#he is an angry gay dude okay but he is also so much more than that
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plumspider · 2 months ago
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Okay i saw this on TikTok and omg how can you interpret a character so badly, how can you watch this show and think of Mickey as some ‘angry gay dude’ who distracts everyone from Ian’s actual storyline.
He has such an insane backstory and is such a deep character who goes through so much development and even though he doesn’t have much screen time compared to everyone else his story still matters so much and he totally helps Ian so much.
He is SUCH a complex character and idk how people can’t see that:
He had a father who beat the shit out of him his whole life and called him a pussy for having feelings and then tried to kill him because he was gay - all of which MASSIVELY affected the rest of his life because he struggled to open up to people and communicate his feelings and struggled to deal with his anger issues and the repercussions from his previous life and beliefs that were forced on him by his dad.
The same father got a hooker to rape him at gun point to “fuck the faggot out of him” after finding him with his boyfriend and pistol whipping them.
He ended up with a kid conceived through rape (not her fault either) that he had to care and help provide for while also caring for his boyfriend who just got diagnosed with bipolar and was going through all sorts of shit at 17/18 years old.
He was forced into marrying a woman - the same woman who was made to rape him and is the mother to his child, who he doesn’t like being around and for a good reason (who would want to have to see the face of the person who did that to you/was in that situation with you every day - even if it wasn’t her fault).
He wasn’t in control of his own life because his dad would KILL him if he let himself be gay and he knew that.
His dad beat him to the point where he had such bad internalised homophobia that he’d beat up other people for being gay (knowing that that’s what would happen to him if he ever came out).
His mum left him (or died or whatever we think happened to her) and his siblings with a RASICT, HOMPHOBIC, PEDO (those scenes with Mandy and Debbie), RAPIST, SEXIST and all the other -ists dad.
His dad got put (back) in jail for breaking his parole (he was out for 4 hours) trying to kill Mickey and Ian after Mick came out to him in The Alibi.
Within one and a bit seasons (when he was only around 18 years old) he went from sneaking around with his boyfriend who he pretended not to like because if he did he’d be gay and that’s wrong, to being forced into a marriage with a woman and a child which he didn’t want or consent to and got beat the shit out of for coming out, living and supporting his wife, child and his bf who was either manic or depressed or in the psych ward while HIS DAD was in jail FOR TRYING TO KILL HIM.
Feel free to add to my rant proving that Mickey is so insanely complex and amazing.
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drspleenmeister · 7 months ago
*Holding my smut!logistics head despairingly in my angry little hands*
Girls, guys, whomever: I've said it before and I'm going to say it again now, because I've read more logistically implausible fics in the last few days than I dare to count on my grumpy little claws. The writing may be smoking, but if you can't get the logistics of sex right then you are just going to make your readers go, "Eh, what?!"
You cannot deepthroat someone while breathing through your nose. You can't. Unless you have gills. If you're writing smut for fish then by all means continue to have your characters comfortably taking in oxygen whilst choking on a cock. Otherwise, stop it.
Throat-fucking is hot, HOTTT, but again. Breathing is not possible simultaneously. Please. This type of breath-play is sexy. Use it.
Have you ever tried to hollow your cheeks with a cock jammed down between your tonsils? No? That's right: you can't. Your characters are either using their tongue and cheeks or they are using their throat; I guarantee they can't do both at the same time. Also, having a man able to feel the outline of his cock through the cheek of his partner while they are going down on him: only possible if he is JABBING his fingers into his partner's cheek and forcing the flesh between their teeth, or fucking the head of their cock into their partner's cheek-flesh. Either way is really not going to be comfortable for the partner who is doing the work.
Having your characters stop kissing because they can't breathe is fucking stupid. Have you ever kissed a human? You have a NOSE (which in this instance is NOT being blocked by a cock). It is perfectly possible for two humans to mack on one another for hours at a time without having to come up for air. Drawn-out snogging is hot; have you ever kissed someone so much that lube/prep is not even needed? Trust me, it's awesome.
Limbs. LIMBS. Block your smut scene out in your head, for the love of God. I can't count the number of times that a writer has led me to believe that a pairing are facing one another on a bed, only to find in the next sentence that one is actually behind the other up against a wall; or they're laying down; or one is seated and the other standing.
Get your names and pronouns straight (heh heh...), with m/m or f/f fiction it's so easy as the reader to lose track of who is doing what if you're only referring to the characters as him/her. Don't be afraid to use names, it's better to be too clear than not clear enough.
If you don't have the first-hand experience yourself to write about certain sexual experiences then LOOK. IT. UP. I am neither male nor queer, yet I adore m/m explicit fic and I've done my goddamn research; it drives me up the wall when a writer puts their men into a position that does not warrant easy access to the prostate, but then go ahead and try to write the act as if it's as natural as breathing. My dude, if you're making me - a straight female - shake my head at the logistical inaccuracies of one hot man fucking another hot man, then just imagine the fits of hilarity that you're sending an actually gay man into, who attempts to read your work!
I would say I'm sorry for ranting, but I'm not. I've been reading fanfic for a very very long time and it makes my cold, dead heart so happy when writers get it right, and so sad when they get it wrong.
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missyandthemisfits · 9 months ago
Tokyo Rev - Sexual Orientation Headcannons
18+ Random Personal Headers
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Mikey - Pansexual
Doesn't really go out of his way to find mates, truly they just find their way to him. Has a slight preference to women but that's just because boobs are awesome. 
Draken - Hetero with a capital HETERO
He knows what he likes and he's never questioned it, really. Has the idea of it crossed his mind? Yea. Nothing against it either, just not for him. 
Baji - Questioning 
He's pretty sure he's into women, but between the age of 14-17, really finds himself questioning these sudden specs of romantic feelings for certain dudes...no one is the wiser.
Chifuyu - Straight with Bi Tendencies 
Chifuyu is very into women - but also he'd be lying if he said he's never uh...experimented before. Decided the only pegging he enjoyed was with/by a beautiful woman.
Mitsuya - Bi
He has fairly recently discovered he is indeed attracted to men and women and he's fairly comfortable coming out to his people too. He's confident enough to wear it pretty proudly after a very short insecure period. 
Hakkai - It's giving Gay
At some point in life, Hakkai realizes that the real reason he's so awkward around women is because he's aware he's 'supposed' to want to date them and find them enticing but...doesn't. Men are more his speed and he's starting to be okay with that. Has yet to tell Taiju-
Smiley - Straight, but has dabbled
Smiley will try anything once - and has, but it's not his thing. Just thinking about a woman in a lewd position drives him insane, men just don't do it for him. 
Angry - Questioning (but may or may not have a preference for women)
The thought of romance in general kinda scares the crap outta him cause he's always wondering if he's doing enough or if perhaps he's doing too much - so given that, of course he hasn't settled on a person, or sex, of choice. Whoever it is, he just wants to make them happy - inside and outside of the bedroom
Kazutora - Believes he's Hetero, Turns out his Bi
Kazutora is well into his adulthood when he finally figures out he's attracted to the same sex as well as the opposite sex and while he doesn't necessarily like the idea of a relationship at first, he grows to understand he needs that sort of intimacy. Once he starts, he can't get enough of it.
Akkun - Straight, but has dabbled.
It was less about curiosity for him and more of a getting caught up in the moment as some dude, equally as drunk, came onto him. The kiss was fine...but he quickly decided it's not his cup of tea.
