#he says believe in urself and believe in ur team
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jazzellow · 2 years ago
current review of season 3 as of now
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plmp0 · 1 year ago
The Sex Love house PT1
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Summary: Welcome to the love house where a lot of stories will infold, 7 participants will have a chance to live together in the same house for a mounth while still doing their normal activities, will they find real love in this short period? Or at least this is what ur friend want u to believe.
Genre: smut (that's really it) PT 2
Warning: a very manipulative!jay, manipulative!sunghoon, manipulative!heeseung, everyone is a perv in this house, reader is clueless, shameless reader, kinda stalker reader, Siyeon (from dreamcatcher) is also part of this, this is a pure filth, explicit content.
Smut warning: hand!job, degradation, humiliation, fingering, use of toys, semi-public sex....
When ur friend invited u to participate in this variety show u had no idea u'll accept let alone to find urself in a situation where u r thorn away between all this people. -how is that even possible? How can you feel this way about that many people? But again ur heart had other words…. "what do u mean u want me to particiapte in ur dating show?" U questionned ur friend from 6 years Yeri as she said while playing it cool : please do that for me! (Fake pout) we need more female participants, we didn't find ones that will be suitable for tv!
You looked at her in disbelief "and u think i am? Yeri who are u kidding? U know more than anyone that m not the type that is comfortable around cameras." Yeri sighed but insisted non the less trying to convince u no matter what "please y/n m begging u! We want to start filming before winter comes, and i promise there is a lot of handsome men u'll not regret it." "No, m not interested." Was all u said before leaving her to take a cab. Even after a week of Yeri's begging, u always declined her offer whenever she opens her mouth, u had a lot of stuff to do, work has never been easy to deal with and plus u don't have time to even take care of urself because once u get home from work u pass out on ur bed immediately and what ? She expects u to come from work and chat with random people and try to find love? (U chuckle deep into ur thoughts) "ahhh Yeri what am i gonna do with u?". U mumble to urself ignorant that ur co-worker and ur friend Jungwon is standing behind u. Jungwon:I suppose Yeri is on something again? U let a scream startled not noticing his presence until he spoke: Omg u scared me! U said through wide eyes pouting ur lips when everyone started looking at ur direction. Jungwon laughed his dimples deep in his cheeks making ur heart warm up from how cute he looks: I can never get enough from ur dramatic ass y/n. U hit his shoulder playfuly acting offended: yaa it's not that m dramatic it's just that u keep showing up without a noise so it's normal for me to be scared!. Jungwon nodded his head pretending to buy ur words: yeah yeah whatever (he paused for a second, sitting next to u) so what was the Yeri thing that u didn't want to tell me about? (He looked at u curiousity shouting from his eyes). U droped the file u were working on leaning on ur chair: You know, Yeri and her team are starting a dating show and they had less participants than they expected so she asked me to join them , ridicilous right? Jungwon didn't let a single word out, noticing that, u turned to look at him finding him not acting sus at all, u raise ur eyebrow calling his name: Jungwon? Why aren't u saying something? Jungwon coughed looking everywhere but at you:emm-…. woah? Really? Yeri did? Isn't that a good idea? U stare at him a "wtf look" over ur face: it's ur idea isn't it. Jungwon: listen i- U cutted him short immediately: Did u think that i would say yes? Like i don't get that, don't u guys know me so well? I would never say yes to something like that?. Jungwon: but why? Like it's really fine, beside u've been single for three years don't u miss being in a relationship?. U answered annoyed: No i don't and even if i do i wouldn't do it that way. Jungwon raised his left brow: ahah? And how would u do it?. U paused to think not knowing how to answer: idk, i want it to come naturally and not force it. (U shrugg). Jungwon stood up from his seat eyes still on u: but u don't know maybe there is someone from the participants that u might know. U looked at him smiling suspeciously" ahah? Is that the case? Who would be there then? U? "( u laughed at ur own word not buying what he is saying). But what u didn't know is that something worst than ur "joke" happened in real life, getting annoyed from Yeri's consistent pleads Jungwon decided to join her , they turned ur days into nightmares making u not wanting to go out at all.
So deciding to give it a shot u said yes to Yeri more to rest ur head from her nagging than being excited to join this show. It was about time u go to the "love house" as they call it cringing at the name whenever u remember it, u kept shaking ur legs, nervous about this whole situation, regretting to say yes when the taxi u decided to take to the location had a camera right on ur face, making u uncomfortable, u started tugging on ur not so long purple dress, ur hair styled for the first time in a mounths, u wished this ride to end fastly and that they cancel this show but much to ur disapointement the taxi driver kept calling u to notify that u've arrived. Sighing nervously u paid him giving him a little thank u before getting ur luggage and closing the door, u stood out in front of the house admiring how big and luxiourious it looks, stepping upward u noticed a camera man at the gate signaling u to be fast, u scoff annoyed , opening the door while carrying ur heavy stuff looking with wide eyes at the beautiful garden in front of u ,
Arriving to the actual door u stood there confused at what to do "should i knock? Or ring the bel?" Staying there for minutes one of the directors told u frasturated to just open it, u gave him a fake smile apologizing awkwardly before opening the door and stepping inside. The fancy mirror in the entrance was so elegant and clean for u to not check urself, u adjusted ur hair and lipstick noticing how it faded and only a small tint is left behind " i just want one thing to work for me." U scoffed getting ur lipstick out and putting on another layer, before ur ears caught a faint of sounds from people talking, u furrowed ur eyebrows u thought u were the first one to arrive but it looks like it's not the case. Hearing that, u hurried leaving ur stuff in there, and following the sound until ur feet lead u to a nice decorated room, too focused on the decor u didn't notice the eyes that were on u until u finished scaning the room. You widen ur eyes looking at the two familiar faces smirking at u "what? Why are you here?" When u came here u didn't think that ur hot neightbour and one of ur clients would be in the show as well. Heeseung (ur neighbour) looked at you enjoying ur reaction upon seeing him "hey little doll." Unable to let a word out, Jay spoke before u with amusement in his tone "Was not expecting to see us here now did u?" U dropped ur bag feet barely keeping u up u started to panick ain't no way these two are here, no u r not on the same show with them!
U screemed at Yeri on top of ur head not knowing how to react after the director told u to do something and stop freezing on ur spot, u coughed a little bit awakening urself before u sat in the corner away from both of them, u gave them an awkward smile pretending like u don't know them at all. Heeseung kept the cocky smile on his face knowing exectly how hot he his and that u might have something for him by the way u kept looking at him from ur window whenever he is on ur line of sight, he has caught u multiple times staring at him from his mirror and couldn't help but admire how cute u looked trying to hide with ur curtain thinking that he wouldn't see u, but he did!. Jay on the other hand loved the way ur face turns red whenever he spoke to u in ur work meetings, ur shyness, the way u try to avoid his gaze everytime u felt his eyes on u, it just that u look so delicious for him to ignore u and not tease u. U were sitting there regretting all of ur life choices so embarassed for some reasons that it had to be these two specificly , not even one of them, but both? Woah u wouldn't survive here for sure! U can sense them tearing u appart with their eyes, u couldn't help but fan urself praying that the next contenstant enter now, and she did "Joy" as u've heard about her in the magazines, she is a very famous and beautiful model, has worked with so many known labels, u were surprised to see her in front of u fangirling inside rather than being intimidated by her presence, u scaned her outfit, a short white skirt with pleaths, with a yellow crop top that shows her cleavage, her hair was styled up in a ponytail, her makeup is done perfectly, she looked so beautiful u were drooling. Standing up to say hi, she looked ur way her smile getting bigger as she held her hand to shake urs directing her words to everyone in the room hi , nice to meet u m joy." She said to everyone in the room, the guys nodded at her introducing themselves and turned their gaze to u immediatly. Pressure, so much pressure u r feeling right now, it's almost suffocating the vibe in this room ! The silence not helping it at all. Before Joy can say something to lighten the mood the door opened and ur eyes opened wide with it , seeing sunghoon one of the people that u can't help it but feel embarrassed around giving that one situation u had with him (oh nooo ) u said to urself, it was as if this cast was selected on purpose to make fun of u. U gulped as he approached, white shirt tight on his body, tucked nicely in his pants getting his so very nice black locks away from his face, He looks…. majestic. Stopping in the middle of the room he said hi to everyone and took a seat next to you making u scream in your head, he turned ur way looking at u with a cocky grin: we met again little one. U were hopping that he doesn't remember u , that he forgot completly about ur existance, but looks like it's not the case. U see ur story with Sunghoon started in ur collage years, u were so frustrated after all ur exams and the teasing of heeseung (even when he wasn't doing anything) u head to a very far bathroom sure that almost nobody used it before closing the door and started getting off, moaning at ur pervet thoughts about heeseung not noticing that someone else was in the bathroom as well it's not until u got out of the bathrooms section and were going to the sinks to wash ur hand that u saw sunghoon standing there with shoock looking at u like u were some kind of pervet
u were ready to die at that moment, not knowing what to do ur head told u to ran away immediately and from that moment u did everything u could to avoid Sunghoon's presence, whenever u saw him heading some way u made sure to go in the opposite until u graduated and stopped seeing him. But here he is sitting so close to u, ur thighs are touching ,u were sure that by this time ur face is so red, ur hands got so sweaty from anxiety , u stopped hopping for the other contestants afraid that someone else u know is gonna enter. Joy was making sure to get rid of the awkwardness asking about your MBTI and stuff and that really helped to relieve ur stress a little bit. The next girl came, her name is "Siyeon", she was wearing a tight leather dress with high boots, her hair red and her eye makeup was so intense, out of everyone here she was definetly the most intimidating one!. She said hi sitting in ur opposit direction eyes checking u out, u couldn't help it but feel like she looks familiar "where have i seen her before?" But u couldn't remember, u felt uneasy by the way she was staring at u, somehow this room keeps getting hotter the more people come, u just wanted a breath but NO whenever u look someway ur eyes meet someone's so u just ended up looking down. The last contestant was late, the staff told you that they will come for diner and suggested to chose rooms to carry your luggage to. There was 6 rooms, 3 for the guys and 3 for the ladies. You didn't know how to choose so you just did that randomely, one of the three rooms is for 2 people. You went to the room they choose for you smiling at the cozy vibes you got from it, you closed your eyes after tossing yourself on that bed, tired already and you just started. "How am i gonna live with these people for a whole mounth ? Omg plz help me" You couldn't contain yourself from cursing Yeri and Jungwon who didn't even bother to show themselves or at least send you a text before you came her. ----> (Irey is Yeri btw)
You: U bitches i'll never forgive u! 😡 Irey:W-Whyyy??? 😶😶 You: U have the audacity to ask me why? You:Where are you? I have a lot of things to tell u! Irey:emm actually u won't see me there-…. "U furrowed ur brows at her reply, questionning wtf does she means" You :? Irey: ehem that … u know.. this is not the show we were working for. You: can u give me an understandble respond cause i don't get what you are saying. Irey: Actually one of my friends begged me to bring someone to the show, they promised to give us an interview with a very famous actor and i couldn't say no 🥺
You: Ahhhh Yeri, when i catch u Yeri ! Why would u lie to me like that u could of just told me the truth, do u know in what situation i am right now? Ffff good thing ur not here or i would of smacked that face of urs 😮‍💨. Irey: i knew u would say No, like u said it even though u thought the show is mine! So there was no way u'd say yes if i said it's for a friend. Also what situation are u talking about? 😶 You : m not telling u ! I need u to learn ur lesson first. I have to go now!.
