#yevgeny milkovich
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ninoochat · 10 months ago
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Little domestic bitches
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konaiiro · 5 months ago
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We're supposed to hate each other, and I know a part of me still does. I feel it fading though, because in the end, I think we make a pretty good team. Translation Svetlana - Zhenya. (a nickname version of Yevgeny in Russian) Ian - Zhenya? Svetlana - Yes, good.
Had a tonne of fun with this quick painting for my first time doing @gallacrafts - theme 36: friendship, along with this ian and mandy painting too.
Late s4/early s5 is one of my favourite eras in the show, especially Ian, Svetlana and Mickey's little family. The concept of Svetlana teaching Ian her language is something i've never been able to be chill about; Russian is one of the only things she has. The drawing above is set post-s4, where Ian is still not fully recovered from his depressive episode. I can imagine the two of them bond as Ian stays home and takes care of Yevgeny.
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plumspider · 2 months ago
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Okay i saw this on TikTok and omg how can you interpret a character so badly, how can you watch this show and think of Mickey as some ‘angry gay dude’ who distracts everyone from Ian’s actual storyline.
He has such an insane backstory and is such a deep character who goes through so much development and even though he doesn’t have much screen time compared to everyone else his story still matters so much and he totally helps Ian so much.
He is SUCH a complex character and idk how people can’t see that:
He had a father who beat the shit out of him his whole life and called him a pussy for having feelings and then tried to kill him because he was gay - all of which MASSIVELY affected the rest of his life because he struggled to open up to people and communicate his feelings and struggled to deal with his anger issues and the repercussions from his previous life and beliefs that were forced on him by his dad.
The same father got a hooker to rape him at gun point to “fuck the faggot out of him” after finding him with his boyfriend and pistol whipping them.
He ended up with a kid conceived through rape (not her fault either) that he had to care and help provide for while also caring for his boyfriend who just got diagnosed with bipolar and was going through all sorts of shit at 17/18 years old.
He was forced into marrying a woman - the same woman who was made to rape him and is the mother to his child, who he doesn’t like being around and for a good reason (who would want to have to see the face of the person who did that to you/was in that situation with you every day - even if it wasn’t her fault).
He wasn’t in control of his own life because his dad would KILL him if he let himself be gay and he knew that.
His dad beat him to the point where he had such bad internalised homophobia that he’d beat up other people for being gay (knowing that that’s what would happen to him if he ever came out).
His mum left him (or died or whatever we think happened to her) and his siblings with a RASICT, HOMPHOBIC, PEDO (those scenes with Mandy and Debbie), RAPIST, SEXIST and all the other -ists dad.
His dad got put (back) in jail for breaking his parole (he was out for 4 hours) trying to kill Mickey and Ian after Mick came out to him in The Alibi.
Within one and a bit seasons (when he was only around 18 years old) he went from sneaking around with his boyfriend who he pretended not to like because if he did he’d be gay and that’s wrong, to being forced into a marriage with a woman and a child which he didn’t want or consent to and got beat the shit out of for coming out, living and supporting his wife, child and his bf who was either manic or depressed or in the psych ward while HIS DAD was in jail FOR TRYING TO KILL HIM.
Feel free to add to my rant proving that Mickey is so insanely complex and amazing.
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Mickey didn't usually take the kid grocery shopping but this Saturday, Lana plainly told him that she was busy so he'd have to watch over him- which could've meant anything. He was fairly sure she'd said that so she could have some time to herself, and had problem with interrupting his time to himself.
Fuckin' fine.
So here they were, going through the aisles while Yev did his best to pull the cart, standing on his tiptoes to reach the handle.
"Daddy, can we get cookies?"
"Sure, whatever," Mickey answered distractedly. He was usually here alone, usually every weekend around the same time.
Yev cheered, tossing in the package of chocolate chip.
"Daddy," he said for the umpteenth time that morning, "what's banging mean?"
