#he can only wear that one gray hoodie so many times
yuriinadress · 2 years
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saekkas · 1 year
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summary: you’re not a believer in airport crushes. you think the theory that people look better when you’re bound to never see them again is delusional. that is, until fushiguro megumi comes and proves you wrong.
tags: 1.1k wc | f!reader | narration heavy | open ending | nobara and yuuji are the best wing men | strangers to potential lovers | very romanticized | megumi has green eyes here, as stated in the manga | for plot's sake, pretend it isn't weird to call him 'gumi' right off the bat
notes: megumi finally debuts on saekkas (clap clap). also, this may or may not be inspired by real life events hehe
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early mornings have never been your forte. the wind bites your cheeks, prickling your skin with goosebumps that range all the way from your arms down to your legs. even the hoodie you’re wearing– the thickest, comfiest one you own, doesn’t help shield you from the elements.
it doesn't help that the air conditioner is on full blast.
“i swear to god,” you mumble, expression souring as strong winds crash against the airport’s ceiling high windows. in the distance, trees sway around erratically, crashing against each other as the sky turns a bleak gray. “if a hurricane comes, at least let it hit after my flight takes off.”
the line to check in is unnaturally long and it takes almost half an hour until you’re seated at the gate, an hour early before your flight departs. better safe than sorry, your mother always said.
the seating area is nothing but crowded, and as pregnant mother tries to calm her baby’s wails by swaddling him in blankets, you curse yourself for booking economy. a private longue with wifi and food sounds good right now.
tucking yourself into the furthest seat from the wailing baby, you breath out a sigh. your legs have been killing you for the past hour and you have no one to blame but yourself for not choosing more comfortable shoes.
there’s minimal noise in the area, being that it is far more secluded from the others. the only sounds you can hear are of footsteps and bickering from the trio sitting right across from you. one of the boys, the one with pink hair and a red hood over his head, is in what looks to be the deadliest game of rock-paper-scissors you’ve ever seen with a girl that has short brown hair.
your eyes flicker towards the last of the bunch– a boy who looks like he’s around your age with an unruly mess of hair on top of his head. he’s calm, minding his own business with a book in his lap, and legs crossed elegantly. the sweater he wears is black, oversized, and the fabric looks to be so soft.
you’re not a believer in airport crushes. you think the theory that people look better when you’re bound to never see them again is delusional.
you might just eat your own words because he’s actually cute.
you don’t know how many times your eyes have gravitated towards him in the past hour, but you know it’s probably enough to tip his friends off. from the corner of your eye, you see the girl nudge him repeatedly before very obviously pointing your way.
at first, he ignores her– goes back to reading his book like she’s a fly buzzing around his head. he’s probably used to it, you muse to yourself, chuckling in your head.
and then you feel it. the pinpricks of his stare. so pointed and sharp now that it’s directed at you.
the notes app is your only friend as you type against the screen of your phone. you feel stupid– like a schoolgirl who’s just been noticed by her crush, trying to seem busy as if you haven’t been staring at him for god knows how long.
when he looks away from your general direction, you lift your head– trying to get a glimpse of his side profile for, what you promise yourself to be, the last time.
only to meet his gaze straight on.
you hear his friends snicker, nudge their elbows against him as you look to the side, too embarrassed to even think of looking in his direction again. you hear his voice, low and smooth as he snaps, trying to make them stop. they only tease him more.
you hear the name megumi, picture the shy smile that spread on his lips before stiffening, quickly getting up from your seat when the intercom calls your flight number.
the staff are quick to usher the crowds of people into a neat line, herding passengers to their respective gates. your feet move on autopilot, making your way towards the double doors that lead to your plane.
you only stop when someone calls your name, waving frantically as they push through the people to get to you.
megumi stands in front of you, hair even more tousled than before. there’s a bead of sweat on his forehead that slides down the side of his neck and into his sweater. his eyes are green, reminding you of the forest, a piece of jade, and the color of your passport holder in his hand.
“you forgot this.” he holds the official document against his chest before handing it over to you. his fingers brush against yours, delicate and neatly trimmed, before they clench into a fist by his side. “you left it on your seat.”
“right,” you mumble, the sound wispy as if your own breath had been sucked out from your lungs. you bow your head in gratitude while simultaneously trying to shake away the daze clouding your thoughts. “thank you. i owe you one.”
the silence that stretches after is nothing if not awkward. you’re looking anywhere but him, and he’s doing the same. the staff guarding the gate watch– clearly gossiping about your little interaction with the male in front of you.
after a while, megumi nods once before turning back towards his seat, a muffled safe flight leaving his lips.
that's it?
you watch as he strides away, some parts confused and disappointed. his friends wear the same expression as you do, the girl practically screeching into his ear while the boy tries to push him back towards your direction.
megumi doesn’t budge, stone faced as he sits in between them. returning to his book as if nothing significant has happened.
maybe some things just aren’t meant to be.
you send the duo a wave, smiling when they do the same, before showing the staff your ticket and passport, heading straight down the gate, and boarding the plane.
you won't see him again anyway.
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it’s only when you’re seated on a train, a thousand miles away from where you were, gazing out of the window as it speeds across Tokyo that you finally see a note slipped into your passport, one containing his full name and number.
i think you’re pretty. my friends think you’re cool. would you like to get dinner some time? – megumi fushiguro.
your pointer finger traces his handwriting, neat and cursive, and you let out a giggle because for whatever reason, it feels exactly like him.
to: cute sea urchin
[13:57] hey. it's the girl from the airport. [13:58] is sushi okay? it's my treat! i owe you one after all.
from: cute sea urchin
[14:23] yeah, anything's fine with me. see you.
to: cute sea urchin
[14:37] cool! can't wait to see you again, gumi!
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JJ maybank 14 pls thank youuu ‘‘I love you and no one can change that.’‘ Maybe his dad comes home and shit go down?
Slowly going through all of my old drafts. I don't remember writing some of them...
Warnings: violence, abuse
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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A massive downpour decided to hit the island while you and JJ were out. You took shelter under a bus stop, but the sky was showing no signs of the rain stopping soon, forcing you to brave the rain to find a better shelter for the coming hours.
You suggested going to the chateau, but John B. had made it clear that he was spending the day with Sarah and wanted no interruptions. So, reluctantly, JJ took your hand and showed the way to his house.
He was nervous about inviting you over. For starters, his house was a complete dump. There was trash and empty beer cans everywhere, the carpets had not been vacuumed in years, the things his dad broke during his last drunken brawl were still on the floor and his dirty — and clean — clothes were all over his bedroom.
And secondly, JJ was worried about his dad being there. He didn’t want you to meet him — ever. But according to the time on his phone, Luke should be at work until late, so it should be safe.
By the time you got to JJ's house, your clothes and hair quickly got drenched. JJ quickly unlocked the fetched towels to dry off. While you waited, you took in the living room, a distinct smell of dampness lingering in the air mixed with the faint odor of alcohol. The furniture was old and worn-out, with stains and cigarette burns marking its surface.
‘’Sorry about the mess," he apologized, glancing around the room and rubbing the back of his head. ‘’Ehh, here.’’ JJ handed you the towels. They were mismatched and had stains on them, but you didn't comment on it. ‘’I’ll get you some dry clothes. You can change in the bathroom.’’ He pointed to the bathroom door at the end of the hallway, and disappeared inside the door right next to it — seemingly his bedroom.
You followed him.
The walls were decorated with surf posters and one of a very lightly dressed woman. You turned your head away from her, trying not to think of many times JJ must’ve jerked off to her. On the opposite wall, JJ was searching through a dresser with opened drawers and clothes spilling out, looking for something clean to give you.
He sniffed a brown-ish tee shirt and put it back down, making you bite back a laugh. ‘’Definitely not that one.’’
‘’I can just wear that hoodie,’’ you said, picking the gray Kildare surfboard hoodie rumpled on his bed. You had worn it a few times at cookouts when the evening air would raise chills on your skin. ‘’You don’t have to go through all of your clothes.’’
JJ shook his head. As much as he would love the sight of you walking around his house in only his hoodie, he didn’t trust himself to not pop a boner. He settled on a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt.
You thanked him and took the clothes to the bathroom to change. The herbal smell of weed lingered on them, which was very JJ.
At your return, the sound of rain hitting the windows had intensified, creating a soothing rhythm that filled the room. JJ had changed out of his wet clothes too, now sporting camo shorts and the grey hoodie that was on his bed. His hair was tousled from being roughly towel-dried, and you couldn’t help yourself, reaching to fix some pieces. He smiled at your touch.
‘’Thanks again for the clothes,’’ you said just as the front door opened and slammed shut, causing JJ’s smile to fall abruptly.
‘’Shit. I think that’s my dad.’’
He knew it was his dad. Who else would walk in and slam the door shut? Why was he home so early?
You heard the sound of a beer sex-pack being put down and JJ tensed, panic filling his blue eyes. ‘’JJ? You home, son?’’ the man called through the house, followed by some grumbling as he cracked a beer open.
‘’Stay here,’’ JJ said quietly, not wanting his dad to hear him talk to somebody.
He took your shoulders and looked you in the eyes, genuine fear and worry in his. ‘’Promise me you’ll stay here.’’
You nodded in response, sensing the urgency in his voice and the seriousness of the situation. It was evident that JJ was trying to protect you from his dad, and you respected his decision to handle the situation on his own.
He moved away from you, making his way towards the door with cautious steps. He didn’t want to go, but he had to. If he didn’t, Luke might come here and see you and JJ didn’t want to think about the inappropriate things that would come out of his filthy mouth.
You sat on JJ’s bed, hands in your lap as you waited for him to return.
In the living room, you could hear the voices of JJ and his dad. You couldn't make out what they were saying because of the shut door, but the latter’s voice quickly went up in volume. Then, the loud sound of glass shattering erupted from the living room, making your head snap in the direction of the door.
By reflex, you stood and went to the door, worry settling in your guts. Your hand was on the doorknob, but you remembered your promise and stepped back. JJ could handle his drunk dad, right?
Luke’s yells echoed in the house again, followed by a loud thud, and that’s when you decided to take a risk and come out.
You were quiet as you peaked down the hallway, not wishing to catch the older man’s attention. A quiet gasp caught in your throat when seeing JJ pinned up against the wall, Luke’s fist gripping the front of JJ’s hoodie as he continued to yell at him with violence in his words. On the floor beside them, one of the old liquor bottles was in pieces, having fallen and shattered in the commotion.
The floor creaked beneath your feet and you quickly ducked back in JJ’s bedroom. The noise had Luke glancing down the hallway, drawing his eyebrows together when seeing no one. Old houses creak for no reason sometimes, right?
When he turned his head back to his son, JJ headbutted him and managed to push his dad off him before running off to his bedroom. He shut the door so fast it echoed through the house and made the wall rattle. You jumped at the sound and stepped back when you heard Luke come after JJ, banging on his door and causing your heart to race behind your chest. 
When the banging stopped, JJ released a shaky breath and slid down to his floor with his knees pulled to his chest. He cursed repeatedly, pushing his head into his hands.
‘’I should’ve never brought you here.’’
The guilt in his voice made your heart sink. Carefully, you approached JJ and sat down beside him. 
‘’You can leave if you want. There’s a way out through the window. I’m not gonna be mad if you—’’
‘’I’m not leaving,’’ you told him firmly.
JJ slowly lifted his head, a frown appearing on his features. ‘’You should. I would leave my life if I could.’’ He forced a laugh, but all you heard was pain.
You didn't know how long his father's abuse had been going on, but it must've been a while. The thought of someone treating their child so horribly made your heart ache. Now you understand why he was always spending the night at the chateau and why no one ever come to his house. 
You shifted and gently reached for JJ's face, making him look at you. ‘’I’m not leaving,’’ you repeated. ‘’Not today, not tomorrow.’’
He turned his head away and pushed your hand off him, hiding his emotions from you. ‘’You say this now, but you'll get tired of me and my shit.’’
‘’I'm not. I meant it, J. I love you and no one can change that. Not even your shitty home-life.’’ 
