Mickey: *pacing and ranting in Ukrainian*
Ian, not understanding but nodding slowly: Uh huh...uh huh...well I can see you're very upset
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A little "What if" idea
What if things were mostly the same but just a tiny bit different?
Here's a few instances of how that could go if we switch some stuff up:
In this, despite who his father is, Mickey has made peace with being gay at an early age. On the other hand, despite his open minded family, Ian was still trying to convince himself he's straight
Maybe Ian doesn't have bipolar, Mickey does (or some other mental illness)
Mickey is the one who gets taken advantage of by an older man
It's Ian who's raped and Mickey is forced to watched (maybe Yevgeny could be Ian's then)
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I got you!
Here are some multi chapter fics. If you want oneshot recommendations, I can give you those too. These are all complete, btw
House of Horrors: The Milkovich family is a notorious and formidable presence on the Southside, their name casting fear upon their neighbors. Although the family remains a mystery, the topic of rumors and suspicions. Despite obvious signs of neglect and unexplained injuries, a silence surrounds the house, no one brave enough to intervene. But what chilling truths lie behind closed doors?
Are You There, God? It's About Mickey Milkovich: Ian thought maybe her parents were mean. Maybe they hit her. Maybe they hit each other. And then Mickey Milkovich drove up in his ugly truck, and Ian thought maybe he was the bad guy in the story. But after tonight, after the way he had scrambled to make sure Mandy was okay from whatever their dad had done to her…Ian realized that Mickey and Mandy Milkovich were in a far worse situation than he had thought. They were just two terrified kids stuck in hell.
You Are The Answer I've Waited For: What would happen if Svetlana hadn't gotten pregnant? What if Mickey hadn't had to marry her? In this world, he immediately goes to live with Ian and they get to start their life as a couple, complete with Ian being supportive, the Gallaghers mostly liking Mickey, and the Gallaghers throwing Mickey his first ever birthday party.
Mickey Milkovich Is A "Bad" Influence: Set in the week or so after Ian's first depressive episode (post 4x12). Carl makes it his mission to see Ian through his depression and gains a much better understanding of Mickey Milkovich in the process.
Crossing Over: It only takes Ian about five whole minutes to realize he's probably made the biggest mistake of his life, and boy has he made some mistakes. Cue a certain Mexican banger motherfucker he thought he'd never see again.
Shirtless: Mickey has a new neighbor who's always jogging past his house shirtless.
The Perfect Fit: Mickey Milkovich recently got into an accident and is going to be in a wheelchair for a couple months. He doesn't get along with any of the caregivers so far and keeps letting them go. What happens when he meets a nurse who doesn't take his shit?
That's Not What 'F" Stands For:
"Thank you for coming in."
"Of course Ms. Pratt, what's this about?"
"Yeah man, what's this 'emergency'?"
"We were going through alphabets yesterday and... Yevgeny said a bad word."
"For fuck's sake. We are not the six year olds you gotta tolerate every fucking day. Fucking spit it out and use adult fucking words."
"God dammit Mick."
*Your Wish Is Granted:
The story begins in Season 6, right around E10, after Ian passes his EMT exam. This is a bodyswap fic, so it contains some magic (ala “Big” style), but I’ve picked a darker time in Gallavich canon, so the tone will be angsty at first. Not to worry though. I love our boys, and there will be some fun and growth and endgame Gallavich, so come along for the head fuck!
*(((this is my ultimate favorite Gallavich fic!!)))
Mickey Milkovich's Guide To Flirting:
Mickey Milkovich doesn’t get crushes, fuck you very much
How Mickey Milkovich learned to stop worrying (so much) and flirt with his crush
Only You: Gallavich Prompt: How about Ian was diagnosed with Bipolar really early? He's already friends with Mandy and has a secret thing with Mickey that they're disguising as friendship. He has his ups and downs. During a really bad down period Mickey comes by and Ian actually responds, like starts eating, or Mickey makes a joke about the smell and Ian showers. Ian's family and Mandy are confused cuz theyre just friends, right? Mickey knows about the ups and downs and just treats them like normal moods.
Stocking Fillers: Ian finds out that Mickey has never really had a Christmas... no stockings, no Santa Clause. He makes it his mission to change that.
I need some Gallavich fic recommendations.
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The Ripped Jeans
I posted this on ao3 but thought I'd do it here too since it's not too long. I made a little error; this occurs in s11 but I forgot that the gay friends episode (when he wears the ripped jeans) comes before the one about the apartment but whatever. It's fine. In this, they're already at their apartment
Mickey should’ve lounging by the pool smokin’ a joint, or sitting on the couch eating a cold slice of pizza, watching some shitty movie he’d seen countless times before. It was his and Ian’s day off, damn it.  So why the fuck did his husband have to drag him out while he bought some more jeans? 
