#he just wants to sport hunt scary things
britcision · 1 year
1) if the final boss isn’t Squirrel Girl fuck this movie (I didn’t see my queen Doreen Green)
2) uggggh Disneyfying Kraven into a “hero” is so fucking lame let him be unapologetically awful
3) they really held off on the Marvel logo… and Sony still owns most of the Spiderman villains.
Is This Why He Is A Hero.
Is He A Hero Because Marvel Do Not Have Rights To Him As A Villain
It said “in association with Marvel”, not just Marvel on the trailer we saw who the fuck owns this movie
It smells so Disney Cruella
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elysia-nsimp · 1 month
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Hello scary Danganronpa community I would like to leave my Korekiyo redesign here an an offering please do not hunt me for sport /hj
Details and stuff (giant bricks of autistic text) below cut
Okay so in canon, we know Kiyo’s sister made his uniform and (I THINK) (DONT QUOTE ME ON THIS) he canonically doesn’t like it very much but wears it because of the whole… sister thing.
This redesign is meant to NOT be just a replacement of the OG design, but takes place in a non-despair AU where Kiyo actually learns that the relationship he had with his sister was NOT a healthy one. He gets support from his classmates and possibly the therapy he DESPERATELY NEEDS, and after beginning to accept his situation, he makes his OWN uniform with help and input from his peers.
That being said, what all did I do and what was my thought process?
- his og outfit was highly inspired by military-style clothing, and. *The anti-semetic armband.* so all that went in the trash because I didn’t like it
- I put him in more comfy traveling clothes—a soft button-up, a cardigan, slightly baggy pants, high travel boots. He travels a lot so might as well be comfy for it! The boots have a fluffy lining for cold weather
- I changed the hat. He needed a hat still but I changed it from a military style hat to a sea man type hat. It just felt right.
- kept the mask, but he wears it more because of his travels—lots of diseases. + his sister died of illness so he’s cautious about that. (I did change some of his story too but I tried to keep the big plot points while not romanticizing it)
- kept the bandages too. He does a lot of field work so I imagine he gets scratches a lot. Just another precaution to protect himself when traveling.
- I wanted to use the rope and rose motifs in his official art. I was so disappointed there wasn’t more of that. So his cardigan and pants have matching vine patterns and he has a rope tied around his waist—it’s there because sometimes you need a rope yknow. It’s a tool but also stylish/hj
- it’s commented on in the game how he’s very feminine (QUEER) and how he “has the kind of beauty that puts female colleagues to shame” ??? which is a weird way of forshadowing BUT I decided he gets to have long eyelashes and longer nails.
- his locket has been moved from his breast pocket to a necklace.
- and lastly I kinda liked the weird stringy hair thing Danganronpa does sometimes?? I just gave it more volume because . Yeah.
So yeah those are my big notes. How about some more story-based explanations?
- Kiyo got used to the darker palette (plus it keeps the mysterious spooky vibe the creators were going for), so he just kept that.
- all the material is soft and breathable, which was his priority when looking for the base clothing pieces!
- Angie helped him with the rose and vines! They’re embroidered. All Kiyo said was that he felt it was all very green and wanted to bring back some red, something about roses, and that’s what Angie came up with for him. He really liked how it came out
So yeah :] I hope y’all enjoy, I like the final product. Definitely not intended to be canon in the event of the killing game universe but I’ve always preferred exploring non-despair AUs.
If anyone WANTS to hear about the story changes I made lmk but uhhh I’m not making that my first Danganronpa post ahahahahahahha (<- read this as frightened and shaking like a chihuahua)
Again please don’t shoot me point blank danganronpa community
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I see your vampire!Bruce Wayne AU and I raise you this:
Normal human Bruce Wayne raising his horde of vampire/dhamphir children, but because Bruce is Bruce no suspects any of the Batkids are, well ... bat kids.
Even the Batkids are confused at first when they first meet Bruce. Batman shows up and they're like:
"Oh, shit it's Batman! The very scary, very territorial Vampire Lord who's completely taken over Gotham and has managed to strike fear into the heart of all the most notorious vampire leaders! And he wants to adopt me into his coven? Sounds sketchy, but aight."
Only for them to wake up the next day and realize that not only is Batman in fact NOT a vampire, but he's also the most pitiful and pathetic human they've ever laid their eyes on and there's no fucking way they can leave him now.
Humans are already super fragile and easy to kill as is. And their new guardian is risking his life every night masquerading as an all powerful Vampire Lord!!!!
It's honestly a miracle that Bruce hasn't been killed yet and there's no way they're going to let their clueless human guardian wander off by himself. Especially after they realize he keeps forgetting that humans aren't supposed to be awake for 72 hours straight and his skin is paler than the giant hoards of case file documents he tries to sift through while barely touching his own food.
This poor idiot human is so committed to pretending to be a vampire that he's actually convinced himself he has night vision and spends more time hanging out in a literal Batcave than he does in his own fucking house!
Meanwhile, Bruce is thoroughly convinced he's got a complete handle on the whole raising vampire/dhampir children thing. After all, it's not like he's had to change much about his own personal life to that of a parent taking care of a horde of supernatural children.
He already spends more time awake at night anyway and while the kids don't mind human food absolutely love Alfred's cooking, it's not difficult to get a hold of any blood when they actually need to feed on something more substantial. Considering he's the biggest contributor to Gotham's blood donation centers, it's not like anyone's gonna tell him no.
Bruce also read somewhere that while vampires in the modern age don't actually need to hunt humans to feed anymore (considering the above mentioned donation centers), their hunting instincts haven't gone away, either. So while he was initially against the idea of letting his kids getting involved in his vigilante lifestyle, it was probably a good thing in the end that they had an alternative outlet for their growing vampiric urges. Like Alfred, he would have preferred it if they had gotten into competitive sports or something similar instead, but all his children had proven themselves to be just as stubborn as he is so he made do with what he could.
Especially considering the fact that a parenting article he read mentioned how extremely sensitive young vampires/dhampirs are towards the well-being of those who make up their coven. Dick, ALONE, had proved how absolutely futile his attempts to separate his night time and day time activities truly were. Apparently, it was detrimental to young vampires to be separated from their parents/guardians for too long. Better he trained them and supervised them himself versus having to re-experience Dick, Tim and Cass stalking him like the supernatural predators they were while doing his nightly patrols.
And if any of his children leaned a bit more into their feral nature whenever Bruce happened to get hurt on patrol, that was just kids' instincts reacting to the head of their coven being threatened. It's taken years of training, grounding and long late night discussions to convince his children to try holding back their supernatural strength and bloody acts of retribution. He still finds himself lecturing them from time to time even if he's fully aware they're all humoring him.
He still has the small collection of baby fangs that Dick had somehow roped all his younger siblings into contributing to over the years. For the life of him, he can't begin to fathom why anyone would want to collect teeth or why his children are so adamant that he holds onto theirs. But ever since he jokingly mentioned the Tooth Fairy to a horrified and offended younger Dick when his first set of baby fangs finally started coming in, it seems his children are determined to make sure no one can even attempt to think about exchanging their fangs for mere quarters.
And for the record (and despite what his children and friends keep on insisting), he never set out to actually pretend to be a "Vampire Lord." He just honestly thought designing his costume around one of his deepest fears would be a good way for him to use that fear against the criminals of Gotham.
He also won't admit that he completely forgot about the obvious association people make between bats and vampires.
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Okay, so I know I'm like 20 years late, but I just finished watching Danny Phantom for the first time since I was a kid and I have a lot to say. (Most of it's been said already in the posts I've seen here.) But the thing I really want more than anything, is a reboot where they're in senior year instead and it's not tv-y7 where the darker themes they mention in passing can be thoroughly explored because can you imagine if they did it right?! (I mean the show is great and so so unique but the potential it had to be better!)
Like senior year going into college, the exestienal dread of having to figure out what you want to do with your life and then dying but not and now having to protect the ones you love from ghosts while making sure you finish with a high enough GPA to get into college cause you're from a family of geniuses and you're expected to but now not knowing if you even can because of the accident and the role you now have to play and watching all your peers get to have that choice and you can't even figure whats going on with your body and it's horrifying and ghosts are (actually) scary as shit (cause it's horror now not comedy) and no one around you really gets it and you learn your friends kind of suck but they're all you have and oh you have a whole realm of enemies who never really stop hunting you for sport on top of the guy who wants to fuck your mom and makes it everybody's business and oh yeah, you're kind of dead!
