#and the people who cant understand that need to touch grass
weezley · 2 years
Okay so like. My friend is trying to tell me that Hogwarts Legacy has "antisemitism" and I was like "how?" And then they send me a post about someone being "Jewish" and claiming the game to have "antisemitism" but I've also seen a post and read the comments and I'm the comments someone said they're a Jew and they don't see the "antisemitism" and even says it's not there. So like. What do I do? Both Jews can't be right. I don't even know what to say to my friend who thinks it is.
the game, by definition, DOES have antisemitic tropes. specifically in the depiction of goblins perpetuating a racist caricature of jewish people. there's also an artifact in the game that has some racist undertones, but its such deep coded racism that most people wouldnt even think is racism, i had to google like three different things to even understand it.
also, many depictions of goblins as a whole in western fantasy are very similar. it's not exclusive to jkr and afaik she's always been vocal about her support for the jewish community/refuting any claims of goblins being a racist trope
also ive seen a LOT of false info spreading about the game being about a slave uprising or a slave rebellion and thats flat out propaganda bullshit. the villain is a goblin, yes, but he's a power hungry asshole who doesn't care who he hurts, goblinkind included, to get more power. it's absolute bullshit to make it out like its some kind of goblin uprising for freedom bc its fucking not.
that said, art doesn't have to be free of problematic tropes to be worth exploring. there are plenty of games that explore literal violent racism - hello? bioshock infinite gives you the option to throw a FUCKING BASEBALL at an interracial couple???????? what the fuck is THAT???? - you can acknowledge that these problems exist and not agree with them while still getting value from the rest of the art. there's this weird idea people have now that there's no grey zone and that's not what real life is like. there's nuance. you should be able to decide for yourself if something is offensive or problematic, and even if it is, you came to the conclusion based on your own experience, not what the collective internet has decided.
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hostilecandle · 3 months
I just saw a post unironically being up in arms and pissed that the pricegaz ship exists because "a captain and a sergeant is a huge power imbalance" Please I need yall to be so fucking for real with me rn 😭😭 I've seen this take so many times and enough is enough.
Look at me, I'm gonna tell ya something, come closer- YOURE IN THE FUCKING WAR FANDOM. For the love of God get off your morality high horse and come back to earth for a second. I'm begging you to go touch some grass. If you want to play a morality game, a power imbalance between an officer and those he's in charge of should be the LAST of your worries in this fandom. (Also how funny that ghost and soap weren't mentioned as a power imbalance when it's just as bad. Yeah I fucking caught that you hypocrite)
Like come on let's be for real, if you really cared about fictional morality issues, well you wouldn't be in this fandom would you? You would be beyond pissed and sick to your stomach that there's war, actual torture, racism, and all the other "fun" things that come in a game about a proxy war and terrorists for fucks sake. You don't have any box to stand on, you're in the CALL OF DUTY FANDOM 😭😭😭 Yall wanna be special and unique SO bad. Yall just want a reason to say you're better than others and you froth at the mouth at the chance to do so.
You know this shit ain't real. You know it's a game but even still, you have to try and find something to make you better than those degenerates and it's pathetic. And again if you really cared, this game series as a whole should offend you. If yall are really so pressed about fiction and reality this whole series should make you want to throw up. This is the game series that brags about how realistic it is and how they've brought in people who've experienced this to make it as real as possible. But wait, you don't care about morality as long as it's fictional children and brown people being murdered but GOD FORBID Gaz takes a cock up his ass from Price. Its just gone TOO FAR 🙄🙄
Obligatory you can just dislike a ship for any reason. Things are allowed to squick you out. That's FINE. That's good and healthy even. You don't have to like every ship. What pisses me off is the moral soap box yall have to stand on to preach and prove why you dont like it and why everyone who does like it is bad. Idc someone doesnt ship gazprice, (I enjoy it but personally have ships I like better myself) but getting mad it exists is genuinely, and i cant stress this enough, pathetic. It's old and I'm so sick of seeing it. This is not the fandom for these games. Go back to something made for children if you want to have the moral understanding of one.
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creeperchild · 14 days
Okay about the asks
I have a few ground rules that I thought that are understandable, but I suppose I need to lay them on the table here. I make this blog because my love and appreciation of the cult of the lamb game/books/content. But some asks makes me scratch my head why and how you guys think about stuff. I have some points that really bother me and I think every ask blog thinks the same about that.
Spamming: I know I have a bunch of ask and people can get excited to have their question answered. But spamming me with the same question over and over again for the hope to get picked is really not smart. It doesn't matter if you asked them a few months apart. I will notice it (looking at you shamura-back-kicker.) I am no robot that picks ask by random chance. I pick them on how I see fits.
Forcing your opinion on me and my au: I know my au can be whack but it is my au. Of course I am all ears when you guys have some super cool ideas. But forcing, for example, the idea in that Freddy, my sona, is funtime freddy and ALL the other sister location cast need to be in there is complete rude. Freddy is his own character. so no bonbon and stuff! It also happened with religion. No, the old faith would destroy every non believer, I am sorry. I would not allow my blog to be covered in religious/politics and other worldly issues that we have here. I just wanna draw frog and cute comics maaan.
