#Sirius Balck
afroditisworld · 5 months
first date with Sirius Black
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the soundtrack for your date
When he asked you out he wanted your first date to be something special. So he suggested going to a muggle record store. You were so excited because you both loved muggle music and it was one of the things that brought you together. So when you arrived at the record store you started going around, you were just wondering holding hands and teasing each other about their music taste. “Oh I love this album,” you said when your eyes caught your favourite one. “Let me buy it for you luv” Surius immediately said making you blush from his sudden affection “Oh, I already got it,” you said with a small laugh “Then let me buy you something else, I want you to have something to remember me,” he said again with a smirk. You gave him a small grin and pulled him by his hand to keep walking as you said “It's no need really” but Sirius didn't give up “But I want to” he spoke out and pulled you closer to him. “Okay look you are going to buy me a vinyl but I'll too” you said and he nodded.
And this is how you end up with the ‘Led Zeppelin IV album and he with the ‘Voulez-Vous’. When he saw it he laughed right away “ABBA, Really Y/L/N” Sirius said “Oh come on, don't act like you don't love dancing the ‘Dancing Queen’ Black.
A/N: I love doing moodbroad I really feel like the main character 🤭
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potterheadlovespotter · 2 months
Harry would have been a daddy's boy this, Harry would have been a mommy's boy that, no. Harry would have been Sirius' boy.
He will spoil him rotten and always be his favorite parent, the bonus parent.
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reggiesrose · 1 year
James: to the person who stole my glasses, I will personally find you. I have contacts, a smart girlfriend, and a death eater boyfriend.
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incandescentwarmth · 5 months
Jegulus breakup and James is heartbroken and Horny so Wolfstar invites him to join them pre-full moon when Remus is hornier than usual
Foaming at the mouth nonnie, wolfstarbucks is such a guilty pleasure of mine I have to admit
It was Sirius’s idea, he could see how depressed James was getting and knew he needed something to get his mind off of Reggie. It was getting close to the full and Moony was so insatiable that Sirius thought now would be the perfect time for a third. It started with James watching, a little nervous about seeing his friends like this but he quickly was turned on watching Remus be so commanding and feral, growling and biting, scratching and choking Sirius until all the fight left him. James had been praising Sirius at first, making sure he knows how pretty he is and reassuring him while Remus fucked him but once Sirius was limp, face-down on the bed, James couldn’t help but recognize the similarities between him and Reggie. The rage bubbling under James skin from how he was hurt comes out and it takes it out on Sirius, fucking his mouth and forcing him to choke on his cock, effectively spit roasting him with Remus. Sirius laying on his stomach barely able to move while mouth hung off one end and his hips the other. James was pulling his hair, pushing him down and enjoying how he gagged around him and finished in his mouth. Coming down from his orgasm, Moony is so intrigued by the aggression James just let out and now the wolf inside him is getting louder, he needs his pack to submit to him, needs to show his dominance. After making sure Sirius is okay in his floaty state he turns his gaze on James, baring his teeth and growling while backing James up against the bed. And James is strong but he wasn’t ready for the ease at which Remus held him down and pushed his legs open. By the time Remus is finished with James certain that he was just as far gone as Sirius, James could barely remember his problems just knowing that he got his anger out and his friends made sure his head was too empty to worry.
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ddanthedumbass · 7 months
James: I didn't do it!!
Remus and Regulus: Then why are you laughing!?
Sirius: because whoever did is a fucking genius!
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armen-jimmy-jab · 1 year
Remus: A is for all your love.
Sirius: Aww
Remus: B is for how beautiful you are..
James: *from across the common room* Can we just get to F where he's a fucking idiot?
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tedwardremus · 10 months
Career Advice with James F. Potter
"Alright, Evans?"
"Hmm," Lily replied with a quill between her teeth, not looking up from the pamphlet she was reading.
James Potter leaned in above her, the corners of his mouth curling into a smile. "What's got you so engrossed, Evans?"
Lily sighed, lifting her eyes from the pamphlet and taking the quill from her mouth. "Nothing, just trying to figure out what I want to do after Hogwarts."
"Ah, an age-old dilemma," James said with an air of mock authority, "But worry not, my dear Evans. James F. Potter is here to rescue you from the clutches of career confusion."
James cranked his head to read the title of the pamphlet Lily was holding, "The Hilgard Apothecary Apprentice Program for Medicinal Potineering," he let out an admiring whistle. "Got to be pretty swotty for that."
James plopped down on the couch beside Lily, holding a career pamphlet of his own. Lily assumed he must have just come from Professor McGonagall's office for his own career advice meeting. And, of course, wherever Potter went - so did his friends. Sirius Black fell gracefully onto the armchair across from them, swinging his legs across one of the arms of the chair as his dark hair fell into his eyes.
Remus Lupin, on the other hand, stayed standing. Lily thought he looked like he was having an inner fight about whether to sit down or crawl back into bed.
