#he gets very fixated and lovestruck and weird about crushes
angelic-ish-phantom · 2 months
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Danny is the most responsible and focused of the trio. This is not a good thing.
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gravesightings · 4 years
The slashers reacting to someone who isn't fazed by gore and blood. Something like the slashers walking into the house covered in blood and the s/o is all like "Don't leave blood stains on my carpet, thank you very much."
changed it up a bit per slasher if that’s cool with you. loved writing this by the way. thanks for requesting!
slashers reactions to: a s/o unfazed by gore and blood
Asa Emory / The Collector
...you’re not screaming your head off? he was sure you’d leave him right then and there when he had slit an intruder’s throat right in front of you.
would you like to see his collection? beware my dear, it’s not for the faint-hearted! watches for your reaction with great intensity. do you still love him? are you positive?
tests out just how much violence you can witness before you crack. unfortunately for you, asa might have forgotten to give you a head’s up beforehand.
was he threatening you...? it’s hard to tell. he doesn’t seem to want to hurt you though. all the displays of violence were presented to you almost. was he showing off, then?
once he had even brought you along to a victim’s home (fully-rigged) to watch him work. when you dismissively asked him what he wants for dinner after the whole escapade he’s left stunned. oh, he’s definitely keeping you.
Billy Lenz
bad billy, stupid billy! he’s done it now. why did you have to walk in at the worst possible time? now he’ll be all.... alone...? y..you’re still here?
approaches you cautiously and makes sure you haven’t gone in a trance of some sort. when he realizes you’re of sound mind (sorta?) he still has trouble comprehending it.
oh well. billy’s not gonna try too hard to understand you. he just knows you’re okay with it and that’s more than he can possibly ask for. now, would you let him cuddle you? please?
the stains bother you more than witnessing the murder? this little piggy makes his head hurt. if it means that much to you he’ll change and then you two can cuddle, right? right?
basic hygiene aside, attic man is full-on lovestruck. you smell nice and you don’t scream at him? he’s hit the jackpot! would keep you with him for as long as possible.
Bo Sinclair
“huh. you’re all sorts of fucked up too, aren’t ya?” just.. take it as a compliment.
if you previously weren’t on body-retrieval duty, then congratulations! now that bo’s sure you won’t freak out over a corpse, he’s gonna put you to work.
things are turning out great for him! less work and less bullshit. thank god. now.. how good are you with a crossbow?
if you aren’t actually up for some murder, he’ll begrudgingly teach you how to dress wounds instead. “gotta pull your own weight somehow,” he’d say.
this gross ass man would wipe some of the victim’s blood on your face while you’re patching him up just to tease you. he’ll even laugh at you as he does it. (that’s just his way of being friendly.)
Brahms Heelshire
struggling to understand at first. run him through this again - you’re mad at him for ruining the rug and not for disemboweling a man in cold blood?
doesn’t believe you in the slightest. prepare for some bloody shenanigans! uh-oh, it seems he accidentally got all messy when he was getting rid of the body. would you please clean him?
you’re scolding him for ruining his clothes? are you not about to throw up? .....have you finally lost it? oh god no, what has he done?! immediately starts checking you whilst still in the bath.
no, don’t swat him away! please tell him you’re alright! did you hit your head perhaps? was it psychological damage? he’s not qualified for this!
once he’s past the manic state, he’d still look at you weird from time to time. this is a huge relief for him but ...really? he got this lucky with you? are you sure you didn’t hit your head?
Bubba Sawyer
so hear this: it’s been people... all this time. that’s the secret to good chili. cue bubba nervously shuffling behind you, mentally preparing himself to pick you up and lock you in his room in case the others start attacking you.
“huh. you don’t say,” ....everybody’s surprised at this point - even grandpa sawyer! after a moment of silence there’s a lot of hollering and yipping. bubby found himself a keeper! how lucky!
this has literally never happened before so bubba himself is pretty shocked. the rest of the family is just about ready for an impromptu celebration though! tonight’s special guest: you!
unless you’re against being a cannibal, you’re sure to have lots of fun! if you are - well then, be prepared for an unfortunate demise. (bubba would be upset, but he wouldn’t go against his own family.)
immediately accepted by the entire family. the gore doesn’t bother you and you love bubba as he is. what more is there to ask? actually, maybe do some chores too.
Jason Voorhees
how long have you been standing there? jason immediately drops the victim, frozen in place and silently pleading with you not to run away.
when you reach out to wipe some blood off of his mask he tenses, but he’s too afraid to make another move. were you... cleaning him? after you had just seen him crush a man’s head with his bare hands?
very emotional. if you ask him if he’s hurt - there goes his heart. it’s gone. it’s yours now. smile at him and he might actually fall to his knees. a huge weight had just been lifted off his shoulders.
incredibly relieved. all this time he’s seen himself as a monster but you? what has he done to deserve you? he’s so thankful.
still keeps you away from the gore as much as possible but it’s more of his overprotective side taking over. now that he’s sure you aren’t afraid of him, he’ll be so soft with you.
Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull
not shy about his job but makes sure you have little to no involvement in it. impulsively comes home blood-soaked one night just to test you.
your reaction, or lack thereof, has him fascinated. merely tilts his head at you when you warned him about making a mess. cheeky.
sees it as an open invitation to be more himself around you. but he’s not about to drive you over to where his victims are just to show off. (as tempting as it may be.)
starts off as subtle as possible. bartender asking for your number? check it babe, his head’s on the floor now. you discover very quickly that being subtle is not one of his many talents.
his kills may be messy but jesse himself is a very well-groomed man so you don’t need to worry about him embracing you whilst covered in gore.
