#he already does to some extent amongst some people
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The thing abt john winchester is that he is too complex for the majority of the spn fandom and for a good portion of the writers on the show too.
Because at his core john is about love over everything else. When he looks up at his sons (yes, up, the fact that they’re both taller than him>>>>>), there is love seeping achingly from every single pore of his being even as he abuses them, as he destroys their souls beyond belief. He does it all entirely out of love. And he is so, so wrong for it. A part of him knows it. But he wants to keep dean alive, and he wants to keep Sam pure. And he loves them so much. And he damages them so horribly. John Winchester is the foundation upon which they are both built, they only become more of what he made them as the series goes on. Sam stops fighting it, Dean continues to mold into his image no matter how hard he tries to fight it.
Hell puts them both on steroids, but their individual trauma responses that influence this are the foundations that John built into them. No wonder azazel wanted sam to win so badly. John Winchester crafted his sons into alastair and Lucifer’s ideal victims, respectively, and dean was a better (worse) john than John ever was. John held out in hell. Dean acquiesced to his abuser despite all of his efforts to fight him, and he’s never been the same since.
Sam fought like hell, and he fought destiny, but at his core, he did what John always wanted him to by doing what dean wanted him to do, and then he stops fighting at all, loses the fire he showed john in adolescence that john immediately notices when he returns in s14.
And the sad thing is. They filled their roles so well that John is saddened by what they’ve become. He didn’t want dean to break. He didn’t want Sam to be dimmed. He’s sad to see what Sam is like in s14. In the process of recovering his wife, he ensured he would mold his sons into what he wanted them to be, and when he got what he wanted, he was devastated.
John Winchester is so driven by love and grief and he’s so filled to the brim with both that it’s painful to watch him on screen because he destroyed his family because of it. And he wanted this all along but he didn’t realize what he’d have to give up to get it.
#supernatural#john winchester#sam winchester#dean winchester#my meta#honestly the thing is#if john had survived past s2#I don’t think he would get the hate he receives today#bc the thing is. jdms portrayal is ridiculously complex and beautiful#that when the majority of people write him they lose all his nuance#the fact that John was gone more than he was there immensely damaged his rep in the eyes of the fandom#I think if John were alive for longer he would get similar treatment to dean#both narratively and fandom perception wise#he already does to some extent amongst some people#he’s an excellent complex character#but people can’t handle complex#that man is an abuser#that man also loves more deeply than anyone#you know who also fits those descriptors?#dean#and look how fandom views him
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IWTV S2 Tentative Timeline (Pt2c) - Unreliable Narrators, Armand & the Trial
Thanks for the response to Pt2b, @usuallydeepalpaca-blog! I really want people to talk to me about the IWTV timelines, cuz this show is SO confusing! 😩😭
"I think if you create the timeline with info the show doesn't provide, i.e. Armand was involved from the start, then you're bound to get it wrong."
Absolutely. I fully expect that I got some stuff wrong, which is why I said it's a TENTATIVE Timeline.
I've in no way said it's THEE CORRECT™ timeline, cuz chile IDKWTF is going on. 😅 I openly say what confuses me, questions I have, and how I come to the conclusions that I draw. I'm being as transparent as possible to let y'all know that I DON'T know. 🤷 The show doesn't provide EVERYthing, so I'm just piecing things together in a way that makes an iota of sense to me, following the logic of what the show HAS provided. The only solid details we have are diehard IRL dates, that gave us a time range when certain events can/can't happen. AFAIK I'm working with the same set of details everyone else has, until AMC gives us more info in S3+. And unfortunately, the 2 biggest unknown variables are Lestat & Armand, and to what extent they were/weren't involved in the Trial that got Claudia killed & Louis buried alive.
"saying Armand messed with Louis' memories re: the trial is also something not supported by the show."
The show obvs. wants us to assume that Armand made Louis hallucinate Sam guarding him in the theatre box (thus painting Armand as a "captive" along with Louis & Claudeleine).
Even if Armand didn't use the Mind Gift on Louis, he lied at least twice:
lies by omission: letting Louis think a hallucination of Sam was real
lies to Louis' (& Daniel's) face: going along with the premise that he was Sam's "captive" & Armand sat there the whole time thinking of a way to rescue Louis
And we KNOW this is a lie, cuz Daniel calls it out explicitly, asking how Sam can be "in two places at once," allegedly "guarding" Armand, but ALSO helping to torture Louis in the Wet Room.
Armand never denied or contradicted Louis saying Sam was in either place. Maybe Louis really did misremember Sam being in the wet room--the ONLY one who can corroborate all this is SAM--whom Armand ALSO lies on, throwing Sam, Daniel & the Talamasca all under the bus by saying the script with his handwriting all over it was forged! No honor amongst thieves I guess! 🤣
(Eff Lestat's POV in S3--when is SAM gonna give HIS POV of the Trial?!)
So I'm operating on patterns of behavior, and the logic that if he's deliberately lying about one thing (a VERY BIG THING, actually), then what else is he lying about? How are you "atoning" for anything, when you're just heaping lies on top of gaslighting on top of manipulation?
Armand has used Louis' obvious confusion to his advantage, just going along with whatever will make him look better & more sympathetic. Which ofc, is the exact same thing he does with the "Banishment" lie. "They gave me a choice...I could not prevent it" is the truth and a lie all rolled into one incredibly manipulative cocktail, cuz if it was just a simple matter of Armand selling Claudia out to save Louis, that would be one thing--but Armand KNEW the script planned LOUIS' death the whole time. The "seismic lie" about "Banishment" effs up Armand's whole defense.
Cuz Sam already wrote the script in April 1949 (and I said this is confusing, cuz if it's the WHOLE script, then this implies Lestat's half was written by then, too, and NOT in September after the Eiffel Tower crime--which means he was ALREADY in Paris & working with the coven; inc. Armand (which would also explain WHY Armand took Louis to the library so much--perhaps anticipating that Loustat would feel e/o's presence if Louis was around the theatre too much? But that doesn't explain Claudia)--omfg I'm confused). Wtvr--we KNOW that at some point b/t April & September 1949, Armand made his edits & directed the entire production--from Santiago to Lestat to Tuan's projections--ALL of it. And we know Tuan's projections started being made in June/July 1949.
Armand KNEW Daniel had been given the OLD script from the archives, WITHOUT Armand's edits & directions, and LET Daniel AND Louis think that was the truth--
--same way he went behind Louis' back and removed extra pages from Claudia's diaries that would reveal MORE of his shenanigans--
--and the same way he lied about Nicki (& Gabrielle) in 2x3.
The show ALSO provides us with quotes like this:
And this:
And this:
Which in retrospect make Armand look even more insidious, esp. when we wonder to what extend Louis' been "driven to form new conclusions about myself" when he doesn't even KNOW himself; let alone WHAT memories he has that are real or false.
It's so effed up, and it makes me side-eye all the insistence that LOUIS is the one mostly at fault, when he's got literal double-hypnosis Brain Scramblies from WWDITS. 😭🤦
Ofc there are unknown-unknowns when dealing with unreliable narration. But there are also known-unknowns, too, that also make Armand sus.
Sure, Loumand was away at the library in July (IF that memory's even real, Mr. "I Had A Hunch")--but how on earth would Armand have NOT known that the coven was working on the Trial right under his nose for MONTHS prior & after July--Luchenbaum sewing new barrister costumes & wigs; Tuan painting projections & testing new lens/film tech; and Sam writing a new script (when we already KNOW Sam can't multitask when his "head's in a hat")?
July is only ONE month in over HALF A YEAR of Trial prep. Louis was never around the coven to know what was going on--but ARMAND was; it's where HE lives.
Whose POV was it that showed the whole coven passing around Claudia's diaries? Whose POV was it that revealed Santiago being called Maitre in every scene that ARMAND was also in?
Armand was in the park with Tuan when Tuan called Santiago Maitre; and Armand was in the theatre with Sam when Sam called Santiago Maitre--so this is clearly either Armand's POV telling on himself; or it's AMC screwing with us.
It's TRUE that Turning Madeleine was the straw that broke the camel's back, as Armand was like I can't keep THAT a secret from the coven, too (and ofc he couldn't--they're VAMPIRES; they'd FEEL a new vamp in their territory). But Loumand's problems PREDATE Madeleine; the same way Loustat's problems predate Claudia. I blame Les for not dealing with Lou's BS, just like I blame Armand, cuz THEY are the Coven Masters, NOT Lou--esp. cuz Armand had 14 other vamps in his coven he SHOULD be prioritizing over Lou. The same way Loustat's guilty of being bad fathers (which they BOTH admitted to), Armand's guilty of being a bad coven leader (which HE admitted to).
IMO, all this makes any & all discussion about Armand's trustworthiness difficult, when his "seismic lie" throws EVERYTHING else he's done into question. Esp. since the show ALSO provides us with the FACT that Armand knew from DAY ONE that Claudia lied about "Bruce"/Lestat; and that Louis was a terrible liar & terrible with the Mind Gift; and that he'd ALREADY planned on killing Louis in 2x3! Armand knew from the get-go that he couldn't do EFF ALL to keep Louis & Claudia out of danger, and TOLD Louis so.
"It also ignores that Louis softens his participation in certain things because he can't live with the guilt of his full participation, e.g. Claudia's turning, which he continued to lie to Claudia about even during the trial and only accepted the extent of his involvement in Dubai"
The Trial Timeline's purpose is to pinpoint when the preparations took place, NOT to hash out how bad of a father Louis was to Claudia. 🤨
And it certainly isn't meant to provide a timeline for the events in S1 wrt Claudia's Turning--we already know the dates for all of that, that she was made in 1917. I focus on the 1940s in S2, and the European dates, NOT the NOLA dates. LOUIS did not participate in the Trial's preparations, ARMAND & LESTAT did. My timeline has ZERO bearings on Louis' guilt for not warning her, etc.
But on the subject of Louis & Claudia, I've cussed Louis out for not telling Claudia about Armand b4 (x x), I don't ignore it at all. I fully understand & even agree with Armand being fed up with dealing with Louis' BS. But HE CHOSE not to kill Louis when he had the chance, and it's obvs that whatever arrangement they made when they had sex in 2x3/2x4 allowed Louis to TRUST that Armand would keep "the secret" & keep Louis & Claudia SAFE from the coven. (Which is a BOGUS claim for him to make, when Santiago'd ALREADY peeped that they were lying about Lestat & being from NOLA, but wtvr). I've called Louis a naive idiot 1000x for overestimating Armand, putting his life in Armand's incapable hands--just like he would AGAIN by trusting him about "Banishment;" and AGAIN by asking Armand to wipe his memories in SanFran (and LIE by omission about Les saying "I love you, Louis").
"Louis remembers the trial, he remembers what was said and what Lestat showed him."
HOW can Lestat have showed Louis ANY memories during the Trial (inc. the Ep4 revisit), when Makers/Fledglings CANNOT read each other's minds???????
I love this show so much, but I effing hate this show--they don't even give us an answer, Daniel just moves right past it, like wtf are we supposed to do with that, AMC? There's plot threads, vs plot HOLES. Louis' TOO unreliable, Armand's a shysty liar, white savior Lestat to the rescue~~~! "BANishMEnT~!" As if Lestat's any less impartial?
Esp. when at least SOME parts of the Ep4 Revisit were OBVIOUSLY Scripted lines written by the coven to implicate Louis in breaking the Great Laws that Lestat allegedly taught him AND Claudia to follow?
Like, Louis HATES himself, and is quick to blame himself for things beyond his control (a la Paul, a la the Ordinances; "Can we be forgiven if we do not forgive others ourselves?"); so if one is determined to see him bad faith then of course one can easily pounce on him Florence DPDL style / Santiago style, and blame him.
(Esp. since in 1x4 we literally SEE Louis admit to begging & emotionally baby-trapping Lestat into turning Claudia--the revisit in 2x7 is more (melo)dramatic & extended, sure, but it does NOT contradict Louis' account in S1. So I get REAL confused when people say he lied about 1x4 or wtvr.)
Louis invalidates his perspective cuz he KNOWS he's an unreliable narrator--he spends 2x1 sobbing about wanting to remember & "get every detail right"--and ARMAND is there constantly tryna STOP the interview; having directly contributed to his already deteriorated (& inherited?) mental illness, by bending Lou's trauma into "a Lestat shaped-effigy" with all that "I will not harm you" bullcrap.
