#colt kaneko x mc
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missameliep · 5 months ago
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Link to the MASTERLIST (My fics are also on AO3)
Books I write for: Blades of Light and Shadow, Desire and Decorum, Perfect Match, Ride or Die, The Royal Romance and Wake the Dead.
Meet my MCs
2025 Reading challenge updates
Latest Fics:
All The Things I'll Never Tell My Mother - Parts 1 - 2 - 3 (Desire & Decorum AU / part of a collab with @rosesnink)
Twenty Seconds or Twenty Years (Wake the Dead)
Bonds of Sea and Fire - Parts 2 3 4 (Blades of Light and Shadow)
In a Little Book Shop - Part 1 (Desire and Decorum AU for @rosesnink)
Once Upon a Summer - Parts 1 - 2 - 3 (Desire and Decorum AU)
Second Chances - Chapter Twenty Five: It starts with a kiss (Desire and Decorum AU)
The One Who Got Away (Ride or Die) - Read on AO3
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Writing Summary - 2021
Writing Summary - 2022
Writing Summary - 2024
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Currently Writing (My WIPs are listed HERE):
Bonds of Sea and Fire (Blades of Light and Shadow/Book1);
Once upon a summer (Desire & Decorum AU - kids/high-school);
Wake the Dead unnamed fic;
Second Chances (Desire & Decorum AU);
The One Who Got Away (Ride or Die).
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raleighcarrera · 2 years ago
anTiquity thursday
thanks for tagging me miss jade @zigtheeortega !! sorry it’s not a twc wip but i already posted my last abandoned mason fic KJFDGHJKFDHG
anyway this is great because i actually was working on a follow-up fic in my colt x mc kings & queens series but i lost interest in it. so here’s the first 2,000 words
tagging​ @pixeljazzy​ in case u would also like to dredge up any old wips
(g.uns / s.hooting tw btw)
“Here,” Colt said, passing the empty beer bottle in his hand over to Jamie, inclining his head across the back lot, “Bring that over there.”
Jamie eyed the low wall with trepidation. “Not while she’s shooting like that,” he said fairly.
Colt rolled his eyes at him, taking the bottle back. “I’ll do it,” he sighed, pushing to his feet with a groan. “Go get me a new one.”
Ellie didn’t hear him as he made the short trek across to where she was standing, legs planted hip-width apart. Silently, he watched her for a moment, her dainty hands curled confidently around the gun she was firing, one shot after another after another. The bullets pinged off the wall, the last shot that rang out only grazing the beer bottle she was aiming at – lightly enough to rattle it, so that the bottle fell over on its own and shattered against the cement.
Ellie huffed in annoyance, lowering her arm. Spent shell casings tumbled to the floor. “Fuck,” she said, miserably.
Colt leaned into her field of vision, then, neatly depositing his empty beer bottle where the old one had been. “C’mon, reload,” he urged, miming with his hands in case Ellie couldn’t hear him over the ear plugs she had in, “You’ve got this.”
She did, and he moved back around to stand behind her, arms sliding around hers until Colt’s fingers gripped Ellie’s on the gun, her back pressed snugly against his chest. As her shoulders tilted, the light caught the diamond on her left ring finger just right, her engagement ring sparkling in the sun.
Nine carats, just like she’d asked for. He didn’t know why he’d ever bothered arguing about it in the first place.
“You’re aiming too high,” Colt murmured into her ear, gently lowering her arms a few inches. “And you have to hold steady, or it’ll go wide. Lock your elbows.”
She did. His index finger tapped hers, encouraging Ellie to pull the trigger.
Bang. The shot was a dead hit; the Corona bottle shattered to pieces, tumbling backwards over the wall.
He smiled as Ellie turned around with a scowl of annoyance. “You’re such a show-off,” she said, thumbing the safety back on and handing the gun over to him.
Colt shrugged, his obnoxious grin widening. “What?” he asked, “You looked good. You almost had it.”
“Don’t patronize me, I’ll knee you in the dick,” Ellie mumbled, bouncing up onto her toes for a kiss. Colt obliged her with a laugh, catching her chin in his free hand.
With Jamie gone, they were alone in the back lot – the people working on putting the pool in weren’t around today, so there was no one to stare as she slipped her manicured hands into the back pockets of his jeans.
His eyes lingered on the low neckline of Ellie’s tank top when she pulled away. Colt let his hand drop to her shoulder, then pressed his thumb into the dip at the base of her throat, dancing his fingers down over her collarbone.
“I want to bite this,” he said lowly. “Are you done yet?”
Ellie hummed interestedly. “Yes,” she answered, “But – I need you to come with me tonight.”
Colt felt his brows knit together as he tried to envision the paper calendar in their shared office and what might’ve been written on it. If there was work or a meeting on Ellie’s mind, it had completely slipped his. “Tonight?”
Ellie stared back at him, unimpressed. “To the florist.”
Right. Sometimes he sort of forgot that, in addition to everything else on his plate, he was partially helping plan the wedding of the century, at least in Ellie’s mind.
“I knew that,” he insisted, smiling charmingly at his fiancée. “Because we obviously have a lot to talk to her –”
“Him,” Ellie corrected, though she looked amused.
“—him about,” Colt finished, without missing a beat. “On account of how you really want that… roses… arch, for the ceremony.”
Ellie paused for a too-long moment, but he didn’t waver, even if he was sweating on the inside. Finally, she said, “I guess you do listen, sometimes.”
“Baby, I hang on your every word,” Colt declared, emboldened by his victory, letting his arm curl around her shoulders. “How could you even think I’d forget about the florist?”
Jamie came back with his beer just as Ellie opened her mouth – presumably to tell him to shut up – the look on his face unsure as he handed it over. “There’s someone here to see you.”
Colt traded him the gun for it, shrugging carelessly. “Do they have an appointment?”
Jamie’s eyes darted back and forth between them, as though he was about to deliver a piece of unpleasant news. “It’s Logan.”
He felt Ellie still beside him. Colt sighed, then handed the full beer bottle back to Jamie and took the gun from his hands.
“Relax,” he said, as Ellie shot him a look, tucking it into the waistband of his jeans, “I’m not going to use it.”
“Did he say what he wanted?” Ellie asked Jamie, ignoring him. Colt folded his arms across his chest, gritting his teeth.
Probably, he had some fucking problem he wanted their help with. Probably, it would involve monopolizing all of Ellie’s time. Probably, he was going to give her those pathetic, sad, wobbly wide eyes until she agreed to do whatever he wanted, and he’d be stuck standing to the side, watching –
Her hand found his back pocket again. Ellie patted his ass twice, and Colt sighed, letting the anger deflate from his shoulders like a popped balloon.
It was kind of annoying, how effortlessly she could read him. But he knew Ellie was probably right and he was probably wrong. Probably, everything was going to be nothing like it had been the last time the three of them were together.
Hopefully, whatever Logan wanted wouldn’t take very long at all.
“When’s Raven supposed to be back?” he asked abruptly, squinting up at the sun.
Jamie winced. “Not for another two hours. You guys want back up?”
“No,” Ellie snorted, “Logan’s harmless. This is just… bizarre. We’ll handle it.”
If she was rattled by the thought of seeing him, Colt couldn’t tell. Ellie’s face was smooth and free from emotion as the two of them walked inside, placid like she always was whenever they had a role to play. If he didn’t know any better, Colt might think they were out at a party or taking a meeting in a club, instead of at the shop – the one place where neither of them usually bothered with pretense.
Part of him had expected Jamie to be wrong, somehow. Just the name Logan felt like a ghost’s, and Colt had figured it was impossible for him to be back now, or at all, when it had been so long. But sure enough, as they emerged onto the shop floor, there he was, as broad-shouldered and dimply as ever, boyish face at odds with the frame of a man as old as they were.
His eyes looked even older, like the years since Ellie’s high school graduation had been harder on him than the two of them. Jesus – it had been almost a decade, after all. Seeing him standing there made Colt feel all the years at once, and they felt like a lifetime.
“Hey,” he said, apropos of nothing. Logan nodded at him, then looked over at Ellie. “Cool space.”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Colt asked.
Ellie smacked his stomach with the back of her hand. “It’s good to see you,” she said, more politely. “I… God, it’s been so long. How are you? How’ve you been?”
Colt bit his tongue. Did she have to sound so interested?
Logan lifted his arm and ran his hand through his hair. The stilted way he half stepped forward and then stopped made Colt wonder if he’d wanted to hug Ellie and thought better of it at the last moment. “Good, I guess. I’ve been in Detroit, mostly, but – I mean, you guys could probably guess that I need your help.”
Of course. Privately, Colt thought he had some nerve showing up and asking for a favor, and half a mind to tell him so. They had managed just fine on their own. They hadn’t called in any IOUs from any of his old friends, even though he’d wanted to, sometimes, when things were particularly hard and everything felt so unfair.
