#he can visit there for work trips lol and bring his daughter along
nevalizona · 2 years
Has my little scientist story also be set in fictionalized Washington so it's not *just* Erick&Gracie lol. Washington deserves a slightly better story I think!!!! I do have to say though, this makes me want to read a bunch of stories set in Washington/Seattle so I can see how other authors portray it lol. Maybe my next reading list...
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
700 Friend Behind the Scene Special!
Hello there! So a little bit of back story, everything I write is written in a google doc because it automatically saves everything and I can think clearer when I’m typing in a document. Sometimes when I’m writing, I’ll get tired or get stuck or write something I don’t like. So I’ll make a note to myself of what I was writing so I can come back to it later, or write out the basic idea of what I want to happen so I can visualize it in words better, or hit enter a few times and re-write somethings. So in celebration of me hitting 700 friends I have gathered a few of those things so that I can share with you a little bit of my thought process, but also so you might have a laugh or may see where some of your favorite stories almost went. I don’t know if any of you will actually like this or actually care, but I thought that it was something cool lol. So here you go! I hope you enjoy!!!
Notes to Self/Prompts to Myself
A Dedicated and Domesticated Pig: *Note to future self so I know what I was going for. He’s making breakfast with your child on your hip. I’m thinking a daughter named something with Phil’s name maybe or maybe just a T name. Then you two are leaving for a festival in L’Manberg where Philza interacts with your daughter. And the night ends with you three cuddled up together and you’re reminiscing on how he asked you out and then it all comes full circle somehow using the words dedicated because we’re that kind of simp*
Gift of Friendship: Techno- “I made friendship bracelets”. “I don’t wear jewelry” “oh okay. I can take it back. You don’t have to wear it I’ll take it back-“ “no I will wear this until the day I die
Notes in general: There are a lot of *Insert title here* or *Insert really cool and creative title here*
There is also a lot of *Insert really nice summary here that sums everything up but is also clever*
Actually Pretty Funny: I knew I wanted to use “Tommy leave me alone” “Tommy told me you were in here crying” “That little snitch” but I didn’t know where so I made a note to use it. 
What Could Have Been or Almost Was
This has a few pieces of writing but is mostly about what I almost titled the pieces you know and love. 
Stolen Goods: I was about to retort but the sound of the nether portal activating cut my words off.
“We’re back!” I heard my younger brother call out. Techno and I walked together toward the portal to greet our brothers, but they weren’t alone. “Hey guys! Oh hey Dream,” I greeted the three, setting my chest down next to the wood I brought in earlier. “Hey Y/N/N? Get what we asked for?” Tommy asked, walking toward me. I simply stared at him and then looked at the pile of wood beside me. “No” I deadpanned. 
I then turned to my chest and quickly put my axe away. “Then what’s that?” Tommy questioned in confusion. I rolled my eyes, closed my chest and turned to him. “What you asked for dummy” “But you just said no?” “I was being sarcastic!” I exclaimed, moving toward him and slightly pushing him. “Well I didn’t know that!” Tommy exclaimed, pushing me back. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop pushing each other.” Wilbur demanded, “Just say thank you and move on Tommy.” Tommy huffed but said, “Thank you Y/N.” “You’re welcome Tommy.” 
“So is this how you four interact all the time?” Dream questioned, moving closer to the two of us. I let out a laugh and turned to the masked man, “Yeah. Pretty much. Sometimes we get along, but sometimes they get on my nerves.” I informed the man, while playfully glaring at 
A Hairy Situation: I had a lot of trouble coming up with a cool title for “a Hairy Situation” . It almost was like “Braided Together” or something like that but I was like, it’s about hair. It’s a situation. It’s a Hairy Situation.
Either Lean on Me or 3am conversation I don’t remember: Tommy did something. He did something bad” Tubbo admitted. I nodded to show the young man I was listening to, “Okay,” I prompted. “Tommy was messing around and he accidentally set George’s house on fire.” My eyes widened at Tubbo’s words. “His new house?” I asked in disbelief. Tubbo nodded, staring into his cup. “Dream is pissed.” He continued. “He gave me an ultimatum. He said that either we go to war or…” Tubbo’s words died on his tongue. “Or what?” I asked, attempting to gently prompt the boy. “What’s the other option Tubbo?” “Or exile Tommy.” His words hit me like a ton of bricks.
Missing You: This fic was almost titled “Radio silence” and was almost irl and was about the day that he got that prank pulled on him where everyone in his Discord was muted and not talking to him. And I almost wrote it so you’re in that call and you are participating in the prank and he just guilt trips you so hard that you unmute and are like “I’m so sorry!” 
Better Than a Dedicated Chicken was almost titled “A Funtime Festival”. But then I was like, ‘I hate that. Since it’s a sequel I want to keep a theme… Maybe something about dedication.’ and thus this was born. 
Faking Happy- I almost left it on the sad ending where Sam flies away using his trident and you collapse and sob by yourself in the rain. And then I added more to it because I was sad. 
Protect You was almost titled “Looking out for you” but I thought that might be too clunky and so I shorten it and stuff.
Wither or Not almost ended without the whole ‘techno goes to your house to comfort you’ scene at the end and almost ended in angst, but I was too sad to do that because I knew the next Techno piece I was writing was going to end in angst. 
Not Your Fault almost was going to be a different story completely than what it became. I thought a lot about how to do it but the ways I wanted to write it and the way the anon who requested it probably wanted it but I couldn’t make the prompts fit well in the way I wanted to write it. I thought about having you be on a bridge drinking alone because you had to exile your brothers and Schlatt approaches you there and you’re like “leave me alone. I hate you” and he’s like “no you don’t” and it’s a bit angsty, but then I couldn’t figure out how to fit “I had to see you again in that”. And then I thought about having him exile you and come and see you with a “I had to see you again” but then he would know where pogtopia is and we can’t have that. So then I thought maybe you’d visit him before he gets killed but then I couldn’t figure out how to fit the prompts that way either. So I finally settled on what it became. 
Chat’s a Snitch was almost titled “My New Boyfriend’s a Songwriter” and instead of being in established relationship, him seeing you sing his song would be how you two meet and he would fall in love with you and write you a song, but then that wouldn’t have really been what the request was and I didn’t want to deviate that much from the request and I think I was feeling a bit lazy that day so I wrote what it is. 
Defending Family was another one I had a hard time coming up with a cool and clever title for. At one point I considered titling it “i will physically fight you”
Crossed Lines was almost called “Hold tight” because I had this idea that maybe when Dream kidnapped you he put you somewhere high and at once point you dangle over the edge, about to fall and so they scream ‘hold tight’ and yeah. I decided not to though because I wasn’t sure how I would go about putting the reader there and getting them down. But once I wrote it due to the amount of times I said “that’s crossing a line” I decided to title it crossed lines. I think this piece is actually one of my least favorites because I’m not sure if I liked how it turned out but idk man. 
Totem Troubles was almost called “To Hell and Back” because in the request they wanted me to include hints of the story of Orpheus and Euridice but when I was unable to do that, I had to come up with a new title and I really had a hard time with that. 
The Next Step was almost called “Come Live with Me” because I loved the musical ‘Hadestown’. At first I wanted that particular imagine to have more Techno/reader scenes, but then I had a hard time figuring out how to bring up the things and then it felt too short. Then I was like “What if he just talks to Phil about it” and boom it was written. I’m still a huge musical nerd so I titled it “The Next Step” because in a Beetlejuice song two of the main characters are thinking of making a huge step in their relationship and that line is repeated over and over so I stole it…. :). Also for this one I had to literally just take a step back and write out a full ass summary because I was having really really bad writer’s block because I had no idea what I was doing. Unfortunately I don’t have that, I wish I did because it was really funny because it was a summary of the story but it was like “And so Philza’s like bro. Dude. Just tell them” and then Techno’s like “No dad. Stay out of my business” and Philza’s like “Bro. Look around at your house. You love them” 
Warming Up didn’t become the title of that piece until the very end. When I read requests I always give them a ‘working title’ that may or may no become the real title when they’re finished and ready to be posted. This one however had a title that was just a joke for myself. It was titled “The Weasel” because Y/N was weaseling her way into Techno’s home and then later his heart. 
Calling Philza Dad Drabble: When you greet him though, you always greet him with a hug usually calling out from the door way, “Dad! I’m home!” Very cheesy like. And he comes around the corner and you two hug. And then after you hug, you are like “I missed you!!!” to Phil. And Phil touches his heart and is like, “That’s so nice to hear. 
So you usually come over everyday. Everyday when you come over, you always shout out, “Dad! I’m home!” And he rushes out but there are days you don’t and so the next time you d
There was a time though that you had to go out of town for like a week and so you didn’t come over at all and both Techno and Philza found themselves missing you. So the day comes where you get home and you come barreling in the door. You can see Philza in the kitchen cooking something and he quickly turns to the door in shock. You simply grin at him and shout, “DAD! I’M HOME!!!” And he immediately rushed out of the kitchen and pulls you into a great big, warm hug which you instantly returned. “I missed you so so so much!” You announced as you squeeze him tightly. 
Warming up working description: Y/N is dying in the snow and Philza’s like “We gotta save them!” and Techno’s like “Why is that our problem?” but helps anyway and then falls in love with Y/N…. Ya know, cliches and shit
I hope you enjoyed reading this monstrosity! Would this be something you guys are interested in seeing? Like a behind the scenes version of my writing. Like I save things like this when I write them and when I have a good chuck I post them? Up to you guys, let me know!
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prorevenge · 5 years
Racist mom tries to bribe son to dump me, I gain power over everything she cares about.
This is gonna be a LONG post lol, may have gotten exact timing sequences out of order.
Met a guy that we had mutual friends with and invited him to hang out with my friends and do fun stuff. Later learned he was not even allowed to hang out with my crowd cuz his mother was the very strict and hypocritical sort who thought everyone else was inferior to her precious kids. Guy was telling them he was doing work or something. Eventually he told them he wanted to date me and they flipped. The dad doesn’t have much say in the house and the mom (EM) was livid.
You know how Amish people don’t like rock and “sinful” music? Or females that wear shorts and tanks? Yuuup basically her. She went through my social medias and literally compiled and printed out giant lists of every country song I’d ever posted or concert I’d been to or clothing she thought was too provocative along and gave it to the pastors at both of our churches. EP called MY mom at 2am a couple times to rant and rave about “how could she let her daughter do such sinful things and flirt with boys yada yada yada”. She made racist remarks to Guy (I’m a super cute half Asian half messican, and all of his family is pale white golden haired angels) and even asked him if I’d molested him (I’m 5’ 2” and he’s literally a foot taller than me) and if that’s why he wanted to date and marry me. He was still at home and they went on a family trip to Colorado. Or as it turned out to be an exorcism style prayer meeting over Guy because EM just knows there must be a demon or something wrong with him. Oh and this was only within a span of a few months while he saved up to move the hell out.
Nope not over yet. EM then was harassing his work, his new church pastors (mine), his friends, got one of his business partners to leave him with lies that Guy is “bipolar” and “Schizophrenic”, thankfully most of the people had our back and we had some good laughs over what outrageous things they told us. Even driving an hour and a half to his apartment (I know dumb move to let them know where he moved to), in the middle of the night a couple times to harass and berate him and blubber about how everyone would judge her and how her reputation was going to suffer and church standing, she even dragged his two younger siblings into it all and told him they were heartbroken that he moved out and all the reasons he needed to move back home. Cue even more fun, one night he was just done so when they showed up to again try and bully him into moving back home or at least dumping me, he just up and left. Got in his mini and drove away. AND THEY FOLLOWED HIM. Unbelievable right? He used to race his mini so he lost them pretty quickly and booked it over to where I lived and spent the night there. I know, why not call the cops right? Well there was no physical damage or threats thereof. Yes she’s been verbally and borderline physically abusive to him growing up, think patriarchy super conservatives but it’s a matriarchy. At one point EM asked Guy what it would take for him to dump me, what amount of money could she pay him (Guys dad makes buttloads of moola, yeah those kind of people) to get me out of his life and for him to move back home. SHE TRIED TO BRIBE HIM TO LEAVE ME. She’d threatened to disown him and all the typical rich EP stuff before and knew he didn’t care. EM even called all his guy friends and asked if Guy has ever had any “homosexual” tendencies etc. Next month Guy proposed, and EM was SO MAD that she heard about it for the first time from a mutual friend congratulating her on the upcoming wedding! So of course she calls all the pastors and REEEEs about how we’ve been living in sin (kicker, we hadn’t even done the dirty dance but she didn’t bother asking) and telling everyone that they shouldn’t attend the wedding etc. Yea call us prudes :p EM also printed out all the reasons why I wasn’t good enough for her son and handed those out like candy to church leaders. Then when that had no effect she switched tactics and did the same thing with all her reasons why he was immature and shouldn’t get married and should move back home and be parented. Still no effect, except my dad at a huge meeting where she tried to distribute those, gathered them all back up and handed them to her and told her to stop slandering us and said how ungodly that was. And she stood there baffled and all the other people present agreed with my dad and told her to put those papers away. EMs exact words “but but I thought the very reason everyone is here is to show Guy why he needs to leave that girl and move back home!” I couldn’t help a giggle and a few other people couldn’t either. That meeting is a whole nother story, it was hilarious.
Where is the revenge you ask? Well all that was just the tip of the iceberg of course, but the revenge has been pretty simple. Spend a few obvious nights (SLEEPING ONLY) at his place, just to trigger her, but ofc our pastors and friends knew we’d committed to abstinence our entire lives up to the wedding (hella yea wedding night was killer) and other things like that to get under her skin but nothing that anyone else thought was bad. Very publicly plan and execute a HUGE wedding (over 500 people) and tell everyone about how our relationship is so beautiful and holy and how Gods destiny brought us together yada yada. She made a couple extra hoops for our pastors but we jumped through them with flying colors and everyone except her thought we were the cutest most Christian kosher thing. So basically to save face she had to fake smile and accept all the congratulations and be secretly embarrassed that we didn’t invite her to the wedding showers (she said she never wanted to see me and wouldn’t go to the wedding) and made excuses as to why she hadn’t gone, EM couldn’t tell her friends that we hadn’t invited her now could she? She went after the best man too and he almost decided against being the best man she was such a hassle and he was a pushover, but I told him the best passive way to deal with her is tell her that he wants to be there for his friend and how could she argue with that? She didn’t. But of course, what’s better than forcing her to attend the wedding but not allowing her to ruin it? Extremely petty I know, but I’m a drama llama and have enjoyed 98% of all this. I of course get ahold of EMs own mom and get to know her and she’s very sweet and loves me to death, along with Guys siblings and his dad, as many of EMs own friends and their families etc. So everyone loves me and when we invite them all to the wedding, they strong arm her into coming. I have my cop friends who have been having a heyday hearing about all this drama coming in for the wedding, one of them I make my MC so if she tried anything, not only would they take care of her swiftly, but she would also deeply embarrass herself because there was no denying that there were 500+ people there who loved Guy and I, including a lot of her friends. The ceremony was great, went off without a hitch, oh wait... I am not a bridezilla so if anything went wrong it was fine and the drama was cracking me up, I was a little disappointed she didn’t try anything drastic, but I could see on her face the entire time that EMs smile was sooo fake, and I got reports that she was seen crying outside later. Watching people congratulate her was priceless. When my own friends congratulated her a few of them later told me that she seemed surprised that I had any “respectable” friends (her literal words) who thought well of me. And no I’d arranged her to be only in one photo so she couldn’t ruin any others.
