#he looks amazing and i cannot wait to watch the show and also that chain is having an effect on me goodnight
xofeno · 1 month
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Jesse on set of FBI: International / August 16, 2024
source video: jesseleesoffer instagram story 2024-08-16
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bleedingoptimism · 10 months
Steve likes to watch youtube videos of a guy who restores old consoles. It soothing to him, it relaxes him. He likes watching how he restores them, fixes them, makes them look brand new.
He also enjoys watching him work for… other reasons. Weirdly, he thinks the guy is kind of hot, even if he never shows his face. He looks fit, with the way his shirts stretch over his chest and are loose on his tiny waist and he’s always wearing cool belts, black leather with studs or chains. He likes the way he moves around, manic and a little clumsy but incredibly precise when necessary.
Steve especially likes watching his hands, thick strong fingers, bony wrists, noticeable veins, and short clean nails that sometimes have chipped black polish adorning them.
He sometimes thinks about those hands when he's alone, but, well… no one needs to know about that.
Eddie has a fairly popular youtube channel… And a huge crush on his next-door neighbor. He simply cannot decide if the dude is cutter than hot or vice-versa.
'He sure is nice, though,' he thinks, when one day he gets a large package of replacement parts that he’s struggling to get inside and the guy walks up to him, asks if he needs any help, and takes the heaviest box with no effort at all.
He says his name is Steve and then stares at Eddie's hand for a really long time when Eddie extends it for him to shake after getting the boxes inside his studio.
He hears Steve’s little 'oh', under his breath and then sees him blush prettily before mumbling ‘He needs to go, now.' And stumbling out of Eddie’s place.
Eddie chuckles to himself as he watches him leave, definitely cute AND hot in equal parts.
A few weeks later Steve's mom tells him she needs help getting rid of some of his nonno's old things and he finds a LOT of cool stuff that look just like the ones Eddie restores on his channel.
He and Eddie have been slowly getting friendlier over these last couple of weeks and he’s been dying to have an excuse to talk to him more, so he takes the items home and then goes to Eddie's and very nervously tries to offer them to him but doesn't know how to explain he knows he's a youtuber without looking like a weirdo because Eddie’s never shown his face.
He stumbles and blushes a lot, barely making any sense and Eddie mistakenly thinks he's trying to ask him out and says, 
"I'd love to go on a date with you," Smiling and hiding his dimples behind a lock of hair he's been playing with since the moment Steve started stuttering.
Steve completely forgets what he was trying to say or do and says he'll pick him out at 6.
The date is amazing, it feels like they are meant to be. They get along so well, talking, laughing, and already making fun of each other as if they’re old friends. And they are definitely attracted to one another. If the way Eddie practically tackles Steve with his rush to get his mouth on him when they get back, it’s any indication.  
Steve is very on board with this and he enthusiastically kisses him back. They kiss desperately as he fumbles with his door handle to get it open. When he succeeds, he walks them backward into his place not wanting to stop kissing Eddie, but stumbles and falls flat on his ass.
When Eddie turns on the light he sees Steve sprawled on top of a bunch of boxes full of old technology. A lot of emotions go through his face, ‘he’s so expressive’ Steve thinks a little enamored, having still not realized how much trouble he’s in.
But Eddie looks confused, then shocked and scared, and finally, angry,
"Steve, what the fuck?"
‘Oh, shit…’
“I can explain!” he says immediately, standing up and walking toward Eddie as he backs away,
“I didn’t want to ask you out-” Steve starts but interrupts himself when Eddie huffs, turns, and starts walking towards his own apartment, “Shit, fuck! No- That’s not what I meant, Eddie! Wait-”
He turns again and glares at Steve but then his eyes go wide, “Steve,”
“Please, let me explain-”
“I did- do! Want to ask you out! I like yo-”
“Steve!” Eddie screams and Steve stops, shocked, and finally focuses. Eddie is staring at him and he’s so pale even his freckles have changed color. But no, wait. He’s not staring at him, he’s staring at his arm and Steve looks down to see… a lot of blood.
“Oh,” he says faintly. He must have cut himself on a sharp edge when he fell. Too worried about Eddie, he hadn’t even noticed the pain, but now that he’s seeing the cut, it fucking hurts.
“Oh,” he says again, realizing he’s feeling kind of dizzy, ‘that's way too much blood,’ he thinks.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie huffs, takes off his flannel shirt and wrapping it around Steve's arm, he pulls Steve by his other hand toward his van.
“Oh no, your cute shirt,” he mumbles and hears Eddie snort before he slams the door of the passenger seat and goes to the driver’s one.
They go to the hospital in silence. It's tense. Steve tries to explain himself but Eddie shuts him up harshly, tells him to save his energy.
Even so, when they get there, Eddie still holds him gently by his good arm as he helps him inside. He tells the nurse what happened because Steve is having a hard time focusing right now and then tells him he’ll wait outside for him.
He gets stitches and a tetanus shot just in case because he doesn't remember when was the last time he got one and gets weird looks when he refuses painkillers, but no arguments. He’s given a little juice box and is told he can't get up until he finishes it.
A few seconds after the nurse leaves, the door opens and Eddie walks in. Steve looks up and smiles at him, but Eddie doesn’t smile back and Steve shrinks a little on himself.
Eddie sits on the chair facing the overbed table Steve is perched on and sighs, moving his hand in little circles motioning like, ‘Well go on. Explain yourself’
Steve looks around the room and thinks about where to start. He can't look Eddie in the eye, so he stares at the little juice box in his hands. It's got a cartoon orange in the front. The drawing it’s awful and kind of scary.
Taking a deep breath, he starts, “I've been watching your videos for a long time now. I have- I am- I-”
He fumbles for what to say, even if this date is already ruined…it's not exactly a good first date topic, is it? How fucked up he’s inside.
In a flash, images of his father’s violence, running from home with his mom, going to live with his nonno, taking care of him as he slowly lost his mind with age while his mom worked her ass off to feed them, getting cheated on, losing his “friends” because he didn't want to bully freshmen, working as a babysitter and getting almost beat up to death by his kid’s stepbrother… he shakes his head and shrugs,
“I've been through some…stuff” is what he says in the end, looking up at Eddie. He doesn't look mad anymore, his expressive eyes look concerned. Steve worries about what was it Eddie saw in his own expression, but it surprises him how easily he read him. He’s usually so good at hiding it. 
He breathes in again and keeps going, “Your videos, they calm me down when I've, sometimes I get anxious and-” he clears his throat, again, not wanting to tell Eddie about the panic attacks, the nightmares.
But it seems he doesn't have to, Eddie looks at him like he gets it.
It makes Steve want to keep talking, “Watching you work, seeing you fix things, leave them like new, no sca- marks, no problems, just working again and beautifully clean. It makes me feel better.” 
Eddie gives him a small smile and Steve returns it, “I really like your hands…” he blurts out and then closes his mouth quickly, blushing furiously.
Eddie’s eyes go wide and then he smirks and stands up slowly walking up to him and taking Steve’s hands on his own, they both stare at their joined hands for a while, the touch feather-like and soft.
“You recognized me because of my hands?” Eddie asks him a little incredulous.
Steve giggles, “I saw the logo for your channel on your studio that day I helped you with the boxes,” he clarifies sheepishly.
Eddie blushes and opens his mouth in a silent ‘oh,’
Steve draws small circles on Eddie's knuckles with his thumbs, “When I came over today, I was just trying to offer you those stuff at my place, they were my grandfather's” he explains, “I didn’t know how to say I knew who you were without looking like a weirdo and I got nervous and you thought I was going to ask you out and I wasn’t planning to but you are so beautiful I-
Eddie kisses his cheek and Steve shuts up and looks at him surprised,
“I’m sorry I freaked out,” Eddie says, “I thought- I don’t know what I thought- I was just upset you didn’t actually like me.” 
And Steve immediately answers, “I like you” a little too excitedly.
Eddie smiles at him so warmly it makes his heart rate pick up, “Good. I like you too.”
He blushes and looks down at their hands again unsure, “Do you really? Even tho I’m…”
“What?” Eddie asks, squeezing his hands reassuringly.
“Broken?” Steve whispers.
Eddie hums and drops his hands to hold his face, “Not broken, baby” he says lovingly and kisses the crease between Steve’s brows, the top of his eyelid, his nose, and the corner of his mouth. Then hugs him and Steve buries his face on Eddie's neck, and breathes him in.
A minute goes by or an hour, Steve is not sure, and Eddie leans back enough to kiss him again softly and whispers, “Some things don't need to be fixed Steve, just held.” 
coffee? a hug? ☕🥐💕
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2ofpentacles · 1 year
A Close Reading of Ivy and Zelkov's Support Chain (and why I ship it)
These are just the opinions of an internet rando. Take it with a grain of salt. I am probably (definitely) reading too much into things here, but what else is fandom for? That disclaimer out of the way, go watch Ivy and Zelkov’s supports. I’ll wait… 
Great, right? It makes a difference to hear the voice acting. I think it brings shades of meaning to the words. Plus both actors did an amazing job. Anyway, on to my (hopefully coherent) analysis.
C Support:
Ivy: Ugh…
Zelkov: What is the meaning of this sound, Princess Ivy?
Ivy: Just a headache.
Zelkov: I hope you are not overworking yourself.
He sounds so genuinely concerned here. Looking at all his supports together, it’s obvious how much he wants to take care of the people around him, whether he realizes it or not.
Ivy: I’m fine. And there is no need to pretend you care. I know you are not fond of me.
She’s clearly upset about the fact she thinks he doesn’t like or truly care about her. She doubts his motives and his honesty, likely due to her childhood experiences with the Elusian court. I’m going to note the use of the word “fond” here. It suggests something softer and more affectionate than if they had just used the word “like.”
Zelkov: Hm. Let me make this absolutely clear. My concern for your well-being is genuine. It is, after all, my responsibility.
Ivy: Hmm…
Zelkov: Yet for some reason, it concerns you whether I have fond feelings toward you. So, allow me to state it plainly. I do not have fond feelings toward you, Princess Ivy. I see such things as irrelevant. Whatever my sentiments may be, what matters is that you have my obedience.
He is very careful to keep her at arms length. My interpretation would be that, due to his past, he tries not to get close to people for fear of losing them. He chooses to minimize and leave his feelings unexamined (“whatever [his] sentiments may be…”), in favor of focusing on his work.
Ivy: What a curious thing for my own retainer to say. But that’s a relief. I don’t like you either.
This, to me, sounds like she’s lashing out in order to hurt him for his supposed dislike, and also to protect herself. I don’t like you, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t like me. But note that he never actually says that he doesn’t like her, just that he isn’t “fond” of her. 
Zelkov: I will obey you regardless.
He doesn’t particularly seem to want agency over his own life, which goes with his philosophy of “killing time until time kills you.” His work is all that matters, so he’s just going to do whatever Ivy tells him to. But he doesn’t just obey orders. He sees her well-being as his responsibility (i.e. he can’t help but feel the need to take care of her).
Ivy: So good to hear.
Some sarcasm from Ivy. What I get from this C support is two people whose perceptions are colored by their traumatic pasts. They’re both acting indifferent trying to protect themselves from being hurt.
B Support:
Zelkov: There is nothing quite so isolating as pain. It cannot be explained. The only window to understanding it is experience. Does that mean we are destined to be strangers to one another? Not at all. For we possess the gift of wisdom, by which we may intuit what we cannot see. I have distilled this wisdom to its essence. I have corked it within this tincture. This vessel encapsulates the light which will dispel the dark fog of your isolation.
Ivy: … I’m sorry, what is happening? What is this?
Zelkov: Headache medicine.
So this whole exchange is funny, but when you really look at the meaning of what he’s saying, it’s pretty touching. It’s due to their past (emotional) pain that both of them isolate themselves, but he’s here showing her sympathy. He wants to stop her from being in pain.
Ivy: You’re saying you made this? For me?
She sounds so happy.
Zelkov: Yes. As your retainer, I have a duty to serve you by every available means.
Ivy: I… Thank you.
And then she sounds so disappointed.
Zelkov: Your thanks are unnecessary. I am only doing my duty.
Once again he’s trying to push her away and convince himself that he’s only doing his job.
Ivy: … Thank you for reaffirming exactly why I dislike you. That said… I admit I appreciate your honesty. Many in your position would flatter or lie. You speak your mind. I respect that.
So she never explicitly says why she dislikes him, but what exactly did he do that reaffirmed it? Well, he was pushing her away, treating her like a responsibility rather than a person. She wants so badly for him to like her as a person. Despite being disappointed, she’s still grateful for the gesture, so she tries to be nice in return. She’s been surrounded by flatterers and liars her whole life, so his blunt honesty is something she values (although I don’t think Zelkov’s being totally honest with himself about his own motivations).
Zelkov: I, uh…
When she praises him is the only time I can think of that he gets tongue tied like this.
Ivy: Did you…have something more to say?
She really wants him to have something more to say.
Zelkov: Apologies, Princess Ivy. The sentiment merely surprised me. I will take my leave and attend to my other duties. Rest well.
He would probably take it at face value when she says she doesn’t like him. Once again, he distracts himself with work to avoid thinking about his feelings.
Ivy: I will. Thank you, Zelkov.
She sounds genuine here and is smiling. The B support is sort of a two steps forward, one step back situation. They’re both reaching out to each other, even if they can’t quite admit it to themselves.
A Support:
Ivy: Zelkov, I have something for you.
Zelkov: A paintbrush? Is this for me?
Ivy: Yes. To thank you for the headache medicine. I understand you’re a painter. But if you have no need for it, feel free to get rid of it.
Despite the fact that she said she doesn’t like him, she wants to give him a gift to show her gratitude for his kindness (even though she thinks he doesn’t like her and is just doing it out of a sense of obligation). She’s taken some initiative in finding out about him as a person and not just as her retainer. Although, once again she tries to protect herself by acting cool, saying that it’s really not that big of a deal and that she wouldn’t care if he threw it away.
Zelkov: On the contrary─I will take exquisite care of it. Thank you.
I don’t think he’s used to people being kind to him.
Ivy: I’m…glad you like it.
Zelkov: I… Princess Ivy, I hope you know I enjoy my work. In fact, when I have a task before me, it is my way to immerse myself in it entirely. In those times, and only those times, my mind is truly at peace. So long as I am your retainer, so long as there is work to do…I have a purpose. That is how deeply I appreciate working for you.
He responds very intensely to her gift. Put another way, he’s saying “My purpose is to be your retainer.” That’s a pretty strong statement. He must find something in Ivy very valuable if that’s the case. This does also show how little meaning he sees in his own life.
Ivy: I see. If that’s true, then I’m happy to have you.
She’s still hesitant to take him at his word (“if that’s true…”), but she’s pleased to hear that he enjoys working for her regardless.
Zelkov: These are indeed my true feelings. You know I am unwilling to lie or flatter.
Ivy: Yes, you’ve made that clear.
She’s laughing here.
Zelkov: I hope you will never hesitate to delegate any task to me. I would die for you, my liege, and gladly.
Fellas, is it romantic to say you would gladly die for someone? I mean, he’s saying “I would do literally anything for you.” It seems fairly obvious to me that if Zelkov were to theoretically fall in love with someone he would be completely, head-over-heels, obsessed with them. He never gives anything less than 110%.
Ivy: Gladly? Despite your lack of fond feelings toward me?
She’s feeling things out here, curious (hopeful?) about his change in attitude. Even at this point she seems guarded. I think it would be hard for her to accept the idea that someone (you know, hypothetically) loved her. She would need a lot of reassurance.
Zelkov: My feelings… may have changed. I now think of you as an acceptable liege.
Before, he was able to express his feelings by talking about how much he appreciated his work, but when it comes to talking about his feelings for her, he has a much harder time.
Ivy: I find you acceptable as well, Zelkov.
Based on the tone of voice, I don’t think being called “acceptable” was quite what she wanted, but she is also terrible at talking about her feelings.
Zelkov: Hm, kind of you to say.
Ivy: However, dying for my sake is not a task to which I will assign you. Gladly or otherwise. Consider yourself under strict orders to survive as you continue to serve me.
Telling someone not to die for you kind of seems like basic human decency, but when you think about them being liege and retainer, it would be part of the job description. Taking into account the conversation in chapter 10 where she gives him and Kagetsu the opportunity to leave, this is the second time she’s shown that she values his life above his responsibilities to her. She doesn’t consider her life as being more important than his. Digging into the subtext a bit, with his statement about “So long as I am your retainer, so long as there is work to do…I have a purpose.” (among other things he says) you get the feeling that the man is only holding on by a thread. “...Survive as you continue to serve me” would be a way of saying “Don’t do anything drastic. Stay with me.”
Zelkov: You may rely on me, Princess Ivy.
“I won’t die. I’ll continue to be here for you.” 
They still haven’t quite let down their walls, but they at least have come to an understanding. Their B and A supports are a very subtle back and forth of them putting themselves out there and the other responding in kind. For these two, that feels very significant.
Even from my first viewing of their supports (which was before I shipped them) it felt like Ivy was all into him in their C and B, and then when he admitted that he did like her in their A support her response was strangely reserved. You could come up with some reason, like she wasn’t expecting his reaction and didn’t properly know how to respond (and I mean… fair). Or maybe she was thrown off by the use of the word “acceptable” and isn’t quite sure how he really feels. Or maybe the idea of having someone feel that strongly about her scared her and caused her to withdraw a bit. But I think it really comes down to Fire Emblem having three short supports to create a whole character arc, and in this game they have to be platonic (although some definitely read more romantically than others). 
And here’s where I get into my own shippy interpretation. They each have what the other desperately wants. They supply something to the other that is missing from their life. Ivy very much wants to be valued as a person. She wants someone to make her feel safe and cared for. Zelkov wants to be needed and have someone to take care of. She needs to be loved and he needs someone to love. But of course she would love him because he loves her and he would  love her because she loves him until they’re in this continuous feedback loop of being obsessed with each other.