“We’re listening,” Colt said, doing his best to sound bored.
“Well, I – shit, did you guys get married?” Logan was bug-eyed, staring at the giant engagement ring on Ellie’s hand.
“Not yet,” she answered, before Colt could snap at him, his razor-thin patience bending precariously. Of course Logan had managed to push all the right buttons. There were few things Ellie loved more than showing off. She held out her hand obligingly and Logan stepped forward, dipping his head for a better look.
“Wow,” Logan laughed. Colt closed his eyes to stop them from rolling back into his skull. He searched his brain for a list of reasons not to throw a punch and came up empty, bar the irritating thought of swollen knuckles and Ellie’s disapproving frown. He supposed those were deterring enough.
“We do actually have shit to do today,” he said, “If you don’t mind.”
Logan blinked, pulling back abruptly. “Right.” He cleared his throat. “Well, there’s no easy way to say this. I need to steal a car.”
Neither of them moved, and he knew Ellie was wondering the same thing he was. Where was the catch?
As the silence stretched on between them, Logan winced. “From a museum,” he continued slowly. “Under police surveillance.”
Beside him, Ellie tensed almost imperceptibly. Colt hoped he was wrong about why. Still, he asked, “The NHRA?”
“That’s the one,” Logan said cheerfully. “You guys probably heard about the –”
“Exhibit on loan from the National Museum in France, yeah,” Ellie interjected. “What do you want with it?”
Logan’s eyes darted to the floor. He shifted his feet awkwardly. “I’m in debt,” he admitted, “I owe a guy. And in two days they’re gonna move the car he wants off the main floor and into storage until the guys from Europe come and pick everything back up. So my window’s closing. And – look, I really want to do this without anyone getting hurt.”
He looked meaningfully at Ellie, who glanced away. Colt bit back a sudden, violent urge to insist that Logan never look at her that way, or try to make her feel fucking guilty about something she had nothing to do with.
Logan stared evenly back as Colt glared at him. He seemed unsurprised that they all knew what no one was saying.
But Delaney kept tabs on every single cop in the city, so of course he knew that Ellie’s father was working the museum. Even if he hadn’t already known, it was no surprise. Detective Wheeler seemed to show up on every case that might have something to do with cars or the daughter he’d so desperately tried to control. Over the last few years, they’d gotten pretty good at navigating around him.
Ellie’s fingers dug into his side just as Colt opened his mouth to tell Logan to fuck off and die. He cut her a look out of the corner of his eye. “What’s in it for us?” she asked levelly.
Logan’s eyebrows lifted. He looked at Ellie in surprise. “Seriously? You guys don’t think you owe me one?”
Colt shot Ellie another look, doing his best to convey that he was at the very precipice of his boiling point. Did they fucking think they owed him one? He had to be kidding.
Please, Colt begged with his eyebrows, Let me punch him. Just a little bit.
Ellie rolled her eyes. “I don’t see how.”
Colt exhaled, folding his arms across his chest.
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neeean · 2 months ago
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✧ "Don't forget me Colt" ✧
Thank you all so much for the love on my last Colt fan art! ♡⁠ It pushed me to use the holiday idleness to finally sketch a new piece which I've meant to do for ages...which in turn made me realize how much I miss ROD and Colt😭 I'd rlly give a lot for a fan-made sequel
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My Ride or Die MC
@choicesmcappreciationweek Day 1: A+ Student
She’s another Author/player insert so you already know her name >/////<
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Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual with a preference for men
Loves: Learning (inside and outside of academics, she loves picking up new hobbies), her friends and family, long drives with blasting music, and Logan
Personality: She’s fairly timid and definitely pretty straight it laced even after the events of the book. But she has lots of moments where she’s daring because she either feels the need to prove herself or just because she’s feeling bold. This shows up a lot in how she flirts with others. She doesn’t break the rules unless it’s for someone she cares about or she knows it’s the right decision regardless of legality - the system is broken folks. She’s kind of the perfect head and heart girl. A strong, nerdy, feminist, badass, but also very Passionate, kind, and sentimental. She has a keepsake box full of all the Knick knacks Cole, Mona, Kaneko, etc. have given her before they were separated. She wears Logan’s spark plug everywhere with her as well as the bracelet her dad gifted her.
Life after the book:
She gets a masters in Political Science and begins efforts to reform the legal system after graduation
Eventually, she opens up a safe haven for children like Logan (was) who weren’t given a fair shot at life
She reunites with Colt shortly after the events of the book and comes by often to help with the mechanics shop. It’s not openly discussed, but she stays out of anything illegal that he may get up to.
She eventually reunites with Logan later in life when she expands her humanitarian work beyond just aiding children and also begins services helping adults
I’m struggling to think up of an ending for her that isn’t too idealistic, but don’t worry, she and Logan get their happy ending
General note: I was planning on doing full on complete drawings for all my MCs for this years appreciation week but I’ve come to terms that that’s just unrealistic with college. So I’m sticking to sketches like this for the rest of the week. I hope you guys still think they’re good.
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lovehugsandcandy · 1 year ago
Is there a list of accs who write colt x mc fics you could recommend please? Besides you it’s been hard to find any 😅 I would appreciate if it contained nsfw too
Ok. So I apologize for how long it took to answer this because you have come to the right place but I don't have a computer now and it's kind of a hot mess but like, I am THE PERSON who has this info, ya know? Because you're asking about the loml right there.
So. In no particular order, please check out:
Not all of these do n*fw and some are majority-Logan but there are some gems here.
Also I am SURE I am missing some bangers. ROD-fam, who did I forget and need to beg forgiveness from?
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liamzigmichael4ever · 8 months ago
Ahem. I fucking love how I come to Tumblr to follow choices blog. yk every thing to do with choices. Blogs...artists...writers....post!!! But what I get is...1%choices 99%EVERYTHING ELSE. LIKE....COME ON TUMBLR. if im in the following section. Why is it I see everything I'm NOT following. THE FUCK!!!?!?!?!
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cadybear420 · 10 months ago
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Might do some rewrite headcanons of this smut scene to accommodate Addi's bottom dysphoria... but I have no idea how these two are gonna sneak a strap-on into prom. Maybe Addi can hide it under a big dress? Maybe Colt gifts her one? Wait how would he sneak it in then?
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 2 years ago
Meet My MC: Lyra Lexington
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I'll edit this to make it cuter and more detailed while I play the story but here's what I have so far!
Nicknames: Ly, Little Miss Valedictorian, Doc, Lady, Queen
Born/Raised: Singapore -> New York -> Los Angeles
Books: Ride or Die, Queen B, Nightbound/Bloodbound, The Elementalists as a well-known Historian, and Crimes of Passion I and II (again, I haven't finished all of these books I just thought of this MC on the go)
Face Claim: Alyssa Raghu -> Naomi Scott/shredz55 (Insta)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac: Aquarius
Fashion Style: "Girl Next Door" with a hint of Bohemian Chic
Love Interest: Trystan Thorne
Past Relationships: Logan, Colt Kaneko, Professor Ian Kingsley, Nik Ryder, Violet Hale (OC) Past Flirtationships: Mona, Cal, Vera
Education/Major: BA in History at UC Berkeley; MA in Anthropology and Ph.D in Archeology at Harvard University; Magic Training at Pendergast College of Elemental Magicks
Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother: Desire and Decorum MC Great Great Great Grandmother: The Unexpected Heiress MC Godparents: Adrian Raines and Evelyn "Evie" Rouge Father(s): Lord Elric; Detective Antonio Lexington (FC: TBD) Mother: Lilavati "Lila" Solaris (FC: Nayanthara) Half-Brother: Tialo Maternal Cousin: My Queen B OC/The Elementalists MC Children (Twins): Amber Marguerite Thorne and Alice Nayeli Thorne Pet: Arcane (A Perrikin)
Lilavati left her extremely controlling family after leaving for college to major in Economics, where she met Adrian Raines, and the two became close friends (she was already dating Lyra's father and unknowingly pregnant). As far as her family knows, she's a Board Member/Head of Business for Raines Corporation. In actuality, she's a witch who eventually started working as a kind of supernatural diplomat to ensure peace between supernatural beings, which ended up being for the NYC vampire clans. She's under the vampire clans' protection (but she associates most with Adrian since they're the closest). She was extremely happy for Adrian when he met Evie and fell deeply in love with her. After Lyra is born, she asks Adrian and Evie to be her godparents. In my head, Evie shows up at some point during Nightbound in the Priya Lacroix scene and mentions how much Lyra reminded her of her mother (it took Lyra a second to recognize who Evie was because it's been a while but she knew Evie was a familiar figure). Antonio blames Adrian and Evie (and the rest of the BB crew) for his wife's death and ensures they stay away from his daughter by moving to a smaller home in LA.
