#lnds x mc
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connorsui · 2 days ago
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Caleb was undoubtedly the type of childhood friend who would boldly declare, with unwavering confidence, that he would marry you one day. He wouldn’t hesitate, wouldn’t second-guess it—just a certainty in his bright, boyish grin, as if the idea had been written into the very fabric of his existence. And, of course, he would promise it in the only way a child could—with a ring pop, plucked straight from his pocket, its wrapper hastily torn off, the sticky, jewel-toned candy glistening under the afternoon sun.
He’d slip it onto your finger with all the solemnity of a knight pledging his sword, as if the cheap, sugar-coated band meant something unbreakable. “There,” he’d say, his little chest puffed out in pride, hands planted firmly on his hips. “Now you have to marry me.”
And back then—when love was simple, when forever was just a word you threw around like a game—you might have laughed, rolling your eyes but still letting him lace his fingers through yours, sticky palms and all. Maybe you’d tease him, tell him he was ridiculous, that you were far too young to be making such grand promises. But Caleb, stubborn as ever, would just shrug, entirely unfazed.
“Doesn’t matter. I already decided,” he’d say, so sure of himself, so sure of you.
Years passed, but Caleb never took back that promise. He never forgot the weight of that cheap little candy ring on your finger, never let go of the certainty that you were his.
Even now, when he looked at you���no longer that reckless boy, but a man who had waited, who had wanted—his gaze still held the quiet, unshakable possession of someone who had already made his choice. You could pretend time had dulled the meaning of that childhood vow...
but Caleb never did.
In his mind, in his heart, you had always been his. And someday, he’d make sure the promise he made all those years ago wasn’t just a memory—it was a reality.
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kilesplaysthings · 3 days ago
how the boys would react when you have a migraine
okay! last one! and, of course, it's our Golden Boy with a dark side lol went a different route with this one. i absolutely adore Caleb and experimenting with how i write him, so this was fun~ this might be the longest one actually lol it just kept going lol thanks everyone who read these! I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed writing them :)
Part V: Caleb (you/MC x Caleb)
The sound of Caleb's alarm going off made you wince. You were a deep sleeper, so you usually wouldn't hear it, but this time it made you stir from your fitful slumber. Truth was, you hadn't slept well at all due to an awful migraine. It had started at work the day before; an awful, dull pain that made even your teeth ache. Fortunately, you had the day off today.
Caleb knew you had a migraine. Of course he knew, but you promised again and again that you were used to it and that he didn't have to stay home with you. He wasn't happy about it and kept giving you the most pitiful, worried looks, but you were firm. Of course, in a perfect world, you would have been happy to have him stay home with you whenever you weren't feeling well, but this was reality. You weren't about to be the reason why his reputation as Colonel tanked because he called off every time you were under the weather.
You kept your eyes shut but felt Caleb slowly get out of bed. You heard him sigh softly. Cracking your eye open ever-so-slightly, you noticed the way his head was bowed, and his shoulders were slumped. Your eyes opened more as he lowly left the bed to go take a shower. Perhaps it was intuition, or you just knew him that well, but Caleb didn't...look right. You caught a glimpse of his profile and saw that his face was pale. His brows were scrunched together, and you caught him wincing slightly before he entered the bathroom.
You sat up slowly in an attempt to not make the pain worsen, listening to the sound of the water running. It didn't last for long, and he soon reappeared wearing just a towel while drying his hair with another towel. You could definitely tell now with seeing him at a better angle: Caleb's face was paler than usual. His face was drawn as if in pain and he was shivering slightly. Concern washed over you and your own pain was momentarily forgotten. You stared at him, about to say something when he noticed you watching him.
The painful expression immediately disappeared, and his eyes slightly widened in surprise for only a moment. Then he smiled.
"Hey, you. What are you doing up? You should be sleepin' right now. I know you didn't sleep well last night."
You crossed your arms over your chest as you sat there in bed.
"Caleb, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" He quickly answered.
You frowned. "You look pale, and I saw you shivering just now."
He turned to grab some clothes along with his uniform.
"Do I?" He asked as he began to get dressed.
"Yes. Can you come here, please?"
He had his uniform trousers on at this point but paused in getting dressed to walk over to your side of the bed. You waved your hand, indicating that he needed to bend down. You then lifted your hand to touch his forehead.
"Hey-" He started to talk but you shushed him.
"Come closer."
He obeyed, a wry smile on his face. You now decided to get up on your knees to press your forehead against his.
"I thought so. You have a slight fever. Are you getting sick?"
"Nah. I'm fine, pip-squeak."
"You're not, though. What's wrong?"
"Don't you have a migraine? You don't need to worry about me. You should go back to sleep," he urged.
You sat back down in the bed, taking his hand in both of yours. Caleb was being stubborn and tough, but you had a secret weapon to get him to talk: yourself. All you ever had to do was stare up at him with your big, doe eyes and it didn't matter how stubborn he was, he wouldn't be able to resist you and would cave to whatever you asked of him.
And you were going to deploy that weapon now. You lifted his hand to your cheek and nuzzled it.
"Caleb," you called his name sweetly. "Why won't you tell me? You're gonna make me worry about you all day, and I'm already not feeling well..."
He sighed in defeat and smiled, stroking your cheek.
"All right, all right, you win," he said fondly. "You're not gonna believe this, but I think I have a migraine, myself."
You blinked. "Wait. Seriously?"
"Yup. My head was hurtin' yesterday, and I thought some sleep would help. But nope. Today it's worse."
You couldn't help but laugh a little. "So, we're both suffering from a migraine? How in sync can we be?"
He let out a quiet laugh as well. "Yeah. It's almost scary."
"And hold on. Why didn't you tell me yesterday? Now I feel bad for pushing you to go to work."
He shook his head. "You shouldn't feel bad. Me wanting to stay home with you today had nothing to do with my headache."
All you could do was sigh at him. This man... You continued to hold his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Well... Maybe you should stay home today," you hinted.
He smiled a little. "Oh? You think so?"
"I mean, you have a fever. What if you pass out at work, or you get dizzy, or you start having an aura that affects your eyes?"
He playfully tilted his head, pretending like he was deep in thought. "Hmmm... So, is it your professional opinion that I do stay home today?"
Your face was quite serious, and you nodded. "It's better to rest when you have a migraine. I don't want it to affect your work, after all."
"Fine," he said. He didn't need much convincing, as he'd rather stay at home resting with you anyway, migraine or no.
Caleb changed out of what clothes he'd started putting on and was back in his pajama pants, snuggled up to you under the covers.
"You should go back to sleep, pip," he said softly as you rested against his chest. He caressed your hair while you inhaled the fresh scent of soap from his recent shower.
"Right back at ya," you murmured. You yawned as you continued talking. "When we get up, let's take some medicine and order takeout. No cooking today. We're gonna be totally lazy..."
His hand moved down your head to rub your neck and then your back. He had a fond smile on his face as he listened to you.
"Well, whipping up a quick omelet won't hurt," he reasoned. "We gotta eat something before taking meds. But yeah, we'll get takeout for lunch."
"Fine..." you mumbled before dropping off to sleep.
The two of you stayed in bed for the next hour or so. Caleb had informed his adjutant that he wasn't going into work today before he too dropped off into a light slumber while you slept in his arms. When you both woke up again, he insisted on preparing for you a nice, warm bath with bath bombs that gave off a soothing scent. While you soaked in the bath, he made those omelets he'd mentioned earlier.
They were ready by the time you were done, and you found Caleb waiting for you back in the bed. He'd brought in a tray which held the omelets as well as a bowl of freshly sliced apples, complete with some water and the bottle of headache medicine. It had been decided that since you both weren't feeling well, you were going to spend all day in bed together.
When you were done eating and had swallowed a couple of pills for the migraine, Caleb insisted on drying your hair for you. You didn't want him exerting himself since he had a migraine as well, but he was adamant.
"C'mon. It's not that big a deal. That medicine works wonders. I'm feeling better already, promise."
You gave him a hard stare, but ultimately gave in. So, you sat there on the bed, cross-legged while Caleb used a blow dryer to make sure your hair was dried.
"There. All good."
Once he put the dryer down, you turned to wrap your arms around him and pull him down in the bed. Your sudden move startled him a little and he chuckled.
"No more exerting yourself. You have a migraine. Rest." You pulled his head close to rest against your chest so you could stroke his hair this time.
His stiffened slightly but he soon melted against you, wrapping his arms around your torso. His eyes slid shut contentedly.
"This's nice..." he muttered. You weren't surprised to see that he was falling asleep again. This time, it was his turn to be cuddled and soothed into slumber. You smiled and stroked his broad back, gently raking your nails down his spine in a gentle back scratch.
Later on, you took it upon yourself to order lunch for the two of you, keeping the light of your phone screen dim so as not to hurt your eyes. You both kept the bedroom dark and decided to let soft music play as you rested together instead of putting something on tv.
“Hmm…what looks good to you?” You asked as you lay in his arms while scrolling different food options.
He held you from behind, chin resting on your shoulder. His breaths were even and steady to the point that you thought he was asleep again. But a moment later, you heard him mutter,
You giggled. “That’s not very healthy, you know.”
“We’re being lazy today. One time won’t hurt.”
You leaned back to nuzzle his cheek with your nose. “That means we’ll have to jog a few extra miles when we feel better.”
“Mhm…’s fine. Go ahead and order some.”
So you did, and honestly? You were looking forward to it. Every so often, a big cheesy pizza was something you craved. And like Caleb said, one time pigging out wouldn’t hurt!
“How’s your head?” You asked as you waited for the food to be delivered. You once again touched his forehead. Fortunately, it seemed his slight fever had gone down; he didn't feel as warm as he had in the morning.
“It’s better. I just feel sluggish now. What about you?”
You leaned into him so you were snuggled into his broad chest. “Still hurts,” you admitted.
“Poor baby,” he cooed. He began rubbing your head and neck. “Let's see if this helps. Where does it hurt exactly?”
You pointed to your temple and back of your head. He kneaded his fingers on the areas you pointed at in a slow, circular motion.
“I remember when we were kids. You’d get bad headaches even back then.” He said softly.
“Yeah, and you always wanted to stay with me back then too. I remember one time you even left school in the middle of the day to stay with me!” You couldn’t help but laugh at the memory of him coming into your room right around lunch time, even holding the school lunch he’d been giving in a paper bag!
“I had to check to make sure you were doing ok!” He defended himself. “I wouldn’t have been able to focus for the rest of the day, anyway.”
You laughed in response. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever your reasoning, I won’t deny that it made me feel better when I saw you’d come back to see me.” You closed your eyes and clung to him tighter, like a koala clinging to a tree.
Caleb’s smile widened as he watched you. As you both relaxed, he noticed your phone going off with the notification that the pizza had arrived. He nudged you.
“Hey, food’s here.” He made a move to put you down onto the bed, but you let out a quiet whine and tightened your hold around him. You couldn’t help it! You got clingy with him when you weren’t feeling well; you always had.
He let out a long-suffering sigh, but his face betrayed how happy he really was with your actions.
"All right, you big baby, up we go!" He picked you up in his arms and carried you out to the living room. You wrapped your arms around his neck, still snuggling into him as he carried you around. Even when he went to grab the pizza and get the utensils needed for eating, he continued holding you, his Evol making things easier for him to carry you.
Caleb didn't mind it. When you weren't feeling well, he was happy to carry you anywhere and everywhere, for as long as you wanted him to.
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lazylattedgleam · 2 days ago
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Prelude to a New Tomorrow
(Word count: ~3.9k)
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“The art of eye contact lies within the possessor”
(Current: Mr. Ruby Eyes- 001)
(Previous: xxxxxerrrrorrrrrrxxxxxxxx)
(Storymode control buttons)
(002: Yes…? No…? Maybe so…?)
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Welcome back, at this point I don’t even know why I’m complaining so much about writing your narrative, it’s not like it’s got anything to me, moreover it would only be to my benefit for as long as I get to do my job…
Well a few days have passed and your periods had arrived again…first day had started, in the morning itself, awakening you from your sleep, as you groan clutching onto your abdomen. You sluggishly go to the bathroom, grabbing a pad from your cupboard. Upon returning back after sometime you finally fully open your eyes, only to see that you’d made a big stain on your sheets aaaand your blankets—thankfully the Jasmines were alright; you groan, it was only—yeah 06:27 a.m., it was too early for any of this shit. A striking pain hits you as you clutch onto your abdomen, tightly, groaning, tears forming, as you crouch on your knees, face planted upon your side pillow…
But you had to clean up, and soon else the stain would get dry and become permanent…Somehow reaching for your medicines cabinet at your bedside table, you take out a strip of your pain killers, popping one pill into your mouth as you gulped it down with the help of water from your bottle…
You stay like that for a while, and only after feeling the effects of the pain killer kicking in, you get up to bring the liquid detergent from your bathroom…Zayne had once told you to use that company…only half-cap of the liquid was required to pour, was cost-efficient, a trusted company—dermatologically tested safe, checking out the criteria, plus that’s what they mostly used to wash patient gowns at the hospital.
You hate that everything you see, touch, taste, smell, feel, hear, had some sort of connection to him…it was getting too annoying and frustrating, to be honest…good thing that you’re finally starting to realise that so too. It’s gotten too tiring to write about him everytime…
Anyways you do your job, the stain gets out.
…Today was a Friday, meaning a rush day at the shop, too many customers to deal with, plus your mental fatigue…you’d just put on your pad a while ago, and it already started a waterfall show down there…Your periods are a bitch, always planning to start during the most hectic days at the shop, pure diabolical is what it was.
At least you took the pain killers, you can feel relatively alright for the coming six hours, can get you through work. It was too early, and you had no mere enthusiasm to make breakfast or pack your lunch yet…
…Well the time passes, you do your stuff and reach the shop…you don’t initiate greeting any longer, but just nod along with a brief smile as the others do. Cue to you doing what you usually do at work; attending to the customers, filling in the logs, yada yada… “Hey when is the new stock of Peonies and Begonias supposed to arrive today, I forgot?”, Raya looks in your direction, her eyes filled with hurt and pain…you two had been best friends, you clicked from the moment she joined, she wants to help you, and she had tried her level best, but you would never open up. You glanced at her seeing the expression in her eyes, you felt guilty…fuck of course you did…she was your best friend…you two have always been for each other’s highs and lows, even before Zayne entered your life…but the pain was too too harsh to be dealt with. So you just let her suffer? Fun aren’t you the perfect friend. “Y-Yeah they’ll be shipped in today…probably by 09:00 or 10:00…”, she searched your eyes, seeing you hesitant… ‘Talk to me (Name), please…’, she pleaded in her mind hoping that telepathically you’ll hear her…but you regained your straight face and nod going back to work.
Aren’t you a—leave it it’s none of my business after all.
…soon arrived break time, as everyone heaved out a big sigh, Fridays were a pain… “Hey (Name)…”, you look up from your mindless fiddling with your lunch, didn’t even touch your food…cmon just talk to her—!
“Excuse me.”, as you closed the lid and went to the bathroom, sighing. Poor girl.
…Around evening, Mrs. Li visited the shop, checking on business and asking how everyone was and how everything was holding up. She does this on a monthly, but today she had a special task. After a bit of chit-chat amongst her and everyone, she comes to the counter where you and Raya were stood. “Listen girls I have a task for you”, she said in her sweet, motherly voice. She was a sweet old lady. Both of you look up as she continues, “So…umm we have received a request of ten red rose bouquets, ten blue orchid bouquets, six lavender bouquets, seven multicoloured tulip bouquets, and last but not the least two daisy bouquets…make sure everything is the freshest of the freshest and that none of the flowers have any minute imperfection—”, bruh they’re flowers, how can they not have any, not even the slightest of imperfections? “—and make sure everything is perfect and prim and proper.” You two nod along, “But Ma’am where are they need to be delivered and by when?”, you ask, “That and plus is it for a wedding or any other ceremony?”, Raya chimed in…Mrs. Li grew a bit hesitant… “Well no…but it is a pretty big event, heck it’s a huge event, I just have the location where it is to be delivered, not any specific details, since it is confidential…So…it’s in the N109 Zone.” WOAH! Both of your every widen, “Wait wait wait! Hold on—”, Raya starts, “The N109 Zone? A.k.a. THE DEATH ZONE?! How could you agree to an order like that??”, you finish. “The money is really good girls! Plus it’ll help us for further renovations of the shop, (Name) you’ve been saying we need to renovate, make it a bit bigger too remember?” “But I wouldn’t go as far the N109 Zone for that!” “Ditto! It’s like the breeding place for illegal activities and crimes!”, “Yeah what if we get k*dnapped?! Or worse t*afficked?!”. “Girls listen please, it’s for the good of the shop and all of us, beside you two are my oldest employees, I trust you the most, you two would know how to succeed at the task very well, I know it! And I assure you none of that is going to happen because, it is a trusted customer…Please.” Sure as if a soft please could change their minds— “Fine…” “Fine…we’ll do it…”, Oh for the love of—
“Great! Thank you so much both of you! I promise you your safety is my priority and it’s assured! Now you have to deliver everything by coming Saturday, 07:00 p.m., sharp, so don’t be late. You two don’t need to come to work on that day, just visit the shop and keep everything ready for delivery two hours prior, and be in your best outfits…you know these rich people things…gotta look elegant.”, welp…the both of you sigh and nod, “Yes Ma’am…”
…Night fell, as it was closing time around 11:30, Raya and you are the last ones left, packing up to make sure everything was in place and properly, like always, as you grab the keys. She turns off all the switches and you two head out, quietly. Locking the door properly, “You have leaves on Saturday, how are you going to accompany me…?”, wow it felt weird, and nervous…
“Oh so you do remember about me.”, she spoke with an annoyance yet a slightly teasing tone… “As for your question, I’ll be free next Saturday, no family events or plannings so yes, I’ll be accompanying you...”
Cmon! You sigh finally breaking into a quiet laughter…it’s been too long since you last laughed from the bottom of your heart. She joined in too, as the both of you kept laughing like madwomen…if anyone were to be passing by, they’d feel they’re being haunted.
…Destiny Cafe remains open for 24 hours on Fridays. Sitting their with your drinks and snacks at your table, initially nervous…you apologise to her tonnes, as you two talk and gossip for what had felt like years…it was pleasant to see the cafe still filled with people, the night always brings out a different atmosphere. “Can’t believe we’re having to go to the DEATH ZONE, that also voluntarily…well not entirely voluntarily but you get the gist.” “Yeah…at least we’ll get to dress pretty…” “Oooo that’s what I’m the most excited for too! And free drinks hell yeah!” “How are you so sure they’ll allow us that?” “Gut feeling.” “Sure as if that has ever been right.” “There was the time~” “OKAY! OKAY! I GET IT!”, both of you laugh… “We’re high on caffeine…” “Who cares! To us!” “To us!”, as you clink your cups, earning a few stares here and there.
…You reached home…‘Today…especially the night…it felt nice…it was nice…’, you think to yourself, a smile on your face, it’s been too long since you felt this rejuvenating…you didn’t even think of him during the time with Raya…uh oh you just did, but you felt like your misery had decreased by 0.001 percent…it’s nice…but you were tired and the cramps were getting at it again…You ate enough at the cafe with her so you weren’t hungry. Right now, all you want to do is get to bed and sleep. So you did…of course after changing and freshening up.
…During this week that was still left and the next, Mrs. Li visited by almost regularly, checking upon your progress and if you two were choosing everything properly… “Girls pick that rose, it looks more brighter…..that tulip is vibrant yellow go for that one…..arrange them neatly, use our that paper to wrap around the bouquet…..” “The one with the regal aesthetic?” “Yes yes that.”…it was a pain to pick and choose and inspect and wrap…there were just too many…but since you’ve been busy with all this…it kept your mind off of them to a great extent, maybe it was for the best?