"What?" He turned to face his son.
"Aunt Mandy said you needed to bang people," Yev reminded him. Shit, he heard that.
Yeah, Mandy opened her big fucking mouth when she found out that he didn't have any weekend plans. Said he needed to get out there and bang somebody.
"Nothing, forget about it," Mickey wasn't about to explain any of this to a six year old. He tried to focus on the shelf in front of him but Yev was stubborn.
"But what does it mean?"
"Nothing," Mickey said, only for his arm to be tugged on relentlessly. "Yev, quit it!"
"I wanna knowww," Yev whined. "Please?"
What the fuck ever. "Fine, it means-" He thought about it real quick, "to hangout in a special way that only grown ups do. Got it?"
Yev looked thoughtful. "Oh."
"Yeah. Now let go and stand by the cart," Mickey ordered.
"Okay, Daddy!" Yev gave him a sweet smile, as if he hadn't just been a huge annoyance.
Mickey rolled his eyes, ruffling his hair. Fuckin' kids, man.
Thank God Yev wasn't prone to tantrums. He was going through the whole store bouncing and asking if they were going to get this or that and Mickey had to grab him by the shoulders, pulling him close.
"Ay, chill, little man. You want that pizza when we're done, right?"
Yev nodded eagerly.
"Then calm down and stay still," Mickey instructed.
"Okay!" Yev hugged him by the waist, refusing to let go so Mickey had to walk carefully.
"You're a little shithead, you know that?" He muttered.
"Just like Aunt Mandy is a bitch, right?" Yev chose that moment to increase his voice, so Mickey was pretty sure the people a couple of aisles over heard him. On this one, he received a few nasty looks which he ignored.
"Just keep moving," Mickey gave him a gentle push.
"But that's what you say," Yev said, confused. "Cuz Aunt Mandy calls you assface all the time."
"Jesus..." Mickey was ready for this shopping trip to be over already. Next time Lana was gonna take care of the kid. "Let's just go pay for this shit, alright?"
He ushered them over to the checkout area and if he deliberately chose the one with the fucking hot redhead, well it was his fucking business.
The one cashier, Ian, was possibly behind Mickey's reasoning for shopping on this specific day of the week at this specific time. he felt like a fucking teenage girl every time he came here, anticipating on seeing the guy and only talking for a couple minutes at most. But it was this interaction that, even though he hated to admit it, he looked forward to.
Mickey was putting their groceries on the conveyor belt, completely forgetting he had a six year old with him when his son marched up to the front after the customer in front of them went through.
Mickey's head snapped up.
"Hello there, what's your name?" Ian asked kindly.
"Yevgeny. But my daddy calls Yev," his son said, then tapped his chin with his pointer finger. "He also calls me a shithead."
Ian snorted in surprise. Mickey's face was warming up.
"I didn't know you had a son," Ian said a he began scanning the items.
"Uh...yeah but I ain't together with his mom," Mickey said, trying to come off as nonchalant.
"That's cuz Daddy likes boys," Yev said promptly. "Do you like boys, Mister?"
Stop fucking talking, Mickey groaned internally. Fucking please.
He was about to tell Ian he didn't have to answer, and tell his own kid to shut the fuck up but Ian responded anyway with a big fucking smile.
"I do like boys," he spared Mickey a glance as he'd said it, filling him with fucking hope of all things.
Did this guy, the same guy that Mickey had been wondering about for weeks now - wondering because he didn't pine fuck you very much - just put himself out there that he was interested?
"You do?" Yev's face split into a wide grin. "Does that mean you'll bang my daddy?"
All at once, the time stopped, the earth stopped moving and Mickey thought he heard a faint gasp behind him. All the blood rushed to his face after that.
He wanted to die. Fucking die and let the ground swallow him whole. It would be infinitely better than this hell he'd found himself in.
Mickey didn't even want to know what Ian was thinking right now. He spared a glance at him, seein' his head ducked and shoulders shaking with laughter. "It ain't that fucking funny," he muttered.
