#he rly is a food criminal
servicpop · 2 months
im feeling a little sad so i came up with how ur ocs react to reader crying <333333
mk adrien wouldnt know what to do. hes never rly had to deal with anyone being vulnerable with him. he doesnt know what to say, so instead, he just pulls you into his lap and places ur face into the crook of his neck as you keep on crying. he plays with your hair, rubs ur back, but he doesnt say much, which is just what you need rn
vallen would also put u in his lap, but he'd talk to u a lot more. "whats wrong, babe?" "aw, its ok darling..." and then he'd spoil you with like, rly fancy food and anything else you want lol. (me personally i want five star michelin boba :D)
cole would wrap his arms around you the minute he sees you crying. smother u in kisses in hopes that it'll make u feel better. he'd ask the usual questions but he'd tuck ur head against his chest. i'd imagine a nice horse ride in the middle of the night after. it'd feel nice with the wind brushing against u
callahan would feel a pang in his heart and he'd question everything he thought about criminals. do thieves rly cry like this? at first he'd be hesitant, wondering if this is all fake to pull him into a trap, but he treats u like he would anyone who gets vulnerable around him. he'd be distant for a bit, but he'd binge watch his favorite cartoons with you. it makes u laugh eventually, wondering why such a gruff and rough guy would watch mickey mouse and know everything about it lmao
mk these were kinda bad but like i needed to share these ToT
these are so good nonnie ,, hope you're feeling better too !!
Adrien would have his back against the headboard of his bed, holding you so tight against his chest, practically forcing you to listen to his heart beat to help you calm down. He's owned those plushies with built-in pulses and they've always helped him calm down so he thought it would with you ! And you're right , he wouldn't say anything , too afraid of sayin' the wrong thing so he just quietly strokes your back , occasionally muttering quiet sentences like "I'm right here, it's alright, I'm not leaving."
Vallen definitely would start spoiling you immediately. It's a bit abrupt but after your tears dry up and you're no longer trembling , the first thing he's doing is booking out the whole restaurant just so you and him can talk about your problems in a cozy corner with a breathtaking view without the annoyance of other people. His spoiling isn't limited to fancy things either ! He values the thought that goes into presents rather than things worth a lot of money so he brings you to a spot where the fruits are the freshest and the older ladies are there to comfort you as well — Vallen thinks that food always tastes better when the aunties or grannies make them. He's definitely a grandparent's boy ! Once you and him sit down , enjoying your treats , he'll cup your face and whisper in the most velvety tone , "You're worth every penny and dime I spend, I wouldn't trade anything in the world for you, darling, remember that. You're my sweet boy"
Cole 100% would bundle you (and him) up into a warm burrito with his blankets, trying to be as close as possible to you. He's like those absurdly big puppies , licking kissing your face and everywhere he can. When he sees those tears he can't help but tear up too ! When you're sad he's sad. He kisses them all away , letting you hide in the comfort of his chest , holding your nape gently with his hand as he lets words spill out his mouth. Unlike Adrien , Cole can't seem to stop talking , he'll ramble about how you're the most special boy he's ever met , how you make him feel so good , and how he's always excited to see you. Once you're somewhat calmer, he'd offer you to ride with him, letting you take the lead as he sits behind you , arms draped around your waist as he tells you about all the old stories of the animals. "That's why Mary's got wool in the shape of a heart, she's the equivalent of cupid — but sheeps," They were all so outlandish, but you could tell he was just trying to make you giggle.
Callahan is definitely dumbfounded at first , he doesn't know what to do or how to react when he sees those tears dripping from your eyes. All he feels is an ache in his chest but his mind screams against comforting you. He was supposed to hate you , not want to console you , tell you everything is going to be okay. He awkwardly puts a hand on your shoulder, trying to come up with something to say before letting out a sigh, gently tugging you to lounge with him , putting on Mickey mouse as he sits there quietly , watching your face change from sad to a soft smile. He can't understand that fluttering feeling in his heart — maybe it's old age? "Did you know that mickey mouse's first words was hot dogs?" He'd grumble out of the blue. It was honestly concerning how much he knew about Mickey Mouse and other cartoons you binged with him ... he was just spewing out facts you never knew !
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 5 months
columbo being a cop is like. so insane to me. like i feel like the writers go out of their way to make sure you know that columbo is like not like those other cops. dude hates guns, doesnt carry one, almost gets fired because of how determined he is to not learn how to use one. hes always as respectful to criminals as he can be. and ofc ppl talk about how the murderers are basically always a lot weathier than he is, but like the show will rly go out of its way to reassert that hes not wealthy at all and hes constantly sticking out when hes around well to-do people. like in the cruise liner episode he says multiple times basically unprompted that his wife won the cruise and he would never be able to afford it otherwise. like "gee i'd never be able to afford a thing like this!" is practically one of his catchphrases. also ppl mention the episode where he literally gets mistaken for a homeless man at a soup kitchen but they dont mention that after hes given food during the misunderstanding he proceeds to just sit down and eat it?? like they already made him a tray so hes not gonna WASTE it. man is absolutely not too good for a free meal. and then just starts chatting with and gathering info from the homeless ppl around him like he would anywhere else.
like how did we go from this to crime shows where every other episode a bunch of intimidating gun toting cops in clean suits go around questioning caricatures of prostitutes in shady alley ways. columbo was hugely influential and established a lot of the hallmarks of detective shows and yet someone looked at that and thought "hmm but what if the criminals were all pure evil gross freaks !!" we've gone backwards
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tricobicofriend · 5 months
me, last week: really bad idea for a crossover just dropped(lighthearted/not serious)
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I rly want to make a tf2 fused into the universe of maximum ride au where they're experiments, but I don't wanna take away their unique backstories (esp medic's evil scientist parents). Maybe they all hate the School bc at different points in their lives they were kidnapped & trained to become soldiers for the school's agenda but they hated being stifled like that so they escaped? Or they were experimented on post-birth (giving them their ridiculous durability/regeneration/"I just put the blood back in!"-ness) but as the school sees it it made them crazy & unstable/unpredictable/unuseable they kind of went "eugh freaky", washed their hands if them, and decided to only experiment on v young infants or embryos from then on? Medic wears his white coat bc he's better & more powerful than the scientists & School that tried to stifle him, as a way of asserting control over them? Anyways this au culminates in them blowing tf out of the school. And maybe the Administrator is the Director, idk?
