#he is so happy with his apron 🤣
endlich-allein · 2 months
Till, Veltins-Arena, Gelsenkirchen, 31-07-2024 @ guidokerres
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reveluving · 10 months
Ok, so Soap and shy wife. We all know he's the definition of sunshine/happy puppy and has the energy of an entire class of kindengarden. Imagine when they first meet the couple and he's all loud and jolly, and wife quietly shakes their hand and says "Nice to meet you" and he INSTANTLY quiets, because he's proud of his Darling to meet his friends/family, also because they're all wondering how she puts up with him🤣❤
LOSING MY MIND AT "they're all wondering how she puts up with him" BECAUSE THAT IS BASICALLY THEIR DYNAMIC 🤧💗💗
Includes: tooth-rotting fluff!
COD x shy!wife thots closed! Thank you, everyone, for your time & amazing minds! I sincerely hope I can do this again with y'all soon! 💌
Come & check out my COD m.list!
You just know this man does not shut up about you every time he meets up with his team for work. 
And then, one day, he surprises them with a “she’d love y’all to come over one day.”
“Didn’t you say she’s a lil’ shy?” Kyle voiced out everyone’s thoughts, so to be offered not by the man himself but the meek lady in question was a little surprising, to say the least.
“She is, yeah, but she’s open t’meeting a few pals o’mine.” Johnny meant it to sound casual, but with his mates knowing him for a long time, it wasn’t hard to catch the hint of care in his voice.
And, well, it would be rude to decline a lady’s generous offer, now, would it?
Johnny’s hyped, no doubt, his friends—no, brothers, and his other half finally meeting in person. They didn’t even have to ask, just by the way he was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel or the way he hummed to the radio, likely a playlist the two of you shared.
And with the boys holding some sort of gift for you, just as a thank you for the invite, you greet them by the door as soon as your husband announces his and his friends’ arrival. 
With Simon physically being the closest to you, you wiped your hands on your apron before holding your hand out. Simon nearly struggled with his strength, not expecting your lack of hesitation to greet him, out of all of them.
You introduced yourself, “It’s nice to finally meet you guys.”
Ah, such a sweet voice. So sweet that had Johnny not gone on and on about your shyness, they would’ve thought you were scared of them. But, you weren’t and the proud smile on Johnny’s face says it all. 
Why wouldn’t he? With your warm smile and even willingness to shake Kyle and John’s hands as well. Albeit, you had a habit of looking down every once in a while, especially if they tried to show their respect, i.e. complimenting your cooking, the decor or you in general, it was hard not to find you endearing.
But God knows how you, of all people, manage to put up with his nonsense. 
In the words of Johnny; “Opposites attract, after all.”
And seeing it now, to say Johnny was whipped…. Was putting it lightly.
It’s funny to see Johnny trying his best when it comes to lowering his gruff voice for you, even if you loved it just the way it is.
Though he has a lot of things to tell you, so much love to give you, you have his full attention the moment your lips part.
Each time you open your mouth, he closes his. As if fearing that one word from him would mean talking over you entirely, and he couldn’t bear the thought of that. The hearts in his eyes were tough to miss. He’s expressive, too, hanging on your every word like you were giving him a task when it was just you talking about how you learnt to make the lasagna you served for dinner.
‘SHUT UP, MY BABY HAS SOMETHING TO SAY’ type of beat, but it’s the man who’s saying it that has the loudest voice (and the gentlest heart).
But they’d be lying if they said they didn’t enjoy listening to the stories of how you met and how emo Johnny gets when the dates or outings don’t go his way, even though it all went well in the end.
Why wouldn’t they enjoy seeing his soul leave his body when you mentioned his baby pictures that his mother not only showed you but gave some to you as well?
“Johnny, c’mon, now, she’s a part of the family! She’ll need some photos o’you for when you move in together soon.” Says his mother, gifting you probably a stack of them, as if unfazed by the sight of you and Johnny covering your faces, the temperature of your body heat rising that even you feared you might pass out right then and there. He couldn’t even find the energy to stop his sisters from teasing him.
But besides allowing you to embarrass him a little, even if it wasn’t your intention, your home is another.
A small unit, located on the second floor. The candlelight colour, the cute indoor plants in each room, and the seats. 
Oh, the seats.
John nearly passed out just moments after he sat on it. 
Just by the way you maximized the apartment space, it’s no wonder Johnny always looked forward to returning home. Not necessarily the apartment, but to you. 
Dare they say, the visit felt like a ‘cultural reset’ (is that what the kids are saying these days?). Largely because one; they were able to finally confirm that Mrs MacTavish is a real person and two; one cannot simply ignore the dynamic you and Johnny have. It may be eye-roll-worthy to some, but Johnny learns it isn’t something worth fighting about. So long he has you, those people can yap and nag about it all they want. 
Bonus: John’s definitely the type of person to tell Laswell about it like it was some kind of a mission—like it was almost unbelievable to see you, well, you!
“M’tellin’ ya, Laswell. As soon as his wife had something t’say, he shuts up faster than when I tell him to.” He chuckled before taking a sip of his drink.
“Sounds like a keeper to me.”
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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sillyrabbit81 · 2 years
Love Sick
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Prompt: Slow & Romantic, Medical Play from @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden (x) Thank you!
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Female Reader
Word Count: Approx. 2.9k
Warnings: Smut, hand job, oral sex (m receiving), mentions of body fluids, made up medical treatments.
Authors Note: As always I need to thank my amazing mates and readers @nashibirne , @amberangel112 and @henryobsessed your thoughtful and honest comments (and special knowledge 🤣) are always appreciated.
I found this prompt particularly tricky as medical play isn't a kink I'm overly familiar with, but in the end I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and I hope you enjoy it.
I'm sorry, but I barely had time to read over it, it was edited by me, on the fly there will be errors
Dividers by me.
Celebration Masterlist
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There is a knock on the door to your small hut. Your hands are busy pouring a heavy pot of freshly prepared Eucalyptus oil through a cheesecloth strainer, so you call out to the visitor.
“Come in.”
You hope it's a customer, you could do with the money, but immediately curse yourself. You love being a healer, but you hate that you often have to rely on the misfortune of others. Maybe it will be a young woman, happy to be pregnant and they’ll ask you for assistance to deliver the baby when the time comes. 
You hear the door open and close. Still pouring the freshy made oil, you glance at the door and very nearly lose the preparation that took you over six hours to make.
“Geralt,” you whisper.
His brows raise slightly in surprise as he greets you by name in a low rumble that you hadn’t heard in nearly two years.
You’re frozen by the shock of seeing the Witcher again and by the uncertainty of how to react to his unexpected appearance at your door. You stare at each other, he seems as unable to decide what to do as you are.
Geralt's brows raise higher and he says your name again, this time with urgency and while taking long strides to your side.
You turn back to your work and curse. In your bewilderment, you haven’t stopped pouring and oil is leaking over the sides of the cheese cloth and onto your table and apron.
Geralt takes the pot out of your hands and you start to mop up the spill. It doesn’t look like you lost too much and you sigh with relief. When you’ve wiped up as much as you can, you  try to take your apron off, but your fingers are oily and make gripping the tie difficult.
“Let me,” Geralt says. You jump, you didn’t realise he was standing so close behind you.
His fingers brush across the bare skin of your neck as he pulls at the strings of your apron and his touch makes your spine tighten and lock. His body presses against your back as he reaches around your waist and unties the long doubled over strings tied your front. He doesn’t move when the apron loosens and you pull it off, instead he rests his hands on your hips while you wipe your oily fingers on the roughened cotton.
“I have to wash my hands,” you say, proud of the fact that your voice is calm and strong. “Take a seat.”
You slip out of Geralt’s reach and over to your fireplace. You take the kettle from its spot on your stove and pour some heated water into your wash bowl and quickly lather your hands in soap. You take the time to compose yourself. There are so many questions running through your mind you aren’t sure where to start.
“How did you find me?” you ask while you dry your hands.
“I didn’t,” Geralt says. “I’m as surprised to find you here as you are.”
You nod and keep rubbing your dry hands against the towel.
“It wasn’t for a lack of trying,” he mutters under his breath.
Your brows furrow. Geralt had tried to find you? You found that odd considering the events that led to your parting of ways.
“So I shouldn’t have to move again? Did I cover my tracks?” you ask, dreading the answer.
“If I couldn’t find you, it’s unlikely those fools could.”
You let out a breath you weren’t even aware you had been holding, then fold the towel and place it next to the basin. Although Geralt’s answers are a relief, they do raise more questions.
“So what brings you here then?”
Geralt shifts in the chair. “I was passing through.”
“No, I mean why are you seeking a healer? Are you hurt?”
“No,” he says.
“Then what do you need a healer for?”
“Nevermind. It can wait until I get back to Kaer Morhen.”
“But that's several weeks' journey from here.”
“Vesemir will know what to do.”
“Geralt, please? Just tell me.”
He hums, his lips thinning as he thinks. Then he takes a deep breath and says quickly, “I think I’m unwell, or maybe poisoned by something I am unfamiliar with.”
You frown. He sounds uneasy, that isn’t like him. Immediately your clinical detachment overrides any other emotions you have about Geralt’s unexpected appearance and you begin your examination.
“What are the symptoms?”
“I can’t sleep. There’s an ache in my chest; it’s as if I can’t breathe sometimes. I get headaches, and my heart races sometimes. I can’t concentrate and I’m slow to react.” He relays the information in a tone that tries to make him appear unbothered, as if any one of those symptoms aren’t serious enough on their own, let alone altogether.
“And how long has this been going on?”
“Months,” he says.
Mentally you start checking off symptoms and ask clarifying questions, but each answer he gives only adds to your confusion.
Eventually you shake your head and begin to gather supplies and motion towards the bed. “I’ll need to do a physical examination. Please remove your clothes and lay on the bed. You can cover yourself with the sheet.”
Geralt doesn’t move and for a moment you think he is going to refuse. Then he stands slowly, and begins to pull his loose black shirt from his leather pants.
Although you are a healer and are used to seeing men in all sorts of compromising positions, your face burns while you watch him undress out of the corner of your eye. The last time you saw him partially naked… You shake your head as if that will stop the memories of the night he helped you escape from your old village’s Alderman and his cronies.
When Geralt is settled on the bed, you begin by finding his pulse in his neck. His skin is so warm, almost hot, but not quite feverish. You don’t know a lot about Witchers and how their mutations affect their anatomy and function, but you know enough that Geralt’s heart is beating far faster than it should be. 
Your hands move over his chest and down to his belly. He jumps slightly as you dig your fingers into his skin. For a moment your detachment slips and you bite your lip as you look down at your hands resting on Geralt’s stomach. Your fingers brush over his smooth skin in a motion that's much too much like a caress to be professional.
“I’m sorry,” you say, “I should have warned you. I get in my head sometimes and forget that the patient doesn’t know what I’m doing. I’m trying to feel your organs to make sure none are painful or swollen.”
He nods and you inhale deeply, trying to regain your clinical attitude. 
You prod at his stomach, searching for his liver. You have to press hard, pushing against muscle much firmer than even that of the strong farmers you’ve treated over the years.
Quickly you become lost in the work and your hands move gently over his muscles, checking his stomach and guts, and his bladder. You’re so caught up in your examination that you don’t notice the growing hardness that lays over his abdomen until your palm accidentally brushes against it.
You pull your hands away as if they had been burnt. You look at Geralt and your lock onto his deep amber eyes. He’s blushing.
Geralt is blushing.
But he does not look away and neither do you.
“When was the last time you were with a woman?” you ask.
There is a subtle change in his face, a slight tightening of the jaw before he finally averts his eyes. 
So you can’t rule out some kind of sex disease. Your ears and cheeks feel aflame, but you have to ask. 
“When was the last time you touched your…”
Geralt's jaw still twitches beneath the rough growth on his cheek. “I can’t remember.”
“Days, weeks, months?”
“Why haven’t you?”
Geralt drags his gaze back to you and those amber eyes of his are bright, almost glowing in the firelight. It's the kind of look that would once have had your knees shaking, but you put your hands on your hips and look back just as steely eyed.
“I need to know if it still works, Geralt. Can you still maintain—”
“Can you reach—”
“I don’t know,” he says harshly. Then his voice softens and he says quietly, “I haven’t tried.”
“Why not? Lack of motivation or interest?”
“Then why? Lack of available women? I find that hard to believe.”
“It's not hard to believe when the one you want isn’t available,” Geralt mutters so quietly you almost don’t catch it.
“Oh,” you say softly.
You’re beginning to realise what might be wrong with him, but first you have to rule a couple of things out. Your mouth is dry as you clear your throat and lift the sheet and trail your fingers up his inner thigh.
“I have to check… here.”
Geralt closes his eyes, his jaw clenches, and his whole body goes tight as you enclose his sack with your hand. Gently, you roll them with your fingers, searching for lumps or signs of abnormalities. But you find nothing except a perfect example of male vitality, even if he was unable to father children.
Your fingers itch to move higher, to feel his throbbing cock in your hand. He looks so big and thick beneath the thin sheet. You bite your lip as you withdraw your hand, but your eyes never leave the growing wet patch that turns the cloth translucent enough to see the dark and angry reddish, purple skin of the tip of his cock.
Geralt's hand wraps around your wrist stopping you from making your retreat. He says your name in a voice thick with lust.
“Don’t stop,” he says, guiding your hand back beneath the sheet. “Please, I need…” his voice trails off as the tip of your fingers grazes the silky smooth skin of his cock.
“I can help,” you say. “I can give you relief, but it won’t be enough.”
