#he probably saw what was coming too and tried to brush it off and deny it but nah!
spark-circuit · 2 years
late night (early morning?) thought but my god I love the foreshadowing/lampshading in Not For Broadcast's script. like it's one of those things where you're not really going to see it coming at first but if you've already seen the entire plot and are rewatching it, they clearly point between it and the player like "eh? eeeeehh???".
example in that The Heatwave's final segment looks like it came out of almost nowhere on a blind playthrough unless you're paying attention to the other screens and reading the subtitles, but looking back at the other screens in Rushes afterwards (and also for previous days' other screens/Rushes, see The Election and The Silence), you can just see all the writing on the Advance-funded walls of the newsroom. the main plot of Advance vs Disrupt is good, but the National Nightly News and its casters is what really drives the story forward.
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simplyreveries · 9 months
when theyre pining; vice dorm leaders!
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trey clover
trey always had an eye on you ever since he met you, as the "magicless person from another world" he was pretty intrigued by you. he only grew closer to you from there. with his personality i feel like its easy to take his intentions more as a friend more than someone who's interested in you. and trey tries his best to get his feelings across that hes fallen quite literally hopeless for you. (will die if you ever hit him with the "oh youre like such a friend/brother to me!")
ace gets so offended when you get all the extras of his treats or that you're the first one to get some of his baked goods. he’ll complain that saying that “that's no fair- you're trey’s favorite!” and trey laughs but doesn’t deny it.
he tries to be as helpful and caring towards you, he does feel some remorse for your situation and all too. if you need help with anything pleaasee go to him because he loves being someone you can rely on.
ok so, trey can flirt... if hes not thinking about it. like if he puts himself into this mindset of "I'm totally going to woo you with these words" he is a fool. we all saw his painful attempts during the ghost marriage event. I'll never forget that he compared the brides' eyes to grapes.... needless to say, he totally messes up around you like that all the time. cater once happened to witness one of these instances and went through the five stages of grief.
ruggie bucchi
ruggie plays off any feelings he has towards you like he's not taking it seriously. he gives off pretty confusing signals during the beginning when he started to develop feelings for you. perhaps its just because of how overwhelmed he feels and doesn't know how to physically handle it. he cannot get you out of his brain no matter how much he tries.
he finds it hard to trust. when someone does something for him he always assumes it's because they're going to want something in return. so when you just help him sometimes when you catch him doing some random tasks for leona and try to help him hes... confused. and truthfully doesn't accept your help for a while, he'll brush it off. but he still remembers that.
judging by your situation and practically being thrown into this world without any of your own belongings, you're in a tight spot with money. sometimes when he does shifts at the mostro lounge and sees you there he starts to try sparking conversations with you. though it's probably him attempting to discreetly make fun of some customer that was being rude to you. ruggie feels all giddy and excited when he makes you laugh.
he gets all playful around you, you know he's around when you hear his mischievous laugh. sometimes he uses "laugh with me" to move you closer to him he'd say "i didnt know you were so excited to see me...!" and laugh. you can only roll your eyes.
jade leech
jade is... interesting when it comes to having feelings. because its pretty intense once you've caught his attention. he's also just so strange when it comes to showing that. as much as he desperately does want to call you his and all, he enjoys the stage where you're unaware of how he feels. he thinks it's like a game to win you over or something and he likes a little challenge.
jades love language is telling you that he saw a nice-looking mushroom during one of his hikes and it reminded him of you. okay seriously though, he'll love to share to you all about his little terrariums, he's quite proud of himself.
he loves it whenever you come by the mostro lounge, trust me he'll be there ready to serve you the moment you're there. he playfully tells you that you're his favorite customer. so, you get extra good meals done specially by jade, he'll ask you what you thought of it. one time he messed with you by telling you he used a random plant he found and wanted to know if it was edible... and was like "hehe...i kid, dont worry".. he thought your reaction was quite amusing.
not going to lie this guy literally just spawns like you could be in the library chatting with grim and turn around and he's there??? he smiles and is like "ah (name) how pleasant to see you here." :))) HUH??
jamil viper
jamil was in complete denial with his feelings for you, he hated himself almost because he feels like he is making the biggest mistake falling in love with someone from a completely different world. he has never felt so intensely about someone until you arrived. to push his feelings away for a while and just yearned for you from a distance.
nevertheless, you being you always try to talk and get closer to him, and he can't resist his feelings growing so much with each conversation (even if it's mostly one sided from your behalf). whenever he sees you at one of kalims parties and celebrations he almost freezes and can only stare at you... until kalim follows his line of vision and gets an excited grin, starting to laugh and its over for jamil. that guy is going to make so many painfully obvious attempts at getting the two of you together.
he gets pretty quiet around you, if you didn't know him well it may seem like he didn't like you but trust me that is absolutely not the case here. since he listens and remembers a lot of what you say, he tries to use that as an opportunity to attempt talking more to you. it's cute to see him try, even if its mundane things like cooking. but if you bring up hobbies, he enjoys like basketball club and dancing he'll become more talkative.
whenever you do small things like acknowledge him?? compliment him?? hes smitten and hates it so much. usually, these things don't really matter to him when he hears it from others but when it comes from you? its very important. you sound so genuine too about it. or even go out of your way to help him with anything since he has a lot on his plate as vice dorm leader.
rook hunt
once he's got his eye on you it's over because you're going to be constantly seeing him everywhere...! he is so incredibly infatuated with you and won't hesitate to tell you that. you've captivated him in every way- he finds your beauty to be irresistible, that he finds it a no-brainer that he's deeply harboring feelings for someone such as yourself.
rook is literally so weird when it comes to you im sorry. but its ROOK. he notices everything about you "is this a new perfume? ah its so lovely!! beauté!!" right after you just awkwardly said "good morning" to him when he was staring at you blissfully.
speaking of staring... wowie he cannot take his eyes off of you. he'll sigh dreamily like RIGHT next to you with his head in his hands thinking how truly captivating you are. and whenever you decide to talk to him, he literally listens to every word you say- but hey, at least no conversation with him is dry or boring with him because this man can talk forever about anything. he'll even tell you more about himself.
he tends to put you on this pedestal. literally, you can do nothing wrong in his eyes. rook will write you poems upon poems, gifting your beautiful things and tells you that they remind him of you, and he just simply had to give them to you.
lilia vanrouge
done here!
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heliads · 1 year
Hello <3 I was wondering if maybe you could write a charles leclerc fic?? Reader could be in charge of social media and fans start to realise that charles flirts with whoever is behind the camera? Sorry if its too vague, but I love your writing and had to send something in
i cheered audibly when i saw this, please let me write more f1 fics
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When you were just getting started with your career, someone once asked you if you’d ever consider running a social media campaign for something cute, like a zoo or rescue company. You answered them with a firm no; everyone knows animals never work on camera the way you want them to, and you didn’t want that sort of stress in your life. 
You think the universe must be laughing at you, because funnily enough, what you’re doing right now is exactly like herding cats, but you don’t even get adorable animals for your troubles. No, the Formula One media circus is a nightmare, but it’s a well televised nightmare, and that means your job as head of social media for the Scuderia Ferrari F1 team entails a great deal more metaphorical manhandling of the drivers than you’d ever envisioned.
It’s not even metaphorical all the time, the manhandling. Sometimes it’s just you sending out a great deal of mass emails when someone says something they probably shouldn’t or the Ferrari TikTok page is going through a content drought, but sometimes it’s more. Sometimes it’s like today, when you’re forcing the two drivers to go through yet another competition so the YouTube channel can get another push of subscribers.
You’ve done a lot of careful research over the months that you’ve been here, all dedicated to finding out just what sells the best, so to speak. As of late, you’ve learned that the viewers at home really like competitions and challenge videos. Apparently seeing two men who are obviously great friends go head to head over something as pointless as music trivia or Ping Pong is the pinnacle of motorsport content.
It’s not like you’re complaining. More views means a better paycheck for you at the end of the year. The fans like what you’re producing, and Ferrari likes the fans. It all works out in the end, and who are you to deny the Tifosi their favorite entertainment?
Of course, if you were to actually tell the two red-suited drivers that you refer to them as content and entertainment in the private recesses of your own mind, they probably wouldn’t be too happy. That’s why you keep that to yourself. Besides, they’re your friends. Charles and Carlos may make a lot of problems in your life, but who doesn’t? You’re not exactly perfect either. 
You don’t have to be perfect, though, you just have to come up with good ideas and let the boys be funny on their own. Charles said he liked that best about you, actually, that you let them do their own thing most of the time. The previous social media managers had tried to get them to fit this specific picture of what a Ferrari driver should be, but you never did that. You just wanted them to be them. 
You’re perfectly willing to brush that off as a compliment to a coworker, though. In truth, you’re working constantly to paint these two in the best possible light. It gets stressful sometimes, constantly wracking your brain to make each video work, each post take off. You are affecting how millions of people see Charles and Carlos. Hell, you’re practically filtering their legacy all by yourself. 
It’s not a task you take lightly, to say the least. Maybe that’s why Ferrari is content to keep you around. This is a job that you’d like to extend as long as you can. Just like Charles has worked with overly pushy social media handlers, you’ve worked with total diva clients. Neither of the Ferrari drivers are like that in the slightest, which you appreciate more than anything. 
That isn’t to say that they only ever make your life easy. Right now, for instance, you’ve been begging them to focus for the better part of ten minutes. It’s like working with elementary schoolers. You put anything in front of them and they’re totally distracted before you’ve so much as told them what they’re supposed to be doing. 
Today’s video of choice is a long-anticipated cooking video. Charles versus Carlos, the drivers have been given a mystery basket of ingredients à la Chopped. They’ll have half an hour to come up with a dish of choice, and if the time crunch weren’t enough to stress them out, you’ll be judging their culinary creations when time is called. It’s the perfect setup for a hit video, so if all goes well, you’ll see this on the trending page soon enough. 
That is, if you manage to survive this encounter long enough to post the results. By the time you manage to wrangle the drivers’ attention back to you, Charles has attempted to learn the contents of the bag through interpretive dance and hand gestures with the cameramen and Carlos has accidentally turned his stove on thrice. The third time the fires clicked on, he almost set a napkin ablaze. Both drivers are red faced from trying not to break into mad laughter again. 
You clap your hands once. “Alright, are we finally ready to get started?”
Carlos nudges Charles in the side. “Look, she’s disappointed in you already and she hasn’t even tasted your cooking. This means I am going to win by a lot.”
Charles scoffs, but you swear his barely suppressed smile drops in a second when Carlos mentions your disappointment. “Y/N would never be disappointed in me,” he protests, “I am her favorite, obviously.”
He turns to you, raising his hands in your direction as if asking you to prove his point. You shake your head. “I don’t have favorites, Charles. That would not promote a fun workplace environment.”
“Of course,” Charles nods sagely. “If you had a favorite, though, it would be me.”
Carlos snickers, and in an effort to keep their focus with you before you lose them again, you clear your throat and read out the rules of the cooking contest. The drivers say their dutiful bits about how they’re each going to win this by a landslide, and then time begins and they’re off to the culinary races. 
The covers on the baskets go flying. Charles holds up each object in turn, announcing them in tones of increasing panic. “Butter. Flour. Eggs. Green olives? Three strawberries? A box of spaghetti? Pepperoni?”
“You forgot the chocolate and red onion,” Carlos points out helpfully. 
Charles tosses his teammate a withering glare, then turns the full force of his vexation back to you. “Y/N, you are trying to kill me.”
“Charles,” you say, “we talked about that.”
Charles’ brow furrows as he tries to remember what you mean. It hits him as last and he groans, slapping a hand to his forehead in mock desolation. You’ve noticed that Charles has been mentioning you by name a lot in videos, leading to general confusion among fans. As you’ve reminded him many times before, you’re not supposed to be the focus, he is, so he needs to stop bringing you up all the time. Viewers don’t care about who’s filming the content, after all, just who’s in front of the camera. It’s a tip handed down directly from your boss to you.
Charles still grins at you even as he continues unpacking his ingredients. “I can’t help it, you know that. You’re too good, I want to mention you all the time.”
You scoff. “Good at what? Keeping you in line?”
“Everything,” he says, and raises his eyebrows suggestively. 
You roll your eyes and tell him to focus, but even this instruction doesn’t last long. Barely five minutes later, Charles is bringing up the fact that he’s going to totally win this thing because cooking is, like, a love language, right? And he’s the best at love, he declares, winking conspicuously in your direction. Carlos launches an oven mitt at his head and mutters something that the microphones don’t pick up, something that conveniently has the same number of syllables as stop flirting. 
Charles is steadily making jokes the entire duration of the video, actually, and usually you wouldn’t mind this but they’re all spoken with the intention of getting you to laugh. Not the camera, as he’s been told to do before. You. 
You do your best to keep it off your mind. Both drivers have gotten better about opening up on camera since they started, and this is probably just Charles trying something new in an effort to improve his on-screen personality. After all, it can be hard to direct all your charisma towards a camera, why not aim all your smiles at the person filming instead?
The contest ends soon enough. You end up awarding Charles with the win, mainly due to the fact that Carlos’ hand accidentally slipped as he was attempting to strain his pasta and he ended up losing all of his spaghetti down the sink. His plate consisted of sauce and decorative strawberry slices, which, although tasty, did not contain several key ingredients and resulted in an automatic disqualification. 
Despite the rather shaky grounds on which his cooking victory stands, from the way Charles is acting, you’d think he’d won the WDC. He’s beaming at you, talking about how he’d called this from the very start and was proud that you liked his stuff the best. He even offers to wash the dishes, which is very un-driverlike. 
The video ends up a success by all accounts. Even days later, it’s still trending in Tifosi circles, and the view counts are way higher than expected. Curious as to why, you decide to do the unthinkable and check the comments section of the cooking video.
What you find is– unexpected, to say the least. Usually, comments on any post, whether it be Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube, will range from fans lamenting race outcomes to people mentioning their favorite driver to random spam accounts offering thousands of dollars to the lucky person to message them first.
On this video, though? Most all of the comments are about you. This makes no sense, because not only were you on camera for about one minute, you didn’t do anything other than give instructions and judge food. Antonio Giovinazzi did the same job on a video last year, and no one cared at all. Antonio’s actually well-known in the world of motorsports, so why is it that you, someone who largely operates behind the scenes, would be the cause of so much fuss?
Curious, you start scrolling in depth, but find yourself more confused with every reply you see.
He’s totally flirting with her, right?
Is anyone else seeing the fact that Charles is freaking out over trying to impress this girl?
His face when she declared him the winner… I can’t even with him!!
Charles trying to protect Y/N by refusing to let Carlos salvage his sink pasta– they’re dating, right???
You find yourself laughing over it. This can’t be real. Surely nobody in the world actually thinks that Charles Leclerc– F1 driver, Ferrari superhero, Il Predestinato and supporter of all Tifosi hopes and dreams, multi-millionaire– would ever have a crush on you. It’s absurd. It’s so absurd that you find yourself racing to the office of another one of your friends in social media to get her opinion on it.
Your friend looks up at you, startled, when you burst into her office. “Has someone died?”
“No,” you gasp out, “worse.”
Her eyebrows raise. “One of the drivers had a scandal? We can fix this. Get me B-roll of them volunteering or something. We can turn this around in no time.”
“No,” you say weakly, “the Internet thinks I’m dating Charles Leclerc.”
Your friend freezes in her seat, finger still hovering over the call icon on Fred Vasseur’s contact in her phone, then slowly sinks back again. “Well, yeah, I can see why.”
You gape at her. “What?”
Your friend spreads her hands. “He follows you around everywhere you go. He’s always asking about you, you know. I kind of thought you two had a thing as well, it’s not just the Tifosi.”
You break out into somewhat crazed laughter. “Charles? You think Charles likes me? No, that’s ridiculous.”
Your friend, however, looks less skeptical of this news. “Is it really? I mean, he spent the entirety of shooting just cracking stupid jokes so he could make you laugh. You should have seen the way he stared at you whenever you so much as smiled. Man was transfixed.”
You shoot her a disbelieving look. “No– transfixed? Are you kidding? He wasn’t transfixed. He wanted to win a contest because he’s a racing driver and they like to be the best at everything. I’ll tell you what it was, he was trying to win me over so I’d decide the competition in favor of his cooking.”
Your friend chuckles. “You really are oblivious, aren’t you?”
You take a careful seat opposite her desk. “You’d better explain to me what you mean by that right now, or I swear, I’ll make you brainstorm TikTok ideas for the next month.”
Your friend shudders. “Anything but that, please. Those trends are so bad. Anyway, look, Charles has been obsessed with you since, like, the day you joined. I remember introducing you that day, actually, he was practically stammering over his words. Imagine that, someone who’s always so controlled with what he says whenever he talks to the press, and he can’t even say his name properly because a pretty girl is smiling at him.”
This whole situation feels insane. “Maybe you’re remembering it wrong or something. He wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t like me like that.”