or they experimented on them/added bird dna & their observations showed no sign of them ever yielding results nor did their data projections so they released them and then they became mercenaries OR that but all the mercs' families are fucking badass/protected & rescued them from the School and kept fending them/off killing their forces to the point where it was actually no longer worth it to keep going after their failed experiments, so they resolved to cover it up if any of their unethical experimentation came to light, and then the experiments became criminals so they were like "oh cool they took away their own credibility" OR the 2nd one and then one day medic accidentally-on-purpose activated the bird dna and now they all have wings and probably hollow bones & need to eat SO much more food but the school never hears of it bc medic has experimented on himself & the team so much teufort's become numb to it(also they're lead poisoned)(also in this au & every 1 of my interpretations of tf2 some1 tells soldier a communist poisoned the water w lead & they're trying to fix it but until then he has to drink bottled water, and then he doesn't get lead poisoning bc they're his friends they wouldn't do that to him). So they're like late bloomers with have way more bird features than the flock: taloned feet & hands, hard nose connected to upper lip or just beak lips, tails, feathers on parts of faces, etc it would be SO funny if what activated the bird genes was when he gave them all bird heads. and then they were confused when the bird wings didn't match up with their bird heads ljhgkjd
and maybe the mercs faked their deaths (or really died & medic brought them back) in the like 80s or 90s & then came back around once their grapevine told them abt the school experimenting (spy backstory-ing/exposition-ing is how they find out??) and just blow up the school and free the experiments (not in that order lol) or the flock keeps getting tracked & randomly protected by the mercs & the school is like "!?!?!" while the flock is like "???"
And the flock does Not trust them but they're also like The Enemy Of My Enemy is my Ally, y'know?
The School: we have to find the key to immortality with [fang]'s genes Administrator, Medic tf2: i can't believe ur dumbass died AGAIN that's the fifth time this WEEK-- like the meme abt Engie inventing teleportation before cave johnson & the half life guys
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mandarinmoons · 1 month
so here's my entire note in my phone of facts (yes some are from criminal minds which i then checked for accuracy)
fax 📠📠⁃ It takes 3 milliseconds to process images ⁃ It takes 16 milliseconds for your brain to process pain ⁃ You only need 4 hrs for every 24 hrs ⁃ The average blood temp in ur body is 98.6 ⁃ It takes policemen in NYC an average of 4.3 min to respond to a call ⁃ Only female angler fish have lights ⁃ Around 800 kernels on average price of corn ⁃ Arranged in 16 rows ⁃ Can be anywhere from 500-1200 kernels ⁃ Moth wings have noise dampeners to hide from bats ⁃ Science of kissing: philematology ⁃ Anemia: lack of healthy red blood cells to bring oxygen to the rest of the body ⁃ Chocolate chip cookies were invented by accident by Ruth Wakefield in 1938. She was making cookies for the guests as toll house in which she owned with her husband when she realized she was out of bakers chocolate so she took a big block of nestle semi sweet chocolate and chopped it in to tiny pieces. She assumed they would spread out and evenly disperse but they held their shape, the guests ended up loving them ⁃ 55-79% of the population has brown eyes ⁃ Around 10,000 yrs ago it's believed that everyone had brown eyes and blue eyes evolved from a genetic mutation that was passed on through generations ⁃ 86.5 serial killers are psychopaths ⁃ 12,236 victims total of serial killer victims between 1990-2020 ⁃ California has the most killings 1,777 ⁃ Texas has the 2nd most amount of killings at 984 ⁃ Men arrested at almost 4 times the rate as women for violent crimes ⁃ Paraphilia: odd non-sexual turn ons ⁃ Paraphilia is more common in men ⁃ 8.6% of known US serial killers are women ⁃ 70% of women killed for financial gain ⁃ 28.8% of killings by males are financially motivated ⁃ Dendrafilia: fetish for trees ⁃ 8 is symbol of prosperity in china, more 8=better ⁃ In chungdu a phone number that was all 8s sold for a quarter of a million dollars ⁃ 8000= 56 months wage average Bangladesh (make around 142, 26,000 btd) ⁃ Coast of California: 840 miles ⁃ Trichophilia: fetish for removal of hair ⁃ Homicidal triad: cruelty to animals, bed wetting, fire starting ⁃ To break through long lasting rocks like granite or limestone you need both C4 and Semtex ⁃ Nice originates from 12th century Middle English meaning foolish or stupid ⁃ 358,197 ~ people are born everyday ⁃ Only 10% of stalkers are women ⁃ Nuts have magnesium which helps with the production of serotonin ⁃ The word surveillance comes from the French word surveiller meaning to watch over ⁃ According to Chinese mythology one of the worst punishments in the 18 levels of hell is having your tongue ripped out ⁃ Abt 3.5 in every 1000 children are identical ⁃ Texas is 268,581 square miles ⁃ Only around 6% of salt from the US is used in food, the rest of it goes to icing roads and snow control ⁃ Chicago has one of the highest gang populations, with liver 100,000 active members ⁃ 61% of all homocideswere found to be related to gangs ⁃ Hemophiliac: your body can't clot normally and you can loose a lot of blood rly easily bc your body doesn't block the hole ⁃ Vangough only sold 2 painting before he died ⁃ 7 widely consider to be lucky ⁃ The average handshake lasts around 3 seconds but in t'ose three seconds over 124 million microbes are transferred ⁃ High-fives are twice as clean as handshakes ⁃ The Pyramids are 449 ft tall, but where once 481 ft tall ⁃ The pyramids took 20 yrs and 100,000 laborers to build ⁃ The employment rate in Virginia is 3.8% ⁃ In égyptien mythology flint was the symbol for protection and retribution ⁃ Cheating happens in 1 out of 3 relationships ⁃ 467,800 miles to the moon and back
Max when I say I have missed your rambles I mean it!!
