#he will always be the best character of all time to me.
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theavocadosthree · 1 day ago
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As I always have had said,
Sam is a great guy with plenty of good and true values that up holds what Steve had. Sam is a man of integrity, perseverance, respect, dignity, and the want to do what is right. We have seen him without any hesitation help out Steve and Natasha when they were considered enemy of the state with shield. Sam fought tooth and nail for the avengers as Falcon. Previous to that, Sam had also lead the VA groups in hope to help other Vets with their trauma and PSTD. Steve saw the values in Sam, not just because he also was military but because Steve saw a lot of himself in Sam Wilson. Sam had his heart in the same place. To do what is right, even if you have to bend the rules every once in a while.
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Now onto our friend James Buchanan Barnes,
To make myself clear, I love Bucky and I think he would be an amazing Captain America. Do I think now is the right time is this time line? No. And Here is why:
Yes Bucky has values and integrity but we all know that Bucky is still shown as a liability to the state and country for all that he had done within the Winter Soldier programming HYDRA had put into his head. He’s still in therapy as required by the government and just like normal folks with trauma that are super soldiers.. Healing takes TIME. When you think of it, Bucky had no control over any of his actions, for YEARS, and he’s just now getting this back. In infinity war is when we see him start to gain back his old mind, which yet again has not still fully healed. Falcon and the Winter Soldier rolls around and Bucky is still trying to catch up and make amends. Yet again, HEALING IS A PROCESS. It’s going to take a while before Bucky makes amends. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t have what it takes to be the next in line to wield the shield but just means he’s in a major plot point in his own character development within the MCU.
In conclusion…(and my personal opinion)
I have yet to see the new movie due to not having a ride there nor the money to go see it due to medical expenses and bills but believe me I am so proud of Anthony Mackie getting his Starring role as the Main character in his OWN movie! And you best believe it when CABNW starts streaming I will see that movie first thing when it comes out on Disney+. But from what I’ve seen from spoiler free reviews of the movie I know he’s killing it. Sam’s going to do great and I can’t wait to see the dynamic that he, and Joaquin have in the movie. Sam Wilson is an amazing character with an interesting background, and a family man too!! I’ve always loved him and yet gain can’t wait to see what happens in Brave New World.
And to the folks out there petty still about the fact Sam IS Captain America, Deal with it, or move onto another character story line. Read the comics. Either way there’s no need to be hateful. You don’t like the movie? Cool. No need to be petty either. You don’t have anything nice to say? Keep it to yourself. Simple as that.
Sam is the new Cap as simple as that! Let’s be happy for both characters! Nuff’ said.
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Every criticism of Captain America; Brave New World means nothing to me, and here is why: My 11 and 15-year-old nephews, who are Black boys, loved Captain America: Brave New World. Every other review or criticism is invalid to me because when 15-year-old Billy said, “That was the best Captain America movie” and 11-year-old Manny ran around the house the next day saying, “I’m Captain America” that’s all that mattered. That’s all that matters. Two Black boys saw it and loved it. That’s important. Sam Wilson is important.
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mosaickiwi · 2 days ago
Hey hey !!! Just wanted to say I really appreciate your writing, reading a fic of yours always brings me comfort :D
I was wondering if you’d be okay doing a body swap! AU between Angel and Ren/Redacted. You’re welcome to take whatever approach you deem fit, I’m curious as to what you come up with
thank you !!!
Thank you very much <33 Taking this as a warm up so I can remember wtf i'm doing!! So it's a HC list with a little blurb :3c most of my writing the past four months has been for my own projects/personal use lmao
Also happy day 5 yayyy yippee 🎉
Body Swap!!
[REDACTED] in your body?? Thriving
Fascinated and loving it. Since they've been studying you for years he knows all the little physical quirks you have, but now he gets to experience them himself and it's weirdly exciting.
Additionally, NO ONE would realize anything was wrong. Acting like you would be even easier than getting into character for Haruko. Except he might not be able to help himself and do a little friendship sabotaging.
He's being extremely weird in private if you give him permission lmao
A little unsure of physical affection at first because of the self loathing. Of course he still wants it, but being on the other side of things has his thoughts all "that's how my scars feel to you? my hands are really this cold?" Notes for himself to keep plenty of hand warmers in his pockets.
Puts the collar of their shirt over his mouth like he's cold… but it's really just a quick excuse to sniff your clothes outright in public I'm so sorry.
You in his body?? Suffering
You bump your head on door frames, constantly hit your hip on counters, trip in your platform shoes if you're not used to them.
You're tired all the time??? You knew they hardly slept but it was THIS bad? The constant coffee and energy drinks are the only reason you don't fall asleep in the middle of conversations.
Piercings feel weird too if your angel doesn't have them. Constantly touching your tongue to the roof of your mouth, fiddling with your ears, etc. 
Unaware of your new strength. Picking up furniture is surprisingly easy. You probably broke a door lock when turning the key with a little too much force. 
Your friends are dismissive and standoffish with you. Can you blame them? At best he ignores them, and at worst you have to be physically between them (but closer to [REDACTED]) to keep both parties happy.
"Watch your head," you heard from in front of you. 
You carefully ducked into the doorway to your apartment. It was hard to get used to your new height — and almost as hard to get used to hearing someone else use your voice.
The same couldn't be said of your partner. Not even thirty minutes had passed since the unfortunate incident, but [REDACTED] already seemed at home in your body. As if it was natural to him. 
While you panicked about suddenly swapping bodies in the middle of a hangout with your friends, he calmly made a plan. All you could do was follow along.
You'd observed them, dumbfounded as they perfectly mimicked your personality and mannerisms. He'd excused you both from the carnival early, and gotten you home without a hint of suspicion from anyone. It was unexpected and illogical, but his obsession with you clearly paid off.
No one seemed to notice — or care, since they weren't friends with him — that the pissed off emo their friend dragged around looked crazier than usual as you both left.
The door shut as you stumbled into the living room like a newborn fawn, your now shorter partner hovering at your side. How did he manage to wear three-inch platform boots while this tall? You tripped your way over to the couch with a sigh.
"I'm calling in sick tomorrow," you groaned into the armrest. The couch felt even more uncomfortable in his body. Inviting him over just to let him sleep on the couch one too many times probably warranted an apology. 
"We should be back t'normal in a few hours."
"Is that what WebDR said?" There was no response, but you threw out another question. "I guess we could kill time and watch a movie, what do you think?"
Again, he didn't answer. You heard the faintest sound of your phone vibrating and searched every inch of your outfit. When you found his phone instead, you sat up to look for him. 
The temporary owner of your body was standing just beside the couch, your phone still ringing in their hand, but his thumb hovering dangerously close to the screen. There was an annoyed frown on his face… your face? 
"Leon's calling," he finally said.
"Oh my god." You jumped up to snatch the phone away and hurriedly declined the call. 
Your partner's frown quickly turned to amusement at the situation. "Y'don't trust me t'play nice with him?"
"When you're using my voice? Fuck no." You texted an apology to Leon for leaving early, lied about your throat hurting so he wouldn't call back, then hid the device in one of your many pockets. "Oh wow." 
"What's wrong?"
"... Nothing, I guess."
Staring down at your own face this closely was… off. You reached forward and grabbed their chin, turning it every which way as if something about it would change. 
"You really get to look at me from all the worst angles when you're this tall, huh?" you hummed to yourself. 
"And y'look perfect at every single one, love."
God, he was awful. "Ignoring you."
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dearmash1975project · 2 days ago
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It was fitting that Brian was the first person I spoke to for this. It was his letter, after all, and the age written on it (age 11), that touched me so deeply that it sparked this whole project. I’ll keep my methods on how I tracked him down close to the vest, so as not to illustrate how easy it is to find anyone in this digital age; needless to say– getting an email back that read “Dear Lily, Yes I did!” was thrilling. We scheduled to speak on the phone and did on July 15th, 2024.
{Interview continued under the cut}
Brian Nores was no longer 11 when we spoke on the phone. Between the passage of time and the life that fills the mind since age 11, he didn’t remember writing the letter until my email.
An email, he told me, that his partner advised him not to answer as it was “probably a scam.” Thankfully for me, Brian is “always getting himself into trouble” and answered my inquiry about a letter he may or may not have sent while living at X address in 1975. In hindsight, his partner was definitely right for being wary.
Brian credited his late father for the letter’s existence and described memories flooding back after reading the words he wrote nearly 50 years earlier. Not long before he wrote the M*A*S*H letter, Brian was a boy scout who wanted to quit. His father instructed him that he could quit, but he had to write a letter to the scout master explaining why he wanted to leave the troop. His dad ‘never let him off the hook for that,’ and it was likely this instillation of values that gave Brian the confidence to speak his mind after the fateful episode aired. [In a fascinating ending to the boy scout anecdote– Brian, who still lives in the area, was at the local frame shop years later where the owner recognized his name and produced the letter, which the scout master was having framed.]
When I asked if he remembered the episode he responded how anyone who has seen it would; he remembered it very well. He recalled being “disturbed” and “shocked” by it. In a world before spoiler alerts, he explained, “the whole world saw that episode and reacted in real time.” As an 11-year-old, but also as an American youth raised on American narratives of war, he remembered expecting Henry to “go off into the sunset” and be okay.
“For me, M*A*S*H ended after that episode.”
Brian watched occasionally after season 3 but had no idea the series continued for as long as it did (M*A*S*H aired from 1972-1983). “It was never the same, certainly.”
Brian was in 5th grade in 1975, and at his young age he had never seen something on TV that disturbing. He told me he reached out to an old friend to discuss the letter, and they reminisced about their lives at that time. “Age of innocence” was the term he used with me. At that point in his life, he had never lost any relatives or experienced any hardships. “The most shocking thing that I had experienced prior to that was a large earthquake in ’71.” For Brian, this episode marked one of the first experiences he had had with death.
It's an extraordinary level of influence to have, that the simple ‘writing off’ of a character can have such an impact on a young life. We often characterize television as a sort of hobby, one that has less of a cachet than movies; but the mechanism by which media compels our emotions is the same.
Brian reflected more on this impact when telling me that The Mary Tyler Moore Show was his favorite series, and he recalled crying at the finale in 1977. He remembered thinking “How could they end this?”
To Brian, television was “taken a little more seriously then.” With one TV, there were fights over who got to hold the clicker when you sat around the set as a family. “You got one chance to watch it.” He explained. “What a different world we live in now.”
Brian still lives in the area where he grew up and drives past his old house and “down memory lane” often. He is still close to two of his childhood best friends. He shared with me some of his thoughts on aging, a topic that still feels “surreal” to him. “Only recently have I started to experience change. Restaurants etc. going away. Everything that we grew up with has changed. TV, movies, roads, politics. I don’t like this!” He laughed. “You look in the mirror and think.”
Brian had no idea that his letter ended up in the archives of our country’s National History Museum. “Really surprised” is how he described his reaction to the news; one of the aforementioned childhood friends was “blown away.”
“What it said to me (...) was that it reaffirmed/reinforced some of the things that my dad told me. Doing the right thing and following through.” Brian shared.
“What a difference it can make. That this moment is occurring because I spent a few minutes writing.”
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Thank you so much to Brian for granting me this interview.
Subject photos courtesy of Brian: Letter-era Brian/current-era Brian, Huntington Library Garden, California.
Accession information: Photo taken by me, 3 July 2024. “Letters from viewers regarding the death of Henry Blake.” Box 22, Folder 4. M*A*S*H Television Show Collection, 1950-1984, Archives Center, National Museum of American History. https://sova.si.edu/record/nmah.ac.0117/ref359?s=0&n=10&t=C&q=NMAH.AC.0117&i=0
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bimbodolllll · 3 days ago
may a request Mitsuya x reader where she is his girlfriend but he didn't tell Toman about her and his friends just suspect that he has one and basically they are secretly watching him and trying to guess who the girl is with whom they saw him
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۶ৎ Guess Who.
۶ৎ auth: 3/3, how you enjoy <3
۶ৎ Summary: He been acting different, his friends are getting suspicious and assuming he’s dating someone and now they determined to find out who you are.
۶ৎ: oneshot | female reader
۶ৎ Characters Included: Mitsuya Takashi
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Toman was known for handling gang wars, throwing hands, and protecting their own. But when it came to Takashi Mitsuya’s love life?
They were absolutely useless.
It all started with a whisper.
“Oi, Chifuyu.”
Chifuyu glanced up from his drink, only to be met with Baji’s mischievous smirk. They were lounging around after school, killing time before another Toman meeting.
“Have you noticed… Mitsuya’s been acting weird lately?” Baji leaned in, his tone dripping with suspicion.
Chifuyu blinked, looking over at Mitsuya, who was sitting across from them, casually scrolling through his phone. Nothing about him seemed out of the ordinary—calm, collected, and cool as always.
“Weird how?”
“He’s been smiling more.”
Chifuyu raised a brow. “And that’s… bad?”
“Not that kind of smile,” Baji whispered dramatically, leaning closer like he was about to share classified information. “It’s a different smile. Like… a girl smile.”
Chifuyu’s eyes narrowed as he glanced back at Mitsuya, watching as his fingers typed out something on his phone, a small—barely noticeable—grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
“…He’s right,” Draken muttered from the side, crossing his arms as he joined the conversation. “I caught him sneaking out after our last meeting. And when I asked where he was going…” Draken’s eyes darkened.
“What did he say?” Chifuyu whispered, leaning in as if they were plotting a heist.
Draken’s face was unreadable. “Home.”
“Home?” Chifuyu echoed, blinking.
“Home?” Baji’s jaw dropped. “Bro… Mitsuya never lies. But he’s been going somewhere. And I know damn well he wasn’t going home.”
“Exactly.” Draken nodded.
Silence fell over them as they processed this earth-shattering revelation.
“…Mitsuya’s got a girl,” Baji declared, eyes wide with realization.
“Wait, wait, wait…” Chifuyu’s voice was barely above a whisper. “You’re telling me Mitsuya… Takashi Mitsuya… has a girlfriend and didn’t tell any of us?”
