#rook headcanons
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missingnozw · 7 days ago
One of my HC is that things just show up in Rook’s room at the lighthouse (well... that's canon, right??) - stuff she needs, likes, or could really use: a pair of gloves to keep from hurting herself so much when channeling electricity through magic, flowers, balms, a book or two… little things that always bring a smile to her face. And this idiot genuinely thinks it’s the lighthouse itself leaving them for her.
It’s not.
It’s Lucanis, always has been. He's the real idiot here, who has absolutely no clue how to express his feelings for her, so the only thing he can think to do is leave these small gifts when she's not around.
They’re both idiots, but I love them so much your honour ❤❤❤
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elvhenomenon · 12 days ago
anyone else here hc their mourn watch rook's knowledge of anatomy really coming into handy when seducing their partner esp if said mourn watch rook is a virgin like mine is.
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rook-laidir · 20 days ago
Random Rook Headcanons
Some random headcanons for my goober that I can’t justify making separate posts for. Enjoy!
- When Rook escaped slavery, they scrounged up as much gold as they could for 2 things - a ham and cheese sandwich and a bar of chocolate. They made both of those last much longer than they should’ve when they snuck onto a ship heading for Rivain
- Rook liked Neve at first but thought she and the Shadow Dragons were full of shit when Neve first mentioned them. Rook was half expecting an elaborate Tevinter trap to bring them back in and punish them for thinking they could escape. Now, they see the Shadow Dragons as a group trying to bring about real, actual change in a city Rook never saw themselves returning to. They don’t love Minrathous, but they reluctantly like Dock Town now and it’s all their fault.
- Rook LOVES puzzles. All pretenses of playing dumb are GONE when the dungeon has a puzzle with some pressure plates or statues with glowing eyes. They’ve put extensive thought into what their three wishes would be if one of the artifacts they find ever ends up being a magic lamp.
- Harding asked them what three things they’d bring on a deserted island. They gave a very similar answer to Neve’s - a boat, a sailor, and at least three days worth of food and water. Harding grumbled everyone on the team being terrible at this game. Their real answer is a box of fancy chocolates, a book so bad it’s good, and a deck of cards.
- Rook figured out they’re non-binary after being with the Lords for a few years. They experimented with their hair and clothes for a bit before settling on their current look. Isabela refuses to let them forget the mullet.
- Varric called them Rook once and Rook went “Thanks for the new name, Varric!” They haven’t looked back since.
- Rook and Taash once used one of the laser puzzles in Arlathan forest to write “BOOBS” into the ground. They laughed for 20 minutes. The Lords of Fortune are just Like This.
- Rook’s flirting with Neve was a joke until it wasn’t. Neve spotted the difference right away. Rook took a little longer.
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wanderingjedi77 · 6 months ago
Not my Rook having no idea how to handle herself at court and everyone pitching in ideas that get increasingly more ridiculous with every turn. "You should steal the divines hat." Not my Rook hugging Lucanis first thing in the morning as he makes breakfast, or giving her companions a kiss on the cheek as she passes them. Not my Rook falling asleep at her work desk and Neve waking her up with a gentle caress and a hot cup of tea. Not my Rook teaching manfred to play fetch with Assan or Bellara leaving trinkets for Rook that have protection spells on them because no one wants to see their Rook hurt.
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opulentshits · 2 months ago
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What's in Rook's inventory?
Our possessions tell a story of who we are and what we value. Here are some items Lenore keeps in her bag while travelling across Thedas! (inspired by citadrells on X)
A Mourn Watcher's grave gold: Kept in a purple satin pouch. A reminder of one's roots. I'd like to think spirits can also sense the presence of grave gold even if they are not worn, allowing Lenore to continue to perform her duties as a Mourn Watcher outside of Nevarra.
A scalpel and some bandages: A Mourn Watcher can never be too prepared! Even though Lenore is a Reaper, all Mourn Watchers undergo field medical training.
A bag of random knick knacks from a charming skeleton: It contains a piece of string, some (very dry) almonds, a griffon feather, leaves (also dry), rocks and exactly, three marbles. The bag was sewn by Manfred. He seems to have picked up the love language of gift giving from his father, not that Lenore is complaining.
Incense sticks from Nevarra: These ones in particular smell like patchouli and amber moss. Lenore brought these with her when she left the Necropolis. Emmrich acquired some for himself and started using them in his laboratory.
A white marble rook chess piece: A gift from Varric for a job well done. A piece to remember Varric and his lessons by. Lenore likes to hold on to it while she thinks. The coolness of the smooth stone keeps her grounded.