Geralt looks stricken. “Why not?”
“I think you ache. Your body, your mind, your heart… But most of all here…”
You wrap your hand around him. God, he feels so hot and hard, you’re barely able to suppress a moan. Geralt doesn’t hold back, he groans as his hips give a huge jerk and raises himself up and leans on elbows. He throws off the sheet and groans again at the sight of how small your hand looks wrapped around him.
“She must be beautiful,” you say.
“Who?” he says, his eyes fixed on your hand.
“The one who you’re in love with. The one who is making you unwell.”
Geralt tilts his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
You stroke him, moving your hand softly, while you try and fail to keep yourself detached from what you are doing. 
“You’re nothing more than lovesick,” you tell him, “I can give you some relief but if you want to be free of this pain, then you must have her.”
He doesn’t say anything, but his lips part and his chest works hard as he keeps staring at your hand. No, not your hand, now he’s staring at you.
“She is,” he says sincerely, “She’s very beautiful.”
“She’s very lucky,” you say.
Geralt shakes his head. “I would be the one that's lucky to have her.”
A spike of jealousy pierces your heart and completely shatters your carefully compartmentalised rational objectivity and releases a surge of erotic desire. You pause, staring into Geralt’s scorching eyes and wonder what on earth you are doing.
You take a deep breath and turn away from him, desperately grasping for a way to remain aloof.
“Lay back and close your eyes,” you tell him.
“It’s better for me if I watch,” he says in a voice that reverberates from deep within his chest.
“Oh,” you breathe.
“Keep going,” he says, “I need this.”
So you keep going. You start lazily, stroking, working him, trying not to notice the pulses of the thick veins, the silkiness of his skin as it slides over him, or the fluid that gathers at the tip that your thumb collects with each sweep over the head.
Harder to ignore are the sounds he makes; the moans that start as gentle rumbles, almost purr like in his throat and quickly become guttural groans.
His hand moves down his belly, slipping beneath your pumping arm and his fingers graze his balls before pulling gently on the skin. 
You can’t stop yourself and you glance at him, his eyes are waiting there for yours. He growls, sweat breaks over his brow and makes the hair on his chest glisten in the firelight. He’s beautiful; the quintessential picture of maleness, and full of animal sexual lust. 
And he can’t take his eyes off you.
The hand between his legs is suddenly wrapped around your waist as he sits up. His mouth is so close, all of him is so close, and somehow just being held by him is far more intimate than having your hand wrapped around his cock.
His hand is on your cheek, his nose rubs against yours and he whispers, “Why did you leave?”
Your brows furrow with confusion. “I… Because I got away. You said you’d help me get away and that was it, we’d go our separate ways.”
“I said I’d take you somewhere safe. That I’d keep you safe.”
“Same thing,” you say.
“No,” he says so softly, it's barely more than a rough breath. “No it’s not.”
His thumb runs over your lips, his fingers caress your neck. 
“I searched for you,” he says. “For so long. Then, I mourned you. I still mourn you.”
“I’m right here, Geralt,” you tell him. “I’m alright.”
“But I’m not. You made me love sick.”
You gasp. Your body starts to tremble, as you try to make sense of what he said. 
His fingers cover your lips to hush you and he whispers, “Don’t stop, let me have this just once and I’ll be gone if you want me to.”
You nod and he sighs with relief. You look down at your hand still firmly wrapped around his cock. Keeping your eyes on Geralt’s, you bend at the waist, licking your lips. His eyes grow dark as he watches your tongue peek sweep across the soft verges of your mouth.
“Fuck, what are you doing?” Geralt asks, in a voice that hints at panic but also deep longing.
You keep lowering your head until your lips brush over the silky skin of his cock and your lips part, taking him into your mouth. Geralt shudders and with a long moan, falls back onto the bed.
His hands cradle your head, stroking your hair, caressing your neck, touching you as much as he can while he arches up into your mouth. You fall into a rhythm, your hand moves over him while your mouth follows, sucking softly and massaging with your tongue. 
It’s not long until his breath starts to catch in his throat and starting at his thighs and belly, tremors seem to work through his muscles until his whole body is trembling.
He’s close, and part of you wants to draw back because you don’t want this to end so soon. But he lifts his head and you see the look on his face, see the need burning in his eyes and the unspoken desperate plea in his parted lips.
You move faster, sucking harder and taking him deeper into your mouth. He needs this and you want to ease him of the suffering he’s had all these months. He bends his leg, his heel digs deep into the hard mattress as he calls your name while his body surges. He holds your head in place while he begins to release thick and heavy jets into your mouth.
A little shaken, you release him from your mouth and raise your head. You let him go, allowing your fingers to trail over his thigh while his muscles twitch as he catches his breath. His eyes are closed and a smile breaks across his face.
While your heart soars to see him enjoying his post orgasm euphoria, there is a heaviness in your chest.
Geralt loves you.
And you don’t know what to do about it.
While he’s distracted and to hopefully give you time to think, you fall back onto what you know. You pour fresh water into your wash bowl and bring it over to the bed, carefully wring out the cloth and begin to wash him. Falling into an almost meditative state, you start to wash his hand, watching with satisfaction as the road dust and dirt wipes away.
You work your way up his arm, then his shoulders, then you lean over the broad expanse of his chest to clean his face. His eyes are open now, watching you expectantly.
He lets you wipe his brow, then down his nose and sweep across his cheeks. Before you get to his lips, you lower your head and press your lips against his.
As his arms encircle your waist and he kisses you back, you decide you will never let him become love sick again.
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buckgasms · 2 hours
...god forbid soemone hurt bunny and buckys littlest girl. Bunny recently has come into a phase of pretending to be a perfect stay at home mum who bakes all day! Naturaly she just pretends that she's made all the cakes and pastries when really it was kitchen staff. She bought a cute apron and everything! Her and bucky first foster is a cute little 7 year old girl that they both adore, sadly the school she's going to is treating her pretty poorly. She was bullied a lot before they got her and no one did anything about it- the first incident of a teacher being horrible to their little rabbit made them see red. So naturaly when that same teacher pages a visit to the strip club bunny had to make herself known and hurt the bastard.
After the incident bucky got a private teacher who'd come to their home and teach their little rabbit away from prying eyes.
I can see the two becoming yandere parents if I'm honest
Omg nonnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You absolutely sold me on the idea 🤣 i really really love this.
Bunny playing housewife is amazing, because yes she has mellowed but she still has her cute little quirks. She wants to create the absolute perfect home but has none of the patience to do it, so yeah store bought dished out onto an expensive crockery is the best she can do.
I feel like when they bring in a new foster the other kids have to explain that we all just pretend she cooks the food herself and makes their beds and all that normal stuff.
They don't mind though, because as a couple they all know Bucky and Bunny have their backs no matter what. It's not about the material stuff, it's the fierce love and devotion they are given without question that the kids all love.
And it's funny because normally they adopt teens but they took a chance on a little girl, only 7, obsessed with princesses and Disney, and they realised how much they love this little rabbit and would burn the world down to make her happy.
Oh just imagine.
She comes home from school, quiet and red eyed. None of her usual peppy chatter about some artwork she created or a game she played in the school yard.
None of the other kids can get her to explain what's up, so they tell Bunny.
Bunny sweeps her little rabbit into her arms and cuddles her tight and comforts her until she feels better. Bunny's heart pounds as she hears about this dumb ass substitute teacher who told their rabbit to stop talking, criticised her handwriting, told her stickers were not appropriate for her maths book.
Tears abound.
And when Bucky finds out about it?? Heads are gonna roll.
Obviously Bucky has plenty of cuddles for their littlest rabbit and assures her that the teacher won't be there tomorrow to upset her but of course she can have a week of school to recover if she likes.
That evening Bunny is in the passenger seat of Bucky's car, driving through the city, down some grubby streets until he pulls to a stop outside a unimpressive brownstone.
"Is this a good idea? Are we setting a good example for the kids?" Bucky asks as he steps out, reaching for your hand as he joins you on the sidewalk.
You lean up and press a kiss to his cheek. "You are so hot when you're being a good dad... And they don't need to know about the specifics, they just need to know we've got their backs, no matter what..."
20 minutes later they are climbing back into his car. You take his hand in yours and press a kiss to his bloodied knuckles. You both feel satisfied he won't be upsetting more little kids, especially not your little rabbit.
You also probably have wild sex in the car before you get back too because you just have so much pent up energy and horniness at how fucking hot he is.
The next morning everyone is happy to see little rabbit laughing and giggling again with Bucky and you at breakfast over her favourite pancakes.
They don't mention the swollen knuckles or the buzzy look on your face as you hand them all packed lunches for the day and send them off with a kiss.
I feel like having a private tutor in their home wouldn't work because Bucky doesn't want strange adults in his house. I think once she goes back to school and everything is back to normal you are both satisfied.
Omg I'm also imagining if little rabbit does a few unhinged things that make them love her even more. Like she plays with Barbie's, but the storylines are all about spies and subterfuge and you walk in on her conducting a fake interrogation with a little flash light shining in Ken's face as she scowls at him??????
Omg I die, nonnie what have you done to me!!!!!
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greensagephase · 10 months
Alondra, I loved the Thanksgiving Nonviolent Communication Drabble!! This was just so sweet to read, especially with seeing Miguel and readers' friendship really show now that they’re starting to feel more comfortable being with one another. The fact they have dinner every Saturday now!! 🥹 and when Miguel can’t help but smile when he sees reader working with him 😭 and when he blushes a bit when reader compliments him and his cooking! its just too cute!! I can't help but say thank you every time you include the coffee cup detail, I just smile so much when I read it! The whole interaction of them trying to ask each other to have dinner with one another for Thanksgiving??!! I was giggling so much reading that, too cute! and Lyla just absolutely helping with the conversation 😂 I love how their conversations have also gotten more causal, in the way that they banter more, Miguel smiling more!! I also just love their friendship!!
The messages with the gang was so cute too, and omg this line “The whole government name...” from Hobie when Miguel finally responds 🤣 but the fact Miguel was actually open to invite everyone over for dinner too 🥹 I love how we're seeing him open up a bit more now that he's really trying to change for the better, and its just so nice seeing it come into fruition slowly. I’m so happy that Miguel is making so many new wonderful memories in his penthouse!! I keep mentioning this but I smile so much every time they say “always” to each other, I’ll never get over it! ❤️
The conversation with Peter B- first I love the way you write him too, you capture his personality really well! and just- he knows that this friendship between you and Miguel is special 🥹 and I know he's rooting for them too!! ok and the reference to Lyla's secret stash of photos 😂 of course they're appropriate photos only, right? (I love how you write Lyla too! her little quips with Miguel is always funny!!) The ending of this was really sweet too, despite Miguel holding back still with physical touch, the day that one of them comforts the other physically- I'm going to freak out (in a good way) but I still love the slowburn of it all!! I can't wait to read more and see their friendship evolve!!! I hope this doesn’t sound too cheesy but I’m thankful for coming across your story on here and just- thank you everything, and for continuing to write Nonviolent Communication, especially with how busy it can be this time of year!! Thank you, Alondra!!! ❤️✨
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I couldn't help but sketch these out from this part right away!! no seriously I loved all these moments, and Miguel in the apron 👀
Hi @sunsetdoodler !! I'm so happy you loved the drabble!! I had a lot of fun writing this for different reasons, one being I just wanted a sweet and comforting moment for Thanksgiving with Miguel. Then it was also fun because it's very lighthearted compared to what I've been writing for part 11. On top of that, it was fun thinking about what their friendship looked like at this point of the year when part 11 takes place 4+ months before. Lowkey feel sad I didn't get part 11 out before then because now we'll have to jump back in time 😮‍💨 but AHH I loved the progress in their friendship and as you said, how much more casual their conversations are on top of the fact they have dinner every Saturday (I just love it so much!!). Also, Miguel throughout this entire drabble was SUCH A TREAT. I loved writing him looking at reader behind his shoulder and smiling; blushing when reader compliments him; and him cooking all of dinner (I also loved including that he had already bought everything 😭). And omg, the coffee cup detail!! I will include it as many times as I can because I love it even though it's such a small thing but so important!! Haha, the part with them talking in unison to ask each other about dinner and Lyla knowing what's going and just taking the opportunity to tease them- I had to!! I don't include Lyla a lot in the main parts but I wanted to for this and it was so much fun adding her teasing to the drabble (especially her clapping at the end for them and Miguel telling her to shut up!!
Also, the messages from the gang! I had so much fun with those! You can tell because I even went in and color coded them as much as I could with the colors Tumblr has to their assigned colors; my favorite one to do was Hobie's for the inconsistency! 🤣 The "full government name" line - the way I knew I needed to include that and have Hobie say it! Definitely one of my favorite things about this drabble, not gonna lie! I also love that Miguel found it amusing! Regarding Miguel being open to inviting them, SAME! Once again, it was fun to think of where Miguel is at months in advance (seriously, I'm upset I didn't put part 11 out sooner) and have him being open to inviting them to his home and making a new memory in his penthouse (I just want this man to feel happy in his own home, I swear 😭)! And their little "Always"! I've been feeling like maybe I'm including it too much but I love it so much because it's theirs, just for each other, so I'll just continue using it.