“Tch.” Draken clicked his tongue. “If he’s hiding her… it’s serious.”
“Which means…” Baji’s grin returned, more devious than ever. “We gotta find out who she is.”
Phase One: Surveillance—as Baji called it.
The next few days were filled with chaos.
“Okay, okay, okay!” Baji whispered harshly, ducking behind a tree as Mitsuya walked out of class. “He’s on the move.”
“Why are we whispering?” Chifuyu hissed, crouching beside him.
“Because it’s a stealth mission, duh.”
“Will you two shut up?” Draken muttered, standing behind them with his arms crossed. “We look like idiots.”
But the moment Mitsuya turned the corner, the three of them silently followed—keeping a “safe” distance but staying close enough to watch his every move.
It didn’t take long for Mitsuya to run into someone—a girl.
“Target acquired,” Baji whispered dramatically.
“Is that her?” Chifuyu squinted, trying to get a better look.
The girl was cute—short hair, bright smile, and she seemed to be talking animatedly about something. Mitsuya looked… interested, but his expression remained neutral.
“Maybe…” Draken murmured, watching closely.
But then—
Mitsuya bowed politely, waved, and walked away.
“Nope.” Baji groaned, smacking his forehead. “False alarm.”
“Damn,” Chifuyu sighed.
Phase Two: Process of Elimination
“Okay, so it’s not the girl from class 3-A,” Chifuyu muttered, crossing her off the list.
“Or the girl from the sewing club,” Baji added.
“Not that one chick who asked him for notes, either,” Draken murmured.
They had been at this for days. And despite their best efforts, they were getting nowhere. Every time they thought they had figured it out, Mitsuya would deny it with a straight face.
“Who, her?” Mitsuya had blinked, confused. “Nah. We were just talking about fabrics.”
“Her?” He tilted his head. “She needed help with her homework.”
“Eh? No.” He laughed softly. “I don’t even know her name.”
They were going crazy.
“Maybe… maybe he doesn’t have a girlfriend,” Chifuyu said one afternoon, his tone almost defeated.
“He does,” Baji insisted. “I feel it in my bones.”
“Then why hasn’t he told us?”
“Because,” Draken muttered, his eyes narrowing, “he doesn’t want us to mess it up.”
They all paused.
“…That’s fair,” Baji admitted.
“Very fair,” Chifuyu nodded.
Phase Three: Accidental Discovery
They had given up.
After weeks of failed attempts, they decided it wasn’t worth the headache. If Mitsuya wanted to keep it a secret, fine. Let him be.
But fate had other plans.
It happened after a Toman meeting one afternoon. Mitsuya had left early, as usual, giving his usual “gotta take care of my sisters” excuse. Nothing suspicious.
But as they were walking down the street, they spotted him.
And he wasn’t alone.
Mitsuya was walking beside her. And this time…
There was no denying it.
She was laughing softly, her hand brushing lightly against his as they walked, and Mitsuya—their Mitsuya—was looking at her with the softest expression they had ever seen.
“Holy…” Baji whispered, his jaw practically on the floor.
Chifuyu blinked. “That’s… definitely her.”
“She’s… cute,” Draken murmured, brows raised.
But it wasn’t just that.
It was the way Mitsuya looked at her—like she was the only person in the world.
“Damn,” Baji whistled lowly. “Our boy’s smitten.”
They watched as Mitsuya walked her to her door, saying something that made her giggle before she leaned up and kissed his cheek.
Mitsuya’s face turned a shade of pink none of them had ever seen before.
“He’s blushing,” Chifuyu whispered, eyes wide.
“Bro,” Baji blinked. “Mitsuya blushes?”
“Apparently.” Draken’s lips twitched, barely holding back a smirk.
As Mitsuya turned to leave, his gaze lifted slightly—only for his lavender eyes to lock onto them.
The trio froze.
Mitsuya’s eyes narrowed.
Mitsuya was pissed.
“Why were you guys following me?” he demanded, arms crossed, giving them all a look that could kill.
“We weren’t following you,” Baji lied, poorly.
“Then why were you hiding behind a vending machine?”
“Okay, fine!” Baji threw his hands up. “We were curious!”
“Yeah,” Chifuyu muttered, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “You’ve been acting… different. We just… wanted to know who she was.”
Draken, ever the reasonable one, sighed. “We just didn’t expect you to keep it from us, Mitsuya.”
Mitsuya’s expression softened slightly at that, but he still looked mildly annoyed.
“I wasn’t keeping it from you guys…” he mumbled. “I just… didn’t want you messing it up.”
“Fair,” Baji muttered.
“Very fair,” Chifuyu echoed.
“So…” Baji’s grin slowly returned, eyes glinting with mischief. “When do we meet her?”
“No.” Mitsuya’s answer was immediate.
“C’monnnn,” Baji groaned.
“But we’re like family,” Chifuyu added.
“You’re gonna have to introduce us eventually,” Draken said calmly, but Mitsuya could see the tiniest hint of amusement behind his words.
“Eventually.” Mitsuya stressed, rubbing his temples. “Not now.”
“Fine,” Baji smirked. “But just so you know…”
Mitsuya raised a brow. “What?”
“We’re definitely watching your back now.”
“Literally.” Chifuyu snickered.
Mitsuya groaned, but despite his frustration, he couldn’t stop the small smile that tugged at his lips.
Because as annoying as they were…
They really did have his back.
Even when they were absolute idiots.
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fantasaria · 1 day ago
I often think about how the nature of cultivators in MDZS's world also entailed knowing about other art forms.#Meaning that Wen Qing and Wen Ning likely were good musicians and artists.#We know WWX is also good in art and music so...really...what was stopping them from forming a band?#Allow me to pitch this AU: Yiling Opera company AU. WWX and the Wen remnants form a performing trope and tour towns and cities.#Not only do they find a way to keep on the move (no home...only the road and the people around you).#But you also get to be in costume - which is a socially appropriate way to always be in disguise.#Yiling Laozu would thus be a character and/or WWX's stage name.#Would he be good at keeping it a secret? Hard to say with WWX! I think it would be a poorly-kept secret at best.#He likes to brag and show off a bit too much. This many would be either the worst or best spy.#Consider the drama of JC losing his mind over his ex-brother becoming a clown. Imagine JC Getting his ass kicked by said clown.#Imagine the delectable secret identity drama potential of Lan Wangji stumbling upon the trope's performances.#We did not get nearly enough of the secret identiy drama in MDZS canon. I need more of it.#I need that man conflicted with his feelings for the same person. I need them playing mind games with each other at all times. (from op's tags)
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The Yiling Band Tour!
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grimmsbride · 3 hours ago
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𝄃𝄀⠀⠀best time ⠀╲ sinister!mark ֤ࣨ🫀𖥔 ݁ ˖
summary an opportunity presents itself that your beloved mark grayson simply can’t give up.
somnophillia (everything is purely consensual and was alluded to being talked out between mark and reader.) | pain kink | mark is a dick | spooning sex position | collapsed doggy style | pet names | use of the word slut, whore, etc. | degradation | ooc characters (sinister mark is not this nice) | dub-con (ish? just in case) | if somno isn’t for you just leave the fic | reader is chubby coded | hair pulling | rough sex | slight overstimulation | mentions of blood |
authors notes i had this idea cause truly sinister mark is probably the freakiest of the variants, lenseless being a close second (/j). again if somno isn’t for you, please don’t read and as always please excuse any grammar mistakes.
Night consumed your bedroom, the only light being the moon shining through your window. You were currently tucked under your blankets, enjoying the mixture of warmth and cold as you slept the night away. Soft snores escaped you as your body sunk into the comfortable mattress, your pillow cuddled close to you.
So deep in sleep you didn’t even hear your window open or close, nor wind entering your bedroom. A tall figure stood over your body, shadow covering you like some sort of comforting blanket.
Markus Grayson, stared down at you, a little smile covering his half covered features. The yellow of his costume was slightly stained red, a result of his previous endeavors. The man didn’t expect you to be awake at all, it was late after all. He wondered if you tried to stay up for him, probably forcing yourself to stay busy with some random show or even book.
The thought alone caused his smile to deepen, though that sickeningly sweet feeling seemed to travel lower the moment his eyes took in your body. You weren’t completely covered by the blanket, lower half peeking out whilst your chest and stomach was covered. You wore a pink muumuu, he believed you called it, the fabric resting shy of your waist and revealing your bare legs and ass barely covered by your black panties.
“What a tease.. bet she went to sleep like this on purpose.” Mark muttered to himself, feeling his pants magically tighten the longer he greedily took in your appearance. Within minutes the man was tearing his suit off, caring less if it got ripped in the process. Once completely free from its confinements, Mark was going knee first onto the bed, hand raising to drag across your plush form.
He watched in excitement the way goosebumps pricked in the wake of his touch, a soft shiver even emitting from you that nearly caused the man to giggle. Dragging his fingers from your arm, side, waist, and finally your ass; Mark not so delicately allowed his appendages to trace your barely covered slit, rubbing the pads against you slowly.
Mark took you in, watching that pretty face twitch; still completely asleep though your eyebrows pushing a little close. With a single flick his fingers were intruding your underwear, two of them gliding across your pussy for a moment before pushing into your awaiting hole.
A soft grunt escaped you, Mark lifting himself close until your back was flush against his front. Soft squelches surrounded the air as his fingers curled and thrusted, the man grinning the moment you began to squirm.
“Can’t believe you’re letting me do this to you while you sleep..” The man muttered, pushing his lips right against your ear as a sweet, “Didn’t know you could get this slutty..” escaped him.
Soon enough Mark was growing impatient, pulling his fingers from you before going for his boxers. Easily he tugged the underwear, revealing his hard length dripping with sticky excitement. The man gripped his dick, gliding his hand up and down for a moment before pushing his hips close.
The tip nudged your entrance, gliding across your wetness for extra lubrication before he began to push past the first ring of muscle. Slowly, you sucked him up; Mark glancing between the two of you and watching the way his dick disappeared inside you.
So focused on that, the man noticed you waking up last minute— only being alerted the moment a confused sound escaped you.
“Ma—mark..” You mumbled softly, blinking tiredly for a moment before a soft groan crept from your mouth. Your fingers clung to your pillow, shifting a bit as you attempt to accommodate his size. The man did little prep due to his impatience, causing the stretch to burn just a tad— a delicious, but understandably hard to get used to feeling. You whined softly, shifting once again only for a strong arm to tighten around your waist, pulling you flush to his body.
“Don’t fucking run.. You can take it, you’ve don’t it so many times before.” Mark hissed against your ear, pushing his hips even closer. He couldn’t help but smile at your little pathetic moans or the way your pussy clung to him, coating his dick in your mess so easily.
“See? Your slutty little pussy wanted it just as bad.” He chuckled to himself, hand traveling between your plush thighs to your clit, tapping his fingers against the little button just to hear you whine even louder.
You hadn’t expected your sleep to get cut off by your lover’s own horniness, but you weren’t complaining one bit. It was a simple conversation the two of you had before, something Mark had mocked you for in the moment yet here he was— soaking up the opportunity.
A drawn out cry of his name escaped your lips the moment the man moved, pulling his hips back before pushing right back in, slamming his dick so perfectly inside. You had zero chance to recover before Mark’s hips started a rough and fast pace as if you hadn’t just woken up from your sleep.
The hold he had on you was tight, refusing to let you run away and simply making you take every, single, thrust. Tears were pricking at your eyes as the pleasure swarmed your stomach, pretty pussy clenching around him, as if scared of letting him go.
You shoved your face into the pillow, only for Mark’s free hand to grip your cheeks roughly, tilting your face away from the pillow whilst allowing his fingers to press into your face, refusing to allow you to cover your moans.
Mark glared down at you, giving such pointedly thrusts his irritation was plenty clear. “Quit moving your face, let me see how much of a whore you really are.”
Mark was practically drilling into you at this point, releasing your face to instead grip your thigh, lifting it to hit your walls at a different angle; tip brushing against your sweet spot with each thrust. Your lips were parted as a melodic string of moans escaped your aching throat, tears spilling over and trailing down your warm cheeks.
“Fu..fuck..! Mark, Mark!” Pretty cries escaped, hurried breaths shortening each word as he knocked the wind out of you. Mark always fucked you so greedily, as of wishing to kill you with his dick alone. Never allowing you to breathe, think, or even blink; such a ruthless cycle that you’ve unfortunately gotten addicted to.
“That’s it.. what a good girl. You like my name that much, huh?”
His mocking words dripped with confidence and his usual condescending nature— the man even mocking your moans right into your ear for good measure.
Your peak was arising, stomach clenching as you felt yourself draw closer and closer. You couldn’t help but meet his thrust, ass pushing flush against him as you desperately chased your end. Such actions had Mark groaning, pushing at your body until you were lying on your stomach.
Mark’s hands pressed against the plush mattress on either side of your body, resting on his knees as he thrusted into you so mercilessly you were seeing stars.
With every thrust you were clinging to your pillow for dear life, sobs escaping your body as you shook and gasped from the pleasure. A hand moved from your pillow to reach blindly for the man currently wrecking you, finding his wrist and latching on.
Mark could only chuckle, fucking you so relentlessly with no sign of growing tired.
“Close aren’t you? Can barely even move with how much you’re clenching me.. fuck..” The man lowered himself, thrusts becoming shallow and deep as his breath fanned across the shell of your ear.
“Go on, then— make a fucking mess, but I’m not stopping anytime soon.”
His words were enough to push you over the edge, clenching him like a damn vice as you came, your arousal trickling down his dick and onto your poor blankets. You desperately tried to catch your breath, tried to relax; calm down— you simply couldn’t with the way his thrusts did not waver in the slightest.
You pinched your eyes closed, face dropping into your pillow for a split second— only for a loud yelp to escape the moment a tight hold came upon your hair.
Easily Mark lifted you onto your knees and hands, fingers laced with your pretty tresses in a perfect hold he refused to let go of.