Of course, Yev didn't get the fucking hint to shut up and just kept on blabbing. "Aunt Mandy says he needs to bang somebody cuz...cuz he needs to get out there!"
Jesus Christ, why didn't this kid ever shut up?
"Yev, go pick out some candy," Mickey said through grit teeth.
Yev beamed. "Okay!" He immediately went to pick out some candy bars, oblivious to the embarrassment he'd put his father through.
Mickey averted his eyes while waiting for Ian to finish scanning. "Uh, sorry about that, man."
"Don't worry about it," Ian's eyes sparkled with mirth. "He's a cute kid."
"Yeah, sure." He was a lot less cute in times like these. Or when he screamed bloody murder trying to get away from him when it was bath time.
He didn't know if he expected something else to happen or what, but nothing did. Mickey paid, pushed back his disappointment, then took all the groceries and Yev out to the parking lot to start loading up the car.
"You better stop repeating what your aunt says," Mickey scolded his son.
"Cuz-" The word died on his tongue when Ian came out of the store, still dressed in his uniform. He went right towards them, some longer pieces of hair bouncing in the slight breeze.
"Hi, Mister!" Yev exclaimed. "Are you gonna-" Mickey smoothly clasped a hand over his mouth.
"Whaddya need, man?"
"Your number."
Mickey was so surprised that he let go of Yev's mouth. "Yeah?" he said.
"I know you've wanted mine," Ian said, squinting against the sun that was over him. "Why else would you come in my checkout lane every Saturday?"
"Hey, man. Maybe you're just better at it than all those other morons," Mickey knew the guy was right, but he wasn't about to let him know that.
"It's not the only thing I'm better at," Ian winked. Mickey's eyebrows flew up.
And he may or may not have needed to adjust himself when the opportunity arose...
"What else are you better at?" Yev asked innocently.
"I'm really good at video games," Ian came up with a quick lie, giving him a warm smile.
"So is Daddy!"
"Maybe we can test that out sometime?" Ian handed him a torn off piece of a paper that had his number on it. He was already starting to walk away. "I'll see you later-?"
"Mickey," he said.
"I'll see you later Mickey," Ian said and then called, "and you too, Yev!"
"Bye!" Yev shouted. He looked up at Mickey. "Are you gonna bang him, Daddy?"
God, I hope so, Mickey thought.
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hayscodings · 10 months ago
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mother and son <3
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iangallagherisadeadman · 5 months ago
the idea of svetlana and mickey being sooo good with numbers and yevgeny being absolute shit enlights me with such enthusiasm you guys have no idea
like listen just listen imagine little yevgeny being a disaster throughout all of his school life and struggling with math and physics and all that BUT he learns russian and ukrainian and other languages as easily as breathing and decides that for the future he wants to go to college for a language degree and specialize in translation
he likes things like literature translation which requires a lot of ability to properly convey an idea and sentiments when passing a text from one language to another, but he sees himself making a life with like legal translation, working with laws, regulations, codes, decrees and contracts etc and/or with personal texts specifically so he can help immigrants like his mother
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atthedugouts · 7 months ago
Love You Forever
"Can we be done yet?" Mickey sighs. Ian had insisted on going to the mall to get a birthday present for Svetlana.
"Calm your tits Mick," Ian tells his boyfriend. "You're more impatient than Yev and he's only five."
"Just pick one and let go," Mickey gestures to the two bags in Ians hands.
"Fine, I'll go with the cheaper one. Plus it's bigger so it can hold more stuff. Girls like that right?"
"How the fuck should I know?" Mickey says. He turns to Yevgeny who's been staring at the jewelry counter. There's a display with a happy straight couple, the man proposing to the woman with a sign that says Get Something That Says I Love you Forever that makes Mickey want to barf. "Come on little man, Ian is finally letting us leave."
