#hc ideas
ashersbraincell · 1 month
You know, everyone always focuses on the visual aspects of the DNA species Sebastian has when talking about redesigns and stuff. But what about the things that aren’t visible to the eye?
•Anglerfish-some lie half-buried in the ocean floor waiting for prey, this could be used for cute burying headcanons for Sebastian! Like how he likes to bury himself under items/blankets etc.
•Blue Whale-Huge potential for the low frequency vocalisations, only natural predator is the orca, so might be scared of oc’s based on these?
•Great White Shark-again with the orca, quoting Wikipedia „larger sharks dominate smaller sharks, females dominate males, and established residents dominate newcomers”(doesn’t have to be in a sexual sense either), „generally very curious animals, display intelligence and may also turn to socializing if the situation demands it”, said curiosity if exentuated by brightly coloured items which they have a habit of nibbling to get a better sense for what it is, „Skin dosed with adrenaline would turn lighter, with melanocyte-stimulating hormone causing melanocyte cells to dissipate thus making the shark's skin a darker colour”, „have also been known to eat objects that they are unable to digest”, hunting behaviours include immobilisation/waiting for prey to bleed out, enhanced sense of smell, have toxic blood
•Silver Spinyfin-can see in color in very low light conditions
•Mantis Shrimp-live in burrows, so further fuel for the burrowing under items/blankets hc, use hands to either grab, smash, or spear prey, territorial and frequently in combat, can see ultraviolet, „can learn and remember well, and are able to recognise individual neighbours with which they frequently interact”, for all you shippers here’s a cute extraxt from wikipedia: „the mantis shrimps remain with the same partner up to 20 years. They share the same burrow and may be able to coordinate their activities. Both sexes often take care of the eggs (bi-parental care)”, can detect neuron activity, „Mantis shrimps have been observed landing blows on each other in what is thought to be a ritual fight to test each other’s speed and stamina. The shrimp will deliver blows to each other’s tailplate called a ‘telson,’ hugely tough pieces of armor that protect them from having their shells pierced” (from https://www.indoyachts.com/the-mantis-shrimp/#:~:text=Mantis%20shrimps%20have%20been%20observed%20landing%20blows,protect%20them%20from%20having%20their%20shells%20pierced. )
•Sea Snake-deadly venom, seriously I’ve not seen anyone talk about him having venom bevause of being a snake, like ever,
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tauruscookie · 1 year
I have this HC about Gaius and his “God King Mode”. Y’all let me cook for a moment, you can call me delusional later but let me cook, it’s good, I promise 🥺
I believe they every Esper can enter “God Mode” or “God King Mode”. Allow me to explain. So far, Gaius is the only one who can enter this mode which has led me to believe that it’s a selective ability, not now limiting. Gaius is only able to enter this mode because he has the training to do so. He achieved such a task through his military training. His skills was sharpened and refined that when he did transform, it was easy for him to maintain and understand. He was almost “ready” to receive his powers when he was blessed with them. So it made sense that once triggered, he was able to enter “God King Mode” and not be affected by it. But rather, benefiting from it almost. He’s grown so accustomed to his abilities and this new mode that he doesn’t even have to try anymore, it just manifests when he needs it and disappears without a second thought. That’s how well trained he is with his Esper ability, that’s how “trusting” he is of his powers. Allowing it to take over, but still retaining control. Whilst anyone else who tries, they’ll lose their sanity, they’ll injure themselves, or maybe even kill themselves. But it’s not impossible, it’s just that nose Espers won’t go through the tedious training and hours Gaius had to go through. Some would try and cheat around it, others might try but give up after a while since the task requires them to often times try and “kill themselves” to be able to achieve such unlimited energy. And most, are complacent with the level they have now.
But it’s not impossible as I’ve said. Espers can still enter this “Sub God Mode” but it’s no where even remotely on par with Gaius “God Mode” this Sub mode is like a fraction of what their “God Mode” could be. Like a small taste of the power they could have. And those that enter the Sub mode, are left crippled cause it was physically straining. Crippled so badly that even trying so much as to move around is a chore. They can recover, but at the same time, it’s a long road.