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker  @slvtherinseeker @poppet05 @1stevelacyfan @illf4iry @withbeautyandrage  @maybankslover @sunflowerziva @laylasbunbunny @Honey-marvel15 @leoluvsur-pappy @slytherhoes @kcskye123 @outerbanksacc  @pedrosprincess  @mikaelsonsstuff  @skyesthebomb  @a1mzcruml3y @iluurmom  @popeheywardssecretgf  @madelynie  @loverofdrewstarkey  @radiant-whore  @outsider-at-hogwarts
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully
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kimsohn · 8 months
𓇼 3:45 am
pairing . juyeon x gn!reader about . 718 words, fluff + angst warnings . none! ↳ dedicated to my beautiful sexy hot wife @juyeonszn
it's cold, too cold outside.
you shiver as you sit on the bench, the sound of rain reverberating around the covered bus stop. your drenched raincoat sits next to you along with your purse, embellished with water droplets on the metal engraving.
you laugh bitterly, seeing your warped face in the shiny hooks of your bag. juyeon gifted you it many years ago, and it still looks the same as it did on your birthday.
you sense juyeon in everything you own. from the cat clip with whiskers in your hair down to your worn-out shoes he'd decorated with a sharpie, he echoes wherever you go. you see his face in the rain splashing down next to you, on the lock screen of your buzzing phone, and in the reflection of the chapped nail polish on your fingertips.
too bad you're pissed at him right now, though. everything that reminds you of him is like a curse.
"y/n!" you hear, and you look up from watching the droplets plink against the ground to register the sound corrrectly.
you blink once, twice, to ensure that yes indeed, juyeon is the one that's running toward you. he's masked by the pouring shower around him, fading in through the reflections of clear water until he's close enough to see visibly. the beloved gray hoodie he always wears is drenched by the water, and the only sign of protection he has is the hood covering his forehead that he's holding up with his shivering hands.
"juyeon," you say, standing up, "why are you here? it's pouring outside!"
"i couldn't- i couldn't leave you like that. i can't let you leave like this."
you watch as he walks to the bench, picking up your purse and swinging over his shoulder. he makes his way over to you, draping the bright yellow raincoat around your frame, tucking your hands into the sleeves. you make no move to stop him.
"let's go home," he whispers, sniffling. "please."
this close to him, you now realize that the droplets on his cheeks aren't those of the rain, that the runny nose he sports is not because of the temperature, and the redness of his eyes is definitely not a result of running here. your heart drops when you realize he's been crying, and it takes everything in your power to not bring him close and give him a hug like it's your last.
"i'm still mad at you, you know?"
"you can be mad at home, where it's nice and warm."
he stares at you so expectantly that your resolve shatters.
"juyeon," you sigh, watching him slide the strap of your bag up his shoulder.
"i'm sorry," he whispers, so silently that you almost can't hear it. "i'm sorry that work got in the way of our anniversary. you were right, you know, about me never being there for you. but i couldn't let you leave like this. you're all that i have."
your mind drifts back to the argument that took place a couple of hours ago, one that resulted in you storming out and slamming the door behind you. he'd gotten worked up over your anger at him not coming home early enough like he'd promised, and you'd retaliated by reminding him how often he does this to you.
they were words of the moment that you'd never meant to say. looking at his face now, you realize exactly how much you'd hurt him.
"oh, juyeon," you murmur, pulling him into your embrace, "i'm sorry too. none of those words were true, at all, and i wish i'd never said them. of all people, i know how your work affects our relationship. it wasn't right of me to get mad at you for it."
"but it was right of you. you can get angry at me a million times for being late and not showing up because it just means you love me. just don't leave home when i don't show up, okay? my heart can't take it. i'm too selfish to let you go."
selfishly, you'd never let him go either.
"i hate you," you whisper, furrowing into his chest.
"i love you too, baby. happy anniversary, my love."
and as the rain sprinkles around you, you know that you love him too.
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kaciidubs · 1 year
Hoodie Season | Hyung Line
❣ Summary: What it would be like stealing and wearing their hoodie ❣ ❣ Warnings: None - just fluff and implied relationships. ❣ ❣ Gender Neutral! Reader [No use of Y/N]❣ ❣ Additional Tags: Reader is referred to as baby, sweetheart, thief [lovingly], Chan is referred to as Chris ❣ Maknae Line ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣ AO3 ❣
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Would it still be considered ‘taking his hoodie’ if he actively encouraged you to wear them? 
It’s probably his favorite thing in the world - seeing you relaxing on the couch in his studio while wrapped up in one of his hoodies, doing your own thing while he worked on one of his many tracks.
“You doing okay over there, baby?” He called over his shoulder, sliding his headphones around his neck before turning in his chair, “Hungry or anything?”
You looked over at him with a soft smile and he couldn’t help but give a dimpled smile back, admiring the way his hoodie nearly swamped you in fabric.
“I’m fine - could probably go for a bite later on, though.”
“20 minutes and I’m all yours - my treat.” He offered with a grin, hiding a chuckle when you sat up at his prospect.
“Sounds perfect, but don’t rush yourself, alright?”
He loved it even more whenever you’d send him a random selfie during the day; sometimes making a silly face or using a cute filter, and the collar of his gray Maniac hoodie would show up in the edge of the photo - or even covering your head, and partially your face due to how oversized he ordered it.
Sometimes, when their schedule had them going out for a few days or so, he’d make sure to leave behind your favorite hoodie of his with a note; ‘In case you miss me too much’.
Chris would absolutely end up getting matching hoodies for the both of you, even going so far as spraying yours with his cologne to make it feel more like his.
All in all, Chris absolutely loved the idea of you “stealing” his hoodies, even if he was the one giving them to you.
Though Minho wasn’t the type to have a closet overflowing with hoodies like a few of his members - Chris, Seungmin, and Jeongin, namely - he did have four or five that he kept in his rotation. So, when that rotation shortened by one, he knew who the culprit was immediately.
“Hi, you!” Your charming voice filled the speaker of his phone, and he wasted no time in getting to the point of his call.
“I didn’t know I was dating a thief.”
A confused hum came through the phone, before he heard the tell-tale sound of a hidden giggle, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He scoffed, amused at the failed smugness you attempted in your tone, “Oh, really? So you know nothing about a green Mahagrid hoodie that was hanging in my closet the last time you came over?”
“Nope, not a clue, I don’t even know what a hoodie is!”
This time he couldn’t help but laugh, “You can’t trick me! I know you took it from my closet - what do you even need it for anyways? Didn’t you end up buying one in a different color?!”
“Yes - but it’s not the same! Yours is so much softer, Min, can you blame me?”
“Actually, I can, since it’s stolen property.”
“Then sue me!”
“I will!” He smiled at the sound of your laughs on the other end, only to look up and see a few of the other members trickling into the dance studio, “We’ll continue this later, thief.”
“I’ll make sure my lawyer’s present - have fun at practice, honey.”
Hanging up, he let the remnants of the silly conversation settle over him before he felt his phone vibrate, lighting up with a text message from you. Opening the text chat, he was met with a picture of you in said stolen hoodie, a mischievous grin on your lips with a text underneath; “Thief: 1, Boyfriend: 0”.
He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but his heart skipped a beat seeing you in clothing he’d worn himself - you looked so natural in it, somehow more comfortable than when you wore your own.
Sure, he’d make a whole scene of it whenever you’d manage to swap out his rotation again, but deep down he felt a sense of pride about it - he even added a few more into his selection just to see them disappear from his closet after a month or so.
You were a hoodie thief, but you were his hoodie thief, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Changbin was the perfect subject for stealing hoodies - the sizes were always perfect for being hugged in fabric with hoodie-paws from the oversized sleeves, not to mention the fact that he left them everywhere, so who could blame you from picking them up and adding them to your own collection at home?
“Sweetheart? Have you seen my hoodie?” He called from your room, the sound of him shuffling through his duffle bag echoing down the short hall.
“The one you came over in? It’s on the couch, Binnie!”
“No, no, there was one I had a week ago, I thought I left it in the recording studio but none of the staff saw it so I figured it’d be back at the dorm!” His voice grew louder as he entered the living room, bed head fluffy and black t-shirt slightly ruffled, “But then I couldn’t find it when I got home, so I just wanted to know if you saw it anywhere.”
“I don’t know, Bin, you have so many it’s kind of hard to keep track of.” You walked into the living room from the kitchen, attention focused on sending a text, “What color is it, maybe I-”
You jumped, looking up at him with furrowed eyebrows, tilting your head when he merely stared back at you with an incredulous grin.
“You’re wearing it! I thought you didn’t know where it was- when’d you get it from the studio?!” He rushed toward you, eyes bright with an even brighter smile on his face as he took you in; the green Supreme hoodie that was already big on him had practically doubled in size on you in the cutest way possible. “You’re so adorable in it! God, how’d you manage to get even cuter? What am I going to do with you?”
You could barely get a word in when he took you into his arms, rocking side to side and smothering your cheeks in a flurry of kisses.
“B-Bin! I didn’t know, I swear!” You managed to wiggle your face away from his onslaught of kissing and incoherent cooing, “Chris noticed you left it and gave it to me the last time I visited the building with Felix - I meant to give it to you but then I wore it one time and it just… stuck with me!”
Changbin held you at arms length, studying the way his hoodie came to your thighs, the way the sleeves were bunched excessively around your wrists - he swore if you put the hood over your head, you’d turn into a green Supreme hoodie monster.
“I’ll give it back if you want to wear-”
“No! Keep it, it looks good on you - I’ll just wear the other one and when I want it back, I’ll trade with you.”
Of course he’d hold true to his word; whenever you had a hoodie of his that he wanted to wear, he’d trade you for one you wanted to wear, and vice versa - anything to see you wrapped up in his clothes.
If Minho was jokingly dramatic about his hoodies being stolen, Hyunjin was overly dramatic - almost to the point where it was like the world was ending and he’d never see his dear hoodies ever again.
Of course, he loved seeing you attempt to recreate his outfits with his hoodies as the staple piece, but that didn’t mean he was going to pass up the chance at giving you little hassle for raiding his closet.
“Hyun, it’s only for one day, I promise I’ll give it back to you!”
“But why do you have to take that one?! Why can’t you take the gray one, it goes better with your shoes!”
You rolled your eyes at his stylistic reasoning, clutching the black SKZ hoodie in your hands. “Because I want to wear this one, whether it goes with my shoes or not!”
“But what if I wanted to wear that one? Huh? What about me?” He pouted at you from his position on his bed, tilting his head to add to the pitiful curl of his lips.
“If you wanted to wear this one, you’d be wearing it instead of your balenciaga one, now wouldn’t you?” Raising an eyebrow at him, a bashful smile easily broke through his dramatic facade as he tugged at the black sleeves making you laugh. “What am I going to do with you, my drama prince?”
“Keep taking my hoodies until I’m left with nothing but a worn out t-shirt?” He grinned, running a hand through his unstyled blond hair.
“Darling, you have more clothes than me, I think you’ll survive missing this one hoodie.” Sliding the article over your head, you took a second to go over the fit in his mirror with a satisfied hum. Maybe it didn’t go with your shoes, but it was warm and smelled like him, and that was all that mattered.
“Miss it?! Nuh uh, you said it was only for today you thief!”
Safe to say, after a bit more teasing - and giving him kisses as “payment” for wearing his clothes - you both ended up going out in his hoodies, but one of them might not have ended up back where it belonged.
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❣ Honestly, this was very much inspired by me listening to Hoodie Season on repeat recently, but can you blame me? As always, feedback is appreciated! Whether it be a simple like, reblog, or keyboard smash and the most essay-like comment, feel free to share your thoughts. ❣
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huckleberrykai · 1 year
hueningkai ~ you smell nice
pairing: kai x reader summary: kai notices his hoodies going missing, and it isn't until he visits your apartment to stay for the weekend that he realises where they all went. genre: fluff fluff fluff, established relationship warnings: kai calls reader baby, not v well written, just shameless fluff i had a rough day i just needed soft kai :') word count: 0.7k click here for my masterlist!
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"damn it i can't find it, sorry soob."
kai had been rummaging through his closet to find a hoodie that soobin wanted to borrow. the older couldn't find his own and he knew kai had one similar, but turns out that kai couldn't find his either.
