#he is a goblin ive been trying to say this
zwolfgames · 1 month
Goblin camp overtake (drabble) Platonic!Yandere!BG3 x Teen!Reader
(Hopefully it's a bit accurate because ive only played the story twice for now so i dunno all the posibilities.)
Summary: Teen!reader and the squad go take defeat the goblins. Therefore meeting Halsin, and Minthara again.
Warnings: Death (obv), mentions of gore, Goblins
Other related BG3 by me: Intro
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The sun was shining, the flowers in the forest were blooming... On days like this, kids like you had been tasked with commuting genocide on the local goblins.
Not that you really cared. They were little shitheads... Stole your laundry once back when you lived with your mom... before all this...
But getting closer to this alleged camp wasn't making you any more at ease. You could already imagine the stench of those sweaty creatures when you have to inevitably walk into that camp. Which you've heard is actually just an old temple.
You've noticed over time that people in your little group have gotten... well, friendlier. For example: Lae'zel was no longer throwing you glares, Shadowheart remembered your name, Astarion has indoctrinated you into his schemes... Yea, the three most hostile people had warmed up to you.
And the other have just... always been quite nice.
Well, Wyll still didn't seem to approve of you, a minor, coming along. But he didn't really have a choice as the others were not allowing him to take you back to the Emerald Grove. Guess they really do find you too funny to lose then.
"Ugh, the stench is disgusting." Karlach waves the air under her nose away.
"It is the smell of a goblin camp. What were you expecting? Tchk. And I myself find this odor quite thrilling. It promises of a good fight." Lae'zel slightly smirks. Clawed hands flexing around the handle of her greatsword.
"Of course you do... Tough the smell of blood has never scared me away." Astarion, in turn, chuckles in that weird posh way. You raise a brow.
"So you're sure you're not a vampire?" You question sarcastically. The pale elf gasps in mock offense.
"Of course not. I merely like the smell." He huffs. Right, so that time you saw him hunt down a boar must have been make belief.
The rest of the party didn't comment anymore as you made your way to the camp.
Gale had thrown his arm around your shoulder to keep you at the back. He excused that as 'magic users stay behind so they can asses the battlefield'. But he probably just didn't want to accidently get Lae'zels sword through his back.
This mission to save some druid calmed Halsin was looking like a total hassle. But hey, why not do side quests while the worm in your head is ready to kill you?
Whatever person lives in your head didn't take kindly to your remark as you heard the voice say they'd protect you.
Right, bullshit. You're just developing pshycosis. A hundred percent that.
"Y/N. If they target you, I want you to run, alright?" Wyll speaks calmly.
"Well, I mean, not that I don't want to but were kind of in this together -" You start nonchalantly.
"Don't listen to the human. It is unhonerable to run from a fight." Lae'zel scolds like a lecturing general.
Well, do you really care about your honor? It's not like you're trying to capture the Avatar here-
"Yea yea, got it, boss." You sigh. The slight stress makes its way to your head. It's just some goblins, right? Nothing a good magic missile can't solve... Right?
You take back your words quite quickly when Astarion smooth talks his way past the outside security to let your group pass. There's like... at least fifty goblins here!
You feel an arm slitter around your shoulders. Looking up, you can see Lae'zels warry face.
She's gripping that greatsword quite harshly, a bit scared, maybe? Tough you doubt it, it's Lae'zel..
You ignore the stink eyes these little creatures are throwing you and walk along with your group.
"My, what a festive place, no? Look, they even have booze." Astarion muses with his typical smug grin.
"We're not here to party." Gale groans. The wizard stares at the goblins in distaste. You note that everyone is on edge
A goblin child sticks her tingue out at you, so you do the same, blowing raspberries for good meassure. This action earns you a dissaproving look by Wyll.
"So where's this druid? I don't want to be here any longer then needed." Shadowheart complains with a little wave infront of her nose to showcase that she thinks this place stinks.. Wich it does.
"Let's ask!" Karlach offers her idea.
"You've got to be the most optimistic person I've met and we have a literal child in the group." Gale groans.
"You can't miss any of the chances you take." Karlach shrugs.
"Let's just gut all of them. I'm sure we can search for the druid in peace then." Astarion smirks.
"For once, I agree with the pale one." Lae'zel sneers.
You watch your group bicker a bit longer as you wander out of the grip you had been put in. Walking around the goblin camp instead.
Mhh, a clear booze tub. They're drunk. Quite ideal.
You scan around the area, a certain tall woman catches your eye, seeing as she isn't a goblin.
Wait a minute, you've met her before! She almost killed you on the beach when the Nautiloid crashed!
The nerve of that woman, she doesn't deserve the same hairstyle as your mother.
Astarion had snuk out of the argument your group of idiots was having right in the middle of the goblin camp. He stuck himself to your side, observing along with you.
"You seem... focussed. You have an idea, do you not?" The pale elf asks smoothly.
"An inkling. They're drinking, and Nettie gave us wyvern poison... I mean...?" You let your gaze travel to the booze tub. Astarions red eyed orbs follow along. You can see a sharp toothed grin spread across his face.
"I just know we're going to be great friends, Y/N.." He smirks and puts a cold hand on your shoulder.
You just smile in satisfaction that your plan is apparently good. Before you know it, Astarions snatched the poison out of Shadowhearts pocket. You watch the man go invisible to presumably go dunk the booze in poison. Or maybe he's gonna drink it... But he never seemed suicidal... So it should be fine.
"Y/N, c'mon, we're going into the temple, the druid should be there." Karlach waves you over.
You nod and join the group again. Getting tucked back under someone's shoulder.
The first leader of the Goblins you had met was a priestess. And oh boy, defenitly not your favourite... She wanted to brand you! Is she nuts!?
So anyways, Lae'zel chopped her head off... Uh... props to Wyll for covering your eyes.
Then there was Dror Ragzlin. Scary guy that one. Almost twice your size, mean face and doing necromancy. Yikes.
Unfortunatly, you did have to help in this fight. There were goblins storming in through the door and well just that beast of an orc.
So you you just started blasting spells at the incoming goblins. Fireball and Ice Knife were a nice combo, no? Make em slip and then steam the ice and do damage? Sounds logical to you. Was anyone else smelling barbeque or just you?
When that got taken care of, Karlach strapped a helmet to your head and lead you back to the group.
The last leader was the same woman that had tried to kill you. Minthara, apparently. You've never seen a real drow, so this was cool. Except for the part where she tried to kill all of you. That wasn't that cool...
Just before she was supposed to just die, Lae'zel had accidently hit one of the wooden beams in the room. The ceiling collapsed right infront of you.
Well, maybe she's dead? Atleast it's not your problem anymore?
After all the goblins inside had straight up been slayed, Astarion joined the group once more, seeming quite pleased with himself.
"Where have you been?" Gale asks sternly. Raising an eyebrow in suspiscion. It's still quite annoying that nobody really trusts anyone here..
"Let's just say the situation outside is taken care off." Astarion boasts proudly.
"Really? And you did that, alone?" Shadowheart states in a disbelieving tone. Gods forbid the fancy man does anything impressive.
"Yes! Is that so hard to believe?" Astarion scoffs and crosses his arms.
"Very." Shadowheart argues back.
"I'll believe it when I see it." Lae'zel adds.
Wyll and Karlach just exchange glances. Well you know that he did it. So there's no need for your input-
"Ahhh!" You eep in fear as a large man had appeared behind you. Wich is very scary considering every one in this temple was supposed to be dead.
"Calm down little cub, I mean no harm." The large man smiles reasuringly.
You stagger back to Lae'zels side. This man... Elf ears.. Brown hair. Ah, druid attire? Halsin, perhaps?
"And who are you?" Shadowheart asks for all of you.
"Halsin. You were sent here to come chack on me, or are you just lost adventurers?" Halsin asks with that same smile.
"Well, we found him. Back to the grove-" Gale starts walking off before Karlach grabs the rim of his robes to keep him in the group.
"We did come here for you. Have the goblins hurt you?" Wyll asks calmly. Halsin shakes his head.
"Nothing I can't handle. Why the cub?" Halsin tilts his head at you.
"They're actually an immortal being in the form of a child. Wiser then any of us." Astarion makes up.
Halsin raises a brow. Clearly not believing that.
"Right. But like your little wizard said, we should get back. I am sure the grove has missed me." Halsin hums.
"Don't think so, they're closing it off frol the outside world." You mention calmly.
"What." Halsin stops smiling. You just shrug, that's all you picked up from it.
Halsin frowns and starts walking out. What determination.
Your group eventually exits the dead silent temple after having taken any valuables. Can't leave without some loot, who knows if you're getting paid!
As you walk out the large door, the death Astarion had caused is quite visible, dead goblins everywhere. R.I.P, you won't be missed.
Now that that's taken care of, who knows what adventures await you thanks to this stupid worm in your brain!
