that anything you could do to him in bed would offend him, but there would need to be a lot of discussion before you took that step in your relationship and he was pretty certain you wouldn’t want to do anything like that with him anyway.
“You can tell a story if you want,” he said nonchalantly, because even if he did tease you and even if being in bed with you made his mind wander to activities that wouldn’t be happening, he liked listening to you.
He looked down when you didn’t say anything to find you were fast asleep, one of your arms wrapped around the kid.
With a soft grunt, he leaned back a bit into the bed to sleep a little himself, thinking that it would be nice if the group that wanted the Child would stop searching for you quickly so you wouldn’t need to hide for long. Though he could admit that it was nice to enjoy a little break from bounty hunting and running even if it was to hide in a small room, under a stranger’s house, on a random planet that no one even really knew the name of so a group of criminals wouldn’t let the baby be hurt for a few credits.
Really, it was just nice to be in a quiet, normal place with the baby and you.
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mermaidssonshipss · 4 years
warning: smut, cursing, unprotected sex (DON’T RISK IT LADIES)
pairing(s): jj maybank x Reader
word count: 3,861 (she’s a long one strap in babies)
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you seethed, your eyes narrowing at John B as you watched him cower in the corner, a smirk playing along his lips.
“Dude this isn’t funny,” JJ’s voice piped up from next to you, his hands gesturing wildly at the handcuffs that currently had you attached to JJ.
“I think it’s pretty damn funny,” his smirk only widened and you went to lunge at him, tugging JJ along who quickly wrapped his free hand around your waist and yanked you back.
“Hurt him and he’ll never let us go.”
“Get off me,” you snapped, pushing his arm away from your waist as he rolled his eyes at your attitude.
“Look, I’m tired of you guys constantly fighting,” John B began, his smirk fading as he spoke, “Everyone is tired of you guys constantly fighting, so we all thought it would be a good idea to like... stick you guys together for 24 hours and hopefully end the fighting.”
“24 HOURS?” You yelled, your hand tugging at JJ’s and yanking him forward with you as you once again lunged at John B, but JJ’s large body stood his ground causing you to fall back into him, “John B, we can’t even be in the same room for an hour without wanting to kill each other, let alone 24 hours in handcuffs. How am I even supposed to pee?”
“You guys will figure it out,” he shrugged and you shook your head, turning to JJ who was oddly quiet. He was already looking at you, a smirk matching John B’s on his face.
“You’re insufferable,” you mumbled, knowing he was getting a kick out of your anger towards his best friend, considering that anger was usually directed at him.
“Any other girl would be begging to be in this position babe,” he snorted, causing John B to roll his eyes and shake his head.
“Anyways, I’m leaving for the day. You two can figure your shit out on your own without me here.”
“JOHN B! YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME HERE,” you called after him, watching as he walked out the front door with a wave. 
You had been sitting on the couch of the chateau for an hour, fighting over what to watch on TV. JJ didn’t really care what you watched, he just liked watching you get frustrated, realizing you couldn’t just walk away from him, and you would let out a loud huff before sinking back into the couch.
The Pogues had been reluctant to welcome you into their group when you first moved onto the island a year ago. You were technically considered a kook, but you had made it clear your first week on the island you didn’t give a shit about how much money someone had. Sarah loved you the second she met you; your family had been invited over to her house for a welcome dinner, and Rafe had made a comment about getting you in his bed under his breath so only you could hear it, and you had proceeded to grab your mothers glass of wine that was across from you, flinging the red liquid all over Rafe. Sarah immediately texted the other Pogues about what had happened, and they agreed to meet you the next day.
While the others warmed up to you and you melted into the group smoothly, for some reason, JJ was an absolute dick from day one. JJ didn’t like change, and he especially didn’t like bringing new people into the Pogues. With Sarah, he had at least known the girl since they were kids, making it slightly easier to accept her into the group. She also made John B happy, which was all JJ cared about.
JJ didn’t hate you, but he loved making you angry, so he acted like he did. Truth be told, JJ thought you were perfect in every way, you were too good for him, so he decided it was easier to make you hate him than silently pine after you.
You didn’t hate JJ, he just got on your god damn nerves so often. Sometimes the things he said and the way he acted towards you hurt your feelings, and for a while you had considered excusing your friendship from the Pogues, but when you brought it up to Sarah, she assured you the others loved you, and JJ was just... well.. JJ. You also couldn’t stand the kooks, and if you left the Pogues, you’d be left with no friends.
A puff of smoke whirled around the two of you, the scent of bubblegum invading your senses. You inhaled quietly, enjoying the smell mixed with JJ’s cologne, though you’d never admit it to him. It was quiet for a moment, but eventually the vape pen he had in his hand came into your line of sight. His eyes locked on yours, an eyebrow raising as you hesitated for a moment before wrapping your lips around the small black device and inhaling deeply, the smoke filling your lungs. You let your eyes close as you leaned your head against the couch, tossing the remote into JJ’s lap.
“Watch whatever,” you muttered, the heat from outside taking away your ability to continue arguing. 
JJ’s eyes were locked on the way your chest was rising and falling, sweat beads dripping down the exposed skin. You were wearing a sleeveless floral sundress, the top dipping into your cleavage, and JJ could tell you weren’t wearing a bra. The sundress you were wearing was JJ’s favorite on you, but of course he’d never admit that to you. 
Unfortunately for him, you could feel his gaze on you and you shot an eye open, scrunching your nose at the blue-eyed boy.
“Take a picture, Maybank,” you chuckled, watching his eyes widen as he realized he’d been caught, but it was quickly replaced with a smirk.
“Ya know what, I think I will,” his hand reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and opening the camera, tilting it towards your chest as he snapped a picture before you could react.
“Pervert,” you muttered, knocking your shoulder into his, but your cheeks heated up at the thought of JJ having a photo like that of you in his phone. JJ let out a loud laugh, shaking his head before turning his attention back to the remote.