Takuya - Demisexual 
Takuya is into men and women but even more so, he's into emotional intimacy and connection. You can be the most attractive person he's ever seen but if there's no real connection, there's 0 chance of you guys being more than friends. Thems the breaks.
Taiju - Very Hetero
Taiju is strictly a taco eater, nothing to question and no reason for any complicated discussions with himself - he knows what he wants and needs and what he NEEDS is the bodacious body of a curvy woman-
Yuzuha - Bi with wavering preferences 
Yuzuha is bisexual but goes through phases where she's either only looking for men or only looking for women. She's got no idea why she's like this, her brain is just wired like that - can relate!
Kokonoi - Bisexual
Of course he's into men and women, he doesn't have a real preference either. Either is just fine - but he does like them very pretty, long eyelashes and all that jazz. He thinks he's not picky, he totally is. 
Inui - A Lazy Pansexual
Romance takes quite a bit of energy, energy that Inui could be using for other "more productive" things - but also he likes... I dunno, everyone? Like, he genuinely does not care what you identify as, if he's down he's down.
Ran - Straight and promiscuous 
He is, I kid you not, damn near insatiable sexually. Only gets it on with women and has only really had a few real relationships, but he's had more than his fair share of lovers.
Rindou - Demi, Sapio 
Eh, he's not much of a people person if we're being completely honest. Doesn't discriminate against sexes, just doesn't wanna waste his time with meaningless sex. Despite his complicated titles, he's very simple to please and is a fairly easygoing partner.
Senju - Lesbian with Straight Tendencies 
@me if ya want, but Senju is someone who adores female companionship above all when it comes to relationships. She can kiss dudes no problem and has had several crushes but she can't really see a future with them.
You can’t convince me Takemichi isn’t not so secretly Bi
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all-pacas · 1 month ago
house live-ish blogging: maternity
i love how the writers of this show only know like. 3 names. the baby is almost named amber. instead she is named max. max is also the name of the liver donating girlfriend in sleeping dogs lie. this show also has about six roberts, two chis, 5 rachels…
honestly love this episode. i wish the series had more "everyone pulling a 3 day shift, the only thing that matters is solving the Mystery" episodes, they're so good
i just looked up who wrote this episode to see if it was the same writer who wrote sleeping dogs lie re: the max thing. it isn't. instead it's peter blake, aka the chase whisperer: he also wrote the mistake, cursed, the itch, the tyrant, lockdown, and chase. (a couple shared credits but. damn. apparently this dude just wrote all the greatest hits for our useless nepobaby and his divorce. coincidentally, chase is great in this episode too. god now i want to do a tangent because the same writer wrote cursed/the mistake/lockdown/chase makes perfect fucking sense to me, because in each - when i say chase gets angry and resentful and shuts down when he's upset. when i say it's consistent. him lashing out at rowan isn't that different from him accusing cameron of never loving him, of accusing house of changing him. there's a throughline of these episodes: chase vulnerable, chase angry and upset, chase refusing to open up no matter who begs. and throw in the tyrant, his bonding with dibala and the way the murder is framed as chase lashing out in betrayal rather than moral imperative - man!!! ANYWAY)
i've always loved wilson's little "i can get you a key to the oncology lounge… we're getting TiVo" line. because when i was a kid, my dad got tivo. and when i say he bragged about it. when i say he would bring visitors into our house and show them the tivo and demonstrate the wonders of dvr in those olden days (of the early 2000s) (even if i was watching cartoons). so you know what wilson. i appreciate the flex. it is cool you're getting tivo.
in the script, it notes that chase is taking a nap while foreman studies and cameron reads houses mail. in the episode, chase is still taking his nap, but the other two are just standing around. i mention this just because it's interesting to see what character details are written and which are acting choices. to me.
the script also notes that the gays who lose their son are "comp lit grad students." not sure why we need to know this but i'm glad we do
foreman stepping up and lecturing cameron on bedside manner is. very funny. not that she doesn't need the lecturing in this episode (it's a Theme), but… considering how as time goes by, one of foreman's defining traits is terrible bedside manner… it's very main character of him lol. he truly is the best of the group in these early episodes. no weaknesses, only strengths.
cameron's "it's easier to die than to watch someone die" is so fascinating. it's so loaded with implication. what was her husband like? how much emotional labor was she doing for him? was he in denial of his prognosis until the end, meaning that cameron was stuck both taking care of him and pretending everything was okay? or is cameron, unwittingly, exposing her own selfishness here: does she actually kind of believe her pain is worse because she has to live with it?
that said i do like how even in this scene: cameron freezes up and is awkward at telling the patients bad news, but she's quick to (and good at) reassuring them a moment later. "kim is right," she says, using the patient's name. she's good at bonding with patients and comfort, just not when it's bad news. which, unfortunately, in her job…
i find the differential portions of this episode really interesting because it sets up as foreman has an idea, cameron has an idea, they argue their ideas, they want different treatments, house referees. they each get "assigned" a family and baby. neither are treated as more wrong or more right (although i guess cameron technically is — "her" baby is the one that dies because her treatment is wrong, but medically she did nothing wrong, it's more a larger theme about cameron struggling this episode). and meanwhile chase exists. this has been the case every episode so far lmao: foreman is the main ideas and treatment guy, cameron sometimes chimes in to back him up, chase offers no useful input or contributions. the difference is, this episode chase actually very much pulls his weight with the treatment and his work in NICU; he really is the Procedure Guy, not the Ideas Guy. which makes him a really interesting hire on house's part tbh - chase is almost useless in differentials (so far), he was hired just for his practical skills.
again, it is so weird to see foreman, champion of talking to patients. i mean, i do buy he knows how and is perfectly script accurate. but it was dropped as a trait so quickly
speaking of early installment weirdness: wilson calling cameron allison will never not be weird.
and likewise cameron's angry insistence that the women would rather have hope than truth is. very telling. like yes, we know she deals terribly with loss, but this is… what was her husband like? when did she find out he had cancer? does she wish she had been able to be ignorant longer? it's very clear – to the viewers and everyone in universe – that cameron is seeing this all through her perspective, that she's talking about herself at all times, but… (also imagine this perspective mixed with s6 and dibala. you think part of the reason chase didn't tell her for so long was because he really did think she'd prefer to be ignorant? how wrong or right was he in that?)
in the script, when the baby dies and chase is trying to revive it, there's a note that house puts his hand on chase's arm to get him to stop. not in the episode :( but i like their little interaction here: it's not much, but chase is clearly upset and house lets him go, doesn't scold him. house can in fact be pretty understanding about this stuff! he doesn't like wallowing but he has moments of being a good boss. and then he turns around and has zero sympathy for cameron lol.
cameron trying to foist the "inform the parents" thing on chase is very. hahaha. i always think of chase in forever trying to foist baby duties on her. it's not a great moment for cameron (it's not meant to be), but it… hm. i wouldn't say it's out of character; she never really gets better at dealing directly with death, but trying to weasel out of telling the parents by saying chase (or whoever) should do it seems… off, you know? her freezing up and wilson stepping in feels more on brand. but she's not supposed to be right this episode. she's lowkey supposed to suck.
(and from house's perspective: chase is sad about the dead baby. so is cameron. chase is still doing his job, he can be sad, it's not getting in the way. cameron is sad, and actively avoiding her job/trying to get others to do it for her. that is getting in the way.)
fascinating, too, that cameron is therefore stated in this episode to be bad at talking to patients (compared to foreman being good, and chase being a little awkward but fine).