“Is that whore brain of yours too fucked out to follow simple instructions?“ His hips slammed against your ass, loud slaps that echoed throughout the room and bounced off the walls. Despite his question you couldn’t even think to answer, desperately trying to breath but only releasing rushed breaths and throat aching moans.
The man hissed, pulling you up and leaning down until he could see your face. You were ruined, cheeks reddened and eyes glossy, tears staining your features so perfectly the man could feel himself getting hard all over again.
“Answer me.”
You searched for the words, babbling nonsense for a complete second that caused Mark to grin, other hand lifting to grasp your chin and gently shaking your face— the only gentleness he’s shown you in the past hour.
“Don’t go dumb, use your fucking words—“
“I—i’m sorry! I won’t..” A particularly hard thrust had you see stars, nearly tumbling over if it wasn’t for his tight hold on you. A hand of yours rose, clinging to his wrist; fingers trailing the veins beneath his skin.
“I— won’t do it again! Fuck, Mark, please..!”
Mark seemed to be satisfied with your answer, given the way his lips practically slammed against your own, a messy kiss that left you even more breathless than before. Your teeth knocked against each other’s emitting harsh groans from the pain, a metallic taste filling your mouth shortly after. A mess of tongue, teeth, and lips— the only way Mark liked to kiss, his teeth sinking into your bottom lip to pull at, enjoying the way you whined so sweetly.
Hammering into you without a care, your second orgasm erupted from you so suddenly, causing you to break away to release a strangled cry of pleasure, head going slack you shook from the aftershocks.
Before you could go completely slump, the man was snatching you up in strong arms, keeping you tight against him.
“Nah.. don’t tap out on me just yet, sweetheart. Let’s see if I can fuck you back to sleep..”
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moonra66 · 17 hours ago
These are the designs I did for my fanfic. This shit took me two weeks and I am so tired of drawing. Anyways, I get to yap into the void now at least
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Bbg D-16 was the first one I did. I ate it up with him ngl. Gladiator fit is heavily inspired by his TFP design because they ate with that one.
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Jazz and Orion look pretty much the same. I will say everyone else looks like a Victoria Secret model and Orion looks like a dog they picked up off the street. I redrew his face like 5 times I quit
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MY SHALA. These two are my favorite children. Shrapnel is based on a rainbow stag beetle. If Shrapnel has no fans, I'm DEAD. He will be getting a purple color way but I'm saving that for later. I almost made Elita-1 way more buff, but my friend bullied me so blame them for the less buff Elita.
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Then there's the heights. Elita-1 gets to be a (relatively) tall queen. Shrapnel is just a little guy compared to normal cogged bots, I love him sm. Anyways, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <3
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers One (2024), Transformers: Prime, Transformers: Earthspark (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Original Cybertronian Character(s)/Original Cybertronian Character(s), Megatron/Orion Pax Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Optimus Prime, Orion Pax, Sentinel Prime (Transformers), Elita One (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Original Cybertronian Character(s), Ratchet (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), D-16 (Transformers One), B-127 (Transformers One), Shrapnel (Transformers) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Found Family, Surprise Adoption, Slow Romance, Pre-Canon, Canon-Typical Violence, Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Strangers to Lovers Summary:
“I don’t know, Jazz. The arena is half an hour away by train, and his matches are always packed,” Orion said, hefting a crate of energon.
“I know- but you’re the only one with that day off! Please? It’s for Elita, don’t you want her to like- er tolerate you?” Jazz begged.
“You know I hate watching that scrap.”
“You don’t have to watch, just get the autograph.”
Orion let out a deep sigh “I don’t know...”
“Come on, Orion, you’ve done plenty of dumb scrap before.”
“Yeah, well, those dumb things usually don’t involve decapitated bots,” he huffed. “But… fine, okay. If I die, I’m coming back to haunt you.” ~~~~~~~~
D-16 had always been discontent with his station in life. The cards he'd been dealt were far from fair, but he was doing the best he could with his newly obtained fame. His luck takes a turn for the better when one Orion Pax sneaks back stage for an autograph.
Or: I wanted to try and make one coherent continuity from the copious amounts of Transformers media I've consumed
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creativewritersposts · 1 day ago
Dating him/ headcanon - Luke Hughes
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summary; Luke Hughes x reader
Some situations/ little details how your relationship looks like.
warning(s); maybe grammar errors, fluff edition
authors note; requested / do you want to read more like this? Let me know ♡
✧ When you're shopping for new clothes he always asks for your opinion because he knows after one week it owns you.
✧ He doesn't want to miss anything important in your life, Luke bought a small calendar and pinned it to his fridge. because the fridge is his best friend
✧ You're very emotional and powerful as a character, when you're overthinking and can't sleep he's always there to calm you down, cuddling with you and listening to your thoughts, until you fall asleep. Because of his busy schedule he bought you a teddy bear and puts his cologne on it.
✧ when you watch reality shows, he's arguing first why you're watching this "shit", ten minutes later he's in front of the television being the number one gossip girl. Always rewatching new episodes when he's on the road, just to update you.
✧ You're both stubborn. Thank God you're not arguing often but when you do, you need space from each other until you realize how stupid this fight was and apologizing at the same time.
✧ He's definitely not the "man" in this relationship. A spider in the bathroom? - you have to remove it. A day off? He likes to have a face mask with you. it's absolutely adorable
✧ He wants the world to know who you are. He loves having you around with his family & friends and inviting you to all his games to be his lucky charm.
✧ Luke is not good with flirting signals. He never does this on purpose, he's just confused easily. "It's a little bit cold, isn't it?"
"I told you", until he realizes your death stare and understands. "You can have my hoodie" with a kiss.
✧ You love having dates combined with sporting events.
✧ He knows he's lucky with his job but knows you're working really hard and having different shifts. He's always telling/ texting you, how proud he is!
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soilology · 3 days ago
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the first of my hazbin and helluva redesigns starting with my favorite character, NIFFTY!!!
pre-death story and inspirations below the cut!
before she died, niffty was a housewife, residing in the fukuoka prefecture in japan. she was married to a man for a little over 4 years. their lives were quiet, yet happy. almost. niffty had her fair share of misfortunes; she was diagnosed with OCD and had constant instrusive thoughts of aggression/violence, either towards herself or others. though her and her husband had a stable enough income, she refused treatment, afraid of the cost and it interfering with her fixed schedule. on top of her diagnosis, she also was infertile and could not have children. this saddened her, though she convinced herself it was for the best due to the fact she thought her condition would be detrimental to any kid she might have. her husband didn't like this however. he desired kids, and niffty's infertility became a source of growing resentment. her husband started to cheat on her with another woman. what began as a secret affair eventually turned into a second life- one niffty was never meant to discover. but she did. and when she did, her intrusive thoughts became far more than fleeting visions. they became consuming, vivid fantasies she could no longer suppress. the images of inflicting pain- the ones she had spent YEARS trying to silence- now felt like a promise of justice. one evening, she made their usual tea, just like she had countless times before. but this time, she stirred drain cleaner into both cups. the stench was foul. she sat across from him at the table, her hands trembling slightly as she lifted the cup to her lips. he drank without suspicion, despite the disgusting, rotten odor coming from his cup. for a brief moment, they sat in silence, just like they always did. then, the coughing started. the retching. his throat burned, his voice strained with confusion and pain. niffty watched him struggle, her eyes dull and distant. she didn’t move to help. she only stared, feeling the same searing pain clawing at her own throat. by the time anyone found them, they were lying cold on the kitchen floor. their tea cups were shattered nearby, the sharp scent of chemicals still lingering in the air. to everyone else, it seemed like a tragic accident or a suicide pact. but only niffty, now down in hell's depths, knew the truth. she made sure they left this world together, bound by the same pain that had quietly torn them apart.
niffty's design has bothered me for many reasons, the main being that: 1. she looks like a child 2. she barely looks like a bug, what her motifs are supposed to be. 3. her hair is not 50's at ALL, which is when she supposedly died (which seems to be a major problem with vivzie's designs, the sinners do not match the era they died in.)
to combat these problems, i have her a more mature and period accurate hairstyle, as well as some lipstick! her pilot design had colored lips so i always thought of it as red lips. her original hairstyle looked more like some sort of shaggy bob, while female style's in the 50's were much more curly/wavy and well-kempt. i'm going with a 7 deadly sins motif for each of the main characters. of the sins, niffty represents ENVY.
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she is now based off an asian lady beetle, which are commonly mistaken for ladybugs. lady beetles have a foul smelling odor, which i'm giving niffty as a nod/punishment to the smell of the drain cleaner that killed her and her husband. they're also known to bite as a defense mechanism. along with her buglike limbs and her spotted dress, her headband is supposed to mimic bug antenna.
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as nods to her heritage, her teeth are similar to an oni (a japanese demon), and the top of her dress is crossed over like a kimono. instead of the normal correct way to wear a kimono where it is folded left over right, it is right over left, which is for dressing the dead.
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if you came down this far, thanks for reading !! i really hope you like her, i think even after i re-do all of the other characters she'll be my favorite design. reblogs and constructive criticism is appreciated! <3
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slutsareteacherstoo · 3 days ago
Our poor baby 🥺 whew this one made me emotional 😭 like i really gotta sit with my feelings cuz you reminded me. Thank you for sharing with us 🙏🏿🙂‍↕️
“Unable to cry, scream, or otherwise, Asia took the next best outlet: fucking. She knew it was wrong to hide her pain behind the ruse of wanting intimacy from a man more than willing to give it to her.” - oh sweetie 😢
Asia can talk her shit tho 😅 *loosens tie and adjusts collar*
And the tears came through fr 😩
Whew 😰 she been doing her best to see it through and she did. And she’s come to her conclusion but this “Ripping band-aids off physical wounds always hurt, and the pain never went away as fast as people try to pretend. Emotional wounds couldn't be much different.” —shows another aspect of her intentionality — “Kelvin wasn't a wound, and her revelation wasn't a band-aid. It was a life-altering change that required a delicate approach Asia hadn't quite pieced together. Not here. Not now.” Like i love this about her character sooo much
Kelvin experiencing so much joy while Asia is experiencing all this angst, im a sucker for this content 😈 sorry Asia girl.
And those references to the night prior they eating at me like theyre probably eating at Asia. Cuz that was her transmuting her feelings
Oof putting it off again. 😬🫥 but like he looks so happy so i get it
Savannah is a real one talking this out with Asia cuz she be in head and also has been processing this by herself
Oof yes talking this out is showing her all these other aspects
Like wowwww you hit the nail on the head: “Losing herself. While Kelvin made strides to grow and improve, Asia allowed the first taste of genuine partnership to turn her into a woman more concerned with pleasing her partner than advocating for her own needs. She'd bent and contorted herself to fit Kelvin's vision on more than one occasion, and though he never asked her to, he never told her to stop. She never felt compelled to stop. That scared her the most. If she couldn't stop there, how far would she allow herself to go in pursuit of someone else's happiness?”
See also: “ But I can't keep loving him without loving myself. It's not fair to him or me."
⁃ *queues up Melanie Fiona’s I Been That Girl cuz whew!!!!!*
But Savannah’s support of Asia in this moment is so 🥹 like she’s being the wind beneath her wings, reminding her to trust herself like she always has
Ooh he’s sooo hopeful but fuck breaking up on V-Day 😖😣
Oh so he knew 😩even with all that hope he knew the inevitable 😖so Asia was the only one surprised in the moment…wow
You got me crying in the club rn omg 🥺😩like Kelvin was so gentle and level (granted he knew) but at least it didnt go so sour.
But wow wow wow this was so well written and heart wrenching. Half of why im emotional is cuz you’re preaching to choir in a way you dont even know and im glad its taken me a while to catch up. The timing was aligned for me to read when I did cuz im at reconciliation stages and this made them come to the forefront.
Like, having been both Asia and Kelvin in different instances this is really hitting home. Like yes please live your life, maintain your dreams, keep to your goals and commitments even if its not me. Like woooww. You be making me think fr with your work and when I go see the lady tomorrow imma be more prepared to work through these thoughts and feelings. Hell, im honest enough with myself now that I feel confident in doing the heavy lifting to ensure i still got me at the end of the day. 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Wow thank you thank you 🙏🏿 i cant say it enough like you got your finger on the pulse frfr
Fall Break
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Summary: When Asia's in need of a few lessons regarding matters of the bedroom, her colleague and friend, Kelvin, offers his expertise.
Pairing: Kelvin Harrison Jr. x Black!OC
Warnings: Mature Content (18+)
Word Count: 4.9k
Chicago wasn't half bad. Asia had to concede that fact as Kelvin filmed the journey into the city from the airport on his cellphone. 
Despite the disorienting mind-fuck that was O'Hare, the mishmash of old comforts and new charm glistening under a fresh downpour drew her in more than she cared to admit. She saw the appeal. It didn't make losing her man to the Midwest feel any better than the days before, though. They could visit anytime. She didn't want him to stay. 
She put on a brave face and an appeasing smile during dinner at a so-so downtown Chinese and Thai spot, listening to Kelvin rant and rave about his new team while pieces of her heart withered and died inside.
Asia held on to him a little tighter as they walked through the streets like tourists in search of cheap drinks to celebrate nothing in particular. One shot turned into three and a cocktail. Then, two more shots a piece and a secret third shot Asia snuck with Kelvin dipped off to relieve himself in the restroom. Just something to take the edge off. She promised herself she wouldn't get too drunk and start crying. But, as reality set in and Chicago became less of a fun pre-Valentine's vacation and more of a concrete reality, she couldn't help the tears welling up in her eyes once they'd called it a night and snuggled into bed together. 
Unable to cry, scream, or otherwise, Asia took the next best outlet: fucking. She knew it was wrong to hide her pain behind the ruse of wanting intimacy from a man more than willing to give it to her. She wanted to change her mind and almost had an out when she called Kelvin's name and startled him awake. He took Asia's apology in stride and pressed for answers until he was buried deep in her heat from behind, spooning like both their lives depended on it. 