"Come on, Moony, grab some couch." Potter patted the empty seat impatiently next to him. “We have important matters of future employment to discuss.”
"Can we not?" Black groaned, "All anyone wants to talk about this past week is career advice. It is getting dreadfully boring."
"Everyone but Moony, I don't think I've heard him talk about his plans after Hogwarts once."
"Err.." Remus was looking at his shoes, avoiding eye contact with his friends, "There isn't much to talk about. I think I'll just go to the dorm, I am very tired."
"Come on Moony, you are top in Care of Magical Creatures as well as your strong Defense marks, plus you're a fucking prefect, and you tutor all those first years! There is plenty to talk about! You could walk into any job you want!"
"You know none of that matters." Remus gave James a pointed look. "And I don't want to talk about it."
"Listen, Remus," James was insistent and staring his friend down "I will do everything I can to ensure you get whatever job you want. You're a hard worker and one of the nicest blokes I've ever met. And if the worst-case scenario happens, I'll make sure you're OK. You know that right?"
"I just can't think about anything right now, I'm going to --"
"This is nonsense! Remus, your little problem shouldn't stop you from --"
"Lay off it, James" Sirius interjected. "Let Remus go nap before he passes out on his feet again." James waved his hand in the air as if to give Remus permission to retreat to his bed. With a tired "see you later" Remus wearily walked up the stairs to his dorm.
"Does he really think his illness will prevent him from getting a job? That's awful!" Lily couldn't help but voice her concern. Lily didn't know exactly what his illness was (though Severus has his theories, and she didn't appreciate his disgust at the idea he proposed) but she knew Remus and the idea that he felt his future was already decided against him upset her. Remus didn't deserve to feel judged like that.
"Don't worry Evans, he'll be fine," James assured Lily. "Remus can't help but be a bit self-loathing now and then but he's my friend and I'll make sure he's OK."
"Come on, Prongs, I meant it when I said this career talk was boring." Sirius tossed a pillow from his chair at James.
Ignoring his best friend, James leaned forward towards Lily, a spark of excitement in his hazel eyes. "So medicinal potions? That's quite the goal, Evans."
"Professor Slughorn suggested it. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a nurse, like my mum was during the war, but I had no clue about magical careers. Brewing potions for the hospital sounds interesting." Lily bit her lip and furrowed her brow. "The wizarding world is funny though. In the muggle world, you'd go on to more specialized schools or universities to qualify for a career. Here it's all about connections and apprenticeships. It's very overwhelming for those of us who grew up in the muggle world."
"If you really are intersted in becoming a potions master I could introduce you to my dad." James suggested, "He's a renowned potioneer. I'm sure he could help you get an internship."
"Oh no! That is not necessary! Please don't bother him!" The last thing Lily wanted was to owe a favor to James Potter.
"It won't be a problem at all though! He sold his company a few decades ago so he has lots of time on his hands but he still belongs to some potion societies and keeps up with the top potioneers in the field. He loves helping young people get started. He'd be thrilled to be asked!"
Sirius, who had been twirling his wand between his fingers, looked up at Lily. "Fleamont's a good guy, very principled. He won't help if he thinks you're not qualified. You should let James write you an introduction."
"I'll think about it... Speaking of qualifications," Lily wanted to change the subject as the thought of Potter asking his father to help her get an internship ignited an odd fluttering sense in her stomach and a small heat rise to her cheeks. It was all very confusing. "What about you, Black? Any career aspirations?"
Sirius merely shrugged "All I know is I'm not keen on the Ministry. Wouldn't take their gold for anything."
"Well, what do you like? What are your hobbies?" Lily always thought Black was a bit of a mystery. A certifiable genius, everyone knew that, and while Lily had seen him take pride in his top marks in every class her took, Lily also knew he had issues with authority and would rather spend his time outside than in a classroom. And while every breath he took exhibited his aristocratic upbringing and he walked around with an air of unshakable privilege, He was in Gryffindor while the rest of his family was in Slytherin and Lily knew he didn't talk to his brother or any of his cousins.
"Nothing out of the ordinary astronomy, crosswords... mapmaking." He shared a sly grin with James on that last word, like it was an inside joke.
"Mapmaking? Sounds like you want to be a pirate." Lily deadpanned while James chuckled from beside her.
"What about you, Potter?" Lily asked, "You just came from your career talk. What insight did McGongall give you?"
"Well, we talked Quidditch, but much to her disappointment, I'm not sure if I want to stick with it after school. Turing professional kind of ruins the fun of it, you know?"
Sirius leaned back in his chair, a smirk on his face. "McGonagall invited Prongs to submit articles for Transfiguration Today. Wants him to start building his CV, you know."
Lily looked impressed. "Really? That's quite an accomplishment, Potter."
