#he named the slime mochi
dovewingkinnie · 2 months
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me, a slime, and my one sided crush on the scientist that researches me (it will never go anywhere)
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Hey I was scrolling through tumblr and saw your pets names and I just had to know if Charlie and mochi are named after slimecicle sorry if this comes across as weird but I was just curious if it was a coincidence!!
Charlie's full name is Charleston Chew, my husband's favorite candy bar that Charlie very politely Did Not Eat despite us accidentally leaving him in the backseat with one on the way home from the Humane Society. Mochi is called Mochi because we spent like three days trying out different names for him and he perked up and paid attention to "Mochi". Also because he's fat and soft, like a mochi. Herschel's full name is "Herschel The Hanukkah Goblin" because we got him for Hanukkah 2020 in a fit of pandemic-induced madness, and Herschel and the Hanukkah Goblins is one of both my husband and my's favorite childhood books.
I had to look up who Mr. Slime is and to give you an idea of how wildly out of touch I am with The Youth (TM), I have never actually watched a videogame playthrough.
Fascinationg coincidence tho.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Can I request a crossover about
Tensura x KNY
Rimuru x Mitsuri! Reader
When Reader has the Same strengh and personality as Mitsuri from KNY
-When an explosion in the middle of the night woke most of the growing village up, most of the warriors were quickly up in arms, thinking it was another attack.
-Rimuru was understandably upset as they had just finished rebuilding from the last attack, where Shizu had been overtaken by Ifrit, and the newcomers that came in the form of the ogres have helped with the process.
-Rimuru just wanted to have a moment of peace once in a while!!
-Rimuru arrived on top of Ranga, seeing Rigurd keeping the others back from a smoking crater, just outside the village, damaging nothing other than some nearby forest plants, “What’s happened Rigurd?”
-The ogres arrived shortly after, Shuna holding onto her brother’s arm, “I sense a tremendous amount of magical energy, but it seems to be fading.”
-The slime bounced over, telling the others to stay back, just in case if there was a threat and he peeked into the crater, finding the crumpled body of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, even more so than Shion!!
-You had long hair, two toned colored of pink and green, reminded Rimuru of Sakura mochi, some of it pulled into braids, and the rest flying free, wearing a black uniform with long green socks, but many parts were torn, showing off pieces of your beautiful body.
-You were heavily injured, your breathing labored as you were unconscious, a ribbon like sword laying around you, the hilt clutched in your dominate hand.
-Rimuru scanned you and almost instantly received the information about you, *L/N F/N, was sent to this world by powerful demonic magic. Originally from your world where she lived in the Taisho Period. Occupation- Demon Slayer. *
-He hummed quietly before making the decision to take you in, telling the others to prepare a room for you as he hopped down into the crater, enveloping your body into his own body, healing your wounds before he lifted you out of the crater.
-Many were surprised to see a human as Rimuru pulled away from you, taking on his human form as Benimaru kneeled down, sensing your strength, “She’s a human but there’s something… unusual about her. There’s an unnatural strength inside her, but I can sense nothing amiss.”
-Rimuru nodded softly, agreeing with him before telling everyone that you had come from another world, which shocked many of them, as usually those from other worlds are insanely powerful or have been given dangerous abilities.
-Rimuru made the decision to bring you back to his own house, to watch over you just in case if you were going to be a threat. Shion offered to remain as well, to protect her lord but he was able to convince her that he would be able to handle it.
-You woke up a few hours later and almost immediately lunged up, as you had been locked in battle with a powerful demon and you gasped, finding yourself in a simple yukata and your sword was laying nearby.
-You heard a strange sound, one that sounded like water, and you turned, seeing a slime bouncing over to you, “You’re awake!” you squeaked, panicking as you tried to scramble back, “What is- a demon?!”
-Rimuru hopped to sit in front of you, “Nope- I’m just an adorable little slime! My name is Rimuru!” while a bit thrown off to learn that this wasn’t a demon, but a creature known as a slime, you calmed down, “A slime? Where- wait! Where’s the demon?!”
-Rimuru changed into his human form, which shocked you, making you squeak as you fell back again, scared, “Whoa there- you’re safe here! You were transported to this world, just like me! I used to be a salaryman in modern day Japan!”
-His words confused you, not sure about what he meant about modern day Japan, because you didn’t know of an occupation called a salaryman.
-Rimuru was very informative, answering all your questions, curled up in your arms against your large chest, which you weren’t bothered by, seeing it as something harmless as he was only a child, not realizing the truth of the matter, even though he did tell you.
-Rimuru introduced you to Rigurd which was a good idea to do it in his house rather than out in the village, as you punched Rigurd, sending him flying, thinking he was a demon. Rigurd harbored no hard feelings as you groveled before him after Rimuru explained that the demons you knew didn’t exist in this world.
-Rigurd wasn’t bothered, finding your strength impressive for such a delicate looking human, which made you blush cutely from the praise before you told them that your muscles were extremely dense which gave you your unnatural strength but with a drawback being your metabolism was very high.
-Rimuru was furious, learning how you had been treated as you walked around the village with him in your arms, introducing you to others, including the ogres who were nice, but Shion was jealous, pouting at you were holding Rimuru.
-You handed him over and she snuggled him hard, cheering her up while Rimuru was scolding you, with no real malice, telling you to save him as he was handed to Shuna.
-Benimaru, Souei, and Hakurou were all intrigued with your sword and skills, as was a dwarf blacksmith, Kaijin, who was in awe of the craftsmanship of the blade, seeing how flexible but so strong the whip like blade was.
-Since there was no way back to your world, Rimuru offered you a place in his village and you were grateful, bowing lowly to him, thanking him for his kindness and you became one of the defenders of the village, alongside the ogres, and Rimuru’s private pillow, as he enjoyed sitting on your lap, switching between you and Shion at random, usually when Shion would get pouty if Shuna didn’t want a turn.