I'm so happy you liked Peter B's conversation and the way I wrote him! I was actually nervous about it because I haven't included much dialogue for the other spider members and I always like to keep it as close as possible to how I think they'd actually speak. So, I was literally writing that part yesterday and playing around with the structure of his statement to see what made sense while hearing Jake Johnson's voice in my head (I didn't mind it one bit because I love him but it was kind of funny I was sitting there writing this in between breaks while cooking with my family lol)! But yes, he knows it's a special friendship and he's definitely rooting for them (so is Mayday, hehe 😌)! As to Lyla's secret stash of photos - we can only hope but we're not too sure right now. Miguel has tried to look for the file but can't find it so I guess only time will tell 😂 but omg, no, writing Lyla for this drabble was so much fun, I swear! I wish I could include her more in the main series but most times reader and Miguel are having serious conversations and so it just doesn't feel right to include her sassiness but maybe now that reader and Miguel are more casual with each other, that might change! And thank you, it seriously makes me so happy that you like the way I wrote her and Peter B.!
Omg, Miguel thinking about physical touch and that whole little part just made me wish we were there already but we must remain strong! It's coming soon but not yet. I already have that part planned out and just thinking about it makes me want to scream in a good way because before we get to that good screaming part there's gonna be sad screaming and that's all I'm going to say about that but just know - reader and Miguel having intentional and full on physical contact is coming soon!!!
And @sunsetdoodler 🥺🥺 I'm thankful this story found you because you're seriously one of my fav moots! I genuinely love interacting with you whenever we get the chance to! And no need to thank me 😭but I will try my best! I wish I could've posted part 11 sooner but I've been busy decorating the exterior of my home for Christmas, which I'm not even done with lol! But thank you so much for the lovely and kind words as always!!
AND NOW LET ME TALK ABOUT THESE SKETCHES!!!! The ones with them facing each other and the visibly height difference on top of the EYE CONTACT JHDGLK (God knows I couldn't handle that but for Miguel O'Hara I will certainly try my best 🫡) - DEAD!! The way Miguel's face is so soft and he just has this look of adoration for her and just AHHH HE'S SOFT FOR READER with his raised eyebrows but then the way his face changes with Lyla when he tells her to shut up!!! SO CUTE OMG!! Then Miguel's somewhat amused expression as he reads Hobie's message (I didn't mention this earlier but I couldn't stop thinking about their interaction in ATSV when Miguel meets Miles and he's getting on to Gwen and Hobie and he tells Hobie, "I'm just gonna try and ignore you - I just can't - I can't even-" pretty sure he says "I can't even look at you"(?) at the end and Hobie's response! I like to think they still keep this kind of interaction but it's more friendly now especially with reader being what ties them together lol)! AND THEN MIGUEL IN AN APRON!!!! No because why does Miguel wearing an apron sound so comforting to me???? AND HIM DRYING HIS HANDS - I swear I'm delusional for going mad over the most basic things ever but AHHHH!! Thank you for drawing these sketches and showing them to me!!!! I LOVE EACH ONE SO MUCH 😭❤️ Also, I love Lyla at the top just watching this unfold hehe, I swear I need to include her more in the main parts but THANK YOU SO MUCH @sunsetdoodler !!!!! Also, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you found the time to relax a bit this week despite having so many projects! Thankfully the semester will be over soon and you can truly relax!!! Sending you a warm virtual hug and wishing you the best as you enter the last few weeks of the semester! You got this!!! ✨❤️✨
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smallestapplin · 1 year
I can't wait for Arthur to break out the baby pictures 🤣🤣🤣
You’re gonna come over for dinner, Ingo and Emmet in tow.
You’ll be greeted by Arthur, who’s wearing a pink lovedisc apron and making dinner.
But once that’s been left to shimmer, he’s slamming not just one, but two giant (very nice) albums.
He’s very involved with his family, and very close with his sons.
Hell, the only reason you didn’t meet their dad soon was just because of work, and how exhausted they were.
So you’ll be sitting next to this giant of a man, while Emmet is trying to get the albums away.
“Dad, please.”
Emmet loses once again.
Though both Ingo and Emmet try to hide their faces, as they are just so embarrassed.
Blushes darkening when they hear you coo and awe at how cute they were!
“Oh, this picture was taken after Emmet learned how to walk.”
Arthur chuckles “You think he’s a menace now? The second that boy learned how to move his legs, there was no stoppin’ him. He’d take off like a zubat outta hell.”
The picture in question shows a baby Emmet, dressed as a little train conductor, with what looks to be Arthur’s hat in his hands.
Being help up by the scruff by Pepper the Herdier, who doesn’t look too amused.
“He managed to snap a pork chop, that I had yet to cook, and bolt the second I had my back turned. Luckily Pepper was already on him.”
“And somehow, in the span of two minutes, Emmet had already left the area, teething on a raw pork chop.” Ingo chimes in, cackling at the offended gasp his twin lets out.
“I am Emmet. And I hate both of you.”
The three of you laugh, knowing Emmet is just playing.
But it’s hard not to laugh when he’s sulking like that.
“Ooo what about Ingo?”
Oh that gets Ingo to fall silent.
“Yeah dad! What about him?” Emmet’s grin turns evil.
Arthur hums for a moment, flipping through a few pages before tapping on a picture.
“Don’t know if you noticed, since it’s healed up so well. But Ingo’s got a scar on his hand, because when he learned to walk, he wanted to play with all my Pokémon.”
You remember the twins telling you Arthur worked as an engineer, and worked on keeping the subway safe.
His team was made up of a Herdier, a Ferrothorn, a Klinklang, a Excadrill, a Conkelder, and a Lampent.
You also recall earlier seeing pictures of the Ferrothorn(named Buddy) with styrofoam balls on each of his spikes.
“He wanted to pet Ruby, my Excadrill, but she was sleepin’ when he crawled over. She’s a good girl, and is mindful of her claws, but he spooked her. She jerked her head up and cut his hand.”
You look at the picture, and see it’s baby Ingo, being held up by a very guilty and sad looking Excadrill, meanwhile despite the cut, Ingo looks happy to be held by the Pokémon.
Arthur snorts “He’d throw the biggest fit if I tried to put him to bed, he wanted to sleep on the Pokémon’s bed with ‘em.”
“We have videos of it.”
Arthur’s eyes light up at the mention of the home videos.
The large man is quick to get up and go looking for them.
You look to your boyfriends with a smile.
“I like your dad.”
They both sigh, they are so relieved you do, but now you’re going to happily sit through every childhood story.
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marenwithanm · 6 months
Oh!! What headcanons/plans do you have about Wood's family? And/or Who was the hardest to design?
Hi thanks for the ask! I don't really plan on going into Wood's family and such during the actual comic, so I'm happy to lore dump it all right now 🤣 he's probably the one who I've thought the most about for this question, because there's literally nothing to go off of. Also I got another ask for question 9 (which is asking about all of the links families) so I'll go into my thoughts on the other Link's families there.
So Wood was a normal kid you could find anywhere, living in a small village. (I can't decide if I want that to be on the outskirts of Hyrule or not even in Hyrule in the first place). He had parents who worked hard to provide for him and his little baby sister. His dad was a wood worker, and made the little play sword he still carries around (so Wood is quite attached to it. Sure would be a shame if it were to, oh I don't know, snap in half one day 😈) One day, while he was out playing, Ganon's armies raided the town. It went a little something like this:
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Wood survived, of course, but the head trauma combined with the emotional trauma left him with spotty memories. He's been wandering around since, mostly just trying to stay alive in the monster infested wilderness. Until one day, he runs into the Princess's nursemaid, Impa, and is tasked with saving the land of Hyrule.
So basically Wood did have a family, but he can't really remember that fact beyond some blurry faces and a feeling of warmth. In between the first game and Adventure of Link, I think he spends some time trying to remember where he came from, and maybe even finds the ruins of that village, but that's a story for another time. It does make his fight against Ganon a bit more... personal than he first realized 🤣
Aaaaanyways, onto who was the hardest to design. I tend to stick pretty closely to the base designs of the Links (which is part of why I think other ppl's links meet aus are so cool how do y'all come up with such neat designs????) but if I had to chose someone it would probably be our ✨Mysterious Figure✨. But I can't talk about him yet so second hardest would probably be Rock. There are two toon links in Little Links (wind waker and minish cap), and I didn't want either to just look like the stock toon link design.
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(plot twist, this one is neither minish cap or wind waker link, its spirit tracks link! and unless you're a mega nerd and notice that the line art being colored is a spirit tracks thing (and maybe the belt being grey and the shield design, there's really no way to tell lol. So, you can see why I wanted to stay away from that)
Ocean was easy, just put him in his outset outfit and you're done. But Rock was a bit harder since he doesn't have any alternate outfits in game. I ended up going with a blacksmith apron and long sleeved shirt and pants in the toon link colors. I like his design, but I do sometimes worry he isn't recognizable as Minish Cap Link on his own. But to be fair to me, the only way you can recognize Minish Cap Link even in offical art is with Ezlo on his head and I can't exactly do that here since its before everyone's adventures, so I think I did just fine. As for everyone else's designs I really just took their offical art and in game designs into account. Like Pinkie's red shoes are just from alttp Link's sprite
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Ocean has a bracelet because he has one in wind waker and I extrapolated from there.
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I do kind of wish I had done something fun with Wood's eyes, since his loz 1 sprite has dual colored green and brown eyes, but oh well its too late now.
Also, sorry this answer took so long, I wanted to include a bit of art but its my spring break right now so its been a hectic (but fun) week
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eviltiddyprodnz · 1 year
xo kitty : episode 5
I was sketchy on team friends with Dae but just let it be babe. you need someone who'll at least be around and also his contact photo for Yuri is the one where she's kissing him on the cheek and you never got to do that and that hurts my heart 😭✋
my sister getting an F oh it's bad for her
they're going to celebrate Chuseok together !!! honestly was so random (?) and weird without the brother angle. she's about to cook a massive feast 💀🙏
Minho is going to help her but he has still not managed to wiggle into my good side. Drag her sister kitty !
the way I've never read a wattapad story in my life but through internet osmosis i thought this was one of the random dream sequences because he was being nice and cooking. (technically it happens in stories after they've slept together but we move 😂)
Kitty needs to get fun new nails!!! blue is so :|
the teddy bear apron
lmao Minho when were you team kitty let me catch you
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them being nice to each other is making me go 🫨
Yuri is being super nice for showing up to Dae's house but i once again beg what about kitty 😭😭😭
how do people cook with their hair open
damn Minho really needed a friend. he's just telling her everything 🤣
I'll let have kitty have the magic of finding the one despite that everyone she knows who's in love is still pretty young 💀
I hope she does not talk to him at the dinner table in front of other people 🙏 if there's one kdrama cliche I'm happy to avoid it's everyone finding out your business in public at the same time as you.
thankyou so much for coming everybody! even though all of you have happily ignored my girl till this point 😔 professor Lee has no family!? Not them zooming in on him when she said that
the way i can't even be mad at dae and yuri but i still feel a sting for kitty because i'm team kitty
Jesus fuck is she going to ruin Kitty's gift. NOT THE NECKLACE YURI NO
why can't kitty win once
damn alex might be professor Lee's son but was Lee there in 1993?
Someone get Kitty a lifeline when does she get to be happy
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Minho called her Covey, I fear it's over for Dae (Yuri you will crumble, literally what was the reason)
I do not know in what world a guy was talking to other women makes you more interested but slay Lulu! You just gave Kitty a lifeline
get Kitty better shoes
Yuri is currently on my bad side
Oh for a solid second i thought alex was going to say i think you have a crush on me 💀 but slay he picked up context clues well 🙏
Yuri's mom buring a picture of her and Kitty's mom alone with a glass of champagne on a table with no one besides her as dramatic music plays what was Kitty's mom doing here 💀
Also I totally skipped the what happens this season after the first episode and went back to watch it. This might get interesting!!!
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The Journey's Just Begun (Chapter 2: Home At Last!)
Intro: OMG THIS TOOK FOREVER! I'm am so sorry guys! Yeesh! I've got to get faster. Anyway, I hope you all like this new chapter. I tried to accurately write Hugo's PTSD from his previous life with Donella and Cyrus. I don't know how good I did, but I did my best. So, I guess that's what counts. Also, I've done a great injustice to portraying romance. Namely Ulla and Quirin. I'm am so sorry.🤣 I'm SO terrible at the lovey dovey stuff! Hopefully I'll get better at that. Honestly I'm better at comedy. (Oh! And as usual, please do not tag as Varigo! This is a Sibling AU! Thank you guys!) Now without further Ado, the chapter! (EDIT: Fixed a big mistake in the continuity. Note to self: Never update when under pain meds.🤣)
Chapter 1 ⬅️ Chapter 3➡️
Summary: Varian is finally going home! And Hugo and Ulla are with him! Hugo is nervous about meeting Quirin. He's a an ex-knight and a lord? Yikes! But that becomes the least of his worries when a "technical mishap" occurs.
Trigger Warnings: Brief Implied Abuse
Varian drove the caravan down the road that led to Old Corona. It's engines we're on it's last legs and he hoped it would make it at least to the edge of the village. Varian couldn't wait to see his dad again! It had been so long since he'd been home. He could hardly wait to be back in his old lab. And have some of his dad's home cooked meals. And it wouldn't be just him and Quirin anymore. Varian looked over his shoulder at Hugo and Ulla. They were sitting in the back. Ulla was excitedly talking to Hugo about everything she wanted to do now that she was free. And Hugo looked all to happy to be spending time with her. Varian figured it was the only real exposure he'd had to a good mother figure. And knowing that said mother figure genuinely cared about him made everything better. The sight warmed Varian's heart. He couldn't be happier with two of his favorite people with him.