James straightened up, running his hand through his messy hair. "You think so? I can send you a -" but James was cut off by the appearance of Peter Pettigrew who sat next to Potter with a great heavy sigh, a stack of his own career pamphlets in hand.
"Wormtail!" James greeted his friend, "How did your talk go? Going to make us all proud by joining the ranks of the Centaur Liaison Office?"
Pettigrew just sank lower into the couch and let the pamphlets drop to the ground. His talk with McGonagall evidently hadn't gone well.
"No worries, Pete," Sirus told Pettigrew, "If you fail out of Hogwarts you can always go on the Potter Financial Support Plan like Remus."
"Speaking of Moony," James said checking his watch "We should go check on him. He probably won't feel like going to dinner this evening. If he's awake we should grab him some food from the kitchen."
"You know he won't eat anything. He never does," Sirius said as lifted himself from the dark red chair anyway and stretched his arms above his head.
"I could eat! One of McGonagall's suggestions was a cook at the Leaky Cauldron and I haven't stopped thinking about meat pies since." Peter bounced up, abandoning his various pamphlets on the floor.
As the boys bounded up the stairs to check on Remus, Lily absentmindedly picked up the pamphlet Potter had been holding when he walked in. The words on the cover caught her eye: "Legal Aid for Disadvantaged Magical Beings."
A smile teased Lily's lips as she looked up at Potter's retreating back.
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theprettiesttstar · 11 months
Maybe I am writing a fic where Regulus and Sirius are vampires and they murdered their entire family and they're pathetic because they saw two friends at a party once and one was full of scars was exactly Sirius' type and the other had a dorky smile and was Regulus's type and they're fucked because they can't fall in love but they do. And they protect James and Remus without them knowing except they do know and they have silly crushes on the two mysterious brothers that look out for them.
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rooksrambles · 6 months
if other share in the tags if you'd like, we're very curious :}
(when we say other queer ships, that is, of course, within the harry potter fandom, and is used to encompass anything that isn't drarry or in the marauders era time period/fandom, there's only so many options we can put and thought these were some of the most popular queer hp ship spheres)
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jegulus4444 · 1 year
Do I get to repost my favourite marauders era tik toks here?
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afroditisworld · 4 months
Off to the races
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dbf!Sirius Black x brat!Reader
minors dni smut
Warnings: smut without a plot :)) oral (female received), praise and degradation kink, spanking, gagging (if you squint) use of pet names (little one, brat, princess, slut, babe, sweetheart, darling) my grammar. if you are not into that please do not read. :)
word count: 5k
Summer has always been your favourite time of year, giving you a well-deserved break for about three months. This year, however, there was an extra reason for your excitement about the season. Sirius Black, your father's closest friend, was coming to visit your beach house. It had been years since you last saw Sirius due to his constant travels, so his arrival piqued your curiosity.
And once you saw him, you couldn't stop looking at him. His presence triggered feelings of eagerness and adventure in your mind. The moment you laid eyes on him, you were overcome with a passional desire. His long hair and peeking tattoos only added to his attractive mystique, drawing you in like a moth to a flame. You knew that with Sirius Black's arrival came the promise of a summer filled with reckless passion and thrilling new experiences that left your heart racing and your body on fire.
So, as the days went on, you couldn't take your gaze away from him; you developed a slight crush on him. This is why you chose to make it a little more obvious. You had nothing better to do, so you thought to enjoy yourself by teasing Sirius. You began to make reasons to be around him, appearing to be interested in his trip stories and glancing at him innocently through your lashes. With a playful tone and secret glances, you enjoyed speaking to him. Each day, it was satisfying to see his reactions and feel the tension between us growing.
The teasing was a guilty pleasure for you, knowing it made him uneasy and flustered. By the end of the first week, you knew all of his weaknesses. You lived for that stunned expression on his face as you pushed the boundaries further, revelling in the danger and temptation of it all. The tension between you crackled like electricity, and as the stakes rose, you wondered if he was finally catching on to your flirt.
Sirius couldn't resist your playful teasing, and he played along with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He would flash you a charming grin every time you smirked at him, and when he caught on that you were only pretending to listen, he would ask for your opinion just to see your adorable, confused expression. He told himself it was simply to give you some extra attention, but deep down, he knew he was falling for your flirty game.
So in your little mischievous mind, his reaction encouraged you to tease him more. You started getting more physical; on the mornings in the lake, when your dad wasn't around, you would ask him to put your sunscreen on your back, pretending you couldn't reach it yourself, and the way he hesitated before helping you only fueled your desire to push his buttons even further.
"Please, Siri!" You would whine, knowing exactly how to get under his skin and make his eyes darken. He would groan in response, trying not to fall into your trap. But he would always fail. Even in the evenings, when your dad and Sirius would decide to have a drink, you and Harry would join them, giving you a chance to find yourself sitting closer to him, brushing your leg against his under the table, and asking him to make you a drink as well.