Ugh, Ian was always wanting to do this kinda mundane shit with him now that they were married and not in prison anymore. On any other day, Mickey would’ve went along with it, probably would’ve given him some shit for it too, but today was just not one of those days he wanted to be in the fucking mall . 
Too many other people had the same idea; for mid-morning on a Friday, it was too fuckin’ crowded. The store could’ve been bigger, could’ve not had such shitty hipster sounding music playing overhead. And if one more fucking sales person came over to ask if Mickey needed help, he might just find himself thrown back into prison, and Ian could be pissy about it all he wanted. 
He leaned against the wall, the part of it that wasn’t covered in clothes that were hung up. At least if he had to suffer through this, he coulda been in the dressing room with Ian. Why the hell should he stay out here and wait? Better fucking question; why did Ian have to try them on all? Should’ve just grabbed a couple pairs and be done with it. 
“You done yet?” Mickey called impatiently. 
From the other side of the dressing room, he could hear Ian blowing out puffs of air in frustration. “ No .” 
“The fuck is taking you so long?” 
Not too far away, a woman was pushing along a stroller with her young daughter strapped in it. She shot Mickey a nasty look. He flipped her off. 
“Fuck you. You wanna act all high and mighty? Go be with those North Side yuppies.” 
“ Mickey ,” came Ian’s exasperated voice. “Leave them alone and help me.” 
Help him, ay? He could work with that. 
“Sure thing, Lover,” Mickey said slyly, pushing himself off the wall and over to the dressing room door. “Ain’t gotta tell me twice.” 
“That’s not what I meant, Mick,” Ian said dryly. Mickey stopped in his tracks, and scowled. “Can you grab me a couple more pairs to try on? I don’t like the way these fit.” 
“The fuck do I gotta do that for?” 
“Because you’re my husband and you don’t mind doing things for me,” Ian responded. 
“You gonna blow me for it later?” Mickey grumbled. 
“If you’re good,” Ian said, and Mickey could just picture his husband’s lascivious grin. 
Fuck yeah , Mickey thought, making his way over to teh various tables and shelfs. Ian was probably gonna be a little pissed that all he did was grab random styles that were in his size, but he could get the fuck over it. 
Jesus, why were there so damn many kinds of ‘em? And why the fuck were they so expensive? 
At this point, his arms were getting weighed down by the sheer amount of jeans draped over them. But there was one more pair he hadn’t taken yet. He grabbed that one too, taking them back to the dressing room for Ian to try on. 
And hopefully there was something he liked in there so they could get the fuck out of here soon. 
“Mick? You there- oof! ” 
He’d started tossing them over so they’d land in the dressing room. He was gettin’ some disapproving looks from the sales people but he couldn’t care less. 
“Seriously, Mickey? You couldn’t have just let me open the door?” 
“Nah,” Mickey said. “Now hurry the fuck up, Gallagher.” 
“Jesus, fine,” Ian scoffed. There was noise, some shuffling going on in there, and then, one pair of jeans came hurling out of there for Mickey to catch. “Take these back.” 
“What’s wrong with these?” Mickey unfolded them to examine them further. They were black, and ripped at the knees. Didn’t look half bad if he was being honest. 
“I don’t really like ripped jeans,” came Ian’s answer. 
Mickey held onto the jeans just for a minute longer. It was fucking weird. He didn’t usually give a shit about clothes. If they didn’t stink and they fit, that was good enough for him. He’d never given much thought about what he wore. 
But these ....They looked kinda badass. 
Now you’re gonna dress like a faggot? Came the voice of his father, a harsh whisper in his ear that had Mickey freezing up right there. 
Even after all this time, Terry Milkovich had a way of getting his son right where he wanted him to be. 
And suddenly, these jeans felt like they were burning his hands. Mickey quickly balled them up, shoving them into a shelf so he could stand beside the dressing room again. That smile on his face was only half hearted when Ian came out, coyly remarking on how nice and tight this pair was. 
Mickey was aware that Ian was suspicious; he’d been oddly silent on the way out, the drive back, and didn’t even argue with him about what kind of take out they’d have for dinner that night. He just wasn’t ready to talk about it, not right now. 
His thoughts kept drafting, kept taking him back to the hipster store with the ripped jeans. 
Terry woulda never let him even glance in the direction of those things, let alone wear ‘em. And sure, he had no power over Mickey now, had no say in the choices he made in his life. He knew that. 
But that didn’t mean he ever truly left . 
Sometimes his voice was just there , man. It slithered up ‘till it was in his ear, softly reminding him of who he was now- a good for nothing fag - and who he used to be. Most days, Mickey could just tune it out, pretend it wasn’t there. 
Times like this proved to be much more difficult. 
It bothered him, conflicted him that his first inclination upon seeing the jeans wasn't disgust. It wasn’t to make a smart ass remark. He’d liked him, would’ve considered even trying them on too. 