U turned ur internet off sullking, ur head is spinning hopping that this room gets locked somehow and not oppen until 30 days passes. But as soon as u thought that, u heard a knock on ur door, curious as to who is there, u rushed only to open it in an almost shirtless heeseung only two of his bottons are closed his hair kind of messy his fucking smirk not leaving his face, u stayed there mouth open not knowing what to do, u have never once spoken to Heeseung before, he is someone u kept admiring and crushing on because u never been this close to him , and now that he is in front of u head leaning to reach ur height u can't help the aggressif heartbeat pounding in ur chest. Ahhh m doomed!
Heeseung moved some of ur hair to tack it behind ur ears, eyes on ur lips not even trying to hide that as his tongue darts on his. Heeseung whispered in ur ear making sure to awaken all of ur senses "i've been waiting to get close to u little doll." He moved away enjoying ur flustred face and the way ur eyes are fully open looking at his chest muscule. He chuckled enjoying how shameless u r not even saying a word and staring at him instead, he approached u more his index finger tracing ur neck "it looks like m not the only one who has been waiting for that ha?" Not knowing what to say u kept quiet inhaling his smell secretely ofc! Eyes closed, all of ur braincells stopped working. Heeseung has that much effect on u? U thought. He stepped out again looking at u amused he definetly didn't think u'd act this obvious in front of him, he thought u'd shake him off, try to avoid him maybe? But no, he was wrong. Nd god he loves it even more, seeing how u r acting when he hasn't even done nothing it got him aroused. Heeseung cleared his throath finally remembering why he came here "The staff are calling us to talk a little bit and have lunch, u can change and join us if u want." he said scanning ur short dress and how tight it is on ur body, fuck! He is going insane already! . U noded still affected to let a word out, he smiled at u and left. U closed the door head spining what is going on with u? U shake this feeling there was so much tension between both of you, u didn't know he'd look more handsome up this close, God, he is so ur ideal type… u've never meet someone close to ur ideal type before heeseung, so the moment he moved to ur neighborhood
the moment u saw him exit his house going god know where u couldn't help but gasp, butterflies running in ur stomache u felt an instant attraction, and from that moment u couldn't miss an opportunity to admire him, the fact that his room was in front of urs helped a lot, there was a lot of moment when he'd come home after the gym removing his shirt body all sweaty and abs defined, hair messy drinking a bottle of water, How hot can he get! Out of all the days of the week u were looking for the gym ones Heeseung always giving u a show.
Now that u r thinking about it the fact that u've never talked with each other until now is crazy, but u thanked god for that because if u did u'd be so down bad for him. Getting him out of ur head u changed into a more comfortable clothes, receiving a text that there will not be any dates out , so you can just chill and get to know each other , checking the mirror u stared at ur own reflection wearing a cute pink shorts with kitten paws and a white oversized tshirt, hair in a messy bun with some strands on ur face, u put ur lipgloss making sure that u look presentable, after 5 min of checking urself u got ur phone and headed down to the living room, almost everyone was already sitting , joy still in her previous outfit laughing with jay over something, siyeon in a black hoodie and sweatpants eating god knows what, heeseung in white top and grey sweatpants "oh god m feeling dizzy" staring at ur outfit with a side smile, Sunghoon nontheless is not here yet… u smiled awkwardly avoiding Heeseung and sitting between jay and Siyeon who is now looking at u.
Siyeon leaned to ur side "what was ur name? I didn't have a glimpse at it." You smiled at her while telling her ur name. Siyeon "Y/n! what a cute name for a cute girl like u. " She said looking at ur cute shorts with a smile U thanked her cheeks red after her comment, Joy somehow only noticing ur presence now "Ohhh Y/n u r here?" U noded as she gave u a piece of strawberry candy "here, have one." U took it u've been craving something sweet since this morning, u removed the wrapper and slid the candy between ur lips sensing 4 pair of eyes on you, u forrow not knowing at what they r staring but then Sunghoon enterend the room taking ur attention away, he changed to an outfit similar to heeseung but all in black , he noticed ur gaze bitting his lips as he sitted next to heeseung, both of them whispering between each other. Joy took this moment to talk "okayy so guys i wanted us to get to know each other better but i think it would not be great when another contestant will join us tonight so i figured out we save that for then." You nodded agreeing "yeah it's better that way." (u spoke still playing with the candy until a small drop of saliva got out) taking ur finger to catch it afraid it's gonna stain the couch u watch at siyeon catched it instead taking it to her lips, ur eyes widen at that not knowing what to do as she let out a hmm sound , u turned ur head pretending like u've not seen or heard anything as Joy started asking if we know how to cook. U answered immediately "Ohhhh m a bad cook." Laughing awkwardly afterwards, Joy smiled relating to u "so i am hahahhah" Jay leaned on the back of the couch manspreading hands carressing his forhead "m good at cooking i can help." U looked his way not expecting that he does and he met ur eyes grining "why? U thought i don't know how to?" Taken back from his sudden question to u, u answer stutering "N-no i- i just u know…." Not letting u finish ur words Jay let out a deep chuckle "i was just kidding relax."
Smiling u massage ur neck awkwardly as u bite on the candy finishing it. Ur eyes shifted to both heeseung and sunghoon who seems deep into their conversation quietely as they keep looking ur way, u looked at them confused and curious about what they r talking about and thanks for having Joy here she asked them "u guys seem like u know each other"
Heeseung smiled "Yeah Sunghoon is a very close friend of mine (he looked deep into ur eyes)hens he never hide something from me, he tells me everything. "Is he implying that he told him about me?"
Shocked u looked at Sunghoon to find him smirking at u, u started to panic no way he did right?. U felt uneasy the whole time, not beeing able to concentrate in their discussions head wandering whether heeseung knows now or not. Sensing something off Jay reached ur thigh hand hanging there while asking if something is wrong, u flinched from his touch "ohh noo no m fine just hungry."
U lied. Jay smiled softely asking siyeon for her opinion about what to prepare for lunch since they are the only two who knows how to cook. Siyeon shrugged and then asked what you r craving her eyes on the hand that is still on ur thigh clicking her tongue. After they setteled on what to do, you joined them in the kitchen wanting to help in someway. Siyeon "wanna help?" She asked getting some stuff from the fridge, you noded: "yeah just show me what to do and i'll do it." Jay's focus shifted to u after ur words smiling at how cute u look with these clothes, u look so innocent saying these words he almost wanna ruin that.
Siyeon in the other hand patted ur hair asking u to chop some vegetables for the pasta she will be making, u did that Joy helping u with them as Jay is working alone frying the steaks, ur nose picked up the delicious smell of the seasoning making ur stomache growl more from hunger, mouth watering as u stare at it. Seeing that Siyeon couldn't help but laugh at ur cuteness "omg why are u so cute, Jay u better hurry or Y/n is gonna throw u aside and have the steak for herself."
U chuckled embarrassed u can't help it when u r hungry it just shows. "btw where is Sunghoon and heeseung?" Jay asked now flipping the steak to the other side. "they are looking for a movie so we can watch it together." Joy answered washing some fruits for later U smiled upon hearing her words "Ohhh that sounds fun." Siyeon smiled at ur reaction "yeah Are u excited?." U smiled back while nodding "i didn't have the time to watch something in a while so that sounds fun." "And why is that? Is it because of work." Siyeon asked now adding more cream cheese to the pasta. U sighed u didn't have a week off for an eternity, u really need a rest "yeah" Siyeon pouted side hugging u "awww." Jay turned the heat off placing the last steak beautifully on the plate "okaay steak is ready, how is it going overthere?." Siyeon also placed the pasta on the three plates in front of her, you got some forks and napkins while joy helped Siyeon to serve the table, as you got there u found a very sus heeseung staring at his phone with his brows forrowed, u noticed that he always has this expression before he close the curtains when u were "stalking him", clearing ur throat heeseung shuts his phone helping joy as Sunghoon comes from outside holding some snacks and putting them in the kitchen for later.
Everyone took their places diving into food u cutted the steak taking a piece and savouring the tastiness of it moaning at how good it is u give a thumbs up to Jay saying with ur eyes that he did an excellent job getting a lovely smile from him u smiled back , not noticing the stares u got from ur so not quiet moan.
Heeseung tightened his fist trying to brush off this feeling and focusing on his food, head still dizzy from how fuckable u look with that cute and adorable outfit u r wearing. Sunghoon on the other hand stares at u darkly memories from the past coming back to him, he'd love that moment to repeat itself now, he'd definitely act differentely than before.