Michael Myers
did you just yell at him for tracking in blood? are you serious?
mikey here would be confused enough to actually listen to you for once, kicking his shoes off by the doorway, eyes fixated on you as you rush to clean up the mess. how odd.
beware this man’s morbid curiosity. the gears are turning in his head as he approaches you, babbling on about fresh clothes or something of the like. mikey suddenly decides he has selective hearing.
his hands shoot up and you freeze immediately. he cups your face in his hands as he stares you down, his touch disturbingly gentle.
it would have been endearing if not for the fact that he was actually wiping his bloody fucking hands all over your face. there’s not a hint of emotion present and yet, you feel as though he’s having fun.
Thomas Hewitt
ah, shit. why did he have such horrible timing? he stops dead in his tracks in front of you, freshly out of the basement where he had been working on the meat all day.
this is it. this is the part you leave him, realize how much of a monster he is. any moment now, you’ll start screaming bloody murder. he’s--
“you want some sweet tea?”
huh? did he hear you right? when he doesn’t respond, naturally you repeat yourself. sweet tea? you’re offering him sweet tea? he’s in shock. maybe he needs to sit down.
he stares at his hands, then down his apron - all blood-soaked and disgusting. then he looks back up at you, offering him a cold glass of sweet tea with a smile. nervously clears his throat before taking a swig.
the loud beating of his heart is distracting. why is it so hard to look you in the eyes all of a sudden? he’s glared at many people before, no problem. ah yes, the mortifying ordeal of falling in love.
Vincent Sinclair
anxiety powerhouse vincent would slowly back away, blood-soaked and apologetic. don’t look at him! he doesn’t deserve your love. he-- ....oh, the floor?
quickly runs off to clean himself, dodging all the furniture best he can in his flustered state. did he hear you right? you were worried about the floor?
checks back to see if he’s made a mess. if so, he’ll clean it up himself. just sort of stares at you in confusion for the rest of the day.
the next time he kills someone in front of you, he’s cautious. when you respond the same way he’s visibly relieved. thank goodness. vincent is a lot more relaxed around you now.
begins to make a conscious effort to be as clean and efficient with his kills as possible. it would take some time to adjust, but now he’s much more dangerous.
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howtosingit · 3 years
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SNEAK PEEK: Next to You (That’s Where I Want to Be) - Chapter Seven: February | Bewitched, Body and Soul
Hello, friends! I know that it has been 7 weeks but who’s counting a long time since I updated this fic, and I have no excuse other than the fact that my writing muse has been off hibernating while my brain went “let’s freak out about the show airing and care about literally nothing else.” So fun!
I’m slowly finding my way back into the groove of writing, but I don’t want to keep you all waiting any longer for some content from this AU, so here is the entire first scene of the next chapter! Thank you for your patience, your kudos, and your support, and I hope you enjoy this little taste of what’s to come 🤗
(If you have no idea what I’m talking about but find yourself intrigued, check out the fic masterpost to read the first six chapters!)
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“Why is it completely impossible to find a decent man around here?”
Carlos glances up from the book in front of him to find Michelle standing at his side, glaring down at her phone as she swipes through something on the screen.
“‘Around here’ as in… the library?” he teases, gesturing past the desk in front of him and out towards the third floor study area. Since it’s still pretty early in the semester, the couches and tables aren’t filled the way they will be next month for midterms. Carlos likes working the checkout desk when it’s not as busy; it gives him more time to keep up with his own reading for class.
“What?” Michelle asks, looking up from her phone to glance around the space. “No, not the library, Carlos.” She shakes her phone, letting out a frustrated groan before tossing it down on the desk in front of her. “I’m serious, there are no decent men left in the world.”
“Well, hey-”
“Straight men, Carlos.”
“Ah,” he says, pressing his lips together to keep from laughing. After a few years, he’s very familiar with Michelle’s tragically complex dating history, so he knows to just go with her on this one. “I can’t really speak to that, sorry,” he adds unhelpfully.
“Yeah, yeah, Mister ‘I’m so in love with my boyfriend I make everyone around me want to puke’,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes as she shuffles through a stack of returned books on the cart nearby. “We can’t all just accidentally move in with our soulmates like you did.”
Carlos feels heat on the back of his neck, but he also can’t stop the smile that pulls at his lips, or the way an image of his roommate flashes through his mind. He feels like he’s been wearing an unbreakable smile for the past three weeks, and he refuses to be embarrassed about it.
Because TK Strand is his boyfriend, and it’s honestly everything he’s ever wanted.
It’s a little crazy how easily they’ve fallen into their new relationship, but in hindsight, Carlos realizes it’s not that surprising. For the past six months, they’ve formed a bond unlike any he’s ever known. TK is the person that he wakes up to - even though their beds are on opposite sides of the room - and falls asleep talking to. He’s the person that Carlos seeks out when he’s stressed or excited or just wants someone nearby. They talk about anything and everything, they laugh until their stomachs hurt, they cry while watching movies together. There is nothing that stands between them now; no walls, no fears, no ex-boyfriends. To Carlos, they sometimes feel like two sides of the same coin, while also somehow still being their own individual coins. It doesn’t really make sense when he tries to understand it, but it overwhelms him in the best possible way.
He knows that Michelle is happy for him, even though she likes to joke about how disgusting and in-love he is right now. But, that still didn’t stop her from giving him a bone-crushing hug when he first told her, his face as red as a firetruck when she affectionately whispered “I told you so, Carlos” in his ear before planting a kiss on his cheek.
In his “honeymoon period” - as his friends have taken to calling his current state of being - he can’t even be mad that she was right.
