#he was never able to reciprocate out of feeling like he wasn't good enough
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theloveinc · 11 months ago
Shinsou had a crush on you since like, young kids days and never thought you noticed him, but that was good cause maybe you thought he was a weird kid, so once he beefed up and finally got the confidence to talk to you it gets shut right tf back down when you're like "Of course i remember you!"
I don't know which part is worse............................ Shinso being so absorbed in his own supposed loser-hood in his youth that he essentially ignored you for 5-10 years while he was working out his self esteem issues ... or the fact that you not only DO remember him, berry well at that, but don't really think anything of it because you thought HE was kinda... a jerk for never being nice to you back.
(Cuz on one hand, you're so sweet, smiling at him when he approaches you, genuinely, just like you did back when you were both under ten and you'd smile at him from the other side of the park... but on the other hand, you don't hesitate to turn right back to your own friends after he barely manages to answer your "how have you been" question and you give him pity eyes like you still think he's a shy headass.
It's just... he doesn't want to fuck it up a second time and lose his momentum... but all the confidence he put into the moment deflated the second he realized you were even more beautiful and more kind than he remembered you and it got him tripping over his words)
ANYWAY then there's another 2-4 months of him trying to get your number just to be a fool over text before even managing to convince you he's worth a fucking damn LOL.
(And he is worth a damn, so much more than a damn because he's willing to give anything and everything up for you but... doesn't know how to say it in a way that wouldn't scare you off for good...
Not to mention he's so fucking bad at texting. Yes, his dry humor is funny as hell but he's not trying to be funny with you, he's trying to WOO you and so the whole thing is just him making excuses to reach out to you even tho texting first for him is like plucking ass hair.)
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kaszuma · 9 months ago
Second Guesses | Hoshina Soshiro
Part 4 of "Certainly Yours"
pairing: Hoshina Soshiro × fem!reader
summary: you and Soshiro have never once addressed your relationship. But that all changes when he sees a man hand you a drink.
warnings: mentions of alcohol. Adult drinking. Afterparty drinking. Hint of Jealousy, Nothing too serious.
wc: 2,836
note: Not proofread. Not really good at writing jealousy for Soshiro. I assumed he'd be more subtle in his advances. I've already planned out the next part. Might be getting an NSFW scene soon. So stay tuned.
It's been a few days since you've established this strange relationship with the Vice Captain of the Third Division.
All those admiring glances and careful touches have now been pried open to reveal lasting kisses in the hallways of the early mornings when no one was watching. Even in the heat of the afternoons, he made it very clear to you that he was handsy. Desperate to be close to you. And his palms, which had often been restrained to make innocent touches on your shoulder. Would evolve into a hasty fit of grabbing. Slotting themselves around your waist, subtly spelling his name on the small of your back. All a ploy to pull you much closer when you kiss.
And you reciprocated all the same by running your hands through the smooth roots of his hair. Scratching the gradual taper down to the base of his neck. Where you'd feel him shudder from your touch. Desperate enough so that he stops you from your movements to reply back with an even larger gesture.
Like you had deserved the world and back.
But despite the risky kisses you two would share in the middle of work. Soshiro had made sure that no one was watching. Keeping his loving glances to the privacy of your eyes. Letting not a single person witness his affection for you.
Not letting anyone get any dirt on him. And surprisingly, he was pretty good at keeping this situation between you two a secret.
From pulling away the moment you'd hear voices. Or looking around to see if cameras and voice recordings were within reach.
And luckily since he had access to most of it, he'd easily be able to remove the evidence before Captain Ashiro can check herself.
And should they be discovered? Soshiro was a master of evasive manipulation. Likely with his words alone, he'd be able to wriggle his way out of the situation and make up an excuse for the both of you so that you won't be caught in the awkwardness of it all. Both a boon and a bane to be dealt with.
Though, you highly doubt it would ever come to that situation.
Because for as long as you remember. Despite the guise of his easy-going persona. He was still the respected Vice Captain everyone knew him as. And like his responsibilities. He remained disciplined, loyal to Kaiju slaying. His meticulousness shows in the way he practices his swordsmanship to the privacy he has with you. He keeps his cards close and you even closer.
He holds you as if you were a treasure he found and was unable to share, lest you be taken away from his safekeeping.
And God forbid, if something happened to you.
There would be hell to pay.
And like all his bad habits. He had been able to keep up this persona. Even with you, it seems he still isn't used to that newfound feeling that he's come across. He wasn't used to the ever growing importance you had on his life.
Unable to comprehend the feelings that bloomed within him when you managed to crawl your way into his hardened heart. And now that you're there, he doesn't know whether to hold you tighter or not.
And for whatever reason. You understood that sentiment exactly. Even when those words never left his mouth.
Although it wasn't ideal, you had decided not to confront his aversion to public intimacy. If he had not decided what you are to him. Then so be it. You would be nothing and everything to him, if that helped ease his mind.
Soshiro was a busy man. He was often the last person to shut off all the lights in the training room. And the first person to grab a cup of coffee in the mess hall. And to ruin that routine now, and ask for his confirmation of exclusivity? You’d rather not overwork the poor man who already has enough on his plate. The task was still far too early a concept for the both of you to grasp.
So, you let the man be.
As much as it did sting to see him ignore your presence entirely instead of greeting you in the crowded mess hall. You had not moved from your spot. Letting Soshiro take the lead. Only hearing the trace of his faint laughter ring out as he answered vaguely from the few questions he'd get from some of the officers.
And you smile knowing fully well that he had not alluded to you at all when someone asked if he was seeing anyone.
That is until that persona of his cracked unexpectedly..
It was the evening after a successful mission. The third division had just gotten back from exterminating an army of Yoju in the area. And just like its repertoire, no casualties were sustained during the attack. Not even a broken combat suit that needed fixing. Which made your job a little easier no doubt.
And now, the entirety of the Third Division had been invited out to drink. Renting a large bar down the street, nearest the base.
It hadn't been a few minutes since you sat down. Recognizing a few operators like Okonogi who invited you to sit down next to her. She had excused herself momentarily, likely a trip to the restrooms. When suddenly a martini slid towards you. It had the color of liquid poison, and it reminds you that you haven't had a single drink that night. Unlike the few rambunctious folks who had cheered when a glass of beer was poured to their glasses.
The moment you turn your head you see the telltale signs of an Officer staring right back at you. His grin was one you hadn't recognized, languidly pushing the pretty glass towards you where it was within reach. His cheeks aflame from the steady intake of alcohol.
He was likely a new officer. A recruit from this year's batch. Otherwise, you'd have recognized him from the plenty of times officers would come by to the lab to have their weapons upgraded or repaired.
“Drink up! It's a successful night after all.” He moved uncomfortably closer. And you could smell the stench of his breath that made you want to cringe away. But you didn't really want to seem rude, so you gently nudged him back. To leave enough room between the two of you. Luckily he had seemed to have gotten the hint and poured another glass for himself.
“Want another one?”
The encouragement makes you smile. He had likely not realized that he had been talking to the wrong person. Too drunk to notice that you weren't an officer like the rest of the people in the bar.
“No thank you. I'm good.” you said. “Though, you might consider drinking some water? Maybe it'll help you sober up.” You gestured to the bartender. Though the martini is handed to your palms before you could raise your hand. And you caught yourself before the liquid could make a mess and spill all over the place.
“The night's still young and it's rare that the Captains are treating us to a drink.” He convinced you. And you find yourself second guessing, staring at your drink in thought.
It did look like a very expensive martini. And from the looks of the officer that had offered it to you, he'd been chugging down his own set that he had ordered himself. Already moving on to give you some of his glasses that he had planned to drink.
It wouldn't hurt to taste it, right?
“I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try.” You had interjected, already moving the petite glass to your lips.
What you hadn't realized however, was the intense stare you'd get from the back of your head. Red eyes line your figure from across the room. And the bottle of Sake he had ordered was long forgotten at his table with Captain Ashiro.
Before you knew it, the glass rim had been blocked by a hand. And you could see the appearance of an arm obscure the right side of your vision. Blocking both the drink and the drunken gaze from the officer in question.
“Don't ya know you shouldn't accept drinks from strangers, sweetheart?”
Soshiro's husky voice quivered from behind. And you could hear the way his chest rumbled as it pressed against your back. Hand already putting the martini back on the table, away from your lips.
“Vice Captain..?” You hear the officer exclaim in slow syllables. And suddenly the man shot up in a salute. Though dazed from the drinks he clearly had, the rest of the officers behind him had laughed. Clearly amused that the Vice Captain had made an appearance, with an audience no less.
And that was enough to turn your head around to meet his eyes.
And his smile. The smile that had always been difficult to read, had not faded at all the moment you faced him. At least not entirely, as it looked a little irritated. More forced than usual. It seems you're starting to get better at reading his grins. At least, to some extent.
“At ease, we're just about to leave.” He spoke nonchalantly. His gaze not once leaving yours. Which makes your breath hitch slightly.
Your eyes had darted around, first seeing the perplexed faces of the officers. And then seeing the calm expression of both Okonogi and Captain Ashiro just eating some karaage from the sidelines. With the bespectacled girl in particular, clearly enjoying the attention both you and Soshiro had received. She had probably returned long ago and saw the commotion happening.
Likely alluding to the fact that they had already been made aware of their strange relationship. Which makes you a little calmer, knowing that this hadn't been an official work setting. Celebrations at the bar is one thing, but plenty of the Third had still been present, making this seem all the more exposed than ever.
Why was he here?
Wasn't he afraid of letting people know about them? or whatever situation their relationship was at the moment. He had made it very clear that he wasn't keen on his admission. Not a single word from his lips that they were more than friends. Let alone lovers. What's changed?
“We were?” You had whispered to him.
“We are. So let's go, yeah?” He simply gestures for you to stand up, hand on the small of your back whilst pointing his chin to the direction of the door. Though before he could gently lead you away the same officer had squinted his eyes. As if a strange idea had popped into his head, but had doubted the premise for it to be factual.
“Where are ya’ going, Vice Captain? You can't just pick girls up like that..” You had seen the small twitch on the corner of Soshiro's lips. It quivers in that irritation you knew well. And it was just their luck that this drunken officer had spoken his thoughts out loud.
Shit. You decide to intervene. “No need to worry, I was just about to grab an uber back to base anyway-”
“What?” Soshiro had looked at you. “No yer’ not, do you know how late it is?”
You had flinched upon hearing Soshiro's firm voice. A first in which he spoke to you with a slightly raised tone. And you could feel the curious stares in your direction.
“Yes, I am.” You said. “And the Vice Captain here is only going to escort me out until my ride is here.” You say between gritted teeth. The sorry excuse of a reasoning was sloppy at best, but you had at least hoped some people had just gotten the picture and left the topic alone.
But Soshiro couldn't help but sigh, remorseful of the way he had raised your voice at you like that. He was only concerned for your safety. And added to the irritation of prying eyes, he didn't mean to reveal so much just from one sentence of his.
“No, Just-” He starts, “Listen, I'll take ya home myself. I don't want ya out this late. Now come on.”
He had grabbed your wrist. Already pulling you along to the exit. Of course, this had garnered stares from their audience. And although some had been wise enough not to ask further questions.In fear of insubordination, it seems not everyone had been sober enough to read the room.
“Woah..Am I missing something here? It's like you two are dating.” The officer had taken a sip of his martini. Curiously glancing around and back at the two of you.
And Soshiro looks back at the crowd who now had incredulous looks on their faces.
“Got a problem with that, soldier?” He spoke with his eyes open. Deep crimson staring at the soldier who could barely stand from the Alcohol he consumed. And you could feel the way Soshiro had nudged you past the door before you could meet any of their prying eyes.
“N-no sir.” He had gulped, turning around to pour himself a shot. Likely already knowing that he might've done himself in by the look at Soshiro's face. His expression, though laid-back as usual, had spoken everything it needed to tell him.
And he was definitely going to run laps, or clean bathrooms the morning after.
“You there. Remind him tomorrow morning to meet me in my office.” He pointed towards the Officer that was nearest the drunken man. Who had proceeded to drink another glass. And before he could hear the response. He walks out the bar's entrance, with you in tow.
Immediately you turned towards him. Brows furrowed in response to his strange behavior. Jealousy was one thing, but now you had an even bigger question. A more sincere one, that you didn't think would be a possibility until now.
“Did you really mean that?” You spoke hesitantly. Watching him walk past you, fishing out the keys for his car.
“Mean what, sugar plum?” and you had half a mind to roll your eyes. Suddenly baffled that his demeanor changed so quickly.
“Don't change the subject. Do you or do you not mean it?” She had stopped walking. And halfway on his step Soshiro had turned towards her. A hint of shock on his expression, but it was so miniscule that you were second guessing if it was truly there.
And his grin had been all the same.
Silence would engulf the two for a moment. The type that had been sickening if it went on for too long. But Soshiro hadn't let it get that far. And he spoke.
“I mean it.”
He had turned to avoid your gaze. His hand fidgets to fish out the keys in his pockets, despite having already found it long ago. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it for a while..I just..didn't know how.”
“So you shamelessly announce it to the entire Third Division?” You couldn't help but smile. Reaching out for his hand until she held him firmly. And his touch had all but devoured her warmth.
“Do ya’ have to remind me?”
“Yeah. You dug your own grave on that one.” A chuckle escaped your lips. And he turns to you. With unusually pink cheeks that had reddened up to his ears. A rare sight to behold it seems.
“So?” He started. “Do you want to? Be with me, I mean.”
“Hmm…let me think..” You had walked much closer to him. Until you were practically chest to chest with his solid form. And before you knew it, you were leaning up to capture his lips for a momentary kiss. Taking his breath away like all the times he had done the same to you.
Though, you hadn't expected his immediate reply when he slid his free hand to your jaw. Replying back with purposeful kisses. This time, slow and drawn out. Not at all the rush you were used to from all the kisses prior. The haste was likely a result from not wanting to get caught.
And the moment you pull away, you could see the familiar cheeky grin he has on that face of his. Thumb running across the underside of your jaw. “I assume that's a yes?”
“What do you think, genius?”
You feel yourself be pulled into a tight embrace. And you could smell the fresh laundry of his uniform invade your senses. His scent had been all but intoxicating. Relaxing you to the bone. Helping you feel safe within his arms that not even a single Kaiju would dare threaten.
“Yer’ really keepin me second guessing huh? I suppose I deserve that.” He spoke, burying his face against the crown of your hair. Relishing in the feeling of your steady form.
And he supposes he'll have to ask a thousand times more if he was allowed to.
So that no more second guesses are made.