"chase, you're the intensivist" -- love when the show tells us people's specialties. no one has called cameron an immunologist yet, but we have the guys now. and flash forward a few years, i don't think we technically ever learn thirteen or kutner's specialties (on screen).
in the lab end of the episode, cameron and chase are sitting way too close together. it is very funny how often this happens. i know it's because the actors were dating were not paying attention to body language but still. this is why everyone thought you were dating in s3, cameron
another good moment for cameron at the end of the episode, calling in the surviving baby's parents to hold her for a bit. (love that chase then reported this to house: it's not clear if house asked him how cameron was doing — he asks foreman, so it makes sense he'd check with chase too — or if chase reported it on his own, which also makes sense because chase telling house every bit of gossip he hears is a very consistent character trait lol)
speaking of foreman, his insisting that cameron has everything handled just fine is a) a blatant lie and b) very funny from foreman. which makes him sound like a douche but. he really did gain his ruthlessness later, didn't he?
actually, if house asked both the boys how cameron held up, and foreman lied and chase told a story of cameron having a Good Idea, that's kind of sweet. they're both covering for her/sticking up for her…
i haven't mentioned it but the clinic patient this episode always makes me laugh. shoutout to the actress, she just keeps saying this stupid stuff "oh man! wow!" but with this sincere, no brain cell enthusiasm that is so funny to me.
"do you think you could — " "no." "do the prenatal?" "no." "or deliver the baby?" "that would be no." "oh - kay!"
even though it's probably just a pillow they stuck under her shirt or something, i actually appreciate wardrobe remembered to have the woman who gave birth two days ago have a very noticeable stomach while sitting around in street clothes. realism!
house is oddly gentle with cameron in this scene at the end. "you look tired… you had a hard time this week." i know you can read it as oh, he's in love with her, but i don't think we're supposed to; i'm pretty sure it's a fragment of his nicer s1 personality. because we really don't see it again after s1, even with people or in situations where he's trying to be gentle. ("oh, it's because he's in love with cameron" i'm really not convinced that was the direction of this episode.) it also make's cameron's angry reaction a little odd - not that she wouldn't be defensive, but… house is being so nice, lol. he's not being a bastard at all! just wait until he really starts meddling in your life, cam!
i find it very unlikely that cuddy, tearing apart the hospital for days, didn't notice the old lady loitering around the maternity ward coughing constantly. i find it unlikely no one mentioned her. i get that we're not supposed to worry about these facts
house's soap opera doctor has exactly the same hairstyle as chase lmao
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queerfortress2 · 11 months ago
if yew don't mind, id LOVE to see a soldier x a male reader, ANY demographic, any headcanons, I just.....i love the man so bad 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´O⁠`⁠;⁠)💛💛
heheh thank ya kindly ✴️ anon, also THANK YOU MORE MASCULINE READERS… i love writing them— mod engie
soldier 100% had issues at first. like, he is all about fulfilling the American Dream ™️. Why would he go for anything else? the moment *you* seemed more appealing than a housewife in the suburbs is when he started folding.
you entertained his crazy ideas and diligently followed his word as a commander. what else was he supposed to do? NOT like you? yeah okay. you being one of the only people who took him seriously is what had his heart beating. and he didn’t understand why.
maybe it was an ego thing? he tried to excuse it as that for awhile, but he found it hard to even be angry at you unlike the rest of his ‘soldiers’ (mercenaries). infact, he found himself to be around you much more often, giving a dumb smile as he does it. hes harsher on himself about it, more than you expect.
going to be honest? i think that might be the extent of it. soon enough he just reaches to his limit and gives up the rules. surely someone told him george washington is rumoured to have slept with a man and he immediately got over it.
me and my boyfriend, like the founder of our country intended it
i think hes outwardly affectionate once he gets over it! mostly because, LOOK AT MY SICK BOYFRIEND! hes AMAZING and BETTER THAN YOU
i think despite this he could also still be very bromancy. like. what do you mean making out isn’t normal dude things?? yes it is. im straight with a boyfriend (denial)
please teach him it’s okay to be a little gay guys
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caffeinatedattorney · 4 months ago
Final thoughts! I'm going to talk about the aspects of the game bc I'm not thinking abt this anymore in a few days and I might as well since it's fresh in my mind. Also I didn't play it, I watched someone play it so I won't speak abt gameplay at all.
Harvey and Bruce are very much not okay. This batman is so angry and he's so desperate to save people. He's caught up in vengeance (defending Leslie and harvey) but clearly isn't sure what his modus operandi is just yet. That and he isn't seasoned so ppls deaths affect him and make him blame himself and hesitate. (when the inmate in black gate is pronounced dead.)
I was not expecting it to go hard on the trauma and abuse and how children act after said trauma, much less show it which was surprising! It is triggering but, depending how much you can handle, that makes it all the more engaging and heartbreaking.
I find it interesting how Bruce is the one prone to violence. He hits Harvey after Harvey says something from their fav show that triggers Bruce. I doubt ppl ever write Bruce being autistic but both Bruce and harvey come off to me as on the spectrum. With their fixation on justice, the fact they seem to be old enough to stop playing pretend but still do (though that could be just arrested development from trauma) and it seems to be their happy place as harvey is his loudest around Bruce and in the, what is it, rehabilitation center? Also they don't seem to have (m)any friends.
I remember this plot point from my own worst enemy and I like how it works here. I'm glad Leslie has a big role and connects everything together. (her telling Bruce off for making voices at her LMAO)
Harvey is more affected than Bruce is bc his trauma continues well into adulthood. He never left his fathers house, never stood up to him. I don't need him to articulate why but it feels so real and fitting and sad and I love it? It makes me feel things that he had a support system with Bruce and Leslie even if it seemingly wasn't enough.
I have a theory that the Rat King moniker is Harvey's self loathing coming to life and becoming his bigger-than-life mask. Bruce has the bat and harvey the rat. One soars through the skies and intimidates, the other burrows underground for safety and cohabitates to survive (and forms a cult)
Harvey's dissociation and the DID name drop ough. ("am I psychotic?!" ) I just felt bad. Dudes mental barriers are so high up he loses track of time (and probably feels like he's getting sucked underground). It hits hard that Bruce is one of the things that ground him despite the fear and disorientation. Wish we had seen Gilda tho. Unless they're meant to be separated?
And fuck, Harvey's voice. He's so meek and unsure the whole game. His little jokes ("this one was right outside my office. *pause* I'm fine by the way" ) . He gains strength when angry and when full of disdain (talking to matches) which is to be expected but goddamn that performance killed me. Leslie has to remind him to calm down ("be good" "be good" he repeats in an almost childish voice ) Too real. too good. He thinks of himself as weak until he's backed agaisnt the corner (when he was about to get shot he screams "Do it you coward!" )
Edit: I have this Hc of harvey putting a big front the way Bruce juggles batman and Bruce Wayne and the fact it's been validated makes me wanna go harder on it and harvey being autistic and the pressures and stress he must face. End edit.
Also interesting how they have Bruce and harvey call each other brother. Didn't want for it to come out too gay? I will say, it feels forced but I haven't sene anyone else mentioned bc its that inconsequential I guess.