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Not the best, but it's something. Yan feelings gotta develop trough the story but I'm not fully there yet.
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dustykneed · 8 months
for context: star trek into darkness (specifically, my take on the implications of bones doing what he had to do and the emotional fallout of those missing scenes) (not that ive seen it!! but ive read enough fic to know the gist of it LMAO) (can you believe this started as an impulse draw to see if i could use pastels to convey heavy emotions and now im writing a very very long headcanon in my notes app.)
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Leonard goes and he plays god, and injects Jim with that godforsaken blood, and then there is nothing left to do but wait.
He sinks into the chair at his desk, and steeples his fingers together. It occurs to him that these circumstances are the sort that would drive any religious man to bow his head and clasp his hands together, like so, and pray.
--but he is a doctor, and he has never been religious, and he has a duty to do, and he has broken his oath, and there is blood on his hands and flecking his shirt.
Leonard sits very still at his desk and weeps, and he does not pray.
sorry to all of y'all who had to find out i was an angst goblin this way <///3 but basically the hc/rough fic is an extension of the angst potential of that one scene where jim wakes up and fixates on spock (and his lack of response towards bones is never addressed afterwards i think? not sure but it's an interesting premise imo)
brief summary: bones never gets closure from jim after he wakes up because jim and spock get together immediately after and it just slips their minds, so bones is stuck in "oh god jim's dying" mode and feels absolutely terrible, but the bridge crew helps a bit by being there for him to hang out with, but still bones does overwork while trying to work through the sense of wrongness of not being able to have his emotional needs met after the whole jim dying fiasco and feeling like his best friend has forgotten him. he admittedly makes good progress (by which i mean he's able to take really big overwhelming feelings and put them away well enough in his daily life to function relatively normally) but the crushing grief is always in the background. about a month or so after spirk gets together, spock accidentally brushes bones' arm and is absolutely slammed by a wave of unexpected exhaustion and emotional pain and is like ??????!!!????????? long story short he drags bones to jim and bones cries for the first time since jim "died" and it is immensely cathartic and then jim blurts out a confession because he has horrible timing and asks bones to join him and spock and obviously bones cries harder and spock is about to smack jim upside the head lmao (bones says its way too much to process and he needs time but hes not exactly opposed, and they all start spending more time together, and then eventually bones is like fuck it and asks for a kiss and they finally get together !!!!!!)
as a treat for reading all of my mildly insane word vomit y'all get a soft bittersweet aos mcspirk scribble<33
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gotta love aos jim's majestic eyebrows and aos spock's general sort of >:[ expression!! really growin on me tbh
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welldrawnfish · 6 months
Okay... before this starts I apologize for both length and possible butchering of your art. I am not good at this, but your stuff wants to make me try it out. With that, here it goes:
Twig was walking through the brush, looking for stuff to throw in the pile. She thought over what Fish Guts said, “Anything pink good for food pot. Is usually soft and nummy”. She was searching for mushrooms or the occasional stray tongue. She walked through a bush when she saw them
Three humans, two facing away from her and bending over a map but one was facing her. It was a man wearing a breastplate and wielding a sword. His eyes fell on Twig, widening in surprise, before a look of recognition crossed his face.
Twig dashed off into the brush before the knight had a chance to react, running to get away from the group and trying not to lead them to the rest of the Goblins. After a few minutes, she was hiding behind a tree next to a pond, listening to hear if she was being followed. She breathed a sigh of relief and a gloved hand grabbed her shoulder. “Hey- “
Twig shrieked and jumped into the pond, swimming to the bottom. The figure walked to the edge and started speaking to her. “Whoa, Whoa, easy. I’m not going to hurt you.” When she didn’t surface, he continued, “I know you weren’t born a Goblin. I know how to change you back”.
At his last statement, her ears perked up. She’d been looking for ages, and here the solution comes walking into her forest. She surfaces and eyes him suspiciously. He has black hair and an easy smile. He sits down with his back to the tree and indicated for her to do the same. She slunk out of the lake and took a seat across from him. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I’ve been hired by the two biologists I’ve left behind to guide them here from when I was pint-sized and green. Scare off the bigger critters. Didn’t expect to see someone in the same predicament I was.”
“How do you know about that?”
“Uhh... Sixth sense I guess? I just look at you and see myself. I’m guessing it wasn’t just your nose and propensity for breathing water that’s changed, Huh?”
Twig scowled at him. She didn’t like being read like this.
“Look, I know that this is weird, but the damage can be undone. When you go into town, ask for Larin at The Drunken Fish. Oh, and bring this with you,” he said, bringing out a parchment with a runic symbol on it.
He got up and started walking away. “Wait,” Twig cried after him,”what if I don’t...”
He stopped and smiled back. “Let’s just say, you get to choose what you keep. This thing has a funny way of choosing the right type of people.” With that, he started walking back.
Twig took a last look at the parchment, and started running back to Fish Guts before they start to get worried. She was worried and excited, waiting to see what the future held
Any critiques and suggestions would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you and Good Night (or whatever time it is by you)
Are you kidding me!! You didnt butcher anything!!!
You know how amazing it is to feel like your work has birthed so many people being so creative its like, HOLY COW.
The story isnt even out yet and look how much twig has resonated with people, i love this! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!
like you have NO idea omg
thank you so much this is so fun this si so good i cant believe people love twig that much to be writing fanfics!! it makes me want to share everything ive created and readied but if i do that then there will be nothing for the comic to surprise ya'll with!!
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littlelovelyra · 3 months
A Moment in the Weave (Fall of the chosen chapter 2)
Chapter two of the Gale xx Durge Female Tav (named)
Summary: After defeating the goblins and freeing halsin you and your party decide to rest before heading back to the grove. Gale invites you for a moment in the weave and some desires are shared in your connection.
"Sometimes the little things are worth more than kingdoms. They promise things to come.”
Notes: Second chapter! I've been trying to give them a slow burn, I feel like this wont last very long because EVERY TIME I write from Gale's perspective its like hes telling me to just LET HIM KISS HER. So… maybe next chapter ;D
Warnings: Violence, Fluff, cuteness, slow burn, let me know if ive missed anything
AO3 if you prefer
As you and your companions journey back to the goblin camp Astarion matches his pace to yours, you glance at him puzzled as to why he is walking with you. 
“So, you and our dagger-happy friend have been… close.” His eyebrow arches suggestively as he waits for your reply. “Do I detect some sexual tension? Because if you need some tips Gale I’m more than happy to teach you a thing or two-.” You hold up your hand stopping him mid-sentence. 
“Astarion. There is no sexual tension, she is my ally… my friend. It may not come naturally to you but helping people is not as taboo as you think it may be.” You pinch the bridge of your nose as you talk in hushed tones with the pale elf. 
“Oh, then I suppose you don’t mind if I make my move, hmmm?” His smile is cunning like he’s trying to bait you into a trap. 
“If she wants you to make a move then who am I to stop her? I am certainly not her keeper.” At this point, you have chosen to keep your head forward ignoring his petty games. As you slow your pace you notice Astarion has moved forward to walk beside Kyla. He wasted no time in making his move. You think to yourself, slightly irritated and very frustrated. Out of curiosity you quicken your pace and listen to their conversation. 
“So, Darling, how are you faring?” He places his hand on her arm, gently squeezes it and puts on his charming smile. She turns to him returning his smile with her own but it does not quite reach her eyes. 
“As well as I can be. Is there something you need, Astarion?” Her tone is matter-of-fact and displays no interest in small talk. You softly chuckle as you watch him shake his head and excuse himself. As you walk past him and lock eyes you raise your eyebrows at him, Astarion scoffs at you, rolls his eyes and mutters something about him still having a better chance with her than you. Interesting. You think to yourself. Without thought you find yourself now walking beside her.
“Gale? Did you need something?” She turns to you and touches her hand to your arm. Her voice is soft and mildly concerned. 
“No, no I’m alright. I wanted to check in with you to see if we need to discuss anything before we arrive at the goblin camp.”  You bring your other hand to touch hers softly, assuring her you are okay. 
“Oh, no I think we all know the plan.” Her brows crease as she gets lost in thought as she stares at your hand.
You lower your hand and the two of you walk in a comfortable silence. After about thirty minutes of walking side by side, you arrive at the entrance of the goblin camp. 
You make your way through the goblin camp towards the doors and enter the stronghold. It’s not long before you spot Priestess Gut waiting at the altar. After a brief conversation, you convince her to take you to her private quarters. This might be easier than you thought.
You waste no time unsheathing a dagger from your boots and pinning it to her back. “Say one word and I will kill you. Swiftly.” You whisper in her ear your words sound excited and you feel a wave of adrenaline course through your body. “How good it feels to press a blade to a creature’s skin again…” The thought rushes through your mind as your perception turns hazy. Your head twitches slightly to the left as a smile spreads across your face. You bring the blade up and swiftly run it across her neck and the sound of her gurgles sends electricity pulsing through you. Your vision blurs and a high pitch ringing starts sounding in your ears as the body drops to the floor.