Lude questions: I know that you may like a character from my cast and trying to get some fanservice here, but asking that weird stuff and stuff that downright is nsfw is NOT allowed. No, I am not drawing Heket in a lude position for you. Go touch grass. I know that I draw buffmura but usually it is just for the fun of it. BUT I WILL NOT DRAW HEKET GIVING BIRTH! Like, are you nuts? (and yes that question got asked 3 times)
ahem. That also counts in my comments. I dont know who you are and how old you are, but it makes me a bit uncomfy to lust after the cast. Like, you can say they are pretty but don't say stuff that you gonna have intercourse with them and what way.
Asking your oc to be in my story: This one is a more tame one. I get it that some of you guys like my art and look up at me. And well who doesn't like free art?? But I can't just answer them, because it's mostly characters that has somehow a connection with the bishops in some way (example: leshys child or a spouse) and that will destroy the natural flow of my story. I have characters of my partner and my best friends in there because we talk about what goes where. So it doesnt work like that with strangers characters and sometimes you just expect me to find a ref sheet of them on your blog too? If you want art from me than I prefer to do an art trade or something.
Potential character interactions are okay in dms or in the comments tho!
Please follow these rules and we are in the clear. I am getting tired of this and I wont hesitate to confront your butt and potentially block you! Yes even the anonym ones can be blocked too! That means, no more stuff for you, bucko!
Thank you guys for understanding by the way. Im just getting frustrated on how some people overstep boundaries of mine.
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etherealspacejelly · 9 months
Neopronouns are not even real pronouns. A pronoun is a noun used to describe a living being. They/Them is fine, they are real pronouns used in the English language. And yes, while I think there is no possible way for someone who has boy or girl genes to actually be non-binary, I will respect them as a person. But, neopronouns, however, are way over the top. I’ve seen people online who identify as like, xe/xem. That’s ridiculous, they’re not even a part of the English language. I’ve seen one person who identified as shark/sharkself. That is so annoying. I’m not gonna call you “shark” bro. Nobody is gonna call you that, except for maybe people as delusional as you. So, I’m conclusion, yes, neopronouns are ridiculous and stupid and unnecessary. Whoever uses them certainly needs mental help, but instead we are celebrating and giving them parades and telling them it’s fine and not stupid at all to identify as a fucking shark.
That being said, if we Normalize these outrageous neopronouns, I don't think I'll be able to handle meeting another three or more person with unique neopronouns, I don’t think I'll care about memorizing them if we don’t get along. I can only imagine that inside their head they are going like “Why can’t everyone understand me? why can’t anyone respect me? why can’t anyone get along with me? me… me…me…”. This is just starting to become a narcissistic play.  It’s just sad that you yourself are intentionally creating a situation that excludes you from other people. You are making yourself too different, you eventually get depressed, commit die and well, will anybody care about you in the end?
Pronouns replace nouns and they are a part of a language. Not something we just make up because we think we are more special than anyone else.
Also, this stuff only appeals to children, or adults with some sort of arrested development. No mature human being would want to go by “cupcakeself”.
We all have names. If you want to rebel against pronouns why can’t you just use your name? Be “Johnself” or “Sallyself” or something people can remember. We aren’t going to trouble ourselves to memorize some made up nounself words.
You’re lucky if we can remember your name let alone some made up ridiculousness.
I hope everyone with neopronouns die.
hey anon. anon. just a question for you. does that Actually Genuinely affect you? like at all? do you know anyone in real life who uses neopronouns? or is it just people online who are literally just minding their business. hmm?
also. all words are made up dingus it came free with your fucking language. we make up words all the time. selfie is in the dictionary now. it wasnt 50 years ago. does that make it not a real word? no. it does not. because language is a tool used by human beings to describe ourselves and the world around us, and to communicate ideas and knowledge. do you think we just. found a dictionary under a rock one day?
if neopronouns bother you that much, just block people who use them. block the neopronoun tag. or perhaps just get off tumblr. touch some grass. focus on a real problem instead of people online using words you dont like. there are people dying right now anon. the planet is on fire. sharkself pronouns arent hurting you.
also. you said that neopronouns only appeal to children, then said that all neopronoun users should die. so... you think children should die? you want children to kill themselves anon? is that what you want? you seem like a lovely person /s
and seeing as you mentioned nonbinary people. you know that there are more sexes than just male and female right? like biologically. they taught you male and female in school to simplify things for your developing brain, like how they tell you that electrons are particles and you cant square root -1. but once you start studying these things at a more in depth level, you realise that they arent that simple at all. biological sex exists on a spectrum. it is a collection of attributes that can behave any number of ways. including hormones, genitalia, chromosomes, secondary sex characteristics, and more.
furthermore, gender and sex are not the same thing. but i cant be bothered to explain that to you because you will refuse to understand it anyway, and ive wasted enough time talking to you as it is.
if you send me anything like this again im just going to delete it, but i wanted to at least try and talk some sense into you first.
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dragonsareoverrated2 · 7 months
📢 rant about how your username is correct (how dragons are overrated)
*Cracks fucking knuckles*
@pkmn-ken @dorakoryusei I suggest you two dont look, I let out a lot of frustration I have with people who excessively use dragon types without knowing what theyre doing and people who are uncreative with their team builds.
