#colt kaneko x izzy parker
ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
The Hunter and the Dragon Rider (AU) - Colt x MC
Author’s note: I have a dragon-riding kink. And an AU kink. And a Colt kink....so here’s a fic that puts them all together! @desiree-0816 you acted as a beta reader of sorts and your reaction was extremely helpful so thanks!
Reader’s note: 
Arrowdenn - Village to the Seeven peoples or ‘dragon riders’ as they are known elsewhere
Menar - A nomadic tribe known for cultivating a culture of slaying dragons. At one time enemies with Arrowdenn, they now share an uneasy alliance.  
Dragon King - A species of large, vicious and nondomesticated dragons. 
Rating: NSFW. Ish. (If you’re looking for hardcore smut, err...)
Word count: ~1800
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When Colt arrived back at the Arrowdenn holding, it took every ounce of restraint not to dive headlong into the surrounding lake. His armor was crusted with mud, a week’s worth of sweat and dragon’s blood, and smelled as if he’d bathed in it all. A warm meal and a night’s rest would set things right again, and maybe do away with the ringing in his ears, but Colt would honestly settle for being clean again.
The other dragon hunters broke off into smaller groups, some in search of food, others headed for their families and to prove they’d slain a Dragon King and lived to tell the tale. But half of them were cowards, flinching in battle the moment the beast-like creature was drawn out from its cave. Teeth for miles and three times the length of the mess hall, grown men had soiled their pants while others like Colt had shoved their fear way down and charged forward with their heads held high, ready to meet death if it should come for them. The longest task had been lying in wait for the Dragon King, but when you had the proper training, the actual slaying was just the marriage of skill and preparation, something Teppei had drilled into his son since birth.
Colt knew he should look for his father but avoiding him was more out of habit than comfort. He’d had nothing to say to the old man once Menar had struck a deal with the dragon riders of Arrowdenn. Why tame a beast when it was so much easier to strike it where it stood?  “Colt! Hey!” Colt slowed his pace, scanning over the various pitched tents until his gaze came to rest on the person to which the voice belonged too. Toby. The fever had left his eyes and his injured leg appeared to be healing properly, but Toby still looked worse for the wear. Colt smirked, careful not to let his worry for his friend show. “Wow, someone looks like shit.” Toby took the jab in stride, looking Colt up and down with a lopsided grin. “At least I have an excuse. You look like you met the business end of the Dragon King.” Toby wrinkled his nose in disgust, trying to wave away the musty, metallic odor. “And you smell like shit,” Toby countered, and Colt gave his shoulder a rough push, setting Toby off. Others hanging around looked over to see what the commotion was about, but Toby’s boisterous laugh was enough for many of the onlookers to lose interest. It was just as well; Colt would ignore them all either way. 
A slab of bread and a handful of berries were all Colt had to tide him over as he passed the cooks on his way over to the lodging he shared with his father. It was blessedly empty, and Colt later found a shallow part of the lake where he could wash off the remnants of the battle and long week. There was one person he hadn’t seen since he’d arrived, and he knew it was only a matter of time before she found him. As if summoned by his thoughts, Colt heard someone approaching, the footsteps short and precise, not concerned with hiding her presence.
 “Colt? I know you’re over here, Teppei is—”
Izzy, dressed in her scarlet leathers with knee-high boots emerged from the trees, annoyance etched deep in her features. But a blush colored her dark cheeks as she quickly averted her eyes at the sight of Colt, naked as the day he was born. She stammered an apology, then fell silent, staring hard at the ground.
“I should be embarrassed, you’re the one who’s fully clothed.” Water dripped from his hair and skin, splashing into the lake water, and Izzy knew that if she dared glance over at him, nothing would be left to her imagination. And she’d done quite a bit of imagining when it came to Colt. “Your dad is looking for you,” Izzy continued, but she didn’t have to look at Colt to know he was laughing at her. When he was silent and brooding, he looked every bit the Menar outsider he was to her. And other times, Colt had this amused look of someone who’d heard a comical joke but couldn’t be bothered to share the punch line. The second look was reserved for Izzy, and she often responded with a harden scowl. It would look much more threatening if her emotions weren’t so transparent.
“My offer still stands, Izz,” Colt said, and Izzy wondered why she hadn’t just walked away by now. She wasn’t Teppei’s messenger, but she couldn’t deny the magnetic pull to his son, a dragon hunter. She was a rider, her people were riders, and by all accounts, she should hate the hunters, no matter what aid and supplies they brought when it came to defending their island from the dangerous Dragon Kings. Her father, one of the nine elders, had struck the alliance with the Menar, and as angry as she’d been, the feeling ebbed now. The first time she’d met Colt a year prior, she’d nearly slit his throat for going after her Lightning Horne, Whisper. Not that the dragon couldn’t easily defend itself, but Izzy felt a special attachment to her, an unbroken bond that even death wouldn’t sever.  “Where’s your pet? I missed the little fire-breather,” Colt said, drying himself.
“Whisper is hardly little,” Izzy shot back, relieved that Colt was finally putting on clothes. “And not every dragon expels fire,” Izzy muttered, finally working up the courage to look over at him. He’d been waiting for their eyes to meet, and the feeling was electric: Izzy had made a mistake. His dark hair was still wet, and he wore his own leathers now--moss green instead of scarlet--but nothing covered that exquisite, exposed chest of his, toned from years of training and hunting dragons with his people. A water droplet traveled from his neck and down his abs, and Izzy wanted to chase it with her tongue. She swallowed hard.
“But Lightning Hornes do, so...” Colt shook his head, not at all ignorant to the way Izzy stole glances at him whenever they happened to cross each other in the village, or especially now when Izzy made a big deal censoring his naked body. She was a terrible actress and someone should let her know. Before he’d left with the other dragon hunters to take on the Dragon King in the south region, he’d run into her near the dragon breeding grounds for the Serpent Singer and Lightning Horne nests. Rather than a blade to the sensitive flesh under his chin, her lips had hungrily taken its place, a weapon in their own right. “I could die next week,” Colt had told her, boxing her in against a tree trunk. “Good, that would solve all my problems,” Izzy rolled her eyes, but it was hard to be flippant when she was at his complete mercy. “Aww, but you’d miss me. I know you would,” Colt had laughed, his knee pressed between her legs. He could feel her heat, feel just how ready she was for him. “Who else could make you feel this good?” Izzy’s hazel browns, already heavy, closed completely as if answering his question. He’d left her there, his leathers extremely tight in the front, and an ache so deep he was convinced hadn’t completely left Izzy.
In the present, Izzy wasn’t sure when her legs had taken the necessary steps to close the distance between herself and Colt. He was a smug son of a bitch, and the smart thing to do would be to leave him hot and bothered just like he’d done to her not that long ago, but Izzy couldn’t fight whatever it was that drew her to him. Anyone she knew could walk in on them, it was the brightest part of the day after all! Yet, Izzy let Colt remove her leathers then her breast band, and latch on to her nipple so fast, she was convinced she was permanently blind. With one hand, he kneaded the other between his fingers, causing Izzy to arch back with a violent moan.
It’s just physical attraction, Izzy told herself, repeated even, but the words became white noise in her own mind as they both removed all their clothing and Izzy was free to look at Colt, unbidden by his trousers. He grew hard beneath her gaze, and her cheeks reddened at the sight, though she found the most pressing concern was the need between thighs. Colt gripped her waist, pulling her sharply against him, pausing only to hear Izzy’s hoarse demand, “This better be worth it.”
It was in the subsequent kisses that Colt realized the very first he’d ever shared with Izzy had been grossly insufficient. His hands slid down her curves, coming to rest on her hips as his mouth traveled down her jaw, to her neck, then back up again to meet her lips. It was always a push and pull between the two, and Colt distinctly remembered the cold blade at his throat, sharp enough to draw blood. Izzy had managed to draw him in with that quiet, threatening way about her, not unlike the same rush Colt got when he found himself face to face with a Dragon King, ready to strike. Maybe all this time he’d been in preparation for the day he’d met Izzy, the dragon rider with wild curls and tame eyes. She wouldn’t be so tame when he was through with her, however.
Izzy cried in relief once Colt’s fingers found her bundle of nerves, and he quickly swallowed up the sound, well aware they were out in the open, and her Lightning Horne might mistake Izzy’s passionate shouts for something else. Still, he wasn’t sure how quiet he’d be once he was inside of her. Izzy found herself on her back, legs spread open, almost laughing at the irony that Colt might need a second bath, the sound caught in her throat when Colt’s length brushed against her wet pussy. It was just short of torture, but when Izzy caught his expression, she was surprised to find an unspoken question, the consent that yes, this is was exactly what she wanted. Izzy nodded impatiently, wondering how her fantasies would compare to the real deal. She soon discovered they didn’t hold a candle.
Colt filled her completely as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. It was a delicious sensation that made Izzy forget she was supposed to hate Colt. She’d rather moan his name, as he stretched her, his thrusts building up a rough and dirty rhythm that would make flying on Whisper a difficult task come the following morning. “Fuck, Izzy you’re so tight,” Colt cursed, bringing their bodies even closer together.
Just as Izzy suspected, a second washing was in order for Colt, but this time, he wasn’t alone. 
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
The Hunter and the Dragon Rider, Part 2 - Colt x MC (AU)
Author’s note: Sorry, this was supposed to be a fun endeavor, instead y’all are getting more plot than you we probably bargained for. This took a COMPLETELY different turn than what I thought. My Muse is a cruel woman, that one. 
Reader’s note:
Dragons?? Dragons  |  Previous part here. 
Rating: NSFW. (Again. Set your expectations low so I don’t disappoint you.) 
Word Count: ~3.8K 
Colt was a good lover in the basic, biological sense, and that’s what Izzy had trouble convincing herself with as her clandestine rendezvous continued with him for the next week, bleeding into a second one. Whisper had even started regarding her suspiciously, as her human smelled different every time she arrived to take her riding. Izzy felt silly confiding this in her dragon, especially since the thing with Colt had snowballed. “You’re certainly smiley these days,” Riya observed as their dragons tussled in the distance. There wasn’t enough room on the island for roughhousing given their adult sizes, and neither human was in a flying mood. Mouse, Riya’s cleverly named dragon, tackled Whisper to the ground, emitting a high-pitched scree noise that was most definitely laughter.
Izzy rolled her eyes, but she thought of Colt making fun of her for doing just that, and her cheeks warmed from the mere thought of him. Riya’s eyes grew to the size of saucers and she let out a squeal to rival her dragon. In fact, the two beasts turned around to check on the girls. “Izabel, Daughter of Arrowdenn, if you don’t tell me what the heck is going on!” She grabbed Izzy by the shoulders and Izzy grimaced at the motion and the use of her title. Technically, all Seevens were children of Arrowdenn, but as Izzy’s father was an elder, she received a title just like him. Elder roles were passed on by blood, and in the event an elder had no direct line, the council selected someone to take the resigning or deceased elder’s place. One day she would sit as an elder, and while the thought secretly thrilled her, she didn’t like the formalities that came with calling her a Daughter. Riya was the only one of her peers who didn’t use the title with derision.  
“When I become elder, I hope you don’t plan to shake counsel and guidance from me,” Izzy teased, but her friend wouldn’t be deterred. Riya’s smile turned coy and she crossed her arms. “It wouldn’t happen to be that dragon hunger you’ve been sneaking off with, would it?” Izzy froze, knowing it was the absolute wrong reaction to have but powerless to act in any other manner. 
“W...what?” she said stupidly and Riya laughed, full and long. “Oh gods, I knew it!” Izzy had given herself away. “Riya!” Her friend clapped her hands together excitedly. “Who is he? Tell me all about your paramour or I’ll make Whisper draw him out.” 
It was an empty threat, as Whisper would only respond to such orders from Izzy herself, but Riya was resourceful enough to find out what she wanted. Izzy found it best to keep her childhood friend on her side. Mostly. 
“Us common folk talk and I’m sure you’re not as secret as you think you are, Izzy,” Riya winked, and Izzy had the vague sense that she was being baited. Maybe Riya already knew and finally had an opportunity to tease her about the needs of her loins. “I’m common too,” Izzy said instead, trying to steer the conversation away from Colt. Riya gave her a serious look, though it wasn’t unkind. “You, my friend are far from common.” Before Izzy could puzzle out that particular statement, Whisper let out a warbled cry like she’d been injured. Mouse looked on, stressed and helpless as Whisper thrashed.
“WHISPER!” Riya and Izzy jumped up, but Riya pulled her friend back, lest she get trampled. “Izzy, stay back!” But Izzy pushed her aside, running to her dragon. Whisper let out another pained cry, this time blowing a stream of blue-hot fire up above before falling into a dejected heap. Before Izzy could calm her down, the dragon was up again, its powerful wings beating, tossing up ground and dust in its wake. Whisper took off, leaving Mouse, Izzy, and Riya behind. 
Riya wasted no time. Jabbing her pinkies in her mouth, she released a shrill whistle and grabbed Izzy. “Come on! We can still catch up to her!” Izzy climbed on Mouse, right behind Riya, and both girls held onto the stirrups as Mouse shot up in the air. “She’s...going back to the village?” Riya asked as she and Izzy craned their necks to follow Whisper’s movements. She was a graceful, beautiful dragon, raised from the egg of her late mother’s Lightning Horne, and Izzy had bonded with her immediately. What had caused the dragon to act so strangely? “Riya, hurry!” Izzy yelled to be heard above the whipping wind, and her stomach traveled up to her throat as Mouse soared, gaining speed on the runaway dragon. It wasn’t a pleasant sight that greeted Izzy when she and Riya returned to Arrowdenn. Down below, a huge crowd had gathered, and in the circle was a dead Lightning Horne. But not just any Lightning Horne. 
Whisper’s cry turned haunting, and it was if all the dragons of the village were in mourning for her and her mother. The dragon that had bonded to Izzy’s mother. Izzy choked back a wet gasp and even Riya‘s eyes filled with unshed tears. 
** **
Teppei had given the Menar one sole rule: do not slay a dragon on Arrowdenn soil. A year and two weeks later, Salazar had to be the idiot. Granted, he’d probably been provoked, but Colt had warned his father of the possibility. “If he does, that will be his last mistake,” Teppei had simply said, but his tone conveyed the threat behind his words, and Colt ignored the shiver down his spine. 
“It was self-defense!” Salazar yelled to the enraged Seeven. He turned to some of the Menar in the crowd, but all remained silent; some judged him with smug smiles, others seemed pacified that the hunter would finally get what he deserved. “It fucking attacked me first! I didn’t do shit!” Salazar’s tirade continued as he was dragged off, spittle flying from his lips. Two of the elders appeared, one with long, braided gray hair and a dragon tooth necklace, the other with a long scar against his dark cheek. A low whistle sounded in his ear, but Colt knew who it was before she stood next to him. 
“Idiotic bastard,” Mona spat, her dark eyes hardly concealing the fury that swirled in their depths. “Easy now, I wanna see what the riders do first.” Colt grinned, and Mona turned her stormy gaze on him. Mona had left everything and everyone she loved behind to be with a dragon hunter. She lost her lover to a Dragon King and now Mona lived as a Menar, nursing old wounds and hiding past hurts. 
Colt knew the basics of her story and still preferred to needle her. It entertained him to no end, but it also gave Mona somewhere to direct her anger when it flared. Toby had been the one to point it out, concluding that even Colt’s swagger had its limits. Or that he cared more than he wanted his friends to believe. Colt only rolled his eyes; he wouldn’t stick his neck out for just anyone, no matter what Toby thought.
Salazar was taken away, a Singer Serpent ensuring he stayed in line. Just as Colt was about to join the other Menar in leaving the riders to mourn their pet and ignore their accusatory expressions, everyone’s attention turned to the commotion in the skies. A Lightning Horne dove into the crowd, leaving only a second for the crowd to duck down. Colt recognized Izzy’s pet instantly, the scar on its wing where he’d manage to nick her over a year ago. The dragon let out what could only be an excruciating cry, and Colt quickly jabbed two fingers in his ear. Not long after, a second Lightning Horne, this time with riders, swiftly landed, its great wings causing a windstorm. 
“Mouse! Stop that!” someone yelled, and Colt saw one of the riders run towards him. “Whisper!” Izzy screamed, snot and tears streaming down her face as she shoved Colt and anyone else in her way aside to get to the dead dragon. Something lurched in Colt’s chest as he took in the anguish on Izzy’s face. The sudden grating noise of Lightning Hornes across the village went unheard by Colt. He couldn’t bring himself to look away from the girl who’d been smiling up at him the night before. 
The scarred elder held back tears as he pulled a sobbing Izzy into his chest. Whisper nuzzled her long face into the side of the dead dragon, but unlike Izzy, she wouldn’t get the same comfort. 
** **
Arrowdenn wasn’t the only dragon rider village in the region, but it was one of the biggest. That was the only thing that made sense to Colt in the year the Menar had spent in Seeven company. “You’ve kept me in the dark long enough, Pop,” Colt said as he entered the tent to find a woman leaving. She avoided his critical eyes as she scurried off, and Colt looked questioningly at his father. “And yet you’ve attracted the elder’s child. I do not ask who’s warming your bed,” Teppei began, but Colt hurried to stop him. 
“Oh, for the love of gods, I’m talking about our business on Arrowdenn!” Colt gave his father an exasperated look. But Teppei only gestured for Colt to sit before looking to the tent’s entrance. “If you think our time spent here has been idle, you are as ignorant as Salazar,” Teppei clipped out, and Colt gritted his teeth at the offense. 
“I don’t know what to think! That’s the whole reason I’m—” Colt’s whispered tirade was cut short when the tent flap opened and the elder with the dragon tooth necklace stepped inside. What was he doing here? 
Colt and the elder eyed each other warily. “Whatever you say to me, you say to us both, Nars,” Kaneko spoke again, and this time he looked at Colt. Nars seemed to contemplate something, spotty eyebrows knitted for a moment before they relaxed. He took a seat across from Colt and his father, legs cross and expression grave. When he spoke, his voice was feminine and musical, so at odds with his appearance, that Colt was thrown for a loop. However, Colt kept these thoughts from reflecting on his own features as he gave Nars his undivided attention. 
“The others are growing suspicious of me,” Nars barked, a contained fury in his tone. “If you are going to act, your time is shrinking.” 
“To do what?” Colt snapped, directing his annoyance at Teppei. “We were not put on this earth to befriend dragons,” Nars continued as if Colt hadn’t spoken. “I have watched my people grow complacent in their ways, forgetting our history! What are great, dangerous beasts if not to be slain and conquered?”
Teppei sat silently, never betraying how he felt, but Colt knew. Colt had always known. A Dragon King had killed his grandfather when he was three. The same age he’d last seen his mother. Colt used to wonder if the two incidents were related, but once his training with his father began and he’d gutted his first dragon, there wasn’t much room left for any thoughts that didn’t concern the Menar’s next home or their next conquest. Colt could hardly recall his mom now, but it was a sore subject for his Teppei. It was why Colt hadn’t understood why his father sought out Arrowdenn specifically or gone so far as to promise to protect the island from Dragon Kings in exchange for food, supplies, and shelter. Colt had been floored when the elder council agreed, but looking at Nars, Colt realized there was more than met the eye. 
“They grow suspicious of you because in your impatience, you’ve tipped them off.” 
Teppei tossed a small pouch to Nars, who caught it in one hand. The elder inspected the pouch before loosening the strings to inspect the contents. “...It’s dragon feed. What we give to the offspring,” Nars frowned and Colt leaned over to peer inside. Sure enough, half the bag contained reddish tinted fish grain, not unlike what Colt had watched Izzy carry around. 
“You’ve seen how effective it is.” Nars and Colt gave Teppei blank stares.
“I’m sorry?”
“It makes the beasts irritable, attacks the senses, and discolors the pupils. And while it attacks, it bleeds to death.” Nars gasped at the same time the pieces snapped together in Colt’s head.  “The only problem is how long the takes poison to permeate the body. The larger the dragon...” Teppei let the unfinished statement hang in the air as he shrugged. “Elder Michael’s Lightning Horne...” Nars whispered reverently. 
Salazar’s insistence that it has been self-defense had been brushed off by Menar and Seeven alike, but what if he hadn’t provoked the dragon? Colt’s eyes slid over to his father, surprised when he returned the glance, his question promptly answered. “Cocoa in its raw form is bitter to humans, and deadly to the winged beasts.”
“But cocoa pods don’t grow on Arrowdenn,” Nars spoke. Teppei smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “No, they don’t.” 
** ** ** 
After fleeing from the assembled elder council, Izzy found him alone in his tent, needing the comfort that wasn’t her father, her best friend, or her dragon. Whisper was still despondent though, and Izzy didn’t blame her. Most of her meetings with Colt happened at twilight, or just before dawn broke, so Izzy knew wouldn’t be expecting her at this hour. He probably hadn’t expected her at all, considering the fact she’d ignored him over the last few days. A few of the Seevens had followed Izzy’s manner, refusing to have anything to do with the Menar. Only the elders remained impartial, but Colt knew better than to take it for face value.
Izzy watched as Colt turned over on his cot and did a double-take. She was dressed in her usual leathers—dyed black—her hair pulled into a complicated updo and her eyes lined with kohl. Dragon or human, Arrowdenn mourned the dead in the same way, but the loss of a dragon in such a violent manner hadn’t happened for generations. “Walk with me?” Izzy asked, and left the tent to wait outside. 
She could feel the stares on all sides from the Menar who loitered by their lodging, but her grief made it hard to care. “No sneaking around today?” Colt teased when he emerged, and Izzy gave him a wry smile. She began a brisk pace, not bothering to let him catch up.