Fun Facts:
She's a very talented Carnatic singer! Her extended family wanted her to continue but as much as she loves to sing, she didn’t want to pursue it as part of her future
She is fluent in English and Spanish but proficient in Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, and Dravokian. She learned Spanish from her father and Telugu, Malayalam, and Tamil from her mother. Her parents spoke those languages at home alongside English, but she became less fluent in the languages her mother spoke after she died. And after marrying Trystan, she obviously learned Drakovian
She’s from a wealthy family, or technically her mother was, but she left her old life to have her freedom before Lyra’s older cousins were even born. Lyra herself has an even larger inheritance after her mother died, but her father didn’t feel comfortable using her family money “irresponsibly.” She plans to use that money for her education.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year ago
omg this is so cool!! i've never done anything like this before but I'm so excited to participate!
1. Open Heart: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Dr. Chandini Ramakrishnan)
2. Ride or Die/Nightbound/Crimes of Passion; Colt Kaneko/Nik Ryder/Hispanic!Trystan Thorne (MAIN) x F!OC (Lyra Lexington); I am so sorry for this one I made her an MC & OC across multiple books with multiple love interests because I love her sm and couldn't bear to leave her in one book also because I'm indecisive oop hope the color coding helped lol
3.Blades of Light and Shadow: Mal Volari OR Aerin Valleros x F!Human MC (Salem Nightingale); I have multiple AUs so in some she gets with Mal and in some, she's with Aerin
I'm so sorry I don't have a nice one-to-one ratio between MCs and LIs 😭 if you get me feel free to pick your favorite lol
Extra Information
Chandini Ramakrishnan's FC is Charithra Chandran (South Indian, Tamil)
Salem Nightingale's FC is Jessica Alba, specifically with the blonde-ish highlights like in the picture below
Lyra Lexington is more difficult because she's biracial (Mexican and South Indian) and technically she doesn't really look like the current face claims I have so here's a picture of the MC sprite I used lol
If you want more information about them you could scroll through their character/ship tags on this post if that's helpful!
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Trick or Treat: a Choices Fandom Secret Pal event
What it is:
Think secret Santa but at Halloween (because why not?)
Everyone who shows interest in participating will be given a match for whom they should create a small work (drabble, art, sketch, edit, moodboard, etc)
How to participate:
Reblog this post stating your interest AND include your top 3 books/characters/pairings to help guide your match on what they should create for you. (reblogs that do not include a top 3 will not be considered entries for participation)
or, message me here or at @lovealexhunt stating your interest and include your top 3 picks
Note: When listing your interests, please include any preferred gender/race characteristics you may have for customizable character. If you have FCs you are welcome to list them as well.
Deadline to participate: October 12
What comes next:
On, or about, October 13-14, I will message you with your match and what they listed as their top 3 interests
Please tag this blog and #ChoicesTrickorTreat as well so I can keep track of who posted and who is missing.
You create something for them based on their interests and post it between October 28-31
You may NOT use AI for this event. Please create something from you! I'm sure your match would rather have something you worked on than something you told AI to create for them
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. 🧡🧡🧡🧡
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choicesficwriterscreations · 5 months ago
CFWC F/AtoW: Oct 13 - 19, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱 = Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA+
Of Leaves and Laughter ✒️ | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @storyofmychoices
Once Upon a Summer - Part 2 ✒️ | Prince Hamid x F!MC - @missameliep
Dirty Little Secrets cover but with Aiden and Evie 🎨🏳‍🌈 | Aiden Zhou x F!MC - @cadybear420
Vengeance ✒️ | Multiple Characters - @korgbelmont
Complete Open Heart F/AtoW List: Oct 13 - 19, 2024
The One Who Got Away (Series) ✒️ | Colt Kaneko x F!MC - @missameliep Chapter 1
Chance of a Lifetime ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @tessa-liam
High School Story / Princess Swap
The Prince Swap (Series) ✒️ | M!MC & M!MC - @lover-also-fighter-also, @cadybear420 Chapter 1 - Part 3: The Unexpected Guest
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twinkledraws · 2 years ago
The Royal Romance
Hippo: Baby Maxwell Beaumont with mother
It all ends well: Max and OC
Christmas : Liam x MC
My love : HBD Art For baylee, Liam x MC
HBD Robin: Asian Liam x MC
Lexie : for @axwalker Drake and MC
Solace: Drake with his grown up daughter
HBD Anitah : Drake frenemies with MC
HBD Beeps : Olivia Nevrakis
Drake's birthday bash: Liam and Drake
Open Heart
Jackie and M!MC
Ride or Die
Colt kaneko : Leap of faith
MC Ellie Wheeler : Trouble maker
Ximena : Do you wanna hug?
Mercy west Park Crew
Desire and decorum
Ernest Sinclaire
Crimes of Passion
Trystan Thorne
Kamilah Sayeed and MC : The Feather Touch
Non Choices
Gong yoo and Robin
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missameliep · 5 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Ride or Die (Visual Novel) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Colt Kaneko/Main Character (Ride or Die) Characters: Main Character (Ride or Die), Colt Kaneko, Ximena (Ride or Die), Mona (Ride or Die), oc (Warren) Additional Tags: Lost Love, Revenge, Racism, Character Death, Fake Character Death Series: Part 1 of The One Who Got Away Summary: Eleanor Wheeler dreamed of greatness, of finally starting her life in college, far away from LA and her overprotective father. Twelve years after joinning the MPC, meeting the criminal who would become the love of her life and losing him, she comes to a point in her life when she questions if the sacrifices are worth. A ghost from her past will be the catalyst for change.
Once upon a time in what seems like another life, no one would spare a second glance at the shy teenager with untamed curly hair and oversized sweatshirts walking down the fancy prep school’s hallways with the nose stuck in a book. Back then she was just Ellie, the sheltered daughter of an LAPD detective with a single goal in life: get into Langston.
But then a bad boy – that was not so bad after all – waltzed into her life and introduced her to a forbidden world of illegal races, crime and betrayal. A world she was not supposed to know about, let alone desire to take part in...  
Then love was added to the equation.  
She fell in love, but not with this bad boy.
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raleighcarrera · 2 years ago
ok i also forgot to tell you guys i randomly found the beginnings of a fic i started a long time ago where ellie tries to have sex with colt who is a ghost in the drafts of another blog LMAO
the candles were lit. the front door was locked. her phone was off.
ellie climbed in bed, determination set into every inch of her features. okay, she thought to herself, you know what to do.
deep breathing, that was step one. staying calm, that was important, too. then she just had to ask for what she wanted.
someone nice. ellie tried her best to envision the picture of what she was looking for, but she’d never really had a ‘type.’ someone hot.
hey, if she was going to lose her virginity to a ghost, it’d better be a good looking one.
the idea had sounded ridiculous to her at first. she’d been scrolling clickit and laughed when she stumbled on the article, already rolling her eyes before she even got past the headline: i had sex with a ghost. here’s what happened.
but then she’d finished the article, and dug into it a little more.
evidently, it was... possible. and she was so tired of being a virgin.
for a few long minutes, it felt like nothing was happening. ellie fidgeted on the bed, remembering the steps the medium had outlined.
breathe. believe.
still, she felt stupid. at least she hadn’t dressed up -- it was cold in her apartment and so she was still dressed in what she’d worn to her afternoon classes, jeans and a t-shirt and a cardigan.
ignoring the part of her brain that was adamant nothing was going to happen, she screwed her eyes shut tightly, believing with everything she had. please. send me a hot ghost to talk to.
all of the candles she’d lit extinguished abruptly. ellie sat up in bed with a gasp, her eyes wide.
“sorry,” said a voice through the darkness, “fire makes me kind of antsy.” her bedroom lights flickered on.
she stared open-mouthed at the boy who materialized before her. he couldn’t have been much older than she was, and he looked -- normal. part of her had been envisioning someone dressed in period clothing, a victorian-era style relic with an accent, but... he was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and sounded like every other guy at college.
“what’s up?” he said, grinning at her. “something wrong?”
“huh?” her face flushed red as she realized he had no idea what he was supposed to be here for. “oh. um. well... it’s kind of a long story. sorry -- you look really normal, it’s throwing me off.”
“i’ve only been dead for, like, a year,” he shrugged, tilting his head to look around her room. “you live here? this is a cool spot. are we in LA?”
“yeah,” she answered slowly, confusion clear in her voice. “i -- does this sort of thing happen to you... often?”
“not really,” he said nonchalantly, as though it absolutely did, “but i grew up in the city. sometimes i still visit. anyway, what do you want?”
well. no one had told her she was going to have to ask. this was embarrassing. “i don’t want to say.”
he looked at her like she was insane. “so what’d you call me for?”