He’s pulled from his thoughts when Michelle’s phone dings on the desk next to him, her answering growl at the message causing his brows to furrow and his lips to pull downward into a frown. “What’s this about, ‘Chelle’?” he asks, preparing himself for one of her classic tirades.
“I don’t understand why guys have to get so cagey and weird about Valentine’s Day plans,” she begins, her lips pursed in annoyance as she continues to glare down at her phone. “Like, I’m not trying to coerce you into a date on this one freaking day just so that you feel obligated to marry me and give me children one day, you know? I just want chocolate and wine and some good sex! Why does that have to be such a thing?” 
Carlos stares at her, trying to figure out how to respond. To be honest, he’s never really seen the point of Valentine’s Day. Sure, he absolutely loves romance - he used to dream about finding his fairytale prince, after all - but he’s never really seen the point in fixating on one day when real romance happens every day. He feels like a lot of people bottle up all of their grand gestures for a few major holidays, but forget to make simple gestures the rest of the year, and he’s never really understood that. It doesn’t help that he’s never had a person to share one of those holidays with, but as he sits and listens to Michelle, he realizes that that’s no longer true.
That thought causes something resembling fear to settle at the bottom of his stomach. For the first time in his admittedly short relationship with TK, he feels wildly unprepared. 
He shakes himself out of his thoughts, determined to leave his stressing out about it until later. Right now, it’s Michelle’s turn.
“I mean, did you tell them that?” Carlos asks, gesturing to the phone when Michelle just stares at him. “The person you’re talking to?” he clarifies.
“Yeah, but he’s just being an ass now,” she scoffs, tossing her phone down again. She starts pacing behind him. “Talking about how he doesn’t ‘know if he’s free’ or how he ‘might already have plans, so he has to check and let me know later.’ Like, he’s obviously pretty careful about making plans on Valentine’s Day, so he totally knows if he already has them or not!” She’s rubbing tiredly at her face when the phone behind her rings and Carlos watches as she throws her hands up in frustration before moving to answer it. “Whatever, I’ll just buy my own chocolate and wine and spend the night at home. Who needs a man to have great sex anyway?”
Carlos is saved from answering when Michelle picks up the phone, all traces of frustration disappearing from her voice as she speaks to the other person on the line. With a shake of his head, he turns back to the front of the desk, adjusting his glasses as he finds his place in his book once again.
He makes it through a few more chapters before he’s once again interrupted, this time by the soft rapping of knuckles on the counter in front of him. He jumps slightly, pulled from his pages as a wide smile takes over his face when he looks up to find his boyfriend leaning against the desk just off to his left, staring at him with a soft smile. “Hey, you,” TK says, his face resting on his palm as it rests on the counter.
“Hi,” Carlos whispers back, and he knows that if he could look in a mirror right now, his eyes would be squinty from the way his smile takes over his entire face. He can’t help it, he’s always just really, really happy when he gets to see TK. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Not too long,” TK answers, sliding along the counter until they’re directly in front of one another. “When I came up, your face was all scrunched as you were reading, and I didn’t want to disturb you.”
Carlos clearly hears what he’s not saying - I just wanted to look at you - and his heart starts somersaulting in his chest. He bites down on his bottom lip, hesitating for only a moment, before he stands from his chair to lean over the desk and press a gentle kiss to TK’s lips. 
“I like it when you disturb me,” he says when they part. 
“And I like it when you kiss me,” TK says, glancing down at Carlos’s lips before staring up at him, his green eyes wide and beautiful as a faint blush covers his cheeks. With a lovestruck sigh, Carlos leans forward again, unable to help himself. This time, he lets the tip of his tongue peek out between his lips, hoping just a little taste of TK will keep him satisfied until he’s done with his shift.
TK groans when he pulls away again, trying to chase Carlos’s mouth but finding himself blocked by the desk between them. “Why do you have to be working right now?” he complains, his bottom lip jutting out. 
“Stick around a little longer and I might not have to work at all,” Carlos teases, reaching out to run his thumb along TK’s pronounced lip. “You’re going to get me fired for inappropriate workplace behavior.”
“Now, wait a minute!” TK cries, stepping away from Carlos’s touch and crossing his arms over his chest. “I just came by to check out my favorite librarian, sir. You’re the one who can’t keep his hands to himself.”
Carlos rolls his eyes at his boyfriend, but he can’t stop the smile that appears on his face to mirror the one on TK’s, the man obviously pleased with his own joke. It makes Carlos want to take on the world for him, just to see him smile like that every minute of every day.
“I find it hard to focus when you’re around,” he admits, shaking his head as he looks around them. It’s still early in the afternoon, so there are very few people in the study area, and only a couple passing through. He glances behind him to see that Michelle has disappeared, probably to fulfill an archives request or something. “You think I’d be used to it by now,” he continues, picking at his fingers as he avoids eye contact with TK, “but I don’t know that I’ll ever be.”
“Hey,” TK says softly, reaching out for him. Carlos immediately takes his hand, linking their fingers together and laying them on top of the desk. TK’s thumb drags against his skin, and he feels little bursts of electricity on every one of his nerve endings. “You know I feel the same way, right?” his boyfriend asks, ducking his head to make eye contact. “Like, I think 98% of what goes on up here is just Carlos Carlos Carlos all the time, on a constant loop,” he says, gesturing to his head with a sardonic smile.
“Especially when you’re wearing those glasses and scrunching your face about something in one of your books,” TK adds on, lifting his free hand to trace along Carlos’s eyebrows. “I’ve had endless dreams about this crease between your eyes, it’s really beyond ridiculous.”