Another hour had passed, and somewhere in there JJ had rolled a joint, you quickly plucking it from his fingers and taking a long drag. Now, you were both feeling the affects of the drugs in your system, your eyes hazy and your breathing deep. You were uncomfortable, the heat becoming unbearable, and you let out a quiet whine as the sweat dripped down your thighs. 
“It’s so hot,” you huffed, yanking your hands up to tie your hair back in a messy bun, JJ’s hand weighing your own down slightly as you finished. 
“Welcome to the Outer Banks,” JJ snapped, rolling his eyes at you as he unsuccessfully tried to wiggle his hand out of the handcuff.
In your current state of mind, the tone he had taken with you caused you to pout. You had managed to go the past few hours without saying much, and when you had spoken, it had been civil. You thought, maybe, he had finally decided to stop hating you. 
“If you don’t like the heat, why don’t you leave? Would make all our lives much better,” JJ didn’t know why he was being so mean, truly. When he was high, his mind usually wandered to places that involved you and him, with much less clothing, so he always forced himself to be mean to you to make the thoughts go away.
You were silent for a moment, his words ringing through your head. Maybe he was right, maybe things would be easier if you just left them alone.
“Fuck you, JJ,” your body raised from the couch, yanking him up with you as you pulled him into the kitchen, ignoring his protests and complaints about his wrist hurting. You could feel the tears forming in your eyes as you searched the kitchen, looking for the heavy duty knife you had seen once as you searched the kitchen for food.
“What are you doing?” 
“Getting the fuck away from you,” your voice shook slightly as you spoke, your fingers wrapping around the knife causing JJ’s eyes to widen.
“Wow wow, you’re not gonna like chop your hand off? Or mine?” You ignored his words, raising the knife and slamming it down on the chain that connected the handcuffs. In all honesty, you hadn’t expected it to work, but the cuffs were cheap and the knife sliced through the material easily, freeing you. 
Without sending a second glance to JJ, you stormed out of the kitchen, grabbing your bag from the floor and storming out the front door, just as the other Pogues had arrived to check on you two.
“Hey! How’d you get free?” John B yelled, watching as you stormed to your car, but Kie put a hand on his bicep, nodding towards the tears that were falling down your cheeks.
“Shit,” Sarah mumbled, her feet rushing towards you, but it was too late. You had slammed your car door shut and taken off, the sounds of your tires screeching as you drove away.
“What the fuck did you say?” Kie was livid as she stormed through the chateau, Sarah hot on her heels, finding JJ back on the couch. He looked up at the two girls, confusion written all over his face.
“Nothing new, who cares? She’s a big girl, she’ll be fine,” he rolled his eyes, but Pope threw his backpack at JJ, knocking him in the face.
“She was crying. You’ve never made her cry before,” Pope was just as angry as the others, and as JJ heard you had left crying, his stomach twisted in knots.
“I didn’t...” he tried to speak, but Sarah cut him off.
“God just a few months ago she came to me crying about how she was going to leave us, to make YOUR life easier, and I had to convince her to not push us away, JJ. I don’t know what the fuck your problem is with her, she didn’t do anything,” John B was silent as he watched his girlfriend yell at JJ, his eyes watching him closely. He knew why JJ was the way he was. He knew JJ better than anyone. 
“It’s because he’s in love with her,” his voice was calm as he spoke, and JJ sent him a death glare as he stood up from the couch.
“Shut up, John B,” he was seething now, angry at the brunette for knowing him so well.
“He’s scared of loving her, too,” John B didn’t listen, continuing as JJ was now stood chest to chest with him, “His mom left him, and he doesn’t think he deserves someone like Y/N, so he figured it’s easier to push her away.” JJ’s hands slammed into John B’s chest, pushing the boy back into the wall.
“You don’t know shit, John B,” JJ spat, his eyes reddening. The other Pogues were silent, watching the two, realization washing over them: everything John B had said made sense.
“You need to go tell her your sorry, JJ,” Kie’s voice was calm as she spoke, her hand resting on JJ’s shoulder, “I’m not saying confess your love or anything, but you need to apologize. She isn’t as strong as you think.”
Your parents weren’t home. A half-assed note had been left on the kitchen counter, informing you they would be gone for the week on a business trip. A dry laugh passed your lips as you wiped away the newly formed tears that dripped down your cheeks.
“Unbelievable,” you muttered to yourself before storming up the stairs and into your room.
Normally, the things JJ had said to you would be brushed off and forgotten by now, but you were so tired of the blonde haired boys hatred for you. You were used to your parents not giving a shit about you and wishing you were gone, but when you had met the Pogues you finally felt like you had a purpose. You were happy. And despite JJ being so mean, you found it fun, until today. Until he said he wanted you gone. You were in the shower now, scrubbing off the scent of JJ that rubbed off on you, rubbing your skin raw until it hurt to scrub any longer. The shower lasted 30 minutes before you had had enough of the warm water burning your skin and the scent of JJ was long gone. A towel was wrapped tightly around your small stature, your wet hair dangling down your back as you made your way into your bedroom. Immediately you could smell him, the scent of his bubblegum vape, weed, and his cologne slapping you in the face, and then you saw him. He was sat on your bed, his eyes watching you intently. 
“What the fuck!” You yelped, your fingers gripping the towel tightly as you stared at the boy that was sat on your bed, “How the fuck did you get in here?” Your voice was shaky as you spoke, your chest rising and falling rapidly. 
“You left the door unlocked,” he responded simply.
“So you’re coming to my house to make me feel like shit now?” 
“No, that’s not why I’m here,” JJ sighed, his eyes falling to the floor in front of him. He ripped his hat off, running his fingers through his hair before resting his hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it deeply, “I came here to apologize.”
“I don’t need a bullshit apology because the others made you,” you snapped, stepping closer to him.