-You found a kinship with Rimuru as you had both been suddenly taken from your lives, thrown into a world you knew nothing about and had to survive in such a dangerous and harsh world. He enjoyed your company as while your looks and strength were a bit odd, you were a sweet and gentle person, one that was calm and soothing for him, and you found Rimuru to be funny but also a good friend and leader to all.
-You were so happy to have made such good friends with such a cute little slime.
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Slowly coming back to Tumblr after a month break of nothing but random queued posts, so, uh, hi!
Dukexiety has me in a chokehold. So why not share some more random Dukexiety shenanigans?
Okay, so: Slime Rancher AU. Slime Rancher is this cute slime game where you're a rancher who ranches slimes. One of my favorite games, so now it's time to project.
Anyway: Remus and Virgil have separate Ranches. Remus' ranch is called the Silvera Ranch, and Virgil's ranch is called the Marcello Ranch. Named after their surnames.
Remus' specialty is mostly all the slimes that hurt you. Crystal slimes, Hunter slimes, Radiation slimes, Boom slimes, etc. He even has an Incinerator to house the Fire slimes. The only not-deadly slimes he has on his ranch are the Puddle slimes because they're fucking adorable and make cute sounds and live in a pond to help with on-hand water supply for the water tank attachment on the VacPak. He even has the full collection of the Slime Toys shop unlocked (from the 7Zee Rewards thing), and got a battery toy for his Radiation slimes. The Radiation slimes love it.
Virgil's specialty seems to be the slimes who are sensitive to light or who are pretty elusive. Like Quantum slimes, Phosphorus slimes, Hunter slimes, etc. He has the cave expansion to his ranch all decked-out. He's a bit anxious about spoiling food or running out of food, so all his farms are maxed out with all the stuff to make them grow faster or scare away stray slimes.
Virgil has his ranch & tech & VacPak set in the purple Chroma Pack of Kanpeki. Remus has the green Chroma Pack of Tomatillo.
When Remus and Virgil meet & realize they're both on the planet of the Far, Far Range, they found out their ranches are the closest to each other. And on a faraway alien planet, you learn to make fast friends with those closest to you in distance because it can get incredibly lonely. And so their friendship begins!
They'll visit each other's ranches from time to time and help each other out. Dealing with Mochi Miles & the Quicksilver slimes stresses Virgil out, so Remus helps with that. Remus has dangerous slimes, and while it's more his style and he has the energy for it, it can still get him hurt from time to time. Virgil doesn't mind helping him making sure the slimes are fed and keeping an eye on Remus' farms. They both help each other on adventures when traveling away from their ranches, they'll sometimes watch the other's ranch if one of them is going on a longer adventure, and they help each other with all the science stuff in the Laboratory.
After a long while of being close to one another, the occasional joint adventures, all that...well, they start realizing their feelings for each other aren't entirely platonic. But they're not romantic either.
Yep, it's time for: qpp Dukexiety!
They're not sure how to define they're feelings for each other, but 'love' is the wrong word. They care a lot about each other and are fond of each other. They joke around on adventures. They help with ranch chores. They sometimes the stay the night over at each other's ranches when it starts to get too dark and neither of them want to deal with the likelihood of Tarrs.
And they have no fucking clue how to tell each other.
They don't wanna ruin what good friendship they already have! So, neither of these dorks tell the other that they care about them in a different way than friendship. Of course, because I am cliché, it all gets confessed on a joint adventure. It's dark. They're miles away from either of their ranches. They're on their way back. They're running from feral slimes and Tarrs, and the adrenaline is coursing through them. Remus is trying to find one of the start teleporters that lay around the area they're in. Virgil is holding his hand as they run so they don't lose each other. Virgil's the one blasting Tarrs with his water tank attachment thing. A Tarr pops up and attacks Remus before he can react to it. It bites him but then Virgil IMMEDIATELY shoots it with water and it explodes into little Tart bits. Remus is stunned by Virgil saving him as Virgil pulls them quickly into a safer little cave to figure out where to go next to get back to a ranch.
And then Remus confesses that he's desperately attracted to Virgil in a queerplatonic way. Virgil dismisses as an effect of the adrenaline rush, and so Remus tells him they can talk about it when they get back and it'll be the same answer. They figure out that Virgil's ranch is closest so they finally find a fucking teleporter and go to Marcello Ranch.
Once at the Ranch, Virgil tends to Remus' Tarr bite so it doesn't get infected and they talk. Remus confesses again, like he said he would. He admits he's been feeling this way for a while but didn't wanna fuck up their friendship because Virgil's important to him and he's terrified of losing him. Virgil stares at him as he finishes bandaging Remus, and then hugs him tight. Remus hugs back. Virgil confesses he's felt the same (queerplatonic) towards him but didn't know how to articulate it and also doesn't want to lose Remus. They decide to enter a qpp partnership and figure it out together.
Somewhere down the road, they decide to combine their ranches and stuff. It becomes a chaotic home to many different slimes, a mess of green and purple everywhere, and they name it the Royal Storms Ranch. They pick a name that represents a piece of both of them: Royal for Remus' nickname "Dukey" and Storm for Virgil's affinity for thunderstorms.
And yadda yadda, happy ending, qpp Dukexiety wins!
This is so long, my bad, lol.
( @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat )
Aye welcome back Oatmeal :}D!!! This AU sounds S O fucking cool and cute oml P L E A S E!!! It's got QPP Dukexiety where they have a deep level of trust and care for one another and are more than willing to stick by each other's side to figure out what they're feeling, Fitting unique last names for the beloveds that make really cool ranch names, Super sweet moments like them visiting each other's ranches from time to time and helping each other out when they need it, Them adventuring and surviving together, Them combining their ranches and pretty much raising a slime army together are all such fucking D E L I C I O U S concepts and I L O V E it!!!
