#he deserves so much better than he gets
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heretherebedork · 4 months ago
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What a precious boy.
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I could cry for him.
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thstarsofsilver · 2 years ago
do you kNOW how close i was to crying when i read this
i love steve so, so much and this is the essence of his character which so often gets overlooked by (mostly mcu) fans
i don’t think it receives enough emphasis that this, here, his infallible goodness and his purity of the heart, and the fact he always just wants to help people and do what is right and kind and good, that is what makes him a worthy hero.
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so what ur telling me, is that steven grant rogers, can remember in perfect detail, the look on james buchanan barnes’ face when he fell screaming from that train, and also the look on james buchanan barnes’ face 70 years later when they met on that highway and didn’t even know his own name or who steve was?
cool. cool cool cool cool. thanks, i hate it.
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toastysol · 7 months ago
Thinking about how, between him and V, Jackie is by far the more personable of the two. He oozes such easy charisma that it's really hard to actually hate him. He's the one with connections all over Night City. V's best friend who always knows a guy. He hooks V up with whoever they could possibly need. Everyone who's ever met him either loves him, or has great respect for him.
And yet. Despite the number of people he knows and who know him, after he dies, V is the one they remember. "Didn't you have someone with you?" Sandra asks. "You did well, V. You and that... friend of yours." Wakako states. Jackie is the one who got them that job. Or at least that's what the prologue sequence led me to believe. V asks him if Wakako had any tips for the Sandra case. Therefore, Jackie was the one who got them hired. I cant tell if Wakako forgot his name on purpose cause she didn't like him/care enough or genuinely doesn't remember. I know Sandra has good reason not to. She was unconscious.
It's just gut wrenching to me. Jackie put in all this work, prolly called in so many favors, to help V get to where they needed to be, and in the end, no one knows his name. He went out with a bang and didn't even get a footnote. Of course, V can change that after the game if they want I would guess. Use their prestige and respect to spread the word about the bestest friend they ever had in nc. He does get his own drink at the Afterlife, but does anyone know who they're drinking? How colorful and full of life he was? Do they know how he died? What he did?
And I mean, his name seemed to be at least somewhat well-known in the valentinos. But that means about jack squat in the merc world. He was supposed to be a legend, but all he ended up as was a ghost.
What makes this worse in my canon, is that the "Major Leagues" was never even V's dream. It always belonged to Jack. When he chases it, he does so in Jackie's place. For him. Not for V. Sometimes he wishes it were Jackie's name he was using, just so someone would hear it and be filled with hope for the future. Just like Jackie was with Morgan Blackhand, Andrew Weyland, and Adam Smasher. He carries Jackie's ghost on his back, every rung of the ladder, and no one even sees it.
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momentomori24 · 2 days ago
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I may just be insane about this but does this feel like foreshadowing to anyone else. In this scene we see her trying to replicate the skill of someone else (her mother) and failing to achieve the same results that they would. That feels really specific and it's driving me insane.
Like, we see this come back again in the aftermath of the trial. Diana has repeatedly voiced her admiration for Wolfgang's ability to speak and inspire those around him in the darkest of times, saying she wished she could do the same. We see her pour her heart out and give her own speech to inspire the others-- except the reaction that she receives is cold and miserable, far from the newly kindled warmth and hope Wolfgang was able to create every time.
Diana is a chameleon. Her whole thing is to reflect, to replicate and to adapt. Do you think that this small scene where she tries to make a butterfly out of her hairclips-- a butterfly, an animal associated with transformation and change-- and the end result looking nothing like what she wanted it to be is a metaphor for her future character arc? She has declared that she wants to follow in Wolfgang's footsteps, wants to become something new, but do you think that by the end she ends up being the furthest thing from him? Do you think that by the end she will be left distorted, fundamentally wrong? Do you think that if she could see what she will become in the future, the only emotion that she can muster is horror as she gazes at a stranger that's supposed to be herself? That by the end, she won't be able to recognise herself, because there's no "her" left anymore?