A bound journal: Used to document Lenore's adventures and current events. Occasionally, you will find sketches of a particular dapper necromancer. The pages themselves have a slight floral fragrance from the pressed flowers. Some pages are stained by the flowers. Lenore likes to think it adds personality to the journal.
Elfroot potions: Handy for a quick fix! Emmrich makes sure that Lenore is always stocked with potions.
A bit of kohl, dusty red eyeshadow and perfume oil that smells like Vanilla, Vetiver and Cardamom: Warrior or not, Lenore likes to look good. A little bit of make up and perfume goes a long way.
Bag of Money: Lenore started saving up quite a bit ever since she started her adventures with Varric. Ever the gentleman, Emmrich does not let her use her money as he insists on paying for everything whenever they are out together.
A healing salve: Made by Emmrich. A simple mixture of camphor, mint, cajuput, clove and a bit of elfroot extract in shea butter. Handy for that stiff left wrist, or any bruises. Seeing the jar always makes Lenore smile.
A small box of chocolates from an Antivan confectionery: Courtesy of Lucanis when Lenore requested for chocolates on the shopping list. It comes in a bedazzled tin. The chocolates are rationed to Lenore slowly so she doesn't eat them all in one sitting. Lenore is partial to gianduja and strawberry cream filled bonbons.
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foreverlilmeowmeow · 2 months ago
So I finally got the conversation with Lucanis and Emmerich about Lucanis trying to Gift someone a knife (spoiler it's Viago) and what I find so funny about this conversation is that in my own head cannon that I've created is that my crow!Rook is the younger sibling of Viago and that she knew about this little flirt back then. What she wasn't expecting, though (years later), that she would end up being with Lucanis instead. Does Lucanis still have feelings for Vi? More than likely not, but at least he'll still be apart of the de Riva family after all, and instead of being with Vi he ended up with my Rook.
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vampsquerade · 2 months ago
Hi, can I please ask for yhe GIGN operators response to their SO getting catcalled?
hi anon! thank you so much for this ask and your extended patience oh my god. i’m apologizing in every single one of these new uploads bc some of these asks have been here since July 2023…i’m so sorry. but i hope you enjoy this!
GIGN (+Lion CBRN) Headcanons: S/O Getting Catcalled
Warnings: mentions of: unwanted sexual advances, unwanted attention, threats of/actual physical altercations, spitting, comfort
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☆ Gustave was a pretty secure man when it came to his relationships.
☆ Mature, sweet, loving, and loyal, the Frenchman would never want anything to happen to his beloved whenever they both went on an outing.
☆ So when another man suddenly came up to you with the intent of chatting you up, getting your number, or even going home with you, he felt a pang of passive-aggression swell in his heart.
☆ Gustave would purposely intertwine your fingers together with his just so the man could see.
☆ He’d cover your drink and even take it off your hands, telling you you can chat up with the man as much as you wanted. He loved getting ammunition against the people who thought they even had a chance, anyways.
☆ The moment he hears the other man try and impress you with the fact that he was a doctor, Gustave chuckled and rolled his eyes.
☆ “You’ll have to do much better than that, mon ami,” he’ll say as he takes a good, hard look at the man.
☆ He was barely any competition for Gustave.
☆ He recounts the remnants of the Outbreak that occurred and how he was one of the selected doctors. Gustave smirks and scoffs, knowing he had ammunition now.
☆ Gustave digs into the man, this time thankful it’s more personal, chastising him for how utterly snobbish he was even during the Outbreak. Your arm clings to his as he continues on, your eyes fixated on his face as he scolds the man more and more.
☆ He’s definitely won once the man starts blubbering, flustered and embarrassed with the way he excuses himself and leaves.
☆ “Mmm, perhaps I’ll have to make sure nobody gets to you…I’ll have to start marking you up all over just to get these men to know you belong to me, mon cœur…”
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♡ Olivier is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to his partners. He doesn’t argue much, but there will be the occasional spat here and there.
♡ He still has a bit of trouble opening up but he’s a pretty attentive lover after having learned from his mistakes.
♡ Olivier sticks by your side whenever the two of you go out, wanting to make sure you’re safe and that you never feel threatened.
♡ He holds your hand as the two of you walk home from a date, leaving you on the inside of the sidewalk for your safety.
♡ “Hey sweetheart!” The two of you will suddenly hear from across the street.
