#hc stuff yay
forgot to talk abt this what's wrong w me.....
salmo language headcsnons...
it's pronounced like Dutch, but most of the words are Frisian or German in origin (with some of it being pure Splatoon gibberish)
there's a second pronunciation to the letter G, along with the Dutch G: a sort of CHG sound used in various words.
people just learning salmonid will only use the CHG sound when the dictionary (or other learning device) says to, but native speakers will use it whenever they feel like it with little regard to how it actually sounds
there are dialects, variations and different forms for every area, but most are close enough that everyone can understand each other with little confusion. this closeness happened partially out of necessity as the salmonids were forced to become more militarized
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samsbigkill · 2 years
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my names are usually klug or arc, and this is my rainworld blog!!
I've been a fan for over 2 years now, and it's one of my favorite games maybe ever. I know most of the lore by heart and can identify every creature. I'm not saying this to brag I'm asking for you to send me asks
if you want more info abt me, my main is @klugpuuo and my edits blog is @ebbofcyanwhispers. both contain all sorts of stuff i'll be doing on this blog and elsewhere
I also have a rp blog @oceanremnants
more information can be found under the cut for those who want it!
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here is my pronouny! it has most of my pronouns and names on it
as well as making edits, i draw and write! my art blog is @dogboyklug and my writing blog is @catboyklug
i have a splatoon sideblog that doubles as an indie rp blog, and it's called @new-squidbeak-gaytoon !!
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vibinginthebg · 3 days
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✨Some doodles of the siblings to try to see how to draw them ✨
(I am super late to the party hello)
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lilithofpenandbook · 2 months
The door to Minerva McGonagall's study opened. She knew without lifting her eyes who it was, so she kept them firmly on her paperwork.
Severus Snape, on the other hand, shut the door, proceeded to almost skip to the desk, and promptly hopped on and perched on the end.
She still ignored him.
He lowered his head all the way down until he was practically touching her forehead. Her eyes rolled up to meet his. He had a little grin on his face, one that didn't disappear at the steel in her eyes. Instead it seemed to increase. "Alright, mum?"
"What do you want?" she sighed.
"What, a man can't pay a visit to his old friend?" Severus tutted, shaking his head. "And here I thought you loved me."
"I loath you, if that's what you mean," she retorted wryly. Severus's eyes widened and he put a hand on his chest.
"Oh, I'm simply wounded, mother! See, my heart, it is completely and utterly torn in pieces!"
"Yer heart's on the left side, you overgrown sausage."
Severus quickly moved his hand. "Well, I could feel the pain over there due to the heavy impact of the pain," he improvised.
"Oh, aye?"
"Aye, that's the truth."
"Didn't know yer sneaky, sly little silver tongue could speak the truth!"
"Here, just 'cause I convinced the Headmaster that you were the one who ate his cake, it d'nt mean you have to still be mad at me!"
Minerva sipped her tea, and looked at the overgrown gangly child grown man of 32 years who was still sat on her desk. "Are you going tae leave me in peace, laddie? Or d'ye need me tae give ye a sweetie like yer a wee firstie wanting his mummy?"
Severus's eyes went wide once again. "Bloody hell, mum's on the warpath."
"Did ye have a purpose fer interrupting me work or not?" she demanded.
"I did!" Severus looked insulted.
"Then what?! Out with it, boy!"
Severus's dark eyes met her. They remained fixed on her eyes. His hand reached out, and batted her tea cup, toppling it onto its side. Still maintaining the eye contact, he slipped off her desk, and walked backwards to the door.
"What...?" she gaped at him.
Severus saluted, eyes still fixed on her. And then he proceeded to sprint off down the corridor, probably going to bother Albus for attention.
Minerva stared at the cup on its side.
"...what is wrong with you? Are ye some sorta overgrown kitty cat- oh. Oh my... SEVERUS!"