Yevgeny happily runs over to his dad and Ian as they make their way to the check out. Mickey rolls his eyes as Ian is extra polite to the cashier. Probably because he used to be one Mickey figures.
As they leave the department store the alarms go off and security approaches.
"Can you come with me?" The fake cop instructs more than asks. Fucking perfect, Mickey groans, they'll never leave this damn place.
"I'm going to have to see your bag and receipt," the security says. Ian happily complies and gives Mickey a look when he was about to protest. When it turned out all items in the bag were accounted for the security guy let them leave.
"Fuck you very much," Mickey says as they finally get to leave. "Fucking pig ass store profiling us because we're poor."
They arrive home later then planned. Yevgeny runs into his mom's arms as Ian apologies for being late.
"We got you presents!" Yevgeny tells his mom.
"You did?" Svetlana asks, shocked by the gesture. Ian hands her the department store bag with a big smile on his face.
"Hope you like," Mickey says. "We almost went to mall jail for it."
Svetlana opens it to reveal the bag Ian picked out. She gushed over it and dumps the contents of her old bag with duct taped handles and started filling up her new bag.
"I also have present!" Yevgeny shares. Mickey and Ian look at him shocked.
"What present?" Ian asks.
Yevgeny reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring. Svetlana takes the ring and starts thanking him over and over in Russian as realization hits Mickey and Ian.
"You fucking sticky fingers," Mickey says with pride. "You're the reason we got stopped by security."
"I just want Mama to know I love her forever," Yevgeny smiles as he looks at his parents.
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dailyshameless · 2 years ago
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MICKEY & YEVGENY 5.06 ― "Crazy Love"
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year ago
svetlana was also a victim of rape in 3x06. svetlana shouldn’t have had to carry and raise yevgeny. svetlana did NOT want to have sex with mickey. that’s all.
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 1 year ago
Honestly fuck John Wells for taking Svetlana and Yvengeny away because we could have gotten-
Yev, pointing at Mickey: Dada! :D
Mickey, like an animal staring down a vicious predator: Is it too late to leave him at the fire station?
Svetlana: You leave my baby at fire station I cut your dick off.
Ian: Mickey, you love Yev, and please don't get your dick cut off because I do love it very much-
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cobra-creampuff · 6 months ago
Traveling: Ian/Mickey & Svetlana & Yevgeny + Domesticity (series)
series summary: Where Ian gets diagnosed as bipolar and treated by the army and everything is generally very anticlimactic on that front. Meanwhile, Mickey is a good dad in spite of everything. And then Ian comes back home. Series currently rated T overall, but will become more mature.
just a child (that's all): Mickey & Svetlana + Trauma Recovery (1/1) Mickey is traveling, one step at a time. Mickey is not weak or a coward. He's trying. And he is succeeding. Rated T.
Various Connective Oneshots (0/?)
The Babysitter's Here: Ian/Mickey & Yevgeny + Getting Back Together (6/6) Ian miraculously makes it through basic training, gets medicated on army dime, and goes on an uneventful tour. When he comes back Mickey is waiting for him, with a little surprise. Rated T.
Aren't We Aging Well: Ian/Mickey & Everyone VS Terry (0/3) [direct sequel to The Babysitter's Here, in which Mickey discovers - to his shock - that he is more respected than Terry is feared]
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forestcat000 · 2 months ago
Season 5 episode 5 of shameless
Ian stole a baby and Jimmy fucking Steve is back.
this is great...
I swear if Fiona gets back with him or cheats on Gus with him I'm throwing myself out a window
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"Yevy, dinner!" Ian called. The table was set for three since Lana was out and did not disclose what she was doing or where she was going.
He made a pot of steaming hot spaghetti, setting it down carefully in the middle of the table. Mickey grabbed a beer for both of them, his stomach rumbling. He was fuckin' starving.
There was the sound of heels digging into the floor, and there came their son, beaming. "I'm here, Een!" Yevy announced.