TL;DR: We won't know for sure what the Trial timeline actually looks like, unless S3+ revisits it with more context.
But as things stand at the end of S2, NO, I don't trust Armand as far as I can throw him, cuz there are waaaay too many instances where he's deliberately lied & obfuscated & omitted in ways to deliberately confuse the narrative surrounding the Trial--that go beyond Louis' already confirmed trauma, PTSD, mental illness, repressed/faulty memory, and guilty conscious.
If y'all want a timeline of S1 events, those have already been made by other people in the fandom (this one is goated).
I wanted to know what was going on in S2; so I used every single date and IRL reference possible, and put them in chronological order in a way that makes sense based on how I TENTATIVELY understand things currently; NOT how AMC has confirmed yet--if they ever will.
If anyone has more relevant in-show references & IRL sources we can cite, to help make better sense of S2 than I did, let us all know!
#the vampire armand#loumand#louis de pointe du lac#justice for claudia#interview with the vampire#iwtv tvc metas#i hate math
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Prelude to a New Tomorrow
(Word count: ~2.6k)

“If I were a composer…you would be my Magnum Opus…”
(Current: Sylus Archives(Article: I)- 003)
(Previous: Yes…? No…? Maybe so…?-002)
(Storymode control buttons)
(004: -tba-)
Hmm? Oh it’s my cue? Oh!
Welcome! Welcome to the world of Love and Deepspace where we—…hmm? Oh? Oh they know it already? Oh well…umm then hi! Skipping through the pleasantries…let’s move forward! Currently we are giving you the exclusive viewpoint of the story from a different character…Your usual narrator is on a break and hence I’ll be taking over.
Before we continue forth, keep in mind that, my job here is just coverage, I don’t write anyone’s stories and neither am I interested in them.
We’re sorry for the inconveniences caused….well shall we begin then?
Sylus Qin…a man feared amongst the mass…standing as one of the most wanted criminals for the Linkon city Police and the Hunters’ Association to get their clutches upon,
a man who held such a huge bounty over his head, it had become a historical record to keep and store maybe even in the museums…Yet he held not even a flicker of distress behind his ruby eyes…
And the bounty? Oh please, he could pay four times the amount of that sum any day to any individual.
He was a man of many wonders and mysteries…one that even the cosmos failed to unravel.
He was the writer of his own Destiny. Fate? She could never ever strike the chords of his life and was merely bound to him…bound to make him end up with his beloved, in every life that is there for him to come and go…
Soon arrived that one fateful day in his current life, the one which he had eagerly waited on for eons to befall…many months ago, his first meeting with her…
He had returned from a long hiatus, even unknown by his own organisation about his whereabouts…
she had come to the N109 Zone for investigations to be carried out about himself and Onychinus…
The place which was deemed to be perpetually lawless, the place where even the Hunters’ Association hesitates to peep into, she had come…
When his eyes met hers for the ‘first’ time, he could strongly conclude that she hadn’t changed…not one bit…
She was a Deepspace Hunter now huh? When he saw her,
his breaths yearned for hers,
his touch yearned for hers,
his heart yearned for hers…
his soul yearned for hers…
but he kept his composure, his pride, he had an image to uphold…
His heart had ached, the pain flashed upon his face for a fraction of a nanosecond, disappearing soon after within the depth of his soul…when the shopkeeper had told him the reason why they couldn’t Resonate with their Evols…
…she was disgusted by him…
Soon after the Auction, he’d let her go, after giving her the answer she came to look for…partially
But did he have any ulterior rational motive? maybe it was to give her time to remember him? To recognise him?
Familiarity began to breach it’s way through within themselves, when he’d first crashed a visit at the Karaoke Bar, she’d went with her work friends…
….“Oh my god MC who’s this hottie?”
“Yeah how does he know you~?”
“Is that your boyfriend~?”, came by the fleeting questions once he’d sit at their table, talking to her…
He’d hear the obvious irritation in her tone, that means he did his job right…
….“Hi! I’m Tara, one of MC’s colleagues and good friends! *giggles* she never introduced you to us, who might you be?”, chimed in one from the table. She had short-brown-flowy hair upto her shoulders, and was honestly adorable, even he had to agree to some extent.
“Skye—you may call me as her ‘Bestie’”…
….She groaned, her friends laughed, the smirk on his face stayed…he was enjoying it too much…
They shared a duet.
For her, it was simply a song sung among two people, trying their best to make it mellifluous.
To him, it was an epiphany, a symbolism of the caricature that though space-time were ever changing; she was his forevermore…
A single meeting turned to two, then three, maybe even four or five, he never kept count, he’d always be overjoyed towards any small update that she pressed onto him of herself. She could talk for days, even weeks—or months, and he would hear her, hear the woman whose voice was the sole form of music to his tone-deaf life…
It was a long work day for Onychinus’s boss,
having five business deals to go to,
an auction to attend,
He didn’t care about any of the following, but he would have to go, go for the sake of ‘upliftment of Onychinus’s reputation’, as some would often term…
As if people were blissfully aware of what Onychinus was, or capable of doing…
An abandoned construction site, at the corner of a narrow lane? It was the same place, most chose and yet they talked of how secretive their working methods were when he could clearly tell.
He scoffed internally, frankly this all was a waste of his time… They barely ever knew the basics about business in the N109 Zone, and they had the audacity to approach him. He had never once chosen the same place to meet for work purposes, only mediocrities would make that mistake. He listened to each dealer for a maximum of two seconds, before calling in the other. He knew they all were useless. This was useless.
Upon returning back to his base, he heaves out a tired sigh…
he gestures at Luke and Keiran, his trusted henchmen, to take care of the stuff… “Yes bossman!”. He had enough faith them, he knew they could handle the job properly.
Right now…he needed some rest, it was a long day.
Even the leader of Onychinus gets tired…
It was a notification, from the Mephisto app,
Oh. Who’s Mephisto you ask? Well, Mephisto was his ‘companion’…It was the mechanical drone…a mechanical drone shaped like a crow to be precise, a product of intricate craftsmanship, engineering and metal... Sylus was proud of him, although he would never admit that out loud.
“Destiny Cafe, huh?”
He wondered, having employed his mechanical crow to ‘keep tabs’ upon his beloved and her everyday life…for ‘safety purposes’…
Well in short, the mechanical bird nearly followed her every step, where she goes when she’s free, what she does after leaving work, what condition she’d be in after a Wanderer fight or some other field mission, does she drink? Who that annoyingly clingy blonde colleague of her is, always falling asleep with his head on her shoulder whenever he gets the chance. Who that overtly handsome…wait no no…umm, what he meant was…
Whoever that overtly boring doctor friend she had at Akso, was…
Even when she was hired to be a body guard for a certain famous artist, he would roll his eyes…
Was she aware of this? For a long time now.
Did she care? No.
Was it creepy? Maybe.
Would he give a shit? N-a-h.
At least he isn’t some old family-friend, the type to secretly, plant a chip onto her and watch her every move, without her consent.
Kitten 🐱: I see Mr. Caw Caw just watching me while I try to drink my coffee.
Kitten 🐱: If you miss me so much why not just come and visit me.
Kitten 🐱: *location sent*
Kitten 🐱: Oh and don’t be late, you know how particular I am about punctuality.
She was feisty, and he loved every bit of it.
Sylus: Reaching in 20.
That was the first time, he ever went to Destiny Cafe…he knew there was a popular cafe in Linkon, but he didn’t bother upon learning the name…he didn’t need to, well that is until now…
“Destiny Cafe huh Kitten? What is so special about this place that draws you in?”
“Okay! First of all the menu and the quality of each product here is heavenly! Plus, I mean look around, the aesthetics, what’s not to like???”
“Now don’t tell me the Skye, has never ever drank coffee…”
She teased, as she poked at his chest. Such audacity, if it were anyone else, a bullet would go right through their head before they could’ve even adhered upon the thought…
“I’ve had my fair share of coffee, I need it to function smoothly, besides I hope you’re not forgetting that I sleep during the day and work during the night, I need tonnes of caffeine kitten.”
“Oh yeah, sometimes I forget…it’s as if you’re Batman or something.”, he had memorised every little detail about her.
Even simple conversations like such echoed throughout his heart like a loud boom. Every moment with her was a moment, worth living for. She was the sole purpose of his life in this timeline, and every other timeline that was to come…
His eyes used to wander throughout her entire form, while she talks with her friends, her colleague(s), even her primary care physician…and the artist that hired her as his bodyguard.
The number of people she was acquainted with seemed to know no bounds, perhaps it was all in her charm…
He had always been a keen and observant man, hence the reason he could oh-so minutely tell the differences throughout her personality as she talked to the various people revolving around her in life…
Her eyes held lyrical allegories behind them, as if each significant man were a note in the composition that upon uniting with her would result in the formation of a holistic melody…
His mind would often start to wander at intervals…did he truly know her?
“An auction?”
“And why do I have to go again?”
“A partner would increase the increase the reputations of Onychinus.”
“And since when do you care about that?”
She was right…he didn’t…he wouldn’t even attend them before…
But now having been reunited with her again, he had the overwhelming urge to show her off…
It was silly, silly for the leader of Onychinus, one of the most feared, top and respected organisations of the N109 Zone, Sylus Qin to feel…smitten…smitten towards his beloved from his past life…who barely even recognised him now.
What would he even form an answer with? He was left speechless. It was a pleasant feeling…
“It’s not obligatory for you to accompany me kitten.”
His tone was…disappointed?
She smirked, adding upon the final touch-up to her outfit for the night before she emerged out of her room.
“Who said I wouldn’t go?”, she pulled him closer by his dusk wood, strapped tie…
“I have to go, especially when the boss of Onychinus is being…this submissive~”, she lets go, walking towards her front door…
She knew she had him in her clutches, and he knew he wouldn’t ever dream of escaping even if he could…he wanted to drown himself within her presence…
Oh and did he speak of how she looked?
Maybe it’s best that he leaves it within himself…since no word would be even close to becoming eligible enough to describe how ethereal she looked as the moon shone it’s gleam down upon her, making her glow…as if she was one with the cosmos…
“What are you staring at? Let’s go.”,
Oh what a mess she had made out of him…
“May I have this dance m’lady?”, he bowed, holding out his palm in front of her…
“I would be a fool to reject an offer from the leader of Onychinus himself…”, she placed her gloved palm onto his…
The rhythm was slow, yet familiar…too familiar…as if it felt like home…home? What was the concept of a ‘home’? He had never had a home before…maybe in Tarus city…but that never truly felt like home, not until he’d gotten to know her…
She was his home, his identity…she named him ‘Sylus’, made him the one who stands upon the Earth today…
The two of them were an amalgamation of one another…their hearts were one, desires were one, souls were one…one with each other…
his existence held no meaning without her…
She twirled gracefully in his arms, the both of them dancing to the melody breathed down upon them by the universe…
It was special…it was cosmic…it was meant to be…it was destined…
They fit in each other’s arms like two puzzle pieces finally united to complete it’s holistic configuration…
Sylus was devoid of religion, but she was holy…and he had to worship her…
His movements, dipped her down, faces merely inches apart as they stared into each other’s eyes, trying to interpret one another’s intentions…
he took the call…it was too early…still…she needed time…
Strolling along the grass in the park, the drizzles from the water fountain, hitting their faces.
“See I told you it’s fun!”, she giggled.
He smiled, he always did…
Often times he’d die from the inside all over again, just to tell her about everything and their past, to check if she’d remember or recall…
“I never disagreed with you kitten.”
He feels like his thoughts don’t make sense, as if they ambiguous and scattered all across the place…
Thoughts? He never used to have those…he had them reserved…reserved for his beloved…and now that she was finally with him, he’ll let his feelings flow free….
He was like the ebb and flow of the tides, she was his moon, causing the natural phenomena with the pull of her gravitational force of attraction…
They sit down on the bench, cotton candies in hands. Strawberry for her, cherry for him…
“Want a taste kitten?”
“Don’t mind if I do~”, as she took a big bite out of his…
He let out a hearty chuckle, the tone filled with nothing but love and devotion.