“I’m not here because they made me,” his voice raised as he stood from your bed, stepping closer to you now, “I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do, and if I didn’t want to apologize, I wouldn’t be here.” You were looking into his blue-eyes as he spoke, trying to read his emotions, but you couldn’t, “I don’t hate you, and I never did,” you rolled your eyes, your arms crossing over your chest causing JJ’s eyes to wander down before quickly snapping back up to your eyes, “I’m serious. I just...” he trailed off, letting out a long sigh as he threw his head back, “You make me feel... weird.”
“Just what every girl wants to hear,” you snorted, causing JJ to smile slightly as he looked back down at you.
“I don’t mean it in a bad way. I don’t know how I mean it, but I know when I see you... my heart starts to race, and I get... hot. Everywhere. And then you laugh or you scrunch your nose when you get irritated with me and I just want to pull you in and kiss you and never stop and honestly... I’m terrified. I don’t date. I don’t do relationships, but then you came along and suddenly I wanted all of that. With you. But you... you deserve so much better than me,” his words were coming out rushed, but you caught every one, your cheeks reddening at every admission. 
“Why would you think that? That I deserve better?” your voice was gentle as you stepped even closer to JJ, your hand reaching up and resting on his cheek, “Because I’m a kook? And you’re a Pogue? I thought I’ve made it clear I don’t care about that, about money.”
“It’s not that,” he leaned into your touch, his eyes closing slowly, “I don’t know how to love someone, Y/N. Not in the way you deserve to be loved.”
“JJ Maybank, you of all people know how to love more than anyone else in my life. You don’t see it, but I do. The way you love John B, Kiara, and Pope. Even Sarah. It’s in the subtle things you do, the way you’re willing to protect them, even if that means pulling a gun out on someone or taking the fall for something Pope did. The way you watch out for both Kie and Pope at every party, making sure they don’t drink too much, or too little. You show your love when you think I’m asleep, passed out because I’ve had too much to drink and you carry me into the guest bedroom, letting me sleep in your bed, and then in the morning you claim I stumbled there myself,” Your lips were hovering over his now, getting closer with every word you spoke, and JJ couldn’t focus. His head was spinning, his stomach was in knots, and quite frankly he couldn’t stop thinking about how he was confessing his love to you and you were standing in front of him in nothing but a towel.
Instead of responding, he pressed his lips to yours, his arms winding around your waist and pulling you into him. The kiss was heavy from the beginning, a year of unspoken and repressed emotions clawing their way out in the form of a kiss. You were spinning, your hands making their way into his hair and tugging on the blonde locks, a sigh leaving your lips as he let out a moan into your mouth at the gentle tug. 
His grip on you tightened, his fingers latching onto the soft fabric of your towel as he tugged on it, causing it to fall to the floor. He pulled his lips away from yours, stepping back and taking in your figure.
“Fuck,” he muttered at the sight in front of him, his pupils blown so wide his eyes were almost black. You didn’t respond, simply stepped into him again, your own fingers tugging his shirt off and throwing it on the floor beside you two before you pushed him back onto your bed, crawling into his lap.
Just hours ago, you had been crying and storming out of the chateau, swearing you would never talk to JJ again, and now you were naked, in his lap, about to let him fuck the shit out of you. You didn’t regret a thing.
“I need you, JJ,” you whispered, your hands going to work on the shorts he currently had on, tugging them down quickly.
“Are you sure you want this?” he rushed out, pushing your body back onto the bed so he was hovering over you now, his fingers trailing down your bare skin.
“JJ, I’ve wanted you since I first met you... oh...” you gasped as his fingers slipped between your folds, his thumb rubbing against your clit, his finger hovering above your hole before slowly pushing two in. Your back arched at the feeling of his fingers stretching you out, quiet moans slipping between your sinful lips.
“So wet for me, pretty girl,” he breathed against your neck, his lips sucking the skin until a mark was blossoming. You were a moaning mess beneath the boy, whines of need begging him for more echoing throughout the room.
“Wanna...” you tried to speak, your eyes rolling back as he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting just the right spot, “Wanna cum around your cock,” you rushed out, JJ grinding against your thigh and letting out a groan at the words.
“Don’t have a condom,” he cursed at the realization, his fingers continuing to pump, and you quickly shook your head at the words.
“I’m on birth control, please,” your words were fast, but he had heard you loud and clear, his fingers stilling inside of you.
“I’ve never... I’ve never done it without a condom before,” he confessed, his blue-eyes meeting yours. You smiled at the admission. He was reckless, but it was nice to know he wasn’t that reckless.
“Neither have I,” you whispered, leaning your head up to capture his lips in a soft kiss, “But I’ve been told it’s an unforgettable feeling,” his fingers had abandoned your hole by now, leaving you empty and clenching around nothing as he hastily pushed his boxers down his legs and kicked them off the bed.
“Are you 100% sure about this?” His hand wrapped around his member, sliding the pre-cum soaked tip between your folds, a guttural moan ripping through his lips at the feeling. You nodded, your arms wrapping around his shoulders and pulling him closer to you.
JJ slowly slipped into you, his eyes shutting as he whimpered a string of curse words at the feeling of your wet cunt wrapping around him.
“Fuck you’re tight,” he moaned, his fingers digging into your hips, sure to leave marks tomorrow, “Always this wet and warm? God damn,” he chuckled softly, absolutely blissed out at the new sensation. He had had sex many times before, but absolutely nothing compared to the feeling of your cunt wrapped around his raw cock.
“Just shut up and fuck me,” your fingernails dug into the skin of his shoulders as he began to move his hips, his name leaving your lips sinfully as you felt every ridge and vein of his cock gliding against your walls.
You were both sweating, your names being chanted between one another like a forbidden song, the feeling of him pounding into your heat almost too overwhelming. Your legs had wrapped around his waist as you ground your hips up into his with every thrust, toes curling at the sensation. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered, JJ’s lips assaulting the skin of your chest and breast, leaving marks on every inch he could possibly reach. His hand slipped between the two of you, rubbing at the sensitive bud he knew would send you over the edge. 
