#he was putting in the WORK
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Ted Wheeler sees the Byers and says, “Thank god you folks are back. Between the two of these kids, I thought I was going to have to take out a second mortgage just to afford my phone bill,” and has absolutely no idea the chaos he has just unleashed.

#I’ve probably made this joke before but it’s my fav Ted Wheeler headcanon#fun fact I had to research for this post: even if the byers ain’t answer it still would have cost hella money if he was calling all the time#and mans had to call the phone operator to make the call long distance#he was putting in the work#byler#mike wheeler#i know what you are#will byers#stranger things
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Bad End: No Question

The republic fell slowly, then all at once. Rot building like a creeping cancer, in all the places the shining lights of luxury did not touch. Festering and untreated, all while I could do nothing to stop it. I knew it was coming, could see the story unfolding, yet? Was powerless to stop it.
No one listened.
Why would they? I was just a naive child, spouting nonsense. After all, they all said, they all believed... the Republic Was Forever.
Until it was not. Until it all died. And from the bleeding, screaming, ruin? The Empire came, swallowing everything whole. Right up to the end. While in my head, I knew how the story would unfold. Had tried and tried, to no avail, helpless and small as only children can be, as the tidal wave finally hit.
Believed, even as they lay dying. Even as I watch as the people cheer, as blood ran thick in the streets, clogging the gutters. The luxurites dead. Both guilty and innocent alike. The boot heels, upon the necks of the poor, no longer. Or so their leaders proclaimed...
Easy scapegoats. Obvious targets. The villians for their narrative, pay no mind to what happens next. The money and power, the land. We are HEROS! For the PEOPLE! You can TRUST US.
Of course.
All hail the Emperor. Wealthier then any man has ever been. Truely, we are Free.
Yes, when the revolution came, I wasn't with them, my family. My "proper" social circles. That's probably all that spared me. I would have been hunted down, otherwise. Innocent or not. Can't have any of the old power bases lingering about, after all. People might get the idea to rally. Might miss the Old, when the New loses it's shine. Child or not, we can't have THAT, now can we?
The staff and volunteers of the soup kitchen, hid me with the other children as the adults boarded up the windows and doors. I held a young mother's child, looked her in the terrified eyes and swore, on my life, that I would gaurd her daughter with my life. I remember expecting to raise that child. To never see her again. Not alive.
Remember wondering, how far I could stretch the coin, if I pawned the pretty little bits of jewelry my parents gave me. Assuming they weren't ripped right off me, the second we got out. I had plans to hide them. Begun calculations. So many little mouths to feed. We had to stick together. We MUST stick together.
Then it was over.
My "disgrace" of an uncle came for me. Found me in the near ruins of my "silly little project". He was the one who had wanted to work. Had a stable worker lover everyone knew about but no one talked about. He was covered in bit of hay. Smelled strongly of horses. His lover had grabbed him and dragged him to safety, hidden him, desperately, among the stalls.
Out of our entire House...
An entire House, once noble, now wealthy. Out of HUNDREDS of people? Built over centuries, branches upon branches, marriages and adoptions. Wards and in-laws. Newborns to lovers to elders on their deathbeds? Of them all, so few remained. And yet... I could not even blame the servants who abandoned us. Who turned on their Slave Masters in all but technicality. They had been treated so cruely, for so long.
.....but the children? What crime did they commit?
I stood in the ruins of Manor after Manor, great house after great house, and wondered. Would I let this make me a monster too? Was this anger or grief I felt? Would any of us ever be free, from the sickening rot that had crept so slowly into the hearts of these people? Both, the ones I had called kin, and the very people who killed them. But oh... there were so many bodies to bury. So, so many bodies.
Some of them... so very, terribly, small.
But as we put out embers and buried the dead? The oh so glorious empire was rising. A fat and lumberous beast, settling with already groaning bones into the still smoking pit, where the Republic lay dead. And, benevolently, the Emperor saw no reason to kill us. We were informed by pristine letter, hand delivered, as we stood smoke stained and filthy, among the pyres.
At least... thank the gods. At least my Uncle remembered.
He and I, fellow outcasts and trouble makers, he recalled my "nonsense". How it had very much come true. So he took the Emperor's letter. Smiled benignly, with the bland promise of nothing. And gently corralled us few who remained into the only remaining dining hall, to pour over the letters as a House. A Clan. Together.
