#he sings to all the songs and gets up in the aisle and dances
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burrowdarling · 2 months ago
Sweet Nothing
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Summary: A super-fluffy lil blurb based on Sweet Nothing - Taylor Swift
Pairings: boyfriend!Joe Burrow x girlfriend!reader
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Note: Heyo! Thank you for all of the love on my writing recently, it means so much to me that you're all enjoying everything! Thank you to this lovely anon who submitted this idea :)
Word Count: 838
Check out my Masterlist here!
Taglist: @burrowbarbie @definitelynotdomanique @one-sweet-gubler @plushkhiii @enchantedinfinity @iosivb9 @hellsingalucard18 @hotburreaux Feel free to comment or message me if you'd like to be added to the list!
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I spy with my little tired eye, tiny as a firefly
A pebble that we picked up last July
Down deep inside your pocket, we almost forgot it
Does it ever miss Wicklow sometimes? Ooh, ooh
It was the littlest things that would remind him of you. Joe could be driving home and see your favorite restaurant, a billboard for a show you mentioned, or simply a street sign that made him think of a conversation you two had a few nights before. It could be different license plates from your goal to find every state wherever you go or your need to always play eye spy on every road trip the two of you took. You were sentimental, getting him to slow down and take a breather every once in a while. It wasn’t always something Joe was good at, having a narrow focus and one end goal for multiple months out of the year. He loved his job but he loved being with you more. You loved to find small treasures to bring back home with you on your trips. Small tokens of memories compounding into your relationship, able to bring you both right back into any moment. You were nostalgic, loving to reminisce on different milestones in your relationship together. For example, you always saved the flowers Joe would get for you in hopes that one day you could spread them down the aisle at your wedding. It reminded Joe that the little things do matter. Even when it felt like he couldn’t slow his pace, he had you there to pump the brakes for him.
'Cause they said the end is comin', everyone's up to somethin'
I find myself runnin' home to your sweet nothings
Outside, they're push and shovin', you're in the kitchen hummin'
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothin'
No matter how loud the noise was inside his head, Joe was always able to find a sense of solace in you. It was like you were a security blanket, able to quiet the myriad of voices that tried to overtake his thoughts at all times. Coming home to you was the favorite part of his day, no matter the time or mood he was in. Finding you in his kitchen, making his favorite meal while you danced around, singing your favorite song at the top of your lungs while it played lightly from the speakers. You never let his presence stop you, continuing to sing while grabbing his hands, making him join into your antics. Joe would feign resistance, but deep down he loved every second of being home with you like this. You had a carefree nature about you, allowing him to let his guard down, even for a moment, and bask in the warmth that was your love. Being home meant there were no restrictions, no standards, all that he had to be was 100% himself. You were able to tell when he would need certain things like space to himself or to be held. It was something he thought was a superpower of yours, convinced you were able to read his mind somehow. 
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors
And smooth-talkin' hucksters out glad-handin' each other
And the voices that implore, "You should be doin' more"
To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it, ooh
Sure, there was something about the spotlight that Joe reveled in, finally getting the recognition for his hard work and effort all these years. He didn’t need to hold any type of facade around you, though - able to see right through any of his fronts. To you, he was Joey - the boy from Athens whose dream was to play football for the love of the game. He was always striving to make other people’s lives better, spread kindness and joy in his hometown community. 
“Do you ever think that maybe I’m not cut out for this life? Sometimes I wonder what things would be like if I didn’t make it.”
These were questions he would ask you in the dark, basking in the security of the night, a time for confessions he would come back to in the morning.You always knew what to do in these moments, never discounting his feelings or telling his mind to quiet. His favorite by far was when you would be in bed, ready to rest for the night after a particularly hard day. You would hold him in your arms, light scratches down his back, whispering any and every thought you had about him while he drifted off. Your sweet nothings were something he cherished, finding himself thinking about them on the nights when you could be there with him.
Home didn’t have to be a place, it was a feeling. That feeling was something he had with you always. Joe was able to call anywhere home as long as you were there by his side, taking life one step at a time. You were his sweet nothing.
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@steddiebingo prompt - second chances
pairing: steddie | rated: G | wc: 2,482 | on AO3: second chances
wheeee my first steddie bingo fill!! i have so many of these started and finally finished one tonight 🤗🤗 this one is also partially inspired by this tiktok!
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In late October 1986, following everything, Steve and Robin move to Indianapolis.
And one night, in the early morning hours after another round of upside-down induced nightmares, Steve finds himself checking in on Robin’s soundly snoring form in her room of their small two bedroom apartment, leaving a note for her about where he’d gone (just in case), slipping on his shoes, and heading the five or so blocks to their local 24 hour grocery store.
He’s done this a couple times before; the walk helps to clear his head and by time he gets there, he can get the shopping done. Two birds with one stone. Makes his sleepless nights work for him..
The double doors whir open before him and he grabs up one of the mismatched baskets, nodding politely to the woman manning the one open register as he passes.
He wanders the aisles, drumming his fingers on the metal handle of his basket to the somewhat familiar new Fleetwood Mac song that’s echoing down on him from the speakers embedded in the stained ceiling tiles, when he rounds the corner to the most unbelievable sight.
He literally cannot believe what he’s seeing.
At first Steve thought there was no way. That the frizzy head of unkempt waves before him had to belong to someone other than the one person he wanted it to.
But no. The person’s own basket is dropped unceremoniously onto the floor to whisk their dark hair up into a bun.. and there’s no doubt.
The scarred cheek, the dark brows, the same strong nose.
It’s Eddie. The newest, most bat-chewed member of their party, who sped out of town with his uncle as soon as he could (which is more than fair, honestly; he wasn’t going to get anywhere in Hawkins), is dancing. In the middle of the bread aisle. To Fleetwood Mac.
Steve lets him continue, the new bun pulled up in time for Eddie to jump easily into one of the goofiest looking dances he’s ever seen.
He spins around dramatically to the other half of the aisle and snatches up a box of macaroni, using it as a microphone to sing along about “sweet little lies” while he waves his arms wide and steps his feet in time to the beat.
Steve lets him finish, not wanting to interrupt the highest form of art unfolding in front of him, and doesn't speak until the song fades out, “Stevie Nicks, huh?”
All of Eddie’s limbs spasm in shock, “Jesus H. Christ!!” He clutches a hand to his chest and looks down the aisle towards the interruption. “Steve?! What–”
Steve was already on the move though, scooping Eddie up into a crushing hug. “So this is where you ended up! Why didn’t you tell anyone, man?” he questions, setting him back down but letting his hands linger on Eddie’s upper arms; as if he’d disappear if he let him go. 
Eddie seems to come back into himself once his feet touch the floor, his own hands coming up to clutch onto Steve’s arms and a bright smile on his face.
“Steve? How are you— Why are you— You—” Eddie huffs then frowns, starting over again with a new smile, “You’re here!”
“I’m here!” Steve grins back, giving Eddie a shake before shuffling him back into another hug, “You’re here,” he says, softer now.
Eddie’s arms come up around Steve’s waist, squeezing him back.
“What have you been up to, man?” he asks when he finally lets Eddie go, “Besides early morning dance recitals.”
“I’m managing a Sam Goody around the corner from here, actually.” he says, picking up his discarded basket.
“Very cool, very cool.” Steve nods, “And you’re here at 3am because…?”
“I maaaayy also bartend a couple nights a week.” Eddie picks up the box of pasta he’d been using as a microphone earlier and shrugs at it, dropping it onto his basket.
“No shit? How’ve we not run into you before?
 “Beats me, Stevie,” Eddie shrugs, ”Maybe you’ve been getting drinks from those heathens at Searchlight instead of from my humble abode.”
Steve winces.
“I knew it! Traitor!”
“How could I be a traitor if I didn’t know??”
“If you were really my friend, your gut would’ve told you to stay away from Searchlight and their gargoyle of an owner.”
Steve snorts out a laugh, “Gargoyle? What’s wrong with Brad?”
Eddie’s face does something weird. “And you’re on a first name basis with him too! Double traitor!” He smiles again, but it’s flat.
“I hereby vow to never again set foot in the forbidden lands, my liege, you have my word.” Steve says, holding his hand up in fake pledge.
Eddie looks at him in bewilderment, then presses his lips together futilely, a loud raucous laugh bursting through. “Where in the..” another laugh, “Where’d you get that kind of vocabulary, Harrington?”
“The shitheads, of course,” Steve chuckles, “They managed to wrangle me into a game or two after you—”
Eddie’s smile falls back into the flat imitation of itself instantly. 
Steve clears his throat, “Uhm, mostly Erica’s games, actually. She’s got Henderson, Robin, and me contracted into playing with her ever since Starcourt, and lemme tell you man, she’s ruthless.”
He smiles fondly to himself, “Yeah she is.”
Steve watches him think back for a moment before Eddie’s gaze is on him again, studious.
“Listen, Ed, It was really nice to see you,” he says, reaching into his pocket for an old receipt he’d remembered he’d stashed there a couple nights ago, “Lemme give you my number? Maybe we can meet up again soon?” 
Eddie grins, reaches into his basket and returns with a small pad of paper, a pen shoved unceremoniously into the wire binding. “Sure Stevie.”
Steve takes the offered paper, pulling out the pen and flipping past Eddie’s grocery list to the next page.
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“There, this is the number to our apartment,” He moves to hand it over, but pulls it from Eddie’s reach at the last second, “Do you promise to call?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, but concedes, straightening up and placing his right hand over his heart, “I, Theodore Wayne Munson–” 
“--Hereby swear to use the precious information given to me this day, November 9th 1986, in a timely manner.”
“Timely,” Steve scoffs as he relinquishes the notepad, “Yeah, sure.”
“A Promise is a promise Steve-o; and Munson Doctrine dictates a Promise may never be broken.” Eddie stuffs the pad and pen into his back pocket, “Though one notable Munson has never kept one in his life.”
“I bet.”
They stand there for a moment longer, before Steve steps away, “Well, the groceries won’t buy themselves, talk to you soon?”
“I promise,”
Steve’s still backing away down the aisle, “Good, you better,”
Eddie shoo-s him off with a chuckle, turning off toward the opposite end.
As soon as Steve’s turned and taken a step around the end toward the next aisle, he gets a feeling in his gut.
He gets them sometimes, pangs of worry, of anxiety; a clenching stomach that he’s just recently been told is his literal gut feeling.
And he gets one now, walking away from Eddie in this supermarket at three in the morning.
Eddie, the man who saved his brother in the upside down, Eddie, who only let Hawkins drive him out of town when his Uncle was threatened, Eddie, who would have endured it forever if it’d meant his only family left in the world wasn’t inconvenienced by the moving process.
Eddie, who it was only after he’d left that Steve’d realized the gut feeling walking though the Upside Down at his side wasn’t nerves about what was going on at all; that it was the same swoop he’d gotten after “Good Luck.”, “For your modesty, dude.”, “That Steeeve Harrington was actually… a Good Dude.”, after the goddamn “Don’tcha, Big Boy.”....
That he totally had feelings for that loser metalhead who helped save the world.
But the Munsons had gone, they were off somewhere and weren’t telling anyone where that somewhere was.
And now he’s here. A grocery aisle’s length away.. And he’s going to let him go?
No chance in hell.
So, Steve turns on his heel and jogs past the bread and pasta and, “Eddie, hey! Eddie, wait.. Wait…”
Those damn doe eyes turn to him, “Y’wanna get out of here?”
After a thorough ribbing for using that line to get him out of the store, Eddie agrees, puts his couple things back, and follows Steve out the front doors and down the street toward the nearby park.
“You got me out here, what’s up, Stevie.”
Steve huffs a laugh, his stomach doing flips even though he told it to cut it out at least six times by now, “Dunno, just had a feeling I shouldn’t let you go that easy.”
Eddie’s quiet for a moment, and Steve worries he’s already said too much.
“You really know how to make a guy feel special.”
Steve glances over at him, and is relieved to see a smile on his friend’s face. 
“We missed you,” He says, nudging him with his elbow “I missed you.”
Eddie nudges him back, “How could you miss me? You barely knew me.”