Carlos shivers when TK adjusts his glasses on his face, running his fingers along the edge of the frames as his eyes slide around to take in his features. It’s exhilarating, terrifying, and somehow affirming all at the same time, to be admired by the man before him.
They’re really doing this, the two of them. They’re falling in love, and it’s just as easy as breathing. 
“We really are disgusting, aren’t we?” he jokes, parroting the claims made by all of their friends in the past few weeks. 
“Oh, totally, without question,” TK nods, his eyebrows scrunching adorably as he lets out a laugh. “I would definitely want to punch us if we were other people.”
“I’m glad we’re not though. Other people. I’m glad we’re us.”
“Damn it, Carlos,” TK whines, dramatically folding himself in half as he pushes away from the desk like someone’s forcing him to do so, “I really am going to get you fired if you say things like that to my face.”
Carlos doesn’t respond, watching as TK glares at him for a moment before his smile breaks through. With a shake of his head, he dives back towards him, pressing a hard kiss to his lips. Before Carlos can even remember to kiss back, he pulls away again.
“Okay, I’m taking control of this situation,” TK says, shaking his head when Carlos raises his eyebrow in question. “Nope, stop it, put that eyebrow down and stop looking adorable, Reyes.” TK begins to slowly walk backwards away from the desk, a new look of determination on his face. “I’m going to go downstairs to get you a juice, and then I’m going to go sit in that chair furthest from this desk and study until you’re done.”
He looks proud of his new plan, clapping his hands together in triumph as a ridiculous grin takes over his face. 
“And then what?” Carlos can’t help but tease, his tone challenging. 
“And then,” TK fires back, his grin transforming into a smirk, “you and I are going back to our room and we are definitely not going to get any studying done whatsoever. How does that sound?”
Carlos lets himself have this moment, lets himself feel the way his body and soul comes alive as he looks at the man in front of him. The man of his dreams, now the man of his reality.
“Perfect,” he finally says, unable to hear it over the pounding of his heart.
Every moment with TK sounds more perfect than the last.
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lchufflepuffcorn · 4 years
Scared of the moonlight  (Remus Lupin x Reader x Sirius Black)
Author’s note: Heya there! So I literally ripped my heart of my chest writing this. 🙃
Words: 1282
Warning: Angst, the gif is not mine, it belongs to it’s owner/ creator , not Wolfstar.
You can find my masterlist here and my ask box is open!! 
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The 12 Square Grimmaurd was not a luminous and happy place. It was dark, dusty and green. You couldn't decide if it was because of the paint, or if it was mould. Did you want to know? Not really. There is a fine line between being sombre and being dirty in a house, and that line is blurry in the Black Household. You sit in the kitchen; your arms crossed over your chest, and your eyes a fixated on the older man before you. 
The older man chuckles. His half-moon glasses fall a little bit on his seemingly once or twice-broken nose as he down his head towards his hands. But his blue eyes never lose sight of yours. "I understand your reticence (Y/L/N), but we have no other choice." 
"I can't just abandon my job, Albus. Some students count on me to be there in September," you argue. Your job as a teacher in one of the  Canadian bilingual schools was what made you live throughout the war. The WhiteStar Academy of Magic was your home more than Hogwarts ever was. 
"I've already talked with your director on the matter, (Y/L/N). The order count's on you." 
Rage is all you can feel at the moment. Black and Lupin are sitting there too, face down, not pipping a word. They know your anger is one of a kind. At least time did not erase that from their memory. It seems that except Lily and James, they remember nearly nobody of your group of friend that died. As if Dorcas and Marlene never existed. As if Frank and Alice didn't lose their mind. As if Harry was the only one without parents after the war. And Black, selfishly going after the real traitor, making everyone believe he was it. You send them a heartfelt glare, and they seem to shrink even more in their sit. 
"Why ask me if it's already decided. You act like we are still your students, Albus. We aren't I have a job that I love, students that need my help, even more now because of this situation. I'm not leaving them in front of this shit hole of a situation now!" 
"The director of your school proposed to give you an alleged timetable for the year." 
It went for hours. Back and forth, and you grew angrier by the minute. It ended with you admitting defeat. Albus could never lose, even if it hurt you saying so. The summer had just started, and already the 12 Square Grimmaurd was filling itself with people from the order, Mad-Eye-Moody, Shacklebolt, Tonks, it was never-ending. On the rare time Remus, you and Sirius were alone, it was explosive, in a silent kind of way. 
The past was something you didn't like to remember. Feelings hurt. Love and friendship were fragile, and you knew too much of the sickness it gave when it disappears or breaks. There were nights where you couldn't sleep, and usually, neither could the two men. It was during those nights when all the rage and sadness you had felt those fourteen years came out. 
"Trust goes both ways, Lupin. How can I trust you now that I know you never trusted me enough to tell me what you are?" and "Did you ever think, Black, that maybe Harry would have wanted to live with you instead? That maybe he would have needed you, and you weren't there. Instead, you tried to kill Peter and look where that got you!" You didn't care if you hurt them. They did hurt you first. 
They didn't dare to speak against you, seeing you cry while screaming at them about their wrongs. They knew it was like therapy to you. 
Remus was typically the one talking back at you when the full moon was near. He was also the one to walk out without speaking, and it was Sirius who spoke you into sleeping those nights. It usually ended up with you passing out in his arms. 
There were nights where you would fall asleep crying. Marlene and Dorcas weren't there anymore, and all you could do in this house of old memories was to remember all of your discussions. Crushes and heartbreaks and your heart would flinch at those thoughts. Long gone were the times you talked about Remus blushing now… 
You were in Canada when they brought Harry to the Hogwarts Express, but you were fuming when you received his letter. The news of having a God Mother had the boy overjoyed. Screaming is what met Sirius the second you opened the door of his family's house, waking up the portrait of his mother. Her screaming reached yours. 