“Colt, I think I like you better when you’re not talking.”
“Funny, I like you best when you can’t stop,” Colt smirked, effectively turning Izzy’s cheeks red. She stumbled over a twig, but Colt steadied her before she could go tumbling. “Are you saying I’m a chatterbox?” Izzy demanded hotly, pulling away from Colt. “It’s cute when you mumble under your breath, but I still catch every...dirty...word...” Colt’s low voice had turned sultry and Izzy was in danger of tripping over mere air, the same air she desperately needed in her lungs. They walked side by side, arms touching, yet Izzy couldn’t help wishing they were closer. 
The setting sun turned the sky a brilliant pinkish-orange, but Izzy knew Colt could care less for about the heavens. Still, she opened her mouth to comment on its beauty when she realized Colt was staring at her. “What?” Izzy asked as he studied her features intently. She felt subconscious about her appearance, thankful she hadn’t added a crimson to her mouth. “If you lined your top lip, you’d look just like a fierce Menar right before battle.” Izzy blinked. Then her confusion cleared, and she gave a small smile.
“You bother with a kohl brush before going off to fight a Dragon King?”
“I don’t. Never saw the use.” Colt traced her lips with his thumb, parting the flesh. He leaned down, replacing his thumb with his own lips. They’d traveled just far enough outside the village outskirts to be alone, but if anyone was looking for Izzy, she’d easily be found. She didn’t want to be found, not for a while. Izzy hadn’t had a destination in mind when she approached Colt, but now she did. “Come on,” she giggled, tugging Colt’s hand and taking off in a run. Colt gamely followed, easily keeping pace.
“Where the hell are you taking me, Izz?”
”It’s a secret!” 
The two ran uphill, Izzy soon out of breath once they reached the top. Colt’s breath was annoyingly just fine. “Ta...dah,” Izzy panted, throwing her arms up to show off her surroundings. She watched Colt take in the miles of the ancient field, green overgrowth covering what used to be a castle. Once her heart stopped its attempts to leap from her chest, Izzy tried speech. “Back when Arrowdenn was called Velda, this is where the ruining queen lived with her prince consort.” Izzy’s mother had taken her to the castle ruins on the back of her Lightning Horne, Blaze. “Great ballads were written on her beauty, her biting wit. And then one day a horde of Dragon Kings came and set the kingdom ablaze.” 
Colt’s scanning eyes rested on Izzy, but she couldn’t read his expression. Did he know this tale? “The prince was among the few survivors, but the queen didn’t make it. The survivors took it as a sign that they had angered the sun gods, and all winged beasts that spewed fire, or hail, or lightning were deemed abominations. So, they were hunted and killed.” Izzy didn’t know why retelling this story was so important until she was searching Colt’s eyes, uncertain what she was looking for. “There are people in Arrowdenn who still cling to the old ways of thinking even now.” Izzy’s thoughts strayed to Nars. Even if she didn’t have definitive proof, Whisper’s unease around the elder was enough to insinuate that something was amiss. 
“I may not completely understand your...bond with your dragons, but people have warred over more insane ideologies,” Colt responded. Izzy wasn’t at ease with his words. And yet...she knew what she had with Colt wasn’t a forever thing. It never was supposed to be, she realized. Blaze had been the last tangible presence of her mom, and now they both were gone. Eventually, Colt would be gone too. Not from the earth, but from her life just the same. Suddenly the weight of everything slammed into her chest, bringing fresh tears to her eyes. 
Colt pulled her into him instantaneous, and the shock of the gesture was enough to stifle her tears. She stood motionless for a moment, then wrapped her arms around Colt’s neck, breathing him in, determined to commit his every touch to memory. He pulled away too soon, and this time, he was smiling that stupid, shit-eating grinning she’d come to expect. Maybe even love.  
It was dark when Izzy and Colt returned to his tent, and Izzy pressed a chaste kissed to his lips in parting. 
“What, no sleepover?” 
“Not tonight. I...need to get my head straight.” Colt smirked. “And I can’t help with that?” Izzy held back a laugh as he pushed a stray curl behind her ear. Izzy pressed a kiss to the heel of his hand.
“Good night, Colt.” His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her flush to him as he kissed her forehead in return before releasing her. 
“‘Night, Dragon Rider.” 
Her father was nowhere to be found when Izzy stepped over the threshold of her home, and Izzy knew he’d gone for a night ride. If Whisper weren’t so mopey, Izzy would have followed suit. Instead, her skin prickled with anticipation of what she planned to do. She got up to close the door, ensuring the double lock was secure, testing it. Then she settled on the bed. Eyes shut, she brought the image of Colt to mind. She imagined her hands tracing the outline of his jaw, the way her thumb would dip into his mouth. The simple sucking motion combined with his smoldering dark eyes would cause her knees to shake.
“I’m just getting started.”
Izzy gasped into the darkness, eyes still closed, surrendering herself to the fantasy. She groaned in frustration when her mind’s eye conjured the sensation of Colt gripping her ass while her fingers tiptoed up and down his chest. Her mouth knew the contours and planes of his torso well and she smirked, imagining it slick with sweat and the salty-sweet taste. 
Izzy didn’t bother removing her thin slip or her undergarments as she slipped a hand down beneath the waistband, chasing her wet pulse. She imagined her soft hands were Colt’s calloused fingertips as she traced the outline of her pussy lips, slick with her need. She imagined Colt’s touch retreating, him bringing his fingers to his mouth, sucking off her juices and then plunging back in for more. His tongue would join the dance, jaw slightly unhinged while he worked her clit, giving special attention to her breasts. She could feel him palm the right mound, then the left, her nipples hardening against her thin slip as fantasy Colt continued his ministrations.  
She was panting now, a whine escaping her lips. Izzy imagined all this as she made do with her impatient fingers, spreading her legs wider, seeing Colt’s face buried in between her thighs, his breath hot. “Colt!” Izzy cried into the stillness, her movements at odds with the otherwise peaceful night. As Izzy dripped onto her fingertips, fantasy Colt lapped up each drop, his lips glistening with her cum. 
Rubbing her her clit in tight circles, she thrust two fingers into her soaked center, trying to estimate Colt’s girth and satisfy her body’s deep ache. She slipped in a third finger, but that wasn’t quite right either and she imagined Colt’s laughing at her antics, rich and gravely and deep and pleasant to her ears. She wanted to bottle that up that laugh. 
In the present, Izzy spread her fingers just slightly, unprepared for the moment her hips shot up and her back arched. “Yes, yes!” Izzy groaned, imagining it was Colt slamming into her over and over. Izzy spread her legs further, alternating between thrusts and circling her clit with rough movements, since Colt was never gentle with her. Love marks above the neck were difficult to hide, but that didn’t stop Colt from making marks in other places. Izzy still had discolored bruises at the junction of her waist and thighs, thick and shapely where Colt was rigid lines. His fascination with her softness eased any securities she carried about her naked body. 
Izzy’s head fell back of its own volition, her movements going slack as she shuddered, and came with a violent shake, Colt’s name on her lips. Sweaty and spent, Izzy listened to her breathing still and racing heart relax, but sleep didn’t find her. In her attempt to separate herself from him and save herself from inevitable heartbreak, she still desperately wanted him, not the incomplete pieces she’d conjured up herself.
9 notes · View notes
ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy AU (Ride or Die)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both.
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
Author’s Note: After X amount of rewrites, throwing plot ideas around, and text-screaming in group chats....whew chile... As with my previous AUs, I always leave the ending open, so without further ado, on with the fic!!!!!
P.S. Was gonna post this on Colt’s day, but I’m wired from the new Stranger Things season (it’s like 2am EST)  soooooooo here we go! 
P.P.S ....look out for an epilogue 👀
Tumblr media
Part 1 - Like Mother, Like Daughter
Part 2 - Trouble is a Friend of Mine
Part 3 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Part 4 - Two Truths and a Lie
Part 5 - Only the Good Die Young
Part 6 - Not Your Enemy
Part 7 - Nori Sato
Part 8 - Heating Up
Part 9 - This Is Just the Beginning (nsfw)
Part 10 - Lover’s Interlude
Part 11 - This is Goodbye
Part 12 - The Crazy Things We Do For Love
Part 13 - Aftermath
Word count: 2605
Izzy had lost too much blood, needing a transfusion, but she was stable now. Her father had made sure of that. Izzy would walk away with small fracture, but time would tell what the incident would do to her emotional health. Now, Mike Parker studied the Asian kid in front of him as he rested his head against his hand. Neither of them had gotten much sleep over the past week, waiting for updates on Izzy, leaving only to eat or change their respective clothing. Now that the worst was over, Mike felt immense relief and a little suspicion. The boy had been distraught over his daughter, but Izzy had called 911, dragging herself to the house phone before trying for the front door.  “Colt..right?” Mike spoke, stirring Colt from his sleepless daze. He sat up, running a hand through his hair before his tired gaze focused on Mike. He nodded and Mike frowned. No respect from the young people these days. Any more than a one-worded answer and it was like pulling teeth. Yet, Mike was familiar with the look of love, and while it unnerved him that his Izzy was the objective of his affection, he’d deal with that later.
“I suppose I should...thank you,” Mike began, tempering his annoyance. Colt laughed humorlessly, leaning forward in the chair. He shook his head, the smirk giving way to concern. 
“Under normal circumstances, we’d bring you in for debriefing. But…”
“Don’t worry, I’m well aware of CAE-I’s procedures.” Colt made air quotes with his fingers. “I’d say that’s why Izzy barely made it out with a shot to the leg,” Colt glared, and both men sized each other up. Colt knew the male Parker wanted to pick his brain, find a connection between Shaw and Colt’s presence at the house but Colt didn’t give a rat’s ass about that. He needed to see Izzy with his own eyes before he was ready to put this whole situation behind him. “Mr. Parker?” Both Colt and Mike turned to see a nurse with dirty blonde hair and a kind smile. “Izzy would like to see you.” Mike frowned as Colt stood with him. Getting the message, Colt backed off, raising his arms in surrender. He slumped back down in the uncomfortable chair, arms crossed. “I’m not going anywhere till I see her.” Colt watched as Agent Parker followed the nurse without a glance back, and rolled his eyes. 
Izzy’s father had gotten the cutesy ‘last voice mail’ while Colt had been left with a hastily scribbled note. It sat in the pocket of his leather jacket now, still crumpled from when he’d thrown it. He’d been unable to face the reality, but if something had permanently separated him and Izzy, that note was more precious than gold. 
Left alone in the waiting room, Colt ran a tired hand over his face and headed for the exit. He needed to go for a ride. Rid himself of his nervous energy and clear his mind. No sooner had Colt stepped outside, the hot air outside mixing with the cool air inside did he spot the woman from the cafe in Miami. She wore a cranberry red scarf this time, her green-gray eyes lined in simple black liner. Her red lips were set in a thin line and Colt glared at her. Kaneko’s little spy. Colt’s motorcycle was a little too close to where she stood, and he briefly entertained the idea of running her over. It wasn’t the nicest thought, but there had been a lot worst. 
“Mr. Kaneko? A word, please?” Of course, she knew his fucking name. “How about no,” Colt called out, reaching for his helmet once he was close to his bike. The woman sighed as if used to dealing with rude young adults. “You’re as infuriating as your father.” Colt’s throat constricted. He’d managed not to think about the last time he’d seen Kaneko. Their heated exchange. Colt didn’t regret what he’d said or done, but he couldn’t escape his weary soul or heavy heart.“You’ve got the wrong guy, lady.” The woman wouldn’t take no for an answer, her black flats clicking against the pavement as she hurried over to Colt. “Let me be frank. I’ll take down the Brotherhood with or without your help. Forgive me for trying to extend the courtesy of you getting some revenge.” Colt stopped, looking over the woman with grudging interest. This was a new one.
“...And you are?”
“Your most desperate ally with the means to bring them down for good.” She looked so serious, it reminded him of Izzy, and instead of laughing, he sucked in a hard breath, turning away. He gripped the handlebars of his bike tightly, unleashing a wave of anger. “Sorry. Not much of a team player these days,” Colt snapped, lifting a leg over and settling into the seat. “Miss. Parker has already agreed, if that sways your decision.” Colt froze, his grip loosening, his balance off-kilter. What? “I have a list of names, courtesy of your late father, and I’m gathering a team to take them out one by one.” Colt was still silent. It felt like someone had taken a meat carver and scraped out his heart leaving a mess in their wake. There it was. His father’s death. The truth that had settled on his chest, pushing and pushing until the pressure threatened to crack him open. 
“How did you know where to find me?” Izzy asked, her smaller hand encased in her father’s larger one. He wasn’t hardened Agent Micahel C. Parker. He was Mike, Izzy’s exhausted, worried dad. Jason would pay for what he’d done to all three of them: her, her dad, and her mom. “I didn’t,” her father sighed. He kissed her hand, giving it a quick squeeze. He didn’t let go. “This is my fault. I pushed you too hard and I...I pushed you away.” Izzy tried to sit up, wincing at the soreness of her leg muscles until her dad gently pressed her back down into the pillows. She gave him a rueful smile. “I had my suspicions, but...it never occurred to me...oh Izzy.” A tear slid down his cheek, and Izzy felt herself choke up. She’d never seen him shed a tear at his own wife’s funeral, but his eyes were glassy now as he looked over her. “She tried to send you a stress code,” Izzy whispered, and Mike nodded, accepting it as just another sad truth. “The medical team noted the call from Jason’s neighborhood, but I’d just seen him not long after. Passed by him in the armory. And your voicemail…” More tears fell and neither Parker had a dry face now. “Until the Job is Done. Until The Wronged is Right,” Izzy quoted, and Mike shook his head. “I don’t know how deep the Brotherhood’s reach is, so we should put some distance between us and CAE-I,” Mike whispered. Izzy frowned. 
“Greg has already talked to his wife, and the twins are ecstatic to see their cousin. There’s a place for you at Cedar Cove--”
“And what about you, Dad? Ugh, you sound like Colt.” Her father’s eyes flashed at the mention of him, and she wished she had bitten her tongue. But she still pushed on, bringing up Shohreh’s offer. She’d known her as just another CAE-I agent, specifically the sharply dressed woman who’d taken her updated ID photo. Neither Izzy nor Mike could have foreseen she was a double agent, and that’s what troubled her father. Mike had all but kicked her out of the hospital room, but the look she’d shared with Izzy had been one of solidarity They’d be in touch, Izzy knew it. 
“Don’t you think we should consider--”
“I know you’re eighteen and think you’re all grown up...but look what happened.” Mike's voice shook on the last word, and Izzy brought his hand to her chest. She knew he meant more than her gunshot wound. She let the silence grow before she blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Did you know how Jason felt about Mom?” Izzy wasn’t sure where the question came from or if her father would even entertain it, so she held her breath, his hand still in her grasp. “A man’s feelings aren’t complicated so…yes.” Izzy sat with that confession for a moment before asking a follow-up question. “How were you okay with them being partners?” Mike sighed, pulling his hand away to brush a strand of hair from Izzy’s face. “I wasn’t. Even after we married, I hated it. But I trusted your mother. I wish I could explain it better, but I just knew I trusted her just as much as I know she loved me.” He looked at Izzy, his thumb rubbing her cheek in small circles like when she was younger. “I think that bastard knew too.” 
Izzy wasn’t sure why she kept the truth to herself, but she hadn’t revealed to her father that Jason struggled with feelings of his own in those crucial moments. Whether they were for her mother, Izzy, or a mixture of the two, Izzy would never know. It was too complicated. Jason could have shot her dead and been done with it, but he hadn’t. Somehow, Izzy knew he hadn’t murdered her mother. Kira Parker had been collateral damage, and someone else was to blame. Izzy had the beginnings of a headache now. 
The hospital door opened and in walked Colt. His eyes were red, though from tears or fatigue Izzy didn’t know. Izzy pushed herself up instantly, praying she hadn’t popped any stitches. “Can I help you?” Mike barked and Izzy glared at him. “You trusted Mom. Why can’t you trust me?” Izzy cocked an eyebrow, and she felt Colt’s gaze. When she looked over at him, he gave her his trademark smirk, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He was wearing that leather jacket she’d first met him in, and his hair was a little shorter than she remembered. Her smile softened, and suddenly their wordless reunion was interrupted by Mike clearing his throat. Izzy sighed, pleading with him. “Can I have a moment with Colt? Please?” Mike seemed to consider for a moment, then slid off the bed. He paused at the exit while Colt sat on the bed. Seeing Mike’s angry gaze, Colt rolled his eyes but gamely moved to an unoccupied chair. Mike smiled at Izzy, making a show of opening the door as wide as it would go. “Think about what I said. Meghan and Malcolm miss you. And your uncle tells me they got a dog too. Cute thing they call Coconut...” 
Once her dad was gone, Izzy let out a sigh of relief. She reached out for Colt as he quickly moved back to her side, pulling her into his arms as their mouths came together in a hungry kiss that left Izzy more lightheaded than her pain medication had. Izzy threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his chest, and took a deep breath in. “You’ve got a lot of nerve leaving a guy a dumbass note, Parker,” Colt pulled back, and Izzy laughed, punching his shoulder lightly. 
“Gotta keep you on your toes, Kaneko.”
“Not funny.” His gaze was serious, and Izzy expected more chiding, but his lips found her, and she sank into him. “Don’t ever pull a stunt like that again,” Colt said in between kisses. Her hand snaked through the hair at the base of his neck, and she moaned. She was going to get Colt kicked out of the room. Or worse; her father would walk in at the wrong moment and finish the job Drew hadn’t. Still, after days of smelling the sterile walls of her hospital room, and the tang of disinfectant when she was finally allowed to use the restroom, Colt was more than a welcomed change. Every one of her senses was set aflame as his warm lips traveled to her neck, softly sucking the delicate skin, and Izzy felt a delicious shiver down her spine. His hand draped across her covered, uninjured thigh, and the simple heat from his hand made her core ache with need. “How long you think before a nurse or your dad shows up?” Colt’s fingers inched up her thigh, and she desperately wished it wasn’t barred by the stupid blanket. She needed...she needed...
Reluctantly, Izzy pulled back, gathering her hazy thoughts together with difficulty. She might as well rip the bandage off now and tackle her dad next. “Um...so,” Izzy began but Colt gently tipped her chin so she had no choice but to look up at him. Her breath caught as she looked into his dark eyes. She noticed how brown they were, almost black, but not quite. They were warm and familiar and consuming all at once, and they only saw her. Miami had been days ago, maybe a week, and yet Colt looked like he’d aged a year. She traced the scars along his face and jaw, careful with the bruise against his cheek. The swelling had gone down, but even if it hadn’t, Izzy knew it would have done nothing to her attraction for him. His other nicks and healing cut under his cheek and across his jaw were background noise because, despite it all, he looked perfect. “I know you said yes, Izz,” Colt grinned, realizing that she was staring at him wordlessly. She closed her gaping mouth, wondering what exactly he saw in her. “We fuck shit up together, or not at all,” Colt spoke, and she cocked her head to the side, her lips stretching into the biggest grin. It dimmed when Colt suddenly became serious again. “I’ve um… got a score to settle,” he swallowed. He had been crying before.  
“Colt...what happened?”
“I’m a proud member of the dead parent club, Izz. That’s what happened.” Colt’s eyes were glassy, and Izzy pulled him in for another hug. Colt held on to her tightly. He didn’t have to say which parent: she could guess. All the words and well wishes and condolences had fallen on death ears when Izzy’s mom died, and she wisely kept her mouth shut as she rocked side to side with Colt. “I guess this means we’re really doing this?” Izzy asked, and she felt Colt nod in her embrace. She would hold him for as long as she needed. For as long as she needed even. “I was really looking forward to going to Langston next semester,” Izzy sulked as Colt finally let her go. She wiped the lone tear streak in his cheek with her thumb. “That uptight, preppy school on the east coast? Christ, you’d fit in perfectly,” Colt smirked, and Izzy was glad to see he sounded like his usual self even if it was at her expense. 
“I’ve had one foot in clandestine life and one foot in civilian life for too long. But I think I know where I belong now.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Hell yeah.” Izzy intertwined their fingers together, a continuous pattern of olive and brown. “I’m just glad you’re along for the ride.” She leaned in to kiss Colt’s cheek, the happiest and most terrified she’d been, and there had been many contenders for both titles. “They won’t know what hit ‘em,” Colt said assuredly, tucking a curl behind her ear. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I love you too!’ Izzy blurted, then cringed. She’d almost died without saying those words out loud, so she shouldn’t have been so hard on herself. Colt only laughed. “Yeah. I know.”
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy AU (Ride or Die)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both.
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
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Part 1 - Like Mother, Like Daughter
Part 2 - Trouble is a Friend of Mine
Part 3 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Part 4 - Two Truths and a Lie
Part 5 - Only the Good Die Young
Part 6 - Not Your Enemy
Part 7 - Nori Sato
Part 8 - Heating Up
Part 9 - This Is Just the Beginning (nsfw)
Part 10 - Lover’s Interlude
Part 11 - This is Goodbye
Word count: 2,288
COLT (moments prior)
“Go around the back” Izzy gestured as she leaped from the car. Was she crazy? “Why? What are you planning?” Izzy was almost to the opened door, but Colt soon caught up, almost running into her. Her back was straight as a rod. “Go around back,” she stressed, turning to look at him in the weak light. “I’m gonna need backup.” He knew exactly what Izzy was capable of, and it did nothing to quell his fears of whatever was in the house that she wanted so damn bad to face. He also knew she wouldn’t go down without a fight, and was probably just as stubborn as he was. He nodded and watched as Izzy continued her careful trek towards the house. The crickets and other noisy insects of the night were all Colt could hear until movement in his peripheral caught his attention. Colt assumed a defensive position instantly. “Show yourself, I know you’re fucking there!” he snarled, and the trespasser stepped forward, their sure, careful walk coming into focus until they were less than a few feet away.