Siyeon's eyes bore into u, eyes never leaving u, taking in every expression and sound u make, she finds u sooo cute and adorable she can't even eat properly not wanting to miss a thing. Joy isn't even there lost in the food she has been starving herself for her last photoshoot that this is paradise for her. U finished eating not paying attention to anything, heeseung and sunghoon offered to wash the dishes since they didn't help in cooking earlier. They came out from the kitchen with some snacks sitting in the sofa in front of the tv before sunghoon hitted play for the movie on the screen.
U were sandwitched between heeseung and sunghoon they were so close to u, both of their bodies touching urs, u felt so hot , so weird not knowing what to do after all it's been three years since u broke with ur ex and got to ur current job, ur job being as hard as it is didn't allow u or give u the chance to meet with anyone, u haven't been this close to a guy appart from Jungwon in a while, so the fact that heeseung throw his hand at ur shoulder while eating from his bowl made u so flustered not giving ur full focus to the movie playing, hands shaking u opened ur hair tie allowing ur hair to breathe a little while tying it again, ur shampoo smell was everywhere now making sunghoon inhale it while placing a hand on ur thigh pretending like it's nothing big U gasp a little bit looking at him staring at the tv, u bit ur lips feeling hot all of a sudden, heeseung took some chocolate from the table offering it to u, u took it smiling at him with a very quiet thank u. The movie kept going on, it was a romance movie you weren't a big fan of romance so u were so bored, u took ur phone from ur pocket opening instagram to the picture of heeseung u checked out this morning
flustered u clicked exit multiple times locking the phone and putting back on ur pocket u couldn't even look at heeseung side but u r so sure that he saw it giving the little breathy chuckle he gave after the "pathetic" word he mumbeled making ur cheeks as red as tomatoes, u sighed seriously when will this day end?. Sunghoon on the other side moved his hand a little to high, pretending to take some chips from heeseung's bowl ignoring the way u jolted at his touch as he grins, he kept doing that taking u by surprise everytime he does it, you were starting to get so hot after what they are doing heeseung throwing some groans and sighs so close to ur ears whenever he eats something, plus sunghoon's touches.
Heeseung asked u if he could call his phone because he doesn't know where he left it, confused as to why he asked u specificly when sunghoon was just here playing with his but u gave it to him forgetting that u already has his number after stalking him on social media just to see some of his stories that he just shared in his number, Heeseung wanted to make sure if the unknown number he keeps seing is really urs curious as to how far u went, and yeah he was sure the moment he composed four of his phone number on ur screen and he saw his name on it, he smiled more amused than creeped, he could of embarrass u here and expose u but it would be more fun if it's only u two, so he earesed the numbers and give u ur phone back saying that he just remembered where he put it and u didn't think that much about it until u saw a scene in the movie where the female lead was calling one of her friends and then it clicked to u, u gasped quietely eyes looking at heeseung trying to read his face "did he saw his number?".
But heeseung didn't say anything appart from raising his brow in question and saying "what?". Joy insisted to watch another movie too bored to do anything, siyeon on the other hand excused herself going to sleep, u didn't want to leave Joy here alone with the guys in case she'd feel uncomfortable so u just stayed: noo this movie needs darkness can we close the curtains Jay?. Jay noded closing the curtains and going back to sleep in the other end of the couch. U adjusted the way u r sitting lying into the couch u kicked sunghoons leg by mistake saying "sorry" as he didn't even bother to answer u, too focused on his phone it got u curious but as soon as u peeked there u regretted ur decision, "is he watching porn here? Wtf?" Ur eyes got wide face red so surprised at his action, u reached for the water drinking a bunch and going back to ur place , after a while heeseung asked sunghoon about what he was watching making ur face go red again, thinking that he would say something as "nothing important" or whatever but instead he showed him, his phone right into ur sight shocked u look at him but again he is not even paying attention to ur existance both of them acting as u r not between them right now, discussing how eager the woman in the video is, how they'd ruin her and give her exactly what she needs, u felt so aroused there, u know u shouldn't but ain't no way u wont with how much teasing both of them were giving u before and now that they are doing this u need to run from here but the thing is that u couldn't, u were locked between them, body stuck there, u couldn't even move, as the guy in the video slapped his dick on the woman's face heeseung chuckled deeply "look at how small her face looks next to his cock how would it look next to mine, i bet her face would disappear" hearing his words u let out a small whimper, u've always fantasied about heeseung, how he'd look while being pleasured, how big his cock would be, how would he fuck, and now that he is here claiming that he has a huge cock u can't help it but whimper shifting on ur seat uncomfortably, pussy itching.. Heeseung felt his cock twitch inside his pants from the sound u let out, containing his groan, he loved that face u had after listening to his words. Sunghoon smirked at u knowing exactly how shameless u can be, and how easy it was to make u horny, he in fact didn't caught u that time alone, it was actually u who caughted him for the first time, he used that bathroom a lot and everytime he does he knows that u'd be there getting off on something stupid.
So now he isn't even surprised, seing how ur thighs keep rubbing together, he kept playing the video throwing some comments here and there making it hard for u to not let out a sound, for a moment u forgot that u r on a variety show, thanks god that they still hasn't installed the cameras in this room or u'd be gone. U throw a look at Joy sighing in relieve when u saw how her eyes are so into the movie, Jay as well is long gone sleeping. This whole situation that u r into now is insane to u, it is one of ur very long fantasies and the fact that they are ignoring ur presence is driving u more insane. Clicking on anothor video of a woman dressed up as a kitten with her collar on kneeling before as what seems her master heeseung sighed "so he is into that?" U thought very interested as to what is gonna happen shame long gone u watched with curious eyes as he pulled on her leash guiding her to his cock before ordering her to open her mouth, pulling her hair harshely and started fucking her mouth, not caring about how she is gagging on his side, eyes watering as her face became so red, ur mouth opened in an o as u watch him use her as he want u gulp loudly at that, both heeseung and sunghoon looking ur way focusing now on ur face rather than the video, eyes dark and sharp, drinking ur expressions, sunghoon dragged his hand again on ur thigh making u leave a small moan, bitting his lower lip agressively ohhh how he wished to take u here in front of everyone hearing u moan again and again as he used u, especially after u put ur hand on his wrist digging ur nails on his flech, hips shamelessly grinding forward, he groaned deeply his cock twitching so hard, seeing this heeseung couldn't help it but to pat his cock on top of his pants hiding his action with the large pillow he has on his lap. U couldn't contain urself after sunghoon touched u, it was as if you reached ur limit u didn't know what to do ur hand guiding sunghoon's hand upward he hissed after sensing ur wetness on top of ur shorts he cursed deeply "so fucking wet, ur gonna ruin the couch" u moan ashamed but not much as u grind on his hand eyes shutting brain washed and clear nothing running there but for u to release ur stress, heeseung leaned in ur ear whispering quitely"looks at u now, getting off on sunghoon's hand in front of everyone, pretending to be innocent all the time while in reality ur just a horny eager little thing" he licked ur earlobe taking ur hand to palm his crotch, u moan sensing how hard and big he is he chuckled "what? Liked that? Do u think u can take it" u just moaned occupied with sunghoon's hand that pressed hard on ur clit and then disappeared, whining u open ur eyes barely managing to not shut them, sunghoon's fingers digged in ur thighs harshely "when someone ask u a question u have to answer little one or u wont get what u want" u pout hand still working on heeseung as u look at him almost crying u were so close u barely managed to get these words out "i can take everything, so please touch me". Sunghoon patted ur cheek in a menacing way before he whispered "that's more like it slut" U moaned at the degrading name taking his hand again and placing it inside ur shorts u almost screamed when his cold fingers pressed on ur clit hand moving in a fast circular motion making ur toes curl, everything about sunghoon's touch is harsh he took one of ur breasts kneeding it roughly u were afraid it gonna burst in his hand, heeseung took the other one circling ur nipple until it became hard and he tugged on it pinching it u almost let out a scream if it wasn't for his other hand that covered ur mouth hard, u felt like u were in heaven touched and gropped this way was something u always craved
ur eyes opened a little meeting Jay's that is on the other end watching u while mouthing quietly to not let Joy notice "so sluty" "very pathetic" he clenched his jaw regreting sitting that far but enjoying the show nontheless, u look so hot like that sweating hand pressed on ur lips covering any sound breasts gropped ahhh how soft and squechy they'd feel around his hands, ur hand palming heeseung's crotch skilfully nails pretty and beautiful just to be ruined by cum, you look so fucked out now shaking in sunghoon's hand eyes rolling back trying to remove his hand from how sensitive u are but he is too strong for u to do that, he kept moving his hand until u let out a tear chuckling deeply at ur state as heeseung freed his cock from his pants and started moving ur hand faster groaning right in ur ears so close to his release he had to let go of ur lips to bit his hand and supress any sound, not long after, u felt ur hand getting sticky moaning at this feeling u miss it so much, heeseung kept going until he emptied his balls, satisfied to see ur hand full of his cum, if only u were alone here he'd make sure u don't waste a drop of it, sunghoon guided his fingers full of ur slick into ur mouth making u suck on them "that's right make them clean whore" u moaned on his fingers driving him insane as he pushed his fingers deeper in your throat u almost gagged but held it, not wanting to make Joy who has seen everything through the screen's reflection notice, with a pop sunghoon removed his fingers letting go of ur breast as heeseung did the same, standing and leaving u there like a mess looking at jay shamefully as he shrugged his head disapointed.