Oh yeah and the concept of how ghosts become ghosts and the sad truth that Danny's not fighting inherently evil beings but people who died including one five year old! And the fact that his parents would quite literally gut him alive if they caught him. That horror is brushed aside way too much in canon. And then when his parents find out in the two season finales that they do they just "oh Danny you should have told us you know we love you no matter what" like uh you just said if you ever caught his putrid, evil, ectoplasm being that you would rip him apart molecule by molecule but sure, let's pretend the son that you ignore more than speak too and literally couldn't tell that he'd been replaced by a robot that he would have been okay telling you that your ignorance and lack of safety protocol killed him and turned him into the very thing you hate.
Like, please, it would be so good.
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krashlite · 1 year
Life series scenes/tidbits I rotate regularly but I don’t see talked about enough
Tango being blamed for Etho’s castle burning in 3L
Scar going quiet when Grian mentions that when he turns yellow he’s gone (this was in Scar’s pov after the renchanting trap)
Tango’s pov of the desert standoff, both sides just slowly turning to look at him as he panics bc he thinks they’re onto him
Scar escaping the bunker in 3L after that battle was lost HOW DID HE LIVE. MAN TARGETED ETHO HOW DID HE LIVE
Jimmy saying he doesn’t want to kill as a red name and Grian telling him “that’s not what this series is about” in 3L (Jimmy’s pov)
BigB’s final death in 3L and how differently the series would’ve ended if he’d successfully killed the last yellow name, Grian
Not technically on screen but when Grian got kicked out of the Southlands after turning red and his character potentially not knowing why, hence the “we can still be friends” line. (It’s a call back to 3L when Scar asked the same thing)
Ren watching Lizzie kill BigB at the shadow fort, followed by Ren being hunted by Skizz and Impulse for sport THIS WAS SO INTENSE???
All of Impulse’s final deaths being betrayals (for LL, Grian’s plan got him killed so I’m counting it)
Martyn being the only person to use a soundboard and voice changers
Bdubs being the boogeyman in session 1 of both boogey curse seasons.
HOW SKIZZ ACTS ON RED?? Man is fully insane and I’m OBSESSEDDD
BigB’s entire Shakespearian tragedy in DL, I refuse to pick a favorite moment
Cleo refusing to trust BigB the second the boogeyman curse is back
Pearl demanding BigB kill her and take a half hour back when he had 45 SECONDS ON HIS CLOCK. And him almost refusing to swing at her because he “doesn’t know how.” Aha, fairy fort betrayal trauma
BigB knowing that Martyn was the boogeyman in LimL
Skizz knowing Etho was the boogeyman in LL
Pearl having to rescue BigB from Jimmy’s attempted kidnapping in LimL SHE IS SO SCARY. I LOVE HER
Pearl fighting Martyn and refusing to let up even though she’s really low on health (LimL)
Martyn being able to sound incredibly trustworthy every time he’s about to backstab someone in general
“Tango Polo” in LimL
The fact that BigB has an incredibly low kill count and two of the four kills were circumstance forcing his hand
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alienoresimagines · 1 month
Half Of Your Heart Beats In My Chest | Clegan Vampire AU | Part 1
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Hiya! I'm really happy to share with you this first part of HCs for the vampire AU I have been brainstorming with @johnslittlespoon ❤️I have a one shot set in this universe almost ready to go so I wanted to give you some context in case you wanted to read it 🥰 I don't trust myself with a multi-chaptered fic but I will definitely write the important moments of these HCs and those of the following parts but if there are moments you'd like to see (or prompts, I'm always down for them) or have questions about this AU, my askbox is always open ❤️ There will be other parts of HCs because I do have to give the Buckies their eternity together and so Gale has to become a vampire at some point but it was getting too long 😅😂 I hope you'll enjoy and let me know your thoughts about this! ❤️ There are a few canon divergences; Gale and Marge do not exist in the 1940s and so Curt sort of takes Gale's place in Mota, except for the "Buck" thing, and doesn't die @amiserableseriesofevents I hope this take on vampires will be to your taste 💕 Part 2 here
Bucky hates being a vampire, he's been one since 1946 and the only reason he hasn't stepped in the sun the moment he could is because he doesn't want to leave Curt to face eternity alone
They both move to New York and help build a vampire community that assists in making them seem less scary and threatening to human
Overtime they build their own society underground, have their own nightclubs, bars, cafes, even sports leagues! At some point, John takes up a job as a sports journalist and focuses mainly on the baseball Vampires Yankees team
But just because he makes some friends and adapts to his new powers and immortality doesn't mean he likes being vampire
He spends most of his time reading all the books he can, trying to pick up new hobbies but growing bored of them quickly, and going to the Wild Cargo, a vampire (and human-friendly) club that Curt owns
John has a lot of one-night stands and lives vicariously through feeling how alive and warm different people's bodies are beneath him but never has any meaningful relationships in which he feels connected to the other
Vampires can have a mate, and they only have one for eternity but John has long since accepted he’d spent eternity alone, his self-loathing not allowing him to even try dating
In comes beautiful, shy, sweet, brilliantly alive Gale Cleven, and John’s entire world shifts
To limit vampires from feeding in crowds and spreading fear and insecurity but also to make sure they drink healthy blood (ie. not containing drugs or nutrients since their body will reject it) and overall make it safer for everyone, states and hospitals organize blood bag donations. It also helps since some of the vampires who despise that they need to feed from people and do not like hunting, like John. Feeding from someone will always feel better than sipping from a blood bag because there is an additional thrill and it’s almost instinct for them, but some are still more than reluctant to do it, clinging on to their humanity as much as they can
Gale and John meet for the first time when John goes to pick up his weekly blood bag at the hospital, and John is really starting to consider hurting himself to spend more time with the one he’s half convinced he’s an angel. Being a college student, Gale can’t be the one taking the blood samples just yet so he’s the one at the counter
Asks John his name to give him his command and is really confused because “I’m sorry, sir, there isn’t any reservation under ‘Bucky’” 
John gives him his actual name with a grin but still insists on Gale calling him Bucky
Gives Gale the name ‘Buck’ before he can really think about it and he tries to weave a story around it but Gale doesn’t seem too convinced. Yet he lets him call him Buck and even stops rolling his eyes at the 8th occurrence
Bucky makes sure to go pick up his blood bag at the same time every week- a newborn vampire will have urges to feed pretty often but older can span their feeding by multiple weeks. John for example is perfectly fine with one blood bag every week and a half or so- and eventually chats up a friendship with Gale
He learns that Gale’s from Wyoming and moved to New York to study Medicine & Vampirism, a course his home university did not offer, and that Gale is genuine in his desire to learn and help people like Bucky, which Bucky finds really sweet and does not help stalling his crush on Gale
He gives Gale plenty of hands-on knowledge about vampires, stuff that Gale wouldn’t find in textbooks 
They meet for the first time outside of the hospital when John offers Gale to help him with one of his essays on vampires since Gale is adamant he doesn’t want to go into clichés
He chooses a little café, run by vampires that make both vampire and human-friendly drinks, not wanting Gale to feel pressured or intimidated
Soon it becomes a bit of a tradition, a weekly meet-up outside of the hospital where Gale tells John all about what he’s learned about vampires, and John learns a bit more about his species, also giving Gale more human and individualistic takes on vampirism
They’re both incredibly smitten with the other, John’s flirty personality coming back in full force and utterly genuine
He feels so relieved that Gale knows he’s a vampire but isn’t disgusted or afraid of him, even if he keeps all the “ugly” part of him firmly under locks
He eventually learns and guesses that Gale’s father was an alcoholic who used to hit him until Gale fought back, and used to curse out vampires and queers. Little Gale spent a lot of time trying to unlearn all that hate but he managed and ended up embracing being queer (though he has never confronted his father about it, still afraid of the man). He doesn’t know if he should, but he relates to vampires being outcasted for something they can’t control so he’s determined to learn more about them. He’s always liked helping people, so he chose a medical degree. Upon learning all of that, John falls a bit more in love and is determined to treat Gale like he deserves
He courts Gale like he would a dame in the 40s because that’s how he was raised and he just wants to pamper Gale lmao
Meanwhile, Gale is having whiplash being quite literally swept off his feet when all the other men who ever were interested in him were because of looks and just wanted a quick tumble in bed
John offers to take him dancing, lends him books he thinks Gale’d like, and introduces him to some vampire friends he’s made
Curt takes one look at John and Knows something happened because in all the decades they’ve known each other, he’s never seen John so happy and alive. He still feels guilt over not being more stern in his refusal to turn John, and he is the captain of the Clegan ship, with Marge of course
Gale always goes to Marge when he needs advice and a little push in the right direction and this is definitely one of them. He and Marge had tried dating in high school but they didn’t feel it was right so they remained best friends and moved to study in New York together. Marge definitely gives John a shovel talk but she trusts he can take care of Gale
A LOT of pining between the Buckies, both of them going back and forth between “Is this a good idea? Does he feel the same way?” and “I’m so in love with him, I’m doing something about it tonight” then chickening out because they both have issues and fears, lots of which to do with John being a vampire
Gale doesn’t want to be just a one-time thing but what else could he be when John is immortal? Also if they start dating and something happens to him, what would happen to John, who’s already lost so many friends to mortality? Can he trust a supernatural being when he’s already been let down so many times?