And it did.
You screamed his name as the pleasure took over, your walls clenching around him as he continued to piston himself into you, riding your high and chasing his. Moments later, he was releasing himself inside of you, his warm essence painting your walls and claiming you as his.
“Fuck,” he muttered, his body collapsing on top of yours gently as you echoed his words. JJ took a moment to collect himself before slowly sliding out of you, his eyes trailing down your figure and landing on the vice between your legs, watching as a mixture of your cum and his leaked out of the fucked out hole. He collected some of the leaking substance in two of his fingers, softly pushing it back inside of you as his jaw clenched at the sight, and you let out a quiet whimper at the feeling.
“We’ll clean up soon,” you muttered, watching him through hooded eyes as you fought off sleep, “Don’t think I can walk right now,” your cheeks were red as you spoke, and JJ took notice of the way both of your legs were slightly shaking. He smirked up at you.
“Maybe I should’ve confessed my love for you a long time ago.”
“Maybe,” you laughed, reaching forward and grabbing his arms, pulling him back down to you.
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Rising From The Earth
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Series Summary: After months of trying, and several heats, and ruts, Y/N was now beginning her journey on her road to motherhood. All Steve and Bucky wanted to be is supportive and strong for their Omega, but life doesn't always run so smoothly....
Series Warning: a/b/o dynamics (the fun stuff that comes with that) Smut, Accurate Representation of Pregnancy and (eventually) Childbirth, Strong Language (18+ ONLY)
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes
Part One// Part Two// 
Part Three: Divine Body 
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Chapter Warnings: Mirror Smut (rather than sex), Fingering, Daddy Kink, Reader feels bad about her body, but it’s okay because Stucky makes you feel better. (18+ Only)
Word Count: 3.1K
16 Weeks 
The revelation that you were carrying twins, still hadn't quite hit home yet, and you were still struggling to contemplate the thought of producing and then caring for two pups, rather than one. 
You don’t think Steve and Bucky had stopped smiling since your appointment with Dr Cho. They were so elated at the news, but you still grappled to keep your inner thoughts and worries at bay. 
Everyone else was thrilled for you, Wanda tried to tackle you in another one of her bear hugs, but you were saved by Bucky and Steve, whose protectiveness had sky rocketed. Sam was already picking baby names, and you had to break it to him that Samuel and Wilson, weren’t quite what you were thinking, but you said you would keep them in mind. 
You were laying on the couch, in between Bucky’s thighs, your head resting on his chest, as he traced his fingers, in a line along the top of your sweats. Steve was reading to you, every now and then, the pages of the book would brush against your feet, laying across his lap, making you giggle at the sensation. He would apologise by planting a soft kiss on your toes which would usually, only make things worst. Bucky’s fingers would begin to lightly dig into your sides, making you wriggle way from his grasp, but he would just trap you between  his muscular thighs, preventing your escape.
“Stop, Alpha.” you snort. “you’re gonna make me pee.” This was true, as the increasing pressure on your abdomen was making the situation likely. 
“Sorry, what was that, baby. I didn’t quite catch that?” Bucky teased, continuing his assault on your sides. 
“Please, Alpha...I’ll do...anything...please...stop.” you gasp. 
“Alright, sweetheart.” Bucky finally releases his thigh grip, and allows you to break free.
“Great, now I have to pee. Thanks a lot.” you grumble, glaring at him.
“Don’t start, little one.” Steve warns you, arching an eyebrow. 
“Oh and thanks for your help.” you mumble to Steve, he hears, but chooses to smirk rather than scold. 
You stand from the couch, a little to quickly, and the feeling of blood rushing to your feet and away from your head, makes your vision blur, a little. You reach your hand back to study yourself on Bucky’s knee, his hands immediately shooting to your waste. 
“Easy, baby. Slow down a little.” He steadies you on your feet, before standing to help escort you to the bathroom. 
“I don't want your help to the bathroom, I’m not a frail old lady. Hell it should be me walking you to the bathroom.” a small, but firm slap goes on your behind, making you jump slightly. 
“Let that be a warning, Omega. Dr Cho said that your dizzy spells are gonna be worst for the next few weeks, as your body adapts to having to feed two pups. Especially as you’re still not eating enough.” Bucky chides. 
“But that isn't my fault, that the pups don't want to eat.” you challenge. 
“No, but you’re not exactly making any efforts, to try new foods, are we baby girl?” you roll your eyes, which earns you anther abrupt slap to your bottom. This one made you wince slightly. 
“Don’t push it, darlin.” Steve warns you. 
You finally reach the toilet, shrugging Bucky’s arms off of you. 
“Thank you, but I can take it from here.” You grimace, closing the door, Bucky jams his foot between the frame, preventing any further movement. “I’m not peeing with the door open.” you tell him flatly. 
“Keep this attitude up, and we’ll make you.” Bucky responds darkly, you cower under his stare, and nod submissively at his words. His expression lightens, “don’t lock the door, sweetie. Just incase.”
“You worry too much.” 
“We’re meant to.” 
He removes his foot allowing you to close the door, but you do as he says and don't lock it, before relieving yourself. 
You stand, looking at yourself in the mirror, as you washed your hands. You looked tired, and still a little pale, from this mornings bathroom antics. You sigh at your distressed appearance, and can’t help the dark thoughts that begin to circulate in your head. 
No wonder, Steve and Bucky hadn't touched you in weeks. 
You look dreadful, why would any Alpha, looking the way they do, want to make love to this. 
You hold in the tears, desperately trying to ignore the vile voice in your head. You turn away from the mirror, to dry your hands on the towel, next to you. And your eyes can’t help but catch on something in the reflection. You turn side on, slowly, pressing your hands on top of your shirt, pulling it tight around your stomach. 
You blink hard at yourself, not quite absorbing the image in front of you. As you pulled your t-shirt tighter, you could now see the small, outline of a little bump, peeking out slightly. You run your hands over it a few times, double checking your eyes were not deceiving you, before you lifted your shirt, and looked down at your bellybutton. And sure enough the mirror in front of you wasnt lying. 