I loved babs trying to help Bruce despite his attempts to push her away. ("I'm taking this crowbar" and he actually says "don't care!" ) also apparently when she leaves she turns a few times fuming and you can see it in detective mode lmao
Overall, better than I expected? I wasn't expecting harvey to be important at all. Hate the bait and switch and the fact it's a vr game bc I'll never get to try this lol. I'm glad they could expand on why Harvey and Bruce are how they are in the arkham universe.
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byakuya-transgaymi · 11 months ago
I fell out of the Danganronpa fandom for a bit and unfortunately I am back in it at full force, possibly more than before since I now created a Tumblr account for my favorite character.
My head canons under read more i honestly just wanted somewhere to put them lmao only read if you wanna, but I love seeing others headcanons so if you want, feel free to share your own! I know there aren't a lot of Danganronpa fans anymore but ya know the hyperfixation chose me, I didn't choose it.
Byakuya is genderfluid and gay and on the aroace spectrum because I said so and I'm not projecting. And makoto is a bisexual trans man and his transness helped byakuya realize that he is ALSO trans and sometimes likes to wear more stereotypically "feminine" or gender neutral clothing. And they're gay together, your honor.
Kyoko is biromantic and she loves makoto romantically and Byakuya platonically (platonic soulmates!!!). They are poly cause I think kyoko and makoto together are way too lovely to ignore and also kyoko is such an interesting character. Kyoko helped byakuya come to terms with his asexuality since byakuya was raised to believe that he needed to mate with a bunch of women and reproduce. And of course she made him accept it through some discreet line of questioning and Byakuya had to just go in his dorm for the whole day and mind snowboard until he started to begin to accept it.
And Byakuya helped Kyoko and Makoto get together. Makoto and Byakuya were dating first and Makoto confessed to Byakuya one night about how he had feelings for both him and kyoko and he feels really guilty about it. Makoto expected Byakuya to be jealous but he was just like, "okay and why are you not with her yet, plebian?" Then they discuss polyamory and agree to let Kyoko into their relationship if she wishes to (byakuya knows that she is head over heels for makoto and Makoto is so oblivious to anyone liking him ever).
Kyoko says yes and they're both so in love it's sickening but Byakuya loves to see makoto so trusting of someone and getting to view from a sort of outsiders perspective the subtle things that makoto does when he feels safe around someone and truly loves them. Like how Makoto stands up for himself more and is more confident around his partners, or how he likes to play with kyoko's hair especially when he's thinking about something (bro stims we love to see it).
And kyoko notices how much less douchey byakuya is around makoto. Byakuya will often even get things for makoto or buy things that he knows he loves, even though byakuya always gives some kind of half-assed excuse as to why it wasnt purely out of kindness that he did it. Kyoko also sees how Makoto often ends up falling asleep in places that aren't his bed, and Byakuya will lift makoto up so gently as if he is some priceless thing and carry him to their bed. And he will tuck him in and bring him a glass of water (filtered, not tap) and sometimes he even kisses the top of his head if byakuya doesn't know that Kyoko is there watching (which only happens if byakuya is also extremely tired as well).
And kyoko and Byakuya love to go out to shop together and she helps him find skirts and dresses and stuff that fits him and they talk about makoto and how he's actually so smart and yet so oblivious at the same time like how is someone able to be a genius at deduction and yet forgets how a toaster works. They love to find clothes that they think makoto would look goofy in but makoto always ends up loving the clothes and he somehow looks GOOD in it. And they are always STUNNED. How does this man rock a fnaf crop top with jean shorts?
And both makoto and kyoko taught Byakuya that feelings do play some significance in life and it doesn't have to be facts over feelings (dude is NOT Ben Shapiro even though he sometimes acts like him). He learned that it's okay to be vulnerable at times when you're around those you can trust, though his walls do come back up sometimes when he gets angry or feels insecure about something. But Byakuya always ends up apologizing afterwards , even if it takes a few days.
And Byakuya learns to gradually accept hugs and other affection sometimes. He's pretty touch averse because of his upbringing and he finds that hugs often make him feel overwhelmed and trapped. But after a few months of being together with Makoto, Byakuya tells makoto about his touch aversion and how Byakuya will let makoto know when he is okay with physical touch such as hugging. Byakuya lets him know it's nothing against makoto and its not because he's a "commoner", he just didn't grow up with physical affection and finds that he gets overstimulated very easily from certain things.
Stopping myself from writing anymore I'm so mentally unwell
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Dummy commentary on:
East Palace, West Palace
- Zhang Yuan (1996)
Okay, so first of all, the intro scene felt creepy. What was supposed to be a palace looks dilapidated. The pond or whatever you call it was so drained of water, although not totally dry, seemed so ugly and sad and dirty. So yeah I was creeped out from the very first seconds. I also already caught a glimpse of the synopsis before playing the movie so I know it has gay characters in it.
The movie goes on and damn it's so heavy. He deserved a much better world. Towards the end, he fell in love with the policeman and I was literally screaming at him NO NO LOVE IS KIND DUDE HE IS NOT KIND HE'S SO MEAN TO YOU please you deserve someone kind :<.
The police officer actually giving in and having an intense gay panic moment, is really the same as how the most homophobic people are actually self-projecting. Because why does it matter to you what sexual orientation a person has? I was so pissed.
I know there was a lot of symbolism in there. Especially the thief and guard, prisoner and executioner trope. Also, the part where he was married and when he was asked how he got married he mentioned this girl back in high school. I think that girl is him. Or like, the girl was real but he could see himself in the girl. Confusing for me but I think I understand it enough to conclude that the random stories of the girl and the outcast is just to further emphasize how lonely his situation was as a gay man in that time in history.
By the way, I was confused about his mother "breastfeeding" him despite looking so grown a kid already. Like? What? there's nothing in there anymore I can assure you. So why? Then, what's more confusing for me is the part where he said he "had a vision". What was the vision he had while breastfeeding on his mother at like older than 5 years old? So yeah I don't get it.
The canteen man was so fucking annoying I swear. After nutting you just beat him up? Fuck you. The actor to play that part of the man was the same as the policeman so yeah I noticed that. Sheehs. I believe that meant something I just don't get it.
Okay for some unserious reactions on some scenes. In the part where he tells a story about a handsome teacher. Where he stripped down and crawled inside a bed with a mosquito net. That was so so so... I don't know. Hot? Ignoring the trope of course since it was a student-teacher thing. The bed is so close to home for me because we prepare our bed like that. The bed was caged in a mosquito net to keep the mosquitoes out, of course. Then, the part where he was butt-naked and the teacher was caressing him. !!!. It was a little bit too sensual for me to stay serious in that scene. Sorry. I was screaming half out of cringe.
But from all that stories of all his sexual rendezvous, I think it was just to show how there exist these men who are also into men but are closeted or are in denial yet they are homophobic as fuck. I swear I was so angry. They just nut and then go back to being the vile humans they are. Like, the denial, the repression. Pissing me off so bad.
All in all, I love the shots. I don't know the technical terms to describe or judge this aspect in films. But I just want to say everything is good. The angles all felt and looked right to me. Also, gayness is natural. Heterosexuality is natural and, most importantly, harmless. So, I really hope the world finally reaches the point where we make the world a safer and kinder place. For the world to be finally fully normal.
So yeah this is my dummy commentary for this Movie.
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llycaons · 2 years ago
ep10: and then there's THIS asshole
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THAT BITCH. sitting on roofs is wangxian's thing!
