#he was very chill he didnt care at all. blue as fuck. so i was gonna take him home to check up on him and then release him
springcatalyst · 1 year
something disney princess just happened to me
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Here's my pitch for vld sequel. Based on bnha world's hero mission, a movie i have never seen from a series i stopped watching a long time ago (do not take seriously) #Alluralives #Kuronlives-
• Keith and Pidge get framed for like a very serious crime and are on the run and wanted across the universe.
• Allura is alive and there and it is never confirmed how (Someone: Wait, Princess Allura? Didnt you die? How are you still alive? Allura: Oh yeah i did almost die! However *background loud car crash noises, machine revving sounds, things falling sounds, cats sound in the background. Just basically that One troupe™, you know the one* and that is how i survived.)
• Kuron is also alive, it is also never confirmed how (Some completely random bullshit: *happens* Kuron: This is just like the day i came back to life)
• Anyway while Keith and Pidge are on the run, Allura and Coran are handling the diplomacy front since you know Keith and Pidge are both pretty high profile, Kuron Hunk and Matt along the Blades handle damage control, communication and extraction of Keith and Pidge. Shiro and Lance have the arguably the most important job, find out whodunnit while also distracting the detectives on the case from getting too close to Keith and Pidge.
• Lance and Shiro take this job Very very Seriously.
• Like Lance is playing up the dumb goofball as he "accidentally" "loses" the evidence and just doesnt seem to be "taking the job seriously" or is "unable to follow the instructions" really Detective, dont you know? The Blue Paladin is a very clumsy carefree guy! Honest!!!
• Shiro meanwhile is playing up the straight laced bureucrat rule follower. "No we can not go down there yet! We have to follow the protocol!!" Shiro says having never followed that protocol ever. "I am sorry but the rules clearly state we have to do this in this time consuming way" Shiro says knowing full well that rule is ancient and doesnt apply anymore. "I understand your concerns, however the procedure X95t-78v is a vital procedure required for any paperwork to go futher," Shiro says, he made that procedure up.
• Detective's partner suspects they are both full of shit, but cant prove it. Detective knows full well they are both full of shit, CAN prove it, but doesnt really care about it, because she's like 75% sure Keith and Pidge didnt do it.
• The Detective is by the way straight out of a Noir film, like it legit goes black and white when it is her pov and has full noir style narration going on, and she smells of cigars and coffee and rain and is also sopping wet and divorced
• Hunk goes from, "Ok guys i know this is hard but please you have to listen to us, we just want to keep you guys safe." To "I will literally throw hammers at both of you and get you arrested myself if you two dont shut the fuck up."
• Kuron is just vibing man, just chilling, doing his job, a bit red-eyed. He might be a bit high (he needs that weed to keep Traumas™ at bay)
• Allura is fighting for her life trying to handle the diplomacy front and put out fires. Everytime she and Coran make some headway Keith and Pidge end up on the front news after causing mayhem in some random planet and she has to start all over again
• Lance just knows soooo many people. He knows a Guy™ for everything. When asked he's like, "Oh it was during the time when Keith was off with BoM and Lotor was in ship. I kinda didnt have much to do so i just went off on my own." Lance, Lance why do you know these space pirates? Lance why do you know a famed recluse blacksmith who apparently also is a spy? Lance why do you know this mythic species thought to be long extinct? Lance why do you know a god of death? How the fuck do you know a God of Death, and why-why are they calling you babygirl?
• There is another God who knows Coran and calls him babygirl btw
• My main goal here is to gaslight people. There are some facts that were totally canon but reintepreted in a way that wasnt the writers intent. There are some facts that are canon but a little bit molded. There is atleast one episode/season that is hinted to be a mass hallucination and not canon at all. It works best if Netflix removes the original and its wiki gets corrupted./j
• Lgbtqia+ rep is Shiro and Curtis navigating their relationship through long distance, their own trauma and the post war era universe, atleast 2 characters being the focus in a valentine day episode only to come out as aroace, and a B-plot about Lance having just the most atrocious taste in men. Like men you wont believe were allowed to exist.
• i'll add more if i think of more
Dreamworks hire me/j
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uncommondumbats · 11 months
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Reposting the Kai lore here just cause I can,, quick info/ other stuffs I forgot to add:
Kai is basically a Coyote fanboy oc that I made back in I think… August??
Kai’s name was thought of from the way Coyote’s name was pronounced. The two sound very similar.
His full name is Kai Odie.
Kai was born on the 15th of the 5th. Idk what year tho.
Also some of my ocs timeline and Kai’s timeline aren’t the same,, there’s other timelines out there but they all still have zombies in them.
The timeline takes place before it died took place around the 1990s-2011.
Kai has also somewhat improved as a person,, he’s pretty chill nowadays…I guess. I mean,, less mean that’s for sure.
He beefs with ppl/things a lot tho,, it’s literally ez to get Kai to hate u,, u could be a Taylor Swift fan and he’d hate u for that. 😭
Kai is basically pretty friendly tho,, sure. He murdered a bunch of zombies and possibly people but that was out of self defence. He wouldn’t murder anyone on purpose, unless it’s Midnight Shadow or it’s someone that wants to harm him.
Kai wore glasses when he was a kid due to poor eye sight (not being able to see from distances) until he was a teen,, which he just started wearing contacts (even tho it’s semi dangerous to wear those) …this did somewhat give him the reputation of him being the “smart nerdy” guy but he later proved them wrong.
Kai’s also deaf as well,, he wears a hearing aid although it’s unnoticeable. He got this from putting his headphones on max volume and plus other people playing loud audio/screaming into his ear when he was a kid. O and he knows how to read lips as well and he knows sign language. (He didnt get the hearing aid until he was 17,, his parents thought he was deaf because of the fact he had a hard time hearing them directly unless they yelled sooo yea) Kai also just turned off his hearing aid whenever he didn’t want to hear sum however with the zombie apocalypse he kept that on 24/7 cause he didn’t want to risk not hearing sum and dying from it.
Kai also wears earrings, he used to wear black earrings but now he wears cherry earrings, the only reason why he’s wearing cherry earrings of all things is because of Coyote.
Kai actually also has a tattoo on his back where it’s just Coyote’s name in a rlly rlly fancy goth font. Forgot the name but yea. No one knows about it except for Coyote. They actually got the tattoo together and have matching tattoos.
Kai has average strength, sometimes it works out in his favour, sometimes it does not. Mainly depends on who he’s fighting though.
when Kais Mom first saw that Kai dyed his hair gave himself whatever that pink and blue thingy is called that covers his other eye she tried cutting it off however Kai just kept on refusing to do so, which ended up with him getting grounded and Kai’s Mom kept on trying to convince him to get rid of but no matter what she said he just kept it. Which,, made her rlly mad and her hatred for Kai only grew more and more the more she looked at him. Kai’s Dad however just didn’t care and eventually convinced Kai’s Mom to just let him do whatever he wants since he thought that if he was happy then he’d get better grades (very weird logic god damn) and so she did. But she still secretly hated him. (Kai’s Dad was also old and just simply did not give a fuck about what happened anymore. The Mom was also old but she had more care then the dad did.)
But however there was a deal,, Kai can keep the eye cover thingy if he only put it in a feminine ponytail or pigtail/kept the hair rlly long and he agreed. This deal was made by Kai’s Mom and she did it behind the Dads back.
O yea speaking of that,, during the apocalypse in his timeline, while he was asleep he was attacked by a zombie and he got half of his face infected. He was able to cure it tho. Gud thing it was where the eye cover thingy was so it’s ez to hide.
Anyways spoiler for night 3 under here
ok so the only thing that’s different here is that instead of Coyote being the traitor it’s Kai.
The deal in question (and betrayal) basically went like this:
“I’ll get u out of here if u help me make deep night strong and stuff.”
“ok 👍”
(Literally after he meets Coyote and the others and night 3)
“I change my mind I hate u I hope u die.”
Now,, Kai didn’t intend or plan to explode the place on purpose. He wanted to keep the cabin in shape however with the way Midnight Shadow planned it all out he had no choice, he had to explode the place with what he had on him to try to kill Midnight Shadow.
When Murch found out that Kai betrayed him he basically just started hating on Kai and being a big meanie to him and Coyote had to go and defend him every time but that only just made Murch hate the both of them. Except,, not only is it hatred from the betrayal. It’s jealousy.
He secretly wants Coyote, but with Kai being there for Coyote more then he himself is. He grew jealous of him.
So yea.
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reiningsoral · 25 days
Sticky-note Stories: Red, Orange, Yellow
a/n: so like, im writing this pretty much all in one go, while kinda sick, so the quality for most, if not all of this, could very well be dogshit because there is no way in hell im making my stupid little weakass head endure reading my abominations that are masquerading as paragraphs. sorry to anyone who has been forced to read this. and there arent really and tws for this one except some swearing. this is a nice one. everyone say, thank you creeper
Mai whooped as she jumped another gap between rooftops, laughing as the purple and green hero duo chased after her.
She hadn't even done anything wrong this time! Like, since when was beating up a robber illegal?
Mai took a sharp turn, jumped onto a rickety fire escape of the building, and, rather than using it normally (which was far too slow, in her opinion,) she grabbed hold of the support bars holding the stairs to the wall, and slid down them.
As Lynx and Ren jumped down to follow her, Mai took the opportunity to try and lose the two in the narrow and packed alleyways of the inner-city. She ran right, and kept going straight for a bit, then turned a sharp left, left, right, left, straight, right, and kept running.
After a bit, she could no longer hear the dynamic duo of assholes, and decided that she could stop sprinting.
Vesper's voice filled Mai's ears as she fiddled with the settings on her comms.
"Cat? fucking hell, kid, dont run off on us like that." Mai could hear the tiredness in Ves's voice, and the soft worry hiding beneath it.
"ay, chill, Poison, im all good, no blood. and i got to do some hero-taunting, i say it's a win-win."
Vesper sighed, and Mai heard Ria say something she couldnt make out. "yeah," Vesper said, presumable to Ria, "Cat, you have twenty more minutes before Fox and i come and drag your ass back to the apartment, are we clear?"
Mai groaned, "yess, mom, we're clear."
"dont talk to me like that, i am your mom, im allowed to be a little overbearing."
"adoptive. and you're not like, that much older than me anyway," the cat-themed vigilante grumble, kicking a rock as she started off, making her way to a building she could climb.
"yes i am. sixteen is way younger than twenty-four." Mai could practically hear Vesper crossing her arms.
"whatever, see you in twenty." Mai muted her comms before Vesper could answer.
she spent the next fifteen minutes doing pretty much nothing. she did stop by a boba place that had recently opened, not the best idea, while still geared up, but nobody called the authorities.
she also encountered a fellow vigilante, he was wearing pretty much all white, save for some light blue accent pieces. the guy was creepy, not in a weird, older-guy-who-should-not-be-talking-to-me kinda way, but in a his-voice-is-weirdly-calm-and-cold-and-he-makes-the-hairs-on-my-neck-stand-up kinda way. she did not spend very long talking to him.
ten more minutes later, mai arrived at the apartment building she, Vesper, and Ria lived in. she scaled the fire escape easily, and shoved the window open.
as she hopped down from the window sill, vesper threw a pillow at her face.
"i was about to go send Ria after you, jeez." she crossed her arms, leveling mai with a Look. "go shower, and then you are eating real food." vesper left no room for argument, pointing to their shitty bathroom.
"fuck, fine, i was gonna shower, gods." Mai raised her hands in mock surrender, "you're acting like i didnt have to take care of myself for like ten years."
vesper rolled her eyes, arms crossed. "that's the issue, you didnt. now go shower, and leave you suit in the bathroom!" she called after mai, who trodded to the bathroom.
vesper ignored the grumbles of "whatever" and "i can take care of myself" coming from the younger, and walked into the little kitchen area, where Ria was heating up the stove. she wrapped her arms around the ginger's waist and lay her head on Ria's shoulder with a sigh.
"hello to you, too? what's up?" Ria raised an eyebrow as she grabbed the butter to put in the pan.
"good lord, they never telll you how hard it is to raise a person."
"actually they do, many people do that, they all say it's really hard to parent." Ria sliced some butter into the now-heated pan on the stove and watched as it hit the pan with a sizzle.
"okay, well, shut up, actually," vesper mumbled into Ria's shirt. it was nice, she had to admit, to be domestic once in a while.
"you good, Ves? you're a little.. clingy." Ria grabbed some almost-expire bread. "like, this is unusual amounts of clinginess."
"hush." vesper turned her face so her cheek was squished against ria's shoulder. "i'm just... do you think that it was a bad idea for me to adopt Mai? i love her, she's bright, and she's funny, and she's strong, but im not sure i actually do have what it takes to raise her to not be a horrible person."