“Wouldn’t he?” Your friend asks slowly, and, well, it makes you think.
It makes you think about all of the videos you’ve shot with him, every discussion after a press conference. How taking candids for the Instagram of Charles always takes ten times longer than it should because he never looks at the camera, only at you. How you greeted him earlier this year at the first race of the season and he said what he missed most of all over winter break was you. How he wasn’t even kidding when he said it, just smiling, smiling like he’d never meant something more in his life.
“Oh my God,” you breathe, “Charles likes me.”
Your friend slaps her hand on the desk, startling you. “See? This is exactly what I’m talking about.”
“What do I do, then?” You ask.
Your friend looks like she’s about to scream. “You tell him how you feel, obviously!”
“I do?” You repeat haltingly.
“You do,” she says, “And he’s right across the hall now. Go talk.”
She all but pushes you out of her office, and then you’re alone in the corridor with Charles, who has just spotted you and is heading your way with the brightest grin you’ve ever seen.
“Y/N!” He says, clearly pleased, “It’s so good to see you. I didn’t think our paths would cross until the next race.”
“Yeah?” You eke out, “Me neither, actually. Strange how things happen like that.”
Strange like friends with overly aggressive relationship advice. You’re certain that if you turned around now, you’d see her peering through the window in her door like some kind of stalker.
Charles nods. “I’m glad to see you, though. Did you notice that the last video did really well? I think that means you have to come around more often. You know, it’s what the fans want.”
“Speaking of the fans,” you say, “I happened to read through the comments and a lot of them seemed to think that you were flirting with me.”
You swear you can see Charles’ confidence fall in a flash. “What?” He protests a little too quickly, “that’s crazy. That’s, uh, really crazy.”
You nod. “That’s what I thought, but, on the off chance that you were flirting, I wouldn’t mind it.”
A small spark of hope forms in his eyes. “You wouldn’t?”
“I wouldn’t,” you decide at last, “because I like you too. If you like me, that is, and it wasn’t too crazy of me to say that.”
He’s laughing now, and you– well, you really do like him, you do, and something about seeing the skin at the corners of his eyes crinkle up when he smiles makes you think at last about how long you have liked him, all the ways you realized you loved him but never admitted it to yourself.
“Alright,” he says, “Maybe it wasn’t too crazy after all.”
A pause, then:  “This does mean that you’ll be coming around more often, right?”
You smile. “Yes, Charles, I think it does.”
f1 tag list: @j-brielmalfoy
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hirayaea · 7 months
all the times xavier knew what he was doing (a series)
—part 2
—a masterclass in being sly to get the girl you want
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[ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ]
note: sorry I took so long with part 2, real life ate me up
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tender moments - warm wishes
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hmmm and you just happened to be there at exactly the same time? ok seiya
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if any of you have been to a festival the mood of this card just screams DATE, cause who else would you buy festival food with and split everything in half with but your SO?! we all know this. xavier knows this.
normal friends would be like “I’ll buy this, you’ll buy that, let’s meet in 15? oh maybe can share 1-2 food items” but no this man is “we’re eating everything together right?”
the intimacy of eating from the same plates… saying “no, it’s okay, you take the last piece!” laughing and saying together, “omg it’s really good right?!” blushing when he attempts to feed you… ok none of this happened but you can see the potential, I’m sure xavier saw it too
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suuure you didn’t notice. but the next moment he chooses to read:
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mc!!! he was reading about himself and just fishing, all you had to do was say yes
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tender moments - a captured moment
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earlier in this card MC was complaining that he was too aloof, and to be fair, he did kind of brush her off when he received the cookies. I have a theory its cause he was embarrassed about remembering seeing her skin when her clothes tore a little during battle... but this is not about seiya being embarrassed, this is about him being sly
and he's definitely being sly here because why else would you take a picture of an empty cookie jar if not for proof later on to the girl you like that you ate all of her homemade cookies
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tender moments - dawn to dusk
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ohhh this card, this card. seiya arrives in a backpack and later on you find out that the guide he read was a DATE GUIDE, and the first line literally says "bring a backpack so she can travel light". my man tries to brush it off when MC points it out that it's a travel guide for couples but ahem, ok seiya, nice try, we know this was on purpose. the rest of the card plays very boyfriend when he basically holds the bus ticket for her and does everything she wants
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xavier likes pointing out MC is blushing (this happens in several cards, watch me point it out always) and my girl is also cute here for denying it, but as the point of this post, xavier knows what he's doing... and he knows he's baiting MC but its ok, we're not cowards!!! MC, FIGHT FLIRT RIGHT BACK!!!
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tender moments - an appointment
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oh mc was so caught here he knows she was starin' at him...
I bet he texted Jeremiah right after and was like. "she was staring at me today :)". Jeremiah was probably like, "good 4 u :)" or "??? who?" because he's a bestie like that and besties exist to support you and piss you off at the same time
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note: as always, more to come soon
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komoboko · 10 months
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𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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ft: kokushibo Tsugikuni, douma hashibira, akaza soyama, demon!reader
I’ll probably make a pt 2 for the rest of the demons + the clones ! Banner by @mmadeinheavenn
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# kokushibo ! ☆
KOKUSHIBO takes time to learn he adores you, he starts off with simple admiration. He attempts to convince himself he's just inspired by your talents, your strengths and your skills. He'll even attempt to train or spar with you as his body hopes to get close it you but his mind tries to deny it.
Surprisingly, Kokushibo can be the most self aware about his feelings, once he finally brushes off the denial stage he actually understand how he feels about you. He's been in love during his years as a human, he thinks he knows how to go about this.
Kokushibo is a very traditional man, his skills and knowledge of love are centuries old but he will still go about it the same way he does as a human. He'll watch from afar seeming to get to know you in silence before going after you face to face. He starts off as some sort of admirer of some sort, gifting you roses in secret seems to be his favorite tactic.
Once he's able to approach you face to face, he'll put up an act per say. Trying to get you to like his presence claiming Muzan wants him to train you, in reality he just wants to be close to you. Take in your presence until he finds the comfort into charming and courting you into adoring him as well.
# douma ! ☆
Poor people who are apart cult, because DOUMA is insufferable when he falls in love. While you can’t directly blame the demon as he never experienced such emotions. Even so, he annoys one to many people around him.
Douma ask one too many questions once he finally begins to feel something. His questions are oddly specific and he spits so many out like rapid fire. Some people may not even understand what he's trying to explain, as his descriptions are so abnormal. Don't be mad, he just has so many questions! He needs to know how he feels! He needs to know how he feels for you!!
"Is it normal to feel like the phrase where a certain insect is in your stomach?" or "What do i do when my cheeks rise above the 32 degrees Fahrenheit and become a shade of pink" once he saw a couple in his cult kiss and had bugged them with so many questions.. "what did you both just do with each other? Why do I yearn to do that with name as well?
he clings onto much more then he would originally. He complain once you have to go do missions and will try to accompany you no matter what. the only time you will get some peace is if muzan calls upon one of you. Even then he'll whine having to depart from each other even if its only for a couple of minutes. He's attached to you by the hip, at one point you're going to be annoyed by his antics. if the people in his cult are right about what he feels about you. Maybe being close to you will make you adore him?
# akaza ! ☆
At first AKAZA finds you as a nuisance. His mind tries to push you out of it but he can't help how you invade his thoughts and he can't get his mind off of you! It's not his fault your so intoxicating!
At first, he distances himself from you as he believes your the main problem. he's supposed to be focused on become the strongest and training himself to achieve his goal. he shouldn't be focused on the thought of being by your side and the chance to hold your hand! It's only then when he comes to his senses to realize he's fallen in love with you.
Once he realizes that distancing himself from you isn't the right way to go, he'll approach you.. slowly. It only starts from his commenting on your blood demon art, them commenting on your fighting skills. He even asks for inspiration or for guidance which is something he never say a word about around any other demon. It takes him a while to open up to you and actually begin to fluently have a conversation with you. Once he does get there, you've sure earned a place in his heart.
Douma bugs him about this, he never hears the end about it once the uppermoon knows. He'll pester Akaza about anything about you knowing it gets under his skin, he'll even go as far as to bother you about it. This only lands Douma a missing jaw and an embarrassed Akaza
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ihrtnemi · 3 months
My Love For You
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In where the the newest Flame Hashira is inlove with the Wind Pillar CW: Confession - Fluff - Meanbutkind!Sanemi - Insults - f!reader - Sanemixreader WC: 1779 Header - https://ph.pinterest.com/pin/582090320610795897/ This is the first thing i have ever written and I tried my best in writing it! i hope you guys will enjoy it and its a bit unoriginal since there have probably been multiple works that are in the same genre. I also havent fully proofread the story so sorry for any mistakes :(
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“Caw! Caw! (L/N)! (L/N)! You have received a letter” your kasugai crow shouted as you opened the window for it to enter.
“Huh? What's this about?” you said as you reached for the letter.
The letter was nicely stored in an envelope which smelled like fresh wisteria. As you looked at the letter further, you realized that it had the Ubuyashiki crest, signalizing that the letter had important value. 
“It must be another mission, I hope I'm paired with Mitsuri this time!” you said as you opened the letter. “Oh! Oh! Maybe even Sanemi! I sure hope I'm paired with him.” you murmured as you finally saw the letters' contents. 
You were Kyojuro’s little sister and just like him, you were known to be enthusiastic and kind-hearted. When your older brother died, you took in the responsibility of being the next flame pillar. You were a contrast to Sanemi Shinazugawa’s interior and exterior, you looked like a sweet person and you were. While Sanemi looked scary and also had an aggressive personality. So when people found out that you had a massive crush on him, everyone was caught in disbelief. After all, who would like someone as rude as him?
You didn't know why you liked him to be honest, you didn't deny that he didn't need character development but you also couldn't deny that he didn't look good. He looked handsome and he had an insanely good build. He was also very skilled in his work which made you admire him.
As you read the letter, you were notified that there have been many young males that went missing in a nearby village down north. It was suspected that a Kizuki was residing in the village but whether it was an upper moon or a lower moon the master was unsure. However, contrary to the bad news, you soon discovered that you have indeed been paired on a joint mission with the Wind Pillar. 
“Oh my gosh! I'm going on a mission with Sanemi?!” you shouted. “Me going on a mission with Sanemi, Alone?” you put emphasis in.
You excitedly screamed as you repeated the news in your head for the nth time. As your mind wandered, you decided to cook Ohagi for Sanemi. You noticed that he always carried the faint smell of Ohagi with him. After some time, you finally finished making the food and noticed that it was almost time to go out on the mission. So, you made sure to look extra pretty by adding a bow at the back of your head and a pair of earrings that you had recently bought. You noticed that your lips felt chapped and decided to use lip balm and a bit of lip tint to make sure that your face didn't look too sickly, not that you were of course. 
You took your katana together with the Ohagi and ran towards the meeting place. As you stepped into the Wind Pillar’s yard you didn't find anything except for a few wooden swords on the ground. You looked around once more feeling confused as to where Sanemi was but to no avail, he wasn't there. You told your crow to try and find the Wind Pillar’s crow but as you were about to say it, you heard leaves crunching. You turned to look at where the noises came from and saw him walking towards you.
With the biggest smile on your face you said, “Sanemi! You're here! I was wondering when you would come.”
Instead of greeting you with the same energy, he spoke with coldness and said, “It's Shinazugawa to you.” 
You felt hurt because even after trying to be friends with him for months, he was still as cold to you as it started. Still, you brushed off those feelings and smiled at him again, “Sorry! here, have this as a sorry” shoving the decorated box you had in your hands into his face. 
He looked at you confused, “What the hell is this?” he muttered.
“Ohagi! You smelled like it so I figured that you must have liked it,” you said happily, “And I made it myself! Go on, try it” You looked at him expectantly. 
“No way this is disgusting, why would I eat this?” he walked towards his house leaving you behind. 
You catched up to him and said, “Where are you going?”
“To feed this garbage to my dog, actually he doesn't even deserve to eat this. Maybe I'll give it to Iguro.” he spat.
“Oh,” feeling sad, you said, “Okay, i'll just wait for you at the gate” as you walked towards the gate, walking further away from Sanemi. 
Sanemi turned to look at you and felt a twinge of hurt in his heart, he was scared of the possibility that he actually hurt your feelings but soon brushed it aside as he went to his kitchen counter and placed the food that you made on top for him to eat later. Afterwards, he went outside to meet you. 
You turned around and saw him, “Ready to go?” you said smiling. 
“Yeah, let's go,” he said as he waited for you.
You both ran towards the village, not speaking to each other. Usually you would make conversation but you felt a bit conflicted because of what he said earlier at his house, so you decided to just not talk unless needed. Sanemi noticed that you weren't talking, he wanted to say something but he was too shy and he didn't want to damage his pride. So the entire journey there was dead silent. 
You guys arrived and sat on a rooftop that had an overview of the entire village, it was still daylight so both of you had the time to investigate. By that time, you had cheered up and decided to try and fulfill your fantasies of you and Sanemi ending up together. Your thoughts were cut off when Sanemi put his hand on your shoulder. 
“(L/N),” he said quietly, you turned around in order to face him, “Yes Shinazugawa?” you looked at him confused. 
“Sorry,” he then looked into your eyes. “For what?” you said as you smiled and looked at him. 
“You know what I mean,” he continued, “I'll eat the stupid ohagi that you made.” He then looked at everything besides you. 
“Awww, Shinazugawa! Just say that you want to eat it!” you teased him.
“No I don't! What the hell are you thinking?'' he turned around, “Let's just continue the stupid mission” he said with a tint of embarrasment. 
After that fateful day, you and Sanemi started getting closer. He was still mean to you but it wasn't as bad as before. Your feelings started to grow more and you found yourself being more open about your feelings towards him. Despite that, Shinazugawa kept ignoring your love for him. 
“Hey Sanemi, can I ask you a question?” you asked. “What?” he looked at you.
“What if I told you, right here and right now, that I'm in love with you?” you said excitedly. 
“I would kill you.” he turned around in order to hide the flush forming on his face. 
“But Sanemi!” you whined, “Why would you kill me?” you pressed on.
“Because you're an idiot” he started walking away from you. 
Sanemi accepted that he also had feelings towards you, he loved you. Yet, with the duties of being a hashira, he couldn't indulge in such luxuries just yet. He had a mission to fulfill, he couldn't fulfill his wishes just yet
Sighing, you finally said, “Okay, i'll go now, I have a mission soon with Muichiro, i'll see you later” you then turned around to leave but heard him speak. 
“Stay safe and come back in one piece” that was all you needed to motivate you. 
A few days have passed and you still haven't returned home. Sanemi was starting to get worried about you and your whereabouts but he set a focused mind. That was until he overheard a few kakushi talking about you. 
A male kakushi whispered, “Oi, did you know that Lady (L/N) and Sir Tokito encountered an uppermoon?”. “Well did they survive?” the female kakushi asked, “Yeah, however Lady (L/N) arrived in critical condition while Sir Tokito arrived with a few cuts, the uppermoon also got away.” said by the male kakushi. 
With that Sanemi felt his heart race, he bolted towards the butterfly estate to see you. When he arrived he saw you. You had your entire abdomen bandaged up, with multiple cuts on your body. Luckily with your hashira trained body, you were able to wake up from your coma not even a few days after the fight. There you were eating food and talking to Muichiro who seemed to be deeply thanking you for taking the almost fatal hit for him. 
Sanemi rushed to your side and shouted at you, “(Y/N), what the hell happened!?” He looked scared. “How many days have you been here?” he said worriedly. 
Muichiro then excused himself because it seemed as if there was something to be discussed between the both of you. 
“Sanemi! You're here!” you smiled at him, “I've been here for 5 days”. 
“Why was I not notified straight away?” he questioned, “Didn't I tell you to teach your crow to tell me if something bad happens to you?” he said angrily. 
“Uhm,” you awkwardly muttered, “I kinda just told my bird not to tell you unless I actually died..” you trailed off. 
“What?” he asked in disbelief, “Are you stupid?” he asked you seriously. 
Out of nowhere you suddenly spoke, “I love you,” your impulsive thoughts getting the better of you. 
The way he came running towards you after finding out that you almost died just made your heart melt and you just wanted to marry him right there. 
Sanemi blushed at your statement. He pondered on the thought, what if you actually died? He realized that he should just admit his feelings for you since he didn't know if both of you would come out alive after everything. 
He cupped your cheeks and said, “I love you too idiot, don't scare me like that ever again.”
You were shocked to say the least, did he just admit his feelings for you? You then asked him. 
“Say that again?” you looked at him. “I love you,” he said shyly, “So much.” 
You were mentally screaming and the first thing that came out of your mouth was, “I knew that you loved me back!” you said happily. 
“Come on! Say it again! Please?” you whined, “No” was all he said. 