“I knew enough,” Steve says defensively, “You’re a part of the official party, Eds. But you were gone before I could get to know you more.”
“Yeah,” he scoffs, “As if you’d actually want to hang around with the Freak.”
“Stop that man; You don’t know me either, not really.” he scoffs, “Not the real Steve. Not the one who wanted to get to know you, wanted to hang out with you, be friends with you…” Steve trails off, not quite knowing if he should say what he’s been wanting to since he found out Eddie and his uncle had skipped town.. Should he risk it all right now and spill his guts? Spill why it was they told him to turn around a go back for him?
“And I’m telling you that you wouldn’t.”
“You and I both know how that would go, Steve. It’s why we left in the first place. I couldn’t get anywhere in that town and neither could you. Any of you as long as you were my friend.”
That stops Steve in his tracks, watching as Eddie takes the handful of steps left to sit on a bench just off their path in the park proper.
Eddie sighs heavily as he sits down, stretching his legs out in front of him and his arms over the back of the seat, hanging his head back to look up at the stars.
Steve finally follows, sitting half-turned toward the other man.
“Can I talk now?” Steve asks after a couple breaths.
All he gets is a short shrug, so he does.
“A lot about me has changed since ‘83, Eddie. And not just because of the upside-down shit either, though that was a part of it.
“If I had a time machine, I’d do it all again, exactly the same. But I think I would have wanted to try to get to know you sooner.”
Eddie scoffs, and Steve continues, “You think I’m bullshitting, but it’s true, man; the three most important people in my life are people who, at one point, I thought–or would have thought–to be some of the most annoying types of people in existence.”
He brings his hand up into Eddie’s line of sight, counting off on his fingers, “Robin - band geek, Dustin - annoying know-it-all nerd, Max - she’s that kid that skateboards everywhere, who does that?? Just walk!”
Eddie huffs out a laugh but stifles it just as quickly, like he doesn’t want Steve to know his little speech is working. 
“Every single one of the rest of those little shits annoys the crap out of me on a daily basis, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.”
Steve looks over and sees Eddie turn his face on his shoulder to look at him. He wonders if he should say the next part, if he even can.
“With you–” he starts, looking away from those dark eyes. “And feel free to hate me after this but I uhm–”
Shit, this is harder than it seems.
He opens his mouth again to start, but closes it again just as fast; he does it again before he feels a hand on his shoulder. 
Looking back, Eddie’s sitting up straight now, wide-eyed and expectant, “Go on..?”
Steve lets out a long breath, hanging his head with the movement of his lungs.
“When you left,” he starts again, lifting his head but not turning back, “When I found out you left, I felt hollow. Didn’t know why, and for a long time after I just rationalized it as missing the friend I could have had in you.”
He stops again, his stomach twisting tight.
“I feel like there’s a ‘But..’,” Eddie coaxes.
Steve turns, sits back, and faces Eddie. “But I talked to Robin–”
“Of course.”
“Of course,” he concedes, matching Eddie’s smile momentarily. “I talked to Robin about it and I wasn’t looking forward to a friendship with you, Eddie. I was looking forward to something more than that. Something that I didn’t know was possible until the summer of ‘85, and something I never thought I’d ever get to experience.
“And again, I didn’t even know what it was I was feeling until you were gone, when the possibility of having that with you was gone with you.” He looks away again, not wanting to see the inevitable rejection in Eddie’s face.
“The bottle to the neck, the vest, the ‘Big Boy’ thing, how I couldn't keep my eyes off your lips even though we were in the middle of literal hell..” Steve laughs sardonically, He makes the mistake of looking back at Eddie then, and finds his face flushed red in the light of a nearby streetlamp.
“I think I’ve had feelings for you for a while, Eddie. And it took you leaving for me to realize it.”
Eddie’s eyes are wide, mouth agape; his face is still tinged pink.
“Is that– is that alright?” Steve asks, looking concernedly at the rapid rise and fall of Eddie’s chest. “Are you okay?”
“‘Is that alright?’ he asks.” Eddie rolls his eyes, grinning, “‘Are you okay?’ As if I haven’t been told the best fuckin’ news in the whole damn world.”
“Reall– Really? The best. In the whole world.” he can’t keep the smile off his face despite his attempt at sarcasm.
Eddie laughs, “In this moment, it’s the best thing anyone’s ever heard in the history of forever.” 
There’s a moment’s pause, then Steve decides to be brave for the second time that morning; “Could I maybe kiss you about it?”
“Sweetheart, I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
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317 was the only area code in indianapolis until 2016 btw
like i said at the beginning, i have so many of these started but i cannot for the life of me finish themm 😭 please lend me your worms!!
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divider is from @saradika-graphics!
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javierpena-inatacvest · 3 months ago
Pedro Boys and Their Favorite Wicked Songs
How many times will I listen to the Wicked soundtrack before the year is done? 😅 The musical theatre nerd in me can't help but think about what songs from Wicked each Pedro boy would like the most after seeing the movie (with or without being forced to go against their will LMAO) This is all just for fun, if you have a different suggestion, tell me who, and why!!!
No One Mourns the Wicked- Obyern Martell
Strikes me as a man who lives for a backstory. Very satisfied that he gets all the information he needs to enjoy the movie in the first 15 minutes. Deeply offended that everyone is so mean to Elphaba because she's green, and can't fathom disowning a child for that very reason. Develops a fat crush on everyone in the movie by the time it's over
Dear Old Shiz- ......
This is no one's favorite song, be fr
The Wizard and I- Din Djarin
Loves the song because of how much it makes him think of Grogu. No one is rooting harder for Elphaba than Din because of how excited Grogu is to see another green friend, and how much Elphaba reminds him. He's so proud he is of his kid for all the challenges and obstacles he's overcome. Loses points only because he does have to chase Grogu down the aisles of the movie theatre when he sees the frogs at the beginning of the song.
What is This Feeling?- Javier Peña
Definitely did not come to see this movie by choice. Confused why the original characters from the Wizard of Oz are not in this movie. Also confused why Glinda and Elphaba have to sing an entire song about how they just can't share a room together. Will he admit that this song makes him think of him and Steve Murphy? Over his dead body. Will he quietly tap his foot through the entire song and be humming it to himself days later because it's just so fucking catchy? Absolutely.
Something Bad- Dave York
Though the movie was going to be a lot darker than it actually was because of the title. Humored by the idea of being a hired assassin to a goat so he can keep his voice. Has so much beef with the Wizard (sorry Dave York fans, I know nothing about this man)
Dancing Through Life- Agent Whiskey
Whiskey absolutely loves Fiyero. A carefree, reckless man who doesn't live by the rules AND can ride a horse? Sold, immediately. As soon as the movie is done, he's looking up where he can buy Fiyero boots to add to his collection. Names his next horse Fiyero. Learns the dance not for anyone else, but just for himself, because he thinks it 's cool. The only caveat is that he refuses to listen past the first 3 minutes of the song because Fiyero doesn't sing after that
Popular- Joel Miller
This is the only correct answer to this question. In a happy, blissful world where the outbreak never happens and Sarah is alive and well, you know for a fact she has been playing this soundtrack around the house for WEEKS. No, he doesn't want to go see Wicked (he's heard enough of the soundtrack to last him a lifetime), but he's not telling Sarah no when she asks if he wants to go. By the time Popular comes on, he's completely sucked in, and quite literally giggling throughout the song. There's not a day that goes by that she doesn't hold it over his head. Popular is one of his top 5 songs on Spotify wrapped next year.
I'm Not That Girl- Marcus Pike
While he'd probably rather see a play than a musical, he knows about Wicked and likes it enough to go see it on his own. Has listened to the soundtrack once a while ago, and has a general idea of the plot, but completely forgets about this song. Marcus Pike is literally the definition of not being that girl. Tries his best to keep from crying, but is sobbing by the end of the song. Definitely needs a while to recover after seeing the movie because of how much it made him feel things.
One Short Day- Javi G.
This song is nothing but fun and good vibes. No internal conflict, no turmoil, just two gal pals enjoying their journey to Oz. Very much a fan of the fun colors, can't stop laughing at the guys in the egg shaped suits in the fountain. Didn't know anything about Wicked before he bought tickets, but heard everyone was talking about it, and now he's seen it 7 times and dances around his house to the soundtrack on repeat.
Sentimental Man- Dieter Bravo
This is no one's favorite song. It's not Dieter's, either. But he wasn't paying attention enough to remember any of the names of the songs, so when someone asks him what his favorite is, he points at this one and shrugs, thinking it was Dancing Through Life. He's confused why everyone is so surprised by his response. He watches it 3 more times and still never picks up on it.
Defying Gravity- Frankie Morales
The lyrics to this song hit SO HARD for our sweet boy. "As someone told me lately, everyone deserves a chance to fly?" Do you know how loud he sings this song to himself if he's flying alone in a helicopter? The song truly makes him reflect on a lot of life choices for the better. Already loved the movie up until this point, but this is just the icing on top of the cake. Goes to see it again specifically for this song.
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missnancywritesfanfic · 2 years ago
Grocery Shopping ft. Anemo Boys
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(Based On Stuff My BF and I Have Done)
Characters: Venti, Xiao, Heizou, Kazuha, Wanderer(Scaramouche), Aether
Contains: Modern AU, Everyday Life, Fluff, Swears
A/N: I was at the grocery store and the idea popped in my head 🥰
VENTI - Humming Along To The Music
From the moment you stepped inside to the moment you leave. He will be humming. Tapping his finger to whatever royalty free song is playing over the speakers. You used to asked him why he never listened to his own music when you were shopping.
"But if I did that, then I'd be ignoring you. Isn't it better to be together in the moment?"
"Yeah, in the moment of Funky Town for the thirtieth time? I'm flattered."
It gets worse with every trip. It slowly evolves into mumbling the lyrics, then singing the lyrics out loud, swaying along to the music, and sometimes full on dancing with no remorse. Not a single bone of shame in his body, and you have to watch your boyfriend shake his ass while you facepalm.
"I am never taking you shopping again."
"We both know that's a big fat lie, babe. You love having me around~"
God, you hated his smug grin. Let this shopping trip be done as soon as humanly possible.
XIAO - Carry All The Groceries/Steer The Cart
He will always man the cart. Don't you dare take it away from him, he has pouted at you before when you absentmindedly grabbed one and started shopping.
You seriously have no clue why he enjoys it so much, but you can't complain, it gave you time to actually focus on picking what you wanted. And you didn't have to worry about navigating traffic in the aisles. But he will nudge the cart into you when you're taking too long, you'll always turn back to meet his glare.
"Are you done yet? We need to get a move on."
"Hey, I am the chef of the house. If you don't like how I pick the ingredients, you can cook for a change."
That'll usually shut him up. He'll still silently nudge the cart into you though, after a while you get the idea and pick up the pace. When you finish shopping, he will always take the heavier bags. Even when you offer, he insists that it isn't an issue and leave you with the lighter bags. Sometimes nothing at all.
You appreciate his help, not like you wanted to carry them anyways. You still have to scold him about being delicate with the eggs.
KAZUHA - Cannot Decide On What To Take
"Baby, for the love of god, please pick a thing and stick with it!"
You've been in the aisle for over five minutes, he can't decide on what kind of rice to buy. This isn't a price issue. Kazuha's stuck thinking in the longterm: What kind of rice is best? Should we buy a bulk bag to last longer? Which type will work best with dinner tonight? (It's Jasmin. Always Jasmin. Cheap and reliable.)
You don't care! You just want to be in any other aisle but this one! But you're being hypocritical, you've done the exact same and everytime he'll give you a specific look. Nothing else, not a frown, not even a smug grin, just a look.
"Okay, but why does this package say sugar-free but it has the same level in the nutrients on the back?" You pause and glance over, you frown. "What?"
"I haven't said anything, dear."
"You don't need to. I know that look, it's Kazuha for I'm Judging You."
HEIZOU - Comparing Item Prices
He's the type of person to lay out all his options and pick the cheapest one with the best quality. There may be meat on sale today, but he knows it's only because they're going to expire soon. This can be useful at times, no need for bottom tier food in your household.
