#I listen to doccy
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twojamie-o-clock · 4 months ago
Was it casual when they made their touch telepathy two ways. so they can communicate when they’re holding hands. and proceed to hold hands the whole audio. Was it
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twojamie-o-clock · 2 months ago
YES!!! EXACTLY AHH haha ignore my desperate tags I’m,,, the Steven brainrot is too real. I’ve already talked about this a little bit but—sort of half wishing Oliver harper’s trilogy had NOT been so woven together (and the random weird 1 being able to control the tardis but idk) bc then if we rip Simon Guerrier out of the pantry & dust off Peter Purves we’ve got some fine painful content. But also the reason he works so well and so gut wrenchingly is bc how short his run is. (Spoilers cuz I’m a yapper)
Like ,, I feel like (in my own biased lenses) Oliver served primarily as a way to hammer in how Steven’s life on the TARDIS has been, ever since Katarina or really since Vicki left. It has been death. It has been meeting new people & making friends & showing them wonders beyond comprehension (also would be nice to see Oliver’s exposure to worlds that wouldn’t criticize his queerness as very parallel to Sara & her break from the obedient stringent society. And the trans themes she has. Which I def don’t talk about. Haha) and then it rips it all away by killing him. He was happy & fulfilled when he died because he realized there was so much more to the world, but he still died—far too young and far too fast. And the reason it hits so hard looking at Steven is because of how short their time together is. There’s no point adding a billion lengthy companions in bigfinish to a doctor who already had so many, and to a character who already has these deaths haunting him. But I feel like Oliver was the call to attention — here, compressed in some 5 hours or whatever is a companion who trusts Steven and the Doctor, who leaves his world (that’s been holding him back), and grows as a person — and then he dies. Because, as Steven says, it’s inevitable — “poor Doctor, he loses us all” etc. So while I love Oliver & he had great potential as a longer companion I am in love with how they treated it all, how it’s immediate and painful and you don’t need hours upon hours to get to know him - you need to see him for a little bit to see Steven, and we got that.
BUT I always want more Steven content & I feel like Oliver’s trilogy might have been handled better to add more interesting plot haha but still. AUTHSJTNSJTNWKEJW. Yeah
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The First Doctor and companions Oliver and Steven. Admittedly, I do need to listen to these stories... Whoops!
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yuno-karei · 1 year ago
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dreameroftheblue · 1 year ago
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finished ych for M0TOK0! :)
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myarmsaretoolong · 3 months ago
Rules: Answer and tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with.
@sarah-sandwich cheers for tagging me!
favourite colour: orange =D
last song listened to: stand and deliver by adam and the ants! those da diddily qua quas make me happy
currently reading: a book called the appeal by errrr... one sec.. janice hallett! its great. ive read her others (the twyford code and the alperton angels) and they're great too! all crime/mystery of some kind, appeal and angels are told through emails/texts/newspaper snippets etc and twyford is a guy talking into a voice note-turned-text and i mean... i don't want to say more cos i don't wanna spoil them but they're so worth reading. nice and twisty and fun to guess along with
currently watching: ive been watching gossip girl for aaaages now. kinda bored of it but ive got so few episodes left that im just gunna finish. been watching doccy who too but that's nothing new here. me and bestie are watching merlin <3
currently craving: i could so demolish a wispa rn
coffee or tea: teaaaaaaaaaaaa and not a herbal gimme a pg tips or a yorkshire gold like a real adult (joking but am i?)