"can i borrow the red one instead?" soobin asked. kai went to agree, until he realised he couldn't find that one either. "what the hell.. where are they all going?" he asked more to himself than to soobin. eventually, he just gave him a gray one he didn't wear much - which soobin seemed content with.
once he had left, kai looked around his room puzzled. now this is kai we're talking about - he was never short on hoodies - but all his favourites that he wore the most seemed to be missing. he looked in all the laundry baskets and the washing machine, tore his closet and dresser inside out, but to no avail.
his hunting was cut short by the doorbell ringing, he forgot you were picking him up to spend the night at your place. with a groan he grabbed his overnight backpack and opened the door.
"hey bab- oh.. there it is." he muttered breathily.
"huh?" you tilted you head, looking adorable clad in his black hoodie. "o-oh nothing, i was looking for that hoodie earlier. i didn't even think you might have borrowed it."
kai loved seeing you in his clothes, so he'd never complain ~ he thought you were so cute and it reminded everyone that you were all his. he adored it.
he followed you out to your car to drive to your place, and when he went to shove his bag onto the backseat, he came across another hoodie - this time the red one.
"you keep my hoodie in your car?" he asked with a laugh as he slid into the passenger seat. "i like to be prepared if it's cold, but you can have it back if you want." he wouldn't do that. he couldn't even if you weren't looking at him with your big shiny eyes looking like the most precious thing he'd ever seen.
"aw no baby~" he cooed, cupping your cheek with his warm hand and plopping a kiss to your lips. "keep it, i'd rather you be warm and cozy." with a shy smile and giggles from both of you, you started the car and left.
it was only when you got into your apartment and went to go snuggle in bed that he realised. so this was the black hole where all his hoodies went to die.
your room was neat and clean for the most part - even your stuffed animal and squishmallows he'd given you were lined up neatly on the bed - but he couldn't help but notice the hoodies strewn about. "Y/N... how many of my hoodies do you have?"
you felt yourself flush, not noticing quite how much of his wardrobe you'd accumulated. there were even a few t-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants on the floor. "uhm.." was the best answer you could muster.
truthfully you didn't exactly mean to take his clothes, and you often returned them when you couldn't smell his cologne on them anymore - just to take a new one when you left.
he grabbed around 4 of them and flopped onto your bed. "you could make a nest out of these."
that made you both laugh hysterically while you got comfy in his arms on the bed, the soft hoodies flopped over you like a blanket. "sorry i keep hoarding them.. it's just.. i don't know, they're comforting, i like that they remind me of you." you tried to explain. "and i do return them! i just.. take more when i leave." you shoved your face into his chest.
his arms tightened around you as you nuzzled into him. "it's okay baby, i like seeing you in my clothes," he confessed with a kiss to your head. "but can i maybe have a couple back? i'm running low." he laughed. honestly, he thought it was sweet how much you loved his clothes, and he'd prefer to buy more than take them away from you - but he knew that wouldn't be a great financial decision.
his thoughts were cut short when he felt you nodding against his chest.
"these ones stopped smelling like you anyway. you smell nice."
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buckys-wintersoldier · 6 months
Corruption inside of SHIELD | Steve Rogers
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 -> Boyfriend!Steve Rogers x Girlfriend!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 -> You’re visiting your boyfriend at work but when the two of you just want to get some food there are suddenly agents working for shield but fight against Steve.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 -> 1.844
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 -> fighting scene but not much, tiny bit of angst, fluff
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 -> 10 Years Anniversary CA:TWS | March 28 | Theme: SHIELD | The Triskelion, Compromised, Surprise Visit, Weapons, Favorite scene | @catws-anniversary
𝐀/𝐍 -> Thank you to @rogersbarber for helping me to come up with that idea.
Masterlist | Steve Rogers Masterlist
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When you enter the kitchen, you shake your head, giggling. Steve just forgot his lunch, and you told him in the morning at least ten times to take his lunch with him. Sometimes you feel like he doesn’t listen to you, just admiring your body, kissing your face over and over again, and mumbling sweet nothings into your ear. You don’t have much to do today, so you will just bring him his lunch, and then the two of you can spend his lunch break together. But before you make yourself completely ready for the day, you make yourself a bowl of cereal and walk into the living room to watch one of your favorite movies. After the movie, you get ready and decide to wear one of Steve’s t-shirts and a hoodie, which actually belongs to him as well. Then you take his lunch, putting your lunch into the bag as well, and make your way to the Triskelion.
With your favorite music, the way doesn’t feel that long, and you can see the big building already when you smirk softly. Steve doesn’t know you will visit him during his lunch break to bring his food. You’re already excited when you just think about it; not only does the big building give you some excited feelings, but Steve also causes the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy. The two of you have been together for a few months now, but it still feels like you just fell in love with the tall, blond man.
Steve and you met a few months ago. He was just ordering a coffee and some food to the Triskelion, the most adorable building you have ever seen. You were always curious about what it looked like from the inside if there were lots of people walking around, and then you had the chance to get into the buildings and deliver coffee to the famous Captain America.
You stumbled into the building, almost falling over your own feet with the coffee and food in your hand. From the inside, the building was even bigger, and it reminded you of an office. So with your hands full of things, you made your way to the woman behind a desk. She looked like she knew where you could find Captain America.
“H-Hello. I have the food Mr. Rogers ordered. Where can I give the delivery to him?” You asked politely.
She looked up from the screen in front of her and smiled at you. Then she saw the food and the coffee in your hands and looked back at the screen.
“I will tell him his delivery is here; just wait a moment,” she told you, and you nodded.
Your eyes scanned the whole room; it was big, there were some plants in the corners, and next to them were a few couches. And some people were sitting on them, talking to each other, or they were just busy with their work. Some agents were walking through the room, greeting others, some on their phones, and some walking next to others.
The restaurant you work at is small, and there are not even as many people as you see walking or sitting in the hall right now. Then you see a man in gray pants and a light brown shirt walking in your direction. His hair is short and blond, he is shaved, and his steel blue eyes lit up when he saw the food and coffee in your hand.
“Hello, I’m Steve. Steve Rogers,” he said, taking his order out of your hands.
Before the two of you were able to say something else, someone crashed into Steve, and he threw the cup of coffee all over your t-shirt. You hissed softly when the hot liquid met your skin, and Steve immediately apologized. He was looking for a tissue to help you dry the coffee, which soaked the fabric of your clothes.
“I’m so sorry. Please, let me take you out for a co- maybe for a pizza?”
You nodded with a smile and dried your shirt before you wrote down your number and handed it to Steve.
“Don’t worry, and I would love to get a pizza with you.”
Steve’s smirk was from one side to the other, his eyes roaming over your body when you walked out of the building. Your smile was at least as big as his; you were going to have a date with Steve Rogers.
You enter the building, walking straight up to the woman you met for the first time in the Triskelion a while ago. The two of you have talked a few times. When you pick Steve up and she has a shift, the two of you gossip over some agents.
“Picking him up today?”
“No, he just forgot his lunch, and I thought I would spend his lunch break with him then.”
She nods and smirks at you before she looks at the screen of her computer, tapping something.
“He is in Fury’s office. You could go there; the meeting should be done in a bit,” she tells you, and you thank her before you walk to the elevators.
When you get into one, you tap the bottom, which brings you to the floor with Nick Fury’s office. He is kind of Steve’s boss, and he can be funny and a weird man at the same time, at least after things you heard from your boyfriend about the other man. When you get out of the elevator, you walk along the floor, looking for Fury’s office, and you see the door already open.
When you walk closer, you see Natasha and Steve in the room; they are talking to each other, papers are everywhere on the table, and you knock at the doorframe, not wanting to scare them both. They turn their heads towards you, and Steve immediately smirks at you; his eyes light up, and he walks closer to you.
“What are you doing here, princess?” Steve asks, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close against his broad chest.
“You forgot your lunch at home, and I thought I would bring it then,” you say, holing the back with food up.
Steve smirks and leans closer, capturing your lips with his for a short but sweet kiss. You wouldn’t mind feeling his lips on yours all day and his hands on your body while you get lost in his beautiful eyes. But Natasha interrupts your thoughts when she laughs behind Steve. He turns around, pulling you with him and turning you so you’re standing with your back against his chest.
“What’s so funny?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.
“You’re so old; you look like a guy our age, actually. But you act like an old man, grandpa,” she says, and the two of you burst out laughing.
Steve grumbles behind you, and when you look up at him, he pouts. You chuckle, standing on your tiptoes, and your hands find their way around his neck, pulling him closer until you reach his lips to kiss the pout away.
“I will leave you two love birds then. Have fun- but not in the office, please.”
Steve rolls his eyes playfully and lets Natasha walk out of the room, then he kisses you once again before he lets go of you and puts some stuff together.
“Let’s get downstairs; it’s more comfortable there,” he says when he takes your hand and leads you back to the elevator.
When the elevator reaches the floor in the Triskelion, you get into it and wait to get downstairs, back into the hall. You’re looking out of the elevator, loving the view you have, while Steve stands pressed with his body against you, kissing your neck softly. When the elevator stops a floor deeper, a man with two bodyguards gets into the elevator. Steve turns his head toward the men.
Both men greet each other before the elevator gets further down. On the next floor, a lot of men get into the elevator. The next floor and another few men join you in the elevator. Slowly, you’re all pressed together, and Steve kisses your neck once again, leaning closer after looking around and seeing the sweat on someone’s forehead and the hands of a few men near their weapons.
“I love you. Don’t move away; enjoy the view, princess,” he mumbles, and you nod softly.
Then Steve turns around and faces a few of those men. He then says something, but you’re focused on the people walking around. Then you hear a crack, and the elevator suddenly stops. You don’t move, obeying Steve. You hear the sound of metal against metal, punching and groaning, and you see in the corner of your eyes some men lying on the ground. You grip the railing of the elevator, digging your fingers against it, while you hear Rumlow's voice.
“It’s nothing personal, Cap.”
“It kind of feels personal,” Steve says, then you hear another groan before Steve inhales deeply and walks closer to you again. “You’re oke, Princess?”
You nod, turning around to hide your face in Steve’s shirt. You grip the fabric tightly and pull him closer. Your boyfriend’s hands slide up and down your back, comforting you.
“Let’s get out of the elevator,” he mumbles, and he turns around to open the doors of the elevator.
When he does so, there are a few more agents running in your direction. He groans and closes the door, using his shield to let the elevator fall down before he stops it with his shield. You want to scream, but there is nothing similar to the tone that leaves your lips. Steve opens the doors once again, but there are even more agents.
“Where do those agents come from?” He asks more himself as you.
He then walks over to you, wrapping his arm around your waist, before he starts running and crashes with his shield in front of the two of you through the glass off the elevator. You're screaming, your fingers digging into his skin, holding him tight against you while you two fall down, his shield still underneath you when you meet the ground. It wasn’t hurtful, and when you open your eyes - which you didn’t even know you had closed while the two of you were jumping out of the elevator - you see Steve laying underneath you, smirking at you before he kisses you softly.
“What was that? Why did they come into the elevator?”
“They are members of Hydra. Nat and I found it out earlier, before you came with the dinner.”
“It’s flat now,” you mumble.
“That’s oke, we get some food on our way home. Nat will be there later too,” Steve says, helping you get up.
Your legs are shaking, and you’re clinging to your boyfriend and his arm is wrapped around your waist while you make your way to his motorcycle to pick up some food and drive the two of you home.
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨
𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬.
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Taglist: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days @felicitylemon @cjand10 @lives-in-midgard @casa-boiardi @cevansbaby-dove @flstrawberry @capsbestgirl77 @bookishtheaterlover7 @rogersbarber @sebastianstanisahotmf
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syrikif · 11 months
Gamer Etiquette
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Kodzuken x Streamer!Y/N
Pairing: Kenma Kozume x Fem!Reader
Genre: SMAU, Written Elements, Strangers to Lovers, Romance, Fluff, Humor, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Streamer/Youtuber AU
Upcoming content creator/streamer, Y/N, has gone viral for lots of things. Her infamous dumb moments, her blended cookie recipe (which tastes better than it sounds), the way she rages at her friends during games, and about a hundred more.
But her most recent viral moment? Accidentally knocking famous streamer, Kodzuken, off the Bedwars map and making him lose his two year winning streak.
Now with more attention (and hate) than she ever asked for, her only option left is to go to the source: the man himself, Kenma Kozume.