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vikkirosko · 11 months ago
Hi, if you're all right with this. Could you do How would Metal Family characters Dee, Heavy, Glam, and Ches would react to s/o having hair even longer than theirs? Like their s/o hair is really curly, and it goes all the way down to their waist or butt. How would they react to seeing their s/o undoing their bun and letting their hair down for the first time in front of them? How would they react to seeing their s/o's hair so long?😊
Headcanons Long hair
💖 Glam x Reader 🎸
Glam often kept his hair loose, while you always tied it in a bun so that your hair would not interfere with you. He was not shy about saying that you had beautiful hair, and you reciprocated this by touching his hair several times, with his permission, and saying how soft and fluffy they were. You really liked his hair
You spent a lot of time together. When you were once again spending time together cooking lunch, Glam heard a strange sound. When he looked at you, about to ask what it was, he saw you with your hair down. As it turned out, your hair band broke, it was the sound of the hair band tearing that he heard
You quickly brought a spare hair band that was in your bag, and Glam helped you tie your hair back into a bun. He said in a matter-of-fact tone that you have beautiful hair and that it must be hard for you to take care of it all the time. Your hair was long enough to reach your waist and it was obvious that you spent a lot of time trying to keep it in good condition
When Glam finished tying your hair, you were able to return to cooking. He could safely say that you looked beautiful both with your hair down and tied in a bun. He wasn't going to convince you to wear your hair down if you were uncomfortable. The main thing for him was that you felt comfortable
📚 Dee x Reader 📱
Dee and you were in the same class and you were the only one from his class with whom he talked a lot. Sometimes his gaze caught on the bun in which your hair was gathered. You always kept your hair tied up so that it wouldn't interfere with your daily life. Dee assumed you had long hair, but he didn't know how long
You skipped physical education together, preferring to sit on benches. Usually you chatted, discussing various little things, but this time when you came there was irritation on your face and your hair, reaching the length of your buttocks, was loose. As it turned out, your hair band broke and because of this you were forced to walk with your hair down, which bothered you
Looking at how you stubbornly tucked strands of hair behind your ears, he took out his spare hair band from his backpack and gave it to you. You hugged him tightly in gratitude and hurried to tie your hair. With your hair tied back in a bun, you looked much more familiar, but Dee would be lying if he said that your loose hair did not look beautiful
He liked you both with your hair tied up in a bun and with your hair down. He didn't dare to do it openly, but he was interested to know what your hair felt like. Maybe someday he could decide not only to confess his feelings to you, but also that he thought your hair was beautiful
🎮 Heavy x Reader 🐱
You and Heavy have been in the same class for the last few years. You were one of the people closest to him. You spent a lot of time together and Heavy was very serious about arranging a date for the two of you. But in all the time that he has known you, he has never seen you with your hair down. You kept your hair tied up in a bun all the time so that it wouldn't get in your way
Heavy often went to visit you and during one of these visits he asked you to let your hair down. You were surprised by his request, but you agreed. Heavy was mesmerized by you with your hair down. Your hair reached your waist and, feeling his gaze on you, you shyly tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and blood rushed to your cheeks
He asked you, with a twinkle in his eyes, if he could braid your hair. You laughed softly but agreed, turning your back on him and giving him access to your hair. You didn't see how focused his face was, but Heavy really tried to make the braid look beautiful
When Heavy finished, your hair was braided into the braid he worked so hard for. Heavy was proud to tell you that he learned how to braid braids by watching his mom and he was glad that he was able to put his knowledge into practice. You had really beautiful and soft hair that he liked to touch and Heavy would be glad if you let him braid your hair again sometimes
🧄 Chive x Reader 🎸
You met Chive shortly after he opened a music store. You were the first employee he hired and you were quickly able to find a common language, not only in terms of work, but also in personal terms. However, in several years, he has never seen you untie the bun in which you gathered your hair. You claimed that it was more convenient for you to work like this, because your hair didn't bother you. He was interested to know what you looked like with your hair down, but he was in no hurry to ask you to let your hair down, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable
He invited you to his house so that you could have dinner and watch a movie together. However, in the middle of dinner, a severe thunderstorm began outside. You came to him on foot and it would have been difficult for you to get home as well. That's why Chive invited you to stay at his place for the night. He didn't want you to get hurt on the way home, and you didn't mind staying at his house overnight
After watching the movie, he gave you his T-shirt and shorts so that you would have something to change into. He was preparing a sleeping place for you while you were in the shower, and when you came out, he froze in surprise. You were wearing his clothes and your hair was disheveled and loose. It was the first time he saw you with your hair down, which reached your buttocks. You looked very homely and that made him feel warm
Looking at you sleeping next to him, he couldn't help but smile. Chive stroked your hair, watching you breathe peacefully in your sleep. Next to you, he felt the comfort of home that he had not felt for a long time. Chive hoped that this warmth would stay with you as long as possible
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kentoxo · 5 months ago
I’m glad your askbox is back on ♡ may I request something with Yuta and how Rika would behave (would she?) towards someone he has a massive crush on? I feel there will be a Conversation™️ between the two when things get spicier with reader, idk~ ily, have a lovely day!
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omg Rika would be soo like possessive but willing. like, she would never go out of turn, but she wouldn't just stand around and let him do whatever without explanation
pairing: reader (f) x crush!Yuta (aged up) ft. Rika
warnings: kissing, touching
a/n: ily2 anon!!! thank u for the req :') happy i turned on my ask right when you wanted to send a req
Rika would never let Yuta live it down.
He, too, never expected that he'd love anyone again the way he did Rika. It was a love so profound that he could not let her go. His soul is forever bonded and imbued with her love, something that has proven to be his biggest strength. But then, there was you.
Yuta's eyes would always follow you whenever you'd train, staring in awe at the way you performed as if fighting were a tango. He'd study you at a distance, sat at a few benches with Toge and Panda. With hands weaved together under his chin, he'd stare at you adoringly. But, Rika would remind him of her existence and lightly push the bench he sat on, forcing all three of the sorcerers to try not to fall forward.
"Huh?" Panda exclaimed, looking over at Toge quizzically. He looked up at the clouds, "the wind can't be that strong, can it?"
Yuta looked over at the confused pair with a sheepish smile, "sorry. Rika was... feeling playful."
Even in the dining hall, Yuta would work up the courage to go sit with you and the other sorcerers. Taking a seat across from you, he'd quietly hum a, "good evening, y/n."
You consciously had to make sure you didn't smile too much at his presence and would give a small bow, "good evening, Okkotsu." Although the both of you were similar in age, he was still Gojo's student, and you had too much respect for him.
When Yuta spoke to you, there were fireworks. His heart felt elated and full just hearing your words, and the way you spoke. How gentle the words came out of your mouth, your tongue flicking right at your enunciations. He could remain like this here, with you, forever. But, as he lifted his spoon full of soup, the spoon immediately shot out of his hand, and straight through the bowl and table, to the ground.
"S-sorry," Yuta hums in embarrassment, immediately letting out a deep sigh before beginning to clean up. But you jumped to your feet to help him, creating a bigger problem in Yuta's heart... and pants.
"No worries, let me help!" You chime.
Finally, with much time and patience, Yuta was able to confess his feelings for you. His dark circles felt as though they cleared when you reciprocated his feelings. But in Yuta's head, he was quite surprised that Rika had yet to react. Little did he know what was to come.
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You contently invited Yuta over one night as he finally had some time off. Gojo was grateful for all the missions he had taken up during a short and very needed period. He relieved him of his sorcerer duties for a week, in which Yuta had no plans besides you.
When he entered your apartment, the air immediately went hot. Although the two of you hadn't done anything yet, the sight of you in a little tank top and pajama pants was enough to do things to Yuta. Your chest was bare under that tank top, and the pants were doing your ass wonders.
He'd just stare at you, watching your lips move as you asked about his day. But once you realized he wasn't listening (and he reason why), you immediately went quiet and felt your cheeks warm. Yuta's exhausted eyes lit up, energy returning to his pale skin.
In moments, his hands snake down from your sides to your waist, slowly making its way to your bum. His dark blue eyes hold hesitance, searching for constant reassurance in your own. "Is this okay?" He murmurs, cheeks completely flushed with his bottom lip wedged between his teeth. Once you give him the greenlight, nothing stops Yuta from enjoying you.
Cold lips meet your own, and the two of you finally closed the gap. The usually respectful and patient Yuta was now replaced with the ever hungry beast before you. His tongue dragged mercilessly against your bottom lip, forcing entry to tango with your own. He tasted of green tea and fig.
You could feel his fingers dent into your ass, his force pushing your body into his own. His back meets with the wall, and your body follows suit. He smells so good... feels so good... your hands sneak its way to the top of his pants, tugging teasingly. When you did, Yuta quickly pulled away.
He kept hold of you, staring down at your beautiful face. His heart could explode now from just the way your eyes met his own. They were filled with lust and worry. "m'so sorry to stop us like this... do you think it's okay if I have a moment? With Rika?"
Your cheeks go hotter, but you understood completely. You turn around and gesture the balcony, "go ahead there. I won't disturb you." You were not even an ounce upset, and Yuta couldn't be more grateful. Leaving a peck on your forehead, he calmly walked over to the balcony and slid the door shut behind him.
In the privacy of the outside, Yuta walked over to the ledge of the balcony, propping his forearms over it. He let out a long sigh before looking up to adore the stars. He begins to toy with his ring with an amused smile, "I never realized you could do that, Rika." He referred to the way she had made the ring spin while the two of you were kissing. "I must be pushing your buttons, huh?"
Rika was above him, holding onto the side of the building. Tears began to escape her body, her hand shakily reaching down at Yuta. "Yuta..." she cried, her usual shriek replaced with a calm whimper. Yuta couldn't dare scold her, for her feelings weren't wrong.
Turning around, Yuta looks up at her and smiles, "I know; this isn't fair to you. I would give the world to reverse what happened to you, and have you here with me properly. But that isn't what happened."
Rika remains still, her gaze falling to the door of the balcony, in which you resided on the other side of it.
Yuta continues to smile brightly, "I know you don't like sharing but she... y/n, she's good to me. And I need her like I need you. She keeps me safe like you do." He walks up to her, offering a hand. "Please be kind to her, Rika."
Rika leans down slowly, hesitantly. As she cowers her head, she asks quietly, "love me [still]?"
His hand pats her head gently, "always. That will never change, Rika. I promise." After a few moments, Rika seems to accept and finds comfort in his touch. Before she exits her physical form, she causes Yuta's ring to spin once more. He chuckles, shaking his head, "I know, don't worry."
Yuta joins you back inside, where you quickly jump up and rush to him. "Did everything go well?" You ask in a hush tone.
Yuta nods, "nothing to worry about."
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elisiafarias · 7 months ago
HELLO!!! I wanted to ask you to write about the Lin Kuei with someone who is simply addicted to kissing them and wants to kiss all the time (if it seems strange you can just ignore it)
Of course I hope you like it 💞💞🐿
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He hates to admit it and never tells you, but he actually loves it when you kiss him.
He always scolds you for kissing him in front of the rest, he thinks that because he is a Grandmaster he looks vulnerable in front of his peers.
One day while he was supervising the training of his clan he was surprised by you
-Good morning my love.- You said sweetly and put your hands around his neck and then gave him a kiss.
Bihan just remained frozen because he didn't know how to react
Some of those present couldn't help but laugh a little.
As soon as the Grandmaster of the Linkuei heard them, he automatically stood on guard and pushed you away.
You looked at him surprised and hurt, you understood that it wasn't a good time but you didn't like him to react like that to you.
You just said "I'm sorry" and then you left.
You didn't manage to see your husband's face of regret, however he continued with his thing.
You two didn't see each other for the whole morning and afternoon.
*In the night*
At dusk you put on your dress, while you looked in the mirror you began to take off your earrings, and comb your hair.
Through the mirror you could see the door open, it was your husband.
-Wife.- The cryomancer said as a greeting.
-Husband.- You answered back while you were brushing your hair, even though you said it seriously deep down it was funny, since you almost never spoke to him like that.
While he began to undress you could see through the mirror that he was looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
He knew that what he did this morning was not right.
-You're quiet- He said breaking the ice.
-The truth is that I don't have anything interesting to say.- You answered.
You heard his grunt.
-Hahaha what? It's the truth.- You tried to explain.
-I know you very well wife, you always find a way to talk about even the most insignificant things.- He said as he approached you with his shirt in his hand, he was bare-chested.
You could see him in the mirror, if it weren't for your pride you would fill him with kisses.
You were nervous and didn't know what to answer him.
- I know you're upset about what happened in the morning. - The Grandmaster said as he brought his mouth close to your ear.
- There was no need to push me, you know. - You answered as you tried to look him in the eyes.
- Then you shouldn't have disobeyed my orders. - He answered sharply.
That bothered you. Was he not able to say sorry?
So you got up from the chair and started to lie down.
As you tried to lie down, you pricked yourself on something and let out a moan.
-Are you Fine?" The cryomancer asked as he approached you.
You were about to say yes, but you noticed that the cryomancer put his hand at the height of your ribs.
- I hurt you.- he said while he began to cool his hand.
The truth is that you had pricked yourself with something, and his push in the morning didn't even hurt you.
-You shouldn't treat your wife like that.- You told him with a small smile.
-Never again.- He said apologetically.
In the end he got used to your morning and night kisses, you weren't so cruel to bother him in front of the other members of the clan.
For you it was enough to start stroking his black hair, then you began to kiss him, kisses that he began to reciprocate.
Kuai Liang 🔥
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He is not usually a man who shows his love through kisses, as you like.
For some reason that he cannot explain, he does not like kisses in public very much, mostly out of modesty.
However, he loves the way you show your love through your kisses, because you make him feel loved
One day while you two were walking.
-Being Grandmaster has been a formidable task.- Said the pyromancer.
-I have seen all the effort you have made with your new clan, they are progressing well from what I see.- You answered sweetly.
-We still do not have the right initiates.- He said with some annoyance.
-My love, they have not been around for long, if you reject all those children they will never flourish.- You told him while taking his shoulder.
He responded by caressing your hand.
-I do not have much time, we must have a well-prepared clan to face Bi han.- He said with some anger when remembering his brother.
-I do not expect less from you, you have the good qualities of a Grandmaster, and you are also an honorable man.-You told him sweetly while caressing his cheek.
He took your hand and kissed it.
Then you started kissing him, Kuai Liang kissed you back for a few seconds, until he managed to see a familiar figure in the distance.
For some reason he was embarrassed, not for you, but for people to see him all lovey-dovey, so he gently pushed you away.
-Not now.- The Grandmaster told you sweetly while holding your hands.
You understood, but if it were up to you, you two would still be kissing.
When you turned around, you realized why.
-Good morning Harumi.- You said, trying to hide your displeasure.
For some reason, Harumi made you feel insecure, and you had reasons, because she was a very close friend of your husband, and lately they spend a lot of time together. However, "would he be able to be unfaithful to you? Knowing him well, no." "But would he be able to break up with you to be with her...yes" You thought.
-Y/N, we're leaving now.- Your husband told you, apparently you dissociated a lot.
-Ah yes, it's true, i hope that things are going well for you.- You told them politely.
Kuai Liang was about to ask you if something was wrong, however he let it go, then they said goodbye and left
*In the night*
You were training alone in the middle of the forest, you weren't bad at this, but you wanted to improve a lot, for your husband, who for some reason you wanted to improve for him.You thought that if you improved, you could be useful to him just like Harumi.
While you were resting you began to think if it was right to ask him if he had feelings for his old friend.However, you decided that it was best to act as if nothing had happened, you didn't want to seem jealous or argue with him.
When you returned home, you didn't expect your husband to be waiting for you.
Before you could say hello, your husband interrupted you angrily.
-Where were you? Do you have any idea how worried I was?- Scorpion told you harshly.
-I didn't mean to worry you, I just went to train in the forest.- You told him a little nervously.
-You could train with us, why go alone? If a Lin Kuei would have found you.- Kuai Liang said angrily but was interrupted.
-I didn't want to bother you.- You interrupted him.
-What?.- Your husband asked stunned.
-I know that you have been training your new clan with Harumi, however I have not been able to help you in anything and you do not want me to help you either, improving in my fight is the least I can do for you.- You began to say, you were voting out everything you had saved.
-What do you mean?.- Your husband asked more calmly.
-That I would like to help you...but I'm not like you.- You told him with some shame, you felt vulnerable.
-In what way my sweet wife?.- The Grandmaster asked in a soft tone.
-I'm not that...perfect.- You said nervously daring to look him in the eyes.
However, you saw a change of expression in your husband's gaze, he began to smile, then with both of his hands he delicately took your face and began to kiss your forehead.