He looked to me with haunted eyes... and wanted to know.
I phrased it as a vision. It would be easier to swallow that way. Not unheard of, in legend. Not out of the realm of possibility. Just absurdly, absurdly rare. But... did we not live in world shaking times? It would make sense, it felt, that the gods would at least MENTION such things...
A novel, a lifetime ago. We were hardly the Protagonists. Not related in any way. Dramatics and death would surround them. A dark age followed, supposedly, by light. But... was the real world ever so simple? I didn't know. I could name all the players. What would occur.
It would be up to US to protect ourselves.
And we WOULD need to protect ourselves. For the Empire was not a kind place. Nor fair. It was the rot of the Republic laid bare. Without pretense. And soon... the purges would begin.
I was, of course, right. The people's blood soaked victory soon gave way to dismay, as they became targets. Divided. Conquered. Inquisitors, hand chosen by his most graciousness, the Emperor himself. I held my tounge, kept my piece... and hated it. Undermined what I could. Rebuilt my soup kitchen.
Attended court.
Because, of course, all we loyal subjects MUST attend court. Don't we love our Emperor so? See how we fawn! We simper and bask in his greatness! Oh we hang on your every WORD, most royal Majesty! We are entranced! Loyal, loyal subjects, all. Such decadent parties as the people starve.
Didn't my family perish for such similar actions? But, ah, they deserved it. Of course. And THIS is for MORALE!
I sip wine looted from the Redcrest family's cellars. They were dead now. Were proud of their wines. They made them for centuries. There shall never be more bottles, yet frivolous, we drink them away. What crime did they commit? Their workers? I close my eyes and keep my smile fixed.
A pleasant expression, because everything is Fine. Remember who you fight for, survive for, you are the canary in the mine. If you go silent, they know to run. The longer you live, the more people you can help, you can do this. Remember... sometimes rebellion is refusing to die. Refusing to let them pull hope from your desperate, bleeding, claws.
Just smile.
Everything is Fine! See? We're Smiling!
"Such a lonely seat. Not going to dance? Mingle? One might think you're not having fun." Comes from behind me, the voice an almost silibant rasp, rumbling thunder and the whispered hiss of a blade. If ever there was a voice made for threats and the confession of terrible things, it was this. "But how could that be? Such a loyal servant of his Majesty would never be so divisive and disrespectful. You must surely be ill. So, tell me then, your excuse?"
The only reason I do not jump, and splash on more reminder of tragedy right down my front, in a display I can not afford, is that I freeze up. Jumping would look guilty of something. It would not matter that he walks all but silently. That I did not notice him and was startled. That it is a simple, human, reaction. Why am I so JUMPY? Guilty conscious? Perhaps an Inquisitor and I should... Talk.
And dropping my wine? Making a SCENE? Am I seeking to undermine his Majesty?
That's ON TOP of the fact, that... frankly? My House can not AFFORD to replace a wine stained dress. With his Majesty's demands for constant decadence yet performative humility, his hoarding of wealth and demands of tribute? We are barely scrapping by. Most "graciously spared" survivors are.
Not ALLOWED to become lower class. Disappear into the masses and work or live quiet, modest lives. No. We must PROVE our LOYALTY to his Majesty. Constantly. Forever. Right up until we fail and are punished for it. In a sick game, no one can ever hope to win but him.
We are to continue on, as though he did not burn the world down. Yet in revamped parody of what was. Like a social outcast, holding towns hostage, to play out "high school prom" as the MOST popular kid, forever and ever and always more. Or ELSE. Because he never grew up and never got over it. Because people didn't like him. So he'll MAKE them. Kill them if they refuse.
The fifteenth version of this dress. Lace carefully taken off and redone elsewhere, I cycle through "new dresses" and trade with allies who are about my size. Who could possibly afford to meet the man's mad demands? When we are barely feeding are own? When he has seized our assets yet will not let us work?
We are dying.
Painted in what inherited gold, silks, and jewels remain. Terrified. We are dying.
"Nothing to say? How quiet. One might think you are... afraid. But how could that be? You would know, as a loyal servant of his Majesty, that you have nothing to fear from us. No Inquisitor would harm one of the loyal subjects, of our beloved ruler. You are perfectly safe... that is, of course, assuming... you are, in fact, Loyal."