Previous | Masterlist | Next
Chapter 8 (b): Little Things
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Word Count: 2243
It’s past three in the morning.
Kenma ended his stream only minutes ago, having spent the past seven hours playing a hardcore Pokémon Nuzlocke (as decided by his viewers). 
And he’s not even tired. 
He sighs as he relaxes back into his gaming chair, his fingers idly messing with the strings of his hoody as he watches all the messages coming through on his discord server.
He frees one hand and leans forward just enough to grab his mouse, opening a clip that one of his fans sent in the chat. Kenma realizes shortly into the video that it’s from one of his own streams, an older VOD that’s most likely still up on his neglected YouTube channel.
He makes a mental reminder to start posting on the website more often; his fans clearly like watching the videos after all, regardless of the lack of uploads.
Kenma watches his past self yell almost incompehnsibly at the game he’d been playing, a soft smile coming across his features as he picks up on Kuroo’s voice quietly taunting him underneath all the screaming.
“Some things never change,” he mumbles to himself as the clip ends with the two roommates arguing over each other.
And suddenly it all feels so bittersweet, a sense of nostalgia filling his chest and leaving a sour taste in his mouth. Because while things may not have been easy then, they were simpler somehow; less demanding of Kenma despite the fact that he’d had so many more pressing responsibilites.
He hears himself sigh and briefly wonders when exactly he’d started getting so old.
It’s almost laughable - Kenma reminiscing over his college years at the age of twenty-four.
He releases a low breath, his gaze straying from the chat to the list of active users on the side of the screen. Unsurprisingly, there aren’t as many people online as there usually is and one name manages to catch his eye.
Kenma rarely ever cares to check on things like roles and ranks in his server, he has moderators for that very task after all. But there is a role that he personally made himself when the server was first created, strictly for the purpose of having his friends in one place.
No one has been added into that level in years.
Until now.
Now there’s Y/N.
Kenma isn’t the person who placed her there (he didn’t even know she’d joined his server before this very moment) and the only other people with the ability to do so are his mods.
With this realization he remembers the message he’d recieved from Moe, one of his very first moderators, from earlier that day.
“You can thank me later.”
Kenma had been confused at the time, even assuming that she’d texted the wrong person and not bothering to respond.
Now he understands.
There’s only a moment of hesitation, his cursor hovering above that unmistable gray symbol, before he finally just clicks.
He isn’t sure how long he waits, long enough to feel a sense of dread beginning to sink in but too short to dwell on the feeling.
And it’s futile really, the way Kenma tries to hide his grin from the camera when Y/N finally answers the call wearing cat ears and a blanket that seems to swallow her whole.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she suddenly says, her gaze deepening into a glare.
Kenma wants to laugh because she probably knows exactly what he’s thinking right now. “Like what?” He does his best to appear nonchalant, leaning back into his seat and running a hand through his hair as he stares at her through the screen.
She looks different like this.
Or maybe he just isn’t used to seeing her on video.
“Like I’m some little kid or something,” Y/N huffs, her eyes rolling back as her blanket falls to her lap.
“More like a little cat,” he mutters almost unthinkingly. He watches her eyebrows furrow, her head tilting as his words reach her ears.
Kenma shouldn’t tease her. He really really shouldn’t. “It’s fitting,” and yet he’s completely incable of resisting, “Kitten.”
Y/N’s jaw quite literally drops, her eyes widening as her face turns a satisfyingly bright shade of red.
And Kenma can’t help but think that she looks so- so- (what was the word?) something.
“Wh- what did you just?” She shakes her head, “You- why would you- ugh!”
Yes. That’s the term.
Kenma thinks she looks cute right now.
The realization is slow to hit, his mind even slower to catch on as he watches Y/N fan her face and cup the skin of her cheeks.
It isn’t even the right word, honestly - to kenma - she looks adorable, cute was just the first thing that came to mind.
Why did it come to mind?
“You’re the one wearing cat ears,” he defends. He’s not sure what he’s defending at this point (himself? his thoughts? his weird obsession with cats?); he just doesn’t want her to take it the wrong way.
What would be the wrong way? Flirtaitiously?
But, if she were to flirt back, Kenma doesn’t think he’ll care.
“You piss me off,” Y/N suddenly announces, her voice full of exagerated annoyance, but there’s no doubt that she’s smiling at him - because of him.
No, he really wouldn’t mind at all.
“Favorite color?”
“Oh come on.” Kenma rolls his eyes, taking a small swig from the can of soda he’d grabbed from the mini-fridge just beside his desk. “You know my favorite color.”
Y/N gives him an incredulous look, “Um, since when?”
Kenma’s eyebrows raise, “Um, since the first day we met?”
“You’re literally lying,” she says with a mouth full of some sort of food. He doesn’t know what she’s eating at this point; first it was chips, then tomato soup, a thin slice of pie (Kenma’s sure that she was trying to rub it in his face), and now it seems to be a kind of fruit.
He’s never seen someone eat so many diverse snacks in one sitting.
Y/N’s eyes suddenly widen, “Shut the fuck up.”
Kenma’s at a loss for words, and he’s sure that Y/N can see the disbelief in his features as he sets the drink on his desk.
“No, like seriously shut up.” She lifts one hand, using her index finger to point at Kenma - or (more accurately) the camera of her webcam.
He blinks. “I didn’t say anything.”
“I’m trying to think here, okay? So shh,” she glares at him.
Kenma makes a show of pressing his lips together, mimicking the motion of zipping them up and tossing aside the key.
He can see Y/N trying to suppress a smile at his actions, a small huff of a giggle escaping her own lips when he pretends to struggle against the imaginary lock on his mouth.
Her face suddenly lights up with recognition, “Red!”
Kenma’s charade breaks. “That’s what you were trying to figure out this whole time?”
“I was right?” She suddenly looks confused, more confused than when she didn’t even know the correct answer.
“Obviously.” His head tilts, “Did you just guess or something?”
A sheepish smile, “Or something.”
“You just guessed, didn’t you?” It’s not really an actual question at this point, they’re both all too aware of what she did.
“Well I mean- kind of?” She shrugs, a clumsy movement that makes her appear so much younger than she probably is. “To be honest, I just happened to remember that Nekoma’s colors were red and black. So,” she hangs on to the word for a brief second, “Lucky guess?”
“Well what’s your favorite color?”
Y/N had suggested a scuffed form of twenty-one questions, a version with no drinking (not that either of them were against it, Kenma just doesn’t have any alcoholic beverages in the house) and no limit on how many questions they could ask.
It’s been years since Kenma had gotten to know someone like this.
She hums with consideration, “I’m not sure. I like all of them.”
“That’s such a cop-out answer,” he light-heartedly scoffs.
“Oh don’t even,” Y/N straightens in her seat, the black cat ears slipping further back on her head. “At least I didn’t make you play a ten minute guessing game,” she retorts.
Kenma tsks, “That was not ten minutes.”
“Well it felt like it. So hah!”
He laughs as he stretches out his legs, adjusting the waistband of his sweatpants when he notices that they’re off-center. He looks back up at the screen, eyes fixated on the way Y/N tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“How old are you?” Kenma asks out of mere curiosity, because he knows she must be at least close to his age, but he feels so much older in comparison to her cheerful nature.
She’s staring intently at something off to the side, scrutinizing whatever happens to be there. “Twenty three.”
Only a year younger, maybe even less depending on her date of birth.
But-, “Wait,” his eyebrows furrow. “Didn’t you date Sugawara in high school?”
He regrets bringing it up the moment he’s finished speaking, mentally cringing at the idea of talking about her ex’s.
Y/N groans, her face falling into her hands. “Don’t remind me.”
“That bad huh?” And if Kenma’s being honest with himself, he feels strangely . . . relieved.
“Like I love the guy,” Oh. “In like a totally platonic sort of way though,” she suddenly rushes to explain.
Kenma nods, “Right.” He pauses for only a brief second. “So you were a first year when you started dating then?”
Y/N’s head tilts with obvious bewilderment, “What? Oh,” she laughs. “No, I was a second year. I just have a really late birthday.”
“Oh okay,” he releases a small breath of relief. He isn’t sure what he would’ve done if he found out that one of Y/N’s boyfriends was a sick fuck that preyed on first-years.
That’s something he couldn’t let himself overlook, no matter who it was.
“Why’d it end then? Was he not,” he hesistates, “Good to you?”
They’re getting into dangerous territory now; it’s none of his business why their relationship didn’t last, but it feels like it should be. And he supposes that if they’re going to be friends and if he’s going to come into contact with said ex-boyfriend, then it would be better to know anyways.
Who is he kidding? That’s just an excuse.
He has no real reason for wanting to know, but that’s not going to stop him from asking.
Y/N shakes her head, a thoughtful expression painted across her features. “Nothing like that. It was almost like he was too good to me, you know? It was a good relationship but it was like so good that it was uneventful and boring. We just don’t mesh well romantically.”
Kenma nods as though he understands when really - the truth of the matter is that - his only relationship had ended on such bad terms that he hasn’t dated since.
“And you’re twenty-four right?”
“Yeah,” he confirms without thinking. Then his eyes narrow on her form, “How do you know that?”
She sighs deeply, as if even the mere thought of it is taxing. “Sho has not shut up about you since we met, it’d be more shocking if I didn’t know that at this point.”
Kenma smirks, “All good things I hope.”
“Please,” she rolls her eyes, “That man is practically singing your praises.”
“What the hell does that even mean?” Despite the confusing choice of words, Kenma feels himself chuckle at the idea of one of his closest friends boasting about him to a complete stranger.
“He just like won’t stop talking about how cool you are, or how you’re so fun to be around. Or how you’re the most awesomest - yes he used that word - person he’s ever met.” Kenma’s disappointed when she unexpectedly stops, her hands raising to massage the skin of her temples. “It’s honestly starting to get annoying. Like you’d think he was trying to make me fall in love with you or something,” she snorts.
Is it working?
The words are on the tip of his tongue, his stomach turning at the possibility of her responses.
Kenma swallows thickly, “So what? He’s trying to set us up?”
Some questions are better left unasked.
“I guess so?”
“That’s a little weird.” Only a little bit though.
Y/N smiles then, but it’s mischevious and temptingly playful. “Really? You don’t think we’d look good together?”
His mind races at the implication behind her words, his body growing warm from her teasing tone of voice. And he abruptly feels so thirsty, his tongue brushing across his lips as he watches the way her lashes flutter when she blinks.
“Now I never said that,” he murmers in return and he can’t tell if his voice is as throaty he feels like it is.
Her gaze flickers down somewhere below his face, and Kenma silently berates himself for his choice of lazy clothing, before slowly trailing back up.
Her voice is soft when she speaks, her eyes never straying from his. “Neither did I.”
Kenma’s breath catches in his throat.
He forces a smirk, “I guess we can agree on one thing then.”
Her grin comes back in full force, wicked and full of invitation, “I suppose we can.”
Yeah, Kenma definitely doesn’t mind when she flirts.
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Taglist: @crazy-people-are-here, @existential-traveller, @peachesncats, @royalz658, @musicluverr, @tamimemo, @leathernourishingshoepolish, @captaincyberqueen, @dellalyra
Any names in bold are unable to be tagged.
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ghostofthemost141 · 10 months
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Pairing: Ghost x F!Reader, First POV, no use of (Y/N)
Word Count: 1,404
About: You and Ghost have disclosed feelings for each other, knowing that it's forbidden to be together in y'alls line of work. Noneoftheless, Ghost ends up in your room one night and you end up sharing a chocolate bar together.
Themes: Fluff, Suggestive Themes but Nothing Explicit, 18+
Notes: Zara is your nickname for this one, which means 'blooming flower' and it comes from the word Zahrah from Arabic roots. I enjoyed doing this but I hope I didn't write Ghost out of character. Enjoy!
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It’s forbidden, you can’t act on your feelings. You’ll get booted from the team if you do it. But he makes it so damn hard to do that. Whether it be a brush up against my hand or even just a glare from across the room, my feelings grow more and more for him every single little thing he does to me. I can’t tell if it was intentional or not but it has to be. The fact that he always sits next to me on the lounging couch at base or always insists on going on a task with me if I was going to be alone or I always catch him staring first. I never expected Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley to be that kind of person, a ‘hopeless romantic’, but I guess you never know with people. I have never even seen his face under that skull mask or even the balenciaga he wears, but I can only imagine what he looks like. He makes me feel things that I have never felt about a person before and I hate myself for it. He is my Lieutenant, it would never work out. 