“i didn’t call you, i just asked for --” ellie felt her face flush red. “someone hot.”
his eyebrows climbed higher. “why? i mean -- nice, but why?”
okay. so the ghost was definitely going to laugh at her. “because i... am a virgin. and i don’t want to be.”
the boy blinked at her. “seriously? you want to have sex with a ghost?”
“okay -- i read about it online and it didn’t sound like the worst idea,” she rushed to defend, “i didn’t think it’d be like -- like the same as meeting someone in person. if i’d known it was going to be like this i wouldn’t have tried.”
“i don’t even think it counts as losing your virginity,” he mused, “i mean i think my dick would go in, but --”
“oh my god, stop,” ellie said. her face felt like it was on fire. “it was a dumb idea, forget it.”
“i mean, it’s not like you’re not cute,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her, “can’t you find someone to have sex with you who’s still, you know, alive? unless you’re like sixteen or something.”
as if this could get any more mortifying. “i’m twenty-one.”
he stared at her, open-mouthed. “you’re twenty-one and still a virgin?”
“don’t judge me,” she snapped, “it’s not like -- it’s not like i’m not trying. i’m in my senior year of college and i’m basically invisible. i’ve been so obsessed with school my whole life and now anyone i meet is going to think i’m a loser and i’ll never have a normal relationship and i just -- i just want to get it over with, so there’s not so much pressure all the time. i don’t want it to be, like, a thing.”
“wow, dramatic,” he said, making her glare at him, “it’s been a while since i’ve heard anything that angsty.”
“i also asked for someone nice,” she said pointedly, “obviously i did it wrong.”
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mynotsohealthyobsession · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
Comfort - Adrian Raines x MC / NSFW
Tacos - Adrian Raines x MC
It's me - Adrian Raines x MC
Unexpected bond - Adrian Raines x Lily Spencer (friendship) / Adrian Raines x MC
Memory lane - Adrian Raines x MC
Embassador's Gala - Adrian Raines x MC / NSFW
Pretzels - Lily Spencer x MC (friendship) / Adrian Raines x MC
Bruise - Adrian Raines x MC
Knowing you - Adrian Raines x MC / NSFW
Cards - Adrian Raines x MC / NSFW
The 'L' word - Adrian Raines x MC/ Drabble
Business and feelings - Adrian Raines x MC/ AU
Zuri - Adrian Raines x MC
The three snowfalls - Adrian Raines x MC
Invitation - Adrian Raines x MC
Anything for you - Adrian Raines x MC
Fever night - Adrian Raines x MC
That one night - Adrian Raines x MC / That one night - Part 2 / That one night - Part 3
Ride or Die
This time - Logan x MC
Babe - Colt Kaneko x MC
Don't leave me - Logan x MC
Open Heart
Charming personality - Bryce Lahela x F!MC
Trust - Nik Ryder x F!MC
Laws of attraction
Firefighter - Gabe Ricci x F!MC
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angstymarshmallow · 3 years ago
in between fighting and losing (logan x mc/colt kaneko x mc)
[A little note: oof I did it. That’s it. That’s the note.]
[words counted: 3326]
Nathalia feels like her head is about to explode. It’s pounding so loud, she can’t hear herself breathe or focus on anything other than how much it hurts. Oh my god, does it hurt.
Slowly, her other senses begin to filter through. There’s a metallic taste on her tongue before she realizes it’s dried blood. Her body aches, it isn’t just her arms or legs; her back feels as if she’s spent the last three hours hiking. Her throat is dry, and everything reeks of sweat. She tries taking a deep breath, only to find a fistful of coughs instead.
Slowly Nat realizes what’s even worse than coughing is not being able to see. Now that she’s gathered her bearings, something’s wrong with her sight. Everything is almost black, except for the faded yellow light in between the creases poking through whatever the hell is obscuring her eyes. She imagines its some kind of blindfold they’ve tied behind her head.
That’s when everything comes rushing back. The party. Seeing Colt again for the first time in nearly a year. His warm touch around her wrist. The odd feeling that someone had been watching. The motorcycle chase. Seeing him hurt. The man in the black suit and sunglasses. Everything. It comes flooding in and panic threatens to drown her.
Oh my god.
Breathe, just breathe. Except every breath Nat sucks through gritted teeth sets off another round of coughing. Another round of desperately forcing air inside her lungs. I have no idea where I am. Even worse – she has no idea if she’s alone, or if Colt’s here with her – equally as confused and terrified. She forces her limbs to budge, tries to push herself forward only for terror to sink in that she can’t move. She’s stuck. Chained to something that chafes her wrists every time she twists.
What the hell, what the hell, whatthehell –
The loud sound of something creaking interrupts her frenzied thoughts.
The light peaking through has suddenly become brighter and Nat realizes with a jolt, someone else is in the room.
She can’t make them out. Not like this. Her body goes stiff as their footsteps draws close, and the light scrape of their boots makes her pulse jump. She can scarcely think past the panic, the sudden seize in her chest. She’s almost too terrified to so much as breathe when she feels their presence by her right side. She holds her breath, waiting for them to interrupt the irregular pacing of her heart.
Their breath fans across her shoulder and Nat recoils away.
“How do you fit in all this, huh?”
She can’t answer. Somehow, she manages to swallow past the sudden lump in her throat.
“Well? Cat got your tongue?” He goads. His voice is rough like sandpaper, grating the edge of her nerves with every word. He punctuates his words slowly, as if she has trouble understanding his Italian accent. He sounds like the guy who caused their accident.
“Look, being quiet isn’t gonna buy you any favours. It’s only gonna piss me off until you start saying something.” He hits something hard. It’s close by her ears and Nat flinches at the sound of wood splintering.
Tremors begin to rack her entire body.
Oh my god, oh my god.
Every fiber in her body is telling her to scramble away, to run as far as she can. But gradually the racing in her heart dulls. It’s replaced by the certainty that she can’t escape. Wherever they are – whoever has her tied up, wouldn’t risk kidnapping her unless they had a safe place to stash them.
Think Nat. Think. What would Dad say? He would tell her to think that’s for sure. To stop being so afraid and think. She knows whoever’s got her is bigger and stronger than her. But that doesn’t mean they’re smarter.
So Nat manages to stop trembling and focuses on other sounds. She lets go of his voice, forces her inner thoughts outward. Don’t focus on what’s obvious, focus on what isn’t. 
From what she’s able to piece together – this place is cold. Her feet are bare and can echo the sentiment as she wiggles her toes against the solid pavement. It’s cold enough for her to think that maybe she’s in some kind of basement? And the light that’s funneling through her blindfold doesn’t look natural. So she’s definitely underground. Or maybe it’s just night. Except Nat can’t hear little crickets shuffling from outside.
Her stomach lurches when she feels a cold hand, suddenly gripping her tightly by the arm. They interrupt her thoughts by squeezing tight and Nat swallows her scream through gritted teeth.
“You listening now?”
When he squeezes again, Nat nods sharply. “Good, I don’t like having to repeat myself.” His hand isn’t gone but the pressure is quite considerably less.
Nat wants to turn away but forces herself to remain the way she is – frozen in time, waiting for the man to say something.
“That kid – Colt Kaneko, who are you to him?”
Who am I to Colt Kaneko? It’s a question she used to ask herself all the time. Before she decided that she meant nothing to him. Nothing to anyone anymore. That’s not true. A small voice nags. Everyone means something to someone once. Logan means everything to you. 
The thought makes her heart stutter. On the outside, Nat wets her lips. Her voice comes out barely above a whisper. “Nothing.” I’m nothing to anyone anymore.
The presence gets a little closer – she can feel the heat practically radiating off him and she fights the urge to cower, she fights the urge to try and move away.
“You don’t really expect me to believe that, do you?” The pressure is back on her arm, his fingers digging into her skin as he grunts an obscenity. “You were on his motorcycle for fuck’s sake! So, let’s try that again.”
“Jesus, no need to scare the girl like that. We’re not fucking monsters.”
This voice doesn’t belong to the same man, no this belongs to someone different. Softer, and somehow calm, as if talking to a person tied up against their will was the most natural thing in world. Nat tries to turn her head – fighting the blindfold, because she can’t make out anything from where she is; she’s tucked in a world of almost darkness. She tries squinting through the creases, but nothing works.
She doesn’t hear their feet scrape across the floor, she thinks they glide. Suddenly the pressure on her arm is gone – even though the stinging remains, her body sags with relief.
There’s a mix of angry Italian and English being thrown at each other. Nat can only make out some of their bickering before the sound of boots angrily storming off replaces it. Then a hard slam enough to make her pulse jump.