no pressure tagging @zelda-wheelz @sp3akfromtheart @captainfairygodmother @an-odd-idea @biancaicaras @b1uetrees @shejustcalledmeafish
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 1 year ago
this compounds (in probably a kind of 'you and your bars in the stratosphere smh' kinda way tbh but whatever) when youre reading a book from 150 years ago
i read melmoth the wanderer. irish gothic novel from 1820. i read the french translation from 1821. it's about a guy who sold his soul to the devil to...be immortal? not entirely sure if that was the point of the deal tbh he didnt seem happy with it and i never quite figured out what he actually wanted to get out of the deal, the immortality was more of a punishment it seemed
anyway, the guy is immortal. theres a portrait of him from 1646 and he (indirectly)(so, so indirectly)(god why are 19th century novels like this the suspension of disbelief necessary to keep believing in the framing of 'guy telling a story' (guy telling the story of another guy whose story he heard) (guy telling about a guy who heard a story that he heard from another guy he met) (etcetera) was really just a bit too much for me) (anyway) relates his wanderings. so theres these stories a little bit from between mid 17th century to early 19th and we're speaking to an 1820 audience right? the difference between 1640s and 1820s is close enough to the difference between 1820s and 2020s that it was a really interesting stacking of cultural impressions
like at one point the narrator was talking about the 17th century and he was like "people back then couldnt travel as fast as we do now" !!!! that was so exciting to me. looking at the depiction of the 17th century by a 19th century guy with 21st century eyes
it was complicated even more bc the author of this book was irish right (he was like oscar wilde's great uncle or something like that) (this book was super popular) (lots of like references in other stuff) (like the portrait) but most of the story is told by a spanish monk who wrecked his ship on the irish coast so a lot of the story takes place in spain. so hes not just writing about a different time but a different country too. and sometimes you can hear that when it's clunky, same as nowadays, like when they say things like "the way spanish summer nights are" or stuff like that. but most of it will be way more subtle and obviously has completely gone over my head, seeing as i, stewart lee voice, dont know anything about early 19th century irish gothic literature or 17th century spain, OR the kind of perspective that an early 19th century french translator would bring to that story and the influences that would bring PLUS the fact that im not fluent in french and cant tell the difference between 19th century french and modern french (im learning words that the dictionary calls vieilli and vx side by side with modern slang, and honestly side by side with 19th century slang, which is, again, super fun, but not very good for my cultural-temporal intuitions probably) (like when i read 19th century french i keep being struck with how not-old-fashioned it sounds compared to 19th century english or dutch. but i think thats just me. i have no sense for what words we dont use anymore. and the imparfait of the subjunctive doesnt have any oldfashioned ring to me (honestly i like it)) what was i talking about. oh yeah) so i dont really have the ability to differentiate the perspectives here entirely, theres too much all mixed together, but i still get glimpses and it's, master voice: very very interesting :)
the thing im enjoying most about learning a new language is learning new cultural context. i never noticed learning this with english probably bc youre already one foot in american pov before you even speak the language what with all the popular media coming from there, but with french i have to dig this knowledge out with my bare hands and it's really fun
like, when i read in a book that the english people at the english train station our english protagonist who just came home after 15 years exile in france is arriving at "were going about their business with their english sense of timing and rhythm", what am i supposed to understand by that? is that like a swiss clock sort of thing (another cultural reference you now realise you have learnt to understand the right way at some point even without knowing anything necessarily about swiss clocks) or more of a doctor who kind of sense of timing? what is the french cultural idea of the british and their sense of punctuality? i dont know yet! i feel like a child!
#i never got the appeal of old literature but i do now 100%#even though i Struggled through melmoth it was almost 500 pages#and the nesting doll stories oh my GOD#but i read it all and at the end even the sentences that lasted half a page were easy so#worth it#and i read it bc sabrina calvo wrote a book called melmoth furieux which is one of my favourites by her#and i hope no one translates it before i get the chance to#bc i want to translate it SO BAD#but i need to.........moet mezelf nog meer inlezen#dont know how to say that english sor#but im pretty sure it's titled in reference to melmoth the wandering#and honoré de balzac wrote like a parody or satire or sequel thing to melmoth too#like i said it was popular#i havent read that yet bc melmoth took it out of me but it's only a novella so i will get to that#and in melmoth furieux theres also a character called françois villon so i need to get into HIM first#but like this book is soooo fun and exciting#it's like a retelling in a way of the paris commune i think? but we fight disneyland instead of the government#so yeah im also learning about the paris commune. the lyon one too listened to a podcast abt that. exciting exciting#im a history nerd now apparently#like i said 19th century french and me!! we could really have something!!#god im infodumping a month of french this morning#i meant to be finishing my fic but#if doccy whomst can stop getting in the way for a sec!#i should really write all this shit in french to at least get some practice in but then 2 people can read it rip
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twojamie-o-clock · 24 days ago
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frostdemigod · 3 months ago
After the latest update on Arknights CN, operators can wish you happy birthday! So have this teensy edit of wimfey saying happy birthday~
Here is the full voiceline!