“Kyla… Kyla…Hey!” You feel warm hands on your arms shaking your body, they travel up your face gently cupping either side and you feel their thumbs sweetly stroking your cheeks. “Hey… come back to me… there we go… hello.” Your vision slowly refocuses and you see Gale’s concerned face come into focus. His eyes have darkened with worry as he stares into yours. 
“Did I… did I blackout?” Panic twists your stomach, and your heart feels like it will beat out of your chest. Gale continues to hold your face, lazily running his thumbs across your cheeks, and your pulse slows. You raise your hand to touch his, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ground yourself. When you open your eyes and meet his gaze, you see it has softened back to his usual rich brown.
“Well, yes, but at least you took care of the Priestess so… well done? I guess? If there is ever a time for those… urges to take over it is best when we are dealing with our enemies.” He tries to relax and a smile spreads across his face. His smile always makes you feel better. 
“As… touching as it is watching this moment unfold with the two of you, need I remind you we still have two targets left and the entire bloody goblin camp. You can continue eye fucking each other later.” Astarion throws his hands up dramatically and then drops them at his sides. 
Gale’s cheeks flush, he clears his throat and takes a step back from you trying to compose himself. “You have such a way with words, Astarion. I can see why everyone finds you so irresistible.” Gale bites back as he makes his way out of the room, the rest of you following his  lead. 
As you make your way around the building, Astarion stealthily cuts open all the war drums in preparation for the upcoming fights. And you finally come across a room with the Drow, named Minthara.
You quickly knock out Minthara and tie her to the table. Before leaving the room, you give the restraints a hard tug to ensure they are secure. Satisfied, you nod to the group and move on to the hobgoblin. 
As you enter the room you notice that Dror Ragzlin, the hobgoblin, is performing a speak with the dead ritual on a deceased Mindflayer on the floor. You nervously look to your companions and harness the tadpole’s powers to sabotage the hobgoblin’s questionings. You easily infiltrate and influence his mind, stopping him from gaining evidence against you. 
Talking with Dror Ragzlin has proven to you that this is a situation where the art of persuasion would not work. You mentally send a note to your allies to ready themselves for a battle through the tadpole’s connection. 
Gale slowly moves to the side of the Hobgoblin, glances at you and gives a small nod asking if you are ready to initiate battle. You nod your head in response and Gale wastes no time.
“Detono!” Gale yells as a thunderous wave knocks Dror Ragzlin off to the side sending him spiralling down a crevice. “Haha!” Gale exclaims loudly turning to you, his eyes beaming with pride. To the right, you notice a group of goblins heading towards the war drum and you ready yourself to interrupt their plan.
“I don’t think so! Perure!” Your voice calls out as a loud crack rips through the room and a ripple of blue lightning strikes down all three goblins. Turning back around you watch as a male sneaks up behind Gale, you grab your dagger and fling it towards him. It glides swiftly across the air and as it hits its target he releases a huff of air and falls back. Gale spins around looking at the male on the floor, turns to look at you and you notice his face is several shades paler. You wonder for a moment if he thought that blade was meant for him. 
You fight your way through the main area of the building where Priestess Gut’s thrown was and make your way to the cell where the druid is being held. A large brown bear breaks down the gates squashing a goblin underneath the heavy iron just as you clear out the last of the creatures in the room. The bear throws its head back and shifts out of form into a very large elf. Your eyes widen at the sheer size of him, you have NEVER seen an elf this big. The gods must have smiled on him the day he was born because surely this was some divine intervention. You feel Gale peer over at you as he clears his throat ripping you from your thoughts. 
The large elf holds your gaze as a charming smile settles across his face. “You must be Arch Druid Halsin?” You can feel your cheeks flush as he continues to hold your stare. “I’m Kyla, we were sent by the Grove to find you.I heard you are an unmatched healer, we need your help.” 
“Yes, I am the Druid Halsin, pardon the viscera, one should cherish all of Nature’s bounty but goblin guts are quite far down the list. Not only do you speak with a bear but you free it too? Haha, a true friend of nature or perhaps a lunatic. Either way, I owe thanks.” He extends his hand towards you, closes his eyes and a golden glow appears between you. The light disappears and worry settles over his features. “Oak father preserve you child, you’re infected, aren’t you? The Mindflayer’s spawn, but somethings different. You’re aware of the monster inside you, you don’t bow to the Absolute like the true souls do. How is this possible?” He watches you carefully.
You take the time to explain all that’s happened as you show him the artefact. “You weren’t speaking lightly when you said you needed help.” He says his voice sounding grim as he explains his findings on the tadpoles. “I’m sorry to say I can’t undo that magic, I can’t cure you. But that doesn’t mean I can’t help. I’ve heard that they send their captives to moonrise towers and they return as servants to the absolute. If you want to find a cure, you must head there to discover how the tadpoles are being manipulated. I will join you.” 
“The grove needs you. I’m afraid Kagha, driven by desperation, has been led down a darker path with the shadow druids.” You say softly breaking the news. 
“I feared Kagha would take things too far, I’ll deal with her once I return to the grove. I will meet you there and we can discuss the next steps later.” Halsin shifts his form as you nod in response and you watch him leave.
“Did anyone else think he is rather large for an elf?” The words leave your mouth absent-mindedly. 
“Large is an understatement.” Astarion chimes in. “I mean did you see his arms??” His facial expression almost seems bewildered. 
“I think you would be blind if you didn’t notice his arms.” You feel your cheeks flush at the thought and from the corner of your eye, you see Gale shift uncomfortably as he clears his throat.
“Yes we get it, he’s massive. Can we please just clean out this camp and then get some respite? It’s been a long day.” Gale pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes, and you feel the subject needs to be changed. 
“You’re right Gale. Let's clear out the camp and get some rest.” You pat his arm affectionately 
Ridding the camp of the remaining goblins was easy, especially after befriending the ogres as they gladly came to help and had their fill. Before journeying back to the grove, as a group, you have decided it is best to rest here making sure no other threat arises. 
You enter the goblin camp building again, check on Minthara and she is no longer there. On the table, there is a note that says:
“You forgot about Misty Step, fools. When we meet again, you will die.”
Placing the note on the table you tell yourself that this is a problem for another day. Right now, resting seems like a great idea. You have taken out the entire camp and you are definitely feeling exhausted. As your companions set up their tents for the evening you notice that Gale is conjuring up a spell of some sort and it peaks your interest. You walk closer to his tent and notice that he has an image of a woman's face hovering over the palm of his hand. 
“Pretty.” Your voice is soft as you approach him.
“Oh! My, you startled me… I was miles away” Gale’s brow scrunches slightly.
“Is everything alright?” You make sure not to pry further about the face he was looking at but you hope he would explain further. 
“Just pondering what I lost. Mystra commands all magic. Salvation, if such a thing exists, is hers to bestow or withold. And yet, even now, more than I fear losing my own self and soul, I fear losing my command of her art. Magic is… my life. I’ve been in touch with the weave as long as I can remember. There’s nothing like it. It’s like music, poetry, and physical beauty all rolled into one and given expression through the senses… perhaps I can show you what I mean, by reaching into the weave together?” Gale holds your gaze, you take in the soft richness of his brown eyes and the glint of passion that dances around them as he talks about the Weave. 
“By all means, I’d love to.” You smile at him enthusiastically and watch as excitement spreads across his face. 
“Then follow my lead.” He confidently positions himself next to you. He moves his hands fluidly and a purple wisp of light shimmers. “Now you.” He turns to you and gestures for you to begin.
After watching his movement, you manage to replicate the same purple light however your hands do not move as gracefully as his.  A familiar feeling settles in the air, like a kind word and a kind touch at the same time, it feels warm and comfortable. As you turn to Gale his rich brown eyes are swimming with pride at your success. 
“Excellent! Now repeat after me: Ah-Thran Mystra-Ryl Kantrach-Ao.” His voice is commanding yet smooth. 
“Ah-Thran Mystra-Ryl Kantrach-Ao.” You imitate the same tone as Gale but again, you cannot quite reach his expertise. The scent of rosewater and a sense of well-being envelops you, a sliver of the weave tastes sweet on your tongue. 
“Very good! Now I want you to picture in your mind the concept of harmony. As true as you can.” His pride swells as you watch the excitement on his face. 
What is harmony? This is something the hole in your mind cannot reconcile. As you close your eyes you begin to think of a moment in which you felt harmony. One memory springs forth, it was the moment Gale held you close in his tent the night you lost Alfira to your urge. Although you had done something terrible, in that moment, everything faded away. 
Suddenly waves of purple light encircle you and Gale and you sense the unmistakable presence of Mystra. There is something like the anticipation of a kiss, then the pleasure of being cloaked in peace. 