Ria laughed quietly, "not sure that's a question you should be asking a year and a half after you adopt someone." she placed the first not-yet-grilled cheese into the pan. "but, yes, Vesper. i think you're both good for each other. speaking as someone who's known you very well for the past four years. you needed Mai as much as she needed you."
vesper stood, "thanks, not sure i entirely believe you, but thanks anyway."
"anytime, hot stuff."
Just then, Mai announced her presence with loud gagging noises. "you two disgust me."
Vesper threw a piece of cheese at her.
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mostlymalena · 3 months
June 14th 2024 6:12pm
Hello friends and fans and family and foe.
This will be an update about Ava so big ole post. I'll try my best to tell this in an entertaining way. I'll write it like I expereinced it.
I met Ava back in 2021 because her roommate and best friend at the time, Becca, had just begun dating Josh. Yes, Josh as in best friends and roommates AND bandmate of Hugh who was my boyfriend at the time. When I find out Hugh cheated on me I get told that him and Ava are snapchatting a lot and Ava tells me that Hugh wants her and wants to hookup but she rejected him bc she is on my side. Anyways when I was going through the court stuff with Hugh because I posted about what he put me through and he said "hey not fair!", she took their side (this comes back around later I promise) and posted about me on her social media calling me a liar and saying I was never abused blah blah. Good for her for being loyal.
Fast forward to 2023, she see's me at blue post bc of course you would and comes up to me and profusely apologizes for taking their side and that she believed me this whole time and I tell her its chill no big deal and she then post me on her story which ruffles some feathers but I don't really care bc when do I ever.
Anyways, she is dating this girl Paige at the time (still 2023) and Paige's father get's really really sick. When he is close to passing away Ava's father very suddenly dies and it's very very shocking for her and her family. So of course Ava is destroyed and a lot of her friends rally to support her. Now I'm not sure when but close to when her dad died Paige cheats on Ava so we all once again rally for Ava and it's fuck Paige. Paige's father dies during this as well. Lot's of emotions.
During this time me and Ava are getting closer - I bond with her over losing a parent as I have lost my mother. Also to note I never fully attach to Ava bc she is well, she was just always in some kind of tizzy with someone and it seems to never be her fault. I mean something was ALWAYS happening to her.
Near thanksgiving time she tells me and everyone that her mother has committed suicide. Now this is when her and I really bond because I lost Emma 6 months prior to just that and I also lost my mother. So! Her and I grow closer and start hanging out outside of just seeing each other at the bars. No one had any reason to not believe her bc who tf would lie about that!! She also reached out for support several times over her father passing. During thanksgiving she even went home and posted pics of her mom's house and captioned it with stuff like "it looks the exact same since she left". She also got support about the struggle of having to clean her parents house out and how she is avoiding it bc its too hard.
Fast forward to when Grace and I start talking again. Grace and Ava had already been friends before G and I reconnected and Ava had made it clear in more than one way that she was interested in more than friends with Grace. Obvi this was brought up when G and I reconnected but Ava had made SURE to make it clear with me that she knows me and G are together and she would never pursue. Grace also sent Ava a very brute and CLEAR text which I READ MYSELF that she ONLY sees ava as a friend and there will never be anything more than friendship between them. Ava was asking Grace to hang out so much that Grace got a weird feeling and didnt wanna lead ava one or make things unclear. Ava also says that Paige is always hitting her up and showing up to her house and it's just played off as ex girlfriend drama. Wait I have a screenshot I know it
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Around this time Ava is also served with a FUCKING RESTRAINING ORDER from Paige. And makes a complete joke about it. Won't show anyone the papers. Now IVE BEEN THROUGH THIS!!! So I fucking tell her what to do, like go to court and provide evidence that you are not stalking her. She does not go to court. So if you don't show up to defend yourself.. the restraining order is automatically granted. Ava "not knowing this" texts Paige on the year anniversary of her father's death and Paige calls the cops on Ava for breaking the restraining order. Ava is ARRESTED and goes to JAIL. She calls Reese (her best friend) to bail her out and Reese gets a bondsman and pays for Ava to get out. We feel bad bc Ava is like "I don't have parents to bail me out"," I don't have parents to teach me how to be an adult". so like duh she is right.
Now court is set for a couple weeks later because Ava has to see if she is going to go to actual jail for a couple months for breaking the restringing order. She hires a lawyer and me, Reese, grace, and a couple other friends go to the court room with her to support her. This happens the DAY AFTER I GET HOME FROM A TEN DAY TRIP IN ITALY. Reminder Grace and I broke up for a solid 5 days before a couple days into my Italy trip. Well Ava helped her fucking self to try and get with Grace while I was in Italy (grace rejected her) but was texting me she missed me while I was gone and was hoping I had a good trip yada yada. So already my hackles were fucking raised. I mean all the while I had a sense that Ava wanted to fuck Grace which I have expressed to Grace before lmao.
Back to all of us sitting in court:
Paige signs a paper from Ava's lawyer dismissing the call and whatever so Ava does not have to go to jail. We all celebrate and Grace post something about Ava on her story. Some girl who is Paige's friend slides up and says "If you knew the whole story you would not be supporting Ava. Ask her about her dead mom".
Now Grace and I don't know what to do with that info but we kinda decide to keep Ava at arm's length for now. She also was just always chaotic and being crazy and what not. She gets fired for picking fights with some girl at her work two days after the court win and I tell her maybe me her and Reese should sit down and make a plan for her life to get her back on track. All she does is smoke weed and get fucked up on the weekends. May 26th 2024 I realize I have not heard from her since the night before. I check her local and it's off and call and text her. No answer. I start freaking out. THEN. I get this TEXT. From a number I dont know and it's green.
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So I freak the fuck out. I call Reese and we decide to go to her apartment. The door is unlocked and she isnt home but her cat is. We call the local hospitals admission offices and check if she has been admitted. Nothing.
Ava finally calls Reese and tells us she had bad thoughts and checked herself into the hospital the night before. We are all relieved but also upset she didnt text anyone at all. We tell her about the random number and she loses it and gets so upset. Telling me she is so sorry. Here are some text from that convo:
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This random number starts texting Gracie and Ava's other friends terrible things like I wish she had died and shit like that. So we are all reeling from that and worried and shit. Ava and Jo graduate college so we go downtown and celebrate. Ava wears her cap and gown and seems happy.
Fast forward to June 2nd 2024. I get a call from Reese 1 hour before I'm set to pick up Ava for a Pride event at Hi-Wire.
Reese tells me a couple days prior they went to Brunch (her and Ava) to a spot where Ava wanted to go bc she knew a waitress there. Well they eat and another waitress recognizes Ava bc they know or are friends with Paige and tells Ava's waitress that Ava lied about her mom killing herself. From what I remember this waitress straight up asked Ava why people are saying she lied about it and Ava blames it on Paige trying to cause drama and shit.
Well Reese being the smartest bitch on the planet looks into it. Cannot find an obituary for Ava's mom OR dad. What does she find: HER MOTHERS INSTAGRAM. Which has a RECENT POST. AS IN 3 DAYS RECENT. Her mother is very much alive and well and paints and sells antiques. Reese and I lose it. Ethan is with me when I get all this info and me and Ethan look into it bc Reese and now I don't believe her father is dead either. Time is up, so I pick up Ava and pretend all is well and we go to Pride. Ava tells me Reese is mad at her and she thinks it's bc of some drama at her old job blah blah. I keep quiet bc I know lmao.
That night I tell the jester's chat (all my friends) and Adam being a sleuth. FINDS AVA'S DAD. Ava's dad who is also alive and well is using his retirement to be the CEO of a non-profit that builds homes for unhoused people and gets them back on their feet. So I tell Reese all this and Reese and I decide that I'm going to call and confront Ava about it all. So I do. Ava does not answer and her local is off and she wont answer texts for a long time. I get nervous she offed herself again so I do a wellness check on her. She texts me after the cops leave her house and I told her we need to talk ASAP. She calls me. And I record the convo. You can listen below just wait about 20 seconds after you click play and you will hear me say hello.
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Anyways. She admits her mother is alive but insist her father is dead. bc of this I decide to post publicly and here is why:
I know Ava very well and she manipulates situations and so I wanted to get ahead of this before she tried to tell people I was a liar and crazy
Ava lied to SO MANY PEOPLE SO MANY. I feel like lies to this degree that led to people giving her money, opening up about their trauma, giving her breaks, need to be exposed.
I have no idea how she would react to this so really I just wanted to make sure Reese and I's story was accurately portrayed which is why this blog post is needed for my sanity.
I posted it on my story and got a slew of DM's of course. I answered everyone's questions and sent my evidence to those who asked.
Reese and I don't want Ava to kill herself bc she goes ghost so I call Ava's mother whose phone number is attached to her insta and record that convo as well. I just tell her mother what has happened and that Ava will need a lot of support right now. She tells me her father is alive and they are still happily married. Ava's mother told me that Claire and Paige called her the day before and that it was not a good convo but thats all the details I got from that bc it was not my place to ask.
After posting I got a call from a girl, who legit 3 years ago copied my heart sleeve as a half sleeve and I told her that wasnt chill and that was legit it. I have not thought of her since then and never spoke about her lmao. Well she has been wanting to reach out to me and apologize for how she handled the situation and ava told her not to reach out to me.
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I called her back and she told me more details and also told me about how she told her that she is just my friend bc of my "social status" in wilmy whatever the fuck that means and that she never believed me about the Freedrink/Hugh stuff. AND GET THIS LMAO. Also told me that Ava is OBSESSED WITH MY GIRLFRIEND and was constantly telling her that Grace always asks to hangout and that grace is obsseseedd with her and that Ava is just waiting for us to break up so Ava gets her chance and would constantly talk about me and Paige whenever they hung out. Me and this girl are super chill now.
I called and told Reese this and Reese confirmed that Ava also told her she never believed my Freedrinks stuff and that Ava was constantly talking about Grace and wanting her. Claiming all these people including my fucking girlfriend are obsessed with her (her as in Ava)
I got a bout 104723502358 dms about all the same stuff. Paige figured out Ava was lying and thats why she got a restraining order and so I do want to publicly apologize for being on the wrong side of the court room. That was fucked up and I was wrong. 
Ava's mother also told me that AVA DID NOT GRADUATE COLLEGE LMAO. That she has to take summer classes and maybe some more next semester. SO SHE FAKED GRADUATING COLLEGE.
Ava reactivated her insta recently, blocked me instantly, didnt block MY GIRLFRIEND and posted on her close friends that she added Grace to and said "wilmy is full of lying bitches". So now here it is all laid out. 
The End. 
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jewllyfish · 2 years
Long post tw dream tw unreality tw child getting hurt tw assault(ish). Fucked up fucking dream.
Had such weird dreams last night…. So there’s this regular couple who comes into my work all the time on shrooms I love them but in the dream they would always come in with this annoying ass bird lol. they asked if I would watch or hold their like 6 million dollar paintings for them while they went on vacation for the weekend and they’d pay me a few hundred dollars??? and I was like sure ya but when they came by to drop them off they were like. Also you’re watching our bird. And I was like… uh.. okay? It was like a Mynah or crow or some clever corvid and so they leave and I’m chilling with friends and then the bird starts flying around the room and I’m like that’s probably not good lol and I’m trying to catch it and swearing at it and it’s just laughing at me and I’m like. Whatever, problem for later. So I’m chilling there w this girl and then it like dives into the bathtub which is full and I’m kinda panicking and screaming how stupid it is lol then it surfaces and changes into this like. Parrotfish looking thing?? Idek but I was just like ooooooh it’s one of THOSE goddAmn stupid thing. And it surfaces and looks at me and says “you’re not too bright yourself” and I’m like WHAT THE FUCK WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU COULD TALK bc apparently birds changing into fish is nbd but talking fish is lmao. And it’s real lippy and is like you didn’t ask. And all I could say was fair point I guess and then we were all cool and chilling and the fish would sometimes change into a bird and fly around but I liked him now lol and we were all just shooting the shit and Then the birdfish was like wanna see something cool? And my friend grins at me and then the thing CHANGES INTO A BABY?? And I’m like yo WTF what else can u turn into?? And it’s like nuthin this is it lol wanna hold me? And I’m like fuck yeah! (VERY unrealistic I hate babies they scare me) and I’m like. Zooming it around like a toy airplane lol and my friend is telling me to be careful but I’m like no no I got this! Watch this! And I like balance it on my feet like an acrobat and it FUCKING FALLS HEADFIRST ONTO THE FLOOR and I’m like freaking out and I pick it up and half its skull is like. Mashed and dome shaped now 😭😭😭 and I try to cover the fucked up part with my hand so my friend can’t see and maybe like moosh it back into shape but it’s SO SQUISHY AND FAR TOO PLIABLE and I nearly vomit and give it back to the friend super fast who puts it in the tub and is like I TOLD U SO. And the baby just changes back into the fish and is like lol that was fucked up. And I’m like IM SO SORRY!! And it’s like nah I’m fine I was just messing with you but I was sitting there like 🫁👁👄👁 I have to go to bed lol.
