#mcdanno moments
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ellena-asg · 1 year ago
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We almost kissed, 6x23
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liar-or-lawyer · 6 months ago
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year ago
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here's Steve holding the nape of Danny's neck/cradling the back of his head when they hug, in a protective and possessive gesture at the same time, for reasons 😏
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solaradastra · 9 months ago
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"How'd you find me?"
"I'm a cop."
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commandersmoothdog · 2 years ago
Danny: If I threw a stick...would you chase after it?
Steve, without breaking eye contact with his Danno: Woof!
Danny, smirking proudly: Good boy
Half of the people around them as they flirt:
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The other half:
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lemuria1134 · 2 years ago
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ellena-asg · 1 year ago
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This moment when Jerry is singing Presley's song: 🎶treat me like a fool, treat me mean and cruel🎶
and after hearing 🎶but love me🎶 boys are immediately reacting:
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They're always like this. They catch "love" word and then look at each other. They're like "you are love, love has your face".
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And this moment when Steve is like "Hey, honey, it's our song!" (oh, "they're playing our song" is a popular trope, romantic trope mostly, isn't it?).
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Also, this moment of Steve's pure joy and Danny's "Oh yeah, you're right. This song is about us. Every song with "love" word is about us".
This moment of their physical closeness and mental intimacy.
These two exploring (and enjoying so much) romantic feelings together.
They're even sitting "like a couple".
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And their delight, gosh.
I bet that they're dreaming of Jerry singing at their wedding (Jerry, be prepared!).
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theoriginofcarrots · 1 year ago
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One Mcdanno moment from every Hawaii Five-0 episode Season 1
+ extra moments:
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Season 2
Season 3
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years ago
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'You don't have to dance with me tonight'
(he doesn't have to, Steve, but maybe he wants to? Did you think about that?)
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shaunashipman · 23 days ago
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awww how sweet, a classic mcdanno moment to end the ep and now we get the—
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EXCUSE ME!! HOMOPHOBIA!! HOMOPHOBIA IN MY SUBTITLES!!! danny very clearly says "i love you, BABE" not "MAN" he doesn't call steve "man" his pet name for his husband is BABE.
i can't believe after 5 seasons the subtitles no homo'd them
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solaradastra · 8 months ago
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alea-says · 5 months ago
More H50 2x15 mcdanno comments...
* the way Grace asks where her mum or uncle Steve are - she knows if Danny was injured one of them would come for her, which says a lot about Steve's place in her life
* the way when Danny says that Grace is at a tennis lesson, Steve tells Chin which tennis place she's at - he knows which club she has her lessons at, but Chin is not expected to know this
* the way Steve is so visibly stressed when they realise Grace has been taken and he can't get a hold of Danny and he needs to make a decision about what they should do cos he's the boss, but he's visibly trying to pull himself together and focus and even when he manages to focus he's so emotional in a way he never is with cases. Like, he always cares, but this time he's rattled.
* the way Steve just yells Danny's name (multiple times) when they get to the park. He sends Kono and Chin to deal with the bad guy, and his focus is just on Danny.
* it's Steve there with Danny when they rescue Grace, right beside him, untying her, etc.
Not mcdanno but...
I can't comment on this ep without also commenting on how much I appreciate Stan in this episode.
When Danny says he needs to meet him, Stan's first thought is Grace.
When Danny says he needs to shoot him or some guy is going to kill Grace - Stan accepts it. He basically agrees to it. Because it's for Grace.
And I know in s1 he's set up as the 'bad guy' from Danny's POV because he gets time with Rachel and Grace, but I so wanted them to follow through on this moment here - where Danny and Stan are united in their desire to protect Grace and willing to do anything for her.
It would have made such a great starting point for them to start understanding each other, etc. They may never like each other but they both put Grace first.
And think that's also very telling about Stan. That he's okay with getting shot if it's for Grace. He loves her. He cares for her as a father. He's not just putting up with her so he can have Rachel - and I think that's very important to acknowledge.
(But the show was far too focused on making Danny and Stan rivals for Rachel's attention because don't we all know that Danny's straight? Here's proof. No, I'm not bitter about the comphet at all)
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years ago
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I’m sorry that the audience is perceiving your main characters in your tv show as homoerotic, you made them gaze into each others eyes far too long while covered in blood
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Since (Tiktok is being banned and) we're all gonna die anyway, I have one more secret I'd (like to jump into tumblr with) share with you (in the hopes that I find like-minded individuals)
I don't understand people who think Buddie is ever going canon.