-I am everything but I am not perfect, and I don't need you to be either, you honor me with your love and your loyalty.- The pyromancer said sweetly while caressing your face without stopping to look at you.
With those words, all your insecurities vanished, then you began to kiss him passionately, kisses that he returned with the same passion.
You two went to bed still kissing each other
*In the morning*
You woke up before him, so you took the opportunity to wake him up with kisses.
-You really are annoying.- He said happily while caressing your hair. Then he put his hand around your waist.
-I'll try not to be, Grandmaster.- You told him in a mocking tone.
-I didn't tell you to stop.- Scorpion said excitedly.
You happily complied with his request, you couldn't help it, kissing this man for you was a vice that you could enjoy in more private moments.
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He enjoys your kisses, and happily accepts them, even though he gets a little nervous in public.
He is not used to being shown affection in that way, but it makes him feel good, it makes him feel loved, appreciated, a feeling that few people have made him feel.
One day you went to visit him while he was helping train the people of his clan, after all he was the second in command.
You took advantage of waiting for them to finish training.
As soon as he moved away a little, you surprised him by hugging him from behind.
- I think my girlfriend is more stealthy than I thought. - He said happily as he turned to look at you, then put his hands on your waist.
You laughed a little.
- The truth is that I have not tried very hard to hide myself, are you doing this to make me feel good? - You asked him sweetly, to which he laughed.
- I'm afraid you have natural talent. - The silver-haired man said amused.
Then you began to kiss him passionately, to which he reciprocated.
From afar you could hear Hanzo saying "how disgusting"
However, you were interrupted by the Grandmaster.
- I do not mean to interrupt, Tomas I need to talk to you. - Kuai Liang said seriously.
You apologized and moved away
You had a feeling the pyromancer was upset. You left for a moment, but in the end you decided to eavesdrop, luckily none of them noticed.
When you arrived you noticed that they were arguing, something you never thought you would see the truth of.
-In this war, our determination cannot fail.- The pyromancer said angrily.
-It offends me that you think mine does.- Tomas responded, it was clear that he was hurt by his brother's words.
-Then prove it.- Said the Grandmaster, then he left without giving the Shirai ryu the chance to respond.
You saw how Tomas was left alone, it was clear that he was upset by what had just happened.
What was Kuai Liang's problem? Tomas had put everything aside to be loyal to his brother.
Was he upset that Tomas wasted his time with you? Well, in a way, he has spent a lot of time with you, but he has never neglected his duties.
You waited for Tomas to leave as well.You would go see him again later.
You felt a little guilty about what had just happened, however you felt Kuai Liang should not be so hard on his brother.
*In the afternoon*
You went to look for Tomas, but it was hard to find him, in the end you found him near the forest alone.
-Here you are.- You said smiling, and immediately you went to kiss him, to which he accepted your kisses but instead of returning them he stayed still.
-Are you okay?.- You asked him while you put your hand on his cheek. You didn't plan to tell him that you spied on his conversation with his brother
-I need to be alone for a moment.- He said dejectedly, as if he were trying to apologize, while he caressed your hand.
-Are you sure?.- You asked him worried.
-Don't worry, I'll be fine, I just need to be alone for a moment.- He answered with a weak smile.
-It's okay, just take care of yourself, okay?.- You told him sweetly while caressing his hand.
He just nodded, so you didn't bother him anymore, you gave him a kiss on the cheek you left.
While you were on your way home, you crossed paths with Scorpion.
For some reason you got nervous, since you thought that they fought because of you. The only thing you could do was bow slightly while greeting him.
- Y/N if you're looking for Tomas he's already gone home.- Said the Grandmaster.
-I know Grandmaster, and he's not at home.- You told him trying to seem polite.
-What?.- He asked stunned.
-I noticed he was a bit sad.- You didn't want to tell him that you heard their conversation.
-Listen, all I know is that Tomas has been trying hard to be a good commander, all he's done is be loyal to you, however it seems that nothing is enough for you.- You said finally. You didn't want to be rude or make things worse, however you knew that your boyfriend would never be able to face Kuai Liang because of the love he has for him.
-I know you were spying, and let me tell you that you are not at all stealthy.- The Grandmaster replied very calmly.
That made you nervous.
-I apologize for that, but I don't apologize for what I said about Tomas, he has been through a lot- Before you could finish the pyromancer caressed your head
-I appreciate that you care about my brother, but don't worry, I'll take care of talking to him.- Kuai Liang said as he began to leave.
-I'm sorry.- You said guiltily.
-It's not necessary- Said the pyromancer and then disappeared.
Apparently he had already realized his mistake, since being a Grandmaster was not easy.
Then you went to bed with the feeling that everything would be better.
*In the Morning*
You woke up early, you wanted to see the sun rise, so you went up to the roof and lay down.
You wondered if Tomas was better now.
As if you had summoned him, he appeared out of nowhere.
-What is my girlfriend doing in the middle of the roof?- Shirai Ryu asked.
-My love, are you better?- You asked him calmly, he looked cheerful.
-You shouldn't worry so much.- he answered while lying down next to you.- Did you talk to Kuai Liang yesterday?
He asked trying to look into your eyes.
-Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- He interrupted you by kissing you, which you couldn't resist.
-He told me everything... Thank you.- Smoke said.
-Yes well *You explain everything* - When you finished he just laughed a little.
-It wasn't because of our relationship, it was because of Bi Han, Kuai Liang didn't see me very motivated to face him... and in a way it's true.- He said melancholy.
-I know that deep down you love him.- You told him sweetly.
-That i loving him a joke? *nervous laugh*.- He said nervously, it was obvious that he was lying.
-I know your heart, I know that you are so good that you can't hate Bi Han, and that you believe in his redemption.-You said as you put your hand on his chest
He looked at you excitedly, and you began to kiss him frantically, and he responded in the same way.
-I hope the Shirai Ryu don't get upset if they see us kissing like this.- You told him excitedly while you were on top of him.
-We'll try to be more discreet around them.- he said playfully.
You just nodded, but for him it meant hiding more, but for you it was fine. You were his medicine that distracted him from everything bad.
Author note:
Hello I hope you like it, remember I speak spanish So if you find weird words sorry UwU
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kelcemenow · 8 months ago
Walk With Me.
Pairing Taron Egerton x Reader
Words 3620
Warnings I think the only curse word is the first one! There's some flirting, some angst and cute moments in between! There's also a lot of time jumping but it's easy to keep up so don't worry!
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"Shit." You quietly whispered to yourself as you accidentally stepped straight into a large puddle. Shaking the water off from your shoe, you noticed that Riley was none the wiser. She was happily running along in the long grass, searching out every scent that she could trace. 
You slowly walked over to where Riley had dropped her ball and picked it up, calling her over to throw it again.
Just as the ball left your fingers, you noticed another person in the park with you. It was a man. He was quite a distance away from you, but you could see that he was standing still, staring into the nearby trees. A small, tan dog was running around his feet, but he remained still in thought.
Riley bounded back to your feet, retrieving the ball and looking up at you to throw it again. You tore your eyes away from the stranger and walked further into the park, throwing the ball ahead of you.
Your sunglasses dimmed the bright afternoon sunshine and you could feel the warm grass brushing against your sandal-clad feet. The warner weather made your daily walks with Riley much more bare-able and you gladly took a longer route on days like today.
You were almost back to your usual spot in the park when a figure in your peripheral vision caught your attention. It was the man from a few weeks earlier. He was closer than before though, you could see his hazel green eyes creasing as he smiled, watching his own dog play with a ball.  
Riley noticed also, and without a second of hesitation, ran over to greet them.
"Riley!" You called after her, making your way across the grass.
"She's okay, mine's friendly." The man shouted as you got closer.
He was right. Looking down you saw Riley and his dog sniffing and running around each other, jumping as their tails wagged in unison.
"Sorry, I just get nervous sometimes. She's still a puppy and you never know with strange dogs."
He looked up at you, "So, you're saying that my dog is strange?"
Your mouth dropped open, "Oh God no! No! That's not what I meant, I-"
His mouth curved into a smile and his eyes softened, "Relax! I'm joking!"
You exhaled and your shoulders relaxed as you smiled back at him.
"I know what you mean. I've had a few scary moments. Nelly just wants to play...some dogs don't like that, she has a lot of energy!"
You glanced back down at Riley, who was stood still now, looking in the direction of the park gates. There was an awkward pause.
“Come on, Riley.” You waved your hand away and turned on your heels.
"See you around." The man said, smiling and raising his eyebrows.
Your bright, floral summer dress waved in the breeze as some strands of hair fell down to frame your face. You smiled and looked down at the ground as you tucked some hair behind your ear.
He was walking towards you, with Nelly in tow. You'd thought about him occasionally since you last saw him, and you found yourself glancing over your outfit in the hopes that you looked good enough.
"Hello again!"
"Hi." You smiled.
Riley looked up at the man approaching her and gladly wagged her tail as he knelt down to stroke her, "I'm Taron..." He glanced over to his own dog, "...and you've already met Nelly."
You smiled again, "I'm Y/N...and I think you've made a new best friend in Riley." You looked down at she was jumping up at him, "She likes you."
He looked up at you and reciprocated your smile. "Cute."
"Yeah, she is."
"I wasn't talking about Riley."
Your mouth opened slightly, and you took a short breath. Your lips curled into a grin and he stood up slowly.
"It's a beautiful day." He looked up towards the sun, "We could walk together?"
You looked around to find Riley, who was becoming properly acquainted with Nelly. Pushing more hair out of your face from the gentle summer wind, you dropped your sunglasses down from the top of your head, "Sure."
There was a short but not uncomfortable silence as you both walked through the park, the gentle breeze making the trees hush.
“So, have you just moved to the area?” You said, hoping not to sound too intrusive.
He swallowed and cleared his throat, “Yeah, just last week.”
“I thought so, I just hadn’t seen you around?” You justified your question, “You know, you get to know the faces in the park.”
“Are you here every day then?” He asked and you swore you could hear hope in his voice.
Nodding your head, you bent down to collect Riley’s ball, “Yeah, pretty much. She has so much energy that she needs to burn off!”
“I can see that!” He said, laughing as her tiny legs moved at an impressive speed, “I bet she keeps you on your toes?”
“Something like that.”
Another short silence. You both watched as Nelly and Riley were running around, finding smells together and enjoying the summer wind. You broke your gaze from the dogs to sneak a glance at Taron, noticing his kind but piercing eyes and the faint creases in his skin. His chin was speckled with short hairs that covered his sharp jawline. He was undoubtably handsome but there seemed to be a softness to him, something that made you even more intrigued.
“So, what do you do for fun around here?” He said, slightly kicking his feet as he walked.
“Erm…it depends what you would consider fun?” You responded in a more flirtatious way than you intended.
He picked up on your tone by flicking his eyebrows upwards quickly, “I’m up for anything, me.”
You breathed a laugh, “There’s some good restaurants, and there’s a street not far from here with some amazing little independent shops. They stock my favourite hand poured candles.”
“Aww, I love candles!” He said, his voice rising in pitch, “I always try to have one burning.”
“Me too!” Your hand rested on your chest, “You’ll absolutely have to go!”
“Maybe I will.”
“There’s tons of live music too, pretty every pub has a band on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night.”
He leaned in a little closer, “Seems I’ve got a pretty good tour guide here.”
Your cheeks flushed and you smiled before leaning down to throw Riley’s ball, grateful for the curtain of hair hiding your pink face.
“Maybe, I could get your number and we could hang out? You could show me around the town?”
You straightened up and blinked a few times, “Uh…yeah sure! Sounds good to me.”
Taron glanced at the fork in the path as he reached into his pocket, “I’m gunna head up this way but I’ll text you?”
Your mouth stretched into a grin as you carefully typed your number into his phone, checking that it was correct before handing it back to him, his fingers gently brushing against yours.
“I’ll see you around?”
You gently nodded your head as you watched him turn out of the park, your eyes seemingly fixated on the space where he once was. You were quickly broken from your trance when Riley barked up at you, ready for another chase.
The cool air whipped around your face, but you were pleased for the breeze. The fever that was burning through your body was intolerable, along with the stomach-churning sickness that came with it. You weren't unwell though; this was all self-inflicted from countless glasses of wine from the night before. 
You watched Riley as she gladly ran in amongst the grass, nose close to the ground, unaware of how much you craved your sofa.
The evening had started out as a quiet drink with some friends from work but soon spiralled into cocktails and dancing. You grasped at your head as you started to remember fuzzy memories that your brain was trying to push forward in your mind, along with a thumping that wouldn't let up.
"Good morning sunshine!"
A bright voice forced you to turn around, "Taron!" Your eyes narrowed as more memories came flooding back, "Oh my God, I saw you last night!"
"Yeah, you were pretty wasted!" He laughed gently as he unclipped Nelly from her leash, "How are you feeling?"
"As bad as I look."
He shrugged, "Nah, you look pretty good...considering."
You would've blushed, if it weren't for the red haze that was covering your cheeks already. You pushed some hair away from your face as you squinted your eyes at him, "I didn't do anything embarrassing, did I?"
He laughed and started to walk with you, following your dogs, "I wouldn't say that but..."
Your face fell, "Oh God, what? I'm so sorry! What did I do?"
He laughed again, "You don't need to apologise! But you need to thank me."
You lowered your eyebrows in confusion.
"It was around 2am when you decided that it would be a great idea to do shots of vodka while dancing on the bar."
You dropped your head and groaned.
"But I stopped you and insisted that I walked you home."
"You...you walked me home?" 
He kicked some pebbles on the ground, "Yeah. We live really close to each other. Plus, you were a mess by that point, I had to be a gentleman."
You gently brought your hand to his arm, "Thank you. Really, thank you. And you're wrong...I do need to apologise. I know I'm bad when I'm drunk."
He put his hand on top of yours, "Seriously, don't worry about it. I just wanted to make sure you were safe."
You felt your heart leap as your hands touched, but you weren't sure if it was from the contact or from the hangover. His hand dropped and he placed it in his hoodie pocket. You did the same and took in a deep breath of fresh air.
The path you were walking split off into two directions and Taron started turning left as you slowed down.
"Are you going up to the top today?" Taron pointed his finger towards the path that lead to an area of the park that was lined with wildflowers.
You felt a rumble in the pit of your stomach and the heat in your body rose a few degrees in temperature.
"Erm, actually..." You knelt down slowly to put Riley's leash back on, "I'm probably going to go back." You clutched at your stomach.
His eyebrows lowered, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah...I'm fine. I just-" You hurried backwards, nausea coming in waves, "-I just have to go." You quickly said before turning and rushing back towards your house.
Riley was practically dragging you into the park, pulling your arm holding onto the leash that was attached to her collar. She could see Taron and Nelly further into the gates and you couldn't keep up with her pace. The leash slipped from your fingers and Riley ran ahead, bounding towards them.
"Riley!" You yelled out, making Taron's head turn in your direction.
He smiled and kneeled down to collect the leash, letting Nelly greet her canine friend, "She's just too excited to see me!"
You laughed, "Clearly!"
"Or is this all a cover up for the fact that it was you who wanted to see me?" He nudged your arm once you arrived his side.
"Oh, haha." You said, unenthusiastically, "Don't flatter yourself, Egerton."
"You're not denying it." He raised an eyebrow.
You shook your head. 
He was right, though. Every time you took Riley for her daily walks, you secretly hoped that you'd bump into him. Since you had last seen him, you had been messaging each other online, usually until the early hours of the morning, throwing banter back and forth. You talked about your shared tastes in music and movies, he'd send you the occasional message with a new song that he'd found that he thought you might like, or a line from the book that he was currently reading. He would occasionally send you funny Welsh words and their translations and tag you in memes almost every day. His messages made you smile and you as each day went by, you thought more and more about him. 
