#al olinsky imagines
i-spaced-sorry · 7 months
Hey! I've had this idea floating around in my head for a little while now and finally got it out on paper. Halstead! Sister is followed while trying to go to a coffee shop. Hope you enjoy reading and stay safe out there y'all, it's a wild world we live in unfortunately.
“What are your plans for today?” asked Jay the minute you walked into the kitchen. 
“Well good morning to you” you sassily replied while walking to the fridge to grab the milk. 
You were off from work and had been looking forward to this day since last Monday. 
“Hmm, I was thinking of maybe going and visiting an old friend from the old neighborhood and then maybe get coffee from my favorite spot before returning home and lounging and doing nothing” you answered while sinking your spoon into your cereal. 
“Solid plan. Remember if you need me for any reason and I don’t answer, call Al.”
“Al?” you questioned when you swallowed your cereal bite. “Usually you tell me to call Hailey.”
Swiping his keys off the counter, Jay looks at you and says, “Voight switched up the partners this week and I’m with Al while Hailey is with Kevin, so I repeat call Al if you need me and I don’t answer”
“Okay” you mock saluted. 
“Pick up. Pick up. Come on pick up” you muttered while your phone was up to your ear and you looked over your shoulder while picking up the pace a bit. 
“Hey this is Detective Jay Halstead, I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave your name and number after the beep and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible” the familiar voice mail message spoke out into your ear. 
“Fuck!” you muttered while ending the call and picking your pace up a bit more after looking behind you and still seeing the person who had been following you for the past 3 blocks behind you.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing out and bout?” asked the man while also picking up his pace. 
You ignored him and kept walking. Wondering when the hell you were going to hit 35th street. 
“Are you headed to work or school?” the man asked when he got shoulder to shoulder with you. 
You ignored the guy again really wishing your brother would have picked up. 
Gripping your phone in your sweatshirt pocket you picked up your pace again, walking slightly more ahead of the guy. 
Pulling your phone out again, you quickly ran through your contacts and clicked on Olinsky before letting it dial. 
“You’re really pretty you know that?” the man started again while finally keeping his distance from you but still following you. 
‘36th street… 36th street place… 35th street! Finally!’ you thought while reading the street signs. Al’s phone also went to voicemail. Meaning they must be at a crime scene or in the car or something.
Turning right onto the street you notice the guy who had been following you for the past 5 blocks is no longer following you but of course you don’t get far enough away before you hear, “Have a great day sweetheart! You're gorgeous!”
Visibly shuddering you honestly feel disgusting and don’t even want coffee anymore. Mainly because you're shaken up but also because it means you have to be in the area for longer. 
So you quickly pull your phone out and call a number you didn’t exactly want to call. 
“Trudy?” you sniffled when she picked up. 
“Kid, what's wrong?” she asked on the other side. 
 “Is my brother and Al on a call right now?”
You hear some rustling and then the sound of a buzzer and heavy footsteps before someone speaks again. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Jay!” you all but shout!
“What’s wrong?”
“Why didn’t you pick up when I called you? Why didn’t Al pick up when I called?”
“I’m sorry, we were doing an interrogation. What’s up.”
“Uh, can you come get me?”
“Why? Can’t you take the bus? I thought you were visiting a friend and getting coffee?”
“I visited with my friend, it was a good time but I uh got followed and cat called and feel dirty and just want to go home”
“Cat called? Followed? For how long? Al and I are on our way! Where are you?”
“Uh from 37th street all the way to 35th street. I’m walking up 35th right now. I can wait by that school that’s right there if that’s easy enough of a landmark for you guys to find me.”
You hear the car start and doors being shut before you can hear your voice echo.
“Kid, we don’t care where we pick you up. Wherever makes you feel safest is good enough for us.” you hear Al say. 
“Uh, uh, yea the elementary school should be good. I’ll be on the sidewalk.” you stuttered out while running a hand through your hair. 
“Sounds good, we should be there in 20” replied your brother. 
“Hang in there kid” added Al before the call ended. 
The next twenty minutes were the longest twenty minutes of your life. You still felt really dirty and uneasy and just wanted to be in the safety of your brother or even better the safety of your own bed. 
“Hey Y/N, get in” you heard. You looked up to see Al’s Dodge Magnum car in front of you and your brother’s window rolled down. Quickly shuffling to your feet you scramble into the back seat and audibly let out a sigh. 
“You okay?” your brother asked while turning in his seat to face you. 
Nodding, you reply, “now I am, thank you for coming and getting me. I’m sorry you had to leave work.”
Al pulled into a parking space near Scoops ice cream and stated reassuringly, “Kid, you’re family. Meaning you're important to us. No case will ever be too important to come and get you”
Smirking, you asked, “Let me guess, are you just saying that cause the guy you guys were interrogating was jamming up and you weren’t getting anywhere with them?”
 Shaking their heads, Al and Jay looked at each other knowingly. 
“But we are being honest kid, if you ever have a problem or encounter again like today you call anyone in intelligence and they will have your back!”
“Copy! Can we get ice cream now?” you chuckled.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Chicago PD Master List
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Al Olinsky Masterlist
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Antonio Dawson Masterlist
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Greg ‘Mouse’ Gerwitz Masterlist
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Sean Roman Masterlist
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kamryn1963 · 2 months
Never Grow Up- Al, Trudy, Hank fanfic
Summary: Hank and Trudy meet the newest member of their family.
Notes: I was really going to write the next chapter of So Long, London and instead got this idea...
My next update will definitely be for that story but I hope you enjoy this! Almost completely fluff which is not my usual lol.
Hank and Trudy entered Al and Meredith’s house, Hank holding a tray of food that he dropped off in the kitchen before they headed to the living room where Al was sitting on the couch holding his two week old daughter. 
Hank and Trudy stood back for a minute watching as Al rocked his daughter, smiling down at her. They hadn’t seen Al this happy in a long time. It was refreshing for Hank and Trudy who knew of Al’s struggles well and were glad things were starting to work out for him. 
“Hey”. Al greeted as he looked up and met his friends eyes. He hadn’t heard them come in. 
“We let ourselves in. We didn’t want to wake the little one if she was sleeping”. Hank replied as he and Trudy sat on the couch beside Al. 
“Thank you for that. She’s awake though, ready to meet her Aunt Trudy and Uncle Hank”. Al said with a smile as he turned them. 
“Is Meredith around?” Trudy asked not seeing her anywhere. 
“She just went to take a nap. She says hello”. Al responded as he shifted Lexi in his arms a bit. 
“How’s Meredith doing?” Hank asked. 
“She’s okay. The doctors said the labor was good and both her and the baby are looking good”. Al was grateful that was the case. He had been preparing himself for the worst case scenario and was so glad both his wife and daughter were doing good. 
“That’s great, I’m glad to hear that, man. Camille was sorry she couldn’t make it but made a casserole for you guys. It’s in the kitchen”. Hank responded and Al was so grateful for his friends. 
“Alright, enough of that. I want to hold me niece”. Trudy stated and Al chuckled as he gently placed Lexi in Trudy’s arms. 
“What’s her name?” Trudy asked a few minutes later looking at the perfect little girl in her arms. God she looked so much like Alvin already. 
“We decided pretty early in Meredith’s pregency that she would pick the first name and I got the middle name”. Al took a deep breath excited to share his daughters name with his family. 
“Meet Lexi Elizabeth Olinsky”. Al said and both Hank and Trudy instantly loved the name. Al continued before they could say anything. 
“Lexi was a name Meredith heard once and we both love it, we thought about naming her Alexis or Alexa and having Lexi as the nickname, but found everytime we referred to her we always said Lexi so that’s what we went with. I knew I wanted a family name for her middle name and Elizabeth seemed to be prefect. It was Meredith’s mom’s name and is her sister’s middle name. It’s also my sister’s middle name” Al said and it took a minute before the last sentence hit both of his friends. 
Hank understood first, smirking as he turned to look at Trudy who looked shocked as the words hit her. Hank reached out and gently grabbed Lexi as Trudy embraced Al. 
“Alvin…” Trudy gasped as he hugged her back with a laugh. 
Trudy’s middle name was Elizabeth. 
“You named your child after me?” Trudy asked and both her and Al had tears in their eyes as they pulled away from each other enough for Al to meet her eyes. 
“Your one of my best friends, Dee. I couldn’t think of anyone else to name my child after a woman who I know will love and protect her as fiercely as me and Meredith will”. Al explained, tears still in his eyes. 
“Well I’m honored”. Trudy wanted to say more but couldn’t find the words. People didn’t render her speechless much. She looked at the little girl in Hank’s arms and smiled. 
Al just smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he leaned against her. Al knew he’d made the right choice. Naming a child had been more stressful than Al had imagined but he and Meredith were pretty happy with the name they’d chosen. 
The three of them sat there and talked for the next thirty minutes. Hank and Trudy filled All in on the interesting cases they’d worked lately and any gossip Al might enjoy. 
Eventually Hank noticed Al started to drift off and chuckled lightly as he covered his friend in a blanket knowing that Al was definitely not getting much sleep right now. 
Hank and Trudy continued holding Lexi and just looking at the newest member of their little makeshift family. Trudy was holding Lexi again at this point, stroking a finger over her little cheek as the little girl looked up with wide eyes. 
“Are you sure you don’t want one of these Trudy?” Hank asked as he watched his friend hold Lexi, both looking very content. 
“That’s why I have friends with kids, Hank. I get to hold the kid and spend some time with them but at the end of the day I get uninterrupted sleep”. Trudy replied with a roll of her eyes as she continued rocking Lexi. 
“That’s what my sister said too''. A new voice said and both Trudy and Hank looked up as Meredith entered the room and sat on the other side of the couch beside Al who was still sleeping. 
“It’s an amazing plan”. Trudy responded, getting a laugh from Meredith who turned to her sleeping husband and started running her fingers through his hair. 
“Has he been sleeping long?” Meredith asked quietly and Hank shook his head. 
“About thirty minutes”. Hank replied and Meredith nodded as she sighed. 
“A few nights ago he woke up screaming from a nightmare which caused Lexi to start crying and since then Al’s been refusing to sleep so I’m glad he’s finally sleeping even if it’s only an hour or two”. Meredith explained as she looked up from her husband’s exhausted face to meet Hank and Trudy’s eyes. 
“Would you like us to talk to him? Tell him to stop being an idiot?” Hank asked and Meredith gave a grateful nod. 
“Please. I get his reasoning, I really do but he’s no help to me or Lexi when he won’t sleep”. Meredith sighed as she looked at her daughter still in Trudy’s arms. 
“Do you want her back?” Trudy asked, feeling a bit guilty that she’d been holding Lexi even when her mom was here now. 
“No, no it’s alright. The break is appreciated”. Meredith said honestly just as Al stirred beside her looking up to meet Meredith’s eyes. 
“Morning sleepyhead”. Hank teased getting a weak glare in response as Al sat up. 
“Why don’t you two head to your room for a bit? Nap, shower whatever, me and Hank have the afternoon free and are willing to watch Lexi”. Trudy offered and Hank nodded in agreement. 
“I know how to care for a child and Lexi seems to be way tamer of a baby than Justin was”. Hank added and Meredith seemed to agree but Al looked hesitant. Probably due to the prospect of potentially having another nightmare. 
“Come on hun. We haven’t got to spend time with just the two of us since Lexi was born and I’m not sure when we will have this opportunity again”. Meredith said and Al reluctantly agreed as he stood up and headed over to Lexi to kiss her forehead. 
Hank and Al got Lexi’s bassinet downstairs while Meredith fed her a bottle and once Lexi was settled and sleeping again, Al and Meredith headed upstairs. 
“Thank you”. Al called and Hank and Trudy exchanged a smile as Trudy called back. 
“Of course, now go to sleep idiot”. Both Al and Meredith chuckled in response as their footsteps faded away as they entered their bedroom ready to take advantage of the time they got together. 
Hank and Trudy just sat there looking at the precious little girl in their arms. The newest member of their family.
After seeing horrible things everyday and seeing the worst of humanity day in and day out, getting to see the good things was always great. Especially today considering that Hank and Trudy knew quite well that Al and Meredith had wanted a child for a while and they finally got that. 
This is what made it easy to fight. For Hank, Trudy and Al, this is what they fought for. To meet their nieces and nephews, to get to hold their children. 
This is what made all the fight and pain worth it.
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marivelsblog1503 · 5 months
🚑 Parte I: ¿Hasta dónde hemos llegado? 🩺
Con: 557 palabras en total. Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente: Los personajes que conoceremos en esta historia, a partir de ahora. © Todos los derechos reservados.