The end
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Authors Note: this was honestly kinda rushed i feel like the pacing is a bit too fast
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headkiss · 2 years
Hello :) I had two request ideas for Eddie if it’s alright to send them over in case you like them. Either first time meeting Wayne now that reader and Eddie are official or Eddie falling for the girl at the local bookstore and keeps trying to work up the courage to ask her for number so he shows hi every week to buy something but always chickens out until the end.
okay i HAD to go with the second one because yes!!!! i hope u like it <3 | 0.6k words of fluff and shy crushing eddie
The bell above the door jingles everytime a customer walks in. Every time they walk out, too.
You’re used to the sound by now, having worked in the bookstore for a while, but you still look at the door each time the ‘ding’ rings through the space. You tell yourself it’s just a reflex, even though there’s a certain head of curly hair you seem to be searching for.
Eddie Munson sticks out in the bookstore, and yet, he comes in almost every day. He’s the leather jacket among soft, worn sweaters. He looks at you a bunch, yet he hasn’t spoken a full sentence to you.
It’s Sunday when he comes in again, an arm from outside—one of his friends, you guess—pushing him through the door and Eddie stumbling before catching himself on a display table.
“This time,” he mumbles to himself. You don’t hear it.
His crush on you is almost embarrassing. The first time Eddie walked into the bookstore was with Dustin, the boy searching for some science book he couldn’t remember the name of. Then, Eddie saw you and he just kept coming back.
He was taken from the start. The cadence of your voice when you’d tell customers to have a nice day, the soft smile you’d give them, the way your hair fell to frame your face when you’d bury your nose back into whatever book you were reading.
When he walked up to the register with Dustin that day you’d greeted him by name. You knew him, probably from school, and he couldn’t believe it. Surely he’d remember you.
He could barely get out a ‘hi.’
Since then, he’s spent weeks coming in, swearing he’d get your number, saying about two words to you, and leaving embarrassed and empty-handed.
Today, though. Today, he’d ask you and be his usual, not awkward self. He wouldn’t walk up to the counter and then find himself tongue-tied. He wouldn’t pick up a random bookmark or magnet that was right next to checkout and pretend that’s the reason he went into the store. Not this time.
You grin at him when he walks in and he swears he can feel the warmth of sunlight at the sight.
“Hey, Eddie.”
“Hi,” he waves, quick and stiff. He curses himself for it.
“Looking for anything specific today?”
“Well, um, no,” he fights off a wince. Never in his life has he been so affected by another person, so nervous. “Not really.”
“Maybe I can recommend something?” You offer, sweet as always.
“Okay, sure.”
He stands in the same spot while you walk out from behind the counter. He tries to be covert in the way his eyes scan your outfit, the way your sleeves cover your hands, the way your jeans are cuffed to show your docs.
He tries but you notice, and it warms you all over.
Ever since school, you’ve heard the things people have to say about him, the rumors and comments. You knew damn well he didn’t deserve any of it, you still know that now. He’s sweet, and though he hasn’t said very much to you he’s never been anything but kind.
Plus, you’ve seen the way he interacts with Dustin. There’s no denying how good he is.
His eyes follow you when you go in search of the book you had in mind (you’ve been thinking about it a lot), but he stays rooted in place until you come back.
“Found it,” you say, walking back to the counter.
“Great, thanks.”
“‘Course. You sure you trust me?”
He smiles then, small and shy but a smile all the same. “Yeah, I trust you.”
You ring him through, your fingers brush when he takes the book from your hands. It feels like startdust spreading over his skin.
“Thank you,” he says.
“Anytime. Tell me what you think, okay?”
An opening, a reason to come back once again.
Back at home, Eddie flips through the pages and finds a scrap piece of paper tucked between them. On it, a phone number is written, your name signed beneath it with a smiley face and a heart.
Today was the day, after all.
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somesaintiam · 22 days
rank ur top 5 st characters (and tell me why) <33
5. Robin
I didn't really pay much attention to Robin before, but she has grown onto me mainly because she is a rambler, and I ramble a lot too sometimes. I'm excited to see her have a bigger role in season5 and to see her a Vickie together as a team- I think it'll be really awkward with the unresolved feelings for each other but that's what I want to see lmao. I want to see their awkward glances and the awkward brushing of their handssss. Also, robins' style is literally 🔛🔝
4. Max
I may have bias for Max because me and her are both real redheads lmao-- but her storyline in season 4 kinda changed my whole view on her character, and her grief of losing her brother despite how horrible he was is just so realistic and her isolating herself and pushing others away, and i can kind of relate to that last part. I love her independence especially in season 3 with El and her willpower to escape Vecna then literally go back to Vecna's lair even after what she saw before to try and save Hawkins.
I love her outfits, and especially her season 2 fluffy hair. She's super strong and I'm excited for her independence from Mike in season 5 because she has had enough of being controlled by men. She and Max bring out the best in each other and I hope to see more of their friendship in season 5. I can't really think of much, but her action scenes are always so full of raw emotion and i loveee when she stands up for herself.
Theres so much to say about him. If we are right about him being gay(i have no doubt that we are) then he is so well written. First off since we dont ever get his perspective really in the show, we are probably getting it in s5. Mike is super kind but his internalized homophobia and his mental issues (he probably has depression of some sort) get in the way of that. This also brings me to say that he and will represent different responses of internalized homophobia and depression. Mike bottles everything up, denies it, and tries to fit into social norms and Will keeps it to himself and accepts hes gay and doesnt try to fit in but hates himself for it🙁. Im pretty sure mike also has survivors guilt and im super excited to see all of that hopefully mostly resolved in s5.
The best character of stranger things is definitely Will. He is quite literally so selfless and generous its crazy. like he literally sacrifices his own feelings to attempt to fix milkvan and that says so much about him. The show wouldn't exist without Will and I'm so excited that he's going to take center stage again in s5. He literally deserves a happy ending and I'm so excited for that and I just know I'm going to be smiling so much every time he comes on the screen, he's literally the best character😭😭🙏🙏
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nickeverdeen · 12 days
Can you make an imagine pls? the imagine takes place in three parts.
So, fem!reader is owen's younger sister and part of the WFL group. Not by choice, tho. She just has to follow her brother anywhere he goes because he is responsible for her since their parents died. She's also the yongest of the group (they are in their early/mid/late tweenties while reader is 17) she's pretty much the peter parker of the group, so she feels unheard sometimes around them. She doesn't even like being in the WFL, she's not allowed to do patrols yet but she also doesn't want to, simply because she can't relate to the thing (and god forbid working for isaac). She goes on the journey to hunt joel with them. And that's when the first scene takes place: they're almost getting to wyoming, they're temporarily in an aquarium in some town and Joel notices reader is on a floor above theirs, away from them. He gets there and she's looking outside the window, headphones on and pensative. He asks what's wrong. You will elaborate this conversation way better than me, but basically Owen starts to sense she's not too excited about this journey to joel miller and she kind of acuses him of not being too and just doing it because of abby. She let's out her frustration in seeing him never making his own decisions, even bringing up the fact that he doesn't even want to be in the WFL but is too cowardly to admit it. He denies, and says he knows what his doing for both of them even tho she doesn't understand him now because she's too young to get. She brushes him off like "whatever, owen."
The second scene takes place when Abby is beating the fuck out of joel. Reader is watching everything from some corner even tho they all said she wasn't alowed to be in the room to see. She's hating all this. She doesn't really give a fuck about this man but his screams of agony makes something so uncomfortable in her. She feels scared. When ellie comes to the room is when everything changes. She sees ellie and she recognizes what ellie is feeling: reader lost her (and owen's) parents, saw them get murdered so quickly she couldn't do anything. So she does a step no one was waiting: she takes a gun, points to abby and tells her to stop. She even points to her own head, saying she's going to shoot herself if abby don't stop go back to seattle. She convinces them (after lots of shouting) and they all go. She stays. She's the one who tries to wake up ellie too and check on joel.
The third scene takes place after months. She's still in jackson. You can decide which one of the main characters is warming up to her faster and the ones who are taking longer, because of what happened. Joel is still starting to walk since the incident and after months being in a wheelchair, and he hasn't had time to talk to reader for too long since it all happened, but he can't help but notices she always seems unconfortable when he is around. One day he spots her somewhere calm in town and tries to talk to her. After some talk, she asks if he blames her for what happenedz that she would blame herself too. That she can notice some people in town still look at her differently because they know what happened. She also reveals that her group wouldn't also accept her back anyway, that they're probably mad and think she's a coward. And joel talks to her like "coward? You rebelled against your group and your own brother to do what you thought was right, I was there I saw it. That doesn't seem coward, kid. And if your people don't see that way... then you can stay here, jackson ain't that bad. The people are nosy as hell, but they will warm up to you, just give them time." (of course he says it on his own gruff way).
Now I Get It… | Owen’s sister turning on Abby to save Joel
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Pairing: Owen Moore x fem!reader (siblings)
Warnings: Gun, Joel being beaten up, blackmailing with suicide
The Aquarium Confrontation
The aquarium was silent, except for the occasional drip of water and the muted sounds of the sea life beyond the glass. You stood on the upper floor, staring out at the overcast sky through a grimy window, headphones firmly over your ears. The music was a welcome escape from the tense atmosphere that had been hanging over your group since you left Seattle. Owen and the others were downstairs, likely planning the next step in the mission you wanted no part of.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the door creaked open, and you turned to see Owen stepping into the room. His expression was a mix of concern and frustration as he approached you.
“What’s going on with you?” he asked, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken questions. “You’ve been distant, and it’s not just today.”
You pulled off your headphones, letting them hang around your neck. “I’m not excited about this,” you admitted, crossing your arms. “Any of it.”
Owen frowned, clearly not expecting such honesty. “Why not? We’re finally close to getting justice for what happened to Dad.”
You scoffed, unable to contain your frustration any longer. “You mean Abby’s dad. It’s about Abby, and you know it. You’re just following her like a damn puppy, doing whatever she wants without even thinking about whether it’s the right thing to do.”
His eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger crossing his face. “You don’t understand, Y/N. I’m doing this for us—for the WLF.”
“No, you’re doing this because you’re too scared to stand up to Abby,” you shot back. “You don’t even want to be in the WLF, Owen. You’ve never wanted to be part of this, but you won’t admit it.”
Owen’s jaw tightened, and he glanced away, unable to meet your gaze. “You’re too young to get it,” he muttered, frustration evident in his tone. “I know what I’m doing. You just don’t understand because you’re a kid.”
“Whatever, Owen,” you said dismissively, turning away from him. His words stung, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care anymore. The brother you had once looked up to was now just another person who didn’t listen, who didn’t care enough to understand.
The Confrontation
The cold concrete of the room felt suffocating as you watched Abby’s rage unfold in front of you. Joel’s agonized screams echoed in your ears, even though they turned into weak groans by now, and you hugged your knees to your chest, trying to stay hidden in the corner where no one could see you. You weren’t supposed to be here, weren’t supposed to witness the brutal revenge that was Abby’s sole focus. But you had to see it—to understand why this was happening and why you felt so wrong about all of it.
When Ellie burst into the room, everything changed. The look of sheer horror and pain on her face mirrored your own. You knew that look—the look of someone who had lost everything in the blink of an eye. The memories of your parents’ murder flooded back, the helplessness, the rage, the grief. You couldn’t let this happen again, not to someone else.
Your hands trembled as you reached for the gun tucked into your waistband. The weight of it was unfamiliar, heavy with the responsibility it carried. You stood up slowly, your voice shaking as you shouted, “Abby, s- stop!”
“Y/N put the gun down” Abby said suprisingly gently, when she recovered from her suprise as just like others she didn’t see you there, as she tried to reason with you, but you didn’t listen.
The room fell silent, all eyes turning to you in shock. You stepped forward, pointing the gun at Abby, your heart pounding in your chest. “If you don’t stop, I’ll do it. I’ll- I’ll shoot myself.”
The words felt foreign on your tongue, but you meant them. You were willing to do whatever it took to end this nightmare. Abby’s eyes widened, and she hesitated, glancing back at Joel, who was barely conscious on the floor.
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing?” Owen’s voice was panicked, but you ignored him, your focus solely on Abby.
“Go back to Seattle,” you demanded, voice cracking under the pressure. “This isn’t going to bring anyone back. Just stop.”
After what felt like an eternity, Abby lowered her weapon, her anger replaced with a mix of confusion and regret.
Abby’s gaze lingered on you for a moment before saying, “We’re done here” then she turned and walked out of the room, leaving you standing there, gun still in hand, as your brother and the others followed her out.
Once they were gone, you rushed to Ellie’s side, gently shaking her. “Hey, it’s okay…” you whispered, trying to reassure her, but backed up when she flinched away. You checked on Joel, who was barely clinging to life, and for the first time, you felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, you had done the right thing.
The Conversation
Months had passed since that day in the cabin, and you had found a new home in Jackson. Dina and Jesse had warmed up to you quickly, understanding that you had been just as much a victim of circumstance as anyone else. But Ellie was different—distant and cold whenever you were around. It hurt more than you wanted to admit, but you couldn’t blame her. After all, you had been part of the group that took away her family.
Joel was still recovering, slowly regaining his strength and mobility after months of being confined to a wheelchair. You saw him around town often, but the sight of him always made you uncomfortable, a heavy guilt settling in your chest whenever he was near.
One day, while you were sitting alone in a quiet corner of the town, Joel approached you. You tensed, unsure of what to expect. He took a seat beside you, letting out a small grunt as he adjusted his leg brace.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked, his voice gruff but not unkind.
You shook your head, unable to meet his gaze. “No, it’s fine.”
For a while, neither of you spoke, the silence stretching between you. Finally, Joel broke the silence. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
You winced, feeling exposed. “I just… I didn’t know what to say.”
He nodded, as if he understood. “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to, but I’ve been wantin’ to talk to you for a while now.”
You swallowed, your hands fidgeting in your lap. “Do you… do you blame me for what happened?”
Joel looked at you, his gaze steady and unwavering. “Blame you? No, I don’t.”
“But… I was part of the group that did that to you,” you said, your voice breaking. “If I were you, I’d blame me too.”
Joel shook his head slowly. “You rebelled against your own brother and your group to do what you thought was right. I saw it happen.”
You bit your lip, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill over. “But they hate me now. The people in Jackson, they know what happened, and my old group—they probably think I’m a coward.”
“Coward?” Joel repeated, a hint of disbelief in his voice. “If your people don’t see that you did what was right, then you’re better off without ‘em. And as for Jackson… folks here are nosy as hell, but they’ll warm up to you. Just give ‘em time.”
His words brought a small sense of comfort, a warmth that you hadn’t felt in a long time. You nodded, finally meeting his eyes. “Thank you, Joel.”
He gave you a small, reassuring smile. “Ain’t nothin’. You’re part of this town now, whether you like it or not. And if anyone’s got a problem with that, they’ll have to answer to me.”
For the first time since you arrived in Jackson, you felt like you had a place here—a place where you could heal and move forward. And maybe, just maybe, you weren’t as alone as you thought.
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g1itchtree · 9 months
Divulgence- Part 2
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SO I'm really only going to be updating this when ideas hit me. Which takes a while tbh so yeah very sporadic updates sorry
Also I really like writing dialogue but that comes at the expense of actual like scenebuilding or whatever lmao
“You WHAT?!”
“Shh, not so loud!” Marinette scolded, covering Alya’s mouth. “I’m really trying to not let my parents know, okay?”
Alya rolled her eyes, licking her hand in retaliation. Marinette immediately pulled away, wiping her hand on Alya with a laugh. “Okay girl, geez. But I thought you were over Luka?” Alya asked.
“Well, not really. I just knew I couldn’t feasibly be with him and be Ladybug at the same time,” Marinette shrugged, averting her gaze. This next part was the one she was most worried about sharing. “But… he may have found out who I am?”
“He WHAT?!”
“Alya!” She laughed, mostly to shake off the nerves.
“But how? You’re so careful!” Alya pressed.
“Well, you know how Wishmaker revealed people’s dreams, right?” Marinette started, receiving a nod in return. “I brought Viperion along in case me or Chat got hit… and Viperion may or may not be Luka.”
Alya opened her mouth, probably to scream again, but Marinette shot her a look and she smiled sheepishly. “Okay, so he saw your dream?”
“…and Chat’s.”
“…It’s like you’re looking for a reaction.”
“I’m not, really! Yesterday was just a lot, that’s all.” Marinette shrugged, tapping her fingers together. “But it should be okay, since Shadow Moth has no idea.”
Alya let out a little huff, crossing her arms. “That’s still a big risk.”
“I know, I know! But really, it shouldn’t cause any problems. We talked it over a bit, and unless he gets akumatized then there’s basically no way for Shadow Moth to know. And I already gave him a charm, so we’re totally fine.” Marinette explained, knowing she won when Alya gave an overly dramatic groan.
“Okay, but what about Adrien?” Her friend asked, giving her a look. “We both know you have feelings for him, don’t even try to deny it. Is Luka okay with that?”