Nat strains her ears to hear anything. She angles her chin and doesn’t trust herself to speak. It’s quiet but she knows one of them is still here – studying her, watching her. A pang of uneasiness grips her. It sits with her, lingers there and Nat fights the urge to squirm.
Then they’re moving again, except there’s an emphasis to the way they move. Footsteps stop close, close enough to block out any artificial light.
Nat flinches when she hears them speak, keeping that lightness in their tone she remembers from earlier. “I’m going to remove the cuffs around your wrist.” He says the words slowly, “and I strongly advise against running.”
Nat freezes the subtle hint of his cologne as he reaches around her, gently coaxing her wrists up.
She acquiesces without a word. His touch isn’t as cold as the other’s was. Maybe from the faint smell of cigarettes on his jacket – he’s been outside recently.
A soft click seconds later and Nat’s hands are free. Without thinking her fingers rub soft circles along each wrist. They feel tender to touch but otherwise – nothing’s broken.
The figure moves back, giving her room to stand but makes no inclination to deal with her blindfold.
“Would you like some water? Maybe a little something to eat? We don’t have much, but I’m sure there’s something around here.”
“No thanks, I’m fine.” Nat mutters before she can stop herself. She hadn’t meant to answer – but he’s being so earnest that she can’t help it. He’s completely taken her off-guard.
“Suit yourself, we can get right down to the problem – since you seem up to it.” A ghost of his hand touches her arm and firmly steers her something.
It only takes a few seconds to realize it’s a seat – he’s offering her a chair. Nat tilts her chin, listening to the sound of another chair scraping against the floor until it suddenly stops.
She feels the briefest touch of his shoes knocking into her as he sits. Her back goes stiff, she clenches her hands tightly inside her lap. “What do you want from me?” She tries not to sound nervous, but the inflection in her voice is hard to miss – especially when it’s shaky.
“I’m a simple man that appreciates straight-forward answers.” He says, his voice surprisingly pleasant.
Nat relaxes almost on reflex.
“Once you tell us exactly why you were meeting Colt Kaneko tonight – we’ll drop you off at the nearest station, free of charge.” He adds the last part of his sentence as if it were funny, chuckling lightly until he realizes that she’s not laughing with him.
Nat’s lips remain in a grim line, wary of whatever he’s promising could very well be a lie. She hasn’t seen his face, or the faces of the men who took her. It stands to reason that he could very well let her go. Or he’s just saying so to build some false sense of security. This doesn’t mean you should tell him anything. Think smart.
Nat keeps her attention on where she thinks he is, betraying nothing in her expression despite wanting to run several yards away. “I was meeting up with Colt for a party, we do that from time to time. It’s a good way to keep in touch.” Her lie isn’t quite believable with the slight tremble in her voice, but it should do the job – right?
Wrong. Something deep inside her is starting to tell her this man’s politeness is only out of necessity rather than generosity.
The man laughs, but there’s no warmth to it. “Funny, Colt hadn’t mention a secret girlfriend.”
She thinks she hears the chair suddenly croak. Maybe he’s leaning forward, maybe he’s looking at her? She certainly feels something heavy, something piercing in her direction.
“I’m not his girlfriend.” The objection is instant, pouring out of Nat before she can reconsider. “I’m just a concerned friend – where is he? Did you do something to him?!” Maybe she’s given too much away, but not knowing if he’s even alive scares her.
The man doesn’t seem like in a hurry to answer her. There’s silence.
For a moment Nat wonders if he’s left her alone again.
“You should be more concerned about yourself. “ He says the words barely above a dangerous whisper. “You’re the one sticking your nose in business it doesn’t belong in.”
I wouldn’t be if I never let myself be talked into these things. If I didn’t care about Logan or Colt. The thought is there – rash and incredibly bold, but Nat bites on her tongue. She tastes a little bit of blood as she starts gnawing on her lower lip.  She won’t say it out loud, that’s too much information. They could use that against her.
“And Logan? How do you know Logan? If your friend too? I imagine if you know Colt Kaneko, there’s no way you don’t know his relationship to Logan.”
Just hearing Logan’s name makes her breath catch. Nat pictures his smirking dark eyes and she’s sprinting forward without thinking.
Just as quickly as she tries to move, demanding hands pull her back. He yanks her so forcefully that Nat staggers on her feet, reaching out blindly for anything to hold onto until he shoves her back into her seat.
“You’re not answering the question.” The layered niceties of his voice, turning into ice. “But your reaction tells me that this is more complicated than a get together.”
Nat winces. Her fingers grip the metal sides of her chair.
“So, what did Colt Kaneko tell you?”
No matter how many times Nat says nothing, the simple truth of the matter is the person interrogating her doesn’t believe her. And how could she blame him really? What kind of an idiot says yes to some friend without knowing exactly what he’s gotten himself into? Colt may have mentioned they were stealing car parts – but not who they were stealing them from. And this is starting to sound more like they pissed off the wrong people. And the wrong people happen to be very angry Italians.
Nat wonders if she name drops her dad that would change anything. Then almost immediately she thinks better of it – what would be the point? She’d only be putting him in danger and after last year – she wouldn’t break his trust like that ever again.
The sound of the door opening makes Nat sit upright in her chair. Truthfully, she’s been tempted to take off her blindfold more than once – but too scared of anyone coming in would hurt her. Besides, she hasn’t been left alone since being here. Not once. There’s always a murmur or someone distinctly coughing, or the scrape of someone’s shoes against the floor to make her realize they’re not leaving her alone.
This is just a trade shift of one person replacing the other. There seems to be muttering from across the room, too low for her ears to hear. But she knows there’s two of them at least.
Then all of a sudden there’s someone crowding her. The flashes of light she’d see between the creases are gone. He’s obscuring her vision even before reaching for her arm. “Let’s go kid.”
She recoils immediately, yanking her arm free. Her heart is hammering so loud inside her chest as she tries to push herself away from them.
Her ears ring from it. She sucks in a breath, barely biting back a scream as the stinging brings tears to her eyes.
“Stay still, or we’ll do a lot more than that.” This voice doesn’t belong to the same man she was speaking with earlier. No, he’s more rougher – firmer than the other two people. As she wonders how many of them are there – their hand pulls her to her feet.
She goes willingly this time, too stunned to do anything other than dutifully follow behind them. Eventually she finds her voice, “where are you taking me?”
There’s a grunt somewhere in front of her, but no answer.
Great. Panic is going to consume her at this rate if she doesn’t get any answers. Honestly, a part of her fears she’d rather die than actually go where they’re taking her. At least she’d have control of that.
With her free hand, Nat presses her fingers against the wall. She feels the texture hoping it give her some kind of clue. It’s cold to the touch, she nearly shudders as she forces her fingers along the structure. She’s almost positive this is some kind of creepy basement. Really cliché.
The figure suddenly stops, and she nearly knocks right into them. They’re shoving her forward into another room – much warmer this time before sitting her in some kind of chair. She braces herself for something – another slap, another yank – but when nothing comes, suspicion begins to settle in her stomach that they’ve placed her here for a reason.
Why did they move me? Who’s in this room with me? Those are the question that boggles her mind, makes her heart race at the thought of seeing –
The blindfolds are removed. They fall lightly to the floor and as her eyes fly up – she meets the dark eyes of the boy she’s spent the entire year dreaming of seeing again.
“Logan!” She cries out his name, barely stringing any semblances of words together as she tries to spring up from her seat. Unfortunately for her the guard seems to know exactly what she’d do seconds before she does.
The man shoves her back with rough hands, not caring how hard her back slams against the wooden chair.
Nat groans in pain as tears threaten to fall from the corner of her eyes. They wander over Logan frantically – he’s only a few feet in front of her, yet he feels farther and farther away than he’s ever been before, when she takes in his disheveled appearance.
He’s barely dressed; only a thin white tank to his name and torn pants that’s seen better days. His arms are tied behind the chair, so are his legs. His long limbs are covered in bruises – none of which looks self-inflicted, they’re scabbed over as if someone intentionally put them there. And his eyes, they’re almost forcefully sewn shut with how puffy and black they are. There’s dried blood on his chin.
Her heart squeezes.
Oh my god Logan, what did they do to you?
She wants to reach out to him. To cover him with hugs that could hide away the bruises, hide away the pain. But all she can do is watch helplessly and grip her arms tightly to stop herself from reaching for him.
The only person in the room with them; is another man with dark sunglasses. Although unlike the others, he isn’t dressed in a suit but faded capris and a dark shirt that contrasts with his almost alabaster skin. His hair is black, sleeked back with enough gel that makes it incredibly stiff as he turns his head.
“Just friends, huh?”
His words are soft – this is the man that took her handcuffs off. When did he get here? And why does he look so smug?
