Bar Staff the Game DevBlog
13 posts
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
BStG #08 - Just Cre8
Hey All!
As I mentioned yesterday, I just want to give you a quick run-down of the Just Cre8 exhibition where Bar Staff the Game was demonstrated.
Just Cre8 is a small, in-house exhibition for games and animation, for students of SAE Qantm in Perth, Western Australia. The exhibition focuses on productions within these categories that are complete and full productions, to strive for professional representation and a way to expose work to an audience.
This Just Cre8 featured several serious games, including BStG, and a couple of serious board games, as well as a few other games and a couple of animation productions. The first half of the night was focused on the serious games, and saw a diverse audience sit down and play and experience each of the games.
The other serious games were created by my peers, and were of very high calibre. It was a great experience to showcase my work alongside them, and we were all very proud of the work we had achieved. There was very positive feedback on all of our productions, and we were met with a lot of enthusiasm to extend our games and consider proper marketing and release of the games.
BStG was met with a lot of very positive feedback, which was a bit of a shock as I was quite ill for the entire week leading up to the event and hadn’t had much of a chance to work on finishing the game beforehand.
The mechanical systems of the game received much of the strong, positive feedback, including some great feedback from lecturers and staff with programming backgrounds. This was great news, as it was definitely a relief to receive commendation on an area that I enjoy and have a deep knowledge and understanding of.
The overall gameplay and experience both received wonderful feedback, and I could see people enjoying the game whilst they played it. This was a major confidence boost, and great to see. That is what all projects aim for, and to see it come to life is always a great experience.
Much of the feedback and reflection on the game came with amazement and gratitude, as many player’s, especially those with no background or knowledge of bar service, learned a lot within the small game time they got with the game. This was the final piece of the puzzle. Being a serious game, this was the most integral and critical element of the entire project, from start to end (and even further). Being able to get players to learn about the RSA and bar service is exactly what the game is about, and when this is coming from persons not currently going for, or looking into, RSA certification, it truly is a positive piece of feedback.
There, of course, was some feedback that suggested improvement. This was not a shock and not at all deflating either. The major suggestion was aesthetics. The game had some nice assets from Kenney (available at, and was laid out well, and looked the part. However, there was definite room for improvement. Animations were suggested, some background happenings and some nicer lighting were some of the suggestions. These are things that I would have liked to include, but did not have the time to implement. Moving forward from this feedback is positive though, as I have a better understanding of what people would like to see included, as well as what I would like to add to it, so with some revision and updates, I think the game can get to a polished and beautiful state.
The Just Cre8 exhibition was an absolutely excellent experience. The feedback that was collected from the event was undoubtedly invaluable, and extremely insightful. Further from that, it was great to showcase my work, right next to the superb work of my peers. To see an audience sit and play my game, experience it and learn from it, is definitely wonderful to see, and a giant boost to my confidence, both personally and professionally.
Now, as I mentioned yesterday, Bar Staff the Game is at a release status at the moment, with the closing of the trimester of study. However, it will be rolled-back to a beta status soon to allow more work to be conducted, and to get the production to a fully-fledged, polished and robust release version later in the year.
So stay tuned, the updates will be a bit less often, but work will continue on BStG, and I look forward to bringing you a full and ready version of the game.
For now, have fun, have a good one, and cheers for staying up to date with the game!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
BStG #07 - It’s Been a While
Hey everyone!
Sorry for the massive delay. There was so much work going on, and I have been quite significantly ill the last 2 weeks, that I just haven’t got on here to update you all.
Basically the last few weeks have been the finalisation of game systems, last minute asset creation, getting ready for the Just Cre8 Exhibition and organising and finalising all of the documentation behind the game. This was made more intense by being so crook over the week prior to the exhibition, and now the week after as well, which just happens to be the deadline for the final version of the game.
Overall I am very happy with the product that I have created. The game is fully functioning and all the mechanical systems are absolutely brilliant. The systems are solid, robust and ready for assets to be plugged in, to be extended and to even have additional content and extension to the game added in. The systems that I created for this game are definitely the highlights of the production, and definitely worth the time invested in them.
Ultimately the aesthetics weren’t what I had hoped, and are a bit lack lustré. The aesthetics aren’t too bad, and there were many positives reviews from the exhibition, but I would have liked to have seen that little bit extra included. A huge credit goes out to Kenney. I utilised some assets from Kenney, which are listed under the CC0 license, meaning that they are free for me to use how I want, and they are truly amazing assets. I thoroughly recommend everyone checking out!