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nonspeakingkiku · 2 years
Kiku feel like rambling about Slime Rancher, so warning spoilers for story in game.
Okay so part of Slime Rancher is fufilling requests for a group of other ranchers, Mochi Miles, Thora West, Ogden Ortiz, Bob, and another guy who Kiku's can't remember the name of right now.
Each one has a past and you learn about that past by helping them with requests (except Bob... Bob is literally a stack of pink slimes in a trench coat, and it not even like a good disguise because you can see one of them, and all he requests is chickens. How a stack of slimes can type (errr... talk... It like you video chat them Kiku thinks) Kiku doesn't know.)
Like Ogden used to be the owner of a food company that made cheap but not good meals and now he a farmer.
But what what made Kiku want to post about this is Mochi Miles. Mochi at first glance seems like a rich heartless bitch, and honestly she is. She has all this money and access to special slimes she profits from and her fathers buisness.
But the heartless rich bitch is an act. She is just a lonely rich girl who's father was probably always away, and you can see that from interacting with her throughout the game. She doesn't have any friends because of how she acts and she probably acts like that because that's how she was taught to act. She clearly wants a friend but doesn't understand how to make friends (She maybe autistic but Kiku not talking about that right now). She secludes herself and she is lonely but doesn't know how to not be alone.
Kiku's biggest point in all this is the NPCs aren't flat. They have so much life to them and you can see it. It part of why Slime Rancher such a good game. And all the NPC's have a background like this. They aren't one dimensional and flat. Although it probably help that Kiku's brain has asigned them voices. Thora sounds kinda like the leader of the Crimson Caravan in Fallout New Vegas.
And Kiku not sure who Mochi sound like but she have a voice to Kiku. Slime Rancher such a good game. Kiku usually not have cognitive function enough for posts like this because have migraines and processing issues and thinking getting a little hard now but Kiku infodumped a little at least 😅
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godofvillains · 1 year
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“Goodness, you’re quite the jack of all trades, aren’t you? Next you’ll tell me you know how to split cells and fly a jet or something,” She laughed with good intentions… But, part of her was a bit concerned that he actually would know how to do those things. Her poor brain wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of information.
Mochi stopped her jovial racing when Tomura opened his portal and gave it a cursory sniff. She decided she was not a fan of that, going to hide away in Ash’s lap. “It’s a pretty old app that my brother, Eon, jailbroke? I don’t know, but it’s umm… Whisper? Yeah, yeah,” Ash unlocked her computer.
She had a Tokyo Mew Mew wallpaper with multiple games, from Stardew Valley to Slime Rancher and Slime Rancher 2. She tapped an icon in the lower corner that opened a dark chat window for the previously mentioned app. There was roughly four hundred users linked to the servers, and some of the names burned memories into her skull. “To get to the encrypted server you’ll.. You’ll have to add Eon’s account. It doesn’t matter if he accepts or not, it’ll get you in.”
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"I know how to drive a motorcycle," he announces to her. "But no jet plane.... For some other random facts about me since we're on this topic that I bet you could never guess-- I play both violin and piano. I've been playing violin since I was a kid and took up piano once I could control my quirk." With how his quirk used to work, there was no off and on switch. If he touched something with all five fingers, it would decay. No options. Now after he had his upgrade, he had a little option to not decay something-- despite touching it with all five fingers.
"Whisper? I've never heard of it. I know of discord and that's what I usually use, but whisper is new." He boots up his laptop which starts up very fast. He looks at her desktop and spots Slime Rancher. "Oh.. I just beat that game, slime rancher. It's fun, a very cute game. Eri got it for my for my birthday. But I got it on the Switch. I'm waiting until it's out of beta to buy number two."
"Do I just download Whisper off the internet? Is there's certain place I need to get it? Sorry, I just don't want any viruses on my laptop.." He shifts the laptop to face her. His desktop had a picture of Eri and all his pets as the wallpaper. And it had various game shortcuts on it, but not a lot. There was a specific folder for game short cuts.
"Here, just download it yourself onto here. I trust you know what you're looking for and can do it."
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wiithstars · 1 year
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It would probably be covered in pastel colors with a busy design, representing her loud, yet positive, personality.
There is not much Annaki hides about her life; she is a very upfront person, possibly to a fault. Lying is a task that even if they attempted, they can be seen right through. It's possible that their childhood and the evils faced within it would make some people question if there was more to her, as it doesn't seem to match the way she interacts with the world as an adult.
When Annaki falls in love, they are all in, which makes it difficult to name a deal breaker, as it would probably be possible for someone to talk their way out of any. Annaki could never kill any being. There has often been times when she has to leave the room when an animal needs euthanasia because she can't handle the procedure. Considering the amount of romantic movies they watch, dying for love would be much more plausible.
Either Atticus out of pure fear, and he tends to be the person who they call when fear strikes, or Fallon because they would trust she would be the one person they know who could definitely beat up the stranger.
Horror is probably Annaki's least favorite genre, so she has know opinion regarding that.
Shopping! Or if she is trying to save money, just getting to take Mochi out for a walk is always an enjoyable way to get out of the house.
Lots of lace, ruffles, and bows. Possibly to an extreme degree.
Annaki doesn't order delivery too often. If she's already at home, she's more likely to make something herself, even if it is just a frozen meal. However, she does regularly go to Peppy's to pick up a slice after working if she's feeling it. She once thought she saw an animatronic move out of the corner of her eye when a show wasn't going on, but she just assumed she was seeing incorrectly.