"You're still angry with me?" Asked Sirius that night, while everybody else was either asleep or had left. You shrugged. 
"I don't think I'll ever get over what you've done… But at the same time, I guess that it's a very 'Sirius' thing to do." That made him smile sadly. 
As weeks passed, your heart melted slowly. Sirius wanted only two things: going to Lily and James' graves and meeting with Alice and Frank at least once more. You took him, both times. It helped to get out of the house, where Tonks was flirting with Remus each time she could. Your heart would break each time, but you smiled and still talked with her about the trouble she had communicating with him.
''He is a tough person to read.'' You considered to her one night while drinking a hot tea.  Molly was stirring soup at the other side of the kitchen, humming softly. Tonks only nodded. 
On the 31 of October, you apparated to Godric's Hollow, Sirius, in his shaggy black dog form beside you. You had never seen Sirius cry before. The hiccups he was having as a dog were representative of his mental status. That night, you sat with him for a long while in the cemetery. 
There were nights where you went back in time, Remus, you and Sirius were back in Hogwarts, laughing near a fire without a care in the world. During those times, your heart was aching for a touch from your long time crush. The adult you, the one who was seeing daily the lovestruck gaze that Tonks looked Remus with, was against it. You had spent years living perfectly well without him in your life. Maybe, it just wasn't meant to be. It was a beautiful dream when you were younger, but you needed to be mature now, and realistic. 
After Christmas, that's when Tonks and Remus started to be interested in each other mutually. You couldn't bear to watch it. You spent some time back in Canada, after speaking with Dumbledore, taking vacations. From Sirius's letters, you learned that Remus was still insecure about his condition. He was interested one day, then cold the very next, or playing dumb most of the time. You could only feel sad for Sirius' niece. 
When you came back, Remus hugged you, and your heart started beating like crazy, your cheeks went hot, and your eyes sat on Tonks whose face sunken immediately. 
That night, once again, it was Sirius who too you in his arms while you were crying. 
''I just wish I hadn't been scared of the moonlight when I was younger,'' you said after calming down. ''Maybe I wouldn't feel so weird about it now...'' Sirius nodded. 
''Yeah,'' he said. 
''Do you ever feel like you should have made some other choices, romantically speaking, I mean.'' 
''All the time.'' 
And if you had looked, you would have seen his eyes on you, a look he had worn for years when he looked at you. 
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astrologysvt · 5 years
SVT Fast to Slow at Catching Feelings 💕
Anonymous said: hey!! just wondering... fastest to slowest in seventeen to catch feelings for someone? and what placements affect this? hehe -🌻
oooOOoooOOo what a fun question lets seeeeeeeee 👀
Dino: catches feelings FAST and struggles to get over them. with a pisces venus he’s really really really impressionable in love and affection. very quick to want share it with the right person and DEEPLY devoted. sag moon makes him such an optimist/idealist, too, which adds to this whole lovestruck vibe. he builds a perception of the dream outcome and fixates on it. a puppy of the love sick variety FOR SURE. 
Soonyoung: he’s very receptive to people who are exciting, intelligent, and funny. he will literally fall IMMEDIATELY for someone if they make him laugh enough and seem very passionate about what they do. he’s going to want to talk to them for HOURS he’s that infatuated. with that being said, he can get over them pretty easily if his leo rising wasn’t given the chance to get super invested. 
Seokmin: with a cancer moon he can get attached to people fairy easily. especially if they offer him affection and comfort, he’s quick to latch on and not want to let go. add in a libra mars that loves the idea of love and he’s done for as he relies on assuming the best intention/outcome and stores his feelings there. it really wouldn’t take a lot for him to get to that point, and from there he may struggle to move on. 
Mingyu: that aries sun in him likes who he likes and wont think twice about it. with that being said, he has such steady/logical earth placements that make him not super overwhelmed by these feelings. naturally romantic, very devoted. it doesn’t feel like “catching” feelings to him, just like growing super fond of someone more and more. but it’s the ease he lets these emotions flow that are what i’d consider make him “quick to fall.” 
Seungcheol: his leo is truly a romantic and if the right person comes along, he’s pretty easily wooed. he also has a libra mars like dk which can make him very romantic. he really wants to find a place to put those feelings, and so love/relationships are a really attractive idea to him. his cap influence makes him pretty logical/cautious with these things tho. his heart is fast to fall but his mind isn’t! 
Jihoon: i had him lower but i CHANGED MY MIND. his libra venus craves love/companionship and can get pretty fixated on it. he’s someone who can really feel his loneliness which can make him pretty eager to latch onto someone he thinks fits the bill. but i think he’s too independent to let that sway him enough to put himself out there before fully assessing the situation and feeling them out. 
Jeonghan: this guy really craves love and affection and is prone to romanticizing just the idea of love/relationships. he’s the type to think A LOT about dating but that scorpio mars makes him very discerning and guarded as well. he finds crushes pretty troublesome which prevents him from actively pursuing love even if he catches feelings. if the right person comes along tho, he’s STUCK. 
Wonwoo: it’s hard to say with wonwoo. he’s a romantic at heart with that leo that loves romance as a concept and all the beautiful and dramatic things that come from the idea of a whirlwind romance. not to mention a gemini venus and mars that can become infatuated easily. with that being said, he’s a very logical, level-headed person. he’s gonna scope out the situation more before getting to that point and is capable of dipping out if he so chooses. (tho i do think intellect is the way to get him fast).