You ghosted your fingers over the smooth, raised skin, frightened you might hurt the little jewels inside of you. You felt your heart flutter, as you ran your hand over the little curl of your skin. 
You were shaken from your little moment, by a tentative knock on the bathroom door. 
“Are you okay, baby? Have you fallen in?” Bucky jests, but you can still sense the concern, in his voice and scent, that squeezed it’s way under the door. 
You don't say anything, instead you pull your shirt down and walk towards the bathroom door, opening it swiftly. Bucky nearly falling in and on top of you, as he must have been pressed up against it. Steve was watching intently from the couch, and couldn't help the small snort, as Bucky stumbled to recompose himself. 
“Were you spying on me?” you smirk, quirking an eyebrow.
“Just making sure you were alright, you were in there a while. Everything okay, baby?” he places his hand softly on you jaw, steering you eyes upward. 
“Mmhm.” you hum, “go sit next to Steve.” you smile, pointing to the spot next to the blond soldier. Bucky tilts his head to side, looking at you the way a untrained-puppy would, if you had just asked it to sit. 
“On the couch, Sargent.” you ordered. He raised both his eyebrows at you, and elicited a low growl, but you held your ground, knowing it would pay off in the end. He sighs heavily before turning and seating himself of the couch. 
“You know, little one. If you were so desperate to be spanked, you could just ask. We can spank you if you want?” your cheeks flush, but you shake your head, trying to focus on what you were doing. 
Bucky and Steve, grin at each other, but you playfully stick you tongue out. 
“No, thank you, Alpha. I want to show you something.” 
“What is it, darlin?” the two Alpha’s watch you, unmoving, as you softly lift the helm of your shirt up, exposing your delicate skin underneath. The two men just stare at you weirdly, both heads tilted to the side. 
“Are you giving us a strip tease, baby?” Steve asks, his eyes, not leaving your exposed skin. 
“No silly.” you roll your eyes, and let out a small huff of frustration, you turn side on, and suddenly, their eyes light up. Steve grabbing your hand and pulling you closer, so that they could rest their hand on the small bulge of your skin. 
“Wow, baby.” Bucky breathed, cupping your tummy gently in his palm, Steve mirrors his hand, only placing it at the top of your bump. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Steve whispers, planting a kiss on your stretched skin, his lips sending ripples across your stomach. 
“Do you really think so?” you doubt, you were always confused when they called you that. You didn’t understand how you could be beautiful. Especially not now. And you knew it was only going to get worst, as you continued to swell, soon you were going to be so big, they weren’t going to want to look at you, let alone touch. 
They both looked up at you, when you asked that question. Their eyes dilating, as they observed your whole body. 
“Baby girl, why would you ask something like that?” Bucky questions you, pulling you into their laps, pushing your hair away from your face, so he could try and gage some sort of eye contact, but you just looked at your hands. 
“Honey, look at us. Why would you ask a question like that. We think you are beautiful, in every single way.” Steve cooed, lifting your chin, to meet their blue eyes. You blinked back the tears, stupid hormones, had made your mood change like the speed of light. 
“But soon I’m gonna be fat, and you won't want to be near me anymore.” you mutter, ashamed to say the words. 
“Little one, don’t ever say that again.” Steve gripped your jaw tighter, pulling you closer to his face, “you are the most beautiful, Omega, we have ever seen. Every inch of you is perfect, and will always be perfect.”
“But I’m gonna get fat.” you whined. 
“No you aren't, baby. You’re gonna grow.”
“Yeah. Fat.”
“Enough, Y/N.” Bucky growled. He lifted you up effortlessly, and took you over to the far wall, where a large floor length mirror settled on the plaster. 
He sets you on your feet, and positions you in front of the mirror. Steve follows you, and stands with Bucky behind you. They move in sync, and peel your t-shirt over your head, you’re left standing there in just your sweats. You pull your arms over your chest, looking fixedly at the floor.  
“Look up, pretty girl.” Steve commanded, but you held your position. Steve grasped your wrists, effortlessly moving them to your sides. Bucky peeled your bottoms down, your panties going with them. You cross you legs, trying to hide, how turned on you were getting, but it was useless, as Bucky pushed his face between your legs, breathing in deeply. 
“Mmmm smells so good.” you felt his tongue at the edge of your lower lips, as he licks over his own. 
“Look at Daddy in the mirror, baby.” Bucky mumbles, against your dripping core, sending vibrations through you. Steve grasps around your neck, not threatening, but in a way that is comforting. To know that he is close, makes you warm, and the feeling of his fingers, closing securely around your throat, make another gush of slick, roll down your legs. 
Steve uses his hand on your neck, to steer your direction upwards, so you have no choice but to look at yourself, well...your eyes were fixed onto Bucky’s head. A small gasp, escaped your throat, as Bucky forced your legs apart. The slick that rolled down them, glinting in the light. 
“How could you ever say, this isn't beautiful.” Bucky placed a harsh kiss, on your swollen clit, that makes your hips buck into his. He holds you firmly in place. 
“Stay still, sweetheart. Let Daddy show you how you beautiful you are.” Steve whispers in your ear, the hairs on your neck stiffening. He circles his other arm around, pinching your nipples, harshly. 
“Can’t wait until these are full of milk.” He sucks harshly at your neck, right over your sensitive bonding mark. You moan at the feeling of his warm tongue, licking long strokes over your neck. 
Bucky pulls your legs over his shoulder, as he seats himself on the floor, his warm breath against your dripping slit, makes you shiver, before you cry out when his lips wrap tightly around your clit. 
“Daddy, that feels so good.” you shriek, as he ultimates between your clit, and your small lips. You close your eyes, only for them to snap open, when a rough slap was delivered to the back of your thigh. 
“Keep your eyes open, watch Daddy.” Steve demands, gripping your ass powerfully, before letting go, and moving his attention back to your nipples. 