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t4tozier · 2 months
consider: porter meets jace's family. would it be a mess or would porter flex the "paladin IS a charisma caster" so much that jace is like WHO are you
ohhh my god. those three levels of paladin are really pulling the weight here. okay okay this is my first time posting about jace's family in like. a relatively canon au so now i have to decide things.
ik i'm in the minority here but i feel like he actually has a pretty normal family? (normal being subjective of course) but i think he has a high elven mother, human or maybe half-elf father. i was pretty dead set on divine soul jace for a minute at the beginning but now i'm partial to wild magic sorcerer so i think he maybe got that from one of his parents and the other is a ranger. maybe elven ranger mom and wild magic sorcerer dad.
he's definitely an only child to me, so his parents were pretty doting, and it's a huge deal whenever he starts seeing anyone because they want to make sure the person is treating their baby right. when jace is in his 20s, he has a pattern of bringing people home to meet his parents and then, anywhere from a week to a year later, coming to them crying about how it didn't work out or he got tired of them or they got tired of him. and then there's a long stretch of time where they don't hear anything about jace's prospective partners.
so then, when he finally brings porter up to them, they're like. oh?? our boy has finally (maybe) settled down?? and he's like. you Cannot embarrass me okay. i Mean It. and they're like. well. we're going to embarrass you we're your parents.
and porter doesn't really know how to feel. he's met some partners' parents in the past, but not many, and most of them turned their noses up when they found out he was a goliath or a barbarian. so he's kind of on edge actually. and jace simultaneously is trying to comfort him being like no it's fine they're nice i swear and freaking out because he's like i haven't brought anyone home in over a decade they know this is a Big Thing i really need this to go well for everyone involved.
but it actually ends up being...okay?? they set up in the backyard so porter doesn't have to awkwardly make himself fit into their (modest, but not exceedingly large) house, and he brings them a nice bottle of wine that zara recommended and flowers and he is charming, so much so that it does throw jace a little, but it's not even that he's turning it up for jace's parents--he just genuinely is that charismatic when he's not being a dick. and he knows jace wants this to go well--and so does he, okay, he has feelings, too, sue him--so he does his best to be nice. but it's not even that hard, in the end; he bonds with jace's mom over her explorations into the mountains of chaos and only slightly humiliates jace with stories of his surges that his parents then proceed to top with talking about his surges during puberty.
as jace is saying goodbye to his parents that night, they both give him little thumbs up and are like you picked a good one. and jace flushes and goes off to the car as porter comes out of the bathroom, and jace's dad is like so. cliffbreaker. i expect to see a ring on that finger next time you two visit. and porter chuckles a little and nods and says, i'll do my best, sir, and heads out to the car where jace is wine-loose and smiley, and he reaches over to pull porter in for a kiss as he gets in the car and murmurs i love you against his lips and porter grins and kisses him harder before pulling out of the driveway so that he can show jace just how much he means it when he says i love you, too.
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weaselmcdiesel · 1 year
I just saw the withc au for the first time and already I love it, can you tell us more about it for those of us not it the know :D
Thank you very much! my latest post was the first time in a while that i posted about it, so i might as well do a refresher :)
My eventual goals for the au is to assign every hermit as witch or familiar, or at least some other related figure in this fantasy world ^^
At the moment, the only confirmed pairs are mumbo and grian, mumbo having originally been a chough! a kind of bird, which grian cast the familiar spell on, turning mumbo into a person and giving grian some bird features :)
Mumbo has to serve as grian's assistant sorta? I tentatively decided that grian should run an enchanting/illusion service based in his house..? or maybe he has a small shop in a town nearby? and in the meantime he studies, uh, a bunch of magic that i havent figured out yet ^^
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gorillaxyz · 5 months
we wrote essays in history abt tudor england & the economy during henry viiis reign and i feel really confident abt my application of my knowledge
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turf ear stuff that doesn't make sense in canon but makes sense....2 me <3
when being splatted in competitive, not-war turf wars, you uh. don't Actually die. your body reacts as if you're in a near death situation, basically making your ink cling to your organs (that's why the eyes of 'ghosts' bulge so much), but it's painless, harmless and doesn't mean you're actually going to die
this ability was abused extensively in the great turf war
people DID actually die, btw, they were just brought back with heavier-duty respawn anchors. they use too much power to be particularly useful outside of war or medical reasons
medical reasons being that if someone temporarily dies due to serious injury they can be brought back relatively unharmed, or if they're losing too much blood they can be "marked" onto the respawn point, carefully splatted by a professional who knows how to avoid harming them further, and allowed to respawn at least partially healed
my inkfish have blood . I dont see why they shouldnt considering they have hearts. my inkfish are also a lot more solid than other peoples' it seems. anyway
if you're splatted, you're either carefully, automatically superjumped to spawn, or - thanks to massive technological advancements - able to just teleport back. the safety of both is disputed a lot, but either is better than just leaving you there, and there's no real problem unless you disconnect (or get sliced in half to test both if you can make fully-fledged Octarian clones and also to see how well those mobile respawn points work.)