"Are you sure you're old enough for this?" Sirius would tease, a smirk playing on his lips as he poured you a glass. You would just roll your eyes and take a sip, smirking because of the small victory of getting him to cave once again.
But one of those summer nights, you and Sirus were left alone. Harry left first, saying that he was too tired to listen to his dad joke about how he used to be a troublemaker at Hogwarts. Then it was your dad's turn to leave, as he got drunk.
But you and Sirius would stay up. You could tell he was a little bit tipsy, as you were too, but the conversation flowed easily between you two.
"You know I really liked your company," he said without thinking twice, placing a hand on your thigh. You felt your face getting hotter, but it was too dark for Sirius to notice, and you were glad. It was the first time you felt like you didn't have the upper hand in the teasing dynamic between you two. Sirius's touch lingered for a moment before he withdrew his hand.
"Oh, is that a confession? I thought you only liked my dad's old stories," you gasped mockingly.
He left a small chuckle as he stood up, and before he disappeared into his room, you heard him saying, "Goodnight, little one.” When he left you alone, you could still feel his hands on your thigh, the warmth of his touch remaining like a ghost.
After that night, you thought trying to push his buttons even more would be interesting. You really wanted to see how long it would take for him to break under your teasing, and you knew exactly how to keep him on his toes.
The next day was hot and sunny, making it the perfect day to spend by the lake near your house. Your dad, Sirius, and Harry had all decided to join you for a swim. You knew this was the ideal chance to rile up Sirius even more.
As you got ready in your room, you couldn't help but feel excited about what the day might bring. You picked out your favourite bikini, one that you knew would catch Sirius's attention. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't help but feel confident and powerful. You knew he wouldn't be able to resist you today.
When you finally joined them by the lake, Sirius's eyes immediately landed on you. You could feel his gaze burning into your skin as you walked towards them, acting as if nothing was different. But deep down, you were thrilled at how effectively your plan worked.
"Hello there," Sirius greeted with a smirk as he took in your appearance.
"Hey,” you replied breezily, ignoring the way his eyes seemed to undress you.
Throughout the day, you made sure to stick close to Sirius, brushing against him as you walked, playfully teasing him, and finding excuses to touch him. His eyes sparkled with amusement, clearly catching onto your flirtatious game. Despite his concern for how your father, his closest friend, would react to your playful antics, he couldn't resist playing along.
As everyone enjoyed the lake and swimming later in the afternoon, Sirius came up behind you while you were drying off after a swim. His hands grazed over your exposed back before he leaned down and whispered into your ear.
"I have to admit, little one, I do love the way you’re trying to tease me." You froze; you didn't know how to react. It was the first time he admitted that he knew what you were doing. You were usually the one who was being touchy and flirting, and once he returned your action, you were caught off guard. His unexpected confession made your heart race and left you without words. It wasn't that you didn't like it; you just didn't expect this sudden change in his behaviour.
It caught you by surprise. You were good when it came to flirting and teasing him, but when he returned the favour, you found yourself at a loss for words. You knew it wasn't right to feel your heart flutter at his touch and his words; after all, it was your dad's best friend. But you couldn't help it. What started as a distraction to avoid boredom during your summer holidays has become much more complicated and exciting.
"You know I'm not a little one, Sirius." You managed to say, as you looked at him, smirking.
"Oh, I don't think so," Sirius replied with a flirtatious tone.
Before you could even respond to his teasing, someone called your name.
"Hey, Y/N!” You heard a familiar voice. “I didn't expect to see you here," your boy-best friend from Hogwarts said as he approached you and Sirius.
"Hey! Yeah, um, we'll spend our summer here; my dad has a special guest." You grinned and pointed at Sirius.
"I didn't know you were staying here too." You continued, smiling at your friend.
"Oh yeah, my family has a summer home nearby. We thought we'd come by and spend the day here," your friend explained.
Sirius noticed how your friend looked at you like a starved man who had just found a feast. He didn't like that. He subtly moved closer to you, positioning himself protectively by your side. You noticed that, and you bit your lips, trying to hide your smirk.
"Would you like to join me for a swim, Y/N?" asked your friend when he saw Sirius's move.
You turned to look at Sirius, who was already looking down at you, wetting his lips, as you smiled and turned to face him.
"Yes, I would love that." You said leaving Sirius alone, trying once again to stop a smirk from appearing on your lips. Sirius chuckled, understanding the game that you were playing as you tried to get him all worked up and jealous. Lucky for you, it worked. As you walked towards the water with your friend, you couldn't help but steal a glance back at Sirius, who was watching you intently. The mischievous glint in his eyes told you that he wasn't going to let you get away with wanting to make him jealous.
