#he was really reckless in his teen years lmao
yanderederee · 1 year
¡暴走族\旧車會!x!ヤンキ!x! 助番¡
What is the New Generation of Delinquents?
Tokyo Revengers plot circles around Bōsōzoku subculture, which is why I love it as deeply as I do.
!! Update: Discussion Piece(6.14.23): Tokyo Manji Honorary Division
Bōsōzoku culture derives/d from lower class Japanese youth who’ve banded together to express dissatisfaction with Japanese Society.
America is very familiar with countercultural movements lmao. Punk/Grunge/Metal/etc…
Youth are aimless, reckless, and rebellious.
If you’ve ever enjoyed the book The Outsiders by S.E Hinton , you know this is a prime example of brotherhood bonds between lower class hoodlums. In Oklahoma, of all places.
Otherwise known as; Yankii, Sukeban, Kyushakai.
Who is a Yankii?
The Rise and Fall of Bōsōzoku
When Bōsōzoku Youth evolve past crime, Kyushakai
#GirlGang: Sukēban<33
This article is really awesome in explaining cultural differences, feel free to read up on some if you’re interested.
Today I plan to point out a few:
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Yankii Mothers / YanMaMa; Ryoko Baji
early ’90s, yankii men occasionally entered construction and teen women had children and dropped out of high school — both stereotypes that persist today. *The young yankii mothers — yan mama — were often ostracized by other mother groups and struggled to assimilate to their new identities as parents.
Within a year of publication, Yan Mama Comic had reached of circulation of 120,000, helping to bond socially isolated communities of young mothers.
NO DOUBT ABOUT IT FOLKS; Ryoko and Baji’sDad were definitely two yankii teens who fell in love and had a kid too young.
Headcanon! That Keisuke’s parents were set on making a badass life together, and be awesome young parents with the coolest and toughest new punk kid to add to the books!
…But, they were still two idiots. Baji’s father probably ran head first, sacrificing himself in one way or another, I’m sure.
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This leads you to wonder ~..
How did everyone else come to this lifestyle?
What is Their Social Injustice?
(All headcanons but kinda factual,so…)
Mikey: all younger siblings admire their older brothers! Shinichiro was the leader of a biker gang, of course Mikey would want to follow in his footsteps! So Mikey’s reason soon turns to::
Shinichiro: By being a overall stand up guy, true to his word and genuine to a fault, he had a strength not a lot of people had. He welcomed friendships with BlackSheep, and made a home for them however he could. Strong ally’s stood by him and as long as he’s around, they would support his ideals in shaping a better future.
Draken: was literally born into it. Escorts have been judged and poorly treated left and right, taking care of yourself—with a child to boot; was hell for a women. Unwanted kids of “filth” aren’t usually welcomed in social circles. The Children bare the injustice of inconvenience. By living with escorts and witnessing first hand the “low-class work” so many have had to endure to make a decent way of life, Draken learned young that life was unfair. So to live, you have to make a way of life for yourself, unapologeticly.
Mitsuya: Poor kids are looked down on a lot. Made fun of for things they can’t control. Kids with jobs are looked down on for being in the working class so soon. With a mother who was never home, and taking care of two younger sisters, he needed strength to deal with how unfair his life was. Meeting Draken, and realizing that the struggle to survive and keep trying to have a family even when it’s hard, he started respecting his mother a lot more. He found a sense of belonging Toman…
Baji: also literally born into it. Grew up with a single mother who was looked down on for being young/dropping out of school. Supporting her as the only Man of the house, Keisuke takes after his mother’s confidence. He also is seen having an alternative sense of fashion, making me believe he is definitely a metal head.
Kazutora: dealt with a lot growing up. He was bullied for being a sheepish pushover. He was hit by his father for any level of individuality /expression of defiance. He was manipulated into always having to pick one right side, and that there was always one wrong side. He tries showing loyalty by giving everything he has to friendships that hurt him, without realizing friends shouldn’t hurt him. No matter who he was, there was never anyone he could just be a person with. Be a part of the perfect high status family you were born into, or face the punishments. He finds comfort when he finds a family he can trust and be a person who makes mistakes. Friends are meant to be treasured. And after meeting Baji, and joining Toman, he found somewhere he could belong.
Pah: I still need to look more into him I can’t lie.
Takemichi: Bozosoku culture is notorious for being social justice fighters, as the entire notion of a subculture is to defy societal injustice anyway. And that’s just who Takemitchi is; a friend to everyone.
Hinata: the prime example of Dating into the lifestyle. It’s easy to admire and possibly fall in love with people as passionate as rebellious, adrenaline junky teens. She’s empathetic to how others see Takemichi, knowing above all else, he loves her more than anything!
Emma: she never really got into being a part of the gang, but she was by association. All of her brothers. She’s always been the crown jewel of TokyoManji! But not only that; Emma isn’t fully Japanese. True, a lot of the cast is multinationality. But she has Mikey on her side. She is his family, and that makes her strong. Foreigners are often ostracized, easy to pick out due to her natural Blonde hair. (*blonde hair is also often an act of rebellion, she showing that she refuses to dye it black to fit in can also say a little about other issues-)
LETS NOT FORGET!!! TOMAN IS BUILD ON THE BACK OF “The Little guy who sticks up for the Weak”.
The series is based on what kind of world Manjiro Sano chooses to build. Every timeline is unintentionally set by his hand, because he is that powerful of a person. Because people follow him. Manjiro is the type of person who changes fates.
By losing Shinichiro; Manjiro loses Empathy.
Shinichiro was a charismatic and empathetic person, often putting differences aside to better the other person. He was a heavily respected person in the delinquent world of Japan as the founder of Black Dragon. He led Black Dragon with a humble heart and was treated with notable respect, while also being a big brother to all three of his siblings. Even though he was a weak fighter, he lead the Black Dragon with his immense charisma. Even years after his death, later generations of members still hold him in high regard.
A person like Shinichiro is the kind of man people follow. The Weak Guy sticking up for his friends; The One who Always Won..
In a subculture seeking structure, he is the perfect person to leading a generation of a kinder and more empathetic people.
So let’s wrap up the question!;
What is the New Generation of Delinquents?
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!TO.MANji !!
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
so I’ve been stewing a bit on rhaenyra and jace’s relationship in season 2, and i feel like they’re showing SOMETHING with the way that jace is so clearly chafing under his mother’s control and yet refuses to take that final step and eclipse her completely.
he keeps bringing up them needing daemon but is also sometimes trying to step into daemon’s role and be rhaenyra’s partner in leading their side. and rhaenyra seems to struggle with deciding whether to accept him as that partner or continue treating him more as a child. and part of that is the normal parenting quandary of your teen transitioning to adulthood, but i think part is also the knowledge that treating him as a man rather than a boy puts her in danger of losing her authority to him.
but daemon wasn’t his only (or even his main) role model for how to interact with rhaenyra growing up, so perhaps the restraint he shows (in comparison to how we see aegon and aemond interact with alicent) comes from always ranking BELOW his mother rather than above her, and from seeing her largely interact with men who were below her in rank.
i dunno, my thoughts aren’t quite coherent, but i feel like jace sometimes wishes he could be his mother’s superior rather than the other way around, perhaps even recognizes that it might be easier to get the lords to listen to him than to her because he is male, yet as frustrating as he finds it, he keeps turning to rhaenyra as his authority figure anyway. what are your thoughts on how their relationship has been portrayed so far?
My thoughts concisely are: I really love what they're doing and I love how it plays with the "eldest daughterson" of both of their stories.
More in depth though and note I did not proofread this because I'm tired lmao-
I think you nailed it that Jacaerys both wants to overrule her but is careful not to. I think a large part of Jacaerys feels...maybe not quite like he would be a better leader than his mother but maybe more like, if she named him Hand and let him take the lead in the War Shenanigans, he would do a better job at keeping them all safe. Like when Rhaenyra was a young girl, Jacaerys wants an outlet to prove himself with, wants to get out in front of The People and be seen as competent, fearless, and bold. If this was a "normal" situation where Rhaenyra was a man, Jacaerys could argue publicly with his father without worrying that he's undercutting her authority - look at how Tywin openly fights with his own father while Tytos is still alive! But in this case, because Rhaenyra is a woman, Jacaerys has to tread carefully. He can't overrule her or he makes her seem weak, and no longer a viable candidate for the throne. Because Jacaerys is a good heir who is clearly tuned into the dynamics he's part of, he doesn't want to make her seem like she doesn't know what's doing. I think this is why he tends to phrase his criticism not as "that's a dumb idea" (look to how, for example, Aegon, Aemond, Viserys, and Daemon frame their criticisms at Small Council meetings - they aren't afraid to be mean!) but more as "that idea would get you harmed" aka he's not dismissing her plans outright, moreso attempting to point out that she's being reckless with her own safety.
I think Jacaerys is being genuine when he says he wouldn't want to be ruled by anyone else but his mother. I think he really does love her and believe in her ability to be a good ruler. I also think he just has a lot of hangups around dads and their ability to rule effectively - Viserys completely shoots Rhaenyra in the foot before she's even been crown princess a year, Laenor seems to have been inconsistent (due to several factors, one of them mpossibly being thatRhaenyra did not want Laenor to be an active father, and Laenor being strong armed by his wife may also play a role in how Jacaerys sees his mother, parenthood, and power), Lyonel ~took Harwin away from them, and Daemon is just as unreliable as Laenor but in a much different way. hell even Corlys is much less reliable as a parent and grandparent than Rhaenys is. All around him, Jacaerys is faced with fathers that don't measure up and mothers with strong wills, chief among them his own mother. I do think some of his hostility towards the men of the council and Daemon specfically comes from the fact that he feels like they don't see Rhaenyra the way he does - as this noble, endlessly suffering queen without peer. He knows his mother has flaws, yes, but when he looks at her (up until this argument in the last episode) he sees a woman who has had her back against the wall since the day he was born but has handled it with grace and dignity and grit, and it bothers him that the men of the council and Daemon seem so willing to overrule her words.
At the same time, Jacaerys has grown up in a very patriarchal society and under normal circumstances, at his age, he would be his mother's superior. I do think that is something on his mind whenever they fight. I think he sees himself - or wants to be - her sword arm, her shield, the warrior in front of her taking the damage. I think you're right that his multitude of paternal figures come into play here. Harwin was literally her sworn sword, Daemon wants to be her rabid dog, Corlys and Rhaenys had a largely equal (in private) relationship, every other man who interacts with Rhaenyra except Viserys is supposed to defer to her, and so I think in order to not eclipse his mother, he's taking his cues from them. Like you said, taking too much authority from her means she might never get her authority back, and not only does Jacaerys love his mother and feel like she deserves to have a Loyal Heir, A Good Son, A Proper Shield Arm By Her Side, he knows that if he eclipses his mother too much, he's throwing his own claim into question. We see this tremendous distance between Jacaerys and Aegon & Viserys in a way we don't see between him and Joffrey. I think he's terrified of his little brothers and what happens when his mother dies, and since Rhaenyra has always been his staunchest supporter (even though he doubts often whether she really is supporting him or whether she plans to name a little one over him, again until that argument when he realizes exactly what's going through her mind), he needs her around as long as possible so he can cement his claim and establish himself as A Proper Prince And Heir. This is also, imo, why he seems to want Daemon back despite clashing with him - I think he feels he and Daemon can tag team on Rhaenyra in private to get her to see things their way, but he resents a) Daemon's place at her side and b) that Daemon is, idk ~reckless~ enough to challenge Rhaenyra in front of other people. He lets Daemon threaten the Kingsguard because he doesn't inherensagree with Daemon's violence! But he attempts to put Daemon in his place when Daemon seems to barrel over what Rhaenyra desires.