Friday night comes by, as you and Raya chat while you packed up and checked if everything was all according and planned…nothing should go missing or miscounted…you take your second last count of every bouquet tonight, leaving the final for tomorrow, as she checks their quality and freshness. “All good?” “Seems so to me…you can check on after I’m done?” “Yeah sure, I’ll do that, you recount.”, as you two do that… “So what will you be wearing? Decided yet?” “Well duh yes of course the thing is tomorrow. Anyways I’ve chosen that dress, remember I sent you the picture, I bought recently online as I got it for a cheap price hehe.” “The mulberry one?” “Yeeeep!” “Ooooo! Can’t wait to see you!” “Yessss! And how about you missy?” “Hmmm not chosen yet, but I think I’ll go with the rosewood coloured one, my cousin gifted me for my last birthday…” “Oh yes please! That screams elegance and grace!” “So does yours by the way…it’s more of elegance and royalty.”
The next day arrives too fricking quickly, have you thought about Zayne the last night? Yes…plus you did cry too, but it was less than usual, and for the first time in months you felt excited (plus nervous and scared too) again…good improvement. One thing that you’re really thankful for is that the deliver date was after your periods had ended, it was a relief. You were excited so you woke up early on a day that was supposed to be your break from work,well that break was given since you had a task but yeah whatever. It was around 08:15 a.m. when you texted Raya.
You: You awake yet?
You: Lmao can tell by your spellings.
RAY: SHHH, NO JUDGING. Anyways, will we be getting ready at the shop or from our homes?
You: Home duh. How can you get ready at the shop it’ll be too much of a hassle, plus are you forgetting it’s a work day for the others.
RAY: Oh yeah lol, they’ll be at awe when they see us hehe
You: Soooo we meeting at the shop around say, 5:00?
RAY: yeah sure, k bye! See ya!
…You started getting ready around 04:00…it suddenly reminded you of every date that you’d try to look your absolute best for Zayne…slowly inching towards your Anniversary night…the memories bring back the pain and the agony and the betrayal you’d felt, you shook your head trying to focus on today…you wanted to look extra beautiful tonight.
…It’s 05:15, when you reach the shop. “Hey thank god you’re finally he-WOAH!”, you chuckle at Raya, “UMM MA’AM ARE YOU LOOKING FOR THE WAY TO THE ROYAL PALACE?? CUZ MY OH MY!” “Says you, have you seen yourself in the mirror? A total hottie~” “Not more than you~”, as you two share a laugh, “Kk let’s go count for one last time?” “Mhm…and pray that everything is all well and proper…” Your other co-workers stare at the both of you, complimenting you two, some even flirt., Raya returns their gestures, so do you but you’re more hushed…you mind suddenly once wanders to what if Zayne had ever flirted with you like so…you’d have melted on spot…maybe he does with her, but no use of pondering upon it, you look forward to tonight, hoping to taste some of the free foods and drinks…It’s a rich party after all they’ll have pretentious yet tasty portions…
“33…34….35….aaaaaand 36….”, “Okay, we all set then?” “Seems like to me, we counted more than six times by now….so I guess…Wait didn’t Mrs. Li said she’d come to wish us luck? And count.” “…Maybe she forgot? Anyways…let’s see…ten bouquet roses, ten tulips—no no…ten blue orchids yes…two daisies…six lavenders…aaaaaaand seven tulips, ok we’re officially all set….” “Here’s to the hope that nothing bad happens to us…” “Hear…Hear…”. As you place the bouquets neatly in a big circular thermocol trays, securing each set by wrapping cellophane paper on top of each…
…Soon arrives a black limo… “Damn…” “Uh-Huh…”…a guy in a black suit and sunglasses gets out, “(Name) and Raya, Mrs. Li’s workers?” “Yes”, you two say in unison, why was the dude so intimidating :/. He checks the trays and puts them in the in the right seat, setting them down carefully, before nodding, “Get in.” You two, cross your fingers, clasping onto each other’s hands tightly, hoping to well…survive…
The Limo, had too many things, both of you had only witnessed such things in movies, a drinks table, the seats felt like royalty, a music player, a big table in the centre from where the other guards ate and drank and chatted about, and a regal lighting, the seats were of a beige color and felt a little hard to sit on to be honest. You and Raya, were sitting at either sides of the flowers, to make sure they didn’t fall down or anything, basically protecting them from any impending doom, and yours. Glancing at each other, lips pressed tightly in a thin line, as you two looked around subtly of course…
Oh and need I say how fast it was going?
…You reach in about an hour or so, getting out carefully with the flowers in hand, as you were escorted in by a single nod given by one of the guards…
You look at the hall…wow…you’ve never seen anything this fancy, sure you’ve been to weddings but this…this was just, on another level…it was all too royal…the interior carved with intricate designs, a soft velvetty carpet covered the entire floor, there was a dance area, a huge open bar, huge stretch of a buffet system, the entire building had a rose-gold hue to it’s colouration, making it look as if one had entered the royal halls… “Woah…” “Yeah woah…”, as you keep on walking forward behind the securities…eyes falling upon every person, dressed in extravagance and glamour, showing off their elegance, jewelleries of gold and platinum and what not other precious gemstones that they possessed; chatting, mingling, drinking amongst one another…it was all too grande and screamed money money money…The two of you walk ahead a few more as you see the guards stop I front of a tall old man…probably was around the age of your Mrs. Li. “Sir they’re here.”, he nods and let them off, as they gave a subtle bow and left.
“Ahhh welcome welcome welcome, I’m Jay Jonah Jameson, the host, you must be Mrs. Li’s most trusted workers, we’re glad you could make it tonight—” pshhh as if you two had a choice; “I’ve been buying flowers from her since she first started the shop, and have never once been displeased with the quality, colour, fragrance, or aestheticism…she always had a knack for picking out the best of the best. And I strongly believe she did so too.”, as he inspected the trays in our hands. All you two do is nod along as he took the trays from yours and told his assistant to keep them at the nearby table and count properly and sort them out. “Please ladies enjoy yourselves fully. And don’t be at all bothered on your return back, the limo will be outside, whenever you want to leave, they’ll take you back safely.”, he said with a smile as we were left alone…
“Jay Jonah Jameson? What is this Spider-Man?” “Ikr…the only difference was that it was not just a J, but Jay, emphasising…” “Think he’d suit the Daily Bugle?” “Perfectly…”, as you two softly chuckle amongst each other and walk along the hall, admiring the atmosphere… “Think he overdid it just for some flowers?” “Surely…I’d say dude has a crush on Mrs. Li if I didn’t know any better…” “Atleast we get to enjoy this grandeur setting for the night woo…”
“Hey look at these big-ass rubies and gemstones, didn’t know they could be that enormous in size—”, *sigh*….you facepalm “Idiot! They’re not any gemstones, these are Protocores! They’re found inside Wanderers!” “OH! I didn’t know—wait how come you know?” “My cousin is a Deepspace Hunter, I know my tids and bits.” “Oh yeahhhhh….” “Cmon let’s eat” “Ooo yeah!”
…“Ugh oh dear lord the food was too good…” “Yeah…half the time I wondered what the name tag meant…” “Understandable…drinks?”, as you walk over to the open bar and order two classic Margaritas, the bartender, portraying his talents on display, mixes the drink, and pours it in two glasses for the two of you, coating their brims with sugar poweder, with two limes on top as decoration. “Money money money must be funny—” “In a rich maan’s world!” “CHEERS!”, as you sip and drink and drink and sip… “Girlllll we can’t get drunk!” “We aren’t Ray, we just had three glasses. Cmon let’s get up before we get even more tempted.”, as you drag her up and away, exploring the rest of the Hall…it seems like one might need a golf cart, just to explore the place— “Ma’am what would you like to see? We have the finest starting at the most valuable prices, only 2 millions”… ‘Yeah right only .__.’, you thought to yourself, I mean for real what do they mean only, acting as if 2 millions is only a fifty bucks…ugh… “No no thank you we—” “We also have the Aether Core sets over there, starting range from 7 million!” Okay I swear this dude, I’ll hit him— “Thank you but we’ll just browse for now.”, you say politely as that would be the only way to get him outta your asses. “Well okay then! Do call me up if you need anything!”, as he left. “Finally…”, said Raya, “Oh yay you’re not drunk!” “Duh I have a high tolerance level, I ain’t a lightweight like you”, that suddenly reminded you of your drunken ramblings you made to him on your Anniversary night…you shook your head as the both of you walk forward. “When shall we leave by the way?” “In a few? Maybe see a couple dances and then?” “No please not dances.” “Alright fine we’ll leave soon, but first I wanna see some bidding prizes and offers.” “Whyyyyy—” “Girl we are at an auction event and what’s that if we don’t witness the main game.”
“—Starting at 1 Million! Everyone let’s see your cards! Starting at 1 Mil—”
…‘I see a man hold up the sign which said 5 million…damn that high of a jump…at the start itself…who is this—” oh hoho now this will be fun…well the guy was wearing a full black high quality leather set with a overcoat that had a streak of dark crimson splattered neatly creating a design…Everyone gasps, while he looked unbothered and nonchalant as ever…as if he put in only two pennies up front…You could only catch a glimpse of him from behind the line of people watching. “W-Well Mr. Sylus has done it again…would anyone l-like to raise the stakes? ….Going once! Going twice! …….SOLD! To Mr. Sylus Qin!”,
just then your eyes meet for a brief period as you feel a sudden shiver down your spine.
His gaze returning to where it was initially…your gaze shifts to Mr. Jameson, seeing a satisfied smirk on his face, when suddenly Raya drags you away and out the Banquet Hall. “You tell us to leave and then you delay it, cmon it’s already around 09:30, let’s go…we’ve had enough N109 Zone for the rest of our lives to remember. Oi! You listening?” “Huh? Oh yeah yeah…did you see that man go 5 million on the first call? What was his name again…ugh I can’t remember!” “Yeah I saw him, but why do you care? Wait don’t tell me you’ve taken a interest to him just because—” “No no! It’s not that it’s just…Did you look into his eyes? They held such strong ground, dominance and power…that aura was probably emanating through the whole room, plus the people looked very…I don’t know…umm shuddered and with utter respect…”
“Girl cmon let’s go, you’re drunk.” “No I’m not! I mean it, he had red eyes, they were like the colors of a ruby or better yet…red beryl…” “Yeah probably was wearing contacts, there’s no way those can naturally exist, cmon let’s go back I’m getting sleepy…”
“I want to know…if only I can remember…”
Maybe you will, maybe you won’t…then again how would I know, I’m just writing your story…just doing my job…
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(All credits, TW, Index have been mentioned on the Storymode page.)
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blueberrisdove-sideblog · 7 days ago
how about sylus let reader gobbles his dick up on her throat as he working shes so needy she even falls asleep during it or even let reader cockwarm him to sleep 🤍
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❦ warnings : nsfw, cockwarming, deepthroating, semi-public s*x, size difference, sleepy s*x, power play, and petnames.
❦ synopsis : You were supposed to be patient, supposed to wait until Sylus finished his work—but your neediness got the better of you. Now, with his cock buried deep inside you, keeping you warm and full while he works, you’re fighting off sleep, body soft and pliant in his lap. Sylus should be annoyed, but he can’t bring himself to care; not when you’re clinging to him so sweetly, whimpering in your sleep, desperate even in your dreams. Work can wait. For now, he’s content to keep you exactly where you belong. (mdni)
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Sylus barely spares you a glance as he flips through the documents on his desk, eyes scanning each page with practiced efficiency. His free hand rests lazily on your head, fingers occasionally threading through your hair as you kneel between his legs, mouth stuffed full of his cock.
You’d been like this for a while now—desperate and needy, whining softly around him while he worked. He hadn’t even told you to do it. You’d just climbed into his lap, pawing at his belt, too impatient for him to finish his tasks. And Sylus, ever indulgent when it came to you, had let you.
“You’re insatiable,” he mutters, barely holding back a smirk as he watches you struggle to take him deeper. Your throat contracts around his length, a muffled whimper escaping as your hands clutch at his thighs for stability. “This is supposed to keep you quiet, not make you squirm.”
You whine in protest, blinking up at him with teary eyes, lips stretched wide around his cock. He chuckles at your expression, finally setting his papers aside to brush his thumb against your cheek.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting sleepy already,” he muses, watching the way your lashes flutter. You’re so warm around him, so pliant, and the rhythmic bob of your head is growing lazier with each passing minute. "Greedy little thing… you bite off more than you can chew, then wear yourself out trying."
He exhales through his nose, tilting your chin up and easing you off his cock, a string of saliva connecting your lips to the tip. Your breath is heavy, lips swollen and glistening, pupils blown wide with exhaustion and arousal.
“You want to be full so badly?” Sylus murmurs, guiding you into his lap properly this time. His cock, slick with your spit, presses against your entrance, and he groans as he sinks you down onto him in one slow, steady motion.
A shudder runs through your body, your arms draped loosely over his shoulders as you nuzzle into the crook of his neck. He strokes a hand down your spine, soothing you as you settle, buried balls-deep on his cock.
“Stay put, kitten,” he murmurs, voice thick with amusement as he shifts just enough to grab his documents again. “Since you’re so desperate to be filled, you can warm me while I finish up.”
You make a soft, content sound, already half-asleep against him. Sylus smirks, flipping the page.
Needy little thing.
Sylas exhales slowly, adjusting his grip on the papers in one hand while the other rests against your lower back, keeping you pressed firm against him. You're still clinging to him, limp and boneless, soft breaths puffing against his collarbone as you drift in and out of consciousness.
He can feel the subtle flutter of your walls around him, involuntary little squeezes that make his jaw clench. You’re so warm, so snug around his cock, and fuck, it takes more restraint than he’d like to admit to keep himself from rolling his hips up into you.
“Didn’t think this through, did you?” he murmurs, lips ghosting the shell of your ear. You barely stir, only sighing against his skin, a little noise of contentment slipping past your lips.
Sylus smirks, amused at how quickly you’ve gone pliant—so eager to have him inside you, only to get so sleepy the moment you got what you wanted. He shifts in his chair, adjusting the papers in his hand, though the weight of you in his lap, the squeeze of your pussy around his cock, makes it impossible to focus.
His fingers twitch against your spine before trailing lower, skimming down to where your bodies are joined. He palms the curve of your ass, gripping just hard enough to make you stir, a soft whimper escaping your lips.
“You’re clinging to me like you don’t want me to pull out,” he muses, voice low and amused. “Maybe I should. Leave you empty so you can actually sleep properly.”
A pathetic little sound rumbles in your throat, and Sylus chuckles. His hand slides up to cup the back of your head, fingers threading through your hair as he presses a lingering kiss to your temple.
“Relax,” he murmurs. “I’ll let you have it—for now.”
Your breath hitches, your body sinking further into his, and Sylus allows himself a brief moment to indulge, letting his eyes slip shut as he savors the feeling of you wrapped around him, warm and trembling, completely at his mercy.
Work can wait. For now, he’s exactly where he wants to be.
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© 2024-2025 blueberrisdove-sideblog all rights reserved. pretty please, do not steal my dividers, translate and plagiarize any of my works, or either repost my works in any other platform without asking, thank you!
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dearieshima · 4 months ago
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷feat. xavier is determined to get your virginity before leaving philos.
His hands gripped your thighs hard enough to bruise, holding you open for his relentless assault. "Look at how deep I am," he panted, watching as he pistoned in and out of your tightness. "Look how well we fit together."
c.w spoilers to xavier's myth, dubcon, groping, scummy!xavier, coercion/manipulation, cherry popping, handjob, fingering, licking fingers after jizzing on them, jealousy, 4k+ words, halfway proofread
On the night of Xavier’s Gladius ceremony, he returned to the palace with a newly discovered understanding. Amidst the celebration, he pulled his father, the king, aside for a private conversation. He presented an irregular protocore to his father, its life force still pulsating in his hand.
“Shouldn't the protocore warrant a formal inspection?” Xavier asked, voice laced with suspicion.
“The lightblade deemed you worthy,” his father replied dismissively, his fingers absently tracing the protocore.
Xavier pressed, “Is there no need for formalities? Or are you unwilling? A heart was once in this protocore–am I mistaken?”
A flicker of tension tightened the king's jaw as he pocketed the protocore. “...I knew you'd catch on.”
The king immediately caught Xavier off, witnessing the disgust in his son’s eyes. “However, it is a necessary duty of the crown prince. It is also the king's responsibility.”
Xavier's mouth widened, and for a minute he stood there in silence. He then turned sharply, storming out without looking back, ignoring his father’s calls. His decision was already made.
He strode into the crowded hall, hoping to shake off his father’s gaze when he spotted you. His eyes darkened.
You were laughing at a joke some man had made, holding a flute of champagne. The dress you wore barely skimmed your knees, and Xavier noticed the man's eyes were fixed and imaginative, longing to see it up to your stomach.
You were a lamb among a den of wolves. If he left too soon, the pack would descend upon your fresh meat. He couldn't leave Philos without sinking his teeth into you first, marking you as his territory to warn others until his return.
He maneuvered toward you, brushing off congratulatory pats and embraces along the way. At one point, Jeremiah slung an arm around his shoulders, only to be harshly shrugged off, as Xavier’s focus remained locked on you. Jeremiah noticed his gaze and, not wanting to interfere, took a long sip of champagne and slipped away.
When Xavier finally reached you, he wrapped a hand firmly around your arm, his eyes flashing a silent warning to the other man.
“Come with me.”
"Hm? Why?”
Xavier's jaw clenched, his frustration mounting. Did you not notice how the other man had been ogling you?
“I have something I need to show you. It's urgent.”
Without waiting for a response, he guided you out of the ballroom, his hand gripping your arm firmly. He guided you out of the ballroom and steered you through the corridor of the palace, his steps determined and purposeful. His hand remained on your arm, his grip firm and possessive. When you reached his room, he ushered you inside.
You perched on his bed, still holding your champagne, swinging your legs. “So?” you asked, a playful smile on your lips as you twirled the drink in your hands. “What’s so urgent?”
Xavier shut the door with a soft click, then slowly turned to face you, a strange expression on his face. He reached over, took the flute from your hand, and placed it on his dresser. “Don’t drink that.”
You frowned, almost pouting. “Hey!”
He ignored your protest, “he could’ve slipped something into it.”
He strode to the window, pausing. “Besides, I want you clear-headed for what I’m about to show you, that's so urgent.” He pulled open the curtains, revealing a brilliant, star-studded sky. The sight drew you to your feet, and you stepped over, awestruck.
Xavier stood close behind you to make space. His chest brushed against your back as he rested his chin on your head, his warm breath fanning over your hair.
“There’s one more thing I want to show you,” he whispered, voice low in your ear. He pointed upward, guiding your gaze. “See? Just above the dipper—that’s the star of our planet.”
A smile tugged at your lips as you spotted the tiny glimmer in the sky, remembering your talks about eloping there. You’d joked about it, but seeing it now made your heart ache with a longing. “It’s beautiful…”
Xavier chuckled, the low sound making your skin tingle. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer until your body was pressed flush against his.
Your breath caught, your heart thudding wildly. “X-Xavier…”
He held you tighter, his hand splaying across your waist. "You should be more careful," he murmured. "Don't you realize how many men in there were looking at you the same way I was?”
“The way you…?”
