#he really is so dang crusty
justaduckarts · 1 year
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Just some doodles <3 Nothing major or plot important at all :)
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ordon-pumpkin · 8 months
Percy Jackson spoilers and criticism below.
I see people complain about how the show just has the characters figuring out things way too quickly (I completely agree with this.) Then I see people complaining about that criticism saying things like “Oh it makes sense! They would know that because Annabeth’s been at camp, Grover is a satyr, and Percy’s mom taught him about the myths!” However, there is a difference between them knowing about the stories and them IMMEDIATELY figuring each potential trap/situation out and zapping the energy from the scenes.
These same instances in the book usually involve a feeling of unease, something feels off, things seem kind of familiar, and it slowly dawns on them what they are dealing with OR they are escaping one situation to be thrust into another and don’t have time to think about it at all. There’s tension, there’s drama. I’m here for it. The show on the other hand? Oof.
Also the circumstances in which they encounter these situations in the book greatly influence how things go. They are human(ish) after all and them getting into these messes makes them easier to connect to as characters. Let’s break it down a little more there.
- With Medusa they were lost in the woods and hungry. The smell of food lured them in. They were hungry children dang it! From the circus lol (Honestly, this instance didn’t bother me too much in the show when I first watched it because it was early on before the knowing things too soon became an ongoing theme.)
- With the Lotus Hotel and Casino they were tired and feeling grimy, having just traveled in the back of a truck with a bunch of animals in horrible conditions. It was scorching hot outside. They were absolutely exhausted and wound up there where a doorman invited them in and it was a relief to have somewhere to take a break, recoup and figure out their next move. Once inside they had access to a shower! There were snacks. Plus the place was incredible. It also showed their interests with Annabeth being drawn in to trivia and city building games, Percy liked the bungee jumping! Grover played a reverse hunting game! Percy figured out the trap by asking a guy using 70s slang and dressed to match, what year it was. He kept asking and getting different answers. Then he was able to snap Annabeth out of it by describing spiders, which he knew she had a fear of from the Tunnel of Love ride. (This whole scene in the show was such a let down, so was the Tunnel of Love scene but I’ll leave that alone for now.)
- With Crusty they were on the run and dashed into the store. This encounter is one of my favorite moments of Percy’s quick thinking in the books btw. Also his absolute lack of hesitation to slice someone’s head if they mess with his friends. Percy is smart. He’s very street smart actually. In the book this scene shows that really well. (The way I paused the show in frustration and almost turned it off when the episode started already at Crusty’s with the line “I know who you are.” Like of course. That’s just how we’re telling this story now. Check. They met Crusty. And he doesn’t feel like a threat at all. But they met him I guess.)
The exhaustion and the circumstances in these instances in the book and getting into these traps aren’t the trio being “stupid.” They were moments that set up the situation to feel more relatable, alive, tense, and interesting. The show’s changes have taken away most of the tension from these scenes. Them knowing and catching on to things so quickly is lazy and it is incredibly boring. It just feels like they are checking off a list of places from the books they wanted in the show, while losing the entire energy and impact of those locations and scenes.
To me everything in this show feels like it’s at 20%. The humor, the stakes, the tension, the personality, the freaking lighting (why is so much of this show so hard to even see?), the whimsy, the magic, the charm. It’s all so dialed back and watered down. The book is a roller coaster of making you laugh and putting you on the edge of your seat with the tension and situations these kids get into. It’s campy, it’s intense, it’s crazy, and so energetic. The show feels bland in comparison. Idk how you manage to make Percy Jackson feel boring but they did it.
I’m not asking for it to be an exact copy of the book. I’m just disappointed with how dull it is. When it’s boring and it’s a scene that was the furthest thing from that in the original version then YES I’m going to compare it and wonder why there were changes to make it less interesting. In fact, my favorite scene in the show so far is actually the taxi in the parking garage scene. It captured the energy and vibe of Percy Jackson really well and it’s a scene not in the books at all. The energy is important and this show is lacking severely most of the time. It has some really good moments (back to that 20% thing) but overall it’s such a let down.
We have one episode left of the season and I don’t exactly have high hopes of it making things better. It just makes me sad because I wanted to love this series. The incredibly talented cast, a major studio behind it, passionate people being involved including the author, amazing source material… I look at all of the ingredients and it should be amazing. But I’m pretty disappointed right now.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Maybe I Should've Asked You to Dinner First - Viktor
notes - VIKTOR BRAINROT. He is just too dang fine and this cute lil crusty scientist never fails to enter my mind out of nowhere. I have had this idea in my mind for a while, so I was ecstatic to finally get it down in fic form! I hope you all enjoy and have a super duper day and stay super duper hydrated!
word count - 1,496
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You both sat in the car in silence as you drove, the occasional sound of Viktor clearing his throat the only thing you would hear.
Moments ago, you had gone to the store later than usual because you were simply bored, couldn't sleep, and figured you needed something to eat the next morning. You were in nothing but sweatpants and a hoodie, but really it didn't matter seeing as this wasn't work or anything.
During the drive back, you saw something that made you want to smack the back of Viktor's head.
The boy decided that he was going to walk home after staying a little too long at the lab that night.
At night.
With that leg of his.
God, why couldn't he ever ask for help?
You pulled over the car and got out, realizing that there was some icing on that cake that was already too many goddamn layers: it was raining.
"Vik?" you asked, making sure you weren't delusional. You held your arm over your eyes to block the rain.
"y-y/n?" Viktor stuttered, walking faster until he was only a couple feet away from you. "O-Oh, hey. What are you doing out here?"
"What am I doing out here?! What the hell are you doing out here?!"
"Walking?" he chuckled nervously.
God, you were going to kill him.
"No. Get in." You opened the passenger door and signaled for him to get in.
He tried to wave you off. "Don't worry about me. I don't want to be a burden or anything."
You stood with an unamused expression, your sweatpants getting wet from the rain. "Get in my goddamn car, Vik."
You got in the driver's seat and he hesitantly took a set in the passenger side.
"I can't believe that you tried walking home. Don't you live pretty far away from the lab?"
"I mean... yes? I usually take the bus, but it's a little late... so I just decided to walk."
"What would happen if it started raining, Vik? You don't even have a jacket!"
"I would've been fine, y/n. Don't worry about-"
"No you wouldn't have, Viktor! You could've gotten sick! And I know up here is safe and all, but your leg could get worse and-" You took a deep breath, gripping onto the wheel. "I can't believe I have to worry about you like this."
So it was then the awkward silence. Viktor clearing his throat as the radio played softly in the background. The rain seemed to be getting much worse and didn't look like it was going to calm down.
"Vik, would you be fine staying at my place tonight?" you asked, your eyes glued to the dark, wet road.
"Wh-What?" He turned to you, a little shocked, and his face was definitely heating up a bit.
"It's really pouring and my house is way closer. You don't mind, do you?" You turned to look at him for a second before looking back at the road and caught him nod. "Cool."
When you pulled up to the driveway, you quickly jumped out and grabbed your groceries before grabbing Viktor's arm to help him into your house.
You slammed the door behind you, sopping wet from just a second of being outside and shook yourself off like a dog, giggling a bit. "Jesus, that was an adventure. I still can't believe you insisted in walking in that."
"I didn't know it would get this bad." he admitted with a little chuckle, trying to free his hair of the rain water.
"Well, nonetheless, here we are. Just slip off your shoes and I'll go get us something comfortable to sleep in."
Viktor slipped off his shoes as you ran upstairs to find something that could fit him so that he could sleep comfortably. He looked around your comfortable little house full of pictures of you and your friends and even a couple of pictures of you, Viktor, and Jayce smiling like dorks.
The three of you had known each other for a long time, all creating HexTech together, and honestly, you three probably wouldn't be complete without each other.
Viktor smiled softly and walked around the rest of the house that smelt like warm cookies somehow, and felt even more like home than his own house.
"Here you go, Viktor!" you shouted, running down the stairs. You tossed his own hoodie and sweatpants at him and he looked surprised.
"Where did you get these?" he asked, his face a little red.
"I think you left them here a while ago. Kinda awesome though, right?"
"I suppose so." he said, turning over the clothes in his hands. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to get these on."
"Go ahead! Just use the bathroom upstairs. And throw your wet clothes in the bathtub, I'll grab them to throw in the dryer later."
He just nodded at you and walked to the bathroom. The wet clothes that he had on clung to his body as he took them off and he didn't even want to know what they would be like after an hour or two long walk home. When he slipped on his pajamas, they smelt like you from being left in your house for god knows how long and it made his face heat a bit. All of this blushing was going to kill him.
He didn't want to admit it out loud, but he had definitely developed something of a crush for you after knowing you for so long and it was a tad embarrassing. You were just so smart and funny and never failed to be an amazing work partner and friend for life.
Even now, you drove him to your home when you didn't have to at all.
He buried his face in his hands and tried to throw the thought away, but it was so hard not to think of you and your pretty face.
When he opened the bathroom, he nearly fell backwards finding you right there.
You jumped back too and laughed. "Sorry, Vik. I didn't know you were still in there."
"I-It's fine." He handed you his wet clothes. "Sorry I scared you."
You took the clothes from him and began heading downstairs, but shouted up at him, "hey, Vik, sleep wherever tonight."
Sleep... wherever?