[Edit 2: I had a thing here about how it might not be the healthiest relationship (and sure, it's not) but I'll replace that with a hot take. A therapist definition of a healthy relationship is tepid as hell. If both of you aren't head over heels, willing to do anything the other asks, in love, then I don't want it. Note that I said BOTH. Also note that I'm just an idiot on the internet and this is not advice and you shouldn't have fictional characters as relationship goals.]
[Edit 1: I wanted to add a few other thoughts here. In every fic I've read where the two of them interact in any significant way, they always have the best relationship. (And I don't mean that in a shippy way, since I'm just about the only one writing Zelai fics.) It's always clear that Zelkov knows and understands Ivy better than anyone, and Ivy trusts Zelkov completely. And it recently came to my attention that there are TWO people in the game who can't say the word "love" when engaged with Sigurd. Two emotionally stunted people who just can't admit to having feelings. I swear it makes me go crazy.]
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random thoughts on HTTYD RttE S4 (Ep8-13)
Ep8 - Shattermaster, the best dragon, is back!!
I'm guessing by the end of the episode she's going with Dagur - I feel a little bad for it, but I never really expected Heather to stay
"Ruff and I are the best booby-trap sniffers that have ever sniffed a booby-" Ruff glares at him "... trap"
The twins are fun
Dagur is being too pushy about this, but I guess it's a bit understandable - still, I feel for Heather, the girl is torn in two
Aw, c'mon Dagur, let the kids kiss!
Btw, are Heather and Fishlegs even offically dating? We never got a conclusion to that
You go, Fishlegs! Show them all what you can do!
That biatch really is just asking for Ryker to betray him. Assuming he's too intelligent to make such an easy to see mistake, I wonder what are his plans there
Fishlegs... I feel bad for him, but we all knew this was going to happen eventually
Meanwhile, Shattermaster is showing how amazing he is
Byebye Heather!! Until we meet again, probably by tge end of the season
Ep9 - Nerds will be nerds
Snotlout is just jealous, admit it
"Oh, here it comes, another Hicclegs love fest" I think I once read somewhere that Snotlout was the one to come up with the Hiccstrid ship name. Guess he's moving on to Fishlegs and Hiccup now
"I have no idea, but Hicclegs just got veeery interesting." I stand justified
It seems Hiccup's peace-making attitude is starting to rub off on Astrid
:000 Fishlegs looks superb with those shoulder thingys
Pfff, poor Snotlout
Problems in paradise for Fishlegs and Hiccup it seems
Astrid and Throk are gonna get cooked at this rate
Never thought I'd ever see Toothless willingly putting Snotlout on his back
Also, I just cannot understand how Toothless's flying mechanisms work - how does Snotlout simply being on top of him make a difference? I thought he had to be guided and stuff, and Hiccup would be the only one that knew how to do it
A yay for the little red dragons for saving the day
Throk's gonna die?!
Ah no, forget it, big old Eruptdon saved the day, yayy
Snotlout has the heart of a shipper inside
Ep10 - To be fair to the twins, their twintuition has helped the Riders more than once
"Ugh! See what I'm dealing with?" Poor Tuff, wailling in the background
"Wouldn't it be great if there was a place like that? Where you could go to at anytime and you'd be provided with the best medical care available?" "Pfft, forget it, you'd die waiting in line." "True." Why does that sound like a 4th wall break commentary?
I love how Hiccup just leaves without explaining anything to the others
Where did the twins leave Barf and Belch?
Once again, Ruff being the big sister, and once again, the twins separated and fighting for different causes - so so satisfying to watch, I'm loving this episode
Tuff's offended "Oh, my goodness" when the hunter called him a girl was super funny
Is the biatch seriously trying to break apart the twins? So who's gonna break it to him that not every set of siblings is like him and his brother?
"Take your best shot pal." Oh. My. God. Ruffnut, I love you so much, that was so badass!!! :DDD
Tuff's worry, escalating to a hundred when he heard biatch and Ryker mentioning they had Ruff was great
Tuff went into a similar rage to the one he goes into when an enemy cuts his "beard" in httyd3
Soo, even dragon-proof chains can be broken, you just need a loooot more fire power than what a single dragon possesses
Nice, they made Macey a funeral
"You never listen, do you brother?" He hasn't done anything else the whole show!!
Ep11 - "We've dealt with way worse" "Snotlout doesn't count" pfff, poor Snotlout, Astrid doesn't miss a single opportunity
Snotlout's little appreciative stare as Fishlegs lowered the clubhouse's door - child has a crush
Why did Stormfly fly away when Astrid got hit? She's her rider, she should protect her at all costs right? And if it was just dragon instinct because of the blast, which is what I'm guessing, why didn't Toothless run away too? I'm being nitpicky again, I know, feel free to ignore this, but it's just that if it were Toothless with Hiccup in that situation, the Night Fury would not retreat and cover Hiccup immediately
I dunno, it just gives that feeling that Toothless has more conscience than the other dragons, I dunno. I'm thinking too much probably - he is the main dragon of this show, it's normal he's shown more and in a more humane way, if that's the right word, and they probably wanted Hiccup to rescue her, but still.
This was a long venting comment, I apologize
"Of course, Toothless is right there, everything's peachy for you" Okay, now I feel kinda bad but I was gonna mention that too, Toothless got to stay in the clubhouse but the others didn't
And it can't be about size because if so, at least Meatlug could've also joined them
I'm gonna give them the out that it's because in an emergency, Toothless couldn't fly away and escape from danget like the others
On a brighter note, the twins and Snotlout are worried for their dragons and I appreciate the worry
Ohhhhh crap - now I feel like I cursed Astrid when I predicted way back in S2 that this show was gonna like to hurt her
Hiccstrid crumbs yayy
Was the whole "I'm putting my foot down" supposed to be an amputation joke for Hiccup? Because I kinda understood it like that, but I'm not sure
Oh, it'll be interesting to see the riders trying to deal with each other's dragons
And the Hiccstrid crumbs keep falling
"Of course she's not gonna hide. She's Astrid" Yeah you should've seen that coming
I appreciate that she's listening, albeit a bit reluctantly and obviously it's Hiccup she's listening to. But, in the beggining of the show, I'm not so sure she would've - it shows that Astrid's also come far
It's moments like that one where Hiccup tries to comfort Astrid that remind me of much of a good relationship these two have - also, they almost kissed ahhhh
I'm really liking these concepts, are there any fanfics out there that explore this episode further? The riders dealing with each other's dragons or Astrid coping without her sight?
Honestly, knowing the way Snotlout and Hookfang work, you really should've managed out your wording better Fishlegs
Astrid continues being a badass, I continue to love it
Also, Stormfly gives me avian vibes - is it just me?
So this is how they get together?? Man, so much happens in this show that connects Httyd1 and Httyd2
A very similar scene happens in httyd2 btw: the two talking feelings and all, sitting on the edge of a cliff, bathed by sun light, while Toothless and Stormfly play in the background - I'm guessing it's probably intentional
Ep12&13- Ew, Spitelout
But hey, Heather, Dagur, Stoick, Gobber, Gothi, all the good peeps!! Glad to see you - but I'm surprised the Defenders of the Wing aren't there too
Of course it's not real
I mean, with friends like theirs I get why Astrid would try to hide the relationship for a little while, but at least try to hide it properly guys
Is this thrashing the masked man's doing? Or did Ryker finally rebel
Okayyy I was not expecting Biatch to be hiding
Yeah, Ryker's gone rogue, that's no surprise
Aww, baby Eruptdon is sho cuteeee
:0 Snotlout said it! He said the thing! (Hiccstrid is the thing, btw)
I have no idea what Plan Shell Fire is, honestly
I'm expecting Hiccstrid to reveal their relationship in a reeeeeally dramatic way, like, one of them is gravely injured, and the other wails at their lover with a huge love confession thrown in, because they were just so worried about their most loved one, they completely forgot there were people looking at them
Either that, or they'll just get caught in the worst possible moment
Isn't Yakitty Jorgenson the yak Snotlout saved all those episodes ago when he and Hiccup and Stoick went to look for Spitelout? It's cute he kept it
"He's weaponized a dragon, Astrid!" Uhm, isn't that what every single one of you does?
Meatlug and baby Eruptdon playing with the lava QwQ
Yeah I hate everything about this "alliance" except the notion that it will offer me more and more moments of Biatch speaking, and his voice is really nice to hear
And it seems Ruff and Tuff agree with me
Snotlout's self-preservation instincts are the best
"There's no crying in Maces and Talons" why does that sound like foreshadowing?
Ryker's laugh sounds a liiiiittle deranged
Did... Did Snotlout just set the stables on fire with Viggo in them? Is that what happened?
Ah no, the stables caught fire and Snotlout just left Biatch there to burn along with them. Not a whole lot better, but sure
Viggo's teaching everyone new vocab, that's nice of him
"It's the gambling losses, this isn't really him." Lmao, Snotlout this isn't the time
I don't think Viggo was gonna stab him, but I do think he staged himself to look like it on purpose purely for the drama of it all (because he knew Astrid was tailing them) - to keep up the mistery of his true intentions, whatever those are and put everyone on edge. He likes to play games, after all
"More Dragon Riders?!" What are talking about, they're always the same group, how have you not fixed them by now??
Aw, Hiccup finally called him brother back!
Imagine Dagur becomes the owner of both Mr. Triple Strike Pokémon and Shattermaster - imagine the sitcom material right there
Yeah, obvious betrayal there
Okayyyy, that was the quickest, randomest ending ever - the last 3 minutes felt like a speedrun of the possible series final. There's still 2 seasons to go tho, so let's see how this goes
For the record, I don't believe either Ryker or Biatch are actually dead - no one dies in these shows, not like this at least
And that's the Season 4 finale! I watched S4 so fast, it's irreal. I'm sad to know this journey is closer to ending tho, I'll miss it :/
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Bloodmoon Huntress thoughts
After watching the TDP panel yesterday, I am so full of thoughts I don't even know where to start! So I'll begin with the titular character, because the Bloodmoon Huntress is AMAZING!!
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I just.
Cannot possibly wait to see what she does, okay. It's gonna be SO BADASS. Stylish evil ftw!
long post is long, I have Many Thoughts tm:
Here's my favorite headcanon/theory about her: the Bloodmoon Huntress is the same elf who proposed mercy for the humans 1000 years ago!
we learned from the panel that she extends her life unnaturally, so she could be as old as the plot wants her to be (which could be an Aaravos thing too?)
she has a thick side braid like the elf in the show/art book sketch
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who seems to have become an assassin with her wardrobe change
her neckline changes from that closed collar to the cutout-heart assassin collar that probably means you've killed someone for Xadia
she's hooded up in the sketch and you can see her braid, and the BH has both of those features too
also the cheek slash markings, unless that's a scar
her long sleeves have gotten tattered over time, like Aaravos's clothing, and we know he's been wearing that outfit for at least 300 years
the sketch version of the character has started to collect some bling, and BH is rocking a lot of metal bits
When the panel told us that some of the Moonshadow elves feel that the BH is going about things all wrong by extending her life using forbidden magic, Devon helpfully mentioned that Runaan specifically thinks the BH is on the wrong path. So I thought about what objections he might personally have:
she's a Moonshadow elf who ignores the cycle of life and death, so she's a bit of a disgrace to Runaan's people, and he would take offense
if she is or once was considered an assassin, then she's a bit of a disgrace to assassin honor specifically and Runaan would take even more offense
if she was the very first assassin, the one who spoke up for mercy on behalf of humans and then Luna Tenebris tasked her with taking out the "bad humans" herself in order to maintain a balance and show dedication to her cause (is this angsty dragon politics once again, yes it is), then she was supposed to be the best example to all assassins who followed her, and she failed by tainting herself and losing her honor, and that's not a good leader, so Runaan would be angry and defensive on the part of all the assassins he'd ever trained
the pointy shapes on her arms and boot tops, and on her amulet, are the same shape that Runaan wears on his belt. It's very angular and not swirly, so maybe it represents the dark and pointy side of Moonshadow culture, the assassin side. Maybe it marks the leader of the assassins. She's wearing a lot of this shape
when we first see Aaravos, he is covered in pretty golden bling, but he loses it when he is stuck in the mirror. Maybe golden bling can mark leaders, in ceremonial situations?
and maybe, since BH never died, she never passed the bling and its associated title on to anyone else
so no one else can truly be recognized as the properly titled leader of the Moonshadow elves
and this is why Corvus and everyone else just calls Runaan "leader", because he does lead, but he cannot use any official titles as long as the original title holder still "lives" - kind of like how Denethor is the Steward of Gondor, and he can't sit on the actual throne, but also like how Aragorn goes by Strider out in the wilds
basically Runaan is salty at this undying menace who has taken all the honor that should have belonged to serving his people and turned it inside out and he would absolutely kill her if he could
because that's a mercy she denied herself almost a thousand years ago, and hesitation is torture, and some part of him truly believes that even she deserves rest, but mostly so do all the elves she terrorizes and all the creatures she kills
Further BH design thoughts just for fun:
BH wears several dark golden chains with red stones in them
being chained is a recurring theme in TDP, used on characters who are not free in the metaphorical sense as well as the physical sense. Runaan, Harrow, Viren, Ezran, Claudia, Soren, Gren, and Amaya have been chained up so far
possibly she was once captured and chained by Sunfire elves because of the golden chains
but due to forbidden magics she had already performed or that she used in captivity she escaped
and now she wears the chains as a sign of her own freedom
as a warning to those who might hunt her, perhaps: "you cannot chain me for long"
maybe her collar simply cannot be removed and so she turned it into power jewelry
those gems might not have been red when they were set in her chains and bling
is it me or does that twisted seam in her visible boot top look like she may have literally exploded out of her clothing at one time?
and then stitched herself back together, yes in the creepy way
her face has a gray shadow on it - or is her very pale skin turning gray, perhaps for dark magic reasons
her white hair has purple color in it, which we've seen Claudia wear and Lujanne copy from her
that could be a nod to moon magic which is purple in the ToX playtests
and it could be a nod to dark magic which is always purple
long ago I spotted some various rune spell art for TDP for the different magic types and the file name for the dark magic runes was called "blood magic"
we've seen the Sun Staff go dark purple and red when it got infected with dark magic
the elf in the flashback was holding a shillelagh-shaped (very druidic!) Moon Staff with a primal stone in it, too
if she turned to dark magic to extend her life, perhaps she tainted her own primal stone with it
a fitting term for a Moonshadow assassin who uses both dark magic and primal magic is Blood (dark) Moon (primal) Huntress (assassin, ft. "ranger hunter" class)
But does this mean she has to be evil? No! Well, not inherently. Evil is a choice - and more specifically evil is a series of choosing certain choices over and over - and TDP is very very good at showing us how so many characters are genuinely just sauntering vaguely downward without meaning to become evil at all! But those choices add up and up, over the years, and undoing a single bad choice is always far easier than undoing a series of choices over time.
So maybe that applies to the Bloodmoon Huntress too:
if BH is the same elf from the beginning, she probably spoke up for the humans' lives out of genuine empathy
the decision where she had to be the one to kill evil humans is pretty cruel but somehow that was agreed upon and the first assassin took her duty very very seriously
because if she did not do it then someone else would have to for reasons, and apparently that someone was going to be another Moonshadow elf who also loved and revered life, to whom killing was a very hard thing to contemplate doing
so if the daughter of the Moonshadow leader, aka the future BH, did not take up a sword or staff to kill, then she'd have to live with the knowledge that her cowardice and weakness would force another soft elf to do it, or to die trying
and that, she could not stand to see happen, so she threw herself into her duty with all her heart, to protect those she loved
she went dark - so very very dark - so that no one else would ever have to
it's the same sentiment Runaan shares in the graphic novel
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and I think I finally know what Runaan's instinct is, when he tells Rayla in S1E2, "There's an instinct, a moment of truth." It's not to kill. It's to protect those he loves from suffering. He acts swiftly because it's merciful - to his targets, and to the elves who would have to kill if he didn't.
for some reason, Runaan and the BH accept this burden of killing as if it is too big to fight against, so they just do their duty as hard as they can
Runaan's training all day every day makes angstier sense in this light - if he isn't ready at a moment's notice to take on a mission or if he is injured or busy and can't go, then another elf will have to, and when someone else goes out into the night to kill a human, sometimes they don't come home, and that really weighs on Runaan's soul - that's a life needlessly wasted, which he could've saved if he'd just gone and done the mission himself
he probably takes every single mission he possibly can, just so no one else will have to bloody their hands except rarely, despite how well he has trained them
but he does train them as well as he can, because unlike the BH, Runaan accepts his death as an inevitability, even when he thinks it has come for him on Harrow's balcony. He wants someone to be strong enough to do what he does someday
is this another reason for Runaan to tear up on the balcony, when he surrenders to its power and waits for it to claim him, because he knows someone else will have to bear his burden now? yes it is Yet he accepts it because This Is The Way, whereas the BH refused to surrender to her fate
but she may have started down that path for the softest of reasons, namely, she could not stand to see another elf suffer the burden of taking a life, and so she simply refused to die and pass that weight to another
if she had a chosen successor whom she wanted to protect, and she got injured and was dying, and she knew they were not ready, she might have acted impulsively with some very shadowy Moon magic, or gone straight to dark magic, to survive it, and then she realized how pragmatic that approach was
but once you prioritize your life over someone else's, the slope, it gets slippery and perspective, it shifts
maybe she started using dark magic to strengthen herself like Doctor Strange in What if...?, so she would be stronger against the enemy, and it made her monstrous
at some point someone had to say she'd gone too far, and she probably didn't understand why they were angry at her
bonus points if it's her loved one, her own successor, who becomes an assassin to put things right, betrays her to the Sunfire elves or somesuch, and actually tries to kill her, and then everyone learns she kind of can't die
if she was imprisoned and broke free, she may have a very altered view of her purpose in life now
does she still hunt humans? Any evildoer? Can she tell the difference between good and evil? What's her rubric?