Oh and our wedding day was only the 3rd time she’d ever set eyes on me. She was against me from the start for almost a year without ever having spoken a word or ever seen me in person. Take that EM. To this day I have no idea what was her real beef with me. Happy ending: now that I provided the first grandkids, to my chagrin they’re like baby Targaryens they’re so white, and of course she’s too “young” to be a grandma so she’s called “nana”, but we laid down ground rules and she knows we will ostracize her at the drop of a hat, and she has kissed butt so hard and to her credit done her best to mend everything without ever really actually mentioning any of it. It’s great. We have holidays and fun visits in between and she showers us with super expensive gifts and will drop everything possible to help if we need anything. I think we’re friends now. One day I think she might bring it all up and try and play the victim, idk, but she’ll be hit with a carefully detailed account of everything that went down, in case her memory “fails” her. I can forgive but I’ll never forget, after all, I got my delicious revenge. Power over everything she holds dear and the evidence to expose whatever she hasn’t already done by her own dumb self and absolutely ruin her reputation and community and church standing. I feel really good right now
TLDR entitles mom wants to be petty about me dating her son so I take petty to another universe levels and crush her with epicc facts and logic and hold all the cards to ruin her life now
(source) story by (/u/cyborgurl)
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sagemoderocklee · 5 years
∞ 🌻
as per my last fill of these prompts, im super sorry i left this sitting in my inbox for a million years :( this one isn’t tied to any greater idea i’ve been mulling over, but it did end up longer than anticipated so i’m breaking it up into two parts because it’s taken me much longer than i expected! i’ll try to get the next part out tomorrow! and i’ll probably polish it up and post it to ao3 since it’s so long lol
[ao3 // kofi]
song: Sunlight by Hozierlyrics: At last can grant a name/’til buried in a burning flame/is love in its decisive pain, oh my/sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
There it was again: warmth suffusing him; an awareness of his heart beating, rapid and uncontained, a wild wind in his chest; his eyes rooted to the shape of the Sun, human and solid, standing before him as a man--not divine, yet wholly and inexplicably empyrean. 
It was impious. Not that Gaara was particularly concerned with the superfluous rules of Suna’s religions, but he’d also never had reason before to compare the mundane to the divine. 
Considering Rock Lee mundane felt like more of an insult to the gods than comparing one of their own to Rock Lee. 
He shook the thought--and all other’s relating to Rock Lee and their accompanied feelings--away, forcing his heart to return to its normal rhythm with practiced ease. “Rock Lee.” He greeted Lee with a faint smile and a small nod, exactly the same way he’d done every visit for the last five years. Lee was not the Sun, he was just a man--an extraordinary man, certainly, but a man. 
“Kazekage-sama.” Lee’s radiant smile insisted that Gaara’s summation of Lee was inaccurate--or at the very least lacking. “It is good to see you. I did not expect to see you today.” 
“I had some free time.” He hadn’t. Though he was never behind on work, there was always work to do. He’d simply decided to skip it. 
“That is excellent news!” Lee’s round eyes closed, his smile broad with his joy. 
“I take it your journey was easy,” Gaara said, ignoring Lee’s smile and the warmth that refused to leave his chest. “You made good time.” 
“I did!” Lee agreed with a laugh. “There was a sandstorm just past the boarder, but I had no trouble after that. I was hoping to beat my record, but I think I missed it by a hair.” 
“You came close,” Gaara confirmed. “If you’d been twenty minutes earlier.”
Lee punched the air, his mouth a determined line. “Then I shall just beat it on my return journey!” 
“No self-inflicted punishment for not making it here earlier?” 
Lee shook his head, dropping his fist in defeat. “Unfortunately there is no time. Well, I suppose there is--but I would much rather spend it with you!” 
There it was again, haunting him, hunting him. That feeling bit at his heels, chasing him down, wearing him out. He wanted to curl a fist into the fabric of his robes and yank his wretched heart from his chest. 
“How long before you have to leave?” he asked instead. 
“I only have until tomorrow.” Lee’s shoulders had dropped until he looked like a wilting flower, despondent in the midst of a dry season, wanting for rain where there was none. 
“Perhaps you can spare more time on your return to Konoha,” Gaara offered. 
“Are you sure?” Lee asked, perking up. 
“You’re always welcome here.” They’d done this countless times. Gaara could almost predict this particular exchange. Lee never wanted to impose, never wanted to assume, but he always wanted to stay for as long as Gaara would have him. 
Gaara would have kept him forever if he could. 
The thought--sudden and complete clarity--lodged itself somewhere at the front of his mind, shimmering its truth in front of Gaara, like glass casting rainbows upon a wall. 
He kept his expression neutral, flat, quiet, but the realization had inspired a tempest in his mind. 
“Do you want to grab lunch?” Lee asked, unaware of Gaara’s turmoil, and continuing to cast radiant smile after radiant smile in Gaara’s direction--mocking him, tormenting him, beckoning him.
“I promised Temari I’d eat lunch at home today.” 
Like clockwork, Lee’s smile dimmed, like clouds rolling by to obscure the sun. “Oh, of course. I would hate to interrupt family time.” 
“You know you’re welcome to join us. Temari would be insulted if you didn’t stop by, and Ruri will be happy to see you.” 
Lee’s smile returned, as if on cue, and his eyes filled with tears. “Ruri-chan! I could not leave without saying hello to her! Is she still teething?” 
“Most of her teeth have come in by now,” Gaara said. “There are still some issues, but Temari and Shikamaru manage it well.” 
“I would expect nothing less from them!” Lee declared. “Ruri-chan is lucky to have such devoted parents! And such caring uncles,” he added, glancing to Gaara. “Is Kankurou-san around?” 
Gaara snorted, shaking his head with amusement. “He should be--along with one of his friends.” 
Lee blushed, vibrant and high on his cheeks. “O-oh, I thought he stopped bringing his uh... friends by?” 
“He did,” Gaara confirmed. “But he insists this one is serious.” 
“How is Temari-san handling that?” 
“In stride. I believe she’s hopeful.” 
“And you?” 
“I don’t have any thoughts on the matter. What Kankurou gets up to in the bedroom isn’t my concern, so long as it doesn’t have any impact on Ruri--and as far as Ruri is concerned, he’s in agreement. I think he’s trying with this one, but I’m not an expert on romance--” His stomach dropped, a knot forming in his chest where his heart should have been. He glanced to Lee’s earnest face, his gaze glued to Gaara as he hung on his every word. 
“For Kankurou-san’s sake, I hope he finds someone who truly makes him happy,” Lee said with all the sincerity of a hopeless romantic--which Gaara knew him to be, though he’d never understood it. “Love is a wondrous thing, in all its forms! It would be a shame if he did not find that special someone!” 
Gaara couldn’t help wondering, his stomach curdling, if Lee had found that special someone. “A shame indeed,” was all Gaara could think to say. 
By the time they reached his home, in the south-west section of Suna, built into the walls of the plateau, Gaara and Lee had fallen silent. To Gaara, it felt heavy with unspoken intention, and he worried that Lee would sense what he’d discovered. 
It was an irrational fear--Lee, for all that he was a wonderful man and a skilled shinobi, was not known for his observation skills. 
Inside, the smell of simmering meat and fresh fruit filled the air, and the sounds of a babbling toddler echoed from the kitchen. Beside him, Lee sighed, content and sad all at once. 
“It smells wonderful,” he said, voice light. “It is always so nice being here.” 
“Do I hear Rock Lee?” Temari called. 
“Did you hear that, Ruri-chan?” Shikamaru cooed. “Uncle Lee’s here.” 
The excited squeal that followed told Gaara that Lee was most likely going to spend lunch with a baby in his lap. He smiled to himself, his own contentment purring like a cat in his chest. 
“Ruri-chan!” Lee exclaimed, entering the kitchen, arms thrown wide, just like his smile. “Did you miss me?” 
Ruri babbled excitedly, holding her arms up and waving her hands in Lee’s direction. “Iiiii! Iiii!” She hadn’t quiet figured out all her sounds yet, and Lee’s name was only a series of high-pitched shrieks, which never failed to bring tears to his eyes. 
Lee scooped her up without a moment’s hesitation, and was met with an enthusiastic, slobbery, open-mouthed kiss to the cheek. 
“Careful, she’s got most of her teeth by now.” Shikamaru handed Lee a cloth, smiling up at his daughter from the table. “How was your trip?” 
“Excellent!” Lee declared, wiping at the spittle on his cheek. “I almost beat my record!” 
“He missed it by twenty minutes,” Gaara added. 
“And yet you’ve graced us with your company before a rigorous workout?” Temari asked, the arch notes of her voice belied by the amused smile on her face. “Kankurou’s just finishing up in his workshop--oh, and he has a friend--well, I suppose a girlfriend.”
“Her name’s Kougen,” Shikamaru cut in, coming to his wife’s rescue. “She’s from the Puppet Brigade, so I have to assume he’s serious about her.” 
Lee listened intently, bouncing Ruri on his hip while Shikamaru brought him up to speed on Kankurou’s love life, Ruri’s progress (to which Ruri had much to say), and the general happenings in the village. Gaara watched from the other side of the kitchen, his eyes trained on Lee’s expression and his heart in this throat. 
“Gaara, can you help me?” Temari asked from the pantry, pulling him from his contemplation of Lee. He forced his gaze away from the smile on Lee’s face, and followed Temari’s voice into the pantry. 
“What do you need?” 
Temari snorted a laugh. “Nothing. Just saving you from embarrassing yourself.” She held out a jar of preserved lemons, shaking it at him vigorously. “I know Lee’s not the brightest, but he’s not an idiot--you know should know that by now.” 
“What are you talking about?” Gaara bit off, heat rising in his face. 
Temari thrust the jar of lemons into Gaara’s chest. “Don’t play dumb. First of all, I’m your big sister; second, I am literally your diplomatic liaison.” 
Gaara clutched at the jar, staring into Temari’s amused and exasperated expression. “What--what are you talking about?” 
Temari’s expression softened, her smile slipping. “Gaara, I know how you feel--”
Gaara stepped closer, his eyes going wide. “I--”
Temari held up a hand, cutting him off. “You don’t have to talk about it, and I’m not judging you. I know it’s...complicated,” she said delicately, “but if you ever want to tell him, I’m here for you.” 
Gaara rarely found himself caught off guard or speechless. He swallowed, holding the jar of lemons closer, as if to protect himself as he said, “I...only just realized.” 
Temari opened her mouth, then closed it with a snap. “You’re joking.” 
Gaara gave her a flat, unamused look.
“Winds damn me for opening my big mouth. Gaara, I’m so sorry. I really thought you knew--I mean, all these years of him coming over--he’s practically family!” she whispered frantically. 
“He’s our friend.” 
“Yes, he is. But you also stare at him like the Moon herself sent him here,” she said. “I just thought you weren’t ready.” 
“I wasn’t,” Gaara said. 
“What made you realize?” 
Gaara shook his head, closing his eyes at the memory of his treacherous thoughts. 
“Never mind,” Temari said, allowing him to keep this for himself. “I’m sorry I even brought it up.” She grabbed another jar of spices, shooing him from the pantry. 
“--show coming up,” Kankurou was saying, leaning over the chair Kougen was sitting in, one hand idly playing with a loose strand of her hair. 
“I wish I could see it,” Lee said. “It sounds as though the Genin have put quite a lot of effort into it!” 
“The kids are great,” Kougen said. “I think this is our best group of Genin in a while. Last year, a lot of the new ones weren’t interested in performing.” 
“Kids these days,” Kankurou grumbled, a cheeky grin on his face. “Hey, sis. Hey, Gaara.” 
Kougen jumped up suddenly, bowing in greeting. “Kazekage-sama, Temari-sama.” 
Behind him, Temari sighed. “Kougen, how many times do we have to tell you that’s not necessary?” 
Kougen blushed, returning to her seat. “I’m sorry. Old habits.” 
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, babe,” Kankurou muttered. “Lee still calls Gaara by his title, and they’ve been dancing around each other for years.” 
“Kankurou,” Temari snapped, teeth bared. “Help. Me. Cook.” 
“What? But it’s not my turn--” Catching the look on Temari’s face, Kankurou’s mouth closed with an audible clack. “Right. Helping.” 
At the table, Lee was beet red, staring at a particular spot on the wood, mouth pressed into a thin line. He was so focused, he barely acknowledged Ruri as she tugged on his hair, her tiny hands holding onto the black strands in tight fists. 
“So, Lee,” Kougen said, her voice tight as Gaara found a seat at the table. “I’ve heard a lot about you. I mean, everyone in Suna knows who you are, of course, but rumors are so different from actually knowing someone, aren’t they?” 
“There are rumors about me?” Lee asked, still looking at the table. Ruri gave a decisive tug that did nothing to make Lee move, though he did finally look up. 
“Well, everyone knows about your fight against the Kazekage during the Chuunin exams, and we all know you visit often. You’re a bit of an urban legend. The--oh, what is it they call you in Konoha? The Beast?” 
“The Beautiful Blue Beast,” Lee corrected. His gaze slid from Kougen to Gaara, but he quickly looked away when he met Gaara’s gaze. 
“That’s right!” she said with a slap to the table. “I try not to listen to rumors too much, but you do have an impressive reputation here.” 
The flush in Lee’s cheeks from earlier returned, softer than before, and a pleased smile eased the tight line of his mouth. “Well, I hope it is a positive impression.” 
“Absolutely! Any friend of the Kazekage is welcome in Suna,” Kougen declared. 
They passed the next thirty minutes with idle chatter while Temari berated Kankurou behind them in hushed tones and finished preparing lunch. Once lunch was served, Ruri was returned to her highchair so Lee could properly eat, though she cried for the first five minutes until Lee scooted closer and offered to feed her. 
Kankurou glared at his lunch, mullish over Ruri’s clear favoritism. Though he would never admit it, Kankurou had wanted desperately to be the fun uncle. 
By the end of lunch, Gaara knew he’d pushed his luck and was bound to return to his office and an even larger stack of paper work than when he’d first decided to shirk his duties in favor of seeing Lee. He weighed the consequences of pushing his work til later, knowing Lee only had until the morning, but decided against the obviously irresponsible choice. 
Lee had hardly looked at him since his return from the pantry, and Gaara was sure that he would have time to see Lee on his way back to Konoha. 
“I should return to the office,” Gaara announced, voice low so as not to disturb Ruri, who had passed out in Lee’s arms. 
Lee looked up at him, the sunshine in his smile fading like the sun setting beneath the horizon. “Already?” 
“Unfortunately,” Gaara confirmed. “I’ll be sure to see you off before you leave.” 
“I would like that.” 
Gaara held onto the image of Lee smiling up at him for the rest of the night, keeping it close for warmth in the absence of the Sun. 
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sweetblink · 6 years
Daughter Figure.
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Daughter Figure.  
Al Olinsky x Reader
Requested by: Anon
#32 with Al Olinsky, reader is his partner, but he sees her as a daughter.  
#32. "I know I don't say this often, nor do I show it, but I love you." ... "I know."
Warning: fluff, hurt Y/N
“Alright, Y/N, can you hear me?”
“Loud and clear.” You murmured, smiling at the tall man you just passed.
The team was currently in undercover mode to try and capture one of the bad guys that’s been wanted list for longest time. You were inside the bar that was suspected to get one of suspects, Kevin was not far away acting like the bodyguard/bouncer, while Adam and Al were working as bar tenders.