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«— La vida es muy cruel, las personas pueden cambiar, algunas permanecen igual. —»
«— El dolor y la perdida son difíciles de olvidar, por más que lo intentes, nada puede reparar la grieta de un corazón, incluyendo la mente. —»
«— Algunos dicen que las pérdidas pueden ayudarnos a superarnos, pero, ¿Qué pasa si no es cierto?, ¿Qué pasa si solo te encierras en ese dolor? —»
«— Estás sufriendo y nadie lo nota, lloras en silencio y nadie te consuela, esta bien querer ser fuerte para no preocupar a las personas que amas, pero recuerda que ellos siguen en tu vida. —»
«— No te alejes de ellos, sigue adelante. —»
«— Ponte de pie y sigue luchando. —»
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╔═══════ 🚑 ═══════╗
╚═══════ 🩺 ═══════╝
|| Lilan Bowden como Dina Boden. ||
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«— Chicago es mi hogar y no importa lo que otros digan, yo sé que soy una buena capitana para mi equipo en la 61, pero también una doctora. —»
|| Brian Tee como Ethan Choi. ||
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«— Soy un veterano de la marina, seguí los mismos pasos que mi padre, sin embargo tengo recuerdos dolorosos de aquellos días y eso, las pesadillas me siguen atormentando. —»
|| Anna Kendrick como Carol Boden. ||
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«— Esto es muy sencillo, yo te cubro y tú a mí, me cuidas todo el tiempo y ahora es mi turno de hacerlo contigo, estoy preocupada por ti y no quiero que te pase nada, no quiero perderte. —»
|| Eamonn Walker como Wallace Boden. ||
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«— Aun recuerdo aquella noche como si hubiera pasado un día, y sin importar los riesgos, las volvería a salvar, me importa muy poco lo que digan, ambas son mis hijas. —»
|| Melissa Ponzio como Donna Robbins de Boden. ||
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«— Aunque no las sostuve entre mis brazos cuando eran unas bebes, las tendré a ambas aquí conmigo, porque ustedes también son mis hijas, nada va a cambiar eso. —»
|| Sophia Bush como Erin Lindsay. ||
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«— Atrapamos al maldito que provocó todo esto, sé lo que siente encerrarte en tu propio dolor y te culpas por no estar con aquella persona que tanto amaste, pero no te preocupes, ellos ya no estarán sufriendo ahora. —»
╔═════════ 🚑 ═════════╗
Cast de los demás personajes:
╚═════════ 🩺 ═════════╝
🚒 Chicago Fire. 🔥
|| David Eigen como Christopher Herman. ||
|| Robyn Coffin como Cindy Herman. ||
|| Christian Stolte como Randall “Mouch” McHolland. ||
|| Taylor Kinny como Kelly Severide. ||
|| Jesse Spencer como Matthew “Matt” Casey. ||
|| Monica Raymund como Gabriela “Gaby” Dawson. ||
|| Lauren German como Leslie Shay. ||
|| Kara Killmer como Sylvie Brett. ||
|| Joe Minoso como Joe Cruz. ||
|| Yuri Sardarov como Brian “Otis” Zvoecek. ||
|| Charlie Barnett como Peter Mills. ||
|| Randy Flager como Harold Capp. ||
|| Dushon Monique como Connie. ||
🚓 Chicago P.D. 🚔
|| Jason Beghe como Hank Voight. ||
|| Jon Seda como Antonio Dawson. ||
|| Jesse Lee Soffer como Jay Halstead. ||
|| Archie Kao como Sheldon Jin. ||
|| Elias Koteas como Alvin Olinsky. ||
|| Patrick Flueger como Adam Ruzek. ||
|| Laroyce Hawkins como Kevin Atwater. ||
|| Mariana Squerciati como Kim Burguess. ||
🚑 Chicago Med. 🩺
|| S. Epatha Merkerson como Sharon Goodwin. ||
|| Oliver Platt como Daniel Charles. ||
|| Marlyne Barrett como Maggie Lockwood. ||
|| Torrey DeVitto como Natalie Manning. ||
|| Nick Gehlfuss como Will Halstead. ||
|| Yaya DaCosta como April Sexton. ||
|| Roland Buck como Noah Sexton. ||
|| Colin Donnell como Connor Rhodes. ||
|| Rachel DiPilo como Sarah Reese. ||
╔══════════ 🚑 ══════════╗
Playlist de esta primera parte:
╚══════════ 🩺 ══════════╝
|| Arcade de Duncan Laurence. ||
|| Could Have Been Me versión Halsey. ||
|| Fight Song de Rachel Platten. ||
|| I’ts Time de Imagine Dragons. ||
Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente:
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11, 12, 13, 14 and 15
11. jay halstead or adam ruzek?
I have to go with Jay. Adam was just too wishy washy with Kim and while I love Burzek and they're never-ending love story I gotta say Jay. I feel like there's more of a grey side to his character while he does try to be the moral compass of the unit? So I find that more interesting I think. 🤔
12. kevin atwater or antonio dawson?
Kevin Atwater. I do love Antonio for the original link for the OneChicago shows but hate the way they just let his character fall apart. .I do miss him though.
But Kevin carries the damn department and he deserves a good love life. ❤
13. kim burgess or hailey upton?
Kim has my heart because we've seen her grow from patrol to where she is now. She deserves to be a detective please!!?
I was afraid Hailey was going to be some Erin replacement but I like that she's her own character, can't say I liked the whole turning into Voight then condemning Jay for the same thing and marriage under all that arc, but I do really like her as a character.
Wish we got more Kim and Hailey friendship scenes though 🥺 Hailey would be the best aunt for Makayla
14. hank voight or alvin olinsky?
Ooh the Al question, it's still too soon, I miss him 🥺
Hank. Even if he is fairly dodgy in his decisions his heart is usually in the right place? Plus by reading fanfics about him...He has become attractive... can't imagine Intelligence without him.
15. trudy platt or mouse gerwitz?
BRING BACK MOUSE PLEASE. I don't know why they ever let him go?? Like after losing the patrol storylines it was great to have someone thats not a detective on the cases. Him and Trudy would have been an epic team to help Intelligence in the last few seasons.
But I'm picking Trudy because she's still there and one of my fave characters in all OneChicago. Can put the fear in every character but is actually the Mom of the group, I adore her.
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sweetblink · 6 years
Daughter Figure.
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Daughter Figure.  
Al Olinsky x Reader
Requested by: Anon
#32 with Al Olinsky, reader is his partner, but he sees her as a daughter.  
#32. "I know I don't say this often, nor do I show it, but I love you." ... "I know."
Warning: fluff, hurt Y/N
“Alright, Y/N, can you hear me?”
“Loud and clear.” You murmured, smiling at the tall man you just passed.
The team was currently in undercover mode to try and capture one of the bad guys that’s been wanted list for longest time. You were inside the bar that was suspected to get one of suspects, Kevin was not far away acting like the bodyguard/bouncer, while Adam and Al were working as bar tenders.
“How are you feeling?”
You continued making your way past everyone, looking for the man that name was given up. “Feeling a bit better, everyone really had me scared when y’all suggested that I’d wear a short dress.” You teased lightly, still maneuvering past the crowds.
You heard Al snort, which had you fighting to not smile. Pretty soon you heard Adam talk. “I was not gonna let Y/N go out like that, can you imagine me blowing our cover because I had to keep off the men off of her?”
This time you snorted and took a small sip of your drink. “Overprotective much.” You replied, and just as you felt like the rest of them team was going to weigh in, you finally found the person you were looking for. “Found him, I’m going to approach him, now.”
The line went a bit silent and you heard Voight telling you to be careful, fluffing up hair and pulling your top up, you started to make your way towards the suspect who was sitting in the V.I.P section. Finally, you decided to act drunk, so you stumbled past them, accidentally tripped and spilled your drink on his lap, letting out a loud gasp you turned to the man.
“Oh my god, I’m sooo rry.” You slurred, swaying a bit. The man you guy you spilled your drink on stood up and gave you a small smile.
“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind getting spilled drinks on my lap when it comes from a cute girl like you.”
You let out a drunk giggle. “I betcha you tell every girl that.” you said, leaning against his body now. The man wrapped his arm around your waist, and you began to touch his chest. “Say, why don’t you leave the bar with me, go somewhere else and have a bit of fun.”
The man smiled, and you giggled, following as he lead the both of you out, just where you and the team wanted, glancing back you gave a small signal to the guys and relaxed a bit more, when you noticed Al following to make sure you were going to be alright.
It all happened way to quickly.
It happened way to quickly for Al Olinsky, or anyone for that matter, to comprehend what just had happened. After catching the man last night, Voight took his cage, he confessed where the stash house was, they all suited up and were going to catch everyone else.
But things went sideways pretty fast, Y/N was supposed to be standing behind Jay, her gun up ready to shoot, but when he kicked down the door, a two shots rang out. The door happened to have a small trap that would shoot when knocked open, something that they weren’t told.
Jay had managed to get out the way, but Y/N wasn’t so lucky. As soon as the gun shot, Y/N was hit and everyone watched in horror.
“Y/N!” Al yelled, rushing towards you, and putting pressure on your wounds, on your lower abdomen, and the other on your shoulder. “You’re going to be okay, sweetheart. Stay with me, Y/N, just stay with me.”
Hank was growling commands at everyone, while he kneeled on your other side, Kim was paging the ambo, the rest of the team left to investigate, and try to find whatever evidence they can use to find the bad guy.
You were gasping for a bit of air, and everything seemed to be muffled all around. Al was besides you, ripping off your vest. “Where’s the ambo!” he yelled, Kim turned to him.
“They’re on their way, they’re three minutes out.” She stammered.
Al just nodded and continued to help you, while Hank took off his jacket and made into a pillow to levitate your head. “She’s losing a lot of blood.” He muttered to Al, who just clenched his empty fist and looked around.
Kim soon joined and took over in keeping your shoulder pressured, when finally, the ambo arrived. Sylvie and Gabby both got off and rushed over. “What happened?” Gabby ordered.
“Trap, the door had a gun ready to fire when he knocked it down, it hit Y/N on the lower abdomen and her shoulder.” Olinsky explained. The paramedics both nodded and quickly go to work, putting the oxygen mask, and everything.
“Syvlie call Med, tell them we’re on our way with Y/N.” Gabby ordered.
Hank pulled out his phone. “Don’t, I got it, you girls just rush to Med. Kim, Olinsky ride with them.” He commanded and the both nodded, they helped the girls and took off, Al rode back with Gabby, while Kim rode up in front with Sylvie.
By the time the team arrived at Med, Kim was on the chair, looking blankly ahead, while Olinsky was pacing. Hank entered the small waiting room first. “Anything?”
Kim looked up and shook her head. “All the doctors are busy, and we haven’t heard anything on her since we arrived, we’ve tried asking Maggie, but she’s currently busy trying to place whatever victims they’re bringing from the other hospital.”
Hank nodded, and Adam made his way over, and sat next to Kim, while the rest started to sit down, a few minutes later, Trudy entered the room, heading straight towards Hank and Olinsky. They stayed there for the next few hours, some heading down to get coffee. It was finally night time, and Will along with some other friends joined them, waiting, when Connor finally stepped out.
Voight and Olinsky stood up. “How is she doc?”
Connor sighed. “It was rough, we almost lost her, but she’s a fighter and hanged on, but she’s going to be alright, she will have to sit out from her job to recover.”
Everyone let out a breath of relief, and Al nodded. “Can we go see her?” he asked. Connor nodded.
“Yes, but one at a time for now, she’s just waking up and we don’t want to overwhelm her.” Connor replied, Hank shook his hand, and Connor told them all Y/N’s room number, assuring them after another hour, they can all go in her room and visit her.
Hank turned to Olinsky and patted his back “You can go first, we can all wait another hour.” He said, Al looked at him and nodded and made his way towards Y/N’s room, he knocked the door, before opening it.
Entering the room, he saw Y/N laying there still asleep, he slowly made his way inside, closing the door behind him, and made his way towards the empty chair recliner that was there. He scooted the chair closer to the bed, and he slipped his hand into yours and held it, he brought up to his forehead and then pressed a light small kiss.
Y/N began to stir, and Al stood up. “Y/N?”
You let out a small whine and felt your body ache all over. You could hear someone calling your name, so slowly you opened your eyes, and saw Al standing there. “Al?” you called out weakly.
Al smiled softly at you. “Hey, Y/N.”
You let out a small cough and Al grabbed the glass of water that was there and helped you drink it. “What happened?”
“Gave us quite a scare, the mission went wrong, it was a set up and when Jay kicked open the door, a gun was set up to shoot, and you got hit twice.”
“That explains why my whole body feels heavy and it aches”
Al sat back down and stared at you. "I know I don't say this often, nor do I show it, but I love you."
You looked up at and stared at him, after a minute you gave him a small smile. "I know."
Al snorted. “I like that reference.” Giggling you smiled and scooted a bit closer to him. “You know I see you as my daughter figure.”
“Daughter figure?”
“Yeah, you know how you often say that you seem me as you father figure, well I see you as my daughter figure.”
You blushed a bit and nodded. “Okay, does that mean that I can call you dad at times.” You lightly teased, wincing. Al smiled and nodded.