"Ay, no running in the house," Mickey scolded. "How many times we gotta tell you that?"
"But you said you didn't wanna see me run and you didn't," Yev argued with all the logic of a little kid.
Ian cracked a grin which he tried to hide. Mickey huffed through his nose. Fuckin' smartass.
"Sit down on the damn chair."
For a five year old, Yev looked very smug. "Een, did I win?" He did a poor whisper that Mickey heard clearly.
Ian stifled his laughter at the unimpressed look Mickey was giving them both. Shoulda known he'd get ganged up on by his boyfriend and son.
"Come here," Ian picked Yev up, holding him close. "You know, you're my favorite Milkovich but you can't tell your daddy or Aunt Mandy, okay?" He said in a stage whisper.
"Okay," Yev giggled. Mickey would deny it, and start throwing some punches around if somebody said otherwise, but it was kinda nice...or whatever to see the kid and Ian getting along like that.
Some part of him sorta wished he could bond with the kid that easily.
Ian kissed him on the head, setting him back down. Yev got up on the chair. "I'm hungry." 
"I'm glad, but you have to be careful. It's hot," Ian advised, scooping some out for Yev onto a plate.
"Okay," Yev chirped.
"Mandy still working?" Ian asked, one hand on Mickey's knee.
"Yeah. Said she'll be back later."
"I'll save her a plate," Ian said.
"Why? She can make herself a damn sandwich or something," Mickey shrugged.
"Mickey," Ian rolled his eyes. He was going to say more, Mickey knew it, but then a sudden shriek from Yev had their heads turning rapidly in his direction.
He must have touched the bottom part of the plate where it was the hottest. Yev burst into tears, holding his hurt finger close to him.
"Oh, Buddy," Ian was on it. He tried to get Yev to show him but he was crying too hard and didn't want anyone else touching it. "Can I have a look at it, Yevy?"
Yev shook his head. Mickey didn't feel like feeling so useless, so he tried to help.
"Ay, let Ian have a look."
But then something unexpected happened; Yev didn't turn to Ian for comfort like he usually did. Instead, he launched himself into Mickey's arms, his face burrowing in his shoulder.
It caught him off guard. Surprised Ian too, but he recovered faster.
"Daddy, it hurts!" Yev sobbed.
Mickey hesitantly rubbed his back. "Yeah," he said lamely, "it will for a bit."
He really wasn't sure what to fucking do. He didn't know how to handle the kid, and it wasn't helping that Ian was making those damn doe eyes.
"You're doing so good, Mick," Ian said softly.
Good? Mickey barely did anything.
"Just keep holding him. He'll be okay. We'll just have to run some water over it."
Ian was always doing that, trying to encourage him when it came to Yev. It was hard to believe. Mickey just wasn't father material. Not like he'd ever had anyone to show him what a good one looked like.
Maybe he could try.
"You're, uh, okay," Mickey muttered. "You're fine, kid. I gotcha."
It took a couple of minutes for Yev to stop crying. A couple minutes of Mickey murmuring shit he didn't even know was helping or not.
By that time, he was somewhat calmed down, besides his red-rimmed eyes and tear tracks on his cheeks. Mickey didn't know why the sight made him have this weird pang in his gut.
"You gotta watch next time, okay?" Mickey said, doing his best to keep his voice gentle like Ian would. "Ian told you it was hot."
Yev had his head leaning against his dad's chest. "I know," he sniffled. "I didn't mean to."
Those four little words brought Mickey back to when he was a little kid looking for attention and approval from Terry. He'd said those words, usually after an accident of some sort, but it never helped. If anything, it seemed to enrage Terry even more.
It wasn't the life he wanted for Yev. He wasn't sure how he felt about the little fucker yet, maybe there was some part of him that did love him, but the fucked up way he'd been conceived still haunted Mickey and made it really fucking hard to bond with him the way he was 'supposed' to.