“—Like a piece of meat.” He was unaware he was contradicting himself. “You're too naive and innocent, and they were preying on it. If I hadn't taken you away..."
He leaned down, his lips just inches away from yours. He hesitated, as though he might ask permission, a question lingering in his darkening gaze. It died as he closed the distance, his lips capturing yours in a gentle yet assertive kiss. He drew you closer, his tongue exploring with confident ease.
He was desperate; you could feel it in the way his body pressed against yours, in the way he kissed you as if he was starved for you.
You melted into the kiss, your hands lifting to cradle his face.
Encouraged by your response, he gently lowered you back onto the bed, his forehead resting against yours as he followed you down. His body pressed against yours, and you could feel the deep, unspoken yearning in his touch.
“Xavier—” Your protest was cut off as he deepened the kiss, his lips capturing your voice, drowning any resistance as he poured himself into the moment.
You was a bit tipsy, the alcohol lowering your inhibitions, making you pliant beneath his touch. Xavier's lips trailed from your mouth to your neck, leaving a blazing path of desire on your flushed skin. He pushed you down, straddling your hips as he drank in the sight of you splayed out before him.
Your clothes were rumpled, your hair tousled, your cheeks stained with a becoming flush. Xavier swallowed hard, his pulse racing as he finally had you right where he wanted you. This was what he'd been fantasizing about, dreaming of, for so long. And now, with you soft and willing beneath him, he couldn't hold back any longer.
His hands roamed your curves, slipping beneath your clothing to caress the silky skin beneath. He needed to feel you, all of you, with no barriers between you both. His fingers found the zipper of your dress and tugged it down but you pushed his chest, knocking him out of his delusion.
He blinked, as if surprised you would do that.
"What's the matter?" He murmured, his voice gruff. His fingers toyed with the hem of your dress, pushing it up, revealing more of your skin.
"X-Xavier..." You repeated, flushed. You scooted further into the bed, away from him until your back pressed against the headboard.
He followed, his hand slowly trailing back up your thigh, sending shivers through your body. "It's okay," he whispered, his voice coaxing. "No one has to know. It can be our little secret." His fingers reached the hem of your dress, slowly inching it up.
“N-No…” you stammered, reaching down to hold your skirt in place. “I… I don’t…”
Xavier’s face fell, his fingers curling into the fabric, his expression a mix of confusion and hurt. “You don’t want this?” he asked, voice low. “I though…–You were kissing me.”
“You kissed me back, you let me…” he continued, his voice trailing off as he looked away, shoulders slumping. “Why did you let me, just to pull away?”
You bit your lip, feeling a pang of guilt. “I… I didn’t mean to lead you on. I thought… it was just a kiss. Then it got too fast…”
"Too fast? Why was it too fast?" He glanced up, his brows knitted in frustration. "We've known each other for a while. We're alone. Why are you acting so shy all of a sudden?”
"I, I don't know..." You whimpered. "I don't... I don't know... Xavier, I…”
"You don't know, you don't know," he repeated. "You've been teasing me all this time, sending me mixed signals. And now, when I'm finally giving you what you want, you're pushing me away?”
You opened your mouth but closed it again, struggling to find the right words. “Xavier, it’s not… I just… You’re a prince…”
His lips pressed together, eyes dimming, reminded of the title he hated. "I'm a prince, so what?" His voice was soft, almost resigned. "Do you think that means I can't have you? That I don't have any feelings? That I can't desire you like any man would?”
“It’s not that… you're just…” you stammered, cheeks heating. “You’re meant for someone else, Xavier…”
"Someone else? Who are you to decide that? I don't want someone else, I want you. I've always wanted you." His expression softened, though his frustration was clear. He traced circles with his thumb on your foot. "Don't you want me?”
You bit your lip, finally looking up at him. “I… I like you, Xavier. More than… than I probably should.”
“Then why push me away?” he asked, voice thick with disappointment. “If you like me… then let me have you.”
“I… I don’t know, Xavier…”
He sighed. "You don't know again. Why don't you know?”
"Because I'm scared, Xav…”
"You're scared?" he echoed, his eyes softening. "Scared of what? Me?” Perhaps you've heard the rumors of him frightening away any students who showed interest in you; his father who showed an interest in your heart.
"N-No, that's not true," you pouted, fumbling nervously with your fingers. "I... I've never done it... This before... I…”
"So... you're scared because it's your first time?"
You nodded, feeling your cheeks heat. “Yes…”
He remained silent for a moment, his fingers lightly caressing your hand. "I didn't know," he whispered, though it was a lie. In truth, he was well aware. It was he who had kept you pure, watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to claim your innocence for himself. He would never allow another man to take what rightfully belonged to him.
“But Xavier… I’m not sure I’m ready…”
His body tensed again at your refusal. He wanted you, and he was determined to ease your hesitation.
"Why not?" he asked, his voice warm and reassuring. "You like me, I like you. You don’t want anyone else, and neither do I. Wouldn't it feel right to do it with someone who’s been by your side your whole life, someone you love and could trust, instead of a stranger?"
He held your gaze, "those other men... they wouldn't take care of you like I would. They wouldn't be gentle–they wouldn't take their time with you. They'd just use you, Y/N.”
In your silence, Xavier took it as a small victory. Seeing you listening to him, processing his words, gave him hope that he was getting through to you, that you were listening to his reasoning. He pushed forward, continuing in a low, husky tone.
"They wouldn't treasure you like I would. They wouldn't make love to you the way I would. They wouldn't want to... to protect you, and cherish you, like I do.”
He could see the hesitation in your eyes, feel nervousness in your body as his fingers continued their path up your thigh, caressing your skin softly. He leaned in closer, his face mere inches from yours, his voice a low plea.
"Please... let me show you what it could be like... with me.”
Xavier's lips slowly melded into yours, breaking the final barrier of your resolve. His tongue brushed softly against your lips, testing, seeking entry as he drew you deeper into the kiss, making it clear he wanted all of you. When your mouth opened, he slipped in without hesitation, claiming the moment entirely. He explored each part of your mouth, tasting and savoring, leaving no doubt of his intent. His body pressed against yours, his weight grounding you, pinning you with a warmth that left you breathless.
His hands roamed your body, caressing your skin. He gripped your hips, pulling you closer to him, as if trying to merge your bodies into one.
He could feel your body trembling beneath his touch, the way your hands clung to his shoulders, trying to anchor yourself. He reveled in your response, the way you whimpered and mewled in his mouth, the way your body reacted to his every touch.
The heat of his mouth seared your skin as he trailed kisses down your neck, each one more intense than the last. Your head lolled back, giving him better access as he nipped and sucked, marking you as his. The sting of his teeth on your sensitive flesh sent jolts of pleasure straight to your core.
His hands roamed your body with a desperate urgency, as if he couldn't get enough of you. They slid under your shirt, caressing the smooth skin of your stomach before cupping your breasts. You gasped as he rolled your nipples between his fingers.
"G-Gentle…" you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Sorry," he murmured, his voice rough. "I'll make it up to you."
His hands roamed your curves, one cupping your breast through the silky material. With a swift tug, he pulled the dress and your bra down, freeing your breasts from their confines. They spilled out, immediately pebbling without the warmth of your bra.
His eyes darkened with lust as he drank in the sight of you. He wrapped his arms around your lower back, pulling you flush against him as he dipped his head to capture a nipple between his lips. He suckled greedily, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud.
His other hand came up to massage your neglected breast, kneading the soft flesh. He switched between your peaks, lavishing each one with attention until you were writhing against him, desperate for more.
Xavier released your breast with a wet pop, a string of saliva connecting his lips to your nipple. He trailed kisses up your chest, between your breasts, along your collarbone, before capturing your lips in a searing kiss. His tongue delved into your mouth, stroking against yours as he deepened the kiss.
One hand tangled in your hair, angling your head to give him better access. The other slid down your side, over the curve of your hip, before dipping between your thighs. He cupped your mound, his fingers rubbing slow circles over your clothed sex, inciting a hiss from you.
"You're so wet already," he smiled, his voice a low murmur.
He hooked his fingers into the sides of your panties, slowly dragging them down your legs. You lifted your hips to assist him, the cool air infiltrating from the open window hitting your heated skin. “X-Xavier…”
He smiled as he saw how wet you were. He spread your legs apart and ran his hand along your inner thigh, spreading them wider. "So pretty," he whispered, his eyes locked on your glistening pussy. He reached out and rubbed his thumb over your clit, making you jump.
“Relax," he whispered, his voice gentle. His touch became firmer, his thumb slowly rubbing circles over your hot, swollen nub. He watched your face intently, memorizing every gasp, every flush of your cheeks, every dilation of your pupils. "Have you touched yourself before?"
You nodded.
"Show me," he demanded, his voice low. He wanted to see what you liked, what you didn't. He wanted to know everything. He brought his other hand up to play with your breasts, pinching and rolling your peaks as he continued to toy with your core.
You peered up at him incredulously. "Xavier…–!"
"Please," he whispered. "I want to know. I want to know what you like, what feels good. Show me, please." His touch was hentley, coaxing.
Slowly, tentatively, your hand drifted downward, brushing over the soft curls at the apex of your thighs. Xavier's breath hitched as you parted your folds, revealing the glistening pink flesh beneath. "That's it," he encouraged, his gaze locked on your movements.
Your thighs clamped shut around your plunging fingers, but Xavier forcefully pried them apart. "Keep them spread," he instructed.
You let out a desperate whine, groping your breast as you frantically pumped your fingers in and out of your dripping slit.
"Shh," he soothed, his eyes never leaving your hand. "Add another finger. Stretch yourself for me."
"I-I can't..." you protested weakly.
He nodded his head as he slowly pushed one of his alongside yours, stretching you deliciously wide. "Yes you can," he breathed. His digit trailed down to join yours, stroking that spongy sweet spot deep inside. Your pussy clenched and fluttered around the stretch.
"Right there?" he asked, his voice low. He crooked his fingers inside of you, pressing against that spot over and over again. He watched your face contort in pleasure, your mouth falling open as you gasped. "Come for me.”
Your back arched off the bed as ecstasy crashed over you in waves, your inner walls clenching around his fingers as you reached your peak.
His dark eyes were transfixed, watching with rapt attention as his hand worked you through your release, prolonging your pleasure until you collapsed back against the sheets, spent and trembling. Slowly, he withdrew your slick finger from your dripping core and brought them to his lips. His tongue darted out, curling around your fingers as it lapped your essence, his eyes fluttering shut in bliss.
He leaned down and kissed you hard, his tongue sliding into your mouth so you could taste yourself on him. His hands flung to his pants and began to unfasten his belt with eagerness.
As his pants fell away, your eyes widened at the sight of his impressive manhood standing at full attention. The swollen head glistened with pearlescent drops of precum, the color a striking contrast to the milky smoothness of his skin. Prominent veins ran along the underside, pulsing with his heartbeat. He was magnificent, a work of art sculpted by stars itself.
"Sit up.”
You complied, your movements languid as you propped yourself up on your knees. Your breasts swayed enticingly with the motion, nipples pebbled and begging for attention. His eyes roamed over your body hungrily, drinking in every curve and valley.
He took your hand and guided it to his throbbing member, wrapping your fingers around his impressive girth. "Touch me," he breathed, "like this.” He showed you, moving your hand up and down his length.
As your fingers closed around him, he let out a low groan, his hips thrusting forward slightly. "Just like that," he encouraged.
You swallowed hard, a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through you. "Is this okay?" You asked softly, his length growing even harder in your grip.
"Squeeze a little tighter," he instructed, his voice strained with pleasure.
Focusing intently, you squeezed just as he asked, marveling at the way his shaft pulsed in your palm. Your eyes were glued to where your hand met his flesh, watching in fascination as you pumped him, his swollen head disappearing and reappearing with each stroke.
He hissed through his teeth, his head falling back. "Just like that," he praised. His hips jerked forward, his body tensing. "Harder," he groaned. He brought your other hand up to play with his balls, showing you how to gently roll and squeeze them.
He gripped your wrist, his breathing growing ragged. "Keep...keep doing that," he hissed. He thrust into your hands, his movements growing jerky. "I'm… I'm going to..." He broke off, his whole body convulsing as he came in your hands.
He threw his head back, tendons straining in his neck as he gulped. Releasing your hand, he gripped his own thighs, fingers digging into the firm flesh.
You gazed at your palm, glistening with his copious release. Mimicking his earlier actions, you brought your hand to your lips, tongue swirling around your fingers to lap up every drop of his thick, salty essence.
His eyes were riveted on your display. With a sigh, he asked you to lay back once more. Seizing your hips, he yanked you towards him, his face flushed and debauched, mouth agape. He reached out and gently spread your thighs, stepping between them, the swollen head of his cock nudged against your slick entrance.
“Condoms…!” You cried out, “Xavier, what about–”
"Shh, don't worry about that now," he said. "I'll pull out, I promise.”
His hungry gaze raked over your quivering form, committing every dip and swell to memory. "Don't look so nervous," he crooned. “I'm right here.”
"Be gentle..." You breathed. “Please.”
He smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. You were adorable. "I'll be gentle.”
His fingers delved between your thighs, parting your slick folds to reveal your glistening entrance. He groaned at the sight. "So pretty.”
He then rubbed his thick head against your wetness, coating himself with your fluids. He pressed against your hole, his hips slowly pushing forward. He watched your face, his own contorted in concentration. "Breathe in," he instructed softly.
And before you actually could, he thrusted in.
Tears streamed down your face as he gradually pushed deeper into your tight heat. He paused, allowing you a moment to acclimate to his impressive girth stretching you open. His fingers tenderly caressed your cheek, wiping away the salty drops. "You're doing so well," he praised softly. "Just a little more." With one powerful thrust, he hilted himself fully inside you, breaking through your barrier.
A sharp cry escaped your lips at the sudden sting of pain mixed with overwhelming fullness. Your nails dug into the sheets as you gripped them for dear life. "Wait... ngh... I can't..." you whimpered, trembling beneath him.
Xavier captured your mouth in a searing kiss, swallowing your cries. "Shh, you're okay. I'm all the way inside now," he murmured against your lips. He held still, letting you adjust to the intense new sensations as your body stretched to accommodate him. "Open your eyes. Focus on me and you'll forget the pain."
He began to set at a slow, rhythmic pace, his hips gently rocking against yours. He grunted each time he bottomed out inside you. "Look at me," he commanded gruffly. "Open your eyes and look at me." He reached out and gently tilted your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
Your body clenched around him, the initial sting of pain gradually melting away into waves of pleasure. A breathy moan escaped your lips as you felt yourself surrender to the newer sensations.
Xavier's face tightened, and his head fell forward between his shoulders. "God, when you do that…" he hissed through gritted teeth. He continued to pump his hips, his rhythm growing faster. "Wrap your legs around my waist," he instructed hoarsely. "I'm gonna go a little faster."
You complied and wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, pulling him closer. When he mentioned he was going to pick up the pace, you weren't prepared for the relentless pounding that followed.
Bracing himself on his hands, he began to ruthlessly slam into you over and over again. Leaning down, he claimed your mouth in a rough, dominating kiss, muffling your desperate moans. His hips moved like a machine, driving into you with animalistic cruelty.
"G-Gentle...! Mgh–! P-Please!" you whimpered against his lips.
But Xavier was lost in his own pleasure, ignoring your pleas as he continued his merciless assault on your body. "You can handle it," he huffed. Gripping your hips, he adjusted your position, allowing him to plunge even deeper inside you. "You're too tight… I'll be gentle after I'm finished breaking you in."
"X-Xavier…! Xav–Ngh!"
He reached between your legs and grabbed your wrists, pulling them above your head as he continued to ravage you. His face was a mask of intense concentration as he continued to thrust into you, his hips moving like a piston. "You're so loud," he hissed, his voice thick with passion.
"Xavier! Xavier!"
His thrusts slowed to a torturous crawl, allowing you a moment to catch your breath before he hoisted your legs up onto his broad shoulders and folded you nearly in half. The new angle allowed him to plunge even deeper, the thick head of his cock kissing your cervix with each powerful stroke. Your back arched off the bed as your arms wrapped around his neck, nails digging into his sweat-slicked skin. A strangled moan tore from your throat.
His hands gripped your thighs hard enough to bruise, holding you open for his relentless assault. "Look at how deep I am," he panted, watching as he pistoned in and out of your tightness. "Look how well we fit together."
"It's too much… please... please..." You babbled, your voice hitching with every thrust to your cervix. "Xavier... it hurts…!"
"It's supposed to," he grunted. "It feels good, though, right? Just bear it a little more. I'm almost done." He let your legs drop, pushing your knees to your chest as he pounded into you.
Your nails raked down his back, leaving long, ten crimson trails in their wake. Xavier grunted in pain, his face contorting as he thrust into you harder. "Mark me all you want," he huffed. "I'll mark you right back." He buried his face in your neck and bit down hard, sucking on your skin as he continued to thrust into you.
"Ahh! Yes! Fuck!" you cried out, your words dissolving into incoherent babble. "You prom–eh…! you promised…!”
Xavier's eyes were closed, his face buried in your neck as he fucked you without a care in the world. The sound of his hips slapping against yours echoed in the room, mixing with your screams and pleas. "God… fuck, fuck," he chanted to himself, his voice muffled against your skin.
"You're so meannnn," you whimpered, drawing out the word as a sob caught in your throat.
Xavier's eyes flashed, dark and feral, as he lifted his head. "I'm mean?" he growled, voice dripping with mock hurt. His fingers dug into your hips as he pulled you flush against him. "You're the one getting off on this, aren't you? I can feel how wet you are." To punctuate his point, he reached between your legs and rubbed your clit roughly, making you gasp and arch into his touch.
He gripped your chin firmly, forcing your gaze to meet his intense stare. "Look at me," he commanded, voice low and dominant. "I want to see those eyes glazed when I make you come undone. When I claim every inch of you as mine.”
Xavier groaned, his thrusts becoming even more brutal. "You're gonna make such a pretty mess."
The words were like a match to gasoline, igniting the inferno raging inside you. With a keening cry, you shattered, your walls clamping down and bursting as ecstasy consumed you.
Xavier's eyes widened as he felt your walls clench around him, your orgasm triggering his own. "Ah! Yes…–yes!" he cried, his hips stuttering. With a final, brutal thrust, he buried himself deep inside you and came, his hot seed spurting against your cervix.
Xavier let out a low groan, his body trembling as he filled you. His grip on your thighs loosened, his hand caressing the marked skin gently. As he came down from his high, Xavier's pace slowed, his hips rolling forward in shallow thrusts as he milked the last of his release into you.
Your eyes fluttered shut, the world fading away until only the pulsing pleasure remained. With a final shuddering gasp, you surrendered to the overwhelming sensations, your consciousness slipping away.
His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you went limp beneath him. He peppered your face with gentle kisses, his touch at odds with the rough way he'd just taken you. "Shh, sleep now," he murmured softly, "You did so well.”
As much as he didn’t want to leave, he gently began to slip out of bed, his body trembling, spent. He pulled the blankets up around you, making sure you were wrapped warmly before crossing the room to close the window. Quietly, he turned to his closet, carefully reaching for his lightseeker uniform and slipping it on, moving with a gentle but determined grace.
He searched for his sword, finally spotting the star-tasseled handle hidden under the bed. Just as he reached for it, he felt a soft weight on his head, your hand, draped sleepily over him.
He froze, worried he might've woken you–worried he would have to explain he wasn't abandoning, but saving you–, but then you let out a soft, contented snore, and he couldn’t help but smile. Slowly, he lifted your hand, pressing a tender kiss to the back before leaning down to brush his lips across your forehead, damp with extertion.