“Sure thing, kiddo.”
I’M VERY SORRY THAT I HAVEN’T POSTED ANYTHING! OH MY GOD, seriously guys I really am, I’ve been busy with homework cos ya girl trying to keep herself on the Dean’s List with my high gpa. 
How was this? Was it good? I literally hope this was lol. 
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
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"This is not going to work, (Y/N)" he sighted heavily, while giving you an apologetic look.
He had never expected you to have feelings for him and yet you had just declared yourself, which honestly almost made him loose his mind.
"Al, this is not some kind of twisted Stockholm Syndrome, I meant what I said" you assured him trying to keep your cool, mistaking the surprise on his face for disappointment. Now, though, it was too late to turn back. "I love you"
His breath hissed and he averted his eyes from yours, passing a hand through his beard with exasperation and frankly, without knowing what to do.
When he finally brought his head up to look at you again, after what seemed like hours, you had no idea he was going to break your heart.
"We can't do this"
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
gif credit: @alvinolinsky
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Second Chances Chapter 11 - A Big Gamble
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Summary: Adam makes the most difficult decision of his life in the most stressful circumstances imaginable, and someone reveals they knew a secret. Series Masterlist here
Words: 5.1k (Don't say I haven't spoiled you ok)
Warnings: abduction, gun violence, gambling, Bob Ruzek (look he gets his own warning now I don't make the rules), allusions to a bad childhood.
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“It’s my dad’s birthday, mind if we stop off so I can bring his card?” Adam asked as they were on the way home, Kim looking out the window as he spoke.
“Yeah, sure. I can stay in the car?”
“Nah, come in. He knows we’re friends, I mentioned we carpool to work. It’ll be fine.” She rolled her eyes, but agreed.
They got out, and as soon as they went through the door her ears pricked up. Call it experience as a cop, call it knowing the Ruzek family as intimately as she did, but something wasn’t right. And when she spotted the blood on the floor she knew something bad had happened to her father in law. Convincing Adam to call it in wasn’t easy, but until the crime lab arrived she got to be his wife, not his coworker.
“We’re going to find him. He’s gonna be ok. It’s not just that he’s your dad, he’s a cop, and this unit isn’t going to stop until we find him. I promise.” She pressed a kiss to his head, holding him close until they heard the van pull up outside.
“Through into the kitchen, but the entire living space is the crime scene.” She stood, directing the techs. “This is being worked on by Intelligence, everything needs to go through Sergeant Voight, or if you can’t get him it’s one of Detectives Olinsky, Halstead or Upton. Understood?” She watched the tech look at her, taking a moment to get her measure.
“And who’s ordering that?”
“Officer Kim Burgess, Intelligence. My Sergeant will be here shortly, but Officer Ruzek and I are the responding officers.” She fixed the tech with a glare, and he backed down.
“Consider it done, Officer.”
She helped Adam stand, and they walked out of the front of the house to wait for everyone. All she wanted to do was hold his hand, but it didn’t take long for Voight to appear, followed by the rest of the team.
“What’s going on? What happened?” He asked the two, his usually gruff demeanour even more so than normal.
“We were carpooling, Adam was driving us to our building when he said he needed to drop off a birthday card to his dad. We pulled up, went inside, Bob was gone. The tv was left on, and everything’s still there. There’s blood in the kitchen, and a blood trail leading out the back yard into the alleyway.” Kim explained, letting Adam fill in the rest.
“He didn’t take anything, his service revolver’s still in his holster on his belt, even his shoes are still there. It looks like an in and out job, but I can’t tell what they were there for. Neighbours said they saw a car pull up in the alley, two males got out, possibly white, possibly Hispanic. They left about forty minutes ago, twenty minutes before Kim and I pulled up.”
“Ok. We’re keeping this in house, I don’t want anyone knowing what’s going on here. He ends up on the news, that’s dangerous for him. Kim, I want you to dig into any of his recent cases, last two months, even before he was working with us on the Scorpion Club. Ruzek, walk with me.” She watched as Adam and Voight left, instead going over to Al.
“Can I get a ride to the precinct? Adam was my carpool, but I don’t know what he’ll be ok for tonight.”
“Of course.” They were silent on the way, until Al broke it. “Do you think Bob’s alive?”
Kim turned and stared at her partner before taking a deep breath. “I don’t know. If he was dead they’d have left his body there. But there was a decent amount of blood there, Al. For Adam’s sake I hope he’s ok.”
As soon as she arrived into the precinct she started making calls to the 13th, getting whatever paper files Bob had worked on sent over. When the desk Sergeant seemed less than co-operative, she pulled out her big gun.
“Sergeant Platt here at the 21st is requesting these specifically for Sergeant Voight. I really don’t want to have to tell her that you can’t provide them, and I certainly don’t want Voight having to come over to collect them himself. Do you?” She heard the stammering Sergeant agree, and her tone went sickeningly sweet. “That’s fantastic, thank you. I’ll expect them in the next hour or so.”
When she put the phone down Al slow clapped for her. “I’ve never seen you like that, Burgess. Good work.”
“It’s Adam’s dad. I’d do it for anyone here’s family, you know?”
They were sent home at ten, Kim getting a ride with Kev when Adam didn’t appear back at the precinct.
“Is he ok?” Kevin asked as they were driving through the quiet streets, Kim letting out a huff in response.
“Nope. Not even close. There’s been some stuff with his dad going on even before the last case with him. I can’t talk about it, but it isn’t great. We can just be there for him, you know?” Kim stared out the window, watching the familiar streets go past as they pulled up.
“If he needs anything, you tell him to call. Day or night, I’ve got both your backs. You know that right?”
“I know. You’re a good guy, Kevin. I don’t say it often enough but you may as well be my brother.” She reached over for a one armed hug before getting out and going upstairs. Adam was sitting on the sofa, a beer bottle in front of him.
“Do I want to know what happened?” She asked, trying to sound positive.
“How much do you know about my childhood?” Adam asked, and Kim went to the fridge to get two more beers before sitting down. This sounded like a conversation that liquid courage would be desperately needed for.
“I know your parents divorced when you were a kid and you haven’t seen your mom since then. I know it was dysfunctional, and he worked a lot. Your sister moved out when she was eighteen and didn’t look back. Sound about right?” She twisted off the top, taking a sip and handing the other to Adam.
“Bob was always big on investments, as he called them. He’s always been a gambler. His bookie called him the worst at picking horses this side of the Mississippi. It’s always just been his thing. He owed his guy eighty grand.” Kim gasped at it, and Adam just shook his head. “Yeah. I’ve gotten him out of scrapes before - before we were married, not since. The last time was before I even proposed. I’d have told you if I knew it was this bad. He paid down his debt in cash the week he started working for Spiro. I have no idea what’s going on, I don’t even know how to start finding it out. And part of me wants to just ignore it.”
Kim stared at him, putting her bottle down, taking his out of his hands and wrapping his hands in her own. “I know you’ve got a theory somewhere in that brain of yours. Talk to me, Adam. What’re you thinking?” She watched him swallow, try get the words out.
“I think he got a loan from Spiro for the money to pay off the debt. And I think he was workin’ for Spiro to pay it off. I just don’t know why now this happened? Why now? Why not when Spiro went down for the coke dealing?”
“C’mon.” She pulled him out of his seated position, tugging him towards their bedroom. “You need rest. Tomorrow we can talk to Voight about all of this, you can explain it. We’re going to find him, Adam.”
They woke to his phone buzzing in the middle of the night, both shocked awake and startling. When the video of Bob played Kim thought she was going to get sick. Los Tiranos were using Bob to try get information from Adam, and she would burn down the world before she let her husband be hurt like that. There was no love lost between her and Bob, no even vaguely sentimental feelings. But he was Adam’s dad. And she could see the pain this was causing her husband at every moment. Kim put the coffee on, the two heading to the precinct before the October sun had risen when it was vaguely acceptable.
The files from the thirteenth had arrived, and Kim went digging into them while everyone else searched the video. She waved them off on a raid, and the more she dug the worse she felt. The files were normal patrol cop stuff - traffic tickets, a couple of drunk and disorderlies, anti social behaviour from kids. But Bob’s computer usage didn’t match up to what his files said.
He’d been searching for the CI the gang knew about. And he’d gotten deep into it, but he didn’t have the clearance to check every file he needed. The more she looked into it, the dirtier Bob looked and there was nothing she could do or say to make it sound better. How was she supposed to tell Adam? How was she supposed to explain that Bob was a dirty cop and everything he’d believed about his father’s career was a lie? Not even Voight could save this.
She went up to Interrogation, waiting for Adam to come out, and told him everything. She couldn’t comfort him like she wanted, couldn’t tell him to rely on her, because people were watching and it wasn’t ok. None of this was ok. She watched his heart break in front of her at the realisation, and there was nothing she could do that would make it ok. None of it.
She watched the argument with Voight from her desk, aware of Al looking at her closely.
“You ok? You’re taking this hard.” Kim shrugged, pasting a smile on her face.
“He was gonna be my father in law before I ended the engagement, you know? He’s my best friend’s dad. It’s not easy for any of us.” She took a sip of the cold coffee on her desk, grimacing at it.
“No, it’s not. And Bob hates my guts and I find it hard. We’ll get him back for Adam.” Kim nodded as Voight and Adam came out of the office.
“We’re on a time limit. Upton, with me, we’re going to meet a DEA task force to see what we can find out. Kim, keep working what you’re on. Halstead, Atwater, Ruzek, I want you taking turns in Interrogation and see what you can manage. Al, hold down the fort.”
As they left Kev turned around and asked what everyone wanted for lunch. She turned him down, her stomach feeling queasy. It had been since this entire case started, but the thoughts of food made her want to vomit.
It wasn’t long before her phone buzzed with a text from Voight and a name, and Kim ignored the case files she was pouring over in favour of searching for Lucas Barella. Hailey and Voight were back before she got it, but she finally made the links to Barella and the case, giving Al a grateful smile as he brought her fresh coffee and a muffin while she was digging into it.
“I’ve got something. Barella is Hector’s cousin, and it looks like he’s high in the gang. His parents owned a warehouse in Pilsen, but they died three years ago. It’s been vacant ever since. Looks like brick walls, empty place, it’s definitely where they could be holding Bob.” As soon as she announced it Voight nodded, and they geared up for the raid.
It was the first raid since they got married that Adam didn’t squeeze her hand before, but she didn’t mind it that much. He was focusing on Bob, and so was she. She just wanted to make sure that Adam would be ok at the end of this, that they could make sure he was able to cope with what his father had caused.
As soon as it came over the radio that Adam had Bob she breathed a sigh of relief, but when they lost Barella she hated herself. They went back to the precinct, except Adam who went to be with his dad. It was the first time in a long time she hated hiding their relationship quite this much, because all she wanted to do was hold Adam’s hand going into Med, letting him know there was someone on his side. That she was firmly on Adam’s side, and she’d support him whatever he did.
She was sitting at her desk packing up the files to go back to the thirteenth when her radio buzzed to life. She was the only one in the bullpen, everyone else going to grab dinner while they had a spare hour before searching for Barella again.
“All units, be aware wanted offender Lucas Barella has been spotted at 2451 South May in Pilsen.”
It took her less than a second to respond. “50-21 Eddie, hold me down for responding. All units do not respond until plain clothes officer is on scene, no lights or sirens.”
“50-21 Eddie down responding.”
The drive was eight minutes, Kim taking the turns easily in the early evening traffic. She didn’t want Barella knowing what was going on, and was glad when she saw a patrol car down the end of the block. She pulled up a few houses down and got out of the car. As she did, she heard two gunshots almost in sync, another one less than a second after.
She didn’t even get her vest on, pulling her gun out and running to see what was going on. As she rounded the corner to Barella’s yard she saw Adam on his knees, and her stomach dropped. Not Adam. She couldn’t cope with him not being ok.
“Adam! Are you ok? What happened?” Kim asked as she went to him, seeing the trail of blood staining his yellow flannel, the fabric shredded where the bullet had hit his arm.
“He pulled his gun…go check, secure it.” She shook her head to clear it, but as soon as she saw Barella she knew he was dead, and she left the gun where it was, pulling out her radio.
“50-21 Eddie, shots fired at the police, fire returned. Offender down, officer shot but not badly injured. Requesting forensics and coroner’s office.” The confirmation came through that they were on their way, but Kim was just focused on her husband, needing to know he was fine.
“I’m good. Kim, I’m good.” He pulled her tight for the moment they’d have before the circus rolled up, pressing a kiss to her forehead. It was when they separated Kim realised he didn’t have his vest on, and her queasy stomach returned with a vengeance at the thoughts of what could have happened.
“Do you need an ambulance? Are you ok? Did you get hit anywhere else?” She wanted to run her hands over his body, satisfy herself that he was alive and it was only the scratch on his arm from hot lead that showed how close he’d been to dying.