Good, but not enough. Not until Asia was numb and so drunk on physical intimacy that she couldn't think straight. Perched on his face, she bucked her hips erratically to get the last drops of frustration out of her body by way of Kelvin's tongue. 
He held on tight with long fingers gripping soft flesh on both ass cheeks for dear life while he watched Asia fondle her own nipples, searching for her third orgasm. A woman possessed. He loved it. He'd drink her in until the sun came up just to see the face she made when the pressure in her belly was too much to contain.
Groaning, Asia slumped forward to look down at Kelvin, lapping at her with a face covered in his reward. "I love it when you eat me like that, baby," she demanded, her voice raspy and thick with sleep. "Look at you. So fuckin' nasty for me. You gone make me cum?" 
"Mhmm." More a moan than a response. And, even as he grew more excited from the mere sniff of the gold mine between her legs, Kelvin wasn't sure if he could go too much longer without a break. 
Reaching between her legs, he slid two fingers into her pussy, never slacking on his tongue's rhythm. A desperate mewl from deep within Asia's throat cut through the pitch-black room. Her thoughts became static as she felt the familiar tightening of release wind in her abdomen. 
"Oh…fuck," Asia squealed when euphoria quivered her inner thighs. "Don't stop, baby! Don't stop!" 
A plea for the moment and the future wrapped in one. Tears begging to see the world all say fell freely from Asia's eyes in pain and pleasure. Kelvin watched her in elation, feeling pride from a job well done swell in his chest. 
She came hard, the force from a hard-earned eruption still directing her hips to turn Kelvin's face into a saddle until all thoughts of tomorrow floated into the void to bother Asia another day. Kelvin was there to greet her when strength returned to her body and sent her rolling off his face onto the mattress. Her chest heaved to bring in as much oxygen as possible while he peppered affection across her shoulder and onto her jaw.
"I've never seen you like this before," Kelvin mumbled between kisses to the corner of Asia's mouth. "Maybe we should do that more often?"
She smiled, turning on her side to face him. "I'm down for right now if you wanna go again." 
Again? Kelvin tried to maintain his smile, hoping she'd crack the impenetrable neutrality preventing him from getting a read on her true emotions. Was she joking? She had to be joking. But jokes came with laughs and a punchline. So far, neither were in the room. 
"Oh, you're serious," Kelvin noted, a mix of confusion and amazement in his voice. He shifted to flip the switch on Asia's headboard lamp for a better look at her face in the wee hours of the morning. "I mean, if you give me a minute, I can maybe get things going again. You know I –" 
"Kel, it's fine. Don't stress yourself if you need to rest. I'll live!" 
Goading was manipulation, no matter how well she faked a cheery inflection to hide her true intentions. And though she wasn't proud of using nefarious methods to get what she wanted, Asia wouldn't allow her entire weekend to be taken by devastating blow after devastating blow to her emotions without getting something in return. 
Kelvin's attempt to kiss Asia's lips was thwarted as she rolled off the bed on the way to the bathroom, leaving him just enough cheek to grease the gears in his mind. "Woah, woah. I need five minutes and I'm back in. Can I have five minutes?" 
"Only five. You sure? I'm serious. We can wait until the morning." 
"Nah," Kelvin rushed out. Asia watched as he dipped his fingers beneath the plush duvet to take things into his own hands. "I got it. Five minutes." 
She'd give him eight. Two to find a distant memory to get the blood flowing, three to get his lone soldier to stand at attention, and three more for her to stop bullshitting and come clean. 
The dark, ugly cloud of hidden feelings was starting to drench Asia's mental in inescapable, blurring rain, preventing her from thinking straight as the deadline loomed closer. With Kelvin, she sported a sweet smile and acquiesced to every endless scroll through Crate & Barrel or CB2 run, hoping that picking vases and matching color schemes would help her overcome the truth. 
Long distance wasn't an option. Asia had tried to outrun and tiptoe across the fact like it was fresh lava on the ground, only to fall face first before in-flight snacks rolled down the aisle. Coming to terms with reality meant telling Kelvin. Telling Kelvin meant interrupting his third Bad Boys rewatch and the medium-difficulty sudoku puzzle keeping most of his attention. It meant possibly starting an argument with hundreds of strangers in earshot. It meant possibly ending her first relationship thousands of feet in the air with no way home until Monday morning. Worst of all, it meant disappointing Kelvin.
Waiting wouldn't change anything. The longer she kicked the can down the road, the more exhausted she'd wind up once the jig was up. Do it. Rip the band-aid. Asia tried to imagine Sabrina egging her on, pushing her to dive head first into radical honesty but came up short under dim lights showcasing incoming tears shining in her eyes. A harsh wipe with the back of her hand smeared them out of existence before she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. Ripping band-aids off physical wounds always hurt, and the pain never went away as fast as people try to pretend. Emotional wounds couldn't be much different. 
"Hey, Kel. Can we talk?" Asia's voice ricocheted in the silence as she exited the bathroom. No response prompted her to call for her lover again. "Babe?"
Eight minutes was too long for tired limbs and eyes to settle atop soft sheets, especially for a man known to value the sanctity of napping. Asia watched Kelvin's chest rise and fall, his mouth hanging open with his hand still beneath the covers. A small smile tugged at her lips as she climbed into bed beside him. Kelvin wasn't a wound, and her revelation wasn't a band-aid. It was a life-altering change that required a delicate approach Asia hadn't quite pieced together. Not here. Not now. 
Two soft kisses on his cheek stirred Kelvin awake long enough for him to hug Asia's waist tighter and yawn. "I wasn't asleep. Just resting my eyes. You ready for me?" 
"It's okay, babe. Go to bed. See you in the morning," Asia answered. She snuggled closer to his body to savor what could be the last bits of his warmth she'd ever feel. Kelvin half-kissed her forehead, bringing back tears she thought she'd neutralized.
"Mhmm. Morning."
Deep breaths in and out helped Asia match her heartbeat to Kelvin's until sleep welcomed her into a temporary retreat from inner turmoil. She promised herself another round of next times. Next times that came and went without so much as a peep until they slowly took a backseat to the utter chaos of apartment hunting the following morning. 
Kelvin's carefully curated list of five perfect apartments had slowly dwindled to two and a shaky possible by noon. Too expensive, too small, too outdated, too stuffy, not enough natural light – the list of big and small flaws ran the gamut of available gripes. Asia resisted taking the opportunity to plant seeds of doubt in Kelvin's mind to play the role of dutiful girlfriend, smothering little frustration fires and offering support in the face of adversity. It was her idea to continue the search past lunch when all Kelvin wanted to do was stalk back to the hotel and bury his head beneath a pillow. 
She tugged him down a sidewalk drenched in fresh rain toward their fifth and final option. "Come onnnn. We're already here! This could be the one!" A fifth dud couldn't hurt that bad. Or maybe it'd hurt just enough to help him change course. 
All hope of helping Kelvin see the light atomized into a figment of Asia's twisted imagination when a few taps at an empty two-bedroom unit's digital keypad granted them access to the most beautiful piece of real estate either of them had ever seen. 
A wall of windows overlooked a bustling cityscape complete with enough commuters and tourists hustling past each other on the sidewalk to people-watch for hours. Expansive, pristine granite countertops complimented warm-toned wooden cabinets, housing more space than both their kitchens combined. Light wood floors added an upscale feel as Kelvin and Asia walked hand in hand through the hallways and gawked at each room. Two bathrooms, a walk-in closet in the guest bedroom, a huge faux-marble standing shower, a soaking tub, enough space for a king bed and nightstands – a slice of heaven well within a reasonable price. 
Asia wanted to hate it. She wanted to point out imperceptible flaws in the drywall and the specks of dust on the baseboards. One of the handles on the doorknob stuck a bit when she pressed down on it. Surely, that was enough to change his mind. Unfortunately, the hassle of finding a problem couldn't outshine the pocket of joy she found in watching Kelvin record videos to send to his sister for her approval. He saw a future in empty bedrooms and blank white walls waiting for his creative touch when she couldn't stomach walking into such a prison ever again.
"You were right." Kelvin did a full 360 in the primary bedroom, mentally planning where some of his prints could create a gallery wall. "This is the one. I think I found our spot, babe." 
Asia fought to maintain the smile she'd plastered on her face despite happiness being miles away. "I…I think you did, too. This is beautiful. I love it for you." She'd inadvertently found Kelvin a hidden gem. Another perfectly fated wrench was thrown into her plan. "You need me to get the leasing agent?" 
"Not right now. Come see the vision for a second." Kelvin's outstretched hand beckoned for Asia to join his side in the center of the room. She answered the call with slow steps before allowing him to pull her body into a soft hug. He pressed silly kisses onto her cheek, making a show of his affection until he'd had his feel. "I'm gonna put the bed right here," he informed, gesturing to a spot against the back wall. "Those two nightstands I've been lookin' at will fit perfectly. Eventually, I'm gonna throw the wallpaper you showed me up behind the bedframe, and that dope ass rug can warm up the room a little too, right?" 
Asia placated him with a nod. "Yeah, probably. Either here or in the office." 
"Oh, shit, the office. I can say that now. I have an office. We have an office," he laughed, giddy from the realization he could finally separate work, lounge, and sleep into three separate spaces. "Shit is crazy. You know, you basically have two places now. How does it feel to be rich?"
"It's feels good." It felt…something. Terrible? Painful like a thousand bikini waxes back to back? But, good? That wasn't it. "I'm proud of you, Kel. Really." 
Kelvin beamed from Asia's approval before puckering his lips for a kiss. "Thank you, baby. You want the left sink or the right sink?" 
"I actually want the entire guest bathroom. How much is that per month?" 
"I'm actually running a special," Kelvin answered as he pretended to tabulate numbers in his head. "If you come up here to do what we did last night every other month, I'll let it go for breakfast in bed." 
Asia considered his offer. "What if you made me dinner every other month and I just ate it with my top off?" 
Laughter echoed throughout the empty space, drawing attention from the leasing agent trying not to eavesdrop in the living room. She tiptoed around the corner and stopped to smile at the young couple so wrapped up in each other that they didn't notice her presence. She cleared her throat, making them jump from the intrusion. 
She waved her hands in front of her body, eyes wide from embarrassment. "No, no! Don't stop on account of me. I was only checking in with you two. Like what you see?" 
"It's beautiful," Asia answered, still in awe of their luck. "Right, babe? This is the one?" 
"I think so. I'm only here for the weekend, so it'd be great to start the process today if we can." 
The possibility of a commission before the end of the day had the agent jittering in excitement. If they were quick, she'd have her weekend kicked off with a little sweetener on top. She rushed to whip out her iPad and dance her fingers across the screen. 
"Oh, of course," she answered, her eyes focused on the device in her hand. "Are we doing one or both of you on the lease?" 
"I'm sorry, I'm not –" 
Kelvin interjected on top of Asia. "Just me for now. Is there an opportunity to add a second person later, though? You know…in case something changes?" 
Asia waited for the punchline or Ashton Kutcher to roll out of the closet with a camera crew in tow to announce she'd been punked. Maybe then she could laugh all this off and understand why Kelvin had gone out of his way to plant the seed that there was a remote possibility she might abandon the life she'd created to follow him hundreds of miles to the Midwest. 
"We love a man who plans," the leasing agent complimented, impressed by Kelvin's desire to include his lady. He stood taller and pulled Asia closer despite her legs refusing to budge. "To answer your question, yes. But we can cross that bridge when we get there. In the meantime, take another look, get some more pictures, and then meet me in the lobby to talk about the paperwork. Sound good?" 
"Sounds good!" Kelvin couldn't contain the cheery inflection in his voice as he talked through additional instructions with the leasing agent at the front door or the slight hop in his step when he snuck up behind Asia to gaze out of the bedroom's windows over her shoulder. 
Pure, unadulterated happiness coursed through his veins with her body wrapped in his arms and tomorrow's possibilities flipping rapidly through his mind. Home. An abode meant for a singular inhabitant at present, but circumstances changed every day. There was a time when Asia was but a coworker and then a close friend. With sunshine peaking through thick grey clouds to bathe their tangled bodies in warm light, he had more than enough proof of how quickly dreams became reality. 
Asia sighed as Kelvin nudged her head to the side, searching for space to attach his lips to her neck. "This really is the perfect view." She tried to imagine how each of the unrecognizable buildings across the way would glitter and gleam at night. From the sky, they looked like Christmas lights in a town permanently frozen in the most wonderful time of the year. If she could push past the nagging discomfort in her heart and stick out the increasingly tough times, they could welcome her in with open arms every other month, slowly disarming her guard until she craved more. Another deep breath passed through her nose. "This is gonna work."
Kelvin examined Asia in silence for a moment, wondering if she meant for her statement to sound so unsure. She chewed her bottom lip while staring blankly at the landscape in front of them as if she were searching for the answer in the distance. She seemed to open her mouth to speak but closed it when no words came forth.
"Hey." His soft voice cut through Asia's contemplative silence, snapping her out of her daze. He pecked her cheek before speaking again. "We're gonna be fine. Trust me. Trust yourself." 
Turning in his arms, Asia let her gaze softly commit each of Kelvin's perfect imperfections to memory. He looked back at her with a disarming smile, hoping his reassurance would combat whatever uncertainty brewed inside her. 
Asia leaned closer, stopping just short to keep their lips tantalizingly close. Kelvin licked his pair, drawing her attention before she made her request. "Kiss me. Please." 
Next time, she'd talk things out – lay all her concerns on the table to get the necessary courage to keep moving along a path to true happiness. She'd voice her grievances, express her hesitation, and come out on the other side as a woman facing all her fears. 
After their kiss in golden hour light was washed away and their trip was history, she'd put on her big girl panties and do the thing. Next time.
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A weekend in Chicago came and went with scary thoughts successfully turned into background fodder to focus on being somebody's Valentine for the first time. 
Standing in the dressing room's full-length mirror with an audience of one smacking on scavenged dill pickle chips, Asia examined the curvature of her behind in the fourth sultry red dress picked for an early afternoon try-on haul. The bow at the small of her back perfectly accentuated the toned muscles on display without fabric shielding them from the world. Her long legs benefited from a short hemline meant to turn heads as she strutted through the world on Kelvin's arm. 