He’d accepted he was gay. Embraced it wholeheartedly just as he knew he’d always love Ian Gallagher. Hell, he’d even worn a fuckin’ dress to get through the boarder. But this...makin’ changes to his clothes was too big of a change.
That evening, as a steady rain came down outside, the sky dark and the windows littered with scattered raindrops, the two of them were sitting comfortably on the couch they’d gotten from Kev and V with containers of Chinese food Ian had bought.  The television was on, but Mickey’s focus was on his husband pathetically trying to use the chopsticks they were given. 
“This is just sad, man,” he said, a small smirk peeking out. 
“Fuck off,” Ian scowled, eyes lighting briefly when he successfully picked up a piece of sesame chicken- but then it fell back into the container and he groaned in disappointment. 
“Just get a fuckin’ fork-” 
“-I can do this!” 
Mckey slurped a lo mein noodle, watching the frustration grow and grow in his husband’s eyes. “S’gonna get cold.” 
“I can do this,” Ian stressed, jaw clenching when yet another piece slipped out of the hold he had on it. “Just give me a minute.” 
His annoyance turned into disbelief when Mickey plucked a piece of chicken right from his container, bringing it right to his mouth with a closed-mouthed cheeky grin. 
“Shoulda been faster,” he said after it was swallowed. “Fucking bastard,” Ian muttered. He ultimately gave up after that, rising to his feet to get a fork, tossing away the chopsticks and coming back with a fuckin’ pout . Plopping back down, he used one hand to affectionately card his fingers through the hair on the back of Mickey’s head. 
Times like these, nights like these where they could relax after a long day of deliveries- or in the case of today, doin’ nothing at all- were what Mickey looked forward to. Who would’ve thought this would be his life now? Goin’ from that kid who was abruptly woke up with a tire iron poking him in the back to stayin’ in this fancy ass apartment with his fucking husband , doing the everyday shit together like it was fuckin’ fate or whatever. 
For a few moments, Mickey watched the TV, not realizing that Ian was openly staring at him. 
“You wanna tell me what’s up?” 
“What?” Mickey tore his eyes away to meet Ian’s. There was some concern, some curiosity. 
“What’s wrong?” Ian repeated. 
“Ain’t nothin’ wrong, Firecrotch.” 
“You sure?” Ian couldn’t help but press a little. “You’ve been acting weird since we went shopping. Did something happen?” 
“Did something- Jesus! Would you get off my ass,” Mickey slammed the container of food on the worn coffee table. “Do I have to tell you every fuckin’ thing that goes on with me?” 
“Well, as your husband , I think I have a right to know when you’re upset,” Ian leveled him with a glare. 
“The fuck you do!” 
Ian was taking deep breaths in and out. He rubbed his fingertips on his eyelids. “Is this all because you didn’t want to go shopping?” 
At this, a feeling of hurt seeped into Mickey’s chest. Hurt that quickly changed into anger . That what Ian thought? Didn’t have to think about it, just came to the conclusion that Mickey was acting off because he was forced into something he didn’t wanna do like some fuckin’ child? 
Fuck this movie. Fuck this dinner. Mickey was up on his feet, throwing the fork in the sink, letting it clatter loudly. The food went into the fridge, and he slid his hoodie on. 
“Where are you going?” Ian quickly jumped up. 
“Out,” Mikey said shortly. 
“It’s raining dumbass. Where are you gonna go?” Ian snapped. 
“Don’t care so long as it’s away from your nosy ass,” Mickey made sure his phone was in his pocket, then headed towards the door. 
“Mickey, come the fuck on! Can’t we just talk about this like fucking adults ?” 
There it was again. The insinuation that Mickey was acting like a bratty child. 
“Fuck you, Ian!” He shouted. He left without another word, slamming the door so hard that the next door neighbor banged on the wall.  
All the lights except for the one over the kitchen sink were off when Mickey returned. The TV was off, a sliver of light coming out from their bedroom.
He slid off his boots, throwing his hoodie on the back of the couch, rubbing his eyebrow. Ian was gonna be pissed. He was still a little pissed. 
And he was gonna want an explanation for what that was earlier. 
“Hey,” Mickey said quietly, opening their door to find Ian already in bed with the glow of the night lamp lighting up the room. 
“Hey,” Ian said without looking at him. “You better now?” 
“Yeah, still a little pissed at you,” Mickey said, to which Ian’s head swiveled around in his direction. 
“ Me? What the fuck did I do?” 
He was less angry than earlier, but his tone still held a touch of defensiveness. 
They’d been trying to do better about this stuff now that they were married, communicating and all that shit. Mickey knew it was important but fuck , this was a pain in the ass sometimes. Was it really necessary to talk about every fuckin’ thing? 
“Didn’t have to assume like you did,” Mickey muttered. 
“About what? ” 
Mickey took a deep breath, staring his husband in the eyes. “You thought I was actin off ‘cause I had to go shopping with you.” 