It roughly translates to the following!
"Happy Birthday Doccy! Do you have some time today? My construction crew took on a new mining project, and this afternoon, we'll be doing the ribbon cutting ceremony! If you could come to the site, I'm sure everyone would be really happy! When it's over, I'll even treat you to a meal! How's that sound?"
The translation is based off of what I understand from Japanese speech itself since I cant read or write it at all so I might have missed a few words. But this is how I translated it after giving it a listen!
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aletterinthenameofsanity · 8 months ago
Dead Boy Detectives Doctor Who AU: Gridlock!
Listen, I'm sorry it's been so long since I last updated, but the Victor AU has been consuming my life. So our beloved doccy who au is finally returning from the war, with not only one of my favorite episodes (and all the faith imagery with Edwin/Charles), but the apperance of our beloved Niko Sasaki!
Edwin Payne slowly- very slowly- learned how to stop being afraid of Charles dying over the years. One can only watch their best friend die and come back so many times before one receives the message that the universe is now fundamentally incompatible with their death.
(That does not stop Edwin’s anguish over Charles’ pain, of course. It never could. Charles suffering is Edwin’s least favorite thing in the entire universe. If he could, he would stop the very stars from orbiting their black holes if it meant Charles wouldn't have to suffer again..)
But kidnapping? Charles being stolen from his side?
That's new. Of course it's new. Charles has his cricket bat and his backpack and his almost impossible reckless bravery. He is the protector, the defender, the 'brawn,' as he calls himself. He's the one who has saved Edwin from capture one too many times.
Charles might leave someday, but Edwin will fight a million Daleks again than let that day be today, in the dirty, run-down Underground of New New New New New New New New New New York.
(We're doing Gridlock, kids!)
@gendrsoup @vyther15 @anything-thats-rock-and-roll
@tititilani @flowerbritts @silverysnake @ohfallingdisco
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fitzs-space · 2 years ago
Watched Labyrinth last night with @galacticjay1, and my brain worms took over.
So woe, hermitcraft Labyrinth au be upon ye
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Gem as Sarah, main character energy unfortunately but someone's gotta do it. she's the type to just end up in situations. that way the baby Toby can be her puppy Winnie. [alt option would have been Scott, cause Scott's got the vibe to just be in places, but he could not be bothered to actually go through the labyrinth]
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Bdubs as Hoggle, just look at him. the tolken short guy whos forced to help and will complain every step of the way about it, and will completely kissass up to their boss. Also both having a prized possession always kept at their side [the Clock, and the bundle of jewelry]
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Scar as Jareth the Goblin King, Yea. Who else.
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Etho as Ludo, just vibes really. Quiet dude willing to help and can just do wild shit for no good reason. [alt option was Doc, cause he's got the tall brute force energy to him as well, by they said it didn't fit. Docs got more of a higher energy to him then what would fit]
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Rens Sir Didymus, Dog Knight. eccentric mf who screams out soliloquys going on about saving the fair madden they have devoted their time and service to, is that Sir Didymus or Ren? yes. Ok those are the main ones, now onto the other characters met in the labyrinth in approximate order of appearance
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Xisuma is the worm. look at that mf and tell me I am wrong, one of the lines is this dude asking Sarah to come in for a cup of tea. Id apologize to the Xisuma enjoyers, but this is tumbler and people know he's a bit of a wet paper bag kinda guy.
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Impulse and Skizz are the door Guards, The guards have no idea what's going on and neither do those two. I know its Technically the "Four Guards" and It could be team Zits, but the vibe isn't there fully. the type of mfs to mislead someone by pure accident[Skizz], and also cause its a lil funny[Impulse]
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Martin as the False Alarms, their entire roll is to dramatically shout false warnings at the people who pass. If I didn't make the man who abuses the voice effects on his GoXLR as the rocks who wait to shout at people, I'd be making a mistake. [listener ass bitch] Also there is straight up a line where one of them goes "oh please, we don't get to shout these very often, its only our job" in some posh voice, then go back to the deep dramatic shouting. and that's just Martin man.