“Darlin’, I’m ok. It bled a bit, but I’m fine. I’ve a spare shirt in the car, and I’ve got a first aid kit there too. It just needs to be cleaned and get a bandaid on it. I promise, if I wasn’t ok I’d tell you.” She could tell he was still in shock, but he tried to smile that familiar crooked smirk that made Kim melt, so she knew he was telling her the truth.
The rest of the unit arrived quickly, Voight following to check Adam was ok. Once IRT arrived on scene and saw what had happened it was almost immediately deemed a good shoot, Adam’s injury proof his life was in danger. Kim was sent back to the precinct to fill out an incident form on what she’d heard and seen when she arrived. It was a formality in these kinds of situations, and she nodded and left before everyone else.
When the rest of the unit returned she could tell something apart from the shooting was wrong with Adam. She expected him to be quieter than normal, but he was barely replying to anyone. Whatever had happened either before she arrived on the scene or with Bob in the hospital had changed him, and she was scared of what had happened. The two of them ended up being last in the bullpen again, everyone else taking advantage of Bob being safe and Barella’s death to actually get eight hours. When Voight left Intelligence they went into the break room for coffee, Kim looking at Adam until he spoke.
“My dad’s been dirty for years. He was borrowing money from Spiro, who was getting it from Los Tiranos. They’ve had him over a barrel for I don’t even know how long, Kim. And if I do this? If I reveal it? My dad’s name is ruined. My name is ruined. God, your name is ruined, cause you decided it was a good idea to marry me and take my name. Excellent idea for us.” He spoke in a harsh whisper, taking a swig of his coffee. “He’s been feeding them information and letting that gang walk for years. He worked for Spiro to pay off some of his debt. The rest of it was ten percent a week, and he borrowed nearly a hundred grand. I don’t know what to do, Kim.” This was the first time since she’d broken off their engagement almost two years before that she’d seen him look so broken, and it was a sight she’d never wanted to see again.
“You tell Voight. You tell him everything your dad said to you. Adam, you’ve been a cop for five years, you’ve proven how good you are day in and day out. I’m not embarrassed of you. You are not your father. And when we reveal, I’m going to be incredibly proud of you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, we know the truth.” She squeezed his hand, wanting to hug him but knowing this would do in the mean time.
“I think we need to tell Voight about us—“
“Tell me what, exactly?” They hadn’t been paying attention, and their Sergeant snuck up on them while they had their fingers intertwined. Kim nearly dropped her mug, her fear clear on her face.
“Sarge, Kim and I haven’t exactly told everyone about what we are to each other…” Adam trailed off, and she watched their Sergeant smile.
“You mean the fact that the two of you have been married since before I pulled her up here? I know. When I was signing the transfer paperwork I got her personnel file clearly showing you as her next of kin, Ruzek. And I got the signed paperwork when the two of you got married about your change in circumstances. And I have your address paperwork, and your pension paperwork, and your tax paperwork. I was fully aware you were married before I brought Kim up, and I stand by my decision to bring her up here.”
Kim grinned, not even looking at Adam but knowing he had a similar smile on his face. “You never said anything. I thought we’d kept it hidden,” she said, a weight she didn’t know she’d been holding for eighteen months off her shoulders.
“You were pretty good, even if he can’t stop staring at you like he’s in love. As long as it doesn’t affect your work, I’m not going to care. The double date idea was a particularly nice touch. But now I can say it, congratulations you two. What brought the decision to disclose up anyway?”
Adam ran through everything Bob had said, everything his father had done. They moved into Voight’s office, closing the door as they talked.
“Sarge…I want to protect him, but he was willing to sell me out. The only thing I’m worried about is how this is gonna blow back on Kim, if this goes to IAB and there’s a big investigation our marriage is gonna come out and then it’s gonna be another Ruzek secret. As much as she’s gonna yell at me for this when we get home, I need to make sure she’s protected.” They watched Voight open his drawer and pull out a bottle of whiskey, pouring a measure into each of their coffee mugs.
“Did you know your dad was dirty?”
“No, never. I never suspected it. But if this goes to IAB, that paperwork about him bein’ undercover at the Scorpion? That brings this whole unit into question.”
“Not if it wasn’t filed yet. There’s a backlog at the Ivory Tower. I can get it back. But Adam, Kim…if we do this Bob Ruzek is finished. He’ll have no reputation, no pension, no nothing. He’ll be a corrupt cop from Canaryville with a publicly known gambling problem. You need to decide if you’re willing to watch it happen. There’ll be heat on you, I won’t lie, but you disclosed the relationship when it was appropriate, and informed CPD of your change of next of kin and change of address.”
Kim sat silently, waiting for Adam to decide what to do. It was his dad, she wasn’t making the decision for him, but she’d support him no matter what he said.
“Pull it.” He sounded defeated, but so sure of what he was saying. “If I know this unit has my back, pull the file. He’d have been willing to let me die to save his own skin, I can’t do this anymore with him.” Kim reached over and squeezed his hand in support.
“We’ve got both of you. I will say it’s probably a good idea to keep everyone else in the dark about what’s going on between you until this is wrapped up. I don’t want IAB to have any reason to start suspecting you. Who knows about it?”
“You, Platt, Kev, his siblings and Erin. She only found out last month. Bob doesn’t even know we’re married.” Kim listed the people who knew their secret easily.
“That’s good, less heat on both of you that way. Adam, I need you to make a formal statement of everything your dad said to you today about the money. Can you do that now so I can get it to IAB?” He nodded.
“Can Kim stay?”
“Of course.”
She listened as Adam went through everything that had happened from the moment they entered the house to leaving the hospital. Through the videos, Kim finding out what his dad had done, the raid, Barella escaping, going to his dad and being told everything, being on the way back to the precinct when the call about Barella came over the radio so he answered because he was a few blocks out. Voight let him speak, holding a hand up if Adam was about to go too far.
“Did you have any knowledge that your father was involved in criminal activity?”
“No. Never.”
“Did you ever discuss a case you were working on with your father?”
“No. There was always a Great Wall between us when it came to work, I refused to tell him anything to do with my cases.”
“If your father had told you he needed money, would you have given him the money?”
“I don’t have that kind of cash lying around, but if he needed help I’d have done what I could have legally to help him. He’s my dad, but I wouldn’t break the law to do it.”
Voight shut off the recorder, putting it into his pocket. “You did good. You’ll probably need a union rep for the interview, but you’ll be fine. Go home, both of you.”
As soon as they left the precinct they held hands, doing it the whole way home as Kim ordered takeout to be delivered. She wanted to scream at the world just how amazing Adam was, that even with the pain and the worry from Bob it was going to be ok. But she couldn’t because she couldn’t guarantee that for them, as much as she wanted to.
They ate and cleared up, but as they got ready for bed Adam’s lips were on hers, his hands on her waist. The stress of the week meant their usually healthy sex life had been non existent, and she held onto her husband as they remembered just one of the reasons they loved each other so much.
They were both nervous as they walked into work the next morning, nearly late. Kim was exhausted as they went up the stairs, covering her yawn with her hand as she waved good morning. The board was scrubbed clean, and everyone looked around as Voight came out.
“IAB is taking over the case. We discovered evidence that Bob Ruzek was a dirty cop, and has been for a number of years.” His words sank in, and Kim forced herself to look surprised, like she hadn’t known all night.
“They’ve decided that as investigating Patrol Officer Ruzek falls under their jurisdiction, they want to make sure they’re investigating everything. Adam is not under investigation. He came forward with the information, potentially harming his own reputation to make sure that CPD was aware of this. They’ve assured me that Adam’s fine to continue working. We’ll all probably get called in for interviews over the next day or so, it’s purely to let them know how well we knew Bob. Until we get a case, today’s a paperwork day folks.”
She settled in to continue, filling out forms and confirming the databases she’d had to use to retrace Bob’s footsteps. It was the tiring part of the job, but she passed them over to Al for his signature when she was done. She nearly missed Voight calling her name, she was so caught up in the paperwork.
“Burgess, IAB is downstairs to talk to you. Platt will direct you.” She nodded, standing and making sure her badge was around her neck as she went downstairs. Platt pointed her into the empty office, Kim nodding at the woman inside.
“I’m Detective Simmons, IAB. You’re Officer Kim Burgess, correct?” Kim nodded. “Nice to meet you. We’re just being thorough, want to take a seat?”
Kim sat, looking at her personnel file in Simmons’ hands. The woman scanned it for a moment before closing it.
“This is going to be quick. Officer Burgess, we don’t think you’re involved in any wrongdoing. You’ve an exemplary record. But there’s one thing that popped up on our file. Why are you still using your maiden name in work?”
Kim took a breath before speaking, forcing her lips into a small smile. “When we got married my husband and I decided that it was better for me to remain Burgess in work. My then partner had made it very clear that he thought female cops who got married were a waste to CPD. Adam and I filed all the relevant paperwork when we came back after our marriage, we just wanted to keep it between us.” Kim put an actual smile on her face. “Look, if you were a man I’d talk about how it’s because Ruzek’s an unusual name, but I can be honest with you Detective. The second I change my name in work, the first thing that happens is people start talking about how I’m married to the guy who joined Intelligence straight out of the academy, and why would he have married a patrol officer when he’s obviously above me. I heard it all when we got engaged, and then when we called off our engagement for a short time. We wanted this to be for us, you know?”
She’d said the right words, and Simmons smiled at her. “I get it, believe me. So you never hid your marriage from CPD?”
“We filed all the paperwork immediately. My current Sergeant, Sergeant Voight, knew about our marriage before he offered me the promotion to Intelligence. I don’t know if everyone in our unit knows we’re married, but we live together and drive into work together most days. We didn’t publicise it because we didn’t want the rumour mill to act up again. You know what a precinct is like.”
The rest of the questions were straight to the point, what was her relationship like with her father in law (and Simmons laughed when she said non existent), did she know anything about his past.
“Look. My husband has told me that his childhood wasn’t great, Bob and his mom divorced when Adam was young. But if you’d told me he was a dirty cop before this? I’d have said no way. That as little as I like him personally, I’d have believed in him. I guess I’m a little embarrassed to have put my faith in him now.”
“Don’t be. In this job I’ve seen more cops lie about being a good person to their families than you could imagine. It’s not on you, Officer, or on your husband. We’ve already done some checks into both of you, I can tell you you’re not under investigation. It’s just the kind of interview we have to do to close the case, you know?” Kim nodded. “Best of luck with the rest of your day, and I hope I don’t have to see you again. Could you send Officer Ruzek down next?”
Kim waved goodbye, exchanging formalities as she left. It took a minute to get upstairs and text Adam what she’d said, before he went downstairs with a smile in her direction. The rest of the day was taken up with the entire unit being interviewed, Voight being last. He arrived back upstairs with a smile on his face.
“Take the rest of the day off, the unit’s in the clear. IAB knows we did everything right, and we handed over everything when it all went wrong. We’re good to go.” He didn’t need to tell them twice, the members packing up and leaving, the last few days of overtime and stress needing to be washed away with a lazy afternoon.
When they got stuck in traffic a few blocks away from the precinct Adam reached over to kiss Kim, a small smile on his face. “I couldn’t have done this without you. I love you, and I’m so lucky I have you, you know that?”
“I love you too. Let’s go home, Adam.”
Chapter 12>>
Taglist: @aruzlover @amandarrollins @morganupstead @adamruz @fullwattpadmusictree @redpoodlern @everythingaddictxx @write4life13 @lizlouisebrown @jeanjacketjesus @tuxieboy101-blog @thelittlepterophyllum @planecrazylex @sophiatellerrhodes @eternal-olicity @ossypooh @dissociation-writes @kimburgess-ruzek @thestarrynightslover @reidskitty13 @etamne @torreshalstead @itsnotpersonalbut @leymr @multicouple-lover
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velthequeen · 5 years
Chicago P.D. Ship OCs
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Tina Kunakey as Khadasiah Rosena Blaisie (Kuh-daa-sea-uh Rose-henna Blay-zee)
-Age: 28
~Shipped with Hank Voight
Khadasiah “Sia” Blaisie is one of the newest recruits to the Intelligence Unit. Her and Sergeant Hank Voight have gotten close in her time working for him, forming a sexual/romance filled relationship that no one else knows about. Before working for Chicago P.D., Khadasiah told Intelligence that her, her sister, and their friend (all who work for Intelligence currently) met and grew their skills in Boston P.D.’s homicide unit. This is where Alvin Olinsky met and befriended Sia when he was on a business trip there. No one in the Intelligence Unit knows her true status, all of it being classified.
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Khadasiah Blaisie, also known as Special Agent 722, is a CIA Special Operative. She handled major undercover cases in France. Russia, Switzerland, Canada, and England. She is still formally a CIA agent, but has chosen to do regular police work as of right now. She knows that one day her past will come back to bite her in the ass, especially the one she left in France. The directors made her codename “Muse” for the fact that she is an image of inspiration and intelligence, and always gets the job done. They But she is glad that she is in Chicago and can put it behind her for the time being.