#project eden's garden#p:eg#p:eg spoilers#diana venicia#wolfgang akire#it makes me think of her in the imitation artwork#the way she is more “normal” than everyone else. that she's smiley and friendly and colourful but her eyes are completely vacant. glassy#everyone else's ranges from horrifying to morbidly cryptic to depressing yet they all feel infinitely more “real” than she does#they say the eyes are the window to the soul yet hers are mirrors that only reflect the people in her sight#and in one you can see her face. expression hardened and determined with purple eyes similar to wolfgang.#and then the one where you see diana look at her imitation self covering her mouth in horror at what she sees when she looks into its eyes#and it's so unbelievably similar to when she watched wolfgang get electrocuted to death#and it feels to me like it's emphasising how his death will be her spiral into losing herself entirely failing to be like him#which makes sense. because she has an idealised image of who wolfgang was#wolfgang was someone who was also scared. who also struggled. who had his own insecurities and fears and secrets#wolfgang had parts about himself he hated and tried to be a better person than he thought he was presently#and he has an idealised image of his own mum. dedicated his life to be like HER#she chases after an idealised picture modelled after another idealised picture unaware that the standard she's pursuing never existed#diana corruption arc i can feel it#i can see her character going downhill mentally from here and honestly i'd love that but i would be upset cuz she deserves better#but i feel like her story will be one of transformation gone horribly wrong#which makes her such an interesting antagonist and contrast to how damon's development will likely go#anywho just rambling here in the tags don't mind me much#i just really like diana and i don't rant about her enough XD#momento rambles
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elvisqueso · 4 months ago
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"Our warriors fought with courage, but none as bravely as Kocoum."
Pocahontas (1995)
long, rambling meta under the cut:
you know i've taken some light dips into the tags looking for content on kocoum and i never see anyone going into depth about him as a character. sure you see the posts that are all "omg he was so hot pocahontas should have picked him instead :p" but that has little to do with his character or his place in the narrative or anything. in fact, it's a further objectification of a guy who is already dehumanized in-narrative, which is so very sad to me. kocoum is a lot more than his looks, which is why they're the first thing about him you're meant to notice. he's handsome, and he doesn't smile. he's a warrior and a stoic kinda guy. but that's all surface-level stuff. he's a very complex person with an intense internal turmoil that circumstances aren't allowing him to deal with properly.
like, you really can't come to an understanding about his character and go on to say "and he should have been with pocahontas" bc the fundamental aspect of their relationship as characters is that they would have been terrible for each other. you could feasibly make an argument that, on some level, kocoum would have been good for pocahontas (the "handsome, sturdy husband" who could ground her), but there is no way in any universe that pocahontas would have been good for him, bc the one who actually needed and wanted a steady, reliable partner is kocoum and pocahontas is the opposite of that (which is one of the reasons she and john smith kind of deserved each other but that's a whole other post).
see, kocoum is like a hemingway protagonist. remember, at the start of the movie, everyone is returning from war; it's important to note how much emphasis the movie places on family as a representation of "the ordinary world." the same is done with the virginia company members at the top of the film. there, they say goodbye to their normal lives and start an adventure. here, the powhatan warriors are returning to theirs. but who does kocoum, the celebrated warrior, have to return to?
kocoum doesn't have a normal life yet. he still belongs to the battle. there's a lot to be said about PTSD as a character motif in this film: it affects a lot of the major characters in different ways. for kocoum, it means he's not allowed to depart from his wartime mindset until and unless he can start a family of his own, and for that he pins his hopes on pocahontas. why exactly he likes her goes unsaid; it's implied they aren't particularly close, but may be familiar with each other. pocahontas being the chief's daughter may be an element, but it may also be that he's harbored an admiration for her from afar for some time. whatever the reason, kocoum has a misplaced idea that being with pocahontas will bring him peace. like a hemingway protagonist, he's taken up with the notion that being with a woman, an angel, will fix him; but the woman he wants is neither interested in doing so nor able to do so, whether or not she cares for him.
and this is why his outburst of emotion when he finds pocahontas and john in the glade is so understandable. he's watching his hopes for the future being ripped apart before his eyes. he'll never get peace, and that breaks him and then kills him.
and when i say he's dehumanized, i'm talking about the way characters talk about him and then how he dies. he's fierce, like a bear. he's handsome, but doesn't smile. he's a tool, an obstacle, and ultimately fodder for both pocahontas's and thomas's character development (mostly thomas's). there's something to be said about how both kocoum and his foil john smith are objectified so differently. where john is the subject of pocahontas's female gaze, kocoum is also objectified through a masculine one (the tension-filled lens that marries fear and admiration for athletic, warrior men and rivals). and then, again, he gets 'fridged for plot reasons because he's also the paris to pocahontas's juliet.
basically what i'm saying is kocoum really needed someone to take care of him, and no one did nor could. and that's why he's so tragic and tbh deserves better treatment by the fans, too.