Sabrina paused her chip chomping to compliment her friend. "You look good! I like it. And if I like it, your man is gonna love it." 
"Shit, he better. If I eat more than a piece of gum, I'll risk looking four months pregnant." Asia continued to stare at her reflection, trying to decide if being hot for a night was worth passing out from hunger at a concert. "Fuck it. Unzip me. I'm getting it. Food can wait. I'm only this young and hot once in my life." 
"I know that's right! Speaking of Lover Boy, how was Chicago? Y'all see something worth going half on?" 
Asia chewed her lip as Sabrina pulled the dress's zipper down the short track. "Uh…he found something he likes, yeah." 
"Did you like it? I mean, I know it's not your place, but you'll be there half the year, damn near. You should at least wanna be there!" 
"Well. That's the thing." Curious eyes awaited Asia when she turned around to face an expectant Sabrina. "I…may not be visiting…at all." 
Curiosity quickly morphed into all-out confusion. "Are you breaking up with him?" 
"No! No, I'm not breaking up with him. He might wanna break up with me when I tell him I can't do long distance, but that's a different story."
The final piece of Asia's confession came out as a mumble muffled behind the dress, shielding for the sure tongue lashing on the other side of her honesty, but nothing came. Silence hung between them for several seconds, letting the untz untz of department store electronic music pulse through their small dressing room. 
Finally, Sabrina cleared her throat. "Okay," she spoke more to herself than to Asia. "Alright. Let's talk this out. You can't do long distance. Why?" 
Asia thought about telling her best friend how much she craved nearby affection and thought being long-distance left too much room for mistakes. She could throw sugar over her true feelings and go on a diatribe to explain all the ways a relationship separated by almost 800 miles wasn't fair to her after years of being alone. She felt punished by some unseen force, beaten down for some sort of sick amusement. 
Instead, she shared the plain and simple heart of the matter as she slid her jeans over her legs. "I had rules and boundaries when we started our thing, and I let him break every one of them. I didn't want to kiss, but he did. So, we kissed. I said no staying the night, and a month later, I'm leaving toiletries at his place, Sabrina. We haven't used protection in over a week, and I'm just…letting it happen! What am I doing?" 
Losing herself. While Kelvin made strides to grow and improve, Asia allowed the first taste of genuine partnership to turn her into a woman more concerned with pleasing her partner than advocating for her own needs. She'd bent and contorted herself to fit Kelvin's vision on more than one occasion, and though he never asked her to, he never told her to stop. She never felt compelled to stop. That scared her the most. If she couldn't stop there, how far would she allow herself to go in pursuit of someone else's happiness? 
"I love Kelvin. I love him so much it makes me sick and gives me life all at the same time. I don't want to hurt him." Of everything she'd said, Asia fessing up to the l-word shook Sabrina. "But I can't keep loving him without loving myself. It's not fair to him or me."
She hugged Asia, not caring about her state of undress. "Oh, friend. Welcome to the sick, sad, beautiful world of being in love. Ain't it fun!" Her joke helped Asia release the breath she didn't know she was holding through a strained laugh. Sabrina rocked them from side to side as she spoke. "Trust your gut, girl. I've never known you to make a decision you didn't think through. Do what you have to do. If this is what you think it is, he'll understand." 
"You think so?" Asia sniffled into Sabrina's shoulder.
"He better!" Sabrina quipped. "And if he don't, so what? There are other men in the world and some of them are just as cute, just as successful, and just as willing to give you the world. You gon' be alright regardless, okay?"
I'll be okay regardless. Asia repeated the mantra to herself in an endless loop to calm her nerves from the couch because her next times had run out. By the end of the night, her chariot would turn into a pumpkin and end her perfect fairytale. Say goodbye to your glass slipper and fancy ball gown. Back to scrubbing the floors, you go.
Kelvin poured two glasses of champagne in the kitchen, whistling a made-up tune as he plopped fresh raspberries into crystal-clear flutes and covered them in fizzing liquid. He called for a cheers when she walked through the door dressed like a long-legged super moedel. A little pizzazz to kick off what he hoped would be their first holiday of many. 
Dress sock covered feet helped him glide across polished concrete, expertly balancing glassware en route to Asia across the room. "Alright! One for my beautiful baby," he announced before stealing a kiss. "And one for me." 
"What are we toasting to?" Asia asked, her glass raised and ready. 
Kelvin smiled and put his hand on her thigh. "To us, girl! Fuck everybody else," he exclaimed. "Cheers to us for taking a chance on each other. Hopefully, we'll take some more this year. I know the transition may start off rough, but I hope we'll work through it. I really care about you, Asia. I want to see how far we can take this." 
No response didn't stop Kelvin from clinking his glass against Asia's and taking a long sip of cold, pale liquid. She didn't join him. She couldn't join him. Taking a sip was too close to accepting her fate. Carefully, she put the glass on the coffee table then focused all her attention on her shoes. 
"Kelvin, I can't do the distance. I can't do Chicago." Barely above a whisper, the truth shocked only one of them as Asia looked him in the eyes and continued. "The more I sit and think about our relationship, the more I realize that who I am ran head first into living for you somewhere in the middle. Your needs have become my needs. I don't want to resent you down the line. Neither of us deserve that." 
Grief and sadness eluded Kelvin while he slid closer to Asia. He'd had his time to reckon with reality the night they returned to the hotel and caught her crying in the bathroom. Temporary arrangements had timelines, no matter how hard he tried to outrun them. 
Hearing her voice crack produced tears in the corners of his eyes as he laced his fingers in hers and kissed her knuckles. "I already knew. You're not that hard to read. But thank you for finally telling me." His index knuckle beneath her chin forced Asia to look up at him through cloudy vision. He kissed her forehead and nose before collecting stray tears on her cheeks. "I understand. It fucking sucks, but I understand. I never want to get in the way of your self-exploration, even if it doesn't include me. That's why we started all this, right?" 
"Yeah," she whispered. "Right." 
"Don't worry about me or hurting my feelings. We were friends before, and we can be friends again. That's okay," Kelvin assured. I still want to experience you while we have time, at least for tonight. This dinner reservation was hell to make, and I need you to validate that the tiramisu is fire. Like I can't be the only one of us to have it." 
Neither of them allowed misty eyes and hurt feelings to put a lid on their laughter. They were friends before, and though it'd take a moment to shake off a romance with so much potential, they could be friends again. 
Asia took a long, deep breath and nodded. "Okay. Tiramisu it is. Can I have a moment to touch up my makeup? I'm sure I look like Beetlejuice right now." 
"I wasn't gonna say anything. You look cute in a Pepe Le Pew sort of way," Kelvin joked, earning an eye roll and a grin for his antics. Anything to make her smile. "Go on. I'll be out here waiting." 
A parting kiss to her forehead gave Asia enough energy to click four-inch heels across the floor into the bathroom. Kelvin sat back against the couch to finally allow his heavy mind time to process all he'd heard. In four weeks, his greatest joy would see him off to Chicago without a date set for their reunion. He'd kiss her goodbye, hug her close, and see those beautiful eyes for the last time. The thought alone was enough to bring him to his knees.
Eventually, he'd come to terms with his loss. He had no choice. He'd pack up all his big feelings in the box with his prized possessions and board a flight to a land of new opportunity. 
But tomorrow's problems belonged to tomorrow. He had a month to face those. Watching Asia strut out of the bathroom in a red dress that hit her in all the right places was far more important. 
If this was all the time they had left, he had a few more lessons to teach.
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pukefactory · 2 days ago
hello! i love your writing so much and wanted to know if i could request Goob from Dandy’s World play fighting with/tickling reader? all fun and fluffy, nothing nsfw. he just makes me happy and seems like he’d be fun to play with, with his long arms i feel like he’d trap reader and noogie them playfully or tease them before letting them get him back.
no pressure of course! 🌸
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꒷꒦⋆⑅˚₊ CUTE AND DEADLY ₊˚⑅⋆꒷꒦
↻ Summary: A Compilation Of Headcanons About Goob Tickling You!
↻ Character(s): Goob The Fluffy Craft (Dandy’s World)
↻ Genre: Headcanons, SFW
↻ Warning(s): None - Completely Safe!
↻ Image Credits: @pluginpet & @gloomy-collective
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⋟ Goob doesn’t just hug—he traps! The second he spots you, those long, cable-like arms shoot out to ensnare you in a hug that quickly turns into playful roughhousing. He’s got you now! Wiggle all you want, he’s not letting go!
⋟ Goob is a big fan of noogies. The moment you’re in his grasp, he ruffles your hair with those big, clawed hands, giggling the whole time. “Ahhh! The ultimate Goob Noogie Attack! Hehe!” His excitement is contagious, even when you try (and fail) to squirm away.
⋟ His arms may be strong, but they’re also flexible. That means he can wrap you up and wiggle his claws right into your sides at the same time. “Tickle tickle! Ohoho, you’re so squirmy!” He’ll cackle as you try to fight back, but Goob never loses a tickle war… unless you pull a surprise counterattack!
⋟ If you somehow manage to slip free and go for his sides? Oh boy. Goob shrieks in laughter, flailing those noodle arms wildly. “AHH! NO! NOT THE TICKLES! I’M TOO FLUFFY FOR THIS!!” The moment you let up, he flops onto the floor dramatically. He has been defeated! (But only for now…)
⋟ No matter how a play fight ends, Goob always finishes it with a huge, crushing hug. “Hehe! No hard feelings, buddy!” You’ll probably get lifted right off the ground while he sways side to side. He lives for hugs, after all!
⋟ If you challenge him to a “fair” play-fight, Goob fully commits. “Ohhh, you wanna go?! Hah! I’m the champion of tickle battles!” He’ll bounce in place, wiggling his claws menacingly before charging like a giggling whirlwind of chaos.
⋟ Sometimes Scraps walks by and just sighs. “Goob. Stop terrorizing them.” But Goob gasps dramatically. “Terrorizing?! Me?! Nooo! I’m just giving out free fun!” (She’s not convinced.)
⋟ Goob has zero warning system. He’ll just randomly decide to pounce, arms flailing as he declares, “HUG ATTACK!!” Even if you try to escape, it’s too late. You’re already trapped in fluffy chaos.
⋟ The best part of play-fighting with Goob? His laughter. He’s all big grins and breathless giggles, totally in the moment. Whether he’s winning or losing, he’s just so happy, and it’s impossible not to smile along with him.
⋟ No matter what, Goob always ends a play fight with a triumphant grin. “That was so fun! Can we do it again? Pleeease?!” Even if you’re still catching your breath, how can you say no to that face?
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Writing commissions are now open! I will create nearly any type of story, including OC x Canon or general imagine-style pieces. Please refer to the pricing details below.
Payment is required before I begin working on your commission. PayPal only.
If you’re interested, please send me a DM. Refer to my pinned post to see what fandoms I write for, as well as any additional information.
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masorciereviolette · 2 days ago
You Can Find Me In The Space Between—Where Two Worlds Come To Meet—I’ll Never Be Out Of Reach 3
Minors DNI 18+ Only
Pairing: AU Agatha Harkness x Reader, Past Agatha Harkness x Rio Vidal
Warnings: Pure Fluff, Defeated Rio, Wholesome Moments, Explict, Graphic Descriptions of Sexual Content, Dirty Talk, Teasing, Possessive Behavior, Dom/ Sub Behavior, Mommy kink, Agatha is a warning on her own stg, Praise Kink, Strap, Slight Overstimulation, Rough sex. This is literally just 4k of straight FLITH at the end ngl man ✋🏽😭
Word count: 6.3k
A/N: Y'all are amazing and I’m so sorry I had to post this separately cause I hit the character block so here’s the reception & the wedding night :))) I’m sorry for any typos I stayed up till 4 am finishing because I couldn’t stop stg—
Taglist: @ambessas-doll @milflovers4 @graceful-witch07
Next Part In The Series
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The ceremony had been intimate and tearful, but the reception was something else entirely—warm, joyful, a little chaotic in the best way, and filled with the kind of love that made your chest ache like it might crack open just to let all the feeling out.
The venue had been transformed into a soft-lit dream. Twinkling fairy lights were strung along the beams , candles flickered from every table, casting golden halos that danced across champagne glasses and flushed cheeks.
You and Agatha barely made it through the double doors of the reception space before being swarmed. Hugs came in all directions, congratulations tumbling over one another, and someone’s lipstick smudging your cheek while another guest handed you a flute of champagne you didn’t remember asking for.
Agatha just laughed, gracious but slightly wicked. You didn’t miss the small smirk that played on her lips as she whispered something scandalous into your ear, barely loud enough for you to hear but enough to make your breath catch and your cheeks flush.
Alice was already halfway through a bottle of wine by then gleefully weaving through the crowd and announcing to anyone who’d listen that she’d called this wedding a year ago—“A year ago!” she insisted, holding up one finger like a professor lecturing a distracted class.
Jen followed after her with a wine glass of her own and an apologetic smile, mouthing “Sorry” behind her partner’s back every time Alice started a new version of the same story with increasingly dramatic flair. You could only laugh, touched by the chaos, warmed by the presence of people who had rooted for you both from the very beginning, even if neither of you did.
But through it all—through the noise, the dancing, the heartfelt speeches and laughter so bright it made your ribs hurt, you and Agatha never separated. Not once.
Her hand found yours at every moment, fingers brushing, pinkies linked beneath the table, palms pressed together during the toasts. Even when you were drawn into separate conversations, she was there—her gaze steady across the room, always returning to you, as if tethered by something invisible and unshakable.
At one point, you found yourself in a quiet corner with a glass of something sweet and fizzy, and she found you like she always did. No fanfare. No words. Just her sliding in beside you, taking your free hand and lifting it to her lips as if the whole world didn’t matter—like everything that came before this moment had only been a prelude.