The near shifting of heavy cloth against heavy cloth, the sigh as it slid against armor, markes a deadly presence behind me. Light, almost silent, steps are nearly lost under the music, as he moves. Circling me like a hunter. I force myself to turn towards him instead of shying away. Claw control back of my instinct frozen limbs, with desperate hands. I cannot, CANNOT afford this.
"Ah, but you are sick. Headache, perhaps? The drink too strong?"
Red eyes bore into me from a silver mask. Infamous claws, on hands that have done so much, are tucked behind his back like gentleman, out on a stroll. Bone white robes, over armored black under robes. Monochromatic, blood red, and silver steel.
The Grand Inquisitor.
"Perhaps you've tired yourself. With all that dancing you did not do. So many questions. So few answers. But then, ah, I've been speaking so rudely, my dear. Talking over you. How has your evening been, hmm? Pleasant, I take it?" His voice was as light and almost charming, as a gentle hand; wrapped delicately around the throat. Not squeezing, not yet, just a simple remind that it could. If he did not like, what you had or were about to say. "Come, sit, I insist."
The smile on my face felt like it was a dam under pressure. Like my teeth could only barely held back the screaming in my head. The mask of my expression, covered in hair line fractures, only just holding together as I nodded. Followed along. Hysterical comparisons to the march before firing squads, danced in the back of my head. I shoved them back. Down and far away. I... I had to be present. Alert.
The chandelier's light caught with terrible beauty, on the brutal points of his claws. As he gestured, almost a mockery of the polite gentleman. He would be one, if not for the unspeakable things he had done. He was certainly polite. His etiquette immaculate.
Social dances. A mockery of comfort. Mock, mock, mock. His mere presence, his brutality, desecrated it all. Made profane the familiar. For who? WHO? Could break bread with the butcher of men? Could smile politely and serve them thoughtful bits of nothing? Treat them as your own? Yet... yet we were all to afraid to resist. To refuse.
Did they delight? Forcing us to welcome them, where they clearly were not wanted? Where we could not refuse them? Perverting the purpose of our traditions and our ways? Was... was it funny? Or just another tool to use against us?
Smile, dip your head, a small curtsy or bow. The guest invited sits first, serve drinks, time appropriate food if you have it. In my head I knew each step. The etiquette of the classes and why each was the way it was. He did not reach for the pitcher on the table. Merely settled back into his chair, like a throne.
Was he deliberately breaking the social norm? To create discomfort and pressure me to talk? Did he not know? His past was shrouded in mystery. Perhaps he simply did not feel like it. Who, here, could insist? Shun him for his rudeness?
I tried not to sweat, under his heavy gaze. Did not partake. Sat, back straight, my gentle mask-like smile fixed, as I stared over his shoulder. A pretty doll. Ragged and worn around the edges. Trying desperately to appear The Good And Loyal Citizen, least something... Unfortunate, happen.
"What a lovely dress." He mused into the tense silence, breaking it to brutal shards. "Yet, I can not help but notice the shade. The cut and design. Madame Signe's work, isn't it? It suits you." Everything inside me went cold. It was. But if he recognized it...
"Yet? I can not help but wonder, my dear. Why the lace is in the wrong place? You wouldn't happen to be trying to pass off that dress as something new, would you? Trying to subvert and undermine his Majesty's very clear command? That would be treasonous. And you, such a loyal subject, would never."
He knew.
I didn't know how much he knew, but he DID.
Struggling not to shake, not to give everything away, I lied. Of course, I did. Right through my teeth. I would, I had, and I promised. Straight to the end. Lie and lie, until I had nothing left in me. I know nothing, I know no one, there is nothing here to find. Lies upon lies, all while those I love flee for their lives. Praying to gods I don't think can even hear me, that it will be enough.
The slight tilt of his head somehow projected a sense of mocking indulgence. One long leg crossed the other, lounging like a warlord. The clawed gauntlets on full, gruesome display. Every part of him, from the set of his shoulders to the angle he sat, radiated amusement. As though he were watching a silly little child, playing foolish little games. Getting into mischief, then trying to hide the obvious evidence.
Was I quite done? His silence seem to say. He can wait.
I tilted my chin up with a strength and defiance I did not feel. Yes, I was done. Let come what may. I... I tried.