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Margot Robbie as Adelina Margaret Bishop (Add-elle-é-nuh Mawr-gah-rett Bih-shup)
-Age: 28
-Shipped with Antonio Dawson
Adelina “Addy” Bishop is a Massachusetts born former paralegal who works as a detective under Hank Voight in the Intelligence Unit. She was recruited due to Khadasiah Blaisie’s recommendation to Commander Perry, who unequivocally placed her in the unit alongside Sia. No one except them knows that they worked together before being assigned to Chicago, and they intend on keeping it that way. Hank often pairs her with Detective Antonio Dawson, and they have maintained a playful yet flirty relationship in the months that Addy has been in Intelligence.
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Adelina Bishop, also known as Special Agent 446, is a CIA Special Operative. Like Agent Blaisie, she has handled major international undercover crimes, some of them also bring homebound in the United States. Her family is assured complete safety from the federal government, and her supervisor reassigned her to work in Chicago PD until they needed her for another case. Her codename is Pandora because of how much of a protector she is. She has a guardian-like persona and feels defeated when someone she cares about gets hurt.
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Lauren Lewis as Kataleya Maïka Blaisie (Cawt-uh-lay-ñuh My-kuh Blay-zee)
-Age: 27
-Shipped with Alvin Olinsky
Kataleya “Kat” Blaisie is the last of the theee newest recruits. Along with her older sister, she worked in Boston (Narcotics, although Sia worked in Homicide) before being transferred to Chicago. Since Olinsky is one of the last “old-timers”, Sia was a bit hesitant when Voight partnered them up, mainly because Kataleya is black and a female. Even though they bicker often because they were both so headstrong, Al genuinely cares about her. Even though he is trying to patch things up with his wife, him and Kat shared a steamy exchange during an undercover mission and they nearly continued after work hours. Kataleya is good police and always looks out for her older sister.
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Kataleya Blaisie, also known as Special Agent 817, is a CIA Special Operative. Many of her major undercover cases were in England, France, South America, and Australia. She has versed herself in american-bound crimes and how they compare to their international counterparts. Her codename is Baby due to how many times she was called that undercover due to her age appearance. She was called once to pose as an estranged duchess in order to identify an assassin wanting to take a hit on a royal family. Kataleya wants to completely forget her undercover gigs and focus on her future at CPD. She eventually wants to leave the CIA and start a family, but she knows something bad will keep her from it.
Since Burgess and Ruzek are a thing, I didn’t want to make him a ship. These three will be my main characters in doing short stories, imagines, one shots, and other things with Chicago PD. This information will be updated once I get better templates for the CIA dossiers, but this information is crucial to the short story i’m writing about them. It was originally supposed to be only Hank and Sia, but I decided to expand it.
Love you all!
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reivenesque · 5 years
Jay Halstead Whump Fic
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A seemingly random series of attacks in Chicago targeting men and women of various ages, races and backgrounds ends with one of Intelligence’s own fighting for his life. His co-workers and friends; his family, are forced to confront the fact that one of them might not walk away unscathed this time around – if he manages to walk away at all.
Okay guys, the day no one (including myself) thought would ever come! I’ve finally decided to take the plunge/make the commitment and finally put this story out there for the world to see. Also seeing as I started writing this a couple of seasons ago so some characters who are deceased or have departed are not deceased or have departed in this universe.
Mission Objective
Chapter 1: The Case
They had three victims from three completely different backgrounds; three different ethnicities, age and gender and no matter how deep they dug through the trash the only thing they could find linking the victims to each other was the M.O and the fact that at the end of the day it just seemed to be a completely random series of attacks perpetrated by the same person for absolutely no reason.
“All victims were stabbed twice, once in the flank and once in the side. We believe he came up from behind and surprised them; the first stab wasn’t meant to kill, only to incapacitate. They also had bruising around the neck to support that theory. The second was to keep them down. Two of the three victim suffered multiple broken bones, bruises and contusions and internal damage from a beating but all three died as a result of severe blood loss. Whoever this guy is and whatever he wants from them, this guy has got some serious beef with these people.” Antonio finished his assessment and returned back to sit perched on the side of his desk.
“The only thing in common in these cases are the M.O’s,” Jay started, “The victims have nothing in common that we can find that links them to one another. Yvonne Miller: thirty-seven, mother of two. No priors, no record, nothing to indicate that she was anything other than a squeaky clean mom who does carpool on the weekdays. Hubert Harris the Third, fifty-three,” Jay placed special emphasis on the title, “Drill Sergeant in the army for over twenty years, no criminal record, no priors, not even a parking ticket. The fact that he went through life, much less the army and up to the rank of Drill Sergeant with the name Hubert Harris the Third meant that this was definitely not a guy to be messed with. And Javier Herrera, twenty-seven. Just got back from two tours overseas, spotless record on all fronts and an absolutely stand-up guy from what we gathered from the people who knew him. Had no beef with anyone. He was attacked in the alley behind his house; DOA. No witnesses in any of these cases.”
“Well the fact that their faces are pinned up on that board and their bodies lying cold in the morgue meant that they definitely had beef with someone, and I want to know who, where and why,” ordered Voight, his gravelly voice almost rumbling through the walls of the bullpen of the Intelligence headquarters of the CPD. “And I needed that information five minutes ago.”
A chorus of ‘yes, Serge’s rang up as everyone dispersed to return to their own desks.
It was a case they’d been working on ever since the discovery of the first victim, Yvonne Miller, a widowed single mother, in her apartment by her landlord almost three weeks ago. She died as a result of shock from the blood loss at the hospital later that day. The second victim died on the way to the hospital and the third was dead before the first unit was even the scene and neither CPD nor the Intelligence Unit was any close to identifying the killer. The best lead they had was a next door neighbour of the second victim hearing the sound of a male voice yelling what, according to him, sounded like Arabic, in the apartment the evening before the victim’s body was found. They’d found nothing to indicate that it was a racially motivated crime however. And there were no cameras at any of the exits or on the street and no one saw anyone coming or leaving the crime scene at any point before or after the attack, so they found themselves up against a brick wall in regards to that lead.
Essentially, they had bupkis.
So getting the call that another victim had been found beaten in his apartment later that morning did nothing to ease the tweaked up nerves of everyone working the case, only the fact that he was still alive and was on route to Med kept most of them from wanting to punch a wall.
“Troy Hargreaves,” said Will Halstead who was waiting for their arrival at the entrance of the hospital, starting his assessment without waiting for the go ahead, “Thirty-two; stabbed once in the lumbar area and once in the lower right abdomen, multiple contusions to the torso, broken ribs, ruptured spleen. He’s up in surgery as we speak. His injuries look severe but I’m optimistic about his chances. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that this definitely fits the same pattern as the other victims.”
Voight scrubbed his face with his hand almost like a nervous habit, but anyone who knew him knew that Voight didn’t get nervous. Most likely it was out of frustration and anger. They weren’t any closer to catching the guy and from what little they could deduce, it didn’t seem like he was likely to stop until he got whatever it was he wanted or whoever it was he wanted.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of sitting around with my thumb up my ass watching this guy get one up on us again,” said Voight, the frustration obvious on his face, not acknowledging Olinsky coming up behind him and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
“It’s late, we’re all fired up from this asshole giving us the run around. I’ll wait for the vic to come out of surgery and update you on what I can get from him, the rest of you – go home, rest up and come back fresh faced in the morning,” said Olinsky, “Well, as fresh faced as you ugly lot can get,” he added with a wisp of a smile; his voice soft and his characteristic as of calmness extending to the rest of the team.
“Al’s right,” said Voight after a beat, exhaling tiredly. “Go home.”
“You sure, boss?” Ruzek asked, looking around at the rest of the group. It was obvious that the offer was the most tempting to him though all of them looked equally dead on their feet after almost going almost forty-eight hours without sleep trying to find the perp before he struck again only to have found themselves left in the bloodied dust trail once again.
“You gonna make me say it twice?” asked Voight with a stern look in Ruzek’s direction.
“No, boss,” said Ruzek immediately, arms raised in front of him.
“Then get the hell out of here.”
None of them struck around to be told a third time.
“I swear to god I’m gonna put two bullets right in the middle his face when we catch this bastard and then go home and sleep like a baby,” said Ruzek as he and the rest of the team made their way down the hospital corridor towards the exit.
Usually it’s be one of them – Ruzek, Kim or Atwater tasked to stay behind because they were the newer members, but Al had insisted and none of them really wanted to be alone with Voight in a closed space while he was in that particular mood.
“I definitely second the suggestion,” said Kim a little too heartily.
“Get in line,” said Hailey. The threat would have come across a lot more menacing had she not been in the middle of a yawn; her arms stretched high above her head like a cat.
“Well I for one would be happy if we managed to even catch the guy and put a stop to all this,” said Atwater. “That’d do my sleep a world of good already.”
Jay had many things to add to the conversation but the strength to say none of them. He was tired, physically and mentally so he just opted for an amused chuckle from where he was walking just a few steps behind the rest of the team
“How about a drink at Molly’s before we turn in?” suggested Ruzek once conversation had begun tapering off. “God knows we could all use a stiff one– or five.”
Atwater was immediately down for the plan though Hailey and Kim both seemed equally undecided.
Jay however wasn’t in the mood for the drink or the company. He was too wired from the lack of sleep and too much caffeine and quite frankly too pissed to be good company. Something about the case, especially the fact that two of the victims were Vets, just struck a chord in him. He always felt a strange sort of camaraderie, whether they were the victims or the perps, when it came to people who’d served. He imagined the victims being someone he knew, someone he served with – a brother. At the same time, the person who’d committed the crime could have just as easily been someone he knew or someone he served with.
Hell, it could have just as easily been him.
If it hadn’t been for Mouse being there for him – if there hadn’t been the thought in the back of his mind when he was at his lowest that he was just as much Mouse’s crutch as he was his; if it hadn’t been for the police force giving him an outlet to channel his silent rage and his trauma and anxiety, he could have just as easily turned out to be one of the people he put away.
Sure he had Will and maybe his dad to some extent, but they didn’t understand. They couldn’t understand. They weren’t there. They didn’t experience what he experienced. They didn’t see what he saw. They didn’t feel what he felt: the fear and helplessness and shame.  
And they definitely couldn’t deal with it – deal with him, the way Mouse had been able to – by just being there, but just understanding without having to be explained; by knowing without having to be told.
Will had the natural instinct to want to fix everything; to find a source of the ailment and apply a treatment and a cure – that’s what made him such a good doctor.
But Jay didn’t need a doctor, he needed a brother and that was something Will was unable to be to him at the time. Their relationship had improved much since then, but still when situations like this arose, the absence of Mouse felt so much more apparent.
Jay knew he wasn’t going to be such good company – he could already feel like anxiety levels getting progressively higher the longer he remained in the vicinity of the hospital. Hospitals all smelled the same and had the same kind of aura pulsating off it. It didn’t matter if it was on home soil or in some run down building in another third world country – it always smelled the same and at that point Jay just wanted to be home.
“Nah, guys,” said Jay. “I think I’m gonna turn in early.”
“You sure, Jay?” asked Ruzek. “You’re gonna miss out. Atwater’s paying. This phenomenon only happens once in a blue moon,” he said with a mischievous grin. “Pigs might even fly!”
Atwater scoffed. “Yeah, Jay. I’ll be doing the paying with money from Ruzek’s pocket. You won’t want to miss the spectacle. I don’t think anyone but flies have ever seen the inside of his raggedy ass wallet.”
“I’ll have you know, Atwater, that I was voted ‘most generous’ by the whole sophomore girls swim team for two years in a row.”
“Yeah,” said Atwater, completely deadpan. “I’m sure teenage you was definitely generous with something.”
“Hey!” objected Ruzek, mock offended.
“Anyway,” said Jay, cutting into the conversation, “Based on this conversation alone I’m sure it’s gonna be a hoot and a half, but I think I’ll pass, You guys have fun though,” he said, which in Jay-speak meant that the conversation was done.
The girls had opted to join in for ‘just one drink’ which was usually code for ‘more than one drink’, but once Jay decided on a course of action, it was very hard to change his mind.
“You’re seriously no fun, Halstead,” said Ruzek teasingly at his retreating back.
“I’m loads of fun,” said Jay from over his shoulder, “Just with better company than you.”
Ruzek’s response was a hearty laugh topped off with a middle finger salute but Jay had already stepped around the corner and out of sight and didn’t see. He felt no need to turn back for a second look at his team; he’d see their ugly mugs in the morning anyway.
He took a detour to find Will on his way out – which was ironically easier in theory than in reality, especially considering it was his brother’s place of work – to take a rain check on their bi-annual game night get together. They hadn’t had one in a while, what with the influx of work on both their parts, and despite their insistence on not cancelling this time no matter what, Jay really just wasn’t in the mood or the headspace to want to be around anyone.