His mind went straight to the couch... well, that was a lie. His brain's first thought was to sleep in your bed, but that meant he had to sleep on the couch. But instead of moving, he just stood frozen in the hallway, trying to think of what 'wherever' could mean.
"Your clothes are in the dryer," you told Viktor as you walked up the stairs. "Do you need anything else?"
He turned to you and smiled, shaking his head. "I think I'll be okay, thank you."
"Of course. If you need anything, just knock. Are you sleeping on the couch?"
You walked to a little closet full of extra blankets and handed him one and a couple of pillows. "Well, sweet dreams, Vik."
"Thanks for letting me stay here for the night," he told you, taking the blankets. "It means a lot. You really didn't have to do all of this."
"I wasn't just going to leave you out there, dummy." you giggled, giving his chest a playful punch.
You two only stood inches away from each other and you couldn't help but stare at his cute little freckles and his dark eyes that prayed for sleep.
Before you could make any move though, Viktor moved forward and pressed his lips to yours, the only thing in the way being the blankets he was holding.
It was a short kiss, but it left you blushing, that was for sure.
"Goodnight, y/n." he stuttered out before getting to the stairs.
He turned around and you froze. What were you supposed to say?
"Do you wanna sleep in my bed tonight? I know the couch is probably uncomfortable."
You panicked. Where did that come from?! You felt like such an idiot, you just wanted to curl up and-
"R-Really? I don't want to be a-"
"You're not a burden, Vik, at all. Please, I would be more than happy. It's big enough for two anyway."
Viktor followed you to your room where a very comfortable bed sat. He doesn't even remember the last time he didn't fall asleep at his desk and instead on a comfortable bed. But to imagine lying there with you was giving him butterflies.
You fell into the bed first and quickly pulled Viktor down next to you. His skin was cold against yours. He fell next to you on the bed - the poor skinny boy nearly losing his breath when he landed - and you wrapped your arms around his waist, laying your head on his chest.
"I should have probably asked you to dinner first, huh, y/n?"
"Maybe," you giggled. "But this is nice."
arcane masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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CW: French, light cursing, pencil as w3apon 😨😨
Epel had finally escaped Vil and came to ramshackle for freedom. Knowing in the state it was in currently, Vil would most likely steer clear of entering. He sat with you on the crusty and oddly crunchy ramshackle couch, finally free from the “torture” that was etiquette lessons.
“No no prefect you don’t get it . Do you know how hard it is to be all prim and proper in pomefiore??” He groaned,” all the ‘elbows off the table Epel’ and ‘Epel that’s not the salad fork that’s the fish fork’ What even is a fish fork??? Why do you need more than one fork one fork works just fine!!”
You looked at epel with the most dead serious expression you could muster ,
“Do you know how hard it is to live with ligma Epel? You don’t understand MY pain. So stop complaining 🤧🤧”
“…What’s ligma..?”
You couldn’t break character now, you were too far in..
“Ligma balls”
As Epel’s expression melted from confusion to disgust to you couldn’t help but start giggling.
“Prefect. what the fuxk”
Today sucked. Legitimately. So you lie your head down, prepared to fall into a lovely sleep. And suddenly you feel a pair of eyes on you.
That’s not cool.
But out of fear you decide not to move, then you hear quiet footsteps coming from behind you.
You have a pencil in hand , and your grip on it tightens.
They get closer and closer and you can almost hear their heartbeat they’re so close. Then you strike..?
Someone grabbed the pencil out of your hand before you could get a good stab in.
“Ah Trickster…tu as blessé mes sentiments!! How could you ever intend to wound a poor hunter such as me?”
You sigh as loud as possible, just to really rub in your annoyance. “Rook you scared the shit out of me. I can’t stand guys with ligma.”
Rook stares at you for a few seconds, and you can’t really tell what he’s thinking until he says,” What might ligma be?”
“Ligma balls”
You , burst out in giggles. Rook however, only lightly chuckles.
“My trickster your humor is as melodic as the sweet singing of a bird,” he pulls out a creepily perfect rose from out of thin air,” Would you care to join me in seeing the film Bofa?”
“Bofa?? What???”
“Both of these nuts in your mouth.”
Your face only expresses pure shock.
He takes a picture.
(Odd choice.)
Vil told you to come over so he could do your makeup for some publicity event NRC was doing . So obviously you showed up because let’s be real , you didn’t have a choice.
“Thank you for being punctual prefect.”
“Yeah yeah.. So what do you need me to do?”
He stares at you for a second like you asked the dumbest question he’s ever heard. “I need you to sit.”
You walk over to the vanity seat and sit down (it’s very comfy 😼😼) ,” Dang dang I’m sorry I’m sorry I had too much up dog this morning for breakfast.”
“Potato. Don’t consider me so stupid as to fall for your silly ploys.”
Then he starts doing your makeup, “Vil do you know why I need to go to this event in the first place?? It feels kind of ligma to me.” You ask.
“Potato, the headmaster invited you. So you must go,” he pulls your hair out of your face a bit rougher than needed,”- now quit asking questions and be still you’ll crease the foundation.”
When he finishes you look like you eat 3 healthy meals and day and have your life together, like the embodiment of perfection ,” Thanks vil !! I look so pretty-“ you lift your hand up to touch your face.
He smacks it away. “Yes yes I know. Now if you had used the skincare I gave you, you wouldn’t need makeup to look as stunning as you do now.” He grabs for a hair curler.
You never got to make your joke.
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rustic-space-fiddle · 7 months
Why do you want to fight BEN from treasure planet?
He’s just rather… abrasive? Granted, Ben in the original Treasure Island was also loud and obnoxious, but I think the difference between them is the tone they both brought to their respective stories. Ben from Treasure Island was funny in that he said outlandish phrases and kept trying to touch people (which I admit I LOVE that they kept about B.E.N.), but his character wasn’t ever explicitly used for comic relief. He was more tragic that comedic, even to the very end of his story. Jim at the end of the book tells that he spent all his money at once and was homeless again in just a few weeks. It’s funny-ish, because you’d think he’d be a bit smarter with his money after being marooned for 3 years, but mostly it’s tragic because he’s still wandering and poor with no one, even though all that treasure was rightfully his.
B.E.N. on the other hand is blatantly used for comic relief, which I really don’t think was necessary. It’s not like the story was exceptionally dark up till then. Captain Amelia’s dry wit, Doppler’s bumbling earnestness, Jim’s teenage sass, Silver’s crude pirate-y commentary, and even Morphy are all plenty of fun! They seamlessly inject comedy into the story without taking you out of it. But when B.E.N. is funny, it’s just “WOOO HE’S CRAAAAAAZYYYYYY” comedy. Granted, a lot of his one-liners are really funny! I quote him often, even though I don’t care for him very much. Nevertheless, some lines just feel out of place in the story, and he acts so much like a person that you wonder why he’s even a robot (he’s robot to explain why he’s still around after 100 years [yes, I get that he’s programmed extremely well. But still!]). For example: “WAS I EVER DANCING WITH A DROID NAMED LUPÉ?!” just SCREAMED out in the middle of the moment when it feels like our heroes are losing. Silver has gone full dark side, showing no mercy; Doppler and Amelia are tied up, apparently hopeless, and Jim is being used as a human GPS, being lead for all the world like a dancing bear (geddit?). If B.E.N. was gonna shout something, it didn’t have to be so uselessly funny. Just him shouting would be inappropriate enough in that moment. But nope, because he’s voiced by Martin Short, Mr. Comedy Man, B.E.N. has to be 80% idiot, 20% accidentally useful. The more accidentally useful a character is, the closer to Jar Jar Binks they are. And I cannot stand Jar Jar Binks.
OPPOSITION: He’s just that stupid because his brain is gone! He’s smart at the end of the movie! — Yes… but he’s still obnoxious. He’s a little better, but talks just a little too long. His “I know you don’t like hugging, but get ready cuz I’m gonna hug ya—“ THAT was actually humorous and kinda sweet. Then when Jim hugs him back, it’s wholesome! But then they have B.E.N. go on to cry (badly) and ask for a tissue—AS JIM IS REALIZING SILVER IS LEAVING. Maybe I’m an idiot, but I thought that exchange was funny and wholesome and I wish B.E.N. had been reeled back a bit in his surprised reaction to getting a hug back. His surprise is warranted, but dang.
That’s all just a very long way of saying that I wish he’d been played a little quieter (still loud, but quieter), and that he’d been more purposefully helpful. Ben from Treasure Island was like a geode. He was crusty on the outside, but showed himself to be actually quite clever (though not financially savvy) and basically secured the treasure all by himself. He just needed a ship and a crew. B.E.N. from Treasure Planet was like a Wish.com quartz crystal. A rather useless fellow dressed up in a shiny comedy crust. “I have to pee!” (A thing robots can’t even do?) —BOOM! Hiding place! “I like this fresh air door I have!” —BOOM! Gateway to the center of the planet. The only time I really like that dynamic is when he’s lamenting that he can’t remember something super important (the booby traps), and then immediately after Jim reinstalls his brain, he’s like “HOLY FRICK THE BOOBY TRAPS—“.
Again, this is all just my opinion! I don’t fully hate him, and he is funny, but I think they over exaggerated him in an attempt to appeal to kids and they just didn’t need to do that! If they’d dialed him back just a tad, I think it would’ve made that last part of the movie feel less like a tonal rollercoaster. What do y’all think?
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
Hyrule Warriors?