And from Raenyra's PoV it's like - it's just exactly like her and her father. Obviously Rhaenyra treats her other children better than Viserys treats Alicent's kids (not that this is hard, lol), but in the same vein as being Queen and knowing the prophecy is confirmation and validation that yes, Viserys chose her, he loved her the most, he believed in her, Rhaenyra feels all of that for Jacaerys. She has never once looked at Aegon the Younger as a viable heir because for Rhaenyra, there IS no other heir but Jacaerys. She chose him, she loves him, she trusts him, she believes in him and she feels like she's shown this to him time and time again. But just like Viserys, she's incredibly short sighted and not working hard enough to ensure there's no succession crisis after she herself dies because like her father, she believes that she can simply make the world as she wants it to be simply by speaking it into existence. I don't think entitlement is the right word - she was named heir by her father, it's not "entitlement" the same way that Alicent's issue with Rhaenyra lying about having pre-marital sex is not just Alicent being religiously repressed. there's more to it, yes that's a factor but it's more complex because of the nature of feudalism where every action is both personal and political - nor do I think Rhaenyra and Viserys believe themselves to be gods. It's more like...they believe they have the ear of the gods, like they have a direct phone number extension to The Gods Above (whomever they may be) and that since they have that link, they have a responsibility to lead people in the direction the gods want them to go. They're not crazy, it's everyone else that's insane, everyone else can only see their thread but Rhaenyra and Viserys have been given a glimpse of the entire tapestry (again, my Stannis comparisons here - it's not just that Stannis is real high off his own supply, it's that he feels he has a responsibility to save the world. This is not an inherently bad trait to have - I'm sure a lot of people feel they have a responsibility to make the world better! But it becomes a problem when you convince yourself that Only You are capable of doing the saving and ignore all the evidence pointing towards this maybe not being a good or healthy path to walk). So I think Rhaenyra feels like... "my father chose me but he fumbled several times when it came to protecting my claim because of Those Evil Scheming Hightowers but i will be Viserys But Better by making it clearer to Jacaerys that I choose him" and she thinks that's all she has to do to fix the situation. I think Rhaenyra feels like her father had advisors that took advantage of him (she's not wrong here either she's just wrong that Viserys holds no blame for the situation) which is why she keeps Jacaerys close but seems to subtly undermine him in public. She knows she can't give him too much authority but she also knows she needs to keep her heir looped in at all times, she needs to do what Viserys didn't and keep her Daemon/Rhaenyra close by, on her councils, having a say, and supported. The problem is that she will always prioritize her own claim over Jacaerys'. The problem is that she doesn't act to combat her problems until it's far too late.
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that-g3-artist · 25 days
Super powers au??? 0.0
Do tell…
Another outline! This one is just a vague idea for the boys having super powers, that I haven't written cause it's pretty close to several other super power AUs i've seen lmao
I'll just paste the whole outline under a cut, it's not very long
Main power: time travel
basically save scumming--can go back in time to reset things
CAN go forward, but it's a lot harder and a lot more unpredictable so he usually doesn't
had a lot of trouble controlling it when he was younger, accidentally launched himself 7 years into the future and had trouble getting back
got caught in a 3-day time loop when he was physically 11
now prefers to only go back a few minutes at a time if he absolutely needs to
a LOT older than he looks
secondary power: fierce deity
basically Super Rage
glowing eyes, face markings, super strength, energy beams, basically unstoppable
has a very hard time controlling it, only brings it out as a last resort
terrified he could one day hurt the boys
main power: persuasion
similar to charmspeak from heroes of olympus
can control people with his voice
doesn't need a trigger phrase, but it needs intention
much easier to get someone to do something they already want to do--can't really make someone jump in front of a bus
very tempting to use it for selfish reasons, tries his hardest not to, especially on civilians
will absolutely use it to get other boys to sleep tho
main power: shapeshifting
can turn into a wolf (duh)
pretty much same as in canon, just no shadow crystal
secondary power: shadow travel
similar to midna's teleporting
doesn't have very good control of it yet, can sometimes end up in places he didn't mean to go
main power: flight
no wings, flies kind of like superman
loves flying high, can't do it often cause they're hiding
can build up a LOT of speed if he has enough space
secondary power: prophetic dreams
doesn't have control, dreams come when they come
has a hard time understanding what he's seeing until they actually come to pass
they often scare him
main power: shapeshifting
different from twilight's, can't change his whole form, but can shift his appearance
has a "default" face he goes for, but no one knows for sure if that's his real one
sort of good at mimicking people, but it's better if it's just someone made up
control can slip with strong emotions--most often manifests in his hair changing color
ALWAYS trying out new crazy hair colors at home
main power: super regeneration
he's basically deadpool
he has no idea if he can actually die, nothing's stuck yet
SUPER reckless as a result--drives the others insane
insane pain tolerance mainly because he's just used to everything ("it's just a flesh wound!")
main power: healing
basically his life spell, can be used on others or himself
can be very exhausting for him to overuse
very nervous about people exploiting him for his power
secondary power: thunder
hasn't quite figured it out yet
keeps accidentally shocking people
has potential to use all his canon spells
will be seriously powerful once he gets enough control
main power: splitting
can split himself into four people
not just duplication--they're all pieces of himself
VERY disorienting for him, especially when he's younger
has a lot of trouble controlling it, splits with strong emotions
main power: wind powers!
potential to be VERY powerful
can summon anything from a breeze to a hurricane
as a kid, tho, he mainly uses it for pranks
winds respond to his emotions, don't piss him off
secondary power: ghosts
doesn't manifest until he's in his teens
doesn't really understand what it is at first, just little wisps
eventually they solidify into actual ghosts
I've also had ideas for a while of them being stuck in some shady government facility to exploit their powers, but then this amazing fic came out so idk if i want to do that anymore
(send me one of my WIPs and i'll tell you about it!)
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rjschoicesstuff · 1 month
from the ship redux asks!!
general, 2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? 15. What is their most common argument about?
love, 10. What do they like best about each other?
thank you 🌺
Thank uuu!!
Putting it all below the cut cause it got rly long
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
I've been thinking of making my version's timeline different from canon, so the party in the woods only happens on friday and Ripley actually has a pretty chill, normal first week up til that point. And in that case Ripley would already have asked Gabriela out on a date after school on wednesday cause Libby hyped her up enough to get the courage LMAO. They just went to Ripley's house after school to eat something and then Ripley drove them around town while Gabriela showed her all the interesting places and explaining Crimson Beech history (leaving the vampires out lol) and kept going like 'Hmm we could go here for our Next date... 😏'. And in the evening Ripley dropped Gabriela off at her house (I headcanon that all the teen/younger vampires live with adult vampires who pose as their parents and they just live in houses instead of in the Nexus) and Gabe gave Ripley a kiss on her cheek and Ripley almost got into a car accident while driving home because her head was in the clouds 👍.
Cas says that time they went into the woods and Ripley drank his blood was 'basically their first date' but Ripley is like 'No, a date is when you actively make date plans together and also if you actually like the other person, but I was still on the fence about staking and/or shooting you back then.' I imagine they actually don't really have a proper 'romantic' date until they've been 'official' for a while, like they hang out together and do stuff together but idk? Their 1st date was probably at like a fancy restaurant for shits and giggles, where the dishes are way too tiny and Cas had an issue with all the textures and stuff so Ripley ate it all instead 💀.
I think for their first Official Date as a triad Gabriela takes them out of town once the sun has gone down to some kinda vampire event in another city, also just kinda showing Cas that she wants to make him happy and is willing to go more out of her own comfort zone for that + get more in touch with her vampire side.
15. What is their most common argument about?
I think they have several periods where there's one certain thing they fight a lot about/that triggers fights, but which eventually gets sorted out or else it'd definitely become a serious issue lol (like the period after Ripley's turning, Cas feeling a bit cast aside/like Ripley likes Gabriela more and not communicating about that because he doesn't wanna admit he's jealous/insecure, Cas being reckless and getting himself banished for a week at some point and like 10 years in the future Ripley is gonna have another period where she mourns her humanity + resents Cas and Gabe for turning her, triggered by her friend Joy having a baby)
I feel like once they all start living together they end up having a lot of arguments about like chores and regarding Ripley and Cas having to clean up after themselves. And in turn Cas and Ripley start bickering with each other because they don't remember who made the mess. I think Cas also more quickly feels like they're antagonizing him or ganging up on him and reacting very defensively/argumentative to being confronted about things. Doesn't help that Ripley has a tendency to pick Gabriela's side lol 😭. Like she and Cas will do something Dumb and Gabriela scolds them about it and Ripley is just like 'y'know what, you're right, sorry'
10. What do they like best about each other?
This turned so much more rambly than intented and I still narrowed it down to a few things lol
Like aside from that to Ripley Gabriela is like the most attractive woman in the world, she also just loves how kind she is and how she makes people feel at ease and how protective she is of those she loves. I also hc Gabe as the best fighter out of the 3 of them and Ripley loooves seeing her in action.
Cas really admires how smart Gabriela is and how much she knows about a lot of different things. Like whenever she drops a bunch of info on them he's just like amazed at how she retains all that info from some document she probably read a decade ago. And how if they run into any problems or need a plan, they can count on Gabriela to figure it out. He often teases her for being a nerd but it really is one of his favourite things about her lol.
I feel like while Cas never completely got over Gabe when they broke up around 30 years ago, Gabriela truly did fall out of love with him because Cas seemingly changed a lot (in a bad way) after being turned. But once they start spending time together again due to Ripley and she sees how he is with Ripley, she realises that while he definitely has changed (and so has she) that guy she fell in love with when she was 16 isn't gone either. She loves his more softer side, she loves seeing him take Seth under his wing and treat him like a little brother and stick up for him when others give him a hard time, before she and Cas get back together she loves seeing how soft he can be with Ripley and she wants him to hold her like that again too.. and eventually he will and in a way it's so healing to rekindle their whole relationship and get her boy back lol.
Ripley is totally Gabriela's type in girls, like she really digs the whole androgynous + alt look. She loves Ripley's curiosity and the whole werewolf interest is super endearing to her lol. She loves the way Ripley acts when she gets excited about something, she thinks she's so so so cute 😭. She loves how despite Ripley being human, she still gets protective over her and treats and views her as someone who can also get hurt, like I guess it makes her feel more human in a way? Ripley also really keeps track of what you like and stuff and she loves how thoughtful she is and just always is making sure she's happy and likes surprising her with little gifts.
Ripley thinks Cas makes her life so much more exciting, she really could not stand him at first, but he's just so funny and fun to be around and it's really endearing to her how it feels like he always tries to impress her, always looks behind him to see her reaction to things. Like she really didn't wanna like him but she couldn't help but like him lmao 😭, especially once he starts being more open and vulnerable with her. in general just like Gabriela she's a Big Fan of that side of him lol.