Her smile widened as she texted on her phone…
Was he curious? Maybe.
But it’s her privacy and whenever she feels right she would tell him…
“Oh Zayne…”
“Oh it uhh…”
“Your primary care physician?”
“I umm…I usually as before you’ve noticed was used to calling him ‘Dr. Zayne’…well I guess I should tell you this…he and I used to be childhood friends, and we’re catching up, have gottten more closer…so first name basis…”
“Is that okay?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“I just thought…nevermind…”
….“He got a new girlfriend! I’m so happy for him…”
Oh but she wasn’t, Sylus was a keen and observant man…he could easily tell…
He had envisioned plans…too many plans and imageries upon how their future would look like, feel like…all up in his head, like record labels, each one with a different genre and taste, yet the base remains constant…
Everything was pitch perfect…
Too perfect…
Kitten 🐱: Sorry Sy can’t meet up tonight! I am having dinner with Zayne. See you soon, bye! (Read at 2030 hours)
Kitten 🐱: Hi Sylus! I am so so so sorry I forgot about our meet-up, actually me and Zayne— (Read at 2240 hours)
Kitten 🐱: Sylus I am so so sorry— (Read at 2100 hours)
Kitten 🐱: Sylus—
(Read at 0306 hours)
And so many more text messages like this carried on like a string laced with poison…he began to observe her around him…she was…happier, livelier…nothing seemed forced…it all felt natural…too natural…
The warmth that she held in her eyes, in her soul for him, was different…different from all the others he’s observed…it was real…it was pure…it was raw…
How did he know? He was a keen observer after all…
He stopped sending Mephisto out for her…he felt weird…something he couldn’t comprehend or explain…he wasn’t supposed to feel like this…he was Sylus Qin, the leader of Onychinus…
She’d left him devoid of his logical domain…his cognition failed to provide him with a calculative evaluation…
“Bossman, are you okay?”, Luke and Keiran asked…they were worried…‘ultra worried’ as they’d often term it…they’d never seen their boss like this…he seemed miserable, although he was a master at concealment.
He gave a nod, as he continued cleaning his weapons, checking out his gun in his armory, laptop wide opened…
They looked to each other, then left him alone…
She was an art piece, and whoever created her… must have loved her deeply…but she wasn’t his Magnum Opus…
He saw their love, with his own eyes…it was as exquisite as aged-wine…as pure as a melody composed form within depths of their souls…it was a melody heard upon by everyone wherever they went…
but he was tone-deaf…
However much he tried to keep himself composed, at the end of the day…
He was only man…captured within the green eyes of Jealousy…
The Sylus Qin was known to be omniscient, yet…he couldn’t decipher out his own beloved…
She was his spring…the Persephone to his Hades…
But she never fell prey to the pomegranate seeds, hence she was never bound to him…
It was after all only just an illusion…
Her feet were never meant for to touch the ground…her being was too holy to be cradled by the Earth and it impurities…she was one with the cosmos…
All she knew was to fly and float high…
He grew tired of it…tired off the endless fall that he was falling…he needed gravity…gravity to drag him back down onto the ground…
(All credits, TW, Index have been mentioned on the Storymode page.)
#love and deepspace#lads sylus#lads zayne#lads#lads post#lads x mc#lads x non mc#lads xavier#lads rafayel#lads caleb#love and deepspace sylus x mc#love and deepspace Sylus x non! mc reader#lnds x non!mc#lnds x mc#lnds sylus#lnds zayne#lnds#lnds rafayel#lnds xavier#lnds caleb#lads sylus archives#lads Sylus x MC#lads MC x Zayne#love and deepspace fluff to angst#lads x reader#lads slight mention of Hades and Persephone#lads sylus angst#love and deepspace sylus
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Part 1 here
Chapter 2 is up on ao3
Please be advised of content warning for suicide - no descriptions but some cruel words - see ao3 for sections to skip and message me if you need to.
Feedback is always appreciated
Would you still love me if I told you my darkest secrets?
Ch 2-
They stumble through the doorway to the motorhome, Marc instantly collapsing onto the worn couch tucked into the corner. Alex has procured a blanket from somewhere and is busily tucking it around him, refusing to let Marc out of his sight. He bustles around the small kitchenette, busying himself with making some coffee.
Neither of their parents were able to attend the race this weekend. Marc doesn’t know if he is grateful for that, or not. They both knew, of course. It had been a testing time for the family, the fallout with Valentino, along with the public backlash, and Marc’s declining mental health had left him heartbroken and hopeless. After his first attempt, Marc returned to his room stripped bare. All signs of Valentino Rossi expunged whilst he was in a hospital bed; the only reminder was his broken heart. It had just made Marc cry harder at the time, Roser wrapped around him in his childhood bedroom. It had taken him many years to pick up the pieces after that, with several other falls along the way. But he takes comfort in the fact he is still here, life has beaten him down over and over; he has been kicked (literally), beaten, and spat out by both Vale and the media, but he always kept going. His family has made it out, they are safe, and he is safe. And really, that is all he can ask for.
Alex observes Marc with increasing concern. He has been on the sofa, swaddled in blankets, for 45 minutes with no signs of movement. His coffee mug is forgotten in his hands, as he stares blankly at the wall, no doubt revisiting the years that haunted them both. As much as Marc likes to pretend that he is unaffected, Alex knows that those years did lasting damage to his psyche; he has noticed in the way he acts around others, how he no longer trusts so easily, and how he seems to be acting around almost everyone except a select few people. He knows that his older brother harbours a lot of guilt for the past, thinking that he had done Alex some kind of disservice. Alex is just glad he still has an older brother.
At some point a Gresini representative knocks on the motorhome door, speaking to Alex in hushed tones. After they leave, Marc numbly listens to his brother relaying the extent of the damage. The media has found out about Marc’s suicide attempts in 2015, but no one knows the details, and it is hoped that it will stay that way. So far, no other records have been accessed, or at least not published. Legal is already working tirelessly to understand what has gone wrong, but for now there is nothing Marc can do. News has spread fast, and Marc does not doubt that by tomorrow the entire grid will know about how fucking pitiful he is. The thought makes his head hurt and his eyes water.
“You should try to get some sleep. The team are putting out a statement about respecting your privacy but for now there is nothing more we can do”.
Marc nods slowly, feeling adrift amongst all that has happened today. He rises unsteadily to his feet and shuffles to the bathroom. He flicks the switch and blinks heavily at the harsh lights which blind him. He almost doesn’t recognise the person in the reflection, with a pale face and hollow eyes. He shudders, it reminds him of a time when every mirror would render the same hideous portrait of despair every day. Marc pointedly avoids looking at his reflection again. He knows Alex won’t leave him alone tonight, fearful of the unhealed wounds the past has left which have once again been reopened. Instead, with a resigned sigh, Marc finishes in the bathroom and hauls himself into bed, Alex curling up on the other side. The position is so reminiscent of their younger years, filling him with a hollow kind of sadness. A heavy blanket of exhaustion weighs upon him, and that, alongside his brother's soothing presence, lulls him into a deep sleep.
Marc awakes to an empty bed and the sound of knocking on their motorhome door. He takes a moment to recentre himself. It must be around 8 am, given the way the light spills in from the window. It is Saturday morning in Misano and yesterday the entire MotoGP world discovered arguably his biggest secret. Marc isn’t sure good morning is appropriate.
The hushed whispers of two familiar voices filter in from the living area, clearly speaking softly to let Marc rest. He groans and blindly feels around for his phone, before remembering that Alex had taken it off him at some point yesterday. It was probably for the best that he didn’t know what the media were saying right now. Bastards.
He rolls out of bed, grabs a pair of sweats and the first t-shirt he sees (it is definitely Alex’s, given that it’s way too long for him) and stumbles into the kitchen, where a cup of coffee is already waiting on the counter. He has never been more grateful for his little brother and his worldly knowledge that 8 is too early for Marc. He’s a little shocked to see Aleix Espargaro sitting next to his brother on the sofa, both watching him with matching worried expressions. He would laugh at the sight of the two men mirroring each other in such a dad-coded way, if not for the current circumstances. Instead, he frowns back at them. Aleix rises to his feet, approaching Marc cautiously, giving him a chance to move away, before drawing him into a tight hug.
“I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”
The older man holds him for some time, Marc’s head tucked into his neck. As he pulls away, Aleix’s hands come to the side of his face, holding him gently.
“Promise me you will tell me if it happens again, I do not like the thought of you in so much pain. But now I see that you have already been through it. You should never have had to do it alone, Cariño.”
His eyes are anguished but sincere throughout his speech, observing Marc with undisguised worry and affection. Marc can’t stand it and looks away once Aleix has released him, worrying his lower lip. The older man takes this as his cue, thanking Alex for his coffee, and quietly making his way over to the door, not before shooting him a concerned glance.
“You will let me know if anyone gives you shit today, I will keep an eye out for you. Look after yourself, Marc.”
And with that, he’s gone, the quiet snick of the door behind him. Marc raises an eyebrow at Alex.
“What was that?”
Alex sighs, “He is concerned about you, hermano, he has always had a soft spot for you. He is annoyed at himself for not noticing sooner.”
“I hide it well”
“I know”
The rest of the morning is relatively normal. The people he interacts with are evidently unsure of the acceptable conduct for this situation; Marc finds it terribly amusing, in a dark kind of way. He has decided the best course of action is to pretend nothing has happened in the twisted hope that if he ignores it, everyone else will too. He’s sure his old therapist would be delighted. The security presence in the paddock appears to have suspiciously doubled overnight. People are staring, he can feel it in the way the back of his neck prickles, but no one approaches him. He doesn’t care if they must bring in the goddamn military if that’s what it takes to prevent another PR disaster.
He makes it to the pitlane in record time, dodging all signs of human life, taking the back alleys wherever possible. He enters the rear entrance of the Gresini garage, finding his crew to check in before qualifying. He is pleased with the bike set-up from yesterday, feeling confident in the pace this weekend. On the bad days, Marc thinks he will never know the feeling of winning again, that he will never experience a champagne shower from the top step of the podium, the world chanting his name. That he will fade into irrelevance, a has-been of the sport, once Valentino Rossi’s great rival, now just another name. But this year is the closest he has come in 3 years, and he is not willing to let go without a fight, because Marc Marquez is synonymous with winning, it is his purpose and his destiny. If he is not riding, if he is not winning, he does not know who he truly is.
He watches the junior categories warm up, reminiscing on those days of his career, before the pressure and before Valentino. He is glad to see David achieving so much this season. He sees a younger version of himself in the boy and it scares him, terrified that the young Columbian will get burnt in the same way that Marc did. He vows to do everything in his power to protect him but let him grow into the world champion he is destined to be. They already training together, and Marc can see the way he is rubbing off on the teenager, he just hopes that does not become a curse.
The second free practice of the weekend occurs without a hitch, landing both Alex and Marc into Q2, much to the chagrin of the Italian fans (and really, could people not let it go by now?). Marc is determined not to let the recent events hinder his performance. Despite this, he is increasingly aware of his rising anxiety about facing the others on the grid. His mind is consumed by thoughts of judgement and disgust, creating pictures of his colleagues deserting him, refusing to be seen with him as in 2015. No matter how hard he tries, even after his talk with Aleix this morning, he is frantic with worry, unable to sit still.
“You will wear a hole in the floor if you do not stop soon.”
Alex appears from around the corner, watching him pace.
“We need to get ready. Are you feeling okay?”
Marc can’t face the idea of putting the younger through even more pain because of him, so he simply nods in agreement, refusing to meet the unconvinced look Alex is no doubt giving him.
He already has his leathers on, so he grabs the rest of his kit, and starts towards his crew, Alex heading in the opposite direction. He shoves down his fear and greets the people waiting for him with a plethora of fist bumps and hugs. He is grateful that his team are treating him as usual, seemingly recovered from yesterday’s shock. Some had wrapped him in a hug earlier this morning, others laying comforting hands on his shoulders, unabashedly showing their support and filling him with warmth. He holds onto that feeling as he prepares to ride, knowing a few more people are fighting in his corner.