does she feed on any life she finds? Those are some seriously impressive red stabby fingers, very red lyrium meets Lady Dimitrescu, what are they for exactly
the fact that her colors are the opposite of Moonshadow colors, as if she is a thematic negative, is amazing. Red instead of green, black instead of white, gold instead of silver. She's as unMoonshadow as a Moonshadow can get, and yet, look at her, which other elf tribe would dare to look this dramatic and gloriously dangerous, come on
Final thoughts on this amazing new character I can't wait to meet:
the red she wears has me thinking. Maybe she chose to wear this color for multiple reasons (how Moonshadow of her, or do we call her Shadowmoon at this point? :D)
if she swore a blood promise to do her dark assassin duty, then perhaps she was trying to shed enough blood - her own? everyone else's? - to fulfill the bloodthirst of a promise that had no perceivable end to its appetite
maybe the red is a magical side effect of the tainting of Moon magic with dark magic, and when she started using dark magic, the effect on her arcanum became visible
or maybe there isn't actually any dark magic in her at all and red is just the shadow magic that's part of Moon magic but it's the dark and creepy stuff that Moonshadows have collectively decided is Bad and Wrong because it can be used to interfere with the natural cycle of life and death that they revere so much, and she's a Shadow Mage, basically a necromancer (cough @random-fandom-ramble cough)
or maybe she just works in a children's hospital, where she learned about color theory
none of my ideas actually have anything to do with lunar eclipses for once and that kind of shocks me, but if I had to guess, I'd say that either a bloodmoon gives the Huntress massive power and she comes out to strike at her enemies then, or it actually negates her power, and the one time you might have the slimmest chance at taking her out is during such an event
and now for some plot ideas
Runaan seems like he's going to hunt the BH in this graphic novel
I'm not sure he will catch her though
he could, and he could defeat her and save the Moonshadow elves from her menace
and that could inspire Rayla to ask to become an assassin, to save people too
but I think the BH's influence on Runaan and Rayla's lives might be angstier and more long-term than that
consider if Runaan can't defeat her and she escapes him and just vanishes back into the shadows to pop out next bloodmoon or something
and Rayla looks at this utter badass she loves and respects and decides "this poor fool needs my help, obviously" and signs up to be an assassin to watch his back
and to help him protect those they love, together
because she's so smol and she doesn't understand sacrificing yourself for others yet, all she knows is that idea keeps hurting her
so if she can protect Runaan, then he'll never leave her (oh Rayla)
and he does teach her how to think like he does over the years, so when she meets Callum, and Runaan sacrifices himself for her, Rayla just accepts that this gesture means "love" and "protection"
and she uses it on Callum at the end of TTM
she learned how to embrace the role of scapegoat for her people, as a love language, from Runaan. They're both very good at stabby acts of service
and what about the BH still being out there? Well, if the BH still lives in the current TDP timeline, then Rayla will encounter her again, and this time she'll understand sacrifice a lot better
and if the BH can only be defeated during a lunar eclipse, then may I helpfully point once again to "this was Tiadrin's master plan all along"
where Tiadrin had Rayla on purpose during a blue moon so she'd be strong enough to take out the BH and free the Moonshadow elves from a blood promise that was as undying as she was
and she'll do it on her birthday
Anyway I love the Bloodmoon Huntress and I can't wait to read all about her and how she messes with the moonfam, is it April yet
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 3 years
Thoughts on Gang of Secrets
Warning: Spoilers and intense emotions. Have fun!
Chat Noit sensed that something is wrong with Ladybug. Love how he can sense that based on what she doesn't say.
She almost didn't pound it and was distracted to do so. Oh boy.
The civilians do not mind that superheroes are going to the movies. That is until...
Ladybug goes into this rant about romcoms and I agree with every word she says. There is no such thing as a happy ever after and things do not go perfectly. Go off Ladybug!!! There's a reason why I hate rom coms.
The civilians being shocked/annoyed from her rant just adds to it. I am guessing because this is literally freaking Paris and considering the couples there. Has the same vibes as Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls when he approached a couple to say marriage is terrible in the second episode.
Hurts that the rant was the reflection of Marinette's dilemma.
Chat finds out that it was about heartbreak. He finally picks up about social cues! Good work Chat! Too bad that you learned that after your breakup with Kagami.
Ah, the swimming pool. A great place to go to forget your heartbreak go for a swim.
Realized that akumas cannot attack people if they are submerged under water, which is why she goes to the pool and a theory roaming online that she goes to the pool to cry makes a lot of sense.
I know this is a kids show and that logic gets thrown out the window, but does no one in Paris find it fishy that Ladybug in her swim suit enters the Dupain-Cheng household???? I feel like no one cares.
Ladybug might say that the board of pictures with Adrien and Luka and some of her friends might not bother her, but it seems to bother her somewhat as it is a reminder of the relationships that she can't have as long as she's Ladybug. It hurts badly though.
Unpopular opinion: The Kwamis can be good at providing comfort and probably make them laugh, but they are not the best therapists. Do not blame them though.
Marinette only detransforms for Tikki's wellbeing. She is at that point where the only reason she does something is because someone else is suffering, not for herself. It hurts seeing her suffer like this.
Tikki is fine despite being in the earrings for a long time. She is more concerned about Marinette though.
Meanwhile, the girls have their suspicions about Marinette as they did not know about her breakup with Luka until he told Juleka, which started a chain that I cannot remember, but do remember that it ended with Alya.
They call Marinette, but she does not answer because what will she tell them? The not answering part is a mood, but the reason hurts.
Alix being like "why not get orange juice with her and talk about her feelings" and everyone else staring at her as if she was the one with a crazy idea. I can't! Especially when she was like "*sigh* fine"
Also, Luka is not taking the breakup well either if Juleka's photo is anything to go by.
The bracelet idea is cute. I did something similar to that Junior year.
The scene from the ad that made us mad: Marinette transforming angrily after saying how her life as Marinette is complicated and prefers to be Ladybug all the time. It hurts to see this scene actually be in the 3rd episode as the guardianship and the breakup had consumed her so quickly.
Baby girl, we love you and we know as the audience how hard your life is now. This is why we are very concerned about you challenging ShadowMoth. Concerning.
But she breathes and goes back inside. Glad that you blew off some steam, but is everyone in Paris not aware that this just happened?!?!? Hello!?!?!?! Like Plagg said: People are blind. And a good thing too.
Just as this was happening, the girls come barging in. Good that they are great friends for being concerned, but have they ever heard of knocking?
Rose finds the dollhouse. Its a nice dollhouse, but isn't that too obvious that it will attract other people's attention? Not judging though, its a nice dollhouse and shows the expansion of Marinette's craft.
Originally, I thought they were coming after Marinette because of what happened in the episode "Ladybug", but glad to know her other friends cared about her too!
Alya comes up to find Marinette in the balcony just as she detransformed. That was WAYY too close.
Obviously, this made Marinette angry. Like who wouldn't be? They did barge into her room without asking and she was already stressed out as it is. And they were also snooping through her stuff.
In the heat of anger, Marinette said that she didn't want their friendship, which shocked everyone. So they left. But they weren't mad, they were just upset.
At least no friends means reduced amount to lying??? Yeah, but we need friends in life, so it is a lose-lose case.
Sabine asks of they are okay and no one says anything. I wonder if she will ask Marinette later on.
They go to the park and as they recall their pain, ShadowMoth akumatizes them in a link because of their emotional connection to the bracelet. They didn't even have to hold hands in a circle!
Finally, a safeguard for the Miracle Box that isn't obvious and is protected by a passcode. The record sonogram (or whatever is called) that Master Fu had!
Bruh, they couldn't come up with something different for the Gang of Secrets other than their former akumatized selves???
And then the girls (now the Gang of Secrets) barge into Marinette's room (again) to get her to spill her secrets.
Trixx using their power of illusion to lead the Gang of Secrets somewhere else. And Marinette was hidden.
Lady WiFi wondering how Marinette jumped 3 stories without superpowers was just that wholesome moment like girl you don't even know.
Every kwami using their powers without a holder has their own adverse affect. For Trixx, it was making the Eifel Tower dance (or at least I think it's dancing)
Plagg is like "this isn't a me thing, this is an everyone thing, but more importantly a Trixx thing." Adrien is like "M'Lady needs me!"
Ladybug and Marinette merge into one (figuratively speaking) when she tells Chat why the Gang of Secrets was there in the first place. Poor girl, we need to give her a hug.
Ladybug confronts Lady WiFi and tries to tell her that she is trusted and about Rena Rouge. Then...
Ladybug trusts Alya and gives her the Fox Miraculous again. Not complaining, but what about ShadowMoth knowing her secret identity??? Miracle Queen anyone??? You know, a chunk of the reason WHY MARINETTE IS SUFFERING IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!?
Also, teleportation of the Miraculous from the Miracle Box to Ladybug's yoyo! (Well more like a direct connection!) Cool and smart!
Rena Rouge, THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US MARICHAT STANS AND OUT #justice for Marichat CAMPAIGN STARTED BY SOME OF MY FOLLOWERS ASKING FOR MORE MARICHAT EVEN IF IT WAS FOR 3 SECONDS!!!! (Yes I notice your comments peoples, I am generally a tired and busy person to respond, but I eventually acknowledge everything)
Can we take a moment and point out how amazing it was that Chat was fighting three (four???) akumas ON HIS OWN WHILE ON THE CAT PHONE!!! ICONIC!
The moment with Alya in the alley! Friendship goals.
Marinette comes to terms that the breakup upsetted her so much and finds that love is complicated and chose friendship at the very least. Their reunion was what they all needed after what happened.
Alya stays behind to say that she knows that there is more, but will not press further. Can we get an applause for character growth?
Marinette asks her to stay longer as she wanted to tell her something.
It really was hard for her to keep lying to everyone and how she had to break up with Luka for this reason while also fearing that it would be the same with Adrien (she does not know, so she has a right to fear, also Chat Blanc!) She really needs a hug and such.
The whole concern about things changing between them is relatable to be but on a different context. It hit hard for me.
My fellow peoples: the moment that we were (sort of) waiting for ages is here:
As sad as I am that it was not Chat that she said this to first, I am glad that it was Alya. As her best friend literally hours prior to becoming Ladybug, having stuck by her side unconditionally, and having the willpower to break out of her akumatization, Alya is a perfect choice. Now I look forward to see how Alya helps Marinette deal with this burden.
Overall, this is a top tier episode, aka the best episode in the entire series in my opinion! I love how we explore Marinette's feelings regarding everything that is going on in her life and the ramifications of her being a guardian. It hurts and at the same time, it is beautifully executed! It shows the evolution of the writing and of the characters!
My arm hurt from the vaccine yesterday and these posts are usually long, so that's why it's released today rather than yesterday. Anyways, I recommend watching this episode!
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
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06 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓟𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓬!
Synopsis: Sakusa Kiyoomi, a young ravishing man, an athlete for the Japanese volleyball team and comes from a very prominent family around Japan. He was perfect, looks, wealth and fame. But you can’t have everything in life, can you? Sakusa, the germophobic athlete, suddenly wakes up one day and sees a baby boy in a basket in front of his door step, in the basket was a letter, a letter from his past lover, saying that the child was his. The panic look on the spiker’s face was almost comical, knowing that his life would turn into a complete 360, that day was his first time ever to miss a volleyball practice and to call Komori to ask for a babysitter. You.
Notice: the only thing I own is the plot, the art and the characters aren't mine and they all belong to their respective owners.
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Safe to say you didn’t get as much sleep as you hoped that night
“eh?” you were shocked, you didn’t expect him to do it so soon
“yeah, they work from home tomorrow, we should pay them a visit”
“we?” you were flabbergasted, you? You’re meeting the elite and respected Sakusa Family?
“yeah, do you have any problems with that?” yes, a lot
“n-no sir”
So now you left a note on the kitchen counter saying you are going to the market to get some ingredients for the dish you were going to cook for Sakusa’s parents
Since you were young, your parents always taught you that you cannot visit a home empty handed, it was proper courtesy and showed respect and appreciation for having you in their home.
You strolled along the market looking at fresh produce, you opted for seafood, since it’s healthier for older people
A huge salmon caught your eyes and miso-zuke salmon immediately popped in your head, you looked at your watch, it was only five in the morning, you can let it marinate for how many hours and grill it for 30 minutes, which will be enough time to bring it for lunch
You bought it from the vendor who was very kind and even gave you a discount, after that you went to a bakery supplies to get some carrot décor and some ingredients to make icing, you were planning to make a cake less sweet so Sakusa’s parents can eat as well
With that, you head home
You saw Sakusa seating by the coffee table, sipping coffee and reviewing the forms you filled out
“good morning sir” you say as you take the things you bought to the kitchen
“we really don’t need to bring them anything you know” he says as, eyes still not leaving the papers
“I know, but my parents always tell me to not visit anyone’s house empty-handed, it’s a sign of courtesy”
He just nodded and said “suit yourself”
You begin making the marinade, thankfully the fish vendor was kind enough to slice the salmon up for you
About half way through you heard Kaito’s cry and you were about to wipe your hands to get to him when Sakusa stood up
“I got him, continue your work”
You nodded and did exactly that, it took fifteen minutes to make the marinade, you soaked the salmon in it , coverd it, and put in inside the freezer
Sakusa went out with a calm Kaito, he sat in the coffee table , his son carefully cradled in his one arm as his other hand held the forms he hasn’t reviewed yet
Looks like he got the hang of carrying Kaito you said inside your head as you smiled to yourself
You slowly mixed the ingredients together not noticing that Sakusa was now behind you
“what are you doing?” you flinched , surprised by your boss sudden speaking
“I’m making a cake sir” you said holding your chest
It wasn’t clear, heck if you didn’t spend your three months with him you wouldn’t have noticed the small smile grazing his lips
And you regret noticing because you were now flustered
You cleared your throat
“where’s Kaito?” you asked, focusing your attention back to your task
“he’s sleeping” he answered
Your mouth formed into an ‘o’
“is it normal for babies to sleep so much” he asked, his voice genuinely concern
You chuckled  “apparently, it is sir, sleep is actually healthy for baby, aside from them having small stomach and get full easily, their tiredness can also be the cause of a growth spurt or developmental leap” you say in as-a-matter-of-fact tone
He nods as he watches you pour the mixture to a cake mold, which he didn’t even know he had
“does your parents like cake sir?” you asked as you put the dough into the oven
“my mom eats it occasionally, my dad is a sucker for it, we try to make him cut it out for a bit, it’s bad for his health”
You nod, Sakusa has been a bit talkative since your talk last night
“in that case, I’ll make the buttercream frosting less sweet” you say as you washed your hands to prepare to make the frosting
Sakusa watched you as you make the frosting, a lot of thoughts inside his head
“is she doing this to impress my parents?”
“why would she want to impress my parents?”
“does she likes-“
Sakusa shook his head profusely muttering small no’s you were just nice and polite, yea, that’s it
He cleared his throat and went to the coffee table, he finished reviewing the forms you filled out and all of them were perfect, he opened his desktop and began with his work at the company again
The timer went off and it was time to take the cake out of the oven
Kaito was awake and mindlessly babbling in his crib while Sakusa watched replays of some volleyball games
You set the cake on a cooling rack to let it cool down for a while
You decided to clean the house while waiting for the cake to cool down
you wiped some shelves, throw out the trash and vacuumed, by the time you were finished cleaning , the cake was already cool, you begin frosting it, putting crushed nuts at the side of the cake and decorating the top of the cake with candy carrots and some edible decorative leaves, you slowly put it in the fridge
you sighed
“you need to rest” Sakusa says as he gets himself some water
You looked at the time and it was already 10
You shook your head “I just need to grill the salmon sir” and so you did grill the tuna for thirty minutes, gave Kaito a bath for twenty minutes, showered and changed yourself into a simple sundress
By the time you were done packing everything it was already 11:30
You and Sakusa made your way to his car, Kaito was in his baby seat and his father placed him on the back seat, you were about to seat beside Kaito when he cleared his throat
“won’t I look like a personal driver if the both of you sat there?”
You immediately got up and sat at the shotgun seat
The ride was quiet, it was a comfortable silence though, Kaito’s occasional babbles while you were still amazed by the rich neighborhood and Sakusa’s eyes are focused on the road
You arrived at his paren’ts place in fifteen minutes and you could hear the voices of people from afar
You entered the house-no, this was a freaking castle, it was huge, there was a guard, some gardeners and maids
Sakusa parked his car, you got out, he carried Kaito’s baby seat which had a handle while you carried the cake and the salmon-sizu
You walked to the backyard where you saw some children, you recognize some of them as Sakusa’s older siblings’ children, they looked like they were having an outdoor barbecue by their pool-side
Sakusa cleared his throat
They all stopped dead in their tracks eyes wide open
Sakusa glared at them “geez you guys don’t need to act like you saw a ghost”
“well what do you expect you barely visit us here?!” you assumed that it was his brother you spoke
His mother and father looked at you, and you felt very small
“woah and you- you- holy crap your married?!”
And with just one sentence there was a fiasco
“Uncle Kiyoomi is married? We have a new aunt?” a kid who was about nine said and rushed towards new but his sisters were already all up on you
“woah when did you guys get married?”
“when did you meet?”
“what company does your family own?”
“your dress looks so good?”
“do you like chanel?”
You were overwhelmed and couldn’t talk
Your boss sighed “she’s not my wife, she’s my son’s nanny and househelper”
They stopped on their tracks, as you stood there and smiled awkwardly
“but you’re too pretty to be a nanny!”