Cas also thinks Ripley is really fun and he thinks she's so interesting like she's such a fucking WEIRDO and he likes her like that!! And he loves how she fights back even when it's vampires against her, and honestly after knowing her for a few weeks and once she has a few talismans.. he genuinely wouldn't wanna get on her bad side because she seriously knows how to harm a vampire (and that's kinda hot to him). He likes that she talks back when he's being annoying. And now that she's a vampire he loves that she can actually push him around and stuff, he thinks being a vampire really suits her in general even if she still struggles with some aspects of it.
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social-muffin · 2 years
Another page today!
This time with soft confirmation of one of my all time favourite Hibari headcanons! ☁️💜☁️
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First things first! Let's appreciate Kyoya casually Schooling Gamma on the weaknesses in his attack lmao
Not to mention!! I really really like the way the impact is draw. Kyoya is so so pretty here. But also is that blood spatter? How hard did that ball hit?! Gamma did say one hit is enough to kill a man so... Am high key concerned about the amount of injuries Kyoya just ignores mid fights. There shall be more examples of this!
Now!!! To my all time favourite Hibari headcanon! :D
Under the Read More cause I really went somewhere lmao 😅
First I wanna point out what Gamma said here!
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Specifically the fact that Kyoya focuses his defensive flame on his left arm when he goes to block something. Now, I don't think TYL!Kyoya was taking the time to think here. He was fighting, relying mainly on year-old, deeply ingrained instincts I'd say.
Which brings me to the idea that!! I think, as a child, Hibari probably sustained some kind of injury on his left side/left arm which forced him to become ambidextrous (which is Canon trivia I think?) and made it so he doesn't have perfect mobility on his left side. He sustains most of his major injuries left actually.
Again!!! Proof!!!!
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Hibari vs Mukuro - his biggest injury is on his left shoulder
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Hibari vs Xanxus and Mosca - is shot through the left hip/did not manage to dodge in time
And TYL!Kyoya just so happens to instinctively concentrate defensive flames on his left when he goes to block an attack... I don't know if any of this was intended by Amano-Sensei, but I have absolutely convinced myself that Hibari Kyoya has fine motor-levels of mobility impairment and/or chronic pains.
Because. Why not? lemme cram more believable representation in this Boi. :3c
Also! Just to mention/point out. TYL!Kyoya wears his rings right because he needs fine motor skills to insert rings into boxes, but Teen!Kyoya seems to wear his bracelet left. Because I think as a reckless, angry teen, Kyoya would steamroll his own health and capabilities and try to overcompensate in any way that doesn't directly call attention to a perceived weakness.
I don't know who first came up with it, cause the first time I heard of it was when I was lurking on Tumblr years before I made my account. And I was on mobile so there were a very limited amount of posts on the Boi. :(
Whomever you are! I absolutely lovelovelove this headcanon and have carried it with me for years! If you see this and you have proof the idea was yours first, I will absolutely credit you here! 💞💞💞
Also! Give me your opinion! I am doing this to get to know more and interact with khr and/or cloud fans! 💜☁️💜
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darwinquark · 2 years
ok so I just re-read chapter 11 (INCREDIBLE and that sex scene you added at the end??? I died 🔥🔥🔥🔥 they are so hot and in lava and it made the ending even more devastating) and I know we still have one more to go before the sequel but I AM FERAL FOR THE SEQUEL. do you have any of it written you'd be willing to share as a preview or sneak peak? I just NEED NYC JERONICA 😫
!!!! goooorrrll you're an absolute trooper for re-reading that angst monster and lmao I'm so glad you liked the new bit 😂 Just felt like I need to twist the knife a little more, you know?
I'M ALSO PUMPED FOR THE SEQUEL largely because I am so tired of writing teen angst lmao. I actually do have a little bit of chapter one written but it's like super bare-boned and kind of spoilery, so probs not worth your time, buuuuut I do have this one scene I wrote like a year ago that's got a little more to dig into. I'm honestly not even sure I'm going to use it anymore since I've restructured this particular arc in my head a little, but I think you can get a decent sense for where they're at in the sequel. Jughead's pretty shitfaced in this scene after drinks/schmoozing with a potential publisher and Veronica's trying to get him into his apartment. For context, he's been icing her out pretty much the whole night and not really letting her do her job, so she's pretty pissed, and now he's just overly loose-lipped and instigating.
“You know, I dreamed about you.”
A cold swell of warning spread over her shoulders. She blinked, refocusing on trying to find the right key to his door. “Oh, yeah?”
“Just a few times," he ventured whimsically from behind her. "Especially about your… earlobe.”
“My earlobe.”
“Just the one?”
“Mm, no. They were…” he struggled to find the word in his shitfaced haze, “alternating. Alternating earlobes.”
“I see.”
“You have very dreamable earlobes. Very difficult to… undream.”
“I’ll let them know.”
“I think I might’ve loved you.”
Her pulse stuttered abruptly.
She turned to look at him after a second, keys abandoned in the lock.
“Not like,” he pulled a sour face, all drunken exaggeration, “not like big, saccharine ‘you complete me’ love—just for a second. Just like a bite. Like a quick,” he gave a brisk, playful snap of his teeth, “and then fuck, ow, love, and then it went away. Maybe.”
She just stared at him for a beat, entirely blindsided. Rattled by the magnitude of the line he'd just crossed. Her hands felt numb. “You didn’t love me, Jughead.”
“Mm, I think I did,” he mumbled, slowly easing closer, palms landing on either side of her against the door. “I really think I did.” Her pulse shot up as his nose tipped forward to glide along the line of hers, a paralyzing invasion. “You didn’t? Not even for a second, just that little lick of pain,” he coaxed his head aside to ghost his lips down the curve of her throat, “just a quick, stupid little—” his teeth caught her neck in a swift nip and she inhaled sharply, hand snapping up to push him back.
For a second she just held him there, heart stumbling wildly in her chest.
Inches away.
Fingers knotted around his collar.
His eyes had an unsettling glint to them, like he couldn’t decide if he hated her or not. Like he was caught between wanting to grip her by the thighs or grip her by the throat, but neither one would quite be enough.
“Nah,” he finally murmured after a beat, dark gaze loosening as it flitted down her face. “You wouldn’t have left if you did. You couldn’t have.” His mouth took on a corrosive little curl as his gaze slid back up to hers. “I couldn’t have.”
She fought down the raw feeling swelling in her chest, forcing her expression into something neutral. Composed. He was drunk and reckless and raring to get under her skin. This was all for a reaction. “And now you’re taking boozy meetings with some of the most exclusive publishing houses in New York, so,” she tipped her chin up a fraction, a cold flare of hauteur, “I guess it’s a good thing I could.”
His mouth drifted into a mordant smile. “Hell of a spin, Lodge.”
“It’s Luna now,” came the firm reply.
He eyed her for a long beat, smile slowly slipping into something darker. Derisive. Lit with the glinting certitude of a liar spotting a liar. “No, it’s not.”
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lumidark166 · 1 year
Digimon (Mainly Xros Wars sorry) headcanons/aus that I keep thinking from 2013 to now, that probably should post it online and then kept inside cause I was scared of the fandom back then lol
So.. how I am going to start this
Also, please don't give fandom hate in my replies/rb, I don't care if a media has a lot of flaws but there are some people who enjoy it so be respectful
Let's go with this first cause my head screaming for Legends crossover ever since I read a fanfic of Daisuke/Davis as Takuya's cousin and screamed about @/digitalgate02 blog about the Legends au (actually I still screamed about this for years ever since the crossover episode but at the time, only popular crossover fanfic with all Digimon characters was kinda disappointing and kinda not like characters at all, let say Taichi character on that fanfic is a dick, actually most of them are assholes that my younger self patient to wait a few years to see there new content but still less but hey, at least there new good fanfics)
Btw you can scream about shipping hcs I don't mind, I kinda still ship Kiritai but not much as my 9 years old did, however, please block me if you ship minors characters with adult characters
Xros Over with The Legends with new legends heroes (the legend heroes adult/teens here cause Xros Wars timeline is 2013 ish idk) :
The Legends is very worried about Taiki cause Taiki ain't hiding he is traumatized and feels about to snap, he even smiles about it like that not a big deal to him
Taiki will need to be dragged by other Legends cause that boy helping people non stop that he forgot his self-care
The Legends want Taiki to give therapy but Taiki always refused, but..
"Taiki-san, you need therapy.. what do you mean you didn't deserve to have a dream cause it's selfish???" (Taichi, Daisuke, etc)
"I don't need therapy besides a therapist probably can't deal with our adventures.." Taiki reminded them that no one would understand Digital World problems
"You know what, let's ask DATS to make a psychologists branch for traumatized Digidestined Kids" (Masaru)
"Wait, you don't need-" Taiki panicked
"As a president of Aonuma Corps, I will fund you a lot if they decided to make it"
"Wait, KIRIHA?!" (Taiki)
'Ah, of course, Kiriha gonna be Taiki's sugar daddy... For Taiki's well-being,' Tagiru and Yuu thought at the same time
Sorry, I can't make good fanfic in English, most of my time is using Indonesian so it's my first time
4. Once in a while, they would have a soccer match after ending an evil world ending Digimon for relaxing, let's say Taiki is so athletic and flexible he becomes Messi
5. Masaru can take care of Taiki even though he is bad at food related, if they lived in Digital World for a while, he would give Taiki poison berries cause he thinks it's food as long you can eat it. Shoutmon will in despair again and just shouted at them to live in his kingdom before Taiki eat that berries
6. Daisuke, Taiki, and Takato only ones that can cook properly but with Taiki low self-care, it's just two of them can handle it
7. Ever since Taiki can hear digimelody, Taiki can hear and talk to Digispirits and eventually became Agnimon gossip listener, more like a rant about Takuya being an idiot
8. They acknowledged that Taiki is smarter than them in strategizing but still wonder why he so bad at keeping his well-being
9. They really need to get used to Taiki passing out shenanigans cause they keep getting a heart attack
10. They wonder if they were a family, so they vote Taichi is the tired dad lmao
11. One time when they get asked most dangerous they did, Taiki answered to them that he almost die, why? Cause to escape a kingdom was needing Taiki's death data
All the legends atp want to pass out cause this kid is more self-sacrificial and have no fear of death
12. Taiki sometimes rambles to them about Kamen Rider all the time, he talk non stop about Shoutaro from Kamen Rider W and Takeru from Kamen Rider Ghost (Geez is that where Taiki learn recklessness from- /hj)
Xros Wars & Hunters :
Xros Heart Team is a pseudo-family, Taiki the Mom, Kiriha The Dad, Nene the Mom while Yuu the Child
Taiki is spoils Tagiru a lot even though he is a mentor because he see him as little brother too
Taiki kinda seen him in Tagiru after he knows that Tagiru risk his safety for his friends, he want to tell him that his safety also important but he feel hypocrite about himself so he decided to not tell him about it
If Akari can't take care Taiki for a while, Kiriha would go Taiki house with a private jet even though he was in America for a meeting but knowing Taiki, he knows he need to go there fast, he would barge in kicking his door and dragged him to eat and drink water
Tagiru secretly blame himself and think he is stupid because he think if he smarter enough, Taiki couldnt get hurt by Quartzmon, and he has secretly inferiority complex, that why he want to surpass Taiki. he see Taiki as a rival role model, multi talented kid he never become, once he do this with other kid when he was younger but people thought he an attention seeker child and have few friends, he cherished those friends that he risk his safety for them so he feel useful for them
Yuu realized Tagiru problems with his lack of safety that...