Of course the pets were there. Ruddigar and Cheese were sitting on Varian's bunk and appeared to be reading a Flynn Rider book together. And Frankie and Buttercup, the two puppies that Hugo and Varian had found were also present. Buttercup was snoozing on Hugo's lap. And Frankie, being the bundle of energy he was, was trying to get Ulla to notice him by tugging on her apron strings. Ulla put the squirmy puppy in her lap to calm him down. It wasn't very effective. He instead took to tugging at her sleeves. Varian smirked. That pup was nothing but trouble sometimes.
Despite all this, the caravan still had a feeling of emptiness in it. It was strangely quiet without Belle and Jacky. Jacky and Belle had left to find places to stay at the capital. Ulla had offered to take them in, but they didn't want to encroach on the family. For a house that was used to having only a father and one son, having a mother and another boy in the house would be quite the change already! They promised they would find a good place to stay and to keep in touch. Varian hoped they would be okay and that he see them again soon. Varian had other worries too. They had made plenty of enemies on their journey. Some of them were still alive and searching for them. He hadn't told Ulla yet, out of fear of what it would do to her. And Donella? Donella was a whole other story. Telling her that her best friend had turned evil and tried to kill him and his friends? Varian had contemplated simply not telling her, but the truth would get out eventually. He shook the worries from his mind and tried to focus on the positive. He turned back toward the road. "We're almost there guys!" he shouted to them!
"Yes! Can't wait!" said Ulla! "One thing a have to do now that I'm free is check out the capital! I haven't been there in years! And Varian told me that the princess there had magic hair, but she doesn't anymore. But I'd still love to meet her! She was stuck in one place for a long time just like me! Of course, she was stuck in a tower for eighteen years and I was stuck in a library. Did I tell you how happy I am to be out?"
"Yes." Hugo chuckled. "A few times."
"Oh right! Ugh! I'm sorry! I'm so excited. I can't wait to see Quirin again! I wonder if he's changed much?"
"What's Quirin like?" asked Hugo curiously. He wasn't gonna lie. He was a bit nervous meeting Varian's father. He didn't know what to expect.
"Oh! He's the best! He's kind and thoughtful! And he loves everyone in the village! You'll love him! And he's gonna like you too! The last time I saw Quirin, he was a knight for the Dark Kingdom! And klnow Varian tells me he's been farming all this time! Tall about a crazy career switch amight?" rambled Ulla. Hugo's eyes widen. "Wait, he's a knight?" Varian realized he never told Hugo much about his dad.
"Uh, yep! Well he was knight."
"You mean knight as in, has military training?" asked Hugo worriedly.
"Um, yes. Is this a bad time to tell you my dad's kinda the lord of Old Corona?"
"WHAT! Wait, your nobility?!"
"You didn't tell me that Varian! Cool!" exclaimed Ulla.
"He didn't tell me either!" said a very flustered Hugo!
"I guess... It didn't cross my mind. I mean we've been on the road most of the time and running from you know who."
Hugo stood there with his jaw dropped. He didn't know what to say.
"Who's this You Know Who?" asked Ulla.
"I - Uh- N - Nothing!" Hugo stammered. He hugged his knees and took a deep breath. "Okay. He has military training AND connections to the crown. I've make sure I get on his good side." Hugo was so anxious, he didn't even realize he was talking to himself. But Ulla did.
"Hey, it's okay Honey." Ulla rubbed his back. Hugo looked at her. "Don't be so nervous. He's gonna love you. You're a sweetheart. It will be fine. Okay?" Hugo nodded. Ulla pulled him into a side hug. Varian smiled. He heard everything. The caravan climbed over one last hill. At the top, Varian could see Old Corona stretching out before them. "Guys! We're here!" Varian tried to put on the brakes to slow down. But nothing happened. Varian looked down surprised at the brakes and tried again. Nothing. Varian's eyes grew wide. "Uh oh." He thought. He tried again. And again! And again! His panic rising with every attempt! Suddenly Ulla and Hugo both noticed the commotion up front. They both looked at Varian in confusion. "Everything okay?" Ulla asked. "Yep! Just fine!" shouted a very frantic Varian. He turned around and gave a fake grin. Suddenly his hairstripe started to glow!
"Gah!" yelped Varian and he frantically covered it up with one hand before quickly turning back to the dash, his face reverting back to panic. Now, this whole "Hairstripe Glowing Thing" may seem strange. But there will be more on that later. Varian furiously began pressing the brakes again. Hugo looked at Varian clearly struggling with a deadpan expression. "Varian. You're not fooling anyone. What's up?" said Hugo.
"Okay. Nobody panic." said Varian. "But uh... I think the brakes went out."
"WHAT?!" shouted Ulla and Hugo!
"I said don't PANIC!" said Varian, who was panicking.
"We're not panicking!" Hugo said as him and Ulla frantically ran up into the cab! "Who says we're panicking?" (He was though.)
"Maybe we can jump out!" said Ulla!
"We're going too fast!" replied Varian.
"Okay! Well, what if we hit something soft?!" Ulla suggested.
"Not any people I hope!" yelled Hugo as he spotted some bewildered farmers watching them pass by in their fields! Varian spotted some hay stacks in the distance. He got an idea! "That's it!" he said! "If we cut the power, and steer into those hay stacks, we should stop!"
"The ones on the other side of town square?!" shouted Hugo terrified!
"Yep!" replied Varian!
"Okay everyone! Strap down! This is gonna get bumpy!" called back Ulla! The puppies ran and hid under the bunks. Ruddigar grabbed Cheese and jumped in a crate!
"Guys? There's only one problem with that plan! The fuel intake is one the outside!" said Hugo.
"I know. Hugo! Take the wheel!" said Varian!
"Varian?! What are you doing?!" said Hugo as he switched places with Varian!
"Saving us!" said Varian, as he began to climb out the window and onto the hood!
"VARIAN! Get in here!" Yelled Hugo! But Varian was already almost on the caravan's hood! "Be careful!" shouted Ulla!
"I don't worry! I'll be fine! I hope." replied Varian, who's was now hanging onto the hood! He opened it a crack and began fiddling around, trying to find the fuel intake. He found it and yanked it out! The engine made a loud BANG noise and then lost power! They we're moving purely on inertia now! "I got it!" said Varian excitedly! Suddenly he almost lost his balance! Varian yelped and waved his arms, trying to keep his balance! Ulla and Hugo gasped! Ulla kicked the cab door open, grabbed Varian, and pulled him inside just as he began to fall off! Hugo looked over his shoulder at Ulla hugging a very shell shocked Varian! They were both on the knees! Clearly neither of them had the nerves to stand up.
"Oh my gosh! You have me a heart attack!" Ulla said!
"How do you think I feel?!" said Varian shaking!
"HOLD ON!" yelled Hugo as they neared town square! People had already spotted them and were running out of the way screaming!
Varian's father Quirin was quietly turning the soil in one of his estate's many pumpkin fields. It was what seemed a mundane or tiresome task. But for a man that had seen many a war and bloodshed, there was no better peace found then in tending living things. Unlike most nobels, he enjoyed working the land. Instead of leaving farm work to the lower classes, he always helped in farming the land surrounding his estate and in bringing in the harvest. It always brought him joy to see his people working together and with him. However, lately he had been a bit depressed. Even when doing his favorite farm chores. He lifted his face to feel the calming presence of the wind and sighed. He's gaze fell upon the road that led away from Old Corona. The wall surrounding the kingdom had been long since torn down and he could see the road reaching far into the distance. It had been almost a year since Varian had left down that very road. And Quirin missed him more everyday. And it was agonizing to not know if his boy was safe. He turned to go back to his chores when he heard a familiar sound faintly in the distance. He looked up and searched around for the source. It sounded like Varian's caravan! And people screaming? He looked toward the town! Was that Varian's caravan?! At first, Quirin got excited. But something seemed off. Quirin peered at the strange sight in the distance. Where we're the caravan's horses? And why was it barreling toward town?! Something must be wrong! Quirin quickly threw down his gardening hoe and mounted a nearby farm horse. Quickly, he began riding toward the town!
Hugo steered wildly through the town, trying not to cause any damage! "Sorry! Excuse us! Coming through!" he shouted as another group of farmers ran out of the way! Varian just knew they were going to get an earful from them later. "LOOK OUT!" Ulla yelled as they dodged a horse drawn cart!
"Was that Ulla?!" said a villager as the caravan sped past! At this point, everything was pure chaos! Chickens were fluttering! People were running, jumping, and screaming! Objects ranging from fruit to tools we're flying everywhere! And Hugo was trying his hardest to navigate through it all! Quirin reached the village just in time to see the caravan shoot out of it like a rocket! It wizzed past him and steered into a nearby field. Hugo headed for the largest hay stack!
"Making contact in three, two, ONE!" said Varian! And with a FOOMP the caravan crashed into the hay stack! Hay and dust went flying! But the caravan had stopped! Quirin stared in shock at the crashed caravan. Then rode toward it. He dismounted his horse and ran up to the cab. "Varian?!" he shouted and banged on the cab door! Suddenly the door swung open! Varian pocked his head out! He was covered in hay, coughing from the dust, and his googles had slid over his eyes! "Hey! *Cough* Guys! I think we- *Cough Cough* I think we stopped WAAA-" Varian clumsily fell out and into Quirin's arms! Varian looked up at him.
"Dad!" he said excitedly!
"Son!" said Quirin hugging him. Varian threw his arms around Quirin's neck as he was lifted clear off the ground in his embrace. Quirin was incredibly relieved to see his boy. He was finally in his arms again. Safe and sound. Varian was just as happy and buried his face in Quirin's shoulder. The scent of familiarity calming his soul. Just then, Quirin heard the sound of someone approaching. He looked up curiously. He caught sight of someone walking out of the cloud of dust behind the caravan.
"Varian?" said Quirin. Varian looked behind them. Then smiled. He knew who it was. The figure got closer and closer. Then walked out of the dust. It was Ulla. Quirin's eyes widen and his jaw dropped. He slowly put Varian down. Ulla coughed from the dust and brushed off her clothes. Suddenly she locked eyes with Quirin. Her arms dropped to her sides and she stared at him. They stood there for a moment. Not daring to move. Was this real? Were they really together again? Ulla gulped and broke the silence.
"Quirin?" she said quietly.
Quirin nodded. He had tears in his eyes. A smile broke out across his face.
"Ulla?" he said. Ulla gasped excitedly and ran toward him! Quirin reached out to embrace her. Ulla leaped into his arms. Quirin lifted her off the ground in hug, just like with Varian. And spun her around before stopping and holding her tight.
"It is you!" said Ulla through the joyful tears. "It's really you!"
"I thought I'd never see you again!" said Quirin. This was better then he could have hoped for! His son AND wife had come home! Varian meanwhile was practically quivering with excitement. His whole family was back together. Just then Ulla and Quirin gave each other very passionate kiss. "Woah! Oh, uh." Varian blushed and looked away with a nervous laugh. He didn't want to encroach on their moment. They certainly needed one after being so far apart. A crowd began to gather. They had made a big commotion and everyone was curious.
"Is that Varian?" said one.
"Of course! Who else would it be?" someone answered.
"Who's that lady? Is that Ulla?" asked another.
"Yes! I think it is! She's back too!"
Soon Varian lost sight of his parents amongst the town's people. But he heard his father reassuring them that everything was okay. The back doors of the caravan opened and the puppies scampered out. Followed by Ruddigar and Cheese, who staggered from the rough stop and fell right out of the caravan! They both laid on the ground, trying to stop the world from spinning. Hugo staggered out next.
"Hugo!" said Varian! Quirin and Ulla turned their eyes toward the boy walking dizzily towards them. Varian ran up to his friend and began leading him toward his parents! The crowd had began to dissipate and there was clear path now.
"Come on! I want you to meet my dad!"
"Heh. Great Hairstripe." said Hugo. "Let do th-" Hugo froze in front of Quirin. Hugo was not expecting him to be so... GINORMOUS!
"Hugo, meet my dad! Dad? Hugo!"
Hugo nodded and tried to fight the urge to run away. "H-Hi..." Hugo squeaked. Hugo was used to be the tallest around. Having someone towering over him like this was a bit unsettling.
"Hugo is my best friend and also pretty much my brother. At least we think of each other that way. Kinda like you and the Brotherhood?"
"I see." said Quirin.
Quirin looked toward Hugo for confirmation. But Hugo was too focused on wondering just how strong Varian's father was. He looked like the type that could snap a tree in half! Quirin looked Hugo over. He clearly wasn't from Corona. And had a few piercings in his ears and an undercut. He was also very pale compared to Varian. Quirin guessed he was from one of the colder kingdoms. He felt a twinge of suspicion, because he looked a bit like some of the thieves he'd seen hanging around Bayangor. But his demeanor didn't seem threatening. In fact, he looked quite nervous. Quirin was always a bit awkward in social situations. But even though the boy seemed a bit different, he wanted to make a good impression. Especially since he was one of Varian's friends. He put on a friendly smile and shook Hugo's hand. Hugo almost jumped out of his skin in surprise. He looked down at Quirin's hand in shock. It practically engulfed his own. And his grip was like a vise! "Well Hugo, it's good to meet you. You and Varian seem very close. You're welcome to stay with us if you like."
"Th - Thank you." Hugo stammered. After his hand was let go, he rubbed it and let out a nervous laugh. "I'm sure you're all tired from the journey." said Quirin. "Let's go home. We can all rest and talk there." Ulla squealed with excitement and took her husband's hand. "Let's go Varian!" She said.
"Yeah we'll be right there!" he called back. "Come on!" he said patting Hugo on the shoulder. "Let's get out stuff from the caravan.