So then it’s the day before I have to go give the paintings back and I’ve been keeping them in the basement and I go down there and there’s just a party happening?? In my basement?? And I’m like whatever sick lol I don’t know anyone here but I’m sure it’s fine so I start drinking like a fish and this old lady is like asking me about the paintings and the bird/fish/baby and I’m like… uh… idk if I should tell you all that and she’s like no no it’s okay! I’m friends with them! And I’m just like oh okay sure! And I chat a little but she’s giving me weird vibes so I go over to the corner where I stashed the paintings (they were just like stylistic gold faces with blue and purple and pink and orange clouds I’m gonna try and draw them later) and there’s this giant hulking man in traditional Russian dress who’s like. Leering at me and I’m trying to ignore him so I just reach past him to grab the box they’re in and he grabs my arm? And is like “what brings a pretty thing like you to a place like this” and I’m like. Uh the paintings… and he’s like “a little thief?? You know what we do to thieves around here??” And I’m panicking a little cause he’s still got my arm and I’m like bro I live here! And he’s like oh pardon, my name is Gustav (Gregor? Something beginning w a G) please, Drink with me! And I’m like uh okay cause I don’t really feel like I can say no so I skip off and grab a bottle of wine that for some reason I know is drugged?? Or maybe it was just absinthe idrk but he takes a huge swig and I’m like hehehe… yess… and then gives it to me and is like. Now you. Drink. All fucking scary like and I’m like uuuuuuuh okay so I DO? I ALSO swig the drugged wine and he’s leering at me again and I’m like well nothing for it. Gotta seduce him so I’m like asking him what a big strong man like him is doing here and rubbing all up on him and he’s eating it up meanwhile I’m also like pushing drink after drink into his hand and he’s tossing em back (to give a reference of this man’s size I’m giving him solo cups and they look like Dixie cups in his hand) and he like swings his arm around me and is telling me he’s getting sleepy and I’m like oh well perfect! You just rest right here and I’ll be right back to help you get comfortable ;) and he kinda slumps over and I squirm away and grab the paintings and fucking HIGHTAIL it out of the basement
But by now it’s 6 or 7am lmao and it’s time for the couple to pick up their paintings (also pretty sure there was a break in and armed robbers at some point but that part is fuzzy) and im still fucking wasted and trying to find my way thru the house and she’s waiting at the kitchen counter super impatiently and just tapping her foot and glaring at me, and I plop the box down on the counter and im like here they are safe and sound and she FLIPS she’s like “YOU WERE KEEPING THESE IN THE BASEMENT? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THEYRE WORTH!?” And im like uh yeah? Don’t worry they’re safe and fine they’re in a box and cardboard sleeve and she just like stops dead and glares at me with the fire of a thousand suns and is like “you little rat…. You switched them out, didn’t you!!!” And I’m like. Still SO fucking drunk and I’m like lady what the hell are you talking about. Look at them. They’re the same. And I’m trying to argue with her about how could I have done that w a forgery in 2 fuck days but she doesn’t want to hear it and just grabs the box and storms out and I’m like chasing after her like BRO you gotta pay me do you know what I did to keep those safe!! And she’s like oooh I’m sure they’re safe in your little hidey hole somewhere and leaves and I’m just standing there like ????? And I hear a “yoo hoo!” And look over and the weird old lady from the party is there and holding the struggling bird baby fish while it’s changing rapidly between the 3 states and she grins evilly at me and disappears and I’m just. So tired and exhausted and drunk lol and then I wake up.
Anyway if u read this far amazing hope you enjoyed my fucked ur Covid dreams
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blxetsi · 3 years
hi! i find your headcanons really cute and accurate and they actually make me giggle because yes. i was wondering if i can request reader pranking the warriors (or anyone else you want to add) where they're both chilling in bed and reader suddenly says they are sleeping on the living room/sofa? if you ever do it, thank you so much!
here's the link of the prank : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJyKughS/
ty for your request bb !! this was rlly fun to do 😁👍
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pranking the warriors headcanons (modern au)
characters: reiner braun x gn!reader, bertholdt hoover x gn!reader, annie leonhart x gn!reader
warnings: uh fluff ? humor, maybe suggestive content ?
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reiner braun
- yuh so u saw the trend on tiktok and thought itd be hilarious to do it on reiner
- you didnt set up a camera or anything,,, reiner can be very observant so he'd probably notice if your phone was propped up in a weird way
- you two were changing the sheets before bed, putting on a nice pastel colour
- you kinda just said it out of the blue
- "im gonna sleep on the couch tonight, okay honey ?"
- he kinda just,,, stops folding the comforter over for a second, before finishing his job
- ".....okay."
- "are you okay with that ?" "well, why are you sleeping there tonight ?"
- you came up w the excuse off the top of your head
- "well,,,, you snore....." GOOD GOING MF 🙄🤚
- his jaw DROPS and he looks at you with so much shock
- "and you've just brought this up now ? just as we're about to go to sleep ? i dont snore. ive never snored ever before. how long have i been doing this ? how long have you been keeping this from me-" OKAY BAE CALM DOWN
- hes so shocked and embarrassed omg
- you cant help but laugh in his face and he stands there on the other side of the bed looking at you like 👁️👁️
- "im so sorry baby, it was just a joke from tiktok im sorry i promise"
- now he wants you to sleep on the couch
- but after you press some FAT kisses all over his face he caves and you two get into bed for sleepy time
- just as youre about to doze off a tiny voice near your ear goes "do i really snore though ?" BITCH GO TO SLEEP ‼️
bertholdt hoover
- bitch literally doesnt even care
- im sorry
- if anything he offers to sleep w you on the couch
- "im gonna sleep on the couch tonight"
- "🤨 why ?"
- "uh, theres a draft in here." "where ?" "what" "like where do you feel it ?" "uh, near the vent ?" "😐 is that a question or an answer" "u bitch"
- he literally calls ur bluff idc idc
- he plays along though "okay lets sleep on the couch then, or we can switch sides so i can feel this draft"
- "no i have to sleep on the couch"
- "so you're just sick of me then" okay gaslight gatekeep girlboss 🙄🤚 tone it down 😋🤞
- you end up just going to bed on your normal side
- "omg babe" "what im trying to sleep" "i feel the draft 😹" "go fuck yourself"
- the mf is so smug he already knew the trend going around, he felt so smart like shut up ‼️
annie leonhart
- doesnt believe you
- makes you sleep with her anyways
- shes waiting for u to finish brushing your teeth, and when you come in you go into the closet and pull a folded blanket up from the top shelf
- "you cold ?" "no i uh,,, im gonna sleep on the couch tonight"
- "why not ?" "because you're sleeping with me"
- okay mommy 🥰👍
- she gets up from her comfy spot just to pull you to bed
- "are you trying to seduce me into sleeping here ?" "i dont need to seduce you to get you to sleep here"
- youre right tho,,, ur right
- you guys get settled into bed with your head on her chest, and she holds you like she normally does, one hand on your back and the other cradling your head
- finally she says "hitch showed me a video of her doing that prank on marlowe, you arent slick"
- "hitch did it on marlowe ?? i wanna see that" "its nothing special, just marlowe freaking out and thinking he did something wrong" "that sounds funny" "eh, it was alright"
- you two go to sleep in each others arms like normal, and annie has another cute memory of her lover to think about now
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
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A/N: Thank you hottie❤️ Tumblr was fucking with the format, so I had to repost.  Anyways, I looovveee this request. I’ve been waiting to be in the right mood to write this. Like, jealous muscular himbos completely head over heels for their s/o? Sign me up.
Sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy this, sugar plum
All characters are 18+
Warnings: smut below the line!
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Katsuki Bakugo:
bakugo doesnt get jealous
he usually felt secure in your relationship
yeah he got annoyed when kaminari would jokingly flirt with you
and yes, it made him angry when the dekusquad would literally stare at you with puppy dog eyes
and it pissed him off when kirishima suddenly became the funniest guy in the room when you were around
but he wasn’t jealous
how could he be? he’s bakugo katsuki
you agreed to go out with him. the strongest. the best. you couldn't get any better than him
lmao no
the bigger the ego, the more fragile it was
bakugo doesnt handle jealousy well
there’s a small part of him that knows he can be an asshole
he’s not the most...affectionate person
but damn it, if he doesnt try his hardest for you
you notice that he gets quieter but his actions become a lot more aggressive
he’s glaring at anyone that smiles at you
it’s honestly scarier than his threats
forces you to hold hands
is suddenly into PDA??? when he kissed you in front of your friends you literally made a face
you didn't know what was up with him, but you were really confused when you told him to chill and he visibility wilted
once he came around to telling you that he wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted to leave him, you were quick to reassure him
give him a couple kisses and rub his ego just a tad, and he’ll be back to normal
acts like he didn't just look like he was about to cry two seconds ago
there are two things that happen when bakugo gets jealous
at first, he’s very rough and handsy
he likes to talk big and say things like
“imma fuck you up when we get home”
“you like when daddy does that, sweetheart?”
“kiss it right there, baby”
“youre mine. tell me your mine”
he’s doing everything he can to get you screaming and thrashing
he’ll go down on you for hours, leave you trembling, only to tell you that was a warm-up
there’s this dark look in his eyes when he’s pounding into you, gripping the headboard so he can angle himself in the best position possible
it’s like he’s trying to prove himself by wrecking you
in the midst of your fucking, just when you feel like youre about to pass out, bakugo’s head falls on your shoulder
he’s still thrusting into you, but it gets slower and deeper
now it’s not just fucking
looks into your eyes with the most adoring gaze and kisses the breath of out you
he can’t speak, too deep into your lovemaking to express how much he loves you
how he’s so scared of losing you
but you don’t need his words to understand
lock your legs around his hips and tell him how you’ll always be his and he will let out a moan that makes your toes curl
when you reach your high, it’s a vulnerable moment
lots of soft kisses and hugging
wont admit to the tears that sting his eyes but is willing to express his adornment for you through his embrace and aftercare
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Todoroki Shouto:
todoroki doesnt have a lot of experience with jealousy
he knows what anger is
he’s felt insecurity
and he knows what it feels like to long for something or someone
but envy was a foreign concept to him
that was until he got into his first romantic relationship with you
don't get him wrong, he trusted you with everything
you gave him no reason to question your loyalty
and it never occurred to him that you would leave him for someone else because of how strong your love was for one another
however, his insecurities always got the best of him
he had a lot of baggage
he knew that
and when someone would approach you, someone that looked free-spirited and independent, he’d wonder if he was holding you back
even then, he can’t help but think that no one is worth the ground you walked on
not even himself sometimes
he never brings it up
but you notice that he started touching his scar a lot more
todoroki would try to act more extroverted thinking it would be better if he was livelier
youre deep talks about family matter diminished little by little
he tried to fill your comfortable silence with awkward conversation
you were so confused why your bf was acting so different
it took a couple attempts to get him to spill his thoughts
once he did, he’s stark quiet, looking away, fearing that you’d be so disappointed in him
but you just take his face in your hands and tell him
“you’re my whole world shouto. why would i ever give that up?”
he holds you in his arms for a long time after that
behind his jealousy of onlooking eyes is a deep steed of low self-esteem
and you can feel it when you get intimate
he’s always looking to please you, but now he’s desperate, trying so hard to think of what will make you feel good
it makes you sad bc he already knows the answer to those questions
but he overthinks it
he’s noticeably shier
his touches are hesitant as he second-guesses himself
is continuously asking if you’re okay or if he’s doing it right
at one point, you have to take charge and push him down on the bed
“let me show you how much i want you. just you”
licks his lips as you kiss down his body
one of those guys that believes sucking his dick is a chore 💀
“you don't have to do that” face ass
so when you suck the soul out of him, he’s SPRUNG
would write a song about it if he could LMAO
quickly says he loves you before kissing you like the world depends on it as you ride him
twirl your hips in the way he likes and he’ll hiss out curses
run your hands through his hair and kiss his scar and he’ll give you such pretty moans
please tell him how beautiful he is and how much you love him
my mans will nut on the spot
after the first round, he regains his confidence and flips you on your hands and knees
before you even know what’s going on, he’s pounding into you, gripping your hips like a lifeline
now that he’s reminded that he’s your man, he spends the night realigning your spine
bc who could do it better?