You looked up to him, "By the way, that playlist that you sent me this morning...oh my God!"
His face was animated, "I know right?! That third song is getting played at my wedding!"
A shiver ran down your spine and you silently wondered if he was currently engaged and a wedding was imminent. You blinked and quickly changed the subject.
"I must admit, I do look forward to your daily messages."
His face changed into a small smile, that grew as he threw his arm around your shoulder, walking with you along the path, "Well, it’s a good job I intend to carry on sending them then, isn’t it?”
There was something that you loved about autumn. Something about the colours and the idea that nature was preparing for winter that held you in intrigue. You watched over the park that you were familiar with in awe, watching the leaves that had fallen from the trees turn to a warm hue of orange, when you saw something else familiar.
Taron was sat on a bench further down the path with his back to you, headphones on and hunched over what was probably his phone.
You walked closer, Riley following you in excitement at seeing Nelly, and poked a finger in his back when you got to him. He pulled his headphones down and twisted around to face you.
His face lit up, "Oh! I was just texting you!"
Your hand ghosted over your pocket where your phone was, "Were you?"
"Yeah!" He put his phone away, "I was just seeing if you were out walking Riley."
Riley jumped at Taron's knees and he stroked her, scratching his fingers into her head. He looked back to you as you sat down next to him.
"How've you been?" He squinted his eyes, shielding his face from the glare of the sun.
You pushed some hair behind your ear, "I'm good, and you?"
"Yeah, I actually wanted to-" He was interrupted by his phone that was in his hand springing into life. He glanced at the screen and his eyes narrowed with an emotion that you couldn't detect, "-hold that thought. I have to get this."
You smiled and nodded, looking over to where Riley and Nelly were, watching them run around each other.
"Hey...yeah." He paused and lowered his head looking down at his feet, shuffling them awkwardly, "...what time do you get in? Okay cool...sure. No...no that's fine." He glanced quickly to you and you caught his gaze for a couple of seconds, "Okay, call me when you get to- yeah...you too."
You looked away, not wanting to seem intrusive to his conversation. He pocketed his phone and rose to his feet.
"We'll have to cut this walk short I'm afraid." He looked over to Nelly and whistled to gain her attention.
"Oh, no problem." You smiled, "You got something to do?" You scolded yourself slightly for prying.
"Erm yeah, kind of." He scratched the back of his neck nervously as Nelly came running back to him, "My friends is visiting, she's-well she's my girlfriend. She's working away and she's back for a few days."
Your stomach dropped to your feet. He had a girlfriend, of course he did. He was funny and intelligent, not to mention exceptionally handsome. You had no idea why you were disappointed. Sure, there was friendly flirting between the pair of you but nothing had ever gone any further. That's all it was, friendly.
"Oh...right." You tried your hardest not to let the disappointment flood your face, but you were sure you had failed in your attempts.
Taron bent down to attach Nelly to her leash as you exhaled away your emotions, biting at your bottom lip. Your eyebrows raised as you caught his gaze again.
"I'll...see you around I suppose."
"Yeah, see you around, Taron."
You watched as he walked away. Your stomach knotted as you studied his body language. You had never known him to deflate so much, everything about him had disappeared. His smile seemed forced for some reason, but you pushed the thought to the back of your mind. Taking a breath, you walked further into the park, letting the gentle breeze cool your skin.
You checked your phone for what felt like the hundredth time that day. It had been almost a week with no contact from Taron at all. Figuring he was busy with his girlfriend, you put your phone back into your pocket and carried on walking with Riley.
You missed him. You missed his morning messages and whenever he got excited about a new pair of sunglasses that he had just bought or a new candle that he loved the smell of. You missed the walks you sometimes shared with your dogs and how completely at ease you felt around him. You missed how he would sometimes lean closer to you when he was talking. You missed the way he would look at you.
But you were just friends, right?
"Taron?" You called out to him. 
He was stood in the large open area of the park, staring down into the grass. He didn't reply, nor did he seem to notice you were even there.
His head raised slowly, and his eyes refocused onto you, "Oh...hey."
You frowned when you noticed how exhausted he looked. His cheek dimples always seemed to be present but they were nowhere to be seen. His hair was messier than usual and there was no smile on his lips when he looked at you.
"Taron...are you okay?" You couldn't hide your concern.
He cleared his throat and looked back down at the grass, "Yeah...I'm fine." He blinked his bleary eyes.
As you studied his face you could see that his mouth was clenched, his strong jawline accentuated and his eyebrows were slowly making their way closer together.
"Nah...I'm not buying it." You moved to face him, "What's the matter with you?"
He closed his eyes and brought a hand to his face, rubbing across his forehead, "Nothing, I said I'm fine."
"And I said I'm not buying it." You reached for his arm and he almost flinched, "Come on, I haven't heard from you in a week, I haven't seen you out walking Nelly and in the nicest way possible Taron, you look like shit."
"It's Kate."
"Kate...my girlfriend Kate."
You nodded and waiting patiently for him to continue.
"It's...it's just been a difficult week."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Taron." You gulped as he looked at you. You weren't sure if you wanted to hear about her anyway.
"No...no. I think I need to just get it off of my chest." He glanced towards the dogs before motioning across to the bench.
You both sat down and he rested his elbows on his knees, palms pressed together as his eyes danced in anticipation.
"I think she's cheating on me."
You leaned back slightly; eyebrows raised in surprise. It's safe to say that you weren't expecting that.
"What makes you think that?"
His lips curled into a smile as he exhaled, "At first I thought I was just being paranoid. But now I'm fairly certain." He paused as his tried to find his words, "She's works away a lot and she can only visit every so often. And the last few times she's visited...something hasn't seemed right. And if I'm being honest...I haven't been happy for a while."
You could see some moisture forming in his eyes, but he quickly blinked it away.
"Why are you still with her?"
He froze, his hair blowing in the breeze being the only movement on his body. Finally, he let out a breath and shook his head, "I really don't know. She stuck with me while I was broke and trying to make something of myself."
"You don't owe her anything if you're not happy. You know that, right?" You thought for a second, "And if you're sure that she's cheating on you...then-"
"She was using the bathroom and she got a text. I thought it was my phone so I grabbed it and there were all these messages, you know...I can't believe she'd do that to me."
"You don't deserve this Taron." You gently placed your hand on his knee, and he broke his gaze from the floor to look at the contact.
He kept his eyes on your hand for a short moment before you started to pull it away, but he quickly stopped you, "No, don't."
He cut you off mid-sentence, pressing his lips to yours, gently but hungrily. His hand ran up your arm, finding its way to cup to your face, fingers pulling at your hair.
You melted into him for a moment, before feeling a stab of guilt. You pulled away quickly, placing your hand over his that was still placed on the side of your face. His forehead pressed against yours, his eyes burning into you.
"We shouldn't...I mean, you still have a girlfriend." You whispered.
"But I-" Taron started, moving into you closer.
"No, it's not right." You held his hand and pushed it away from you.
Taron closed his eyes for a moment before nodding gently. You rose to your feet and clipped the leash onto Riley who was sniffing down by your feet.
"Call me when you've got everything figured out."
Ughhhhh...I just love him! I might do another chapter of this if people want it. I find him really easy to write for so I'm also willing for any requests!
If you don't want to miss another Taron fic, let me know and I will add you to my Taglist! Who wants to be first on this list??
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iguessitsjustme · 1 month ago
When It Rains It Pours Ep 6 Thoughts
I have had an incredibly weird day. But the good news is that I can finally watch this episode which will most likely shatter my heart to pieces. BUT it's the first week that I'm watching with everyone else then we all get to spend a week thinking about it and talking about it together. What a wonderful little community this show has here on tumblr (you all have been so nice and so smart and so willing to scream with others and you are all the best forever no matter what anyone else says). I wasn't sure I was gonna continue my liveblog, but here I am. Continuing it. Under the cut:
SEI IS BUYING THE COFFEE. I REPEAT SEI IS BUYING THE COFFEE. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I have run out of words. Please tell me someone else has talked about this…I'm not even 5 seconds into the show yet god damn I should control myself.
BUT THEN HE COULDN'T PAY? OH SWEET JESUS. There is meaning here. (sirens hurry the fuck up and drive by I am trying to watch a masterpiece)
Baby boy the feelings are reciprocated. He will save you if you let him. And you can save him in turn.
This. Bastard. Is trying to move Sei away. To alienate him further. He doesn't want Sei to have anyone in his life except him. If he hadn't answered that phone call, he wouldn't be considering moving.
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Anger and hatred and violence.
His job is literally the only place he ever sees people! He doesn't even really interact with them! But he at least has a place where should he need to talk to someone outside of Fujisawa, there are people there. Not just Kazuaki. But other coworkers. Who based on what we've seen, are all friendly and kind enough. And now Fujiisawa is trying to remove the ONE place Sei has that he does not have access to. I am screaming and crying and gonna jump into this show to knee this man in the groin.
The fact that Sei is listening to rain sounds means that Kazuaki remembered and sent him the link to listen to rain sounds when he wanted. It means that Kazuaki remembered. Thought of him and their conversation. Even before they knew about the emails. He remembered.
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You ask like you have a right to know.
He doesn't ask like a friend who's curious and cares about his friend being happy and meeting someone. He asks like he is entitled to that information.
Sei's entire confession is so matter of fact. He doesn't sound remorseful or like he's been caught cheating. He just openly admits to it. Because he knows he likes Kazuaki. Or do we as a fandom call him Hagiwara? I'm not sure on that I just went by what the gaga summary called him for an episode. Please let me know. Anyway. Sei said he started catching feelings.
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Look how red Fujisawa's face is. This is some brilliant lighting work. He is literally red like the devil. Dressed in all black. Pinning Sei down as Sei claws for freedom.
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Get em baby. Tell him he is the least desirable man on earth.
The purposeful dissonance in the soundtrack right now is truly amazing. (Now I just need these fucking sirens to GO AWAY)
Okay. So I know there's a line to push Fujisawa off a cliff, but what if before anyone pushes him, I go to the bottom and I add some fun little spikes. Just as a treat. For us.
Oh so he just apologizes? I'm gonna stab you with broken glass.
It will take me a minute before I'm able to analyze anything because I am so livid. (I also am angry from something specific at work today so I was already primed for anger and then this fucker)
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He couldn't if he wanted to. He is a good person. And you are in a bad situation. The second he learns how bad it is, he is never gonna ignore you until he knows you are safe. Until he knows you are free.
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Omg I'm gonna cry. The music here. The music. The everything.
No baby boy don't walk away!
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What in the homophobia…
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If you liked him you would have talked to him. Communicated. If you liked him, you would have set him free. You don't like him. You like the idea of him. And I hope you never find anyone else to trap and make miserable the way you trapped him.
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Now that Kaori is finally talking to Kazuaki, the framing is different. Before, there was a booth creating a physical barrier between them. Now there is nothing. They are sitting at the same table. Open. Communication. This should have happened SO MUCH EARLIER. Girl. I hate you.
The thing that pisses me off the most about Kaori is that her feelings and her relationship towards sex are completely valid. And she has every right to feel the way she feels. But she never once said anything. She never once told her partner how she was feeling. Even though she knew she was hurting him. She knew he was miserable. But instead of talking to him, she let him suffer. Because she liked him. And she knew an outcome of that talk could have led to them breaking up. And she was so incredibly selfish to never let that happen. She would rather he be miserable and hers than be happy and be free. And that I cannot forgive her for.
And she makes him do the dirty work of breaking up with her. Because she never could do the right thing. Honestly, I think even if she hadn't found out, it would not be long before he broke up with her anyway. He found his happiness elsewhere and he would not be able to live with himself knowing he cheated and knowing he was in love with someone else. Anyway. She should have at least had the decency to be the one to end things because she was not capable of doing it when she should have. AN ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR AGO.
There is something to this show being sandwiched by those two getting coffee. One who wasn't able to get it and one who was kept waiting but did get it eventually.
Also our baby boy is free now! No matter what else happened. He is no longer trapped. He can and will find his happiness. Now he just needs to save Sei.
I will probably need to sit with this episode for at least a day to process it before the thoughts come flooding out.
I have hatred in my heart.
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cloudnineminusnine · 6 months ago
so, i tried a little something based on that and it's comments (づ_ど)
bm! sun wukong x gn! reader | slightly suggestive so no minors allowed.
(it's poorly written since english is not my first language!)
not getting any response made the monkey king uneasy, specially given the faint blush that made it's way down to your soft cheeks. you've been acting a little suspicious for a few days now, he could say. in a way that left him intrigued. the sudden touch of your hand on his face startled him, just enough to not pull him away.
"taking a closer look..." you starts in a soft whisper, as if it were your little secret, while your dark eyes crossed each and every detail of his partialy furred face "i can conclude that you really are the most beautiful creature i've laid my eyes on."
out of nowhere.
could it be that you were joking?
actually you used to tease him so much over so many things – as much as he did to you – that it naturally was the first thing that occured to him.
you said things like that before but never in such an intense way... plus your brown eyes held too much sincerity for you to be joking. it felt cozy and unsettling at the same time.
this kind of interaction souldn't have any major effect on him. you were only caressing his face in the most lovely way ever, with the light touch of your fingertips, so why was he suddenly having so much trouble over breathing in a steady pace? that reaction was definitely deviating from his usual demeanor. he was only feeling that way because you caught him off guard, that's it!
in the morning after there was a different aura surrounding both of you. the monkey king seemed to be annoyed by something he couldn't put his finger on, while you were behaving more introspective, as if your mind was so full that you couldn't escape from it even if for seconds.
sometimes you would feel like losing it, fantasizing on being even more intimate with him or touching him in a less innocent way – dear lord, he couldn't imagine the absurdities that inhabited your mind even if he tried. which was good! who knows what kind of reaction he'd have if he knew just how much you wanted him to have his way with you?
poor thing, you needed to do something as soon as possible. before your unbridled passion for him could consume you entirely. then, with that resolved, you could put your efforts into overcoming your feelings. it was ridiculous to even imagine that the sun wukong would reciprocate you.
a few days later, when your relationship with him finally seemed to be less awkward, you saw the perfect opportunity in front of your eyes. and took it.
you two were stargazing while chatting about anything and everything like you used to do, and it was like the things had never changed between the two of you. being able to hear that boisterous laugh again warmed your silly little heart – those pointy canines of him were terribly adorable so what could you do?
on that night specially his gaze towards you seemed to be sweeter than normal. he would also stop and stare whenever a loud laugh came out of your mouth, which was kind of strange from your perception. impossible.
you needed to take action and you did.
without any warnings you then started talking about how you ended up becoming attached to him regardless of his arrogant nature and, as if the "i fell in love with you" wasn't shocking enough, you went even further by ending the lengthy confession with a conformed "i'm determined to get over it".
you would definitely be rejected by him anyway, so why not get that out of your way? it would be even easier to forget him once you parted ways. perfect plan!
with a baffled tone to his voice, sun wukong promptly confronted "why would you get over it?" he forced a scandalous laugh, trying to feel more like himself. "so you're not even going to try to court me? now that's weirder than you just confessing your feelings to me." of course he would end by joking his way out.
how dare him?
your usually relaxed eyes were now fully open in surprise "so you want me to court you? that's a good one!" you let out a hearty laugh, not believing your ears or the audacity of him. "if i already know that i don't stand a chance then why should i try?" that was obvious, wasn't it? well, maybe not for him and his big ego.
his eyes gleamed, as if challenged by your words. sun wukong approached his face close enough to mix in your breathing and with a suggestive whisper he declared "heh, i only thought you were bold enough to lure me in..." his nails brushed slitghly over your exposed arm, causing a deliciously chilling sensation. you felt your legs go weak as a giggle reached your ears.
what's gotten into him? where did that came from?
even though your heart almost gave in to desire, you remained firm in your decision. that would be better. sun wukong was obviously making a fool of you, even if both his sultry gaze and provocative touch tried to make you believe otherwise – in your defense he seemed too flirtatious, like he'd never been before.
the next day the embarrassment was so much that you choose to act as if nothing happened, as if his touch wasn't ghosting over your wrist since the night before when with a sudden grip he tried to stop you from leaving him behind. you tried your best to hide how shaken you've been, not wanting to put any distance towards sun wukong who, somehow, seemed to be restless since that fatidic event. you couldn't and wouldn't go back on your plan – too prideful –, but he sure made you think on changing it...
without any discretion, he would analyze your behavior constantly while searching for any glimpse of what've been confessed by you. his eyes started to gravitate towards your figure more than he would like to admit, as if he was under some kind of spell.
whenever you caught him staring he would try to appear as indifferent as you appeared to him. his ego seemed to be hurt and it was honestly funny to think that it could be because of you. at first you were weirded out by wukong's behavior but now you could only be amused by his reactions.