“I’ll be back soon,” he whispered, voice barely more than a breath. “I love you.”
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yukinohiko · 1 month ago
something about caleb being pleased when you cry to him. it isn’t so much him drawing satisfaction from your hurt, your frustration, or whatever else it may be causing you to curl against him, wet eyes like drowned flowers and pitiful.
no, his pleasure is more contrived than that. it’s from the way you seek him out purposefully. seek your gege out for something only he could provide.
and there’s something so sweet about that, isn’t there? so fulfilling?
a lifetime together, for him to indulge and coo and spoil you, and it’s blossomed so well. the desire in you, at every twist of the day, to return to gege for consolation and adoration in equal measure.
he gathers you in his arms, concealing the warmth in his pleasure. he masks it with tenderness, doting on you so lushly.
“there, there,” he murmurs, his lips shaped in a smile against your forehead. “you’re all right, aren’t you? don’t fuss. gege’s here.”
he kisses away your tears, humming as you hiccup and get your words out. it endears him so much, makes him tighten his arms around you, prompting you to press your face into his neck. you breathe in his familiar scent, homely and sharp, clear as the blue skies outside.
violet eyes gaze down at you with a love that feels too great to hold. but he will bear it — he’s always bore it for you.
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kyrinnina · 2 months ago
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Would you forgive him? 🤎
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ramonathinks · 2 months ago
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slyus is a good boy and wants to prove it to you.
cw: sylus and reader are both switches, (18+, MDNI), handjobs, pussyjob, cum eating, slight blowjob, making out, finger sucking, orgasm denial, use of restraints, spanking (just one moment of it) slight choking, squirting, eventual sex and creampie
ramona note: just a little drabble since it’s been forever but hope you enjoy! it’s terribleeeee ik ik tagging: @sunasbon @kissxcore @sincerelyzee
“How badly do you wanna fuck me, Sylus?” A simple question but you could already see by how flushed his ears and face were just how badly he wanted this.
A surprising sound erupts from his throat — a whine, a whimper or a combination of the two before he finally speaks, “Really bad. Don’t torture me like this kitten.” You could see he was struggling, he said he wouldn’t use his evol to escape the rope that bound his hands together but his eyes held a different story.
You sit on his lap, your core against him and he shutters. “Can I?” Your hands traveled from his shoulders to his chest, spending extra time rubbing up and down, smirking at every heavy breath. Your hand grazes the area, “You’re hard.” His body goes completely still for a second, almost like he’s embarrassed that you pointed out something so obvious. “I can make you feel good, wouldn’t you like that?”
He’s watching you with hooded eyes, swallowing hard. “Be gentle with me.” He finally huffs out.
Your face lights up and within seconds you’re on your knees his pants are completely unzipped; his tanned cock flops out and you just stare. It’s long and heavy, slightly curved and the head is decorated with pearly beads of precum. Your finger rubs at the slit, collecting the cum and popping it in your mouth.
Sylus just stares, his face twitching ever so slightly as you look at him. You moan, taking your finger out and dipping it back to gather more of him. He hisses, his silver eyebrows furrowed and eyes closed. Squeezing your fist around him, you pressed small kisses to the tip, peppering everything above your fist — his cock now covered in your red lipstick. He’s throbbing in your hands as you continue to work him, the lascivious wet sounds of his cock and his needy labored breathing mixed together in the empty room, “Just like that.” His back arches at the same time that his hips jerk up towards your fiery touch. “Ah!” He throws his head back at the sensation of you suckling a bit on the head while you stroke, both of your hands twisting and pumping him sloppily. Your tongue laps at the head more, swirling around the slit and he moans. He’s not quiet anymore, he’s being loud.
The leader of Onychinus is whimpering and moaning while his toes dig into the sheets. He’s gasping, loudly, repeatedly saying how soft your hands are or how pretty you are, anything with a whiny voice and flushed face.
“Kitten, I’m cl—” You know he’s ready to spill all over you, you can feel him throbbing everywhere and from the way the veins on his thick thighs look as if they’re going to burst… makes you stop.
It happens all within a second, you take your mouth off him and your now sticky hands you give small kitten licks to. While Sylus heaves and glares, “Are you trying to punish me?” He asks, his cock twitching in the air — harder than before.
“Say please and I’ll make it up to you.” You purr, kissing his chest with mischievous eyes.
“You’re pushing your luck…” He murmurs, annoyance heavy in his tone. He rolls his eyes and looks deep in thought before he says, “Pleasee…sweetie.” Dragging out the please to truly win you over.
“Now I have to reward you for being a good boy, huh?” A smirk permanently glued on your face. “I got something better for you.”
You sit on him, his cock flush against your lips as you rock your hips back and forth. More of his own precum leaks on to his abdomen, you don’t know when he broke free of his restraints but his fingers dig into your hips while your pussy easily glides up and down, the combined cool slick covering the both of you.
Your clit bumps his head and you both gasp before you start again— dragging your weeping pussy from the base of his cock to head, circling your hips against him. Every bump of your clit against his tip makes you that more wetter and faster to slide back up and down against him. “You’re soaking me…” His crimson eyes sparkling as he looked at where you’re both connected, his hips meeting yours with each roll. With every roll he does, the more moans comes from his lips — sometimes he says simple words of ‘fuck’ but other than that he just lets out wordless moans and shutters as you work him.
“Sylus—‘M so wet, you hear it?” You tease him, reaching down to put his fingers against your clit; the rough pads adding to your please. A strained moan spills from your lips, grateful for the feeling as you continue to hump against him.
“You’re so soft.” He groans out, your wetness drips down on his shaft and he instantly flips you over. “Making me feel good.”
Sylus uses your wetness like a lube, moving even faster to slot himself between the lips of your pretty pussy, sloshing sounds of wetness and skin slapping as he continues. “Mmf!” He leans down to kiss you, licking your lips to get inside –he swallows all your moans with a devilish smile.
Keeping your lips open to nudge at your clit with the head of his cock, your eyes wide at the slight overstimulation. He says something but you’re too immersed in the pleasure to hear him, he slaps his cock on your fluttering hole.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, kitten.” A dopey grin on his face, he looks as if he’s captivated by you. “I let you take control, but now…” he grips the side of your neck just slightly, watching your eyes roll back and your chest heave. “I’m taking it back.”
You whine out his name and sniffle, still not looking his way. But it’s almost like he was always in charge, the atmosphere heavy.
“Don’t you want me right here? Inside?” He chastises, his lips twitching upwards, failing to hide his smirk. His calloused hands trail from your quivering belly to your mound. “I was a good boy, can’t you be a good girl for me?”
But you’re stubborn, a trait he both loves and hates in times like this. He rubs himself against your folds again, “Or should I stop?”
Your eyes glance at him briefly before looking away, “You like being a bad girl, huh?” He licks a stripe up your neck. The warmth of his body leaves in an instant and he turns you over, taking you over his knees. He slaps your backside, once. Then again, harder. You hold back a moan but your hole flutters around nothing which makes Sylus chuckle.
“You like that don’t you?” His hand comes down on your backside again and your fingers fish the sheets in front of you. “Cat got your tongue?” He teases as you wiggle yourself out of his hold.
You scoff but avoid his glances, if you admit you like it… his teasing wouldn’t stop. He watched your face before he changes the subject.
“How about this…” He offers. “I’ll do whatever you want if you tell me like a good girl.” You squeeze your thighs together and he takes notice.
“I want you inside.” You tell him, voice laced with pleasure. Teasing him was torture enough because you were teasing yourself in the process. “I’ll be a good girl.” You promise, sticking your bottom lip out in a deep pout.
He lays you back down and he opens your folds that are sticking together, rubbing himself through them again before your wet insides welcome him.
You squeal and he’s shushing you, carefully moving in deeper. Your eyes tearing up at the relief his cock is bringing you, you’re babbling nonsense words to which Sylus replies with murmurs against your lips, “I know, I know.”
There’s little to no talking after that, just the sounds of him inside of you, the bed frame and both of you whining against each other’s mouths. Sylus pushes his hips deeper inside before pulling halfway out and repeating the action, his eyes focused on your face.
Bending your legs at the knees to get even more inside — to reach that spot he knows he’s close to. He says your name, he groans it with labored breath and you watch his face as best you can. His eyebrows furrowed and eyes closed, his lips parted before he grits his teeth and bites down. “Feels too good inside of you.” His hips snapping harder when you wrap your legs around him.
“M’gonna cum!” A pressure deep in your tummy, your knees close to your earlobes as he keeps going.
“Oh? You’re gonna? Aren’t you forgetting to ask? Let me hear that pretty voice.” He nibbles at your lips, kissing them.
“Sylus, can I? Can I cum? Please…please? Sylus—!” He’s looking directly at where he’s inside of you, froth covers his base and he bounces you off of him. You groan at the deeper sensation, a feeling so unfamiliar erupting inside of you.
You move your hands to cover yourself, “Sy— don’t… don’t look.” Gushes of wetness squirt off of you and you whine, his hand covering yours as he holds them tightly.
“Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed?” He gushes, his cock twitching inside of you as he finally comes inside
“Oh.” He slips out, watching more of his cum leak out of you. “It’s pouring,” he purrs, scooping some up and gently thrusting it back inside.
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thalwri · 24 days ago
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synopsis: why bake when you can get your back blown by your favourite prince from philos?
warnings: porn no plot, masturbation, teasing, feral!xavier, feral!reader, backshots behind a couch
wc: 998
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xavier had learned something new today. don’t bake when you’re with someone you’ve missed. you’ll burn the food. and in his defence you probably would have too. in an attempt to try out with creme brulée, you had gotten a bit too distracted.
with what?
you had dropped a spoon on the floor and reached down to get it, not expecting much from that. what you hadn’t taken into account was that the lining of your panties pressed against your shorts that tightly wrapped around your plump ass and hips, emphasising the curve and pulsating puffiness of your pussy lips.
if it wasn’t for that spoon always slipping from your grip until it was under his couch, making you eventually drop to your knees to reach for it. the curves of your back arched, those swollen folds rubbed against the moving fabric of your clothing as you wiggled in search for the spoon. just one more swift shake of that ass of yours and he would have seen your pussy exposed.
the thought of it sent jolts down to his swelling cock. there was already an imprint of his length hardening on his pants. but he didn’t bother hiding it. not while he had a magnificent sight to witness.
his hands had itched to squeeze and fondle those soft mounds of fat and lay kisses and bites all over it. his hand traveled down to his now fully erect cock and gently rubbed it in its clothed state. a shaky silent sigh left his lips as your back further arched, pushing that ass higher up.
his rock hard cock throbbed, leaking globs of clear fluid onto his clothing. but that only egged him on to stroke himself more, to succumb to his body’s needs. a soft moan resonated from the couch, by where you were. another moan slipped out, a result of you stretching yourself to find the spoon.
“xavier,” your voice was like honey, pulling him into your abyss like a tempest dragging him to an endless whirlpool. “hold me.”
“why?” his voice was strained, hoarse and dry as if all the moisture in his mouth went straight down his body. 
“what if i get– ah– stuck?” your pretty ass wiggled again. there was no way you weren’t doing that on purpose. “i need you to hold me.”
reluctantly– that’s a lie, he was overjoyed– xavier knelt down behind you and slowly curled his fingers over your waist, holding you still. he ached to move just a bit closer, to press his length right on your cunny lips. they were just calling out to him. so needy for him. he was so needy for you.
he would have maintained his restraint. really, he would have. at least before you jerked back, pressing yourself right on the print of his cock.
whether or not it wasn’t intentional was a question left for the wind to answer. because now, xavier was balls deep inside your pussy, pounding you into oblivion.
it felt like one of those washing machine porn videos, whether the woman would get stuck in the washing machine and would need help getting out, only to be fucked instead. or maybe it’s like a plumber kind of situation, where some part of her body is stuck or tangled in the bathtub and she gets fucked for a free repair service.
but neither of those stood a chance to the way xavier expertly found your sweet spot deep within your pussy, hitting it over and over again despite slipping his leaky cock into you just moments ago.
“you were doing it on purpose, weren’t you?” his naked torso curved over your nude form, one hand tightly gripping the head of the couch and the other fondling your nipples, twisting and squeezing them like his toys and holding your bouncing tiddies in place.
the only response you were capable of making was a string of incoherent moans. it was true, you had deliberately dropped the spoon and further used your charms to tease xavier. you didn’t really anticipate that he’d be just as aroused and hungry for you like you were for him.
“xa-xavier– i–“ his tongue swiped a wet line up your neck bringing you to a shudder. your head rested on the cushion he had grabbed for you to keep you comfy while he ploughed your dripping hole.
“concentrate on finding that spoon,” he cooed, enunciating each syllable with a sharp, deep, thrust, making sure you felt every vein massage your soaked gummy walls. 
he already came inside you twice, and you three times just in that position alone. you just had missed each other so much, especially after all the missions you had done separately in the last few weeks. it only felt natural to devour each other at some point, even if it was under the guise of a wholesome baking day.
“s-s-so– mmhfuck– so mean!” you cried, stretching your arms around until your finger grazed the cold metallic edge of the spoon you dropped. your gasp of victory turned into the sluttiest moan you’d made in months. even xavier was shocked to hear it.
“oh?” his hands massaged your waist to soothe you. he was shaking, both overstimulated, leaking endless amounts of cum into you and pounding all of the previous round’s back into you while the rest leaked onto the floor. “you’re so mmmuch louder today. ‘s it because you missed me?”
“i think– xavier!” he had already spent so much time edging you, and himself, you were about to explode at this point. and what about the food? “the crème brûlée– it’s burning–“
“let it burn,” you could just hear him grin. “i was probably going to anyway. besides,”
he pushed his hips as deep as your tight cunny could allow him to go. “i still need to take care of you.”
you two were definitely going to order food by the time you were done.
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just a little drabble for xavier
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4ttack-ur-heart · 1 month ago
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Dr. Zayne will handle it.
Pairings: Zayne x afab! Reader
Summary: Zayne finds out your gyno appointment is going to be with a male doctor and he’s less than happy about it.
Warnings: not really any just Zayne being jealous yet respectful, idk if I wrote him ooc or not… but it’s a learning experience lol.
Ps- it’s a lil shorter than what I normally write but I have so many ideas brewing.
Zayne’s fingers type quickly on his laptop, a warm cup of tea steeping next to him. His glasses are perched on the bridge of his nose with the lenses reflecting reports and patient files. He had promised only an hour of working in his home office while you stayed with him.
He could hear your voice in the main room arguing with whomever you spoke with. After your tone sharpened slightly, he decided to close his computer, remove his glasses, and see what was happening.
“No, I’ve been waiting for this appointment for two months! There has to be something else you can do.” You plead with frustration.
Zayne raises a brow, wondering what kind of appointment has you so stirred up. He watches as you angrily huff and say goodbye before ending the call. Your phone is tossed to the couch carelessly and you rub your face in your hands.
He carefully comes up behind you, his large hands covering your shoulders and the pads of his thumbs gently massage the tissue.
“Is everything okay, dear?” Concern is evident in his voice.
You nod and turn around to face him. “Yeah, just my stupid gynecologist.”
Zayne remains quiet, obviously waiting for you to continue.
“I’ve been trying to see this specific doctor because the association recommended her, but they just called me and said they overbooked her for this month and she won't be able to see me."
“Why does the association even have a recommended gynecologist?”
His questions hung in the air for a few moments while you scooped up your phone from the couch.
“I guess Dr. Lina is the best in her field. Kinda like how you’re the best cardiologist- most hunters try to see you instead of anyone else for heart issues. I guess it’s the same for her, and since a lot of hunters are women, the association trusts her to handle any issues for us.”
Zayne hums in understanding and places a tender kiss on your temple, his hand stroking your back to relax you. “So, what are you required to do now?”
You let out a sigh, “They can either reschedule me a month from my original appointment or I have to see the other gynecologist that the association recommended… who’s a guy.”
He tenses up and his hand stops moving.
Zayne maintained a high level of professionalism in his interactions with female patients. He recognized that the primary objective of doctors, including himself, is to assist individuals in need. Nevertheless, he experienced a sense of jealousy at the chance of another man observing you in a vulnerable situation.
“And are you comfortable with that?” His voice grows more cold and tense.
You pull your lip that you were chewing on from between your teeth, “Not really… that’s why I was waiting for Dr. Lina. If I’m not cleared soon, then I’ll have to be put on desk duty until I am.”
The foreboding future of being limited to desk duty when you weren't even physically injured was sure to make you go crazy. It was one of the most frustrating things about being a hunter- forget the wanderers, no, it was staying on top of all the appointments to ensure you were completely healthy. Dental appointments, eye exams, physicals, and now gynecology.
“I’ll miss my deadline if I wait for her,” frowning, you collapse onto the sofa in defeat. “Hello desk duty for the next month.”
You glance up at Zayne, searching for a hint of his thoughts on the situation, but he simply exhales through his nose, a silent acknowledgment of your frustration. He settles beside you, and you allow yourself to rest against his chest, feeling the cool steadiness of him. As you roll your eyes at the absurdity of it all, you pull out your phone to dial the clinic once more. Unbeknownst to you, Zayne’s gaze is intently fixed on the screen, curiosity dancing in his eyes.
“I’ll just book with that other doctor,” you say dejectedly.
Zayne's hand clamps down on your wrist with a surprising intensity, preventing you from dialing the number. Shock floods your senses, and as your gaze meets his, you can't help but notice the piercing coldness in his green eyes. The tension in the air thickens, making it clear that this moment is more weighted than you had anticipated.
You look back to his hand locked onto your wrist. Little white snowflakes flurry from his arm, and from that, you can tell the doctor is having an internal battle with his emotions.
“Forgive me for my impracticality, but I don’t think I’m comfortable with you seeing a male gynecologist.” You don’t fail to notice the way his voice was now lowered and a chill ran through your body.
The flurry of snowflakes burst from his hand in quicker movements at your words and he quickly lets go of you.
“My, my, is Dr. Zayne… jealous?”
“I don’t see why I cannot clear you for this, I am your primary doctor after all.”
Aww, your snowman was jealous. He just didn’t want to admit it.
“Zayne, honey,” you lock your fingers with his, noting the way the snowflakes start to calm down. “As much as I would prefer you to do it over anyone else, the association wants someone specialized in that field.”
Zayne furrows his brow, a wave of frustration washing over him. He knows deep down that he lacks the authority to grant you the necessary clearance, and the thought that another man will see you exposed, no matter how justified it may be for medical reasons, angers him even more. The tension in the room thickens as he rises abruptly from the sofa, his movements are almost forceful as he unintentionally nudges you aside in his haste, caught between concern for your well-being and the turmoil within himself.
“Don’t make the appointment.”
And with that, he leaves the room.
"Zayne!" You call out, but the sound of his office door shutting was all you received in response.
About an hour ticks by and you never leave the couch, instead just opting to watch some soap opera to pass the time with a throw blanket covering your body as the rain pelts against the windows.
You could faintly hear Zayne's muffled voice speaking to someone over the phone. You didn't want to disturb him, understanding how difficult it is for him to express his emotions. If he needed some time alone, you would give him that space.
By the time the door opens, the main character is already in tears again for the umpteenth time. He stands over you and you turn off the show.
In the stillness, you can sense his struggle to meet your gaze, while your eyes remain locked on his, filled with concern and curiousness.
Finally, he clears his throat.
“You have an appointment with Dr. Lina at 8 a.m. on Monday. Please do not be late.”
Shock washes over your features and your mouth parts open.
“What? Zayne, how did you-”
“Being at the top of your field has its advantages.”