"Tagiru, I don't care, I will drag you down to Therapy center if that the last thing i do, i have money from Nee-san so you don't worry about the pay"
7. Taiki can't mad mad, he doesn't want to be mad so every time he feel angry that he start to cry
8. Kiriha secretly loves to spoils Xros Heart Team with expensive gifts
9. Taiki learn to give someone speech of friendship /hj and punch them from his hospitalized friend
10. Tagiru sometimes feel like doesn't deserve Taiki's goggles
11. Ever since Taiki can hear digimelody, he can play music pretty well, just not singing
Now to the AUs, i currently have one, this one that keep me brainstorming so much that went into my dream,
Timeline Fixers AU:
This AU inspired some from HSR, but there a twist
There also some suicidal tendencies so if you don't want to read it, skip it to other crossover
Tagiru is kinda similiar to canon but kinda chill but after prologue, his mischievous side rises
Prologue titled 'If he always do this, so i can too' : Tagiru and Taiki do school as usual, everything back to normal, Tagiru is junior in highschool while Taiki is a senior that gonna graduate but there actually wrong with Taiki but Tagiru doesn't know what so he ignore it until Taiki say anything but .. when he saw Taiki casually walk to cross the road while car gonna hit him, he knew he gotta save his mentor and pull him up, after that Taiki broken ever since, Kiriha think this is Taiki snap. Tagiru doesn't know what to do, he want to help him but Taiki look so broken then.. a voice heard his wish, a calm voice saying to his head, "Child Of Destiny, as 7th Legend Hero, your duty came again and try to fix this mess by dimension/space time travel then you can save everyone including your mentor, Taiki Kudou
"Fine then..."
"But child, do you think this is path you want to take, this journey will cost you a lot even your sanity and health"
"It's fine, if Taiki can handle a digimon war so i can too... no matter what, beside this is my payback for him, guiding me all this time"
"Good luck to you, Hunter" then Tagiru take a step in to a space time travelling Trailmon without looking back but he didn't saying a goodbye, not even to Taiki. All he thinks now if the core timeline be at peace, then he can come back
then in Frontier, Shinya become Warrior of Earth and celebrating with the team until an evil digimon attack them out of nowhere, then they lost and Takuya save Shinya life till the very end. Then he heard same voice as Tagiru heard and become a Timeline fixer to save his brother and friends.
this journey take a lot of patience cause fixing and guiding digidestined kids is hard when most of the time, they keep discreet
This aus have timeloop too so when they fail, the timeline reset and start all over again
Because they doesn't want to get recognized, they act discreet and act like a villain more like anti-villain/hero that help/guiding everyone little by little, at first they doesn't want this but after making huge progress with little time, the karma bit their backs and got worst ending so they know they need to stay away as possible and guide them not too much.
When they got caught, they used their fake name like Tagiru is Tsukasa, a reference to Tsukasa Kadoya from Kamen Rider Decade that a lot of dimension think he a villain and Tsukasa force being a villain for the sake of protecting the dimensions. He knows this when Taiki rambles about Kamen rider
while Shinya choose Kyousuke, a reference of Tsurugi Kyousuke, a character of Inazuma eleven, that once a villain but he become one cause he can pay his brother medical surgery etc, in nutshell, want to save his brother
Taiki situation is the same as Emu Hojo in the novel, inspired from that but Taiki situation realizing if he doesn't have a dream so he didn't need a college cause he think so selfish of him doing college even though he blessed being a child-prodigy so he think his life is selfish and become diasosiative state and yknow try to d word himself
While Emu in that novel is a young kid that rough life, have a absent parent that didn't care about him, make himself clumsy so he can go to clinic for affection, attention cause he never got that from his father, eat frozen food cause he don't know how to make food then play video games, he thought his life is a like game so he think if he died, he can game restart and he did by crossing a road even though the red light still on and a car crash into him, luckily he survived but he forgot why he did it in the first place
A/N : Tbh i thought XW written by Kamen Rider Ex-Aid writer cause how similar but no, it's actually Kamen Rider W/Drive, the most normal and not too angsty Kamen Rider i ever seen
Timeline Fixer basically Stellaron Hunters but Homura-fied and fixes every world/timeline danger secretly so no one knows and every timeline can be at peace so basically villains that actually not villains that guiding the characters little by little by giving hints and act like a mysterious villains that doing work in the dark, while talks mysteriously and giving mysterious hints
For now, i can think only two for this team, maybe i can add more if i can
After Tagiru became a Timeline Fixer, he suddenly more edgelord lmao but he still himself with more michevious side, basically like Kafka
Shinya somewhat a walking Informant so he can remind Tagiru the script of how its going to happen
The Timeline now a mess and the evil digimons that never seen before appear and not supposed to appear in the core timeline, and need to get rid of it by Timeline Fixers cause the digimons may cause harm to the timeline
Timeline Fixers came before Digidestined children started their hourney watched them far away so they know if there gone wrong or not
Tagiru and Shinya may be same age as before they take their journey as timeline fixers but mentally, they aged A LOT
Their digivice upgraded so much that look like a phone but still has D-Tector or Xros Loader functions with few edition which is can summon a weapon anything so they can fight with digimon partner, their weapons can be more damage if they bond with their digimon partner in sync so well
Tagiru's weapon is a scythe, when he and Arresterdramon in sync, the scythe give Tagiru Ability to sprint fast and past through living being like a ghost.
Shinya's weapon is Earth like knuckles fantasy weapon that help him control Earth powers
Tagiru realized this journey is hard, with his mistakes alone can make timelines messy so he need to serious about it. But like that mysterious digimon voice said before, warning him of the journey he take, this journey will give him a lot of despair, he seen his consequences when take a rash action and put a timeline more messy than it's should be.
As a Timeline Fixer, sure you didn't aged too much but your mental age will increase and increase your maturity too but you will suffer an eternity of regrets, sorrow and despair. But as long, you have Courage, Hope, Bravery, and Friendship etc (i forgot most crests so forgive me) alongside you.. you can breathe easily and fight that despair.
Gumdramon know Tagiru despair is like an abyss now so he take some of his despair so Tagiru didn't feel left out. Tagiru opposes this idea from the start cause he don't want Gumdramon berserk and lose his old self but Gumdramon disagree and do it anyway. He didn't go berserk and changed his form (? I have low knowledge of digimon) to Dark Gumdramon, his looks more menacing now but he still his old self, but more protective to Tagiru and Shinya.
that is probably that it's for now, there another au but it's still unfinished lol and sorry for the angst
Tag : @digimondeepdiver
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edgepunk · 2 years
does it count as enabling if i pop in your inbox and directly ask you to rant about ir*ndad
thank you nonny for taking the bullet cause this is gonna be long 🫡
I've ranted about ir*ndad a few times, but I simply despise it. Going through the Peter Parker tag on ao3 is a goddamn minefield even after I filter out any MCU related tags. I accidentally stumbled upon really shite ir*ndad fics bc they weren't properly tagged and I was exposed to the horrors against my will. However, there are a few ir*ndad fics I actually enjoyed, because the writers actually understood the characters and took a lot of pointers from the comics. But there are very few of them unfortunately, you'd have to dig deep to find them.
Anyway, let me make a list of things that bother me about ir*ndad:
Peter's characterization - now, y'all know I'm not a big fan of MCU Peter, but I know damn well he is not a toddler trapped in a teenager's (now adult) body. Peter is very reckless, chaotic and wants to do most things on his own. He isn't yelling "Mr. Stark help!!!" every two seconds. He can and wants to handle things on his own, he is a teen in HOCO and FFH, after all. Teenagers want to prove their worth without any help, so does Peter.
He is not a useless bland uwu softboy that conveniently forgets he has superpowers lmao. Peter is sassy and can be rude. If your Peter Parker can't be a cunt, then that's not Peter Parker. ir*ndad fans turn him into a toddler. There's no way around it, he's a toddler that can't do anything without their pwecious Tony who's the best, biggest hero and who handles everything for Peter, because Peter is a baby who can't do anything on his own. It's not like he can easily lift cars and is very intelligent. No, he's a useless poor baby who can do no wrong. /s
I have to shorten this, so here's a speedrun of things about ir*ndad that I despise:
The writers claim to love Peter, but most of those whump stories where Peter gets tortured and traumatized are about Tony. It's only about Tony's feelings, Peter is there for torture porn and to cause Tony's manpain.
The assassination of May's character - the misogyny is really showing with this one, they turn her into an abuser and neglectful parental figure in almost every fic (tbf she was done dirty by the MCU, not gonna lie)
Racism - shows usually the way they handle Flash Thompson. It's bad. It's very bad.
Their racism is showing with how they treat and (mis)characterize Ned and MJ. Nooo they're not Peter's friends, they're mean and they're gonna abandon him bc he's a superhero. /s
They turn Tony into a creepy, full on stalker??? They think it's cute and wholesome that he gave Peter (reiterating that he's a teen in the MCU) a phone and laptop that's hooked up with trackers, so he can know where he is at all times? Ew? (ig he did that with his Spider-Man suit in HOCO. still creepy.)
As much as they try to deny it, their fics come off as ship fics between Peter and Tony. Why on Earth would a 16/17 year old cuddle with a grown-ass man??? Peter didn't do that with Ben as a preteen/teen, why would he do that with Tony lol ??? It's not just cuddling Tony is giving him kisses jeakejksjhajkhsjhdnd
Cont. of the previous point, there is nothing wrong with Peter x Tony, as long as it's not the MCU version/Peter is a minor. If it's the comics or video game version, then fine, go for it. Peter's been an adult for decades, but just,,, write that instead of trying to chalk this up as a "wholesome father/son relationship".
ummm that's all. thank you for enabling me nonny and sorry for the long rant I Simply Have Thoughts
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idontdrinkgatorade · 1 year
rowan hi hello
tell me more abt your ocs, im curious!!
putting everything under the cut bc this will prob be long lmao
okie so just for context, the main story is set in a modern universe where magic is a thing (usually referred to as "magical energy"). there are certain people who can use magic, called Maj, and they live under the radar, with humans being unaware of the existence of Maj as a whole. Maj live normal lives alongside humans and have gone decades without being discovered. basic plot of the story is "whoops, they've been discovered now" and humanity scrambles to do something about it (responses ranging from "contain them! (or worse)" to "literally leave them alone they were fine before"). it results in two major responses -- a federal attempt to contain them, and the emergence of "maj-hunters," who are civilians that make their own personal effort to deal with the presence of maj
so my two main ocs, Acanthus Fischer and Sayako Yamaoka, are both Maj teenagers that get caught up in the whole ordeal. it's a wild ride for them.