Colt’s jaw dropped and his arms came down as he stared in disbelief. Anger, misery, and pain, things he hadn’t let surface for years suddenly became the only things he felt. “...Pop.” Colt almost stood as tall as his father, and the passing years had aged them both. The man looked just as surprised to see Colt. Even in the growing darkness, Colt could make out the familiar tattoos, shoulder-length dark hair, and his eyes pricked with angry tears. “You shouldn’t be here Colt,” were the first words Kaneko spoke after years of silence. Colt hardly had time to sort through his reunion with his missing father before he remembered Izzy in the house, alone. He took off running, his sole focus on getting to her. Why the fuck had he let her go in alone? Colt stumbled into the living room to find Izzy weakly fighting off her assailant, a tall man with a red beard, his arm tightening around her throat. 
She slumped in his iron grip and Red Beard let her hit the floor with a wet thump. He looked up, leering at Colt as recognition shone in his eyes. “Aren’t you a little old for Bring Your Kid to Work Day?” The stupid joke didn’t register and Colt could taste his own rage, visceral on his tongue. Anger at his father for showing up out of the blue and anger at the stranger who was responsible for Izzy’s current condition. Crossing the room in quick strides, Colt reeled his fist back, his blow landing right where he wanted it to. Red Beard stumbled back, holding his bloody nose as he glared, his own aggression flaring. But Colt didn’t give him a chance to retaliate, dealing punch after punch to Red Beard’s gut, ribs, jaw, anywhere he could reach. Red took a cheap shot at Colt’s knee causing him to stumble, then his fist connected with Colt’s cheek. 
“Enough, Drew!”  Kaneko’s voice had enough power and possibly the fear of God to stop Drew, but Colt took that moment of hesitation to land another devastating blow to his eye socket. Drew fell back, hitting his head against the coffee table, bleeding from the cut on his head and onto the carpet. He didn’t move, but his labored breathing told Colt he was unfortunately still alive. Colt’s hand throbbed, his ears rang from getting punched in the face and there were countless nicks and small bruises he’d discover later, but his sole concern was Izzy. He dropped to the ground beside her, cradling her head under his arm. She groaned, reaching for her throat but Colt took her hand in his free one, brushing a kiss to her weak fingers. Izzy’s lips fell into a strained smile as she gazed up at Colt, but it slipped as something else caught her attention. Her eyes widened and Colt looked back to find his father studying them, disapproving of the scene. That was enough to send Colt into another fit of rage. “Start fucking explaining and don’t leave anything out,” Colt seethed, meeting his father’s hooded gaze. He knew Kaneko wasn’t an honorable man, and until Izzy’s life had been in immediate danger, he hadn’t cared. “The Brotherhood sent you here, didn’t they?” Colt recalled the woman at the Cuban cafe and cursed himself for not saying anything to Izzy. He couldn’t connect the two, but she must have had something to do with the ambush.  
“If you know what’s good for you, you will listen to me--” Colt shook his head, a humorless laugh bubbling to his lips as he cradled Izzy. There was no way he was letting her out of his sight again. “You’ve been gone for five years, and now you wanna be my dad? Pop, that ship sailed a long time ago. Hell, you might have better luck with Logan. He’ll forgive anyone.” Hurt flashed in Kaneko's eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it came. He pointed to Izzy. “She’s trouble, son. You deserve a chance...to not be bound by my mistakes.” Izzy attempted a sitting position, now leaning against Colt’s shoulder as she tried to focus on Kaneko. “I’m trouble? What, were you sent here to kill me?” Izzy demanded them grimaced, her hand reaching to soothe her bruised throat. “I warned your mother for being so damn idiotic! Do you have a death wish as well?” Kaneko thundered. “Her partner killed her and he’ll kill you too! I will not lose my son because of an ill-timed infatuation.” Colt shook with anger, missing how Izzy’s disoriented expression hardened to steel. 
“...Don’t you dare talk to her like that,” Colt hissed, at a stand-off with the man he’d been so desperate to find. “You were there when she died?” Izzy asked evenly. Kaneko looked past Colt to narrow his eyes at Izzy. “I was there when she foolishly joined the Brotherhood, and I was there at the funeral,” Kaneko glared, but the lines in his tired face sagged when he glanced back at Colt. “I was forbidden from ever seeing my son again, lest he found the same fate. Colt, I never wanted to stay away. I just wanted you to have a chance to live.”  Colt had suspected The Brotherhood’s dealings with CAE-I, but the feeling of being right rang hollow. Colt didn’t know much about Kira Parker, but he wondered what exactly would entice her to cross over and leave Izzy behind. What dark motivation would meet or exceed his own father’s? What means would justify the ends?
“Why should I believe anything you say? You don’t deserve to call yourself a CAE-I agent,” Izzy spat, but Kaneko wasn’t offended. “You are but a child who’s managed to drag my son into your foolish troubles.” Kaneko’s eyes lingered on the hickies and love marks across Izzy’s uncovered skin, noticeably different from her attacker’s. 
“I don’t want your protection!” Colt shouted. “Just say you get off on the blood and murder and move on! Christ, you’re just like mom! Reliving your glory days to obtain some stupid high. Cars weren’t enough for you, old man?” Kaneko’s face was stone. He stepped closer to Izzy, but Colt moved to shield her. “I don’t expect you to understand,” Kaneko sighed as if he was talking to a deviant ten-year-old and not the taller and extremely hostile young man before him. Once upon a time, Colt had sought out Kaneko’s approval. Not anymore. “Do whatever the fuck you gotta do. Report to your superiors, take that with you,” he pointed to Drew who still lay unconscious, “and we’ll get out of your hair.” Izzy gripped his shoulder, now standing, and pulled Colt so he looked at her. “What!” But Colt yanked himself from Izzy’s grip to glare at his father. Kaneko said nothing, expression closed off, and Izzy looked from the two men in disbelief. 
Colt walked her back into the bedrooms to retrieve her things and anything he’d left lying around as well. He wouldn’t leave her alone with Kaneko, and rather than finding it a sweet gesture, her anger flared as hot and intense as Colt’s own. “We can’t stay here. Safehouse? Ha! That’s rich,” Colt muttered as he threw clothes in his bag and hastily zipped it up. “He fucking thinks he was protecting me? No, he was saving his own skin. I can’t believe Logan was right, motherfucker!” His injured hand smashed into the wall, opening up the scab as Izzy stared at him in disbelief. “Colt, if you don’t get a grip and calm the hell down,” Izzy began sternly, but Colt was on a tirade, pushing past her to stomp into the bathroom next. “You know you can’t go back, right? Jason’ll be waiting for you,” Colt talked over his shoulder as he swept their toothbrushes and other toiletries into the plastic bag he’d uncovered from Izzy’s things. 
“What, so I’m supposed to just fly off the radar and lay low for the rest of my life?” Izzy stepped in front of Colt so he had no choice but to look at her. “That’s not the worst idea you’ve had,” Colt snapped, but Izzy held firm. 
“I’m not running away, Colt!”
“And I’m not losing you!” Past the fire that blazed in his eyes, Izzy caught a glimpse of the fear he kept at bay. Fear for her. “This is my mission. This is my life,” Izzy whispered, cupping his cheek with her hand.
“This is a death sentence,” Colt argued, but his voice was softer too. Izzy’s eyes glistened, and she looked away, her voice short and clipped. “All the training in the world doesn’t make you invincible to death.” She thought of her mother. There was even more to the story, there had to be. “No, but it sure as hell increases your chances,” Colt muttered, tracing the outline of her lips with his thumb. It was swollen but his touch was feather-light. “Izzy, I love you.” The words were out and spoken so quickly Izzy thought she imagined them. She was an agent and he was the legacy kid of a career criminal and Brotherhood member so it couldn’t have worked out for them. He shouldn’t have been in love with her. But he was. She could see the truth in his dark eyes. 
“No you don’t,” Izzy said, sharply pulling away but Colt wouldn’t let her. Suddenly she couldn’t face him. “I love you, even if you don’t say it. Even if you don’t feel it,” Colt pressed, but Izzy yanked her hand away, running from him. She almost hit the wall around the corner and braced her arms for impact. She felt Colt’s presence behind her, and her face crumpled as her hands gathered into fists against the wall. “Don’t say things like that!” she swallowed the sob in her throat. She should have never brought Colt along. His dad was only doing what any caring father would; protecting his son. And suddenly Izzy wondered if that was what her mother was doing in her own misguided way. “I can’t be the thing that comes between you and your dad,” Izzy talked to the wall as Colt rubbed her arms in soothing motions. “He made his decision, and I’m making mine. Izzy, blood isn’t thicker than water, not by a long shot.” He pressed a kiss to her ear and Izzy couldn’t shake the fact that he was making the wrong decision. She did love him, the feeling had crept up on her too. But she’d have to be the one to save him from himself. CAE-I may have suffered corruption, but Izzy had taken an oath. Should death take her, she’d be ready. She blinked back the tears and turned to allow Colt’s strong arms to pull her towards him. It felt like a lifetime since they’d been intimate, yet his arms still felt like the safest place to be. 
When the two emerged from the back rooms to reenter the living room, both Kaneko and Drew were gone. They packed up the Honda, Colt teasing her for taking out the trash and attempting to clean up the dried blood. They found a hotel, checking in for the night. Izzy dressed his wounds as best she could, but it was a lost cause as Colt took her to bed and aggravated his injuries and reopened his bruises. Yet Izzy refused to tell him no. She wouldn’t deny him anything for that last night together. Each thrust, each kiss, each touch, Izzy took in stride, committing his scent, his feel, his taste to memory. When he’d drifted off to sleep, Izzy quietly dressed and grabbed her things. She slipped out of the hotel room, leaving the rental keys and hotel key card on the entertainment stand with a three worded note and her beating, broken heart. 
It was almost six in the morning, and Izzy dug in her bag for one of her unused burner phones. Pulling it out, she dialed the number she’d committed to heart as a bright-eyed, fearless five years old. The line went to voicemail as Izzy expected, and she waited for the prompt and resounding beep before she left her message. “Hey, Dad? It’s Izzy. I just wanted to let you know that I love you so damn much. I don’t say it much, and I never said it enough when Mom was alive. So, once more for emphasis?” Izzy laughed as she teared up in the hotel parking lot, waiting for her Lyft. “I love you, Dad.”   
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy (Ride Or Die AU) - Epilogue
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
Author’s Note: Y’all are such good sports, letting the smut-challenged girl write another NSFW 💀 This can be read as a standalone, (if you don’t plan to read the previous parts)
Rating: NSFW
Word Count: (does anyone ever pay attention to this number? lol) 1,365
Copenhagen, Denmark (December)
“I didn’t know we were exchanging gifts! Colt,” Izzy pouted as Colt passed her a small, silver foil package. They both sat on the bed of their Copenhagen hostel, shielded from the snowy night outside. They were in Denmark for a wedding, but not to attend the ceremony. A Brotherhood member, Cynthia Roman, was celebrating her younger sister’s nuptials, but Colt and Izzy were a part of the team in charge of confronting and luring her away before Rolly, their muscle, delivered the striking blow. There was still no word on Jason Shaw or Ozwald Wilis, and out of necessity, Shohreh had gone off the grid. But none of those things were on Izzy’s mind as she eyed the present in her hand. Christmas was celebrated on the 24th, just a few hours away, and Izzy had assumed the two of them weren’t exchanging gifts for the holiday at all. 
“Why don’t you stop screeching and open it already,” Colt rolled his eyes. Izzy frowned. “When I’m screeching, you’ll know it,” Izzy shot back, and Colt gave her a knowing look which Izzy pretended not to see. “But I didn’t get you anything,” Izzy stalled. She was dying to know what was inside, but she also hadn’t taken Colt for the sentimental type. 
“Izzy it’s not a big deal...you know what, just give it back--
“I’m opening it! I’m opening it,” Izzy blurted out as Colt tried to wrestle the gift from her. She yanked it back, pleased when Colt relented. Her lips pursed as she blew up a puff of air to move her bangs. They’d seemed like a good idea at the time, and she liked the way Colt’s gaze lingered on her, but the maintenance was a pain in the ass. Cutting across the wrapping paper with her nail, Izzy carefully tore open the package, revealing a box. She scoffed, looking up at Colt. “Did you get me a box?” Colt snorted, shaking his head. “Sure Izz, I got you a damn box.” But Izzy heard something slide as she tossed the wrapping paper aside. Lifting the lid, a soft gasp escaped her lips at the contents: gorgeous silver hoop earrings. Right before she’d withdrawn from her LATU classes, Izzy had lost her favorite pair somewhere in her old dorm room, never to be found again. They were her mother’s, but only she knew that, knew what that simple pair of jewelry was more than a fashion statement. So she’d stopped wearing earrings all together. 
“I love them,” Izzy found herself moving towards the mirror to admire herself. Colt walked up beside her, his gaze warm.  “It’s a camera,” Colt explained, pinching the metal piece at the back of Izzy’s ear. The small rhinestone at the bottom sparkled, but to anyone else looking, it appeared to be a trick of the light. “Doopppeee!” Izzy grinned, twisting and turning in the mirror while Colt bit back his smart-ass comment. A few months together and Colt had discovered Izzy’s dorky side. But he much preferred that Izzy to the one who shrunk into herself or came to from her thoughts in a daze. Not that he was doing much better when it came to his dad, but he depended on Izzy’s upbeat, spunk more than he realized to get through the day-to-day. “The smart thing would be to ask when the heck you found time to get this, and where,” Izzy trailed off, her eyes moving from their reflections to stare at Colt beside her. Her fingers softly grazed his cheek and leaned in to meet her halfway. 
“But I’ve got a better idea,” Izzy smiled, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “And what’s that?” Colt asked as Izzy removed the earrings before taking his hand and pulling him back towards the bed. “Tell me...tell me your fantasy,” Izzy stammered, her cheeks much redder than they had been moments prior. “Huh?” Colt gave her a baffled expression, and Izzy grazed her fingers down his shirt, stopping at the crotch of his pants. Colt was skilled with his tongue and fingers every time he went down on her, but Izzy had never had the courage to return the favor, to him or any guy. “Izz, you don’t have to,” Colt began, mistaking her shyness for nerves, but Izzy shook her head. She rubbed against the fabric, feeling his bulge beneath her fingertips. “It’s Christmas, and….” she paused to kiss him again, a smile on her lips. “I’m not about to be bested by a pair of spy camera earrings. So tell me what you want.” 
Colt didn’t have to be told twice, hardly believing his luck. Izzy had stripped down to her bra and panties, straddling Colt, her breasts swaying as she grinded on his erection. He could feel her damp core through the fabric, her hand sprawled across his bare chest. “Fucking...sexy,” Colt let out with a low, rough grunt, and Izzy kissed his neck, trailing a sloppy line with her tongue down his chest, pausing at his waistline. Izzy glanced up, a question in her brown eyes
“...You’re doing amazing babe,” Colt encouraged, and Izzy was bolstered by the term of endearment. She let instinct take over, taking Colt in her hand and licked up from the base, and taking her cues from Colt’s sounds of pleasure. Izzy’s lips tightly wrapped around the tip, and she swirled her tongue, listening as Colt let out a stream of expletives. Izzy bobbed up and down taking a little more of him in her mouth, glancing up each time, fighting the urge to smile as she realized Colt was utterly at her mercy. For once, his smart mouth couldn’t say anything. She gave his balls a tentative squeeze as Colt’s hand found Izzy’s hair. He squirmed beneath her as Izzy took him deeper into her hot mouth. She locked eyes with him, her curly hair wild and cheeks hollow out and flushed. Izzy had always had a carefully composed look of innocence about her, but right now he took satisfaction in the haphazardly way her hair fell, puckered lips glistening from her own spit. She looked like a fucking dream.  
Colt felt his body flooded with warmth, his release fast approaching. “...Izzy,” he warned, moving to pull Izzy off of him, but she placed a firm hand on his waist, stubbornly refusing to let him go anywhere. Colt clenched his jaw, head falling back against the sheets as his hips gave a violent jerk and Izzy swallowed all he gave her. Colt could barely move, utterly spent, his heart racing as Izzy climbed back up. He slid his arm around her, making room as Izzy nestled beside him,  the biggest grin on her face
“Shit, Izzy,” Colt laughed, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Izzy pulled her hair back, intertwining her legs with Colt’s. “I think what you meant to say was, ‘Oh my God, Izzy, that was amazing! Best gift ever!’” Izzy mimicked his voice, and he playfully kicked her foot with his own. 
“You blow me once, and suddenly you think you own the place,” Colt scoffed, and Izzy was on top of him, her face inches from his. She suddenly sat back, letting out a peal of laughter. 
“Oh, I get it, there’s only room for one ego in this relationship.” Izzy’s next snort of laughter was cut short when Colt flipped them so he was now on top.  Her dark hair fanned out across the sheets, bangs glued to her forehead from sweat, and brown skin flushed red from exertion. Izzy bit her lip nervously at Colt’s prolonged silence. 
“No way that was your first time,” Colt broke the quiet, and Izzy scoffed, her pretty lips pulled in a frown that Colt knew wasn’t real.  “Baby, I’m a fast learner,” she winked, and Colt traced his hand down her stomach, his touch feather light. 
“We’re doing pet names now?
“You started it…” Izzy writhed beneath him, anticipating his touch 
“As long as you’re screaming for me, I don’t care what you call me,” Colt murmured as he pulled her close, Izzy’s sounds of surprise soon gave way to wanton cries. 
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
College AU - Colt x MC
Author’s note: I’m v creative at titles y’all... 💀 So after putting up an informal poll, I decided to post this first, and just be on the look out for the Fluff ABCs. Who knows, I might go crazy and actually do the entire alphabet lol
Summary: A college sophomore, Izzy can’t seem to shake herself of Colt. 
Tag list: (LMK if you want to added/removed):
@thefarrari @leelee10898 @liamzigmichael4ever @going-down-downtown @indiacater @lovehugsandcandy @teenytinymagician @brightpinkpeppercorn @emomoustache @fucking-random1 @long-gone-girl @alegria1580 @average-sunflower
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He’d be at the apartment any moment, and she wasn’t ready. Between cramming for midterms and giving up a healthy sleep schedule and some vitamin D in exchange for Mountain Dew and dry roasted peanuts, Izzy probably looked as crazy as she felt. Her dirty laundry over-flowed from the basket in her room, her bed hadn’t been made since the semester began, and she’d forgotten she had a desk and office chair since everything and anything clamored for space in the small corner.
“So, when do I get to meet this boyfriend of yours?” her roommate Cora had giggled earlier, green eyes twinkling with interest. “First of all, he’s not my boyfriend,” Izzy had told her for maybe the twelfth time as she scanned her near-empty side of the refrigerator. She really needed to go grocery shopping. “And secondly, you’ve seen him before,” Izzy laughed, settling on a chilled water bottle. Cora groaned, leaning across their kitchen counter dramatically. “Izzy! That does not count, and you know it! And what do you mean? He’s not your boyfriend like, anymore?” Cora’s smirked turned suggestive, and Izzy felt herself get defensive. “Back off,” Izzy gritted, but Cora dropped the act and let out a tinkle of a laugh. She was only a theater minor, double majoring in Spanish and Russian, but she’d been larger than life since Izzy had roomed with her their freshman year at Langston.
“Izabel, it’s not my fault you two go through more breakups than Justin and Selena.” Izzy tried not to let the truth of her roommate’s statement rattle her, and slowly counted to five before making a flimsy excuse about looking for something before she left the small kitchen.
Three times. It had only been three times Izzy and Colt had broken up and made up. That wasn’t a lot, and besides, they always ended up together. The first time, she’d called Colt a distraction and told him she needed to fully focus on her first official semester. The second time, her father had been involved, sharing his parental disapproval with Izzy, and like an idiot, Izzy had shared it with Colt. He’d teased her about being a daddy’s girl, Izzy had snapped at him for what had surely not come off as a joke, and the argument that ensued resulted in more than hurt feelings. The third break up? It had only caused the most explosive fight between the two. Maybe, just maybe, a new girl had joined the MPC. And maybe she was spending too much time cozying up to Colt while Izzy was all the way on the east coast. And it was possible that Izzy was a far more jealous creature than she liked to admit. And maybe her patience and trust caused her to say something stupid, like she’d gone for the wrong guy all those years ago. And maybe Colt had retorted that maybe he’d been stupid to fall in love with her.
But each time they called it quits it was as if the universe were chastising a pair of insolent children, and both Izzy and Colt found themselves right back in each other’s arms, far more miserable apart than they were together.
The knock at the front door jolted Izzy back to her task, and a quick peek at her phone confirmed who waited outside. Quickly shoving clothes and books into her closet, switching her pajama top and shorts for the only clean dress she had left, and shaking out her hair to rid it of the scrunchie indent, Izzy hurried to the front door. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and was glad she’d let some air enter her lungs. It was too bad she might not release it.
If Izzy was as affected by his appearance as Colt was by hers, she noticed he didn’t let on to the fact. Before the door opened, Colt had paced about nervously, running a hand through his hair, second-guessing his trek to see her. Not many things put him on edge, but Izzy slamming the door in his face even though they’d both agreed to see each other was high on that list. And when Colt finally saw her face for the first time in so many months, it was like a dam cracked opened, and everything he could and couldn’t say came rushing to the surface. But Colt wasn’t one to waste words when actions did better. He took in Izzy’s denim shirt dress and hesitant but hopeful expression and stepped forward into the small apartment without ceremony, wrapping her in his arms. 