Since I did the regulars Hyrule warriors I’ll talk about Age of Calamity :) hope you don’t mind!
Ok, so, I understand why this game is so hated. Nintendo practically lied to us, marketing this as a prequel, which yeah, was a sucky thing to do. I don’t like that either. But…
Idk this game is weirdly special to me dhsksbsksbk. I 100% the game, dlc and all, and when you’re able to look past the fact that they lied to you, this game is pretty good! The fighting when you’re playing the right character is far more satisfying than Hw, and it’s a lot easier for me to play each battle. It was fun to 100%! I like Terrako, I like what they did with Rhoam, and yeah I’ve started to like Astor just a little bit. He’s my scrunkley loser. The introduction of Sooga was super cool and Kogha’s character was just, incredible. Plus they picked the PERFECT voice actor for him.
It’s really annoying how much it doesn’t follow botw tho. Like it’s connected, but not canonically. If I recall correctly, link pulled the master sword when he was 12? So what’s he doing here? Also they just… really tried to force Link and Zelda into the same proximity :/ I didn’t connect much to their relationship in botw but this game REALLY forced it huh. It’s annoying and it’s also disappointing how they didn’t explore Link’s family? Or anything about Link? Like great we have more stuff about Zelda but like, what about Link? Also why does Terrako follow him around when he’s obsessed with Zelda lol?
I also wish that they did more with the champions. Like giving them actual character arcs. I felt like they had so many ideas but such little time to actually explore any of it. Especially revali, who has the potential to being an extremely complex character. I also wish they did more with Sooga. He and Byrne kinda suffer in the same way to me :( I’m glad he’s at least playable in the dlc, but still.
But, I did love young robbie and Purah. The two scientists are so sexy it’s not even funny. And of course Impa is such a beloved omg I love her so much <333 tho she feels mega sidelined at the end :(
Also uh…. Why isn’t Astor playable? Unless I’m missing something but I’m very disappointed that Astor, the main villain, is not playable in this game? Pls if he is playable tell me cuz I wanna play as the crusty man.
Ok sorry I’m jumping all over the place but I did like calamity Ganon, he looked super cool. And harbinger Ganon also looked super cool. Like dang they went all out! And watching everyone fight at the castle was super dope :)
Now, even tho the gameplay is more fun and satisfying than Hw, it’s only more fun when you have the right character. Some of the characters in this game are painful to play as. The fairies, daruk, and Yunobo are ones that I hated playing as. They’re so painfully slow and it’s not fun :/
Idk this game has many good things and many bad things. But I like it a lot! It’s a good one!
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askbensolo · 2 months
Hoooooo boy.
Dang I'm real sorry you had to go through that Ben, that sucks all over.
I have to say though, I think you maybe dodged a blaster bolt here.
A relationship ought to be made up of people with good communication and similar values and expectations, and if those arn't there, there really isn't much point to it.
It seems like both of you definitely have a roadblock in communication going, and while that could definitely be overcome, truth is it sounds like Fanny has very different wants/needs/expectations for her future.
She seems to definitely expect there to be some sort of physical relationship eventually. Wether she just expects it due to thinking that's just how "relationships" work, or something she actually wants for herself, just on her own time table, it does sound from what you wrote that she is at least more interested/affected by sex then you are.
It also sounds from her saying she wants to wait for her first kiss to be with someone she's engaged to, and that she's liked you for years but was willing to suffer in silence that she's a romantic at heart. She will want you to do romantic things for her in order to feel loved and appreciated.
And if neither sex nor romance are things you feel like you could ever want, I wouldn't go through with this. Both of you will just end up miserable, and neither of you deserve that.
Best of luck man, and sorry again that you have to deal with this
Hiiiii I'm sober tonight but I had a pretty good day today so I think I can handle this one on jellyfruit sparkling water alone.
So…the idea of romance is beginning to grow on me, even if it’s hard for me to pick out what makes it different from friendship. I can kind of sort it out by asking myself whether the things I’d like to do with her are different from things I’d like to do with my college buddies, and—yeah. Yeah, they are. Sorry, Treeso ol’ pal, but I’m not about to slow-dance in the kitchen with you—not without an unhealthy amount of alcohol, anyway. I’m probably never gonna be as much of a hopeless romantic as Fannie is, but…I think there are things I could learn. I even think I could kiss her one day. Just…just not yet.
But…sex is different. I don’t know if…I can ever do that.
And you're right. That's a whole ‘nother thing to think about in this whole mess. At first, I thought Fannie and I were alike, since she's so…you know…vanilla. But I know she wants to be married, and she wants to have children, and...she probably wants other things too, like you said.
Part of it is just how I've always been. As if there was some kind of developmental stage that just never occurred for me (psychologically, I mean). But I think some of it has to do with...Snoke. He took residence in my mind for years, and although I was sixteen when he first made contact, who knows how long he was there before that? And then eventually he won my trust and affections, and began to meet with me outside of my mind...and even though the memories are fuzzy...I remember certain things. He used to hold me in his arms while I cried. Cradle my face in his hands. Run his fingers through my hair. I kissed him on the cheek once, in the sunken hollow of his scars. Don't get me wrong, he and I never did anything weird together, but—
...No, what am I saying? Everything I just said is super weird. Aren’t I insane, trying to claim it wasn't weird I kissed an ancient raisin freak on his nasty, crusty face when I was a teenage boy—
But it was also the things he did to me mentally that stick with me. He used to probe my thoughts at night, and even though he could do that without actually touching me, it was...just as bad as it sounds. I remember being scared and skinny and sixteen, lying on my back and staring at the ceiling, trying to keep still while he entered my head. Trying to relax so that it wouldn’t hurt as much. I’d feel his presence pushing against the perimeter of my mind, harder and harder, until my resistance snapped, like a rubber band stretched to its limit, and then it was like my soul ruptured and bled out all around me on the bed while his cold bony hands were feeling around my brain, and pulling stuff out, and examining things, and rearranging them, while I kind of went into shock and laid there frozen with tears streaming down my face and waited for him to be done—
Actually no I don't want to talk about this anymore. Throwing up in my mouth just a little bit.
...Sparkling water break. Ahh, the refreshing taste of carbonated water that was once in the same room as someone imagining a jellyfruit.
But, yeah…I just can’t think about being naked with someone, without being reminded of how that felt.
Um—I wasn’t physically naked with him. Again, I hate that that’s something I legitimately need to clarify. Just…naked in every single other sense of the word, to the point that I may as well have been.
And…it’s hard for me sometimes, because it sort of makes me feel like…like I’m not a guy or something. I mean, I know I’m a guy, I just mean…most guys aren’t afraid of sex. Quite the opposite, in fact. You remember I was homeschooled, right? Well, I learned a lot of new things in college. And I learned to pretend like I wasn’t afraid, you know, when the fellas were hanging out and swapping stories, and I’d just sit there, and try to laugh at the appropriate times…
I kind of told Treeso a little bit, since we were close buds. Not about Snoke specifically, but just…that something bad had happened to me when I was a teenager. Treeso was a solid dude, despite presenting like your typical frat bro, and he started taking me to the gym and joked that he was gonna make sure I got jacked so no one could ever hurt me again. I don’t think Snoke would be deterred by my biceps…but I did get a lot more confident.
And more physically attractive. I mean. Come on. I know I look good. I like looking good. But it never changed how I felt about…you know.
So…yeah. I never really worked on addressing this particular little trauma, since A) um…AUGHHHHHHHGHHGHHH and B) it didn’t seem like a problem, since I was so sure I was gonna be single forever. When this whole thing with Fannie started, I thought about it only a little...and part of me was like, hey, maybe she’d be okay with not...really...doing that?
But…that’s kind of a huge ask, isn’t it. It doesn’t make sense to me, but sex is kind of a big deal to most people, huh.
...Who knows. Maybe it would have been to me, too, if I hadn’t been…if Snoke hadn’t…
...I mean...what if this isn't just "how I am"? What if he made me this way, and now there's just a crucial part of my adult self that never got to form, that's broken, that I’ll never experience the same way other people do, that I can never get back, and...that I can never offer her…
...Oh Force. The sparkling water cannot save me. I know I like her. I know I love her. I'm even pretty sure now that I'm in love with her. But everything's all wrong, and I'm all wrong, I'm so screwed up, I'm screwed up in ways I've never fully realized, and probably screwed up in ways I don't even know yet—I mean look at me I’m not even a real man I mean what an absolute loser how can I look so damn good without a shirt but totally freak at the thought of getting in bed?? I'm such a weak kriffing beta failure I freaking hate myself and I bet she’d only end up hating me too and—and—and—okay, calm down, Ben, calm down, keep it chill…
…Okay. So. Clearly, this will not be my last time thinking about this. I am very tempted to throw it out of my brain and never think about it again, but…no. This feels…important to me.
Note to self. Need to buy more sparkling water.
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samanitamuscaria · 2 years
finished the first season of 2013 tmnt (as someone who’s only seen Rise) and I would like to share my thoughts (in the form of a list bc i suck at organizing my thoughts otherwise)
Humor: The show’s jokes def land less often than Rise, at least for me, but I can still appreciate the humor and a lot of jokes DO work (even tho I already saw the submarine scene as a clip before I started watching the actual show, the punchline still got me).