“How are you feeling?”
You continued making your way past everyone, looking for the man that name was given up. “Feeling a bit better, everyone really had me scared when y’all suggested that I’d wear a short dress.” You teased lightly, still maneuvering past the crowds.
You heard Al snort, which had you fighting to not smile. Pretty soon you heard Adam talk. “I was not gonna let Y/N go out like that, can you imagine me blowing our cover because I had to keep off the men off of her?”
This time you snorted and took a small sip of your drink. “Overprotective much.” You replied, and just as you felt like the rest of them team was going to weigh in, you finally found the person you were looking for. “Found him, I’m going to approach him, now.”
The line went a bit silent and you heard Voight telling you to be careful, fluffing up hair and pulling your top up, you started to make your way towards the suspect who was sitting in the V.I.P section. Finally, you decided to act drunk, so you stumbled past them, accidentally tripped and spilled your drink on his lap, letting out a loud gasp you turned to the man.
“Oh my god, I’m sooo rry.” You slurred, swaying a bit. The man you guy you spilled your drink on stood up and gave you a small smile.
“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind getting spilled drinks on my lap when it comes from a cute girl like you.”
You let out a drunk giggle. “I betcha you tell every girl that.” you said, leaning against his body now. The man wrapped his arm around your waist, and you began to touch his chest. “Say, why don’t you leave the bar with me, go somewhere else and have a bit of fun.”
The man smiled, and you giggled, following as he lead the both of you out, just where you and the team wanted, glancing back you gave a small signal to the guys and relaxed a bit more, when you noticed Al following to make sure you were going to be alright.
It all happened way to quickly.
It happened way to quickly for Al Olinsky, or anyone for that matter, to comprehend what just had happened. After catching the man last night, Voight took his cage, he confessed where the stash house was, they all suited up and were going to catch everyone else.
But things went sideways pretty fast, Y/N was supposed to be standing behind Jay, her gun up ready to shoot, but when he kicked down the door, a two shots rang out. The door happened to have a small trap that would shoot when knocked open, something that they weren’t told.
Jay had managed to get out the way, but Y/N wasn’t so lucky. As soon as the gun shot, Y/N was hit and everyone watched in horror.
“Y/N!” Al yelled, rushing towards you, and putting pressure on your wounds, on your lower abdomen, and the other on your shoulder. “You’re going to be okay, sweetheart. Stay with me, Y/N, just stay with me.”
Hank was growling commands at everyone, while he kneeled on your other side, Kim was paging the ambo, the rest of the team left to investigate, and try to find whatever evidence they can use to find the bad guy.
You were gasping for a bit of air, and everything seemed to be muffled all around. Al was besides you, ripping off your vest. “Where’s the ambo!” he yelled, Kim turned to him.
“They’re on their way, they’re three minutes out.” She stammered.
Al just nodded and continued to help you, while Hank took off his jacket and made into a pillow to levitate your head. “She’s losing a lot of blood.” He muttered to Al, who just clenched his empty fist and looked around.
Kim soon joined and took over in keeping your shoulder pressured, when finally, the ambo arrived. Sylvie and Gabby both got off and rushed over. “What happened?” Gabby ordered.
“Trap, the door had a gun ready to fire when he knocked it down, it hit Y/N on the lower abdomen and her shoulder.” Olinsky explained. The paramedics both nodded and quickly go to work, putting the oxygen mask, and everything.
“Syvlie call Med, tell them we’re on our way with Y/N.” Gabby ordered.
Hank pulled out his phone. “Don’t, I got it, you girls just rush to Med. Kim, Olinsky ride with them.” He commanded and the both nodded, they helped the girls and took off, Al rode back with Gabby, while Kim rode up in front with Sylvie.
By the time the team arrived at Med, Kim was on the chair, looking blankly ahead, while Olinsky was pacing. Hank entered the small waiting room first. “Anything?”
Kim looked up and shook her head. “All the doctors are busy, and we haven’t heard anything on her since we arrived, we’ve tried asking Maggie, but she’s currently busy trying to place whatever victims they’re bringing from the other hospital.”
Hank nodded, and Adam made his way over, and sat next to Kim, while the rest started to sit down, a few minutes later, Trudy entered the room, heading straight towards Hank and Olinsky. They stayed there for the next few hours, some heading down to get coffee. It was finally night time, and Will along with some other friends joined them, waiting, when Connor finally stepped out.
Voight and Olinsky stood up. “How is she doc?”
Connor sighed. “It was rough, we almost lost her, but she’s a fighter and hanged on, but she’s going to be alright, she will have to sit out from her job to recover.”
Everyone let out a breath of relief, and Al nodded. “Can we go see her?” he asked. Connor nodded.
“Yes, but one at a time for now, she’s just waking up and we don’t want to overwhelm her.” Connor replied, Hank shook his hand, and Connor told them all Y/N’s room number, assuring them after another hour, they can all go in her room and visit her.
Hank turned to Olinsky and patted his back “You can go first, we can all wait another hour.” He said, Al looked at him and nodded and made his way towards Y/N’s room, he knocked the door, before opening it.
Entering the room, he saw Y/N laying there still asleep, he slowly made his way inside, closing the door behind him, and made his way towards the empty chair recliner that was there. He scooted the chair closer to the bed, and he slipped his hand into yours and held it, he brought up to his forehead and then pressed a light small kiss.
Y/N began to stir, and Al stood up. “Y/N?”
You let out a small whine and felt your body ache all over. You could hear someone calling your name, so slowly you opened your eyes, and saw Al standing there. “Al?” you called out weakly.
Al smiled softly at you. “Hey, Y/N.”
You let out a small cough and Al grabbed the glass of water that was there and helped you drink it. “What happened?”
“Gave us quite a scare, the mission went wrong, it was a set up and when Jay kicked open the door, a gun was set up to shoot, and you got hit twice.”
“That explains why my whole body feels heavy and it aches”
Al sat back down and stared at you. "I know I don't say this often, nor do I show it, but I love you."
You looked up at and stared at him, after a minute you gave him a small smile. "I know."
Al snorted. “I like that reference.” Giggling you smiled and scooted a bit closer to him. “You know I see you as my daughter figure.”
“Daughter figure?”
“Yeah, you know how you often say that you seem me as you father figure, well I see you as my daughter figure.”
You blushed a bit and nodded. “Okay, does that mean that I can call you dad at times.” You lightly teased, wincing. Al smiled and nodded.
“Sure thing, kiddo.”
I’M VERY SORRY THAT I HAVEN’T POSTED ANYTHING! OH MY GOD, seriously guys I really am, I’ve been busy with homework cos ya girl trying to keep herself on the Dean’s List with my high gpa. 
How was this? Was it good? I literally hope this was lol. 
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kirachama · 5 years
fake it til you make it (zen x female reader)
a commission for @princess-annna
notes: i love fake dating AUs. LOL. this probably my first time extensively writing zen too. >__< he’s referred to by his real name here for setting reasons. also please note that even tho i tend to try to keep reader characters gender neutral, i the character is female here. :o 
anyway, please enjoy! 
You’ve never lied to your mother before.
Okay, maybe a few times, but it was just little stuff. Like, did you clean your room? Yes. Did you do your homework? Of course. Did you eat the last slice of cake? Most certainly not. The little white lies you’ve told her over the years weren’t so bad and resulted with little consequence. Maybe that’s why you thought things would be fine when you told her that you’d finally found a boyfriend.
You hadn’t meant to lie, really, you hadn’t, it just kind of came out. For months, she’d called you every week to see how you were faring on your own and somehow, it’d turn into a discussion of your love life. According to her, you’re at the age where it only seems natural to be seeing someone, and while the idea has crossed your mind, your priorities are elsewhere. Your mother, on the other hand, seems rather obsessed with your love life, with each weekly conversation ending in you fending off her constant questions about whether or not you’re seeing someone. When she finally suggested that you go on a blind date with the son of one of her friends, something inside you just snapped and the lie just tumbled right out of your mouth.
“Actually, Mom, I’m seeing someone now.”
You thought, with that one sentence, she’d finally just drop the subject and leave you alone.
But she didn’t.
“Oh! I’d love to meet him! Why don’t you both come over for dinner next week?”
You managed to wiggle out of that one by telling her that both you and your nonexistent boyfriend were busy. But it was only a temporary solution.
If it could even be called that.
You’d traded questions of ‘why aren’t you seeing anyone’ for ‘when am I going to meet him?’ And with each passing week, it felt like she was getting more and more desperate to meet this person who, unbeknownst to her, didn’t exist. You could have just come clean, or at least told her that things didn’t work out between you and your imaginary boyfriend, but you couldn’t bare the thought of disappointing her. Even though she’s being annoyingly persistent, you can’t just ignore her excitement.
With that, the obvious answer is to just find someone to play the part for your mother.
There’s no doubt you’ll have to probably come clean eventually, but you’ll deal with that when the time comes. For now, you have to focus on finding someone to play your fake boyfriend.
You can’t just bring home anyone, though. Asking someone you grew up with is out of the question. You have a couple male friends from college that you could ask, but honestly, you’d rather not. You can’t even imagine fake dating most of them. That just leaves your coworkers at the theater. Some of them are nice enough, but if you’re going to ask one of them, there’s only one real choice.
Hyun Ryu.
Okay. Maybe there are other options, but none exude the ‘perfect boyfriend’ aura that Hyun gives off. He’s kind, he’s outgoing and not to mention good looking. Heck, if you could, you’d date him for real. That is if you had the courage. Okay, maybe asking him to be your fake boyfriend takes just as much courage, but it’s not for real so if he says no it doesn’t hurt as much.
Or at least that’s what you tell yourself.
When the time comes to ask, anxiety bubbles up inside of you, nearly ready to burst by the time rehearsal ends and Hyun comes over to you with an easy smile on his face.
“You… said you wanted to talk to me?” he asks.
“Yeah, uh…” you trail off and start fidgeting. This is way more nerve-wracking than it needs to be. “Will… will you pretend to be my boyfriend?”
Hyun stares blankly at you for a moment before he responds, “...Pretend?”
You nod and then explain in a frenzied voice, “See… I kind of told my mother that I was dating someone so she’d stop trying to play matchmaker for me and she asked to meet them but… I’m… kind of single at the moment.” You throw your hands together in front of you and bow your head. “Please! If you do it, I’ll buy you dinner for a week!”
He doesn’t answer and slowly you raise your head, hoping to gauge what he might say to you from his facial expression. He looks a bit skeptical and so you bow your head again. You’re not above begging if you have to.
“Please!” you exclaim. “There’s no one else I can ask!”
Hyun hums thoughtfully as he considers your offer.
“Dinner for a month!”
You look back up at him with hopeful eyes. Hyun holds your gaze for a moment, before he starts to chuckle. “Okay, I'll help you.”
Your jaw drops. “R-really?”
Hyun shoots you a dazzling grin that makes your heart race, “Of course! How much of a jerk would I be if I didn't help out someone in need?”
You stare at him for a moment before bowing your head deeply, “Thank you so much, Hyun! I-If you want I can treat you to dinner tonight!”
His smile widens. “Sounds good to me. I have to get to know my new ‘girlfriend,’ don't I?”
You can’t help but blush a little at his response.
Even though you know that it doesn’t mean anything.
“Are you ready?” you ask Hyun as you stare at the door of your parent’s house.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” he responds. His voice is relaxed which serves to calm you down a little. The two of you have spent the past few weeks getting to know each other: hanging out occasionally and even going on little ‘dates.’ You’ve seen him so much that you could practically call him your boyfriend.
Even though he’s actually not.
You take a deep breath and raise a hand to knock on the door. After what feels like seconds later it flies open with your mother on the other side, a wide grin spread across her face. No doubt she’s been waiting eagerly by the door, expecting your arrival. With how excited she’s been to meet your ‘boyfriend’ you’re actually surprised that she wasn’t camping outside waiting for the two of you.
“Hello!” Hyun greets her with that movie star smile you know all too well. “It’s nice to finally meet you!”
Your mother’s eyes widen in astonishment. A tiny smile plays at your lips as she introduces herself, making no effort to hide the fact that she’s absolutely star-struck by Hyun. It’s only natural, you suppose, he’s probably the most charming man you know.
She ushers the both of you into the dining room where a lavish dinner awaits you. Wide-eyed, you stare at the the table. Normally, when you come home to visit, she makes a lot so that you can take some home to eat, but this… this is way more than the norm.
You mother must realize your surprise because she explains, “I might have gotten a little carried away…”
“M-maybe just a little…” Your eyes travel over the various dishes on the table. You recognize some of your favorites along with some things your mother is particularly proud of making. “Is Dad here?”
“No… unfortunately, he’s on a business trip.”
“It’s alright, dear!” your mother proclaims. “I know it’s a lot but you can just take home the leftovers! You too, Hyun! I heard you like to eat healthy, so I made sure to make some nutritious things as well!”
“That’s very kind of you!” Hyun grins at her again as he pulls out a chair and ushers you to sit. Even though the two of you aren’t actually dating, Hyun has been insistent on treating you like his actual girlfriend: holding the door for you, paying for meals, pulling out a chair for you. Hell, he was a better boyfriend to you than any of your previous boyfriends ever were. Sometimes you really do forget that you’re not actually dating.
Once everyone is settled in their seats, your mother begins her interrogation, asking question after question about Hyun. Some things, like how some of his close friends call him ‘Zen,’ are things you already know from your time getting to know him, and others, like his cat allergy, are new to you.
“So,” your mother starts, obviously segueing into a new topic, “what is it that you like about my daughter?”
You gulp. The two of you had discussed this topic: Hyun had asked what he should say should your mother ask, but at the time your mind had gone blank, so you just told him to answer honestly. Surely there had to be something he liked about you, otherwise he probably wouldn’t have agreed to help you out in the first place.
“She’s kind, friendly, and hardworking,” Hyun answers, listing of some generic positive traits. “Even though she works mostly backstage, she’s always willing to stand in and help any of the actors out.” He turns to you and gives you a smile. “You even memorize some of the scripts, don’t you?”
Your face flushes a little as you nod. You didn’t think he noticed. Even though you’re just a stagehand, you figured that it’d be best to look at the scripts too since you never know when someone will get sick or have an emergency.
Pleased with Hyun’s answer, your mom nods with a smile. “Do you think I’ll ever get to see my child play the leading role?”
“Mom!” you exclaim. Sure, you’ve played with the thought of auditioning for a few roles, but only minor ones. You don’t think you’re ready to tackle any big ones yet. She shoots you a quick glance before eyeing Hyun expectantly.
He laughs easily and answers, “I think so! She definitely has the potential!”
Then he winks at you. Feeling your face heat up, you turn away. You spot the old antique clock your mom has in the dining room and notice that it’s nearly ten at night. It still isn’t too late, but you and Hyun did travel a couple hours by train to get here. If you want to make sure you both get back home in a timely manner it’d be best to leave soon.
You wait for a lull in your mother and Hyun’s conversation before you clear your throat, “Mom, thank you so much for dinner, but it’s getting kind of late…”
She blinks at you before looking over at the clock. “Oh my, I didn’t realize…”
“Yeah… we should get going soon.”
“But I haven’t even served you both dessert yet.”
She nods and smiles at you, “Yes, since you were coming to visit, I bought a cake from your favorite bakery.”
You wince. You’ve always loved cake from that place and it’s probably the number one thing you miss about home. Maybe you could stand to stay just a bit longer, but… You turn toward Hyun for some guidance and he gives you a reassuring grin. Meaning it’s okay to stay for cake. “...okay, I guess we can stay a little longer.”