Ian licked his lips, letting the words sink in. “But it wasn’t....was it?” 
“No,” Mickey sat down on the bed, leaning back and letting his gaze longer on the still curtain-less window. 
Briefly, there was nothing but silence. 
“But then what was it?” Ian said, confused. “What was wrong?” 
“Does it matter?” Mickey said with no heat. 
“Mick, of course it matters.” 
Ian reached out to cup his face but Mickey pulled away. “Why do you gotta assume the worst of me?” He asked instead. 
“What?” Ian blinked. 
“You didn’t think something else was wrong?” Mickey didn’t try to disguise the hurt in his voice. “You just thought I was poutin’ or some shit?”
The question had Ian deflating, looking remorseful. “I didn’t...You were complaining before we left,” he said lamely. “I just thought you were mad we didn’t spend all day here like you wanted.” 
“Yeah, well. I wasn’t.” 
Ian scooted closer, his face neatly fitting into the crook of Mickey’s neck. 
“I’m sorry, Mickey. I shouldn’t have assumed.” 
“Damn right you shouldn’t have,” Mickey said, feeling Ian’s lips press a kiss to his neck. “You’re still an asshole, though.” 
“I know,” Ian’s words were muffled against his skin.  “I’m sorry.” 
Mickey tried to curl around his husband, breathing in the scent of Ian and Irish spring soap. “I’m sorry too. Shouldn’t have walked out like that.” 
“You were upset,” Ian reasoned. “At least you didn’t punch me.” 
“Wanted too.”
“But you didn’t,” Ian pulled back, though he was still close enough for Mickey to take him in his arms if he wanted to. “You showed restraint.” 
His eyes were lighter, a smile coming out. He was joking, and it loosened something in Mickey’s chest. 
“Gotta show it once and a while,” Mickey grunted. 
That smile slowly disappeared. Ian, taking a second to think it over, leaned forward to kiss his temple. 
“You wanna tell me what’s wrong now? 
“It’s fucking stupid,” Mickey regretted walking out, regretted making it obvious he was upset over a pair of fucking jeans . 
“You listen when I’m upset about stupid stuff. Besides, we both know how you downplay your shit,” Ian murmured. “Just tell me what’s up, Mick. I’m listening, I promise.” 
How did he even begin to explain this? 
“You remember-” Mickey hesitated for a long while, then tried again, “you remember when I was bringing you stuff to try on?” 
Ian nodded. “What about it?” “You remember how you gave me the ripped jeans back ‘cause you said you didn’t like ‘em?” 
Jesus, don’t be such a fucking pussy. Just tell him. 
“Mick-” Ian started. 
“I liked ‘em,” Mickey said, once he’d cut Ian off. “I liked how they looked.” 
“You did?” Ian said, mildly surprised. “Well, do you want to buy a pair?” 
“I don’t fuckin’ know,” Mickey groaned. “I don’t know, okay?” 
Ian nodded slowly. “I’m kinda lost here. You liked the jeans....but why were you upset about that?”
“Why do you think, dumbass?” Mickey sighed. “Fuckin’ Terry.” 
His husband’s eyes darkened. “ Mickey ...” 
Mickey rubbed at his brow again. “They look like something a fag would wear,” he said quietly, finally meeting his eyes again. “S’what he’d say.” 
“Good thing he has no say in any of this,” Ian said firmly. “Mickey, you can wear whatever you want. Terry has no say in your life anymore.” 
“I know that. S’just....” Mickey struggled with his words. “Not easy, man.” 
“I know,” Ian said gently. “I know it’s not. I just want you to remember that you don’t have to be that person anymore. You don’t have to be at Terry’s beck and call. You’ve done so well for yourself, Mick. I’m fucking proud of you. And if you want to wear ripped jeans now, you should do it. I bet you’d look pretty damn sexy if you did.” 
“Ay, cool it, man,” Mickey huffed out a laugh. 
“I told you that you have pretty nice legs,” Ian grinned, letting his hand wander along Mickey’s thigh. “I mean it, though. Don’t let Terry stop you from doing what you want anymore.” 
Mickey considered this, and frowned. “You don’t think I’ll look-” He trailed off, not knowing how to finish. 
Luckily, Ian understood him well enough to know. “You’ll look fucking amazing.” 
“Come on, man.” 
Ian placed his hand on top of Mickey’s. “If it’s what you want, we’ll go back there tomorrow and buy them.” 
“I dunno....”
“Okay,” Ian said after a second of thought, “what if I wanted them? Would I look like a fag?” 
“Fuck no,” Mickey said immediately. 
“Then why would you?” Ian held Mickey’s face in his hands, kissing him softly. “You don’t have to play by his rules anymore. You’re free, Mickey. And you can do whatever you want now.” 
Ian was right...he was fuckin’ free. 
And if he wanted to go buy a pair of ripped jeans, he damn well could. Fuck Terry for making him feel otherwise. 
