piedpiperart · 1 year
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Chapter 12 of Marked for Death is up on Ao3!
To summarize, Tim is de-aged to five years old and runs into the Red Hood, who is upset at Robin for replacing him. However, he finds himself with a fve year old when Robin suddenly goes missing.
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marcanimation · 2 years
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Some of the Animals of Wild Island. Saiwa was probably my favourite character to work, but he was always with Tamir who was super difficult (spindly little hands and perfect circle eyes) The little spiral tails of the howler monkeys were super hard to keep consistent too
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eggishponts · 4 months
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old stuff.
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tasianacat · 6 months
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mirtadraws · 2 years
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My Father's Dragon is finally out in the world! You can watch it on Netflix. It was such a joy to work on it, despite Tamir's eyebrows which were one of the more difficult things to paint consistently xD (I worked in Ink&Paint) I don't know if Tamir is my opposite or my spirit animal, but there definitely is something there
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kidfoundonstreets · 1 year
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pachinkowashere · 2 years
I already sent this to Kim back on retrospring but I'm sending this to you too because I'd like to hear your thoughts as well.
Ever since Xeno was confirmed to be within the MFD verse by y'all, I couldn't help but wonder if it's possible that Xeno was met in passing a few times. Like, not officially met of course since you know but rather an occasional occurrence?? Ok uh not sure if that's the word I'm looking for but I'm certain you understand what I meant.
Anyway, I just want to share this little headcanon where Xeno had unknowingly startled the MFD FNF trio a few times whenever they happened to pass by them in passing due to their ridiculous power they're unaware of. Since Xeno happens to look very human, it's very easy for them to be overlooked. After all, when you sense something this power, your first instinct would be to look for someone who SO OBVIOUSLY stands out. I mean, with something that gives off such an aura, they MUST be out and about and most certainly ready to start shit right? Or the very least letting their aura out for the trio to sense as a courtesy of sorts to move somewhere out of public away from the innocent folks so they wouldn't get involved (which is probably not too common I imagine but hey still a thing there!).
But nope. Nothing happens. Normally a good thing but I imagine it takes a while for the trio's nerves to settle down enough for them to relax. I mean, after what they all been through before, it makes a lot of sense for them to be very alert and on guard for some time after lol.
Meanwhile, Xeno's vibing on their phone (probably playing something like pokemon go) as they continue on with their way, completely oblivious to the three demons they accidentally spooked the shit outta in passing.
I'd like to say I know this HC isn't likely to be canon but it's something my friends and I really like. Thought you might find it amusing too lmao
Watch Pico be the one that's stressed (and maybe Amelia a lil), but if this happens multiple times, Keith's gonna be determined to find out who the heck this strong ass monster is
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shslpunkartist · 2 years
Posting a small part of the MFD story for now to prove that I worked on it, but I have to stop for the night because my eyes actually hurt. It'll be finished and posted tomorrow
The increase in temperature began to rise more and more, unnaturally fast. The defenses that Otis had set up dwindled by each passing second, the complete deletion of those fake angels not even given the chance to tell Otis what the hell is going on. From concentrating alone, it felt as if a demonic army was rising to their location, demolishing every floor in their path, closer and closer.. 
To the point that Otis had only a second to quickly grab his two captives and shield them from the sudden eruption beneath them, fire shooting right through the floor, and through the ceiling. The Angel placed his captives on the now heated floor and formed a barrier around them, before getting his weapons ready for the possible army before him. Keith might have just experienced whiplash right then and there from the sudden pull away, but his hopes immediately rose high once he got his own senses in check, the green part of his bond mark glowing. 
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scribblesoul-20 · 7 days
Sales Executive (m/f/d) - ME Dubai
Job title: Sales Executive (m/f/d) – ME Dubai Company: Meliá Hotels International Job description: “The world is yours with Meliá”Discover a boundless path at Meliá, where opportunities for growth and development are endless. Immerse yourself in a journey that will take you to work in various countries and to be part of our extensive global family 🚀Discover some of the benefits we offer: My…
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investmenttips4 · 25 days
Building a Successful Mutual Fund Distribution Business
Building a successful mutual fund distribution business requires a blend of financial insight, marketing expertise, and an unwavering adherence to client satisfaction. As the economic landscape becomes more complex, distributors must adapt to new trends, regulatory changes, and client expectations. This article offers insights into how mutual fund distributors can attract clients, build trust, and achieve sustainable growth.
Understanding the Market
Before analysing growth strategies, it is essential to understand the current market landscape. Mutual funds remain popular due to their diversification benefits, professional management, and accessibility. However, competition among distributors is extreme, necessitating a clear value proposition and differentiated service offerings.
How to Attract Clients?
Identify Target Segments: As we know, not all investors are the same. Identifying and understanding target segments—such as young professionals, retirees, or high-net-worth individuals—allows distributors to tailor their offerings and marketing strategies to meet these groups' specific needs and preferences.
Educate Potential Investors: Financial literacy remains a significant obstacle for many potential investors. Conducting seminars, webinars, and workshops can demystify mutual fund investments and explain their benefits. Providing educational content through blogs, newsletters, and social media can also position a distributor as a knowledgeable and trusted advisor.
Leverage Digital Marketing: As we know, a solid online presence is crucial in today's digital age. SEO, content marketing, and social media can increase visibility and attract potential clients. Also, personalised email campaigns and targeted advertisements can drive engagement and conversions.