But that's not the worse of it. Like many middle aged home owners, he will deliberately check for mistagged items so that he can get them at a discount price. There's an air fryer he's been eyeing for months that's too expensive for a leisure purchase, until the day he spots that it's been mistagged for thirty dollars cheaper than normal.
"Heizou, honey, we can just wait until it's actually on sale..."
"Ah ah~, the price labelled is the price offered. I will be taking my prize!"
"You're insufferable."
You're at the checkout, silently apologizing to the cashier and manager that are trying to find a way out of this predicament. Unfortunately for them, he gets the airfryer. And unfortunately for you, he doesn't stop using it for a loooong time.
WANDERER - Buy Old People Snacks
He doesn't like sweets. He visibly cringes everytime you pass by the bakery section or candy aisle, and you have a horrible sweet tooth that can never be quelled.
However, he's gotten into the habit of picking up dried cranberries of all things. Now, usually you don't pass judgement on his choices, despite him making it clear he doesn't care if you. Regardless, you can't help poking fun at him every once in a while.
"Pfft, nice choice granpa."
"Shut up, you shovel junk down your throat like it's your day job."
"Yeah, but at least I act my age."
"You mean five?"
If you ever, and I mean ever, try to take some for yourself. He will smack your hand away and give you the nastiest glare. Don't bother with whining or fake tears, you should've thought about that before insulting his food choice. You won't be able to steal any of his food for a good month.
AETHER - Asking Permission To Buy Stuff
You have no clue where it comes from. Before you started dating him, he and Paimon were impulsive spenders. They used to empty literal shelves and have more food then they knew what to do with (Paimon usually ate most of it in record time). But now, when you're heading down the aisle, he'd sheepishly hold a box of cereal, maybe cookies, or even fruit snacks- and give you the biggest puppy dog eyes possible.
"Aether, you are a grown man. You can buy whatever you want."
"Yes! Buy ten of 'em if you really want to!"
Okay, maybe that's a bit overboard. But you needed to exxagerate to make your stance clear. Maybe he was trying to be considerate of you? But you always split the bill when it came to paying for groceries, a couple extra dollars wasn't going to kill you. Especially not with your shared salaries.
But if you're not careful, Paimon might end up eating you out of house and home. So maybe he had the right idea about clearing these choices with you first.
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im14andivebeen14foramonth · 5 months ago
My Outsiders experience last night!!!
hey y'all sorry for how late i'm posting this 😭😭 i didn't think id be so tired but going to school and then all of that traveling to and from the show last night wore me outtt (slept until almost noon oopsies). i really wanted to post this right after the show when everything was all fresh in my mind but i just could not muster up the energy. that being said if you send any asks about certain things it'll probably revive my memory a little bit so i can give more details about it
anywho here it goes!!
Act 1
have to start off by saying this was suchhh a surreal moment when i sat down in the theater for the first time since ive been obsessed with the outsiders for years and years
one general thing that i will say is that for some reason i expected the stage to be like huge but when i saw how much smaller it was than i imagined it actually made me feel so much closer to the actors and more in the moment which i ended up loving!!!
when i opened the pamphlet and saw that the only understudy was andre in place of renni for steve and i knew for certain that brody was there,,,,y'all i was freaking out
i was watching the left side of the theater for bordy for like a solid twenty minutes and i almot SCREAMED when i saw him walking down the aisle
the show started almost immediately after that which i didn't expect so it kind of threw me off guard but as soon as it started me and my friend were squeezing ech others hands so hard for like 30 minutes straight (side note my wrist is bruised thats how hard we were doing it)
brodys. vocals. OH MY GOD. i wasnt all that big on brody when i first found out about the musical but m mutuals have in fact swayed me and hearing him live. wow.
him sitting in the audience was so so SO cool
maybe i'm just delusional BUT me and my friend both swore that we saw brent looking right at our section at us during tulsa 67 and my heart started RACING brent i love you
the way the cars come on stage??? is so fucking cool????
did NOT know they dropped his notebook in the water my jaw dropped and the high-pitched ringing when he goes unconscious oh my goddddd
ace's "you wish" while holding her ass was so fucking funny
jason was being so playful with brent!! for the first like ten minutes of the show he was like smacking him with his towel nonstop; also during ggah you could see darry and soda arguing off to the side and darry looked sooo done (i could make a whole post dedicated to brents performance...maybe i will actually) and the way he flipped the bat in his hand was cool as hell; also do one dropped anything during the song!!!
soda and two-bit's little moment during ggah when soda sings "keeping the prettiest one on your arm" had me laughing so hard
runs in the family was so sad :(( but brents vocals were FANTASTIC live. and soda FOLD THE DAMN LAUNDRY!!!! HE GAVE YOU THE LAUNDRY BASKET FOR REASON DONT JUST DROP IT ON THE FLOOR you're making the poor boy upset >:(
jason was being sooo funny when he's on the bed with pony. he kept doing little voices and he was being super sweet too, he was playing with pony's hair and rubbing his shoulders the whole time. "544 FUCKING PAGES?!"
the flashlights in great expectations were such an amazing touch
POOR JOHNNY he looked so scared when his parents were fighting. also i will never shut up about how amazingly they use the sets, keeping the door open with the distant sound of his parents fighting was such a smart move
friday at the drive in was phenomenal live; cherry kept trying to get bob to follow her and he kept pulling away, bob looked so done with it when cherry and chet started dancing, marcia was like alll over tripp on the hood of the car and then chet and (i think?) paul were just laying all cute on the car together; plus THE DANCE BATTLE OH MY GOD???? i cant remember if it was steve or two-bit (my brain wants to say two-bit tho) but one of them started thrusting into the ground and my jaw was on the floor
i could talk to you all night...the vocals...so beyond honored to hear emma and brody get to harmonize like that right in front of me
kwp your acting HOLY HELL!!! he genuinely made me jump when he started yelling at cherry. "is there a problem here, robert?" "EAT SHIT MARCIA!"
"cherry valance" "NO SHIT!!!"
brent's anger during ritfr was sooo beyond palpable, he made me jump when he threw the bills at soda. also jason was so good at looking dejected, picking up everything and putting it back ont he table than trying to hold darry back from pony
far away from tulsa made me cry for the first time during the show!!
THE CARS AGAIN OH MY GOD!!! and the drowning scene?? the sound of pony screaming under the water??? the lights going out as bob dies and flashing before it cuts to him bloody in the fountain???? beyond phenomenal
run run brother you will always be famous to me. the boards acting as trains??? oh my god
Act 2
jft was one of the songs i was most excited to see live and it was BRILLIANT i loved the flashlights. also marcia holding back from cherry...oughhhh my heart. TWO-BITS SCREAM BROKE MY HEARTTT. and emma's opt-up!!! beautiful
general note since i don't know where to add this DAN BERRY I LOVE YOU!!!
death's at my door had me SOBBING
once again brent's anger in his fight with dally was amazing, and then the direct lead in into titt oughhhh
titt also had me sobbing by the end oh my god
the poem scene was beautiful, i was taken back to being ten years old and rewinding that scene of the movie a million times and to see it live in front of me? an honor
"ITS GOLD LOCKS AND HER UGLY SISTER!" dally was hilarious this whole scene
soda's letter...brent finishing the last line...just kill me why don't you
dally was IN johnny's face during their argument he was sooo angry i was not expecting that
when i saw pony throw the cigarette i was just kind of like "oh he threw the cigarette" and then a few seconds later i was like WAIT WAIT NOOO
hoods turned heros vocals were AMAZING. also darry looked so happy and proud of pony and it made me all teary
hey so. so who was going to tell me that dally carries in johnny's body like that. also he was right, johnny looked so small :(
hopeless war was DEVASTATING. that's the end.
i will forever love the lead in to trouble, the song is short but so underrated. "once a greaser always a greaser" darry marry me now
loved watching kwp and sky sneak onto the stage during the rumble
"pony...pony...come closer" y'all i am not exaggerating that when he's in the bed, johnny sounds like a scared little boy it broke my heart. also soda calling johnny buddy hurttt me :(
when johnny died my fucking heart BROKE. ace was in the background clutching her hair and full on SOBBING. pony on the ground??? and i saw other people say that jason goes to hold pony but at least for this show he liked sat behind pony and pulled in down so that they were both like laying on the ground with pony on top of him. pony pulling away too......:(
his death scene....when pony starts talking about his death and he stands in the lights of the train, pony isn't talking super loud and you could hear josh whimper and his face crumble again and he just kept doing it over and over again like he was STILL crying from the song while he was dying
the dinner scene hurt like a BITCH. one of my favorite moments int he whole show was when brent walked over to the tv to shut it off and the whole stage was just silent. it really amplified the tension
pony beating on darry's chest :( and then brent was crying so fucking hard and then JASON was crying so fucking hard. and then cherry walking in and them both tryign to act normal. speaking of cherry the voice she uses to talk to pony HURT. ME. WHEN SHE'S ABOUT TO LEAVE AND HE DOESN'T ANSWER AND SHE JUST GOES "okay." I WAS CRYINGGGG. and then another fav moment was when she leaves and her, darry and soda all say bye, they were all so quiet about it and it felt so natural
stay gold. i have no words. it was fucking beautiful and i sobbed like a baby.
also like i said i could make a wholeee post just on brent, but i need to say this now. BRENT. WAS SITTING AT THAT TABLE FOR A SOLID LIKE TEN MINUTES. JUST SOBBING. he kept looking like he was trying to compose himself like sucking in big breaths, but then his lip would quiver and his face would just crumble and the tear would start up again and and AUGHHHHHHHH it hurt so so so bad
pony saying his writing probably wasn't any good. "can I read it?" DARREL CURTIS YOU ARE BREAKING MY HEART!! and also soda's "am i in it :)?" and when pony says darry's in it too and darry goes "oh great." the whole crowd was laughing and then him telling pony to make sure he has great hair in the book so so funny
not enough people laughed at the green beans scene and it made me sad >:(
when pony looks at johnny during the finale...and then johnny looks at dally and they smile at each other....ohhhh my god
also when pony started singing about dally it broke my heart ESPECIALLY since i didn't know dally sings that part too
side note when it was a little ways into the finale song and darry and soda are still eating at the table, brent winked at jason and when jason turned i could see im smiling a little bit. i think it was brent's way of checking in wih jason and making sure he was okay, it was super cute tho
overall the finale song was fantasticccc
andre came out first, he was super super sweet!!
then victor came out, he was also awesome!!!
y'all....when rj walked out i almost SCREAMED. he's the only one that i got a good pic with (its fine tho cuz my friend got pics of everyone else) but when he was signing my book he went "what's uppppp :)" and i was ready to fucking EXPLODE my heart was racing. and then my friend's mom manage to get a pic of him smiling at me with this big ass grin and i'm not even goign to lie i keep going back and looking at the picture every few hours my heart is full omg
next up was kwp and let me tell you guys...if i was fangirling over rj i dont even know what to say about me with kwp i was on another LEVEL. he is very very pretty and his voice is insanely charming when he's talking and he looked me in my eyes and i just.....yeah i'll never be normal about this
last up was josh boone and i was also geeking out so hard. he was like "what's going on :)?" and he was super nice, he made sure to get a pic with me after signing everyone's stuff around me and reassured me that he didn't forget about me like halfway through the signings he was just super super nice
okay guys this post is LONGGG but i had sooo much to say (and i still have more to say sooo...spam the inbox if you want more details bc i am MORE than happy to yap about it!!) overall i just feel so beyond honored to watch this happen live in front of me after spending years and years of my life in love with the outsiders. me and my friend are trying to go back soon and sit front row :)
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vanfleeter · 1 year ago
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Characters: Jake Kiszka x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mostly fluff. Smut so minors DNI. Mentions of sex. Because what is a classic love letter without a little bit of smut.
Summary: Writing a heartfelt letter.
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Today is Valentine’s Day. Normally the two of you don’t celebrate, which is fine. Not everyone does and that’s okay. You both mutually agreed to not celebrate but should either one want to do something, it can be something small. Nothing big and nothing expensive. In the past, Jake has just about gotten you something for that day, but still sticking to nothing huge and nothing expensive.