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xxc looking SHARP. the very very obvious exposition here is so funny
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see I don't even think the fans are exaggerating when they talk about him being a kinky bitch I think it's heavily implied in the canon text
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oh! people write xxc and sl as traveling together but actually before this scene they were doing their own thing and just knew each other as friends
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aww, younger jc had some principles after all. along with hopes and dreams. the ability to empathize with other human beings. a chance at getting married someday
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they keep talking about xy being so young but wwx and co. are only like 16 here and xy is clearly around their age so??? how young could he possibly be. he was younger in the novels but the timeframe is different anyway
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LOVE this response. it could be him saying "I have no shame and you can't scare with with your implications because I don't care about my reputation' OR it could mean 'I'm already gay and everyone knows it, you bitch. your move'
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huaisang they are literally surrounded by corpses. why do you think
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wwx latching onto this and them smiling SO big at lwj...jc getting mad at him...ough
side note I think that we can assume that he's at peace with his sexuality and any resistance he has to being into lwj is much more about his hangups around commitment and being loved, and about his embarrassment over being attracted to someone so strict and unfun (and maybe also he feels like he's not allowed to want/have things in his precarious role in the family and therefore ruins his own opportunities reflexively)
lwj I think does have some internalized homophobia to work through but a lot of HIS resistance is related to feeling shame over having desires/emotions esp romantic/sexual ones (father issues, also maybe his upbringing and personality too) and also embarrassment that he likes someone as wild and unconventional as wwx. anyway
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nhs waxing poetic about handsome gentlemen for the second time in two episodes and people still write him as straight?
wwx looks so fucking miserable watching xxc walk away with no more info on his mom and jc SEES that oughhh
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BIG SEXY IS HERE!!!!! I am of course referring to both nmj and baxia but I couldn't get a good pic of baxia and there's a limit on the number of images per post anyway
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jc and wwx looking so pleased at the praise is ADORABLE. I actually think a fun hc is that nmj is the reason wwx knows he's into dudes
also, nmj being the ONLY person to call lwj 'wangji'! he's such a big brother...
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oh shit I forgot this. wwx is the one to save xy's life here! honestly this was for the best. despite all the horrible things xy did later, I don't think it would have been okay if nmj personally killed a defenseless man in cold blood just because he was angry
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WHAT A DICK I know I just said killing xy in cold blood out of a personal sense of anger would be bad but honestly I don't even begrudge jgy for taking his chance and murdering this guy
he's also SO stupid for letting prejudice and his ego get in the way of doing his job and carrying out his SECT LEADER'S orders
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iirc this is literally the only time jgy and wwx are alone in a scene together and it's just a very polite exchange and wwx thanks him for all his hard work while everyone else is feasting after the commander was a dick to him aww. flash forward 20 years and wwx is like 'I never hurt you! Why did you ruin my life!" and jgy was like 'well SOMEONE was going to and it may as well have been me!' insane
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this line is more romantic than "'l'll sleep on your roof tonight" imo
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ah the gentle longing of first love, unceremoniously doused in the cold water of the realities of war. one of the more background tragedies of this show
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fun fact: apparently this is a very famous shooting location and it's used in a ton of cdramas
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despite this action I don't think he genuinely cares about nmj, honestly. appreciated, almost certainly. but I don't think he truly respected or cared about many people. it's just that he could see his death right there in nmj's eyes and this choice was a last-ditch gambit to preserve his own life by risking it in the most performative way possible
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isn't it wild that wen chao and jiang cheng have the same advice for wwx which is: stop interfering in the affairs of other clans?
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even the ego-blinded wen chao can tell that wwx is into lwj
honestly wwx's crush just makes me so sad in this arc. so delicate and new and he's so young and so many terrible things will happen
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see I think lxc valuing jgy and publicly supporting him and praising him earned him one of the only spots on the list of people jgy genuinely cares about. I don't think he respects him, at least not enough to not use him to murder his friend, but I will argue that jgy feels genuine affection for lxc and BELIEVES he never hurt him/never wanted to hurt him. this dialogue is mental, it's not a performance
this is also why jgy/lxc is more emotionally true to me than either of them with nmj (even tho I obviously don't support it or thinks jgy would be a good romantic partner), sorry nielan fans I appreciate your perspective but I think this is the more textually supported one, even if it ends much worse
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jgy is so fascinating to me like the way he'll twist himself into whatever he needs to in order to survive. he defends himself saying 'he said horrible things to me and beat me' then 'he insulted my mother' then 'he took credit for my accomplishments' and each one seeming to flow naturally to the next as nmj rejected those reasons…very interesting that nmj criticizes jgy for wanting praise and credit, contrasting characters like lwj, who are widely praised for not caring about credit or glory
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this last shot of nmj IS haunting tho. jgy may not have cared about him but I think nmj really cared about and trusted jgy, and this betrayal of someone who values justice and loyalty was very hard to take
personal highlights:
wwx comparing himself and lwj to xxc/sl
nhs complimenting xxc and sl in a gay way
wzl in his first appearance!!
wen chao noticing how much wwx likes lwj, which is kind of horrifying but also it's a good measure of just how obvious he is and people do not talk about wwx being hopelessly in love enough
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nerdyenby · 5 months ago
Heartstopper 3.3 reaction (spoilers below the cut)
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Darcy gender moment!!! I’m so glad Tara’s been so supportive that Darcy doesn’t have to worry about her gender potentially being an issue considering Tara’s orientation, but it doesn’t seem like they’re going that route which is nice (tho I’d also be down for them to explore that anxiety)
The girls!!! So happy Imogen and Sahar are properly friends with Tara and Darcy, like they hang out just the four of them
GAY PEOPLE W!!!!!!!!
Isaac and Charlie gotta stage an intervention for Tao soon, this is unhealthy my dude, you’re allowed to have a life outside of your girlfriend, she’s not going to disappear the moment you look away buddy
Tori is so worried about her brother :((
TarDarcy clocking Imogen and Sahar, finally lol
Charlie refusing to be in pictures is such a red flag actually, he is not doing okay guys
Wait are we actually getting canon nonbinary!darcy????? For realsies?????
Tao my beloved is the most ridiculous man ever, I love him but what even is his stance here?
His face when he realized Elle (and by extension Isaac) were right lol
I feel for Isaac so much, it fucking sucks feeling like everyone you care about will eventually find someone they love more than you and then you’ll be left behind, never to have that sort of relationship for yourself. Even if you don’t want a romantic partner, it hurts like hell being confronted with the reality that some people stop putting effort into their friendships once they start dating
Tao and Nick interactions mean so much to me, sometimes love is mean and ugly and angry and they get to be that around each other, they care about each other but more importantly they both love Charlie, they don’t always get along but they trust and respect each other both to do what they think is best and to be able to handle them at their ugliest (aka Nick needed to blow up at someone and Tao’s the best choice because he won’t hold it against Nick (at least not in any way that matters))
I’ve only read through the comics once so there’s a lot I don’t remember until I see it referenced in the show but the sweater regift!!! Iconic
Nick is so clever, he notices everything when it comes to people he cares about and you really see that in his relationship with Charlie
This scene hurts so bad but it’s also really cathartic, the way Charlie’s dad’s face instantly crumbles as soon as he starts reading the note breaks my heart
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imhereformr · 2 years ago
Winx S2 E14 Battle on Planet Eraklyon
Ah yes... This episode... As you can surely tell, I'm very excited for it
I just noticed in the recap that one of the weird dudes from the last episode had chains in his hands when he cornered the fairies... Dude
What the fuck... I do not remember this scene of Musa walking through an argument and calming them. Seems a little odd for the most hotheaded and argumentative of the winx girls to be the one forcing peace
Holy shit Yoshinoya... Yikes
"What if Sky comes to her rescue?" What about Eraklyons soldiers or police force? 🤨
Diaspro screaming over a dog... Good thing she didn't marry Sky with his (disappeared) beloved dog #justiceforLady
"Because of droughts" Flora you nerd. I love you. More of nerdy Flora please.