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ganondoodle · 9 months ago
( elden ring dlc spoilers )
(sort of personal rambling post about my feelings about it, not looking for lore discussions)
its so obvious to me that base game radahn and dlc radahn are two entirely different entities really
one is a nigh mindless mess of what remains of a respected and once, and still in a way, very powerful general, like a tragic memory of what once was, even in this zombie like condition you can get an idea of who he was, even if only a little bit, the way he fights in synch with leonard for example
the other a recreation of him but like it was made by someone who didnt know him at all, shallow and surface level, either unintentionally so bc he really didnt know him well (and didnt care to get to know him) or intentionally made into somethign that fit miquellas IDEA of him, who he wanted but not who he really was, it shares name and design traits, to some degree fighting style, but it lacks "him", he has no voice, no shift in expression, he does whatever miquella wants, a perfectly obedient, silent, animated statue (even more obvious in second phase ...)
i mentioned it in a previous post but even his changed designed feels strangely off, basic elements are there (red hair, yellow eyes, golden lion theme) but it lacks cohesion (imo), like an action figure not a real person, its shiny and cool looking but doesnt make sense for him, he even has the sixpack armor thing, and overall a roman aesthetic to him, mulitple braids in his hair (a trait of miquella), useless swords hang around his waist, arms exposed, overall incredibly thin compared to base game radahn (be it just the armor or not), like designed by someone who has no or little idea of how swordfight works, almost .. childishly cliché
and yes, the fact that leonard is entirely missing is significant in my eyes, he is very important to radahn, its one of the few things we actually know about the real radahn, but miquella probably either didnt know or doesnt care, he doesnt care about leonard, of course he isnt here
"promised consort", promised by who to whom? if miquella, perfect little miquella, says it is promised to him, it has to be true and good and no one would would dare suggest hed lie (i dont think radahn would like that title either, ...like even his title in the end isnt about who he really is)
its all about what miquella wants, his perspective is told to you over and over- what radahn wants, his perspective, what he believes in doesnt matter, radahn doesnt matter, the only thing that matters is how he can serve miquella, how this idealized, silent puppet that is nothing of himself apart from basic design traits and name obeys miquella
by rot or by miquella, just a mindless toy whenever you see him
and it just makes me sad and angry ......... its tragic but so much so that it borders on cruelty for crueltys sake, it was never about radahn :(
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cementcornfield · 3 months ago
Some of Tee and Ja'Marr's thoughts on the Tee Situation
Tee said to me 'right now I get to play with one of the, if not the, best quarterbacks in the game, I get to play with one of, if not the, best wide receivers in the game, that opens up so much more for me.' And then he said 'this offense is designed for so many different players to be spotlighted, the way that I am used in this offense so plays to my strengths.' And then he said to me, 'can you guarantee I can have that exact situation anywhere else?'
So do I think he's taking a home discount? No. But I do think that he is very very smart, he sees the whole picture out there...
It's very easy to compare this situation to what Ja'Marr had at LSU with Joe Burrow and Justin Jefferson. And Ja'Marr has said Tee is very different than Justin Jefferson. That every single minute with Justin Jefferson was a competition. That everything was who makes the more dynamic catch, who has more catches in practice, who runs faster? Everything was that way. Ja'Marr had to speak up and demand the ball a lot at LSU, because so was Justin. Ja'Marr told me that he doesn't have to do that in Cincinnati because Tee, and this is a quote from Ja'Marr, is one of the most unselfish humans you'll ever meet.