"So afraid, dear citizen. Acting as though I'm some sort of monster in the night, out to butcher and hunt the innocent. One might get the wrong impression. You might even hurt my feelings." He laughs, a sound that seems to roll and fall dangerously, past grinning teeth. Sharp and deadly. "But of course... I understand, I do. About your dress. You can not help it."
"After all, you have not changed a bit."
"Still compelled, against all rhyme and reason, to tend to the wretched under classes. The filth and wastrels. Beggars and whores. Instead of purchasing dresses for parties? You, oh loyal Citizen, are of course, exemplifying his Majesty's great Mercy."
That's not what... He KNOWS it's not... Where is he GOING with this?
"Yes, we must make exceptions, perhaps. Have mercy. After all... you had nothing but the best of intentions. And how can I hold that against you? When you can not help what you are? Soft and foolish. So very merciful and giving. Humane."
He dropped the word like it was a joke. Almost snide, laughter haunting the edges of it like a pack of hunting hounds. As though humanity to others, itself, was laughable. What a joke, he seemed to suggest, the mere concept of mercy. Of compassion for the sake of it.
So, why? What game was he playing? If he had to mercy to give me? Why even suggest...?
"Do you remember, the Revolution? That glorious rise, as the old fell away. As shackles were broken. As class lines no longer bound us. As we, both children, sat in the dark?"
No... no it... please, God, it can't....
The music was very far away. Muted, as though through blankets. Conversations becoming indistinct. Memories of stale air and dust. Packed earth beneath me and cold stone pressing against my back. The terrible, uncertain creek, of cheap woods from both the crates and ceiling above us. Everything that COULD be stacked against the doors, was.
Wondering if we would survive fire. If they, in their anger and hate, would think of it. Oh god, oh god, we were just kids-!
White hair, like bone, forever silent and staring. Never came close but showed up every time I did, they noted. A crush. Local boy, they mused. He was too thin. Bruises where there shouldn't be. Scars on skin too young. He didn't run when I went to him, but never came to me. I tried to feed him. Just one more story. So many tragedies, that I could do so little to change. All I had was soup.
"Ah~ there it is. You recognize me now. It's been so long, hasn't it, my dear?" Something pleased and horrifying, curled like spreading poison through his tone. "I am a man, grown, now. Have become quite accomplished, if I do say so myself. Wealthy, influential, well connected. Powerful. No longer weak and unworthy of your time."
"In fact," He leaned forward, as though telling a secret. Almost playful, despite the horror of his words. "It's my turn to control you. To be the powerful one. To have everything while you have nothing."
"I will admit... I have been waiting for this for a very long time. You were so beautiful. Trapped in you wretched blood bought finery, chained to the House that would keep us apart. I knew even then, that I would have you, that I was the ONLY one that could be allowed to have you. No one else. And oh, his Majesty has been so very, very obliging."
Folded papers were withdrawn from his robes. Offered almost carelessly. If it weren't for the intensity of his stare? I would believe he didn't care, how I reacted. With shaking hands. I smooth the pages as I open it. From the desk of the Emperor himself... a... a marriage contract.
"Exactly as I wanted. You'll never escape me again. Smile, my dear."
"We're getting married."
#threepandas#yandere#yandere x reader#yanblr#reader insert#yanderecore#yandere Inquisitor#yandere with a 10 year plan#while you were out stalking YOUR darling#he was putting in the WORK#doing politics and... Asking Questions#fist of the autocratic regime yandere#ya fukkin casuals#terrified reader#she should have RUN#tw revolution#tw death#tw infant deaths implied#tw infant death#fem reader#powerful yandere#power imbalance#dont know what else to put
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I often see debates on what Jason actually listens in music, and I think we as society need more of "Jason listens almost everything, depending on his mood" flavour, actually.
Jason Todd, whose music taste just depends on the day or an hour of a day, and his family can't keep up with that.
The Batfam: (having a brief meeting in the Batcave, going over some case)
Stephanie, putting her papers aside: Okay, I am tired of pretending that I don't hear anything — what is with the screaming sounds from the manor?
Bruce, with noise-cancelling plugs in his ears: Jason's hard rock hour. Ignore it.
Stephanie, blinking: Okay.
Nightwing, in the middle of banter with goons: What? Why are you suddenly so scared—
Red Hood, storming in on his bike, with Taylor Swift's songs roaring: ARE YOU READY FOR IT?!