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Grian and Mumbo as the Door Knockers, vibes [its also funny to make everyone's favorite guys as characters only seen for five minuets at most] If any two guys are going to be subjected to living their life forever constantly shouting at each other barely being able to understand what the other is saying, it'd be those two. Grian would be the Left, would also scream if he couldn't hear someone [Watcher allegations also] Mumbo as right because the ring in his mouth could be drawn as his mustache
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Tango's a Firey, look at him. Cartoon ass bitch, the entire scuffed greenscreen dance sequence is on par with his thumbnails. I know there are supposed to be five of the dudes, but shhhh Zedaph would also fit with these fuckers. the type of guy who could probably detach his head, but still knows that there are manners and its rude to throw someone else's head
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Pearl as the Junk Lady, she's the cleaning lady and collects trash, was it ever a question? And Pearls gremlin voice is the exact same as the Junk lady's voice
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Doc's the lil fairies at the beginning of the labyrinth, everyone say thank you to Doccy for butterfly truthing Doc.
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Jellie as just all the goblins, Scar the Jellie king instead of the Goblin king. The threat of Winnie getting turned into a cat is kinda funny, also there's the Humongous? that's a Jellie panda
the only main characters Im missing is the Wise Man and the Hat, I just do not know who to put them as, maybe Xb and Keralis cause of vibe? or Xb and Hypno cause of the horsehead farms bit. I do not know.
All that will come from this is me maybe drawing Ren and Scar as the characters, feel free to do what you want with this, my brain just needed to scream about this really
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doccywhomst · 1 year ago
hi doccy. hopefully your askbox is working. i would LOVE to read the edas but. what order do i tackle them in. i've been intimidated by them for over a year send help.
uh oh….. i am also intimidated by them 😭 and my reading strategy isn’t anything special, i am always struggling to find time or energy to read - BUT here’s my best advice:
go through the summaries of the first 10-15 books and sort them by the ones that sound interesting, and the ones you might get stuck on. for the interesting ones, try reading them in physical or digital form; for the ones you kinda wanna skip ……. well. i figured out that the internet archive has a built-in screenreader (with a very robotic voice), and that i could stomach the voice for long periods, so i just listened to them like audiobooks while at work or walking around.
not everyone will be able to tolerate the voice.
i must emphasize that. i can imagine it being very annoying to listen to an entire book that’s been fed through an electric box fan, especially if you have auditory processing delays, but that was my strategy for getting through some of the slowest and least crucial plot lines (imo: the eight doctors, war/legacy of the daleks, longest day, kursaal). to conserve your reading momentum, you can skip these books entirely, or come back to them later.
the ones you’re drawn to - try looking for copies online, either physical (abebooks, thriftbooks, and better world books are ones i check, but you may only find the rarer ones on abebooks, ebay, and mercari) or digital (there are pdfs on the internet archive, and i think i might have some books saved as google drive files? get back to me on that, they might be in the main dw file…. hmm.)
i’m a habitual collector so i’ve been amassing my doctor who bookshelf for a few years, but certain books are touch and go, you never know when another copy will show up. i have ebay alerts on for so vile a sin 🫣 i prefer physical books to keep my attention span and to keep notes - i fill them with color-coded sticky notes for future reference because i’m totally meshuga.
i hope that some of this is helpful, or leads to something helpful. enjoy the many tragedies!!!!
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year ago
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Hello and I hope y'all are having a better Sunday than I have. Thank you @theotherhufflepuff, @nightimedreamersworld, @cutestkilla and @bitbybitwrites.
Also, happy 26th of November. I always remember this date, because in 2016, I saw Darren Criss as Hedwig in LA!
I once again have nothing to show, not really, since I am mostly working on my Klaine Secret Santa fic. So I though I'd give y'all some fic updates instead.
By the way, I am listening to @cutestkilla's podfic recommendation Could You Kill A Robot, since I went on a philosophy talk last Wednesday. Oh, and also, happy the day after Doccy Whomst day.
But okay, yeah, my Klaine Secret Santa fic is coming along. I am around 3K words now, but I don't really have an ending planned out yet. But I do have a dog. Yes, another dog. When in doubt, dog it out. We've had the golden retriever Bradshaw (yeah) from bakery fic and of course our best girl Mimi from The Class Menagerie (#MimiFanclub!) and now we have a still-unnamed Bernese mountain dog.