U excused urself running to ur room face as red as a tomato u washed ur hand moaning after seeing how full of cum it is, u can't help it but wish that they follow u to ur room to finish what they were doing not satisfied fully by what they gave u, pussy still clenching around nothing, u sighed flustrated. Changing ur clothes u went to ur bed thinking about what just happened the fact that Jay saw u is turning u on more than it should, after minutes of thinking u find urself sleeping so tired from today's event. U woke up to a text notification, telling u that u'll be headed to a restaurant to meet the last contestant. U smiled excited to eat outside properly, picking a tight black dress with a golden chain on the collar, wearing ur favourite heels and applying a red lipstick, satisfied with ur look u wore some parfum going to ur bed to pick ur bag before u hear a knock again. Gulping and adjusting ur dress u opened the door just to find urself thrown to the wall hand tightly wrapped around ur lips, u widen ur eyes taking a back fromhow fast that happened just to see Jay looking at u darkely, jaw clenched as he come closer whispering with his other hand lifting ur dress and reaching inside ur panties hissing as u feel a weird object enter u "U really thought i'd act like nothing happened ha?" He rubbed the toy on ur folds making u moan quietly, "u see i couldn't bear the fact that i was left out " he continue rubbing on ur folds only faster this time making u squirm over his hand, he chuckled deeply "so i figured out i should teach u a lesson" he leaned on ur ears whispering "u r gonna have this inside u all the time at the diner" he licked ur earlobe "u better act well or it'd be so embarrasing" u moaned at the thought, he leaned back scanny ur fucked out state hips following his hand mouvement eyes rolled back this is all too much for u he pressed harder on ur lips "m really so disapointed on u, how could u leave ur client out?" He removed his hand from ur panties only when u were about to come leaving u whining and positioned it on ur left hip "but again i didn't know u'd be so perveted letting two men use u in front of everyone" u whimper from humiliation gasping when his knee got between ur thighs pressing directly on ur core "i'll tease u a lot tonight" he grinded his knee on ur core making ur knees feel like jelly if it wasn't for the hold he has on ur hip u'd be on the floor now "i'll make sure u come to my room tonight crying and begging me to fuck u"
No cause Jay here is gonna be 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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i-yap · 9 months ago
Things that batboys and you fight about(Dick Edition)
him being "flirty" with other women. he says he is just being his charming self but he looks so good, is so rich and has that buttt. ofc every other woman thinks its flirting cuz we all see what we wanna believe. He always makes it up by fking u in the bathroom/alley of whatever public place you guys are in and then long cuddles in the bathtub when you get home ( which Is when he tells you exactly what you mean to him( its a lot)
Bailing on dates last minute- especially before u found out about his alter ego but even afterwards on special days when he would get late or be unable to attend because he is out there being an amazing hero. he always thinks he can make it on time but he never does. He will make it up and regrets it so much now uve started carrying some hobby( a book or homework or headphones) when meeting him anywhere for a date
Him disappearing on days weeks or even months at an end . dude has so many teams ( young justice titans batboys ) to take care of and so many people to save and ofc ( elder sister syndrome) he thinks he can do it all. but that means covert opps and faking deaths . you guys did decide on a signal later on to make sure he is not actually dead But it hurt like crap the first few times he disappeared.
Him running away . Mr cant stick to any good relationship and doesn't know what to do with someone genuinely loving him. in the beginning he might push u away, ask for an open relationship or friendzone you (he did cheat on starfire) but it always backfired. one day you just got fed up of him playing ping pong with your relationship and hit him with ur slipper on the head and told him to get his head straight or get out. ofc he cant leave you. just be understanding He opens up to you about his past and you understand that yes ur past sucks but that's no excuse for u to suck ..after somewhile this issue goes away
he is a lot, singing jumping around aerobics guy. so if u get irritated or have mood swings u may snap at him. but he always instant cut It out and does his best to soothe you
He also has a need to save everyone and everything and u have to remind him that while u love the fact that he takes care of u, u can do sh"t by urself sometimes . Also u can take care of him in genuine ways..he'll get used to it
he wants kids ....so like if u don't it'll be a bit of a conversation
he may never fully leave superhero stuff( at least not till much later)
He has issues yes but so do you and he more than makes up for all the problems.
(authors note- hi , who do u wanna see next ?)
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- i’m absolutely loving derek and derrick
- ““I’m going to destroy him,” he said. ​“Hyperbolically speaking, I hope,” Cat said. ​Jean only shrugged and left it to her to decide.” PLS
- jean catching the ball mid air and hurting his hand god it kills me knowing he probably had to develop that quick reaction because riko would throw balls at him
- “Jean wouldn’t let his gaze linger, but he saw enough to put a hungry knot in his gut.” SHUT UP SHUT UP
- “Jean considered asking, decided he didn’t care enough to endure a conversation” my unsociable king
- i know jean is so mean and all but it is so fucking funny to read, he’s not putting up with anyone’s bs he literally cannot give anyone stupid the time of day
- Jeans lunch date with cody, ananya and pat is making me absolutely starving for Indian and i literally ate tikka masala last night
- jean hiding bark bark behind the fridge oh he’s so unserious
- cannot even begin to explain how much i adore cat and jeans relationship; how she helps him work through his food phobia and he trusts her so fucking much. CAT KISSING JEAN ON THE FOREHEAD!!!
- jean asking if the 4th of july is a holiday every year is cracking me up (let’s ignore the fact that he was so overworked in the ravens a team that didn’t recognise public holidays to stop training)
- jeremy saying “and i thought my family was bad” and laila immediately validating his trauma by saying “they are” is sooooo important to me, if ur family is bad then ur family is bad and u don’t have to invalidate ur own feelings by comparing ur trauma to others.
- “Hope your teammate gets acquitted, XOXO’?” i cackled
- also i have to say i am both nervous and excited to read about jean and kevin’s interview
- jean saying that last year was the foxes year and he’s so right
- “Sure,” Laila said dryly. “Ignoring the fatal overdose, the kidnapping, the murder charges, the rampant campus vandalization, and—Andrew,” she said, with an uncomfortable pause. “Great year for them otherwise.” ​“They won finals,” Jean pointed out. ​Laila looked to the ceiling for patience. “Oh, right. How could I have forgotten?” ​“Seeing how you needlessly threw away your season against them, I would hope you remembered.”
i love bitchy jean and sassy laila,, god nora write their group banter so fucking well i wanna be friends with them
- “even tried to hush the commentators when they talked over him with an opposing opinion.” IM PISSING MYSELF
- “It was more endearing than it should be, and Jeremy hid a smile against his long-empty mug whenever Jean got particularly rude.” ohhhhh jeremy ur so in love with that rude mouth
- jeremy getting all hot over Jean complimenting him is adorable
- my suspicions were correct, jeremy did have another sibling who passed away - jean asking jeremy if it ever gets easier breaks my heart
- Cats dedication to hating on jeremy’s family is so fucking real
- “Since it has no impact on how I play, he says it’s my prerogative to fix whatever’s broken. He doesn’t understand why he should have an opinion on my personal life one way or the other.” He smiled, slow and bright, and said, “I like him, Jeremy. Let’s keep him forever.” GODDDDD I LOVE HIM SO BAD HE JUST DOESNT GIVE A FUCKKK
- the only jean being upset about when xav explains being trans is him telling jean that because he’s so decent he doesn’t belong on the ravens and jean taking it as an insult because OBVIOUSLY he belongs on the ravens because he is a brilliant player and not understanding that other people would be rude to xav
- jeremy staring at jean while watching the fire works, “Jean’s lips grazed his cheekbone as Jean turned his head, and every coherent thought Jeremy had crumbled to dust.”, he’s soooooo in love it’s crazy
- jeremy doesn’t go to banquets???? i’m sensing some backstory coming our way!
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wonyrs · 1 year ago
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enha maknaes x fmr gnr fluff, est. relationship warnings cursing, food wc 711 + library #
‘ school life with the enha maknaes! headcanon style
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kim sunoo
somehow u two manage to make the uniforms a tad cuter than anyone else
never getting ur work done in any class fs (but u still pass? its the dawg in u) u two sit in the back of the room and have a whole station just for cute instagram posts
"aww babe u look so pretty today" "really? i should say that to u, love :3" cue the deadpanning from anyone in a mile radius of u
LITERAL GODS OF PHYSICAL TOUCH AND EVERYONE HATES IT. on the way to lunch? holding hands. dodgeball in pe? holding on to each other like ur lives depend on it. the weather a little chilly? "let me warm u up schnookums :>"
half of ur friendgroup think of u two as an ideal couple while the other half is done w ur shit (dw they love u)
when exams are coming up, u two hang out at each others houses to help each other with whatever u guys are struggling with
he has full faith in u passing the exams but still offers to calm u down by singing a song, giving u a massage, ordering ur favourite takeout, or anything that eases ur nerves :(
"don't be scared, y/n. ure the smartest girl i know, so theres absolutely zero chances of u failing this test, believe me!"
yang jungwon
ur boyfriend being a former class president and u being the current class president is either a blessing or karma for something u did in ur past life
"oh my gosh there's so many papers to send off, wonnie can you help me?" "nope, i stopped doing this type of work 3 years ago" before getting up and carrying all the stacks himself
when u mess up during a speech, be prepared for endless teasing while being reassured that u still deserve a spot in the council (thank u for fake tears and ur bf's soft heart)
if u have to stay after school to work on council duties, jungwon stays behind w u and uses the excuse that he needs help on his hw to be by ur side
he still takes the chance to lovingly bully ur ass
"u know, if u just refused the offer of being class prez we could be in my room rn watching the mlb movie" "babe be quiet before i actually lose it and start crying"
however, the longer he's with u, the more concerned he gets when he realizes that u leave school (alone) around 7 pm when the sky is getting dark and all sorts of creeps are walking around
he knows ure capable of protecting urself but his 'spiderman' bf instincts tell him to walk u home everyday no matter how late it is and tune out the fact that he'll get spanked by his mama for returning so late at night
"u forgot something, love. i need 10 kisses minimum for walking u this late, uberjungwon needs his payment!"
nishimura riki
fully believing in the 'hates almost everyone at school but has a soft spot for u' + the rest of enha trope for u two
yes he acts nonchalant to anyone's attempts at flirting w him but the moment u compliment his skills in soccer bro startings twirling his hair and encourages u to say more
"ki u did so good! ure like blue lock fr" "really? i did so good guarding right? and making that goal? and dribbling? right?" yappa yappa yapping /j
during free period, he drags u to the court and has u play a 1v1 with him
uses the excuse of 'fixing ur form' to get as close to u as possible and hes not ashamed of it
"yeah so u just position ur arm right here and-" "ok but can u loosen ur grip on my hips please, focus on the training babe " "shhhh"
OMFG i imagine him asking u out after winning a really important game with enha cheering him on at the back (big bros)
it'll be when u congratulate the team outside of the locker rooms when he just grabs u by the shoulders and professes a whole shakespeare typa love confession
his fangirls drop down sobbing the next day when u two walk in holding hands and he's carrying ur bag for u with the dopiest smile on his face
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@ wonyrs 2023
note me when i dissappear for a month after my first post, come back with the trashiest post ever and a new layout LESGOOO anyways i hope u guys enjoy this and REMEMBER my requests are open so feel free to ask anything :>
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liaa--qb · 11 months ago
Your take on darklinas is 100% correct. Saw so many darklinas in team black stans and they were shitting on Aegon and Aemond. How can someone like Darkling if they like Rhaenyra as if Darkling wasn't far worse for girls than Aegon. Yes they type whole big paragraph about Daemon did nothing wrong and he never groomed anyone. I am not fan of alysmond but I assure you I don't find them more problematic than Daemyra, Rhaenicent. They said Aemond killed Alys's entire family but I don't think she ever gave fuck about her family.