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Togata Mirio:
mirio is one of the most confident people ever
not only is he secure in himself, but he’s secure in your relationship
he knows he bagged a baddie
ofc people would be all over you
he couldn't blame them! i mean, look at you!
when people approached you, he usually let you handle it
if they were persistent, he would just put an arm around your waist
“you’ve got good taste, but they’re taken! sorry!”
it’s so wholesome that the other person can’t even find it within themselves to be upset
there was only one time he recalled getting genuinely jealous
it was during the time you two weren't exclusively dating
just going on dates to see how things went
at the same time, he overheard from your friend that your ex was trying to get back with you
when he heard that, he started sweating
it wasn't jealousy, but more like fear
he was determined not to lose you
not when things were going so well
mirio literally goes above and beyond on your dates
mans deadass learns how to cook all your favorite foods to bring to you
youre crying bc the seasoning was just *chef’s kiss*
brings you flowers at random times of the day
sends you pictures of things that remind him of you
you’re just soaking up all the attention
he’s always been an extra person so you didn't think much of it
it wasn't until you two were cuddling and watching a movie in his apartment that he confesses to you
“i know that i’m competing against history between you and your ex, but i want you to know that my feelings for you are strong, y/n. and i’ll do everything to prove to you that i can be the man of your dreams”
you stare at him before bringing him in for a kiss
“there’s a reason my ex is my ex”
“just ask me to be yours already, mirio”
he didnt have to be told twice
it was actually that same night that cuddling turned into something a little nastier
honestly, from then on, if you cuddled for more than 20min, there was a 99% chance yall end up fucking lmao
but that night, when he was kissing your neck and grinding his dick against you, he noticed your phone light up on the nightstand
you were too caught up in his fingers between your legs but he saw the text from your ex
it read: “i know this might be out of the blue, but would you wanna catch up over dinner sometime?”
now, mirio wasn't one to be spiteful
but he couldn't help but get a little heated
knowing your ex was trying to get back with you was way different than seeing it
a tiny switch goes off in his head and now he’s ready to make it known that you and him are together
you’re in heaven as mirio’s lips suck and nip at your neck and body
his head game is immaculate
turns you on your stomach so he can massage your back and ass before sliding into you
mirio holds your neck and gives you sloppy kisses as his hips swim into you
your phone lights up again and you can barely think straight when he gets rougher
starts pounding into you like he’s tryna put a baby in you whether it’s possible or not 💀
youre grabbing for anything you can hold as he starts whispering sweet nothings about how he’s gonna take care of you
whew...what a man yall 🥴
the entire time he’s wearing a shit-eating grin
bc he knows he won
might have accidentally sent your ex a voice recording of you moaning his name
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Sugar, sugar
(genuinely hate coming up with titles lol)
this is just rowaelin being pining idiots, one of my fave tropes for day 11--delayed love confession
just a note, the lifestyle in this fic is more of a background note and doesnt really take centre stage in this fic. it’s one ive been tempted to write for a while tbh but didnt really get around to it until now
cw: very, very light smut (like barely non existent, but just in case), a lil bit of swearing
enjoy! :)
3k words (officially my longest fic, yay!)
Every thought in Aelin's mind was blank. She trudged through her apartment that she shared with Nehemia, absentmindedly kicking off her heels that Rowan purchased for her months ago. Then the light jacket she wore joined the shoes, the fabric was perfectly soft and perfect for the autumn chill.
It was yet another piece of item that Rowan purchased for her. A lot of the things she had know were thanks to Rowan, either from his own wallet or from the biweekly allowance he sent her—a generous allowance that was a thousand times better than her weekly paycheck from the bookstore she'd been working at since she turned twenty-two; her business degree had turned out to be useless and so she turned to the bookstore that had been her stable job for three years.
Aelin barely touched her weekly wage now, it was practically buried underneath the money the Rowan gave her.
Because Rowan Whitethorn, thirty-five and a successful CEO who was well known, was her sugar daddy. Had been now for fourteen months. But he was more than that, more than just a man that paid her to spend time with him. He respected her, was loyal to her, listened to her and responded with actual sentences instead of a word or two like other men she had dated. He was charming, didn't treat her like she was nothing but arm candy, and she knew him so well, as he knew her, and each fortnight she sometimes forgot their whole arrangement, but she was sharply reminded when she received the notification from her bank that the two and a half thousand dollars that Rowan sent her was now in her savings account.
When she agreed to their arrangement after several get-to-know you dates, Rowan had wanted to give her three and a half grand every week, and gods Aelin had been tempted because she had never had so much money in her life, but told him that it was far too much and negotiated.
Two and a half thousand was the lowest that Rowan was willing to go, and even though Aelin only knew him for two weeks at that point, she could tell that he would not budge, so she agreed to the amount.
The first time that money had landed in her account, Aelin had thought that maybe she had imagined the whole thing, but the money was a sharp reminder of what she know was—a sugar baby. Those words still didn't feel like they applied to her.
And he still spent money on her when they spent time together. Just last week he gifted her with diamond earrings in the shapes of roses with a necklace to match. She wore them tonight, not because he bought them for her but because she genuinely loved the pieces.
Needing something sweet—despite the fact she had only finished her chocolate hazelnut gelato twenty minutes ago—she dug through her fridge and found the brownies that Nehemia had baked the other day. She told herself that she would leave some for her long-time friend, but Aelin really doubted that would happen.
Aelin relished in the cold air of the fridge as she found the new can of whipped cream on the top shelf. The fridge was one of the first things she purchased with the money she was now being gifted with (and after that came a new washer and dryer, a dish-washing machine and television. Almost everything in her apartment was brand new now, the food were actual brands instead of the generic, tasteless shit. She had bras that fit her properly and were so damned comfortable that she forgot she was wearing them half the time).
The old fridge was a cheap hunk of junk that she and Nehemia purchased off Facebook marketplace for a hundred dollars, it barely kept things cold, but with expensive rent and bills and general life things, Nehemia and her couldn't afford anything better.
Which was how she ended up in this situation. Picking up more shifts barely gave them anything extra, because the economy right now in Terrasen was shit. Nehemia had made a joke about needing sugar daddies, and Aelin, knowing that Nehemia could never really do such a thing, had decided that maybe it was a good idea.
Nehemia had told Aelin that she was insane for pursuing such a thing, and that she had only been joking, but Aelin was not and that she could handle herself if things went wrong.
Nehemia had told her not to do anything, but Aelin was determined and started her search. It had taken a while to find a website that was genuine and didn't make her feel like she had to scrub her eyes out with bleach.
She created her page in private, because she not only was Nehemia against the idea, but so was Elide and Lysandra—she didn't dare tell Aedion what she was doing. Her cousin could be an overprotective pain in her ass at times, and Aelin was very well aware that if Aedion caught wind of what she was doing, he would have locked her up in her room without any type of device so she couldn't go forward with her plan.
She appreciated their concern, she did, but she was a consenting, tax-paying adult, and if she wanted to use her time to get paid spending time with a rich man, then Aelin was allowed to do exactly that.
It wasn't prostitution, she had looked it up, because it was the sugar babies that had the power and so that was how it went with her and Rowan.
Aelin didn't even have sex with Rowan until it was the sixth month anniversary of her and Rowan's...relationship (and gods, it was the best sex Aelin ever had. Rowan was a generous and completely unselfish lover).
He was the first one she came across on the site and almost drooled down herself when she saw his picture. Silver hair, pine-green eyes, a beautiful tattoo down the length of his left arm and tanned skin, he was stupidly attractive and only ten years old than her.
Aelin messaged him first only after being on the site for ten minutes, deciding that surely he was the best one and that she needn't bother to look at any other candidates.
They hit it off straight away, and after deciding on a restaurant to meet at, Aelin had informed Nehemia of the matter, which she was promptly met with question after question: why can't a thirty-four year old man find someone his own age? Is he one of those men that can't date a woman five minutes older than him because of some stupid made up reason? How do you know for certain that it's him in the picture? What if he's cat-fishing you? What if he's a freak, or a killer? What if he's just pretending to be rich to kidnap you? What if, what if, what if?
And so after a heated discussion, Nehemia had come along on her date-that-wasn't-really-a-date and sat a few tables away from her and Rowan, watching them—especially him—the entire time like a hawk.
Aelin had completely forgotten that her friend was there, so enraptured by Rowan and what he did and how he saw life.
It had been fourteen months of seeing Rowan and genuinely enjoying spending time with him and weeks ago, she realised that she wanted it to be something more. That she had come to care for him, not because of the money, but purely because it was Rowan and he made her feel seen and he wasn't afraid of her, because she had once been told by an ex that she could be too much and that he couldn't handle all her baggage.
Aelin wanted a life with him.
So Aelin told Rowan she loved him when he dropped her off tonight after their dinner and a movie date, telling him how she felt, and he had said thank you. He gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and went home, leaving behind the pine-and-snow scent of him.
Aelin really wanted to find a hole to crawl into and die.
She was scarfing down her third brownie when Nehemia's bedroom door opened, her friend clad in an old matching pj set, her slippers shuffling across the tile.
“What happened? Are you okay?” her friend asked upon seeing Aelin's guttered look. Her dark brows furrowed. “Did that bastard hurt you? If he did, I'll—”
“He didn't do anything,” Aelin interrupted her friend. Taking the food, Aelin planted herself on the teal blue velvet sofa Rowan gave her for Yulemas last year, ignoring the scent of not just him, but of them both from when he came over after work just the other day with pizza and a DVD that she insisted that she watched because it was too good not to, when they forgot all about the movie as Rowan buried himself inside her, leaving hickeys all over her neck that she had to cover up with thick concealer.
Nehemia joined her on the couch, her friend momentarily forgetting for now that she had walked in on her and Rowan just moments after they finished, muttering under her breath in Eyllwe as she glared at them defiling the couch, and gave her a look that Aelin knew that Nehemia would listen to every word that came out from her.
And when Aelin was done recounting the story, all Nehemia could come up with was, “Oh.”
“Yes, 'oh,'. I've probably fucked up the whole thing. So don't be surprised if I call you on your lunch break tomorrow telling you he's broken things off.”
“Aelin, I don't think he will. I know that I'm not the biggest fan of your...situation—”
“I'm aware,” Aelin said, cutting her friend off. “You still won't let me buy you a new mattress, even though yours is hard as a brick and lumpy as hell. I've told you that you can pay me—”
“Aelin,” Nehemia said, “we're not talking about mattresses right now. As I was saying, I doubt he'll break things off because I've seen the way he looks at you. I still think he's too old for you, but he cares for you. You probably just caught him by surprise.”
“How does he look at me?” Aelin was observant, but sometimes when she was with Rowan, all her observation skills went out the window.
“Like he loves you,” Nehemia said, no hint of doubt in her voice.
Aelin sighed, her feelings slowly starting to crush her. “I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.”
Sighing once more, Aelin put the food back in the fridge, showered and went to bed, forgoing her usual night texting ritual with Rowan.
She really wasn't looking forward to tomorrow.
Rowan couldn't concentrate, which wasn't a good thing, since his job dealt with having to concentrate all the time. But no matter what mind-focusing techniques he did, he couldn't stop thinking about Aelin.
Couldn't stop thinking about how she said she was in love with him. How her beautiful eyes had been sparkling when she said those words to him. And how the light in them dimmed when he said thank you and kissed her on the cheek, telling her that he would talk to her later. But he hadn't texted her, nor did she.
I love you, Rowan. I'm in love with you.
Thank you. He really couldn't believe that was what he said. Felt like an utter fool and a bastard as he realised he probably crushed her heart. Aelin didn't like being vulnerable, and she had been when she said those words and he had gone and fucked it all up.
Rowan loved Aelin, he did, but he truly wasn't prepared for those words. He loved how on the weekends they would be up at one am, baking chocolate goodies, dancing in the quiet kitchen, humming quietly to Aelin's classical music playlist, with her wearing not the nightgowns that he loved, but one of his old hoodies.
He didn't think that he would get along with her so well once they met, thinking that their online interactions were nothing but a fluke. He was moments away from deleting the profile because he didn't actually create it, but Fenrys had, his friend grumbling that he needed a girlfriend, with Rowan arguing that creating a profile on a sugar daddy site was not dating but probably the opposite, when Aelin messaged him.
His life-long friend didn't listen, much to Rowan's annoyance—but he didn't grab his phone out of his friends hand; Rowan blamed it on the several whiskys he had downed by that point.
Aelin bewitched him on that first meet up. She was intelligent as hell and funny, and creative and beautiful. He was aware of why she was on the date with him, but he didn't care, just as long as he got to see her again.
Fourteen months later and Rowan was still bewitched. He wanted to be with her on a permanent basis, but wasn't completely sure how to take that step.
Clearly, Aelin had taken that step for them, and Rowan was the worlds biggest moron.
I love you, Rowan. I'm in love with you.
Thank you.
Groaning, Rowan turned away from his computer and looked at the skyline, ignoring the buildings to instead watch the puffy clouds drift by.
Aelin loved watching the clouds, loved stargazing, loved questioning about the universe and what the skies held.
He never really paid any of that stuff attention, not until he met her.
Rowan didn't want to lose her, didn't want her to think that he was about to break up with her over this. He had to see her, so he grabbed his keys and wallet, told his secretary to hold his calls for the rest of the day, and went to visit Aelin.