also kinda need to explain Maj a bit. um they have the ability to manipulate magical energy, which can do things that are deemed physically impossible (levitation, teleportation, you get the gist). along with that, most Maj are born with additional supernatural abilities and features (abilities can be activated without using magical energy and features can be hidden if needed). there are various categories (inaccurately referred to as "species") of Maj depending on what abilities and features they have. Maj-ness and their species are passed down genetically (so if a Maj is a Siren, their children will be Sirens, unless the other parent is a different species, in which the child has a possibility of being the other species. hybrid species are rare)
also i'm a big sucker for heavy psychological horror, drama, and angst so those are VERY common within the story. there's some dark themes thrown in there but i won't really mention a whole lot of them
ok now to sayako and acanthus
sayako is japanese-american and lives with (or used to live with) her parents, her older sister hana, and her younger sister yuka. she (as well as the rest of her family) has speech-related abilities, notably persuasion, all-speak, and vocal distortion (and later hypnosis, but only for sayako). she's extremely outgoing and social and has a passion for chemistry. after The Reveal, however, she and her family is forced to flee their home. unfortunately, they all are eventually separated entirely by accident, and sayako is captured by a private maj-hunting organization and is kinda forced to do like tournament-style fighting until she's "recruited" by another maj-hunter, who takes her to a facility to train. train for what? to basically be a soldier/guard/whatever. during her time there, she meets other maj teens and befriends them, most notably a 13-year old boy named blue (real name is zach but that's a whole other thing), whom she is paired with (at this point, she is 15). she takes on a sort-of older sibling role when it comes to blue, being so protective of him that she even will attack their oppressors in defense of him despite the consequences. along with him, there's 3 other pairs that she works with (so 6 total) at her assignment (another pair joins them later). during her time there, she changes to be more cunning and calculated while also becoming more reckless. through mostly unplanned circumstances that totally were not her fault, she and the rest of her friends/coworkers/(their relationship is complicated) are able to escape the private facility and find a stable place to live.
acanthus is sayako's best friend prior to The Reveal (and post-Reveal, but that isn't until they reunite). his actual name is ronan, but he started going by acanthus when he was 12 (once he reaches 17, he'll begin using an additional name -- elya -- and any pronouns, but that point is toward the end of the story so i'm just sticking with acanthus and he/him pronouns right now). he's half arab (on his mother's side) and lives with his dad and younger sister roselynn. his abilities include increased healing, plant manipulation, and animal communication, but he's also really good at teleportation magic. he's somewhat cynical and anxiety-prone and also has an air of arrogance, which covers up his low self-esteem and persistent identity issues. sayako is his first real friend and they are practically inseparable before The Reveal. he, his dad, and roselynn all flee, but he and his dad don't have the most stable relationship, which later results in acanthus splitting off from them and traveling on his own until he is inevitably captured and contained by federal forces. he's initially extremely defiant, partially due to arrogance and partially due to spite. he has, like, no self-preservation instinct and has a habit of doing stupid things (i.e. attacking the guards) which, uh, doesn't end well. it escalates to the point where he has to be isolated (whoopsies!) and it's not fun. he doesn't get to escape unfortunately he just eventually gets into this weird position where the people keeping him are like 'umm this is fucked up actually' and he's given back some of his freedoms.
the story is kinda split into three major parts (plus a prologue and an epilogue) that go like this:
prologue - pre-Reveal life for sayako and acanthus
part 1 - post-Reveal -- life on streets, acanthus' capture & time, sayako's capture, training, & transfer
part 2 - acanthus transferred to isolation, sayako's group escapes
part 3 - sayako's group living on their own, acanthus' semi-release, reunion between sayako and acanthus
epilogue - acanthus and sayako's life afterwards (the end of the epilogue takes place during the beginning of another story that i'm writing)
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here is a really shitty drawing of them that i did in like an hour just for this ask (sayako on left, acanthus on right) :D
might repost the art on a separate post lol so that people don’t have to open the read more just to see it
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mr-miss-sunny · 2 years
I decided to make a list of actually really good (lgbtq) wattpad stories because i feel like its hard to come by a good one nowadays, and who knows maybe someone who sees this post is desperately looking for something
(All of these include very good to extraordinary writing, imo)
Catching Rainbows by FairlyLocalTreehouse
Luna falls for Chloe at first sight… literally, off a ladder. And it’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship, after Luna gets past the fact that Chloe doesn’t seem to be single
Sapphic, great autistic rep, really sweet and heartwarming
Vanilla by theCuppedCake
Julian White doesn’t say his real name in self-introductions. Hiding behind his middle name and a pair of overly round glasses, he tries to get through the tenacity of attending a competitive culinary school under his uncle’s influence. Amidst his learning of crust structures and the nutritional value of bananas, he meets an old friend
MLM, best writing I’ve seen in a while, cried for 30 minutes after reading, probably my favorite Wattpad book ever (strongly suggested autistic main character, but not confirmed) sequel is currently being written
The Kids Aren’t Alright by bee_mcd
The year is 1988, and Finn, Ronan, Becca and Jasper are spending the summer at a reformatory camp located deep in the Yukon. The camp, named Lightlake, is the last chance the teens have to get their lives back on track, but changing for the better isnt easy - and especially not at a place like Lightlake, where secrets outnumber the campers and myths have a way of coming to light
Amazing summer read, mainly focus on friendship but also MLM main character and a sapphic side character, sequel is also currently being written
When Shadows Rise (previously called When Queens Fall) by HeleySulich
A magic addicted spy trapped in the queen’s service must take a princess-turned-assassin in order to earn her freedom, but things get complicated when she falls for the princess she’s supposed to capture
Now a paid story, i wanted to include it regardless because its just so amazing, i wish i could reread it but i don’t have money lol. WLW, great world building, non binary rep, dark fantasy
Being Wrong by overlordpotatoe
When Charlie gets away from his drug dealing father and is sent to live with his grandparents, things aren’t suddenly okay. Charlie’s broken. He’s not sure he ever wasn’t broken. When things get unbearable, the only thing that helps Charlie feel grounded is music. What can he do when he runs out of battery for his walkman?
MLM, autistic main character, I’ve reread this book at least four times, its my ultimate comfort read, it actually contributed to me realizing i might be autistic, and look at me now, a formal diagnosis and all
The Gay Gatsby by mismatchedsockslife
When two high school boys find themselves being forced into partnership for a class project, things get interesting. With Callaway’s snarky remarks and hidden secrets, and Chance’s accidental girlfriend, their path to completing high school is anything but straight
MLM, if you’re looking for good angst, this one right here. Amazing writing, amazing characters, great overall
The Broken Song by NotJuliaChild
Elusia Vale is the most fabulous adventurer, swordswoman, thief and lover to ever grace Ishara, and she is always the first to say so. Her life has been filled with excitement and reckless abandon, but how long can she outrun the tempests she leaves in her wake?
If you’re bummed that When Shadows Rise is a paid story, read this instead, its just as fantastic and free. WLW, multiple main characters if I remember right, very long lmao, I’m still reading it
Conan The Dandelion by letsgohomehidee
Conan moves to the Big City for University, but he’s not like other boys. He doesn’t nt know how to interact with others. He’s socially awkward, and is often considered as “weird” or “strange”. He also cant touch people without feeling sick, but why? Parker is a sex addict. He’s wild, outgoing and loves to party. He’s known to be a playboy who changes women quicker than his socks. Not a day goes by when he’s not in bed with someone else. But what happens when he meets a boy who can’t be touched
MLM, autistic main character, extremely angsty, you’ll feel like an emty shell after reading, be warned (😭)
In Between Days: Raising Jordan by tristan2500
Jordan lives in his own world, or so that’s what it seems to the average person. No one, not even his brother, has ever given him a chance. That is until Tim’s best friend comes along
MLM, autistic main character, beautiful writing, Call Me By Your Name vibes
SEVENS by -crucible-
Alexei is drowning and he’s having a hard time staying afloat by himself. With a disappearing mother, unsympathetic social workers and hungry police not far off his trail, he is running out of ways to keep going. He’s desperate to find a foothold that will propel him into a secure future
MLM, angst with happy ending
Finally, my favorite author on Wattpad, I waited for last to introduce all their books (that I’ve read) into one
The Treehouse
The Lost Angel
Art For Art’s Sake
Oakleaf Academy For Boys
The Dutch Boy
By Pixie022
Go to their page for summaries
Honorable mentions: Knight by hipstateasee, All Is Found by findinglove9499, The Sound of Ice by MAndALaptop, Y.O.L.O by letsgohomehidee, Nathaniel Jean’s Senior Year by stayonbrand, Getting Wilder by booklored
And my current read that I love so far:
The Stars That Night by SkeneKidz
There’s an overwhelming amount of MLM, and not enough WLM on this list, but thats because I’ve lost track of alot of the sapphic books on Wattpad that I read in the beginning before knowing that you can make reading lists (lmao im stupid ok) im definitely gonna update with more WLW stuff when i find it
Please trust my taste, I have high standards when it comes to Wattpad
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histronic-gizmo · 2 years
I made this post a while ago, but I changed my mind about creating reviews for all the episodes. This one is completed so thought I'd share it
S1E1 - Pilot
Got all set up for a marathon tonight! Small bowl of takis, a coke, a caprisun, and lights dimmed. Let's fucking go!
I'm gonna do this by reviewing directly after the pre credit scene then do the rest of my thoughts on the episode afterwards.
OKAY, so, the pilot's opening!! I love this scene. I still remember the first time I watched this episode, it was the first thing I ever saw of Rick and Morty. That's a wild ass introduction to a show lmao. The first thing you hear is *RAPIDLY APPROACHING FOOTSTEPS* and then a drunk old man drags a teen boy out of his bed and into a ship made of garbage, I can't-
The way Morty kicks Rick in the face is so funny too. And Rick just straight up lying and passing out after he grabs his flask? 10/10. My jaw was on the floor the first time I watched it. I had to pause it on the opening titles and lay down and ask myself what I was getting myself into lolol
"Or you were out all night again with Grandpa Rick", IT SOUNDS SEXUAL, WHEN I FIRST HEARD THAT I WAS LIKE "AS IN SLEEPING WITH HIM ALL NIGHT???"
And Rick's quote about sleeping and school? Definitely relate. Not in highschool anymore but it was only 2 years ago and it haunts my nightmares fr plus college is hard af
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"Dammit!" "JERRY" "Beth D:" instantly knew their dynamic with three words
Love the immediate introduction to Rick's cynicism with his "There is no god" comment, this ep really set it all down. Which makes sense, it's what pilots do lol
Morty's "rename them...?" comment is underrated by the way, gets me everytime
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Also, the amount of trauma Frank Palicky smashing to pieces must've caused Summer :skull:
I love the type of humor thats the scene with Morty and Frank. It's a bit cheesy and some media overuses it, but I fucking love it!
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Poor Morty, always getting manhandled by his grandfather. I'm sure he likes it though :smirk:
My heart flutters when Rick saves Morty from, you know, almost getting stabbed. He acts like he did nothing, but I'm sure deep down he got pissed, why else would he just leave the guy frozen? He was maaaaad!!
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He totally bumped into Frank on purpose. Look at him, already being possessive over his 14 year old grandson. GRRRR unstable old men, I love them
Here comes my favorite quote from the entire show:
"Oh man, Rick, I'm looking around and I'm starting to work up some anxiety about this whole thing."