No, you know what's rude Tune? Talking over someone! Like you're doing right now! "pixie of manners" 🙄🙄
To organize a concert? ORGANISE? Faragonda dropped a whole ass concert on her? Does she not know how much work goes into that?
"how primitive" Tune is a fucking hypocrite. Now I don't know anything about etiquette, but as a Canadian politeness is built into me and insulting people like that IS FUCKING RUDE TUNE YOU FAKE ASS BITCH. Tune is now on my list alongside Faragonda. I've got beef with Tune.
"I've got a bad feeling about this. Someone down there needs our help" Uh yeah Sky, you were just talking about some emergency remember?
If Diaspro's father is so influential why can't he pay the ransom? Why does the kingdom need to pay for one man's daughter being a fucking brat?
Sky's angry pose ��💀💀
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Wait where did Musa get that paper from? Did I miss something?
HOLDTHEFUCKUP Brandon and Sky traded places because of threats from Yoshinoya but they decide to go fight his goons JUST THE TWO OF THEM and Sky's parents are totally fine with it because it means he might fall in love with Diaspro???? Even though it also means they might end up with their sons head in an unmarked package that says youre next? Who the fuck let these people be parents let alone in charge of an entire kingdom?
"I ain't got time to hurt" Zing is the best of the pixies.
Brandon is two seconds from never having babies
Is it ever explained why Stormy is at Alfea? Or did they just need a reason for her to want revenge in the next episode?
"Hey I'm not afraid of your justice, I'm rich" Diaspro is an icon.
Once again, Bloom could defeat three crazed witches on the magical equivalent of speed, but she can't take these losers in bad costumes? FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️
The people being swapped need to be about the same height and weight. Well isn't that an awfully convenient moment for Bloom to prove what a good person she is.
"but you don't even like her" 😂 😂 😂
"Youre kind of mean for a hero" "Yeah troubled childhood" STOP I'M FUCKING DYING 😭💀💀😭💀💀
How did Bloom break those restraints? Either she's super strong or Diaspro is weak af
"I'm supposed to marry a prince" No Diaspro, you're gay. You want a princess. I don't make the rules.
Shessofuckingcute. I love her so much.
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But seriously tho why was Stormy there?
We all know Bloom wouldn't lose 🤦🏻‍♀️
They're not gonna get very far on Earth 😂
Okay I've never watched this episode more than twice cause it was very Bloom and Sky heavy, but honestly it was fucking hilarious 😂 😂
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ask-shu-todoroki · 2 years ago
Here's your permission to talk about your MLP character hyperfixations
go on now
Do I just rattle off who's on my mind right now? Well, okay, lemme think... XD
King Sombra - Currently the most pressing hyperfixation at the moment because I want to write a redemption arc for him. I honestly think he was done dirty by the series and he should've been given the Discord treatment instead of being revived in Season 9 only to be killed off. Kind of a waste, don't you think? Also he's extremely hot and I cannot help but simp for his majesty aaaaa
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No seriously look at him and tell me if you're a man you don't immediately question your sexuality
Soarin - He just has a really cool design and looks like a really cool and chill dude. Can do no wrong and his voice is really cool too. Kind of gives off California surfer dude vibes and although he's second-in-command he's way more chill than Spitfire. I wish he had more speaking roles tbh because we just need more of this man instead of him being a weird side/background character hybrid. Like people know who he is but he only speaks in like, three episodes???
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Thunderlane - Okay, he's a background stallion and no one really cares about him and his brother Rumble and I didn't either until "Marks and Recreation." Like, he's a talented flyer but he can also cook? Where has this guy been all my life? His design is awesome and he looks like he'd be a confident boss type but from what I saw of him he's just as sweet as Soarin which is why they belong together don't @ me Idk how these people get his voice down perfectly but his voice fits so well aaaaa
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Help his face in this image, just, gay panic
Shining Armor - He's like the only major male character in the series that appears frequently and I'm not mad at it, literally best husband and he probably speaks for all new fathers when he looks like he's losing his sanity in The Crystalling. Wait, does that make him a DILF???
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Braeburn - He's not so much in my thoughts as other stallions but maybe he should, like he's a really cool and down to earth character and I can see why so many people in the fandom write him. Basically a Texas cowboy but ponified? How can you not like him hrrrr
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No really he's so precious and needs to be protected, can literally do no wrong, he helped take down his own queen like what an icon. He also never gave up on his brother who was kind of being a jerk to him and he's also the only leader who didn't get angry at Neighsay for being a racist. Definition of gentle giant in his metamorphized form
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Sunburst - Initially I was kind of "eh" about him when he made his debut but I grew to like him as he made more appearances in the series. Probably the character who I can connect the most with, being socially awkward, wears glasses, and also smart? I can connect with him on a personal level and his wizard vibes despite not actually being a wizard are to die for aaaaa
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Flash Sentry - Okay, hear me out, hear me out! I know no one likes him in the fandom but he genuinely seems like a nice dude, if his human form is anything to go by. Also we never really see what it's like to be a royal guard so why not go into more depth with him? He was supposed to play a bigger part in the series but he was axed due to the absolute vitriol that was thrown towards him from what I heard and it's really a shame.
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You can't tell me he's not cute in this shot
Flash Magnus - He's as badass as he looks. No seriously he's just such a confident and awesome character that I love him so much. He also looks suspiciously similar to Flash Sentry so I have to wonder, are they related? Is Flash Sentry a descendant of Flash Magnus? Is this a possible fic idea? XD Also his red mane is just, chef's kiss
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He looks like he's been through war and he's literally a living legend, what's not to love?
Rockhoof - Okay he gives me Thor vibes and Thor is hot so I think he is hot. The episode of him trying to find his place is the right mix of seriousness and comedy, like nothing in the modern world is made for someone that buff XD He and Thorax are gentle giants and I love them both pretty much, I can't choose between him and Flash as a favorite Pillar of Equestria XD
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Okay after writing like a thousand words those are all of my hyperfixations at the moment when it comes to MLP, they live in my head rent free fighting for space with Cars, Planes, Mariah Carey, and Transformers
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annabelle-creart · 2 months ago
we listen, we don´t judge
Moroco in season 4 was kind of stupid, I get it, but guys, it was an AI, and all AIs in TFRB are kind of stupid, the only one that does exactly what everyone needed was the baby, and is a fucking baby!