"i may not be the smartest person out there, but i have a feeling that you've been staring at me quite a lot lately." unfortunately for his pride, that's how the first conversation related to that topic began. "may i ask what do you want from me, almighty monkey king?"
now that was bold of you. too bold for his liking. bold in an annoyingly enticing way. your lazy eyes were so full of expectation and need that it made his insides turn, oh, you still wanted him so bad! he just knew it.
now he was fully determined to make you regret on saying that you would get over him. just you wait and see.
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revehae · 11 months ago
maneater (r. fantasies)
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warning: noncon, semi-public sex, jisung × (f) reader x jaemin
wc. 1.3k
love that i wrote this for @neocentral and she’s also the only reason i was able to recover this 🫶🏽 EVERYONE SAY WE LOVE YOU BELLE
maybe it was jisung's fault, the unfortunate outcome of his generous naivete. foolishly, he had mistaken your kindness for infatuation, your exuberant flashes of teeth when you glanced his way as flirtatious gestures of mutual affection.
jisung wouldn't consider himself a loser. he had a couple of friends. sure, he wasn't the most popular guy around, especially not with girls, but that didn't make him a loser. there was no reason to doubt his chances with one of the campus' most popular students, especially not when you made it so easy to like you.
too easy, jisung would think, clenching his pale, whitened knuckles into stiff fists when he saw other guys talking to you, checking you out from head to toe like you were a fresh slab of meat on display.
deep down inside, even if he refused to admit it to himself, jisung couldn't fault them like he wanted. your wit was admirable and your beauty rivaled that of goddesses. to say nothing of the fact that you were so amicable and approachable, maybe too approachable.
idiotically believing under the trance of your bewitching stare and enthralling smile that you reciprocated jisung's less than platonic feelings for you was his first mistake.
mustering the courage to approach you and ask you out was his second.
at the very least, you were sweet enough to let jisung down gently. even as you ripped his thudding heart out his chest and shredded it with bared teeth, unraveling the thread upon which his very world spun, your lips were fixed in a perfect smile as you apologetically told him that you didn't feel the same way, tenderly brushing your hand against his.
how kind of you to shatter his heart in the most beautiful way possible. you had to have done this a dozen times before, maybe even twice as much, so accustomed to rejecting every male's advance that you knew all the right words to say.
"you'll forget you ever felt this way," you'd told him at one point, most of your other words becoming white noise to his ears as indignation poked holes into his chest and swallowed him whole.
jisung liked to think that he handled the rejection fairly. outwardly, at least, it was true. you wouldn't have guessed from looking at him that the world as he knew it had been upturned and rage was festering in side of him quickly and brutally. he should've listened to his friends when they told him, dude, she's a maneater.
to think only days ago jisung thought so highly of you. now, whenever he saw you, only the most degrading of words came to mind. what a picky, arrogant whore, hissed his thoughts bitterly.
you must've thought you were so much better than him. you must've got a good laugh at his expense, leading him on and making him believe even for a minute that you liked him the way he liked you. or maybe you were just playing hard to get, so entitled that you thought he would chase you.
wrong. jisung was not like those other guys that would come begging at your feet and he refused to lower himself to such degradation, solely so that you could feel better about yourself.
it had to only have been a couple of weeks forward, jisung's anger intensifying by the day, when he heard those godawful noises coming from just around the corner.
he recognized that voice - your voice. jisung would never admit that he was obsessed with you, but there was no doubt in his mind that the high-pitched, agonized cry he heard came from between those glossy lips of yours.
naturally, it was jisung's first instinct to investigate, to wonder what was so terrible that you were shrieking so sharply. he became especially curious when the sound was cut off, suspicious sudden and abrupt, as if it had been muffled.
jisung tiptoed around the corner, quiet as to not disturb the scene unfolding just shy of him. although, given how busy the city was, bustling with everyday life, it would've been more difficult to hear him approaching.
jisung nearly gasped at what he saw, poking his head around the sturdy brick wall and spotting your frame caged behind jaemin's as your back was pinned harshly against a cold wall.
"shh, sweetheart." jaemin crooned, tone of voice cheating his violent hands. "wouldn't want anyone else to see you like this, now would you? imagine how hard it would be for you to have a good future if all anybody saw when they looked at you was this loose little pussy."
jisung wanted to say that that was already what people saw, but he held his tongue. he didn't want to risk making his presence known. one slightly wrong move, one bad step, and both of you would know that he was watching, lurking discreetly in the shadows. 
shameless, jisung whispered in his brain, shaking his head as he kept his eyes locked on the incident in front of him. jaemin was forcing himself onto you in broad daylight, for fuck's sake. without a care in the world if anyone saw him.
even as people walked only mere feet away from the sight, burdened with the tasks of their own problems. people that wouldn't randomly think to check around an alleyway to see if there was a girl attempting to fight off her attacker.
your face was familiar, but hardly recognizable all at once. your usual heart-stopping smile was surely upturned into a piteous frown, though it was obscured from jisung's vision as jaemin smothered your screams with his palm. moisture stung your eyes, gathering at your lashes and dripping thickly down your tear-stained cheeks.
even with jaemin's palm pressed flat against your mouth, your whimpers still faintly traveled through the hot, stuffy air. you thrashed in his burly arms, struggling to wrest your way out, but jaemin kept you in place with his spare arm.
part of jisung was bristling with pain and seething with white-hot anger watching another guy touch in ways only he should've been able to, but he couldn't move and he definitely couldn't look away. your stiff nipples were exposed from where jaemin had yanked your shirt down, jisung arriving only moments to see how jaemin sucked at licked at the tender buds.
"i don't take no for an answer," jaemin whispered, stuffing you full of his thick, veiny cock. your pussy was sore from how vigorously he was using you, but nothing would stop jaemin from doing as he pleased if he wanted it enough.
jisung's cock twitched in his light sweatpants. he only wished he could've felt the way your cunt squeezed his cock for dear life, milking it for every last drop of cum like it did jaemin's. if only he would've had the courage to slam you against a wall and take what he wanted, show you who was in charge.
it kept him up sometimes fantasizing about how tight and wet you were as he fisted his own cock to ecstasy. the sight of jaemin abusing your poor little cunt was infuriating, but erotic. not taking out his cock and pumping in his hand took all of jisung's willpower. 
watching how wide your gorgeous, fretful eyes were, how your chest heaved quicker and quicker, skipping breaths to get to the one that came after, jisung almost felt bad for you. he liked to think he would've been much more tender, had he gotten the opportunity, setting the mood and taking his time to please you.
until you broke his heart. now, whatever happened to you was out of his hands and jisung couldn't have cared less, ignoring the panic in your body language and obvious pain tensing your features.
jisung had the power to stop his friend if he really wanted, to intervene and save you from your troubles, and he most likely would've, had you not wounded him. but he remembered the gash still fresh on him, your smiles rubbing salt in the cut, and decided this was what you deserved. you'd get over it.
yeah, she'll forget she ever felt this way, jisung mimicked resentfully, those words burned onto his heart harshly. so in the end, against jisung's better judgment, he kept on walking.
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swiss-mrs · 11 months ago
Can you write a second chance a love with SY. He and reader were exes and tension has built up where he can’t help but kiss you and profess that he still misses you. Thanks!
Second Chances
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Captain Syverson x GN!Reader
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: Mentions of Failed (Military) Relationships, Mentions of Fighting/Regretted Words Exchanged, Slight Sexism/Toxic Masculinity/Trad Views, Self-Doubt, Slight Depression, Sy is Able to Lift Reader, Angst with Happy Ending (As Requested)
Reader/Unnamed OC Description: No Physical Descriptions, No Mentions of Race, Height, Weight, Ethnicity, Etc., Age is 25+, Sy is 35+, No Use of Y/N, Only You/Your Pronouns, Mentioned as “darling" and "beautiful", otherwise gender neutral.
Life is… fine. Wake up. Go to work. Come back home to your apartment. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. There wasn't really anything to complain about, but there was a notable loss. The only thing is now you're just used to it.
In the beginning, it was always the little things, someone passing with a similar cologne, a specific food brand at the grocery store, a familiar street you no longer pass by as often. Eventually, the watery eyes tamed to a pang in your chest. Now, it's all just numbness. Even with friends, your smile makes appearances again, but the happiness doesn't quite reach your eyes the way it used to. It's been so long, they just stopped mentioning it, but you still notice the occasional pity look.
It's a crazy thing to think about how you've lived more of your life without him than you have with him, but that doesn't lessen the effect.
You'd survived your childhood, your teenage years, and early twenty-something without him. After meeting the most handsome man you'd ever laid eyes on, you'd be foolish not to reciprocate his advances. Though you shortly had your skepticism after finding out his occupation, he was quick to assure you he was no quick trip, and ultimately, you caved.
And he for sure had you, for years in fact. He had you completely believing every one of his ‘I love you's and ‘forever's, yet here you are, missing the way he'd fill up the space in your life.
You'd had a life before him, a decently fulfilling, single life until he showed up and screwed that all up. He wasn't necessarily your first ‘love’, but he was definitely your first ‘true love’. And, now, you were feeling the effects of that loss.
The first thing that hit you after your split with Sy was anger, pure reactivity to how everything ended. How dare he call you ‘too much’. How dare he try to pull the whole ‘you signed up for this’ bullshit. He had the audacity to make every problem your problem. Fuck him for making your ‘forever’ just another failed military love that should've known better.
You were soon to block him, not wanting to hear any of his ‘I'm sorry's or ‘can we talk's. You'd already talked, talked a little too much. You were done. ‘Let it die’ was your mantra for months. He ruined you, had you looking in the mirror different. You couldn't talk to anyone, express yourself, ask for help, be vulnerable without seeing it as annoying, dramatic, ‘too much’. Maybe, it was just you?
You took it upon yourself to change, distance yourself, drift away. Was it just you? No one made a comment about how they suddenly heard from you less. Were you really too much?
For a long while, you wished he'd cheated, abused, something, anything to make you hate him. Could you really hate him for it? You didn't work out. That's not his fault. He didn't understand you, and a couple of rude words weren't nearly enough to hate him. He was ultimately a good guy. He was never unfaithful, never would even dare to think of laying a hand on you, but when it was all said and done, he was a bit neglectful. But, how much of that was him, and how much of it was his job? Oftentimes, it was hard to distinguish. Too often was it an excuse.
Did he love you? sure. Could he have loved more? yes. Too often did it feel like he was one-sided. You were there for him, not the other way around. You are his, not the other way around. You needed him, not the other way around. And to have that shoved back in your face when you brought it up was not the right reaction. He shouldn't feel like an animal cornered when you brought up a concern, something he did that hurt you, but he did. A valid point shouldn't be shot down or argued with counterpoint, but it was. Now, you can only second guess yourself, and that shouldn't be how it is, but it is.
You loved too hard, that will haunt you. He loved too little, and that will forever haunt him.
He hated himself. You were everything he ever prayed for, a beautiful partner with a beautiful smile and a beautiful soul, someone he could have forever. He didn't realize that the thought of ‘having someone’ was wrong of him. He was selfish. You never did anything but show him your heart, your mind, and he blew it up in your face. He destroyed something, someone so beautiful. A day hasn't passed that he wasn't filled with regret. He couldn't even smile or laugh anymore. He became scary.
He'd lost the one piece of true happiness in his life, and it was his fault.
He craved you. He needed you, but he was too late. Why couldn't he have realized what he had sooner? Appreciate you like you deserve. Love you like you deserve. He knows he has it in him, but he just couldn't. fucking. see. it. He wants to kick his own ass for it. He desperately wants to turn back time, go back with the mindset he has now, or at least beat it into his past self.
He'd gotten too damn comfortable being in the military. Vulnerability is weakness. Why would he use his words? Why think about anything, decode? Feelings are best buried. He's a man's-man, and a man only needs to protect and provide
He believed that ideology never gave him issues until you. You challenged that ideal. You asked him for his thoughts, his feelings. You wanted to know. You cared. It annoyed him. Why the fuck would he care? Sure he had thoughts and feelings somewhere, but he pushed them down. Why bring them back up? You surely had too much time on your hands to be concerned with what he was thinking. You wanted connection. He knows that now, but what is that going to do for him now?
He immediately felt the effects of your absence. He was deployed when you left your shared home. He watched you leave on the security camera, car packed to the brim. Sure, he had felt a type of way about it then, but then he was only apologizing for the sake of it. He was just another man in the wrong. Apologize to your upset partner, make up, and move on, but oh, was it so much more different now.
He was filed to the brim with remorse. Even then, he had visions of your shared future, retiring or climbing ranks to settle in one place, building a family, a home, preferably on a large, secluded plot of land. How he looks on with different eyes at that ‘future’ now. He never truly believed in all that ‘grass is greener’ ‘know what you have ‘til it's gone’ B.S. until he'd lost you. He gets it now.
It wasn't until that switch was flipped for him to realize you blocked him, excommunicated. He was gone so much that he never got a chance to build any sort of relationship with your friends. It irritates him now that he is probably known as just the shitty military ex. The closest thing he has to you is a friend of a friend of his who is a friend of a friend of yours. At first, he'd rather die than try to reach out to you that way, but now, there was no line, no bridge he wouldn't cross to just get one more moment with you.
He'd been stewing on it for the last year and a half. You'd moved and blocked him. It seemed utterly hopeless to reconnect, but something came up recently that has him itching again.
He's been promoted. A good job, good position, and in one place. It was perfect. The start of your ‘forever’ together. The only thing missing is you. Friend of a friend² be damned. He had to fix this, and just his luck to find you. Just your luck to be found.
It took several minutes for you to lay eyes on him, but he spotted you immediately. The second you walked through the door of your new favorite café, he saw you. He couldn't believe it. He originally pulled himself into this place because it simply reminded him of you. It had you written all over it. He felt closer to you here. He wouldn't have guessed you would just walk in like this. His eyes followed you as you stood in line and ordered.
He noticed you glance around the café briefly and still not spot him seated at a back table facing the exit. His heart raced, seeing your eyes wander before going to your phone. He knew that look, though. You were only fidgeting with it, trying to make yourself look busy to avoid any social awkwardness. It made him grin as he stared longingly. There were some things that didn't change.