Too many people use dragons as a round out for their damn teams instead of getting fucking creative with the types they have for their fucking line up.
Have a strong weakness to electric? Get a dragon type with earthquake!
Have a strong weakness to water? Get a dragon type that can use grass or electric moves!
Have a strong grass weakness? Get a dragon type!
So on so forth
Just get yourself a damn ground type, get a full on electric/grass type, GET A POKEMON THAT HAS A PROPER SUPER EFFECTIVE ATTACK AGAINST GRASS TYPES IT IS SO NOT HARD
Dragonites are fucking everywhere, where the hell are the T-Tars and Metagross? What happened to those pokemon?? Oh and don't even get me fucking STARTED on Garchomp, over rated shark!
No one takes the time to train other damn pokemon half the time, dragons are just soooo fucking popular that better types fall to the damn wayside.
Why don't I see more steel types? Fairy types? Dark types?? Hell! I see more Dragon types on trainers teams then fucking PSYCHIC TYPES! Those things used to be fucking EVERYWHERE ON TEAMS! So many people build their teams around one fucking dragon instead of doing something creative like build around sandstorm or build around a whole range of pokemon
Then theres the fuckers who prance their dragons around like they are the gift to all man kind!
The amount of so called 'Dragon Masters' Ive seen that treat their dragon types like oversized babies that can do nothing wrong is fucking STAGGERING
And the damn EGOS on the FUCK HEADS
They have fucking TEMPER TANTRUMS when I bring out Yuki as if I DARE use a other type than Dragon to defeat their prized lizards
Always twirling around with their stupid oversized capes laughing like evil villains saying that THEY are the BEST and NO ONE CAN DEFEAT THEM except THOSE WHO TRULY SEE THE MIGHT OF DRAGONS!!
Oh and that isnt to fucking MENTION the ELITISM with some dragon trainers-!
'Oh dont use Kingdra, its stats are abysmal' 'Dont use Drampa they cant do anything' 'Dont use Turtonator' 'Dont use Druddigon' 'Dont use Appletun'
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notafunkiller · 1 month
“I just saw a birthday post for Sebastian. There are two photos with AW but Sebastian is cropped out of the photo and only her appears!!!? Why!? “
- from anon (bless you for sharing this)
first of all, THIS IS SO HEARTBREAKING?! *wheezing crying whale sound*
secondly… early warning i am really sorry for my words from here on but i cant let this slide
i never care abt aw shippers + sebby fan. i never hate/jealous of aw and his relay, im just making observation, MY personal opinion bcs as i said b4, the evidence might be there but it never came out from their mouth so everything we say are basically just speculations. gossip. also i said this b4 and people might disgaree but i love malignant, annabelle (literally almost all aw horror movie) and fyi, i actually saw a lot of her movie and i enjoyed it just that at the time idc abt knowing actors name bcs its not a thang in my country + im in an all boarding school so don really have the time for fandoms and shit
nevertheless u dumbos cross a big ass line today.
i understand the love you have for ur actor, the protectiveness, the support but F_!€]$_>\ YOUUUUUUUU, do not crop my man out of the photo when it is his fucking birthday, idc call me mad but shove a stick in your ass and f *** OFFFFFFFFFF.
HAVE. SOME. FUCKING. RESPECT 🫵🏻goshhhhhhhhhhhhgghhhhagahahahahahhahahsgsgssggsgsshshhs
thirdly again i am so sorry for my behaviour my anger idk if their actions r fueled bcs of some aw hater /sebby absolute lover spouting shits, im sorry, but u r disrespecting this man while he’s been actively trying/ desperately win an award. he’s working hard, his effort is SEEN but atleast he’s not acting like a mite sucking/taking advantage of someone else by baiting, nay faking their personality for attention, doing things half heartedly or with intentions for their own good. FULL STOP.
unrelated part but i want to share this news
ps: if aw is really an activist where you lot praises her so much… she should be fucking mad, disappointed w raging fire today bcs two babies (twin, asser and ayssel) in gaza just got killed by an airstrike, KILLED, read that again, fucking newborns WHO HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FRICK IS HAPPENING AROUND THEM, innocents…
if that doesnt enrage you or you put the blame on the parents bcs its their fault for getting pregnant OR the most famous reason ‘bcs they started it first’ with a pout emoji then you r a bunch of bozos faking ur humanity for fame/attention/ bcs ur “celeb” did it or its a trend. shame.
lastly again im so sorry for this anger, please forgive me for my harsh words
I do not get why they do this either. It's so ???
Also about Gaza, everything that is happening... it breaks me! But she does not care because otherwise she would not tag the A-list or other zionist brands. She is a performative activist
They really need to touch some grass, they are childish, direspectful and obsessed.
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damnfandomproblems · 1 year
4144 not sure how to feel about the second half of that
But yeah. Its pretty frustrating when writers either 1. Dont set their boundaries before opening requests or 2. Dont set all of them
Ive had writers suddenly say they wont write something that was requested even thought it wasnt listed in what they wont write. And you know its fine, as someone who forgets alot, i get it. But when you then attack or ban the person who requested it just because you neglected/forgot to set that boundary, that just makes you a shitty person.
If someone requests something they couldnt possible have known you wouldn't like beforehand, that is on you.