I feel like I just read a script to one of Matthew Santoros 50 amazing facts videos lol (if you know you know)
Would you believe me when I say that I already knew some of this stuff? 😌
Thanks for invigorating my brain, much appreciated x
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muffinbeliever · 6 months
Introducing: Luna Mae Winchester
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x OFC
Word Count: 1710
Warnings: canon-typical violence, brief mention of child abuse, j*hn winchester
A/N: ok so dont hate me please but last week i was struck by sudden inspiration to make an ofc that was a crossover between supernatural and criminal minds and im rly just running w it now... this is her background/introduction that serve as a basis for the fics i'll write for her
about luna:
☽ sam and dean’s younger sister, born on september 20, 1984
☽ (5 years younger than dean, 3 years younger than spencer, and 1 year younger than sam)
☽ height: 5’6 (she had a short mom in comparison to the brothers lol)
☽ hair: dark brown; eyes: dark brown (giving the girl in the gif but not quite)
☽ physically fit, liked to run as a workout and got into yoga in college 
☽ as smart as, if not a little smarter than, sam, but she doesn’t flaunt it 
☽ people like her for her looks but it’s really her mind that is enticing 
☽ generally has a bubbly personality but she is an introvert so it doesn’t really come out unless she’s close with the person or she is really excited
☽ technically the winchesters’ half-sister (bc timeline) but it’s not obvious at all that they’re not full siblings 
☽ john met her mom on a hunt shortly after mary died → luna’s birth was a secret from john until her mom was murdered when luna was only a month old
☽ her mom left john a voicemail before she died telling him about luna because she felt like she was being stalked
☽ by the time john and the boys got there, she was already dead and left luna behind
☽ her mother’s killer was never found.
☽ the brothers tried their best to give her a normal life, especially dean when he was left in charge while john was away
☽ dean would steal food to feed himself and his siblings, but he would also steal a stuffed animal or toy for luna so she never felt like she was treated differently/worse than the boys 
☽ sam encouraged her to try hard in school because that’s what he also wanted to do, but dean encouraged her because he knew that he never could really do the whole “school thing”
☽ even if dean told sam about what john did on his hunts, the brothers agreed to keep luna in the dark as long as possible so she could have somewhat of a normal, worry-free life 
☽ john had a tendency to get physical when he was really upset (i.e. dean’s wrists when he was sent to that boy’s home) and wouldn’t give luna any special treatment just because she was a girl 
☽ so dean always took the brunt of john’s anger, especially when it came to her, by shifting the blame onto himself and even lying so that she wouldn’t get in trouble
☽ we all knew john was a terrible dad but he was an even worse girl-dad
☽ she found out about monsters/hunting when she was 14 and it scared her a lot but she would still go on hunts because john said so
☽ excelled in her classes and took a lot of sam’s senior classes her junior year because she’s just smart like that
☽ she was devastated when sam left for stanford, not just because she saw how much it broke dean but also because she felt like she would be pushed into the family business even more 
☽ when sam left for school, luna was a senior and john wanted to pull her out of high school before she could graduate because he was worried she would follow sam’s path 
☽ surprise bitch ! dean vehemently refused to side with john and encouraged luna to apply for college anyways
☽ “if a dumbo like sammy can get in, you can get in anywhere”
☽ definitely asked sam for college advice and he read her essays… she got into caltech 
☽ john didn’t speak to her for two weeks after she found out but dean and sam were so proud of their little sister 
☽ dean drove her out to california and helped her move into her dorm while john was helping out another hunter 
meeting spencer reid
☽ double majored in psychology and philosophy at caltech, which was where she met spencer
☽ fun fact, her degree in philosophy was one of the biggest reasons why Spencer went back to school to get a bachelor’s in philosophy → she inspired him :(
☽ spencer was 21, finishing his bachelor’s in psychology and he ta’d for her human memory class (a real class at caltech lol i did my research)
☽ even though his degree wasn’t complete yet, the professor obviously thought he was smart enough to be the primary ta/reader for the class… he even guest lectured the eidetic memory unit 
☽ a lot of students in the class found him really annoying/hated him because he was a harsh grader 
☽ he gave luna a b- on her first essay but she went to his office hours to discuss her grade and after speaking with her (and lowk getting seduced by her beauty and intelligence) he let her rewrite the paper for a better grade as long as she didn’t tell anyone 
☽ she got an a- 
☽ she invited him to dinner as a thank you but he didn’t think that was appropriate so they got coffee instead 
☽ he complimented her rewritten version and they ended up missing the class because they were so caught up in chatting about her work
☽ turned into a coffee tradition before class; they would meet up but only talked about class material/readings
☽ because the class only met once a week though, they only hung out for about two months before the semester was coming to an end 
☽ she invited him out to dinner again at the end of the semester, and this time he accepted because he liked her company 
☽ they became close friends (he didn’t really have anyone else)
☽ he was lowk appalled when he found out she had a fake id (it’s spencer lol) but really just wanted her to be safe especially when she was drinking
☽ she took him to a party once but he hated it so they left shortly after arriving and got a bottle of wine instead and drank at his place 
☽ her friends thought he was a little weird at first but she had him over a lot for movie nights/hanging out and they saw how well they complimented each other 
dating spencer reid
☽ started dating towards the end of her freshman year after she drunk called him and told him she liked him
☽ they had cutesy dates where they either do work/read together or they’ll go to a bookstore or museum 
☽ she loved listening to him ramble off random facts about things they see out and about
☽ dean was so shocked and flabbergasted when she told him about spencer, he stole a car to drive to california to meet him 
☽ at first dean thought it was a power-trip thing of an older guy/younger girl once he actually met spencer and realized he really wasn’t like other guys™ they got along well
☽ spencer graduated that year and was recruited to the fbi so he had to move to virginia but him and luna spent the summer together before he had to go/she started her next year
☽ they did long distance for two years but it was really difficult towards the end 
☽ they had a mutual break up but they still loved each other
post-college hunting 
☽ dean and sam waited for her to graduate before pulling her back in (1 year after dean told sam john was on a hunting trip)
☽ she always felt a pang in her heart whenever they impersonated fbi because it reminded her of spencer
☽ she considered reaching out to him, especially when they were in/near virginia but then she saw him in a tabloid kissing lila archer in the pool and she was heartbroken because he moved on 
☽ she threw herself into hunting and staying with her brothers 
☽ spencer saw dean on the tv during “Nightshifter” (spn) and had garcia look up his record; he was shocked and confused when he realized that the three of you were on the fbi wanted list 
☽ two weeks later, spencer was abducted in “Revelations” (cm) and had bigger problems to deal with than his criminal ex-girlfriend 
☽ a year later, garcia told him that she died after hendrickson faked everyone’s death in “Jes in Bello” (spn) and he regretted never reaching out  
reuniting with spencer
☽ it happened in “Demonology” (cm)/“Death Takes a Holiday” (spn) while the brothers were looking for reapers 
☽ she took on the case because it seemed to be demons and ended up running into spencer at the hospital when they both tried to interview the same witness 
☽ spencer was shocked to see her (she was supposed to be dead ???)