Marc feels alive. The bike is singing underneath him, so responsive to him. Every move is calculated to perfection, cornering on the edge of impossible - he’s probably giving the guys in the garage a heart attack every lap. But he feels like he’s flying, whipping around the track on a bike that loves him as much as he loves it. He knows he’s putting in good times, his pace almost matching the newer Ducati, something which is the talk of the paddock at the moment. The move to a different constructor has brought a new lease of life to his career, quieting the doubts and prompting the whispers: “Marc Marquez is back”.
By the time the checkered flag falls, Marc is on top of the world. His mind wiped clear of the media, Valentino, and 2015. He doesn’t know where he placed, and it isn’t until he looks up at the timing board and sees his 93 at the top of the list, that he allows himself to grin.
Marc rides back to the garage, tailed by Alex, still grinning under his helmet. He is greeted and is greeted with a warm reception from the team, cheering as he and his brother come to a halt. He is rained in congratulations from his team, hands slapping his back and wide smiles directed at him. It is then that he spots Dovi. His old friend is standing to the side, a proud smile face. Marc has no idea what he is doing here, but he isn’t about to complain, having missed the older man in recent years. Dovi was one of the few people who had his back all those years ago, for which he is endlessly grateful. He jumps off his bike and almost straight into Dovi’s arms, uncaring of the cameras trained on the pair.
“What are you doing here?”
“Ah, can I not come and see my friend outperform everyone in the sport that we both love?”
Marc huffs a laugh in response, a faint blush colouring his cheeks. He knows why Dovi is truly here, despite his friend’s bullshit, but he cannot bring himself to be annoyed about his obvious weakness. It is nice to have a friend who is not Alex around. He knows affection is rolling off him in waves but simply does not care -pleased at the ease that is quick to settle between them, despite the years.
“I will be with you in a few minutes, go annoy someone else whilst we debrief”
Dovi laughs at that, making Marc grin, all teeth, in return.
Debrief is a quick affair, the team are delighted with p1, and simply want to talk about the race set-up, as well the minute areas for improvement on track. They release Marc after 20 minutes, giving him proud smiles and comforting touches as he leaves. He is once again overwhelmed by his love for the team which has re-awoken his passion for the sport which has taken but also given him so much.
A quick scan of the garage tells him Dovi has found one Alex Marquez to annoy, much to Marc’s amusement. He grabs his phone off the table (he had regained possession of it from Alex earlier) and turns it on for the first time in 12 hours, desperate to check his messages since he has 5 minutes to himself. He scrolls through his notifications.
His manager and parents have messaged, the latter asking him to call them when he has a chance, although he’s sure they have probably spoken to Alex, explaining the lack of urgency. He has a message from Casey Stoner, telling him to keep his head up and to ignore the media, although his choice of words is a little stronger. Marc lets out a startled laugh, warmed by the unexpected gesture from the older man. The next text makes him stop in his tracks, confusion bubbling inside him. It’s from an unknown number, and simply reads “Stop playing games.” A sense of unease fills Marc as he deletes the message, unwilling to entertain whoever thinks they can hide behind a screen and say what they want, he should just forget about it. The final and most recent text is from Dani. It simply reads “Tell Dovi he’s a dick for stealing my thunder. Unfair advantage, he was already in the country. We’ll be there in a few hours.”
A hand lands on his shoulder from behind, and Dovi’s head follows. Nosy fucker. He lets out a cackle at the text, pulling away to laugh even harder. Marc very much feels like he’s missed a joke, and he has no clue who “we” refers to. He simply replies to the chat with a thumbs up and accepts his fate of being coddled by the older riders for the rest of the weekend.
The pole position high doesn’t last very long. Marc and Dovi are walking back towards the motorhomes when he comes crashing back down to earth. Saturdays are always a bit chaotic at the track. But today, it feels worse than usual, with people staring and murmuring as they pass. Some of the comments are less than pleasant. Marc tries not to let it affect him, portraying a persona of indifference, no matter how much the words sting. Dovi talks lowly as they walk, his presence reassuring amidst the harsh whispers washing over them, swelling in a crescendo of cruelty.
“-he should have taken more pills”
“-can’t believe he actually did it”
“How selfish-”
“Have you seen the articles? I read that-”
From the limited information he has been given, or overheard, Marc gathers that the public reaction to the news has been mixed, to say the least. Some people are outraged by the leak and the subsequent media frenzy, destroying any sense of privacy left in Marc’s life. Others have been senselessly cruel, spewing hatred online about his mental health or even going as far as suggesting that he deserves it. Marc swallows the bile in the back of his throat, unwilling to break now. He knows he can’t let the public see his defences crumble, it will only give them more opportunity to kick him when he’s down. He’s so wrapped up in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice who they’re walking towards, until it’s too late.
Marc hears Valentino before he sees him, talking to Pecco in hushed tones. His rapid-fire Italian is so familiar, yet also a distant memory. He feels the way his companion stiffens as they approach the pair and senses their eyes burning into him in return. No doubt Pecco has already told the older all about Marc’s breakdown yesterday. The reminder that Valentino is once more witnessing his life falling apart is nauseating. Marc steadfastly ignores them as Dovi steers them in the right direction. A confrontation is not what he needs right now.
He doesn’t register anything is off until someone careens straight into their path, sending Marc stumbling backwards in shock. He flinches at the look of pure hatred on the fan’s face.
“You should have done it properly; you couldn’t even kill yourself correctly. The world would be a better place without you.”
Marc chokes on his breath, his eyes burning, rapidly blinking as he tries to parse the scathing words. Dovi is frozen in shock, horrified that anyone would utter such a thing. Time freezes as the people close enough to have overheard all turn to look in their direction, willing a response from Marc. Ironically, it’s Pecco who breaks the moment, face like thunder as he storms over. Marc watches in a haze as Pecco reaches them, breathing heavily and shooting a look at Dovi, prompting him to drag the Spaniard to safety. Marc distantly registers Valentino frowning over at them, a flash of unreadable emotion in his eyes as he watches Dovi tugging him away.
Marc doesn’t look back, mind too preoccupied with the stewing self-loathing in his gut and the cloud of dark thoughts in his head. As such, he doesn’t see Pecco looming over the man who spat such vicious words at him, gesturing at security for him to be removed and permanently banned. He doesn’t see the older Italian glaring at Marc and Dovi’s retreating forms, a mixture of resentment and jealousy staining his features. He does, however, hear Valentino whispering that it’s not worth it, leading a distraught Pecco away, cracking Marc’s heart clean in two, once again.
#rosquez#motogp#marc marquez#motogp rpf#my fics#marcs medical records getting leaked#medical leak au#bit of a heartbreaking one sorry#but also DOVI#anddddd we get dovquez fluff next time :)
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Disclaimer: I absolutely support people writing whatever makes them happy; this is NOT a criticism of ten x rose smutfic/established relationship/babyfic etc, I’ve read and enjoyed several of those, this is simply my reading of their canon relationship.
Every once in a while, the Rose Tyler tag sees text posts about how, obviously, Ten and Rose were sleeping together throughout Series 2, as evidenced by their absolutely sizzling chemistry in episodes such as New Earth and Tooth and Claw.
Most of them are usually in good humour—a “can you BELIEVE this chemistry” sort of thing, but there does exist a genuine belief among some that they really were sexually intimate already.
So, let's examine this canonically, from a Tentoo lens.
Were they having sex?
Short answer: No.
Long answer?
Throughout Series 1, we pick up on hints of the Ninth Doctor’s feelings for Rose growing, as well as Rose beginning to have feelings for the Doctor. It’s quite subtle in comparison to Series 2; here’s two great friends beginning to fall in love—flirting and bantering and getting jealous of other love interests xD. It’s not a very explicit romance (and this is why Rose haters tend to prefer NineRose, but that’s a conversation for another day) but it is heavily implied, and it is sealed with a kiss in The Parting of the Ways.
When Rose looks into the heart of the TARDIS and comes back for the Doctor, this romance is made explicit. When the Doctor dies to take the vortex out of Rose, the romance is made explicit. This is no longer a crush, or simple endearment, they’re in love.
The Tenth Doctor is born out of this love. He now knows the extent of Rose’s feelings, and he knows just how far she is willing to go for him. (This is a blessing and a curse, but we’ll come back to that some other time.)
Rose’s immediate reaction to seeing Ten is asking him to change back—(something that noticeably distresses him—the fact that she might not like him anymore). She spends the entirety of The Christmas Invasion mourning him, (which is fair since he never told her the tiny little detail of his ability to regenerate. Sigh.) and only really comes around to him at the end of that episode. We can safely assume, then, that they haven’t had sex.
In New Earth, they’re still very much relearning their dynamic—how do they work together, fit together now? We learn that Rose is physically attracted to the Tenth Doctor, thanks to Cassandra, and Rose's slightly mortified reaction at hearing this from him implies that there's been no confession of the sort to him.
You could argue that maybe something happened off-screen between Episodes 2 and 3, but as Ally on the tentoo x rose server pointed out, that would be shoddy writing. A physical relationship amongst the main two leads that is never even alluded to with a chaste kiss, is odd. So we can assume this major development didn't happen.
Tooth and Claw, the one episode that is constantly subject to 'they were totally shagging' discourse, has exceptionally flirty energy, yes, but this is because Ten and Rose are both very tactile people. Make no mistake, they definitely are flirting and being more touchy-feely than strictly necessary, but it would be narratively inconsistent for the reason for this behaviour to be 'they were having sex.'
I'd like to point out this dialogue we get from Queen Victoria:
This moment is extremely important; it plants the seeds for the proper beginning of one of the main themes of S2, which is the biggest reason the two of them are not constantly shagging in the TARDIS.
From this point on, something has been re-awakened in the Doctor, the fear of outliving someone he loves again.
We have to remember the Doctor is a severely traumatised man, a man who has outlived his entire species, and the idea of this girl he loves dying and leaving him alone is unbearable.
In School Reunion we get this spelt out for us. The Doctor sees Sarah Jane again, and reality strikes. This will be Rose, one day. There’s a key confrontation that takes place in this episode, an argument that remains unresolved because there are certain things Ten cannot bring himself to say.
DOCTOR: I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone who you…
ROSE: What, Doctor?
There is a later confrontation in the same episode, where the Doctor is tempted with the idea of never having to see anyone wither and die again.
Even the infamous The Girl in the Fireplace doubles down on these themes--the Doctor's immortality. Time running out.
The Age of Steel two-parter brings with it the “gingerbread house”. Things we want which we cannot have.
This, in fact, is the crux of their entire relationship, folks. The incompatible lifespans. Rose's mortality. Untapped desire. The unsaid.
This is why it's important and impactful that Rose, on the last day she gets to see the Doctor, ever, plucks up the courage to actually put words to what she feels. This is why the unfinished confession in Doomsday hurts so much. Because they finally, finally took that plunge but it was too late.
Assuming that they've been in a physically intimate relationship all the while takes away from the gravity of this moment.
(Not to mention it's super exploitative, considering the inherent power dynamics. To think Ten had sex with Rose all that time--entirely aware of her feelings--and didn't have the decency to say he loved her and then proceeded to force her to choose between him and another version of himself...is problematic.)
I would go as far as saying it's a fundamentally wrong reading of their entire relationship, and of the Doctor himself.
I've seen people say the "baby scare" in Doomsday is proof that they'd been physically intimate, but it is, quite obviously the Doctor being afraid Rose was pregnant with Mickey's baby, not his.
DOCTOR: You've still got Mister Mickey, then? ROSE: There's five of us now. Mum, Dad, Mickey and the baby. DOCTOR: You're not?
He is, in his not so subtle way, trying to figure out if Rose is back with Mickey. It only hammers in the fact that he's missed his chance---not that the child might be his.
DOCTOR: Rose Tyler, Defender of the Earth. You're dead, officially, back home. So many people died that day and you've gone missing. You're on a list of the dead. Here you are, living a life day after day. The one adventure I can never have. ROSE: Am I ever going to see you again? DOCTOR: You can't.
Again, the narrative hammers this in. Their time is up. Rose will inevitably move on one day, without him.
All this to say…
TenRose in Series 2 is a tale of what could be. Of missed opportunities, and the lives and love we could have had.
But why is this important?
In order to understand Tentoo and Journey's End, it is vital we understand this aspect of TenRose. The yearning, the skirting around feelings in the room, the denial of gratification on Ten's part. The desire he cannot give in to.