Nightwing: A-ah, checks out. But you should be glad, guys. The last dude got his shit beat out of him on the beat of "made it out alive, but I think I lost it" song with a crowbar. Taylor Swift is chill.
Damian, sitting down in the car, warily: Todd. Why are you escorting me to the school today?
Jason, shrugging: Alfred is busy.
Damian, swallowing down, eying at the music system: ...Okay.
Jason: (casually puts a classical music)
Damian: (sighs out in a relief)
Black Mask, at some point: Did the Red Hood guy just wrecked me while rapping Eminem?!!?
#he listens to country music when working with cars (Bruce is the only one who enjoys it)#no one is amused when Jason puts I Bet On Losing Dogs on the loop for five hours tho#jason todd#red hood#dcu comics#dc universe#dcu#batman#bruce wayne#batfamily#batfam#dick grayson#nightwing#damian wayne#black mask#roman sionis#stephanie brown
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Funny things I found out playing with language setting in Netflix while looking episode 15:

Chilchuck's scream sounds HAUNTED in brazilian portuguese. Give it a try if you can.
(You can hear it here)

In spanish dub, Senshi says: "tocó mis senos de hombre", which means "he touched my man boobs" in Spanish. And I think that's the best dub line one so far.
#i love replaying certain scenes (usually screams) to see how they nailed it in other dubs#ive done it with Chilchuck & Mickbell screams because they're the funniest ones#give it a shot if you can#its really funny to hear certain character voices in other languages#for example. brazilian portuguesse gave both mickbell and chilchuck un-childlike voices (in japaneese both sound like little childs)#and they reused Chilchuck's japaneese screams for most of the other languages because he is so high-pitched and full of terror that it work#dungeon meshi#chilchuck#chilchuck tims#dunmeshi#delicious in dungeon#senshi#senshi of izganda#senshi dungeon meshi#idk how do you people screen record the episodes#if i knew how to i would put the shots here#my shit#thanks to the one that made the clip on Chil's scream im in love here <3
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#mha#bkdk#bakudeku#bakugou katsuki#izuku midoriya#my art#bnha#bnha fanart#mha fanart#lore is that this is established relationship bkdk but like early days#izuku really should give him a key atp but hes working his way up to it#his neighbors are starting to get concerned#i drew the floorplan for his entire apartment complex just to only draw one room#teacher!izuku#PH!katsuki#he's just getting off his patrol shift#dont ask me why i put most of my effort into the top view of his desk#i made a 3d model of it in blender bc i couldnt conceptualize how the lighting would work wit h so many sources
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Sentient Mystery Shack, who is really biased towards Stan, so when Ford tells Stan he has to give it back after the summer it’s on sight.
Ford keeps tripping over nothing, nothing is where it's supposed to be and somehow he keeps running into closets when he tries to go outside.
But the worst part, the WORST part is that Ford's lightbulb just won't. Work. No matter what he does it keeps flickering and exploding.
Ford is spiraling.
There is no reason why it shoudln’t work. All his trial runs work perfectly. He’s already checked the Shacks wiring three times and relearned this dimensions science from the ground up.
Nothing works.
The Rift? Bill? The impending apocalypse? Eating? Sleep? Who cares about that.
It doesn’t help that Stan keeps laughing at him.
“Then you do it!” Ford eventually snaps at Stan.
Stan shrugs and with a little song under his breath screws his own lightbulb in. It works perfectly.
Stanford screams.