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jerzwriter · 3 months
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I swear I want to give Tobias, Casey & the girls a pet raccoon. Tobias would be like, "Are you insane?" But Casey would totally talk him into it. The girls would dress him up, and I'm sure the little guy would wreak havoc on their house... but it would be amazing.
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hellodahliah · 4 months
So i looked at simswiki and according to that Juliette's game file overwrote a premade file named Kelly, so my hc brain went what if Kelly is her second given name and her full name is Juliette Kelly Capp.
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84reedsy · 5 months
Picture any wrestler in this scenario and some rude fan starts insulting you and wrestler you choose hits them and says "Good friends are worth defending"
This is an interesting premise 🤔🤔🤔
Mostly because even the eye-candy ladies of wrestling could hold there own that I almost think THEY would handle the heckler themselves? IDK its one to think about.
I could almost see her ready to deal with them, the wrestler knocks the fan out and she being like "UH HEY, I HAD THAT HANDLED" and starting some heat with her wrestler.
Would be good if they needed a rift in their gimmick.
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david-powers-simp · 1 year
YALL - I have a thought. And I'd love to hear yalls opinions on this ( im thinking ab writing this as a hc). How do you think david would react to having an s/o that would literally do anything for the man? like david being possessive and controlling as fuck. And his s/o fucking relishing it. Like david is scheming to try and secretly turn his s/o, and they're just like, " Why didn't you just ask me? I would've said yes."
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liimonadas · 6 months
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randomly rememebered a very silly maya content creator AU i came up with like 2 years ago. its just dumb fun haha
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reineydraws · 1 year
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jason is a grandpa's boy and u cant take this away from me!!! they cook together, they discuss literature together, and when jay comes back, they clean their guns together haha. ofc they celebrate their birthday together too! 😌
✨️🎂 hbd jay & alfie 🎂✨️
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shepscapades · 2 months
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Surely this will have no negative consequences whatsoever!
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eyes-of-nine · 8 months
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pls assume i'm thinking about this moment 24/7 all week every week
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somedudewithantlers · 18 days
minecraft “lore” idea: what if the villagers have last names based on their careers (i.e a librarian’s last name could be “Bookkeeper”). When Steve meets the villagers he decides he ought to have a last name, and following the villager custom of a last name being based on what you do, he calls himself Steve Minecraft.
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devilart2199-aibi · 7 months
The Hermit Post! 💌
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erabu-san · 4 months
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I enjoyed every second of this quest
[This art has platonic intention. Thank you for not tag ship!]
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justaz · 8 months
*merlins magic gets exposed in front of the knights*
merlin, magic user: oh fuck
arthur, finally taking this opportunity to pretend as if he just found out merlin has magic after agonizing for the past month on how to bring it up: you have magic?
lancelot, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic: no! i have magic
gwaine, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic, lover of chaos, ride or die: no, i have magic!
mordred, desperate for his hero’s approval bc no matter what he’s done emrys just stares at him with distrust and the poor boy is tired and so close to tears: no…i have magic.
percival, raised by druids and bonded strongly with mordred over that and does Not agree with the persecution of magic in camelot, had an inkling that merlin had magic but no proof: no. i have magic.
*leon and elyan exchange a look, elyan, amused and leon, exhausted, elyan shrugs*
elyan, knows how much gwen adores merlin and completely understands her stance bc merlin…is merlin, down to clown and put on a show, really playing up the dramatics: no! i have magic.
leon, exhausted, has known of merlin’s magic since he stepped foot in camelot, knows of his feelings for arthur and arthur’s feelings for him, knows arthur knows of merlin’s magic and wouldn’t harm him, thinks everyone is being absolutely ridiculous:
*the knights stare hard at leon and even merlin looks slightly offended at leon not jumping to his defense with the rest of the knights, arthur hasn’t said anything and is staring at leon expectantly*
leon, sighing: …no. i have magic.
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solacestea · 2 months
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expanding on my au idc x
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