after the massive amount of disconnects, every home is required to have a back-up spawn point. there's no real danger to a spawn point being broken, but if you're splatted during the disconnect with no way home you could be in trouble. thankfully there have been no fatalities due to these disconnects
setting a spawn anchor is relatively easy; in turf battles, you're given a card which allows you to write down your gear abilities, respawn anchor, rank, etc. . it's basically just a glorified student's buspass, considering it also allows a major travelling discount. when scanned at your stop, the card allows you to access your all-new holographic map, allows you to respawn from the on-site floating anchors, and lets you superjump directly to any of your teammates (the finer details of this are generally not paid attention to, but there are...a. lot of those )
oh yeah. in-headcanon, someone disconnecting always means that their respawn anchors were on the fritz. this doesn't always mean everyone else's are, but generally it turns the match into a Deathmatch.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
can i ask for your thoughts on keron society? i cannot stop thinking about this little nightmare planet
i work best with guiding/prompting questions so in the absence of those i will just ramble about shit until i cant recall any more of my thoughts so this might be strange and disjointed 👍
im obsessed w keron society so i keep an eye out for canon indications of What It’s Like so here’s my list of canon keron society trivia i remember off the top of my head: they have military training schools for elementary school age children. more specifically, they seem to have almost exclusively if not actually exclusively military training schools, i.e., i dont know if theres any mention of non-military schools of any kind and the way characters talk about it indicates that Military Training Schools are the schools everyone goes to by Default. In fact! overall! keron society seems to be built on the military, run by the military, and almost entirely comprised of the military. It’s not necessarily unusual for most of the keronians we meet to be part of the army since all of our Main Characters are part of the army and we’re therefore seeing the world From Their Perspective but uh. I think “join the army” is straight up the default, expected life path on keron and anything else is a noteworthy Deviation. My evidence: when putata first shows up giroro immediately assumes that he’s part of the army and asks for his rank even though like,. “being a keronian on earth” really does NOT automatically correlate to being there as part of the military, by that point we’ve at least met… Well, by that point i’m pretty sure we’ve at least met dororo’s mom, who as far as I can tell isn’t part of the keron army at least anymore, so you know………. Point IS: all signs I’ve noticed point to: Keron is founded on its military. The majority of its population is part of its military. It’s a military society. Fucked up right?
SPEAKING OF THE SHURARA CORPS. *GESTURES TO GIRURU AND DOKUKU* FUCKED UP RIGHT ??????????? I’ve already kind of forgotten the EXACT details as they go over them in the dokuku episode but context if any of my non-keroro followers are reading this heres how i remember it: (*resists the urge to go rewatch that part of the episode to double check*) giruru and dokuku are brothers, they were experimented on by, i believe, the fucking military again, and turned into A Liquid and A Gas respectively, and this is explicitly framed as “wow! fucked up! both of their lives were literally RUINED and they DO NOT WANT THIS”. HUH? Also what’s with dokuku being specifically called like the first gas keronian THEY MADE MORE? LIKE OF COURSE THEY MADE MORE BUT ??? UNETHICAL KERONIAN EXPERIMENTATION CANON.
SPEAKING OF THAT HEY WHATS UP WITH THE CLONING THING. No literally, what’s up with the cloning thing. The garuru platoon arc in the manga explains it pretty concisely, platoon commanders get their fucking DNA saved so that if they’re ever deemed unfit for command in any way by the Keron army they can be REPLACED WITH A CLONE OF THEMSELF and then DE-AGED TO A POINT IN THEIR LIFE LONG BEFORE THEY WERE CONSIDERED UNFIT TO COMMAND AND THE ORIGINAL IS PUT ASIDE AS PART OF THE RESERVE FORCES. The manga also says somewhere that keroro is the 315th. THE THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH K66 TYPE KERONIAN. HEY WHAT? GUYS ARE YOU GONNA ELABORATE ON THAT? NO? NO? I mean, maybe they do in some way. But probably not. I don’t know.