Vernon: so this guy is also in this weird limbo. he’s naturally very feeling and committed thanks to that pisces/scorpio, but that scorpio also makes him very calculated/cautious in relationships and that cap venus is pretty slow to fall. pisces may throw that off every now and again and bring out the more spontaneous romantic in him. he may also fall fast if someone intrigues his aqua enough. 
Jun:  he has a very romantic/companion based chart. he wants to live his life with a partner thanks to that taurus influence, and those gemini placements can be pretty easily wooed. with that being said, i think his taurus is too hard to convince sometimes. can certainly be fascinated with someone without having to catch feelings. def very committed once caught, just not the fastest at catching them in the first place.
Joshua: okay joshua is difficult to place. in my head i thought he was either going to be all the way at the top or more towards the bottom. i’m choosing bottom only because i think his earth influence really causes much more a delay in him when it comes to romance even if he has this very reactive and sensitive afflicted moon. i think he has a lot of romantic thoughts/tendencies, but i don’t think they hit him over the head in the “catch feelings” sense. probs the type to fall fast but take FOREVER to realize he caught them in the first place. 
Seungkwan: when it comes to love i don’t think he sees it so much as catching feelings, as it is more so about deciding to associate those feelings to someone he finds he respects, vibes with, and is proud enough to want to make his s/o. he approaches love in a very purposeful way. also, his cap and virgo influence are super particular about where he expresses devotion, but once he’s there that’s when he lets his romantic side out.  
Minghao: he’s got all the makings for a very dedicated, very intense, romantic boyf. with that being said, his chart is ALL about composure. his scorpio wants control, his aqua moon wants freedom, his cap venus wants reliability. so while he is certainly a charming and romantic guy, it takes a lot of time and a lot of tests for him to get to the point where, on the scorpio scale of reference, he’d say he’s in deep with someone. lolol maybe to an air sign he seems fast to catching feelings. for him, it’s a process.
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Awkward Instagram Encounters
Adrinath August Day 3 - Social Media!
Adrien Agreste has a major crush on instagram artist Nathaniel Kurzberg, but he's content to sit on the sidelines and simply buy every print Nathaniel makes. Of course, Marinette is not nearly as content to watch her friend flail and fangirl over a guy he could so easily message. So she does it for him.
“Adrien Perfection Agreste, if I hear you sigh one more time, I’m throwing your phone out the window.”
Adrien jumped, eyes darting away from his phone and to Marinette, who was glaring at him over the edge of her laptop.
“Sorry,” He whispered, setting his phone face down on the table and looking back at the project that was displayed on his laptop screen. “What exactly did you need help with again?”
Marinette sighed dramatically, leaning back into her chair, closing her eyes, and resting the back of her hand on her forehead.
“Here I am, trying to get the advice of the great Adrien Agreste, and he’s too busy acting like a lovestruck schoolboy to even pay attention to me,” Marinette spoke, one eye opening as she turned to him with a smirk.
His face flushed as he ducked lower so he could hide behind his laptop, fingers twitching towards his phone. “Sorry, I’m so sorry. It’s just...he said he was going to be putting some new prints and stuff in his shop and I don’t want to miss the announcement.”
Marinette sat forward, letting her head rest on her fist as she raised an eyebrow at the model sitting across from her.
“New prints huh? Are you sure that’s the only reason you keep refreshing his instagram page?”
Adrien buried his face into his hands with a groan as Marinette simply laughed.
“He made a post yesterday about doing a live Q&A video today, and I really don’t want to miss it.”
Marinette was about to make a joke about his instagram crush when their waitress showed up, a blonde girl about their age who was seemingly obsessed with goats and knew the both of them personally at this point.
“Same as usual for the both of you?” She asked, pulling a small notepad out of her apron pocket and waiting for their response.
“Yeah, same as usual for me,” Marinette nodded, turning to look at Adrien.
“Uh, I just want a lemon poppy seed muffin today please Ja-meme-sterella,” Adrien laughed, ducking as the waitress swung her tray at his head.
“You make a meme joke one time, and nobody lets it go.” She muttered to herself as she left, leaving Adrien snickering as Marinette glared at him.
“Why do you have to harass her every time she shows up?” Marinette asked, rolling her eyes as the boy continued laughing. “You know you harassing Jamie won’t make me just forget the fact that you’re crushing on this boy. Hard.”
Adrien paused, face flushing as he tried to avoid eye contact with her, nodding with gratitude when Jamie came back with their orders.
“Seriously Adrien, you’ve been obsessed with him for almost a year. Why don’t you just message him?”
“Are you insane?” Adrien hissed, leaning forward so he could whisper to her. “He has over a hundred thousand followers, he probably gets messages constantly. There’s no way he’d even notice mine.”
“Just take a chance. I did, and look! I now work for Gabriel Agreste, one of the greatest fashion designers ever, because I sent his son a message on twitter.”
Adrien chuckled for a moment, remembering the awkward, rambling message that had led to his friendship with the girl across from him.
“This is different Marinette!” Adrien whined, pushing his laptop aside so he could slump over the table. “He’s Nathaniel freaking Kurtzberg! Me messaging him is like trying to message Beyonce! What would I even say to him? Hi, I’m Adrien Agreste and I’ve been obsessing over you and your art for the past year and I have bought literally everything you’ve sold but I’m such a big wuss that I can’t even message you!!”
Marinette smiled and turned to look at him over the edge of her laptop, right hand reaching to grab her way too sweet drink.
“That’s a perfect thing to say to him! So perfect, that I got into your instagram account and sent it for you!”