“Yeah,” Mickey murmured, realizing how many possibilities were open to him. He didn’t have to give a shit anymore. “Guess I can.” 
Ian’s smile was so wide and dorky. “Do you wanna go back tomorrow?” 
“Fine. But we better hit the food court for a cinnamon roll too, bitch.” 
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Final chapter of Caught! I was gonna make this a little more fluffier but I kinda struggled with the conversation between them. However, don't worry, as I said I made this into a series on ao3 so I'll be posting oneshots whenever I have ideas/get a prompt
Colin was no prince fucking charming.
Didn’t care about romantic shit, never had and didn’t think he ever would. He fucked plenty of girls, uninterested in committing to anything more. Didn’t need ‘em. Wasn’t like he didn’t have pron magazines at his disposal if he was horny enough.
But that makeout with Fiona Gallagher was the start of something new in his life. The bar was new, just on the edge of the South Side so it would attract more of those North Side yuppies to the business. He went there with a purpose; plenty of naive, unsuspecting people who would either leave their valuables within reach, or the ones that were desperate to get some of the heavier, good stuff but didn’t want to risk their reputation by buying from a location where someone they know might see them.
With his pockets loaded in preparation for the dealing he’d inevitably do, Colin set out to make some earnings. Around fifteen minutes, he lost count of how many beers he chugged. His head was foggy, his initial reason for coming there forgotten because there’d been a hot as fuck girl near the counter. She looked familiar but than again, he’d fucked almost all the girls that lived around the Southside so he didn’t question it.
When they’d had to part, breathless and pink-cheeked, Colin caught a proper look of the girl’s face, and was startled to realize who’d been making out with. She was just as caught off guard as he was, which should have been the end of things right then and there. Milkovich’s didn’t fuck with Gallagher’s.
But somehow, he’d found himself being pulled into the bathroom where he proceeded to have the best fuck of his entire life.
And that encounter led him to now; standing in front of the bathroom mirror, fixing his fucking hair and making himself look all presentable and shit.
“Where the fuck are you goin’ so early?” Iggy muttered groggily, shoving past him to take a piss.
“None of your fucking business,” Colin threw the comb down on the counter, stalking out of there. Mickey had gone back to sleep, or tried to. Really fucking sucks for him that the bathroom was connected to his room.
“Jesus, hurry the fuck up and get out!” His brother snapped.
Colin just flipped him off on the way out, nearly running right into his sister, who looked murderous.
“Why the hell were you screaming?” She hit him on the shoulder. “I was trying to sleep!”
“Blame Mickey,” Colin shrugged.
“I’ll fucking blame you both.”
“Don’t be so pissy, Mands,” he swept past her, snatching a hoodie off the back of the couch.
“Where are you going?”
“Oh my God,” Colin said agitatedly, “do I owe this house a fucking explanation when I wanna go somewhere?”
“Since when do you go somewhere this early?” Mandy shot back.
“I have a fucking life incase you didn’t know,” he snarked.
“News to me,” Mandy turned on her heel, heading towards the fridge. He rolled his eyes, sliding the hoodie onto him.
“Ay, you meetin’ up with somebody?” Iggy came out, rubbing his eyes. He grinned slyly. “You meetin’ up with a chick?”
“Fuck off.”
“That’d mean a chick was actually interested in him,” Mandy deadpanned on her way back to her own bedroom.
Colin glared at his sister’s back, not noticing Iggy wiggling his eyebrows.
“So it is a chick. What’s ‘er name?”
No fucking way was Colin having this conversation with him. “Go back to sleep, Ig.”
He sauntered over to North Wallace just in time to see Fiona locking the door of her house.
“Ay,” he called. “Good choice on the jeans, Gallagher.”
She quirked a brow as she opened the gate up. “You care about what jeans I’m wearing?”
“Sure,” he shrugged. “They make your ass look great-” Fiona broke out into soft laughter.
“Knew there had to be a catch.”
They walked alongside each other, hands shoved in the pockets of their hoodies to keep them protected from the freezing cold. A couple minutes of silence passed by before Fiona broke it.
“Mickey doing okay?”
“He’s fine,” Colin said, truthfully appreciating her concern. “He thought he was gettin’ kicked out.”
“Shit,” she breathed. “You set him straight?”
“Can you really be set straight if you’re sucking dick?”
Fiona rolled her eyes.
“Just fuckin’ with you,” Colin snickered. When that died down, he said, “He’s good now. Had to knock some sense into his head. He thought I was gonna tell Terry.”
She gave him a look that clearly said see what I mean?
“As if I’d tell that bastard anything,” Colin scoffed. “Don’t know why Mick would think that.”
He stopped walking when Fiona raised a brow at him. “You can’t see it?”
“See what?” The fuck was she talking about?
“You and Iggy have always done what Terry’s told you. Mickey’s not blind,” she told him, her expression serious. “You can’t blame him for thinkin’ that way.”