"Yeah," Mickey said quietly. He smoothed down his son's unruly hair. "Yeah, I know. You, uh, wanna try eating again?"
Yev gripped his shirt. "I wanna stay here."
"You wanna sit on your dad's lap?" Ian said with the biggest smile on his face. Yev nodded, peeking up at Mickey as if he was worried he'd be forced off.
It made something warm come alive in Mickey.
"You really want to?"
Yev nodded again.
Mickey looked at Ian, a bit of a frantic gleam in his eyes because what the fuck should he say to that?
His boyfriend just smiled in return, letting this next move be Mickey's choice and not his own.
And well, fuck it.
Mickey felt weird about it, letting him stay there and eat like that, but that's what he did. He kept one arm around Yev so he wouldn't fall, that warm sensation returning when Yev leaned back against him in contentment.
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hayscodings · 9 months ago
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svetlana, yevgeny, & v in 8x08
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trashblackrainbow · 1 year ago
Unpopular opinion but I loved Svetlana.
Don’t get me wrong, she did some f-ed up shit but she was also great and a badass a lot of the times. She helped Kev and V with a lot of things like the Alibi and the kids and maybe even them as a couple. Then they either got bored or she did one step wrong and they just turned completely on her. All that woman did was trying to get out of the shithole her life was and the stereotype expected from her. Also I think she did something for or impacted more or less everyone in the series.
Kinda sad her storyline ends abruptly and we didn’t get to see the wedding but at least she and her kid got out of what was starting tobecome an abusive environment.
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atthedugouts · 1 month ago
Day At The Ballpark
You can read more like this story here. I'm also always willing to take suggestions for our little southside family.
The White Sox were honoring the first responders of Chicago which meant Ian and his EMT crew got free tickets to a home game and got to bring their families. 
“Are you sure this is free?” Mickey says taking the hotdog from his boyfriend. The only time Mickey has been in the ballpark was when he and his brothers would sneak in after selling product to spectors outside.
“Yeah, it’s an annual thing,” Ian says.
“Then how come we’ve never been before?” Mickey questions.
“Because the dates never lined up, this year we can go,” Ian explains as he sits down next to him. “Stop being so paranoid. Be more like Yev, he’s happy to be here.”
Mickey looks to his son on the other side whose face is already covered in nacho cheese.
“You’re fucking spoiled you know that right?” Mickey tells the five year old.
The boy just grins and nods his head.
“You tell me that every day,” Yevgeny answers.
Svetlana hands Mickey his beer and sits on the other side of Yevgeny.
“This was $15,” she says in an annoyed tone.
“$15? For one fucking beer?” Mickey shouts.
“Use your public voice Mick,” Ian scolds.
“You said your captain gave you vouchers for food and drinks,” Mickey reminds him.
“I guess alcohol doesn’t count as a drink,” Ian says as he shrugs his shoulders and takes a bite of his hotdog with extra mayo.
“Next round you buy,” Svetlana says, wetting a napkin with a water bottle to clean Yevgeny’s face.
��At school, for show and tell, Doug brought in a ball that he got from a game he went to and the players all signed it,” Yevgeny says.
“That’s cool buddy,” Ian says. “Maybe you’ll catch your own.”
“Naw, if we catch a ball then we getting money for that shit,” Mickey says.
“Mickey, that’s not the point,” Ian says.
“No, I heard if you catch a ball then they try to negotiate with you because the players always want their home run ball,” Mickey says. “But you got to hold out because if you can take the ball home you can make a fuckton at an auction.”
“This is about making happy memories, Mick,” Ian says. “Not everything is an opportunity to make money.”
“Oh I forgot, we suddenly not poor? Ay, Svet if we catch a ball we totally selling it right?”
“Of course,” Svetlana says matter of factly.
The game goes on. Baseball is a long game which means plenty of opportunities for Ian to show off his family to his coworkers. Ian and Svetlana have seemed to come up with a bit that makes Mickey want to punch both of them in the face.