"Right." said Hugo. Varian ran inside the caravan. Hugo paused and looked nervously after Quirin and Ulla walking away. His eyes fell on Quirin's fist. A brief frightening memory of Cyrus raising his fist to strike him ran through Hugo's mind. Hugo flinched and shut his eyes. He gritted his teeth as he tried to make the uncomfortable memory fade. He took a deep breath and let himself calm down. The memory faded away a bit. He looked up again at Quirin walking away, before hurrying to join his brother in the caravan.
Varian shut the caravan doors closed and locked them. Him and Hugo had their packs of stuff ready and on their backs. "Alright. Let's go home." said Varian tossing the keys in the air cheerfully. They began to walk down the road toward Varian's home. The pets ran on ahead. "You're gonna love this place. It's kinda quiet, except when your know, I'm causing accidental explosions - But besides that, it's really calm and laid back!"
Hugo didn't answer. Varian noticed his mind to be other places.
"Hugo?" he asked.
"Hm? Oh! Sorry Var! I uh, heh. It sounds better then anything I've had to call home."
"Right." said Varian. Hugo was being strangely quiet.
"You okay Hugo?" he asked.
"Huh? Oh, yeah! It's just, I didn't expect your dad to be so BIG."
Varian snorted and laughed. "You think he's big, wait till you see my house. Oh! Oh! I have to show you my lab! I built to be state of the art and fully functioning! And I don't want to brag, but I have some of the best technology in this part of the Seven Kingdoms there."
Hugo stopped in his tracks. Varian stopped too and looks at him worriedly. Hugo looked down at the ground and rubbed his arm. "Varian?" said Hugo quietly.
"Yeah bud?"
"Do you think... Quirin likes me? I thought he seemed like maybe he didn't."
"What? Of course he does! I'm a hundred percent certain he has no problem with you."
Suddenly Varian's Hairstripe began to glow brightly and stick up!
"Gah! Uh, eh! Heh heh heh!" Varian frantically tried to pat down his mood ring hair. He gave Hugo a sheepish grin. Hugo looked at him with a deadpan expression.
"Yeah. I'm sure." he said sarcastically. Varian sighed and his shoulders dropped. As I said before, Varian's hairstripe had been a little different since he left. At one point in his journey, he also seemed to have acquired Moonstone powers. And with that, his hairstripe had been able to tell lies from truth. It has to do with the "Connected to Emotions" part of the magic. Eventually after a rather frightening adventure, they had figured out that somehow, a small piece of the Moonstone was inside him. And he had not yet figured out how to remove it.
"Okay. So maybe my dad was a little thrown off by you. But I don't think he really disliked you. He just has a hard time with new things sometimes. And that includes people." Varian's hairstripe stopped glowing and fell back down. "That hair of your is a tattle tale, isn't it?" said Hugo with a smirk. Varian sighed again.
"Yeah. But look." said Varian. "I know you're nervous. That's perfectly understandable. But I'm sure that Dad will warm up to you. And besides. We got mom on our side. And she loves you. That's a big win in our favor. You'll do fine."
The stripe didn't light up this time. That seemed to give Hugo a little confidence.
"Promise?" Hugo asked.
"Promise." said Varian confidently. Hugo smiled and hugged Varian. Suddenly he looked at the estate in the distance, than at Varian. Then he bolted off!
"First one to your house wins!"
"Hey!" shouted Varian! "Looks like the old Hugo is back." he thought. And the two boys took off running toward Varian's home laughing! Hugo tried to leap over a fence. But his foot got caught and his fell flat on the ground. Varian vaulted clear over the fence and kept running. "You can't beat a country boy sucker!" he shouted back at Hugo. "I was born and raised here!"
Hugo sat up and looked toward Varian with a mischievous smile. "We'll see about that!" He shouted as he got up and took off! Varian looked over his shoulder and saw Hugo gaining! "Shoot!" said Varian! Of course, to look over one's shoulder, you have to not look forward. Varian turned back to the path and saw he was heading right for a flock of the sheep cross the the path!
"Holy Flynnolyum!"
Varian skidded to a stop right in front of the flock. The sheep all looked at him in shock. As if he'd offended their great sheep ancestors by almost plowing through them. Varian laughed breathlessly. "S-Sorry guys." he said. Suddenly Hugo ran past Varian, leapt up, grabbed a tree branch and swung clear over the flock! He land safely on the other side and ran off laughing. "Hey!" shouted Varian!
"We'll see who wins now Goggles!" shouted back Hugo! He dodged carts, trees and fences, completely leaving Varian in the dust. "I'm gonna win!" He thought. Suddenly Hugo gasped and skidded to a halt. He was stopped infront of one of the biggest houses he'd even seen. Hugo stared at it. He didn't even notice Varian catching up! Varian spotted Hugo standing frozen in awe. This was his chance! Varian ran past him and touched the front door knob! "Ha! I win!" said Varian.
"Yeah! Only because I was in shock!" laughed Hugo. "You live here?"
"Yeah! Pretty big, huh?" Varian motioned to the house with a flourish. The house, or more accurately a castle, was bigger then even some of the mansions Hugo had been in. He stared up at it. It's tallest tower seemed to reach into the sky. "You want to come in?" Hugo looked down at Varian again. The door was open and Varian was waiting for him. "Sure!" said Hugo.
"Great!" Varian walked inside. "Come on in!" Hugo walked up the front steps. He almost walked inside. But then he remembered something important. Where were the pets? Hugo looked around for them and spotted them by a nearby sheep pen. Ruddigar appeared to be scolding the puppies for chasing the sheep. Ruddigar angrily paced back and forth chittering. Then pointed at a sheep that appeared to be missing a small patch of wool from its hindquarters. Franky had a mouthful of wool in his jaws and didn't look the least bit sorry. He was wagging his tail and all smiles. Buttercup on the other hand was looking down at the ground embarrassed. And Cheese meanwhile, appeared to be having a conversation with the sheep? Perhaps apologizing to them? He was sitting on the fence whirling at three sheep. All of whom were staring at him intently and baaing now and then. Hugo stared at the scene perturbed. Then shook his head in confusion and walked through the door.
To be continued....
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fighting-these-demons · 3 months
Alright Final Episode Let's Go
Arajin only makes stones for people he REALLY cares about and it's so nice to see how he first fell in love!
He admired Matakara SO MUCH!!! And from the other flashbacks it wasn't immediately obvious that Matakara was actually the one training first.
Before it seemed like Arajin was training and then Matakara admired and joined him! (And honestly this seems like a retcon but I'll take it.)
Nice! He saw some sweet adorable boy and his unwavering spirit and it filled him with his own spirit and determination! That's SO SO SWEET!!!
And I know I've said it before but he's kept at that carving hobby and chasing that high of the reaction he got from his favorite person loving the gift he made ever since he gave that first stone to Matakara.
Getting to see Arajin's reaction to Matakara's reaction is so great!
Augh childhood memories of giving gifts of affection.
The framing of this show continues to be The Most. 😂
That frame would be PERFECT reference for a Throwing Cards / Suicide Joke fanart.
Similar eyebrows and facial hair on Senya's part too.
Sorry. Reflex.
He's finally wrestled past his shame and wants to help Matakara!!!!!!!!
Lmao the guy in her soap opera has the same name as Kenichiro just about. How appropriate because that is EXACTLY how I was reacting last episode!
Im glad she's happy about her son finally getting a chance at love. (In her eyes/assumptions)
I've seen people frame her as gross or sexualizing her own son but I've gone through the entire series now and that's never been the case!
We have a CLEAR EXAMPLE of Incest in this show and its Mahoro.
Arajin's mom has never once salivated or lusted after her son or been inappropriate with him.
She's invested in his love life and so happy for him when she assumes that he's making progress but she's never once been weird with him like Mahoro is with Marito.
People are so quick to demonize this woman that just really loves romance for absolutely no reason. She's literally just cheering for him and happy for him and trying to give him space and opportunities.
She's also nosy and spies on conversations but it seems that she's doing it out of concern and care for her son and just checking in on him.
And hell the fact that she's supportive of him ending up with a girl or a guy is great. She doesn't judge him for that. She just wants him to have what she had with his father before he (assumedly) died.
Also God that monk was So Fine that poor Nun. 😭💔
How did they run out of water? Why were they walking through the dessert??
That would be a cool romance anime if someone would make it.
I'd love to see angry Catholics foam at the mouth over it too ngl.
Also also I love that apparently they're so close that she regularly dishes to him about her shows. Probably to his annoyance but there must have been a time before the show where he was receptive to it or she wouldn't still be doing it.
JavaPetals Yay! 💖💖💖
God if TT doesn't get SOME kind of affirmation after all of this. 😫😭
Man I know its a funny bit but all I am is disappointed that him and Cat-Guy aren't getting together. 😞
BlondeTerror Piggyback!!! 💖
Mahoro is off the fucking rails but hey! It worked!
(I had a feeling Marito was faking to avoid her. Which like. Yeah. Absolutely do that man.)
He's so in love with Kenichiro. 💖💖💖 and really, who isn't?
I dont think they'd be healthy or good for each other. Especially not at this critical point in Kenichiro's life.
But like. They would be hot. 🤷
She got 2 Sigma Goons to help in nurse costumes???????
Poor Marito. 😂😭
His mom is amazing and she doesn't deserve any Hate whatsoever. This woman rocks. Also her apron is so cute.
This show Keeps Delivering!
Again. I wish this had been delivered to us earlier in the series in parts. But since this show is mostly told from Senya's perspective (and apparently Ichiya managed to hide his illness) he realistically wouldn't have known.
So I get why they couldn't. I just wish they had found a way to flash back and hint earlier. Like maybe someone asked Ichiya a question that made him think back or something. Not that he would have shared the thought, but just thought it.
Oh gosh I thought that his Friendship Stone really got broken there but he's just in a nightmare mindscape of his own making inside of Ichiya's possession.
Whoa what?
The outfit change really makes this look like a Yus*hi fight and I'm not mad about it.
I guess that's just whats left of their outfits in the real world after the body possession fight so far.
Babe you've gotta be fucking kidding me.
Why don't I ever learn?
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Just me. Chilling.
The bells? What bells?
I hope Utsumi and the team muttered "Got em!" When they story boarded this part.
Well Hell, at least they gave me the band-aid of the cutest BlondeTerror Express scene in the anime combined with a JavaPetals scene!!!
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Your Friends Love You!!!!
And Minato-kai has been like family to yoy while Mitsukuni was in Juvie. Let their love in! Arajin is finally your friend again too!
So you can hopefully move on and past him and embrace the MinatOT3.
Goodbye King! 👋
Lmao Matakara waking up in the Baby Girl Damsel pose.
Framed like a reverse blown kiss.
Damn Utsumi you couldn't have given us a tear filled embrace???
And Kenichiro gets to watch as they have the bond that he and Mitsukuni had!!!
Wish those two random guys had names I'd love people to just write a bunch of cute slice of life fic about their below average delinquent adventures. Just absolutely normal shit.
Marito is right back on his bullshit. 😂
Good for him! 💖
Aw the party is so cute! 💖
Jesus dude. Well. You know what? I'm glad he doesn't give up. Good for him. Hope he moves her heart. 👍He's gotta grow out his hair and hit the gym first though.
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Id been holding out hope but gave up at the end of the last episode lmao.
SENYA!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
I wonder if he'll look for Ichiya's bullet too? Idk what he would do with it honestly but I'm sure that Senya would want to see Ichiya somehow.
I'm happy with where this left off!
0 notes
Working with teenagers can be a job in itself... and honestly is funny as shit!
Had to physically put my body between a seventeen-year-old bimbo and a customer because the girls brother who works with us and is higher then the moon made a sandwich wrong, took 35 minutes to make two sandwiches which takes 2 minutes and total to prepare then didn't make them right, customer was calm and cordial until she was told to shut the fuck up by a child...
While training ... Manager caught *same girl* giving oral to a guy behind the dumpster to get out of doing dishes cause she didn't want to work 🤣🤣
The teen's playing 'Guess Angel's age' cause theres no way I'm older then them, so far I'm as young as 18 or the early 20's
Made one guy shit himself when I told him I was 48...