Adrien bolted up, horror painted across his face as he stared at Marinette, sure that she was bluffing.
“There is no way that you managed to get into my account. You’re lying,” He said, eyes narrowing as she simply smiled, turning her laptop so he could see the screen.
“Am I?”
His face paled, reading the message, noting that she tacked a ‘so my friend sent this for me.’to the end of it.
Adrien just barely managed to stop himself from screaming, hands flying to grab at his hair as his eyes darted between the message and the girl who had sent it.
“Why! Oh god, why would you send that! He’s going to think I ‘m a total creep, and he’ll block me, or file a restraining order, and then it’ll get in the news, and dad will be so mad and he’ll disown me and I’ll live alone and--”
Marinette quickly cut him off, one hand covering his mouth as the other pulled one hand out of his hair.
“I highly doubt he’s going to file a restraining order against you because you told him you liked his art. Worst case scenario, he doesn’t respond, but who knows! He might actually message you back, so stop freaking out, okay?”
Adrien seemed to relax a little at her short speech, both hands falling out of his hair as he slumped forward.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right Mare-Bear. Thanks,” He said, holding his muffin up for a toast and opening his laptop again to help her with her project, leaving his phone facedown on the table the whole time.
When Adrien finally got home later that evening, he was more than ready to hop into bed and forget about how awkward the day was when he remembered the Q&A Nathaniel had promised for that night. Grinning, he scrambled around the house, connecting his laptop to his tv, grabbing his phone and a snack, he set himself up on the couch, practically bouncing as he waited for the video to come up.
Seven minutes later, it finally popped up, and with his cat, Plagg, in his lap, he hurriedly clicked the link and leaned back, smiling when the video loaded to show Nathaniel’s room. The chair facing the screen was empty, but the sounds of someone shuffling around in the let the viewer’s know that Nathaniel was there, but probably grabbing some last minute items, as he usually did.
When he popped into view, Adrien nearly fainted, heart pounding at the sight of the boy smiling at the camera, bright red hair pulled up into a ponytail as he adjusted his paint-smeared shirt.
“Hey everyone! Didn’t think so many people would jump on so fast, but welcome to depression time with Nathaniel Kurtzberg!” The boy laughed, turning his head when someone yelled.
Nathaniel quickly sat himself down, typing something on his computer before turning his head to the side, waving someone over.
“So I know I promised a Q&A awhile ago, so I decided to finally get on it, especially with how many questions you guys had! I invited a few friends to sit with me for it, so I hope you guys didn’t ask any really weird questions, cause those would be super awkward to answer with them sitting here,” He spoke, seeming as if he was talking to himself more than his viewers as his two guests sat in the chairs on either side of him.
“So these are my friends, partially wanted them in this so you guys would stop commenting that I don’t have any, Rose Lavillant and Juleka Couffaine! If anyone wants to submit some last minute questions including them, I’d be happy to answer, but I’ll start answering questions now since it’s been awhile!” He chuckled, smiling as the two girls beside him waved at the camera.
They were both very pretty, Rose in a flowery pink kind of way whereas Juleka seemed more reserved and darker, but Adrien’s eyes were fixated on Nathaniel as the man stared at his screen for a moment before leaning back and smiling.
“Alright, so a few of you asked what my next plans are, since I just got the latest t-shirts and prints sent out and really, I have no idea,” He shrugged, smiling at the blonde next to him. “I am actually super bad at planning things out, but I have been working to try to get a gallery showing sometime this month, so if I can get that all sorted out, I’ll make a bunch of posts about it and hopefully a few of you will be able to come! I’d really like to meet you all and hear what you have to say.”
Clicking at his laptop some more, Nathaniel’s face seemed to harden slightly at whatever he saw before softening and Adrien leaned forward unconsciously, worried about what someone could’ve said that brought that look to his face.
“I’m sure this one was sent in as a hate mail kind of piece, and honestly I’m amazed that I’m apparently now popular enough for that, but I’m going to answer it anyway! I am actually mentally ill, I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and insomnia, which let me tell you, is a cocktail of fun! I am medicated, no I’m not ashamed of it, and my friends have been a wonderful support system for me, especially back when I was still in school and everyone thought I was just being an angsty teenager. I also know people like to believe that people who are depressed are more creative and artistic, but I don’t paint because I’m depressed. I paint because I’ve always loved drawing and sculpting and painting, and now that the meds I’m on help stabilize me, I can paint when the inspiration strikes without feeling like I’m simply wasting my time.”
Adrien wiped a tear out of his eye as Nathaniel did the same on screen, accepting a tissue from Juleka before smiling back at the camera. The way Nathaniel had stood up for himself and revealed that info about himself made Adrien’s heart beat just a little faster.
Nathaniel continued with the questions for the next fifteen or so minutes, ranging from when he decided to truly pursue painting all the way to how he had met Juleka and Rose. Usually his Q&A sessions lasted around an hour, but at the fifteen minute mark, Nathaniel was humming to himself as he scrolled through messages when all of a sudden his face went bright red and he froze. Rose and Juleka both looked at him with raised eyebrows before turning to his computer and smirking. Rose leaned in to whisper something in his ear. Once she leaned away, Nathaniel jumped forward, smiling awkwardly at the camera as he waved.
“Well guys, I’d really like to answer more but something’s come up and I’m so sorry but maybe I’ll do another Q&A later this week and bye!” He practically yelled before shutting down the livestream.
Adrien frowned, upset that he had only gotten to see fifteen minutes of his crush as opposed to the usual hour, but he figured it would be best for him to take the opportunity to go to bed, so feet dragging, he got ready for bed, plugged his phone in on the bedside table, and threw himself in bed, quickly drifting off.