I understand why people ship them. I understand why people thought there was a chance. I acknowledge they could work as a really epic slow burn romance.
They're not going canon.
It's not even because of Tommy and Tevan. I'll be happy to argue with anyone about Tevan.
Buddie is still not going canon.
Are they the majority of the shippers in the online fandom? Absolutely. Most popular ship, hands down. Over thirty thousand fanworks on AO3 alone, something like a hundred thousand followers in the tag on Tumblr, they're a shipping juggernaut. But what people fail to understand is that online fandom is always, ALWAYS a minority of the audience. The average viewer is not making tumblr posts and writing fics and drawing art of their favorite TV show. It doesn't matter how much of a majority of the fandom Buddie has, it's a minority of the audience. We saw this EXACT. SAME. EFFECT. in the recent election. Democrats created a giant echo chamber that made a lot of us very, very confident, but we did not have the majority of the audience.
A hundred thousand followers of the Buddie tag on Tumblr. However many hundred thousand tweets on Twitter (I refuse to call it X and I refuse to get on it). Thirty thousand works on AO3.
6-8 MILLION people regularly tune into 911. I guarantee you, most of them do not know what shipping is, and even if they do, Buddie has not been presented as a potential romance for either Buck or Eddie. Every moment, every look, every action...joke all you want, there IS a heterosexual explanation. "You two have a beautiful son!" Oh my God, meant to be!
The majority of the audience was laughing at the joke of two dudes being assumed a couple and Buck's discombobulation.
The shooting (honestly, the only part where I think they MIGHT have done it). A gorgeous romantic scene where they finally realized how much they stood to lose. Most of the audience was sympathizing with Buck having to watch his best friend go down in the street. Military people were probably having band of brothers thoughts.
Because, Evan. THE definitive Buddie moment. At best, most of the audience was thinking how beautiful it was that Eddie considers Buck family.
Buddie is not going canon, and it's weird that you get so vicious over it to other fans instead of yelling at the show to stop ship baiting for views. Cause that's what they're doing. Marketing, media, social posts, interviews. It all reads the exact same as it ALWAYS does when a show wants the engagement and the clicks but doesn't want to piss off the general audience. You saw it with Destiel, you saw it with Sterek, you saw it with McDanno.
ABC cares about diversity and storytelling only insofar as it will make them money and I guaran-damn-tee you Disney is not going to let them give Eddie a coming out arc along with Buck. It was a HUGE risk for them to do it with Buck (speaking strictly from a business perspective...obviously I think there should be more queer characters on TV) and it only worked because Buck was always at least a little queer-coded.
I am not shitting on gay!Eddie headcanons or the ship itself. But the NASTINESS that has perpetuated itself in regards to Buddie is gross and tiresome. It's not going canon and honestly in the political climate that's about to engulf the US even further I'd be surprised if they ever let Buck seriously date a man again, let alone Eddie.
There was a really lovely mlm ship with a main character and people shit on it so hard that it has a real chance of making them think twice about ever giving Buck a male love interest again.
So congrats, I guess? Still never going canon.
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mare--noctis · 3 months ago
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y'all..... this story.....
Interrupting your regularly scheduled McDanno posting to bring you the latest from Mare Noctis Studios:
the right hook by @thestalwartheart on AO3
I had so much fun creating this, it was nice to take a break from my own work for an hour or two. Mac, you are just so cool and I wish I had your knack for characterisation and your understanding of pacing the quiet moments in a story. Thank you for writing this and I hope this cover is just a small reflection of my admiration for you.
Until next time,
K. E. Birch
Mare Noctis Studios
( @boketto-fernweh )
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year ago
Old Wives' Tale: Athos x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @incorrect-mcdanno fandomhype sherberrt @sekretwindow sweetpeaswife keyweegirlie anele-anomis caffeinatedwoman thebejeweledwatercat jessevans swanfan17 burningpeachpuppy lit-swallow 
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Athos had always hated mornings. It was when the darkness was always at its worst. It had clawed at his insides, scratching it’s way into his mind.
Every day it was the same, the agony, the self-loathing, the grief. His world was tapered with misery, his steps stalked by the black dog. It had been that way for five years, he’d imagined it’ll be for five more.