#VERY VERY INTERESTING STUFF#also fuck evan this guy is so annoying he KEPT interrupting her through her whole segment and then smiled all condescending like#'what about the money you idiot woman'#and it's like YES the money IS a good point#this could easily all just be talk from tee and ja'marr#because tee DOES deserve all the money he can get#he DOES also deserve the chance at being WR1 if that's what he wants#(he has always done well as WR1 when ja'marr is out/hurt)#so like yes. those are important caveats.#that can definitely be talking points without evan's annoying ass comments and interruptions and looks#(like dude are you not also just some sideline reporter? no need to act like you're better than aditi. BUT WHATEVER)#very interesting considerations! that tee is aware of all the good of his current situation#and may not want to change it at all??#again. could just be saying shit. actions speak louder than words and all that#but the action of dropping your agent (who has the BEST track record of getting guaranteed money) only to go to the agent of the guy#who the front office is going to try to leverage your negotiations against#is like. well. that feels very very deliberate!!#that these two are going to put up a united front. to try to do their best to stay together AND get paid.#which sounds too good to be true tbh!#and then ja'marr comparing his relationship with justin and his relationship with tee!!#both important relationships! both beautiful connections!#and like. justin and ja'marr NEEDED that kind of relationship in college#one of support and competition. pushing each other to be their best. so that they could come into the league#and break all these records almost immediately#and then now a more settled relationship with tee. calmer softer maybe.#that post about how important relationships that let you REST are#man. man. i could go on forever about all of this but this is already too much!!!#tee higgins#ja'marr chase#cincinnati bengals
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Something something two bit planning to propose to Marcia when she came home after she finished college but after seeing her reactions when she’s reminded of the violence in Tulsa, him realizes that she’s so much better than this town and he can’t tie her to it forever so he breaks up with her instead
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galaxostars · 6 months ago
Do you guys remember the first time you read/watched Harry Potter and thought Snape was responsible for everything only to be hit in the stomach when you found out alongside the characters it was Quirrell all along?
Do you remember reading about Sirius Black escaping jail and wanting to murder Harry and do you remember being ready to throw hands at him? And then do you remember that sinking feeling when you realized he’d been wrongfully imprisoned for twelve years and was painted as the guilty one when it was Peter all along?
Do you remember hearing about the death eater Regulus Black, following in Voldemorts’ footsteps only to be hit with the crushing truth later, that he’d betrayed him and died doing so and no one knew about it and you had, yet again, judged him too harshly?
Do you remember hating Draco and progressively coming to understand the circumstances that led him to that?
Do you remember loving Dumbledore and realizing suddenly how badly he wronged Harry?
Do you ever think about those moments, and how we all judged those characters and fell into the easy trap? Time and time again? How easy it was to gulp down one version and not realize how biased it was?
I feel like if there’s one thing those books taught me it was to never get along with one version of a story. You can’t hear one side and admit it’s the final truth. You can’t judge someone through one lens and not admit it’s skewed. You can’t erase circumstances. You can’t shut out the other side of a story because one is sufficient for you.
If you want to crucify someone for something they did, remember all those times you were ready to crucify Snape, Sirius, Regulus, Draco and so on.
I’m not against holding people accountable for their actions, but I don’t want to get that sinking feeling of guilt that I had with characters on real human beings. And it is inhuman to hold one thing against someone’s head forever—especially when you don’t know the whole story.
We all make mistakes, we all fuck up, and we also, all have our own truth. And we’re also all capable of empathy towards others. 🖤
God knows I hate jkr with a passion but fuck if I love the message that was spread through those arcs.
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pushing500 · 6 months ago
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We built a marble sarcophagus for Brandy beside where the toxic wastepacks get stored. It's a lovely little spot, perfect for nostalgic reflections and a nice private cry.
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Speaking of crying... Brandy liked to follow Mechi around while he did jobs, so I imagine he feels her loss a bit more strongly than he might have otherwise. We need a way to vent all this pent-up grief! Fortunately, Kwahu knows just how to get one...
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A second diabolus is just what the doctor ordered! We need another signal chip anyway so that we can make the boys cool matching mechanitor gear.
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A healthy way to vent emotions, I'm sure. Brandy would be so proud of us. Rest in peace, best girl 💔
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starmist · 1 year ago
I genuinely believe Naksu haunts the narrative. Her actions and existence as Naksu heavily impact the entire story. Her past, the life she lived and the shadow of it in Mudeok. But we don't actually know any of it because Naksu is not in the story.
Like. What she lost as Cho Yeong is something that we are never allowed to forget, the loss of her body, her powers, her freedom, and her impending death as a soul shifter hangs over Mudeok's head like guillotine.