You spent the rest of the day frantically swimming and relentlessly flirting with your friend, desperate to prove to Sirius that you were more than just a little girl. The game of jealousy raged on between the two of you, each fighting for dominance. Every now and then, you would catch Sirius's piercing gaze on you, filled with a deadly mix of amusement and possessiveness. But instead of backing down, you intensified your teasing, determined to win this battle. You were hooked on the attention from Sirius and couldn't get enough.
As the sun began to set, your friend had to leave. So you decided to head home as well. Your dad and Sirius were swimming in the lake as their laughter echoed through the air. But Harry was lying on the grass, staring up at the sky, lost in thought.
"What's you thinking?" you asked him teasingly.
"Ginny," he breathed out. You chuckled at his answer, and he immediately gave you a death stare, making you stand your hands up in surrender. Harry rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide the smile that tugged at his lips.
"Where are you going?" Harry asked you as you started packing up and getting ready to leave.
"I'm kind of tired, Harry. Tell Dad I'll go home, okay?" You said, looking at the lake and feeling Sirius's eyes on you.
"Sure thing," Harry replied with a nod.
As you walked away, you couldn't help but smile at the thought of Sirius watching you go, wondering if he would follow. The thrill of his attention lingered in your mind as you made your way back home.
Sirius didn't know if your glance was an invitation to follow him, but he did anyway. He quickly made up a lame excuse of needing to grab something he forgot at the house and followed you.
As you made your way home, you couldn't shake the memory of your interactions with Sirius. The playful banter and teasing seemed harmless at first, but now you questioned if you had crossed a line. You knew you liked flirting with him, as you were desperate for his attention, but what if he didn't?
As soon as you reached your front door, your thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Sirius following you there with that charming grin on his face. Your heart raced, and all doubts vanished in an instant.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, trying not to let the excitement show in your voice, as you entered the house.
"You think it's funny, huh?" Sirius asked you, getting closer to you. You could feel your heart racing as he closed the distance between you. You just shook your head, even though you didn't know what he was talking about, and took a step back, hitting your back on the table as he moved forward.
"You're such a brat, Y/N, begging for the attention of an older man, begging for the attention of your dad's best friend." He stated, getting closer to you. Sirius's eyes were dark and intense as he stared at you, and his lips curled into a challenging smirk. His tall and muscular frame loomed over you, making you feel both intimidated and tantalised. His dark hair fell over his forehead as he leaned in closer. His intense gaze fixed on you, causing a chill to run down your spine. The way he towered over you made you feel small and vulnerable.
You couldn't even progress with what was happening; you were just nodding.
"What's the matter, princess? Cat got your tongue?" Sirius asked.
"You had so much to say before," he said. He was so close to you that you could feel his breath hitting your lips. The familiar scent of cigarettes filled your senses, making your heart race even faster. You tried to form words, but all that came out was a shaky breath.
Sirius chuckled at your reaction and stepped even closer, his hand lightly tracing down your jawline before cupping your cheek.
"You thought it would be funny to tease me and put on a show for me, huh?" He asked sarcastically.
"Well, I must say, you've succeeded in catching my attention. But still, it was a bold move to wear your bikini, which leaves little to the imagination, and flirt with some boy, acting like the slut you are." Sirius continued squeezing your face with his hand.
"Stop it, Sirius," you mumbled, trying to push his hand away from your face. But he only tightened his grip, making you wince. Your hand fell to the table behind you, trying to keep your balance.
"Aw, is little Y/N feeling shy now? After all that flirting and teasing?" He taunted with a smug look on his face. When Sirius's hand left your face, he immediately placed it on your waist and helped you sit on the table, opening your legs and standing between them. Everything happened so fast that you were surprised at how strong he was.
Sirius leaned in closer, pressing his lips lightly against your ear. "Don't worry, princess. I won't tell anyone about your little game." His hot breath tickled your skin, sending goosebumps through your body.
"Not even my best mate," he continued, referring to your dad.
"Sirius," you managed to cry out as his lips trailed down your neck, igniting a fire within you. The forbidden thrill of being so close to your father's best friend only added to the excitement pulsing through your veins.
What was happening to you? Why were you so turned on by his words? He had barely touched you, and you could feel getting wetter and wetter with every word leaving Sirius's mouth.
Sirius pulled back slightly and looked down at you with a smirk. "Sh, babe," he whispered, his breath hot against your skin.
"I have to admit, I enjoy seeing this side of you," he continued, teasing you. His voice was like a drug, causing you to feel dizzy as you hung onto his every word. Sirius, let his hand fall to your bare thigh, massaging it with his thumb.
"I thought you liked my teasing Sirius; don't pretend that you didn't stare at me the whole day, or you didn't like the way I was begging to put sunscreen on me," you replied, feeling a rush of confidence. Sirius chuckled, his eyes darkening with desire once again, as he leaned in closer.
"Oh, I definitely enjoyed the show," he whispered huskily, sending shivers down your spine.
"But I prefer you when you are too frustrated to even speak," he continued, slapping your thigh. His surprising action made you squeeze your thighs around Sirius's waist, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness at his dominant behaviour.