Because Tentoo is the realisation of this desire. He is the second chance.
He is the embodiment of the Doctor grabbing hold of his one, short life and deciding to live it to the fullest. Tentoo is making a choice here--a choice to truly love Rose the way he has ached to do for years. This is why it's significant that he was able to get the words out while Ten wasn't.
This is why Rose chooses him.
This snippet of an email RTD received from Pete Bower sums it up extremely eloquently:
“In having one Doctor grieve for his lost love, while the other Doctor went off with that same lost love, you have written of that moment we all have where we make a choice. It is grieving for the love we never had (and the sex we never had) because of the choices we made.”
#my meta#needed to get this out lol#rose tyler#tenrose#tenth doctor#ten x rose#doctor x rose#tentoo#tentoorose#tentoo x rose
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Sebek and Silver - More alike than meets the eye
I know much has been said already on how Silver and Sebek diametrically oppose each other – from their handedness to their hobbies, and from their personalities to their poses in certain cards – but something I feel we also need to focus on is the one unifying point in their story arcs. Namely, their journeys to discover just who they are.
*This post contains light spoilers for cards and story content that have not been released on the EN server yet*
Sebek is infamous for his one-track mind. He dedicates himself to his studies, his extracurricular activities, and his training, all for Malleus’s sake – partly to earn commendation from the men he so respects, and partly to bring honor to his liege’s name. His endeavors are admirable, in that he is diligent, persevering, and earnest, yet rarely does he divulge any of his genuine, private ambitions.
Consider, in fact, that the very reason he sought to enroll at NRC was only to serve as Malleus’s guard, rather than for his own academic aspirations.
Though we’ve yet to learn just why he so fervently worships Malleus, perhaps we can trace this desire for his liege’s recognition back to a broader need to be affirmed of his worth. If you recall his despair at manifesting his magic so late, and how much it bothered him - hurt him, even - when Silver departed for NRC and left him behind, the great extent to which he values magical prowess is clear to see. And if we further consider how he so longs to separate himself from his human heritage – from his magicless heritage, could it be that, even more than the glory of knighthood, he simply yearns to find a part of himself that he – and all those around him – can be proud of, can find worth in?
For what is he without his magic? He, a mere half-blood, born amongst a peoples whose bodies thrum with a power more sacred, more ancient than the air within our lungs and the ground beneath our feet? I feel Sebek is so driven, so severe in his efforts to claim the right to stand by his liege’s side, just so that he one day might finally be able look himself in the mirror and say, “here, here is at least some part of me I don’t have to be ashamed of, that I don’t have to hate.”
And Silver, that sweet boy, how unerring, how remarkable is his selflessness, how his inexhaustible compassion belies the scant 17 years he’s spent awake on this earth! But when one pours out so much of oneself for others as he has done, when all that one does is for the sake of someone else, how often one loses sight of one’s own identity. Indeed, if I were to draw for you a map of the inside of Silver’s heart of hearts, if I were to plot for you his every dream, measure and record every aspect of his being, I scarcely doubt there’d be a single point you couldn’t trace back to his desire to make his father happy.
To that end, consider how we learned in Silver’s latest birthday vignette that Lilia began training him from an incredibly young age – when he had only just become conscious of his surroundings. A child that young cannot make such a monumental decision for himself - the decision must be made for the child. And so, we do not truly know if Silver’s dreams of knighthood are the result of his own personal meditations, or if his father, in his infinite folly, thrust them upon him, burdening the young child with an aspiration that would go on to consume nearly every facet of his life.
With the both of them being so unsure in their own identities, it's why I find it so poignant - and so apropos – that Sebek is the one to rouse Silver from his moments of self-doubt, time and time again. When Silver questioned his capabilities as a leader, when he wished desperately that he could change, that he could be more like his classmates, and when he, in his darkest hour, doubted even the sanctity of his father’s love for him – each and every time it was Sebek who liberated him from his great desolation.
It has to be Sebek - for who better to accompany Silver on his journey towards self discovery than one who must walk down the same path as he? Who better than his best friend, his brother, his reflection – his veritable light in the darkness of his own heart?
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This coding course is kicking my ass, have some general ghoul headcanons, one for each of them
Phantom/Aeon: New Bug, as ever, strikes me as a “fake it till you make it” kind of guy. As such, it kinda makes me feel like he’d be a theater kid if given the chance, and although I think he’d get a kick out of musicals (Phantom of the Opera, ha ha), I think specifically he’d be into improv. Like, there is no chance his comfort show ISN’T Whose Line Is It Anyway. The minute someone introduced him to D&D, it’s over for everyone.
Aurora: I think she has a soft spot for classic opera pieces. It really lets her go all out in a technical sense, use her range to its fullest extent. It’s stereotypical, but her favorite aria is the Queen of the Night. It’s so damn fun to do this quick jumps in scale in such quick succession!
Sunshine: MASSIVE sweet tooth. Like, yes she knows her corporeal form is fragile and she needs to take care of it, and she does to some extent! She keeps very fit! But fuck if she doesn’t just devour a pound cake if she’s given the opportunity. Will absolutely get a hell of a stomach ache after, but in her mind it’s worth it. Hey, at least she takes good care of her teeth to match!
Rain: A fan of Dancing With The Stars! Though he himself is not known to be all that steady on his feet, he loves watching people who aren’t traditionally considered athletic be put into a professional dance setting and either crash and burn or get better over time. He honestly doesn’t care about the celebrity aspect in the least, barely pays attention to the slice-of-life interviews before the dances themselves, but MAN does he love to pick apart someone’s performance and try to guess what the judges will give before the scores are announced.
Cumulus: Wasn’t initially a gamer, she more preferred to watch those who were have fun in the ghoul common room, but she didn’t have much else to do during the pandemic so… yeah, she just CONSUMED everything Rain sent her way. Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Portal and Portal 2x Hades, the entire Resident Evil franchise up to that point, even DOOM Eternal funny enough. She’s kept up with since then, but still has massive fondness for Animal Crossing.
Cirrus: Loves gem stones and precious metals! She has a real crow instinct but is kinda picky about it, like she’ll get fixated on a shiny gold hair clip with rinestones on it but if it feels too cheep in her hands she’ll lose interest entirely. Even still, her jewelry collection is LARGE. One expensive magpie, that woman, but she shares with the other ghouls if they ask so it evens out.
Swiss: It doesn’t fully mesh with go-to interpretation of him but I once read a headcanon that posited Swiss being able to replicate sounds to an uncanny degree and I am bringing it back here because I love it so damn much, kinda plays into being a little bit of every ghoul. I like to think if you startle Swiss he’ll forget to use his normal voice and just goes straight to the sound effects board. Phantom accidentally pops in from nowhere? Sudden air horn blast. Dew tackling him to the ground? The sound of a car going past you. Mountain stepping on his tail? Fire alarm. Someone kicks him in the balls? Microphone feedback. For a while.
Mountain: He likes eating rocks and precious metals. It’s already a thing with some subsets of earth ghoul, but like for Mountain it’s at a higher level. His preferred snack is those semi-precious rocks you get at tourist attractions, he will just chow down on it like popcorn. When that’s not available, however, he uses salt to sate the the itch. Dude keeps a salt lamp in his room that he uses as a salt lick when no one’s looking. This also extends to novelty items MADE of salt. Those Himalayan salt shot glasses? One-use only. Go straight into his mouth.
Aether: One of those tricks Omega showed him during era 3 is how to use your own quintessence on yourself, something generally considered to be very hard to do amongst quint ghouls. Aether has tweaked and expanded on this ability and has learned how to… basically hotbox but with quintosis. Not something he does often cause it’s draining but sometimes it’s nice to unwind on a near molecular level. Among the few he shares this ability with are Dew, Mountain, and Swiss. He’ll teach the new bug when he feels he’s ready for that kind of power…
Dewdrop: is actually a really good cook! Like really good, actually. He got really into watching Food Network when he first came to Earth which evolved into watching older cooking shows. This further evolved into experimenting with his own recipes. He’s also taught Mountain everything he knows about how to handle the kitchen, so they tend to share cooking duty between the two of them. No one’s complained yet!
#the band ghost#ghost the band#the ghost band#band ghost#ghost band#ghost bc#ghostbc#the nameless ghouls#nameless ghoul#nameless ghouls#phantom ghoul#aeon ghoul#aurora ghoulette#sunshine ghoulette#rain ghoul#cumulus ghoulette#cirrus ghoulette#Swiss ghoul#mountain ghoul#Aether ghoul#dewdrop ghoul#abbey lost and found
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The Drow twins and Halsin
Notwithstanding Halsin's peculiar predisposition with drow, yet another interesting topic about the man tbh, the foursome is honestly quite sad.
First things first, solo romanced Halsin ends up as a mute bear. There is none of the daring flirt present with Astarion and Shadowheart. Absolutely tragic. While I understand dirty talking to an ever changing PC would have been a logistical nightmare for Larian, the scene feels rather stale. But it's nothing compared with Halsin's behavior before, during and after the "Underdark experience".
Halsin: An intriguing pair. Takes me back to my youth... Sszazar: Interested, Halsin? Halsin: More than interested, if you feel the same. [...] Sszazar: I would like to hire both of you. And I hope my partner will join us as well. Halsin: So long as all are willing, I see no reason why we should deny ourselves...
Whilst I've read comments arguing Halsin is not enthusiastic at all or cocky and happy to show off, I disagree with the lack of nuance.
Clearly, during the initial talk to hire or not the twins, the bear is down to have fun with them and, from my pov, the fact they are drow is the driving force motivating his choice. He craves drow as much as he despises them (Lolth-sworn).
Sorn Orlith: I can't quite believe it - a night of passion with the famous Halsin? I might faint before I can expend myself. Nym Orlith: Legends spread of you throughout the city... We heard tell that you can change into a bear. Halsin: I hadn't realised I was that popular. But we must give the people what they want, mustn't we?
It's interesting to note the first allusion to his traumas happens during said talk. Furthermore, as soon as they're in complete darkness, Sorn immediately admits they know who he is. The twins explain that Menzoberranzan drow (they seem to hint they fled this city) aren't merely spreading rumors about Halsin but legends. In other words, his traumatic years are widely distributed folktales, retold over and over again. We know that legends are altered over time, thus I wonder if details are embellished. Since Nym mentions his wildshape the instant Sorn is quiet, I do believe his traumas are now a bunch of raunchy, bawdy tales Menzoberranzan drow like to share when they're feeling naughty.
Of course, some stories may come from his other visits. Unfortunately, the canon doesn't give sufficient info to differentiate their content, let alone their sources.
So, Halsin is already thinking about his captors, moreover he is physically vulnerable because they're all blind and butt naked, then he is hit with this information.
Halsin: I hadn't realised I was that popular.
This sentence alone is worth analyzing.
Halsin is already aware he is popular amongst drow (and everyone else with good taste in men). This is probably related to one of his statements during his love confession :
Halsin: And I've been to the Underdark. Many times.
He returned to the Underdark despite his traumas (or rather because of them), therefore he has surely been exposed to his fame. Some of it, at least, because the emphasis "[...] that popular" implies he doesn't know how famous he actually is. He is now exposed to the glaring fact that he is (and his traumas as well) fetishized to a certain extent by Menzoberranzan drow.
Halsin: [...] But we must give the people what they want, mustn't we?
English isn't my first language, so my interpretation may be erroneous. Nevertheless, the use of "we" instead of "I" intrigues me. In my opinion, the pronoun is very significant. Why does Halsin switch from "I" to "we" the very next sentence? Because he is diluting the first person with the pronoun "we". He's distancing himself.
"But I must give the people what they want, mustn't I?" sounds harsher. He must do it. It's an obligation. He's compelled to do so. The pronoun "we" helps him feel safer. He's trying to have control in the given situation. People write novels about Astarion dissociating, rightfully so, yet I believe that "I" vs "we" is a form of dissociation too. He sees the twins. He thinks about his captors. He is sexually attracted to the twins. He was and still is trauma-bound to his captors. He learns his traumas are saucy tales in total obscurity, naked.
But it isn't the icing on the cake yet.
If we rewind to the very beginning, who are Sorn and Nym? They're prostitutes. They are paid 1000 gold to service their clients. And yet...