“I’m not like Terry,” Colin said, offended she’d even make that comparison.
“You called him a fag,” she pointed out.
“Well, yeah,” Colin shrugged. “It was a hell of a lot nicer than anything Terry woulda said.”
She wasn’t amused. “You need to cut that shit out, Colin. I’m serious. Mickey doesn’t need to hear that from you and I’m sure as hell not gonna have Ian hear it. He hears it enough living here.”
If she was just any other girl he’d fucked, he would’ve bailed on her right now. Nobody was gonna tell him what to fucking do. But a lot had changed in the time he’d gotten close to the eldest Gallagher; hell, it felt like a lot had changed since he’d spoken to Mickey.
But Colin was still a Milkovich and he couldn’t be expected to change into a completely different person at the drop of a hat. “You know how my family is, Fiona.”
“And what?” She said challengingly, hands on her hips. “That means you gotta be like ‘em?”
“Not what I said. Just sayin’ I’ll try but you gotta give me time. Took me a long ass time not to give a shit in the first place. You’re damn lucky Frank doesn’t care. You see how easy it is not to care when Terry’s making you come along on fag bashes.”
This made Fiona go quiet. “I guess I see your point,” she said grudgingly. “Just try not to say it around my kids, okay?”
“You think they haven’t already heard it?”
“Colin,” Fiona glared at him.
He mockingly did the scouts honor sign. “I promise,” he said, half sarcastic, half sincere. “Just give me time, okay?”
Fiona’s eyes studied his face for a solid five seconds. “Fine, but you better fucking try. I’m not stayin’ with your ass if you don’t.”
“Yeah, yeah. I hear ya.”
Around fifteen minutes later, Colin was doing the unfathomable: sitting across from his date while she ate her french toast.
It felt fucking surreal. He didn’t do these kinds of things. Once the fucking stopped, he was out of there. This thing with Fiona was different. Colin was drawn to her; her laugh, that smile, everything.
It was uncomfortable as fuck at first- having these feelings. He wasn’t the kinda guy to have feelings and sure as hell not the kind of guy to seek a real relationship.
But than again, something changed in the past couple of months to get him to this moment.
“You good?” Fiona’s voice brought him back to the present and out of his thoughts. She’d stopped eating, her gaze lingering on him.
“Uh, yeah,” he scooped up a bite of scrambled eggs.
Fiona nodded slowly, soaking up the syrup with her french toast. “This is kinda weird, isn’t it?”
They’d talked more once they realized they both wanted more out of this, but this was a hell of a lot different than any of their usual encounters with each other.
He set his fork down. “Might surprise you, Gallagher, but I don’t go on dates.”
“You mean none of those girls you fucked ever took you out?” Her brow quirked.
“Nah, but it wasn’t ‘cause they were unsatisfied or anythin’,” he smirked.
“You know that for sure?”
Colin flipped her off, and a laugh bubbled out of her. It was a real nice sound too.
“You better know what you’re getting into,” he said once it tapered off, “I ain’t gonna be no prince charming or somethin’.”
“Well, lucky for you, it’s not your attitude I like,” she replied with a grin.
“It’s my dick, isn’t it?” He said smugly. A woman at a nearby table made a face of disgust, glaring at him but neither one of them noticed.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“I don’t know,” he said, one arm over the back of the booth, “you seemed pretty happy with it last night.”
“I was also drinking. A lot of things look good by then.”
“Whatever, Gallagher,” Colin stabbed some cubed potatoes, dipping them directly in her syrup.
“Hey,” Fiona moved her plate. “You have your own food.”
“I’m paying for it so it’s all my food,” Colin said, eyes dancing with amusement. “But I’ll generously let you have the rest.” She rolled her own eyes.
“You’re a real fucking sweetheart.”
“You said it,” he shrugged.
Fiona scoffed out a laugh, shaking her head. “Well, for the record, this isn’t the worst date I’ve ever been on.”
“Are you saying you have horror stories?” He said with interest, propping his elbows on the table.
“You sayin’ you wanna hear them?”
“I do like misery,” he said with mock thoughtfulness. He leaned back, getting himself comfortable. “Let’s hear it.”
“It’s not many,” she said, a smile emerging. “But I did have one where his mom came along.”
Colin’s eyes widened a little. “You’re fucking joking.”
“I’m not. She sat a couple tables away from us, kept interrupting our conversation and made sure he ordered some vegetables,” she said with a heavy sigh.
He couldn’t even try to stop the laughter from flowing. “Oh my God!”
“Fuck off, it’s not that funny,” she groaned.
“No, it’s fucking hilarious,” Colin threw his head back, a grin stretching across his face. “Who the fuck brings their mother on a date? How old was this guy?”
“Older than me by a few years,” she said with a grimace.
He chuckled. “Lucky for you, our mother ran out on us years ago.”
