minty-ghost-lover 6 months
Good news, I'm not dead. I feel pretty dead though it's been like two months and I still feel weak. Does anyone have any tips for getting over mysterious illnesses that may have started with possession?
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minty-ghost-lover 8 months
"Either way, back inside."
[He grabbed Zera by the arm and lightly dragged her back inside, little resistance from the other]
"You can come in too if you want, at least if you don't have anywhere else to be right now."
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
[Zera nodded]
"Mhm. Seems like it at least."
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
"Not entirely sure what's wrong to be honest. They just went out to the local forest about two weeks ago searching for ghosts or whatever and came back acting strange."
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
[He hugged Zera, but looked at Clover]
"Thank you! Thank you so much!"
[He let go and looked to Zera]
"And you, I know you were getting possessed and all, but try not to run off next time, okay? I was worried."
[Zera smiled sheepishly]
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
[It took a few seconds, but shortly after knocking, the door cracked open to reveal Innes.]
"You're back!"
[He smiled, happy to see his older sibling brought back safe]
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
[They carefully walked to the door, trying to keep her balance. He took a second to check her clothes for the key inside, but found nothing. The key was likely ended up with Innes. He knocked on the door instead.]
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
Thank you
[They looked back at Clover, so very grateful to have a friend like them]
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
If it isn't too much of a bother at least. I might need to be locked in my room again.
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
I don't know if the thing that possessed me is still around or not.
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
[They probably arrived at some point. The house is the same as described before, looking worn down and in need of a bit of work, but still livable. Zera seemed anxious.]
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
That's the spirit!
HIIIII can i please join hipusa??
- @sightseeingscout
I don't see why not! Just steer clear of anything that might be genuinely dangerous. The main point of the club is to be for fun after all.
Club? Does HIPUSA count as a club? How do you tell if something is a club or not? Should probably just put a pin in that for now-
3 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
HIIIII can i please join hipusa??
- @sightseeingscout
I don't see why not! Just steer clear of anything that might be genuinely dangerous. The main point of the club is to be for fun after all.
Club? Does HIPUSA count as a club? How do you tell if something is a club or not? Should probably just put a pin in that for now-
3 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
[Away they go, following the directions they were given]
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
[Zera took a few seconds to balance themself with the help of a nearby counter or table before turning to follow after Clover]
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
[He nodded as a thank you. They realized she never noticed how close she lived to Miss Retro's, only a few blocks away.]
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes
minty-ghost-lover 8 months
[They thought to leave Clover to do the talking. Especially since he couldn't really talk currently. Skipping Zera's turn]
[clover stands at the treeline of the witchwood. he has an old, flickering flashlight in one hand, and a baseball bat sticking out of their backpack. they squint into the darkness, looking for @minty-ghost-lover]
hello? is anyone there?
i-if you're out there...please.. say something?
125 notes View notes