Who could that be? I’m not expecting anyone. Am I? 
“You in ‘here, Zara?” 
Simon. That was Simon’s voice. What on Earth would he want with me? I scanned over my little cubicle room, seeing it was mostly tidy.  
“Yeah come in.” I announce. 
The door swung open and Simon stepped in, shutting the door behind him. He wore his skull balenciaga with a black hoodie on and gray jeans on. Even though we are on call duty, we can still be in our lounge clothes just as long as we can get dressed and ready into our gear in less than two seconds. 
“What’s up?” I asked as he came and sat on my bed with me sitting on my desk chair that was right near my bed. 
“Can’t sleep.” Simon mumbled. 
I peeked at my clock seeing it was nearing midnight. I didn’t even notice the time, had I been thinking that much?  
“I’m sorry, rough day today?” I offer him to vent. 
Today was arguably our slowest day ever. Just last week we had come back from a nearly month long mission and since we came back, there hasn’t been much to do except drink and do stupid shit around base, and even then that can become boring after so many times of doing it. Simon mostly keeps to himself during the day and does his own thing. No one sees him until it’s dinner time. 
“No, just boring as shiet.” Simon mumbled. 
“I feel that.” I agreed. 
Even though he wasn’t looking at me, just sitting there on my bed, looking down on the floor, made my heart race. Why was he even here? I didn’t understand it. I found myself staring at his hands. I don’t think I have ever seen him without his iconic gloves on. His hands looked so soft and smooth. You can tell by someone how they take care of their hygiene and his nails were neatly trimmed and cleaned which is very Simon. I could see that for sure. 
Simon’s deep voice brought me back to reality and I realized he caught me staring. 
“Yes, L.T?” I say, trying to act like I wasn’t, in fact, staring. 
His eyes pierced into mine, intimidating me strongly. 
“Is that a book you’re reading?” Simon asked, eyeing the open book that was on my desk. 
“Yeah, I am just rereading it, already read it once before.” I comment, closing the book and admiring it. 
“What’s the poin’ in that?” He asked. 
“Well when you enjoy something so much, you want to revisit it again because of the joy it brings you. And if something really brings you joy, then you revisit it multiple times, basically.” I explained. 
“Interesting.” He mumbles, averting his eyes from me. 
Alright, awkward silence, thank you Simon. Really appreciate it. I reached into my desk drawer and peeked into my hidden stash of assorted chocolates and candies. It’s hidden because if Gaz or Soap found it, it’d be dryer than the Sahara desert. I wasn’t even sure if Simon likes this sort of thing. I could see mints being his favorite candy. Oh well, one way to find out. I pulled out a Lindor Milk Chocolate bar and shut the drawer. 
“Want some?” I offer, showing him what it was in clear view. 
“Sure.” Simon mumbled. 
I opened the candy bar halfway and reached out to hand it to Simon, giving him first dibs. 
“No, I just want one piece.” He grumbled. 
You’re really gonna make this hard for me aren’t ya?  I broke off the first piece and stretched my arm out to Simon. He didn’t move at first, and instead just stared at it. It’s just chocolate dude, not a bomb. Suddenly Simon pulled his mask up enough just for his mouth to be exposed, leaned forward, without moving his butt off my bed, grabbed the chocolate with his teeth and took the piece out of my finger. He chewed the piece of chocolate slowly and eventually swallowed it, looking satisfied from the mini dessert. 
What just happened? That was weird. I didn’t expect him to do that. But for the record, I have never seen him without his mask off, let alone what his lower half looked like. His skin was light, with little blonde stubble on his chin, with his clean light pink lips. He is not helping my situation right now. 
“That was good, actually. Could I have another?” Simon asked, not hiding that light smirk that was on his lips. 
“Oh! Yeah, sure.” I answer, snapping out of my delusion. 
There is no way, you’re being delusional Zara. Here you are calling yourself by the nickname that the Task Force gave you instead of your real name. You have really gone off the deep end. I broke off another piece, held it in my fingers, and stretched my arm out to Simon. This time he did it almost instantly. He reached for it, with his tongue agape from his mouth, and I felt his tongue make contact with my fingers, sending instant chills down my spine and into my core. Simon kept his teeth on the chocolate and locked eyes with me. His deep, dark blue eyes staring into my soul as he slowly gripped the chocolate with his teeth and pulled it away from my fingers, consuming it. The cold air in my room confirmed that he did indeed lick my fingers. What is this man doing? 
“Your face is bloody red.” Simon said. 
“Shut up.” 
“That’s no way to talk to your Lieutenant.” Simon remarked, with a deep tone. 
His voice change went straight to my core. It was tingly and it made me shiver. 
“Simon what are you-” 
Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, why, why, why, why, why-
Simon’s lips were soft against my dried up ones, keeping our lips connected as he held my cheek with his hand. His bottom lip tugged with my lip a little causing me to gasp, and he deepened the kiss. His soft fingers went into my hair, tugging slightly, but not too hard. I instinctively held his face as he continued to kiss me. My entire body was hot and heavy, until he let go of the kiss, but kept his hands on me. 
“Hm.” Simon chuckled, “your nickname is true to its word.” 
I was confused, what was he implying? Simon then leaned in, placed a kiss on my forehead and pulled away from me. 
“Thanks for the chat.” Simon thanked me as he headed towards my door. 
“You’re welcome, anytime. You’re welcome to do that, anytime.” I emphasized the last part. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow ‘hen.” Simon said, “Goodnight, Zara.” 
“Goodnight L.T.” 
Simon then left my room, shutting the door behind me. I was still holding the Lindor chocolate bar that started this whole mess. 
“It’s your damn fault I got left hanging.” I grumbled at the bar, putting it on my desk and slamming myself onto my bed. 
Simon, you’re such an ass. But my God you’re a handsome ass. 
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TW : 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦 ; 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘺 ; 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘫𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 ; Word Count : 2.1k ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼✼  ҉  
It had been so long since you had seen snow like this. Snow that covered the sidewalks, blanketed bushes, cars, and trees until the entire world outside the frosted window was painted white. It had been a while since you were snowed in, and sadly, you were snowed in on campus, in the library, which was the last place you wanted to be. 
You were the only person there, but the doors had been left unlocked. Maybe it was a foolish mistake made by someone who had left before the snow had the chance to really start up, rushing to leave and forgetting to lock up. Either way, you were here now, you were the only one there. 
It wouldn’t have been so bad if you had your friends there with you, surely they would have found some way to make the time that you were stuck there more enjoyable. Instead, you were by yourself, the library was dark, and even though you could hear the heat being forced through the vents above your head, your breath was still coming out in puffs of smoke. It was freezing. 
At least you weren’t snowed in with your professor and the rest of your class, surely this couldn’t be worse than that. You did have the entire library to yourself, and while the smell of the aging books alone had you thinking back to the numerous study dates you had with your friends, there was a sense of solitude that came along with the gray lighting that shone in through the windows and the dingy carpets that surely needed to be changed. 
“Phew! Jeez!” The sound of the voice and the whipping wind throwing open the entrance doors had your head whipping up and away from the window to see the heavily bundled figure shadowed by the light behind them. “The weather didn’t even say it would snow today!” 
The voice that called out to someone, something… maybe nothing at all, had been a voice that you couldn’t seem to get out of your head, a voice that now sent butterflies through your stomach. It was crazy to feel such a way, especially since you and Hyunjin were back together, but there was just something about him. “Felix?” You called out, slipping your bag off your shoulder and running over to the door, pushing it shut behind him as he stared at you. “What are you doing here?” 
His head shook, the hoodie that had been secured around his head slipped off and fell against his back. “What am I…- What are you doing here?!” He reversed the question and you rolled your eyes. There really was only one reason why the two of you would be in such a shitty predicament, and that’s because you both had been on your way to class. “How long have you been waiting here?” 
Your shoulders shrugged as you started walking back towards the window, dropping down into the seat and curling up into yourself. “15… Maybe 25 minutes. I’m not sure, I lost track of time.” You mumbled, dragging your finger along the glass pane to doodle into the fog that had settled on it. “I’m hoping it’ll slow down soon so I can walk back home.” 
He sighed, allowing himself to fall into the chair beside yours, his eyes casted out the window as well, and you couldn’t help but admire how gorgeous he looked in the lighting, how gorgeous he looked in general. If Hyunjin ever found out that you thought that way about another guy, about Felix, he’d lose his mind. “Are you cold?” 
Another shrug as a response, you leaned your head against the back of the chair, letting out a yawn. “A little.” You mused, pulling your knees closer to your chest and silently cursing yourself for wearing such a light coat. Then again, no one, not even the weather had predicted the storm. 
Silence followed, then it was filled with the rustling of fabric, and before you could turn to see what he was doing, his coat had been draped over you to cover your legs. “Better?” He asked, and there were many things you could say. You could tell him that it was more than better, that you felt immediately warmer now that you were engulfed in his scent… But you simply nodded, giving him a sheepish smile. What would he even do if you said something like that to him, especially since he’s aware that you and Hyunjin are together again? “Good, good…” He murmured, breathing into his hands and rubbing them together, ultimately making you feel guilty. 
“You’re cold now?” You questioned, although you already knew the answer, and you shifted your body to look in his direction. “You can have your coat back…” But as soon as you started pulling the garment off your lap, he reached out to stop you, offering you a shy smile. 
“You need it more than I do.” He whispered, his bottom lip slipping in between his teeth as he nervously chewed on it. “So… How are uh… How are you and Hyunjin?” The last time the question had come up you had assumed he was trying to help your boyfriend… who had been your ex at the time… But now… Who was he asking for? Himself, or the group of friends that you loved dearly… A group of friends that wanted nothing to do with you at all. 
“We’re doing alright… This is the longest he’s gone without fucking up since the second time he did…” Was that even a defense for him? It sounded so weird, but it was really the only thing you could say for him. That in itself should be disappointing, but you were just used to that being the only thing you could say in his defense. “I saw you had game night with the boys… Are they okay?” 
Just talking about them had you getting choked up. You hadn’t gone this long without a text from at least one of them since before you had met. It felt weird, it felt wrong. “They’re great.” And while you were happy that they were doing great as Felix had said, that’s not what you wanted to hear at all. You sank into the chair, pulling the coat blanket up to your chin. “They do miss you though. I think Jeongin is on the verge of losing his mind, Seungmin hasn’t been Hyunjins roommate since the two of you got together, Jisung is… Strangely he seems the most sane but I feel like I’m wrong about that. Minho is spiraling, which is kind of funny considering he didn’t know you as long as the others. They miss you a lot.” 
You knew the guys very well, and you were sure that what Felix was saying was the complete truth, but it didn’t make any sense at all. “If they miss me so much, then why aren’t they talking to me? They won’t even come see me. I miss them too, ya know?” You were being pouty, but you felt like you had a perfect reason to be right now. “How does Hyunjin feel about you hanging out with them though? I know he doesn’t like them at all… Hell, he wants me to just get rid of them completely.” 
Felix scoffed, running his fingers through his hair as he shook his head, an incredulous smile stretching along his lips. “I haven’t really talked to him.” It was shocking to you, especially considering how close the two of them seemed, and while you didn’t want to poke and prod for more information, it’s not like you could just leave it at that and walk away. The two of you were practically stuck in the library together, at least until the snow died down, and you didn’t want to deal with the awkwardness of sitting in silence. 
“What happened? If you want to talk about it…” You had completely turned your body, leaning against the opposite arm of the chair so you could look at him, your arms now slipped into the sleeves of the coat and sitting snugly in the pockets. You had a boyfriend, but you didn’t find anything wrong with simply admiring the beauty of the man next to you, especially after what your boyfriend had done. 
“Nothing actually happened… I just think he’s an idiot… He’s an asshole. I mean, he literally posted a picture of some girl calling her baby… And then went right back to you.” He looked at you out of the corner of his narrowed eyes. “I know you saw it… That doesn’t bother you?” 