John is terrified of losing control and hurting Gale. He’s absolutely repulsed by the idea of feeding from Gale when all he wants is to protect him. The only thought that causes him more pain is turning Gale into a vampire and cutting that brilliant life short. But if he doesn’t, Gale will eventually die, and the last piece of John too
Truth be told, one of them probably kisses the other during one of their little exchanging knowledge dates that have progressively moved to Bucky’s apartment (which has quickly become Gale’s study tbh) and after that, they both get overwhelmed with their respective issues
But in the end, they both agree that they love each other too much to give up on the other so they decide to try and figure it out as they go, both enjoying every moment with the other as though it’s their last
The balance of Gale trusting John after being mistreated and having trust issues, vs John feeling unworthy of being with someone like Gale
Part 2 will focus on them dating (and yes smut I promise) while Gale is still human, and all the softness and issues that comes from a human/vampire (who can fly and shapeshift as a dog muehehe) couple 🥰
My askbox is always open, and I'd love to chat a bit more about this AU with you ❤️
My Clegan Fics
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neetily · 2 months
↳ EVENT 42. M!Robin (Incest & Omegaverse AU)
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— ✧ warnings: Incest, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, omegaverse AU, dubcon, Creampie — ✧ word count: 2,575
— ✧ A/N: reposting from my old account since i was asked to! formatting might be off, but it's still readable.
Things couldn't be going worse for him, really. Or, does he mean better? It's hard to discern how he truly feels with the fervid fog taking hold of him. He can, however, at least deduce that this is getting a little out of hand, don't you think? Hovering above your meek shivering frame, his brows furrowed in vain concentration of your worried features; the writing has been on the wall this whole time, it's a shame that it took him this long to realise. So soft and small, aren't you?
And you always were. At least at heart, he should have seen this coming. You should have seen this coming, what with your docile temperament and— fuck, breedable body. Always had alpha big brother to look after you, never had to worry a single day of your beta life about the dangers of scary men like him; but there's nowhere to run now, is there? Not as he hovers above you with teeth baring, mouth salivating at the stupidly sweet scent your submissive body emanates for him. Just for him, yeah? All for big brother? You really, really, shouldn't have.
Yet, the more rational part of his mind knows that the pretty pout you sport and the sugary smell you secrete isn't your fault. Far from it, actually! Big brother instincts just begging to take over, override his alpha tendencies so that he can properly look after you and not give in to his innate nature— but shit, you don't make it easy on him. There's a reason why you always get your way, huh? "Don't look at me like that..." He practically begs of you, tone pleading despite his dominating presence above you, indulging in the pliant doe eyed stare you offer him in return, the welling of tears at your lash line threatening to spill; and him, too. Spilling things he really shouldn't for his little sister. Not with you, he tries to reason with himself, biting down on his tongue as a means to distract himself from your heady scent, his eyes still rolling to the back of his head in spite of his best efforts. Anyone but you, his beloved, baby sister.
A late blooming omega, are you?
You had taken a sick day off from school, and at the time he'd brushed it off as you needing one of those days, y'know? A simple break from the stress of life, of which he'd happily allowed you to stay home and rest. But, now he knows the real reason as to why you couldn't attend school with him. He already knew that things were bad as soon as he stepped foot past the front door, assaulted by that sickly scent, overwhelming his senses like a fucking dog as he inched towards it naturally. Expectedly. Slowly creeping through the house like some kind of predator hunting prey until inevitably landing upon your bedroom door. And like a good big brother, this is when he should have known to walk away. Leave the house for, fuck, God knows where— anywhere away from you and that fucking scent. He knew what it meant then, and he's certainly aware of the ramifications of his actions right now. But he heard you mewl his name, all small and servile, beckoning for his entrance. And, well, big brothers want to look after their little sisters more than anything in the world, right?
That's all he's doing. He's just looking after you right now, burying the twinge of guilt blooming in his tummy in favour of bearing witness to your first heat, his gaze half lidded from the sheer amount of stink you waft towards him; the first is always the strongest, right?
"Poor baby..." He coos down at your incessant pathetic whining, stroking the back of his hand against your red hot cheek as a means to offer you light comfort, but your mewls only increase in volume and frequency. Because of his touch? Ah, can you smell just how much he wants you too? How, despite the taboo of wanting to fuck his one and only baby sister into next week, hard enough to make you forget your own name, he wants for nothing else but that? Especially with the way you grab and tease under him, making him honestly a little dizzy from the sheer strength of your scent, how your smell is perfectly suited to his tastes it's almost sickening. Clarity strikes him at his thoughts, a sheepish mumble escaping him. "I— I really shouldn't be here, um..."
Just as he motions his exit, tense arms trembling as he fights with his deep yearn to stay instead, your pitiful voice so easily brings him back to the cusp of deviancy. Grasping at his school shirt so tightly, shaking under him with pure need— he gets it. He's been there before. You've seen him there before too, haven't you? Fisting his precum coated cock all day and night long, a slave to his title: Alpha.
And at the end of the day, that's all he is. Being your brother is secondary to the fact. At his core, he's no better than the freaks who roam the streets. No alpha could ever hope to dissuade themselves from your open display of want, let alone him. A low growl rumbling through his chest when you hazard a squeak up at him.
"Wan' big brothers help... Please, Robin. Hurts," And as if to emphasis your point, he catches sight of your hand dipping down to between your legs, cupping at your surely soaked cunt just so he knows where to kiss you all better. "Been waiting for you all day— Ah, please, Robin..."
And who is he to deny such an innocent request? The thought alone of you writhing around on your bedroom floor, confused and unsure as to why you feel so heated, why there's an ache in the pit of your stomach that only big brother can fill, stirs up his insides all messy with pure, unadulterated, biased, lust. You're lucky to have him as your big brother, y'know? Already used to what heats entail, squeezing his eyes shut in sheer frustration over the swell of scent your little sister cunt gushes out in an attempt to convince him to stay.
You're lucky he loves his little sister too much.
Giving in is almost too easy for him. Dangerously so as he sighs heavily above you, swallowing a thick lump of shame stuck in his throat before sitting back on his feet.
"Okay." Is all he allows himself to mutter, drool collecting in his mouth when his gaze drops to your soaked through shorts, panties probably stuck to your sweet smelling cunt, right? And oh, now that he's resolved to defile you, he leans down, closer to your sopping wet cunt to huff at. A deep greedy inhale, something wolfish within him snapping the second your scent completely wraps around him and natural instincts get a moment to take over. It can't be that bad, right? Cock rock hard from the first whiff of your sweet cunt, he pets at it only once or twice before deciding it's time to take care of his beloved baby sister.