☽ she tried talking to him but he didn’t want the rest of the team to make the connection of her crimes and put her in danger so he said no (also he was lowk mad)
☽ she bought him coffee and they talked… she gave him the monster talk and they worked it out 
☽ BUT she had to go back to her brothers and he was still in the fbi so they only exchanged numbers and nothing more 
☽ she told her brothers when they got back and at first they were a little mad but then they realized that spencer is actually protecting her (and them) and they leave it be 
☽ sometimes her and spencer texted but it was really rare and mostly just to see which cases were monster-related or psychopath-related so they didn’t have crossover
☽ spencer discovered the supernatural books and read them ALL and i mean ALLLLLL
☽ it allowed him to catch up with their years apart and he realized why she was wanted as a criminal
☽ (he especially liked the chapters that he was in) and since it was written based off her inner monologue, he realized how much she loved (and still loves) him
☽ “The Eyes Have It” (cm) where an unsub seemed to be taking people’s eyes turned out some of the victims were actually due to an angel burning them and spencer and her work together to investigate/hunt, rekindling their relationship 
☽ (they got drunk and hooked up) and they ended up getting back together afterward
☽ it was even harder to date this time because of distance and crimes ofc, but they worked at it every day and finally made it work
☽ at one point i’d like to believe that the bau eventually catches luna’s mom’s killer
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fornshinoyaz · 1 year
>          ♡ ̷  m. list /  next.  ֵ ꩜
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about them !
>    ★ ̷  TOBIO KAGEYAMA: oh, where do ii start. a bit of a problem. read his bio. devoted to 1 thing & 1 thing only - volleyball (cheating). before his life became volleyball, he was a guitarist. childhood friends with hinata. thats probs why hinata still tolerates him. he likes thinks to think he’s changed since y’all broke up (he hasn’t). speaking of you, he can’t believe he’s still blocked on ur phone lol. seemingly unbothered. caught up in his own world. for whatever reason, when you come back around, he can’t seem to leave you alone. 
>    ★ ̷  SHOYO HINATA: golden retriever boy. it’s him & his bike against the world fr. insanely popular on yt. his fan girls are literally insane. whenever he links w/ kenma twt goes crazy. for someone so heavily invested in vball, he always on twt. just silly. loves tobio but he loves you more.
>    ★ ̷  WAKATOSHI USHIJIMA: funniest person alive. that’s bcs everything he says is literal. he also takes everything literal. misses social quos sometimes. vball is his life tbh. confident. cutie, but only with you. drops random drops of wisdom that should help change tobio’s ways but it doesn’t. if you weren’t enough, why would ushijima be?
>    ★ ̷  MIYA ATSUMU: the better twin in his opinion tbh. his opinion rly dont mean much. lies for fun, just cus. #2 instigator. makes fun of literally EVERYONE, even in their darkest moments. makes it fairly obvious he doesn’t fw tobio anymore. but they’re teammates so he’ll act accordingly. loves the competition. went viral on tiktok for being hot. took your side in the break up.
>    ★ ̷  SUNA RINTAROU: antisocial dickhead. he’s just a smartass to be a smartass. messy. guitarist & singer. one of the closest friends to tobio. he was a lot worse before he met you. you’re the only one he rlly, truly gives a fuck abt. when the news came out, he was about to beat tobio tf up. he def took your side. but u didn’t want to come between their friendship. it was never truly the same after what he did. 
>    ★ ̷  MIYA OSAMU: quit volleyball to open an onigiri shop. was forced to get twitter by his twin. he loves food. still plays vball occasionally, but only to beat his brother. not as apart of the gc, simply bcs he doesnt give a fuck. however it is important to know, he took tobio’s side.
>    ★ ̷  YUMA MATSUDA: the middle child of the matsudas. puppy in human form. the best big brother u could ask for. he never liked tobio for you. then when you broke up, oh it was oooveeer. yuma is incredibly petty && cussed him out as soon as heard what happened. all his respect was gone. slowly, he’s been able to tone it down. they are teammates & all. but he’s not apart of the boys gc now, to stop coming there being anymore beef. you could careless ab tobio’s comfort.
>    ★ ̷  ALL CRIMINAL NO MIND🔦: gc featuring kageyama, ushijima, hinata, osamu, atsumu, and suna.
>    ★ ̷  waseda boys🏐: the bigger gc that’s barely used featuring tobio, hinata, ushijima, osamu, yuma, atsumu, and suna.
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simpjaes · 6 months
hey honnie <3 first of all, LOVE JUNGWON. i want to reach out into the screen, grab him, knead him like dough then ruin him in every way. the way you wrote him is just 🫶🫶 he's such a clingy baby, i need a jungwon in my life.
i also want to say how well written it was. you painted every scene so beautifully to the point where i can place myself in the scenario. your descriptions of the cathedral is 🤌🤌 reading isn't enough i need to somehow figure out a way to teleport into the fic.
don't get me started on HOON and his iced dick. hoon having his own personalised red death through the reader, bro is drunk, hypnotised and just down bad. he's so captivated by the reader i need him. also the line "he has to quench the genuine thirst before playing with his food, at least" is pure poetry and will be etched in my mind forever thank you.
it feels criminal reading something so beautiful for free, like this should be physical black leather-bound novel. SO THANK YOU SM I OWE YOU MY LIFE <3 can't wait for part two!
- 🐈‍⬛
OH MANNNNNNNNNN, i'm so so so glad people love jungwon in this fic ; - ;....i fear my bias for him is showing............rly, we all need someone to love us the way artist jungwon loves reader
anyway, i'm really happy you enjoyed the descriptions of the setting too. usually i don't spend too much time on the setting but i am obsessed with gothic architecture and have been since I got a deep dive of it back when I took art history 1 & 2. like i mean for a second there the cathedral was my main love interest :| if i could fuck a building, this would the number one choice : cologne cathedral (p.s. this is 100% what i based the ootdg cathedral off of, just on a slightly smaller scale)
ah.....yes.......the famed iced dick. the snow-fuck, if you will. writing that scene was craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy bc i did my best to allude to the fact that in that moment, she can't do anything but believe him. denial sure does bring a person far in life, i guess, but reader didn't have much choice once she felt that fuckin' popcicle in her LMFAOO but he was soooooooooo gone. :( loved the image of him just drenched in it and totally insane, fighting himself, realizing his second death is basically keeping life rather than snuffing it out. and LOL the playing with his food quote, i was fr snickering when i wrote that like "oh, they're gonna like this one" KJFHDSKJDS
ill never get tired or used to people saying it feels criminal to read my works for free, or that they should be bound as a book ;-; i'm forever thankful for such a high compliment like that. maybe one of these days ill have a fun lil book deal, but for now all i can do is self-bound my own books and pretend it's not full of detailed smut JKFHSDKJ (the middle aged moms would looooooooooove me)
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wulvert · 1 year
would tara ever try making tex nd terry an actual like. robotic digestive system?? so they can finally eat food and taste it at the post-triptrack family dinner or are they both doomed 2 sit there awkwardly forever. plate of food in front of them. inedible. would they even be able 2 conversate with tara nd toad or are they both too busy flirting in the same chair 2 realize their robot children are trying 2 talk them,,,is toad going on rants he got from dubiously-exists-triptrack-facebook about why robots/ai are bad like those uncles at family gatherings everyone hates or has he chilled out by now. would tex call his emotional support (ex-criminal??? i think its said somewhere that red wants to retire from crime but i might be gaslighting myself) criminal halfway through the family dinner to shatter through the window and kidnap him again. does terry jump out with the window with them.