#gravity falls#stanley pines#stanford pines#the mystery shack#afterwards stan can be seen gently petting the kitchen door#the lightbulb shines a little brighter#that time in the show where soos mentioned how funny it would be if the exit door was actually a closet#thats a game the shack likes to play with soos#the kids are bored or need a new room? suddenly they find a mysterious new room in the shack#stan cant find his remote? the shack just really wanted to watch old timey movies with stan. it knows stan best. it knew stan would have fu#stans thr shacks blorbo after all#stan also turned the shack from a cold messy research facility into a fun home that gets lots of visitors#the shack loves the tourists and mr mystery#so many stories and different people to watch#stan also hasnt paid the electricity bill in years everything still works somehow#and if they hadnt defeated gideom when they did the shavk wouldve shown that little bastard why they used to call it the murder hut 😡#the thing is ford already checked if hes cursed or if something elsemis going on with the shack and he put gravity falls weirdness factor#into account but he cant find anything out of the ordinary#the shack is just going backt o normal.everytime he turns his scanners on to check#besides theres no way the shack would turn against ford -its his house he built it#so it definitely cant be that
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put dick on a team and trust he will make sure they can perform as an acrobat troop
#fab five you will always be famous#theyre my little guys ever#dick grayson#donna troy#wally west#garth of shayeris#roy harper#fab five#dc#dc comics#putting everyone in random ass colors cause why not#casual work out wear am i right or am i right#IK dick was screaming cheering applauding as soon as donna was good enough to do crazy shit#her super strength and flying? oh what a partner to have#oh wait context. speedy wasnt a member yet in the circus issue so he wouldnt be in on the acrobat shit#he joined later#titans#teen titans
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#my art#oc#murdoch#dragon#anthro#furry#deer#illustration#i've been fiddling with this for ages lol but i'm leaving it alone now#wanted to render his jacket more but uhhhh maybe the simplicity works better. or i cant render#anyway murdoch is so fun to draw i can't lie. i've been making him worse lately. nastier. more fleshed out#i do love him....and i hate him....and of course i love him....i will put him into a blender. and make art with the viscera#finally figuring out the story he's from and FINALLY designed the protag he'll be deeply involved with#been trying to design this girlie for more than half a year...hopefully i will draw her nicely at some point#anyway PEACE and sorry to the monthly art draw people i have been busy but i will finally do the draw tomorrow
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Work to be done 🍳
#One Piece#sanji#description in alt text#blatant thirst trap bc I think he'd have nice forearms. like yes of course he's Leg Guy but he puts those arms to work too!!
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Hey, Spitfire! Try not to kill your brother ahead of time!
Looking for Ursa right after being banished had some...wildly unexpected results. One: Zuko actually found her. Two: she wasn't alone. Three: leaving her children behind in order to protect them was, apparently, just something she did.
Looking at the bright side, Zuko now had a three-year-old younger brother to look after. Looking at the dark side, Zuko now had a three-year-old kid he needed to parent while also keeping him a secret from his father because—may Agni help him—the Fire Lord would have to go through Zuko first if he dared to even look at Lu Ten II.
(AKA an AU in which Zuko is a good big brother and doesn't want another kid to grow up like he did.)
#atla#avatar the last airbender#zuko#atla fanart#atla art#prince zuko#Spitfire AU#spitfire#atla oc#atla zuko#zuko art#zuko fanart#Lu Ten II#lu ten fanart#lu ten atla#lu ten#Prince Lu Ten II#atla ursa#princess ursa#Ten Ten#dadko#atla au#In which Zuko is a little older; a little wiser; has a little brother—and it changes everything (or does it?).#He's a teenager parenting a child in an environment that's...not quite child-friendly—he's a mess and has no idea of what he's doing.#In time protecting little Ten Ten becomes his sole priority. But that comes with its own drawbacks.#What would he do to protect the kid? What *wouldn't* he do? Does he desert his mission and military and put Ten Ten in danger?#Does he stay quiet and allow the war to unfold if it means that Lu Ten II will be safe from it? (He tries—Agni knows that he tries)#(But Zuko never gives up without a fight. This just means he needs to learn how to pick his battles.)#(And sure—pretending to chase after the Avatar while he protects the Gaang in secret is a fine line to walk. But Zuko will make it work.)#(He has to—for Ten Ten's future)
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Halloween AU!!!
hey so. i put SOOOOO much effort into this au and for what? at least it ended up looking cool? anyways Halloween is my favorite holiday and i just HAD to make something for them!
i had a LOT of ideas for what everyone would be, but i really wanted to stick to a certain theme cause it's based around Halloween. i knew i had to have a vampire, werewolf, and a witch. cause like... obviously. iconic Halloween stuff!! but i took some liberties with everyone else and i think they turned out pretty cool!!