Animation: Obviously not as pretty and some of the models (cough - April - cough) weird me out but the turtle bros look super cute and everything still looks nice
Plot: I do enjoy how plot-focused 2012 is most of the time. Like Rise’s foreshadowing is UNPARALLELED but 2012 def has a much more focused narrative
April: She’s like. Fine. She has some pretty funny lines and I was cheering for her when she went after Splinter during the finale but she just isn’t as fun as April in Rise (in my opinion). From what I’ve heard she gets way worse in later seasons but for now she’s perfectly decent. She looks super weird tho like what is she wearing, why is it literally skintight, and why is her mouth so tiny
Raph: LOVE HIM. ADORE HIM. HES SO MEAN AND SILLY. He’s also the most reasonable turtle on the team like I can’t tell u how many times I yelled smth at the screen and Raph said the same exact thing right after. Short angry boi my beloved (I do wish he was slightly less mean to Mikey but they’re ALL disproportionately mean to Mikey so I think I need to take that up with whatever writer had a vendetta against orange boy)
Mikey: SPEAKING OF ORANGE BOI. He’s very silly I like him a lot. ngl sometimes he deserves the bullying but the show DEFINITELY did him dirty. Wish he got to be actually competent more often. Pretty sure there’s nothing going on in his head and I love him for that
Leo: he is such a NERD I love it. What a dork. Raph is correct for bullying him he’s very bullyable (affectionate). Wish his mask didn’t look exactly like Donnie’s in most lighting but eh what can u do. Also MY GUY. CAN WE TALK ABOUT YOUR SAVIOR COMPLEX. GET THIS BOY A THERAPIST. (Side note but the tv show he watches is literally the funniest part of 2012 every time it shows up I know there’s about to be a hilarious joke)
Donnie: I wanted to love him. I did. But I underestimated how much of his character would be just… him being a simp. NOT THAT I DISLIKE HIM I DONT. He’s very funny and has a nerd voice and MUCH autistic swag but like. DANG so much of the stuff with him pining after April is straight up uncomfortable
Karai: She’s pretty cool ngl. I enjoy her she’s the most interesting thing about the foot clan/shredder. Wish Leo wasn’t constantly trying to get with her (especially with the whole… Sister thing). Her makeup’s nice and her armor’s cool. She’s so mean for no reason and I love her for that. Rip gram-gram but 2012 Karai is a lot more fun
Krang: uhhhh they’re fine I guess. Nowhere near as intimidating as in Rise but ig that’s to be expected. Their speech patterns are pretty annoying but sometimes the jokes with them are really funny so I don’t mind too much. Krang prime was a disappointment tho ngl. It looked like a mix between the aliens from Home (the animated movie) and the villain from Sharkboy and Lava Girl. 2012 has managed to make some pretty intimidating characters (Leatherhead and Shredder for example) but Krang Prime was kinda stupid lol. That might just be a problem with this season tho I guess I’ll see
Shredder: ngl I don’t give a single crap about this guy. He’s just… an old man. A dude. The scariest part about him (other than his design which quite honestly DOES kick ass) is that he’s an incel. He’s a jerk and intimidating but other than that not super interesting.
Baxter Stockman: Look idc if he’s not important he’s important in my heart. He’s a loser with extremely petty motivations and I love him and his stupid little sweater vest. Rise definitely managed to capture that same petty energy with Stockboy but I think Stockman kinda wins out bc we have more time with him than with Stockboy. Stupid man <3
Ok and that’s pretty much the main stuff so here’s some minor nitpicks/thoughts:
Sorry Rise but the 2012 theme song SLAPS I listen to it EVERY time
Hate how the turtles’ skill levels are super inconsistent from episode to episode depending on what lesson the show wants them to learn
Can’t speak too much on the combat bc I know essentially nothing about martial arts but I do miss the creativity of Rise’s fight scenes. It really does feel like the turtles use the same moves in every fight in 2012
where’s Casey :((((( where’s my boy where is he :((((
anyways that’s all thanks for listening to my ramblings about turtles 👍👍
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haylanmakesstuff · 2 years
First Year Zombie
One year I wanted to do something a little different for Halloween; something distinctly not-pretty at all. My brother decided to be Rick Grimes because everyone kept saying he sorta looked like him. Clearly, this only meant one thing: I was going to be a zombie. I wanted to go crusty and gross. I wanted to make people uncomfortable! 
Here is the finished product, but scroll down for more to see it in stages of creation, and one of brother as Rick Grimes!
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First, I had lovely light pink hair, but I wanted to be an old lady zombie -- so that was going to have to go. I had been filming a live action Jem and The Holograms movie, but a pink haired zombie didn’t feel right.
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The night before Halloween, out with the pink and in with the grey. 
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I ate a big meal knowing that for half the day/night, I wouldn’t be able to eat solid food - which is very hard for me. I started with the application of the internet-purchased prosthetics: the cheek and nose bones, and the two bite marks. All silicon, which I found out I prefer over latex - the quality was astounding.
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Then I applied the mouthpiece I handmade out of liquid latex, press on nails I changed to gross teeth, and tissue. All painted with acrylic and alcohol-based makeup. This would be why I can’t eat solid food the rest of the day.
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The next two photos are just adding textures to all of my visible skin before painting, using liquid latex and tissue:
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More textures and putting on the bottom layer of the costume (a bathrobe will go over top of this)
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And then it was all about getting help from Brother to do the backs of my hands (pictured later), and then putting texture on the portion of my legs that will show. Then on to the actual makeup. I used an alcohol-based makeup for most of everything you see. It’s pricey, but dang is it nice and stays on great, too. Don’t forget little details like putting conditioner and Vaseline in your hair to make it look permanently oily, wet, and gross. 
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The nightgown, bathrobe, house shoes and socks were all thrifted for very low prices, then distressed with different items like cheese graders, mud, tea, coffee grounds, etc. I wanted to MAKE DANG SURE that I was gross. I wanted to make at least one baby cry on Halloween night. We all need life goals, right?
Well, when I pondered how to be more gross than any other zombie I might see, I considered what would make people really uncomfortable. As always, the answer is poop. So, I made some pudding and used it to stain down the back of the nightgown and robe. Yeah, it was over the top gross, but it also is very realistic if you think about real zombies. 
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Finishing up these details, because that’s where the Devil is, the costume was done. Here you can see the detail on the hands, as well as the press on nails I made. Thes are the same set the teeth are made out of, just painted differently. All together from start to finish, the day of Halloween makeup application took about 6 hours since it was mostly done by myself. 
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And of course, a photo with Brother, Rick Grimes. These costumes were wildly successful downtown on 6th Street of Austin, Texas that year. Yes, I completed my goal of making MULTIPLE babies cry, but also plenty of adults; not all of them were drunk, which makes me feel great! The downside of this costume was that out of every costume I’ve worn (and I’ve worked at a haunted house), this costume had the most aggressive adult men try to shit talk me, get in my face, bow up for the punch, etc. Which may be unpleasant, but also means it was a very effective costume.  Why so scared, bro? It didn’t help that I stayed in character all night.
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This Halloween night was rounded out when The Walking Dead official posted us to their social media pages. Made my night! In fact, we both liked doing it so much, we did another version of this costume for the Halloween after. But that’s a post for another time! 
Happy Halloween! 
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fnafsbheadcanon · 3 years
Chuck: Wow you guys also got a bowling alley?! Man this place is awesome! Hey Freddy do you want to go for some bowling?
Freddy: Can we like… do something else… i don’t like coming here.
Chuck: Huh? Why don’t?
Freddy: *sigh* Do you see that bunny on the wall?
Chuck: Yes?
Freddy: That’s Bonnie… he was my best friend…but sadly he isn’t with us anymore…
Chuck: Was he… like a brother to you?
Freddy: Well… yes he was like a brother to me why do you ask?
Chuck: Because… i also lost someone… that was so close to me.. that he was practically my little brother…
Freddy: …Really?…
Chuck: Yeah… his name was Crusty… Crusty the Cat… he used to sing and tell jokes… he was known has “The Cat’s Meow” in my band…
Freddy: …What happened to him?… if you don’t mind me asking…
Chuck: …….
~Chuck Flashback~
(Chuck E Cheese’s Pizza Time Theater - 1978 - Manager office)
Manager: I know this is really bad news to you Chuck but…
Manager: I know Chuck he also very hard for us to replace him, but the people just don’t like him and some of them want him gone.
Manager: Well i actually got some letters of customers saying the reasons why they want Crusty gone but the two main reason are “that he’s a black cat that uses a shirt that has a 13 so he brings bad luck” and “ because he’s name sounds bad ”.
Chuck: Omg… He’s doesn’t bring bad luck and he’s name it’s Crusty just like the crust on the dang pizza, we are literally cheese and crust, we are best friends and he’s like a little brother to me! So why are you even listening to those stupid people?
Manager: BECAUSE Chuck we are only a small establishment that has been open for only one year if we don’t listen to them we go bankrupt, so i had to make a hard decision it was Crusty or all of you.
Chuck:…….*sigh* when… when will he be deactivated?
Manager: Today. That’s why i called you were i know your close relation with Crusty so i wanted to give you a final change to say goodbye before deactivating him.
Chuck: …. thanks boss….
(Chuck goes to a empty room we’re Crusty just throwing a baseball at a wall and catching it when it comes back)
Crusty: Hey Big C what with the long face?
(Chuck hugs Crusty)
Crusty: Big C what wrong?