Iol😂 Ik that btw n firstly let me tell u that in book Alys didn't give a single shit about whatever family that was.That wasn't even her family !
That was house strong who was keeping her only as wet nurse servant just bcz she was a strong bastard herself if talk about book only. She wasn't any princess there😭. Wtf TB Stans think while making these bullshits which wasn't in the book. Atleast should make something sensible.
I already told that dere relationship was not any romantic which some Alysmond Stans want it to be. It was just kind of toxic profit n gain relationship bet them. But she was only with Aemond for her profit n survival. She clearly gets pregnant with his child. Most logical reason is only that she would also hold the power in throne. That's it.
Alys was a witch who killed a man just in secs...do u really think that she would make herself as a crying hostage to a 18 yrs old boy😭. She would have killed Aemond easily if she wanted to right there while slaughtering whole house strong but she didn't bcz she would easily get profit from removing every other man from her strong family. Whole wealth indirectly goes to her or larys.
TB be saying anything rubbish as we don't even get much about her in book. She was neither team Black or team green. Now what tv series would do about her ? I can't say that......but Ofcourse they would say thousand non sense reasons on daemon which even GRRM would die on hearing.😹
N about Darklina stans🤦🏻‍♀️...they r really stupid. Their whole ship is extremely problematic. Even alysmond or every ship from hotd itself is less problematic than darklina honestly 😂.
Darkling literally abused n harmed Alina physically and he gave small girls to get r*ped by King for his own need🤢
n the audacity those idiots have to say anything about any ship way less problematic than them. It's funny when Darkling Stans would say they like Rhaenyra. Even Aegon was less harmful than him like bitch.. be fr😂which drug u guys r taking
I don't hate or not any anti Darklina. I don't even like that book. It's so fucking boring😭.Ship is very much ok. Like you can ship the fuck u want. I used to ship it too but if u r liking a problematic ship urself then u should better keep ur mouth shut about any other ships. They are embarrassing sometimes
(Believe me only thing I shipped it because they have that light and dark dynamic, if it wasn't about that. I would have never shipped them either. Plus Ben Barnes was the reason I went to watch that show 😑)
As I said they can't even like their favourites as they are🤷🏻‍♀️ so don't take them seriously. I am waiting for that clown show when they are going to say Daeron is a r@pist while writing big stupid paragraphs on ' how Maegor was correct'. U can see that very soon.
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silverliningtears · 2 years ago
Thoughts after watching the full episode
Boston: what a fucking chaos monster, and a bad liar, feel like even Nick is a better liar than him lol. When Nick asked him if he likes Top he's like "who???? Me?!! NO!!" Like c'mon son who u fooling?? But, honestly, is the D that good?is it really worth all this..or idk if it's his issues with Mew that's really behind this
Nick: ok Nick reputation era has begun, get those receipts baby, take him down!!! I feel like Nick is gonna be the bulldozer destroying this "friend group" to the ground...I'm waiting with popcorn to enjoy the show.
Mew: I'm allowing him one night of peace before his whole world crumbles before him. But c'mon son, say something to ur FUCKBOI bf is someone hits on him IN FRONT OF U!!?!
Top: u could take a FUCKBOI to the monogamy pond, but u cannot make the FUCKBOI drink from the monogamy pond. Maybe don't fully believe the guy who wants to get into ur pants when he says he has receipts?? BUT EHAT DID HE SEE?!! WHAT IS IN THAT VIDEO??! IMMA GO CRAZY FUCK
Ray: u idiot, u don't even know how much urself fucking up are u?? U could have had another "priceless" night smh
Sand: bby get away from this incestous friend group while u can!!(we know that he's not gonna U were doing sooo good, till Ray flashed his puppy eyes and u folded like a leaf...the best part of today was him flipping Top off lmaooo I'm living for it!!
But, I kinda want Nick and Sand to team up and fuck everything up
Im still holding out for a raysand happy ending , like the dumbass i am, a girl can dream rite??
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awetistic-things · 2 years ago
i’m getting a formula 1 hyperfixation and here are my takeaways so far:
- lewis hamilton is pretty, rich and a little bit of a bitch (but i love him ❤️)
- if you don’t have money, you’re basically fucked
- williams are the kings of hanging in there 💀(keep ur head up y’all i believe in u /gen)
- okay daniel ricciardo u got jokes i see u
- the most TOXIC fan base i have seen in forever no one is ever happy lmao
- i saw tons of people say the only reason they hated lewis hamilton was because he won all the time but now he’s losing and they’re still hating so what now??? 😭
- i thought fernando alonso actually retired but ig he just wanted out of mclaren ??? (i’m assuming he just got an offer from aston martin and unretired but i’m still catching up so bear with me lmao) i mean he wasn’t winning towards the end so it makes sense plus he’s doing good now and it looks like he made the right choice
- “valtteri bottas” expensive ass name
- christian horner always looks like he just finished shoving another skeleton in his closet (WHY DOES HE ALWAYS LOOKS SO SUSPICOUS????)
- charles leclerc is noah schanpp’s doppelgänger like look me in the eyes and tell me i’m wrong i dare u 😪
- im not religious but grosjean surving that crash was an act of god i mean 4 minutes in flames and he was (physically) fine??? like what???
- toto wolff is the word mercedes personified
- people being mad that lewis hamilton has a sense of style and doesn’t wear clothes with his team’s name on it everywhere is pure comedy i’m sry
- carlos sainz jr. one of the hardest working racers rn fight me 😤 (pls don’t i cant fight i’m all talk i swear)
- god bless all the families and friends of the racers because holy shit it would be terrifying to watch even five seconds of them in those high speed chunks of metal 🙏🏼
- fans get way too upset when drivers have a life outside of just racing like please chill and let the man go to a party for once 💀
(if ur a f1 fan and have negative words for me on this pls keep it to urself i’m scared of y’all)
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deparler · 8 months ago
I get along better with the few eastern Europe erasmus we had bc they had that "classic" culture in stored right away. Now in France it's really lose and the only two schools out of the 20 in France only have history of architecture and art classes. which is fucking embarrassing and they're fighting hard to destroy those. So we become Building Construction brain dead machines lOLLl and build whatever promoteur immobilier want lmaooo. Also mine is regarded as elitist. Now u take a history class u re elitist. Csnt believe they're pushing history to be a right wing thing. U re shooting urself in the FOOT!!! digging ur own grave for not reclaiming art and history.
I think architecture students that worry too much about technical aspects are in the wrong studies. They should have gone directly to engineering with how limited their intelligence about architecture matters is. And it's normal, it's a different field. But they're now just going to end up being a subpar architect fighting for legitimacy around their technical competence when we already work in teams with eng. At least be good in architecture.... 5 years pass really quickly and if u already give up on architecture mastery bc of worries about being technical u are done for.
You miss the very short window of 5 to 8 years where u can develop an attitude and great cognitive ability for architecture project, and jump straight to work where u stagnate. So everything is at play in that short short window regarding your stance as an architect.
We might say we develop all through career which is true, but if some things are not set right at the formation you are literally done for.
This very very good architect who was under Bernard Huet, I heard during a crit tell his students, that if as a student they draw mono-oriented apartments, he knows they are already done for. As a student your latitude towards restrictions is more important, and if then you can not offer an architectural response that would offer minimum basic quality for apartments, then you are literally done for.
The base parameters to be are calibrated during those school years. And architecture has always been those studies where you have a big hand in under which type of architectural stance and position u go towards based on the architects atelier you chose to be formed under. In that way it stays very beaux art academic system, formally, even if it's said not to be like that.
So yes that level of exigence that u have during your formation year can give u an idea of what kind of architect someone will be bc the first years of practices just cement the stances develop during theorical formation (or what I call developing an attitude towards projecting)
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neyslover · 2 years ago
hihii! could i pls request something where neymar and fem!reader have a daughter? i was thinking it's set when their daughter is a teen and tries out for her school soccer team, but is nervous and goes to her dad for some support. pls don't feel pressured to complete such a long request, and take care of urself 💗
(love ur works btw <3)
i was looking through my requests and found this absolute gem!! i love this idea sm omg hope u enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it :)
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"mamãe, i don't think i can do this." my daughter, adriana, worried.
"meu amor, you have nothing to be worried about, you are amazing at football, and you know it!" i reassured her, "i'm sure one day big clubs will come to you begging you to join them, don't be worried over a school football team!"
"i don't know, ma..." she sighed.
"listen, i've seen you play countless times. you are absolutely phenomenal! you truly have a gift, adri, i'm not just saying this because you're my daughter." i caressed her cheek, "if you don't believe me, talk to your dad about it. he is one of the best players in the world, he won't lie to you."
"okay..." she trailed off, not sounding convinced, "thank you, though, mamãe."
she walked downstairs, looking for ney, who was laying down in the living room watching a movie.
"papai! are you down here?" she called out.
"yes, amor, i'm in the living room." he shouted back.
she ran down the stairs, and slowly walked up to him.
ney saw how uneasy she looked, and sat up immediately.
"is everything okay, adri? is anyone bothering you at school?"
"no!" she shook her head, "it's kinda silly..."
