#rat dad au
rabiesram · 7 months
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good dad!
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misteria247 · 2 years
Me at work vibing and doing my job
My brain: Hey bro ya know all your aus? Like Universal Collision, Oroku siblings, 12 Turtle Tot Leo, Turtles Forever, & Rat Dad au???
Me: Yyyeesssss.....?
My brain: What if you make another one?
Me: Jesus tap dancing Christ-
My brain: Like perhaps......a Homestuck like tmnt au.........?
Me:....................I'm going to murder you in cold blood I swear to God-
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fnafsbheadcanon · 11 months
May I ask for more Rat Dad AU? I mean, crossovers of Chuck E. Cheese and FNAF? I eat that shit up.
Rat Dat Au: Ruins edition
- When Cassidy enter Bonnie Bowl and see Bonnie, she have two dialogue options to stay quiet or say this "Bonnie w-what happened to you. If Cassidy stay quiet noting will happen but if she pick the other option..she will heard a laugher from above.
- The laugh turn out to be Crusty the Cat.. who's body seems to be hanging on the wires (he kind of like mangle in a way.. just a lot bigger and is able to block entrances and exits ) with crazed look in eyes. He would yelled "isn't oblivious..he been replaced.. WE ALL BEEN replaced" before attacking Cassidy.
- the Boss battle is quite simple, All Cassidy have to do is cut all of the wires until Crusty's head fell down the ceiling and land on the floor.. Crusty's eyes start glitching out..until they turn completely green and he suddenly started making noises that sound like crying.
-Crusty: " Big C..come back please...I don't want to be alone.. I don't want to- please "( he referring to Chuck of course)
- Cassidy felt bad for him yet would hesitate before giving a pat on the head to comfort him
- Crusty response would be purring happily before shutting down and a glitchy token would slip out of mouth
-turn out this Token can deactivated M.X.E.S for a short time but It can only be used once.
-There a alternate route to this boss battle where Cassidy befriend Crusty and give her to ability to fast travel. The way to do this is find a picture of Pizza time hidden in Bonnie Bowl. This would immediately reset Crusty's systea.and he would turn to his normal friendly self. Unfountley he remember trying to attack Cassidy. He would constantly apologize to Cassidy throughout the game and try to make it up to her by making sure she safe when near him.
- When "Gregory" betrayal happened with Crusty as a alley. crusty would say this line when the game fades to back.."look like we both been abandoned"
So yeah now we have cat dad now :)
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cook-boss-88 · 2 years
I have the money to commission an artist. I shall make Dad bod Ratau a reality.
Cult of the Lamb Tumblr shall bare this curse!
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Rat Dad AU - Chapter 3 - The return of the feline - (Part 7)
(Warning:English isn't my first language)
(So the squad split ups. Sun, Helen, Pasqually and Jasper whent down stairs to go to the main loading dock to look for a exit. While Chuck, Gregory, Munch and King whent to El Chip's to go to the Prize Counter to look for the fire exit.) Chuck: Well… Sun was right… the gate is jammed. (Chuck's group look at the gate to El Chip's) Chuck: Munch, King can you two lift this thing? Munch: We can try. (Munch and King use their strength to open the gate. Chuck and Gregory both enter and Munch and King pass to the other side and they close the gate.) Chuck: Good job you two! Munch: Thanks! King: Well thanks Big C. (Then the group looks around.) Munch: Oooo! Mexican food. Chuck: I guess Fabear's really likes to have a big menu… (The groups then starts to go through El Chips's.) Chuck: According to the map… We need to go through this gates to go to the East Arcade to go to the Prize Counter. King: Why does this place need so many gates? Chuck: I have no idea… (The groups then goes through the gates and arrive at the East Arcade.) Gregory: Oh no. Roxy is in here! Chuck: Let's stay quiet and try not to make too many noises. (Chuck's group then sneaks through the arcade trying to find a way to the Priza Counter… until.) Roxy: You can't outrun me! Gregory: OH NO! (Roxy then runs strait to Gregory… but she hits something fuzzy… and purple. She steps back and looks up to see Munch.) Munch: No you don't. Roxy with fear: D-D-Don't b-b-be s-s-scar- (Roxy then runs from fear.) Munch: … I am really that scary??? Gregory: No… Chuck: I don't think they ever seen a monster animatronic before… So I think they may be afraid of you. Munch: The Staff Bots or Sun aren't afraid of me. Chuck: Maybe only Chica and Roxy are afraid of you. Gregory: I'm not complaining! That just makes my survival less hard! Munch: … Gregory: You did say to look at the bright side. Munch: (Laughs) You right kid. (With Roxy gone the group can explor the arcade without worry. Then they find another gate.) Gregory: Locked again? Why does a pizza place need so much security? Chuck: At this point this is just stupid. (Then Gregory looks around and finds a open air vent.) Gregory: Look! There a open vent. We can use this has another way in. Chuck: You think it will work? Gregory: The last vent I went through worked. (Gregory enters the vent.) Munch: Why are the vents in this place so big? King: Don't ask me. (While Gregory crawls a little to see where the vent goes to. A small wind up animatronic toy drops and starts to chase Gregory.) Gregory: OH COMEONE! Chuck: NO YOU DON'T (Chuck grabs the tiny animatronic and takes him out of the vent.) Chuck: What are you anyway? (The tiny animatronic bites Chuck finger.) Chuck: OUCH! …You know what I don't had the time to deal with you.
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hasello · 10 months
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more Franklin shenanigans!
I saw that cover and I just had to lmao (I loved that book as a kid tho)
Also, here is how Raph broke his arm.