Sorn Orlith: Will tonight at last be the night I die during an act of pleasure? [...] Nym Orlith: Doesn't it...? How does it even fit? [...] *The drow are filled with awe at your and Halsin's habits throughout the night, time and time again.*
In the end, Halsin is servicing them, like he did with his captors. He shifts to a bear because they want it. Their overeager reactions and the narrator line may indicate they are thrilled to get the famed bear and have him at their entire disposal. He is a legend. Do they truly ackowledge him as a common, but thick af, wood elf? Or do they solely see the mysterious hero of some spicy tales? I particularly dislike the scene because it seems Halsin and, in my case, Sszazar are observed rather than pleased by the twins. I suspect that for Sorn and Nym Halsin is an exotic toy and not a normal client.
Also, he only shifts back to his hunk self when the twins are out of the picture. In the closing shot of them all napping, he's still a bear. I assume he spent the whole night as a bear. Is it merely to become the best pillow available? I bet his wildshape make him feel safer.
Halsin: Indeed. Our time with them was... certainly bracing. Takes me back to some youthful misadventures in the Underdark.
Last but not least, the option to ask Halsin about his "misadventures" in the Underdark is available thanks to this encounter. Technically, Halsin can reveal his traumas without ever leaving the Underdark room at Sharess' Caress. His years of suffering are at the forefront of his thoughts and he opens up about them the moment he's asked by the one person who reciprocates care.
To conclude, I think Halsin did not have a grand time during the foursome, even if he appears eager at first. I don't believe the night was downright traumatizing, however it did reopen old festering wounds. His decisions are heavily influenced by his unhealed, unaddressed traumas.
It does bother me to read countless lame takes about Astarion vs Halsin, as if one deserves more care and attention than the other. They're both terribly traumatized. Because Halsin reacts differently to his traumas, because he is not the perfect, ideal victim, too many fans disregard his pain. The way I see it, the foursome is full of hints about his traumas. He's not dumping everything out of nowhere when morning comes. His pain was here all along. It's a fascinating encounter.
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What is the symbolism with both Dany and Rhaenyra giving birth to children with dragon like features?
One of my takeaways from F&B was that “blood of the dragon” probably isn’t a metaphor:
The Valyrians were more than dragonlords. They practiced blood magic and other dark arts as well, delving deep into the earth for secrets best left buried and twisting the flesh of beasts and men to fashion monstrous and unnatural chimeras. (F&B, Jaehaerys and Alysanne—Their Triumphs and Tragedies)
In other words, I think the Targs and the forty-something other dragonlord families (or simply Valyrians in general) likely originated from a gene splicing procedure which created humans who have some dragon DNA. This would account for magical phenomena like the dragon dreams, the slightly better heat tolerance compared to most humans, the slightly better immunity compared to most humans (which seems to increase when a dragonlord is bonded to a dragon), and of course the affinity for dragons themselves.
In my opinion this is supported by the fact that maesters tend to downplay magic (with a few notable exceptions, looking at my url) and attribute as much as they can to natural causes, as is the case for Maester Yandel, in-world writer of The World of Ice & Fire, but even he admits that the latter is insufficient to explain the extent of the Valyrians’ connection to dragons. Compare his description of them to that of the Crannogmen:
The great beauty of the Valyrians—with their hair of palest silver or gold and eyes in shades of purple not found amongst any other peoples of the world—is well-known, and often held up as proof that the Valyrians are not entirely of the same blood as other men. Yet there are maesters who point out that, by careful breeding of animals, one can achieve a desirable result, and that populations in isolation can often show quite remarkable variations from what might be regarded as common. This may be a likelier answer to the mystery of the Valyrian origins although it does not explain the affinity with dragons that those with the blood of Valyria clearly had. (The World of Ice & Fire, Ancient History: The Rise of Valyria)
Last (and some might say the least) of the peoples of the North are the swamp-dwellers of the Neck, known as crannogmen for the floating islands on which they raise their halls and hovels. A small, sly people (some say they are small in stature because they intermarried with the children of the forest, but more likely it results from inadequate nourishment, for grains do not flourish amidst the fens and swamps and salt marshes of the Neck, and the crannogmen subsist largely upon a diet of fish, frogs, and lizards), they are quite secretive, preferring to keep to themselves. South of the Neck, the riverfolk whose lands adjoin their own say that the crannogmen breathe water, have webbed hands and feet like frogs, and use poisons on their frog spears and their arrows. That last, it must be said, is true enough; many a merchant has brought rare herbs and plants with many queer properties to the Citadel, for the maesters seek such things out to better understand their properties and their value. But of the rest, there is no truth to it: crannogmen are men, albeit smaller than most, even if they live in a fashion unique in the Seven Kingdoms. (The World of Ice & Fire, The North: The Crannogmen of the Neck)
I do think it’s quite likely that the Crannogmen’s ancestors intermarried with the CotF, and there are some passages which lead me to think that ALL humans with the ability to skinchange have distant CotF ancestry. The Targaryens having some dragon DNA could explain why a few of their stillborn infants have been born with dragon-like features, but there are some other factors. In Dany’s case her son was killed in the womb with blood magic which perhaps interfered with that which already existed, although I would note that she never sees his body and thus we have to rely on Mirri Maz Duur’s (spiteful) account of his appearance, and in Rhaenyra’s case the in-world writer of F&B seems to harbor some doubts that her stillborn daughter really did have a “scaled tail”:
She cursed the child inside her too, Mushroom tells us, clawing at her swollen belly as Maester Gerardys and her midwife tried to restrain her and shouting, “Monster, monster, get out, get out, GET OUT!” When the babe at last came forth, she proved indeed a monster: a stillborn girl, twisted and malformed, with a hole in her chest where her heart should have been, and a stubby, scaled tail. Or so Mushroom describes her. The dwarf tells us that it was he who carried the little thing to the yard for burning. (F&B, The Dying of the Dragons—The Blacks and the Greens)
I’ve seen the pictures of the prosthetic baby made for HOTD and it does look like she has dragon features so the show at least has decided to canonize that, even though there’s much less of a clear cause than in Dany’s case. I suppose my view is that even if it’s not true in book canon symbolically it does relate to the more literal meaning of “blood of the dragon.”
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A.1.5 Where does anarchism come from?
Where does anarchism come from? We can do no better than quote The Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists produced by participants of the Makhnovist movement in the Russian Revolution (see Section A.5.4). They point out that:
“The class struggle created by the enslavement of workers and their aspirations to liberty gave birth, in the oppression, to the idea of anarchism: the idea of the total negation of a social system based on the principles of classes and the State, and its replacement by a free non-statist society of workers under self-management. “So anarchism does not derive from the abstract reflections of an intellectual or a philosopher, but from the direct struggle of workers against capitalism, from the needs and necessities of the workers, from their aspirations to liberty and equality, aspirations which become particularly alive in the best heroic period of the life and struggle of the working masses. “The outstanding anarchist thinkers, Bakunin, Kropotkin and others, did not invent the idea of anarchism, but, having discovered it in the masses, simply helped by the strength of their thought and knowledge to specify and spread it.” [pp. 15–16]
Like the anarchist movement in general, the Makhnovists were a mass movement of working class people resisting the forces of authority, both Red (Communist) and White (Tsarist/Capitalist) in the Ukraine from 1917 to 1921. As Peter Marshall notes “anarchism … has traditionally found its chief supporters amongst workers and peasants.” [Demanding the Impossible, p. 652]
Anarchism was created in, and by, the struggle of the oppressed for freedom. For Kropotkin, for example, “Anarchism … originated in everyday struggles” and “the Anarchist movement was renewed each time it received an impression from some great practical lesson: it derived its origin from the teachings of life itself.” [Evolution and Environment, p. 58 and p. 57] For Proudhon, “the proof” of his mutualist ideas lay in the “current practice, revolutionary practice” of “those labour associations … which have spontaneously … been formed in Paris and Lyon … [show that the] organisation of credit and organisation of labour amount to one and the same.” [No Gods, No Masters, vol. 1, pp. 59–60] Indeed, as one historian argues, there was “close similarity between the associational ideal of Proudhon … and the program of the Lyon Mutualists” and that there was “a remarkable convergence [between the ideas], and it is likely that Proudhon was able to articulate his positive program more coherently because of the example of the silk workers of Lyon. The socialist ideal that he championed was already being realised, to a certain extent, by such workers.” [K. Steven Vincent, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and the Rise of French Republican Socialism, p. 164]
Thus anarchism comes from the fight for liberty and our desires to lead a fully human life, one in which we have time to live, to love and to play. It was not created by a few people divorced from life, in ivory towers looking down upon society and making judgements upon it based on their notions of what is right and wrong. Rather, it was a product of working class struggle and resistance to authority, oppression and exploitation. As Albert Meltzer put it:
“There were never theoreticians of Anarchism as such, though it produced a number of theoreticians who discussed aspects of its philosophy. Anarchism has remained a creed that has been worked out in action rather than as the putting into practice of an intellectual idea. Very often, a bourgeois writer comes along and writes down what has already been worked out in practice by workers and peasants; he [or she] is attributed by bourgeois historians as being a leader, and by successive bourgeois writers (citing the bourgeois historians) as being one more case that proves the working class relies on bourgeois leadership.” [Anarchism: Arguments for and against, p. 18]
In Kropotkin’s eyes, “Anarchism had its origins in the same creative, constructive activity of the masses which has worked out in times past all the social institutions of mankind — and in the revolts … against the representatives of force, external to these social institutions, who had laid their hands on these institutions and used them for their own advantage.” More recently, “Anarchy was brought forth by the same critical and revolutionary protest which gave birth to Socialism in general.” Anarchism, unlike other forms of socialism, “lifted its sacrilegious arm, not only against Capitalism, but also against these pillars of Capitalism: Law, Authority, and the State.” All anarchist writers did was to “work out a general expression of [anarchism’s] principles, and the theoretical and scientific basis of its teachings” derived from the experiences of working class people in struggle as well as analysing the evolutionary tendencies of society in general. [Op. Cit., p. 19 and p. 57]
However, anarchistic tendencies and organisations in society have existed long before Proudhon put pen to paper in 1840 and declared himself an anarchist. While anarchism, as a specific political theory, was born with the rise of capitalism (Anarchism “emerged at the end of the eighteenth century …[and] took up the dual challenge of overthrowing both Capital and the State.” [Peter Marshall, Op. Cit., p. 4]) anarchist writers have analysed history for libertarian tendencies. Kropotkin argued, for example, that “from all times there have been Anarchists and Statists.” [Op. Cit., p. 16] In Mutual Aid (and elsewhere) Kropotkin analysed the libertarian aspects of previous societies and noted those that successfully implemented (to some degree) anarchist organisation or aspects of anarchism. He recognised this tendency of actual examples of anarchistic ideas to predate the creation of the “official” anarchist movement and argued that:
“From the remotest, stone-age antiquity, men [and women] have realised the evils that resulted from letting some of them acquire personal authority… Consequently they developed in the primitive clan, the village community, the medieval guild … and finally in the free medieval city, such institutions as enabled them to resist the encroachments upon their life and fortunes both of those strangers who conquered them, and those clansmen of their own who endeavoured to establish their personal authority.” [Anarchism, pp. 158–9]
Kropotkin placed the struggle of working class people (from which modern anarchism sprung) on par with these older forms of popular organisation. He argued that “the labour combinations… were an outcome of the same popular resistance to the growing power of the few — the capitalists in this case” as were the clan, the village community and so on, as were “the strikingly independent, freely federated activity of the ‘Sections’ of Paris and all great cities and many small ‘Communes’ during the French Revolution” in 1793. [Op. Cit., p. 159]
Thus, while anarchism as a political theory is an expression of working class struggle and self-activity against capitalism and the modern state, the ideas of anarchism have continually expressed themselves in action throughout human existence. Many indigenous peoples in North America and elsewhere, for example, practised anarchism for thousands of years before anarchism as a specific political theory existed. Similarly, anarchistic tendencies and organisations have existed in every major revolution — the New England Town Meetings during the American Revolution, the Parisian ‘Sections’ during the French Revolution, the workers’ councils and factory committees during the Russian Revolution to name just a few examples (see Murray Bookchin’s The Third Revolution for details). This is to be expected if anarchism is, as we argue, a product of resistance to authority then any society with authorities will provoke resistance to them and generate anarchistic tendencies (and, of course, any societies without authorities cannot help but being anarchistic).