Wordlessly, he undresses you. Tutting down lovingly at your urgent whines and sighs, you're too cute, it almost makes him feel bad for looking at you in such a leering light. Takes him a breathless second to admire the sight of your pretty little cunt as soon as he exposes you bare, sucking air in through his teeth, jaw tight in sheer awe of how perfect you are for him. And it's comforting, isn't it? To have big brother fawn over you, doting on you from above as he undresses himself, quick to leave himself naked in order to care for you in the best way his alpha impulses know how.
"Poor little girl, just need big brother to make you feel all better again?" He teases you, fist squeezing at the base of his cock as he lines himself up to your honey cunt, letting his precum dribble all over your swollen slit as he struggles to breathe properly. It's wrong, he knows that. To take such intense pleasure in looking after you, pushing the tip of his cock into your needy little hole with a shivered gasp of pleasure; it's wrong to enjoy fucking his little sister so full of big brother cock, he fucking knows that. But fuck if it doesn't feel so good to be so bad, right?
Pushing insistently despite the pang of regret in his chest, because your squishy insides are just begging for more of him. Twitching against his length, sighing so sweetly for him until he's balls deep in his little sister and you let out this stupid little moan that he can't help but to smirk at. "Feelin' better?" He cocks his head at you, happy to hear how you only babble nonsense back at him. There's really no going back now, right?
You always were so delicate to him. So pretty too, God, the amount of people he had to fight off of you without your knowing. And maybe somewhere, hidden in the way his hips draw back automatically, driven forward again by the utter need you're gushing around his cock, he's always wanted to do this too. No better than the next alpha on the street, He needed to ruin his innocent little sister, show you the side of him he's otherwise had to hide. All pointed thrusts and greedy groans, raspy voice soon filling up your ears as he immediately folds in on top of you, body encasing your own as he settles into a far too unfairly fast pace for little girls like you; but he just can't fucking stop. Can't even bare the thought of slowing down, resolved to fuck you nice and deep for your first fuck with him, your heat induced haze affecting his sense of judgement as a lust fuelled cloud enters his mind and all he's left to focus on is how you claw red streaks into his back and how your cunt simply drools omega slick for him to enjoy. Slathering his thighs with every fast fuck he offers your poor little cunt, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as if to conceal his rightful shame.
"'M sorry—" He sighs emphatically for you, and yet still his hips don't stop. Pounding you into the floor below, nice wet skin on skin sounds soon filling the room for his brutal thrusts; doesn't it feel so good? Feels so right to have your big brother steal your first heat, right? "It's so, so cute that you— haah, baby—" He whines openly for you, the tight grip of your freshly omega cunt is so fucking addictive. Like a virgin all over again, making his fat cock all creamy with your persuasive submissive hole. "So cute that you— fuck, were waitin' for me—" Genuine praise drips his tongue, muttered against your sweaty skin before he loses his mind and completely gives in to his more baser instincts.
"Sorry, shit, you're just so fuckin' tight baby—" His tongue pokes out against your neck, huffing and puffing away at your sweet sister scent and reeling from how fucking nice it is. How it immediately calms him, convinces him that he's doing the right thing, licking a fat stripe up your neck to drive himself insane. "Baby sister cunts just so fuckin good, holy shit— Wanna— Need t'make y'mine, kay? 'M sorry. So sorry about this, I just—"
He can't keep up with his heavy thrusts, honestly. Humping even himself stupid as he digs his hands under your thighs and lifts them up with his thrusts, allowing him a more precise angle to fuck against your sweet spot. Big brother cock rocking against your insides so cruelly, right? Possessive in his thrusts, gnawing down on his bottom lip to prevent himself from chewing on your neck, but fuck you're so close, and you smell so fucking good, sobbing so prettily for him as he eases the ache in your tummy with stupid amounts of precum staining your hole as his. Big brothers pretty pussy, right? Only big brother could have you trembling under him like this, angel cunt promising to milk him dry with how tight you get at the new angle, relying on him to fuck you all better with swift fucks forward; he has to hold you in place from how swift his thrusts are. Raw dogging his cute little cunt, making sure you can feel his pointed teeth pressing against the sensitive spot on your neck to help you along—
"That's it—" He encourages your tightening squeeze around his throbbing cock, offering you slower but deeper thrusts in return. Threatening to kiss your cervix with how he forces you to take his full fat cock, balls sticking to your ass from how wet you are. Cunts just begging for it, huh? "C'mon," He starts, lifting himself up off of you so that he can selfishly watch his misdeed bare fruit. "Big brother jus' wants to help you— Oh, look at how pretty you are, baby... Need t'make you cum first, okay? Y'can do it, promise it'll feel real good—"
And his gentle coaxing is all it takes, really. Stroking your insides a couple more times before you become impossible tight and he can barely thrust anymore, yet still he feels the way your hole continues to try and suck him in, suck him off with how well you convulse around him, creaming his cock so prettily, shit. It's no surprise that he's quick to follow behind you, another mumbled sorry tumbling from his lips at just how fat his load is for you, genuinely fucking distraught at how he's treated you tonight; but he can't deny how good you make him feel, better than anything else before, intoxicating. From the way you coo so softly up at him as he fills you up, rolling his hips into you automatically, as if it were second nature to make sure his baby sister takes all of his sloppy seed. Gross, right?
But it couldn't truly be, not with the way you beam up at him so cutely as he comes down. Reaching your little arms out to wrap around his neck, pouting up at him for a chaste kiss.
"I'm... Uh, I'm sorry..." He stutters out against your lips, yet nevertheless lets you hold him here. Still warming his cock inside of you; this isn't anywhere near the end of tonight, he knows.
"It's okay, Robin. You helped me. Promise."
And, well... Maybe that's reason enough to have his cock all twitchy again, throbbing inside of your messy little cunt with want to fuck again and again and until you can't stand by yourself anymore. Rely on big brother some more, okay pretty omega? The brief moment of clarity subtly shifting the longer he remains in your sweet presence, coaxed back into the alpha mindset from a mere kiss.
It's not bad to feel good with his little sister, he's sure of it. Because you wouldn't sound so pleasantly surprised when he drags his hips back again otherwise, head thrown back too at the feeling of his cum seeping out from your slicked up hole; marked territory.
Tonight is far from over.
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Ferdinand Kingsley in Reacher is doing very wrong things to my head. I swear to god I do not normally find arms smugglers appealing in any way & do not even like military/copaganda shows & am thoroughly ashamed. But I've been thinking like... what if Hob is a gun guy with a progressive club that trains/protects marginalized groups (like Trigger Warning Queer & Trans Club: https://www.facebook.com/triggerwarninggunclub/ or any of these here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/22/if-others-have-rifles-well-have-rifles-why-leftist-groups-are-taking-up-arms )
And ok, he's totally not a SMUGGLER (hates that word) but he will SOMETIMES help someone get a weapon who needs to protect themselves but can't because of bullshit convictions — like sex workers or people who've gotten caught up in spurious War on Drugs(/Poverty) crap or honestly just the racist system, whatever. And his background checks are like 1000x more careful than any of the usual gun show loophole-riddled checks anyway, & everyone who gets a weapon knows they'll have to answer to him if they go bad with it.
But mostly he's a friendly face teaching new folks their way around a weapon when they've literally never held one before or have only ever been to ranges full of 'phobes where they felt even less safe.
And maybe one day he comes across this skinny wild-haired Murphy shooting cans in the woods because things have gotten bad & he feels even LESS safe than he has his whole life here & he knows he's on his own to defend himself — it's not like reporting it would do any good, the Burgesses are too powerful in this little town & even his own family isn't that helpful. And Hob is like "Woah, woah, woah, where is your ear protection and also how about moving this safely to a range, my friend!" But he has to do some convincing because Murphy only ever knew about the 'phobe-filled ranges and has a hard time believing that someone would actually want to help/protect him & not have shitty views. And honestly Hob is SCARY attractive — emphasis on scary because Murphy has only ever known the worst kind of open-carry gun guys & actually come to think of it maybe shifting to a more populated location is wise...
And anyway, Hob is fucking great actually, and makes Murphy feel safe & introduces him to everybody at the local group & personally sees to his training, which is how they start really getting to know each other & boning all the damn time. And when Murphy moves into Hob's apartment, he feels safer than he ever has in his life.
And the Burgesses back the fuck off because they are cowardly fuckers at heart & honestly it turns out there are more people willing to stand up to them than they thought.