All the while we don't actually know the Shadow Assassin Naksu, she died in the first episode, as soon as the story began. Other than training and killing (soul shifters) what kind of person was she when she didn't have to rely on another person else or hide or live as someone else? We don't know and we don't ever learn any of that.
Still, her absence is the plot, yet her former existence as Naksu influences everything; Yul's actions and what she was to him, Jang Uk's goal of returning her powers, the revelation of soul shifters to Park Jin, Jang Gang's departure, Jin Mu's accomplishments, the King's Star even.
Everything is about her existence but she doesn't actually exist at all anymore.
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pimento-playing-hopscotch · 3 months ago
I love this show and it means a lot to me,
and I feel disappointed and a little bit misled tbh by the choices they have made-
These are two thoughts that can coexist btw
#911 lone star#911 lone star season 5#like im not an idiot#okay i am but that’s not what this is#i was not expecting 20 minutes of emotional conversation#but bare minimum Tarlos is NOT a peck on the cheek with no actual dialogue#in the entire episode#bare minimum Tarlos used to be they would talk about things and it wouldn’t take that long#like this episode in context- this is like in season 3 is TK woke from the coma and the next scene was the 126 is going to be knocked down-#and we learn TK and Carlos moved in together form talking- we didn’t get the welcome home TK scene#this is like if in season two after TK stormed out after the farmers market- we never got the scene where he comes back#we see him storm out and the next episode they’re fine with nothing in between#this like is if the police station scene never happened - cause why do we need to see them talk about things?#TK storms out of Carlos’s place and the next we see they’re at darts-#cause we didn’t need any of that emotional bonding stuff right??#this is most like in season two when we see things get physical becuase Gabriel arrested Owen and no one knows why#and the next we see TK is coming home and we never saw them talk about it#although I would still argue this one is worse#look I’m not talking for anyone but myself here-#but the reason I know this should have been more is because those are the standards this show has set#these characters needed to have that talk-#in particular Carlos has gone through so much seemingly alone the last twenty four hours -#there’s no reason we shouldn’t have seen them have that talk#like forget the fandom for a minute- these make believe characters deserved a better conclusion to this arc than this#tarlos#carlos reyes#tk strand#okay im done#court dismissed - bring in the dancing lobsters
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m0thlegs · 4 months ago
maybe the real Viktor arcane season 2 character arc were the friends we made along the way
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adimouze · 3 months ago
i hope daniel starts racing in some other series next year, i still want to support him as an athlete yk
same nonny! i keep thinking it's alright but now I'm like. that's it. that's truly it. this is the end of daniel's story for f1. i'm glad he's enjoying retirement and im glad he's living out his fratboy dirtbag dreams but. i miss cheering for him. hatewatching isn't fun if there isn't anyone to cheer for. the sport will move on. eventually everyone else will move on. even daniel.
and i will keep missing him forever. it will always just hurt. forever.
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false-anomaly · 1 year ago
Not being funny but if my crush was effectively the democratically elected Godess of Time I simply would not fumble her. Sorry to Irving Braxiatel but I'm different. He should have tried harder in that fucking daydream
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rustedleopard · 3 months ago
I know how in Clover Lives AUs people love to talk about how Starlo and Ceroba and Martlet would basically adopt them, but what about the Feisty Four? Obviously I don't see their relationship with Clover being as close as it is between Clover and Martlet/Starlo/Ceroba, but like, do you really think they wouldn't have been put on babysitting duty more than a couple times? I feel like they'd love the kid and would gladly take them under their (somewhat irresponsible) wings. They would've gotten into enough situations that Clover is used to being slung over Ed's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Moray feels like they have a duty to ensure Clover's safety as the self-imposed "most responsible one" even though they're no better than the rest of the Feisty Four because they can easily be convinced into doing things. Ace teaches Clover all sorts of card games and card tricks and how to cheat at all of them. Mooch teaches Clover how to pickpocket in the hopes of "corrupting the sheriff's precious deputy" like they haven't stolen money from those neon green pants, lol. The phrase "Don't tell Star and Ceroba. Especially Ceroba!" has been uttered by the Feisty Four after getting into then out of situations enough times that Clover has learned to barter for their silence.
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