In other words, anarchism is an expression of the struggle against oppression and exploitation, a generalisation of working people’s experiences and analyses of what is wrong with the current system and an expression of our hopes and dreams for a better future. This struggle existed before it was called anarchism, but the historic anarchist movement (i.e. groups of people calling their ideas anarchism and aiming for an anarchist society) is essentially a product of working class struggle against capitalism and the state, against oppression and exploitation, and for a free society of free and equal individuals.
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The Super Object Energy + Cobalt Blue's Unknown Story.
So. This just dropped. Let's talk about it.
In the video it is explained that the Super Objects were the ones that created life amongst objects, this already saying a lot about the fact that the Super Object Energy is genuinely the strongest power ever known to object-kind.
They used that power to create life the same way others could use it to destroy. But then. We KNOW that Cobalt Blue was an artificial Super Object. But he was responsible of rock based objects.
So this means that Cobalt Blue was just as strong as the others, but he didn't win because again, he's just ONE super object. His army was strong but we're talking about four other super objects here.
But then that makes me wonder. Why did they choose Cobalt Blue anyway? How did they create said life? We know that to an extent, it really is just very linked to the person and what they use the power for. Let's take a look at Supreme EC and (Super) Computer.

Supreme EC's example on the power being able to destroy but also to create life are really obvious, but his are more of an hurting the enviroment heavily (the skies turning red and glowy) and as well the thunderbolts that come from him. He has the power that WAS GIVEN TO COBALT BLUE ON THE PAST. SO OF COURSE HE WAS THAT STRONG.
ESPECIALLY EVEN MORE since he did absorb the powers from his minions, after all. Which means that The Super Object energy can only get bigger and bigger, and the damage that it causes can get worse. It can also change the aspect of the person as well, this being obvious with Cobalt Blue (the red veins) and EC's horns and tail.
But apparently what holds the Super Object Energy from being stupidly overpowerful is. The body of those who have it.
The Super Objects are quite literally Gods, but they're not immortal by any means. They are strong and can take a lot of damage, but their body can take only so much power.
And. This brings my doubt.
HOW did Computer not die instantly when EC got to him, EVEN IF he wasn't an Super Object?

And again. Super Objects can create life, in theory, "they can even turn death into life". What does Computer do? Exactly. He is alongside EC, the only guy able to revive people, but EC probably only had his abilities once he got his Supreme form. Computer is STILL a mystery. And.
Super objects have great resistance after all. But that's the thing. He wasn't a super object there.
[gets close to the mic] what i'm saying is that computer might just be an even more interesting guy because he has shown to have abilities that are similar to the super objects, EVEN WHEN he was still just some guy.
Now remember the thing I said about the Super Objects being literal Gods? And that even then they can still die?
Super Computer wasn't able to kill Supreme EC because he was not only limited by his emotions, but his body was also LIMITING the power.
So when he dies, since he does not have a body, The Super Object Energy doesn't need to put limitations to itself in order to not put the person at risk, or to keep them safe anymore.
It's a complete weapon. Way stronger than EC.
Because it managed to completely delete him from existence, but it also managed to fix ALL of the damage he caused. Because it came from Computer. From the purest part of him. From his soul.
It destroyed death and gave life a new chance.
So I think that the Super Object Energy is a really interesting concept as a whole. It makes sense that it makes life.
It can be used to destroy or to create it. To hurt or to protect. To hate or to love. Can you believe that the only person that used all of that power, from all of the past super objects, loved that place so much that he didn't mind if he was dead because of it at the end? That he was the only person in the last couple of decades to use that power for good? (Alongside the s1 competitors)
Now, with Cobalt...
What makes it the more tragic for Cobalt is that his super object energy... led him to believe that he was a saviour of sorts.
And the worst part is that he was convinced that he would surpass the others.
Cobalt Blue is just a perfect example of going mad with power, although with initially good intentions.
However, my point remains. Cobalt's actions seem to pretty much have started from a wish to protect others, but later on he ended up being consumed by his own thoughts and power. Not saying that this excuses his actions, but that it gives him some more depth.
Him being described as an rather mysterious object is fascinating. The historians don't know much about him, even if he was the biggest threat back in the day. We don't really KNOW much about CB on an emotional and psychological perspective.
We also DON'T know why he had that ability on the first place.
We know that it's a product from being an artificial super object, but then, why fumes that can control people? Was it that the Super Object energy just choose itself? Did it consume Cobalt?
... he wanted to protect his group, or he didn't want to be forgotten.
Or probably, wanted to make sure he could be just as important as them.
The way he looks so happy on past times before he got exiled makes me wonder what was going on inside his head.
Of course it was wrong. But look at his smile. It isn't a challenging one or a threathening one at all. But rather a proud one?
He wanted to be known. And he is. But was it worth it?
He was so obsessed with wanting to be strong that it ended up being what it killed him. It's also possible that there wasn't any hurting in his original plan.
Of course, kidnapping IS fucked up, but it was stated that he attacked the towns after he got exiled.
"And he was strong"
I think that's the part that shocks me the most.
His army was strong. He was strong. But he still wasn't a match for them. And yet his power remained there for years even after dying.
And all of these factors make his final scene on TDOS so so much more worse.
He's alive without a purpose.
At least with his power he had an idea of who he was.
Without it... he's nothing.
Or maybe he never was someone.
No one knows him. Not us. Not the historians. Not the cast. Not even himself knows who he is.
He outlived them. And yet he has done nothing but hurting others. Was this the saviour he wanted to be?
Was it?
#the daily object show#tdos#tdos analysis#tdos computer#tdos cobalt blue#tdos evil computer#tdos osc#object show community#osc#max overanalyzes characters#long post#maxposteo#i love you cobalt i love youuuuuu
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tell me more abt kazeva thoughts 👀
Oh, is my kazeva propaganda already working?
First of all, I will definitely end up rambling, so this will get long enough
I'm sure it's gonna turn out messy as well (sorry), but I'm gonna divide it into younger kazeva & then older kazeva (aka Master Miller & Big Mama)
Kazuhira Miller and EVA
Although I didn't really contextualize how they end up together and such, I think it might've been EVA visiting BB while they're in Costa Rica - Kaz happens to see her and, well, you know how he is; she caught his interest and now it's his mission to make out with her
100% sure he is absolutely devastatingly dying to fuck her, might even say more so than how badly he wants to fuck Cécile (EVA is more bold, so she presses buttons Cécile wouldn't or would take longer to do so; plus Cécile is sooo easy to tease/annoy, EVA not so much)
Whether they previously had Intel about each other (or just one of them, most likely EVA about Kaz, I think) or not is just as funny to me; even if either of them knows, they'll pretend they don't
If they know - they're not only trying to flirt, they're also trying to demonstrate which one of them is better at it; whoever falls for the other first, loses. There's A Lot of compromising situations. Also Kaz sure loves risking his life by chasing his boss' sexfriend, don't you think. If the sauna tape was bad enough, he gets caught doing this...
If they don't know - they're flirting with just a certain amount of caution, more secretly, in an more sutble manner, slowly learning more about each other as they take their chances with one vague suggestion or another "accidental" touching (Kaz is going crazy because she knows how to keep things slow and he wants it as quick as possible)
If EVA already knows about Kaz - she's just as bold as she needs to, enjoying every little moment of caution and doubt she can sense from Kaz after a suggestive pose or invitation and making sure to put him in more compromised situations as his patience runs out and his libido goes higher
If it's only Kaz who knows about her - again, he's basically chasing his boss' sexfriend, so he needs to be really careful with his actions; she's wondering why there's some blond guy who seems to have more than enough work to do (must've heard someone refer to his rank), just walking by her side, showing her all the "secret" corners of Mother Base; she'd eventually hear some gossip about his high libido and start teasing him for fun, she's interested to see how far he'll go given how straightforward he can be after certain actions
Regardless of this, she Will try to get him caught by Big Boss just to see what happens; thus, Kaz still needs to be particularly careful with what, how and where he does things, specially if he already knows who EVA is and what her past with his boss is
It might be obvious because we're talking about Kaz, but he definitely has dirty thoughts more often than not and they get dirtier, and harder to ignore, the closer they become
EVA seems to have a toned body and there's no denying she knows what to do to get what she wants; I think Kaz would praise her appearance more often than to other women because of it, as in, he admires not just her body but also her ability to carry other people's thoughts with it
They, as a couple, cuntify each other more (not trying to over-cuntify each other, they're only enhancing each other with their natural cuntiness)
I feel Kaz would be particularly more passionate with her in bed than he is with other women, the same way he would with Big Boss amongst other men
Kaz seems to be the type to make gifts to get a woman's attention, EVA would try to take advantage of that just to take some profit while they're at it, but Kaz is aware of this (you can only fool him to an extent, he notices more things that you'd consider)
Regarding that, it's only natural a man like him would pay attention to the smallest things; it's surprising for EVA (I mean... Big Boss is definitely the exact opposite of attentive in this kind of matter) and she's a bit wary, but can't deny she likes it
As infatuated as he might be with EVA, he'd still hook up with anyone during their, uh. Mating rituals
Likewise, she'd notice his special interest towards Big Boss pretty quick as she did with Ocelot back then, so she'd intentionally be really touchy and affectionate with him in front of Kaz
Also, you gave me the perfect occasion to highlight this beautiful tag

I've been thinking about it since I got it, so I might as well have it on a better display
This is kazeva. This ship is about Kaz's horniness breaking its cage and him trying not to die in the process, either by causing himself a heart attack (either by himself or by fucking people / Eva further past exhaustion) or by being beaten up by his boss. Like, c'mon, he could barely keep his temper with Big Boss only wearing regular underwear, imagine what EVA's cold-calculated cuntiness would do to that man. If that alone isn't convincing enough, I don't know what is.
He's also constantly fantasizing about making out with both of them at the same time btw.
Master Miller and Big Mama
See, these two are The Bisexual Swingers Couple™©®. Just. Look at them. There's no way they don't give off that vibe.
Of course, they both ride big motorbikes, wear leather jackets (probably a whole leather outfit tbh), heavy boots and matching helmets
I think they'd be on the move pretty often, and would stay in rather small, isolated places (like a little cabin on the woods, or a somewhat shady place, it's not like they, of all people, would be robbed anyway; probably already scared the shady people) instead of popular guesthouses/hotels and such; they like being alone together
Not strictly kazeva I guess, but I think they'd always send little gifts and pretty postcards (with a few words written in the back) to David and company, from all of the places they've been in
This one is entirely new, but I can imagine them passing by any animal shelter, stopping by to say hi to ALL of the animals there, and then anonymously leaving a quite surprisingly big donation before moving on
They are Definitely that couple that's been staring at you from across the bar, buy you a drink and later invite you to have a threesome
They get everyone's attention anywhere they go, not just because of their outfits, but also how really good-looking they are (again, they're cuntifying each other and I've seen more than enough drooled floors when it comes to Master Miller, it's about time people do the same with Big Mama and this is the perfect chance to do so)
They likely get everything they want - they're attractive, imposing, have more than enough experiences under their belts, and have the best of social skills. How can you deny them anything. How.

^This was only meant for you to see my vision, but.
Have you seen her glasses? Close enough to Kaz's vibe. They're definitely matching outfits, whether that's only with accessories or the whole outfit depends on the day, but they WILL match one way or another
They definitely caress each other's hair. They pet it, they play with it, they tie it, they braid it. I bet their hair is the silkiest thing ever.
I can see them borrowing each other's clothes - again, she seems quite toned, with shoulders wide enough to look good wearing Kaz's clothing even if they don't perfectly fit her size (oversized fashion is pretty nice anyway); as for him, I think he'd be more limited due to size difference, but he'd manage to take the most out of his possibilities
C'mon just ship them already
#they're both pretty “fuck around and find out” type of person#I spent hours writing this. what the hell#anyway I hope it was at least entertaining#ask#txt#kazeva#god they should've kept this hairstyle for her........ it suits her more than the final one........#the suit too tbh im sorry big mama you slay but you could've slayed more#kazuhira miller#eva#big mama
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▸ hello? I know there are a good number of people amongst your ranks, so I'm not entirely sure how to reach one in particular. I will state my intent, and hope that is enough: I would like to address a message to Morse.
