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OC ref sheets part 1
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Fine. Bridget/Aoife toxic yuri
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transthadymacdermot · 10 days
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Drawing Mary. women's flat chests 🔥 🏳️‍⚧️
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transthadymacdermot · 3 months
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Paul Óg poaching fit. his dog is called Sicín
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transthadymacdermot · 2 months
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The lads pause for a smoke break. back row left to right Paul / Donal and his maternal cousin Eoin / Aodhagán front row the Maguire brothers Máirtín and Cuan
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transthadymacdermot · 26 days
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Come laddies come, hear the cannon roar / take the king's shilling and you're off to war (x)
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transthadymacdermot · 3 months
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Mourn not for them for their trials are o'er/and why weep for those who will weep no more/for sweet is their sleep, though cold and hard/their pillows may be in the old churchyard etc
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Decided to finally bite the bullet and bravely send you an ask bc we've been following each other and silently interacting for weeks now but I just want to say I am SO curious about and invested in your OCs. Please talk to me about your favourite, I am desperate to know more, they seem so richly fleshed out!!!
Omg I'm so glad you like them! ok so my favourite, to probably no one's surprise, is my babygirl Eoin O'Donnell
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Primarily he's just called by his first name or by his surname depending on who the speaker is but he is sometimes also called "Eoin Dubh" (pronounced roughly "owen doo" or "owen duff" depending on the dialect of Irish; the characters would pronounce it in the former way) which translates to "Black Eoin," black here being more akin to "evil" rather than anything about skin colour (as Irish that meaning is so much more prevalent that the word for Black as in skin colour is "gorm," literally meaning blue, to avoid calling someone evil).
Anyway he's a young (maybe mid 20s but his age is vague) man living in the south of Co. Armagh in what is today Northern Ireland in... a vague time in the late eighteenth to early nineteenth century when there's a war with France and widespread agrarian violence. His location is also vague (are u sensing a theme) but it's very rural, primarily catholic, and here's on the map roughly where it is on a map of Ulster, the northernmost province of Ireland. ignore the other stuff on the map this was the only one on my camera roll lmao
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Eoin is... a deeply troubled young man. His childhood was marked by poverty and a father who he only learned wasn't called "da" when his name was announced at his execution. When he was in his mid teens his mother essentially kicked him out of the house to go earn some money, following which he descended as quickly as any 16 year old boy suddenly independent into crime. This eventually got him arrested and he was given the choice between the noose and the army; after choosing the army he successfully convinced several of his new comrades to desert with him and become highwaymen. When his aunt found out about it she dragged him home and forced him to join the local anti-landlord anti-protestant gang so that he could have a more. um. socially acceptable. outlet for what she saw as a natural inclination towards violence. Nowadays he leads this gang and generally terrorises the countryside with his friends.
Personality wise he's known for being a womaniser and kind of generally not right in the head. This second fact is mostly because he's autistic and therefore has a really really hard time connecting with people or controlling his emotions but has no idea why (and it frustrates him constantly because he knows something's wrong but he can't figure it out and causes him to lash out. horrid). His autism also causes him to throw himself wholesale into people pleasing in the weirdest way possible; essentially much of his whole gangster schtick is about trying to get the other lads to think he's cool and to get his neighbours to either deem him so necessary he can't be excluded or be so scared of him they don't dare piss him off by picking him last during a game of football again or whatever. Likewise, he sleeps around so much because he feels less like someone is trying to kick him out of the club for being strange & off-putting when he's literally on top of them. Also ❗ he has a whole complex surrounding the concept of evil because from day 1 he has been taught by everyone from The Establishment to his own damn aunt and uncle that he's horrible or evil or even actually demonic because he's autistic / he's Irish / he's poor / his dad was an awful person and it has caused him to spitefully throw himself into being the worst person possible and to, to quote my notes, "develop an abrasive personality and a tendency towards extreme violence and kinning the devil."
Some more stuff about him:
His special interest is in what we would probably term the natural sciences today... think Stephen Maturin but with fewer resources. He loves bones and skeletons and reconstructs models of birds using collected bones and wire in his spare time
He's illiterate. He speaks English and Irish fluently and has some Latin but he can't read or write at all, with the exception of being able to kind of scribble his own name
He lives with his girlfriend Aoife, but their relationship kind of sucks in that he mostly just uses her for someone to do his laundry and she primarily likes him because she thinks it's hot when he kills people. Also he's obsessed with his childhood friend Mary, a similarly troubled young woman who does love him back but REFUSES to even date him until he STOPS killing people (since it's dangerous etc). Aoife on the bottom right and Mary on the top left below
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Eoin's best friends are his cousin Donal McCluskey and his friend Dan Maguire. Dan is like his partner in crime and they're close enough that. well. you look at them and think one drunken handjob in 2006 if you know what I mean. and then he kind of uses Donal as an emotional crutch because Donal is also a whole case unto himself and loves to flay himself alive emotionally for other people. Dan on the bottom left and Donal on the top right above
Ummm his other most important relationship is with Kathleen, the daughter of the local pub owner. She's a longtime fwb of his who he has a complex and sometimes extremely toxic relationship with. She helped him fake his own death once, he distracts her father while she smokes behind the pub rather than running the damn shop, etc. They have fun
He was of course raised catholic -- though he doesn't really attend mass as an adult for obvious reasons -- and his confirmation saint is Michael
If u have any more questions PLEASE ask them I could talk about him for 1000000 billion years. or I can answer questions about his friends too. genuinely they're like parasitic organisms in my brain atp
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transthadymacdermot · 1 month
Okay you know what who give a shit I'll just post it today. 1600 word little short... uh... thing about eoin and maguire tng running into a pair of soldiers who attempt to convince them to go die in the napoleonic wars, and. well. I had a first cousin etc etc. not the happiest with it + it's not the most polished but whatever
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transthadymacdermot · 1 month
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King George commands and we obey, over the hills and far away 🕺
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transthadymacdermot · 11 days
Writing this chapter was like pulling teeth and I think it's lightyears from being my best work but ummm whatever have chapter 2 maguire torment nexus where he goes home and considers killing everyone
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transthadymacdermot · 2 months
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Deciding lots of new things about Eoin's cousin Donal lately, much like a prophet receiving visions from an angry god
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transthadymacdermot · 2 months
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Actually yer honour he's never done a single thing wrong ever in his entire life
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transthadymacdermot · 4 months
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And although that we are single & free we take great delight in our own company etc
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transthadymacdermot · 2 months
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Sometimes one is compelled to draw one's special little guy half naked
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transthadymacdermot · 2 months
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Mildly effeminate guy friend after 2 cups of punch: ccan yuo please get me pregnant
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