You're silent, not knowing what to say, just overall confused. It would’ve taken you another month to see her and now you’re seeing her in three days?
“One of my colleagues is Dr. Lina's cousin. I explained to him your situation and he talked to her. I guess she was delighted to find out that the one and only Dr. Zayne’s girlfriend wanted to see her- so she pushed back one of her appointments.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Without another thought, you move off the couch and wrap your arms around his neck. Zayne reciprocates the hug and cradles your head to his chest.
“Thank you.”
Zayne's hand continues to stroke your hair, a bit hesitant as he chooses his next words carefully. "Darling, I want to apologize for my behavior earlier."
You pull away with furrowed eyebrows as he meets your eyes.
"You were right, it seems I was a bit jealous." His hand brushes back a stray lock of your hair. "If you were required to go see another male doctor, I should have been more understanding of that. It wasn't right nor professional for me to intervene without your consent-"
"Zayne." Your sharp tone cuts off his apology. "You don’t need to apologize for anything. I understand how difficult it is for you to confront your emotions. Honestly, I couldn’t be more relieved. I had already told you that I wasn’t comfortable seeing a male doctor for this, so you being jealous and taking action like that is kind of sexy."
"You think that was sexy?" Zayne smirks as if humored by the situation. "Really."
You shrug and nod your head, "I mean, yeah. You being all protective like that and realizing you're jealous is something I don't get to see every day. Maybe I should make you jealous more often..."
He lets out a low growl and pulls you back to his chest, lips brushing against your hairline as he inhales your shampoo.
"It would be wise not to push it," He warns. "Besides, I’d much rather owe Dr. Lina a favor than you forced to be uncomfortable.” His thumb brushes over your ear.
“What’s the favor?”
“That I see one of her children. With the discovery of his new evol, I guess his heart had some abnormal fluctuations.”
You frown at his answer. A child with heart problems already?
Zayne notices your change in demeanor and he tilts your chin up to look at him.
“Don’t fret over it darling, I’m seeing him tomorrow and she had already given me a brief rundown on his condition. It sounds like it’s just the body getting used to the abundance of power. It's common in children.”
You nod, relieved. If anyone can figure it out, it’s your boyfriend.
The rest of the night was spent cuddling on the couch and snacking on sweets while the cliche drama played in the background.
Your appointment with Dr. Lina went very smoothly and she said you were in perfect health.
By the next week, you were approved to continue out in the field and the heavy weight was lifted off your shoulders.
Zayne was very relieved to find out his hypothesis was correct with Linda’s son, Ivan. As it turns out Ivan’s evol was super speed and the fluctuations in his heart were just him needing to burn off the energy.
You were glad it all worked out, thanks to your Dr. Zayne.
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connorsui · 2 months ago
Hi! Can I ask for a Sylus fluff, where he gives the reader his bank card for her to go shopping, and he expects a bill to be at least $10,000, but all he sees is about $100. So he asks her if she bought everything she wanted, and she says something like "yeah, there were such good discounts, I didn't spend too much, did I?"
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My beloved @lalaluch I cannot explain to you just how much fun this was to even imagine but let alone even WRITE 🩷 like I was losing my mind trying to bust out my Google docs to even make this. But my sickness was literally getting to me that all I could do was imagine--but anywhoo now that it's finally done I hope you all enjoy it ✨️
p.s: I hope this sickness finally leaves me because it be making me internally cry on the inside ...I pray for prayers lol 💅🏻
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It had taken weeks of gentle coaxing, half-joking remarks, and the occasional exasperated sigh before you’d reluctantly agreed. You had this stubborn streak, an insistence on independence that both irritated and fascinated him. But today, you’d finally caved.
“You’ll take it,” Sylus had said that morning, slipping the sleek card into your hand, his fingers brushing against your palm. “No arguments. No excuses.”
You had sighed, rolling your eyes. “Fine. But I’m not going crazy with it?!”
He had only smirked, knowing full well you would—and knowing full well that he wanted you to.
And now, hours later, he awaited the results.
Sylus leaned back in his leather chair, his crimson eyes flicking lazily over the documents cluttering his desk. A rare break in his usual chaos had him sipping on his usual drink, savoring the brief quiet. That was until his phone buzzed. He set his glass down and checked the notification, a message from his bank popping up.
He expected it—he wanted it. You had finally caved to his insistence after a literal month of convincing and taken his black card to go shopping. He’d envisioned the inevitable message all morning, something like:
One-hundred million spent at Celine and The Row’s combined?
Or perhaps?
Fifty million at Loro Piana?
You’d mentioned their beauty and elegance more than once.
Nevertheless, the man wanted indulgence, excess—you deserved it, after all.
Instead, the message read:
$157.45 at… Assorted Stores.
Sylus stared at the screen, unblinking. Surely, this was a mistake. He refreshed his balance multiple times. Same amount. He checked for pending transactions. None.
“…What?” he muttered, his irritation simmering beneath the surface. He slammed his phone down, crossing his arms as he waited for you to return.
Minutes later, the front door opened, and you walked in, humming happily, two bags dangling from your arms. You looked utterly content, your warm smile sending a pang through Sylus’s chest. He didn’t want to ruin the moment, but he had questions.
“You’re back,” he said, leaning against the doorframe to his study, watching you set the bags down in the living room. His towering presence cast a shadow over you, his white hair catching the light, giving him an almost otherworldly aura.
“Yup!” you chirped, rifling through the bags. “You wouldn’t believe the deals I found today! It’s like the universe knew I had your card!”
Sylus squinted. “Deals?”
“Yeah! Everything was on sale! I even had coupons for some things. Oh, and this boutique downtown was having a clearance event! It was amazing!” You beamed at him, oblivious to his growing disbelief.
“Clearance? ..…How much did you spend?” he asked, his voice neutral. Too neutral.
“Um…” You frowned, pulling your phone out to check. “About a few hundred, I think? Oh, wait—like one-fifty! I didn’t spend too much, did I?” You tilted your head, as if genuinely concerned.
Sylus stared at you, his expression shifting to one of incredulous disbelief. His red eyes seemed to glow, and his lips pressed into a thin line. It was the look of a man deeply offended. Not by you—but by the principle.
“…That’s it?” he asked, his voice sharp but measured, as if he were trying to comprehend an alien concept. “One-fifty?”
You blinked up at him, a little confused by his tone. “Well, yes… I mean, I didn’t want to waste your money—”
“Waste my—” He cut himself off, running a hand through his snowy hair. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. “Sweetheart,” he said slowly, “do you have any idea why I gave you my card?”
“To… buy some stuff?” you offered, suddenly feeling like you were missing something obvious.
“To spoil you,” he emphasized, stepping closer. “To treat you like the queen you are. To shower you in luxury. And you—” He gestured to the modest shopping bags on the floor, his voice taking on a dramatic edge. “—come back with clearance items?”
Your cheeks flushed. “But… I didn’t need anything expensive! I found good deals, and I thought—”
“No.” Sylus leaned down slightly, bringing himself to eye level with you, his crimson eyes boring into yours. “Listen to me, love. I don’t care about the price tag. I want you to have the best. The fact that you’re this thoughtful is adorable—don’t get me wrong—but next time…” He paused, his voice dropping into a softer, more commanding tone. “…I want to see receipts that would make the average person cry.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m not.” He straightened, towering over you again, his arms crossing. “Do you know how much money I make? How much I’ve set aside specifically to spoil you?”
“I can guess?…”
“Clearly not if you’re spending less than a casual dinner out on everything.” His voice was calm, but laced with unmistakable disapproval.
Then, with a breath, he softened—only slightly. “I just want to see you dressed in diamonds,” he corrected, stepping closer, his towering frame casting a shadow over you. “To watch you slip into golden heels that make you shine like the goddess you are. To drape you in silk and velvet, to see you standing before me in a dress that costs more than a car and still doesn’t compare to your worth.”
Your lips parted slightly, caught off guard by the sudden weight in his words.
“I gave you my card,” he continued, voice lower now, intimate, “because I want you to indulge. To spoil yourself the way I ache to spoil you. Because you deserve to walk into a store and not think—just watch and admire”
Your throat went dry.
He lifted his hand, fingers brushing over your wrist before tracing upward, his touch featherlight against your skin. “I want to see you try on jewelry without looking at the price tag,” he murmured. “I want to sit back and watch as a saleswoman fumbles to put a necklace around your throat because her hands are shaking too much from the sheer amount of wealth wrapped around you.”
His gaze dipped lower, lingering on your frame as he exhaled through his nose. “And instead… you bring me deals?”
Your heart pounded, a mix of amusement and something else entirely stirring in your chest. “I didn’t think I needed to spend that much—”
“You don’t need to,” he interrupted, thumb ghosting over your jawline. His voice was softer now, but no less commanding. “But I want you to.”
Your face heated.
“Next time, I’m going with you.”
“What, to make sure I spend enough?” you teased.
“Yes,” he said, dead serious. “And to carry your bags. And to remind you that you can have whatever you want.” His red eyes softened slightly, and he tilted your chin up with two fingers. “All I want is to see you happy. No discounts required.”
You smiled at his sincerity, warmth blooming in your chest. “Okay, fine. Next time, I’ll go a little crazier. Maybe five million?” you joked.
Sylus groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Woman, you’re going to be the death of me.”
You laughed, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. “You’re so dramatic, you know that?”
“And you’re too frugal for your own good,” he shot back, pulling you into his arms. His voice softened, turning almost playful. “But I guess I’ll just have to teach you how to spend properly.”
“Looking forward to it,” you said, grinning against his chest.
Sylus sighed, resting his chin atop your head. As much as he wanted to spoil you senseless, he couldn’t help but love your thoughtful, practical side. It was part of what made you you—and he wouldn’t trade that for anything.
Still, next time… he was definitely making sure you left the store with at least an entire closet filled with designer bags.
For his sanity—and yours.
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kilesplaysthings · 21 hours ago
The Purrfect Solution
~ A Yes, Cat Caretaker Fic ~
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Summary: I found out from Liam that Caleb hadn't returned to Skyhaven after we spent a few days together. A trip to Meow's Cafe gave me the hilarious answer as to why...
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Caleb x MC fluff. Slight separation anxiety. Slightly suggestive: use of a human-sized collar.
I will be forever salty that Caleb wasn't around for the Yes, Cat Caretaker event. We were deprived! Deprived, I tell you!!
Therefore, I wanted kitty!Caleb, so I wrote kitty!Caleb :3 also, Caleb would be an orange tabby and no one can convince me otherwise
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It all happened about a week ago, when I received a call from Liam, Caleb’s adjutant.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Miss Hunter, but you’re the only person I could think of to call.”
“Don’t worry about it, Liam!” I decided not to dwell on the fact that Liam had my number in the first place. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering if the Colonel was with you? I don’t want to alarm you, but he hasn’t reported in for duty yet. He was supposed to be back in Skyhaven yesterday, but every time I tried to call him, he didn’t answer.”
I frowned. Caleb had come down from Skyhaven to hang out for a few days. He had left on Sunday as scheduled and I hadn’t heard from him since.
“He’s not with me. He left on Sunday as planned…” Concern began to sprout up within me. “Now that you mention it, he hasn’t called me to let me know he made it back there, either…”
“Like I said, I don’t mean to alarm you. It could be nothing. Perhaps he received a classified mission while coming back here that he needed to handle immediately.”
I told myself not to panic yet. Being the Colonel of the Farspace Fleet was a rigorous job that asked a lot of Caleb. Liam could very well be right, and if he wasn’t suspecting the worst yet, I reassured myself that I shouldn’t either.
“Okay, yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’ll be sure to let you know if I see him. Please let me know if you find anything out.”
“I will, Miss Hunter. I’m sure everything is all right. The Colonel wouldn’t let anything happen to him that was out if his control.”
“All right. Thanks, Liam.”
He hung up the phone and I was left with so many thoughts whirling around in my head. Caleb seemingly hadn’t made it back to Skyhaven. His right-hand man had no idea of his whereabouts, and he hadn’t contacted me, either. It was still too soon to suspect foul play, but my wayward mind couldn’t help imagining various incidents that could have happened to him; like that train accident he’d been on not too long ago, or a Wanderer suddenly attacking him.
I decided to call his friend Gideon on the slight chance that he would know where Caleb was.
“No, I haven’t heard from him in a few days. He’s not in some sort of trouble, is he?!”
The call with Gideon proving fruitless, I called Caleb myself. No answer. My stomach began to churn with anxiety. The last thing I wanted was Caleb going MIA on me. It reminded me too much of that day…
I decided to text him:
“Hey! Are you there?”
“I tried to call you. Text me back!”
“No one’s been able to get a hold of you. You’d better answer me or you’ll be sorry!”
I gripped my phone and paced around my apartment. A couple of minutes passed and still no response. My heart pounding, I was about to rush outside and tear up the Linkon streets to search for him when –
Ring ring
“Heyyy Pip-squeak.”
Sure enough, it was Caleb on the phone.
“Don’t ‘hey Pip-squeak’ me! Why didn’t you answer your phone?! I heard you didn’t go back to Skyhaven on Sunday! What gives?”
“Aww, what? Miss me? Or… are you upset I’m still hanging around?”
“No, you dummy! You adjutant just called me saying you haven’t reported in yet! What are you doing? Are you still in Linkon?”
“Oh.” He sighed. “Why’d he have to go and call you?” I heard him mutter.
“What’s going on, Caleb? You’re not hurt or anything...?” I couldn’t hide the growing concern in my voice.
“No!” He quickly replied. “No, I’m fine! Promise! I just--”
Suddenly I heard what sounded like a couple of kitties meowing followed by Caleb trying to shush them. I frowned.
“Caleb… You wouldn’t happen to be at Meow’s Café, would you?”
Silence. From him, at least. I could still hear the cats meowing in the background.
“I’m coming over there,” I told him.
“Pip-squeak, you don’t--”
“I’m already out the door,” I interrupted, snatching up my keys. “Don’t even think about going anywhere.” I warned him.
A resigned chuckle came over the phone.
“Okay, okay.”
I reached Meow’s Café in record time – under fifteen minutes. Strangely enough, the café’s windows were shuttered and a “closed” sign hung on the door.
“I’m here. Can you let me in?” I texted him. He sent me a thumb’s up emoji in response. A moment later, I heard the lock click and the door slowly swung open. When I stepped inside, the café’s OTTO Bot manager whizzed up to me.
“Hello, dear guest! We apologize for the inconvenience, but the café is closed until further notice.”
“Don’t bother with that. She’s with me.”
Caleb’s voice drifted towards me from a back room. When he appeared, all I could do was stare at him.
Caleb looked fine, dressed in a casual shirt and jeans, with nary a cut or bruise to be seen. But one thing blatantly stood out right away; two things, to be exact, and they were sticking up right on top of Caleb’s head nestled in his dark hair. Cat ears. Fuzzy, twitching cat ears which looked to be orange in color. As I stared at him, I caught a subtle movement out of the corner of my eye. Swaying behind him was also a tail, a fuzzy, striped tail that was also orange with cream highlights.
“Uh… Caleb?” I couldn’t take my eyes off of those ears.
“’Sup?” He replied. It was obvious he was trying to be as nonchalant about this unusual predicament as possible.
I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Ya know, something seems different about you. Can’t quite place it, though. Got any ideas?”
That fuzzy, striped tail swayed behind him.
“Hm? What do you mean?”
I sighed, exasperated. “Oh, come on. So, you mean to tell me those ears and tail are a new fashion statement or something?”
I quickly approached him and reached up to pinch one of those ears. Caleb flinched.
“H-hey! Watch it! They’re sensitive, you know!”
“And they’re very real! What happened?”
Caleb sighed resignedly. “I think this is because of that long match of Kitty Cards we played. Remember? The cats weren’t too happy at how many rounds we did.”
Some of the nearby kitties began to meow loudly, as if they were agreeing with him.
“All right, all right,” Caleb shook his head. “Also, I don’t think they liked how combatively I was playing, either.” He glanced upwards as those furry ears swiveled around on his head.
“Yeah, I remember.” It had been a long couple of matches, and we were both super competitive with each other. “You were ruthless with the assist cards. I think that one orange kitty was pretty fed up with you by the time we were done. So, this is because of the kitties’ evol?” I wondered.
“Guess so. At least, that’s what this OTTO said.” He nodded to the nearby Bot.
“This guest came bursting in here a couple of days ago, demanding we do something about the ears and tail. We tried to explain that they will go away gradually and there was nothing else that could be done.” It told me.
Caleb sighed again and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I don’t have all the time in the world to wait for these to go away, though,” he murmured defeatedly. “And I definitely can’t let the Fleet see me like this.”
“So, what? You were just gonna wait it out here?” I asked.
He shrugged. “I didn’t know what else to do.”
I glared at him. “What about me? You could’ve called me.”
His eyes skittered away from mine. “I didn’t want to make you worry…”
“Too late for that, isn’t it?” I sighed. Then I reached out and touched his arm.
“You remember what I said a couple months ago, the last time you came to see me?”
He blinked and looked back at me. “Hm?”
“You don’t need to act like a stray. Not with me.” I slid my hand down to grasp his.
“Come on. We’ll go back to my place.”
The OTTO Bot manager seemed pleased at this turn of events. “Thank you, Miss Hunter! I’m sure Master Tabby’s problem will go away soon!”
Tabby? So that’s what type of cat Caleb is? I glanced at the tail and noticed the stripes. Yup. Orange tabby seemed pretty accurate.
Caleb had his small duffel bag with him, and we made our way back to my apartment.
“You sure this isn’t a problem, Pip-squeak?” He asked as we walked down the street.
“If it was, I would’ve told you. The only problem I have is how you worried me when no one could contact you. You owe me.” I gave him a look as I pulled up Liam’s number to call him.
“Yeah, you’re right. What do you want me to do?” He asked.
I thought about it as the phone rang. Then I grinned as an idea popped into my head.
“You have to let me touch your ears and tail whenever I want.”
He sighed. “Guess I can’t say no.”
Liam answered at that moment, and I let him know that I found Caleb. I told him something had occurred to prevent him from going back right away and that I would keep him updated on Caleb’s status. And with that phone call over, we returned to the apartment.
I led him inside. “Guess I’ll be taking care of a big kitty for a few days,” I remarked. I couldn’t help but continue to stare at his furry ears and tail. The long tail was slim, not fluffy like a long-haired cat’s, but it was still cute with its orange and cream stripes. I wanted to feel how soft it was.
“Ha ha.” He plopped down on the couch. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t.” I went over to sit beside him and watched as his tail slowly moved up and down on the couch.
Caleb noticed my staring at it and smirked. “Wanna touch it?”
My eyes darted from the tail to his face, and back to the tail. “Well…” I sheepishly shrugged.
“Go on. We made a deal, after all. It’s all yours.”
“Thank you!” I couldn’t hide the glee in my voice. Happily, I lifted the tail to feel its soft fur, making sure to be gentle with it. I knew cats’ tails were sensitive. It curled around my hand as I held it which made me smile.
I could hear Caleb huff out a laugh. “You like it, huh?”
“Your fur is very soft,” I told him. I brushed my thumb along the tail, tracing its stripes.
He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head at me, his still-visible human ears turning a slight shade of red.
Noticing his reaction, I grinned. “I’ve taken it quite the cute stray,” I teased, tugging the tail slightly.
“Okay, okay. You’ve had your fun,” he groused out, snatching up my wrist.
That made me laugh and I let go of his tail. “Fine, fine. So, how is it being part cat? Is your hearing better?” I glanced up at those ears that were continuously moving, no doubt catching so many different sounds.