It had been a whole two years since you last saw Sy, about eight months since you stopped seeing him in every stranger. You weren't going to back track now, so you stared down blankly at your phone to keep yourself from staring at the familiar looking guy in the corner. He was missing a thick beard and a shaved head, but with a quick glance, he looked an awful lot like heartbreak.
Sy knew he was on borrowed time, the chances of you sitting alone in any kind of restaurant was slim to none, and considering you weren't looking for seating meant you were grabbing and going. He had to think of something and fast.
His body was standing, and his feet were moving before his mind could catch up. It wasn't until he was about two feet away that he stopped and started panicking. You noticed the man standing in your peripheral, but you kept your head down to avoid any awkward eye contact. That was until your name fell from his lips, causing you to look up from your phone.
“Sy?” Your eyes widened and your brows furrowed together. Your heart immediately started blasting in your ears. You couldn't breathe. You'd thought about running into him again, about all you wanted to say to him, telling him off? apologizing? But that was before your move, before you forced him out of your mind. Now, you were face to face with your anxiety and dreaded nightmare. Your name was muffled from his mouth and to your ears the second time.
“Hi. How have you been?” He wanted to punch himself in the face for how casual that came out, but he quite honestly couldn't think of anything better to say without falling over his own words. He awaited a response from you, but you only stared like a deer in headlights.
You genuinely couldn't hear a word coming out of his mouth. Was he talking? He had to have been. His mouth was moving, but it was like his voice was muffled. Something you assume was your name came out again before your name was called a bit louder by a different voice behind you.
You whip your head around to find a perky barista with a drink in hand, looking in your direction. You scurry over to her and take your drink with a curt thank you, as polite as you can muster in this moment. Without even a second glance, you're making a rushed escape for the exit. Your name is called again, but you're tunnel visioned on the door out.
Sy's stomach tightens and drops at the sight of your flee, but again his body is in full control at this point. He's utterly in shock. He didn't know what to expect, but this was his chance. All he knew is that he couldn't let you leave, not again, so this time, he chased after you.
As soon as you're out the door, he's right behind you, having to catch the door from slamming on him. He calls out for you again, but you don't stop, so he keeps running.
It's once you're passed the café windows that he finally catches up. He reaches to grab for your arm but quickly changes his mind to just step in front of you instead. “Wait! Please, darlin’, wa-”
“Don't call me that.” He's taken aback by the sudden words but retracts nonetheless.
“Please. Wait.” It was at this point that you both have fallen silent that you get a good look at him. His hair has grown out of its ‘tactical buzzcut’ and into a pretty generic cut that was redeemed by the dark curls atop his head. His beard was now trimmed down to only some scruff and a mustache. It was an odd combination of seeing him with more and less hair than usual, but he was just as handsome as ever, unfortunately.
The pause between you both was long. Though it should be awkward, it was also strangely comfortable or rather empty. Being in each other's presence again was like putting on an old hoodie. It was cathartic and familiar, but the memories, the history, was hard to get passed. Your name falls from his lips again, a lot softer and barely there. Your eyes were trained on his face, unable to look away. His were downcast.
“I… I….” His eyes close as he takes a deep breath in an attempt to gain some composure. His bottom lip juts out a bit as his mouth tightens into a little frown. “Please, I need to talk with you.” He opens his eyes, encapsulating your gaze in his.
The sight of his eyes outside of your memory is enough to empty your brain of any thought, so you remain silent. But he needs an answer from you, so he waits.
“What is there to talk about?” You say. He can tell by the look in your eyes that you built walls that weren't there before, and it shakes him to his core. He did that.
“A lot.” He sighs, huffing out a singular humorless laugh through his nose. His face briefly quirks like it wants to give a smile to match the short laugh, but the overwhelming weight of the situation at hand just won't allow for it.
You stare up at him for a few beats of silence, both of your chests tight with anxiety. You've never seen him so close to breaking down. He's never seen you so blank. Neither of you really knows what to do, but eventually, your eyes fall from his face before you walk passed him.
Sy freezes. The world around him simultaneously crumbles and halts. His breathing completely stills. You don't get five steps away before you turn back and call after him, “You want to talk. I'm not giving you another chance to do so.” You say, expecting him to follow you. As soon as the realization hits, he moves with haste. He's beside you walking before you're even done turning back around.
It was a good two blocks before Sy spoke up. “How have you been?” He tries again, looking over to you as you walk.
“Fine.” You answer curtly. It makes Sy frown again. It's the kind of ‘fine’ you'd give a stranger, and he hates that that's what you've become. He feels a bit shut down but continues. This is his chance.
“Well, that's, um, good to hear.” He states, but the end of the sentence inflicts an upward tone, almost into a question.
“I wasn't for a long time, but now, I'm fine.” You add, and it's the hardest punch in the gut Sy has ever received. His jaw clenched as he nodded. He swallows, trying to carefully choose his words, knowing how much each one counts.
“Darlin-” He cuts himself off by correcting it to your name. He sighs again, “Please, genuinely hear me when I express how sorry I am.”
“I'm sure you are.” He glosses over your response, continuing.
“Look, I know I've said it before, but, in all honesty, I didn't-” He cuts himself off again, making sure he words it correctly.
“Didn't mean it?” You finished, a bit annoyed.
“No.” He's quick to correct, “I meant it.” He says, determined, “I knew that I had made you upset, and I knew to apologize for it, but I didn't really know the meaning behind it.” He admits. “I didn't understand.” He confirms what you already know. “I was foolish. Stuck in an old way.” He pauses with another frown. “I didn't understand why you wanted to dig into me. I didn't understand that you were only trying to connect with me, really connect. I got defensive. ” He looks up from the ground to your eyes with a sad, guilty look, like he's confessing. “I was stupid and didn't believe in sharing every part of me with you.” He slows his pace, forcing you to match until you're stopped in front of him.
You're facing each other as he continues with his confession. “I thought doing so would make me less of a man, but I understand now.” He gives you a quick, little, sad smile before it disappears into a guilty frown. “I understand that it was an integral part of strengthening our bond, our love. You'd show me every part of you in return for me doing the same, and we'd accept each other, every part.” He gives another sad smile that breaks your heart all over again. He looks down shamefully with a hard look on his face, “I understand now.”
You look at him with a sad pout. Half of you wants to give him a piece of your mind. Two years!? It took all that time to just now fucking realize what you were asking of him!? But the other half didn't know how to feel. What is he trying to do? Redeem himself? What.
“So that's it? You just wanted to give me an actual apology?” He can see that your walls are still up. He fixes his jaw.
“Yes, but,” He starts. He knew that you weren't going to just fall into his arms, but he still hoped it would be that easy to just pick up where you left off. He sighs with his eyes closed, this time shakily, nervous. It confuses you as you've never seen the Captain Syverson nervous. “I've been…” He stops short, pausing. Jesus, you never thought you'd see the day this immovable mountain of a man revert to the demeanor of a reprehensible child. “I know we can't pick up where we left off, and I kind of don't want to,” He tries again, this time getting a confused and slightly offended expression from you, “but can we, maybe, start over?” He looks at you with the most hopeful, pitiful puppy eyes you've ever seen, another thing you never thought you'd see from him.
The air forcefully leaves your lungs as all the progress you've made through the years to try and make yourself impenetrable leaves with it. Your chest tightens as you try to will the upcoming tears away. It's your turn to let out a humorless laugh. You shake your head, looking off into the distance, “You really hurt me, Sy.” You look back at him with the most heartbreaking expression. He nearly looks close to tears at the sight. “I'm too much. I'm needy. I expect too much.”
“No, no, no.” He stops you, stepping closer only to get you retreating from him. Your step back drives the heartbreak further into his chest. He shakes his head in utter disagreement, a disgusted grimace on his features. “You're not. You're. not. I was foolish and childish, and I was not ready for you.”
“But you're ready now?” You interject in disbelief.
“Yes,” He states firmly without hesitation. He steps up again. This time, your body visibly tenses, but you don't move away. “I'm more than ready. I need you.” He takes another smaller, gentler step forward. “I hate that it took you leaving for me to see that, but I do.”
“Please. Please. Don't say it's too late. Don't say we can't try again. Please, just one more chance.” He looks down abruptly like a private who just got caught looking at a superior officer. He's begging. He knows how he hurt you and your trust. Like a dog showing its belly, he's trying to show you his submission. Ultimately, it's in your hands, but he's determined.
You stare at him while trying to decipher the mess in your mind. “Sy.” You say a bit more calmly. His demeanor doesn't change. You sigh, “How do I know you wouldn't just fall back into old habits? What if, even after all this, you just repeat the same closed book bullshit? What's different?” You try to find his eyes, but they remain downcast as he stays still.
“I've been promoted.” He states a bit detached, purely stating fact, anything you want from him. “I'd no longer be in the field, no longer deployed. I'd be in one place.” He purses his lips into another right frown. “It's the start of what we used to talk about.” He says, words laced with hope and nostalgia. “Remember?” He tests, voice as soft as silk. Your eyes sadden even more, looking down with a miniscule nod. “I can settle down. Stop putting myself in the line of fire every day. I'd come home to you every night, wake up with you every mornin’.” His eyes soften as they peer up at you through his dark eyelashes. “Get that dream house.” He raises his brows with soft eyes and a sigh of a grin.
“Sy.” He quickly follows with your name before you continue. The gentle way your name rolls off his tongue makes your heart race at a concerning rate. “I,” you sigh, “I can't just run back to you after all this time.” You scoff out a sad laugh.
“So, let's just start with a date.” He tries again softly, melting your heart in your chest. “No pressure, no expectations, just one do-over.” His eyes flutter softly as his eyes return to their submissive downcast. “A reintroduction to the people we've become. A second first date.” He concludes. You can't help but let out a soft giggle despite trying to hold yourself together. Though it's sad, Sy has never heard a more beautiful sound. His chest swells with hope.
It takes time for you to make up your mind, and he gives it to you. Your everything was already screaming at you to say yes, but you couldn't let him know that, so you took your time. “Okay.” You cave. Sy's brows shoot up, and his face breaks out into a huge, mouth agape smile. The image of pure, overjoyed surprise.
He can't help himself but close the distance between you and scoop you in his arms, twirling you around, with a victorious laugh. The shock of it all and contagious joy causes you to let out a small giggle. He looks up at you in his arms and drops you down enough to plant a kiss on your lips. Though quick, the kiss was filled with nothing but longing and love.
As if realizing what's happened, he's quick to gently set you back down and take a step back, returning to the same distance you were at prior. He is a bit awkward with his hands before setting them on his hips. He still has a bright smile on his face, “I,” he huffs, “You have no idea how you've just made me the happiest man to ever exist.” He tries to just quickly move passed what just happened. “So, could I, maybe, get your number?” He says, trying his best to contain his joy.
You laugh, admittedly a little awkward. “It's the same one.” You fidget, “I can, uh, I'll unblock you, as long as you have the same number as well, I mean.” You stumble. He nods.
“Yeah. Yeah, it's the same one.” He sighs, content. His eyes are filled with admiration and adoration, like you hung the moon and stars single handedly. It was everything you ever wanted from him to see his love within him.
You quickly pull your phone out and unblock his number on the spot. “There.” You shoot him a quick text. Even after all this time, his tagname never changed in your phone. You hear his phone ding moments later, and he pulls it out with an even brighter smile and a sigh of relief. He never thought he'd see your name pop up in his notifications again. Once again, it's always the little things that are missed.
“Are you free this weekend? Friday night, maybe?” He asks. You give him a small smile and a nod. “Great! Great, I'll- I'll pick you up? We can get dinner after work and…start over.” He sighs. He's both a little sad and over the moon. He wants nothing more than to do a quick catch-up and just start pouring his love into you, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. You give another small smile.
“I can't wait.” You say. He nods curtly. “You can tell me all about your new job.” His face brightens at you, showing interest in him again. He steps forward to stand beside you, holding out his elbow.
“Let me walk you to your car.” You breathe out a small chuckle before hooking your hand in his elbow, taking back to the café parking lot. Just a few paces in, Sy leans in closer to you to whisper in a low tone, “I know we're going to go slow, but I just want to say… I missed you.” You look into his deep blue eyes before looking down at his mustached lips.
“I've missed you too.” You whisper back with a small smile.
The remainder of the work week, Sy was notably different, even getting some teasing comments from coworkers. Your friends tried tearing into you, asking why you suddenly looked like the life returned in you, but you kept your lips sealed. You were taking things one step at a time with Sy.
The most anyone got was “I have a date.”
I hope you liked it! Thank you so much for the request, Anon! I hope I did it justice. (sorry it took so long. I've been a bit under the weather😅)
Swisslist (General Taglist): @rosecentury @solacedthistest
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malk1ns · 3 months ago
i read a fic recently with rookie sid and 2010 geno and i’ve been thinking of that a lot so… for your prompt maybe baby sid being enamored by an older geno? nsfw or pg is up to you :P merry christmas to you too btw!!
ok so once upon a time i wrote this fic which is pretty much exactly that premise! and i really loved writing it and it's still one of my personal favorites of mine, so i'm going to take your prompt and use it as an excuse to write a wee little follow-up, from sid's point of view...no smut or anything in this one, just a cranky 22 year old with a massive (reciprocated) crush on his captain. you'll have to read the first one for this to make sense!
Sid thought it would get easier when his dad retired.
Well, really, he expected that after a couple of months he wouldn't feel so desperate for Geno all the time. Not that he wouldn't still want him, of course not, Geno was the defining catalyst of Sid's sexual awakening and the star of 90% of his fantasies from adolescence onwards, but Sid thought that maybe after the first few times, when Geno didn't get sick of him or tell him they needed to stop, he'd be able to be a little more mature about the whole thing.
As it happens, though, he spent the rest of his rookie year in single-minded pursuit of two things: 100 points, and Geno's dick.
It's a good thing he had his dad's example to make sure he stayed focused on his game. If his work ethic and internal motivation weren't already firmly ingrained, Sid might have let his head be turned so far by getting what he wanted after so much time that he let his game slip.
Geno probably wouldn't have let that happen, though. He takes hockey more seriously than Sid does, even, and for as much time as they spent sneaking around to be together, Sid thinks they probably doubled that in extra ice time after practice, practicing one-timers and head-fakes and set plays to try out on the man advantage.
Sid's dad was always there too, is the thing. Sid lives at home still, his mom won't let him buy his own place until he signs his first real contract and isn't blowing an entire season's worth of income on a house, and Sid very quickly ran out of reasons to get his dad to head home early and let Geno drive him back. It made the time with Geno he managed to steal all the better.
Sid, maybe stupidly, thought that once his rookie year was over, when his dad officially retired and wasn't on the team anymore, he'd have a little more separation from his parents at the rink.
His dad barely stayed retired two months before his mom practically pushed him out the door directly into the goalie development role the Penguins offered him, though, and Sid's sophomore season starts the same way his rookie year did—sitting in the passenger seat of his Dad's truck, glaring out the window on the way to practice.
He must be making quite a face, because Geno's already there and half-changed into his gear when Sid walks into the locker room, and when he sees Sid's expression he does that thing with his jaw where he's trying not to laugh out loud.
Sid only scowls harder. Even Geno in his hockey pants and nothing else isn't enough to cheer him up.
It ends up turning out okay, though. Sid's mom stops asking so many questions about where he's going at night when his dad isn't around to give her the exact run-down of official team activities. Sid isn't sharing a hotel room on roadies anymore, so if he sneaks out after curfew and tiptoes down the hall to Geno's room, there's nobody to tattle, and no chance that he'll run into his dad out looking for the ice machine. And his dad gets so wrapped up in working with the goalies that they never finish practice at the same time, so if Sid makes some vague excuse about reviewing tape with the power play unit and he'll catch a ride, his dad waves him off without protest.