Annaki tends to believe in any superstition she's told as she tends to be pretty gullible. One that has always creeped her out is if you knock an empty chair, it can bring an evil spirit into your body.
The past is probably the only thing that Annaki would say is haunting their family.
Probably sloth. If it wasn't for her animals, she would probably spend a lot more days in bed.
Ignorance is bliss. Her family is safe as far as she knows and she isn't going to go around poking questions when that's all she really needs in life.
That she doesn't stand up even when she knows injustices are happening. She's weak. When they were kids, she never tried to stop the things that were happening, that were hurting her siblings. If she did, would they have been harmed less? There will never be any way to know because she never did. She always runs and hides. And most of the time, she always runs to Atticus. But there's that feeling, that worry, that he doesn't feel that same protection from her because when did she ever display it when it came to their parents? In her worst nightmares, her siblings hold resentment over her for being weak, for not doing more.
If she could control it, she would go in her sleep, without even being conscious to experience it.
Picking out a romantic comedy to watch and pouring herself a glass of wine.
The color pink. Most symbols related to dogs. Warm hugs.
No, Annaki doesn't have the skills to access the dark web and hasn't really had any reason to, so it isn't exactly something she concerns herself with.
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I mean, i should be asleep —
Yea, I’m writting this at 4:25 a.m. Central Mexico Hour anddd; well since I’m bored and I’m really tired of not doing anything I’ll throw some nice facts abt my ocs and some head cannons of ranchers!
In fact Hunter his name is Huntar, but since they all keep calling them Hunter his name is Hunter
Tabitha [not Tabbytia, ok Kalia?] had a lot, A LOT of romantical problems, broke ups, and all those stuff, not only twice or three times, she had this througth almost hUNDRED OF TIMES,, yea hard for her? Not at all but the first time it was like “EUGHEFUHEHGYHM 😭” and the last time was more like “o- fine 🧍”
Hun, the honey slime of the blog, his full name is Hunny, but that name triggers him a lot since it was the last thing he heard from their parents
In fact, the Lucky Golden Largo has a name! And isn’t Goldy or Lucky, his name is Lavender
Tabitha and Hunter are brothers, Hunter and Hunny are really close friends because boyfriends they both don’t want to “formalize”, Hunny and Lavender don’t know each other but they have met, Lavender and Tabitha don’t know each other, Hunter and Lavender don’t know each other, and the Pink Slime knows everyone
Pink Slime is the only slime that doesn’t uses a “normal” name
Almost all the ranchers and Mochi Miles tried to capture Lavender because one of his plorts would almost make the owner rich with only some plorts, I’ll explain: If the newbucks of a golden plort are always around the 400, and the Lucky gives like 100 - 20, the max amount and the 400 would make 500, and the double if Mochi helps us and gives us a hand with the “Extra Mile of Mochi Miles” would give 1000, now considerating that could be the possibility of giving Lavender their favorite food it would give us 2000, and with the golden thing for giving the triple of the golden plorts and considering that this is a Golden slime it would make 6000 if given the favorite food and having this, yea a bible for only a thing, but yea, 6000 for only few plorts [6]
well, this is all for the slimes, head cannons I’ll add them later! ^^
Posted at: 4:53 a.m. Central Mexico Hour, MAN ONLY FOR THIS ALMOST A HOUR??
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Chuckle Sandwich as caregivers
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cc!Chuckle Sandwich as caregivers! (separate)
Requested by: N/A
Proofread: No
Music: Hungry Six-Pack by Beelzebub (VA: Kyohei Yaguchi)
Warnings: None!
Author's note: I love these boys so much! They deserve the world! This is also a bit short sorry (also quick update, I'm making an anon list so if you like my work and wanna request a bunch of stuff, just pick your anon name and request!)
-Mod Kenma
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Very chill caregiver
He lets you do your own thing for the most part (he watches obviously)
He's wrapped around your little finger
You run around with Jambo a lot and play with him
Schlatt takes photos of you on his disposable camera and puts them in a photo album full of small you
You try to take photos but they usually come out blurry but it's the thought that counts
You follow him around a lot and tend to carry Jambo around with you
He loves when you pick out clothes to match him (whether it is matching color sweaters or a full-on same outfit)
He prefers to call you kiddo, kid, and bubs
He's the type of caregiver who preps snacks so whenever you want something, it's already made so you don't wait
You steal his sweaters all the time
You try your best to match with Jambo as well
You have a couple of sweaters that match his though so that counts for something
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Strict caregiver
He's not strict in the sense of you can't do stuff
Strict in the sense of protective and wanting to make sure you're okay
Teddy really wants to make sure you're his happy little baby
He makes funny tiktoks with you (mostly reactions and dancing)
He memorizes all of your favorite things
Carries you everywhere
Spoils the heck out of you (even when you're big he likes to spoil you)
TONS of adventures. Going out around LA to find something fun to do
Theme parks. ALL of the theme parks
He can read you like a book. Whenever you're upset, he knows how to make you feel better
He puts your drawings on the fridge and labels them for you
Gets you a bunch of art supplies because he loves your art passion when you're small
He dresses like a dad and it makes you giggle and feel smaller
Try on his glasses and make silly faces
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Energetic caregiver
Colors and draws with you
You two will work on a piece together and it turns out great
He gets you all sorts of cool puzzles and crafts to do with you
Remember that one video where Charlie does the crystal excavation? You two do that all the time (but messier)
DnD dice makes a good rattle when Charlie isn't paying attention
Charlie is the hardest to get mad
You two bake and create a ton of treats!