Your mother beams at you and rushes into the kitchen. A moment later she emerges, cake in hand. You nearly choke at the sight of it. Your mom really went all out for Hyun’s visit because what sits in her hands right now is one of that bakery’s most famous and expensive cakes. You have to call about a week in advance to be able to get a whole one. It makes you feel kind of bad that this is all just a ruse.
“Wow, that looks amazing!” Hyun marvels at the cake.
“Doesn’t it?” your mother agrees, sounding somewhat proudly. “Would you like a big slice or a little slice, Hyun?”
“Just a small slice for me.”
Then your mother turns to you.
“A… small slice too.”
She eyes you skeptically. It’s definitely unlike you to ask for a small piece of cake, and if it weren’t for the guilt eating away at you, you’d definitely take a larger one. Your mother cuts the cake and hands both you and Hyun a slice. You can tell that yours is definitely bigger, but you remain silent, glad that your mother knows you so well. She cuts a piece for herself and sits back down.
You slowly take a bite of cake. It’s sweet but not too sweet. The layer of whipped icing in the middle has bits of fruit interwoven into it, giving the cake a little bit of a bite. You sigh softly as you go for another bite. The cake is absolutely delicious, and yet, there’s a part of you that’s having a hard time enjoying it completely.
Before you know it, Hyun is calling your name, bringing you back into whatever conversation he and your mother were having. You look at the clock again and find that somehow, yet another hour has passed. It’s still not too late to catch a train back, but it’ll be pretty late by the time you get home.
“Oh my gosh, Mom, we didn’t mean to stay this late...” you start to apologize. Not only will you get home late, but at this point it might have been a bit of an inconvenience to your mother. She tends to get to bed rather early, so she’s probably very tired now.
“It’s alright,” she assures you with a smile. “I don’t know where the time went! Hyun is so easy to talk to! No wonder you like him so much!”
She’s right but that’s not the point right now. “Mom, we gotta go, we gotta catch the train so we can-”
“Train?” Your mother’s eyes widen and your stomach drops. That cannot be a good sign. “The trains stop running at 11.”
“I… thought the trains ran until at least midnight.”
“Maybe in the city, but they stop running at 11 out here.”
“Really?” They must have changed it recently because you swear you remember them working up until midnight when you were younger.
“Really.” She pauses before adding, “You both can stay here for the night since you won’t be able to take the train home.”
Your shoulders slump. Luckily, both you and Hyun are off tomorrow, but you’d really been hoping to get home as quickly as possible. You look at the clock again and sure enough it still reads 11PM. If you’d known you would have opted to take the cake home.
“Thank you for the offer but I don’t want to inconvenience you,” Hyun says, holding his hands up. “I can stay at a hotel for the night or something.”
Your mother shakes her head. “Absolutely not. What kind of mother would I be if I let my precious daughter’s boyfriend spend the night at a hotel if I have room for him here?”
“We didn’t bring a change of clothes!” you say, trying to help build some kind of argument.
“You have some here still and Hyun can borrow some of your father’s clothes.” She stands up and starts to head toward the hallway. “I’ll go get things ready for you, would you mind cleaning up the table, dear?”
You open your mouth to try and protest some more but your mother merely turns and heads into the hallway before you can even get a word in. You glance over at Hyun and he smiles at you, albeit a tad nervously. The both of you do as your mother requested and clear of the table. You pack up all the leftover food and since you’ve got no choice to stay now, you also swipe an extra slice of cake.
Just as you’re polishing that extra piece off, your mother returns with a small bundle of clothes in her arms. She hands them to Hyun and says, “Feel free to change in the bathroom. It’s the first room to the left down the hall.”
“Okay, thank you, ma’am.” Hyun takes the clothes from her and heads to the bathroom.
Then your mom turns to you and gives you an approving look. “He’s a nice boy.”
Suddenly you feel a lump in your throat and all you can do is nod in agreement.
“I think your dad would like him too.”
You nod again.
“I’m glad you were able to find him. I was starting to get worried that you’d never find someone.”
You’re not quite sure what to say. ‘Finding someone’ wasn’t really a concern of yours. Sure, it would be nice to have a boyfriend, but it’s not a necessity like your mom seems to think. You were just fine focusing on your work for the time being.
Hyun emerges from the hallway before you can say anything and gives you both a smile. “How do I look?”
It’s kind of strange seeing him in your dad’s old pajamas, but somehow he actually looks kind of good in them. Now that you think about it, you’ve noticed Hyun looks good in practically everything he wears.
“You look like you’re ready for bed!” your mom chirps happily. “Now let me show you to your room.”
She heads down the hallway, and you follow after, figuring you might as well get ready for bed too. There’s another room that used to belong to your younger sister, but she’s away at college for the time being so it’s empty and you figure Hyun will be sleeping there.
Until your mother stops at your door.
“Here we are!”
“Mom, this is my room,” you deadpan at her.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit strange for us to be sharing a room?” Hyun says, sounding a little nervous himself.
“You both have been dating a bit, haven’t you? Young couples such as yourself surely sleep together all the time, right?”
This is not the time for your mother to be adjusting to a more modern train of thought. If your father were here, he wouldn’t be having any of this either. He might have even made sure the both of you didn’t miss the train.
“What about my sister’s room?” you ask.
“The bed’s been put away and we’ve been using it as storage….”
“Ma’am, I’m fine with sleeping on the couch…” Hyun suggests.
“Absolutely not,” your mother nearly snaps at him. “No guest of mine will be sleeping on the couch.”
The look on her face makes it clear that nothing either of you say will be able to sway her. Realizing that you both have given in she opens the door and motions for you both to go in. Once you do, she gives you an odd smile that sends chills down your spine. “Have a good night you two!”
She leaves you with the hope that she was not implying that you guys might do something more than just sleep on the same bed. Even if he were your real boyfriend you wouldn’t do that. Not in your parent’s house!
Probably, anyway.
You turn toward Hyun and give him an awkward grin. “Ahaha… S..sorry about that.”
“I could probably go sleep on the couch once she falls asleep?” he offers, but you shake your head.
“She wakes up insanely early, if she sees you on the couch she’s gonna raise hell.”
“Oh…” He pauses. “I can sleep on the floor then.”
“No, I’ll sleep on the floor, you’re doing me a favor by doing this after all.”
“I can’t let a lady sleep on the floor,” Hyun says firmly.
“So you’re okay with actually sharing a bed?”
He opens his mouth to respond but nothing comes out. You think you’ve got him there. Hyun stares at you thoughtfully, as if he’s trying to still think of something when you hear a soft buzzing from his pocket. He reaches in and pulls out his phone. For a moment he stares at it and then looks back at you. “Excuse me a second.”
Then he ducks out of the room. It didn’t sound like a phone call, but a message instead. It would have been fine to respond in the room…. Unless maybe it was another girl? Or someone like that? You know he isn’t actually dating anyone. Besides who else but another girl would message him this late? The thought of it makes you feel a little uncomfortable, but you try to shake the feeling off. There’s no need to feel like this. Now when you’re only a fake girlfriend.
You make use of the time that Hyun is attending to his phone outside to change into the cutest pajamas you can find. A few minutes later Hyun returns, his expression a mixture of tired and annoyed. He sighs and sits down at the edge of the bed.
“What’s up?” you ask, though part of you is unsure if you want to hear the answer. Especially if it’s about a girl.
“My friends,” he groans. “They were hounding me about our date tonight.”
Oh. His friends. A sense of relief washes over you knowing that it wasn’t a girl. “Would you really call it a date?”
“I guess not, I was talking with your mom more than you.”
“I hope her interrogation wasn’t too rough.”
“Nope, I came well prepared,” he laughs. “It was interesting to find out what you were like as a kid.”
“I’m not sure if it’s fair though,” you grumble, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him. He catches it and holds onto it. “I don’t know anything about your childhood.”
“A man has to keep an air of mystery to keep a lady intrigued, you know,” he responds.
“Oh yes, there’s nothing anyone loves more than a mysterious man,” you retort sarcastically, trying not to laugh.
Hyun winks at you before he rises from the bed and moves over to the floor.
“You’re really serious about sleeping on the floor?” you ask.
“What if I just sleep on the floor on the other side of the bed?”
“I’ll just carry you back into the bed.”
“What, like a princess.”
“Yep, I make a pretty good prince, you know.”
You cock an eyebrow at him, though you know he’s right. Recently there was a production at the theatre where he played a prince and, as expected, he received rave reviews for the performance. Your gaze slides down to his arms. It’s no secret that Hyun is pretty ripped. He almost goes out of his way to show off his muscles at work. “Fine. Have it your way, ”
Begrudgingly, you stand up and reach into your closet grabbing a few spare pillows and blankets for Hyun to sleep with. Then you head over to where he is and help build him a makeshift bed before hopping back onto your bed. You nestle beneath the covers and tell him, “Feel free to tell me if you want to switch.”
“I won’t, but okay.”
You grumble about his chivalry being problematic at times like this. Honestly, though, it is one of his charming points. Not a lot of guys act like that any more. In fact, there really aren’t a lot of guys that are great boyfriend material like Hyun. You’ve always known that, but after tonight and the past few weeks of boyfriend practice and preparation have really solidified that fact. He really deserves every award and more for this.
“Hey, Hyun?”
“I’m sorry you had to do this.”
“It’s okay, I didn’t mind. It was actually kind of fun.”
Part of you doesn’t like the sound of that answer. He must mean that it was fun because it was just like picking up another role. It was just a part to play. “But…”
“But what?”
“But…” you hesitate. “I feel bad.”
“For deceiving your mom?”
“...yeah.” Your mom went all out, making a crazy nice dinner and even getting a really fancy dessert for this. You didn’t think she’d put that much effort into just meeting your boyfriend. “And I feel bad that you had to act being a boyfriend. You’re a great guy Hyun, you deserve to be a real boyfriend not a fake one.”
Hyun is quiet for a minute before he says in a joking voice. “Are you saying you want me to be your real boyfriend?”
You shoot up, your face turning red. Sure you’ve thought about the possibility, but that is absolutely definitely not what you were trying to say. “What? No!”
Hyun ignores you and continues on, “Because if you were, I wouldn’t mind.”
“What?” you whirl toward him and he’s sitting up and looking at you with a smile on his face. “What did you just say?”
“I said I’d like to be your actual boyfriend.”
You gape at Hyun, having difficulty processing what he’s just said. Real boyfriend? Why? Logically, you don’t see why not, you’ve gotten to know each other and you enjoyed your time together with him and if he’s asking he must have enjoyed spending time with you even though it was just getting ready for pretending to be your boyfriend. “A-are you serious?”
He nods and moves closer to you with a smile. Hyun takes one of your hands and gazes into your eyes as he asks, “Of course I am.” Hyun’s hands tightens around yours and your heart nearly skips a beat. He adds, in a soft voice, “So what do you say?”
Your fingers squeeze around his, “I guess it looks like you’ve been promoted from fake boyfriend to real boyfriend.”
Hyun grins. “So you know what what means?”
“I can do this…” He stands up and leans toward you, pressing his lips to your forehead.
“...I think you missed.”
He laughs, “Just let me try again then…”
Hyun shifts down and captures your lips in a sweet and earnest kiss.
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waveypedia · 5 years
Ducktales Roleswap AU
I have an analysis post in my drafts abt how Violet, Webby, and Lena parallel Huey, Dewey, and Louie and I was thinking about an AU where they swapped and it turned into this big thing so enjoy
I don’t think this AU has a concise story, since it mostly follows canon, but I might write some oneshots and I have a few doodles in sketch phase! so prepare to see some of those soon (or in a month when i get back from camp lol)
Della Duck is a single mother to her three lovely nieces, Violet, Webby, and Lena.
They’re her brother Donald’s kids, but he disappeared ten years ago (more on that later) and she was saddled with them. She doesn’t mind too much though. She loves them.
When Della was a child/young adult, she went on adventures with Donald and her aunt Goldie, the richest duck in the world, who raised them when their parents died. But when Donald disappeared due to an adventure, everything he had always said about being careful and adventure being dangerous suddenly set in for Della. Out of grief, she cut off communication with her aunt and stopped piloting. It hurt. 
Della raised her girls on her old plane converted into a house, because she didn’t have money to buy a house but didn’t have the heart to sell it.
Violet joined the Junior Woodchucks (Little Chickadees?) at Della’s insistence. Della wanted her daughter niece to do something other than read sometimes. Violet was hesitant, but she ended up enjoying it and she quotes the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook all the time, to the annoyance of her family
The only person who’s more loyal to the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook than she is, a legend among the Junior Woodchucks, is some guy named Huey Sabrewing. Violet has never met him, but he ends up coming to her Aunt Goldie’s mansion around a year(?) later to hang out with her new brother Dewey.
Dewey Duckworth is the grandson of Goldie’s spy-turned-housekeeper, Duckworth. He’s lived in Goldie’s mansion his entire life. He idolizes Goldie, but she’s never paid much attention to him. Not until her nieces move in. 
Thinking of making a similar AU or an AU-of-an-AU where Louie is the one who lives in Goldie’s mansion. It makes more sense for Louie to idolize her than Dewey, but Dewey is Webby’s parallel and I’ve already fallen in love with spy-in-training Dewey, so I’m not changing it for this AU.
Goldie’s butler, another former spy, Bentina Beakley, died years ago, but when the girls throw an unwanted party for Goldie’s birthday, one of Flintheart Glomgold’s (or Ma Beagle’s, I haven’t quite worked out if I’m gonna swap Glomgold and Ma or leave Ma and swap Glomgold and Beaks) daughters accidentally summons her back.
Dewey has never technically left O’Gilt Mansion (name pending until I can think of something cooler), but shhhhh he sneaks out all the time. he still doesn’t have great social skills though.
Louie McDuck/De Spell (haven’t decided if I want Scrooge, Magica, & Goldie to have a three way swap or not) is a secret shadow disguised as a teenage boy. He meets Dewey Duckworth one night when his sisters have gone on a boating trip, but his aunt/uncle has sinister plans for Goldie and her family.
I haven’t thought of anyone to swap Launchpad with, but LP and Dewey are best friends in canon so I think it works for Launchpad to hang out with Dewey when he has no one else.
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera is one of Goldie’s most trusted scientists, but his excitable and rambling nature makes some others dislike him. Most of his inventions go crazy. The only one to not is the Gizmosuit, worn by Gizmoduck, aka his intern, Gyro Gearloose. Gyro doesn’t like his overbearing boss much, but Fenton tries his best. He’s irked that Gyro gets the Gizmosuit though, Fenton is always trying to help people and Gyro never seems to care.
Before she reached out to Goldie, Della kept in contact with her cousin Fethry. Her other cousin Gladstone shut himself up in a casino, cashing in on his luck. Early in the kids’ adventuring career, they had to save Fethry from a giant krill. Violet and Webby visited Gladstone some time later and toured his casino, but his giant lucky frog broke the casino and Gladstone and the frog vanished into the night.
If I don’t swap Scrooge and Magica, Scrooge is a fellow old adventurer who Goldie meets at a museum gallery. Goldie likes doing the tricky thing, and Scrooge is always lecturing her for it. Scrooge is reckless and lonely, and jealous of the close bond Goldie has with her family. The girls ship them.