His schedule opens up, just like that. And Geno's more than happy to fill his time, tumbling Sid into bed and blowing his mind at every available opportunity. Their first California road trip, the one with built-in off-days for recreation, had been a revelation—after figuring out that yes, Geno really can eat someone out until they cry, Sid spent their beach day so distracted he was forced out of the volleyball game for bringing his team down.
There's a contract waiting for him on July 1, Sid knows. Pat hasn't sent him the details yet, but Sid knows it's good, something that will set him up for life pretty much, with signing bonuses to protect his earnings in case of another lockout and full trade protection as soon as he's eligible.
He's already talked to the realtor most of the guys use. She'd offered a few options in Cranberry, close to the practice facilities and where he grew up, but Sid told her he wants to get a little distance from his folks, somewhere he can set up his own house and not have his mom tempted to walk down the block and redecorate every other week.
And if the neighborhood he told her to focus on is Geno's, well, Sid's favorite breakfast place is there too, and he's always liked older parts of the city, with big trees and historic homes.
The fact that he could be within a ten-minute drive of Geno's house is just an extra perk.
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bambisribbon · 6 months ago
bed chem-hansumfella
"how you pick me, up pull em down, turn me round, oh it just makes sense!"
a/n: first hansumfella fic, lmk how you guys like it!! hansumfella x bestfriend!reader
warnings: smut, cursing, drinking, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (wrap your willy before you get silly guys...) and i think thats it..?
you had met tyler a year ago, and became best friends, fast. you guys were always seen out together, and the ship edits on tiktok were going more and more viral on the daily. you always had a little thing for him, but you thought he never reciprocated your feelings. you two had decided to go to a party that some of his friends invited you guys to. you put on a sheer, black mini dress, and some black platform boots. you did some makeup, and your hair. you arrived at tyler's house, and he almost looked stunned. he wasn't fully ready yet, so you decided to hang out with his sister, grace. he had to "excuse" himself to the bathroom, as he couldnt hide the tent in his pants he had, just from seeing you. he put on a white jacket to go with the rest of his outfit, and you two left. the party wasn't fun, so you guys decided to leave earlier than most people. when you returned to tyler's place, you started having some beers while watching some random comedy movie.
you two collectively had a few beers in your system, so you were much more truthful. you had let it slip - by accident - that you'd always had a thing for him. "oh really? you, y/n, like me?" he says, in a teasing tone. "oh fuck, i can't believe i said that, if you don't feel the same way, it's cool! and you don't have to-" he interrupts you by putting his lips on yours. your face turns an array of pink, and he grabs your leg to pull you onto his lap. "this okay, y/n?" he says low, with lustful undertones in his voice. you nod slowly, now able to feel his dick poking your ass. he pulls down the top of your dress just enough to see your boobs. he slides off your bra and instantly starts fondling your boobs. he puts one of your nipples in his mouth, and you moan softly. you start grinding on his lap, and he grunts quietly. "take this off." he says, tugging at your dress. you do what he says, and you are now just left in your hot pink lacy thong. you slide off his jeans, and his penis flies up and hits his stomach. your eyes widen, as it's bigger than you would have thought. you lick the precum off his red tip. he instantly groans. you start to lick up and down his shaft, and then eventually wrap your lips around him. "fucking shit, y/n. you look so beautiful like this." he says, going to grab your hair and bobbing your head up and down. you start to gag, and he lets go of your hair. you pull back, and stand up. you go to straddle him, and he pulls you down on his lap with force.
he doesn't even bother to pull of your thong, he just pulls it to the side. he aligns himself with your slick cunt, and he slowly pushes himself in. you gasp and put your hands on his chest. "just sink down on my dick baby. can you do that for me?" he says while grabbing your chin. "m'trying, tyler" you fully sink down. and he starts moving your hips up and down slowly, with a grip sure to leave bruises the next day. "go faster, please." you say, while small moans leave your lips. he smirks a little bit, and he holds your hips tighter, and starts pounding you so hard you don't know if you'll be able to walk tomorrow. he moves the pad of his thumb to you clit, rubbing in circles vigorously. "i'm gonna cum, tyler!" you let out in between gasps. "want you to cum all over my dick, sweet girl." your legs start to shake, and you reach your climax. he soon cums after you, his fl you rest your head in the crook of his neck, panting heavily.
"you did so good, y/n. let's get you cleaned up." he says, slowly helping you up. you go to the bathroom, and get cleaned up. you fall asleep in one of his shirts, in his bed. you can't believe it. everything that you wanted.
a/n: this is my first smut fic, how to yall like it?
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coffeegnomee · 4 months ago
Derap time. I have many thoughts but every time I stop to write about Derap I feel like there isn't enough info yet. But it's fun watching Derap learn and try to figure out how to survive on lifesteal.
4:49:00 DERAP: “he’s- in - in the nicest way possible he’s like, a - a canine. All he thinks about is just like killing or like biting and that’s it” ZAM: “I think you just let him kill you I’ll be honest [silence from both] but I mean obviously-” DERAP: “give him the satisfaction of like, killing?” ZAM: "well it gets him off you doesn't it?”
In so many ways, this is just the way Zam deals with the Mapicc problem whenever it comes up, he just takes the deaths. In the past he was just never good enough at pvp to beat Mapicc and wasn't as good at escaping. So he would just die. And one death a day satisfies Mapicc when he's bloodthirsty. Even on the stone sword day Mapicc only killed Zam once, Ro was the one who didn't stop murdering Zam.
And this season in particular Zam understands how Mapicc operates, in the infamous line 1:42:00 ZAM: "what I find is escaping gets you killed more when they get the chance to actually kill you, when they finally catch you and they sink their teeth into you, you know, like, they’re just gonna hurt you more” (7/16/24)
The only real way you get Mapicc off you is to get yourself out of his mind as prey, and that usually means being on his team.
He knows what Derap needs to do is just stop escaping and just die to Mapicc, but Derap, in the most human way, is horrified at that idea. Not just because he doesn't want Mapicc to have the satisfaction, but because he's afraid, he's afraid of feeling his heart pumping every time he gets hunted.
He's in a state of terror at all times. Finally, finally, he feels partially safe with Zam, and every time Zam helps him, Derap reciprocates with perfect equivalent exchange, giving his sword, telling him the truth because Zam saved him, etc.
But Zam isn't safe either because he's teamed with Mapicc.
So Derap is left outcast and alone. And he's blind to the team he's developing with Pangi and SB because the moments of fear (incidentally because of being hunted by Mapicc) while Pangi stands on the sidelines heightens his distrust. So he can't be safe and secure with him. So he looks for someone else. Someone he can feel safe around.
And he's tired of running. Oh how fascinating this season of ours is. Everyone wanting to know peace. Everyone looking to not be afraid. Everyone looking to not be hunted. Woogie, Kab, Pangi. This all returns to pacifism AGAIN.
He's trying to find peace from Mapicc by getting rid of his hearts by giving them to his potential future team. I know it's mostly as a gift of trust to his team and a way to be of value to them, but it is interesting how he is willing to /withdraw the hearts, but unwilling to die to get rid of them. He wants so bad for his word that he doesn't have high hearts to make up for the fact that he did have high hearts.
I don't know if Derap will ever be able to find this peace. I don't think it's possible on Lifesteal. But the fact that he's developing a character that wants it is fascinating. And the fact that he keeps playing, keeps putting himself in situations, and keeps responding to every development with a conversation is so so good.
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moriartyluver · 2 months ago
Tumblr media
That phrase she had been so reluctant to say for the past few years, the idea of her loving him had been that difficult to accept and now she finally had and it had even surprised (Name) herself. 
"You..love me..?" William repeated gently, eyes scanning her face in disbelief.
Before she could nod in confirmation, William stood up, removing his hands from hers as he stood up, prompting (Name) to do the same. 
"We can leave now, it shouldn't be too difficult. I can alert the others to be ready by dawn and-" 
"What makes you think I reciprocate your feelings?" He asked, turning to face the window 
(Name)'s jaw was agape in surprise for a moment. How foolish of her to assume that such a simple statement would be enough to convince William to escape and have a new life with her. She should have known he wouldn't feel the same, she was just a foreigner after all, an unlovable harlot with no redeeming qualities. 
"You don't." She stated, affirming the fear she had held within her battle against these feelings. 
"Why would I ever want to love you?" William glanced over his shoulder, giving her a piercing, disgusted glare. (Name) was a woman of normal stature, confident in her size, but under his gaze at that moment, she had felt undeniably small. "You're conceited, arrogant, selfish, rude - need I say more?" 
"I..." her throat felt dry as she tried to come up with a response. The walls she had fought so desperately to keep strong had fallen apart and were being destroyed by her own husband's cold words. 
William continued, still gazing out the window, only able to see (name) through its reflection. "If I must..you are unbelievably self centred, even Narcissus himself would be appalled, not to mention entitled and hypocritical. You're vain, pretentious, self- absorbed, why on earth would I love a woman like that? Even saying 'I hate you' could not accurately describe the feelings of disgust I hold against you. I despise you, and I find it humourus that you've ever loved me."
"So all this..meant nothing to you?" (Name) asked, clutching at the fabric on her dress. 
"Did it mean anything to you?" He spat back. "You've had many other men in your life, even whilst we were married." 
"That was one time!" 
"For five months! Five months I was without you, hoping, foolishly, for your safety!" He exclaimed. This was the first time she had seen him like this, a look of genuine upset on his face. This was the first time he had felt like this too. "And you were lying beneath another man, although I'm sure it wasn't the first time." 
"William!" She almost wailed. "You don't..You don't understand, we never said we couldn't be with other people. And besides, I had only kissed you twice at that point, so it's not as if you were directly affected." 
William practically rolled his eyes "Commitment actually comes with the marriage, contractual or not. But I'm sure you just couldn't help yourself." 
"Oh my god, William," She sighed in exasperation. "I just told you I love you and you react by insulting me?! I suppose I really was wrong about you. You used me for affection and my brain!" 
"As if you didn't do the same." 
"But you were the one insisting upon it!" She yelled "All those times you called me beautiful, that I felt good, that I had a pretty voice, all of that was just fake! And you have the audacity to act as though I'm in the wrong!" 
"The only on here with any sense of audacity is you." William spoke, much calmer than before. "You and I had nothing romantic going on. It was just a mutually beneficial relationship." 
"Well if you aren't going to acknowledge our far from casual relationship, perhaps you could listen to me once more." 
"Oh of course your highness, allow me to listen to your ridiculous voice describe some ridiculous point that I'm sure everyone and their mother already knew, because, of course, you are just so incredibly special." William said sarcastically. 
"I'm pregnant." 
William's eyes widened for a moment. He wanted to smile, to hold her in his arms and kiss her senseless. 
"And how am I to know if that child is mine, considering you have slept with every nobleman over the age of 20," he retorted. "That child isn't mine, regardless of what you may try to persuade me with." 
"William, please," she pleaded. "I haven't slept with anyone but you ever since I've been with you." 
"So that five month long affair didn't happen?" 
"Well, it did," she tried to defend herself "but this is recent..." she sighed "I have my heir. Do you not want to live to see him? To meet him?" 
"Mother's intuition." 
"Of course." He said sarcastically once more, uncharacteristically. "Like I said, I want nothing to do with you or that child." 
(Name) stated at him in disbelief. She had now retired all methods of keeping him with her. And frankly, she wasn't even sure she wanted him anymore. 
"You're a coward," she stated. "A stupid, pathetic coward who is no longer of any use to me, or to my cause. You will die alone with nobody to love you, and I will forever curse myself for even considering, for entertaining the idea I might be in love with you. Because clearly, I'm not." 
And like that, she had stormed out, in typical (name) fashion, for the last time, not even giving him another glance.
She had left straight afterwards, taking her luggage with her. Initially, she had planned to sleep first, but it seemed she couldn't bear to sleep in the same bed that William had once used a few times. (Name) took the next carriage possible to the docks where so was supposed to board the shop soon after.
Despite the crowds of whispers regarding the Lord of crime, she had managed to board the ship fairly easily and quickly with no interruptions. She sat inside with Romeo in her lap, petting him as she waited for her parents. They followed soon after, spotting her alone. 
"You couldn't.." Her mother started. She shook her head. 
"I tried." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. She winced, feeling a sharp pain in her abdomen but brushed it off. 
Once everyone had boarded the ship, and they were ready to set sail, (name) stepped outside, leaving the small kitten to sleep in her bed. It would be a long wait till she and her parents were to arrive at (home country). 
She took in a deep breath, sighing as she bowed her head, clinging to the fences around the ship. She felt that sharp pain again. Her father followed her outside, looking for her. 
"Yes father?" 
"They might have to delay the ship, for a while..a fire's broken out," He averted his gaze, knowing how his daughter likely wanted to leave as soon as possible. "They're waiting for it to clear first.." 
"I see.." (name) hummed absentmindedly "I'll come back inside when they do." 
"It's not your fault." 
"I know." 
Her father soon left, leaving her alone. A bright light appeared along with some smoke. (Name) shut her eyes at the brightness, opening them again to see the  tower bridge, which had been recently constructed. 
She could hear people screaming from afar, and she looked up, spotting two figures, who she could barely make out from where she was standing, but she already knew. 
She felt another sharp pain, this time worst than the last. 
She saw one, who she assumed was William, charge at the other — Sherlock. He discarded his cloak, and then another explosion went off. William jumped, but was unsuccessful as Sherlock caught him by the hand, trying to pull him up as he dangled off the edge of the bridge. 
(Name) couldn't help the lump that formed in her throat, or the tears in her eyes. She wanted to scream out for him, even if he couldn't hear. She knew that was selfish, after what she had said earlier, but she could help that either. 
The pain in her abdomen just kept getting worse, forcing her to clutch her stomach and cling to the railings for support. It kept growing worse, even more so once she had seen William leap from Sherlock's grasp, right down into the Thames. The dam keeping her tears back broke, and they streamed down her cheeks. She could barely see through her tears as Sherlock jumped soon after whilst she fell to the floor, her knees giving out beneath her. 
Her father soon came back to check on her, to remind her they were leaving now as the fire had been put out. 
"(Name), are you alright?" He asked, approaching her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, noticing a pool of blood beneath her as she crouched over. 
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buccini555 · 1 year ago
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𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 - 𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝
≡ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚... After the party came to an end after finding out that your boyfriend was cheating on you with your best friend, you ended up spending the night in the care of your ex-boyfriend's best friend
⌕ I m a g i n e s !!
𖥻 𝐹𝑡. Kakucho Hitto and Izana Kurokawa
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tw! abusive relationship, mention of aggression/injury, a bit smut, virginity loss, unprotected sex, strong words, threats, insecurities about relationships, sensitive content in general, be careful
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"..." The silence of the gale blew throughout that beautiful garden, ending up being hidden by the remnants of loud music that could still be heard even from afar, Kakucho stood up and gently took your trembling and cold hand, the boy looked directly for you, not being able to help but notice your wound that was still exposed, without taking long, he took you out of that place, heading to the garage of the house and looking for the car in which they came to the same party ruined by Izana.
"I really need to get you home now, it's better that no one sees you in this state." He said calmly as he worriedly opened the car door and helped you get in, throughout the journey back to the house, you remained silent, remained lost in your deep thoughts and reflections, and so, it didn't take long to arrive at your house, when Kokonoi's car was parked in the garage, Kakucho kindly remained a true gentleman, again taking care in helping you out of the car and opening the door of his house so you could enter without making too much effort and ending up getting worse your injury in some way.