“Hey Woody, is that your fiance?” Ian asks.
“Yeah, this is Annie, is this your boyfriend?” Woody asks as Mickey clenches his fist waiting for the stupid routine to be over with.
“Yup, this is Mickey,” Ian says, placing a hand on Mickey’s knee. “And this is Mickey’s wife, Svetlana.”
“Hello,” Svetlana would greet before the coworker would have time to fully take in what Ian said. “And this is our son Yevgeny. It’s our first baseball game.”
“Oh, ah, that’s nice, uh, we’ll be over there. Talk to you later Ian,” Woody stammers.
“For the hundredth time, you two have to stop fucking doing that,” Mickey hisses as this Woody guy quickly walks back to his seat.
“You are no fun,” Svetlana says. “Who cares what other people think?”
The game enters the seventh inning and Yevgeny is still waiting to catch a ball. He has Ian’s old baseball glove in hand and is up against the railing.
“Yevgeny, not to close,” Svetlana scolds with worry. “You’ll fall over the edge.”
“I have to catch a ball!” Yevgeny protests.
“Listen to your mom, little man,” Mickey says, pulling his son back.
“I’m never going to catch a ball,” Yevgeny says, he’s close to tears.
“Maybe we should head home,” Ian says. “It’s past Yevy’s bedtime.”
Then there’s a loud pop and a ball is flying towards their section. It’s a clear home run as the crowd cheers the batter around the bases.
Mickey quickly gets his son’s arm as the ball is heading straight towards them. What are the fucking odds?
Then right as the ball is going to land in the Yevgeny’s glove a stranger’s hand snatches the ball from him.
“What the fuck?” Mickey yells as he turns to see a drunk man wearing a Chicago PD shirt. He’s obviously here for the White Sox First Responder’s Day. He’s waving the ball in air in triumph as the fellow spectators around them boos. “You just stole that from my son.”
“He should have tried harder,” the cop laughs.
“Hey, you ain’t on the field, you ain’t playin’ that was my sons ball,” Mickey says.
“No, I caught it, it’s mine,” the cop says. “RIght guys?”
The cop turns tries to get the support from the people around them.
“You stole the ball jerkwad,” a guy with a firefighter shirt says.
“Naw, he caught it he gets it,” another guy in a police shirt back-up his buddy.
The section erupts in shouting as people loudly debated who was right.
“Hey man you better give that ball back to my son,” Mickey threatens.
“Whatever,” the cop dismisses. He tries to turn to leave but Ian grabs his shirt and pulls him back.
“You’re gonna give him the damn ball,” Ian says, his eyes flaring into the douchebag of a cop. Mickey knows that he’ll go down on Ian as soon as they get home for this.
“Let go,” the cop challenges.
“Hey, I’ve hit a pig before for a hell of a lot less,” Mickey says.
Svetlana is trying to console Yevgeny who is confused and distraught about not having a ball.
The ballpark security comes and Mickey is thinking that he messed up Yevgeny’s first baseball game.
“Come on gentlemen,” the security says with their hand on the cop’s shoulder. “Tell to go.”
“Unbelievable, I caught the ball isn’t this the rule or somethin?” 
“You’re causing a distraction,” the security explains.
“Yeah, it’s OK we’ll go,” Mickey says compiling.
“No sir, just these two,” the security says motioning to the ball stealer and his friend.
“Oh, uh, right,” Mickey says, trying to play it cool.
“Hand over the ball,” the security guy depends of the cop. The cop obeys and Mickey is speechless. Their whole section cheers as the two cops are escorted out of the stadium.
“Do I get to ball now?” Yevgeny asks.
“Yeah little man,” Mickey lightly tosses the ball to his son. “Hold on to that tight.”
“Well this is certainly a game to remember huh?” Ian says wrapping an arm around Mickey’s shoulders.
“Maybe we can skip next year,” Mickey says.
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