“So did ours,” she said, taking a drink of her coffee. “Unmedicated, high and jumping from one bed to the next.”
“Sounds like our mother, besides the unmedicated part,” he said. “She was just always high and drunk.”
“All while they expect you to clean up their messes,” she grumbled.
“Ain’t that the fucking truth. Me and Ig practically raised Mickey and Mandy ourselves. Jesus, it was tough for a while. Tryin’ to potty train Mick, make sure Mandy wasn’t crawling near any of Terry’s shit while Laura was passed out on the couch and Terry was out somewhere,” Colin said with a shake of his head.
He’d never be able to talk about it with anyone else. This was the Southside and all, but not everyone got his situation which was worse than your average family out there. But Fiona? She got it; she was living similarly with the struggles of having Frank and Monica for parents.
“Ugh,” she said sympathetically. “I know what you mean. I’ve been takin’ care of them since I was nine, but Monica can some swoop in and get their hopes up and fucking leave again. Did Laura ever do that?”
“Nah,” he said. “Wasn’t much of a runner. She just wasn’t really there to take care of ‘em if you know what I mean. Don’t think any of us would care if she came back, though. She’s as good as dead to Mandy.”
“That’s how I feel about Monica sometimes,” she admitted. “But then she comes back and makes you feel like she cares until she dips again. Somehow feels worse than all the shit Frank puts through, you know? At least he’s consistent.”
“Consistent pain in the ass,” Colin rolled his eyes. “He tried conning some drugs outta Iggy the other day. He wasn’t brave on the other end of Ig’s assault rifle.”
Normally, a girl would be a little freaked out if her father was almost shot, but Fiona thought this was funny. “Yeah? I owe Iggy a beer for that one. Tell him I’ll take him out soon.”
“Just you and him?” Colin said, going for nonchalance when in actuality, the thought of her going out alone with his brother made him feel fucking weird.
“What, you jealous?”
“You fucking wish.”
“Fine. Maybe I’ll find out what Iggy’s like after a few drinks,” Fiona licked her bottom lip to wipe off the syrup there, but all it did was unintentionally distract Colin.
His eyes darkened. “You better fucking not.”
“Yeah?” Eyebrows raised, an innocent look to her that he didn't buy- she was teasing him.
He leaned forward, voice lowering. “I don't plan on sharing you.”
“That so?” She whispered. She was captivated; a slight uptake of her lips, lust gleaming in her eyes. “What are you plannin’ on?”
Right then and there, Colin knew that Fiona had him in her grasp. There was no escape, but he'd never want one anyway.
“Guess you'll have to wait and find out, won't you, Gallagher?”
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This is so good!!
𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚎 - 𝙰 𝙶𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢
𝚂𝚘, 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚊 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍. 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚊 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙸 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙸 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 "𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚍 𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜". 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙸 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙴 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗 (𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙸'𝚖 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚋𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚊𝚗🤭) 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚝!
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Summary: While fleeing an abusive relationship with his son Mickey Milkovich is in a car accident that leads to him losing his memory. Ian Gallagher is the responding medic to the car accident and forms a bond with the young boy and takes it upon himself to care for the boy until his father is well again. Things aren’t always as they seem though. And sometimes in protecting yourself and those you love you bury the truth. But the truth never stays hidden for long.
Word Count: 6.6k
Warnings/Tags: Domestic violence. Child abuse. Amnesia. Trevor. Ian and Trevor are and have only ever been friends in this story. Ian has a dog. Very protective Ian Gallagher. Dad Mickey. Previously married Mickey. Bipolar!Ian. The bipolar is not a main topic. Manipulation of how real world laws work — it’s fiction guys.
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I'm hopeful that the final chapter of Caught will be out sometime tomorrow!
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Dragged out on his day off so Ian can shop for jeans, Mickey spots a pair that he actually might like But then that inner voice of Terry ruins it for him
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Freckle face
When Ian flipped him over, he stared a little too long at Mickey's face. A sharp the fuck you lookin’ at was on the tip of his tongue, his mood souring a little. He thought he was gonna fucked senseless, or at least a good fuckin’ makeout, not Gallagher’s lips stretching into a dopey smile. 
“Holy shit,” he said in awe. 
“What?” Mickey snapped. 
“You have freckles.” 
Mickey’s weren’t as visible as Ian’s were, or rather used to be from how they kinda lightened up since his time working at Kash and Grab, but they came out a little more in the summertime. Honestly, he would’ve thought Ian woulda seen ‘em before now. 
“Whatever, man,” he grumbled. He was gonna turn over if not for Ian taking his face by the chin with one hand. “The fuck-” 
“I never noticed them before,” he said, sounding almost giddy by the discovery. 
“So fucking what?” Mickey scowled. “You gonna finish what you started?” 
But Ian wasn't thinking about that at all. He grinned, using his thumb to trace along Mickey's cheek. “You're so damn cute, Mick.” 