♡ You feel Olivier tighten his hold on your hand, making sure the two of you don’t get separated if that idiot crosses the street.
♡ Which he does. Unceremoniously as well, considering the way he staggers from side to side and trips.
♡ “Walk in front of me a little. I’ll keep holding your hand,” Olivier will warn you as his eyes narrow just a bit.
♡ Doing as you’re told, you walk forward a little and squeeze his hand tighter. This causes the drunken man to become upset.
♡ “Come on, babe! Ditch the loser so I can show you a real good time! Bet I can take care of you better than him!” he exclaims, trying his best to keep up.
♡ The man then suddenly kicks Olivier's ankle, nearly making him trip. That pisses him off so bad that he lets go of your hand and gives a mean swing to the drunken man without even turning to look at him.
♡ “Idiot,” Olivier says as he turns to look at the now passed out drunk before grabbing your hand again, “don’t try that shit again. Now let’s get you back home—I’d rather you not have to deal with that again.”
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♪ Julien was a fairly easygoing lover when it came to his partners.
♪ Sure he was cocky, was proud of what he had, and was a bit complicit in you being left alone in public, but god damn did his cockiness call for trouble sometimes.
♪ It meant a few arguments here and there between the two of you but that didn’t mean he didn’t love you. He’d take you out shopping a lot thanks to his…generous paychecks, from his line of work.
♪ He’ll get distracted from time to time whenever the two of you are together and will occasionally leave you by yourself, leaving you open as he looks for something you wanted.
♪ “You look like a cut of fuckable meat…” A man suddenly says as he comes behind you, thinking you’re alone. “Are you?”
♪ His statement makes your skin crawl, causing you to grow uneasy. You’re about to turn around to get away but the man grabs your wrist tightly and forces you to look at him.
♪ “Piss off! Leave me alone, I’m taken!” You yell, finally doing what you needed to alert Julien.
♪ And when you got catcalled in Julien’s presence? He gets angry—like his ego is being checked—and he starts a fight.
♪ He runs over to you with the thing you wanted, quickly tossing it to you when the man lets go of you. His right fist connects to his cheek without warning and he starts shouting profanities, cursing him out.
♪ Julien doesn’t stop hitting the man until people break the two up, even going so far as to spit on the man once separated.
♪ Once everything dies down, Julien apologizes for what you went through and buys you more stuff just to make you feel better.
♪ “Don’t worry about anything else for today. I’ll stick by you and once we get home, I’ll be sure to pamper you some more.”
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✧ Gilles was known by everyone to be the gentle giant of Rainbow and eventually Wolfguard.
✧ He’s kind, generous, and takes care of most of the work because he thinks you shouldn’t have to work for yourself.
✧ When you’re in public, he allows you to stray but just tells you to stay within his line of sight. He was tall, so that was easy.
✧ Gilles is incredibly protective of you and will be more than willing to throw a punch if it was necessary.
✧ “Damn, you’ve got a pretty nice ass,” he hears a random man say one day as you’re both out shopping.
✧ Gilles’s blood begins to boil when he hears you shout “Hey!” you exclaim, his head lifting as he turns to look at you.
✧ He’s happy you slapped the man in the face because he knew damn well so much worse would happen if Gilles got to him before you could.
✧ He stalks up behind you two and puts his hand firmly on the man’s shoulder. He even squeezes it as hard as he can to watch the man crumble.
✧ “Who are you to be so disrespectful to a married person? Hm?” He growls as he gets to eye level with the man as he glares.
✧ The man stared up at Gilles with a horrified look, looking at your finger and noticing the ring on it and immediately began blubbering, scrambling away.
✧ Gilles then asks how you’re doing, concerned for your well-being and immediately shifting to be the same kind man you’ve come to love.
✧ “I’m okay now, thank you for coming over…how about we go home now? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that angry before…” you’ll suggest. And of course, who is he to deny you what you want?
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ruggiesbiologicalfather · 1 month ago
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quimichi · 1 year ago
Pspspsp could I request self-aware Kaeya and Rook (separately) finding out it's the players birthday?
(I think my type in men is a peacock, but a sneaky one)
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. . . . . . . ╰──╮HAPPY BIRTHDAY╭──╯ . . . . . . .