It’s always been a cheesy hallmark card that the two of you can giggle over. One year he found a card that plays music and of course it played the Hamster Dance to go along with the hamster on the front that held a red heart balloon and had cheesy Valentine’s Day saying on it.
So this year, that’s what you were expecting. A cheesy card hand picked from a gift aisle in CVS. Although, things didn’t quite go as you had expected. Still.. Nothing huge and nothing expensive.
Waking that morning you had found a bouquet of your favorite flowers resting on the nightstand beside your bed with a sticky note attached.
One simple word scrawled on the piece of paper. Placed delicately beside the bouquet is a red envelope with your name written on it. This was different. Normally he’d wait until after work to give the card and not first thing in the morning, nor did he ever buy flowers. Claiming he can buy you flowers all the time, nothing makes them more special just because it’s a holiday.
Sitting up in the bed, you reach for the card and break open the seal. You were surprised yet again to not find a cheesy card, but instead a handwritten letter. He’s deviating from the usual plan. Why?
Shrugging off the inquisitives, you pull out the paper and unfold it. Your jaw slowly drops as you find a completely handwritten letter all in his own handwriting. You’ve gotten handwritten letters before. A thing he started doing while away on tour. He’d write everything in a notebook, sort of like he was journaling. But instead of addressing some made up imaginary person, he’d be addressing you. Each day, he’d reaccount everything that happened, down to the smallest detail so it made you feel like you had actually been there.
Making yourself comfortable within the pillows and blankets, you begin to read the letter.
                                                                                             2/13/2024 My dearest love, I come to you in this letter to express my profound love to you. Normally you would be getting a cheesy Hallmark card bought from a CVS on my way home from work. Not this year. I wanted to do something different so here goes nothing.. Ever since I had met you, I just knew you were meant for me. I couldn’t stop thinking about you those first few nights after meeting you. I had to see you again, I had to know you. There was something about you that drew me in like a siren singing her song luring me to my death. Although you weren’t luring me to my death. Never mind, scratch that. You should know that I’m highly nervous writing this so bare with me.
You can’t help the giggle that escapes you and you burrow down deeper into the bed as you continue on.
I’ve never told you this, although maybe I should have. I feel like I should have, but nonetheless, I am now. I have loved you since that moment I laid my eyes on you. You had those beautiful eyes that just sucked me in and your laugh was so contagious. This is written in past tense but it still rings true to this day. I think the reason I never told you that I fell in love with you that day was because truthfully, I was terrified. So I lied and told you that I started falling for you when I caught you rescuing a little fly that got caught on a spider’s web and then proceeded to freak out because the spider landed on your arm. I was already in love with you before that, but it did make me fall harder. I still think about that moment. How hard I had laughed after I had told you to be careful. I was determined to try to keep up with this mysterious facade because I didn’t want to come across as the sappy, romantic kind of guy. Though we both know that that didn’t last very long. Slowly I started showing you the real me. The funny, cheesy, and sometimes clumsy self. You’re probably rolling your eyes at this and calling me a liar. Okay, I’m more clumsy than I’ll admit but I guess being clumsy came in handy because as much as I tend to trip over my own feet and fall, I know that I’m falling in love with you. Each and every day. And now you’re probably thinking, ‘Smooth one, Jake’. Yes, I know, I am pretty smooth.
This time you did roll your eyes.
I’ll be honest with you.. I wanted to write this in the most elegant way that I could. Everyone knows me to write these exquisite captions for my Instagram posts or to say profound things that most of the time make no sense to anyone. But I’m writing to you and I want to be authentic. I want to just be me. Jake. Your Jake. Your Squishy. Why you call me that, I probably won’t ever know but as long as it’s you calling me that, I’ll allow it. Anyways, moving on. There’s a lot to love about you. Your heart for one. You never fail to amaze me with the love you pour out. Whether it be your hugs, the kind smiles you offer, or the endearing words of encouragement, you’re always radiating love. Kind of reminds me of Josh. I know life hasn’t been easy but I’m proud of how you’ve made it through it all and yet you’re still pouring out your love like it's endless. And to quote my brother, love has no bounds. Especially with you. You’re boundless. You inspire me. And there’s more to your love than just your hugs and encouraging words. The way you express your love to me. Especially in bed. Have I made you blush? Good, because I love the way you make me feel when we’re in bed together, completely entangled. You make me feel good–so fucking good. Your hands, so soft against my skin as you drag your fingers down my back–and then not so soft as you scrap up my back. I’ll have to admit, it turns me on even more when you do that. Tells me that I’m doing a great job at fucking you. Oh you thought this was going to be a romantic love letter of me only swooning over you? Well, my love, guess again. Didn’t you know all the classic writers wrote dirty letters to their lovers? Don’t count me out. Back to the topic at hand.. Fucking..
You laugh again and bite into your bottom lip as you continue reading.
Making love to you is one of my favorite things to do. I love the feeling of being pressed up against you, feeling every curve of your body–from your beautiful breasts down to your hips, your ass, your thighs. God those thighs.. I can feel the way you clench them around my head as I’m fucking you with my tongue and dragging you to your orgasm.
You can feel the arousal beginning to spread between your legs, slowly soaking your underwear. Even in a letter he can make you wet.
But what I love to feel the most is you fully wrapped around me as you take my cock. Thrusting into you, hitting all of those spots that really get you. You are the lock and I am the key that clicks in place with every thrust of my hips, unlocking every single thing that makes you unravel in my hands. If I had it my way, I’d never leave that bed. I wouldn't mind being tangled up in the sheets with you every day. Not having a care in the world while I’m making love to you. I should probably stop this letter at some point before I make you a mess. But also because my hand is starting to cramp. I chose the wrong pen to write this with. So to end this in my true fashion.. In omnia paratus. I am prepared for it all. Prepared to love you for the rest of my days, or for as long as you’ll have me. I am prepared to endure all things with you–the good and even the bad. I love you completely with every fiber of my being and I still hope to this day that you do too. Happy Valentine’s Day. All my love, Jake’
Folding the letter back up, you press it against your chest as you bite back down into your bottom lip and squeal.
Pulling yourself back up into a sitting position, you reach for your phone and pull up his contact. Pressing the phone to your ear as it rings, you can hear the familiar ringtone down the hallway. It draws near to the room and you pull the device away from your ear as he steps into the doorway. He’s carrying a couple takeout bags of food.
He smirks when he sees the letter still clutched in your hand. “I see you’ve read it already.” He walks over to his side of the bed and sets the bags of food on the nightstand.
Setting the letter back down beside the flowers, you crawl across the bed and rest on your knees in front of him. You throw your arms around him and draw him in for a kiss.
“Would you hate me if I asked for a handwritten letter every year from now on?”
He chuckles but nods his head. “I could never hate you.” He says. “And yes, I think I can do that. I take it, you liked it?”
“I loved it.” You say. “My squishy.”
“Seriously, why do you call me that?”
“Because..” You slide your hands up his arms and caress his face in your palms. “You’re just so squishy!” You say as you squish his cheeks.
He snorts and rolls his eyes. “You’re so weird.”
Gripping his ass in your hands, you push him against you, already feeling his hardening bulge inside of his pants. You give him a smirk and he chuckles.
“Nice Gilmore Girls reference by the way.” You say with a giggle. “Guess that part stuck with you.”
He smiles and nods his head. “Kind of made sense in the grand scheme of things.” He gives you another kiss as presses his body tighter against yours. “Now.. Your choice.. Breakfast first or..” He holds up a finger in the air and pecks your lips. “I can recreate everything I wrote in that letter.”
“Breakfast can wait.” You say and begin to lift his shirt up and over his head.
tag list:
@watchingover-hypegirl @losfacedevil @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @writingcold @jaketlove @mackalah @lexii-nv-c @em-gvf01 @katiegvf @joshkiszkaenthusiast @takenbythemadness @jakekiszkasmommy @objectsinspvce @gvfmarge @heckingfrick @bluemeadows77 @laneygvf @sacredmachine @jordie-gvf-admin @gvfpal @killerqueengvf @jaketlover @jordinlkiszka @alwaysonthemend @hellowgoodbye @anythingforjtk @hi-hi-hello11 @anthemofgvf @gretasfallingsky @songbirds-sweet @wildbluesorbit @klarxtr @stardustsecret @sunandthemoontwinflames @everyglowinthetwilightknows @sinsofstardust @sparrowofthedawnsworld @josh-iamyour-mama @dannys-dream
Want to be added to my tag list? Reach out to me! :D
(also if I missed you, please let me know!)
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lupiinist · 9 months ago
alright, so, i'm writing something and wanted to share my black sisters hcs because i like them so much (and also because i need to so i won't forget it)
first of all, bellatrix is a very good sister. she's a bit unhinged, sure, maybe can get a little violent, yes, but it's alright so long as you don't mess with cissa and andy (or regulus and sirius by extent, but she prenteds she doesn't like them)
they have a thing with nicknames. for everyone, they are bella, cissa, and andy. but for each other, they are trix/trixie, cissy/ciss, and an/mendy. the only other people who get to call them that are their loved ones (sirius, reggie, ted, alice and rita)
narcissa likes jewelry, she has rings, earrings, and necklaces to match with every single one of her clothes, and she can even make her own, she likes to chose gemstones and knows most of them by name (her favorite are emeralds and rubies)
bellatrix is a ballerina, she has so much strength in her body, like, she doesn't look like it, she looks scrawny at first, but she's very strong and flexible, ballet is a thing requires a lot of focus and determination, and for everything that she's chaotic, she has her moments of peace with dancing
andromeda tonks is bisexual. fight me on this one.
i feel like andromeda would also be a lot into fashion, like, just generally, she likes clothes and loves to push gender norms with her clothes, she rocks in dresses, and she rocks in suits, and sometimes she mixes both and guess what? she rocks!!!! (no, but seriously, andromeda tonks in a suit. please.)
the three of them like to gossip, like, a lot. they paint each others nails, bellatrix learned at a young age to do her sisters' hairs, so she does them whenever she gets the chance, and they talk about every bit of gossip they hear
narcissa painted her hair black once because she felt left out from her sisters. next thing she nows, once the paint fades, bella and andy have dyed their hair blond. now they all match
once they all have their lives apart, they still like to hang out when they can. cissa brings draco to his favorite aunts (although he likes pandora a lot too), sometimes bella brings rita when she's not working, and ted likes to pick andromeda up from their meet-ups so he can at least say hello to his in-laws
when they were young, their parents used to fight a lot, and it used to get really loud, so the three of them would get together in bella's room, and she would sing them a song until things got quieter. she's a surprisingly good singer (although narcissa is better)
when andromeda marries ted, bella and cissa walk her down the aisle, one on each side
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hercarisntyours · 29 days ago
sit down im gonna mansplain the tale of orpheus and eurydice and why you should vote for orpheus and eurydice in the @tragic-ships-tournament , an essay.
Orpheus and Eurydice were a perfect match, Eurydice was full of beauty and grace - Orpheus taught by Apollo himself, molding songs of beauty and grace with lyre.
When Hymen (also, Hymenaios or Hymenaeus) blessed the marriage of Orpheus and Eurydice, He predicted that they were not meant to last.
Of course this is, as we know, true.
It depends on the tale, but on their wedding day, Eurydice danced with nymphs in a forest; unbeknownst to her a snake was lurking in the grass beneath her. The snake bit her and she dies instantly (ON HER WEDDING DAY) (imagine getting married, dancing with your girlies then boom. your dead. gone. tragic)
Orpheus was rightfully devastated by this, he decided that he simply cannot anymore and was determined to bring her back. Now orpheus' music truly was etheral, it made even inanimate objects such as stones weep; knowing this he made sure to sing a song so full of hearth and sorrow it would move the chthonic gods Hades and Persephone to tears. So he set out on a mission to the underworld. With his songs he recieved the viewing and enjoyment of Cerberus, the guard of the gates to the underworld. After making if through he reached his target audience, the ones who could fulfil his one wish - to hold his wife in his arms again, to watch her dance, to hear her laugh and to see her smile.
Orpheus' lyre strummed so heartbreakingly that the king of the dead and the bringer of death themselves were filled with compassion and care for the young lovers. So much so that they agreed to let Eurydice go, let Eurydice experience the light of the sun and her husband again.