And Rick saying that the way you handle new situations is to charge into them like a bull? Manic episode me fr, also just me generally being reckless
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*shoves morty into the danger*
I adore Rick's mad scientist vibes in this early season 1!! Makes me pleased, I love mad scientist and jaded genius Rick equally fr
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I wonder a lot about Rick going into a "future dimension". He said he was there for a while, when he was there for 30 seconds on the screen. Does time move faster in there or something? Cause otherwise, wouldn't he have come back instantly? Hmmm
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POV: ur grandfather asked you to put too large seed up your ass for him
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The 'airport' scene is AMAZING ofc, we get out very first "Don't think about it!" in the series >:]
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Morty getting traumatized everyday :skull:
Now come on Morty, we have to get those seed out of your ass >:[
Rick is forever albert ein-douche to me, Jerry is an amazing angry father / improviser. I'd kiss him. Wait, am I attracted to Jerry? I think I'm just attracted to all the main characters in this show :skull:
Overall rating:
I rate it only 9 because I've watched it too many times to introduce it to my friends so it's hard for me to watch cus I overused it :pensive:
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firesofdainix · 2 years
I think Wu should have 1 (one) boyfriend, even if it's before canon
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x-raei-s-art · 2 years
Ok so... I decided I would redesign and potentially rewrite some aspects of Tmnt 2012, and we'll since I've been brought back to my 9-10 year old hyperfixation of mutant turtles, I went straight to character redesigning. Hope you enjoy my process lmao 🦐
A collection of beta designs of my redesigns of 2012 tmnt, and of course April was one I prioritized first, and I quite like it so it may be permanent (I could tweak the hair a lil more though)
(rough sketches)
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Final result
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Since she is a Krang expirement, after all they did give her telepathic powers I kinda wanted to explore that part of her as it was in like maybe by season 2 it was established she was a "mutant", but it was never heavily explored.
I kind of wanted her outfit to have more pop and make her stand out instead of the weird clothes she has, and since it takes place in 2012, I wanted her to fit like early 2010's teen heroine aesthetic (oh and she will be Hispanic cause I said so 🤪)
Onto the great legend, tech genius, Donnie. I wanted to to stay true to his original design. Just added some goggles and some mixed toxic chemicals bottles on his strap, cause from what I've seen (I haven't watched the 2003 or 1987 yet) 2012 Donnie and Bayverse!Donnie are the only ones who mess with chemicals and expirement with antidotes so I wanted to heavily reference that.
Also donnie 2012 doesn't have the best tools and materials to work with when it comes to tech unlike Rise!donnie so I'm debating on if he should have the same skills he's always have and putting junk together and making it work, or up his knowledge to !Rise or !Bayverse level
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Yes I did steal rise!donnie's goggles at first but than I looked for refs to redesign it and I got the bottom left *first image* as my final result so yeah (did try to do bayverse donnie's goggles but it was to much detail)
I do gotta admit, I put more effort on trying to write donnie's traits while designing him than the other boys 😀
Now onto the Leader Blue, Leo. After all this is 2012 versions so yeah he's leader lol
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So Leo was kinda a struggle, because I wanted him to have something that would make him different than donnie. The first thing I came up with was one of those fabric arm brace, with the Hamato Clan symbol. In Japan, when someone's a president to a club (from what I've seen in the animes) they are wearing the arm brace with the symbol of their club. So that was my first idea.
I was going to leave him with his original design until I went into looking at the other outfits he's wore on the series, and I got inspired with season 4 finally and decided to give him the fishnets he wore so yeah lol
My boo, my bae, Raph the Violent Fucker His design was basically what made him look "bad ass" and "he's fucking stupid for that" vibe cause yeah thought it would be funny
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with Raph I had an idea of what I wanted him to have. I first relied on the crack of his shell to giving me an idea, and that was that he was a reckless kid. The scars on his face and legs are due to reckless self-injury (not purposeful SH) or Leo.
Leo and Raph were always competing since kids so when they got their weapons Raph wanted to fight Leo, and of course not being trained, Leo swung his sword wrong and hurt his bro (I might add a couple of scars on Leo too just to be even)
Now the precious boy Mikey is up next. His head shape was a pain in the ass to draw, and I might redraw him cause I'm not very happy with it. Though the general idea is drawn on here so I will use this ref for now.
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There wasn't much thought put behind his design, I was just thinking about what would he wear to stand out from his brothers. I was struggling with how he would wear the wrapping on his leg so I came up with what's on the sketch (I don't really like but it does give me another idea). I did add stickers because I think April would just decorate him with stickers.
I also added more freckles on him because, I can
I will say that these are just some beta designs and I will try and improve them, I might start writing about the relationship dynamics first before another redesign, maybe then I could get a better idea of what I should improve, keep, or change all together so for now I hope you found my lil hyperfixation on mutant turtles interesting lmao 🧍‍♂️🪄
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Texts from the Lost Tomb part 6.1
🎶 Back on the bullshit I never got off🎶
Is this another unnecessary story arc?? With three sections??
Wushanju Crew Chat
Wang Meng: You know, I’m someone who appreciates consistency in my day. My life is pleasant, very few issues indeed if you ignore the big ones. And yet. Yet here we are. With unresolved messes at the end of a day.
Wang Meng: We need to talk about Huo Daofu and the glittery bead curtain.
Wu Xie: did you turn on that suggested word thingy lol
What glittery bead curtain
Wang Meng: I closed the shop at 6:00pm this evening on the dot. I locked all of the doors in and out of the shop very carefully, especially in light of recent events. The hall leading to the back office was empty. I filed the day’s paperwork, updated and sent emails, and then spent an extra hour organizing receipts and dusting. When I came back out, there were glittery iridescent bead curtains over the front entrance to the shop.
What could this mean?
Wu Xie: uh that you need to spend less time at work?
Wu Xie: I think we can be relatively secure in thinking a glittery bead curtain isn’t a hostile threat
Wang Pangzi: SAYS YOU
Wang Meng: Ugh, forget it. I should have just taken them down, regardless of who they belong to.
Zhang Qiling: They are not mine.
Wang Meng: Do we know anyone who *would* sneak in and put those up? For whatever reason, legal or not? Even as a joke?
Wu Xie: okay let’s think about this; for starters, I didn’t break into my own shop
Wang Meng: You would be in danger of doing some work in the process, that’s true.
Wang Pangzi: LOL
Wu Xie: ANYWAY let’s keep going. For example, Xiao Ge would only break in somewhere for a good reason. Xiao Ge, did you do this?
Zhang Qiling: No.
Wu Xie: okay who’s next
Zhang Qiling: How can we be certain *you* didn’t do it?
Wang Meng: Admittedly that was my guess, too.
Wang Pangzi: WOW I SEE HOW IT IS
Wu Xie: Oh yeah him! Oops I got distracted
Wu Xie: Ugh fuck off
Wang Meng what abt Huo Daofu??
Zhang Qiling: ?
Wu Xie: oh sorry xiaoge I didn’t realize you wouldn’t have spent much time around him last year
He and I go way back
Zhang Qiling: Way back where?
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: ?
Zhang Qiling: I wanted him to feel welcome. I wanted to be sure he understands he has a place here. A specific place.
Zhang Qiling: Rationally, I understand that.
Main Chat
Wang Meng: Huo Daofu is coming for the weekend—didn’t Wu Xie tell you? Wu Xie asked me to check in a week ahead so we could start getting ready for his arrival
Wu Xie: oh yeah I did do that
Wang Meng: Fortunately I know you and so I already went ahead and took care of everything.
Re: the trip
He made a deal with Wu Xie’s doctor that he would do periodic checkups on him here at Wushanju
Bc Wu Xie hates being in the hospital
And frankly the hospital hates him too
Zhang Qiling: Is it safe for him to be here with a criminal loose on the premises?
Wu Xie: Right, back to the curtain! Let’s focus on the curtain, hmm?
Wu Xie: okay but who else would do something so oddly charming yet illegal and—wait.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: hey, Glasses hasn’t been in touch lately right?
Li Cu: uh nope
Unless u count the outdated memes
Why, is money or Xie Yuchen missing
Or is this curtain related, I saw Wang Meng’s tweet
Wu Xie: haha no nothing to worry about really
(I mean maybe? but who knows)
Wang Meng is probably just getting a little paranoid in his old age
Li Cu: better than getting reckless and stupid as hell in ur old age
Wu Xie: …hey:(
Unknown Number: Li Cu, we discussed this.
Wu Xie: ????????
Li Cu: *sigh* fine, reckless and stupid as heck
Unknown Number: …close enough.
Wu Xie: EXCUSE who is that
Madame, Sir, Non-Binary Tree Spirit, etc—whomst the fuck
Are you
Li Cu is underage FYI
So Im staying on this chat
Li Cu: okay first of all, it’s not like that
Second of all I’m literally not underage I s2g
u threw the embarrassing surprise bday party, okay so u should remember
And C, that’s my counselor and I invited her. She wanted to meet u and I knew u wouldn’t agree to a visit so I added her to our chat
we have been discussing u
Wu Xie: Oh wow!!!!!!!
What a surprise:)
hi so nice to meet you:)
Main Chat:
Wang Meng: I assume that means something to someone here?
Not my problem? Good.
Wu Xie: wait i give him an allowance
has he been collecting on two allowances??
Zhang Qiling: Three. I knew about both of yours.
Snake Eyes Chat
Wu Xie: so uh may I ask your name?
Unknown Number: you can call me Ms. Lee.
Now, if you’re comfortable talking in this format, why don’t you tell me how things have been going?
Wu Xie: oh everything is normal and fine and safe as usual, why do you ask:)
Li Cu: I heard about ur necklace thing. nice of you to NOT mention it.
another dangerous adventure. again. prick.
Ur lucky your cool boyfriend cares about you so much or you’d have already died like ten years ago
Wu Xie: lol try twenty years ago
Li Cu: That isn’t funny.
Unknown Number: …What?
Wu Xie: shit ur right, okay that was a bit glib, my apologies.
…I use humor as a coping mechanism?
Unknown Number: and Li Cu, how do you feel about that?
Li Cu: he doesn’t even know what that phrase means
He doesn’t cope, like ever
In fact
It’s kind of why we met
Which is a funny story in retrospect tbh
Wu Xie: haha what are you talking about sweetie hahaha need I remind you of certain anecdotes that could idk send me to jail maybe lmao
Unknown Number: …You know, perhaps an in-person meeting might be more effective?
Wu Xie: haha such a nice idea but why
Main Chat
Wu Xie: If I go to jail, I’ll have to create alliances for protection, right, that’s how it works on tv
Who do we know who spends time in jail
Other than Hei Yangjing, he’s only ever there for like 12 hours and i suspect he just gets himself arrested bc he enjoys the breaking out process
Also how’s the curtain case coming along
Zhang Qiling: Has someone threatened you?
Wu Xie: well not yet but soon I’m sure
Snake Eyes Minus Your Fucking Therapist Chat
Li Cu: okay how tf did u pull off spy and undercover shit
u are sus as hell
Wu Xie: damn son is it pick on Wu Xie night
I missed the flyers or I would’ve invited my uncles
Also re: the curtain it’s been mostly solved
Li Cu: I’m not your son, idiot.
Wu Xie: …oh. Sorry, sorry, you’re right, bad choice of words, haha
Forget i said anything
Delete this chat even
Li Cu: shit I meant
Legally, biologically, I meant—
…I turn into an asshole as a coping mechanism?
Wu Xie: oh that’s all okay! I have to go do something else now let me know if you need anything okay kid thanks!
Li Cu: goddamn it calm down who’s the kid here
lemme organize my thoughts so I can articulate my emotions fuckin healthily or w/e
Ugh maybe for like one afternoon we could go to Ms. Lee together? She knows how to word stuff
Wu Xie: uh…okay.
Li Cu: Anyway you don’t need to worry abt jail
As if you would survive prison for one day you’d piss off half the place in like an hour or less
I gave Ms. Lee the heavily edited version of the desert highway to hell roadtrip and i discussed it more in terms of like “nightmarish but still wouldn’t take any of it back”
Well maybe the sand
that shit was everywhere
Wu Xie: oh kiddo. It’s fine, really…You don’t have to explain yourself to me.