“You did it. You’re channeling the Weave! How does it feel?” Gale chuckles in unbelief and awe as he eagerly awaits your reply. 
“Magical. Sensual even.” Your face flushes.
“Oooh I know.” Gales's smile turns subtly sultry. You feel the back of his hand brush against yours and a wave of heat runs through your body. You turn your head to steal a glance and find him already looking at you.
As you stand there connected in the warmth of the Weave, the moment feels intimate and you linger a while longer. It is a beautiful night for intimacy you think to yourself as you and Gale gaze at one another. The weave is making you one, all you have to do is imagine your desire and Gale will know it. Your eyes fall to his lips and a thought flitters across your mind. You picture kissing him tenderly and then with passion. Before you can tame the thought you watch as Gale’s face turns a deep red. 
“I… I didn’t think…” he trails off as you watch quick-fire gusts of embarrassment, apprehension and finally… elation. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting… But it’s a pleasant image to be sure! Most pleasant, in fact. Most welcome.” There is a moment where he lingers forward and before your lips could touch the Weave evaporates, and as it does the night feels cold and suddenly empty. 
“Oh, there it goes. How easily things slip away from us, no matter how hard they were in obtaining. Goodnight, I enjoyed sharing a moment of magic with you.” He places a soft kiss to your cheek and enters his tent. 
You stand there placing your fingertips where his lips made contact with your skin, still feeling the slight tingle they left. You close your eyes and hope that perhaps one day you will know his touch and a twisting nauseating pain churns in your stomach “Weak. To love is weak. Disgusting, you my child should know better.” The voice drowns the once peaceful moment you shared with Gale and you vow to yourself again that you will end these thoughts. They will not consume you, not when you feel so alive. 
How petty she is, ruining a perfect moment the way she did. You had almost kissed Kyla, once you learnt that she too felt the same pull towards you… your lips were so close but Mystra ripped the moment away from you the minute she dispelled the Weaves presence. She knew what she was doing, you felt her presence. It was her reminder that you could never have Kyla no matter how deeply you wanted to. The orb within you wouldn’t allow it. You curse yourself for the thousandth time of your folly. Greed, power and… “love” was what got you here… Love… if you can even call it that. 
How you wish you could take it back because, for the first time in your life, you feel as if someone genuinely cares about you. Kyla has been so attentive, even in the slightest shift of your mood she is at your side asking you if there is anything you need. She is so nurturing, which makes her urges all the more difficult to understand. How can someone as caring as her have such dark thoughts? You were not certain what the answer may be but you know that for her, you would walk down the darkest paths of Faerun if it meant saving her. 
You need to find someone to assist you with this orb issue, now more than ever. However, on the other hand, you know you have to have caution. One wrong move and it could mean the orb detonates. As you lay there with your thoughts it takes a while for sleep to find you but eventually it does and your dreams are filled with tender moments between you and Kyla. 
As the morning sun peaks through a slight opening of your tent you are awoken from your slumber by the sound of Kyla’s voice outside your tent. “Gale? Are you up?” She respectfully lingers outside waiting for a reply.
“I am indeed, is something the matter?” A wave of anxiety hits your chest and you pray to whatever gods are listening that she hasn’t murdered someone else in her sleep.
“Everything is fine… I… I made you a cup of tea.” Her voice trembles with nerves and you smile at the sweetness of it all.
“Come in! I was just thinking of tea. You must have read my mind.” You call out trying to compose yourself and tame the childish grin painted on your face as she enters your tent. 
As she enters you notice she must still be in her sleepwear. Your heart stirs seeing her half asleep and comfortable wearing the shirt you lent her. She hands you one of the two mugs she is holding and you gladly accept the hot beverage. She lingers a moment as if unsure if she should stay or leave. 
“Please, take a seat, some company would be nice.” You give her a warm smile and she sits opposite you. “Are the others awake yet?” You ask and take a sip of your tea.
“Not yet, it’s still quite early. I thought I should allow them to sleep, it was a long day yesterday.” She smiles sheepishly as she realises what she has just admitted to. And you can’t help but smile knowing she wanted to spend time with you. 
“Listen, Gale, about last night, in the Weave… I’m sorry if what I pictured offended or… startled you.” She bites her lip nervously as she lowers her gaze. 
“Offended? Gods no. I consider myself very lucky to have found you. I could not stop thinking about last night. That moment we shared… it meant a great deal to me. A stolen glance - that sudden heartbeat… Sometimes the little things are worth more than kingdoms. They promise things to come.” Your voice is low keeping this moment between yourselves. You watch her cheeks flush and a small smile appears on her face. 
“I like you very much, Gale.” Her voice shakes as she taps her mug nervously with her fingers.
“Well, Gale Dekarios, likes you too. Very, very much.” You want to kiss her but your concerns over power your need to feel her lips against yours. Instead, you reach your hand over and tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear running your thumb along her bottom lip. Another flush stains her cheeks and you use every ounce of restraint to hold back. 
You hear conversations outside your tent as the rest of your companions have woken up and are making their way to organise breakfast. With a nod to Kyla, you signal that the two of you should join the others. Before exiting the tent you take her by the hand, pull her in for a hug and bury your face in her hair inhaling her scent. She smells of vanilla and lavender. You feel her nestle her face onto your chest just like she did the night she stayed in your tent after what happened with Alfira. 
You need to tread carefully, it’s not the right time to make a move with her. She deserves you at your best and right now you cannot give her your best with this orb in your chest. You have to wait until this is sorted. You are determined to do anything to rid yourself of this.
Hopefully, she will wait for you. 
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A Peaceful Elf
Part IV
Halsin/Tav fanfic (slow burn, fluff, angst)
I bet he could pop my head like a grape with those, no question.
The thought floated through your hazy mind as you took in his frame, particularly his arms. By now, the party’s energy took a more languid turn with most standing or lounging and more than a few pairs had shuffled into the nearby dark.
How does he get like that, you continued to muse as he still somehow had the stamina to talk with an unsteady Zevlor. There’s just, so much of him. How. 
The wine in your goblet swirled like the thoughts in your mind. All circular. The gods outdid themselves when they sculpted that.
“And he’s so NICE,” you sighed out loud, startling yourself right as he noticed you. Thankfully, you sat on the other side of camp, still, so it was unlikely he’d heard. A passive smile at you, again. A passive one returned. Gods, how many times had you looked at him tonight and been noticed? And how many drinks had you finished?
“Oh, is he, now? My dear, you’re beginning to make even me uncomfortable. You’ve no finesse at all,” the former magistrate clicked his tongue as he filled another glass of wine, “how unfortunate for you.”
“I had plenty of finesse on—in that goblin camp, I’ll have you know,” you stammered. 
“Ha, oh, yes, I was there, remember? Well, good for you, but if you haven’t noticed, there isn’t a single goblin here and you’ve barely moved from this seat.” He placed the bottle on the table covered in remnants of fare, back turned to the rest of the camp. He angled himself to face you, elbow propping him up against the table. “What you have done,” he continued in an amused, sultry tone, “is stare at that overgrown stuffed bear and try to pretend you don’t care if words fail to pass between you tonight. It would almost be cute if it wasn’t so pathetic,” he finished, turning back to the table.
Your eyes narrowed at him and you held out your goblet, wordlessly commanding him to refill it. A sideways glance at the cup, then you, then at a wedge of cheese.  “I think not,” he stated, examining the wedge closer. “At least, not until you speak to that brick wall with eyes.” He scrunched his nose in disgust and put the wedge back. “You need to earn this next glass,” grabbing a somewhat stale baguette end with a sneer.
You scoffed, bewildered at his investment in this. “Why do you care? Have you gotten tired of our ‘arrangement’?” Cocking your head, “I don’t know if you were aware, but you could have told me as much instead of nudging me towards the next elf we came across.” There was humor in your tone, but less than you had planned.
Astarion turned to you slowly, with intention and a shadow of reservation in his eyes and lowered voice, “My dear, I have every intention of continuing our little pact if you do.” He held your gaze a moment longer, as if he meant to say more; then, gracefully snapped back to his usual laissez-faire demeanor, hand on one hip and leaning against the table once more. “I just think you deserve a bit of fun. And I love to see where a plot leads,” he said, trading the baguette for an apple with a demure smile.
You blinked. “Ah, I see. Um, did I—did I misunderstand…something? I thought you wanted to introduce me to your concept of ‘fun’ after the party…” you trailed, your attention suddenly taken by movement across the camp. 
Astarion smiled wistfully down at you for a beat while you noticed a few celebrants begin to pack up. He leaned in as you turned back to him, held your tired eyes in his, then dobbed you on the nose. “I think I like you better when you smell less like ale and longing. It’s not you, it’s me,” he said, slowly straightening up with a gleam in his eyes. “I have standards.” Turning gracefully, he swept the remaining two bottles in his arms, strolled back to his tent, and remarked, “DO let me know how it goes!”