*falls to my knees and punches the floor* keron society is incredibly fucked up. I think literally everyone on that planet needs therapy. I also get the feeling that Planet “Every Single Person Born Here Is Going To Join Our Military While Still A Literal Child, Correct? Awesome!” does not have great resources for coping with any trauma or anything else induced by their military. I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s FASCINATING. Studying the nightmare planet as a means to study the main characters. Studying the nightmare planet and desperately wishing we had more information about it. I want to watch this shitshow up close and in action. It’s bad. It is bad. Fucked up planet from hell. Dear God.
anyway this post is already long and i have to go soon but here’s a lightning round list of theories vaguely related to “the keroro of “back then”” and the question of how the Fuck sergeant procrastination-and-french-fries has been genuinely trusted with an entire platoon and the invasion of an entire planet
keroro puts his energy towards things he finds Fun and at one point he found being part of the army Fun enough to give it his full and genuine attention and earn a reputation as someone competent and capable before he stopped finding it particularly Fun and stopped really giving a shit or trying very hard. (aka, Keroro is Space Neurodivergent, which is true anyway)
there’s an episode of the anime where keroro’s dad saves the whole platoon, completely unknowingly, by complete accident, while also drunk off his ass. What if he’s always like that. Competent on accident. What if Keroro is also like that. He did a bunch of cool shit, but like, just kind of stumbled into it without meaning to or really realizing what he was doing.
I’m out of time. I should probably put this post under a readmore but i. won’t <3
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birch234 · 2 years
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Look I really like our anti monarchy dwarf, I will support him no matter what crime he commits what money he steals he can do no wrong
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bannanasareew · 2 years
recent doodles
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daistea · 4 months
marriage hcs with mithrun and kabru? im a huge sucker for domestic stuff lol
2,500 words
Dungeon Meshi Spoilers ‼️❗️
no tw I don’t think
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
♡︎ Mithrun ♡︎
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Mithrun’s proposal isn’t big. He just slips the ring on your finger and tells you it’s happening.
He wouldn’t care what the wedding is like, just tell him where to be and when. Though if you insist on his opinion he’ll tell you that something simple would be most comfortable.
I wonder if there’s like a formal outfit for the Canaries… Or elven wedding garbs. Idk!
If you have a reception and you force him to dance, then you get to see Mithrun’s nobility training in effect! He can waltz!
He ends up throwing the bouquet because reasons but he just straight up launches it into Pattadol’s face.
Anyway, onto home life. Mithrun actually cleans a lot, just out of habit. So you don’t have a messy husband, yay!
But he doesn’t care much about decorating his surroundings. You’re the one who fixes up the house how you like it.
He teleports around the house but he’s very careful to always know where you are. He often sneaks up on you, not on purpose at first. After a while he starts sneaking up on you because your reactions are funny.
Every good couple finds ways to torment each other. It keeps the romance alive.
Mithrun puts his cold fingers and feet on you in bed. He does it with a straight face but you see the evil intent in his eye…
You reorganize on a regular basis, and sometimes move all the furniture two inches to the left. You do this when he’s gone and honestly he doesn’t notice until he starts running into things without explanation.
Mithrun is a very touchy person with you. And only with you. Nobody else.
He wraps his arms around you from behind a lot. He kisses your neck. He buries his face in your hair. And he’ll do it anywhere, this man does not care who sees.
People new to Melini hear about the fearsome, dangerous, cold Captain of the Canaries. And when they hear he has a spouse they’re like ??oh??
Then they see him cuddling you. His face is blank but he’s holding you tight, closing his eyes as he rests his head on yours. And they wonder if this is the fearsome guy they heard about.
Marriage looks good on Mithrun. He never thought he’d get married, ever. But he craves your company, he wants you around all the time, he wants every inch of your attention. Your affectionate smiles should be only for him. And he has no problem telling you that you’re his and your attention should be on him.