They were nothing but a frenzy of hands and lips and tongues and anyone of Izzy’s neighbors could have borne witness to the entertainment of the century if they bothered to open their window blinds. Colt staggered into the entry hallway, the front door still ajar as Izzy hooked her legs around his waist and pinned her against the wall with ease. She broke away from the kiss, panting and flushed, but with a smile that told Colt everything would work out, and he’d be a damned fool to let her go again. A low wolf whistle startled them, and two pairs of eyes traveled to locate the source of their spectator. Izzy quickly untangled herself from Colt, wishing the floor would suddenly swallow her whole.
“Well don’t stop on my account. You can introduce me later,” Cora smirked, taking a crisp bite of her apple as she eyed her roommate and Colt with unsuppressed glee. Izzy narrowed her eyes in silent communication, to some degree of success. “Toodles, my love. And her love, LOL!” Cora giggled, waving her fingers in a showy farewell and winking as she walked to her bedroom and shut the door. The next thing she knew, Colt was laughing, to Izzy chagrin. “That’s not funny,” she grumbled, glancing at the ceiling in embarrassment.
“I missed that,” Colt chuckled, his tone gentler. Izzy’s eyes flickered over to him. “What? People walking in on us–” She clamped her mouth shut, refusing to finish the sentence out loud. Some thoughts were best kept locked inside her head. “God no,” Colt rolled his eyes before softly flicking her bottom lip with his knuckle. Izzy exaggerated her puckered lips, cracking up. “And that,” Colt spoke again, now only inches away from her face. Cora’s room door flew open again and her voice called out.
“My parents are coming over this weekend, and we eat at the kitchen table so maybe don’t—”
The door slammed shut again, and suddenly Izzy needed to go somewhere, go anywhere. It didn’t matter where, as long as Colt was with her. She grabbed her keys and his hand, pulling him back outside. “Where are you taking me, Izz?” Colt teased but changed his tune once he caught the fire in her bright eyes. “Don’t know, don’t care.”
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
Convergence - Colt x MC
Author’s note: Blah blah canon divergence blah blah chapter 10 inspired blah blah this book has me whipped!!!! 😆
**takes place after Divided Road and Mind Made Up
***posting on mobile, and for some reason can’t add tags??? I’m so sorry y’all
Summary: Izzy and Colt. That’s it, that’s the summary.
Word Count: 1163
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Sure she felt of place at a rave with nothing but her Langston sweater and jeans, but Izzy would have felt more out place in the neon get-up Mona had offered her. At least, that’s what she told herself as her friends all split up to dance to the music.
Izzy didn’t have a rhythmic bone in her body, something her mother used to say she got from her. Izzy pushed back the memory, refusing to linger in the past, and took in the pulsing music and bright, flashing lights with renewed vigor. Her feet carried her partly to Logan before her eyes traveled to where Colt stood alone. Izzy felt rooted in place as Kaneko’s conversation from before came to mind.
A ghost of a smile crossed her lips when she recalled how the older man noted Colt’s fondness of her, but the feelings turned sour and curdled in her stomach when she remembered Kaneko’s words regarding Logan. Izzy’s heart ached as she realized a painful truth. She still had her father in a way, and Colt more or less had his, but where did that leave Logan? Who did he have? It was this single-minded focus that drew her closer to Logan until she caught Colt’s unreadable expression just a few feet away.
They locked eyes, and Izzy felt the exact moment her heart slowed. Her feet carried her to Colt, and she didn’t feel so confused anymore. Sure he was rude and annoying, and an asshole at best, yet none of those things mattered as her lips quirked into a smile of their own accord. “Come on, Colt!” Izzy grabbed his arm, ignoring the anxieties swirling in her head, and the disappointed look Logan passed her way. It was like the nitrous: once her path was set, she couldn’t change it.
“I don’t really dance,” Colt began, but his lips twitched as if he wasn’t completely honest. “What a coincidence! Neither can I!” Izzy laughed, and went with her instincts rather than fight them. If her heart wanted Colt, then she was gonna work her butt off to get him.
Away from the crew and deeper into the crowd, Colt wrapped his arms around her. Izzy bit her lip, more reactionary than conscious, as Colt gently tilted her chin up. This was way better than any of the romantic comedy movies she’d stayed up late watching all these years. She felt seen as Colt pulled her into him, secure as they swayed to the music. Now Izzy understood what people meant when they were “high off of life”. She could spend the rest of her days in Colt’s arms, unaware of the loud music, crowds of people, or flashy lights if he held her just like this.
Izzy’s eyes fluttered closed, a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in a while washing over her when Colt’s sudden question robbed her of that.
“Is Logan watching?”
Izzy’s eyes flew open again, agitation written across her now stern features. She quickly schooled them into a neutral expression when she realized Colt was looking at a point past her head. “You don’t want him to see us?” Izzy surely didn’t, and her palms sweat with the thought. It was why they were as far away from the crew as possible. As far away from Logan as possible. She’d lied to him and wasn’t ready to face the consequences yet, or ever. “Is it bad that a part of me does?” Colt asked, and Izzy caught a flicker of that competitive gleam in his eyes. She frowned, sharply pulling back. Maybe Mona would want to dance. They were on friendly terms now, and the urge to slap Colt was strong. “I’m not a possession for you two to fight over, I’m a person.” Her dad would be proud of her, if he ever forgave her.
As Izzy turned to storm away, Colt pulled her back, firmly adding, “You’re far more than that.” The intensity in his gaze and the sincerity of his words gave Izzy pause. It didn’t excuse his behavior, but she no longer felt like the prize in a game. Maybe she’d get an actual apology later. For now, there was something addictive about Colt’s validation. She didn’t need it, and yet she suddenly craved it. Izzy hoped she hadn’t fallen too far, too fast for him.
The worry was almost forgotten as she felt her body hug against Colt’s, grinding in a way that felt right to her. Maybe all that movie watching had come in handy! Colt’s body responded in turn, moving with her own to the beat of the music, and Izzy surrendered fully to the moment. Her back against his chest, she knew she was right where she needed to be.
“You’re my driver forever, you know that?” Colt spoke into her ear, and Izzy chucked, twisting to face him again.
“I didn’t take you for being-“
His lips crashed against hers, swallowing the rest of her sentence, the rest of her thoughts. She talked too much, she knew. It was a byproduct of a buzzing mind. But if Colt planned to shut her up with a kiss every time, she wouldn’t complain. She’d never complain again.
His lips traveled to her neck, sucking on her pulse point, and Izzy swore she saw stars. She felt rather than heard his chuckle as he moved on to her collar bone, inching closer to her feather tattoo. A foreign feeling deep in her core stirred, and all her senses awakened at once.
It was all Colt could do to slow down. Izzy’s moan set him off, and he instantly felt his jeans tighten in response. He was almost positive she wasn’t aware of the perfect way her body molded to his, the way he wanted to pull her away from the commotion around them and....
He settled for kissing her senselessly, bringing his lips back to hers, enjoying the way she snaked her hand into his hair, the smell of her hair, her taste, her familiar warmth. He nibbled her bottom lip, drawing it out with his teeth before pulling back to take her in. Izzy’s hoops hung from her ears, tangled in the coils of her hair, and her face was flushed from their close contact and her kiss-bitten lips. Izzy’s eyes were lidded as if stuck in a dream and Colt felt her breath hitch as he gently kissed the space between her nose and forehead.
“That’s my girl,” Colt spoke loud enough so only she could hear him, smirking at the way her mouth twitched in surprise as if registering the words before pretending they hadn’t affected her. Izzy pulled away, this time with a small blush, and threaded her fingers through his, suddenly shy again. Colt couldn’t help it; his smile stretched of its own volition as Izzy couldn’t meet his eyes.
If his dad had felt even an ounce for his mom what he felt for Izzy right now, Colt would never be able to understand how he’d left them so easily. He couldn’t leave Izzy’s side if he tried.
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy AU (Ride or Die)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both.
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
Song rec: Open Wide by duendita
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Part 1 - Like Mother, Like Daughter
Part 2 - Trouble is a Friend of Mine
Part 3 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Part 4 - Two Truths and a Lie
Part 5 - Only the Good Die Young
Part 6 - Not Your Enemy
Part 7 - Nori Sato
Part 8 - Heating Up
Word count: 2,283
Miami in a nutshell? Humid. Sweat trailed down his back, making his clothes stick to his thighs, chest, and back. The insects were trying to take him alive, and he’d stubbornly refused to heed Izzy’s warning to put on bug spray. One thing was for certain, he’d never complain about the Los Angeles heat ever again. He’d never take air condition for granted again either. Colt sat shotgun to Izzy, taking in palm tree after palm tree through the window of the Honda Civic Izzy had rented. “We’re not getting a motorcycle,” Izzy had argued at the airport. “Why the hell not? I don’t remember you complaining the last time,” Colt glared as Izzy pulled out a credit card. “Live a little, Jesus Christ! Not like it’s on your dime, right?” He motioned to the shiny piece of plastic as Izzy pointedly ignored him. “And where the hell are we supposed to put our bags…?” Izzy had muttered under her breath. Colt cracked the tiniest smile. It was too easy to get underneath her skin.
Now it was the other way around, as Izzy seat-shimmied in the driver’s spot, terribly off rhythm as a jazzy salsa number blared from the speakers. She sang along with the Spanish she understood. Colt was two seconds away from changing the station to anything else. She snuck a glance at him, pulling down the overpriced shades she’d snagged from the airport gift shop. “Jealous of my sick moves?” she teased, and Colt’s dry laugh had the opposite effect. Her face lit up in amusement and she threw her head back, loose and carefree. She was gorgeous, but she was also annoying. “Can you please keep your damn eyes on the road before we crash?” Izzy reflexively sucked in her bottom lip to pout and Colt’s irritation was short lived. The pause of silence caused Izzy to look over, and she met Colt’s heated gaze. She quickly turned her attention back to the road, lips now forming a thin line. Colt snickered. 
“So where are you taking us, Junior Agent?”
“Okay, first off, it’s not Izz and it’s not Junior Agent. It’s Izzy.” Colt reached over and scanned through the radio stations, his arm brushing against Izzy’s. She sat up, dropping the arm to her side, and continued to drive one-handed. Colt snickered as he settled on a station that wasn’t in Spanish.  “A safe house. We’re retracing my mom’s footsteps, remember?” Izzy glared at him, and Colt held his hands up in mock surrender. She looked as if she wanted to roll down the window and shove him through. Instead, Izzy pulled a phone from her pocket, a Nokia, then glanced at the screen and pocketed the phone again. Her fingers tapped against her thigh, and she brought up her free hand so that both hands gripped the wheel.
“You’re fidgeting,” Colt observed, and Izzy stilled. She smiled sweetly at him, braking at a red light. “I’ve been wondering. For someone who isn’t an agent, you seem pretty invested in CAE-I,” Izzy said pointedly and Colt shook his head. “I told you, and against my will really. Both parents were in it. One got the hell out.” Colt watched her shoulders droop slightly. 
“I’ve never heard of agents…well.” 
“Bailing?” Colt supplied and Izzy shrugged. “Well, yes. It’s kind of a lifelong commitment. No one works that hard, logs that many hours in the field or in the labs, has so many brushes with death and just...quits.”
“C’mon Izz, open your eyes. What does it mean when I’ve been more honest with you than some of the people you’ve known for years?” Colt was feeling around in the dark, but by the way Izzy bit the skin on her knuckle, he knew he wasn’t far off the mark. “What makes you think your dad’s still alive?” she tried a different tactic, and Colt set her with a look. “Dunno. Should I start questioning your gut feelings?” Colt snapped. She wasn’t giving up apparently, though he’d come to expect that now. 
The shades only did so much to hide her eyes. They were hardly a dark enough tint to shade her from the sun, and Izzy was trying her best not to look over at the attractive asshole sitting mere inches from her. 
She knew he felt the same way, at least on a physical level, and the last thing she wanted was to reveal the feeling was mutual. It was too bad her brain refused to receive the message. “Must be nice to be close to him,” Izzy sighed and Colt gave her a puzzled look. “Your dad,” Izzy clarified, feigning indifference, but the bitterness ran deep. “Funny, I took you for a Daddy’s Girl,” Colt poked fun at her, earning a grunt and a scowl. He was evading the question, and Izzy could sense a sore subject a mile away. She decided to play nice, even if her partner didn’t deserve it. “Yeah. I was. But you grow up and certain titles no longer fit...and certain relationships...change.” Colt dragged an exasperated hand over his face. 
“Oh God, please don’t start telling me your whole life story. I don’t wanna hear it.”
“That’s because you like hearing the sound of your own stupid voice.”
“Better than your whiny one.”
“I do not have a whiny voice!”  Izzy shot back, then paused. Did she have a whiny voice? The GPS instructed her to turn right just then, and Izzy powered off the helpful machine, glad to have something else to focus on that wasn’t pushing Colt out of the rental and into oncoming traffic. 
“...Should have brought your friend Logan instead,” Izzy glanced over at Colt, who was switching stations again. Would he just pick one already? “But you came to me,” Colt said matter-of-factly, but one look at his furrowed brow and Izzy detected a hint of jealousy. Interesting. “I’ve been known to make mistakes,” Izzy mused, as the scenery morphed into less road and more into the beginnings of a sunset. Izzy flipped the headlights on, illuminating the path. “He’s cute, pretty good with his hands, nice...hangs out with the likes of you,” Izzy paused then, giving Colt a critical eye before she looked to the front again. “But hey, no one’s perfect,” Izzy shrugged. “You’ve got the bar too damn low, no wonder he surpasses your shitty standards,” Colt crossed his arms, and Izzy barked a laugh. “Oh my God, are you jealous, Colt? Because I was under the impression you didn’t like me...oh wait, that’s right!” Izzy snorted, sparing another quick glance at Colt. He was smiling, no, smirking. Izzy felt her stomach flipped as her own amused grin slipped. 
“Carefully Izzy, all this flirting is starting to make me think you care,” Colt goaded her, and Izzy was at a loss for words. “I don’t!” she stammered, but she sounded far from convincing even to her own ears. “For the record, I’m pretty good with my hands too,” Colt cocked an eyebrow suggestively and purposefully turned up the hip hop beat that thumped from the stereo, discouraging any further conversation and sparring Izzy any further embarrassment.
It was almost dark when she pulled into the unassuming driveway, and the two unloaded their bags from the back seat, Izzy leading the way to the front door as she took stock of the quiet house. Pulling the fraying wristwatch from her pocket, Izzy held its face up to the doorknob. A sharp click signaled the door had unlocked and Izzy pushed it open, crossing the threshold. “Wow, all that anticipation and it’s a fucking normal house,” Colt pushed past her, dropping his bag on the couch as he walked through the living room. He was right, though she would never say it aloud. There were two gray sofas with brown and gray decorative pillows thrown across and a cozy recliner. On the walls were framed paintings of cranes and beaches. A coffee table in the middle of the room held a large leather bible, and the room smelled stale as if it had been years since it’d been used. Colt disappeared down the hallway leading to the bedrooms, while Izzy meandered to the kitchen, hungrier than she realized. 
Pulling open cabinets, Izzy found an unopened jar of peanut butter, a box of crackers, and water bottles in the pantry. They would have to grab some actual food in the morning, but if Izzy pulled her travel snacks out of her carry on bag, she figured they could make a meal to tide them over. “Could be better,” she heard Colt’s voice, turning to see him leaning against the entryway to the kitchen, his expression bored. Izzy rolled her eyes, gathering the peanut butter and crackers. Colt followed her movements, his gaze resting on the food. 
“What the hell is that?”
“Dinner!” Izzy winked, laughing at Colt’s confused, unbelieving stare. “...You can’t be serious.” Izzy kneeled on the living room floor, rummaging around her bag until she found what she was looking for. She shook the small tin of dried cranberries into her palm, winking up at Colt. “Calm down, it’s just for the night.” She lifted her hand, dumping the sticky clump to her mouth and chewed. “I promise to share,” she added, biting back a smile as Colt wandered back into the kitchen. 
He found a can of tuna, an unopened but stale bag of Cheetos, and some more water bottles, adding them to Izzy’s ‘dinner stash’. His mother wasn’t much of a cook--he and Logan were on a first name basis with the pizza guy for the longest time-- but the meager pile of food was more snackish than actual substance. “The peanut butter will fill you up,” Izzy suggested. He gave her skeptical glance, and Izzy brought the jar back to her and snapped open the cap of the bottled water. “Rooms look okay?” Izzy asked, pulling out a laptop and booting it up. Colt shrugged at her small talk. “They look like rooms.” He didn’t trust the sheets and pillowcases though. There was a thick enough layer of dust he could write his name on the bedside table. “So…” Izzy drew out the word. “So?” Colt repeated. Izzy flipped the laptop around, displaying a CAE-I sanctioned website. Jason Shaw’s photo took up a quarter of the screen Izzy tapped rapidly.
“Can you gain access to his profile and see what we can find on the Brotherhood and his involvement?” Colt glanced at Izzy who looked back at him with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. He hoped she had a plan B because she wasn’t going to like what he had to say. “Can I hack into it? Yes? Have I hacked into it, yeah. Did I find anything? No.” Izzy’s nose scrunched up as she processed this information. She shook her head, refusing to believe him. “Can you...do it anyway? For me?” When Colt had first snooped around, not long after Kaneko’s own information had been purged, he’d discovered a few debriefs and personal accounts of involvement with the Brotherhood were also missing. Colt was sure Izzy would have discovered that herself, being an actual agent, but the look of confusion on her face told a different story. A few moments and he was in the system, free to peruse Shaw’s or anyone else’s logged notes and previous missions. He handed off the laptop for Izzy to investigate. Sure enough, her lips found the rough skin of her knuckles, and they parted as she nervously scraped her teeth. Yet all Colt could register were her lips and how they grazed against her finger. Reflexively, he licked his own lips, hardly aware of Izzy’s growing frustration. 
“It’s like a widespread system wipe! It’s...gone. How is it gone?” Izzy exclaimed, the rest of her statement dying on her tongue the moment she met Colt’s smoldering gaze. “Colt…” she began, her expression suddenly unreadable. “You… I can’t concentrate if you keep looking at me like that,” she frowned, but it was strained. She cleared her throat. “If you’re gonna lie and say you don’t feel what I’m feeling, at least make it convincing,” Colt countered. A pause, and then she nodded. “One kiss to get it out of our system.” Colt wasn’t sure who lunged first. His lips crashed against hers in an instant, and suddenly breathing was overrated. He pulled Izzy into his lap, their lips still connected, her knees smacking against his waist. The force with which she moved caused them both to tumble, leaving Izzy on top. 
Colt trailed a line of kisses down her cheek, below her neck, and right above her breast. Her clothes were in the way, hell, his clothes were in the way too. As quickly as she’d begun, Izzy pulled back, breaths erratic and hair obscuring half her face as Colt panted too. But he could see her eyes clearly, the hunger unmistakable. She ran a hand through her hair, pushing herself off of Colt, her chest rising and falling from what had just transpired. Izzy glanced away, trying to break the trance, and before Colt could reach out and pull her back to him, she was standing. “Oh God,” Izzy shook her head, running another hand haphazardly through her curls. They were messier and Colt had the faintest idea of what she looked like upon waking in the mornings. The thought made the blood rush to his groin. “That was one hell of a kiss,” Colt finally said, and Izzy let out a guttural groan that took him off guard. Seemingly against her better judgment, Izzy surrendered completely into Colt’s arms.  
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
FLUFF ABCs – Colt x Izzy (Colt x MC)
Thank you @pixelburied for your beautiful template! It’s about time something was created for the smut and NSFW writing-challenged 😭🤣
Wanna know more about Izzy and Colt’s relationship? Details below the cut!
Tag list: (LMK if you want to added/removed):
@thefarrari @leelee10898 @liamzigmichael4ever @going-down-downtown @indiacater @lovehugsandcandy @teenytinymagician @brightpinkpeppercorn @emomoustache @fucking-random1 @long-gone-girl @alegria1580 @average-sunflower @scgdoeswhat
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A – Anger (What was their first fight about? Any big or recurring arguments?)
Paternal relationships. Izzy’s close relationship with her father and her need to hold on to it is often at odds with Colt’s idgaf (anymore) attitude, and has caused quite a bit of arguments. They also fight about college, and Colt’s decision to stop taking classes. Izzy wishes he would consider going back and finishing his degree, which annoys Colt. 
B – Best (What would they say is the other’s best trait?)
Izzy would chicken out and say she likes Colt’s hair to avoid saying what she really thinks, but he knows she checks him out when she doesn’t think he’s looking. Colt favorite trait hands down is Izzy’s lips; how they scrunch together when she’s bickering with him, how they quirk up when she’s laughing, how they’re pursed when she’s lost in thought.
C – Camera (How do they document their relationships? Who likes to take pictures? Or videos?)
Colt isn’t really one for taking pictures or videos to document a relationship and frankly finds it all dumb. Izzy on the other hand has a camera roll full of candids of Colt, and a random voice-mail she saved of him saying good morning to her.
D – Dates (What are their dates like?)
Lots of driving/riding around L.A. watching the sunset, catching midnight movies. It’s not unusual for Colt to hit her up and take her for an impromptu ride. Sometimes Izzy shares pieces of her world, sometimes Colt does. There’s lots of comfortable silences between them, and it’s then that Izzy tries to sneak glances at Colt only to find he’s been watching her the whole time.
E – Early (What was the first month of dating like?)