There were too many thoughts swirling in your mind to fill a sentence, but something close to I should have left him at the wreckage seemed to collect them well.
Alright, you swung the rest of the warm, bitter wine back, piece of cake.
The night had grown long and his bones yearned to walk among trees and moss. He could excuse himself from the adventurers’ camp, and find a trail back to the grove easily. He just needed to feel the forest again, after that cell. Zevlor could find his way back with the more sober-minded tieflings, like Ikaron. The druid stretched his legs lightly, easing his stiff joints. Let a few more leave, and then I can—
…Was that Tav headed over to him? Now? 
Oakfather preserve her, how is she still standing? he mused, a smirk lingering on his lips as she made her way to him. A noticeable warmth crept up his back, reaching the tips of his ears, again. He ignored it as best he could.
She seems quite determined. Probably has a dozen concerns regarding Moonrise.
“Arch Druid,” Tav stated, with an uncharacteristic bow.
Such an odd one.
“Tav,” a toothy grin. “Don’t waste a night like this talking to me. We’ll discuss our problems tomorrow.”
“I thought, you might care to have a drink with me,” she ended on a perceptibly high note.
Puzzled. He hadn’t expected this response at all. Surely, she had plenty of companions to share a livelier drink with than him.
“Uh, well, in truth, I rarely imbibe; the stuff goes straight to my head. Before you know it, I’d be breaking into song or declaring love to the first person I laid eyes on,” he chuckled, awkwardly.
She seemed to perceive how off-balance the question had put him. “I fail to see the problem,” Tav quipped.
“Then you have never heard me singing, which makes you very fortunate.”
Halsin noticed a shift in her gaze.
“Perhaps, there’s something else you’d rather do, then…” almost a whisper. She peered at him through her lashes.
She’s toying with me, Halsin realized.
A small flame ignited somewhere in his wide frame, and this time, it couldn’t be tamped down. 
He huffed, trying to subtly clear his throat. “I’m sure there are.” The elf paused, taking her in briefly, “You strike me as extremely…resourceful.” That was the most delicate way an Arch Druid could phrase it in front of the remnants of his grove that still remained. More colorful descriptions had presented themselves.
His mind lingered a beat longer on the thought.
No, he needed to collect himself. This was not exactly the behavior a leader should show to those he was about to lead through peril. It was unbecoming. 
Halsin cleared his throat. “But there are many grateful people here who want to spend time with you. I must not keep you all to myself.” He paused, then leaned an inch toward her and admitted with a shy smile, “As enjoyable as that may be.” 
The level of their acquaintance altered the slightest bit by the smile they shared. Almost imperceptible, but impossible to ignore.
Halsin straightened back to his full height and surveyed the camp once more. “Go on, enjoy yourself! Seek out some wine before it runs dry—there are a lot of thirsty people around here.” He nodded ever so slightly to Tav, who made her way back toward the center of camp—
Back toward—
The pale one’s tent.
It seems she has plans of her own, Halsin smirked, suddenly feeling less responsible for her merriment. The spark in his chest had yet to abate.
A lot of thirsty people indeed.
“Astarion, where’s that Ithbank?”
Heavens above, it will be a VERY cold night, you frowned as the lean elf poured with a toothy grin.
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ivy-cat-700 · 1 year
stupid shit that happened in my dnd campaigns so far
SO IVE BEEN PLAYING DND SINCE????? like either late last year or early this year. i'd wanted to for a while and when a classmate asked us all if we wanted to join her campaign. what was i supposed to do? say no??
and because every person i've played with over two campaigns is an absolutely ridiculous human being, we have Many silly happenings from both.
campaign 1:
Stromboli Ironfist: one of our players, a dwarf barbarian chef who started the campaign with the goal of being the best chef in the land but i think he kinda lost that over time. when he showed the name on his character sheet to the dm. she was in tears laughing.
Stromboli Jr.: the adopted goblin son of Stromboli, who adopted him immediately after killing his entire guild(? dont exactly recall). the matching names are, canonically, a complete coincidence.
housekeeping?: we were going through a dilapidated castle and every time someone asked us "what are you doing here?" in a new room, stromboli said ".......housekeeping?" and it. it never worked. except for ONE TIME. when a guard rolled SO LOW that they were just like "oh yeah we've been waiting on you guys!" So then we cleaned some cobwebs off the walls to keep up the act :')
throwing wolves in the fire: one of our players just kept throwing wolves in fires. that is all.
tormenting wren with milk: (wren is the character's name, not the player cause i didnt wanna put their name out there.) dm kept giving wren milk-related items and just would not stop. we were IN TEARS every time and. we ended up giving them a mcguffin of "The Strawberry Nesquik" at the end of the game. i believe that strawberry nesquik ended up being empty. the world is truly unfair to Wren Serpent. (also, wren was the one who threw wolves in fires)
Badger Milking Farm: THIS ONE HAS CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT DAY. during one of the times at which wren received a Milk Item, namely Badger Milk, he was extremely confused about the existence of such a thing. my character, zora, said, "what, you don't know about badger milk? some of my most formative memories are with badger milk!" this led to the canonization of the idea that Zora Grew Up On A Badger Milking Farm.
Campaign 2:
least productive session ever: first session of the new campaign! .....we spent the entire time beating each other up and failing to go through a waterfall that was Literally Right The Fuck There. before we had a single encounter, two of us almost died.
THE APPLESAUCE: dm gave us the name of a VERY IMPORTANT AND PLOT RELEVANT ITEM, we decided to butcher the name as "The Applesauce." no matter what she renames it. we will always call it the applesauce.
not-a-puzzle: this hellish nightmare was created by stromboli's player. we spent the back half of one session and part of another trying to figure out what the hell we were supposed to do for a """"puzzle."""" i said out loud at some point, "is there something obvious we're missing here??" to which the dm and stromboli had to try very hard not to laugh. one player then decided to ask, "can i just go??" she tried the door. and. IT WASNT FUCKING LOCKED. i have a grudge i will hold for all eternity from that
zora's glasses: so the new campaign is centered around a new band of heroes trying to mend the things that our old characters royally fucked up. so we're getting to meet our old characters! and when we met zora (on the badger milking farm, mind you) she asked us to find her glasses. i told the dm that i wanted the glasses to be a pair of new year's eve novelty glasses for a year that has not happened yet. and so, that is what they became.
that is all i can think of but if i remember more. i will put them
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messmersflame · 1 year
ok i finally have the braincells so here's some of my criticisms/pointing out of .... questionable content in bg3 that i've personally come across. it may get a bit long. apologies for if it's difficult to read, i'm just trying to lay out my thoughts here. some things are also more serious than others.
The Dark Urge this one is relatively small, as playing the dialogue for the dark urge kind of hints at it, but i do think that it needs a MUCH clearer indication that it can be dark and probably disturbing/distressing to play as. and also that it should probably not be reccomended for a first run, as it does change things quite a bit.
sexuality and romance choice i think it would just be helpful if, when a party member hits on you or shows interest, that you are able to say 'i'm not into girls/guys/anything at all'. and that this specifically shuts down their comments. i have a friend that was disappointed that he couldn't say this to lae'zel, and got further uncomfortable when she kept on saying 'you will wonder what i taste like' when he's a gay guy trying to play a gay guy. it would also be uncomfortable for someone not interested in that aspect of the game/romance and sex in general, i would imagine. also related to this, and i do understand why every single romanceable character is bisexual as this just makes things a lot easier, but i do feel that there should be characters that just are not bi, even just among npcs. there's some npcs in same gendered relationships which is good, though i think there needed to just be more characters that clearly are not bi. (though given the dragon age modding scene's track record, i also get just wanting to avoid that outright.)
trangender characters you the player character can be trans and i love this. i do wish there was a way to have the more feminine frames with a flatter chest, and vice versa, though. i mean we have genital options, but no chest options...? (also no weight or further body shape options but i digress). i also think i noted maybe, two? npcs? that were transgender? and i feel that there really needs to be more trans and nonbinary npcs, specifically prominent ones and not relegated to background characters that you blink and miss (which one of the ones i found was). bg3 has given me as a player far more options to play a trans nonbinary character than any game ive played thus far, but there needs to be more beyond just the player themself in terms of trans rep.
party member racism as a romani person myself, i found myself relating to the tiefling group quite a lot. i dont expect larian to not include fantasy racism in the game, but playing as a tiefling and having a party member, lae'zel, call you and your kind 'cockroaches' with no way to chew her out for it, and just having no proper way to direclty combat the racism of your party members in general is. very uncomfortable. astarion also has some lines like this, and while he does eventually change his attitude, i havent been able to change or confront that with lae'zel. not good for someone youre meant to adventure with and trust.