"nothing is silly when it comes to your feelings, amor. what is it? you can always talk to me, you know that, right?"
"yes, i do, it's just that..." she took a deep breath, "i'm nervous about trying out for the schools football team."
"adriana, you know you're amazing at playing! why are you nervous?" he grabbed her hands, caressing them with his thumbs.
"i don't know, pa... it's just that i am the neymar jr's daughter. what if i don't live up to their standards? what if i just disappoint everyone and i don't even make the team. imagine how embarrassing that would be! neymar jr's daughter couldn't even make the school football team!"
"baby, you know that you are way more than just neymar jr's daughter, right? and you know that you will make the team, because you are so damn good! i was scared when i joined my first club, but look at where it got me. you'll be fine, amor." he reassured her, "if you want, we can go down to the square and practice football there."
"i'd like that."
"yea? go get ready, we'll leave in a bit."
as she turned to go back up the stairs, she found me leaning on the staircase with a smile on my face, "told you so."
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livelaughlovekageyama · 3 years ago
Hello!! I hope you are having a lovely and nice day!! Are you still taking request? If you do can I request Kageyama x really really super duper shy reader (me :D) who is gonna meet his teammates? Hwusjsbsh thank you!!! (bows)
omg hey!! id love to do that!! this is my first request so im so sorry if its not great but i hope this is what u meant!!
this side of paradise - t. kageyama
song for this fic:
kageyama x super shy (gender neutral)reader
cw: fluff, established relationship, swearing
the sounds of squeaky sneakers echoed through the gym as you quietly waited outside. your boyfriend has finally decided that he wanted to introduce you to the team today, and you couldnt help but feel a little bit nervous.
after a couple minutes of waiting, you decided to peek through the gym doors, and it seemed like everyone was beginning to put away the volleyballs and dry mop the floors. you nervously skimmed through the unfamiliar group of teens before your eyes finally fell upon the black haired setter, who seemed to be arguing with a small orange haired boy. not wanting to interrupt anything you decided to pull out your phone to text the boy, but a loud voice from beside you caused you to drop it.
"hey hey!! whats this cute person doing here??"
"oh man, theyre almost as hot as kiyoko!!"
you flinched at the loud voices near you before turning to see a small boy with spiked hair and taller friend with a shaved head. you felt a lump growing in your throat as you spoke.
"oh...i, uhm..am ju-"
"you dropped this"
you quickly turned around to find urself looking up to a tall blond with glasses. he held up your cell phone with a trace of an amused smirk on his face.
"oh, right, uhm t-thank you.." you bowed quickly as you grabbed your phone before turning around to leave. 'maybe he forgot he was gonna introduce me today?' you thought as you walked towards the exit before you heard a familiar voice saying "Y/N WATCH OUT!!"
you quickly whipped ur head back to see a volleyball flying in your direction. you jumped out of the way and landed on the ground, just barely dodging the ball as you could hear footsteps getting closer to you.
you looked up to be greeted with kageyamas icy blue eyes nervously looking you up and down for any signs for injuries. his hands were grasping both of your shoulders softly as you chuckled softly at his worried state. "im okay, tobio." you reassured him as you put a hand on his wrists to pull them down. his gaze relaxed a bit, as a light blush dusted his cheeks from the simple contact.
you and kageyama both whipped around, remembering that there were people around you. you flushed red with embarrassment as you and kageyama stood up. "DUMBASSES, THEYRE MY S/O" he yelled at the team (hinata) as they became even more shocked.
"KAGEYAMA HAS A S/O BEFORE I DO? NO FAIR" tanaka sobbed into nishinoyas hair as the spiky haired boy continued to stand bewildered. the team continued to bombard you and kageyama with questions and your boyfriend was always the one to answer (defensively).
"ooooh kageyama youre blushinggg!"
"sugawara dont encourage this."
the bickering continued as you stayed focused on the ground beneath your feet. kageyama seemed to be able to deal with all the questions until the tall blond spoke.
"tsk, what do they even see in the king anyways?" he snickered.
kageyama whipped to him at the speed of light "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ASSHOLE?? THEY OBVIOUSLY..THEY.....WHAT DO THEY SEE IN ME?? THEY..UHM..." his comeback faded to silence as he turned to you for help. you looked up at his eager expression and shyly stared to speak.
"o-oh, i uhm..i...uh...." your eyes darted around nervously, becoming more stressed from the large crowd.
but you werent stressed by the question, because you could answer that in an instant.
sinse the moment you two became friends, you knew the boy was special. he was passionate, protective, and actually quite sweet. he has always noticed the little things about you, and never had a problem with you being more shy because he was kinda shy too.
kageyama watched as your gaze fell to the ground and was able to pick up on the problem. he grabbed your hand and glared at his teammates before pulling you outside.
once you were out of earshot of the team you immediately began to explain to him what happened.
"im sorry! im so so sorry! i see a lot in you i just-"
"-and i just got nervous because there was so many of them an-"
"-i do see a lot in you tobio, i swear! i love you so much and-"
"Y/N! I KNOW, I UNDERSTAN- wait what?" the setter was just hit with the words you just said.
the two of you have been dating for a few months now, but neither of you have used the L-word yet.
your face turned bright red as you looked at the ground. kageyama felt his own cheeks heating up as he bent down a bit in attempt to make eye contact with you.
"you-you love me?" he barely whispered. you nodded your head lightly as you continued to avoid his gaze. the setter took a sharp breath in as he took a moment to process the words.
i love you
i love you
i love you
"oi" he said quietly. you finally lifted your head up to meet his eyes. he brought up his shaky hands to hold your face softly.
"i...ah..i love you" he whispered shyly, before hesitantly going in to place a soft kiss on your lips.
you have been dating for months, and he still gets shy when it comes to these things. its actually quite endearing.
when he pulled back you felt a small smile creeping onto your lips.
"i love you.." you repeated.
"i love you." he said again, with more confidence than the last time. "and im sorry that they made you overwhelmed, they can all be dumbasses sometimes, and i shouldve brought you in myself instead of having you meet me today.."
"you dont need to apologize, tobio, i promise its not your fault. i just...you know how i am with people i dont know.." you mumbled the last part.
"i know, i know! but thats why im sorry. i shouldve made you more comfortable..i just...ugh! im sorry.." he began to ramble again, as it was your turn to cut him off with a kiss on the cheek. his face flushed bright red as he quickly stooped talking.
"please dont apologize, tobio."
"o-okay, im sorry-WAIT NO..no im not. do you, uh, wanna go back in? or like I-IF NOT ITS FINE!! YOU DONT HAVE TO-" you laughed once again at his flustered state.
"ill be alright tobio. we can get your stuff and i can say goodbye to them before we go, okay?" kageyama nodded.
"okay, okay yeah, that works...just, uhm, let me know if you wanna leave sooner please.." "i will" you said as he gave you a final look, before taking your hand to lead you back in.
everyones eyes turned to the two of you, and before they could speak your boyfriend cut them off"
"so we are gonna be heading out now, and my s/o just wanted to say goodbye"
all eyes turned to you, as you took a deep breath. "i-it was a pleasure meeting you all" you said quickly, before bowing.
everyone stayed silent for a moment, and then they all started to respond.
"it was a pleasure meeting you too!!"
"THEYRE SO CUTE OH MY GO-" (kageyama threw a volleyball at nishinoyas head)
you smiled shyly at them, and kageyama slung his sport bag over his shoulder.
"you ready to go?"
you waved goodbye as kageyama intertwined his fingers with yours. as soon as you were out of sight, he placed a soft kiss to your temple while angrily mumbling about his teammates.
"theyre such dumbasses.." he muttered, causing you to laugh and pull him in for a hug.
"yeah, well youre also a dumbass, but youre MY dumbass.” you teased as his face flushed with embarrassment
"yeah..wh-whatever..i love you."
"i love you too."
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actualbird · 3 years ago
well, the cute mini-storyline is my beloved. the actual puzzle gameplay frustrates me tho thats only cuz im terrible at sliding puzzles since i have the IQ of a grape (pre-surgery)
but the MINI-STORYLINE!!!! i love that this is a celebration for finishing the nxx garden and vyn also mentions the lounge like huh, that makes it canon that the cute wooden lounge and garden lounge in the lounge feature exists ingame universe and i ADORE THAT. NXX HQ is really way bigger than just the single room background we see in the main story. vyn, how big is this building? how many more rooms does it have? WHERE ELSE CAN I SET FOUND FAMILY FANFIC SCENES IN???? 
cant believe marius regularly goes over to vyn’s property to nap, luke regularly goes there with peanut, artem regularly goes there to have coffee he can have normally at his own home but it’s a running theme in artem’s life already that even if hes got his own means of making coffee in his own space, he will venture out to Different Coffee Dispensaries to loiter awkwardly and hope for a semblance of social interaction where he isnt completely swagless (source: every single artem story where he was standing at the law firm pantry under the pretense of getting coffee. HE DOES THIS SO MUCH AKJFBJF). 
vyn basically accidentally now has a Home For Wayward Dysfunctional Adults. he is included in that group, make no mistake.
also, these wishes are rlly sweet idk, i love them :(((
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luke, ur wish extends to urself as well. on GODS you WILL be healthy and that is a THREAT!!!!!!
anyway, im delighted. when the game serves me canon food of the team hanging out outside of a case and being affectionate shitheads, i feel so at peace. whos to say that so many of these little hangouts dont happen!! THEY SPEND TIME W EACH OTHER
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soobnny · 2 years ago
YEAR ENDER EVENT VIBES🗣💢🗣💢 with my babyboy twitchrivals!hoon <3 as for a description of myself, i’d like to say i’m ambiverted? i talk ALOT (a little too much at times) and love to have conversations with people i am close to. i have the shortest social battery known to man, but i’m very good at pretending like i’m extroverted with strangers. i’m always feeling some type of anxiety? worrier at heart thanks to my mom 🥹 i love to read… fanfiction & watch people play video games (probably enjoy it more than actually playing). i come off as very confident and usually control the mood of a social interaction because i like to make people enjoy their time around me. at my core though, i prefer solitude and would love to stay in my room everyday.