Your eyes move back to the mirror, as you watch Bucky lap at your wet pussy, the noises being completely obscene. The knot in your stomach, was tightening quickly, and it was helped along by the added pressure of Bucky’s fingers as they pressed harshly on your nub. 
“Oh my God, Daddy. Please don’t stop.” You words only spurred him on, as he began to rub faster over your clit, as he felt your walls clench around his tongue. 
“Please, Daddy I’m going to cum.” you shriek, when a gruff slap was delivered to your clit. 
“Not without asking you’re not.” Bucky growled, before returning to her merciless actions. 
“Please, Daddy. Please can I cum.” you beg, your legs quivering around Bucky’s head, as you held off from falling over the edge. Determined to be a good girl for your Alphas. 
“You can come on one conditions.” Steve teased, nipping at the skin on your hickey covered neck. 
“What Daddy, what. I’ll do anything. Please.” you plead, you were so nearly there it wouldn't take much for you to come undone, the only thing stopping you was your own will. 
“You say, that you are the most beautiful Omega, in the world. And my body is amazing it is creating two new beautiful lives, that I hope will be the image of me, because I am beautiful.” Steve rumbles, you whine and fuss, his words nearly being lost in your noises of pleasure. 
“Listen to me, baby. Say those words, or no cumming for a week.” Steve threatens, with you so close, the thought of feeling like this for a week, made you cry out, before you were able to pull yourself together to form, a sentence.
“I am the most beautiful Omega in the wor-” you cut yourself off as a groan falls from your lips, as Bucky inserts a finger, you can’t stop the trembling around his face, as he slowly pushes his finger in and out. 
“Keep going, honey. You weren’t finished yet.” Steve warns. 
“I am the most beautiful Omega in the world, and my body is amazing. It is creating two new beautiful lives, that I hope will be the image-Ah!” you cry out, it was too much, all the stimulation too much. You were desperately clenching around Bucky’s fingers, your hands going to Steve’s arm, hoping he could help you hold it together.  
“I can’t do it, Daddy. I have to cum.” 
“Come on, sweetheart. You were almost there.” Bucky coos, he slows the pace of his fingers, so that you can try and concentrate. 
“It is creating two new beautiful lives, that I hope will be made in the image of me, because I am...beautiful.” you choke the last word, tears stream down your face, as the edging was becoming overwhelming. Bucky kisses your clit gently, before speeding his fingers up, Steve kisses the side of your neck, before raising his head, so his lips were in line with your ear. 
That was all it took, for your orgasm to wash over you like a tidal wave, you feel the pressure being released, as the sound of water, gushing down your leg filled the room. Bucky helped you come down, by placing gentle strokes on your clit, Steve holding you up, as your knees go weak. Softly praising and shushing you. 
“Good girl.” 
“Well done, beautiful.” 
“That was incredible, pretty girl.” 
Bucky stood once your pussy had stopped watering, he went to the bathroom, and you heard the sound of the tap, running. Steve carefully picked you up off your quivering feet, and carried you carefully into the bathroom, still quietly shushing you, as you hummed, a mechanism you picked up to help calm you down.  
“Shh, little one. It’s all okay.” He hushed you, trying to place you in the half filled bathtub. 
“No, Alpha.” You gripped his shoulders, desperate to not be away from him. 
“It’ll be nice in the water, darlin. It’ll help with your back.” you just shook your head into his shoulder, desperate to remain close to him. 
“Alright, sweetheart.” Bucky helped Steve, to take his clothes off, whilst you remained pandered to his chest. Bucky then took his own clothes off, before helping Steve to step into the bath, before joining the pair of you. 
You laid your head against Steve’s chest, still humming slightly. Bucky cupped his hand, and ran water down your back. The trickling sensation, felt like tiny massages along the discs and plates of your spine. 
You let out a sigh, Steve kissing your forehead. 
“What did you learn, baby girl?” Bucky asked you, running a soapless sponge along your back, just the feeling of the rough edges, furthered your feeling of relaxation. 
You fussed, turning your head into Steve’s chest, not wanting to repeat the words, you had said moments ago. Feeling silly.
“Come on, honey. Tell Alpha what you learned?” Steve coaxed, running his fingers through your hair. 
“I learnt that you think I’m pretty.” You mumble into Steve’s chest. You hear them both tsk, at your response.
“More than that, baby. Come on, don’t be shy.” Steve tickles you a little under the chin, making you giggle and push his hands away. 
“I learnt that Alphas think I’m pretty-”
“Beautiful.” Steve interrupted firmly. 
“beautiful.” you correct yourself, “and that my body’s amazing.”
“Why is it amazing, sweetie?” Bucky enticed, drawing patterns on your back, by the way his fingers moved, it felt like he was tracing hearts into your skin. 
“Because it is making pups.” you hum.
“Good girl . Such a beautiful, good girl.” Steve praises, kissing you once again.
You laid in the water, until it began getting cold, and you began to shiver. 
“Let’s get you in some nice warm jammies, huh baby?” you nod, and wait for Bucky to climb out the bath, before letting him pick you up, Steve soon following behind him. He grabs a warmed towel from the radiator, and wraps you in it. 
“There, that nice, sweetheart?” you nod, laying your head on Bucky’s shoulder, eyes drooping, at the rocking sensation of Bucky’s footsteps. He has to set you down, to put you in some sleep shorts, and one of his t-shirt, but when your whining doesn't stop, he shushes you, and picks you up, rocking you gently. 
You all lay down in the bed, you snuggle yourself between the men. They resumed their favourite position, which was both of their hands on your small, but now protruding stomach. 
You watch as Steve bends his head down, so he’s inches away from the skin of your stomach. 
“We love you, little ones.” he kissed you just above your bellybutton. 
It’s Bucky’s turn to lean down, so his lips are inches away from your skin. 
“And we love your mommy too, more than she could ever realise.” you smile down at him, he turns his head and winks at you, before switching his head back, and blowing a raspberry. You giggle, pushing his head away. 