If I do, Scrooge is basically the Scrooge from @toxikkublogs‘s Switched AU (which I’m just now realizing has the same basic premise but isn’t as wide-scale, sorry :P I didn’t mean to copy ya)
When Scrooge/Magica attacks Goldie, Louie tries to save the fam. Goldie promises him a place in her family, and he tries to save Dewey but gets stuck as a shadow until Huey and Dewey bring him back.
Webby is really curious to know what happened to her dad. She asks to see Dewey’s records of him and they make a board.
They derail the plane to Ithaquack, where they meet Donald’s old, enthusiastic friend, the god of the moon (yes I know this isn’t mythologically accurate), Storkules. However, when Storkules learns Donald disappeared, he retreats into the temple and leaves Zeus (or whoever I swap Zeus with) and his daughter Selene to keep them company. Selene and Della are delighted to see each other, but Zeus and Goldie are less than happy. Goldie stole some of Zeus’ famed treasures as well as what Scrooge did in canon. Dewey and Webby sneak off to find Storkules and ask about Donald.
Selene comes to Duckberg later, but she actually ends up being roommates with Della because they get along better than Storkules and Donald.
When Duckworth gets kidnapped by his old nemesis Ludwig Von Drake, Goldie and Dewey team up to save him. The episode has flashbacks to Goldie’s first mission with Duckworth at Shush, featuring the director of Shush, Black Heron.
I dunno if I should swap Gandra and Zan or Gandra and Manny, what do you guys think? Neither of them are the best fits but they both work, sorta.
I’m also unsure of what to do for Donald’s disappearance. I might make it so he took a boat instead, but then I’m not sure where to put him and the Moonlanders. Or maybe he pushed Della out of the Spear of Selene (Spear of Storkules?) and still ended up on the moon. Not sure.
I’ll keep working on this instead of studying for finals :P
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy (Ride or Die AU)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both.
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
Author’s note: This is a bonus chapter if you will! I’m tagging as a courtesy, but you can totally skip this and await the next part lol! 
Tag List:
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Part 1 - Like Mother, Like Daughter
Part 2 - Trouble is a Friend of Mine
Part 3 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Part 4 - Two Truths and a Lie
Part 5 - Only the Good Die Young
Part 6 - Not Your Enemy
Part 7 - Nori Sato 
Word count: 1,325
The petite Japanese woman surveyed her shop. Kaneko’s shop. It was late, she couldn’t sleep, and the red wine she drank straight from the bottle did little to help her forget. She sat on the hood of the green Aylesbury, the car Kaneko had left behind. He’d given his blessing for her to do whatever she pleased with it, but here it sat, five years later in the garage in fairly good condition. She couldn’t bring herself to sell it or have Logan and Ximena strip it for spare parts, nor would she dare pass it on to Colt, seeing as he was married to his motorcycle. Colt Kaneko. There was a reason she’d given him his father’s last name rather than her own. There were strong similarities between the two that went past physical attributes even Nori couldn’t ignore. Their stubbornness, the need to have the upper hand in any situation. How persuasive they could be when they desired something. Or someone. The alcohol slouched in her glass as Nori starred into it, old memories resurfacing.
The daughter of two immigrants who’d started their lives again in America, Nori had left her parents home when she was just seventeen, recruited by CAE-I in London a few months after. The organization had become the family and support her upbringing had never been, and Nori soon found her place in the armory. Her talent for never missing a shot soon led her to work under Melinda Watts, a slowly graying woman with the mouth of a sailor and proud of both things. But Nori wanted more. Watts’ tales of being a field agent, specifically a bodyguard in the South African sector gave Nori a taste for experiences she’d never had. Moving back to America, Nori worked in the shadows at the White House, answering to CAE-I while fulfilling her duty to America and protecting its president. Seven hard, stressful, lonely, but fulfilling years.
A trip to California to visit the LA sector of CAE-I and possibly transfer over had led her to seek out the City of Angel’s best-kept secrets, and a sideshow had more than piqued her interest. Nori knew next to nothing about cars, but being surrounded by high energy music, the crazy stunts, loud crowds, and beautiful, well-crafted cars, she wanted to immerse herself in that world. It was intoxicating. She walked up to what she assumed was a Mustang –a dusty, matte silver– reaching out to feel the crisp paint beneath her fingertips. 
“You’ve got quite the eye,” a distinctly male voice said, and Nori chastised herself for not paying better attention. She turned, finding the voice belonged to a man with raven black hair, smoothed back into a bun. She noticed the tattoos along his collarbone, barely visible thanks to the black shirt that covered them. Nori assumed the character of an intrigued woman who’d stumbled upon the sideshow, which wasn’t far from the truth. After all, the best lies were often based on some type of truth. His dark eyes studied her thoughtfully, and Nori felt naked under his gaze. Her breath caught. It’d only been a much-needed breather, heading out into the city, and Nori had gotten more than she bargained for. Suddenly the man was walking away, disappearing into the crowd. Nori couldn’t let him get away. She followed him to a group of four other men, careful to keep herself hidden and inconspicuous. Nori watched as the guys laughed, one of them rocking fire engine red locs. They stood gathered around a gaudy orange Mazda, and Nori realized they were gearing up for a race. “Fuck that shit up, Kaneko,” Red Locs cackled, and the men all clapped Kaneko on the back, wishing him luck and giving him space to enter the vehicle. Kaneko glanced out at the crowd then, searching for someone, his serious gaze falling on Nori. 
Nori prided herself on her sharp memory, but the rest of that night was a blur, yet she regretted nothing. Riding shotgun with Kaneko, then making out after the race in his grandfather’s garage away from prying eyes, his touch igniting a primal hunger in her she’d thought was buried too deep to reach. That night she let her reservations fall and gave in to being just another young twenty-something in sunny California. Everything after that night she remembered with clarity. Showing up to CAE-I to take on a mission with her new partner, Mike Parker, only to be assigned to Teppei Kaneko. She was new to Los Angeles, but he was new to CAE-I, and she took him under her wing, trading government secrets for automobile history and stats, and troubled pasts for love marks and wild romps that left them both sore and blissful.
She’d fancied herself in love. No, it was love, Nori thought bitterly, the ding of her phone bringing her back to the present time. It was Logan. “Yes?” she answered, hoping she didn’t sound too drunk. While Colt hadn’t taken to kindly to his mother’s return, Logan welcomed her with open arms. Remembering her own strained relationship with her parents, Nori hadn’t pushed for a mother-son bond with Colt. And yet, she’d struck gold with Logan. Sure, she cursed, threatened, and had physically kicked his ass on multiple occasions, but at the end of the day, Logan was family. Who else bothered to check up on her when she didn’t make it home at night?
“You still at the shop?” Logan questioned. Nori smiled despite herself. “I’m forty-five years young, smartass. I don’t need a babysitter.” Logan laughed on the line, and Nori’s heart ached for the days when he was a young teen. She hadn’t forced him to go to school, much to Colt’s chagrin, but she was unable to shake the trauma she saw in Logan’s young face. So, she’d made him work the shop, first answering phones and working the desk, then out front with tune-ups and random errands, helping Colt out whenever her son decided to bless the shop with his presence.  “Coulda fooled me,” Logan shot back, but there was warmth in his deep voice, and Nori blamed her sudden tears on the alcohol. She was so angry with Kaneko. The Brotherhood wasn’t a secret between them, and neither was Kaneko’s cover-up: leader of the infamous Mercy Park Crew, though the kernel of truth was that it really did belong in his family. Nori knew his hands were stained with the sins of his sordid past but didn’t care. She’d felt his need to do better, to be better. CAE-I was his chance to atone, he’d said. And yet, just when Nori was ready to atone for her mistakes and come back home to her family, Teppei had tumbled head first back into his bloodlust past. He’d left her in charge of two boys she barely knew, never mind the fact Nori had left Colt as a toddler to escape childrearing and continue her fieldwork. “I picked up some hot wings, but I might as well stick them in the fridge at this point,” Logan continued.
Nori heard shuffling in the background as her thoughts turned sour. The Brotherhood. That was the true source of her anger. Colt was searching for answers and she was powerless to stop him or even protect him. “Hide them in the crisper so Colt doesn’t see,” Nori instructed and Logan made a noise of affirmation. It was quiet for a moment, save for the sound of plastic bags and the opening of the refrigerator door.
“...And Nori?”
“Get some sleep tonight. You’re worst than Colt when you’re grouchy.” Nori let out a musical laugh. “Where do you think he gets it from?” she hung up on Logan, alone with her wine and alone with her thoughts. Nori Sato wasn’t a religious woman, but she prayed for her son, and her troubled lover, wherever they were, hoping they never crossed paths.
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the-insomniac-cat · 5 years
Complete synopsis of the entire film below the cut.
If you want spoilers but not the whole shebang, scroll down to my other Spoiler post.
Why post this? Because some people want to know, either before they go, or instead of going, or to decide whether to or not.
Look, if you don’t want to know, then use the tag filter. In case you didn’t set it up, then I’ve put in the ‘keep reading’ cut. So you should be covered. So please, no more anon hate! (Haters are so brave when they go anon!)
People who HAVE seen the film have been adding comments to this post on Reddit, saying it is ‘correct’, or ‘basically correct’.
CREDIT:  Reddit Posted byu/Wico90
12% credit to Brontcrab24 and others
First Scene is actually Hawkeye losing his family to the snap. He doesn’t actually see it happen as he is facing the other direction. We then get the Tony/Nebula sequence (paper football, etc). Tony records his message to Pepper. When he falls asleep, Nebula takes him to the front of the ship and sits him in the pilots seat. He wakes up and sees something glowing outside the window. Captain Marvel helps them return to Earth. Pepper, Rocket, Steve and Rhodey all come out to greet him. Tony is very shaken, particularly about losing Peter.
Movie starts with the Avengers trying to find Thanos. Steve wasn’t to know where Thanos is and asks Tony, but Tony says he doesn’t know, They argue. Nebula knows of Thanos’ garden he said he would once go to when he completed his goal. They found him because of the energy he released using the gauntlet. Thanos is alone, and tells them he used the gauntlet to destroy the gems. He is weak and Thor, angry, decapitates him.
Title Card and five years later.
Natasha is now basically in charge of what's left of the Avengers is talking to them via holograms. Basically the world is in ruins and they're trying to salvage it. Carol is there via hologram with a new haircut and uniform and tells them that she's covering thousands of planets and won't be able to come back to Earth for a "long time".
Steve and Nat talk about how the Avengers are family. Inside a storage shed is Luis’s van. A rat is crawling over the Quantum controls and activated the switch which brings Scott out. He’s now locked inside the cage but starts waving at the security cameras. A guard lets him out and he is walking the streets confused as to why everything is so overgrown and run down. He finds a memorial which lists the names of the ‘missing’ on large stones. He starts reading them panicking that Cassie might be listed on them. But she isn’t. He sees her at home, as an older version of herself. Scott drives to the Avengers facility and Nat and Steve let him in and he tells them about the Quantum realm and how they might be able to build a time machine to go back to the past before everything happened. They visit Tony, but he doesn’t want to help. He’s happy with the way that his life is, with Pepper and his daughter Morgan. They leave and to visit Bruce who is now Professor Hulk.
The plan becomes to start looking for the gems in the past. Initially Banner builds quantum time machine and sends Scott back to test but it is faulty, Tony refuses to help at this point, however, he returns Caps shield and they make up. He tweaks Banners Quantum Machine, The catch is that they need quantum particles for it to work.
Natasha goes to Japan to get Clint. He is mourning his family and is not certain of the plan. Rocket and Hulk go to get Thor who is drinking and playing video games with Korg and Meik. (Funny joke involving an online video game troll)
Finally the team then all suit up and discuss their plans to get the stones. They make it clear that they can not mess up because there is only enough Quantum particles for one trip for each of them.
Tony, Scott, Steve and Bruce go to the Battle of New York. Hulk meets the Ancient One at Dr Stranger's future home. Ancient One refuses to give the Time Stone to Bruce but relents when Bruce tells her that Dr Strange will give the stone to Thanos.
Cap, Iron Man and Scott tries to retrieve the Tessaract after Loki surrenders. SHIELD/Hydra agents Crossbones and that bald guy with glasses in Winter Soldier retrieve the brief case containing the Tessaract. Past Hulk funnily has to walk down lots of flights of stairs as he can't go on lift due to maximum capacity. Cap meets with Crossbones with the briefcase in elevator along with other Hydra agents. He convinces them to give him the briefcase containing the staff when he utters two words: Hail Hydra. Cap gets the briefcase. Tony in disguise as a SWAT soldier tells Scott to disable his past self's chest reactor to give him a minor seizure while his past self meets up with Alexander Pierce who demands the Mind Stone and Loki. Present Tony retrieves the briefcase but past Hulk accidentally knocks out Tony and Loki uses the confusion to teleport out with the Tessaract. Present Cap accidentally meets with his 2012 self, and 2012 self thinks he's Loki in disguise. They fought and 2012 has present self in chokehold when he tells his past self that Bucky is alive. He then taps his past self with staff to knock him out.
In Asgard, fat Thor and Rocket plans to retrieve the Aether out of Jane Foster's body. Thor's mother meets his 'son' and know he's from the future. Rocket retrieves the aether out of Jane by prodding her off screen and gets chased by guards. Before Thor leaves, he retrieves Mjolnir!
On Morag, War Machine and Nebula stays on Morag while Clint and Nat goes to Voromir via a ship that Rocket miniatures for Clint. Unknown to Nebula, her past self's nervous system and databanks are connected to each other and Thanos finds out where the stones are and how he meets his fate.
Cap and Tony transport back to 1970 at the SHIELD training site seen in Winter Soldier and goes underground to retrieve that era's Tessaract. Tony retrieves the Tesseract while meeting his dad. He calls himself Howard Potts. Cap makes a prank call to young Hank Pym and sneaks into his office to steal 4 vials of Pym Particles. Cap also sees Peggy. Cap and Tony teleport back to present.
WM and Nebula knocks out Quill during his dance in intro of GOTG. They got the stone and WM and Nebula was meant to teleport together but WM only succeeded. Present Nebula and past Nebula meets and fights and past Nebula takes her place to go back to present.
On Voromir, Clint and May meets the Red Skull as seen in Infinity War and is told how to retrieve the stone. Clint and Nat fought each other. Clint jumped off cliff but Nat catches him and held on by grappling rope. She falls off and dies like Gamora. Clint now has the Stone.
All members went back to present and everyone is devastated by Nat's death. Tony and Bruce constructs the Infinity Gauntlet and Thor wants to wield it but Hulk goes instead as he's the strongest one and the stones emit gamma radiation according to him. He wields it and snaps his fingers restoring all life lost. Clint's wife calls him on mobile. Hulk suffers extreme pain in his right arm due to IG. Past Nebula activates the Quantum teleporter and summons Thanos' warship and blasts the Avengers HQ to ruins with missiles.
Hulk lifting up rubble similar to Secret Wars cover where he lifts up a whole mountain except this is less in film lol.
Clint finds the gauntlet and is being chased by Outriders creatures in last film. He kills them and is met by past Nebula. Gamora and present Nebula meets up and Nebula kills her past self.
Cap, Tony and Thor teams up against Thanos. Thor is losing against Thanos even though he has Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. Thanos is about to kill Thor with SB when:
Cap lifts up Mjolnir and beats Thanos with hammer and shield.
Thanos uses his double blade weapon to break Cap's shield in half.
Thanos summons his whole army including the Black Order and some new creatures. Cap is all by himself against a whole army.