Jay wondered whether they should just cancel it all together because making plans was never something that aligned with their day jobs.
Fortunately Will wasn’t too disappointed by the cancellation, mainly because he’d been on the same train of through, only slightly more hesitant about it. He’d just come off a double shift and like Jay was planning on spending the night in the company of his own bed, which was a completely acceptable reason in Jay’s book.
They shared a hug and a casual insult before Jay finally stepped out of the hospital, into his truck and drove out of the parking lot with a roar of the exhaust.
Nothing else of importance happened the rest of the day.
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i-spaced-sorry · 2 years
Coffee Shop AU: Chicago PD Edition
My take on what everyone would be in a coffee shop au, this came to me while I was at work training yesterday and I might write something based off of it...maybe
Al: The cool manager who everyones likes! He is a big mentor to everyone. If you need to request a day off or trade shifts he will always approve it and help you find coverage Voight: The scary manager who only select people like. He rarely approves shift changes and will give you the run around until you stop bugging him. Trudy: The tough love manager, she is super sweet and will help you find coverage if you desperately need to change shifts or call off, but only for good reasons. She says she doesn’t care about anyone in the store, but really does.
Employees: Jay: Been with the store since day 1, has had in house relationships before, claims he is never doing it again, but then when Hailey joins he starts pining for her. His brother is always coming in and trying to get Jay’s employee discount for coffee. Erin: Was in a relationship with Jay, but she became a manager and transferred to another store. Since she became a manager she couldn’t date Jay anymore since that was abuse of power, so she ghosted him til he got the hint they couldn’t see each other anymore. She was well liked by all the managers Antonio: The customers favorite barista. Going through a messy divorce but is always happy when at work! He is the training manager for all new hires. Everyone likes him and likes when his kids stop by after school. When his kids graduate middle school, he decides he need to take a step back from the store and spend more time with his kids before they go off to college. Adam: Was transferred from a different store, thinks he is a little better than everybody because his training was a rushed 4 days rather than the 2 weeks it normally is with new hires. He is a great barista when he applies himself and always is trying to jump in either female customers pants or female employees pants. But he is really avoiding his feelings for his co-worker Kim. Kevin: Got the job so he can help put food on the table for his siblings. Is desperately taking every opportunity to get hours, so everyone knows if you need to trade shifts or give up shifts, ask Kevin! He is working his way up the ranks fast and really wants to become a manager, since they make more than baristas.   Kim: Loves everything that encompasses being a barista. Is friendly to everyone (customer, employees, managers). She really wants to prove herself so she offers to work hours other people don’t want (the 5am shift or even holiday shifts). She won’t admit it because she knows it’s frowned upon to date co-workers, but she really likes Adam and kind of hopes he doesn’t become a manager or anything so they can date. Mouse: Got referred to the store by Jay. Was in rehab and this is part of his outpatient program. Is well liked but is very shy and only really opens up when he is around Jay. Left the store after a year to be able to go back to school and finish his degree he never got to finish because of rehab. Hailey: This is her third transferred from a store but requested to do the whole 2 weeks of training, cause she knows from personal experience what it looks like when you don’t and what people may assume. She is best friends with all of her co-workers, but keeps finding herself scheduled with Jay (which she admits she doesn’t mind)  Dante: New to the store, wants to be well liked, so he is just keeping his head down and doing his job to prove he is a good fit for the store! Is shy but super insightful when you ask him something.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Love: Al Olinsky x Reader
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Rated M for SMUT
Tagging: @marij0o​   @storiesofsvu​  
Part 1: Changes
Part 2: Rise & Shine
Part 3: First Date
Al hated the idea of disturbing you, but he needed you right now. He needed you to take away the pain that nestled deep within his heart. The funeral today hadn’t been easy, burying a brother in arms never was. The grief ate away at him.
He stood outside of your apartment door, still in his dress uniform rapping lightly, with the crook of his finger. It was a few minutes before you opened the door.
Al's breath caught in his throat at the sight of you standing there. Your hair fell around your face in loose waves. Your black jeans hugged your sensual figure, countered by the off the shoulder, black sweater you were wearing.  Your dazzling eyes filled with a fire he'd never seen illuminate another woman before. Your cheeks were flushed pink, and your mouth curved into a sweet smile as you looked up at him.
"I thought you weren't coming tonight." You said, opening the door wider and gesturing for him to enter.
"I had to see you." he told you truthfully, closing the door behind him.
He took in the open laptop on the glass coffee table. The single glass of red wine perched next to it, the stereo on in the background playing Missy Higgins. Songs that he had never known the words to until he'd met you.
"I was doing some Internet shopping for our weekend away in Wisconsin." You said as he took a step towards you.
Your hands came to rest on his chest. He could feel your warmth as you looked into his eyes.
"How was it?" You asked quietly.
"I'm ok." he said softly, responding to your real concern.
His fingers were brushing the hair back behind your ear with a tenderness he held only for you. His fingertips glided over your skin as he cupped your face in his hand.
"I love you; you know." he said hoarsely.
Your fingers laced around his neck as you stood on tiptoes, your faces were close together, your lips barely apart. Your body brushed against his, his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you steady.
"I love you too Al." you whispered.
Your lips met, yours were soft and teasing. He felt your warmth flowing over him as your tongue sought out his, deepening the kiss. His hands roamed down your back, resting on your hips as the numbness inside him began to seep away, filling him up with something else. Something fierce and heated. He knew what it was already as your teeth bit down on his bottom lip as you pressed urgently against him.
He wanted you, like he'd wanted no one else. This was love and he desired it. His palms trailed up underneath your sweater, smoothing over the soft bare skin of your back. Your breathing quickened as his mouth broke from yours.
His stubble grazed your slender throat as your fingers made light work of the buttons of his uniform. He broke away again to pull your sweater from your torso and was surprised to find that you weren’t wearing a bra. The mere sight of you made the need to take you right here and now even worse. Your delicate hands pushed the dress shirt down his shoulders.
Your hands ran over his biceps, tracing the inside of his forearm, your fingers played along the raised skin of his Celtic Cross tattoo that stretched from wrist to elbow. The middle was new, the skin puckered and red over the heart, and the hands.
"It' a Claddagh, a Celtic symbol for love." he told you as you studied it.
"I wanted to always have a part of you with me." he mumbled into your hair, inhaling the sweet scent of jasmine on your skin.
"You'll always have me." You whispered into his ear, your hands tracing patterns over the scars on his back.
He almost asked you to promise him that.
Your lips began to creep across his collar bone. His hand rested on the nape of your neck as you nipped at his shoulder. Al drew back, his finger undoing the button on your jeans before guiding you down towards the floor. He wanted to take his time with you tonight. He wanted to hear you whimper and moan as he pleasured you in ways that only he knew how. The carpet was comfortable underneath him, as he stripped off your jeans leaving you vulnerable in a pair of lilac sheer Victoria's Secret panties.
He covered your body with his own, relishing the skin-on-skin contact as you arched beneath him, your fingers unzipping his own trousers. He kissed your lips, your jaw, your throat. His tongue traced a path down your neck as his warm hands cupped your breasts, thumbs teasing each nipple as he licked the space between them.
You gasped, wriggling underneath him to rub against the erection in his trousers. He made eye contact with you as his tongue veered downwards. His teeth grazed the top of your panties as his gentle hands caressed up and down your thighs. He knew you'd never had such attention lavished on you; you had always been the giver.
He kissed you through your panties. Your hips bucked as his hands slid over your underwear grasping your ass before he slid the panties down your thighs and pressed his mouth against you. An illicit moan erupted from your lips as his tongue began to trace your shape before he let himself taste you. He felt your muscles begin to tighten as you whimpered under his ministrations. Your fingers tangled in his hair urging him on.
Al withdrew, kicking off his trousers and underwear as he settled between your legs. He looked down at you, your face flushed, your lips parted in desperation as he rubbed the tip of himself against your wet core. Your hands rested on his shoulders as you tried to take him inside, but he resisted, enjoying you writhing underneath him.
"Please." You begged, grinding your hips against his.
His lips fastened on to yours, his tongue seeking yours as he thrust into you slowly. He felt every inch as you took him, gasping as he filled you up. He moved inside you with slow, deep strokes. Your legs fastened around his hips, allowing deeper access. Your nails raked his back, your face buried in his shoulder as you tightened around him pushing him to the edge. You moaned suddenly as your muscles clenched him like a velvet fist. Your name was on his lips as you climaxed.
"Jesus." You muttered, spent and unable to move as Al removed himself from you.
His fingers traced a pattern over your stomach and torso as you lay there flat on your back blissfully naked.
"I think I have rug burn." you commented, your eyes closed as you breathed in deeply.
His lips brushed your hairline as you snuggled closer to his body, rolling on your side. The feel of his skin on yours felt glorious. You pressed a kiss to the space above his heart before resting your head in the crook of his arm.
"I think you need to carry me to bed." You told him, all the energy had disappeared, flooding your senses only with contentment.
"I can do that." he murmured into your ear before lifting you up into his arms and carrying you into the bedroom.
He set you down before drawing back the sheets. Al curled around you, spooning your body lovingly. Your hair tickled his chest as he pulled you close drawing you against him. His body heat warming you underneath the coolness of the sheets. You were already drifting into a happy, contented sleep, wondering how lucky you could really be.
Love Al? Don’t miss an update by getting added to his taglist here!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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spockuhurashipper · 6 years
Imagine: Your First Kiss with Hank Voight (One-Shot)
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It had been six months since you’d left Sergeant Voight’s Intelligence Unit for a new job in D.C. It had been a really hard decision, and though he didn’t like the idea of you leaving his team, he encouraged you to make the best move for you. You knew that working for Homeland Security would be different but you felt it was your duty to protect your country.
You figured after six months you’d be settling in - that you’d be happy.
You weren’t.
You missed your friends in the unit. Your family.
Though you kept in contact with everyone on the team, work had kept you busy. You hadn’t really had a chance to talk to anyone other than a few texts back and forth. That’s why you answered immediately when you saw Antonio Dawson’s name pop up on your caller ID.
“Well, well,” you answered, “if it isn’t the best detective in Chicago. Well, now that I’m gone.”
Antonio laughed on the other end of the line, but you could tell it wasn’t whole-hearted.
“I don’t think that title holds anymore, partner.” Antonio replied. You could hear the sadness in his voice.
“What happened?” you ask, your tone becoming serious.
“Y/N, I really messed up. Big time. I can’t really talk about it over the phone, I don’t know why I called. I just needed to hear a friendly voice. I miss you.”
“Say no more. I’ll be on the next flight to Chicago.”
Antonio tries to object but you talk over him and say, “I’ll text you when my flight lands. See you soon, partner.”
When you hang up you hurriedly grab your laptop. You book a flight in less than five minutes and head into your bedroom to start packing.
Your flight lands at 1:00 AM. You yawn as you walk through the terminal, grabbing your phone and texting Antonio. He texts back. “Sorry, can’t be there myself but one of the team will be there shortly.”
You find a seat and plop into it, closing your eyes for a second.
A few minutes later, you hear a gravelly voice say, “They’ll let just about anyone in my city.”
Opening your eyes, you can’t help but smile when you see Hank Voight standing in front of you, hands in his pockets, teasing smile on his face.
“This is my city too, you know. I’ve got the bullet wound to prove it.”
Standing, you’re unsure if you should shake his hand or hug him. He solves it for you by pulling you into a hug.
“I remember.” He says. Hank was the one that pulled you out of the way of the cross fire and put pressure on the wound until help arrived. Talking you through it the whole time. Assuring you everything was going to be okay.
Pulling back, you grab your carry-on and throw it over your shoulder, following Hank outside to his SUV.
“So, Antonio sounded beat down on the phone. Care to tell me what’s going on?”
Hank’s face hardened. “Yeah. You hungry? We can go to the diner on 10th?”
You smiled. He remembered that you had a weakness for late night pancakes.
At the diner, you sit across from Hank sipping a much needed cup of coffee.
Hank sits back after you both place your orders and looks at you, smiling.
“It’s good to see you, Y/N. The Unit just hasn’t been the same since you left.”
You smile back at him. You had always been attracted to Hank Voight. But you were a professional dedicated to the job. That’s why you always made yourself reign in the flirting and maintain a professional distance.
You’d been on some dates in D.C. but every guy you dated was missing something. You could never put your finger on it until now. Looking at Hank sitting across from you, you realize that he knows more about you than almost anyone. You feel comfortable with him. Safe. And there weren’t many men that could make you feel that way.
“I really miss you guys. I’ll admit, I’ve found myself wondering if I made the wrong decision.”
Hank frowns at you.
“And apparently Antonio couldn’t make it six months without me.”
Hank’s frown deepens and he leans in close.
“Yeah, about that.” He runs his hand over his face in frustration. A move you remember well.