Charlie likes to make you healthy snacks but sometimes it's hard to make something cute when he sees you take a giant bite out of a veggie, inspired by his bits on Chuckle Sandwich
You play with Mochi and put her in the front pocket of your overalls
Cuddles with Mochi and Charlie while watching cartoons and dancing during the theme songs
Butterly kisses <3
Charlie definitely peppers your face in kisses to cheer you up
Will sing Disney songs with you
Matching friendship bracelets that you two made!
Charlie makes you slime so you can play with it
If you try to eat it, he'll make sure to make crunchy slime and not just normal slime so you don't put it in your mouth
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mumboyumbo · 2 years
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GRIAN as MOCHI MILES - (Slime Rancher AU) 
biography and slime design below!
Grian lives alone in a Manor nearby Nimble Valley. He owns his own company in Nimble Valley, the home to the Pesky Slimes. These slimes are fast and have wings of their own with red, blue and yellow colorations. They have an official name, yeah, but Grian, as the only Rancher in the Far, Far Range that works with these slimes, (as they’re only native to Nimble Valley) has managed to spread the nickname around to the others living around. 
He harvests the energy produced by these slimes in the form of their Plorts. He works with off-world Iskall, a very skilled mechanic, under the company name Sahara. When one Mumbo Jumbo moves to thr Far, Far Range, Grian occasionally hires him to help run the workings in Nimble Valley in exchange for Ranch upgrades and insights into the Plort Market. Not much is known about the people who buy the Pesky Plorts, and Grian on multiple occasions has stated, “Iskall said they aren’t very useful. They’re pretty, but haven’t got much else going for them.”
Grian’s vacpack is made to look like the same wings that the Pesky Slimes have, as he’s taken quite a liking to the slimes. These slimes chirp and sing and stay in groups. 
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littlespaceanddid · 2 years
*:・゚✧*:・゚My Agere Profile
⚝ Name: Wilbur
⚝ Nickname: Angel
⚝ Age: 15
⚝ Pronouns: He/They + Neos
⚝ Gender: Polygender (Demi-boy, Brightgender, Weirdcoric)
⚝ Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual, Polyamorous but fine with a monogamous relationship
⚝ Relationship Status: Taken
⚝ Location: USA
⚝ Little Name: Mochi
⚝ Little Age: 0-6
⚝ Follower Count: 50
⚝ Favorite Color: Purple & Blue
⚝ Favorite Stuffie: A brown squishy platypus named Perry
⚝ Favorite Activities: Napping, Watching TV, Coloring, Playing with toys
⚝ 3 Favorite Shows: Bluey, Sofia The First, My Little Pony
⚝ 3 Favorite Movies: Zootopia, HTTYD, The Mitchells VS Machines
⚝ 3 Favorite Books: Greek Myths for Kids, Any Fairytale, Garfield Books
⚝ 3 Favorite Apps: Dragonvale, Toca World, Super Slime Simulator
⚝ 3 Favorite Video Games: Cookie Run: Kingdom, Minecraft, Sims 4
⚝ Favorite Little Gear: My Paci, My sippy cup, my red blanket
⚝ Favorite Drink: Tea, Smoothies, Sprite
⚝ Favorite Snack: Baby puffs, Yogurt Melts
⚝ One Year Goal: To be happy and not relapse
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boycritter · 3 years
hermitcraft slime rancher au bc fuck you /lh they’re my hyperfixations and i get to choose how to put them together 
they’re all ranchers in this au!! also any groups i mention all share a farm!! and they all interact + frequently trade resources :D
Team ZIT (zedaph/tango tek/impulsesv): the zanch
-most of their ranch is boom slimes/boom largos
-tangos favorite is the boom dervish, impulses is the quantum boom, and zedaph’s is the boom tabby
-they also have a corral of rad phosphors!! 
-’because they look funky’
-zed has somehow managed to completely subvert a drill to go upwards and it still works???
nHo (bdoubleo/docm77/ethoslab/vintagebeef): new slime order ranch
-tangle slimes are banned from their ranch 
-boom slimes!! boom slimes their beloveds!! boom slimes are a common favorite among the hermits :]
-doc has a pet rad slime named ‘little doccy’
-they have a bunch of different drones doing things. automation 10/10
-all of the corrals have music boxes on them bc etho insists
convex/concorp (cubfan135/gtwscar): slimecorp ranch
-have a bunch of tangle mosaic largos (bc their plorts sell for the most on the plort market, besides gold plorts ofc) and they’re capitalists (affectionate)
-have a gold slime on a #1 slime stage
-they have a way to get every single plort
-second richest of all the ranches
-very good friends w/ mochi
ijevin: iRanch
-likes puddle slimes bc they look like him
-has been ranched accidentally on more than one occasion
-he rates it a 2/10 experience
falsesymmetry: supremacy ranch
-likes the honey slimes bc yellow
-hates rad slimes
-doc once brought little doccy to her ranch and she almost punted him (she didnt tho and little doccy is okay)
architechs (iskall/grian/mumbo jumbo): archi-ranch
-f i r e s l i m e (fire slime)
-b o o m s l i m e (boom slime)
-mumbo likes the pink slimes a lot
hypno: pp ranch
-really likes the hunter slimes bc they have matching bandanas
-a bunch of coops as well
joe/cleo: joe-rassic ranch (joe’s name) zoo ranch (cleo’s name)
-technically only cleo’s ranch, joe has just invited himself to live there
-spends most of his time in the overgrowth, where he keeps his tabby/pink largos
-yes he has like 4 corrals of them
-one of them is a mosaic tabby. he frequently switches which corral its in because he enjoys being a nuisance
-cleo likes the dervish slimes
-converted ogden’s retreat into a giant garden
-richest of all the ranches
-he really likes honey slimes bc they’re literal sweet faces
-favorite largo is the honey tabby or mosaic dervish
-once bought a pink plort off of grian for 500 newbucks
-also great friends with mochi
xbcrafted: three slime hole ranch
-loves going out and collecting slimes, only brings home a bit bc he loves it so much
-likes the hunter and saber slimes a lot
rendog: the ren-ch
-tabby slimes!! so many tabby slimes!!!