The DJ cleared his throat, tapping the mic once. Then your name rang out across the glowing reception hall, and the low hum of chatter quieted as the lights dimmed, casting everything in a golden wash.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he called, his voice smooth and ceremonial, “may I present—for the very first time. Our newlyweds for their first dance.”
A wave of applause rolled over the room, and you turned instinctively toward Agatha, already having your hand in hers. Her fingers laced through yours with the ease of someone who’d done it a thousand times before and would do it a thousand more.
She looked impossibly breathtaking in the warm light—her dark hair pinned back in elegant waves, the lace of her tux catching just enough shimmer to make her look almost unreal. But it was her eyes that made you breathless—soft, reverent, like she was seeing something sacred.
“I warned you I can’t properly dance” you murmured nervously as she began to lead you toward the center of the floor.
Agatha’s mouth curved into that sly, practiced smirk she always wore when she knew exactly what she was doing. “Good thing you married someone who can,” she whispered back, pulling you gently into place.
The music began—low and lilting, the kind of song that wrapped around you like silk. A soft piano, a cello humming underneath, and a swell of strings that carried just enough emotion to make your heart flutter.
Your hand found her shoulder. Her hand slid confidently to your waist, fingers curling just firmly enough to ground you. And then the world dimmed around the edges. It was just you and her.
Agatha moved like water—fluid, intentional as she guided you into each step with a grace that made it feel like you’d been dancing together for years. You tried not to overthink it, tried to remember where your feet were supposed to go, but then she spun you with a subtle flick of her wrist, catching you on the other side with a low chuckle.
“Relax,” she said softly, her voice like warm wine. “You’re doing beautifully.”
You let out a breath and met her gaze—and everything else faded. The guests, the lights, even the music, for a moment. It was just her eyes, steady and sure, holding yours like a promise she meant to keep.
You stepped on her foot once, and she laughed—genuinely, not mockingly, the sound of it melting the heat of embarrassment from your cheeks. “Still beautiful,” she said, and twirled you again. She twirled you often, actually, like she couldn’t resist the sight of you spinning just for her. The room blurred each time, your heart tripping over itself in time with the beat.
And still, she never let you go. “Tell me something,” you said under your breath, as she pulled you in again, her hand brushing the small of your back.
“Anything,” she murmured.
“Did you ever think we’d honestly get here? To this moment?”
Agatha’s smile softened, losing its sharpness. Her brow furrowed, just slightly, like the question was too big to answer all at once. Her hand moved up to cradle your jaw as they swayed, and for a second, she looked at you like she was searching for the right words and finding nothing quite enough.
“I hoped…” she said finally. “But I didn’t dare believe it. Not until I saw you walking toward me today.”
Your breath caught, and your steps faltered for just a second—but she steadied you, holding you like she always had. Like she always would. And then the music shifted. The swell came, one last rise in the melody, one final crescendo. Agatha’s hand pressed gently at your back as she guided you into one last spin, more fluid than the rest, and then—a dip.
She leaned you back in a graceful arc, one arm around your waist, the other still clasping your hand in hers as you tilted into her. The crowd let out a collective sigh, a few gasps of awe, someone clapping early, but you barely noticed.
Because her eyes never left yours.
Because your heart was in your throat.
Because Agatha Harkness was holding you like you were her greatest triumph. She pulled you upright slowly, savoring the moment, then leaned in until her forehead touched yours. The applause grew louder, warm and full, echoing across the walls—yet it sounded far away.
Her lips brushed your ear, her breath soft and trembling just slightly. “I’ve never been this happy,” she whispered, barely audible over the sound of your heartbeat. You closed your eyes. Let it settle in your chest. Let it tether itself to every part of you.
The rest of the night blurred into something golden and untouchable—laughter rippling like wind, soft music floating above clinking glasses, plates passed around like offerings, and too many toasts to count. Every time someone raised their glass, it was followed by cheers, applause, or someone shouting your names from across the room with barely-contained joy.
You and Agatha still never strayed too far from each other. She always found your hand, your shoulder, the small of your back. You fed each other bites of everything—her slicing into the grilled vegetables with precision and sliding a piece onto your plate, you returning the favor with a forkful of pasta. A kiss followed here, a touch there, her thumb brushing crumbs from the corner of your mouth. The two of you orbiting one another in a way that didn’t just feel romantic but it felt inevitable.
At one point, you found yourselves tucked into your seats as another toast wrapped up, champagne glasses still half full, the flicker of candlelight casting soft shadows across Agatha’s cheekbone. Alice leaned across the table, her elbow knocking over a napkin holder, and squinted at you both like you were breaking some unspoken rule.
“Do you two ever separate?” she asked, incredulous.
Agatha didn’t even look at her. “Nope” she said, smoothly, as she reached over, grabbed your hand, and tugged it firmly into her lap. “Why would we?”
Alice groaned, dramatically leaning back in her chair and draping a hand over her eyes. “Disgusting. You’re like—an extremely affectionate parasite.”
Jen grinned, sipping her wine without missing a beat. “It romantic. Don’t let her get to you.”
You laughed, head tilting as you leaned against Agatha’s shoulder, letting your voice drop into something quieter, more intimate. “Let them be jealous. They don’t get to go home with you.”
Agatha hummed, her smile low and secret as she brushed her lips against your temple. “Their loss.”
Later in the night, when the party had thinned slightly and the music slowed to something dreamy and faraway, you found yourself nestled in Agatha’s lap at one of the candlelit tables.
Her arms wrapped lazily around your waist, her chin resting on your shoulder, the two of you rocking slightly in time with the music despite not being on the dance floor.
You leaned into her without a second thought, your cheek brushing against hers. The atmosphere buzzed gently around you. Clinking glasses, bursts of laughter, the occasional cheer—but here, in her arms, everything quieted.
She fed you slow, deliberate bites of cake from her fork, pausing between each one to savor the look on your face. The frosting lingered sweetly on your lips until her thumb brushed it away.
“You didn’t even like this flavor during the tasting,” she murmured, her tone suspicious, her brow lifting just enough to tease.
You smiled and played coy, glancing at her from beneath your lashes. “Well…I changed my mind.”
Agatha made a disbelieving noise under her breath, but her smile gave her away. Her hand slid up your back, fingertips tracing up your spine. Then, her eyes shifted. The warmth in her body cooled by something else—something heavier. You turned to follow her gaze, Nicholas.
Spinning clumsily on the dance floor, his tie crooked and his little tux jacket tossed carelessly over a chair somewhere. His cheeks were flushed, hair messy, limbs moving with the kind of unfiltered joy only children could summon. And dancing with him—was Rio.
She had discarded her heels and was holding Nicholas’ hands as he twirled in small circles, giggling too loud for the music. Her smile was soft. Measured. Not her usual sly smirk or condescending tilt of the head. This one… was careful. Real. And it didn’t seem performative, not like before.
She wasn’t trying to pull focus. Wasn’t commanding the room. In fact, she had been almost invisible all evening—quiet, distant, like someone who knew they had already missed their moment. “She showed up late,” you murmured, your voice threading low and careful between you. “I don’t think she was at the ceremony.”
Agatha’s jaw ticked. You felt it against your back—the way her arms stiffened slightly around you, then slowly relaxed again. Always composed, always trying to stay above it. But the tension didn’t lie.
You reached for her hand where it rested on your waist, brushing your thumb over her knuckles, grounding her. “It doesn’t matter,” you whispered, tilting your head so your lips grazed just beneath her ear. “She missed the best part.”
Agatha let out a breath—a small, amused huff that sounded more like a release of pressure than anything else. “Damn right she did,” she murmured, pulling you closer. “You were radiant.”
“You cried,” you teased gently.
She scoffed. “I got something in my eye.”
“Uh-huh.” You mocked smiling, your heart full in a way that felt unreal—like it was too much to fit in your chest all at once. And as you sat there in her lap, the two of you watching your son dance under the soft glow of fairy lights and candlelight, everything felt perfect.
Nicholas came tearing across the dance floor moments later like a whirlwind of joy, his little shoes half off, one sock slouching around his ankle, the other completely missing. His face was flushed with excitement, cheeks glowing pink under the lights, and his hair stuck out in every direction like he’d been rolling through a field instead of dancing.
“Can we dance now?” he asked breathlessly, eyes wide, practically vibrating with hope. “All of us? Together?” You turned instinctively to Agatha, whose brows lifted with amusement and affection all at once. She tilted her head toward you, smirking just a little.
“You up for one more?” she asked, though her hand was already reaching for yours.
You grinned, feeling your heart pull warm and sure in your chest. “Always.”
Nicholas didn’t wait for permission. He squeezed between the two of you with all the subtlety of a six-year-old high on sugar and adrenaline. He grabbed each of your hands—yours in his right, Agatha’s in his left—and beamed up at you like this was the best idea he’d ever had before dragging you both out to the floor.
The music swelled again, soft and playful, and under the glow of twinkling lights and the low hum of laughter around you, the three of you danced. If it could be called that.
Nicholas led the way with chaotic abandon, swinging your hands and dragging you into uncompleted spins. Agatha laughed aloud when he nearly pulled you both off balance, but she didn’t let go. Instead, she followed his rhythm—such as it was, with surprising grace, matching his energy beat for beat even as she shot you an amused look over the top of his head.
“Is this a dance or a battle?” she teased, breathless from laughter as Nicholas spun in a circle so quickly he nearly toppled.
“A battle,” you laughed back. “And he’s definitely winning.”
Nicholas only giggled harder, letting out a triumphant yell as he twirled between you, his little hands tight in yours. For a moment, it was all momentum and music and joy so loud it made your chest ache. The world had narrowed again—not into silence this time, but into something louder, fuller. Into this little mess of limbs and laughter and light.
It was messy, It was loud. It was barefoot and chaotic and completely off-beat, And it was perfect. You caught Agatha’s gaze over Nicholas’ head again—and the look she gave you… it rooted you in place even as you moved. Something about the way she was watching you, her lips parted, eyes soft and brimming with emotion.
Something unspoken passed between you—something ancient and deep, like you’d both been waiting your whole lives for this exact moment without knowing it. She mouthed, Thank you. You didn’t ask for what. You already knew.
By the end of the night, most of the guests had either trickled out into the quiet evening or collapsed into chairs scattered around the reception space, their shoes kicked off and bow ties loosened, laughing over melting desserts and sipping the last of their drinks. The music had slowed to a soft instrumental hum, more background than centerpiece now, just enough to keep the magic lingering in the air.
You were curled up in Agatha’s lap again, your heels long since abandoned somewhere under a table, your legs draped across hers, your head resting against her chest. Her arms were warm and heavy around you, one hand gently rubbing slow circles against your outer thigh, the other lazily brushing through your hair, slowly removing pins. Her heart beat steadily beneath your cheek, and you could’ve stayed there forever—wrapped in candlelight, in the remnants of laughter, in her.
Then after tossing the final hair pin onto the table, she leaned down and pressed a kiss to your temple, her lips lingering for a moment longer than necessary. “We’re leaving,” she murmured against your skin.
You blinked, slowly turning your face toward her. “Now?”
Agatha didn’t answer with words. Instead, she slipped you off hep lap and stood—graceful and unhurried, yet somehow full of purpose. She pulled you easily along with her, hand sliding into yours before you could form a coherent protest. You stumbled a step, disoriented but amused. She gave you that look.
The one that had undone you more times than you could count. Mischief softened by affection. Patience thinned by want. Her brow raised, a single dark arch daring you to challenge her. You didn’t.
You sighed, smiling despite yourself. “Okay, fine. But I didn’t get my third slice of cake.”
“You’ll survive,” she said, already guiding you through the dwindling crowd, nodding politely at the few people who still lingered with sleepy grins.
The night air kissed your skin the moment the doors opened, cool and clean after the warmth of the venue. A black car waited at the curb, engine low and purring, headlights slicing gently through the dark. Agatha made a beeline for it, your hand still tightly in hers.
“Slow down,” you laughed as you stumbled slightly, the cobblestones beneath your bare feet catching you off guard. “My feet are threatening a mutiny.”
She glanced over her shoulder at you, her expression wicked and impossibly fond all at once.
“I’ve waited long enough,” she said, voice low, amused… and something else entirely. Something warm and possessive that curled along your spine like smoke. You raised a brow, teasing. “For the car?”
Agatha smirked, pausing just long enough to tug you closer by the hand still caught in hers. When you stumbled forward, she leaned in, her mouth brushing the shell of your ear. “No,” she whispered. “For tonight. For you. For all of it.” You shivered, pulse skipping in your throat.
And then she was walking again—faster now, like the only thing on her mind was getting you away from the noise and the lights and into the quiet of the night. Her grip never faltered. Her stride never hesitated.
“All I want right now,” she said, tugging the car door open with one hand, “is to get you back to our hotel suite.” You didn’t argue with her, not this time.
By the time you arrive at the hotel suite things are moving in a blur. Agatha kicked the door shut behind you, pinning you against the cool wood. Her mouth found yours before you could blink—fierce and hungry and somehow still soft against your lips.
A hand slid into your hair, gripping gently, angling your head to deepen the kiss. The other hand, the one that had been skimming up your leg, settled high on your waist and pulled you flush against her.
Your body molded to hers like it was made to fit there—like she was pouring herself into the hollows of you until you were filled up with her. She broke away just as suddenly, chest heaving, eyes dark and wild.
She wanted you naked. She wanted to mark you, claim you, make you a map of her desire etched into the skin. But she also wanted to take her time, to savor every inch of you like a drink she meant to linger over. Like that first sip of something strong and perfect, hot and burning as it slid down her throat, igniting a slow heat in her belly.
Her hands roamed your back, slipping between the fabric separating your body from hers until she found the zipper—she tugged it down. Until the dress fell away to pool at your feet. Looking her fill, eyes drifting over your face and lingering on the swell of your breasts, the curve of your waist and hips, the line of your thighs. Like a glutton feasting her eyes on everything on her plate before she dug in, before she tasted.
She started with your mouth again—wasting no time, wasting no more kisses. Wasting no more distance between you. her hands mapped a path down your neck and chest, skimming just shy of where you most wanted to be touched.