He hears Sam's voice and he turns around and see EVERYONE who has vanished PLUS huge armies of Wakandans, sorcerers and Asgardians (no signs of Warrior Three). Wong, Valkyrie, Wasp and Pepper Potts as Rescue turns up as well. Ant Man becomes Giant Man.
Clint plays American Football with IG and passes it to Black Panther then Spidey. Quill meets past Gamora and gets hit in the balls, not believing he is the one she loves lol. Scarlet Witch overpowers Thanos but Thanos orders missiles to hit everyone including his forces. Captain Marvel shows up to destroy Thanos' flagship and gets the IG and dashes towards the goal. There is a bit where Hope and Scott goes to the van with the Quantum teleporter in the middle of battlefield. Was lost in the moment so forgot why they doing that, sorry.
All female Marvel characters fight Thanos. Spidey's armoured suit goes autokill mode with the extra arms.
Thanos tries to take the gauntlet off Marvel by headbutting her but didn't phase her.
Thanos retrieves the gauntlet away from Stark and he snaps his fingers. Nothing happened. The stones went to Stark and before he snaps his fingers, he says 'I'm Iron Man'.
White flash of light.
All of Thanos' forces turn to dust including Thanos himself.
Tony dies from using the gauntlet. Everyone mourns.
The battle is won but at a cost.
Holographic Tony gives a message to everyone present including his daughter.
A wreath with Tony's chest reactor is laid to rest at the lake near Tony's hut.
Everyone is present including GOTG, Peter, Maria, Ross, Nick and Hank and Janet.
Thor, still fat designates Valkyrie as Queen of New Asgard in Tonnsberg. Thor is now travelling with GOTG to find Gamora and maybe more Asgardians. Quill and Thor are about to fight for leadership lol.
Scott, Cassie and Hope are together again. Wakanda is back with his King.
Cap goes on a mission to put back the stones and Mjolnir to their proper places. Hulk says to Sam and Buck that he should be back in 5 secs. He didn't. Sam sees a old man at a bench and it's Old Man Steve (who looks like Clint Eastwood now but less wrinkles and bit younger than he is lol). Steve has wedding ring and passes his shield to Sam. Sam is honoured.
Ending shows young Cap dancing with Peggy at their house. That's it.
Credits music is set to 1930s music then shows all cast members. The main cast is shown with their signatures on it.
There is NO post credit scenes which is a first for a MCU.
Stan Lee cameo is set in 1970s where he is shown in his 70s younger self driving a car with a woman, driving past a army base where Cap and Tony retrieves the Tesseract there.
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ephemeralem0tions · 7 years
Because y’all said YES TO THE LIST! here ya go!!!
If you want to leave asks or requests, send them over here x :3
DISCLAIMER: All LeviHan fics are AMAZING guys! There fics are just my recommendations and personal favorites and they are NOT ranked or ordered I swear! I am also running out of fics to read to please send me more :P
ALLOWANCE by eggs_and_toast
The story is about Hanji who falls in love with dancing first, after seeing Levi on a street performance. The unique part is that she wants to be the lead instead of the follow which defies gender traditions in the dance community. It also has a unique take when I said dance, because its ballroom instead of hiphop or modern. This personally had me wanting to take ballroom dance classes lol.
It is about Hanji, who is a prostitute in dire need of money for her sister’s child, Eren, and Levi, a rich business man whose family wanted him to marry his own cousin, Mikasa. Has EreMika as well and a really interesting fic due to its quirks and sassy lines. It is not yet completed, but it is a really good fic specially that its actually more of fluff than nsfw. I really hope that the author updates soon.
If you are into LeviHan, Mythical creatures and magic, plus a little touch of detective work, then this is the fic for you. It shows Levi who encounters a mysterious case during his job as a cop. He then seeks the help of Hanji and Eren who show him the different dimensions or planes of the universe. Really funny and descriptive, its like getting high with your imagination seriously, no joke.
Although filled with graphic violence and death, it shows that every human has a flaw and there is a reason for everything they do, the part I like most about this fic, aside from the thrill it brings. Levi and Hanji are two hired hitmen who were tasked to kidnap Eren for a code. The fic explores their pasts and the character development is a 10/10. Plus it has a dog in the fic.
PSYCHIATRIST by Melpomene (conspiracy_of_the_ravens)
Like the previous fic, I like this one because of Character development. Due to a hard past during his time in the military and even childhood, Levi is referred to Hanji for psychological treatment by Erwin, after he was relieved off the army due to injury. Knowing no one else in the city, Levi asks Hanji to pretend to be his wife when his grand parents visit, while Hanji finally gets to handle his case effectively as he opens up more and more each day.
Like the psychiatrist, Hanji, this time around, asks Levi, her best friend, to be her pretend boyfriend in exchange for a trip to Paris. This is because her mother was getting married for the second time around and she thinks that her daughter has a boy friend. I love it how this fic is about adventure and fixing your own mishaps instead of running away from them. Also, this is a great fluff for the night if you want to have good dreams.
MIRAGE by colonelmags
This is about Levi and Hanji having a one night stand after Levi’s drunken state due to his loss. A slowly developing fic about how to love a person, and distinguishing love from a sense of family. A really great fic if you yourself is confused about your emotions. It gives out the best advice about learning to love in my opinion.
NEVER TRULY ALONE by AbnormalSomething
A story about young Hanji and Levi, trying to fend off for themselves, and their young siblings. It is about trust, family love, acceptance and care. Also about effective home planning and deal making if you are looking for something like that. Also accentuates that Levi and Hanji are different, but similar at the same time.
When Erwin moves out of the country fro a new job, Levi looks for another roommate which comes in the name of Hanji Zoe. Also a slow building fic and fluff but very nice! Updates frequently too! Deals with acceptance, adjusting to each other’s differences and similarities, and learning to love. Really quirky and funny too! Plus it involves so many snk characters it feels like it could stand on a whole new anime/ manga on its own.
THE SIREN’S STONE by ConfusedMuse
A fic that just started, and its actually locked for now?? But a really good one too. Despite the short progress, it is about mermaid Hanji who is fascinated about humans and eventually washes up on the shore after a storm. Features really funny moments, and not set in a nudist beach. I really hope the author updates sooner or later because its really a fic worth the wait.
LICENSE TO SCIENCE (AND KILL) by Just_quintessentially_me
A secret agent fic wherein Hanji and Levi needed to stop the Titans from launching nuclear missiles into the atmosphere. It is really descriptive, therefore, my imagination almost tells me to become a secret agent as well, because the gear and scenes are cool hell yeah! The incorporation of all other characters are FLAWLESS! This can actually stand as another anime/ manga on its own like Challenge Accepted.
CITY COMMA STATE by ForecedSimile
This is about Hanji, moving in as Levi’s neighbor. Another slow paced fic, modern au take, but the intriguing thing is, it like breaks the time loop and mentions the SNK scenes from time to time, like there is something deeper bound to happen in the fic. But currently, on the last update, it was about their family which mean, fluff! But it also has a great outtake on friendship and family since the development there is really strong! Talks about forgiveness and love which I really love.
A BIRD LEAVES HER CAGE by crazyaniknowit
It is about a noble Hanji, leaving her mansion after her father arranged her marriage to another noble man. She meets mercenaries, Levi, Farlan and Isabel after an accident during her travel and stays with them for the time being. The twists so far in the last updates break my heart. Not becacuse the fic is bad, but its actually so well written I’m crying because my emotions are over flowing. NSFW but is reeally HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you want major feels.
ALL IN THE FAMILY by levis_taller_than_me
A Modern AU wherein Levi is sentenced for community service after assaulting a minor (it has a reason guys, not just anything ridiculous its nice actually). He is then deployed to help at an orphanage in which Hanji manages. What I love about this is we get to see Levi being a softy with kids, government flaws revealed such as the system for child custody and the flow of rape cases in the court, JeanMarco, and of course, LeviHan!
MODUS OPERANDI by coldcutcalamity
Review: A story about Hanji being a gift to Levi which came along his brand new house. Its actually more than just a funny fic as it has a thrilling part wherein Hanji is actually the daughter of the man who built the gear we all know. Of course she is now persecuted as she is only the one who knew how to make it after her father’s death ad it is Levi’s duty to make her safe. With a touch of badass Hanji as she shows that she can defend herself.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 years
I saw:
Divorce Italian Style- An aristocrat on hard times is bored out of his mind by is pretty and insistently  loving wife, so he falls in lust with his teenage cousin. The feeling is mutual, but when her family suspects she has affections for someone (not suspecting him) they ship her back to school. The despicable guy, who until then had been merely amusing himself with fantasies silly of his wife’s death or shooting her into space, now starts hatching a plan.
See, in this sexist pathologically honor bound society you can almost get away with murder. A guy will just get a mere slap on the wrist if he kills his wife, daughter, etc in the act of having sex. A wife can get a lighter sentence than other murders for such heat a passion killings, but the vile laws are most definitely geared towards men. In fact, as the story proves, if a wife leaves her husband it brings utter shame on his entire family and the entire community will, in fact, all bit demand that he prove his macho cred by killing her! How sick is that?
He sets up for his wife to encounter an old lover and tries to secretly arrange them to hook up. His wife is probably starving for love thanks to her husband’s disgust at her romantic gestures and sexual overtures (Iong marriage and no kids...not surprising), so she gives in to to her old love. And yet her homicidal  husband fails to catch them as the couple instead run off together instead of just going at it for his “surprise” to work. The bastard won’t give up though.
You know, allowing easy and legal divorce would be so much more sane. Just saying...
Sadly the film does not end as I hoped, with him getting killed by his underage lover’s father catching him at it with her, satisfyingly only  doing what he intended to his wife. Still, I suppose we can hope she’s clever and he’ll get his one day.....
I’m telling you, the more movies I see set in Italy, and in Sicily in particular, the less interest I have in ever visiting. It always seems a dusty, desolate, sun baked environment filled with loud, religiously obsessive, completely sexist hypocrites that turn to murder as a solution crazily easily. The society seems full flailing and chattering, like how our dogs get when a snake gets into the dog lot.
 I wonder if  there is a lot of “performance” involved, like they have been culturally trained to demonstrate certain emotions a particular extreme way, not unlike how in certain communities here there seems to be an extra high rate of people that wail loudly, collapse and have to be dragged along at funerals. In other communities few people behave that way, and in certainly isn’t that in those they love or grieve any less, only they have a different ways they have been brought up as to how you manifest it.
 So all this culture and topography on display makes for interesting movies, but geez, in a real world situation with folks like this I’d be rolling my eyes, covering my ears from the overlaping squawking scratching at brain, desperately looking for some shade and threatening to break a few male jaws (or other areas of the anatomy) when they tried to pull male bullshit on me. 
So yeah, dreams of Venice, archeology, architecture and art probably wouldn’t be enough for me to overcome a gut level “this is soooooo not my kind of place!” if I ever went to Italy. I guess going no closer than movies and books makes sense for me. Like how you can like movies set in a prison or during war and NEVER want to go there!
But hey, lots of people love the country and even adore Sicily, so to each their own.  I’m just talking the impression the pop culture and “serious” art have left me with, that it really isn’t for me as a place. Certainly there are plenty of good things, but it’s like how if you really hate the cold you might want to not plan your vacation for Antarctica and stick to documentaries instead.
Anyway, I was supposed to be talking about the movie! It’s  is a beautifully filmed comedy, rooted in details of a very specific culture.  Despite how I sound so far, the movie actually is funny. Laugh out loud funny some of the time in fact. At times how it is filmed is extremely playful, with fantasies or images being rewound when an audio tape is rewound (after all, aren’t we probably just seeing what the listener is imagining?). It’s all very entertaining. Honest!
Just don’t expect me to book a trip to Sicily! LOL 
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itscaramelli · 7 years
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hello, been a while since i write and post. was thinking to launch my article + hashtag series but, i guess i have something a lot better for my 2nd bloggiversary.
as some of you might know, i recently just attended a campus conference; unashamed. so yes, this post today is going to be about that trip. how i got there, the people i met, how i think the city is, what i’ve learned and what God spoke to me personally :) so here it goes.
i love the aftermath of what the conference gave me. im still singing the songs in my head, picturing the visuals in my mind and having the chills from the Word i heard.
Aug 1st - 6th, 2017
Day 1
our flight was at 2pm in the afternoon, we had a 3-4 hours layover in KL so we arrived at MNL at around 2am in the morning :’) THEN GUESS WHAT, we had few committees from the conference waited for us just to greet and welcome us in the airport on our arrival. that’s just the thing about the people there, they’re VERY welcoming and caring.
yes. it was undeniably tiring, i was unbearably exhausted but was cautiously excited of what’s gonna happen for the next few days. i personally got myself ready for this. i emptied my mind and heart to be filled with what God will give to me during the conference.
for first-timers like us, i knew we should be ready for any unexpected adventures. everything went well until we arrived in our apartment’s concierge; we couldn’t get in to our room as smooth as i imagined. it was around 3am and cuz i didn’t have the information about the room’s number yet, we called the owner of the apartment whom i been contacting through airbnb. YOU KNOW WHAT. turns out she was in labor. no kidding, no exaggeration. she legit was picking up my call and answering me in labor pain 😭💜 this is how extra and dedicated are the people there i’m tellin you.
long story short we finally got our keys, did little re-arrangements for the room and then we went to bed 💤 it was about 4am in the morning.
we got up at about 12noon to look straight for food lol 😂 speaking of which, we stayed in Pasay City. the food around the apartment was either fried chicken or pizza. so yes, you guessed it right, we had fried chicken for lunch.
the gates are opened at 2pm, so after a quick briefing in our tower lobby 2.15, we (with fellow indonesian delegates) walked together to the arena.
i honestly didn’t know what im gonna get myself into. i’ve never attended a campus conference before, so i was pretty much just ready for about anything. then, we were finally there, lining up at the entrance to get in…
they welcomed us with acoustic percussions session which they could invite us to dance along with them.
and that’s one of the things i really loved about the conference; they were really focused on students/youth that the tools they were using to attract us are 100% relatable.
we got there at about 4pm so we had to wait for 2 hours tops til the conference really starts. BUT IT DIDN’T FEEL THAT LONG AT ALL. as you all might know, i showed a glimpse of the ambience of the arena in my facebook posts (and more on this one!); that’s really nothing compared to the real thing, really.
they had videos of what to do and what not to keep us entertained, they also had videos of games which we can react to (basically to shout or dance or wave) and it was fun. they really kept our excitement going.
then they opened the praise & worship session with I’ll Never Walk Alone, it was soooOooooooOo uplifting. it really shows that they’ve thought everything through.