What i find even worse is writers banning people who even like something they dont even though those people respected the writers boundaries and never tried talking or interacting with the writer about the thing, and/or have only really ever interacted with the writer through things like reblogging and liking. (stalking peoples blogs is not cool my dudes)
Like im sorry but peoples taste in fiction is not cause for a block when you write just as bad or arguably worse shit, and all people want to do is read what youve written. Not shove your triggers in your face. It is not comparable to being a nazi, terf, pro choice or whatever like that.
I think people get a lil too trigger happy with the block button when people barely even talk to them. Blocking harrasment or people who cant take no for an answer is one thing. Blocking for irl beliefs and stances is a second thing.
But over the fact one person like a type of dark FICTION you dont when you also like dark fiction which is still real gross irl? Touch grass. Even if you dont like dark fiction. If you block over shit like that when that person has made zero attempts to force it on you? Touch grass. Go outside and talk to a real person.
(yeah it was a real experience. Sad that person somehow thinks they are morally superior for liking incest compared to i *a csa survivor of incest* for enjoying fictional adultxminor. When i never even tried talking to em about it lmao. Even weirder when they would make tge little sibling weak, naive, and submissive *like a child* even though they are meant to be an adult. And it was like... Every character even canon ones. And even had ficcs where the older sibling groomed the other and its just? Huh??? Grooming is fine for fictional adults? But when its a fictional kid somehow its bad because of age? When they arent even real? I still think that person needs a therapist because they obviously dont understand how any of this shit works, and for all that repressed and internalized shit or whatever lmao)
Posting since this is a response to a previous problem.
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I can never take fandom discourse seriously because besides sounding like abunch of 12 year olds yelling at a random person about the most rancid takes known to man just because they dared to express a normal opinion, if you go on thier blog and try to scroll to find the source of it you will almost always find they reblog normal ass posts in between like (as an example from the bg3 fandom )
-reply post to a long 27deep reblog discourse about if its deranged to have sex with halsin in bear form :YOU ARE A FUCKING DISGUSTING BITCH FOR EVEN JUSTIFYING THIS AND IM NOT READING ALL THAT I SAID WHAT I SAID AND IM RIGHT
- a reblog of pic of a cute dog
- reply post to a long 25 deep reblog discourse about if its deranged to have sex with halsin in bear form :WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE HARKNESS TEST THATS NOT REAL DO YOU HAVE NO MORALS YOU DERANGED ASS HOW DARE YOU SAY THATABOUT HALSIN I ALREADY WANNA PUNCH THE DEVS FOR ALLOWING THIS
- a reblog of flower meadow with a girl wearing a white dress frolcking with a #me #peace as tags
-reply post to a long 23 deep reblog discourse about if its deranged to have sex with halsin in bear form : I CANT BELIVE YOU RIGHT NOW HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINk ABOUT HALSINS THING AFTER ALL HE WENT THROUGH LET ALONE HIS BEAR FORM DOING- DOING- THAT!!!!
-reblog of a graphic that talks about acceptance and tolerance
And on the other side:
- reply post to a long 26 deep reblog discourse of someone who thinks its immoral to have sex with halsin: *a very well thought out paragraph about why people of all kinds of traumas deserve to be loved and given the choice to choose how he expresses his own desires and sexuality*
- a reblog of a fan art of Halsin with his entire cock out
- reply post to a long 24 deep reblog discourse about if its deranged to have sex with halsin in bear form : * a link to the explanation to what the harkness test is * *well thought out comparisons to werewolves and that trope* *another good piece explaning fiction and fantasy are not real*
- a reblog of a really hot pic of karlach with added caption: i haeve coevid
- reply post to a long 22 deep reblog discourse about if its deranged to have sex with halsin in bear form : i just dont understand why are you so upset over me saying " i cant stop thinking about halsin and his romance scene and how nervous he was when he lost control and changed to a bear how many times have people chastised him for that? My tav will always accept him in all his forms Its okay bby come here i'll take you and your bear if you know what i mean 😏" this really didnt need to become all this go touch some grass.