▸ ...
▸ You don't know me. I... don't know you, either. But I know you have lost someone recently. And him, I at least knew of.
▸ I am at current, amongst the Armory. I will not disclose where or how, for both of our sakes, only stating I wish you and yours no ill intent despite this. I really shouldn't be writing this, and I don't know if it will even help but- Things are not good right now. I can only hope my voice will do more than my silence.
▸ He was before my time, but I heard stories of the Iron Bear in whispers. Even after his defection, people did not forget. Those who are still posted on the Dawnline remember who he was, and what he stood for. The party line changes and we fall silent, but stories remain. I am lucky to have heard the hushed voices. I am lucky to know Longbeard was considered by a great many to be a good man.
▸ He was a guardian, in much the same way I am a medic, and you are a handler. We are charged with the wellbeing of our people. We take up our mantles with a determination no harm will be done to them under our care. And yet despite all we strive to be, we cannot save them all. Despite everything, sometimes we fail.
▸ It is not your fault, Morse.
▸ I know that will not help. I know you have already heard this from others, and it did not help then either. But it must be said regardless, before anything else.
▸ Longbeard acted in all things, according to his convictions. That at least, is what I have heard in his legends. I am speculating, but I believe it may be what led to his defection to begin with; the Armory creates its own problems, before the solutions. I remain as I fear more harm would be done by my absence than my continued complicity but... I understand I think. He could not stay. Nor could he turn away, when faced with it anew.
▸ It is not your fault, Morse.
▸ When he decided to act as he would, it was not by consultation. It was an act of conviction. An act rooted solely in what he believed the right thing was, in that moment. Every attempt was made to change his fate, but he was resolute. He was a guardian. He would shield what he cared for. He would expend everything he had, to do so.
▸ ... we do stupid shit sometimes, trying to keep our people safe. We decide who is more important than us. We do not listen to reason. We make a choice and damn the consequences we stick to it. I do not think knowing this makes it easier. No, I- I know it does not make this easier. I've stood where you do, to some extent. Lost people I think I could have saved. It is how I know you won't believe me; but I say it again, regardless.
▸ It is not your fault, Morse.
▸ Life feels like it goes still, after you lose one like that. But others will need you as well. It is not fair. It is never fair. You likely know this already, considering the work you do but- sometimes it's worth saying regardless. Sometimes hearing it said aloud by someone else is reassurance that you are not alone in the loathing. That someone understands, as much as any of us can. That someone is reaching for you, whatever you feel you've done or failed to do...
▸ ... whatever my bloody hand is worth.
I..... he.... he made the right choice. I wasn't ready.
#lancer rpg#lancer ttrpg#lancerrpg#lancer#corsair mercenary company#lancer rp#pay your mercenaries#oc rp
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Getting to Know Your WIP-Week Two
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Event put together by @the-wip-project
It's the second week of the Getting to Know Your WIP event and this week's theme is…well, theme. A subject that is very important, not just to UNTETHERED, but to the entire Underhill series. All of the books share themes while each tackling other, separate themes within those specific narratives. Having the books share certain themes has made it a bit easier to tie them all together even though they don't all quite share the same genre. All are fantasy of course, but where UNBOUND is sort of your run-of-the-mill middle fantasy book, UNCOVERED leans a bit into a dark fairytale with its atmosphere and the tropes I chose. UNTETHERED plunges the series into dark fantasy tinged with horror, and that will remain for UNFORESEEN as well.
Series Theme: Change
Change began with Alannah. A cursed half-witch, bound to remain in between realms until the day she died. Settled with her lot in life and then the right person comes along and gives her hope. Then there was Makenna. Unhappy being her village's sacrificial lamb for everything that would go wrong. A fire witch born amongst healers and made to be an outsider. She makes a deal with a wolf that shifts the trajectory of her life and uncovers deadly secrets. In the course of both books, Alannah and Makenna find that they are both tied to a fate of death in sacrifice that may end up being meaningless anyway. How can they change that fate? How does Deirdre continue this theme in his story?
Character Theme: Death
The end of all things. The beginning of others. Death is an important and necessary part of life that comes for us all eventually. For some it's just an end, and for others it's the beginning of another journey. But what happens in a place where Death fled a long time ago and never found a way to return? When spirit can be cleaved from body but both remain, stagnant. Badb was Death before. Why is Deirdre more important taking on the mantle of Death now?
These were questions I asked myself while crafting the narrative and characters of UNTETHERED. What makes Deirdre so important that so many people want to get their hands on him? Deirdre has lived his entire life in the human realm, living like a human and never believing he was anything else. How do I get Deirdre to acceptance of who he is and who he is going to be? These questions helped me discover who Deirdre is from the horrifying circumstances of his birth to all the ways in which he must die to truly become Death.
Villain Theme: Control
When I first wrote about the legend of Reluvethel in UNBOUND, I knew he was going to be my Big Bad. I touched on some things about him in UNCOVERED as well but there was something missing. Something I needed for UNTETHERED and UNFORESEEN. He's typical in that he wants power, hoards it, and considers some people as unworthy of it. But why? What put him on this path? And what is his end goal?
This also led me to thinking about Underhill as a whole. Where these events exist in time. Underhill is recently reborn after a Convergence swallowed the previous iteration and birthed it anew. Magic is chaotic. Order, to a large extent, has not yet been established. What if one were to find a way to impose their order upon the realm? That is Reluvethel's goal. How does he intend to achieve it? Well…that's a question for UNFORESEEN to answer.
Weekly Word Count: 2780
I kept to my 500 a day word count goal, often getting more, until I decided to take a break for the weekend. I finished chapter ten and I've almost hit 40k on the WIP. I got myself some mozzarella sticks as a treat for hitting one of my short goals. I'm already looking forward to what I'm going to get done this next week!
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I've gotta say...I really don't like Teresa.
I knew going in she was a controversial character, and that may have coloured my perception of her negatively from the offset/made me biased. And I tried to like her, I really did. I'm trying to do the mature thing, to appreciate her nuance and complexity, but boy does she make it difficult. In fact I did like her in the first film, when she really was just a scared, guarded, but sweet and funny girl who didn't remember who she was.
And I can in fact understand and even appreciate her motivations for what she did. I realize it can't have been, and wasn't exactly easy for her, sacrificing her relationships to the people she was closest to, for the sake of everyone else. Throwing that all away, knowing they'd probably hate her. I appreciate her empathy for what other people were going through, on a worldwide scale. I really do.
But also...she strikes me as disingenuous. If her reasons really were so pure, why then was she alright with being in a lab coat, being on the other side of the glass, watching, actively participating while someone who was once her friend was suffering? (Along with others, *children.*) Why wasn't she the first to offer *herself* up to WICKD, to allow them to perform experiments on *her* and force *her* to endure what suffering they felt was necessary in order to achieve the desired results? Instead, she signed up her friends to do it. And yes, I realize she was clearly guilty, at least to an extent, and conflicted watching Minho be tortured. But that was directly a result of her doing. And ultimately, she stood by, and let it happen, watched. She, on some level, was okay with it enough to stand by and watch it happen. That's the difference between her and Thomas. Thomas wasn't.
Not to mention all the pain she caused, the domino effect it had. I mean...first off, in her doing what she did, she basically pissed on Winston's grave. He died directly as a result of them escaping from WICKD, again, and she was fully ready to deliver them all right back into the hands of their abusers. His death would have been for nothing, had all the others been caught.
Mary Cooper also died directly as a result of what she did. And not only was she an innocent woman who was wrongfully killed, but she was an invaluable resource. She was the one, aside from Teresa, who could make the serum amongst them.
Then, Minho was taken and tortured. What he went through was absolutely disgusting, and unforgiveable on it's own.
And with the ripple affect her choice had, she already (indirectly or no) caused Newt's death. And that is something I can never, ever look past or get over, can never forgive her for. Had she not turned them in, they all would have made it to the Safe Haven, together. Mary would still be alive, and even in the event that Newt still ended up catching The Flare later on, he could have easily been given the serum and cured.
Not least of all, the impact her betrayal had on Thomas, the way she hurt him. The chances of having a connection like what they did is often once in a lifetime, not something everyone even gets, and she completely threw all chances of a relationship away. She made Thomas completely question himself and his judgement, and feel stupid for trusting her.
Yes, I understand she tried to tell Thomas he could save Newt. I understand she tried to finally do the right thing (although I haven't failed to notice it was after Ava had already been killed and Janson, who was clearly corrupt, took over.) I understand she did help Thomas, and ultimately died doing so. And I don't necessarily even think she deserved to die, but it also doesn't undo what she did or the damage she caused.
Perhaps I'm not giving her enough credit. Maybe her reasons were completely selfless, and maybe there are legitimate reasons that can explain why she didn't offer herself up to WICKD as one of their subjects. If anyone has any answers or ideas I'm open to hearing them.
But ultimately, her seeing firsthand what WICKD did, what they were capable of, the absolutely horrific, dehumanizing ways in which they treated *children* who were unlucky enough to be born with the right genetics, should have been enough for her. I don't care what WICKD's reasons were, even if they were claiming to try to save humanity. If it's at the expense of a whole group of innocent people, treating them like chattel, is it even still worth it at that point? (And yes, I am aware of the Immunes producing the enzyme more quickly under states of stress. I understand why they were put through the maze trials, I just don't care.)
I should make it abundantly clear my dislike of her has nothing to do with my liking Newtmas either, or her "getting in the way." I'm aware Thomas and Brenda end up together in the books, and while I don't ship them, I absolutely love Brenda. She's one of my favourite characters.
I have nothing against people who do like Teresa, or who have a greater appreciation of her character, and I don't want this post to alienate them. I just had to get this off my chest.
That being said, from what I've seen floating around, she evidently is expanded upon more in the books and made much more likeable, so we'll see I guess. As for film Teresa, my point still stands.
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nowadays I wish Oda would stop Sanji's Nami mania if he doesn't want them to be canon. In the beginning his simping scenes were funny but the manga ends soon and this ship still just a joke. tbh I don't understand why Oda so afraid of romance. SaNa remind me Sango and Miroku from Inuyasha. he was a big playboy but in the end he only loved Sango. Shonen and couples totally normal.
Hello, anon, I feel you. SaNami holds a very special place in my heart and I think they have great potential as a couple (they will always be my number one ship) but sometimes I try to understand what exactly Oda is doing with them.
We can clearly see that Sanji does see Nami differently, like Miroku did with Sango (I also watched Inuyasha, and I loved them together).
The major problem will always be how Oda stated he does not want romance amongst the crew - which to some extent I understand, he does not want to shift the dynamic amongst the Strawhats (romance always makes people focus on the couple rather than the rest of the group) - but it annoys me to no end how, even if he says all of that, Oda still makes Sanji walk an extra mile for Nami.
If he intends to make another ship with them canon in the end, why write Sanji's interaction towards Nami the way he does?
Don't get me wrong, I love it when Sanji defends Nami, cares about her, and is really kind to her (she deserves that) - but if Oda is making all of this, because he wants Sanji to go through some type of heartbreak (or because he thinks it's funny, even after all these years) I think it would be better if he just stopped with Sanji's favoritism over Nami and make the cook move on, for his own good and hers too.
Obviously, Oda doesn't need to make Sanji stop being kind to her - I doubt he cares for Nami expecting something in return (see Pudding, for example, who he didn't stop being kind towards even after everything she said about him) - but Sanji can threat Nami well and still be with someone who loves him as much as he would love that someone (and doesn't humiliate him like other characters already did).
So, yeah, anon, I get you, and I am also tired. I will continue to ship them because I do think this ship has potential, and I think that both characters would be extremely happy with the other, but if Oda does not want them to be together at the end, I say: just make Sanji move on from Nami and make them end up with good love interests.
Sanji can still treat Nami well, with love and affection, just like he does with every woman, and still have a happy ending with a loving partner.
#SaNami will always be my favorite ship#And I will root for them to no end#but if Oda is doing all of this just so he can make those pointless gags#I'd rather he end this before the end of the manga#and give both Sanji and Nami partners that will make them happy#but thats me
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