“Yeah actually. So’s my sense of smell. Being a cat’s not awful, I guess, but it seems to be affecting my evol. Can’t use it right now.” He shrugged.
“I bet that’s annoying. I can imagine that would make things hard for you in the Fleet huh? And you can’t even be lazy and make things float to you now!” I joked, nudging him.
He scoffed and leaned towards me, resting his head on top of mine. I smiled up at him.
“Want something to eat? It’s just about supper time.”
Those ears perked and I watched as his tail rose up in the air. “Yeah, sure!”
“All right! What should we have?” I went over to the kitchen to see what I could whip us up to eat. When Caleb followed me, I quickly stepped in front of him and put my hand on his chest, making him stop short.
“What?” He queried.
“I don’t think so, big guy. I’m the one doing the cooking.”
He immediately frowned. “What are you talking about? I’m the one who usually cooks.”
Determined, I placed my hands on my hips.
“You’re part cat right now. And I’m not about to let cat hair get into my food or all over my kitchen!”
His eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest. “Ridiculous. You really think this is enough fur to make me shed everywhere? Besides, I’m a short-haired cat.”
Caleb could be stubborn, frustratingly so. But so could I. No matter how much I loved his cooking, I wasn’t backing down from this.
“My kitchen, my rules. And don’t even try to give me your Colonel Caleb Look. How about you go decide a movie we could watch while we eat?”
“But Pip-squeak…”
“Go on. Be a good kitty.”
He stared at me for a moment, almost petulantly. I stared right back. After what seemed like an hour of this standoff with him, he sighed and bowed his head, his ears drooping.
“Make fried cod, then. I’m in the mood for fish.”
I let out a sigh of relief. “You got it."
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I wasn’t sure what to expect from this new Caleb. I mean, the last thing that I ever imagined would happen was that he’d become part cat, complete with ears, a tail and a cat’s instincts. But this was still Caleb, my best friend and the most important person in my life. I wasn’t anticipating anything too crazy, and cats were such cute, lazy animals most of the time. Nothing could go wrong, right?
Boy, how wrong I was with that thought process.
“Caleb, what are you doing?!” I nearly shrieked as I ran out onto the balcony.
This big, 6’2 bulk of a man was perched on the railing, staring up at the nearby tree that hung over my balcony. He was reaching for the nearest branch, as if he was going to jump up into the tree!
He slowly turned to me and blinked, startled by my yelling.
“…Nothing,” he answered.
“This is nothing?! You don’t even have your evol right now! Don’t tell me you’re trying to jump up there!”
He was about to answer me when we heard chirping noises above us. Nestled in some branches higher up in the tree was a nest of baby birds along with their mother that was feeding them. Caleb watched the nest with gleaming eyes. His tail was thrashing back and forth.
“Caleb! No! Don’t you dare!”
I ran up to the railing and wrapped my arms around his waist. He hesitated at first but ultimately let me pull him down off the railing and back into the apartment. He was still watching the birds as I slammed the balcony door shut. Then, as if waking from a trance, he blinked a couple of times and shook his head.
“Sorry… don’t know what came over me,” he sheepishly muttered. His tail’s swaying was slowing down and his ears flattened on top of his head, ashamedly.
I let out a deep breath. “It’s okay. Just… be careful. Nearly gave me a heart attack.”
If mischief had a middle name, it would be Caleb – specifically, Kitty!Caleb. When he wasn’t trying to catch birds from the windows or balcony, he was either following me around as if looking for something to do or nosing around the apartment investigating everything. If something could be dismantled and put back together, he would fiddle with it as his tail swayed back and forth.
“My alarm clock was working just fine, Caleb,” I said when I found him taking the thing apart one afternoon. Pieces of it were scattered around the coffee table as Caleb examined the wiring of the machine.
“Yeah, but I wanna see how it works,” he muttered. “I’ll put it back together, promise.”
I was worried to leave him alone for too long, in case he really did end up breaking something. I would never say Caleb was annoying, but his kitty self was… a lot to handle.
One afternoon, we were sitting – or rather, snuggling together on the couch. Caleb now had this habit of making trouble and then wanting to snuggle, preferably on top of me, just like a big, heavy cat who made it difficult for you to move when he was comfortably resting on you. He would nuzzle his head against my neck while nudging me with his nose; a sign that he wanted pets. When I wouldn’t respond to him, he’d lift his head and stare at me with big, pitiful eyes. It was undeniably cute, and near impossible to resist.
“You’re heavy, you know,” I mildly complained. “I think my legs are gonna fall asleep.” I stroked those felt-like ears and played with his hair.
All he did was hum in response before muttering, “’m comfy.” He then slightly tightened his arms around me.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. Just like with a big cat on top of you, I felt like there wasn’t much I could do. I tried to focus on the tv show that was playing when I suddenly heard something: a low, rumbling noise coming from below me.
“Wait. Did you just purr?” I blurted out.
He glanced up at me before looking away. “No…?”
“You totally did!” I exclaimed between giggles.
“Ugh, don’t laugh at me,” he complained moodily, even as he nudged my hand that had stopped caressing his head.
“But I can’t help it when you act so cute.”
He rolled his eyes and moved off me to lean back in the couch. It seemed he no longer wanted pets, so I sat back up, massaging my numb thighs. On the coffee table were two glasses, one with water and one empty. As I reached for my glass to take a sip of water, I noticed Caleb was staring at the empty one. With a slight tilt to his head, he slowly reached for it.
It was almost like the world was suddenly set in slow motion. I merely watched as he extended a couple of fingers to push the glass slowly towards the side of the coffee table. Perhaps it was because I didn’t actually think he would do it, but I didn’t make a move to stop him at first even as he pushed the glass further and further. It was only when the glass was teetering off the table’s edge that I realized,
Oh. He’s really gonna do it, huh?
“Caleb…” I uttered his name as a warning.
“What are --”
Before I could say anything else, he gave the glass one last push, and it toppled to the floor. Fortunately, there was a rug underneath, so the glass didn’t break. All the while, Caleb stared at the glass as if it was the most interesting thing he’d ever seen.  
“Why’d you do that?” I had to ask.
“I dunno. I just really wanted to see what would happen if it fell.”
All I could do was let out a defeated sigh. He was just one of those cats: rambunctious, always curious and with an immense amount of energy.
“Don’t you do daily training at Skyhaven?” I asked him.
“Yup. First thing every morning,” he responded as he munched on a bag of calamari-flavored chips. Lately he had been craving snacks that were fish flavored.
“Well, I have an idea! I’ve noticed how restless you’ve been. If you need to let off some steam, instead of being cooped up in the apartment all day, why don’t you go out for a run? You could go out while I fix dinner. That way, when you come back, you’ll be ready to eat!”
“Trying to kick me out of the apartment now?” He teased with a smirk.
“Oh, come on!” I scoffed. “You’ve been following me all over the place when you’re not taking things apart! You even sit outside the door when I’m in the bathroom!” I accused.
He laughed. “Fiiine. You do have a point.” He got up and stretched. “A run would do me good. I’ll change into something lighter and head out.”
Once he was changed in a tank top, shorts (with tail still visible), and sneakers, he gave me a wave and left the apartment. I could see him running down the street from my balcony window. It was quiet while he was gone. I couldn’t help the sigh of relief as I prepared our dinner: shrimp scampi. I had a feeling he’d be excited for it when he came back.
Even though he was a troublemaker, I did love having Kitty!Caleb around. I wouldn’t admit it to his face, but his constant presence made me happy and filled me with a sense of security. While he was under the cat evol, he couldn’t leave, either. That realization did admittedly please me and there were moments when we were curled up on the couch together – with me playing with those ears of his – that I found myself wishing the cat evol would stay. That way, he would never leave...
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“I’m going for a run! Be back in a few!”
It was the sixth day of Caleb staying over. We had a routine at this point: in the late afternoon, he’d go out for a run while I began making dinner. This daily ritual of his really helped the restlessness he’d begin to feel around this time of day. We knew it was the result of him being part cat now, as cats would get what everyone called the “zoomies.” Caleb’s daily runs were basically him trying to combat that.
“’Kay! Food will be here when you get back!” I said to him before he was out the door.
“You’re picking it up, right? Sushi?”
“Awesome. Then we should catch up on that series you showed me the other day.”
“It’s a date!”
“Cool. See ya!”
And he was gone. While he was out, I stopped by the nearby sushi place to pick up our order. Caleb insisted he pay for the meal since I had been the one doing all the cooking lately. As such, we splurged, getting several different rolls – all seafood, of course. We were especially excited about the crab meat and fatty tuna.
After I picked up our food, I stopped by a couple other stores before going back home. I timed it so I was out for about an hour – the same amount of time Caleb was usually out on his runs. When I arrived back at the apartment, he was still out, so I began unpacking the food. I set it on some plates for us and grabbed two pairs of chopsticks. I also decided to heat up some leftover rice and miso soup from a previous meal.
The hour was passed, and Caleb still wasn’t home. Another ten minutes went by and still no sign of him.
Maybe he stopped somewhere to grab a drink or something.
After another ten minutes, I decided to text him. No answer. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
Don’t freak out. He’s not an actual cat. He’s not lost. I’m sure he’s fine.
Then I remembered he couldn’t use his evol right now. He said it was starting to gradually come back, but slowly. It was basically still unusable at the moment; too weak.
I took more deep breaths and whispered “stay calm” to myself again and again, like a mantra.
He wouldn’t have left Linkon without telling me, right? No way.
I glanced over to the side of the couch. Sure enough, his duffel bag was still where he’d left it. It was slightly open, and I could see some of his clothes peeking out. No, he hadn’t headed back to Skyhaven.
I decided to call him this time. My stomach dropped when I heard the buzzing sound of his phone vibrating. He’d left it sitting on the coffee table. It was now an hour and thirty minutes since Caleb had left, and I had no way of contacting him.
I ran out of the apartment, took the steps instead of the elevator to get downstairs faster, and out the building’s front door. Like an owner who had lost her actual cat, I called out his name. No answer, and the streets were empty and silent. Gripping my phone, I decided to run down a couple blocks in case I spotted him running back home. Meow’s Café was nearby, but even a peek in there proved worthless. The café had opened back up, but Caleb was nowhere to be found.
“Should I contact the police? It would be too much if I made missing posters, right?” I muttered. I slowly walked back home, heart pounding, fighting the tears that sprung in my eyes.
He could be anywhere. What if he’s really hurt this time and he can’t contact me? I bit down on my lip and took a couple shaky breaths.
Back in the apartment, I slowly lowered myself down on the couch, staring at his phone that continued to sit on the table. The sushi still sat on the kitchen island counter untouched. I couldn’t move. I didn’t know what to do.
Am I overreacting? He could be fine, just running late. But he usually doesn’t forget his phone.
It had been almost two hours at this point. I pulled my legs up to my chest and lowered my head until my forehead touched my knees. I kept holding my phone tightly, on the off chance that I received a call about Caleb’s whereabouts.
My head jerked up when I suddenly heard my door’s keypad beeping. Someone was dialing my passcode and only one other person knew what it was.
I could have burst into tears at the sight of Caleb coming through the door. I jumped off the couch and ran up to him. The moment he saw me, he began to speak quickly.
“I’m so sorry I’m late! I even forgot my phone! I was trying to get back as soon as I could but --”
I wasn’t listening to him. I couldn’t. I had been so terrified something had happened to him. That I’d lost him again. As soon as I was in front of him, I pummeled him lightly with my fist.
“Where have you been?! Do you know how worried I’ve been?!”
“I know. I --”
“I was so scared, Caleb! And what are you wearing?!” I suddenly asked, now noticing the change in his wardrobe. He wasn’t in his workout combo of tank top and shorts. He was wearing a chocolate brown three-piece suit with a forest green tie. He even had gloves on.
“You know what? Never mind. Come here.”
I grabbed his hand and yanked him towards the bedroom. He let out a quiet gasp but didn’t protest or try to resist. Once we stepped inside, I pushed him down onto the bed. Standing over him, I glared at him, still reeling from how scared I had been.
He looked up at me with concern and regret in those sunset eyes. “I really scared you, huh? I really am sorry.”
“I should have known better when taking in a stray like you. You know what we caretakers do with naughty cats who wander off?”
The corner of his lifted ever so slightly, as if he was trying not to smile.
“It’s just like what you told me.” I grabbed a nearby bag and pulled out a collar – a human-sized one. It looked just like the ones people bought for cats. It had a bell dangling from it, and next to that, a small, black square box. I was told the box was a tracker, with a built-in GPS. A lot of cat collars had the same things, for owners to know where their outside cats were roaming; the perfect solution for making sure their beloved kitty didn’t get lost.
“You said you put a collar with a bell on that injured cat we took in when we were kids. So it wouldn’t run away before it recovered without us knowing. I remember you telling me that. At the time, I didn’t understand. I thought you were being too overprotective. But now…”
I unbuckled the collar. He watched me quietly.
“Now I get it. Now I’ll know wherever you go. You won’t be able to disappear on me again.” I told him.
“Go ahead.” Was his response. He even leaned closer to me.
I blinked and stared at him. He didn’t flinch or move away, just watched me expectantly. Despite my anger, desperation, and everything I’d just said, I hesitated.
“You don’t mind?”
“If this will make you feel better, do it. I don’t mind you keepin’ tabs on me,” he replied.
So, I put the collar around his neck and fastened it. However, I made sure not to make it too tight. Once fastened around him, he ran his fingers along the leather and poked the bell, causing it to jingle.
“If you think about it, you’ve given me two collars now,” he remarked. He pulled out the familiar dog tag necklace from under his shirt. “Guess this means I’m pretty important to you, huh?” He teased with a smirk.
I gave his shoulder a shove. “You’re not allowed to joke about this. I was really scared, you know.”
His smile faltered and he gazed at me seriously. “I know. And again, I really am sorry about that. I swear I was on my way home, when some guy from a butler café stopped me. He thought I was one of the workers slacking off on the job. Guess they were doing a cat butler theme and noticed my ears and tail. Took me forever to convince him that I didn’t work there. Then he gave me this suit as an apology. Thought I’d wear it to surprise you, but…”
I huffed, still not ready to let go of my resentment from him scaring me.
“So, someone tried to take my cat and even tried to bribe him with nice things. Guess I really can’t take my eyes off you, huh?”
He tilted his head playfully, tail raised and swaying from side to side.
“You know no one can take me away from you. Buut, if you’re mad, I can make it up to you, my lady.” His voice dropped an octave lower as he put on the persona of a devoted butler, placing a hand on his chest.
“Let me think…” I took a moment to consider my options as he gazed at me with shining eyes.
“You have to buy me all the snacks I could ever ask for. Including drinks.”
He chuckled. “Don’t I already do that?”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “You have to text me every morning and night and tell me what you’re up to.”
“That’s not difficult at all. You’re goin’ pretty easy on me.”
“And you’re not allowed to take random gifts from anyone without asking me first.”
He shrugged. “Can do. Not that I’d want anyone else’s gifts anyway. Anything else?”
I paused, not sure what else to demand.
“Aw, c’mon. There’s nothing else? I’m ready and willing to do whatever, you know.”
I admittedly pouted a little. “I dunno. I'm still thinking.”
He grinned. “Well, how about…”
He suddenly took hold of my arm and gently pulled me down onto the bed beside him. I quickly sat back against the headboard, eyes widening as Caleb hovered over me on all fours. His ears were perked, and his tail was raised up, forming what almost looked like a question mark.
“How about all the snuggles with your big cat that you could ever ask for?” He lowered himself down and placed his head in my lap, looking up at me with the sweetest, most adoring expression I had ever seen from him.
“Why would I want that?” I muttered, trying to ignore the heat spreading from my neck to my ears.
“Well, they say cuddling with a cat is soothing, and improves your mood.” He even began to purr. “A cat’s purr even has health benefits.”
I couldn’t help myself. He was being so endearing; I could feel my anger dissipating as I reached down to run my fingers through his hair and over those orange ears. As his eyes slid shut in delight, he took hold of my free hand and nuzzled it, planting kisses and even light nibbles on my fingers.
I felt my heart begin to pound and frowned at the blush I could just feel on my face. “Ugh. Why can’t I stay angry at you, Caleb?” I whined.
He opened his eyes and grinned up at me. “’Cause I’m a cat. Your cat.”
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Later on, we decided to finally eat the food we’d bought for dinner, while huddled together on the couch. Caleb insisted on continuing the role as a devoted butler and that it was my turn to have my head resting in his lap. As we watched a drama together, he fed me bites of sushi and rice, making sure not one grain fell onto my face.
“This is a bit much, isn’t it?” I wondered, feeling a bit awkward at this level of pampering.
“Course not. You just sit there and relax, my lady. This cat butler is here for your every need.”
I sighed and reached up to touch that black box on his collar he still wore around his neck.
“And you’re sure you don’t mind the collar?”
He laughed. “I’m your cat right now, right? While I still have the ears and tail, I’m gonna wear it.”
My hand drifted from the collar to his cheek. “I wasn’t really mad, you know. I was just scared that you had disappeared again…”
His smile was tender. “I know. I would have acted the same way if I were you. But I promise, Pip-squeak, I won’t disappear on you ever again. Not as a cat and not when I’m back to normal. Although…”
He set the plate down and picked up my phone that was sitting by his on the coffee table. He held it out to me.
“I still wouldn’t mind if you were tracking me. If you want to keep a GPS on me, just say the word and I’ll program it into your phone.”
I stared at him for a moment before taking my phone. “I’ll think about it,” I said quietly.
He nodded and stroked my hair. “And even after this is all over, and I head back to Skyhaven, all you have to do is call me. I’ll only be a phone call away.”
I looked away. “You can’t always promise that…”
“Yes, I can.” He said firmly. “We found each other again, and I won’t let anything tear us apart.”
He sounded so certain of this conviction that I was prone to believe him. I pressed my face into his torso and wrapped my arms around his waist. We stayed there on the couch in each other’s arms, feeling closer to each other than ever before.
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lazylattedgleam · 1 day ago
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Prelude to a New Tomorrow
(Word count: ~4.2k)
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“You knew it already, didn’t you?”
(Current: Yes…? No…? Maybe so…?- 002)
(Previous: Mr. Ruby Eyes-001)
(Storymode control buttons)
(003: -tba-)
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The coming days have been…well…weird for you, you still did harbour thoughts of Zayne and MC together, crying often at times, but another new thing had occupied your mind as well…You just couldn’t get the man you saw at the auction, you couldn’t explain how but it definitely had piqued your interest, and you allowed it to infiltrate your mind…it was a pleasant distraction from your constant thoughts about Zayne and MC, after so long…
If only you remembered his name, if only your memory didn’t suck
…“Oi why’ve you been so distracted these days? Is it about Zayne again?” “Hmm? Oh no no I’m good…” “Well if you say so…but don’t shut me out again k? I missed this…” “Of course, would never make that dumb mistake all over again…” “Well that being said, customer at the Daisies section, is nagging she can’t find a single good one, handle it with me?” “To the rescue lets!”