“That’s a whole other thing,” Marinette sighed, slumping over slightly. “Apparently Luka likes him too?”
“No!” Alya gasped, smiling wide.
“Yeah! That’s what I was like!” Marinette exclaimed, standing up as she tries to explain the whole thing. “And he told me about this thing called polyamory? Basically just having multiple partners at once.”
Alya snapped her fingers, eyes shining at the realization. “So you guys can both date Adrien!”
“Well, if Adrien wants to,” Marinette held her hands up, shaking her head. “He might not be into that sort of thing, or even like either of us. Or maybe just one of us.”
“Well duh,” Alya said, brushing it off. “But this makes so much sense. No wonder why you couldn’t choose. You literally love them both the same!”
Marinette gave a tiny laugh at her enthusiasm, relieved she didn’t find it super weird. “I’m not really telling a bunch of people though. I mean, Luka and I just broke up, so it’ll be a bit weird to be back together so soon without explaining why.”
“I guess you can’t just say you only broke up cause you were Ladybug, and now he knows so it’s chill,” Alya conceded.
“And we both know I won’t be able to stop gushing over Adrien,” Marinette pointed out. “I don’t really know how everyone would react to the whole ‘multiple partners’ thing either, so please don’t mention it until I do?”
“Of course girl, you know I wouldn’t out you like that,” Alya immediately assured, zipping her lips. “I’m glad you felt you could tell me.”
“You know I can’t keep anything from you,” Marinette giggled, pulling her into a hug.
Alya smirked a bit, messing with Marinette’s hair. “Yeah, I’m too charming~”
“Oh my god you sound like Chat.”
“Well maybe he had the right idea!”
Marinette gives her a disapproving look, eventually dissolving into more laughter with her friend. This was good. More than that, this was relieving. She didn’t expect it to be more nerve-wracking than the first time coming out (was this even coming out?). Obviously Alya wouldn’t react too bad, but hopefully her other friends would react like this too!
Maybe Adrien wouldn’t mind either?
“You seem happy today, m’lady,” Chat Noir hummed, swinging his legs from his place on the roof.
The two of them were just relaxing after their patrol, as they often do. It was tradition at this point. But today, she had this sparkle in her eyes and her whole demeanor seemed… lighter.
Ladybug gave an awkward little laugh at his comment, scratching at her cheek. “Is it that obvious?”
“Nah, I just know you too well~” He grinned, bumping their shoulders together. “So what’s up? Something good happen?”
“You could say that…” Her cheeks went a little rosy and she played with fingers a bit. So it was embarrassing then? That just intrigued him more.
“Come on, what is it?” He pressed, turning to fully face her. “Give me the deets!”
“The deets? Seriously?”
Chat snickered at her incredulous look, starting to chant. “The deets! The deets! The deets!”
Ladybug broke into laughter, waving her hands to stop him. “Okay, okay! I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you, but… don’t freak out, okay? And… tell me to shut up if it upsets you?”
He paused at that, curious and a bit concerned. “Okay…? Though I doubt you would be able to upset me so easily.”
She let out a sigh, tracing the edge of the roof with her finger. “Well… I kinda have a boyfriend now?”
Ladybug must have seen something in his expression that she didn’t like, because she immediately went into fix-it mode. “I’m sorry, I know you’re trying to get over me, and I really appreciate it, and I didn’t want to rub this in your face! I know how much it sucks when the person you like is with someone else, and-”
“It’s okay, bugaboo,” Chat cut in, grabbing the arm she was waving around, like she did whenever she rambled. “I was just surprised, that’s all! And you don’t need to apologize for dating someone, that’s your right and I don’t mind.”
“Really?” She asked. “‘Cause I’d totally understand if you did mind.”
“It’s fine. I’m happy for you, if anything!” He assured. “You deserve to have someone to love and for them to love you, even if it’s not me.”
She let out a sigh, though she was still hunching her shoulders uncomfortably. “Thanks, Chat. I appreciate that. But… there’s something else you should know.”
He raised a brow at that, concern seeping into his expression. “Alright…?”
She glanced around them, probably looking for any cameras or potential eavesdroppers. So this was something confidential, then? How could this be related to her boyfriend?
Satisfied that no one was listening, she leaned in, voice just above a whisper. “He kinda figured out my identity.”
“How did that happen?” He asked. She was more careful than anyone he knew, it was definitely weird.
“Well, I dated this guy before,” She started, which honestly surprised him more. “I didn’t tell you right away in case you know me, since it would be suspicious that Ladybug me and civilian me started dating someone. But… it didn’t last long. I couldn’t devote enough time to him because of this whole superhero thing.”
“Ah. That sucks.” Chat could relate. He hardly had enough time for his own friends. Not because of his superhero identity, but his jam-packed schedule.
Ladybug nodded, a bit of a sorrowful, wistful look in her eyes. “It was my decision. I didn’t want to keep lying, and he deserved better. But I guess he connected when I had to run off to the time Ladybug appeared. He asked me about it the other day.”
“So now you’re back together?” He finished, smiling a bit. “That’s such a sweet love story! Definitely fanfic worthy.”
Ladybug laughed, her nose scrunching up in a way that had his smile widening involuntarily. “I think I’ve actually read this exact scenario before, now that you mention it.”
“But why tell me this time?” He asked. “Not saying I don’t appreciate it, but that risk is still there.”
“We’re not telling that many people right away,” She explained. “It would be kinda awkward to explain why we got back together so quick.”
He nodded at that, getting her point. “So he’s good to you, then?”
“Amazing,” She confirmed, her smile gentle but so sweet it could give him a toothache. “Even before he knew my identity, he was such a big comfort… He always knows what to say to make me feel better.”
“Sounds like a good guy. Hopefully I can meet him eventually, make sure he’s treating you right.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that. The thought’s sweet, though,” She replied, patting his arm.
The two of them sat in companionable silence from that point, content with watching the sunset. Chat excused himself when it started to get seriously dark, not wanting to risk being caught by his father or Nathalie. He could only “shower” for so long, after all.
Dropping through his window and releasing his form, Adrien flopped onto his bed with little grace. He dug some cheese out of his pocket for Plagg, tossing it towards the kwami before shoving his face in a pillow.
He could feel Plagg’s eyes on him, probably out of a modicum of concern. “So you are upset about Ladybug’s new boytoy?”
“Plagg, that’s rude,” Adrien scolded, reluctantly sitting up.
“Don’t avoid my question!”
He rolled his eyes, leaning against his backboard with a huff. “I mean, yeah. I really am happy she found someone, don’t get me wrong, but it’d be weird if I wasn’t somewhat sad.”
“You’ll find someone else, kid,” Plagg said, though Adrien couldn’t quite tell if he was being sarcastic. “Plenty of cheese in the world! Sometimes you have to taste many different kinds before you find the one right for you.”
“You and your cheese metaphors,” Adrien shook his head. “Don’t you have any other material?” 
Plagg scoffed, looking thoroughly offended. “Why have more when cheese is so applicable anyways?”
That one earned a laugh. He scratched the top of the kwamis head, letting himself think the night over. He really was trying to get over Ladybug, at her request. And strangely, he didn’t really mind that she was dating someone else. What bothered him more is that he would never be able to hold the same kind of place in her heart. He knew she cared about him, but it just wasn’t the same.
He supposed he would have to learn to be satisfied with what he could have now.
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mystic-myrtille · 1 year
45 for the kisses 🥺
First of all I'm so sorry this took so long, but life gets in the way and I just wasn't feeling super motivated. I hope I got this right because this turned more into Marinette pining hard, but I tried my best and I hope you enjoy!
(Also I have a few more of these sitting in my inbox and I will do them! Not sure when, but I'll work on them! I'm just super slow)
#45: Almost kisses
Something was different. Something about Luka. Something about him had… changed.
Well, actually that wasn’t true. Luka hadn’t changed. He was still cool and calm and sweet, just like on the first day she had met him. Since then Marinette had considered him a friend, and she was thankful for his generally relaxing presence in her rather chaotic life. She liked hanging out with him to stroll around the city on his bike, asking him for his opinion on her new designs for stage outfits (he always loved them) or to just observe him as his guitar rested gently in his lap, his fingers cradling the strings and his eyes fluttering shut as he played out people’s hearts. Mostly hers.
So that hasn’t changed.
What had changed though was the amount of times he would cross her mind during the day, which had gone up significantly. Most of the time he would just randomly pop up in her mind for no apparent reason. She’d think about his kind eyes, his smile, the painted finger nails, his colorful hair, his music.
It had been innocent at first and Marinette hadn’t thought too much about it. Thinking about your friends wasn’t anything too unusual. Luka and her were friends.
Good friend even.
She liked thinking about him.
Maybe he even thought about her from time to time.
Because that's what friends do.
Until those thoughts changed. She didn’t know when exactly or how or why, but Marinette was pretty sure friends weren't supposed to wake up in the middle of a night from a dream where said friend wouldn’t cradle the guitar strings but her cheeks instead as he'd slowly lean down, because he was a head taller than her, close to brushing her lips moments before she'd wake up, her cheeks burning to the point where she had to step out just to cool herself down.
The first time there was an inital shock, obviously, and Marinette was considerably more flustered when Luka was nothing more than mentioned in a conversation. But after confessing her dream to Alya, her friend had brushed it off, explaining how that that ‚didn’t have to mean anything‘. Which was probably true, dreams were random and didn’t mean anything. However even that didn’t help her that much, because when she had come to the Liberty again after a few days and saw Luka, she immediately forgot about the meaninglessness of dreams and couldn’t think of anything but her dream, making her blush like crazy. Luckily she could blame the hot summer sun when Luka asked her what was wrong.
From there on, it kept happening.
She thought about kissing Luka more and more.
And it drove her insane.
Becausy why would she even want to kiss Luka?
He was her friend!
Plus, she still had her very real crush on Adrien, of which she'd be reminded by Alya and the rest of the girls ever so often. Even though that whole thing was sort of on hold as of recent now that he was sort of dating Kagami, she couldn't deny that she'd still feel like an electric shock went through her entire body every time their eyes met and he'd give her a quick polite smile.
Nothing about him has changed either. He was still the sweet, kind boy who had given her an umbrella the first day they met.
She should be thinking about him.
She should be dreaming about him.
She should be fantazising about kissing him.
But she didn't.
Marinette didn’t understand, until one day when Luka waited in front of the school forthe band. He had given her a genuine smile when he had spotted her, excitingly asked her about her day and replaced the electric shocks with shy little butterflies dancing in her belly. He’d stand at the bottom of the stairs, Marinette standing in front of him just one step up so they’d were on eye level. And while he told her about his day, she’d sometimes look down to his lips, just for a second, and let herself imagine what it would be like if she just leaned forward a little, because with the way they were positioned, she really wouldn’t have to do much more-
Her eyes widened at the realization.
Of course Luka had immediately noticed the blush spreading across her face, because it was honestly hard not to, and asked her if she was okay, like the concerned friend he was. And Marinette couldn’t do anything but stand there and frantically nod, not trusting her mouth to not do anything stupid. Like kiss him. Or tell him ‚Oh Luka, I was just fantazising about us smooching because I had a dream about that and also…‘
It was at this point Marinette had to admit to herself.
Luka wasn’t a friend to her. He was something more.
Because friends didn’t have that desire to kiss their friends.
But she really wanted to kiss Luka.
Of course, being herself, Marinette knew she could never bring herself to just… go for it. Especially not out of the blue like that. And while she liked Luka, she wasn’t sure how he felt about her. Sure, he was more touchy with her than anybody else and he kept playing her song and he gave her compliments all the time and so much more...
But she couldn’t just kiss him, even though she wanted to.
Even though there had been multiple chances for her to do so.
Like that one time where Kitty section had organized a sleep over. She and Luka had cooked dinner together and at some point he had turned up the volume of the music and had started to dance. He wasn’t exactly a dancer so it looked more dorky than anything, but that hadn’t stopped Marinette from joining him. So they moved around the living room, daning and laughing, until Luka had grabbed her hands and had started to spin her around in circles.
And there was this tingling in her heart again every time Luka pulled her closer just to release her the next second. If she just got onto her tippy toes, she could’ve given him a quick peck on the lips next time he pulled her towards him.
But she didn't.
Another time she had helped him apply eye liner after he kept messing up his right eye. Of course she had offered help and than had found herself sitting in his lap, holding her breath as she drew the wing on his eye lid. She was thankful his eyes were closed because she would've never been able to explain her gaze dropping down ever so often and she had to swallow hard when his eyes fluttered open and Marinette couldn’t tear her gaze away. For more seconds than what was probably appropriate, she remained seated in his lap as Luka kept eye contact with her, not saying anything. Her heart was pounding in her ears. Just a small dip forward and she could've pecked his lips.
But she didn't.
Then there was the time when she had taken his measurements for stage costumes where she could've asked him to lean down just a little more.
Or when she had burrowed her face into his shoulders during a horror movie. She really wouldn't have had needed to move that much.
Or the countless times where they had been sitting on his bed, across from one another as he played her feelings out and she could've just taken the guitar to put it down and moved a little closer, tilting her head to finally act on what she was fantasizing about for weeks.
And yet she hadn't.
Which was probably for the better.
During all those moments, Marinette had wondered why Luka looked at her so intensly, why it was her of all people he danced with, why he always looked so content whenever he played out her heart. That had to mean something, right?
Then again
Luka was very supportive of her crush on another boy, after he had figured it out after their kind-of-sort-of-double date with Adrien and Kagami where Marinette had dragged Luka along so that it would be less awkward for her to be the third wheel.
He had been the one encouraging her to go and talk to Adrien.
He had given her nothing but support.
Would he actually react like this, if he liked her?
How would he have reacted of she hadn’t gone after Adrien, if she had taken the metro home with him? Would that have changed anything?
Well, it probably would’ve been the smater choice, because even when she got Adrien to stop the car and wait for her
she still hadn’t done any talking.
Kagami was onto something when she had noted how hesitant Marinette was.
So she kept the thoughts about his lips and the butterflies in her belly to herself. Kissing dream Luka was good enough after all.
Until Bob Roth had stolen Luka's music and Marinette's costumes.
And Luka got akumatized.
Before running off, he had gone up to her and had confessed his feelings to her, in his usual poetic way.
Which had turned her into a blushy mess and caused her to take a little more time before transforming into Ladybug, fight and deakumatize him.
Everything went back to normal, and she thought even more about kissing him. Because after such a confession, how could she not?
Just before he was about to go on stage, she asked him if he remembered what he said to her. What did it mean? Was it real? Did he feel that way about her? Did he really feel that way about her?
But he didn’t remember.
Instead he put a hand on her shoulder
and said it again. Word for word.
You're the most extraordinary girl, Marinette.
Clear as a musical note.
Sincere as a melody.
You're the music that's been playing in my head since the first day we've met.
And she was lost. Lost in his beautiful blue eyes, looking at her with so much appreciation and love, like she was the most precious thing in the world to him. Actually it wasn’t much different from all the other times he lad looked at her, but now, she didn’t have to wonder if she was just imagining things.
This was real.
He still had his hand on her shoulder and stared into her eyes.
She stared back.
And it felt like time had stopped.
She stood there, heart thundering in her chest, butterflies fluttering through her entire body, her mind racing from „Luka likes me?“
to „Luka likes me!“
to „… would he also like kissing me?“
Never before did she want to kiss him this badly.
If she just took one little step closer, she could tug his jacket, get on her tippy toes and pull him down just a little and finally feel his breath over her lips and slowly close his eyes before the’d both give in, feeling their lips move against each other…
Wait, how was she even supposed to move her lips exactly?
Oh god, what if her breath was bad?
Would she even be able reach him with how tall he was or would he have to slouch over? Would that even be comfortable for him?
Oh god, she was overthinking again!
… What was she supposed to do with her hands?
Oh god!
Come on, just go for it already! That’s what you wanted the entire time...
… But shouldn’t she at least ask him if he wanted it too?
Yes, that would be a good start.
She opened her mouth.
Then Luka gave her shoulder a little squeeze, his smile got wider and in this moment, withthe colorful stage light hitting his face, he looked even more mesmerizing.
The „Can I kiss you?“ died on her lips.
He whispered „Wish me luck“ before he retrieved his hand and took a few steps away, still holding eye contact as long as possible, until he turned around to walk on stage.
Her gaze followed him and her heart sank.
Kagami was right, all she ever did was hesitate. If she just didn’t question her every move and actually followed up on the steps she had gone through in her head. She still couldn’t go through with it, even after him literally confessing to her in such a beautiful way! And she didn’t even say anything back, just stood there like a deer in the headlight.
Luka was in love with her.
She had been in love with Luka.
And she almost kissed him. Almost.
How can this be so hard?
Disheartened, she walked over to stand next to the camera in order to get a better view.
Luka caught her eyes and before going into his solo, he gave her that same loving smile he had given her minutes ago. Her heart sped up again and couldn’t help but smile back.