Now though, now his life is different. He wakes up in soft sheets with the sunlight kissing his skin through the open window. The scent of lavender in his nose because you always dab the oil onto his pillowcase to ward away the nightmares that plague him.
He’d been sitting in the chair in your surgery, grinding his teeth as you cleaned the musket wound in his shoulder, when you had first suggested it.
“You’ve not been sleeping.” You’d murmured, cupping his chin to study the dark circles under his eyes.
Part of him had wanted to pull away but the other hadn’t. It had been the first time a woman had touched him in years, that she’d looked at him with tenderness. He thinks that’s the moment he falls in love with you because he found himself lost in the hues of your eyes, wondering if God plucked the stars right out of the sky and given them to you himself.
“I have nightmares.” He’d found himself saying as your thumb trailed along the line of his jaw.
“Lavender oil.” You said softly as you draw away. “It’ll help.”
“An old wives tale.” He had told you dismissively because the spell  was broken once you’d pulled away. He betrays himself when he’s with you, he tells you things that he would never admit to anyone else including his brothers in the musketeers.
You’d laugh at his comment and he’d felt a flush begin to creep up his cheeks because he’d forgotten that you were a war widow, that by society’s standards you should be remarried with a several children.
That’s not the path you’d chosen and he’d been grateful for it. You’d saved more of his men than he can count in your tenure as the garrison’s ‘doctor’. You can’t hold the official title but your skill set is second to none. Your husband had been a field surgeon during the war and you had followed him to the front with many of the other soldier’s wives. He’d believed in women’s education, teaching you his trade in the quiet moments, putting you to work in the more chaotic ones. Athos doesn’t have to imagine what you’ve seen, he’s lived it.
When your husband had died and the war was over you’d returned to Paris and set up your own establishment.
A woman doesn’t have the stomach for that kind of work many had scoffed. You’d proven them wrong time in the aftermath of the carriage accident, taking control of the situation, tending to the wounded. Now they come to you for their injuries and your compassion. You have a soothing nature, you’re both kind and pragmatic.
The war, your husband’s death, it could have broken you but it didn’t, he thinks what he really sees in you is hope. Hope for the days where he isn’t a ruined, broken down soldier, hope that tomorrow will be the day he wakes up and he doesn’t feel the agony of his history choking him.
“Maybe you should listen to this old wife.” You had teased him, wringing out the warm cloth in the small porcelain basin. He watches his blood intermingle with the water turning it pink and he wonders if maybe he should.
“You know I could have patched up your shoulder.” Aramis had remarked afterwards when the two of them were leaving. “Of course, my bed side manner isn’t anywhere near as charming as Juliette’s and I’m not quite as pretty.”
Athos had scowled at the comment instead tugging his hat down over his features to hide the warmth that flooded his cheeks.
A week later he returns to your surgery. You’re restocking some of your supplies, writing their numbers in an inventory that’s laid out across your desk. It’s lined with textbooks on anatomy, plant properties and oddly a small leatherbound book of sonnets.  
“The lavender oil.” He says gruffly as he removes his coin purpose from his belt. “I was thinking maybe I should try it after all.”
“Put that away.” You say gesturing to his purse before you select a small bottle with a dropper from the shelf. He refuses, taking out several coins and leaving them in a neat stack upon your desk.
You sigh as you press the bottle into the palm of his hand. The brush of your fingertips ignites something in him, something powerful and torrid and it takes everything in not to capture your hand when you pull away.
“One or two drops on your pillow case before you sleep.” You tell him and he nods his understanding before he tucks it into his pocket.
That night he forgoes the wine and instead dabs his pillow case with the oil. The aroma fills his senses as he begins to slip away and he thinks of you in his twilight moments, the press of your skin against his, the loveliness of your eyes.
He’s drawn from his thoughts by your stirring. You bury your face into his hair as your fingers comb through it and he moans against the hollow of your throat because when you tug his curls just a little…
It’s enough to a make a man see God.
“You are misbehaving.” You murmur as his calloused his hands begin to wander, palms caressing your bare skin, hips arching against yours.
“You bring out the devil in me.” He whispers, his lips seeking out that sensitive spot just underneath your ear and you make that noise for him, that sweet deviant little sound that he never gets tired of hearing.
“Athos…” You breathe and he smiles because he will never get tired of hearing you say his name like that.
Waking up with you is a gift, one that he treasures every single day.
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