But not without a catch.
They only way the lovers could walk out of the underworld alive was if Eurydice walked behind Orpheus, and if Orpheus turned to look at her during their walk up the aisle? She'd go right back to her prior state. Dead, again. In a trial of faith and trust. a CRUEL game of marco polo.
Orpheus was delighted, and eagerly accepted condition, thinking it was merely but a simple task.
The more they walked, the more Orpheus doubted the words of Hades. He was unable to hear the footsteps of his wife behind him, due to her being a shade/soul; not yet a physical person until she bathes in the light of Helios/the sun. Wondering if he was tricked, and this was all but a play - a trick.
When the cave began to illuminate with imagery of the upper world, the earth, Orpheus felt nothing but doubt and fear. And so, with the end in sight,
He turned.
He turned to see the face of his wife, for one last time. He watched as she faded, getting dragged back to the land of Hades.
the story of orpheus and eurydice is a characterisation of grief, Orpheus' determination to get her back being denial. orpheus singing a song so beautiful in order to move the rulers of the underworld to reviving her, bargaining. doubt preccurred the phase of depression. and then, acceptance.
in some re-tellings Orpheus never accepted the 2nd death of Eurydice and so he begged and begged, for his own death via a song of mourning. For one cannot enter the underworld twice while one is alive. His wish came true, getting attacked by a beast or frenzied Maenads. Somehow his head was still intact, singing his song of mourning as it refused to drown; ending upon the shores of Lesbos.
The head of Orpheus sung his grief for eternity.
As mentioned before, Orpheus begged for death, he begged and mourned for Eurydice until he couldn't bare it anymore.
As severance pay he got his lyre cast to the sky to become a constellation. Rememberance of the plight they took for love.
are you sad?
then, even if your not sad and moved by my mansplaining
THEY ARE THE BLUEPRINTTTTTTTTTT the original sad they paved the way
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losergender · 3 months ago
you know what's timebomb coded? the entire home video album by lucy dacus released in 2021. (s2 act 3 spoilers ahead)
"you used to be so sweet, now you're a firecracker on a crowded street" -> from powder being a major sweetheart to jinx being (lovingly and not so lovingly) a pain in the ass that annoys everyone (and also literally carrying explosives around) | "led me to the floor even though i'm not a dancer" -> literally them dancing in ep7 | "how did i believe i had a hold on you? you were always stronger than people suspected, underestimated and overprotected" -> GUYS THIS IS LITERALLY EKKO TALKING ABOUT POWDER ISTG !!! "a hidden gem, my own goldmine, you had the wide and wild eyes" -> jinx eyes changing color and all "NOW YOU'RE THE BIGGEST BRIGHTEST FLAME, YOU ARE A FIRE THAT CAN'T BE TAMED, YOU'RE BETTER THAN EVER, BUT I KNEW YOU WHEN IT'S BITTERSWEET TO SEE YOU AGAIN" -> GUYS IS THIS NOT EXACTLY EKKO'S FEELINGS ABOUT JINX COME ON GUYS
the entire "first time" is peak "can we pretend like it's the first time?" | "YOU CAN'T FEEL IT FOR THE FIRST TIME A SECOND TIME" , "and how will i know if history repeats itself? how will I know when it's gonna come back around? how will i know? has my face changed, baby? how will I know?" this ekko after breaking free from the perfect dimension guys ,,, guys..
cartwheel guys. cartwheel. "FIREFLY juice on your skin / you're glowing like an ATOM BOMB" it's them it's them it's so them | "this natural thing that you've undone / outgrew older sister's clothes again / won't admit you're growing tall and thin" ekko watching her turn from powder to jinx from afar,,, | "i thought back to many years ago: a late-night promise on the telephone, we'd build a house of twigs and vines, grow old together just to pass the time // now there's only past and present day, i can't believe a word you say" EKKO WATCHING HER TURN EVIL FROM AFAR GUYS !!! WHILE STILL KEEPING FEELINGS !!!
thumbs it's ekko thinking about what silco has done to her. "i would kill him if you let me, i would kill him quick and easy, your nails are digging into my knee, i don't know how you keep smiling" / "you've been in his fist ever since you were a kid, but you don't owe him shit even if he said you did"
please stay. please stay is literally canon because he literally had to stop her from killing herself a good 5 times. "change your name, change your mind, change your ways, give them time [...] call me if you need a friend or never talk to me again, but please stay" like pleaseeee
and triple dog dare,,, "you're dancing in the aisle 'cause the radio Is singing you a song you know and the kid at the counter is gawking at your grace / i can tell what he's thinking by the look on his face, it's not his fault, I'm sure i look the same / it's what you do, but it's not you i blame" EP 7 TIMEBOMB GUYS | "you know i'll be seeking if you run and hide, if the door were to open, would you walk through the frame? if you're too afraid, it won't be you i blame" that's ekko trying to save her at some point | "i want you to tell me that you miss me, want you to hold and hurt and kiss me [...] it's a triple dog dare, you're a chicken if you don't" -> no explanation needed. | "i can fish for our food and you know how to start a flame, if you don't get out now, you'll only have yourself to blame" this is what he sounded like when he tried to save her from silco (bc i know he tried guys) "You said 'you have me there, if it's a triple dog dare'" bc tell me she is not the kind of person to do anything if it's a challenge. | "they put our faces on the milk jugs, missing children 'til they gave up [...] can't find the feeling of relief, nothing worse could happen now" -> ekko literally putting her face on the missing/dead poster, ekko disappearing in s2, jinx fleeing (she did not die guys trust me),,,
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periracha · 1 year ago
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 ☾ pairing: Dad!Chan x Mom!Reader  ☾ wc: 2k  ☾  genre: fluff, boring domesticity (gasp)  ☾ cw: Christmas themes, kids, suggestive jokes, me trying to be funny idk, language, chan being chan ☾ summary: the bangs get in the holiday spirit!   ☾ a/n: wanted to get a whole aesthetic and masterlist up for this blog before i posted anything but this little idea had my brain in a chokehold all day so,,,,enjoy ! also, let me know if I should continue writing this family so i can give them names, etc.  yes this piece is fluff but this blog is 18+, MDNI
Ripples start to splash against the inside of your mug as you set it down on the coffee table that has been pushed aside for the evening to allow enough room for you and your husband. 
“Clearing the living room floor the second both kids are down and out?” Chan asks with a wiggle of his eyebrow. 
“Bit risky but I can work with this” he says while straining his neck and pulling his left arm across his chest in a stretch in preparation. 
You look up at him when a scoff falls from your lips, “ha yeah you wish. Now get the wrapping paper from the closet” 
“Please” you add with a sarcastic smile and sweet like honey tone. 
He blinked at you silently for a split second before he huffed out a big sigh, “Oh thank god. I don’t think my back could handle these hardwood floors like it used to” he finishes as he makes his way to the hallway closet. 
“Mmm unfortunately the only action these floors have been getting lately is spilled juice and probably some dusty cheetos the kids kicked under the couch” you joke as Chan meets you on the floor with wrapping supplies and gifts. 
A quiet laugh in agreement leaves his lips. 
“She’s gonna love this” Chan says with a grin so wide it meets his eyes. 
He’s holding up a Bluey plushie that plays a few catchphrases from the show when its paw is squeezed. 
“She better…. I’m running out of reasons why she can’t buy it every time we go to the store” you say as you cut wrapping paper big enough to wrap the doll and hand it to him. 
Your daughter had wanted this little plushie for months now, always asking to stop by the toy section whenever you visit your local department store. You quickly learned that simply telling her the store didn’t have anymore wasn’t gonna fly with her. She always found a way to swindle you into the toy aisles, finding the plushie every time. Distracting her with books or other small toys could only get you so far; luckily Christmas was only a few days away and you both would soon see the joy on her face when she opened her gift. 
“How do you even wrap these things??” Chan huffed out with a bewildered look on his face; his brows drawn tight and his eyes wide open. The piece of wrapping paper you had given him was creased all over, and covered in way too many pieces of tape that didn’t actually do anything to keep the paper together. 
A giggle started in your chest but you choked it down with a fake cough. Chan was used to being good at almost anything he put his mind to. 
Dancing? Easy.
Singing? No Problem. 
Writing thousands of unique songs that differed in their own ways? Piece of cake. 
Sports? Absolutely. 
Wrapping a small gift for his three year old daughter? Not so much. 
Carefully, you took the small doll from his hand and replaced it with a box of bath toys for your son. 
“Here, let me handle this…and you wrap these” you said nonchalantly as soon as you made the switch; immediately working on your new task at hand. 
Chan gawked at you with a goofy smile on his face, “You don’t think I can do it?...you’re demoting me to only wrapping boxes?” he laughed while feigning offense. 
“No no no!”, you waved off, “you’re just soooo good! Better than me! The best actually!” you rushed out while trying to contain your laughter but ultimately failing. 
Chan looked at you with pointed eyes, but had a wide smile plastered on his face the entire time. He looked like he was going to say something in retaliation but decided against it, letting out a small chuckle and shaking his head instead while he got to work on the box. 
Many presents later you were both feeling the ache deep in your lower back from hunching over on the floor. 
“Okay that's enough for me, I’m tapping out,” Chan said stretching his back with a yawn. 
You yawned and simply shook your head up and down in agreement, thinking about how you were too tired to even keep your eyes open. 
You got up and gathered all your wrapping supplies to store away. 
“Oh! Can you take all those and put them under the tree?” you asked him while pointing to the group of gifts. 
He hummed a quick mhm and started gathering them in his arms. 
“Make sure to put Bluey on top of the one of the taller presents so they can’t get to it” you called out as you made your way to your room. 
“Yep, got it” Chan quickly responded before placing all the presents down and making his way to follow you to your bedroom. 
The next day went blissfully as usual; waking up way too early to cries before the sun is even fully out, only to finally get your son back down and you barely back in bed before your daughter barges in demanding French toast stat. 
Did you even have all the ingredients for french toast? 
You already got one kid handled, Chan could handle this one.
You lightly kicked him in the leg as he laid beside you to wake him up before you made yourself comfortable to fall back asleep. 
When you did wake up, you grabbed your son and met your husband and daughter in the living room, setting him down to crawl around the rug.
“Good morning love”, Chan greeted you with a kiss to your cheek and sliding his arms around your waist in a loose hug. 
You hummed a good morning back before resting your head against his chest. 
“My turn! My turn!” your daughter yelled entirely too close to your eardrum as she stood on the couch in an attempt to be as eye level as she could with you. 
“Coffee?” Chan asked with a smirk as he let you go and made his way to the kitchen. 
“Ohhh yeah” you answered before turning your attention fully on your daughter. 
She puckered her lips and stood on her tiptoes in an attempt to copy her dad’s previous actions. You bent down and she kissed your cheek, “Good morning, mommy!”, she giggled before flopping down on the couch. 
“Oh it is a good morning!” you smiled back to her before tickling her to get some hugs in. 
Chan met you back in the living room with your fresh cup of coffee as you both sat on the couch, watching your children play together in the early morning hours. 
Your son crawled towards the christmas tree and before you could get up to grab him he had already bumped into a few presents, causing one of them to go off. 
“Hello! Hehehe”  
The noise immediately caught your daughter's attention and her head snapped towards the tree before her eyes widened. You could see the wheels starting to turn in her head to try and make sense of what just happened when you looked over at Chan who was sporting a mortified look. Jaw hung open and downward, eyes widening and moving around the room at everyone’s faces. 
The damn Bluey doll had gone off and one of her most wanted presents was most likely spoiled now. 
“WHAT WAS THAT?” she rushed out, walking closer to the tree.
“Your brother!” Chan blurted out way too quickly before tightening his lip into a flat line, realizing what he just did. 
Your daughter stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the both of you. 
“What???” she asked again, her eyes darting between yours and Chan’s a few times. 
“He can talk??, “ she screamed, bewildered at the new information being thrown at her all too quickly, pointing at him and eyes wide as saucers.
You let out a huff of air and forced yourself to take a sip of your coffee, hoping to buy you some time, waiting for your brain to kick on. It was too early for this.