I mean, you’re one of the few desires he has. He’s going to soak up every bit of you, inject you in his bloodstream, graft you into the fabric of his soul. He’s not going to say that, but it’s true.
My guilty pleasure is making Mithrun into an obsessive partner, but that’s honestly just my headcanon/preference and not something I would insist is canon to his character.
Obsessive as in following you around like a lost puppy, always finding some way to touch you, overwhelming attraction, getting a bit irritable when you’re away, being very possessive, etc. But then again, that’s just my preference talking.
At night, he holds you like he thinks you’re about to disappear.
You cast sleep spells to help him rest at night or else he’ll be awake for hours and hours until his body gives out.
Mithrun likes being the little spoon, even if you’re smaller than him. But he also likes being the big spoon sometimes. #switch
You think cooking together will be sweet and fun, right? Wrong. It’s horrible. The first time you try to cook together you just keep bumping into each other, getting in the way, picking up things and setting them down somewhere and forgetting where that was. It gets a bit tense.
You don’t cook together again.
Mithrun actually likes cooking and will probably want to take turns making the food. Except his food is crap at first. Total shit. He’ll learn.
When Mithrun is irritated or mad at you gives you the silent treatment. He’s grumpy. He’ll mutter under his breath a little. Just love on him until he softens up. Wrap your arms around him from behind and harass him a bit.
Speaking of harassment, Mithrun does that all the time. You’ve got some paperwork or whatever that you’re working on? Well he wants your attention. Right now. And he’s going to get it.
You just see him walk into the room with that look in his eye, his pupils focused, his mouth set in a line. And you groan because you know he’s about to do everything in his power to distract you.
That means flopping down like a rag doll in your lap. Or kissing your neck, biting a bit. His hands are going places. He won’t outright say he wants attention, but it’s clear he wants it.
Then the moment you actually give him attention, he gets up and wanders away.
He steals the blankets at night, but fortunately does not spread out much.
I feel like Mithrun would have a bunch of weird hobbies. He’s just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. There’s pottery, of course. But that’s kind of messy. He makes really dumb bowls too. Idk, they’re just dumb looking bowls.
He takes up gardening. But one time he didn’t realize he was getting too hot and he kinda collapsed face first into the squash patch. He tasted dirt that day. It was fine.
He tried knitting! He makes a horrible little stuffed pig and sends it to Milsiril. She doesn’t respond with a thank you letter or anything. She hides it in a box in her attic so she doesn’t have to look at it.
Mithrun isn’t concerned with being good at these things, he’s just doing them to do them. King behavior
I think you’d both eventually adopt a pet. And by adopt I mean Mithrun found this dog digging through the trash and brought it home.
You share each other’s clothes a lot. It doesn’t matter how small or big you are, Mithrun is pulling on your sweater and drowning in the scent of you. He also likes seeing you in his clothes! I imagine he wears tall-man clothes half the time tbh, idk I just like Mithrun in baggy flowy tunics that are rolled up at the arms… But elf clothes physically fit him better because he’s so smol.
Generally, your life is peaceful. You might go with him on monster surveys, or help at the noodle shop. You’re a team, you move in sync with each other, able to tell what the other is thinking just from a look.
Often around other people, you and Mithrun silently communicate through passing glances.
He never takes his ring off. Never. He gets grumpy if you take yours off.
Mithrun’s brother likes to visit. I headcanon that his brother has a family by now (UNCLE MITHRUN!!!) and they all love you. (One night he’s putting his niece or nephew to bed and they’re like ‘uncle Mithrun, the hat man doesn’t like you’ and he’s like ..okay. Thank you for letting me know.)
You two have a routine! Mithrun lives by routine anyway, so you quickly follow and do your daily things. It’s not boring though because you’re happy to be doing them together.
Life is calm and he’s content. It’s so much more than he ever thought he’d get. He’s going to savor every second.