Steve and him both chuckle, and lay back, putting their hands where their lips used to be. 
And that’s how you lay, warm and safe in each others bodies. 
A/N: I feel like I’m always ending my chapters in fights, or sleeping. What is wrong with me, I’m soo unoriginal.😫 Please say if it gets too boring
Part Four//
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: You Put Your Finger in their Mouth to Display Dominance
Summary: basically what the title says
Warnings: smut but no smut (basically innuendos), Hoseok showing dominance (yes in that way but no smut), reader displaying (or trying to on some) dominance, a little sprinkle of angst on some, Jungkook showing his baby boy side. Fluff, some crack,
qween-of-trash said:
Can you please do a silly bts reaction where there s/o puts her finger in there mouth when they yawn to establish dominance( I do this to my boyfriend and siblings)
W.C.: 1.5k
Notes: My girlfriend does this to me all of the time, it is so cute lmao
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The glare on your boyfriend’s face was the ice breaker for you. Smiling like a dork, you released a belly felt laugh, causing you to remove your pointer finger out your boyfriends’ mouth. You ignored the glare that Seokjin was giving you, to immersed into your laughing to notice that Seokjin was moving his hands closer to you on the couch. At the last moment, you felt his hands on your waist, pushing you back onto the couch to start tickling you.
“You think you’re so funny, huh?” Your boyfriend teased, not being able to contain his smile.
“Jinnie! Stop! I’m going to piss my pants!” You squealed loudly, knowing your bladder whenever you have been laughing to long and being tickled.
Moving away from you quickly, you smirked as you got up to run to the bathroom to pee.
“Don’t think that this is over, Y/N!” Your boyfriend yelled at you, having that tone in his voice, a tell-tale sign that you knew that this was definitely far from being over.
Watching your boyfriend closely, you were waiting for the right time to do it. Feeling his chest rise, a sign that is telling you that he is close to yawning, you moved your arm to lay on top of his chest, being as discrete as possible. When you saw his mouth opened, you quickly stuck your pointed finger in his mouth, a victorious grin on your face.
The grin was quickly wiped away when you felt your boyfriend bite down on your finger – not to hard to hurt, but just right to let you know that he is not thrilled with your action.
“Ow! You’re hurting me!” You whined out, exaggerating your pain.
“Stop being a whiny baby, I barely bit your finger,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, releasing a sigh.
“Yeah, but it still hurted.” You mumbled, pressing a tender kiss to your finger.
Yoongi smirked, pulling you closer to him to where your head was laying right underneath his chin, hugging you tightly to him. Pressing a kiss to your head, he brought your hand up to his mouth, giving your finger that he bit a loving kiss. “Better?” He asked, to which you nodded your head, “Good, now stop putting your finger in my mouth when I yawn, or I’ll be putting something your mouth…” He warned, laughing at the dark red that made its way onto your cheeks at his words.
Hoseok knew that you loved putting your finger in his mouth whenever he yawns, your silent way of displaying dominance. He found it adorable and a turn on. The both of you know that he is the dominant one in the relationship (both in and out of bed), so your little game was something that he messes with. He allows you to display your act of dominance to see you smile and be happy that you took control of something that is in the sexual realm.
That is why he could not control himself tonight whenever you put your pointer finger in his mouth when he yawned.
You were now pressed down into the bed, Hoseok hovering above you with both arms on each side of your body. A dark, seductive look was evident in his eyes and face while a pout and wide, innocent eyes on yours.
“This isn’t fair!” You pouted, looking away from your boyfriend, “I just want to be dominant for once!”
Chuckling, Hoseok pressed a kiss to your cheek. “How about, I’ll let you do so tomorrow night, but for tonight, you’re mine to play with.”
At your nod and excited squeal of happiness, Hoseok had to break his dominant act and smile along with you.
Your arms were crossed above your chest while a pout was on your face. Every fiber in your body was unhappy, and you wanted to make that very clear to your boyfriend.
Namjoon got the hint when he told you to stop in a demanding tone, focus on his work instead of you. Now, you would not be upset about this on a regular night, but this is not some regular night. Tonight, is date night, Friday night, the night that both you and Namjoon take out of the week to spend time with one another. But, Namjoon has seemed to have forgotten when he was still lock up in his studio in your guys shared apartment. So, to try and remind him, you jokingly put your finger in his mouth as a way to get his attention. But that backfired when he snapped at you, both hurting your feelings and making you pouty.
A sad look was on Namjoon’s face when he found you sitting on the couch, arms crossed and pout on your face. Sitting down beside you, Namjoon lifted you up on his lap, making you straddle his lap. “I’m sorry, baby, I did not mean to snap at you like I did. I know tonight is date—”
You shut him up by sticking your finger in his mouth. Smiling, “It’s okay, ish, but let’s enjoy this night together without any distractions and I’ll think about forgiving you.” A yelp escaped your lips when he bit down on your finger. “Rude!”
One of Jimin’s favorite things about you is your clingy, and affectionate self. As a person who loves attention and skin ship, he was ecstatic that you were the same way. Jimin, truthfully, could not get enough of you. But the one thing that Jimin could say that he disliked is whenever you put your finger in his mouth whenever he yawned or was talking.
The goofy grin on your face when he glared at you broke his demeanor. “Jajji, whyyyf?” Jimin tried to ask, but the finger in his mouth made it difficult.
Shrugging sheepishly, “I don’t know… it’s fun.” You laughed again when your boyfriend pouted, a perfect meme that you wish that you could take a picture of.
“Why are you ignoring me?” You whined, following your boyfriend around the house like a lost puppy, begging for its owners, or in this case, your boyfriends, attention. “This has been the first time in weeks since I have done it.” Referring to you sticking your finger into your boyfriends mouth when he yawned just earlier this morning.
Like he has been for the past three hours, he simply ignored you.