So hectic. Oh my God. Between Colt’s involvement with the MPC, and Izzy being college bound, they don’t get together officially until she leaves for Langston. The literal distance apart is what pulls them back together (the first time), and they pursue a long distance (on and off... and on and off again) relationship for rest of Izzy’s time at Langston.
F – Friends (How is their relationship with each other’s group of friends?)
Colt doesn’t exactly do friends, while Izzy couldn’t leave Riya to save her life. Plus Izzy is pretty fond of Ximena, Toby, Mona, and later Logan after she finally forgives him. Riya is not Colt’s biggest fan and thinks Izzy could do a hell of lot better and has rudely name-dropped Logan’s name in conversation in front of Colt. #sorrynotsorry seems to be the recurring theme there...
G – Gifts (Do they like giving each other gifts? What kind?)
Izzy has a thing for key-chains, and the wackier the better! Colt makes fun of her, but half of the key-chains Izzy owns have been gifts from him. A necklace that matches her charm bracelet was another gift from him. As for Colt, Izzy never knows what to get him, as he’s a notoriously difficult person to pin down when it comes to taste. So many of her gifts to him have also benefited her: his cologne, the finger-less gloves he wears when riding his motorcycle, the portable phone charger that Izzy also borrows, etc. 
H – Hugs (All things involving hugs)
Colt is touched starved and affectionate AF around Izzy, either wrapping his arm around her or looping his arm around her waist, or holding her hand, but he’s not huge on the act of hugging itself. Izzy’s a hugger though! It’s how she greets her friends, says goodbye to her dad when she’s not rushing or running late, and how she communicates to Colt that he makes her feel safe.
I – Inside Jokes (Do they have any?)
As a joke, Riya told Izzy she should put Colt into her phone as “Biker babe”. Unfortunately, Colt happened to see this, and has been teasing Izzy relentlessly about it since.
J – Jealousy (Who gets jealous easier? How do they show their jealousy?)
They both get jealous, but Colt’s doesn’t bother hiding it, and Izzy doesn't hide it well. Izzy doesn’t think she’s all that attractive and misses the way guys sometimes leer after her in public. They never get to approach her though because Colt is quick to put a stop to anything.
K – Kiss (How do they kiss? Who usually initiates?)
Passionate!!! Kissing!! My God!! It’s an even split between who initiates, though Colt usually anticipates Izzy’s need before she does. Also, Izzy is slightly PDA-phobic. A peck on the cheek is usually the most she’ll do in public, but when it’s just her and Colt, she’s bold and takes charge; there’s no hesitation!
L – Love (How do they first say those three words?)
Watch canon f this up for me
They’re at Colt’s childhood cliff on one of their many casual dates, Izzy can’t keep her feelings to herself anymore and is about to confess when Colt speaks the words first. Fumbles them really, and Izzy can hardly believe her ears and is so relieved and thankful she pounces on him, throwing her arms around his neck and laughs, also not believing this is real life. Colt doesn’t breathe easy until Izzy says that she loves him too, and what the heck took him so long??
M – Movies (What kinds of movies do they watch together? Is it a regular Netflix ritual?)
Anything with gore, thrills, high speed chases, and actions sequences where things blow up is right up Colt’s alley. Izzy likes horror films up until the moment the movie ends and she’s alone with her thoughts. To counteract that, Colt has to be prepared to watch a musical right after so Izzy “can sleep without the lights on”. He makes fun of the cheesy acting and songs, and Izzy smacks him with pillows and tells him to shut up.
N – Nicknames (Things they call each other)
“Izz” which is a shortened version of Izzy’s full name, and “sweetheart” on rare occasions, while Colt has answered to: ‘babe’, ‘dude’, ‘my dude’, ‘smart-ass’ and his name when Izzy addresses him.  
O – One (Tell us about the moment they realized they were with the one.)
They confess their love sooner, but realizing how strong that love is doesn’t happen until Izzy’s in college and she and Colt break up the first time. The moment when Colt needs someone to vent to and picks up the phone just to hear her voice, he knows. It hits him like a ton of bricks. And then it really hurts because they’re not together at that moment.For Izzy, it takes some more time. It’s her father who points it out after she comes home for semester break. Izzy thinks that she’s really screwed up and that she and Colt are over. While he sides with Riya on his feelings about Colt, her dad just wants her to be happy, and then Izzy realizes. Colt makes her mad, but he also makes her happy, and in a weird way they do balance each other out. 
Contemplating a life without each other is something that neither of them will entertain.
P – Pizza (What is their favorite food to eat together?)
Izzy has a Barbie cookbook her mom gave her from way back when, and one of the recipes is for double chocolate fudge brownies. She basically has the recipe memorized, and it’s become her and Colt’s ‘on the run’ fuel, aka Colt always asks if she’s made some lately!
Q – Quit (Do they break up? Almost break up? What happened?)
Oh boy, these two put the ‘fun’ in dysfunctional…. 🙄 They suffer an on again-off again relationship nearly the entire time Izzy’s in college. Usually Izzy breaks it off but Colt is the one to get them back together. The longest time they spent broken up was during Izzy’s junior year where she just barely made a C in her Fluid Mechanics 2 course and decided Colt could wait but her degree couldn’t. As for other disagreements, the MPC, their paternal relationships, Colt’s refusal to go back to college and more have played on a loop, some getting more hits than others. However, the older they get, the more they mellow out, and their fights stop inciting World Wars.
R – Rainy Days (How do they comfort each other on dark days?)
Izzy is an upbeat, optimistic person usually, but sometimes her memories of her mother turn bittersweet and she doesn’t want to be around anyone. If Colt witnesses one of these moments, he teases to her to get her to lighten up, but when Izzy doesn’t take the bait, he’ll give her space to talk about her mom and whatever else.
Colt gets antsy being a sitting duck, and has to go somewhere, anywhere, to clear his thoughts and calm down. He’ll take his bike, or Izzy will take her car, and they’ll just drive, the radio blasting if Izzy’s driving. And all the while, Izzy will wait for him to let out whatever’s bothering him, just like he does for her.
S – Soft (Something one of them did that turned the other into absolute mush)
Izzy wearing his motorcycle get-up after she begs for lessons. Colt loves seeing her on his bike, wearing his helmet; sometimes she’ll wear his jacket in order to imitate him, but he just falls in love with her all over again. For Izzy?? Colt in red shoes. Izzy has ALWAYS had a thing for guys in red sneakers, and when this randomly comes up in conversation between them, the next time Izzy see’s Colt, he’s got a pair on just for her.
T – Texting (Do they text each other a lot? What do they usually talk about over the phone?)
They do! They also can be found Snapchat and video talking to each other. In college, it’s not unusual (when they’re on speaking terms) for Izzy to call up Colt and on put him on speakerphone while she’s doing homework, cooking dinner in the kitchen, or something as random as rearranging her bedroom furniture. As for what they talk about, anything and everything is game. Izzy ends up majoring in mechanical engineering since and either geeks out about the cool project her professor assigned or go on a full-scale rant about the rampant sexism and male idiocy rampant in her courses. Colt has learned it’s best to keep his mouth shut unless he wants Izzy to tear him a new one.  
If Izzy is lucky, she can get Colt to tell her stories about his childhood, and the stupid things he did growing up.
U – Unique (Tell us about some of their odd habits that surprised one another.)
When Izzy eats Oreos or any other sandwich cookie, she always separates the halves and eats them apart. No dunking in liquid, and no licking the cream off. She also separates her colorful candy into piles, both things which Colt thinks is strange and takes more time to do than eating the food.
Colt doesn’t have any odd habits as far as Izzy can tell, but she was pleasantly surprised to find out Colt texts his mother almost daily to check up on her. Izzy thinks it’s cute and Colt doesn’t even realize she knows because she hasn’t said anything. Though, Izzy does wonder if she’s ever come up in Colt and his mother’s conversations.  
V – Vanity (Something they’re proud of in themselves and their partner)
Their arguments always have a 99.9% chance of getting heated, but Colt likes that Izzy calls him out when he’s wrong. Sure, he’s got a slick mouth, but when Izzy puts him in his place, he’s reminded that she’s not the one to mess with. She’s strong, and stubborn, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. On a less serious note, Colt is a beast at spot the difference games, and utterly crushes Izzy’s high score on her phone app, much to her irritation.
Izzy’s pretty proud of Colt’s attentiveness; he notices and remembers things about her or things she’s said, and Izzy is shocked every single time. While it’s not a huge deal to Colt, it’s a damn big deal to Izzy! As for herself, Izzy’s pretty proud of her rapping skills, and the amount of energy so puts into studying for tests and finishing assignments is the same amount put into practicing her favorite songs. It started off as a goofy challenge with Darius in middle school, but Izzy’s kept it up over the years and has quite the repertoire of songs to impress people with.
W – Wedding (Tell us about your wedding headcanon if they’ve gotten that far. Or if not, have they talked about it?)
Colt’s parents never married, and he never considered it for himself. Izzy’s parents were childhood sweethearts who married young and probably would have stayed married for the rest of their lives if Izzy’s mom had survived. That being said, they do eventually get married; after Izzy becomes pregnant and the baby’s born, she’s terrified her child will grow up like Colt did, and he realizes he doesn’t want the same life for their kid.
So to the horror of her father, Izzy and Colt tie the knot city hall style with Riya, and her college roommate turned friend Cora as witnesses. 
X – X (Something they hate about the other)
Izzy’s hates his assholery, for lack of a better word. He can be insensitive and take things to far sometimes, which drives her up the wall. 
While Colt doesn’t hate it about her, Izzy’s passive-aggressive annoys him. She’s usually frank and doesn’t pull punches, but when Colt’s gotten on her nerves recently, that’s a wrap. Everyone’s pissed off! (Funny enough, from the moment she first met Colt, Izzy couldn’t stand his cockiness. She couldn’t stand him, and to this day she still isn’t sure how she fell for the guy!)
Y – YouTube (What are they like online? Do they post about their relationship constantly?)
Colt doesn’t see the point in advertising your business online for everyone to see, so any pictures or videos he has of Izzy stay on his phone. Izzy likes to document things, but she’s very selective about what she posts on her social media. Therefore there’s only like 4 photos of her and Colt together between her Instagram (and linked but abandoned Facebook page).
Z – Zoo (Are they into animals? Do they want pets? What kind?)
Colt can take or leave animals. But Izzy adopted a stray cat with a missing ear her last year at Langston, and it more or less became Colt’s pet too.
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy (Ride or Die AU)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both.
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
Author’s note: I’m awful at the whole reblogging comments thing (blame my anxiety and fear of clogging up tags LOL) but please know that I’m grateful to everyone reading. This is supposed to be fun, and seeing how you guys react to this AU helps remind me of that! Okay, back to the story! 
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Tag List:
Part 1 - Like Mother, Like Daughter
Part 2 - Trouble is a Friend of Mine
Part 3 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Part 4 - Two Truths and a Lie
Part 5 - Only the Good Die Young
Word count: 1,358
She was forbidden to talk about her active mission with anyone outside of her assigner, but Izzy wasn’t in the mood to speak with Jason. Something wasn’t right about the entire situation and that gnawing feeling in her gut led her straight to the CAE-I lab rather than her Thursday evening class. After retrieving her vehicle and checking for a tracker or anything else out of the ordinary, Izzy had left Colt and the auto shop behind, her head swimming worse than Colt’s with what she’d learned.
Izzy’s updated badge gave her a higher level of clearance in the organization's database and she fully intended to use it. Tired, bleary eyes stared up at the computer screen as she typed in her mother’s name. Pressing enter on the keyboard, Izzy watched as Kira Parker’s photo, physical description, life accolades, and top missions came up. Izzy scrolled past them, knowing the information in those links better than the system. France. Morocco. Austria. New York. Art theft. Royal bodyguard for the reigning Prince. A blown up embassy. Unruly president’s son’s protection detail. It was like her mother’s greatest hits on repeat, the juicy details unknown to the rest of the world, but carefully kept track of in the espionage world. Celebrated even, to her mother’s chagrin. “I’m just doing my damn job. You should try it sometime,” her mother would tell other agents who treated her like a celebrity. She had little patience for star-struck colleagues.
Izzy searched in her mother’s profile for the Miami job; April 2014. A pop up appeared in the corner, the words ‘Access Denied’ in tiny, angry red font. Izzy tired a second time, frustrated at the warning message. She should have had access to the information in the file now, or so she thought. Changing tactics, Izzy pulled up Jason’s file, terrified but ready for whatever she might find. Though a part of her prayed she wouldn’t find anything. Unlike her mother, whose dealings with the Brotherhood were a few years before the Miami job, Jason’s file dated back to 2002. Izzy tried to click on the links, but none were accessible to her. She changed tactics once again, pulling up her own file and searching for her current mission. Scanning the description, her eyes landed on the phrase ‘Brotherhood contact’, and she pulled at her hair.
What was the point of giving her a job related to the Brotherhood when she had nothing to work with?
Izzy glanced back at the quiet lab. There were two others in the space with her; a man and an older woman who could be Izzy’s great-grandmother. They talked quietly among themselves, but Izzy caught bits and pieces of their conversation about baking pies, and the different cook times according to elevation. Izzy was used to hearing and speaking in code, and their partnership emphasized how truly alone she was. Her thoughts strayed to Colt and she bolted up. Fingers flying across the keyboard, Izzy tried all spellings she could think of for ‘Nori’, recalling the resemblance between the short woman and Colt.
There were too many people named ‘Nori’ or some variation of the name, and Izzy dragged a hand across her face. A search for the last name ‘Kaneko’--procured from sneaking a peek inside Colt’s wallet-- also left her with less than satisfactory information. It was clear going through the proper channels was getting Izzy nowhere, and there was only one person who might be able to help her get what she wanted. What they both wanted. As much as he got on his nerves, and as much as it pained her to consider it, maybe there was something to recruiting help from someone outside of CAE-I. Taking a deep breath and expelling it out slowly, Izzy pulled out her phone and ordered a single cupcake from WestParc Bakery, the place her birthday cookie had come from, and selected the delivery option, typing in the address.  
“I didn’t take you for a sweets person,” Colt gestured to the pink bakery box with a smirk when he stopped by to check on his mother and the shop. Nori wasn’t there, but Logan and Toby were. “I believe those belong to you,” Logan said, his voice muffled from being underneath the 2017 Porsche Panamera he stripped. He rolled out, sitting up on the creeper, his shirt discolored thanks to his current task. He wiped at his forehead, leaving a greasy streak behind. Toby had selected a vanilla cupcake and Colt’s eyes narrowed. He still had lingering effects thanks to his tete-a-tete with Izzy. “From who?” he asked, snatching the box from Toby. He and Logan both shrugged as Colt fished out the receipt at the bottom of the box, stained with frosting. At the bottom was a printed message.
Colt glanced at the delivery, sure of the message but unsure of the gifter’s intentions. Still, it didn’t stop him from clicking on his helmet and climbing back onto his bike. He’d just have to be more careful this time. He told himself it had nothing to do with wanting to see Izzy again. “Hey!” Logan called after him, stopping Colt in his tracks. “Just... don’t be stupid, aight?” Colt brought a hand to his chest as if touched. “Aww, Logan, you worried about me?” But Logan didn’t smile, glancing away as if it physically hurt to look at Colt. “I’m not gonna be the one to deliver the news that her son never came back either.” Toby looked from Colt to Logan, the tension in the air too different from the usual air between the two. “Where you going?” Toby asked, but Colt only addressed Logan as he revved up his bike. He waited until Logan looked back at him. “Sheesh, you worry too much.”
5 Years and 3 ½  Weeks ago:
Kaneko stood at the very back of the mourners, dressed in a simple black suit and unnoticed by his colleagues and other CAE-I agents. It was an unusually bright day for such a somber event, and Kaneko’s eyes locked on the young teen girl who stood by with swollen eyes and a wet face. She looked to be about Colt’s age, but the piercing wail she released made her seem so much younger. A young man with bloodshot eyes and slumped shoulders, presumably her father, caught the teen before she could hit the ground. Everyone seemed to look away at once, but not Kaneko. He studied her pain, the way her slender limbs caved in as she fell forward, committing it to memory so he could remind himself what he was working for and prevent the same tragedy from happening to his son. He shouldn’t have been here, intruding on this private moment, and yet, he felt that the woman being lowered into the ground wouldn’t have minded his attendance.
Kaneko had tried to warn Kira that it was bigger her, bigger than any of them. The Brotherhood had trained him as a young boy, teaching him to kill before he could spell his name. All the blood he spilled wouldn’t leave his hands, no matter how many times he scrubbed them clean, and eventually, he embraced the darkness inside, mindless in his youth and hardened as the years went on. CAE-I’s offer of immunity was nothing but a ploy to keep him under their control, something Nori refused to understand or accept. With a heavy heart, she’d turned her back on Kaneko as well as the only life she’d ever known, cutting out any and all contact. Kaneko wasn’t sure what she’d told their son, but as long as he was safe, as long as he was alive, it didn’t matter.
There was a light tap on his shoulder, and Kaneko waited a moment before following the tall woman in the black hijab, another CAE-I double agent like himself. Neither spoke to each other, and Kaneko could feel a pair of eyes on him as he left the funeral procession behind. They belonged to the one responsible for his second death and Kira’s permanent one.
Part 6 Sneak Peek
Izzy needed to get back to her dorm and finish packing, but there was one more stop to be made. Taking the elevator up to the office meeting floors, Izzy steeled her expression into the one her father always wore. If she could channel an ounce of his composure, everything would be just fine. Her thoughts stumbled upon Colt and their meeting at LATU. Izzy couldn’t stop the flush of her cheeks as she recalled slipping the note in his pocket before pulling her hand back to her side. It had been an intimate touch for something as innocent as passing a note, and as if her thoughts refused to cooperate, they traveled to the bike ride, her arms tight around him as she hung on for dear life. It had been thrilling. It had been freeing. Izzy bit the skin on her knuckle to bring herself back to the present, an old habit her mother had tried to break her out of.
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy AU (Ride or Die)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both.
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
Author’s note: Enjoy. I tried my best. All my love to @scgdoeswhat my smut beta reader and @desiree-0816 who is the ultimate cheerleader. 
Song rec: Blindness by Justin Timberlake (had it on repeat. So.) 
Rating: NSFW plus some light fluff
Tag List:
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Part 1 - Like Mother, Like Daughter
Part 2 - Trouble is a Friend of Mine
Part 3 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Part 4 - Two Truths and a Lie
Part 5 - Only the Good Die Young
Part 6 - Not Your Enemy
Part 7 - Nori Sato
Part 8 - Heating Up
Part 9 - This Is Just the Beginning (nsfw)
Word count: 2,520
She couldn't access the logical side of her brain, the part that told her that what she was doing was an extremely bad idea and she should walk away now. Except there was no such thing as ‘walking away’. Not when Colt’s mouth pressed hot kisses to her lips, throat, neck, helping her out of her shirt while her fingers found purchase in his hair. She’d ended up with her back to the wall, Colt’s body flush against her, and the transition from the floor to their current position was a little fuzzy. And she’d been so angry earlier...but about what exactly? It was hard to remember as thoughts of Colt’s very present body consumed her. He fumbled with the zipper of her shorts, and Izzy lent a hand, leaving him free to kiss a path down her stomach. She guided him as he kissed the inside of her thigh, dangerously close to her center. Izzy bit back a moan as her head fell back to stare at the low ceiling. She couldn’t possibly move now, not when she ached for Colt’s touch. 
She looked down to see Colt, pausing as his thumbs caught the fabric of her panties. If she’d been in her right mind, she might have been embarrassed by the juvenile teddy bear pattern on them, but his hooded gaze held her full attention. “Hmm-mm,” Izzy nodded, and Colt pulled them down, burying his face between her thighs, enveloped in her heat, his tongue expertly exploring her wet folds. His hands were the only thing supporting her shaky legs as he alternated between fast and slow passes right where she was most sensitive. A phone rang in the distance, ignored, and Izzy gasped as Colt removed himself to stand. “Ohh…” Izzy mourned the absence between her legs, and she blindly reached out for the crotch of Colt’s pants. Rather than tease her like she’d expected, he gamely removed them, his boxers left as he removed his shirt. Izzy stepped over their discarded clothes, pushing him to the sofa. They fell in a heap, and Izzy let out a snort at the way they’d landed, herself sprawled against Colt. The laugh caught in her throat when he flipped her over so she was on her back. His eyes raked over her body before stopping at her bra. “Like what you see?” Izzy asked, brazenly. If she was going to fly close to the sun, she might as well enjoy it. Colt captured her lips in a kiss, unhooking the bra and tossing it over his shoulder. Izzy wrapped her arms around him, bringing their bodies closer but it wasn’t close enough. She needed him like she needed air to breathe. 
Izzy was completely naked beneath him, and couldn’t be more obvious with her intentions as she impatiently snaked her hand underneath the waistband of his boxers, fingers gripping his erection. Colt let out a low groan. “Please...please Colt,” Izzy begged as she brushed it against her entrance. Good thing he wanted the same thing. Her voice right now had to be the second sexiest thing about her, the first thing being those lips, swollen and pink from their kissing before. “Say my name again,” Colt spoke into her ear, his teeth grazing her ear. Izzy shuddered as he slipped himself deep inside her. “Shit, you feel amazing,” Colt grunted, stretching where she was tight. Izzy's nails dug into his back as he began to thrust into her, his rocking hips increasing their tempo. 
“Colt, don’t...stop,” Izzy whimpered, wrapping her legs around his torso. He was too far deep to stop, quite literally. Gripping the arm of the sofa to keep himself steady, he hardly registered the sounds of skin slapping as they came together again and again, or the faint scent of vanilla mixed with sweat and Izzy’s heat. She buried her face in his neck, her needy cries growing desperate as she repeated his name over and over again like a mantra. Their motions were a frenzy, as Colt plunged in and out of her, very close to his release. 