Chuck:… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…
Crusty: Sorry? Sorry for what?
(Chuck stops hugging Crusty and gives a final look to Crusty face and then starts to leave the room)
Crusty: Big C wait what wrong with you?
(Chuck stops at the door where the manager and some engineers are waiting, Chuck just gives a weak nob and he leaves)
Crusty: Wait what are you guys doing? Stop holding me! No please stop! Big C help! BIG C! CHUCK! BROT…
(Chuck starts to walk slightly faster so he can’t hear or see what happening)
Jasper: Big C are you ok?
The Warblettes: Boss?
Pasqually: Chuck what a wrong?
Madame Oink: Monsieur Chuck?
Chuck: … Guys… i just need some time alone… please… I’ll be in my portrait… and please… don’t come in…
(Chuck goes in his portrait, behind the portrait curtains there Chuck room, he just sits down and starts to remember things that he said to Crusty and things that Crusty said to him)
~Chuck memories~
Crusty: Big C i wish i was has popular has you.
Chuck: No worry’s kid i can help make you has popular has me.
Crusty: Really Big C you will help me become popular?
Chuck: Of course nitwit just do things like i tell you and you will become a star!
Crusty: Oh thanks so much Big C!
Chuck: No problem kid.
~End of Chuck memories~
Chuck: I’m… so sorry Crusty… I’m… so sorry… i failed you…
~End of Flashback~
Chuck: And… that what happened….
Freddy: I’m sorry about your worst Chuck…
Chuck: Well I’m sorry about your lost too…
Freddy and Chuck:………..
Freddy: Hey Chuck… let’s just go to the others maybe they doing something fun.
Chuck: Yeah… let’s go.
~In Chuck mind~
Memorie of Crusty: Hey, Big C! You said you were gonna make me a star today! Well, can I do my act now? Huh? Huh? Can I?
Chuck: No matter how much time has passed i will never forgive myself…
I’m sorry little bro… I’m so sorry…
This deserve a oscar.
Also cut to Crusty getting Infected by the glitchtrap and this cause even more angst.
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tophthedaydreamer · 3 years
main beefs with harry potter (spoilers if u haven’t read it, but then, who hasn’t?)
lack of unity between houses. how do you expect the students to be friends with each other if they’re separated and pitted against each other?? i’m all for friendly team contests, but sometimes these kids despise each other, esp gryffindors and slytherins. 
gryffindor bias. almost all of the heroes are in gryffindor, so much that it’s kinda ludicrous. how are all the weasleys, james potter + company, and the hp trio in gryffindor?? only memorable hero from a different house we get is luna lovegood (love u girl). the books always ignore ravenclaw and hufflepuff btw, and hufflepuffs really get the short end of the stick. cedric, a cool dude and potential new addition to the gang is nerfed and killed off. and when his death is prevented, he becomes a death eater. how out of character can you get?! hufflepuffs deserve rights.
all slytherins are terrible people. only exception is scorpius malfoy (dang your parents suck at naming sorry dude) and snape (only on the last book smh). why not subvert expectations and have harry + co. realize that most slytherins are actually good. stereotyping people based on where they come from is bogus. let the goths be nice. please.
snape actually good arc is a bit wonky. if you’re gonna have snape be a surprise hero, at least let him be a decent person who you kinda like before he kills dumbledore. have him be the aloof, grumpy potions master who doesn’t favor any of the kids. he’s tired and he wants a nap, like aizawa but angstier. and even though snape is kinda crusty, you know he’ll protect the kids when the time comes. you know under all the grumpiness, he’s cool. but then, he kills dumbledore. and like harry, you question everything about him. was he really the grumpy but quietly caring teacher you knew from the previous books? or was it all just an act? you’re kept on a loop about it until his memories are revealed. and it hurts to see it. i like the memories revealed bit in book 7, so i figure i’d keep it as it is. yes, even the part where he calls lily a mudblood. it’s hard to read, but it is necessary. it has to be a big screwup for lily to cut ties with him. also, can we have lily potter be a hufflepuff? ok thanks
human supremacy? mind you, it’s been a bit since i’ve brushed up on my harry potter lore, but i do recall reading that nonhumans don’t have as many rights as humans do. they aren’t allowed to learn magic and they can’t attend hogwarts. they’re basically kept separate from humans. as a magical society, don’t you think they’d be progressive enough to include and accommodate nonhumans? and why do they still have house-elves as slaves? it’s really awkward trying to convince the reader that house-elf slavery is ok and that they like it. dumbledore, free the house-elves working at hogwarts and pay them. hermoine was on to something.
leaving harry with an abusive family is unnecessary. there’s millions of muggle families that would be so much better for harry, but dumbledore had to choose the abusive dursleys bc they’re related to harry. i would’ve just given harry to a loving muggle family living on a farm. but we gotta give harry some angst, i guess.
ok i think that’s all :D
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standard-muse · 5 years
Ben's selfless love
Honestly the more I wrestle with what happened, there is something in this act that is so undeniably beautiful that I wanted to point out. Obviously I don't think he should have died, I could write a 500 page book as to why I think that was a flawed and ereneious choice. However, if Ben had to go they could not have picked a better way to do it.
Ben was able to do the one thing Anakin couldn't and that was love his significant other selflessly. The tragedy of Anakin was that he had the ability to save Padme all along, but he just missed it because his lust for control and power got in the way.
Ben wasn't thinking of himself in any way when he decided to give his life up for Rey. He didn't even hesitate. He gave her everything. And as much as it makes me cry, it's an absolutely beautiful contrast to what we saw with Anakin. And I hate to say it because it's not what I envisioned, but when Kylo says "I'll finish what you started" it really was about him finding the way to save what you love and doing it the right way. There is such a comparison between Ben and Anakin and seeing Ben finish that journey that Anakin started and doing it the right way is just... heartbreaking but beautiful.
I just can't get over how incredibly selfless Ben was in that moment and how he was literally crawling over to her with all his strength. Ben shouldn't have died, but dang if they had to have him go that was the BEST possible way they could have done it. Ben didn't die because crusty-raison Palpatine struck him with force lighting or he got wounded by a resistance or FO fighter. Ben died on his terms. Willingly. Expecting nothing in return. Because of his selfless love for Rey.
It's absolutely heartbreaking, but holy smokes does it show how good of a person Ben was.
He deserved so much more.
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missrandomdreamer · 5 years
.Name 10 favourite characters from 10 different things (books, TV, films, etc.) and then tag 10 people
tagged by @confident-entree​ and @teawritingblog​
Thank you both for tagging me in this :3
1. Alexander Anderson
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from Hellsing Ultimate. I was sold on this man for the Scottish accent but the more I got to know his character I fell in love with him. He has a very special place in my heart. Hellsing was the fandom where I also met a lot of beautiful people on this website,  so I am very fond of this anime/manga.
2. Reaper or Gabriel Reyes
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from Overwatch. Again, sold on this man’s outfit when i first heard about Overwatch. Though somehow or another I got into learning the characters and the lore and Reaper’s  just kind of struck me. Just love that man so much <3
3. Zevran *but really any dragon age character at this point*
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from Dragon Age Trilogy. Ah picking a single character that I love from these games is soooooo damn hard. Can I just choose all of them please? Like they are allo so good and I love them. Though I guess right now my favorite is Zevran only because I am finishing up Dragon Age Origins. I just got attached to the sassy elf boy but my lord I love Blackwall, Cullen Dorian  and Solas and Fenris and  askfjsalkfjasklj just all of them  Like Blackwall was my first love in Inquisition but Cullen and Dorian also are just friggin perfect skdfjaslkdfjask *rambles on how I can pick a dang favorite*
4. Captain Greg
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from the book, movie and show of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.   I really love crusty characters. Captain Greg is very crusty but he does have a good heart and cares about Mrs.Muir.  I also love the whole sailor stuff just askfjdaslkdfj everything about this man I love him.
5. Luke Danes
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from Gilmore Girls. Lord Im behind on the times okay, just started this series and I am only on season 2 but I love Luke. I have a thing for crusty grumpy ass characters I can’t help it. Also has a stupid sweet side that pops up a lot like Captain Greg.
6. Takashi Natsume
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from Natsume Yuujinchou . Another anime.manga  that is very special to me. It was something i found out on a whim and i watched it from season 1 to season 4 (though I think they are putting out more anime?) and it friggin wrecked me. Natsume is such an amazing character and to see his growth is so amazing. That show is just so special and all the characters are friggin lovely. 
7. Elizabeth Sheridan 
from the two part book series: The Ocean Within and Tides.  I picked up the first book at a library book sale on a damn whim because it was ocean related and the cover and summary sounded cool. I didn’t read it for awhile after but when I did I just fell in love with Elizabeth. I saw a lot my traits in her . Again her character development from the first book to the second book is really amazing to read. Love these books so much. 
8. Sunset Shimmer
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from MLP Equestria Girls I just love her so much. I love her character development from who she was and her redemption and how far she has come. I also just love her color scheme and her singing voice a lot lol she is just a really great character and I love her so much
9. Anna 
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from When Marine Was There. This is probably one of my favorite Ghibli films. I could relate a lot with Anna and I just again really loved this film. Its so damn beautiful and I would love to read the book at some point. 