-he has a lot of boom tabbys
-also has a little tabby pet named pamela
-he has a lot of fruit trees, his favorite one is the phase lemon or cuberry
stressmonster: gg ranch
-lots of tangle slimes and pink slimes :D
-for some reason the odd onion is her favorite vegetable
tfc: fallout ranch
 -rock slimes his beloved <3
-he has a little one that follows him around
-his favorite place is the indigo quarry
welsknight: the repentance ranch
-he likes mosaic slimes a lot
-99% of the time he’s at ogdens looking for kookadobas
xisuma: void ranch
-loves the drones sm
-his ranch is pretty much fully automated and he spends most of his time in the lab or at viktor’s workshop
-favorite slimes are the quantums
-he and BOb are very good friends :]
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musubiki · 3 years
Can we see a time when lime and mochi make each other laugh themselves sick?
waah i’ll draw it someday, but heres a few noteable times!!
- whats known as “the incident with the monk seal and the shampoo bottle.” no one knows what happened. lime refuses to talk about it, and mochi promised she would never say anything to anyone, but suffice to say it happened when they were younger, and its embarrassing enough for lime that mochi is STILL able to hold it over his head. every time mochi brings it up, she laughs about it while lime stands there red in the face. whenever she REALLY needs something, she brings it up (by name only) and he cuts her off with “OKAY OKAY SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP ILL DO IT GOD DAMN IT!!!!” meanwhile coco and oscar are CLAMMERING for someone to tell them what happened. they (and we) never find out the details of the event, except that it was embarrassing for lime, and hilarious for mochi
- they actually laugh at each other a LOT. i think ive drawn a couple times where one of them is being dumb and/or embarrassing and the other is just WHEEZING SO BAD THEY CANT SPEAK!!!!!! heres one, and heres another
- another time is post-timeskip as soon as mochi comes back. maybe after the cat-ears incident? lime has a moment where he goes “come on we’re going out to dinner,” grabs her hand and starts pulling her out the door because he missed her a lot and just wants to spend some alone time with her. they go to this seafood food truck by the beach (a place the used to go a lot before she left) and just talk and talk for hours about nothing in particular. at some point lime is telling her some stupid story about coco or oscar while she was gone and theyre laughing so hard that lime accidentally snorts a noodle, and it DISGUSTINGLY comes out of his NOSE. and hes coughing, pulling it out like some alien slime with mochi going “EEWWW” through her giggling, and when its out he jokingly fake-throws it at her and they're making so much noise that the owner (despite having known them their whole lives), kicks them out of the vicinity for disturbing the other customers LOL
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Slime Rancher
1. Do you consider it a comfort game?
Yep! It's relaxing and nice.
2. If you had to describe it in 3 words, how would you describe it?
Cute, bubbly, mysterious
3. Is it a game with a strict play style or is it more open ended?
It doesn't have an ending, you can play after the credits. So I'd say open ended. But the sequel is planning to be even more than the original.
Well that would make sense, the sequel would be bigger than the original... But, figured I would mention it.
4. What's the game graphics like?
I'd say it looks great. Very colorful and the mechanics work amazing.
I am not an graphics master, I have seen people complain online, idk
5. If you could choose one type of slime to exist irl and be yours, which kind would you choose?
Honey Slime. No questions. No danger when their around, and they don't have a complicated diet. It's just fruit they like. And they cute.
6. Does the game have a sound track? If so, what's it like?
Yep. I like the music, it gives you the feeling to relax. And the credits song is nice, but more extra compared to the other themes in the game.
7. Do you feel that the character design gets across character traits well?
Umm. Not too sure. I am not smart on how design related to character. But the one that was obvious; was Ogden with his confident, yet sweet personality fitting with his bubble like design.
But, the part I can focus on is their clothes fit the best with their occupation. Ogden and Viktor are the most clear as a farmer and scientist. But Mochi doesn't have a specific irl job, yet her clothers just scream rich. Which is accuate.
8. If you were to redesign one character, who would it be and why.
Ogden. He looks very different to the other human characters. He does look nice though, it just doesn't fit with other human characters in my mine.
9. Do you prefer with or without the dlc?
I haven't bought the dlc, but I would really like to get it though.
I love relaxing names!
Oooh bubbly!! That's actually a really cool describing word!
Ooh I love games like that!!
Colorful games are awesome, and good mechanics are always nice!
Awww! They sound really cute!
Oh cool! Relaxing sound tracks are really cool!
Oh cool! So it seems like they get across a persons everyday life well, which is always good!
That makes sense
Oooh ok. For some reason i thought you had
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 years
Tumblr media
once mochi inflicted his cute slime rancher au on me i started immediately thinking of joey because of course i did, but decided to draw an idea for henry first cause at least I can look at protags outfit and make it yellow,
and then quickly found out i didn’t wanna actually draw the gun lmao
anyways, here’s my thoughts on Joey and Henry in this au: - Joey and Henry started the ranch together - Henry missed his wife though and couldn’t take being out so far away, so he left everything to Joey and went back home to Linda - Joey was heart broken and felt betrayed and now he was all alone, so of course he got into doing Joey Things - Joey makes Ink Slimes, which have plorts that can actually be substituted for other plorts? but also are extremely unstable, and he manages to create the inky tarr too, - something happens at some point, Henry receives an SOS message, and flies out to see if he can help his friend, - Joey is long time missing though - but the farm is still here... as well as some very unique Slimes ones that apparently all have names??