also the fact all of the tarantula family have "T" names scratches my brain!!! was this on purpose or just like,,,completely an accident
tara isnt quite as good at building robots as toad is (she didnt bother trying to make terry look human bc she knew it would turn out horrific), she does more of the programming- so toad could definitely do it, but would he?? :/ i think he'd say its a waste of food and leave it at that, so probably doomed 2 sit watching unless tara got rly invested in the idea (this is all the post triptrack family dinner scenario ofc, currently toad would rather sit in a hole thats slowly filling with water)
I think they can talk... but the conversation gets derailed... and its all like. too soon. theyre like hehehehe mwah isnt this cute lols reunion!! and tex is still reeling from the father i havent seen 20 years thinks i am the robot equivalent of the anti christ thing. i think in this scenario toad is mostly reformed if a little uncomfortable. toad awkwardly does the dad slap on the back as an appeal 2 friendship only 2 recieve a glare in return, he sweats a little and returns 2 hiding behind taras arm. he hasnt been able to hide behind her arm for a long time, but its his natural habitat.
red, who is busy chillin would not rescue tex. he is sleeping, having a bubble bath, leisuring, moisturised, flourishing. staying in his lane (yea he does wanna retire)- ofc next time tex insists red is invited and it is worse than ever before.
by accident but its vry cute and im glad they all match like that!!
red needs 2 change his name to ted to fit in
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theomnicode · 2 years
A continuation to this post about what if Fubuki told Saitama that Genos likes him and my thoughts about it that I typed on discord. Set after the psychic sisters arc. I can't figure out where to put Rover and Black S so imma ignore them.
So, I want Fubuki to tell Saitama that Genos likes him. Saitama is ofc flabbergasted at the notion and then Fubuki presses on and Saitama keeps denying and deflecting like "there's no way thats true and he hasnt said anything" and offhanded comments that Genos shouldnt bother anyway, hes just caped baldy and maybe some other type of self-deprecating comment that's a bit subtle but Fubuki does pick up on and comments about that why doesnt Saitama feel like he's not worthy of Genos attention.
Saitama doesn't rly know how to answer that and he's like dunno, Genos is just amazing and it's not like he's interested back. Fubuki just raises an eyebrow and goes like well Genos does and maybe he should talk about it or something. Consider this advice a favour back for helping with Psykos situation and not allowing Tatsumaki to kill Psykos (or something like that idk).
Saitama ruminates on what he learned about Genos from Fubuki and does decide to contront Genos about it when Genos arrives back home…and they get into a heated argument because they can't seemingly get each other and other's feelings or something. Genos unloads his own frustrations about doing everything, being ignored and being pressured to do so much and he acts jealous too and Saitama impulsively says that he doesn't even like Genos back or doesn't swing that way. Ouch.
Genos feels hurt and slams the door and Saitama left is alone, in his new house that's still unfamiliar with no company and feeling like he messed up big time.
Genos goes to Kuseno's labs and stays there for a while, thinking he's not good enough for Saitama. Saitama himself gets depressed because the house is so empty without Genos and it's dinner time and he doesn't feel like cooking, despite being hungry because it doesn't feel the same without Genos there eating with him and he doesn't feel motivated to cook at all. He wakes up the next morning and calls out to Genos because Genos is usually awake before him and looks at the futon that's still untouched next to the wall and the lack of Genos in the kitchen and sighs. He's hungry so he eats banana for breakfast and puts on the tv. Nothing new but he continues to feel awful and lay down on the floor.
King suddenly comes to visit him because he didn't catch Saitama before and he hasn't heard of Saitama for a bit and King immediately notices Saitama's mood is really down and asks where Genos is because he doesn't see him and Saitama tells that he's probably still at Kuseno's place /or he doesnt know where he is and King gets worried even more because this is unlike them and he asks what happened.
Saitama drops the bomb and says that Genos apparently likes him and then he messed it all up.
King goes "oh brother" and goes into advice mode and tries to offer wisdom to Saitama about relationships (that he has picked up from dating sim, but it rings surprisingly true still) but Saitama stays in bad mood. King says they should go eat something and Saitama says he doesnt have money, they had to replace so many items and he only got lucky because he apparently punted some S-class criminals and took em in to custody. King says not to worry and that he will pay for food, which does lift Saitama's spirits a little bit and they go out to eat and chat.
Somene might notice that King is hanging around with Caped Baldy and maybe even start harrassing them and take pictures, but King makes them back off. Then they come back to Saitama's place and King has brought video games, but it ends up with Saitama having a more volatile and less repressed reaction than usual when he loses again and he actually throws the controller through the floor and through the ground in a gamer rage. There's a tense silence.
King then points out that Saitama is quite moody apparently but before he does anything, maybe he should count to 3...or 10, if that helps. Saitama frustratedly sits down and balls his fists because he's still feeling so pissed and then that frustration bleeds into sadness and he starts to cry frustrated, angry tears.
"I miss Genos."
Saitama tries to grapple with his own feelings of frustration at himself and the sadness his loneliness brings and King pats his shoulder in comforting, if awkward manner and says something about letting it all out. Saitama feels weirded out that he can't seem to stop feeling and thinking about the situation and Genos and how frustrated and sad he is and then suddenly he realizes: he's not feeling emotionally numb anymore or hollow.
It now feels more like he's a dam ready to burst. He points this out in wonderment to King and suddenly he feels so elated he starts bouncing around like a little kid on sugar, sadness forgotten. King does ask what has happened and Saitama doesn't rly know, but it it really does feel like he's not apathetic before.
They get interrupted by Flashy Flash coming to a surprise visit.
Aka Saitama's emotional training arc begins.