One of his nieces explained
“you have a son?!” Sakusa’s brother exclaimed
“I know right” Sakusa says nonchalantly
Sakusa was a calm compared to his very lively family
“you impregnated your househelper?” Sakusa’s father asked confused
Your eyes widened and you shook your head profusely
“it’s Nami’s” Sakusa sighed and handed his parents a letter, his brother and two sisters stood beside their parents to read the letter as well
They were dumbfounded when they finished reading, you can’t blame them, you had the same reaction when you first read that letter as well
“what a cruel woman…” Sakusa’s mother says, it seems like she was the first one to recover
Sakusa looked at his son who was looking up at him while sucking on his pacifier
“I don’t need her to raise my son” Sakusa says sternly, his family members looked at him
Sakusa took Kaito in his arms “everyone, this is Sakusa Kaito, my son” he says while Kaito babbles and cracked a toothless smile
There was a moment of silence
 “Oh my lord! what a handsome baby!” Sakusa’s mother gushed and approached Sakusa and took Kaito from him
“holy hell bro he looks just like you!” his brother also says, as he pinch Kaito’s cheeks
“I want him to model for my baby line AAAHHHHH” his sister, which you assumed to be Aiko Sakusa a famous fashion designer
Sakusa Kairo the eldest among the siblings, a pilot and owns an airlines company
Akemi, the third child, a famous architect, she owns an architectural firm
And Sakusa Kiyoomi the youngest, Athlete-Entrepreneur manages a chain of hotels and restaurants
And of course Sakusa Arisa and Sakusa Katashi, the founder of Sakusa Empire
These people are one of the most influential family in japan, yet when you looked at them they look quite normal
Sakusa looked kind of distant, but you could see the softness in his features as he stares at his son being cradled and passed around by his family members
You did notice that his father was emotionlessly staring at the scene
“Kiyoomi you haven’t introduce your “helper” to us yet” Akemi says teasingly
Sakusa shook his head
“this is Y/N she’s Komori’s friend , she helps around my house and takes care of Kaito” he says as stood beside you
The whole family except for Komori’s dad looked at you with almost teary eyes
“thank you for dealing with our ill-mannered kiyoomi” his mother says
“You’re too pretty to be a nanny though, if you ever consider modeling come to me” Aiko says as she held both of your hands
You bowed to them politely “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir Kiyoomi is a good boss to me” you said, feeling all stiff and awkward
“chill out Y/N-san we don’t bite” Kairo chuckled
You nodded awkwardly, Sakusa nudged you and pointed at the items you were holding
“oh, we bought you some salmon-sizu and carrot cake, I hope you like it” you said as you showed them the things you bought
“Y/N-chan I love you already” Akemi says as she took the carrot cake from you and led you to the table
 In no time the family were all eating and having fun, you had Kaito in your arms and was feeding him
“Y/n dear, this salmon and cake are so delicious, where did you buy them?”
You quickly realized that your boss’ mother was a sweet lady
“oh, I made them ma’am, my mother is a baker, it’s her recipe, I tweaked it a bit for it to make it less quick, my father is a fish broker, he told me that salmon is a healthy fish to serve” you smiled at her
“Y/N-chan you’re too kind, I hope my brother isn’t being a jerk to you” Aiko says as she eats cake
You chuckled at them
“Y/N-chan, how is our Kiyoomi?” Akemi asked
“Sir Sakusa is doing fine I think, he’s just a bit tired from volleyball and the company, he also makes time for Kaito whenever he can, he’s still a little bit confuse and clumsy”
Kairo, Akemi, Aiko and Mrs. Sakusa nodded together
“Y/N-chan do you like Kiyoomi?” Aiko asked which made you flustered
“I-I- yes-yes b-but- as a boss- I like him as a person-like a boss-“
“geez no need to get flustered now, we were only asking” Kairo said as he chuckled
“we don’t mind if you like him though, we’ll be delighted to have you here” Akemi says and smiled at you
You were now as red as a tomato
After the conversation, you were left with Kaito, he was now wide awake and you were playing with him
Only then did you noticed Sakusa’s father staring at you two
You cleared your throat, you got up, carrying Kaito, you cleaned up the plates near Sakusa’s father
Kaito pointed at his grandfather
You quietly approached the man
“sir, do you want to hold him?”  you asked
He looks up at you, you smiled at him and slowly sat Kaito on his lap
He looks at Kaito emotionlessly, when Kaito smiled at him and babbles “babababa!”
For the first time today, you saw a soft smile made its way to Sakusa’s father’s face
“he looks just like him” the elderly man mumbles
“I can see that sir” you smiled softly at them, slowly taking out your phone and quietly took a picture of the scene, not knowing that some of the eyes of the family were on you
 “she’s a good woman” Sakusa’s mother says to his son
“she is” Kiyoomi says as he stares at you, having a small conversation with his father, it’s very rare for him to communicate or interact with people other than business matters, but he doesn’t seem to have any trouble conversing with you
“do you like her Kiyo?” his mother asks teasingly
“mom, no” Kiyoomi sighs and takes a sip of his lemonade
Although his parents were mostly absent during his childhood, him and his siblings maintained a close relationship with them, and both his mother and father always made time for them on the weekends
A lot of people assumed that they were like the rich family from dramas, the tension and stuff but it was far from that, they were pretty normal, and chaotic at times
 “Your salmon-sizu was very good” your boss’ dad says as you took Kaito from him, the baby has already fallen asleep
“thank you sir, it was my dad’s recipe, he says it’s good for your health” you smiled as you cradled Kaito
He smiled and got up from his seat to join the rest of his family, you laid Kaito on his baby seat and wiped the sweat off his forehead
 The rest of the day were spent with you helping the maids with grilling, but Aiko quickly swooped in and wanted you to join the party, so there you were surrounded by your boss’ nieces and nephews
“you’re not uncle Kiyo’s girlfriend?” Arata, who was around seven years old asked you, he was Kairo’s son
You chuckled and shook your head
“but I want you to be my aunt, aunt y/n” Chizu who was Aiko’s daughter, said with pleading eyes
You just chuckled at them and diverted their attention to something else, you told them stories your parents and sister used to tell you when you were young, their eyes sparkled with fascination, even Mika and Eichi who were both teenagers were interested in your stories as well that they tore their eyes off of their phone screens
Later in the night you guys played uno, you taught them the basics, these kids didn’t know anything about games outside their phones
You couldn’t really relate to the adult’s conversation since they were talking about businesses so you hang out with the kids, and you were loving every moment of it, despite being born from rich families, they were really nice and humble, Eichi was very similar to his grandfather and his Uncle KIyoomi but he was polite nonetheless
It was finally time to leave, the kids were tired and the same to the adults
“come visit us soon aunt y/n” Mira says sleepily she was Akemi’s only child
You smiled at them and waved
“you better come back Y/N-chan we want another one of your carrot cake” Aiko says as you bowed to them
“dear, if ever Kiyo fires you, you are free to apply at our house” says Kiyoomi’s mother says as you leave
Your boss sighs as you finally entered his car
“they really like you” he mumbles
“I guess they do?” you chuckled
“hey y/n, thank you”
You tilt your head in confusion “for what sir?”
“just, thank you”
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Taglist: @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @seashellmichellee @tetsuhoes @akaashislovelywife  @strawberryzos  @kuroohoeee @underratedmage @popping-cherries @uwu-iwanttodie @wonhyuksstuff @  @knmsapplepi    @stormcastello @si-m-p
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jtrokujo · 4 years
𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖜𝖔 𝕺𝖋 𝖀𝖘
✩。: * • .───── ❁ ❁ ─────. • * :。 ✩
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word count: 1.6k
Like every morning, the big line of glasses is waiting for his girlfriend, but the two youngsters have no plans to go to school because it's the weekend, no, they enjoy their togetherness for all times.
Even if the two have known each other for a long time, that doesn't mean they've been together that long.
For the two of them, it was unimaginable to be in a relationship with the other, but things always happen and change.
Anyone who has asked the respective person about this relationship has long since forgotten because they apparently did not / do not care.
Back to the present.
Tsukishima looked annoyed at the clock on his cell phone and sighed in annoyance, he can't be delayed, even if it's 3 minutes.
It is not rare or common for his girlfriend to be late.
He actually prefers to pick her up instead of waiting for her, not only so that she can hurry up, but also so that she can meet her boyfriend carefree without any bad ulterior motives or any nuisance.
Well that's one of the reasons he hates being late, but he didn't tell his girlfriend about that fact himself.
Because of this particular incident with his brother, he has a strong weakness to trust someone or to trust someone, there are moments when he trusts his girlfriend, sometimes not, it mainly just depends.
But as a good friend, she shows understanding for him, she is too fond of him.
She knows his problems, his fears and the insecurities that almost eat him up, but she still knows the good side that she doesn't see every day, but better than never.
Like, for example, his love for her, his interests in the dinosaurs or his good tutoring when the two do their homework together.
Trapped in thought, someone took him out of it, or rather, something.
The boy's cell phone rang loudly, his heart pounding and he answered the call "Tsuki, where are you?" his girlfriend asked in amazement and tried to ignore the anger.
"In front of our favorite bakery, the question is more where are you, (Y / N) I've been waiting for more than 10 minutes and the weather is not very pleasant at the moment."
"Tsuki, we had agreed that we would meet in front of the museum, that you were present for our last conversation, I knew, but if you went straight into your own world, you have been really so bad in the last few days."
"(Y / N)?" Tsukishima said in a normal tone, "Yes?" she said, however, surprised that he speaks so calmly.
"Didn't we agree that if we'd only go to the museum right after we ate a piece of cake and went for a walk, because it only opens at 2 p.m. and now it's only 10:27 a.m."
"I'll be there in 5 minutes." was the only thing his girlfriend could say hung up as quickly as possible.
Yes, this behavior of his girlfriend wasn't seen every day, but he gets along reasonably well with it.
Of course there are moments or even days when he can lose his last nerve and there have been moments when he insults his girlfriend even though it is not his intention.
Fortunately, however, she knows him too well that she sometimes understands him, but only sometimes.
The one time she showed no understanding was when he was training again with his team and since Hinata was again better than usual, it annoyed him so much that he took all his anger and frustration out on his girlfriend, which caused her ignored him for almost a week.
Back to the present, holding hands, the couple are on their way to coffee.
The fingers are folded together, the wind blows stronger and stronger every second, but if you think that such weather could ruin their mood, you are one-sidedly wrong.
Once there, the two ordered a hot cocoa and a small cake, (Y / N) should already choose a place while Tsukishima delivers the delicacies with a tray.
They talked about their interests and what movie to watch tonight.
While walking around town, Tsukishima looked at his wristwatch that his girlfriend gave him and said, "The museum will open in about 20 minutes."
The friends who make (Y / N) s face shine cannot be overlooked.
Of course, she doesn't really like the museum because she's not really interested, but she knows too well that he likes the dinosaurs that she talked him into going on a date at the museum without any problems.
But he wanted the two to spend more time together, that is to say;
The coffee, the walk and the night at his house had been all his idea.
In the museum, the friend looked at a dinosaur, or rather a Gallimimus.
"What is it, Tsuki?" she asked him and shows it on the Gallimimus. "
From A to Z, her friend explained every information he knows about the Gallimimus.
"They were also a kind of group like wolves, but from the dinosaur genus of the Ornithomimosauria during the Theropoda. They lived for the most part in East Asia. Furthermore, as you can see, they were not small, they were 4 and 6 meters high and weighed up to to an example of 200 kg. "
"You seem to know your way around this, don't you?"
"Because I can." he said roughly, but grabbed his girlfriend's hand and said like a little boy, "Come on, you have to see the others first." and pulled her right after you with you.
Back at home, the couple meets Tsukishima's brother.
He sighed annoyed and skilfully ignored him, but greeted him out of sheer politeness.
They have known each other for a long time, which is why they have an appropriate relationship.
In other words, a friendship.
You talk now and then.
However, their friendship does not belong in the level where you occasionally write to each other, make phone calls or go to town together.
But that's probably a good thing before Tsukishima gets the last nerve.
Tsukishima is not the kind of friend you ask if you can go out with this person or if he is having trouble going out with this person, knowing other people's passwords or reading through chats.
They know each other too well and also trust what is important in a relationship and therefore find this behavior strange from other couples, because, as I said, trust is part of a relationship.
When he got to his room, Tsukishima took his pajamas and said to his girlfriend "I'm going to get changed in the bathroom, okay?"
She nodded and answered him and also took her pajamas out of her pocket and changed a little faster than usual.
Finished dressed, she stuffed the clothes she was still wearing into her pocket and then put it down.
"Are you ready?" it came out the door.
"Yes I am, can come in."
The door opened and you not only saw Tsukishima in his pajamas, but he also held a small tray with (Y / N) 's favorite sweets.
But not only that, but also a small box.
The friend quickly got up to help her friend "Let me help you." and wanted to grab the tray right away, but Tsukishima pointed to his clothes, which is between his forearm and waist.
"Do you already know which film to watch and how." Tsukishima asked his girlfriend.
"No, I thought you would decide because I was 'allowed' to do it last time." she said and put his clothes where they belong.
"I would prefer if my dwarf would choose a movie." replied Tsukishima and set the tray down on his bed.
"Aww, since when was such a tsuki?" provoked (Y / N) Tsukishima and came a few steps towards him, while at the same time she looked at him gourmet.
Annoyed, he sobbed with his tongue - held a hand on her face and gently pushed her away from him.
He then gave his remote control to his girlfriend and finally said, "Come sit down and choose a movie."
And thus also knocked on the bed.
About half an hour has passed.
While (Y / N) stares obsessively at the screen and slowly eats the candy, Tsukishima secretly observed his girlfriend and the small box.
Breathing deeply, he said her name, while she turned and looked at him, "Is something?" she asked worriedly.
"No, it works. You remember when we were in town about a week ago, there was this shop. It had this chain that impressed you, so I made up my mind yesterday ..." without finishing his sentence he made it to his girlfriend.
She opened the box nervously.
The necklace that (Y / N) wanted, she got from her boyfriend as a present.
She just stared at it with no comments like, 'I want this.' 'Can you get it for me?' or something else, maybe he knows (Y / N) just too well.
He took the chain and asked "May I?"
"(Y / N) turned so he could tie the necklace together," What for, Tsuki? Have you ever seen the price? "She asked him and from now on ignored the film being played.
"When I saw the price, I wasn't too thrilled, but I just had to remember you being pretty amazed as a dwarf, so it wasn't too bad to spend my money."
The tray put away, the television switched off and the blanket over the couple's bodies, they slept cuddled up.
The two of them will not get rid of this event so quickly.
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mikrowrites · 4 years
•aaron tveit headcanons•
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a/n: aight guys I’m not dead! i haven’t really had the time to write much, but aaron tveit lives in my heart rent free so here’s these dumb kinda specific really long headcanons:
so you both probably met pretty early into aaron’s career
it’s probably safe to say both of you would have the same if not similar careers, broadway and acting
and though aaron was lucky enough to get his big break, you had unfortunately not (yet) and had to wait tables for a couple years after college
(insert waitress/customer troupe here)
you worked at a restaurant close to the theatre district after undergrad and aaron was starring in Hairspray
the boy saw you and was w h i p p e d
would come to the restaurant like 4 days a week
kinda creeped you out ngl
finally got the balls to actually start a conversation and boom: instant friends
and you guys were friends for a while! dumbass and chaotic conversation was a YES
“did you know barcodes scan the white space and not the black lines”
“how many orders of fries would put me in the er?”
“uhhh... 30”
you first caught feelings when aaron invited you to see him as Fiyero in Wicked
was it his amazing talent and charm? or was it his tight pants? you’d never tell
but nevertheless, oh shit! the friends to lovers troupe!
aaron is a manly man™️ and will always say he asked you out first
which is somewhat true, but you always argue the dinner you took him to after that show was the first date
because that’s when you first kissed him
and just like that! he asks you out!
first date is literally a d r e a m
no romantic dinner, no dress and tux
there was wine tho
you and aaron watched a Yankees game and got drunk off your asses laughing and screaming at the tv and annoying aaron’s roommate
did it end with both of you passed out on his couch cuddling? maybe it did
best. first. date. ever.
the second date WAS a nicer one, going out to eat and wandering the streets of New York City
and yes, some dates were ABSOLUTELY a par 9 on a golf course
you didn’t really put a label on your relationship for a while
because aaron’s career began to take off with next to normal and you finally got your big break on a national tour!
it was pretty bittersweet, though
you and aaron had a healthy conversation about your relationship, and decided you weren’t quite dating yet, but still talking. you guys wanted to see if you could manage the whole “gone for months at a time” thing
and you could!
skype, texting, and random 1 am phone calls
one time you feel asleep during one of the calls, and aaron just smiled and watched you sleep (not in a creepy way guys)
when you came back from tour you’d think you had come home from war
he all but tackles you into a hug, and kisses you
“let’s make this work”
so lo and behold! you were dating!
takes you to meet his family on thanksgiving
they love you
attending the tonys together, which was basically the first time you two confirmed a relationship
he said “I love you” first
a couple years would go by, catch me if you can and such, and you make your broadway debut!!
you’re def a triple threat
aaron’s so gushy about it, constantly brags about you
rumor has it he cried watching the opening night, denies it every time
literally glued to you for the entire after party, he’s just seriously so proud and in love awwh
and then he books les miz and graceland
you’re unable to travel to London w him since you’re in your own show, and it hits both of you hard
so what does this mfer do?
it’s the morning he leaves for shooting and you’re dropping him off at the airport
“hey when i get back from filming wanna get married?”
totally gave you a little prize machine plastic ring at the airport
you guys are literally SO NONCHALANT about it as everyone around you goes insane
“i’m engaged, i guess”
the internet blows up because they actually can’t figure out if you guys are serious or not
don’t worry, aaron actually proposed properly with a proper ring eventually
you still wear the plastic ring on a chain around your neck for a while tho
you both decide to get an apartment together
domestic couple things
Your neighbors probably hate you from the amount of times you both have “sing-offs”
slow dancing in the kitchen, laundry day, watching football games together gets aggressive
i firmly believe that you aren’t a Dallas Cowboys fan
the biggest fights you have honestly is about the NFL
in all seriousness there is still small conflict every once in a while, but you both are fantastic at communication
attending the oscars with aaron
“yeah but lOoK aT mY BeAuTiFuL FiAnCeE”
you’d be lying if watching the oscars performance didn’t turn you on a bit
you guys get married!
it’s definitely not a huge fancy wedding, just friends and family
you know for a FACT he’d sing “marry me a little” at the reception he so would
you guys dance all night
it’s adorable, his hand literally never leaves yours
you end up with a sinus infection from all the cake frosting he smears on your face
aaron felt really bad for it, so like a good wife you hold it over him for eternity
“remember that time we missed our flight to Belize because we were in the ER-“
went to Belize to honeymoon eventually anyways
aaron was very much like that one john mulaney sketch
“that’s my wife!”