It was spoken so earnestly, Ian's smile was one of adoration. Mickey felt a flush creeping up his face. Nobody ever said things like that to him before, and here Ian was, marveling over some damn freckles. 
“I ain't cute,” Mickey muttered, his gaze tearing away from Ian's face to look over at the wall. 
“You’re cute,” Ian disagreed, noses brushing against each other’s. One hand came to hold the back of his head, tilting his own so he could softly kiss Mickey. “So fucking cute....” 
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hey y'all I need help finding 2 fics if you don't mind!
The first one I didn't get to read yet. It's set in s3 where instead of Lip and Ian going to a group home they get put with a (religious, i think) foster couple who abuses Ian (idk about Lip, I think it's just Ian) and that's all I remember (this one was found!)
Then there was one set in s11. Lip has a dream about Mickey (I think a sex dream) and now he's feeling awkward around him. He tells Ian who teases him about it. It had 3 or 4 chapters with one of them being where Lip takes them both back home after their anniversary party and they're both drunk (and during that time, Ian mentions the dream to Mickey). The last chapter was Lip taking Mickey back to get the ambulance and he finds out that Mickey remembers what Ian said the night before
(this was found too!)
seriously if you're able to find one or both of these, thank you so much!
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Working on the final chapter for Caught
Here's a sneak peek:
They walked alongside each other, hands shoved in the pockets of their hoodies to keep them protected from the freezing cold. A couple minutes of silence passed by before Fiona broke it.  “Mickey doing okay?”  “He’s fine,” Colin said, truthfully appreciating her concern. “He thought he was gettin’ kicked out.”  “Shit,” she breathed. “You set him straight?”  “Can you really be set straight if you’re sucking dick?”  Fiona rolled her eyes. 
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long Oneshot idea
AU different first meet
Rich!Milkoviches (Terry is mostly the same except now he has money and is kinda a snob)
Slightly nicer-ish Mickey since he grew up differently
still poor!Gallaghers
Mandy and Mickey Milkovich are about to have their world turned upside down when they find a lost wallet that belongs to somebody named Ian Gallagher. For some reason, they (more so Mandy) feel compelled to return it so that's what they do
They get drawn into the warmth of the Gallagher house where everyone actually acts like a family (and a bit wary of the South Side too, tbh)
Ian Gallagher wants to show them what a true friend is (and maybe something more in Mickey's case...). All they've ever known is having "friends" who were more interested in their money but Ian, Lip and the others aren't like that
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Oneshot idea (idk if I'll write this but someone else can if you want)
Superhero/Supervillain AU
Mickey and Ian are aware of each other's alter ego's
Living a double life where he's an EMT and a secret superhero isn't easy for Ian Gallagher
It's a lot less easy when his husband is a supervillain and causing chaos all the time for his own amusement
Sometimes Mickey likes to help other villains to piss his husband off. Other times he works alongside Ian if there's another villain that's being really difficult (and it's business if he wants to!)
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Ian: I was thinking... Mickey, eyebrows raised, interested: Yeah? Ian: We haven't had much alone time lately Mickey, grinning: I'm listening Ian, tracing along Mickey's collarbone: We could take a bath...turn some music on...make some fruity cocktails to drink while we're in there Mickey: Ian: Mickey: You make it hard to love you
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Ian, while they're out shopping and come across a family in need: Mick, give those people a couple of dollars Mickey: Give?! Nobody gives me anything! Ian: It's Christmas, Mickey. They're a family and they need help. Baby, that could be us Mickey: After we pay the bills this month, that will be us
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Story idea # 10 (I think)- Gallavich
Set in early seasons (probably season 1)
Mickey doesn't let his fear of his father stop him from exploring his sexuality and embarks in a secret relationship with an older man and it's everything he's craved but never let himself experience before- touching, someone to care and love him-everything he didn't get from his own family
But the relationship soon turns abusive and Mickey has nowhere to turn to
No one else knows he's gay and if anyone knew that one of Terry's sons let himself get pushed around, they'd never take him seriously again
And he can't just fight back or tell him to get lost- the guy is blackmailing him. Saying he'll make sure Terry finds out
So he has to keep seeing this guy, has to give him what he wants and has to carry around this shameful secret
But he doesn't know that Ian Gallagher, his sister's best friend or boyfriend or whatever the hell they are these days, has been watching him
He's noticed that something isn't quite right with Mickey and for some reason, tries to find out what it is
And ends up witnessing Mickey being slapped around (or something else along those lines)
It's hard to see, especially with how tough he's always known that Mickey is
He wants to help but how?
Mickey's ashamed of so much; of being gay, of being in this situation and that shame turns into anger when he finds out that Ian knows
Despite Mickey's best efforts to stop it, Ian throws himself into the situation to help, doing so much for someone who barely spared him a glance
In this, he'll help Mickey heal. He'll show him it's okay to be who you are and he'll show him what it's like to be truly loved
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