You didn’t want the questioning to be turned back on you, but it didn’t seem like you could back out of it. What were you even supposed to say? You had seen the post, and while you thought that you wouldn’t have much of a reaction to it, seeing him calling another girl baby, knowing that he was with someone other than you, it had been nauseating. His cheating had pissed you off, but seeing another girl, seeing the other girl, it was heartbreaking. “It does…” You mumbled, fumbling with the keys that were in the pocket of his coat. “But only because the girl in the picture wasn’t me…” Your lips pulled into a thin line as you watched the words register in his brain, and while you were used to your friends calling out your foolishness, Felix was silent, just nodding his head as he really processed what you had just said. “You think I’m an idiot, don’t you?” 
He sputtered out a chuckle as he looked back at you, and you were stunned once again by his beauty, his dark brown eyes seemingly staring right through you. “I do, I think you’re absolutely stupid…” Your mouth fell open at the sudden agreement that you didn’t think was coming. “But that’s not really new, is it? I had to save you from tripping because you don’t watch where you’re going, you didn’t check your email to see that classes were canceled today, and you’re giving Hyunjin a tenth chance. Your brain clearly doesn’t work.” 
You continued to stare at him, slack jawed and wide eyed until a teasing smirk lit up his face and you reached over to playfully smack him as you rolled your eyes. “You didn’t check your email either! That’s why we’re here together.” You pointed out and he groaned loudly, looking out the window to see that the snow was now coming down harder instead of stopping like the both of you wanted. “I’ll break the vending machines if I have to. I’m not starving in the library.” 
“Can we at least turn on the lights? It’s so dark in here.” He said, getting up from his chair to start walking around, and like a puppy, you quickly got up to follow after him, swinging the sleeves of his coat in front of you. “You gonna help me search for the lights?” He posed, the corner of his mouth pulling up slightly as he glanced over at you. 
“Nope. I’m just here to keep you company. What? Are you scared of the dark or something?” You teased, but he deadpanned, staring right at you with his eyebrows raised. “Wait… Are you actually scared?” 
He nodded his head as he started walking again, his steps faster as he searched even harder for the lightswitch. “The dark is scary, and libraries are usually super haunted. I refuse to be stuck here in the dark with some spooky librarian ghost.” He sounded so serious, but you snorted loudly, your head falling back as your body shook with laughter. “It’s not funny!” 
“What if the power goes out?” You posed the question jokingly, but he groaned loudly, his eyes squeezing tightly shut as his head shook faster. “Don’t worry, Felix. I’ll fight off the scary librarian. I ain’t afraid of no ghosts.” You perched your clenched fists of your hips as you smiled proudly, and now he was laughing, walking backwards so he could keep his eyes on you. 
“Yeah, sure you will. Thanks Bill Murray.” You clapped your covered hands together as you skipped back to his side, and you weren’t expecting it, but his arm draped over your shoulder as he continued to walk, practically dragging you along. “I see why the guys love you and miss you so much…” He mused, and when you looked at him you thought he’d be smiling his goofy little smile that usually meant he was joking, but his eyes were still straight forward and there wasn’t a hint on his face that he was teasing you. You poked his side to get him to continue, and he simply scoffed, finally looking at you. “You’re fun to be around. I’m glad I got snowed in with you of all people.” 
↻ ◁ ▌▌ ▷ ↺
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Hello! I hope your been having a good day/night
But i wanna ask do you mind fanart of your yandere ocs? And if your okay with people creating fanart i wonder if you can describe the appearances of your ocs. (Might draw who knows *coughs*)
Dont overwork yourself (and drink some water) and thank ya for reading this :D
Yes, I suppose I'd be okay with it!! If you show me them that is😈
Silas: tall, olive skin tone, south European features, black (a bit on the longer side) hair, muscular, brown eyes. I haven't written if he has tattoos, so you can choose in that case!! (He'd be hot with tattoos)
He wears suits and simple clothes, not too many colors or prints. Hoodies and sweatpats are alright in private, especially gray ones
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Dr Kry: Blonde, tall and muscular but more of a slim muscular?? quite pale(?), blue eyes, broad shoulders, big hands, good posture, Scandinavian features
When he's not wearing his hospital uniform which is ... always, he wears sophisticated clothes such as turtlenecks, cardigans, knitted pullovers etc
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King Edmund: black hair, blue eyes, sharp jawline, fair skin, quite veiny arms? Central European features
It's hard to say what he wears because I don't know the names of the pieces, but if you search up 'king clothing' there are examples of what he'd wear!!
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Jerry: East Asian features, black shoulder length hair in a slight wolf cut / in layers, acrylic nails quite often, tattoos over her arms, quite muscular (add piercings if you'd like hehe)
She only wears black — or at least most of the time. Tomboy clothes mostly, or grunge!! Makeup wise, she's quite natural since her makeup gets ruined on missions, but just like most girls, she likes to make herself pretty with at least mascara.
When she makes herself pretty on special occasions (*cough* dates you force her on *cough*), she'll probably wear more dark and smokey makeup rather than fancy 2016 makeup.
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Hedwig: long cool (as in a cold tone) light brown / blonde hair, hazel eyes, fair skin, petite(?), pointy nose, central european
Hedwig wears a lot of designer clothes and isn't a big fan of dark colors. She likes soft clothes!!! Her makeup is very simple and natural and she likes jewelry.
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I don't think I can explain better!! I don't see characters' faces when I imagine them, I only see a shape / outline of their bodies, basically. Some of my characters are clearer than others, like Jerry, since she's been with me for 3 years<3
Take care too, I'm doing my best to juggle school and writing as the best I can :,)<333
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
I love your writing so much, you really captured who the Cod Men are 💜💜
Can I request Rudy with an S/O who likes to steal their clothing? Like I just know this man has soft hoodies and nice button-up shirts that we can use
Thank you 💜
Thank you, I try to write a mix of what I think the requester wants and how the CoD people would genuinely react to something! It's not always easy, but I try! And that's a really cute request! Rodolfo's been getting quite some love as of late, which is nice!
Rodolfo with a Clothes-Thief!Reader
When thinking about the relationship he has with you, Rodolfo thinks about many things: Spoonfeeding you some of his sorbet, cuddling under the blankets while drinking hot cocoa on a cold winter evening, kissing each other on the forehead during soft moments. He doesn’t really consider the bad things a relationship could bring all that often, being fairly romantic and wanting to live those soft and sweet moments with you, as well as remembering them in as much detail as he can. This changes when he notices you, who could usually do no wrong, waltzing around in your home wearing one of his hoodies. And I agree with you, his hoodies are very soft and warm since the fabric is important to him. He also makes sure they stay soft and comfortable since he always thought he’d be the only one wearing them. You opened his eyes, you are a thief.
When he sees you washing the dishes wearing one of his gray hoodies, he’ll simply stare at you for a moment, thinking about whether or not it’s real. He completely forgot that he, too, could be a victim of a relationship and lose his beloved clothing to his beloved criminal. If it’s a chilly morning, then he’ll simply walk up to you and hug you from behind. If he’s feeling especially mischievous, then he’ll put his hands under his article of clothing and onto your tummy so you can feel his cold hands. But that is unlikely to happen. Still! You need to be considerate of your partner as well! If you’re cold he is cold, put him in a blanket burrito!
While he knows exactly who this hoodie or sweater belongs to, he will ask you where you got it from, claiming that you’ve got a nice taste in fashion with a gentle smile. You can then either tell the truth or lie to him. The truth will earn you a chuckle and a kiss to your temple. Lie to him and he’ll interrogate you where you got it from. But eventually he will also ask you if you like his clothing that much. If you do, then you’re more than welcome to take it if he doesn’t need it that day. That extends to things that aren’t just sweaters or hoodies as well. Granted, he isn’t the most fashionable guy, but if he likes something enough he’ll usually buy it and look good in it as well. If you like his shirts as well, then sure, go for it. If it fits, then you can wear it. His clothing is, for the most part, fairly neutral. Lots of grays and lots of blues, so he prefers colder colors over warmer ones. There aren’t many motifs on his shirts, maybe some white palm leaves, but that’s about it.
If he sees you’ve really taken a liking to his clothing, then he’ll buy some more things he thinks you might enjoy, wear them every once in a while, and leave the rest up to you. He sort of does like seeing you in his clothing, in all honesty. You look snug and comfortable in it, plus it gives him the feeling that you do really really like him. When the two of you are roughly the same size, he’ll wear a sweater of yours as well from time to time, just to get some revenge and maybe feel as though you’re with him at that moment. It’s got your scent on it, and what else could be more precious in your absence? In fact, he’ll even give your big pink sweater a try if he really feels like it. You make him feel more comfortable in his skin, so he might even wear stuff like a hot pink and walk up to you so you can see him. If he looks ridiculous to you, he’ll be a bit nervous but laugh alongside you, if you compliment him and coo over how cute he looks, he’ll be a bit flustered and give you a shy smile. So yeah, if the both of you have been with each other for long enough and are comfortable enough, then the clothes stealing will go both ways, if possible.
Rodolfo might try to buy an extra oversized sweater so he can see if the both of you can fit underneath it. Yes, he hides that sweater for quite some time as he’s afraid you’ll laugh at him, but he really does want to try it some time. Maybe it’ll be fun. Maybe it’ll be pleasant. And if it’s neither of those things you have another oversized sweater to call your own. Sometimes you might even go clothes shopping together, just to see which parts of your wardrobe you can share together.
#cod#cod x reader#rodolfo parra#rodolfo parra x reader#I think I've gotten so many requests with Rudy that I feel more comfortable with him#not in writing sense but more in an established relationship sort of sense#not everything feels scary and new with him now which is why my view of him is slowly changing#like he's more willing to be touchy with reader now than he was when I started writing him since that “relationship” has been#going on for a while now. does that make sense? probably not but it feels nice#like the “relationship” is slowly progressing with him and he feels more comfortable with reader these days#I think it's sort of similar with Ghost since those two characters do share similarities when it comes to touch in my eyes#it's sort of sweet to watch actually reader and Rudy have grown closer and started loving each other even more these days#I remember when most of what I wrote could have been read as platonic as well. that's probably why they were hesitant on touch#but most if not all of what I write these days is romantic so touch isn't a big issue anymore#it just makes more sense. same thing with Valeria too I think#as a writer you sort of do build a relationship with the characters as well which is also very sweet in my eyes#the characters are friends. they're lovers. they're enemies. and anything inbetween#I never really noticed such a thing before but I thought about it today. did that happen with off too? I don't remember#so yeah. my HCs are slowly changing for the sweeter and I think that's cute! more domestic stuff which I'm a sucker for!
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driedupeyeballs · 8 months
you should totally tell us some of your Jamiazu headcanons/lh
So Jamil was definitely initially the type to be like “oh, a crush. How do I get rid of it.”
This is both bcuz he’s a loner and also bcuz he’s never really been allowed to have anything to himself for his whole life, so something like a long term relationship seemed especially out of the question. He initially was the type to wait it out and just let the feelings disappear on their own (spoiler: they didn’t)
As for Azul, he fell for Jamil almost immediately but was slow on realizing it. It was probably some off handed comment from one of the twins that made him conscious of the fact he had this crush, but he was pretty confident that Jamil didn’t like him back so didn’t act on it.
They both have a kind of guilt about not being good enough, Jamil because he has like no free will and Azul because of all his self esteem issues. They both feel inferior but see each other as absolutely perfect, they just completely adore each other
Azul is very reassuring, and just generally good with words like compliments and whatnot. This goes past their relationship, Azul just has a supreme vocabulary which is half the reason he’s able to rope so many people into schemes. Jamil isn’t as verbal or eloquent, he generally expresses his love more through acts of service like he’s used to, but it’s different w Azul. Cuz he’s not doing stuff for him because he has to or because of work, he’s doing it because he wants to, because he wants to make Azul happy cuz he’s one of the few lights in Jamil’s life.
I think Azul confessed first and Jamil ended up being the one to ask him to be his bf, probably took Azul a long ass time before he did open up to Jamil about his feelings and obviously Jamil reciprocated long before he knew Azul liked him, but he had his whole plan to repress it until it goes away lmao. So once he knows he’s not getting rid of it he’s the one that takes the initiative to make it official.