“Oh my god!” Nathaniel shrieked, hands flying to his head as the pulled and messed up his ponytail. “Adrien freaking Agreste messaged me! What do I do? Do I open it? Oh god, What did he say? What if he hates my work?”
Rose smiled, turning to look at her girlfriend over Nathaniel’s shoulder, the both of them shaking their heads in amusement.
“The only way you’ll find out is if you open it, but I doubt he’d say anything bad. You said he’s been following you for about a year, and I doubt he’d wait this long to message you if he hated your work.
Nathaniel turned his head slightly to look at her, hands still running through his hair anxiously.
“But Rose~!” He whined, slumping his head over onto her shoulder. “What if he sent a really cool message and I just reply like a loser and he wants nothing to do with me ever again?” “You can’t reply to it until you read it Nath. Just open it! Who knows, maybe he’s confessing his undying love for you.”
Nathaniel turned a deadpan stare to Rose before turning back to the computer, trying to psych himself up into opening the message.
“You’re right,” He whispered, reaching for his mouse. “He wouldn’t wait this long to message me if he hated my work. Maybe he just wanted to tell me he liked it.”
With a quick breath, he hurriedly clicked the message and snapped his eyes shut, taking several deep breaths before slowly opening them and reading the message.
adrien_agreste: Hi, I’m Adrien Agreste and I’ve been obsessing over you and your art for the past year and I have bought literally everything you’ve sold but I’m such a big wuss that I can’t even message you so my friend sent this for me.
Without thinking, Nathaniel screamed, hands flapping as he jumped out of his chair to pace the small space of his bedroom, Juleka and Rose both turning to him with a smile once they’d finished reading the message.
“So, maybe not his undying love, but it certainly sounds like he might have a bit of a crush on you,” Rose smiled, turning her chair fully so she could watch the redhead pace. “Why don’t you send a message back telling him you like his work too! You’ve had a crush on him forever Nath, take a chance and message him back!”
Nathaniel turned to the blonde and stared at her as if she had suddenly sprouted two new heads, shaking his own roughly before sitting on the edge of the mattress.
“Oh yeah, and say what? Wow, thanks Adrien, that means a lot! I’m also super into your work and have had a crush on you since I saw your instagram page but I didn’t want to come across as a stalker, so I’ve never messaged you and now I’m freaking out because I don’t know how I’m supposed to talk to people who are really cute and cool and hot and I’m dying!” Nathaniel shrieked, falling back on his bed with a groan.
“That sounds perfect, and sent!” Rose sang, causing Nathaniel to jump off the bed and over to his laptop, where his anxious ramblings had been typed up and sent to Adrien.
“Rose! Why would you send that? Oh god, he’s going to think I’m a total creep and he’ll file a restraining order and no one will want to buy art from a stalker and--” Nathaniel panicked, cut off as Juleka placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile.
“Oh Nath, if his message was any indication, I bet he’ll be ecstatic that you replied!”
Nathaniel only raised an eyebrow before sighing and letting his shoulders slump, the emotional outburst having drained him of the last bits of energy he had.
“Guess there’s not really anything I can do besides wait, right?” He asked, looking up as Rose nodded. “I’ve got to clean up and then I’m going to head to bed if you guys want to head out.”
Rose and Juleka stayed a few minutes more to help clean and make sure he took his meds before heading home. Nathaniel grabbed his phone off his desk as he shut the laptop and slid into bed, sighing as he hoped Adrien wasn’t creeped out by him.
“He replied to me! Marinette, he messaged me back!” Adrien yelled into the phone excitedly, bouncing around his apartment as he got ready for work. He had seen the notification when he woke up that morning and although he hadn’t seen what Nathaniel had said, he was none the less excited that he had gotten a response.
“Adrien, as happy as I am for you, it’s four in the morning and I don’t have to be up till eight, so let me go to bed and we can talk about it over lunch today, okay?” Marinette slurred, glancing over at her bedside clock with annoyance.
“Oh, sorry Marinette,” he whispered, pulling the phone away from his ear to check the time. “I’ll talk to you during lunch. I’ll pay today as an apology for waking you up. I’ll see you at work.” He finished as he hung up and returned to his morning routine, excited and nervous to see what Nathaniel’s response to his message was.
As soon as Adrien had seen Nathaniel’s reply message, his face had flooded with heat as he had to hold himself back from screaming. It was a bit awkward when he replied back, but once the two of them got into the flow of things, the messaging became calmer and easier. They learned they had a lot in common, and the longer the messaging went on, the closer they got.
Adrien revealed that he had a weakness for anything sweet and loved all shades of blue, while Nathaniel told Adrien all about how he had a horrible habit of baking at odd hours of the morning and cried every time he watched a Studio Ghibli movie, no matter what.
It was a month later when Nathaniel opened the app upon seeing a notification that Adrien had messaged him back that things changed again.
adrien_agreste: So I know we’ve been messaging back and forth, but I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to go out sometime? It doesn’t have to be a date if you don’t want it to be! I’d just like to get to see you in person. We could go to the movies or the museum or something if you wanted?
Nathaniel let a wide grin spread across his lips as he typed out a reply, secretly thankful for Rose and Juleka replying to Adrien’s message a month ago.
nath_the_illustrator: I’d love to go on a date with you. This Saturday at 6 work for you?
Of course, this was the most popular story told four years later at their wedding. Marinette, Juleka, and Rose all laughing at how oblivious and awkward the two were back then, although even after all those years, the two men still blushed and grinned like lovesick fools when looking at each other, so I guess some things never really change.
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