Rook x Reader Kaeya x Reader
A/n: I also love myself a cute pot haircut guy ♡ I didn't know if you wanted the player in the game or not, but I put our MC in the game :) I can do it out of the game too no biggie just ask ♡
ROOK - Let the hunt begin
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Rook Hunt is the kinda person who knows everything, he's a hunter after all. He watches his prey and that is currently you
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ nothing goes by him without him noticing. So, when he found out that today is your birthday, he was more than thrilled
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he's so ready to give you the best presents of them all. Not even Vil could compare with the designer skin care set. Rook had a watchful eye all year over you and memorized everything you enjoy and take a liking too
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ you will, no, you must notice him now. He isn't hiding, heis on full display for the day, ready to sweep you off your feet and have the attention of the MC on him for the day. Only on him, he is begging for it with what he does.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Rook made so sure you will notice he ADORES you more than anyone else. Because the truth is, nobody adores you more than him. You are the MC, the player and the main character of the story, if you ask him to warship you, he will. Without any questions he would kneel in front of you and warship you the rest of his days, because you are true beauty and perfection.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ and your birthday is giving him the best opportunity for this. You're thirsty? Have this water. Hungry? Take his lunch. Your legs are tired even while sitting down? Use him as a foot rest
KAEYA - Life's greatest illusions are the ones we believe in ourselves
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ oh~? So it's your birthday huh? What a pleasant surprise!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he does care a lot about you, but at the same time showing it makes it difficult. Just letting anyone near him is difficult. He loves you, adores you, is obsessed with you. And he for sure is smooth about them feelings for ya.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he refuses to let you play with his feelings for much longer. How dare you milk him dry with that smile of yours, your kind words and generous actions towards him that he just wants to return especially on your birthday, ugh f you.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ those negative feelings are long gone because of you. He is still this closed off Worshipper of you, but accepted the feelings he has for his creator.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ and since it's your birthday he will have an opportunity to ket those feelings slip out without being to weird about them. Yes, all the others are also giving you the best absolut presents but somehow his felt special to you
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ there was a thought behind the present, something you truly needed, not wanted, but needed. You can tell he spend his sweet time and money getting that and although for others it might not be special, it truly is. No diamond ring or ancient parfume could ever compare to what he gave you
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he literally said, "Fuck ya'll, I'm their fav now" cause yes, he is. Oh btw, he just found out on your birthday, that it's your birthday---
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ because you never told anyone really so everything was kinda chaotic and people were going crazy over the fact. So did Kaeya-he usually always keeps his cool but you make him lose his shit
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preciouslittlewatcher · 3 months ago
SO I hc that my rook Kione (mourn watch rook) is also an artist. So she and Emmrich will take walks in nature while he points out his favourite flowers and she draws them in her sketchbook for him to turn into diagrams later.
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prefect-of-memes · 2 years ago
Rook be like “Mon cher Trickster, may my flèche d'amour (arrow of love) reach your heart.” 😌🥰
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Yuu: 💢 *eye twitch* ROOOOOOOOOOK! 🤬
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feaches · 28 days ago
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Their fathers are brothers, if you can believe it.
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karter-xoxoxoxox333 · 2 years ago
CW: French, light cursing, pencil as w3apon 😨😨
Epel had finally escaped Vil and came to ramshackle for freedom. Knowing in the state it was in currently, Vil would most likely steer clear of entering. He sat with you on the crusty and oddly crunchy ramshackle couch, finally free from the “torture” that was etiquette lessons.
“No no prefect you don’t get it . Do you know how hard it is to be all prim and proper in pomefiore??” He groaned,” all the ‘elbows off the table Epel’ and ‘Epel that’s not the salad fork that’s the fish fork’ What even is a fish fork??? Why do you need more than one fork one fork works just fine!!”
You looked at epel with the most dead serious expression you could muster ,
“Do you know how hard it is to live with ligma Epel? You don’t understand MY pain. So stop complaining 🤧🤧”
“…What’s ligma..?”
You couldn’t break character now, you were too far in..
“Ligma balls”
As Epel’s expression melted from confusion to disgust to you couldn’t help but start giggling.
“Prefect. what the fuxk”
Today sucked. Legitimately. So you lie your head down, prepared to fall into a lovely sleep. And suddenly you feel a pair of eyes on you.
That’s not cool.
But out of fear you decide not to move, then you hear quiet footsteps coming from behind you.
You have a pencil in hand , and your grip on it tightens.
They get closer and closer and you can almost hear their heartbeat they’re so close. Then you strike..?
Someone grabbed the pencil out of your hand before you could get a good stab in.
“Ah Trickster…tu as blessé mes sentiments!! How could you ever intend to wound a poor hunter such as me?”