Queer Hob who hunts down homophobes in the woods for sport... hmm yes im vibing with this!! The thing I love about a.m in Reacher is the ✨️eroticism✨️ of the way he kills people. It's so gorgeous and there's a definite queer spiciness about him.
So yes Hob is a queer guy who is absolutely sick and kind of jaded by the way he's been treated him whole life, and he's determined to spread his self defence skills as far and wide around the gays as possible. When he finds out about the Burgesses and all that bullshit he's actually quite excited to teach lil baby gay Murphy to shoot and stab (when necessary). Hob doesn't have any intentions towards the young man, because he definitely is young and Hob doesn't really do relationships these days... but once he sees Murphy all kitted out and getting into Hob’s little group of gun toting gays, mud streaked on his cheeks and stomping around in his big boots!! Hob’s heart melts!!
Meanwhile Murphy is going weak at the knees over the older, slightly grizzled, VERY sexy man who's hands are covering his, teaching him how to point and shoot the gun, how to be safe. If Murphy falls asleep thinking about those hands in other, more intimate places... who's gonna blame him?
And if he ends up planting himself right in Hob’s lap when they sit down after target practice, that's his business. The way Hob wraps an arm around his waist to keep him safe gives him a good feeling about the future, anyways <3
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ohmygraves · 6 months
let me share a bit of my self insert details for cod, since i figured out i can write smth while i think about how to continue the other wips i have
with callsign "rookie", a first generation immigrant. they're the youngest between all the 141, and was recommended by laswell. still, their rank is definitely under both soap and gaz. a non-binary person, though don't mind any pronouns.
here's a few sketches of them (i made it to my likeness because, y'know, "self" insert)
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the change in haircut is intentional as it should reflect my continuously changing hairstyle since my hair is a dumbass who can't make up its mind in how it should present itself.
i made a "relationship chart" to explain the dynamics of rookie with the other members of 141
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gaz ⇄ rookie
gaz and rookie i'd imagine to be some kind of the ride or die best friend, which unfortunately often happened because rookie has the worst kind of luck, but just good enough that they get out of danger somehow in the last second. the kind of best friend that you could understand being so close because you'd known eachother really well. it's probably the case of them being quite similar in age (rookie is still younger though), so he took pity of them at first and happily accompany them everywhere. he knows how anxious it can be to be around something so unfamiliar and scary, and he understands how it feels to be frustrated knowing that you can't save everyone (he hopes that rookie can be more mature but for now he'd gladly sigh at their naivety).
soap ⇄ rookie
maybe because i view soap to be slightly older than gaz i feel like soap and rookie are more like siblings? i feel like if soap became best friends with rookie, he'd be too much for the poor lad. soap as best friend is a good trope but he's a wild card that he could show up at your doorstep either with a bong or a shovel, and i'm not sure if rookie can handle all that. he's a good friend, sure, but one that gaz hope that won't influence rookie too much because what is he going to do with not one but two soap at the barracks?
that being said, i think that soap treats rookie like somewhat of a younger sibling that he gets to pick on from time to time, but in a nice way. like he'd wear their stuff that he found on the laundry, strutting a booty shorts (and killing it) while he makes some coffee for himself as rookie hunts his head for sports since all their clothes get stretched because of him. or the one that tells them that price likes spicy in his sandwich causing rookie to witness price choke on a sub slathered with hot sauce, getting them in trouble. he takes advantage of their naivety in a funny way and he teaches them weird things. definitely gets him in trouble with ghost though because of that.
price ⇄ rookie
now don't come at me for being so overrated, but i see price as a father figure. if activision don't want me to commit fatherless behavior, then they probably shouldn't make him so dad material in the first place. that being said, i like to think that when price sees rookie's files and do a small "interview" with the lad, he feels like he was responsible for a new teammate. like mama hen finding a kitten and taking care of it like a chick.
he understands that rookie is very, very new to everything, and that's saying it lightly. being the youngest of the group, an immigrant, not to mention very naive made him pity the newbie, which of course made him go "dad mode" and teach them things from time to time. he has definitely been called "dad" by accident a few times by rookie, but he didn't seem to mind. didn't seem to enjoy the fact that soap's influencing them to act up too at times.
ghost ⇄ rookie
now ghost is my favorite (obviously), so this might be long. in general, ghost didn't like how inexperienced rookie is. they're in 141, working as an sas soldier, and they're going to fumble on their guns like an idiot?
preposterous, why did laswell let them in the team?
it's not like he has any say in it, and unfortunately he had to mentor them and make sure they're doing a good job (read: babysitting, as he would say), and it didn't make him feel better about it. sometimes i want to see him just grab the poor newbie and just scream at their face like "what do you want!? i can't believe someone is this bloody fucking incompetent, you might as well be a sea cucumber!" like this man would not hesitate to insult the newbie to the point that they're crying.
and he should be. he's not going to put his life in the hands of some dumbass who can't shoot right half the time.
of course, it'll take a long, long time for him to acknowledge their skill, even getting a small "passable" from him is worth celebrating. literal years to be close to him, share the fact that they're both fatherless people who used to live in an abusive household and maybe he'll start to acknowledge them (anything that's beside work ofc). little affirmation that they've gotten this far somehow even after such horrible things happening to them.
i only ever pair rookie with ghost and soap (or both of them together as a throuple) romantically, gaz is more platonic and price is more fatherly.
i know this is a different post from what i normally would post but if you're all interested in getting to know rookie more, feel free to interact. my askbox are open for requests or something a bit more casual, don't be shy. i don't bite.
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risetherivermoon · 7 months
spoke about this briefly before, but heres a more in depth post w/ me rambling about my idea and explaining the au by showing off my notes and everything
anyway, the idea im talking about is like a social media/twitter (i will not call it X, fucking bite me) thing about the teens using twinote (an app that can make fake tweets) mixed with me using my own art to add stuff to it, and the idea of maybe making a secondary blog to answer asks as the characters,
this format idea is mixed with an au ive been thinking about involving hell and heaven stuff, (im not immune to hazbin hotel hype nor am i immune to any kind of bible fanfiction) so heres some notes about that;
basic desc:
Taylor is a prince of the 7th circle and a Hell-born demon, he makes friends with Scary/Terri, a sinner who died in the 1950's, a long with her guardian/step-dad TJ/Terry Jr. (sinners in this universe tend to go by secondary names instead of their human names) while messing around the city that Scary & TJ live in, Scary and Taylor stumble upon Lincoln, a fallen angel, who has just fallen from Heaven, Lincoln starts staying with TJ and Scary, since he has nowhere to go. Eventually Normal, an angel, trespasses into Hell from Heaven, in an attempt run from his home. Normal is found by the rest of the teens who are now trying to make sure Heaven doesn't find out that Normal is in Hell
(edit: contents for this au can be found at @3sinnrsn1angel)
additional notes & more yapping about my ideas below the cut, be warned!!!
- Scary & TJ live in the 7th ring of Hell, each circle is a different city & has a different monarchy
- Taylor as hell royalty is an angel hunter. Scary is also an angel hunter
- angel hunting is treated as a sport by the royals, and as a bounty-hunting type job by the sinners, done when angels fly overhead of hell to deliver messages and keep demons in line, there tends to be a lot of air traffic that makes hits easy
- tho this universe mostly surrounds hell & heaven, people can still cast spells and do magic, though its a skill you have to master
- TJ is a magic user and runs a magic shop, he and Scary live in the overhead apartment above the shop
- Normal's grandfather is a part of Heaven's council, which means Normal was a high ranking angel
- Lincoln's father, Grant, was also a part of Heaven's council before Link's falling
- Hell Demons buy and barter sinner souls constantly, and it has become a competition between the royals to have the most souls as well as angel kills
- Hell Demons & Sinners are cool with angels co-existing amongst them, and will not hunt them if it's an angel on the ground and out of uniform (most angels who go through hell are wearing heaven garbs) though it will bring weird looks and comments people are mostly unbothered by it, Heaven is unaware of this or that angel refugees are living amongst sinners
- this applies to fallen angels as well
- this will probably be a polywagon fic, ill see where the wind takes me
(hermie does exist but 4 the sake or spoilers ill leave the info on them to that)
the rest of the details i have written down about this au are spoiler-adjacent but this is what ive got for you! heres a little bit more about the formatting style i have in mind, im sorry (not sorry) about yapping so much i just like to info-dump
basically ill be using mostly fake tweets using twinote, as well as messages between the teens also using twinote, i did kind of some tests to get down the kind of energy i want for this and to see if this format works well with these characters so ill show some ss of that here as an example:
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(all pfp art is by me)
theres also the factor of me not using this blog to post this series and using a secondary blog, id mostly be doing that to make sure asks and content of this project is secluded from my other stuff,
speaking of asks, id use the ask box on said account to get questions and do a type of q&a thing where the audience can ask the teens questions and ill make art for/write them responding to it, also maybe responding to questions from a creator & ooc pov
i also make art just for funzies and if it fits in the plot anywhere, as well as making the characters pfps n stuff, heres an example a little by showing off a piece that (if i decide to really commit to this which i might since ive been having this idea rattling around in my head for a bit) ill be using in it (prob 4 pfps)
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(using this to also show off the teens designs for this au lol)
lemme know if yall find this interesting because im pretty into it already lol, and ill see what i can come up with for getting it all started, if u got it this far congrats you read all my yapping! also id love to answer any questions abt this au as well (ooc obvi)
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mychlapci · 7 days
alright! first installment of my tfp notes series!