Li Cu: no, no it’s just
I do technically have a dad
who is an asshole. Being a son doesn’t really mean shit to me bc it sucked.
So you need to stop backing down just cuz ur guilty abt stuff. I’m really really glad ur not my dad in a good way. Do u get what I mean there
Where’s the mafia widower I followed into hell, huh
Wu Xie: Ur a good kid, despite my influence. I’m really glad you have someone to talk to after everything I…after everything. Wow this talking through feelings thing is kind of weird but nice ur right
Jfc no wonder it took me and xiaoge so long to—you know what, we won’t get into that
Li Cu: ew tmi
Also re: this week’s recent necklace fuckery
I moved my stuff here, I live here now
So you can’t die anymore
Or else…Idk I don’t have a threat planned
anyways abt the curtain
Wu Xie: oh my god, kid…kid you have no idea
I am in tears.
Li Cu: see this is why I can’t be nice to you I can sense the hallmark channel from here
Ugh don’t be sad in ur room that’s dumb
Go hug Pangzi or something
Maybe delete this chat
Or the curtain thing
Focus on the curtain thing
Just stfu and go away
Wu Xie: <3 screenshotting this <3
Li Cu: I take back everything I said. This is why Xiao Ge sleeps on the roof. I hope the ghosts of the Wangs put up that curtain to strangle you somehow. Go die in a stupid way, it’ll suit you.
Wu Xie: lol don’t worry I’m not gonna embarrass you with it or anything
Main Chat
Wu Xie: omg guys look how cute my kid is *sending screenshot*
Wang Pangzi: I MEAN
Wu Xie: no but read the whole thing:):):)
Zhang Qiling: It is indeed very hard to remain angry with you. And you are welcome to join me on the roof.
Wang Pangzi: UH NOPE
Wu Xie: ok true but babe ur like a sexy cryptid
Wang Meng: so, are we just accepting that there is a glittery curtain of unknown origin, and Huo Daofu is going to have to see it while he’s waiting for you at Wushanju bc you’re going to family therapy?
Wu Xie: right
Wang Meng: I’m going to go dust something.
Unnamed Chat:
Unknown number: so the curtain…
Unknown number 2: yep, not my best work but I kinda panicked last minute u know
Unknown number: what is in the water at Wushanju that makes everyone dumb and attractive
Unknown number 2: relax they’ll figure it out
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dammarchy211 · 3 years
1. do u mind if ppl make ur art their icons? Just curious!!
2. I love your cryptid kidz take!! Im curious if youre planning on including any other fandoms, and the age differences between the kids (I HOPE THIS DOESNT COME OFF IN A WEIRD WAY i was wondering bc dibs so tall in comparison to the other kids)?? Im so curious about ur thoughts on their individual dynamics with one another!! Or what the gals think of each other :3!! or if tak will show up..
SORRY FOR THE BIG BLOCK OD QUESTIONS I LOVE STUFF LIKE THIS IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY... Ur art style is really cool so it really caught my attention!!
(I had a big paragraph written and tumblr crashed while I was writing it :,,-) )
It’s ok I love questions!!!
1. No I don’t mind! Just credit me in ur bio or smth
2. I probably won’t be including any other fandoms as to not clutter it, as well as the fact I was kind going off a formula of nerd kid + his sister. No particular reason, just for a pattern ig?
The age differences between the kids r Raz- 10, Jude- like 12 (I say like as he doesn’t actually have a canon age lol), Dib- 12 like in the iz movie, and Dipper- 13. I made Dib taller to add variety to their designs when put next to each other and also because all of the kids in iz are basically the same height I thought I’d say fuck it and have some fun with it lol
(For simplicity, Ford will refer to Ford pines, and Cruller will refer to Ford Cruller lol)
As for dynamics, Jude and Dib would get along Rlly well, just kinda as an instant click type thing since they have so many similarities. They’re all definitely friends but I feel like Dipper and Jude would but heads the most. Dipper tends to be really cautious, and while Jude does exercise caution, it’s usually for more ‘nonsensical’ reasons. Jude has a more reckless idea of problem solving (ie wanting to just shoot the cultists and burn down their hideout in act 1) and that wouldn’t really sit well with Dipper lmao. Dipper also would try to like, assert himself as letter with all of his planning shit but it probably wouldn’t work that well. Jude and Dib are also the most unhinged out of the 4 so Dipper and Raz are like 🤨 a lot. Raz would get along with all of them very well, however there’d definitely be at least a little bit of “you’re like 10 how come you get to be able to do all of this cool stuff???” And the other 3 would ask him a bunch of questions constantly because “omg you’re really psychic???? Lemme take notes.” Dammek would try to lead them around or “supervise” them as like the “cool older teen friend” but he has even less common sense then the 4 of them and the worst advice— Dammek high school bullies Zim. Gaz, Frazie, and Joey would kinda just be like “ew it’s my nerd brother and his nerd friends.” But still hang out with them, Mabel on the other hand just regular hangs out with them bc she doesn’t want Dipper to go on adventures without her! The girls would get along pretty good as well, however I feel like Joey would be Kinda cold to Mabel bc she has a tendency to be a little mean to people when they’re more social or optimistic than her, but she would get over it eventually and they can talk about animals or sparkly stickers or something jfhdjdjd. Xefros is a little upset that Raz is psychic because telekinesis used to be his thing and now there’s a kid that’s like 4/5 years younger than him and better at it 😔 the 4 boys would probably follow Roxy, Ford, Sasha, and Cruller around a lot because they wanna! Do science stuff n go on adventures and missions! Stan would also try to have fun with the kids but in a Stan sorta way. Sasha would so get into an Argument w/ Prof. Membrane they would hate eachother— Any of the alien enjoyers would be SO STOKED about Dammek, Xefros, and Zim (even tho zim keeps insisting that he is, In fact, not an alien). Tbh Dammek n Xef probably already know what Irkens are and Zim probably already knows what trolls are (and would probably freak out if he found out the condensce/Betty Crocker was on earth lol) Raz and Zim also get “huh u guys sound similar” a lot (I wonder why D-: /s).
OK THATS ENOUGH RAMBLING!! I just have so many thoughts for this flghdkgfisheudd
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punkassrichie · 3 years
Just Tonight pt 1
A/N: i’ve only written like,, one fic on this blog lol but i really love It so i decided to start up again. also just wanted to say i’m aware that beverie isnt an ideal ship, but i just love it sm 😪😪 it’s got all the angst i need and want >.< but anyway feel free to send me requests? i will do any and every ship bc that’s just how much i love everyone and everything. feedback would be much appreciated! <3 also this is a college au but i wanted the first part to be kind of like a back story, like what went on during their high school years. this fic was inspired by the song Just Tonight by The Pretty Reckless. feel free to give it a listen as well to get a feel of the theme for the fic lol
Warnings: angst, mentions of underage drinking and substance abuse, mentions of underage sex, mentions of SA and abuse, abusive and toxic relationships, cheating, mentions of suicide me projecting just a lil and Bev x Richie. college au. if i missed any lmk. oh aaaaand all of the character are bi LMAO k byeeee
Summary: Beverly and Richie were the cliche best friends. Going to the same high school, joining the same clubs, hanging out at the Aladdin and arcades, applying to the same colleges, telling each other their deepest darkest secrets. Being each other’s firsts. Falling in love. And neither of them knowing about it.
It was the last day of summer, barely going into high school the first time it happened. They were getting drunk and high together, just the two of them. At the time, Bev was with Bill, and Richie was pining after Eddie. Both of them sad because Bev loved Bill with all of her being, but she never felt right with him and Richie loved Eddie, who never made it clear whether he loved him back or not. Eddie was messing with his head a little bit. Not intentionally, he just didn’t have the confidence Richie did. And he wasn’t sure what he wanted.
Richie understood. He wasn’t going to force Eddie to do anything he didn’t wanna do. And if that included Eddie not wanting to be with him then so be it.
But man, did it fucking hurt.
So they both drank themselves sick, neither of them understanding why they were the way they were. They’d talked all hours of the night, drunk laughing and crying, and making dumb jokes until they started talking about things they’d never really touched on before. He’d ask her about her abusive father and she’d ask about his neglectful parents, both of them answering any questions they had.
They started talking about how Richie was still a virgin, and how he really wanted to have sex but not with just anyone. He drunkenly confessed to saving himself for Eddie, but knowing that wouldn’t happen because he knew Eddie wasn’t ready for any kind of relationship with him. It’s like Eddie wanted nothing to do with him.
Bev saw a tear stream down his eye, and she shouldn’t have, she knew she shouldn’t have but she leaned in to kiss him, she told herself it was just to comfort him but one thing led to another and before they knew it, their clothes were off and Richie was tossing her on his bed. With Richie, it felt so wrong but more right than Bill. In Bev’s head, it made sense.
The morning after, Bev had woke up crying. She wasn’t weeping.. it was more like soft sobs. Richie woke up and asked her what was wrong. She didn’t know.
“Is it because of Bill?” Richie asked, his face full of concern.
“No, and that’s the worst part.” She managed to squeak out between sobs. Richie just held her.
Bill was the last thing on her mind, and while she felt bad, she didn’t linger on the thought too much. She knew they wouldn’t last.
No, she just felt wrong. She always felt wrong. She liked it so much that she wanted to do it again and again and it filled her with shame. Guilt. She told herself she’d never be into it, not after her father ruined it for her. But still, she was. And she was disgusted with herself.
She finally told Richie after she couldn’t take her thoughts anymore. Richie assured her that she wasn’t wrong for feeling the way she did. That it was okay, and he had a great time. He was glad she did too.
She looked up at him, not understanding why he was so sweet to her. She didn’t deserve it, she thought.
This time it was Richie that leaned in to kiss her. She was shocked because he wasn’t drunk, and neither was she. She almost forgot that people don’t need to be drunk to have sex. She also forgot that it’s not really recommended. Eventually she melted into it. He was getting handsy and pulled back to let Bev know she can say stop at any moment and he would.
But she didn’t.
And that morning, Richie had went down on someone for the first time in his teen years, and Bev had her first real orgasm.
That’s when she became addicted to it.
Few years into high school, and Bev and Richie were still the best of friends. Not making things weird or “official.” Just two best friends that kiss sometimes (and sometimes that do more than kiss) and then act like it didn’t happen the next day. Almost all the time.
Before school started, Bev broke up with Bill. She knew what she wanted now and she wasn’t going to use Bill to get it. She always knew he was a sweetheart, and that he deserved better. She didn’t tell him what happened with Richie, and she made Richie promise he wouldn’t say anything either. Of course he did, but only if she did the same. She also didn’t tell Bill that she was gonna go around, chasing the high that she’d get from Richie, but with other people. He was heartbroken enough, she wanted to spare him at least some of the heartache.
Most of the time she’d just sleep with Richie. At first it was just convenient, and she trusted him, and him only. But then she realized it was because she didn’t feel comfortable with anyone else. She hadn’t realized it but she was falling for the boy. The thought would creep up in her head but she’d make it go away as fast as it appeared.
But all of that changed when Richie and Eddie started officially dating.
She wasn’t jealous, she couldn’t be. She loved him so much and was happy when he finally got to have the boy he pinned over all throughout his childhood. She knew he’d be happy.
She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t feeling a little lonely though, seeing as Eddie would take up all of Richies time. Of course she had the other losers, but it wasn’t the same. They didn’t understand her like he did.
And of course she lied, she was a little jealous that someone took her best friend away. But she had to suppress it because she knew her and Richie would never work.