Over the sensitive skin of your ribs, and the mound of your breasts, palming you through the lace of your bra. Her fingers deftly unhooked the clasp, freeing you to the cool air of the room.
She dipped her head, taking one nipple into her mouth and laving it with her tongue. Teeth scraped and lips sealed around the tight bud, sucking hard enough to make you gasp. Make you arch. Make you beg.
Your hands laced themselves into her soft locks as a string of broken whimpers fell from your lips Agatha made quick work of the rest of your undergarments, nearly tearing them in her haste to divest you of the flimsy fabric. You were left bare, exposed, like a feast before her hungry gaze.
Her hands gripped your hips, thumbs digging into the soft flesh, kneading and squeezing as she pulled you tighter against her. You could feel the heat of her body seeping into your own. Agatha spins you both around, walking you backwards until you both unceremoniously tumbled back onto the bed.
She leaned down, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column of your throat, across your collarbone, between the valley of your breasts. Her fingers drifted lower, skimming over your stomach, pausing at the dip of your hipbones before sliding between your thighs.
She made quick work of your desperate need, her fingers stroking and circling and plunging deep into your heat. Gasps and moans spilled from your lips, your grip on her hair tightening as the tension built in your core.
Pleasure crested over you in waves, your body thrashing beneath her ministrations. She caught your mouth in a searing kiss, swallowing your cries as she brought you to the pinnacle of ecstasy.
With a final, sharp thrust of her fingers, she sent you hurtling over the edge. Your body went rigid, spine arched, as a filthy moan tore from your throat. She worked you through it, extending your pleasure with skillful touches and tender kisses until you collapsed against the sheets, splayed out and limp.
But she wasn't done with you—not yet. Would never be done with you. She slid higher, settling her hips between your thighs. Dipping her head, capturing your mouth in a filthy, open-mouthed kiss. Her tongue exploring the cavern of your mouth, stroking along yours, teasing you.
You groaned into the kiss arms slipping up around her back, after a few moments you pulled away brushing your nose against her own almost desperately “I need more-“
A wicked grin spread across Agatha's face, a glint of mischief sparking in her eyes. She tapped your leg before sliding off the mattress, walking quickly over to the open suitcase sitting idly on the table, reaching inside, she pulled her strap from the inner pocket.
"Always prepared," she purred, voice low and dripping with lust. With deft movements, she disrobed fully - blazer shrugged off and tossed aside, lace bralette unbuttoned and peeled away. Once the toy was settled around her hips, the base fitting snugly in the curve of her waist. She walked back over, crawling up the mattress, slotting herself right back between your spread legs.
She leaned back over you, one elbow braced near your head, the other hand drifting over the shape of your curves. Manicured fingers slid over the swell of your breasts, circling your nipples until they pebbled under her touch.
"Do you want me to fuck you now baby?" she asked, voice a dark rumble. She rolled her hips, the length of her nestled in the heat between your thighs, rubbing achingly slow against your swollen flesh. You whimpered, hips canting off the bed to chase the friction.
"Yes," you gasped, desperate already. Ravenous for it "fuck please—" you whimpered, she sat back to drink in the sight of you displayed before her.
With a sudden, sharp movement, Agatha flipped you over to your stomach. A hand pressed against the small of your back, fingers splayed across your hip bones, pinning you to the mattress. The other hand gripped your ass, kneading and squeezing the soft globe as she spread your thighs farther apart, pulling your hips closer to her own.
You felt the head of the toy catch against your entrance, just the crown breaching your opening. The anticipation was delicious torture and she knew it. "Brace yourself baby " Agatha warned with a dark, lascivious smile. "This is going to be hard and fast and just the way mommy knows you need it."
Your fingers curled into the sheets as a guttural moan claws its way from your throat “fuck mommy please-“ you begged wiggling your ass slightly in anticipation
Agatha wasted no time, slamming her hips forward to bury herself to the hilt in one brutal thrust. You cried out, back arching as you were split open on the thick length of her. She set a relentless pace, hips pounding against your ass as she took you with deep, powerful strokes.
One hand gripped your hip, fingers sinking into the flesh hard enough to leave marks, while the other slid around to your front. Fingers found your clit, rubbing tight circles over the sensitive nub in time with the piston-like thrusts of her hips.
"Fuck, your cunt feels incredible," Agatha growled, voice ragged with lust. "So tight and hot and perfect. It's like your pussy was made just for mommy’s cock."
She leaned down, biting at your shoulder, sucking and nipping at the skin until she'd no doubt left a vivid purple crescent. Her hips never faltered, never slowed, driving into you with a force that shook the bed.
"Harder—" you gasped out, pushing your hips back to meet her thrusts. "Ah! Fuck, yes— " you hissed out
A dark chuckle rumbled from Agatha's chest, echoing against your skin. "As you wish" she purred wickedly. The hand on your hip tightened, gripping you hard enough to bruise as she upped the ferocity of her thrusts. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, punctuated by your wanton cries and her low, guttural moans of pleasure.
Agatha pistoned her hips, the possessive force of her rocking your entire body with each impact. The sensation of being so utterly filled, stretched to the limit around her cock, pressing against your deepest places, had you seeing stars. Each drag of the toy against your inner walls ignited sparks behind your eyelids, your vision hazing over with building pleasure.
"Fuck—" you screamed, fingers clawing at the sheets as Agatha's pace turned brutal. "Don't stop, please don't stop!"
She relentlessly pounded into your dripping sex as her fingers circled your swollen clit at a feverish speed. The dual stimulation had your thighs quaking, your core clenching desperately around the invading length impossibly deep inside you.
"I'm...I'm going to..." you choked out between gasping breaths and escalating moans, feeling your climax barreling towards you like a freight train.
"Then come baby, you don’t need my permission tonight" Agatha crooned, her voice a dark snarl of lust. "Come all over my cock like a good girl…" With that, she sank her teeth into your shoulder again, biting down just hard enough to topple you over the edge into a mind-blowing, body-wracking orgasm. You screamed your pleasure as ecstasy crashed through you, wave after wave of euphoria gushing out from where you were joined.
Agatha gentled her thrusts but kept them deliberate, grinding into you as you shuddered and clenched through the aftershocks. She peppered your sweat-slicked back with tender kisses, murmuring low words of praise and adoration into your bared shoulder blades.
"Such a good girl," she crooned, voice a reverent rumble. "Taking your mommy's cock so beautifully."
Her fingers glided over your hip, your waist, up the center of your spine before tangled in your damp hair. She curled her hand into the locks and tugged lightly, urging your head back to bare the slender column of your throat.
Agatha licked a slow stripe up your neck, tasting the salt of your skin. Drawing a shuddery gasp from your lips. Her hips continued their lazy, rolling thrusts, the silken drag against your sensitive flesh restoring the embers of your desire.
"That's it, baby," she praised, nibbling at the hinge of your jaw. "It feels so good to be full of me, doesn't it? To have me stretching your sweet little cunt so perfectly?"
Her hand drifted around your waist to your belly, splaying possessively over the subtle swell. She pressed against it, forcing herself deeper into your abused channel. The crown kissed your cervix, the bulbous head rubbing insistently against the opening to your womb.
Agatha's touch crept lower, skimming through the neat curls at the juncture of your thighs and sliding teasingly around your mound before delving back between swollen folds slick with your earlier release. Two fingers pushed into your entrance alongside the thickness of the toy still nestled deep inside you, pumping slowly in tandem with her deliberate thrusts.
"There's no part of you that isn't mine," Agatha growled lowly in your ear, nipping sharply at your earlobe. "No inch of skin or secret spot that doesn't belong to me now."
She punctuated her dark declaration with a flex of her fingers, curling them into your sodden heat and pressing firmly against a spot that made your belly clench and legs tremble.
"This is where you belong," she continued, voice grasping with lust and something deeper, more primal. "In my bed, split open on my cock, mommy’s pretty little fuck toy."
Suddenly, Agatha grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, the action making your breasts sway enticingly. With her chest pressed firmly to your back, she bucked into you with short, rough jolts of her hips.
You could already feel another climax building, slow and intense. Your head dropped down pressing into the mattress, incoherent babbles slipping from your lips “m-mommy, it’s coming- I can’t hold it-“
"Don't hold back," Agatha commanded, voice tight with her own approaching pinnacle. "Let it happen, baby. Let mommy feel you come undone."
Her hips rolled harder, the toy spearing you open with greater force as she chased your pleasure. The room filled with the lewd sounds of your union - skin slapping against skin, the slick squelch of the strap pumping into your dripping sex, and your escalating cries of ecstasy as your climax overwhelmed you.
Her fingers at some point snuck back down, rubbing your clit in tight, sharp circles, her hips slamming into you with brutal force. The thick head of the strap kissed your cervix one more time before your whole body jerked and shuddered beneath Agatha's relentless onslaught. Pleasure, white hot and all-consuming, exploded through every nerve ending, wracking your body with tremors as you writhed beneath her.
"That's it, sweetheart " Agatha hummed, her touch unrelenting, forcing you through each throbbing wave of your climax. "Squeeze mommy's cock…" The filthy words continue to spill from her lips.
Your body felt weightless and utterly spent but you still had one thing at the forefront of your mind. After you’ve collected yourself as best you can you turned your head to the side, watching her pull the toy out slowly you couldn’t help but wince “help me flip back-“
She carefully pulled out of your tender flesh, letting you feel every inch of the toy dragging along your sensitive walls. Once she was free "I got you baby " Agatha murmured, gently turning you over onto your back. She tucked your hair away from your face, fingertips trailing soft lines over your blushing cheeks and kiss-swollen lips.
Rolling onto her knees, Agatha unfastened the toy, tossing it away before she dipped her hand between her own thighs, fingers delving into her wetness, intent on finishing herself off quickly. You lazily sat up, grabbing her wrist to stopped the movement, pulling her closer. You leaned back down, leading her by the hand to crawl up your body. Gently guiding one of her thighs across your face, settling her squarely over your mouth.
Agatha shuddered as your warm breath ghosted over her most sensitive flesh. Trembling fingers tangled into your hair as you guided her hips lower, encouraging her to sink down until your lips met slick skin.
"Fuck, baby," Agatha gasped, back arching as your tongue parted her folds. "Your mouth feels fucking incredible—"
Tasting her own essence on your lips ignited a fresh surge of lust inside of you, you pulled her down completely pressing your face into her. Agatha rolled her hips, rubbing herself against your face, smearing your cheeks and chin with her arousal. The sweet scent of her desire filled your nostrils as you licked and suckled, spurring her to grind against you with increasing fervor.
"That's it sweetheart" she praised breathlessly. Her grip tightened in your hair as her pleasure mounted, every drag of your tongue stoking the flames climbing higher inside her with each passing second.
You groaned into her core, feeling Agatha's walls start to flutter around the probing intrusion of your tongue delving deeper inside her. Your lips and chin glistened with her slick arousal, and the evidence of your thorough debauchery made Agatha groan, a fresh surge of lust shooting through her body.
Agatha rocked her hips urgently against your face, painting your features with her release as she chased her pleasure with abandon. The slick sounds of your coupling filled the room once more - the filthy suckling noises of your mouth working feverishly against Agatha's most intimate place. “Fuck baby, mommy’s gonna cum all over your sweet little face-“ Her hips undulated with each crashing wave of sensation radiating out from where you were pressed so intimately together.
"Fuck-" Agatha gasped sharply, trying to catch her breath after coming so hard. She reached down to gently pull you away before gently moving off your body and helping you move to lay properly beside her
She gathered you into her arms, wrapping you tightly against the warm, silken skin of her body. The embrace was protective, unyielding, yet achingly gentle—as though she was afraid you might vanish if she held you too loosely.
Agatha’s hands drifted across your back, down your spine, and over your hips with a tender possessiveness, her touch reverent. Each brush of her fingertips mapped the familiar terrain of your body, stroking every curve and hollow as though she was committing it to memory for the thousandth time and yet with the same awe as if it were the first.
“My perfect girl,” Agatha murmured, her voice low and thick with emotion as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. The pads of her fingers lingered just a moment longer on your cheek, her thumb tracing the slope of your jaw before her hand curled gently around the back of your neck.
You leaned into her touch instinctively, eyes fluttering shut as you soaked in the quiet tenderness of the moment. The safety of her embrace, the steady beat of her heart against your chest—it all wrapped around you like a lullaby.
You nuzzled deeper into the crook of her neck, pressing your face to the warm skin there and inhaling deeply. She smelled like lavender, smoke, and something softer beneath it all—something indescribably hers.
“Sleep now baby” Agatha rumbled softly, her lips brushing your temple as she spoke. Her voice was warm and steady, a balm to every frayed edge of your soul.
She began to rub your back in slow, soothing circles, each pass of her palm easing the tension from your muscles, lulling you further into comfort. With your body molded to hers and the soft rhythm of her breathing surrounding you, you felt your grip on consciousness begin to slip, surrendering to the quiet.
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Ten reasons Ed Teach is lovable 💕
kindness The sweetness and care he shows Stede when he awakes. The way he greets the crew. The patience with Jack, and Izzy, neither of whom deserve it. How quickly he wins over Zheng with his goofy giggles…
feels deeply The hurt at being mocked is palpable. The indescribable pain at Stede’s leaving. The shock and fallout from Izzy’s threats. The lack continued lack of self esteem. But Ed also feels deeply in positive ways, showing awe and wonder at Stede’s curios, fabrics, books, marmalade. Such joy at catching a fish! And he feels romantic love at a very deep level. No one has loved like Ed Teach in the history of loving.
so fucking clever Date error aside, the fog / tidal plan is fantastic. And the save with the lighthouse fuckery, sublime - because Ed came up with the practicalities of how they were going to be a lighthouse on the bounce. And whilst disturbing, it takes a genius of a mind to come up with that gravy basket imagery, including the Merstede vision. Even Ed’s survival mechanism, heartbreaking as it is, is objectively wonderful. The artistic compartmentalisation of personas. Ed both protects and breaks himself on his cleverness. But the clever working class boy who deserves the world, and finally gets it, is a trope which will never grow old for me.
believes in a best self Ed’s not quite sure what that looks like on any given day, but he wants to be utmost in who he is. ‘Jeff… never turns his back on a challenge.’ ‘Blackbeard always wins’ (problem actually). ‘‘Behold… / I’m a fisherman now… you said it was a good fish’.