“hey! have you met my wife yet?”
“i love my wife”
life goes on for you two, you remain hopping from broadway show to show
aaron ends up working on his acting career more
lots of time apart, but that just makes the time together more precious
adorable phone contact names
“wifey❤️” and “hubby❤️”
you were on set a lot for rehearsals of Grease Live
you actually helped assist in some of the choreography from time to time
impromptu golf cart rides
and you get to watch it live! like, you were AT the carnival on the set!
you’re just really proud of your mans :,)
family and friends keep pestering you both to have kids
so you adopt a dog (MILES BBY I LOVE YOU)
also as a side note, you love Braindead
you laughed HYSTERICALLY during the salami sex scene
aaron filmed it and posted it on twitter
fast forward, you get offered to help choreograph a new show! woah! and you’d get to swing for it!
it’s super top secret tho, and you literally cannot tell aaron
you do eventually relent the information that you’re working on a new show, and the man doesn’t pry. he’s respectful like that.
you meet the team, and boy you are IN LOVE
auditions are fun, creating the choreo is exhilarating
you don’t hear about casting much at all tho
so when aaron walks into the studio you both immediately freeze
“wait what the f—“
yup. you both were working on Moulin Rouge! and had NO clue
you both share (1) braincell
the lab went great, and soon you were on your way to Boston!
you HATE aaron’s longer hair, mostly because he won’t let you mess with it >:(
he eventually relents, and you teach him the secrets of “the man bun™️”
you also braid it a lot
“stop being a pussy about it”
“your hair’s the money maker don’t make me shave it in your sleep”
performing with your husband is a dream
sneaking looks on stage
aaron calls your frustrated choreo-instruction voice “mom voice” and the rest of the cast picks up on it
“no, it’s 7, 8! Up on 3, down on 5, 6, spin 7,8!”
“ok, mom!”
then broadway!!
the ricky-aaron lives
you had to go on for nini one performance and ricky teased aaron ALL DAY
you were totally in on it too
but aaron isn’t really the jealous type. he knows you are so in love with him, the same way he is in love with you
so basically he knew it was all fun and games
shenanigans backstage
one time during intermission you convinced aaron to give you a piggyback ride the ENTIRE 15 MINUTES
“hey aaron nice backpack”
small talk between scenes
like aaron would be sprinting to his next cue and you’d just
“i’m ordering domino’s for dinner pepperoni or sausage?”
you both drink too much iced coffee, like people are actually concerned for you both
neither of you are party-ers really, but you can GET DOWN
i am convinced aaron can cook
like if he’d have a day off, you’d come home from an evening performance with a cooked meal and two wine glasses
never candles tho
not after the valentine’s day incident
y’all are cute :,)
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demonkidpliz · 4 years
Things I learned while re-watching Star Plus Mahabharata (Part 19/many):
Kansa’s death scene is A+, 10/10. 
Boy Krishna literally looks like Devaki!
I know where else I have seen Boy Krishna! He plays Pradyumna in Radhakrishna!
Arjun, Bhim and Drupad have no chill and I am here for this rage. Let’s keep this going until the war starts.
It is very sad that in Kalyug a woman has to fend for her own honour when ideally it should be a joint effort by men and women.
The only appropriate reaction to a man attempting to dishonour your wife was shown by Krishna and by Ram before him = decapitation. I will not be hearing arguments against this at this time.
I am here for this Panchali. What did you decide? What did Madhav have to say?
Panchali is against the peace proposal and honestly I am on her side.
Panchali is 100% right. The decision to fight or not is Panchali’s. Not the Pandavas. Because for every action and reaction of men, it is the women and their children who suffer. She is 100/100 right.
At least she has Krishna on her side who has absolutely no qualms in pretending anything other than the fact that he really badly wants this war. This is literally what he was put on earth to do.
In the actual story, Duryodhan offers to put Krishna up in Dushasan’s palace which was allegedly bigger and better than the main palace. And Krishna declines because he wishes to stay in Vidur’s palace but StarBharat fails to show why. It’s because Krishna’s aunt, Kunti, lives with Vidur and I think it is the most natural thing in the world that he would want to stay with his aunt rather than with these random cousins by marriage.
I am sorry sweetie (Krishna) there is no dharm ka phool in Angaraj Karna’s heart. He's a social climber.
Aye hai laddoo Gopal really be here turning all this karela into laddoos.
Nice that they gave some screen time to Vidur’s wife. Now they need to do this 200x with all the female characters.
Krishna is…right? Yudhishthir should have been crowned Yuvraj the moment Pandu died and the Pandavas came to Hastinapur. Dhritarashtra was a placeholder king and his son cannot inherit this throne. It is a different matter altogether that Dhritarashtra was the rightful king and that they should have never crowned Pandu as king. 
Krishna coming at the Kauravas with one banger after another. Their behaviour towards Draupadi cannot be forgiven. And not just Duryodhan, every man in that Sabha was culpable.
Is Duryodhan really going to bind Krishna with those big ass fake looking gold chains? This seems like a bad idea.
Krishna is asking for five villages for the five Pandavas. But Duryodhan has nothing if not his principles.
Karna is sooo annoying. Oh my god, we get it. You would give your life for your rich pals.
At least Bhishma, Vidur and Dronacharya are showing some good sense now. Long overdue.
Oho! Even Dhritarashtra has the good sense to agree to this five village business.
Lol, I can’t wait for Duryodhan to try and imprison Krishna.
I’m also waiting for the needle’s head worth of land line. Will StarBharat oblige?
StarBharat has obliged! Duryodhan will not concede a needle’s worth of land.
Krishna looks...mildly discomfited.
Arrest this cowherd LMAAOOO 
The big ass fake looking gold chains are here.
The soldiers can’t even get up, let alone pick up the chains. How underwhelming.
Is StarBharat also going to show me the wondrous scene where Dhritarashtra temporarily gets his vision? Coz that would be cool.
Oh finally someone (Karna) has the sense to say that this is not how one behaves with a peace messenger.
Chal, gwale! I am ded 🤣
What happened to the Vishwaroop scene in the middle of the Hastinapur court??
Very attracted right now to moustached Krishna dressed like a guard.
Calm down, think of Jesus.
Is Krishna also dressed like Vikarna and Karna?
Accha, Drona also.
And Pitamaha.
This is fun! 
Mamashri Shakuni 😂
Kakashri Vidur. I could do this forever.
SRJ looks amazing as all these characters. Even Dhritarashtra.
Where did Krishna transport them? On the banks of the Ganga? Dwarka? 
Did Krishna strike Duryodhan’s thigh?
Dhritarashtra can see the Vishwaroop! 
Apparently, after this, Krishna gave him the option of retaining his sight. And Dhritarashtra said that after having seen the Vishwaroop to see other sights on earth was simply not worth it. 
Should’ve kept his sight for the war but he has his satellite dish Sanjay.
Okay Krishna has left. This was anticlimactic.
Oh cool, Krishna is going to play the Kunti card.
I simply love Kunti’s character and every scene with Krishna and Kunti in the same frame is simply golden.
Kunti’s entire personality is so on brand with the no chill Yadav mood.
Please do not for one second pretend that you altruistically care about the child you abandoned at birth. You’re doing this to save the skins of the five sons you actually give a damn about.
At least Radha is slightly more realistic about Karna than Kunti is.
Radha and Vrushali are like, how do you know this, Vaasudev? Vaasudev (probably): I drink and I know things.
Nothing will astonish me as much as my progression in life going from a Karna Stan to an absolute Karna Skeptic.
Karna is a social climber. That is all I have to say on this topic.
The only thing admirable about Karna’s character is his loyalty towards Duryodhan.
Also, where is this conversation between Krishna and Karna taking place? On the banks of the Ganga? Yamuna? The sea beach at Dwarka?
Where is the big speech Krishna gives to Karna? Where he promised that Draupadi will marry him (HA, AS IF) and that Yudishthira will crown him King of Hastinapur (that fool might just) if he fights on behalf of the Pandavas.
Are all Radhas this terrible? Are they all hell bent on stealing for themselves things that do not belong to them? Why won’t this awful woman own up to the fact that she’s not Karna’s biological mom?
Okay Karna is back on the banks of this mysterious water body.
I will have you all know that Karna may be suddenly having feels for Kunti, but was totally okay to sacrifice her during the Varnavat episode.
Oh goddamn it, Starbharat! 
Hitting me right in the feels when I least expect it.
Karna thinking back to all the times he was with Arjun, not knowing that they were brothers.
I’m not going to lie. Karna is in an impossible spot. Damned if he did, damned if he didn’t.
Now I am remembering why child me Stanned Karna so much.
I may not like Karna but at least I respect him for supporting Duryodhan.
I can’t wait for Queen of Resting Bitch Face, Kunti, to come and beg for her sons’ lives from Karna, when she literally does not give a damn if Karna lives or dies. Kunti knows which side her bread is buttered. Such a Yadav.
Oh this Karna-Vrushali scene is A+, 10/10. I really wish StarBharat gave more screen time to its women.
Okay I feel bad for Kunti also, mostly because I love Kunti. 
But let us not pretend that given a choice between her Parth and this veritable stranger, she will always always choose Arjun.
She had to do this for Kuntibhoj, her poor father, who loved her so much, who couldn’t have children and all he ever wanted was a child of his own, so much so that he begged Shoorsena to give him one of his daughters.
I think what’s worse is that Kunti knew. Right from the beginning. And she stayed quiet. That was not right. 
StarBharat really be here trying to make me feel for Karna again. Smh.
How tf will Karna be a Pandava? When Kunti wasn’t even mf married to Pandu when she gave birth to Karna?
Karna talking about Duryodhana while the Dharmecha shlok plays in the background. Chills.
I have a story called The tree stump on Karna, in case you are interested. 
Yeah Kunti f*cked up here. I support Karna. He is nothing but a prisoner of birth. 
Pretty big of Karna to ask Kunti not to tell his brothers. Uncharacteristic of a social climber. He’s not a bad soul, I guess. 
I don’t know if it’s Kunti’s dialogue or her acting or the background score but I am tearing up. No assholes here.
Kunti might as well cry because if Karna refuses to call her Mata until Arjun dies, she’s never going to hear it from him. Coz he will be dead.
It’s okay, Kunti, you can relax. You got what you came here for (ish).
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balticprincess · 3 years
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Crash landing on you - perfect for K-drama-beginners. Just watch out - it‘s addictive
I may not be the target audience, but this has really got me. After watching it for the 3rd time back to back (with 16 episodes that are about 70 -90 minutes it’s ok, I guess, when finishing it, I want to see the start again) I now need to put some thoughts down.
Why do I (and apparently millions of others) love it so much?
It‘s funny, tragic, super romantic and suspenseful. The actors are great, not only the main couple Ri Jeong Hyeok ans Yoon Se-Ri as star crossed lovers, but also the second couple, which is even more star-crossed and one half of it is for a lot of episodes hopelessly tied and in love with the elusive RJH. Also the supporting actors are great, especially the band of brothers from Company 5, who do everything to help their leader and YSR. The villain is great and so vile, you hate him - until you see him in the Behind the Scenes-vids, where he is most charming.
It‘s a bit like fanfiction in a series: found family, vile brothers, destiny, star-crossed lovers, fake fiancee, reversed makeover, sleeping in one bed, all the tropes are there, but never blatant, but lovely and well executed. A lot of people who watched it say it’s also enemies to lovers, but I seriously doubt that, seeing Captain Ri‘s face at the end of the first episode. It’s more like love at first sight, smitten and whipped.
While he is a kind of super-hero („Do you think you‘re in the Avengers“) he also has flaws, is sometimes jealous, easily flustered by Se-Ri and exasperated by the whole set up. Still, he does everything for her to make her feel better and to help her escape to the south. He is an ace at fighting, can cook, is a very quick thinker, a good shot, plays the piano and is endearingly truthful (most of the time). Not to say extremely easy on the eye. She, and that is very important in my pov, is no damsel in distress. She is, actually, but she does not act like it. Being a very successful ceo, she takes the North and its people in her stride and instead of whining, heats water and helps poor kids. She cries sometimes when she is overwhelmed, which is a totally normal reaction in my opinion, making her relatable. She is beautiful and successful, he is super handsome and from an upperclass family, but both are supremely unhappy before she literally falls down on him. How they are helping each other is one of the main attractions for me. F.ex. After Se-Ris first really bad meeting with the villain and him coming to the rescue, he asks her if she is allright and not hurt. You can really see how much that surprises her, which is in turn heart-wrenching. He doesn‘t talk much, but one of his catchphrases is: „I am alright“ - which is mostly untrue, whether he stands on a mine, was shot or beaten or impending doom is coming at him. She calls him out for that, which is lovely. Both actors are nearing 40, although they look impossibly younger, but for me, being ever so slightly over 40 it was great that this was not a series with CEOs that look as if they are still in High school.
The Chemistry between the leads is so amazing that one comment said that it could light up North Korea for real. I‘d say it’s not chemistry anymore, it’s Physics, waiting for the inevitable chain reaction/explosion. Captain Ri aka Hyun Bin and Yoon Se-Ri aka Son Ye Jin started dating IRL after the show (or long before, who knows) and are still going strong. That’s really romantic, especially if you watch the BTS. 🔥🔥💥
If you are not interested in history: skip this! Another point in this far too long post is that I asked myself why I could relate to these main characters who are so different from me, being a tall, sturdy blond highschool-headmistress. My husband is a pianist, but that is not it. But I lived long enough to still remember the iron curtain slashing through my country. Not to liken the then existing GDR with NK, but while we West-Germans were allowed to visit in the East, different from the Koreas, the East-Germans were not allowed to come to West-Germany. I had friends in the GDR near Dresden. My parents met them in Hungary and I was pen-friends their daughter. It was super difficult to go to Dresden, but we could meet in Berlin where it was easier to cross the border. In 1986 we met for the first time in person. I was ateeneager on a classtrip. My teacher brought me to the border in Friedrichstraße Railway station, called „Palace of tears“ by the locals. I crossed the border on foot and was in a different county and world in the same city. The cars, how the people dressed, the shops - it was strange, old fashioned and for my 20 years backwards. But the people where lovely. We met like a blind date, they were carrying a white rose. The banners seen in CLOY promoting communism and heralding the states own greatness were everywhere. When they brought me back to the eastern entrance of the railway station I had to cross, I knew why this was called Palace of tears. We cried, everyone there who had to let go family or friends to the west cried. It was heartwrenching. Unification 3 years later was a wonder I had never expected. Never. So, although our situation was not as bad as Se-Ris who knows she cannot visit NK, it is still very relatable. It wasn‘t the 38th parallel but still a nearly impenetrable wall. One of my highschool friends was in love with *drumroll for cloy-watchers* a cellist from the GDR. He was devastated to leave her at the border when we left east-berlin. Our poor teacher - I off to meet unknown people (with a permission slip from my parents but still, no phones etc) and Frank off to meet his gf at the suburbs of east Berlin. But we both came back unscathed. They got married after unification btw.
My favourite scene: Very difficult to choose, the whole set up in Pjöngyang possibly, their argument about destiny, his jealousy and him telling her to stay in his sight and 2 seconds later him being so ashamed to have said that. Also: the scene with Daddy Ri.
Strange things that happened after watching: I really want a Range Rover, preferably red. I own a cloy t-shirt and watched all behind the scenes-vids multiple time.
Why I am so late watching it: the subtitles. Apart from Shtisel, which I love, I watch English dubbed (I am German) all the time. We are used to dubbing here. What can I say: it took me 10 minutes to forget that.
For my fellow Miss Fishers murder mysteries/Phrack-lovers: I know nothing can compare the Phryne and Jack. But: The extremely dashing Captain Ri has a lot of Jack Robinson vibes going on. Dealing with trauma, being honest and respectful, accepting and encouraging the woman he loves, being so handsome and dependable. He also does not talk much but has very speaking eyes. And while Se-Ri accepts more help than Phryne does she is also a badass woman in her own right who dresses sharply and is self-sufficient and smart. CLOY is very romantic though, you can‘t really say it is a slow-burn, the aforementioned chain-reaction happens very fast. The whole thing is quite chaste, but in my mind a lot happens after the camera roll stopped...The OST is beautiful and I listen to it all the time.
Give it a try and see if you are not hooked at the end of the first episode like I was... #fighting!
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alia-turin · 3 years
@amina-celestial first of all my sincere apologies you asked for kinlky Avallac’h fic, but my writing went places. Like literary I have no idea what happened there. I started writing and things were not just happening the kinky way. 
But you will get a cute Avallac’h discovering Earth and trying pasta for first time. 
I fail, I’m sorry. 
Title: My Dream Pairing: Avallac’h/Reader Summary: Avallac’his on the run from the Wild Hunt and finds himself in modern day earth. He is saved and nursed by the reader.
Avallac’h opened multiple portals until he finally was sure no one could find him. He was bleeding, he was exhausted, he had no idea how much longer he could take it. Maybe Caranthir could not sniff him so far out.
Wherever he was, it was winter, as his brain was so foggy he was concerned that the White Frost was here but it seemed just as normal winter and he was obviously still alive. There were bright lights everywhere and he had no idea where he was going. He fell in the snow and the world went into darkness.