10.  Mato Kuroi
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from the anime Black Rock Shooter. This was another hard choice because I love Yomi as well along with their respective alter egos (Black Rock Shooter and dead Master) again this anime was a lot like Natsume Yuujinchou where it hit me a certain way  I could relate to both those characters so ... yeah just love her and Yomi 
I tag anyone who would like to do this ;3  
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emzymakesbelieve · 5 years
not to be fake deep but let's talk about all your old walt babies that you haven't mentioned (because i love the hainline's okay and you and all your kids and i miss you
Send me an old muse and I’ll gush about them.
(I love you, too, sweet pea.  *smooch*)
Frank Hainline
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So Frank is a prick, to start off, but he’s my prick and you’re not allowed to trash talk him without my say so (which of course you have because he’s A PRICK).  He was the kind of kid who wore an anarchy symbol on his jacket but never actually did anything to represent or invoke anarchy.  He’s also a gigantic slut and can’t keep his pants zipped for longer than ten minutes.  Fidelity is not this man’s middle name (*CoUgH* illegitimate child he never knew about).  He definitely wasn’t ready to become a father when Victoria got pregnant (and more or less trapped him into marriage), but by the time baby Penelope came, he devoted every ounce of energy he could to making sure she had a good life, and the two of them actually grew very close.  He passed away from cancer when Penelope was about ten.
Norma Hainline
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Penelope’s eldest.  The two most important things you need to know about Norma are that she’s a dancer and she’s gay as a maypole.  Her main focuses are tap and ballet.  She loves old Hollywood - she got her start watching Singin’ in the Rain and Fred & Ginger films - but definitely prefers to live in the here and now where she can express herself both as an artist and as a lesbian.  The dance world, much as she loves it, is a crusty old institution that needs to break some pointless rules and get over itself.  She is also Grade A Mom Friend Extraordinaire™.  Her love language is definitely acts of service, particularly making sure you’re eating and sleeping well and taking your medicine on time (though turns out she’s a terrible patient herself).  Much to her frustration, her two closet friends - Noah and Nick - are both more or less bent on self destruction and driving her completely bonkers, but she loves them just the same.
Francis Hainline
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Francis, the third eldest, has no business being in this family with how shy he is, but nevertheless.  Definitely the black sheep of the family, but his siblings defend and support him with everything they have.  (Well, Kath usually does it with a lot of sarcasm, but you can tell she loves him.)  He’s a total hipster and has a special love for anything that was built before the year 2000.  His prize possession is an old camcorder that uses real VHS tapes, so naturally he becomes a film student.  I envision him growing up and working as a cinematographer and eventual director of poignant indie films and documentaries - stuff with lots of lingering, fly-on-the-wall shots.  Also, special shoutout to Seraphina, the love of his got dang life.  Those two gave me so many freaking cavities with their cuteness.
Kathleen Hainline
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So Kath is a mess, but that’s just par for the course in this family, I suppose.  She’s the baby of the family and has always felt like she’s living in her sister Norma’s shadow.  She’s a bit of a wild child, but certainly not to the extent Victoria was.  It’s all just a cry for attention, trust me.  She wants to feel needed, she wants to feel wanted, she wants to feel special.  And anything that takes the attention of the people she loves off of her needs to die, plain and simple.  She’s best friends with Daisy and is technically endgame with Jonas (though we really didn’t get to write them that far), so here goes a prayer candle for my lovely Becca.
Dory Novak
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As you can probably guess by the name, Dory is based on that delightful blue tang we know and love.  In the Walt universe, she developed her short term memory loss after an accident that killed her parents, and was adopted by Marlin.  She loves swimming and her family and especially anything combining the two.  She’s a freaking sweetheart who is actually pretty hard on herself, and it was so heartbreaking to play her in any kind of stressful situation because five minutes later she would still be freaked out by have no idea as to why (looking at you, Scream event).  Also, Scooby liked her a lot and I felt so freaking blessed???  She ends up becoming a social worker and helping kids in the foster system like her.
Charlie Harper & Jenny Harper née Parkington
I never got to properly play Dory’s parents, but here’s the fast and skinny on them.  Jenny was a shy bookworm who never thought boys would be interested in her and (for the most part) had made peace with that theory.  Charlie was a jock who was head over heels for Jenny but never knew how to communicate it without being a sleaze.  Eventually, he manages to ask her out, she says yes, and they pretty much become attached at the hip.  She comes to his basketball games and swim meets decked out in the school colors and cheering like a maniac.  My guess is Dory came a little earlier than they were expecting, but not so early that it would be considered scandalous - probably when they were almost finished with college or something.  Dory became their world and they spoiled that little girl beyond belief.  Unfortunately, both of them were killed in a car wreck when Dory was very little.
Marlene Novak
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Dory’s first kid, adopted.  To sum it up nicely, Marlene’s a hot mess because she was never able to come to terms with the fact that her birth mother didn’t want her.  I tried to start this whole plot where she ran into her birth mother just out in the wild and that made her get even messier, but I think I was just throwing crap on the fire to see what blew up at that point.  She also has a…flirtatious arrangement, shall we say, with her friend Viv.
Lyle Novak
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Dory’s second kid, also adopted.  *sigh*  Lyle, Lyle, Lyle…  He’s a cutie, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like I didn’t give his character enough punch?  He just seems kind of blah now that I look back at him.  I have a history of being super self conscious about my male characters if they don’t have like a Super Archetype personality for some freaking reason, and Lyle is definitely an example of that.  He’s a little shy, but not so shy that it’s endearing, and he’s also a little courageous, but not so courageous that he actually gets crap done.  He’s a little complacent, looking back on him, which is kind of the opposite of how I wanted to play him...?  I dunno.  Maybe I’m being too harsh on myself.  HE’S CUTE.  LIFE GOES ON.
Cinderella Tremaine
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To the surprise of absolutely no one, I’ve actually played a Cinderella counterpart in a few different groups, but let’s just talk about how I portrayed her at Walt.  French transfer student in America (I changed her to straight up American after a point) who loves animals arguably more than life itself and tries her best not to cry over things she can’t control.  She’s also daydreamy as FRICK.  Loves to get lost in her own imagination.  If she’s not engaged in conversation or work of some kind, I can guarantee you her conscience isn’t even on this plane.  Also, can I just shriek about the superhero AU version of her where she was a counterpart to Zatanna and literally became her own fairy godmother?  Because I think about that far more than is probably healthy.
Emmett Tremaine & Johanna Tremaine née Cartier
Same thing as Dory’s parents, just gonna give you a quick lowdown.  Johanna came from a fairly well off family in France (distantly related to those guys, but far enough away that it doesn’t really count), but her parents thought she was an absolute embarrassment.  She was never afraid to speak her mind when it came to things like etiquette and politics, and she had a fabulously wild imagination.  She never stopped believing in fairies, ghosts, gremlins, things like that.  Emmett was that quiet nerd dreamer type, very much obsessed with travel and history.  And like I need to spell it out for you, but they were LUDICROUSLY in love with each other.  Like, nauseatingly so.
Robby Tremaine
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Robby is Cindy’s son I whipped up real quick one next gen when I was going crazy and wanted to snatch Nick Robinson’s beautiful face.  He’s a hardcore farm boy who doesn’t mind a little mud behind his ears and super environmentally conscious.  Not just recycling and veganism and all that, but he will go off on you about sustainable farming and animal raising, and how the hydrogen fuel cell is the way of the future.
Taige Bailey
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Based on Terk from Tarzan, Taige is a super jock, total butch lesbian, and altogether DUMBNUT.  Like, GOD she’s so stupid sometimes because she just barrels into crap with reckless abandon and doesn’t think things through.  Dear God, she will PUNCH you if you so much as look at her funny, just ‘cause she feels bored.  And she walks around like she’s God’s gift to creation, but she’s just a little twerp.  But she’s my twerp.  (Huh.  I’m just now realizing how similar Taige and Pen are.  In a weird way, Taige is like the tomboy version of Pen.)  Here, you can imagine me lighting a prayer candle because I never got to play her against her two best friends and I’m SAD.  Y’ALL NEVER GOT TO EXPERIENCE THE TOUR DE FORCE THAT IS T CUBED.  Also *cough* she and Vitani may have had a *coUGH* flirtationship.
I would also put Taige’s parents on this list, but they’re so hardly even developed that it’s not really worth mentioning them.  I only know their names: Lamarr and April.
Jared Bailey
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Taige’s only child, Jared’s still trying to figure out what masculinity means to him, what with being raised by two women and all.  He can get a little “dudebro alpha male” sometimes, but he’s also that kid you definitely want to have your back when things get rough.  He’ll help you with your homework, teach you how to shoot a three-pointer, and walk you home when it’s dark like the gentleman he is.
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lilowoof · 6 years
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some ABBY FACTS(tm) that I have been posting on twitter!
I’ve listed the facts under the readmore in case you want context ahahha!
#1 His real name is Absule! Abby is a nickname that Pilos gave him when they first met, and it just sorta stuck!
#2 He's Indian! Or whatever the splatoon equivalent is LOL
#3 He's the younger brother! Abby had an older brother named Manshee! Manshee doted over Abby a lot ahahha (but Abby enjoyed his attention~)
#4 His favourite past times are fishing, cooking and sleeping!
#5 He's anemic and takes some pills to help him (unlike me lol).
#6 Time for sad. He lost his entire family to a tragic plane crash. Because he was stranded for a long time without food, he ended up....
ᵉᵃᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉᵐ
to survive... :(
#7 Every so often, he gets these "hunger pains", which makes him commit the same sin that he did in his past. Abby hates that he has these cravings, but the pain won't go away unless it is curbed with some fresh inkling :P
#8 He was banned from Crusty Sean's shoe shop on account of him constantly drooling (Sean looks very tasty after all, perhaps he was scared that he would get eaten~~)
He's allowed in Bisk's store though!! I guess Bisk doesn't notice or care if he drools.
#9 He tends to bottle up his emotions, resulting in that disinterested face that he always wears. Of course, he smiles and laughs too, but it's not a common sight!
#10 Since he lost his family, Abby grew up in an orphanage! He didn't really have any troubles with the other kids, save for a few.
#11 He's quite poor! Abby got access to his parents money after he aged out of the orphanage and he used it to buy a shitty condo.
His main source of income is through turf battles but he doesn't really make much from it.
#12 He greatly admires Cap'n Vailmer. Cap'n would often visit him while Abby was growing up, taking him on fishing trips. He also takes Abby to the spot where his family died so Abby can mourn if needed. He's a lil spice in Abby's dull life!
#13 He's a charger main, and a pretty dang good one! 
#14 Abby is a meme loving FUCK, much to the dismay of his girlfriend lololol!
#15 He has a fork-like tattoo on his back (which is a soul eater tattoo from COAD, in reference to his cannibalistic ways).
#16 That boi really likes pleasing others. He’ll tend to follow the commands in hopes that the other person will be happy with the outcome!
Perfect for his slighty dominating girlfriend, she just has to ask what she wants in bed and he’ll provide, yeehaw~
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BTS Members as the Sons of Feanor
so @thelonelybrilliance just showed up late to the Silmarillion and new to BTS and she decided to break my brain by tagging me and @abadpoetwithdreams asking us if we could match up the 7 members of BTS with the 7 sons of Feanor. May she never ask such a question again because I have spent about 6 hours total writing this rant essay that is somewhere of abouts 3500 words. I don’t have the self-control to stop myself from things like this, I love Tolkien and BTS too much
anyway here is a very long and rambling post that was partially composed in my head in the shower and is now just stream of consciousness
(Disclaimer: The members of BTS are beautiful souls and this post is in no way saying that they are as murderous as my problematic faves the sons of Feanor)
ok so the only thing I know for ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN is that Namjoon is Maedhros. if you know anything at all about BTS and the Feanorians, the reasons are obvious:
1. Namjoon is the tallest, and Maedhros is literally called Maedhros the Tall.
2. Maedhros has a lot of names but he was called Maitimo by his mom which means “beautiful” or “well-shaped one” and such an appellation is perfect for Namjoon (ok let’s be real the name could fit every single member of BTS but whatever)
3. (and most important!) never was there a more harried elf trying to keep his brothers in line and alive and not cut to pieces by some justifiably insulted cousin or Sindarin. Maedhros is the mom, the dad, the king, the leader, the eldest bro. “Guys, can we NOT be rude to the sons of Finarfin, can we NOT start a war among the Noldor when we still have Morgoth just across the way” I’m pretty sure he would also lose his passport multiple times if Middle-earth had such things, because his brothers are hard enough to keep track of. while Namjoon may not be the eldest in years, everything else matches up too perfectly. He is the leader of BTS, the spokesman, the one who encourages the other members to step up and speak, helps them with their English (even when he judges them for their dumb mistakes lol), is literally SO DONE with his bros all the time but loves them so freaking much. He is the planner, the peace-maker, yet also has fire in his veins and has seen a lot of darkness and suffering and survived to become even stronger. So too with Namjoon
(caveat: if BTS were Feanorians, and Namjoon captured by Morgoth himself, there is no freaking way they wouldn’t have done SOMETHING to rescue their fearless leader. Jin and Jungkook would storm Thangorodrim fists swinging, followed by Jimin and J-Hope, fierce like you’ve never seen them, and Taehyung would Luthien Tinuviel Morgoth centuries early, or Yoongi would simply glare at Morgoth till he shrank down into a puddle of trembling goo. Don’t laugh at me you know I’m right)
moving on
I have maybe two choices for Maglor? One is Jin, but that might partially be because everyone always talks about how Namjoon and Jin are the mom and dad or dad and mom of BTS. and Maglor is always paired in my head with Maedhros as the other parental figure of the Feanorian bros, though that might be because of how he and Maedhros look after Elrond and Elros. Of course, I love Jin’s singing and I will never ever ever be over “Epiphany”, so I am way cool with making Jin Maglor as far as the music thing goes
All this said, I am not sure if this is the best fit overall. Jin is the King of Chaos in BTS, and I wouldn’t name Maglor as such...also I think I might have another Feanorian for Jin, but I’ll get to that later (spoilers, it’s...Curufin??!) (oh no, I just realized I might have one other argument for Jin being Maglor: “I use other people to make myself happy. I make myself smile by making others smile.” Like, that could be a good quote for Maglor potentially, if you want to relate it to his music, or his care for Elrond and Elros……..but I’m still thinking Curufin for Jin. Stay tuned)
So anyway my other option for Maglor would be...oh heck no I have two other options. No wait THREE. What the HECK. ok let me figure this out. The options are J-Hope, Yoongi, and Jimin. I’m not even sure why yet so let’s find out. (sidenote: if Maedhros did not exist Namjoon the song-writer would be Maglor, as the greatest poet and bard)
1.  J-Hope as Maglor: I don’t know, I had reasons but they are escaping me. Maglor is said to have had a gentler temperament than his brothers and I would say J-Hope has a very soft sunshine heart. I guess one thing is that Maglor was left to hold everybody together when Maedhros was captured by Morgoth, and if Namjoon was ever hung on a cliff for an indeterminate amount of time or whatever equals that in our world, J-Hope would step up. I keep seeing things about how he supports the other members when they are having tough times, giving them encouragement and food and love. He leads them in practicing dance choreography all the time, and if I remember I am pretty sure Namjoon actually stated that Hoseok would make a good group leader. 
Also one time Namjoon was talking about Hobi (oh shoot, should J-Hope of the many names be Maedhros of the many names? Lol maybe in that one universe where Namjoon is Maglor, then Hobi could could be Maedhros) Namjoon says that J-Hope is like water (where did Maglor toss his Silmaril again hmm?) and puts people at ease. Well idk about other people but Maglor seems to have put Elrond and Elros at ease because even after that whole Kinslaying thing “love grew between them as little might be thought.” I too would probably come to love J-Hope no matter the past between us. He is just that sweet and soft-hearted
2.  Yoongi as Maglor: ok honestly I really really actually want Yoongi for Caranthir, more on that later. However I also like Yoongi as Maglor because it is unexpected, yet certain things just feel right. I keep thinking about Yoongi’s “First Love” where he raps about how his PIANO was his first love (GOSH ISN’T THAT THE SWEETEST THING EVER) also in Lee Sora’s “Song Request” he raps this: “I’m happiness to someone and the soul to another / A lullaby to someone and at times a noise / I’ll be with you at your birth and your end / Remember we’re always together anywhere / I’ll always console your life / So just lean on me and rest sometimes” and LOOK I JUST DIED TYPING THIS but what I am getting at is music is burnt into Yoongi’s soul as I think it is Maglor’s, and Yoongi really is very soft and loving and also one time Namjoon said that Yoongi “makes me ponder about what kind of person I am” and Maglor several times is a voice of reason and very much tries to dissuade Maedhros from going after the Silmarils one last time. Idk it could work (but also...CARANTHIR) (BUT ALSO OMG YOONGI’S VOICE MURDERS ME WHEN HE RAPS AND HIS PASSION WOW AND NOW I AM PICTURING MODERN DAY MAGLOR RAPPING  OBLIQUELY ABOUT HIS FAMILY AND PAST AND PAIN UGGGGGGGHHHH
3.  Who was my other choice? Right, Jimin. Why did I say Jimin?? ? i don’t remember, dang it
Ok I think it is definitely time to do Caranthir.
As previously stated, I love Yoongi as Caranthir. I have my reasons personally I think they are very good reasons :D Ok Caranthir is WOW ok I am OFFENDED because I just went to double-check something on wikipedia and I typed Caranthir into the Google search engine and the first three results were all about this Caranthir dude from the Witcher, and while that game seems very interesting I am UPSET for Yoongi’s I mean Caranthir the Dark’s sake.