Hank goes on to tell you about Antonio’s drug problem, Ava being kidnapped, Antonio pushing the perp through the warehouse wall and Ruzek going against his orders to take the blame for the murder.
You sit back, unable to process it all but mostly feeling terrible that you had no idea all of this was going on.
“Why did Adam do that?” You ask, mostly wondering out loud to yourself. But then you realize and you look up at Hank, locking eyes with him. “Olinsky. He’s taking a page out of Al’s book.”
Hank nods and flinches slightly, the mention of his friend still raw.
Without thinking, you slide your hand across the table and cover Hank’s hand with yours. Your own eyes fill with tears thinking about Al. He’d taken you under his wing when you’d joined the Unit. You missed him everyday.
Hank turns his hand over under yours and you holds hands for a moment. It makes you blush but you ignore it, focused on sharing a moment of mutual consolation.
Hank starts to say something but the waitress comes with the food and you pull your hand back.
You look at each other in stolen glances while she sits down the syrup, refills your coffees and asks if you need anything else.
Once she’s gone, Hank says. “Look, let’s eat. Catch up. We’ll touch base with Antonio tomorrow and together, we’ll get him in a better place. I know seeing you will lift his spirits.”
You nod. Still concerned for your friend but understanding that there’s nothing you can do at that moment. It’s something you have to learn on the job - compartmentalization.
You take a bite of the pancakes and make a delighted face. Hank laughs at you.
“So, tell me about your new job, Y/N.”
Between bites of pancakes, you tell Hank all about your first six months at your new job. As you talk, it becomes apparent to both of you how much Hank’s influence has rubbed off on you. It dawns on you that maybe that’s why you’re not settling in all that well - because you’re not playing by everyone else’s rules. The thought makes you smile.
When you’re finished with your meals, Hank pays the bill, though you object, and you follow him back out to the SUV.
There is fresh snow on the ground and the cold has you pulling your coat tighter around yourself. You stop walking and take in a deep breath.
“Ah, I’ve missed you Chicago.”
Hank drives you to your hotel where you find out they have no record of your reservation and are booked solid.
You walk back out to the SUV where Hank was waiting until he got a thumbs up from you and you climb back into the passenger seat.
You tell Hank about the mix up and he puts the car in drive.
“You’ll stay with me. It’s late.”
You know that voice. It’s his “that’s an order” voice. You’re programmed to not refute anything said with that voice (though you have a time or two, much to his annoyance).
The thought of staying with your Sergeant is strange, but exciting. You remind yourself that he’s not your sergeant anymore. He’s your friend.
You’re at his house in about ten minutes and you follow him inside. You’ve been there before but never to spend the night.
He shows you to the guest room, which used to be Lindsay’s room. You laugh when you see a Backstreet Boys poster on the wall.
“No!” You say, laughing as you point to the poster.
Hank follows your gaze and shakes his head.
“It was a phase. Don’t tell anybody or she’ll…”
“Kill me? I know.” You laugh and snap a picture with your phone to send to Erin later. You may not work together anymore but you will always bust each other’s balls. That was the Intelligence way.
Hank brings you clean sheets and shows you where the guest bathroom is.
“Just let me know if you need anything.”
He lingers in the doorway and you feel butterflies in your stomach. He’s never looked at you this way before.
“It’s good to have you back, Y/N.”
“It’s good to be back.”
You lay in bed for an hour. You can’t fall asleep. Between worrying about Antonio and running over the suppressed feelings that seeing Hank has churned up, you’re wide awake.
Quietly, you slip out of the bedroom and head down to the kitchen. Feeling your way for the light switch, you finally find it and flip it. You gasp in surprise when you see Hank sitting at the table, drinking scotch.
“Can’t sleep either?” He asks, and you try to calm your racing heart beat.
“Not a wink.”
Walking further into the kitchen, you nod to his glass. “Where can I get one of those?”
He points to the cabinet and you grab a glass before joining him at the table.
He pours you a drink from the bottle sitting on the table.
Every once in a while, when you worked for him, if you were the last team member in the bullpen, he’d invite you into his office for a drink. It was a time when you were just friends, not Sergeant and Detective.
“This brings back memories.” You tell him, taking a small sip, followed by a bigger one. You enjoy the burn as the amber liquid slides down your throat.
He nods and pours you some more, topping his off at the same time.
As you both sit in silence, you take in the sight of him. His face is covered in stubble. He’s wearing a dark blue t-shirt that looks incredibly soft. Your eyes land on his bicep where it’s stretching the fabric and you allow yourself to imagine, just for a second, what it would feel like to be held in those arms.
When your eyes make their way back to his face, he’s watching you.
You down your drink and let out a sigh.
“Shoot.” Hank tells you.
“I’m miserable in D.C.”
You know he will always shoot it to you straight so you look up, ready for whatever he’s going to say.
Hank sees the look if despair on your face, even though you’re trying to cover it up with nonchalance and a fake smile.
Instead of saying anything, he slides off the high top stool and walks around to you. Your heart rate increases.
“Then come back home.” He tells you, simply. The sound of his voice so familiar.
You can smell him now that’s he’s standing so close. That scent you remember so well. Like sandalwood, leather and soap.
You close your eyes and breath it in. He smells like home.
Before you realize what you’re doing, you lean forward and press your lips to his, tentatively.
You pull back, embarrassed.
“I’m sorry, it’s the whiskey, I…”
Hank takes your hand and pulls, guiding you off the stool. Now you’re standing in front of him.
You can see the specks of gold in his hazel eyes. He’s not mad. There’s some other look in his eyes.
You raise your slightly trembling hands to his chest. You can feel his muscles under the soft fabric, the warmth radiating from him.
He covers your hands with his own and you meet his eyes.
“Come home.” He tells you again, before leaning in and kissing you hungrily.
You whimper at the pleasure of finally being kissed by Hank Voight. Finally feeling his hands on your body.
He groans when you slide your hands under his t-shirt and the sound turns you on even more. Knowing you caused it gives you a thrill. As you kiss, images of your time together in the unit flash in your mind. You remember the way he would always check on you after a rough case. You remember how he never wanted you to go undercover, even though he knew you were the best at it. The way his eyes always found yours after a chase or take down, making sure you were okay.
Before, you convinced yourself it was just your attraction to him making you think things that weren’t true.
Now, with his hands on your body and his lips on yours, you know it was the truth.
“Hank,” you whisper, pleading. He leans back and looks at you. You’re both breathing heavily.
You don’t need to say anything. Years of working together has resulted in being able to communicate without words. Silently, he takes your hand and starts to lead you to the bedroom.
“Wait.” You say and he stops and turns. You smile and grab the bottle of whiskey off the table.
He lets out a chuckle and takes your hand again.
As you make love, you’re struck by how whole you feel. After months of loneliness, you finally feel that you’re where you belong. You’re finally home.
the end
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Danger is a drug
Fandom : One Chicago
Plot : imagine being best friends with Antonio and returning from the navy seals, when a case comes up that he needs you help with.
Y/N x future!Kelly Severide, Y/N x Antonio Dawson (platonic)
Warning : mention of arson, murder, exercise and death (exercise and death are not related)
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Antonio’s POV
“Antonio, Jay, we have a case. Burgess, Atwater, Lindsay and Al will meet us there” Voight says walking out of his office and throwing me the keys
“Where?” I ask
“Club downtown, mass shooting” he says as we leave the station
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When we walk up to the scene I see firefighters are also on scene, as me and voight walk up to the scene Matt Casey and Chief Biden walk towards us.
“What you got?” Voight asks
“We got called out too a warehouse fire, when we went in we saw multiple people on the floor bleeding out, we pulled them all out before the fire got worse and we put it out. 56 victims, so far 28 haven’t made it” Casey says and we not
“Guys we found casings inside, looks like someone came in with an automatic, wanted to do damage” Atwater says walking towards us
“ Okay, get statements from all of the firefighter and witnesses, aswell as any names or doscriptions of people who have been around recently” Voight says and we leave, with Al and Lindsay following
“This look familiar to you?” I ask Voight and he looks at me
“Yeah, never went to this level before though” he says
“I have a uh— CI I could talk to. See if they know anything” I say and he nods
“when we get back to the station take Al, he won’t ask questions” Voight says and I nod sending a text to Y/N, I hope she doesn’t know about this.
“Ugh, uh. Okay okay. I give” Thomas says tapping out
“Okay then, thought you’d last longer” I say
“Normally yeah, but not against your beatings Swan” he says, making me laugh
“What have I told you about calling me that”
“You’ve said not to, don’t care though, I gotta get going. Lillie needs me home” Thomas says and I nod
“Ever the family man” I say and we laughs before saying goodbye.
I decide to take a shower before opening up for the day, leaving everything I jump into a shower in a He changing rooms and I just stand under the hot water, letting the stress roll away.
When I get out of the shower I get dressed in my work clothes, deciding I was just gonna work today and give Kady the day off to spen with Travis, he son.
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When I get the door open I leave it open so it could get some cold air in here, hopefully and I decide to check my phone and then workout a bit till someone comes in, which schools be in about an hour.
Hey, need help on a case. Gonna come by the gym with a friend in about 20 mins. See you then
I laugh, noticing how anyonio just invited himself and his friend.
I decide I have a while till he gets here, so I decide to work on my abs a bit. Might aswell keep up the navy training
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I just tune the world out, letting everything slip away, it’s just me. I focus on remembering the procedure for cleaning a sniper rifle, take my mind off of the exercises. I focus so much that I don’t even hear Antonio come in.
“Hey Swan!” He shouts standing next to me, almost making me fall but my legs catch me.
Antonios POV
“So, who’s this CI we’re seeing?” Al asks, as I drive towards Y/N’s gym.
“She’s not a CI, she’s a uh-friend” I say
“Huh, friend aye?” He says
“Yes” I say with gritted teeth
“Okay” He says smirking
I just continue driving for about ten minutes when we pull up to her gym downtown, and I see the front doors wide open and there’s softer music playing then to be expected.
As we get out Al looks to me, letting me go first, I walk straight past the front door and towards the boxing gym, which is most likely where Y/N Will be.
“So you know you way round the place?” Al says
“Yeah” I say in response openings the boxing gym door.
“Y/N!” I shout walking in seeing her doing pull ups on a punching bag.
“Y/N” I say walking towards her switching her music off but she doesn’t even hear me
“Y/N! Hey Swan!” I shout standing next to her, surprising her.
“Toni, what are you doing here?” She asks hugging me
“ I need your help, please” I say and she nods
“Hi. I’m Y/N” y/n says walking towards Al and sticking her hand out to shake his, him accepting.
“Hi. I’m Alvin Olinsky” Al says releasing Y/N’s hand.
“So what’s the case?” Y/N asks
I pass her the file on the mass shooting we had put together in a rush
“Oh my god” she says
When I see the pictures in the file, I can’t help but remember the last time I saw a mass shooting like this, at least the last one in Chicago.
“ where?” I say hoping it wasn’t downtown or anywhere near there
“Downtown, abandoned warehouse, seemed like a rave or something similar” Dectectivw Olinsky says
“Okay. I’ll meet you at your precinct, I’ll go and talk to Thomas about ... about Jace” I say and Antonio nods and they leave, leaving me with the file.
I shoot a text to madison saying that I need to do something and that I’ll pay her overtime, and she reply’s that she’ll be here in five.
I get changed into something a bit more respectable.
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I walk out of the changing rooms, nodding to madison as she s dealing with a customer. I grab my purse, keys and the file and jump in my car, heading towards Thomas’s house.
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When I get to Thomas’s house I knock on the door and wait, soon I’m greeted by the lovely Lillie, Thomas’s wife.
“ hey Y/N! What you doing here?” She asks hugging me
“I’m looking for Tom, I need to talk to him.” I says and she nods
“He’s in his office, go straight up” Lillie says
“Thanks” I say passing her and running up the stairs to his office, following to knock on the door
Knock knock
“Come in” Tom says as I walk in
“Hey, I need you to look in at this” I say passing him the file
Gabby’s POV
I close the door to the Ambulance and me and shay walk towards the break room.
As we walk in I see everyone acting somewhat normal, or what can be classed as normal
“Hey Dawson, heat anything about that fire downtown, anything from your brother?” Herrmann asks
“Nope, but he said if he needed anything he’d call”
“Okay, th” he state to say again before we’re all called away to another warehouse fire
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halstudandruz · 5 years
I was wondering if you could do an imagine about Alvin olinsky ep 1x11 when Erin has the knife to her throat but instead of Erin its Y/N and as hank talks to the guy Y/N has a small panic attack and al comforts her sorry if that's confusing
Sorry this took so long! Also I did it on 3x11 since I couldn’t find anything in 1x11 and I couldn’t remember the other episode where Erin gets a knife to her throat.