He had still confessed to her!
Meaning that he actually might want to kiss her, too.
This hadn’t been her only chance. This was just the beginning of something new. There were more opportunities to come for her to stare. To hesitate. To feel. And finally, to be brave.
Feeling more optimisic, she prepared herself to ask Luka after the show. Judgind by the way he smiled at her, she had a feeling he might say yes.
Send me a number and I’ll write a short(ish) Lukanette fic!
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here-2suffer · 2 years
Guess who finally got the next out :^D. Uh, sorry it took so long. I felt bad that it was taking so long and I ended up taking a break from it because of that and then I realized you guys have been waiting forever so I rushed the ending- sorry you had to wait so long for something that isn't even long. Also I promised I'd tag @justaduckarts and @total-fandom-tr45h for this so yeah. These are the people who inspired me to write this, you guys should check them out, they're really cool. Okay, so finally, here it is.
Fish Tales chapter 2
It's been a while now, you've stayed on this ship the whole time. Your tail is fully healed now (sadly it still has some scars), and it didn't even take as long as it normally does. Though that's probably because of whatever Solaris and Lucien said they were using. Magol, was it? No, that doesn't feel right.
It's morning, you're out on the dock looking at the sky as the sun rises, coloring the sky in beautiful yellows and oranges and reds and blues that reflect on the sea. It's an amazing view. You never really saw sunrises or sunsets before you were on this ship.
Solaris comes up behind you and hugs you. "Goooood morning sunshine!" He's taken a liking to calling you 'sunshine' the same way Lucien calls you 'starfish'. You look at him and smile. "Morning Solar." Lucien comes with breakfast and sets it down on the table. "Good morning starfish." "Morning Lucien."
The morning goes by like all the others, you eat breakfast, talk about random things, and occasionally Solaris or Lucien 'accidentally' brush their hand against yours. It gives you a weird feeling in your stomach, you don't know what it is.
Solaris and Lucien check your tail before any work can get done on the ship, that's usually how they decide which places you can and can't go to depending on whether it can hurt your scars. "Well, would you look at that! Looks like your tail is fully healed!" Solaris' voice is as cheery as usual. He keeps his hand on your tail and Lucien sits next to you, putting his arm around your shoulder.
You look at your tail and at the sea, then back at the boys. "Does mean I can left now?" The boys' smile faded in an instant.
"You're not leaving." Lucien sighed. "Why no?" You raise an eyebrow at him. Lucien pulled you a little closer. "Because I don't want you to." "Lucien!" And then Solaris started scolding him again.
Solaris sighs and turns to you. "He's right though, you can't leave... rrright noww." He adds that last part looking to the side, like a child who's been caught doing something but still tries to deny it.
"Why no?" You ask again. He looks up, seemingly making excuses in his head. "W-Well… Oh! There's a storm coming! A very bad one too, so it would be safer for you to stay here on the ship. If you go now, it would be very dangerous for you all alone in the sea!" He nods with his hands on his hips, as if confirming his own words.
Luckily, you have a valid argument against that. "Wrong." Solaris furrows his brows, his confusion is written all over his face. Lucien still holds you close, as if you would run off as soon as he let's go. His arms are now wrapped around your waist.
"Sea is my home. I lived through many storms before, I'm okay. Storm can break this ship, that danger." You say in a matter-of-fact manner. Solaris' confidence visibly deflates, he turns away and crosses his arms. "You know what, I'm going back to steering before we all crash and die." And just like that, he leaves for the wheelhouse.
You look at Lucien, though you have to lean back so your faces don't touch. "Let me go?" He looks at you for a couple of seconds before deciding to do the exact opposite and hold you closer. "Nah."
That day went by just like the first day you were here, you were under supervision the whole time. There was no way you could escape during the day. Guess you'll just have to try at night.
In the middle of the day, Solaris took you up to the wheelhouse with him as Lucien was going to take a nap (again). He isn't mad or even annoyed with you, that definitely surprised you. You thought he ran off earlier because he was upset you wanted to leave.
"Sorry I left so suddenly earlier, I had to take a breather after that." Ah, so he was upset you wanted to leave. His voice is so soft and gentle though, it almost made you want to stay. Almost. "Please don't leave… Not right now. I-It's too dangerous out there right now, we're getting closer to the storm and-"
"I survive storm." You're not going to repeat the conversation, maybe argument, from earlier, are you? Solaris sighs. "I know… Lucien and I both know you'll most likely survive the storm. But even if you do, you might end up hurt again, and I hate the thought of you being hurt like you were when we found you..."
He wasn't even looking at you, he kept his eyes out to the sea. You knew he didn't need to look in order to keep the ship going in the right direction, he always looked at you while steering. But now he wasn't.
Why... Why does it hurt?
You sit there in silence as Solaris steers. He quietly sighs, you don't think you were supposed to hear it, but with how silent it is, it was clear as day.
It stayed that way until Solaris eventually started talking about where they're going. They're visiting someone. "Who?" You tilt your head slightly to the side. Solaris looks at you with that soft smile of his that you've been growing fond of. "Someone very special to us."
You cross your arms. "No answer to question." He looked amused by your reaction. "Don't worry, you'll get a proper introduction when we get there."
From then, you and Solaris talked about things. Nothing in particular, just things. Eventually, Solaris started asking you questions. "Sunshine, how's the chest? Is it too small? Is it giving you splinters?" You raised an eyebrow at that, but he didn't seem to notice. "Chest a little small, but can still fit in good." He smiled. "That's good. When we stop Lucien can get you a bigger chest."
You wanted to ask why Lucien would buy you a bigger chest, but before you could, he asked another question. "Do you like the food here? I know it's mostly fish but you're probably used to that, right?" You nod. "Yes, good food. I eat all the time."
"Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable here?" You could see a glint of worry in his eyes, though he tried to hide it with his smile. "...No water." He turned to you with confusion evident on his face. "Well, what do we do?"
That's when things clicked.
He was trying to fix things and make you more comfortable on the ship so you would stay.
"Don't know." You shrug and turn forward to the sea, feeling guilty for wanting to leave now. He sighed and looked forward as well.
You didn't want to hurt them, but you weren't sure whether you wanted to stay on this ship forever. You're a mer, you weren't built for life outside of water. But yet here you were, living out of the water for most of the days.
But you wanted to go back in the sea, you knew you did, so you made up your mind.
You're going to escape tonight.
Or at least that's what you thought. Yeah, turns out life had other plans.
You looked around, the boys was nowhere to be seen, they were probably resting inside their bedroom. You couldn't hear them though, which was weird because they were always talking before switching with each other. But you pushed that thought to the side as you only had one goal in mind.
Escape the ship.
You quickly made you way to the edge of the dock and pulled yourself up, looking down to the sea of freedom just below you. You wasted no time. You leaned forward with hopes that you wouldn't hit your head on the side of the ship as you fell down, but something grabbed your waist before you could feel yourself falling, gasping as it pulled you back.
"And just what do you think you're doing?" Lucien's deep voice sounded from behind you. He pulled you close, practically hugging you. You turn your head to face him. "Sea." He clicked his tongue and furrowed his brows, trying to seem angry, but you could see the hurt in his eyes.
"No." And with that, you were being carried back inside. You thought he would bring you to your room and put you to sleep, but he didn't. Instead, he brought you to the wheelhouse with him, using a spell to keep the ship moving without him having to steer.
"No sleep?" You asked worriedly, maybe he's decided to punish you by keeping you awake. He sighs and holds you closer. "You'll sleep eventually, but you're staying with me." He speaks low, you can't even turn to see his expression because of the distance (or lack thereof) between the both of you, but you could hear something in his voice. It sounded sad. You couldn't hear it well though, so you're not sure.
"Why?" You could just feel his breath on your shoulder. "So you don't leave." There it was, that extra something in his voice. It definitely sounded sad. He leans his head against yours, you've noticed he's been getting more physical with you every day. "But if I in chest to sleep, won't leave." He scoffed. "You could easily leave while I'm not looking. I'm not taking any chances."
You think that's really dumb. He's definitely right, you could easily leave when he isn't looking, and you probably would. But you still think it's dumb.
You say the first thing that comes to your mind. "Could bite you now and leave when you drop me." He pauses for a second then chuckles. You can feel it more than you hear it, and you're not really sure how you feel about that, or how you want to feel about that.
"You used to bite us when you didn't want us in the same room as you before, I'm pretty sure we're used to it by now." He sits you down on the chair next to the wheel and starts steering the ship.
"Thought boat moved by itself?" He put a spell, didn't he? "The boat doesn't move by itself, star. I used a magic spell to put it on autopilot, but only for a minute or two." Magic, right. That's what they used to heal your scars too! "Why not always? Then you never steer." He smiled and shook his head with a sigh. "It doesn't work like that." "Why no?"
"Because." He glanced at you. "If we use too much magic, it wears us out. We'll get very exhausted and faint, and probably die if it's that extreme." Your eyes widened, you did not like the sound of that. "Die?" You tried to make your voice sound less worried than you actually were, but you're not sure it worked. He shrugged. "Probably."
Okay, so, that's a no for spending more time with them. That's fine actually, it would've made it harder to leave the ship anyway. You still didn't like the thought of them dying though.
He smiled and patted your head. "Don't worry, we don't use a lot of magic, so we won't die from that." Well, that was somehow more comforting than you think it should've been. At least you don't have to worry about them dying from magic though.
The rest of the night, you and Lucien just talked, the subject didn't matter, you talked about everything. He would take every chance he had to ruffle your hair, boop your nose, hug you, and just be physical with you. You didn't really mind, if anything, you really enjoyed it.
You talked for what seemed like 7 hours, but was probably only 3, as sleep was taking over you. Lucien put the ship on autopilot again when he noticed you yawning.
"You tired now?" You tried to blink away the sleepiness, but that only made it worse. "No, brain just slow." You wanted to talk more with him, but you knew you would fall asleep any minute now.
He chuckled and picked you up. "Oh really?" You were too tired to fight back. "Mmyeah." Your eyes closed on their own (traitors) and you couldn't open them no matter how hard you tried. "You sure? Because you seem very tired to me." His voice was closer than before and you felt yourself being put in something. You instantly knew it was your chest, because where else would they put you?
"Goodnight starfish." That was the last thing you heard before you drifted off to sleep.
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rapono-writes-stuff · 5 months
The Unseen (aka Stealth Buddies)
Nea & Wraith secret friendship any %. Probably lost motivation/got stuck and dropped it, only to forget it existed.
If there was one thing Nea missed the most, it was making art. The entity had not deemed spray paint as a necessity for trials, and thus, she'd been unable to find any.
It caused the usually cool-headed survivor to have unrest, as the need to express herself through creative meaning grew stronger with time. And so, she had to find creative means to replace her preferred utensil.
Today, she'd managed to steal some of the Trapper’s tar bottles, just barely making it out without getting seen, a near misstep placing her less than an inch way from triggering a trap.
(Intro revise)She felt like she was being watched, as a shiver ran down her spine. Like a cat, she was on her feet, ready to sprint away, looking for signs of her observer.
But there was nothing. No looming figure, no white mask among the trees. Still, she couldn’t shake off the feeling there were eyes on her, but for now she decided to brush it off.
Working on the finer details, she saw it. A slight shift to her left, something moving just out of sight. She whipped her head around, eyes trying to pinpoint wht she saw.
And for a split second long enough, she saw them. A faint glimmer of a tall figure, melting into nothing.
The Wraith was watching her.
Breath caught in her throat, she stared at the spot where he had been standing, searching for that slight distortion of his cloak. But he remained still, which meant he remained perfectly invisable.
“I saw you. Come out.” Her trembling voice betrayed the confidence she tried to display. Nea bit her lip, suddenly regretting calling him out. What if he attacked her?
But still, she held her ground, as with the all too familiar <i>bing bong,</i> the Wraith burned into visibility. She was trembling, breath lost as he towered over the urban artist, as she hoped he couldn’t see her shaking.
The pair remained there, gazes locked, predator and prey, meeting outside of their cat and mouse game. Out here, there was no escape, no pallets or exit gate.
Nea tried to keep her cool, taking in long shaky breaths in an effort to not fall into panic. Bolting could likely initiate a chase, one she feared she wouldn’t win, so for now she simply stood before him, waiting.
“What do you want Wraith?”
It said nothing, silent and unnerving, as Nea mentally prepared for the worst. Instead, she was genuinely surprised, when he promptly handed her a small container of white paint. She stared at the gift confused, as the killer looked at her expectantly.
“Wait, you want me to make more?”
He nodded, a smile starting to pull at the corners of his mouth. (change?)
She, she honestly hadn’t expected that. Or at the very least, she had definitely not expected a killer to try to help her vandalize the entity’s realm.
“Uh, thank you.”
He said nothing, his face lighting up with a smile enough to tell her “you’re welcome.” He took a careful step back, glancing at her unfinished piece, before looking at her expectantly. The Wraith was waiting for her to continue.
She had no objections with that.
Returning back to her incomplete work, (look at paint)
The contrast was perfect. The white layering over the darkness, adding striking highlights and better defined details. They blended surprisingly well.
(Add intro) it had been a long time since someone had watched her work. Most of her pieces he been made while making sure no one was watching, so eyes being on her and not being a bad things felt, odd.
(It felt good, having your work be appreciated.)
Outside of the trials, Nea couldn’t deny it; She liked the Wraith. He was quiet, (word), and he thoroughly enjoyed her craft, often helping out or making his own, or simply watching her work with keen interest.
It was pleasant, and soon, she found his presence out of trials a comforting and calming one.
It was strange, and probably fucked up, feeling such a way when most of her meetings with him ended in her bloodshed. But out here, without the pressure of the trials, his burning wrath and rage was absent, instead leaving a quiet and kind shell of a man before her.
He was so much more human than she'd given him credit for.
When he wasn’t around, she missed him. She found herself desiring his presence, wanting to be by his side.
And that scared her.
What if the other survivors found out? What would that think, what would they do to her, what would they do to him?
Nea prayed to the entity that they would never find out.
(She seeks him out, others will hate her or worse if they knew)
(Helps her get supplies)
She was surprised they had gotten away with it.
(She sits in Philip's lap while he’s invisible)
Quentin's POV (rewrite from Nea's)
Something seemed off about Nea. And right now, it was her sleeping position. She'd fallen asleep sitting on the log, something he himself had done many times, but instead of being slumped over, she seemed to almost be leaning on something behind her. That couldn’t be right.
Curiously, he reached out to touch her, only to find some invisible barrier between him and her. Confused, he poked at it. It was tough but soft, almost like a person, but slightly barklike.
Then, he saw it. For a split second, he saw the unmistakable outline of the Wraith. His breath got caught in his throat, mind overloading with panic as he realized what this meant.
There was a killer at the campfire.
The Wraith surrounded Nea, the urban artist seated between his legs, laying against his chest, his arms wrapped around her. She was trapped in the killer’s embrace, asleep and unbothered.
He glanced up at his head, the Wraith shifting just enough so he could see him, empty eyes gazing down at him. He raised a finger to his lips, and gave a silent “shhhhh".
Despite his mind screaming at him to scream and alert the others, he listened. Not because he was afraid, but because of Nea. Clearly she had fallen asleep knowing she was in his embrace, there was almost no way she wouldn’t have noticed.
Nea was still a little surprised she'd managed to sneak the Wraith into the survivor camp, let alone multiple times. She was glad almost no one gave her more than a few glances when she approached the fire, reducing the chance someone would catch a glimmer of the Wraith.
Then again, she'd been worried if he could even get close enough in the first place. Killers were usually unable to approach the campfire, as to give the survivors a safe haven.
But thankfully, to her surprise, he was able to cross the threshold with ease, hands held loosely as she once again guided him to the logs with ease.
She sat between his legs, leaning back slightly into his chest, as he slowly wrapped his arms around her. It was comfortable, a sense of ease and safety felt as she was wrapped in his unseen embrace.
(David notices and tries to attack but Wraith slips away into the forest. Still angry, he moves to strike Nea but the Wraith returns to block his hit and pin him down, defending Nea from harm. He grabs her and makes a getaway.
Quentin and/or Claudette come to look for them and try to make peace.)
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grampstaxidermy87 · 2 years
Pretty boy
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Part 2
Pairing: Poly!Lost boys x male!reader/ slight Michael x m!Reader
warning: 18+, heavy smut, oral, face sitting, blowjobs, anal, double penetration,manipulation, biting, blood consumption, group sex, turning, toxic obsession.
An:Hello my lovelies,so sorry for the hiatus! I have started a new semester in school and wanted to focus on that for a bit just to get a steady rhythm. As an apology I have written a nice smut for you all, if you’d like more of this storyline or another type then please feel free to request it!
“You want me to what?”