“Izzy,” his jaw clenched, and he pulled out, spilling over Izzy’s lower stomach. She loosened her grip on Colt, limbs too weak to hold on, and Colt nuzzled against her chest, catching his breath. How long they remained in that position, Colt couldn’t say. He felt Izzy reach a shaky hand to cradle the back of his head, stroking his hair. He lifted his head just in time to see Izzy’s eyes fall shut, exhaustion in her features. They opened again as if she knew he was watching her. Izzy’s guard was completely down and Colt caught the longing in her eyes along with something else he couldn’t name. But she was vulnerable and he could tell she didn’t like it. Izzy turned her head away, fingers still tangled in his hair. Colt crawled up, softly pressing a kiss to her soft lips, relishing in the way she melted around him, soft where he was hard. 
“You could ask me anything right now, and I’d be stupid enough to do it,” Izzy frowned, but her voice lacked its usual sharp bite. Colt figured it was the sex talking, but that felt farther from the truth as he roughly swallowed and climbed off of her. He didn’t look her way as he gathered his clothes. “That makes two of us.” 
It was late, but her body was still on the west coast time. She’d worked up an appetite, and after she’d gone to the bathroom to shower, Colt left to get them some “real food”. Izzy didn’t understand, but something had changed between them. Izzy had fooled around before, but those few experiences never left her feeling like a different person. She could feel the aches and bruises already forming on her body, blaming the awkwardness and small size of the sofa where they’d ended up. Izzy mulled over the last thing she’d said to Colt as she unfurled the braid she’d worn in the shower. She’d wanted to tuck herself beside Colt, tell him not to go anywhere. In his arms, pinned beneath, or sitting across from him made her feel safer than she had in a very long time. She wondered if he really meant what he’d said after she admitted the thought weighing heavily on her mind. 
She barely knew the guy, and here she was wasting energy thinking about him when he’d probably moved on. The way he’d taken control and brought her to the edge told Izzy she wasn’t the first girl he’d been with. Izzy anticipated the moment they’d be free of each other and living their separate lives again. She padded into the living room, cleared of her discarded clothes and her unpacked bags, both which she’d tossed into one of the bedrooms, and ignored the sofa in favor of the unadulterated recliner. That’s where she’d be sleeping tonight. 
The house was lonely, and the quiet made it easy for thoughts to stray. She was so much closer to tracking down The Brotherhood and unearthing their secrets before she’d gotten tangled with Colt, she felt. A flash of his toned abs came to mind and Izzy groaned. She needed to focus. As if agreeing with her, Izzy’s gaze came to rest on the coffee table bible. Izzy realized how similar it looked to the one her great aunt had given to her when she was young, down to the black smudge over the word “holy”. Izzy knew her name wouldn’t be in it but she picked it up anyway, brushing off the dust. A folded slip of paper flew out when Izzy opened the front cover, the dedication page blank. It wasn’t her bible—which was currently in her childhood room—but the crude shape symbols belonged to the hand of a mother she’d watched lowered in the ground years ago. 
It was a stress code, and while usually typed, this message was handwritten. Izzy studied the piece of paper, willing her mind to make sense of the foreign symbols, but she needed a decoder. Stress codes were simple to learn yet one of the more difficult ones to decipher since rather than each symbol correlating to a corresponding letter, it was more like a few words, maybe a sentence. Plus, there were numbers involved. The numbers meant something to the intended recipient, rendering it useless if it fell into the wrong hands. 
Izzy took another look at the numbers. 20. 25.1. 01. Izzy gasped. Put in the correct order, that was her birthday. Was the message for her? Izzy train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the door unlocking, and Izzy had barely enough time to grab the can of tuna as a weapon before the door opened to reveal Colt holding a box of pizza. She spotted her watch dangling from his hand, realizing it wasn’t on her person and hadn’t been for a while. “Looking for this?” he smirked and tossed it to her. Izzy caught it, glaring at him before stuffing the watch in the pocket of her pajama bottoms. 
“I had my suspicions earlier, but now I’m almost positive. My mom was here,” Izzy slid the stress code over to Colt who at the same time slid the pizza box to her. She opened it to find only three slices left. Was this payment for making him eat the peanut butter before? “This is a stress code,” Colt glanced over at her, and Izzy caught a glimpse of the marks her nails had made on the side of his neck. “Sure is,” Izzy answered through a mouthful of pizza. 
“For you? What’s it say?” Izzy shrugged, taking the slip of paper from him and settling on the floor next to him. “I thought it was for me, but now I’m not so sure,” Izzy sighed, rubbing her hands to deposit the leftover crumbs into the box. She stared at the box, Jolly Boy the pizza kid grinning back at her with his printed-on pizza slice. “Logan and I lived off this stuff,” Colt sighed, and Izzy gave him a quizzical look. 
“Jolly Boy?”
“No, pizza,” Colt responded, and Izzy assumed he was done sharing. “My dad sent us a stress code,” he spoke again, surprising her. He glanced at her, anger radiating off his body in waves. “Two words. I’m sorry.” Izzy kept quiet, afraid to make any sudden movements. Her instinct was to comfort him, but she ignored it. “He was in the area and that was all he had to say to us. To me.” Colt’s hands were fists at his sides, hardly containing his rage. “I don’t know what they have on him Izzy, but it’s bad. He can’t even see us face-to-face, and my mom pretends he doesn’t exist.” 
Izzy’s hand found Colt’s anyway, covering his fist. “They who?” Izzy asked as if she couldn’t guess it herself. “The Brotherhood of course,” Colt’s smile was grim. “He said he wasn’t proud of his past but then he goes waltzing right back to it!” There were no tears in his eyes, but Izzy was familiar with pain. “Spies make excellent liars?” Izzy supplied, but it was the wrong thing to say. Colt glared at her, his rage directed at her now. Izzy flinched at the change. “They make excellent murderers too!” Colt snatched his hand away, his gaze cold. “Your mom learned the ugly truth and now she’s dead.” Izzy’s eyes pricked with tears as she struggled with her words. “Agents die all the time, asshole!” 
“Thanks to their partners?” Colt countered. “You really don’t suspect Shaw? Don’t be stupid Izzy.” She slapped the side of his face, hard enough to leave an angry welt behind. Her hand ached and she ignored the sharp pain as Colt reeled back, shocked. “Everyone’s a suspect, Colt, and by that logic, why didn’t you just put a bullet in my head after you were done fucking me?”
Colt was silent and so was Izzy, who never cursed and was surprised she had it in her. Both waited for the other to crack. Finally, Colt stood, putting space between them. Izzy could make out the imprint of her hand on his face and regretted it. “You could have done the same thing. Guess we’re both idiots.” Izzy looked away, wiping her wet face and attempting to regain her composure. “I’m going to sleep, and I’m taking the recliner,” Izzy muttered. 
If Colt returned to the living room, Izzy wasn’t awake to notice. Her last conscious thoughts swirled around Jason and her mom and even her dad. Mike Parker harbored enough hatred for his wife’s old partner that Izzy had unconsciously become the buffer zone between the two men. Jason was a second father to her and had been there in moments her real father hadn’t. She loved both men, but some days it seemed only one of them returned that feeling. At the same time, if her father had suspected wrongdoing on Jason’s behalf, he wouldn’t have hesitated to tell her. Yet Colt’s harsh words stirred new anxieties within her. It was possible Jason knew more about The Brotherhood than he let on, but what good did that information do for her? She’d been assigned to the MPC to find The Brotherhood contact, but Colt’s father sounded more like a victim than an instigator. Izzy wouldn’t admit it, but Colt had earned her trust, and that was what had changed between them. He must have trusted her too in order to share anything of meaning about his life. No wonder their argument cut so deeply. Izzy fell into a fitful sleep, the blanket she’d packed from home doing absolutely nothing to soothe her. 
He woke up to her cries sometime before dawn, looking over from his place on the sofa at the restless lump. The fleece blanket was on the floor and Izzy was curled up in a tight ball rather than in a reclining position. She was having a nightmare. Colt told himself that the reason he was walking towards and not leaving her to the mercy of her inner demons was because he needed sleep. Not because he felt guilty for last night and definitely not because he cared. 
“Junior Agent,” Colt spoke into the darkness, poking Izzy in the side. She rolled over. “...Mom...NO!” Izzy mumbled, and suddenly her hazel brown eyes were open and staring directly at Colt. She sat up, groggy but instantly apologetic. “Stand up,” Colt whispered, and Izzy rubbed the sleep from her eyes, confused. When she didn’t move, Colt bent down and snatched the blanket up, then lifted Izzy in his arms and sat back in the recliner. 
“What are you…?”
“Shhhh,” Colt wrapped the blanket around them, leaning the recliner back. Izzy cautiously settled against his chest as Colt rubbed her back with soothing circles. He felt her tense muscles relax. “Colt? I think I’m in way over my head,” she mumbled, and Colt laughed, resting his chin on top of her head. “That makes two of us.”
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 6 years
Playing Games - Colt x MC
Author’s note: Happy Friday eve! Lol, was given a prompt by a friend, and ran with it!   
Prompt:  “I shouldn’t be in love with you”
Word count: 774
Tag list: (LMK if you want to added/removed): 
@indiacater @lovehugsandcandy @teenytinymagician @brightpinkpeppercorn @emomoustache @fucking-random1 @long-gone-girl @alegria1580 @average-sunflower
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“There’s always next game, Izz,” Colt laughed as Izzy adjusted herself for the hundredth time to take a shot at the solid 8 ball. She set him with a glare before her eyes fell back to the difficult task at hand. She wasn’t a terrible pool player, but she wasn’t the best either, and it seemed that tonight had been the worst night to make a bet. The last thing she wanted to do was wash the dishes, hence the reason she’d challenged Colt to a game. It was another thing to add to the list of bad decisions she’d made since meeting the MPC. She caught Colt making a ‘get on with it’ motion, and smirked up at him. Sure, they may have been poor decisions, but she couldn’t deny the results. 
 Izzy lined up the cue stick, closed one eye, and held her breath before bending over to strike her target. The sharp clank of the balls as they smacked together and spun towards the pocket would have been cause for a victory dance...if they hadn’t rolled into Colt’s pocket. The cue ball hoovered for the shortest of moments before it tipped over, and confirmed Izzy’s defeat. Colt nodded in the direction of the sink, his eyes sliding over to Izzy next. “How about, best two out of three?” Izzy tried, setting up a new game. Colt laughed, and Izzy felt a strange sense of accomplishment. Smirks were easy; true, unabashed laughter was much harder to come by where Colt was concerned. Not counting the times he laughed at her, of course. A thrill went down her spine and she tried to focus back on getting out of the chore. “I almost feel sorry for you,” Colt shook his head, stepping away from the game as Izzy frowned. 
 “How do you know I didn’t feel sorry for you and let you win?” she countered, slowly making her way to the daunting pile of dirty dishes that awaited her. The sour stench made her shudder, and she refused to admit she was hoping he’d be a gentleman and help her out. “Who knew Izzy Parker was such a sore loser?” Colt tsked. Izzy turned the faucet on and ran some water over her hands. A mischievous smile lit up her face, and she ran to him, flicking her fingers to shower him with cold water. “Hey!” Colt tried dodged, but Izzy tackled him instead, hopping up on his back in one fluid motion the moment he faced away from her. Caught by surprise, his legs buckled under her weight and they both fell down in a heap. 
Izzy cracked up into his shoulder, unsure what had possessed her to behave this way. “I... shouldn’t be... in love with you,” Izzy gasped between words, unable to take full breaths before she toppled over laughing again, clutching her fast aching side. Colt looked over at her in bewildered amusement and something very close to awe. When she’d finally calmed down, hand pressed to her forehead, she caught Colt looking at her strangely. She copied his expression, tilting her head in exaggeration. 
 “So you’re in love with me?” 
 Izzy scoffed, watching as Colt stood and offered his hand to help her up. “Maybe. Don’t let it go to your head,” she waved it off, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. Her crippling honesty would be the death of her. She hadn’t even registered the words, what between landing on the ground like a sack of potatoes and her extreme fit of laughter that followed. 
Pulling her upwards, Izzy didn’t move her hand away from Colt’s grasp. Colt’s fingers loosened, but he didn’t let go either. He watched as Izzy, face flushed from before, anticipated him, her eyes falling shut as he leaned into her touch. He tucked a loose curl behind her ear, capturing her lips in a kiss. She tasted of the vanilla chapstick she wore, and Colt knew he’d forever associate the smell of vanilla with Izzy. He pulled back far too soon, returning her shy grin with a lazy smile of his own. 
“Those dishes aren’t gonna wash themselves,” Colt snickered, and Izzy’s jaw dropped, a far departure from the genuine care in her bright eyes. She shot him the nastiest glare, slapping his shoulder in retaliation before stalking off. “Like I said, apparently. I shouldn’t be in love with you,” Izzy muttered, returning to the sink. “But you are,” Colt shrugged, sticking his hands in his pocket as he left her to the task. There was no way he’d admit it just yet, but maybe he was in love with her too.
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy (Ride or Die AU)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both. 
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
Tag List:  @thefarrari @leelee10898 @liamzigmichael4ever @going-down-downtown @indiacater @lovehugsandcandy @teenytinymagician@brightpinkpeppercorn @emomoustache @fucking-random1 @long-gone-girl@alegria1580 @average-sunflower @client-327 @desiree-0816 @fairydustandsarcasm @scgdoeswhat 
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Prologue - 5 Years Ago
Donned in large, tortoiseshell sunglasses and a floppy hat, Kira Parker comically fanned her acquaintance before bringing the bent, church fan back to her face. She made a face at the man before leaning back in her beach chair, looking out at the sun and water. The humidity had made her rethink wearing her hair out, and she didn’t regret the quick cornrows she’d braided into her hair days prior.  
“You come to Miami often, Kaneko?” she crossed her long, dark legs, looking over at him with a twinkle in her eye. It was too bad the shades hid most of her face, but it was the best trick in the book for people watching. “I can’t say that I do,” he shrugged, relaxing back in his own beach chair, toes digging in the sand. He was far from experiencing a vacation, but it was best to take a breather whenever it was possible. “It’s not home, but I find myself coming here more and more between missions,” Kira spoke to the water, still fanning herself. She hardly registered the burn of fatigue creeping up her arms. When Kaneko said nothing else, Kira sighed and sat up to face him.
“You and I both know we’d do anything to keep our families safe. So I’ll...take what you said under advisement.” Kaneko glanced over at the woman, her arms crossed and expression unreadable behind her sunglasses. “I am many things, Parker, but I am not stupid. I suggest you leave while you can.” Kira snickered, reaching down for a magazine with Oprah’s famous smile on the cover. “Mistakes happen when you try to take things on alone. I’ll check with my partner and move accordingly.” Kira pulled her shades down the bridge of her nose and gave Kaneko a significant look. Onlookers would assume the two a flirty pair on a date, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
“My son is safest where I am not,” Kaneko said after a lengthy pause, meeting the agent’s glare with a grave look of his own.  
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy AU (Ride or Die)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both.
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
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Part 1 - Like Mother, Like Daughter
Part 2 - Trouble is a Friend of Mine
Part 3 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Part 4 - Two Truths and a Lie
Part 5 - Only the Good Die Young
Part 6 - Not Your Enemy
Part 7 - Nori Sato
Part 8 - Heating Up
Part 9 - This Is Just the Beginning (nsfw)
Part 10 - Lover’s Interlude
Part 11 - This is Goodbye
Part 12 - The Crazy Things We Do For Love
Word count: 4,401
Somewhere in Miami Beach
Kaneko could no longer feel the circulation through his arms. His wrists were tied and bleeding, arms pulled taught behind him. His knees burned from kneeling on the warehouse ground, and a discolored bruise formed at the corner of his mouth, painful to touch. The bleeding had stopped hours ago. His head hung, but not from shame. Kaneko’s blackened soul had no room for shame. DIrty, black timberlands slowly marched up to him and Kaneko looked up straight into the eyes of his tormentor. His pink, balding head shined thanks to the only single overhead light that swung furiously above, illuminating the room. “Aww Kaneko, we had a deal,” Ozwald sighed, then kicked him in the stomach. Kaneko felt his abdomen seize up and he let out a shallow, broken breath. Ozwald crouched down to look Kaneko in the eyes, his beady ones belonging to the last face Kaneko would see. The end was near for him, but he wasn’t afraid. 
Kaneko had left Drew to the vultures, suffocating the man with his own shirt before he dropped his body off to decay in the woods of a popular trail. It was sloppy, but Kaneko was done being careful. Once Drew caught wind that Kaneko had planned to let Colt and the Parker girl go, he’d done what had to be done for Colt; it was the reason he was in this mess. Now, Kaneko paid the ultimate crime for interfering with The Brotherhood’s agenda: betrayal. “Now, I’m going to ask this one more time. Or, you can always join Drew...” Ozwald leaned back on his haunches as Kaneko wheezed, his face reddening with exertion. Ozwald was no longer smiling. “What did you give my sister?” he demanded, and Kaneko gritted his teeth, opting for silence. Nothing could save him now, even if he told Ozwald what he wanted to know. Kaneko had Shohreh Ahmed to thank for being his second pair of eyes over the years and alerting him to Colt’s whereabouts. Once she’d confirmed his presence in Miami along with his companion, the Parker girl, Kaneko knew it was a race against time to get to Colt first.
Determined to take down both her half brother’s organization and his right-hand man, Jason Shaw, Shohreh had pulled what little strings she could as another double agent among the American sector of CAE-I. Neither Shaw nor Ozwald suspected her intentions, but things grew complicated once Agent Kira Parker grew tired of playing from the sidelines and attempted to join The Brotherhood. Kaneko thought he was doing his due diligence in warning Parker, something Nori would have done, but he’d stuck his neck out for nothing. 
“I haven’t had contact with her in years,” Kaneko grunted but Ozwald laughed goodnaturedly. “Right, right, and I suppose you haven’t had contact with your son as well?” At Parker’s funeral, Shoreh had shared with him the list of names of other Brotherhood members around the globe. Seven in total, not counting Shaw, who were controlling, bloodthirsty and had dozens of lackeys of their own. Infiltrating CAE-I had been a pet project for Shaw, showing off his power but he hadn’t counted on falling for his married partner agent. Ozwald had personally taken care of the problem, but cutting off the head only sprouted more problems: A kid who was just as resourceful and dangerous as Kira had been, and very much involved with Kaneko’s son. What were the odds?
“You underestimate me, Teppei. I will get to the bottom of this, with or without your help.” Ozwald reached into his pocket and pulled out the tiniest bomb Kaneko had ever seen, it’s colorful wires exposed. He slammed it down in front of Kaneko, the impact starting off the timer. Fifty-nine seconds. Kaneko thought of Nori and Logan, glad that neither had attempted to reach out to him. It was better this way.  And Colt’s newfound anger? It pained Kaneko, but that would deter him from seeking him out again. Ozwald walked away, muttering angrily to himself, but it what did it matter to Kaneko? He was a dead man living on borrowed time. Twenty-three seconds to be exact. Kaneko closed his eyes, counting down in his head as the seconds ticked on. He’d done all he could for Colt, for Logan even, and Nori would never forgive him. Kaneko made peace with it all.
His eyes flew open and he rolled over to find the other side of the bed empty. “Izzy?” He sat up, and it felt like a knife twisting in his gut. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she was gone. Colt ripped the sheets off as he climbed out of bed, walking towards the bathroom on the off chance he was wrong. Empty. He paced the hotel room for evidence that she’d been there, but everything was gone. Colt still smelled the faint scent of vanilla that reminded him of Izzy, realizing it came from the body wash he’d hastily packed up with the rest of their things from the safehouse. He’d spent so much time with her lately, the scent clung to his own skin, and her absence felt even more pronounced. 
He stopped next to the TV, his hand resting against the entertainment stand. He picked up the chain that held the rental car keys, his gaze resting on the hastily written note. Three words looked back at him, and Colt crumbled the note, throwing it across the room. It smacked against the lampshade before landing on the floor with a soft thud. I love you. 
“Idiot!” Colt threw on a shirt that smelled clean, and his last pair of shorts. He hoped he never returned to Miami; once was more than enough. Colt had to go after her, reach her before it was too late. 
Izzy stared out the window of the plane, grateful her row companion had offered to trade seats so he could have the one closest to the aisle. But the fluffy clouds weren’t the distraction she’d hoped for, and she soon heard Colt’s teasing tone in her head. She easily conjured up images of his smug face, the way his lips quirked up when he teased her, and recently, how his face softened when she held his attention. Izzy from before would have rather chewed her arm off than admit Colt meant anything to her, but once again, death and the probability of it had a way of changing things. 
He’d be furious when he realized she’d left and more than anything, Izzy wanted the plane to turn around and take her back to him. But there was truth to Kaneko’s words. She was dangerous, especially since she was heading back to Los Angeles at that moment to confront Jason. She admitted she didn’t know what she was doing and that she definitely didn’t know who to trust, but one thing was certain. Jason Shaw had to be stopped, and no amount of misplaced paternal feelings would stand in her way. 
Izzy thought of her dad, a large lump forming in her throat as she considered the very real possibility she might leave him alone in this world. 
Without taking a moment to reconsider, Izzy pulled out her personal cell phone and wiped it clean, deleting years of memories, silly messages and photos, and mindless game apps. Removing the sim card was a difficult task, using the safety pin from her carryon, but the moment she pulled it out, she snapped it in two. On the off chance her movements were being tracked, they would lead her pursuer to this plane just as Izzy planned to leave her cell on the seat. 