the time travel to get Moroco out of the equation was cool and everything but kind of stupid for the plot, to have the real him would be even funnier and better (at least they didn´t fix everything with time travel, that would be shitty, but if that happened, Chase should definitely be the only one who remember, the rest would make it hard to deal)
Cody is a cutie and a potato, but he and Boulder should get angrier more, and not just upset, like, angry (goddamit, let the kid swear, and Heatwave and Boulder too)
Boulder and Heatwave would be a cute pair but only as possibility, is hard for me to admit but Heatwave has more chemistry with Quickshadow and Chase (especially with Chase) (which is shitty for me each time I rewatch the series but I must admit instead of deny to enjoy, I just made peace with the fact)
Nonetheless, as I´ve seen in Arcane´s fandom, platonic mlm also exists, people, I know you love your gay ships (including me) but friendship and other type of relationships also exist, is okay if you ship the bots with the humans or the bots with the others but remember romance is not the only type of relationship that exist (I just say it because ALL the transformers fandom likes yaoi too much, and that´s okay but platonic also deserves to be highlighted)
even if the TFRB staff wanted to make BumbleBlades real, the mothefuckers are sooooooo dumb at making romance, and having in mind Bee even dissapeared from Blades´ life for LONG TIME... well, is more benefit for the fandom that they wrote it like it´s just admiration
guys, I love BumbleBlades too, but we´re forgetting Bee DISSAPEARED from Blades´ life WITHOUT SAYING A WORD, HE DIED IN TFP, HE GOT A NEW VOICE BOX, A NEW TEAM AND BLADES DIDN´T KNEW UNTIL THE IDIOT CRASHED ON MAINLAND!! we have to respect more our helicopter boy, he deserves more and better, just take that on mind
Charlie and Chase are better as father and son than as boyfriends
we deserved more T-rex OP in screen, and also more of dinobot Bee, same with the cadets
Blurr and Salvage are traumatized teens, and none of them (specially Blurr) were qualified to train other cadets (or even get on field without supervision that easily)
Quickshadow needed more development, I don´t get how she passed from spy to rescue bot in less than a season, and no, to say she maybe was a rescue bot before doesn´t solve the problem, she Had been a spy for Optimus too much time, she´s out of practice
High Tide deserved a better redemption arc, the asshole treated the team too hard and it wasn´t even for them to be good, he didn´t liked the team and that was obvious
Heatwave is a great father? I don´t know, he´s a great support for Cody and the robo-baby confirmed he likes kids but he´s also too proud, and I think we should explore more why Heatwave, despite he likes younglings, is so damned rough with himself about it
I think we all recognize which person is which here on this fandom by the ships they like, we recognize Gelu because of Priss and Cody, we do recognize Sugar because of HeatShadow, Lipgloss with BoulWave and Bagel with Graham x Katy, Frost with Graham and Boulder (at least I started recognizing who did or reblogged the thing by the ship even before I did because of the art style :,D)
I think is cool to theorize about Cody´s mom, but the series is way better cool without her, I´m glad for it (and if you don´t like the comment, let´s pretend Heatwave is Cody´s mom)
and I think that´s all I have to say :v if you made it this far is because you´re my real and I love you, good night
I've made a post like this some time ago on twitter but decided to take it here
We listen and we don't judge: transformers rescue bots edition
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Mine is that graham burns is super hot and sexy and that he should marry me 😁😁
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ellena-asg · 3 years ago
I know that we all know that Danny (and Steve too) is a very good person with heart made of gold. That he can be all that "yadda yadda yadda me don't like it" but deep inside he likes it ;) he's a very open, very sensitive, loving and very understanding person. I know that there are his I love yous. I know that there is his You do good = You are good. I know that we have Danny being completely ok with being so close with a man, that one and only man, Steve. Hugs, other touching, intensive eye contact and so on. And we have other hints to know that he would be ok with being (officially) Steve's boyfriend although they both aren't into men. And yeah, yeah, we have that awesome scene with his "I personally would've gone with the, um... the gay thing to keep our cover" ❤️ Yeah, I know. But this:
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That scene where McDanno are watching Enemy mine.
Yes, you can say that it's just about them watching it and having different opinion. But let me share something:
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That's disgusting.
Whaf if Steve just pretends? What if he just makes that face and pretends that the scene is really disgusting for him just to... provoke Danny? To test the waters? It's season 2, it's still the beginning of their friendship and there are still many things to discover. Sometimes he can't just ask about X, Y, Z so he uses the situation, the opportunity. He dances around.
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So. "I've just said: That's disgusting! What will Danno say?".
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"Danno, come on. Say something! I need to know what you think. Is that disgusting to you?". "Oh, are you crying now?". "I need to know everything so I'll provoke you with my rant".
"You weren't moved by that little moment right there, that scene?", Danny asks. So... Aha! Danny seems to be ok with that scene. "Evidently not as much as you", Steven lies. "Come on, Danno. Say more". Then Danno says "Okay, I'm sorry that I got drawn in to a beautiful film about sacrifice and friendship". But nah, it's not the answer. Steve needs to show Danny...
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The dude just gave birth!
The dude. The man. Gave birth. "Are such things ok to you, Danno? Are such things normal to you, as normal as these ones you experience?". "Would you be ok with you being man... a pregnant man?". "Would you be ok with, for example...".
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He's an alien, okay? They got different plumbing on this planet! They're all hermaphrodites or whatever!
Danny is angry. But also: Danny is very ok with everything. Danny supports everything. He's open-minded. He loves everything what is full of love in his eyes. For Danno that pregnant alien dude is a picture of love. Danno sees friendship there. And thinks that this scene is beautiful and touching. Danno isn't any -phobe. So... It's possible that being in love with an alien would be ok for him too. And other things different than their "traditional" hetero life would be ok too then. "Sex with a man", Steve thinks, "being in love with a man. Alien man. Human man. Or such human alien like me. Okay".
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Danny is talking and talking but Steve is now processing thoughts. "Soo... No problem for Danno. Okaaay. So he could be, uh, hetero man in love with another hetero man. Because there would be a love. And friendship. And it would be beautiful. And it's not about falling in love with a sex (gender) but... with a person, that person's soul, huh? So... if alien is ok, then neanderthal Super Seal..."
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He tries to hide the smile 😈
Danny is now trying to explain his feelings, poor Danny thinks that Steve just wants to know why Danny likes that movie and that Steve needs something like 1000 reasons why Enemy mine is a great movie 🤭 [oh, Steve likes that movie! 😈 as he said at the beginning, when he came to Danny's room: "Enemy mine? Mm-hmm. That's awesome. I feel like I'm in a time machine"].
Poor Danny. Steve just wanted some answer. And he's just got it. So, Danny, you can stop now xD "You know what? Forget it" - Steve says. "I know what I needed to know", Steve thinks.
Danny is like WTF? And Steve...
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Steve can't hide his smile ^^
I mean... That scene is very special imo. I just... I see one big "Danny would be ok with being supersealromantic/sexual" there. I see "Sometimes people in Hawaii may think that Danny is Mr Nope, Mr Conservative, Mr Give me sexy Girlssss Please but... it's not like that". I see there something similar to that scene from season 5 (with that gay cover and being ok with that and smiling when Ruth says "gay marriage") - similar but more hidden. I see there Danny showing that he is really sensitive and that all he needs in the world and all what matters to him is love and friendship. And yeah, I see there:
Steve: Me as your husband... Problem?
Danny: No problem!
*green light*
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fruitcoops · 4 years ago
Hello firstly I’d just like to say off of your recent fic angry loops is sexy loops and also if you feel up to it would you be willing to write a fic of loops loosing his temper on the ice like fully dropping his gloves and fighting I know you’ve done a couple before where he’s been defending James and the one with greyback but I think it’d be cool to see him loose his head because of what’s been done directly to him and not his team mates? Also I hope you’re taking care of yourself!
