#he deserves to be unhinged! as a treat
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anomura · 5 months ago
john's jealous territorial ass going after every woman that tries to hit on gale so they get with him instead
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levemetal · 7 months ago
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I'm years late to XL's birthday, but have calamity/horror -ish Xie Lian I just felt like drawing. <3
Alt under the cut cause I couldn't decide which version I prefered!
This was also heavily inspired by @\aerscribbles' fic After the rain! Go check it out and leave them kind words <3
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big-tiddy-goth-ghoulfriend · 3 months ago
I wish more people understood that bodyshaming is wrong even when it's against someone you don't like.
Every single one of my friends is left-leaning and tries to educate themselves and just generally not be bigoted pieces of shit. But every single one of them will still resort to "fat" and "ugly" as go-to insults as soon as it's someone we all agree sucks. As if they were all waiting and holding back because The Fat Friend is here but now that we all agree [insert person of discussion here] is a bad person then it must be fine right? We're not hurting GOOD people's feelings.
Those celebrities you talk shit about will never see it. Trump won't know or care that you called him a fat orange fuck on twitter. Lizzo won't care that you only started insulting her weight once it was revealed that she abused her backup dancers. But we will. And then you'll be another person that we have to accept doesn't actually love us because of who we are but in spite of it. We'll know that you still associate attractiveness and thinness with goodness so you won't love us as much as you could as long as we don't fit those ideals. That as soon as we fuck up and upset you in some way, it's gonna be thrown in our faces because it's always lingering just under the surface when you look at us. That you're only ignoring respecting who we are as long as we 'behave'.
And you won't even know the damage you've done with your off-handed comment. Every single fat person I know has vivid memories of someone we care about saying fatphobic shit about someone else and realizing that said person's entire worldview is colored by their hatred of fat people. For y'all it's just Tuesday.
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sk1fanfiction · 1 year ago
on dursley revisionism
Random people with wrong opinions: "Harry wasn't abused by the Dursleys" (bonus points for 'just neglected', which is a type of child abuse btw or 'that's all fanon')
Things that the Dursleys canonically did that are abuse just off the top of my head:
Swung a frying pan at his head (at the age of 12)
Grabbed him by the neck and basically tried to strangle him (even light pressure to the neck can cause internal damage)
Starved him
Verbally abused him
Locked him alone in a small cramped space as punishment (which can cause permanent psychological damage btw, and that's in adults. It is literally a type of torture.)
Made him sleep in that same small cramped unhealthy space when they had an extra bedroom
Encouraged their son to bully him and beat him up
Left him to be possibly attacked by a vicious dog
Bonus: Hid the evidence of his existence to outsiders and didn't speak about him to others (a typical thing for abusers to do)
And more. That boy is unrealistically well-adjusted.
I know the shitty guardian trope is so common in British children's lit (think Roald Dahl) that it became normalized, but it's not. It's abuse. I am worried for the children in your lives tbh.
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bochedogmeat · 1 year ago
Ok tumblr today I am going to ramble about something. It was discussed in the obikin discord i thinkkk probably about a year ago now? But:
Obligate cannibal stewjoni.
I figure thats not everyone’s jam, so more about biological logistics and how that applies to our good friend Obi-wan below the cut vv
So I know the biology surrounding an obligate cannibal would have to be kind of funky but basically in my mind the prion diseases that would kill irl humans provides a necessary nutrient in stewjoni lifeforms. Perhaps two or more separate humanoid species are the only living things left on the planet after its other meat sources have been hunted to extinction, leaving only the humanoid species left. Maybe a herbivore group vs a group of obligate carnivores? Or maybe it’s just one carnivorous group that utilizes slavery/human husbandry/ human sacrifice? Regardless, it causes them to evolve over time into obligate cannibals. Or something. I offer you an obi-wan with pointed, ripping teeth and (optionally) nails that grow in naturally sharp.
I figure the temple provides Obi-wan with synthetic meat or supplement pills or something that has the added nutrients needed for a stewjoni initiate, so he never actually feels the craving for humanoid flesh until he gets put in a situation where those rations are not readily available to him. I also figure they probably give him special classes on his own biology so he knows how important it actually is to keep those rations/supplements on him at all times, but. You know. Shit just happens to Obi-wan LOL.
Qui-gon discovering a young Obi-wan on Melida-Daan wide eyed and drenched in blood, having gone without his supplements for too long for the first time and deciding that no, he will NOT in fact train this feral animal (he does infact begrudgingly train this feral animal). Qui-gon is wary of this boy, treats him like a dangerous animal that needs to be controlled, and in response, ever grateful for the chance to probe that he is not too wild to be domesticated, his padawan becomes just that. Obi-wan is the perfect jedi, you would scarcely know of his origin planet if not for those teeth (he files his nails down and smiles with his mouth closed. Nothing to be done for speaking, unfortunately.)
There is a significantly more upsetting, dead-dove rabbithole that could be followed regarding one Anakin Skywalker’s missing hand and a master that is Not Normal about his padawan, how something about the boy just makes his teeth itch for the hot, steady gush of fresh blood, but I digress. Im always down to talk about weird starwarse biology and even moreso about obligate cannibal obiwan, but I think I will leave this here for now… :3
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amoneki-ramblings · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday to the stinky idiot !!
ver. without text under the cut:
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mellohiizz · 1 month ago
Mellooooo I’ve come with parfies delusions!!!
Idk if you’ve seen madoka mágica, but Parrot should pull a Homura and turn the entire world upside down to get Wifies back. It’ll be against all his morals, and if I remember correctly, Wifies once answered that he would be devastated if Parrot went against them. Now imagine what his reaction would be when he finds that Parrot threw his ironclad morals all away for him to come back to life. :D
Oh my god, wait... QB you just shot me point blank straight in the face.... I'm dead......