"Kiss me, Sirius," you cried out. He was so close to you, and he still hadn't kissed you. You just wanted to feel his lips on yours. Your lips were parted, and your eyes were locked on Sirius's mouth, watching his every move with desperation and desire. His lips were seductively close, and you could almost see the anticipation in the air between you.
"Where's your manner, sweetheart?" He asked, making you raise your head with his index finger under your chin. "Ask me nicely," he whispered, tightening the grip around your thigh.
"Please, Siri…" Before you could even finish your sentence, Sirius's lips touched yours. Your body was on fire; you could almost feel the heat radiating from his body, and his hand on your thigh sent shivers through you. Every touch was like a jolt of electricity, his fingers igniting your skin.
When he pulled away, your lips were parted, pink, and swollen from the kiss. You looked at him with lust; you needed to feel him some more. But he looked away as he fixed his hair. Sirius looked like he had second thoughts, but in his eyes, you could still see the desire that mirrored your own.
"What we did is wrong," he said softly. Your legs automatically locked around his torso, trying to keep him close to you, and you shook your head.
"Wrong has never felt so right," you whispered, pulling him closer to you again.
"You drive me crazy, you know that?" Sirius whispered in your ears, pushing your hair out of the way to plant a soft kiss on your neck, making your stomach clench and your core ache with arousal.
Sirius was supposed to be the one who should have a hold of himself. But at that moment, he couldn't stop thinking about all the things that he wanted to do to you. He could feel himself getting harder with just the thought of you under him, how small you would be, and what sweet sound your pretty mouth would make because of him.
When Sirius found your sweet spot at your neck and you left a soft moan, Sirius's mind immediately said 'Fuck it' as he lowered himself on his knees, now facing your heating core. Sirius's eyes were filled with desire as he slowly kissed up your thighs, stopping just before the hem of your bikini. His hands gripped your hips tightly as he looked up at you with a hunger that sent shivers down your spine.
"Take your bikini off for me, Y/N," he said, and with a shaky breath, you complied, feeling eager to follow his command. Sirius's gaze darkened as he watched you reveal yourself to him, and he continued kissing your thigh, leaving some lovebites as well.
"I never thought I'd be the one to bring Sirius Black to his knees." You managed to breathe out. He looked up at you and tilted his head, giving you a mocking smirk.
“Remember who’s in charge here, baby; I’d choose your next words carefully.” He replied as he tightened his grip on your hips so hard that you were sure that it was going to leave marks.
When finally Sirius left a kiss in your clit a soft gasp escaped from your lips. Sirius smirked against your core at your reaction. When his hands finally touched you where you needed them the most, your hand fell to his hair as a reflex action. Sirius spread your folds and slowly licked your dripping slit, making you arch your back in pleasure.
"You like that, don't you?" He whispered, causing you to blush. Without another word, Sirius buried his face between your thighs, flicking his tongue over your clit. You let out a loud moan at the sudden pleasurable sensation, gripping Sirius's hair as he continued to tease and lick at your sensitive hole.
Sirius was captivated by the way you tasted and the way you sounded desperate for him. He couldn't get enough of them; he ate you out like a starving man.
"You taste even better than you look." He groaned, replacing his tongue with two of his fingers. He began to thrust them in and out of you, curling them just right to hit your sweet spot. Sirius added a finger inside you, pumping rhythmically while he leaned closer to you, wanting to use his tongue to drive you wild.
"S-Siri," you whined, and you slapped your free hand to keep your voice down.
"Don't hold back; let me hear you; let me hear your pathetic moans, princess," he whispered against your skin, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. Sirius quickened his pace, eager to make you lose control completely.
The combination of his fingers and tongue had you writhing in ecstasy, your moans growing louder with each movement. Sirius's skilled touch brought you to the brink of pleasure. You could feel your legs shaking and closing, but his hand kept you spread open.
"So, s-so good, fuck... Please don't st-stop, Siri," you shuttered, overstimulated by his touch.
Your body was on fire; every nerve ending was tingling with pleasure as Sirius brought you closer and closer to the edge. And he knew that he could feel your walls squeezing him.
"You want to cum, babe?" He asked teasingly. You opened your mouth, trying to respond, but all that came out was a breathless whimper, so you just nodded.
"Come on, use your words," he continued, his voice low and husky as he urged you on.
"P-Please, make me c-cum" you begged. Your voice sounded desperate and needy as your body craved release from the overwhelming pleasure Sirius was giving you.
"Atta girl, now cum to my fingers," Sirius said, getting you closer and closer to the edge, knowing he was in complete control of your pleasure.
You cried out his name as waves of pleasure washed over you, leaving you shaking and panting in pleasure. As soon as your breathing slowed down, Sirius stood up and crashed his lips onto yours again in a passionate kiss, and you could swear that you could taste yourself on his lips.