It had been an usually busy day for a Wednesday and Aelin was glad for her lunch break as she trudged up to the roof of the shopping centre. She wasn't really allowed up here, but she wanted some fresh air and to feel the sun against her skin as she sat down and dug into her lunch—fast food, unfortunately for her, because she was so frazzled from last night that she completely forgot about making a pack lunch.
Rowan hadn't called her, or texted her. Not even an email had been sent her way.
Aelin hated that she felt so damned mopey. She was an independent woman, but gods, even a good morning text would have been fine.
She finished her lunch, popping several mints into her mouth to get rid of the onion taste, when the roof door crashed open and a familiar hulking figure came into view.
He must have spoken to Elide to find her here.
Aelin's brow furrowed. “Rowan, what are you doing here?” Oh gods, surely he wasn't going to break up with her, she still had hours to go; there'd be no way she could work if she had tears in her eyes.
Taking her hands in his, Aelin stood up. She steeled herself against whatever he was going to say.
“I love you, Aelin. I'm in love with you, too,” Rowan said, his eyes soft and full of genuine love. Aelin's heart shot up into her throat. “I want a life with you. I want us to buy a home, one that has warmth and character, and a big garden. I want a dog. And kids too, if you want, I know that you've never mentioned it, but if you don't want any then that is completely fine. I want to support you in whatever endeavors you want to take, and if you ever want to go back to university, then I'll support you, or if you want to find a way to use your business degree, I'll help you with that, too. Whatever you want Aelin, I'll give it to you, as long as you're by my side, I'll be happy.”
Aelin was silent for so long that Rowan thought that maybe he shocked her into silence. But eventually, she smiled, one that was dazzling in its beauty that it took his breath away.
“You love me?”
“I do, Aelin, I love you.”
She kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”
Rowan groaned at the amusement in her tone, in her eyes. “You're never going to let me live that down, are you?”
She smirked. “Definitely not. It'll be a nice story to tell our children...one day. For now, I think we should contend with being proper significant others.”
Rowan nodded, smiling. “I like the sound of that.”
“Good, because I need to get back to work, since I'm no longer accepting your allowances. I won't deny the use of your credit card, but other than that, you are no longer my sugar daddy.”
It was Rowan's turned to smirk, and it was the one that made her core clench. “How about I be 'daddy' instead?”
Aelin snorted, even as she clenched around nothing again. Smacking his arm lightly, Aelin kissed him. “Only if you behave,” she said against his lips, “and now I really need to go back to work.”
Rowan walked her back, their fingers laced together, and as she turned to say goodbye, Aelin said, “I'll see you later, daddy.”
Rowan groaned, and it took everything in him not to take her hand and into his car to have his wicked way with her.
By the time he thought of a response, Aelin was already back to work, helping a customer with an impressive stack of books in her arms.
But she knew he was still there, because the way she swayed her hips to the counter was all for him, and when she saw him watching her, Aelin winked, making Rowan's heart flutter in his chest.
He really did love her. And he would live with her teasing him for the rest of his life, just as long as she was with him.
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sataninh33ls · 3 years
i came across "apocalypse" (by Cigarettes After Sex) and immediately had this stream of thoughts.. may as well share it here for fic portion ideas or just a good time before it leaves me forever:
- post game setting
- both heisenberg and ethan survived (i've always pictured heisenberg getting revived by the duke after having felt the lord's essense through his crystalized remains... heisenberg then saves ethan from getting blown up to smithereens by using all his freshly revived and recharged magnetic powers to summon a crazy amount of metal to shield them)
- bickering enemies (who are constantly in each other's throats) to friends and eventually lovers succession
- spent their months together fighting their way out of the village and nearby areas and cities since both BSAA and Blue Umbrella are after them
- there's obvious chemistry between the two and eventually developed into some serious sexual tension that neither one of them wants to admit
- one of their encounters with the bioweapons of BSAA, had ethan in a near death experience that shook heisenberg to the core. realized how much he really cares for the blond.
- heisenberg still played it cool when ethan came to
- ethan is very glad that heisenberg didnt abandon him after near fatal encounter knowing that the older could've just fled the scene to ensure that no one takes away his freedom.
- in a not so brief moment of respite in a bustling city where they can easily blend in (i assume that they're able to collect supplies and clothing in their "travels"), the two decided to celebrate after making it that far. they found an abandoned apartment complex and decided to set up camp on the rooftop
- so, this is when i imagine having apocalypse as the background music while they chill. they have celebratory drinks but had no intention of getting hammered since they need to always be on their toes as soon as the situation calls for it.
- started talking about their nearly year long journey, their own traumas that are not too different after all, and how they realized that they do make an amazing team. as a defense mechanism to distract them from their "feelings that they feel about each other," they still go about their usual trade of insults but would sort of stop for a bit whenever something too real is brought up
- after a while, they lay side by side in their make up bed spread with cushions and blankets still talking about stuff. when they finished each other's sentence about life, heisenberg must've come to a life changing realization and suddenly pulls ethan into a deep kiss. the blond getting shocked at first but gave in eventually.. kissing the heisenberg with an equal amount of burning passion. oohh, and they kiss during this part of the song: "your lips, my lips. apocalypse." both started to get all handsy because of all their pent up feelings. then ethan pulls back a tiny bit to ask the other in a very sexed up whisper, "what are we doing?" heisenberg looked at him lustfully and said, "something that we should've done a long time ago." and he then captured lips once more this time with more fire and...
god knows what the carnal fuck happens along the way. but i see them consummating their uh... togetherness like there's no tomorrow. and the song continues to play in the background til it fades to the end.
(my HC has always been heisenberg as the domineering top and ethan as a power bottom LOL)
that's it! i'm in no way, shape or form a writer (i didn't even proofread this. who cares?) but it's good to get these ideas out every now and then
this is my fav version of Apocalypse since it's more suited to play in the background as things go down.
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baecvlt · 4 years
hi um.. this might be an odd request and ofc you dont have to do it but uh can i get a byakuya togami x reader (smut oneshot) in which the reader has a degradation kink and well, its byakuya, you can decided on the rest
The Same Deep Water as You
in which the reader is degraded by Byakuya Togami 
Byakuya Togami x Reader
(as stated in follow up dm) fem reader
requested by anon: first tike working with this kind of thing
warnings: degradation and slightly masochist actions to be aware of (not too severe). good ending tho so..
enjoy !
She was a quiet girl, never really spoke to anyone but Makoto and Kyoko. They weren���t so awful. While others weren’t awful, she didn’t think of them as approachable. She could talk to them, but she couldn’t be too trusting. Especially of—
“What did I tell you about looking in my direction, you cretin”
Byakuya Togami.
Makoto and Kyoko looked back at Byakuya, staring. “I wasn’t staring,” she argued,“Honestly, I wasn’t”. He approached her,“So, I’m a liar now?”. She shook her head frantically, hoping he’d go away. “Give it up, Togami,” Kyoko said,“Leave the poor girl alone. She’s having a rough day”. She looked away and put her head down on the table. “Whatever,” he said,“I’m not even half interested to know why. Just keep your distance”.
She had no idea what was wrong with him, why his cruelty shone on her and no one else. He was a dick to everyone, but most of all towards her. It was kind of starting to hurt, but mostly because being in this situation of a killing game was rather stressful. Byakuya’s unnecessary cruelty didn’t help. Still, she tried to keep a smile, if not, at least a friendly face.
“Well, Makoto and I have business to attend to with that whole next blackened bullshit. See you later. By the way, just stay out of Togami’s way. He’s a prick, it won’t do u any good to be near him. Okay?”
She nodded, taking his advice a little too literal.
She did exactly as Kyoko told her as she tried keeping a routine. She went to her room, grabbing her very little laundry. She walked to the laundry room, pusbing open the door. When she got a view of the room, she immediately turned back, for Byakuya was sitting there doing his laundry. She went to her room, set her clothes down, and waited for Byakuya to leave.
Finally, he was gone. This allowed for her to wash her clothes. After drying and folding, she decided it’d be a good idea to relax and enjoy what the school had to offer, such as the sauna. What? Who cares if this is a killing game? It was far more luxurious than anything she had in her day to day life. She has the right enjoy things. Wearing her bathing suit underneath, she walked her way to the sauna, but before that, she stripped down and put her normal clothes in a locker. Then, she was off.
As she sat in the heat, she thought to herself. All these thoughts were regarding Byakuya. It was things like “Why is he such a dick?” and “Why me? What did I do?”. They were all valid thoughts. At this point, he was treating her worse than he treats Toko. It’s got to he something he has against her. Then again, she couldn’t act like she didn’t like it. The sheer degradation of it all gave her a thrill, but Byakuya wasn’t fucking her so really he had no reason to act that way. Just as she wrapped up her thoughts, she decided it was a good time to leave before the sauna burned her skin right off. She walked right out of there. When alone, she was pretty confident about herself, her body. Its when she’s around others that she gets quiet. Judgement is a fear of hers, so she’s learned that the more you say/do, the more susceptible to judgement you are.
...but she was alone, she didnt worry.
Confidently, she walked out of the sauna. Despite the heat, it was refreshing. She opened her locker, getting her clothes out. She began to get dressed, realizing no one was around, then straight up stopped giving a fuck. She got her normal underwear on without interruptions, sliding on her pantyhose then skirt. Now it was time for her top. She took off her bikini top and replaced it with her bra. That was when she heard footsteps approaching, but they faded, so she ignored it. Putting on her long sleeve button up, her torso faced the entrance as her eyes focused on her buttons.
“Christ, screw me”
Without thinking, she replied,“Give me a time and place?”. She very slowly realized who the voice belonged to as she stopped buttoning up her shirt. Byakuya stared, she covered her mouth. “Eager, aren’t you?,” he scoffed. She finished her buttons as she walked right past him, ignoring his snide remark. That perv. Surely, he could’ve said something. He was there for a while. Was he judging her or did he like what he saw? Who knows?
What we know now is that the Togami’s raised a weirdo.
This only gave her a better reason to avoid him. Everytime she went somewhere, if she saw him there, regardless if he had seen her or not she’d walk out. Like when she wanted a snack, he was there. “Hey,” he said to her, but she was gone. This also happened in the Rec Room, where she was playing with Celeste. He walked in, looking for Makoto. Even still, and mid-game, she dismissed herself. If only there was one place where she wouldn’t have to see him. Then, she remembers she overheard Byakuya say he was in no need of the library.
She figured it’d be a good opportunity for her to go there and read something, be in solitude. She’d been there once and it was so quiet. She walked her way there, peeking first to make sure the coast was clear. She picked up a random book of poetry. It didn’t matter what book it was really, she just wanted to read. She was glad the library was unoccupied. It was quite peaceful. Unlike the sauna, it took her mind off Byakuya. God, he’d be perfect if he wasn’t a prick. Why was he so cute? So attractive? If given the chance, she would show him how she cares, but what’s it worth if he despises her for no reason? Oh, well. She had read enough pages, deciding to leave an hour later. Suddenly, she got the feeling that she wasn’t alone. She had a pretty good instinct when it came to these things.
She didn’t want to be the next victim of anything, so she ran out and hurried to her room.
Bing-bong, Bing-Bong!
Nighttime, how great. Well at least that night ended on a rather okay note, despite everything else. Just as she was headed to her bed, there was a note slipped underneath her door. It startled her, picking it up.
“Come to my room at once. Togami”
So not only did she have to endure his verbal abuse during the day, it seems it could also branch out at night. She knew she didn’t have to go, but maybe if she did as he said, he’d back off. She walked to his room, only a few doors down the hall. She knew, this was disobidience of the bed time rule, but in that moment, it was the least of her concern. She put on her clothes from earlier today, heading out. She knocked on the door, waiting for him to open the door, and it did after a few seconds. Her heart was pounding as the door opened, his blue eyes shining in the dim light. “Y/N,” he greeted casually. She noticed he still wore his suit and in no way looked like he was at all getting ready for bed. “Good evening, Mr. Togami”. She wanted to be as respectful as possible. “Come in”. She cautiously stepped in. He closed his door, going to sit on his bed afterward.
She sat down on his chair, still nervous. “You look so tense,” he said in a softer tone, much softer than his usual demanding tone,“Relax”. She nodded. He looked at her and got up. Walking behind her, he ran his fingers through her soft hair. “How does it feel to be the object of my lust?,” he whispered. A chill ran down her spine as she muttered,“What?”. “Do you want it?,” he asked,“Me, treating you like a stray dog, I see how it excites you. I’d be more than willing to give it to you”. Her breath hitched and her face was hot. “Y-Yes”. He raised a brow. “Use you words, Y/N,” he said, placing a hand on her throat. “Fuck me, please,” she groaned, craving him. That was enough for him to start putting her on edge. He wanted her to beg, he loved to hear it. “How long has it been since you’ve been touched this way”. 