I saw some people talk about villain/antagonist Parrot, and he hasn't left my head since. Imagine just... Parrot going all out, doing everything he can, abandoning all his morals just so he can get Wifies back.
And when Wifies does come back, all he sees is traces of his best friend, and learns about all the things Parrot did (war crimes, possibly) just so he can bring him back.
I'm thinking... ohhhh the brainworms are back. I hear the voices. Is this AU worthy.... I think yes.
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jane---prentiss · 2 years ago
carlos in the new night vale episode
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the-weeping-dawn · 1 month ago
....The epilouge cannot lie to me and tell me Scratch did not stay with Shadowheart
Or other Tavs besides my most beloved or blorbo, maybe them
but nah, Shadowheart who in act 1 is hoping if she does good maybe just maybe she can have a pet, and knowing that's not possible without even knowing what was done to the pet mouse she had one consciously anymore
Shadowheart took that fucking dog that as of patch 7 is clearly hers, she loves more than anyone else waking up every morning to talk to, whom I'm convinced cuddles with her every night and again you can't take that away from me...that is her fucking dog and is not going with some kid we don't even know, not even our soup child???? While she has her little cottagecore life???? That's perfectly suited to having a dog???
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hershelwidget · 1 year ago
I’ve been playing PLvsPW and for some reason I always thought that in This Certain Scene, Phoenix decks Barnham in the face. I did not realize until I actually got to that scene that I got that impression from fanfiction and I feel like I’ve been played
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I know Garrus's archangel thing is le Dramatique but I still can't get over the fact that Joker really said "Fuck it if the Alliance is going to be like that I'm joining the known terrorists"
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loreoftheforgotten · 2 years ago
dances to a little tune
i love writing dark fics with jason and tim being brothers 🫶 in fact, i’ve got a snippet for a demon au i’m working on where jason adopts tim against his will because tim is very brother shaped 😌
check it out (under the cut)
This was it, Jason was going to sacrifice him and eat his magic. Everyone knew demons ate angel magic and Tim had quite literally been offered to the demon prince as a peace offering. It would be so easy for Jason to set him down, draw a few extra runes, and come out that much more powerful. That's what the magic drugs were for, to keep him silent and still while his magic was carved out of him by cruel dark magic.
"You're all mine now, aren't you? And what a perfect gift to be given," Jason purred, cradling Tim close to his chest as he walked down the hall. "An angel fledgling, all to myself. The perfect golden treasure," he murmured, rubbing a hand over Tim's golden wings.
Oh yeah, Tim thought as he slipped deeper. Prince Jason was rumoured to be fond of shiny things.
"There you are, has the magic done its thing?" A deep voice rumbled from beneath him, rattling his bones.
Tim blinked slowly, his head feeling silly. Where was he? He whined, he wanted his flock.
"Oh, shhh Tim, don't stress yourself. I'm right here Timbit," a hand traced through his hair, scratching his scalp in a circular motion.
Tim melted into the action, right that was his flock!
..Right? Yes. Yes, it was. It had to be?
"You are so sweet when you're like this. Maybe I should keep you like this all the time, hm?" Flock asked, moving his hand down to stoke over his wings, picking out broken feathers. "Would you like that? If I keep you nice and happy like this all the time? So pliant and loving," he purred.
they’re so brothers 🫶 family even 🫶
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berrybore · 2 years ago
Tartarus Percy is just ✨chef kiss✨
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bbrabbits · 1 year ago
they really do just dangle the concept of a pandora hearts anime reboot being an actual thing over our heads like we are rats in a maze with unobtainable cheese around the corner. like. is the 2% sanity i have left a joke to u. this is so sick. i feel like shit i just want to look forward to seeing my son on a regular basis again
#mine#pandora hearts#i am not sorry i am so not normal rn bc the daily oz acc just posted a translation for one of the 15th anni things ive never seen translate#& i am. massively unhinged.#the fact that they made such a blatant allegory to a reboot#but also specifically the way that was not just like. ooo a message from oz teehee#THEY LITERALLY GOT JUNKO MINAGAWA HERSELF TO REPRISE HER ROLE AS OZ TO VOICE IT#sick and twisted to rattle me in a blender like that.#AND THEN THE NENDROID ANNOUNCEMENT THIS YEAR TOO#i cant do this ive literally spent half my life waiting for justice to be served for my son im unhinged. im twisted. im craazzyyy#ill literally never have depression again if ph gets reboot like ill just be the worst person on earth on purpose#i will literally not shut up for a singular second. i will take screenshots of oz every second he is on screen#and post all of them. i will be the worst most obnoxious annoying person ever#AND U KNOW WHAT#ID DESERVE IT SO LET ME HAVE IT GIVE HIM BACK GIVE HIM BACK GIVE HIM BACK GIVE HIM BACK#they literally know. how desired it is. like ffs fiction junction STILL performs the op & ppl go wild for it every time still.#junko minagawa reprised her role as oz just for that little treat#mochijun and yuki kaijura are still friends.#everything is there why arent u budging why are u keeping him trapped behind a door#stop gatekeeping my son and return him to me ive been waiting for him to come back home for 8 years#i cant do it anymore#i deserve to live my best life in a quaint studio apartment w my daughter & i watching ph's reboot together.#hand it all over i am tired of being nice i dont even Want to go apeshit i AM apeshit
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renma-posts · 1 year ago
Favorite Servamp characters?
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It's been a while but Lawless the beloved and Sakuya the rat who deserves better. These guys are so good I love them sm
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nintendont2502 · 2 years ago
I dont know why but cult leader Jake English has such a chokehold on me mentally
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