Collecting change out of DT and parking lot during lulls in customers
*Free drinks and discounted meals*
One guy found out I am Poly and Bi - has not stopped questioning me on my life choices, how can somebody keep up with so many relationships when he cant get a date ... even though I'm convinced he is a man whore
One girl calls me 'Mommy' and I have decided she is my child
Girl overheard me joking with a friend about liking it rough and enjoying pain *was not being dirty just talking about life fucking me on repeat and wanting to go to tattoo therapy* - Asked me if while in bed with somebody I ask them to hit me (when explained by other person in the lobby that I'm a survivor of DV, SA, and SH she apologized PROFUSELY ... but it was funny the way she said it so now I can't let her live it down and have to walk around on her shift yelling 'Hit Me!' over a headset)
I have to give two guys shit cause they over salt the fries and fuck up handing out orders while I'm running three stations
*Sexual Innuendo ALL THE TIME*
My boobs are a hot topic... because I am the only female on my shift and apparently they are amazing to the male workers
Working 3 jobs and being told others *the teens* feet hurt and they have to sit down, I dont understand what they are going through... while working on a twisted ankle and hurt back
'Where did you get an apron!?!' It's an old part of the uniform that never changed but most locations don't use
*stupid boy* 'How are you so nice!? That customer just yelled at you' *Me having been minding my own danm business just trying to survive my 10 hour shift* 'I have multiple personalities and this is just the one I let be seen because you dont want to see the other lady' *stupid kid scoffing* 'Theres no such thing as multiple personalities! Its fake... my religion says-" 😑😒
Had to listen to a 17 year old tell me Depression is a choice I have made and his beliefs say I am just sad so I should just take pills to feel happy
Being asked 10+ times a day every shift if I'm pregnant or am I sure I'm not pregnant cause I like eating pickles and have found they are tasty in ranch without being fried
Being looked at like I'm fucking nuts if I start dishes early, put away another shifts shit, pick up boxes too heavy for me, start taking 2 orders at once, start assigning tasks while manager is busy
Smiling at the Karen that fucking has to be a smartass cause her food hasnt been brought out at 5 minutes
Some if the teenager's are salty over me already being promoted after only being there for a month and a half *like I don't have 2+ years experience and actually do my job - yeah not sure why I'm getting offered to be promoted either*
Hearing a kid tell me I don't know how hard thier job is only to walk over and do it for them moments later cause 'it's so hard'
Manager's know I will handle shit so the moment I walk in the door I am assigned to prep veggies, salads, ect. and then I get handed a list of assignments so I can make the kids on my shift actually work instead of sitting on thier phones or in lobby... Yes I do enjoy this
Getting enjoyment out of seeing my manager looking shocked when I work late, clock out, and have to change clothes into something revealing cause my next shift starts in 30 minutes and I need tips
Roasting the pothead teenagers on my shift cause even when I'm doing it, everyone is laughing and relaxed
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pretendfan · 2 years
{{{Time of the Month}}}
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WARNING 18+ ONLY {minors DNI}
(A/N OK, so I wrote this for when I’m feeling horny/ on my period future me will thank me a LOT🤣 so I started writing and it escalated, it’s cute, funny and has a steamy helping of smut (period sex🩸) to finish! Can’t decide what Adrian gif to use, we all know how HOT he is in this scene💦)
Adrian Chase x F! Reader
The arrival of your period has you in a very bad mood to say the least, that is until your amazing boyfriend Adrian knows exactly what to do to make you feel better.
{it’s a period sex fic}
Period sex, oral sex (female receiving), Vaginal fingering, mentions of periods and cramps, bad jokes, Adrian chase gets it done, reader knows Adrian is Vij, established relationship cuteness…WARNING 18+ ONLY {minors DNI}
“I’ve had the time of my life..”
Having seen this film countless times whilst being fully aware of the problematic story line you couldn’t help but happy cry every single time that Johnny saved Baby from the fate of her being put in the corner.
Grabbing a tissue you wipe the tears away from your eyes which were probably bloodshot but you didn’t care because you were sulking.
Today was the first day of your period and you needed sugary sweets followed by any film you knew that made you cry, wallowing in your own self pity whilst taking painkillers for the cramps which were currently trying to rip you apart.
You knew your boyfriend Adrian was finishing work soon so you would have to call time on rewatching Dirty Dancing on repeat in favour of hiding in your bedroom or in the bath until your mood improved.
Of course you loved Adrian, every single little thing about him you adored but with the mood you were currently in you needed to be alone even though he wouldn’t understand that.
You suffered with heavy cramping that felt like someone was slicing you from the inside, which did nothing to help your headache or the inane urgency to either bite someone’s head off or burst into tears almost at will.
Once the credits rolled on the film you instinctively grabbed the remote and put it back to the beginning, one more time wouldn’t hurt, it was cathartic.
Pulling your hood over your head you try to hide under it as you hug yourself to your knees focusing instead on the opening of the film, then remembering how deeply annoying Baby’s older sister was in this, to finally recognising the mom from somewhere but you couldn’t figure out what show it was from.
You are pulled away from your thoughts when you hear keys in the front door, then seconds later Adrian appears in his Fennel Fields uniform with a brown paper grocery bag under his right arm.
“Ugh, Dirty Dancing?” Scoffs Adrian with a scrunch of his nose aimed in your direction.
“I’m allowed to like this movie-“
“Yeah, but there are so many better films, actually anything is better than this!” Adrian cuts you off with a chuckle as he pulls his work hat from his head, closely followed by the beige apron chucking them both onto the kitchen counter.
“Why do we have to have this argument-“
“It’s a discussion not an argument.” Adrian states watching you carefully as he then asks in a softer tone “So, if you’re sitting there crying over this film for the millionth time am I right in thinking that your period is here?”
“I don’t want to talk about it you don’t understand-“
“Hey! Don’t shut me out.” Adrian tells you walking away from the kitchen counter to bend down on his knees in front of you whilst you try to avoid his green eyes.
“Yes, I am on my period, I’m a mess, been literally sitting here all afternoon-“ You trail off realising suddenly how pathetic you sounded right now.
“Let me look after you.” Adrian states taking one of your hands in his rubbing his thumb in circles against your fingers, it was very distracting.
“I can look after myself.“ You remind him dutifully.
“I know you can!” Adrian cheers with a smile then states “ Baby you are amazing but when you’re feeling low I’m here for you, hell I’m here for you all time but right now in this moment. I want to be here doing all I can to make you happy.”
“I know, thank you.” You tell Adrian with a smile leaning forward to give him a kiss which he happily accepts.
“Let me run you a bubble bath!” Adrian announces, moving his lips from yours as he states this idea with a smile.
“Ok, sure.” You nod not wanting to say no to Adrian when he was trying so hard to think of you and anticipate your needs, it was something you weren't used to courtesy of previous boyfriends but right this second you welcomed it.
Perhaps a soak in the tub would help your mood and the warm water would definitely help your cramps which were relentless right now.
Heading to the bedroom that you shared with Adrian you pull out some pjs from your drawer and grabbing some new underwear you follow the noise of water running in your bathroom, thinking this would be bliss, some more time to collect your thoughts before spending the evening with Adrian.
But when you step into the bathroom you are surprised to see that Adrian has stripped out of his uniform and was standing there in grey fitted boxers, complete with a smile on his face.
“I’m in desperate need of a bath so I thought we could share one, and of course, I would wash your hair and administer cuddles when needed.” Adrian grins like that was the best idea ever, it did sound pretty good but you also wanted to be left alone.
“I kind of wanted-“
“Please let me stay with you!” Adrian cuts you off pleadingly whilst pulling that puppy dog face you knew that you could not resist, he was fully aware of this fact too.
“Ok, fine!” You state with a roll of your eyes that Adrian doesn’t see, he is too busy doing an impromptu happy dance, bouncing on his feet then quickly dropping his boxers, he kicks them off, stepping into the bath. He sits down happily, covering himself in bubbles as he grins back at you.
Your eyes glance over at Adrian who is smiling at you with his boyish grin because he clearly just noticed you checking him out, but could anyone blame you when he looked like that.
Adrian was deceptively tall and slim but underneath his clothes he was all toned muscles and those damn lines below his hips that always invited you to look at them then glance down, it was always torture.
Adrian liked to hit the gym nearby the apartment; this only occurred when he wasn’t working at the restaurant or out late at night serving his own form of justice as Vigilante.
You knew the cute guy in your tub was a killer but he just killed criminals, usually, and as long as he always came home to you then you were almost at peace with what he did.
Spending the littlest amount of time thinking it over, you knew Adrian was Vigilante and that was that, you could never change his mind to stop what he did, it was a part of him.
“You need less clothes to get in the bath, silly.” Adrian informs you bringing you back into the bathroom and finally away from your straying thoughts as ,with a shake of your head, you start to strip.
“Ha ha, super funny Adrian.” You tell him in a deadpan voice which makes him smirk back at you, his green eyes watching you as you pull down your old shorts that you probably looked ridiculous in but during the time of the month were your best friend.
“You’re so hot you're steaming my glasses up!” Adrian laughs as you take off your hoodie and tee shirt underneath to catch the cute smile appearing on his face as he takes off his glasses and places them on the side of the bath.
But you tell Adrian to turn around as you lose your period underwear (no pads or cups needed, what a time to be alive!) and even though you hear him grumble he does as he is told, then seconds later you step into the bath standing between your boyfriend’s legs.
Adrian dutifully moves so his back is now against the bath and you quickly sit down between his legs not too close that you were flush against his back, even though you kind of wished you were.
Dammit, being this close to a naked Adrian and of course on your period, you suddenly felt your pussy muscles throb which was good for your cramps just not your mood which takes an inevitable turn for the sexy.
Being horny on your period was both equal parts frustrating and fun but you also had to be feeling good to participate so one clearly negated the other, it was a bitch to say the least (fuck you Mother Nature!)
Right now you felt bloated, sore and of course horny as hell thanks to being near Adrian who was all lean muscles and cheeky smiles, especially when he had noticed you checking him out earlier.
Feeling Adrian’s warm and wet skin slide against yours as your legs brush against each other it makes you move your ass to get comfortable, which in turn makes Adrian groan, you bite your bottom lip in response from hearing the delightful noise.
“If you keep doing that we might have a problem.” Adrian chuckles as you shake your head but stop when you hear him say “But right now the focus is on you and I’m here, all night long.”
Adrian is true to his word as he washes your hair awkwardly with the shower head but it makes the both of you giggle, you completely forget about feeling shitty even if just for a few minutes.
Next Adrian watches as you wash yourself, noticing him leaning back from you even though his eyes are focused on your soft breasts covered in soapy bubbles.
“Your turn.” You twist around moving your knees up towards Adrian’s chest grabbing the cloth to clean him with but he takes your wrist in his hand pulling you closer as he deepens a kiss into your surprised lips, which once they get the memo seconds later, respond in kind.
Placing a kiss on the seam of your lips Adrian starts to send wet kisses down your neck, which feels really good as your pussy starts to flutter at the idea of this going further, causing a soft hint of a sigh to escape your mouth.
Instinctively you place a hand round the back of Adrian’s neck pulling him closer as he accepts this but when his head dips lower to kiss the top of your breasts  you have to push him away before it gets too much.
“I can’t-“
“We can stop!” Adrian states wrapping his arms around your middle as you turn round to face the taps again, despite your body crying out for more attention suddenly, because that kiss had sparked a flame right to your core leaving you with a thundering dull ache between your legs.
Adrian continues to cuddle you whilst you imagine his hands all over your body, suddenly consumed by the idea of him fucking you senseless, which was a specialty of his because the boy liked to fuck.
But period sex had never come up between you, Adrian usually approached with caution when it was that time of the month, respecting your boundaries and need to eat all of the cookies in the plastic tray, even though you always felt kinda sick afterwards
“Tell me what you're thinking about?” Adrian asks, hugging you tighter around your middle as he leans his firm chest into your back which makes you lick your bottom lip, but telling yourself to get a grip you decide to stand up in the bath instead.
“Or we can get out?” Adrian questions making you look back after literally jumping out of the tub to grab a towel, seeing the hurt look briefly pass across your boyfriends face which makes you feel awful.
“Here.” You hand Adrian a fresh towel from the cupboard under the sink which he accepts but a slow smile spreads across his face when he spots you checking him out, again.
His thick semi hard dick was just begging to be sucked, the very thought making your pussy clench around nothing so you look away before you did something stupid, what if Adrian wasn’t into period sex?
Considering the other things you have done as a couple you smile at that idea plus the fact Adrian was obviously used to blood so it wasn’t that far out there, just you knew from past history that some dudes were grossed out by it.
Adrian silently leaves the bathroom which was very unlike him to be quiet for that long. You just hoped that you hadn’t put him in a bad mood.
Quickly getting dressed into your most comfortable PJ’s which didn’t really excite the imagination, you start to feel conflicted suddenly thanks to being turned on after the bath, but you were also upset at the idea of annoying Adrian.
Hearing the TV on in the bedroom you walk in to see Adrian sitting on the edge of his bed studying something on his phone, he looks sheepishly when he spots you watching him.
“I thought we could watch a movie?” Adrian asks with a quick smile appearing on his face as he adds “But Dirty dancing isn’t allowed.”
“Ok.” You smirk back pretending to look sad which makes Adrian roll his eyes back towards the ceiling.
Not actually wanting to be left alone anymore despite desperately wanting that earlier you quickly dry your hair whilst Adrian looks from the TV, back to you, then back at his phone.
Choosing a mindless comedy to switch your brains off to and styling your medium length hair into a messy bun on top off your head, you finally join Adrian on the bed getting comfortable as you snuggle into your pillow.
As soon as the film starts Adrian begins talking over it, either quoting the scene perfectly or telling you who the actor on screen was even though you hadn’t asked him any questions.
Feeling an impending cramp attack you try to hide your discomfort but when Adrian looks up and spots the face you're pulling he puts his phone down and wraps an arm around your shoulder.
“Are you ok?” Adrian asks with concern in his voice which makes you both melt and feel turned on at the same time, what was wrong with you? Oh yeah, fucking period causing your hormones to rebel at the worse possible time.
You just nod and give up on moving away from Adrian’s body; you lean into him instead and he welcomes his other arm into the cuddle as he embraces you, smelling of fresh soap and his favourite deodorant on his skin as you place a hand on his thigh causing his muscles there to flex.
“I need words you know, baby.” Adrian states as you look away from the TV and he asks “Did the bath help at all?”
You laugh at this question then, noticing the confused look pass across Adrian’s face, you quickly add truthfully “ I think it has made things worse.”
“Really!?” Adrian cries out affronted by the idea which makes you smile at him whilst he looks a little put out.
“I will be ok-“
“Do you still have any cramps?” Adrian cuts you off with a question suddenly, eyes looking directly at you as if he was eager for your response.
“Yes they haven’t disappeared.” You nod in the affirmative still clenching around nothing as the pressure from the period had lit up all your nerve endings making you feel like you wanted to sit on Adrian’s lap and order him to fuck you.
“Well I’ve just read online that orgasms can help relieve cramps.” Adrian elaborates confidently with a nod in your direction.