The game is ready to go, but looking forward, passed the end of this unit of study, I would like to roll-back the status to beta and work on the game to bring it to polish and ready for a proper release later this year. I think adding some content, some polish and some more educational information that this game could become quite a good product and a great experience and reference piece for myself professionally.
I want to update you on how the exhibition went, sometime tomorrow I think, but for now I want you all to know that the game is currently at release version, but will be rolled-back for revision to a fully-fledged game production later in the year.
It has been a great experience and a wonderful journey so far, and I hope you have all enjoyed it too.
Until next time, Have fun!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
BStG #06 - Code Curation
Hi All!
The last thing I mentioned was testing and tutorial development. I am glad to say that the first round of testing went well, and that I was able to get some data to reflect over and take on board. I am also glad to say that the tutorial is ready and work on implementing the full game is ready to be undertaken!
Today I am working hard on curating the code, adding in extra comments to ensure the project will stand the test of time, and allow myself, and potentially others, to look back at the scripting and have a solid understanding of what is happening, and the processes I went through to reach the final version of the scripts.
Code curation is important and it ensures proper work flow processes, storage and archiving, and represents the work and thought processes behind development and code. It is always a good idea to comment your code, and it is a habit I am really trying to get into properly.
During this process I am also placing scripts into appropriate folders and sub-folders, to make finding the correct script files easier, accurate and recognisable. During the process I am also going over my code and looking for any text items that can be re-worded or reworked in some way.
After the curation is complete I will look further at the tutorial and at defining how to implement the gameplay into the full game.
By the end of this week I hope to get the Beta build completed and some additional and formal testing completed. So keep an eye out, as I may look at opening up the testing to anyone who is interested!
Have fun now, and I hope you look forward to the upcoming Beta build!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
BStG #05 - Alpha Testing
Hey there!
Another post today, how about that? This is just a heads up that I was delayed today with sorting the tutorial out. But it is all good because it was for testing and feedback!
All of the guys in my class are going to take the time to give some valuable feedback on the Alpha version of the game. We are all doing a good batch of Alpha testing today, and we are all trying to help each other out as much as possible.
Over the next few days I may organise setting up a short round of public open-access alpha testing via the website so I can get some early, outside feedback on the project.
The tutorial is still going get some serious work today, and hopefully the full tutorial will be available over the weekend!
I hope you are all enjoying the journey so far, Have a good one now!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
BStG #04 - Tutorial Dev Today
Hey All!
Just here to drop in and let you guys know that today I will be working through the Tutorial and trying to implement a full cycling and functioning tutorial level that is more polished and extended from the one included in the Alpha build. Today will mostly be about scripting and organising everything to ensure that the tutorial functions properly, is bug-free and accomplishes the goal of introducing the player to the game.
The benefit here is that once the tutorial is completed and functioning, most of the full game systems will be ready to be transplanted and function properly. Completing the tutorial and the systems it uses is one of the biggest aspects for this game, as it is the linchpin of the core gameplay systems.
Today will see some revision and adaption of the documentation for the game as well. This is to ensure that the game is on track, check that in-scope and out-of-scope elements are still where they need to be, or to be revised further, and ensure that the documentation that I am working from is as accurate and substantial as possible.
I hope you guys are excited for the beta build next week - Friday 17th - because I am, and I look forward to getting it ready to go and tested!
Have fun now!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
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Happy Snaps of the Alpha Build!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
BStG #03 - Conversion to Unity 4.6.4 and Alpha Screenshots
Hi All!
Today’s update is all about the last couple of weeks and the work on the Alpha build.
I told you that the Alpha build would be ready soon, and it is indeed! It was done on the 1st of April and the only reason no screenshots were taken was due to a need to roll-back to Unity 4.6. Although the my work environment has Unity 5, which is nice and pretty, the campus where I have my classes does not have a single PC with 5 installed. Therefore I needed to roll-back to 4.6 to ensure that I can work freely between locations. I wanted to get the rolled-back version up and running before uploading screenshots. The shots are from the 5 version, but I wanted to ensure that I could get the 4.6 version to the same point before posting gameplay images.
I had some issues with access issues for some files and folders that aren’t built out by Unity which ultimately delayed the Alpha version, however once I located and understood the issue it was an extremely quick fix, and I got the version out no problem.
I included a screenshot feature as well, which is what I have used to get the images to you today. Ctrl+F12 takes screenshots, this is not a critical function to the game and I don’t want to advertise the hotkey, so only those of you that have read this post will know about it, that is because you guys are special!
There is not much of a difference between Unity 4.6.4 and 5 that will impact the build of this game. It is general Editor, lighting, shading and camera changes, which can be worked around for the project. I will likely build the release version out to 5 anyway, so that you have the best possible experience at the end of it all.