Michael sighed as he watched me dry my hair, his favorite scent of strawberry in the air as water dripped down onto the ripped t-shirt that I had stolen from him years ago, “My mom's busy and my bike doesn’t want to start, so I kind of need you to drive me to my friends place.” Tilting my head, I debated whether or not I should deny him.
Michael was my best friend, and I cared a lot about him. Probably more than my father would approve of…but lately he had been blowing me off to hang out with some biker gang. Plus, the fact that he’s overall been kind of douchey to me didn’t really make me want to help him, no matter how cute he looked right now with his leather jacket.
“I’m not sure Mikey, can’t your grandpa take you?” I said as I tried to fix up my hair, sighing when it still looked messy no matter what I did.
Michael stood up from where he was sitting on my bed, walking over he stopped once I was staring right at his chest. Forcing me to look up as he crowded my personal space, though that never mattered where either of us were concerned.
Michael grabbed my comb and hair gel from my vanity, Standing just out of view in the mirror.
My breath hitched when he reached up and began fixing my hair for me, I fought back the urge to melt when his cologne hit my nose. Breathing in I smiled slightly when I recognized it, He started wearing it after I mentioned liking it in passing. He didn’t know that I noticed…but I did.
I was so flustered the first time I noticed he used it...so the fact that he still did to this day made my heart soar.
Looking into my eyes I felt like I could die right then and there when his lips quirked into a smirk, giving me a wink that left me breathless.
“There, just the way I like it.” He said stepping back and allowing air to enter my lungs again.
Glancing in the reflection I smiled when I saw the finished product, the same style he’d always do when we hung out. No matter how many times I tried only Michael could get it to look this nice.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so flaky, and that I’ve been a complete ass to you. You didn’t deserve any of that.” His words stunned me, and I looked back at him to see he had his arms crossed with an embarrassed and ashamed expression as he stared at the carpet.
Speechless for what felt like hours I bit my lip and rubbed the back of my neck, while it did hurt Michael and I have known each other since diapers.
This guy knew things about me that no one else did, he was the only one I ever came out to. I loved him with every fiber of my being...and he didn't even know it.
Though I would rather die then tell him that, I wouldn’t risk so many years of friendship just to gross him out and make him hate me in the end.
“Please...don’t worry about it Mikey. I get it, you got new friends. So no hard feelings.” He shook his head as I tried to brush it off, ”I don’t want you to think I’m replacing you,(Y/n). No one could ever replace you, we have been through too much together. It’s just…a lot has been going on and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Softening I placed my hand on his arm, giving him a warm smile that he couldn’t help but to match. “Come on Man, you know me. It’ll take a lot to hurt me.”
He chuckled, "Yea I know, you always were the stronger one out of the two of us. In more ways than one.” He said teasingly taking my bicep in his hand and giving it a squeeze, eyes growing hazy when my heart skipped a beat...staring at my bare neck so intense that I thought he’d bite a chunk out.
Clearing my throat I turned my head away to hide my flustered face.
“S-So uh…should we stop to get drinks for your friends?” He forced a smile at my sudden change of subject and dropped his hand, clenching it at his side. “Sure (N/n).”
Hopping out of my truck I looked around with furrowed brows, “I thought you said we were meeting your friends here, this place looks abandoned.” I frowned as Michael merely laughed at my worry and grabbed the two cases of beer from the bed.
Walking around to join my side he nudged my arm with his,“We are, now come on scaredy cat.”
Sighing I tightened my grip on my keys and hurried after him, glancing around worriedly when I saw him climbing down the rotted stairs.
“Michael! Are you sure we should be going down here? There’s a bunch of no trespassing signs.” He stopped nearly causing me to crash into him, worried I looked up to see him lean down towards my face.
“Do you trust me?” He asked in a whisper, and I almost felt like I should say no just to tease him but the softness in his eyes made me falter. “Of course I do Mikey...I wouldn’t put up with you this long if I didn’t.” He chuckled and shook his head.
“Then trust me on this, nothing is going to hurt you while I'm around (Y/n). I promise.” With that he turned back and continued his descent. Taking a deep breath, I resisted the urge to turn around and run back to the truck.
“I am so gonna regret this…” I muttered to myself, following him into the wet cave.
“Boys I’m back!” Michael yelled out while I tried to carefully climb down the slippery rocks without falling on my ass in-front of Michaels friends.
Sadly, I was destined to be a complete fool. Just as I went to take that last big step my shoe slipped out from under me, Gasping I threw my hands out in an attempt to at least protect my face and waited for the incoming pain.
But it never came.
“Woah look guys! I caught a fallen Angel!” Strong arms held me securely as my face was pressed against a meshed fabric.
Looking up I felt my face burn up when I saw the handsome man who had caught me staring down with a devilish smirk, "How cute, you already fell for me babe." He winked making me gulp.
Standing up straight I immediately stepped out of his arms, confused as to why I felt a pull in my chest when he looked slightly disappointed.
"T-Thanks for catching me man." His frown was quickly replaced by a charming grin, "No problem, Angel. Couldn't let a pretty boy like you get hurt and ruin a face like that." The way he said that...entrancing eyes looking up and down my body. It should have made me self-conscious, but instead I kept thinking about the way his skin felt against mine.
"I appreciate it, I'm (Y/n). Michael's friend." He hummed, distracted by the way my lips moved. Taking my hand when I offered, he pulled me close and spoke lowly into my ear, "Names Paul, but you could just call me yours handsome."
Blushing I heard a throat clear pulling my attention away from the handsome blonde rocker.
Michael glared at Paul from his spot on the couch, a look I had never seen on him before covered his face. I could swear it looked like jealousy.
I felt guilty by how much that look affected me, as I shifted my jeans to try to ignore my drifting thoughts.
"(Y/n), come meet the others." He said and I began walking away from Paul, who licked his lips as he looked me up and down.
"Yeah Paul don't hog Mikey's friend, I want to meet the guy he’s been bragging about." A curly haired man with the face of a cherub approached me first, holding out his hand as he mimicked Paul's earlier actions. Blue eyes tracing over every curve before meeting mine.
"My names Marko, unlike twisted sister I am way cooler." Taking his hand I chuckled at his teasing remark, He shot the others a cocky look for having made me laugh first.
"It's nice to meet you Marko, I love your jacket by the way." His smile widened as he shifted the jacket, " Thanks man, I sewed it together myself!" Proudly showing off his hard work, he twirled around to allow me to look over all the patches and details.
"That's amazing! I wish I could make something that cool." He rubbed his neck as he suddenly became shy, "I could teach you sometime if you want?" I nodded enthusiastically, "I would love that." We stood there for a moment smiling at each other with comfortable silence.
A shadow loomed over as another presence stepped close between us, I tried to hide my shock at the mere presence of such a handsome man. With his bare chest and dark eyes staring into my very soul, I could feel my knees grow weak when he smiled, looking quite happy to finally have my attention on him.
"Been looking forward to Michael finally bringing you around, I'm Dwayne. If the terror twins make you uncomfortable, let me know." His words were spoken so genuinely but that deep voice of his sent shivers down my spine. Swallowing as my throat went dry, I nodded, "Thank you, I appreciate that...Dwayne."
It was hard to ignore the way his lips pulled into a devilish smirk when I spoke his name, tilting his head as he too looked over my shorter form.
I was the same height as Marko but shorter than the handsome giant, I wondered what it would feel like if he completely swallowed me up in his muscular arms. Just the thought of pressing up against that toned chest made me nearly drool.
I took in a sharp breath when a leather gloved hand grazed my hip,Having slipped through the slit of my muscle shirt. They stepped up close so that their chest was fit perfectly against my back. Was the person sniffing my hair?
For some reason I didn't find myself minding as much as I probably should.
"My turn Kitten, I'm David. I hear you’re the smart one out of your little duo, Has Michael told you about me?" My body melted at the compliment added by the delicious sound of his husky voice, I shivered when his breath hit my ear.
"Y-Yes..." I cursed myself for stuttering, but the way he chuckled made it hard to care. "Good things I hope." Gulping I tried not to melt as his other hand circled my waist until it hovered on my pelvis, toying with the button of my jeans as I turned my head to him. I almost regretted it when I was greeted with those intense blue eyes and mind melting smirk.
"Nothing bad, Promise." I said sparing a glance towards Michael who had stood up the moment he realized David approached me.
He glanced worriedly between us, and unlike with Paul it wasn't jealousy I saw in his eyes...it was fear.
I hand on my chin pulled my attention back to David, "Good, wouldn't want you to have the wrong impression of me." I shivered against his grip that tightened on my waist, staring at his lips that seemed to grow closer and closer to my own.
“David.” Michael said sternly,clenching his jaw tight as he watched us.
There was a collective growl from the others while David didn’t even spare the Emerson boy a glance,his attention solely on me.
“You like Chinese, kitten?” He asked suddenly, catching me off guard.
Raising my brows I tried to collect myself, “L-Love it.” He smiled in content,”Looks, brains, and enjoys our favorite food. You got the whole package,Think we found ourselves a keeper boys.”
Paul and Marko voiced their agreements while Dwayne merely raised a brow, watching me with a strange look in his eyes that made me shift as my pants grew tighter.
I could have died right then and there when his eyes closed,his hands clenching at his side as he took a deep breath. David smirked when he saw his friends reaction,time to get the ball moving.
“Marko,food.” Marko groaned at David’s command but knew better than to argue,sending me a wink before running off to the entrance of the cave.
“David,we need to talk.” Michael huffed walking over,David looked unimpressed but sighed. “Keep our guest company, I won’t be long Kitten.” David gave me a warm smile,slowly sliding his grip across my body.
Dragging his gloved hand agonizingly over my stomach as it slid under my shirt before stepping away completely. Once looking away from me a dangerous air surrounded him as he stalked towards the Emerson boy, leading Michael off through a hidden passage in the back.
Paul walked over and plopped down on the couch Michael previously claimed and patted the spot next to him, And as if someone was controlling me I walked over with no resistance and sat down beside him with enough space between us to be comfortable. But for Paul that simply wouldn’t do.
He shifted closer until our sides were pressed snuggly together,he looked to Dwayne who wasted no time in sitting on the other side. Successfully caging me in between as he put an arm around the back of the couch behind me,leaned in close as the stretched position made his jacket open wide and show off his bare chest.
It was painfully hard not to ogle at his muscles when they were right in my face, I had to look towards Paul just to try and avoid the temptation.
No matter how much I wanted to grope those beautiful pecs of his.
After a half hour of chatting I began to feel as if I had known these boys for years, it was so easy to talk to them and it actually seemed like they actually cared about what I was saying. Every story shared was met with playful quips, pity when needed, and overall more interaction than I was used to.
Dwayne had left a few minutes ago to check in on David and Michael, leaving me completely alone with the blonde rocker.
“So (Y/n), you gotta tell me. What’s a smokin hot guy like you doing with a square like Michael?” Paul asked suddenly after I had just finished a story about my first time surfing in Santa Carla when I accidentally caused a surf nazi to crash and therefore have been avoiding the boardwalk.
“Hm? Well Michael and I have been friends since diapers, our moms were really close so it was inevitable that we were as well. Being the same age and all.” I stated setting my now empty beer can on the ground with the other boys pile.
He hummed with a small smile on those enticing lips,the mixture of weed and alcohol along with his touchy nature was driving me crazy, “I get it,explains why he’s so protective of you.”
I shrugged,much too distracted by his hands massaging my legs that he had pulled onto his lap at some point. His hands were magical, tenderly working through every aching muscle,”Why else would he hide you from us…though now that i see how hot you are,it’s not hard to tell why.”
My eyes widened when he leaned close to my face, not even attempting to hide his growing lust as he bit his lip. “You’re so hot and yet adorable, if I were him I’d keep you all to myself too. He knew once we got a taste of a pretty boy like you we would never let you go.”
His hand squeezed my thigh and I couldn’t stop the moan that left my mouth,slapping a hand over it I looked away in shame.
“Oh come on baby, don’t be shy. I wanna hear more.” Paul’s hand moved higher up my leg,fingers now terrifyingly close to the growing bulge beneath my tight pants.
Gulping I grabbed his wrist before it could go any higher, shame filling my chest when I realized how horny I was getting having a guy who was a complete stranger to me an hour ago touching me like this. A really hot guy, but a stranger nonetheless.
It was wrong…so why did it feel so right?
“I-I should check on Mi-“ Looking up I gasped when the blonde swooped in and captured my lips, I was even more surprised when I didn’t even try to fight back.
Instead my hand tangled in his hair as he moved to between my legs and squeezed my hips,pressing me harder into the arm of the couch. Though i didn’t mind too much as I added tongue to the kiss,earning a happy hum in response.
Pulling away he tugged my shirt off and started his assault on my neck, kissing and nipping at any flesh he could reach.
It was mind numbing how good at this he was, hands groping me as if he’s done it a thousand times before as his hard bulge started grinding against my ass.
He knew my body before he even knew me.
And I loved it.
Moving down from my now hickey covered neck, Paul kissed my chest…then my stomach…then my waist…before laying on his front between my thighs as his cheek laid on one. He looked up at me with pleading eyes, “Please..let me taste you, I’ll make you feel so good baby! I promise.”
With the way he was begging how could I refuse him,the look I was giving him was all the consent needed as Paul flashed me a feral grin before pressing his lips against my bulge. Mouthing at it through the fabric without a care in the world,hands quick in the way they unbuckled and unzipped my pants and yanked them down along with my boxers. I let out a sigh of relief for having been freed,earning a chuckle from the blonde.
My thighs squeezed his head by reflex when his breath hit my now bare shaft,the tip was probably leaking with precum by now. But I couldn’t find it in me to care much when his nose pressed against it and took a deep breath in,”Oh fuck man,you smell fucking delicious..”
Yup, I was going to die in a wet cave with an insanely hot dude sucking my dick…honestly not a bad way to go.
When his tongue hit my shaft I accidentally squeezed his head again now keeping him trapped between my thighs.
“Fuck yea,suffocate me baby!” His loud voice against my sensitive dick made me moan out into the quiet cave,the strange sensation making me nearly cum then and there.
The blonde looked up and licked his lips when he saw the dazed and wanting expression I had as I stared down at him,it sent an almost painful wave of lust throughout his body.
“Bon appetite.” He pressed a kiss to the tip and listened to my moans before gently grabbing the base,giving it a stroke as he watched my reaction so he could memorize every expression. Licking his lips he gave it a test lick and almost lost control when he realized he was going to become addicted to my taste.
His mouth salavated when he wrapped his lips around the head,swallowing me down until the tip was hitting the back of his throat. “F-Fuck! Holy fuck! Do you not have a g-gag reflex?!” I moaned out in pleasure and shock as he hummed around my cock only causing me to shiver with ecstasy.
A small click of something opening hit my ears but before I could question it I felt a cold substance covered finger probe at my ring of muscle, his eyes squinted with a hint of his smile as he continued swelling me down like a starving beast.
Skilled fingers slid inside of me slowly making a guttural moan leave my body, god it had been too long since another person had down this that I had almost forgotten how good it felt.
“Oh god keep going!” I yelled grabbing two fistfuls of his fluffy mullet and thrusting my hips back and forth trying to get more friction,his nose pressing against my pelvis repeatedly as he allowed me to use him in a way that left him grinding his own Dick against the couch cushion.
Biting my lip I began panting as his hand thrusted harder and faster after adding another finger,further stretching me so deliciously.
Letting my head fall back onto the arm of the couch my eyes drifting off and freezing when I noticed Dwayne standing in the dark hallway he had disappeared into earlier, His arms were crossed over his chest and he silently watched,a smirk growing on those plump lips when he realized he had been spotted.
Sending me a wink he kept eye contact as one of his hands reached down and began palming himself through his tight jeans.
“Holy shit...”
Paul grew oddly jealous when he noticed my attention was no longer on him, releasing my cock with a pop he irgnored my whine as he also slipped his fingers out.
Confusion only lasted a second until I realized he was shedding off his clothes before sliding between my thighs again with nothing but his mesh shirt.
His cock was mouthwatering to look at, long with a slight curve. He was definitely bigger than the last guy I fucked and yet I didn’t feel scared,In fact I felt my own Dick twitch with anticipation at just the thought of it inside of me.
As if reading my mind he stared down at me with feverish eyes. “I’m gonna fuck you nice and hard baby, okay?”
Dumbly all I could do was nod causing him to grin,”Good boy.” Grabbing his shaft he lined it up with my hole,slowly pushing the head in as it began to stretch the muscle.
Once the head entered fully we both grunted at the tightness,pain and pleasure mixed beautifully together as I held onto his shoulders as he leaned over me and pressed our foreheads together.
Grabbing my hips I didn’t care that his nails were digging into his skin.“That’s it baby, devour my cock!” Paul purred grinding easily as more entered until his hips were settled against my asscheeks. His head fell back in pleasure biting his lips as he shamelessly moaned. “Oh fuck,you’re so tight. Fuck if only you could feel this right now Marko!” He huffed followed by my gasp when he pulled back the till only the tip was in and slammed his hips into me again.