(this is a super cute event, and i wanna thank you for all the effort it takes to put out such great stories! i’m not lying when i say that twitch rivals is my favorite smau of all time. i remember waking up and the newest chapter being released was the first thought that entered my mind. i recommend it to everyone that comes to me for fanfic recs.🫶)
year ender event
streaming together !! if u play games, he will pocket sage for u. if someone instalocks the agent/character that u play, best believe he’s reporting that player’s ass 😭😭 he is petty for U only
if u don’t feel like playing games, he tries to introduce u to a bunch that he loves becos he is streamer!hoon and he wants u to like such a big part of his life and career so this meansssss u guesting in his streams! his fans love u let’s be real ☹️ thinks ure so cute together. he’d give u the controller and make u play if u want to and he completes the hard parts for u when u get a little annoyed. (oh and here’s a little secret .. he loves when u sit on his lap or play with his hair while he’s playing). sometimes he just appreciates u being there to watch him when he’s playing !! his heart goes 4838 km/hr
he ends streaming hours early so he can spend time with u. a lot of ur time together is spent just talking and staying indoors — he thinks that’s his favorite part of the day. ending stream and just having time to be with u in his room.
i think you’d probably be closest to jake just cos he’s tr!sunghoon’s closest friend too and he’s so considerate of the both of u it’s actually kind of cute. like one time, he was doing a paid sponsorship where he could invite streamers to disneyland — chose u and sunghoon immediately without a doubt + and ofc riki jay and sunoo. oh! and sometimes riki and sunoo invites u to play animal crossing with them. they just love U i think esp like those two will have THE softest spot for u
100T loves having u around in their content creator house. when they’re shooting videos, they always ask sunghoon if you wanna join in on the challenges. i think the streamers of 100T and the staff n everyone just enjoy ur presence like u said !! mood maker type of things hehehe so naturally, they’d love to have u around in shoots and videos. on the occasion that you do, they love having u on challenge type of videos (and everyone notices that sunghoon always keeps an eye on u whether or not ure on the same team or not. he wants to make sure ure comfortable).
when sunghoon notices ure kind of just tired now and need some time to urself, he purposely loses the challenge or asks if the pair of u can be pulled out a little earlier. always just puts ur wellbeing first honestly it’s so sickeningly sweet. u don’t need to pretend with sunghoon cos he just knows!
while under the spotlight becos of being a popular streamer, sunghoon would actually want nothing more than to spend time with u in ur room and just be around each other. he doesn’t matter if ure doing nothing together or watching a movie. he just likes being around u.
bonus: tr!sunghoom strikes me as the type to buy u expensive gifts. he goes out for a shoot and sees something u might like? swipe! he’s on a shopping challenge? buys things for u instead. i just think he loves pampering u honestly and so he rly likes using his money on u even tho u scold him for it. but no one can stop a man in love !!
happy holidays! thank U for taking the time out to say that and for just being so nice. What ☹️ and i’m so honored that twitch rivals is high on ur list of smaus! it was such a fun time for me and i’m just so happy to see u rly enjoyed it :”) i hope u enjoy this one too! let me know what u think HEHE
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aphrorite · 2 years ago
tw vent regression + abandonment
not striked through for readability
when ur friend always text u on the daily... send u 4 concern messages and then u just get one from ur cg that doesnt even mean anything... n ure just sitting here wondering what did u do.. y did he treat me like dis.. was i a bad kiddo? i dont get it...
and then they take back everything they had with u... actions dont align with their words... they treat other people better but then say that they care about u more... they say ''we're a dream team'' have a shared account and then revoke it randomly.. they give u a gift and then they take it back...?? family subscription on spotify.. why? how can u do dat to me? does that mean im not part of ur family anymore? or did u just.. not pay? i dont see why u wouldnt.. u seem to love treating urself btu when i ask for u to be nice to me or just show u care... theres no input.. i ask u to message first... u dont... why am i in love with the potential of u... it hurt... a lot...
and ur not even going away in one go.. if u went in one go i could just laugh it off.. say im right.. but ure doing it excuriatingly slowly. which makes me believe that its someone else whos telling u.. or maybe u were just.. done enough wit me.. to do all of this..
when u were with other people and they gave u gifts, even when they stopped knowing u.. they never took it back... so why are u doing this to me?
i want to burn all the letters i made for you... the hole in my heart is growing.. that small bare minimum text reliefing my compulsion but the truth still yearning in me... why dont u care?
i wann thro wa tantrum and stomp on ur feet and show u how much u hurt me becaus im really hurt. i cant cry. it wont happen... u give familial love a sour taste like childhood...
ive been holding my breath / ive been counting to ten over something you said / ive been holding back tears while youre throwing back beers / im alone in bed / you know i i'm afraid of change / guess thats why we stay the same / so tell me to leave, ill pack my bags get on the road / find someone that loves you / better than i do... darling i know... / cuz you remind me everyday.. im not enough, but i still stay... / havent got the guts to call him up / walk around as if you never cared in the first place / but if you never call you end up stuck / thought another chance to tell him off right to his face / and even though we barely know each-other it still hurts, watching him fade away...
im accepting that u will never love me the way i want.. u hurt me too much... i dont know when to put my foot down.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years ago
hey 👋 so i wanted to know if u consider urself an “army” and if yes then would u say u’re ot7? i mean i guessed it would be kind of odd if u didnt consider urself an army cause ur whole blog is kind of centered around bts. and also i want to know how much u like each member and if u dislike any in particular (though some are a bit obvious 😭)
Hii hey. I mean, yes, in the technical sense I've always been an army, even if I've never personally called myself that. I gave the example before of how I used to like one direction too, but I never said "i'm a directioner" or "I'm a swiftie". If it makes things easier yeah, I don't mind describing myself as army. I've always thought of myself as a BTS fan and that's it. But saying "I'm army [or any other fandom name]" is something I've always considered very corny and unnecessary for MYSELF. I don't judge people who use fandom names.
How much do I like the members haha umm. It has changed over the years.
Jimin was my favorite from the beginning. I feel like my affection for Jimin has now dimmed significantly, there's a whole lot less affection compared to what it was in 2020 or even until mid 2021. Even if he's still the member I like the most, I'm more chill about it. Like an old friend you've known for ages, you just know you love them no questions asked. Sometimes things happen that remind you how kind and beautiful they are and you feel your heart bursting.
Then, there was Jungkook. At first there was a big difference between how much I liked Jimin and the rest, but eventually that gap closed and I grew to love JK as well, and so there was a gap between Jungkook/Jimin and the rest. I thought he was funny, hot, I actually liked that he was competitive, and I liked that he seemed protective of the things he loved. Nowadays, I don't feel that comfortable about Jungkook. It's not distaste, definitely not hate, not animosity, there's seriously no bad feelings at all. I just stopped being so sure of his genuinity, and I began feeling like he's superficial and unserious, so I stepped away. I'm not someone who hates or rots in bitterness about people I don't like. I'm a leaver hehe, I'm someone who cuts ties, I just leave when I feel like a place or a person is not it for me anymore. I do miss him tho, and I miss the way I used to feel about him and I wish it had never changed but what's done is done.
Yoongi was one of my faves for a while when I first got into BTS. I like engaging and simple people, simple in the sense that it's easy to get a feel of who they are, what they stand for; this is what I saw in Jimin and I felt drawn to him. I saw the same in Yoongi, and I liked that he was witty and his answers were clear, he didn't beat around the bush, and he seemed very #involved. Involved in the team, both professionaly and personally, involved with whatever purpose BTS had. They don't have a lot in common, but I do believe that Jimin and Yoongi still have these traits in common. Then it just stopped haha no reason in particular, tho looking back I think Yoongi's involvement (just as everyone's involvement) in BTS started being less and less, their interviews started becoming repetivtive and superficial, so maybe I just lost sight of Yoongi, in a way. Also ngl the constant focus on awards and charts is a turn off for me.
I never cared about Taehyung, I'm sorry. He's probably the only member that I never cared for and it stayed that way. No character development, and the little there was, it was for the worse. I've always thought he was good looking, I have eyes. And I'm probably responsible for at least 100k views in singularity MV because I really love it (present tense). He has some good qualities, like I know he's fierce about the people he cares about and I can appreciate that. But he never inspired in me strong feelings, of any type. I don't like a lot of things about him, one of those things being that everytime he says anything I have to ask myself if he's saying the truth or just talking out of his butt, which is something I started feeling about Jungkook too. He's just A Man. A childish new money money, at that. An eyeroll and I move on.
On the other hand, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok were the members that at first I didn't really get a grasp of, but slowly I got to know more of them and started liking them more and more.
I know I talk a lot and a much of what I say might get lost in the grand scheme of things (posts) but I'm actually a good judge of character lol, and hoseok seemed very fake to me. I didn't even think he was funny because I didn't think he meant to be funny, it just felt too cartoonesque. A few years ago he actually admitted that he was much more serious irl and that pretending to be funny and happy and high spirited all the time was his BTS persona and it was a burden to him. He's become more and more himself, a real Him, and I just started liking him slowly, everyone knows I have a lot of appreciation for him, I think he's very strong and that he Cares capital C. He cares about his profession, he cares about the people in his life. He makes donations to charities, he pays for stray cats surgeries. What's not to like, really. I feel somewhat the same about Jin, tho I don't think that I know enough about Jin, what he likes, what type of relationships he has etc, to talk that much about him.
I love Namjoon these days, I think it was around the 2018 tour (idol era) and BV Malta when I really started liking him. I don't remember being that interested in him before that. I liked seeing him and Jimin talking, and Namjoon was always so warm towards him. Really, (honest) words are the way to my heart. I said the other day, I don't have a type when it comes to looks, but I do have a type in personality 😅
I believe BTS is bigger than its members, it's more than the sum of all of them. I don't think you need to love all of them in the same capacity, or even love them at all to enjoy BTS. Or to enjoy what BTS used to be.
I like songs, I listen to music and I watch performances from groups with people that I don't even know the names of.