*tune in to Victory Worship’s Beautiful Love to get in my mood!*
the first session reminded me of how God had taken away the shame in me. i, we, were living in sin. sin brought shame. shame takes away our honor, while God actually gave security, talents & skills, which reflects in His image. and shame will try to make us go make an attempt to try with our own efforts to get that. when humanity decided to rebel against God, they immediately signs that they refuse what God has given us, the identity He had given us.
after hearing this message, the Holy Spirit gave me a vision of the things i’ve bothered myself with. the things that made me ashamed of myself in front of God. the lies that it had brought to me which made me who i am today.
then i felt Him. i felt Him saying “I have forgotten all of that. Melissa, you are MY daughter. you are ACCEPTED in My eyes. Don’t ever doubt My love for you. I have forgotten what you did wrong, it’s your turn to do the same.”
tears streamed down my face lyk craayyyyy D’:
God really touched my heart and made me understand that im worth far more than the shame i had built on myself. He has given me a new identity, my shame is covered by His great and everlasting love. no reason for me to be ashamed now.
so after the conference that night, we went to the mall for Jolibee :3
Day 2
they are opening the gate at 12noon that day and the conference will start at 4pm, so we gotta get ready a lil earlier than the day before.
we had a few plans for lunch that day but didnt manage to do any of it lol #sleepdeprived. since we also wanted to get the merch while knowing it’s gonna be a long line ahead of us for it, so we decided to get lunch in a place near the apartment.
we got in the arena at around 1.30pm i guess, and then went straight for the merchhh! it was a long line, but it was worth it. their merch were really cool and comfy. i wike it.
we always start the session with a praise and worship session. honestly, i rarely listen and haven’t really familarize myself with the church’s own music. so for the past 2 days, we were kinda blanked out. but, the good thing is they repeated the same songs on different sessions that it actually got stuck in our heads little by little.
after day 1, i actually got the revelation of how i should see my church back home in Bali. i feel like now i know the potential of what my church is going to be like. i got to the understanding of being there in the arena feels more like reuniting with the big ENC family. we talk about the same things, we speak the same ‘language’ and we serve the same faithful God <3
session 2 was about being unashamed of God Himself. it hit me just by the title of the message. i love how the conference have its own flow to make us understand in being shame-free. i learned that when we are already unashamed, free from the burden of shame, we can help others to do the same.
to live fearlessly unashamed is to live FULL of the Holy Spirit. God has called me to live a life of fullness, nothing half portioned. when i focus on God, i can see beyond my obstacles.
instead of being ashamed of God, i need to be proud. God has given me the spirit of boldness and love, that’s what happens when i focus on what God has given me. i use that to bring others back to Him, to let others love Him and experience His love. there’s no substitute in living/having the Word; i can’t love God FOR others.
with a lil greeting from few new MCs, we continued to the next session.
this time they talked about being unashamed of the Gospel. here’s what i’ve learned about it; the Gospel works because God MAKES IT WORK. it’s not me nor what i did, but God’s only power.
reasons to be unashamed of the Gospel; first, clarity of the message. meaning, let’s not put too much on our shoulders. Jesus is the message, i shud be telling about Him and what He’s done. second; conviction of Its truth. the Gospel is TRUE no matter they believe it or not. i shudnt hesitate to ask questions/to explore the Word together with fellow world changers :) next; confidence of Its power. the power is in the Gospel, not in me. focus on sharing about Jesus so that i can overcome my obstacles. next reason to be unashamed of the Gospel; compassion for the lost. 
God has a heart for the lost, He wants me to feel the same. and why was i ashamed of the Gospel u ask? cuz i was too focused on myself (on my cant’s and wont’s that i waste time on doubting myself, basically relying on public opinion) rather than the people who are longing for Jesus. 
i have been entrusted with an important duty and have been FILLED with the greatest power, so NO REASON TO BE ASHAMED.
we’re continuing the day to the worship night. during the 2-hour break we got the chance to reunite with the 10Days team from Baguio who visited Bali not so long ago <3 felt so gooood to be with this family again!
it was Campus Day that day, so we were supposed to wear our campus attires/uniforms. cuz lé lack of information i had, we didnt pack any of ours. so me, i decided to change to one of the tees i bought earlier.
now that i have His spirit, the next session was about having the power to preach the gospel. the Holy Spirit gives me boldness. let HIS WORD 'cut out’ into (their) hearts, it’s NOT my job to do that.
the spirit that we’re bringing home is the supposed to be like a volcano not matchsticks. we’ll always have to be ready to explode and let that spirit run through, not easily blown by raging winds. #weareTeka #notTeFiti #datDisneyreferencetho #sorry?
worship night started. we were literally just singing worship songs, speaking in tounge and declaring prophetic words. that part of the night really strengthened the message i have heard from the previous sessions.
there was a part where we were asked to just kneel down and be still to hear from God. im always looking forward to that, cuz i really want to experience hearing directly from God. but like how i’ve mentioned before, God has His own way to communicate with me. 
so on that complete silence while kneeling down, i didnt hear anything.
but when we started to go back standing up, while they’re singing worship songs in the background and prophetic words to strengthen, God started to picture faces in my heads. faces of the people i know and the people i’ve never even met before. faces of people from around the world.
those people i know, are my friends in college. my best friends whom i’ve spent most of my time with back in college. God was showing me how precious they are to me and to Him. God made me understand His heart for them, and not only that, on that very second He started to pour out His heart into mine. i started crying because God made me feel their pain in need of the Salvation. God refreshed me their back stories to remind me they’ve survived life, and they’ve survived for a reason. and that reason is to come back and reunite with Christ.
God changed my heart since that night. God made me see the importance of this mandate He left us to do. im fired up and revived by the Truth that has set me free from shame, and made my spirit rise to be ready to go home and do what needed to be done all this time.
we ended the night with a celebration, praising and worshipping God. the feeling of celebration synchronised with my heart, which was rejoicing knowing im living in a great and powerful purpose. it was a life-changing night for me. i went home with a happy, full and free heart.
Day 3
same like day 2, we needed to be at the arena at 2pm at least.
different from me and my brother, Jeremy, we had Arrows to attend to that morning. the service starts at 9am so we went from our apartment at 7.30am to be on time there when the gate opens.
Arrows (in Ministry) is a community of Pastors’ Kids in the church worldwide. 
soooooo they served us great breakfast there. breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and there are a lot of foods to choose from i was so happy lol =)) but as you know i cant eat that much anyway, so i literally just had cereal and milk.
it was all good til i heard that we had to sit with complete strangers in one table hahahahaha. shud i even talk about this again? im a full-on introvert :)) just ask me to say hi to people i’ve never met before, and i could faint hahahaha kidding. but yes, please im speaking for fellow introverts on the face of this planet; we don’t like people, we love them :)))
it was not easy sure, but remembering what happened to me the night before i think i got this. so yea, i ended up in this table of 7 of us (new friends!) i guess? it was great to be around the friends who understands and who gets it. we all know the 'pressure’ and it was nice to hear their experiences and how they overcome their hard times.
personally i was never pressured with the pastor’s kid title by my parents. i already understood my role as God’s child and that is not different than any other God’s children in the world. since i was little i’ve never felt so excluded. i’ve never felt i had to be an example BECAUSE im a pastor’s kid, but its because i shud be the salt and light. then when it’s about dealing with meeting people’s expectations, what i understand is that im not a people-pleaser, im a Jesus-pleaser. *grins*
indonesian delegates are wearing indonesia themed/written attire that day. so before heading to the arena together with the bus, i and Jeremy had to change first.
it was a bitter-sweet feeling cuz it was the last day of the conference, but i also can’t wait to go home and share what has impacted me here. as i’ve mentioned before, they never made us feel like we’re waiting cuz they had these videos that kept us entertained.
they made us shout when we see our country’s name on the screen. how convenient??? we were wearing our country’s tees :“)))))
we had Victory Worship to lead us in praise & worship that final day! :))
the fifth session was shared by a Japanese pastor, he introduced us few Japanese words that we can actually use in discipleship. twas fun :3
from that session, using the story of Zacchaeus, we need to know some similarities here. both the campus and Jericho is a strategic place to start to change the world. God is in the business for destroying strongholds. and in the end, God wins :) Jesus engaged with Zacc(haeus), the very opposite person from who Jesus is. but He sees the potential in Zacc.
to have the heart to engage the campus, i need to see the pain of the lost. understand their need of Jesus and His salvation. then i see the potential in the Gospel to transform lives, not me or the people im reaching.
reach the campus by engaging the lost as lifestyle. because discipleship is a life-time process.
we ended that session with a powerful faith declaration.
the next session reminded me that we’re not only should impact our friends in the campus/school but also the people around us who we meet everyday.
what i’ve learned is that engaging the community is not meant to be intimidating and the Gospel is the power of God for Salvation. we are NOT the power, just vessels. so i need to put my confidence in God. cuz when i step out to help others, God will take care of me.
Jesus engaged the community. we engage the community to show what we look like, how we are about; reflecting heaven. it means we don’t always succeed. im not perfect, but im serving a perfect God.
to do it, i need to learn to wait on the Lord. go not with idea, but with faith and power from God. that’s the thing about us, we only carry the power. when i connect with God, i’ll realise who is the power and who is the carrier.
lastly, i need to remind myself that this is all about God. and im doing it to display His splendor.
on day two and day three, they had a halftime show during the break. that day, they chose pairs to represent each patron to play a game on the stage. its like a 'complete the lyrics’ kinda game. i was in the blue patron, our representatives lost but tsokeh!
we were supposed to bring flashlights or something that lights up that day. little did we know, that we’re actually going to use that for during the interval.
*tune in to The Beat by Victory Worship~*
the video got into a moment where it tells us to light up our flashlights while they ask things like; "are you unashamed of God?”, “are you unashamed of the gospel?”, and all we did was shout. and im telling you; i was not just shouting for the euphoria, but i was releasing my excitement cuz i know im free from shame itself and i cant wait to SHARE THE GOSPEL!!!
the video didn’t end there. after asking those questions, they wrote there “look around you. you are not alone.” (DUDEEEEEE WHAT?? HOW WAS I NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EMOTIONAL THAT TIME???!!) i held JJ, Em and Ryan on the shoulders reminding them the same thing :“) the final session hasn’t started yet and i was already crying whattttt.
aaannnddddd the final session is here. #bittersweet :’) they opened with Victory Worship’s “The Beat” sung by soloists in VARIOUS LANGUAGES in the world. MY EMOTION– I CANNOT EXPLAIN IT. :”””””””””
from that final session, ive learned that Jesus’ last words were meant to show His end-game; for us, all of us, to live in the Kingdom of God where the devil has no power.
Jesus directed His disciples to a specific place for missions; Galilee. irreligious, insubordinate and interracial Galilee. that’s where God wants His Kingdom to be settled on. there was a clear purpose why Jesus chose the mountain of Galilee, its cuz that’s where all the wrong things happen. 
His mission of bringing His 12 disciples was to send the TEENAGERS! WOOTS!!
we are not saved from something, we are saved FOR something.
the discipleship message is and has always been about Jesus. when we make disciples, we’re bringing Jesus to spread Jesus. so that His Kingdom is brought to this world. the method to do is teaching. teaching is about a personal journey through a personal relationship. we make disciples as we journey though life together.
the moment when im doing the right thing, thats where temptation will find its way to me. so i gotta keep that spirit and keep my eyes on Jesus at all times. and reminding myself that Jesus promises all authority for me to be His daughter.
dat bitter-sweet feeling so strong tho :”) the conference has ended, but it’s just the beginning now!
after everything’s done we were asked to leave the arena immediately but you know me imma take as many pictures i cud, keeping dem memories bruhhh!
we had dinner with the 10Days team from SWM ’16 who went to Bali last year. we ate at this pizza place called Yellow Cab :3 good food with awesome and loving fransss <3 #reunited
after that we went for a coffee (not me) and played game cards there. one thing i’ve learned from the people there is that; they stay up late! hahaha we were still at that coffee shop over 11.30pm and people haven’t stopped coming in.
thought we stopped there? nope. we, well some of us, decided to go karaoke somewhere near the arena. but we were wrong. it was more than 4km, we walked for almost an hour i guess??? but then we didn’t karaoke after all cuz it was too late and the minimum use for the room was for 3 hours so. yep we walked back :) fun…
what a DAY. we got back in our apartment then directly went to bed.
Day 4 (last day)
we had plans with the Dionglays for that afternoon :3 we were sent an uber to go to the Every Nation building in BGC.
we were taken to the cafeteria as soon as we arrived. had lunch and then we were toured around the building, took pictures in front of the infamous world map and then sat in for a while in the prayer training. in that very prayer training, we got new friends and got a chance to partner up with them in prayer.
i personally loved the building, it’s like seeing the future! hahah everything is in its place and so organised. the atmosphere was so welcoming i didn’t want to go out :’)
but we did, we did few walks around the BGC and i started to realize that the EN building is literally surrounded by campuses and world embassies… was kinda speechless, it’s like God showed His obvious purpose for them to be placed there. <3
the rest of the day was funnnnn, we went to Market Market then had Philippines authentic cuisine for dinner. i enjoyed and loved every minute, it’s like reuniting with family.
went home with a full heart and tummy :3
and of course i didn’t go pack then sleep. i was legit polaroid photo hunting with Ems. didn’t go anywhere far, we went downstairs to the playground and pool area tryna get the best shots we could get. #lastnight #gottamakeitcount
packed then went to bed at around 1am? i forgot! x)
Day 5
going homeeee :(: flight was at 12noon, so we needed to be there at least at 9am.
yes, that was a Sunday. but church service was impossible to attend, so we did a mini worship & sharing sesh in the apartment before we took off.
our kuya managed to get us some friends to help us for our airport trip. didn’t pay attention to the ticket, we actually got off at the wrong airport terminal =)) i panicked cuz i can’t have anymore spontaneous adventures that time :’)))) but God made everything go smooth afterwards, we made it in time for check in and baggage drop.
our flight to KL was 1 hour delayed, so when we got in KL we didn’t get that long layover we expected. it was good but kinda disappointing(?) cuz we actually prepared few things to do while waiting at the KL airport =‘)) but the faster the better righttttt???!!
after flights for more than 5 hours in total, WE WERE FINALLY HOME <3 <3 <3 welcomed by our families, who were ready to hear what we’d experienced for the last 5 dayssss!
i can’t thank God enough for the opportunity for me to go there.
Manila is absolutely home away from home. everybody there is family whom i hold dear close in my heart <3
special shoutouts!
to the Salazars & the Dionglays for taking care of us there and managed everything to make sure we got back home safely.
to my fellow indonesian delegates; it was good to be with you guys again <3
to the 10Days team from Baguio, ate Rona, ate Sha, kuya Geoff, and Kneekie; thank you for slipping in time to reunite with us!
to the SWM16 10Days team; thank you for the delicious dinner and also tagging us along to your alumni reunion awww
to my ENC Pastor, my awesome uncle, Ps. Ari; for sending me <3
to my family for letting me do diz and made everything possible! IM SO GRATEFULLLLL <3
have a sweet day.
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Victim’s brother forgives, hugs Amber Guyger before she heads to prison to start 10-year sentence
DALLAS – After former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years in prison for the murder of Botham Jean, his brother embraced her and said he forgives her.
Brandt Jean went over to Guyger and the two hugged. Jean told her he doesn’t want her to go to prison.
“I love you as a person and I don’t want to wish anything bad on you,” Jean said before they hugged for nearly 30 seconds.
Jurors on Tuesday had found Guyger, 31, guilty of murder for fatally shooting Jean in his Dallas apartment in 2018. She had faced between five years and 99 years for the shooting.
Before the jury made its decision Wednesday, it heard from character witnesses, including Jean’s and Guyger’s family members.
After the sentence was announced, the court gave one family member the opportunity to address Guyger.
Jean also encouraged Guyger to ask God for forgiveness, because turning to Christ would be exactly what his brother would have wanted.
‘Botham was my absolute person’
Wednesday’s testimony opened with Jean’s close friend sharing stories of his love for sports and God. She wept over a text message she never sent to him.
Alexis Stossel met Jean her junior year at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. They became best friends after they were appointed to sit on a business school advisory board, she testified.
The hearing began shortly after Tuesday’s verdict, in which jurors found Guyger, 31, guilty — despite the ex-officer’s defense that she mistakenly walked into the wrong apartment and opened fire because she thought Jean was an intruder.