Episode One - Darkness Rising, Part 1
Characters Introduced [In order of appearance]
Cliffjumper [00:08 - In Altmode]
Arcee [00:17 - In Altmode]
Arcee is also the only Autobot to utilise a holoform of some kind, likely because she’s a motorcycle. 
Optimus Prime [02:27 - In Altmode]
Ratchet [02:34 - In Altmode]
Bulkhead [02:43 - In Altmode]
Bumblebee [02:44 - In Altmode]
Starscream [03:38 - In Root Mode]
Soundwave [05:37 - In Root Mode]
Jack [07:12]
Raf [11:42]
Miko [15:43]
Megatron [21:08 - In Altmode]
At 00:46 Arcee mentions that Cliffjumper escaping from a car boot in front of the New York City police would be breaking Autobot rule #1. While this is a general set of rules established while the Autobots are on Earth, I personally like to think that this is Transformers Prime’s version of the Autobot Code. 
“Do I ever need backup?” - Cliffjumper. He’s going to eat those words in about three minutes. Also it’s a damn shame they specifically picked Mr. The Rock Johnson as Cliffjumper’s voice actor because I think he would’ve been an interesting character had he been allowed to live. Obviously they probably already decided that he was going to be voiced by such a big name actor before they fully sorted out plot details so it makes sense that he would be the one to die considering it would be way too expensive to keep having him be voiced but still… 
Ngl I forgot how gangly Starscream’s model is. Put some meat on his bones please, he’s too skinny. 
I completely forgot that Cliffjumper calls him Scream, which is oddly endearing. Like obviously it could just be a demeaning nickname riffing off of Starscream’s grating voice but Starscream doesn’t react that much to being called that, in fact he reacts more to Cliffjumper asking where Megatron is. 
RIP Cliffjumper, you were there for all of four minutes and twenty five seconds. You will not be missed by me babygirl. 
I need to reign in my hatred of TFP Soundwave or I’m going to get hunted for sport by someone. 
Optimus’ comment about them being the last five Autobots on Earth is interesting to me because it implies that there used to be more. Cliffjumper said at the beginning of the episode that it had been three years since the Decepticons were spotted but I don’t remember if it was ever stated how long exactly the Autobots have been on Earth. 
I didn’t notice that Bumblebee’s shoulders are actually his tire kibble, that’s very cute. 
“Optimus, helping humans will only result in more tragedy.” Ratchet is so real for this actually. I love it when there’s an Autobot who just wants to leave and doesn’t give a fuck about Earth or humanity, at least not in the typical “Oh these tiny organics need assistance from the big scary Decepticons.” 
$5.59 for two fast food meals. Fucking god I wish that was real. Burger is so expensive nowadays. 
Arcee tilts her side mirrors when she’s being tailed by those two vehicons and now I’m wondering if those are were her optical sensors reroute when she’s in altmode. Also she named her holoform Saddy! That’s fucking adorable. 
Sierra’s comment of “you know my name?” Is actually so funny to me as someone who lives in a small town. Because Jasper, Nevada is described as a small town. There seems to be only one school there and if it’s anything like my small town, you’ll know every single person’s name because you see them a lot. Jack also says that they’re in homeroom together which makes Sierra’s comment even funnier because like… girl? Do you know how homeroom works, you’re gonna know everyone there. So either the writers have never lived in a small town or Sierra is just a cunt thinks remembering people’s names is a weird thing. 
“I don’t exist, tell anyone about me and I’ll hunt you down!” FUCKING LMFAO???? ARCEE YOU CAN’T THREATEN TO HUNT DOWN A CHILD! 
I think they should’ve kept Jack as the guy who really doesn’t understand Cybertronians and kept getting freaked out by them. Like both Miko and Raf are very comfortable around Cybertronians from the get go but Jack is very much terrified by everything that is going on. But once he starts getting more comfortable around them he looses one of his main interesting character traits which is a shame. 
The fact that Raf’s mom just lets him play near a busy interstate kinda scares me. Like… does she not worry about car accidents? I’m probably overthinking that but still… surely there are parks or playgrounds or literally anywhere else that he could play. 
I’m still so mad that they made Arcee so twinky and small. She should be beefy and strong and she could still be short but ough… buff woman. 
I still think about the fact that Raf can just understand Bumblebee right off the bat. Like it’s cute and I’m glad they had one human who could understand him but like…explanation???? Even power of friendship would work. 
Bulkhead <3
Miko should’ve been the main human send tweet. Her whole thing with being a host student would’ve made for a really interesting plot considering the fact that the Autobots literally have a teleportation device that can transport people to anywhere in the world. 
I can’t not squeal a little at how cute Miko and Bulkhead are. Like the way he tenses up just a bit and steps back as she runs up to him completely unafraid. That is peak dynamic there. 
I want to put Ratchet in a blender. As a treat <3
Someone needs to put Megatron down. Also why is he shouting in the middle of space???? There’s no one there. This is for the audience only and is really funny to think about in universe. The first thing this dramatic fuck does upon emerging from the space bridge is transform and yap about being back. 
Other Notes!
Okay just going to ramble for a second as to why the TFP models keep throwing me off. It’s because they’re visually inconsistent. Not in the sense that the models are inconsistent from scene to scene, but because the backgrounds, bots, and humans are all in different styles. The Autobots and Decepticons are all these super highly rendered shiny metal with incredibly detailed textures that have scratches and dents and a bunch of little parts that all move or animate slightly as the character moves. 
However, the humans of TFP look like plastic. I think Raf’s hair best portrays this because it has a ton of volume and yet it just sort of sits there, like it was superglued into place. The character’s skin is also really one dimensional, it’s just a single texture. And then the backgrounds, while realistic like the bots, are very…Fallout esc, if that makes sense. They’re simplistic in a way that I don’t really think blends well with the characters.
This isn’t actually meant to be a critique of the show’s art style. Humans are wildly complicated to animate and I imagine most of the budget for animating and rigging went into making the Cybertronians look as cool as possible since they’re the main selling point of the show. It’s just a small thing I picked up on while looking at this show again. 
I will forever bitch about their lack of noses till the cows come home. Optimus opened his mask at 05:00 and I immediately recoiled in horror. Like I don’t think Opitmus looks particularly good without his mask in any continuity, but in TFP it’s especially bad. I understand what they were doing with the lack of noses, it makes them more uncanny and therefore makes them feel more alien to the audience. But unlike the Bayverse models, which have faces broken up by tiny little shifting pieces that masks some of that uncomfortable uncanniness, the TFP models have a single flat texture as their face plate which leads to them feeling off in my opinion. Megatron suffers the worst from this because I can only look at him and see one of those horribly bred dogs that have super fucked up genetics. 
But this is all personal opinion, I know plenty of people really like the TFP designs and that’s entirely fair. I gotta give props and credits to the team who rigged and animated the models because they did an incredible job. Shoutout to the hands in this series because they are as sexy as they come. And the optics of this series are also incredible!!! Love it when Cybertronians get optics that cycle and spin around. 