Chan looked at you waiting for you to come in and save the conversation but you had nothing. How were you supposed to convince a 3 year old that her 8 month old brother could now speak when he’s never done that before. 
You’re on your own here. You thought to yourself as your eyes met Chan’s again. His face still stuck in the same shocked expression. 
“Uhh…yeah..yeah…?” Chan tried to get out nonchalantly but it ended up coming out more like a question and high pitched tone, before clearing his throat. 
Your son had now crawled toward your daughter and started grabbing at her legs to get her attention. 
You needed a moment to think but your daughter would absolutely follow you wherever you went to…. Unless…?
You coughed into your arm dramatically, “ooooh mommy needs medicine, I will be right back” you said before quickly standing up and making your way to the hallway cabinets before she could stop you.
Even the possibility of being around cough medicine, seeing it with her own eyes, was enough to keep your daughter from following you. She was not about to risk having to take that, yucky grape stuff, as she likes to call it. 
Chan followed after you, staying in the open area to keep an eye on the two kids. 
“So our 8 month old is saying full words now is he?” you asked, raising your eyebrows when he got closer to you. 
“I panicked okay!”, he screamed in a hushed tone. 
“So you blame it on the baby?!” you asked in disbelief, a laugh starting in the bottom of your throat. You tightened your lips in an effort to stop the smile you knew was coming. 
“What else was I supposed to say it came from?” Chan asked with a strained laugh, “you were no help!” he accused, pointing his finger and narrowing his gaze. 
“I don’t know Chan! The TV? Your phone?” you huffed out off the top of your head and throwing your hands in the air.
“Hm. yeah that would’ve been good”, he said staring at the floor, realizing just how easy those would’ve been to explain away to a child. 
He stepped back from you to get a better look at your kids a few steps away. His brow furrowed so you stepped forward to see what he was looking at. 
Your daughter was sitting directly across from your son with a serious expression on her face, no more playing going on in sight. 
“What..what are you guys doing?” Chan asked loud enough for your kids to hear. 
Your daughter looked back at him, “Waiting,” she said matter of factly before refocusing her attention back on her brother. 
“Waiting foorrr?” Chan asked, raising his eyebrows as you both took a step toward them. 
“Him to talk again” she answered without bothering to even look at Chan this time, her serious gaze never leaving her brother's face. He was babbling and drooling while playing with the legs of her pajama pants. 
You both couldn’t contain the laughs that came from your mouths. Today was going to be a long day. 
You couldn’t wipe the smile from your face as you thought about your family’s antics. Never a boring day in the Bang household, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Hey Chan, what did you do with the matching talking Bingo we wrapped last night?” 
©periracha, 2023.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 2 years ago
roy kent at his wedding! obviously he’ll do the first dance but do we think afterwards he’d end up partying and dancing to the wedding playlist with his wife? does he cry when she walks down the aisle? I need all of the thoughts xx
Roy wasn't at all nervous when it came to your wedding. He didn't care if he tripped or something went wrong. All he cared about was marrying you, making you Mrs. Kent.
He watches as the wedding party do the processional. Then, the wedding march began to play. Everyone stands and it was now your entrance.
You appear at the end of the aisle, your arm looped around Ted, your father figure and man who brought you and Roy together.
You look absolutely beautiful. The way your dress just makes you even more gorgeous and angelic looking. Roy can't believe it. He wipes at his eyes, trying to not let any tears fall.
"I gotchu, grandad," Jamie, his best man, pulls out a handkerchief and offers it to Roy.
Roy slaps it away and grumbles, "Fuck off." He looks back at you and sees you giggling and shaking your head. Love and tears in your eyes.
When you get to the other end of the aisle, you give Ted a hug and place your hand in Roy's outstretched one. You hand Keeley your bouquet and place your other hand in Roy's.
He squeezes your hands gently, "I love you," he rasps.
"I love you too," you say beaming, and you look to Coach Beard, your officiant, to start.
Roy wasn't much of a dancer, especially after he messed up his knee. However, he did indulge you in the first dance, holding you close and swaying you to the music.
He participated in a few dances here and there, but he mainly sat on the side watching you have fun with your family and friends. You were jumping around and having fun, dancing with Keeley and Rebecca. Your smile is so wide and Roy felt that feeling in his chest again, the one he felt when he realized he was in love with you. His body feeling warm all over.
He downs the rest of his beer and stands up with a grunt. He makes his way over to you and your smile seems to grow bigger when he joins you.
You sing along to the song playing and he twirls you around, the lovesick smile on his face.
He can't wait to spend forever with you.
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ingydar-phan · 2 months ago
Hi guys! I’m not sure too many of you care, but here’s my SUPER lengthy review of Romeo + Juliet on Broadway at Circle in the Square!!! Kit Connor (my husband) 4life
This show was so goddamn incredible. I cried at least twice during act 1 and at least once during act 2. I’ve had these tickets since the day they dropped, before ever scheduling any travel plans or hotel, I knew I wanted to see this for my birthday. I’ve been obsessed with Kit Connor since season 1 of Heartstopper. I’ve since bought the cologne he wears (I just got a bigger bottle for Christmas, I love it!) (it’s Jermyn Street by Floris London) and gushed over every behind the scenes pic I could get for Heartstopper seasons 2 and 3. I’ve known Rachel Zegler since my best friend let me into her world of Lucy Gray obsession and I found out how sweet and charismatic and talented Rachel is. Also, I have personal connections to another actor in this show! They don’t know me, but I know them through knowing one of their family members. This wasn’t any form of advantage but it was so cool to keep my eye on them and see how incredibly they really did. The entire cast was phenomenal. I really loved Gabby Beans performance as Mercutio, in particular. The double casting was incredible.
- Consuming the marketing before seeing the show, I was weary of it possibly being too millenial, too “modern”, too kitsch almost? But in the cringe tryhard way, not the naturally eclectic way. I knew they’d be intertwining pop music and modern clothes into the show, with the tagline being ‘The Youth Are Fucked’. I was so pleasantly surprised to be able to say that these features did nothing but make the show shine, and absolutely added to how incredibly bizarre this piece was. From the neon lights (and overall great light choreo) to teddy bears everywhere (still no clue where the bear motif comes from!) to synth background music and a few real pop songs, it added such an odd layer of the actors really feeling themselves and giving the audience time to breathe and feel.
- I should also mention my wonderful seats. The theater is shaped like a small arena, with the circular stage being slightly raised from the floor seats, and two doorways off stage, each on either end with an exit sign. One is primarily dedicated to Romeo and the other to Juliet, sitting atop the doorways and using them to navigate the rest of the theater (like accessing a cool catwalk that spans every direction of the ceiling!). We were incredibly lucky to be sat RIGHT behind Romeo’s “station”, about 2 rows behind it and about 4 seats in from it. Great view of Kit. All the freaking time.
- One last thing to mention is they had live captioning visible to like the top half of the theater, I’d say the first 5 rows from the top were able to see the screen programmed with the lines. Sometimes the timing was a bit off but generally if you couldn’t make something out audibly, you could look up and see the line.
Act 1:
- This act was playful and violent and FUN. There was dancing and singing and even the fighting and murders felt like a dance. Everything was friendly (and quite gay, too) while still being very Shakespearean. My favorite *aspect* of this act was getting to see a group of men all comfortable in their masculinity and queerness dancing and jumping half naked around the stage. It was really hot. My favorite *scene* of Act 1 was when Kit (Romeo) is running all around audience aisles and the stage declaring Juliet’s beauty and his love for her. He was so fucking dedicated and passionate and genuine in his acting, I cried here. Nothing hotter than a man committed to performance. I should also note Rachel (Juliet)’s incredible singing. She sings solo twice in Act 1 and her live singing sounds SO well done. I adored everything from Benvolios playfulness to the Nurse’s flirty-ness to Romeo’s dedication to all the great stage fighting. And of course…the pull up kiss / balcony scene. Nothing I can say except beautiful and well done and hot as fuck.
Act 2:
- This is when the trendy obscure stuff starts to fade and Shakespeare is at the forefront. Like half of the characters are already dead and everyone’s outfits are darker and the monologues are longer and there’s really not much music. If you’re into tragic chemistry and emotional scripting, this part is wonderful. But for me, I was slightly bored. Romeo’s boyish romance is gone and all that’s left is devotion and tragedy. It’s tough. It’s especially tough if you have people around you frequently coughing or sniffling or whispering (nudge nudge). Sometimes it takes you out of the moment and you really want to flip them off. Etiquette, people!!! Anyways, the acting is great it’s just more….STRAIGHT play. It had one moment where they needed to do a set/blocking change in blackout so they had a character break the fourth wall and do an intentionally bad sing along to “We Are Young” which I found annoying but I suppose it was necessary for distraction, but I wish they chose something a little better.
Anyway, that’s it! Seeing Kit and Rachel and Tommy and Gabby and everyone else be so dedicated to their craft brought me to tears. Oh, and the shirtless buff men being sweaty and kinda gay definitely helped.
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months ago
takao kazunari + 3rd bullet point, 4th prompt
Of course, my dear! I am loving all the variety in the character’s I’m writing for, you are just the greatest! While these set of headcanons are really short, I hope they’re still entertaining to read and that I did Takao justice with them, as I find him such a fun character!
What song got stuck in their head when they were in the grocery store just now and how do they feel about that?
Despite not really considering himself to be a fan of idol groups or of pop music in general, thinking he’s more a rock and roll type of guy, all of the songs that tend to really get stuck in Takao’s head, especially when he’s out and about and doesn’t get to control the music, are always pop songs.
Idol groups, boy bands, things like that – if the music is upbeat, kind of danceable, or really peppy and positive, it instantly gets stuck in his head. There’s just something about that type of music that is instant earworm food for him.
If he hears the song enough, even if just in bursts and bits here and there, he’ll start to hum along or sing along with the lyrics in a low voice while he shops. He often doesn’t realize he’s doing so; it’s just something he starts doing without thinking about it. Sometimes, he doesn’t even realize how loudly he’s singing, prompting some weird looks in stores at times.
If he’s not singing along to the music, he tends to tap his feet or tap his fingers against the shopping cart/basket in rhythm to the music. When it comes to that type of upbeat music, there’s just something about it that makes him want to move his body. However, even he realizes that giving in to his urge to dance along to the music would be too much. Dancing up and down the aisles of the grocery store would embarrass him, so he does manage to refrain from doing that, though just barely at times.
Hey, a good song is a good song and isn’t the point of music to make you want to do something?
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unique-high · 1 year ago
Sunscreen | Mingi x Blk Fem Reader
a/n: wrote this for myself cause I'm a little sad and in my feelings. I discovered this lovely song on Spotify called sunscreen and fell in love with it. lyrics are worked into the fic. sorry for any mistakes.
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With every break-up, it always seemed like it was your fault. Your recent breakup had been no different from the rest. You felt numb when it suddenly ended. You thought of every single thing that could make your ex look like a bad person in your eyes, but he wasn't a bad person at all.
But you needed him to be.
When people ask you why it ended, you'd shrug, saying, "I don't know." because you really didn't know.
One minute he was here talking about marriage and how he would cry when you walked down the aisle. And the next he's storming through your apartment collecting his things, shoving them into his duffle bag, saying how he couldn't do this anymore. All you could do was cry and beg him not to go. He still left.
Now it's 2 am. You're in your bathroom listening to Erykah Badu while drinking warm red wine from a paper cup. You stare at your hair clippers, turning them on and then cutting your hair. It was freeing in a way you always did this after every breakup. Making you feel less light, but that numbness will still linger for about two more weeks, maybe even months.
So you move through your life without ever really thinking of your ex until something suddenly reminds you of him all over again. Like how when you hear his favorite song that you two would sing while drunk late into the night or when you run into some of his friends and you try your hardest not to ask them how he is doing.
These days were always a little harder.
After when you thought it was okay to actually move on, you get dressed up. Put on your favorite red lipstick and your favorite perfume.
The singles mixer was at a karaoke bar. You signed your name getting a sticker that read: ‘Hello, I'm Y/n’.
You smooth the sticker on to your black Chanel blouse while you order a drink. There were some people already up on stage singing some Taylor Swift song that you heard one time at the grocery store. Cruel summer.