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rosesanthology · 3 years
Senobia (5 star) :
Banner name : "a captain's ambition"
Weapon name : "sea divider" which comes in a set of dual claymores
Attack : freakishly fast physical strikes of both claymores at once except the 5th strike is a heavy one (the claymores combine into one)
Special attack : seno gets close to whatever opponent is near and inflicts hydro with a heavy strike of both claymores
Ult : the claymores combine and she does a spinning hit that summons a wave that can hit up to 5 surrounding opponents (4 waves at C6)
Passive talents : increases space in ur inventory, increased mora drops from mobs and no hydro damage can be taken (as well as wet status cant be afflicted) during the ult
Special dish : i have no clue what her special dish is but whatever she makes increases physical attack pourcentage
Kasto (4 star) :
Weapon name : "princess guard" a geo claymore
Attack : she spins in circle like xinyan if u hold the button but once stamina bar depletes she jumps up and spawns a huge crystal from the ground (sending the opponent flying upwards)
Special attack : traps ennemies in crystal for a few seconds and does damage (time increases with constellations)
Ult : creates a pretty strong shield while a rain of crystal falls around her and inflicts damage on nearby opponents
Passive talent : does it count as a passive if I say that she is naturally able to break the geo hypostasis's pillars in 2 hits at C1
Special dish : she can't cook im sorry
Michi (5 star) :
Banner name : "honor of the tengu" where he has a stupidly low rate of dropping unless u complete his story quest first
Weapon name : "cherry blossom blade" which is a katana with porcelain like decorations on it (also has a low drop rate unless story quest completed)
Special attack : immobilizes up to 3 opponents in cherry tree branches and michi gets a shield that buffs his attacks
Ult : he goes into something similar as the demon mode of the dual blades from monster hunter ? He can't take damage and he can stand on moving branches that run over his ennemies (controls similar to fischl's oz)
Passive talent : u get a double of every flower u pick up no matter the region and he buffs everyone's attack
Special dish : salmon skewers that give u pyro res and buffs crit damage :)
Agnar (5 star) :
Banner name : "the snow leopard of snezhnayan"
Weapon name : none. He comes with his own ice polearm.
Attack : all of his attacks inflict cryo damage and he switches between physical attacks with his fists and elemental attacks with his polearm at random
Special attack : a bit like geo traveler u can aim at ennemies and drop a giant icicle on them that explodes and inflicts cryo damage after 5 seconds
Ult : summons a giant ice leopard that steps on nearby opponents (disappears after animation)
Passive talent : he isnt affected by sheer cold, his crit rate goes up with his attack combos, im sorry but if u put childe or kaeya in the team with him his number of normal attack will decrease (he'll hit less times and slower for the same amount of damage per hit)
Special dish : his own version of the pile em up dish except he makes the steak into a soup with ACTUAL has vegetables in it (stares at diluc)
Mei Lan (5 star) :
Banner name : "eery music of qingyun peaks"
Weapon name : "tales of ancient liyue" which is his fan that acts as a catalyst
Attack : his physical attacks are some of the weakest in game because he doesn't like to move a lot but basically he uses his fan a bit like a sword (throws it at opponents sometimes and it does multiple hits while spinning)
Special attack : sends water blades with his fan and legs (by hitting the ground) which has wayyy higher damage and also inflicts the wet status, it also acts as a mode like childe's blades so he'll only do that until it reaches cooldown
Ult : if his special isn't activated he'll summon a giant fish skeleton that will get rid of 2 opponents at C0, if his special is activated the area he's in floods and the opponents gets dragged under the water (99% crit success rate except he loses hp during it)
Passive talent : when mei lan is in ur party mobs dont see u unless u directly engage combat, rare liyue mobs drop rates are also boosted (u can get 4 star artefacts from hilichurls), BUT if u have wuxiang he'll have a lower drop rate on his banner and lower base stats
Special dish : absolutly nothing. He can't cook he will burn everything u give him and it'll actually decrease ur stats. He gives u food poisoning basically.
Wuxiang (5 star) :
Banner name : "immortal antique shop owner" where he has a drop rate of 40% if u have anything that belongs to mei lan or mei lan himself (he's annoying)
Weapon name : "dream of glaze lilies" which is his catalyst
Attack : fast cryo spells if u hold the button or if u spam it he'll just start hitting ppl with his hands which also does more damage
Special attack : summons a shield and throws ice shards at opponents
Ult : the surrounding area and the opponents gets surrounded by a prison of ice flowers (it doesn't affect wuxiang) and the opponents get cryo damage overtime but hitting them into the flowers just instantly kills them
Passive talent : if u have mei lan on the team he'll just randomly stop attacking sometimes my bad, same talent as xingqiu where when u purchase books u get double of them, also increases artefact quality and can pinpoint every book for the archive on the map
Special dish : he also can't fucking cook but his special dish is his version of adepti's temptation called "suspicious tempation" where the stats u get from eating it are randomized,,,,,the crit rate is still good but anything else could decrease
Junko (5 star) :
Banner name : "beast tengu of loyalty" where he has increased drop rate if noburu or noburu's weapon is in ur team
Weapon name : "destruction of timeless battles" which is his polearm
Attack : slams and swings his polearm around like a madman and it creates a mini explosion everytime and it inflicts lasting pyro damage EXCEPT he's so reckless he burns himself too so his hp decreases slowly
Special attack : he switches to pyro talismans and can make 2 big fire tornados that can mix with junko's cryo only
Ult : transforms into a big dog for a while and mauls everything near him inflicting pyro damage
Passive talent : natural cryo res he can't get cryo damage unless he's straight up frozen after being inflicted wet
Special dish : konpeito,,,,,but with like chili powder on top and it gives him increased pyro damage,,,,he's crazy im so sorry
Noburu (5 star) :
Banner name : "beast tengu of knowledge" where he has increased drop rate if u have junko or junko's weapon