Before Nat can respond, there’s a groan across the room and her eyes immediately return to Logan.
His eyes are barely visible under all that swelling. He blinks, looks at her and then scowls as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing. “Not another one of these fucking dreams.” The words barely come out. His voice is hoarse, comes out barely more than a croak. “Dammit, give me a fucking break.”
Nathalia’s heart twists itself into knots. Watching him like this, it’s too much. How is she supposed to sit here and pretend it isn’t?
Without thinking she lurches from her seat. Thankfully this time the man doesn’t stop her. Her arms go around Logan, not caring that her back is practically screaming in pain. It’s not possible to be as close as they are but she tries to close as much distance as she can, without hurting him. She snuggles him to her chest, listening to the sound of his heavy breath as he leans heavily into her.
“God, you feel so real.” Logan moans, his breath fanning across her skin. His lips find purchase towards as he buries his face into her neck and a silent thrill runs through her. “I don’t wanna wake up, not this time.”
His words piece her. They pierce through all her desperate attempts at forgetting what they meant to each other. How could she ever think she’d forget this? This man who has so carefully carved his way into her heart. I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you. I’ve never stopped looking back.
“This-This isn’t a dream Logan, I’m here.” I’m really here. I’m here and I won’t let them hurt you, not ever again. Not if I can help it. She wants to utter those words, but she hopes this is enough for now. That somehow, he’ll be able to tell by the way she clings on to him and peppers his forehead with soft kisses.
I’m never leaving you again.
Logan’s whole body goes stiff. His eyes widen – if remotely possible, they’re so wide to the point where they’re almost bulging. He looks up her, his chin almost resting by her collarbone. “What the - troublemaker? What the hell are you doing here?!”
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zigtheeortega · 4 years ago
come back to me
pairing | colt x mc
word count | 5.3k
warnings | blood, guns, bullets, wounds, and a mention of death. there’s a section of the fic where mc gets shot when a job goes awry – it’s used in a hurt/comfort scenario, but be warned that it’s in there! lmk if i need to use any other tags!
tags | @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @senatorraines, @jaxmatsuo, @rodappreciationweek
author’s note | i’ve never written a colt fic before, so i wanted to take a crack at a slowburn colt au – this fic takes place over the span of about ten-ish years (fifteen-ish total since the events of book one). i’m not the biggest colt expert so i hope i did him justice!
“If you ever ask me to do this much ass kissing again, I’m divorcing you.”
Colt flung himself onto the bed, still fully clothed, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Oh, stop being dramatic,” Raquel laughed, reaching back to unzip herself, the soft fabric of her sundress sliding down her body and onto the floor.
He hummed from his place on the bed, neck craning to watch her as she changed into her pajamas.
“Stop distracting me from being annoyed,” he grumbled, letting his head fall back, his gaze trained on the ceiling.
“Are you actually mad at me or are you just complaining to hear yourself talk?” She asked, but before he could respond she’d climbed on top of him, wrapping him in a koala hug, nestling her head under his chin.
Naturally, he hugged her back, his arms snaking around her waist.
He shrugged. “I’m not mad at you.”
She giggled into his chest, sending tremors up his body, the warmest kind. “You’re the most stubborn man I’ve ever met.”
 “Yeah, I don’t know why you married me,” he kissed the top of her head. “You’re too good for me.”
Raquel pushed herself up till they were nose to nose, giving him a pointed look. “I haven’t been too good for anyone since we were kids.” She pressed a quick kiss on his lips, intending to pull away, but he gripped her chin before she could, kissing her deeply.
He’d never get tired of that… and he’d never get tired of her.
For the longest time, he thought it was too far-fetched to expect he’d find someone willing to stick around through all of his bullshit, much less someone who’d legally binded herself to him.
He was still in awe with how it played out.
He’d returned to Los Angeles dangerously too soon after their run in with The Brotherhood. Incidentally enough, he was laying low on high alert for so long… but nothing came of it.
Maybe they’d been arrested, maybe they’d gotten justice, or maybe they just moved on to terrorize another city. He’d always assumed it was the latter.
Rebuilding his father’s autoshop was painful, no matter how deep he tried to shove those feelings down.
Colt’s vision for his father’s crumbling empire wasn’t one that came into focus for him for years.
Five years after The Brotherhood incident, all he had to show for it was a struggling auto shop with a few criminal employees who barely knew how to hotwire a car.
It seemed like there were no hills in sight, only cavernous valleys.
Five years after The Brotherhood incident, the death of his father, and the end of the Mercy Park Crew, she came into focus.
Raquel stepped into the garage, heels clacking against the dirty concrete, her gait determined.
He watched her from his tiny office, peering through the blinds as she glided confidently across the auto shop and up to his door.
She rapped her knuckles against it a few times, a little too heavy handedly.
There’s no way she’s really here, he thought, shaking his head. No fucking way.
He debated whether or not to let her in – the last time a Kaneko opened their doors to her, they nearly ruined her life.
He twisted the knob and yanked it open anyways, an insult bubbling up his throat. After all these years, he figured he’d be relieved to see her, but the tiny sliver of relief was easily overshadowed by his knee jerk reaction of annoyance and shock.
There was a small part of him that was excited, but not enough to warrant being nice to her.
When he came face to face with her for the first time, she spoke first. “Hi, Mr. Kaneko. I’d like to apply for a bookkeeping job.”
He blinked when she shoved a thick manila folder in his hands. “I think my qualifications speak for themselves.”
He thumbs the edges of the papers, flipping through her resume and the thick Master’s thesis. She’s too fucking smart to be back here.
Before anyone in the shop could see, he tugged her arm till she was inside, all but slamming the door behind her.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
She ripped her arm from his grasp, brows furrowed. “I’m here to work.”
“Don’t you get how dangerous it is for you to be here or are you just stupid?” He all but spat, slapping the folder onto his desk. 
“If I’m stupid that makes you just as much of an idiot as me,” she countered, crossing her arms firmly. “I know the risks.”
“You can’t be dumb enough to think I’d take that risk, though,” he rolled his eyes, plopping into the chair at his desk.
She laughed – actually laughed – at him, covering her mouth. “Forgive me for that.”
He cocked a brow at her, waiting for her to continue.
“I went to school with pretentious male academics for five years, Colt. Whatever you’re gonna say to me has already been said, and it won’t hurt my feelings.”
He leans forward, flipping to her resume, tearing it off the top. “Let’s see, here. Langston college, yeah, I remember that. Graduated with honors? Predictable to do that three times in a row, don’t you think?”
She laughed again. “That’s a new one. I’ll have to log that under my favorite insults.”
“Well, I have loads. You’re giving me lots of material, Miss Olvera,” he mocked her, going back to skimming her resume.
Truthfully, he was trying to scare her away by being mean, and it wasn’t working. He didn’t want to dig too deep, though, because he wasn’t that evil.
He liked the girl – hell, if he didn’t like her, would he be bending over backwards to make her hate him purely for her safety?
“I can’t pay you well. I’m still rebuilding, and we’re barely breaking even. We’ve been sticking to straight work till I can manage to rebuild our reputation and relationships with buyers.”
She nodded. “I completely understand, and I don’t mind.”
“What, are you gonna ask me for a place to stay next?” He grumbled, rolling his eyes.
He was lying if he didn’t feel a little something stir in his stomach at the possibility of her staying in his apartment above the shop.
“No, I’m alright.”
“You came back to L.A. and you immediately have a place to stay? You’re lying.”
Her lips pressed into a firm line, she shook her head. “I’m back at my dad’s house.”
“What? There’s no fucking way I’m letting you work here if you’re living with a cop –”
“He passed away last year,” she chewed her lip, trying to keep her face neutral. “He had a heart attack in the middle of the night. Couldn’t get to the phone in time.
“Thankfully, he had a will set in place soon after mom died,” she shrugged. “I got the house, so I’m good.”
His fists clenched at his side. He’d already taken it too far without even meaning to.
“Sorry to hear that.”
She scoffed, a single forced laugh bursting from her lips. “You don’t have to respect him in front of me to save face or whatever. Your feelings about my dad don’t affect me.”
He nodded once, and the room descended into silence. He took the time to actually read her resume that time around, finding himself genuinely impressed with what she’d accomplished.
What he wanted to ask was “Why the fuck did you come back here?” but instead, what came out was, “You’re sure you can handle this?”
“I’m sure.”
She said those words with such conviction that he never had to ask again.
Raquel cuddled up to him, her breathing evening out. He hadn’t realized they’d gone that long without speaking.
He didn’t mind it though. He didn’t care as long as she was with him.
She stirred in her sleep, nearly rolling off of him, so he took that as his cue to tuck her in.
When she was settled under the covers, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and stepped out onto the deck.
The beach house they’d rented was a hundred feet from the shore, the waves grating against the sand creating the perfect white noise.