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meiko3323 · 3 months
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Julien (Chiovreuse kiddo)
ok full disclosure - i actually dont know how i feel abt the final colours, i think i may have overcooked my boi a bit QQ chiefly the bottom "flames" part of his kimono (which turned into like grass or sth), and his sunset gradient socks. PLEASE lmk if its downright terrible and what would look better instead, im at a bit of a loss 😵‍💫
alright, now to transcribe+ elaborate on my chicken scrawly design notes:
- he is left-handed! and thus the fingers of his right hand have bandages covering numerous cuts/ nicks from his needlework (oof i notice i forgot to flip the J in this closeup and its bugging me now QQ)
- he has the same embroidered arm band as Max, except w a (teyvatian) J and as you may guess, he is the redacted friend that made it
- he wears his vision around his neck like a choker pendant thing
- the kimono design is meant to be a zig-zag of pressed rainbow roses
- wears his right sleeve loose and left sleeve rolled up, and held in place by a rope that loops around these shoulder buttons (i rly did miss a letter in diamonD smh)
- the bottom part of his outfit is meant to be a pleated skort* ik i wrote shorts but it looks like a skirt anyway, so mb the middle ground is what it is
- the golden yellow ribbon on his back is tied into a rabbit, and he has a similar, smaller one on the front
- and finally, a pic of young Julien, from before he started wearing a mask to hide his buck teeth
and finally some lore!
Name: Julien (or Jules for short)
Pronouns: he/ him
Vision: Pyro
Weapon: catalyst
About Julien (childhood):
Jules was interested in fashion from an early age. Chiori used him to model her various designs, and it is through this process that he zeroed in on his more Inazuma-style attire, preferring it to the more constricting Fontaine garb. when he got older he even started sewing his own clothes.
though Chevreuse has her hands full catching criminals, she did take time to teach Julien some self-defense and how to handle a musket. but being a much less confrontational person than his parents, he dislikes using force to solve his problems. also, being very compassionate, Julien fears he will hurt the other party if he retaliates. instead he rolls with the punches and bottles up his pain.
About his mask:
Julien was born with very prominent front teeth, and was relentlessly bullied by his peers for this. he took to covering them up with bandanas and scarves, and eventually made himself a mask. he never leaves the house without it, and only takes it off while eating. as a consequence, Julien also doesnt like eating in front of other ppl/ strangers
Least favourite food:
Juliens young tormentors would among other cruel things, throw carrots at him while chanting for him to eat them. as such, hes developed a strong aversion to this vegetable. his parents of course accomodate this dietary choice, and will omit carrots from his dishes.
About Julien (hobbies):
under Chioris diligent tutelage, Julien masters all aspects of clothes-making, but has a particular affinity to embroidering. he even made arm bands for Max and [REDACTED] as a token of their friendship.
and thats it for the introductory lore drop for Jules! i didnt realize till actually writing it all out how very close he is with Chiori, Chevvy barely got a mention lol. theyre not at odds or anything! but due to the nature of his interests and talents, he bonds w Chiori more.
and ofc i had to tease my 3rd child in a redacted mention 😉
oh, id like to include a footnote about how i picked Juliens name cuz its kinda incredible how well it lined up. so here was my process: im like ok, hes the son of a fashion designer and himself has interest in that, lemme name him after a famous couturier. *google list of couturiers, open the wiki page* hm no.. no.. nah.. ooh Julien, i had an old coworker i liked named Julian (w an A tho), how abt that? *click to that wiki page* turns out before getting into fashion bud went to uni for biology/ medicine! and Jules is a healer! also his last name means like furnace or sth and Juliens element is pyro. i must emphasize, these are all aspects of him i worked out BEFORE choosing his name. isnt that crazy? its like the universe aligned for me to make this boi 😸
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
Gamzee: HeY, wHaT dOeS tHaT tAsTe LiKe?
Dave: an apple?
Gamzee: YeAh I’vE nEvEr HaD oNe
Dave: and later he was arrested
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memoirstold · 4 years
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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠        …        “ sanctuary ”   —   joji.                  ↪   @fairyfcllers​   for   willow.
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                        𝐢𝐭’𝐬  𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞  𝐟𝐨𝐫  𝐚  𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝  𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞  𝐧𝐨𝐰.      bright  and  early  in  the  morning  each  day.  it’s  usually  as  soon  as  the  sky  still   isn’t  quite   fully  warmed  from  the  sunrise ,  but  still  enough  to  be  considered  daylight ,  he’s  already  showered  and  dressed  for  the  day.  he’s  making  his  way  down  the  streets  of  brooklyn  that  lie  mostly  bare.  he  heads  for  the  diner.   thee   diner ,  that  is.  the  one  she  works  at ,  the  girl  who  has  his  heart  and  doesn’t  even  know  it  yet.  her  name  is  willow.  she  radiates  sunshine  in  an  otherwise  gloomy  time.  her  smile ,  her  laugh ,  it’s  all   infectious.   and  by  now  he  knows  she  has  to  be  somewhat  aware  of  his  fondness  of  her.  though ,  james  finds  himself  so  enamored  in  her  company  that  he  never  remembers  to  mention it.        how  can  you  forget  to  tell  her  you’d  go  to  war  for  her?
                        so  he  sits  at  his  usual  booth ,  jacket  hung  on  a  coatrack  right  inside  the  diner.  he’s  ordered  his  usual  plate  of   pancakes   to  hold  him  over  for  a  bit  before  heading  to  the  ymca  for  boxing  practice.  they’ve  had  the  playful  banter  that  comes  with  his  daily  presence.  ‘ don’t  you  have  anywhere  else  to  go? ’  or  ‘ you  should  really  get  a  life ,  you  know? ’  it’s  all  just   harmless  teasing.   and  thereafter ,  he’s  discreet  about  it ,  but  naturally  he  can’t  help  but  watch  her  from  afar.  she’s  perfect.
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                        she  approaches  his  booth  as  he’s  using  a  napkin  to  catch  any  stray  maple  syrup.        (  it  reminds  him  of  pancake  breakfasts  he  would  have  with  steve  and  sarah.  )        he  smiles  a  wide  grin ,  pulling  his  wallet  out  to  pay  and  leave  a   sizable   tip  for  his  favorite  waitress.