Jason was originally a fox shifter (which i still love and might draw art for some day) but i went with a bear in the end. is that because i thought about tiny bear cub Jaybin and wanted to cry? yeah. yeah it is. i KNEW Steph was going to be my werewolf though i started doubting myself when i went to draw her. turned out to be my favorite drawing on here which makes sense cause she is my light my love my daughter my will to live and all that jazz
Tim was actually gonna be a harpy but thank god i didn't go for that in the end. Duke was the one that was a bitch and a half trying to figure out BUT!! comments on the post asking what y'all thought led me towards Psychic so THANK YOUUUU everybody that commented!! (specifically those who thought of ghost!! Duke and Tim ended up being a perfect duo in this au)
Babs was pretty easy to figure out what I wanted for her. I read somewhere that they are seen as protectors of forests/ are considered spiritual authority figures and also.... she looks cool as fuck. Did not expect how easy it was to find a ref for a deer in a wheelchair though? I can never find the right hand or face angle reference but that was super easy???
For Bruce there was literally no question he HAD to be human. it's literally so funny that everyone who knows Batman thinks he's a spooky vampire but he's human. his first son, however?????? THAT'S the vampire. I knew Dick had to be a vampire too. A little nod towards that one comic run but in my au nothing bad happens ever 🥰 Damian also being a bat shifter is very on purpose because how funny is it that he's a bat man. Literally not a single person in the League thinks that Bruce is telling the truth about being human. Bruce you are NOT beating the secretly a vampire allegations.
adding in Jay's hilarious joke it's so fucking funny:
Alfred is actually a demon. I CAN NOT remember who made this post so if someone can help me find it, it would be appreciated!! because this was inspired by them!!! but somewhere i saw someone talk about Alfred being a demon that Thomas and Martha made a deal with (i think it was for an au idea?) and I just HAD to put it here. Alfred looks so human and everyone expects it, but he's definitely not. I put the ??? because it's so fucking funny. see if you can spot the 1 hint i put on his drawing that something is amiss!!
Peter is from an alternate dimension still, but it is not a world of creatures like him, it's just the same as LoF canon except Peter grew some extra limbs and eyes. He finds that it's actually pretty easy to fit in with the Waynes. Hard to feel like a freak when a guy can turn into a fucking bear, or your dad is a vampire, and the teenagers in the family are trying to summon ghosts or make potions.
additional doodles for this au:
i am still debating whether i am going to draw something for this au or write a oneshot, but i DO want to do something with these for Halloween
#(putting a hypnosis thingmabob in front of you)#oooooo you don't notice i forgot peter's tooth gap in the character design sheets#oooooo#you're getting veryyy sleepy and so you don't notice#listen he was the last one i drew and i worked on this for 9 hours#halloween au#halloween#erinwantstowrite#ao3#ao3 fanfic#leap of faith ao3#peter parker#leap of faith catch me if you can#leap of faith#thank you for the ask!#dick grayson#bruce wayne#jason todd#tim drake#steph brown#cassandra cain#duke thomas#babs gordon#damian wayne#alfred pennyworth#batfamily#batfam#art#character design#character illustration
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The books reveal that Ford is actually a secret partier
(Available as a print on my Etsy Shop)
(wips under cut)
#doctorsiren#gravity falls#the book of bill#billford#journal 3#stanford pines#bill cipher#jheselbraum the unswerving#gravity falls fanart#digital art#my art#procreate#RAHH MY LOVE FOR MAKING MIDCENTURY-STYLE ART AT TIMES CAME IN SUPER HANDY#I think I surprised myself here 😳#(also don’t take this as shipping him and Jhes 😭💀 that’s his space fish mom 😁)#in the book of bill. obviously he and bill get drunk that time#and then in the 3rd journal#it says that after Jhes told him he had the face of the man who would defeat bill (meaning stanley lmao)#he ‘was so excited’ that he and Jhes ‘spent the entire night partying and drinking cosmic sand’#it’s funny bc Jhes is described as speaking with a steely resolve and is very calm#so it’s silly to me to picture her partying haha#I might make this one a print as well bc I really love how it looks#I’ll print it out tomorrow and decide if it’ll work well enough :) if it does I’ll put it on my shop#😭 the bill…his thumb is backwards BUT THATS NOT MY FAULT THATS LITERALLY HOW IT IS IN THE BOOK OF BILL PAGE THAT I REFERENCEDTHIS FROM WAHH#he can do whatever he wants ig
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What if the peak lords concluded that the most likely answer to the mystery of Shen Qingqiu's behavior is not that he's possessed now (because they checked and all the tests came out negative), but that he must have actually been possessed before?