…“When are you planning on taking your CBC and Haemoglobin tests again?” “I will I will…” “When?? Dude you’ve already neglected your health enough, and who knows how much you’ve bled when you were at your lowest…now that you’ve been doing a bit better…at least I hope…get them, you need to check…plus I know it’s hard but he’s a busy man, he might not be available when your appointment date gets fixed…”, all you could do I nod, “Yeah you’re right…I’ll go…”
…When you reached back home that day, your mind pondered about what Raya had said earlier, she was right, you have been planning on it for sometime too, but there was always that part that told you to stay away…It is Akso after all, and the last thing you want is seeing, them together, holding hands, talking and chatting, her giggling alongside him, going out to lunch or dinner, maybe even dessert…triggering your past memories… You thought it’d have been a better choice if they had a complete online, no-call appointment process, but they didn’t…you had to talk to Serene for that… ohohoho it was gonna be hella awkward, it’s been five months and neither have you gone there nor talked to any of them. You felt bad, too bad for doing that to Serene…especially Yvonne, you two clicked so well. As you change and freshen up, getting ready to prepare for dinner, you phone beside you, contemplating on whether to dial or not. “It’s for my health! I should just do it…cmon cmon cmon…”, you repeated to yourself…aaaand well good job you finally did. Dialling the number, you put it on speaker, while you made dinner. It wasn’t too late, around 08:45, like you usually return on Tuesdays. Hopefully they pick—
“Hello this is the reception desk of Akso Hospital, how may we help you?”
“….Yes Ma’am sure, let me check her schedule once…she has appointments all day…so could you come at around say…06:00 to 06:30 p.m.?”
“Okay sure, that works for me. Thank you…Where should I proceed with the payment?”
“….Yes Ma’am sure, let me check her schedule once…she has appointments all day…so could you come at around say…06:00 to 06:30 p.m.?”
“On that day itself. You’ve had your registrations done on your number, so all you need to do is speak to the front desk of the specific department, pay your consultation fees and wait till they call you. Standard procedures.”
“Thank you…” you want to ask but are too nervous…
“You’re welcome, is there anything else we can assist you with?”
“…How have you been?”
“…Alright, same old same old…you? We’ve been missing you, didn’t think you’d totally cut off ties…”
“I’m sorry, it just, you know…”
“Yeah I know…anyways I’d have to cut the call now, but see you on Sunday?”
“Yes yes thank you, on Sunday.”
“Oh dear I’m gonna get a looong lecture from Dr. Stryx…”
…you eat while your mind goes back to wandering about that man you saw at the auction…what intrigued you the most were his eyes and the power they held in them…his name…you still couldn’t recall… “Something with an S? Yea yes S…but S what?”
…Sunday evening arrives soon, time feels as if it’s passing by too fast, you dreaded today, neither did you want to go, nor get the check up…you sigh as you enter through the automatic doors of Akso, and inside…it was like any other usual day, patients, doctors and nurses here and there, stretchers, wheelchairs, the familiar smell of antiseptic, you’d grown used to at some point in your life, but now it all felt too foreign. You smile and greet Serene, as she does too, and walk to your designated place. Fingers crossed hoping you don’t run into you-know-who.
…Oof finally you were done with it, she told you to take care of yourself better and take every medicine and supplement on time, giving two new ones to start with and advised you to continue with your old ones as prescribed before. Writing about the tests to be done in your prescription. Now the question remains when should you do them and with whom…Maybe you’ll take the break on the first half on a Saturday and take Raya along…you hate needles…As you walk along the escalators to the ground floor guess who you run into!
Uh oh…
“(Name)…it’s been so long, how are you holding up?”
She really had the audacity to ask you that? After everything? She’s nice and you admire that about her, but often times she’s just too nice, and that annoys the heck out of you. Your eyes meet his for sometime as you soon move your gaze away…oh it was gonna bother you tonight…
You smile politely, “I’ve been alright thank you. If you’ll excuse me I’ll have to leave now—”
“Oh… ok alright….take care…”, as you leave without sparing them a second glance…
Why did you have to meet them? You were finally making progress little by little, but then this happens…Yes you understand you were at the hospital where he worked…but still why why why—
You thoughts wander haywire, ‘Where were they going, to get coffee? Or maybe early dinner? Maybe to a sweet shop or bakery…he looked so calm, his gaze was so soft with her…never was the same with me…no no no I’ve had enough…I can’t not now, not when I’ve been making gradual progress…should I call Raya, she’s not offf work yet…ugh…’, as you desperately try to shove away any past memories cluttering your mind. You walk ahead and straight, setting your destination to Destiny Cafe, somewhere in the mess in your brain…
You reach the shop, hoping that they won’t be coming here…as you enter, eyes scanning the place, they weren’t there…phew... Your eyes stop their search as they fall upon a similar pair of slanty-sharp red eyes, silvery white short hair, and a tall…too too tall of a figure sitting at the table by the windows, scrolling through his phone, even though his eyes stared down at his phone, you could see the familiar strong presence emanating from within them, that was how powerful their color was. Oh it was him…it was him it was him it was him…
You get the sudden urge and curiosity to walk upto him and talk maybe introduce yourself and a word or two? Why? Again you had no answer for yourself, it was something in those eyes that drew you in…You walk in, because of course you can’t hog the doorway forever, customers enter and exit at all times…walking up to the counter you place an order for your usual Boba-drink and find a place to sit, not at your usual, but just a table behind him so that he couldn’t see you…girl you’re seeming like a creepy stalker stop…Soon you come back with your drink, have it while still contemplating. ‘Should I go or should I not go?’
Finally as I push you with my words, an invisible urge strikes inside of you, making you stand at your seat and walk over to his table…fuck your palms and feet were sweating…
“Umm excuse me, hello…”, his eyes fleet up at you, a color of nonchalance painted all over his face. He doesn’t seem like the type to initiate a conversation, you thought, so you went ahead.
“Hi! Umm I’m so sorry if I just came here out of nowhere, I usually don’t do so promise me, and I’m so so sorry if it’s creepy, I don’t mean any of that. I really just wanted to have a small conversation with you…I umm I don’t think you remember me—well of course you don’t, there were a lot too many people there…anyways what I’m trying to get at is I guess, umm I was at the Banquet Hall of Mr. Jameson’s last to last week, I saw you there…well actually what happened was that me and my friend, we were there for a delivery service, and he told us to enjoy the night…I don’t know why I just told you that…but yes so I uhh, we were about to leave and I didn’t want to leave before I could see the one of the famous things of an Auction event, the bidding so we stayed for sometime…And there was a call, starting price 1 Million and you immediately called 5 Million, that intrigued me really, I was like wow! And then I guess our eyes met for a while, but you don’t remember probably and I really wanted to get a chance to talk to you and now I’m here rambling, I’ve probably made you all uncomfortable, I’m sorry I’m so so sorry…”, dang girl you rambled on, in one flow—almost…
He let’s out a small, husky laugh, as he waves his hand, “Okay first of all breathe…and secondly, I’m flattered to hear that I intrigued you~ To answer to another question, yes I do remember you, you were the girls who got the flower bouquets, I had my eyes around…”
“Please sit, you entered the shop thinking how to approach me and talk to me and came all the way from your table after contemplating so hard upon how to do so, I’m thoroughly impressed.” He smirked slightly, as you sat, feeling embarrassed.
“I’m so sorry if I came out a little too strong, ohhh this is embarrassing…sooo I’m (Name), it’s a pleasure to meet you officially!”, you hold out your hand.
“Skye”, he shook it… ‘that’s it just Skye? But it doesn’t bring out the tone I heard at the auction…could he be lying about his name?’
You see him text on his phone, trying to study his expressions but all you could decipher was that he was texting, you couldn’t understand the emotion beneath…maybe he was good at hiding?
“You said you were intrigued, you might have question flooding your mind? Maybe one like if that’s my real name, or what you heard at the auction sounded different yet you can’t recall it…or maybe how to try and read my face as I text.”, he spoke while texting
‘Damn he’s good! Fuck I feel like a fool, uhh can I divert or dodge his accusations somehow? I don’t wanna look like a creep—’
“It’s okay to be curious, you’re not a creep.”
“Are you a mind reader or something Mr. Skye?”
“Who knows.”, as he stood up, before you could even think of anything else to ask him.
“Keep your question bank to yourself for now, and when we meet again pour them out. And try to recall harder, maybe you’ll find your answer…”, he exited through the doors…
That night when you returned you paces around your room trying to recall what was that you heard at the auction…finally a pleasant distraction…
“Skylar? No…that’s like a bird’s name…ooo ooo maybe Sans! …nope nope nope…Steven? Not even close… it was like a ‘shhh’ sound…like a ‘shhhh-i…shy…’ shy? Ughhhhhh!”
You take the help of your trusty old friend, ‘the Internet’, typing ‘Rich business man names starting with the word S’…you read out most of them, some do fit, others simply ruin your mood…You search up until, 01:30 in the morning, that was when you started getting sleepy…but you didn’t want to give up just yet…your bed was a mess, food pieces here and there, pages from your notepad lying around, having scribbles on them everywhere, pen thrown across the bed in frustration, when google literally gave you a search list of eligible bachelors in your area who are businessmen…You get up to clean everything up, yawning to yourself…while you mind was still reeling over the names, seeing if their tones hit the right vibe…but none did…You soon closed your laptop, keeping it away in it’s proper place as you get to bed…
…‘Shy…Shy…Shy…shyl…it had an L for sure…shile…no no a Y…shy…’ “Shylock!”, you shout out as Raya looks over at you from the section where the Iris flowers were arranged at display, “Huh?” “Oh nothing just nothing…” “So you randomly yell out Shylock in the middle of the day and claim it’s nothing? You’re lucky it’s our break time, and no customers are here.” “Nothing nothing just something I remembered…” “About the Merchant of Venice?” “No leave it, do your job.”, as she goes back to neatly arranging them, while you go back to pondering while you eat…
“Oh btw! Oi Raya listen.” “Hmm?” “I have my CBC and Haemoglobin tests this Saturday…dude please accompany me…you know how much I fucking hate needles…” “Yeah sure I’ll be free I’ll go…”
That night a flicker of something strikes you while you were eating dinner. “Sylus! Yes! That was it! Sylus something surname, not important but yes! Now the question remains why did he hide his true name…”, you were almost done with dinner as you quickly finish up and in your bedroom you dash off to, opening your laptop to search… ‘Sylus business man’…
As you read the results gaining info about him, well the one publicly available, then there’s also some Govt. sites but you don’t open them… “He’s…one of the most feared and successful mafia leaders of the N109 Zone…head of Onichynus, richy rich rich…what’s that? Probably the name of his organisation…emmm emmm…wow…the Linkon City police are all after him, but nobody knows about his whereabouts…well I do now…makes sense why he has an alias…I’m freaking out too, I might seem calm, but I am…I talked to the guy, what if he’s planning to execute me…cuz I found out his identity…what if he’s watching me now—”, you look around your room…well duh even if he was you wouldn’t see a drone or something thing in plain sight just zooming around… “—what do I do now…do I tell the police? No no no I’ll get taken…should I tell Ray…she’ll freak out, best not to…he did say we’ll meet again, maybe he knows about my location…dammit why did I ever go upto him…!”
…Saturday arrives. “I think I might’ve gotten a good bone bruise in my right hand…” “I’m sorry…I’ll buy you coffee as compensation…” “That’s a sweet offer but I’ll have to decline, got a call from my mum, have to go now, my nephew’s coming over so gotta take him to the park…” “oh! Well goodbye then…tell them I said hi! Text me when you reach.” “Will do!”, as she walked in the other direction, while you head towards the coffee shop, dreading each step, as you felt a ominous ring to the idea of going there…what if he’s there and he takes you away…well maybe not in broad daylight but still. Suddenly your mind reels off to Zayne, since you’ve always relied on him and his presence whenever you felt uneasy or scared or anxious, it always calmed you down, although now that you think about it, it was all out of compulsion, always has been…So you have two options to yourself, go home and cry about Zayne, orrr go to the coffee shop and meet your probable doom…
“Latter sounds better, at least the chances are highly unlikely…I mean if he’s a mafia leader, he’s probably out to do something there, whatever it maybe…”
So you head in the direction of Destiny Cafe, plus you would like to blame your Destiny for putting you in such a mess…
You were just about to enter as you see a similar figure looming over you, eyes glued to his phone, entering at the same time… ‘Uh oh…this is it…’
You watch him take his seat, where he sat earlier and you quickly avert your gaze, hoping he’d not notice you…and walked over to your usual seat—
“I’m assuming you’ve figured out.”
“…if I say anything will I be hurt?”
“That depends on your next action, which will determine the result whether you will be or won’t. It is as simple as a causal-effect relationship.”
You don’t speak any more, you’re genuinely scared…
“Come on sit, maybe we can have a deal and arrangement to see which path you lead to.”
You go obeying, sitting across him.
“Now—”, his eyes still glued to the phone, “Place your offers and I’ll see what can be done.”
“B-But I don’t have enough money on me now, only a couple hundred bucks and—”
He suddenly breaks out laughing, in that similar deep, husky voice of his…
“That was fun.”, he looks up from his phone. “Look I don’t know how to make you convinced, but I’m not going to hurt you or anything, you’re not on my radar.”
“So you do have targets!”
“Seldom, but yes. Also a bit softer please, you’ll scare the whole cafe like this…or maybe even give them the wrong context.”
“You won’t harm me right…?”
“What if I tell the police?”
“I’ll be gone before you ever get the chance.”
“Why do you dress like some sort of frat boy street biker guy aesthetic?”
“Maybe because I do have a bike.”
“…I need a Boba”
“Yes I’ll get some drinks for us…”
After sometime he brings them to your table, your usual Boba flavour that you get, and an Americano-Large for himself…
“How did you know.”
“I told you I’m keenly observant. I’m not stalking you if that’s what you think.”
“What if you added something in my drink or poisoned them…”
“Well unless I had magical, invisible substances on me, or the barista was my subordinate, I couldn’t have done so…”
“So the barista is your subordinate?!”
He sighed, rubbing his temple, “At this point I’ll just let your imagination run wild…”
“I’m not gonna drink it still.”
“Be my guest.”
His earlier tone seemed to be quite believable, but you still had your doubts, he’s a criminal, he can fake emotions and tones like it’s a piece of cake.
“Look listen, the last day you had ordered and I heard it.”
“You remembered it becauseeee…”
“I knew today would come.”
“Now you’re being all creepy again…”
“Ok ok I sincerely apologise, do ask me whatever you want to ask me.”
“What business do you deal in?”
“Woah straight-forward. I’m in a successful fruit selling business, I’m a real good fruit vendor…”
You take a sip of your drink…
“And I’m supposed to believe that? I wouldn’t even have believed that if you told it last time…”
“Well sweetheart, I can’t go on spewing my real profession now can I, you searched it yourself, the police are after me.”
As you both drink in silence…it was awkward for you, maybe not for him. He takes out his phone and texts. You can’t help but ask.
“…You’re telling your henchman the time and place to take me hostage aren’t you…”
“Very creative…but as a matter of fact, I’m texting my ‘Bestie’—”
Pffft Bestie? That sounded funny in his voice.
“Is that a codeword for—”,
He let’s out a hearty chuckle and sighs…finally showing you the phone and it’s contents as well…it was a chat opened, with many messages, here and there with the username of the other person saved as, “Kitten”, huh weird? It’s funny, also kinda cringe—
“I’m sorry for suspecting you but I’m still suspecting you.”
“I’m fine with that.”
…So that was how your second meet went, he was a bad guy(?) but at least he had a sense of humour.
“Isn’t it only fair that you tell me your profession too, since I told you mine.”, he spoke as he stood up from his chair, smirking.
“You know mine, you did say it last day, me and my friend came to deliver the bouquets.”
“Mhm so you’re a delivery person?”
“…I don’t want to tell you but then again you already know…I’m a florist, I work at a flower shop at—no not telling you that no no. Besides you lied about your job.”
“Well you know the truth. See you.”, he left
It grew amusing and kind of concerning to you? As over the next few weeks, you’ve had both your third and fourth meetings as well.
Your third meeting was uncalled for too, meeting at the same place, ‘Destiny Cafe’, cuz of course, you have such great luck and Destiny. He entered while you were munching onto their star shaped rich buttery cookies, as they would just melt inside your mouth with every bite. It was such a delicate and sweet taste, making you want to gobble down more and more and more.
“Hello.”, he sat down.
Your mouth filled, you quickly, try to chew and gulp, while wiping it with a napkin.
“Easy easy there, no rush. I’m not leaving so soon”
As you finish it up and take a sip of your Boba, “Sorry, excuse me…how did you…you know what doesn’t matter. I’ll be nice to you.”
“What’s with the sudden change in attitude?”, he speaks while keeping that smirk on his face, you swore it never left…
“I just want to be.”
“Good day at work?”
“I gave a little girl a yellow rose and she hugged me.”
“You’re always texting, is it always your best friend?”
You drum against the table a bit, not knowing what else to ask or say…
“The Lavenders were really fresh by the way, thank you.”
“I never gave you—oh! So you were one of the special guests of Mr. Jameson?”, of course he was.
“Is he a part of your organisation?”
He chuckles, “He’s a stand-alone businessman, dealing in Protocores and Aether Cores. Know what they are?”
“…Why did you pick the name Oni-dot dot dot?”
“You know why did you pick that specific name for your organisation?”
“I have no answer to that.”
“How as your day?”
“Am I bothering?”
“I wanna show you to the flower shop.”, he looks up from his phone upon hearing that, those red eyes, casting a spell of determination within yourself…
“I’ll be honoured then.”, he said with a smile.
“Maybe on our fourth meet up?”
“Sure.”, you offered him the last two of your cookies.
“Why not.”
“Aren’t they so good!”
“Mhm. You have good taste.”
“I’ll have to leave now, get up early tomorrow, we’re having new shipments arrive. When can I meet you again?”
“Works for me, I leave early on Thursdays. Soooo here at Destiny Cafe?”
“Here at Destiny Cafe.”
“Bye!”, as you leave.
Failing to see the soft smile that you had casted upon his lips…now what might that indicate…
You were at work the next day, it was a Wednesday, it’ll be a long day and it’s going to be hectic, with the shipments coming in…yet you felt light, it was a strange sensation but it was definitely welcomed…
“Girlll!” “Yes?” “What are you daydreaming about? The things are here, cmon let’s go look to them.” “Oh yes.”
…“Is there something bothering you?” “Nope.”
Thursday came around very quickly and heck were you excited! You were really excited, you didn’t register why but you were…but you had to keep your guard up, he’s still a dangerous man (?)…as you walk towards the cafe, it was a pleasant evening…the streets bustling with people. “Hello!”, you greet him as he stood in front of the coffee shop. He looked up from his phone into your eyes, with a sly smile, “Someone’s excited.”
“You bet I am! I don’t know why though…the fact that you could still k*dnap me remains…”
“I won’t.”, he sighs.
“…Are we getting coffee first? Let’s take those biscuits on the go! We can eat while we walk.”
“After you.”
…The both of you walk along the streets of Linkon, which were brilliantly illuminated by the street lights. It was a new moon day, so the moon wasn’t visible in the sky. As you both chew and walk along…
“Sooooooo it’s down Hashcrew Lane, which we e reached as we speak…aaaand taaadaaah! This is where I work, I love this place…”
“Yeppp and thanks, although we are planning on renovating the shop.”
“…Why do I have a feeling you already knew..”
“The bouquets also came with your shop’s business card.”
“Ahh I should’ve figured it out. That one’s on me…why didn’t you tell me earlier though?”
“I wanted you to trust me…besides you are always too paranoid.”, he says with a slight chuckle, eating the last of the cookies.
You felt a smile creep up to your face as well…
On the way back, he nudges you slightly, “So you finally trust me now, don’t you?”
“Yes? No? …Maybe so?”.
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(All credits, TW, Index have been mentioned on the Storymode page.)