Once you had your drink, you sit back watching everyone as they talk. Remember, you came here to have fun, and meet someone new.
From across the room, you see a guy walk in. He's awkwardly smiling, greeting anyone who walks by him. He slaps on his sticker and you squint your eyes in the dimly lit karaoke room to see his name tag. But all you could make out was ‘Min’
He slid down beside you. You pretend not to notice him. He leans towards you spooking you.
“Y/n's a cute name.” He says with a smile.
With the brim of your glass to your lips, you mutter, “Thank you.”
You glanced at his name sticker. ‘Hello, I'm Mingi.’
The host of the mixer came around encouraging those who were just sitting to get up and have fun. Mingi holds a mic for you. You stare at it before shaking your head.
“I can't really sing.” You say.
“Karaoke is not about how good you can sing. It's about having fun. Sing with me, please?”
So you take the mic. Go up on stage with Mingi. The song Mingi picked was The Black Eyed Peas My Humps. Mingi sings and dances on stage. Everyone was cheering him on. He grabs your hand getting you to dance a little. You're hesitant to sing at first but you sing having fun, but when Mingi twerks, you burst into laughter midway through the song.
You just met the guy and you couldn't help but imagine yourself with him. And it felt nice.
I want someone to remind me to wear sunscreen. And take my vitamins when it slips my mind.
You could imagine Mingi peeking his head out of your bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth as he reminds you to not forget to put on sunscreen and to take your vitamins as you're rushing about the kitchen trying to grab your tea mug, keys, and bag so you could head the door.
I want someone who knows how I like my coffee and wants to share a bed from morning to night.
Then you couldn't help but imagine him in your kitchen early in the morning, with messy brown hair and shirtless. He would know how you liked your coffee in the mornings. It would take him a week to get it right and when he does, it's worth seeing your smile and telling him he tastes like heaven. Then Saturdays would be your favorite again. Mingi would want to sleep in with you on his days off. And on the days he comes to your place late after work, sharing your bed at night with you would become his favorite thing.
“I would like to get to know you more,” Mingi says as the two of you walk off the stage. At first, you didn't know what to say, too scared that if Mingi eventually knew the real you, he'll be gone too.
But I'm stubborn. Selfish. Easily Jealous at times.
It's hard being you. Now you start to see why things never worked out with anyone else. You were just being yourself. What's a relationship when you couldn't be your true self? So what if you're stubborn? You've been that way since you were five. Selfish. Because you're the eldest daughter who had to be a parent to your younger siblings when your mother didn't feel like being a mother. Being easily Jealous comes from the time in 11th grade when your ex-best friend was far prettier than you, and got all the boys. These things made you into who you were.
I'm hard to love and I just want someone to try.
Of course, you weren't the easiest person on earth to love. But you think that came from your father. You tried your best to make your love easy, to make it comfortable for others to want to lean into. It was the opposite, though. At the end of the day, all you wanted was someone who would try. That's all you ask for.
You let Mingi in a little that night at the mixer. What could it hurt? The worst that could happen is you're crying into your pillow a couple months from now because he breaks up with you.
Ending up in your bed naked by the end of the night with Mingi wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. You'll regret it in the morning when he sneaks out while you're still asleep. So right now, while he's sleeping, you stare at him, counting how many breaths he takes.
By morning, you're a little groggy. You didn't expect to be pulled into Mingi's naked body. He's still here.
I want someone who knows that I'm not made for mornings and doesn't scold me for smoking when I drink.
Mingi doesn't try to pull you out of bed with the talk of breakfast and getting your day started early. Mornings weren't meant for you. And he somehow knew that. By the afternoon, Mingi is still at your place. He's wearing a pair of your sweat pants that go above his ankles. You make lunch for the two of you. Sometimes you like having a smoke during this time of day with a drink. Mingi isn't bothered by it. He doesn't try to scold you telling you how bad for your health it is. He doesn't know you to tell you what's good or bad for you. You liked that, though.
I want someone who can ground me when I'm too high. Light up the dark side of my head.
There were days when you floated on the surface of your mind, not really here, you functioned like you were on autopilot most days. It's been two weeks now. You knew Mingi's last name and all his favorite things. He spends nights at your place on the weekends. He noticed you weren't being yourself, he'd stroke your back, speaking to you softly. Sometimes being in your head all the time makes you depressed. Because you would find your ex still lingering there. Mingi sits and listens to you talk about your ex.
"I want to hate him, Mingi. But my heart won't let me."
Mingi kissed the top of your head. He understood what you were going through he's been here before too.
"Sometimes it takes a while for our hearts to want to let go. It's normal. You just haven't had the time to grieve for the loss of your relationship with your person."
He knew it was going to take you some time to heal and he was willing to wait to for you.
I want someone to share my coffee and sunscreen. My mornings, my stories and my bed.
Two weeks with Mingi turned into two months. He moved into your apartment. His toothbrush had a permanent spot next to yours. You had someone to share coffee with in the evenings. Sharing your sunscreen with Mingi became a daily thing.
You told Mingi all your stories from like the time you were ten and your pet cat Frankie brought you a dead mice, and how you when turned thirteen and your mom forget your birthday and tried to make it up to you by giving you a hostess chocolate cupcake she got from the gas station.
And lazy Sundays cuddled up with Mingi felt nicer than anything in the world. You liked having someone to share your bed with again. Mingi got comfortable with you in a sense he knew you better than your ex had.
Mingi tried with you.
That's all you ever wanted from someone was to try.
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straykidzwifey · 1 year ago
Unexpected Encounter
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Pairing: Bang Chan X OC
Warnings: none
Summary: An unexpected encounter happens when Zena Allen runs into Felix a member of Stray Kids, her all time favorite Kpop group. He invites her to their concert later that night where she meet Bang Chan. Will there encounter spark a relationship or will she forever be just a fan.
Chapter 1: Grocery Store Encounters
Third Person POV —————————————————
With a heavy sigh, Felix pushed the squeaky shopping cart through the bustling aisles of the supermarket. His bandmates were waiting for him at the hotel, exhausted from their long flight to Texas for the end of their world tour. Despite his own fatigue and longing to relax and watch some Netflix, Felix had lost a game of straws and was now stuck doing this mundane chore. The bright lights and colorful displays of the market seemed to mock him as he begrudgingly tossed various snacks into the cart, each one representing another lost round in the game. A mix of scents wafted through the air - fresh fruits and vegetables mingled with the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked goods. But all Felix could think about was getting this errand over with so he could finally join his bandmates and rest after their journey.
His eyes scanned the neatly organized shelves, searching for any signs of chips, cookies, and candy. The bright packaging and tempting aromas called out to him, promising a satisfying snack for his hungry band mates. He quickly tossed them into the cart, hoping it would be enough to satisfy their voracious appetites. Not wanting to forget about hydration, he also grabbed some water bottles and soda cans, knowing how important it was to stay refreshed. Glancing at his phone, he saw that he had a few precious minutes left before he had to head back home. With a sense of curiosity, he decided to take a leisurely stroll through the store, his eyes scanning for any interesting finds along the way.
As he rounded the corner, a familiar tune filled his ears from the store's speakers. It was one of their own songs, "God's Menu". A smile spread across his face as he hummed along, feeling a surge of pride and joy. Creating music with his friends brought him so much happiness and sharing it with others was even more rewarding. The upbeat melody filled the air, making Felix feel like he could conquer anything.
He walked past the frozen food section and saw two girls standing in front of the ice cream freezer. One of them was dancing and singing along to the song, her body moving fluidly to the beat with unbridled energy. Her outfit was a reflection of her unique spirit, with ripped jeans hugging her curves, a white tee accentuating her hourglass figure, a black zip up hoodie providing some warmth, a denim jacket adding edge, and black combat boots giving her an added sense of power. Her head was adorned with a baseball cap, its tan color complementing the two-toned hair that shone brightly under the artificial glow of the fluorescent lights. One half of her hair was black while the other was white, mirroring the duality of her unique style. Her hazel eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she belted out the lyrics.
The other girl stood next to her, shaking her head in amusement while rolling her eyes at the other girl's antics. She had a small smile on her face, unable to hold back her laughter as she watched her companion dance without a care in the world. Unlike her companion's bold fashion choices, this girl opted for simple comfort in a tan shirt and jeans, but she still managed to look effortlessly beautiful. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail that swayed gently as she moved. Blue eyes looked bemused and slightly annoyed at having been dragged along on this unwanted grocery trip.
Felix couldn't help but stare at them both, amused by their contrasting reactions to the music. It was moments like these that reminded him why he loved creating music with his friends. It brought joy and happiness to others, even in the most unexpected places. He wondered if these girls just recognized the song or knew who Stray Kids were, but it didn't matter. In that moment, all that mattered was the shared love for music and the connection it brought between strangers.
Felix couldn't resist the urge to join in on the fun dance party happening right in front of him. The girl moving gracefully to the beat caught his eye, her shoulder length hair bouncing with each step. She radiated a vibrant energy that drew him in. Felix found himself smiling at her enthusiasm, admiring her endearing and lively spirit. With determination, he parked his cart nearby and walked over to them, his friendly smile reaching his eyes.
"Hey there," he greeted, his deep Australian voice contrasting with his youthful appearance. "I love your moves! Mind if I join in?"
The dancing girl came to an abrupt stop, her feet faltering as her brain processed the sight in front of her. Her eyes scanned the person standing before her, widening in disbelief as she took in the tall, slender Korean man with a bleach blond mullet. His face was freckled, his warm brown eyes radiating with a smile that could brighten up anyone's day. It was none other than Felix from Stray Kids, someone she had long admired. And he was talking to her. Heat rushed to her cheeks, turning them a bright shade of red, and her heart thrummed wildly in her chest. As a die-hard fan of the group, Felix was one of her favorite members and seeing him in person was like a dream come true. She had posters of him plastered all over her walls and had watched every single one of his videos and interviews multiple times. Meeting him was something she had always dreamed of, but she never imagined it would happen like this.
"O-oh my gosh," she exclaimed, her voice trembling with excitement and nerves. "You're Felix! From Stray Kids!" Her high-pitched voice contrasted with his deep one, but she couldn't help it. "I-I love you so much!" Her words spilled out in a rush, overflowing with adoration for the talented artist standing before her.
A flush of embarrassment rose to her cheeks and she quickly covered her mouth with a trembling hand. Her outburst had been unexpected, and she couldn't help but feel a hint of panic at the thought of being judged as crazy or creepy. She shifted her gaze to her sister, whose expression was a mix of confusion and amusement. Oh, how she wished she could shrink herself and disappear into the cool depths of the freezer, away from the embarrassment.
Felix couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, finding it both flattering and amusing. He thought she was adorable and enjoyed her candidness. Extending his hand for a handshake, he introduced himself as if she didn't already know who he was. "Nice to meet you, I'm Felix," he said with a smile. "May I ask what your name is?"
With her heart racing, she stammered out her name as his warm hand enveloped hers. She could feel the strength in his grip as he gently held onto her. "Zena," she repeated, the sound of her name coming out in a breathless whisper. It was almost as if her name had taken on new meaning in that moment, tingling with electricity. "Zena Allen," she finished, the words sounding foreign and yet comforting at the same time.
Her name rolled off his tongue smoothly and made her cheeks flush with warmth. "You have both a lovely name and a stunning smile," he praised, causing her to blush even more. "And you have great taste in music, might I add."
A playful twinkle danced in his eyes, causing her to giggle nervously in response. Suddenly, his face lit up with an infectious grin that made it clear he had an idea brewing. He leaned in closer, his voice low and excited.
"Hey, I have a proposition for you. How would you like to join us at our concert tonight? I can pull a couple of strings and get you and your friend VIP tickets and backstage passes. You'll get to meet the entire band and spend the evening having some fun with us. What do you say?" His offer hung in the air, laced with excitement and anticipation.
A surge of excitement and disbelief coursed through Zena's body. She couldn't believe her ears - was he really inviting her to his concert? And not just any tickets, but VIP ones. It felt like a dream, and she was afraid to wake up from it. With wide eyes shining with gratitude, she nodded eagerly.