- reblog of te same cute pic of a dog from earlier with key smash as a tag
How the hell am i supposed to take anything seriously when everything is like this on here fhdjdbdjd
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decafbat · 2 years
i caught eva 3.0+1.0 in theatres a few days ago, it was the second time id seen it and i enjoyed it so much more this time around. i dont really know where to start with my thoughts on it. i think the movie is just meditating on exactly what put me off about the rebuilds, the way it almost feels unethical for these characters to be kept in this sort of static hell for the enjoyment of a ravenous audience who will always be begging for more. lots of feelings about the way some series just go on forever and ever, how characters can gradually rot from the inside out. and everything great about it turns into audiovisual noise. great art is twisted into something hallow. a walking corpse. the men in the story (and the men in evangelion's audience) are desperately looking for the love and understanding of idealized feminine figures. rei is a sister, mother, daughter and lover at the same time to different people. men seek and create endless replacable female bodies to fill their needs, but its never enough to fill that emptiness. the characters are aware of this, the way theyre seen, whats expected of them at this point. asuka knows full well whats going on and shes just fucking fed up with it all at this point. the curse of being kept like this to satisfy the needs of others is unimaginably awful. keeping them trapped at this singular point as their friends grow up and move on to have happy lives. i think the message at the end is just that these characters will grow with you if you let them. that its pointless to search for what you really need in evangelion. namely, genuine love for yourself and from others. the characters arent real, they cant age, they cant live real lives, but you can! thats what i took from it anyway (MARI TRUTHER SECTION DONT READ THIS PART ITS GENUINE NONSENSE) ok but can we talk about mari please. please. mari is my favorite fucking thing they added to these movies i cant believe shes actually in this thing its both deeply funny in a way and kind of baffling. i didnt really touch on her in my thoughts but trust me, she weighs heavily on them. im just still a little bit bamboozled as to how she fits into all of it. really, my best guess right now is that she's in here only so asuka and rei can have their arcs finally closed for good, and so she can represent the sort of weird sexual obsession people have with the girls in eva. honestly i think if you genuinely want to fuck rei from evangelion you need to sit down and like think for a few hours about, like, everything. you need to rethink everything. but people do and i mean, if what you take away from evangelion is some weird fucked up fetish then i guess thats fine. she's there to say "uh... if you really wanna have sex with a girl with huge boobs and glasses, go out there and do it man. more power to you." and i guess that could probably be a strong message for some people to log off and go outside, touch grass if you will. meet hot girls. its possible if you try. i still love mari i think its so funny that she exists, i have a figure of her on my desk, i love mari. also what the fuck is with her being in gendohs family photos theres more to her i just cant put my finger on it. please, if you have any mari film theories that encompass shit i cant currently comprehend just let me know im desperate ok
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muttfangs · 2 years
lol people getting mad that the person behind cracking & obtaining the USA's no-fly list is a pokemon otherkin is very funny to me why do you care. this person just did something monumental, super impressive praxis and id like to see you attempt even a fraction of what they were able to do "buh buh buh why cant you be normal" son, I have news for you. ok? most people who are hardcore nerds about anything (including hacking) tend to be very not normal and this person literally isn't harming anyone by thinking they're sprigatito or whatever is it annoying to some people? sure. is it hurting anyone? absolutely not lol
I'm annoyed that like, even within leftist spaces people feel the reactionary need to VERY obviously bully someone who is neurodivergent. and I will tell you right now, you’re doing way more harm to leftist spaces by intentionally being mean to ND people than this person ever has (or will) by saying they’re a pokemon
like, touch grass. TOUCH. FUCKING. grass. go offline, go to therapy, read about what marx actually believes in. because marx would fully 100% be supporting this lil weirdo and their impressive ability to obtain this info for the betterment of understanding who the CIA targets
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hydok · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 6,916 times in 2022
That's 3,995 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (0%)
6,891 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 728 of my posts in 2022
#yeah - 38 posts
#adhd stuff - 26 posts
#ace stuff - 11 posts
#oh - 7 posts
#brb guillotines - 7 posts
#ane - 7 posts
#suddenly a fic - 7 posts
#oh no - 4 posts
#incredible - 4 posts
#im hollering - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i fully accept that given these details i absolutely sound like ta but what she didnt mention is that there was grass on these sandwiches
My Top Posts in 2022:
you’ve got to give it to ohkubo the man at least included in his visual dictionary the face people make when they consider his writing choices
7 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
i hate ohkubo i want this man to stop creating anything that might be interpreted as new soul eater content
7 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
"written by matteo jwhj 0715" they say, like it wasn't based off of the play by jára cimrman
8 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
adhd lifehack: roomba
and like i know i know theyre expensive but i hadnt vacuumed for over six months (because adhd) and then i spent $179.99 on black friday last year and in exchage i got a little robot hockey puck (her name is birdy because she chirps) who every tuesday, thursday, and sunday wanders around my studio apartment and bumps into walls and eats all the cat hair and hay and rabbit poop and all i have to do is rescue her if she gets trapped by horrors beyond her comprehension (the bench with mirrored legs) and clean out her compartment (easy it just pops out and i dump it in the trash).
no longer do i get paralyzed by the Cleaning Terrors of "oh my floor is gross im a failure of an adult i have to clean it but in order to clean it i have to move furniture and then deal with the vacuum and go over spots and it takes so long i cant but im a failure of an adult i cant do anything else cleaning because of how bad my floor is"
my floor is clean, it's nice to walk on, all the other adulting cleanliness tasks become so much easier because the elephant in the room has been taken out back and shot by a tiny robot maid with a gun
31 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
thinkin about..... justin law again..... like i have for the past literal decade and counting....
im still mad about the soul eater manga for many reasons but one of them one of the big reasons is justin law
because on the surface yeah it's "the creepy hyperviolent religion obsessed weirdo who is out of touch with social and even religious norms picks a new god and goes off the rails" concept which is fine it fits the soul eater vibe it's even got echos of asura's fall from grace
and yeah "he went insane because he neglected to form the proper weapon-meister social bond" is fitting for soul eater as well and really hammers in the difference between justin (who in the series is presented as someone who could not be saved) and stein (whose bonds are what make him someone the series decides should be saved)
and okay fine "he attacked and decapitated the one friend he had, the only person who tried to reach out to him" does hammer that in. (though tbh tezca is. bad. thats not a friend)
and yes it's a shonen series with a huge emphasis on bonds so it's genre appropriate that the adults stand around and go "this teenager cannot be saved because he failed to form friendships and so no one cares about him enough to go after him"
one problem
and that problem is very very simple and very very obvious and very very baked into justin law's entire character
and it's the problem of his weapon form.