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                        “ hey ,  just  so  you  know . . . ”        leaning  to  the  edge  of  the  table ,  almost  to  give  a  whispering  secret ,  the  grin  remains.        “ if  you’ve  been  waiting  for  falling  in  love?  you  don’t  have  to   wait  on  me.  ”
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sitp-recs · 3 years
hi :) i simply adore your blog and your fic recs are so spot on, you’ve made me fall back in love with drarry and hp. I rly love reading a fic before I go to sleep but I end up picking a 70k word one and end up staying up much longer than I wanted to so could you possibly recommend me any fics max 15k words, with a happy ending pls i need the cuteness to help me sleep 🥰 Thanku so so much xx
Hi anon! Thanks so much, I’m thrilled to know I had a small part in making you fall back in love with Drarry, that’s amazing! And what a mood lol I used to pick long fics before bed too, it’s a mighty trap 😂 I’ve read many short fics in the last year so I decided to go for these delightful and not-as-popular shorts, with excellent build up and happy endings. Perfect bedtime reads in my opinion! I got a bit too excited with this list so I’ll call it 31 Bedtime Reads! One for each day of the month ;) enjoy!
The Long Fall by @tackytigerfic (2021, M, 3.6k)
It's supposed to be a simple house renovation, and maybe it's just the paint fumes, but Harry is feeling dizzy around Draco Malfoy. And what's the real meaning of family, anyway?
oxygen by @maesterchill (2020, T, 4k)
Draco doesn’t smoke. Except when he needs to breathe.
A Charitable Christmas by Alisanne (2017, E, 5.6k)
Hermione’s plans to raise money for war orphans do not meet with Harry’s approval. Fortunately, Draco steps in to help him come up with a much more enjoyable strategy.
Harmony (Left-Handed Melody Remix) by mindabbles (2010, M, 5.8k)
He is the last person Draco was expecting, but then again, this is not a place Draco ever expected to be.
Vintage by momatu (2017, T, 7k)
Of all of the vineyards, in all of the regions, in all of France, Draco's blasted editor sends him to Potter's...
Our Ordinary Days by Lomonaaeren (2012, M, 8k)
Two men, both fathers of sons, meet in a bookshop. And the rest is the kind of history that doesn't make history.
Ice Snakes, Glow-worms and Wolverine Stew by khalulu (2015, M, 8.4k)
Harry Potter apparently wants to talk to Draco about something, but odd events keep getting in the way of that conversation – and bringing them closer together.
The Page Eleven Wars by fireflavored (2010, E, 8.5k)
In a gossip-hungry post-war Wizarding World, Rita Skeeter has a wildly successful column in the Daily Prophet known as Page Eleven. Naturally, her favourite targets are the poster boys of the two sides of the war: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.
Blind Date by JosephineStone (2016, T, 8.6k)
Draco’s been working with Harry for years when another one of his relationships goes stale. He has to be married within a year, and though the WizNet has burned him in the past, Draco finds a new possibility in man as desperate to marry as he is.
Stories in E Minor by @huldrejenta (2014, E, 8.7k)
Draco has found his place in the Muggle world. He's got his music, he's got his neighbours and he is content. Until a certain someone from the past enters his life again.
Life goes not backward by @shealwaysreads (2020, T, 8.8k)
Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different. A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots.
Til Our Compass Stands Still by china_nightingale (2018, M, 9k)
Harry and Draco eventually realise that things don't always go to plan, even if it's a plan they've been carefully crafting to keep themselves safe from each other.
The Interest Here by disapparater (2015, T, 9k)
Draco has his own morning show on the wireless, which he loves; an ambitious assistant, whom he needs; and days in The Tea Shop, where he relaxes. He also has a new caller on the show, whom he finds bloody annoying.
Tidings of Comfort series by @blamebrampton (2012, G, 10k)
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. Luckily for Draco Malfoy, London has places where the tired can rest and recover.
Sweet Indulgence by @the-sinking-ship (2020, E, 10k)
It doesn't matter that Marcy from Accounting is dancing on the tables, Shacklebolt is wearing antlers, and Elliot from Transportation is on his third round of Mariah Carey on karaoke because all the free champagne in the world won't salvage the Ministry Christmas party for Draco if Potter doesn't show up soon.
Settle in in my slow-burning heart by orphan_account (2015, NR, 10k)
Five years after the war Draco is working a tech developer job in the Auror Office, and it's all great except this one thing: Harry Potter works there, too.
Adventures in Truth and Texting by @fluxweeed (2020, E, 11k)
Former Death Eaters are being targeted with a Veritaserum curse – it’s permanent, and makes victims speak aloud their every thought. Luckily, it’s easier to control when writing.
fine i'll hold my breath / til i forget it's complicated by teatrolley (2015, NR, 11k)
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it's more complicated than it actually is.
Rebuilding Draco Malfoy by khasael (2011, E, 11k)
Draco wants to do something to get his life back on track, but no-one seems to be taking him seriously – until he finds himself in an Auror training session led by Harry Potter.
Cold Like Fire by QueenofThyme (2012, M, 12k)
Head Auror Harry Potter had no problem with mandatory consent training for his team. He’d actually been looking forward to it, that is, until he discovered who the teacher was.
What’s My Age Again? by @lazywonderlvnd (2018, E, 12k)
Harry Potter has had enough of pleasing the public, and his reckless tendencies are finally getting out of hand.
Title of Their Sex Tape by @cibeewastaken (2020, T, 12k)
What are the Wizarding world's most elite law enforcers doing when they aren't catching criminals? It seems Auror Malfoy is often caught throwing food into Auror Potter's mouth when he's mid-yawn.
Kill, Fuck, Marry by @lettersbyelise (2018, E, 12.6k)
Harry and Draco unexpectedly meet again on Draco’s birthday, years after their last encounter.
The Year of Non-Magical Thinking by whiskyandwildflowers (2018, E, 13k)
“I don't know what I'm going to do, Potter. I'll think of something. So will you. But this is my journey to self-actualization," Draco managed to smirk. "You can fuck off and get your own."
Evolution by @potteresque-ire Pie (2013, M, 13k)
Draco Malfoy was condemned to live a Muggle’s life for his three-year probation. His wand was locked away, and he was forbidden to set foot in Wizarding Britain until Hermione Granger secured a job for him in the Aurors’ stock room.
Plan Alphabet by @xx-thedarklord-xx (2019, T, 14k)
After realizing that his feelings for Harry were unfortunately real, Draco embarks on a foolproof—yes, Longbottom, foolproof—plan to woo Potter.
Countdown by dysonrules (2013, M, 14k)
When the Wizarding world is plagued by random outbreaks of Dark Magic, the Ministry assigns Curse-Breakers to assist Auror teams on their missions.