I almost didn’t hear him but a looming shadow over me caught my attention,looking up I saw Marko grinning down at me.”I should be mad you got to him first but I have a better idea.”
My eyes widened in shock and I opened my mouth to speak only for him to straddle my chest,”Fuck you’re so hot,DollFace.” That lust from before came back in full as he undid his belt,pushing down both his paints and boxers to reveal his weeping cock. Where Paul’s was long and angular his was long and thick, his hand pumped it as he stared down at me with heavy lust.
“Been waiting for this since the second you entered the cave, couldn’t wait to stuff my cock down that tight throat of yours.” I panted at both his words and Paul’s Dick pummeling my ass me as he used me to his content,grabbing Marko’s waist the blonde nipped at the others ear. “Don’t hold back Marko, (Y/n) can take it.”
Marko’s grin was feral as he pressed the head against my lips,”Wasn’t planning on it.” Opening my mouth I sucked on the head making him throw his head back onto Paul’s shoulder with a loud moan,not caring who heard.
Grabbing his thighs to stabilize him I licked the underside before sucking him in more,enjoying his sweet taste as I tried to bob my head from the awkward position.
Realizing my struggle he leaned forward and out of Paul’s grasp, grabbing onto the arm of the couch which was a much better positing as he began thrusting into my mouth. Moving my hands to his ass i groped the plump flesh and smiled against his cock when the action earned a whimper that sent heat to my gut.
Shutting my eyes at the sensory overload I felt a hand brush through my hair,peaking over I saw Dwayne knelt beside us with a smirk as he watched Marko rapidly thrust with no mercy. One glance down was all it took to notice he was hard too,thinking was hard right now but I soon came up with an idea.
Reaching over I put my hand over his bulge, his jaw clenched and he grunted when I squeezed.
“Fuck,are you sure..?” He asked and while I couldn’t nod I instead moved my hand to the waistband of his pants and he got the hint.
He smirked and got to work on undoing his pants and freeing himself just as Marko had,my eyes widened when I saw just how girthy he was. The man was packing a monster for sure, the sheer size dwarfed my hand when I wrapped it around the base and gave it a few strokes just to see how he’d react.
His eyes fluttered shut as he let out a sinful moan,one that would make even Lucifer blush. It was purely guttural mixed with a growl as he grabbed my wrist and used my hand as a flesh-light, I tightened my grip a bit and hummed in delight when I saw both him and Marko shiver.
Deciding to take a bit of control back I began thirsting up to meet Paul’s hips he cried out in pleasure and grabbed my hip and the back of the couch for support as i mercilessly fucked him.
Hallowing my cheeks Marko whimpered and took a hand full of my hair as Dwayne sat up a bit to kiss him,it was so hot to watch as the two fought for dominance.
Just as Marko was about to win I swallowed him down more until his tip hit the back of my throat,His mouth opened in a silent cry giving Dwayne the chance to take over. Biting Marko’s lip he grabbed his nipple through his ripped tank and pinched,resulting in Marko’s hips faltering.
My hand continued it’s pumping and soon enough all three made sounds that let me know they were close.
“Fuck guys…I-I can’t..” Marko pulled away from Dwayne and glanced back at Paul who was panting heavily as his hips thrusted at a quick pace,”Neither can I,he’s feels so good! Fuck he’s so tight he’s gonna milk me!”
Dwayne grunted in agreement,clenching his eyes shut tight when my pace got faster. “I’m gonna kill Michael for hiding him from us this long.”
While I should be upset at Dwayne for threatening My best friend I was on cloud nine right now,lightly I raked my teeth against Marko’s cock and that was all he needed.
“Ah! F-Fu..” he yelled as he finally came,cumming straight down my throat as I tried to swallow every last drop.
He pulled out his now flaccid dick and sat back on my chest,he turned to Dwayne and watched as he too reached his climax. Strings of white shooting up and hitting us both on the face and chest,Dwayne almost grew hard again when I lifted my hand up to my mouth and licked off his thick cum and moaned at the taste.
“Come on baby,I want you!” Marko slipped off my chest and they all were surprised when I shot up and tackled Paul back on the couch, straddling him as I bounced on his lap. Forcing him to thrust harder and harder as i wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Ah! Hah! Fuck guys…h-He..Ah..is amazing.” Paul moaned out before nipping and licking my ear. “Keep going baby,harder!” Grabbing my dick he pumped it to match the thrusts,so deep in my own pleasure I didn’t notice the way his eyes glowed and his mouth aimed for my shoulder.
Only for his teeth to sink into a wrist instead, his eyes widened and he saw David hovering behind me with a harsh glare.
Slipping his teeth back out he chuckled, “H-Hi Davey.” Far too drowned out in pleasure I merely glanced back at him causing his frown to melt into a smirk.
“Looks like the boys have been keeping you entertained,pretty boy.” He mused seeing me nod as I went back to fucking myself on Paul’s Dick as the blonde squealed with pleasure.
“Fuck…he’s so good David.” Marko said biting his thumb as they all watched,David hummed and began shedding his jackets and tossing the on the other side of the couch.
“Perhaps I’ll have to see for myself, Huh kitten?” Nodding I licked a stripe up Paul’s neck making him vibrate with shivers.
David grinned and made quick work of releasing his cock,settling on the couch behind me his leather gloves were cold against my skin when he grabbed my asscheeks and gave them a squeeze.
He laughed cruelly when I leaned back against his touch searching for more, “Now now (Y/n),patience. I’ll be fucking you dumb soon enough.” He said lowly in my ear as he wrapped himself around me and grinded against my ass,thrusting to meet Paul’s. And I felt myself wishing he would just slip it in as well…that thought surprised me but I had never felt this horny before.
“David…” I moaned reaching back and grabbing the back of his neck,turning my head towards him I tried to kiss him only for his lips to move out of reach. “Words Kitten,what do you want me to do to you?”
I playfully bit my lip,enjoying the way his eyes followed the action.
“Fuck me..kiss me…use me.” His beautiful blue orbs darkened and he grinned,”With pleasure.”
He surged forward and captured my lips in a heated kiss, unlike with Dwayne and Marko there was no fighting for dominance. David was on top and that was final, and I was more than okay with that.
He licked my lips as he pulled back when his fingers lapped up some of Dwayne's cum and used it as lube to lather his own cock,”Think you can handle both of us Kitten, wouldn’t want to break you.”
I couldn’t tell if he was taunting me or not,but honestly right now I couldn’t care less. I just knew I needed them both inside me,to feel the fullness of both of them pounding into me was all I wanted.
“Please~ I can h-Handle it!” His eyes darkened with lust as he shared a look with the others, “I knew he’d be perfect.” I heard Dwayne say as he stood hovering over Paul’s shoulder,leaning on the back of the couch as he closely watched.
“Alright then pretty boy, since you begged so nicely.” Mercilessly he forced himself past the ring of muscle,squeezing inside until he was pressed firmly alongside Paul. They both grunted at the sensation while I could only hold onto them with my jaw hanging open in pure bliss.
Never had I felt so full before, it was incredible to the point where I doubted I could ever feel satisfied masturbating again after this.
“F-Fuck..so tight.” David grunted pressing his face into the side of my neck as he gritted his teeth. “David…Ah…Harder.” A sadistic grin formed against my neck as a deep chuckle rumbled against my back, even Paul looked slightly tightened by whatever his leader was about to do. Seeing as how his poor dick would also be affected in the crossfire.
“Pretty boy likes it hard Huh? Well who am I to deny you.” With a tightening grip on my waist he began thrusting harder than before…much harder.
Paul gasped out just as I did, struggling to keep up with the platinum blonde despite his best efforts. He was too close to his orgasm, Moaning like a bitch in heat at both my tight warm cavity and David’s unrelenting pace against him.
“Holy shit…where have you boys been all my life?” Marko chuckled at my question, watching me yank Paul’s head back by his hair so I could lick and nibble at his throat. “We’ve been here doll, but don’t worry we have all the time in the world to catch up.”
If I had been in a better state of mind I might have noticed the dark meaning behind those pretty words, but pleasure racked my mind like a drug. All I wanted was for them to consume my mind body and soul until I was completely theirs.
Michael didn’t even cross my mind even as Paul finally succumbed to his pleasure, “Ah! Fuck baby!” He groaned dropping his head onto my chest as his cum poured into my hole, filling it until it was squelching out and onto his lap.
David however was far from done, and the second Paul pulled out He was falling back with me on his lap,back pressed against him as he continued to thrust up. “You’re ours now (Y/n), join us and you’ll feel this pleasure for the rest of eternity.” His hands were everywhere, my hips,my Dick,my throat. His hips stopped in their assault waiting for my answer, and being so blinded by my lust for them I couldn’t think of any other choice but to agree, “Yes! yes! Just please let me cum!”
His feral grin sent shivers down my spine as he motioned for Marko to grab something, I didn’t see what he and the others were doing as I buried my face into the side of David’s head. Moaning into his ear I could feel his dick twitch inside me as he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, my brows furrowed when I saw a gold chalice being held to my lips.
“Drink this, be ours and I will let you cum (Y/n). You will never be left behind or forgotten, we will love you and cherish you. All you have to do is drink.” His words struck a chord deep inside of me,bringing tears that fell as his striking blue eyes softened.
“I want to be loved.” I said as I felt a hand brush the tears from my cheeks, looking up I saw Dwayne hovering over us as he cupped my face in his strong hands . “You will be, we take care of what’s ours. Don’t you want to be ours baby boy?” His face grew closer to mine as he and David caged me between them.
David’s lips whispered praising words into my ear while Dwayne placed gentle kisses along my collarbone as the chalice grazed my lips, they all knew they had won the second I shut my eyes and parted my lips.
“That’s my good boy.” David purred as he tipped the chalice and let the crimson liquid inside pour slowly into my mouth.
It tasted indescribable as my tongue tingled, it slid down my throat until I had drank every last drop. Only then did David pull it away and pass it to someone off to the side.
“You did so good baby boy, now the real fun begins.” The thrusting returned with it’s brutal pace, making me yelp and moan as I felt my lower stomach twist and beg for release.
“That’s it,scream for me kitten.” David grabbed my chin and forced it towards him as he captured my lips in a fiery kiss.
Our audience all watched with matching grins as we were so close to the end, parting with a gasp David licked my lips before switching positions.
My face was pressed down onto the couch as he draped over my back, “Come on baby boy, milk me dry!” He roared biting into my shoulder and making me gasp in ecstasy. It burned in the best way, finally pushing me over the edge as cum shot out and pooled on the cushions.
David wasn’t far behind as his teeth left my shoulder and he grunted, his cum mixing with Paul’s as he too came. Sliding out he motioned for someone to get something to clean me up.
Heavy breaths echoed in the quiet cave, a hand petting my hair as I came down from my high made me smile. Marko’s handsome face held a Cheshire grin while his fingers brushed over my scalp, “Welcome to the family Doll, we’re all gonna have so much fun together.”
Feeling my eyelids grow heavy I nodded in agreement, “W-What about Michael?” David turned my tired body onto my back and taking my chin he leaned down till our lips were a mere inch apart, “Forget about Michael, he had his chance but you belong to us now.” His lips grazed mine teasingly as he growled.
“Rest now, we have much to discuss tomorrow.” I didn’t have the energy to argue as I felt my consciousness leave me.
“Our sweet boy.”
“(Y/n)! Come on wake up!”
Michael frantically tried to wake me,but it seemed useless as I merely groaned with displeasure and further burrowed into the nest of blankets.
“We have to leave, I should have never brought you here! Wake up!” A dark chuckle met his panicked words making the brunette boy jump and whip around in fear.
“I thought I warned you to stay away Michael.” David was fully dressed again, a lit cigarette hanging loosely from his lips as he eyed the Emerson boy.
“I’m not leaving without him!” David couldn’t help but to laugh, pulling his cigarette away he stalked over tauntingly slow and blew the smoke into Michaels face.
Smirking as he winced before a frown formed, “You did your job by bringing him to us, now I have no use for you. (Y/n) belongs to us now, I suggest you forget about him and leave while I still have mercy on you.”
Tossing the cigarette onto the ground he stomped it out before pushing past the half and sat on the edge of the bed, brushing his knuckles over my cheek. Michael clenched his fists at his sides and turned to storm out of the hidden room they had stored me in, close to their den so they could always check on me without fear of the sunlight.
“He loved you too you know, how cruel you were leaving him in the dust. Not to worry,we’ll take good care of him.” Michael froze eyes wide before h shook his head,”This isn’t over David, I’ll be back for him and I wont stop until his is safe. Even if it means killing you.”
David looked amused by the threat, like Michael was just a mere child who was throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get his way. “Goodbye Michael.”
He listened as michaels footsteps disappeared from the cave entirely before standing again, peeling his jacket he tossed it on a chair before slipping into bed behind me. Wrapping an arm around my waist he pulled me into his chest with a content hum.
“David?” I mumbled, drowsy from sleep as David merely pulled me closer and looked over the his and the boys many bite marks that claimed me as theirs. “Go back to sleep kitten, I’ve got you.” He licked his and smirked as I shivered.
“There’ll be plenty of time for that tomorrow, rest now. You’ll need the energy.” With that promise in mind he watched as I finally fell back asleep safely wrapped in a monsters arms.
If only I knew what fate was laid before me when I woke up.
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banditcoyote · 3 years
Wrangled and Tangled
Sasuga stood by the sink washing the last of the dishes from tonights meal. She smiled softly to herself as her tail flicked behind her, happy about the sets of cups and plates she had picked out, feeling domesticated and settled looking over the two sets of dishes her and her lover had shared, something about them in the drying rack felt almost romantic to her. But maybe it was just the way the sunset was showing so pink and purple over the water that was making her feel that way, the cool summer breeze blowing in from the open Lanai. She hummed to herself a little as she dried her hand and reached for the first plate, ready to dry them herself, when the dish cloth was plucked out of her hands swiftly.
“Let me take care of that.” Simon said perching himself onto the counter and starting to dry one of their plates.
“All the left overs put away?” she asked leaning against the counters and bringing her wine to her lips.
“Most of them.” he said with a nod. “Except for the second helping I couldn’t resist, which is now residing in my stomach.”  
She laughed lightly, brushing her hair back behind her ear “Well I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She said with a nod, moving to cozy up to him just a little bit, her eyes full of warmth, and maybe a bit of mischief. “Maybe we can enjoy some other things when you’re done putting those dishes away.” She said with a curl to her lips.
Simon returned the smile and took a moment to lean down to kiss her easily, drawing back with a little hum. “I can think of some things for sure.” He added. “But before we get too distracted.” He placed the clean plate down on the counter and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small ring box and placing it on the counter next to her hand. “Happy Anniversary.”
Sasuga froze at the sight of the small velvet box and her large eyes went wide, slowly looking up into Simon’s face, searching for the meaning.
Simon at once realizing what she might have thought smiled and blushed. “I know we’ve talked about it, but this is just a promise ring.”  Sasuga let go of the breath she was holding with some relief. He picked the box up and opened it. “See?” inside was a thing gold band with a small rose quartz crystal cut into the shape of a heart that side horizontal to the finger. He reached for her left hand and slid it on to her ring finger kissing it into place. “I love you Sasuga, I know that this might not be perfect, but I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” Sasuga looked to the ring on her finger, feeling tears pull at the corner of her eyes. He hopped down from the counter “Oh no….is it too much? I know we said we weren’t going to do anything, that dinner was enough but-“
She shook her head “Don’t be stupid.” She said choking back her emotions. “I love it. I love you….Thank you.” She looked at the ring again before reaching up to tug on one of his horns pulling him down into a kiss. “Forget the dishes….come on.” She said, her tail already snaking up around his waist to guide him toward their bedroom.
Coyote woke up with a start, staring up into the dark ceiling above him. He contemplated for a moment what that dream could have meant, and his jaw tightened in his face. Did Sasuga sleep with Simon while he was away, it was the only rule he had given. Or maybe that had made the whole thing more enticing for the two of them. Still, why would Sasuga end up with Simon, he had the feeling he was absent, that house not looking familiar to him in the slightest. He closed his eyes again, almost willing it to come back to him, but some of the finer details were already fading from his memory, and all he remembered was the way the pair looked longingly at each other before they kissed. He gave a little growl and pushed himself up quickly to throw on some jeans and a shirt.
“Coyote?” Shishi asked lifting his head from where he was curled up on one of the pillows. “Where are you going?” he asked rubbing one of his eyes sleepily.
“I’m heading back to the Makai” he told Shishi as he pulled his shirt down over his torso.
The imp eyed the view appreciatively before his senses snapped back to him. “Should I be worried?” he asked knowing of Coyote’s sometimes prophetic dreams, and he wondered if he had some type of vision of Sasuga’s fights. “Do you want me to come with you?”