Dishearten by his actions, you released a sigh, turning on your heels to go to your guys shared bedroom to give him space. He has never voiced his annoyance by your actions, he always smiled and played along with you. So, why is he now against it? Too lost in your thoughts, you did not hear your boyfriend make his way up behind you. The only warning that you got was arms wrapping around your waist and lifting you up.
“Taehyung! What are you doing?” You asked confusedly, not understanding why he was running to the couch with you in the air.
Placing you down on his lap, your body facing him so he could look you in the eyes. “The reason why I was ignoring you is because I was trying to tell you something important, but you put your finger in my mouth while I was talking, and it felt like you were not taking it seriously.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, “Then why couldn’t you just tell me that instead of ignoring me?”
“Because I am dumb…” Taehyung trailed off.
Nodding your head in agreement, “you are dumb and—”
You were cut off by Taehyung’s finger entering your mouth. “Ha! This is actually really fun!”
Rolling your eyes, you gave Taehyung your best grin to let him know that he is right, it is fun.
Jungkook is a brat. A literal, cute and hot, sassy brat.
In the beginning of your guys relationship, he was not a brat. But as the both of you hit your six months anniversary, you noticed a shift in his personality. At first, you thought he was sick of you, or just was an asshole in disguise. Voicing your worries to Seokjin, you were reassured by his explanation – which was that Jungkook has fully grown comfortable with you and feels safe with you, something he is showing by his personality. Looking back on it, you did see what he meant. Another thing that Seokjin told you was what he and the others did with him whenever he became bratty was putting your finger in his mouth to display dominance – advice that you definitely took.
“Jungkook, would you please—”
“What?!” He yelled cheekily, interrupting you.
You cut him off by sticking your finger in his mouth, a serious look on your face that had Jungkook internally cowering. “I swear to God, if you don’t stop being a brat, I will do something about it.”
The look that Jungkook gave you had you smirking.
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hypnomicimagines · 4 years
👻Not a Vibe👻[Amemura Ramuda]👻
A/N: Ramuda is afraid of ghosts so my first thought was hmm how can i make this work for ME
Oh, how sweet it was to finally find his weakness.
The movie night had truly started off with a bang as spooky season had officially started, horror movie upon horror movie available for your viewing pleasure. Ramuda had seemed twitchy when you first mentioned wanting to watch one but simply brushed it off, convinced there wouldn’t be much movie-watching occurring when he got his hands on you. You were unfortunately stubborn about watching the silly witch movie that had come on though and he found himself simply cuddled into your side, half-asleep as the movie didn’t quite catch his interest (though he thought he could work a few witchy aesthetics into his newest creations). He was quite happy to at least being receiving your affection but that all came to an end as the next movie began.
He hadn’t said explicitly no haunted house movies but the slamming of doors and windows alerted him to the fact he was about to have a bad time. The raging storm outside certainly didn’t help the atmosphere in the house nor did your insistence that the lights remain off, Ramuda feeling himself tense up as he actively tried to avert his attention from the movie. He nuzzled at your neck and tugged at your arm, whining that he wanted to go to bed, mumbling that he deserved your attention, even pressing a few kisses to your neck to show how serious he was. But you were stronger than that due to dealing with his come-ons for so long, patting his head affectionately and telling him you’d join him in bed after the movie was over.
He practically ran from the room when the first ghost appeared in the background, stuttering out that he had to pee and that he’d be waiting in bed for you when you finally realized what you were missing out on. You knew your boyfriend was pouting but thought nothing of it, knowing he’d forgive you quickly enough (assuming he’d be come back out to join you once his tantrum was over). You continued watching the movie with a pillow held tightly in your arms, the dark living room and lack of another person really setting you on edge; you were about to reach for the remote to turn off the TV when a loud clap of thunder rang out.
Ramuda’s shriek could be heard from at least ten miles away.
It nearly made you scream until you realized it was just him even if it still took you a few moments to register that a noise like that could come out of him. You’d never heard him scream like that before once in your life and you carefully tiptoed to your room to see a cowering lump in the blankets, the bedroom light flickering before it finally goes out completely. The lights must’ve died because of the storm. This night sure was taking a turn.
You’re cut off by another shriek, quieter this time but still ear-piercing, and a pillow being thrown as hard as it could be at you. You caught it with relative ease and approached the bed, not wanting him to scream again but knowing no other way to get him to come out from his hiding place. But what if that wasn’t your boyfriend?
What if it was a ghost?
“R-Ramuda?” You stuttered out again, “Come out baby.”
“No way! No way, no way!” Ramuda cried out, his grip on the blanket tightening. He wasn’t going to be fooled by a ghost pretending to be you! He might hate ghost movies but he knew how they worked, he knew the basics of the tropes, and there’s no way he’d fall for it. But what if it was you? You sounded scared, and his pride as your boyfriend was being whittled down the longer he hid under this blanket. Even if it wasn’t you that just made you even more vulnerable to the potential haunting in your apartment.
Ramuda, hoping to trick the ghost you assumed, threw the blanket at you quite suddenly which caused you to yelp as you stumbled backwards; your legs get tangled and you fall on your ass, letting out an unhappy groan as Ramuda bolted past you into the living room. He’s frantically calling out your name and you can feel this night getting stupider, tossing the blanket off of you and pulling yourself off the ground as you followed after him. He looked quite unhappy as he curled up on the couch where you had been seated most of the night, the pillow you held now safely gripped in his arms as he whined out your name again.
“I’m right here you big baby. Don’t run away again please, I don’t want to play hide and seek in the dark.”
“T-That sounds like something a ghost would say!”
“No it doesn’t. Come on.” Your warm hands bring Ramuda and comfort, leaning into your touch needily before standing up and wrapping his arms around you. His iron grip still managed to surprise you despite how long you’d been together and you patted his head just to reassure him it was, indeed, his loyal lover and not a ghost he was hugging currently. “Let’s go snuggle in bed.”
As though he’d be able to sleep at all tonight.
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