Apart from that fic, I am still thinking about my Klaine Advent plans. I don't think it is going to work out but I also really want to write it.
(And yes, Matty Chris D. is still weeping in the WIP hospital.)
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @jinglejavey @coffeegleek @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @wellbelesbian ​ @artsyunderstudy ​ @martsonmars ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @blackberrysummer @whatevertheweather @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion (yes, you can join!)
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 11 months ago
MAck my dearest Doccy whomst co conspirator do you listen to the Big Finish audio dramas of Dr whom??? if soooo where do you find them??????
LIn i have only listened to a few of them but i really liked them! and i have a list of ones i want to listen to as well hehe - i'm pretty sure a bunch of them are in that drive folder i sent you but i wouldn't know how to find specific ones. like the proper way to do it would be to buy downloads of them from the big finish website but they're like really expensive??? and i thiiiiink a few are on spotify hang on lemme check
these ones (mostly classic whomst) (apparently the classic ones are very good)
plus theres the three ten & donna ones on the bbc webbed site and OH actually i'll send you another drive heheh i just rememberd i found one
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months ago
(@transmasc-rose) Have you listened to the Master (2003) audio yet? It's the Torvic rock murder one, and the Doctor swapping his and the Master's fates as a child, so that the Master is doomed to this life is so....... it's so.........
alsjfjgksjkd i have it downloaded somewhere, i need to get back on my audio grind. what am i doing with all these walks in the park if im not even listening to my doccy who rock murder.
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saltlickmp3 · 11 months ago
for the ask game!!! teal, scarlet (music just generally eyoru recommendations expanded the types of music I listen to andf probably inspired me to watch Dr who.since I cannot remember how at all it entered my brain and you started posting about it at some point) maroon (all of the doccywhomst pirating sites. internet thingys in general too!!)periwinkle, mauve (your drawings are sO.!!!! gooD!!!!!)blush, indigo, fuchsia (all like-three blogs you are regularly active on)vermillion (about Doccy whomsty hehe) Lavender (to draw Doccy whomsty and listen to more music hehe)coral (you are a silly little internet lesbian and every single picture of silly music listening)raazamattaz, saffron (doccy whomst dream au its so good!!!!)timberwolf, fallow (we are running to were the TARDIS crash landed. btw) plum, tangerine, viridian, chartreuse, burgundy,crimson )bwahaha be peer reviewed by this ask game in the best way possible - all the stars *places big gold star on your forehead*
omgggg linnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn <33 that is so lovely oh my goshhhhh :D i have to do one for you now to hehee
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lonelyzarquon · 1 year ago
People You'd Like to Know Better tag game!
tagged by @spacepunksupreme thank you <3 also read ur post and i think bond/austin powers back-to-back combo sounds super fun hehe. maybe that's The Way to watch these movies as god intended🛐💅🏻
three ships: TWELVECLARA. obviously. don't think i actively ship anyone else... watched ofmd recently so ofc blackbonnet is very dear to me now but nothing to a brainrot extent😭 oh, berena from holby city were huge for me at some point, older women in love? gimme that
first ship: hmm. i think it was johnlock. inescapable
last song: drink by destroy boys. discovered it a few days ago & listened to it about 10 times i think, great fucking band <3
last film: and so it goes. hated almost every second of it but my mum wanted to watch it sooo. also diane keaton has rights solely because she awakened my bisexuality in something's gotta give
currently reading: rereading eugene onegin for the first time since high school.... it fucks severely. author's friendly dialogue with the reader will never not affect me. i laughed, sobbed, and pushkin's a genius, what can you say. his language flows so effortlessly as if poetry is the easiest most natural thing in the world, how the fuck did he achieve that. also made me remember i really love poetry. should memorize more of it, it really does you good
currently watching: doccy who (s1-4) & sarah jane adventures. my man rtd is coming back this friday so obvs i'm getting myself high on his era😌 also will watch the final ep of doom patrol tomorrow, not ready to say goodbye to this show, good (unhinged) stuff right there
as i'm among the most antisocial people on this damn rock i feel uneasy to tag anyone... so if you saw THIS consider yourself TAGGED🫵 gotcha, byee!
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