the goblins and treatment of the way that the goblins are depicted and treated (while not wholly larian's fault since they didn't make the setting- still not an excuse tho) could have been handled better. there are a few instances where you can stand up for them as being people without condoning their actions, but overall they are treated as 'dirty uncivilised tribals' and i hope i dont need to explain why that kind of depiction is bad. they're background cronies of the bbeg, explicitly revealed to having been manipulated and controlled into serving the bbeg, and any exploration of actual goblin culture is treated as a joke.
murdering goblin kids specifically is okay apparently on the topic of the goblins- i was appaled when i realised that in order to free halsin, you have to kill two goblin kids. in fact, if you choose to attack the whole goblin camp, you kill more goblin kids. nobody bats an eye at this. yet, when you do the reverse and attack the grove where there are children that you can kill/cause the death of, this is explicity treated as a bad thing. it's just disgusting that goblin children being killed is not given the same treatment, just because they're goblins.
ableist abuse is fine when the person was abusive to you first in the underdark in act 1 (and later in act 3 if you helped them), there is a dwarven? couple, baelen and derryth bonecloak. baelen has gone missing, and you can find and rescue him. he clearly has some kind of neurological disability, and has difficulty with verbal communication and his memory. his wife, derryth, berates him and treats him as stupid for his disability. you can confront her about it in act 1, and later in act 3 go snooping and find out more information about their relationship- baelen, prior to whatever caused his disability, was an abusive and evil man who beat her and gave her the facial scar she has, among other abuses. of course this abuse is horrific, but this is then used to justify derryth's own abuse of the man, since he now is reliant on her for food ect. she basically says that she can treat a disabled man however she wants because at least she cares for his needs and he abused her anyways so it's payback. i do believe that his disability does not override or excuse what he did in the past and that she has every reason to still hate him, but this still does NOT excuse this treatment of him now that he is disabled and relies on her as a caregiver. becoming disabled is not a fucking punishment and it's disgusting that larian even chose to include this kind of thing in their game at ALL. it's also worsened by the fact that i see many people commenting on how they're going to just kill him because he deserves it, and it's 'doing him a favour since he's disabled now'. this is the kind of sentiment that larian are encouraging by having this narrative in their game and as a disabled person myself, and someone who has family and friends who literally act the way baelen does with his disability, it is not fucking okay.
twin drow sex workers i hope i don't need to explain why it's fucking gross and creepy that larian have two sex workers in act 3 be twins that regularly participate in sex with the same client at the same time, and the player is also able to do so. some party members, such as karlach, comment on how them being literally brother and sister is gross, so it's not as if larian are not self aware enough to see why it's not good to fetishise incest. but they put it in there anyways! for the player to indulge in! and it's depicted as sexy! being a survivor of incest csa, i was pretty shocked and appaled by that inclusion. they could have very easily just had the two be runaway lovers. there was literally no need for them to be made twins.
sexual slavery and abuse is sexy when it's halsin if you do actually sleep with the aforementioned drow along with halsin, he will have a new dialogue where he talks about being held prisoner in the underdark 'chained to the bed, somewhere between a prisoner, a guest, and a consort'. so, he was kept as a sex slave and just slave and captive in general by drow for a while. the player can say that's horrible, but halsin brushes this off and says it wasn't so bad. because apparently he liked being kept as a sex slave? this is just brainwashing and coercive rape, larian. considering how they handled astarion's sexual abuse and slavery, it was outright shocking to learn that halsin's own abuse is handled so poorly and in fact turned into some weird bdsm fetish instead.
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alicia-18 · 1 month
Before anyone says anything, I know. I have skipped another movie. But before you call upon Jason himself to turn me into a shish kebab, let me explain.
I am based in England and watch this franchise on Paramount Plus. For some reason which I can only assume is to annoy the fandom, both movies 1 and 3 aren’t on the platform but 2,4,5,6,7, and 8 are. I’m just as baffled as you but as we are broke bitches out here, I can’t afford to rent it currently. I am actually going to borrow the first movie from my sister-in-law’s girlfriend soon so I will post my review of that too!
But with that out of the way, let’s get into my thoughts and opinions on part 4.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie! I think I might have even enjoyed it more then the second, though I expected as much as I know the fandom view this one and maybe number 7 (?) in high regards. The characters conversations, although still super corny, we’re a lot more realistic sounding then in part 2. Like the way Ted and Jimbo (I’m assuming his name is Jim but all I have in my head is Ted shouting Jimbo) were talking about girls does feel very reminiscent of typical teenage boys, just obviously very 80s.
And the kills were also a lot more interesting typically. You can tell by this movie that they had more of an idea on how to use Jason and his strength, even if at times he still seemed quite goofy. Just seeing the way he killed Doug by squeezing his face until blood poured and then throwing him through the shower glass for the girl to see was so entertaining, as well as the seen with Jimmy getting the corkscrew through the hand. I even appreciated when Trish sliced through Jason’s hand slightly.
This movie also seems to lean slightly more into the goofiness it has. Like when Rob is being killed and he keeps shouting “he’s killing me!” just had me cackling in bed at the unseriousness at it all. The movie had the ability to create suspense whilst still being laughable - in a great way. I’ve stated before I truly do appreciate the cheesiness of older horror and this movie is the epitome of that.
It isn’t a perfect movie though. I find Trish to be a much weaker final girl in comparison to Ginny. Like how she just watched Rob get murdered, went to run away and then went back like she would have been able to stop death? It made such little sense. She also felt pretty useless overall. Because realistically, Tommy is the star of this show. All she does is find a body and scream “he’s here!” When it’s bloody obvious he is by how the front door has been hacked down. She also left Tommy with little choice but to kill Jason himself when he is literally a small child! He has to try fixing the car, he has to stay by himself at the house whilst there’s a masked killer. All that she did successfully was hit Jason when he grabbed Tommy and then distracting him long enough for Tommy to shave his head.
The way they killed off Mrs Jarvis was also jarring because it’s completely offscreen and you don’t actually get any definitive answer to if she is dead. They could have atleast had her body show up in the third act or something similar to that but no. This goes back to my grievance with the second movie surrounding the ambiguity of Paul. I hate not receiving an actual answer and just makes me think they didn’t know what to do with either of their characters so they’ve left it open ended.
All in all, despite my few negatives, I did genuinely really enjoy this movie! I think it has a lot more rewatch-ability then the second too. I’m hoping the fifth part has a couple answers regarding Mrs Jarvis and I hope Tommy does come back because the ending where he looks straight at the camera is chilling!
I also wrote this a couple of days after watching due to my children being crotch goblins and not giving me a second to myself so this isn’t as in depth as the Part 2 review. I’ll try adding more when I review Part 5!
1) Part IV : The Final Chapter
2) Part II
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lucky-draws · 3 months
assorted dr who thoughts after finishing the latest series:
- the 9 episode format is definitely a mistake..... it's the whole death of the filler episode thing innit. ive seen people saying that one of the downfalls of the new series was that you never really felt like ruby and the doctor actually became "best friends", because we're just told they are and not shown, and i agree with that. like i wouldn't say they didn't have chemistry or anything but it was all too rushed, there weren't enough casual/low-stakes/trivial little moments. and with dot and bubble for instance even tho it was a good episode overall i did find it weird the way they kind of just, abruptly plonked the doctor and ruby into the situation without even a minute-long tardis scene showing them actually Going to that planet and exchanging the usual doctor-companion console room banter?? like as if they were already this well established Best Friends Team Who Solve Problems? because that's the format™? idk.. a lot of this series just felt a bit off and a bit clumsy.
- i've started watching the 11th doctor recently (out of the new who doctors he's the only one i skipped until now lol), and i was watching The Lodger yesterday aka the james corden episode and like. the general silliness of that episode and the way that a lot of it was just playing around with the fact that the doctor is a Funny Alien etc and can't pretend to be human to save his life is kind of an essential ingredient to the series.....and having less episodes mean you're more likely to lose that stuff.
And while I get that 15 is supposedly a more healed version of themself thanks to 14 just um. chilling and processing their trauma, I also feel like we didn't see enough in the new series of the doctor's darkness, like the Godlike Alien Being side of them. because that's what makes them an interesting character. Like their loneliness was there and of course specifically the "timeless child" flavour of loneliness, and that does give dimension to the character but idk..... i just felt like it was all a bit too "haha we're singing and dancing and changing our outfits every episode and bringing back old companions and it's all hugs and kisses" . idk?
- having said that i did think ep 8/the first part of the finale was really strong, and id say doom and rogue were good as well.
- i don't mind ruby's mother being just a normal woman, the everyone is important/championing of Normal People philosophy is a crucial part of the show, but again i think it was all just kind of poorly executed/poorly written. if you only have 9 episodes to introduce a new doctor, new companion, and introduce and resolve a Mysterious Mystery running though the series, then the writing needs to be Very Good in order to pull it all off ........
- overall tho i did in fairness enjoy this series more than i anticipated. (the singing goblins christmas special did not fill me with high expectations lol.) ncuti is a brilliant actor and he understands the assignment, i really like him as doctor. it's just, unfortunately, as with 13, he deserves far better in terms of the writing ...