Offer Comprehensive Services: Clients are more likely to choose a distributor that offers a one-stop solution for their financial needs. Expanding services, including financial planning, retirement planning, and tax advisory, can add significant value and attract a broader client base.
Need to Build Trust
Transparent Communication: Transparency is the cornerstone of trust. Clear information about fees, fund performance, and investment risks helps build credibility. Regular updates and reports inform clients about the performance of their investments.
Personalised Advice: Understanding unique financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizons is critical. Offering personalised investment advice and tailored solutions fosters a deeper client-distributor relationship. Leveraging customer relationship management (CRM) systems to track and analyse client information can facilitate this customised approach.
Consistent Performance: it's its. Carefully selecting funds based on thorough research and providing clients with well-rounded portfolios can demonstrate a commitment to their financial success.
Excellent Customer Service: prompt, courteous, and efficient customer service can differentiate a distributor. Addressing client concerns promptly and providing exceptional service experiences can increase client satisfaction and loyalty.
Achieving Sustainable Growth
Continuous Learning and Adaptation: The financial industry is dynamic, with constant regulation changes, market conditions, and investment products. Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial. Staying updated with industry trends, obtaining relevant certifications, and investing in ongoing professional development can enhance credibility and service offerings.
Technology Integration: Leveraging technology can streamline operations, improve client experiences, and enhance decision-making. Implementing robust portfolio management software, CRM systems, and digital communication tools can lead to more efficient and effective client interactions.
Building a Strong Network: Strategic alliances with financial advisors, accountants, and other professionals can lead to referrals and expanded client bases. Participating in industry events, networking groups, and online forums can foster valuable connections.
Focus on Client Retention: Acquiring new clients is essential, but retaining existing ones is equally important. Regularly reviewing and adjusting portfolios, proactively addressing client needs, and maintaining solid relationships can lead to long-term client retention and advocacy.
Ethical Practices: Ethical behaviour and integrity are paramount in the financial industry. Following moral standards, complying with regulations, and patients' interests first build a solid foundation for sustainable growth.
Building a successful mutual fund distribution business requires a strategic approach focused on attracting clients, building trust, and achieving sustainable growth. Distributors can position themselves as trusted advisors and achieve long-term success by understanding market dynamics, educating investors, leveraging digital marketing, providing personalised advice, and continuously adapting to industry changes. In an industry where trust and performance are paramount, these strategies can help distributors thrive and grow in a competitive landscape.
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A Mutual Fund Distributor
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bedlam-moon · 2 months
are you still reading Vigor Mortis? how far in are you?
vm on hiatus while lucid catches up with mfd - she's hoping to be caught up before hazo dies, whenever that is (only 20 more pages of story-only thread to read through)
we got to... the end of the nawra village arc, iirc?
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piedpiperart · 1 year
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Baby Tim from my de-aged fic Marked for Death!
Detective Conan inspired fix where Tim gets poisoned with APTX, making him 5years old. He tries to hunt down the organization and get his body back on his own before Batman realizes he's missing. It doesn’t quite go as planned.
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marcanimation · 2 years
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I didn’t do that much of Boris in the end, but here are some of the nicer ones ✏
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eggishponts · 4 months
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got my permit.
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floatmagazin · 4 months
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njwealth · 5 months
What are some common mistakes to avoid when investing in long-term mutual funds?
Investing in long-term mutual funds can be a great way to build wealth over time, but it's not without its pitfalls. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:
1. Not having a plan or goal: Before you start investing, clearly define your goals and investment horizon. Are you saving for retirement in 20 years? A down payment on a house in 5 years? Having a specific goal will help you choose the right funds and stay disciplined during market fluctuations.
2. Chasing past performance: Past performance is not always indicative of future results. While it's good to consider a fund's historical returns, don't base your decision solely on that. Evaluate the fund's expense ratio, investment objectives, and risk profile to ensure it aligns with your needs.
3. Ignoring your risk tolerance: Choose funds that match your risk appetite. If you're risk-averse, don't chase high-flying technology funds. Conversely, if you have a long investment horizon, don't be afraid to consider some equity exposure for potential growth.
4. Over-diversification: While diversification is crucial to manage risk, having too many funds can dilute your returns and make it difficult to monitor performance. Aim for a diversified portfolio with 5-10 well-chosen funds covering different asset classes and sectors.
5. Overlooking fees: Expense ratios and other fees can eat into your returns over time. Compare expense ratios between similar funds and choose those with lower fees to maximize your long-term gains.
6. Panic selling during market downturns: Market fluctuations are inevitable. Don't panic and sell your funds during a downturn. Stick to your long-term plan and ride out the volatility. Remember, time is your friend in the market.
7. Making emotional decisions: Don't invest based on fear, greed, or tips from friends. Do your own research, understand the risks involved, and make informed decisions based on your goals and risk tolerance.
8. Neglecting to rebalance: Regularly review your portfolio and rebalance as needed to maintain your desired asset allocation. Your risk tolerance and goals may change over time, so adjust your portfolio accordingly.
9. Not contributing regularly: Consistency is key in long-term investing. Set up a regular investment plan (SIP) and automate your contributions to build your wealth gradually over time.
10. Ignoring asset allocation: Allocate your investments according to your age and risk tolerance. Generally, younger investors can take on more risk with a higher allocation to equities, while older investors may need a more conservative approach with a higher allocation to bonds.
By avoiding these common mistakes and investing with a long-term perspective, you can increase your chances of success in the market and achieve your financial goals. Remember, patience, discipline, and knowledge are your best allies in the world of long-term mutual fund investing.
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