Caranthir the Dark. What a name. I mean it might just be a reference to his father-name of Morifinwe and to his hair, but he is also described as being the harshest and quickest to anger. Yoongi, bless his soul and his actually very soft and squishy heart, is well known for: being unbothered by BTS general antics, for being the one to sit back and watch everyone else do dumb stuff (like when they were all dancing to MIC drop and he just walks away from them, or when they are all acting like kids jumping in the pool and he just watches with a smile on his face while drinking a glass of wine and look to me Caranthir is the one Feanorian who doesn’t pair up with anyone in particular, like we have Maedhros and Maglor, Celegorm and Curufin, Amrod and Amras, but Caranthir is the one who goes off and lives separate from them and
GOSH now I sound so dumb because I am NOT trying to say that Caranthir doesn’t love his bros or that Yoongi is a loner that is NOT what I am saying, agh I mean Caranthir is great (minus, you know, the kin-slayings the Feanorians sadly fall into) and even befriends Haleth’s people and protects them, t’s just this weird categorizing thing in my head, that Caranthir is the crusty brother, and while he loves his bros to DEATH and they him, the majority of his bros are sliiiiightly afraid of him, in a brotherly way, like how the members are with Yoongi! Like just recently oh what was it, they were on a BTS Run episode and someone had to splash or otherwise give Yoongi a penalty and right away everyone was like NAMJOON YOU DO IT. turning to the leader hyung because they don’t want Yoongi to be mad at them
Of course now I am remembering that one post of gifs demonstrating how Jungkook is the only one who can bother Yoongi without dying lol except NOW I am picturing Amrod the youngest Feanorian* being the only one who can bother Caranthir and then the ensuing PAIN because Amrod Umbarto (thanks for THAT name, Mom) perishes (in certain canon) in flames at the Burning of the Ships and wowwww no I do not need any of this pain
I’m pretty sure I have never rambled so much in my life and also pretty sure I have way too many parentheses and not all of them are closed oops
Anyway, imagine Caranthir as the brother you are afraid of but would die for and who would die for you if anyone looks at you wrong, the brother with the wry acerbic wit, but who LITERALLY LIGHTS UP THE UNIVERSE WITH HIS SMILE AND ALSO DOESN’T EXPRESS HIS LOVE ALOUD AS OFTEN AS SOME OF YOUR BROTHERS DO BUT
Also someone has to be the best cook of the Feanorians and it might as well be Caranthir
….apparently I’m not done with Caranthir, because “the Dark” also makes me think of a dark horse, or at least something happening that is unexpected, and that reminds me of that interview where dad/mom/interpreter Namjoon was like yeah none of the other members can speak English, and then Yoongi just out of NOWHERE speaks a line of great English and Namjoon was like ….guess I was wrong
I do not have very clear thoughts about who the rest of the members are so let’s just go with my brain and hope it makes some good connections
Let’s do Celegorm since I just mentioned him
Celegorm could be either Taehyung or….Jin? :? Merrr idk. Let’s examine
I think the main reason why I jump at the option of Tae for Celegorm is because of Tae’s love for his dog Yeontan, or Tan, and of course Celegorm is the master of Huan, and they had a very special relationship for ages until Celegorm f---ed up. Seriously, you want to see something cute? Look up Tae’s Vlive that is entirely focused on his lil pupper (what am I saying look up ANYTHING about Tae and you will find something cute)
On the other hand Jin could be Celegorm because Celegorm is known as the Fair and if you don’t know by now that Jin is World Wide Handsome I don’t know how I can help you
OMG WAIT I JUST THOUGHT OF OTHER REASONS WHY JIN COULD BE CELEGORM! So Celegorm’s father-name is Turcafinwë, which basically means “strong in body” and Jin has got those broad shoulders (gosh they are so broad). Also, Celegorm’s mother-name is Tyelkormo, or “hasty riser,” referring to his quick temper and habit of leaping when angered. And this doesn’t perfectly relate but the amount of times I have seen Jin yelling or just being wild in general or even just pretending to be mad makes me think of this. Also there was one time idk what was even going on but Jin was struggling to pronounce Bangtansonyeon-dan (SAME) and saying it was too long and difficult and J-Hope was teasing him and Namjoon told him not to get mad since he had been calling himself a fairy and shouldn’t be mad as such, and Jin was like hey I can be a mad fairy if I want lol
See now I am just confused because now I am looking back at Jin as Maglor and I might like that better? WHY IS THIS SO HARD
Speaking of Jin, and Celegorm, why on EARTH was I thinking of Jin for Curufin? Ugggh see my problem is I ran out of time last night and so I am finishing the essay some 20 hours later and I kNOW that when I was saying Jin should be Curufin I had a better reason then their names rhyme. Heck, I could make that same argument for Jimin as Curufin.
Except I also have a second and better argument for Jimin as Curufin, at least under the circumstance where Taehyung is Celegorm. Look, all the BTS members are really close with each other, and you can literally argue all day about who is closer to who (a really pointless waste of time in my opinion I mean why argue when you can just melt over them all being sweet and funny and kind and teasing with each other) but anyway all that aside one thing I love in particular is how sweet Jimin and Taehyung often are with each other, holding hands and comforting each other and being on teams in competitions *starts laughing at the memory of them being complete disasters that one cooking show* and anyway Celegorm and Curufin seem pretty inseparable, running around causing all kinds of trouble (guys sTOP). Jimin and Taehyung have called themselves soulmates, so it makes sense to have them be part of a duo
Not that Taehyung would engage in a kidnapping stunt like Celegorm did, but the point is, Jimin, the precious bby, has Tae’s back
Jimin: “Taehyung is the happiest when he is with me” aww
This has nothing to do with the point of this post but I just need to stop here and say that Jimin is so freaking talented I was just looking up some gifsets of him and obviously his singing is angelic but also OMGGG his dancing!!!
Ok, jumping back slightly, I guess one way Jin could be Curufin is if Jungkook is Celegorm, because I could see those beautiful dorks running around causing all kinds of trouble, except I really have no reason to have Jungkook be Celegorm, especially since he is very much Amras in my head for reasons
OOOH NO I also thought of a way in which Jungkook could be--wait for it--cURUFIN. WHY AM I LIKE THIS
You see, Curufin was his dad’s favorite son and thus Feanor gave his favorite son the exact same father-name Feanor had, Curufinwë, and Curufin is the only son who chose to use his father-name over his mother-name if I recall, and anyway all meaning he probably loved his dad a lot and was proud of his name, and this makes me think of how Namjoon gave Jungkook the title of the Golden Maknae and of how freaking much Jungkook looks up to and respects Namjoon (look while Namjoon is a hyung, he is also a dad figure, so he may as well be Feanor and Maedhros both)
I guess if Jungkook were Curufin, Jin could go back to being Celegorm
Aaaaggggh you do not know how much hair I have pulled out this is taking a lot of brainwork
We now present my exceedingly confused ramblings regarding the twins Amrod and Amras. Before we begin, let me SHAKE MY FIST AT TOLKIEN FOR MAKING THIS ESSAY EVEN MORE CONFUSING TO WRITE
See, I had Jungkook all set up in my head as Amras, the youngest son according to the Silmarillion. Jungkook is the maknae, the baby, and all the members DOTE on him and he loves them and respects them and pesters them and it’s great, so yeah Jungkook has to be Amras the baby of the Feanorians. I would then put Taehyung as Amrod, the just barely older bby who the other members also adore and protect. Jungkook and Taehyung are SO FREAKING CUTE whenever they are doing stuff together, whether it is singing or hugging or holding each other on their backs while they singing. When they goof off together or pester each other, they are the most precious, must dorkiest dorks to ever be my faves. Hence why I pair them together in my head as Amrod and Amras, at least the times when I am not pairing Tae with Jimin or Jungkook with Jin. Amrad and Amras seem as inseparable as Celegorm and Curufin, and they go off and live in some beautiful wild part of the land and basically stick to hunting and staying out of everyone’s business until they get reminded they took a stupid oath
EXCEPT then Tolkien has one alternate writing where the youngest is actually AMROD and Amrod dies at the burning of the ships because Feanor doesn’t know how to count his kids I guess (Namjoon you lost something again) (sorry that is a terrible joke) (but is it made slightly better by the fact that while Namjoon is apparently Feanor he is much more Maedhros, who was against the burning of the ships and did not participate?) so like this is where I started to get my third headache (exacerbated by the fact that I haven’t eaten dinner yet and it is 9 pm what is wrong with me) because then I have to make Jungkook Amrod and Taehyung Amras. It’s such a trial having to write both their names next to both Feanorians
On the other hand, an interesting thing to think about is that in this alternate writing, Amras was so aggrieved by his brother’s death that he called out Feanor--Feanor!--for being so dumb as to A. call or let his wife call their youngest by the name of Umbarto (the Fated) and then to B. accidentally let him perish in a fire that FEANOR started because he had a grudge (and I think Tolkien wrote that that Amrod was possibly sleeping on the ships because he was upset with Feanor for the terrible deeds he was committing, so like, double way to go Feanor)
I am really tired and hungry my head hurts
What am I missing?
I like Taehyung and Jungkook best for Amrod and Amras a lot BUT if I were doing one of the other options above, I could see having the follow lineup:
Jin=Celegorm, Jungkook= Curufin, Jimin=Amrod, Taehyung=Amras
In this instance, I could see Jimin and Tae as either Amrod or Amras no matter which one is older. Taehyung could definitely be the bby and do his own thing but could also be the brother who mourns his brother and calls out Feanor. Actually though Jimin while being young and precious gives me more of an older brother vibe than Taehyung does, so I guess I would have Jimin be the elder of the twins. Yes, that makes more sense
UGH but wait if I put Jimin and Tae as Curufin and Celegorm, I could put Jungkook back as youngest bby Amrod or Amras, but would Jin fit into the older twin role? Maaaaybe, if you just think about Jungkook and Jin heading off by themselves and goofing off...I don’t like it as much though
Possibilities So Far
Maedhros: Namjoon, maybe J-Hope?
Maglor: Jin, J-Hope, Yoongi, maybe Namjoon
Caranthir: Yoongi
Celegorm: Taehyung, Jin
Curufin: Jimin, Jungkook
Amrod: Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin
Amras: Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin
I have spent five minutes now trying to figure out possible final line-ups but it’s all a mess
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