They didn’t get together immediately, kind of had a gray area period of knowing they like each other and acting sort of coupley just not having any labels on it. (But Jamil kinda likes the labels cuz he’s possessive but not like in a toxic way)
They cook for each other like a lot… Jamil’s love language is food atp and he knows Azul struggles with it so he lets him take it at his own pace. Azul doesn’t cook a lot cuz he’s not confident in his skills despite being great at it, he starts cooking for Jamil a bit later on and wow I’m realizing this whole segment is ripped straight out of aquarium cuz that fic rearranged the chemistry of my brain
They’re even worse about sharing clothes than most couples, they both like clothes w hoods (Jamil so he can hide and Azul cuz it’s dark and confined) so they end up stealing each others hoodies every chance they get until eventually no one knows which is whos anymore… Jamil can also occasionally be seen wearing that light blue coat from Azul’s dorm uniform if it’s especially cold outside (merfolk don’t get cold as easily so Azul’s always loading off his jackets onto Jamil in the winter)
On the topic of Azul’s merform, personal headcanon that it’s long as fuck, like 30ish feet, our man could easily crush a boat lmao. That’s one of the reasons he hides it away so much, not only is he self conscious he’s also afraid of accidentally hurting someone since his tentacles kinda have minds of their own and explore by themselves when he isn’t paying attention. It took a while before Jamil saw his merform, like a WHILE. like not until after NRC type shit cuz of a plethora of reasons. Jamil was always curious even before they started dating, but despite his anticipation took it at a leisurely/slower pace for Azul cuz he didn’t wanna make him feel rushed or uncomfortable.
When Jamil finally saw Azul’s merform tho it was a very sweet scene… our snake boy practically fell in love all over again lmao
Azul has not stopped trying to get Jamil into Octavinelle, in fact he’s gotten worse. He’s always pulling out the “I still think we could rule the world together” and Jamil just says the octavinelle hat is ugly then kisses him so he’ll shut up
Jamil deliberately kept their relationship a secret from Kalim specifically for months. Both because he’s trying to disconnect their lives a bit more and also bcuz… it’s Kalim. He’d probably throw like a “congrats on getting a boyfriend” party which Jamil did not want to deal with lmao. As for Azul, the tweels were the first to know. (In my headcanon/heart Kalim is besties w the tweels so he probably found out through either them or just general word of mouth cuz Jamil was determined to keep that shit from him for as long as possible)
Azuls big on pet names, E.G “my pearl”, “angelfish” etc. Jamil just sticks to “habibi” (and “asshole”/“cephalofuck” )
Azul comes to all of Jamil’s basketball games, and Jamil tries to participate in board games sometimes but he gets a lil too competitive sometimes lmao… board games club dnd campaign is kinda real to me tho so he’d probably play in that (and queue Azul “i roll to steal Jamil’s heart <3” then rolls a 4 and everyone else pisses themselves laughing while Jamil contemplates moving to another country and never being seen again)
Azul is a massive animal lover, he’s fascinated by earth animals. Jamil has had to stop him from petting a feral raccoon on several occasions. He also shares Jamil’s fondness for snakes and parrots too, I imagine if they ever move into together they’d have plenty of pets… *clears throat* I definitely haven’t made and named… pets for them… *awkward coughing*
General Azul HC he blushes blue cuz octopi have blue blood and Jamil adores this
ANYWAY UH I’ve gone on way too long here um yes JAMIAZU!! After NRC they move into a beachfront place in the Shaftlands and they r happy and canon and I am so mentally ill over them
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sketchyonlooker · 5 months
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[ The main screen of the stream shows an ominous ghostly green skull hovering above Sacramento City. A berth of destruction could be seen around the California Supreme Court, the only intact building in the area. The roars of monsters and cries of people echo through the thoroughly demolished city. A long wurm-like creature wrapped around the ruins of a skyscraper opens its maw towards the building. Light collects and coalesces into an orb within its mouth - its sweltering heat melts the concrete it's next to. It then swings its head back as if to fire - Only for a lance of neon green to nail the wurm's mouth shut, sending both it and the ruined skyscraper into the ground. The world shakes violently as the orb detonates within the creature's mouth - its light overwhelming the camera. Falling dirt rains from the sky with only a large broad crater to mark the creature's death. Hovering where the creature once stood was a man wearing a green hoodie with a skull similar to the one in the sky. His body glowed with an iridescent green. And in his hand was an ornate spear crackling with neon-colored lightning, the same spear that struck the wurm's mouth shut. With glowing eyes, he gives the remains a final look before zipping out of view in a surge of green. The camera moves to follow.
Boomer-oh (v): Okay. I can't watch anymore. Watching how many times I should've died might actually give me a heart attack before this whole thing is over. Thank you, mysterious green man / duel monster / whatever.
BanditKLives (v): God. You're in the Sacramento shelter too? Ugh. I know exactly how you feel.
KuriBoom (v): I'm telling you I saw the angel of Los Angeles in person. She has these like light wings and woooosh, smashing up all those dragons with her hammer like it's nothing.
LordofTheNight (v): Wait. You think that's impressive? We got a giant vampire defending the city in San Francisco. At least I'm pretty sure it's a vampire. Can't really tell because he moves so fast, but holy shit he's tall like small-building tall.
LordofTheNight (v): Anyway, fucking vampires fighting dragons. Still feels like I'm still dreaming.
[ A in-line video is posted in chat from LordofTheNight. A military installation with tanks could be seen in the background. An incredibly tall figure - almost a story tall - slams a tanbo underneath an even taller two-headed dinosaur's chin. The force of the blow lifts the creature up into the air. Despite the dinosaur's speedy snaps and slashes, the dinosaur fails to hit its elusive target every single time. And then a flurry of blows from the tanbo strikes the creature so quickly it seemed like they were all performed at the same time. A moment later, the creature collapses with broken body and shattered limbs. The moment it hits the ground, it shatters into shards of light. An enormous fireball strikes down where the humanoid figure just was immediately after, his figure still blurry from the speed which he moved. Briefly, the camera loses track of the speedy figure, only to hear the sound of another draconic roar. The roar is cut short with the sound of something cracking. And immediately in front of the camera, a long Eastern dragon falls onto the earth with a earth-rendering thud. It too shatters into light. On top of a broken skyscraper and under the backdrop of stormy skies, the tall gray vampire is seen in all of his glory, only to turn into a blur once more.
SunnyDay (v): You think that's crazy? I've got a literal skeleton army fighting dragons and lizards outside. And a freaky green-wearing necromancer controlling them all.
LordofTheNight (v): Don't necromancers wear black or something? Like they're all emo or shit?
SunnyDay (v): Well, clearly someone didn't get the memo. Besides I think if you own a skeleton army that can beat up a bunch of dragons, I think you can wear anything you fucking want.
[ An in-line video is posted by SunnyDay. It's clear that the video was taken from the BC Stream chat. A coastline and an air strip are seen. After a quick zoom-in, several skeletons wearing various sets of clothes are charging the dragons along the skyline. Colorful beams of light blast through the dragons attempting to make landfall, putting large holes into the creatures and shattering them into motes of light. The dragons retaliate similarly with fiery blazes and icy projectiles. Meanwhile, the apparent green-clad necromancer engages up close and dispatches several of the hostile monsters in a flurry of colorful red chef's knives. Another human-sized skeleton, tall and lanky and wearing an orange sweater, slams its foot straight into a scaly blue dragon diving face-first at it. The large dragon immediately contorts and flattens like a train slamming into an immovable wall with the sound of crunching bone accompanying it. The broken dragon begins to fall out of the sky before it shatters into motes of light. ]
ExodiaTheForgottenOne (v): Are we absolutely sure that it's not KaibaCorp's SolidVision gone haywire? Cause that whole shattering light thing is like SolidVision's thing.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): For the last time, SolidVision is incapable of being physical like this. You should know better since you've been on the Sketchy stream for so long. And also if we're sharing end-of-the-world stories...
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): I was in an airplane that was headed back to Japan, but after all the monsters appeared, we tried to U-turn and fly back to California. Except we had a whole bunch of angry monsters after us. I'm pretty sure we got saved by the angel of Los Angeles.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): One second.
[ An in-line video is posted in chat by BlueEyesBlondeDragon. The video is clearly taken from a phone camera. Quiet panicked murmurs and prayers could be heard. The camera is looking out the airplane window and at the plane's right wing. A large blue winged dragon, one that could be recognized as the Winged Dragon of Duel Monsters fame, is diving straight for the aircraft. Screaming could be heard within the airplane cabin as the plane attempts to futilely veer away from the quickly approaching monster. And then a yellow flash crashed straight into the creature, slamming it straight towards the sea. The figure hovers briefly with its bright wings of light, hammer in a two-handed grip. Surrounded by light and with stalwart frame, the redheaded angel of Los Angeles strikes a prominent figure against the stormy skies. Another approaching dragon dives for her but is suddenly struck down in a brilliant flash. Only when the thunder was heard did people realize that it was lightning that smote the dragon down. By the time the camera recovers from the glare, the angel of Los Angeles is gone. "We're saved!" "Praise the lord!" ]
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 10 months
Northern Skies & Airport Lights
For the winter prompt of @sokklasaturdays
Summary: Azula and Sokka meet at an airport after their flights get delayed due to winter weather.
Azula watches plane after plane take off through the lightly frosted window. None of them are hers. She groans. Three hours and counting. Three hours and counting when she should have already boarded and been well on her way. Instead she is here with her carry on bags leaning against her chair eating a cup over overpriced, albeit decently tasty, airport yogurt.  
She had plans for the day, a trip to Äkäslompolo Lake and a taste of what it entails; mostly the sauna and a daring dip into one of the ice holes. She has never gone ice swimming, and never wanted to. Not until TyLee had talked her into it. Frankly she had planned on going somewhere warm, somewhere like Dubai or Maui or maybe Toamasina. Some random lake in the Finnish Laplands was not on her list. But TyLee had begged and begged until Azula had caved. And now, several hours into her canceled flight catastrophe, she is desperate to get to Finland. 
The prospect is exciting, an adventure ready to be taken.
 She finds herself mourning the missed opportunities. One look at the clock tells her that she won’t be getting to Rovaniemi with enough time to make the four hour drive to Äkäslompolo. Be it via bus or a rented vehicle, odds are she will only have enough time to unpack and then attempt to sleep in spite of the day’s stressors. 
And that’s if she is able to get there at all. All signs are pointing at a night in this airport in Kazakhstan. 
She should have just went at the same time as TyLee and Mai but she just had to stay back a day and get ahead on her term paper. Not that she really needed to, she could hammer that out with no problem, she just didn’t want to have to worry about that while she was supposed to be enjoying her winter break. 
She sighs and leans her head back, staring at the steady fluorescent lights. Her phone buzzes in her pocket, probably TyLee asking for her hourly update. She fishes around her pocket and finds the phone. Two messages flash across the screen; ‘Did they get you a new flight yet?’ From Tylee. And one from Zuko, ‘I told you to come with us but nOooOoo, you had to get a head start on your head start first.’ 
She rolls her eyes. And informs TyLee that all flights are still suspended until the weather clears. And so she is stranded here listening to crying babies and griping middle aged women that she has half the mind to join in their mission to get compensation from the airlines. 
Instead she gives TyLee her update and fishes around her carry on bag for one of several novels. Zuko can make what he will of her silence. But it is terribly hard to read with that woman with the bob screeching about how, “it’s ChristMAS! How can you keep all of us stranded here on Christmas!?” Nevermind that it is only the 17th of December. The woman is lucky that she gets that gaudy, flashy Christmas tree in the corner. 
She hears the thump of buttcheeks on the seat next to her and suppresses a groan—there are at least twenty other seats that this dolt could occupy and he has decided to place his buttocks here. She should have just put her bags on that seat. She has her sense of politeness to blame.
The young man waves. He looks to be about her age with a scruffy little goatee and a floppy dark blue beanie. Baggy gray pants and a baggier blue hoodie complete an extremely leisurely, comfortable look. One that leaves her jealous considering that she will be spending the night in her somewhat tight dress pants and her red and ruffled satin blouse. She can take her belt and some of the jewelry off and let her hair down but that still wouldn’t be nearly as relaxing as what he is wearing. “Hey so, you were on the delayed flight too?”