** ** ** 
When Izzy retrieved her luggage from baggage claim and began the walk to exit the terminal, her pace slowed as she realized who was standing outside waiting for her. Hands deep in his pockets and kicking a pebble with the tip of his shoe, Jason cracked the smallest of smiles when he spotted Izzy. Her heart shattered again, and she was torn. Here was the man who’d taught her how to drive, brought homemade dinners by when he wasn’t off on a ‘mission’ and knew Mike had ordered quick takeout. Jason was the man who knew about her nightmares before her own father did, and rather than Mike caring about his daughter’s well-being, he’d been too furious that Jason was in her confidence to care about Izzy’s suffering. 
On the other hand, Izzy’s blood curdled at the sight of Jason. She wanted nothing more than to take the gun from her bag and put a bullet right between his eyes. But if he could play pretend in the midst of what he’d done to Kira and what he’d done to Izzy, then game on. It worried her that he knew her flight information, even if as her assigner it was his privilege to know. She realized how utterly flawed the system was, and she ached for Colt. 
Hiding her shock and disbelief, Izzy embodied the act of a young woman who’d seen the worst of the world while away and couldn’t be strong anymore. She ran into Jason’s arms, holding back real tears as she took in a shuddering breath. Her traitorous body still found his embrace comforting even as her heart thundered in her chest.
“Aww, kiddo, you’re safe now. It’s okay.”
Izzy looked up at the man who tried to comfort her and tampered down the visceral hatred she could taste on her tongue. Even now he lied to her tear-streaked face. “I don’t even feel like going back to the dorm, and it’s been a while since I talked to my dad,” Izzy sniffed as Jason walked her to the parking lot where his vehicle sat waiting for them. “Thanks for picking me up,” Izzy said as Jason took her bags and deposited them in the back seat. “You’re family Izzy, I’ll always take care of you.” Izzy’s face screwed up tightly and she braced herself for another onslaught of tears. She couldn’t fake the sadness if she tried. 
“They found the safe house,” Izzy whispered as Jason pulled out of the parking lot. “The Brotherhood attacked me in Miami. Two of them, and I recognized your friend. Drew,” Izzy fed him the truth so she could butter him up with lies and take him out for good. Jason sighed, his lips pulled into a tight, thin line. He glanced between her and the road, inspecting her. “Drew? Izzy I...” His jaw was taut. “Are you hurt? Why didn’t you call me?” He slapped the steering wheel hard, causing Izzy to flinch. “You shouldn’t have gone alone! Please tell me you didn’t go alone?” Jason performed the part of the doting father so well. And it was all wrong. “I’m fine, Jason. Nothing a little rest and food can’t fix,” Izzy shrugged as she dug in the glove compartment for something to wipe her face with. There was a stack of fast food napkins, right where she’d left them last. Before her mother was gone and Jason had taken her for ice cream, but they’d ended up on a French fries run instead. 
“Well it’s official, you’re crashing our dinner,” Jason said decisively, cruising along with the traffic. It didn’t bode well that it was flowing. LA traffic didn’t just flow. Izzy gave him a puzzled look. “Our?” Jason nodded. “Megan won’t be too thrilled but she’ll get over it once I explain.” Explain what exactly? Who was Megan? Where were they going? A third person would complicate Izzy’s plans and without knowing anything, she had to assume Megan was a foe and not a friend. 
“It’s okay, I know you’re dying to ask. She’s...the woman I’m seeing,” Jason smiled, and Izzy nodded, keeping her expression neutral. “I don’t know much about dating, but something tells me it’s bad manners to just drop in unannounced and start third-wheel,” she shrugged, and Jason gave a sheepish nod. 
Just as Jason foretold, Megan wasn’t a happy camper once she saw Izzy arrive with him at Jason’s house. She was a mousy woman, with short dark brown hair and a sharp nose. Not adjusted to the time change yet and unsure of when she’d last eaten, Izzy swayed into the house with a surge of fatigue, and that was enough to push Megan into action and forgive Jason. “She can hardly stand!” Megan shook her head as she brought Izzy a bowl of pasta topped with Alfredo sauce and bits of bacon. It was a simple meal, but Izzy was hungrier than she realized, and the pasta was comforting. Megan took the seat next to Izzy at the table and placed a hand over hers. “He’s got a guest room in the back. You’re welcome to stay the night.” Izzy bit back the urge to tell her that she knew about the guest room, which was really a second bedroom to her considering how much time she used to spend with her parents before everything…
“And where do you think you’re going?” Megan demanded as Jason threw on a jacket and stalled at the door. “Got a call, the guys need me at the station an hour earlier. Drew didn’t show up apparently.” Because Drew is currently in Miami, Izzy thought bitterly. Megan frowned but didn’t ask any more questions as she silently relented. She turned back to Izzy, who’d watched the exchange. So Megan didn’t know what Jason really did. “I’m sorry,” Izzy apologized for all the things she couldn’t say and all the wrongs he’d committed against Megan. Megan brushed off her concerns. “Men, I swear. He’s gonna run himself ragged if he doesn’t cut down on these crazy hours,” she sighed and pushed her chair back to stand. “I’m gonna put on Hulu. If you’re feeling up to it, you’re welcome to join me.” 
Once Megan was gone, Izzy pushed back her bowl and pulled out the tracker device she’d hidden in her pocket. When she’d hugged Jason at the airport, she feared she’d lose her opportunity (or her nerve) and slapped him with a tracker in the event they got separated. Tonight. That was when she’d face Jason.
Finding a flight that would get him back to LA within the day was damn near impossible. He’d memorized Izzy’s credit card information the day she’d pulled it out, using it to buy the pizza and later to buy a plane ticket. It wasn’t really her card, and he felt no guilt for what he’d done. Colt didn’t want to admit it, but it felt like a slap in the face that Izzy slipped out of the hotel without telling him. It hurt worse than the actual slapped she’d given him before. She was trying to be a hero, and Colt recalled CAE-I’s motto with disgust: Until the Job is Done. Until the Wronged is Right. Colt he suddenly realized how closely Izzy must have been following in her mother’s footsteps. His heart stopped, and he quickly bought his plane ticket. 
The first place Colt went once he arrived back home was the garage to pick up his bike. It was completely empty, save for his father’s Aylesbury. Strange. There was always somewhere there in the afternoons, especially at this time. Colt checked his phone, in case the time jump from the east to the west coast had thrown him off more than he realized. 2:41 pm. Colt shrugged the sinking feeling off. He didn’t have time to play guessing games. Nori was the ringleader to whatever shit had gone down while he was away, and he hadn’t received any cryptic texts from Logan. Colt’s next stop was to drop off his bag at the apartment and focus on narrowing down the places that Izzy could have gone. Taking the stairs two at a time, Colt slid his key in the door and unlocked it to hear crying. Nori.
“Mom?” Colt called out, sprinting to find his mother. In the small kitchen, where he and Logan had burned many a dinner, fought over the last of the cereal, and where Nori had stitched Logan up while Colt preferred to tend to his own wounds. His mother sat with her knees tucked up to her chest, her body heaving as she wailed into her crossed arms. “Mom!” Nori lifted her face, shock etched in her tired features. She gasped, rushing over to pull him into a crushing hug that reminded Colt he was still sore from his brawl against Drew. “Mom, what the hell?” Colt pulled away from her tight embrace, shaking her shoulders. He’d never seen her like this, and he feared it was a bad omen for what was still to come. “You’re alive. I...I can’t believe,” Nori reached out a hand to cup his face, and Colt wondered if she’d taken up day drinking. “You’ve gotta lay off the wine Mom,” Colt scoffed and Nori glared. She gave his earlobe a swift yank and Colt flinched from the sharp pain. 
“Fuck! What are you…?”
“Can’t I be happy for one moment that my son is still alive without him being a complete ass?”
“Why’d you think I was dead?” Colt questioned, his mind traveling to Izzy. But before he could pull away, Nori had gripped his shoulder, locking him in place. For a petite woman, she had an iron grip. “Teppei...he…” Nori’s lip quivered but she bit down on her bottom lip, regaining her composure and becoming the hard-boiled woman Colt knew her best as. “Don’t even bother Mom, I saw him. In Miami. He left me and...he left me unscathed.” Colt refused to mention Izzy to his mother. For one, it wasn’t her business, and two, the fewer people who knew about Izzy, the fewer people who could hurt her. “He loved you Colt. He loved you so much,” Nori’s last word came out in a sob and she clamped her mouth shut, shaking with the effort. Colt was stone-faced. Suddenly there wasn’t enough oxygen in his lungs. “...What happened?” Nori released her hold on Colt as she leaned against the sink, staring hard at an old pink stain on the floor. “There was an explosion. In Miami Beach. Shohreh tipped me off--”
“Who the hell is Shohreh?”
“Someone I knew! And… well.” Colt didn’t like the way Nori said, “someone I knew”. He wasn’t interested in his mother’s past lovers, and he certainly didn’t have the energy to process his father’s death, if he was in fact dead.  “Colt? Colt!” He pushed past her and was out the door. “Where the fuck are you going?” she yelled, but Colt couldn’t deal with her right now. He couldn’t deal with anyone right now. Colt latched his helmet on, hopping on his bike as he caught a glimpse of Nori looking down at him, her expression troubled. If she was looking for comfort, he was the last person who could help. 
Megan was gone by the time Izzy woke up from her nap disoriented. Izzy sat up in the familiar yet foreign bedroom. The walls were still white, the lampshade was still an ugly shade of puke green, and...Izzy checked her tracker. The blinking dot was gone. The device was solar powered, so the only way for it to stop working was if it broke or was manually turned off. Izzy’s heart sank in her chest. She was climbing over the side of the bed in an instant, pulling out the pistol, loading the gun. Her heart thundered in her chest as she slowly walked out of the room, back against the wall. Izzy wasn’t alone in the house, she could sense it, and sure enough, when she descended the short flight of stairs, there stood Jason talking on the phone. His hands were instantly up as he took in Izzy’s disheveled appearance. 
“Kiddo, what’s going on here? Let’s put down the gun--”
“Shut the hell up, Shaw.” Her quiet voice carried across the room as she stalked closer, gun raised. She lined the shot up, aiming for his heart. 
“I know you murdered my mother. I know you looked me in my face for years and lied,” Izzy’s voice didn’t waver, a sharp edge that threatened to pierce Jason and cause more damage than her handgun ever could. “You couldn’t have her so you had to kill her? Are you insane?”  Izzy took another purposeful step forward as Jason took a step back, his expression pleading. 
“Izzy, what are you talking about? You’re not making any sense, kid!” 
“She was your partner...my dad was your best friend!” 
Izzy’s arms shook from fatigue but she couldn’t help it. “Stop the lies, Shaw, if that’s even your real name,” she spat. His expression morphed into one of contempt. “The tracking device was cute. Oldest trick in the book, but still. Cute.” Jason reached into his pocket, Izzy following his movements with the gun, and he pulled out the smashed dot, no bigger than a stud earring. He tossed it on the ground in front of Izzy. “And for the record, I didn’t kill your mother. I tried to stop her.” Izzy wavered. Why was she entertaining this? She watched his shoulders drooped. “She shouldn’t have been there,” he growled. “She wanted to be in The Brotherhood, she was ready to leave it all behind. You, your dad, CAE-I.”
“Yes, Izzy! So if you’re gonna go and swing your gun around like a big girl, have your facts straight.” Izzy didn’t recognize the man before her. The haunted gaze she’d always assumed mirrored her grief was so much more sinister now that she saw him for who and what he was. “SHUT UP!” Her finger was on the trigger and it would have been a clean shot if the gun hadn’t misfired. Izzy smacked the gun barrel against her palm but nothing happened. When she looked up, Jason had pulled a gun of his own and had it aimed straight at her forehead. He was going to kill her. Oh God, he was going to kill her. Many emotions fought for dominance on his face until Jason settled for cold indifference, lowering the gun at the last minute. His voice was strained, and the emotion was real. “Consider this a warning. Don’t follow me.” He shot her leg, the bullet tore through her thigh, and Izzy’s world turned upside down. 
Colt stopped at a gas station nearby to collect his thoughts and regroup, shaking off his mother’s truth bomb. Riding around LA wasn’t going to do anything, but he had one last trick up his sleeve. It was a long shot, and Colt was convinced it wouldn’t work for fear of getting his hopes up. But he still found himself unlocking his phone, loading the signal track-app he’d improved with Logan and a little tinkering from Toby. Colt held his breath as he sent out a signal to track Izzy’s cell phone. If she didn’t have it on her person, or worse, if she had it turned off, he had to prepare a plan B and fast. He waited for a moment, then two. There was nothing. Colt cursed. The busted watch came to mind then, the one Izzy had used to open the safehouse. She hadn’t left it with him, so maybe it was still on her! The phone app was designed for picking up the traces of other cellular devices, but maybe it would work on the technology that powered the watch. He had to try. Colt’s own phone beeped, alerting him that it had found something. An orange, blinking dot appeared. It could have been a trap, but it also could have been Izzy. 
Colt didn’t bother second-guessing; every second was precious. The signal took him to a neighborhood in Pasadena, and Colt pushed his bike as fast as it would go. Adrenaline pumping through his veins, it took felt like weeks rather than less than an hour, but Colt found himself in a neighborhood, ignoring the nice homes and taking in the canopy roads. Glancing from his phone to the road was risky, but it was better to focus on the statics of wiping out than on anything else. 
Colt rode up to a two-story home with a narrow sidewalk and manicured lawn. The driveway was empty, but if the signal was right, someone had to be inside. Possibly more than one person. Colt hopped off his bike, tossing his helmet to the side as he hurried up to the house. He could hear sirens in the background, but he figured there was an emergency somewhere nearby. Just as he decided against using the front door, he heard the tell-tale click of someone attempting to unlock the door. Colt paused, his heart hammering in his chest from the ride there. The click noises slowed, and the sirens got louder. Against his better judgment, Colt turned the knob, but when he pushed the door open, it stopped halfway, bumping into something. He put more force behind the push until he saw a body, heard it moan. He took in the scene, just barely illuminated by the staircase’s backlight. There was so. Much. Fucking. Blood. A trail led from the back of the room where the staircase began, all the way to the entrance, where Izzy bled out. “IZZY!” Colt yanked off his shirt, pressing it against her thigh to slow the bleeding. “Izz, please! Stay with me!” Red bloomed, discoloring the shirt with her blood. Colt lifted her leg above her heart, watching her head lulled to the side like a rag doll. It was déjà vu with him cradling her, but her skin wasn’t so clammy last time, nor her breath so labored. 
“Izzy? Izzy!” A distraught male voice called out and Colt realized they weren’t alone. Smooth, ebony skin, hair shaved close to the scalp, and a scar that ran down his cheek. A man, who could only be Izzy’s father with the way he looked at her very still body, rushed over. “She needs medical attention!” Colt screamed above the very loud, very present blaring siren. The man pulled Izzy from him just as the ambulance pulled into the driveway. “I’ve got you baby girl! I’ve got you!”    
15 notes · View notes
ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy (Ride or Die AU)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both.
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
Tag List:
Tumblr media
Part 1 - Like Mother, Like Daughter
Part 2 - Trouble is a Friend of Mine
Part 3 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Part 4 - Two Truths and a Lie
Part 5 - Only the Good Die Young
Part 6 - Not Your Enemy 
Word count: 2,025
Los Angeles Technical Univerity’s mascot was Lucky the golden falcon. LATU wasn’t as creative as they thought they were, yet students and faculty alike could be found showing their school spirit in Lucky-themed attire. Colt was embarrassed for them, and Izzy’s note came to mind. She’d made a huge assumption that he’d know where to find her, hell, that he’d come after her. He frowned as he remembered his attraction to her wasn’t exactly a secret.
Colt found her at the designated tailgating field, long, brown legs crossed as she sat on a bench, staring off into the distance. She was dressed in a LATU long-sleeved tee, sans Lucky, her curly hair pulled up high on top of her head.  “Funny seeing you here, Junior Agent,” Colt smirked, taking pleasure in the way Izzy’s nose flared in annoyance before she quickly schooled her features into a neutral expression. He crossed his arms, not bothering to take a seat next to her. He wasn’t eager to have a repeat of the last time he was at a distinct disadvantage. “Walk with me?” Izzy asked. She stood and headed down the grassy field, not bothering to see if Colt was behind her. Curiosity got the better of him, and he met Izzy’s pace, making sure to keep space between them. Izzy noticed, letting out a laugh. “I don’t bite,” she winked, and Colt’s eyes fell to her lips. He quickly rolled his eyes. “Good to know.”
Izzy glanced over her shoulder, then lowered her voice, keeping her tone light. “The nature of my mission has...changed.” Colt shoved his hands in his pockets, sizing up the girl beside him. “We have common objectives, and it might be in our best interest to join forces,” she sighed.
Colt snorted, impressed Izzy’s expression didn’t change. “Just because your interests are different from your precious organization doesn't mean your job is.” Izzy slowed her pace, tucking a loose stray strand of hair behind her ear. She didn’t look at Colt as she continued, her furrowed brow the only sign of her irritation.
“Listen, I don’t need your help, I can do this alone-”
“-Ha, clearly, that’s why you’re begging for my help now.”
“But that doesn't mean I want to! You have skills that could prove useful in helping me investigate the Brotherhood.” Colt shook his head, catching Izzy’s eye. “Anyone can hack, Junior Agent.” He knew that whatever she was offering, and he was already inclined to say no. If there was another way to solve the mystery surrounding his father’s disappearance, then he’d find it. But rilling up Izzy had become so entertaining in such a short time. “You have a knack for breaking the rules,” Izzy gritted out as if it pained her to admit it. “And anyway, that doesn’t matter. Both of us have connections to Miami. I booked a flight for tomorrow morning at ten fifteen.”
Colt was unsure of the angle she played, but whatever it was, he’d eventually figure it out. They walked past a group of students playing flag football, and another group exercising their puppies as part of the college’s service dog program. When they were alone again, walking past the ROTC building, Colt spoke up. “Someone’s pretty confident I’m gonna say yes. What’s in it for me, Izz?”
Izzy smirked, crossing her arms. “I thought someone as smart as you would have figured it all out. I won’t rat out you or your little ragtail crew, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you find out what happened to your dad.” From the ten minutes he’d spent walking with Izzy, he could sense the raw fury beneath her cool features. She hadn’t forgiven whoever was responsible for her mother’s death, and Colt found himself attracted to that fire, a moth to an enticing flame. He couldn’t sit still. Not any more. Confusing his silence for contemplation, Izzy hurried to add, “We work together, find answers, and part ways. End of story.”
A jogger appeared on their left, and Colt gave Izzy’s shoulder a friendly pat, lowering his voice so Izzy had to strain to hear him. “If this is a trap, it’s not gonna end well for you.” Izzy smothered a grin, eyes dancing at Colt’s thinly veiled threat. She turned sincere again. “I’m not your enemy. Not if you don’t give me a reason to be.” Colt studied her expression, the hazel flecks in her brown eyes, the two freckles across her nose, the dip in the line that separated her lips. Suddenly Izzy cleared her throat, turning her head away to hide the obvious color in her cheeks. He smirked. Logan was full of shit; if only he could see the way Izzy fidgeted under Colt’s knowing gaze. “Be on time, please. I’m leaving with or without you.” Izzy backed away as she spoke, turning to face the correct direction when she’d said her piece.
Colt watched her retreating figure, not expecting her to turn back. But she did. She held his gaze for a few more seconds before disappearing inside the campus bookstore. Colt shoved his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, feeling the crush of paper underneath his fingertips. He pulled the small slip of translucent paper out and unfurled it, scanning the short message.
LAX. Pack light.
Colt guessed it to be Izzy’s flowing script. Curious, he walked up to a water fountain and ran the paper underneath the water. Like cotton candy, the paper dissolved, leaving wet splatters on his fingers. He’d never noticed her brief touch at her side.
Izzy stood in CAE-I’s armory, her heart beating in her chest like a jackhammer. There were swords, knives, nunchucks, tasers, and guns. There were even shelves dedicated to lances and ranged weaponry. Since her mother’s death, Izzy hadn’t had the best relationship with guns. She knew how to fire one and was familiar with the proper stance. The kickback and noise, the taste of the smoking gun on her tongue. All of it. “Always treat every firearm as if it were loaded,” Jason had instructed her. She remembered how foreign the weight had felt in her smaller hands then. It had been a simpler time, when both her parents were alive and well, and Jason still came over for beers with her dad. “You can’t be afraid of it, alright Izzy? It’s an extension of you.” Jason and Mike had always had different ideologies when it came to teaching Izzy the more dangerous aspects of fieldwork and defense, leaving Kira to be the tiebreaker. But death brings about a quick change, and Izzy hadn’t held a gun in years. The fact that she was now authorized to take one on missions was the only reason she’d ignored the ringing in her ears to come down and take a look.
“Need a recommendation, Izabel?” Ozwald Willis, a balding man, rolled up to her, arms flexing as he brought his wheelchair to a stop beside her. Izzy was aware of the careful way he’d watched her, trying to anticipate her needs. But there wasn’t a soul in the world who could puzzle that mystery out. “I…” Izzy stopped as she watched Ozwald quickly reached onto the shelf closest to him, brandishing an unloaded pistol. She swallowed thickly, taking the gun from him. Her hands buzzed to load the magazines and cock it, but her mind was stuck in the past. Stuck in fear. She couldn’t afford to be fearful on this mission. “Now if you don’t like that one…” Ozwald’s voice became a hum of white noise, and Izzy willed herself to calm down. “It’s perfect,” she heard herself whisper, cutting her enthusiastic helper off. “Excellent!” he clapped his hands twice, rolling to the other side of the room to retrieve the real version of the model gun Izzy held.