(and like i KNOW doctor who has been fucking silly and goofy forever, and every series has had its stupidity and its bad writing and its cringe moments but from the 13th doctor onwards it's just felt bad in like. a bad way lol. sometimes it's because they're trying too hard and it becomes contrived and convoluted, or sometimes it's just lazy and a lack of show don't tell . like it's all too spelled out or for want of a better word, "dumbed down". (or its just chris chibnall being chris chibnall etc.)
plus. idk. like i realise watching doctor who as an adult is different to watching it when you're younger, and watching the current series as it airs is different to rewatching series from 2 decades ago, but... idk. is 13 saying "fam" every 5 seconds objectively more cringe than 11 and his "bowties are cool" ? some may say no but.. i sort of feel like it is. there's levels and nuances to that sort of thing. tasteful cringe and annoying cringe. good cringe vs cringeworthy cringe. never be cringeworthy cringe or cowardly or whatever 12 said.
anyway. despite its flaws, this series was still fun and had enough of the Essence of dr who to not turn me off it completely, and i am looking forward to seeing more of ncuti next season. love and light
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weezley · 2 years
Okay so like. My friend is trying to tell me that Hogwarts Legacy has "antisemitism" and I was like "how?" And then they send me a post about someone being "Jewish" and claiming the game to have "antisemitism" but I've also seen a post and read the comments and I'm the comments someone said they're a Jew and they don't see the "antisemitism" and even says it's not there. So like. What do I do? Both Jews can't be right. I don't even know what to say to my friend who thinks it is.
the game, by definition, DOES have antisemitic tropes. specifically in the depiction of goblins perpetuating a racist caricature of jewish people. there's also an artifact in the game that has some racist undertones, but its such deep coded racism that most people wouldnt even think is racism, i had to google like three different things to even understand it.
also, many depictions of goblins as a whole in western fantasy are very similar. it's not exclusive to jkr and afaik she's always been vocal about her support for the jewish community/refuting any claims of goblins being a racist trope
also ive seen a LOT of false info spreading about the game being about a slave uprising or a slave rebellion and thats flat out propaganda bullshit. the villain is a goblin, yes, but he's a power hungry asshole who doesn't care who he hurts, goblinkind included, to get more power. it's absolute bullshit to make it out like its some kind of goblin uprising for freedom bc its fucking not.
that said, art doesn't have to be free of problematic tropes to be worth exploring. there are plenty of games that explore literal violent racism - hello? bioshock infinite gives you the option to throw a FUCKING BASEBALL at an interracial couple???????? what the fuck is THAT???? - you can acknowledge that these problems exist and not agree with them while still getting value from the rest of the art. there's this weird idea people have now that there's no grey zone and that's not what real life is like. there's nuance. you should be able to decide for yourself if something is offensive or problematic, and even if it is, you came to the conclusion based on your own experience, not what the collective internet has decided.
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dxnse-macabre · 5 months
i think that if astarion were given the ability to dress himself in the game (instead of the player doing it. dont get me wrong i LOVE being able to dress him) his clothing would change based on how comfortable he feels with the party/what hes trying to do with tav
like, in the beginning when we first meet him, he has this embellished purple light armor-- makes him look like a nobleman, which is what he tries to initially convince us to believe, and even back at camp his clothes are comfy yet still distinguished; he clearly wants us to think highly of him, but not see him as eye candy (not yet, at least)
middle of act one hits. at least, after some big stuff that displays your power: astarion sees how you handle the hag, how well you fight off the goblins to protect the tieflings, killing the spider boss, etc. ... he's like. oh shit. this is someone i need to get close with to be protected. he's wearing tops that are generally more revealing, low cut, not afraid to show some skin during battle (BUT PURPOSEFULLY NOT SHOWING HIS BACK) maybe he's wearing short capes (or just capes in general) no matter how impractical they may be in battle. and,,,, most of all,,,,, this is when his fighting style appears most flexible, more flashy, but not fluid-- kind of like he's never had to woo someone by his fighting style before. its more of saying to tav, look at me. im who you want to pay attention to. not these other freaks in our party.
then the goblin party happens where you kill the goblins. you two spend a night together, you see his scars in full glory. he explains them. then afterwards? he's back to covering himself up---almost like he's ashamed to talk about it, that its just a dirty little secret between the two of you. he goes back to embellishments as well, but it isnt as... vibrant as when you first meet him.
this is just something ive been cooking in my brain so forgive the word vomit but i also love me some fashion theory
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positivelybeastly · 6 months
I understand if you don’t want to answer this question but I feel like you should just be truthful. Do you actually like Simon’s movies and shows?
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"Well, I - can't say that I thought the most highly of Beach Volleyball Bros Part II. If I'm being honest. And truthful. The, ahm, action scenes, were quite, quite good. Quite good. But the plot was. Lacking. And the characterisation was . . . thin."
Hank tugs nervously at his chin fur, looking towards the doors to the bedroom, bedroom and office, just waiting for them to lurch open.
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"He was very good in Arkon IV: The Goblin Pit! The way the VFX artists touched up the ionic effect around his eyes to make him look like he had flames billowing out of his eye sockets was amazing, and his performance was good! It was genuinely good!"
Think, Hank, think - !
"Return of the Living Colossus! That was a great flick! Simon's always been great at the action hero with pathos, he's got that 90s Brendan Fraser sort of thing going for him - when he can shake the accent, of course, the whole Transatlantic thing, that holds him back something fierce."
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"Tombstone Terminator! That one's a real - !" He stops. Actually. Uhh. "Corker."
Maybe not that one.
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". . . Look. I'm . . . going to level with you. Simon's - not the greatest actor in the world. All right? And he picks . . . strange projects. Bad projects a lot of the time. But he . . . he likes it. He enjoys it. It's something that has nothing to do with anything else in his life. It's something normal, and . . . speaking as someone who's struggled with normal in the past, it almost doesn't matter if you're good at being normal, sometimes all that matters is that you try. So, it doesn't really matter if the projects are good. He likes doing them, so I like them."
Hank leans back and thinks for a moment.
". . . I really wanted to see him do Macbeth. You know? He was so excited. I saw him film some of it, and it was. It was going to be really good. He would have killed that role."
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"Hopefully he gets another chance."
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So I'm just going to say it...
Kagha is kinda right to try to seal the Grove. Ignorong the shadow druid business for a minute, the grove is under attack by the Absolutists because of the actions of outsiders (although not the tieflings as she suspects.) Halsin is gone and there's no reason to expect he's alive, let alone returning, and she doesn't have any reason to expect adventuring strangers to swoop in and solve the problems for her.
More attacks are in fact planned on the grove, and, if you don't intervene (as in you advance the plot without resolving this quuestline) the goblins do take the grove, which is without the protection of being sealed (at least Ive been told this is what happens. Ive never tried just skipping the quest line.)
I think her scene threatening a child for stealing the idol needed to seal the grove would have been more interesting if the idol was actually still missing and she was desperate to get it back rather than just flexing on a kid to flex on a kid (and it would explain why their ritual is not completed.)
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spiderman-adorer · 11 months
hi 👋👋
ive been meaning to do this for a while so here is my Introduction Post i guess
as the words under my pfp say, my name is riley and i use he/they pronouns. i'm a demiboy who is (currently [it's changed about fifty times]) aroace-spec, i am in fact a MINOR 😱
sometimes if i'm feeling particularly tangy i post about what i'm doing and point out that life is pretty good actually
i'm about 98% sure i'm autistic (i've taken multiple tests including the raads-r and aspie quiz [which is a questionable name imo considering asperger's stopped being a valid diagnosis at least 10 years ago + was named for a nazi but all that's besides the point] which are here and here respectively as well as a decent amount of research) so that's something. i have tons of research still to do, though
i also write Books (or try to) and have an extensive amount of ocs. like a worrying amount
i also have a memory that stabs a stake through my heart every day which is my tagging someone thinking we were mutuals (we were not) (and still are not) in a post. that still haunts me
i love sharks (whale sharks, goblin sharks and cookiecutter sharks in particular)
i'm a crocheter!! yay
fun facts about me: i'm in the process of learning italian and building a continent for one of my aforementioned books as well as preparing to go to illinois (if america doesn't go to shit) once i turn 18 with my siblings
this is significantly larger than i expected it to be considering i'm Just Some Guy but boom now we're introduced. hi 👋👋
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lunaskyknight · 1 year
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Iris, Tiefling Warlock with Pact of the Chain, Level 4.
Iris is a character I have played in 2 different DnD campaigns, and she is a little different each time. In Baulders Gate 3 she has a Chaotic Neutral alignment, she wants to do good but isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty to achieve her goals. So far we were able to save her tiefling people and the druids, but we did kill the druid leader Kharga with a lot of planning and formation.