In terms of music and performances, yes I think BTS need of all of them to work. I was never impatient or anxious about solo careers, until 2020 at least they all looked like they wanted to be there. And I enjoyed watching them, I thought their songs and stages were top notch. They used to work well, all seven of them.
I just saw this and thought I could add it here, because of the question "why us?". I don't know any other way to say it other than BTS as a team is bigger than all of them. I don't know why them, but it just is. It's also really nice to remember that Jimin is realistic, that he knows and understands what supporting and believing in someone is like.
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suganovakawa · 5 years ago
hi! i found ur blog through saudade and was like!! this the good kush! and earlier i was scrolling through ur blog and saw the jealous hcs and suga's was so accurate 😭 i can totally see him being all smiley and passive aggressive like 'do you want something haha? >:)' anyways! can i request reader being sad and doubting their relationship with noya and tanaka (separate) bc they always talk abt kiyoko and how beautiful she is and how they feel abt her? thank u so much, pls take care of urself!!!
the potential this one has OMG yes i am on it 🥺 u better be taking care of yourself too , anonnie !!!
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karasuno boys remind you that you’re always going to be number one in their eyes, no matter what !
— check out my masterlist !!
we all know kiyoko is a goddess , but it’d be nice if your boyfriend could give you some of that love too , y’know ? let’s see how these two make up for giving kiyoko too much attention .
also yuu’s came out really really long so do be prepared for that — ryu’s isn’t as long because he praises kiyoko the same way yuu does , so there’s no need to repeat everything fjjdndjsjd
— ask to be part of my gen taglist !
taglist : @yams046 @janellion @avylee
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yuu nishinoya
yuu has bunches of love to go around , believe me
but sometimes , it really doesn’t seem that way , y’know ?
you knew even before your relationship with the guardian deity that he was a simp for kiyoko ; how he also fell for you was even a surprise for you
but noya definitely does try and show you that you that you have a special place in his heart , even if he gawks over the team manager at times
but when his appreciation for kiyoko gets out of hand , oh it really gets out of hand
the first time it happened , you were completely shattered — however , you weren’t sure how to even handle a situation like that
everyday of just — “ kiyoko ” this , “ shimizu ” that . . . it was a never ending cycle of yuu going on and on about how the karasuno team manager was just so perfect at everything she does , that she was the paragon of beauty and so forth
and while you held no grudge against kiyoko — hell , she made it very clear that she had absolutely no interest in yuu . like , multiple times — seeing him gush over her so much made you feel self conscious in yourself
you were his significant other , weren’t you ?
so why wasn’t he treating you that way ?
it came to a point where you just didn't say anything the moment yuu brought up kiyoko . there was no point in trying to stop him or changing the subject , because once he was on a roll ; he was on a mf roll
god , even the first years could see that noya was giving kiyoko more attention than you
the only one besides noya who didn't notice this was tanaka , who was just as smitten over kiyoko as the libero was
and everyday , it was the same old topic ; didn't they have anything else to talk about ?
" WHAT , BRO ? "
and your snapping point : yuu choosing to help kiyoko clean stuff up instead of walking you home after practice
was this his way of breaking up with you ? whatever it was , you couldn't handle it anymore . just seeing yuu give so much of his time to kiyoko was heartbreaking for you ; you even began to question if you really were a significant other figure to nishinoya
you stopped showing up to practice
and shortly after , you avoided and ignored the second year as a whole
it took about less than two days for noya to realize that you weren’t around for him
and even worse — you seemed to have no interest in talking to him when he did try and approach you
uh oh , he really messed up now
he approached the third years with his head hung low , wanted advice on how to talk to you again
and they were willing to help , of course ; but not before giving him absolute hell for not noticing his own actions sooner
it took three tries to get you to talk to noya again
daichi approached you first after class , wanting you to come back to practice again ; you politely told him no , and before he could press on further , you hastily turned heel and walked away
second attempt was suga and asahi , suga was more straightforward with his attempt at bringing you back , while the other was just there mainly for support ; he explained that noya felt apologetic and wanted to make it up to you , but you countered with “ if he really was sorry , he’d come himself . not make you do it for him . ” and you left
third time’s a charm — kiyoko was the final person to confront you
you were still upset , and she understood that completely — she explained that even with noya’s , ehem , worship over her , he still cares about you deeply ; he just gets overly excited and doesn’t know how to control it
and she added that there was no practice due to ukai being out that day , but yuu was still waiting for you in the gym
you finally gave in , walking slowly to see kiyoko’s words speak for themselves — there he was , sitting against the wall with his eyes staring intently at the ground
“ yuu . . . ”
his head popped upwards the moment he heard your voice , scrambling to his feet to sprint to you as fast as his two legs could take him
before you could say anything else , he jumped forward and pulled you into the biggest hug he could offer ; shakily , you hugged back with the same intensity , burying your face in him as he just continued to squeeze you as if you’d disappear if he dared let go
he began to blubber all sorts of apologies — about how stupid of a boyfriend he was , that he should’ve noticed he was hurting your feelings sooner , that he shouldn’t have been fawning over kiyoko
he would’ve continued , but you shut his mouth with a finger , smiling softly as you shook your head
“ it’s okay , i forgive you . it just . . . hurt my feelings , is all . i know you like kiyoko a lot , so i didn’t want to — ”
“ no , y/n . you’re my s.o. , i shouldn’t have been like that . you’re my priority , not kiyoko . she used to be , but not anymore . i know that now , and that will never happen again , i promise . ”
and believe me , his redemption went all out
he'd walk you to and from school , catch up with you after every class , walk you to lunch , compliment your clothes and remind you of how much he appreciates you having in his life - kiyoko basically became nonexistent to him after that
tanaka didn't seem to mind - now he had the manager all to himself KDKSKKD
once in a while he gets caught up again , but this time he's more wary of your feelings ; if he sees that your mood has changed even a little bit , he'll ask you if he's too much , and then he'll forget about kiyoko again
yuu definitely has a long way to go until he's a perfect boyfriend , but he'll dedicate himself to make sure you know that you're irreplaceable in his eyes
ryuunosuke tanaka
something tells me ryu would definitely be more attentive than yuu , but he's still a total simp for shimizu
the moment you stop coming to practice , oh he notices right away
i imagine it going the same way as noya — him just talking everyone’s ears off about kiyoko’s a goddess , that she deserves all the best things in the world . . . all while you’re right there next to him
it’s a stab in the heart , to put it lightly ; you can only take so much before it just downright hurts
you’ve tried to talk to tanaka about it — he’ll brush you off with a “ hey babe ! ” with a quick kiss to the forehead / cheek before running off to practice again
so naturally , you felt defeated , and could only defend yourself — your heart — by not going to practice anymore , as well as just avoiding him as a whole
oh boy , did tanaka feel like an absolute failure of a boyfriend
“ y/n was here at school today . . . why didn’t they show up for practice ? they’re usually here , helping set up the net before standing next to kiyoko ”
tsukishima will probably be the one to retort back to him — you are his senpai , and he noticed how dejected you were , the more ryuunosuke ignored you for the team manager
“ oh , y/n decided not to show up today . someone decided they were gonna be a better boyfriend , and not fawn and drool over someone else like a dweeb . ” tsukishima was a jerk , yes , but he hated that tanaka was just so blatantly ignorant to you ; you didn’t deserve that at all and he knew that
“ WHAT ? Y/N WOULD NEVER — ” his voice dropped as his eyes widened in realization , “ oh my god , i’ve been neglecting my own s.o. for kiyoko . . . ”
it was an awkward silence , the third years didn’t know if they should berate him or comfort him of his realization , the second years were feeling awkward AF ( especially yuu ) for not telling him sooner , and the rest of the first years weren’t exactly very well-versed in the romance department so they had absolutely no advice for the wing spiker
even ukai was confused that you weren’t there as he walked in “ where’s y/n ? they said they’d help me with — ”
a bunch of people giving him the “ NO NO NO NO NO ” signal as he finally lays eyes on ryu , keishin understanding that something must’ve happened
tanaka was not doing well that practice , too side tracked and too upset with himself to focus properly
it came to the point where daichi had to pull him aside , and give him a stern talking to
“ listen here , tanaka . i know you now understand how stupid you were in being so overly obsessive over kiyoko with y/n always standing right there , and simply , you are the one who needs to make things right with them . you should wait until tomorrow though , so you have time with them . they’re not the type of person to hate so easily , especially if it’s you . have this be a valuable lesson , and i hope you remember how important of a person y/n is , to us , and to you . ”
tanaka had a whole epiphany with daichi’s speech — damn right , you were his . so why did he need to simp over kiyoko , when he had an amazing s.o. already by his side ?
with the team’s permission , tanaka requested to miss practice the next day — he promised he’d make up for it the following day , he just wanted to spend more time with you and make up for what he did
it wasn’t easy for him , coming to grips with his own foolishness as he approached you after class
“ y/n . . . i want to take you somewhere after school , if that’s fine ? ”
though you were hesitant in responding , you didn’t have the nerve to look away , nor run . “ but ryu , don’t you have practice today ? ”
he smiled sheepishly and shrugged , “ i got permission from the others to skip it today , i just have to work even harder to make up for it . ” taking you by the hand , he pulled you closer to him “ besides , nothing is more important to me than treating my beloved s.o. to something special , especially after how poorly i treated you for the past few days ”
but like woah , what happened to ryu ? going from kiyoko simp to this . . . it flustered you to the MAX
“ but in all seriousness y/n , i’m really sorry for how i acted . i shouldn’t have been paying so much attention to kiyoko like how i used to , now that i’m lucky enough to have you in my life . i want to try and make it up to you , starting with this badass cute date i’ve got planned for the two of us ! ”
you can’t help but smile as tanaka drags you out of the school , you’ve already forgiven him for just this precious moment alone
“ badass and cute aren’t words you’d use at the same time to describe something , ryu — ”
“ well , they are now ! ”
even kiyoko will be surprised at how he’s hardly even fazed by her at after today’s events ; ryuunosuke is a changed man , for you
you’ve got one of the biggest simps in haikyuu as your boyfriend , be prepared for how this mf is going to SPOIL . YOU .
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