He woke up in a strange room that made even less sense to him but it won't be the first time he finds himself in a new and unknown place while travelling between worlds. The bed was a bed, walls, dresser...there was a weird thing that was omitting light, it was not a candle or if it was it was the strangest he had seen. He tried to get up but he felt dizzy and gave up. He could feel something around his leg and when he looked it was a tight bandage. So someone had taken care of him and judging by the fact that he was alive and not in chains it was not Aen Elle.
The door in front of him opened and a human woman walked in.
“You are awake!” she exclaimed. “I’m sorry I took the liberty of undressing you but you were almost frozen in the snow and bleeding. I thought hypothermia might have set in.”
Avallac’h just stared at the human, dressed in the weirdest clothes he had seen. Some sort of a top and blue pants that did not look like any fabric he had seen. Did he hit his head so hard that he was hallucinating or that was just some new curse Eredin and Caranthir had come up with.
“Where am I?” he finally decided to ask.
“In my house?” the human responded innocently.
“I mean what realm…” he tried to get up again but it was way too difficult, he must have hit his head somewhere.
“Earth? Solar System?” she looked very confused and neither of that really was helping him either. “Look, I have a million questions for you, but I need to go to work, so if I leave you here, please promise not to leave with the silverware.”
Avallac’h just blinked, not even having an answer. The human walked out of the room, then he heard another door being closed and from what he could tell, locked.
He relaxed again on the bed and fell asleep.
Avallac’h woke up later, it was still a day so he must have been out just a couple of hours.
This time he managed to get out of bed, the world around him was spinning but at least he could walk. The bedroom he was in was small but cozy, certainly not a castle so he was probably in a common house. He walked out of there, the next room was what he would describe as a common room, it had table chairs on one end and some sort of lower seats on the other, across them a table and some strange flat black thing on it. This was indeed a world he had never seen before. He went to the kitchen and started exploring, the thought of food made him sick, but he knew he needed to eat. He was trying to figure out where food was stored when he heard the lock and then the front door opened. The human walked in, carrying bags and kicked the door closed as her hands were busy.
“You look good!” she said as she placed the bags on the high counter surrounding the kitchen. Avallac’h felt enchanted. This human talked to him as if they had been old friends but she was also different from the other humans he had seen. Not just the way she dressed, just...different somehow. If his head did not hurt as much as it did he could probably figure it out.
“Did you bandage me?” he asked, tilting his head curiously.
“I found you in front of the building in the snow, you were unconscious and there was a lot of blood. I was about to call ambulance when…” she smiled shily and touched her ear. It took Avallac’h a moment to understand the jest. Right she noticed he was not human. “Then I wasn’t sure what to do so I just dragged you here.” she opened the bags and started emptying them in a tall cupboard that emitted coldness. Avallac’h just straed at in in fascination, that was interesting magical trick.
“You should probably sit.” she pointed at the table and chairs. “I will fix dinner.”
Avallac’h did as he was told, mostly because standing was becoming an issue. He watched the human with great curiosity as she prepared food. Everything was so...new and fascinating.
“So...do you want to tell me what happened to you?” she asked as she put some long brown sticks in a pot of boiling water.
“I guess the best way to describe is I was fighting someone whose abilities proved to be beyond mine, I tried to escape and opened a portal to another world, but that someone has someone else in his service who is very good at travelling between realms and they were able to chase me for very long time, when I managed to lose them I continued travelling from realm to realm, until I had no more strength.” he felt good that she looked at him as confused as he was about this world. It made him feel better that he was not the only one lacking understanding.
“What exactly are you?” she asked after a very long silence just looking at him, probably evaluating if he was crazy.
“Aen Elle.” she looked even more confused. “From my experience most other realms call us elves.”
“Like Legolas?” she pulled the pot of water away and placed a pan on the stove, pouring something red inside.
“I’m not sure who or what Legolas is…” Avallac’h gave her a friendly smile.
“He is a book character, he is an elf, and then they made a movie about the book…” she stopped as she saw his confused look, he understood the word book and that was about it. “He has pointy ears so I guess you are like Legolas.” She grabbed a couple of plates and started putting food on them, moments later she joined him at the table leaving a portion in front of him. The food was...strange. The long brown sticks have turned into long soft white sticks, he would say they looked like worms but he had never seen aperizing worms so that was a bad comparison. There was some red sauce on top with various things in it that he could identify as vegetables and meat.
“You don’t like pasta?” she asked, a bit concerned. “I can fix you something else?”
“I’m afraid I had never had pasta in my life.” he grabbed the fork and tried to poke at the dish the way you would poke a pork chop, but nothing really happened. “How do you…”
“Here watch.” She grabbed her fork and started spinning it, the long things curled around the fork and then she ate it. Avallac’h was impressed. He repeated the motion and although it wasn’t as easy as she made it look like he succeeded to deliver food to his mouth.
“It’s delicious!” he had never tasted anything like that before. It was strange but amazing.
“So...why is this guy and his minion chasing you?” Avallac’h almost choked when she called Caranthir minion. He was starting to like her more and more.
“He is the king where I come from. He killed the previous king and I discovered that. That and a few hundred years of generally not liking each other.” he tried to offer a charming smile although given how battered he was he doubted that had the effect he was hoping for.
“Can he come here?” she looked a bit concerned and that pained Avallac’h. Obviously he had just met her, but she was someone who helped him, a creature she barely understood.
“Theoretically he can.” he decided that lying won’t help anyone. “His minion can probably track me if he feels motivated. However that is a big if, chasing me is a bit of an..entertainment for both of them. They know I pose danger to them, but if I’m in some realm they cannot easily find it becomes too much effort for little reward and they have other issues on their hand.” he hoped that sounded reassuring, in fact he had no idea how much Eredin wanted him now. Surely the king had other things to worry about.
“Well I’m sure they will find it hard to find my apartment.” she said with a smile.
The rest of dinner moved to more pleasant topics. He learned that she worked in the local hospital, which explained why she was able to take such good care of him. She lived alone, which he had guessed by the size and items in this apartment. She cleaned up the table after dinner and even asked to help but she refused so he spent the time just observing her. He had learned a lot of things about humans through the years, he had met so many of them in so many different worlds and they still could surprise him and fascinate him.
Once she was done cleaning she invited him on the lower soft seats where he sat a bit stiff. She turned on the black box and pictures appeared. Avallac’h was fascinated. There were people in the box doing...all sorts of things.
“Wait, I can show you Legolas.” she said and used some weird device to change the images. Soon he could see a human dressed like an elf, he was certain that was human because it didn’t have the elf eyes, or face, but had slightly pointy ears. “That’s what we typically imagine as elves.”
He was educated that it was a movie, it was like a book but people acted it, so more like a play, but recorded in some way he didn’t truly understand so others can watch it. It was a good story, filled with creatures he understood and the bad guys certainly could be the Wild Hunt.
Two weeks had passed since you found the strange elf at the entrance of your building. He had been badly injured and bleeding, you honestly thought he won’t make it through the night. But he had and since then he had been in your home. You didn’t mind the company and you found it entertaining teaching him stuff about your world as he had called it.
But there was more to it...you had found him attractive. It was a really strange thing to give her technically different species, but...he was kind and once he started understanding this world he was great to just talk with about...anything really.
You arrived home from work to see him in the kitchen, cooking. That was something new.
“I’m trying to make pasta.” he announced as he heard you walk in. You saw the spaghetti already out of the water already. It’s not how you have done it, but you kept your thoughts to yourself.
You moved next to him and watched as he was stirring the sauce.
“Here try.” he pulled the wooden spoon out of the pan and pushed it close to your lips. You could feel it is hot, you blew some air on it, your eyes fixed on the elves and then you tasted the spoon. He didn’t move. You didn’t move. The spoon was there on the tip of your lips, he was just staring at you and well so did you.
“It’s really good.” days could have passed you wouldn’t have noticed. “Yeah. Good.” You had to step away as it was too hot in this kitchen. You grabbed some silverware and placed it on the table. You went back to the kitchen and grabbed plates, leaving it next to the pasta pot, trying to keep a bit of distance...what did just happen?
He joined you at the table where you were awfully quiet. Food was good, spaghetti probably needed another minute or two, but the sauce was really good and that was helping.
“You are very silent.” he noted. “That is not typical.”
You weren’t sure if that was a question or observation. Also, did you just imagine things? He just stared at you in that longing way that made your whole body just...relax and tense at the same time.
“Just a long day.” you smiled not sure how you would explain things. Like...I like you? Do you like me? The two of you continued dinner in silence, he gave you a couple of curious looks you pretended you didn’t see and you stared at him when you thought he did not see.
Once you were done with your plate you picked up and walked in the kitchen, your thoughts running back to that moment with the spoon. You were making up by now, you were putting too much in a moment when someone was asking you to taste food. A bit annoyed at yourself you placed the plate in the sink and turned around, bumping into Avallac’h who was standing there behind you, you never heard him follow you.
“What’s going on?” he asked and you did your best to avoid his eyes, which wasn’t difficult give he was much taller than you.
“Just a long day.” you had to get away from this situation, that was the logical thing to do, but you enjoyed being close to him, so close…
“Look at me.” he placed his finger under your chin and made you look him in the eyes. “I might not be familiar with humans here but I know a thing or two about your kind. What is going on?”
What was going on was that two weeks ago you helped a stranger and you felt very attracted to him. What was going on was that it all felt so wrong, but also so good.
“Okay then.” He said after no response followed as you were too busy fighting with your feelings. “I will take a wild guess here.” he leaned forward and his lips touched yours. Your heart sank, or it was about to fly away, you were not sure which but what you knew for sure was that you liked it. You wanted it and you needed it.
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itsthestutterforme · 4 years
Back Home (BAU Team + Blair Redford)
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The case that the team was working on was in Atlanta, Georgia, Y/N's hometown. Y/N's ex still works in Atlanta PD and cannot keep his eyes off her. Rossi believes that Y/N has some unfinished business with her ex and encourages her to stay after the cass.
Characters: David Rossi, Blake, Jennifer Jareu, Aaron Hotchner, Blair Redford
"Well, well, well, isn't Miss Hotlanta," Morgan teases as I hop on the jet. "Here we go," I say, sitting across from him. "How do you feel about heading back home?" Morgan asks. "Well, I wish it was under better circumstances. But I never get tired of heading home."
"Your entire family are cops, right?" Reid asks. "Yes," "Yeesh, I could only image what what going through your date's head when he found that out." Rossi says.
"Oh my dad made sure of that I didn't have one," I say, making everyone chuckle. "I would be the same way if I had a daughter," Hotch states. "So.. how did you do it?" JJ asks. "Do what?" "Sneeks boys in,"
"A magician never reveals her secrets," I say, crossing my legs with a small smirk perched on my face. "Y/N, you sly dog." Morgan teases. "Oh? Would you like to reveal your tactics, Chocolate Thunder?" I taunt.
"Hey, only I call him that!" Garcia says over the computer. "Simmer down, baby girl. I'm yours and only yours." Morgan flirts. "You better be," she snaps with a smile. "Alright, let's get started." Hotch starts
After the jet lands, the team drives to Atlanta PD. Y/N and the team walk into the Atlanta PD when balloons started popping and horns blew all at once. "Well Back, Y/L/N!" They welcome and Y/N could help the big smile plastered on her face.
Y/N started out as a rookie cop for a decade before applying for the BAU team. Everyone she used to work with swarmed her with hugs and kisses.
Blair, Y/N's ex, introduced himself to the rest of the team while Y/N was occupied. He showed them a room to set up and watched as Y/N smiles widely. She slide herself out of the swarm of people with some garlands wrapped around her neck, a shiny black hat and red lipstick marks on her cheek.
"Blair," Y/N greets as she approaches him. Blair wastes no time lifting Y/N into his arms. "Hey, baby," he belows, his voice vibrating both her chest and his. They hold each other for a moment or two and they both closed their eyes in relief.
"It's been too long," he says as he pulls away from me hesitantly. "Tell me about it,". Y/N tucks her hands in her back pockets and Blair adds, "You look great." "Likewise. You've definitely been hitting the gym." Blair was at a severe battle of wills.
Y/N and Blair ended on a good note but there was so much potential left untouched. Blair was pining after her since high school and nothing has changed. "The team needs me. We'll keep you posted." Y/N says touching his arm once again before leaving.
"There some cupcakes and ice cream in the break room for ya. Courtesy of Jill," "Gotta love Jill, am I right?" "Thank you," Y/N adds before walking into the conference. "Looks like someone was missed," Morgan says, referencing her gettup.
"You talking about her co workers or her ex that is obviously still in love with her?" Rossi asks. "Mmm, both." "Let's just focus on the case, please." Y/N says, sitting down and keeping the garland and hat on her body. Two days later, they catch the unsub and Rossi calls Y/N back for a moment.
"What's up?" "I think you should stay here for a day or two?" "Wh-- are you sure? What if we're called in for a case?" "We'll handle it," "Is Hotch okay with this?" "Yes, you clearly have some unfinished business. Don't let us hold you back."
"But--" "No buts," Rossi interrupts. Everyone packs up their things and Hotch says, "See you in two days." "Call me if you need anything," Y/N calls after them and Rossi says, "We won't!" Y/N huffs as she places her hands on her hips.
She takes a cab to the hotel and checks out before taking her things to her house. Her family greets her with hugs and kisses and of course they bring up Blair. "So have you seen Blair? He looks pretty good, huh."
"Yes, he does." "He's the reason why you stayed, isn't it?" "No, my coworker insisted that I stayed because he claimed that I have unfinished business." "I like this co worker of yours," Mom says.
"I think you should visit Blair," Y/N's sister suggests. "Of course you do," Y/N says, rolling her eyes. "He's always asking asking about you." "Why?"
"Come on, Miss Profile. He's loved you since he knew what love was. Just stop by, that's all I'm asking." Y/N's sister states. "Ugh, fine." Y/N stood up from the couch and walks up the stairs to take her shower. Her sister harassed Y/N as she got ready, I guess that was her special way of saying I missed you.
"You look amazing," Mom says. "Thanks, you don't have to lie tho." "Oh stop," Mom says, nudging Y/N's arm. They embrace one another in a long hug before Y/N leaves to go to Blair's.
I walk up the steps and raise my hand to knock on the door and it flings open. Blair rushes out of his house and stumbles right into me. My heels get caught on the first step and I could feel my entire body launching backwards. Blair catches me and pulls me into his chest.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" "I just wanted go come by and say hi. Where are you going in a rush?" "Uh, the gym. The boys are waiting for me." "Oh, right. I'm sorry, I should- I should've called first." "No, no, I can cancel. It's not every day that I have the Y/N Y/L/N at my door." I couldn't help the blood rushing to my cheeks in embarrassment.
"Are you blushing?" he taunts, taking full advantage over how physically close we were. "No," I bite my bottom in nervousness. "Tsk, tsk, you were a bad liar then and a bad liar now." He tucks a few hairs behind my ear and traced his index finger along my jawline. He pulled my lip from underneath my teeth with his thumb.
"What are you doing?" "What I've wanted to do for years," he says against my lips. "Take me inside first?" Seconds later, he lifts me up and wraps my legs around his waist. He carries me inside and kicks the door closed.
My back is pressed against the door as he attacks my neck with kisses. He sucks on the nape of my neck and pulls away to take off my dress and bra in one swift motion.
I cross my ankles behind his waist to make sure I don't fall. He cups my breasts into his hands and rub the sensitive buds with the pads of his thumbs. I rest the back of my head against the door as my mouth falls open.
My back archs as he takes one nipple into his mouth while rubbing the other with his thumb. I pull his head away from my chest and press a series of kisses on his lips.
Our lips move in perfect sync and my body became warmer with every kiss. He carries me into his room and he gently sets me on the bed. He nudges me on my back and settles himself between her legs.
I could feel his bulge pulsating against my thigh and when I reach down to touch him, he holds my hand. "My focus is on you right now, baby." "But--" "No buts," he presses painfully slow kisses down neck.
He moves down to my chest and slides his hands into my underwear. He moans as he feels my dripping folds. "Fuck, Y/N," he sinks two fingers into me and my hips lifts from the bed. He fingers matches the pace of his kisses down my body, painfully slow. "Oh come on, baby, please move faster," I beg as I buck my hips against his fingers.
"Don't tempt me. You know what happens when I lose control," "Yeah, it was the best sex I've ever had," "You also had bruises all ov--" I wrap my hand around his throat and lean in go press a hot kiss on his lips. "Fuck me like you hate me or I'm leaving," I whisper against his lips.
His eyes pierce into mine and my heart races with excitment. "Go get the rope," he commands.
The elevator dings as I reach the first level of the BAU. I walk with an uncontrollable pep as I sip on my coffee that I put in my thermos. I had to wear a long sleeve turtleneck for obvious reasons.
Blair's favorite chain that he gave me, perches on my chest. I walk up the steps to the conference room and all of the conversations came to a halt.
"Don't stop on my account," I say as I sit down between JJ and Blake. "You look vibrant," JJ starts. "Interest choice of words," I say. "Oh look at that, she's glowing," Garcia says.
"Oh my God, guys, please," "You should to Atlanta more often," Morgan taunts. "So help me, Morgan." "I knew it was a great call to convice you to stay." "You know you're never going to live this down, right?" Morgan states.
"Right," I repeat. "Let's get started," Hotch says as walks into the room. "Y/N, glad you could make it." Hotch says with a small smile tugging at his lips. "No, not you too." "Now I know exactly where to send you to.. unwind," he adds. "For the love of God,"
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
Ushijima with an artsy musician s/o pt. 2
A/N: PART 2 OF MY REQUEST FOR AN ARTSY S/O!!!! WOOOOHOOO. Also my inspo for the outfit is this: https://www.lulus.com/images/product/xlarge/2746842_387482.jpg
Thank you all for 400 followers!!!I cannot believe I hit this milestone. I started this blog way back in 2018 (2 years ago????) and then proceeded to post very sporadically and let it gather dust. I honestly thought that I didn’t have time for writing in college but I’ve had amazing people (both on tumblr and IRL) who convinced me to come back and I’m so happy I did. Writing has made me so happy, especially with all that is happening right now. I love y’all so much 💖💖💖  -alice
The sweet tones of your instrument float through the ballroom, intermingling with the gentle chords played by the pianist next to you on stage. Some of the gala attendees have paused their conversations to turn towards the stages, enjoying the lovely melody that dances in the air. You spot other members of your boyfriend’s team mingling with the guests, enjoying their downtime at the Schweiden Alder’s end-of-year gala. You have yet to spot Ushijima yet, but for now you’re content to immerse yourself in your performance.