We have a party of 4; Astarion the vampire Rogue, Gale the cursed wizard, and Shadowheart the afflicted Cleric. We all have very good relationships, especially with Gale and Shadowheart. Astarion is up there with a fair relationship, but he prefers more bloodshed than i’d like. I do however sate his needs by letting him feed on anybody who is in our way or has to go down, and we joke around plenty. I did have to have several talks with him to make sure he absolutely would not feed on myself or the party members, he almost killed me at the last feeding.
One thing we did that may not have been in our alignment, was slaughter every single goblin/ogre/bugbear/gnoll we could find in the goblin camp and surrounding area. They were teasing and hurting an owlbear cub, I had previously met this cub and their mother. With animal speak I was able to convince the mother to not kill me while i took treasure from her cave, but the goblins attacked their cave after I left. They killed the mother and stole the cub for their entertainment. I was real upset, I tried to win back the owlbear cub in their goblin games. They said no despite my win. I spoke to the owlbear cub and it was scared and hungry and had no where to run. I asked it to come to my camp, but wouldn’t unless the goblins were “taken care of”. So, while I watched the goblins chase the owlbear around their camp drunk and laughing, I set up a massive attack.
Stealing many oil barrels I attracted large groups of them and then blew up the barrels with firebolt, which also created a temporary fire barrier around us. With this tactic I was able to kill every single creature in each area, and using firebolt to destroy their war drums prevented them from calling for help. It was high key a murder spree of rage.
Now, the goblin lords are dead, and the tiefling people may travel onwards to Baulders Gate. We had a celebration at my camp to cheer for the free tieflings and the riddance of the goblins. I actually snuck off with Astarion as well, and we had sex in the woods after the party was over. I told him his back scars are actually written in Infernal, which surprised him but he wasn’t very concerned.
Now we move on, and will be trying to find the Nightsong as well as moving onwards into late Act 1 and early Act 2. Its been fun and crazy and dramatic so far, I’ll keep the stories of our wild ass deeds on tumblr.
Oh P.S. Gale keeps saying he is gonna blow up like a nuke, and Ive given him 3 magical items to eat because he is cursed. I hope he doesn’t blow up, I don’t want to die lol
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valdederon · 10 months
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #23 nightmares and worries
the next morning valdederon wakes up seeing nova asleep under his tail shivering as he picks her up and lays her in his lap. untill she wakes up and grips his furr shaking.
valdederon-- whats wrong hun.
nova--couldnt sleep much last night i kept having nightmares..w..what if we get into a dungeon and i loose you i.
valdedering puts his paw on her muszzle and gently squeases instantly silencing the clearly sleep deprived and cranky riolu. and gently lifts her up into his arms carrying her to evergreens office to get some slep medicine.
valdederon--- evergreen do you have any decently strong sleep medicine. nova has been having some bad nightmares and somthing to help with that would be awsome if you can as well.
evergreen looks up from his paperwork and chuckles.
evergreen--- sure i can get some stuff for her.
nova-- why is your face all beat up.
valdederon sighs ears lowering as evergreen busts out laughing.
evergreen---- a certain feniken unleashed a powerful ember attack on me when he was brought here the scar is sizable now but my face was… black all over when it happend ..a newborn feniken that powerful he he verry rare isnt it val.
valdederon --- ha ha ha yea.. im still sorry about that. he he i wasnt in the best mood that day… or for a fair bit after that.
evergreen-- well from what ive heard over the years youve had it rough most of your life its no wonder you took awhile to settle down. . ahh here we are found some good herbs.. ill mix them up with some mint.
nova yawns heavily and shifts around in valdederons hold.
valdederon-- this world is amazing though..
evergreen nods and begins to mix the herbs together. adding in a few leavs of mind and adds a mineral based water seeing nia also needs some nourishment for her furr.
evergreen-- what have you all been up to.. her furr looks a mess.
valdederon--- mostly training and yesterday we took her on our first dungeon mission. i think she might be scared now.
nova whines and growls crankily wanting to rest.
valdederon--- oh hush you dont make me bop that snout of yours. youl get some rest soon evergreen is preparing your medicine
she whimpers at the thought of her nose getting boppes and burries her face in his furr.
evergree finished with the medicine--- ha ha ha ha now thats just mean. though she doesnt look to fussed about it..
valdederon takes the medicine and taps her shoulder handing her the cup .
valdederon--- yea she and i are verry much brother and sister now. she tests her limits evry now and then but overall knows to trust in me and i know that she can handle some situations alone.
nova drinks the medicinal concauction and slowly dozes off soon falling asleep with a soft purr when taiga the serperior guild master and valdederons father comes in.
taiga-- evrything ok . you left with out saying good morning bud.
valdederon--- yea im fine nova is having arough patch so i came to get her some medicine to help her sleep and calm her nerves.
taiga chcukles using his vines to rub her head as valdederon begins heading out of the infirmary. and back to his quarters laying nova down in the nest and sitting next to her letting his fluffy tail cover her like a soft comforting blanket. while kleo comes in with some fresh muffins.
kleo-- i heard your adventure last night was eventfull how did it go.
valdederon-- ha ha yea it was it went ok though im thinking were going to work on her mental resistance soon.. she didnt fight much but i think given that she was attacked and she saw goblins getting cut down i think shes freaking out inside but trying to hide it.
valdederon looks at his nest witch has a noticable wet patch and sighs.
valdederon--- shes definatly to mentaly stressed to do any other physical training or a dungeon run. ill be talking to raykore about doing some exercises to help her recover later.. but fornow i think its best i let her sleep.
kleo sighs and slithers over coiling around valdederon and nova comfortingly.
kleo-- youve grown so much since coming here.. but i think maybey dungeon diving isnt for you i .. your going to get distracted trying to protect and get hurt or .
valdederon-- i know your worried. but ill be fine i promise plus i wont be alone.. i have draggo nova.. and even raykore.
kleo smiles and kisses valdederons fore head and heads out. for the next 5 hours nova sleeps peacefuly untill she rolls over and sneases with a groan.
nova---my head hurts.
valdederon--- you wana go get some lunch.. im sure your hungry .
she nods and steps out from the nest only to grogily face plant onto the floor with a yelp and valdederon chuckles softly helping her back up.
nova---not a dam..word val…
valdederon--- no one will hear a sqeak of it lets head to the mess hall
the both head out to the feast thats in progress and draggo smiles having been waiting
draggo---were the hell have you guys been.ive been worried.
valdederon--- nova was abit sleepy still so i let her sleep in abit were here to eat no though .
for the next couple hours the whole team digs into the ongoing feast nova eating slower then she usualy does untill valdederon puts his paw gently on her shoulder making her smile rembering shes not alone anymore . eventualy after lunch they head to a smal camp site out behind the guild and raykore materealizes and can sense nova stress.
raykore-- whats wring with the pup.
valdederon--- shes under some serious stress the recent attack on her and her family and the what she saw in the dungeon. we need to start working on helping her mind and fortifying it.
raykore--- i see.. yes that is concerning we will begin working on that.. ive read up on riolu and lucario dynamics they train thier minds through meditation.. much like some wizards and mages did were were from.
valdederon--- yea thats a good point i never thought on that.
raykore-- well you didnt have to harden your mind ha ha ha you were already a arock hard mountain when we met.. though im glad to see youve become a.. some what cahotic but gental river stream.
draggo---……..some what chaotic… you are talking about the same delphox who anialated an army of imps in one second flat right.
raykore chuckles.
raykore--- believe me.. that isnt his worst kid and im happy to say i doubt wed see his worst any time soon.
{narator note} they all relax un aware on how incredibly wrong that statement is. as later on down the line un known forces will see the brutality that lay in his heart when his family is threatened .
< this is a hint of future events with out spoiling much an entire army will see him at his worst.. his most enraged state were even a god would scramble to run from his wrath >
valdederon sits down with raykore and nova as he decides to take part in her lessons on meditation. after awhile valdederon is fully entranced much to raykores amused surprise him having never cared about meditation training before but then focuses on trying to treach nova who is struggling to grasp how to meditiate eventualy getting her to slip into a trance and keeps an eye on her and valdederon.
draggo-- how will this help nova.
raykore taking a puff from her smoking pipe and blowing it into the trees.
raykore--- meditating is a good way to get the mind to calm and slowly wor through issues.. as to exactly how it works ha ha not even the greatest of sages could explain it.. i personaly believe that the trance like meditation stops the minds over thinking of situations. and begins to help it proccess recent events in a healthy maner.. how ever it works its prooven to help heal the mind body and soul. hell even some spirits still meditate. i am shocke dthat val is doing it though.. ha ha
draggo-- why is that.. did he not like meditating.
raykore--- i think it was mainly to do with how he was at the time.. hate.. rage.. anger..persuing revenge at evry turn.. at a subconcious level i think he knew back then if he meditated his plan would have ended before it even got off the ground.
draggo sighs seeming to understand.
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