It is a stupid question. Everyone waiting in this lobby was on one of the many flights that couldn’t take off. “I was, yes. I would probably be in Finland now if not for this emergency weather related stop.” 
“Where are you coming from?”
“Japan.” She answers plainly before specifying, “Kyoto.” 
“That’s a long flight. Like ten hours right? There would have been a layover anyways.” 
She has to admire his flippant, nonchalance. “Yes, but there wouldn’t have been a wait as long as this.” Azula replies stiffly. “I am going to miss my day trip to Äkäslompolo Lake.” She folds her arms across her chest. “My stupid brother is probably having the time of his life in the sauna right now…”
The man nods. “I’m coming from Deering, Alaska so I’m kinda used to this whole blizzard thing.” He rubs the back of his head. “I was supposed to be heading to Finland as well but there was some type of computer error and the wrong flight was booked. Suddenly I’m on my way to Laos.”
“Laos! That’s not even close to Finland. That is exactly incorrect. Are you certain that it was a computer error and not a moron wasn’t paying attention to what he was clicking error?”
He rubs the back of his head again and gives her a sheepish smile as his cheeks grow pink. “Yeah, it could have been that. My mom or sister usually book the flights.” He laughs but there is a flicker of hurt in his eyes that leads Azula to speculate that there might be some story there. “Imagine my surprise when the pilot announced our destination. I’m kind of glad that we made this stop. I was able to book the right flight this time around.” 
She should just let the conversation conclude right here but some deeper part of her hopes that conversing with this stranger might take the edge out of her agitation. She clears her throat. “So…what part of Finland are you heading to?”
“I’m meeting my dad and sister in Rovaniemi to celebrate what would have been my mom’s 49th birthday. We lost her two years ago. She was fighting lupus and there were some complications at her last hospital stay.” He swallows. “Sorry, that’s a little dark to just unload on a stranger.”
Azula shrugs, “when I was fourteen they put me in an institution. My family was a disaster.” 
“Was? Hopefully that means that things are better now?”
“They’re trying to be.” 
He nods. 
“Why aren’t you with your father and sister?” 
“I’ve been away at college so I didn’t go with my dad and sister when they went to Canada to visit my Gran Gran—I’ll have to pay her a visit too, spring break probably—so I’m meeting them in Finland and then we’re all going to fly back home together.”
“If you booked the right flight, you will.” Azula quirks a brow. To her surprise, the man meets her dry humor with a somewhat booming laugh. “You’re not going to get offended?”
“It was just a joke.” His smile doesn’t fade. “It was a joke right? You’re laughing with me not at me?”
“I could be. Or maybe I’m just a mean person.”
“Hmm, I don’t think so. I like you.”
“You just met me.”
“I make friends easily.” He shrugs. “I mean we’re traveling to the same destination and we’ll be sitting next to each other on the new flight.” She follows his eyes to the new plane ticket that she had forgotten to slip back into her pocket. “That has to be a sign of something, right?”
“Except that you live in Alaska and I live in Kyoto. That’s not exactly within walking distance.”
“We have phones, the internet, video chat!” He declares. “And if you’re old fashioned you can send me a letter.” 
“I suppose that, that can be arranged.” She opens her mouth to speak again but finds herself cut off. 
“Excuse me.” He begins. “As an apology for the inconvenience of the delay, the airport is offering a free meal to all of our stranded passengers. We are offering beshbarmak, syrne, sopra, and koktal.” 
“I will have the syrne, thank you.” Azula replies. 
“I don’t know what any of that is.” the young man confesses. Azula listens to the other man summarize each dish.
“Hmm I think that I’ll try some beshbarmak.” 
The other man jots the order down. “Your order numbers are 32 and 33. We will have them ready shortly.” 
“My name is Sokka by the way.” He introduces himself and holds out his hand. 
Somewhat hesitantly, she takes it. “Azula. 
He grins. “It’s nice to meet you, Azula!” 
She nods. If nothing else, she supposes that she might get a friend out of this. She could use more friends. She supposes that she wouldn’t mind making semi-regular trips to Alaska every now and again if the two of them have a particularly remarkable time together in what little of it that they have. “What hotel are you staying at? Perhaps if you are nice to me I can get you and your family a reservation for one of those glass igloos.” 
Sokka’s face brightens, “for real!?”
Azula nods. “But you have to impress me. You have a few hours to do so.” 
“My family is going to be staying in a little cabin but it would be nice to stay at one of those igloos for at least one night.” He muses to himself. “Alright, deal! You’re going to have the best trapped-at-an-airport of your life.”
“I hope that this will be my only ‘trapped-at-an-airport.’” She rolls her eyes. But she can’t say that she is completely miserable anymore. There’s something about this Sokka. He’s got a good sense of humor and a way of making her goal of being less cynical seem possible to achieve.
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yourkimjaejin · 11 months
My Favorite Juno Moments of 2022
from r/hotsauceinmybag posted Jan 10, 2023
Hi Liberties. Today, as the year comes to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on the top five moments from my AG bias Juno (at this point she's my ult but I'm still in denial sue me) this year. I made this post cause i think Juno had some cute moment with her members this but I didn't see anyone talking about them so I fixed it! Enjoy!!
Number 5 - Juno and Haruto
This was random and just like Juno to confirm this in the most unofficial way possible
At MAMA day 1, fans in attendance caught Juno and Haurto hugging during Treasure’s Rap line performance of VolKNo. Teumae and Czennie alike were puzzled about the odd pair(more so than the talkative pairing of YG!Doyoung and Aurora).
According to one of my Teumae friends, Haruto barely leaves the dorm without Jeongwoo, Jaehyuk and Asahi. When could he have even met Juno?
Juno has like fifteen bodyguards no including her members
Everyone’s questions were answered when Juno hopped on bubble a couple days after the show and posted a picture of herself, her brother(with his face covered) and Haruto posed together with the response
My brother and I finally saw our cousin after a long time. He’s grown so much! I’m proud of him!! Hwaiting Treasure!!
Any dating rumors were debunked as quickly as they came up. Days after, SM and YG both gave official statements for anyone who didn’t believe Juno’s word.
Number 4 - Juno claiming Taeyong’s closest for herself
Juno loves to frequent vlive, or now insta live, when she's bored. The lives usually amount to Juno doing something stupid in order to make the fans happy. That's actually how her mukbang streams start. A fan suggested ordering her favorite foods and recording it. Juno’s always down to do silly challenges for fans because quote a bitch ain’t never scared unquote. 
In April, Juno did a vlive asking fans for suggestions on something she could do tomorrow on her day off. Juno even made her manager hold her to the promise.
“Raid Taeyong’s closet, OOOO!!! This is the one!”
Weeks later a video was uploaded to AG's channel where Juno walked into the 127 dorms and waltzed into Taeyong's room, opening his closet only to start throwing things around. In the background you can see Taeyong begin to question Juno’s actions but let it go (Even Taeyong know its better to not question any of Juno's actions). Juno paired a simple outfit together but she may have cheated a bit by using her own top but it was a look. Everyone agrees. 
Number 3 - Junwoo matching outfits
The friendship between Jungwoo and Juno is TOP TIER! They are the best friends that you question if they’re together or not. They flirt with each other soo much, it’s laughable how there's been no announcement of their relationship becoming official. Alas, JunWoo stans only have so many moments to live off of and when one happens it sends them. Like this one.
At the SMTown concert in Suwon, Jungwoo and Juno arrived at separate times. Immediately fans noticed that the two were matching, wearing black jeans, gray hoodies, black beanies and white converses. Edited pictures of the two together cropped up everywhere online. 
Later that night Juno updated her bubble with a selfie of the two in their matching outfits in one of the NCT green rooms
Me and Jungwoo planned this awhile ago
We wanted to arrive at the same time but AG had a earlier rehearsal time than 127
We’ll make plans to do this again. Don’t worry!
I really hope they follow through with a sequel cause they are so cute together I can't
Number 2 - Juno reacting to an old ice skating performance
For anyone who doesn’t know, Juno used to be a professional figure skater. She’s actually won four medals (three silver and one gold). 
This year was the seventh anniversary since she won her gold medal and to celebrate, Juno filmed a video of her and the AG members reacting to her gold winning performance. 
They could show the recording but the music couldn’t be used so the girls watched it without sound. Though, the nice AG editors used NCT music in the background.
Before they hit play, Juno told us the song she chose was No One by Aly & AJ. Which lead to a bunch of nctiy edits with the original song
During the video, Juno provided commentary on how she was feeling throughout the whole performance, why she chose certain moves and how she styled her own costume. 
Her performance was inspired by the movie Ice Princess. This movie, according to Juno’s mom, was the reason she wanted to become a figure skater in the first place. She even included a practical version of final move as the finish to her performance
In the video, Juno kind of trails off as tears form in her eyes. She just begins to watch her younger self. None of the girls notice until Moxy reaches over to just grips her hand. The two share a look, smile then Juno tucks herself into Moxy’s side
Like I'm so soft for Mono's relationship like they are each other ride-or-die.
Number 1 - Juno’s 2000’s Music Party
Juno did more vlive’s this year than any other (it's as if Juno needs her own NCT unit to be apart of huh SM??)
Out of all the live’s she did, this one has to be the best one.
Juno decided to present all their millennial fans with a nostalgia trip of the highest regard. She sang every disney channel song she could find on youtube and spotify. Juno started with Hannah Montana and followed the rabbit hole further and further. That alone was everything the fans could ask for. What happened next was even better. 
Slowly her other members stopped by promising to only stay a minute but the pull of nostalgia is too strong. 
Hannah was first. She was dropping food off for Juno but when the Lilo and Stitch theme song came on, she pulled up a chair to belt ALL THE LYRICS. 
Aurora came next only because she was in the building and heard Hannah and Juno losing their minds. Aurora sat in the back but when La La Land by Demi Lovato popped up, her eyes lit up. Hannah just handed over her karaoke mic and let Aurora sing with her whole chest. 
I mean I knew Aurora could sing but she SLAYYYED Demi's high note like it was nothing. I need SM to give her and Yuta a Rock duo concept
Lastly, Moxy actually popped into the chat to compliment her members. When asked where she was, Moxy sent “I’m with 127 practicing.” She promised to stop by after practice. 
Finally when she arrived, the other members just pushed a mic into her hand and proceeded to play EVERY SINGLE Cheetah Girls song. The live went an hour longer than it was supposed to. The girls kept begging to sing one more song before their manager could cut the live. 
AG decided to end the live by singing We’re All In This Together but This wouldn’t be AG if they just sang it. No, they took the camera and set it up in a nearby dance studio to do the full dance as well. Their manager made them finish up after the song was over. 
It was AG funnest live EVER. this live actually led to AGzen’s tweeting at Disney to get the girls on the channel in some capacity. 
Some highlights include: AG making Nothing’s Wrong With Me from Pixel Perfect their song, Hannah slipping Boyfriend from BTR into the playlist, Moxy sing That’s So Raven and the girls playing air instruments (a la Breakthrough promotions) while singing Breakthrough from Lemonade Mouth
Let me know some your favorite moments of Juno this year down below!!
u/BasicallyinLove - I don't blame Taeyong for letting Juno do what she wants. If it was me, I'd let her have my whole closet
u/It’sAllAboutFamily - I was there for the WHOLE millennial Disney live. Even past what op already said, my favorite moment has to be during a break the girls were taking during a slower song. Suddenly, Rotten To The Core from Descendants comes on and they all freak out which turns into them doing the choreo for the dance break. It was glorious
u/GottaCatchEmAll - I'm a Teumae and I stayed up for the mama performance. I had to wipe my eyes when HarNo hugged. I thought it was the sleep getting to me. But now we have another pair of famous siblings
u/LikeAPhantom - Why would you remind my of the ice skating performance video. I was sobbing for DAYSS!! You can tell Juno misses the ice. I hope one day she'll get back out there. Maybe for content
u/SpiritUnleashed - It's my own personal headcanon that Juno and Jungwoo ran the rookies after the og SM rookies debuted. Those mathcing outfits fed me for days.
Another Reddit post but this ones been in my drafts for awhile. Like since last year awhile. Hope you all enjoy. Have a great day!! ~ Author Izzy
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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