“Too long”
His hands reached for her breasts, teasing them as he kissed her neck. “Oh my god!,” she cried. Her legs spread and he took note of this. “Go to bed,” he ordered,“I want you on your back”. She didn’t hesitate. She leapt to his bed and lay down. He immediately followed, hovering over her. He pinned her wrists down and began kissing her skillfully. She couldn’t help, but bite him and him flinching further increased her excitement. “What the hell?,” he cursed, she smirked. It angered him that she was having fun with this. He pulled off her skirt and ripped open her pantyhose, spreading her legs. “From now on, you are to call me master and nothing else,” he told her, moving her panties aside and licking her pussy. His tongue focused on her clit, but god, it felt good. She whined, reaching for his hair. While she was able to pull it a little, he grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her down again. His tongue began focusing on all other parts of her, rolling his thumb on her clit, softly. All she could do was squirm, but even that was hard to do. “Who’s pussy is this?,” he asked. 
“Yours, master”
“That’s my girl”
She was cumming, practically dripping the more he touched her. He let go of her wrists, allowing her to finally tease her breasts and play with his hair as he ate her out. He loved her taste; she was sweet. Without moving his mouth away, he carefully worked two fingers into her, allowing him to taste her even more. “How’s that making my little slut feel?,” he asked. “Really, really good. Please, m-master,” she whined, but other than that, it was all incoherent babbling. She was frantic at that point.
“Look at you,” he whispered as his mouth was really going into it,“You’re making quite the mess, you know?”. “I know, master”. Her apologetic tone begged a question. “Come here,” he ordered. She sat on the balls of her feet, waiting for his next words. His hand was soft as he put it on her cheek, caressing her.
“Has my little slut had enough?”
She shook her head, muttering,“I want more”. Her lust-filled eyes stared into his as she went for his belt buckle. “Not like this,” he said, sitting down properly. “Okay,” he assured,“Come here, doll”. She went for his belt buckle and undid it. Carefully, she took his cock out, spitting. “Master, you’re aching”. He twitched as she stroked his sex with those words falling from her mouth. His stomach sank as feeling of her hands touching him this way dawned on him. He needed her, so bad.
“Bend over for me”
Her stomach lay flag on the bed as her ass was in the air, waiting for him to fuck her. “Shit,” he exclaimed, that was the first time she’d hear him cuss. “What’s wrong?”. He sighed.
“I don’t have any protection on me”
Thats when she reached into her shirt and bra, handing him a condom. “What the hell? How long did you have that in there?”. “No more questions,” she said softly,“Come on, baby”. Slowly, he teased her entrance, rubbing his cock slowly and making her shiver before grabbing her hips, slamming into her. Upon impact, her pussy spasmed around his cock as she reached for the pillow in front of her. He gasped, his fingers digging into her soft skin. “I’m gonna stretch you out”. She whined into the pillow as he repeated that, slowly at first. As much as he wanted to pound into her, he knew knew if he did that, he wouldn’t last long. “Ah! master, that feels really good,” she cried,“I need more.. please!”. He could barely speak. “I go at whatever pace I want, slut!,” he managed.
“M-Master, is it because you know you’ll cum fast if you do? Even thinking about pounding me makes you go slower than you already are, doesn’t it?”
“Shut the fuck up!”
His hand slammed onto her ass. She winced, gripping the sheets as he picked up the pace. Her eyes then rolled back. “Is this what you wanted?,” he said with gritted teeth. She let out a shaky cry and said,“Master, it’s what I needed”. A mirror was in front of them, Byakuya using it to check how she reacted to certain things. Letting him hit all around her walls drove her insane, but he still wasn’t going so hard. She also used the mirror to her advantage. She saw how he was struggling to fuck her hard without cumming. She wanted to mess around too. She smiled with lustful eyes, putting two fingers in her mouth and drooling over them. “What the hell”. Her playfulness left him flustered. He grabbed and held her up by her hair and slammed into her repeatedly.
“Oh, master, don’t ever stop! Please, don’t stop!”
He held her up with his hands on her breasts, kissing her neck. Her stomach went crazy, finding new ways to make her sick every time he hit her sweet spots. He had no problem finding them, he must have them memorized by now. There was about her, something so fucking intoxicating. She was like a drug and he was addicted. At first, he despised her for it, but soon enough, he started love her for it and that was scary. It all hit him when he saw how this woman devoted herself to him, even before fucking. She always respected him and saw him for other than money or looks. Immediately, guilt struck him.
That’s when he wanted to take things slower and actually look at her as they fucked. He sat up as she straddled his lap, riding his cock slowly, rhythmically almost as they kissed. Their kisses were much more passionate. His lips let her win, allowing her to kiss him sweetly. His hands held her back, hers wrapped around his neck while one played with his hair and it all felt right. Melting onto one another, he admired her eyes and how satisfied she appeared to be and how angelic her face was when he hit just the right spots. They spoke in between kisses. “Master-”. He shushed her, softly, rather than abruptly. “You don’t need to call me that now,” he whispered as he caressed her cheek.
“Byakuya, fuck, I love you”
“I love you too; all of you,” he muttered, maneuvering her hips in a way that made her groan. She rolled her hips down and tightened around him. That was when he realized that he could no longer continue. “I think I’m-”, he grunted and gasped, digging his head into her chest. “Did you cum?,” she asked, Byakuya nodding. His head suddenly peeked up. He was flustered and asked,“Did you really mean all that? You love me?”. He spat the word as if it sickened him. She nodded and played with his hair.
“I knew you’d mock me for it. Falling in love during the killing game? Pathetic”
“So... am I also pathetic?”
“No, what?”
“I said it too. Does that make me pathetic?”
She shook her head. “No,” she whispered,“Of course not”. There was a moment of silence between the two, where they just lay there and waited till someone said something. “I’m gonna head to my room,” she said. He nodded, although deep down, he protested and wanted to ask her to stay. He couldn’t do that, though. So there, he watched her get dress and leave the room with a funny walk.
The next morning, she got dressed and on her way to meet with the others. Upon opening her door, she was greeted by Byakuya. “Oh, good morning, Togami,” she said,“I didn’t expect to see you-”. He suddenly kissed her, taking her by surprise. “I love you and I want you to be mine,” he blurted. It shocked her even more since this was extremely out of character for him. “What?”. He held her hands. “Ever since we made love the other night, it’s been impossible for me to stop thinking of you”. People stopped at the door, staring because for some reason he heavily emphasized that fact. “You what?,” Kyoko asked. Byakuya stood in front of her to block her.
“Come on, Y/N”
There was a twinkle in his eyes as he asked for your hand (in a way). He loves you? It was hard to believe, but the more you thought about it, the more it felt right. What are you to say?
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
Yan oc squad when jealous
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Okay so I'm currently working on backstory posts for all the boys as well as kinkmas stuff so til those come out enjoy random quick headcanons about the boys or any request people want to give about..well anything
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He hates getting jealous
It's a bad feeling
When he sees you smiling and laughing cause of someone else a dark feeling fills him
He can't help but think of horrible thoughts like you finding someone else
These feelings control him and cause him to do foolish things or things he would seem as idiotic
If you're talking to someone he will quickly come to you and hold you simply staring
He is far too much of a gentleman to make a scene
He shouldn't be so jealous but as he watched you giggle with an old a friend during what was supposed to be a coffee date, he gripped his cup as he felt like some sort of third wheel. Everytime he would try to interrupt you he was cut off by your friend and their obnoxious talking
Soon fed up with it he stood up now grabbing your arm feeling you tense lightly, he simply flashed a sweet smile now holding your hand
"I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation but we really must go, right sweetie?"
Before you could speak the male was pulling you out the cafe and towards the car, his grip on you firm as his sweet smile turned to a friend now glancing over at you
"don't talk to that person ever again, she is bad for you okay?"
"I'm an adult I ca-"
Theodore pulled you roughly infront if him his eyes wild with rage but he simmered down now smiling as he reached out and placed a hand on your cheek
"what did we talk about hmm? You make bad judgements, you're too sweet and kind and everyone will take advantage of that..so trust me when i say they are bad okay?"
You gulped and gave a small nod, you did trust him since he always knew best but he still scared you. You had no choice but to agree and as the two of you went home you could feel the tense jealously coming off him..he truly wanted you to himself
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Is a very very jealous person
He had a photoshoot in korea and of course he had to take you along for the ride
It was a lovely vacation
During the shoot his photographer would ask you questions
His photographer seemed to like you
And hikaru did not like that
Of course hikaru kept his cool but after a while he got fed up
He sent you back to the hotel so he can deal with this
After getting very violent he comes back blood soaked and takes his anger out on you
Hikaru has been gone for hours but you figured nothing of it, maybe photoshoots take a long long time. You sat on the hotel bed scrolling through your phone before you heard a click and the door opened
You rushed to greet your boyfriend only to see him covered in blood now using a cloth to wipe his face, his eyes still dangerous and wild. When his blue eyes landed on you a chill went down your spine before he reached out and gripped your wrist
"it's your damn fault y'know? Its cause people think your so fucking attractive. I'm all dirty cause of you, damn pig."
As hikaru now squeezed your wrist panic set in as you tried to pry him off of you and maybe calm him down before he get any more angrier
"b-babe I didn't know this would happen and plus, you know I love only you"
Your stumbling and stuttering only seemed to make him more pissed as he now yanked you to the bed before pushing you down now throwing his coat off and eyeing you with utter disgust
"then fucking prove it, prove that my piggy only loves me and maybe I won't be so mean anymore kay?"
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Instantly gets into a fight
Just no questions asked gets into a fight
You two were just walking around the park with his dog, queen
Prince let you alone for a single minute just to grab some food
Did not take long for some Chad to get to chatting with you
Queen was not happy
And when prince came back he was not happy either
So he got into a fight
You scolded him while you were patching him up
"yeah my beautiful and amazing love who I adore everyday?"
You shot the male a glare as he lit a cigarette before taking a smoke, he clearly did not like upsetting you and was definitely stressed
"as much as I love your protectiveness, getting into fights isn't a good thing"
"I can't let someone steal ya away from me baby, just won't allow it"
You shake your head as you put the last band-aid on before feeling something crawl into your lap, you stare at the Pitbull who laid her head in your lap
"-and you! You were supposed to protect her queen! At least bite the son of a bitch or something!"
You couldn't help but laugh at the male's antics, you didnt really see much of the fight since prince told you to wait in the car but you figured the guy was fine
Prince on the other hand simply smiled as he though about how he took care of the situation, queen was such a good dog though he hoped that eating that bastard wouldn't make her sick.
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Also gets into a fight
You both were at a cat cafe enjoying your time
Yuki fell asleep..no surprise there
You knew he was tired so you let him nap while you played with the cats and ate more yummy snacks
Yuki did say you can order as much as you want and anything you want..
When a worker came to the table and saw yuki sleeping he decided to shoot his shot
Did not take long for your green haired boyfriend to wake up after hearing awkward laughing coming from you
One violent fight later and you two were home while you patched yuki up
He only responds in pouty grumbles and grunts cause you scolded him
Gives you the cold shoulder
But he can't stay mad at you
"yuki, stop being a baby"
"yuki, look at me"
With still no response you groaned lowly now sliding into the male's lap and seeing him tense up lightly but he simply turned his head away from you with a scowl as he tried not to give in, he was angry that you weren't taking his side on this
Someone tried to steal you away and he protected you! Yet you scold him and tell him not to do it again?! He doesn't get it at all
"yuki narukami you look at me!"
He jolted at the use of his full name and he looked at you with a shocked expression before you squished his face together causing him to get even more confused
"you were going to kill him if you kept punching him, that's why i was mad. Thank you for protecting me though I love you and it's sweet"
Yuki paused before simply wrapping his arms around you giving a low grunt now nuzzling his face in your neck as a dark Expression pooled his eyes.
So, protecting you is fine but he has to make sure he can't kill infront of you? Good to know. As yuki held you in his arms he couldn't help but smile
You were so interesting to him.
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It's always the baby types you have to watch out for
You both were at a new amusement park that opened up a few weeks ago
You two were having fun
But after two big drinks axis had to pee while you both were waiting in line for a ride
He told you to hold the spot
You were of course worried your blind boyfriend is going to find a boyfriend on a crowded area but he reassured you that he will be fine
You let him go and It didn't take long for someone to come up to you and try flirt
When axis came back
He tried to play tough guy
But being 5'4" has its downfalls..
Axis was getting tunnel vision, they were laughing at him..he claimed to be your boyfriend and they called him a kid, how can he protect you if he can't even protect himself..how?!
"leave him alone! He's my boyfriend so just go away!"
You had to step in, it was embarrassing. Axis felt you grip his hand tightly now feeling nothing but anger and jealously bubble within him even as the situation diffused he thought about it
Did..you take him seriously?
"[y/n], am I hot?"
The question made you jolt and you looked at him with a choked laugh. You laugh only made him more upset but he tried to remain calm
"am I hot? Yknow like sexy and everything like that?"
"ax, you're adorable! So cute! I mean you were pouting when those jerks were talking to me and it was just so cute!"
Cute...? Cute..?!