The voice acting is also a highlight! TFP had a great english cast and I really enjoy most of the voices. Currently Arcee is my favourite because she has a ton of screen time in the first episode and her voice actress really has the snarky, dry sarcasm down pat. 
-burnt ice anon (this is 1.5k words of notes dear lord)
this is so much longer and more comprehensive than i expected ashjvdhahahh. i gotta say i agree with a lot. the humans look waxy, but i always just deal with it by reminding myself of budgeting issues.... the fact that the bots dont have noses truly annoys me as someone who always starts drawing faces nose first, and also i just feel like that would make kissing weird. they're sucking on each other's flat faces and stuff. And Arcee should've been beefier‼️ but no matter, she really is one of their best characters.
also can i say, since we started with the designs... i think the bots are Too big compared to their altmodes. i keep noticing it over and over again, they're too big. okay, i am literally watching an episode right now and my point was proven because the tire in Ratchet's forearm was literally bigger than Raf. Not how big tires are. Anyways,
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transthadymacdermot · 5 months
Tagged for an in-character oc interview by @coarsely! we will be interviewing Eoin O'Donnell, an obviously undiagnosed but extremely autistic Irish Catholic Defender leader who constantly swings between well-liked and proverbially hunted for sport by the local community depending on the day.
Are you named after anyone?
After thinking for a long time, he finally comes up with, "I dunno."
When was the last time you cried?
"I shouldn't like to speak on it."
Do you have kids?
"Ha, none that you can prove are mine. Folk whisper about Sarah's Tommy, and of course everyone suspects about the neighbour's daughter who looks suspiciously little like her wee brothers and sisters, but you didn't hear nothing from me."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"Jesus, I can't abide sarcasm. Never know what folk are saying when they wrap it up like that. I would only ever do that to a man if I wanted him to know how mad I was at him."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"Something about the way they stand. Where they put their feet on the ground and how they balance. I do be avoiding their faces but I do declare, I get just as much out of looking at their feet as I would should I be forced to look at their eyes."
What’s your eye colour?
"Are you looking to create a description of me? I'll say brown." His eyes are grey.
Scary movies or happy endings?
"What is a 'movie?' Be it a sort of dance?" Upon the explanation being given, he nods enthusiastically. "Like a play. I seen some of The Rivals at the Big House last month when I went up with Thady*. It was-- well. All fiction does my head in. Waste of my damn time."
*His brother-in-law who he lives with
Any special talents?
"There's no one born within a hundred leagues as good with bones as I am. Man, beast, what-have-you, I can tell you what bone it is and where it came from and how long the creature's been dead and loads of other stuff depending on how good the condition is. Dictated half of the placards in the Marquess'* hall of curiosities so I did. He'd no idea, ha!"
*a local aristocrat with a large victorian-style cabinet of curiosities in his house. Charles' uncle, also
Where were you born?
"County Armagh. You won't know the exact place."
Do you have any pets?
"Well, none that are living. Do you count skeletal remains for this one, or-- you don't? More's the pity. I don't, then."
What sort of sports do you play?
He is visibly uncomfortable. "The-- the thing they do with the sticks. Obviously. Ha. Of course I do. Why shouldn't I? Nothing I love more than a bit of sport. Obviously. Next question. Please."
How tall are you?
"I dunno. Tall."
What was your favorite subject in school?
Once again, he seems extremely uncomfortable at the question. "I shouldn't like to talk on that either. The boys at school didn't like me. Go on."
What is your dream job?
"I-- I wish the Marquess would take me on permanently to sort of manage his hall of curiosities. Or if I could be an anatomist. I don't know. Sort of foolish." He seems embarrassed. "'Tis very well to just be a cottier of course. I don't mean to say-- well. In any case."
Tagging without pressure @orphanheirs @fortunatetragedy @chiropteracupola @olimpias and anyone else who would like to take part!!!
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
OC Interview Tag
Thanks for the tag, @willtheweaver (here)!
I'll go with Renn Atrius from Song of Thorns.
Were you named after anyone?
"I'm not sure. My parents weren't that close to their respective relatives, due to a myriad of reasons - the main one being that my maternal grandparents are vampire hunters, and my father was a vampire. You can imagine how uncomfortable the family meetings were. Dad said my name means 'honesty, love or benevolence' - I think it's a pretty great name."
When was the last time you cried?
"Hmm. I'm not sure to be honest. It was probably a while ago - I occasionally have nightmares about... well an incident, in my past. Those dreams do make me cry most times, but they have been few and far between lately, which is good."
Do you have any kids?
"None. I'm pretty young still for a dhampir - my current age is equivalent to 18 in human years, so I'm basically still a kid myself - and regardless, I've been too busy not being hunted by the people who want me dead and trying to rebel against the King to even consider something like that. I probably won't for a long time."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"Yes, all the time! Especially when I'm trying to annoy that fancypants asshat of a prince I have to travel with. That is priceless."
What is the first thing you notice about people?
"Let's see (starts listing the following with his fingers): if they're a Hunter, if they work for my psychopath of a grandfather, if they're another stupid villager ready to call a mob with torches and pitchforks to go after yours truly, and so on and so forth... There's a lot to consider when you're in my shoes. Other than that, I guess I try to notice their demeanor, a bit of their personality, and whether or not I'd like to waste my time talking to them."
What is your eye color?
"Light greyish brown, like my mother's. When I use my vampiric powers, my eyes glow a bright red, like blood but glowing like two little lanterns."
Scary movies or happy endings?
"Happy endings. I don't like the feeling of fear that much and the world is already horrifying enough for me to subject myself to more scares while reading fiction. Ha, if I wanted to endure something scary, I'd just have to tell a random villager I'm half-vampire or go out into the cursed woods alone. Happy endings are honestly my favorite thing about some books - they show us that no matter how bleak things may seem, there can be a brighter future ahead."
Any special talents?
"It depends. I'm a great swordfighter, have perfect aim with my bow and arrow, and am very agile - after my family was betrayed I survived mostly as a thief stealing from corrupt humans, so I had to learn how to climb things and be silent, which are also talents I consider special. Oh, and I can turn into either a giant bat or a really tiny one - transforming into a giant bat is easier and lasts for a longer period of time! My Dad taught me how to."
Where were you born?
"I was born in my family's manor in the vampiric lands, where I lived with my Dad until he was killed by a Hunter when I was around five years old, during a diplomatic visit to my human grandfather's lands."
Do you have any pets?
"Yes, I have a pet raven called Cornelius. I call him Corn for short! He's a little crazy bastard of a bird and I love his chaotic energy, haha."
What sort of sports do you play?
"I'm pretty active. I'm constantly running, climbing things, and fighting people who try to hurt me, so I guess that counts, plus I often fly around in my bat form, which is a great exercise for the arms (as they're my wings when I'm in my bat form). I also practice archery and sword fighting quite frequently!"
How tall are you?
"I'm honestly not sure. Probably 5.9ft. So around 179 centimeters? I think. I haven't had time to really measure my height if I'm being honest, haha."
What was your favorite subject in school?
"I was born a noble, so I would have had private tutors teach me instead of going to a traditional school like humans do - fey don't really do institutions like that, and learning from tutors and parents is the custom in vampiric and fey lands. But my Dad died when I was five - so I was orphaned and had to learn to survive on the run since the Hunters also wanted to kill me. I didn't really have that chance. Before that, it was my father who taught me how to read, write, and draw. He also used to teach me a lot about vampiric history and botany. When we visited my mother in the human lands she taught me a bit about sewing."
What is your dream job?
"I'm not sure. I would love to be an adventurer and help people whom the kingdom has forsaken, but I'm not sure if that counts as a job traditionally. If I manage to aid others during my lifetime in any way and make the world a better place than it was before, even if just a little bit, then that's enough for me."
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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willtheweaver · 5 months
OC interview tag
Shoutout to @somethingclevermahogony for the tag
Up this time will be Sorrel from A Feather in the Forest unlike all the other characters, whom are interviewed during the start if the main story, this one will be from at the end of the prologue.
Are you named after anyone?
Me? I would say ‘yes’, but I don’t know if I feel right doing so, as my name is a relatively common one.
When was the last time you cried?