You sigh as loud as possible, just to really rub in your annoyance. “Rook you scared the shit out of me. I can’t stand guys with ligma.”
Rook stares at you for a few seconds, and you can’t really tell what he’s thinking until he says,” What might ligma be?”
“Ligma balls”
You , burst out in giggles. Rook however, only lightly chuckles.
“My trickster your humor is as melodic as the sweet singing of a bird,” he pulls out a creepily perfect rose from out of thin air,” Would you care to join me in seeing the film Bofa?”
“Bofa?? What???”
“Both of these nuts in your mouth.”
Your face only expresses pure shock.
He takes a picture.
(Odd choice.)
Vil told you to come over so he could do your makeup for some publicity event NRC was doing . So obviously you showed up because let’s be real , you didn’t have a choice.
“Thank you for being punctual prefect.”
“Yeah yeah.. So what do you need me to do?”
He stares at you for a second like you asked the dumbest question he’s ever heard. “I need you to sit.”
You walk over to the vanity seat and sit down (it’s very comfy 😼😼) ,” Dang dang I’m sorry I’m sorry I had too much up dog this morning for breakfast.”
“Potato. Don’t consider me so stupid as to fall for your silly ploys.”
Then he starts doing your makeup, “Vil do you know why I need to go to this event in the first place?? It feels kind of ligma to me.” You ask.
“Potato, the headmaster invited you. So you must go,” he pulls your hair out of your face a bit rougher than needed,”- now quit asking questions and be still you’ll crease the foundation.”
When he finishes you look like you eat 3 healthy meals and day and have your life together, like the embodiment of perfection ,” Thanks vil !! I look so pretty-“ you lift your hand up to touch your face.
He smacks it away. “Yes yes I know. Now if you had used the skincare I gave you, you wouldn’t need makeup to look as stunning as you do now.” He grabs for a hair curler.
You never got to make your joke.
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rook-laidir · 2 months ago
It’s never really mentioned whether or not Solas can hear Rook’s thoughts, but I’d like to think Rook gets petty and gets annoying songs stuck in their head on purpose just to piss him off
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wanderingjedi77 · 6 months ago
Not my Rook cuddling with the closest companion on hand because it reassures her. Not Taash helping Rook reach the highest shelves by walking around with Rook on one shoulder or Neve giving Rook forehead kisses when she makes her proud. Not Emmerich teaching Rook how to waltz in the library as he hums a tune or Lace leaving Rook fresh flowers in the morning because it makes her smile. Not Bellara and Rook doing their best not to laugh and failing as Assan knocks Davrin off his feet and having to hold onto each other to keep steady or Lucanis making up a cheese plate in the middle of the night and sharing with Rook as they talk about everything and nothing in the quiet of the evening
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thesummerstorms · 2 months ago
I think Arsinoë got like, the bare minimum crash course on the "seduction" side of the whole Crow thing. Not charming a mark in general, but specifically the "seduction" side.
The official reasons were always that
a) She had too many visible/notable scars from her time as an Apostate and in the Circle (?). A few could have been played off as part of a "dashing rogue" persona. But especially as a woman, the scars on her face and neck of all places stood out too much for any of the normal ingénue  or even fem fatale roles.
b) House de Riva was notoriously short on mages due to a legacy of choices made by the current Talon and her predecessors which is why Arsinoë was purchased to begin with. While mages could do the whole seduction bit, resources were short enough that it would be a waste to cross-train their most promising mage Fledgling into roles others could fill.
Beneath those official roles though... Arsinoë was terrible at it. She's somewhere along the aro/ace spectrum, and even if she didn't know that as a teenager, knowing the mechanics of sex and romance did not make her understand it well enough to understand how it would relate to herself in those contexts.
Having Viago de Riva, the extremely buttoned up, socially awkward, hyper-paranoid poisoner, as her mentor did not help in that regard at all.
It could very easily have been held as a mark against her, but she could wear other kinds of roles well enough to get by and again, House de Riva didn't need another silver-tongued charmer. They needed a Mage. And even if Arsinoë didn't let herself show a propensity for spirit healing, her magic was still strong in other capacities.
Ultimately the then Talon, Esma de Riva, just made a disgusted noise and told the relevant trainers that punishing and cutting away at a hammer for its refusal to be a knife would only ruin both weapons.
Arsinoë's training was adjusted accordingly, which was something of a relief to both her and Viago, though the latter would never admit it.
(When he finally made his coup, he did make a point of taking one or two of the more...overzealous teachers down with Esma, even though their loyalty might have been bought.)
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