He snapped and hugged you close, his face mask had a zipper and you never did know what the purpose of that was but next thing you knew you felt a sharp pain on your neck along with something trickling down your shoulder
You winced in pain now trying to pull the male off but with no progress, when he did pull back he had blood all around his mouth
"treat me more seriously, you're mine. I won't let anyone else take you, come on let's go home..I'm not done marking you up"
A sense of fear hit you and you never felt this before, axis has always been your adorable boyfriend but this..was new.
Axis Definitely show you just how much he owned you when you two got home and it was something you definitely never forgot.
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yourdaddychan · 4 years
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literally just wow- i genuinely have nothing to say about this please- i cannot explain how much this means to me- there's 1000 of us- *hugs all of you* [ especially the porn bots ] *turns into formal luna asf*
i remember when i started in may, just a tiny chatbot with only one mutual, only known to you guys as [ answer : admin ]. and now, almost a year later, i have 1k of my chainsaw eating demons who are metal as fuck 💪ive learned so much being on tumblr, as a part of both the skz writers community and the chatbot community. ive made a bunch of friends, lost a bunch of ones, and 1k of you stuck with me. i cannot begin to express my gratitude to all of you, and how much all of you and your interactions with me mean to me. all of the simping, the random stories, everything. i cherish all of it, and i love all of you. aight so letz get to the personal thanking asf
alsoer i kinda wanted to do something sexy so imma do what color they remind me of :D most of them can be found at this link : https://louisem.com/29880/color-thesaurus-infographic
@kvinly linn bb 🥺through all the drama we've been through and shit im so glad we ended up becoming friends again cause we're kinda sexy together 😉thank you so much for being my 1000th follower bb you mean so much to me and if anyone hurts you im about to *turns into jennie and kachows them* licherally lets nevah fight again
-> you remind me of the color punch , and not only because of the name- underneath that grr me edgy grr me bully you're just a softie simp and that reminds me of punch :D
@undeadbots steph 🥺lemme be your personal broken chopsticks pls :( KLDSKLD anywayz we've also gone through some sexy drama and thankfully you saw da light 😉and now look at us, with our own band, and our own producing line 🥺brohemian rhapsody for life bro 🥺 *big kithie for da best dad in da world :D*
-> you remind me of the color viridian , because it gives me confident vibes :D you carry yourself proudly and confidently as you should tbh go steph
@binniesthighs oh look its a cutie *pushes you to a mirror* right there :D RORORO YOUR BOAT :DD we havent talked too much, besides my simping for jisung- but you give me very sexy energy so imma propose rq *gets down on one knee* will you be the rororo to my boat 🥺thank you for being my moot :D
-> you remind me of the color espresso , because espresso looks like the color to be pretty chill and laid back, and you're all of those, and calming to be around
@toshis-flower BAYBEE BEBE BEEBEE :D thank you so much for being my moot and making me a wifey asf ‼️ you're literally so much like me whats not to love <3 JKSDJKD JKJK you're really sweet and really just a good person to rant to, i love you so so so much and i think im going to remarry you :D
-> you remind me of the color taffy , because you're sweet, cute, and bright :D *eats you* yummy
@lov3ric seyoung. i love you. so much. MY SOULMATEEEE :DD even though we tell the story over and over like a bunch of grandmas, ill still never forget how we became soulmates and then bonded over boba 🥺im licherally going to marry you one day like ez 💪also i wanna eat you can i eat you youre really cute *eats you*
-> you remind me of the color daffodil , because it reminds me of banana milk which reminds me of you tbh- buuuttt did you know that daffodils are one of the first flowers you see when spring starts? that definitely reminds me of you because through all of the cb drama, you've always been there with me, like literally always- i cannot express how much i love you *kithie*
@simpchimp LIDDLE CHEESE FUCKER THEMBO :DD drink water *spank* i love you so much you cutie 🥺you're also licherally the funniest person ever like stop bae i kinda need to be the funniest but noer its you 😔alsoer i love how random you are KDSKLD so nevah stop that because then *revz up arm* youre going to get luna-ified
-> you remind me of the color jam , because even though you seem kinda scary at first [ yes i was 100% scared of you ] you're really soft :D
@berrywoo the sun themself 💪you are easily the purest person ive met, and im so happy i somehow became moots with you :D you literally hit diff, yk? theres something about your personality and the way you act thats so comforting, and that means i eat you because youre too cute :D you cant just be a wholeass teacher for kids and expect not to get eaten kids are licherally demons whoever deals with them properly and treatz dem nicely gets a nom asf
-> you remind me of the color honey , because you're a sunshiney yellow, and you're sweet like honey :D i think you need to hear that its okay not to be okay bb, and you can come to my dms anytime you want to rant 😎
-> you remind me of the color scarlet , because youre a sexy bitch tf and scarlet gives me 'idc what you think im hot' kinda vibes which is like exactly you
@satosimp WINTER DADDY :DD i lub you asf *insert we dont talk anymore by charlie daddy* ugh the way your personality matches mine is kinda sexy or whatever im also kinda in love with you but lets ignore that part 🙄 💪 *big kithes* *eats your cats casually*
-> you remind me of the color lilac , because it just gives me tsundere vibes, you act like you dont care but really do care :D you liddle sawftie *noms your cheekie*
@nightshade-minho DUCKIE :DD *insert we dont talk anymore by charlie daddy pt 2* licherally bae where the fuck are you i miss you you bettah be doing well in school otherwise im going to smack you with a chappal asf DSJJKSD *eats your cat because hes such a cutie*
-> you remind me of the color marigold , because you're adorable and sunshiney :D
@onigirimeeya MICHIE MICHIE MICHIEIEEIEI MY DAD :DDD i like you mucho much if you didnt know *kithes you* you're like one awf da best listeners ever- which is such a weirdass compliment but its true- you're really good at listening, and just being a comforting presence in general, like when you go to the beach and youre just staring at the waves all edgy mode, and it calms you down a fuck ton
-> you remind me of the color mint , for obvious reasons- mint choco chip cookie michie :DD
@hhjs bae we dont talk a lot but im kinda lurking on all of your posts- JKDSJSKD bae remarry me please youre really fucking hot 😭and the way you have with words is like damn- teach me oppar asf
-> you remind me of the color wine , because you're refined, and carry yourself in a way that makes everyone want to be you. the color wine is rich and deep, which reminds me of the way you write :D
-> you remind me of the color cerulean , because its a baby blue and what fits better than a baby blue yk? you're adorable and squishy and i want to nom you 24/7
@secretary-yeji *iz chan ig cause we dont talk admin to admin* oh erm gee is uncle chrith 😉DKLSKLD my liddle koala :D my liddle burgah :D my liddle aussie :D my besth frien :DDD evah since may i think we've been friends, and i think one of the highlights of that day was me marking you as spam twice and on accident too- LKSDKLSD WE DONT TALK ABOUT THAT anywayz thank yew for being uncle chrith's friend *kith*
-> you remind me of the color seafoam , because it's a very soft and light color yk, you're delicate asf which sounds like a bad thing now that im typing it BUT IT ISNT DSKLDSLK YOURE VERY CUTE YOU AND YOUR FLOOFY COWS :D
@ayolistenupp im kinda... in love with you? wtf? KDSDKSL MY DESI DADDY ASF I LOVE YOU SOER MUCH :D our music nights™️ mean so much to me, like theres just something so personal about listening to what the other person likes to hear even though half of your songs are sexy asf KLDSKLD
-> you remind me of the color ocean , because the ocean is loud but calming yk- like you're full of energy but you're also calming :D
@yanderexchungha OH ERM GEE YEW :O YOU PROBABLY WONT SEE THIS IN LIKE 10 MONTHS BESTIE MERRY CHRISTMAS IG KLDSLKD anyway i love you dad your lessons about vape >>> to quote your drunk ass exactly "vape isnt cool" JKSDJ anyway its gonna be sexy if we accidentally run into each other in the hallwayz asf
-> you remind me of grey cause youre a hag- JKJK KDJSD you remind me of the color caramel , because you're sweet, and licherally addictive caramel isnt good for my braces but i keep eating it 😰but youre addictive in a good way :D
@yanderelee literally only doing this because you were moping about not having a simp sunday and im such a good person 🥸you're cool 💪and unfortunately, you're funny too 😥and even though i bully you asf dont take it personally because i dont mean it asf
-> you remind me of the color dijon mustard because you just give those hacker vibes please dont hack me after i said this i like to keep my location private
-> you remind me of the color coffee , not only because youre addicted to it but also because of the way you act, you're like the definition of an old soul- with the words you use, the drama kid you are asf, etc- you're a talented bitch *mwah* i love you so much you also remind me of those movies where they find an old ass book and they kinda hafta dust it off and it gives you treasure or something cause yeah that reminds me meeting you
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elvencantation · 4 years
yin yang master liveblog
feat. @thursdayplaid​
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omg the magic is so pretty
also why is it always Chinese dramas will have someone, if they need blood, bite their finger?
also the gold spirit is very cute i like
i love a young countenance but an older soul
i also want them to take off their hats 😂
wait he ain’t dead he’s just sitting there?
or he’s dying i guess
This movie is pretty throughout, aesthetic on point 
Sharp teeth?
We simp gold spirit
Too true, amazing combo XD 
He's dying
Please don't let me disturb your liveblogging. It brings be much joy
oh hot demon boy!
love that he’s fighting with a fan
Who will win? Uptight fighting bro vs gentle fan uncle
gentle fan uncle is an amazing title
i love how he’s just like ‘bet u wouldnt stab a precious instrument’
XD I love how playful he is during the whole fight too
it’s adorable
dude rly loves his transportation talismans
He does. If it ain't broke, don't fix it I guess. And it's a good way to redirect violence without doing harm
Demon boy has had a Rough Time
i wanna give him a hug
i don’t think he’d appreciate that but still 😂
He's just sad and misses his girl friend
why his reincarnated shufu look evil tho
Who can say~~~
I love how Boya was just repeatedly defeated by Qingming and is like: you won't fight me because you're scared.
what’s a himbo but not nice 😂
hey! they put my boys hat on crooked. rude.
Give that boy a straight hat.
He's just such an Angy Boy
he rly is 😂
ah i love the lady master she’s so pretty
She's amazing and I love her.
awww boya defended him
He's so angry, but this fan man flirts with him
ofc they all spying on each other 😂
Saved by your opponent's gay discovery
omg yes
Spying required
aw he looks nice with his hair down!
drink tea with him angy boy!
He just wants you to chill out before you deviate. Sit and look at his amazing long hair. It'll be good for you
honey bug!!!! i love her!!!!!!!
Also the ability for the fan man's actor to go from calm to worried to angry to calm again
Honey bug is good and important and I love her
thank u for the recommendation yes
i love them
The intrinsic eroticism of a man who's having his racist beliefs totally shaken by a hot guy who's hotter and smarter than him while holding a sword to his throat and looking like he wants to cry while saying cool lines.
They are such a great pair
angy boy is angy like how dare fan man make him have feelings
How very dare he make a good point about morals and ethics!
Also with that hair drinking tea in the morning
Angy boy with clenched teeth: I'm Not Yearning. I'm Just Like This When I See A Fan.
Angy boy with clenched fists: Complex Feelings? Disgusting.
Clenched fist intensifies
maybe he just wants to hang out with cute people
i get that
He's just a friendly guy
if i could summon pretty spirit friends to hang with me i so would
ok so maybe he’s not evil. but i’m still suspicious
I do get the vibe off him he's not the sort of guy who would put his spirit friends in sexual situations. But also I get the vibe he's a very lonely guy at his core and he enjoys the feeling of physical and emotional closeness.
mood ™
Let's be honest, the hat is a bit cute, but that hair though. Respect for the makeup department
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Angy boy, you're just walking to being teased now. At this point its a hand written invitation with gold leaf.
oh i love this moment with the water
it’s so intense
“you’re too obedient” 😂
The priest is in the range of gentle or teasing and hovers there. Seeing an actual intense situation is great
ah that is exactly what i love
that situation
Me too! It's great when characters hover in a range and then swing over sharply
I really makes both extremes more dynamic
Go For It Angy Boy! He'll be gentle!
XD I mean he will continue to ruffle his feathers, but for fun, not for mean
Also, I really love the depiction of a fox demon that isn't sexed up.
Qingming is a trickster, a tease, a bit of a flirt, and enjoys the pleasures of life, but he isn't the stereotypical half naked sexpot fox demon that seem to pop up everywhere
The only person he had in the world but he didn't want him to suffer and be corrupted
also I hate that my two associations with someone being turned into ash is firstly the avengers and secondly that stupid fucking scene in the last harry potter movie
god this movie is so beautiful and lovely
That set is outstandingly gorgeous
Everything is so beautiful. I want to live in this world!
Sometimes I just see a kind and lonely character trying to live their best life and just vibe with them. Also the wigs on this movie 😭 So beautiful!