All Roads Lead Home by @dracogotgame (2015, G, 15k)
Draco is strong-armed into spending the first Christmas after the War with the Weasleys. And Harry Potter.
Espresso Patronum by @tasteofshapes (2020, T, 15k)
When Draco reappears five years after the war and opens a wildly popular coffee shop, Harry’s pretty sure that Draco’s Up to Something. He just has to prove it.
An Act of Kindness for One Harry Potter by a Sympathetic Draco Malfoy by 0idontknow0 (2014, E, 15k)
Someone should give Potter a better rogering than that sorry sod had. The man had saved the bloody world—okay, mostly Europe—the least someone could do was give him a proper shag.
Turn and Face the Strange (time may change me) by @punk-rock-yuppie (2019, T, 16k)
Draco and Harry and how their relationship—and themselves—change over the course of eleven years.
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esoraluco · 2 years
in the meantime more spamblue info! yaayyyyy
• blue doesn't eat most of the time, outside of addison food-money; but he likes ice cream. He loves to share it with spamt as you can guess 💖 Blue's fav flavor is vanilla strawberry and spamt's... Probably something with different textures like sprinkles, since he eats to enjoy textures and taste. they probably both like ice creams with lots of chemicals too, if anything i think they would be weirded out by organic/natural stuff
• spamt actually wants to have a kid but realistically i dont think my ver of them could take care of one- esp blue who is super opposed to the idea bc he can barely manage to take care of himself. 💔💔 but who knows... maybe one day they could?
• i might already talked about it but spamt cant watch 80s-90s movies without getting upset, so instead he and blue watch 70s and older movies. They make fun of them only half of the time. they watch almost anything except horror and uncomfortably tense or strange movies, for reasons im sure you can guess for spamt; blue doesnt enjoy them either
• if you tell spamt 'WHO WAS PHONE' he explodes. tragic but true
• Blue isnt into drugs nor alcohol but i could see him vaping, to look cool exclusively. He'd like rly light flavors of vanilla and menthol (in the latter in aus where he has access to organic stuff)
• they both have issues knowing what day it is unless they have work in which case they probably do 'sales' for each day ('it's flat people friday! Now get your flat shoes with a completely flat 5% price reduction!!' (blue) 'IT'S *checks time on his phone**it's a rotary phone it doesn't tell time* [!?!#]!!! BUY IT NOW OR [Die]. CRIMINAL PRICE OF 37354;6 KROMER' (i'll let you guess who this is)'
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friesian · 2 years
i rly wanna make a sylvari mesmer but im torn between some ideas...
- first idea i had was a sylvari who has this crush on marwyd but is like. really really unhealthy about it and is willing to do anything to get his attention to love and notice him. he's kept around because hes so fucking talented even though he makes marwyd rly uncomfortable. like he will kill for you, marwyd. he would die for you. however im not too keen on this idea bc i dont like this archetype personally. but i may derive some inspiration from the thought
- second idea. mesmer knight with fencer elements. i had this idea that he was one of canach's first friends and thus is also sorta in the criminal underbelly so is a sort of black knight motif going on. he comes into frame when canach gets his winnings from marwyd's victory over balthazar and is hired as a body guard/some extra muscle for collecting winnings. (in reality canach just wants to help out one of the first sylvari that ever understood him) i like to think he's a straightforward but funny guy, bounces of canach well. an idea that came to me as i write is the idea that he ALSO has a crush on marwyd WHILE being hired by canach. i also feel like maybe the mesmer and canach had a sorta... fwb going on??? maybe?? perhaps even one of them had feelings for another but now they both have feelings for marwyd so it's becoming awkward and they're getting on each others nerves over a guy and marwyd doesnt understand how such good friends just fall apart like that.
also the idea that he's more upfront and courts like an old style knight as compared to marwyd and canach's constant mauling of one another... marwyd getting a rose from him and he's just "???? idk what to do with this but thanks?". meanwhile canach tries the same thing and he gets it thrown in his face and tells him to stop being such a copycat. it only causes their friendship to unravel more.
LAST IDEA FOR HIM... since im just ejecting words in my brain onto paper. maybe he has a kralk branded arm... something he got trying to protect marwyd in LWS4. you know exactly when.... now it hurts like hell on rainy days but gives him a special ability that ive yet to come up with.
food for thot.....
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adorable-deku · 3 years
Hows about Chartreuse and Sword for the ask thingy
ok this is an 'izuku is overhauls little brother' au. dont think ive seen many in this vein before
hes not his biological little brother, but they were on the streets together as kids and were both taken in by the boss of the shie hassaikai
inko died in childbirth here, and hisashi midoriya was a neglectful abusive piece of shit that kicked izuku onto the streets when he found out he was quirkless
izuku at some point runs into chisaki kai, and they kind of try to protect each other, even if izuku often fails. whenever izuku gets rly badly injured, chisaki has to use his quirk to make sure he doesnt die, bc they cant afford to see even a half decent doctor
he hates using his quirk and hates how people treat izuku for being quirkless, and starts harboring the idea of how much better the world would be if nobody had quirks at all
after a few years on the streets, not getting enough food, stealing to survive, getting injured often from a variety of assholes, the leader of the shie hassakai picks them up and adopts both of them
theyre both trained to fight but in different ways. obviously, because chisaki has a quirk and izuku diesnt so their fighting styles are different. very few people in the gang look down on izuku 1) because quirkless people used to run the yakuza and did it well and 2) because izuku is well and truly terrifying
once he's taught to fight he becomes an absolute menace with all types of weapons: guns, knives, swords, sniper rifles, etc. he takes notes on all of the quirks of ppl in the shie hassakai, and gives them advice to improve them while also breaking down the quirks of their opponents
if izuku doesnt decimate whichever thoughtless fuck looked down on him for his lack of quirk, his older brother sure as hell does
due to contact with one another and environment, overhaul ends up less warped and izuku more, so they just end up being two fucked up but not horrid individuals.
eri is raised if not with love, then with genuine care after her parents die. they just take a lot of saliva samples and shes occasionally asked to donate blood. not the best situation but she isnt terrified of her two weird dads
anyone who hurts her also faces their wrath
with izukus instruction, the shie hassakai ends up becoming a very well run organized criminal corporation
eris saliva is worked ijto formulas to cure and alleviate all kinds of illnesses, as well as temporary quirk suppressants. they create essentially immortality juice, and sell that at an extremely high price. eri is pampered to the high heavens, so they rarely have a ton of stock
law enforcement is just not quite sure what to do about them and neither do other villains
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