Weapon name : "voice of trials" which is his scythe
Attack : noburu spins his scythe 3 times around slowly and them plants it in the ground fast on the 4th strike and inflicts lasting cryo damage
Special attack : can dash for 10 seconds and leave a trail that inflicts cryo damage (very slow cooldown tho)
Ult : transforms into a big snake for a while and can either bite (inflicts cryo and poison damage) or choke ppl out u choose
Passive talent : 70% drop rate on his banner if ur team is all girls when pulling for him and increased crit rate and running speed when the same condition is met
Special dish : ice cream mochi from cryo slimes that give u increased crit damage and crit rate and increased cryo damage
Ada (5 star) :
Banner name : "the fallen monarchy"
Weapon name : "incarnation of thorns" which is their sword
Attack : in normal attacks she just hits with the umbrella mode of her weapon while inflicting electro damage (very high base elemental mastery)
Special attack : just like childe she van switch from umbrella wacking mode to sword mode where her speed and damage increases
Ult : her sword turns into a bow, the sky darkens and she just summons thunder as an arrow and can inflict damage on a whole group of ennemies
Passive talent : mobs can disengage from the fight without reaching 0 hp and still drop loot (she scares them off basically), if jean in the team she gets increased everything
Special dish : its rose flavored black tea that heals all of ur health no matter how low ur hp is :))
Jiahao (5 star) :
Banner name : "death will come before graduation does"
Weapon name : "a cat's paragon" which is his shotgun <3
Attack : it works like any bow user so he has normal shots and charged shots that make more damage just that his is pyro damage
Special attack : it locks onto up to 3 opponents and fires at high speed without the need to aim (so more like a rifle then a shotgun)
Ult : he just calls over up to 6 (3 until he's at C3) of his flying robot turrets that keep firing at the opponents (so u can switch characters and still have the turrets)
Passive talent : once u find all the volumes of a book series u can get 3 blue fates, and drops from ruin guards/hunters/graders are drastically increased and can be exchanged for other materials during his character event
Special dish : his own version of the fullmoon egg dish thats just ridiculously spicy and as a result it heals u fully and boosts ur attack as much as bennett's ult <3
Najma (5 star) :
Banner name : "oathkeeper, promise of the fool" where he has an increased drop rate by 50% when u actually go to his spot in game🙄
Weapon name : "celestial arcana" which is his personal tarot deck that acts as a catalyst
Attack : he throws cards into a circle at his opponents while levitating and inflicting electro damage, when the circle is completed every opponent in it will take an additional electro strike
Special attack : they'll pick a major arcana card at random and it'll manifest into a mascot that will distract and fight opponents while inflicting electro damage (exemple : he pulls the wheel of fortune and a wheel rolls around inflicting damage)
Ult : they do a 3 card pull and with each slam of the card on the ground opponents take increased electro damage and if they're still standing the cards in the ground will buff any other character's crit rate and damage
Passive talent : increased luck at quite literally everything whether it be drop rates with mobs or weekly bosses or gacha pulls, when mona is on the team they get extreme luck and won't take damage during the first minute of every fight
Special dish : they're vegetarian so they make their own version of the satisfying salad which is also mona's go to dish because they are simply besties
Claire (4 star) :
Weapon name : "crucifix of doom's messenger" yeah :) thats his sword
Attack : claire will either do a succession of sword slashes if u spam the button or do pirouettes and cast a series of ribbons of water toward the opponents
Special attack : up to 3 opponents are trapped into water bubbles and take damage
Ult : its called "odette's death" and he spawns water wings that close in on groups of opponents casting massive hydro damage, at C6 his ult changes and the area changes into a performance scene where they can't fight and all of his attacks get a massive buff
Passive talent : u don't take fall damage if claire's on ur team, he doesn't eat a lot so he can't get healed often with food because he'll be full in one dish
Special dish : meringue that buffs ur defense so u take less damage
Loki (5 star) :
Banner name : "make sure to get an autograph" where they have 80% chances to drop because they're an attention whore
Weapon name : "official fanclub lightstick" just a magical girl staff that acts as catalyst
Attack : alternates between anemo spells that do crazy damage or just beating opponents up with the lightstick and it gives hp to other teammates
Special attack : extra fast combo where he summons 4 blades of wind that hit groups of opponents
Ult : does a cute pose and sends opponents flying in one group except they start beating them tf up with big anemo cat paws
Passive talent : they're cute they don't need to bring u anything. If Barbara is on the team they'll make more damage, if diluc is on the team they'll make more damage except for every wack of the lightstick thats supposed to heal, diluc looses hp
Special dish : sugar cookies with their face and autograph on them that heal u and give anemo damage bonus
Brynja (5 star) :
Banner name : "vocare hostem veneno" (call of the poison foe) where his drop rate depends on the first ending u got on his hangout event
Weapon name : "annihilator of the forsaken" which is his sword
Attack : heavy. Attacks. They do the most physical damage while inflicting lasting poison damage and on the 5th attack brynja hits the opponent with a wheel of fire
Special attack : its a magical attack where they send a wave of poison at their opponent (if u do it in grass the grass will die in the direction it takes)
Ult : sets fire to the whole era who matter the type of ground and their attacks get buffed, the opponents can't leave the fire zone and get lasting damage of everything
Passive talent : brynja can teleport anywhere without the need of a waypoint and at night their attacks get stronger, at C6 u unlock astaroth's power for 2 minutes when brynja dies and he can one hit most opponents, if put in a team with xiao he will get the effect swirl on most of his pyro attacks
Special dish : vanilla fudge that heal :))
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