“Next to my husband, Botham was my absolute person,” Stossel said, explaining that before she got married, she told her would-be spouse, “I love you, but this man is going to be in my life forever, and he’s going to be a part of us forever.”
Her husband, Jacob, and Jean shared an interest in the NBA and became friends themselves after Stossel and Jean moved to Texas following graduation. She would joke that she was their third wheel, she testified.
Jean called Stossel “Big Tex” because of her height. He insisted that she call him “her black friend, Botham,” she said, laughing at the memory.
“People gravitated towards him,” Stossel said of Jean. “It didn’t matter if you didn’t know him personally or you were just in the same room, you just felt welcomed by his presence.”
‘I slumped to the floor’
Stossel and Jean had a Tuesday night routine, where they’d go to church, take notes, then go out to dinner and compare notes. Once on a road trip to a friend’s wedding in Nashville, they discussed the meaning of success, she said.
“He just really believed that success was your impact on people and how you helped people,” she said.
When she moved to Kilgore with her husband, she was sad to leave her friend, but Jean encouraged her and told her she’d miss every shot she didn’t take.
“No matter where you and Jacob are, I would give up a limb for y’all. Maybe two. Your black friend Bo,” he wrote.
On September 6, 2018, the day he died, the two spoke of Jean visiting Kilgore and shared photos from Dallas and Harding. She told Jean she was getting emotional “because I’m a girl.” He texted back “LOL,” but she didn’t see it until the next day — shortly before she learned Jean was dead.
“I slumped to the floor and I just kept screaming, ‘Wait, wait, wait, wait.’ I hung up the phone and then I called Botham seven times and there was no answer,” she said, weeping. “If I had just seen the text message, if I had just expanded that ‘I’m thankful for you all the time,’ maybe it would be a little less painful.”
Guyger’s mom raises sexual assault
Taking the stand to speak on her daughter’s behalf, Karen Guyger, 66, provided some background on Amber Guyger’s siblings, her separation from Amber Guyger’s father and her children’s upbringing in Arlington, just outside Dallas.
She broke down several times during her testimony and had trouble getting her words out as she recounted suspecting her ex-boyfriend of sexually molesting Amber in 1995, when she was 6.
“I was going back to the bedroom. I was fixing to take a shower and I forgot my comb. And that’s when I saw him coming down out the bedroom and then Amber came out,” she said.
Amber Guyger’s sister, Alana Guyger, later elaborated, saying the boyfriend “touched (Amber) inappropriately on a few occasions.”
Amber’s mother called police, who arrested her then-boyfriend on a count of indecency with a child, to which he pleaded guilty, Karen Guyger said.
The weeping mother said her daughter was a sweet child who made friends quickly. She loved music and played violin and trumpet as a youngster. She loved the outdoors and was always a responsible, hard worker, her sister said.
“She was the little sister the I always looked up to,” said Alana Guyger, who shared a bedroom with her sister as a child. “I’ve always admired her for being brave. She’s outgoing. She just has this certain positive energy that everybody gravitates toward. They want to be her friend.”
Amber Guyger always had an interest in policing — joining an anti-drug program in grade school and going on ride-alongs with police in high school. She dropped out of college in her junior year so she could join the police academy, Karen Guyger said.
Karen Guyger suffers from pulmonary fibrosis and her daughter always worries about her and helps take care of her, she said. She brings her mother “little thoughtful gifts for no reason,” her sister testified.
On the day Jean died, the mother said, her daughter called crying uncontrollably.
“She was very upset. I couldn’t understand her when she first told me. I couldn’t understand her because she was crying so hard,” she said.
In later conversations, her daughter told her, “She wanted to take his place. She’d always tell me she wished that she could take his place. She feels very bad about it.”
Added Alana Guyger, “She doesn’t have that same light or energy that she had before. … She’s expressed to me how she feels bad spending time with her family because he can’t be with his.”
Jean’s father takes the stand
Prior to Guyger’s mother’s testimony, Jean’s father, Bertrum Jean, took the stand, vacillating between tears and smiles. He recounted how when Botham Jean was young, he enjoyed being around him and always looked forward to picking him up at his grandmother’s house after work.
“It did not matter what time it was, I just wanted him with me,” he testified. “There were times when my friends said I was babying him, a big boy, but I enjoyed doing that.”
As he grew up, Jean, like many kids in primary school, grew embarrassed of embracing his father, “but I demanded it: ‘Come and hug your dad,’” Bertrum Jean said.
While Botham Jean was at Harding, his father also looked forward to their Sunday chats. They’d talk about church and Botham Jean would show off “his good cooking, which he learned from me.”
“My Sundays have been destroyed … because I’m not hearing his voice,” Bertrum Jean testified, saying he can’t bear to watch video of his son singing because it’s too painful.
“How could we have lost Botham? Such a sweet boy, he tried his best to live a good, honest life. He loved God. He loved everyone. How could this happen to him?” Bertrum Jean said.
Former crack addict says Guyger made her feel human
LaWanda Clark met Guyger in 2017 when police came to the home where she was doing drugs. Guyger wrote her a ticket.
She told Clark, you can keep doing drugs or this can be your ticket out, Clark told the court. At the drug house, Guyger kept coming back to talk to Clark.
“It made me feel so human. It made me stop and think,” Clark said. “She let me know that I mattered, that she just didn’t see me as an addict.”
Clark went to court for the ticket where she was entered into a drug rehabilitation program. When she learned she would be graduating, she called police and asked whether the officer who wrote her a ticket could come.
Guyger came, and “I don’t know who was more excited,” said Clark, who said she hasn’t done crack since she was cited.
Guyger faces up to life in prison
During the trial, Guyger testified that after working long hours September 6, 2018, she returned to her apartment complex. In uniform but off duty, she approached what she thought was her apartment. She noticed the door was ajar, found a man inside and fired her service weapon, killing him.
She was actually at the apartment directly above hers, which belonged to the 26-year-old accountant from St. Lucia. Jean was on the couch, watching TV and eating ice cream when Guyger walked in, prosecutors said.
On the phone with a 911 operator that night, Guyger said 19 times she thought she had been in her apartment.
Guyger was initially charged with manslaughter, but a grand jury later indicted her for murder. The Dallas Police Department fired her.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/10/02/brother-of-botham-jean-forgives-hugs-amber-guyger-before-she-heads-to-prison-to-start-10-year-sentence/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/10/02/victims-brother-forgives-hugs-amber-guyger-before-she-heads-to-prison-to-start-10-year-sentence/
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eatplaywanderrv · 7 years
We took our boys out on a road trip to the coast for some ocean fishing and so they could try out the trailer.  Our daughter stayed home because she had work and barbering school so she took care of the dogs for us.
On our way to Corpus Christi. Had to make a pit stop at Pilot Travel Center to fix a 
  malfunctioning break light/blinker on the trailer. Deputy Sheriff that pulled us over was kind enough to let us go with a warning.  
We were still stuck at Pilot for over an hour whenever it started raining, so we took a lunch break in the trailer hoping the rain would pass soon. Lights still not working. 😢
We decided to call AAA and see what they could do for us.  They located a repair shop that was at the next exit so we headed over to Groovy automotive.  Our oldest son followed us in his truck pulling the boat.  Since we were going to be a while, he asked if he could go ahead without us and check in to our campsite and then go do some fishing while he waits for us, so we let him go ahead of us. We were there about 3 hours, but the guys at Groovy got us fixed up and back on the road. Yaay!! 
Yaaaay!!! Groovy Auto got us back in the road!!!#happygal — at Groovy automotive.
It’s a road trip rule that you HAVE TO stop at Buc-ee’s!!  My kiddos love this place.  We visited the one in New Braunfels, Tx.  The place is HUGE.  It has the cleanest public bathrooms evah!
#roadtriprules #gottastopatbucees — at Buccee”s #22 New Braunfels Tx.
This has NOT been our day! About 4 hours after getting back on the road from the issue with the lights, we had a blow out 30 mins from our destination in Corpus Christi, Texas .😡  Thankfully, the blow out was right at an exit and just at the end of the exit ramp we were able to pull over into a new and used tire place and the worker was still there! Yay!
Brizuela’s New and Used Tires.
Brizuela’s New and Used Tires.
9 minutes til we reach our destination!!! — at South Padre National Seashore.
We finally arrived at our campsite at Mustang Island State Park just after it started getting dark but still enough light to see what we were doing to park the trailer.
Finally arrived!! — feeling thankful at Mustang Island Corpus Christi Tx.
We were all starving when we finally arrived, our oldest son had been waiting quite some time for us to arrive so he was starving too.  He wasnt able to catch any fish for us to cook up, so I quickly whipped up some dorito beef nachos.  Already had the taco meat cooked and frozen so just had to thaw it out in the electric skillet, open a bag of doritos and add our toppings!  It was super yummo and hit the spot!
Finally eating dinner.  Dorito Nachos! Yummo.
The next morning, we cooked up some eggs and bacon for breakfast, packed up some sandwiches for lunch, then headed out for a day on the beach!
Aaaaaah!!!! — finally at the beach at Mustang Island Corpus Christi Tx.
The boys wanted to try their hand at some fishing, so we hooked up the boat and headed over to Padre Island to fish in the Corpus Christi Bay near the JFK Bridge.  It didn’t go so well. 😦  After we got the boat out on the water a little ways, the engine died.  The boys worked on it and got it to start again so we headed further out to do some fishing…. except that it died again and we were stuck out in the middle of the water.
Stranded out in the middle of the bay with a dead boat engine, we decided to have a picnic lunch while we waited for the current to drift us closer to shore. We had a couple of short paddles, so we paddled as much as we could and made it back to shallow water where my oldest son and Leo were able to push our boat back to the boat ramp.  Once at the dock, my oldest son went and got the truck and backed in the trailer so we could push the boat back onto it.  While getting the boat secured to the trailer, Leo slipped on the wet and slimy boat ramp and hit his elbow on a sharp metal piece of the trailer.  He sliced his elbow on the sharp metal and bruised the bone.  His elbow swelled up a bit and was visibly bruised a couple days later. 😦  But we finally got it back on the trailer and out of the water.
Some damn good clam chowder! — at Doc’s Seafood-Padre Island.
Bruised and sunburned, and bummed that we couldn’t fish from the boat, we didn’t let that spoil our trip.  We stopped off at Docs Seafood and Steaks for dinner and had some damn good clam chowder.  All the food we had was amazing, and it came with the most amazing view of the sunset over the Bay.  After dinner, we took the boat back to the campsite, unhooked it, and called it a night.
    Sunset o’er the bay — at Doc’s Seafood-Padre Island.
  The next day, we trekked back out to Corpus Christi Bay at Padre Island.  We grabbed a late breakfast at Whataburger. There is a Whataburger on pretty much every street corner in Corpus Christi.  I kid you not. 
After Breakfast, we visited a few gift shops before heading over to Clems Marina.  They have a pier there that they will let you fish off of for a small fee. You can even rent fishing poles from them.  We rented some poles, bought some mullet and tried our hand at fishing but didnt have much luck.  After we used up all the bait we purchased, the guy at the bait shop said under the JFK bridge was the best place to catch live mullet.  So we bought a casting net hiked over to the bridge so Leo and our oldest boy could try their hand at casting the net and collecting mullet, but it was a no go. They got nothin. We could see them swimming around, but apparently there is an art to casting and bringing in the net with fish actually in it!  They obviously don’t possess that skill yet.
Meanwhile, my youngest son and I went scouting for sea shells.  We found quite a few, but they were all inhabited by hermit crabs!  Every single one of them!
Feeling defeated and hungry, we drove back to the camp to make some burgers for dinner, then ventured back out to the beach.  The boys built a sand castle, and when the sun went down, the crabs came out!
Coming back from Padre Island, we noticed a nice little RV resort not far from where we were at Mustang State Park.  We decided to spend our last day and night at the nice resort so we called and booked a reservation for the next day.
We are here — at Gulf Waters Beach Front RV Resort.
The next morning we packed up and drove over to Gulf Waters Beach Front RV Resort.  It was a very nice resort.  The property was immaculate, private showers were super clean, with a boardwalk to the beach, pretty ponds, and even a pool and hot tub!!  Quite a few full timers live there.  Everything is exquisite.  This is my new vacation go to when we come to Corpus Christi. Gorgeous here.  The mustang island state park where we started was yuk. I didn’t like it at all.
  We are here — at Gulf Waters Beach Front RV Resort.
    When we arrived at Gulf Waters Beach Front RV Resort, my oldest son was pulling the trailer with his truck while Leo drove with the boat hooked to the Yukon.  I was in the truck with my son.  When we arrived, Leo was supposed to trade off with our son and back the trailer into the spot, but he was busy parking the boat in the designated parking spot so the man who works there guided our son as he backed in the trailer.  This was our son’s first time ever to back our 28 foot trailer into a space and he got it in perfectly his very first try.  We were all quite impressed!
After we got our camp setup, we walked across the private boardwalk to the beach.  We practically had the whole beach to ourselves!
The boys were getting hungry so we explored Padre for some grubb.  We landed at Moby Dick’s Restaurant, where oh. my. gawd. my oldest son at a ginormous 1 pound hamburger the size of his whole face, plus fries!!  He at the whole thing.  Mamma didn’t raise no quitter!  LOL!
After lunch we went back to the beach down at Port Aransas Beach Mile Marker 48 where we could drive the truck onto the beach.  Our youngest son had a blast making sand castles while Leo and our oldest son practiced their net casting skills.
  But alas, all things must come to an end.  We said farewell to the beach and packed up for our long drive back home to dry land in Fort Worth, Texas. 😦
Sunday morning after breakfast we loaded up the trucks and trailers to head home. We were hoping to arrive home by around 8pm because our son starts his 1st day of High school Senior year on Monday morning.  Our son was pulling the Travel Trailer with his truck while we pulled the boat with the Yukon, but a couple of hours into our drive, Our son’s check engine light started flashing, which is very bad. So we pulled over and switched tow vehicles. After that, his check engine light remained on but at least it wasn’t flashing.  Thankfully, earlier on our journey we had stopped at Home Depot and bought a 3 ton jack “just in case” before we hit the road, because about an hour after we switched tow vehicles, the boat had a major blow out.  We took the next exit along I 37 N and found a safe spot to pull over so we could change the tire.   Unfortunately for us, we didn’t have the key to unlock the other spare. 1st spare, that wasn’t locked, is very low on air. Next gas station was 9 miles ahead. Our son tried to drive slowly on the flat spare we had just put on, so we could hopefully make it to the gas station but then that tire blew out. Dammit!  I can’t make this stuff up! It was 5:30 on Sunday evening and we were still 4.5 hours away from home.
We unhitched the boat and left it on the side of the road so we could all drive to Lowes a couple miles away. We bought bolt cutters, rust remover spray, and an aircompressor.  Thankfully we brought our generator. While the guys were working to fix the boat, I was in the camper cooking dinner with the electric skillet so I could feed those hangry boys.  We finally got the tires changed and aired up and was able to get back home.  We arrived home safely around 11pm. Good times.
In spite of all the troubles we had, we quickly found resolutions to our problems and were still able to enjoy our stay at the beach.  NOTHING can ruin my happy place.  🙂
1st day of Senior Year!! Last year of high school!! ❤❤ My last kid in Public school!
1st day of 6th grade! Last year of elementary school! #homeschool #schoolday
What else could go wrong? We took our boys out on a road trip to the coast for some ocean fishing and so they could try out the trailer.  
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