"You're adorable, Kakucho! Thank you so much for helping me, I-I'm still sorry for being so rude to you." Giving him a small smile, you invited him in, however, initially Kakucho seemed reluctant to actually approach you.
"...Are you sure you want me around? I don't mind leaving, just ask me." He questioned, looking away as he walked through the door.
You looked at him shyly, waiting for him to enter to lock the lock. "Again, if it's not too much to ask, please, I want you to stay."
"It's okay, since you want it that way, I feel better if I can keep taking care of you." Kakucho said right after, being careful, he took you to the sofa, making you sit down.
"Argh..." You sat up, taking your hands to your injured neck and making an expression of pain, after all, Izana didn't care about hurting you, at that moment, Kakucho immediately approached you, completely overcome with great concern. "That hurt... Damn, forgive me for leaving you alone with him, I wasn't even good enough to protect you."
"You warned me, you don't need to blame for a mistake that wasn't yours." You said, holding his face and stroking it, Kakucho looked at you again and you could see how much his eyes shone when he looked at you, at that same moment, that atmosphere returned between you who just looked at each other, you never you had seen Kakucho like that and at the same time that unknown feeling that arose left you completely confused, that same feeling warmed your heart like never before and that desire was definitely reciprocated.
"Okay, I'm going to get something to bandage this up before it ends up getting worse." When Kakucho realized how close you were, out of concern for his wound, he ended up breaking the "mood", walking away and going in search of some bandages.
He went to your bathroom and got some gauze and some painkillers, as soon as he returned to the room, he sat next to you in complete silence, just taking care of your injury, his hands were light despite being noticeably so strong, he seemed concentrated and distressed at the same time, as soon as he finished bandaging himself, Kakucho left all those first aid materials aside and surprised you with a hug.
"Now, I can hug you without being afraid of hurting you." Giving an awkward laugh, he whispered as he hugged you.
"Thank you for taking care of me, Kaku." In a few words, you thanked him by returning the hug.
"... I don't want to be just a bully, you understand that shit, don't you? This all happened really fast and I really don't want to end with this feeling I have for you." Decreasing the intensity but still remaining in the hug, Kakucho said in a tone of discouragement, he honestly didn't want you to just use him to forget Izana, even if it seemed wrong to him, Kakucho just wanted to feel truly loved by the person he loved so much. loved in secret to maintain their friendship.
You felt the discontent in the boy's words and it made your heart sink. "I would never use you, Kakucho, I just didn't know I could feel something for you, I'm sorry for having ended up with the wrong person, honestly, I couldn't imagine that the right person was so close..."
"I'm not the right person for you, nor Izana, I like you enough to think you deserve someone better than two delinquents." Pulling away again, he said seriously as he stared at her face. "Don't talk about yourself like that! I know you're not just any delinquent." Immediately, you responded without thinking much, however, keeping your words to him sincere as possible.
"...Actually, I think I'd better leave now, I'm sorry again for anything." Kakucho got up from where you were and shrugged, but you ended up getting up right away and holding him by the arm. "N-no need to leave..."
"And also, I believe it's best if we forget what happened between us." Kakucho spoke, you could hear in his tone how much he was fighting his own feelings.
"If you really love me, you won't leave me!" In an unexpected impulse, you can't just let him walk away without more, not even after finally managing to declare himself in the midst of an inappropriate situation.
"... I can't! Damn, I can't... I know it's repetitive, but, you really wouldn't understand." In a loud thought, he replied unwillingly.
"I want to try and if you walk out that door, you're the one who will be giving up how you feel about me." Again, silence took over the place, Kakucho turned to you and looked at you in silence.
"...If I betray Izana, I will be betraying my only true friendship." The taller one spoke almost in a whisper, not even being able to keep his eyes on you, he just fixed his eyes on a distant point. "And if I leave, I'll be burying the feelings I've been harboring for you since the first time I laid eyes on your face, even though it was wrong, I didn't mind kissing you at that damn moment." Looking back at you as if he was seeing beyond you, he said subtly while shaking his head in denial, Kakucho was putting pressure on himself to make a difficult choice and amidst so many wars in his mind, he felt like he was at peace. while still keeping you in front of his eyes.
As you listened carefully to each of those words, you understood how important Izana was to Kakucho, however, you did not remain unimportant, ending up being the owner of the most genuine feelings he could have, having no idea if that was true love or not, the doubt didn't make you feel less loved by Kakucho, despite feeling countless sensations, you remained silent, just looking at the taller one with your eyes that betrayed sea air.
"I don't want to give up on you, I can't give up on you..." Without hesitating to interrupt Kakucho, you approached again in an impulsive act of pure courage, he also didn't hesitate to get closer once again giving himself to a passionate kiss, this time, that same kiss went beyond all the ones you had already received, in turn, you ended up reciprocating that same feeling, giving yourself completely without caring about anything that had happened previously or anyone else, at that exact moment, the world around you seemed to have frozen for both of you, you held him by the back of the neck while he held you by the waist, making you lie down on the sofa in your living room, still being careful with your injuries, suddenly, all that intensity It turned into even more desire, making simple caresses send goosebumps all over her body and she didn't feel like putting an end to it all at any point.
"I-I don't want to cross the line with you." Breaking the kiss, Kakucho spoke while still keeping his hands on her body. "I also don't want it to seem like I'm taking advantage of your weakness..."
"Go on, I'm asking for it, Kakucho... I-I know you like taking orders." You said as you pulled him close again, he ended up just giving in to your request and kissing you again. "I'll give you what you want." Kakucho slid his hands down your legs, supporting them on his body, for a moment, he couldn't help but shyly admire the beautiful neckline of your red dress.
"...Honestly? There is no compliment I can use to describe how perfect you are." Extending the insistent kisses on your neck and chest, he couldn't help but praise you, Kakucho was certainly being true to every word he said, giving himself to you body and soul while you helped him unbutton the buttons on the dress shirt he wore, as soon as he set it aside, you realized how strong he was when you laid eyes on those defined abs. "Are you sure you want me?" He questioned, running his hand over his own muscles while you just nodded in affirmation, distracted by such beauty.
"Do you mind that I've never done this before?" Still worried and a little shy, the taller one couldn't help but question.
"...We're going to do this for the first time together, if you don't mind..." You looked away again and remained silent as you unzipped your own dress, remaining in just your underwear in front of him.
"I have to confess that I'm happy to you trust me enough for this, princess..." Understanding your "message" he immediately fell silent as he surrendered himself to your lips again, after, kissing your neck, he ended up not hesitating to leave some marks on your breasts when he unbuttoned your bra, Kakucho started to take everything more seriously when he kept you completely naked just for him, you believed that he would be careful and it really wasn't any different, despite that, Kakucho didn't stop "going deeper" into you when he felt that you you were already used to it, when your legs were shaking and you couldn't stand it for another second, suddenly, your phone started ringing non-stop, interrupting the act.
Kakucho stopped what he was doing, already having in mind that the one who was persistently calling his phone was Izana. "Stay calm." He said holding her face when he saw her with a scared expression as you also knew who it was on that call.
"I-Izana, it's Izana, turn off that phone, please Kakucho." With a shaky voice, you responded apprehensively as Kakucho took your phone and turned it off, but that wouldn't stop Izana, you realized that when you heard a knock on your door.
"Holy shit, this guy never gets tired of being a bastard!" The taller one said as he helped you get dressed and got dressed right after. "You don't need to be afraid of him, I won't let him get close to you."
"Come on up, I'll sort it out with him." Kakucho sent you up the stairs, he wouldn't allow Izana to even see you after all that.
"Don't open the door! Kakucho, please don't open it, please!" Holding onto his arm, out of fear, you begged him not to open that door while the knocking became increasingly louder.
Izana's insistence intensified even more as you stared at each other, making you both even more apprehensive about Izana's presence shouting for you outside the house. "Open the fucking door, [Name]! Am I going to have to break into your damn house?"
"Trust me, go lock yourself in your room and I'll sort it out."
"What will he think about seeing you here at this time? Kakucho, if he does something to you I won't forgive myself!"
"You need to trust me! Please, I know the friend I have, go upstairs, please."
You just did as Kakucho told you, heading upstairs and hiding in your room, you couldn't hold back the tears as you tried to hear what was happening downstairs.
"What the fuck? Kakucho? What the fuck are you doing at my girlfriend's house?" Izana exclaimed as soon as Kakucho opened the door, he really didn't expect his best friend to be there.
"Ex-girlfriend, you mean ex-girlfriend, do you realize the shit you did? Damn, Izana!"
"Fuck you, man, where's my fucking girlfriend? And who do you think you are to give me any orders?" Izana responded with an air of superiority and trying to get through the door, but he didn't expect that Kakucho would have the courage to stop him.
"Do you really think I'm going to let you near her again after you hit her? And you? Who the fuck do you think you are?"
"What the fuck kind of friend are you? Aren't you going to tell me you were fucking that stupid bitch?"
"If you call her a bitch again I'll show you what a fucking friend I am when I smash your face in."
"Oh yeah! So it's true? Do you want congratulations for taking her virginity before me? Or maybe you want a prize? Who would have thought that someone as pathetic as you would be able to fuck a girl."
"... You're fucking stupid, I don't know how I ever considered you my best friend, Izana, holy shit."
"Aren't you going to share it with me? I was the one who found it first, do you think you can come and steal what's mine?"
"... Get out now, it's better for both of us, you don't want me to take you out of here, do you?"
"You know what? At least I have her friend as comfort, stay there with my "Remains"." Izana shrugged and finally gave up on insisting on seeing you since he was drunk enough to forget you for that night.
Kakucho locked that damn door and assured him that he had really left, the boy couldn't hide how disappointed he was at having lost his childhood friend that night, despite that, he simply couldn't agree with those attitudes, at that moment, the only one The brunette's real concern was for you, as soon as he went up the stairs, he knocked on your bedroom door. "[Name]? Can you open the door for me, princess?" As soon as you heard him, he immediately went to unlock the door while bursting into tears.
"Please don't leave my side again, Kakucho." Hugging him, you said while resting your head on his chest.
"...I'll just get away from you when you want me to."
"Don't talk like that, I won't want you to leave my side."
"You know things that start very quickly end up ending very quickly."
"What do you mean? Kakucho?"
"Nothing... You better rest, it's almost dawn and you've already been through a lot."
"You don't have to hide things from me anymore, you know that."
"What happened between us, that's the problem, I mean... It's not a problem, but the way it happened, let's face it, it was shit, you were just betrayed and I'm afraid that you still don't trust me when I say that I'm not the kind of guy like Izana."
Not knowing what to say to that speech, you just remained silent while Kakucho seemed to think carefully before saying another word.
"The context in which I confessed my feelings, our approach, even our sex, I don't want it all to be in vain or something that lasted for just one night, it's you I want, I've always wanted." Almost like an outburst, he finally expressed himself.
"I also don't want this to be just a temporary thing, maybe, in fact, I'm sure we can make this work!" You responded in a calm tone despite feeling your heart beating faster.
"We're going to make this work." He responded right away with a smile that came naturally.
Returning the same smile, you hugged him even tighter. "Of course we will go..."
"Anyway, that's enough for today. You need rest to recover soon." After kissing you on the forehead, he took you to the bathroom and helped you take a shower, when he finished redoing your bandages and making sure you were calmer, Kakucho carried you on his lap to your bed and wrapped you in the covers.
"Rest, I'll be here when you wake up so you don't have to worry about anything." It was late, almost dawn, all those emotions left you exhausted, for that reason Kakucho kept you comfortable in his arms, stroking your hair subtly until you finally fell into a deep sleep, even though he was completely shaken and also tired. , he definitely didn't mind spending the rest of the night awake, watching you worriedly, if you felt bad at any point, he would definitely want to be there to keep you well, so Kakucho remained protecting you and ensuring that for a while moment, forget all that hell.
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florsial · 1 year ago
Spreading my 2 headed lamb Regulus animagus agenda with Black Brother angst!!!
word: 820
someone give Sirius a hug or something like damn he rlly going through it
As he walks, the crunching of the branches underneath his feet calms the harsh beating of his heart. It hadn't been a good day. He felt like he was constantly being watched by his parents. The entire day was spent anxiously looking over his shoulders, expecting his mother to turn a corner with a wand in hand or his father to yank his shoulder with a bruising grip when his back was turned.
He really needed his walk, at least that was what James insisted on.
For a couple of minutes, he manages to clear his head, the grip of his parents loosened, leaving his mind to heal from the harsh and bruising touch. His feet soon stopped near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and he was able to see Hagrid's hut, he figured he might as well stop by to say hi.
Sirius takes a couple of steps before he promptly stops. With widened eyes, he takes a step back from the disfigured animal. A two-headed black lamb, a baby, but not exactly a newborn, nowhere near a sheep. Its two heads conjoined by the side of their faces, the eyes wide and watching Sirius' movement with unsettling attention. The animal was creepy and yet he could not look away.
It made a noise, from one of its heads, and its legs wobbled a bit. A small movement that makes Sirius' heart ache pitifully. Remus had a farm back in Wale. He told Sirius of animals, sometimes humans, born with more than one head and dying not much sooner because they simply were born to die, doomed from the very beginning. They wouldn't have been able to survive the harsh world with the disability, nor would their bodies be able to continue the demands of life. And looking at the lamb, he thinks of how this might be the last time he sees it.
With slow steps to not scare the animal, he approaches with an outstretched hand. A comforting gesture. He manages to close enough where he can sit down and pet its soft fleece. The animal reciprocates the action, settling down to the ground beside Sirius.
"Hey there little guy," He hums.
The lamb doesn't reply, only closing its eyes. So Sirius continues to talk, "How have ya been? Well I hope, you look tired."
"I am too you know?" He runs his fingers through the soft black fleece. The animal shifts its position, slowly maneuvering itself to Sirius' lap.
"Looks like both of us are worn out, huh?"
The lamb never replies, Sirius guesses it takes too much out of the animal. So he fills the silence with his chatter about his friends, his academics, pranks, and Remus, but soon it shifts to a bit of his parents, and some of Regulus, which leaves his eyes watery. Despite never getting a baa in reply, he feels heard and comforted by the lamb.
When he finishes, he finds his face damp. The lamb leans closer and Sirius begins to sob into the black fleece. He admits in his tears, that he misses his family. He misses the times when their mother didn't scold them for minor things and gave them a cold shoulder, when their father wasn't locked up in his office or shouting at their mother, and the times he played with Regulus while the little boy was still oblivious to the world and giggled at every little thing.
At that, the lamb finally replied in its soft baaa from one of its heads. A sound that draws a wet chuckle from Sirius.
"Thank you," he mumbles softly against the fleece, "Lulu would like you, he's always been fond of lambs."
Another baa in response that makes Sirius smile.
He isn't able to stay with the lamb for long though, because he hears the familiar calls of, "Padfoot! Padfoot!" And he knows that his friends must be looking for him. Sirius turns to the lamb who is now slowly moving off of Sirius. A clear sign that he is about to leave. He wants to tell it to stay but before his mouth can form the words, the lamb makes a sound and turns around to leave. He watches the lamb move further but isn't able to stay long enough to see it fully leave his sight before his friends jump him with a group hug. Dragging his eyes away from the leaving lamb.
For the rest of his time in Hogwarts, he doesn't see the two-headed lamb again. It's only when he takes another walk to clear his head during the war in 1979, does he see it again. Black fleece and two heads conjoined standing on wobbly legs, staring directly at him, but it didn't feel like a visit, it felt like a goodbye. A permanent one.
The next day, Regulus is declared dead and Sirius never sees the two-headed black lamb again.
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