The last time I seriously cried was just over a year ago. I heard there was an accident on one of the game trails. Caine…his leg was crushed by a falling tree. Only way to get him out was to amputate. They got him back to the village, but between the shock and blood loss, no one thought he would last the night. Cried and prayed, hoping for a miracle. Al-Gia heard…praise be the great deity.
Do you have any kids?
One. [lowers voice]Can you keep a secret? I’m not supposed to tell anyone, but you seem trustworthy. On my last hunt, I found a newborn crow in an abandoned camp. I consulted the Thá. She allowed me to raise it, but I have to keep it secret from the rest of the village. You see, there is bad blood between us foxes and the birds of the forest. So please, don’t tell anyone. Only me, Caine, and Opal(our long ruling Thá) are supposed to know (Also, what do you think of Fen as a name? I think it’s a nice name to have).
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Oh no. I would never be sarcastic…all the time, that is.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I notice if they are from Fernstan, or another village. Being a hunter means I spend quite a considerable amount of time in the forest, and I sometimes see hunters and border guards from the other villages.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
You,re telling me that you can make pictures that talk and move? I can take scares, but I would like to also see things end on a positive note.
Where were you born?
Here in Fernstan village.
Do you have any pets?
No, I do not. On another note, is that what they are called? I know that the Thá keeps insects in the spring and summer months.
What sort of sports do you play?
Competitive archery and axe throwing.
How tall are you?
34 inches in your measurements.
What was your favorite subject in school?
You must not be from around here. Having community members who do nothing but education is a concept that is not one found in this forest.
What is your dream job?
I would like to become First Hunter.
Tagging @elizaellwrites @mk-writes-stuff @spitefulbull @revenantlore @drchenquill @corinneglass @thepeculiarbird @kaylinalexanderbooks @elizaellwrites @leahnardo-da-veggie @tildeathiwillwrite @sentfromwolves @diabolical-blue and open tag for all who want to jump in
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For no particular reason here is some important, totally canon MHA lore courtesy of Smash:
The support course makes most of the stuff for the hero course including comedy props and robotic copies of the staff.
UA occasionally lets people who want to apply there watch classes and even take part in Hero Course lessons.
Momo can perfectly copy others' behaviour if she tries, can stop her lungs at will and is a magnificent opera singer.
Competitive baseball ceased existing after the dawn of quirks but Ochako is a fan anyway.
Fighting game combos are real but only Ochako can do them because her quirk lets her replicate weird physics engine bs.
Bakugo is an expert cook and baker but is also too scary to be asked about it. He's also a pretty good life coach, a favourite of local kids and one of the better rescuers on the team (according to Aizawa)
Endeavor is the most awkward motherfucker on the planet
Mt. Lady wasn't allowed to take hero courses due to her quirk but still decided to be one with some remedial courses to inspire other people with "volatile" quirks. This was a very mixed success.
Disney doesnt exist anymore but its remnant company is still an ass about copyright.
Izuku has a shitton of stuff about Katsuki in his notebooks and made multiple copies of it to hand out/in case they explode. He's also a cat's cradle expert.
The class is generally pretty good at improvised group dances.
All Might drafted up an anime about his life back in his early career and apparently it's Bad.
Midnight has a shonen rivalry fetish.
Shoto has used Half Hot before the Sports Fest but only in love doses and exclusively to attract cats. He also likes hunting bugs a lot (with a similar tactic) and doesn't know how mosquitos work.
Mic knows Muai Tai and wants to show it off really badly.
13's outfit is apparently a uniform UA just has on hand for Reasons.
Gonna respond to these individually so:
Love that! I've actually discussed before on the same wavelength of how the Support Course would be best suited to learn alongside Hero Students so they can see practical applications! I'd like more if they worked together a bit and/or the support students got classes where they just watch the Hero Training classes and take notes.
Honestly being allowed to check out potential schools you apply to does make sense.
Girl has many talents
how do you lose competitive baseball of all things? Like don't get me wrong I have little love for baseball, but why would it go away?
Ochako is best. Just fuckin. That's hilarious.
Katsuki being good at cooking is great but also being good with children? If a hero career never works out then housewife is a great option. (but also something something 'character with abrasive personality and power that's default dangerous and destructive also being one of the best with soft things that take patience like food and children)
This one? Beautiful. He's a loser. I love him.
It seems some bullshit that she wasn't allowed to take Hero Classes like. She can make a good Hero! And while her Quirk application is somewhat niche, it's not out of the realm of being needed. Hell, between her debut scene being fighting a giant villain therefore matching him in size, and the fact that this is a world where things like giant robots can exist, she's def needed. Like yeah she- she needs to learn to be a bit better about property damage but if she'd had gone to one of the schools and had experienced Heroes coaching her, that learning curve would be fantastic.
Disney will be Disney lmao
Izuku. Honey. I love you but that's a bit stalker-y and I would not be surprised if Katsuki blasts you into oblivion for that.
The gang is just all sharing a brain cell
All Might is also a fucking loser I love him.
I 100% think that all Heroes just have something for the shonen rivalry thing because like. Just. You need a close friend you can have a rivalry with to push each other to be the best you can be and then also spar with one another and oh hey getting pinned down like this is kinda hot ain't it? Every Hero has a 'type' and it's 'someone who will be affectionate but also throw me through a wall'.
Shoto using his fire to make himself warm and attract cats is fucking hilarious like baby!!!
Also a fucking loser I love him
That's hilarious actually
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OC Interview
Thank you for the tag @phoenixradiant!
I'm gonna do two of my antagonists and two of the most fundamentally opposite people in my WIP : Wadikir and Zatar
Were you named after anyone?
Wadikir: "Was I named after anyone? I'm not sure I fully understand the question? Most everyone is, aren't they? Hmmm? There was some first Wadakir, right?" He twirls his hair between his fingers, head tilted, his lips curled into an obnoxious smile. "What's your name? Eh, nevermind that doesn't matter. No, I do not know of any relations of mine that share my name."
Zatar: "My sister says I was named after our grandfather. Never met him. He might be dead. If he's not he might as well be."
When was the last time you cried?
Wadikir: "Cried...oh dear, a politician doesn't just talk about those things for free you know? But the last time that I cried hmm...oh I know! I lost a ship off the coast of Ikopesh about two weeks ago! Half a ton of Namutian Ivory...in some beast's belly now, ugh. Not to mention the price for replacing the vessel."
Zatar: "The day I was kicked out of the brothel where I used to live with my sister. I didn't want to sleep in the gutters again. I got over it."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Wadikir: "Do I use sarcasm? Only as often as I use my tongue!"
Zatar: "Sarcasm doesn't fill your belly."
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Wadikir: "Their hair! Is it combed, has it been cut recently, do they have the money to take care of it? Are they bald like an Apunian? Is it braided like a northerner? You can tell alot by a head of hair."
Zatar: "Their body."
Scary movies or happy endings?
Wadikir: "Hmm...I'll say scary. It's exciting, getting that little thrill! I already deal with enough happy endings."
Zatar: "I don't really like stories..."
Any special talents?
Wadikir: "Oh! I can write with both hands at the same time! I can stack tablets as high as me, I can do a handstand, I can thread a needle with one hand..." He continues to list random 'talents' seemingly without end.
Zatar: "I'm a hunter. I hunt."
What sort of sports do you play?
Wadikir: "Ugh sports...my father wanted me to wrestle. Do I look like I can wrestle? If I want to be grounded, I'll just have more business meetings with Makorans. I prefer games, exercises of the mind."
Zatar: "I've never played any."
How tall are you?
Wadikir: "I'm 6'1", impressed? Don't be, I'm so thin I could probably slip through the gaps in door frames if I wanted to!"
Zatar: He shrugs. He is a huge man, nothing compared to someone like Narul, but amongst humans he is imposing at about 6'7".
What was your favorite subject in school?
Wadikir: "I didn't go to a school, but don't worry I'm educated. Debate has always tickled me."
Zatar: He stares at you.
What is your dream job?
Wadikir: "Hmmm...King of the Green Sea! Wait no...too much to do then...hmmm...come back to me and I'll let you know."
Zatar: "Serving my king."
Tagging @roach-pizza , @jclibanwrites , @the-octic-scribe , and anyone else!
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