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glitch-but-ya · 1 month ago
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PAIRING: Yandere!Caleb x Blind!Reader TAGS: Disability and blindness, possessive Caleb, yandere tendencies, violence and blood, overprotective Caleb, taking advantage of a disability, SFW but contains mature themes, use of the nickname 'pip-squeak'. SUMMARY: You wore a pair of gorgeous eyes that could not aid you throughout your life. Luckily for you, your childhood companion would be the vessel of sight you always needed. And at the end of it all, you would have his warm embrace to return to. WORD COUNT: 2,775 words.
You had never known what a home was like. Not because you suffered from the lack of one, no. You had a home—a large, two-storey house with white walls and an isolated attic, or so you had been told. Your home had been inhabited by three people. You knew that, of course. As a child, you would lie on top of Grandma, press your ear against her heart, and listen to her rhythmic heartbeat. You had learned that the steady thump... thump... thump... of a person's heart was proof of their presence. Each day, you heard two sets of heartbeats in your home, belonging to the people you cherished the most.
You had been raised with piles of books engraved with odd textures, an endless supply of home tutors, and a heavy stick to aid you for the rest of your life. You remembered tracing your fingers down your first white cane, feeling the cold aluminium against your fingertips. "It will accompany you through your entire life," Grandma had said. But it hadn't. Your cane had broken two years later. It had snapped in half after you dared Caleb to play baseball with it. It had been entirely your fault, of course. You still cringed at the argument that had led to the inevitable. It had started when Caleb caught you referring to your cane as your best friend. In the end, the cane didn’t last. Neither had the bond you shared with it. When it broke, he'd promised to get you a new one. But it always took weeks. Your 'best friend' hadn't rushed to your aid during those weeks. But Caleb did.
"Can you carry me down the stairs, Caleb?" As you had grown, you had found people to be more reliable than poles or sticks. You had believed you were truly fortunate to have such a loving, accepting friend whose shoulders were always free for you to lean on. He had carried you through the roughest terrains, through the darkest of forests, without ever bearing a single crack. All the white canes you had after your first break had eventually been rendered unsuitable for bearing your weight. But Caleb had never complained. He had never asked a crumb of you when you had to rely on him to drive you to places. Never had he turned a blind eye to the constant bullying you had faced at the hands of the neighbourhood kids. Although you couldn't see, you could feel. And you had felt that you were right at home. Home had been where Caleb was. Only with him had you felt at home. With him, you had been seen, loved, and cherished.
"Where'd you get that bruise, pip-squeak?" A natural consequence of being born with a disability was having to face constant bullying. You recall the first day you'd received the white cane. That afternoon, you'd insisted on walking alone without the assistance of Grandma or Caleb. The warm sun kissed your skin as you inched along the gravel. Birds chirped with renewed fervour as if the world had applauded your confidence. Today is a great day, you thought. Not only had you received your first walking cane, but you'd also achieved a feat most normal kids could not-- you'd snuck out of your window all by yourself. Moments like these made you believe you were just a normal girl living life with a small hindrance. For the first time, you felt invincible. What you overlooked, however, was how their presence was not merely a means to protect you from tripping over your feet or getting lost in the streets. They'd also shielded you from what you couldn't see-- the ill gazes of people who wished to utilise your blindness.
It hurt a lot: the bruises. Many a time, they would flog you with your own cane, smacking it over your head and shoving you with its tip all while they guffawed and cackled as they would with an odd-looking dog. They would rub dirt into your eyes and mock you-- "What? They're useless anyway! Who cares if they hurt?" Their actions left large red stripes across your skin that would deepen into a dark purple as you limped home. Not that you could see them, of course. The cold of the evening settled in around you, causing a shiver to travel up your spine. You'd assumed it'd be dark by now. Not that it mattered in your world. But you were often told that the darkness bore nothing but cruelty. If that were true, was your world merely one of savagery and ill intent? Was it even darkness that you saw? Or do you simply see nothing? You couldn't tell. You could see neither darkness nor nothing. Were they even different?
You were blind. You couldn't see. But you could feel. You felt his anger radiating from him, causing a lump to form in your throat. All because you'd replied, "I just got bullied a little." A pregnant pause followed your confession. You were blind. You couldn't distinguish between an uncomfortable silence and a pleasant one. You couldn't decipher it from the looks on their faces, neither could you tell by the behaviour they exhibited. But you could feel the clench of his jaw, the grit of his teeth through which he forced his voice. His tone shifted-- farther from concern, farther from warmth, and he uttered a singular unsophisticated word that confirmed your doubts-- "Who?" You could hear his movements. The irk in his steps, the angry shuffle of his jacket, the creak of floorboards under his weight, and the abrupt slam of the door that left you speechless and bitter. You nudged Grandma's sleeve after analysing the silence the two of you shared. Your fingers curled around the hem of her maxi. You looked up to where you assumed she would be, and a single tear slipped down your swollen eyes. "Grandma," your fingers trembled, "Is Caleb mad at me?"
By the time you began to chase after him, it had started to rain. The downpour sliced through your skin, hampering your sense of sound. You'd ditched your white cane back at home and scurried after him as fast as you could, placing your trust in the enraged and hurried thumps of his boots against the concrete to guide you. Only for the rain to hail in and throw you off course by completely overwhelming the sound of his footsteps. Great. You'd gone too far to be able to find your way back home as well. But you'd called this upon yourself, hadn't you? They were merely the consequences of your foolish actions—the aftermath of being naïve and weak. You were not invincible. You were not a normal girl. You were blind. And you'd dared to overstep your authority. It was only natural that you paid for your actions. Your shirt clung to your chest uncomfortably, creating odd creases across your body. Your damp hair occasionally slipped into your eye. You swiped it away and tucked it behind your ear as you ran across the empty streets. If you were to find yourself under the wheels of a truck, nobody would be there to come to your aid. But that didn't matter. Because this was what you deserved. You were simply experiencing karma.
Hot tears mixed with the cold beads of rain. The mixture slid down your cheek. Some entered your mouth, leaving it saltier than it already was. Some fell to the ground, rendering it indistinguishable from the thousands of droplets that fell each second. You didn't know where you were headed. You'd followed the sound of the pavement to keep yourself off the road, but you had no idea where you were. Had you run to another city? Or had you circled back home? Earlier, you'd slithered out of Grandma's grip before she could lock you away in your room and go searching for him herself. But with you on the loose alongside Caleb, she was sure to come chasing after you as well. Had you run so fast she'd lost track of you? Perhaps. Because she wasn't coming. Judging by the absence of sound, she was nowhere near you. After half an hour of running, your knees buckled. You came to rest beside a railing. Your hands gripped onto it, subtly tracing the intricate design as you panted against it. You inched forward with its support. Your feet throbbed as you walked, and you were sure the soles of your sneakers were torn as well. Oh, well. All you'd hoped for was that Grandma would find you, miserable and soaked in the rain, and take you back home with her as she stuffed your ears with various reprimands. But you were okay with that. As long as you returned to the warmth of the fireplace by the living room window, you were content. You doubted whether you deserved that as well. Eventually, your fingers met the cold, wet metal surface of an indented sign. You traced the words—"Willow Whimsy Park." Your breath hitched in your throat, and your hands flew around in search of the place where the fence ended. You rushed in through the opening, your breaths escaping in ragged spasms. He must've been here. He must've!
"Pip-squeak?" The world stilled. The patter of raindrops against your head became insignificant when your ears caught Caleb's voice. You'd expected him to be angry, to lash out and yell for you to go away. You'd expected him to hate you. To call you weak and pathetic, as you deserved. Yet how he called out your name was none of that. It was soft. Surprisingly gentle. You treaded closer, and you broke down once you were near enough to feel his breath on your face. Tears streamed down your face, painting a sleek path down your chin. Your chest heaved as you wailed ceaselessly. Foul, ugly cries escaped from deep within your throat. You sobbed and sobbed, leaving no place for Caleb to squeeze a word in. With a burdened sigh, he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer until your face was pressed against his chest. Despite your futile squirms, he held on tightly, his grip unrelenting. His fingers curled around your forearm a notch tighter, as if conveying his refusal to let you go in time of need. At last, you gave in. You nuzzled your face against his torso and cried your heart out. You sobbed until your throat screeched in protest. But Caleb did not move. Not a single word left his chapped lips. He simply stood there, willing to linger as long as you'd take to vent your sorrows. Even as you pounded your fists on his chest weakly, he did not complain. He simply stood, his arm coiling around you a little tighter with each sniffle. He treated you with unrelenting patience, and his gaze bore a devotion that gnawed at your skin and begged for a pathway into your soul. It was comforting. It was warm. He felt like home. When your sobs had died down, Caleb released his grip. You raised your chin. Your sleeve rubbed against your face as you wiped the remnants of your tears away. But the drenched fabric aided only in wetting your face further. You looked up at Caleb and swallowed the sobs that threatened to erupt from your throat. With a shaky voice, you cried, "Why did you leave me?!" You didn't know how, but you felt his eyes soften. The intensity of his gaze dissipated, leaving him with a gentle smile on his face. "What do you mean?"
"You were mad at me, weren't you? So you stormed off." You fumbled around before grasping his palm. "I'm sorry, okay? I won't ever sneak out ever again! I'll do all the dishes, and I'll—" Caleb cradled your face with his right hand. His thumb brushed over your cheek tenderly. You could swear, however, that his hand was far more calloused than usual. They also carried a scent that was unfamiliar to you, a scent you'd later go on to realise. But back then, that touch erased your worries, allowing you to sink into a whirlpool of warmth. It was as if he reached into your frozen conscience and brought upon it the warmest summer you encountered. "I wasn't mad." He said, his voice akin to a spring breeze. "Not at you. I stormed out to find the people that..." he spaced out, tracing a bruise under your eye. "That did this to you." You blinked, your sharp senses picking up on the harsh undertone of his voice. The emphasis left you baffled. Was the sun truly capable of such cruelty? You nuzzled into his palm to feel his marred skin graze against your cheek. Had he always hidden his anger behind the veil of your eyes? "They got away, though." His tone shifted, although unnervingly so. "I'll get them tomorrow. Let's go home, now, pip-squeak. Grandma must be worried." A smile graced your lips. Caleb returned your joy with a tap on the corner of your lip—a gesture that belonged to the two of you. He let out a hum, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. The downpour raged on. Thunder began to drum against your ears. "How did you find me without your cane? I guess we're meant to be." You giggled. Although you would've never known he truly believed what he said. Your mouth opened, "Achoo!" In a slow, deliberate movement, he interlocked your fingers with his and brought it to his side. "Let's go home. Or else, you'll catch a fever." He guided you through the entrance, looking back occasionally to ensure you didn't trip over your feet. At the entrance gate, Caleb paused, glancing over his shoulder to take one last look at the scene before him. He was relieved you couldn't see. He was relieved the boys had obeyed. If they'd as much as made a peep, his lie would be caught. What then? How could he have regained your trust? What reason did he have for the boys who were sprawled out in the mud, their faces littered with bruises he did not know he was capable of inflicting? What excuse would he propose in retaliation against your accusation—why had he frightened and 'persuaded' them into not uttering a single whimper or cry, despite their mangled states? And the worst of all was how he did not regret any of the choices he made under the shower of rain. He hadn't thought of taking back the punches that were delivered, nor did he ponder whether the consequences of his actions were too dire to endure. With each shove, with each kick, and with each crack, the lesser he began to feel. After all, he did vow to you.
"What's wrong, Caleb?" Caleb turned on his heels to face you. He leaned in, tucking a soaked strand behind your ear. "Nothing. I just wanted to let you know..." After all, he did vow to you: "I will always protect you, pip-squeak. I've made it my life mission." Caleb was grateful to the veil before your eyes. If you could see, you would have seen the sheer cruelty of this world. This world was far too pernicious for you. Blind or not, in every life, in every body, he would have covered your eyes. The darkness you'd have to endure was temporary, insignificant to the fruits of his labour. You didn't deserve a glance at the suffering that plagues your world. The storms you encounter in this world should not exist. You tilted your head. "You don't have to make up for leaving me behind. It was completely my fault!" He wrapped his hand around the back of your head. "I'm not. Well, anyway, let's find Grandma." Before he could lead the way, you leapt onto him from behind, fastening your arms around his neck. "Thank you, Caleb." He chuckled. "What for?" "For giving me a home." He ruffled your hair. His fingers latched onto your wrist, bringing them closer to his chest, right where his heart was. "As long as you hear these thumps, you will always have a home to return to."
That evening, you left the park with Caleb arm-in-arm. Perhaps, not having the ability to see wasn't that bad after all. At the very least, you did not have to cast your gaze upon the atrocities that occur past the foliage of nothingness. At the very least, you could be ignorant in bliss.
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yukinohiko · 1 month ago
something about caleb spoiling you. it’s a habit he’s built since you both were young, and it’s certainly shaped your mannerisms and attitudes as you grew older. like a dove inside a gilded cage.
he’s indulgent with you. you snap and snarl; throw water cups and utensils; shove and push. and despite it all, he only ever accepts it. catches your wrist if your punches grow too violent, but not out of desire to stifle you — only to correct the way you fold your thumb into your fist.
you’ve grown to be quite spoiled at his hands. your first instinct is to look for your gege at any point, knowing he’ll give you answers where you have doubts, knowing he’ll console you when you’re upset, knowing he’ll soothe the ills of any displeasing situation.
when caleb’s own actions shift, take on darker intentions, your mind struggles to keep pace. his hold on gravity weighs your leg down as his hands cup your ankle, slide up your calf, slip under your thigh. his grip on your wrist tightens as his voice, once boyish now leering, croons promises of a garden — one structured like an inescapable maze.
you can’t reconcile this frightening visage with the memory of your indulgent gege. his hands are too rough; his words too cruel.
you struggle. you’re spoiled; and he’s spoiling you still.
he always will. he’s always been so fond of you, hasn’t he? even when his actions were misguided, leading to your tears in a locked attic, his intentions were always honed in on you.
“you. it’s always you,” he coos, brushing raindrops off your cheeks as he gazes down at you with the fondness born of a lifetime together.
the storm outside fills the room with shadows. the occasional flash of lightning eclipses him. his violet eyes look black, pupils swallowed by the night as he absorbs you so intently. your face, your body, your being. you.
your gege has always spoiled you. it’s made it quite difficult, you realize in hindsight, to find the will to fight him when that title loses its lustre.
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blueberrisdove-sideblog · 14 days ago
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𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who… has a deep fascination with the human body, often analyzing your movements, your every breath, and how your body reacts to his touch. His clinical, meticulous nature only adds to the intensity of his presence, making you feel both nervous and intrigued by his attention.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... takes pleasure in the small, intimate details. He enjoys watching you squirm as his hands travel across your body, particularly over your soft tits, pressing gently to feel their weight before brushing his fingers over your sensitive nipples. He enjoys seeing the way your body reacts to him, often teasing you to get more of a reaction.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... will have you pinned against the cold, stone walls of the room, his breath hot and heavy through his mask as he whispers to you about the delicate balance of pleasure and pain. His voice, distorted by the mask, becomes a commanding tone, making you feel both exposed and safe in his arms.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... is very skilled at edging, drawing out your pleasure by taking you right to the brink of release, only to pull away just before you can truly climax. He enjoys watching your frustration grow, using his gloved fingers to tease your pussy, feeling the wetness of your arousal but not allowing you to fully reach satisfaction until he decides it’s time.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... becomes possessive in his own way, claiming you as his own in both body and mind. His touch becomes more intense when he’s jealous, his hands moving roughly over your breasts or between your legs, making sure everyone knows you’re his. His cock, hard and thick under his robes, rubs against you as he leans in close, making you feel his dominance and his need.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... loves to dominate in the bedroom, using his clinical knowledge to manipulate every part of your body, from your breasts to your clit. He’s not afraid to be rough, holding you down as you beg for release. His presence is overwhelming, both in its intensity and the feeling of being fully under his control.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... enjoys seeing you vulnerable and eager to please. He’ll have you on your knees, your face flushed as you try to keep up with his demands. His gloved hands will guide you, making sure you understand exactly how he likes to be touched—whether it’s with your soft hands on his cock or your mouth teasing the head.
𓍯𓂃 Plague doctor Zayne who... finds pleasure in the way your body responds to him. He’s constantly observing the subtle shifts in your movements, the way your pussy tightens when he enters you, the way your tits bounce with each thrust. Every detail about you excites him, and he makes sure to savor every moment.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... will make sure you are always satisfied, but only on his terms. His need to control, to possess, creates a balance between pleasure and frustration. When he finally gives you what you’ve been craving, it’s more intense than you ever imagined, his cock filling you completely, your body trembling beneath him.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... takes great satisfaction in watching you slowly fall apart under his touch. His hands, cool from his gloves, will slide down to your sensitive clit, gently circling it until you’re trembling. He’ll watch your tits bounce as he fucks you, his deep, gravelly voice commanding you to look at him, to focus on him, making sure you never forget who owns you in that moment.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... will occasionally pull back, letting you catch your breath before pushing you back to the edge of pleasure. He thrives on control, ensuring you never quite reach your peak too soon. His cock will glide inside you slowly, but each thrust will grow deeper, rougher, until your body can’t help but tremble beneath him.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... loves to worship your body in his own way. He’ll kneel between your legs, kissing down your neck and chest, savoring the way your breasts move with every breath. His gloved hands will gently knead them, massaging your sensitive skin, then slowly dragging down to your pussy, making sure you’re wet and ready for him.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... enjoys playing the long game. He’ll draw you in with his quiet intensity, letting his hands and lips trace every curve of your body, his fingertips lightly grazing your skin. The anticipation builds, teasing you as he watches the way you struggle to keep control. His cock rests between your legs, nudging you gently, making you crave the release he hasn’t yet allowed.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who… gets lost in the sounds of you—your breath hitching, the soft moans escaping your lips, the way your pussy clenches around him. He revels in the power he holds over you, knowing that your pleasure is in his hands. His movements become even more deliberate, each thrust calculated to make you melt into his touch, his cock brushing against your clit as he fucks you deeper.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... knows exactly what buttons to push to make you lose control. When he feels you��re close to breaking, he’ll pull you into a kiss, muffling your moans as his cock pounds into you, never giving you a moment to gather your thoughts. His tongue will invade your mouth as his gloved hands hold your breasts, pushing you toward the edge until you finally come undone in his arms.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... knows how to make you feel both completely safe and completely exposed at the same time. His mask hides his expression, but you can feel the way his gaze never leaves your body, observing every subtle movement. He makes you feel like you belong to him, his cock fucking into you relentlessly as you surrender to him entirely, lost in the sensations he creates.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... will sometimes pull back after making you beg for release, his hands gently caressing your body to remind you of who’s in control. He might tease your pussy, tracing his fingers around your clit but never quite touching it in the way you need. He wants to hear you beg, to see you desperate for his touch before finally giving in and claiming you again.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... can be surprisingly tender after a particularly intense session. He’ll take his gloves off, running his bare hands over your skin as he whispers sweetly in your ear, telling you how well you’ve done, how beautiful you are. His mask may hide his face, but his touch becomes softer, the passion fading into a gentle reassurance as he holds you close, making sure you're taken care of.
𓍯𓂃 Plague doctor Zayne who... finds joy in the subtle signs of his mark on you. He’ll leave small bruises on your body, especially on your tits and thighs, as a reminder of who you belong to. He enjoys seeing the imprints of his touch long after the night has ended, knowing that when others see them, they’ll know you are his.
𓍯𓂃Plague doctor Zayne who... takes pride in the way you melt for him. He loves seeing the look in your eyes as you become completely overwhelmed by his presence. When you’re desperate, moaning his name as you cling to him, he knows he’s succeeded in breaking you down—only to build you back up in ways you never thought possible.
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