"You're so beautiful when you come for me," Sirius said as his hands hugged your face, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before whispering. Before you could come up with a response, you heard your brother's and dad's voices. Your eyes widened as you quickly pushed Sirius away.
"Fuck," he groaned.
"Quick, go to the room," you said as you fixed your bikini and stood up from the table, trying to fix yourself.
When your dad first came in, he looked at you confused.
"Are you alright? You're all red," he said, concern evident in his voice. You quickly brushed it off with a laugh, hoping he wouldn't suspect anything suspicious.
"Y-Yeah I just hit my toe on the table leg," you stammered, hoping your lie was convincing enough. "I'm fine; don't worry." You continued giving him the most ridiculous excuse.
You didn't give him time to respond and run to your room. But when you opened your room door, your eyes instantly caught Sirius leaning towards your desk. Your eyes widened a little bit, looking at him with a confusing expression.
"Oh, don't look so surprised, and lock the door," he said, before pulling you closer to him by your waist. "I don't like to leave my work unfinished, especially when it involves you," Sirius smirked, making your heart race with excitement and anticipation. Sirius's lips were on yours before you could even process his words. You melted into the kiss, forgetting all about your dad and brother just minutes ago. Sirius's hands roamed over your body, making you shiver with desire. You could feel yourself getting wet again. Sirius knew what to say to make your heart stop with his words and soft touches.
"Jump," he mumbled against your lips, tightening his grip around your waist.
"What? Sirius, I-" you started saying shocked.
"Jump," he ordered again, this time bringing you closer to him, and you did as he asked, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you to your bed.
When your body touched your bed, you touched Sirius's chest with your finger, looking up at him with a pout and an innocent look. " I bet you do that to all the other younger girls," you teased, causing him to chuckle and lean in for another kiss to silence you.
He spread your legs and placed himself within them, starting to trace soft kisses on your collarbone.
"Do you ever shut up and behave?" Sirius asked, his voice sending vibrations through your whole body.
"Behave? What fun is that?" You replied, letting your head fall to your pillows when his fingers caressed your clothed pussy.
"You're so wet, baby; I can feel your arousal through your bikini." He murmured in your ear.
"Don't tease me, Siri; I need you inside, m-AH," you tried to say before Sirius turned you over your stomach.
"On your hands and knees," he ordered. His voice was calm, and even though he was whispering, his command was loud and clear.
You got on your hands and knees as Sirius instructed, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement gathering in your stomach.
Sirius trailed his hands behind your back before you heard him remove his swimming suit. He lowered himself to press his lips against your neck, sucking and nipping at the skin. Your breathing quickened as he continued to kiss and mark you. You could only feel how big Sirius was, and when you tried to puss your ass against him and turned around to face him, Sirius's hand grabbed your chin firmly and made you stop your movement.
"Do you want this?" he whispered, his voice husky with desire. You immediately nodded fast and opened your mouth to beg him.
"Yes, please, Sirius; I'll be good, please." You pleaded. As you answered him, Sirus caressed his hands down your spine again and slipped his fingers under the waistband of your bikini bottom, slowly pulling them down and exposing your bare bottom to him.
You could feel his eyes on you as he ran his hands over your ass, squeezing and massaging it gently. Then, without warning, he brought one hand down hard on one cheek, making you gasp in surprise and pleasure. Sirius watched how his slap left a mark on your arse and smirked to himself.
"Sh, Y/N, don't make me gag you," he said, leaving a small kiss on your shoulder.
Sirius chuckled lowly at your reaction before bringing his hand down again, leaving a faint red mark on your skin again.
"Merlin, Sirius," you cried out as you arched your back, and he continued to spank you. You could feel yourself becoming wetter, but you weren't sure whether it was possible. No other man made you feel this good. Sirius seemed to know exactly how to make you even more horny while still putting you in your place. The combination of pain and pleasure was overwhelming in the best way possible.
"Don't be a brat and take what I give you," Sirius responded to your cries. He pushed himself closer, and you could feel his tip pressing against your thigh, teasing you with what you craved. Your body responded eagerly, aching for more of his touch. You bit your lips hard, trying not to let out a moan.
"I need you so much," you panted out between spanks. "Please, I'll be good."
Without any hesitation, Sirius slipped his cock inside of you, making you cry out in pleasure. He pumped himself in and out at a steady pace while using his hand to rub circles around your clit. You were already so sensitive from your previous orgasm that you couldn't keep yourself quiet.
Sirius pulled himself out suddenly, a mischievous grin on his face before he slapped himself inside you again with all his force. You had to bite your arm to stifle your screams of pleasure as he continued to thrust into you relentlessly.
"S-Sirius, slow d-down" you muttered, remembering he didn't cast a silence spell, therefore you could be easily heard. He instantly understood your worry and placed his free hand on your mouth.