And Ed’s supportive of others too. ‘You’ve got it all figured out’, ‘The sheer talent on this ship…’ Even in dark moments, Jim is ‘quite the specimen’.
Ed needs to realise that his best self is not necessarily one with no mistakes, and others aren’t without fault either (Stede, he learns the hard way). But the fact Ed won’t settle for a mediocre version of life anymore, believes in better… I love him for it.
violence as a last resort. Ed’s MO is non-violence first, prior to the Kraken spiral. Even during the raids, he is more of an observer. Ed’s attitude to violence is never casual. Pete, Roach, even Wee John… they have casual attitudes to violence in a way never demonstrated by Ed. The twice he appears to commit violence directly is to protect his mother after years of abuse, and protect Stede against colonial violence. It’s violence in the name of love.
forgives easily Too easily at times. The grace he shows over and over to Izzy. How quickly he forgives Stede (that’s okay). The only character he doesn’t forgive easily is himself. Ed’ll get there.
gets Stede Immediately. The excitement at Stede’s knickknacks. Understanding Stede is a lunatic, and that this is a likeable, desirable trait. The viewer understanding Stede through Ed’s focalisation is key to getting the show.
so goofy Ed’s cosplaying Stede within thirty minutes. He’s a theatre kid, jumping down three easy steps on a swing-rope; fuckeries, canon-balling off the ship, the gorgeous chaos of the post-coital breakfast…
has hope (it’s cute) That he ran towards the light of The Gentleman Pirate That he believed they could run away to China and be happy. That his dying brain was able to create Merstede. That he wants to give innkeeping a try even when he’s half-dead…
Ed could’ve been so hard and brittle by middle age, but he isn’t. He has boyish hope and it’s part of what saves him.
he’s beautiful His eyes, his hair, the peach of an ass, and he really does wear fine things well. But it’s not just all that. His eye-crinkles, his smile, his voice, his laughter, his tears, his double pats, his energy, his wit, his little teeth, the surly teen-girl face when he’s upset, his thoughtfulness. His unconditional love for Stede Bonnet.
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This is a non-definitive list. Please add your own ‘why Ed Teach is lovable’ thoughts 💕
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hootyhoowoo · 3 days ago
ah! I totally get keeping your ao3 private! in any case, do you have any svsss fic recs you’d shout out? any ships is fine! bingqiu, Liujiu, 79, Liushen, I’ll take it!
Okay i'm sorry this took so long!! I was trying to look through my fics and see what would be appropriate to post bwaahahah
So disclaimer, i'm more of a one-shot type of reader for the most part, I really enjoy a nice hearty and wordy piece. I'm also a whore so I enjoy a lot of pwps!! I delve into omegaverse and some dead dove fics a lot too so please READ THE TAGS before reading
Also, these are more of my own personal reviews of the fics? You can read the summaries +tags to find out more :D I'm sure the authors can summarize better than I can
but anyway, I'll start out with the fics recommended to me by others, and ones that are so widely loved by the fandom!
These are multi-chaptered:
"I Wish You Were My Husband"- Feynite; Bingqiu, Liushen, and Qijiu all in one!
This fic was recommended by a good friend of mine, and it is sooo good anon. It's got wife stealing, love triangles, and is sooo hilariously funny it's made me genuinely laugh out loud while reading. There was times where I felt like I was just reading canon content and had to remind myself this wasn't mxtx writing. The author does a wonderful job in delving into Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan's inner mental gymnastics, and the complicated history and relationships between the different pairings is so tangible and well done. Not to mention the dialogue between SQQ and SQH made me CACKLE.
"Like A Tooth From a Mouth (I Leave A Hole)- Anonymous; Bingyuan (?)
Okay I started this fic but still haven't gotten through all of it, but the first chapter (first few paragraphs really) captivated me so much I was instantly hooked. Actually, I may draw this out at some point bc I really love the beginning of this fic. So angsty. So well written- especially once Liu Qingge gets introduced, he's so cute and I really like the dynamics of everyone in this one. Disciple!Shen yuan with his system and Shizun!Luo Binghe will always be messy and i'm here for it <3
"Shen Yuan of No Relation"- Gemi ; Bingyuan, Qijiu (i'll probably come back and edit if needed)
Ahhh. Ze fic of all time. OKAY so I haven't actually finished this one yet, i'm currently still reading. BUT I WILL SAY: It is so good so far. So good. The author's writing feels so hearty and their descriptions of the setting is something I fell in love with immediately. The way they write the characters is very endearing and i'm giddy with excitement to continue to read c: This fic was very very recommended by multiple friends so i'm happy to finally start it!!
"Love in Another Shape"- Celardor ; Starts Liushen -> Bingliu -> Bingliushen
Okay this fic was recommended to me by the same person who recommended IWYWMH so you know this shit is bangin. I have not read this yet, but I have had many people gush about it to me and had the lovely opportunity to chat w the author and they are the sweetest person so I'm very excited to start it next!!
'Satisfaction'- Raiiskaim ; Bingjiu
ohohoho ok- can I just say I love Raiiskaim's works, but this one is soooo delicious. It's got dead-dove like elements so be warned, but ahhh the follow up to this fic is "Discontent, and the spaces inbetween" and dude omg the ending literally made me gasp. Can't recommend this enough if it's your flavor.
"Blessing in disguise" - chamsie; ...implied Qijiu?
yeah i like omegaverse and i will not be shamed about it on my own blog. BUT this one is not...your typical pwp omegaverse fic. It's very shen jiu centered around him and his babby- shen yuan! it's very cute and good and I quite enjoyed it when I read it a whiiiile ago. Actually, I think it's time for a re-read. heh
These next ones are one shots
"We Should Stick Together" and "You're My Best Friend, I'll Love You Forever" - Pennydaniels; Liujiu
ohhhh my god. OHHHH MY GOOOOODDDD. Do you ever read a fic and have it touch something so deeply in you and it's like a soothing balm to a really rough aching burn? yeah so that's how these two fics are to me. I vividly remember reading them on an airplane and literally crying my eyes out I had to ask the flight attendant for tissues- and got side eyed by the other passengers. Specifically YMBF,ILYF.... this fic definitely shaped the way I would like to be loved. Excellent works, definitely recommend, read tags, as always. Pennydaniels is one of my fav ao3 authors, so definitely recommend checking out their other stuff too!
"Through the Widening Circles"- ancient_moonshine ; Bingjiu
Please read tags. It didn't bother me but ik it may not be everyone's flavor- but trust me when I say that this fic also made me sob like a baby, especially towards the end. The author does a great job of navigating through trauma and healing in such a touching way, but it is a pretty heavy fic because of these delicate topics. Such a good read, and I think one of my first SVSSS fanfics too!
"Vedaniya" - ancient_moonshine ; Bingjiu
Once again another fic by this amazing author, this one is a little more kinky ehehe but it's still very good and there's a gut wrenching scene that gets me every time near the beginning.
Anyways I hope this list satisfies! I can't wait to read more and get recommended more as we keep going on this scummy adventure :D if you have any recs, please be sure to drop them down below or in my inbox :3 always happy to add to my queue of reads.
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lover-of-mine · 2 days ago
OK so for background to this question. I once complained to you about Tommy ditching Buck at the restaurant. You were fair and set me straight. I always credit you with that to mutuals. Don't even use it since then. This season Tommy wasn't even a character I could really not like because I actually felt sad for him. I mean the writers clearly don't care except to sort of not write great for him. They didn't even try to give him a bit of the Addison treatment from Grey's. It was clear there was so vested interest in him as being around. That brings me to the question for you because I respected your answer last time. But to preface, my pet peeve is when people change their opinions on tropes to excuse behavior. So here goes.
I was ok ignoring him. But let's be real here. If you watched your favorite show that had best friends like Buck and Eddie. Even if you viewed them as platonic and they hey maybe morey if the writers were brave?? But just best friend main characters. Absolutely if a scuzzy ex came back after one had to leave and celebrated them leaving.... Every fan of the show would riot! That actually was probably some of the most toxic writing I have seen that isn't widely acknowledged from the other side
I don't know it just bugs me. It wouldn't have flown under normal circumstances.
Hello again, darling 🫶
They are very clearly using Tommy as minimally as they can, they are giving him just enough development so that he exists. It's hard to form a full opinion on him with only the show to go on, I'm sure that without fandom, I would lowkey feel bad for him because he is kinda like a sad wet cat when you look at it without any fanon-created goggles.
A lot of things that happened in the bucktommy relationship wouldn't have flown under any other circumstances, famously Buck putting Eddie in the hospital being one of them, we all know how that would've gone if it had been Eddie (make the relationship go exactly the way it did but it's Eddie and Tommy, and dear god no one would like Tommy and there would be calls and calls to kill Eddie off), but the fact that people are overlooking the way Tommy was ready to celebrate Eddie leaving is very icky, that's for sure. Like, for me is a redux of the way Natalia thought Buck's death was cool when we spent a few episodes discussing how much that affected everyone around Buck, we spent a healthy amount of the past few episodes establishing that Eddie leaving is bad. It's something that's hurting Buck deeply, so much so that that implication actually triggers Buck. I personally don't think there's a way around it, it's not like Tommy ever explicitly brought up the fact that he was insecure about Eddie's space in Buck's life.
The whole time this relationship is happening, we have been saying that Tommy knows what he's getting into when it comes to Buck and Eddie. The breakup also makes it clear that he knows he can't win this fight, if Buck had to choose, he would choose Eddie. The way that he takes this thing that's been eating at Buck as a win by default so much so that he's willing to joke about it and thinks Buck wouldn't mind is very 😬😬😬. Like, the guy kissed Buck while Buck went on and on about Eddie. He used Chris to calm him down back then. He is weirded out about the way they are in Eddie's house, and he's still going for it. While he has the right to feel insecure, he has no right to actually accuse Buck of having feelings for Eddie and imply their relationship was a competition if he didn't voice the concerns before. He made the choice to date the guy for 6 months, he could've walked away. And he did. But coming back all yay Eddie is gone and expecting Buck to be fine with it is insane behavior. Even in a scenario where you don't think there's more between Buck and Eddie, Eddie is Buck's best friend. No person who truly cared about Buck would celebrate him losing that just because it makes their life easier. I'm with you on that one, it's just another thing people are ignoring in favor of making Tommy the victim of a situation he made a very conscious choice to walk into.
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sirenscradle · 2 days ago
for the thrill of the hunt. (m)
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♱✮♱⋆ masterlist: chapter i, ?
♱✮♱⋆ word count: ??
♱✮♱⋆ pairings: ancient vampire!seonghwa x ancient vampire!reader x prey!wooyoung/poker player!wooyoung (eternal!throuple) LOL
♱✮♱⋆ tropes: murderers to lovers (LOL) y/n and seonghwa have been married for centuries and seonghwa is a very dramatic and whiny husband despite trying his best to be a mysterious vampire + wooyoung’s a methodical airhead!! there will be elements of fantasy/knighthood and mythology/mythological creatures centered around the medieval ages when we delve into their vampiric lore/backstory. (chapter one only) after the backstory, we will return to the present time—where we are currently facing your dilemma with seonghwa AKA the main plot.
♱✮♱⋆ genres: smut, comedy, angst, fantasy/supernatural, fluff
♱✮♱⋆ warnings: 18+ MDNI—depictions of blood, gore, murder, war, and references to substance abuse, side character death, depression, and s/h, switch!seonghwa, seonghwa’s quite literally insane, switch!reader, momentarily sub!wooyoung, brat!wooyoung, honestly rude dom!wooyoung, some religious metaphors utilized in sexual situations, threesomes, solo play, regular play(?) some mxm action but everyone’s f**king each other to be completely honest, a F*CK ton of spit, knife play, biting, blood play, a seriously prolonged roulette game, asphyxiation, mentions of an orgy, probably will add additional chapter warnings when the actual chapter is posted, a murder plot gone wrong, and very ancient vampires who still collect coupons and hate rich people despite being rich themselves #neverforgetwhereyoucamefrom #hypocites
♱✮♱⋆ summary: being an ancient vampire sucks sometimes—both literally and figuratively.
when seonghwa refuses to feed and forces himself into a deep slumber after declaring that he’s unwilling to face the painful boredom of everyday life, you’re forced to devise a delicious plan that’s heinous enough to awaken your very mopey husband. this is why jung wooyoung— a world star poker player with not only a great mug to pair with his skills, but the world’s rarest blood type, golden blood— gets a big red x on his photo that you shoddily pin onto the wall of your dining room when your frustrated efforts at getting your husband to stop moping grow frantic. your villainous husband— not one to opt out of a well crafted game, rises to join you on this particular excursion.
the mission?
play an all stakes game of cat and mouse with jung wooyoung’s life—
for the thrill of the hunt.
loosely inspired by the webtoon, MOONSTRUCK by Jellyfish.
♱✮♱⋆ update: might be a short series (five chapters or less) might not —the world may never know because i certainly don’t. updated the fic to angst, since shit got a bit dark when i actually started writing it. first chapter will be probably be heavy backstory!! we won’t be getting deep into the comedy/smut aspect until chapter two.
authors note: literally could not resist drafting this at four a.m—seonghwa has been flooding my feed and i’ve been getting too much vampiric inspo for me to NOT write this and writing for wooyoung is always literally such a joy for me. while i doooo say i won’t pick a bias for ateez because my attention fluctuates too much—if i had to pick one it’d probably be wooyoung. <3
posting this eventually, and might drop the chapter the same time i finally drop the first chapter of my other seonghwa two shot series, fatal attraction. LOL
i have both chapters already written (for both series) and planned to have posted sooner but..they don’t feel perfect yet and so i’m still going to take time to edit, cut out, and add until it feels good to post!
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