Perfect for sleeping, he mused, thinking about how quickly Raquel fell asleep in his arms, watching the water crash and retreat, push and pull over and over.
That same back and forth was what eventually brought him and Raquel together. They butted heads constantly, but had the same view on lots of decisions. They’d finish each other’s sentences and the crew would give each other knowing looks that he ignored.
A year in, she finally broke down. Not purposefully, and certainly not with the intent of him finding her curled into a sobbing mess outside of the garage.
“Hey what the hell, Raquel? It’s dangerous out here,” he called as he jogged up to her crumpled form.
He didn’t notice she was crying until he’d crouched down to check the injuries he thought she’d have. 
She shielded her face with one hand and used the other to wave him away. “Just go.”
“I’m not leaving until you’re safe.”
It wasn’t even meant to be romantic. He’d do it for the rest of his crew since they’d grown so close.
There wasn’t a possibility of anything happening between them, or so he thought at the time. And what she admitted to him that night sealed their fate for years.
He’d managed to help her inside to his office, pulling back his worn office chair for her to collapse into.
A short “You okay?” Was all he could manage. He was new to this wellness check stuff and it didn’t come naturally to him.
But he knew as a leader, he had to do a lot more than just telling people what to do. Even if they split without a word in a week’s time, they were still a working machine that needed a little elbow grease every once in a while.
Even in the dim lamp light he could tell her eyes were red rimmed.
“I don’t think you want to hear my explanation as to why I’m not,” she laughed humorlessly, using the sleeve of her shirt to scrub the streak of makeup under her eye.
“I’m not good at this comforting shit, but I’ve got ears and I’ve gotten pretty good at using them,” he joked, sliding into the rickety folding chair in front of the desk.
She shrugged, flinging her hands up. “You’re gonna make fun of me –”
“– I won’t –”
“– You will, Colt. I know you and you’re gonna scoff the minute I take a breath.”
He couldn’t hold back the small smile at that.
“Well, yeah, but you don’t have to take it to heart.”
She sniffled, laughing. “You’re hard to ignore.”
“So are you, hard ass. Tell me what’s wrong.”
The sigh that came from her was labored, struggled, like she was about to drop heavy weights onto the floor of the office.
“Today’s the one year anniversary since I started working for you.”
He cocked a brow. “That’s it?”
“If you’d just let me explain then you’d know,” she rolled her eyes. “You’re already sucking at being a good listener.”
He held his hands up in surrender, leaning back into his chair. “Sorry.”
“My whole game plan was to figure out how to make myself useful. It’s why I got my Masters in accounting in the first place. I wanted to have my solid place in the crew, you know? Like I earned my spot.”
He nodded, waiting for her to continue.
“I just had this stupid fairytale idea in my head about coming back to L.A. and none of that’s come true.”
“Well, what was it? Anything I can do?” He asked.
Raquel sank her teeth into her bottom lip to keep it from trembling. She shook her head in response, taking a few deep breaths till she could finish.
“I wanted our old crew back. I… thought Logan would be back here by now, or looking for me at the very least,” she rubbed her temples, closing her eyes. “I waited five years to come back here and I’ve barely lasted one year in L.A. without him.”
He couldn’t help but flex his hand in and out of a fist a couple times as she spoke.
Yeah, it was true he didn’t care for Logan that much, but she liked him. Loved him, even.
If she was this dedicated to him six years later and he still hadn’t tried finding her, he didn’t deserve her.
“So it’s about Logan?” He asked with zero judgement, and she could tell.
She nodded, sniffling again. “Maybe I’ve just deluded myself into thinking we meant more to each other, but I’m still in love with him and I don’t know when that’s going to end for me.”
He didn’t know what to say, so he did what he thought was best.
He stood up, taking a couple steps till he was close enough to lay his palm on her shoulder, rubbing his thumb gently across the fabric.
She laid her hand on his thumb, holding it in place, as the sobs shook her body.
After that, he tried his hardest to keep her from crying. Which entailed leaving Logan’s name out of things.
Colt abandoned his shirt and shoes at the back door and hopped off the deck, landing softly on the sand. He took his time walking towards the water, gaze transfixed on the moon, which was at its peak in the sky.
He always thought the fact that the sea and moon were interlinked was kind of peculiar. The moon, thousands and thousands and thousands of miles away, had just enough power to pull the waves in the right direction.
He thought of Raquel like his moon far too often. The minute he was in her gravitational pull, he found himself wanting to follow her – to let her take the reins – and that was rare.
The first time he knew it was the beginning of the end with her was when a job went south.
Three years after she broke down about wanting the old crew back, they got a taste of the old violence.
One of their crew members, Isaac, had said for weeks that he had a weird gut feeling about that job in particular. Colt waved him off, reminding him that he’d value proof over superstition anyday.
In short, they were ambushed – nothing out of the ordinary in terms of their day to day risk.
What Colt wasn’t expecting, however, was for Raquel to be the one who got hurt.
They were cornered by the masked group, and before their crewmember Aly could grab her gun and shoot, one of them fired, the cracking sound of the gunshot echoing off the concrete flooring of the rundown parking garage.
Raquel’s pained groan followed immediately after.
Colt’s heart stopped when he saw the fabric of her jeans turning a deep deep maroon, the blood spreading faster than he could process what’d happened.
Her eyes fluttered and she stumbled to her knees, crying out as she knelt, bending her legs, one of which had been freshly torn through with a bullet.
“Don’t let them get away –” he shouted, flinging his arm in the direction of the fleeing criminals. He knelt down to scoop Raquel’s crumpled form into his arms. “Isaac, stay here.”
Isaac froze, nodding. “Anything you need, boss.”
“Drop me off at the shop so I can patch her up. I have to stop the bleeding.”
Colt’s voice was calm and even, but inside he was at his breaking point. He sat in the backseat of the car with Raquel strewn across his lap, the color draining from her face with each passing minute.
His palm was firmly pressed against her calf to halt the bleeding. He was thankful that the adrenaline was numbing the pain till they could make it to the shop.
She’d wince every time he adjusted his slippery grip, instinctively turning her head into the crook of his neck. That didn’t cross his mind till much later.
When she attempted talking once or twice, he furiously shushed her each time. “Save your energy. You’ll need it.”
When Isaac skidded to a stop in the garage, Colt tossed his keys Isaac’s way. “Take my car and get out of the city for a few days. Lay low. I’ll clean this one up and it’ll be good as new when you come back.”
Isaac nodded, brows furrowed. “I should’ve… I knew it was gonna go south but I should’ve tried to convince you again –”
Colt held up a hand. “You were right, and I should’ve trusted your gut instinct, and I will from now on. This is solely on me. Don’t blame yourself.”
He nodded, hopping out of the car, sliding into Colt’s convertible, and disappearing into the night.
He’d managed to get Raquel into the apartment and onto the worn leather couch in the office – she was pale and clammy, flitting in and out of being fully aware of what was going on.
“Colt… I can clean up my leg, just… just give me a second to catch my breath,” she said, her eyes drooping closed.
“Absolutely not. Give me a second. I’m trying to find the goddamn gauze but I don’t see it anywhere –”
He was glad his back was turned, because he was shaking in terror and rage in a way he hadn’t in a long time.
The first aid kit clattered out of his hands and onto the desk, and he cursed, gripping the side of the desk till his knuckles were bright white and screaming at him to let go.
“Colt…” she whispered. “I’ll be fine. I’m just hurting.”
He dragged a chair to her side, propping her ankle up against his knee before getting to work cutting a thin line up the outer seam of her jeans. The blood trickled onto his own leg, saturating the denim of his pant leg immediately.
“Are you gonna ignore me the whole time you work on my leg?” She joked, wincing. “Fuck –”
The scissors were close to the wound, and he tried his best to stretch it away from it before cutting further.
“Sorry,” he murmured, grabbing two rags and dousing it in hydrogen peroxide. He rolled up the second one, handing it to Raquel.
She sighed shakily before stuffing it into her mouth, digging her fingers into the cracked leather of the couch.
She nodded once, giving him the sign to get it over with.
The second the damp rag touched her bloodied skin, she panted through her nose, eyes screwed shut.
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.” He grunted, grimacing as her thigh bucked against his hand, despite him trying to hold her in place.
When he touched the wound, she screamed, devolving into choked, muffled sobs.
He’d made a vow to make sure she never cried over Logan again, and instead he’d broken his promise by putting her in direct danger over and over and over again.
There was no reason for her to accompany them on jobs – she knew the risk, and didn’t care, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t stop her from coming.
No matter how hard he tried, he was always the reason she was getting hurt.
“This is all my fault,” he said, when he’d finished cleaning her wound. “I should’ve never let you come along to our trades.”
She scrubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, a couple stray tears still glistening across her temples. “I wanted to be a part of this. Like you said to Isaac, you can’t blame yourself for this.”
“I don’t care what you say, alright? It was my fucking fault and you should’ve never been a part of this life.”
He glanced up, barely able to meet her gaze.
“Whether you want to admit it or not, I’ve been a part of this life for nearly ten years now. I’m almost thirty. You’re closer to thirty than me. I know what I’ve gotten myself into, and I’m sticking by you regardless of the risk on my life.”
She slipped a clammy hand over his, which still held her thigh firmly in place. “If I lose my life on a job, I don’t regret it at all. I’d never regret meeting you.”
She took a labored breath, laying back against the armrest. “That took a lot out of me.”
Colt shook his head. “Stop talking. You need your energy.”
Raquel rolled her eyes. “I try being nice to you and you ignore it every time.”
“I just don’t know what the fuck to say to that. What the fuck am I supposed to say to that, huh?” He asked incredulously.
She blinked, her eyes narrowing. “I just got fucking shot, and you’re cursing at me while asking me to be your therapist? Am I hearing that right?”
He picked up his bloodied hands from her leg and threw them up in the air. “I have a lot going on in my head right now, and I’m not trying to fight you or get you to be my fuckin’ therapist, alright? I’m just confused.” He was barely below a shout, his chest heaving when he was done.
“I can’t read your mind, Colt. I’m kind of delirious with blood loss right now, so the least you can do is not yell at me and ask me politely to slate this conversation for later,” she said firmly, wincing while she shifted on the couch.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” he panted, shrugging his stained black thermal off. He tossed it to the side, revealing his equally as bloodied white tee.
He slipped that shirt off, too, tearing the shirt into long strips.
Raquel watched him, her brown eyed gaze one of both confusion and something more he couldn’t place and didn’t care to think about.
Wordlessly, he plopped back down, tying the shredded strips above the wound on her calf, fingertips grazing her skin as delicately as he could manage.
He let his hands linger for a bit too long, staring at the open wound on her leg.
Daring a look her way, Colt caught her watching him with a soft gaze, one that he hadn’t earned.
“You’re not mad at me for being there tonight… you’re mad at yourself for not protecting me,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded once.
“You’re hoping that this makes me want to leave, because you won’t ask me yourself. You don’t want me to leave.”
He nodded again, glancing away from her.
After a long silence and avoidance of turning her way, she spoke first.
“You’re worried I don’t feel the same.”
He froze, dropping his hands from her leg. She was right, but if he admitted to it and she still didn’t feel the same, then what was he risking all this shit for?
Why was he still clinging onto the hope that she’d feel the same if nine years of pining was seconds away from being thrown out the window?
Mustering up his remaining courage, he nodded one last time.
And when he looked at her that time, she was beaming. Through the excruciating pain, she was smiling.
He broke first, scooting to the edge of his chair to get as close as he could. “What?”
“It’s funny that you were worried we weren’t on the same page. I think we might’ve been for a long time,” she laughed, hoarse and weak, but it was still her laugh that he loved so much.
“What do you mean?”
And then she said the words that he’d desperately needed to hear for nearly a decade.
“I came for Logan but I stayed for you.”
Once Raquel admitted that to him, he was all in. Completely committed, never faltering.
Their first kiss was anything but, the sensation one of nine years of pent up feelings from Colt’s end, and years of her own. Their first kiss was more of a sealant of their future (and their fate).
Their first kiss was everything Colt had dreamed of. 
He kissed her like she was air and he was drowning and she was filling his lungs to the brim, her warmth spreading from his insides out.
She didn’t pull away after the first one, and neither did he.
For who knew how long, he was on his knees next to the bloodied couch, cupping her face with his palms, and kissing her like he had a decade of missed opportunities to make up for.
After that, they were inseparable.
And he never doubted her devotion to him again.
They fell into a routine of working at the shop together during the day and into the late hours of the night after everyone had left, before stumbling upstairs into Colt’s apartment, lips locked, hands roaming.
And she drove him to every job from then on, easily evading cops and maneuvering the underbelly of L.A. like it was second nature.
Colt waded into the warm water, barely feeling it as it lapped at his ankles, calves, thighs.
When he was waist deep, he opted to float on his back, using the opportunity to revel in the star littered sky. One he didn’t get to see too often in the heavily light polluted sky of Los Angeles. Was this really the same sky he’d lived under all these years?
He didn’t really plan on marrying Raquel.
It was never in the sleazy way where he was going to leave her the second he got what he wanted – he was content being with her. Living with her. Kissing her. Loving her.
But he didn’t think he needed to go through the motions because that’s supposedly what people in love did. He figured it was enough to spend his life with her without doing all the extra shit.
She brought it up first, nearly four years later.
At that point, he moved into her father’s house with her – they’d crash in Colt’s old apartment above the shop if they were too tired to drive home.
They were curled up on the old futon in his room, huddling under the blankets, and she was curled against his side, drawing circles through his short tuft of chest hair. 
“We should get married.”
“Hmm?” He asked, in a haze, nearly drifting off to sleep before she’d spoken.
“You heard me.”
“You really wanna?”
“Well, yeah. I’ve always wanted to get married, even when I was a little girl.”
He kissed the top of her head, squeezing her closer.
“You’ve always been a daydreamer then,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, I used to dig up my old Easter dresses and strut into the living room asking my Dad to walk me down the aisle.”
“And did he?”
She laughed, lifting her head to get a good look at him. “Yep. Walked me right down the hallway and back to my room to change me out of my clothes.”
Her face fell a bit despite the fond memory. “I think I care more about it now because I know my parents won’t be there. It feels like if I don’t get married, I’m breaking a promise, as dumb as that sounds.”
He shook his head. “It doesn’t sound dumb at all, sweetheart. I don’t care what we do as long as it makes you happy.”
She smiled, leaning in to press a soft kiss on his lips. “I love you.”
Wrapping her up in a hug, he kisses her back with fervor, echoing her sentiment in the form of mumbling against her lips. I love you.
Roughly a year later, they opted for a quick courthouse wedding and a honeymoon that consisted of staying in bed all day and ordering food to build back the calories they’d burned.
Around that time, Raquel reconnected with some of her only living relatives on her Dad’s side. She’d gotten close to a few of her distant cousins, and they convinced her to have a small ceremony for their family in Belize.
And fifteen years after he’d met Raquel, on the cusp of spring and summer, he married her again in front of an intimate crowd and kissed her like it was their first time.
He’d complained about having to ass kiss her judgemental old relatives, but he didn’t really mind. Seeing her in a white dress, beaming like it was the best day of her life, was enough to make any issue nothing but a minor annoyance.
Colt swirled his arms in the water till he was upright again, grinning when he noticed the bright red lines on her face – she’d clearly just woken up.
“Hey, sweetheart. You sleep okay?”
“Come back to bed,” she asked, pointing at the back door of their beach house.
He tipped his chin at her. “You come out here.”
She rolled her eyes, before tearing off her nightgown, running towards the water at full speed, no hesitation.
He caught her in his arms, letting her wrap her legs comfortably around his waist while he waded out to deeper waters.
“Ugh. I was having a good dream, too, until I realized the bed was empty,” she grumbled, looping her arms tighter around his neck.
“Sorry about that. I promise next time I’ll wake you up before I head out.”
She nodded, content with his answer.
They were both chest deep in the water, faces close, the soft rays from the moon the only light they had.
“Why’d you bring me out here, Colt?” She murmured, eyes flitting to his lips, which were upturned in a soft smile.
“I was just thinking. This spring makes fifteen years since I met you.”
She hugged him, pressing a kiss on his cheek. “And only, like, six years since we came to our senses.”
He laughed heartily, squeezing her tighter around the waist. “You’re right.”
“Remember when we jumped off the cliff together?” He asked.
“Yeah, of course. It was the first time I ever felt a spark with you,” she grinned. “Took a long time for it to turn into a flame, though.”
“That was the first time I knew I loved you,” he admitted. “I wanted to kiss you so badly and I kicked myself in the ass for years for not trying –”
She cut him off with a passionate kiss, her tongue slipping into his mouth almost as soon as his mouth moved in tandem with hers. It was the sloppy, unplanned kiss he’d envisioned for that day.
“I think everything worked out for the better. I’m not sure we were ready for each other back then,” she said honestly, her forehead pressed against his.
“We needed to grow a little bit before falling in love, huh? You’re so smart,” he said, voice low, pressing another kiss to her lips.
“Yeah, and now we’ve got the rest of our lives.”
She was right (like she always was), and he couldn’t help but feel a twinge in his chest like he’d felt many times before.
He’d waited that damn long for her, so he was going to savor the rest of their life together as much as he could.
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