Richie loved Bev too, but not like he loved Eddie. She knew that. She understood. She also knew she was incapable of loving someone. Or having anyone love her for that matter. She knew he loved Eddie and Eddie only.
She only started to question it when she started to sneak into his house through his bedroom window, sophomore year of course, after yet another rough night with her father. He knew. He understood. He was there. In more ways than one. Some nights he’d just hold her. When she was shaking, when she couldn’t stop crying, and especially when she couldn’t muster the words to tell him what had happened. Other nights she would be beneath him, asking begging him to make her forget. And he would. Because he loved her and wanted to show her. But the thought of love was questionable now because if he could do that to Eddie, what would he do to her? He and Eddie had only been together a few months then.
Eventually she realized what he would do to her.
One night she had biked over to his house, covered in bruises and blood. That night it had been really bad. She went over and climbed up his window, knowing the path up the tree all too well. His window was unlocked, his bed was made and the light was on. Except Richie wasn’t there. She looked over to the bed where there were fresh, clean clothes and a towel underneath them. She knew what it meant.
It was a silent “I can’t do this anymore, but i’m still here for you.” She knew that’s what it meant because for them, words never had to be exchanged. They could speak through gestures and they would just know.
She ended up leaving and finding a quick fuck on tinder. He ended up bruising her up even more. At least he got her a room and stayed with her until they both had to go their separate ways.
Sophomore year had ended and summer began. Bev and Richie were more distant than ever. She knew it was bound to happen but she never prepared herself for it. But that didn’t mean she was going to steal him away from the person he loved most.
So she took matters into her own hands. Once she realized she could be in control of her body, she started to get a little out of hand. She started talking to more people at school, trying to figure out if they were into her or not. She debated going on tinder again but there were so many missing person flyers all over town and she didn’t wanna end up on one of them. Not like that anyway.
She felt more comfortable with people she kinda knew. That was until she got involved with one too many football players. When school started up again, they began their “locker room talk” and once a lot of the boys figured out they had sex with the same girl, they’d tell everyone and label her a slut. Bev ended up being one of those girls. It got around school and even back to the cheerleaders which some of them had experimented with Bev that same summer too. Of course, they’d never say anything about it, mostly because they weren’t sure about their sexualities, but that didn’t stop them from bullying her either. Including Greta.
Greta Keene was the main one that ended up torturing Bev. Which was sad really, considering all the nights they had together. It was almost like Bev had found her replacement. She just forgot how cruel people can be.
She was forgetting a lot of things. Once the rumors were spread, some true, most of them not true- she forgot that she had friends she could trust and talk to and tell them what had happened. But she was scared mostly. She knew the losers didn’t believe the rumors anyway but she also knew that a part of them wondered.
So she distanced herself. First time with Richie, second time with the whole club. It wasn’t intentional, but she knew that if she kept up her actions, they’d be concerned. Or they would leave. And you can’t be left unless you leave first, right?
Bev felt like her life was in the gutter. That nothing mattered and nothing was real. She didn’t care anymore. She didn’t care about anything. Not about the rumors at school, not about the people taunting her and calling her a slut every 5 minutes, and not Richie. Definitely not Richie.
She still did what she thought was best for her, and if that meant drugs too, then drugs it was.
She wasn’t into anything hardcore, but she loved downers. She loved the fact that she could take a pill and it would make her numb and forget the events of that day, or the one before, or even after.
She changed. And everyone noticed.
The losers grew concerned. They’d see her walking down the halls, hair looking shaggy with baggy clothes (because anything she wore that was her size would get her called a ‘slut’ much more than it does when she wears clothes that isn’t), big shoes and sometimes when she would things her size, they could see the bruises on her arms, the cuts and scrapes on her knees and elbows, the hand shaped marks on her throat. She’d stretch and while her shirt rode up a little on her waist, you could marks on her hips too.
They were scared for her, and they knew something was up. They loved and care for Beverly so they weren’t going to let her go that easy.
One day, Bev skips out on school and all the losers noticed. It was weird, no matter how much she got bullied or beat (by Greta and her bitch clique and sometimes the Bowers gang), she’d never miss a day.
That’s when they all decided at lunch to skip their last three periods to spend it looking for her. They checked her house first, her dad telling them to fuck off and leave her alone, and if she went out and got herself killed then that was her own damn business. It made their blood boil, it made Richie wanna sock him right there and then. But Bill being Bill, just said thank you and walked off. Made Richie wanna sock him too.
They went to the barrens, quarry, clubhouse, everywhere and she was nowhere to be found. They headed back to school, heads hanging low in defeat, worried about her. They didn’t know what else to do but wait until her dad decided to file a missing person report.
The last bell rang and they all headed home, Bill told the rest of the losers that he would try to come up a plan to see what more they could do to try and find her. He didn’t wanna give up, although the rest of the losers already had.
Richie was walking Eddie home when he cried to him and told him that he shouldn’t have pushed her away the way he did, and that it was all his fault. Eddie just held him, not understanding the relationship the two had. He told him that everything would be okay anyway and that they would find her. Richie just nodded and continued to walk him home.
Eddie offered him to spend the night with him, like he had been doing all year but this time Richie politely declined. He doesn’t know why but something was telling him to go home. Go home and check.
He doesn’t tell Eddie, just tells him he might be coming down with something and that’s enough to make the hypochondriac stay away. For that night at least.
Richie kisses him goodbye and heads on home. And sure enough, there she was. Sitting in his steps, fumbling with something in her hands and mumbling to herself.
He throws his bike to the side and rushes over to her, asking her if she was okay or hurt. She just laughed.
She reeked of alcohol and had a small brown pill bottle in her hands. It was empty.
He kept asking her questions and grew more concerned when he see that her eye had been swollen shut. She was crying, but laughing at any question Richie had.
She was fucked up, it wasn’t hard to tell. Richie didn’t ask anymore questions and just helped her up. She refused but he still managed to get her up. While he helped her up the stairs and into his room, he asked her what she was on. She didn’t respond. He was growing frustrated but settled for asking her when she was sober. He helped her get cleaned up, and saw to her eye when she got out of the shower. He didn’t know much about first aid, but he knew what Eddie taught him.
She stopped crying and she was just silent, her eyes fluttering like she couldn’t keep them open anymore. When he was done, Richie set her down on his bed and held her while she slept. “Love you, Richie.” was the last thing she murmured before falling into a deep sleep.
Of course it hurt him, and of course he blamed himself. She needed him and he dropped her like she meant nothing to him. But it wasn’t like that. Now he wishes they could’ve just talked. If he hasn’t been so caught up with Eddie, maybe they could have.
It was 7pm the next day when she woke up. She seemed very confused, and was surprised when Richie was beside her, talking to Eddie on the phone. He wrapped up the call once he saw that she was awake, he had questions and he was going to get them. He was determined. He hung up and just sighed when he saw the state she was in.
“Bev, you’ve gotta tell me what’s been going on with you.” He says with a soft tone as he sits on his bed, facing her. She can barely look at him, feeling anxious and embarrassed. But she knows she can trust him.
“I-I havent been doing very well lately.” Is all she can manage to say. Then she starts to cry again. And just like he would before, he held her. He calmed her down and waited until she was ready to talk.
And when she was, she confided in him. She told him everything, how she’s been sleeping around to get by, how she found a specific drug that helped her sleep through the nights her dad wouldn’t let her, how some of the rumors at school were true, and how much she missed him and the rest of the losers. She told him that she didn’t wanna leave them the way she did, but she didn’t want them to leave first when they found out about her.
When she was done pouring her heart out, he just looked at her and hugged her. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.” He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her. She was still for a second, but then wrapped her own arms around him.
And they remained in their position for a while. They didn’t talk about their little ‘situation’ they had gotten themselves into, nor did they want to. They hardly ever did. They just sat in silence for comfort.
After that months flew by once again, and things felt normal again. Bev got used to the bullying and harassment from her classmates but she didn’t have to deal with it alone anymore. The losers club made them back off actually, defending Bev until it got them suspended.
They didn’t care though, they wanted to show Bev they actually care about her and that she’s not alone. She learned to appreciate them more than she already did.
They started having more sleepovers than usual so that Bev wouldn’t have to stay at her dad’s so much, and they started calling her and checking up on her.
Richie was always making sure she was okay and telling her to text him whenever she got home or if she was going anywhere and back. Just to keep tabs, making sure she’s alright.
They didn’t sleep together anymore, and neither of them minded. At least that’s what they told themselves. Bev had a few fuck buddies since Richie, one of them being Greta.
“Why the fuck would you still be fucking her?” Richie exclaimed after Bev confessed that she was still fooling around with her despite being harassed by her and her clique.
She just shrugged. She couldn’t tell him it was because she couldn’t fuck him anymore, she didn’t want to pin anything on him. And she couldn’t tell him that she kind of liked the abuse.
Bev had all sorts of kinks that she wasn’t ready to talk about with just anyone, and she knows she could trust Richie, but she still feels a bit embarrassed and ashamed.
Before they knew it was summer again, and that was the first time they were all together again in a long time. Her friends changed and she didn’t even realize it. But so did she. She found comfort in knowing that they would accept her no matter what. And that she would too.
Senior year was the best year for the losers, but as well as the worst. They called it their Slack Off year. They had done so much work the years before just to be able to call it that. They’d have 3 classes the whole day and the rest were free periods. Their work really paid off. And it was so much better knowing they were all going to be at the same college. It would be an understatement to say they were excited for next fall. It was until someone new had come into the picture and changed everything.
Her name was Criss. She was new to Derry High. To the town in general.
Beverly swore she loved her. And she swore Criss loved her back. And how they came to be were the losers’ guess but they were happy for her nonetheless. Things with them were great at first. Bev finally seemed happy to have someone by her side at all times, happy to be lovey dovey with, and just happy in general. Beverly was in love to say the least.
The rest of the losers were obviously happy for her, but if anyone had asked Richie what he thought about Criss, he wouldn’t say what he was really thinking. He avoided the question if he could.
But then they started to notice the red flags in Criss, and they weren’t so sure about her. They’d notice when she’d lie about little things, the way she’d grip Bev’s arm when she was mad, the insults she’d scream at Bev whenever they were in a fight, the scenes she’d make when things just wouldn’t go her way. One time Bev showed up at the quarry with a freshly split lip, and they knew it wasn’t her father because she wouldn’t stay at her house anymore. They hated it, and they knew Bev hated it too.
Except Bev didn’t hate it- that much, because Criss wasn’t that bad. She’d ignore the losers when they expressed their concerns for her because she knew who she was deep down. Most importantly she was loved. That feeling alone was enough to make her fly high into the sky. She couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. She only hated the fact that she fell for a person who ended up not being what they said they were. But she convinced herself it was okay, and that she would be able to handle her. She loved her, and if that meant putting up with mild bruises and screaming matches, then so be it. She was just happy that someone loved her.
It wasn’t until Beverly caught her with Greta in her bed, that she knew it was too good to be true. That was the first time she felt her heart shatter. She didn’t go to the losers when she first saw them together, she went on a walk all by herself and not because she felt stupid, (oh but she definitely did) but because if she didn’t, she was convinced she might’ve offed herself. Sometimes she wishes she did. And all the shame, guilt, and embarrassment had returned. She didn’t believe in anything at all anymore.
dont be a stranger and lmk what u think <333 part two will be out soon!
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