because justin law is a guillotine.
because ohkubo made it extremely clear that justin physically cannot have a meister.
because the entire message of "you need to have friends and you need people around you who understand you" falls completely apart when the character used by the author as the example was designed by the author to be physically incapable of forming the bonds every other character has and excuse me ohkubo you're telling me what? he thought this was clever? he thought going "im going to make a character who cannot form a meister-weapon bond and play him up as cool for fighting solo and make him go evil to really bring it home that you need friends" was a clever idea? it's ohkubo so probably
but actually ohkubo just made a character who was physically barred from forming proper relationships with others, and then had every responsible adult in this character's life look at him and by the time he was thirteen go "not only is this good that he's socially isolated and doesn't have a life partner like everyone else does by this age, we should give him a role in our organization where he works solo all the time. this is a good idea. this will not backfire on anyone involved in any way." and by the time he was seventeen the adults went "if only he had made proper social bonds he would have someone who cared enough to save him from getting his soul clownjacked by an incarnation of the god of madness"
and it is almost 2023 and ohkubo stopped writing soul eater in 2013 (and stopped caring about the series in like idk 2010 at the latest) and i am still thinking too much about this asshole teenage sadist who according to the manga got exactly what he deserved but really deserved so much better
64 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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terraliensvent · 7 months
I’m sorry put the op was right about them being human beings with thoughts and feelings. Did it come off to strong? Yes. But the fact you have to put the glaring issue of they can’t take criticism as your stance isn’t even a viable way of proving your point as there have been clear efforts to change things in the community as of recently. Now that Temul is in charge of the group!
Not saying the fair of amount of criticism isn’t justified. In fact there is always room for improvement and it should be heavily encouraged.
But shouldn’t mods be people you trust? Not total strangers? but active community members who become good acquaintances with staff? No seriously. I’ve been spectating the server since July of last year and half of those people didn’t even know each-other til they met on the server. Some of them aren’t even friends til being asked to join. And so what if they’re friends? That means they’re a trustworthy candidate that can be vouched for.
It’s actually insane how people will just assume the worst out of a situation without any definitive answers but purely based on their pre-decided judgement of others. Which is a huge issue right now especially with cancel culture.
I can’t even begin to explain how entitled half the people in closed species communities are because half of the problems stem from the people themselves. Now this is a vent blog and it’s meant for voices to be heard. That much is obvious. All you need to know is change doesn’t happen within a week. It takes months so don’t assume the worst in situations or you’re gonna stay bitter in these communities when you eventually quit.
Stay safe and touch grass 👍
post related
i feel like youre neglecting to acknowledge the full range of points i made in my last response.
yes, theres change happening within the past 2 months, but theres also things to have gripes about. im glad things are seeming to move toward getting better, but at the same time that shouldnt deflect from the fact there are still things to be worked on
i understand theres the big rework happening right now with stuff, but for transparency’s sake im not going to give points for things that arent completed. you can say youre working on things, but until i can physically see them and be able to make a judgement on the effectiveness of implemented changes, im not going to comment on them because i dont want to have to retroactively edit my perspective.
also, “mods are making changes” and “mods cant take criticism” arent mutually exclusive. the changes being made currently are a result of the work getting too hard for them with design approvals because they were SO nitpicky and people actually started to complain on a large scale. but as seen in the suggestion forums, not a lot of suggestions seem to be really introspected on. ive seen so many solid ideas that work for other large species just be totally tossed out because “its too much work for mods” but yet when more mods are hired, they dont seem to be doing really any work.
which brings me to my next point, i said in the last post i would have been more forgiving about all the mods being in the same clique if it werent for the fact that the new mods never seem to be doing anything besides promoting commissions. quality of life improvements are constantly denied because the workload is “just so difficult” but then you never actually see evidence of extra hands being used to make big change. again, if you keep adding people do the mod team it should not be taking weeks to get a MYO design approved.
im gonna barely entertain the last bit of your ask simply because it comes off as intensely patronizing to me. are we really talking about cancel culture when the issue at hand is “terra staff are bad at taking criticism?” it comes off as very much “holier than thou” mentality when you call others entitled for daring to say they dont like the way things are run. change takes months, yeah, but thats when you actually DECIDE to change and not shrug it off because “work hard :(“ dont put yourself on a pedestal just because youre more dismissive of things than others
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year
All about DeviantART drama! (tumblr.com) <- The Link
Gelly thinks we all pissed off, nice fucking try sweetie, sure you arent confusing us with your salty ass? I mean ffs you get pissy when tam decides to forgive his friends that you hate cuz they dont sniff club’s diapered ass.
Gelly is an intelligent young lady who couldn't confound herself with you losers if she tried. And she's correct, you're all angry because we continue to ruin what you call fun, which includes bullying, harassment, stalking, slandering, fabricating lies, taking words out of context, impersonating other people, and getting people you HATE banned from websites…anything else? Oh yeah, you don't follow your own rules, which state that none of the actions listed above should be performed by any of your members, including yourself Mod-S!