♡︎ Kabru ♡︎
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Kabru’s proposal is simple and intimate, but he makes sure to do things right. He tells you to meet him at a certain spot and that you’re ’going shopping’ for something. But lol no he’s proposing
Except of course something goes terribly wrong and Kabru is left a stressed out mess and wants to redo the whole thing. But tough luck buddy, you’ve already accepted. He sighs and furrows his brows and smiles, giving you that look that tells the world just how he feels. It’s soft and adoring and so in love.
Kabru is involved in the wedding planning for every step of the way. He’s almost a bit controlling with it.
He knows so many people that the guest list quickly reaches the hundreds.
Eventually Kabru gives up and you two plan to have something small and private instead. Which is a relief, because with something private he won’t feel the need to mask himself the entire time, to play the part.
He’s so! Excited! To see you in your wedding clothes!
He’s actually a bit gushy about it. Like he’s trying to hide his excitement. He puts his hand over his mouth to hide his smile, but his eyes are wide and he’s all riled up.
At the reception you honestly just sit in the corner together and whisper all night. For once he doesn’t intend on using this opportunity to gain information or insight.
Onto home life! Maybe for a tiny bit, you two live in his little room? Just until you get a house.
His landlord teases constantly.
Once you do get a place to stay, he actually doesn’t care about decorating all that much. He’s got stuff though, books and notebooks and random things he’s gathered over the years.
Kabru is a mess. He isn’t gross, but he’s unorganized and kinda just tosses his clothes on the floor. He leaves drawers open, and cabinets open.
He sleeps spread out, limbs everywhere. He drools sometimes. He makes you promise to not tell anyone that ever.
Kabru doesn’t cook. He’ll attempt it for you, though. He’ll try a lot of new things for you. He tries to eat more, to sleep more, and actually take care of himself. He knows you’d like that.
Kabru is pretty social. He keeps you up to date on every little endeavor he has going on. You have a routine of going to this restaurant or tavern frequently and he’ll lean in close to you and whisper about the people.
That guy over there? He’s got some information on this. Kabru’s going to buy him a drink.
This isn’t as effective as it was before Melini became a nation, though, when he was just an adventurer on the island. Because now Kabru is the King’s advisor and people are a little intimidated by him.
This frustrates him. When you get home and sit on the couch, he’ll lay his head in your lap or wrap his arms around your waist and complain. He likes being the advisor, but he doesn’t like how people think he’s intimidating and royal or important.
You visit Kabru at the castle often! Hell, maybe you even live in the castle with him! Idk how that works.
He has a lot of stuffy meetings with diplomats and important people, and you’ll often be on his arm. Galas, parties, dinners. It’s kind of exhausting. But Kabru loves every minute of it. He’s got you next to him, and he’s got the Kahka Brud diplomat tipsy enough to openly discuss the Queen’s affair with a servant. It’s so great.
You also share a lot of knowing looks with Kabru. When Laois does something Laois-y, you just look at each other.
Kabru isn’t much for PDA, he cares about who’s watching and what they think. He’s actually a little paranoid that people might find a way to use you against him. So he’s constantly planting these little ideas in people’s heads, about what might happen if anyone messed with you… It’s more subtle than I’m able to exemplify but you get the point.
Your husband has a room dedicated to his thoughts. His sherlock holmes mind palace.
It’s actually just a dark room where he puts pictures of people on the walls and connects them all with red yarn. You walk in with a lamp and he just flinches and squints at the light. Little freak.
He will talk your ear off, explaining each and every thought he has in his little web. Actually, doing that helps him sort things out and come to realizations!
He likes sitting on the floor with you in his lap, his arms around your waist. Idk he’s just the kind of guy to sit on the floor and stare at the wall in deep thought.
Kabru doesn’t really get mad at you. He gets very concerned if you do something reckless and might look a bit frustrated on the outside, but he generally keeps his cool and speaks respectfully.
He can be a bit snarky though.
Different from most couples, you don’t terrorize each other that much. You might terrorize him, but he doesn’t do that. Kabru doesn’t do pranks or cute little revenge things. Kabru’s idea of terrorizing someone is slowly gaslighting them into insanity over the years. He won’t do that to you, obviously.
He never takes his ring off! He’s hurt if you take yours off.
He dances a lot with you when you’re alone. He’ll come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and sway a little. He’ll grab your hand and your hip and spin you around the kitchen. There’s no music, he doesn’t need it. He just wants to see you laugh.