“No shit!” You joke back with a laugh but stop when you see the eager look on Adrian’s face
“I mean,I could help you with that I would-“
“It would be too messy.” You cut off Adrian then add with a sly grin in his direction  “I usually just spend a few more extra minutes in the shower than normal to help myself out.”
“Damn, that’s hot.” Adrian nods with a wide smile but then states “ But isn’t sex supposed to be messy and you kind of drove me insane back there in the bath, and like I said earlier I am here to please you, in any way.”
“Any way at all?” You ask Adrian in a teasing voice leaning your face up towards him which makes his lip curl up into a smile, dimples framing his cheeks in the process, making you internally swoon at how pretty he was.
“Just let me know what you need.” Adrian replies feeling his warm breath as he rubs his nose against yours whilst inching his soft lips closer but he pulls back before you can meet him halfway.
“I need you to stop teasing me.“ You practically growl at him which makes his face light up with a smile that blinds you temporarily, until you finally add “Just use your hands and mouth to make me come hard.”
“As you wish.” Adrian quotes from your second favourite film of all time (The Princess Bride) which makes you grin as you lean forward aiming a heavy kiss right into his soft lips causing him to groan in response.
Placing a hand on Adrian’s chest you continue to make out with him whilst wrapped in his arms, feeling like there was no better place in the world than right here, but you were still feeling horny and this was just making the dull ache more painful.
Moving your hand up Adrian’s firm chest which felt smooth and delicious you slide your fingers around the back of his neck pulling him closer to you intensifying the kiss as your tongues press together and your grip on his neck gets firmer.
“Are you sure about this-“
“Yes! Just put your hands on me.” You tell Adrian who on cue snakes his hands around your waist as he moves you with ease into his lap your thighs straddling his which usually you loved but right now you felt a little cautious.
“You good?” Adrian asks, catching the look on your face as he moved his back further against the bed frame causing the bulge in his boxers to brush temptingly against your thigh.
“We haven’t done this before on my period and like I said it might get messy.” You tell him with a nod followed by an embarrassed smile.
“Do you really think I give a fuck about that?” Adrian asks in frustration, stating “ As long as you’re comfortable about this, I want to make you feel good, like you said with me using my hands and mouth.”
“I need this so bad-“
“Ok, so let’s make a fucking mess then!” Adrian cheers which makes you laugh but you stop when he moves you off him heading out of the bedroom.
Moments later he returns with dark burgundy towels which were both old and perfect as he grins back then says “Placing these on the bed because it’s time to please my girl.”
Smiling you kick the covers off the bed then watch as Adrian places down the two large towels then placing a hand on your lower back he moves you closer towards him noticing that cheeky glint in his eye that makes you grin back excitedly at him.
“So, where were we?” Adrian asks with a smirk but before you can reply he has moved above you, as you sink your back onto the bed, head on the pillows as your boyfriend looks down hungrily at you.
Seconds later he is kissing you again but then starts tracing his lips down your neck, down your front until he meets your tank top and grabbing onto the bottom he pulls it up as you help remove it over your head.
Adrian glances down at you with large eyes, pupils blown already as he dips his head placing his warm mouth over your soft breast sliding his tongue down to meet your pebbled nipple, the sensation against your skin making you shudder in anticipation.
“Does that feel good?” Adrian asks with a lazy smile whilst all you can do is nod, already lost in the moment, watching as he removes his glasses placing them on the small bedside table.
Adrian carries on teasing you with his mouth going far too slowly you wanted it faster as you tell him “Stop teasing me, normally I like that but right now I need-“
Adrian makes you forget what you were about to say as he grabs one of your breasts into his hand squeezing firm, but sure, that was exactly what you needed right now despite feeling sore you just wanted to be railed by him.
“You smell so good.” Adrian informs you moving back a little as he starts chasing hot kisses down to your stomach leading towards your shorts, his hands letting go of your breasts ghost over your skin as they reach their destination, your hips.  
Lifting your ass up in the air Adrian takes the hint as he starts to slowly move the shorts down grabbing hold of your underwear also, and soon both are off and quickly chucked down beside the bed.
Noticing the intense way Adrian is looking at you, you go to close your legs but he stops you placing two hands roughly on the top of your thighs saying “You are gorgeous.” Over and over which has the desired effect of relaxing you back into the moment.
Flattening one of his hands on your stomach  Adrian strokes his palm downwards until his thumb brushes ever so gently against your clit which sends a jolt through your body making him hitch a breath as you buck under his hand.
“Wow, someone’s sensitive did that feel good?” Adrian chuckles as you nod dumbly, arching your back whilst pushing your hips out showing him what you needed.
“More, I need more!” You demand with a sigh which turns into a gasp when you feel two fingers push your wet folds apart and he sinks them all the way inside, making your pussy wall clench hard around them.
“Fuck, I felt that!” Adrian groans which you mirror instantly when you feel his long fingers start pumping you and the feeling that this could be embarrassing evaporates because lust was clearly winning overall here.
“Don’t stop!” You tell Adrian, sounding out of breath as you close your eyes feeling the dull ache between your legs spread out into a warm heat that makes you smile to yourself.
“I want to suck on your clit so bad right now, let me eat you out please!” Adrian whines making you gasp as he abruptly stops fucking you with his fingers.
“Adrian you will get covered-“
Words escape you as you watch Adrian place his bloodied fingers into his mouth sucking hard as he licks them clean this makes your mouth fall open because it was so fucking sexy.
With a smug grin plastered on Adrian’s face he lowers his head placing a delicate kiss above your clit which makes you shiver, but seconds later he hits the right spot lapping his tongue across the bundle of nerves which makes you cry out in pleasure.
Placing both your hands on the back of his head you feel Adrian hold down your thighs when you realise you were wriggling about from the delicious sensation of his mouth over your pussy.
Swiftly gliding his tongue deeper inside you with every lick making you call out his name, when he hits a particular sweet spot that sees you careening over the edge into orgasmic bliss.
“Oh fuck!” You cry out practically shaking as Adrian grips your thighs, keeping you in your place as he continues to lick your core whilst your orgasm crests and you feel weightless, the cramps turning pleasurable as you feel your muscles flutter then eventually still.
“Was that good?” Adrian asks, looking up, making your eyes widen as you look past the confident smirk and focus on the blood smeared across his face instead.
“You look like the joker.” You blurt out with a laugh making Adrian roll his eyes, used to your bad jokes as he grabs at one of the towels to clean his face as you hand him a wet wipe from your bedside table.
“Did you know the Joker is like legit in love with Batman?” Adrian begins whilst your still coming down from your high and he continues talking “He makes people he fucks dress up like him, you know, costume and all, he even plans to get caught every time he commits some heinous crime just in the hope Batman can punish him, with his dick.”
“Where the hell did you hear that?” You ask pulling yourself up into your elbows rewarding Adrian with a disbelieving look, the pair of you did have some weird conversations sometimes.
“It’s true! I heard it from Peacemaker.” Adrian informs you confidently whilst you just shake her head with a smile, clearly it was a lie then.
Noticing Adrian readjusting himself in his boxers you clearly spot the tent he was pitching so you pull yourself up into a sitting position hand dipping below his waistband to grab his cock firmly.
“Ah! That feels so good!” Adrian groans as he dips his head watching your hand pull him free from his boxers snapping his hips towards you so you begin to jerk him off slowly.
Moving your head forward you go to wrap your mouth around his dick but Adrian leans back and in a frustrated voice stutters “ I-I want to fuck you.”
“I thought you’d never ask!” You smile back at Adrian who grins as he shoves down his boxers throwing them behind his head, landing somewhere in the bedroom then he leaps back onto the bed landing beside you with a chuckle.
Placing a hand on your hip Adrian twists you round so you are laying on your front, lifting your knees up so you are on all fours as you feel the tip of his cock pressing gently against your soaked cunt, even your thighs feel drenched at this point.
“Stop teasing-“ You don’t finish that sentence because Adrian pushes himself deep inside you completely filling you up as he bottoms out  and you cry out in glorious surprise.
Gripping firmly onto your hips Adrian’s fingertips sink into your soft skin leaving marks you were sure to feel tomorrow morning as he fucked you at a punishing pace.
Dipping forward he laid draped across your back as he kissed the side of your neck then moving his mouth closer to your ear he said in a deep voice “ Play with your clit, tease your sweet pussy for me baby.”
You loved it when Adrian talked dirty and he knew that fact of course, playing on it as you move your right hand closer to your soaked pussy, shuddering as you ghost the pad of your thumb over your sensitive clit.
“How does that feel?” Adrian ask but before you can tell him he adds “Do you think about me fucking you like this when you’re alone in the shower, fingering your pussy whilst you imagine it being my talented cock.”
“Yes! I think of you licking my pussy and your thick cock, let me come on your cock please!” You beg out with a gasping breath that makes Adrian groan deeply as his thrusts start to lose momentum, he is starting to get strung out.
Wanting to catch up you start adding pressure to your clit as you rub two fingers around your nub in maddening circles which makes Adrian hitch his breath as he starts to fuck you hard again that relentless rhythm meaning that pretty soon you would be met with either your orgasm or demise, you couldn’t decide which yet.
“You're gonna make me come!” You yell as seconds later your wish comes true as you feel your pussy muscles clench hard around Adrian’s cock, as they start to flutter and spasm leading to him crying out as he finishes inside you, cursing under his breath as you stop  moving your hand, laying your head down onto the burgundy towel on the bed.
“Wow! That was so good.” Adrian sighs happily as he pulls out of you and you anticipate his next words, or him actually screaming because he was covered in blood but instead there is silence.
“You ok there?” Adrian ask affectionately, patting your bare ass making you turn round to face him widening your eyes as you see him.
“I’m ok, but look at-“
“What? It’s just blood.” Adrian shrugs edging off the bed he grabs at one of the towels with a smirk on his face as he looks at you and says  “Maybe we should have saved the bath till afterwards.”
“We can do that next time.” You smile shyly making Adrian chuckle back as he wraps the burgundy towel around his middle letting it hang low, showing off his abs and the lines below his hips that drove you wild, it truly was a sight to behold.
“So how are you feeling now?” Adrian asks you carefully, picking up his glasses from the bedside table and placing them carefully over his ears whilst readjusting them on his face.
“Tired but very satisfied.” You state with a grin which makes a faint blush appear on Adrian’s face.
“Good.” Begins Adrian with that smug look on his face as he asks “So, you don’t want to hop in the shower with me to clean up?”
Covering the other towel around your lower half you place some between your legs looking back up at Adrian you add “Ok, but only if I can show you what I get up to during those few extra minutes in the shower.”
“I can watch!?” Adrian asks in awe, making you roll your eyes but smile regardless at the excited look on your boyfriend's face.
“I might even have you help, you did say you would help me all night.” You tell him in a flirty voice which makes him chuckle back as you both walk to the bathroom holding hands.
“As you wish.” Adrian nods dipping down to kiss the top of your hand that you use to cup his face bringing him closer towards your lips once more feeling completely happy.
It was bliss, mood, what bad mood? You felt high on serotonin and crazy in love looking up at Adrian as he moved away to turn on the shower.
You felt safe, content and loved. There was no better feeling and you had Adrian to thank for being the world's best boyfriend, you needed to get him a medal with that written on immediately.
Someone needed to bottle up the essence of Adrian and sell it, he was amazing and all yours, sure he was a little fucked up but weren’t we all?
You had been put on this earth to protect Adrian at all costs and you were ready to face anything and everything with the guy in front of you.
“Come in! The water’s just right.” Adrian winks at you holding out a hand which you take, your mouth colliding with his as he pulls you tightly against his body, a hint of a smile teasing over your lips as his hands cling onto your waist.
Adrian was all yours and you needed every last  drop of himself he could offer you, because you loved him he had made your life interesting and your heart full.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hi again😊 soooo my birthday is tomorrow and i just have a thought do eternals have birthday?🤔(maybe they don't 🤣) Just wondering if you can make a short story of a celebration of their birthday maybe thena or Gilgamesh 😄 thankyouuuuuuu❣️
"Wait, so what is it called?"
"Coq au vin," Gilgamesh smiled over his shoulder as he attended to the very delicate sauce required of the dish. "It's French for chicken in wine, basically."
"Oh," Thena nodded as she continued chopping vegetables for him on the other counter. "I thought you were saying cocoa something."
"You thought I was going to braise chicken for something with chocolate?" Gil laughed at just the thought as he set the sauce on low and wipes his hands on his apron.
"Well, I dunno," Thena shrugged, glancing at him over her shoulder. Her hair slipped over the shoulder her loose necked sweater exposed, drawing Gil's eye. "Everything you make always turns out good. I don't really question what's in it."
God, he loved her.
Not that that was anything knew. He adored everything about Thena, and he always had. Because she was his best friend in the world, and she was the most reliable constant in his life, and who wouldn't love everything about her? Look at her!
Thena looked back at the vegetables, biting her lip as she continued to chop. It was her first time wearing the sweater that exposed most of her clavicle and even a little bit of cleavage. She was more prone to turtlenecks. But Sersi and Makkari had advised her on the outfit, and part of her had kind of looked forward to seeing Gil's reaction.
It was just her birthday--she had one every year. And they had celebrated plenty before just like this. He would cook her something special (as if she didn't love every recipe of his). And she would assist by way of chopping vegetables and tasting his delicious food.
But this birthday was also different.
Because just last night, they had been celebrating all together, like they did every year. It was the actual day, and she and Ikaris had to share it, no matter how much they disliked it. They'd gone to a bar, like always, just had some beer and some store bought cake, like always. Everything seemed like it always did.