Gelly thinks we all pissed off, nice fucking try sweetie, sure you arent confusing us with your salty ass? I mean ffs you get pissy when tam decides to forgive his friends that you hate cuz they dont sniff club’s diapered ass.
Wow, could you possibly be any more hypocritical? At least Gellygirl has a reason to be angry with you, since you're being exposed as a group of liars and scumbags rather than the "innocent individuals" you so desperately attempt to portray as "the truth."
If anything WE TALK IN CAPS BECAUSE IT SEEMS YOU ARE STUPID AND CANT UNDERSTAND UNLESS WE MAKE IT VERY CLEAR TO YOU AND THAT DIPSHIT CLUBBY PEDOMAN. Now understand? =3 Nah, you just gonna cherry pick this like the ‘poor wil victim you are boo hoo’ wanna tussle sweetie? Move your tumblr account on over here and mouth off to us so ol mod can ban your ass. (or someone can point out Gelly’s comment on drama hub so they can save mod the trouble of searching so they can ban her ass quicker.)
Gellygirl is not ignorant; as stated previously, she is actually quite intelligent. Are you sure you're not mistaken when you refer to her as "stupid"? It is common knowledge that if you use the caps lock, you intend to bellow rather than speak; therefore, are you certain that you are not thinking about yourself? Do you need me to write it with coloured paint so that you can better comprehend it?
Also, labelling someone a "dipshit" is equivalent to calling them "stupid," and it's "the poor wee victim you are, boo hoo" rather than "poor wil." xD The more I read this, the more convinced I am that you were referring to yourself when you dubbed Gelly "stupid."
If anything WE TALK IN CAPS BECAUSE IT SEEMS YOU ARE STUPID AND CANT UNDERSTAND UNLESS WE MAKE IT VERY CLEAR TO YOU AND THAT DIPSHIT CLUBBY PEDOMAN. Now understand? =3 Nah, you just gonna cherry pick this like the ‘poor wil victim you are boo hoo’ wanna tussle sweetie? Move your tumblr account on over here and mouth off to us so ol mod can ban your ass. (or someone can point out Gelly’s comment on drama hub so they can save mod the trouble of searching so they can ban her ass quicker.)
No one on our end of the blog-boat will ever block, restrict, or even report certain users. Our blog was created long before you even considered doing the "same" thing, but you decided to use your blog as a shitposting blog rather than a blog that provides actual evidence and honest answers… you're just shitposting about people you hate.
Yes, you would have done the things we don't because, as I said, you're a fake blog, nothing more than that of a terrorist cult… which doesn't exactly help prove you're innocent in any sense of the term. Maybe go outside and touch grass for once, rather than locking yourself up in your mother's old, dirty basement to pretend to be tough online, get your head seen too as well, maybe?
If going after Club-Dreamiverse’s associates now (with clear particular interest in them) is their way of guiltlessly going after Club-Dreamiverse after it was mentioned how it might not look good for them (grand finale much?), most of us can see right through it.
The kind of treatment they give to dissent, and them handing out accusations of that and other things without proof despite saying upfront they always look for proof (twofaced much?), is the reason Gelly and the rest of us defend Club in the first place.
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selamat-linting · 1 year
one of the worser things i felt is when my friend left town in 2021. i thought i'd get over it since even if he's amazing i still dont know him that well. we were only friends from january and now he's leaving on august, and we can still talk online so who cares?
turns out, there is a lot of outside circumstantial stuff, many related to our mutual project and my stress with a new job so his absence was dearly felt. it doesnt feel awful at first but the more i ignore it the more it starts to weighing down on me. i would look at grass growing on the sidewalk and cry. i couldnt go past the coffee shops we frequented without feeling out of touch with reality. so many things reminded me of him, from hardhats, cellphone towers, oil tanks, frogs, smoke rings, glass stains, trees, even moss growing on brutalist architecture made me depressed. honestly i dont think i could go around half of my hometown without remembering that i used to do something there with him and the other guys and experience a mini-breakdown over it. i stopped journaling at one point because it just made me dwell on the hurt when people needed me to do things. i had emotional nightmares with the guy in it, and sometimes i would walk into the area near his neighborhood, stand around for a couple of mins trying to convince myself there is nothing there waiting for me at his house. every day felt like choking on my own blood and im supposed to keep going like everything's normal.
i wanted to talk to him but i feel like he doesnt want me bothering him and i dont deserve it since i was failing the guy despite my best efforts. there's also shades of "holy shit i feel guilty for burdening you with my need to love you". i even wondered if he's even real since none of my family and none of my coworker knew him and if he die, i will never know it at all. i was so lost. i was grieving over a friend's absence but i dont know how to explain it to other people and i cant even understand why it devastated me so much. i never even grieved over a crush like this, even when im angsty and hormonal.
but i kept going because i feel like i owe the world to keep doing the work and staying alive. and as painful it sounds, its not as bad as highschool and the six months period after my dad was arrested. thinking about it still makes me tear up tbh. things are better now but, thats because he's back. not because i learn some lesson on emotion management or something.