You’d been surprised when the Alder’s event team had reached out to you to perform at their gala. At first, you’d been skeptical, thinking that they’d only asked you to appease your boyfriend. You’d brought it up with Ushijima over dinner, and he’d been puzzled as well. It seemed that he’d only briefly mentioned you were a musician, let alone asked the staff to include you at the event. Reassured, you’d graciously accepted the opportunity to perform at the gala. Ushijima was equally as excited, albeit more for the opportunity to show you off to his teammates, as well as his coaches and sponsors. When you’d first started dating, the media had a field day, with many articles accusing you of dating Ushijima for his wealth and popularity in a bid to help your own career. That had made the two of you scoff, you’d held your ground in the realm of music with ease long before the two of you decided to publicly announce your relationship. Being invited to perform at the Adler’s gala was one of your more relaxed gigs — you were flying out to Vienna next week to teach a masterclass and perform as a guest with the philharmonic. And Ushijima was proud, knowing that you’d won every performance opportunity with your own merit — if anything you were doing his team a favor by playing at their event. 
Finishing your final piece, you gesture to the pianist, waiting for them to stand up before you both bow to the audience. Light applause mingles with the clinking of champagne glasses as you make your way off the stage towards a small back room. The pianist, a close friend of yours from your time at music conservatory, wishes you a good evening before exiting the room to head home for the night. Meanwhile, you busy yourself with putting your instrument back in your case before turning to the navy jumpsuit hanging on a nearby rack. Ushijima had taken you as his date to the gala, and you’d arrived wearing the sleeveless navy blue number, matching his team colors, before changing into something a little more comfortable for the performance. You’d just finished packing your instrument when you hear the door creak open. A pair of broad arms wraps themselves around your waist, while familiar olive hair brushes your cheek as your boyfriend nuzzles the side of your neck. 
“Well done y/n, I loved your playing, as always,” Ushijima murmurs. 
You turn to give him a light kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, ‘Toshi, I had fun playing for your teammates.” You chuckle, remembering Kageyama’s awed look at the beginning of the gala, when you’d revealed you would be performing later in the evening. “Can you help me zip this up?” gesturing to your clothes. Ushijima nods, and you are careful to move your hair away from the zipper. You pull out a pair of silver earrings and a necklace, Ushijima had surprised you with the set of jewelry on the day of your second anniversary. Passing the necklace to your boyfriend, you focus on putting on the earrings. Ushijima’s hands rest gently on the back of your neck as he fiddles with the chain. A pair of warm lips replace his hands once he finishes securing the clasp, and you can’t help but giggle at the affectionate gesture. 
“Someone’s very touchy feely today,” you tease and you turn around to face Ushijima. He hums in agreement, offering his arm to you as he leads you back into the ballroom. You’re immediately spotted by Kageyama, who walks up to you with wide eyes that sparkle with awe. The setter’s date, you learn, is Kageyama’s former high school classmate Hinata Shoyou, and a player for the Black Jackals. As you converse with the two longer players, Ushijima watches you laugh, a small smile making its way onto his face. He’d originally been dreading this event — being pulled aside to appease rich sponsors was not his cup of tea — but watching you perform had turned it into a pleasant evening. When it came to you he could never contain his pride, he was always amazed at how hard you worked each and every day to continue to improve your craft. His teammates were usually busy, and he’d been unable to convince any of them to accompany him to your concerts (although that would soon change, he already had received texts suggesting that the team should attend one of your future performances as a ‘bonding’ exercise). It’s nice to see you get along with Kageyama and the rest of his co-workers — perhaps he would invite them over for dinner some time. Hinata is shouting something about how your playing was ‘gwah’ and ‘swoosh’ when Kageyama decides to drag him away, telling the orange haired man to “stop bothering Ushihima-san’s girlfriend.”
As the night goes on, your cheeks turn red as you continue to sip from the champagne glass clutched in your hand. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, seems to have a much better tolerance, with a barely noticeable flush tinting his cheekbones. His arm is a constant through the night, always wrapped around your waist with his thumb gently tracing circles on your waist. Even as you stumble your way through the front door, complaining about high heels and aching feet, his smile stays. It stays as you both get ready for bed, when he watches you wipe the make-up off your face. It stays as you change into one of his ratty t-shirts from high school. It stays as you drift off to sleep pressed against his side in bed. It stays, as he falls asleep, his body curled around you in a tight, yet gentle embrace. 
**Please drink responsibly and don’t drive after ingesting alcohol - y/n and Ushijima took a rideshare home like the responsible adults they are.
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akiameokami · 3 years
Popular Potter
Look at him, looking so smug as that curly-haired reject has her legs strewn across his lap. Potter. It just isn’t right for someone of his status to be with someone like her. He is a pureblood, she is muggle-born, and to make matters worse she has an eyebrow ring! Her poise certainly isn’t a redeeming quality either. I cannot see a single element that makes her good enough for him, expect perhaps that she is smart enough to put Raven Claw’s brightest to shame. If it wasn’t for her lack of professionalism and personal upkeep I am sure she would be in Raven Claw and not Gryffindor. She has changed him so much since they started dating. Potter used to be such a prince, but even since they got together he has been hanging out with anyone, even the problematic Weasleys. I can’t believe his parents let him do that, do they not care about how it will effect their status? Father always reminds me to be cautious of my social relations because they will effect him greatly. He would simply die if he saw me with someone adorned in chains such as Hermione chooses.  The brazed crème a top the shit soufflé is that Harry Potter got a tongue ring! His parent’s certainly know nothing of this, but for the first time ever, I think I may not make Father privy to this. Potter and I have been associates every since primary school, and the tongue ring is a secret to all but his inner most circle. Except somehow Ronald and Hermione have become the bulk of that circle since we entered Hogwarts. To think that first semester we picked out matching Slytherin class rings together, and he somehow became a Gryffindor like them. Maybe classes do divide people too definitively? Or maybe he is changing as a person.. He always did have an affinity for the muggle world and other oddities, I just never thought he’d choose them over me. 
“Hi Har- Er, Potter, and company”, I say awkwardly as I approach their group. They all go quiet as they look at me, the only green clad robe amongst a sea of red. I feel as if this griffons pride may swallow me whole. They seem to be waiting for Harry to respond before they pounce, he really has gone from a Prince to a King. 
“Draco!” Harry exclaims as he moves Hermione's legs off and stands to greet me. I go for a slight wave but he pulls me into a hug. I can feel the daggers from his entourage. “I haven’t seen you around school in a while, what has Snape been forcing you into this time?” He asked, staring only at me. I’d appreciate the opportunity to get lost in his viper green eyes, but I can’t hold his stair. He knows my distaste for Snape, but he doesn’t know why. It’s a story for another time, but he’d already know it if he’d never stopped talking to me. 
“Oh, no, Snape is no longer tutoring me. Instead of academic pursuits, I’ve decided to try out for the quidditch team. Seems they have taken a fancy to my flying skills!” it hurts to not tell him to truth, to see him go from someone who I could tell anything to, to having to smile through the biggest heart break I’ve ever had. When I mention quidditch he gets very excited, and his posse eases up a bit. It is not uncommon for groups of different classes to enthuse over quidditch together, it is one of the few social glues we have. “What a coincidence! I will be joining the quidditch team as a legacy next season!” he says very boisterously, “I know they are expecting a lot because of my father, but I think they will be pleasantly surprised. I did always win when we would race, right?” He says with a slap to my shoulder. To others this would look like a casual challenge, but for me that slight touch meant so much more. It brought back summers spent struggling to learn how to fly out behind the greenhouse. The time he carried me back to Mother after I was able to be the first to get off the ground and flew too high. 
“You’re right, you used to be much better than me. Who knows if it’s changed, maybe you could have a practice race with me and give me some pointers if I lose?”. This audacious bastard would never turn down a challenge, and despite knowing I will likely lose, it means we’d finally have a chance to spend some time together so I’m willing to “take the L” as his muggle friends would say. 
“Harry, that’d be awesome to watch!”, “Yea Harry darling, you should host a little Gryffindor versus Slytherin flying practice before the season starts!’ Ron and Hermione cheer him on from the background. The other Gryffindor's start to chime in on how they would love to see a friendly match and see how skilled the new flyers are. “Well Draco, what do you say? I’m game to leave all you snakes in the dust, but only if you think Slytherin has enough flyers to make it worth the effort”, he chuckles as he says it, but he squeezes my shoulder with a bit of aggression behind it. He didn’t want it to be a spectacle, but I’m not going to clean up his messes if he wont be my friend anymore. 
“Sure Harry, I think I can pull together some wizards and witches that will make it worth your precious time.” I flatly announce as I start to walk away. I make myself keep stepping forward, and I can hear their snickers behind me. I walk straight away from him, no not quite, I walk straight to Snape's office. I wonder if he knows the pain he puts me through? Being compared to the Potter-Prince growing up, Father pushing me to be better than him, Harry having the audacity to be such an amazing man, friend, and first. Yet he also has the power to be the person to put me through more pain by not being in my life, driving me to focus on my studies, to get Severus to be my tutor, to use Severus as a coping method to get over him. Do you know what you’ve done to me Harry? 
~~~Imagine a world where Harry didn’t grow up with the Dursley’s, where Voldermort wasn’t a thing, where Lily and James didn’t die. Would Draco and Harry have been friends? Would they have been more? Harry and Draco are 17, nearing graduation and independence, but that also means they are climaxing from their teenage angst and heartbreak. Will they get closure?
I approach Severus’s office, emotions flooding me. After Harry and I got accepted to Hogwarts and he started drifting away, I found myself lost. At first, I believed his excuses for why he bailed on our plans, and then I blamed myself thinking I made him mad, and then I realized he just didn’t like me anymore. The self blaming was the hardest to get over, but Severus helped with that. I chose to focus on my studies, I had to find something productive to do so that Father would be proud of me again. He got very angry when I messed up the connection with the Potters. I decided instead to try and be very academically accomplished, so I needed a good tutor. Father and Mother were both very familiar with Severus Snape and knew him as an intelligent man and an excellent wizard despite being only 6 years older than me. They arranged for him to be my tutor, and he lived much closer to the school than we did, which meant I would study at his house and in the summers I stay with him. Since he is also a teacher at Hogwarts we don’t ever interact politely as school, because frankly our relationship is unconventional. to the public. I don’t love him, he doesn’t love me, but we both have been burned by the Potters more than once and despite all our pain, we still love them. Don’t get me wrong, Rus is very good to me, and we have had some very sentimental memories, but I can never mean as much to him as Lily I don’t think. That and I am not willingly to fall in love. 
*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*  - “Come in.” I walk in and instantly Rus’s face goes from stone cold to slightly softer. “Draco, I assume you came to speak about your last test scores?” He arches an eyebrow and nods at the door indicating I should close it. 
“Oh come on Rus, I know we have an arrangement to not interact extra here but I..” I close the door and try not to meet his eyes. I know what I am feeling, and its stupid! I can’t explain it though. He closes the door while reaching over me. With his other arm he pulls into a hug. 
“Use your words Draco.” He kisses the top of my head while whispering softly. I bury my face in his shirt. How do I tell him that I am hurting because the person who means the most to me, acknowledged me, and it left me feeling hollow? “Is it about Mr. Potter? I saw you speaking in the courtyard. That was dangerous.” I let out a shaky sigh. This is why we are together, because we share the same pain. 
“Yea..” I mutter, “We are going to have a little race between Slytherin House and Gryffindor to see who the faster upcoming flyers will be.” Even saying it sounds absolutely  ridiculous! It’s a bloody pissing contest! Yet nothing has been able to break me out of this numbness until now. Rus braces the small of my back as we lean against his office door. I look up to see him with a small smile, “I understand. I think this will be for the best. Whether it is closer you get, or simply a win. I be here if it goes wrong”. He is so consistent. Just as expected, after saying something so sweet that I could almost develop feelings, he leans down and begins a gentle kiss. He pulls my waist into him, spreading my legs with his knee. I kiss him back while running my fingers through his hair. I reach down for his belt, trying to undo it. He stops my hand and pulls back, “Now Mr. Malfoy, we are on school grounds.” He says with his stern, teacher voice. He the leans in and whispers, “You can show my what that Malfoy mouth is good for later”. I feel my dick jump a little bit, giving me a semi. This is how I cope. Feelings cannot negate the power of something physical, and Severus Snape needs to forget about the Potters just as much as I do. We were a match made in Hell. 
“Draco....” I hear Harry’s voice calling my name, but it sounds distorted, almost as if I’m underwater. “Draco!” it comes through clearly this time, but it isn’t Harry, It’s Blaise yelling at me to rouse me from my sleep. I had returned to the dorms embarrassingly late, but I had the forethought to lay out my quidditch gear ahead of time so I wouldn’t be scrambling in the morning. “Draco, wake the fuck up! We’re gonna be late to the race!” Blaise is still yelling but I can hear him heading for the door. Late? What did he mean late? I roll over and check the time, he was right, I had about five minutes to go from bed to the quidditch field. Fuck. 
“I almost thought you chickened out Draco!” Harry taunts as I approach the quidditch field, running as fast as I can with all my gear on. I was able to gather three other Slytherins that wanted to race, and who were marginally decent. Sadly Harry seemed to have a whole team that wanted to test us. I glance at Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle and they do not seem to be exuding confidence. I got them into this so the least I can do is be the one who people blame. “What? Run away from you Potter? I could never”, I say a little too seriously while making eye contact. I catch the slightest frown from Harry, but it fades as quickly as it appeared. “Well then, lets get this over with. It sounded fun, but looking at your little group, it just feels like bullying.” He rejoins his group at the start line. The course was to make one large loop around campus while going through specified markers, such as looping through the womping willow and its thrashing limbs, and past Hagrids hut. It is just the school campus, but that doesn’t make it not dangerous. That is why I wore my protective gear, but as I glance around I see that most everyone else was casually dressed with the exception of Longbottom. He looked as if he was wrapped in bubble wrap. I don’t want to be associated with the likes of him so I discard my protective layer.  I return my attention to the other end of the field where Hermione stands with the flare, and off it goes. I must’ve been disassociating during the count down. I feel the wind of the others taking off before I see the bristles of their brooms when they speed past me. Shit. I take off as fast as I can, but I am not too concerned about the starting line. Anyone can get up, its staying there that’s the problem. 
The first obstacle is the peaks of the school, where we stand the danger of Mr. Fletcher seeing us and everyone getting in trouble. This obstacle is more about stealth than speed, you could speed right through the peaks, but you would certain alarm everyone inside the castle. The trick to making it without being seen is to pay attention and roof hop, taking a break to wait out anyone who may see you. I can see ahead of me where two Gryffindor flyers drop altitude instantly, nearly getting caught. I swerve away from that tower and loop around the other way, hopping off the roof after checking the next peak. When I emerge from the other side of the peaks I see Harry far ahead, Ronald right behind him, and Blaise  on their tail. either no one else made it through, or they are behind me, because no one would be ahead of Harry. We approach Hagrids hut and drop down low for the loop, I see Blaise take the turn too tightly and have to drop to the ground to prevent himself from going tip over tail. Ronald falls behind me as he flew too close to the hippogriff and got the tail of his broom snipped out. The race is between Harry and I as we approach the womping willow. It is especially crabby today it seems, or perhaps that was just because I was actually flying closer too it and not away from it the way I would have preferred. As we near the willow I am close enough that I could grab the bristles on Harry’s broom if I wanted to. I follow his maneuvers dodging the willows grasps. There is no denying that when it comes to agility Harry has an edge on me. There is no doubt that James took the time to train him personally. Despite all his preparation I see Harry narrowly avoid getting swept by a branch, which meant I had no time to avoid the branch at all. The willow makes contact with my broom and sends me plummeting to the ground. I’d rather jump and break something, that be strangled by a tree. The impact knocks the breath out of me, and the pain floods my body. My vision goes black and once again I feel like I am in bed, floating into nothingness. 
“Draco?!?!” I hear Harry’s voice calling out to me, but I don’t respond. Blaise wont fool me again. He just wants me to wake up from my peaceful nothingness. Then the pain hits me and I remember what happened. I open my eyes to see a sweaty and shirtless Harry tying my arm in a makeshift sling. “Draco.. please say something..” He mutters as he struggles with the knot. 
“Ouch you bloody bastard, that fucking hurts!” I squeak as he tightens it too much. Despite my pain I see a look of relief cloud his face. “Other than your arm, what hurts? I can’t tell if anything else is broken. I already have Ron and Blaise going to get a teacher. I am so sorry Draco, it wasn’t suppose to happen like this!” Harry is running his sentences together as he is frantically searching me over for any other damages. Everything hurts, but what I feel the most is the throbbing in my chest. Did I really have to almost die for him to say my name in such a caring way? I don’t want to be here, it hurts to see him like this knowing it is just me that is feeling this way. “Professor Snape!” Harry yells as Severus approaches with Ron and Blaise right behind him. I see Rus reach for his wand and the next thing I know Harry is swept away from me by an unseen force, flown at least three yards away. “Harry Potter! What have you done now?!” Severus yells, abnormally angry. He turns his attention toward me, worry lines streaking his face. He looks me over and his face softens. A wave of his wand and I feel a million times better. He leans down next to me and whispers, “You’ll be okay Draco, I’ll take care of this”. He turns his attention to Harry, “While I transport this young man who could very well be crippled, I’d recommend you contact your parents before I get the chance. Let them know I expect to be seeing them soon.” Severus knows better than to touch me, so he makes me float using Hermione's favorite spell. He must have cast a different spell as well, because the last thing I see is Harry’s terrified face as Severus brings me back toward the castle. 