If you make horrible crappy food he’ll still eat it. He hesitates to tell you it’s bad. It’s only when you insist on his opinion that he’ll admit it’s shit. (But he does so nicely)
Wear his clothes. Please. Please wear his clothes, it drives him crazy. You’ll be the death of him.
Y’all are weird, you match each others freaks. He adores your quirks and hobbies and is genuinely interested in learning about everything.
Seriously. He wants to know everything. Every thought that passes through your pretty head, every inch of you, every beat of your heart. He explores your body a lot. He worships you.
Kabru never thought he’d get married, actually. Not that he was opposed to the idea, he just wasn’t considering it until he met you. He’s extremely loyal, though, and you’re stuck with him forever. He reminds you of that often.
He keeps a mental list of people who have flirted with you or checked you out. He has his eye on them.
Kabru likes being the little spoon!
He likes bathing with you, washing your hair. It’s just intimate for him.
Your evenings are spent talking about everything and nothing. And he’s not digging for info, he’s just enjoying himself.
He likes to watch you sleep sometimes. Don’t ask why, just let him do his thing.
Milsiril visits often. She’s a relatively chill mother in law, if not a bit clingy. But she won’t just cling to Kabru, she’ll cling to you too (after you prove your worth)
Milsiril unfortunately shows up without warning sometimes, and her timing is horrible. It’s usually when you and Kabru are kissing and your hands are everywhere and you’re being gently laid on the bed and—
Oh there’s elf mom.
He gets embarrassed with her. She tells a lot of stories she thinks are cute. Kabru does not think they’re cute.
Once she leaves there’s a huge sigh of relief.
Kabru speaks other languages to you sometimes, but he refuses to tell you what he’s said.
Life with Kabru is interesting! You’re always busy. You’ve always got something going on. But it’s those moments when you’re in bed together, when your limbs are tangled in the dark, that he treasures the most.
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jigjag7 · 2 months
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YAY DONE FINALLY tf2 mercs + hcs i added some extra stuff for the mercs who i think have different genders or whatever depending on what team they're on
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milkie2 · 3 months
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finally able to get my stuff set up so i can draw over vacation YAY
quickie drawing hcs on what they might look like if they were humans
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 6 months
Hiya there!
I have two questions,
first, what if Katsuki was whipped over a popstar reader?
Also, who's the character in your profile? i wanna maybe draw her.
Much love
-Kovu :>
hello this is LOOOOONG overdue @kovu-bunnbunn im soooo sorry ! i didnt rlly know how to get to this at first cus i've never done hc's before, but either way i hope you like it ! also tumblr just randomly ate this so i had to restart...yay.
p.s.: the character on my profile is my oc ryoko ! she's my mha oc, i'd be so super flattered if you decided to draw her ! (also idk if you couldve guessed but shes my oc x canon katsuki ship I KNOOOOW shocker)
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katsuki has literally every single piece of merch he can get his hands on
vinyls, album records, posters, accesories and t-shirts but he never wears them he hides them somewhere in his room so you don't find out he has them.
(you do find out eventually.)
he gets so giddy on the inside when you give him limited edition stuff and that's always something he shows off
"woah man that's limited edition ive been LURKING for that !" "yeah well apparently you haven't been lurkin' hard enough cus I HAVE IT--"
he shows up to all your concerts and somehow he manages to be the loudest one there lmfaooo his ass is NOT on mute.
if you ever take him backstage he's so awkward cus he doesnt know anyone so he just sticks to you (not like he doesn't on the daily)
at most he'll nod at people in greeting (he's kinda scared he'll start stuttering)
but he's scary lookin so the staff n others think he's just protective over you
for sure your other bandmates / staff think he's your personal bodyguard LOLOLOLOL
but nope turns out he's just a loser lol
if you sell photocards as merch or something like that best believe has ALLL of them
collectin em like his phone isn't already filled with pictures of you
his storage about to burst and it's still not enough for 'im LOLOL
he for sure has a secret fan account that entirely revolves around you.