Yes, I love this prompt! It’s not a knock-down-drag-out fight, but I hope you enjoy it anyway ❤️ SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for homophobia, mentioned slur (not explicit), mild violence
They were still muttering behind him, laughing about some inside joke that was almost certainly at his expense. Just keep swimming, he thought as the refs reviewed a call.
“—not about to pussy out,” one of the guys snorted. “What, you think I can’t beat him?”
Remus ground his teeth.
Not two seconds later, something prodded the back of his shoulder. He ignored it. Not worth the penalty. A second poke nearly made him veer off course.
“Can I help you?” Remus asked as he finally turned. His annoyance bled into every word, but the two idiots only grinned. They were enforcers; big guys like Kuny, except without the kindness or intelligence in their eyes.
“How much did you have to pay to get your spot on this team?” one of them taunted, cocking an eyebrow. “Oh, sorry. How much did your boyfriend have to pay?”
“Less than your dad paid me last night,” he deadpanned. The refs would be done soon, and then he could find an excuse to drop the gloves. Deep breaths, his dad would say.
His mother would tell him to knock ‘em dead.
“Hey.” The next push was even harder; the bigger man’s voice was angry, now. Remus smiled to himself. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
“Who are you, my mother?” he snorted, though he turned again. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Finn nudge Talker with his elbow.
“I bet she’s real proud of you for sleeping your way to the top.”
“She is, actually.”
A gleam lit in his watery blue eyes, as if he had won something. “So you admit it?”
“What, that my mom’s proud of me and you’re an asshole? It’s not like it’s a secret.”
The shorter man—who had a good three inches on Remus but wasn’t nearly as fast—sneered. “My friend here bet me ten bucks you’d fight.”
“Ten bucks?” Remus widened his eyes. “Wow! You could buy yourself an ice cream with that! Good for you, buddy!”
Mauve colored his cheeks and tree-trunk neck as he skated right into Remus’ personal space. “I’m willing to lose that bet if it means knocking that smug look off your face,” he snarled.
Remus rolled his eyes and started heading back to his team. The review was clearly almost done. It was time to get his head off the schoolyard and into the game. “In your dreams, asshole.”
“Run along back home, you—“
The slur hung in the air like a swarm of bees. Remus stopped cold. Everyone within earshot went still.
Remus sighed, and slowly turned to face them again. “I really wish you didn’t just say that.”
A vicious glimmer crossed the shorter man’s beady eyes. “And what—“
The sickening snap of his nose beneath Remus’ knuckles and the ensuing shriek harmonized beautifully with the pulse pounding in his ears. Blood dripped through thick fingers. “Call me that again,” Remus said calmly, skating toward him despite the anger snarling inside his chest. “Do it.”
The taller man stepped in front of him. “Look, dude—“
“You wanted a fight, didn’t you?” Remus shoved him in the chest. “Ten bucks to get a rise out of the rookie? Your friend called me a slur and got exactly what he deserved for it, so either fight me like you wanted or stay the fuck out of my way.”
Talker’s hand was solid on his shoulder. “Loops—“
“What’s it gonna be?” Remus asked, making unblinking eye contact with the enforcer.
There was a pause, then a shake of the head. “You’re fuckin’ crazy, Lupin. Should’ve stayed on the bench where you belong.”
“Call me another slur and I’ll show you exactly where I belong, you second-rate coward. Now pull your head out of your ass and play the game with some dignity. Enjoy your ten bucks.”
Finn whistled lowly as he rejoined the group; Talker was still holding his shoulder, like he was afraid Remus was going to do something stupid. That was probably for the best. One of the refs raised a brow and blew his whistle. “Number six, two minutes for fighting. Number 14, five minutes for discrimination.”
“What?” The shorter enforcer spluttered around the fresh gauze in his hand. “He broke my fuckin’ nose!”
“Welcome to hockey,” the ref said drily. “Next time, read the rules about offensive language.”
“He played the gay card!”
Remus rounded on him, blood boiling. “I played the ‘get the fuck out of my face and don’t call me a slur’, you—“
“Okay,” James interrupted, skating between them with a palm on Remus’ chest. He lowered his voice, eyes softening in concern. “Two minutes is more than enough, yeah? We need you out here. You can kick his ass once you’re both out of the box.”
Remus clenched his jaw so hard his mouthguard squeaked, but he nodded and headed toward the box after a short pause. He already achieved his goal; those two minutes would be a goddamn victory lap.
Sirius’ proud smile and light shoulder check as he passed wasn’t half-bad, either.
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daincrediblegg · 3 years ago
I wish you'd write a fic of our sweet boy John dating a trans masculine reader 👉🏻👈🏻, and him defending them and having their back, especially against, like, Beverly (bitch) Keene. If you are up for writing this, do you mind making the reader atheist please?
Okay, thank you, have a good day!
(Also I saw your response to my ask!!! Thank you my dear you are so, so very nice and you and your blog make me feel very safe!!)
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a/n: dude I wish I'd write a fic with John x transmasc reader too 😂😂😂but I hope a few little headcanons of mine suffice for now
First thing's first: He's Trans Rights all the way. God no man that says of his own very gnc lesbian daughter "she was never a sin never a mistake" doesn't support trans rights and gay rights and everyone's rights, really (I mean also he lived through the 60's off island there's no way he doesn't still have a lot of those open-minded values).
I will say that sure- it's a bit of an adjustment for him personally when you start like dating bc he totally doesn't expect to fall in love with another man himself (having been born in the 40's and it having been a MUCH different time than the ones we live in now, it's natural he would feel a little confused by his feelings for you- even though he's definitely got the spirit) but my GOD does he adore you for all that you are, so when he's in he's ALL in with you. And, much like he approaches every topic under the sun- be it differing faiths or anything else- he comes at gender theory with curiosity, respect and understanding- and would love listening to you talk about your experience with gender and such.
Hell, he might even ask your permission to include some important points you make about it in his Sunday homilies (without ousting you in specific as his source for these thoughts- or clocking you if you've passed of course- he keeps his sources for the topic specifically tied to current events- and I mean say what you will but he is VERY good at playing these sorts of things off naturally and in a way that doesn't rouse suspicion from his parishioners- so you have absolutely NOTHING to fear on that front. And of course he won't do anything without your permission to either- but I'd like to think he'd like to talk about these sorts of things for the benefit of other islanders awareness and also for those who might feel as though the faith of the island wouldn't accept them for their gender identities or for being queer- he would want to assure absolutely everyone that they're welcome at St. Patrick's no matter the walk of life they come from).
And heaven help Bev Keane (or anyone else, really) if she says a goddamn word about it- because he can barely tolerate her base-line of xenophobia on a good day but transphobic shit in this house of God???? nuh uh. Absolutely not tolerated. And ESPECIALLY not in relation to you. He hardly ever gets angry about something to the point of raising his voice but if Bev said anything out of line in that regard the rumor mill would pick up on "The Father snapped at Bev the other day" for sure.
With all that in mind I think the atheism bit is the least of his worries. He does respect other's faith- or lack thereof- better than most, and definitely would respect yours just as much.
Also. If you tell him that his shirt and collar gives you gender envy. He won't get it. But he'll let you borrow his shirts anyway. And seeing you in them will MAKE him understand for sure. "Ooh here try the chasuble next."
ALSO also I've said before and I'll say again: in an "everyone lives" AU where he confronts his own repressed past and decides to run his church in a more progressive light he totally puts up a New Pride Flag outside St. Patrick's. Bev Keane dies mad.
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