"Yeah, suck my fingers, babe... Fuck, that's really turned you on; I can feel your walls squeezing my dick." Sirius groaned as he increased his pace, hitting a spot inside of you that made your whole body shiver with pleasure.
Sirius's hand moved from your clit to your breast, squeezing and pinching your nipples roughly. Your moan was muffled by his hand, but the sound only seemed to drive him further. Sirius's movements became more urgent, pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy with each thrust.
One of your hands found Sirius's torso, gripping onto him, feeling the muscles tense beneath your touch as he continued to pleasure you.
"S-Such a good slut, like you were made for me, babe," he managed to say before he pulled you by your hair.
"I'm, mhp, I'm g-gonna, cum," you whimpered.
"Cum on my cock luv, show me how good I made you feel," he grunted as he spanked your ass once again. The mixture of pain and pleasure was too much for you to handle as another climax washed over you.
Sirius continued to fuck you through your orgasm, feeling you squeezing him. Sirius followed soon after, groaning loudly as he spilt himself inside of you. He collapsed next to you, both panting heavily, as the aftershocks of your orgasms slowly subsided.
After a few moments of catching your breath, Sirius rolled over to face you with a satisfied smirk on his face. You couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked in this post-sex haze, with his hair tousled and his chest rising and falling with each breath. His skin was slick with sweat and smooth against your fingertips as you ran them along his chest. You could feel the rise and fall of his breathing, his chest rising and falling rhythmically beneath your touch.
"You are so beautiful right now," you said, hiding your face in his neck. His chuckle echoed through his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, drawing you in closer and kissing your forehead gently. Sirius's heart fluttered at your words.
"Well, you haven't seen yourself, darling," he replied, his voice low and husky. You felt a surge of warmth at his words, knowing that he saw you just as you saw him in that moment—raw, vulnerable, and utterly beautiful.
At that moment, you had forgotten everything about your age gap. You just felt content and at peace in Sirius's arms. Feeling safe next to him, you were grateful for all your teasing and flirting, which finally led to this moment.
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reblogs are always appreciated !
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White bikini off with my red nail polish
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If you're interested in marauders
Let's talk amd have fun 😚
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chuckyslivinghell · 6 months
Hot chocolate and cuddles
My delulu world, where everything is perfectly fine and harry spends time with uncle moony and uncle padfoot.
Remus sits on his desk, checking some exams from his class
Sirius walks into his office, wrapping his arms around Remus neck from behind. "Hello, honey." Sirius says, smiling softly and pressing a kiss to the head of his lover.
"Hey, my dear. How was your day?" Remus asks, smiling himself.
Lupin wraps one of his arms around his lovers waist and pulls him close.
"My day was good. Harry and I were in park together, taking a walk and just talking. What about you?" Black says, rubbing his lovers back and neck.
"Sounds fun. I read, had coffee and now I have to check these exams." Remus says, a bit frustrated that he still has to work. Sirius caresses his cheek, making his boyfriend look up at him and kissing Remus forehead.
"Sounds like you sit here for a while already. How about I make some hot chocolate and we cuddle up together?" Sirius asks.
"Sounds good, my dear." Remus smiles up at him, pulling him down and kissing him.
The two make hot chocolate and cuddle up together.
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incandescentwarmth · 5 months
I seriously will never get enough of royalty aus
Prince Sirius who’s in love with the handsome knight that’s always a step behind him. The only person who’s ever protected him out of care and not just responsibility, even risking his life to stand between Sirius and his parents.
Prince Regulus who’s having a torrid affair through letters with the heir to new Potter fortune. James who is secretly sabotaging every match Walburga and Orion make for their younger son until they concede that while James isn’t their ideal pick, he would be good enough for their son who is just a spare to them.
Sirius who watches his brother marry the love of his life and seeing him happier than he ever has and decides he’ll be okay without his brother. Sirius who, through tears, tells Regulus that he’ll be leaving in the morning with Remus, leaving his brother to pick up the pieces and take the responsibility that Sirius held on his shoulders for the past two decades with no preparation.
Remus who sneaks Sirius out, terrified but knowing there is nothing he wouldn’t do for him.
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mildlyanxiousverge · 3 months
The urge to write a fic about the black brothers with Regulus being away from Sirius(cuz of circumstances) and trying to get back to his brother while Sirius stays(OMG THE IRONY OF SIRIUS STAYING AND WAITING FOR REGULUS TO FIND HIM AND REGULUS RUNNING TO GET TO SIRIUS) at that one spot and waits for Regulus to get to him. And then Regulus finally found him after 20 something mins/hours/months/years(idk yet) and Naming the fic 'Argos' based on greek mythology, just because Sirius' animagus in canon is a dog
After Regulus finds him, we all know what happens.(if you read the odessey, at least:))
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ddanthedumbass · 4 months
Sirius: Can I bother you for a second?
Regulus: you always bother me but go ahead.
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