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scatterbrainedbot · 8 months
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here have a wip of a rat sons comic that i keep tearing up about while writing
(feat. tortoise papa splinter and his rat baby leonardo)
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
Many unhappy returns specifically is kinda sad to me because it feels like it's supposed to be the splinter leo bonding episode of the show that he has with his kids. But for most of the episode other than the end of it, he's just kinda expressing his distrust and disaffection with Leo to him while Leo's going through the motions of his plans. And he praises leo at the end of the episode but it doesn't feel like anything gets resolved or addressed or even worked on like it does in other episodes that focus on splinter and his relationship with his kids like the ballad of rat man for donnie or hidden city's most wanted for mikey (kinda?)
Yeah imo “Many Unhappy Returns” is a fantastic episode for demonstrating Leo’s greatest strengths (his tactician brain and his ability to manipulate the playing field) as well as Leo’s greatest weaknesses (not discussing his plans with his team ahead of time and throwing them all into the swing of things without prior discussion, as well as his insecurity issues).
The episode also does well to show Splinter’s own flaws, that being he doesn’t really notice when his sons are suffering unless they make it blatant.
But…yeah the episode doesn’t really show us much resolve for that, not with Leo.
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crownedcrowrow · 1 year
Fun animal fact, crocodiles hold thier babys in their mouths to safely transport them to the water after they hatch.
If Leatherhead found the turtles soon after they mutated and Splinter had stepped away for a second, Leatherhead would assume they had been alone and would try to take care of them the only way he knew how.
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YouTube video so y'all know I'm not making stuff up
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gl1tchy-4rt · 6 months
Pizza kid Brainrot
So i saw this on the Pizza Tower Wiki and got Massive Brainrot and started cooking
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And oh boy! My brain did not dissapoint so i give you this little guy!
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Met Matteo Rissotto (and Signor orso)
He is 7 years old and Gustavo's only child, just like his dad, he is a very kind and friendly gnome.
His favorite plush is a Teddy he called "Signor Orso" (Mr. Bear)
also here's some extra sketches i made :)
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Hope you liked this post and, yes i will try to make more drawings of this kid and...
I will try to rework on my AU: Spaghetti Family amd guess what, he will be canon on it!
Soooo yeah hope i can keep up with my promises, have fun and see you next time!
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violaextract · 7 months
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fated highschool au, this is an au that was made by a group of us when the official discord server was still up and running, i redrew them in their teenage get up because i was reminded it existed
what kind of high school shenanigans are they gonna get up to??
some more doodles of the au for fun vvvv
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rabiesram · 7 months
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oh man. it be drawing dump fo today
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dad-sun-and-moon · 1 year
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Just some Gregorys and some friends of his.
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fnafsbheadcanon · 3 months
I checked. The last post was the final part of chapter 3 uploaded on August 29. With a cliffhanger of a mysterious voice. So I guess is either in a long hiatus because it was last updated around the time before school usually starts or the blog it’s dead.
I hope it's a long hiatus because I really liking where the story is going so far.
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cook-boss-88 · 2 years
@rabiesram The day of your reconning is nigh.
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Rat Dad AU - Chapter 1 - In the bear's den - (Part 4)
(Warning:English isn't my first language)
(Chuck, Gregory and Munch make their way through the utility tunnels until the reach some stairs. Before going up the stairs Chuck saw four weird looking robots standing around a fifth broken one. Chuck decided to walk away and pretend he didn't see anything. They all make their way up the stairs and arrive in a blocked hallway with the only way to pass is going into the bathroom next to the block.) (The 3 of them peek inside the bathroom and they see Chica enting garbage,) Gregory: It's Chica. Chuck: Is she… eating… garbage? Gregory: Maybe we could distract her with some- -Crash- (Gregory and Chuck look back and see that Munch accidentally knocked over some paint buckets.) Munch: …Oops… Chica: Bawk Buck? (Gregory looks back into the bathroom and sees that Chica is leaving through the other door.) Gregory: She's distracted come on! (Gregory, Chuck and Munch sneak trough the bathroom and past chica towards a hallway.) Gregory: That was lucky… Chuck: You can say that aga- (Then suddenly they hear a crash. They look back and see Monty breaking through a fenced.) Monty: There you are! Chuck: OH BOY… ???: HEY LIZARD!!! (Monty looks back at the hallway full of steam that he came from. Suddenly Helen comes through the steam in her roller skates and knocks Monty to the floor.) Helen: Don't mess with my friends! Chuck and Munch: HELEN! Helen: GUYS! (The 3 of they hug) Chuck: Thank God you ok! Helen: Chuck what is happening? Why are we here? Where are the others? Chuck: Well- Gregory: Uhhh… Guys I don't want to ruin the reunion but we still have a problem! (They all look back and see Monty getting up.) Chuck: …RUN (They all begin to run. Then Roxy appears in the other side of another fenced.) Roxanne: Are you lost? (They continue running. Monty stops chasing for a second to break the fenced that is blocking Roxy. The group keeps running and then they see Chica coming through a wall of boxes.) Chica: Lost boy over here! Chuck: WHAT WRONG WITH THIS GUYS? (Both Munch and Gregory begin running up the stairs, while Chuck picks up Helen and carries her up the stairs (Because of the roller skates). They all enter a security office and the security door closes behind them. The sounds of Monty hitting the door can be heard.) Chuck:… That was close… Gregory: Thank God you closed that door. Chuck: I didn't close any door. Did you close the door Helen? Helen: No… Also can you please put me down… Chuck: Oops sorry! Helen: Thank you. Munch: I also didn't close the door. Gregory: SO WHO DID? ???: It was me!
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