Run girl! Move!
She's so smart and brave!
oh the DRAMA
The Drama is right, I love this movie!
omg the drama of his hand slackening
That slackening hand though...
why it didn’t work until then tho???
For the drama mostly XD
is she giving birth to the serpent? 🤢
She is giving birth to the serpent
hey it’s better to be possessed by the literal incarnation of evil in snake form than be dead am I right?
I mean is we're making a choice...
It is ~spirit time~!
He is back and he is Fancy!
They're looking good they're doing poses
omg the painters face painting is so pretty
I love the painter ;-; so noble
the music when he summons spirits just makes me think of like pro wrestling intro music for some reason 😂
And now from the WWE, some hot chinese spirits
oh no ice boy!
Poor ice boy, he's just getting beat up
don’t u dare touch my other demon boy
He just signed up for this adventure and now a snake is beating him up
He Do!
Boya is just having a rough time right now, he's a good good boy
and now the painter???
I almost cried about the painter and he was only there for like five minutes
Demon Boy goes yeet
oh my god the drama of the dripping blood i can’t
This movie has so much drama It did
not my demon boy 😭
wait shit spirit boya is super hot
the tattoos??? the hair?!?!!! the messy goth skirt??!
Spirit Boya is Choice, I'm looking respectfully 👀
Goth spirit aesthetic is on point
where the other guardians tho?
yes this is a very touching little last reunion but where my boya at
omg yes give him a glowing sword
the avenging angel look is 💯 on him
The sword on fire look is Really Working For Him
tell me boya’s spirit form has no influence on his actual body. no he said he trusted qingming to protect his body it’s ok
It's back and it's shiny!
ok but u still have a hole in ur torso my dude
oh ok apparently that’s not a thing anymore but i can’t be mad cause boya’s outfit 😍
I guess he used his cultivation or his demon powers or something IDK, It would have been nice to have two extra minutes of Boya being worried about him
Boya wears some excellent clothes
love a good romantic flute moment 😭🥰
I have to say Boya's like let me play you this song about promising to fall in love in the next life for fun and me time
omg i thought he was gonna kiss the arrow
I mean emotionally did he not kiss the arrow?
omg i cant
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I know right? How many censors did they have to pay off
I Chose To Believe She's fine and is now living happily on a farm or something
yeah i do love being worried for each other
but i guess they didnt have enouhg time and they already had that moment at the beginning of the movie 😂
Two people? Respecting, worrying, and caring about each other? 👍 There's never enough caring for each other!
Also, this is one of the best examples of be careful how you word your spells that I've ever seen.
The old master was like care and protect her forever and his spirit guardian was just like: 👍👌💯
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ainti-pretty · 3 years
What do you think about Iorveth in realationship? And can you write differences (if you think they will be), if his "love" is human or elf.
yeah! i can!
as a multishipper (heehee) ill just write for all of them bc i imagine each take place during VERY different times in his life. it also describes the relationship and that dynamic so yea. i hope this is what u wanted. oops
its also a bit long!! so there is a cut
tw: (all are mentioned and its not too in deth but be careful) death, trauma, drinking
first, id like to start of with iorveth as a youngster:
-he was probably rlly fucking hot as teen/young adult before he really got involved in the scoia'tael and got the scar and probably. slept around a lot. he probably wasnt big on commitment as he was young and maybe was in a few long(ish) term relationships but he mostly just chilled until his parents were killed by humans and he got his scar
next, onto beginnings of scoia'tael years/cedric:
-i think that iorveth and cedric joined together as friends but gradually grew closer
-but, after he got the scar i think it fucked up his self esteem so he was a lot less open with his affections
-the trauma of losing his parents and being there was. in short. not good.
-i feel like he definately got incredibly invested in the scoia'tael during this time because it and cedric were all he had
-and he dearly loved cedric, and although he had lost a ton of his self esteem, he found strength in cedric and they were a power couple for a few decades. the slept together, they cuddled, they held hands whenever they had the chance, and they truly truly loved each other very much
-until cedrics health/mental health got worse and they broke up (which broke both their hearts), and iorveth blamed himself when cedric left the scoia'tael.
moving onto ciaran:
-ciaran (as per my previous hc on him) lost his parents as a teen and was wandering around trying to get revenge on humans whenever he could for years before iorveth met him.
-naturally, iorveth fell hard.
-but, after cedric left he decided to bottle it up and ignore bc he didnt want to ""ruin"" anyone else again by being too invested in the scoia'tael.
-unfortunately for iorveth, ciaran also fell in love with him, and after years of waiting when hes second in command, ciaran confessed
-iorveth flipped the fuck out because he was like. no. that cant be possible! im unlovable and i hurt people and im just going to ruin him!
-this is partially because of what happened with cedric, and partially because ciaran (although CERTAINLY an adult), is definately younger, and iorveth thinks he deserves better than him
-he knows what hes done for the scoia'tael and knows hes not a good person, and hopes that he can scare ciaran into leaving.
-it doesnt work. and they both end up crying.
-once they are together though, there is a definate change in their relationship vibe from iorveth and cedrics. they certainly sleep together and cuddle and do all the relationship things that cedric and iorveth did, but iorveth is clearly holding something back
-they decide that while they both love each other dearly, they cannot be in a health/stable relationship with just each other because its clear that iorveth is in no way able to properly be in a relationship at that moment
-they decide to open up the relationship and thats where vernon roche comes in
yeah. vernon roche. this is where iorveth sorta has a. oh fuck its a human moment.
-as you all know, roche was the leader of the scoia'tael in flotsams greatest enemy, the blue stripes, a special forces commando designed to stop the scoia'tael.
-after having a WHOLE enemies to lovers situation, they find themselves in a situation.
-they both love each other. and they are both two war criminals who FINALLY end on the same side after years of fighting (lets just say iorveth joined for the kaer morhen fight against the wild hunt) and it seems like everything is fine
-its not.
-first of all, they both have lots and lots of issues other than that they are both war criminals:
1. iorveth has never dated a human before, let alone a man he nearly killed and has nearly killed him on many occasions.
2. iorveth feels like hes betraying the ideals of the scoia'tael along with his parents for dating a human, and this feeling hits even moreso bc its roche.
3. iorveth has loads and loads of attachment issues, and even though he and ciaran still have their thing going on (that roche is aware of and understands), he still really hasnt been in any recent relationships that havent ended in someone leaving
4. iorveth really doesnt quite understand human customs other than what he can tell from spying. he spends lots of time in the woods and knows far more about trade routes to and from flotsam than he really knows of human culture. its almost embarassing.
5. iorveth sometimes gets worried its all a ploy to get roche to kill him and that theres plans to hurt the former scoia'tael due to anti-elf racism
moving onto roches issues, which while there are less of, they dont help:
1. as a child of a sex worker and single mother, roche found himself also getting involved in sex work, which gave him consent issues bc he really did have a choice in the matter bc it was do the job or starve.
2. hes a half elf but right before he was drafted into the army he cut the tips of his ears off to make him look more human. this makes it hard for him to connect w iorveth bc he really doesnt know elf customs, but doing human customs just never felt right
3. he also has some issues from his previous relationship w foltest, which was Not Even slightly healthy, and is still trying to cope w the realization that it was worse than he thought
all of this results in a lot of miscommunication, especially because iorveth (for a long time DURING the relationship) didnt know roche was half-elf and wanted to do all the elven traditions he hadnt been able to join. they dont know what the other wants, and they dont know what the other needs because once again. issues galore. iorveth also probably would be more able to get into fights than any other relationships (because unlike ciaran or cedric, roche is abrasive) which means that there would be a lot of hurt at the beginning of it.
HOWEVER, after they actually talk, and roche is like. hey im half elf, and more than willing to do things the traditional elven way (which iorveth is far more familiar and comfortable with), they sorta get into a routine of things.
and it begins to be a secure and steady and healthy relationship.
tdlr: iorveth has shitty self worth, trust issues and struggles with communication sometimes so things get muddled but when he falls, he falls hard. but the relationships hes in are very different depending on who it is. hes more comfortable with other nonhumans, but even before knowing roche is half-elf, he would give his life for them.
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jangofctts · 4 years
Okay OkAY first of all how about we talk about how you're Killing Me with all of these drabbles for the sunburst bois!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU make me Pine for them!!! Since you insist on writing stuff that makes me think about them 24/7 I would like to Discuss either a night out at 79s or a DATE NIGHT. here are my thoughts (& some thots) I would like to know what U FINK
Blanche - doesn't seem to be down for ~feelings~ or at least ADMITTING THEM so if he were to do either I'm guessing it would be a night out at 79s not a date. would he want to go with you to 79s or would he want it to be a squad only thing? I think he'd be pretty intent on keeping you separate from the squad if he could help it. Mainly bc I think he has so many demands that he just wants one (1) thing for himself but he also wants to do it in a way where he isn't ACTUALLY GIVING HIMSELF TO YOU BC HES DUMB AND PUSHES YOU AWAY so my guess is he'd do neither would go out with the boys and then find you after to... U kno.... Fuck u through a wall... Bc if he can't have you then he can at least make it MEMORABLE FOR BITH OF U
Blue - definitely wants to go on a date. also wants to go to 79s with you. Wants to do everything with you???? I just think he'd drop everything if he could and would be like yes let's do literally anything as long as I am with you. A literal angel who I lub.
Jaws - date DATE D A TE NI G H T. Bump going out he wants to date you. He wants to date you hard. He wants to do all of the dumb dates he's seen in holodramas. He wants to walk you to the door of your apartment. He wants you to ask him up to your room for... Tea. Caf. Fucking whatever as long as he can bridal style carry you into your bedroom. Once you're in the bedroom tho that's when we are no longer in a holo drama but a BAD PORNO IF U KNO WHAT I MEAN
Sweets - b a b y. I feel like this would be tricky. Probably wouldn't want to go to 79s with you but would also be very stressed™ about going on a date with you. I think he'd really want to go on a date but would be so overwhelmed and unsure of what to do with himself. I think you would have to just suggest doing things together and not call it a date. Like take him to candy shops but not call it a date or maybe if there is a zoo or someplace with animals tell him you really want to go there and oh sweets do you want to come with meeeee. And then later he gets back to the barracks and the bois are like w o w sweets dates y'all and sweets is like... Sweets.exe has stopped working "tHAt wAS a DATE BUT I DIDNT OVERTHINK THE ENTIRE TIME" and then I fink he wants to go on dates with you all the time after that 💖💖💖
Kami - 79s all the way baby. Not only bc he wants to drink and have fun with the squad and you, but a l s o bc you two should go check out the fresher together. Maybe inspect the structural integrity of that wall in the back... Vigorously. Maybe make sure the supply closet is secure. M a y b e make sure the booth cushions are gonna hold up... For Science. I think eventually if you ever got to the point of getting a confession a REAL ONE out of him he'd want to go on all the dates but until then I think wacky hijinks in 79s is all you're gonna get... Not that we mind that 👀
Fuse - o fuse baby definitely no dates. Nothing even remotely resembling a date. If he smells date activity or feelings then he is o u t. I think he'd go to 79s with you but I al so feel like he would ditch you at some point NOT BC HE DOESNT WANT TO BE WITH YOU BUT BC HE THINKS YOU SHOULD FIND AOMEONE ELSE THE LITERAL DUMBASS definitely think he would mainly limit your interactions to quick fucks and that's it (u already talked about him breaking things off with you and how that would happen and how you would come back together and I CANNOT IMPROVE UPON PERFECTION)
Bruiser - kinda like blue I feel like he would be down to do anything as long as you're with him. 79s? Y es. Date? Also yes. Mainly I think this would come down to you. He wants to know what you want to do. He also definitely wants to fuck you whether it's after date night or after a night at 79s there is no hiding how much that man wants it 👀 he is looking respectfully JK HE WANTS TO F U CK he would not be shy about that. Would definitely be shy about feelings so I could see how dates could be a Big Thing for him. I think of Him often. I wanna date a Lorge Man plz and thank you.
Void - MY M A N. okay so I think that void would want to do neither. Esp when the war is going on. Maybe after the war things could be different. But all he wants to do is have a Nice Night In okay! Also I don't wanna make him sound boring like y'all will get up to things. Definitely having shower sex in your apartment. And then you're gonna fuck again after. And then since you made a mess you're gonna need to shower again... 👀 BUT NEEWAYZ I think he'd really like watching a holodrama with you or just eating dinner in maybe takeout maybe something you cooked together. He just wants to spend time with you in a Very Low Stress Environment. Maybe I could see you going on dates together but they would have to be the most low key chill dates ever lmao I think he'd mainly just want to spend time with you alone and relax as often as he could so that you could take care of him and he could take care of someone too where THEIR LIFE ISNT ON THE LINE OKAY LET HIM REST AND GET LAID I LOVE HIM SO MYCH LEMME PAMPER HIM MY HEART BELONGS TO H I M 😭💞💞
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