I wake up to a sudden jolt of pain coming from, well, everywhere. The most prominent pain is coming from my right arm. I sit up to exam the damage, but to my surprise I see none other than Hermione Granger sitting next to my bed in the infirmary, reading of course. Without a word she raises her hand and indicated the number 1, probably to suggest “one minute”. I wait for her to finish her page. 
“I know about you and Harry.” She announces bluntly as she closes her book carefully. She is smart, but she can’t possibly be that smart. “Well, yes, I assume you would know about how he got me clobbered by a tree. You were there.” I try and dismiss her suspicious words. She does not buy a word of it. “No, you twit, I know about you two’s past, and I am willing to bet that your annoying behavior is because you still have feelings for him.” She states it so matter o’ factly that I am left speechless. She rolls her eyes and gets up to leave, “Well, I sure hope that is the case. Him and I broke up you see. After I found out the only reason he wanted to be with me is because I am smart enough to brew a Polyjuice potion of you so he can fuck it, I decided maybe I should be with someone who was actually attracted to me.” She walks away without giving me a chance to argue, or well, say anything at all really. He does what?  She runs into someone at the door and I hear them exchange words, and to my surprise the next person to walk in is Harry Fucking Potter. He stands awkwardly at the end of my bed for what feels like an eternity before asking, “how are you feeling?”. Despite his concern, he wont make eye contact with me. He doesn’t even seem like he wants to be here. I sink back into the bed and roll away from him. “You can go, I am fine. I bet your friends are lost without you.” I bite my tongue at the end, knowing that isn’t how I feel. I feel the bed shift as he sits down on the edge. 
“Draco.. I don’t want to go. I feel terrible about what happened, and I Hermione just told me that you know about.. me, or us, or however you want to say it, and what I am trying to say is, “ He takes a deep breath, “Draco I am so sorry. I know your father doesn’t want me around you, but it hurts to see you like this, and it hurts to not be with you.”. His voice got weak as he finished his sentence. His hand grabbed my leg and squeezed it. It’d been forever since I had felt his warmth. 
I can’t. 
I can’t. I can’t.  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t  I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’tIcantIcantICANTICANTICANTICANT! 
Why? Why does he have to do this? Why does he have to hurt me like this? What does this all mean? Does he think that because he said sorry I can just roll over and pretend the last two years never happened?! HE LEFT ME! He hurt me! He got me hurt! When I lost him, I lost the love for myself as well. How can he say those things to someone who is just a shell? 
I start breathing desperately, my heart racing and my head flooding with these thoughts. I can’t control it, I can’t stop it, and I can’t move. I want to reach out to him, to grab his hand, to push him away, I don’t know!  
“Mr. Potter, now would be a good time for you to leave.” Severus’s calming voice announces over the hallway in the infirmary. I hear his footsteps swiften towards us. “Proffessor Snape I was only-” Harry starts, but gets interrupted by a stern and almost hissing whisper, “No, Mr. Potter. Mr. Malfoy’s parents are heading this way, I strongly recommend you make it as if you were never here. Do you understand?”. That very much so sounded like a threat. “Of course, I’m sorry... Please take care of him!”. Harry runs down the hallway and I hear the door slam before Severus addresses me. He kneels beside the bed to be face to face with me. “Draco, I’m so sorry. Deep breaths”. He says gently as he wipes away tears that I didn’t know I had. “Don’t worry about your parents. I will tell them now is a bad time. We will all reconvene at my house this evening once you recover from the healing spell. You can ask them about what Mr. Potter said if you must, I will protect you. Always.” He gently kisses my forehead and leaves silently, leaving me to suffer, as always. 
It's painfully awkward sitting at dinner with my parents and Severus. He was able to fix my arm, but it left me what could only be described as the largest hangover one has ever suffered. To top it off, since I was okay physically, my father was going to make sure I wasn't okay emotionally or mentally. He'd done nothing but berate me for causing a scene. I zone out of his rants and stare down at where Severus is squeezing my knee. He is trying to be supportive, but all I can notice is a strange tattoo on his arm that wasn't there before.
"Severus, what is this?" I ask as I drag my fingers over the snake that's wrapped around a skull. It graces his forearm so delicately, it really adds to his aesthetic. My father looks appalled at my blatant change of topic, and Severus looks panicked. He tries to cover it with his sleeve, but father stops him. "Severus Snape, is that the reaction to my spell?" Father stairs him down.
"Yes, my lord. I've no excuses for my behaviour. I will only say that never once have I sought to harm Draco. I've had his best interests in mind, always." Severus hangs his head as he finishes his sentence, knowing what he has just admitted.
"Draco, that mark - or something definitive, will appear on anyone you've had relations with." Father waves his hand towards Severus's arm as he struggles to remain calm. Mother chokes down a sob. "I had my suspicions about the Potter child, but I suppose this confirms that you are exactly the deviant whore I assumed you to be." I- wait, Harry? He knew about us? If he did something like this, something permanent to someone who worshipped him, then what did he do to Harry?
"Father! Tell me, is Harry's scar because of this?!". I grab Severus's hand and squeeze it, needing all the support from him that I can get in this challenging moment. Bever had I spoken againt father, but this was going too far!
"Of course. Are you really that daft to think he spontaneously manifested such an atrocious mark? Honestly Draco, to think you've tainted a wizard of such nobilty, and to include Severus on your path of destruction. I am ashamed to call you my son." Lucious stands to leave, grabbing Narcissa by the arm and dragging her with him. I never thought it would come to this, I knew father could be nasty, but I never believed he would be this way towards me. Everything I did was to make him look to, to do the Malfoy name proud. Yet he can't even let me love who I want to love? I want to chase after him but Severus weighs me down in my chair. "Don't Draco, let him cool off before you try anything. It wont end well if you pursue him now.".
The next day at school I can't help but stair at Harry's scar in every shared class. Severus explained how the curse worked, he explained that the mark would burn and feel as if it were festering when the host was around me. He explained that the reason Harry grew distant was because of my father and James Potter deciding to seperate us by any means necessary. Severus only learned about this after he began tutoring me and learned of my heart break. I still couldn't bring myself to speak to him. I don't know whether I feel betrayed, or heart broken. I don't know where I will go when the weekend comes, because I can't go home, or to Severus's, and I can't stay here. The library seems like the only logical option to kill a little bit of time at before finding a place to spend the night.
"Draco?" Before I even look, I know it is Harry who has joined me in the endless rows of books. "Draco.. I am so sorry. I hope you're okay. I hope Luscious didn't.. do anything, to you. Like he used to-" "STOP" I can't take this anymore! "Did you know? About the curse, about our fathers, and what he would do? This whole time were you just hiding from my reality?!" He is standing right here in front of me but as I yell at him I only stare at the scar on his forehead, knowing it must be throbbing.
"I knew.. after it appeared, they explained it to me. They said it was what you wanted, and that this would help us distance ourselves." He steps closer to me, reaching out for me. "But I knew it couldn't have been true. I figured it out after you started getting so familiar with Professor Snape. I tried asking my father about it and he told me the truth, but I thought you'd moved on so I didn't want you to have to choose.", he grabs my hand and holds it close to his chest. "But I'm done waiting. I don't think you've moved on, I just think you're too afraid to be yourself. So stop me if this isn't what you want." The last words are practically a whisper as his lips close in on mine. It'd been so long since I'd felt his touch, let alone his kiss. He starts out soft and sweet, lingering to feel the softness of my lips. When I don't fight his kiss, he gets more aggressive, his tongue parting my lips and finding mine. He grabs the back of my head and laces his fingers through my hair, cushioning the impact of him pushing my into the bookshelf. "Draco~" he mutters my name as he leans into me. I can feel his hard on pressing against me. "Fuck Draco", he lips press against my neck as he kisses me intensely, trying to leave a mark. "I've never stopped wanting you", he bites me gently, "I never let you get taken from me again".
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writemoment · 4 years
Lovely Monster
Writer: Ellie-Mae (Pen Name)
Part: 1/1
Summary: There isn’t a single monster he couldn’t love. Not even me.
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Werewolf!Reader
Warnings/Rated: Mentions of abuse, comforting acceptance and fluff
Word Count: 2,155
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( Reader ) P.O.V.
The darkness outside was nowhere compared to what was held inside my chest. These overwhelming feelings- a nightmare, forever my reality. My father screams out, smashing books into the walls as he lets out his anger. “You’re a freak, just like your mother! At least she had the decency to die!”
My body folds into itself, hiding from the abusive behavior of my father. The moon begins to take it’s effect on me and I can feel my bones cracking, breaking into my horrid form as it goes. Choked sobs and whimpers can be heard as hair sprouts from the pores of my skin, showcasing the freak I truly am.
Realizing I have little time left, I push my way out the nearest exit and away from the house. The pain is immense but I can’t allow myself to be chained and tortured tonight. 
Running through the dark, thick forest, I rush until I no longer can. Falling to my knees I howl at the hurt and coil around myself. Then it’s complete. The bones have realigned themselves and my vision is blurred with what I can’t control. My inner wolf taking over. 
Trees pass my traveling body in a blur, leaving no recognition for me to follow back. Soon, I’m at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the distant green of plantation and I howl at the moon. What a cliche- something I cannot control.
Contrary to the rush of adrenaline, the cool breeze that brushes over my fur brings a kind of calm over my nerves and slowly, my wolf steadies into a less frantic pace. Every time I’m forced to shift, it’s because of the moon or because of my dad. Rarely do I shift on my own. I’m too scared of what I become to willingly submit to that power.
My mother was the same way. She was too scared of her other nature, so she rarely shifted. My dad, being the human he was, hated us for the things we couldn’t control. When she passed, he didn’t even shed a tear. Anger filled tears ran through my whiskers as I remember his words, ‘good riddance’.
Strolling through the thick of the woods, I imagine a world that didn’t cringe at the things they don’t understand. Everything turns taboo at that point and no longer given a proper chance. For once, I want to be accepted for what I am. Perhaps that’s too much to ask for, but it’s something I harbor in the depths of my heart- both wolf and human. 
Bright streaks of light cut through the dark and it catches my eye with its spectacular array of color. Sticking to the shadows and staying covered, I creep to the peculiar scene that’s unfolding underneath the canopy of stars. 
Two bodies are running, dodging the spray of light as they round each other. They’re holding out some sort of weapon in front of them, being the source of the colors that had caught my attention.
My heart beats fast in my chest and my paws dig into the dirt, ready to sprint at any indication of harm to come my way. The taller one speaks a foreign word with clarity and I watch as the other falls backward, grunting at the impact.
“Hand over the egg and you’re free to go.” The tall one says, seeming calm and collected in this odd situation.
Grunting, the man offers up, what appears to be, a silver egg with a toss of his hand. Catching it carefully, the taller seems distracted as he coddles the egg while looking it over. That’s when the one on the ground raises his hand, ready to strike the clueless man.
Stepping forward, a deep growl bursts from my chest and they both snap their attention to me. My teeth pull up and I snarl, sending the lower one to chant something before disappearing from his previous spot in the blink of an eye.
Whatever was going on, I knew that I couldn’t let anyone get hurt. Even in this form, this freak of nature knew that there was something worth protecting. It was a feeling, an instinct. 
However, unlike the other man that had left at the sight of me, this other one remains. His soft eyes study me, his posture unflinching as he slowly lowers himself to a less threatening position.
I feel my haunches rise as I cautiously circle him. “Steady there.” His voice is smooth, accent beautifully rich. “I’m not going to hurt you…” There’s something quite odd about him. Not in a bad way, more like a breath of fresh air.
Everything around me seemed to slow down and the black began to swallow me whole. The last thing I remember is smelling earth and the muffled voice of the man saying something into my unconsciousness.
My body feels the shift before my mind does. The cool air forces goosebumps to rise on almost every inch of my skin. I awake to warm-toned light and unfamiliar surroundings. There’s a scratchy warmth heavy over my torso and I see someone had made an attempt of throwing a blanket over my body. 
I scan the area for any sign of life but see none. However, I can sense it. I feel that I am not alone. Wrapping the blanket over myself, I groan as I crawl into a sitting position.
That’s when he appears. “Are you okay, miss?” He asks, eyes worried and lips parted in distress. In this lighting, I can fully see his features. Pale skin marked in constellations of freckles, light brown hair tousled in a messy mop atop his head. His eyes; I can’t quite pinpoint what color they are, just that they’re magnificent.
“Yeah… It always aches after I shift back.” I tell him, hissing quietly through my teeth as I reposition my body to face him. His shoulders slump a bit and he comes closer to where I was lain. Out of habit, I recoil into my body to take up as little space as possible.
“I’m not going to hurt you…” He says, quickly pouring me a cuppa tea before extending it to me. “My name is Newt. It seems that you exerted your energy back there. Blacked out from it, I’m sure.”
Uncurling from myself, I slip the mug from his hand. Our fingers momentarily swipe past one another’s and I, for the first time, don’t shy away from the contact. “Thank you.” A moment of quiet passes as I sip the warm beverage. “My name is Y/n. I’m sorry for putting you in this position.”
“What position is that, exactly?” He asks, confused.
“I- I don’t purposely shift into, well, that. I was just trying to find escape. Usually when the full moon comes, I’m…. nevermind that. I just usually don’t lose control like that.” My admission causes me to fidget in my seat. This all around is unusual for me. I’ve never told anyone about this issue.
However, Newt doesn’t seem to mind. “No use in beating yourself up over something you have no say in. Though I’m sure we could whip up a potion to keep your shift from happening during the full moon. That is, if you’d like.”
His voice is so melodic and comforting. It’s the exact opposite of my father’s. I nod, wide eyed. “You can do that?” My entire life has been spent in fear and Newt’s offer is the first hope I’ve had a taste of. To be honest, I’m desperate for more.
The desperation, the shock, must drip heavily from my lips because Newt’s eyes melt into pure kindness as he studies me thoughtfully. He smiles, stretching his lips so thin they almost disappear. Extending his arm he offers his hand to me.
Patiently, he waits for me to accept his invitation. I pause, quite noticeably so, for a moment before slipping my palm into his. They’re warm, rough but oh-so gentle. He leads me to the door and opens a whole new world before me. Magnificent and wonderous creatures are scattered about the expanse. And for the first time in my life, I don’t feel so different.
It has been three days since Newt has offered to take me in. He didn’t ask but I know he could sense my dread at the thought of returning to my life before. We fell into a mutual understanding that I just needed time. It was nice to not have anything expected of me.
Newt is shy. That’s an understatement but he is also extremely kind. He gave me space but also let me test my ability to trust. Every moment in the presence of the wizard gave me confidence to seek him out.
He taught me how to care for his creatures by his side. He showed me magic and a world I hadn’t previously known existed. Every time he opened up a bit to me, I felt myself doing the same. I recognized the Occamy eggs as the very same one he had retrieved the night I met him in the forest. It made me realize how much Newt cared about and sacrificed for these fantastic beasts.
Days went by and he began to trust me enough to leave me in his suitcase, which is where I had awoken that first night. Newt traveled a lot and was a very busy person, actually. Even then, he would always return and those were the hours that I found myself eagerly waiting for. Because I, also, very much began to trust him.
One day, Newt found me kneeling outside and cradling my hand to my chest. “Are you okay, Y/n?” His voice was thick with worry as he rushed over to my side.
“Don’t get to close, Newt-” I plead. He stops a few steps away from me, “I-I don’t know what I’ll do if I shift…” Tears pool in my eyes as I try to calm myself down. Pain triggered me sometimes and the last thing I’d want to do is hurt him.
Despite my warning, Newt kneels beside me and peels my arm away from my body. “What happened?” He asks as he begins to examine the cut that’s angry and red on my wrist.
“I cut it on the edge of the feeding pail… I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you, Newt. Please.” He stands up with me and swiftly leads me inside the small flat. With such familiarity and ease, he begins to snip different herbs and pouring mixtures from vials.
I watch him with amazement and a bit of confusion. Before I know it, the pain has subsided and he’s wrapping my arm up with gauze. “Why aren’t you afraid of me?”
Newt freezes in his actions before throwing a glance at me over his shoulder. “Because you’re not someone to be feared. At least, not for the reasons you’re referring to.”
His way of thinking, the way he perceives the world, is so unlike anything I’ve ever known. The wizard begins to put away medicines and I watch him quietly for a moment. “My dad wasn’t fond of my kind…Actually, that’s putting it nicely. He hated werewolves.”
My fingers fidget in my lap and I keep my gaze firmly fixed on them as I speak. Afraid that if I see Newt’s eyes, I’ll be too self-conscious to tell him. “He didn’t know Mom was one until it was too late. She was already pregnant with me. When she died, I lost the one person who saw me as I truly was. My father… he was violent, cruel and- and scared.
“Meeting you was the best thing that has happened in my life. Because for the first time, I wasn’t seen as a threat or as strange. You didn’t expect anything of me. You saw me as Y/n. Not as a werewolf.”
My forehead creased with emotion and salty teardrops fell onto my clasped hands. I sucked my lower lip between my teeth to stop the slight wobble. Chancing a glance at Newt, I find him standing in front of me. 
Newt. His eyes glistening, not in pity, but with compassion towards me. Kneeling down so that his face was parallel with mine, he swiped away the stray tear that lingered off my chin. “There are no strange creatures, only blinkered people.”
With those words, I felt understood and, in a way, loved. Every day that I spent getting to know Newt Scamander, the more I began wanting to learn more. He loved his creatures and never truly believed monsters were born, they were made. 
There was time for us to grow together, to grow fond of one another. As we went on, I knew that I’d become more confident with Newt by my side. There wasn’t a ‘monster’ he couldn’t love. Not even when it came to someone like me.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! xx - Ellie-Mae
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