Enough talking for now, I will throw up another post with all the screenshots for you.
I hope you enjoy them all!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
BStG #02 - Alpha Version Soon!
Hello All!
 This week’s update looks at the progress towards the Alpha build.
 First things first, we had a progression meeting looking at where we were, and where we are going, the other day. All our documentation was finished last week, and as we move on to the Beta version we will be adding a lot more to this documentation. In short this means that we have a solid understanding of where we are going, what we are doing, and when we are doing it.
 The conversation system is being implemented at the moment, which is great! This is one of the most integral systems within the game, so implementing it is a major step for the project, and will feel amazing once it is done. The conversation draws conversation items from a dialogue system and allows a cyclical process, where the player feels like they are chatting with the customer.
 This text based conversation system will be simple, and easy to use, and really get the idea of bar service and RSA application across effectively.
The player will always be given 3 random options to pick from, and across the top of their dialog window will be 3 ever present options to ask for ID, serve the customer, or to refuse the customer service.
This simple system means that the player is never confused or overwhelmed by an unnecessary user interface or excessive dialogue options, whilst still being dynamic, interesting and accurate.
 Today I am finishing off the Alpha version, which is wonderful, and an awesome step towards testing and ultimately the final product. I am currently finishing off the Alpha level of the conversation system, the tutorial level, which is what the Alpha is, and ensuring that there are no bugs so far.
 Later this weekend I will hopefully have the chance to upload some screenshots of the game and a bit of a run-down of the final systems implemented in this build.
 Have fun now, see you soon, and thanks for dropping by!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
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Bar Staff the Game Final Game Logo Design!
This is the final version of the game logo, it is clean, bold, shows the theme and style of the game, gets the serious point behind it, and will scale really well.
Keep in mind that this may still evolve before the game is finished, but for now it is the final version!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
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Here is my font sheet, where I went and found as many fonts as I could that I thought were suitable for the game logo.
I tested just a few of these with the actual design itself, as you can see in the previous post.
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
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Evolutions of the logo design for the game.
The bottom 3 are just a few examples of font changes.
I will post the font sheet in a minute, I created the font sheet before I tried the font changes with the logo.
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
BStG #01 - First Important Development Update
First of all, a big apology for the delay in update, especially as there has yet to be a major post regarding the development as of yet.
I have spent the last few weeks trying to organise myself and sort out the pre-planning of the project, the web-space and public image concepts for the project, and as a result have been hesitant in posting details about the project.
Bar Staff the Game has been going under the microscope by me over these last few weeks, and as a result of this I feel happy with the planning that has gone into the game and am almost at a fully solid stage and ready to get cracking on building an alpha version.
2 weeks ago I sat down and spent some time designing the logo for the game and sorting out a business name to go with the project. I will give you a few logo concepts to have a look at, and give you an idea of the design process I went through when creating it.
After I start uploading the evolutions you will be able to see that my main focus was on line thickness, the power of the image, some subtleties and depth of interest, as well as a major focus on font and font usage. One of the original designs will ultimately be used for the business logo, as I personally feel it works well, is a nice clean logo, and that it is easily one of my favourite designs, but less suitable for the game itself.
The last week has seen a major evolution and breakdown of the entire project and it’s scope. I definitely know exactly what is needed for the final product, what is unnecessary and what I can include when given the chance. The gameplay and mechanics have been almost completely locked down and detailed, which is awesome, as it means I can really get in to Unity and start creating the alpha build and lay down some basal systems for the final game.
I plan on posting most every Wednesday over the next 2 months as I work towards the final product, and I also plan to throw some more posts in to update on finalisations, builds, etc. So I hope you can follow along and enjoy the journey with me if you can :)
I will try to post some update pics here and there when I get the chance, like today I will start uploading the logo design I went through, before reaching the final version.
I hope you have a good one, and I shall try and keep to schedule so that you know exactly what I am up to!
Have fun now!
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barstaffthegame-blog · 10 years ago
BStG Dev Blog
Hello! Welcome to the road to developing a serious game about the RSA and it's application in the real world! Bar Staff the Game is going to be a small scale production of a gaming experience that will focus on the hard and strict guidelines of the RSA in Australia and provide users with an informative and engaging experience. This experience will allow users to learn how to use their RSA certification in the ambiguous, dynamic and overwhelming industry of alcohol service. This development blog will keep all of you informed about the progress and road for BStG. Keep following us to know what's up! We hope you enjoy the journey and that you look forward to the development of such a tool for the industry!
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