"Oh my gosh, yes! I would be honored to go!" Her voice rose in pitch with each "yes" until she was practically squealing. "Thank you so much, Felix! You truly are the best!" A sense of gratefulness and happiness washed over Zena as she thanked her newfound friend.
He couldn't resist being captivated by her authentic kindness and warmth. He was eager to discover more about her.
As he looked at Zena's companion, he noticed she had been observing them with a curious yet questioning look on her face.
He greeted her with a friendly wave and introduced himself. "Hi there, I'm Felix. And you are?" he asked politely.
"Zara," she replied coolly, acknowledging his introduction with a nod. "Zena's sister."
Unlike many others he had met, Zara didn't seem impressed by his fame or charming demeanor. She held no interest in KPOP or Stray Kids, finding them overrated and annoying. Her loyalty lay with Zena, whom she loved deeply and was fiercely protective of. KPOP was simply not her cup of tea, despite being close to someone who adored it wholeheartedly.
"Well, Zara, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said with a cheerful smile. "Will you be joining us at the concert?"
Zara shook her head firmly, her long blonde ponytail swaying as she did so. Her blue eyes held a hint of defiance.
"No, thank you. I'm not particularly fond of KPOP. I have other plans for the evening," she replied with a slight untruth. She didn't have any concrete plans, but the thought of spending her night surrounded by rowdy boys and frenzied fans was unappealing to say the least.
Although she was a music lover, this specific genre was not up her ally.
Felix felt a pang of hurt wash over him as he furrowed his brow. His mind raced with questions and doubts as he tried to get her to change her mind.
"Are you absolutely certain? It's bound to be an unforgettable experience. Our songs are catchy and our dances are lively, and we all have unique personalities that shine on stage. I truly believe you might enjoy us if you just give us a chance," he pleaded, his tone tinged with hopefulness and desperation.
Zara shook her head for the second time. "No, I'm positive. I have other tasks to attend to. Zena would appreciate it much more anyways," she stated, not giving it a second thought.
She spun gracefully on her heels and sauntered over to the next aisle to retrieve an item from their shopping list, giving them a moment alone. She returned in a matter of seconds.
A twinge of guilt and sadness tugged at Zena's heart as she thought of her sister. She longed for her to be by her side, sharing in this incredible experience. She considered declining Felix's offer and staying with her sister because it wasn't as fun to go by yourself, but then she looked at him with his concerned and hopeful expression. A small smile played on his lips.
Felix turned to Zena, his tone gentle and sincere. "You're not changing your mind on me, are you?" he asked. "It'll be a blast, and I really want to hang out with you and get to know you better. And I'd love for you to meet the rest of the band. What do you say?" His words enveloped her like a warm hug, tempting her to forget her concerns and have a fun evening with this truly kind man.
Her heart was in turmoil, torn between two opposing desires. On one hand, she craved to join Felix at his concert – to witness his performance, meet his bandmates, and have a carefree time. Yet, on the other hand, she couldn't bear the thought of going without her sister. She grappled with the burden of conflicting wants and her sense of duty towards both Felix and her sister.
He stood by, waiting for her answer without any sign of impatience. The thought of spending time with him, making him happy and enjoying his company, sent her heart racing. However, when she glanced over at her sister, a twinge of nervousness passed through her.
With one last deep breath, she made a decision.
Her lips parted, her breath catching in anticipation as she spoke. "Thank you, Felix," she said warmly, her heart overflowing with gratitude for his invitation. She could feel the weight of his kindness and generosity in every word.
"I would be happy to go." Her words were filled with excitement and curiosity, and as she gazed at Felix, she saw his face light up like a starry night sky. His smile widened, revealing a set of perfect white teeth, and his eyes sparkled with joy and relief. It was clear that he was just as excited about their plans as she was.
His face lit up with hopeful disbelief. "Really? You would? That's incredible!" His voice rose in excitement, causing the words to tumble out in a rush. "I'm so glad you said yes. You won't regret it. Trust me."
She turned to her sister, afraid to see her reaction. But Zara's eyes were filled with pure joy and excitement for her. A wide smile spread across her face, expressing her approval and shared enthusiasm for her beloved older sister.
A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she playfully rolled them at Zena. She gestured towards Felix, a kind and patient man who stood by with a warm smile on his face. "Come on, Zena," she chided gently, "let's not be rude. Say thank you." Her voice was filled with warmth and affection for her sister. Zena returned the smile and nodded gratefully, her demeanor softening under the gentle reminder.
Zena's gaze met Felix's once again, his eyes still brimming with hope and eagerness. She couldn't help but smile at his expression, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around him in a hug, surprising both him and herself. "Thank you, Felix," she whispered into his ear. "Thank you for being so kind and generous. And thank you for inviting me to your concert." Her voice was filled with genuine appreciation and excitement. As he hugged her back, she could feel the strength of his embrace and the warmth of his body against hers, causing a flutter in her stomach. "I have no doubt it will be an amazing night," she added with a grin. "And thank you for that mini concert," Felix replied with a chuckle, bringing a blush to Zena's cheeks.
With a twinkle in his eyes and a playful grin, he broke away from their embrace and locked his gaze onto hers. "Hold on," he said, reaching into his pocket, "let me give you the tickets and VIP pass."
"Why don't you give me your phone number? That way I can text you all the details." With a fluttering heart, she recited her number to him. He quickly typed it into his phone and sent her the ticket and pass links along with a sweet message: "Hi, it's Felix. I'm thrilled that you're coming to our concert. Can't wait to see you. xoxo". The warm feeling in her chest intensified as she watched him put his phone away, knowing that they would soon be reunited at the concert.
He said with a gentle smile, "There, that's taken care of. Now, I must go. I have to check out and get back to the hotel before the rest of the band wonders where I am. But I'll see you later, okay? Don't forget about me."
His brown eyes sparkled mischievously as he winked at her. He turned on his heels and strides towards the cashier, leaving her breathless and in disbelief.
As she watched him go, she couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. A sense of joy bubbled up in her chest, mixed with excitement, giddiness, wonder, and curiosity. She pulled out her phone and began looking at the text he sent her moments before.
Zena's sister gazed at her with a mixture of bemusement and admiration, a smile dancing on her lips.
"Oh my gosh, Zena," she exclaimed with exaggerated enthusiasm, "you're going to a Stray Kids concert with Felix! How do you feel? Are you bursting with excitement? Are you a bundle of nerves? How did you manage to score the tickets? Give us all the juicy details!" She playfully held an imaginary microphone up to Zena's face, as if conducting an interview for a popular talk show.
She shook Zena's arm in an attempt to elicit a response. "Come on, sis," she prodded teasingly, "don't be silent. Say something. Anything. You must be over the moon right now. Tell me." Zara's playful whining continued as she eagerly awaited her sister's reaction.
Zena's laughter tinkled through the air as she playfully shoved her sister.
Her heart was racing with excitement and nerves, still in disbelief that she had just met a member of Stray Kids. She couldn't stop looking at the tickets and VIP pass on her phone, trying to imprint them into her memory forever.
As Felix disappeared through the door, Zena couldn't help but exclaim, "Dreams really do come true."
She turned to walk away, her sister trailing behind her, their conversation already turning to what Zena should wear for the concert tonight. Every step felt light and buoyant, as if she were floating on a cloud of pure joy and anticipation.
Note: I know Chan hasn’t been introduced yet but he’s coming in the next chapter I promise. I’m building it up to that point. So bear with me.
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mymanyfandomramblings · 10 months ago
Glee-cap: Episode 4x14--I Do
I'm watching Glee for the first time, and writing recaps of my episode reactions (I'm also watching it a second time through with my sister, and I'll provide those recaps too). Here's my reaction recap for I Do
We start off strong--Finn and Rachel. Together! (Know that I am a Finchel shipper, before we go any farther)
Aaaaaand Rachel giving Finn terrible advice. Please stop.
Also, I do love Finn's 'not everything is about you'. I love Rachel, but she needed to hear that
Yesss Emma!! I love how confident she's gotten. Stressy, but a lot more confident
"I hope it's Britney again." Never change, Brittany, never change
Cory Monteith's facial expressions are perfect. Especially the 'internally screaming' one.
Emma knows exactly how to communicate with Artie. To a vaguely concerning degree.
Marley is so cute, especially with Jake. Her smile is so sweet, and I totally believe they are In Love
Jake is a sweetie too
Ryder is so level-headed, and I love him as well. Also yes, call out Puck dating a sophomore (as much as I like Puck, I don't like that subplot whatsoever)
Shoutout to the ridiculous outfit that looks like the lovechild of Kurt and Mike's fashion sense that Puck is wearing in the flashback
The bro-ship between Ryder and Jake is amazing. Ryder's acting is so bad. The tuxedos are everything
Jake and Marley's musical chemistry is *chef's kiss*
Not gonna lie, that bouquet was gorgeous
Yesss, Mercedes!! I love her!
And Sue is officially hilarious. "What, this old thing? It's an exact replica of your wedding dress."
and we're back with the random cracks about Finn's weight. The dude's insecure, and everyone needs to back off him
Aside from the aforementioned fat-shaming, every word out of Sue's mouth is gold. Not whatsoever helpful for poor Emma, but comedy gold
And Jayma Mays shows off hitherto unsuspected talents with Getting Married Today, as does Amber Riley. I haven't loved any of Emma's songs before this point but goshdarn it, Jayma knocks this out of the park.
Emma's freaking out, meanwhile Sue is just eating, and I love it.
Brad is the organist. Guy cannot catch a break.
Shout out to Becky, the world's most angry looking flower girl. Also shout-out to Kurt's reaction.
The doors open and...SUE. Gosh, I love her sometimes. And the organ crashing to a halt is hilarious.
Will and Sue's faces straight afterwards are delightful
Brittany mouthing that Sue 'looks so good' as she walks down the aisle at someone else's wedding. Never change, Brittany.
Jane Lynch hit comedy out of the ballpark in this episode. Everything Sue does here is hilarious
Finn now has himself in deep trouble
I am, at my heart, a Samcedes shipper, but I can't lie, he and Britts are pretty cute
Marley looks so pretty in that darkish pink.
I am vaguely frustrated that my hunch that Ryder has been having all of Jake's ideas all this time was correct, but I do still appreciate that they're bros, rather than, you know, fighting.
Jake and Ryder: Most Reasonable Dudes in the Glee-verse
Kurt's dance moves always make me laugh. I also love that Blaine looks so intense while he sings, and meanwhile Kurt's shimmying around and making Big facial expressions
Yes, Artie!!! For all his faults, Artie is really good at standing up for himself (no pun intended)
Sam and Brittany are so unhinged together /affectionate
Lots of people find Tina OOC in S4, but ever since The Power Of Madonna she's been given to occasional outbursts where she never gives her outburstee enough context to know what they've done
The comic timing on 'Did you vapo-rape my ex-boyfriend' is so perfect.
Did my eyes deceive me, or was Sam also lining up to catch the bouquet too?
Finn is my favourite character but occasionally he takes this particular tone with Rachel, and I Don't Like It
Whoa, Finn gets poetic and metaphorical. Guess being a teacher did make him smarter
Rachel missing the point is always hilarious.
I love Finn, and I love Finchel, but he's being just a tad presumptuous and condescending here, and I wish he'd express these same sentiments in a different way
Okay, what's with almost every couple heading upstairs. I kind of hoped that Marley would set some boundaries for Jake to respect (I mean, I'm not saying she has to, I'm saying that it would have been nice to see what would actually have happened if Ryder had been right, and how Jake would respond)
And that's how you know that I'm writing this as I watch, because I got what I wanted. Jake is so chill about it, even after getting his hopes up, and I'm glad he's not letting Marley apologise
Ah the glorious love between Brody and Rachel where they're constantly lying and being unfaithful. Love it /heavy sarcasm
Tina's dress is so cute
RYDER! You have been being so great the last few episodes now you ruin it!!
Artie's French accent is so cute
Their final song is really good, even if the dancing makes them all look completely insane
I also appreciate that their final-episode songs are starting to look a lot more low-budget and like real school performances than they used to
It's way too soon for Rachel to actually know if she's pregnant--unless there was supposed to be a timelapse in that song, but okay then.
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