Izzy needed to get back to her dorm and finish packing, but there was one more stop to be made. Taking the elevator up to the office meeting floors, Izzy steeled her expression into the one her father always wore. If she could channel an ounce of his composure, everything would be just fine. Her thoughts stumbled upon Colt and their meeting at LATU. Izzy couldn’t stop the flush of her cheeks as she recalled slipping the note in his pocket before pulling her hand back to her side. It had been an intimate touch for something as innocent as passing a note, and as if her thoughts refused to cooperate, they traveled to the bike ride, her arms tight around him as she hung on for dear life. It had been thrilling. It had been freeing. Izzy bit the skin on her knuckle to bring herself back to the present, an old habit her mother had tried to break her out of.
The elevator doors opened, and Izzy walked the familiar path to Jason’s office. The glass was the only thing to separate the two, and Izzy watched as he sat, engaged in a lively discussion with two other men. They laughed at whatever Jason had said, and the one with the red beard happened to notice her looking at them. Jason looked over as well, his face breaking out into a bigger grin as he waved Izzy over. Izzy entered, waiting for Jason’s buddies to leave before she spoke. “Everything alright, Izzy?” Jason asked, and Izzy gave the biggest grin she could muster. “It’s going. No one said it’d be easy,” Izzy sighed, swaying back and forth in the office chair she’d grabbed. Jason returned her grin with one of understanding. “C’mon, talk to me. Someone has a question.” Izzy shook her head, a sense of peace washing over her as she spoke aloud the one thing she was sure of. “It’s more of a declaration. I’m going to Miami.”
Jason grew silent, cocking his head to the side as he studied her. “...Miami you say? Didn’t know you needed a vacation that badly.” His goodnatured chuckle died off once he realized Izzy wasn’t laughing. “More like duty calls,” Izzy said, and Jason sat back with his arms crossed.
“You don’t sound or look convinced, Izzy.”
“Didn’t you know? This is my everyday look,” she joked and was happy when Jason’s concerned face cracked the smallest of smiles. “I figured you might have some contacts there, since...after the incident…” Jason gave her a firm shoulder pat, nodding. “Say no more, I can pull a few strings on my end.” Izzy felt a weight lift from her shoulder, even as she wished it was her own father looking back at her with pride.
Colt heard the incoming footsteps before Logan announced his presence. The old apartment creaked, and if Logan really wanted to sneak up on him, he could do a lot better. Rather than packing a bag like he’d come to his old room to do, Colt lay back on his bed, face upturned to the peeling ceiling with the water leak stain. Logan watched Colt for the longest time, afraid to break the spell they were both under. But Colt didn’t operate on fear.
“If I don’t come back, take care of my mom,” he turned his head over, Logan sideways in the doorframe. Logan frowned. It was nearly identical to what Kaneko had told them both so many years ago. If I don’t come back, take care of your mother. The words hung in the air until the silence threatened to suffocate them both. “No offense, but I think we both know Nori is capable of taking care of herself.”  Colt closed his eyes, letting his last memories with her father wash over him. His mother’s hurtful, screaming words, running out in the rain to stop him. Logan’s comforting arm around Colt’s shaking shoulders. Nori returning to find the boys soaked to the bone, her anger weaker than her sorrow as she realized she they were now her responsibility.  
“Don’t get sappy and tell me you love me,” Colt teased, eyes still shut. He heard a responding snicker followed by Logan’s retreating footsteps. “Wouldn’t dream of it!”
17 notes · View notes
ohsnapitzlovehacker · 5 years
I Spy AU (Ride or Die)
Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both.
*these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!*
Tumblr media
Part 1 - Like Mother, Like Daughter
Part 2 - Trouble is a Friend of Mine
Part 3 - Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing
Part 4 - Two Truths and a Lie
Part 5 - Only the Good Die Young
Part 6 - Not Your Enemy
Part 7 - Nori Sato
Part 8 - Heating Up
Part 9 - This Is Just the Beginning (nsfw)
Part 10 - Lover’s Interlude
Word count: 3,571
It was around noon when Colt awoke. Izzy kneeled behind the coffee table, scribbling furiously on a loose sheet of ripped notebook paper. Her hair was pulled up high on her head, and she wore a Donald Duck tee, another dumb purchase from the airport gift shop. The stress code lay next to her, on top of the Bible. Izzy glanced up to find Colt watching her, and bit her lip. Her writing hand stilled and the pencil loosened in her grip. 
Izzy didn’t want to dwell on the fact she’d spent the rest of the night in Colt’s arms. Or how easy she’d surrendered to his warmth and drifted off, her troubling dreams forgotten. She could have spent an eternity wrapped up in his arms, and it frightened her. Colt was a heavy sleeper and hadn’t stirred when she slipped off of him to get ready in the bathroom for the day a few hours later. She’d snacked on some crackers and finished the rest of her dried fruit as she listened to Colt’s even breathing and worked on cracking the stress code. Every once in awhile, she’d find herself staring at him, studying his sleeping form, not unlike how he studied her now. Food. She needed food. “You hungry?” she asked suddenly, and Colt paused, his expression uncertain. Finally, he nodded, stretching his arms out, his shirt rising to reveal the toned plane of his torso, and Izzy remembered exactly how those muscles had felt beneath her fingertips. He caught her staring again and gave her a sleepy smile. Heat bloomed on her cheeks. He had a cute smile, and she’d never realized before now. “I meant for food,” Izzy clarified, embarrassed, and Colt rolled his eyes, rising to his feet. He balled up the blanket and threw it at Izzy, barely missing her head. 
“Sure ya did,” he shook his head, walking to the hallway and disappeared into the bathroom. Izzy took the discarded blanket, folding it into a neat square. Then she face-planted into the fleece, moaning. She really had meant food but there was no use arguing with Colt about that. 
Izzy was driver, navigator, and DJ as they cruised along, an old, pink iPod nano plugged in as she glanced between the music player and the road. Her speedometer read fifty miles exactly, and Colt shook his head as an SUV followed by truck zoomed past. 
“Could you drive any slower?” Izzy flipped off his complaint, letting a third vehicle overtake them. “The speed limit is like, fifty,” Izzy gestured to the speedometer with the same barred middle finger as a cutesy pop song started playing. “And you’re going like, twenty,” Colt mocked her, but she didn’t drive any faster. If anything, it felt like she purposefully slowed down. An elderly woman in a bright yellow Bug saddled up beside them, and soon she too was ahead of Izzy. Colt obnoxiously rapped the window glass, cracking up as Izzy slapped his shoulder hard. “You saw that, right?” Colt pointed as Izzy pulled into a small parking lot in front of The Cuban Bistro & Cafe. They entered to find an easy-going atmosphere; yellow walls, dark wood tables and chairs, televisions mounted on almost every wall, and a menu behind the cashier spot detailing every food item you could order, written in pink and blue chalk. A couple conversed in rapid Spanish just a few tables away, but Colt was more focused on whatever the hell was cooking back in the kitchen. Whatever it was smelled amazing. His stomach growled from hunger and Izzy walked up to the counter, eyeing the bakery goods and other sweets behind the glass. “Let’s order one of everything,” he heard Izzy say and when he raised an eyebrow at her, she shrugged. “You took forever to wake up and I’m starving.” Colt glanced back at the menu, reading the meals under the lunch special. “Yeah, well someone kept me up last night,” Colt teased but Izzy drummed her fingers against the glass. She opened her mouth to speak when a curvy woman with dark brown hair held back with bobby pins and two, thick, hair ties appeared from the kitchen. She gasped, hand over her mouth in surprise, taking in Izzy. 
“Kira, mi niña! Dónde has estado! No has venido a verme en mucho tiempo!”
“Kira? Did you say Kira? Conoces a Kira?” Izzy passed a puzzled glance with Colt before looking back at the woman to converse in tentative Spanish. The woman noticed him, and her eyes widened as she took in Izzy. “My apologies! You look just like her…” Izzy gave a grim smile, whispering to Colt, “I look nothing like her.” To the woman, she responded, “I’m Izabel. Her daughter.” 
“What? No fake names for her?”
“Shut up, Colt.”
“Ahh, what a charming couple,” the woman whispered conspiratorially. “The young ladies don’t know how to keep their hands to themselves around here.” Izzy’s expression turned to one of annoyance. “Well, that’s too bad. Be a real shame if something happened to those hands,” Izzy folded her arms and the woman laughed, clearly taking a liking to her. “Ahh, feisty, just like Kira!” She gestured to an empty table. “Sit, sit, sit! Don’t worry about your order, it’s on me.” She shooed them away from the counter and disappeared back into the kitchen. Colt instantly turned to Izzy who was quickly making her way to the table the woman had pointed to. He followed her, a smug smile on his face as he slid into the chair across from her. “What are we? Dating now?” Colt watched Izzy play with the ketchup bottle, opening and closing the cap with her thumb. “Don’t make a big deal out of it.” There was a pause and nothing but the sound of the clicking cap and background conversation of the other patrons. “I’m sure a guy like you can’t bear to be tied down,” Izzy’s voice was light enough, but if she kept up her stint with the ketchup cap, she’d snap it clean off. 
Izzy’s sentiment wasn’t far from the truth, but the thought of hooking up with someone who wasn’t Izzy didn’t sit well with him. “Guess I could tolerate it if it’s you doing the tying down.” He’d meant it as a joke, the double meaning only becoming clear when Izzy’s bright eyes widened, her eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
“Cuban breakfast on Bella!” The friendly woman came by their table, carrying their meal on a large tray with one hand and two mugs and what smelled like rich espresso in the other. She placed everything on the table, grabbing a chair next to Izzy, and adjusting the towel over her shoulder. Colt instantly reached for the fried eggs and bacon, while Izzy eyed the spread, unsure where to start. There was sliced papaya, oranges, pineapples, and tomatoes, along with bread and a dish of honey. Izzy settled on pouring herself some coffee and took a sip. She closed her eyes, a happy smile gracing her lips. “Wow,” she sighed, looking over at Bella who beamed. “This is really good coffee,” she looked over at Colt, pointing at her mug. “You have to try this!” she said excitedly, and Colt wondered if the caffeine had gone to her head. Coffee was coffee. “I can’t if you drink it all, Izz,” he spoke through bites of ham, salty and tender with just a hint of sweetness. Izzy made a face, but rather than complain about the nickname, she turned back to Bella, who watched the two animatedly. 
“And your mama worried you wouldn’t find a nice boy,” she laughed uproariously, and Colt watched as Izzy’s cheeks reddened against her brown skin. “I don’t know if I’d use the word nice,” Izzy muttered. “So how did you come to know my mom?” she asked, taking a slice of bread and dipping it in the honey. “This was her spot!” Bella sighed, but she couldn’t keep the pride out of her voice. “She’d come to Miami and visit me. Tell me how your daddy got on her nerves,” Bella recounted, caught up in the memories. “But she loves him. She loves you. She’d tell me of her little girl and all the...adventures she was getting up to,” Bella rested a cheek against her fist, and Colt wondered if the woman was another CAE-I agent. Shit, they really were everywhere. “And she sends her little girl and her boyfriend to see me! How is my Kira?” Bella asked and Izzy’s smiled dimmed. Colt thought about the previous night and the way she’d tossed and turned before he’d comforted her. “Well, I assume death is treating her well, so...” Bella’s voice turned somber as she took in Izzy’s subdued expression. 
“Oh preciosa,” Bella took Izzy’s free hand in her own, giving it a motherly squeeze, something Colt was unfamiliar with himself. “I’m so sorry.” Izzy shrugged, slipping her hand out from Bella’s and pouring some coffee in Colt’s mug before refilling her own. “It’s alright. It’s been a few years, so it doesn’t sting as bad.” Her eyes flickered to Colt, who caught the lie. She was strong, but there were chinks in her armor. “The last time she was here, she was with a young man. Very angry. Both of them. She stormed out before I could see what was the matter.” Izzy’s eyes flashed as Colt took a sip of the coffee. It was the best damn expresso he’d ever had. “Young man?” Bella nodded, encouraging Izzy to eat more. Looking at Colt’s empty plate, she also urged him. Colt didn’t need to be told twice. 
“Her partner...? Jackson? ...Jones?”
“Jason,” Izzy placed her mug down, looking Bella straight on. Bella snapped her fingers as if she’d remembered herself. “Yes! Yes, yes.” Bella shook her head, wringing the towel in her hands. “But I told her that man was trouble.” Colt sat up at this, passing a glance at Izzy who frowned at him. “Trouble?” Bella nodded. “Your mama is a...was a married lady, yes? I think Johnson needed his own lady friend, humph.” Izzy stilled, her hand hovering over the papaya slices, stricken. There was shouting from behind, interrupting the tense moment. 
“BELLA! Te necesitamos en la cocina!” 
Bella yelled back across the restaurant in angry Spanish before rising to her feet. “Aye, aye, such babies!” She turned a stern eye on Colt, wagging a finger. “Take care of my girl’s girl, or you will answer to me, understand?” Colt nodded, careful to bite back his laugh lest she threw something at him. He had no doubt she would. “Good.” Satisfied, Bella marched back to the kitchen. Colt noticed Izzy glaring at the table, her stormy eyes attempting to set the table ablaze. She downed the rest of her coffee and stood, scrapping the chair across the floor in her rush. “Let’s get out of here.” She didn’t look his way as she pulled a couple dollars from her pocket and flung them on the table. Colt sighed, glancing back at the patrons who’d slipped in while they ate. His gaze stopped on a woman with a blue floral hijab and thick, winged eyeliner that drew attention to her grey-green eyes. She sipped from a mug, a bowl of fruit the only other thing on her table. She glanced over at him, her ruby red lips frowning before she deemed him uninteresting enough not to care and returned to her fruit. “Colt!” 
The GPS’s destination was set for the closest beach, but there was a chance Izzy might drive right past it. She’d already missed the first two gas stations, and the fuel gauge had been dangerously close to E. She was so angry she didn’t realize how fast she was driving, and when she did, she didn’t care. Izzy felt Colt’s stare, but for the moment, she preferred stewing in silence. “As nice as the peace and quiet is, you’re kind of scary when you’re silent,” Colt spoke. Izzy shot him a nasty glare, but he didn’t so much as flinch. “I’m not in the mood,” she snapped and Colt shrugged, adjusting his seat so it leaned at an incline. He placed his hands behind his head, and suddenly her feelings spilled out. “All this time I thought my dad and Jason were beefing because of my mom’s death? Like this person they both care about is gone, and so through whatever dude logic, they couldn’t stand to be in the same room anymore. I didn’t think Jason was in love with my mom!” Izzy growled. “I’m sorry, did you really just say beefing?” She responded to Colt’s quip with a murderous gaze, but if he was even the least bit frightened, he did a great job of covering it up. He even had the gall to laugh.
“What’s so funny?”
“You wanted answers, didn’t you?”
“Shut the fuck up, Kaneko.” 
“You know, you’re gonna hurt my feelings with all this yelling and then you’re gonna feel really bad.” 
Izzy’s retort was lost on her tongue and she slowly turned to glance at Colt before her eyes were back on the road and traffic. “...Fuck your feelings,” she growled, clearly the only noise she was capable of making at the moment. Colt let out a low whistle. 
“Damn, someone has a dirty mouth.” 
“Trust me, I’m just as surprised as you are,” Izzy turned off at an exit, her anger finally cooling. Maybe the coffee hadn’t been such a great idea. She felt like she could punch through a wall, but she didn’t want to test out that theory. “You tend to bring that side of me out,” Izzy blamed Colt, but he was unbothered. Izzy ignored the GPS in favor of following the signs directing her to the beach. “Then I take full responsibility. Good girls are overrated.” Izzy snorted but felt the last of her anger fall away. “So are wannabe bad boys,” she countered parking beside a gray Accord. She unbuckled her seatbelt, the corner of her lips quirked up in a smile. She didn’t realize she’d leaned over in Colt’s space until his lips grazed hers. They parted slightly to let her tongue slide in, and he tasted of the coffee he’d drank earlier. Izzy let Colt pull her closer and soon she was straddling him. “...Hi,” she pulled back, drinking in him in as she threaded her fingers through his hair. Colt tilted her chin down, rolling his eyes at her dorkiness. “Hi,” he replied, bringing her in for another kiss. She shivered as Colt’s lips fell lower, teeth grazing along her jaw. That was going to leave a mark but she couldn't bring herself to care. Izzy felt his hands roam down her back, setting her bare skin aflame as he touched her thighs before coming back to cup her ass. Izzy blindly reached for the seat’s adjuster to push Colt back further as she slowly grinded against his arousal. She could feel the strain against his crotch as Colt let out a husky breath. 
“You like that?” Izzy grinned, speeding up her movements. “Fuck...Izz!” Izzy snaked her fingers underneath his shirt, feeling his abs flex against her touch. She swallowed his hearty moans with a kiss, drawing his bottom lip between her teeth as she pulled back and slowed her movements. Anyone could look in the car and see them, and Izzy knew if she didn’t stop now, they’d scar some unsuspecting innocent. She rested her forehead against Colt’s, feeling his racing heartbeat as she rested a hand underneath his shirt. She brought both hands up to cup his face, kissing him hard enough to leave a bruise before she opened the car door. 
“And where do you think you’re going?” Colt’s breathy voice demanded as he tucked a strand of hair behind Izzy’s ear. “C’mon, there’s an entire beach out there. All that ocean and salty air,” Izzy teased, out of breath as well. If Colt decided to dip a hand in her shorts, he’d discover a second ocean. She staggered off of him, legs cramped from the tight space. She pulled Colt after her, laughing at his sulky expression and disheveled hair. 
They walked across the beach, side by side, and when Izzy tentatively slipped her hand in Colt’s, he didn’t let go. Not when she made them run across the beach like fools. Not when she suggested they get sno-cones that stained their tongues. Not when she begged him to take off his shoes so they could dip their toes in the water. Not even when the parents of a crying four-year-old asked Izzy to hold her so they could take a selfie. At every opportunity, Colt’s lips found her own, sometimes settling for the curve of her neck or just above her nose. Until the sunset turned the sky into shades of pink and deep orange, Izzy allowed herself to forget anything and everything that was Colt. There wasn’t a Brotherhood, her mother wasn’t dead, and the warmth that spread through her chest was more than a passing high. If this was only a dream, it was too sweet to wake up from.
The ride back to the safe house was quiet, as Izzy nodded off a few times only to open her eyes and find Colt watching her as he drove. Unfortunately, the hazy peace was shattered when they pulled up in front of the house to find the front door ajar. A sense of dread settled in the pit of her stomach. Izzy gripped her seat tightly, forcing her thoughts to clear. She needed absolute focus. “Go around the back,” Izzy gestured as she stepped out of the car and Colt scoffed. “Why? What are you planning?” But Izzy headed for the front door, pausing when she realized Colt was on her heels. “Go around back,” she stressed. “I’m gonna need backup.” Colt looked as if the last thing he wanted to do was leave her alone but finally, he nodded, and Izzy began her walk again. Izzy’s blood ran cold when she realized the door was damaged, the knob bashed in. She reached inside her shoe and swollen thickly. She pulled out her glorified shank, a sharpened kitty ear-shaped blade with the tip coating in butterfly oil, a numbing agent that caused quick but temporary paralysis. Izzy carefully stepped in the house. 
She didn’t trust the quiet. She silently crept down the hallway, heartbeat in her eardrums as she strained to hear the slightest noise. “Agent Parker! There you are! Was worried you wouldn’t show.” Izzy startled, quickly turning to see a tall, lean man with a bruise against his jaw and a red beard. Dread settled in her stomach, the warning signs blaring in her ears, her mind. “What are you doing here?” Izzy quietly asked, relived her voice didn’t shake. The man stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall. He nodded to Izzy’s concealed weapon, a jovial grin on his face. “There’s no need for that. I’m Drew, by the way.” Izzy took a reflexive step back as he raised a hand for her to shake. When she let his hand linger, he pulled it back, shrugging. 
“Don’t think it’s a good idea for a young woman to be all alone like this. World’s a scary place, Izzy.” She glared at him, unsure if Drew knew about Colt or not. She had to assumed she did, lest she was taken off guard with a fatal result. “Jason lost your mom. Imagine if he lost you too.” Was that a threat? “Newsflash so did I and so did my dad.” Drew’s gaze fell on something above Izzy’s head, but there was no way she letting Drew out of her sight. 
“You should have stayed home.” 
“I’m right where I’m supposed to be,” Izzy shot back.  Registering the flash of stubborn indignation in her eyes, Izzy didn’t have time to move before Drew snatched her up, locking her in a chokehold. Izzy struggled for breath as she scratched and yanked, pulled and kicked, unable to make a sound. Her shank fell from her grip, clattered against the floor and settling on the carpet. “I really didn’t want to do this Izzy.” Drew’s voice sounded like it was underwater, and the sharp pain in her lungs and throat slowly lessened as the darkness took over. And suddenly the puzzle pieces of the stress code fell into place. 
20. 25. 1. 01. Yes, the numbers spelled out Izzy’s birthday down to the year; January 25, 2001. But they also spelled out her parent’s wedding anniversary; May 5. In 2011, Izzy’s parents had gone out to dinner. Her dad had come down with an awful case of food poisoning and Izzy was convinced he was going to die. But it was only bad shrimp, and her dad wasn’t the only one from the restaurant vomiting for days. He’d joked that he’d been poisoned from the inside out. The stress code was for her dad and was never delivered. Poisoned from the inside out. The Brotherhood had poisoned CAE-I! Her mother’s lifeless body flashed in her mind, and it was the last thought Izzy had before she passed out.
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