he defends you with his LIFE on there too he's one of them fans😭😭😭
he has a different playlist from specific albums depending on his mood, so whatever playlist he's on there's always at least one song of yours on there
he has a seperate 'bad boy playlist' that he has so you don't find out he's a hyperfan
one time you guys were sharing earbuds in the bus while his playlist was on shuffle and he'd accidently added one of your songs on his edgy dark n brooding cool guy playlist.
needless to say he was more than embarrassed, damn near MORTIFIED and didn't look at you for the whole bus ride 😭😭
gets so flustered when he finds out songs you've written were while you thought of him or were dedicated to him. he gets so blushy about it but he's such a show off
like whenever he hears a song meant for him, he smirks about it to himself and no one understands why but he really doesn't care cus they don't need to understand
cus it's something between you and him <3
all in all, he loves you and your music (and your merch) and he couldn't be prouder to call himself your boyfriend <3
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alyrasturnz · 3 months
so highschool headcannons please!!! also i've been sending in so much anon msgs but u dont reply to them :(( whyyyyyy
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 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎SO HIGHSCHOOL
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❐ summary » in which, he knows how to ball and y/n knows aristotle..
❐ pairings » jock!matt x nerd!reader
❐ warnings » none
❐ a/n && w/c » i’m not responding to any anonymous messages that aren’t requests until i make a masterlist!! also double update YAY 😝 lmk if u guys like hcs more than actual fics with plots and stuff • 569
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jock!matt who finds it adorable when you try to impress him with your newfound stick-handling skills, and in return, he tries to quote your favorite philosophers, often with hilarious results.
jock!matt who loves your late-night study sessions, where he sprawls out on your bed, tossing a basketball in the air, while you read aloud passages from your favorite poet’s works.
jock!matt who starts calling you "professor" as a cute nickname, and you call him "coach," blending your worlds of intellect and sports.
jock!matt who surprises you with a hockey-themed bookmark, knowing how much you love combining your passions.
jock!matt who enjoys your philosophical debates after a game, finding your insights fascinating and often trying to relate them to basketball strategies.
jock!matt who proudly tells his friends about your knowledge of philosophy, and they start calling you "the philosopher" in admiration.
jock!matt who finds balance and joy in your relationship, appreciating how your intellectual pursuits complement his athletic ones, making your bond even stronger.
jock!matt who loves when you analyze his hockey games, using your math skills to break down his performance and offer strategic advice.
jock!matt who gets excited when you create detailed charts and graphs, showing him how he can improve his shots and positioning on the ice.
jock!matt who appreciates your dedication, often saying, "you bring the brains, i'll bring the brawn," as he follows your calculated game plans.
jock!matt who enjoys your post-game analysis sessions, where you both sit down with a notebook, and you explain your findings, helping him become a better player.
jock!matt who surprises you with a custom jersey that has "math genius" on the back, showing his pride in your unique contributions to his game.
jock!matt who loves when you cheer him on from the stands, knowing that your support and mathematical prowess are his secret weapons.
jock!matt who often jokes that you're his personal "statistician," but he genuinely values how you make him a smarter player.
jock!matt who makes sure to celebrate every win with you, appreciating how your combined efforts lead to his success on the ice.
jock!matt who loves when you bring hot cocoa to his late-night practices, the steam rising like little wisps of encouragement.
jock!matt who always looks for you in the stands, your presence a beacon of warmth and support, even in the coldest rinks.
jock!matt who surprises you with spontaneous date nights after games, where the adrenaline is still high, and the world feels full of possibilities.
jock!matt who appreciates your patience, listening to his endless stories about the game and his teammates, knowing you care deeply.
jock!matt who loves when you wear his jersey, the sight of you in his colors filling him with pride and joy.
jock!matt who makes sure to include you in team celebrations, because to him, you're as much a part of the team as anyone else.
jock!matt who enjoys quiet moments with you after a tough loss, finding solace in your comforting words and gentle presence.
jock!matt who loves when you surprise him with little good luck charms before big games, each one a token of your unwavering support.
jock!matt who cherishes your handwritten notes of encouragement, tucking them into his gear bag for a boost of confidence when he needs it most.
jock!matt who feels incredibly lucky to have you by his side, knowing that your love and support are his greatest strengths on and off the ice.
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