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hiveswap · 2 years
I remember when it first happened people were like "ok now we need a shipname for them" which is 100% understandable and something that happens whenever a relationship becomes cannon in the dsmp (and because they didnt want to use enderbees because that was already used by rpf shippers of Tubbo and Ranboo, and they didn't want to be associated with them). And then there were tons of posts in the possible ship name tags saying stuff like "I CANT BELIEVE YALL ARE TRYING TO COME UP WITH SHIP NAMES FOR THIS, YALL ARE SICK THEY ARE MINORS AND ITS NOT LIKE ITS A REAL MARRIAGE ANYWAY ITS PLATONIC"
And that's one of the big reasons why there is no ship name for c! Ranboo and c! Tubbo outside of beeduo which is just their duo name.
I just dont get how people thought 17 years olds being in a relationship is impossible and gross to even imagine. At that age no one is perfectly innocent and oblivious to the concept of a relationship.
You should honestly see my classmates, /r beeduo stuff is a 6 years old's idea of romance compared to them. Touch grass if you're gonna send death treaths over it.
Essepcially cause this is an mlm couple played by an actual gay man and his friend. (who is possibly also queer but i haven't seen the clip people cite as him coming out)
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soap-ful · 3 years
Art advice from someone who needs art advice but the specific kind that only I know how to give
A 2am write up by a burnt out artist with nothing better to do :)
Okay so let’s rate the typical tutorials people will look up (generalized)
Features (hair, eyes, lips, etc)
Bodies (in terms of shape)
Anatomy is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things when drawing!! It comes before stylizing and basic features - you need to know anatomy before you branch off into your own style! (Take as long as you need. I started out without any knowledge regarding anatomy - it’s how it goes. You’re never perfect.)
Second to anatomy is FEATURES! Eyes, hair, lips, clothes/folds, shading - those are second. I once asked a professional painter how she got things so perfect, and she said she would just repeat what she needed to understand. She filled an entire sketchbook with eyes, another with lips, another with hair, and so on. (She additionally did this with anatomy - one for hands, one for feet - then onto more complex shapes with heads, arms/legs, torsos). She would then fill an entire sketchbook with everything added together - basically she would redraw puzzle pieces until they ‘fit’.
Now, body shape is a rather stigmatized thing in the community of young and growing artists. I’m sure you have seen the classic ‘women are round/men are square’ or the ‘hourglass vs. rectangle shape’ or the ‘girl eyes vs. boy eyes’. While I do believe these help with basic anatomy skills and helps artists convey the cookie cutter gender alignments, you need to remember that boys have eyelashes and girls can be square. Don’t be too worried about conveying yourself properly! It comes with practice!
REMEMBER! Learning is a mess! You can learn in so many ways - I’m still learning, Picasso was still learning, that two year old with crayons is still learning.
Find your own rhythm. It’s frustrating and you’ll cry and the pictures in your head won’t come out as beautifully as you imagined, but you need to realize that not all tutorials work for every person, and that you don’t need to hyper fixate on a singular piece of advice from one artist.
There’s no holy grail of knowledge on how to make things look ‘good’. Time and patience and lots of crying is the only grail you’ll get - and that’s okay! It’s okay to rip your paper and throw your book and scribble over something and throw something out. It’s okay to give up and do something else, it’s okay to discard an idea you really liked, it’s okay to never get to an idea you really liked.
It’s okay to say that you can’t, but you need to also think that you’ll be able to someday. ‘I can’t, but someday’ gives you something to look forwards to. I cant colour clouds the best, but someday I will and boy howdy they’ll be tasteful.
This is something specific to me - it doesn’t have to be followed religiously. But I like to watch things. Sometimes a mild existential crisis brings me ideas (I.e. wow, I’m here and breathing and the universe is expanding a billion times over but I’m touching scratchy grass rn and the temperature is just right and look at the fuzz on that bee). Recognize the things around you and how you’re present to recognize it.
Visualize the colour wheel! Where would damp grass sit? A blush on the skin? A honey bee’s yellow? One of the most surprising things I’ve found from colour picking is that purple clouds in an orange sunset almost always get picked out as grey. Lighting is important to your colours and you need to consider that! Sunset grass is different from morning grass!?
I’ve also found that watching people’s sped up art processes have helped me develop. You get to watch their ways of blocking in shapes and making things look natural, no matter what style it’s in.
Do a daily doodle. I know you want to draw that masterpiece you have in your head and the pencil just won’t work and maybe you just suck - no, open a notebook book or file, and draw something simple. Something to smile at. A frog, a flower, an eye, a stupid face, a dinosaur - draw with the aim of satisfying your need to put pencil on paper. Write your masterpiece idea down for later. It can wait.
Just remember that all tutorials are to help you grow and not for you to base your entire art life on.
If you don’t like how you draw your eyes, try something else you come up with. Don’t like your shapes? Try something different. It won’t hurt you, it won’t make you stop drawing. If you mess up on something new you’re trying, that won’t end your hopes and dreams, even if it may smush them. (I try so goddamn hard with my clouds that I can’t even begin to explain how badly I NEED TO GET IT RIGHT)
It’s not easy! You’ll hate everything you do!
But I think the moment you draw something, even if it’s a tiny part of the piece, and you say ‘huh. what a pretty thing.’
That is what you’re supposed to aim for. Creators usually see nothing truly beautiful in their pieces, so relax, go with the flow.
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