Coyote shook his head. “No. No. It’s nothing like that it’s….” only he wasn’t entirely sure he could begin to really understand it himself. He shook his head “Sasuga’s fine. I just need to see her. I only had that one other show at the end of the week anyway, stay here, I’ll go tell Russell to pack everything up and head on home. You’ll be fine finding a flight right? I mean, stay the night, don’t leave on my account.”
Shishi laughed “Oh it was that kind of dream was it?” he grinned. “Okay, Well, tell her I said hello and get back safely.” He said as he yawned and laid back down to sleep. “I’m sure Kurama and Gatlin will be happy to have me home, if they haven’t torn each other apart yet…”
Coyote slapped on his cowboy hat and grabbed a jacket though he felt his skin burning. “And you remember what we said about this right?” he asked as he headed toward the door.
“My lips are sealed.” Shishi murmured. “Not a word to anyone”
“Especially to Sasuga.” He confirmed hand on the door.
“Especially Sasuga.” Shishi promised “She’d probably be more upset with me than you anyway” and waved him off.
Coyote found himself easily at his ring manager’s trailer, pounding on the door. He felt bad to be waking Russell up like this but he knew he couldn’t just disappear in the middle of the night and leave Shishi to explain for  him, things looked weird enough having him around. Russell answered the door, looking as if he was still blinking back sleep. “Coyote, everything alright?” he asked looking around.
“No…Um no, there was a fire back at the ranch.” He said lying on his feet. Thinking easily of the fire at Thom’s he could use as a cover even if the time line wouldn’t match up. He figured it would never get back to Russell anyways. The manager looked concerned. “It’s nothing big, a small one thank god, no one hurt, but I really should get out there, I know we only have the exhibit at the end of the week so I was just going to head home now. Would that be too much of a pain for ya’ll to handle?”
Russell cleared the sleep from his eyes with his hand “Yeah, yeah I can handle it no problem. Take care, hope it’s as small as you say.” He said and headed back to his bed.
Coyote made one more stop, saying farewell to Poncho in his trailer, before he headed towards the nearest portal in the woods, which was still pretty far, and Coyote had to be careful no one saw him as he slipped into the woods and transformed, having to sprint as fast as he could to reach the portal before daylight. He was glad he had the foresight to try and keep his motorcycle as close to him as possible, as the only other way he could have gotten there was to fly back home and then race to her, and he wasn’t sure he could stand being on a plane the way he was feeling.  All cooped up without being able to run or move, or do anything. It would have been torture, not like the past few weeks hadn’t been. The time away from Sasuga had been harder than he’d like to admit, and he already knew he would never plan on being away from her like this again. All the time away from her he had felt like pulling his skin off. He had helped Thom around her house before he left, and at the rodeo he did more of the manual work than anyone really wanted him to. He ran Poncho as often as he felt he could without causing the poor animal too much strain, and then would run laps as fast as he could as long as he could well into the night. But it was never enough, the women that tried to greet him as soon as he stepped out of the rodeo corral still enticed him to the point he had to nearly run back to his RV. All that hair, perfume, and how the hell where they making such good bras now adays? Though he was sure that some of breasts out there weren’t only held up by a bra but maybe some type of surgery, that didn’t sway him away any. Then the fact that in some of the more populous areas there were actual demon women in the crowds, and those he really had to avoid. He was sure they’d sense something about him, and he was doing his best to be incognito. Luckily his prior years of fooling around with plenty of the women at these things rarely had any of his crew spotting him being social, so now that he was hiding out on his own it went unnoticed. Coyote tried to run himself ragged, exercise, the rodeo, his variety of plants and a few sex toys paired unironically with the body pillow he had snuck on board, none of it had done the exact trick. Which had then led him to call Shishi. It had been a long shot, but it didn’t take much convincing getting him to come out to see him in secret, even if he was a bit miffed at having to mostly stay hidden at the events. Coyote let him have the pass into where the wives or girlfriend’s normally sat, and he posed in his refinery during the events when it fancied him. It had helped tire him out, but he still hadn’t been getting enoug
He thought he could remain out here for the full month, and they had gotten so close, it was almost silly to run now. But after the dream with her and Simon he just couldn’t deny the ache he felt for his mate any longer and he had to find his way back to her. Dawn was just about to break as he reached the portal and he wasted no time heading through it and heading towards where he had hidden his bike. He felt like a dog that had gotten a scent, and he wasn’t going to rest until he got to her. **** Four days later still hours from dawn, Coyote stashed the bike behind the hotel, barely taking care to hide it, and stumbled into the lobby. He had all the faith in the world that Sasuga was still in the tournament, and held the most hope that meant she was still in the hotel room that he had the key stashed for. He limped into the lobby where the clerk paled at the site of him. “Sir….” He said rushing around the desk and towards him. “Do you need a medic?” he asked looking him over.
Coyote didn’t waste the energy to speak to him and only shook his head as he stumbled forward before catching his balance again. He knew what he looked like, but wasn’t stopped as it was clear the clerk in his pristine uniform was afraid to touch him at all.
“Is there someone I can call?” he said walking along side him as Coyote shuffled to the elevator, bracing himself against the lobby wall and causing a smear of blood to press into the wall paper.
Coyote considered it for a moment, but shook his head again. If Sasuga was still in the tournament this late in the game there was a chance she was injured as well, and he wanted her to save her strength for fighting. He’d be okay. He just needed a shower, some stitches, and her.
The clerk did not follow him into the elevator, being the main hotel for the tournament he was surely not the only injured guest they received, and he retreated back to their desk, probably to call for maintenance to clean up whatever other mess Coyote had left behind him. He leaned against the wall as it started it’s ascension toward the upper floors, again leaving a smear of dirt and blood where his shoulder braced himself. A few droplets of blood dripping from somewhere onto the floor. It seemed to take forever for the elevator to reach it’s destination, the doors pausing once as a couple was about to get on, but after seeing him let him go on without a question. Coyote almost passed out, unsure if it was from blood loss or exhaustion, but the dinging and wooshing of the doors riled him, and he staggered out into the hallway. Knowing he was so close to Sasuga spurred him on, and he was relieved to find that the card key still worked. He let himself into the hotel room, finding it dark and quiet and he did his best to move with stealth into the bathroom. He passed the bed and spotted Sasuga sleeping peacefully by herself, he was grateful for this because with the rage that was still somewhat in his veins if he had found Simon with her he might have taken a regrettable action. In that moment iat took everything in him to not simply cover her with himself, though with how dirty he was he knew it would only concern her more. There was blood in his mouth and under his fingernails, matting his hair down and sticking to his hat. Better to clean himself up first, and he shut the bathroom door behind him before turning on the light.
He did his best not to look at himself in the mirror, but finding it a necessity to assess some of the damage. If he had made it this far like this it couldn’t have been too bad. Still he was in rough shape. Not only was his face cut, bruised, and swollen, but he had also lost enough weight that he appeared gaunt under the torn and dirty clothes he wore. He slowly undressed, assessing each wound, fresh bruises forming on top of old ones, some cuts that were still bleeding every time he moved, gashes that would no doubt need to be closed up. He hissed as some of the clothing stuck to him where blood had dried, let his effects fall to the floor, his gun empty and tucked back in his holster, and stepped into the shower letting the water strike at his feet until it was warm enough to step into. He braced himself against the wall, letting it flow over his hair and down his back, feeling the sense of relief start to fill him as well. He had made it, he was close to resting, and he was close to his mate, that was all he could ask for right now.
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writersblog20 · 3 years
Henry Cavill x reader
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Not my gif, creds to the maker!
Summary: Traveling and all the interviews took a toll on your health, making you sick but Henry won’t let you go through it alone
Warnings: Quick mention of smut, sickness, vomiting, quick mention of Henry picking up the reader, painkillers but mostly fluff and comfort.
Words: 2.2K
Please if you like the story, reblog. It really does help your homegirl out! I love the likes but unfortanetly they don't do much so pretty please REBLOG 💞
You were restless in the day but you couldn’t pin point why. You weren’t feeling too great either. You weren’t hungry, your muscles were aching and you had cramps but it wasn’t the time of the month yet. Maybe the traveling was catching up with you.
You were traveling a lot with Henry Cavill to promote the new movie and it was really fun. You and Henry had a great chemistry and your little crush quickly turned into a full blown crush but you didn’t expect him to like you back. Maybe because of the age-gap between the two of you but you also thought he saw you as a sister.
The fans caught up with your crush fairly quickly unfortunately and one night, when you and Henry were in the hotel room drinking, he just straight up asked you. Well before he asked you, he was flirting a lot and teasing you. You couldn’t hide it anymore even though you tried to deny it but that was when Henry made a move and it turned out to be a sleepless night if you know what I mean.
The people traveling with you knew, but you both had to keep it quiet just a bit longer until the movie would come out. The fans already caught on, as expected and paparazzi took some pictures along side that you know stayed in one room together but you both hadn’t come out publicly just yet.
“Hey you okay? You seem a little off?” Henry asked when the interview was over. “I don’t know. I don’t feel great but I’m probably just tired.” Henry nodded but kept a close eye on you. Once you were completely done for today, you stumbled a little to your hotel room. Henry frowned worried and helped you into the room, sitting you down on the bed.
He kneeled before you and softly placed his hand on your forehead “You’re heating up sweetheart.” He told you but you already knew as you felt extremely hot and the next minute very cold. “I’m just going to take a shower and get some sleep. I’m exhausted.” Henry kept a frown from worry but nodded. “Want me to help you?” he asked you softly.
You started to feel worse with the minute and wanted him around you so you nodded. Henry grabbed a clean shirt from his bag for you to wear and walked into the bathroom with you. You looked in the mirror and you did look very out off it. You quickly brushed your teeth and got rid of your make-up.
Henry was already in the shower, washing himself off with the shower foam. Normally you would melt at the sight but right now you just couldn’t. Henry grabbed your hand and helped you into the shower. You knew Henry was gentle but he never had been this gentle with you. The best way to describe it was as if he was holding a vase that had cracks in it, ready to break.
He carefully pulled you against his chest and went with his hand over your hair. You let out a sigh once the warm water hit your skin. Henry started to wash your hair as your limbs felt extremely heavy. Like standing up was already too much.
Henry saw that you started to feel worse by the second and got out of the shower with you, softly placing a towel around you. You started to feel very cold again and Henry noticed so he quickly dried himself off and pulled you against his body for some warmth.
Once you were dry he quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled it over your body and you got into your underwear. Henry slept naked and crawled immediately with you under the covers and pulled you against him. Your head was resting on his chest while you softly went with his hand over your hair in order to comfort you.
It didn’t took long before you fell asleep. It was a restless sleep with a lot of nightmares and probably tossing and turning until you woke up. You sat straight up and tried to catch your breath while you were covered in sweat. All of a sudden you realized how horrible you actually felt and took a sprint to the toilet.
You threw all of your insides into the toilet, hoping not to wake Henry in the process. It was a very long time ago that you had felt this miserable and sick. You just couldn’t stop with throwing up until you felt a soft warm hand on your back. You looked back and saw Henry kneeling besides you with a soft, sympathetic smile. “Hey pup, really not doing well are you?” you shook your head as you felt the tears in your eyes from feeling this miserable.
Henry got a hair tie and quickly got your hair into a bun as he softly kept rubbing your back. He sat down behind you so you could hang against him if you wanted to. “I feel so horrible.” You whined. Henry kissed the side of your head. “I know pup, I know. just get it out if you have to.” You leaned a little back against him after you flushed the toilet.
“I’m tired.” You told him with a raspy voice. “Let’s get back into bed. I’ll search for a bucket.” He told you and helped you stand up. Your legs were wobbly and you had no energy left in your body. You brushed your teeth while Henry helped you with standing. After you were done he picked you up and brought you back to bed.
He found a bucket where they would normally would put a wine bottle and ice in, but that would do for now. Henry got you a bottle of water and some painkillers. “Here try if this stays down so you can sleep a bit.” He told you softly. You took it and Henry put an extra pillow underneath you, helping with the nausea. He opened the window so some fresh air would come in and walked back to the bathroom and came back with a wet washcloth.
He placed it carefully over your forehead. “Do you need something else?” he asked you softly. “Can we maybe watch a documentary? So I have something to listen to and get my mind off the nausea.” You asked, remembering that normally helped you. “Whatever you need and want sweetheart.” He told you and kissed your head.
He put the tv on and searched for a documentary that seemed interesting. You chose for unsolved mysteries because that had a little bit of everything but you found the aliens part interesting. You let your head rest on his chest while he got the washcloth and dapped it a bit over your face and neck to cool you off.
“You don’t have to stay awake with me. We have another busy day tomorrow.” You told him but Henry already texted the team, telling them that you were really sick and to cancel the interviews tomorrow but he wouldn’t tell you yet. “Sweetheart, I’m not going to sleep when you feel like this. I want to take care of you.” he told you gently and you felt your heart melt, whispering a soft “Thank you and I love you.” he kissed the top of your head “I love you too princess. So much.”
His arm was behind you and he softly drew circles with his fingers on your arm. You had the bucket between the two of you, just in case. Henry had put the nightlight on besides him, as it normally helped you as well with not getting disorientated. Your looked at the tv but felt your eyes grew heavy. You were scared to close them because you didn’t want the nausea getting worse but it was a losing battle as your eyes closed.
You focused on the sound and quickly drifted off, feeling Henry softly drawing patterns with his fingers on your head.
Once Henry noticed that you were asleep, he closed his eyes as well. he didn’t put the tv off or the lights in case you would wake up again.
~the next day~
You woke up, still feeling extremely miserable. You whined as you opened your eyes. Henry was gone but there was a note on his pillow and you quickly opened it. “Hi puppy, I’m back in a minute, just running to the store, picking some things up. Don’t worry today has been canceled so you can get better. Love you and be back in a bit. X Henry.”
You felt guilty about the day and normally you would be extremely stubborn and go anyway but the way you felt now, you wouldn’t even try to get out of bed so you just accepted the fact and was grateful for Henry canceling the day.
On cue Henry came back inside. “Hey princess, I wasn’t sure if you were awake or not.” He told you softly and placed the bags on the table before sitting next to you on the bed. He put some hair strings out of your face. “How are you feeling right now?” he asked you. “Not good.” You told him honestly.
“Thank you for canceling today.” Henry looked sympathetically at you. “Than you must feel absolutely horrific if you’re not even putting up a fight about it.” he told you teasingly but softly. “I’m sorry you feel like this baby.” you gave him a weak smile.
“I bought you some stuff that might help you feel better.” He told you as he stood up, walking to the table and grab the bags. Henry grabbed a plate and put on the kettle. He placed some fresh fruit on the plate and once the tea was done, took it with him and placed it on your nightstand.
“Try to eat this and then you can take your painkillers. After that we can cuddle and stay in bed all day.” He told you softly and kissed the top of your head. You ate some of the fruit and drank the tea but couldn’t finish it. “Don’t worry baby, you tried and very well. I’m proud of you.” you smiled sadly as he gave you the painkillers.
“I think I want to take a shower, I feel dirty.” Henry nodded “Want me to help you?” he asked you as you tried to get out of bed. Your body was very weak so you agreed and completely surrendered to him so he could take care of you.
He helped you to the bathroom repeated the process of last night. Showering already tired you out completely and he carried you back to bed into some clean clothes. You noticed that the bed was made. You looked at Henry and he winked “I asked if they wanted to change the sheets.” You smiled gratefully as Henry tucked you in.
There was a knock on the door. Henry quickly grabbed the robe and put it on before opening the door. Your assistant stood at the door and looked at you with a sympathetic smile. She was holding a basket with fruit, bread, juices, tea and painkillers along with vitamins.
“Take your time sweetheart, I hope you feel better soon.” She told you and gave Henry the basket who gave her a grateful smile and thanked her before closing the door. “That’s nice.” He commented making you nod.
“Bear? Can we cuddle now?” you asked him softly and he got a big smile at his nickname. “Of course pup.” Before he got in the bed with you, he took down the blinds, so there wouldn’t be any light from outside, hoping it would help with the headache as well. He took the robe off and crawled in besides you, turning on the tv and put the documentary back on.
You snuggled close to Henry, he held you tightly in response. “We’ll get you better pup.” He told you with another kiss on your head. “Thank you bear, for taking care of me and stuff.” He smiled lovingly but you couldn’t see it as you looked at the tv. “I like to do it pup.” He wrapped his arms around you and snuggled into you as well.
Again, sleep wasn’t very far as you closed your eyes and focused on the noise from the tv and the radiating warmth from Henry. “It’s okay pup. Go to sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.” he whispered softly as he rubbed circles on your head again with his fingers, relaxing you. You let out a sigh and nuzzled against his chest before getting in a much needed sleep into Henry’s arms.
Henry would cancel as many days as necessary until you would get better. You’re his everything and so main priority at the moment and he liked to take care of you and he noticed that this was the first time you really let him in and see your vulnerable side. It made him love you even more.  
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