And then Gil had asked her to join him for dinner. She had of course agreed. Always. And then he had leaned in and kissed her cheek. Definitely not something they'd ever done before.
And she really wanted it to happen again.
She and Gil had always been best friends, every since they were kids. All her life, if there was anyone who was always by her side - besides her literal twin brother - it was Gilgamesh. She had helped him practice for dance lessons, and tested recipes, and even advised him when he'd taken up pottery that one summer (he was bad at it). And she had never questioned what it meant for them to be so inseparable.
Then he had kissed her, and suddenly everything felt...different. Thena peeked over her shoulder again, watching Gil start the process of preparing whatever a sous-vide was. She had always loved watching him cook. It made him happy, and to be around Gilgamesh while he was happy was to feel your own happiness.
He also looked kinda hot when he had his sleeves rolled up and a towel thrown over his shoulder.
Thena turned back to her leeks, biting her lip as she wondered if he'd caught her staring at him. She'd been doing it every since she'd arrived. But she figured it could be expected--the shirt he was wearing was pulled so tightly over his muscles. It couldn't possibly be the right size for him.
Gil had caught her though, but he said nothing. He'd been catching her looking at him all night. But he didn't mind it, and he didn't think she would feel very happy about being embarrassed over it either. He kind of liked the idea of her looking at him, if he was being honest.
Every since he'd kissed her cheek last night he'd been hoping he might get the chance to again. Although the sweater she was wearing was making a really strong case to kiss her...elsewhere.
The sous-vide timer startled both of them out of their thoughts.
"Okay, twenty minutes in here and this will be the most tender chicken you've ever eaten," Gil chuckled as he did whatever it required. Thena watched him submerge a bag of chicken in boiling water(?). "How're the leeks coming?"
"Good, I think," Thena mused with a smile. She still didn't have much by way of knife skills, even after all her years of helping him. But she would argue that it was because he got nervous when she went too fast. He was always worried about her accidentally cutting herself.
"Seems it," he said as he leaned over her shoulder to admire her work. He was braced against the counter with his hand dangerously close to her hip. It was already dangerous having his face so close to hers. He smelled nice.
Thena turned to look at him. Their noses nearly collided from their proximity. Heat rushed into her cheeks and she could imagine her pupils blowing wide. She looked down at his lips.
This time it was the oven timer.
"Fuck," Gil cursed, leaning away from her to check on the veggies already roasting. He pulled them out and set them on the cooling rack. "Okay, it's your time to shine."
Thena just smiled, scraping them all onto the pan he'd oiled and spiced already. He rejoined her, spreading them out over the pan, as if it were necessary to reach around her to do it. But she didn't mind it if he wanted to be close. She wouldn't mind if he wanted to be closer.
What was she doing to him? Gil sighed, wishing he could turn everything off this very second and kiss her right now. But he knew better than that; as soon as he kissed her, he wouldn't think about anything at all for the rest of the night.
And he was not going to let Thena pass her birthday eating only cake.
Thena bit her lip, tugging at her sweater as he slid in the leeks--the last dish that needed to go through the cooking process before he took over the more detail oriented final touches and assembly. "How long do they go in for?"
"Twenty minutes, so I can use the really charred bits," he smiled as he set the traitorous timer again.
"So," Thena inhaled, trying not to appear nervous, "we have a little time."
"Uh, yeah," Gil nodded, fidgeting with the sleeves of his shirt, tucked up to his elbows. "What, uh...do you wanna do something?"
Thena felt that wretched heat spread across her face. She'd never been one to blush, but it seemed that after last night, she couldn't stop. Just thinking about him made her her heart skip a beat and butterflies erupt in her stomach. "Like what?"
Gil sighed but smiled. He hadn't expected Thena to make the first move. It was why he'd kissed her on the cheek last night in the first place. Because he knew what he felt for Thena. And while he thought maybe she might feel the same, he also thought that she wouldn't understand it enough to know what to do about it.
After all, he'd known her all their lives. He'd watched plenty of poor bastards confess their love to her and get shot down point blank.
Thena inhaled as Gil slowly and lazily - and sexily - sauntered over to her. Her eyes ran over him as he leaned against the counter again, arms on either side of her. She reached up and took the towel from off his shoulder, setting it behind her. He grinned, and her heart might have just stopped completely. "Any ideas?"
He kissed her. He leaned forward and just kissed her, and she kissed him back like she'd been waiting all night for it. Well, she had been. Maybe she'd been waiting for longer than that. Thena wrapped her arms around him, responding maybe too eagerly, she feared for a minute. But Gil wrapped his arms around her waist, and suddenly she didn't care if she seemed too into it. Because he was her Gil, and she was safe with him.
And they continued to make out until the damn oven timer went off again.
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON … “ You are part of this monarchy, you WILL adhere to its traditions”…… “ her past, so embarrassing!!”…… Rogue PR…… “we’ve “cleaned” her phone ma’am”…… “ I fear it’s still out there”…… promoting the impossible …… “ give this one to William” “ thank goodness we have one classic beauty,old thing “ …… “ is Charles thinking of leap-frogging to William ,Philip?”……” my teams made arrangements “…… “shut up!! It’s my Duty!!”…… 🎼” to dream the impossible dream “🎼……”total meltdown sweetie”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
November 2/2019 1510 hrs CST RIDDLE #105
 “ You are part of this monarchy, you WILL adhere to its traditions”
Notice what’s NOT said, family, you’re part of this Monarchy NOT  you’re part of this family!! Very clear distinct difference. Until there is an annulment or divorce she has her role as Duchess of blah blah.
Madam has been hiding behind wigs, trees, apron strings, ANYTHING to avoid appearance in public at a public event because she is a coward. She lays and sets off the dynamite but wants no part of its after effects amongst the citizens. I spend many times wishing l were a fly on the wall but THIS oh oh  l would pay money to have seen this scene. She is being told by LG, or quite possibly by the wordage and the way it’s phrased by HMTQ Herself, that she in no uncertain terms will attend public appearances for RS or RD services. Now she thinks this is all about her, this is about all of the Fallen , veterans, injured and their families. I think emotions are raw all around for people this time of year. I hope she is gone by then, but this could also refer to the NATO dinner in December. She needs to conduct herself accordingly. I think since her phone was cleaned, there is a fair bit more confidence in pushing her to do things, ultimately hoping a huge public moment of reality/embarrassment for her. The sad thing, a true narcissist is incapable of embarrassment, self pity absolutely,  but not embarrassment!
“ her past, so embarrassing!!”
We don’t know , many years are missing/lost, what she did during those years. We do have enough knowledge of yachting, porn, disgusting acts, selling her body, heart, soul, filth beyond what any decent mind could fathom! Hobbies of all sorts, mostly allegedly outside the law. The normal woman would be ashamed and would be embarrassed by, as the speaker of these words is, but a true narcissist madam is, a million lies juggling all at once, l do not know how it’s kept straight, well it’s not that’s why there are always so many mistakes she makes. 
Rogue PR
SS has been nothing if not Rogue, going where none have gone before. I dare say they may continue, and more insinuating lies be spread about our Royals. Be prepared, this fight is in the gutter, it rose from there, and will be sent back from whence it came.
“we’ve “cleaned” her phone ma’am”
LG informing HMTQ that madams lost phone was not lost at all but it decided to turn itself in🤣🤣😂😂. All that she kept on their has been removed aka cleaned. We have discussed this awhile ago. Amongst the world of the men in grey, there are many varied services they do. Cleaning or scrubbing a phone is one such service.  Any incriminating recordings or photos or videos or emails or texts or stone tablets, EVERYTHING is cleaned off. Knowing they are not dealing with  brightest tool in the shed, she probably didn’t back up her information. 
“ I fear it’s still out there”
Whatever secret, private, perhaps sexual content video that was cleaned off the phone, HMTQ is still fearing a copy is still in someone’s possession. There is something specific of concern, l have no idea what it is, but it’s of high concern and worry that “it” still out there.
promoting the impossible 
Promoting the happy marriage, just H🤣🤣🤣😂😂 and madam against the world. Well H is Prince Harry, his family has fully encircled him, and he is done being threatened by her and whatever was on her phone. SS is still at it, making madam ever the spontaneous soul who loves to flit like a hummingbird quietly to a charity bakery, using no gloves, making an interview from 18 months seem as though it were current but was not. Making it seem like lunch meeting in a restaurant when it wasn’t, it was in a room at the bakery. Never the truth, everything always twisted. Why must everything even such inconsequential things be lied about. BECAUSE the agenda and the person are evil.!Thats why!
“ give this one to William” 
We have had this exact clue before. I can’t recall what l thought at the time, but l think having a sit down with madam, telling her face to face things are done, William would do very well and after all the lies madam allegedly spread about his marriage, l think he would take a certain amount of satisfaction in showing her from the palace door to the alleged paddy wagon.
“ thank goodness we have one classic beauty,old thing “ “ is Charles thinking of leap-frogging to William ,Philip?”
Again, my favourite scene, 🔥 fireplace lit, evening relaxing clothes, 📺 on, cocktails 🍸 in hand talking between HMTQ and PP. PP reflecting on the amazing blessing of having Catherine in the family, not just in the family but at William’s side, raising their family, such a solid level-headed woman. In them the future of the modern Monarchy is strong. HMTQ talking about Prince Charles passing over his being King going straight to William. This has been discussed before, initially because the public had  a strong distaste for Camilla. That has settled now, she is accepted. Charles, his age, given all that has happened, may well be pondering the 21st century Monarchy needs William.  
” my teams made arrangements “
LG team have made arrangements for what? To move madam? Pack her stuff up? Take her to Heathrow, put her on a plane? If she goes to America for their Thanksgiving, where would she go, she has no friends, Doria? Would she want to return to the U.K. after that, would they even let her in?? Doria, who now has 8 million in her bank account, why would she want saddled  with madam?, she didn’t look after her as a child why would she now? Madam has ghosted anybody who actually loved and cared for her. It’s pathetically sad broken life. Legal issues, taxes?? And on and on, then of course there is the wee matter of alleged Treason, the of the body law, and any alleged procuring of females in those lost years.
“shut up!! It’s my Duty!!”
Harry , God bless you, has resumed duty. How fine did he look in a Japan, Prince Albert of Monaco, the Japanese Crown Prince Akishino, the son of the Emperor. I am in tears so happy, he looks so happy and well. I think he has gained back some weight and has rested. Now to this clue. It can only be madam he is talking to. She is yammering away at him, he telling her in no uncertain terms he will do his Duty! She is probably pleading to not have to attend RD or RS services, he has made his Duty clear! Of all things now to pick a fight over? When he missed a military attack anniversary and got roasted badly for that. He is clear headed now, and putting things right.
🎼” to dream the impossible dream “🎼
This is Ol Blue Eyes, My Way. Jerry Lewis used to always sing this at the end of the Labour Day MDS telethon, until he was deemed too old and not politically correct enough for the charity and after over 40 years raising hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars,they yanked the annual telethon. I still am upset by that. Anyhow, if there every was a song for a narcissist the title My Way for sure. Everything at a cost of a country , Commonwealth, everything, lack of respect she has done her way!
As for Prince Harry, he probably thought this would go on forever and being free from her would be an impossible dream. 
Well, l think we are so close to the end, l can taste it! I could not be happier! If l were a dog, my tail would be wagging!
”total meltdown sweetie”
Reality is going to hit her hard. She has nothing, no one, all her Hollywood friends were sycophants, her backers are filthy rich, they don’t care about her, she was a means to an end. That’s all she has ever been, years selling herself a means to some mans ending. Her mental status, likely is going to hit the wall. Total meltdown exactly. I hope it happens in America, they have phone lines there to get help. 
November 2/2019
1635 hrs CST
Love this!  We are making progress......her phone....too funny,  thank you dear PG, so appreciate it....😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
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I have nothing to say, but *insert fistpump baby meme* on behalf of Georgie
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Ever one for the dramatics, isn't she?
I’m shocked and appalled that hardly anybody has expressed any concern for Bunty’s wellbeing! ;=)
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OMG that last shot! Priceless!
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Oooo :o
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bahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Heh. Yeah, not surprised she fainted!
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Sooooo dramatic! I'd expect nothing less! Good on G though! Look at Vinnie's face!!
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Oooohhh wowww! She did it!👏 I love her description of Vinnie’s smile and that she started with that. 😄 Good for her for sticking up to her mom finally!
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Sounds like overreaction and kinda hope it is
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Good girl Georgina!! It was time to cut the apron strings. Now go be happy.
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Well done!
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Of fucking course she had a heart attack 😅
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Um.. Mister, can you... turn around for a bit 😂😂😂
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Bunty?! lmfao Honey it wasn't THAT bad!!
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Oh, no! Please don't die, Bunty! With Georgina FINALLY pulling her sh*t together and you dying, who am I gonna hate?!? 😢😂
Sonia’s parents are still alive and kicking!!
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And the award goes to...Bunty for best-supporting actress! She’s so dramatic. I believe she missed her calling.
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Georgina's doing GREAT that's how she's doing
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Poor old Bunty. There's nothing worse than someone standing up to you... 😁
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Also loved those expressions between Vinnie and Georgie... Will she... Will I... ☺️
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Bunty could have a heart attack and no one would check on her at her fainting rate... But that her own husband does not care to look... ouch, that hurts.
In all honesty he was too absorbed in his chess game to notice...and she weighs 100 pounds wringing wet so he probably would have not heard her hit the floor either! But he would have been very concerned once he did notice. He does not express emotion easily but he does still love her, more than anyone else in the family. 
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