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lovemesomerafael · 5 years
EL AMOR TODO LO PUEDE Chapter 17:  Showtime
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Chapters 1 - 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16
The party at Molly’s was still going at closing time.  Although the Intelligence team tried to get him to keep the bar open and Otis was on their side, Hermann wasn’t budging.  He had no interest in paying a fine for staying open after hours. 
Plenty of Laura’s friends other than the Intelligence team were there, as well.  Maggie Lockwood and a couple of the other nurses she’d worked with at Med were there, along with Ethan Choi, Connor Rhodes, and most of Firehouse 51.  Even Sharon Goodwin and Peter Stone had stopped by for a drink.  Mostly they were just happy to have an excuse to party, but Laura was honored all the same. 
She could hardly believe this was happening.  After only a few years on patrol, she had just been promoted to Intelligence.  She had worked her ass off to get there, but she also knew Voight had pulled strings because he wanted to bring her into his unit.  She accepted that; she was realistic about how the world worked, and she knew it was ridiculously early in her police career to have such an opportunity.  She was grateful as hell.
In the years since the attack, Laura had walked home from Molly’s alone many times.  She was stubborn enough to refuse to make a shrine out of the spot where she’d been abducted, or to allow that sick fuck to take any more from her than he had.  Tonight, however, several of the die-hards who still wanted to party were walking together, because everyone but Laura was wasted and her apartment was closest. She had to laugh; she was having the best time of anyone, and she was the only one who wouldn’t wake up with a hangover.  Who said alcoholism didn’t have an upside?
Two Years Later:
The two years Laura Parker had spent in Intelligence so far had been incredibly hard work.  She’d been partnered with Al Olinsky, which could not have suited her better.  He’d been a detective forever and seen it all.  He didn’t stint on praise when she did well, but he also wasn’t shy about chewing her ass when she made mistakes.  She learned more from him than she’d believed there was to know, including how to be a solid partner.
She had never experienced anything like the combination of highs and lows involved in being a Detective in CPD Intelligence.  She trained with firepower she’d never in her wildest dreams imagined she’d be carrying. She got to participate in getting good people out of horrible situations, and putting very, very bad people in prison.  She’d had the opportunity to go undercover on a number of occasions and found she had a talent for it, which Voight said was the natural extension of her generally being full of shit.  But she also saw the worst of the worst; the ugliest things one human could do to another. And the hours were hellish.
Laura and Eric Hernandez had developed a very satisfactory “Instructor/Student with benefits” relationship, which worked perfectly for her.  With the hours the Intelligence unit worked, she had little time for more than A.A. and the gym.  Eric didn’t ask for anything.  Whenever she had the time and inclination, he was happy to spend a few hours in bed with no expectations.  And her Spanish improved quite a bit.
Now she was about to get to meet the legendary Olivia Benson and Fin Tutuola from the Manhattan Special Victims Unit of the NYPD.  The Intelligence detectives who had worked with them before talked about them with respect bordering on reverence.  Even Voight seemed to feel Benson was something of a big deal.  Laura was actually fairly intimidated.  
The case was a rapist who had been on a nationwide spree, and was believed to currently be in Chicago, based upon the similar signature of a series of rapes there in the last month.  He preyed upon women in their 30s, brunettes exclusively, and the press had dubbed him the Gentleman Barber because he befriended his victims prior to raping them, then viciously hacked their hair off afterward.  
Fin Tutuola made Laura feel like the geeky, sixteen-year-old girl from Bloomington, Illinois she’d been years before.  He was so cool and quick with one-liners, and such an experienced cop, she found herself feeling shy and tongue-tied around him.  He didn’t seem to have much use for a rookie like her, anyway; he barely looked at her.  
It was clear from the beginning that the relationship between Voight and Lieutenant Benson was strained. Listening to her give a briefing, it wasn’t hard to figure out why.  She made a point of looking at Voight as, over and over, she stressed the importance of doing things by the book.  Not Voight’s strong suit.  Laura wondered what it would be like to work for someone like her, having worked for Voight for most of her police career.  Laura understood that reform in the CPD had significantly curtailed some of the excesses she’d heard about, but she had still seen enough to know that Voight had little use – or patience – for procedure.  Apparently, Olivia Benson was a very different breed.  
The Gentleman Barber struck the day after Tutuola and Benson arrived.  Voight had sent Olinski and Parker to the scene with them, and Laura was looking forward to seeing what differences there would be in the way they worked a scene.  
As they walked around the apartment, looking at the scene and discussing what had happened, something struck Laura.  As they studied and worked through the blood and semen stains on the carpet, she noticed a smudge low down on a nearby wall.  She cocked her head as she looked at it, then back to the stains, then back to the smudge again.  She went over to the wall to get a closer look at the smudge, surprised to find that it contained a few criss-cross marks.  
“Hey, how tall is this guy supposed to be?”
“Very,” Benson answered her.  “All the victims mention that.  Why?”
Laura caught the attention of a CSU tech who was still taking photographs.  “Did you get shots of that smudge?”  
“What smudge?” The tech asked, looking blank.  
Laura then did something really strange.  She moved close to the stains and stretched herself out over it, balancing on her hands and toes so she didn’t make any contact with the carpet near the stains.  She didn’t see Fin and Olivia exchange troubled looks, because she was looking backward, over her feet.  Directly at the smudge.
“That one,” Laura said. “It’s a shoe print.  Could be his.”
Sure enough, when CSU measured, the print could have been made by someone lying over the stained area, if they were about six foot eight.  They’d missed it because they hadn’t been thinking about someone that tall.
Fin and Olivia shared another look.  
The next time the rapist struck, they got a break.  The victim had been able to stab him in the upper arm with a scissors.  CPD announced this as widely as they could in the media, hoping that someone would come forward with a tip that could lead them to him. The tactic could have backfired; he could have left the city due to the publicity about his identifying injury, but Voight and Benson determined that it was worth the risk.  
It worked.  They got a tip from a maid at an older economy motel that one of the motel’s guests, an extremely tall man, had some kind of wound to his left upper arm.  The wound hadn’t been there when he’d checked in, and she’d noticed it on the day after the victim had stabbed the Gentleman Barber.  The maid reported that there was a lot of gauze, tape, and antibiotic ointment in his room.
Laura got another surprise about Olivia Benson when A.S.A. Stone told her that he couldn’t get a search warrant for the motel room based on the shoe print and the maid’s story alone.  She lit into him.  Apparently, she seemed to think that, if she was outraged and sanctimonious enough, he would – what?  Be shamed into requesting a search warrant they wouldn’t get?  Again Laura asked herself what it would be like to work for someone like that.  
As he passed Laura on his way out of the bullpen, Peter leaned over to her and said, softly enough so only she could hear, “Glad that one’s in New York and we’re in Chicago.”
“Testify, Brother,” she muttered back.
Little did either of them know what their futures held.
Knowing who and where they thought the Gentleman Barber was, however, allowed them to set up a sting to hopefully catch him.  They immediately staked out the motel and determined that he ate most of his meals at the diner next door.  
Unfortunately for Laura, she was the only brunette in her 30s on the team. For the next three days, she became a waitress at the diner.  The guy was calling himself Dwight Carson, and the team couldn’t prove otherwise, because the fingerprints they lifted from the glasses and silverware he used weren’t in the system.  The fingerprints also didn’t help because the Gentleman Barber hadn’t left fingerprints at the scene of any of his rapes.  
It wasn’t too difficult for Laura to develop a casual friendship with Dwight Carson.  He was friendly and actually chatty.  The next step was to give him the opportunity to attack. They accomplished that by a two-step process involving a very clumsy busboy at the diner and some creative maintenance to Laura’s car.
The busboy’s “accident” happened when Carson was pretty much finished with dinner.  Ruzek, pretending to be the busboy, did a masterful job of taking a pratfall with a tray loaded down with soup and milkshakes that Halstead and Upton, as customers, had made sure to leave half-full. Carson was covered.  Most importantly, his hair was full of soup, which meant he would need to shower.  
That allowed Fin and Olinsky to know where he was for the ten minutes they needed to safely install the tiny tracking device on Carson’s rental car, along with a camera and sound transmitter that were impossible to see even when you were looking right at them. If he was going to abduct Parker, he wasn’t going to get far.
After that, at closing time for the diner, Laura knocked on Carson’s door.  
With all the members of the team, along with several uniformed officers, stationed at strategic spots in both locations, she explained to Carson that her car wouldn’t start. Because she’d been the last to leave, there was no one left to give her a ride home.  He seemed like a good guy, so would he please just give her a quick lift? It wasn’t far.  He readily agreed.  
The drive to the little duplex was uneventful and, in fact, Carson didn’t even have much to say. Laura noticed that he seemed a little on edge.  She hoped that meant the hook was set.  He dropped her off, waited gallantly for her to wrestle the warped door open, and get safely inside.  Then he drove off.  
But he didn’t return to the motel.  Instead, Olinsky and Atwater tailed him to a Wal-Mart, where he purchased duct tape and a straight razor.
Got him.
The duplex was old and run-down, with sloping floors and windows that had either been painted closed or had been warped by heat and cold until they were all but impossible to open. It was stuffy as Laura waited inside, with nothing to do but listen to the step by step of Carson’s shopping trip on the tiny earpiece she wore.  The rest of the team was in position, too.  All of them were outside, because the duplex was simply too small to conceal another person inside.  They couldn’t take the chance that Carson would see something amiss before he made an undeniable move to attack Laura.
At last, Olinsky’s voice came through the earpiece, announcing that Carson had parked his rental car down the block from the duplex, and was now on foot, skulking from house to house in an effort to avoid being seen in the light of the streetlights. When he reached the duplex, Laura took out her earpiece and picked up the book next to her on the bed.  
She heard the faintest click and squeak as the back door of the duplex opened slowly.  Had she not known he was there, she doubted she would have noticed it.  She knew there were cameras recording everything that happened in the little house, even in the darkened kitchen where he now was.  
Correction.  He was now in the hallway outside the room she was in.  She could hear the quietest brush of feet slowly, slowly moving toward her.  Again, had she not known to listen for it, she wouldn’t have heard it.  No wonder his victims had been completely surprised when he was suddenly just there beside them.  
He entered the room so quickly she actually jumped in surprise, even though she’d expected him. He wore gloves and had torn strips of duct tape lightly stuck to the black sweatshirt he wore.  Clever.  He wasted no time pulling one off as he grabbed for Laura’s right wrist.  She struggled just enough to be convincing, yelling and swatting ineffectually at him.  She let him capture her wrist and tape it securely to the headboard of the bed,
When he had her right wrist secured and was working on the left, she began to wonder where the team was.  How far were they going to let this go?  
She started to hear banging and yelling, but it was still just her and Carson in the bedroom. She knew from the noise that the team was there, so she let him wrestle her left arm to the headboard and duct tape it securely.  Now it really was time for them to stop this. Even Peter Stone would be satisfied with what they had now, she thought.  
But still she could hear only banging and then glass breaking.  Carson seemed to be in some kind of world of his own, driven by a frenzy that blinded and deafened him to everything else, because he didn’t appear to register the noise of the team trying to enter.  He was absolutely focused on his task.
Laura decided when he roughly tore the sheets from her and shoved the nightgown she wore to her waist that she had had enough.  Whatever the team was doing, it wasn’t happening fast enough.  She wasn’t willing to actually let this asshole rape her to get a conviction.  
She bent both legs toward her torso and then thrust them as fast as she could to either side of his neck, slamming them together and twisting abruptly to her left.  In his surprise at being pulled down onto the bed, he didn’t escape in time to stop her from locking her feet behind his head and pulling his neck into the crook of her right knee, where she effectively locked him.  
When Olivia Benson and Fin Tutuola rushed into the room seconds later, they found Parker with her wrists securely duct taped to the headboard, and the rapist held by the neck between her legs, her left ankle hooked behind her right.  He might eventually have been able to break free, but not before help arrived.
As Voight cuffed the Gentleman Barber and led him from the room, Fin cut Laura free from the headboard.  
Now Fin looked at her and seemed to actually see her.  
“You got a future in the WWF,” he said, smiling.  
“What took you so long?” She asked.  
Apparently, the doors and windows in the old duplex weren’t the only things that no longer moved freely.  They had decided that she should lock the front door, but leave the back unlocked. They figured Carson would enter that way, and lots of people forgot to lock their back doors.  They didn’t want him to be discouraged by having to pick such an old, heavy lock.
The problem had been that he’d locked the door behind him.  Consistent with the rest of the house, the locks were rusty and corroded, and it had taken so long to get the doors open that Olivia and Fin had finally broken a window and entered that way.
Laura was thrilled to have been able to be a productive part of catching the Gentleman Barber. She wasn’t sure what she thought of Lieutenant Benson, but she definitely wanted her respect.  And she was especially glad that she’d been able to show Sergeant Tutuola that she deserved to be part of the Intelligence unit.  
When Voight told her she’d done a good job, she was so happy that, although it was after 2 a.m. and therefore rude as hell, she booty called Eric anyway.  He told her to come on over.
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