No one thought to check him before, after all. They just figured he was an asshole. But then he suffers a qi deviation, almost dies, but comes back nicer. Only slightly lacking in context for his own past behavior and lifestyle, too.
It fits remarkably well, doesn't it? All this time the real Shen Qingqiu must have been trying to free himself from a demonic spirit that took possession of him in his youth! It was the demon who was the asshole, dragging his poor host to brothels, alienating his sect siblings so that they wouldn't investigate him too closely, abusing his disciples and probably weakening the sect from within as part of some nefarious plot!
But then the real Shen Qingqiu finally managed to beat back the demon himself, even being gracious enough not to point out what happened to his martial siblings and so save the sect's face. What a guy.
#svsss#scum villain#scum villain's self saving system#shen qingqiu#shen yuan#yue qingyuan is the only one who doesn't find this shockingly plausible but he can't actually explain why#so the other peak lords just think he's prioritizing their sect's reputation for once in his life by tactfully dismissing the idea#wei qingwei is 100% convinced though#man's going around all the peaks now just casually doing possession checks#thinking about making that a regularly scheduled thing like he'll just work some annual tour of the peaks with hong jing into his schedule#shang qinghua sweating bullets putting more wards on his house#frantically trying to remember if he ever wrote a concept where sqq was possessed or not#maybe??? he did??? it was a long time ago and he cycled through a lot of ideas okay
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You’re the number one fan of epic the musical??
That title belongs to Jorge Rivera-Herrans!!!

#he is his own biggest fan#his energy is so freakin contagious#as he should#and also he loves everyone’s animatics and art sooooo so much#same with the vocalists#a lot of these are reactions to the work that everyone else has put in#Jay we love you <3#my post#epic the musical#epic the wisdom saga
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i'm exactly as normal about him as I thought I'd be
#my art#trigun stampede#vash the stampede#trigun#trigun vash#vash#tristamp#trigun stampede fanart#trigun fanart#idk the tags fr this fandom sorry its babys first trigun#im not abandoning jjk but expect more other stuff sprinkled in!! including trigun <333 including him <3#ANYWAY IM SOOOOO NORMAL ABTHIM IM SO NORMAL I PROMISE#im lying im sorry im feral about him i want unspeakable things done 2 him it was over the moment i heard his voice#but [redacted] thoughts aside#hes so fun to draw oh my god how did they make a character Exactly For Me how did they make one that ticks all my boxes#hes blond but like i can work with it i will get good at rendering blond hair for him <333 hes worth it <333333#i was cruisin along mindin my business having fun learning how 2 draw him and then i get 2 the arm . +24hrs to total drawtime#all my cheats ...my safety net of being able 2 use flesh to disguise th fact that u dont reeeeally know where tendons or joints go...#out th window. this prosthetic is practically an anatomically correct model. u can see EVERYTHINg#put my entire me into trying to figure it out h i think it is ok i think i like it#god i rly cant get over how he's just a combination of all the fun parts of drawing yuuji megumi AND gojo#he is the center of their triple venn diagram and i am EATING HIM ALIVE#sorry ill calm down .... fr now.... smile :)
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au idea... tng but it's set in the 80s and the enterprise is an apartment building rather than a ship
other tenants of the building include: -Picard (the head of the college that Data attends) and Q (no one really knows what he does, he just pops in and out whenever he pleases) -Troi (high school guidance counselor) and Riker (personal trainer) and Worf used to live here too but he moved out -Beverly (still a doctor) and Wesley (burnt out college freshman) -Barclay (works at Blockbusters w/ Data and Geordi) -Guinan (bartender of a secretly gay bar)
the ds9 apartment is a whole other story
#not super happy with these drawings but i put too much effort/time to not share them anyways#its the idea that counts. not really the art#fellas is it gay to spend every waking moment of your life with your best friend? working with+ living with+ co-parenting his child?#geordi is fully under the illusion that data is aware that he's trans. but data is VERY sheltered. he wouldn't know the difference#dude talks about periods once and data's like “is it normal to do that? how come i do not? is something wrong with me?”#data got taught everything he needed to know about sex (dr soong was weird) but regular information like that? nope. definitely not.#data soong#geordi la forge#lal soong#star trek#star trek the next generation#alternate universe#tng#star trek fanart#fanart#art
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